The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 16, 1860, Image 3
• - • ~..461. 2-71 - -- - - .1.,1,- - ."' '''''''imik:.*,,... :-Z ll. lPf,ej:,,t,Tl: 1' , ,-.47,-. ,' ;::'",: ,:', -:,, _ ~.-I`,r- , - .•:-', , ' , ,: t -,, . ',--_ , ,:, 4- 4, , :', 1 -Like,=,• - -:',V,= . ~,-i iv :‘,T);_l a OS VPIINO! ' & ' 4' ..,- '- -'i•-• , ,7kaiiittAit;W iLliti "41 1 t i "2„.1 101010 , 111 ". kJI, , mipa. a te ---- -t ' ',... z...., .k ;.. . bil°ffil e ; - 4.,17 , -idruri 40 ,„ - lbil i tar " 1 " 1 . 4 ' % 4 n- 1 2 1 4 . --- t •- 4 uP4r:‘ k - --- 03411roli*:,j Lp.06.4". OAK TlittA , and t=c• el , ~,,,- ` ,_-- 4 "----------.• ,_ . , ~, , i- ,- 4:, ,•.,, ISt ow Tint , a Uhl .ThattitTOTlOT ‘.. 7 -'-'-' -- It -'-- 4.4 - "' '' -- ' . • „,-", :s ir-SWlNilffetrt fOrliithi-Testordli*, abseil kilt-vat . - . „„: It 'Orthreit,•nsek•wie disiersard egad* kens*/ ootton ,:71114 (AO* k B. to Tarot; Na 41North Wharves, 'VilliftfitAatkitid4t. :-. bolas ia the amid Are district, the this 14 111 0thilid fro& - the - Flat, Second lid Third Oro l a tit t iie llab y l e i g - eptp vti r d r; tit) 1W Ii the ..*.:,, _ . .. '•Alt after dote 1:1- '• '' - e l =l7 ' 3. ll:4:Mftl i t'M eteftee l or :he - is Irk tO,asamewd. - . ..._ • sweat o th e - .-I. '. 1.4.1 e° l42 % v g:lribitt' l krd; g ri t r e s.. _ evert a r am smiteggioge• sionnnunion rimiftpluile • " ' 44114$ or ta• Wel story. T 1 Wit i re 14014434141:- ..•••; -" i4l , ' • mg tie dere or inelors . Pe t t o- the north, k ' ill :ftal t ikdietthoogoMi ofd.reatr..hfothurt . • - ' & ' - "lltsV all ' _ or as iiih =Monde •• '• .: tick se storm i , nison ch e illise .front. . ~ in* 11:10104. Troia aft:MAIM 'smoke 4ohri i n: ' against eat eronneolas It for a time. Throe war not a LeV e ggl i r i a t ia,tOote • estisch Ilan ekaissi_froto tqp IC 11011,4011 M. sant amble 14 mg, a../.4 a• this ohne. oe the whatfe the "Arentea Mom to the li. frost sad taidervtains olaiteit 1 hi.e _ pi ommttio.hgrontresea wit *Vetted throogit w ig= vuldowood 1111,11 the bower par , t -- 4 - lanai t haat we *Oats . • fire :Gomm . • , area then, both on dr wharf sad ta sterstrea li tinW ' in4ity)ajo, the IgOvii or a eellanSerebar, tone; i• wee . 1 W, 4 , 54 . /rolahatier 40 the 'letrat i roZs m i i ire is tr d . ' 44:ii.„,,,een i t * , il attlerrartrate welt! hoops g .." ' rer cigar% ne e, n rid 15 the soiy - ." 6tWe ofseutvid thwarteei rely ruts chime.* on hand of-th e .A film has moue n ag to 4111114 thou ,A,.„, rat of dolla - Esseitei i er mei g le eirr e iself • • =le as tam - *lllll7 - -Tar izi nstokiteri one se a tte' '• was ear VS i traili x 4 Arairsallable.. to tell • ,-- ._ tics ‘ 24 ; i ii tows the , eptainenell bee - - 'oom v iss_ater on i l 411 MD anti throe • • • matz o , alat &WOW &Matt &like timer to „•the_ ' eompleten ear tebaooo., $-• The &Ma '-• inansilesidt,' .ire 11 11•1414_110M. - ~ , 414 10 4 ,4 ,4 4444a6 out, Ira _the duaugoe to.water ..., ft e d. , Ita illmtZtaf t It i t ) ....ea l l r egotie the , -.1.i - Alt °arts ,tho Mere_ 1-Itemes7k come maw . 4 ,..A, ...norkb • *or etsseet. A t ths -,..' -2 • sane -tar n,elleeted an pomace eta the Astor, alm i l l / 4 won. & Co.. they also enteral the store' 11. ia' It by the anorwhidows. awe , wga l"mil tiihi c ol l SMeart4l,Fr.r.fito 9 11 I # o poen wee rue lire % ,, p iti astiv & Pooles One, bat, •.t outer ,wee Forest &no st taw , ,- : c cr w recol o az uw atteinest, a aboakattm e ssno NO 4 mate ish ...: d..,_11:i melt ea extent NO Oho nom 'lag. ' Phu -.1 - i -;. earl *tibia want - Wu, with WSW, tweet con .: ' - it ere r i amts. not eyeittainno. onto c tir , the ab - , slaps of tU,,iiiiiimts of too Wean. .., . _. , . : .. ~. - 2 ~' , 7 imp 1111 akin* a•simbliAsisorrjr-it,__7 . - ' - ', 1 ,4 4 0 1 ! a ar i r, e a ''' .2 - g ',=l e I;',7stealtel A , -,. homes - to visit .the lellee. Comte 11,00040" ate ..-, .; noes th• Chief. Ensineer of the int Ihreartinent , a _- - l ee rains .5k eatrantons;wa i t i V a inurneof pro - , • Parts, but, opop iftgairr n igweem that &most Wail oaa own 0 kik he omv•d tits ~- T1N14411141111 atintat Mese eat' trAseren4s. - teat? Ott 4 'entwine the pst 4 s4 , w ow=Uwe Mae Jen , hot the Itterbil4 ‘' - i'l oast be, arid tits ditr Mord Were .. inastair %waste ' antehed t das- , am wife times , a esmoes. e .to one' .open to •- . --. mob *sae , ea , is tis %Waft sso a hone than • • - soak , ohm aam woofer of this ills aroioaatteedd the . - tigrat. Tape. sad, Whom* /demo are monies, whith 1 • : hoosedi been arms ht tape splia a few Winter .-.. r - -01011efel Hat' to' 141.4 hr...: fad naiad Juice ma, " • - rut the dr• in a mho& tune. 'Meat anneeseary deist - I t ~- 2,-, ,:mitana, ---. smuts or 444444.• ,fllO. the litete% Rouse II Isle shank, sad oompeallis Milo the "adhere ex• of ths:em rte Green arrest a* "41114 nor th , sod from • D1ifi11.614 . 1: I,ll4l:ll.Zir r iroti t it e l in VIA 1 101,91 , 0 tire , alio Zito - an -1 iir 'oscines it. - , apa wee emir, to So ants ' wiarrithM, that three Or -'f lour them ea many as vent set to nark tie Irmo 46- 04sibil, 1144 tie '114411 14 Plies , hire laded. Theme Bon Minas abto *costa nsaehee of 'he 1i4414,1111 •'; • liteeloaleantais We Olaf ,V, at o,6oolosllled tre - 6 4 1 :1 1 & C S t i A 6 Ae,l l l 6 I I I 611 10 :eZia ;1 16 0414% el. ' sr , 'Quitmettitikrasmwttoillte: - - - '• • LIV. Itaxviciita .•'lstrzovitit c lip HZSTOIO • ..- ~ ._ , ~ . Pea- :•Wiria..4l4: . leitaariiii, Mentos, had Fairmount ' ' . Saeger liiiiiwitS,9oipsay hoes juit'"etesteited • large l' ..' Aid eaosaiodious ear brim at die Urethrae tiftlieir road "in Therteri Side: "hi bkidditui se ci . o bandied lifid stair • •-- tea lost by azto feet Wide: The ground fkOr hea astride ••-'4oota-for the atom, of if y 'inte,' end attiehed to the ' 11 NOMA,' iii slits atablejnorthr nail non I' 4 l one „. '•'''•1 1 :1 1 14r441 Mud". FOOT - honies. -Ti evantsugitamt, this . Azisdei stable ecoribtee closeness", fight..rolitibtoon;ond , • ,suraisiity.:nisk sesfent , Bate from are: It is roll Worth'ueirogettee by the pqbl a Moll dose rate r 1 - . P ab lo Tbe:seseed-door of the limn Ming is snew , •,-: s me . ' . = 44 . 1111, or Pie. mos. This roan n boa , -, • .. , feet 114 leseth , Maw-eight feet x • ,NC:i ireet_ ,- iriAfb,.cg- about four feet wader 'mma thill ik •ye - % l ir e nd - A.M.- "R orn,V* TkL i tel' ili r - - mils ; was ollt tiniehird 'atilt ; are at milersomk. sundatteas for seudepieCtk. lea l a with satins t i o ' the What* us tea dieted sad lit with _ _bs im H a rt a ' latest strip mad Pllt4erll4,_ , KM, • :••.- me um _ in ' doable tiers of ttte-o-teres c aw edi Inittridevated to .gm a ra :. ,:.•. wire moo, Amon tear, mod ie.*, arrange _ 'inept. -. ~_- • xbui elegant sod subeteatml bold .: - , r ic *. inireted .at an m ss of 41189, and .. starlet the attention orate-mei saw _ .c., 4 , oii ii.....,„" ri oc bs i t ,..w artri a r , . 47.1 ..7.4...Grrosii. wrio•vo c bi dl t. irintalif, • " = lnill elinliri lli g SAree lm atit i sti s ,21,74 0 4 5— rf •+ ' &hour roof to net veers. We leszsailoo ooperg n ice; wand elutes . g F tt i e toset t et ikYra thew serttea- 1 "nice; on Waybill anima to the De ware front. ' i „ -Tuns - or a giousyse" MX Ottd3ilo.-A - ' .. ~ -•-• company hay beiii formed inßChiosto, Illinois, WWI tkettaaled Ottial Ulan Cadets, who drill, aotardias to tkii Orsini' Of it,. Sauces lb the Irene& arms. They have eh peened say Antlers o n mpour talks gaited . - Statatto driliaosinst them for 1 Pete. which hes been ' . visooeingel 'tor the , LoWOrgon, et asitimore,. sod the ' iragaSeg, fateful 'amine seetiroid, in • Isw soseire, on a init. taihatiaten, by - ifehtatkir of the ladeseadsut . Drain, of that oily... The Zany@ Cadens Will tint Phila ., : al for s e int XV= derins flair tour. The mow psiwag bt take .steee sn Baltimore, al -'Mit? ax.c.d.tirtAinrAnz e aten i halms -.we_ mitekito, the ..erelopreenk of hie re...L . • Eflargar " f4rS 4 !'F i ng e rfaitettoon at. 1 iskak eg s' it lame 111444141n444111 •i-Vgat 'Si t 4411 to' air!=ftL wsomk .bytho a*. vorevatt • •--.'-• - Wiiiir - in' salot=?Athon, kis pawn ° 6 rilthtt 6 VVOT, fiVAIIIM 46I4 4 6 Offti, 94 1131C r ielr a ll - mimeo! to reader the modest lien in try= the , most terrible of modern vo_rtihe massolaes. .. ite organi • ~', - ...:sree iirsoted. by : pint emareet, ties , member" 144. 0 eater dnaksas ukase or au deaorip - .-..-rt_ me a r ettl ',,,,,,,,vcoettte'Fir als r ;s w yttlieliVel 17:01 .1 %. ° Za t =tu i rMilittl e . • . ma i py t a n peapia . of masa. toward =Aar., of-, • old 'lna noir 0,4144 -waif - the Mee -of nut - sonsehmat bang entered into. - - - : . =., Turk Piierniiii-BsirviriT Film Qtrtionow— , .. _ . , , .. A - Whin iii.. --Ttie, following haineconti seacoast of .- •- ihe Sinbinhigninf the meeting of the hoard .of pr on. data of parionter *war eoapaaiis, on Pridaylast . to rShsPat OS .ionreasiar the . mare of etchings ticket: frosOix toisti* emits pabbibia Wive Biagi, ar.;: . ====l , , theaver assitoe to the ourettog r " Tho ionfoit iris a • '- • MUM./ and botOtotosto bolt: ' the groat Otibtolue baud . ling_ earth other , without ilcores: -., litionthenee - seSi Mbar of deeelMet sad underhand workingn i r i i• orsentmor -hodig„-. - and , inesivent , 00rpoirotiono, ao. Aboot twenty dirsrent • molotrons• aid three hundred aid_gte4tat aliffehasaht were 'offered, bit NO - snook si f th - ', '' Ownwallatr WWI Pa - that n was: impoorible -to tall ;;,„hots ewe wen adopted or not: Thfi seam _tom , , ate, all the etas front oat wing of a imam, is _inability to record the proesed-, - :3 j , Vtplit Ik• l lD e ri l tittet tri li r3l7:lll4 Alerat tir th e icestles several times, bat it words ant eta; : 1 ' -1 to ad ilielot' At neat lait 'AdV iat , ammu"subligussfitheiurgre - to ovations eke trouts a* six mints: , Tite probability ii ' - Atg a tirreirs 4 4 ToVilt ":417 0 drii=lit=41 Vg - Imo upon one grica,"! • , lifikatliliff DithimigOtier Penner OA Se ' ' ':tionliiy afternoon's held lie Inquest on the body of Bomb Loomed ,;-a eliild of saves Years of age. who was found '• ' ' dead ii a tottiooOf attached to a number of court honor.' at GlitittutoWtt road-and Fifth attest. From the ail ' -. :Ammo before the compseitury,lt appears that On Fri - day the' add started, from' her rfaldenee..ll3l Bixth -wen, tir go to bat grandmother: andesesid- by this ,plaell. which VII , loft open the fiscawhioh eeharnted --- -Aka jetyrean tutu aiblialtreet bent dime, aV i lt 4 Mt ',. , :pessOldissowdentadyssit into gm "ea: , T way wag, - 2foriVi t tl laterday. h ;Fsepoo qied been -- - -ideated a ,mt - orioarhe'lli9. Chant with the Seernig map unsafe tr„on t *tenants ,moseryigg I court anima 90Waisl ttwpWasr, dlr. trti tt =l- .. = ; l'irl ig r. itfP 'tlit aro tsliM 4l " Cr I:ooo 3h. lea no 4 .' . '‘..' .