The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 04, 1860, Image 1

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1 1
,', - 1(ilt:,': '4 •.'.;'4 l''':Uti, a
NEW_ 'MA44TEL'A r rig,
,• • ' PNOMSNADE AND Ciluti i loN • •
• ,
• z O '
!..:•••ritM .4 1 44ff1L,Z 0 4 AWNS/WIG
•• ,, .9 NEW-Laoi , Ponrrse
xi* WE
Now opening in onirniniolat inwilaw st
iv:•:.plciierivizt•;*- cp.
sc Q o P''Ni~C DAILY.
‘- • • ,
'AO the ill* Aik ,l llkrr sP, Aid iponstADOT reaelring
~',RI6 / 1 0 0KR*4 SLIPPERS.. ; „
R A. PEft 0 INIPS •
Cr00.1.0.- - :gt4THS, - •
abOviat, " •
811f0DGEtiSS & STEE'I4I6a '8
o ' 2llollh eIIZOOPID Stmt.'s/aye 041a7NUT.
P . LAIN 7 a4ut INT.F.SPED CLX/#l.Bfor LA
-1) • s'lo.l4m-kiele
tyrt'oo9. 4):3,,411) iti, 4411 LA.;
losi tWt i mfawtkA r yyßi k 'LEN
, a. _ TBMETtlatfb inal
1 3, .-o._—_/-Ingr-= wow:WM nester' &sow
49 - _y o
! "- • '
Choiredtritic' l! ' '''.' ' • ' ''
' • ..
1. raniatn ik a.: :_''
ze rbri l ilkil i ts.:- :. ; •r • ! • '.`
. , ..
lice. led4iMAT ,i;'': - :. _:ottli-tt
itilditiliß, -411,ADE.'-- CITY. , RETAIL
j gi t=
- iiimAistawAt LANDELt4 POURTH Mind
. A.
tart tiasoolootetado it o_potat to Immo .
a :t
......., "tau momttooothoodo4 tlito owl 61 7
et - a=. l - 7 7.rri4 1 2,111:r Tr: . 8.4111148..
~_ - . • . -
a r *o s. • ta ilr•
- _ L to ttieftrOl:
TM.4 otit
eitatoom. iii: ' '
. ..... ..._ .. _ . ..
irraCillNL l Kr-liVelan' , ',-' -
11. 1 • , - astritkitp4k!frilo3lrof
1 ~..:-2, i, - _,•- -!
: ; *Lai - - I % l AtilD 11_1$19x8.a;• I kes too al
t 'rit : 4 ' . 1 , 4616 bit 4 C 4 .7
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• ' : l' - ' ' 3 ' '':';; .;:`;::;:-I• ~,, Ili fi thinia• '
it 4 tiV i r, l , 4 Ll!Oilt 14 Ot
,ti I -
a =ifftiii - 7. Pi lassiiii.
,•," -.:
w i e d i ttillh.“ l4 ' ll4 Wi libm is it: . itad
:1 .0 1 I•• '.-7, ,,, i. .” A • .
spAtitaN - 410.87:
1 1° P-1 4 . 6 * Y !'s'Aiut'''' rzat'' Aroas; niiMATUit,
Aotoollo opiloustatoi
finntlin..d is - no dining* niltavo wro t h lag
oonnoriotOisi tor torizias Annan% Tont. gratin
„; _
Y;lo:o___444oo. 00040,:earEl.
laiiaissgsspk tasnissoiliikssd hassebohl esti afford
fob iiitaost it. It is always readi sad op to as disk
pomo, Teri is 80 saassitt , for linPiPir
lottatort.; headisrdoUs, aid -broken
MOP.: t It it J W tho 'extols krone. IAOII. end Ow
Oniiiiisatalwork. so rondos with ladies of relaansat
1- 111 1111 &gaikt‘1ri1irikoil
,rniaally UM la selatunit'siml Posomosins Ike Tallobla
mulltitoof. l 4 l ifbMS Pagnet-tottere &Au It alsty, to,
wet thot *at . otortl4l4o, itotalaso, tittl7,
uteri itlktisivo. • •
13111110 Ii Ili mail wydas."
. - 14.21.4 •
8 PRICE Twartry-rrn mfrs.
-; ,1,1; Oft No. NO, Kowyark,
torem a ulatioOlt. eight,
Immeglainas salat N akao, • °lt! /kin igOl!'CLl4O
, AIPALIONG'S rigariimo GLUE
will Bove to limo its tont panning' to anon boluiokokt.
oad anos
43ostutm.Nortioato should iiikko Y sifter- - -
41120* WON
11 1 2LNY,,q4114114. , ._ :
411 # 11 M ari*lsSa*Mbl4
074,4; 0 4 11 5, AND tkinianiw4i4it
PiTtattrice aiatzwy,
SAIIOO - 146,k044thviiiefinsia ii;eton ,
ea*iOm surubtscs, ste. s rifts' saw,
M :; , 15:14 ere '• •
pire:.sfisotriltEritirra dt eti , •
`.. • tjelfargilif&t Aivotee
• - • to Eli ' PAr iteux&• Plater
gov• dATAIIIWEEta on baninihno *an be'
- • - ..a.:100441100att - Vetted .WAtell
• mif . Atied
• ocetahr • • • .-. ,• • • .1••• ••• ••)1004ri
lalitritos Awry 1311.4.1)Etti.
'NVlXatlheat ii
- irk iiesmeti I.* imtiatT,
f A ,
' 4l OO Witatoliliv• mundectutera
g i s k ijo N , s
it‘ ,•. ft• t
't HAD
LieWp a i ld 4 ll . l.ll PMilki. thfrenT. at th•
4e - 440iti 64'401 ,, 41114' potirimut
z- - `•
totiomwMfiratt EGA!WIS
434 ts F
• • tworrAcrintag. • ...
WARNER, - PE OS. 8a Co„
Would reMMOttnily infoni
0 e v . ublia:thatilleioontuma
to minuftetiire alt km& ,
. •
'GAB . 4241,18, ontArnotam,
• : Ind ,- shag their 'large' end-varied stook. comprises the
'siniplest 'swell as the most elaborate petters", 'designed
•iil French artists.. They also keep' at their store;
ItIo.679.BROADWAY:a lame and full smottrrierit of sit
their mannfitotared goods. Dealers and•others are hi-
MGM to salt and examine. • ' call Ida •
• - ElsteritAVlNGlS, -
• -; , isiienNoB, ko., ke:
:JAMES'S. EARLE sox, ,
ildroßTAllsi , m4jvta:4irry - Rpcsr,
BALE AND, AST.t.a. I)k4L.Elgs.
EaggpS!,,q.I4...LEREES, .-•
. •Bl¢ 12 RB8TNUT4ritEE7.
. .
Haven= In storia Most complete stook of
of late lmfortatMn. and American milaotare,Pthich
they oat te the NRAR TRAUB ,on the very beat
wATongs,..rEWßionr, age.
No. In Nom( mown ormrs.
FINE awiaat
• , • Dusosiz SON,
iworActrzig l arib litPohniith 3
H►ve•4w en Pead
tr d rilma a' S. end kal
tYe .
° Melo* Mizelltn . talon.
ALP, II full slowiftent offlatad Ware,
faB,. . St W. EiPER.
mrpupn, . 33, „
3, „ 3
1 14:Y : 1 9X19§ 1 :1 3 . 1 : 7 §XNESS•
ittfOicianitt =RIM
witopeu oit, Omagh' this winter and nut rings, their
• ' -11 10 1 , 4 ! °k " '
PA PER -, •A NO IN Et IE4 •
ituisling of ma nriatiemmeted with the bwiiners.
A:O4OW, IJOE ' Pitto33. -
Itl6 F11110(011 PAPERS At ao
Loy! .• .
torNawantini tkeii Rake Paieredoin get Mat
. ,
manor COY. 44. 33 0.
' IN cntEarturr intOrr..FECONI4LOOL'
Atimid4o!..oth ofrOvolc;To, on ;24» tol*isto
" • " • -,• - vomacospicait , ; •
• • Wait STATE Stirosi;Trerit-ott;'N.
• • ,
WJleos niiirerSeirv."ol:6l4l47lltriglf for
cup& r exctellusw r io a .At. Pao -AI .."
B 8' Reale warehouse. rra uliEB s UT arse.
