The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 14, 1860, Image 4
iV; - , - 4'•• „ 4'o ..,_„ a - ,L k x# 44 4,„ , %-f•al - Z mad i . ~ ad Ni 110 01 0 41 1 . 1 60 1 04, 1 " L Yr '' ' ' *Vet I*l f I i 4iilli - 01 II• AF % ,Li -'. . f i tiLl a i r alatieliklee sloo***ll r si 1111m-Italt; . ; -Irkmiklagi Igl Z ibooi .ti Oil Ye* is wit o o tei elghh.ltstwarar. a/War - leo, feeimiall*Mmto • ll*, plegse ItuAle tho Am -' , flommil ,,,10 01( 1 10014110„ 4 04 m, 4.414 r Ar':eat , P treletqat a i r ield t. ~,,,,...,...11014 4 4 i 11 °°° 14 ° 611010, - 4 4411 li ght eat ' losetulia haaTlhat 441 ° 10 .ht* It V t-?4*Seth s4ttilibkai rr oor, aironer#* ro w. it woo ti4ati a MOS *MI. swan e e has rate la A - teldte maulat Irma% whisk ladle 4 altlateld M a' la wereeek, whit& I gol Mol ik ' p ls ' Neiman no Imam NOO thy ,„ bliall 40 Wind *WO 414, 41/0141 av= Tint s o m a a g th e *gm- isrm i l l i ag t . -iia c.. Am. the httelf=auftkaht M/070 ,:osivo l teetotow - -- wz onitiowt, as : elle -' ' 314 4 4 Mri ;11ili 4040 *IPA Ma MIT Ow * istaditio id* la 4111.14 o*., , 4 Mil I brisk MO% with ac„,4 0 0 111 1 441111 4_ .in Is ) • As t er trim Atm* jut Wb, 181 =:107, yetteekg°olo/ , mai itmwetheleallearler. This We /II a $141.1 e/imelr il4lll4 ei tail le 2o4 4 , . aaaan lilla - 4faa it a t.M *l4. ri7l = l ll/..b.a.sitaiseialiL le.l7l t i " iiixloo,ll•Vitt fr; e 'iia-w4wrg4-•'' Ut frisnag lihtt 61/444411 1,,5e i tt t whit. Irk tor 14 1111 Il ekett *Wm fa l t ‘ 21 47 at 4. kW meta * Ann mvt ioltha siaL iat t aak Ute urd ry caorty ol Ea,44°14 141 i tt ‘llll4l —al tad to Ala the stabler ot 4 Ole wilt IMO pile •• as* alb* at Meese wend". mod mematodimail hat MW la. leetthet• One': k114410t. 0 anhetr e n ISlM•ahtltalellehr Ohm welsh /unme t turl moth , 40111 ‘'llienW Am theehelter.of tin kW" IT emetkatatt,all VP PaIMMI44II. o f et brisk, The re eating, mane of lega sad a w Sr.'< lir.e eeid about the , htlamlastead el &Mks it ittatolat little larmit 48 la 4 1 114 . 41 0 ,6 " !Olt plaategam. ~,i ft. feakeent, it weans meamema mem was A eml eatameatel fareter.l MI theist v tadal UM di* mal fatmo4...._ Ikt, ta an them Of thathemearg="m larl' tabus, alar Is 0661 200t rul t " riterM ill eit ralleglateme t eldealatm, , 1 1 / 1 40aantatilalg Willoart ) MattMOlm 0 0440 0 , the ettpleputthet, le dee thalMaphtholovand all life Multi* Iltni-latate layer sad tent A el l tain letettivh thatiftrads° evel ir g tha Par , to paiihwer4 is to e • k Data that/Phu balm 13 M 01 1 11 1Atet e l ...a MA MOW away fteta the altlmaat and Ai . o - tierg i l al 01001 Ton °T° head " ' hag the Alahlostal 106 . 'mem yhor Me images, yea are matem Mu Mem It 4 11 ra/et Pt ,are sating the Pe ala Ittml° is the zt Rtg 411 , , - ..1.. vim aro sa NM tit•iasilar etyear 'r' zt.. * l 1 clit tee. will have the heart-felt ante 110 ° e t %°, p ac ti s eboy to North Caro 4 ,!-- faiths of emelt f,,tt , lima mad Teammate, that Yawata" the prlmathe ( „,, ammo sat mama of fi rten t jg s litt 4 te pa Se° 117, arsierral tie inhaittee boil% lahrwle b o p.* metal* hearty, 1101.1 k kielll l lll7 If of '. 4 . 144 10111k , WS %Ws Maid OM' imat-Peatl traz Ah i _ r . „."Os Ii don slowl y at ali M 4 1 , 44 0040104 1 .1 * 14 ! 0 * 40 ima Akan& Pare,elL ~ pro gmanril ;sob" a .. meiveletaily iblitniaanftir , the Sea* wee mom as early rhot tam at hoota' Ns sat &Mt to , breakfmt lemma Ail autlatlaal•ead, attar alto use he and Ms wife took a Nlimal 4 7 mg• INOtillal Pliii irm ik*l"i ll i t P" ' tut sod to r ~ iti wean s imp mesh that Treads sad tits to Aunt ,a Moths aftetttleemil Than. AM the General la lils . seelhateltair,ManAVlN 8124"11,‘,12°Mllataligten it Ortesimidity l a a$ hi t l he ta Va reatai r to • be tool nrtt.iitfting° alittihir, i ihatentmet7 gramilelleidt. The . two , I have outgrown the goadblllty at shrift the . Onteraeltheir. Andrew, the adopted, le a stout }, hey ...l ,teoleraat 111 mg: tad vu ltig°l =l4 4 t r i ar r. : ,• tripila,l o ot it sow s a line ' rues war. or the , 101000134804. 'LleatearAt Demmem, , sap the isiii *am of kis lemma of 1821, Le young, tett tetigt - yoit Mt INA blatlitOdett and utta: immtiapPlOalug °het °l t leitit orret il i "Y ang ,hhtagoP ithterhai a l Vt. t es ,_., tar eon L , watfrely Meer se all m"'"P% "t'' " lii k ' ifi 04 ' MO 441111 ""r a ' I V . • * * 41 . , -,, iolisiiorool o rlealw them wag always 41170iitillite orlwo itra /wham Hein at e , itenaltaga Ilia MOM sally pia.. Om 4 41044 with their au*. TIM WIN ~1 Y a i lltit l 'lh dt a ht r, au ,. eiet hlll 4 4°141 o rpir, 1,41:1 Zia .1-G-itia:ftigi.absi, -thik at...4u... likely 10 1 / 0440 Mall i 40 tt e d t Yh l t °lle OegSW , " t W 19011 et Dm AO/1• = sly to 4dt old Masamoder °WO Ilateas o f tho Dlal has fittlait°l 4 /0/ 0 11. , 0 0 11 4 ilmettedM ua ..oentwal ia l i daah=aahaa wara 4 0. ''''. trt il mb i. t4m,Nitte . — roliltir - hati• 0 °am' tel habitat the Geasralt hamitters, lethal at gtes both Ahem as am PA-law, al esett bt e 4, 46 meads sad Imansiee. Dr. ltramilt, a v ts. reihatilkuirplaliPlarh-e= heVa a stickler ler gm vat ..1_ v ....- 3 " la tha„ Plaaralittr44,74 ---- iiit *a ear firsts , PiPt , ._ • ' 4 : 41140 f0e 0 4 4404044 t Ballmiia aolan amahati ieldlat to lb. old " taU fkial C1114 ' 41" 414V: kett l e tag, Ofulmiso, '4 ~/ tam Swam , - mI IIIO6 by amoita : 1 140 0001 Z i 80 ° 04 ' C°4 4 4l * bi a to „Nsostoo,4 John Doralsain edi ralor Arrays wawa.. Taste Awl Of AVI i “iitttliiMastiles z illa , „hi* a et hoolialtair- "---"*-3117 NO tif 4 01 1 0 01 4 1 0 11 0 9 /14 *en ) 10111 0 6 00 11 at - all thitartiott tomtit with Al AGM ilmeras , maemea. - .iitr Nuke^ Mho, gtesecimairtioped, ,phl r i le t ",,...ntrtitrosortimigri erit = , 4 1 : 8 4 14 1.1* - 7;firre Ilan aids las is 40* hi4sAwsibios(hinnirmionaltr, did "th° aid mail hada& lath . prim hell& Ma 'a wit Mob. t 41 / I „isimory rif Lt, B ' W. Nart, A/Onarit*** l ad 94°Oletlefn li naunwoolvbe ii t r ,,,,,,,,,,,.. r Sept.,, " 11 5mas""tir 4 ,..1. 12 0040.1 .1 *ton was low iseaiwebeee e lp sv at, sad seldi ea en...the s rar e: - ' 0 i5 „ . "'...-- 1 , 4142 L ie to grist mad eg e : ll9ll"m ot 404 , 1"111 ms nw : L017 1— at Artlipoispilass imilissul Od a / d V elien ...,`'l,l ' 0, 0 0 0 111 .4 lb. Bil" p" a r a ir, 742 11 . 44 Itu k' Usgml et * Trifairal l , ai panigtor r Est** ''' feud et_ hisaft elattleat WOO 2 ' Maw eirelm la Iteelterlyeare .. 0 4,,,,,,,,rivii.,. .d.owa the 61,00010111 ' VOr-lia ma _1a,. 1 ?! . ._,V0 . 1,0_ 11 160 : , 46 1 4-allag thearli Mr . ' II i nert ' 'Or thet 41411thir hha ta el ths id" leetVrathautilty <,i tad s ..) lug leat .. .. 3 et t. . , . N u e l ti 0 11 Nre tio lt:t w !I , l a t: k e c ' • 11=Pirakillailiaa 40 06 4 ,14 itke.„„ar / 8 / 1 lb asthenia wit Illsteeltat ° 4OO / 40 7 *• 5 1," ity theNtmereli minis the diptertriate Mpata ela et hr.- Abu Waal Maw 4400444 Calhoun, Atreus; D 0 Wits kr e we r i erTai 1 imolirtedaskeeg°lllls4"thltleW in a "1":41416" likit the warlike espleiteet himegfand hit la -4proeleikerailtieNtitikkelthreettl" , Gomel OtlOne tr a % t h i e ik et i le a ra c mg °l ' ' til t f t° le l 4* 441thillUVI 44114414 I". 4( 4 4 4 4 Il '- i r i 1410 b leli= e4 od , aka O ihmalf_„,' aa., ts os sn o ttA the seem M weett - nrw P Mble, es thwerlbal to me by a lady who •attnessed 1 1 ,0milgtretaWeetra4060 4 ..145 40461 1t Dm Pro 'Mier with the Weber mac the salllbliat'llp4l4 JeciLlD ' -Ahlko k whit. beg the abureb, b,geggeso to whit* we. ae• 0 Witelta Semlothibm mew 11*, crap , morre4ttiokfigiosir**lmm the rah",„„_„ .. „...,.. a .„*WagAtAill a " ,am......... *°/ ,, vittlEnmkt . .. g forla =tit Folowmr stirs, iong Aiimpavbris,..., k i th e w tide of tx l ir seer=mo7reeleUrYet thobewm iatermonal her ilos i 4Mt, Nam & PIN yrmr Mat • 110imlarr 1 et=ta Oen , ffe t i he oak et O n e ef - henset atattamemkpregmeo the tar maifiediebto,sta. thee iimsomy ma w la ; ,e,o44inir.l.l=Asrd,,,,,twijii.4l23,:t ' sit ttsksii i = a l 004 ,..Z a K b .."1 4 6 . 41 ;r: --- 14 bo om er -., . ' 4 ...,.- --==------•.«0•.------ " . ` - '4 , 2*. leiviganis is ... *Amio PloultrltEr v i i il* al Tr y , i llraMtel Oasrnhso jaiwzit i vo an lize r on Ar, i tz=nl I.k,,ebn riortoa ma b e. in. mem Imam hi vaerlf tit tkro/640, the boalseeir* AO* yiabrrifi is lulilv i i ii Ur** • . - n a v y/ s w ore tad trtfamrrt =too fer 0 MUM; le die matted deg /Ohl; with the Intention of brim."' off the 4 , 4wegit I pa " a!" . %Z . 11154 a11 j da0 ......,....., 414 ," 111 4=41.. te:4o Shirr '"V= ll2l rWrioulgotreptirlFr* • ' ' -1-;6l74l7476l tllo4l74llliiirrilgor.sth• .. C' • A ii jp, s i ~,•- .L . lad as,-:' i A. slid If am, s' rlf I=T "'... t ' t .. flat„ 1".740 0 / 4 t . 4 ° o he th e 4 1 - r t hSll.llfl 8 A r 1 a 04/10#, i te g ill U ilif ry e s t hi ti t iw ‘teele il at . 01. i ,, 11814 ehi nomm t bM, Or. 1 eitthii; ihil , S ioa il d p-.A.,. i 1 . - ~-, ^ ' MEM bit hart . kaiak tithed - kalltllllol7 at All hol)1 af t IMO* Water AS' difttrojed. &MO Or the ` bat e.faitialli net ikaiiiik a yat f and may be Mirteda•bnt the shipwillbe shwa s , fraidlomWo The attiaiiiiAlphs,Serenry. Thullall , 101 l ;.flaraitme are Wegelds yet,fsad'atiring lam lotrimwtprentioos etirewJl'-41.4 7 . , .greitiott i , ,'llsoninissms - laissaimo ,,, ,oilol 9 9li.: 10° ' *I.Pc of thie,..3..have; been Wisely em ,Ployed for se mi Mae_ akin report dtaidatizlik s 4 contents - it the ; of a. rich rog,U stimics., , hl , hate rioentl die d en - the Contilientt! M ore * Ol kiii'ailar;'elle,aerstary' eines , thsrizwas . lidded,* W body of alealeintia'bki*TisnlP , isfrihifilioet closely erleiliiiisorata ;,- De , 9 " . VAS tinstiewat Gialiaini.wittS hitd.Made 0 rig (9o 7. lOttemilii ..Prottignk *Mt wian return. ItiliclaCitX 4 4 , 4004 - Towto f 4lo c n ' Wawa ' *at -agarmi.,a4f .thir'' 1541 1 .0124 1 '414 0 1i he,: , laft .., thoidd. *Maw , ~ tie .Property of , a poOr apliarg• Pratid - ,,,..h* to ok . ;;! 11 , 4, 'n.tbri 'l44,4tepti*C* o o o le the aePilatf accepted; and;for some-Macrifitillficion; quitted England : Maiwime-w , ,ltely-‘,.witere hey Ilk, his nate, be. mane pilispamilhalradijilisitagebielly in' ines 'llleledditi bag &gabled, amid, having died recently eitildiessAbe.filificig hicilf 9 P9rtli,sabl to be Mu' millions, after the death of h 4 e, falls in moat iriMerthats to the, blood_ relstions, moat of whom istikArallooti.lll4*, Glatifnia - fitephens. , They are fit atilikeiabeat 80; Math Awash*, at ' the present time '- gl;000,- and it .is , estimated. that hereafter ivery„*Mi if thilm"trill obtain 110,000 in addition. assta (';fyr.) Guordtas. _ . -It . , -aiiCiritanii i liflaia.