•pibiat aix tEs alto Oallsoted ki,,,,,, i t , Tot . ~ -,,-_-: tun ve ' essaared Mr: Parr . his nimbler, ''' ' - ':!-C the ti the flooring to the osespool buboes i :--- GOrtis-litairiain.—A general court-rustle' . -, . win Meet - thle - rnorning, at km o'clock, at Ma_ Butler ' = 4toimi,"lforth efinet -below Chestnut, for the told of John Weatline,, eadtalit of the 'seoond °cleverly of : - waeldagton Maim, semi - .Margie§ Frefirred •by First - lieuteirpt Wilhite R. Patmoson. of the link cam - - The aourt , -.. fill comereinieutionent-nolowil John A. Murphy, of „', atri m :sly r meat. first brigade:president.; Thomig . amss, es sof the lipt.aity tromp t and xerenee P. arty, ooptitin of the Wlohlutton limo William 1 of the fret midmost af *Wellety. drat gada_MVs se Jedge-adrimara. From our Avow, -. • of_ Ospe. Omilins we Weeeident that he will be ' -' TAIII,"" a . fr'''''ksbY coarse affecting Imo bow or -- - - NELITAIIi CiLMilliA'neri2 , R0X,8011,011011,..... -.. . , ''Jt trill biimerilles*,mlt Me hat heiebradoartdolt was to ,! ben taken glees on theithl of rebniary bin, et Roxbor mask. lion the omemon of the laying 'of the comer .. , -it,. ti the D orf if the Sevin Virginisiut who fell - ' Ike movoialtenary war. was peateoned en eeeenee or r i „. twillterjLW enure !toe to nap. Ale. (ZnebtVlites Me extended an; invite. to EientiaTo l t i M. Wes. °Obi" peeond tetrads. to ttelebeirate.ltal=Vtliarjte. tile oornreand, Th. ,pteree wun ti. prOVelrtit e tt i Vire nn i - rAgade " V, Af t t ', nit e nt'itte l id i , op *venlig next. , "in threes = Penlons.—T h e , Waehhigton ~-, Ahem Ceeteht Perri. will Pared. on . Thunder atter - • Atm siiik, in Moog of Omit thirty-eighth aerneeneeg. Thireerpg wilt awe it two teokent, et the wintery. sad ....-:- , r i g r *moth Ihe principal atamtar autaprowriat se to liardee's teems. Gn tease .aueirenusry ea _ eattirete, the leigibereeteke groat *weer go be on la , Vligl ' AgriTlir a gitlite m uritulb, Will Fordo on •Initant• to target emetic*. when t er war . ,twe ; telyjnitudistit , r." the ire um.. - ::Nigw goes learrzie • Fos PAssamoisi'ltiri.- - wels.—The &lira sad laorcncnuenee experienced la - - mull* treFiter railwrir awe past the iresitnty of a fuer Veen AWE trati grate the Week, bore even mole yew &areaen re ewe invention -- entainet We ileacaterkear. gain Mefeldt, which pro: . , amen rarr amine Ow entity. - wh. "illation" cants _Ample. AO it 101iiiinagew Cat age oonewatively trines ' - rbbi as DI worked Telly inceeardirirr thy driver the noideittor. awl , elm) rito ear cetera, over '' - keel., wira il ip were Or tit Jumper wilt not or ' ' seed our h ape- eaveatr-eve panto, 'or the • Of tea itiaeekeestnisen _ . _ . , . ,_ • - • --- Taifsliant FIRX-Xmatine rot Rtrests.:—The . ..„ ,. .. Saab Mod Virginfit under class bunt' it ' . . _ . . 1 dui opsrildoedirekt of Arralox. IlloCitosiood e t or tot . tr f ai luttaSio4f.4l4:l7roetheartrocititenior whom s. It at- to two t. ignibotir. rifursoed to y WAWA. , opplop a! ~ that Ow. it awe air PILI,OW . I. lar rt7l. ' ilerh it 101111 It IseteVAN., i , , , ' A .. i. StiotisY , • , Chnisc4sl).—Testettlay at aooa, &dott r el'', In okra* wharf, our Arab it reef. the au d kisOutle belpsitii teen.. of the mom Ilritonsittes, 7 ' `-• *trek woe ttonnor.wooor howl*, loolawr st ATI" ; .., . , - ,towygaritat, far 0v....14.2%arie1vt .2141 the 1..4 =, 1415121 o r otrorg i olioiga wow to . fih ar"Nto - , , Ditsaasia Ito 'Tits ' Piturtiast *mortar. II '.— At. sisoltios of mossishtsmirthd og N o . 2, ` , - -X.!..: c **et a , oydolog, lOW Wilelt.ltirbaa B. I f- ' 11714 Z s i E Virtilari: *vat wego kL ,, ,,,:=0 . 6 4 i t . ....... oaths atTeathot - 1 1r faitt :11011,1* =— Li 44lttitesstirhiterafto of '-• YO - • *Mil a WWl** - ,:,?.14, - ; '• ' oit'iriiiiikyla i , Wail Miller* . „..- •27r1.. t itiu r t m 1 t t...koillid b , ii: . '.. —"- ..ts so Now tut 000rt,' , ' fFiliWript*A' ,-; ;' ' itioittita D. D. I.—''''o. l li a=at i k ' - Li., --.- , 4 th e swe etstiV Ammo nu " i i' L....or , -' .Zra7l tipga, : 4,-,-,, ,. : - ' , •;. tr Aft.4,r 4 .,- ...,-„,....4...-....,..., . - ft,T;',- - ,4 , , -- - - -. i . * - 'g*s ' • '' ' ' ' ,1 ,,, , :'1 1 , , l ' '''''' - 9 1t* ,._, ,. : iS; Ott '''-rilti,., -." - . -...- '• ,:; 1,.. , ' ~, ''' - ' ' MEMMIMM tit' ,a.wouoi, to tahnuff Main% 7pagek ViomPlon 'delivered the fellotritie ;tighten on dattirdity miming : - Thevtadeubtridli:titi • y4tio mi drittalltriti ta ou of a t 4 Zillfc "of acgnitt N el dependent Mica the nage, on whienit neon ; for Iry wqte tan egnawsta. discharges n iwZillartifiKiarerhere the there e tettianalion - of thitpa%ult i - prow i t=ni letyprollsention for the same offense would not image. wittly be tionneeted with, or it.ooooignatloo (Cale prior one. The my.,however. is, welt easel , to ever and bary t romatiort MF, the presearition, hy an aver - till et Or nattlMl. lorOM it m ended. Benders :24 kiii,e v a . se was ' averted alai the • litin tiff Kra tn2traiVet i l iritt u rti 4 ed d bould P ijiver ; that obsore(that she end otheeed oo f a i li z ied tVarept lo b krq hyrionthe erremeittot and other members of his rattily ; that there hose al trial by petit Jury, a convie thn the Vaintife, an arrest of judgment and 41 6 " grdik. b en "'Mite a" Gig e ergs of the plamtrif ;Mnable th at the averment mss not sustained by the proof so Let an.the eisenittni was codeettiod, for the record showed thnverVedgt site. Was theimemnent o sehented and proved by the theontilmOceent averment. sell proof or the terreine moll oft he se the record show* f think not: g i rt countervail the lama effort of the reo'ird °Utile case ation. •In rov nothirmshort of an mighittal answer where the Promiello %r e f* icil i od to a t ria l by a petit Jurz.,Zhisre etc eee V im*. J ii iiraM ' I l ed T° A riotiras t healie f en ie Maul an ft NI i r.t* Ikr • Ego Ore -held immillederit in noterens eases. . _T! ; 4 Ormh., 217: Perham however, pia ma! ran - lapaa'a In gnomes. oaths potato, th e necessity -of thembelne iteasittel, and also as to the &nolo. eivetopo ofe'eonviattoti. • See Parker vs. Party, to Dosit., - .‘o whiney vih: reekhnit:ls Mango 313; Vale int: WWI.' Der. led net., get ; Oressitti, E. 800. 43t end CO sum, unman srookerhon, 8 Watts, SO, lin whiolv it Wan held, - per Cahoon, C. I, that a conviction 'is conclusive°, probable nose, wan Ree ,noide ye: Kennedy, let Wi11e.1133; that it is so, even a l . thonth. reversed on *meal, and idep to the. same effeot, . 0111101 rrn. JOhallonJ Term Repel* This exactly w ands with several of the authorities already cited. The oasis before dent stronger then either of these. for the eorivietion tit neither rarareed aoellat aside • its conga. rin ef " #o ll )re lt agent ev g a ji d o t rgratt a t r h res tefin_ jad ele e rm nt. Itesi.Mt Sibiu* deni e r that the- averment i or s dis charge:, mpeurrele PS alfertnent of acquittal, and kikultsrumalneleiett there has been &tried to sus tain. the 'Monti PM' inaliatous • yroeseetion On these , t. ',,glrlessriltnittilaem satisfied the Pretested by the plaintiffs, was entirely barren of two indi natttrthritngienzvar to the rlrema:z maim, - The :la th of t ine of the de @Aetna ea the foun dation for the prose ton end twoof of the employment of adataa/ b sea the attention at the Mei was Proved, and then nine wide to was given now in se on Ohs ~gl ; , ie plsishH, sell bare evenif., w ntif ere pans under any eiroomstaness, to ro. alapr sandlot mush rimordise existed in the one. There should have been teithrnony to show-the ease or the Pro • ineinsird that diereses no reason or probable graded for it. - Ille eras Got done. was material allegation by the p that there was no probable cause for the PlallealltiOni and teat therein* malice; WA ehould have name, in substance" at feast, what the ease made was, so tbatwe could determine how these feats were Prehmi - nags to conaidenns the tuteetion of dasher . areal . There may many aussin wham the party cal iced is en harm an :. d tel the proseeutor not labia to re. Minna ti degasses on Anomint of it. It must appear someMnil, this the .ermiention Wei groundless, and so known or rirht to bars been known to be by thipro lemlitOr. „ oothtuthay judge of tills from the mots and traM c ila t it h er p af th: pr r eV i ti n tin jeal r f a lthe de .up,„„ate. Irate stllnusti b 4 . fang, irhiol the Grain% wenbrd to prove. said this was not soacimplished by, the emi *M in going *Mount of edenee. to establish the o o t babie swear* of the eleintirs wife. More than ' was needed, and its absence Justified the non-spit , fTare bad best_ OD other remain for , , eget ova led per latadllin• nr Pitta-aldloo Head.—Lodge iigharidan tr at. .orareperteii.d. venutct was re nde redfor the defam e % on Saturday Morning. The Assignees of the Beak of Pennsylvania vs..lOhn Maier. In this ones a rule was taken to show cause whin new trial should hot - be granted. - The rule was made retarnabie on the Slat lost. ',O!Brien ye. Hex. in, sanity. An epplioation for the appointmet tot s repether. Arched and sobinitted. ,Cohtleole PLIIAII—JUISO A Minn.—The court sat in the 'onlireme Court rotiM. tor the purpose of hearing *mo tion for an MP:motion tripe rase of the Cottage _ Home Societyend •wdyriera vs. Dr. William Young, to redrafts proosedips at sw. and to compel the opeinfia performanee of an agreement Ana pplication wan made - by Thomas D. Pugh for an baunetionjo - prevant Dr. Jayne from demolishing the Arcade. Mr. Posh alle_ges the*. o undereth of .1 uly, 1857, notecases a tenant of Dr. Jayne, a written lama: that lease expired the 10th of .fuly. Den, and then be be muse 4 meant by mirol.• from year to year. And his year will not expire until the 101 h of next July. He claims that trader his lease the eastern avenue of the Arcade is an speatenanoti, and is very valuable, et isemone third o his bosinin being derived from those 'Maine Moorish the amine. Toolbar the authority es t:Mien dry the different owner* of the Arcade, it was Meted that at ant iron gates were placed at either end of the avenues, and these were looked at 10 o'clock. Over twentrzone year/tag°, these sates were remoled, andi under Dr. Isles's ownership, the avenues have I beimlighted and kept olean - by a Man in the employ of i the_ Boater. - - • The adidavitii of Minna of the former tenants of the bnildirr were mad TA prove that no small portion of the Vertiireill7thltderdtftrier these 'avengrglitZlem"nlists they manadey w at e tfseted iv t e h n e u litte r gi7in w plesif"; the country paiNging Moos Militia street, who then came autumb Decatur street, to the, avenues and stores on Chestnut street .' This avenue has been closed with a board tenter Mace the workmen have been tearing down. Dr. Jayne. in his enstrer, olairs the right to aloes the eventingwhen he shall think proper, and he denies that the lease inolodea tie an aptrultenenoe the eastern ave nue. He M further expressed hip desire to,accommodate Mr..Puski any Ammer , until the to of his mese: •It is not Ms intention M demolish his portion of the premises at present ; and in regard to the fence, he *hetes - that It was erepted to keep idiom and children away. fot few of 'oxidants. If the court eh - hid hold that Mr. Pugh has a light to the avenue, the Doctor Pressed his willingness to erect a covered Damage-way tkeugh to Carpenter street. The mottos was held under advisement. Coulson' Pmsmi-Tudge Ludlow.