NIB ' S; WINSLOW_L , __ - :
____-_', , '- : li
'!hrden& presents_
_to the sttention_of =abase her
131)0Titt NO - SYRUP
WOeeltil l ' e r e o i t J & O ta e 1 % 1 l l i M ta j te o s o .E t hNe"lt .T sa, Efooiem,Mllent h li
i nP
eT,O b,
•I"A _llK "r e d AMl t NFE " Ti l eita. ay
919 1
urn ih Ipet,betth It will me red to lowelees
7LIEF AND KRIM* TO . U t il e it e nky r A o ttel. ti ,-
.ttretiVneoii kle am. add Ruth. orf ii;
L i tt , : k wrifir . tp o vi mit , vi or
wiroms,To Ft Y r eetrl Oak'. ',he
I :
~. Never dt I N , brow tin : Lemont» o a f
I ,aq:4;W: i v: l wo 74
w hatmd c i , t.,vo tho h e m
In terste4hiel ';., bonovehdatecTolasti
tigroahutod resamet et ~ ,, t+ tuns. ; Ive,. epee , in; thlit
' ItAft." what
IXtent . W '.._, te l l i titittierr iiiieMati
, am . what in Ws de LT. tare
,An 'i a lost -*My
swheretheinnim WI lasatilannirnin pain ana
arena will. &4 - undid omen or twenty
ftr the dynap to _ . instated. • : „
vales s primArmite i.? elhates, ylytlm or one
• most EarBSW. 0
pli s i r orwEnalaud ' has been sued with
•- , - • li s nalat3 OF OVEN.
knot tot retest- th I .li Mita t z ... I , ! i,i.i di
' ° ltVil tone so w i t ,„, i,... . usAelim e 47,1,.„`
I tamed 1 ,'"' eye OR.IPINO IN TR
wELect la D V/IND 0 COLhland venom:hewn
ea u tha k i r le t trg, t i e:, 4 speedily remedied. ey In
e - worlda I' v e l i t tig VI I IVIWFISIY:4411) A.
NINA /hi ONILD - 0 4 setter t, A $ fr om
teeskingempssany i ~ essee. welter, d ear to
,Pyloy o rr who in 7 , qhild maim Ramsay of
As ro Moonlit' ate p -do not ler ereJudiees,
Yd ire. e , prenimes o , Wiens, • aa d between
yew sneering *And en -. the ren d , th e will be
'. e k , WIT 071 .4Y kitlßß.rdo 01l the
el i o ,tllO l ii= na mei! uer au . -. reo;
t bold- MI WUtYIitIVATAIt
v„,„, _pr os the on de areppel" '
- id by Dries thyoutted the worm. inid
e& fen - No.le AR tweet, new ithrk.„ ,
Pr oe Se cants a We, . 105 4 .1 r
, -
t i oNO3;voßgkirs
. .
Ld. H. AttAl l ' i l SONi
MICH and. TENTH Streets.
• 14. A.•m . x.• A,t NEB;
PROM ip,"iriNsm'o.,co4ErtßNAy, NIP.ANCIE.‘
gold by an NesotiotalduDialeyO ihfoughout the oomStry.
'Thicdrio brand of OnAhiPpONE; which , sulth th
• imo t taar was 000ttied wtoluoiroly to the beet tablee a
the: Omit OT EstooM r ho* obtained the most
len ea imam and mph ants in Mi c e oountyy. It a
Mdyit by some a the dtst phyine of the oitr
i t lyl e gtr a ttlhLitsr nee. On to
e,. ziet Of its e
,mily use , soy-O th er , bra n d . Ai t ttOUlkif i Onlitra
ro e ll i ti t l g airaZ i tiO r no ati li c ;W:l7 1 .001
'We .81 tirtnie:014 . ATlVelt r A e .
&Z e no° fittoen it toed *Melt bLotimi
'oolintil. Ale "- a 4 V,V I N V IRAMIT •
Noe: dd.* wad NM ROADWAY. olik• t
fold ha thhi, city bY •
•,y •‘. - • BEEVES' & DEAL;
- 904 fdARENT Streit.
;wßiTros -PATENT LEytn.
;''' • ' ;
TW111.4711 sad •RACE•Btrasts,'ll'hiladelikit4
Sod for,s,Paniahlet. gal 1nh31421
littAßriftq , •
131 orp,THLN:nirpi t iptb,Pdalolf . GO6DN,
-• • Zi Al ND •
1f GI wow iiicrinaii.oti
en mai Perramitiv!uni Wine Anteing.
DitOVISIONS.—Tram4, Shtos,
,k'r ;de' birliadif; alai): Mei. 1p i k,14.40
Beef, BHP, Fonts le by C. O.: LER'k
00' - asnmel door , Firo ,
BEAM " ";
4T aad 49 north 'MOUND
!,!.; ez ; 4; 1 °C7 lg. t o P:;%:.!, - )... „ - t I I rf(ll., (#l7 P';f !f
• -
'1' ... 1 72 . /UP 114 " 41 ; MTS
BLACK ItOlgqii AND READY portstsis,
I.IO3 ; BONNET, NEW, 4 "
LINCOLN, Wool), NiolioLs,;
'lle-tr iss imEsTrityr strut. ;
• ' Of ietorii4rmbortalton.
' VREkill -
• ,Jait ic4eivedby • ,
' 1 ' Lmoolig,'wcon. *44061:4
.42a,011E8T14Ur Street. , ; ''' s
or eißAN'ooont, .
BoYesritiwr HATS AND CAPS.
yiNdOLN',.WOOD, A N.I01148,;
725, CHESTNUT Street.
- 11t. ,?,6 0 SPRING 13 ,1 P 0 01C11860 --
• . -ARRANGED. ' • •.‘
, no of** lisrMi !midmost amidst* ittels.ordikilp
oW HO in *la 00410tri The Win Urns OW tlif.
. o •l•••tpricia.: • ' • • V •
• Manureetaren oft tatirWholiiiislii Dahill ins : , c
euatand EITRAW ; MMETEC, attpußAW "ODDS.
Aliritricrre.t rioVrittit; ingwiraust. nen',
No. 600 and isos MARKET 151 , 4. w, B M W. eortier
D. TRW, a 037, o.gropNtirotrio,),
d TII4B,DAY axtta tine LECi /IQ R 80111. -
" T N P ii IVO wiL2rhaistimisezt
.50N14 I I au '
dew isle, togathar with a lane aasortptent arming
aad'ohildtan's get/. , ac*.lat , r
Ir4N - t/ Ml J B sbrre: ri l° lliCh jj . 4 116 Y 11 A11 4:a 14-1 P . A 4 1 C s a
id 'Ui l i iiiit'
WS 'V. for; the 4E9M:s o On THURSDAY", API;
.c*l4t*TiNc4B., .i.
i•ighl4.l3 n
S ,TOW , 84
-.NEW 0.&11T E
(Be , ond door "'timid Flibert; *eat: eitte,) • •
, .
Would rospeotthlly inform theft fnendii. - end ihe4nb7,
Zia generally, that they have *period werottenew-
' • OIL CLOTS, -
" " MATTINGS; ko!.dte.,
,Of this easeoh's iulyorteticUi. — • "
urebiuleritoity rely upatt having an ehtire haw's)*
to 'whoa frOm wed 114 lumpeotiou of the saute' to re
seeitfulli solluited. • , .
suocEssintsiir SAMUEL TOWNSHNO & SOH.
LnyorCen. and Angell in
0 A R - 'P. E
Of the beet English and Amerman make. .
To which attention is solicited. mhin-leftrehti".
186 0- , Fovx,mgrßEST 1860"
q4 I: 4 : ST: 4I9 VOiTtAg.'
7.rzp.rst. liauseluB, TEßßE-Pl*.
A R 1 1 S;
JOHN ' , LElVititlq,
=HARD hi. BUNT, ,
ManufaeD4er, Importer, and Dealer.
AritwurruAt i tt AR T Nyaisl o . , lN CARPET ,
. . . . ,
4•4 witi "
to and eheoksd
... • 3 , Mattlnsi,
_, 6-4
For sale at lowest cash nriost u ' la w, ' 14. kNun i T ..
- - „ 6011 Bourn SECOND Street, •
spltS4ni!- , - , ' - : ' Masse laritypv.. west pos.:
V. 0. TI - 1014 - PSON s
Clothing made TO ORDER WY.
:A Fine /Rook of Materials always on hand.