•.,-, Ai 'Vallee eMrree ,Pcaletit ago Alla pnlifasAnativoo the followiag: gapite"desoriptimis' of the value of speculative ,wealth : '' ,;-- I , ',., -' -=,_ ' ^*: ' , , , ...',l.Eisaithintitellrithi,appeiraime of Calif o r ni a mi !slug, ~ Red alas inid„gray are, moving to . and _fro with -, blankets , - pick and:pan; In , the towns radii bongs are hastily thrown together. The, sa- , looms are orewded. Gambling is conducted 'openly —fsro and Monte tables are in active operation' in' every .949 1 P, arid haem„betting indioates an, *bamboos ,of tansy. However, there is more prospective wealth' than present' coin. "Men have slam in their own estimation worth thousands of Aolline,Wlttiont: I cent il ftbeir - ;t*PketL' ' Efe t` body tallicrloh. I have seen no man . yet ie o Idunks himself worth less than li-is. $50,000 ; but I. liavi,seent'eacki snaly gar Ar.341141 f0r drinks, and mea" - " *• ' TIM BODT Olf A WONA'A POIIND rif A WILL -k SINGIILAA Csee.—On Tuesday afternoon informs.: Con we/cilium, at the, Sixth „police precinct that the body of a woman hid lawn' discovered in a lis well,,en the earner of Einehirtek avenue and Motive .suet. " Comfiest Griffith went at oaree'ni the spot imitated, and found the body. which wad recognised as that of a woman named Carroll, wb9 resided in that neighborhood :for -Violas! twenty Yews. Coroner Murphy wsennotified. and will bold wispiest thitimornieg.- 7 .1V„ Y.... Express. Aft , riai.—At'a recent gale ti . the priblie ¬ion roomir-iti Par*'iß Intheink drawitercleitalieff the, signature, 4 ,1. -N. Bonet parte,ffereeeted - Ortire Emperor many years ago ; prieented hifia"to Seamier. le mentioned 'the wend' Volume of het " Sony* nink l "pece 412,) soli ter 195 f. 'to Daunt [lmola, formerly marshal of the nobles' et ,Wareaw. The -dodge repreeente:lhe , abstain of..Arenenberg, is Biritserland, :with :11tnolg, shepherd huh* gall* a tree, Mol . playing.onn pipe. Weekly Renew 61 the 'Philadelpkze crzmni ParmanaHultrit , 'APril da WN. The opiratioie elite week have been interrupted by theiritirestitsu »tithe male» laterally have been Mane for the season. Them is very little, Quireiron Bart here, and pre» are »Oa. 'lliesdaturs are also 1 1 46 4 &idea* note &WY at =the advanee. Cattail is dall;aid for thilairrachta we ea» slightly reduce oar anotations. Cod» la in fair depend. Sugar aid -Holum seat a moderate lartirp - Fish are unellatal»: In Pruitt.» Ma» mash doing. No change in Hemp or Hide"' Thi iron trade »send» fi dnik Imml sr is in better demand, isad aloes arittiruten In - Rtovtaimp, then Is a firm (Enlist; brt - net mash activity. Dice Is quiet. Bait is very doll. In dads there is lent dolnit. Z. 0 1: steadf, - "mad. dim Ai test, wat's quotation antstile4 and lower. In the Dry Goods, Deb there Is more »rally, and both the - aommlisilin ma k& bales hive bean :us; ban tan week, withoiat any ehiages to mote is the Wool of any of the staple Articles. , ' ffokleilot Bread's& arirsther inner iit their views; the reesists of binds seinitverx %Olt. end priest wither bettor ; the however. for Floor connive. hunt rit, end the sites reseb - °elf shout 000 hble, in Ives. at ine. •k%.eoxis a giurriod , leperteirri i to t r'faArTete, ai r ' i' qZ r j a t :t elf lowest enures are igenetsily refused, mast r 00111M00 -mixed. end ntideeirale lota. The trade here to zeu cliente within the above ranee of moss. wording to brand end quality: • Abe Flour sa SIMIT. end ra th er inetivuletive. end 30400 We sold' et '6416 P' bld. Oars Meat ie more inquired for, and Pennerivania`Miratia area and wasted, with Wee bids epossissam . r;bbl,- hntor for better broads.... • -ThiS fonowied le tbe inepeehon of near aid Mfg lc; Iwoe sadist April p, talub i eureis rf ispeme !lf garb tifsd h h:- - erased% la _Total ...- .........-. - - ---.....-.... - at WiISAT.-Tko offerings Ihnoo been !fight. and st tio sloes era was mars intuit,. 140.2 Vieille ire 2.04. W. Halos 16000 bits 'ammo and aholoo red it 1/0.1 [Ol ion, inorpr, f. F , ritit la i r , intd ni c er PT I. t ise ni 1a.44748 y eriritrt , :hied= 730 ° 714 4,T X: : it ; 412 ,63460„ 414N rismui tt oraad diun t iaime zza t66l . 4,6 l22 l,4c66m ie 60 0.6 441 ".46 i 4664 Hini1 4661_ 7 .n tli fimot iopo irerr t ne insapar es , Z in 'wait 1 , 005. 4 4 from 'Xito ' auk_ d........ a1ik” .... ... . Aksk illi tnia.r.Frito /sauna jg boa* bet V: Ors Toody *now Lonna Woo st , EMI art at maps SOW ; sew, Truro is held at. 114 la In l'lno Mao and no abst Owvt *anal! Wforikin stoops nt. indent 41, WOW, 'lleki. &woo to wet Nod 2 , 04142 0 . Namur g In dots 0t , X066/Ingo. the faker tato kr fanny gat Situ l v-00 . VlibMitir ■at Ne,st days. Was a t mead . Was o ann m• Issas a 1111•141 a, Maw at ffis. ,, ssd dbouldere at 73imuss os vs . i.e tune. : Leel-The *net on Mod ta 1.)514 ;sake Of Nis Mid times at 11,3poilka. mid kegs 02 SiVKL flia.Lrlia Pow Buren le dull st 1116 • for solid talked, Mid 1168180 for roil. , Choose is wallies in lots a l erfa-lbs snakst for Pig Peon continuos doll, 6 rm ar t go i tpciairsaite w sold itt iroili s la u lt e i doing. attn.:Om rismittal.7o4romd Blooms com mand ea tothlt Wrath!. 'Ear and Boiler Iron con liimitilei:, lea lan ni"a ressi --1- ' - ' 4l ''P ors, 4l.' sl ightlyrtig ia i Satid . ef.. - 611,44 Tr Ir l d r : 4 40 ' 11 "0" , 0 IA rali $0403 1 01 M. , . w/o <mots Mom lag arra asiFIA: 42411,414,210. 42m00211p. i rinitalf ea' Itonis. dintszA. am.aales aro ye ported at ill 10 green sr ma ft°. 1; GM latter is an • - WAtiddiglilibud lanaof fella , ot dt)detdse CARDLiti. .-PeiLiett-userle Ade/Maine titer, ii. a stead}, laitantahns2ll l )4l. elsonlime. Sperm ern lield at ao. ' ow Candle ' Mel ln, AiloWir at - rations CPA ..Tiftero ars veri,feir ' meet' coming & naiad - resin the East, =data Avoided <lnseams hos not yet bum Iliad Iwo; ter city esessatatton there la a steady inAand at. preemies One ~ - OOFFP.E.-Tbit atra lialtigein issressed by their rms . (4 4d ro magma oLlllio and" icons of ',Attains/I.: tits ta asodarittle, aid v ens Arm I as of 2, 11 40 bug 4, , ,.24 aballA Up. *MO yrs at 240, WW2 St. Del& Ildifd Cr lift An n CM., . 410 O A . - ti' n o s t h been t he Wens* dar ing vast 'lnist, t • Gat weather Mans kept 40Dbererit t ler urea liar ded ba t es !Talent* at rnoorin • wand a tinny tin to Ifs eir in. reel. .fir Pisa Ir.lnelading portr i of the Tatar linfe I . Oen al at Illigenhe, 01 t . i. t ''‘ i6o6 =lVgat ,444 4 o44 :th• CIS 0 i202214mb”.1_ 04 t, 00 In iliikrmicse limo Yam* Id LIII O uMV ' t rait UP. Ma. -- it ' init ' f ` .. - n ,.. .`; ' . '• :".4,/iit.esi ' Laws *mama trMoio IRFloada.Murtie•AN IX4ASO '1,081.010 Vas= '.‘ , PlllOOO- .4 WAIL : Sei NO illege) WOOD o' atissr f. sari.: MGM ' pm .' Ilitece pl.OOO I' o4 49M- , *MASA , 1 fitimi ';',l4/0,008 ,1,W 1 , 000 ank on ___ Pm , 17Ssiss . too MO , Of whiott genii ' i t week, inelidial he above: it nisi ~ . .ic, i:, • Pee Me* liein lute . tala.- • . Una MON - in nem • .., it • 4,011/ IMO " PAC ' O otter 1, eery, ::__ • : Ism _ - 6,Te - cI.ON zni reted ,.... eue0 wt.....) 6 , , ... , , iii ,r leeddle k jitm eter i„Tx. , ir fer s,oomLi ed red ,Odu Nilite27747l47ase se I m e•rremir ue ,.l4l,4o •dr new veettureln , , : pinta, OMR _Tot* inonsiso la 6 Dal 0 a .Vitair.4,..... - 1' 11 kinds bave tees let.: Awovi as mike we solid. some 'l'° A l l tril‘nrPirtiViefrlfirti t t nt i oUr t irATA t t i l I% willtlleit, 4-41,d..rtHrig-4"of 141 5 4."14: orim.przazullWirata„4-;glplimr 'flltigr . at ifot ity.751. - sisallist o! Gusts •reold at 11.20; sin log-TiiiT iiii•iiiiio Is bettor. and the .s ar e **Ease tostom ton at linttiOnor ma dhoti Is • 8 ISt for tans do; elb SO rot: medium 1 1 1 4 ithlid li ts i gritld it ' ss2l.rat 11 =r:4"a:11% fiffrittli4,- 117%4Oxii ' are light, with email we. of 4 414211 Th At 4742106 au is quality. . Flturr.—at egirvn of fillermo Ornate' and finning le lamiling, of minor; 11,100nossa sold from the wharf at 1111 mmla.. as is flettU. , Citron and Currant/ all slowly at Melons Wes. i nomostio Fruit le very quiet. Oroon tee are sesree: and rings from Id to eon tr bbl. - i tn r s:" rittgi;u a t b ß4:ll4! ' itZtit ?ii Iv r ' IVIO-!t L o rt .t r air• l32 ooo "le f t a gro Pa ut ra littl . to or nale g lnt do 11 , 1 to seem soma en gagentelts have been Inßde 112 4 4 tall 4to fVoiseoaWmon_ta are waking ,nlii ortrYonratXli G , feet. west radio polkas on4adr ; two mosso Ire boon ahastinve frryn the 444141 a Cubs at equal Coins, los Be II motor, en gm unman; la. ~ O pm an sating Idol" oat. and SWIM Vol; to sies. the rams mess ;t6 niers tme, at So ooteßsvanualli, snleio. and to Wil taitietton.ft - n longing sot mass dans. Ina ves sel dm i lF i l Riolfigilreer i ga to Proeidenoe, /I la .....1 sea • dlit i mm ep sti er': . , we +wrote Crude : : Atl yir 6,1 .2=4,--1z.,„,, ,i,„.,„..r-Pehrs erisast tair e a t izr. n at darts' Wand et_ !al i t I : =barn niant f ern 0 a t om ' at b, ""- O y u , .=. pp iniValkirly diz_leu a west bongos of Sate 41-4 . 10 j'. 7 ? I ? rt .70,!atir Esum no* hold ge, 'SU 08244g.11Chit,1 4 4 . 10 pan s have aese'pider . ° l7l, ' ' s in. -1 10:atfaZirat ikelieeteli ' l ' llid **d r ors t i . Fent , them as demand. and v nor ars doing _VIY*P" skti.-nlviikriii‘...air,,,-,liz.Enittlellc:ite -'-' in lig id_, • sad lirimes GIP gabs ale."" - _ • _ as Week! 4 7- 7 01 ' 1. ii. 0.1116 ; 64-ii 4 iirdihrz - rt -76 ,itnr. r .-4 11141 .• Irinrit Vat t 741 tne t i Z o l t ."1 1,:nar___atitfr im A d Mi' ~,. 1 11 i ft v is f .iir v iet T spa es:46KM, e s s t rat z t i t ilma r rzt flao, W I Pirok iff ratiP ystft. 'l l. 66M a r d in f i_rl 2"llll #l7l6i sts it • jel_ . 11:1*Ibt_ . 41 40 Ora ' PIO' Irliatilim...m.,,,nsthnes doing Jammu f' i'"'iti..l.,....iiiiiii'i4., .24:41g.' 7 i Jr i :.`- A - Alanut-tlain 4 - O. •el __.,, r : 4 00=4„? :: 1 4101 Kali le i4' I re As ; -- Wing +I IPP!c! list. iikd '<km/ mew , • Aloe „.‘ A ‘pt• t '''THE" - P - Rtfigir 4l ' MAD. MUTE:" SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! eiiinixers PREPAitilil GLISIgt erALlilrel CRAW BAYS TEX FINOSS I EOONOMT! al '"e 9nsoa ut Tan Navas ds ad.:Arms &volt sokislooli , ossoiatulf and !W i tt-is very desirable -to bave isomeebeap aad eon veruent'lray for reseuxhre Paraiture. Toys. °rookery. . • .1. : SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE' - • sleets all no aessetepedes, led no henieheld Gas afford: to be without It. - it always ready.asd ip to the atiok-' ow point. There to no longer a necessity for limping + chairs.oplintered venitem,httadles s dolls, and+ broken. ersdles. It ie isat [bearded'. for ooneraltel, sod other; ornamentalwortoto , ptMultm• with ladies' a !rennentent' mil taste. ... ./biallap. , 9ll l /Mat lol2 to noel cold, being °Mni, °ally : d a 11011AUCIA, 144 vowelising ell the valuable, ought ato o the boot - aabinet+makers' Glue. It may be used in the via°e of ordinary muoilage, Watt TIM T. more adhesive. "USEFUL IN'EVERY HOUSE." - N. IL—A Minh &teams:Rea 'soh bottle. Price 26 soot*: WEOLHALA DIPOT, PI•ATT Olrot MAW You. Adder HENRY 0. SPALDI & Oa, Bo: NG N 3,ED. ow York Put up tor Disking in onset c ontaining fair, ldt Pt; and twelve. dozen—a beautiful lathograpluo ehow-Uard .anoosupahijus each Pailk•gc A ..