The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 01, 1860, Image 1
,L,V, , ,:;:i'. 3 ,'4'. W. •- - -i,,=•;?,.,i ,,, ,t.. l'.'; l, C.', ' " - T::t VII. : - .-',._-.;' ; 1 , ,:7445t -::tir-fri'', '41,51:.„ ~•..ft'i'',. 3.:1,,:yc'.1;iin...:*.4'1 ~,- .-'t Zt r ': , ~ , 4 ~: c- .'" • - ' '"ltt..:, lfF;l l i 46- A!li.'f:n•:'-, i's,, i -,.),,,.-` ~ ,,,V, . ".:i""f',.,°-!, "4''', 1 ," _, -,, ~ .,-..t' ! ,„:•,, ~ , ~, • "-1.1,001111-'6ll-le!!11 140,011040 " 41 -,t. • • -i-,, Vi'A' 11 4 0 ;100411.104010.-- - • ;.; _ jj so x %.11111011A-k4"l gr_W ) :.i,.;,:'.. -- ;cl'-f'. - :'_ , '. , 4 1144040.-4014 - 41000****t_„ 2 , *llll4ll/8004' , 2111,414-1111110(40111101 C !jliit - s. *PI ; e "--r, • - m u st , .7# • •. - . - _ - - 9 4 10 -glit .t, MITI * -4 • 7 - 7— '• •..ti.o t - - „ ksr SX , - • -f: -• •• '•'-•.:74.•:ii0.440..".r,-,P,.'4.--0/'•t"'• r. , • 11141131;;• „ a", -i.r•3- ' 1 •"'''•• • f, • . 11 Pc - 7 , "V"--q-x.e. - yyJ 4 ,-, :il.m+i'OP`-'1_*,, ,, ,,•• •-,,,,•• ' '' r, .. - r.'• r.: ... , , f• • "-1 ,- -", - " 1'a•,, , ,*-4 , 4 .. 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L.lieiiiii;:Viiioiiotit':iiiiii;:iiiiiliiisi ,: -,,, 2,..::..: , - - -L , =2'o ji., , , ,,,! - 4 , :' , ..1!' . :•;2, ,,, '. . ):;::-4,,kiiit.:Apit OliktiCol44/1;-.. __ . „*.,; A w-t Airo m ix ,i N n in k unt ,,,• ~ 4Tuipi4xtr,vtuott'oulmnsitu. . 1m0... , Ir,;"-' . ..10002114iin) 019 , • flatainailaß t.; • A. - ..1v1[1.P OTT ANDAIIMILUMIAIIS • toM4: Alit; SHOES. sow - mum* • -;, oit; BAttm .450:14. lOW „ v an tig tit t 'MUM iIO4 O I 4 IIII3 RIM I IIIIM is it** atooto itmcgric vontak*AllitiMMlL is Mai*. lostims mad -1 1111111111014411. o).k „If .;.1 , 411 7,00bt, . :1.4: 7: I:L. • •:,;V ; ; '1 ••• '• attogoliamßEAtrAtsiciALß, - • • : lipAi4,oollii• A - • - ` l '' . .` 4 • l ll lll =oo l ,74 .l ' l :nuff../44/Itick• ; • *OBIS; Earn UP/Eil& - _ $ 1 0,14441! LIP A t liclifilrgOEM • trAltOtiet-t 1 00611.:" . shrliNkoruat _ - _ Zor., 10 0 go3Ta7pt9PrB on*, IDDie saw 101111114i1110711111 WNW* 600110/08,0 1 11NOO 10041 1 4141 8 " • I - orgeilay Aim fluOngs, • MITI I,A i N te N DC A OWU s V t NITR/Tu* 10AtNT4 ,'5O/11DANDIDINN*, cl/21. , SWANN= :t airEmaNGEN vsli*OY:4643oDl3, xnag.ANDS OROMIAICJIOIIIIIIx. AIXXIIII*IOIOO GOON. • ' . 14_:01111e,114X 'r - X I X X 11. 110"141Maktiliar 4;474.04:Nct AI DOw 1171111gT, Wak• aimr1 1 17 ,: 1 0 , 118 .11 ,i - i tfte ill Baide aTit + ll u 441-P t '' B 'A 74: qi*sutic - A - Nb 9:zscifot , -110131 PART; 44104- . , AND - ,11146_ ti* toe - Thlirollioserwi sore airota, Ill" erninatas 'ANW ISTRIN • Wg=zz== : 13t1131,NESS. 414 1 41,40.1111', , 1c fig).; "41 . !PS I ! IW I I 4 -# ( • ii.o4bia•Esitt :HAN G NGSO aiimirommiuirsiisilmestei,ailiiol24.4 lunniaturstois, liikliatiOisitgatiti,i+ ritieciio, sr- Milli wow moirrr o o l oci t igp a ig _ _ lil~ltl~~' ~`'~' - '~~`~ll~ _ d*; - _ _ onto' ft* , lirrA0411k41(114014k0i1104dIA- asaa * I A . • . ~•_...„:.„.., ,:.._,..,- .--, -,,,.,- „:. ; I :. -:' . ~-,., :-Pr.: .:,- 7 ? v.!, :-.Sc:,: . .N\V(I ? /VW rile P4-"P -.. - : -• 4 , :,4* . ~ _., , il''! '' '''!.) , . 1`, ,. .. , , H 1 ~-, . v , ..: ....,.r 0. i‘ i; t 'Y' 4 1 i' i '`' '.' . ' ' 'e V :'' . ' '• ' ' • -'.' 0.,...'-e.; , .• " - ' - •••,.,__" ,,, 4'0 • _r "*..., •-•._.. , . ...i.fg i• • ' --; 'i,,' frite r jt• -' . ';'-• '',• - • - ” :\, ..---;^‘ :;,:: 7, • - -., ,„ _• , Ir, - ....',.. r.i - - 1'..1: 0,. , i • 7 4 . ....,..4. • . i 1.. , . ~ , ..-- 10. 14 • , lA .. ....., ~. , ' ,_. 7 1 ,= . ...,., --- . -- -1:- . 'l , iltinn: 1 - c:. - t,) ..0101111 - .." .- ' . - .111"1 • . ' -1 ": , . if r ''',•-• ... ‘.,, -.), r. , ..'f. . - ... -4P - - ~.:.• , . - I moil Jr tr7rnl . I i or/ 1 A 4 al a " ---- ,-., i ono ..,~ ii OK. ss ~......-..-'""......-' '4.:,'ritlrr. - . .Tr ...,-. , ....Z; , EE.e..:- -•- • 0-14 4 . .--. - •". --C . :-......,...^ . . , ;. ~----..,_ , -------. „ • . , . . ' ' -'''' '-' '" ''''''"' "';',...-, .- - : : .. , .. - :i ,•- • - ::•‘---::" 1 ,';'-' . , : 1 ,, ' ,- ..: • . , .... , _ .. ~ : ~.. , ~' ~1 i ' ' -- " - ' ' 1 '-',''' ': ' ' 1 U , • I!.' ~.-. ~.- r ::.,, „ --;,-, 1 , '[:;""f .L 'I , - • "I't :: 1- .-..'i - - -- iv.~: amrvY:F: ~:.-x. =IL !j1).;-::::gz.0• ; stit:aoon ajj. - - r) s -.••• •, ; „ •., s‘.. - sitto4l:lll.6. ra.'EtAitat, iQ. 218 BT, izivrriliAinumon te • . au:1704 AmmitTMENT OF 1801 1 ,'-k.a to ti A. Wla • „MINTP.I),AND MSC 11111100BRIL . . ,ib ,Ntriaas4,Colored Centres. ' *Aim want :WIDE DE LAINN INANVLAL ~ NLAGICiAINUINAN ' MODLOANUIELN - PNINTND OiNSBLERN SHAWLS. .BLACK THANT SHAWLS. • itobs, THiBHT MARLS: • ' •,•D4AVN, 186011 HOUND eaawm. • ,moDp NINNON-1101.1111) Agena.' in.CF:itiittquesgAwLs, BAREGE Iwo( BMW% SHAWLS, BLAOLOASIDINRII LONG SHAWLS, • BLACE , IiiINET LONG SHAWLS, NItOoNN.'IOIIOIIRAWLII, • „ •." r - = N.lOlll SQUARE SHAWLS. ' ' OUILDNONG . . „ • ~-. • • Prom the great : 11.17dTION - SALES • ~P A NELOW TEE 008i ' OFLitPONTATION.' , „ , , ' •.; ' IFIRRY,,PIIIO4 'OO., . - itAitiLET 'Amb abisarlis OF 11113 is 114111 B k. 0., sow ea head 6,1646'5'604 :iiellimeisotird stook. widish tkily are ilirspared so sollst•the !Direst woke% 'A. ~w.,x4+4l.rx -41430.; LK GOODS, • r r • . . „ . 11 . 44' W . 1 1 4 2 .W.. ST/MIT. - - W; GIPPS & 13 0M 3 . • *in ilum= lITRIUM 411 / 1 44 4 1 d 14 ti!* 44 1 1211 PG STOCI C .OIP GOODS , mot"t° 4 1 , g `,8‘.1 W. A R - uirils6 vutb. ow a till!wiettinsat of ; OLOTRII, IX6II=I,I4II2IIII.*MMIIINGII, :31 4 °I; 1, 13 Wt nuezisas Jaw wacmasaus slums is ' acerinCommulifiluvianne, TAIIAOREr TRIMMING% so: Orimiitin (up Blare) Are An ti Was Voir Moretti; 4/0/ilO4Jls which gimpy In Ms Op altiooett it the trade. ,- fig4llo WIK.; EITZAVART is 00,,, minima .exiliesiimas OP - - - -Maur • . • • ". • • Er a" IVAIIShi`: P I NARD 11014 Xt.„?. eYPIPPIP.. ' ' • . "AR 7 . 0113 L. WOOkilLatiag, 'a; iturwaiiio, • • *oom 41,11 D li!tritatil!afelpt!l: , - • - ~ , ...- . ;•- - • - - 'WErkFrei.,4l7/0 1 .