The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 03, 1860, Image 2
• „ ,• 13.,' • „, , !-.,( - ',;;-?1,' , . , ::,:f e ,t , z,: , g , -...,,,, , ,, ~ - --, t ,_ A: ;,- .7/),. PZEW tz-......' ,Vg ', - .: - v , 4.-.. - ...,.i _/,'",-A:1_,....*•,.. 2 :4the..- ,-k Vr,..i.e:::'... - .V” - , ,, ,,,,1,,, .. , '_' , :?r", .;• . :?:=7,e.,, , -....74 ..- -1 - ,:d... - -,....:,-, ..t..., :i `?::-.*;:t.:"....'„-;:•_ , ,:, ~,,, ~ ,, ,,: i", • .,- " , , - : .% -; '...5.7._, , , , '.4 ; 45"; , 4 -1::Z1- .Z,,..7.- - ;,..., , ,,7 , :•-gz:- . - .1.: •.--",-..-,,,..3, „, , • 4.. Vj vi icoleTiir ,” i ;'ol'"lpridits. , ''-''''''' ' ' , ' 'j • '' -4i. sjilarlfil ~....' --r 'ArilltlY '''''' •'' ',' ' ' ' -i . !I ft ' l ' 6 . :4 V''' ' '' ICI 4*r , ' '''**Oily'7 l 7 . .....,.'''' -44111 '' [ilea- libt=itilliebtfkilli,:2oOttl, ir. , , , -, . 2'- -"' ,„ „ s u i sii ~.....- - •:*,...riz ;_.,,,,,,,,,,,',..1„),'Aiiiirk ~,,,- „witio,.•!r. ,-,-, 7,t,ltt4oiiiivi..."‘-, isit ',,,:-:,-.:5.1-,:..,',..-4 iiaiiiic.iiii. ' - 11*.. :•!:•=r" . - ~- ;.:, ~ 0 0/, . , bo i- r ''''''', '‘,T:.-, • I - •..- ,-v.,, . I,tirliti# s- , i4Ha isesidikv, , .„ . . assts -... -,..,- 4itatistl, , nwt, '.--.. „-Ai . - 14,.. ~ „, 4i ....1"*„.?,..iiii,40,, 'e 1 l -440-k*-'om- • -,, i i , *21 , ,,, , , D i is tm!e . . 4. - , , , ..=c , , 1, :::, 4- E - - l ki.w.:7-i-i,Likii, / ,„ , yis a ..„ ,_. ---.t. ,e-- •,....7,. , .., -.- ~ . ' , • i ,•,.. 4 , ! i i-a,,,.,-'ir,drimim,..,..„-,. 7. , ''', f•I: ' -c,,,..1**•101..-'cr.n.lll - ..,,,, rli-f:"--;"r' .."• ; ', 4 . ,'•• • ' N.,.. .. •••• 'lr mo . 4....„6.4...‘,...„' '''' ',. Iliri.7rl,•"; '''''&lo ~ , .",..;•., ;,,, .'-',^ q„, • - A.% ••=.---- ^ •.%,,,',-•:- . --I '^ l b i • l ° l "*,„,,g' '''' .. t _..*-6 ,`--.._". r 0 4 ,. 'th°l!",,i'^ ill*" ~,,- ---,_••• 4'.1., P'.., , , ~.'" , '.,, _ , , ' ' ii,„,,,,1777,1131 le ;,:'--: ' ..' -,> r , ',-4*.fill i " -•- • --t. ,v,,,5iuLeby...1101........; .4%•.' , -, -I ''T3.•,-'4,.., li e - '10,111,..„7"....,.., - ....,i Kiri Irv-r-- -i- .1'; 'T',,t• ''''''':,-':•A1k..,.„..__,.. - = Time ni !. _ , ' ,--ibio _,._ ,•, ,4 1 .•,-, sl -- I' - • . o,rllo. ',,,.,............„._,,..*0t0it , ~,,,l o w i r i n,l4 .z. iminoA 64-.. Ems! J•-, ,•. , ~;''%. , x= .f.iwifishiC IS 1 -,MN11111k,"'",,-, saitc--, ~., and s or it en,,-, •• ' iirost, ~."14!"er of !w , • woi - Ci t ioOtlia }4 ** l l . 2: .lAtiii•kici -n - - tamiiistlriks „ri„.,----- 4 , 5.** 046 ..._44-...' th fr--.06404.04 of. ~ _ ;, . , : , ,- ...k1e5ti0,k;...„....1.17-m oie ~--=.---_, ~ ..'...0,10, 10 ' P , f .; : i i;.• , ' -1 '.(li t i$1114:1401C"*" ''.t'"'; .. _NSF * -P *IS . - 106mou ' i6lgi , if - . - iitiipt: ; irs - sg.iir ..9!... ,„ .. -_ - iv: - - ',..d.ims WI MP.. - Xichisiblic*Oneertolllll/. , ;- --:- (441.*:,..40:1.„„ammiir.frlailiaalitiitierfAik44,4( ":''tfiri,•.,.....,.. - - ' 'zii.F.'""arr*:=4ll7iti' .., 9" ~.A,” . ' ` 2 '...,____,- - ,;,7 ~,,,,..- '4,...„10-liii„,- Airmuild -.-.- -, •-Oita; Am* r --- "• - --- --- 'At lkiii;Zio-0;131tt '-, To :,--,, . ',-- "A.' '..- '-` if y 0110: ~ . i•--;.; '',.• -, - :.-'_,'-' , .' , ' , fiis,, ,_., 9 "17-i?-7.-- , - - r''....1..1.%.1r"-i''-' ' r llikii ., ft. _,_. 3 ,,,.. :ilimtlfiw,. = .-* 4 061 % *?. s , :sit. m ittf4t. : , , t , , • --,, b e asiew **4l, , L'0 14 , , . 4 ‘,.. thliioitegay. Tr, .1," , ,;~-e —,ll477tirtOlq;,trt;llo, l4l.4 , llln : grk* 7.„ . v-,i,". - if*ii- 11 / 4 , - F•'-'' , "" ' '!... 1 1.41?!:;_..,,,:,:- ,-- , - - , - „.11**1 1! ifterau --- 55",.. ,.... - ,17.1 -le'iriz_.....-'''. '*lptit,-..-7,,,,47. L'ihic ;V a 0,410,t,...„......”--` -,tiffilo.ftrillso,,,:• ---,4*....1,4,.;,,:,:ti1,40..-*-liiii V IV .t v , ;::: ::i , * - Kf,Akr•,,'' 7,,:ct.**•=ii:,,,... iW , :„..4.. ;:' ~• '')4,o '01644: ' .iiiiirt . :; ~•; 9 4 ,'''' ' . liWl ftli il . k . 4 : . - 00 ,4 ) , P,1 .4. .-:-:---, ,4iiiNk2,..14,.'-: rilloi*zirTfiii 7 life abbolw, '.•_,,:::;'.`::.;:•-•,:i5e,,j(i4,1,*--- #4 1. 4 1 ‘ 100 01* ,111 . 1110.11. :.-,•,:i2:!----‘,„=,,,', , i tiix,..*4t ~,,,e '- -1110 C -,--:-/..-- 'fblia,', . • ,- itilitifinlial; ' 14401, --,. : ~, iii 4.-: „,_._.,,, -' ' 101,41i AM" :1131 "tßlL'77'7'' --, -0: '- ''' 'SW_ ~...' ' ''''4i.i#l4lV*lol4l.l4,t I:iiiii/C4o,;;llass.&'''''' '4,l";‘,Z*r:igiallia# t' . .;V; ':•:: .:‘ ..;1- .'o**-11C17:''filkilli*,..f0t, --':1" '' )''''7ll ''`-b0a.444,1-,1 a • 0=.% - V -',' *limo ,r. --,--2-.--,::.;;''',14,0!;-,-oitkitcnvx, .. , -,-- -- - - --:*- 10 . # , :4' ..,-=;i..4.0,:ig... ,4,1t,,;...,iimq__ A„.,t'44;ii-i.,iiii:ip* t:loo WtifY4t.,z ikiitWg,,,,L,:-,...-- 4 - 44!„,,. .. , ...tha 1r--,- 144i - '01_1 1 ,„ 47 - 7 - 7 .' Ht :,;:•-•,,::7N,,Z--,',.!.-::,,itirtii*lFM't 4, ....;.,iati. , ,,, - -0. , -- -- -timr*-f,_,_.----iii-:*lo,ors'77,',44'irw 4t7,44-0:-..-:.,::- -::,',1.40t1r,-,, • - ._10,,,fg0,71b,7,* , 0 p i i 11,:51-:' ;', 4=l <-:'':_t_iio6ki* -- ! / s4:g.Ml7eorne.p r _ ..,-.- Gl s slag „,,. ld --,-7,7-7-, ---13W‘7-•,- - ” "-: ,:,,„_,_.,-4-o,=l :_.*r..R.- -_,,za.,‘,.. ...4,o4,rzooffia:il iseabos,4' 7'll ,4ol",ll,M--,:--- -,:,..,--*li,e I.____-.-,w,i‘i4-14i.'1:-r-7.. ---.---,--.,--;;lLimuiwk.,,..\.--- - 'hi:i,rFF-Tvbowbox,---- ?-,110,1041. tit•:iiiiiiiii*,*:-'*!"7 ~,.:,07:1•0!1-7. I,...itajfic***A.lo ~N" -e 5f::,,.*,,,,- -- -t - ...", '1611., .',:- . " 1 , .'' " ifri# L, ~_..„ __.'::o4-'!!'arr'•, Z.,';';" t'',.'-;;;-i'n-rr.,777.---,g;.'llatl.:. ,' I‘.4l,ll4,lFPFillirri: ,::,,,k;':-?:4:::14*IT. • 416 -',:iiiipiiol°!l,)-1. ~--1,-..!.:-...,,,,2-?4,•:-;:.,..,:-_iiigoissi.40 _ _ ,iiiviipic,",-".r- --- -,:544.#10 t 111*- 0,41- igno — ‘ , `''''''' -41,,,,r_ -,77:,",..-„ • -?- ikebitiwoßß3.,-, 1*'4144:., „,;q,':!;,; ff i--,, ....,....„, ... 4 R.00,,,,..., ` `---',14- At i .i*: , , e l : v; e... 5 ...:,',...,A1n."1r.7.,--tr,,,,r;r,,,,.., - v=l ~ ~,,,---,44,64-40-!1.L.,, iii' - '614.* t; iiia, 7 4:. %-ligiii* - #A , 4 14 14117:6_10,_:,1 '..i► l 1 411 ~,Im ~.__ s L,444;,,5s ..,,,-040. , -,, , v sultaiwiYYT'-•'404-140, .0•= ,1 ~, ,- -iiate ::t0,7, - - -. ich _, il: i,=S t o#.o:. 1,144 t, , ! ,4-_ ,1m7r1.-*7i7174,1...t... -0" !e, -,, ! f? 9 1. 7 oestr ipl ,r i 4-640r—"1 - :tk 4: 4*,,iii .,. . --4,,,,7 t 1 46,,-7, Ro as *!, ~ „rri.--, 4.,,..=„.._ „„ *0t0it,.z . K=REI Cg' `, EWE - .;;9%.,:',1 , . '...r.'„ " .444relli g :-t':"?•;",",7'..:lo(o.4efiiiiiiiollAbltloSl Of: A -letter 414 !1 '? r .O , ~' -P . ~‘';,,,t'Aiii irviiirierielr iirlf" .*- ' , be i".. 4 "81111b = •-..":-., '",-;'"' - ' ‘."- , -4 4 110 Arld“l "*,#;1 12 ,,, 4 , ,7 4 & .,17 - ", .;..,, , . . ~,. , , 4k vv. . ,cv„.ll,rws 4*. -A, I• Ft ' ;,t' ' ' '- .: 41 ''.:4';::ll.l' ' 4.."7 * - 74 1 t! ' ' ''' i ' '''' t,%'"4-o`-e“, 1FV.4,:f.,Z-NI'L4:1=11;1;; * k 47-iiiiiiilatilohliAt:!' j.,' ,. .4. 1 6i=5;" ,i" _•,.- i . ,;''',q: - k '., . -.k -,,,, 4.- ;- 4 t , , - 2- - , - graiteirbe)(olf Vt5, , , , J.: , : ' --• !7f4:41-' a lt4 ‘. ,0, e i ; iit ikl` .70 iar:iimcinktelitOk , ~„ 77, t..,,P: t , k . , 's-r•e...:',, .-,...- .n ~ .--), ~ --, 1 , ---- , g a tific en d om4l ..of eat* -"` -4 1' . L ~ ,-- ..:dataiiar4o ISCIUI Mir 4 0 / 1 'V": , ... , ..- if....,„.. 4 ,4 1 ....., _,...,,,-- -_-... _.. . 4.,..„,, bid , - 7 4' -1 ,- - .„ li'' ,, - I'l . ' , ,W • lii# l *//ettimTr'" , .*!r• ''''. v 't ;l 2= - 74 ' '' = ' -111)411‘1.4.601 1 1 10 1 . 1 Ulf, 11 ...,___nt ', - Fy ; - Z-4 -'- -,., ' -,-***.„ol-174W-1,10404101161110-64*"", ;-'t--':,--',2, :_„".kw:';0",—,..,_5:,‘ ~4144itectik.*: 1 1111 tar 13( 4 111 / 11; : ie . 4 AI) 11, ' 4l tahla." t t,)_S ' 101-14440;, p 01145410_ . Weakest igt*.92,,Al-411,1-bK I, atIWOMMA.i,III-24,05p01i: ctillrakllY her fii Wilk , 4iMilltereMid tici':irioldliiii**Weit: lit Sion lot, 14 .1 shamtl i=i', u 40 - lie - jitsioli to the if t *ltoliiiii - We'or tiliiithao , t 4s a yijoikithhe liiiiitoliii4 Iliitlie ~ - - ti.e.. itiorietithe 4iMiifitBPani . _Wail 4 11 (~ ": ~titiliOlikellkikissitcs g ivaidiloo -:; 41 14.. - L. 10,1#141etil,titi:' the' lir- _ 1 ~ 4of : '4 . - 't I I iii :: ' ' nn' P e 4 I I ilik Of 4 , , . _ .. i - ii r France; e -al e t iti,' s r - 10„,iiiii l ir 1441,,,,,r0t5h0: In 41114 r Aiti!Wilii . feSikest* the 'Treaty of litietht, provided Ittattelhe '; , ',lkiinhoti , blanch !!(-7?`li'llicilft.: , ,tiiaiadd ~.- 1 1 4>v•fmoluded, .ritrfi'A'roin stkisdil4tt,"tha' Freed •'..'ilipit' A( lbit "'iiii: 4 Frohtli 'Monarch' 'rigt,Mie,'lii*Leeif i iiia aosionao*, Wiiiiiirlia# 4:001t - erOtOrlile was to itellae#U,* Oti" eta' line 2 6nl i vi. Tide entail wtaiii-viateilheirewsi solemnly assented to, at ,641taiiiiftite Ca*tee, it Parliament of Gas riteinit Aliar 4 o o o" li. 40) 1 'ldeir for bribi jTh***s l ofttei4a*, Of Utrecht. :! . 14Eliti'SidiellitAiniit intredliced into Spain, '4ollll; ; Was',lk4t*diatiiiiiii s nor diSpined 2„ ' 1 /*Willi) P iiii , 'Seventh , repealed it. OW* hil*44l , by fitiiiiro,4llo. watt th en yimegOiatiOMMo; and iiMbitions; }:itimpiaim 41(4i1e4 40 t?' ''' eiieti ' t.i . etwill b(alheath lig .e crown of iiija4 to hii Weil' ' &MOW, Ilaaftatiti: 114 cit . joidified'ite - the. pretest 1 1,47 4 iiffrii 461 Selle law was astliaide by '''''' YADlf'Filithiiiie , liin twin - octolier; ism, MA - fiiikehik Nrii,' Qieen Regent; He died iio November, 1838, , at -which time his iiiiirec daughter; :Tolima, was ''only'thrde years 'At `.The Liberal - party in Spain sided With: iiii-Qiiienoether,'-whO skimmed .the reins Of government during the infancy of her , disash*: -r lt the'Salle'leW hid not been re- Pealed; 71 0 1 A D wrom hive briiasedeadsd nn!the'Ythintiii' if Spain by Ithi *lnger brother' Doiclitea;wlie foritiallimotestef,l4 asso, *lime , diet tipoidedi 400; which Was to Make kilt:Vein flieic,,t'l4 Evan: • on 'rzior -I..6ith; hew .. 