- Aan gle ePALDINGI3 PABFARED 131,UE - save ten times its oust annuallf to ovary' hoinehold."Ell Sold by all prominent Stationer', Druggists, Bard ware and all Dealers, Grocers, and Fanny Stores. tricAnltEneittrosPrild, Zlknertiral:ll2 Wit it will stand any thumb% SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUES USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. OPALDINEMPWEPARED 6LUE. SOLD By STATIONERS. WILDING'S PREPARED GLUE. - SOLD BY DRIJUGISTS. SPALDIN PREPARED SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS. BPALDING'S PREPARED_GLUE. SOLD EY AROUSE-FURNISHING wromm. . „ E L D Be D L BY FURNITURE PREPAR DEALERS. SPALDING'S PREPAREVOLITE_ i _' BOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS • SPALDINGS PREARE_D_GLUE. BOLD BY ROORKS. SPALDIAIO'S_PREPARED GLUE,. 80.2.,D BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS OENERALLT. ittsruHaotrued by HENRY C. SPALDING & CO., ' 48 CEDAR Street, New York; Address Post (SU% Box 80.3,400. ~ • - Annexed is en Alphabetical List of. Artioles Which, if damaged, may be restored to their original strength and ruefulness by .., SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. •A..3lAnda ACCOUNT BOOKB-.- .--.............A 8.....Mend5.HUREA1T5,................- ........ CL'.-Mends 10)2ADLED. • ...---- - ..(1 C D :.-Mends ritT I MREB7...= .--... ".- .. 31 . ....- - ...rf- - 11 F... Mends F 4 . 4 . 4 G.-Mends OUI I YARD-....... - ...- ...-.... - 0 4 7:lz= 2 .woux . .....___. ......_.... 1 . fe.....mend. .06.1=7:====:...K L... .Mends JAATHER-WORR-......-...........L AL-Menda MIROR-PRA"' ' • ,__,,:_._ _ id N -.Mends NEWEL-P_08T5.....-- ..- --...N o....Mende, OTTOMANS. .0 P.-Mends PIANC2-PORTES. ...-....... - ---....-.....P ,i-..lidends #UILT_YRAMES..........--............Q l i-Msfide OC fieliio/18E8 - -.-. -....R T.... ends ABL ...... ...., ,- ........... -1 U.. 4. nds•IEMPR -11TICX12.-- -..... V-- ends' VAS ~.....-.... --...-- NT .. .MATKIO r K:44 1f .:...-......„..........7_Ar 5 1,LA .x -. msiads YotHilyti G-W0RK....... - ....X Y-Me0(611 RD -S Z --Mends zVAlrgib-waRV...-.._... Z tt.....00 o i nou_ u ppiaAL 'NOT PR PARBD CLUB 1 101 Li es and Schools. . L.. Mends BUft. i ., - ;.-.......-..--.8.... 2 2....P....Mends Plll ..,.........-....P.... 3 i . .....t.:3=Mi 1 1 i gid...12 ° 111:14 . 4 - A L - - 3 6......D....Mends DAGIUII6 - Intrx gm 41 - 5 . 1113 . ....4 - ....... 6 6-.l....Mends mutest 7....N....Aiends NEW BREARAGES=....t7 '. ... 7 13 &.......Reads OUNAITOCKB:-....-.....-..-. ... 3 9....11....Mend58CR00L-BOOKS-. 5....... 9 10....P....rd54W0L8....--..-.--r....w 21.... R.... ends R . Eittia - r" i 5.... F., ... et XVII! iditiltrid .. .. , as s P P - nultloB.--.... ..111 i5....t...Fie it ate .-_,... - t . . 1.1 A.-. - -mends it CH 1? IT ultz.... .. - .16 A.-. ....Mender ABE N LES.- ....IS 27- --mends D HD- - --29-17 1&...G... end. FEE ......, -.--- 0- .111 111-14.... rinds SPIED LEAVEN -....2.- .39 A ...U. ends plobasred FURNITURE- U -30 31....Z....1E50d5Eri11i-BLATEREI .-21:4.31 13---.l4nds A 211N-Afir Ds -...-- ..-4 . 11 3 1 113.-........ ends 34 - - ends %till ~....--..=2 .....-.... ft At...........itends L -WoRE...-..., ...-.116 A. --...p. eside L HT-WORt e -'— -. .. 4 0 Y-HORB ..-..- .-. A 30-....-... 4 DOBOO .-.-- -.A 39 .-....... PI -BO ......4................113 30.-..,.,. 0 J 31 RA .....................;le 31- -......-.:..: 04338 , 0 , . 0 IRB-......,.......-- ,Al 31....-."..;.. ends - RI 0.',..„„_.„.. .- -. A 33-....,--Men] C• , r - RNITURE... -- -.. .33 341..: - ......... Men . '1 - ,- ACHIM- --- ..34 33 '. '`. "1 13 ' r. A. , i t ' ° AMIDE*" -'----.13 M.-- ...-.. a -."..38 /17.-......... ends R. • . „l'._.: . -...:......- --- .37 19 3 ; . .:=1 Mo en .. .2 0 0 • e n t r a ; ' 11 1.....== 40,-- 41.......:* Mends r t - ft : ' .'.: . .. 4-.... " ' " ... - - - "-4 2 ' . • -- - .......... Dr.---- a lit • - -. , - r: :i s ". - 43 -..- .... Vp _ I if =••• •• .....-........-..- ...... . . . le 46.......... ends . ;--.-. • • --; , • Al. . .......... i.. 6H 01 t . :,. .. ........ : Al.-- r o to .:iiiiiiiiiii.7.7.F.. m.............. ..4. 52.........:.: .... 16 ., 15...........• .....10 ,61.....-.... - aii. ...--- • 'BILLIARD '.. 8LE.8.........-....'. A 4 63.-....... 03 ' 4 mits-Ars------,---- i -H, ,7:.. . twoinoke::: -- ..:::::::...1.7i em_.=7.sismis' .0 -" ••••••••••••• • .----• •-•-• • • le.- - - -h..: 39 -... M ends - 60-. Men ds RUSE .- DS -----60 81.--,......14004a, p 0.10.431.1....- . - ~..!.. Ad 0... :.....:: Blonds CAB PIETS-,.. ....... "' ,. . - """1 - t 3 1=.,«71a1 • , : tr:t , --- .::.. -• .6. , 66,... - :.......'. ends 12 ..41 ' .:. '....... .. F.' ' 68-.... Asada g l ißo4. DB . -- -. -....:. - .. 83 66 gy_......-mands, U TAINS.* ........ -• • • -I- A 68..'....... - - rads NOS. ..... ................_; „Be 69-- 'AO § ppre5_.....—.........,_ a) 70....--. ends An29.RAS.-:....-,............a0 ' n.........:-. Blonds HAIRS.-- - ~.: -.........71 73.'...-- Nandi CHARTS.. .....,,,........- ----II 73.........rdendiceLantEs-FRAMzo - .-.....73 74......,.-Munds ARD-CaDES—..- ....- . -4-.74- Mt ......-. Meads BESTS ... t .76 ....Mends AWE& .... 4 .4. -- -.....;-.76 71 ' ...Mends ORIC-WRANIM.....- ~ .....i....77 i l 78.......4 - « 'Eels DRAvetiT-ORS . , 78 80 ' 4. - -Mends pi Aide .-... ••..• • .. •.:.-."...80 131............. Menda.EP 0 E-BOXES'-'... -........4 .al 83- -.Muds 014 !nag. , ..... ..........--' .83 84-...---Mditds 1RK80ART137—.....-. -1...-.110 i x) 83.....-:. Kends E Mina , .......... ...... ...,...iat NI ...4..... Mend s . BALLUBTERIL...-.-..... , ....86 ea_ - . sisndo'GLAAASWARE....... -... ,' • A 88.............. Mends N N Ligi. ....„_...-77.7ds A..........Mendi A-PERG2WW - 141‘.....:.• -SO ,s t r p 90.- --irien&Pß TEI2.-... --.4 -30 9L.........Mends Pe.,,,, -:=:..=t-=. --4 ..Al 9L. - - Mends RGANt r :-.................. -......,... , ...112 93.....-.....litends•AlODsL ~_.....,._, : , ...._ ._._. _. .... si 94.-. --Meads rWirraneseukurrenTAlDELom 100............ Mends ANPLE.i...,..: ....... - ..... -4..96 pg.... * ming AffitletßD WORE .-:-.. -4-.36 IN -...fends BIDE NARD§. . ... .....93 A......... M eads WOODEN WARR . --........90 100........, ends WILLOW WAR1.......--. EN . . -BPAISAGATI T IPAIRD OL . UB, PlaticßED Oa's," BOLD BY DRuuOIBTB. BPALDIMO'B PILITADED °LOD. SOLD•BY 0 00E1113. SOttIirtPRIMITBRa. • SPALDING'S PRF,P__AnErI Malin : BOLD BY HOUBB-FUXIMMING BT B. • • BPAI;DIEPARBC BLUM_ • BOLD BY F AN CYGOOBB DEALsma. MPALBINGIt PREPAXED BOLD, BY COUBTRY, BLERCILAN TS 888 M•entesolmited la_ • • -• , nxl , lltlr C. BrALDING.I. CO .I.4drosibyt Ofßc;e t Bi C ito D .tk r ie. tr !"', l " 7 Turk` . Put up in moil fl ea * tainiug either Four, • Ehibt, Ibsen ousti-4 bustilalLtsuossu p agg SHOW 04 RD socuropsupimusob package. • Mituly: r7-mm , 3•Tlcrptirt l E. O..THOMPSON,' , - i ,;',. • • , •,. - .L.MERCHANTTELOII,-, N. Z. CORNER OF SEVEN= AND WAI4NUT, BM' Respectfully invite. the attention of All WOK maffering from tier theoniretnee of tood•fitting pantaloon* • to tmt l e i tie ,„:_mr. , ~. Eft.V.l.statintiitymegrriaa , t tlh'ilowever that the Malt gen ra m tl; WarAth - trii onstalen matter, tho ii. a ye _ eeslobed for or mode turnotittinotor or a true t# gloving , . . RA& tin. deportment 114 ‘4.l , lnvito 1111=storestid to one Me 4 °OW Mt ;away' gat h lra l i s =o 6 = l 4 B eiging oi g a t , t r ite l litim hty "lda 'tu ft partWhr ant, own intoortation. 7 , 1- in --ant4l7' uciAL: PAWL P. ILIPLIAII. • map. P. 1 14017 f maw*. ZMORT, .."tr if, w "raega rhrt iUr,l del' ki o0 4'.* . M"al4 ° 4 - "•"" etkie ,GROOKII 00.,_ P.74# oh. ikata POUR= **PC *WAIL rirAirrtito , , M sammaxii. ammotill asu igiullll lirad *la% Cligk, Gni ' ; .on wharAg• ANA* uoppgapsw.toos TO poi ry Yet , 42,141= • ". ;• • • i bit • rxwr *to or dot • r • roiC - di • .. •• ; -; S 6A,gl itk.6l.lllkatTßD IVAN • r*o (Mtn, - -i S 3 PALS, • , : 1 • • •• ' AM?. • • • &o. Yo t a i:tat; g r gratl irk V I VAIV*. • wheitr ELA '°(). - • '-'-o•ha•invir. ed ranted Ws f. 10, di of loge 'Ors or _ TO THE PUBLIO. —• • , • ' • OALTIOUtPeI .A24lllThOlt IirEitTILATI:4I The above potent li downed, by r Otlltil WO P oil mon, to be the lofty boot ever o Niel to . the VI 0, slid peens 010 to be sate sato ofiltat t ii lot 3 ,merits to b• operaotated., Noth in g awl tn nOkl - So radials , adopted or vim ung print. an Vuu .butlitingo l sonooht; hilt* , , totiladomuoli m in t litsitia Ile Vtiltlt a ullise t and of Ants o, smo °l lley e = lat u orloi " toh - Nail* ' 14'd `retail', at ' 1.1,... 5 i .. .."........., ryg r thj AL , lAMB MS MAR& swot:Phila. OnlvaizaiNttrauwow _, „,,,,w Liao rut oo ,0 , 41 . )it tin& i AIN tot , mut y• lODTTSVM-Itlr NT - ftaj .l-"1",.. • Virit itlikbY - " .0, • :AU' D;1.1 tiki AN; az;;TM I NNISofrma ea v rov ien iusfllaik th. jarriati o 4 0 , ,, , 1 44 t. 4134 a mys ' WWI *II aangoki * pliiiiis irk g a mm as gic s A a ra ut ant e r mi lAku4r si ttlo st. raL t idesoll, 9111 IPLAtimiLMlTAlrrianaleu6. ilgrtiotisiosi as Till be a VOO on spp Mien, 4 Yt t it sad 1 - 1 •0 TOR 19:911.14,..jrAPX - WORM. JAYNETIOPHVIC raft To" A Irgasi liae neyait,gagoraciw• to fill intrWlallaulatotance to 21001123 trouhlerorna oniXot. le $ l3 MAU, taken ae o inampurcative, amt is followed by no I mmo., sant e na c ts. The worm IS moony esiteti“ In fr om & ra g to in : light d ose. , with "Irr e e r oft e nriorM e not . 4 ` - 4 PM u p By writing to Dr. D. JAYNY.A . BOBGIIITHEITNUT &rent, ehtisdeiptdo,encagenig 43(h:earn oresoh dose. the medicine will flnktedlatillif hornet ed num to any part of the world. ' • READ THE V,OLLOWINO OERTIFIoATS9 I - 't}C'§tNl<c'LSaDy,Y.. Nov. 23. 1957. Dr. D. Isyne—Dirow air: I reeeived the puck, of 32your Opeoino for MAI worm, and took it nato 0 directions. About four Mg; oßer Used taken 3,1 aimed tape W 0321 MINIM full tirty.two foal to length.. ' _3132 VAN V.921,T, E11312052' on N. T. and Erie Railroad. , Rtoorti Pao., Itio. lc, tam. D. likralo— Pit: r have.l.9r. Yearebeen afflicted eh. that terrible disorder—th e vela ; h inbetlifildvtragritittiqurdum.lo4l7lll - any relief. I w l tti advised to for our Tammy . , At the time 22204 tad 20 a 041211t2. unapt! to attend to humans, and my sa wing as, yoadate aviation. I took two 002121. and. then hawed Nifty loot o • f the worm. lam n•w str•ng 31312 10L0121 helth., ••• =• .fluzze. Mr. P 4117 - F4 rrFoay Hinson, Ark., Feb. ad. MB After taking Imir Solashe for ruse Worm, It had the snot to expel a worm measuring in all twenty-WO , feet." DMIFATOIi! &street of a letter, from Mn. George M. Gook, dated 10 Osahou, Tioga C10.,11/ Y. Feb. 9, 1868. " About a yesr since we reoeived from you a dose of the Tape Worm Sesta°. which my husband took acc cording to direotious, sad the result wasp that he passed nearly sixty feet of the worm." neir.ansurwia. Kuck 11, 1859. Dr. D. Jayne—Deer Sir I had been for some four Ear, afflicted with that horrible disease, tape worm, awing tried Mine re medies witikrat encases, I wail at t compelled to We your APHeIFIO, MY compelled: for thad great repugnance to eiiikeytised med manes, as I oonindered them alt burn bhp:, Wit wee with great flit , Hanky was induced to try your remedy. took three doses. and the result hew been the complete ejection of my tormentor. I have ceased moms ,siglity fee -ttive last eight or ten feet tapering redoollY.d ea • Oolial was Po thicker then stewing cotton, with 'bea tut tees headt e a sin. I be (eve if I had taken Your medicine in the begin ning, Coro my stomach became aceentomed to drugs, one dose would have been sutkolent: , Feeling it to be a duty taws, not only tif yea, for htte4 itug mewed l'rom an emir_ grave.: where my di rould have inevitablyplased me, but also t o thine are :Misted am I rem, I make yobbo. thesekte. te - gratefillti; ' Fifth and }. OD, tat - ELT ZADlTlllins.Lisairri. vim - Gentlemen : Yetir TAFF WORK lantana Au been administer aceording to directions: Fit:Mane at seven in the morning. At three in _the afternoon the worm was expelled entire. Your EiSiaCiFIQ hall sus tained its. iiretensione, arid I klieg no hemtstion in re commending it to the public. /Axis B. 