„,&:'• • - /....,x*iiii:Tiiike Tit% p - - J Cio If iliii, S" GOODS,;.. ~„-.. i r.irnisn, givirto; -- Ar - ' ,._ mirlikki;imi:s " ' . ~. tiaswesz.riou, m gr. . i , .ONES, & CO. ; • - W # OLNSAIX PFIALINES FOREIGN AND DONE mu I) Y o .o,p Ito.lxge. ALAIMO STRRIT. . MEW (Rio De r 's•iiag .v. 24 di, , f SHARXXI ( *HiSUER as 00 .0 * ' ' ussiorseiii;or . - LAOIIII, sad *llO Iteittiretraszt- or Oar, element ,Scesk, eeleots4 In the beet Ettroeesta Setkete ,b 1 owneebniss, tw,t mat 00111001, We have Mit eshred. ' „ • ' . fee-he ' GAS-FIXTERKB.; pHILADIOfIIA GAS-FIXTURE WORKS.. WAANER. MISTKEY, & . MERRILL. 'mantwacrtrazio. STORE . No. TU CHESTNUT STREET, 1,11110REtilICIA• WA:EWER, PECK. &, Co , No. 670 BROADWAY, NSW YORK Would Yeeetretrally inform the ;obit° that they emanate to miouteeture WI lei& at • gas rounds, , wipe, OIRANDOLEB PicO;fZEEI. And that Sod varied' stook oomrdsos the siisstsst owlish as the most *Monts patters*, &missed bt their Fissattattists: Morality Usti at their, stout. No. STD MAIM" slam and fall sasortmaut ot their saisodsotsirod goods. Dubs rad *Wm Ms la vitad to ealkilid infinise. • - sat Ist CH,OII.4F o s TA.GGrAII L T, I.E.viola co., • . _ • hipotte{aad Wk 01,401 NOWT la BRANDIEB,' WINES,' GINS, ifc. gioespesoie Otd,moiriuni r r tailfe, rad 43ourboa *mut .icriuguius akiacat. • ' • ,• • • • • witaw 6311111.RK1C Street, tiitiwor. ins.PERtAi., ' , • - , -.' all A , lll P A 42i. N E. ram DB 'MOON & CO., 'EPEANAY. F.RAPICS. laid II an Rembotabl• Deem thavashaut Okaanatti• 'This Ski %wad of vaaattiwitg, 1 : .1 : Aw l IthYWOOI 406 • oiMir or Ar c a ° ft • on sooonnt o Meat • rimy a“ Y. aolli. who ono* try a we ram . Jo A phil ahlk itta! b.*. sad erdda a ir ii,:i.i.iiif the :t ' "rieL . liM 'at • big .t , : *LT . s•- , - , f. ~trIA ! 'fit; ft e k t ioidis• • INeWff ~ , ;"_lrtiiait ilp' ,-: , . •,, —: mad dultitimitmt. • MM=B3 ;It klll kill .-t ) M-MA o . 4l4 i i ±Ve Xth-Pri'IMET , EIPIU140; - -,3 L e rk 1860„ - • . PRIM Gm)]* - RIEQELa BARD ., +( 6 0,64, AND ,01)14,40,5 • AND - D It • 0:0 084 - • - 47 21.7:1111D - Woad re•rithally 4 1 /it!k the 4164414" . 'of Ooint4 31.11103:41141) WEI;10111.31131446 EITCIOIk MEW bPRING GOMM; , Wilk& ihef gete4ing 111 eta , ler MorOsaiti 'would end-it to their liidvan 4 / 4 to tan sad eammisii Oar Moot. ' • MA* 18M) . . R I 1860. • J. T. W do • 0 Q.; /DEPORTED , AND !FILMDOM'S DNAINJUI • FOREIGN AND DOIdEAFIO DRY G.O 0 DL.EI., as i(orrienneil An now rondr foe Ong - - • ..apßrxr 4- T-RA tfE;: ; Points to offer, to oisti , stad promiA min; swatbiEtromonnota •• : •,-; • ENT AITEAOTIVE•NTOONE lb• obontrr; nod asFriiel ld at 444 la DO. bet ii impottor eity. t • l'endianornmill And Cu Awn* wall mewled et ati " 7. T. *Ai - PAS. H. DMILALTY • 71'74. ra . 741114 .1,433! a/10. To M n A' N 1) 8 .1JX1140:•916.: ' nom AND WINDOW mums. ' B Lt,*-B NX.I.T MANUFA,MAIMEi O P 011rOLOilli, • 146 ?Nan rrinstrr.'hilutbrxisii. We brine the ettentiOn of dates to oar large stook or FLOW/. TABLII. - AND :CARRIAOK. OIL GLOM, OREM GLAZED-OM CAMBRIC. • beeetlfal er6ole, for Bhadee.„ The Wien stook of WINDOW BEMIS - and BUFF HOLLANDO in the market. at ripen wbiekdar opmettilitory fa-Ist' yeim; enzavtoßE. do: non. de AND a ioxra TimiD STREW, INZONTEND AND DEALBRII IN : SEEK FANCY DAY 000Dat RIIITB DOOM LACKS. LINENS. SMDBOLDB - HOSIERY. @LOYD& MITTS, AND - • IpAitaa SHAWLS.' MILTON worn. WM, Si TANNAIT. NOM D. ' -coorra,'POlHM, "TAM; - impoFT3lo,ll/4(1.. APID J0R14,11 , H`A..l , fiw. - o TRAW ' 'G N 0.% goLrf , orsa ior .6 ".0. rtkompahlana. LAING & M4fIGINNIS • ' _ . Dinpoictini sad Wholesale ilealeri is . WM, BNOLJOD; . AND.A.DERICAN Snot tilligADS; FANNON g AND ENDLIDDrdeif LADVN•Ii4 „ s affltaerirg%V. 'i um enstig t — t rimaa -1 144 c 0 .. tifirell i no lit, aid DOilel#N , • z!•,•• • D•r•tT e DDLDDtt•st.. 1.3-1•1 _7 ,• SOWER.. BARNES. & , • • - 1.11 lira* , 3 - AniejimiatAennik - Ts* . ?•,;4** • ;'; .IY°• 411112 .i 1V..' AOgi' 111...sw!•,*Tc'T#PEr.4Pc70.• - • - 430 BLAJMIST E1T11,1137. BOADICSEL STATIONERS, AM?: 'SLANR4OOR 'MAZ IJYAQTUItEIt.II, Keep a taut:; dadwip•seleoted 'etttiF. IidIVR,I73Dp J 30143,110, inint of their own .31.ANUFACTURS, - Wiagestle mod Retail at the very lowest orioee. • BLANK 1300T:‹S' On band in large quantity. or .made to order, of any &aired pattern, of the very Wei =tonal and work *whip. - We are enabled Jim our extended ;unitise to offer mteenor inducement* to pantheism., AOa b eelioited. - lete-ate E . 0. TEIOMPSON. TAILOR. N. N. COE. BEVENTD AND WALNUT STREETS. Clothitig made TO ORDER only'. - A Fins stook of Materials drays oa hand. N. 8.-13trangers visiting the Citg are solicited to leave their measures, ,ap23-2m HOOPES 4 'DAVIS. - ' , .. • . ... ~, No. 517 /ff.tillliEr FiTIOSE,T,' 'MANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FURo WOOL, BILK, CASSIMERS, STRAW. AND PANAMA HATS. - . . CAPS, BONNETS, BLOWERS, RUORRIL PALM & WILLOW BOOM ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ttrdt. W. reepeotfelly. Invite the attenbo, of cash as rart perm berm to our large end well-selooted felll4o 1 MBAOIDSIiaS, LOOKINO-(LASSES,• PONISAIT AND I'IOTUDE FLOM, ENGRAVINGS, iMiDDTBDO, -MANDFACTUDDRS, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. to.. ke. ABBEY & NEFF, NO. 308 NORTH THIRD STREET, Have now in store a most Complete stook of - HARDWARE, of late Importation, and American mantifacture, which thicr offer to the NEAR TRADE on the very best Wats. ap94m 3100RE.IIENISZEY,& QO wancitsrs. - CUTLERY. No. 497 ?OAKUM and 410 COMMBROE Otrooto lEW WicK NT S. AUGUST BELMONT ti - 13 A E R• 11 NAV YORK, Igoe Leong of Ctrodit to Traveller, aWalloblo fo porn or TEE WORLD, - • , iaaocea THI WNW. ROTENOSILD. ow , - mac LONDON, FRANXFORT, VIENNA. Ilk d e L4l, : Alfir THEIR mass:sporfpsztrze, 300 ...bile.. and 840 Ida. large Na 3 blank now:, and ma i a, a Itat i k: asn•X'"'"' r9r *.STAT/lONE_RT: 'MFJiCHALNT HATE 4411,13 CAPS. LOOKING GLASSES. OILTAINTINOI3; &a., ecc JAMES S.'EAILtA . 6c SON, EARLES' -GALLERIES; 818 CifildflTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. HARDWARE. arma GUN WA! BAOUSE PHILADELPHIA. f.'? f Fj AY 41AY , 1, 1860. a$ Au: bit kupbuis. -" v ox. Akfl wornt • • BLOND* LACES,' T 0 147, • •! 110600UTR BEGOND 8';/1419T, ' : .;'; • • " Eno* erlbbl. - 1004 t 011103TNUT • • • , ASOVII TISTH, came eeeeetto..itteettee to the abort eeette. feeling conEdiclit that NOWHERE" IN TIIIB CITY' CAN 81f011'A LARGE AND VARIED ABEidaililENT TIN Yo l olio. ,;. ; , aDIS if: IvPw:Al4l4TEup.T.o.' • ", 110MENADE AND OAREIADE 1.,0 A' • 7- 2 ittEMINd LiENY - MoSNINO f - Attila r ':2!A.