—The Het. eouttwns:engeasd on the ourrent and deferred motion - QllAllfElt, Sasesoses—Judge Thompson.-- The oodst disposed Of s few unimportant oases. * HAULM • Ornms, April 14.1860.—The number of Interments is the oily of 'Philadelphia for the wee), c i d s tne Ann) 34, at fl o elm/14M harms. 4neada... apoplowf— —•• '• • • S Bata& • -**** Coacor.of Brood..•* 2 Coro • --- Croi* '' - CongosOon S * 4 Lusoi...•-. Consumptioa of Loon— al •• • 13 Dfiri oroot7 Dna.' of Dysootoi7••—•••• bilttf • • •••• •—•• -ne P• 31 • • • "*" P " 3 i n r. Bo a TYPOoIa Gingrene 1 14"1"1011T1t..... • _lover ..•«... ' Lanes " • Pleura. "ti. & Bowels. retvenumeetion Insontion,•,. • ..... . Palsy .. ........ a•heomatoen Borocol i s. • . Milt Ba • •• • I Tate Beltncrwu. . .... ' Worm. Whoopee COugk.... Plionsana Hoxlcma.About one o'clock, - Yeateitfty afternoon. Patrick 'Kelly, aged Pt years. was stabbed in the left aide and buck with a large knife in the hands, it is alleged. of Thome Shildv, at the Drove yard Hotel. in West Philadelphia. Kelly was conveyed to the Pannsylvanie.RoiTital. and the wound in hie aide to of each ehayaetar hat his recovery is considered doubtful. We did not earn that Bhijar hod been ar rested. The wounds were inflicted while the parties were engaged in a drunken austral. liieuctill OP a COSNER-STONE.-7- I tederday afternoon the corner-stone of a now Catholic Church. to be @rooted at Tenth and Dickeison streets, was laid, with oppropyisto ceremonies. There wee an immense drowd of od perodeho aendance , the earl of one of f the g al.p lwt yptthem.i Theoc NS lf. the Mo riarty. church wilt i* tamed the Cherub Of the Annan elation. IT wax sr a matter of interest• to our read ers is Enteral to knew that a beautiful Patohen stud eolt,,aonnag three yo4re old: and saisaaring DM hands, can berm fora few days at Conklin's stable. book or tati Girard Rossi. -Thie colt is sired by the celebrated trotting horse George _M. Potation. and his den a very aseatior .mare of the Messenger stook. He is kind and docile In nernmeiiity *good despot. Was raised by C. Andrews. Pas., WoodbarY:New jersey. FLUID LAMP EXpLOSION.—TIMPo wag an alarm of Are yesterday evening'. about eight o'olook. in Norris street above. Trenton avenue. The cause of the are wee the explosion of a @aid lamp in the house of Mrs. Fisher. 'The Clothes of Mrs. Y. were set on fire, and an inmate of the dwelling,named Border, had his hands badly burned in hie efforts to extinguish the flames. CONP/RlUTiON.—rmt Right Rev.. Bishop Bowinanyeetenlay morning administered the rite of oonermaion to thirty-three persons at 8t Andrew's church. in Eighth street, near Loon*. The ceremonies ware very interesting. _ _ _ „ CITY ITEMS. Dr. Wanes lllClTitin.—Our olaseas bave a rich - treat inUtore, in the nouns' of !entire' to be de livered thie week at National Hall, Market street, above Twelfth. by the Rev. Dr. Cahill. The emuse will com prise four in all, and will be delivered oa this (Monday), Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday overdoes. The Ant of the series, to be given this evening, will have for iti alibied," The General Character of /rebind in her Re ligions and Civil Associations." The remaining three wdl be.Astresomicot. and will treat oonseoutavely upon "The Tides;" The Constituent parts of the Atmos phere," and " The Equilibrium of the doter System"- Three femme will be in the highest degree of a sci entifio enamoter, and will be Illustrated by their learned author by diagrams, maps, and brass machinery. (From the Freeman's Journal, New York, Aug.., 1109.7 SPALinigies P Glow is eueb a Ample and cheap propagation that it is a pity any house thoidd I*wlthont it. spl6•mitWit BOWICIVO MaDICATIID Pres.—MO novel inven tips of inlaying the fig with pore Alexandria Sena and fragrant aromatics, thus rendering the taking cf mad'. sine a pieasnre, is considered a great triumph. Theme flea are a gen in their 'feet over siok and nervous headache, habitual costiveness and bilious affection', and in all eases where a mild and efficient purgative is real:until. Dees, not debilitate like other medicines. Afanufsolicired by 0. C. Bower, Sixth and Vine. Price aril cents per box. Diseount to the trade. , Pion lEsoes Penns.—A ,kid, being mounted on - the roof of a eked, and lacing a wolf below, loaded him with. ell manner of reproaches. -Upon le blob_ the Walt 11 , 01514 Up, Do not value yourself, vain ereature, umin thinking you Mottlfr t for; I look upon this ill tannage not es Miming from you, bat from this "place that greeds roe.' The spoil/ration r .To rail and steno ill language is very unhesoming in a gargle man; and Is &mist always the result of cowardice and ill-Mediae. , The real gentleman will avoid snotty-loss, and buy ids cloths' at the Elegant Etnabliensent of Granville Stokee, $O. elf Chestnut street. PEITSIOLO4IIOAIL Cusiossiize.—og 111 heart," said a military officer to his omorples, "Pity you're Sot. part &look," said a rasstior in 0021111181fd. Soma sairgla bout of bums all eons, when it is notorious that thisy- ars oolosidsrabla sant. It is an established fact. hoymmr, that thou who are ail eyes bats discernment mftwatt: to know that tha most elegant 'torments to the World ars Made at the Brawn Moss Illolltios Hal of•kookhill tr. Wilma, floc MS midoo6 Chestnut 'best, aboyi - , . . . , J • • Netelrerk - Markets on Saturday. ' litleitwithotanding the threstentOit LIMA of the w r there was its a good rten &nee at the 1 4orri e s te to - day. The demand or Plow WU so- Sn a wets on the advance. ties Were male i li jav Arbala e jra t alMnt e gt 7 bbl rlatll lithern' y more , - ivitie.4:- , aiettoes'Erto• fa t t extent, 'though verrene 'Swan lOW. 101doia hag re huge aaarl 0 - - t toes spored o so suattliga H orst 7 Itil rart segue*: One or two o tors, * ks i i reft IMMO. nal gnii bunt or tare trlng in a vim owl .. 47 , : e. .....r. _ odai Wee ell e . , Air t -at nail, wh te Xe tato , GOWN 414681• SI or iti,...lttitvir h 7.40 .., idi m irt" l ".7,C s- -- .lbative wsaioni , =l, vii ...I Will Maui OS wet* likowtha , - . ,t i 7,7 p _ cair us:intim Irladn, air t . Ipso Ml=Ea .._,......._..t04 0ir~i...~»......_'., ... 0.7 Under 1 year- 64 Between 1 end - From the Almshouse-- 10 People of 0010 r......- 6 ARTHUR }WOKE% Health Maim T0ta1..............._ 207 TirePIOPOdinGIRARDPARE SS me Patin , WARD:—BoW tO oar One oa A MOM. RlPPlOuterr —The inietingfilld at Coe residence of A. D. Cash, en Wednesday evening, in relation to the imyrove ment of Broad street, was attended by a number of gentlemen of practical knowledge,-whole opt alone are entitled to weight. In the course of con veroatlon, Stephen Benton, member of Select Council from the First ward, explained the reason why a portion of the Girard estate in the First I ward cold not at present be converted into a park for the i ` health and enjoyment" of the pee ' pie. The heirs of Stephen Girard have instituted ease againit the etty with a view of recovering the Whole of the Girard estates, and the case is now pending. Under these oircumstanoes, was deemed advisable by the oommittee of Councils loot to divert any of the ground devised by the tes tator to, the city from the purposes expressly set forth in the will. The will speedfied that the Gi rard property in the First ward should be leased every dye ram and this provision lied been faith fully adhered to by the 'city, but of late years the pro• party had depreciated in value, or, what is the same thing, the city could not obtain as much rent for it as was paid formerly. To prevent ita deteriorating, and to improve the value of the remainder, it was proposed to devote a portion of the ground for the purposes of &public, perk, but the sult of the heirs, above elluded to, having l been commenced, it was deemed imprudent to - snob a move, which the contestants might • take advantage of. This wee the reason why the project of the proposed Gi rard Park had been abandoned, at least for the present. Mr. Eli K. Price concurred in the propriety of this course on the pert-of- the committee, as it was not advisable to embarrass the ease of the city with any new complications. But in regard to parks, be said a popular error existed in able city con cerning the parks of London. The idea formed here of the London parks was, that they were beau tiful squares, with levelled walks, like our Wash ington, Franklin, Independence and other equates. This, however, was not the case. In 1854, be visited - London, and passed through its parks. He found them to be nothing but large farms, lo cated in the heart of the city. The extent of the grounds was so great that be scarcely could dip Unlash houses on the outside, they looked so email, owing to the distance. Instead of being le vel, with fanoy winding walks, as in our squares, they nonsisted of hill and date, and be saw the Dnr ham cattle grazing on the grass. while the avenues were like an ordinary road. The people rambled over the grounds in groups, and sought the ehady trees and running brooks, as in the country. The only restriction upon visitors was that they were not permitted to injure the property These parks, he said, were used as farms, being rented to dairy men, and others. In regard to the Girard estate in the First ward, he thought it might be converted into a park without violating any of the provisions of Girtud's will. To accomplish this, he suggested that a portion (t i the land might be declared publie 'park, and at the same, time be rent ed to a farmer or dairy man, who might use it for grazing or agricultural purposes, and the roads or avenues might be laid out through it for the use of the public,both for equestrian and pedestrian exercises, with the restriction that all who entered should confine themselves to the ave nues laid out, and not trespass upon the other grounds. In this manner be thought the terms of the will of llfr.'Girard would be strictly complied with, renewing the lease every five years to the 'dairyman. - This plan for getting rid of the legal difficulty created mush amusement among the company present. .This improvement, and the opening of Sutherland avenue along the southern border of the city, and the fine Fairmount Park 'on the northwest, ho considered would add to the magnificence of Philadelphia, and make it more a residence than any other 'city in the world..' The views of Mr. Price upon this stthlect ere well worth the attention of our City Councils. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. lIRE POTJETIt PAGE Steamship Kennebec, Rand, 84 hours from N York,_ with mdse and orumengere to Jae Allderdioe. Panned on Bombay Rook brig Brandywine, from Pernambuco. and others as previously reported off Wilmington Creek. Bork P C Alexander. Merryman, 12 days from Makin mut. with auger to Rutter. Newhall & Co. Brig Rodney Carr, Usher. from Mayaguez'. PR.Olst March. with auger and molasses to John Mason & Co. Left bark Minerva, loading for New York, at 400 per bog; brig EehO. loading sugar for Baltimore; M lc 11 Thomas, loading for New York; !Lasko, do; cobra L. Bowman. loading for New York; Sardinia. discharging lumber Oen Arnistromr. from New York, climbs. Brig - Plantagenet. (Of) Morn. 11 dive from Matan sas. with minor and molasses to John , Mason & Co. Brig Rohm. Allen. es days 1-om Palermo. with fruit to Benner. & fr om h ult. tat 38 45.10ns Li ve mi l; ship El It Mallory. New Orleame for Livei pool; Al inst, lat 6720. long 6890, sooke brig Cygnet. from St John. N B. for Barbeutoes; 9th met. let e 9. long 70 V, struok by lightning, whioh tarried opal foremast head and all attached. The Bolus hos been 11) daps west of long with fruit Gustavo, Fralumi.M days front Palermo, with fruit to Demo Jeanes & Co. Rohr Hudson, 0rr,16 days from Portland, Me, with 200 tons plaster to BA !louder & Co. Bohr William B Dole, Woods, 4 dare from Denton. MIL with lumber to J W Bacon. Bohr Ocean Bird Quillan, 9 days from Laurel, Del, With lumber to J W Bacon. Bohr El Dorado. Witham', 4 dare from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Bkoon. w i i 3 t P h hEl4n t r o y j w4lt, Johnson,2 days from Milton, Del, Sohr Bliss Matthewl Bradley, 4 days 'rom Vienna, Md. with lumber to J W Bacon. Steamer P Heartt. Biddell 1 day from New York, with Wm £ : &o. to Wm M Baird Co. (Oorreopondenice oftheihiledeAuhisEgotionge.) LEWES. Del. April Brig D B Mansfield, for RIVTIEM, went to ilea this morning. The vessels reported at the harbor in my last all went to can yesterday, with the wind strong from N W. There are now at this harbor throw schooners'. The motorists saved from schooner Jane were sold at pub lic sale yesterday for _S27O. Quite a fleet passed to sea yesterday. Wind SW, nod weathes_ulsastint, Yaws, W. M. RICKMAN, ET TELII9t (Correrpondenee of the Philadel_phia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND. ri April lit-12 The bark P Alexander, from Matanzas, and brigs Austere, from Palermo, Mary. from Bt Jago . and Bran dywine, from Peniambnoo. passed in last evening. The barks Alnah, for Trinidad de Cuba. David Lapsfey, for Cienfuegos. and Br brie Aehbr, for Matanzas . w ent to tie thisITIOMIIIR. Wind SW. Amillg, 2 P M—A ship is off this Pilo' coins in. Se veral mugs and *ohm are in the bay. going 011 t. Wind . THUS. . ILUGHEB. TO MASTERS OFVEASELEI. MAYAGUES, P. R., March 18, /862.—We beg leave to call your attention to a meal order. which has lately been brought into force bi the oustom-house authorities of this island, viz: "All foreign vessels naming to this Island are required to have inserted in the manifests! their measurement in Apar:nib tons. For non-fulfilment of the above order. a fine of 825 is imposed, which so far has been paid under protest. Your obedient servants. • Gauzes, ficazorqsz & Co. MEMORANDA. Steamship Rensington, Baker, for Philadelphia, old at Boston Uth Shue_Nonparetl, Green. for San 'Francisco, °leered et Non , York Hth inst. Ship Maokinew, Hammer, for Liverpool, old at Charleston On inst. • Ship Sam!. Looks, Sweetest, for Havre, old at Charles ton lath Inst. Bark Storm Bird, Gerard, from Weenie°, was below Boston 14th inst. Bark Louise. Jarman, was waiting at Sanaa, 3d inst. Bark Warren Fisher, Cowell,. for Boston, cleared 111 New Orleans 10th net. Bohr V Shen4,lBcarp, for Bath, Ids., old at George town, B. o.llth inst. Sohn .1. W. Pharo, Cavalier. and Mary Wise, Brews ter, for Mahon s, Lloi.,rarrived at Noston 14th hist. ifohf H. R. Coggshall, Tilton, for Savannah, old at Boston 14th hut. • • Bohr Telexraph, Pliokernon,-for Philadelphia. old at Boston lath Inst. Behr T p Lensed, Prambes, for Wilmington, 11 0, cleared at New York 11th inst. Bohm Geo A Tittle, Adams, and C A Heokshe r, Stubbs, were discharging at itasna 3d inst. Bohr F C Smith, Smith, hence , at Newport 13th inst. Bohr J P Cake, Endicott, cleared at New Orleans 10th inet for MinatiUtin. slap Francisco, Marsh 33.—Arr. bark Rival, Rouse, Baltimore • 27th.etearriship Golden Age, Watkins, Panama; 29th. U 8 steamer Powhatsn. Japan ; 30th, bark Roiter. do; Met, atop Sierra Nevada, Foster, &a top, ga days. Also err 30th, steamship Cham_pion, Inetaber Panama. Bid ships Hindostan, Paget Sound er, and' Valparaigo • 20th, °rode. Bong-Kong ; 30th, Eagle Wing, New York. Balled April 3, ships Expounder, for Callao 1 sd. Ganges, and Atlas, for Matanzas; Coosa Telegraph and Harvey Hastings, for Callao. JiSto Aslloll.ll.—Capt Hamilton, of sohr Ma ry . J at New York from ki&KUS, let met, states that a brig from Philadelphia. supposed to be the Orlando, was ashore in the .East Passage. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS For additional arrivals sea Fourth Page. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Nthth and Chestnut sta. W Book, ir,Varrisburg A F Jones, P ft. ft J F sivans, N Y o A Brooks, N Y W R Comstock. N Y I P Lynde. Wieconnin J A Middleton, It Y A N Load. Boston 0 B Pitilson, Bridgewater N R Spaulding. Boston J D Bernd, N Y N 0 Plat tr. wf.N Y Mile Platt, N Y J E Cowin. Boston W B Shattuck. N Y Thos Charlton Boston N Moore, N Y E Stitisture. 1 4 Y F Wood Ruff, lowa Jacob Rowe. N Y 0 B Water Cure, N C B B Kennedy, Ky H W Vail. Baltimore P H Deal, Polls G A Winslow k /a, Boston H Finn J Krause, Ky .1 F Thompson. Ay O. Dm &Is, N Y A II Stevens. N lir GIRARD HOUSE.—Ninth and Chestnut : Patterson k son, Pa Mr Wilkinson. N 3 Mr Haekell, NI J J H Deal t Cal 0 L Dudley, Cal John Davis Cal Geo F Wilson, Pray, H I I K Barthoknew, N Y I) Showsnan. Mich H Ashley, Y BP Russell. N Y Geo 0 Genet. Pi Y J A Page, N Y I, I' Scrim, 11l A Wright, Hartford H B Beeoh, Hartford J Seligman, Santa Fee .1 Jefferson, N Y N Hunter, Beading, S C livers, Rending B Newkirk. N 3 • V' Cohen & la, N Y K Wise , N Y W 0 Hoot, Germantown Jacob Jones. Cin, 0 M Medlock. Columbus,N C J P Idouthern,Columbus, II C D M Craig. Ry Wm L Bolger &lA,Chiongo Mine Relger, Chicago Stu Henderson, Chicago It Caldwell, Jr, & Is, Ala H Caldwell, Ala Jas 0 Robertso, Ala J N Hicks, fin Dr A Jouhert, 14 0 W X Stevens. Austin, Texas JONES! HOTEL—Chestnut street, below Seventh. Jl , Unkind. New Jolley A R Thome, New Jersey A Davidson, Arkansas li A Johnson, Arkansan T Uewes. Pa M B Batting. N Y A_Clark, New York 0 if Fonda N Y Wm Mien. New York C Colgate, k Y Knightley,Cinolnnati C Bugg, Kentuekg W.l Bugg & Is. Kentuoky J T liloott, Baltimore John Dupree Boston Johnson, Bangor. Me CL - Northrup. New York J B smith SPECIAL NOTICES. GOLD BORDBRBD WINDOW SHAD/IBM to each. W. H. CARRILL & BROTHER, spl4-3t 719 CHESTNUT Strut. To TIM LLCM. °ARMADA' NEW ATONES. under the CONTI NENTAL HOTEL, a» daily crowded with eager and cdnairing purchasers. °ARMADA' Eugenia Riding Hat. 04KFORP8' Vzotoria Riding Hat. OAKFOADIP Fine Braid French ,Tookey Cape, for Children. OAKFORDS' Mixed Braid Frond' Cadet Cape, for Children. OARPORDIV Mixed Braid Cols34ok Cape,for Children. OARFORDB' Highland Cape, for Infants. OAIIPORDS' Richmond Promenade Hat, for Misses OAKFORDEP Straw Hats, for Misses, newest Miles elegantly trimmed. OARFORDS hare for Ladies the neatest and beet hoes. oaxpoßns hare the prettiest Shoes for Children. OARPORDEt have elegant Parasols and Pun Um brallaa. OAKFORDI3 soli all their Goods at extremely low prides. aplX2t. WINDOW SHIMS and FIXTURES, $1 each with Fixture*. W. H. CARRYI. & BRO., sat It 719 CHEOTNIIT Bt. LACE CURTAINS PROM AUCTION, $l. Laos Curtains, from Auotion, Laos Curtains, from Auotion. 01.73. L6oe. Curtains, from Auction, 'zoo. Lace Curtains, from Auction, $2.60. Laos Curtains, from Auotzon, 8360 Very desirable ' and of the fi nest Laos. Thaws in want of Curtains will do well to Inspect the lot Just opened, at W. Henry Patten's, 630 Chestnut strut. ayl4-2t* GMT BORDERED WINDOW SHADES, 75 Ctn. _ Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 01.00. Gilt Bordered Window Shades, SM. Gilt Bordered Window Shades, $1.60. . Gilt Bordered Window Shades, win, Gilt Bordered Window Shades, $l.OO. With durable Annum., at W. HENRY PATTEN'S, 610 ORMITSUit Street. The Undo applied. spli-tt. erHA illorkilkir t ORM bo, nao. WINDO W SHADES FO PARLOa : WINDOWS• Window illhods*.for Bitting-Room Witdown. Window Shades for Library Windows_ Window Shales for Bath-PC*IA window., ; Window Shades for Rail Windows. Window Shadier for Kitchen Window.. ' Window Shades for Store Windows. Window Shades for Steamboat Windows. . Window Bhutto of every de.oription.painred and errer.d lb order, at our own manofsatory. ' W. HENRY PATTEN, apti-St* ' 0 30 CHESTNUT rif root. GOTHS° SELpEn, Plain Shades. Landscape Shade', Mezzotint Shades, Velvet Shade', , Gold Bordered Shades, Metal Shades, ' Green Oil Shades, Corinthian Shade.. /Obey Abode.. Window Shades. and Fixtures, of every delorietlon, at wholesale. W. ABNEY. PATTEN. apl4-2t* 630 OH TNUT Htreet. • Swine Inonnrss. A persons who have bought Sewing Machines which will not perform the work expected, are infotraod that SINGER'S Ma chines never fail to do any kind of work. No one 'lover disappointed in the Machines of I. M. SINGER & CO.. No. 810 CHZBTNUT!t. apt•3tn SALAMANDISR FIER.PROOP SAYES.—A Very large aosortment of SALAMANDERS for sale 'at rea sonable prices, N 0.1104 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, au23-tf EVANS & WATSON., HARRIS' BOUDOIR &WING MAOIIINII• IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST FERMIUM AT EVHIST leAtz. PhiladelphlaDee, no ARCH at. Agents wanted. IMPORTANT TO TAI LORE AND OTIISIIIIi— The Grover & Baker Sawing-Machine company have Just introduced a new and superior Bhuttla.hisoldne, large sine, high treed, with latest improvements. Price WO. For Oslo at No. 710 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. Seitt-tf O, PRICE RING OP TIM LATEST STTLII. made in the boot manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling prices marked is Plain Figures. AU goods made to order WI . masted matte. [eatery. Our ONE-PRIOR system is 'Wetly adhere to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES k, CO., see-tf 004 MARKET Street., SBA 13 SAVING Fuze—NOSTEWNST CORNER BECONDod WALNDT STREAT6.