N. 13, 416 ' ilintgYillittng the City are ealioilod to
leave their measures. apnt-gm
pRocLeaATION ! S I
It. O. WALBORN & and 7' North SIXTH
Street, still Dentine° ihe OENTLEIBAWS . FU !WISH
ING BURL • s.BS. i• ail its departments, at their OLD
8 i'AND: and intend to continue there forever. or at
least until due notice is given to toe contrary.' This an
nouncement is made in order that our numerous pa
trans in this sits and elsewhere may know that their or
ders, adddressed as above. Wilialways reach us. whe th
at they happen. to ceo opr adrsrtisrme!sr ise the,SCIOJ=
payers f r the enneminr. or not.
riol4o cut this out and mote it in your knemoranduni
book. p , : - .
J W. 'BOOTT.--iste cif the
• ohimiter &
IN %TORE end -.MANUFAcTORX, at 4
O p n i W elp ri
hi Uri_taet4neal . 17 orgoa ‘
, th , d Aii , rar . ll Mo o
, usey
• 419. resjp•Otrulli gin the atogitt:!. 2 ::l:
LTr valpfis imidliriendet to his new Afire iAn is Pr".
to Au: pra t forOEURTO ahortMaotice.
w e lt:i t = ed. whales** Treat sqpigied
T 0 F 4. E RS..
'V -A N O
. . ,
It aontsine Oyer en per cent.' of Bone' Phoeihate' of
•Lime, ben/n.60 per cent richer in Phosphate' of Lime
thou Bone Dust.
• - ' • PLIIMERS,^AT '
$3O PER' TON 0B ;,600 1.83. „
ITO& HANktiON-o'oo,
Sole Alen. in
No.'SS NORTH WATER Street, •
BEATS and GARI)ENS, who have not !aliment
manure or their own, or who are
desirous or a quick
growth and large and early oro_pe of vegetables, a bean ,
.fiful lawn and craws pig, will find what they need in ma
rota HETT.N. ,
This -rertileang ie neat, handy, wi th odi odo r , packed
In new barrele. and fiae the ad vantage ok. pot, inprene
the Vend or plant by direct contact therewetb,,and,ol be
ink known for twenty year. as a reliable, ~r rioe
effifiper banal, for seven narrate and over .
, Pernalilets thrannons, fesei,Jibetr to • ,
tge South DFAAWARE,ltyptiniki Phila.
' suksoribsr lAs nowoahanda tarao,lotorfitigU-..
INE.FOUDRY.TT of a,sukorior gnalityolbist.
'ostiold the7wast .ossh wettranted to•sivo'
Alpf . Thrt. tio .611 i . ases wirrant , tat , mfiti,
Ifilo .Seoond etre ono asooso above first
fi fitate: Ogles; mane orth Beeoitd strebt - above.
"Frank la avenue. rbllidelp ' 1. • & Wade -
-•, or INERT miscsartlos' I
E.•O. & P. H. WARREN,
spn_im , -.PHILADELPHIA.
gMbte k eeratMl oe el '
,go* Atv"a
- 4 . 17 - 11 7 C2-‘. „„iiiTiate, in store, end for
-IL Sala by_lo 1 111,E, MOURNER, & 00.. No,
501.1111 WIiAAVEA.
r( ) _
• ' ' 7 4 pl
rt 0
ritiDAT, MAY' 4, 1 ,
Tho Spanish difficulty, partictilars; or Which:
we hive already boforo' our readers,' ha's
beectine mote Coninildated., Tho attempt of,
'General Ortega to :raise the 'Carlist banneilit I
'Spain, appeared i'xiiiiiitY,Wheri,the Spaniards
declined -,ioltaing,,bllo;;AlltiOie apprehension,
followed, ativitiati#l 4 Ais, 4:iesliatch
fro 4 r4.4 , 41444 9 ; - , and Brought
hither by the, stotindOploMuula,.diselaiest that
Count de Monteirtelliro;:eausin 'to Queen44l l "
be,4o- P1'004441: te.the ,Spanish crown; hod been arrested atAtapOstivia , Small town, on,
the Ebrc, notYftitllir:fiteollareel'Ona;l,lll Ca- 1
,tailirother aridmalet wore captered
same *ie.' ,AS Catiloubstfitt , lhoicidt: -
tiOredig 6l oo o 4o; 4l lo446;l ll 4ld ' Ee
province inunectiately: irifogitranee t i fi
prob'ablethat, the Oarlist leader;: i4jsra t s,iii ;
IVi nut long ago, 2enteina '41 , 4 creni,,a
French pert. , At any rate,litdb pretty', ortain
tinit,he is Sprisoner. ; ';; I
sze, piano& the ,Queen
.of Spain in , weitluition ertiOtifkafXditteulty.:
Soil Ug ni.yetieigkirt4gtAiiii!
smier,,the matter WM, ea.silYltilie 'dealt' with..
If seritaneed'th death bylikpoiirt'llartial, to
'ttelivered the pueen
could either allftw, him to . be executed, or show
herntrengf t hky;Mitigithig'hit(pinaislirtient and,
Abrlitiy , ,sparingididife.:: - .ltlls reported that
her Majesty, warderdddly;4potied- to , the'
eictile . of iner'e:Yii'liiSCase, feeling . 634.
confidence in theaffeetion;of the:people ; whom'
she rules, The cliillefiW: is- r ehtltild - General
- iirteg the mere agent in the attemptedlstial , ie to,bo done with' his
theCounde 'Montimolino,i Ile
,Is, or *Wu bided, 'end she -dare, not harid
one bait, of his bead. m she keep hi
flnenterit, LonisNapeleori was kept for, , sit
Ye/Lill at Ham; she is liable to his escape, and
particularly inhjeet teplels to liberate him !
The Count de Clatms to
Ring Char* ttte Siith of-Spain, Watt,born
girt ;Tannery; 1818, and l !atai' broUght up, until
his twelfth ;year, that, by the
laws of, his native land, the crown would be
placed upon 'the bead 'of his father,
Don - Carlos, ,on . the death of 'Ferdinand
;VII, withoht , any • son. By Perdinand'a
fluirth marriage With the triiieetts litariti.ChtlS
;tinii,of Naples, he had two daughters. In;
March; 1880, before the eldest' of thee° was
peril; Ferdinand tiholished the Salle law, in.
froduced by the Beurbons in 1718, and Don
'Carlos; undoubted heir to the, thione„formally
'ptotested against this sappretision*of his rights.
1n.1882 the leading Spanish clergy persuaded'
Ferdinand to restore the Sabo law; but on the
following year, a little before Is death, he again,
,abolished it; thereby • placing the crown won'
the, head of his daughter, *Stead of, npon_the
heed et,. his brother. -414 , -tivil war Which
ensued; lasting from 1881 VS 1889, r when it was
ended Ii the treason of liaroto, and the flight
of Don patios Into France, was the fldit of haw
beili's assumption of regal authoiity. In 1844,
when Don Carlos abdicated in fkvor of his
eldest son, noW known as Count de Illtontemo
fiiifirthe latter became a elaimiat teethe
Spanish -crown. • •It was proposed; at one
that all diffteutties about the succession.
waanid , ho
,reinoved by the marriage of the
Cotint .to -his cousin'Queen Isabella, but the
'lntiAgftett otAMnia,..philiripti, which brought
,Shent,,the „famous Spanish marriages of 1,810 ;
prevented, this: EVer . ,since then; the '
' Count
de,Menteineline le a eterideras the son of
:awes the Second of England *as and his
Dance Charles, cc the young Chevalier" was,,
lifter him. In like Manner, the Count
-Chambord, reProsenting the elder _branch of
the BottrbonS;and the Colint tie Pails, repro
,the., Orleans dynasty, are respectively
Pretenders to the crown of Fralicia;'
' The, Count do Montatnolino is first cousin to
Queen Isabella of Swain; 'and, her sister the
Infanta; married to the Duke do Montponsier.
Beaidea this, the Count married the sister of
the , late King of Naplei,,in 18861 7 :--that Prirs
cess also being niece to Maria:Christina, the
Queen-Mother of Spain. Bore, then; is the
difficulty—What harsh easure can
Isabella take {gait/3111 tn e
Count de Menteine.
lino, so closely of her kith and kin ? Suppose
that, in 1718, 'when the eon of,,ianies II in-
Bugland; or again in 1748, When Prince
Pharles Stuart made the ascend attempt; or
in 17BL:0/hen a The 'Young Pretender,"
as, he : was called, actually attended the Corona=
tie/L . of George the Third, ari 'arrest of the
principal had ;been 'made,. in; what a ! very
awkWard predicament would the reigning.
monarch of: England have been.placed J It is
qiiite ;true that the, faun Of Thirty Thousand
Potinds had been offered fbr the apprehension
`Of Prince Charles Stuart in 1716—but if he had
been taken, the ,British Governmentwould not'
have known what to do with him. 'lt, would have been impossible to have shed his blond.
