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'' - c_r-i'.; - 4 -MY . 1 ":" 1, 7. , A 7"A iliA•iiii-0-71s - Tc7 , ,, s ii - i" 4 - ~, • ,, g- ; , , :; , • I& c.~ " ,: ~„ifilKyi:' ; ; - `c:' - : , t . tt- •%. ' ?Vl' 4 ""'' 7 , 'ttill'itOil: c ',la,-..2— , 1,&- -.4, 1 ' •'",- " 11itlailikc-4' ::f44,141,t,,..-', 40 # 0, -.,.-.,-..-:.-,-4..,,_ k5.0.4 - !tt f :lxw - -y,.., ,, , ;,„„- -„,,,., f •,:• - •-•f• -. . - -,:; V*,','-'.::: , 'l'!‘' " -***, Iti. - o. l .oitithi„ V - TW,,fS s , f • , • ,- -:: slo t Vo ^ msliiik*StOSt. '-; --, '"" - !'''11 ' ~ ' Ailii: I' ' c-44444:73••0****rti! iiiii - - 1041010)14',0401 1 # 0 ," V :mot:iw.ljrk_w : 44A-4; ..„. „ ... .4: :(ofil_c . so , : ;-- .141• i4lol7l*~..4llS*Wifit#4.' i -.- ikiiiii,iliaitt,4lo . soo.ll,...l4o4:o:: iii.latoWikli: ;O:(0010.**;;Vitry . ! : - _•- - -.= - 1,-- - - , ' - ',l= 4 ' . 'it i e t i ,y-A, i ~.1,',-„7- . .rair-,- -, u0, . - g:Tiiptibki.)4iii-ilit Rio Grande. - '.:':'4..tiiiikiiiiii*'4ostaviestiosiviikyk er a i i , - : •, , 4 ''l4liiiiio -- ri"iirni.d 7 .tri-ibeit- be** -.40, 4 4T "- - ,i,...,;,., , , , ,,,,•-• 4A .. -ItitiVAltio" ~ e ;, ! — 44 h 'il: - .0-41 11 :104.A1 .1A. , , • ''. - ..7**** - 4,4,4 - 4,A:A , :bikwookaligisic.ti,-,,,, -*cic:.itit*** , 9oilhOiLiff#o.o:4l. 10 4z, -tiiiiii iiitiiiitiot *WitildC44. - tepsas44‘o4 ; , A inoiteribillakkoilio*Ait* 0,04i0t -, 11,14 - itilifitiO liLiiiik K.*** 0: is:' . :clailitVeletraki4,l3bita: lioii*- ink lifi'Ora :;' tl'' ll M 6 ''ki ' ett li t it ' A lt° # l 4 - ?;!'CP.,...,...ttrifot. :: : : : :lidireist***3,*W - 994, 1 • :-.,, 1 :Sil.':' '- •-• .' • ' liallEo4 ll4 sooiCiii ~ ,'.'4 . .. 'T ;7' 2.: tjitaii# o*,,* :a keililrt! ','...`: 114orgittii*****!:0101i: -. 1 ,,...c- t1 ,.„ 1 ., , A...., :fiiiiiikli4W4 - 4 .,,, iiiiiiim? lli • --.-, e . -..• - '-;Pi -4 ' - .tiii! Ilidsiiiiiiktht - -. _.ty: -. y . _,t ' ' - - r"` - '''..,', = i -- *ltti4t Wi l ihisici ;..k..?-. , -470 , 44,-4'., .iiii.kar j - cmiehedi ~,7 , . - Ito& ....4 , 0*, ,-, ~ - -1 4 -. 0. -- 4it.u.iffo*Oi:ihiidliter; _ Or, -i , - ", , ,At5...7., ... -,- -fs' • --i --, -" ' 4 -- '"' -''' ' ' 7 ttirri; '',':ffiliiainNlPNlOnlitaly!leAtti, .1011../e, , ~,. V4)4:o l o# o ,lYi i ,Mttaltil, *TIPA,i- ' -1 - -' - - 1-44 ' , Eii6iiib , , iiraNsfroooo- fr o --.4- 4 1 gr i t ' . 'll . --' ' -: ' $O l- ' l ;' , '3C i r.P - '17::; i • ~-- - - --. 4 14 1 . AkiatiiikilasimiatiOlq‘ ,:,, : e: -- , - ; , •„ ( 10 11 a..t*.,...4.p ~ tti0v,0 " ;, ,, , • - , • -, 1 1 1 4 - Wthoniiii list ; - -iNg sotte, i..4 fr, - , 2tigirsisw*.nrite,. .......of*".., ....7...m.r.r.,7i , TS ;-, t s. - tiittrgoaki#4o*lcriptwol ---;'„•:,'. w:Arpoir__ Lvoi."--koeioss..:n ._:• -1-4*--**A,;, gig, WARION:::0. - '44t, , :tl; 14 4 '-'-? '"'“4l7lCTtOki*L'arrik:Alikr: 11,:ki ! ,10e0r-mcg r ,. 1 - 4iiiiiolo,oo4 1 04 1 00.11 31 . .*: 1 - 4 : 4 ..."! 41 4.1 . -- ' - iiitiittgriAitiii-thi*Oollats*** 'ioteritte - beisit -lOW *ex** i• iiitr*Ait' --, ,-_, - i-• - ' :3 4 4 W4tili f thiiir ast * 'oOsetii)*hrtijaook:*7 4. 1**40 4-' • rill*Ottlel4* Oil `.:-2.,.-: ‘ ,lo!' :r ' Aiiiiiic e *44lW,:tth,sA l t-P:7,4 1 1 1 ,0"41 ,t ' : ibijk.l4l.,*ll*---"4041111-.4-r"dl. •`: : *:allit4lo*iimi i , , biti***ll.ooo::_o"4o/0.01,1"t!Fli 'O4:OE-*. , .*14_ a . r. ...._,„....„.t. i *:/ e .... t li r l , ....:t, f::.;[•:_.,101WPI*;:::.--::',-,:, of ': , •• ; -,, ~ ) v .: :, 0-...,‘ . 1',.., L -.2. , ..., -LI Ac • ,* A 6' W' '. c - ,f..- - ..' :- -1; • -; '•l- : •• thitf#Pft_ ' 11 ; 1° ~- ; - ,, t - "' : ;- . .-' -‘ ."oiA.-'.'it i*,-10)1Ni;b000liorisir,T*Wci f.;:fe.:f.,iiiiiie.rililliite*-;*hhildtkill*fi. ;ifolicidar.l4,oo::: iultiosillimii It". 4*.irrjoioA f of rktlik*O3fife f theN=iii . " ' ;'"2 1 1 1 04.1, ..I , s,42Cftalrkn".; 4kr ''.,iliciaif:ii:p ,r.lc';_i' - - . 14 0 1 K10. 11 ,01,7,!91 0 ":0 8 1 ,---.;:-.1.1,f; .ttlfiiitiklr,-,500M..**,_.1 ~f, :-, , .' ; q:.:1 , - ''• ',,wit* , iwnwiitshosim* r.... 1 M r. - 4: - ',., , , ,, ,,;Niiiit, t hi l , 'iiiiiiiio Ali :..idisorpayi .. ' -':'-''''..- ittiti` :iiiiriCiiali 4bi li e`AS::fait‘i,-, i'l**c i o il 1 *,,lstitiailiklighiy*::;o.o4toctog..::ll 1- *:;ropi-0040r,,4014,1 --:'. •''' . : l-- ). 1 4 01:**,t,:v. ftl.'l*l ...:: , .14 , • '- , a - ' -1 4 , 444.1.4i - 4,•,,: - .4 , i'.0.it53 4 - 1 ;1 ,f4 1 W4 . # 6111 :5 - f t*Mi tt-1 01.=, ~ 1- ji ,-.oiplorimalaissiow;berimo. — ":1 1 :' ii l iV,V l o l b#-' 41 04N '4!# - ';`, 44 . 2 - 1. 4 ;S i ' '' ie i ti i # i lliioi4if t:0k441,,0f..0200, 4"7 #l_#,;- ;;H ' ' ' t4litti', ''''''' 2 901 11- 1 4 V*. - •.; •. • -, l *-t7': i= ilr , trt? . - - '" jakiioifirnitaioo*(***).l**, ‘"'' r7ci.;1'l";::0j1!.:.,:•-,'_, - 0' s.— „ i --' -k1 ,: 11 -:r.**', . t - * i: e::ti:i,_; N , ia.l„-.,* " -. i. , ' ~. o 14ui1 k . * 44640-,,,-w:*i#;]i*vlloli44*4*tj..lt.leolu - --.-. iiiiki4oi-M 4 5111: 4 -gray=r ,l ii 0 , 11 t 't 43-00k,k:SoO7.Bel!?,/,4.l,Z4rl1 0 ,bldi,-fll e lt ii 0 0. 7 , l i , -'''-• ---;';''''''.• 4 :- 1T4,5,-4,4w5i1i:,tv.--.1.41,--z:3-4A,i,,p-f ..-., 2 ., -.7 : ,..,,,,, i , .......-..7, * , ~ ., . ,•--,--2 ---444- 1 ,4,-*- 0 , 0 - c , 1 : ,. ..,'••-,:::-4 , :r•Z‘-'‘,Y, ~.-447,4:' - ' ' . -,.F: ‘,6-; 5 -,1, • P-D -- , c .-3” , • . '- .-'7 , ' ; '-'c. - , l *-?'`. c ..._ '-'9.4Y4f , _'.)„., ..461/ -19i ffriagial l es 4L eirf* - -44.14= fit.N,-:::-.0q:iS y1:.f..1-',.,.:f.:;.i1fe,..?",-,,,,,:w-c4 ‘,P' , , t e , MMIM tA-VgSl 4 W s 41Y-14,iike*. Thetms, 701{,QM CH Tio I eIiSR rtr 044101 .20114;. • : ,g 4 tralt s VAS eltetprfi: pr,Ol.llOT- - ;44 , 'ceTrofit -stags. OnAt7lllll TILTIVATUN. iwi4wl4olllintNo auvxieax,DPlNMTli 'lO It ire.6o4'iTil - • - •- - • • tool H w „ , 8 rcill4f,qPM,Alt.Arca`Gtrraani : • , ,r7 o.ottiOrtilittDOtifitAS.-' ORME , ii,',4 - • . r 4, :',3 :,-, - e.r. , ;:,: -, trkf • - •' sus moon= A.Z.ILIIINION MOVEMBINTI! `Alsailism, Apra 30., 1860. tit•04144. - *oi*lyikj'ilo;4iit.*ixtz;s;= ;•11:1110itqweal was andebyilie !ftforllY er Mei (noble. .214Nsiatell imayedag that mild 141 bid iiYtiioat.dbdtesoe{e~`tt .04 isrtrp.a- the Mitiaette of thaih , «Itutoci ild/h(ti,i,roll**e,'°b°ll4ll4(ll7ltor; 'fig* 04 -est* Nibs iriaidmv smog: gtelij bolnrveribliftw 11111e0eareatIon • :02,440,0 I ; -Mei elatat , Ahat , sav hat itstaietio* to per -1011.41i1C41 1 1aa'aitaial• alai, 004 10`and that abal at a / 1 1 tikhlt kils.:, , ' ~ , , • ' 5i,f i 1,F1 6 4., 0 lowilo,'matfp.iiiti 4Ani :, .afkadtbPikiaiitin-m i alitillit #o l ll l # l *.* ***th#o l6ll 49 l6 " 4ll , 4-thaaa ' aiad ' iiaatadulli 4lo -adaarit7 Platform it::lr' : 61 104 1 0 1 ,i,i fhi gas* ' ' ' - 4iimapist 4:miss Ditatesete here item *o' 111.**#110117 by 04 **ark deo* 4 `i4 4 6 MO* pciiiii'littii7ifu - . 4, i'l !Pato" ~1 6, 6 ? a!? aaaa!!taahtok'aa,d,,that thcilatibraj adaPt4 44* ftii`mitiwit4i l 3 4 reiiiii4o•tii•'»iii airmi, at thi-ahariftts: rrirly hi tirlk.u.si tiAileffitti: , -:--, -., 3 - .-,..rpsitaiitimmisitssesteamiam** , ilia' .04th4 lizi_ ra_ Oilioii44o. l iitoliiim s o ; risitoi '".4 1. 0ata4 ithiptisok sot sized thew to alai *O. il jt-Ri li g. , . ta4;1 141 .17 dth ii“ portion , 4,,thiataigionank tilielesayola,: *lda tile had: Ysfsliailirn*Ks rasa pi Oefteation. ` 44,1 ,b F4a. by the ;moist* ki • kijklitaleiltAataa, ' 'AO dal - rowan In th. ',.._00 - 0 4 *„„ ~„., . 2 ****04 71 4444'pt Iniito,.; —." 1 4 5 0 441 as the Presidential etadidabs; iii44:**4 *ii)f their "‘tihes *a* not'eopl- Ali via iiisimuts*wilidewir. ' - - , pis believed that tai Beitueky dtdegaittat win warmly piss the ateminstaoa id Grauus*. and that tha Viell!aladahlga,t will'oittanti7 - ange the ao: ritiatlea of Rhona * Wilily:,' !, , , ! ''lt,a , th•- trh4' Sc . lianas, *llia° DO 114 ' '.- 7 ' '11. 7:7 i Ithia:7 l ti '', arc mat;at an Mihitaiala 47, ‘ the - wad* tordey, be Owe It idsta dtmod4ar tietiliest. '" ' ' T'1;; - `4,8114 - ::ti*:11E4,! ,„...-,..,„, _ Ttrildpiri-POTlll , Ol#.OOB d.• stop daigitob 'fast '1 . '4,4 1 1411am oar oirampoadood at 4;11frorlooloa `Cti 110-..4(bilg6t rOgOlt /1 4. t° - ' ,O l / 4 ; 11 0 ‘?" 4 "' joak 1M IIS 14 mast a sokally_ of zgoatallty , ll°4llPilrithao Bums party ;Nentlf , , Wu* .04 -New geglasdd_dip., /*.40 4004 : 10 Aii,i4 th e , 04r4 .:warkisterit. thix "swot meompt4 rythirg , . - . ~tr w Y•l44o, Mai I * 1041141 . "1" ‘ 11-1 04 J 4 4111 r! " T IU Sf!OlFl44*" '11•1114 it lin Pninielvands lar • 'eonvidne wtar b ionn-' = ••• - ••: -• = - • 040.;'.14010..i 0 100,. , of. .easin ; -Mr.: - 1:046164;414 anew: holders, •fliesind- , to-iooli t -:lnr did wit Wilt on _ •' ;ZO*1111.1101! , 111iit,,ariOso141,g an hinnonno r „ rs.s.;ansa bane - doliverod by: iticangis). Iliftlioatk:+ll4 other: Boeithinc- States. her ,Odddrits ore xr•ilysti •with Node • of the 44 1 4 1 0 0 4 1610 14 '4 ll thi erekeTi to, the Littla Giant by l arge tieatorNei6, ,31r,..8a0rr, ct Narita:id, said that the:Oodidee tart., by thole 1. 1111111 : 1 4. ir 5 " .4 # 611 r/Pl l , ll l l r. pc'traul• Ohl wares to destroy V1 4011 . 1 00/4. 1 51 ,- scothutted• wair : :oot ti-eowleda, that auk preThavaela to ' ; ' -; • - , (4"-ssornasert add triki tio tzstoadod to 14,0?* kit , iolttkors • ftliimaii in tio oournation bi /Mite toiliti.ti; viza that 4 .4441118 1 11 !", 11 ‘," tiger o.aopt 01441/61/Ii iii l l llo r l 4l ls toe t tali ' weld boys !iff?F l. ef the • 4 , . • 0 1 01 wag unwilling to " 11" . "i."6"l"lllf"ariffeli• eV ningrin ;sown batik, ilsoy &nu maw wilhoat suy 10011441friiii Dc, fir!".° °PP*" , 1 4 r"!hitiri! thq 40UL. iistuoinioil on by the North, wad aigfifti :Rai= by' *la anti Um Mends of : 14111 fte4 ' *OtM e ifi l l I TI* 1 awe sbsld to no 7- 41111 ".1= 0411.1121° ' 'easel Itannow limit withdrew blo tomologka •AA VPP- 1 0 1, ,4 blik.M oll o ll ja OIL cikr 1 04: 160 :0,1: 4- taw Wi14,1 Mate . _ - yaw' wool it i ,A4l l i;l;loo*. l l4li ' ,f44o l o; ll4- wlthiladHOithslisiisiGai D i v d l .4s" l bs . 8 . 0111 " I ' m/ di° hit, ("end lig: ?OK* Sat*: `Si t,,:1 1 5, 1 4 1 ,0411:,,i#14.4* AtOket INStintra, of fiAliii;wifroripialt, or Mika. wtql //'?' ~..#;-0-41 0 4 01; •Vioi POsidgeit. grim= isjimisi bi thefirforfta.., • - ~.--iii iiilmOont: ,i4oprilloCall ,- - .11iiiiiiesedi,•n,— , beitiidilin the dotwrTh -• ' . aiditibautorir, .dif,pliY- ',....--,•7?..41:".11-,,•-'• hi the South' rim *woks ~,-:.,-, -•'-• --,-- „.... - ' -s.v-• f1e*,.14,,,61-I,rFv rillipfq.• -;.---- .-:;.,;,-,;-,-,,,,!*-c•AT i*:i• ransi.• sq - -,•kern gostuvros vo sew eleutetialin:o3o, rke trectias9i carcro 4 , 104110. ivlivastakui baiite ply Ibt. daysisik,leisisonsieedoviallaelk ebets. ,—rtiodeV" ' V i A l ***4l# 1 4 ( k0# 111, : ' - • - : lie•Wai a 40*.h.risitesithiedialc Seeleee; plisesistly slllleeliVikel Om per z'a ~:4 # 01 4 0 4 - • 4001 . !akigethekeeffee ,theigei - sue ilketOieletbseeeetbst tie Je 4. 3o o4 4ecesetbw , 'lt useY be * siebOli WWI tbacikai Omellesese tlQl ewe be iike -mbeer- r " " sulu7a. I'M ' put- Me4o l -7-137iii ii ,fvoika dot the aentobb de, itiod4 b• "%ow witch '''''' -101°‘,a_IdL117,die; tit'ltro: b 141 6 .... p. m - test 0 -itolloo', ---,-- vj - ihi-oiiis#nsN_t;,'4ipeptt or `Nor - ~*--400114.-Tnrp.- a widen 0 0 _"...',,,a,iii:. simimoAnd"r 4100 k • ' ' -/pro rf '' -7 . Ji- ~.,. L., .'' .!"' -Oa Gioriti iiilL ' ' • viamsl44- *it 14 .1,,,:i Eth e *Wm ttstio, ~,,- "- 104 Ar&T‘'•-, „ :: ~ ', , "I VO ' ' 'titt o =„ , r '.