*rR MANTILLA :liMPOl4#ll - 1, : Si ios 'CHESTNUT STRNST: • • - LADE MANTILLAS. r, i4EW LAZE PDINTES, NEW LACE DODRIISUS, • - 4 410 XiletOne la untaralialed sitoramon at the •IPAICLS. MANTILLA* EMPORIUM, „ ids CHESTNUT At Co, war,P CAMPBELL. v 7 . ' 140: 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. • SPRING' CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS • NOW ' • ; • • OPENING. DAILY. Embracing all the NBWEBT STYLES an 4 Choicest Milleitaile. at the' ff ` LeptriST . PRICES. apl4,lm ttAbIES, DRIOCTRIMKRIGSt , igEN I r Oflrpps. • • -• • " i,auth•ninroot•snowf9pioi,ladoonataatly Teestrini forgitpaylltr. • • • ndonn.comM, , ,,wiTcoLou. oRxEU KNITTING-JUL:Ls. RIMIBROIDEREDVIRIRIONO. I:,‘,IOIBROIDERED 841f,DERS.' YlRBc QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. OHM, DRiIb&i'AqBELD,,ApID CORD& RA Nl3 - AND ZSPILYR MRE adn. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREET& .710.41. „ .. RAY SILK POPLINES. - 'Lel -, We luivs.reoeiyed .. . . . , -- , One mule b[ Alypsy Grey roylmes. - - • - , . very much desired ANN , I 1) 0 . 1 ,41 1 .1114 Melatiell., - • - ' ! or .. : . • - Orly Berate. Axil/tin t ..7 . • ; ' iiski” ',.` ' 3;.-.0 , -.• ~,, , ..t , - Wide **gem; v f • . r. use - .• " - 4 ; t'• ~- ." , : , : t, . -,./ . ..1.; , --4—.4L........., , : ri . htl ,' ib ,.L ie i* .. i b - e: : , 5 - ,'...:: ' - 1 !s 0 tall F l li l m : , aylo 1 - CH HR NUT § d 7 ElO T 2 l 6 at/. ' 4 i : l/IMB-81'001f. Or SEA SONABLV DRY - 0091)111. Mit ",' " • - - 4 i; ' ' • ''' _11; .*::airthetgl i CTlN Vali Seneellr R,l e n ; . every variety, in ire - Lade... Meg Nell!, and Gar Goodg fe % 7 4611"- r is-W°L V ai nie elm! Smear,. In Doer, :midi emiand -,- ' , Fir eine and Poll de Chevrn. footeh i ereeMann , ~.. - . Le we sitsk.fli Prints : igiAgg',°)Zullt.'"" •• L. slalom. Points, , rehear end Boarnolr Bleak Shirkin:WWl. ~ ..; trintNtitiwi.4. ' "-I', TA; sad tril Willa W te end Bleak Beaver , . FURNISEI 0 GOODS. ' • . . . f erernßoo gull* PANS Sbeetinga.:., all. Motto, ivl.plunit, and Doyhea. -Table Linens, Diaper, Unehrukible Flannels, Geese, owl Rik PIeapCHARLES eln. ko, ' L .. • applastatti . : C ADAMS & SON. COOPER It CONARI) ' Invite etteetioe to the lamed atook they have ever 441.4 ' "" Mr,kill CIAKM Of Plaid, Str A t, and mixed Cllot era of the new-. est estterate se ted air . Pin thO2tooet_ EtiNG TA NG TDITIO MANNER, • eon to rantat.very reasons le rates. SILK ANTLER are la oroportiook and 1011 be read i tqa. few days. • • LACE POINTS AND MANTLES. ' Also, MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Elphiaoing the following, v ia : , 41 bat-rate 88111sok cloth. plea Cloths of superiorquality for 81.50, rates of Zech and Mixtures4er FINE DUCK DOESKINS, peso' Osesimeres for mins gents. Hop wltYarOtolliclko morns, Pint rate, st !LIS; better e, Sklattand NINTHOOO R ilk. , (1014.n.a Ger B. E. and MAMIE 'Sta. . rriIIORNLEY it . OHM, • . - JR- si %ritoolal attent i on to their Stook of— grAWLS. kßESSgooiros. mo l e n i fvut iiAig oe A6 AP jib i risp.B AND DRESSES. siso. L tothe oiled took In rh lade!phis, of— Frilled' Bosom. • . • - . tses Loos 4riosedotturuee. :nun _ _ pommy, • ireapb, Lase hawls. , • Frew% Lar Faint's. F re" F tett LI rib.. Ostnbrittlateen. - ghentillSLsoes. o, &a. MU? FOR ()SK -Wejnylo atteolpon to our?taole Uoods,rhe I telliti%lg i s ite r grani'llM , 0 Tim; rifiwrhtttriisi v e_fro 2 a', at Ki loves, .1k Gloves. nowt. Ed n a., Rend kerehinfe r _dco., Ike. Northeast botooi EIGHTH 40 N.Rlfyik GARDOI . nth-14 ' • "effE "'ASSN/SON BuII,DINGB. '- nICY GOODS, ADAPTED TO PHILA DEArIint PLAIN :TRADB.—EYRE LAN DELL, FLURTHAnd ARClLStresta. have this season, iolualisalook of Goode (IN ADDITION TO THEIR GAY Erm.l3,) or the Brat quality, and nester descrip tions, &dotted to Ver neat PHILA ouI DELPHIA PLAIN TASTE. - r Fards. • Neat BANES' And L,41111 , 11. quiet 'Phid Drees Silks. Subdued :Iniored lon-ooyanittal Lawn& setrrunal Style Calicoes. - ode. Cdored Silk Shawls. Plain hoc Neat Caasirreree. Plain Alm& Wove.. Hdtife, the. aplsl-tr POPULAR TRADE. - - CITY RETAIL BALEA.BYRE Lc LA.NDELL, FOURTH, and ARCH Strut ta. have thle wagon made ' t aytoint to have a mock of Giods of the find quality, and of the moat de cided good Late. i tihi .. B .III)AST k R.D,TO.OITY. SALES. nifloart Hou l no l id Robes, eftsglotatoekandinany ef them. 84=147: 11 ;:!', . 4 11 0 9 . 12.116, The new style Elynnglar aux MrElNPati a ramg4. k.. . avig-tf LTNENR:— A fresh invoice of 1 BHII TN 3 LIP_IRPO3 'direot from the menufaa- Pim*, BIOHARDBIM PONS. It (MOEN, of senaat, Bat reoeloe& - • toNlmo 0000 pre oeteoted expressly for our family e,reud sot enameled l'te from almedmt xture of Cottoti. • -•• .ITRKINO &W. ipr ' 9, eoOth mteril Street. tIEWING MACHINES. WHEELER do WILSON SEWING IVEAOH.INES. - HENRY COY, Agent, lee Omer NUT wrJt T, BEOOND FLOOR, Biaoldiar, wits Operator', on hire to Private Famine'. BRANCH 01Y1CMI I Wert ;STATE. Street, Trenton. r J. • lb) OErtTRAL SQUARE, 'Ewen, Pa. tap-evil WILC • OX & GIBBS' SEWING MA. CHINS—The great and Moralising demand for Wilcox & (MINI Sewing Machine a guarantee of its vpr exoelteaem 'rice AM. For_ gale at FAIR -seMe Warehouse. 715011E8TN la Street. 05-tf , , GEORGE B. SWAT & CO.'S NEWINC MACH INES, - RF30.64. ' No. 10g€ CHESTUT - Street THOMAS' da MARTINI -;111110/1S8TNITT STREET, APAQUAG SEAMLESS pAQ/3, to ALL saw. row% LAiLEBLAC4C—Oro TH unLil l in 011 WEIMOTRIM 1 . • k - • %rnii ,el ,' r : . t I 3 " r _p t e t!:, f ' j, - M=l2==llilM!!! _ _ , • ..„ _ For The Press.)- Not Pr POI Pstsootisir.:lVlOsd - Might he made of the rations opfniconstimithare,been held respeetlng ?teolotion of spol t¢ body aa, d of the --roils* emVatitifeilig, 004, opinions Iniiistotiii and dye. Whs. ProrriPlabito Jt rt Teideloiriickh there 114 been a elves - whieh - has - eonsldeted the body ae Yridon•tiodee ' to 'the -- mid id 'AA" to he eon. Tiered in its appetites and passions i to be used 'onlite be •es't aside phe the end of the nsdlit at= tamed: VNOn the other hand, "then Inut been a class kithimpoeit•tandettedeii, *Holding exelasirely the idea•thit the aPpetiterhifi the bedy are legitimate, and . ; the4fere= 7 ho:i•thalged - and The mashed haVe aliviyi'marehed noder this banner, from the Epleoresuas to theprizeilghterenleirover different the muse adopted, theirrprinelple haa bin ' l ) l O . Oonitlifit4o 0 :: 11111 V* 414:. 