'anvil, N. D. `, Polvrotsvnxi, Tenn., July U ' Dr. D. Jayne & Son—Dear Sirs: A little gir t aboilt seven years oldlree masons with tape worm, end had been -untioy medical treatment for some timo, witbont benefit. Your SPECIFIC was rivenpooording to di rections, and in about three hours fifteen feet of the worm came away, which, from the description, I think must be the entire worm. MoDurn.• DIMITIIILD, N. T.. int r. js. w L./ 8511 ; • )3r. D. Jayibe—Dear Sir: blot you A ORM SPECIFIC ',wording to direct i on,. l. Eig t ours after wards I discharged twithont yarn) his wertnahrnivrho measured twenty-eight Mot in length, and contained more than 960 lucks. LTTII2; MTh**, UTICA, /T. Y., MUG 15, UM • Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: Last week Mr. Myers made inquiries of us about your TAPE - art PEFI and immediately wrote to yo. for This morning - he called upon us with a battleining the to worm. WAUXIIIT, Din s - • • , 24111 ' w Idieh.. 6104tizt,',11169,2 Dr. D. Jayne & Son—Dear, Mrs: I took, AYE WORM SPECIFIC according to dlreotio - worm wee expelled six hours; length Monty- 91' Yours, &0., Lorne - Darriswict, Ordob6llFigliS' Dr. Jamie m Son—Mr. Riley Vries 10.1 heslr health for borneyears autdeot to smile otinekness at the stomadh, and tiontinued emaciation. 'ASeut month; igo he threw up about twenty - five feet of tape we t brokej • parktemaininyjn hie itommob.'„We some of your TAPE WORM eiPECIFIc, wh took according to directions. He soon discharged a t etymon fad ot Amer worm, end thinks he is nom free from it. X cum &c.. Bt.tra & DOOGLAssi DAVIMPORT, lowa, pee 36. 1966, Dr. D. Jayne — Dear Sir I took your SPECIFIC for tape Tony. according to direetions,and Info:whams the worm was expelled. , Heimann Timmins. Coro eirco, California, 00t..51,114. Dr. D. Jayne & Son--Deer Sire: I do not betim i lt nor do I delay to give my testimons to the great excel ewe and superiority ofyour,l. TAPE, WORM pIeDDI " I lately had aneemulon to have the virtue of this morn-. eine tested, the result Of which was the expelling of a tape worm of enormous length, which' had worn the pa tient dove toe skeleton: but who now Rusks Islay and timOthy. emu liberty to give the address t e lady from whom Me troublesome animal was ; bqt a quarter ablution of it now on et mY ramble ocular proof Or what have written- It turn help wit named by hundreds who have called to see it. Yenta, tru l y, t . E. G. Sconacii. . Hritsiumothime . D I ., timiacihem i t, t d Agt i •wrktV, Oxa.•°EMIL- m.,. n • ...FIT 11/1.4. PIM ' Ted Olaf by Dr. D. ThYDE & SON n . C Nur street; where en Dr. JAYNE'S VALGABLEME DICINES may be obtained.. - • mh29-1161 pun, GEORGIA ARROW aixiT. Iptat eusno reie 14 1 troid d°41114 1 2141` "N't jactrsotedrota mert.easteNit4hs ha lec i the ==7Arif:_ip t :thi a r w ehitmlifi h on 4 Cl4 thee, teatlenieh , thettwe. PPANWPI, who have twill exaagaed it. - One ward. qg eget*: ()title poikadatik. Complete nit mums stir) . 6/0111 PIPA axe show nef,_how so .stake the, most ItetopeLathe Jot the 7` loirea.“orktorgeANN - .. • 1 4 14.4 - 7 P - - -E2lB: jtlTtl iso C 1 IB4L - 0204,g e 0 , ft „ AT , owN • 9 B -- o : lL ' c o m e • up so iir.wrz. # • Under Coutinonjtir "I have examined and preltareer intierßivt. Manufaesl by:ced. Un horse. of et. an% Georgia. It hast e Of th at variety ei Boon% / have met w, saperioyto Berm e or ,otker 'Ar row Root I have seen. , • Illiadyn JAMESON; 24. R." • voiviimorof tonnayboholo." _."„I have examined a sample Of Ancine Book =mu fettered by CoLlfallores. of 81. Mary's, Georgia, and exhibited at the butt Mir of We Amen institute by Mt. Burkha l ter , of We city. 'TbiN &Moto of the e.orl boat quality. midi from the experiments made litionit. Bad It to Ceatilb as large a propoltion. of nutrition, wetter. sad to Will every other reapeot luny mom t o the beet quality or Alrmy Root obtained fronillermuda. It Minx mtal Inlportanise to invalids that mob del " looke 'Moue ofthettienure 1 cool esdof the oppor tunity toxemic so fayorabliodlir GOMA &riper R .."JAMM .VaiLTON, M.D . ." C 017011! MOUGH U!, POUGH !!! EVAttoviLLII,,RMk Oat Wis.;flept. 6, M. pt.DIJAYsIt Dear Mr?, athaniel Bhdter, of this plaoe. authorised ' me toe te wifewae Mites ao her bed one year MO with Lung Disease, which the nhgemiang prOnennoed Conetimmtten. De doetored for six months to 4o wirpose doting :whielt time he bed heard 'root Klf.p.EcToelAnlT spoken of vet, lushly. and eonelnded , to try it. He bought otyonr Agent a haltdosen bottles, mid hie wile MUMSIIIO44 taking it, and hut been getting better grey. sines. Ighe tic. oat even now, and is gaining dad! In e - a. toti t tib y _ ..r f , c ,* , . • EXPEOTOAANT I FeK LINO FEVER. K 01159111, Ohio, aepLgi, Is6B. Dc. JAYNE I have mode use of o urEAPEO,Po- RAPIN for Lung Fever,eodfilpso Me. with the aid of your exoellent SAGA 1 , 1 IA G. W. Howszar. - , - • •YEIE iwunsit MINSIONARY. • luttritot of a letter,lrma tioe Wiberg. dated' Your invaluable b LteTe i Nit 3 o w E id iAt i T a G n it h ailTTA, ' beetkof very teetutiel eotrios to mr,throall au breast, anti coo aoarotey do Without it a Imam Several of our f ri ends, to whom we have woes °natty Steen ,some, expreut4temtselvea ae ‘ being muoh . T.I4RES YEARN WITSFSSO - NearilS. • DI. eed li antrfiittlrie At i tiffi l teei some th ree peareW tja . rorreertis L end Melo • beerd o the wooden - 01 Wiled. of. yokr KXPEOTO NT for derntibreertp ei ig e Eretkdr, r =gg: Warr i One box oiIIkNATIIMP I aLS. end_rn Egg roo r rergeirk i mireaLtg: I = 3 Pr h lP: ty o bresthort row Feud redrlS.dlal i f Inse WM, emeotoratioa,aod In Ore Id pi? e opted a ponlya rePr,Par. CU t RL " • J.-t, Br i en. , mfr>Prepared , „ - JAYNIPS, OIiFeTNITT Street. ReS4P*l3, - ' , . COD UTILB. OIL. 11004:6 aoseumrnos. THE IMF" AMONG .TEteritb_ligteND;__ DALL.WriII 411111044 YAM ESTBAcTuR ii AB' universally supplanted all , other ALA °intent' . ar.d hea li ng agelioittong An both the ratarla ad, v,feitterk Handspneres, althefilfat lat 111;• *obit. ta dAll:roma tarit la !ha leutiebnit.of de C=4loor flisrre. ' calm'. W " cribe:c4l4 " '-`"' -- • BURNS , : b it sarltdus -; - , • tlia lt e st erittl i triirell =stilt re n ina lu l r h t i gri l var, .and Abe' 'fieg a r iv :roared as ~ br t e , xn , b ' MAW V Wit -- Ely. ; CRlbaltea 4110 iin f , etilU OMNI rani* 1117 . 9 . 111 . 11- 00170134=404'0,1111 illiOtherlOVNli r 4 i allah*rerearatien eo n - mania okait t_ro me . r degand !Dm& T .'bb, or 7'''' li ii i„ ,R 4 . 41.74 BE4'M Up.' '' r . 0111111 thy re , ' ,•• er.lll , 4•buTo fig in 7, dt dna whose of to We« throws hut , erithur the chinos of ant from, Stmt.:ion. Are , _AC Wil l:Cita? ou r jU l el t a e tt h a tagv6 pon,r. t ... ~ r „.. 10.1414 o r l e aldrit 4.. • neon o itagmazfruen Ito < tit !mitre:Nu , Mips, almr -r lowet y. VM W IC M a ir t gljnp MErammi li m e. 1 Mt alefiTifivk A ir r itauvi v , p- ~ • - telix.... . - ranz'oi,.,:, Mott, I , oAs. ''_- km - • 8re21 1 1T.2... *0 ...rr ... , P 4 i * , ' ear .-.• ' ' • Gimilriiii. ' Ml= • , , , iii r, - • aok F i tm ts ,ma , da, stoma &Pik' • l as i ', _ ~ , . r•V•4O•B6I.Wor l' l,ooklllll, I lea, m,ll= ; ill,.til• 1.1 2•0118; . - Efeal ',Sorsa . a ' ""^ i i i l litili i . tiai t gid If irli. • 3 a" CO4 00:14.W*, - ram Le Y ob: bun • all btegoeta nth, aro , erhant• tbrollikes; 4 611 . 111 14 t i grat . .i ' • 1 4 0. .• _. ..... ~..., ~,, ~ I , , • nea .. WO' ''''' ~-;'',, "irkotosalil Meat" • r NH an t i& - i A , : 14- 0 7 ,- . ' 4O WONDiAll'ilt - / 9,800- Plit 6. "A r iEreilitta lnd . " It * . ' lu r e?. iiiri d et aa t c" 4 .4 .1141 i'vtrit, 7.;:i:C OWN .aIIIT 7114 .f , . alo e 1 e ne edTr iter l Z"V u: b ili ttni c ifirt a VIM, " taig lamas aid tiltifiii , Fa' 't • eat, •' ~..,,. ,r. -,, ~ 1;1 1 11 ! ) ; l ir . ' N 0.145 11, BOW, - . . ~, , e tedende„ --~.+~ .11E• 1 4440p13 ! RACiT,]) OHL!, •-••-- ' '• ' -:. 1 • •• 1. c TR. ORRIS DIVILETIO. ariaapour4 142*Acyr aim . , Rimmicizeinant i cr i , c -whisAT DIURETIC. .__:.. , ..a.if__. ~, • - ,- , - fir etAT DIUkETIO:' g .Llfalw.a) s44 . FqxAcT i, inc. Po‘itiv..4Bimifto itaaled? faX pilaw" of ° At Air DIUkETIO. ~, iladdnr ! „ .- , . ~,- ~ •Xllple. ' : • , • OlVol.' ' ' tom', ' • OriaaloVreakilaak ~ ._ .1, ' Tldo-nedlettf i lbar thaeoiel Phtemoo. "a mom the _A UR lilliaso i r, 1 aotton, by whboh the wA _EIL .0A LAM la 11 depointmeo, and all UllitlmAlliAl. A LAR_ 'mg TS ,are le duaathaa Welt iierAIKI Asp ugyi,AmmATiort, and *ir, ? * -- i lillitL - oleRlY•10 -'' i :: i pol t i fi h ni.l." l l44 t A A A__ gtraeffladniphla.: INRAVHAtti4 : ' • ' „ rra o.., Mayon . - Or TOM A" and :,, _ ri vr0nw ...,,,,,,, Etn: s r , ~ . raL.r...-.7.,04.ti, ( I ,4IiDLX: r • , ; , vt*. drib " • OBE lab Ad a. AvAme et i on 14 prii rim,* .ivat ; mupß l i t • mina F Si ICI ‘8 .ss an" Cs ououGui, tfEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS!, OriTTRT FOR THE A ;ITT AND CIIIINT OF PHIL,VDELPHIA. r Estate of WILLL tM. DUNLAP; dedeased. The Auditor appoint t[ hy. the ,Court to audit, kettle, and ad Inet.the Recount of E.ldorria,Lloyd, Admtuistra tor of William In i lie,diwensied, an to Make d i poi bp tAttUilrtet :r e in She hands of the aceoun Out, will ti tetmetSo 'T Eli DA4, rorit e en.= n o t f e h ii'Olgie F. hl., et hie Qfitee, NU. d l ,PRIE Street, in the pit! of Philadelphia. . CHARLES HART. a0n,i4,10,18,20 JR*, , . ~ , , Auditdr. IN ILI: THE ORRHS'ADOURT FOR, THE JI• CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. , Estate 'orADNA' MARIA PEACE. The Auditor appouttectby the Court to audit, cattle azattadjpet the noel:ink of ^Edtratd Tette:, eleoutor•of d th itl,7llSti o f r Ot u th n e a tial l a r t l tie f' m e" t a tie d h e,° lll7 of . tre c , i fut% o m uli k t e - Rot, a men the Omni.; Intertiated for the p_urposee of hie appointment ou taOII_,PAY AFTERNOON, April 23. at four Woioeir,_ at is (Moe at the southeast corner of 1190T41. entt LOCUST, Street,. io the nit of Ph andel 'DMA. - DAN DOUGHERTY, , • epl2- thstuat - A uditer. yEY- NOTICE., • • _i l k • ,`" tiDIPARiIIIIIII . 