1 4 tiiibi hit Pirtilien6— Ote -4 Tory: 'nobillti Wad' politicians -se Ili ' c laim, the Fifth.' - ilitt the Qtteen-Regent, Oitilifitti;wit`baCked the Liberal ` Party, io'noa'thii'tO - giy - for' wifely into Por inside,' , He wins expelled nom that einntry in 1, 'end hts''solVitifm, who ' received tte - ,niatia'.io tirdlita, maintained a civil war 'i l e,libieniatidiAiiiPin'iti , lBBs: ‘ lik thefollow. I ink rier,heigMitaPpeendli Spain, and, with General Osnitintaipidviutned towards . Madrid; bet In 188; iiiid' driein back over the Ebro. ihs triontainati - ibit 2 tivif war,' for NOM time - kriii`i: fothhig leiti' Vence in 1889. The QUeeu'spi a ioniwere backed 'by Erase°, Enilinikareilirthip4 aid the 'rebellion was ltooPiEnt 01:itobod Initial), and Aileen Onata- Visa. 4esiiptet the' Ititency;'lll‘ October of that Piaicliiiiteghir daughter, a child ef, ten yeassi - lindeel 'ithe regoio of Earswraao. At the ego: of thirteiti,ilda 'young lily was de glOred o f nee hi the Cloitei. 'ln 1845, Don Pit,ol,Wwiiimiyd hie Pretensions in favor of i l ts [ ,.*; witaaioelp "WWII' ae , the Count de koirgitigaW 104 a* at Trieste, in meek . . ;i:;ll4loieni bole in Isis, to 400,1117:iiato Hoot in a retired 40Siwaileifhlilikter abandoned all eiSiiie:iehssiititiikti'Atili the' 'men. ?Lilpilt s lsh i edillisteillin enmity which existed ,1*!, Woehimself annoni 'o•nnan,, one otputlithiii4onbywomiir: , --Ek;th Are now in Pidii 'sad ppear to have been' deoelied by . oilie'titts — reliahhildeWl or. the State of "public 6014,1 se.3i al7, l 4 l dtq';_Ttio,fwiro 'led to Moot, pii:extsis, that • would ab 4341tit*the "10 ado the prilainaed, the 00 - , 144: - *** twanediately rally It=itie'nitdiet is improaelon It'lliffhilitioolol,4-issifurled this Ciallst nag. I probably pay The' ()keen has I power - 4thil: or of !shi t Octet ptinishipent,'lf found , gt:dlty":hy ' the flc'ews:lliiithil; brit AI. not 'expected that she _ 4 / 1 1 laseralia clemency to this case. . • ' ' A PIRIIIIS;I:1C Tall, , KUM=, . STMT.—The pirothwejOhn. Ants* ist':llorr.stroot mbar, from Ciiiilllll**-*'N*l7 *is , 700 , 40 1 .1' vamping: ftiO r sillissioiardAixosif tlimstrilms or the mile. isksiilo,lo,44oktisi"Ohnilootaii Convention. Tiitt wpittwittrithWitiiii ihiesb43o, ind Spirits, aid )rieiklegiofirs Sisal's( thi inwissinio manner in firiiikw wire` a itoilaii4 at Moira the Mesmer: Pi ordir AI sisinidoli ajrproolitiosi of tiii courte# ritisnisot sio iheii,l34l pallet' ipin iiiit in the cabin dui Issuidiyi; siimr"-, Illoior-: , /orini ~C omithigss- of :1 6 1144615. 1 4%.,wi1ea11ed-tk the iAll'irt and: •J. 1 # ON_ ii of * 4 , Oil O#Arltio* ra... appointed 1 .0 14 , 1 tW• • killiM4 . Reatisnilidellitifo • 11.1Kaiii,' -a criaWtAlitid if.l if &tilt ',Of SO' York, 'mare .0.14 1 4,01 e.: elViiisittiMiiiMdfore:l o ool4lOni: - ' Th 4 PhicitiogillMlAlM - iiii . irideli. Mid OdOpied with 1 Ili • ditiwitHho Watief*iii , .:i• :•.:•',, 1...?..-.,., , • • ~ -7, ;ItaithWAL That tialbic•hioiair Os Neyitea• mato, %Poi Mos oommonoss sor mats trip hew Charleitoe. reel II o ar tg ai tai It nit Irffammie I. *saint. do-, ii i.g trA l"t 4P /lah rasa "SirFark: ~.i.fg.... ire.,,wi lath. r of anziour; all lial • waif. •MlonSiomr rsj, 30-mosonsore, !!"i o t i rom . loam soome. 1 . , a ,._ ____.; aht ater i a a r tara i atei. ee -1 firsisiWi Ids; to pooson'ionsa°ll' for disZtizt tl i to d Z I . (= i ; e rt ia iM:. ilt I ° l7 ll4' ormigi 'ltiorisgureeri44' e i ro r =4. - g N t 1 W7tcit nruf: likeis,ii vapiHri be 440.4.1, 1 ~:l ti : . ! -, , , : OT - , '`. 7. --: CI 67llllllltis _Citiirtlllll:. 1 4 0 44irdit411 1 411004‘ : 4 Wril y ryttiiillity 1 ' m ore waatifixitipitiltotkltwoil **Spud prom .i•t.,-Iwapis,,th.. .1 ,, ,t* ,4 4.*: ! , Mlioor in ihs ma 4 .-• ... •• :•, : - : t. _,- __ ~ 71 .341ktirikor Asersipt,lituttoxottis zsr Nry Your. P TlThiscirti44:4 94 o ll 4**lP 1.44 1 4ei "two/ 04 New Yetkflot iTitioite 7 BO*** 'taros; Ler ltri s , tOthilttokt*Sellie ikieelf est of- New _York, bet # *NW #044 Wietit: ty*l4edi In *enigma 11 . : ft 1016110,411111 1, :-_, , , , 017100*1111iiii;11101II. 0111210: . .ablialkipeOpa - jerripiii there *Web for m,9,Y 14101114 . 4 Boom : Ifeobleg;mx. ,By a 10, 1 ,i'ffiti' 11 Cl4toll=o a fecOle slays: tasted ,IYlWP.,:irtegifi'i:oh# , -; y; and reetotttneisiter bto -41, 1 tert '2.* 14B0 104 :* '„her - -Inlbeipt;. ,op-litlaT, deptittoo►wit trostieldldrint, se worthy of befog .dads _free:. - It. is ~ eoproeil that the wept* '7o ll 4'or P:Of - aitifil4tiont st:AloCooq: . 1 :: ' 1 Aileit,iii,444li6i.L4il6'"iiAl6lii:,it!milice .of cost „ eitd AutoiteSe4ii ttoodi, otaniotog won hundred ii*OilgaWoii - Oltotiodroblo 5h 1 2 1,21 4 fOitoY thitur weeps, voitited, Han, silk, Wad **tints Altriel,Vhfoiwit4thitio Modred plies* Moths, tap 484 1 04 04ir .464411120;j1p2 i1t16024 thou' Ns* skirts, Itnew $O O 4l, Lail to be poireptorlly braltithriiiottthe'orolit, lontaloadaig ;th~liiieatt r; tee:i41)%111; - ;t• Oortlitiod I.**,Vainhifsfrilli*ololY NMI; 13112boya; - 4 • Anoint; mai attan** WM , 'WWI** nu, thig liiindei;,` of 140 I*4l, .hen, brogans, 4140;', go* draw goods, WWI , lWßChlotoo_hk bloomer., ilieit!troad 'l2e• /*Owe and 04111-111$11tofi t '',457 op , ithiahlog *OW tholes -oi, , sidtablo_ for 4 itrodowf wee. The Sue tosiitiiii ;it 10 o *look piaetioly, with ilto• bootie ind showy sod -Om straw. goods are 4o •at' teelook, MO* tawatlat rooms of Ifo. kso lltaikot sad 521 Mini Ski ;-TheigidAk ' trintpdparth sido,.on *ma 0011Dify %%Warn', and ?Om Orin; id raidenes o 4 ___ 4l ! l d o o oo i pdrismie r of OiOutas, LATEST. :By T e l eg raph to ..This' Prim, (" 04 -**° 2 MlRO!,:l i g "THE COTOD! 0011MITTIIX. ;.,A nieol Oinkca's befig °mut, tiod-ciance:ottriog Wassiticirom, Mee I.—Dr. Almon:), of Xetridt, *Cited baba the Coitida Committee Wlimilbe latter was .issitmastior of Detroit, toidit , the Herald, owned by 04t:tirtt; that be (ALroml) reoelved Ave hiinatitK denirt poSehelotrolerk'littt aoidd Dot. "lbw tiny *Mos he perfumed for 0 1 1/mrstr, ;ego* that of , editing, hts r , paper. This_ that Way he Oldie moue* Is mei by, the ,e4millstration it -Detroit, well a s by Di iisii; r, rbUladelphla °Outer: Mr. LIICAIII, tho:Hotile postutaiter, testified' before-the name ''aiiiiiinittaa !bat WWI MWila eisrkihS tb Laud Itißeir an. attempt war: made by ,a Government 'aditiliti to awes him to tulip pay, an old putt' debt, bat be refitiod to, UsiplY., limed Dotwi,listilled ally terfoirlid on lilm. The - debt war said to have beel Immirrait in Primixtrania. , ' ' • :two Ittiatux: - Eb triat,4oeli afJOIN - Nrciaux tlia Koala bf itepreaeatitlver; iitterdai, hi 1 u Soma at, artab 'bilked of thi , Prioldimay Ili any teak la or bat of WiLablaghle: ^ °blew might do won*• fil' A inifronnuestsire otbilvapasph- tar!, botetk tat liarlblA,forelraulatian,i , , • „ . - , Tax ; orummerrox cosnurrtint. • Thi Mc** Milt, Obislestosk issOostes no wog:gets: liattlespetelrrooelviatAare ,tp•ulght anuouneee thlrti.tpur ; ballots „ auol rur bettor preepeof . DoValse,than •Ithee, , The liapreadon here to that, noknobtaation Will bazaar, it 'Mules los, but .that an adjoninment will lbe'et[eoled, and anotkei ponventlen held at Salthiore, or some otassAt*,ifai . the Mosso Convention maim lb , - 3toeisi J. *Auras will appear before the OP. yoga cominittsi spin in i day or two, and piesont anotheebiteliof evidence against Afr. - ,lltroetitraw and the Cabinet, vette as oosvinolog, to the .publto *id tforPieneit Adisubistratiott . le Denim! eapable notittinisst sonny thpt boa ,yeti appeared.;. . • • Lieutenant General Swore emirs& here to•day, and had an interview with the President and _Se cretary of War relative to the troubles on the Texan frontier eomplained of. by Governor Iforrsrow. ' It is reported that the proposed absorption of portions of Utah threat - ens to "arouse one hostility of the )[onions, and that this Is one aeries why Oaten] adoritelielesee has been demanded here. ' s' • ' Ocoationt,, LAMT RO IfAMEDIGTON. The ,ezeitekiaent in regard to the Charleston Convention Inoreaue. The war upon DOUGLAS by the Admintetration and Diersilonikle is maintained witkent mercy: Re is to be punished for doing right. , Raping obtidned the nomination of a Ma jority', hebi practically the, candidate. Despatches received • to.night indicate the determination of .Dorrotee n end frieide sever to 'falter. They w ilt: never , abandon , Southern Douglu genitors and Reprseentatives are now telegraphing to the Convention to adjourn to Baltimore till June,. ' -In .order to give publki opinion time to operate. Meetings are to be held in the South toVebuite the seceders' ; and an address is to be prepared asking Northern Democrats to rise en mama Assault the recreants who are hounding Dots (nee., and assisting 'the: . llisunionisti. Gene ral contempt and prom ' of Oust/Sea are ex , :His partiality, and, imjnatiee ere every ,. where Aszterssted.:. The Massachusetts delegatliss haVe been deinerillsed by the oilloseholdere, ands deep 'mai is playing 'to put Gtrliatiforward; this - Mai Sermon, of New York, Is to be tried. liettber card: will win. The Democrats Soho prefer DOUGLAS are a 'unit in taking him or :nobody.' If he is assoghtered, tkey will avenge Ads , inch an appiSal to the billot-boses as will be, remembered for, a century.- The Beau .sloisists must take or adtopelllosin. The boxy for compromise las -passed forever. Fifty siz;ballets have been taken, and Hve bintred will Swills's' or terrify the Douglas :eolumn, Douglas Seeming a, Majority of the - „ ,; iDneirmarow, MaY 1860• busing the ballethuse'tb-day DotraLas resolved /42i rite", a mijority.of the whole - Iliktoral 1701. lege of the United States; which elongate of 8011. No other Deinooratle eandidate in a National Con; ventiou hu Seer 601112 vial strength without ob. ,taiiihig the' PrWddential nomination Mit Kew= V4si, Bonus, in 1814; 'mid the DentOOraey, although, noes:mid le limning . the *tuition of . Nir:l!orci• mho - , thin misdeed the, morednatlon, - Mdferid CU; estrO4 d f sfeit id le4e;eiimty oq atooo' sint,of their IVhia Mr : lirOiemuf received i majority Ctn. , elinatf rietti4o promptly telegraphed ,to his !fief* to withdraw h 4 name, it he deonied It but fait that the wind a majority of the represents tiies :of the party assembled' in National Cowen 'ildre *mid prevail. , But his' emends' here show bit little or no dispodtion : to' treat him with this - same magnanimity he displayed on that oo esslon. „ ' Nothing of inaportatme occurred here today be , yead.the molar proceedings, which the datoolated I"tesii Reporter hu, doolitlees, telegraphed to you. , YE U. Wli fo speoulato upon the Leal result here, slibough tinny Tomeie are afloat, as those who have iiitobid the proesmallop 'tar' eta form al 'l24t Illioorreil • isdasosat al Imo upon thogronad THE CHARLESTON CONVENTION. *wpm iro DAVILIORE PROPOSED. Abtaiiietoer; May 2.