'P k° . Oilci•Oterieci* 40411 ' 344414 r 1 40 , 00t; 0 .04 4 .* * 0.4 : 1 4-011 1 1(Alt - , and Banterer/I v olt Stririnedlihter'. • • eir,clrotti 'theft thedrusiktielehaindiefileig4e ~9sidative and Tuactical worlds sens z truksg Xtrr they repretnnt the nroteiple• -that underlies eaeb r, bate ire false so far siethey embOdy; the stonier .wldela the 'follies be the ,lsolta:ef nien 14iit glutted ou there': " It , is rib( to subdue the to the soul, if man is ,otbta than aPdigeitinkaseiti if be has any interest beyond present feeding. , i Claws deoltiraticin in thit elegant Latin, Of, Ms aflohinitun" , la nothing. more than ,atterpratielon'etts r Onlversal latent:billef "It .te not the_ fern) tfidcligili be pointed at with the finger, but the whole mind and soul `of a min. that 'la develop, then, thin harterinitilei'enditee'hittecontroteiery 'Passion thatiieuld Interfere with its, highest 001.: tam scorns to , forns, " hiewerhuty.- Bat to diselergeit' thoroughtz"every 6etlitkpoisfir Mind oleo bedereloped; for this shall the dont best 'gala strength to complete the mastery it has *in; All honor, then, to physieni dloipiiny since ii physical subjugation. ThiaqttestiOn rola - hen' of the 004611 to 'itieoYebieel Inuit he forced:4mi the Attention of overt' thinkingman' ta-day. Nests bas tionte tone "of artunoommow exhibition of animal strength, for Width the actors had" been Severely add !outlet ously trained. do far, well. But heirs has also come to Ili of, the motives, the Modes, "and , the, is. sues of the contest ; our envie a cry of -hernii. Given now two splendid spoehneris of plijehial forte, tWdstadweirtntldefes,whose rounded; hiawn, and toughened elnewr exeito oar higheetagutira. tion of laity manliness. Under those braeed"and hardened musehet are elastfeityand tone.of nerve; the men are not machines, but intelligent sitters the sturdy pOwer *pity movement, is, stipliit, hiddin,by the instinctive grant of We'll quick lidon. A few boars hence; two heaps of sWORen and !mangled: oairotsiei tWol Massonc ofjellied' all semblanoe of buinarilty - Mieltid frmullielifesCes, 4; eyes, cheeks SPliillPto:•kibilidisi ?o , l4iiiii , li fa bloody , : dates,; le, mom thin onsaitadiele palisade to any deems% inoliriot? , 146, - not seetplieart sicken at thdlosithebinifillisdli 'peddled= bi, the pipers,, even, to many editions When rmjazo4 tien with thase disgusting 'reardti are put the, motives. -money and brutal pasidon—when•wactor older that alftbis is 'read' by mlllions - who learn to gloat 'overhlood 'it a fate/a:tie, and thus, grew fa; wider to blood at home—we oil out :.It is time to atop thft; it,Christian •ernbravor in the nineteenth' century cannot forbid that' indlited men sbosild bookie and heir each- other to horrid rtiesiglesitent,' Christiddlaid mut. Why, the world bay never before aeon the like ! The contests at the erecters game' viereirinpirid s by the Simi-noble Maliiie aMislailem; and le, their actual results rarely primusted a: 1 0 16 04 Sioskoilt -,Aosiing Ind 4be paneratiuni were, fbr pert, in disrepute; and,: when they - ootiurred, ::yeeto Softened in their elfeots, the'exalted eon ufste, in: Innis indioatiy.' 'the gisdiatoilittights ofltgaie =; offspring of .soineheeothid, Ppporox's,brein—Pere' forced : upon *sir hoplese , subjects: • 'But hors are, iLeirlienStlitify: Sleek Abeilbr gold/ rai telitint:ltroofsesseirasalusrhailtiithlWherberiaiie w Ould -blush anm: •IL .vverts ditersabsed do the world ska - acid ieivioe by ikidinfLit, ot-th brutish then tear each 'Other to Plioei in seine 'virus', int:Stately we coild offer' but very faint strictures,, ;Whatever olgoelione lie, egaliset capital ; 'punftboveist have nO,forosi in• the, mutual ,dismentberniont of two brake& But - iihea all this is done in the open light of day,, arslid'a crowd Of applauding Spectators, numbering many milibution Sillier sole of thsi Atlantio—wean- ft donein the name of "'manly tesirage,"" ploch,", ''bottom," ,"musoldar deTalemnint,", and 'oisr, children are urged hapiledly. oeavowedly, to like' , "spirit"—in the rMine hu manity we enter a, protest. Recognising fully the intimate , tionnection ,be tween'brawn- and brain ; Conceding .everything that.the moststrenuous advocate of the " fancy" could urge in behalf of Mrerelaa and "training,", we do yet say that. =Mb , exhibitions is prise fighti. enlisting the-Worst' passions-rouilditY'and hate--in their support, can have no Other than the most degrading effect, not only, upon those imme diately concerned, but on all wholtre familiarised With its sickening details. We do again distinctly state that -In the' case of Plato tervis Epienrits, Plato has the loftiest right ; that Eplenrus is right only so fa'r is assists his loftler,brother. The de velopment of body is'noi an end - for Itself, bat means for something higher. Health', strength, vlgob elasticity of nerve-tone, aro so many helps to lift us 'aba're the prize-ring.- , - - In tionoltusion, let any man who recognises a higher than a phyeioal manhood speak earnestly against this brutality, forming publio Sentiment co far as in him Iles.: Law is but a' gauge ,Of,puidlc feeling If the one be true, the - other: cannot-,he false and will not be lax. ' T. C. • To 'MB 4rorok'or «TRH Pant:" In A *ld ing arthde tit jour 0011/1331111 4 • this morning, it is stated that the cost of coatis' at thu time; 'at, the City, \Verbs; Is ninetk.