It. would" have been dangerbus to have kept,
him in perpetual confinement: ', It woirld,,
At that 'age„.have been ,considered cowardly to
have dismissed him, without punishment. His
not having ileen taken saved much embarrass
nient upon all sides.. • , !
So, too, 111.1880, Louisliapoloon made that
famous attempt at Strasbourg, which was al=
most successful; and,' having been made psi-,
soner, Louis Philippe Was compelled to allow
him: to, quit,FranCe, without any other punish
ment beyond his being taken across the Allan.
In 1840, atter thO second attempt at
'BOUlogue, whereby his tile .was forteited,
Louis Napoleon,was only, remitted : • to prison,
l',under a sentence of confinement for life,ashich
he evaded,-by escape, at the end of six years.
'Louis as ho dreaded this dan
gerous lienaParie; dared not shed his blood: .
Me Condescended; howeier, to rob him of his
Money and other, personal, property, which he'
never returned• nor accounted for.
The capture of the Spanish Pretender will
probably save
,General' Ortega's life. The
Spanish Government-cannot shoot , tho mere,
'agent, which ho' was, and allow, the principal
to "Pase imsdathed. The Queen cannot do
personal harm to the son of her uncle and
the, nephew of,„her, mother. The' Spanish
ihiurbens are alad and •cruel set, but Isabella
dare 'not be cruel 'here, even if she wished
to be.
The Great , Prize: Fight.
IProinct4e Evening Port.)
An Meerlean merchant, now travelling abroad;
who eaw'the prize fight, gives tide account of it in
a private letter , • •
,The. ring was made at half past seven o'clock,
and the men moon after entered. Both looked well,
particularly Sayers, 'whose • form • and condition
seemed faultless; Haenan's , appearance evidently
, aurprised the Englishmen, and the odds of "three
;to ,One !' on Sayer; which , bad been °errant for
the last few days were no longer offered, ' I
• ,The fight lasted over tiro boars, and the people
hereetty it, as the best and hardest fought 'battle
that has ever taken place. For the particulars of
: the rounds see lirilkes' Spirit of the Tiones'; the '
editor, was on the ground from first to last, anct the
_only reporter that did remain. ',Dowling, the erli
.tor of Bell's , Life, who Was stake , holder, referee,
umpire, and everything elati, , ran -away es' soon as
.the tnsublts commenced, and when Heenan'S se. '
cords* Maimed the fight in consequenoe of Sayers
remaining in bid corner, when time was called,
behold ! there was no referee., . - •
i It looked very like , a preisonrcirted plan. ::They
,were not 5, rowdier. , and roughs It Who broke into ,
the; Aug and • struok and Waked 'Heenan, but offi
:core of• the army, men about town, noblemen; and
altogether as respectable a body , of men In ippear
'armee I ever saw at any kind:of an exhibition.
The L3lOB , the prise of the railroad tickate; kept
!all. outsiders away. ;",:
I had a front seat, and saw the wholefroM be
ginning, to end. . The Interference ahthe close 'was
most disgraceful and cowardly, and , Englishmen
wpte i l of all bthers,lbe , last men I 'eopposedeould
.be guilty of such en ontragb. The' whole oeuritry
has been Insane abbot this fight ever since my' ar,
rival hart:gland Sayers is so great a pet that I don't
believe theepeople weld' 'allow him to be whipped
by any one, *"w O *
The pollee Were present after the third- round, but
rosier made any 'demonstration to break it up,.nor
.entered the ding till the men were dressing bud
there weiedealded'symptems of a free fight anion
these brave Englishmen. If Heenan had fought the
first three.rottnds as he fenght Ate last three'', it,
would all have been over in twenty minutes. To
give you en idea Of hisiinmenseatrongth, in one of
the rpunds , he took Sayer' nft. hodtlyi , and .. threw
him'on his beak as if he were a beg of meall'
That Sayers is a game and brave man uo ono can
deny ; but Heenan is equally game and brave, and
by far the most powerful and enduring.
"q,t 4,~ e+ <
_, hh
„wog', 7iu;
.111 8.0 3•'
Pizipiii*iiitaligatioil at, amrle!ton.
MIA TYI2ANNY, Ai1D,151;34/IRTONCr, O,I7IIS "/"1"8
rOorreepondenoe of The Frew); j• , • •,
• I -' OHARLastax,Aprll2B,;lBoo.
In my rastletter I gave yod most of thetnoidepte
of f'.,o voyage of the Pennsylvania delegatibn from
.rir,ii,ielphia to Ohaideston, and-I• nail IrtiOle to
furnish you with a sketch of the °owes( of that i de-'
legation•elnoe , itearriVal on the ground, believing
that Your readers are more partiodlirly interested
in their inintediate repreeentativesi and ha4ing
ready given by-telegraph all the general newt! that
I could collect each
. .
v i enttierrniii,n. , '
n a fell htiont,gter our ernval here a determi
;na thin wasaideoo7,4k Adminiatration men.frn
the delegation tedlOpep theßengleaminoritin
i ite
. h # l 24= il k u nkiti. 4 4 .C l t3f l -Aan_ . .
_ 11,1 411.'
~..e.' ' 7 . 4 frilig migate elementisiouregak,
pwit7 -,..:Alniiiiplin war Itiais Strrioi lietwateictha
'limed e iiiiolite "Ilitihrie men, pfa . ike t
isdiiingniro;iditdir.thiy affiteetkolnike?aitif.;
men fight against. , Sedge ( IDengidi, the' donstdiiie- (
•;tion hieing thatthe`frataitif l'eadiddfeashiiihbelidibi
'Alt in ! . favor of 'tkedeireiiiiralinkudiettair limed.'
lion , i This 'attempt tree 'SO is fiat it KIM
broke up the harmony and'gothildelitig which hod ,
existed lathe delegatiewrtn the voyage down,. The
very i dey -we, reached dharlotton, althotigli Many.
of till - dela - Wit $a chit -yet, ariived; a imetirig
'44totille4 eild, peßite4 upon ., This was held in the
I Cold
_Of Abu Xiy,,stonii.SttiA, at, half ~ past iseien
ectoOk, and 'itli,,the;_netlee 'the delegates , had of
such a meeting . was , a email notice stuok up in the
cabin iii'ailede ( liiiieWs'it'iias not likely to'attiset
.attentiori... Mo trouble Wes laltaii , to' reStlfy ,delo
. giteowhe Medici% the 'elitplarad thosiistoPping up
-town at , the..lietelictilth'the `exception of Henry
'MI Philiew iitto Beennietertiaianfriziiged it all
'before oar artiVel,Arrieti 'nothing eboUtii. At thi ,
'meeting; Bigler Waif eleetelfotillrmeri of the 1161(4'
gegen ( Derniell,r chairman .*. east the vote, of the
State in .Convention, bferth, of ,imeemstur, cOmmit
bieMan to ,repreient the State bathe Committee on,
,Ciedentlele, Bohn Cessna,,Forrunitteerean to repro ;
444, *9 ,State in thefignimittee on Organization;, ,
and Menetrioi li...,Wright,wati selected to act ripen
the ComoiltteeonAi,rfatfisrin s , , , ' . ' . • '
Naito was Orison on the motion of Wright, and.
the mOtienvies,Made, an Cuietly,;and.the Cuestiori
put so atileitly, whilatilaker, ii,rowne,andPhilliPs
*ere 'in' eiinaultetieti,;that . it_ did,:not attr a ct their
iittfthqon; arid Wall defiled retire theyentdd rider
stand ithat r ints'iang ',,Cii!Ali'iniiin ' tits they;Aid;
Bakei and Bmirrie fieWiriks a irreatiessian.' Biker'
declared that the:qiiestlOn hid imier been put, and
menaced Bigler; Who seemed' to be 'abiehed And
confused Were Lim'. , Brelivneniaved to' ie*netder
the vote by ithieh'Cestini Wait `aPpbbited, and was
melting Ai Much' confusion and trouble as possible,
When - 'Phillips, Who attirthat 'the .delegation . were
becoming Impatient, aid would' likely adjourn—it
being intensely hot in the hold—Pre'vellisiinpoii him
to withdraw hie mitten: ' This was done reluctant
ly by Browne'etid , Biker, viho - httted to sees Doug.
lac man given,any prominence on the delegation;
and then How Menry'hi. Phillips - moved that the
vote Of 'the delegation should be east .as a unit ea
ell questions - upon which li. inajdrity of the dele;.,
within decided .it , ehoidd be go cast. , Bon., Wm.