=-The resOlation adopted by the (*nevoid* requiring two-thirdi of the full vote of the lionisation to nominats,lmeentused' 4. dead look Julie proooedinge. -Ati adjournment Milliliters _on - tliellthed Yale le • Kroner. urgeC If rio - infolnatlon le made to-day s Netrlnrk will bring fotward tide propodtion. • Ilueliontbentlmeedere will inset to•dai; ' elfore will bo made to conciliate them. r If 'unericoneetal, they will nominate . for President Jefferson - Davie; efleasheibpi. • ... _ , _ MaY•2.-Thillseedersr Conventidn Ned this morning. and' adopted the' majority as reported to the National Convention. - • ! A' , proposition to Mk* the" new , name of , the Constitritional Bentierecy" - :.was' voted down at. Mr it long debate, the body claiming to' be the NI; -Meal Diunonatie Convention. The Peelle Banned resolution was adoptod, but .not without eonsidertiblit opposition. " , ' , . • - Adjourned to meet ate o'clock to.night. • ,•-•' NICHT; 81188.10 N. • • The' L liouthern Mammoth, thutvention - mist at the Theatre at 8 o'clock toltight. '.• r • • Mr. Bata, of Louisa's, moved to adjourn' until noon to•morraw.its the ether Convention have not yet-Made a nomination. , • • . • ~ , The motion was carried,. and the CenventiOn was declared adjourned, • There' was a huge midtown of ladles, and the - Convention formed itself into a mug meeting. , • Mr. Yancey, or Alabame, was, celled upon for a speech; Be - rittimid thank.,' aid- called 'on Mr. Barry, of ilississippl, who took a position the et Ta n r d i o p da e o e f d Do u t g aams a m h e e t em dl i o n i e . d to stand by him to the end: . , Wasumaros,,Mareh R.—Governor Cusunhur has informed' the Prestdenkthat Utah iiin - voondition bordericirtillinefolle end that Some 'Won: Is therefore mmietaryou the'pattoflthe fimernment , to relleysthe.Territury. from the present- and lux pending erns:. He alludes to the band of despept dam, mhftelailldtlet- Minders the , talus**, life and; property uncertain, mid moos!, ;'eit her that ludipul be sent out in plume of them who have de serted or td anthorti&the Probate' Courts to imeMise thepolfers'elaiteed by:them and , fEranted by , ,th• , LegMative Assembly, or. is , adopt ,some Miter means' of safety: U. IrepteltilAbikt 11011 bun- Aired labliertheitstafeed there, as the erithdraeial of *sonars army would be injudiolcom,and unjust. fiorstneellumssing data that the, population. Is Aft Y-two br Aity-three thousand, though'estlinated mush larger by the Hormone. ditit evening , , toolobevislobt is virtli. 'oplootloot r ilm to 'attudiid to I outdate do , lisitris halo tilmo4 P e1 t4 61 007. 4 , 901A061001114 I vtiolOttty at Tit!llforden.linidei , • "- ' • rintfintti—nurs. "•' • ' Butyntinti;N;J:, May 2.—tiOn.Willitun L. Day !ton ot ooo d hts argument In thogirdon•sturder oars jai 4 o'oloek this ofternoo n ,- • Judge' Wheipley !hen oh a rged the 'At b olotoek the jar, Went out to chattuorate llt•YnrOit , , , _ vaultor suinir of sthnnan.' . • Brinidsg, jay 2,—The firj, titter in %bronco' of In boa ind 4 hitt; brought in a Uirdtot of me. tiler In thuirst 011 14 •• - - • . , p00d,......... • .. • nog 1 pp , ~.... 1.....'. ~ ... .., , ,„,,..... 10 I IMMO,. ••• • ..---•:!.• •:: „,..., ~- Mr. iiitib s e mooed- a resolution doctoral it La e expedient at this time to make a nomination. H ianted gentlemen to facie the 'tuned°. rThe resolution was declared to be out of order. i rmr-Fuetw Bazaar. i Donel 0athrt5..;.......—•......161§ I ti0tt.: rai .........—: - ...1t : 12 10 I Due, 1113 4 re fifty-lith, fifty-sixth; :and'ilf,tj-seventh hal _ . . ! , :j_<.•, < -, , A . ,j,,- ; I pole ( Dd._ .. ~. , were unit ID , „ '. De We 01 -Htellalcllo fe t e B.IPOPee' , . r.' Aehir,4 North , . earol , ina i , moved thee; the ‘ ~. PA FI -/,'- May i - ftiir' itiiiiiiihip !Sen'eentionmAliftru' -" ' t that:Abe 7 13C:Josters, N. F., sy .. . Prla4 Albert -milli& early thieaaeruo tier 4a , at 4 ' . Mi.'9ltiatix_-;oeed..,_aanatartoodt,.7 in _ .. tt -rc . : ( ' "T ''; Of ia.,{ l iafit44 it. 4 .),,, • • ~7 •T7! .,, Jag',! ......- o* MO 2.*The PI , 0 *g i • Wa eniiiabilt4 ki iea 00 i . tea Alt eatiitak-hrLl clod:- • , 104 amoute to - only ;28,000. - 4 vote b 7 States was dernauded do the MotioP ilte : - 44•14sUirli , rirriiiinhry;, (mei lefitabirtiOft THE PRIM.- -PHILAD E H. 1 A adsssx:J: 111117112LiSt 0111XIAL /COTT: Waiituni;on May 2—Midnight OCCASIONAL ItROX casauctmx Whole Convention. .486 3:1'38 7,2# X. OXI 3X. Affairs an Utah. Democratic National, 4.)onycetion„ TUESDAY. NIGICT'g: rsiOngtumme. TWEL ** , 'L =o ''l``M,:. • Onaniagron„ Ileyl,—Thei thereneleg tares bled at 4 o'olookli. 14, ... ' ' - - ' - :.,- - A vote was tales on ordering the previous pees, ' tion on the proposition to proceed to, balloting fin' a candidate for. PresidentLerbloh weg_a4opi o d,.... ; ym 148, nays 148. -,- -.-,. , The resointiowciferally the,,Mmismee Adage. tlonreenleing that the "resident' 'of the OftVieesl 1 -tion'sbAl setdealsra as oandbilsts.nominated for 1 President or View Proldeat, nniess bei oho % AN • ogee ph, or more vetaa,ballod up litwltiohardson. i etillinsis, who moved that the resolution b. laid ' on thel table. The, rote doled, yesilll4, aim; lit ; et, the rseg intim - wears** laid on the table.. - ..- „ ~ Me., Stuart; of Mieddyn, then raised ' t hi s Isaiah o f order; the resolution mast lie . on the. table , one dey l . before - b i l e ;' acted upon; at' it'vlis a p • obee,iletheatanding nde of the corcroadot, , I The:President !bolded the rembeAken to be i in order. , I ~ --14 r; Stuart iipieiled Mon' the dechdon of ti c 1 cliair.,and.a vote being stalled on •the appeal, ilig • chair was. etetairsed—yeasl44, nays 108, • - . - This vita is i gmserally 'regarded Os fatal - to ti e , prospects of Mr. Douglas; Mr..l3tuart moved' an amendment, that all who , eote for the nomination will be,beand to etistain it, will& was ruled out arorder. , , , ~• . Me additional ballot, were- taken , reeelthog a , 191 i.• .M. 10th. 11th. 1 . -MM. , MOM .1901 i MOM 90)6. ' 361 101 , box am rolinsoa ....-. 11 . „ u if y TLe 1 . . 1M • ' 11,6 uonrention than id ournad, to, roost ,at 39 o'elhek on Wwineedarntornlng. • • • ,'The Southern whin merely• orianise Dy the eleollon of Mr. Bayard. of Delaware, eaPreddent, ind'adjourned to meet at o'clock to-morrow' . . NINTH 1 AY. • , Ostansinsvon, May '2.=-Ther Boston browband Naiad in the gallery, opened "the Contention. morning with half a doyen opirit-stirriarrel ohnoludlng with Yankee Doodle," at the eonebro , 'don of which, Col. Flournoy; of Arkansas& stentorian lungs, proposed three cheers for: ihe 17ntori, whleh was heartily responded to.- • • - The floor and galleries were thronged• with thi: Ant ladles of the oily. • - • • The Convention was called to order at 10t: °Week. ' Prayer was offered by Bei. Mr. Kendrick. The Convention then proceeded' to ballot for* candidate for the Prodder:soy, withthe following malt: . , . , TIIISTIINATINALLOT. • Necessary to a °holes 202 Douglas I.4olJobusou ' 1,1 authre. ....... .... 39* I lltoltlnson 2, • Lane ' 20 I Davis , 1 Huntei. ' 281 1 ' Wholeinumber of vote! ' ' 2511 ' ' - • _ 791111711111.1111X11Af,...L0T. Johnson 12 Mathison ' Pavia , 1 Douglas ....... .....150 Guthrie 41 Lair, 201 Minter .27 . PIPTIIINWP Dome's ....149i Outurie 40 Lane 20 Hunter ' 28 Johnson 12 Dickinson . . ..... I Davis' BALLOT. Hunter 26 - Johnson ' Dickinson MITI= Donglu 160 Guthrie ' 42 Line . Davis 1 ' IIVEMTEIETH-16LLOT. ,' • , Douglas ' 160 Hunter ' ' .26 ' ,Guthrie ' 42 Johnson 12 Davis - 201 Dioklusou I EIGHINRIVIII INALLOT. Douglas 150 Hunter ' " Guthrie 411, Johnson 12 Lane -201. Dickinson 111111111TION12 BALLOT (1 MIMI, ) POW DOI44ILAS." ~.(autira).. a Ohio-- (aatir•)-21 New VllMimihir•—: —l4 4011144—* ......... Venstoot.... • S ll Abode Island tehlasa - • toaw,Yott, Wisaolaln.—"—.. - , a goaaostionV 4 ..... ala ... A14411110ti.............. Total ii'•1••*:•••• ..... ••1•-••••VM ..... S Connmemmut—. 2)( trim Jemex—.. I Aritsessa.: '' .... Oratoll... gra? Jersey . , .. osser..... orth Ceram: .30 • Total. ......... EC= • Maissehrsette.... 11L 1 Mart*d..........,.... I , rearm1varga............. 2 Vingt..,............111 Delaware —... 2 • row - 40122202. H Misnesota...,--..... Teammate Total.. /Olt DICUNION Califombi =Z=l= . • tutkilu... "........ --WO' I 0tie50n...:.... , ...,:...... If_ thrt0........ ..-. 0 i niaiihwm..—.....,..... 14 tmtar................ NI 1 , ~ . . vitsmorz-riaity sALIAT.' , tiN ihg Twit:mi.:sEo3w .aa,i,of [No material amp.] ewarrx , suma *auks. Wtien Virginia was oohed; . Mr. Russell stated that he had been requettpd to out fourteen *Otos of that delegation one way, and onq vote another: Be deollned so to east it, unless otherwise ordered by the • Convention. The State Convention had not plowed any resolution ca the subjeet, but 'roans as a unit was regarded as the Destooratto law of the State. Mr. Norat..of said that his eollugae and himself thought - that his constituents _might. to be heard; sad he demanded that they should be beard. He could so longer vote for Mr Hunter. , Ths - debate was eontinsed for some time, when NM middent deolded that the delegates from Vit. &la are entitled to east their individual votes. The vote of that State was then out 1 for Douglas and 14 for Muster. Mr. Daubed also received 1 vote from North Caiolina. giving him - a majority of the whole glee torsi vote, a 1 follow : CSC an* qbeson ~....