„fios cents pee ttiouvthaonbio . , feet. , „ fear ,that you, with many others,,have been misled by the statements floating throtigh_ the jeurnali of:the day,wlitch . are designed to recon dite the communitylo the presiMt Wasteful and op pressive administration of our city gas affairs. The Chief Engineer, in his official report for the your 1859, states that the quantitygas . manufac tured was tiro hundred and aixty-tr millions of oubio foot, of which silty-eight milllonswire lost or consumed at the factory; the net production foilr hundred and ninety-four millions of °able feet of gas,'the cost of which, - idsluding gas repairs pad in detente:ls,, and excluding services ,, street Mains, works, and interest on capital, 4e., was $764,- 18102, being equal to there than $1.54 per thou sand feet. • ' . When you, remember that , the gee consumers must pay, in addition to the cost ef gas, an inter est per annum on 'eight — hundred and - fifty' thousand dollars, being the cost of the Various , local works bought by the trustees, together with interest on an, investment of millions of dollars in works, servic e pipes, meters, /to., you will see that there is not muoh profit at thepresent price of gas, when modefroin coal. Itt,the sometime, you will as readily perceive that the patronage and im- , mania disbursement of cash undernontrol of of of the city - trust sufficiently explain- the' un easiness excited by the' public) disouSsion of the proposals of the water gas innovators; ; to' make gas at reduced rates: , The Water Gas Company offer to save $200,000 per annual to the public, and offer to give security fer'the fulfilment of their • - dertaliing ;Intt the money and patronage are wanted, in 't Inadostat" sohemei by our coal gas potentates ; hence the op. position to any interference with " vested inter ests" by those who' now control them. , 'Arnim 80. • , ANcagrlt TROTS.. Frith, Pond, ,Go,, New York, have published three new Congo ' duets for soprano and tenor, Own. posed' by J. Remington fralrlamb, of this city. These are "A Young Maiden's Thoughts," "For. get then, dear Susie ?" and I .oh, endue Upon the fallen." Of these, the first is decidedly thepret• tiest—the' music being harmoniously expreOve, and precisely adapted to the anteater of Am try. - " The; Rome of Happier Dam" composed and arranged for the piano by Mr. Falrlamb, published by Beek . Lawton,) is aka) much ihoi•e the, Usual run, or ordinary songs. no Worde, bail) rtieiOng, and the musk) has a decided character and sweet• ness of ita own, • • • ' •‘. , • , Ina few days, Mr: Fairlimb Will leyreible wherc he has ,heen organist In ,otie 'of lho'prlnalpal churches, on a ii4it ta, XilroPii sofinPlit. hilt mu sical. 'education: liie• au* will - probably extend oYer nipanilo' beer is well of Lim fti'sii)loaifi • Nctinnillin Rows 'Pon FrcrEigninds aniMet oeletriation of the opening of this inetitutiofttill take place tide afteino9li et 8 o '9looll. loiesetrwill be delivered, in addition to. elFercieel in Otaktaii:.` the chi'dreo. bespeak for our fair fr/ends, Who tale so much, tete reit in dairying on the iyanthroiderwork. tor tet m hrh"tao,fionie•frair devisrmd a tl , enOntkratee of our beet uerte s on tlieneoalion r erred t 0.•.) ; • ' : • - •• . - TUESDAY;-MAY 1, 1860 Prime Cost of Gas. New Iffniie. • i The-Ciaelitnetrl 2 latforisi. ' , Mallow lithe ' : tamitilrisatif.ilfif *SW Cincinnati p 4twelayee issue in the Te • rltir t u rieVibi . eA:oll 7 efflifirilio ? f the Union under theSonsthatieltea the issue • repndi - a ng . all notional put* qn all - whits; pone** It benediiiiiW r lMSeglenW Stab . war and thannion,eoS stSeptint a* the only and safe solution of the slavery-question, r oonservatisor-ef-tior Union - sV:" Y. g ° 1" 4 "7,0 41 -"1:11:1 1 t r i > ~... ill I, 12e - k ef/It i er br . _ _ .oltt ... 9. That this was thobardsot -the eoraprocalses 1850, and was rigtita l led to the or thi ef TftrHtbffell id 7 Ihjatifigigo , ''' .-, thektto3ket4itantiatt 1 Twit - oder mission of new States, with or without slavery, they mt4LectittliqiiiKiftelteilf all the States lb the I.lll'..4*llreillegveti theteiont put of 4Constitution viahitained, and the pelt pewit, and tripahatirnilTaTost over the cost ona"osi!"‘ e.t _1!: - "flIffq. t c , '' - )-1 c - 'A.'" In t p we rsoogw w e Um .w j. the poop of all the Torrisotigh the boil stl*.Pititli Astpreess„,tejlkef a uts city of seta tams reelderiM,imed A, rhen 'thfrtil o or =r 'psrShit hen ' id witbolltAttootio-sk lle ionetrbleat+ - ' ‘ , 40 Union npon. 1e11W1.,014,444. ' 411iie Shame."' ' ' S,4IIOIVISIMI/ MOTIF/SST/es„,Tholfellowiall ,ge bi r, ' "Witt , t3eeti deeilithi ali -nieree the t, tOsatistatkisetv 'le W ir , l-Ur ii , V s'l n .= i iiiit ~,,, - ,I l F.terilavAtillMAti : I l• ' : efitlikeas, .asw. I pli jde ~ t ire. e ColhatltitlOn I , -- ri l seism 4t _ Pa stlliti o ra t 7 the authority of the ebb ” - 1 ,tivevightaktioltnediaii,skagkedsto rat - Government nen ettertrieut D. • trait)* or' 'peripeityViGiffe MUG oonfere e , nor lawfully * danyany.:. ~. reservd.'.' ' The COnittintion ire4idinttitt " no 'poison Wall be . , dolklive 4 off lif*,litoortitr,___ lll 4lrOlisviY;Ntittiont lane mows ot lesti e •is si t .4. • !slums - we itself_ cannot drithis, sibil'itli ' it - the 'peewee 06nlerreet en the Federal, GovonunthatiVerill-. bei.admitteii,Nre premier, thatit„qoakt n?t,autherise. ageseritorial Government to' exelidei Stein; Itleuld 'Weiler fie power oat ally bear (krilreinilitaitablisited 'ley iti authority to violate Wet pretrisinna of Alce,tkmeattal Eton. - And ' f 'thelConstittition ' "rer i ses We rlsbt. anal of.piopeio.*A Ilitilitiatter it 4; dee 'ltifd Sonia * dbuipotlon-between dicier (Ciro - end other propsity,,uwilid by I °MIMI, to 1 4 anal toting 'Sider tali' 'salient, tif iliiiTlTniNsl S tte, - Whether' it be MOOD, temesatiss, or rinditiali has a right to draw sash a diatinetio,l4 1 0, deny it the benefit and , provisiorii 4f- the araatwi .whichhaverbeha providedforthirpotis ' et tell rate property. agawatthe eneteeteautent ofthe tie- , vernmentl' et. - ' * *- sr - ' et - .w re ,- ' And the Grivennnesit, liverpresitterenai Wedidgad to, proteet, it .(propert, „ in A Flaw), in ail-future time, if the shiver eseapesfrova thanes owmii.,''lltis'is - dorie'in' plain wortia.;-tew Ideals - - ti , .'bit "Mserseciar- • t stood. And,no.-srerd , WI ! )41 bona in the 0001 tution which 'siveCongfunj a Osteritirpro slaye'piropinty; oivet&Nrentitise prepertk of kind toeless protection ihtm prowl,'" Of -ii,o7 eq.