Montgomery denounced the motion it in iMpodent
onei—arid , deelisted - - that. . he - would - never be
governed by,thei ttidt Tal i,': denetalPityneer said
• that no :poled. an earth , shOuld - disfranehise
his constituents in, Moth • a. manner, and A. lb
Ordiroth, Rai., deelared , the saitio:%lti feet, all the I
Douglas men Were justly enraged;' and `d4lbottnded.
all wholiad, anything 'to 'de with It 'in the moat
bitter. terms.: Bigler, Baker, Browne, Phillips r and
the,whole peak, quailed Vetere third, and, , otte rly.
Jumble to determine what (mune - to' hate: in the
storm raging around them, atteeiptet , to run, by
Moving an 'adjournment, !which 'Bigler declared
.cariltd, notwithstanding' that Lewis C.' Cassidy,
Erg:, who wail' eating as ;seeretiary;' "and sat cluee
'beside him, demanded the yeas and risYs on the
motion before Bigler gave his decision: i This high
handed outrage elinent , brought B.J. Haldeman,
,ilic., into pens:mat ceilLsion with thirex.Governor f
and, theta ,dierminly Would haye been a fight be
tween them, for„ Haldeman was willing but Bigler
was weak - le:the _knees having just heard before
the meeting convened that certain foists in relation
to the improper, meane.nsed to eoeure,,the passage
of Lecompton, in ,wialeh ;he'. ties itoplidatedi had
bean brought tolight, ater° the Coved§ Committee.
' Thus ended the first meetingck the delegation ;
'sod fifitt that time until the action,of the COVell-
UM In relation to the, unit ruler Governor Bigler
kept them almost omitinuaily in , cession. one meet
ing succeeded another :as rapidly as,the adjourn
manta of the Convention took pima. At each of
theseinietingattle unit rule was preened, Phillips
showing all the perseverance' of a little Quarter-,
Sessitius lawyer in the manner In whidhlie clung to
it.- The Donglas'inen Insisted 'that the Reading
Convention bad left them entirely free—that they
were the representatives of their sevinel districts—
. that to compel there RI vote as's - bait Was to dis
franchise their'peeple, and that the State Convert
i don havisierefused to pats resolutions of instruc
tion, one delegate had no right to disfranchise an.
Other.. Phillip§ repiteidthat ' they bad a majority,
and they inteLded to rise 'the power of the Majority
te'ciontrolihe action of 'the 'Mire:n:lly. The contest
was a very bitter and 'violent one, and was pro
tracted until the. CoMmittee on Organization made
their report; the toilette men' managing , to fight
it' off that long,itilthougli Dawson, 'Bigler, Baker,
and' Browne were eagerly' presting it.' if they
had succeeded, 'nearly one-half of ' the State
'Perinbylveinia Would have been disfranchised and
'diseentent; anddefeat would have followed as an
'inevitable consequence. The - Curarnittee on Or
ganination,•hOwever, - reported that whore a dela=
gation bad not been instructed by tho' State Con
•Verdicin aPpointingit to vote as a unit, that , es ma •
jority of it bad no potter to constrain' a minority to,
vote With theni. 'Against this report the Ada:anis
tratien forces' from'' Pennsylvania 'made a meat
desperate rerittanee i Bigler retorting to' all the
subterfuges that hisingennity eauld'devise, and to
all the dilatory motions that perliatilentary law al
lowed to defeat iC The'COnvcrition,' not Withstand
ing this oppesitiori, - adopted the; - repert - by' over a
two-thirds' Vote,: Mid , thee' teiminated, this !meet
flagrant attempt to stitielhe'YoiCatif.the 'peopled
Pennsylvania, and to diefnniehlse one-hall of their
representatives. It constitutes a disgraceful ohap 7
for in the history of the disgraceful proceedings of
this - Administration, - whose only Motive" has bean,
rule or ruin. '. -- ,
! nin Instate:allies; positio n 'atid• afirroiindings
Of one or two of these men, that the infamy of their
action may be undeittoed. - _ „ . .
Th 6 Uielt r . l- ,ll'ohci i4lintiteri,4hO i's an advoeate
of this ostracism, comes from the Washington die ,
Itiotilvlicie delegatel Ike ibiaddindiudiln favor of
the nomination of &grace A. Devotes, and whose
people, are a unit upon the eabjiteti end-yet he voted
in direct opposition to the niches and feelings of
the people of* owe district. Another of these
man ie the Hon, Asa „Pitcher, ,who .on, the day ho
'left iiiiimme 2 fer Oat:laden retielied , Olio , Written
rearieet of Avo out'of the six' delegates w ho repre
tented his
,Cengreasional diatrict in the Reeding
'Convention, earnestly' entreating him to vote for
'Dotiglas and the Cinoinnati platferni.: These del..
'gates gave him the authorityto act at Charleston ;
he, Is but ~ their , representaqe, and ought 'to
obey'` their request ; - tft instead - , of :•., doing
so; he . 'utterly disrega rds , their' appeals.
Another Is - the' Hon . - . Henry 111. , -. Phil
lips, who, after the withering rebuke a dministered
to him for his coarse on the Lecompton question by
the people of the Fourth district,it was ',hoped had
learned te respect the'will o r ,l o ii..(4 o :its.. He
,ii now 4. candidate for rehondustiOn AC Coniirasoi
I (though , he tries to, give 'himself' additional Ida
pertain° here by informing delegates from ether
StlitireilititAiixpects hi'be United States' Setiettor
in ...Diglerrs ;463,1 and It it tri liehoped thrit he
may receive another intimation of the contempt of
the people for one who; has betrayed them. There
, are many others throughout the State whO tire 'Bi
'milady 'situated;, but 'you, and' the 'people, know
them, and X need not take' Whet to refer to theta in
detail. Gen. Wm. M. Reilly,.llearwadmifa i that
the estnite• purauedhy the Adrelnistration• men i s
things and wrong; but be gives as an exptitui for
his Co:Operation with theme' thet he has,sevoiel ap ,
pointmente in the custom house and navryard,
which he -would lose if he refused to' dotheir kid-
I 1 was himillaiing to the 'pride oficomieern4i n ,
State like Pennsylvania - to see Biglarf Baersouy
Baker,. BrOwno/ and citheis flishing:lb - totagh! the
crowd after the distintoniet Ye t i's!'" 40 ' 9 ,601 14 d e d
his • dictatorial and insulting,..secession. appeoh, to
eor4ratalate him, and, tissure , him of their cordial
concurrence in the .sentiments' he 'hed'eittrossed.
If the people of Perinsipratila ha4:ll,dtiitilgip that
spoooh, andlista thts 'ohieqtakius and gro•
velling.miteinendation op the part of BOUM of ,her
representatlVeti, lam sure their - inhering scorn
end contempt would hewn folfe/red thein to the last
daii - ortiteit "' • .
it is wsing, after tbollourentioa has closet} its
labors!, to lee Bigler and bacracia separating ?rem
the'vest, of this delegation; efho ail, ("nattered' iith
ihe steamer, and wendi3g their way to
the (,)Warleston Hotel, to, canons. with Slidell and
Ari g ht the course td be pursued to;deient'the
MB Of delay.the'lustionh(,tlie',Olon•
V o o l6 ki 004 94 . uklas
After tli
heY'tivtitVere plotted and thudded the
ways and moans to consummate their nefarious
designs, these gentlemen take their way to the ship
• ,ff-:`I.(TPI
to 'communicate to their_ imbortlikites , lb rsetat
, 9f.:tblir .4940rIttiOnsorui, the laborehat a allot
• tl i Ck •th, 9 !ik; , Ault ft,,44941' to/ eel li,, hews er, vow.;
11 °3 0 1 1 ) 11 ' ,P4i*lF ° , , ii i t 3H7 , P,like, diroltiPP l ,
IP " n 't t r, l i wi A lin kfr ) ,1, a0 :?4T I)4 . ?s,si Timigt.
untiitigkei'effril'ofi t iq,lo, caiff t titerp, Oat,. , .Tf . the,
:i ")l 4lb . W.geirtiiyieafili ilaittifiL altroi: in hour iri,tba ,
galfaritii aka loitt""64§ad 60 '4 1 0 09 0ra! 9P ,
deldgatde flout their ina* at Thirieite, iFi farm
of °the:mist ultra a:animal/4 . Ai* b 7 tie with
the epeeseiow State; of lattbausiCanil, irtiPPl,
; a*, alcainet . their brettirergpf, rma,,Ne , ..outt
Alpaca man ',in the taut Irou4 Ir t bb for a
14 , c ,' u rg e i t 6 101 P 1 it h i l r t a° 0414 • ' al.