-64 ) p g ietitide at , . . - , 4. ihr NeYer.of ,%p, flpi-: r 4 ' l "" . - AIS.“-. idgiti H'ilbell , of :4,,:41....e -ti_ f 411,,. .lo i t z o s ivptfiunt ti 464,:-hdloibli'lW 1-d lesun rositiLi* billii i ii* I. ki The Demotrafr Cory 'll .. , 1 , 4.-ef - , _ • te:, . _ 1 N. Carelbsa• virierlda,i1r! , 21111“01011111112 Mi r tllllllß, astf* - P•r*l•ti. IC" fit*See. • NORTH CIABOLINA .101,YLAND STAND P/Rili _ GREAT - EREITEMENT: Threalioniir Carcass - Delegates Re fuse to Facade. S4k;01 1 8 HO IVtilit,OF TliE hoLTIMS Douglas to be leatleated_ea the First s 'T BIRO, CONVENTION ,OF THE SECEDERS. piokirison • and Stephens, TRISSOOSS MISTS TO ' SISILTS 'oollo2EBszaw. [D141 , , ,Timiti! TO rre'A§OOOIATED PaxAs.l Ciatt,tarett; April kcs 7 -- The Coniention met at 1 ID 'e'elook 'this moitleg, 'and the puneediegs Wore ' 1 opened wittrprayer; - Mr.' Cushing, the President,' apologised for the harsh know be nerd during, the disorderly pro. oeedings, Bedard"; evening. However,, he had 'eonsidered 'it' his ',daty to speak. plainly and' pod'. • ' Tire IPresidett-annonnood' the first buelness• in order to be a vote oh the maintination,whickwas the milmdtate,olfered by Mr.- Butler, on behalf of Massiohnsitts, Mintitteta,, jedians, and Neer.Jer. sey. (*t:Bilabial, promoting the Cincinnati plat, form; puts and•-simple,lith - resolutions for the' protection of. cittsent of foreign birth. . I ; The vote being taken on the. Butler platform, it was reeted by , nearly etwo•third vote-,..yeas navel ' ' • When New Jersey Wile called, a 'delegate Altai that the-Convention appointing the delegate/ frame that state had recommended them to vote as a unit , The President decided that tbe ; trord ,f 1 reoomi mendi!,waa equivelent to an, instruction, and the, decision of the Chair - wits appealed Nan. - • ' .•• A motion to lay the appeal ot the table was • ens 160, nays 145 , • • ' • • • ^ e q don then reen;red.en the; appeal :from, the dieron - of the Chair. • _ A vote by BMUS was demanded, w - ,htalt ;resulted —yees-145,- nays —. The deolsion.iras - therefore _This result toss a gain of two veto; for Do 41 in New Jersey, and Georgia wiltaleo claim He right to vote by distriet:,,aeOther gain of two votes for Hoagies:. • After meetly en hour, spent In di cussing points of order and.various parliamentary movements to prevent the Convention, from reaohing . the, maid Inflation, - Mr.Hatler, of Maisachtuietti, inbred to ley Hui 'whole subject on the table and proceed to a rote - for Presid ent. „ • ,• ~‘ 5 [Cries Of Agreed t; No I No 1 ato.l . Mr. Winthrop, of Allbouni, contended that the motion - of Mr. Butlerirli out of order, and that the vote on the platform mist now be taken: • ' Mr. Clarke, of Miseourioras unwilling. to Torah atesult- by subterfsep that we cannot rasa' by plain dealing . , - - Mr; Hitting'', of MarYland, attempted tozi address the Chair, but he was tallied to order. - - ' Mr.-Butler withdrew. ids motion to lay'on the table and proceed to balloting. • • • Mr. Gittings, of Maryland, renewed the, motion' to lay on'tbe table. - The President Wes about statien' the gantlet, -When a voles - oiled Out : Mr. "President, a Mds!ttmeond that man's- motion down: there."_ • • ' s ' • ' Mt. Hitting role to demand an expianiton. - He Would like to - 'know Who - It wait that spoke so tilareepeotAdlE of him: He claimed. to - be a dale• gat? from r itirilTioper imp, end mid he did notintend any thintdisreeportfal to the gentleman ; butbionarne wag Tom Hooper, of Alabama. Mr, ()Mtge. If !mutt vias Intended ``the. geintletaati wiH oil at my room and take a' drink.' The question, wad thein taken on adopting the minority report as a eatlctitute for the majority re=, part The minority report Was atopted—yaaa 1115, Mr. Flournoy asked perm akin to' make a per; sonal explanation, declaring himself, for Mr. Dort glu, and unwilling to obey the, instructions of , bir Butte to leave the Convention In dose the minority , Mlwas adopted. question then recurred on • the adoption of the minority platform. • Mr. Alba, Gt./forth Carolina, gated that if thee! minority resolution*** adopted, he would be corn-. pelted to abandon the Convention, and &coon tot nitswelf from the Difinoustie party. [Chem* from the fioatb.l - • itr.-timalabnij o of Delaware oontendet that the prdatible to tbe minority resolutiria ooniroverta the Oissinnail platiorM. [Cries of rorder.l _ Several gontlinnen attempted to *peak' at the' to o f *Mr votes unfit drdwnedin the uproar. AIL• Butler demanded that thequeation should be. An • t taken on the Ant part of the resolution adirm lug the Oineinnati platfo rm . nit was avoid to ' , and the Cincinnati plat form. separately was adopted—you 283, 'nays 70.1 rhea.Mi was milled., Mr- Glenn straw , and, voted no, declaring that itilimiaalopirpetteVier the Chreinnall platform, a. elorMned North and • Panel, was au'esqueltdat iwiodie: Via rot!. was - The remaining half hour,'up to - :: - one • o'clock, was; 'peat in dhormaing,the right of the Georgia delega., ties to vote hy diairiets. • 'Tae nedditit haring repeateli aamoli Hutt the Word ‘raqued," in **Doe of Georgia; Is extui.l fvalent , to a providon Dr inthnatioa •to votit•as as, r.:fisirrird, of Georgia, oppealod feom .the anal-1 ilea; and; whilst a vat * was being takes, , WlMdrow, " Mr. Briggs, of. Nes+ York, now that' tho Cinein= nett platform was adopted, moved that ail the be: lanes of the resolations be laid on the table.. Mr: Gittlegl, of Maryland, rows to inquire whe ther ha bad Won ruled Out Of order *haply bedana he came from a slave State. [Cries of order !", and groat confarionl Mr. Gifting* continued to proclaim himitU from. a border State. • ' The Chair stated that he had not to 'his know. - ' ledge , 00lled' the "'oilman to order, swept when be wu clearly out of ()Mar. - . ' Mr. flitting" replied—perhaps so i • .ind ; then; added that be bed not had the honor of meetlog the President before Oi Since, 1840, when he mad. -the' moat 'violent Wh ig speech be had'arer beard. VA," of -*Mara. • - - , • Mr. Stuart, raised the point of • order that - the motion to lay on the table wenld carry the whole; :imbleet with it., , l!reddetti.dielded that it would net carry, the Cliehiriati 'platform; Whist" had lost been; - Mr.. Gittinp rose to a personal explanation. Ha , diknot mean any tomtit pr Anon to t h e Chair by; the milark thathe had.iirst seen him at a Whir meetlng_making a Witig speech : He honored - sush men. He honored - my matt who dared to be sfle. carat to Mamahselitte.- • • • • ' • Mr. Taneepittf Alabama, said that the motion to lay,tai balite* Of lite minority report on the table is oak of'order.-as it is equivalent to i motion to •strike out , but the tilt which would btrelehrly oat of order. , ' The Provident deelared the motion to lay on the table In order. ) . After tbutute had continent:4W, Alabluna, MIII. destred - qo withdrew their • votes. and , Arkansas , witlidretr three of its votes, all Wady; *Tote on the subplot, - •:. Tba rosnatwas. theia announeed—yeas .84 nays 11W-ec the 'Mere:Mon refused to lay the balance at the minority platform on the table. ' The Otiairtsithin then proceeded to vote separate. ,ly on the reeolutioni. • - • • , Mr:-Browni,ot north Carolina., warned gentle. num If they adopted these, resolutions, that the Vintheratle pasty will °ease to inlet as a national - Mr; • Stuart, Of Michigan, rese to a question of • (Meg of bi the Southern rumbling. " Riebardsini Minole, rose and desired ,t 0 addrimithe Clonve;itioo. —Groat azattetuant ginned; and dm nonthern members deitandid @lambdas of appoint of ord.:, .downig to tkear,,fdr, ~Alchaadion, and crying Dim do. - Mr. Rlehatdion • maintilbed Ma posilloh, and 'great anxiety Wail manifested to hear him. • lie madelsrlital attempts.* speak, but, was 'called to Order bji the Nhelimppl and Alabama delegations. :nags Ruh, of Alabama, demanded that the Ootiventloir praised to vOO, And, that no other temineer be tlllowed.• • Mr.' OmMune, et Nair York; asked a suspension of the rules, to allow Mr. Richardson to speak. , The motion weedmiared oat of order. • 'Another half hour was Spent in dimudinvpoints of order and privilepd questions, at the expire. -doted - whiell a yobs' was taken oh a motion to striki out.the preamble and the first resolution, milting to the - bred Omit decision in the Supreme ,Court, riddles to slivery. The ,Mbwisidppi; .4116iimi; Arkansas, and 114. ride didaptions refsuied'to 'Vote. - ~ - The delegations generally went ant to consult, 'and the rot s liras- fi nally asnounowil ow follow*, yeai 40, nays ISO. The only ayes were New Ramp shire,l Manisediusetta, 10}; Rhode Island, Connecticut, 4 ; Pennsylvania,,, ; Maryland, ,24 1 Misiottel; 6 ; RentoCky, - 4. ^ - - This 'President than *unnamed that the motion to strike out the preamble with tke GM resolution was rejeeted. Mr. Butler -- Pitlidteil 'that :tie 'bale*. of the platitirm be - votedon without dividern. . :Mr.. fibtart, of • ?liaison" demanded; 'that' a separate veto on 444 reeOAMOU should be Wien, A vote was _then taken on the resolution to pro. talrftweign-boninttiseut . Misditdppl, Lendslin a , Tikas, Florida , end Mime docketed to-vote. ` • • • , , Ibiertewletion 'we/ adopted unailimonely: ' - • ;,A yeti. was thee taken on be Paella :Bighead swthatieti,, which >ties slog Aulopted, with only el/01 VOA! !e'tlteitegetivt.', - Th e "tee litatee do. 'alined Toilet. r • - - • giee toffee of his Intention to move • reeetukierstiotiAt this Me, with the object' of **whit% Oelitontie hijeining the Alibiatuvmove. , , The - reinitining resolutions were then voted on snattemively, the same btates declining to,Dote, and 'A rita:was voting out three votive. ' ' rof the theoltations were then adopted , by nearly a ummitamas vets—lette p 72. The *Boothe:otitis platform. as adttptad : Rine; of Michigan obtained the'floor on a motion try- resoniidir - the rusolutione, 'and pro. deeded to address the Convention, oomplathing that while'timeetrir his , side had given a reorostfulhear 34•f41..titgoatit,they, bad not been snowed to Is, our rd. ' Me,' atid Alton' who sated With - hhe‘'hati`a Dever ' , to , . agitate ' the sidled "in and out ti ftim , sl24l they had kept the agree. itteet,, ,Xtmu ready tQ,yleld nuateror, property'for putoi end harmony, but would never anent to yield honeriu OM:Wed of him by the Von.' Mr. Taneey"replthild - liotrie length, declaring that CongreN right to prated the•PrelertY of sisreh,oldereagalutA *el encrostahmente or Ter. '1 111 ; Witietien...ltherevir it may poor. , , ,Xttair.C'etwved tti lay th e motion. 16 *loon ? "` ' ' 9n th li t ( 0 4 042 . 