* deberiptien. Tfte only powaroonferrodAstlmpogir coupled with theAlty of sleuth% and praise, the owner lultkiTiOlc..." ' ' '' ' l '''' '',l * ,,,. -1 " .; It was not only,witnin. wooer:lie of its (... 11, vollutu. Goreninient's) power, bur It was its duty to pass snob laws and establish such aTberrikorkil)Girtereti meet as would .enable , Gime. brwhowantherity they acted '(the people of the several States ) to reap the - advantage+ antielpsitemisfrotrits acqulii Son. ,; ' Judie Black hr totttrt."' ' From the Chambirsbars'Tlibes.l Ellie •B. • gettaabelia naibellemDiai Mthe ears of the, Democreey of tide State„.testilled that, Judge Meek, 'whn he denied in high rege that the President had 7 ever Written midi litter es:6o4 venter Walker,hebit, in,ttle,,Poteeedoar fardter.wdi dud that if tiny One atiaoked the Administration on ibis ground, " we will - prita -- shirt upon him, front which be will perorpseepe.", -_, • The ?envision of th e iskto thi'llol4l of the poisoned - Italia of lieseis, the Centaur, who wu slain by Hercules for 'a violent attempt, upon Ds- Jandav the hettee wife, louder thirpfitenetiotoar- - ying her . across a swollen stream„ , The. d ,yies Oeutsertive her irtlinfo; Rbiohll6 116111011.~„ the power Of retailing a truant , husband . Thee jiir lady, soon found 000asion for using this gar-, meat; fn which he arrayed hinisePtlor a saerliksial robe. inunedietely felt Mto petafat tfittmu per - ch not being able to tear It Del his back, in despair :threw klinsig.upon a tanosal pile in Mout Efts. . . ':There to a nartabs - Itneilin Jidgi;eiasef the °lassies. The treacherous conduct .ottjte-Ad% ministratbm towards " bleeding Kanerie." la their vileere her: over:her of.troubh; H aptly, nitrated bithe deositfal Molewee of - aus. 'Add thitnideVoletit einplefistat Of tho 7 pel. , : sorted Mole, also Ands. ,its awataplageatimOs : the Manning winding "of the Adailitserithiti meshes ,arenudrtur, "Little leiaat,'? Atm ttiemeeratte ilm.' Cults; vrho give the mortal blow to the Centaurs et the Administration. . - Buttearing the , rttloOs of b n wr:,,, , a), this Vold' threat et „Tease littek, - wWoh - Ire vanr escaped. in wgust of aar,MAlmr Airit 'awes 'the' Kwerir that be InWashluttoe end which is tlie offspring of the Cold of the Bie l outive, so callous to _ every,. passion,but.mitrzlnds hateivihoetimmter - motive lo'foU:thri itoOes of the, aspiring man, to.. whom thir - Ltemooratto lest* pledged the inheritance ot the White Ileaso e Thi ase of paimiption sad the shittirdifeaufs itO. li means by, the employment, tot% whirda the Iliagram- tot Adinimstiation keel:4'l6oH' at areirimited: , Decision Respecting Importedßegt'Oeft. The Mobile papers contain the decision of Judge Jones, of the - Molted States Distriettleart Births southern district of ,Alabama, in the cue of the _Untied finites vs. Thomas ir.'Brosidais and others. The defendants aloud charged in: the indictment with holding, 'selling, othervidie 'disposing of twenty =gross averred to have been 61041U - into' the United States, and within the_jarisdiotion of the United States Cirouii Court at Mobile,' "nom, a foreign place, to the grand _jurore.anknown.'-' The Ad - ye - W.4er furnishes the following Sylsopale bf the deebsion : _ " One of the principal *None in tbe formation of the General Geverinnent tharegulation of fo-; reign commerce. „Before the adoption piths Condi.' tattoo, each State possessed seventign`pnwer as to its own foreign commerce. - , Soma of-the Stites ie.' galised the African slave trade; others prohibited` The ninth section of the first article of the Con stitution, declaring that the Aoreign Agave-trade , shall not be prohibited by the Congresifirier to the y ear grant o f the powerto-probibit it after that date. 'Consequently,. the ants passed in pursuance of that' authority are -constitutional. And, in the opinion of the judge, the prohibiting acts are founded in sound public j, ihdreught to be enforced . Those , acts op trhall:pirsena directly or indirectly concerned to the importation; of African slaves, either in manning , ornavigiting slave vessels, or . furnishing .Itinds,,proriaioor, - eqUipmeicts for attehtbssels. ' " But. when the ,negfoos have passed into other hands after importation, then they 'come under Entity ~Jurisdietion;•attel-ore subject 'to the seine 'rights and disabilities as other free ,negroes in the' respective States' inwhiehlheymay Her who, holds one ottltem, claiming, bier, as /*Jaime, can 'proceeded 'tibia.; under State law, in the same manner as if he claimed any other' free ne gro as his slave. This argument was, sustained by, the citation of many - authorities involving anal*. gous principles;-as In the, case pf Atierohandise,= when the' Importation - has been corspleted and the goods have passed 'into other, hands-and become subjcot to taxation ; also, of persons who have emi grated into the 'country under the 'passenger lairs, and have passed into the maasesof oar populetion. " As it was not pretended by the dia4bt attorney. that ,the.Afrie l ne who,were thit•suhjectsiof these Indictments were" held by the importers, but, on the contrary,' as that officer admitted'. that the de.' fondants were in no way. ooneerned In their import ation,' his honor held they Were guilty of he - offence under the prohibt4try,acti of goitres; and there fore the demurrer to the indictment must be sus- The French Milliner in the •Witrieei Madame Laraine ascended into the pen, and took her place, after delivering herself of sittatelyseeop to the judges and the court, like a grand.damitof the reign of loile Shb'did' !Mt gire'their lordships anytroublo about ; taking her, setak-,:.not she: - When her attention was called to the various ants of enmity; both:of speech and'aot,:with - 'which Mr. Barber was charged on account of Mrs. Bar ber's alleged extravagance in dress,- she• clasped her hands in au emphatic .way, _ and exclaimed : "Ah !' Mon Dine eeie sizfana-4, AMbara .' She then, explained to- the ,court: that the usual Parisian Calculation tor a Lady, s• dresayaried. pro.. portionately with the family' inoofne; and - that the amount