Willi oe. of, .y,diqr, rife &
'. ' tii e' . "-.L"kilitallifteg l e- 1 , be-. i
give' h. ____.. _ t __ 40 ei; s,—.....iiirt ~...
fore, then Cisieviiiihf l 'delegates' 'ef tinVits
Party: !proptimisigo esselitlirnivie !Meer( of
sionel intierreittioe to Tiotoet dowery,(and
°f wfrOibb 4 0 fliottillate”dftelf diChfrie
Pfilt° , , l l94tkitiii, o oYiAtilbdialifit4lre OW
ell, m d s e . VP111)5,71741414, Jib
sue misc.; , ate p TOPPER Tl i tar
'We '' , difiNdea ,ha e . _,_ .• '. _'l
f ittetitif - Aintidilatitiielip
1417fietqol, , 4 eh r liffiiiiiiiiecifillier'
frets' Wheidelheerventikeittgetimihkedide, a
Weed Ntitneskithis erratical lied , veto 'sot 1
AiewtOnil lieleor,d l'ilrewasti,Rigleige; )41E101
IKikt eiAPF4l4 , o9sth i i4 , tim7ltellml . l
,F 1 1!IA.Co '1 94if???1- ,° 0041 2 4 -
a , tTP,rfiF°.I I EISIc4PPAI
wailrep esemapAn opee oOnl 140 e wi
iekandlti delegatis frim'Albani;aridl
'none tri reoliteldiiimaittijothili 4otai till
' ' 'As 1 5 1 Speidtnen4f The ihalineihfit :*ll
4 1001 10: 04 1 30'1 1 I i. Wilt mfk)youri ahead , *
following:platform,/ which.% wail , °inhibited
ittheZe 'AbrOughina , the; oeaviationi dia , a i
10 PI/rJell,Ffii47 . 4 il_ 4 ; , 4.7 0 1 Peatioular etl
to 4 ,61 , 51 0,4111 . 1.1,»: •-,01 :El I" 4,{:::1 I:I ,I,,):
. .fr i A s MAiffit,, 42'll )l l PC i 2ff',4
Rerofvea,2That tnep_ratterns idtAlea
Derintoratimifty,Lat Olnotonetl,l4 rine
:ihn - Tollo'ilagef.4l4atdiltinsiOlUhonek:. Yi
First. That the Government of a Tenth
tga . 01414, V, en AO st. fip ; vacm
,14, F rovisio
temporary: end, du ns/ its liMetenee, all
of the United- flailalleisiterelViignirright
in the - Tenitory Institut their rights either
~itort. or, Trepan'', belay Aestreywilicar ild
ic )9 1, 1q4 810 .md- STt TV AkoftliEl o fOlationl. ~_• •
Second, That ft is ihe ditty I the, rode
Torment ' to` jii4rset- Ms 11,thes or *rig
preporty .. on the high seta,trzrihe•rdiito
mihrovrn-else ,A: xonitsttnenia auth mil
,Whirii, 4.iuktoikoni,titi,iettlats_in a Tei
'-helre an in t ri_pdtutlitioh to Orion Stet
stitittiini; the - tbristrierstgittmimmenesi
, behig co / sty adedagion ihtd thb
i they stead on, atv allele!: looting with the pa
other Stems; and the State thus organised
to be admitted bite tile Sederid Union,'whed
Constitution prohibits or recognises the hist
of Slavery: • ' • ' - ' •
.By Mr. Bayarkof:Delawasi, , , ),) 1
) Mon', your nth IM'ailonilited le' kilo* thl
nionationi 'Tibpisiition'atte gelled )11"; ) With
06 1
kneeledge Of the delegition,'ainciltliktit;i
ow:tone/ea Of one'' It ii)genendiY hißiev
fieltaterßigler had it printed:hi thisilipe,
'tte fitiatil ti nied it."Lotit' - af 'the ressildthin
doctrines are as extreme as tlic:iiiidV
)Alabatets: They aneign all - cidi l'enito
Sitiv'eii,'and prohibitlts abolition - either -
grass or by 'the Territorial Ligislaturei
their' oneratioti 'Kenna, ). lfebraika, 11 '
Washington Weald' all' h4oomis '1414 To
and, as a consequence, slail States,' The 2
:go still firther,rand Trench,' lei: the prot
." iripperty on 114: kik' isitr," which,' i
words, moats, tereopen tie alai. trade and
tea alave4hips.agair* Search .and ' , miser
the people of Pennsylvania read this .).P
-tiania proilositit'n,l' genet' up , by =their
and blosh. Democrats et Penneylvaileot
your sentiments, and is this icier platfonal 1
ral Rees, One of cur" delegates,-is 'keenly, '
entsPoken gentleman, reciarke,Mt the Tree
Gm/ether Iligfor;l4ll;'afterynlestrigatitth
i form, aid voting, as he' Gliglifjltid demi, hi
not be bleated constable ' , ln any
,tO 3 / 4 4 .alip ,
'State.' Bigler% 'eyell were tell Of tears, l i e 1
'ad min" frem this edoirifutyhtieki, wish - i
Pressed the feelings of eietY honest man
delegation.' • . ' ' '-"' ' ' '" '
A general' and jutit - indignation', is'' ex
against the attack of Biker; of . the canton
on the M0n.11.1c.) Wright, ethe id an% eg
• white-haired Man, in 'feeble' heath, and
most of tho time, te'ettend the deliberatione
Convention.' . 116 rtistrilistuinioltddlind' ill
;malted In a Annie . ' manner, by a Mari in the
of testy niinhoild, merely bete* be • reit
obey the dictation of thieltimithig end everts
'otlioelioldet:- Ttitink acid'l) the tititeduilng
Ithis tyranny'muit he borne is short. The d
ptalt approaches *hen this mei will be'drir
dignanlly front the piaci whioh ho has di4
and dishonored. - • ' ' ' " 1
As another precious spedimen 'of ,oho' ma. er in ,
which Bigler . and' his sitietiates ;mann. mat
tors : here, pertnit me' to tell Yob ho they
got up' instructions, as 'they'- Were 'calla , for
'Mr. I Wright's direction in ' the COnuttitt e on
resolutions, end his refusal to obey Mel
caused the diffiCulty, betireen lini and Bike . 'No'
meeting of the delegation Washeldi andbo co tit-
Con tad ; but Bigle'r wrote out a few lines i pen-
Oil on the back of an 'old "paper, • and gide and
secretly approlithed'all 'Whom be: tarald inn ewe,-
- and procured their 'aignsturel, ;without the now
ledge of the habit:taut the delegates. ibis tter,
or circular,' they dignified 'into sw,itrWerfo) , and.
- demanded 'that he,:(Wright, shoidd obey'thelr will
there expressed . The Bret intimation the began ce'
of the delegation had of the'movement was the in
-..fotmation that Air. Wright had resigned his ::•lace
on the committee, and' that Baker had assrlted
him because he refused to 'sign the Southern ,plat
fotm. ' , ' I
I have pi-mitred a coPy of this Important liocu-,
moot, and herein insert and embilitAt as &precious.
moreeait for the future historian. ' , • -
" 4rnln - 28, 1840.
" lion.' B.: ll:Wilton./ : - '' ' ' '
"Mr Dean Sue ±I am requested by as my
of the members of, the ; Pennsylvania delegat ato
hand you the accompanying letter of requestlas to
the *solutions that t4,bo brought before[your .
eommittdei '" ' ' '- ' • j -
"' I ant, very respectfully, alai, • '' ,
• • • . - I ._ -,, 7'l" Jona 1.. DAwso, ." •
.f• The subsoribers, members of the Permaylrania
`delegation to the Democratic National Convehtion ;
at Charleston; do hereby instrifet:tbt, lion. li. B.