•.•.usg : WhOlo oarebor of v01e5.... The Malodors* vo* • • • 'MINTY FOIIRTII BALLOT. Primulas— ISI Jahnson. 413 i Dietinioe_.. Lino )9)( Awn • • TWaXior-PIP7I 111.440 t, guter. M 41 olippon,— . .. I I mai " 1171INTY-RIXIIII *ALLOT. no al la IHnster i • .47 Johre.... r..... 1 ' P ie • iwiturr.ilsysytim MID TWairlirltrellTh 5A24,0111 ( Proclieely Utopian* nn the eirentr-abdir.) Douglas..—. t a ter.. „.„ „ ...,; ... :a .ariaikon• • . •••• Loa-- --- 211111111 WM !War. g u itg a t, --. .-...... " ....:::?tr i Frs:::: ::::: gig1w . .........::71.1 1"7 1 ---?-• TillitprlßST, Tinsynr•ssocom, Anwrantrronnerr • SALLOW!. , (Neal/ the lame ea (hi thirtieth.) THISTVFOSISTE BALLOT . f D o nsifts - 'Alp I ..... . . tua JOhluion ..... Dickinson Davia.. 1- 'At half put oa• the Convaitiou adjourned 'o4alook . _ limns* iniletox. The Cowin/don remuusaahleCata iitstookt , o...alttisfi f ef-Marytand, gave mina that after the next ballot wonld Move that this Convention adjourn to meet in lialtiesefe,- on the first htonday In Ho thought the delvgittei should to bone to see their roustituesta, and they _will be'YeadY to .do their duty by nominating "via= whO can beat the Staab. Republioans. = Ron, heiab Randall, ,o Philadelphia, said he would move to emend the motion to adjourn one die. Tna Tentt•Piise Was then Lakin: 'Douglas }welted 152 votes. The others were uschang.• A debate then aimed on the, motion of Mr. Olt tinge •to adjourn to Baltimore. Re sairured the 1 onventiOn that Baltimore was no longer a , c plow ly" town, and promised a boimitable welcome te the Convent ion. , - TO* motion WAS withdrawn, at request of some Of MID delegates, to be renewed in the course of the evening. . While the roll was crated for the. thirty-obrth ballot, Arkansas hiving voted for Mr. Breakin ridgerone of th , delegates from Kentucky request' ad that the vote be withdrawn, as he was instruct. MI by Mr. Breokinridge not to allow the use of his name in opposition to gentlemen now in nomina tion; and eeptolelly to Mr. Guthrie. • TIMITY•IitiTE BALLOT. Douglas 111, the other candidates no change. • ' Tennessee withdrew the name of Mr. Johnson as a candidate. , ==1231:12 A i far, D okinso... 711{1t1.1":1119111TH Doe,las.. ' No material in3hereet of the rote. The resolution of Mr. Gittings, to adjourn to tialtimore, was laid on the - table without a division. Ponr other,balloti were taken without any change !of moment. ,INISTY!TXIftD BALLOT, pouglaa ....... ..........«::151 lluntar.'....-........',.. la Ontario .... tab) 11iakina0n....,... ...... ... a s.4we ...:...r.a.. i... la Davi5..........".• .. • .. 1 Prom the forty•fourth to the 111 V-third ballota the votes were unchanged. • • . - - slarr•VOUltaia BALLOT. , , TIMASDAY; MAY s, 1860 . __l BIMEIMM Li r. .7he convention adjourned at a quarter of cleat ciolooic till to-morrow morning. • Th*, , ys ter from Europe. - ,'; . i*g *ABA - .AT '-8.01111Aii" THE EHIZSPIGHTERS DETERMINED ON ANOTRE4 STRUGGLE. *dal; to the He** = hi 00 241 a 241. nastayer,' . ' 2,—The royal mil steamship klltOs, from : Liven:ie! on Saturday, the 21st ult. fished at this port this evening. Her advieel are 4pm:days later. j ' The stesmshin Bohemian, from New York, ar• tfroled-Lirerpool on ; the 19th, , and the, City of Wathington On the 20th. • ' .The royal mail steamer Arabia arrived on Sun. TUB PIGNT ICH THHOHAMPIONSHIP. Nothing bed been determined on respecting the meesdiek to be taken for a settlement of the affair between Sayer.' and Heenan: • ' '‘i The Mferee'a decision *as to be made the next Weeki - The friends of both, parties dealers, their Wittlety for another meeting. .ilesnanatrenuonsly &alma haying won the light. Sayers' friend, are - equally Sanguine.- - It is emphatically dented,-on behalf of Heenan said Sayers, that either party desires the inittle to be considered as drawn, and it la still, claimed for each that he could hive won in a few minutes Morehad the light been *manned. rge Wilkes, of New York, denies, in'a letter - --London Times that the referee ,topped the the respietit of Heenan or his friends, and iiimarts ibat Maseru virtually won, but will be 'ready to renew the ,straggle.'at an hour's notice, end 4111 accept no other,trophy than the belt which be same to win, and which he honestly believes he AR win. He believes he can win it again, .and wilt not leave England till be brings the late eon. .test to a new and due oonolusion. Considerable :soma of money had-been collected It London' and Liverpoel, for Sayers, who was to attend at-the Stick Exeininge on the 2111, and be Presented with a hundred guineas. It yips thought that strong Steps will be taken by the authorities to prevent suother hostile meeting. - :„The dght between Lynch, the Amerloan; and Shaw, far -the ohimplonship of light weights, was won by Shaw.- -- ' 'Sohn Morrissey, the prise•fighter, ' H one of the p"ssepgers aboard the steamer Canada. ;) • A CONGRESS OF POWERS. The =more of 'an approaeldng Comae of Pen , to ere rapidly gaining strength. THE VISIT OF THE PRINCE OP WALES. The Prince of Wales will salt for Canada near the close of April fit THE INSURRECTION IN SICILY. The Sicilian insurrection has apparently rubel. dad. GRTIAT BRITAIN In the House of Commons, Mr. Borman attacked the foreign policy of the Government, and de nounced the designs of Napoleon. / Lord John Russell defended the ministers, and aborted that they bad not been unmindful of the honor of their country whibSpreeerrinethe peace of Europe. Important questions as to the maintenance of the nentralisea districts of Savoy had arisen, and be believed before long that the Great Powers would be in a position to take the point into cowl claration. Miura, Taylor and Peers, engaged In the Star fordshire trade at London, had sespendmi, owing to the failure of American remittances. Their lia bilities were believed to be smell. • . . Tile Prince of Wales expected to sail for Canada n Omit a week. ' Capt. John Wlrehall, lately of the General Screw Company, had been amen captain 'of the downer Great Beaten). Obief Cashier Pallinger, of the Union Bonk of Laden,' bid been deolered a defaulter, it L be lieved to a sonsiderable amount. PRAPOE. The Emperor and Empress of Freres will visit Savoy during the rummer. ' The Chalons Clamp was already being formed to illortbh: its else last year. The Paris Bourse Was closing dell. Renton were (fantod at tilt The remora had gained strength, that a Congress of Powers will soon- assemble to arrange_ the Frenob•Swiea The Preneh journals claim an almost enanimeus vote In all the communes of Nice in favor of an• nexation to Prates. • The insurreotion in Messina had been quelled, and trenostillity motored, but the insurgents were reported lo be gathered In considerable tome In the motintains, where the troons were unable to dig. lodge them-forwent of artillery. Tbe,PapaiGovernment bee sent a despatch to the Zuropern Powers ' not only protesting egalnet thle anneastlon of the "legations to Piedmont, but hoping - that they would pet an end to this 'Mout. tons spoliation. The Pone bat appointed Count Moron, of Bel glob, his Minister of War- IttiPSTA. The toe was breaking en at 'fit Petersburg, but continued Arm at Cron.tedt. -A Caloutti telegram of Antil lit reports the ea eitement In the indigo district as subelding, and no serious distarbanom are feared. ...2. The Bombay malls of Mardi' 28th are on board the Canada. , LATEST VIA QUEENSTOWN My.Telegradt from London.' VIIIINNA, April 8 —The subsorlptlons to the new loan exceed 76,081000 florins. sm....Lorre, April 20 —Count de Montemolin, Iblshrotber, and valet, were arrested at Ampoate. ._ Yews. April 21 —The votes In the Matelot of Moe show a majority of one hundred and sixty Wand annexation.,, ' Vann % April 20.—WIllhon Rafael and M. Tun- Implleated In the late Intturreetion, have been arrested, ; Comnseresn't IntelliXenee. litireapoor., April fo.-4iles of Cotton for the week 88,100 Wee. feelndia!' a Illekto .epeenlators. and to OM to r:f o 4. l ll6te.ll,74l:ftlagiothavgeri•lginitinn_dt . ig.derniS fir oes we very uncertain. oolders are pressing on the market. tent there wee lee! 'immure at the elate for fair qualities. Hales to.dav (Friday i 1 0 .000 bales, the motet. o la i ing. moray 444banaed and vr.oes already. The gales to speculators were 8,000 beles: The following are the authorised quotabons i , . . Pair. Aliddlieg. New rleaue..•-- ... ............. 7 1 4, dry M0te5.........................:“ .pi gy Is Up1and..........The steak of Idiiii - i44141.01411101 hales. Mein:tins WORM Almeri fee oart• , B. r a authorities quota the deoline am )f i d cmlnine teal tlee. fITAT_E OP TlitaTir —The Manehester. adoleee Cr. favorable, prices betas steadier, with a better demand f lalltig CJTTON ' NARKFM,"• - tPril 18.—New or: lean. tees ordinaire unohaneed ; `smell of the week: 600 bales; *took injtort.2llo 000 bales. THE LAEST, LivgarooL. April 21.-Ba,es of Cotton to-day 10 000 helettl. Including 3,gto for. speeulation. The _ mark., a s r steadier, with A better demand, and rather - ; sarooL, April lid.—Ereailstairk are firm, at an ad • no dr, temleney. i t eon. Itiobardenn & Smrice quote Flour firm at ijgtaoBo.l Canadian. 31e. Wheat Arm, but ante,; red Wcelltelftli Weed gilds 11d. ~_ ....- • LA_TERT. Lrrweatmi. April 11.—wreadetutre steady : Corn has CO, advancing tenommy. PfOliftol2l. are vow. d i LvitatOdY, April PD.—Protiaiene-,The market ()lose. il ' • ~ , ti . 1i lIICVIIKF M A RKET . Apr 121—Conoole are ,holed ittleigqiiff4X. 711 P bullion In the Bank of File lap - hea , doereseed Xlll.OOO • duriak the week. The ten e. is kiiehrly easier; - , , .• 11 ), P i IIODUCE MAJIET.