0 1 .1 0,1 the Previoussinaltion, -„ • • - r.., falser, et we:Alabama delegation, ,w,e9 m 0 44 ettelollitel4 that he bad a easimualeatiou -from his delegation to make to the Oonientleni Se Mthw proceeded to read a statement and protest, givthg their reasons for withdrawing from the Oen- THE PRESS -PHILADELPHIA, ESDAY, MAY 1, 1860. „ volition. Be alwillutiScilt ih t. * l 1 4 ,1111 4 a ty. the 00twention-ot,tl=l„, the dokiateis otAt ...mono • itneeaw, no Cony other !Mam lion. a aUol4:4o****l,44lt lb° , Tho AlitheznaN 01•00 to tleitort, *belt Mv.r.knft' M Ittitteriseistia.idatott that the. delegatkm thatiMittiVsinthorised Mot to deolare” that tiatiadelegatlOn'alio:wlthdrylft 4 1T-90:4!".: Vention with Alidattatt: ...! Gov. Wni:Mtilatoiti - of- Lintistana,'Stitted that he wed anthotitiedio state, on the phrtnf the delogiv, lion from hit State; that they no longer retain their mats In this Convention. We have heretofore de. dared that tho.Dentoorationarty was harmonious but we are now parted, forever, separatintou ciple„lf Melds frees tier* Stile" vacant jam In fighting the Black Itenntilieens. etincli ded-br stating that two of the delegatoirdenllneti to join the majority but that timmajority eontende that ea duty are Inetrisetid titivate'el dunit, no one bee power to cut the voto.ef /hate aftev.the, leave. Gen. Simmons. of the South Carolina delegation. read in behalf of that delegation a paper protesting that as thtplatformdidopted Is .in contravention of the principles of the Stitt .o.inventkin, there. fore the delegation withdraws, with the exception of three of the members. 7#D. Mr. Glenn, of Mississippl, delivered, on behalf of that - Stet', iepowinfal, and eXolting address, tell; inprthe delegates that In less than sixty days they will Fee a united South, noting In coneert. [Deaf; ening applause, the galleries joining l The time will orme,when you will want us. He "anemia by giving notice that all who sympathise with the retiring States will meet at St. Andrew's Hall loud, night. Mr. Milton; of Florida; on behalf of the dale; gation from that State,,presented their protest and withdrawal; telling the North and Northwest that, as they bad hardened their hearts and stiffened their necks, they partetwith them with' but little regret. He read long' protest, signed by the whole • delegation, and • refining to allow' any others to oast the vote of the State. • Mr: Bryan, of Texas. sald'ho had long' looked to this result. After a few remarks, be presented the Texas protest; declaring that a. persistent* in the principles deplored by a mejority of the Con.: vention will taltimatel dissolve the Union. Mr. Burrows, of Ar kansas, on behalf of that de: legation, -entered their protest, They cannoacon; sent to plate *'sound man on an unsound platform; and express the opinion that the chief of the squat-. ter sovereigns - should recelva.thesondrottlen. The protest Is signed by three et the delegates, who protest that no, one else shall mult_the vote of the State. " ' The Georgia delegation asked leave to retire and commit on the question. Mr. Olttings, of Maryland, again created an ex: oltement on the door. in an attempt to make a per.l sonal explanation. He was requested by the Pre' sident to take hie meal. hfr..Merrioir, of Illinois, addressed the Convent Hort, assertiog that thee° delegations were wlthi drawing their States without consulting some of their delegations and he proposed an adjourameni in order to enable th e m , to properly consult t gather. .• • , At the request of Mr. Russell, of Virginia, Mr. Mer ri tt. temporarily - Withdrew the moiled in order to enable Mr Russell to say a few words) Mr. Rtlllllloll then spoke for Virginia, erprersind deep sympathy for the Southern States, and asking that,an adjournment may be made to allow of con , , saltation. Mt'. Bayard, of Delistare, then, on behalf of him self and one of Zia colleagues, withdraw from the Convention, He mime here to join in a Convention of thirty-three States, nine of which have now! withdrawn ; and be refused -to fetter his State by, partiothating in th e action of those that remain: Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, said that himself and a majority of Ant Democratic delegition from that State ere not tow prepared to act. He asked leave to retire to eonsult. - Mr. Herd*, of Illinois, moved that the Contralti lion adjourn till ECOlOlock to-night. Mr. Cochrane, of New Ifort; moved an adjourn ment until to-morrow morning. Agreed to. I. The Convention then adjourned at 8 o'clock P.M. , after a continuous session of eight hours. The exolteinent In On olty very great. A salute ii preparing in honor of the Southern: delegation. Tie seceders *lllm:et to-nfaht, and it is ex- meta diem will nominate, Adr, Diokinson, of New s York, - for President, with (probably) eteplens, of Georgia, for. Vice President. - Maio 14 a:inst.:hirable feeling against,lbrie of the South Carolina delegates who retailed cede: North Carolina stands arm, together with fdaryl land Virginia and Georgia are dimming. the expedli nay of a withdrawal, and a - part of their delegates, will withdraw. Kentuoky to also oontralting on that matter. Douglea will be ritnninatet . to-rtiorrow; nn 'the. fret ballet. It is expected that the Oonventioni will have some dittienikrin obtaining a 'Southern' candidate for the Vice Presidency. • A DAY LATER FROM EUROPE THE LATE PRIZE-FIGHT. The Supporters of both Mtn 'Disiatisfied. Failure et Liverpool Cotton Reim 00$80L8 941x,94i Quinine, April 30.—The stamiship North hrit . Mn arrived at this -port thin morning, bringing advises from London and Liverpool to the afternoon, of , Thursday, the 10th, reoeirsd,by kitten* er4nrn Hon fte m A s tr * , ;AV& ties amounting to upwards of £lOO.OOl itadhig . - Lonocar, Timrsdity.—The late_ pripe-1104 attroit ed great attention throughout Englibd7 • , The riforee'e,thatieion Wadies to the future hat net 'yet been Made known. ' . The Tithes seyethe sappoiters Of both lin hrr diesatieded, that a driers' Washes been intrattawl on ,• also, t hat Hantah'il Meads' had mowed th e ,. referee to' Stoll) the fight - • • ' Li4einot , : - Tbandly,4. - -111- o Stbiei=-4atel , two , days 22,000 bales:--Tka quotatkitir - are ise-; obanged. Holden are preening on the Market, Bleeding's an buinsatiaad Cora hai *depend; Bd. PlOvistona gonara3l3 ' ' , Prodlioe'ilow Of file, but prienunalteteit Loanort, Thtuaday.—Coneols 941.04 i. Another report of the Liverpool market btatea that the_hnporta of,Cotkin on Thanklot were 17,600 bider, end 70,000 for the prevlaes pan of the week, °' •'^ - - . ae r. a ppa. - - THE FIGHT BOA T_ OH4tMPIONBItiP, - . The rumor, that the Eng lidt champion wool. have been defeated had the fight beep allowed-to go on is centradioted by the London Tema on the authority of the referee, who states that they closed the conflict only in compliinate with She Wisheasef the Americans. When tee ring wu -brokers the referee was forced away, and was outside the erowd which gathered around the oombatatts , whlle the last three or four rounds were fought. The Mends of Heenan insisted on his return to 'stop theight, claiming, in aooordame with the riles of thifring, that when the enclosure was broken into the embst should cease. They -therefore made a plunge for him to return to the mot and stop them, whieh he acoordingly did, in spite of the wishes of fejere supporters, who were confident of his winniag In a few minutes more: • - ' ' No other hostile ,ineeting ever tabs place between the two men, Al the .eupporters ef each consider that the courage and endurance If both have been suifloiently proisof,tind they, wit there. fore consent to the late centre being oonellered drawn battle. - • The Times, in a ,leader on -the great *hi, re marks that . 1 nations withofit treat qualitias mold not hare brought together two men willing to pan through such an ordeal as the tor:ibis fight of Tuesday." „ , Pasta, Thursday.—The Nonstetio of this morn log itatetthat the pamphlet "..Im Coalition' toenail an a pretext Tor worse masonvreS, and tudelivon to maintain a feeling of Megabit.* orti GO public mind. The law does not give the Goverment the right to atop the publiattion of aam_ptilet con taining ; no particular offence • but the minister of the - Interior biti brought under the ,notkiii of the Minister of Justice the Bourse fluctuations on the occasion of the publication of the pamphlet, Le Coalition ' " and a judicial !wintry will.be Throe hundred torsos have just named 'through Paris, having been purchased ha',Englatid for the Pledmontese Government. • Commute, Aprit 18.--A. Laity arrived yester day et Armed.' At the banquet - given In the even ing. by the Governor of Arneol, a tout pis drunk t 6 the Empimr , of Prance. M.-Lefty speared it the baloony of the Governor's house, 04 Nag a staspateh - annootteins that the Buiperly estd /m -inus nilltridt Savoy May or Jane nest: 80e ral bonsai were illuminated on the 000allon. A despatoh from Madrid states thin aimital Ortega, the leader in thii_reeent Oartlitlniurtim tion, was shot on the 18th inst. 4 NASLICS. • The Minliters of England and Frames higo mended interviews with tlio King, butt° day beaus been axed for their reeeption. • . This .Poses Patio correspondent thaw thiit the Sicilian Insurrootion is mons tortoni thsu,the tele graphio noooants would haat persons to imp. OBt A. Lord Elgin id to learn tor Chine on April 38th, LONDON MONEY. MARKET—The „kiln News' eh, enlists of Wedeimilay eyeless' sal r E IlLieeetdA4o4l with the antiolpathmir r eased yeste Vole "amid the million and a half o tea note. or wpm lately withdrawn fro m _ the Hen - Of 'Enabled an NOW nip or the discount firms, were.this day rester io that enab ueblaeat. The fonds yet,. feanial, oted by the , caller apsesrapee of the mar et.. to theafterzioon4a stimehts was given by the annonnesinent it the restorse.. tion of the. Miming, eases of eurrenei - to its - ordisary resting dmososelltdad With a rep tat s oonsiderable amount of gold eadjsten sent in bon , aid an advance of per cent was finalyestabl shed. - , oupplyy, of money, today was most T.tte best short palatal* discoiantedat {Rea IF emit.; opt in other Vogl t 9 1 ' peat, and upwards must still be quoted. At the' Hank the demand was noderate; the improvement in the exchange& hiving aimed a agle lion of ediltind for gold for the (*Mined. Nin e ty-flue thousand you s of , the LL19.000 by the eiffolk was tide day pent Into ant. Any_forther impel, will probably be similarly dealt with. The amount of specie engaged lot the gad by the steamer Onion, wbeh wilt Sin Qil Friday, Mai much as £62,637 In sold, an the reeidtre in T email 'learner Ohms, with the berm/ . portion of the pgninsulsrand China malls, pot ink Slrmonth. on the morning of the 19th, short of Mel. Ste ,experienced very heavy gales cif the ,00ast of .kottotat mud in the 4), FRODUCR MARKEt — fuler fiat of ma moms) tierces. and Irt Mb!. Oahe, telt a law lots ware sold at *igen& ed. -Coffee, at prised. only rinasi- Oft hse been offered, which sold at stesdrp 0 r— the tales are going rather elussiehlY. previone,prl oeip barely reststamed. - Moe firm, and bolder* asaing ma motivy, Saltpetre—a little dons at aD:u; the r pMVlous rates. 