Wright, member otthe Committee on Platform, to'
,support and:vote for ;in the said committeethe
resolutiona introduced by Mr. Bigler this morning,
or those known as the , Bayard. resolutiogs,,or rem
lutioniautisrent I ally the same. „ ' -
. N:l3. Browne, Wm. Bigler,Menry M. - Phillip,
Josiah Randall, John L.•Darmon, A. 4. Gloas raw
• ner, R.,Brodh 11,
ead, 21. Dent, N. Lauer, 'J . A':
i i
Gibson, Wm. M. Reilly, (Bigler's in prefer ce,)
Ed. Campbell, Jr, R, U.,Bvans,,Goorge Moli nry,,
'PAnt;Mugh Clark, R. B. fiwari,lf 'L.'Blead, C.,
liettenetefti, James Dunlap: W. IC McGee; 4. A.
guernsey, A.:. A. PlumeriC. MoKibbin, J. B Bs.'
ker„lliester Clymer, •11.41. rorth, Ass Pal ,
John Roberts, eamueiMegargee., 1
" APill 211, 1800." ,
• This; morning , , Mr.' Bigler, :after, coned Gan
'with Slidell,'Bright, b ,Co., prese,atedu propo lion
M reowninit the different repotteto the Ce ittee
ou Resolutions . This pleionmut wtsi. r inttmd to
tiring 'abOlit'an inereased Majerityreport,, b t re
'suited only in delay, and In preventing the. Ita-•
delphia delegates getting to their, ,homes to Itake,
'mitt in the munieheil contest, the of : 11113h'
is 'so important to tbe:ititure of the Democratic
parti,of the State. :an
,poonni t majority rerrt ie
tbesiurie as, the first, showing - that, Bigler and his
folloWers are willing to,ge skier *Also farths at tit
erecting a slave-Code platform; but It will b 0 do
feeted by a deotdmi 'majority, the coneervativelmea
of the South being egainat it.. It. le but jus4cit to
the 'South. tosay ' that Many •Of thoSoutherd de
legations mifirepiesent the sentiment of thul sec
tion; as' is evidenced hp , nunierous,,distioguishistll
gentlemen, such as; Rho, John Fotsyth,uf.,Alohe: -
ma, Col. Flournoy, of Aritanses,looyernor Ring, of
Missouri,' Hon: R. J. Brent, of Maryland, Otniftrill
Harney, of the Louisville (Rentneky) .Dersofrar,'
Colonel Gardiner, of the -Attgusta(Ga;),constitn
ttonalist, Dr, dottnian, and Judge Glanlx,,of Pa
- isitina, Col.' McGinnis, of"itte. New, paeans
3: rite
. ...rielta, 'arid many . others,whp are
„eamiesoz,, ea.
vorittg to preserve the in tegrity !A : the Pietyand its'
'doettides. ', '. " ' ' ,
~ 1 . ~; • „ . ,, :i :.., I
When thefriends - of the iecond majority report
b,egan,to,fear pet a vote would, he had ; upon it to.:
higtif, they mustered their forces, the ilemeetaMong
whotr4erelligi,er, Midge Packer, Dawson, Bakei,l
Browne, Phillips, snd,l - 3ent, and resorted to al the
dilitory Mefieris; known and ,unknown to • , Re-:
mentor” law to stave off the vote„ and prevent ao- ,
tiOn",by a majority of - the .Convention, Tide teak
'aii):l . 6'..iii these gentlemen - to the extent of'-n ot ing:
onlyin fart - , at the mostAxit 4 Pletfire'eltiallit;
eleye-Code deefrine,litit to voting against the 4,4,
Amu of any platfoim, in order to- proilems wit by
and confusion In the Democratic party, ~ The liir,l
three hours of the 'sessimi proved that the Delhi"
'strength was increasing inunuthers, that hisfri nds•
"were thoroughly °minimal; and, that r no want of ,
magnanimity coons he dimmed upon Them by•their
9PP9.fle,Off , Adtill npolt,thia rule, tbejr•ooneede,d„
to they had, Zone tint "vetting before, an wijoirri7,
ment.„, ~,,• - . 1-,.. c- ;! ! '
The ste a mer " lieyetene tats" leaves to-rnertoir
at - lin'elook,..the delegation refusing to charter et"
AnY longer. 'lntro' is great iditastlifeethin amens
000 who paid $BO for a:pierage On beide** trill
who expected:. that - that' sum *bold' Mini* them,
comfortable quartere on board-dining the sitting of
• the Convention, and •a Safe , Pesaige tibiae alter iRI
adjournment. Brom:abet I tin ityllibYßoittitistei
Browne took the steamer in contract, agreeing to
pay Mr. Heron $B,OOO, for which be was to convey
one hnodred passengers to Charleston, board and
lhls Witoorr - rimir miff be Nei ko Me beeribeie by
Three Coffee, " U sae
Five - " "
TWOntr.". 1/ AP.O i t 4 3'. • • odobves)110.11110
Tventi oesne • (1,.. sieves 41
, 'l.)✓f .
Foes Chßbig , TweaW-our off sonsfro in via 11.1111 d IR
o ocertoilogatteres del Clidh
112 P• reolidisenrisrlllllo opt as Arnie kir
Walk Wiismpases. 7,1
.r: :r
CALIMORIM. rants. -
- isimatilingrafottlarigi thee' for w Calibraidi
edge gem sts beerd.shie ewe week, sad that pea
vey them back to Philadelobi.. The week expires
t644lay;saLthe atecame 'Males loimarrow, the de
hsestiox reNslayi how= aiditlonal mum of 3500
per ciarto keep log Alena 5,411, the Convention ad
foures,whiehrlt KOMI, WWI 410 part of this ix-
Aniosdinsor bontsba. • Veer hew will return with
fice,mod.these who kectheir-pewage leash are Wed
la their oempletiateenireerne, who, they say, under
oolor of affordismthemaistmespetedideemat excur
sion, inveigletiltkesa IRO • most foolish and expel-
WY, - oat - haw PkUllitelPhis to
Charleston Is only $1.5, and it Weed& therefore have
COW in lova' riiisgir tisd bask it a dole
'kite deitive rcisribitre emaged
A 4 1 ,1 -UrP. I P-CW/PS *l .4 4on Boca
-044 ' • . hwiiPloso/4.044w4 , Ar
now* owittiodowto W may presager sot
only pidrilliArlibeirpeasagedouirsaii up, (sad,
*lay; 000 hew ' ,l vy Pr Abode. It; tin Mower
having is - Oss,)10 *074'44 . go paid 150 for oft
week's baardiAgiaddadipiao BokaiN4est part of
seereeedarlsresiiiii iNrim ease
• • teg4,11.111111111141re• net made
liPi'4 4l6 WlNNWlltliar 4 telated oat to
tifiNlitolt44444HAtteilittiiiiiidttioael Nun
Ina gtelekt *shot fro, *we
,1 ,40 1 :04 1 Y-10 1 4 fiiiilto ll * Arafat ibig hit
PeteggitftiMPE-te: tqt to the
rack. It thelhempittemietielesetleeromei Owe
, eteremetitOttieerllthe .!Kirphelefitsts,''
hive beat.' tbleirMostie thist)triengemeat,
'5 1 . 1166 1
Magf ,
• Ids
• they
to be
rtnted .
.010016 . 1W,,THE .4 . IITDRN JUDGES
riirpreeeni cerleaiiki• eve fen aid dada'
intorno Of •tber Irate 4fidll7jp th thif e 1 y. •• It be
found iheeggropte Te
n:Ll:Ws beintOfOrePe - bliaroid . . -- ,". "
hi';#4./Itioi Prins Cone
le(sD,l46simAli • wrpini:
orlitr.liiilie. Moldier, qtr. John
"" ilbscrWitte * ebili . •
tellin war e
al Go
•Et, or •
Wire waa 40 - pinta drosteepir and Mr.
tledrgis - W:iihifetliskiffilittineeseoger,
lid' L. T. Fißns were
= '
Mc. Bh'eeta riot 'being : Driient; TMr. demo W.
Rogers rraseleaWidinessiesm in Ma recta
. pereons, ; ,eiesp . t,. Ur- Return Judges end re
perteri, were, °amas?, eiclidled Erna — wank the
. Con
t Won,.
pie of
or its.
„ The list or Mg!!
_wee thre . stelSeyer, and the
truilvi4elS ithstrereik to their, wthe.