07 SURVirfir •• • • oifia• of ChiefYhi Engidneeer and lphlaApril / Surviiror MO . . „ l . NOTICE -:Duplieste plane of the cern resulations of the oeveutikomilon of the Twenty thud ward, bounded on hd• ribyth by Ime of Terenty.ssoond and Twenty-almond wade. South by Erie avenue, wait by Old York road. Writ by Germantown road , Number 171. Ninth Section —Curb regulations of the ninth smitten of Twenty-first ward, bounded on the North byliu'inniehanns avenue. • South by Columbia avenue, ast by Thirtieth *Drat. Wait by Schuylkill river, Number 173. Tenth Seotion.—Curb regulations of thetenth see r On, 'l' we utr-firet ward, bounded on the Werth by Lehigh avenue. South by Sustroehanns avenue, ' vast ny Thirtieth 'treat, West by Schuylkill river. Number 173. Afe now prepared and deposited for_publiii Inspection at the Offing of the 4:Surveyors and liefflllatoTil of the 'Eighth and Tenth Purvey' Distiets, and at the Office of tlus Department, City . Building FIFTH Street, below Walnut Street; and the Board of 813170) ors have ap pointed MONDAY,APRIL 16th, 18GO, At 10 o'clock. A. - to dontider any objections that me, be urged thereth by any citizen Interested therein. 6'IIIIOISL AND KNEASE, Chief Engineer and Surveyor. ap9•mwßSt COPA.RTNERSHI'? NOTICES. •• • 1 irssol,r,TioN AN 'D COPARTNER /1-F SHIP.—The partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the firm of lineman, Mr ker, k Co.. is this day dissolved by mons! consent, The Mainer; will. be settled by Esker Pr Hopkins, who are age the name of the firm ni ton fur that pitrpoiffi.- PBTER. ST EIVIAN LAP AYEATE BAKER, „ JAMES HOPKINS. ' PhtladelPhis, April ni 18 O. - - Notice Is hereby given, 'that the subsoribere have formed 'and entered into a Limited Partnership, under the provistone of the taws of the Commonwealth of P. Pennsylvania. That , the . name of the mor partner ship is BAKER & HOPKINS, and the nature of the W ellman the General Forwarding and Commission Bum. Bess, for the sate of Flour, Grain, &e. That Lafayette aker and James Hopkins are the names of the tienerel Partners and Joseph B. Baker, the Special Partner, all . - residing in the city of Philadelphia. The capital in cash, contributed by the Special Part ner, is Ten Thousand Dollars The partnership 0001- reenact on tbeSd'day of April, MO, and is to terminate the let day of April, 1866. LAFAYET7 R BAKER, JAMES HOPKINS, JOSEPH B . . BAKERnem. Special Partner. riv 0 T Y 0 , 8.-THE 00PARTNERSH1P heetofore existing between the subsetibers, un der the firm of J. E. KNORR & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. J. E. Knorr retiring The business of the late firm will be settled by SdHARLEi F. TAtiG SAT, ate the old Mend. No. 631 MARKET Street, where all persons Warw. Maims will present them for settlement. end those indebted will make payment. J. E. KNORR, spe-Mt CHAS. F. TAGOArcT. A-AJMITED PARTNERS TIP.-NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscribers haV r e formed limited partnership, agreeably to the act of assembly of the Commonwealth of Penney Ivania. approved March 31st. 18311, entitled " An sot relative to Limited Partner shrjui," and the supplements thereto. The name of the firm under which the saidpaltrier ship Is to be conducted is that of " CHARLtS F. TAG GA RT." The general nature of the Mutineers to be transacted by the firm is, that of Importers and Wholesale Dealers in i Wines and Liquors. in the city of, Philadelphia. he name of the general partner is CHARLES F. T GGART, whose place of residence is at No. 1610 Chestnut street,- in the city of Philadelphia, and the name of the special partner is WILLIAM HRMBEL TAGGART. who likewise resides in the city of Phila delphia, at No. 131 &mai Fifteenth street. t.The speeial partner. the said WILLIAM. RE h 1 DEL TAGGART. has contributed to the common stook of the firm the sum of ten thoueand dollars in cash. The period at which the said Copartnership is to com menee is the 4th day of April, 1860, and is to terminate on the 4th day of April, lAA CHARLES F. TAGGART, WILLIAM HEMIIIi.L. TAGGART. COPARTNERSHIP.—A. W. RAND has Taw DAY admitted into Partnerehip OSOItGE W be . ALLEN. The Milo of the firm will RAND & ALLEN, Who will oontirom the 0011 Al R AND 110 T-WATER PURNACE, COOKINO-RANDE, PLUM BIND. DAS, and STBAM FITTINti BUSINESS, At the old stand. - • No. Lai North SIXTH Btreot, Philadelphia. April t,lB 3./ apt.lne JEDIUCATIONA.I. ENGLIFII AND CLASSICAL BOARD LNG SCHOOL, FOR youfwfur. AND BOYS— _ nn= oal I al A Xe e a r ti B eir lucti u twe. CRESTPi OT l•trect. or add ree; the °° so 6 Principal, E. L. MUORE. Y SCHOOL FOB. BUYS. at P0118T0WN(.-Moittirnmer, comity. Pa.—The <m iming Summer SBlllllO commenee WEDNEd- DAY May M. Circul 11 ars, with felt particulate, fur adadon applicatiOn to Rey M. ?ABIOS: A. M.. Principal, References—Bishop Potter, Hon. Owen Jones Ltd marg. James E. Caldwell, James L. Cleghorn . John W. Clu horn, E. Westoott Dailey. Edward Roberts. Joseph R. Evans, A. F Ohms, Robert Wood. sat*? A MERIOAN SCHOOL' INSTITUTE iirt reliable medium throunb which Schools and Fay( lies PUY obtain ooraistent teachers. Parental may ob. Lain, srattutouslY. ita rmstion and moulds, of the beet school*. in ITH WOODhari, N. C.. NaIBRO p_WAY, New Vora*. or nlf•tf URESTA UT Street. Philadelphia. NEW BOARDING SCHOOL. VISOARORA NEMAL,E INaMTUTE • Will be opened at ACADEMIA, Juniata county, Ea,. on the let day of KAY next. For anneuneamente non tainlng terms, &o,,xpply by letter, or pereonally till Ist April. to the subscriber, at 1711 VINE reet, Philadel phia; after that at AOADEMl"Atjunista ootinty t W. 0, E. AGNEW, fell-dtlTls4 * ' - 1711 VINE Streit, FiRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL eur MERCANTILE COLLEGES, looated at_ F Mph* el. E. germ SE vFirrru, end CHESTNUT New- Xrk, Bagel°, Cleveland, Mew, and St. Loam For information . oall or send for Catalcarue. le2-11 ISIIIPPINO. TILE BRITISH AND NORTH opm AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL ammat tho.,clc/anrnVilrgr...." ..130 &SOW Cabin : •.• • - 76 • PROM ROSTON TO xt • vott - PooL. Chief Cabin Passage.— .... . Second Cabin Palmate. , - - The ships from Boston ca ll at Bahia x and Cork Bar llkSlA, Capt. hitting,. 'CANADA, Cast: Lang, / ARABIA, Cast. 3. Stone, - AMERICA,Capt. AN!, Capt. E. ti. Lott, MAU ARA, Capt. Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Skatinon i EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, 131.101.1 A, BOW loading.) These vessels carry a ear white light at masthead ; green 'on starboard new; red on pot bow. 116A 3 ADA, Lang, Wave Boston, Wednesday, April 4. ' tA, Stone, " N. York, Wednesday, April U. N 4 _ARA, Miller, " Boston, Wednesday, AprlllB. PERSIA, Junkine, ' N. York, Wednesday. M. AMERICA. Lens, . Boston Wednesday, stay a. A YW O CA, Shannon," N. York, Wednesday, ay O. EUR PA. Leitch, " Roston. Wednesday, May M. ASIA,Lott. • " N. York, Wednesday, May 23. Berthe'not secured until paid tor. An experienced eurgeop on tvinro. The owners of these ship. sail not Preciousable for, Gold, Silver. Bullion, /Mania, Jewelry Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor , and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or piano apply to E. CUNARD, fe77-wfmtf 4 Bowling Green. New York. AKFOR THE BOTITH—OHARLES 'MN AND SAVANNAH BTE,Levii.HIPB. FREI D OED. Heavy ' 71 ht at an average of in it aN pay cent: be law New or timamshlpyatee. - - OR CHARLESTON, 0. (7. The U. B. Mall Steamship KEYSTONIi STATE, Can- Lain Charles P. Marshmtur, will caul on Wednesday* peril lg. at .3 o'olook Y. M. Through In 18 to 60 hours—fluty SO hours at Sea. NOR SAVANNAH. G.A. The G. 8. Howl Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain Johnl.Gannn, will sail on Saturday, April 14, ,61 10 o'clock A. hl. ••• . • . • Through in 118 totabours—only' 48 home at See. air &Mpg nays cd:anged from every Satnrcher to every flee dare . • Goods received, and His of /aiding signed "We gapArdidfinit•-a tilde-Wheej Stenmehipe KEY: STONE dTATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day comma- Mostion with Charleston and Savannah, and the Smith and Southwest. At both Charleston ang B i d these Ships trim. CeirgOilrirtf= Florida, .radrona, Re., INl th SUR D ANCE, Vrinitht and hemlines toon yth proportion of Goods gu a p n p i el Solt: s W; I l premiumeweb, the ainbiotheearlig: mtg._ • „ N. D.—lnapranee on all Railroad Freight is enthral/ naneminuery, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Kayoed Companies taking . ail oaks from these points, • GREAT REHUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this routo in to 40 per cent. following an by the Intend Route as will be seen by the sche dule, Through t ickets from Philadelphi via Charles ton and Savannah steamships. INOLupiNC a. /MhALS on the whole route, eioept groin Charleston and Savan nah to Montionnervr • CHARLESTON CONVENTION. • Thie steamthip R'EYSTONE. STATE Cent, Marsh man, will will for Charleston on WEHNEe DAY, April it, e, o'olonk P. ht.; arrive in Charleston on FRI DAY. April 30. at 3 o'olmdc. P. M . and remain there Mail SATURDAY, Apri l 28, unless the Convention 'koala adjourn !mortar. 'Excursion Tickets, including_Board and Bertha in Charleston until April 28,1180. For any detention after that date, 4$ Per day'. INLAND lAU. Te Charleston-..--. 113 W Charlenton—..o32 30 00 eavannah.-.....--. 31 00 ugusta.-- lie OW Augusta ge 00 91 00 32 70 Ata t9 00 Atlanta. 31 00 Columbus--. WOO Colurnbus—,.-... 34 10 21 00 Albany .._— gl i g e oof mery—, 1 12 , 17) 88 00 00 New 32 10 ' dee - kW ft CO No bills of lading signed alter the ship has sailed. For freight pr pessate appl y on board, at second wharf . have Vine street, or to ALX, HERON,Jr.. Southwest earner _'FOU,RTH and CHESTNUT, Agents Ohartrettin,_T, EL &T. (L BUDD. Savannah, BUNTER & GAMMELL. Fosylorida from Charleston, steamier Caroline ever,' Y m i a lkolida from Savannah, strainers et, Mary's and 'et. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday; EtOWM CILARk'S HIGHLY IMPROVED "dn " iliF tl t Zt4)l 9 o'l4 B alM u Ma nd , 33 - °"1111. ?r Daily In operation at NOW Race &num . :, usLoW THIRD, PITILAD'A. Ting unrivalled-Flour Mill, inoluding the complete grinding and bolting machinery, °couples a 'smog of only 4 feet wide, el, ht feet high, and twenty-nine feet long t,tnenufattUring within thin small eolninum, t a single operation, and with but little more than sin home Power, family extra, extra,superfine, and all of the lov er grade s of four and the . dliferent Sint of red ; to-' clueing flour equain Quality to the best our made from giver, atnount ofwheat , by the, hestMerchant Iddls in the United hates, or in Europe. its average Late , of grinding two barren" of superior flour per f h , new, •compact, complete,. end celebrated flour mill has bean carefully ei l a i rolhed by many of the most taperleneed millers - 10 , . tayun t Its intrinsic ty ik aid Its lemmas utility. i lium, tia iont il and EVIAIA . Irgrat , are 7 3 . 