of the dot brought lay-thiewifit 11/1111'111T8114. ably taken largely into , account, ; llport an income of 25 , 000 francs she' maid positively affirm— , sisinming. two - ohildren—that a= lady was sea, nomical who only expended, 10000 frau_ ter dress Mrs. Barber, in 'her opinion,. was enti tled •to expend, at the least,, £4OO. peirqumitis on this object. The sum of £2OO per annum was a misere—it woo - oitiviiitliitorablo! Was £25 too much for thati evoningrolkfotyrhite satin ?i Assuredly not!' The - oonit must take Into account that there were torisllonwas:Of the oaten BAc~et tits, Skirt, *Mob . wee 'nesiefurarily , tithe Which wag again adorned with bouslionnes and a frill of silver lace. She saw no mention of the bentAa, whist' was do rig:tor. And then their lordohipeyouldreadily' , see that there isteit be' above tontiMli ist` the front of the body. - Bor. *Jerry volvatitittinsmed across the front with a scarf of the easee,,,AVO guineas were a bagatelle. No ! there would - be no blonde inside. "Fs dohs ! gust genre!' The otter dress , ,— petticoats, decree, •oollare% oafs,' gloved; apart—she could . not Ni n lady's little corner torn.' forts down at less than 4 to per.annum... Inauswer, to Dr. Loll, in oross•eikettnination she intimated to , himihat she bad been aptiakirig hitherto of W 44; but- she TOW quite prepared to admit that of a Mail ,11M01"--11, pail oleos:sr like him (Dr.:LI —might, dress herself for kW • ammo , . Bits Bien ohs' must he Ouz expedunts, and devote hell attention to' tinning dyeing,' and shift.- Would Dr. Lobb like to ilk her anYniore petitions? or any ether gentleman ?.. -NO 2 May S, fot! Bonjour!—Lomion. Paper.. -- -- A CLEVELAND PANTIE, IS, IR T 64 , 10 3000 lII' ENGLAm—Mr. F. W. Fernier, (eV - Ih. - past two y_eare a journeyraan Mater Janda aity, - aatted for Europe in the mhooner R. itaisrOtost this morales.: lie goes to Eatope to one; gao,ooo iwbieh 16ngs Els grea tlimit 'AMA tear, London, lidd, , gboia ame to, 104. randier mother, and, !Aldine of -that lody'l death„; the money was to go to her eldest son.. 10. , Fer-1 nine. 'nether died some years ago "M Qnsbotrw oll4l foot.l. 'li kitltoilea,; llB great tent wet pot ftwltre,o at the flail slier:mute liar will; 'Mr. Fared* hewn* that effort': are hi i i2 road and in Engl to brialittel will, buthtbae tire: 11, establish authorities that a ORM 111141 itt gen theeerie preteisei. p ile hr an htfit hint 044. ' mart, *I "tattier ,wlth ieeroes Atlantic de best wishes 4f 41t4;ht c_kro,* Ptaingtoille;•. , ; . , stTHE )0411r ow*Li4piii. At* sal t. airmito Wow* '41.4.4-1«.--•=•Agimr Throe " Five • tea Tw•sty " Tirefietrearisi. *rem"' Ybr • clib *ken gratis est akemsoissasemeeffilo42o.l - i'intaukOmrsan TiesiasedWasCoLAsseliair Tusly,s494Szafia. : - -•- • ' 1 • ~ , 1 1 1 61410114#4, - • -Seats it la, Val, be. 4 54 : , :itAi s i ra i i k MUM 411t11111016 :41i;;111/ • '‘) 'rF:•111:1 : 624—rternatv, 4 „„ wiacrzrazll4-4-hamvs: Ak.d. Jfir. et 41 1 / 4 1•12‘ 4•6•61 i =Ube Atatt a zt i n i r= . lue• tilt neatsy. '• 7- t 0 1 44 OP REPOZNINTATIVEB. • adikeit r-11.•- friends or protsetkis mixed au tin gamma KAM be eel*, wok)" wespozspmatively iirietzt •operyslotbk Wispr,vvr tow" hi* Jimo, -g asilikA l it., o l l4l !!Seti?„ :64 C - Crits... taws. sarbir liallikawieaste — waddi re vrialitristl . _lllll* 4 WCTI:4t rit,AffraTmatif ilogoldiam Oir VAVA I Ja = "1 011= W•i4ira UV" MatilattlieirtWeitstoo mugt , ...o vt 41.0. t 44 wife The wpoi - ' WM ormaittevase Auld. ths Eillie Aketigemod. . • GENERA - NEWS: IMERIERIM - &nese eartioprodfirrAt di* IfinradiAni- Velt"er IMlOWN(44oo l ,,lateMitel/P4P.AII ieb#ll . I Veetliehap 16. 11 0/IRAIRS II 4 *it mina ,o **lrtett , lte*"l/eoli*. esereded* golleliert,TOM; Ow her etatMited, Pristisit*Yiet- Ng,' both ,to Seiteed god' tre trotilt BhAss, sioln peitbkii deilatnt, tiVisig:od the'sdom of der •teekritrioten. sithriestA them at lbw itig, Jostles'', under 1' speeleai iisterott, Males .pleintrittkiapply Akar treats assestatpby Woe( isookop,, siose *Web; the astemolol _beYf. l 4o4 et kW Ne.eathMtek*o -*“.IPIPit ailed " /4!,41' 111 6. linthir-n o l* l 4 03 4-44 3 04 tilftw Jenny.' . 24 eaeurt. 6 4 3 c 0 + 1 .1 11 fid,F.lll,oll#,iti 4 11sie.ib ,or ,tliiiitii.--A. torah iiiiniti - r, ' the 'reetift` of in IziOkii eciposittti*ii deilleirgriWriiii foiiiike f i4 dielVisesaiiteir, liabliiiiiisbitik- Seitlitobitt,lii•the Bed 'lifer &the Mkt! '" '''' " We have just reeetreditiadltitriTif Willies ieteiliesmie.froln theehortis if Take Wissipse /a die: boldulliej . o C)irOrwArb Awe :mew. wen ere% from rosier vitt Girl' to las Wist side 4 tUloko, Wit &fir exPeditien. , rwfwalitoo of , ileiklined' *id OA Mbrifill tliri klimOdenkstetioeb• hilimind thsm,thaftebald 40A' Thhtli FootW, esinik apd 'theie-letzes4 that'. Thick. `YAWS' !?cited killed. ido erimitemlii hop. Of tam et twediejelse Of Vot—/44,gri/14/1, P. =m amblito mattillf. a . ilgeo.' .r e sly , eisiiiii tam railer* that, ' seierdinetriesileditor tiiitii ihmq MAW Teeth i had meeptlitssat Immeathieb newouid s hylie trilf4topaitralds: to koot or Aeolis ever AC ' in daitidleibin irthig Ma the rifet'Styd. 4 “l/ dintii'~i/ iitidifirliMedini , iiiat.thklndlein lowlans; wititildidse • 145 4.11 and ceremony, kerpettaWni.theriNginwl, ir- b./ beryline his asp in the •dworhor -rdlet einirvoithirmithicig,linit 'wiper- • '‘, itgt'kovilficotr. b417 0 /4 0 4 lilotloV raithe , t Xla ood NFL WO to OliotOto, to ' to eitii=glitentidtal-ipint ' •4, alp. ~ lindoXlll6lll.mir: "boo -480, -.Ll m iro l , , lbilik,ll 4 4 l /1404/ coiniihiebii eitpntinuneni NW* ' lietwine a•' bond ' iniaidof looViiir Ilinielnil Wit , * mat*, Id - 4 q miernisati timit t tlwe " Amort ri!alitOble gifi kt I PO 4 # l 2 x ti?o.4a* .. . ' . .° co/ 6 . ... . :' liiiii t ininifbi4 biennitiiiiiii.Eiliiiit 4 Priii ha .the ***iris* iillidekietielteffilloT - - te destroy hiumeitlithi‘ It'4!