—TaIIow .is ,444) 4 , , •-• me man oos.odorroT.. rot Ashes quiet at *,1407014?, ear Aches quiet at 3ft. • Berk doll ; Hal trelOra 12 , 50 lotli:11C - ., ra Cloverseed there tea lame 'essoalar is lager& I Wet et ItiNt. 'lld.etette. Fieh rile 'Wee hut steady, Unseed oil !boles: Tea hag ad int , ri4rl,4l74l....rAriivige.r4gfiniliirelan.ce Ida • Rea n all end slight y itenimen •, sales at 44.&1.0 ,' 41,,1d.' - Spirits of turpentine dull at das.ema. ed., 1 e sg 1 CONUEK-FMST SESSION, U. _P. CAPHOL; WASSINCIVOX, May. 2,1860. - " SENATE. 1 Mr. Bawasn, of New York, prevented the pelt. (ton and -arguments of 0., O. Drew, Adjutant rated:Stites army, relative . to the Oregon War ' en...etre:ant. Referred. Mr.:Paanon,',.of 'Maryland, from the Library Otannittee, reported a joint resolution, supplying tie Ohntaw, Cherokee, and Chiokasaw nations with pnblie documents. Agreed to. The House bill for the relief of the Shawnee In dians was taken up and peeved. , Mr. Demi, of Mississippi, moved that his resolu tion be - made the spatial order of the day for Mon. day next. Agreed to. Mr. Lana, of Oregon, gave notice that he should mill up tomorrow the Oregon War Debt bill. The Benatelben went into executive venires, and subsequently adjourned till Friday. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Oa the call of the roll of the notice, It was mar. tampedm that a hundred and twenty three members worein attendance., - - Mr, Onsnaten, of Ohto, gave notice that he Would move on to-morrow that the tariff MII be made a special order, and that the debate be ooaflaed to the eubje ot, and a vote ,taken at an early, day. - - The Homo went into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union.. . . Mr. Emmen, of Indiana, in alluding to the Charleston Convention, said he did not sympathise with those who imperiously demand Cresar or no body, nor with the rale-and , ruin spirit too much manifented lately by both wings,of the Democratic party,iand to Which may be justly attributed the difficulties which now exist. Be ventured the prodlotion that if trouble and disaster ensue, the masseptelll never, and ought not to forgive those who eke rashly and needlessly _precipitating thts state of affairs on the country. It is not to be denied that darkness and clouds lower over the Demerit% house; but be bed an abiding faith that them Muds will nese Sway, leaving the glorious sun Of Democracy shining brightly.' Mere political storm bare Tno - "Urine for the party to which be belongs 4 When' the , time for action emcee, every Democrat will do duty according to the oirentn:' stances Which surround them. Even if the worst man abobld be eeleoted for President. he at least 'tteltid,bit better than the best man of the Republi. can party, There was one essential point *bout which there was no division in the Democratic 'ranks. It was eternal and unceasing opposition to the lnebiltanN there, the Democrats atand as a un it . "Be then prooeedotd to speak more par. , tionlarly pa the euttjeot of the irrepressibleleenfilet doidrine and negro equality, as he said was main tained .by the Republican party. Be desired to hold that party up to the indignation of the mews, of the &Oedema peePlei. The Dentoeratio party was the best friend, and the Repoblioan party the ,worst enemy, of the neer.% A colloquy then took -place between Messrs CorMak, ffitroateu, and PORTE*, of Indt , otr ,, m ot l ey t o the constitutional nrovision of that Stettatrrelative to the exclusion'ef- free &wrote., of Ohio - , said that Mr. Seward hatentainixted fife; frith' whet .be explained the imepretwible conitict",betweta the two systems qf`lVt hDieetie:Mf., flintchtas contended, we• liCki r int* t 6 the slairearat. elaveholder„bnt Mater 1 industry, and the foetal, educational, ens to:i ,flet: Con of the people among whom ft *AWL Ito . argued that,the early fathers sought to .restsiSU slavery wherever pratirceble.- Alt, SMITH ) of, North Carolina,' eondemned the violent iptritexhibited in the debtte, and appealed 'to Cinnamon to return to the Com promiee measures ,of 1850 se sisswitis of quieting the present political, emeitetient. , TbeCenumltteer thett reins; and the Howls ad lcitreled. 441 lia- Virginia Republican' Convention. Wallowed, May 2.—The Republican Convention has 'ambled here, delegatai from all parts of the State being present • Joseph Anplegate, of,Brixih county, was elected president, "with eleven vice p_raddents Ron. Alfred Caldwell, N. Norton, of Ohio eouuty J. Q. iltidetwoad, offflarli comity, mid:F. A. G all. Montgomery amity; *MU /Winked delegates at large to Chicago; with fall district de legates and alternates. ' Xi's Committee on Resolutions reported ,1 long address with a series of resolutions pledshig the„ sopporeof the nominee of the Mileage Convention favoring a tariff affording proteetion and encourage! went for theprodueUons of the white laboring men, of our country against that of foreign countries; the equality of rights among Miens ; opposing proscription on account of opinions or place of birth ; denouncing the notion of t h e, Adukinis tration• regarding the impressment of math.' rallsed. citizens when visiting the country of their birth; iipprovirig the homestead bill, and favoring a plan ofoolonisation. _Speeches were made by 0. • Underwood, J. Wikon, of Indiana. P. P. Blair, of Missouri, speaks tonight:: The next Convention will be held at Richmond Political Excitement at Washington. Waentsaros, May 9.—The exeitament,if "pal• ble, is on the increase regarding the events at Charleston. • . , Many reports are In circulation; for inkiness, that Guthrie received MSS votes, which occasioned a great eeneation until its falsity was ascertained. The Demooratio and Repubilairt headrittertsra are crowded with Inquirers. From the Stoppage of nubile business for the past two weeks the session of Congress will doubtless be prolon ged till the lst of Jury. The President has recounised Friedrich Babas as coned ell the Duchy of Nassau, at New York. .17 ,11lichignst• Repub dean Convention. • Drraort, May 2.—The Repubilean Con vention bas eleoted Austin Blair,. Walter W.-Mur. pby, Thomas W. Berg, and - JAMS J. - St. Clair, as delegates at, large to obtoogo. - • Strong Seward resolutions were adopted. The Convention was very bannoniona. From Mexico. Neer OnLamm. May 2.—Tha schooner .Star of the West hag arrived, froei Vera Om on the 211 t; and the news Is unimportant, , THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS TEIS EVENINO sresmizzir t ox,,airvig pers-ararier TAM/Mtn *rob stet. above nixth.—= Everybody's Tnend."— "An ,street. Arrival"—" Fang and Fifty, WALNOT-87111111. TnntrAs. earner Walnut, eat Ifinth.—" The Robbers"— A ifttaband to Order." - saintiLy BI7ILDINOR, Tenth and Chestnut streets.— Levees of the Little Fairy, this afternoon and evening, at 3 and 8 o'eloetr. NATIONAL HALL, Market street, above Twelfth. - - Solomon's Temple. • lioDolmmen's fismssrzs, Sus Emit, bolo* Third.— Entertainments plßhtlf., • Psnissinorsms. Acsnims O 7 Frns Ants, lOW Chest nut street—The WO Annual Ezhibiticm. A:..E' T3E3R T.13X1 321ALTTIMI. THE ELECTION AND ITS RESULTS. It is a familiar proverb that we never know who Is electsd until the votes are counted. The addi tional returns of today alter, in some respects, the result announced yesterday. Mr. Cuyler is elected member of the select Connell from the Eighth ward ire Vies of Mr. Gilpin, the People's eandi date. The balance of the People's ticket is ohossa In this ward : 1111010 T 01:111011, Wards. ' Waris, Stephen_ Denton,jl. Willlare Neal; Op. 1. Joseph M 6 sary..D._ ' 14. Jahn Ot Ginned°. OP 3. Thomas Drottoln,U. , Bonyyl)avfc. PP. 4. M. J. DOnthertY. D. 16 elsz.f. Dioltson. D. 6. Wm. 11. Drayton. TI 17. John A. Lemon. D. 6, jshn IstoMsckin. D. 16. iv. Wsilmm . Oe. 7 Win. Itradtorl. D. 19- Thom H. DertchM, Os ft. frbeortore Caviar. D. 50. John Onds. 9. J P. urethan% • ,In. Ohm. T. Jones. Op. ,10. John 67. Ford. Op. M. &Mclntyre. Op. It, mini. A. Beideman, D. M. wm. W. DMIMMY, 0 0. It Danl. M. Pox. D. Jon. B. Jr., 0 ?: Opposition 111, Detioorats 11. COMMON COMICIL The following 1.1 a list of members 'loot of the Common Connell, al nearly carrot as we pan make it: , • . - ..... Wards. Wards. I, J. G. Nair., OP. dr Alfred Pahl OP. y 0. .. o. s as h g rr in e e r i. o4 . n•O. P. Irfoeark. OP. le. f h6414:1 ,. /4. Tre4 0, Op. .3atinti atinger. Op. Min fla N. A . tr. !hilts Pompton. Op. ii, fl. leaminter. P. sobert li•teell. 031. Wm.) on.hlin, H. .16. home' Potter. IDP. T. N. Roffman. D. i otitPt J. Fenian. op. William N. Ping. D. D. Nineatool. Op. J o b e maranakey. D, - --W. V Lippiseatt. Op. -. 3. Amite. Millar, D. M. X. moors. Op. Pdward C. Quinn.ll. IL Dr. Jos ease. O. Taman Anion - mpg. D. Mohan% Paul. 4. John J. Nasal. D. %anti Permit P141X11141441 , Martin ,D. fohn P Diem . . . avia MoLsen, an, D. 17. Ayer V. Weaver, D. 2 _4'. Watson D 1. - Nollowil, D. • 0 3. W illiam tam b. • . Oelite..Tr.. D. c John urio. tr. 4. lintirenn. D. , Wm M. B•ira. D. ii: ihmnb Moyer. Op. 11. B IJ.Wreketr D. William Hamm, Oa 1 avi P_ao •an. D. (74e rime er4m4. Op. f. A. wolbert. D. - 7.. 1 . 11 11 0 .5L it: ..... .L..- T. 181 ilm ,h vsna, ' sp. osnati— n. Jr. 1. R Andrews Op. on Williamson, D. Win ii. Inehein. op. . +yid Row. D. McCrea Op. sal McCleary. D. l i ntin f los , Op. ' 21 John D. Phi 8.1. D. • ho o sJ. Poor Op. 11:trbse P. IN Dpr.,..D. Wm . W. Pummorst Do. 10. mt. Manuel. r.. OP. A 1.. IFlndelon. Op. at. 3 Mn' pan. Op. p. D. O. Thoin•s. Op. Onn W. piinnns. Op, ,___TRA. A. Frs•rtip Op. . Wm. Vildeldt Op. W. 8. ettilists Op. Jahn Pot i o n . Op. A. R. rllOl. Op. 21. Monte N•ohron. D. 10. Wps. P. HaeSer. Op. Mnitpuil Flynn. Op. P. P.S. Prelim...H. Op P. w. Leverlpg. Op. .1, H. Bow invorth. OP. W. 81. Plow**. Op. m. J. Peso • Op. H lAimr..op. /1. t 1 .11113111 Mevarre• D. NOM. Ilan,. Op. Wu' d Lama. D. .U. A. 0. rptn•rssnod. O. llonli I err. D. ' Jonlohnn Prixdm, Op, 12. A. Haines Op. OPP. P. Adler, Op. Fdinn 'lfni*. P. John Choir. 