1 peorgillitn i Z ' lino examine this highly useful and justly Oa. OreitHour mill. • - - meatier' concerning the warohma o r. the pateal tip for Btatee and counties , and the nulls, for agent don , of the United Fitates, Brest Britain , Franc/4 , • many, Russia, and other ioultural canntries, will be gimlet to all persons addrau g their letters to, • EIPWI CLARK, hitentee, • • • No. MS DACE at., below Third, thilad'a. lair For further information °oncoming this ordebra, led flour mill, please to read the yellow handb ill s, de. wiribing It. ma le F1511.74Q4' half Blau. Itisr White Ptiiikkkoppsioraitiola,Lust received led OT We by O. D. a&DIiZ/K & UGP.i'AROJi EitnNet 0000nd door above not. oil I rra~.~aai; NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On the esoond day of Noyembel, ISO. I gave Mr. Wm. Priiehmnth. ekemist; in PM odelphie, No. )324 Borth, Sixteenth street, the agenoy o the ante. forth* State of Pennsylvania, of my latest right for oprin4nit and pop fy ins apparatus for healing thexhime, id Win. Frogokipmth received from me. at that time, legal power-W- a for the sole of said 'patent right for • the State of Pennsylvania only,and one of my machines. With instruments. Said Wm./tisohmuth promised and agreed to u r me. every week, information about hie acts amid lige in relation fn the eale of :the said patent right tar t a Mid. Mate:: Now. whereas the said Wm. risohrrinth boa not given me ear information of his emberme of the red 6111,1401911Ine• the, 30th day of D lits 9. therefor* .mvoka the ma id newer-of attorney hereby. and ea upon the-laid Wm. Frisch moth to rehire the said machine, with instmmente, to me insi g ht "Ys m this data. Dß . ItRNST BAoNicir. 116 mI:DRIBGE Phut, New York eity. Ned York, April le. 1660: - , - .el4l-St AFFIOVOF THE 'PHILADELPHIA AO . READING RAILROAD COMPAIW. , hisrob 10, sso. The Mier 0/freight and tolls on coal traitspoted bi this constaßY tau! b. as follows front Marcie um, tus-1, • til lutt4er Notice: TOfiehrnond.— Iladelphia.— ...•..• • nehaed Plane—. u5et0wn.....,.., Oertnantown R. IL—, . Palle of Bohuylkill,..., Menayunk... —.......... EgberVe. ."......-- 1 0na1t0h00ken......... wade Nurna0e......... =no's.. . ~. ... orrist'p or Bridgeport ort Kennedy— ..... ~ • Valley F0rge................ thcenizville....— Xofer.'n F0rd.....= tgaTr i fo i r.:= ...... Entrtown. ..... 7.= ouglisagille..4—. irgtgro......—.--.... admit .................. 0kert00...............-- gort...-.....,—..—.. o milli. ...-- efoburF .--.—. gabs and Auburn. WM . -3m By order of te . 81 7 Aarl SAVING FUNDS. " A little, but often, AIL the Parse." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136 South FOURTH Sheet, between_ Meet nut and Walnut. rbiladoltdus, pays e ll Devoid+ On, demand. 'lleCOMitrs' money secured ky Government, State. and City Loans. around Resta, Mort- Hoe, ko. , - This Company deems safety bettewthati.large more moneyt tebn tY h Wle r it u n no l r ieiment hddype to returni.with a per cent. interest, to the owner. es they have always done. This Company never lu riatil i t i s;,Married or Mies; and deposits 0813 gratin r own right, And imo h depots pan wit drawn ONLY bi their oorr ed ent. ra by the Abate authority to receive money front trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Moe open dally, from to 11 o'olock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evening' until 111 o'olk. DIRECTORS. Saeob B. Shannon. • c7nul Cedwellrer. John Stolidler, George RUNIC Malachi W. Wolin, Edward T. Hyatt, Krombhear, Renry Delany, • Nicholas Rittenhouse. Nathan Joe. R. Setterthwaite,_. Ephraim Blenebert, Joeeph W. LI PPilloQtt. JAGGY' B. 811/CHNON, Preeldent. e y OADWAILADiII, Treamer. rry- " A Dolled saved u twice earned." SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY. roomier THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and small sumo received. and said blot on de mandwithout nonce, with FIVE PER GENT. INTE REST from t h e day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Ott hortmfrom 9 until 0 o'eloelt aver, day, and:on MO DAY EVENINGS froststuntil 9 o'olook. • D FTS for saloon En ha nd Ireland, and Boatload, DrEl onwards. • resident—STEMS...N . R. CRAWFORD, eesu_ser—JAMES R. HUNTER. . PLINY FlSK.Aeturr V h ASING •FUND—FIVE PER CENT IN TERiesT.;4l . 4nortaL SAFETY TR rilT COM PANT, WALNUT Street. southwest comer Of THIRD Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Slate of Penesyl amnia. ' - kloney.isicoolved in any sum, largo Or smell, alad in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day or with dreamt The MN, ie open every day from eine o'olook in the morning till five o'Mock In the evening. and on Monday and- Mund evenings tell eight o'clock. lion. HENRY "BENNER, ' President. . ()BERT , SELFRIDGE" Via* President. WILLIaII lUD, Peoretary. - ' DIIINOT0211: Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carron Bresintef. Edward L. Carter, Joseph S. Barr, • Robert Selfridge, " Francis Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkee. . 0. Landreth Moans, James L. Stephenson. ligon,y Is received and payments made deity. Tbe investments are made. in conformity with the - rstate Mortgages, Wow* Rests, and suctriereWelass semen e I ways insureperfect security to the Vesglil -- litZt Whioh onnuqt fail to give 'permanency an stability to tins Institution., anl lr QPRING,OARDENSAVING fUND SO -OIETY OF _PHILADELPHIA. - °Moe, No. , ....... 931N0h TElDStreit. - I li r o te 3 l W 4 i CHARTE4TaBI4.IIIW OF P ENN . SI ANIA Deposits ?salved in mum of One Dollar and upwards, CENT.d (fold. without OCltiele, with FIVE PAR INTEREST from. Me day of deposit till with drawn. - A responsible and reliable Saving Inghtstion has imag been needed in the Northern part or tbe oity. and " The Ppting Garden Savings Fund Somety' was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to mind y this neoelieltY. The Managers. In organising and looming it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the bow nem interests-and wants of the vary large sad enter- Prising Population by whioh it is mirroundsd. OFFICE on ALLY. - From 9 to 25i &Moot ; ,also, on Monday and Thursday Crumb null So oloak in the evening. Migeolll. rederlekKletd„ . i oho P. Levy, _ I llt•Pbea Smith. Mon H. K. Strong, amel Underkoffer, - Yrrileriok Stange, tarots Hart, ohn Keeley. Jr., Joseph P. LeCierof yreorge Knecht. James B. Pringle, &coo Dock. Joseph M. Crowell. ' on. Wm. Millwardt George W 4 0 hal ; ,; l en. T. Thom, • , RING D. Davidson. Peter C.E Il ' JAMES I& PRINGLE , President. FeermmHeriv.fMepsWY. .. .lao-aif EXPRESS COMPANIES. gPRING !TRADE. IN. , ' SPEED, ECONOMY. AND SAFETY. TEE ADAND4 EXPRESS CoMPANY. Mill CHESTNUT STREET. Respectfully give nottve that they are prepared , with inarssesd facilities. for the forwarding of SPRING PURCHASSS, Patoopter Trams. to sit carts of the • WEST, SOUTH. AND SOUTHWEST. • ' sacalegs With rates inserted to deetlnition, which we xnaran• toe will be aglow as those of any Other reepoomble Es tes. Comm- The despatoi with which we put all deeoriptione of naerohaodise rouiti to Pittsburg, Cinolnuati,Colum bug. Cleveland, Chiortro. Leximiton, Lonsvilie. t. Louis, Nashville, and all other Cities end Towns in the West, cannot be excelled by any other Company. Also, by our Southern Express wh i ch has been established over the great bee of Hallman', Grand Junction and kfissuisuppi Central, through to New Orleans, to Baltimore. Washington, Alexandria, Lynoh tang,Bristol Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville, ilunumlle, Memphis, Grand innonon, Canton, Jackson, Vieksbur and New Orleans, and all other cities and towns in th e South and Southwest. Expresses bavAi for the larva and South froze our Offs. 350) CHESTNUT Street, daily, at 7 A. Al. end st or New York, at a. 9, and pi A. M. and 6 and 11P.M., daily (Sundays excepted Steamship Exprelle, for Charleston and Savannah, *lose at our aloe at 7 F. M. un the days before sailing. - tier Wagons will call (or goods in any part of the city within the followinv limits. Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, and Coates and Smith inmate. provided notice be left et our °Moe before five o'clock Y. M. • Merchants hanging out the Call Cards of the Adams Express Cor i Reny. may depend upon our drivers giving strict atten 'lion to the same. nt A l i t t menga s au c t i r i v y A r y a,.e , Phila., Feb.lo, IMO. - ape-gm , Joni BineSAit, Supt. WIRRS AND' LIQUORS. LAGUERENNE & TRASZL, Baoattssors i 4 r i6 L io legarimp4 - 15 tet, Offeir for sale, from Visited &Meilen:Med Warehouse, of their own importation, Brapdies, Cognacs, Float:Castillo* it CO., of various vintagers and In 's norted peokogas. fdaratt fr. co., F. L. Lamteronno, ' Hoehelles, , u. Seignette, Felevoiods, A. Clhallle. Claret Wineokin Champagne Wines. of various broods, Bordeaux Olive Oil, in bawls, (P. . tagnarsans brand . 1 apatm GEORGE WHITELEY , ?roan mt southorer elemst. importer of .I)rowdy, Wlnee, &0., °fern for We le bead only, the among other standard Prater of brads gantillon, & Threalitinie & 00,, Robin, & Ow, " B "IPWILT , & 041, - A. Beignette, Cannel, ' ' rayon, aileron% • n u rgAe l ifej ' °l l Alio, &nest's meanly Malt whit,,•=ll: % p. m oa li zariandr h and Orni Rom. lardearot 611. ecernee 6° . .4.1141-11.ui za ;AWARDED SVER MEDAL AN DL DED. at the let, te n Falr ~to &AI IPLOMA DAVIS L& CO.. N. W. earner of FIFTXIISTI and WILL' W Streets'. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Reilroad &ales. . A. D. AVIS CO.'S Depot Boehm A. f. AVIS & CO.'S Hay Babes. A. . D AVIS & CO.'S Coal Scales. . A. . DAVIS & CO.'S tamers' Scales. A. 3. DAVIS & CO.'S Rothug-Alill Seale.. A. B. DAVIS & CO'.t Dormant Warehouse Boehm, A. B. DAVIS & CU.' PlAtform !sales. • Menufaotory. . W.ornor of apT-fn FIFTEENT.Ii sad WILLOW Ste. zs G bARE AND VALUABLE STOOK Scales selling oat at fireatly Bawd Promo, at 426 URI 8114 UT Street. worth atatniard 7/ Night Meal's, oomprisini an assortment of all mem. - Counter. Portable' Platform, Warsbaumb Kay,' fkial, Cattle, and R aumed goatee. • Poo:User* will lad • it for their eatereet to °all amid examine the above IWO N 0.016 UREBTNUT ISTREIRT. PhiladV OBIAB. A. DA The attention of °matey tmerobante Ans above stook. PAIRBANKS' PLA,TPOII4I WALES. F".°l°ll4Walktotragii. RINRD SUGARS AND SYRUPS.- 0:1301tOGHUB 'SW oontinoe baniaeno until AIM nett, at to south WAl'alt. BUNK, slid now °aerator. wee, at the lowest,othritet, Moms, for °..h. °r pm ap proved ahort credit*, 440.barrela ateem-refined sugars andlidynaps, - vansgl adorn, tooludmi Loyernts'a Crushed and Pigpen • mid Mona's Patent-out LoaJ 14tmara. Alao, Ititaand' sea Coffee,: Adamantine Cali ' AIM and iteliete - Wrenn Brand. Colorinz• 107 4" S3Ei,NI KtFINED 1.1(4-AR and SYRUES. 'd, pnNodatm, la South WATER Striet, with Tar(diew Of °Towns luminaire on the let or May neat, Pow 'Orem for wale, at rechmed } nose rlOt oaah, of on ao- Provlithort credit, the balance of Ma • Moot ,31' stewm- INXISTX and tlyruye;inoladiog a large and gonna!' arumakment of Thiladelahra, New York, and Baltimore manufactory, Also, Adamanlgne Oandlea, of oily make: Paw Xelivisprpnoh-brand•, tnh9ll ta9S7 lAOKEANL--301) t)b15.2.90,13f5. 