'fallow steady ; the !Lot nal April delivery tits May and June Swift Od October to December, farm at Ila Mans. ' DatiViun, April 30.;—Last eiining, Andrew McGinty' stabbed and instantly killed Thomas Shaveland. MeGentrwentintotasvaleutd's house with e bottle of liquor and wanted him to drink. Shavaland referred,and ordered higienty to leave. 114 wont oat, but loon rammed with a knife and 00 =1 1 4 4,0 4 Ises without uttering • word. Shave Siod died let th ree reinutee. t The murderer was captured and lodged in prison. The crowd wae'preveitted.fwaW lynching the' Oriel:01W The coroner isinvestigating the facts. • Conflagrattoa at New Orleans. New Cost,ssaii, April 36.—A tirk warred hire yesterday, destroying fifty small dwellings in the Third dietriet—Loersloo,ooo.' .two-houses in the Fleet distriot: 'Loss $5,000. - - New York Bank Statement. Newlroise', Steel an—Tbe bee* 'sentiment. for Die Pitt=ek ober rollowint ril3ltV ' Mr ° kiirrOc 41,030 Do. deposits.... *71.000 ' Immo* in spoof 44,0011 GREAT RECITIRAENT, FRANCA'. murder at Denville. ' JlLaye Later fr al nil , - • ,L4P.T • - 414r 3 7,Wmf 4 01, 101014inriomi. Air'• Aniint i 30.-2144iiiiy66pr#6,40 6 , 66 0 601 6 :000.on tioaaviminiffat 20thispiind 1###*,41.7, mafaufthi trip Inside Or. ton itor•es brofeht handred:and Sit 4440 ti Ina 6 , 0 tittratrials The ittearosblp Golden Gets lerrivat tea at lien,Feareisto on the 12th inet: - ' The biiik Orbit sidled from San Franoloco en the 20th, for Japan and the /moor river. The steamer John L. Stevens sailed on the 20th f or paearoa,..with .400-passengers 10A108,. 'I/atom /0d 111,382,000 in rpeole, of whit* anoint $1,237,- 00 It annthrhadibr'Neol , 7 • The overland instil left on the dune dnywi th7,ool/. The find pony express !Woad Onion Velloy,on fhb 12th Rut and the news was telegraphed" end b i abliehod in San 'Francisco is only Woo days free& IMO- t ocean, creating unbounded idthuslaftnp 'The' express was delayed by the Wash's snows, .to., bat , reaohed San Francisco at 1 o'clock on the morning Of' the 14th. 'A- spontaneous aelebra• Son of the event occurred In every town the ex poised limed *plumb. = The Legislature adjourned at Saoremento, can: non were fired and bells rung. The multitude at San Franoieco received the 'Sprees with bonfires; toreh•light uraeassien;themilitary turned ont, and fireworks were exploded In abundanoe.. The Governor bas approved the bill malting op• propriatimm for a deaf end dumb asylum, the State Reform School at Marysville, and the State Orphan A sylum'at San Francisco. „ Rills hate been pissed authorising San Fran disco °aunty to issue $1300,000, San Mateo county $lOO,OOO, and Santa Olin county '5200,000 of bonds Jo ,aid of, the railroad, from San Franchum to Ban Jose. Also. the sot authorising • Nevada 'minty to loan $200,000 to the Sacramento, Placer: vide and Nevada railroads, Butte county bee voted a loan of $200,000 towards a railroad from Marysville to Groville. The Governor has vetoed' the bill to *pen nine reads over the Sierra Nevada. The veto was aus.. tains& _The San Francisoo bulkhead bill was pausal but Vetoed by the Governor, causing great rejoitings. Adetfort was Making to pass it over , the veto, but it will probably be urnameestlfal. ' John O. Bell, the member from Eldorado county; had died of the wounds received from Dr. Stoie. The Senate had petaled the trenaoontinental telegraph bill,• siting the bonuses as previously, stated. , • TRU SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS.-Trade tinues dull. with but few fluotuatinus The rods hini heen rendered Impassable hr the rains of the ea•lr part of the month, and freights inland had edvaneed to - 4• - orbitant mfrs. consequently there wee no demand for Bonds from the Interior. At the 0101111 matters were im proving nder the COO 'of the better condition of thei reeds, The Boleti end Shoe trade was oesrossed, dies were quiet et latfo. Coffee bad • droop' d'a little,: but closed brasher. Tee Monks bad again ooncientrated." The best WO sells at Itigo. Coal unchanged. Dry' Goods doll end heavy„ Staple, as last Quoted. , g Fish oboh_srted_ramo dull 'Pratte:Mill - aud droopintr.i ow. new ' 3 u o . incloiett-SYruns tendins downwards.. ails-jobbing stile. min unchanyed Protrieions--Beeon• mm pork. $18.751 Wear $1160012: mime. SM.' !Bunter dull at !Me for. Isthinue. end 100 -Mo for Cane, Porn, herd heavy and lower. Moe nominal. ,Forelen Brandies bold huller; American lower, ttg; Aloolvd 047 , 4100 d to lOwdtki pure Quints. ; blew Enslind Rum better at etc ; Whiskey heavy at 40e4Rio. Stigma -Nothing ; tandem,' unfavorable. Money rather easy; sight exchange on New York, nes: Vic premium. Markets by Telegyaph. • SALTINOP April XL—Flour market tmoe ttied t ROW- , ardistreet eared without pn Mwers. Wheat deport.. quotatMns Seto lower; white 41 yo I so: red 8100 •IM Corn native', white ann rellow_rfArrne. I. row stomiateady at the *lnner quotations. Whisker firm at Not .axelmote on New York!{, per emit. premium.' , ?rem New Jersey. [&arefroondenem or The Prom] Hors, Warred oo , N. J., April 27, 1880 4orrove or TED PREEN—Dear Sir : I 6110 In all statements in reglad to the vote of States at the Charleston . Convention New Jersey is placed op posed toludge Douglas. I believe it is generally conceded that he ie the only Demoorat that can carry the State of New'Jersey this fall, and think: our delegates should proclaim themselves in favor of the "Little Giant" of the , 'frost, and the act would be approved by a very large majority of the Democracy of the State. ResPeitfully, 8. 4 Acanzwr or fflestc.—The Conoert by the fe male pupils of Zane-street School, at the Academy: of - Made, (with the assistance of the three Profes-i sorso comes off this evening, and will-probably be, a very -pleasant and agreeable" performance. Wei have not beard to what purpose the proffts, if any art& be aliptied.. ' • ' Anomie Noiron.—The attention ot purohasers . IS requested to the large and ialuable sisortment of boots, shoes, brogans, men's and boys' Swiss' and padm•lear bats, braid bonnets, cloth oar, and patent oalf skins, &0., do., comprising a rare as-, sortment, to be peremptorily sold by catalogue, on *credit, commencing this morning, at 10 o'clock, by Myer*, Cis/horn d Co , auotioninms, No. 232 , Market street. • tom" Gen. wumed simt arrived at the Girard Rouse, In, Ulla City, yesterday. He appears to be in exoellent health. , tr H E 'C I T Y. AMUSEMENTS TEM EVEN7ffe iimar t er a ! v. Ctaß.n.,tt iF . l l :: t .itil :T c7.vn ipe tei.geltOoetoroort..", WirteAltorgigil.3ll:jl4gr Stilnut O. ware. tellll4ll4thtinnaStripq. Tinth a t nd Ohmitent.streots m 0 0, 111t.t . le Faits, Unit allensoos sad sysningi' 13110k11.41110 k' • Etolitim, o, fir Cilestwat apvet.—Chsober Contort of die atidelagohn Quin tato • ;lab." MaDemoovem' GlA4urnts. Ammo atrost, belay Mid.— Betaruanments PzintetzvAnu-AdaDzillY OP rist Awn, 1026 Cheat _nut stnet.—Ths 17th Annual Slits:Mum Mutants 611 D ATTER - ft= SOMME 11t , TEM Ntaaraanrt Want —We gave, In yester day's Press, a brief account of a horrible affair WWI olhuixl on Saidaj night, in thellitiethenth ward, where a colored man, named James Whitta ker, out his wife's throat, and afterivards attempt ed to destroy his own life In the .ssma manner. The parties resided on America street, belOW ifor ris, in a house of s, row commonly _known as Brash Bow." The cause of this tragical occur rence was believed to be jealousy, the husband having for some time past suspected the fidelity of his wife. The coroner held an roddest juiteiday morning' upon the holy of Mrs. Whittaker, When the On of -the deceased, a lad about eleven years of age, named William Whittaker, testified that on Sun-' day evening, about 7 o'clock, his father struck his mother on the bead with a chair, which knocked her down. He then cot her throat with a butcher knife, causing her death almost instantly The poor woman tried to escape from her Infuriated husband, but was unable to do so. The boy ,instantly ran out and called for help, when a colored into, named d'oretniab Williams, came out of a tavern near by, for the purpose of rendering atsistance. The madman seized Wit- Hama, and a desperate struggle queued between the two men in the yard attacked to the house in the effort of William* to take the knife from Whitta ker. The two dually rolled into a pond near the house, ,where it la not unlikely that Whittaker *mild soon hare killed Williams, but fora colored woman, who, being attraoted to the scene by the unite, Pelted tt atone 'and Dena Whittaker, which forded him to release William,. , Whit taker was, finally, arrested and looked up. Both Williame and the colored woman who came to bia ream were examined before the coroner, and cor roborated the statement made by the boy, with the 'addition: that when Williams - entered the home, Whittaker,was trying to cut his own throat with the same butcher-knife with which he bed killed his wife The Jury rendered a verdict, that , the deoeued same to her death by the hands of her husband. , , _ -Whittaker is about forty years of age, and his wife about twenty...4U. Be to represented as a quiet man; sober and industrious in his baths. lie was formerly employed in a brisk yard, but has recently been engaged in whitewashing. The parties have three children, 'two of whom are boys, aged twelve and lour years, resided with them. The wounds of the prisoner were' not serious, and be was oommitted to prison to await his trial. THE LUMPED TAVERNS OP Tins COT? OP PHILADELPHIA —From a list published by the City TfOB6llTeT, Galling upon all wimps to whom tavern lioenses have been granted by the City Commis sioners. to r oome forward and pay the amount of their lioense on or before the 30th of April, it , ap pears that there have been 278 Menne granted for the present year, among the following wards : Wards. Fourteenth Fifteenth.. Wards First.... &woad.. 122 88 Sixteenth... Sevepteent Fifth * 243 Eighteenth 58 Sixth 245 Nineteenth 212 Seventh , 86 Twentieth 112 Eighth 84 Twenty•firet 79 Ninth 126Twentpeeeond 41 Tenth 62ITwenty-third 78 - ' Twenty•fourth 81 Eloventh, 174 Twelfth 706 Thirteenth .... 'The Sixth ward has the greatest number of ta erns, and the next highest is the Fifth ward The numerous public offices. the court houses, banks, and other public institutions, which are located within these two wards, explain. the roaion of the large number of public homes in that srotionof the oily. The licenses are almost all of the fifth elms, which pay OD per annum. The largo hotels, the Continental and Girard House, are rated among the second claw, and pay a heavier Hoene() in proportion. The list above comprises those to whom licenses were granted up to the closing of the statement prepared by the City Solicitor. According to a re cent not of the Legislature, the City Commis sioners bars power to grant licensee for a frao Lion of the year, at any period, so there can bo no excuse now for parties selling liquor without a license. There aro evidently in the city of Phila. delphie twice as many persons engaged in the bust, nese of tavern•keeping as the 'preceding filet would show have taken out licensee. ELtortox or 0111013119.