—Deposits re ceived In null mil large amounts, from all classes of the oommunity, and Coif interest at the rate of FIVE YER CENT. per 111111111 M. OSZoe open daily, from 9 until a o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening.Weal dent. FRANKLIN FELL: Treasurer and SeMetnrY, CRAB. M. MORRIS. SAVING Fim—NATIONALFitTY TROP/1 Corgrenv.--Chattered by the State of .Penney[vents. RULES. 1. Moneyte reeeived every dm, end in eny amount large or small. S. FIVE PER CENT. intern:rat is paid for moms from the day It is put in. S. The money is slime paid back in SOLD whenever It is called lot, sod without notice. 4. Money ',receive(' from .fixemerors, Administrators. Guardians, end ether Trustees, In large or small gams, to remain,(' long or short Period. 5. The money received from Depositors is Invested In Reel Estate, Mortgages. Ground Rents, and other dra chms securities. s. omoe open every day—WALNUT Street. sathirest corner Third street. Philadelphia. late PIERSON—MOREY.—ApriI 14th by Rev, butte Oray. Mr. Wm. . Pieraon to Mom Afar/ A. M. Morey. both of Fox Chase, Twenty. third ward. * BARRAS.—On the 14th inst., Joseph J. Harms', in the Efth year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend his funeral, from the residenoe of his brother-in-law, Wm. Everham, Melon, above Thir teenth street, on Tuesday. the Ifth inst. at 3 o'clook. • • M.—On the 14th inst. Hannah Renee. w.f. or John McCloud. Funeral from the residence of her non-in-law. L. Ladomne, No. 824 North Eighth street, above omen, on Titeeday morning at 10 o clock, to proceed to South. Lael It - - • dr ROYAL.—On the morning of the lath inst., after a se- Vera illness, Jacob S. Royal in the Old year of his age. The, relatives end friends of the family respell /Lilly invited to attend the funeral, from his!ate resi dence, Main. below Wistsr street, Germantown, on Wednesday, the lath inst., at 2 o'clock. E. M , wincrft further notice. McCORMIOK.--On the 14th inst., Tboina. McCor mick, in the 40th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. 336 North ,Eletit street on Tuesday afternoon. ab3reolook. WATKIN.—On Saturday morning 14th inst., Mrs. Flftmbeth in. wife of Alexander L. Watkin, in the 38th year of herage. Funeral from her husband'. residence, 1 1 0. 843 firth Tenth street. on Tuesdays fternoon, at o (dock. JUSTICE.—At Trenton, N. 3., on the 13th inst., Jos. Jostles, Jr.. in the 48th year of Ins age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 138 Fella State street, Trenton. to-morrow afternoon. the 16th met., at 3 o'clock. • BLACK BAREGE ROBES, Two,, Miro rind Nina Flonnopa. Fk and White Pant Organdie,. I-oslot Gniin laok giros Gram SUE& • laok Hernani and_A ll -Wool Hareem Black Silk Net and Grenadine Shawls. Black Canton Crape Shawls- Slack Tanaartinea and Crape Ararat'. • And Ortsardle Goode, of every dooription, just re ceived by SEBBON & BON, MOURNING TORE, anti N 0.913 CHESTNUT Street • OFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEY_ AND POTTEWILLS RAILROAD CO., 1 3;f;ALNUT Philadelphia, ALM 15, 1960. ') he A.pnttal Meeting of the btockhol ere of the film Tnekin Valley and Pottsville Railroad tn_puty will be held al , w the Oftice of the Company, on the 7th of MAY, at 11 o cloakhen a l'reetdent and Manageor will be elected to nerve for the normalcy. appf-tm7 B. GRIFFITHS WELLS, Smeary. CHRISTIAN ANTI-SLAVERY SO. CTETY."—A Meeting for Prayer and Conference i wit :e held on THIS (Monday) EV_ENING, in the REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, NEVEN EENTTI Street. below RACE. (Rev.S. 0. Wglis'e.) The Christian friends of the cause reaveatfnUl invited. OFFICE OF THE OIRARD F. & INS. CO , Philada., April 9th. 1860.--At a sawing o the Director. held this day. a semi-annual dividend of four dollars per !hare was declared, payable on and after the first day of Mar, Prot'. ALFRED 8. GILLETT, aphlr-inerfim Treasurer. OFFICE OF TILE PHILADELPIILA AND EN4I.DINO RAILROAD COMPANY. Mancn, The holders of the bonds of this Company. due July I. Mo, can now receive, noon apptioation thin office. 10 per eant. in oash, upon the terms specified in the anon. lar_attachd. • • The holders are ales entitled to the benefit of a Pink ing Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the atookholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, Mu, and in pursuance of the contract, entered into by he oompantand inly recorded, to carry the same into ffeat. B. BIIADFORP, Treasurer. CIRCULAR _ . . . . . Notice to the Holders qf Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1,1660. These boucle areaeoured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 83,366,400. The net revenue for the last bleat year was six times the amotmtel the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the. holders retaining the bonds and the seciunty of the mortar in the precise condition in whiph they are nowt het Fresh sheets of coupons for the nterest L psyable ha yearly, will be toned. A bonus 0110 per sent. will be given to the holders. In consideration of their assent s ng. to the extension. This bonus will be geld in clash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the offios of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of reeelpt and endorsement will be furnished o lostion. m_ ,der of the Georetary. rPOST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA APatt. /081, IND.—Notice hereby given. a under the promions of an not of Congress. ap proved April gd, IRO, in relation to Drop Letters in tended for city delivery, one cent and no more Anil be charred for the receipt and delivery of each - lettere by the Carrier, attached to this trace. To beprevald by POSTAGE EITANIPS. N. B. BROWNE, a5.11.4t. Poetmaater. LECTURES ON BOTANT.—A COURSE of Sixteen Lectures on Botany will be delivered cicriites and Gentlemen, in the Smentifie and Classi cal Instants. CHESTNUT Street. nortlirreet corner of Twelfth, at 5 o'clock P. M., on THURSDAYS and SA TIIIIDAYS, beginning April X, and cloning June S. and again beg inntng September 18, and olosing October 5. All the lectures will bepractically illustrated with living plants, and at lesat eight of them will be delivered in the woods and grevee in the environs of the city. B) deferring four of the Looters. to Autumn, the oleo will have the _great advantage of studying. with an in struoter. all the flowers of an entire season. Entrance on Twelfth street. Introductory Lecture free. apl-17t J. ENNIS. Principal. MSCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY.-1 he ANNUAL ING and FLAT:non of the Stookholders of 'the Solinylldil and Susquehanna Railroad Conipany,as required by their charter, i will be held at the" OtRA R D 1110104," in the city of Phi ladelphia . Pennsylvania, on MONDAY, Mat 7th, at Hoolook M, for the purse of cheeping a President and Six Managers to serve for the ensuing year; and also for the consideratton Mauch other busmen as may properly be brought before said meet ing. PRANK S. BOND, ap7-3m* Secretary. pEOPLE'S. CITY TIOkET. MAYOR, ALEXANDER HENRY. CITY SOLICITOR, CHARLES E. LEX. CITY CONTROLLER, GEORGE W. HUFFTY. RECEIVER OF TAXES, WILLIAM P. lIAMM. CITY COMMISSIONER, JOHN A. HOUSEMAN. ELECTION TO TAKE PLACE TUESDAY. MAY IST. AFTER ALL TEAT HAS BEEN SAID in regard to Life-Blse Photograph* in Otl, Plain Photographs Ambrotypes, &a, the best place to get them le at REIMER'S, BEOOND, above Green, It' FARMERS.—A quantity of the beat FERTILIZER Wpiterr Hardware 1119/8. • avll4t* &IMMO OARDE S treet, above Tenth, MARRIED. DIED. POLITICAL. NEW PUBLICATIONS. • NEW 1300 KS AT IJAZARD;S, 724 CHESTNUT STREET. MADhATOMIELLE MORI ; a tale of Modern Rome. 0g0v01..12m WALTERA SH FORD ; &Love Story. B 7 Paul fil ogwek. _el. rim RiSTORY OF PRA.Nrtg, from the earliegt re corded times to the outbreak of the great Revolution of riadi t i r rverioda. By Parke Godwin. Volume one, aye, clot Anoieng Gaul." 42 , OYAGBA DOWN THE MOOR; with 6 laud JAmpuvr through Siberia,&o. Perry MoDomnigh 'F" li nno y• S. Mimi. On vol. I 25. rir. MIS SISSI PP I, REAOR "L'ITO PEOPLE OF THE VALLEY. Dv William Rem,' Milburn. author of "Rifle, Axe, and Sadd / nbnan. $1.25. INVENTORS AND DISCOVERERS IN SCIENCE AND THE UttEP DI ARTS. BY John Timbe, P. S. A. thiji t :f i sil re l i ar. leeithet. GATHERED PROM HOUSEHOLD WORDS. By i. 31 Mil ls, NI NAPOLEON THIRD i f N I ITALF. By Alla. Brown ins."ller new volume pi poems, ;mute. rtMAREIWOOD OFFIOh. Sy the author of th f 4 Y H ßl r Ait , P e frl i Ttiii a .. Veir'.oiii.Mß=teli, the unes' corresoondent, t e moat reliable end entertain ing account of tho War in India . eg Two volumes, cloth. THE TEM 'E PINES ; a new volume of Rainbow & Thackeray stir ea by Abbott. apl4-3t CAROLISIE PlliTHEg, THE CHEM TIAN WI '+E. Coddonsed from the Life of Freda rink Chrittoeher Farthet, By Mn.T L. C. Tuthill. I2mo, Slat. BLIND MAN'S HOLIDAY ; Or. Short Tales for the Nursery. By the author of " Mtaand Marls." 38mo, 10 cent... A MANUAL. FOR NURSES AND ATTENDANTS IN HOSPITAL , . Br Dr. John Curwen. 7 mo se etc. MRS. lUTNAM'S RECKIPT BOOK AND YOUNG HOMIER EuFECUS ASSISTANT. 12mo, TI cents. THE BIBLICAL, REABON,WHY. A Farmir Guide for Soriuture Readings. and a Hand-Book for Biblical Students. With numerous Illustrations limo. 81. THE REASON V. General Soienee. I2mo, el, WAUTER ASIIWOOD. 12m0., $l. For eats by WILLIAM B. Sr. ALFRED MARTIEN, Nn. 606 CHESTNUT street. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CY -01.,i,R33D1A. The following nottne. in Sllliman'm dmeritan Jour nal uf Seintses and Arts far hlaroh. is from the pen of the venerable senior editor, one of the Wheat living authorities on the subject! " In tho Amenoan Clolomedin• the artioles on science are numerous and valuable, and elevate the work to the character of a compendium of modern wormer% These articles are in most cm, written with deoided and evidently by Deleting who are familiar with the toping they Manias. While many of the less important subleets are presented with luininoue brevity, others ate more My expanded. Among these are many tonics of natural history. Chemistry is presented with Ito emilvalents -and laws of combination, nlestrated by many of its modern disoovenes and practical applies tione ; of the latter an example is found•ln the ful ac count" of the manufaeture of gelatine, of beer. and bricks, and in the ample history bf gas lighting. Goole- KY. voltaic eleetrleity, magnetism, and other depart ments of pure or MIMI potence, are treated with rea sonable fulness. As a literary work the Cyolopaxlia in written in a pure an d . chaste style. and exhibits the candor and fairness litch should ever adorn record of univorgol kno B. THE METH VO LUM E WILL APPEAR ON THE lent. Pries 4)3. Persons at a distance may send money for one or more volumes at a time ,) mailed free.) Those living in the city will find a subsoription book at the Agency, where the volumes, as yublielled, are seat° any part of the city. JOHN ItInFARLAN, Agent, ald2-them St 33 South SIXTH Street. GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 439 OHEETNUy Street. illtr 8111: BBBlg A/ T WAN , : BUY OUR BOOKS ,A.l' EVANS'. 