100. qrs. and 970.t1Ns- No. la bolt reoefvedk and iny . rATo order. For enl?by ac CO. *47.l47l,Wl.lA.Wvfist - - MINTON ; ENCAUSTIC . : TILE) • FOR itOorai ObitimenlM iShimnectopg,,,Gard4;rd BaingipA vases. Fountsnip,, Vim Ad.urain Ott ravitrified t, me% ropaqn4 k g, 014 r, to r , *nd tpr maleo7 midijitiffrilirEttre4tt GO, c NO VENSTW t 1 ' RED In L ikegs ;- liaor a i tevrt i vi o tmaifes% o*, '• '31,14,111• W £WCTIOL . • rlllsloo' RElNtirt A oc i 4 12 . iturr BMW BALD OP. PO PO T/11) DRY- INL Oa- y Norgikad, , Aunt 17:at $ o'oloek—, gm aookages sad lots or tow awl Nil** uiroitad dry_g_oode. WV amities sea eabanglis• F;d:fi lpirr i tgli LACE CURTAINS AND RDBROf ORLEBRATKO BUNUFACTU 0 ' 0 r• LER Riikil irEok. , . On Tuesday Mervin& „ _. ....._._„'"' ,_ Arril 'Nth, a large invoice of rock nitnerotirelw: e... and muslin marteine. . ... ' - A large invoiee of needlework &diem ,• ' - - do 'do do netts eollerlt PARIEI_PRIPITED ANL,' BROCRE 8011 it c LA BHAWLEI, OP A CELDBILATED V A - TURF- • • . Also,n lArie 111T0i08 0f... 19-4 Pen a ringed Border Stella Shedd& 111-4 Paris rook. Border do. dn. - - PARIS BONNET RIBBONS, An invoice of— . If Pang Plain Crochet Bonnet /gibbous: . , , - Figured, Plaid aia/Ohnre Bonnet Ribborea , . . .-: PHILIP- FORD JE 00 AUCTION/12* No: RD ITIttNP.'D forogg.m4 alatioar 5 t „.. 0 .• PRRETYLPYOR SALE OP FRADY NADU CLOYL: - TNO 0 FOUR MONTHS DeRDIT. • • Oil Takedsr rdornime.. April Uth, o aloo precisely, grill be sold. try re,tga.:, loaue, on 4 mon th s ei hone anti desirable amereJ merit of Mt, and New orb ready-matis clothing, emA bracing e Tull line of Aret-qualitYgoOdir, mlaatbd eltr. and country cola.. A Part of the above Ws Will contain a lane invoice by order of asetlMPTi air Poona open or examination, with usontonoome early on muttons or sale, ' PEREMPTORY SALE 1,000 CARPS BOOTS. SHOES, OAIR44IKINS, STRAW 6Kpou3, AND WOOL OATS. _ On Thursday Morning, April . 12th, at 10 o'eMck precisely, shill be WV, pl catalogue, on !QUI: mon th s credit. 1.000 easier , men st boys'. and youths salt and kip boots; calf, bun% Jo; brogans •on lf and 'patent-leather strae shoes, Dxfor ' ties and Congress gaiters; liornen'S, missal' and oh„lir dreti's calf. goat. mt. - moon. and kip boats: ladies! Me slippers. tine Lies ad boots, and 0.111011 1111` aortment of city- ads goods - Al 110„ a desirable Invoice of Wool and felt hats sae , straw goods. Also, 20 noses French calf-skins. Samples of 100 CABIN Scotch gingham umbrellas. fat:.llOOTT, AIIOTIONNIR, No. 431 ODYSTRU'T STREET. 'gamma. the Oastoi Enna. between FOUIOIII and FIFTH etreelik SALE OF WO DOZEN - ST88E811)0110 picruari, ..atEvobvisiii AND SINGLE soxr.s, &c. On Monday Moraine. - April 16th. oommennine at 10 o'clock. ; Ittelwied will be founded fine Plain and Colored RagYan tiroups and Views Inch and Senn Boenory. Palace Yuma, Illumi nated aquae', Amenoan Scenery. &a. BON. , 8. Also, Patent Revolving Bones. ailagle • Moroone and Roaavozrod Stereoscopes, tea, - TOYS. Alio, an invoiew of French Toga. OnWodotoday Morning. MAIM OF NO Lore MEROIDNRIES, WHITE 'GOODS, LAGS'S, BONNET -AND TIMMING HONK, So., Apr 01311,1,7 catalogue, oft • oredit, monolog at eclock,oossisting qr a immoral memo - mans of good' minedto'presont Coates - um and sample* ready early oa tho morn= •• of •• ILEUBBARD it . GORMLEY, 4 " ll°NE ro Liu= saint. KA. . WILLIAMS 40110YLE, AIIOTIONSERB NorthMAIN SIgIVE°AteN,. 1 4 4 " , No..g MOWS. Myers, ,Chit. Co,, . 1 r o ge, their eer_rißeet te .the merchants, maga seitarere, see °lk _ L ar6 peta boall l 1 1 1=3: 1 11 4, A f i11:141 1 77 .° 4 1 ra ga°66 "F. Ciliadvialion mad. on treetipics sgmtilt• BeWsuleats made this. day. after We. , iwywassess, . *ghoul Co,, Philadelphia, Iti r t s igYen : & °l Hrothor . Philo& ALI too. 4 . Van T Wyek. Towrimind,& 'Worms, Now Yolc. .... rittO l , l kl elTtia ~t C k i rl4 r it Mo. . , ! . 4. Crow, MoOrsanr. & do., . wf.)11&-t&otoli • I WAGNER JERMON. • J • AT AND COUND3DLLOR-AT-LIW, a. 116 South KITH Street. 'to indepuidene• flanared . ,PRITADELPVIAd By the did of reliable Attorneys, et different points in the United States. is enabled to prossesta end oollmet claims of every description,. Particular ettepuonliVen to the examination and te coven of the ohm= or Legatee, and Devices, sad examination of Lend Titles and otearing the interests of heirs and au memo interests . 1 is the lame, en St parte of the Union., - Bea the Statutes twill the States/tad Comadesiosiei for most of them. Dermeitione carefully taken nude! COMMINIOUIR spilt-Pm . TWIN DICKINSON, - • • COMMISSION MERCHANT - DEALSILIN DOMESTIC AND POIRION EXCHANGE. - HOUSTON, TEXAS. Ocaloodomi iced* and ,prompt jemitiams to Ded i Fsohane. at current ratio. *a Noir Haim or New Orkau. gt a IIVRIVA N Att i tilearitA att. larrs. " lll 3 tarßAOD.N.ltston. tbWlrJt g a LAMM G. SLO lit . , MAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLISCTI,NG AGENT, m1i.13-3m* BT. PAVL MUIVVIIOTA. MISSOURI LAND S. E. BILBROUGX/S ao Geperal Land and Real SeUtttenllt . Dealers in Land Warrante__S....,_ Northwest comer THIRD awl CRlTZMeuTgeets, 87. LOUIE. ds ONlF l Partiestisz ea dock Raid to eat Gradtthteil Lan. V ms ino ato seoarird and taxes paid. - sloes stamp for Plat and nartionlana bWirt WY. wiliisse. G4II3ER .4 BARHAM, combitsalepr mgßeark . 0 uTit lur i d 3 , g rem-daa A LFRED HOUGH; - AS. PAPSit MOWFA CT U.RB ZIUM Onion SO/2rd 10r PAP e i LI A M / hi ! !trek . 1111-em - , pawsos a NICHOLSON; so ri tins on: 1 71 . 1112Marrisisi '°r944 ;lima PAWBO.. /110a01•DA. ar-iy• RR. CORSON, REAL `ZETATE BRO. . BER AND OONIMYLIICER, NorrhOkra._Pa:' "ZOO Form forLoolo to Books, jgontooniory, or imam. (:.loner of Fazanx, with mu. 'Natty moll. . eQ In %mos. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Liw, A. No. 37$ B ost4POURTH !Wilk. • •11 61 R N% PIANOS ! PIANOS i! PIANOS ! I PIANO-FORTES. - - MELODEONS. PLANO-P M _RTEN. •. ELODIONM Med, by Ramon,. Boom. & Co., Nemo & kiallon. Doris, & co„ orloothato. "J. E. 00171,n; - • myli-1y • EEVENTIE mot °Barr& oT. Ofift J. & C. PISCITER'S SPLtIOID NEW YORK PIANOS. from $llO apatite to 351X1. +wording to finish—favorably Imowa Ibr 'Oat 'beauty of tone, *starter , end durability. _ F sale on monthly instalment& tram OM to to, or ,for oath at a hberal diseount. Moo, a largo assortment of other riaarra, from eiool lopt•manaraotarom, on bao_d. JAB. NELLAR. VI sad= llama IFIFTit STREET above Boma. totirt-me • • Z• - "RN OBIUMING, 139N41, - 41.011.: PAM .E_Ra of Om* si r taximftiir r anoe_totr Witeroomi, Ilti.#/grjlo2° s iaksn is winiraiWaimi , , a mist hutsmlr, STEINWAY & SON'S NEW ?Pk' TENT OVER-STRING JEAN]) J.JANON, SQ,l74if (WAND, AND BLI.V v ARE lANOrno: met ferrornmer=vaer ell renk=otir t ge bort m le akere. fro* Jadgeolike GottA , " "inagal te re. Challenge alloonnitition, wltelnolmul HRWIL I MA K 1 NG MAMMA whichlep• per the May Lilit and makeze,ooo peat Brick Proem, hteree," fu e Whemiewaite- JAVA, CIOFFEE.-1,(X)0 - pocket/ prim*. Isms Coffei. far Woo by J 1111M1111114U14.11111is 130. LATIVI A Int.oot . .1 k i2 A' WORD TO HORSEMEN.—Da.• PEARSON'S SASSER% EMBROCATION is deoideoly the best preparation in use for the ours of 'bruises. grants. outs, Fella, old or trash sound., soratohes t Esteem. enlist. tole evil, Pine 50 cents per bottle. Yropared Only hi I N, NUNTGN, No 530 North SE' , ENTEENTH Street, low Greens and sold et No. tae North EgORTIL Street. JUNKS & GOD PM No. NO North Third street. GILBERT & CO.: Nolte North Third street. A. WI LTBE ItrIER, No. NM North Second street. J. S. RV BKTON Second etrest,__below South, No. Ka And where meonnnes are keener sale generally. sell ...met° IS ft Y .. JONES' Horgan—The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the pubile. tha be hoe purchased the lease and fornitore of the Jones; Hotel. important additions are now being made to it for the germaniume and comfort of toasts. Individuals or families visiting the eity will be sure to And home second to none to Philadelphia, and everprnurrtion pt 1 ba made to merit their patronage. Liberal arranitemente will be mad. with nive l we 41,- 11411 U Board by the Week, NOlStil. Sr Year. =Mt steam AARON GAON. CU T lON I-1% STROLOQ't !-tOOIC . OUT:—HOOD NEWS FOR A LL!—The never ,Mrs. VAN HORN is the but; Imersedll when all others have failed. AU Ili are in troable , all have Who he bean unfortunate , &wady by false powwow. fly to her for advice and comfort s loss 1 / 4 10Ir/ she WWl' fails. She bee the secret of waiting thp affec tions of the opposite sex. It is this fact winch induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate he., and CODY her advertisement. Ohs shows you the likeness of our fu h u ture wife,band, or absent friend. It Jewel l known to the public at large that she is the first and oiclr Per son who can show the hkeneu in reality, acid tan give satire sabefaction on all the concert* otlife; whit/ can be tested an d . proved by thousands, koth and Walla. who dolly and lee trlf ear, Coupons come all to No. one I,OItdARD Street, between Juni per and Broad.. • milbit• lADIEW TRAVELLING.BAGS rnenulaetartd and for ate by C. V. RUMP, iie Nortk FOURTH htreet, alarm Arch, Wholesale andrstail inaouteetwor of PORTZ-MONNAISS. POCKET BOOKS , CIGAR 'CASES. MONEr-a,zLrs , — llsollek. Parma Cabs/. Banters' Owes. Dressing rr , a g Thic p iirpt i r . ort-liotios, Jill Booh& 11011/..DER - 9.-50 000 pounds .Dry-twalt Pu. ihoeldere, Net received , sad for sale by 0. 0. SADLER. de CO.. AKOB Ilbreet, wend door stools Front. - • see ZI• N .—Pure French snow-white, of •Veils Idea ea k etc's"peatantsktis. for North BEOft B WETREftfLig BEOakR, 81:aad 4$ aves. • 11 - RIVE WELLS CLEANED AT 'A LOW obtain the contents. •Addneint rdee'iVlLLitpliraiSßOMeigtrO4t. VWEGAR.-250 Barrels Olardlicl Cider V. vinegar. insures! White Witibyjnosit., . MU°lB4ta iglagg sal ail i fiUßNtit.' k No. SOUTH WHARVES. 300 BI3LS Prime Helga' 'add Easjpori 500 boxes-Bested RerOug, =hall bbis White rule. uletote 4 10 ' Aut M for I * , W. t TA R L W k l • • 'a:m,"! Aga ; .s, NORWAY SPRIICE—Eng;• : nc;iith fish $ lyer Fla and s largepeort. mint at all the most desirable RN ENO/a:Eh 8, or extra size and beauty, with kgenerat assortment of blinder Orna mental, andltruit Trees, at the trent Wl pries*. Gftlat'OM , a011.6t . Evergreen Nursery. Woodbury, N.J. A.OKEREL —363 . Bbil: Nos. l, 2. & M it" ;u Tel in'apsoned'isokagei, for sale 1:07 I. riu atm:* ckW ARCit'lgifebt, 'Hood loot sbeA's j , ront. , , seT pROVISiON' Side, and Shout' detc-cifiratladiichidaws; also, Mess- Pork, Meal Divirfita Pftoked.-isthles eale , by • C. rant DLER & CO, A RPM '100.1.• swertillllntly.!tbrkva m;o7 CIiKESN.- 7 pll t By?* ,Herkimer ;Jaunty 00•MtgliiratiitatalsitiVIAMM, ST. L0(118.'140. atronmss CARDS, PIANO& mAX , IISATLAVVTIWI; ' • S?IENG 14 9 4 TIVIRCPUTt. Eli • = TAIL _NG Itrats April lg. tot 111=34101X maplet7 . 