—The following gen tlemen have been elected officers of Hibernia Fire Engine Company for the ensuing year: Preeident, James Page ; Vice President, Robert Tempest; Seeretary, John R. Downing; Assistant Searetary, William Diokeon; Treasurer, Erhard Paul; Re corder, William F. Morally; Direotore—Miobeel A. Crowley, Louis Francis, Thos. J. Melee°, Wm..J. Power, James Evans, William Diokeon. . , LATINO or A CORWE'R•EtrONT.—TIIO corner etOne of the new edifice for the 'Morales% M, E. Church, of Camden, will be laid this a ft ornoon'At three o'elook. Addresses will be delivered 'by Rev. E. li. Stokes, of Trenton, New Jersey, Rev. D. W. Bartine, of this oily. The exerolses will, doubtleae, be very, intereeting. . „„ Tilts evening Mr. E. L. Carpenter given his May party et the`Musioal •Pund Hall, 'which is the lest but one of his very pleasant series of (mown-. ales. We would advise any one who wishes to en. joy a pleasant evening to be at the Musical Fund Moil to night. ' - • VlstiZad rioni APPOA D. Tho Mayor of Boston and otherollicisOs of that city are now to eine gay. to oar po li ce ; for the puronee, of obtainlng - information WM tames mem and Hewett o grorenta. Thu are the guests of Mayor Henry., . • Dom% t,tririNg gives tiny Mono at the Atotem: blj Minding, earner of Tenth and Ohealnut streets,' every afternoon and evening thin week, at 3 and 8 o'olook. Tun ELECTION To-Dar.—The Freemen of 'Philadelphia will meet to:day for the purpose of :electing - 11 , Mayor, a Solicitor, a.Controllota Me• delve; of Taxis, • City Commissioner, .a# laserit Wheat, , ; The nominations are as follows : k lc;::.:91 204,,... N.1.Y02.,, DeNSOCloliii;tZ,, '4- AISEASIderEeNTY. - . John Rabbit's,: ir."-- cirit COLICITOR Chariot - K. Lex.- -- -- - Tienry M. beoheit. --- -- - -- CITY CONTHOLLRA, George W. Hurts , . John R. Downing. RECEIVER Or TAXICs. William P. Hamm. John Q. Keller. CITY now.wiezionsir. John A. itouriennin. Ghee M: D. Ruin. People's. Democratic. Dist. . Piet. I: gq"kbe:!‘ ------- ' --- I.llrA4 D itini. a. H. K. theMloy. , . ~. 0. D. C. Brennan. 4. "'''. IN Ilaberta, ' , '' 4: ff. - A:Ralnals._ 3 3. F, Rolm/rya/1361er. L dollo_F. Wolf C. Jim.. P. DWI,. , a. Jai 14.0_144012 . 7. Henry Haim." - , 1 7. Andre* ro a. willmm Rand. IL !smell H. 117. O. Jesse Lightfaat. 3'7l( 6 " 2 F lg ° r ' ' ‘4 1 1 7 : 1 12., H:. ll J bgr weep NOMINATIONS. Five? WARD—Poole's—Common Couricul—Jemes G. - 12.t0k. Jein-b Bringer, Join*. 1 , 7. 7 Inner. John lei IT'etAres.o. O. Raver. Alilerilleri—.olmuel Lents: eohonl Blreotore—John Cosh, Cherie* W. Zonmermen. netnreou. Conetablew—Joeeph B. Moßride, William Rio iok. Democratic—M.l(i. men—.Temoil MoClaikem Comt man Counnit—G anion. Al D. Edwero W. Power. Eater Sheet. Caleb Pierce. Chie C Heine.. tiohool inventors—John Br.uiley, Ono. W. Leech , P. pummors. ckm.cohiee—Joho,O.Toole. Awry-Trite,. Becocie'pr .RD—Peoplee—dileot Conneit—Anttin thd; done. Common Counoll—tohn Fuller. Jae. C. Ketch, FBArdmAh. Wm. a 'lelheimer John Amytn &Mad reotore—Joeiph. , A, Pidrenn ' John Gray. Robert A. het. FAimor.d V. Woodruff', Jr. John H. C. Whiting, MoOulat , Aldermen —James Davennort• JOB 4 C. Tivennary. conetaMen--.Ammtt J. Kennedy, Aimee 11. Keen. Dert• • m . enttio.;-•teleet. Connoil= - 3oieolk Magary, tletn4 urn Council—William Lenghlin, William N. )(Ingo Thomeillotrmen. Cowie, F.Jeentjocer, John loe-' key. Bohool Direotominted J. Oreentehl. Theddene IC- J.hneon, Ed.p.d eftille•• John M.• Well.. Nal Own *nen. John Megettmen. Ahlermien—Jamen T. ifsrmer, Tames Moreek. Cobs/tables—James Cody, illiam Totem. • THIRD WAND - People's -Commeil Connell-John Boil/. TOR Coared. Thomas Stewart. Sohn& Directoni -Joseph W. rlickwir, Fr 4 nail Berman. William /Del.! man. Constables-P. Maher. Peter C. Clare. Demur/am-Common Counoil-A sydrew Miller. 30 . : 0: gQuinn,lim rmstrong. School Directors -H. I , flior- William V. MKeit, C. Savage. Constables-1G MoCluskey_. W. G. (Mime berth Foment wens-Peoplel--Seleot Conno;1-.1. Barclay Harding ("amnion Comm t+l--Thos- Latimer, Robert Johnson:la.:A alien. L. B M. Aldermen-Thal. F. ' School Dire c tors-James MoGlathety. Chas. F. hliansfiell, lean $. W e . D. George,- Constables H. Fe rguson. Soml. R. Wallington Temooratio-Select COMIell-wltehnol J. DonithertY. m mon Counrd •lexandsrMania,tomiting O. Wat son. John D. Hemel. David Nehru. Alder an School Direettmol-Jas. MoFillm, Fenn Mar-' ans John J Loughran, Henry, W. Soul. Constables Henry Drew. Frump Finntgan .• FIFTH WA RD. --People's--COmMoit R. Montgomery, Dame A Iderdree,l Joins. j Roe .Aldermen-Benumm Franklin, Samuel GOldev. Con-. ambles-Jain.' More Pollune Keefe, Charles W. Steel. School Dlreotorosiell'Vi littelnlearJr., H. B. MoDcrwall. Demooratio-Aldermen-rohn White, James rite Ca-: hen. Common Counpil-Willierri M BUM. William; boyar, John Casein. echool Directors-lossyli R. Coed,' M. John Kelsh. Thomas Pitsgerald , William R. arable. Constables-John Crawford, Philip Thome, William (-tonna her SIXTH WaRD.-Peoldell-PeleOt COntleit-rhillp B. Mingle Common Cyanid 1-Lewis It. Broomall, Meet win R. Harry. Win. 'L. Marshall. AlJermen-chnsto 'her Brasier. Charles _Welding. School Directors- Harman Baugh. Robert M McClure, Beni. L. I:leopard. Chas, T. Barmen. Constables-Jas. Alexander, David- Sinks. Damooratio-tleleot Counoli-John M'egskin." Com-; mon C 8: Wyekoff Levi Dun. en. Pintails A.. Wolbert." Bohm( Direoto4-...loseph D. Williamson, Chorale A Yeagr, James BUIL B. Brody. Ahlexpen--' John D. Makin, John liagan. Constables - John Joseph Pwope. n.SVIDNITR Wenn-People's-Common Contiall-Wm- A. Ingham. Joha W. Leigh, .Henry Macros, Josoph' B U Andrette. MUSH Stevenson. School Directors-Henry- Bird, George W. Lott, Robert Moho. Alderman- Geor. e Pato bel. Constableri-Willaim Bobaron. Semi.. Graham. nemooratio-Common Como:al.-Joel Pl. Sutherland, Rdward_Ring. Joseph A. • 0147 y Simnel IL Perkins, George W. Middleton. Alderman-.}chard R Young.' Nano' Directors-John It Huhn, Henry M. Fine. Dr. N. Rank. Constables-John Gamble, John Robinson. EIGHTH WARD-Peorile'll-Select Council-Chu. Gil pin Common Commit-Alex. L. Hodedon. Alex. J., name.W Wm Summers Aldermen-lohn Swift. it.; ham Lisle .School Direotaro-Frank )(Ding. John IL: Atwood, G. W. Horner M. D. Abm R. Perkins. Con.., stables-Wm. Mingle. Robereß. Smith. Domooratio-Pelrot Council-Theodore Coils,. Com mon Orlitnell-Robert P. Pane, David Salomon , George Plitt. school Direntdrem-J. Ileatley Dulles. Charles A. Sharpe. Robert Young,Jobe A clerk. Aldermen-John' Hartman, Anthony H i tteynolds. Columbian-James Ingratiate, Junes Donne! T. • MIRTH W. - an-People g-Alderrien-lohn Thome-- son. Common Council-Daniel 61,, Thomas, William' Stokely. James A. Freeman. Samuel H. Cane. School, Directors-Tobias Al. /tuber. Rumania T. Mault. SarrJ. Price, 'Joseph H. Smith. Constables-Welts, Walton, Samuel P. Jones,_Jr, Domooratio:-Common Connell-John Brodhead, Jos. Water. an, John iiing_ham, H. T. Groin: Alderman . 7. Sullivan- School Direotors-J. K. smedley Jennie Maguire. Thorium, Grier. Constables - Thos. J..Deatry,, John BrAderick. TRIITH WARD--PeOpleft-lieleat Council-John M.- Ford.- Comoton Council , -;•Wm. P. hunter,' Samuel J. ' Cresewell, John H. Bonthworth, J . Pascoe. Alderman-13 13 Jenkins. Conatablea-Lewin Gutman John U.- .11olltok. School Dl.ectorp.-31hatles.JeWell. JO4. Cooper. 0:H. Woddleird. Democratic-Select Counell-Juzil ti lifagee. Corn moo Council - N. Gilbert. Phil s Hu Hun Morrie, J. Lippinoott. Soho.' Directors-J. . Randall, C. Charleston. I,r. Botmett, Aldermen-Win. D. ELI/Venn( ..Rll.-People's-Common Council-Fort 'brie. Samuel 8. Arrostrong, J. J. Gamper. reboot' Di rectors-Ludlam Mullane, Conrad B. Andreae, 113 , 1123111 K. Logan. Chao, Middleton. Alderman-Jones,. Coul ter.' Constableo--Georse lb MI lier..l mob Albright. Demoorstio-Common Coinned-Sam , l Merargee. IL Lancing. Wilson IS err: School Dire-Mom-I. W. - brOWn, Jas. bandy, U.S Iltedemen. Bohan Knight and Theo dore Them. Alderman-John F. bleacher. Constables -t4. MoftinoeJ, S. Lane, eel W. H. brute- TwitsHl WAIXD-PeOptre--Belect 'B. Werner. (i , .0110111110t1 Cmsep 1-Watdon Malone, wreak Wetsen. - A Dalin. itr.-Haines. ,Dettiooretki.-Sideot Dohniiil-Dgirl i d M. looki Otmk mon Amur oil-Entannei M. nosier. Edwin Smith. Henry Gerker. For School pinpoint's-John F. Belaterling. Beranek. Woody ild.and-VellsonsPer Akletagan--John Apple. Sen. For winable-R. K. limbo, John Idareor. Tenhrasars Wasp-People'-Common "COMM - Agnes Lynd. Thorn,. Stem 'AI. RUM. e."- 1 4frat. School Directors-Jolui t A.-Whertenby. Philip Fromm. (home Rockenburg ‘ t; Prienzunth, for ilisten in ured terns of John .. Magee: Constibles-4unsh Hulse' art , aenjani in Tagil. Democratic-Coin" ounell--John T. SWIM Jrhn H. Malice; n. John Li sots. K. ilhoemiskor. ohool pram ors-,Theepti S. mini: TY. 'William Marbiltrt. elm Trainer, William R. Acton.' Constable. -s. J. Aingenfou. Uygur ' ••• ; " Pourtreeista Wsgin-Pemalo'ei4deloet Peniti reef ollpohn b ttr n a l i_ r?' W. espepser. Hebei t . Knagllonarn Okansnonijoe MO TIMM =Alderman tellrew I. DoinglibeMeekdarill 33./Ungail, Jaiopa'llll9loo is-helent ree 00mInen Council-Honey Quar.Pet,r Hi ert.BY tester J. Berigoor gee, B. Franklin Jeolown. Baum' Diressors-Adam - Slims. Joseph r.. Schell, Ralph Smith. Fysneis K. Curran. Alderman-John F. Behell.„, urpny. Samuel Calhoun. Prirtegesti - (Monroe counoil- Thoir,es Potter. John D. Blume', XL X. Moore. Nob eft 3. nolo% Wm. V Lippincott.' De moorithi-rommon t onnoil-Willlain Brown, Tho m" Itlontarks Chas. 33.1 lowers; Joseph K. Hancock.P. .x at • Bringe-re Canned-George Road. Common Council-William H. Y. Mut. James.'}. Puma, Wm. H. Me dleton. Pruitt, B Merrier. taloa' 14- rectors-Nathan Roe land,John Pinapson, Frederick L. Plus Aldermen-Adam Shoemaker Frederick Reel. Constahass-•Withain Lake. tieniamin B Gray emoo,etio-Select Council -Alexander Dickson. Common_ Colima-- oseth glee, John - F. Deebra barn It Pau , Jacob D. laniard Aldermen - J ohn Mc- Ginnis, eorge H . Meokle bobonl Directora- oho K. Day; Chin B. Roberts Frederica ) . Walter. Con stables-James Alamos, John G. Miller. me ye:femora Prann-Peophs'e-Coirtmoti Sanibel inghemo Heiken Loverime, J onn Jackson, Council- John P mer. School. Dliutore-tdivard Alderman h W. Bali; Joilepti A.len, WM. .1. Smith. - Wesley Stephenson. Constahlw-Jease DOW°. Demoeratie.--Coisinton Council-Peter Wearer. Hallowell, J. Golo,. Jr., L. Borman. School Y. Dlownors- Juba Hardworth. John Ward, W. 0. Kline. Gr. Donnel ly. Alderman-Hugh Clack. Constable-Robert Ma guire eACIIITEINTII WARD.-PeOPWr--8414in4p oholse Wallace. Common vow:mit-Jae.* Minor, Win. Bumm, Charles Cramp, 1. J. Duffield. Jaidistigian-Jubsi Clouds, hr. Dsmooratio.