'Tie the beet plane in the oily. Books are add u cheap as at any other store end you have the od van teas of settlng a handsome [sift, WORTH FROM no GENTS - TO 111L00 it AS ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS SOON AS ISSUED, and a Gilt with each. ALL THE WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AU THORS, in every department of Literature, at the publishers' regular ',flees, and a handsome present with each book. 040 in and *se trio/ will assure you that the best Plus ill hte ttili when you should_purthast Books de GEORGE G. EVANS' .GIFT ESTABLIBIIMENT, 439 O3thSTNUT St., Philadelphia, ep3-tt Two doors below Fifth. on the timer We, MISS McKBEVYKS laVir BOOK!! Just Out, THE WAY TO The; PIT. By Mies Harriet B. Mc- Keever, one v01..1 5 m0. A LSO, JUST PUBLISHED. By tho same Tor ular authoress, EDITH'S MINISTRY, one vol., 12.zt0. Price el. THE FLOUNCED ROMS, AND WHAT IT COST, 16m0., 50 ins. Tu. SUNSHINE, or X ALIT VINTON. 18mo., 75 eta. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. SIXTH Street Sorksallets, No. S South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ALL NEW BUCKS are received an soon as published, at VERY LOW PRICES. apl4 NOTIC,,EB. NOTICE TO WESTERN SHIPPERS. While there is uncertainty as to the damage to West ern Railroads, clappers should direct their freights to go by River from Pittsburg. Boats are plenty at that point, and rater low, For through rates by River, from Pittsburg, call at Pennsylvania Railroad Me, 413 CHESTNUT STREET, Or at Freight Office, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. 11. H. HOUSTON, GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT, ap/4-2t PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. READY-MADE CLOTHING. J ELDRIDGE. u CONTINENTAL OLOTIIING SOUSE," N. E. Corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT 516. yr Customer Work made at short notice. mh3l-3m-If TO SAN FRANCISCO IN EIGHT DAYS, BY THE CENTRAL OVERLAND CALIFORNIA AND PIKE'S PEAK EXPRESS' COMPANY _The courier of the Pony Express will leave ST. JO SEPH, Missoun, every FRIDAY. carrying' despatches only, (which must be In Government -stamped cove lopesjand will run regularly weekly thereafter. Telegraphic; messages from all parts of the United States and Canadae, in connection with the point of de parture, will be received up • o 8 o'olooll. A. M. on the day of the departure of the Express, and transmitted over the Plsoorvi ile and Bt. Joseph telegraphle wire to San Futtlplloo and intermediate points by the oonneet mg express in BIGHT DAYS. The letters will be de livered in San Francisco in TEN DAYS front the de parture of the Express. Persons desiring to send telegraphio messages can do co by making application at any telegraph aloe in the Union. Letters will be received up to two o'clock P. M. at 481 TENTH Street. 'Washington, 1). 0. on every MONDAY, and will be forwarded to the Express of that week at St. Joseph, Full particulars can be obtained on application to the agents of the company. W. H. RUSSELL. President. Leavenworth City, Ranges, March, 1850. Oros New York—J. U. SIMPSON, Vico President. Sahl2EL & ALLEN, Awent, St. Louis. ,1 H., PAULDINO, Agent, Chicago. UNIT RAISIN, Agent, bt. Joseph. Mo. JOS. A. MONIIEIhItR, Agent, No. 481 Tenth st., Washington, D. C. apl4tf NEW ENGRAVINGIS.—JAMES S. . 1 1 FARLE k SON are just in receipt of NEW Bri en AVINoS-as below. , Alwaye on stook a large as sortment of Prints for Grecian and Antique.l'aintinge, Catalogues on application. Saved-by Li feowloundland Landseer, 815 00 There's n the Old Dog “ 13 00 Benvenute Collin' at Foun tainbleau ...... .., • Ender, 16 02 Latimer preaching aiSt. i3oorge's Cross..• ....._.•' . r ...- Sir G. Naylor, 16 00 'The Restoration of the fteeolute..ty 6 im peon, 15 00 Home-The Soldier'e Return..... Paton, - 12 00 The May Dance.,.— Muller. • 12 00 The Wanderer's Return..- O'Neil, 10 00 The Crown of Glory ......... ...- Le Jenne. 10 00 The Mother.,..._._ . —. Verbookhoven, 10 00 Morning' on the Highlands.. .... -Rosa Sonheur, 10 00 Broken V0w... . Calderon 10 00 The 4.pproaohto Venice Turner. 7 50 Contrition .• Brooks, 500 The Fisherman's Homo ...... ....Brooke. 5 00 The Breakfast - ....... - Stockman 6 00 God Save the Queen.... . ..._Ward. 6 00 The Lonely Rearth..............-ItankleY. 600 The Shepherdess. .. • ..........Ered. Taylor 6 00 The Veiooine bhe1ter•••...........11,Tiettg 6 Co Shakspeare in his Cindy ...........Feed, 600 Milton in his Study- -.. ......... Faed, • 600 The Aryslifte Lassie. ,Feed, .5 00 The Welcome-In before the Beatrice Shower. ..... Food, 6 00 Carlow in Prit03............136 rang er, 600 The Danoing ---- Lesson ~.Halibut h. 600 3he Duel a ft er the 8a11.............Ger0me, 183 Portrait of lima 13onheur,.--..Dubofe, Evangeline, (smalld ......... ... -Fried, 200 Pesos,- - ......... ......, ...........De Drina, 160 The Berlin Races, cot Of six.. ..... Raiser, each 1 60 The Horse Fair. (small,— .Koss Honheur 120 The Meets., small) Winterhalter, 120 The Speaking Likeness, Oman -Schlesinger, 120 The Coulter Death -. Remb'dt Peale, 100 The Recto 'e Ward _. Barry 1 le The Motherless. Barry 1 05 '1 he Morning Glories ... - ... ...• .T,Bush'n Read, 1 00 Photographs-The Foals Day...-. 6 01 Napoleon and Engem, e........... ...each 1 60 Laßelle Jardiniere. after Raphae1.................. 200 Theltyn.2tHettpConception.................. 3 9 , 4 'we s so Any of the above, or any other Engravings. sent in safety by Mall pro paid. EAELEit' ()AMAMI EB. nOl-fit if 818 011.03Tliin litreet. JOSEPH LEA, NOB. US AND MI CXESTNUT STREET, Invitee the attention of the Trade to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. • New light and dark spring Wee, a great variety from MESSRS. SAAPL SLATER & acme. SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO., MONTEDELLO COMPANY. Aieo, THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Including many new standard Patterns. • NEAT MAACK & WRITES, PURPLES, LAV.'S, &o SAXONY & SUBPDERD PLAIDS, & SIDEBANDX aLAvic AND ertAYB, AND OIIOICE DUSTES TYLES, WOOLLENS. FANCY CASSIMERES and DOESKINS, FROM ROOK COM., GLENDALE 00M., NEW ENGLAND COM.,ORAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR SLACK DO SARIN AND BILK MIX TURE'S. Batinet r ikPlain and Printed, of an colon and quali fies; A OSI Jesns, Twills, Cords, Caehmarone, neriry'e soda, oomyrieing one of the hoot Woke re the country. AMERICAN LINEN' COM. • CRASH, HOOKS, SHEETINGS, &o. fen-Sur PERFUMERY. -H. P. &W. 0. TAY LOR, Imparters and Manufacturers of PERFU MERY and TOILET SOAPS in every ß varkly, G Alm! the celebrated SOPONACEOUS SA vlrt POUND, which, for more than twenty ylit a ris iTo hill i tier . favorably know the whole country . .e.; EST PRI.MIU n MS have been awarded inUnited States, and the World Fair Priselded . Lott, apl6-10t* 641 North Ninth Street. JAPANESE AND CHINESE GOODS ed r ship Horatio, tco,, oonsistinS of nimoo ll i e n c t i k v . Brun e de, and Pineapple Presets, Hearts lie - .1 - faintnese Wo 6 rk-boxes, Waiters, tco, Achy in! laid a ourious Dossed Bet of.ladedtOne.siohly carved, with a Yar.ety or curiosities._ /1.14.2 el tipeites,eouted tjos. of Bhanshas. at No. WEST ittgAelt i P IUREIVEC. Street,) drat time above Atutra Utast apll•lQt RittAiL DINV GOODS. REDUCTION: 00,000 FAROS OP • NEW SPRING SILKS.,. SELLING AT A GREAT REDUCTION FROM COST OF IMPORTATION. THOS. W. EVANS & Co., aplo-3t Now. 51.9 and 800 CHESTNUT Street, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW GOODS. AU the new dike now open, and oonetentty reopli;ing every novelty. PLAITED CORDS. ALL OOLORS. ORNEE KNITTING BALLS. EMBROIDERED CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. BEST QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. GILT BRAIDS, TASSELS, AND CORDS. RA PS ON'S• TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS. K 2m 1860 . OPENING. 1860. THIS HORNING, AND DURING THE WEEK SPRING MANTELETS AND NEGLIGE CLOAKS. a Ia Great Variety. It the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR. rahma I No. 70S CHESTNUT Street. WARBURTON'S. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, SIM SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW NPRIICH. SILK% RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CRAPES, TARLATANS. ILLUSIONS, RUCHES, AND LACER. We have hut opened our Spring Stook of the above goodie, and feel confident that they cannot be surnamed, either in atyle, quality, or price. tot em OUR STOOK OF LACES IS UNUSUALLY LARGE. 1860. SPRING GOODS. 1860• We have JOST OPENED a beautiful stook of BONNET aND TRIMMING RIBBONS, Of all desirable shades, in great variety of widths and styles, which, with an unusually attractive assortment of FRENCH FLOWERS, STRAW BONNETS, MILLINERY GOODS, Have been aeleoted with epeoial regard to our IMAM BALM. STERN 8a COOK, 726 CHESTNUT STREET. mhri fwlra CLOTHS. FINEST FRENCH. OASSIMERES, THE FINEST FANCY FRENCH. VESTINGS, THE FINEST FANCY FRENCH STYLES. LADIES' OLOAKINGS, BOYS' WEAR, WWI great variety of the choicest styles of Foreign and Amerloan Cloths, 'Wholesale and Retail, at ESHLEMAN'S. UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. mhl9-inaif Im W . P. CAMPBELL. NO. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS NOW OPENING DAILY. Embracing all the NEWEST STYLES and Choicest Materials, at the LOWEST PRICES. aril St JODEILADELPDIA SPRING GOODS.- SU ARPLESS BROTHERS have received an ad mirable Stook of new fabrics, Travellenee ; such as Ormailles and Camilla& Fanny Bilks from auction, below the cost of Importation. Handlutrobiett. Hosiery, Cravats, Embroideries. Plaid colored, Blank glom Silks, and neat Cheeks. Gray Porolinea in every variety ; Chins and Plaid Organdies Grenadines. Lawng,and Gli.ntzes. Mll4lllll. Amulets, quilts. ano•wornlehing Goods. Irish Shirting Linens of the best bleach. Shawls, Cloaks, Laos and Silk Mantles. Goode for Fnenda' wear, Shoe Goods, Bolting Clothe. acid (1001E1t. & CONARD N..." Invite attention to the largest stook they have ever offered, oomprieme, in part, LADIES' 01,0 TH CLOAKS of Plain, Striped, and Mixed Clothe, all of the new est patterns and material, gin np in the moot EL EOANT AND ARTISTIC MANNER, and to eoll at very reasonable rates. SILK MANTLES are in proportio_n,and will be reads in a few days. LACH POINTS AND MANTLES. Also. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, Embracing thefollowing, Yit. A hrst•rate S 3 Black Cloth. Black Clothe of superior quality for OM. Finer trades of flack and Mixtures. FINE Bi ,ACIC DOESWIItIB. Fitly Cavemen,' for yung gents. w rlVlß' re Ctiffilket CLOTHS. First rate, at; be no tter o talkie. et. aim c; sad S. E. INN H and ant ER ONAR MA A E Sts FrIIORNLEY & CHISM, .s. SILE s D. peoiel attention to their Stook of— SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS. CLOTH D k USTERS t , rooTLS. BARGE AUGLAP „DUSTERS AND DRESSES. abooLto the Riohost Stook Philadelphle, or— itenoh Lute Bouillon'. Frenoh Lace Piooolonunies. Frenoh Lace Eugenie". Frenoh Laos Shawls. Frenoh Laos Pointe'. French Lao. Mantles. Frank Laos Talmo. Cambria LRCM. Chantilis FOR 0., &o. BOUGHT FOR CAW_ We nvite attention to our Staple Goode, pia Beet i'amily and Frontons Linens. fleet Shirtinic, Pheartip, nannedde Pillow Mullins. %t r ill Wa rn ' War, torcp e ,. " & g o.. Best Kid Gloves, Silk Glove, . Bowery, Linea, Hand herobiefitit t o., etc. rrvt u heast oorsou EIGH ii itd EIRRINQ cuatrats ii THE "HA Amor BUILDINGS. • SILARPLESS BROTHERS Are °traria a. at Retail and Vrb ciente, THEIR WITINK STOCX OF STELLA SHAWLS, At a Reduction of 30 per cent. apl3 CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH STREETS. SPRING CLOAKS AND MANTLkS!-- S. V. R. NUNTEA has now open at hie new store No. 40 South SECOND Street, a handeome assortment of Silk and Lane Mantillas. with a general dock - o Staple and Fancy Dry Goods; &Moue which inn be found a variety of cheap Foulard and other Silks, to which he invites the attention of his old customers and frtonde. N B.—Summer Silks an low as 37X cents; also, Ta ma;tmes and nine-flounced Baratta Robes. .03,6 t. No. 40 South SECOND Street. DRY GOODS, ADAPTED TO PUHA DELPHI& PLAIN TRADE.---EYBE k LAN DELL, FOURTH and ARCH Streets. have this season. GAY ual. STY stook of Goode fIN ADDITION TO THEIR STYLE ' ) of the first quality, and neater deserie none, ndacted to PHILADELPHIA PLAIN TASTE. Very neat Foulards. Neat Bareses and Lawns. Quiet Mold Dress Silks. Subdsed Colored Silks. ion -committal Lawn!. estralned Style Calicoes. ode Colored Silk Shawls. Piaui and Neat Carurreres. Plain butte, Gloves, e,, &a, PISIOPULATI TRADE. CITY R BALEB.—EYRE & LANDELLt FOURTH and ARM Streets. have this 'mason made it a point to have adop Good oods of the first quality, and of the monde aided aste. ADAPTED TO CITY SALES, Riohest Spring mu. Magnificent Flounced Robes. Little Plouness, and many of them, ratiaditien. richer than ordinarr. Lg e enig i pi4:l:tr a eg r e i :. %ELF:V i vi% Bleaknew eterf Men Se. Lace Pointe urnowl, hp, Warrrir.:' I WAN I VEDLA small lot •.of 0 VPRIESS LUMBER. Aotae Bossiel Poet °Moe. iipl64o WANTED. -- A Gentleman, who hail had a thorowsh business education, end possessed ot us w s sash capital stela 000. wishes an osgortamty to mitts." ens safe business. Address, stating busuless.;*W. ," L D. Press onto. WVANTED-,A. YOUNG MAN TOMULE • • char a fat' a set of broke and mkt Weasel(ge nerally useful. Use who ham bad, soma 'aperients in the Witoluale Grocery or Provision business praferrad. Falary Irani • POO to BOON .6 ddres, with reference, " Box 14,5." Plailadqbakka Poet Vida", dald,at• WANTED—A SITUATION, by *young man of good basins/a • qualifientzoris 7,3I,I4ALEIS MAN in • utoroantile house , or to travot.' Wo rmsquaiißsattons, given. K. M. A.," at o sie of The Press, 141340 WANTFD—By the Ist of MA, 4n en gagement in a Wholesale Dry 0 Renee by an efficient Salesman, Who can influence a if amount cynear cash and four months trade. Adds's= Wee num,. at this °Moe. ann. 6t• WANTED—A man, who can &0.-the veil beet (Inference; to sot an a Porter to a lit e". Dee who ruidendanda the Frovisnon baaineia pre ferred. addreai ...fovea," at this Ole.. JAIiTED —l,OOO Ladies • to, send for Ds RUSE'S great book. Ever Yonar aAd woman contemalating wodloek anoint& thm book. Enclose alf sense to sum 1. Philiadelnkus left Im* FOR SALE AIM TO LET. T - O RENT—The Coal Yard, with office Scales and &able, situated'on the Reading Radrolid_, opposite Manayunt. Apply at No. 148 North Te.NTII Street. apl6 St* el GERAIANTOWN.--FOR SALE OR 92N.T0 RENT—STONE COTTAGE, eight room; Gee, Water, Bare, &able, and one sore or Ground, hand trilKorgraroevde.ider. t ty o n n i ge . Plate i , MAIN Street, A. ° OII,NDNLSON, ap76 31. 19 BANK btreet,(neetarrat as TO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— miens PdAehtneplitook, and 'Nature. of a large Mannfeetory .of P HANGINGS, re p lete with every conveniece or carrying on , exterunve bun nese. A desira ble i investment to persons of energy who wart. tiretn'i For tvlti? j orr th out the Intemuntfi BAR , morrreiontßY, it Co. FOR RENT OR SALE—Two pretty Cottages. Stables, Ito., four miles north of Second and Vine streets. Ten rooms and half acre lota eaoh. City property taken in part payment... Also" handsome "Cottage lots of one to five wee. 11. F. O MITS, titi Muth SIXTH street, ( second dory.) ap14.12t BOARDING. BOARDING WANTED in a small family, for 4 Girl eleven years of age. Address" Ilome." Press office. It. PRIVATE BOARDING.—Very supetior accommodations oan be had in one of the moat delightful looations in the eity—neighborhood of nix teenth and Walnut streets. An entire house, with parlors and din , tis. room on first liner, ail communica ting, with elegant . bed-rooms, will be let to a party of seqtlemen, with breakfast and tea only, if desired, or to familiar, in suits or separate. ikezosytionable re foremen required. The nooses P hil a delphia . and con veniences. have no sopenor in • rattles preferring to furnish can do so. Fiesta addreas "H. Press Offloe, ap34-1,11t• 'ROARDEM WILL BE RECEIVED FOR the summer menthe at a obramint farm house in °heeler county, within a short distance of the rental : el. Referenam given ano required. ir at Sll SANK Street, chore .bIGHTII. aorS. el. LOST AND FOUND. LOST.—The STONE upon which is en. grayed the Diploma of the UNION PEUILOBO - SOCIETY OP PICA ]NEON COLLEGE hee, by itotne means, been lat. It is supposed to be in the ands of some engraver or nuatufaotnrer of diplomas in this otty. Upock, the diplomas appear the names of .1. J. Barra/et. Md.. and a Morray. 80. Addlellt J. 11. GRABILL, Carlisle. Pennsylvania. apl3-3t PERSONAL. FOR EUROPE.—Having been appointed Agents for WM. WILLIAMS & CG.'e laatio Express. we are now prepared to receive - FREIGHT, PACKAGE'S, to.. For all , parts of Europe and Asia, atri i rcunpreee. dented in thie 010'. OAKM/f & Co., ap2-3m No, IS South PI Street GENTLEMEN WOULD DO WELL BY calling on DILLS & XENSIL, No. 229 N. NINTH Street, above Cherry, and beim their old garme olio mntlg to look octal to new, by cleansing, or dyeing and repairing. apli-7t• EDUCATIONAL. A YOUNG LADY, having a good English A education, offers her serviees as Governess or Taaoher in a private family, References given and meowed. Add rem ELLZABETH, office of The Press. splo DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. FRENCH DRESS GOODS. JOSHUA L. BAILY RIVITBS ATTENTION A ISIMBILB ABI3ORMINT OF FRENCH DRESS GOODS. InaWm PRINTED BAREOWS, SATIN PLAID BARBORS, HIGH . COLORP.D HARBORS, BLACK AND MODE BAREGBH. BLACK TAMERTINES. NIGH COLORED TAMERTINES, MODE TAMKRTINES. BLACK AND MODE CRAPE; IFESPAGNE, HIGH COLORED CRAPE D' MANG. PRINTED CHALLFJ3, ELEGANT FLORIDIENNES, GRENADINE BA REGES. MOUSSELINE DE MINER. CHINTZ MOUSSELINES, CRAPE MARRTZ. PRINTED AND PLAIN DE LAINES, - BLACK An MODE DE LAINES, 'LAW.NB AND O.ROANDIRS, FOULARD arias, BLACK GROS DE RHINE% BLACK TAFFETAS, From the great AUCTION SALES. TO OPEN THIB DAY. NO. 213 MARKET ST. TERRY' PRIOE, & CO., Obi MARKET STREBT, /MPoRTICAS AND tonDERs OA CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, &e., Rave now on hand a large and wall-selanted stook, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market trines.lnh 3 - 3 m _ _ A . W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS. No. 825 NARRET STRUT. Wan JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., DIPORSZAS AIID WSOLSOALII DIMAS/ 1111 DRY GOODS. LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSDKHRHS, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, ao lall-11rit No: CHESTNUT Street., SALES BY AUCTION. BALTIMORE. TRITSTEE'S SALE OF THE "GREEN LAWN" FARM, IN IfARFORD COUNTY. MD. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Balti more city the undersigned. trustee. will offer at miblio 6 , 61. . t on, the eternises, et g o'clock P. M., on TRUES DA Y , th e 19th day of April. 1860. THE HIGHLY 'VALUABLE FARM of the late Ed ward Direnderfer, Wile Ileirford county *about dye miles from Perryman 's station, on the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad, and on the 'white road from thence to Churchr ille, about four miles from Behar, end one from Buford Furnace. The farm contains about 255 ACRES OF RICH LAND, in a very high state of cultivat i on; about 70 cores are heavily timbered. The improvement' are a LARGE A N D COMMODIOUS TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING, containing ten or twelve 111011111 • large SWITZ ER BARN. STABLES, and BARRiCKS ; SMOKR.BOUSE, and a. number of other out- °use", and are altosether of a superior kind. The farm is laid off into CONVENIENT FIELDS.. everyone of which la well supplied wth water. The fencing is very good. a stoat portion of it being new board and post-and-rail fencing. The LOWn_ is ornamented with about 3 0 0 DWARF FRUIT TREES, of choice varieties, in bearing condi tion. The location is one of the most healthy in the State. The land lies beautifully; and. to short, the farm is one of the best improved, most produ_otive, and most desirable estates in Harfotd county. The title is Indisputable. Tho premises will be shown by the family sting on them. ems or sale are One-third cash on day of ails, the balance in eal instalments in one ant two years thereafter.; t he credit payment* to bear interest from the day of a s e, and to be secured with the purchamer's notes, endorsed to the trustee's satisfaction. E. HEINER , . Trustee, SAM L. IL COVER . Auctioneer, 84 BALTIMORE St., Baltimore. MEDICINAL. INDIGESTION—DYSPEPSIA. EAST'S DIGESTIVE. CA purely Vegetable preparation, reliable end ostisfae terY. It strengthen' the stomach, gives ease to pains IhrouTout the body, reinvigorating the whole system. in a s ort time it inn sweeten an oTenovis bnisth, and will e ffectually destroy worms by removing all Impure matter that oreates them. sole Unintifftearer and,ro- Prieto**, E. HART. 8011, also. by W. HOD GeOli. i• corner of TENTH and ARCH, and other Druggietli throughout the city end country. l%o WEST INDIAN BITTERS.