36th Spltai 6 336-._ Atrtt 17. mai, at Um, - lrawipmnße• ' & Asir trth 81ait ow? . ... ..661t1 17 . 6131 6126: 36 UN ilizionaire , liir ran of SW aukaulie kr isel at kIUI aborts ON! NW Elliti• , - ligiffira, 411=7.1Aze i .. L iii "kstooks onion e e libithAabATloll ta4•lltiolt.atAtir . ; ' , kit We to or i % m i A i la y" „ea sq.ll - , i ,;.:' 12.1016,1° 10 • 141- I t* 4 . 4 out , Wi i .. A : P AW ?WATS VALE. ' Sr • • two largo sastorkez IV Nemo 0 wiv i w 'AA " Or US IMO Car IRMO) UM . = if OW 11lbile ads tiolvbiji aye *IMO 110•1417 am• igraiiii CAWS.' ~_ _ -, - -TO GYNTLEMEN OP Tag WI AND - HOU& feknall 104 ax. 1,01: t uarsta. -• , la r iff - ' a sra low gni ag estalarsas, sa_sapaWnlo aolleagoa ay •ap boeh order 9 • ll .lsme I satire Itbrariat sold le order of womootoro= others. Looted no alas,' or Out bon mkt mow; daiggs- Us Radish Amminun.looorta. Divots; lad .1.• !DURUM WerklG • • ' - • _ illir Data or sale will be annogased la a &vibes. • . • - IrPOCIAL BONDS. Ile.. OA Tuesday'. __April 17th, Ist M deka*, 'tom. Will be amyl. me ronadslphio sit %tinge-, • tangling oksrer(M sew sham) Bet Praneirso Load Aseoeistipe.- - - - • - • bonds: 4 1 ,01 1 0.•ftit4libeluiwanas sad illoomilhot_ Atofiroad , - 1 shale Philadelphis'hibrarr COMPOn.T. -1 share Philadolphie „&thensouna • lam* Mertmanke !Amory Comp... NE - 7.4 FIOFYRENTRAIIPRING SALE—APRIL /A - -• rinseeptou B al e--on the pressen& - WINAEUDICON, o eonnern• ~LARGE EMIL:RO A RTABIANG. OM ME • .11.QD1n1 OP LAPID.. Ds Monday afternoon, April Mi. 1M0„, without reserve. to striae a eonoern., Very valuable property. Wissahickon overtire, AIM Ohestrint Hill, !MAU (tom Philadelphia, Into dwelhoo. with extensive stowing, and acres of load. Sole absolute. no to be paid at the time cii aide. SIXTEENTH SPRING liAtEr - hKEIL. H. 4 At it o'closk:soon:- _ • • OrphsoW Conti Estri-,:liatate Field" FOUR-trfciirir Bing w teak_ isnalf/Mi norivenfeneee, Ea HAI berdreell i mmet of Flrteentn. Mune Estste,l FAA isTAutbze. aide tif Filbert atom jorest ofkichteinsh stmet. _ Faersitoea Yetampterjr ma-Eft* of Goon., tow • son. dielaatd. BUSINESS tivata-Throt. story Mink store and dwallinw. No. Lit North Front atreetosbove Arabi reset. far Palo absolute. , LARGE, AND VALUABLE- RESIDENCE, Leek taulduits andmodern trovtovotaenta. No. 214 Pine spent, with Malin Sat coach Same tII roar. os Soon per' skeet. LorAISA IV Ma feet two from t,- AHNDitOME MODERN RESIDENCE.- Walnut et.. liki.•3o2,eart of Else?* rend, fiat (roar: t has alt modern sad in Cuthbert Meet; between turettih and Thirteenth, sad Arab tad Filbert, West,. Sam for homes 'atheism with pm sad water.- VALUABLE PROPERTY -Stems. Mining We e Data:ern Coal Yard; and - Isere jam!. at Norte Wa ration, on the Norta Panne) troota Weatrea‘ -mho from Yhiladeiptua. NDS"M k: MODERN 'REST attic's,- With , lids yard. No. 1331 kiphto• straat, Irma' Tbutemith street lot St feet front, la feet dime, with tailkolterSulterum• manta and oonueoiences.. Nr•••Ae - RESIDENCE,• RIVERTON, *Wu* its* N. W. corner of bleirand and Cinnaminsoa etteitil Nun* lot. IDO by_ fen feet, HANDSOME HODERN RESIDENOE, lies - Brute MOM, out of ,Bixteauth atemit„ with molars coin. *Menem • • - - , • ~DERN 'DWELLINO. 911 Coates 01 1mot,Milik enth street . . BUSINESS STA N D -NIMISM threil-sforY brlek Mom anddtniteAg No. NMI South Street, welt ot riateenth street. lair fatesultatitipoussastou. ELEGANT MO•rERN RASIDsif Na 1213 Wal nut ereet. west of Twat.= feet„..,Lont, WS feet dime to tessusan ; Monk. Two Monts nerlaineetista pee- esrarr.rma ? g ersuicosaus=ampi; rt ' . At T o'clock' is i m i- t aws, lige-1111147rigitzi-vrroxy BRICE 10W.111.L1MIIK Sprits espies street. mintiet , ISleventhcsm Twelfth streets. -, WART TERII4.BTOOI tea DkltAtr3o j _scests side et Barkers etasetwees Chastest sad Market, iii,swealrest.ll streets. !lir &a. 407004,itriAinvif. --1111C1C it . liipte , .0 DWl3LbluElpeeth suie at- .ssfeet, - benne' Chestnut Mid , market. sod .14 1nte. Z . 2400/1104040 streets. -MT Balsrlbsolitel - - ••• -- - . ,_,.'• .''. - TEUtO.I44/TOITT, Bstmilr,;D 0,, JUN 110 1 Federal street teed 'ot Elliniath. -•"--- ' Feraatestr Imo - .(WC-STORT *ICI- Dwzi.... MX G., _ oivenord - street:7*w er . 1041.:6 Ml_ ii, stre• nate' Siasthsvills); lag • 10 , hit o=6 !Mg feel deep. IT Sole absolute. EiGHTEENTXEMING Sam-E— -ON THE MOUNT •aner il kan' 1 4 ECOND MUM 'OraMai' Court -Firearm" Coact "Of Mu? Delta, terEelte_,r or Arley, deeseemL . • he _ kerll,l9. at o'oloo°ak 1'n00166.14111's mold. witheet mem or liontation, ute vowels pro perty—Two-Mem lOWA deriPlar, dole bun, aid Neer enprovemealle with over threw sorra et les el, "wetly side of Creolupha street, now Allsal lane, pad piss the mansion or Glowed. Ede.: *east Aim-Twiner second Cl wa ear rd. MT ef all inswalliokaos. Bab absebOor Petamitort.ata. • - --L .... iltlVAtlt COLLECT I ON or CROWN AND aattll- M11..13 EUROPEAN? .P.AINTI Ma& i Vigik A tll . Works of erstimatt Dal a i i i . or 1 Arialt,. T SEWS Bileadai Nadal • of ; MX u_ • Ild• oemasi • - -,` April U at U Waltalr.:al' taw as two mom. Igoe. tat and /a ila vti kith 'O e "AVlZ l ggnit . lIIIIITINS W anima. - --.., --.., tilii dam. kr STRINHAUFLE7ra OPLIC% Ile SailiaLlt irriir tat . . . OF re CUE: - - - - ' air Catatatwat- dill -be' amis.-tam alai atitssaa. Paiatian sow moimirot mateadattia.. : ..- .. - • . . J - •_:".: sour. N 0747.1 IWITAM. ' - BOT.taILIIOLD . TIMM 14 TJU'ldentlf !Mt . . . ' . - Jai. Oa aleadaulditratat. • t • ~ -; me., at No. OS Wood !Jai L im ja lila tl ra licdiebold aid aiteban Path TatOar rh ROW Diattrill•Milo &Cr of • Eilittilitso 'deans* tha Alt ow- o • m omiUM4 hos o , 44*aii oil' iseinsas lot LARGE BALE. Or- WPRITIR- GRANITE WARE. , CONTENTS -01 1 r TWEAI TY • thIgATA -- DLRIKOT EPARA.LYEIIOO4# 4 I lain 'E. ,PS:O/NW4 AAD 1181 i. - ,-„ Apra 11, et-B w sloe* ewe we kir.e.l4ea. WS sad 14 Bouee 'tonna Ara . will lai NW. entheut re serve. roresiale. Um soateatt of twenty armee of r.iver eael ware. emeastiet of MOAN. Vatee. *eye: sad am our, teapots; engem grease. bowie. jagi; , Waken. butter plates. ixokkoo, obamb.r Ws, oorinold &Oboe, ao_ t _ie - - ~ '.W. The above ale is worthy the atWatios of say sad torahs dealers. , . . . .. . - Sale at Nee„.. r Twilit EIVERIOR i PURNI BR/dt.fe nt-PMLR ,RORII,PAANO-P0 TEB, BR BIWA 8.. Oa Thanstlay,Mortna4, - • - • - At IP testes*, st the - Memos titers; an auertaaw smallest esoosd.haad hilltituelespouvrtprtesh Ise earpete, ote., arm = o =3 loasskseptas. reamed tis illorfl sale. - 11A08ES A7:424 NA ir TIAN I0J4 8, 4te.t.. - xszoiarrizu ag AU 0: 7 •Deth E 2 *arm (ABU -- 09110,essi to i 10, In Await ay. .ametatiS aw if v s, olii LS tatir irmraW i rthile4 o. a .. im , , „.., , srareottFe r, o. 47 inzeies til4re d 1 4 ...1 irWr, ?Or nay sag r ar tuft agreed _apoa, all Wen Monti Sanas than at say °thin • this qty , - . Oln-DOGG. flu Liti • ' - • Attisded ta tpara, try the imstmatier,at Hu tees . • , - GONIMEN7II SOl,l_ollKi. - Gesuciaments of everainW ar gat& sods% fee pabha WO; . thl salsa dim goads will adesliasc to gramme , ea ef• 'revisit,- - • SPLENDID FITIPTING CASE GOLD PATSPIT LEONA WATCHES, 18 twat fine, extra fahJosolted , of the mod &Mimed sod-best magas, toot from SllO to ONO nett, st Dom PO to sum. ia.K.KAir GlirLO,Ors PGA HAYLOALOGL . Gt. Pri - intii sale= sipao-ferte, to n rosewood sags, ocetlieo, whoa lit "hull 18 - asset Mtn Win ease pa ant doable Wan OM admit lemmas, alb- ; Sae eldt ha in tent. larva ti apOit . • tasks% fospilatt ; 14 Geatir. It. a lit lisle patent lerar ,s, MOIL h''' to ri: ant: IS-earet AsalArz spooN : afria'lS Jima% Dem Vii la TWIN' . fail- Age Grosnit got ire magi one imp at NO; open ace f do , , rota 510 to pi; wirer So patent lever watches, in tainting oases an doable bottOm; of the most approved ani t d gest. make, from fWI to 520. American dilating case er patent lever watches si o s*; hauling crate in •nr ,duplex watola; ditto nom from ilt to iii; b atting ones rer.lever watches. felt Jewelled. loads without s key, from 111 to elitepias do.; from 0/X to $l4; taxless* silver dm h ad ler watolast, laprels. from. to 1.12; Olen_ do, rant an to 115;.. amino east er, pine watehas, foil Jasmiled, fretc4:3 Maialteat do., from it ta 44; saver a 'or is , y r o 53 to Oil civet Fretichisrateies. fl If ; gmE at , husmis ease mad cam wee Over and tat Eng - - .dines. and French enouhee. from 51 to 10 Lanes , yen, Sib, sad ymoirehmatat os tombs per Opt.; toe -1; seta' ear-riage. , tosairiiips. and Nvoidata; bonds, finger als,asdjewsjortotrarery 0:)- 'option, for lees th an bir al wog NM; most. s= token, uxsama tb suit s»hciagta. on dry sad evert kuid of goon, at less MIDI oiratnut Shan BET ethar weialldiahnwat in the cite. - M - 083.6 aikriume., . -- MACIInIERY ARD ILLYIIIL V. 1,1211.7C14 , 1. VATNIIILLIF 3101111cX„, a._ , . SOUTIIWAHW A FO pc LMWRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON ErrialSTS. P2y.LADKLPHIA, mzßaibi A SON KNOMESkiI *ND kr*DthisTs, B fl,l22_,V,Pstiltig:mr„, Pr"lnre , 54" a nit2eg ' olteGonannors. Tookm,rron ee moon4 no.; Costirno loods, either Iron or limo. Iron From Roofs for Mae Wolin, Work Show , Rail road Stations, no. Batons Juld Oss Blackinon of Umbrae and int- N I E7II 7 : V" Ir. o r ;_ r"trie l Gr al ist o rkl f Plan ' ten la nct i cat..l44%..t, `" Tram. Lot forarors. Pikers. Pawnor Emu no. Bole nimbi for N.- Likens's blunt Novi' &awn Warn , ftly a o r g e rrt_ at*lkm Rammer ; Cantratursi Sugar Dream Ing Machine. 60d17 HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. DAMAGE HARDWARE HOU:SE.—Ws a. would resmolif o cali tit=ez e iogg i tte f f3 l l, l 7- 4 i nitiVr e HIPAWAR. whieh ors offer at a amaa lt valse- sPirr. P r i' ll t *lovd aoode it utgetsther fig u aity, ow or t : ow Wawa. W.Al.,_ tit & Bon, all 0010MHACH Street, imaortiza sad Oreasaiaiol Xenduirits. MI Aar& tor Yoralaa &ad Danaorio Hardware. sntL.lf GENTS' FIIRNISMNG GoODS. J W: SCOTT—late of the gam of Win esci. rt. B /%Ftiptraii NUTlStreat,(llo/101100aita Paid nse,) . 1 0 . .rWtald .iraggentfally- 1 She atts ninon of his =IT 'patrons sod Min a now atom and is pre to fill Weill , iil snort mqt - 104. .4. imfogiMirelel i. MW" Wilda sapplagllVl = CIGARS,' k TO*ACCO I. 4114. IrErGtfRTI& SONS • • frirtcp.lpti o eaA l / 24 01. MARS. FRo street, arr i Vir e ar liji 7 . 6 r lit u rYW n 74; ° l43= . 111 , 0114ot•dIRfeYJr - naikwrue AND PAINTING MATE- R-. RILLS. Engineeri' AO Arelatente libationary; : " mein ramtyg Nationslie., .. , oniehealatus alege and Vases. -• • tent Boa- ea or Madras, and,,Wie lee Anima we "Eta. - . , • otarstaad Fintare Frames ..... ~ : - - yiee Cards, AininiCall and r - teatta. onnee gratis to the fie. . - - - SCHOLZ Alt-itileitazxx, velroutereilt a A r lin re h - - 4 ., . q - !Jr"' _Bvitp o tEsLainZ i! ii M. .AND SAL- C.I4BTNIN Skeet liiinue a'Aita7adiegeeliertol 0•14 1 FRIS Tro& Ban, 4104 Rudy, Rea% supgy z i rt . l44, .hir e V -11101! !awat Hu R 1iE.98. rtVOARB-SOD.A.T-400 iteei ; ;- 11or sate, b y‘ ATI TI M". oft Rll.l. BBINID: BlALR:r4ooAebb§. crumbed, ii rasT"grairelltiretitar