--Select Cormail-Gadfrey Metzger. Com mon Council-John blots, Benjamin 3toom, Henry Ha nn; -Daniel trader. fittißTlgintril WARD-People's-Common COnneil- Jetemiah hirldge. John Halo, Samuel Miller, Geo Clink. John house, Richard Burr. M. V. Demooratio--ioo.ouned-James Martin. Geo. Williamson, David Kole D. moChary. Shi be. and 0. P. Miller. tiohool Director-J. (label, John Warn. Patro( Boyle, and A. Smarr. Constable--Thomas Trainor.' ' TIVINTIR;tIIWARD-Weople'e-Seleet Connate-lobe Craig. Common Council-Joseph-Manuel, Jr, Dan.el J. McLean, George W. Simons, W Eckfeldt, Johu Watson. John 0 Adams. School Direotore-Joel H. Rothermel, Charles B. lewd. Charles B. Sine; 'John P. Curran, M. D.l for thannemplred term of J. Hous ton.) Constable-A bran Bata. Domoorailo , --tieteet Liounott-Wm. Bowed'. Common Council-William Hearn Jams. A. Ginnie; Benjamin F. Royer, William J. B. rues. Hobert Oliver Lour y. School Directors-William Trimok Wm. A. tree man, Henry Revalue. ConstabMa-i eter H. Bartholo mew. John Criety. TWSNTTJ Rsr WARD-People's-Commie Connell- Michael Blinn, John Dyer, T. W. Levering. M Democrestio--Conimon vona Co u ncil-Geo. Northrop, J, G. onth. Win. rie fiLTIPMITT ammo Ws.en-People's-JSelect Council- Arehibeld Mantua. Coniu.on Counail-alPed 0 Har mer, IL B. Mears, Matthew Haag. A Iderman-Reuhen Wunder, , Demooratio,Beleot Council - Georg lfeberton. Com mon C. unail-Joonua T Owen, hos. Brooke, Vertu°. g ier • Aldernien-olbert Megan'', William twit:tilt-TRIAD WARD-Peopbee4-emmon Council David K. Thompson, Jonathan B clots, George Id. Ad ler, Jesse L. Wilson. Demomatio-Comir on Council-Apthony K Colbouri, Wm. Altertlllll Willie,, Deileger, John Clark. Alger men-Francy MeConnghy. Edward B. Clemens. TWENTY•FunIir WARD-Veopleit-tleleet Council Jos pn 8. g Day. Jr. C. mmori Connoll-8. W Cuttell. William Stoke-, George Hell. - Demooratio-teloot Alouncil=H. P . Gay. Common Council-Albert N. Bonnerfon, P. D. Smith John her tar. Tn LATE LAWRENCE JORNSON.—At a meet ing of the boaid of Managers of the Mount Vernon Cemetery Company, held on Saturday, William Masser, Esq., the president, anneunoed the death of Mr. Johnson in a few appropriate remarks. The following were adopted : Besoival. That this COMMIT espeoialli tender their sympathies to his afflicted family, who have lost is hoc band and father most thoth tut and devoted. To the shielding care and paternal Mewling of Him who is the husband of the widow, and in whom the fatherless Min mercy. we would mast prim EIGUY oohs mend them. ICcared That this entire soon of respect be entered theon minute book of the hoard._echhehett. and com municated to the afflicted family of the deceased. • At a meeting of the omploynes of the firm of L. Johnson tc. Co., held in Sensom-etreet I3all, on Men day morniog, April 30th, 1860, the following pre amble and resolutions were unanimously adopted': .• Whereas we, the employem of the firm of L. John/ son & Co.. have received with feelin s of deep regret and sorrow the Intelligence of the sadden death of air. Lawronoe lohneon prinoi pal of raid iirm, and deeming it proper to melee some suitable expression of our ap preciation of the worth of deceased r therefore, Resolved. That in the death nt Mr. Lawrence John son. we feel that not only have we sustaked an irre parable loss to our business connections. hu: that a steadfast friend and adviser hsa berm taken Item us— one who was ever ready to :tinder hie grinealltyand aid under many of the painful thspensauons of Divine Pro vident*. " Received. That It is a source of great pleasure to us to be able at this time to testily to his uniformly kind and straightforward manner as manifested iu every business transaction ; and that, as a Sunrise token of regard, we tender our sincere sympathy to his bereaved . family. ' . *Resolved, That the orneer thesehli ineethig he in etruoted to transmit a copy of resolutions to tee family of the deceased, and twit they be published." WM. W. otabOrti, Chairman. L. F. 'NOMA 6, Secretary. • Mr. Johnson's funeral took place yesterday morning, from his late residence. Pine street. below Eighth The interment AM at -Woodland Cemetery. The funeral, which was err, large. wts attended by the employees 01 the firm of which the deceased was a. metier. by 1%, pre sentativee from the venous ye bl.ghHif interests with which Mr Johneen had extensive business relatoas by the 'l'yographioal &misty , and by a liergentum her of m eelt! needs. '1 be religious service. were conduoted Dr Rev' lbert Barnes. lota] 2,781 ." A ' GOOD afovamairr,*—A numb* of_ the prinolpol xiteroha'uts on Market street have deter mined to close their stores at 5 o'clock P. M ,on the first live days of the Week,- and - ac a o'olock on daturdaye, from the lqi of Mey.untit the 15th of July. , A DEAD INFANT FotneDe—laat evening the body of an Infant about five months old was foetid tn• the Twentieth ward, and, taken to the station house, and the coroner was notified to hold an in quest. ' , ranza.a. ;01 FATnEn BLOX.—YeetOrday mottoes the Niters( cereponien of the a ev. J. Blot. 3. J. loolt place et Bt. obn • Church, in Thirteenth street. The church was crowded. he clergy and .altY Met ot the ediAce at eight o'clock. when Wet rams was Pelebrated. 'At its conelosion the fuperai serrpon was reached. 'Bishop Word officiated, and was assisted b Revers' ...Aber clergymen. the nude relatives and iriends ol the deceased itesembledin Thirteenth street, north of the church, between to, and eleven o'clock. The procenelon was then formed. and proceeded at a slow louse down Chestnut street to Tenth. Bombe to washioono etreet, - anti thence to Br. Joseph's twine; tory, veers the WM/taint toot place:' The eerentelnee and procession ,were quits imposing.. , 51IDDIet,Dgerei.*Laet evening, JamOS Marr tilly;00i)t forts five Orliie:' reilutinqrSejN Bt Mary's street, died very suddenly.' use Wien toneren, and leaves a wife, in q ue s t. luldren.. GO was notidsd to hold an I=l L Dtawarer COMM No. ite Nal a Bank In the city it • r Pe, ; • AS Peas Tainted,. An by Dietrich ow the • . • da mind eitdo ,to re . 'safe by the pavan,. lOW teller , 4 . ; tiotober 7, WI, -RetreitO pod bp. at that date. • Moult Of the 6u * dePlicate °heel( a the dteWer. dat _ISM, lie emelt a bond .' ,thi r . reek in/ that t enamel Ghost wee lost or wie ld ;Verne] fr th em from liability Ica it. Theorist' rat hid nuelt id by , rad fraudelently sb strao from, the plaintiff', and not, obtained by the . until recently. when they demanded payment from th defendant*, and n t rental. brouittilAile mt. to-6V tembetTerui4Sen. _The dorms." Mime the irtetnte - 0 limitation, plaintiffs in tarty claimed that . no, within the Statute. thiedefendants being f e • In respect of the enure on these feet& 1.1 infliction of tie court. the._inry rammed, a -[er; plaintiffiffor intelbet lo the ;wont • w served for the Cz i rt ,darte.. Oen, . Crawford end' E. H. Brewster tI 4 rat "Waif , P. sad; John H. Campbell, es, tor defentstne. John Flails y an. ' , foldout TOMM. eit *stuns - es lre-;; cover the value of a bores. , Jury out. Meru for When, tiff ; Lee for defendant Dirtnici Covirt—Judae Etkannaond.—Wm. C. Stile. ye. Wm. A. St. ebnan. An action on a promisscop note: On plaintiff offerins the note in evidence an ohlectine was mann ita admileiOn. and the.coo_rtormtistimPthe eget; alvttna. leave to the _plaintilr to ea - roseate - nal want to Ms declatatiol. C. W. Brooke for plaintiff ;0. W. Harkins for de iiin_d_set,' f Deboralatelee vs. umm. W. Ilobinnon, who Garet red Isaac Elliott, co-partner .4 Elliott & Robinson. Anna tine of trespals on the sass, Or ir peakt to roeorer bulk tb sum on pa ash winch plaint! ,atimferr wan entrusted the defendants in . 0 MOWN itetinie, to be aseveret or siege bat ek woe never - One*. tin •Vier t trii tied tqwwardeors for 'Wattle Geervele.-Bi• for defendant. . . . • Conned Climax-Judos Lnd'ow.-3 Wiwi *go rer , • aged meek of the moronism howl* the sissiMationd for the kepolotoieot Of inlissotOrtin tliddiWeirent Wel don, of the various wards Sods* Ludlow remarked that tin entirely agreed WO Jude Thompson la ble views as to ,tbe 'auditor of pain aisslicallow. tier were haerranne entirely too" p ain At truest tee, cow , will grant as,ho Woos mane in the proper man , nor, but hereafter they would adopt a more stmisent! order in regard to thew , • r , • ; _• • c ithilrotoys were isenninted Sir the &Unities' lireniet.it d.r.sion of the Eighth rant, two insgrea ors °CAW People's party ; Serraatlidrarwort of the froengy-rourth ward, People sporty ; Eighth divtlionof the Stpftneenth word. People's puts t Third diennon of tea. Kith- Meath ward, two D•mosretie Inefeoters Eighth ;Win pion o the Eleventh wand. Demoorane inseeiptere t - Pinth division ot the Fontth ward ; I.erenth division of the Sixth ward ; Fourth division of the ninth ward Third division of the Sixth ward ; First dtvra on or the Sixth ward t !Mond division of the Sixth ward; Fourth division of the werftt Fourth &vision of the Fir , re vision ward ; First division - of tie Second ward ; Third di of the Fourth w.rd. CosiniON het -ledge Allison.-A Court of Com - • mon Pines wag held in the Sapreme Quart mom. and the mule of" the Female Amoolatton The Bethel African, Chinch wee proceeded ,with, Qtr , lll7ll 191seione7411dge T in Ante il it .l6o ilifi - 1 Shinn was oonvioted of a charge of selling liquor to on 110t6. Mr. Goforth called the attention of the wart to the, case of James H Kelley. charged with an aggravated, assault end battery upon a lady. Mr. G. desired some, day axed for the trial of the cage. The °glom of the court had not been able to bring the defendant into' 'The wart fixed Wedneadey for the trial of the cassi.! and Judge Thompson deolaredthaajf the defendant Imrp not present. his WI Aldermen ateMnlten) wonlii be , forfeited, and would not be remitted altit.doth be dhould. come forward s .411' "Isoorwfttnrarde. - Wm. likely and John IlieFals. implica•ed In the 8t..: tack upon the servants st the' tieental Betel. were before the court !Maeda,' morning. on • habeas oar aus. Their counsel. Mr. W. A. Husbands, wag sexttnis to, have the ewe heard Immediately. in order tbat his MI - eats might be released on bail, he undststanding that' the men tabbed W. re oat of danger. Mr. Mann caPed the attention of the court to the fant that tee rules of the court hid not been complied with.' as he had not reonived forty-want hours notice of the issuing of the writ, Jade a Thompson said the TigilllMMlt be complied with, and. after some In t her disinsmon, Himmel'', next was fixed for the boring. - The eolioitor for the Guardians Of the Poor now came into court. and • number of WllllO/1 involving the peter nity of certain children were deposed of. FINANCIAL., AND conutuutcuL. --- The-, ileoleoY alrkete = •- • „ • , rigteneureflaWAnril3o. The Stook Nerket,to-das was drill. mid *Nellie of • !email freotion Is noted In several leading seastrituts; Readies flelinced shores, however, .edeatoidel mode teenth. The Money Market is not, ninstige4 tie to tangs; though' there is a disposition to hold out for an advisee, which gaining strength. The bank statement shows little °house from the mrimeratea of last week. The loans' are higher than at any time slier the 'epode hays been, OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT,. ' winenT airszAdis 01 TIM THILAMILTInx lance - VD/LB. ' erects. Reams. April IS: April 30. April 23: Arril3lll:, Pailadelphia... 