(iiit'ti Ulf it Mink tleilitiVolf - thdlifilifi r nildf - MaidinWitionita a . - - hidden-coin far ;71intife Atime iheidgeni4f Aisle sputa, wind , epalt• einirfeek bile, dim whole bet* #.40./rkoof Piet Athcro- lbw- Water, !; The : pantie, c.f?ftfYfeCk", .9/Art,fr# 4 o,2* o /1 11 . _chat,_tbo Olio inottitee_, t's ,e!pbogtp; ..,:roof Oito 110,111 , Ilifte, or ti , Aity,r«t`ii; toio,.iid`ii, 0R0f.4 - mik:.ri• eitioicast U'bbiCtimiiiiiiiii - Aid iiiinf gliiMwto. PettiiiNziffteisiotkiniti iro* tab ti mild-'"iiiMinf thiberi, - iiiikirlitilei oitielit dam hem& dowel Ti iiiminim. ail LLlkitflliil the bridge will: fall of its Mans . Weight;wand 'the Wi wi/0, pf-A1 pinta portiow ef r aim Anntitilintille grsl4 tft - d!lctr,et,__.itt OPW l 9t.Fo‘lftft!Olk A* - iu 'i'M l r mr, ii nd Ttkill ' 4 . 4 .4 1 a POI* 4 3 eitaamo the b r idg e Wei strenipihe* ny iron enieri, wblah oxiMided from "oiiiielhitzeetit to`kbat'otinii, -- ..a the danger Atl i Mei, but MO' sologitt i nt 'girding would liivc , terideredthe lithiiiilefe,•lor",eily lagth'of time; Wei . the tiolteirtire mialimed Inedeittve- by thi tinnor4l of ihn retidrilig *cm: f ''; . , . Charles Smith end - Bnindlftoirxmini for the par. pose of s ooo tbid "tat 14 0 44011 0 7.twedi da,bin 4- tr*Pitd f 0 .411 14 TO,t1MII• Wir._l l .* lit theikßittl• Pilo gip next , OM* tall. ~They- !cut, - so lig ex te reniove,by *Ode of 1 Write:Al-a emittisr otawts Boni thslengholtairhioliim= the tissue wend. The-wprk .wse alow-A*4 , _ epiwyandline-s4- liin4, while of duty- on thektehintihner ' kind - i • et aiitii resealltyl ' Otte Ofthereltrilkelittiiii bingo in the vicinity,: and . trio' - ,onientit i mink* mil robbery, sod. the other : was ; sought, ha some petty act. Bath Were Mind and "convicted, mid natio the ' State's Mlicinl • 'EWA thifitill ' soolitioll , wciait tro4kboom dome on Om thnidm Ind upanctimmino• lion ticinbitronint was. found, WO. iminriwt. Med thei liboftnecr thetr, Work OW6 - dinty more, thepro bability le lb - Alberti imMlisivifreirtieS immentin titoridanoi Okottatkitro.: z- ,:',i OW Are.l7tic of_ April, Acy, Ifitesny th e go:wpm* Of . the drench gives a grand irecpy.,,dress belt- it the hotel mf:tier 'mother lon - Comma de Sontijo; iw the' Vamp. Inyeinee; i Nob.. I Intim lions are almedy : Bismed„and „it to esid,ilunt pm, of the costumes ordered will ,be ,Of 'a Valens beauty and price. The dresoef IMF ifirjei*y. olthooigk gimp Is enoupitin materiat, will, of soiree, sorpann all„offiere, in songnif : of, preckme eMnetr. The hiiimia Intends to:pensonate - Mena eitsippedloithenhibi. ' Thrdrarelsooshikawd of a 4hPri tlbirt ,of tenet .tentwoldered with Wiser stirs enderegoents.. The, body is made • of leek , •coliiied iriiki - She ' 'will bart(enspended behind - haw C eoldett salver fined with sMewsi the feathers-of which Till siperitletwitii.dietspork. , A nietplwgeld band encircle:lolM heed „,With a' Wee, dtastitiail crescent sitUttio eihall ittire in front; pint risk WM. with goldentinkietn set With Idinmendt . -it 4 is mid that her,Majesty,,AP pt..i - gee - disamds in ilfet - nhnpe MO - Ate* tniii atip)lll, him oblige d ''to bite r in." oonihnotien , Mith ler liritsto- Joao% Wend of Om knelt plies. boloostogto gm erotrn diamoude :onset end re-most:W l „an .. 4,,thatt ;the pa4ore complete will be eittinated `se-worth 'mere thaii ten millions Of frinice.' , ; TlitialreiWtybinitiftil howl of , the sPoeliteTlAlo Am*" • is. u•SOTI , alleretione and.srmo tiafor thisjits„Thi will etre it an ap " "of fairAlSos megail. minim and Oplenderptal ale iitidehMed-thint: the ff/Pr 000 .“ 1 4/4 bar Yorttethillo.t! , tiiti Ot .Kanot. - -Po - At. pr. Tn6tais. . .. A T. a. plirlit: - seiataieh. •Thial• rte Ilia D/4-: Unarms or me Orrr-ratt arolinannit nor At- IF Kohl the Penvenworth Haptld.) ; , , - ,„ „ Milted States lilarshal., Colby ricaYed intelli gence- yesterday evehinr - Of the' killing of Lai nerd Arms, one of hie deputies at Topelra;:on FridNi 'lest, by- Yobtt-Jilohyorldisk attempting to arrest him , on an - indlormenr sgibist Arm from the' liTnited: Bata' District Gaon 'of "the Second Frew piteous, who, itrrival yesterday evening (Mai Topeka; we learrthe following aocount of the •AM* lest Illoyemher ,seesien elf the grand-jury torlte Second district, May was Indicted for tub- Ding the post•offloe at Willow Spring, btiVresist log the service-ot- tho-warrankite-wea again in dicted for, thekoffenno. . • .-., L. , - • c .-r - t • " On Prlday, 'Leonard :knits; deputy United States Marshal' waif lw-Topeka for , the papa -of-arrest. log 'him, and intlllOrldt•r•OOte. week 4rat ro his house, in, company, a - .triend, . Upon outti 'and' Andliai Rioh7,-he Waned-Ida that he bid come to area. biro, .whonlilohyakked him if ha had a warrant?. , Upon -rda,eneweeing," Yea," be , replied_ he - Would resist; and , - drew a . revolver. Arms ;then lold -lila -If he' did. not- strait' him ihon,,ba.rpuki tortiontv •do it Ott semi OW daft, And l e tne,noltee. After leanngbeanoinded he would tailwind glean attempt id erred him; and liaiiinglils ilivolver at - half-no* he !apt* - Instatitti ;the ilea, ,tltiling itiqbrbil aald artaihdatissa. int & 1 itlth' y,mLWa,gs avails* and. ietra , told Anna, lair. to' apyiroich: <Arms,'" VI ' r u ko advanced another st2lrlwas. Z i r*l pawing througit,lia. mot, y "talon th e Ohlis, and killing h Ilishastky; , - - -Mallard , Arras is from Wiaadotte,:sphari hie family. no w vaide• iill AM Alain. , lintassally as. liked, and loaves many friends to mourn his war ideation.' -•-- : - -- - . , John • litchi - owns %frau. Indiana to' Ibis 00111; Pi* It. le, aRePABOaI.t engaged with hiiiile his deeds of blood in this Territory. He is a larigeri petty holderinlnpekkand - esprominimt politia ra lan in hie . paTty, 7 4eyttig wood, *Lib, Isagishi of 18.59:, - ~, ~,,, llfifirtlisi hair nisi: the - stage lag - yitarday 'month* Many hid not beeminnated.-"Zhi - line- • - riff and the deputy Award flbstme aesaty woo IMO. belosld - mid Owlet litt itlifkilitd4 so 1 Owls were hung Poi! by t 49 04101CV,vannrikla soy cape, ; • Innis '-'va Iflridft flee thole ; we 'lean that .. . , Itioity.itil istrettdereti Miff .• L , .. , ' -- Ben. Jaesee - 11.‘Ltee brieteetei heal illlfillalNl ,to 001011.3 t the trial blIPM0 11 00( 4 4.04.100,4 , ."- - VOX ilia it rhs i pportkis M,,..4pwasariail thneiCalltif Wand iffiSo - 2 -- - .., " • 4.1 i • It . - • - its awillieetaite• Murder, at