—These cele • • inated Bitters are meeting with general favor They most •ffbetually and permanent), care all disqr diers arising out of a want of groper tone and healthful action of the digestive organs. They are highly recom mended by the Inanity of the prineisal miles of the United States and Europe for the apeed.y.cuut e of Dy "I"ns t i4Ter C°ml.l4lVirdosi-F93. De b and Ague. O. Principal Agent, mhl9-iflin S. W. earner SIXTH. and sritu OE Streets. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BROADWAY and EIGHTH Street, NEW YORK. one Moot above theh. . Hotel. Thisnew and oommodiona Hotel is now open for the reception of priests, outwit' be oonduoted exclusively on the European plan. The tong west of a booing" hotel, in this portion of the oily, has induped the proprietor to establisk , prioes on the following wale: Merle rOonla, SOieents per day; elegant. suites, $l.BO. With a thorough Inaowledge of the busi ness, and strjet attention to the Waists of every guest, I hope to waive a liberal share ofipublio favor. apl-3m .1. IL GOGDWIN. Proprietor. IRISH LINENS. A fresh invoice of sitlfaitin LlNENSdireet from the manufac turers, RICHARDSON , BONS, at 0 WD.IO, of Belfeet, ittit received. These Goode are selected expniagy for our family trade, and are guarantied free fp any ad nu zotturie of Cotton. YBR 5 4_00., 9 outh NINTSIStmt. 'IAMB AND StIOULDERS-4,000 Piece u city Bmok:pr i ens ajd r Slgideattssives Vara.AVV-Era.t.ff=roafinve goof- - • eat IVAPBLAOK—Ground ' pure in Oil n ~~~~fOIIL D~ f ~ I VI • VALNIIT - Ma . k*tRiCATRE • &PIO' 1ata•i:Z......«.-.Jail. 11.4, 6tSF.MI Mama a11aa5aat..............—........--.-. Mr. . ItsaaasiUsat—..........,.„at r , RIM .it missrizßows FARRITZZL -TO - 4MATI: THIS atONDAY,I4N. APIA la. Mk 0m.40„ Mr Wslitsk; estjTagett,Mr,lias. innt ~_• Hama. Mr. a airli ft ir is you a ; ftas tro, Hr. Dubow,' Labia. . THR rag RO OIL , 14Yalond, Mr., Raaccab ; Toby eadalp / 1 14. - Mallit ; Ads,_ligiss Pm*. ' , iterTnoes as used Dona span at T o'clock ; Carats - trill Ail at bait MIA T. - . . WHEATLEY 4. CLARK:WS -ARCH OTANI THEATRE—MS EVEMING sad EVERY EVEN NG, TIM soltd C s OIPP A tOCVOUNGI TER ROMANCs or A rO4 TRUING . THE ROYSAISOR OP A zi.,_, E, THK.0144.1013 OF A root . fOifil t (• HE 2 11.841,1% 5 A M EV° YgtgEti HE ROMA CH OF A s-'43 yOUNO 1.0, HE ROMANCE Or A POO 'YOUNG I Seats seamed inx days in ad•eew. AT lON AL THEATES—WALNUT STREKT. AND EIGHTH. BRILLIANT AND ENTHITSIANTIC RECEPTION of the Queen Star of the South, and Pluladstliltra fa vorite'ROSlNA HOWARD AB CAPITOLA, ROSINA HOWARD AS cAlTroLa, And the coccher Comedian a_mtpramatur author, Mr, H. WATKINS as GEMMED wool/Moak! aimook H. WATKINS as LUN WOOL l i amovel - GREATEST HI EVE R figADR I CITY, GREATEST HIT KV R ag4DPLINJ W A TT ia THE HIDDEN HAND, sr THS r THE IHODENX DRAMA THE at-VC ORAND COMI OF OL P. VI IN HOME PICTURIie OF THE NORTH AN SOUTH, Dramatised by H. Watkins from a buthaat Lodger Rompqoa, and pronounced by the NM and Dahlia of tor iEBT SOMBRE PLAY EVER WRITTEN! Large and delighted assemblages are nightly roved to tears, and convulsed with laughter by the sulferiags. trials, and miraculous escapes of the elfish Gem colu, the woo-comic rams of Old Hurrmane. and the inesishble nutthlprovoklng oddities of Wool. LIBERAL SCALE OF PRICES; Drees Goole and Parquet, M cents; Family Circle. ig cents: Orehlartra Chaim. , 50 cents: Seats seemed only in Orckastro and Pcs-ate I3oxes. aelltAt CHAMBER CONORRTS —ELEVENTH SEASON.—The MENDELSSOBW quorrerrg CLUB. of Boston have the honor of am:ottoman to the musical public of Philadelphia that the. win give TWo CONCERTS of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CLAS SIC MUSIC at the Rooms of CHICKEILINS & SONS. 807 CHESTNUT Street. on WE DNISBDA Y end FRI DAY EVENINGS. April LS and Xi, misted b 7 the distinguished Voolllit. MRS. J. H. LONG. Single Tickets one dollar each, or peekages of four tickets for three dollars. May be obtaised et ad the Musio Stores and at the door. - Concerts will oommence atB o'clock prettiest INAUGURATION BALL OF TRH "GARDE LAFAYETTIr," at the. NATIONAL BUILDING. RACF. stre•t,_ltu_plow 131141, ON FRIDAY EVENING, April JO, 11/A Nesters of Cerenlooleih CAPT. JOSEPH ARM:TAMPA:ULT., Lieut. EDW. GROS/ KAN 1 Inca. ERW. G. RuMMIEL. Flap fdanager—JULtEeM. MARTIN. Sec Y of Commirtee—.E. FOLIOT. Tickets can be obtained of MIWIT/14.Tohn Thornier, MI Cheatnut !treat; A. Wore, SS Booth Fourth ,treat; Edw. Chnetmen, 702 Chestnut - street; Edw. G. Rona eel.lls North Fourth shwa. aINENAL ANDREW JACKSON BE FORE JUDGE HALL, imstainin the Lave of his Country as he had defeaded her Liberties is the JAMS I' S. BAIE h C. open for Fxbitution on T watt . AnrilrltN,Mr, C. Sahuseelesdrest haws o GIME JACEMN BEFORE JUDGE BALL. New °alma, 3N. 40*r ing numerous Interesting surbentio Portraits. care Mir go - Seated by Mr. C. J. Bedenbso, tbearvirietor o the Flatus. EAR.L. eirlhet if - S 6 CEEmIII/T Streee. LAST WEER OF SIGNOR BLITZ.— TEMPLE Or WONDRIN T TENTS AND CHEAT STEM% LAWN WEE of the Wonderful 3 / 3 00133 end eabikiellia. LABT larzim of the Lamed Comity Birds, Bobby, and aatosidik g Exhibitions every Erik= atain meats at 7M 'Arlotod_ NEEDAY AND aATI7RDAY Arnumossa at 3o °lock. Axtrehreiou as cants. Children ldeeeds M oDONOUGH'S GAMTLEI--AAMII4., helow =ORD. &TAUB fleiN/I§l ER. ,w - ..4,,,....1MMAND/131. aszethiew -OF . FELIX GAMMA. s allenk The shove Troops will sour IMO They ere the noet wonderm perfonweis 111111 were received ow fletucley imeolue with fee meet we thosiaatio applause. IMAM= t • ,:, Awd the Wonted Conresai sneer. - . „ i mit appearewee of 117.fflTreithiWIMELL CIERMANIAORCHISTRA.—Pubho Re eeraibe every UMW , NM et Wo'Voek . et* to_ latern As MA AWL & id& /111111116. the . , REMOVALX. PHOTOGRAPHIC REMOVAL McOGEEB' PHOTOGRAPH AND DAOUBRIBOTYPR GALLERIES Have been removed from AO to tic CRESTKUT Street, boys NINTH, over Robugioirs Lad4u-glasi REMOVAL. R. & G. A. WRI,GH.T Inform their &Wag that they are mew *Mr new and 11R110i01111buildirur, Pro. sea 0 POW , where.tbetr wormwood faellities irk% *gm to NW Yeah isdneementa to the Trade to viiet Leon mar es tablishment, We have opened oar PCIKII BMX_ vita to br anch c of ARIJOOST'S ANTILDII.IO lga. branch (Low basins= vs intend to devote, Pattlealar attention, havisg made arrancrnosts i s limps to be supplied with all onenalitin lad sanitise Winn ft pear. Our PERFUMERY DEPARTMENT will anon* to rooms our beet attention, pad ers users outmode that no exertion will be warns' to produce, pal hereto fore, a vanety of nev.aleaant, sad sseeeaatmi denim every seaeon the!tualiW re maining nanviined. Binnerely t hanking sit our customers for tbeir kled patronage, we hops to offer new Inducements for Its continuanlte. & G. EL WRIGHT. April 9, 1960. opalmit I E. KNORR & C 0.,. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, ETO., HAVE REifOVBD PROM 191 WALNUT ST.. AND 91 GRANITE ST.. TO 631 MARKET STREET, Four doors below SEVENTH. north aide. rahlo-11n REMOVAL—SMALL k OHANDLER, 66 Nor WB EC E ONTS GRC o R 'in i t l t Ms *boy* Front. n orth hf INSURANCE COMPANIES. CLINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE RAL INKTRANCR COMPANY, PLATIZBURO, MISSOURI. Chtutored in MO.—Authorized Capital, sow. DISICTOIIIII 11. Whittington. Winslow Turstri. T. R, prating. George W. Culver. B. w sto w yr ui ltro Tok, r e . I. N. HOCKADAY, Sea and Trona. Spools' attention loud to Collections, and Molloy Tomtit remitted. Bagingenteolioitod. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADEPIEILL (FIRE INBI7RANCE KECIATNIVELT.) COMPA_NY'S BUILDING. S. w, coaxal( FOURTH AND wamitn. avizsrs. DIREOT•RB. fo...RXTC/ETOITD 82.61/1. MONDIC4I L. DAWSON. maim Maas, r B. B YII/11/ NA1.1310 FRAZININ. ONN H. Biowar. Joxs H. /I.YWOOD. A. FAZINZITOCW. BENT. T. Taztacz, amssaw D. Casa, lIINNT WHAITON J. ta_Dwasssys. P. MTCOTORD STASI, ?militia. aIIARLES W. XE. Boannari. 1111-17 &lAMB INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 108 CHESTNUT Street, PELLADELPICA. INCORPORATED PE APRIL .VANIA. OaO,IY TEE STATE OF NNSYI CIONFINED , TO FIRE AND INLAND EBY& DIILICTOILI . Samuel ?Flight; D. B . Burney, Wm. W. Walters, J. W.trz-map, Chas. Richardson, EMI Walt Jr.* Geo. A. West, . a s . Stmt. Q. Wilson Davis , van Morns. Thos. 8. Martin. *also Ston. GEORG4W .D AY Premise. JONAT N aICDNI, Tice Prez% WILLIAMS I. BLA ORA . Secretary. jail -lf THE MUTUAL _ LIFB INEMILANOR COMPANY OF NEW TOIL Aasebv: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. ISmintn tricrr mpittness en sm. SWAT! ? WoRTH Orzli 11119,10". This premiums are Lomax than in many other Massa aim, and the Dividends hare boon imam. This Is a striotly so Colisabz. paprve A' atonkhoiders, so that ALL Tax P o C2=tl==!=l Pamphlets, sad avers informatics, nay b• a WIN on apal g ot l oa EWE. W.oon a affi itatigki. or n d " a nuiaim patit t z • u 8484, Ctrtitt,pls.t6a. re O obn em IBB.WHs, BASES' RENOVATOR, FOR GLEAMING RID GLOVES, AND Removing Otero* aisa saw, from Llks.Battia. C.rpeb. Wall ram', Am WITHOUT INJURING THE MOST DELICATE COLORS, LUsTRE. OR TEATIME. For sale, Wholesale sod Retail, by EDWARD PARRISH. No. 800 ARCM &riot, and by DRUGGISTS taneraliy. Ap11411( CA.RRIAGES„ or rim MAIIITACYTOILII Of WILLIAM 113. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 100 MOTH= BUM% %NW . CAU TI ON !—ASrRoLocisr!—LOOK OUT!—GOOD NRWEI FOR ALL!—The nee - railing Mrs. VAN HORN is the best; phe tragneade when all others have failed. All who are in trouble. a who have been unfortunate, deesived byfigpsinm,... hi lons sirs sal fly to her for advice and comfort. never faits. Bbe has the; ieorst of winging • dile tin tions of the °speedo eel. /S if e feet wtoo ladaoes Illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her, emit copy leer advertisement. PO shone you the likenessotponr fu ture wife. husband. or absent friend. It is well known to the public at large that she is the 9rR and Ono per son who calm show the I:Tess in reality, pektaan ors :::nr• 'peritonea on al the oonoltrasoaC e, :hl a he tested and. Imo by A rands, Juni and strode. whodelly and sage vim her. one come !to No. MS Whin Street, between Jam per sad B•- • - • - ante-M• MLIND BROWN ZING—For isle by THERILL & SUM& 47 and 4111 Nor h lISCOND . •