8301110)" SaStito" 0316461er North A meries 11.1110113 : 22310.63 fel OR 738 MS Farm Mach .. 3 375 7811 3316 385 305 2131. 349 421 Com me3mal..:. 1.3133103 1.866.067 2,113/1 2454311- Mechanics'.- 1 nig 483 • 1,876 147 Ss 269,341' N. Liberties.... L/121.016 ' 1,541 87'2470 317486' Magi- 94114#6- -1111.171 157.1111.' Kaman ton-- 805 502 , 15 10169 .8 7 19 11,540 NW Penn Township 361138 31285 C Mat 14mt Iwd.toto..y. I O Vm 181 MIMS 107,17 P Man. &, Ilt 325 1311,683 117.766 167-788, Commerce 377 143. MAX 213.310/ t 2 / 1 20/3 intern.. 238114_51r -2,332,113$ -MAW .343. 1 61' Tradesmen's ... Wars 535 0 07 ' 133 me 'l4l TM ' aoidatitt ft • .58681 - a WI 887.487 1415.67 -163 , X 1.88.«'1.88.«'7. p% 381 3187,031 .116. 4Vt MS 4874% 9744 1.11 &S. /1162P1 .!417311130. 36.484 VAC Total 37.811 6881 .461 18,1 .14118.471)! —Dlro6rl3. = BANKS. April IS. Agra, 30. April 23 Ag - 110.13 rmiskM l Plita- • 81,812400 111.168000 8.111.00 s Bsl em: ' North Acumen. 1,78343/0 1,115,60/ - micas 24UP, Farm & M•Elb. 3,780.543 11,717 nIS =UM Vmmerciil.-.. 653,00 C 13894011 16131017 155.31 e, gel 401 1.0411332 14tAta 11,14.870, ' I,sta ow • ifs eon- - 1,0 OW- Southwark.. .. 630 8W He 430 100,710 10633 r. lienseseesa..., lari3l3 He 11/7 Waal 1.0311 1 / 1 nun Terenuhir $75,01 313 94,441 111,310, Westurs 844 191 NI 1111 140,765 Mae. 475.195 674.1541 13 , 3104- 474 Th8 9 12 1116- " °"' - 414 . ,1161.3•5 : l'redarWe't.- - nal= • -owlet •es 34,715: Collealiasben 330.434- 31 8 ,34 Win 5764141 City 621.214 6111.* -,1111,185 4440. commonwealth . ." 11 '111.1665 1824% . l Co Exchange sin tot /33,714 14.1.71* Union_. As! IS MAO, 79,6111 813118; T0ta1.....,.. 813,7111 .1123/1601 2.16121111 The aggregates aonoor, ma thaw of ocorioito dotes se folloirs A .01 IL ,April. W.' capital Moak. --. '.....11 110.41/1 ett.eaus ..,,mk: iikra, Loma.. - ... I . ... - . Wbe WI van 11111. : s. 111.Wal • a Maw .:-...'............:, - -toe /11 , 1 - SAO 41111 k. g .1.161•, r,,m other Banks. ISW, 1.7311 CM . t .. V I Z ig• 110 inhtf Amis.,: I •116? , Uralic . .1 Circratatiott........... 1,184.26 3 WIMI-Dome. MAW , ' livaats. Nov. 4: 180:21 - 310.41 2.071.4 U 2.142.2211 111.41112.736 Jut. 11.1821131/332Xl 3.7103111- 2.911.053 /1.41113121 :sly ..111311.108 OJAI= 10032 14.201.315 Jen. 5 11115..31.411AR 0.5116.2011 2.741,714 17,016,0Je1y .224040, 40/41811.. 2123.1115 15,2,01 hue. 8......24.784.208 4480.2111 BALM 14, Sept. 6..... 34,640.746 16.436501 2.7039317 16.1411 M 8300.158- ‘42.1 1 11120012N , 2.312335 Nov. 7......76,616.166 5.017 1226 MUM 15.4811.411 Deo. S. -MADAN ' 4.504U3 4.11426215 14.853.013 2 59.3, 1NA.,29 315,547 4,480 221 3358. 41 111 143112.3111 Feb. 6 76.403.972 „ 4 60.90 .2.546418 15.4114241, ar. 5 X7O 4472, ' 4 810.102 2 2,111 • 16.01.1171 12.. ... 23 SU 07 4 273 419 2 7221 316 - MAE.* 0......2.,041,772 4,5 1 1 642 2 786,713 15.60,6211 " 28 28 405 ZS 6 000 214 7858.60 15 U 3 NO Ap012.-- 28,9 6,00 5.132 MO 3 133 049 12 748 810 9 27 214 264 4.1190074 3SM 905 11007113 16 27 444 6 0 6 413 711' 3.2.2,1211 10 043.140 " 23 .....27 646 361 6464.160 3.161.20 ]66.3,616 " 30 ' 77 571.002 5 451.470 3107,048 - 15121/ Wsl' The folknriee le I etetement of the traaseotions of tka Phikidelekia Marine House for the week ending April 30, 1260, as tarnished by the'resitager, George E Arnold. Closeinip. , . . Salamis& ..COMM) TO' ' ' $222: 0 ... 4 222.763 83 zrcan 420 0 ... 3,961.A610 - - . - 774.7011 , ~. 3 011.442 /11 02 856 60 --.—...... &MI A* IT 111.326 XI ..—.... 3,731011 11 121.10 21 April ......... " 29 . -." • as PHILADELPHIA STOO Apnl 30 RIPOI2ID )T O. E. SLAT FIRST I.l3oaMi 07 411.212.665 a :IC EXCRANG.ti BALER. 1 lag& au*. 211.1(..Widaat Stmt. BOARD: ` ' • ' 600 1 1 Penn; It.. — ..... 04 1 1( . 2 CAW& am R 120 1200 t:/t) 84..............103 fi'Lehitk Nay........ 42% UK las, tio 11.00 Om & Ctaiit 7a.r6. al 3 , do ,-. . ..as. 4444 1600 do ea. 41 1 Moans Cat pad" —lnk Ml* Cam & &ma. 11.. 101 100 Raldiod_R eta).2l 7-10 3000 do .... Il 2 Cheek walnut 131.. 21 1(0) do ...... . ...., 86 20 ~ .do M loos Csm & iAm 6a . 71.. 80 ad do . . ....... 26 3 iXi Monk •al fla ..... 014 , 2 111ortiaCal.:— 64 I 1 Penns R ... ...... 37 18 14 at Hobs rg 1/........ ba 1 do ~.......... Ma ' 2 do 80 10 do . —.— 31.54 1 Phila Raw1y...... ......._. :MO 13 emu 36 Ain R 1161 7 Farm & Bkotur Bl[ 006 , BETWEEN BOARDS. 26 Morris Cam( . - 00. MX PECOND BOARD 2906 nro & Cti•at 7568. 81 1100 I ehigbtaeldl l l.l 14 MO Forma Se .606 do 't$ 1 41 1(P o; 11ea~ Mead ICi6~n. 60% 60.1 dri . . is Omen & Cm— ..66. 1 0 00 Rolsyl 811(6'66 1 8116 701 6 Moo & Tha.at It No 444 3300 West Clmatar 70... 76X 100 Salmi Nay pct.... 8 - 40 0 d 0,.. 76 ao 1.16102 Ilk Tams.— 905( 1000 N Penna . /tail' ' 480,r 18 • d 0:.......... 9031 20 Oar & rims.atlLll6lll 30 PM% . 113 60 do ...ba 11/‘ 8 do 600 Lehigh Zin0—....1 J. 16 6 Farm & 110-eoks' ti GLOM VG PRICES-STEADY Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Fhiladelphlaft..lo4 a& &bust Nsv Stk.. 5 - , 834 Fklla felt. 101 MI Sohn,' Nav RTC.. ISM 19 Phil* de.. new..l 101 wmaportk P 1 R. 1 13ig Plan+ Is ....... Sof 9Q(wroset&Errs *kit 12 18 R 54411514 R 2-.14 '2l lona lald It.-- me, Ilk Reading ban "Th. 313489 . 1 .1)141:1_01,1k .s's. 63.1( 8 1 34 Redd entdd '44.."180 ' way - North Bones R... 1 St( 'a sad mt, Witt" -yt 74 I NOTtil NOUS R Ike SS Penult It _dm al? 37 3714 Nth Pens& ft les. 91 1134 Penna. It ad rnt&t 137314 MK' alta•rissa 9...... .. 2j Morris Cal dolt.' 31 ~ - Illits lit mt his.:. 38 U Morns Cu) prf. .11i 111 Frkd & *oath R.. asx . Sohnyl Nay &1'89 73 74 Fro & Tbd Ens R. 44K 4 I &Ali yl Plat Zit& UM .. tito• k Vine eta 2? 30 rbiladelpius Markets. Aran. adrEmliedair., Thaßreadettifs market la quiet today. bat very firm at the closing quotations Of Saturday'; Monett MOD beds of flour so'd at sel XS for superfute,and 11110110V0Vii for extra. 'mending tibia of the former • _toed brand, at something mare asset ' terms not nubile, - tiles to the (rule are moderate at from our lowest attires un io 110Oft7 00 per bbl, es to brand and inallty. Bye flour is firm and rattieraroivat 1841111 rm. bbl. Corn Meal is in idea& deman d,and 800 bb:e Pennsylvania sold at $S 6314 isgr bbl. WHIAT is net ;very , olentv to da but buyers are holding oil. and about 3 00ii boob ela so ld at tale for prime rod. end 1760 for whit*. Rya is emirs,. and selling at F 90900. Corn indult and prime; yellow le odered Sr 80.3 without gale.. the Teoflara are irate Care are firmer. and Pennsylvania are in demand at 4 / l e, the last gala of Southern was made at 4t)(a. Hs ter is scarce. and wanted at $3O toilet No. 1 (bet citron. COTTpx :—Tbe market Is nnebaneed, aid smell bed- Dreg donna. GeoczatEs eye firmly beide and Bazar and Molasses are bringing ful'arinec ranvialona—There le very little movement- in the market. and no (Manse in the prices of Pork, &won. enl LAM. 20 Shag Hides &old et 101tc. Felted meats ere 'tends et 'Melee for 'Hems, 9)in for Bides. and 7Ko for Shoulders in salt - - ..Eana are quiet to-day. and about 180 bus Prime Cie vet IRMO et 74 41 , bin; Timothy name; Phiman'd command. SEMI*" bon. W 2 HIKRY Is firm; zto bbls Pennsylvania sold at 21340 2io t some Ohto no. drudge Mo. and Chun 110.31if0 . Philadelphia Cattle Market. . , Army. 30, IVO. Thereceipts of Beet Cattle reached about 1000 bead this week; the market was dull, rind Priors fully P 1 cents .If , " 100 The than lost quoted. The following are the partioulars of tile sales 2 • 41 ream Abrahams. Ohio, 8/91010 V/ HO IDs. " 60 John 81vderson. Yennallynton, gamete. 138 MoQuaid ••• Carr, Ohio. 56e1020. 20 Kenneth & MaCleemo. il.hrster count). 8686.60. 9 B thldwin, , :hearer county. 2/6. 16 A. Beobtel. Bnrks•-onntv. 08/1062 Ea. 36 F. Buiedlllol, Berke county. +980930. ' 1d 8, }Curti.. 1 ananater county. 82429-76. . • lt J. Bears. Penile , learns 404 80. lan Mooney & Smith. Ohio. te 734010,33, - ' 43 James sull. lowa, $OOO3. , 103 Ju*liuran Vo d en o w To a wa 9 , 4g 6 r / a B . 250. _ ,46• E. CU*. lowa, 84 flOall. , - • • 60 6pnleh6B2h, Ftn04.1126266, 814 COOL' - • WI, Fellheimer, Pe onelleania, *a *eta. 63 unman & Penns. lawn, 4909 10 Frank & Co.. Pennsylvania ,e 4 . Shanihum. PannsThrania, 44,475. )4 Plumb, Cnewer 00111811.786161: - The nrrmals and 'slimier Cattle iit the Bred rennhed shout 500 head. 6111061 et pricea rani * nrem $8.30010 30 IP' 100 lba - Wl l / 1 11Ti'll 111 5 / 8 11 Dnown 28 J. Ram/4er, Likeikrner,oog6l2. 168461& • - 30 J. Keller, Laasesteraolear.lnek Is. ID D. Landio. P. 6188 1 ,6146,6191160. - • • 14 -. N. Blink, Lanuaster musty, $9. 10 ban ble &y. -Lancaster enmity, 89010. • ' 83 D. &maw fellow errele.' E. - sale 111145111. L Beek' mutt,. 4946 „ 6 Illy. A 44441004, Lantuud 10 or county 810. 15 J: renstin; Lancuuktikt c o osuntyitdolia• , 36 8. 131 81 6 r. as out* r6O 30. 1118terat:ft a lt e = ' 31 P. Ul n er.Cheiter county. s9 l _4lR. i.r. °"l°. 44 0. rumba. Wawa., I 9 10.10. - InAratrifrAiieierll2isti vir lac as la arrauta. - al Wirt ialiripld at 670 1111 d inarr Ron arewrd awed mP a M , drArdr Ivo s Ht. Th• animist o CAlkikkatrat aloe, lours - moss Drina Yard man tad woad. stift-sod_ lone "nß,lstip tro z•Zatetailt4reriores , *, to ' -5, • PZ-17:11',14.,1"•: CITY ITZ.Mt treriAYfiScHeCit, 4111/4etlielikier,or :mew/pee ltsio>viiaDitiCiennliC2ll;hiifweirr;rinth asabate avy of the liundsv-echkolar eonneekte with tha ppn< dlenwesel ihnetteretrenrliger: 11C1rAntigi:•4,i ,) northweet e e t tt e ee r -Se e eetit lo o l llllllloinies stmts. was held le „thit _ Ihreinrstilegno•Clif o'clock.' Every part of the howee ribs erepdatt ut = me-anion by the children, illel - itiretrtigebitti auditory. 'The entire daywas, base- at this Aim; devoted to the flunday-sellond saw. Yr. Swains Pazios j the niesiwensr of tiarAreneeeatihtliiiirYiefteet Union Milloyed hytheli . itongtelattesi dariaetimY west fourteen trtnatits t i• thisselnitif 1110WIlltillt).411 MIAIOO6 in the West, wail piling at all the - eartiese. Meter been brought he,. at the seeehil mon of the asiostr of Ude eherel. the e 'indentions of whisk are regaled, devoted to his suteort. lie weearind the m°l4i2r, sad li e tT etee hte etirrhe brief history i f hta setsdellwir /16011 in the 'Western country. Mr. Paxson ta hi corolla striking bilfaM Of b" tonal inductees_ of tint Illueditipieloner.seertineint.‘ - H • is now ab-tnt fifty years orate. henna been introdlisoi into s flandavvteltool, by pee et hitioenteleidldree Ha ittie - ofheewq-serec viten be test tearaWil M nose Uri tioriptaiea, under the tatorshireleinr Mohnen 011111 L He has, however, been evidently suitably trained for the L eber, telrherle hie WA. beklaself:fite yeas* beeu dotage& and the 'first Thatch Cicsothitess bum ye ' embody fortunate in seeettitehes of me faith ful a main Krieg the ttw .snit ad ithein — ne et she . sionary relations the hid of lhisiekarro has embraeed twenty cioastica to - Central thlses. I nod he humanised& sew seirsoks, hooter au sant seta prima sandals, amnia, umeleita:vita to thts.he has slued 10. winds :htett!PiMir - sellibballse• with al a. gregeteof 'OAR :Alkolen.atehfail.thn On& 1 number of children ihst havens a liaise miter Ogees shared hie inflinnos, 12.551 with a training DAM of tate teaetlere, in scoceselishina whisk hi has toseenni owes - The tutaiveninsy -ezeressee is the &Retinas:lnge Orient with prayer by tin eeetoe.'aftat winch theauds school mar abeautifal aothest.