„Alttergon Chii . rl# D, Freeman *loth 'Trope the
Pi°fithie. *Ad: Clerk ! 4*Perfozioalloo of
their dories. , , • ,
Tha-returiLs_Srere ttisii Galled for by trivis, the
7016 fophieyor,beinicihthesi Bret
T ra ka . t •.• • D:t Ran% Vieux
-11 '1584 ' 1531
84couct/,'...!, ' 2247 " , 1898' 1774
Thipl 1 .11168 , • 1522 1965 • 1182
p6 urt h„ ...... 931 1681 ,-887. • 1786
'Path' • .; .:.1012 : 1382 919' 1193
'Sixth ... .. , 1133 :nu- 935
Vhih inth. • • • -7815
12 - 1
264 872 : 124.
nth . '; 1090
. )1845 _:f1070 ' ; 1819 879
Zlevezth...);. A .- :945_ • 1220 836 1144
Twilitht . 1180 4 112/ ' ' 1093 963
Thitteo6Ul'..':'.`.l6Bs"- •,! 1151' • 1754 857
fouroxinth • - 1262 • 2005 - 921
Fiftienth ~ 2335 • 1848 .1888 1499
Sixteinith -1469 ' 1674 ' • 1326 ' 1205
:SeieuteoolB.:4ll 905; ' • 2003 f ,' • 883 1640
'et6 l .*Vmth '1266, :.)1669 • 879
NpAtesith : Atbs 1553 1653
7iteitteUr_ 2039 "1724 1599
Teesfy•ant./.:1505 1368 : 'llB6 1011
Twenty•second e .'l4B -,- • ..,.1923 1392 - 744
Twatity-third'...l6ll3 - " *. `11173 , '15509 1197
Twbtity-f0urth. 7 :15387. 1356 ' 1184' 1111
• 1-
Majot ' .` 687 . 47121 -
- , -sQuerroLaND CONTIOLLEA,
coucryor- _ .00311ROZ,LEIL.
... 1909 „ 2032 . 1944
Seoond,: . - 1787 2266
• ::7518=: 101€1.: 1530
,Fortth t . 919 , 1695 ' 895 1706
Fifth ...1043 ; .1351 . 1151. 1402
'Sixth ..... ..... .1054' ' 1119' - 1011 - • 1143
Seirlinth - 2023 :1383 ' .1975 - - 1408
V.6'nt/0-•: ...
.. ~, 1150 . 1268 1194
h ..... . - 1103 1238 1203
Tenth '1879' 1048 - 17110 ; 1085
Maven* 950 - 1215 • -.. 931 1222
-Twelfth 'llBO 1119 1123 1149
Thirteenth... —1766 - 1136 1028 1161
Fourteenth ... .1918 ;1217 .1829- 1244
Fifteenth 2353.
„1845 • .2305. • . 1838
Sixteenth '1521 .1627 1474 - 1646
.s`finiteelith 906 2005 - - 887 ' 2011
Figtiteenth 1235; 1251
Nineteenth-4,.1900 21.38 1867 . 2142
Tientietti - 2114 ` 2017 2067 . 2018
Twentrftrat —.1340 1234 • 1332. ' 1244
Twentrieti*l' i 1576 asna - 1559 - • 1032
Twentpthlril..l7o2 1628 . 1665 - • 1638
Twenty;fotirth .1472 1423 1537 ~1344
37,079 , , 35,421, 35,922. • 35,821
• 421 35821. •
Mai 1,658 Eartfireto). 101
Receiver of Taxa& City COmmissioner
Hamm, tier,, Houseman, Smith.
,Weirde. : Or. Dem. Or. - Dem.
First - 9 110 1902 V . 2119 - 1879
Second ' 1885 '2216 1995 2203
Third 1042 -1545 ' 1073 1509
Finsith 9211697 924 1690
Fifth - 1024 * 1363 • ' 1028 1360
Sixth. 1042; 1136 - 1050 1129
Seventh 2000• : 1403 209 •-1298
Eighth 1311 1175 1319 = _1197
Ninth 1277 1178 1288 -*
Troth ;,•-. dam- 1072 1859 1087
Eleventh - OIL .1215 ,• 947 1219
Twelfth"' 1168 1133 , 1171. • 1133
• Thirttienth.,;..:l6s2 * 'll9l 1692 1138
Vourteentb..:. 1055 1261 1913: 1216
Fifteenth 2312„1867 2360 - .1819
1515 -
,1628 1520 1629
Setenterath:. 913 -2000' 2 909 2005
-Eighteenth...l793 1242 ' ;1799 1236
Nip eteenth. . 1914 2129 1908 2125
Tifefitieth*....• 2094 2038 - 2128 2007
Twilrity--firetz. 1333. 1241 1 1338 '1240
Tvrenty•sectoz4ls6s • 1032 , ;,1560 1030
TwentY-thirir."l7o6 - 1020 , 1896 1927
twenty•fouitlils4ss , - -' 1559 - 1333
ilisj , 1.,1136 • •Alej.: ..... 1,742
• il '• ; ~ „RECAPITULATION.
- . Iletander Beni,: OP. • • •-• ..... • •
John Robeme,!‘ ..D..:. - ..... ..
' ; raioritr for kearr..L.i........
Totalvoto, 72,434•
• ''‘ • ' FOR SOLICITOR.
. ' Chsifes It Lei.:(4.-:... .... ....-
.... -
• , •Al_ejority for-Lax,... '
Total vote, 72 SIM.
• '':.. "• :: Fait' CONTROLLER,
Y:fggitrfoigirs...°l3 : ~
4t2,loTiiy for, Rutty .. „
. Total vote, 71,141. - •
William P, Ramat, 0p.,......-......
, John G. Kellar, D.L......: ... - .......
Algeilial iiii; Wiram:.L. i .. ' ......
'. - ', : .; lifitwi•ritiOtAlk , : -
• ' 3cii; A'. Ifeiisiineto:OP ' .
•• ' C444D 7 ,4e11ik10p0,--t. -- ..•
• , ;. ,! l'arjatitrfas Motivation. .... -..
Total vote; .71,216. , ' • ''
"c'''' , ' '' • • AST DISTRICT;
: T! l°D • l 9P ail ' Y it e ß l VO t t i ffirritlFil "un"
1.1 .
N r al l o 71 Mit ' ; Y:),' 9 3 75 p ar lee 8 ' ClualL : '
, - . • • • . TeifilD"ll EfftiCT: I r •• .
D. C. B retinae ...,-"7899 ,1).44. lehedeter- ~.....8924
. ' , • ' • ' "314:f0r Shedaker....lo36
, .E9I.II.CCR, ISTINier. •
'ErD.Roberts.....- eriel If. it..l4hesta 4233
, actel•forltoterta‘.l.meas •• . ~, , , , •,
Jahn F. W01fe.„..,.'. C.; .:1074 J•i. P. Rohireppenhelsontat
mai. for W0ue,„..... .=I
,•' , • • ' - : Nl] M DieTRiCT:
.1.11,. 841 did, ~...,,T - .....36141,J. F, Davie ...; ..
itaiirY"lfiMefor Dsvu.
a 8EV114. 11.93 1 A. pooch—
:'.l44*ff'l9l"VaijigsitirsiP • -
Wilt, Reed.......z.; ........e% J. Renard - -....-602
I. gcnly..._... 449 y • . Pho.eltty; for Kells.-....374
•, • • ~ • • •' • i'ffifTß• ISTRIi.:T.
* T B9 4. "lgh g ®t gli s PirrA i n ' t7CT. '
Jalailleraecc.:o,o , 44l6l.l.lbulltrod. - 'Ol7
Sballoroen 49
r ELNVENT •DrEiTitlbi.
fro eleaion-no vaenrusv
..+ 1 1 0 VVY.M.irr i 2 DlStitat.
ins. Miller • ....1-7344R:.e. Fria lc. i. ' , f"... , '. • •445
• :tilt!; fairdt11ai........%.421 ' '
We learn thlitcirt. tbs. wehitielh":erardi 'William
'fleivy, Den rat, is toot/mkt* the Common Conn
ell; imitead ii , r - Jo ibt. h'Mnuel, Jr.,:Cipposition, as
rePerted'elit:WediteMili . This will mike the Coop
mots,Coutioil.atarikr Opposition , S3;.Demaerate 41;
Oppolikitin, majority 4. - -•_-,• , -, . •,; •,
• TtionienerVite tt - UM 'oiti lirt'tt ' Anon ttliA two
therteraddllsirgeethw the great tor President
in-'1854 t he
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.' - .. , 1`: -. • ~. tIrDTS OF' raiLiOtt,taui; -: - '
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11856,, President .38 222 iris 70.1
1467. G0vern0r.............27 749 Si 02 WO
vbB. in ayor... ~. --,.....M OW 33 711 37,639
1852. Surveyor tieneral....niael 29,701 30.924
/EON ME4202.....—......30,770 Wheel 72,444
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