11. Henry Ginter D. 1/. P. W. CaStrdie Ot' 13. ja ra i m I Andia Op. . W lPlarni t , /* Thomas Bsest r Op. neon. all ~,- ~ Oppos Sion PC Derpoorsts Alt Opposition in Phil U • - ALIMIXEN. - Wards. . _ Wards. _ . . . 1 canine! Lentz, Op. 11.JOhn 'hoolcon. Op: I. J. 8 Harmer. O. 11. J F. blaeober. D. J. ItroPeqt, D. Ig, John Apple, Sr., D. 4. Itleorpo core. D. 14. A.. 1 Bowed. Op. P. John Wh No, D. 14. J. MoOinnic. D. Jae. MoCaben. D. 6. Chris. El .OP. jr. (A r s og a c ti n ne iv .D . lohn B Matins, D. 18. In i tin Obuide. D. T. Oearne Patched. Op. 21..J0e P. Mosta. Op. 4 W hn ilms Elwi i Ile Op. Reuben Wunder, Op. Jott. Op. • The returns for the olty offloen may be summed up es follows.- We preeeet the total., In ►ntioipa- Lion of the oftleisl Tote, which will be announced tred►y MAYOR, John Robbins. Tr . Alsxsoder Henn, 0p.... Henry's MY SOLICITOR, A. M. Deehpit, D.• ••• ••.••••• Charles E. Lox. Op ..... . UV' maloritv.. . . CITY CO NTROLLER. John R. Downing. ..... George W..Haftr , OD Haft', .... RECEIVER OF TAXES. Tohrt C. Weller. P., Witt am P. Hamm, bp... Hamm's matrons— CC CITY COMMIBBIONER. , an t is ' in p aii: 11441111M1101.. , . 1.561 The &hotel Tote for Retest Connell in the Eighth ward Is se follows Frsoisate., Second.. —. bird Fourth.. Firth Sixth Cnyle majority 49 There will be a marked change in the complex lon of the present Councils., The overwhelming Mejority of the Opposition in the Common branch will be reduced to tieentY, there being Vr Demo - Orate to 57 Opposition." This will secure a ream. ideation to the People's party. Mr.-Trego sill In all probability be the pressideld, the .other officers being retained, Mr. Trousemen goes into the Com- Missioner'a ofilee. and Messrs. Dickson, Craig, and Riley go into Select Council. '•The eloquent Mr. Dennis goes into retirement along wlfe his col league Mr. Pomeroy. Mr Bullock, together with , the whole of the old Thirteenth-ward delegation, will also retire. Mr Eldridge. who cane within five votes of an election, will accompany the Wine teenth.ward delegation into the shades of private life. The Seventeenth•ward' delegation, Including the Sarcastic O'Neill, and the facetious and area, donate Justices, will he superseded. Mr. Wm. B. Thanes will retire along with Mr. Pugh, leaving the remainder of their colleagues behind. - Among those who 'remain . we ,noligle Andrew Miller, from the Third `ward; Who may be called the leader of the Democracy, and the longest talker in the Chamber; Mr. Ousin,.orps of the most celebrated; as welt as one of the most efficient; though unpretending, men in the Chamber; Mr. thicker ' the ‘• Chancellor of the Exchequer," and leader of the Onposltion; Mr. Cressewell, from the Tenth ; Mr. Kerr. who appears to be a fixture; Mr. Potter,the chairmen of the late Pollee Com mittee ; Mr. Menne!, another old member, and Mr. Trego, one of the ablest and fairest men in the Chamber, and its president since 1858. In the Select Chamber the change will not be as extensive. Mr. Oarsman, the president, will re tire, after seven years of MIMIC. :We shall miss him, for be was al ways punctually in his place, - and never allowed a question of any pass *neat melting himself heard. Mr. Thompson will give plane to Mr. Magary, end Mr. Parker, of the Sixth, will 'retire in favor of Mr. - .Mce Makin. Mr Gaoler. one of the most elo quent men in the Chamber, and ,an shrewd, and intelligent man, returns. from the leighth ward with the glory of having beaten Charles Gilpin in an ilpposifion district. Mr. Ford, from the Tenth, 'remains. while the induatriens Mr. Leidy goes into life a disappointed aspirant for the Mayoralty. Mr. Gintodo will rammed Mr. Corn man. Mr Dickson, a DeMormat i will Sapient Mr.' Reed, en Opposition men, while 'Col. Brlnghurst gives war to Me Welleste;-from tie` Eighteenth bard -The venerable Mr. Peters retires in favor of Mr, Craig, while Mr; Alleles:lmes in from Common Connell to oconpv the position held by . Mr. Enos Messrs. Cuyler, Ford, end Nolntyre, are the only members who held eve", fbr two more years. ' Unless the official return should falsify the, pre sent figures; there will be a tie in Select Connell on the day of orgehleittion. • No businessman be trans acted until a president is sleeted, and lines 'lwo may hove the scenes of the present °engross daring ,the Sing" fop Speakershlp - re-enacted on at smell eagle. In ell probability Mr. Pongeray, the messenger. will be retained. Mile was by the lett Cottnell, although be differed front them in politics Mr. Foagoray le an excellent officer, and Is highly esteemed by the members. The term of the pre 'sent Cannons expires to-day. and. as noel, there will be the customary firemen addreeees and con , gratulaiory reseltitions as the yearly the muntelpal drama. 'An error occurred in the election totem yester day, by which Dr. Lewis was printed as a Common Conneilman in place of Mr..). R. Davis, Tho,gr tor is cheerfully corrected. , -' Some matiolons politiiieta. ple midst of 'the enoitsthent of the evening, tlitd e dreamer Of (*ye to the door of the mayor'. Oleo. As an theteues of the geratitede of pleeinnen, we may stet* that while the eleetketnea MS:Oh TueedaY, am oil policemen , luiC tad TA , Mr. Vans, and who4Ml berth ' kit Mr. Newt lowan* Otelealdf-Hiat' r e ilobbilla was Eldisk atzpon Ur elUtek-tand:ll67 neeeno l 2 l ,„ ig:Mr stem steak theft inteatheal Wad working ' fuldr. Seibitimi*The Snakes' of stars were as billows' 11, 47, 49,1 L, 94314. ~:tri, klaywilleary"thea called JualaYsiterday morn lag by a large ember of intettlsens, who congra tulated Wagon his elution. We hope folio pardoned for reminding the Re turn Judges that they are required by the eousoli. detion set to meet after the spring elation 01 Thursday morning, et le °Week.- khan a lap apprehension of the 'swelters le elansys daisy after the May election. itothenfthe Mips thiaking Unit Friday 4,-th* Aar, ..,A-Mlfeetftee tealsalawmill Correct this error and enable thilladue from an the wards to be in inedhisis . std beisturini at the nyder time. .. .- . ' • - • The pollee returns at the Mayor's tarsi yes*. damming, exhibited the faot that the day had not pissed without its acoustomed tumults sad ri- Oleg.: About three o'elook in the afternoon, a man natted John SWIM la .esm psuy with ethers, ftli• tend the nubile house of Mr. Nathaniel Jackson, Callowbill street, near Ithrreath. and, It is said, indulged in damns mitalmet . t l hisatenig riouteir tai every ninon within their reset A Tight mened, , and Mr. Jackson, in . repelling the aseallaats, tite- 1 abutted a pistol, 'the emitufeeterlikarateellt Out in the abdomen of Swift. The wound_ is of a serf. 'one character. Jackson was taken into easlody, and lodged in the Fifteenth-ward etation-heap, but. was subsequently released - on-bail ity-Alitme- , Men Martin. Swift. wes conveyed to his residua+ in Callowhill street, between 'Seventeenth and Elehtunth. .1-; ; t_ ~. i,.1„. ._ ‘,.- -- . The returns also enumerated other ins' nor, of riot and tumult, the participants in whisk were ar rested and bound over. , On the whole, however. °outdoing the large number of votes east, and the intense feeling manifested, we may safely con gratulate ourselves upon the comparative degree of quiet which our city enjoyed. PRILADELPHIA Sootsrlf, 10a., PIOIIIOMO 1 Aeltentecas.—The stated monthly meeting of the society, was hell yesterday nerraingWat, the' rooms, Chestnut street, below Seventh, Craig Biddle, Esq., in the chair. The following gentlemen wore elected members: Jthri B. Myers, Wm. M. IderedithiWuCtirithe. lius, Frederick Brown, John Welsh, J, B. I•ippla [ Gotta Shoe. Sparks, Samuel I °Witten, Peter Colas, (of Chestnut Hill,' and John P. Crosier, (of Delaney, county.) - The President stated, on behalf of the Executive I Committee, that it was probable-the society could 1 1 get the ground at Poweiton, Twenty-fourth ward, lei bold the Fair wren 26th' MA, end 28th of Sep- I timber ; but it yeas not certain, as Mr. Howell had some idea of erecting a large paper factory on the, , ground the coming spring. If he, did not do so, the 1 society could get the ground ; bithif Mr. U. con ' eluded to build, other ground _would have to be selected. Mr. Biddle further 'stated that the committee - bid .ttaken , up ' and Ulepted the premium list, as far as " implements and machinery." They intended to meet again, and finish the liet,when it would be reported to the society, probably stile next meeting. , Mr. Spangler inquired if any arrangements bad been made to meet the expenses, in case the exhi bition should prove a, failure. , In his Widen, it would be netteesery to get it upon a large. male, and he was epprebensive that it mien not b. sue easeful. He desired that some of the members should give a geireentee to meet the ditelleastr. in ease the receipts did not meet the expenses. The President, Mr. Biddle, said that upon a for mer exhibition there wait atiehA guarantee given, and a subscription made, in the event of its lidig needed ; but he did not think it would be necessary in this instance, as there was no doubt as to the success of the proposed exhibition. Mt. Sheridan thought there would be no defloiency ; but if there was, the members would put their Windt in their pockets and mike it up as they had done before. He said the society bed greatly increased in number, of late,: but not in efficiemoy. He thought this talk about a failure of the Fair showed a want of spirit in the members, and stigmatised it as "email Business." Mr: Spangler did not think it "email business," but a :natter of prudence to loolete the toutiagen- ales The expense of putting ups fence and other , matter, would run into thousands of dollars, and it wee but right they should knotty how seek heavy expenses were -to be met before they contracted them. r • Mr. Ingersoll mid the society bad plenty of mu- ney to meet the &tedium should see occur, . , I Mr.'olemente did not believe there was any An ger Of failure, if the exhibition were held on the ground selected." The- State Society, with 'a poor exhibition lait year, had made thousands of licit -1 - After SOMe farther remarks the subject was dropped, with thinetierstandinithaetint arremmr ments for the fair will go on. Mr. Ingersoll offered a resolution, which wee adopted," that Mearb.', Craig Biddle Dr. King. and Dr. "Toraddell, be i committee telimmiag report upon the peculiar mettle of Alderney cattle. He said these gentlemen have been selected be cause they were probably better acquainted with the subject than other usembets ottke llobist7; Di. Jennings . V. El., presented M • ':be soc iety a fine' specimen of " bote, ' tube,, 'Dim the Mommb' of it horse. He law in • illeMention - a description " or the : - ditistalle, both in? berms and' beef - eattle,and explained the, mode of treatment" parted" try vatettniery 'entgeons. He said the "bole' were. produced from the Mum of the 4 . potrflY' which, were dem:sifted on the hair of the horse when turnedent lathe Tringyt of the year to *shim. The hares'esould ar the eggs front Ms bide, Sid they were dem veyed Into the stoesaelr, where the • .‘ animal" - (as he termed , the "bet") was developed, and it sower times ingteesed to snob en extent as to' stop up the natural passages, and destroy the lib of- the home. The horses kept in a oily were not liable Co the disorder, as it affected only thole which were turned out to pasture in the country. The " hot" wu very tanatious of life, bee found to live_for hours after removal foist the Wink& of a - horse, and immersed In turpentine and strong setae. This shored that th e pr tuode of treating the disorder was not by givi ng the horse time powerful medicines: Mi. rim les, becaule atuirowid oPsin kill the horse without killing- the "hots." His mode of treatment was to redoes the inflammation in the stomach, if possible,,and expel the parasite by the bowels, whim the horse would recover. , Mr. Millburn asked Dr. J.- if the eggs could not be prevented from getting Into the horee's stomach by,tbe owner remarrying themirota the' hide ? Hs bad meld a knife, er razor, and' Out of till the' eggs from the bide or ihorse. Dr. J. answered that this would prevent, to a certain, extent. a horse get leg the., eggs. in his mouth, but Will mune would remain, in spite of all the care exercised. - He said further that the i• bets " were natural to tie horse, as the eve tilled be developed in the stomach of no other ant. mat. He also gave a description of the " bots," peculiar to heeves,,whieb was an insect which einuated itself in the back of the submit, and penetrated the skin, which caused the cattle to be come poor in flesh, and Infester - in other respects He explained the mode of treatment to sure the disorder, and at the troneltudett of , his address chi meeting adjourned. " Tau STRONG MAX MACE ACIAIN. Last evening, Dr., G. B. Winship, of Boston, gave another exhibition of his wenderfebikill ~ ,at the Musical Fund Hall. The midterms was 'not so liege as upon his first appearance here, but, never thetas, - was very eeleet. The feet! performed by the DootOr were the units ii those anon his first visit here, whiqierers described- in The Prom at the time. They consisted of lilting 1,100 weight of kegs of nails, sestaining,with -one hand, Tee pendioularly over his head, a dumb-bell weighing one •hundred and eighty pounds, raising him self Up with the little fi nger of his left band and the middle finger of his right, sad closed by raising up,and sustaining upon his shoulder a barrel of flour, weighing two hundred and seven teen pounds. The feats were well and "cleanly" ,performed, and were greeted with much applause He appeared to go through his exercises with more ease then open his first visit, but complained that he could not conquer his exeesalve bashfulness at teeing an audience, notwithstanding he had, ap peared before the publie or eighty Hines within the last six months. . - O.ItOAnIZATION •Slin — Na w Cirr Govlux menr.—Meyor Henry will be reinaugurated on Tuesday next, at noon: st the'rear 'end Of the State- House, on Independence Square, where the oath of office will be administered teehins, probably by Judge Thonipson, of the Commion . Pleas. .The new City Councils will. meet on the same day at their chambers, 'Mr the purpose eUergtristug. .The old Councils also usually meet here on the same day: Previous to the organisation of the new Councils. There tieing a tie in Select Coate, there will probably he some Axing up " of things" in order to enure en orgehisatiort. 'There will - very likely be -a compromise *etyma:the two 'Oleic', by dividing 'thee °Mow of thepresident, clerks, and messengers, and the various committees. . 1 TUX HANDEL AND HATMX SoCISTY.—The annual reunion of the eiremiernroithisiociety took place en Tuesday evening at Heade' and Haydn Hell. A number oflidlei MA 'gentlemen 'weri nreseet, although the weather...prevented 'ready from attending.. Retorts - wets read after which the members enjoyed* collation *VOX was *reed lo the banqueting roost. The reirsertiset the off eere showed the society to be in a flourishing condition in even' reepeet. ,_Specelme Wine made by Pro.. femora B. C. Cron, M. ef. Creme Maisie Burrell, Street, Paul, Heisler, Sparks; and others. Col. D. W. 0. Moore delivered the ennuil address, - after which the company adjourned. . , AMOTtlatt Rica BALL Ctuit t v— B y: of base ball, the Philadelphitess are not_tchted their sister cities. We are glad to announce the forma tion of a new club under the titieof,tlatrMetieenttle Base Ball Club.' They , layed" tht third - genre of the season last Saturdiryi"-and numbered , twenty five members. The members, consist" mostly of business men. Thie follo*lng ars the officers President. Wm. .B. .Trump;„.elos midden; Ed: ward Grate, Jr ; aseretary and treasurer, John Zebby, Jv. . - GAA.WD BALL.—The Zottaiee "will "eve ati Inauguration ball at Musical Fund Hall, on Mon' day evening next, and from the well-known cha ranter of the mantigers, we predict- one of the most agreeable reunions of the season. Tickets dan be procured at the armory of the company. northwest comer of Fifth and Pewee: Each ticket is accompanied with a medal representing • young vivaadiere, and bears tile inscription " of inauguration of Philadelphia Ennui " The me dal was stamped by Means. Warner, Mickey, & _.:.::.u'u'ei Sii MO SS 743 Citylei. D. 0119t0p. 110 318 • 113 • aff Wit lW 313 1,780 ' 1 217 1,217 ' MeaTING or COLOHID PIMPLE.—Last even ing, a meeting of colored .people In favor of en. denting the (tonne of Wm. Still, In' regard' to bil alleged libel upon Mrs. Wills, who Vrae in this city a short time since endeavoring to boiled money to purchase the freedom of her, eldhltia, was held fitter, a long and stormy dieciation,. resolutions approiing of Mr. stilt's tionraivrere adopted; tot there was , much opposition ihenitlisted by a °mud datable portion of the meeting. AOOWKNT OH THZ FiyiNeTLYANIAI4II,IOAO. Yesterday - morning Jahn ()amnion, .twenty seven years of age, e flagman on the Penneylvibla Railroad, While stepping frOnt ono Mir to another while the train we. in melte*, near Paoli, Cheater , ° " lnt Yl m , isle d hialogiirg and tell off on the aide of the-taltwl, fracturing bits right armadmitted badly. He was brought down to I L e, : nto. 4 i' aft,. 44 I OAITTION TO Tramamiso-:-Yeaterday,. a woman named Ann Riley, 45 years of age, residingle the rietthhoirbood of Tirenty-tret 'and !Filbert etrieM, I r 6 + ll *grand, burned by her olothett taking art while standing 1q front of a are gram at her res l 4 B ooo. inlocies are io *vire - that' lk=re foated'sho will rot recover. - She wee 41E8'1044i Peoleykvente Ifameles cannot be too clii 4 4l - 114 parent'avatiot •=Aat book rl 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 101-be., *eat eit Aks Poolda gmartele. akiK' Z l.'7 Cheatnett, on Tueedny s oneteg,',Wailaonentaingar ' ' the dietitian retinue., aleagemost Many wellentabould be emialid boy they fetek , mleaellatteene monde open oeswissa et cat ether apettesseata. , Amami? Jit Coon litin•—rliioW 2 401 31) jeers,: was itheittedlitii tbe rat - BolVitg lildfireilifr Mel I dijlltAkkgrtit:'--' bum on Ihe bee.' vhfoli'll 'Markle premature expleihne miltmaiet was at work, on Taeaday, • loaf imp reabkraw Lammas: easailty. remayhmitt ie = za Jima* man Nu a unt• and thaw 61mm/be uPeg MR for igallParT: " fits Guitar liointit.-1 fair II now be- log beidwirr - are toi be appSell *tin": Ifeapite3 ta at', Jo lima seterpeeidneeke is ewe le • Irak& aboalal be homeward. mit somez- -- relliftnll no doubt Witt NW fair, art eentathotii ". • liberally to floe higidy humiable undertaking. Lsau, sraillassigme..—DeaMip 00,111.-; Mee Nun. -icsaes ai..8.11111121'd PetiTs. is anion dee prosabew saterAdsasast wan enekeled for ' *Motif rargalja. LialsenidgpliMatiC ilikllafar def., leaSsat. wm. M. Parka to the *or of )oelith MOON s• 6 hedee ltilegarso C 0 inintlaber gegoogeow o poor., ari to:limpet Br mason of parties yea 'sterol kir d n. ethadant. Davis for platataff; Ifieeigoed ter defog dar Joehait B Barra. Jacob Weed. Weakiurtoar Dips% kaomben Prise irePayal B Rambla. A passel nese tn 1.4 t nodneat' Taw df for d( raTtal raw gliT6dr; 84;4 Jo* llohlar is. IL Kirk. an ewe* or Crormr movie dantegeti W 4 1dgMbidd certain Weeks K rit Whitt elallirrff eat att fa" thehave gees r4eltaggt merle try . edh e le it arWelt the marble. as Oa anasialorassd *mit wee the orogen, of plaint" • tigt diefepdoet ens* and gold elm same. Jury Out. T. J. =woe Ter skaamr east' for defendent. k. DI TRICT ten Ts. C. W. Robieltimgrkitragrrignig tend nrigricaturdr. 4.411,F40. Vrir It/ohn Craig wt. Gamy* W.flegt;ianth''aewor vbarcer, • sesaasd. segos to. roomier alms- money alleged to have bees direntotriventh me. Charter . *holm, *rote broker. itttrrohitgoire teetighelelli bg ofooto the oogrt ontprod o iron-fait Mons Red htotntirre for plaint'' , J. Bebop agates for, West Phil'idirithia Belliting and Mono' AflllfietlkliDa va. Retort Denny. is woe on a hood for erldlilQ, Ron &flamed for the payment of it GOO wires -by defeadent to piamodre A Nasal. of MIS obbelo•ri• t biew•t!l&" tient. D Defence, Montt Of Ogg tinte- &Dona Of tag' - bond 'mooting • alga halareee.or • Wolves for plaint& for Nog& Aguysien for pw a sur s ,c;oo • Ad s . ger for defendant.' - 7- 7 Casa. Wormi Ti. Edward Carl/RAW. tolidoe of B. ct.,: P. Lisle and W. C. Paw bas oa ec i lloa of rostra Crin i rst f itrs t M g eo v=st s on? Aye for in armor. it; value drools, VW. Milo% lot plaintiff; .Thoo_perit for defendant. Beale:inn H. mesa are. Chan.. A. Brown. AR neaten to mover for goods sold and delivered. On trial Blears lege for plaintiff ; T 4. Clayton far derclitgati - Comfort Priltrie-rifeline imdlow.- 8w& uarter. Lightfoot re Cartes, TWO caw, havotriiri the Po ne past 'in each ease, ware tried togeter. Thai mere feigned Lena to teat the voltage of awhile drredia.. hire out. Letabwortb uiropstartr; C. Brewster for *wa des& - _ t;c . ;xmoi feßtina.44llwlrisifeas Jan. nlation ',LTA's African Itstlaslektmeh. Itaftrrek Matted. Jury out. _ _ QUAITILII 81 , 111I07111—Iadge 7101/411100111 OM* AIM= Sk•lly_fted r ream I, Itiorelli came up on Ilea- Wu venue The dereadeitte nreoherged with creating • disterbance at tee Coeteseatai mobe4 tonseti*e full Mort of Thoth stipteired in our ideed Miami At the tinie. After the teatimes! of thelthineldf rbe adidatia had been sins. lawn, ws• oedema ow 41,11 in the sem of SW" and steFell - or Ifs *resent both were remanded. - r - • - - lAtitelf-,ftollll Nellt 101 / 6 leerremendenee at TM, Praia.) _ Etier,YOao, ,11151 - O, The eannel,eleatipa ad- trainee of Ihe Ws. 4, Bank-mai Company_wsi held this alienation,- and resulted in the choice otitis followlneAgentlemm : Tracy B. Edeon, - beilab Wright, Charles Ibipae, Samuel H. Carpenter, Marley, .1 - Danforthelki• ward J. Danforth, J. Douai , Bald, Babort Dreier. and B. W. Edmond,. Edeon,;lW.l, -Dan forth, Draper, and lichnonste wir•Ma in. the Lout - last year. Them elsangee„,orill, load to a Chime In some of the °Seers of - the enisipanY - 111 P.Shon will doubtless be-prpident, "_Me his, frfoliett o** ' set, been the principal -•mamejaftsibbse , ci- The navy yard' at Bretiblja'bilakitewci ems „. of unmet activity, iik*eftenci'l - of - ilmi' tiQpf of orders frost :Wpahloiltonto hale tai United Stabil kistrier bact4ready,for pea in:ternereeks. - She Is to - promed immediately : mud' the Wks tsk",,— Panama. sad Quint covey the Jerome At bee-. sadors and shim berth to theiiimites: - The Sieger* had just been roofed 'Amer at an expeassed about six thousand dollars; and is as, sore reedy fee Na then the day atm was litenteltad ; hat biscrlethrlty of the agleam, sod the reimposed Iberia, an upon fora prompt ballthnent of tke • Oder: . The demand for steam ire engineer's tepidly ea Ike increase. Lee & Lased talemiaw.asestrwtegL ten, fire of which - are for - this Oki arid .tiflCte.. - `•_e reminder for clams elinwlione. They have also re- - eently received orders for eh! owe, On Friday last the new steamer built by them for Southwark Company, No. $, vps reeelved Mat :appeopeiste ceremonies. Pretteded by Dodweetk's fell benl, they marebed thseagit semi! prmalsent deem town streets, and .bietqfht ,wp •at , company's home la Ana streskrwherathintienbitiimmEpts; table were prepared is homer of the wrest. This company was ihe Met ti , fatrodese- the double -bank, or_ Philadelphia style 'of _ .gins, which eMited grist opposition and indignetiort at the =ttar flew- 'ear •drestme, *seek exCklunes ' proved the wisdom of their aeleklon. 4 :lie lit. oonillet between Elliott - and tiara Academy - of Deaden,- groWing old of the fonney's ".mating_ net expalition„,goee m the stadia I bear that *r. B. has retalserllebn W. AakMead,-Itier, asneetassi. ealthif einveselldy mute et-the 'Lair, as - the ,AmbilStlon of Om Am; detiy will be Blond long before Slims* can be cot to a jury. The old meraters of the &Mobley have beoissne quite animated *basalt,: emit anN with few exceptions, and those of no account, ea the tide of Mr. Elliott. AND COMAEXCIAI6, The - Mauer Market. _ PKILIDI4/111A. his" p,1119. No imesteetbreinoreirent infancy stooks kids ads- 'ration to tin sleek. runlet shuis, for ltd. in.rstinent securities, is exiisedingly dull. - of GOD of fiats -firs* sold et Ø. denten of from "mime suoietiong. - , TM, it•tr issues ofeitY roans field et ilLeggf, sad the old it SI ',drums Of .44. Readmit /Isamud shares fell of l(, and Ai char !kill Navigation. preferred, K. The money ;market is unehnased: . Prime messed paper sells et 6 to till per cant., and lizsbelses sinste name paper at 7to O. Nunes tees known sell et ti to le per out., but the wait of cot fidesee.,whieh still lurks in the mimeo of eapiteltsts, Tinders tin Paper - of hewers that suspended during theorist" almost ism ansble A semi-snutd dividend of four parsing. has been de clered by the Sisk of flenueutoinu, , . We ri ti belo wa statement of the" basineleof the Philadelphia Custom House for the wank of - - April. - rale tlati. to Warehouse April Mt.— 81,4687C0 4734111: 1101.380 Werehou'd fm (main Dd. "LOW MAN XV kV other distrts. Utile 11 773 49.567 Nelthden for eatinumPtion 221 4 -160 - 931 9 " 9 8 tremportenon. 97,061 /end - 7911 arportetton.... 8367 r IO • este In - WszetrescitenLlL...: - Pawed or oneeemptlim.. 34T Ne IN OM *Les Free mdse. entered • - Mai 1113 090 - - • "DITTIAD It2CT.VIDD: Vlla.- ' ApriL . cif - ,j 111137 Sai Prey. 3 mos.. 1.074 BM 4MI dirt,on 111113,679 aU egg - 824 alg 911,C4 The following I. the coal teenage of ibie Sharocana Valley and Pottsville kallroed Coseptar: _ •„ Week. Year. For the week ontllng Apra V, 223 12 94.07207 sum, Uwe teat 15 93,5153 TneTaaN...... ,~. Amount of cool &Wooed by the Wyofrons CraPilPPia ppiay from opomos of oorfratiou to April 30, lffler . EAU TM, tieererie io toeuruis in M..- - " Tolls rsoaivedis 1810....,...-... . —.5543' .10' Same time Jut 15er..........—, 7,5.11 18 Increase in toile received 11118*....... The decreer* ia *nips is ow* loarevigneon nirt otenien mesa: Ma rear se Met. . PHILADELPHIA STOCK FiCHANDE (ULM. • ALS7 2 1860." 1111802220 IT S. E. &Atm mum. 3T4 Walnut Street FIRST 'BOA RD. IMP Penns wod do .....66.a. 0414 1000 do ......sivn. 1 1 (4 000 City 62.- , VO do . /02 ' 300 new.l 04X ate Ca) a Go. moo Cam & Bta 2000 Breen & Ota-FITs: 81 SOuOElmß7aLtmtre7B - BohtiNse 185 w - EETWEE Pen% sc • . , -- SECOND 100 Peoria lc • 2d71• 94X IWOdo rota loan .100194t1y L i 4/ . .: 0 d0 , .-:......... , SOO City f a..... - ..rew.lo4 1900 n ee R ea... pi io ilea tollvid-ot R. 441 K , 8 Spruce 8: Pine-stR RAI - CLONPIO PRI I Ind.. doted.. Philadelphia6o..lo2 1191 1 i n. 111 10234( Philo ft.: aew..10634" 100 Penn , ' AI Ng -I 94. X te:dint R -It 4.18 24 K, eading 144 '70.. 81); 92 ad rotas '44... UN 1001 sad mt WU., 7234 71 . Penns W..dryoff N u t WU ConORIM mbb 87 ~" UN torris Cal eon.. U lo ern y s Pglav p i M II 3 4 4 74 9ohuyl t4avlm to 79 ..,_ Bo huy I RSV BBL'. 8 WC ••• Philadelphia Markets PEILALILYnIas May 2—Ev The storm to•day has interrupted besieess, and there is very Hine doing in Breadstuffla. The export demand roc Flour continues limited.' and abuit 400 blda rood in perfine Bola at $5 WIN, at whioh rate hob:lore are free sellers. The trade ac- buying in a Small way only. at from R 6 X 4 to 06.40a7.71 bbl for superfine extras and fancy brands, as is twilit.. Rye Finn. is steady; and he bbls sold nt Ott& Penns Core Neal is trap steady, and sold at ifialle" bbl. D sale of sOU bbla Brandywine waii made on prints terms. Gasia.,-Whent,ss moreigleaty m day• and buret" are holding off for tenter price.; about 1100 bushels only have been sold at 11360 for prime red, and 1700 , 175 for good and:inems -white. nye is unsedtled. and tel) hue rattan told No. Corn is ;WI; there is not Muchmf faring, and 1 000 bus • allow sold se no, gsum th"la srn nchanged, and 5100 bus have MIMI _Stladieled utae 400 u for Pnnua. and 44340 far Delawara.- Ban 4.-Queroitron is scarce, and ,4mm for Oat No 1. COTTON.-We have only a' 111111ted •SitajallBll to note - in this article at poev.ous quoted Glocsaiss are held dem tr, lad a aanaanoinun d ung 'in &gar mid alolainea at auotatissa oaresa - at cues c0...e. and SOO bags Lae n.yrs 14 on time. rioVialoNe.-.10b• desossa tat Pork and Bacon OCia- Zia n • limited, sad - d oss atasatbsr ausy, In 'seven ; eats ire hew ot ot Oa= le auks IL - Wadden* at tnt dO data. f_Lard. a Small sale eras maenad tqc for Dole and tea, Inas; time. essoa-Th• liesnapd for Clarempted is liatitd. cad Prillee4woreh $475 it be*: nothing doing is macaw or paiesed toaltdr vastradAysa WAISIST masts was a steady dsaand fthe - r.""" 'are ; Ohl* kls'Usolt at 1014 issesranuda laden% dredge Xtdu , allanothaiiet Pires 4IP _ Illiurkets BALTIMMIE • Mew eia-.40 to, OYU ItIII IllaPik fie (V aaigt..r 444 e" 4 414. 1 1 3, fr PG W II ? , 111101,7 ins 4e osi ~t gehyl Nay off— . - I gleam Mead . W. 17 'X Emma Z..... .. • 1 Pewee 373‘ Grn tetiet .Inte Valk let prf.. 5236 NA Read 8.. ! , ~oeah. 17X 136 1,P-xamit.ote Bk. fu IBk o el Amer.. .IMM moiADIC lON Leh1gh00.........30444 be Etehubl Nee erf..". iiiitektli GlAt BOARD; .160 Pe n n ietst R biro. 11 37+1 1a k 8 Itarristrurg R.. . < . . 774 4 - do 46. 7 4 17 Elmo Coates IS. 24 10 Leltigk v k _ia Bahr,. ti EE-STBADY • r_qhoyl Now inf.,. 'w . i( Weanort& kl R. I Winspt&Eß T im h t N 7 Woaset&ilß Sim .. It Long Taltl R. 1174 LebbtioSt &Avow. as 63 W'North Fenn% R... 1371 9 North Penua R 63 68 fax, Nth Pettnaitt 10a. 91 93 Cll33rista t Cats 13t. mt I di... 30 39 Lt: & South R.. 73. K. & Thd Ma R. 44.14( 4454 & Vista eta V 29