- - Thereirete ttre mem sung.ia,ell hy an different mehools, and watinetetir ,thit thie winner in which they were execate . Litistsbe eitire_ swam* Carli7A 001 ! e fts." IMP S A nidis upoi the Omit idea heti** , the tastiatili ewer& After the anthem the Rev. 11...11,WorAltrooir, of the Arnett - cm Sunday School tinien. teed retortion of Etryirstarett which was followed with a hiiina jef,lionlighili•Sehie(f and reoitations 14, the lift. emeill4iieleinieine it.. nu was under the d xenon of Mite Sailor, the triewital teacher in this department , and was , .. 1 . 4 / 1 1 in teresting lesture. The JO pe nntendente sionsi iifjOrte Wink next Mitt - dAr. end were read bildr,liderin Loth. the ellielent sad energetiostiestinttrideet of the main reboot. Me fist read that of the Minion Sahpol. (located in New Mar ket street. above Noble,)Orwhich Mr Jenne P. Ostler is eusennteneent, from:Mob wleassolehst ender Bs prevent 'me nagentent tie ichord has inentinii, shine the let of Jammu, from fa to 137 +shame. an infant school hoe been oreseined and is resorted to be in a Yen" flourishing condition. Pros Kr. Booth's own report we learned tent theinfeateellool connected with the churn& now number, 111 sohiststs. end ,tbei mean 111C4001 3110'sebelati: eta litMriNeing di vided info lig elegem inidadling !fade clime, one waln and or fetwile. rho Attar heist ii Charge. aa It has limn for Met sasscur III: Chitties J. Suitor, an elder. and , one of 'the uhlestand ma.s isfuratisi mombers itiit'ellnitei.`,-214iss 'Mime hiss said into the treenail of the A. B. fl. ,11. rigua tfe Flat Tear, 111730f0s tin sossartt olthdi laiiisossry ialleadtiaNeeed In wonbusee mei the phoo • tealinithf.lefestill on thole _exashille. the' rietribilessof ther snot% ohmes were next annodt!o 1 14 b/ rider, Mr. W.l- hts. tech • eimoirried sores - narao. which wan slated nom it , sent. ik ;roe to&Coielt with the amounts oonfributed; tad Wank awyrerattede . 1 9extetese or other mufti witheath:dm wee heal Slit • of these nettles and mottoes were bottattfal sod maims and the falicitoaa otemusiato made avow theq hr hir. Wdliti added much to the nattiest aid sivasity of the 00albidon. We sir. ear tel ireerher,r dot miaow sioni of this eketaeser A mime. Al e: aeseseeliekerneelli ready witistbe foe of the pneeemshopti: hir-11411hz unequalled by any other lohditieg. Ihat - We have tsar heard. - - ' The next feature in order: vat the eieseeliee svm 04 tbp!* Two made - brAitt• - • rizOir: fa beigi vase laheeesting thigh. be milts h. isor= nate* In the Baader Wool, he the eiriaeat eamoiehheat piths childless, bai. we doeitaakistiireetilirAlia et mixer of ha eldeeiheenva.,.. • - ‘•• - • At the close of this address otentrend wade peethata Lion opts* whack, eleoaddal lobbb - Inswintt2cAlli cm" maim. herds the prseesdatioa Otel4. l4,l aroalaaoa by a thember the XonathgetliatObroosh We. Blur. • Tie Mute was an eine such, frets Waist (*test. 'nth presentation and' - rtheigittea` Uteri heti hiniseineb done. It may be added, tNtii athf eadittateif tete of lir. rs. limbs rendene matett — a the. liadolsery Opthebes were saw made by Mi. Tittembeditorltha• uletticut. and, Mr. Baru. &math&Otheetath of the Amerman busby BMW Valet& eormithatina mutat ineuernara enclielabiAb, WAP : 1 1 : 01 0** 1 - --Priam& 4G 00:1/ Madeith ey iththb - iith - 1 1 / 8 "I' thort that preparatithe net en la - gta l ltithre AthWiNla far an! SaketedSS• thathinit OWN! Webbiaibbitbead. ja a waen bitniday t _anthal w 1 aul..- lit k ßivrig."l4o l ll; l e( Alient4.W.ProckYVlWeisialas or itt~/ris samieditheadGthriegaSieshadethw . #llo4thbelatd, The pNthristOth Of tbitlielll4ll ..**l 4 ol lo . credit far then. libertithituiteediapthi al ithatigethi tt the ladles of 'flutetheleid math& ant il="1 "1" tr i. eauseatela weir waaq =rAc t a rn Pal b ta r s i r r=, - TAZ „It Cm laws this= i , rilitOttlO_bbartbit,Wribeilagteblvet - ilk ear tie th eir oakorklemftAtall• - ste — atraibriP whisk they lave hies ethitriihatiaithegineMNltheler at the ellth7bbthlb rgis saran lithosnytt - tetheMedthea, Atiltheed mica of Matitsbts eadirmleetarYthkelemliNtir OP& of souse, an exhibited I. a 'web if fakir. An oath of tIl• - severs' teitthinmith le itedtherbi wilt be,thabfed withakei thilithlecties th - nadtharth ex- Morning . BM amide. 'ludeniiiit oaf geNtithlse leases sink. by reestionle Keith intatherbilieb it is Cl. card. This stunt retort's) - ciutaiWierte c Werathearly Printed on a, lathe theater lath*? VON& lether• aid is neatly a beautiful Ornament: The tetereet *Tit s, more over. schanced 'hi Nth teat, that the two ITSOefigil attirod &three in therialtrethe thrush" from lib. We doubt. talehr r, it all 111 an, if mu other quatat elthet at the present moment ut nester favor with the la dies of oar city mho ere hboet ealsoteni theUr 81that Cloak*. then the card of Mama. - boos' 4 (the-14W we have here referred to. oteg ' , Or tit; and suocesetat Chie,X, 4 aed 4114.nrasii — bouiair ire Moms- Boyd & Wont. Nd, abbtorthFoienikaratherentlattheedir we were presented with a Mess es itheetbabrthtuellv considering the lateness of sttheitieth WNW uneaud. Pd'i sereestipairementOdiltafflitis We portion of the alma, eon**, end Bettliatheelle *MY State of Weisner 'tressition ereteliterelly piled ne sad movinsoader the magic menu ofjeath thattleithithe 1.. 1 1 may be stated. in passuiethat theirme:erataerser" edam Philadelphia Sobbing hams in this unsorthat &ninth of trade Is undispatsd. 9 hied owthe pa:N*4 tit the rent that the moat popular and c diciest pi reworks in Aae • rice are located in Pennitylv sais-ea elan, of goodlawhich °orientates a very heavy ttein in this department 'ln deed. in the article of glassfoart it isnot uoprobabie that one Philadelphia hoaxes e, an undersell thorned' Bos ton and other mtennedistritaleal of lees mote. New Ito* among the re t;- 40. = eel*" lideeesewlf Pereestage„ Another advantage of err imam in thathae ie. their national red rebel Ore' uitorke wet real - frigifisle plait). The hones Aim refer ed te. WIWI& is Wow of several best-sums wititta-eaglithediathatt asthma, his for dreamt ;this itheamiethecles Werra trade with • ery section of the Ileum. and tie mink bee been that themeseems, prolosod,They are now daily Ailing lame - omen at the near trade. as we learned from what bee beer, already deformed, and their trade with intenor Yearn,lfania mom a especially, WI Protiabir not si for any material abatement fora month to coma. Besse= &Root, A SWIM* '42lFtValegelltY: Be referenoe to another cohorts. It will be 110•11 that the fif h anntvereary of the -Pkuktdelphia Sabbath-S*6ml Asso3latiou will be bald this, rineaday ) swentaion the First Indeneedeet Church. comae - of Woad aideiaaesa streets. Mee. John Chambers . .) to emsdneece at eaturr ter before el At o'clock. Addresser end tiateelteered ore the occasion by Meets Newton, Brantley. sad lecirac i i D. D., J. W. Jacknoi, tie morel 'Abet- bleeds of-tb. asses. As the Sunday. school interest is esee (pith* meet abeorbine Church lateral - 4 of tb• &Y. sad ae the is rawest= ut ottarsolir. the earucurierl evening will doubtlear have a very large anandoaca: Ifelisto or 7116 Brits! Soctify.—Wit" have been reeuestod to oral attention to the MIMI litileting of the PeartiOvitaa Bible Bechar.' for,tbe atiesios of twenty-four mangers: which silo be held at the_ Bible House, northwest corner ofWAlnut and Beres* streets. on Wean: Wai t Mai Szl, at lko'elt.ok. • L. J. Lm 1 Co. invite: the etessation of the ladies to • largo akaltillN of erne mad. esistifei goods, nurchased dunes, leet emelt the leetioe eglee l4l o lollll of New York and Philadelphia. whisk tiler will ohs for' sle nearly at half the eon of lutportatloa. ' CANDOR.- Now I admire the mast wttomplake his mind. And outdate to no party, eitheme. or met t • Who unto elite genemea and hind. Yet fraud and error ever loth reject . - Who holds no false, thwieriwir mewl of Nor prearibm what imprecate, be forget' Who would not ware a war of petty strife. Nor yet express tieweiwilog "In regrets; Who 111 too proud to sots senile part. Or lend bitrwelf a tont to Ahem'. hands ; WhO fears no foe nor deep. denude; art. Out by himself alone undaunted stands; Who thane the faults he sees to other folks, And bull his ailment" all of. fin. 607 Chestnut street TUB ORIGINAL ' 011 l CLOTILIG ETORR.-:-Eemilb Rockhill at Wilton have freeneutly been asked why del do not start a Gift Clothing Store. TheT reply that thee_ have be It up their very large baldness ty giving every, customer the full value in fine clothing for hie mocet: and them give satisfitedon, without resorting to buinhOirg The motto of the great brown stone Clothing Hall, Nee. 603 and He Cbestnntatreetr gniek sales and small aToiSta.l , ' Fide "' a re exceedingly noPular they have the confideil*Cof PhYsielans. and are spoken'of in terms of high commendation by those who have used them. Thee are of great benefit to all who are troub'ed with habitual 'gosh-ening constiPatml bowel., sick and nervous headitilie,billouedimases, and in oases where a mild and efficient Inillaqve is "qatrod• They are prepayed :o.'o. Bower, Sir* end Vigo streets, at SZX cents per hon. - [From the New York Times, ,/lint 9, MO.] SPALDING'S PSIIPASID GLUM —Prepared (hue: a very useful and convenient article for housekeepers and othere;le."lspitldiag's Prepared Oho." it le one of thine inventtoos, small in thesupelvee, neverths lees, go far in the monoisles of household manias meant, and am an ever-Present aid in savinstime, aspease, neat trouble. The of small mpaireM furniture. 'Mu lure frames, arookery. childrea'a toys, leather: , and other fumy work, with the almost innumerable moo to which in every household a really good sa d ever-ready article of this kind may be appites. will at ease, tagged » thermal. to the ladies. Dummied hook mamma kale ined leavia, dilealdated maga. and harketptante, mind the student and book-wonie itevelos.-Thhe is compounded with .QMPIIII4I4I. whiek held ft pestedia. fleetly in solution uutihi m applied.withoot dhotis, its strength, and whloh eon* bgiq thotallteolee triattee. firmer hoiden thi autistic to be nailed. attar !kW th e y ealokly evaiperatet tel the ghat to ha*. with rapidity and teasoitl. 1t ilhetinehttall that ttalre ark* least See guldisim of howashelds lathe ifluloa . 1116 Z aid thaiskontiy.olfreatt olio tp lea 01.1airlif ale4i roottir mite *hie Wan findoirealeskileo fret the mum* sioshols smorarily resserted as. 0111,11thltW ChiAIIiTLLB E TOKIO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers