The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 14, 1860, Image 3
:,:,: if •`' 4. ' fi , : - :,„:-._,,-!;...-- , ie . - 5 74•T10.P1tc.414-1: ,-..-:•-. , .47-: t *l t t'="'t-E,;`,N ;2:',.iiiiiiatiliV I,l4"•7"—mehurppla ,;,.. ; ',l, --,w -:_'?. ",:...-,4101111/414-4114.1 g ', "', —' "" AIN mar/" - •'i lloitits heft 1,.."",,,,1it5ii** ,Astc-PATTX4 'Aiiooll2o-4-ii•AkirlW-.. ileltwiriNtY/[l4; it i ,*; , ,, momm irstr-winitrritt 44 Ar a U 1 1ii .,......,, 504 u" 1NG1. , •10,6401/ftro. j=i,„,,,t,g, / ;NI* $6104-I"lntaailaw . ' flat**4llolA:,4 ; 4 iiVtVaisu.t . jszlig!ar..ltta„, inea, tj --.lfreltinv=,-,c,iti, , itoit . lag ,_ --, 100-04,tad -- I- Lis*-, ~,,, - • a • taming -t-1 e Lecture ll • • Fall -' I ''''' 1 - .• -..... 4:01. 3C-7-6-e •' • ' 'l6ll i n , APlSnaks at; - , :` ' ' ' ", ik• If MoriEwil, mi1i 14 9 14- r h i r - ~,,, _-.40.4,t aet so:40-1Thi"mal a t hi s storgt -,.,:i. „,Inviiiiiimmuk...ll,ll.liiilliwigiitAtaat.,.,..oll; c : t ( ' ) 141 0 416 11; i 7 jizvolv a. l l 7f f i Kg ' Oialainks ""ti'lkyritaositiaTTAlßy.teldsy; ' DV826 ' .61. Purrisovan whim, ,b il on clean CAW 11 . 2 " , r1;q04111',1"/1 grul lite shait-ii 114 "` 463 ' . " s 144V : 1 +0 1 4 6 iit ' L ' 1) "1,01AL. TB vaititistow_orwOresiwia *it 7• 1 45.,,, , i to tat, sstu•-* w..jotipj expwitAL _lie,r.,o ownii utesAPWl3l,,,, iihairleteOlutit etii-.3.iffaiit.. AttlirAtiltlifyitoKKlN A ,iinsw mikiiiii. ,-.., jot lidete_Pg. , iij,,rinot 0.0210„,„youltp rei4-*7--T„ldnii..'; , 9 l6 l ...,.. -,----,il ~ 0 4 4 , 06T ri1rir,,,r . . 11 **i* ,_,, i'Vereopp — Alum. L—Thttectire, _ yo of f nasp. ths **ha , re~tft et iwomisit mama* trim ISA ineeiniatia( kw _ eulcumout D ... - ' lasi of Ibis f 6 Orn' =n vitiri .„ 4 ,6,„„ f" ,, TAinv_-iii rj a ctrolig , , , ' ,•,, - ot i,„ *J imitaiitsti e lia,lalsD . __ R, '',W 4Mi tio t iOll4. shaii4kttllmPz"it.tiN44•llrach" • -:', tzaitliCtlefrZ ma i r ai o l ta t iriti g isterdoy., .1-V- ''' ''.-.:„„. 1 :4 1 1,,1ter ir. l Uttntia, fivislt yritZd k6 oll:4ll2: P;147116--,,_0141141.„-ihiojebtrLClCAL. "%I t , ... is iiiiiel lioAu ` --4,,,MEW0•11096-17; ,- ollll,ol l t -ziddrf.,,_paxios TWO 4?51 , 1 4 , t -j • lar t 4.ll Am, 'MOM- /r 4 4bi ti 41 ,1, 16 , m a ts 4 i,,,. L': - :, . iii.***im......." ll4r alve _,l a „ oir. Igi !VI g• + '' ' - ' -tE1t,......_‘ ~,. a ' '77 . .': , - - , , ~, _ ~,, ,':„.• .. ' ''' , 1 .: 4 ' ..', ~,:.,,,,,, -The lecture of '•L r >mitiiirrnian - Mia „, A , O . , roil ' 4 **!" i496/41 " 4 f" P l ig ". ' * ham% TEE IN . ~. ~ „„u wits ef big 1,01 , 1100 ' ecta ,islelllo6' ' ' lll Qinsiat et tokr• 'Pm oa \ • - - ' - ' iso Vy SA-Xots:P. on' us 14 zwiirofiro rarrintraist ' Full Faitiea of *a inonerration go MAT. • - Mau at 11.10)fhter4D.00 - . 'IM:I2OP-ViltellfLA:indeinotitinoiliattiouon asn. .4111PAIDAY.-Xlior six column Itiroili4•Sortboria. I.lll,44WOrrifSLOPOrtef,tigo.tior fitillS4 lll monrof the Dm. Ilmtiforrifork- Tilineratorik‘ nif , Paw* '4 lo iiit l -4 40140.10 " 01105 . 11 — PifirOftfalfa istlvianr of ttibi man ' (I..y)aiiistI*ISPICIALDEBPiTOILia from - rahl'o•Wito`Ori4iiiL WO* tAmkrarrEit 'WSW Pall..fUnikOXY Ors.:VAND3llflf, ,4011, , ri60t0 timr:cairoDy . otimarrisit-roinoniol. IL; 0“.. VOX *Mod: olt dew liktso - 06moulfitIO*11‘rfrsfabkh fifeir'* 4o4l4 isakinnue- ,Cemar utiaLOQAL,tI,IX: OItAPSW. AND MEV& NRWIlat,OTIlle AM: _Yolk alithiligke. 'intim:TWO; ogras, for sac by' at sunta.,aohms ti `sho orfri- onefitote; Borrior Wortrions Ibr Twelve Coats sirook.- LittOolisliiroaix 00kmi 11113ontlefIll RD 311 s.cynic 9 ec Th Wit: f. WINDOISP, the teresteeitalili 'AiIIIIIIOI6 • Fell lIMMet„ iffitaavai iinooolar fart in TEE LN ‘l, Of !ploy: Tiroorpliforrs in tons*. It e a trOltillat easAii:Air „ItrAte TAL — K...tau iii tam/onkel liintiritid- 'Ei- . ''' ' i , - - . attttelswer the liinserstion of the MAY _, : ; 10 145 'ACJltatallodtD; etc.llantartiltitry the ', - LORVlAatta*Vidtediadedtithe.attati -, --` -.--401141140i540011111-itielkilitertdriblii. atilt-I*dd -nsgsKorthe Del. 'Th. kirii rpit roigg.tztik4l4 - ind 1 1 04 , 4* itttliiittiv itioFt oii dm sumiset-' , Ir ' Ihki.11 7 •00:* iiio — rit**,r4he lecthre of eiCro Fill . tlittistiiimprldititistater bat lit , WM ;4l4Bll4,FerttP dAr l Twit asthma nikatetttc= *t • Chia 4144- ' Impntaies,.of_ tor - • • p /0 : ate P ort to aoropyirs. rktilrigrell!co3olllll.o. 1:244414' W olo v th e'v i g 6 to ?MB *owe kw' 61„-2,!stal• 'entld* 'ClCli"iieltreir,...:4 rittritiie. ""ridawrw° "47-titmit ;rim*, willogitu big -sail' • avow Aci susk4-114.4 amaim fw ei ",an te ' Mii l2 l Saltek bus • Yfie!lianaf• ` ..i.i3mst :07,4 "VlrithwelitheCuiei rises***lett - OrAliM AtAlnt TRU .11.80 AtlbGs . b O r L A th Y- 1 ISS OrVike i 611iim %be INEWL uaIIMIDAY Wealth: NoeastMeth eth 100efthhel thaißitheth or his; thi_lfethethl v en t % A I.IA tem ,-;Vb• Y. Vous. Oributila etheritheiet say mere ea the_mot.' : T*ofods iSni - L the (Atearith)oeitethe BACIAVAPAP4Tatrigg Wedueseast relethre'th the -pool AND POTTP.R. DUN,. tie' PLITT ..TATO.ol l the-VANDY.tir CAPEtesfore the - (X)VODS colastrrlTS *Width, Titto ^Re TORIIIIKIr th u fetiidd ' ua *Wee , ebbe sever witbiteeserthWige thee. .-Lboothth nut= AliLiththe—th eedinthik . the ILAXIAL. , TEL. , „11GR7►PILIO, 61111thilkettlINIPPIMIOEL Alt ' irvALBA. 'Aiii th igika ?MOE TWO' CMS, JEW' 67 :SU' wire-Aestera- *i" the-ethr eaerstitk• w ablion•trfi - VValti Costa riireekodoAled. attda yeatlO:spriads: es*, Litt lota vamp Aiwa: i t, A • ••'4' . ° u+ i•rolk ' P/4 11 1 1 41 8 ,4 1 % - tlaryiu OCitho CLAT oklit0)1103/04 0 /OrananK,V,W 11. • " VllPAlNfA4odioustailkod . is al. Maul sum. of PR(94I". Wag our whin& No other Zoortik • - iii 7 r F.oeosfdui - like SIAM of 1,1 do, #4 N a gai a we d OA* Div. 'Tko 11,, :.T16111117141 . "44°*"1"5°11 VilirAn'Ottbki ,1100411k1 hob • iiiithic44lll7oX AO ROM& UW tIW-VA:NIMEE - calwaiterip — tko 4 ,47 - 4 . K taw %T A ii" AW io:orelt)printodVovii t u olo t— an coltaimua LOC__Arii.TP As hr i :' ViiirslYl;sad-9*N14";.14474 r rAU ` 61410 ~741,44111 tell/411MS, AGENT, tam, eity six doff .110610,1* "111""d-icarliiiz,,ealauNtitaD stipa: - .. $3l-,14", #464 3 , 3110 ka' - ' 7if 17jriciisorm_ x m_,lAtnur,,"l47cutr --4„='%-aLospr:irtswsufk, 1 4.3 ni t . -. _ .4if W *41i841 4ti... - ` 4l" igeertilleTiees. 0i1e,.1414 m a w 's tow !idau A c • ,P -17;064.Ut Obk :Zl';:itidOsHLi Ammo 'Yriaktriatilo4)olll46l#:PariltiOl'AND 1.011" - .. -. . k rattoriritnT, T TEro,olzariss 6.• vLif DI Ics iy : 4: 41 411 w' ,T4 l , i 5 ,6 0 . 114 0 ,a clid'u) Amin. 1w0,01011% - - p)itrato r ie to tagraffA , . s oy Aad Kite% • - ,11 :-MPIVA 'NOV kailfd. moot Tantr• ibrtionitls,r. • • - - • - ' NSW Yozf. • tom mit iirntarstsir.- 4 - nJelvv‘ ,47l l ,i r t g gi . k r o th ;p l " . ' or isni :TlrtrilW 4 l. 4. T. : w m t f e MOD/ de br 'VIRGINIA. aid sediallial war rotlDAY;iths. da4° other North 04.4atisiiia , 'Tx oo taint mia o w die witheatial meat 000= , It °lollt iiiatikAleilistaii'iigat ritiPAlegyi r hoist r,;,TLIAPIOMOON IOr .nt i . "4, mT*lll°lii4int.- jetjoifilz,marllyeetiedee s ‘:.440.: 000 .-010 6, U1UR yeti plated 4n A." • As; titer miaow - 00440 11411111 ' is' tesifie ' l° A&D` 02101111.1. ABM, calk Tli.leVe • *OM giti4 ,t_,Y 44 , 4 •:::t. ill !ti l t ! all /amp, MINTS - mit ^ ° A"`f i r g4priaf eitilsed ter;'rw t eles - ' , Mated, sea dellace year 40040 1 400 . it . • - ' • BOTEIIB, iimitNe. itkle Ite l ilat.,- 7 . •. "EliWr• iih -- iiintiii,,-,,,,zi.17 -; - • s . 41.11143-777- - ' '- ! 11 ,;fr!!,, •,,!- - - : • - g r P t i: : ^:'" ::' it ;:no l4 l3 ar br ig : • in 6. ! , A bl trV k lai t t: t e l „,, ... e ..:„ j.. . :. . 44 .. . .4 . ....,v, , Ait * ...-.., titr, - 'rt7 ' CM: IIA: ' 16 0:boo , 1 11 :y ilert f ~, ~ ....1 , ~,,,... , ,tie .nok& la, NN Y.. , • . ,„ , , Itekont Bonding : •m a 1 • , .`._ . tint, m=a , il 'Fri. ` kim 8 Ii 8 M Mus. t ' • 11: 1 .144111:41_, G1i...,,„„,. *Drew labs; ir IBM In Ann ilyati, d 7 .... , i 1 ,,. , .., ifiegialogu i p., • r rtra e ilr Mies '' ' ,- /Vntr jei rkra ! ;lit . ' : 44 d , . tinninons, 8 0 _. '&1010r. ra - kr Oattnien & isi Toronto war <Came Dal : : Car roll,, le F.. tim, 7111 2 1 F* - , til eltsw ittnasti n .rrir d , lOW i ,,, ~, , -i ',,- _ wtitrsr, Md • man• ton , '` , ..., tit ErhOemaker, Balt • ,/,'.. „•• , 8 yllirr, Boston r ._.. mina nu dr_ Elispin.irriringfield unit, 1 r ,Je,B. Johaelon, litd • . , 8 manly - , 're gt r ifith i tr i t i lt ui ' - ; r i rg t gir i elrs in l ' enr ), JasMati e ood l & N tit i idt ' , pi..., ,i, . : tr i ,E u trp ohi. _ e is it at k r,p4o ' ~ Ter. dnia_ 4 ,• MI ror, 611141041.10111 t M ilkatkohk , glibiKkle. kW* mr anon/ 1.41 ^ . , mrtil i z eil lm^44. aselsrer Intst kßatoA and Chestnut, Irjp ;•' l i? . ° A)=Z`tiit ' olls. t rots lIM, Amnon. ' '.. Btonell, le i r . r 2 . '.. J titer. Jr,ltbs, Batton Aster &WF,_Miston .1 min & he, BOOlon ' tirdbah & Is. NAN ' ii, worm% Norfolk. V. 2 11 k Frir757. t ..„'" Ne l,.! k* VI • ' ; l i r mac 9rmile Sk tli e rm h7i l. l. i°l l4 k4 Y lr4 i Ve i t Sidi, ft Y : ''' tfait, /4 Y 0 list vt, lowa mi,Lelswars itm...avrzt fa I : „ antr Our Ill i tggi w trr 1 Alturgess,,N ft r s _ , 'ir Mr: Mats _ y ikn t a tor t go i Nteu t : i t tt r i t arr igri, • , A. taratontisal 2'a Cs it 11:, Eamon * • mr syward & la; Boston oid Tennant, 8 0 1 oitnxioo:isa ~ , ~ : .11_,E_Tomsr. Boston • • 1 sq,7, 1 ~ e, ' l4l P zin ' li i iii i . rx,.... a .or ,. . ' 1 114%4 LT , ~ ~ L i :at fc vt, NY r Fisk &,lai, &stow ~ ' , • YL . Otifer. Baton Col Ganalion„, • Minnitto&,. Man it Hanauer' .. , -' - ,Jo hn k • Hoed, malt , 0 A Bloat, &assort.? , ,'," ~ Ortbrersic y AIF Danfortn, List - • stair W h ush, D - 0 i • 'Ui DT= =lca , , , , ° Lithel y !, I, ,'Tt r ass . 1 1 §7230 ,. IAA? ! II! 'i ‘.. ißtarT m. teit, Boston , ' ' S o ,l l : l l ,"N W i gt ~i gteri rirrirog n tOfa Doottmkt. ii Y ,-, , _,_„: Mr ni itiiciut, N Y -MntOoMont &,suaar, NV Jo 1 Nilon, N.l 0 B Wellford. Vii. , Bai, Mit, Va W Galt Wsahinston - Z D oilman, Washington kli Garrard. kelm ' 'lt F Esker, Vs Bari Mitt, Nm. _ „. ,W W Tailor. Concord T J Bye & lat .Wstrateri p E .8 0 tremens, V. J Ihehards, Boston J testy. Newark G Thictston, N y --- - J ilit mason. Vs I 80, ' a M u e s t , Ba . tt. 1 J I hn o I ' l tlubrs r tt , Malt N i t dr f Jo a rel: ' rlithntstdte,Far- , -Al•Fdri,Ps WR °b ./ 0 0 1 '' itBBOWITIr NOTEIr—FswIB oases,. bskrw Aroh. F Mos ,Ob o is r e T t, ra W, M Batters, Look Mann F COnnell, Va god_ " Cionbisaoro. 1% .- m Dickey, Ps b F W h ion, BllnlfOrd, ili, W d Woods ,Fiernington Mrs C Sven' Pittston/ • - Mrs Locke Cincinnati J tflooks ,N 0 - • , ,-' , Char Pactnitee, N 0 In Drennan*, NA '1- - Loath:Ma, N 0 • D Bannon, Manna Vlaisk,' , w Leissnrint, Pa • (I W Bnnier, T e nn.' . FB. west, lows John 8 Brown, Ent . J W ClarksWensport , ..1 lik,Balbr,, r Etteentunt , , Mitt jam) , 'W Graham, Pa f illferra It a m 2 ri t if i i ; shop, .hart' it a John p.toksmok • .ford Nin, Grady, Carbondale Vin 21 . Arbenetakr& - M Jistansthy, Fa - r Morrison, Vs ~, J os a Vials .0 Snore Ohio 0 drocrt GI N Y ' IffebtreirS, GrAlk;ei "' 't rotrlV, Md i • It N Hicks, N 0 , scab &roman, Ind J 0 heartisre, Mettinsbara hos Binder. Marti:mbar% 1,, , ,•!,! NMI, Otesera,lll =MO I Cummings, Fa „NATIONAL' HOTEL-41 T above Third. Bal Ball. Bendig. Pa M rough. Berwick, Pa JI. Toland, N Y B um Trozelville .40 Ear, Trosq: • W_A W hil t Pa 3 a er . ,l B, otti ths, B B w otw ilso4, los me tisti rlin th la ir 'm t.. tr . it c r mbP2 fi Wilson DI , H , 111 ti MoveaglChteninvtile oft /aeon Abistston rlt lliggins, ending ,I JohniongiN 0 0 fainei, iis eo, Pa , J Syndlst,W bar n Y Emery. willieensport - * M emir, Remains g H Garber, Bridgeport r j,Fis k & I ts Butiblo L <lbeiholtser, thwart-BM M Bowman, Pa B A Market, I't's, Whitaker, Mt Glare , AMERICAN MOTEL-Chsetant str eet . above Fifth. Jos Cotb & la, Mostar, ill Mrs 0 nneoikghester do atmershiston. Chester oo N BottannoneW li T 0 Hasson. N C R 0 Poindexter, la 0 0 Dernekson, Del • W own, klmy cis, Del JII MaDowrigi, , Den ' IG 0 nal tit do, Mu 13 A Tamar, Lonisvins, Hi l U Zolhooffer, Halt Gee Yr Oran Dover, it fit „8 0 0 Poin.Mover, & II A ft Klisg, ri, Prof D D Maarer• Reading Jas Plittaith, Reading s Wm 0 Ackley A wt, N J Wra Waller, Salesbury,Md John g White, Idd W W_Pordy,flatesbury,Ald MII ciordon & la. N Y V D suinegaa.N Y , , Geo L Newton, Me as 'toggles, Me ,• - Baal Johnson Me_ trf t ler is g a i ; k. , 4ra u tg 4 , 4 1 ) 0 ilii 3 , B l j tPft s : ° k 'l i Del Wal adts. Elston d , s e a Andija r k N ‘.. Newatk, Thee W tilorel&P, 1414, MO Morrison, Strout D Moditarit. es imowin Wm A ?token, W Isom= IVAVILCIPION BOTBL-Markat strut. aboWs Bluth. In st Watt, Latrobe Jos perrwiddie., Pittsburg hi , b Vildtaa. ' , Sam I Woods, Salt Ityritil i royAND . _....,--4,IF4ND Usrluds I , Wollicial4eawatown Doha* Cluillii , ''. H, Whiteside, Pa - ' J it Buotutims, Ea I Jweir, Fa- ” B. A Olork, Lancaster A 0 tiponieke. Lancaster Doors, Cedwomder, Md L WwWl, Allentown 3 o_,Lood,P Dement, hid r 3 1 00 1 74J ' Ait ''' ' liClareato r ,:.! owolart. noTzt-ead, ..., stove Chestnut. tallPt r, Clientstoo MEAL Button, Celeste; oo s. linostaft , ' i realign & is, Ps lelfienr .Pa la m Alexander, Mil rate° ',Mt_ 4 kLoolitrtsrkl Y 41 11 ,,___Ei b rril_is kirtri o, ! Cheater Yu Robe asesa ! , ilesetser eo emus no, Chown on ribll,. IS /1 , 01,1 M!, Boston W ill rewstea pa Ises rvia 7 Tollon, W Cheater. Pa • 1., JOr a LIIC IB ITEI47-0 steel. tr i lirtSeirentk. or r aoLi. , ieerkri,....,... Mi 11...., Cmosso PI Matteson; 01)10 atteson Ohio ID Mug*, N Y 1. Mardoely i toston kir Hall & ls,Phila AB Mosul.* . T L Mealy,* Y i -, YOCHUM BOTBL-41wind i rrent. above Market., Jitillenagew Castle ito W Cannon Del Del A 0 Ashley, Newark g Sponir,kde, A Laws;Leigeno. Del A J Barton. Immo, Del JortraMin Pkiht f/ranger,' Del Mifflin, Canute& Del A 0 °Hey, il. Del ifihirusle, hlittord. Del Chas Ir Fisher, Philo I, Andsreons Mom Thooriolismtoa, Vs. ', ..- -, W 0 Moran, I ri 6 MMUS, Camden . Del Its P Field, Memphis --- - MOHMTVBANCII HOTIL-IMMOI ot...sbovo Arch. il t igl a t, liti - ''' italiggeN BARLEY gIEIZAP HOTEL-Simened 'it.. below Vine Har, 11 4,411r, II ' EttN i y , k lil , V i ol debt' rg 'SU 14 BRI S r " 'J Alibiediateni. Ill e l , 10 t Morris es St la. N Hope g f Va s e dare ki .3° Allf, Burke Grove 4 Trim urt i lej i r u rn oo it i Va ß rirs uo y a , , C o ol; oo • 4 4 4 lairinewz itv,,neft„,o4. 'it .m:O 4 ,B B Sougs. rhila 1 aks l. N atl V: o o 1 plietansii. Vohs oo O n Hallowell. a Isgasi • Nalr Hope Chas l'ahael A r d a di ft sB° .,l l teatheta, Pa • r e ir. l4 Mid i dletr 'Awn.• ton,', 8 tipsy, Jy. i. Pa Ming, Ye, - no cm,, I ppon. Pa Bud Moan a, I aeloss, Pa J Allen, a 1 J atrumenborG Pe. - 10 ns li ti m *Cr notolun .... Beane, B o !dant Sucks .-, 0 =ler, mks J lioloni siglernlto .. g ant, Books oo ''- ST. LOl.O HOTILL-700.. obeys Third. ' = Li ,Y r t al li ii ihae tico y. kid 'MAO ri, Phil& lii W as as, IS ir . .. , , .4 rim. N X it A Pry Patel eerily, Baltimore_ ima ,47 , 3 0; ' '. . Bitittill Y iyav i d Wet ,', , . AL itelyst, Pi4i v ts , latoveason, N y • W N ulln , l l 11, . VZ I PTar a m il eto 0 , littp,i, par " Mg, Sputa, ft, rd Myatt n, Del of ,I A Laidaaproad,N Y , quo i. Kamer, Chester, Po ' THE UNION HOTEL-.A street, &we Third. l i filkirst itl= " Ilt al t d ar a i ll , Altoona 11l Geist A oh; Pa Fawcett, Bolan, 0 W r Dauer, Milroy), Moss J C itellowsr, Ctn. OJ 3 B IdeFathied, Ind T S Botsford. Somerset 4 L Wein, • Deerfield. 0 CIE Dity, Mayfield, 9 Joke P, Wean, will, , IV a shatter. Cleveland 3 iiim Leadasver, is, maton Oen Draberadties Laird, linakeeviUs ,W L Psis*. Lanoseter Pt t • LTV jr, • Ohlo us g Is, NY Ann a NY u A Alper. York Springs re Ter & 8 eh, Vo Jim It Ps, Pi J John Boos & la. Del itraillor I ariverim--Thirda... ex. , . csnowhig. Irsh i Gnm, endow* A Bookman. kteohatticev'e Oliver o' Shop, yiesulierf Toof e, bucks oo v irasslirthaaa. Cip=tall 7 lib gr i t,. Rua' oo atdl =_loadsthiunstois Fi l wahaisr,l e a m. Sass Amu', Them , go Clement, Chester Val ROA OM mins. Chaim Vitt Comr,lienkoi Resting AM, ildwier, litualleytown r - iftii. Sitiiiin BOTEL-Third sit., &moil Csitowhill. ipmest. Afloat c ma, -. gs. Bows, 2tAtthirvilieJli idomkroi Hu . &Loos rs o _ BW. Smith, Books e 0 , 67 14 # 4 =7. l ie l or. 0,1: ' rs iiM se k= B , l ,l4trg ' r y C o gl i rs' ait .,,,, v .i. above Callooshill. I T A O . EI it, Ilboupolun i • a kfit e ata, Snyder oo W m PiThimirittu Ca g leo* tenkantown Jo lin Brown, Hilton i li jo s e s tßuttr. Itr__ n Ilicri l tinilit n kithtehem , oh 4 minte r Snyder.. soobllohaae. Snyder no s retliaputi.rola Amato or - autos, : COllOlllllll 07 %XX MOATS. tirrifirUZßY'l AVM. Wirataleirfie PIMADNIMINIA onasinsilseJullos, lAosrpsoi, April J. llebssastr rabotrf.Wardndpi WOA won snook - -Hofapt Rio Ainsipo . soon enuirlirareirs WHOOU. Lsannv Fa' soon lSS tistnunsi ink kn.' a PrOso, iskiirini::—Port Swan. 'Trin: i soon , INTELLIGENCE.. , :leitt,lrrill/4 11 /1 16, * 1 4...Aj0r1114, tempit s iiivlTlFE! . ol 4*- 4 --- .77.8 N ..' tr:PiPT;'stenitstiM AeTvtono StimewNinft. innan, gd. Ow limn Chariestpn!.,lolh ladgittl,t o AleX•RetOn• thrh a ittil= JP• tgartat i , ° lllTlN us wrii . .1111aCoyA Copt Brookoilr Crowlao A ld jA ild Wirst a ll K u n . e ii in( Vit u ttor Si ° pi I llifo l tit, e. Viit e Attl a tr i Ati staM list 5 4 t raitil i tcSra : a: W . ..41k_ . ' ." ,reigg i ng l irg i kar t it ;t a liit:a * ming 1 ;.'lloohollifor Iv: e l Nook; roue , p laarr i :gr. ' 6:Onp4lt w gits i gin N TOM, :worm Old oprr i sdeltraibirrat,l l :gh tilt, "g 1 ratLisrerPtit:bl:: mi. p ; borom ove. pi o),Atal. tt, and - i-, - , ' . hildin A PO day, Palermo, * -w , 0 Po. ?limes & ' • - • , ta tolicit, i .4. 1 2 . 2L p1egyrk , , ,, C1 , r, With mo 1,. r NOSM*I7. s .I7 qii_fitont :on( Neytion t w i L i fralo ood to T Nittgot 4gnic ...: ; PhOmi , 4 &ILO Mgt t John, $O, Igiii10001"-{0 , a , mom &Ago, ~-, , - . !MU WAN& • • tor, gnu*. adsyslrota New, Lotii, / , with OF ,_„VAP., I 4O O r. II OO & Co. .' - • •' . - 4 4 4 :2 4 2 anzi k setempilattio L , Crook. D ii, r t atiOsafX: F 0 ,0,k041 -1 10,i , from BoitOn, with, ~ relin . tri t i l. :BlMMO4A. IPe - Mil - . ...1011t0r..,t0 &Owen it 061fitt ho hi "nth, ' Om 16 ' 17.thalitgettaSCOAr0 froin Roth • ~ 010wiligib0 . 1 h aboiniwilt — mn —. l . 7li'vl` 'de *rem 0,9#0, taxebu.t_s_, ,It s aii 4 4 5 , rni one- , atirti=rar?,"oltll.oP gal!Pli, in bat- , vtioty o r thlar& fm 2o.toit7viii. Newport,. M '; yom"CMIF OOM trawl thiAmion with ~ • ' irk t aiPiciii: 10.04 1 n-k-Vfo. n , !-, ''''' ; , z r ''' :imp . , ff4 ' . . y l 'o / oil d p4 ,C94k,l, 4 M7rtint . pa; •.,.. ~ tais ' Ni ' ltingswoji;i diy-trtim Vali 1 4 . r.g,,.. wi1 . w .„ 4 ,„„c,.., -A., .4,1 ‘ r , , ~, Olitt rititilleme h haltiosiVit.ftit°ll. Bohr Wets, ondiakoont eteben, N Y, &dr Smith Tuttle, Mayo from Rarrietowrk or . r e als i v v etre i t t; r:re c r swung iron% 1"4 ew York, wit h Besse Young &merle*. lionnbton, df;le froin Al bialNwith Ito, DeenecCarthr. Fir maw Induatri. from If fax. wreAlu Stemnshm Estminivanta, Teals Richmond, Thomas Webster.. 8, Jr Pethgraw, Bora ' h Naw Orleans, Mho& Simons & co, Bark Chester, • _Cardenaii D Stetson & Co. Brig on Winne, wessew, caarteston, s 0, Twat", Mel l Brig Ala" queen. Morton. Haltom E A Sonde - & Co SeteF o vea, Broughton, Pembroke, 00 Lehr net, Pendleton, Gardiner, CO Bahr 11 4' Welton, Maley, Sobseeet Narrows, AN Stur tevant. Sala Yacht, fling Bing, Vandusen, Norton &phis Ann, Smith. Cambridge, do Ittir r, d'un df l , r:o t ra . Ka a lo a ltn. Bo burl, ; Au: aided & Co. Sts lw Se r tiriitl r , r ltairali d ,tl;leston, Stunok son Mogen Behr•EX0012101, Riley, Charleston. B Cider & Co. &hr P Herbert, Parker, Balton, 0 A Belittler & Co. err Gram Ber, Baltimore, A. Omen, Jr. (Ommotramdenoir of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Apnl 12-9 A. AL The brig Caroline. from Carden end Bohr Only Daughter, S manta, 18 dale from Cardenee. with Cohn; Tunis Do Pew Franklin, George W Cummings, Mari P Burton._ and J osephine , came to the Breakwater early this morning, and reain. The stair J ane , from Balti more, laden witb cost, m bound to Norwich, while tossth t h AISTAI n hi til . t n t d arnd mgililiattagwoennAtillati: _nod and Sunk; ai i r hands,..with sails. rgging: Mfg. &0., were gaved. and NW. WM. HICKMAN. (Ocirremindener ot t argaelphin. Exchange.) CAPHISLAND. N Aril 13-1.0 A. M. The steamship State of Georgia, ram Savannah, re a r ai° 3 ll4f=erenTriroli, Palermo. ..a brig Plantagenet, from Matanzas, vatted in thus afternoon. Two brigs and our aohooners are outside, heading in. wes. • • B rd rigs JB Mansfield, for Havana`, and _Ashby .f Br) for Matanzas, went to ses.thos a ft ernoon. Wino N W. THOS. fi. HUGHES. - , • st MILIGRAPII. , • (oorrestondenoe of The Preis.) - New Stoat, Aerj_ll3. Arrived—BrisY Mayhew, from Bermuda; mkt 0 W Ring, front Zieuvitaul ; brig Milts Bowen, from New vitae. • • Below--llhip Wm Storey, from Liverpool bark Re solute, from Caloutta; big Gen hero% li on ' Man tanzaa. April If. The sabr It I. Till, tor Philadelphia, took fire in .the *arbor °Matta' the Southwest Pam t o- day, end was Scuttled and sunk. She had 215 bales of cotton on board, p.W of which will be saved ,n a damaged condition. TS damage to the vessel is only slight. She will be raised to-morrow. The soh r Alva and. from Saint Tobias with lumbei , was wreaked on the Oth inst. off the coact of Noith Carolina.- -The captain and crew were graved, but the vessel la a total logs. MEMORANDA. steamship City 'of Richmond. Mitchell, Nailed froth, Richmond 12th met. for Philadelphia. atearnehip Cambridge, Howes, hence, arrived at Boa bon yesterday. steamship Kangaroo. Brooke, for LiVerpool, cleared at New York yesterday: Steamship Adriatic, Comstock, cleared at New York yesterday forfioutbampton. Ship) same Walton, medley, for Sidney, cleared at New. York yesterday, SalP Minstrel, Norton, from Boston for Calcutta, was spoken lat 2346 S, lon al 30. Ship Pocahontas, Wooderson, for Ceylon and Calcut ta; olearedat Holston 12th inst. Oki, Marathon, Vandyke , at Bordeaux MTh nit. from Nassire - • Bitty Bea Bement, Whitmore from London for Hong Rune, remained at Rio de Janeiro ad nit repairing.. Bark Fioresta, Welsh, remained at Jio de Janeiro ad ult. uncertain. • -Bark Gallego, Wolfe, was discharging at Rio de Ja metro 211Allt. • mßark .. Gazer), Crowell, cleared at New York yes terday for Meihourne. = Bark Norombega. Randers, from New 'York, arrived at Galveston eth inst. - Brig Bannah,Watts, from Cienfuegog, arrived atNew York yesterday. Brig Cnattanoicsa, Forest, °feared at Baltimore lath inst for Monteviedo end Buenos Ayres. Bohr Ontario,Yarigiider, for Philadelphia. via New London. saileitem Providence nib inst. Fehr Young America, Perri, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 11th inst. Bohr J Holmes. Brewster, from Pall River for Phi ladelphia, sailed from Newport llth inst. Bohr Feeaenden, Hooper, from Calais for Philadelphia, suited from Boottibay 7th inst. Bohr Thee Potter, Cilover, hence, at New Bedford 11th inst. Bch!, PharO, Crammer, for Philadelphia, "R e d from P ail n it e Bi l e t e h tic7r t ,'Edwirds, hence, for New Bedford, at New London Mk inst. • • Pohr ay Blmpeon, Churn, for Fall River to load for Pluladeishm, sailed from Providence 11th met. Bohr Hero, Terry, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bala more 12th Met Bohn J 14 Hering i Eldorado, rso Mary Plla, ; and cheespeake, Park, a - uved at Wilmington. Bel, Mk Mak ' - Ear Wave, Barrett, hence, at Newhern, N 0, 11th _ Bohr Golden Fleece, Manion, from San Francisco, arrived at/ row Yorkresterder• Bohr Eva Sell, Lee, from Wilmington, NC, arrived at Now York yesterday. Sohr Lamot Dupont, Corson, from Cedar Her, arrived at New York yesterday. 8060 Loeser, Snow, hence for St Croix, Waa eaoken 27th ult. hit 37 30, lon 76 LI. Bohr Pep nnanook. Borrooglm. for Philadelphia, clear ed at New York yesterday. Bohr Governor, Hooper, sailed from Outlaw:4loth ult. for Cienfuegos to toad. for Philadelphia. • Behr D Wolfe, — Rowell, at New York yesterday, from Wilmington, NO, Orleans St Behr Argus Nickelson, hence, arrived upat New inst. • Bohr E 8 Jane!, Godfrey, remained at Galveston 7th inn, loading. Behr Caroline 0 Smith, Smith, from Wilmington, Del, at Herr York yesterday. lot Phi St r p Newt, Side% cleared at New York yesterday laelphia. • At irtßio d de Janeiro. March 2d, bark. Amazon, Kazan ! ocee for 11'11 P l kavr.A:tAr d o, D e r vIviv e zi n rao. on .np - 10.,.14.nart, .reni .new 11111011.1. MARRIED. ZINSER—WRITE.—On the Sd Rev. Jo.. R. Kennard, John Zinser, Jr., to Mies Rebecca F., datio- terof Mr. John White. ell of this intr. MOORvt•-PROCKETr. — u_4 the 10th instant, in Ken • hr-Jolut G. Wilson. V. I). Pd.... Mr. John Moore to 111 u Ana Jane Crookett, both of this city. CASKADEN—SIIIOI.II. --shi 11th portant, by Rev. Jar Meson, Mr. John J. Caskaden, of Chester eoo.n ty. Pa. to Miss Rliseboth E. Stool; of this city.. ittlK-111cFAX1,1,.—On t 11th instaok, by Rev. Patbet Sheridan. oar: Jackson lack to him nary .Aon Laura, eldeskilanglater of Jonsi MoFaui, both of this Oltr• ' DIED. LATNBURP.--On the 13th hist. t Hannah LathbnrY, wire of .lamea Lathburg, the on leer oi her MM. The friends of the Wally are respectful! y invited to attend Cie from the residence of her husband, I N 0.311 airmen street, ably e pith, on Sunday after noon. 16thinst.. at 4 o'elsolt, without further notice, * ot ,, REßN:rnit.—On the 10th inst., Mr. Thoe. Morris Carpenter, in the Mid year ot his age., Funeral from his kite residence L No. 1410 Amish shoat, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, L AIW.,L.—On the 11th met, Anielie, wife of Renry F. Lave% Penang from the residence of her husband, No. fied ROM. pl ace, (formerly Ruling it.,) on Sunday morp , la ttliTtN e . l l/ k ri the 11th inst., Charles B. Austin. In the With year of his age. Funeral from his late tesidence, No. 213 Allen street, above Shaokamaxon street, Eighteenth ward, this (ite taMitaLlilinrann;3ln2. ftl i tti r ilth inst. Theedere, son of John and the late Elisabeth Beck, aged II Years. Funeral from the residence of his father, Liberty street, below Fourth and Biridway,South Camden, this (Satur , i , efternoon, at 3 cloa. LlRowie.,--4in the 12th fast, Jane. eldest daughter of Samuel and Jane Brown , aged 0 years mid 6 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents..lonss et., west of Fifteenth, above Market, this (Saturday) after- ALnoon tkoloek. KERNAN. , :-Cin the 12th inst., Mrs. Jane a110Rer n4113.43 fie T 1 Yana. Anneisi from the residence of her son, Petri* Mo- Reiman, Twenty second,etreet, below ISpriioe, this tt3a turday) afternoon. at I cloak. McLA tIORLIN.—On the 12th MING, John McLaughlin, ard 24 yams. Funeral from his late residenoe, 1031 South Ninth M. corner of Su ff olk street, Ms (Saturday) morning, at 8)1, o'olnek. * PIIILLIPS.—On the 11th instant, Josephine , daughter of Christiana and the late John Phillips, aged 4 years. Funeral from the residenoe of her mother. No. 422 Richmond street, (late Queen,) on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. STREET.--Our• the 11th instant, Thomas J.. son of Deborah and thalami Thomas Street, in the 34th year or his age. Funeral from the residence of his mother-in-law. Charles Zig:m.llllg, tH Seventh i street, above Noble, this Learday a iernoon. at 3o o oc SMITE.—On the 11th inst., George W. Smith, in the Sid year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his brother, Wm, J. Clay ton,lol North Nineteenth street, this fliettirallp afternoon, at o look. lIIMITIL—On t he 11th inst., Mr. Samuel H. Smith, in the 13d year ot his age. tweral from the residents of his father, corner of !Ips (tate Wooct:treet) and ((rand avenue, on Banter . 17284 1 1) 6 e— a OlMit; 13',11 instant, Isabella, daughter of t Mary and the late Patrick Trainor, an the 13th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her mother, No. 1 Rose or Forty-first street. West Philadelphia, on holiday af ternoon next. at 1 o'clock. - WEETZ.—On the llth inst., Henry A. Wertz, in the Iltd ye at of his age. Funeral from the residence of hie, Wm. B. Marshall, 3318 Frenkford road, on Sunday afternoon, et 3 o'clock. max -BAREGE ROBES, Two, Five BL 'and Nina - Plounege. Reek and 'White Pane O•gandies. Steel-eolor Gros grain Bi lk,. Blank Gros Grain Bilks. . Sleek Hernani Baragee. Black Bilk Net and Grenadine BMWIg. Thank Canton Crape Bbawls. Meek Tamartines and Crape Mareti. And Grilled's Goods, of every deanription, Jut re ceived by BORON' & BON. MOURNI NG ATORIE, nee No. Ina CH SITNUT Street. [WA.6 VEM.A.L cnitnAioTER. O, —REV.fR A . GARDEN on this sutleot TO-MORROW bath) AFTERNOON, at oclank in the Ameri can Mechanics' Hall. comerof FOURTH and GEORGE Streets. Collection for rent of Hall. rtrUNION. .R. CHURCH. FOURTH &rest, below /rah . —Preaahinc byHe Fedor. Rev. A I.FRRO 000KMAX. o.MORROW (Sabbath) MORNING.IO4 o'olook, EVENING, 7M °Week. The Yenta are al) Free. IN 441131ELCH OF THE COVENANT* V T O M OR ROW COneeiiThill. Cheldnut. above Twelr n et eet , rtriLb' Row ( dandify ), at 1034 A. ft% M., by f!... i CAR and at TX P. M. by Rev. J. W. CRACRAFT. ° It*, TyeUNIVERSALIST.). OF THE NEW TES. TAMENT.--Rev. 1)r. WILLT ARSON on the eubjeot TO-MON ROW EVENING, at.73i Broin the d !Church of the. Meniah, LOCUST Street, east of a. F. 60 1 , 1 1 elms Brown ROTESTANT EPIS• ev. GEORdE A. CROOKS, °Reek; bel l ow Third, IT iii DAT MORNING. et IOK o'eloor ad . in igi'vr ?iING at 75i o'etook. , , . Its • 'SPRING GARDEN 'U NI T ARI A N cr CH l UO a H— tn e tina G a a t r d H e A n NSDtrEet a , PO H -M Y o DN OW Monday ) 10% A. M. and TH T. M., by Rev. r. RARCHER. Pastor: Rest' free., It. OF THE NEW TERTANIEN corner fir THIRTEENTH and GIRARD Ave nue. T. lI.RTOOKTON, Pieter. Preaching TO-MOR ROW at IOK A. M. by Re v. JAMES CLARK. Ite ITTST.:PAULIN CAURCII.—DIVIII HEE• vice will he held in 81. Ennl'a Church. Third be low Walnut. TO-MORROW EVENING, cominemng t a quarter before eight O'clock. It"' rs-VALIJE Or 111141 IV E RISALISM."—L t its Rev. A. C. TROAIAS. TO.MORROW EVENING Church in LOMBARD St., ob. Fourth. It. rr*". iLEIRITUSI.ISM. —THOMAS GALES FORSTER. a Trance Medium, and one, of the aunt able end eloquent rentiora of this ere. will tore et SASIBOM-STRE KALI, on i s at log A. St. sod BP. M. si dm Mon five cents. it. - THE FIRST GRAND ANNUAL FESI of '7I.V,AIt OP ;71";:111M DIVISION, .fiTengegPAT : 3,Gign A ,Ft,"rl•Tirlii'sillint Ato lane rive kindly volunteered ism,. 'melees for the oemision. - J. HERITAGE. planter... .T. B. DlCKBwrort. Addresses willdeliver ed Rev. W. O. ROBIN SON-and Rey, 7 HYATT SMI A. Tickets2B cents. For sale at Lek.* Walker% 702 Chestnut street and Dennimon's. PI. W. ear. Tenth and Race. LEO TOWES - TifICAITIO., O N Attil:. CAI, SUBJECT% by AN N A M. tON OS HO RE POTTS. M. D,, et the all, B. co rner NINTH and !WHIM:3_OAB DEN tiOnete, on MONDAY EVENING, April Nth, at 8 o'clock P.M. Admission II snore, It* =OORMIANTOWN RAILROAD LOD. PA.NY.—Rn adjourned nieeting of the COM_ RA in thin Company Will be held THIR EVE NINO, at o'clock. , in the Town Rail, IhrraaniciWn, where e Mint of the committee will be made. POMO twit andfull attendance is desired,. • HEADQUARTERS, CENTRAL firpun. 2.10 AN CLUB, PHILADELPHIA, Aprkigth. At the regular abated r meeting. held on, Wednesday evening last, the following preamble and-resolutione were unanimously ndopted Whereas: THE STATE JOURNAL the Orly true Re publican paper pu limited in Philadelphia tnerefore, , Regoined; That we heartily approve of Tic* ETATV JogettAL'ge a Republican once n. and earnestiv urge onr friends *rougher, the Rtate to aid in extending its elf qn.ift4igTtla. us] pia oily ness men to ex tannyan t r ffedVell tie nct patronage. , Miolfied,. het oopY of this preamblivand rem:du d= obseeilt Mr, w 10. Edi tor of Tits &rata Joule. nab, Niguel py t¢a Pump anaLsenretar,- of ego °lab* WILY B. THOMAS, Pyssident. *140C1441N(414 1404110 1 11 - li THE Milli _I.6•HILatiDELPHIAO SAPJAPAY, , Ix 4, IS6O, wil••-it ) Hip IF li , ' , WARD': litionuiria '"--":. 4BLiOli CollilWit. • ' " '. - , rIIrEODOtE RHYL/ER, • :',-- goiftti.u.Kia."`"... '--: • '...' • -.-- EORuH rblTl.l,d', . .. .I. l4 lliferkirDflan RLEB A. NH AIM; ',, • aI IV A. CLARK, , ror the unexpired term or E, W. ikaileY. P,DEREN: ISNI HARTMAN, Kul H. REYNHLDS. • - • .TAAEB &Wilt/1 1 U, • . • •-•' JA ea E 4 DONNELLY. ' Dl.lB.vritlON it,ritrior, aD14.18,31,33 91,98.88 V Wan' • ' • °CrOFFICE OF THE pfififlntr i frilA AND RBABlbill V *MAW , . *On, • The holders of the bends of this Cainywngell U Y . is nen, can now recesithunottendioatiennd, par cent. in cub, ywon,the terme'simoileee In the Otter» , ter attached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of is link ing i ll of .140,000 per anpum, as estabypited Dr tO Moo me at their Gunn meeting , hem Jang74. MO, in summate or the aontractointend he 'comany and: ditty tejorderAvY tke IMAM feet. , - CIS 11, . Noises to tits Hader+ P it WWI And ittodise . Railroad Compotes Mortgage Bonds,des Ail, . These bonds are seared by the first mortmes onTi road, amounting in the aggregate to 113.=.400., 'N 0 net revenue for the. last Mod year wee inn tileile t e onntof the annual interest on these bomb . T he managers propose to extend them for a period of twely ream tee holder, retaining the boa& mid the so on ty or the mortgagee in the meals. conditiOlkin whin they are now held. Fresh 'hosts of ,00sposii for the interest arable half.yearly, will bet si f u li r A boron of 10 yer sent. will be ler en tO the older& kb consideration of their aesenting the site on. Thill bonus . will be paid in cash to the bearers o the bond', on their signing a receipt and presenting their respect- , hve bonds at the office of the Gombany, or to its agent', for endorsement. • Forms of receipt and endorsement witi to famillied okupplioation. • By order of the Board of Managers,___ ' ml-if VV. H. MclliulOweiV. tioaratarr. , STATEMENT OF THE UNION BANE as requited by the second section of the Act , o o t e General Auembly of this Commonwealth, aPProv t e 13th dm of Ootober, A. D. 18571 Amount of loans and d1u0cu5t5............-1933..988 41 specie " due from other banks-. - 81.911 31 of notes in circulation 79,870 00 4 . • deposits, including balances due to other banks. ... RIJN 42 PATLADELPRIA, April 13, INO. CITY OF PIIILADfiLY as: I, James Lesley, Cashier 'of the Union Hank, being sworn, depose and say, that the above statement Loos, real, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAMES 1,E131. EY. Cashier. Strom before ine.ilds 13th dew of April, A. D It (0 7. P rP7t7r, O rotl7l l l6s. P ti l ltsit i tintra t iiV j e r it that under the provisions of an not of Congress. ap proved April 3d, 1860,in relation to Dron Lettere. in tended for cnty deliverer. ono cent and no afore shall be. charged for the marl i ng and delivery of ie., lotto ri `l4°ll67.BoVlTihkrs. this °ffi°P. )7,144, apll-6t P.•etmarter. LTLECTURES ON BOTANY.—A COURSE of Sixteen Leoturee on Botany Will be delivered. idies and Gentlemen. in the Scientific; and cal Institute, CHESTNUT Street, northwes t ) core r of Twelfth, at 6 o'clock P. M., on THURSDAY an SA TURDAYS. beginning April 26. and closing June .and again beginning September lg. and , closing Cotobey 0. Alt the lectures will-bo practically illustrated with living plants, end at least eight of them will be delivered in the woodsend groves in the environs of the city. By deferring tour of the Lectures to Autumn, the mess will have the great advantage of studying, with an in structor, all the flowers el en entire season. Entrance on -.Twel ft h street. Introddotory Lecture free. N J. ENIS, Prinoipal. g": SCHUYLKILL AND HNNA_ RAILROAD COMPANY. The AN NUAL , the Sohn and ELECTION of the btookholders of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna* Railroad Company,as othr 4 e , tr iz !l4ll::ll4r 4 !lr i. Ai i ll d b e e t, lg i lkl al= Pennsylvania, MONDAY. May 7t i tiott II o'clock M, 'tot the pnypdis of choosing a President and Six Managers to serve for the ensulngyear; and also for the consideration °finch other business as may properly .be brought before said meet ing. FRANKS. BOND. ap7-Im* • t. Stioretarry EOPLE'S ,‘. CITY TICKET. ALEXANDER HENRY. CITY SOLICITOR, CHARLES E. LEX. CITY CONTROLLER, GEORGE W. RUFFTY. RECEIVER OF TAXES, HAMM. CITY COMMISSIONER, JOIN A. HOUSEMAN,: ELECTION TO TAKE PLACE TUESDAY. MAY IST. NOTICE TO WESTERN SHIPPERS. While there is uncertainty as to the damage to West ern Railroads, shippers should direct their freights to go by River from Pittsburg. Boats are plenty at that point, and rates low. For throuth rates by River, from Pittsburg, oall at Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 413 CHESTNUT STREET, Or at Freight Mee, THIRTEENTH AND HARM STREETS ! H. H. HOUSTON, GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT,' sple-ht PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. NAVAL MEDICAL BOARD.—A Board .L Peuxeone is now in erosion, DAILY, at the NAVAL ASYLUM. Philadelphia. The Board eon mats of Soreeems 'ARES M IiREENE. W. S. NV. SUOCIIEN imitable., JOSEPH WIL4ON,and Passed Assistant Surgeon ALBERT BOR RIVER. Recorder. Candidates who hnve the requisite permission to be examined for admission into the Medical Corps ef the Nsyy, are requeeted. to ,eport, Lai directed, without delay. lte WINES AND LIQUORS. IrHE VINE-GROWERS' COMPANY OF COGNAC. CAPITAL, THREE MILLIONS OP FRANCS. THE COUNT DE SAINT-LEGER, FR ANCS. . JULES BURET, I , ll_ 14 AGENT N NEW YOEE, JOHN OSBORN. THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst its ogre holders fourteen hundr ed Propriaturr of the best Vine yards in the Distoct Comm, its extenelve Establish ments being located n the centre of the town of that name, was organised tor the express purpose of main taining the standard character or PURE COGNAC BRANDY,by shipping that article, in all its active crity and ex cellence, to Correspondents in Foreign °entries. and ts bound down by its Statute of Regulat ion to confine its transactions entirely to the Brand. grown within the District of Cognac. and wholly the •produce of Vine yards in that highly-favored locality ; on no copoition whets er admitting Into its Morehouse' any Brandt which may have been produced withoilt the lleuts of said Theriot. . With the object of extending the just reputation of their brand by such means onlyas will inlet the brevet and co-operation of the most reepeotable Wine Me rchants in the United States, THE WINE GROW ERS' COMPANY has authorized the Agana? In New York to put up their choice Cognac Brandy in owe of one dozen full-sized bottles each, and the same will be I dispelled of to the Trade and the Public, by the under mentioned respectable firm. Every bottle is sealed with the cateuld of the Coin- Pang—the corks bear the same stamp., and the labels' a tibiae an exact description of the quality, defy signed in fee-simile, by the Agent it Compass. The Emulate now offere eensist of two dl ual i ty, qualities, both guarantied to o equally pure ip differing only in point of age, an 4 degree, of strength depending thereon. the oldest being the lariat _potent. One description. termed' THE volg-oßowElfir THREE YEARS OLD. is an excellent article •of the, age represented. euitable for family or medicinal pur poses; and another quality to designated t o VINE-. GROWERb' AN'rEDILUVIAN, so railed on amount of ite extreme ago, and because the remote year of its actual productiopts beyond positive vellfielition. Objections having been urged that the bottles eye too large, and the Brandy of it greater strength than is usu ally supplied to the public. the Agent of the ...ompany ventures to express the opinion that a tinge bottle Pier be preferred toe smaller one, and that in obtaining the article of the exact strength at which it wee exported from Comma. consumers may recognise the advantage of adding water to suit their own taste, instead 9f pur chasing water at the price of Brandy, For sale only by GREEN, BROTHER, & COOPER, No, 115 WALNUT Street. apitatuttli Sm. pER FT.3 ME RY. H. P. & W. C. TAYLOR, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS'OP PERFU MERY AND TOILET SOAPS, IN NvERt Also, Or the celebrated SAFONACEOUS SHAVING COMPOUND, which, for more than TWENTY YEARS, hen been' favorably known to the' whole country. EIGHT HIGHEST PREMIUMS have been awarded in the Untied State*, and the World's Fair Friss Medal, London. P. & W.V. TAYLOR, aplS-121 641. North NINTH Street, phi ladophift. 20 1 000 HAVAXA CIGARS CROIOE BRANDS. NEW AND NOVEL STYLES 'in Dress 0414,fe1t and Toth .9sts, designed for y oung Men. " Mat intialitglOtiEsTiirr Ste, THE PLIRENOLOGICAL. CABINET. wa r ESTAB4IIIHED it FewLim. & gyp, oven day and evening, for the sate of ke A, on Phrenology. l'hYmoloal, water-Care, 0.1 W i li ti ltilNOLOGlCAl, EXAMINATIONS. The Importance of _Phrenology. in the rnl i, o[tbe young, the selection of 0001leatuing,ign s COM Water, C2irled e g v e a d r U l i e =i n tf t ela i reZ e ns h rh , o arft e llartgat lie& 64 Z tai gl o s i k ri; e d l e:e i to p tl hi on o s, o fro t Ty degn o.nrt erreotypeg will be by mail for two damn. 0 , 3,46I.v riaI . WAITI!IPS West, POLITICAL. MAYOR, NOTICES. FOR SALE BY U„ U. MATTSON, ARCH and TENTH street,, lIDTAID DRY- GOODS. WARBII - 11TON'S, 1004 CILIESTNIIT STREET, - ABOVE TRKTIL - '. .3O6,BOUTIkHROCHD STItERT, 1111..K8, BILOW lIPILOCV. • FLOWERS, ' eit.APEB, TLRLATA.NR. ILLUHIONI3, ' RUCHES ! ' " AND LACES. W• hive Just, opened our Spring Stouk of the above 100ite, and feel confident that they cannot be mowed, either to style, quality, or erica. eplit.4m OUR STOOK OF LACES 18 'UNUSUALLY LARGE. ?V P. AMPBELL. NO. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING QLOAK S AND • MANTILLAS NOW OPENING DAILY. roehrsolnif all the NEWEST STYLES and Choicest Materiels, et the • , LOWEST PRICES. apl4 Et LINEN SHEETINGS, at Low Prices ge,lJ l ust rec ll eived,LO W "A rd s unme , an d t Linen Sheet in BEPPAD,:vANHARLI wd G e, N& A R e RISON It 1008 CHEM:NCI' fittest. NEW TRAIN SKIRTS-30, 40, and 008 ( t ka.• The lightest, most I:lnsular, and reliable . gifts yst., teestueed. For tale. lowest cash prices, aitsrx D. VAN HANLINONN s &AR HISCIN.' F • /0013 CHESTNUT Street. HEADY6fiLiDE CLO THING. BOYS' OLOTHIN ' A FULL ASSORTMENT OF READY MADE BOYS' C LOTHING. i On hind, mud Manufactured of the BEST MATERIALS, AT F. A. HOYT & BRO.'S. ithiTNITY, Corner of TENTH Street. litarcatuth-Imit ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. 4. ELDRIDGE. '(OONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,' E. Coiner EIGHTH and CH.IIBIII4UT 11Fir Caiktomer Work made at short notice. - InitSl4m-if NEW PUBLICATIONS. F oR TWO DOLLARS!!!! ! ! ! ! ! THE ! ! ! ! ! 13 STEEL PORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS jailed in advance, first Impressions, now ready ; will be resimied tptart. free from creases. and the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD will be pent weekly for thirteen corresponding_ weeks to WoßrNar 6%. v, Ve. b cry It Ettirg i, B l Z N a ft . A. ap le-eatuth-3w NEW 'BOOKS AT 'HAZARD'S, 724 CHESTNUT STREET. NIADENIOIISBLIS MORI; a tale of Modern Rome. ° V/ v Att I gt ° ;ILIVISED ; Love Story. Dy Paul Si 11.411kTORY OF FRINGE, from the earliest re • eorded times to the outbreak of the great Revolution of IMO in , periods. Br Parke Godwin. Volume one, Oro. eloti, r • Ancient ClauV' 62. A V OYAGE DOWN THE AMOOR; with a land Journey though Siberia. he. II Perry fdoDonough Collins, Consul. One vol. 1.25. Tax PioNEKRS, PREAQH RS. AND PEOPLE OF TUs 8118818811 , 11 VALLEY. By William jlearr milburn. author of " Axe, and Saddlewge. sus. ILLVBPITQM AN DISCOVERERS IN SCIENCE Any THE USEFUL ARTS. Br John Timbe, F. EL A. Ono volume, c10th.25 rents. OLD LEAVED GATHERED FROM HOUSEHOLD W . Henry M11ie...1 NALOIXON THIRD IN ITAL .Br Mn. Brown " ll" lEKrumescivlll7i3E' 4 1 4 1" o t he author of tit r dsuirtly. Ve l e% Niptesnott the niukttErmailt relteke lonteitain inkeemunt o the war in India. Ha. Two volume., -ram* ofittaw cAROLINE FERTILE®, THE CIIRRI. TIAN WIPE. Coddeped from. the Life of Pride ri it Christopher mule& Dr Alxs. L., 0. Tuthill. .12nto, VI. • LIND VANS RoLrDA,T : Or, Shog i Talm for' he r e tirsez. r e author of Mamma 0 rim , limo, lANUAL FOIL NURSES AND ATTENDANTS iNI4ISPITAI,P, Br D.1,40hn Volvos. Illnto, 88 els. S. PUTNAM'S REOKI7 I ,IIOQK AND YOUNG HOUSEKEPTER'S ASSISTAN ,_ limo , Di cents. TON BIBLICAL REASON I HY. A Family tinkle for samara Readings, and a Band-Book for Biblical St e nd . With numerous Illustrations limo. 81. T E REASON WHY. General Solana. Halo, $l, ALTER ASIIWOOD. limo., SI. Fermate be ' • WILLIAM B. & ALFRED MARTIEN, PH Nn. 608 ORESTN UT street. MISS McKEEVER Q 'S.NEW BOOK I! ust at, THE WAY TO MI J A PIT. By Mums Harriet B. Me- A eever, AL v % 'JUST PUBLISHED, By the same sorer authoress, EDITH'S MINISTRY, one vol., Umo. Price SI, THE FLOUNCED ROBS, AND WHAT IT COST, iSmo., 10 Ota. SUNSHINE, or KATE VINTON. lemo. 76ota. LINDSAY it BLAKIISTOa, Publishers and Hoe tillers, SIZ South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ALL NEW IlGOks ars mimed se soon as published, at VERY LOW-PRICEB. spi ed, TO SAN FRANCISCO IN E I PIT' DAYS, BY THE CENTRAL OVERLAND CALIFORNIA • AND PIKE'S PEAK EXPRESS COMPANY. Vie courier of the Pony Express will leave ST. JO SEPH, Missouri:every. FRIDAY. carrying despatches only, ``which must • betn Oovernment-nampea enve lotabl and will run regularly Weekly thereafter. Telegraphio messages front all parte of the United States and Klanadaer, in commotion with the point of de ;minute, will be renewed up o 8 o'olook A. M. on the day of the departure of the P.xpresa. and transmitted over the Plaitervole and St. .Joseph telegraphto wire to San Pi mimeo and intermediate poits by the oonnect ingexpreme in EtURT 1)8418. The le ttere Will be de livered in Ban Francisco in TEN DAYS from the de tainers of the Express. POTIIOIII desiring to send telegraphic musses can do no by making application at any telegraph nem in the UllllOlll. Letters will be received tip. to two o'clock P. M. At 491 TENTH Street, Washington. D. 0.,_0n every MONDAY, and will be forwarded to the :prase of that week et St. Joseph Fell particulars tan be obtained on application to the agents of the company. • W. H. RUSSELL. President. Leavenworth City, Kansaa, March, / 8 6 0 . 05081 New York-1.11. SIMPBO.I4, Vice President. elidliEb i tc ALLEN, Agent, St. Louis. H.J.ollioago. Mir RA SIN, Ascot, St. Joseph, Mo. AOMONEEIMER, Agent, !O. 481 Tenth st e O,. , hipston. D. 0. le- tf NEW ENGRAVI.Ne S.—JAMES S. EARLE k SON are just in receipt of NEW EN GR AViNuS-az below,y,APpars on stook e a leNte ea sm tment of Prints, for Orman and Antique mating , . Catalogues on application. Savedrbt it Newfoundland Latiiseer , 515 00 There • 1 e in the Old Do 15 60 Benvenuto . Denizli at Moon ' tainblean....,..,. . .. Ender, 16 00 Latimer preaching at Bt. Veoige's Cross.... ....._.” . --- .Sir O. Haller, 15 01 The Removal= o f Resolute-if himpson, 15 0000 Rome-TheSoldier's Return.--. atom, 12 rhe May Dance... .- Intier. . / te The Wanderer ' sßeturn.-.- O'Neil, I on The Crown of (illory..-. ...... —• Le Jesus. 1 00 The Mother., . ~..-...... .Verbockhoven, 1 04) Morning pn ttiohliindi......... Roan Bonhenr, 1 00 Broken Vow.. - ~: --Calderon 1 CO The Approac h Yeah* ..Turner. M Contrition.._.,_.- .....—.l3rooha. 00 The fisherman' a Home. ...- - ..Brooks, 00 The Breakfast. ............Stookman ' 00 0 04 We the queen.... ...,... Ward. 00 Tas nets T H earth...-. ..... .......lankl a co The thepherdess„...............Pred. Taylor 00 The Welcome Shelter ............. Barrett, W Shakspaareitjslstudy-........F5ed, Milton inhieetuY.- Feed, W he Alahs° Lawde..- Fed, 00 Tho Welcome in before the Shower.-- - ..... .....Paed, 00 Beatrice Canal in Prig0n...........,8eranger, os The 'hoeing Leu0n................11ei1butb. 00 1 he Duel after tho 8a11.,...........Ger0me, W 00 Portrait of Boss. itenheur,--..Dabefe. Evangeline, (small,) ......Feed, W . . . .. DeDreux, 60 Pesos..... teiliiii . Racesi;sefotiiiii. - ........Kai5er, each i 80 The Morse Pair. femallb--...... Rosa, Bonheur 00 The Siesta, . email) ..___. ;Wwiterhutter. 20 The Speaking Likeness, (sman)...Schlesenur, 20 Tie couil..# Death ...- . - ytensb'dt Peale, t o T a:Rector • Ward..... -.........8arrY T e Mottierleu— as _.-,Barry T e ?doming 010ries..- - . .. ~...T.Such'n Read, i 00 Photographs-The Pasta Dar. • • - .• W Napoleon and Royal e........... . each r 60 La Belle Jardiniere, after Raphael....... • • ....., ... 00 The inunsoulate Uonceytton....,-- ..... ........ 00 Ls Belle Ohooolataire...... .90 Any of the aboVe, or anY other - Engravrrige, gen In safety by mail pre-linin. EARLES' GALLERIES. asa4-pt 1510 0112.8T1i1JT Street. ' JOSEPH LEA. NW. RR AND 1.90 CHESTNUT STRBEfi Invitee the attention of tho Tradti to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS, N ow hght and dark min tele, a great variety fro. MESSRS. SAM% SLATER & SONS, BUTTON MANUFACTURING CO., . MONTEBELLO cogrANy. TUE ATLANTIO CO.'S MOURNING, Inolnding many new standard Patterns, • NEAT BLACK & WRITES, PURPLES, LAY.'S, &e: BARONY & SHEPHERD PLAIDS, & SIDEDANDS, BLACK AND GRAYS, AND CHOICE DUSTER 8190..P.4. WOOLLENS. FANCY CIABEDMERES Had DOESKINS, A 0. ,, FROM 'ROOK COM., GLENDALE COM, NEW ENGLAND GM, GRAWFORb MILLS, EROOK• DALE AND'OXFORD MILLS. - EBERHARDT & BONS' i SUPXYGOR* BLADE 'DO 't S IN AND SILK dGE TURES. - Sstitiet . Pltkin and Pnritedor art colors and-4mill. ties; IC 0 , 114 , Jeans, Wills, 00Ide, Oaattnisrotte, Kopey'm • 'gbh comptislng one ca the beat samba to the °ma". - AMERICAN LINEN COM , OaMM, BUCKS, 011XSTINGS,i &c o , dap ~at ' " ItETAII, DRY GO coPc LADIES' DRESS TRIMMING& • NEW GOODS. AU the aew,atylea now 09011 , and oonstantli peoetviai every norsET. PLAITED CORDS, ALL COLORS, ' • ORNEE KNITTINO BALLS. EMBROIDERED CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. BEST QUALITY SHETLAND 'WOOL. , OILT BRAIDS, TASSELS, AND CORM RAPSON'S -TitIMMINGS AND. 22P11:711. STORE, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS. aps•sa. CLOTHS, CLOTHS., CASSIMERES. VESTINGS. An meortment or the above at SNODGRASS & STEELMAN'S No. 32 South SECOND Street, above CHESTNUT, Sir Also, PLAIN and STRIPED CLOTHS for LA , DIES' CLOAKS. ap7 *Ababa 1860. OPENING. 1860. . . THIS MORNING, AND DURING TRB WHIM SPRING MANTELETS AND NEGLIGE CLOAKS. - In Oust Variety, et the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR. mh1741 ' No. TOS CHESTNUT Street. t7R iNG GOOD —ES g 4 I O I have removed t°9ISCHESfNUTIE and offer for sale at their SHAWL COUNTER Blank Grenadine Bsrese Shawls. Do. silk Grenadine Shawls. Do. Barege Shawls, wain borders. Do. Barege Shawls. wool Triages. Do. All wool Therese Shawls Do. Enrage Shawls, quilled borders. Do. Barege Shawls, crap* bound. Do. Barege Shawls, ribbon borders. Do. Thibet Shawls.wool fringes. Do. Tnibet Shawls, bound. Do. Thibet Shawls, ribbon bound. Do. Thibet Shawls, oral's. borders. Do. Cashmere Shawl o. Mousseline de Laine Cashmeres, Also, 7 . 4 and 8 4 wide Thibets, Bang. and Crape Manua, for making Shawls. BLACK BAREGE MANTILLAS. Black Bilk Parasols. Black Silk enn Umbrellas. Black Canton ra^ hawls, SILK CSUIGVIR, Black Gros Grain Silks. • Do. Poult de Sole Silks. Do. Patent Boiled Silks. Do. Gros de Rhine Si lks. Do. Figured and Striped Silks. Do. Foulard Silks. Do Modes, Mareellfnes. Ltistrines, An. Gray and Purple Dress &Ike. Gray and Bleak Dress Silks. , • Parole and White Dress Silks. Black and Purple Dress Do. White neat Check Silks. Do. White mat Striped Silks. 'Do. White Foulard Silks. Do. Purple Foulard Silks. • Do. Whits Foulard Silks. Plain Lead Poulard Silks. Shepherd Check White and Black Silks. flay Gros Grain Silks. Black Canton Crape'. DRESS GOODS COUNTERS. Second Mourning Diced Poplins. Do. do. &Fla Popluis.. Do. do. criene Poplins. Do. do. Gaspe de liege. Do. do. graveling. Do. do. Madonnas. Do. do. Puritans. Do. do. Grandvills. n g o o: . fltrarjraatittt . Do. do. • Cheek Pins Motile Do. do. Bares. Anglais Do. do. ' Chene Mohair;. An. Blank and White Lawns and Organdies. Plain Slack Lawns and .Isconets. Black Barege Robeg, five and nine flounces. White Ground Lawns. lila.* and White Chall, Detains/. Pinto Black Cluilly Dolmas*. urnins Mousselints and Chintzes. lactig as BO Wh IZ n a a tO L UNTER. Bombazines, LuPin4 mete, Sionme . s.Botes, " do. do., deubleirßae. " " Teddies Cloths, - Chailies English 'Bombazines, Bombes ne finish Al._ . Mohair Lustros or Gla s sy Mmes. " Tammatans. &0.. Ac. BAREGI4 COUNTER. Black Cr . ape Morels, thise.suarters wide. " doable width. " " " yard and three - fourths wide. 4 4 two-varas wide. Blzok Bazeges, single and double widths. yard and three-quarters wide: " " two yards wide. Black Grenadine BfliOlient Black Silk Grenadines. Black Tainmarans. Black Crape Chally and Crave Tampiataus. Black Silk Mullins. Black Tamartines, Lupin'. make. Black All Wool or Camel's Hair Ravges. Reek Bareso Iferneni• And at the CRAPE AND COUNTER, HOSIERY AND COU NT ER N'TER, COLLAR Will be found every, description of Crapes. Veils, H nalish Hosiery: J.:emu's Gloves, Summer Gloves, Collar,, Sleeves, and Ws of al kinds I Mourning Bor • derail andkerchiefs. Crete Trimmings, Crape Rib bons, Fans, &o.- Re. BESSON de SON. Mournnr Store. No. 915 CHESTNUT Street. lt N. B.—Wholesale rooms on ssoond floor. VRENOH FANCY GOODS FROM THE •x: late large Auction Sales, at serf reduced rates. Mode Crape IPEspaug,2B cents. itish Colored Milinaise, %cents. Mode Batin Bar Denise", et rents. Satin Stripe Mode, High Colore,t 3n4 cent .. and Black Mau:miss. Now Style Bilk Striped Bare's", 25 rents. Grhotile Silk Poplins, 44 cents. Printed do.. ao Foulard (Wks and Chaim.. Richly Printed Satin Bar Barone& Parke Lowrie and Organdies. Lupin's All Wool Detainee. Gray Goode in every variety. Neat Mohair', . ka. A full stook of Stella Shawls. Barcelona, Caehmere FRIFNBS, and Thibet Shows FOR With thenavel stook of Cap Stu ff s, Book Muslin', and Handkerchiefs. • TA RLATANES. Ao. Black Silk Mantles Inst_from New York. CHARLES ADAMS SON, aolUstothtf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. PHILADELPHIA SPRING GOODS.- SR ARPLESS BROTHERS have received an ad mirable Stook of new fabrics, Travellenea ; such ea tualise and Camilla". Fancy Silks from auotion, below the cost of importation. Haedkerohiefs. Hosiery, Cravats, Embroideries. Plain colored. Black glossy +Oka, and neat Check". Gray Fopelines in every variety ; Chine and Plaid Organdies. Grenadine,. Lawnsjind Chintzes. Irish Nliirttg ui ri li n i gl u it i etbreers aeigieg Goods. Shawle. Clears. Laos and Silk Mantles.. • Goods fOr ' , nand"' Wear. gho9 Goode, Bolting Cloths. aplO C OOPER & CONARD Invite attention to the largest stook they have ever ofered, comprising. in part, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS ' Of Plain, Striped, and Mixed Clothe. all of the new est patterns and material. got up in the moat ELEGANT AND ARTISTIC MANNER, and to sell at very reasonable rates. , erfAC AtANTLES are in proportion. and will be ready in a few days. LACE POINTS A A ND MANTLES. o MEN'S AND EATS' WEAR, Embracing the followinit, viz: A tint - rate $3 Black Cloth. Blank Cloths of superiowait,' for $l.OO. Finer g ra des of BLAC K Mixtures, FINE DOESKINS. Fancy Cassimetes for young gents. • Ears' wear Ingreat variety, MORT CLOAKING' CLOTHS, First rate, at 51,26; betterrs, 51.00 and ra. MO ER Es CONARD, ep7 S. E. NIP' R and MARKET Sts. rIPHORALEY MISM, SLLKN, A. MP rpeolal attention to their Stook ot— _ _ SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS. CLOTH DUSTERS. BILE MA NTLES. BARGE SUGLAI DUSTERS AND DRESSES. edso,_to the Rtohest Stook in Philadelphia, of— Frenoh Lace Spumous. French Lace Pianolemming. . Fre N h il j qi c tri El e g =is. French anon Leon Poi. French Lace Manti s. • French Lace Tedrow Cambria Lases. Mantilla Laces. &0.. BOUGHT FOR CASH ! • We Invite attention to our Staple Goode, viz Beat Family and Fronting Linens. Best Shirtins, Sheeting , and Pillow Muslin. Spring and Bummer Flannels and Cassimeres. Mixed Cloths, Black French Cloths. 10„ &a. Best Rid Gloves, Silk Gloves. Rosary, Linen, fiend kerohiefe,_gcm. lam Northeast corner EIGHTH. and. SPRING GARDEN mh24 THE" - HARRISON BUILDINGS." SHARPLESS BROTHERS Are offering, at Retail and Wll°lBlslo, THEIR lINTIIIt STOCK OP , • STELLA BRAWLS, At O REednoSon (If 30 , _per emiSTREETS • MPNING CLOAKS AND MANTLIS!- ' , 7' B. V. It. HUNTER his now open at Ma new store, No, 40 South ttECOND Street, a handeome amortineu of Silk and Lace Mantillas, with , a general stook of Stacie. and Fancy Pry Goode; among which will be found a varieo' of cheap Foulard and other Bilks, to which he invites the attention of las old customers and friends, R.—Summer Silks as low as 3734 cents; also, Ts martinea and nine-flounced Dame Robes. spin- ot* No. 40 South SECOND Street. DRY, GOODS, ADAPTED TO PUMA. DELPHI?. PLAIN TRADE.—EYRE k' LAN= DELL, FOURTH and ARCH Streets. have this season. As nail, A stook cif Gonda (IN ADDITION TO 'MEM GAY STYLE') of the first quality, end neater desert'' , lion., ruiepted to • ' Pit iLADELPIIIA PLAIN TASTE. ' Very neat Foulards. Ifint U t'grcr Viels_V,Tat e. ' , . . . Elabdeed Coloreo silks. _ • Non-committal Lawns. • r . Restrained- Style Calicoes. " : - Aode Colored Silk Shawls. Pagt and Neat Casteneres. Plain .MR4. Gloves, Edit's, lco. ' - aell-tf TRISH LINRNs.--L A fresh invoice of Bli1Rg? NO LINENS direct from the manufac turers, KICHAItDBON, BONS, & 19WDEN, of Bellekt, reneived, I 'Thep! , Geode are Weir:ldea - exptettly for our remit', trade, mud are guarantied free from any %dm' xlure of Cotton. PERKINS & spf • - • • 9 South NINTH Street, POPULAR TRADE. - la RETAIL • SALES.—EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH and AROR Streets. nave this meneon made it a Point to have Isteek of Goode of the firat quality, and of the most de cided good taste. - - ADAPTED TO CITY SALES. litoh - est Spring Sillot , Masnifioent Flounced Robes. - Ltttie Flounces. and many of them. Orsnadinesolober then ordinary. Organdies. /tame'. and Foulards. The n lalaekr ;We Swing Femme. gleck ilk new shape Mantle, dtell Polute SWUM. Op, 1104-tf WANTS. (WANTRD—A Retail Book and Station. , ' eri Stara &int &iced bailie**. AddreesAds" finz location and earteutars, Bookstore,. Press (2f , Hoe. • IS WANTED BY AN pg.. 1 ,000 VtNTOR to iattednoo en important taebuteJuat Patented. A liberal erressement will he made. None buts gentleman of respectability, litho has the money, needanrwer. Address, with nal awns., Brutus," rh Haim/ibis P. 0, - it* FOE 'ALE • AND. TO LET. FOR - .RENT ;Oit SALE—Twi) pretty Cottages. Stabkos. eto.. four Pules north-of flerampt and vino streets. Tea rooms and halt acre tote soon. City property' taken ia Wirt valment.• Aka, beadsopa Cottage WWII' one to five acres, P. S M ITH _OM South SIXTH street, (second story.) sal-1.1% POE SALE.—Thiity Acres of high, bean -IL" tiful land. two .mites nortlt of the Second street pavements. near a new and handsome settlement: Per sons desirous ;of building's first-oleas country seat or purchasing.ya spsoulatien. will find hers a rare oppor tunity. To improves it will be diVitted into lots of froin one to five acres, pa able in NM instatimente, or City preperty billion in part garment. •It passenger railroad will_prormblv loon within tWo waren. Apply_ to B. F. SMITH. Mi south SIXTH street. aplt-Mt poR SALE—A new Cylindrical' Steam - 11 : e feet diameter. Z 4 feet Ion& maser of tro best mete., in thig city. Address . Box 1107 Poet Office. &j OR SALE—A profitable Manufacturing guineas, capable of !ergo extension. A fine op-' eortonitp for an aottve busmen man with a oapital of fly, or atx thousand dollars, Address Box 110 T Post= Office. I L . , ap-148t* IR FOR STATIONERY STORE F u BALE, in a good losation, and doing a good boat nese; moderato capital ragweed. Put of the purchase -111012.• can !amain on time. Address Bookatere,". Box 92 Philadelphia Port Office. avian" dm FOR SAL -A HANDSOME PRO PF.RTY. In Germantown. within • few minutes walk of the depot. Fine gardenonth bog-beds. Abun dance of Fruit—Grapes, and plenty of shade. Nona Rouse ; gee end water throughout. Hieing Stable. Large Lawn. Teime very aeaommodatine, and poweesion eiveti when reamed. Apply to .11 B. COWBOYS. ard2-if • at the Philadelphia , Bank. ' DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. FRENCH DRESS GOODS. JOSHUA L. DAILY MIMS ATTRITION A SUPERB ii3BORTMBNT OF FRENCH DRESS GOODS, Inolading PRINTED BARE° SE, SATIN PLAID HARBOR% HIGH COLORED BAREGNS, BLACK AND MODE BARBEE% BLACK TAMERTINES, MOH COLORED TAMERTINES, MODE TAMERTINBL BLACK•AND MODE CRAPE, D'ESPAONE, HIGH COLORED CRAPE D'ISPANO. PRINTED CHALLE% j ELEGANT PLORIDIENNES, GRENADINE BAREGES. MOUSSELINE DE CHENES, CHINTZ MOUSSELINE% CRAPE MARETZ. PRINTED AND PLAIN DE LAINRS. BLACK AND MODE DE LAMES, LAWNS AND ORGANDIES, FOULARD BILXS, BLACK. OROS DR RHINE% BLACK. TAFFETAS, Prom the grist AUCTION SALES. TO OPEN TRW DAY NO. 213 MARKET ST. apl.2-tf TERRY, PRICE, a CO., 136 S MARKET STR.F.HT, IMPOITZRII AID JOS 8888 ON CLOTHS, CASSIMERHS, ko., Have now on hand a large sod well-aeleeted stook, whloh they are prepared to sell at the lowest market rrieee. mha-Sm A . W. LITTLE & C 30.. SILK, GOODS. No. 826 MARKET STREET. Wan JAS.R,CAMPBELL & CO.. INIPORTERII AND WIIOLNILLK 1:1111.1R1 111 DRY GOODS. LINSNS, WHITS GOODS, OLOTHS, OASSISDIMS, BLANKETS, SWIM GOODS, Ao. No. VV CHESTNUT &root WALES BY AUCTION. 5 a BAZAAR, NINTH AND,SANSOM arrassTm. LARGE AND ATTRACTIV S E . SALE OF HORSES. VEHICLE &a. On Satipday Morning. At 70 ciaJoek. comprialtiEs. Also. • large collection of desirable new and second hand Demeans, Wagons. he. Atimoingle and double Haman, Saddlee, Bridles!. &o. VW — poettionement an account of the weather. W The largest collection of light Carriages in the city may be seen at this Astalishrnent. at Private Sale. - _ ALFRED M. NERKNESS. Auctioneer. •vlf St if BALTIMORE. rIIRIISTEE'S SALE OF THE "GREEN .Z. LAWN" FARM, IN RARFORD COUNTY. Mo. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Balti more city, the undersigned, trustee, will offer at public sale ,on the organises, at 2 o'olock F. M., on THURS DAY, the 19th day of April, SSP, TILE 14 'ORLY 'VALUABLE FA.= of the late FA ward Diffenderfer, lying in Barford county about five Wes from Ferryman's station, on the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad. and on the public road from thence to Chnrchville, about four miles from Belair,and one from Earford Furnace. The farm contains about MS ACRES OF RICE LAND, in miry Oteh state of cu ltivation; about 90 agree are heavily timbered. 'rho improvements are a LARGE AND COMMODIOUS TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING., containin g ton or twelve rooms ; large NwITRER BARN. STABLES, and ttARRACKS SMOKE-ROME, and a number of other Oat-Erases ; and are altrirether of a superior kind. The farm is laid off into CONVENIENT FIE i.DP. everyone of which is well gospiied with water. The fencing ur very good. a great portion of it being new board and post-and-rail fencing, The Lawn is ornamented with about RV DWARF FRUIT TREES, of choice varieties, in bearing condi tion. The location is one of the most healthy in the State. The land lies beautifully; and, in short, the farm is One of the best improved, most productive, and wet desirable estates in Harked connty. The title is indisputable. The premises will be shown by the family residing on them. Terms of sale are: One-third nagh on day of sale, the balance in equal instalments in one and two years thereafter. the credit payments to bear interest from the day errata, and to be secured with the parehaser's notes, endorsed to the trustee's satisfaction. E. HEINER. Trustee, SAME,. pr,povut. Auctioneer, Se BALTIMORE Bt., Baltimore. INSURANCE COMPANIES. driIINTON COUNTY . LIFE AND GENE 1W INSURANCE COMPANY, PLATTSBURG..MISSOGRI. M i utated n IBo.—Authonned Genital, SIOO,OM. DIRICTOIS H. Whittingtoit, Winslow Turner k T. It Bradley, Oeoree W. Culsrer, E. w Ja k ar r a rtiv . B o ir i es k .tr ms, I. N. HOCKADAY, Sao. and Trana. Special attention paid to Colieottona, and Money romptly remitted 33unineseinlunted. addia-ant. THE EN TERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY , OF FIIIIJDEIRKEIL (FIRE INSURAIME EROLUPIVELY.) COMP BULLRING. Si W. UMBRA u ATM ,ANG NALAUT STRIATE. DIRECTORS. P. RATCHIPORD STAI/1. fORTAWAI L. Dswsos. WILLIAM dlaltis, so. 11, MTUAIT. ALEIIO FILAZIHR, 4.O)IN H. Bsows, Join hi. CIWOOD, IL A. Fsztossrosx. .BENZ. T. NDICX. 4,ADRIVNI D. CAIN, * MUMMY WMARIN J. L.IaIMAGER.. ..gA_TCHFORD STARR, Preadent. CHARLES W. Bowels's. felt lr T4IAKE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNIIT Street, FHILADELIMIA. INCORPORATEDPW APRIL NSYLVANLA ISA BY Tall STATE OP CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISE& Sainuel Wrisht. DULlC7 ll o . lfl t. Simi, Wm. W. Waiters,J. W. EvOrmeil. , Chu. Riajtardson tau W. kewts, Jr.. . r At. w et. seob Stmt. ilsutsvis, ran Morns. 'heel. El. artin enko Stem GEXPRG I V W. Ufa, Preedast. JONAT AN_J SLOCUM. Visa Pres't. WII.LIANS I. BLANC:IOdt% ammeters. isat -tf TTLE MUTUAL LIFE MURANO/ COMPANY OP NEW YORX, Ams: ISLX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, Miriamlrma O VE R ON SW. NONANN, WORTH OVER DISAOo,O4. . The premiums are Lauren than in many Otheioolllll4. Mei, and the Thvidends hare been enissualt. S i too sa kh rn eld i e ti rs T , so Mv tra il talllTA l o l TY . Hs macaw TO THE !NMI% pamptdal, and Om' Odowastion, may be led cum., on malloW , , . F. oIDFOEH DIM= 19. W. comer FO /TN awl W . PHILADELPHIA HEygylioED , : Il l h o o e r i lltbiz t s, . , Jo et is e ll in.... r, t 0 RIIT n"d n Viit.,l2l-74, oseph Patterson, thaw C. Ludwig. oho H. Atwood, Ardor 6} Coffin, MkOman H. POWIIIIII, George W. Toland. Wiumm MoNse. .- • Thos. WilMan.nlPlyll• MEDICINAL. INDIGESTION -DYSPEPSIA. EMIT'S DIGESTIVE. git . purely Vegetable preparation , reliable and malefic tory. It strengthen' the stomach, Styes ease to Watt throu. bout the body. reinvigerating_ the whole system. In a short time it will sweeten an offensive breath, and wdl effectually destroy worms by removing all impure matter that creates them. Sole manufacturer andpro prietor. E. HART. Sold, also, by W. HODGbON. N. E. corner of TENTH and ARCH, and other Druggists throughout the city end country apt M. JEST INDIAN BITTERS.—Thego cele brated Bitters are meeting with general favor They miter abet:tally and permanently mare all disor der. Miffing out of a want of proper tone aed healthful action of the digestive organ.. They are Metal "4M mended by the faculty of theont:opal cities of the 'United eltotee end Europe for the BPIOOII7 Ou l lot Dye perms, laver Complaint. Nervous Debility, ever &Rd Agueko. THOMpos F. WRAP Y. Primmest Agent. rata: l 4lm S. W. corner SIXTH and SPRUCE. Streets. ST. LAWRENCE ROTEL, BROADWAY KY and EIGHTH S treet, NEW TORlC n oae_h_l above the bi. 1 :Rotel. This new and cioniniod_tons HoWienow open for the reoeption of pints. ant wu he tontnatad exollialyely on the European plan ,n. tonnunsat of bwiirens hotel, in this portion or the etty, has 01dt/eat the proprietor to establish the primed on the following liberal stale: Single l'oolll l 6 BO cents per del ; co gs .; enitee, aim. Wth thorough knowletke o Vie tum ileac and sir of attention to the wane or every guest, I hope to resolve a hberiashare_ollob farm 01144* J. A. woo Mi rrsipietor. Al IUSENEN'I`II. INA ITGUR A T,101+7 1411 OF Ifilg " GARDE LiirAYVlTei"4, ,he tuttosili BUILDING. RACE strett,tolow mip,h , FRIDAY RVENTNG, Arra fo, ma. • - Mogan of Cormorant - • CAPT. JOSEPH AfLVßAbirkir),T. Lieut. EDW. GROTrai l i, tit. A n i e. NO - PoOl.of dr i : o g oTitoor:7E., Tickets esa be obtomee of Memo. foto Then*, MI cionoonoo, ammo; Woos; nt ,RoulA Footth mama.; Edw. Christman. FOS Cbtateut goat ; Edw.& ims. mei. Ha Forth Fourth Street. . - WALNUT-STREET .TREATRE ~. Mi • Xo4 Lees —..:-..Dlra. lir. A. DeltitETTSoll «.11 , 41 - - - ! -- " -- ,,, - ;_ : ;:strAti:tiii AIMS HERON'S . . .s ir.RLL ,TOot_AllelYW. THIS (SATURDAY) SYR:NM% 'ADM 24 : kit • LISBIA. -•- • • Oreeolo, Mr. Wanda; ThVof ice. Air. Jola = V r i , l ir„-;,,, l l 7 arli mi „Mr. young ; tilsa.a- BOBiriiII,I3..AND WinGTAILB.--`:, Mr. llobtaitagt. Balms • la„ wagtail, Sir: gletrPir ; Jage°l4", Mil s Mill"' 412 . Wagtail, MN. Perri.. Prioenaa usual &lore open at 7 o'clock; Caftan vitt rim; sg hai sant Y. - - WHEATLEY 4k CLARKE'S ARCH EMERYeinti&ET THEATIE.—TIIIS EVENING adul VENING. THE ROMANCE OF A POOR XOCING MAN! - THE ROMANCE OP A. POUR Yol,mo - TRE ROpcz OF A POOR Nouse THE AO CE OF A POOR YOUNG X AN THE RU ANON OP A POOR -YOUNG IRANI THE ROMANCE OP A POOR YOUNG MAN: THE ROMANCE OF A P- OR YOUNG M.A. , : THE ROMANCE OP A POOR YOUNG MAN k - Seats secured six days In adrents. - 1V AT lON AL . THEATRW—WALNITX STREET ,Above EIGHTH. - THIRD NIGHT OF THE • IIiSMIA.TION" SEASON. THIS (SATUADAYPETSNING, Arra 14, Third appearatmer movers Team oI HOS NA Roweßp.. - - wbc. reeent per *menace In the pnnenriti Seeker& °Mee have won for her the proud title or** QUEEN M S r TAR OF THES. SOUTH: HOME PICTURES OF T NORTH AH. W4TKIN - • ND SOUTH. Dramatised OE arltins, from the -11IDD,Fx HARD. &MINA Mr. 00581 N. ' .. es. . . . ......HO ICKRU.. PRIdIsS OF /dilliiESlONr-iir . e . aii Orate, as ate.; Second Tier and Gallery. ta ay.; Colored - boxes. Etta. Orehestra meant, lop . o Santa etrouted..ll% 01 4,4 11 00 4 DIVS. Circle without extra charge. 1:103NIcs 'LVAJNIA. ACADEMY OP THE 111. FIRS ARTS. leas CHESTNUT STREET. ¶ls orni DAILY, 4 8 C 11414 311 OrkeePUXl.) Dela 9 A.H. tine P. H. 1 1 9.utrzn—The Tenth ?Ails of Urbit. Mersa "'Wicks." of Pirassess. r • Admurios 1f ,oNp3s. illitivrn under 23 yews bill 311100. Share, of ' " d5-tf CZENERAI. - - DREW JACK IN. EE '%-i+ PORE JUDGE BALL. stultainine the Dna of hut Country' as ha had defended her Liberties the WHIP) H. EARIX & BON Wi f il omen for kshibition TT.IRSDAY. C.Boinumleekivotrivtiare of CVSNER.Ab JACKSON PISFORE JUDGE New Orleans. 133. - °ordain in numerous Interietine authentic Portrait! , carerully collected lected by Mr. C. J. fledeatorz. the ompnetor of the Pieture. GALL - 4111E4. p a tune. sl6 pkiEBTX UT Street. LLALAST WEEK OP SIGNOR BLITZ.- TEMPLE OF WONDFRR. TENTH AND ABCH ESTN E IT BTREETB. LT WE - • of the Wonderful LiteAlcisell eetrikyeist - LABT WERE of the Learned Veeavyff peerkeeroblyy, and astornstang o_X • EExhibitionevery EVENOIti,. emouneeoi9g et 711 o'clock. and WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY APTERNOONI3.I at x o'clock. Admissdon f cents. Children lleents. • tf .MoDONOWIRDIP.S GAIETINS— RAGE St., /Jet bew BTAGB IoMANATHGER.tik iroF. .. :XERNANDEZ. ENGAIIk -moo ! Colelwated FELIX CARLO BALLETiIIiONTLE,__ The above Troapesill a p pear EvARY viENT, They me the most wonderful performers !imag o d Wore received on Eateries evening with- the mast es thurumnlo applause. HERNANDEZ I And the talented Company appear. Ult aPPOS"V- 06 THE MaCAHTF TWENTY-8E YAW F -RFO RS. - GERISMNIA OROHESTRA.— PubIic Re hearses ever/ BATilikpAY. at MIMI HAW,. at SKLYotooit P. m. Zoketa to taitin, udra's, and Book & Lawton's Motto Btonta, aat , at tie door. .1.21 -ma qTEINWAY & SON'S NEW PATENT OVERSTRUNG GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE GRAND, .AD SQUARE PIANOS. 111,0411U13,SSUTHER, ate CHESTNUT Street. The appended cord, copied from the New York Rem ins Post. demonstrates oorieluaisely the hich eetnmatioa in which these places are held by tee first artists of New York, who, though desirous of exhibiting their skill, preferred martyrdom to the esertfine of pnactuite ; [CARD.] TEE 01AND FESTIVAL 111SESITT AT TIES ACADIIXT Of _ At the concert on Saturday evening, Mr. Rater ap peared before the certain. Ca O it t Mr. Mills tad refused to Vey his cola, because the tticlowing pier.* provided by the management of the Academy int as ce The n Vvtsi t h .fat business =n s i e p t l ) y d ter: 4 Vie u t r inde r signed were .seeli to have played a solo. They had /e -looted a Steinway grand PUMP for the purpose, and Ws instrument was afterwards sent up tothpon, the Aoarlemy of Music, toned. placed on the stage, and wads ready fur use in all respects. , The public should know that in every city of the world. it 11 customary that artists select the instrument whish tarp think best calculated to display their Patron- al the Aeadenty, however, a different rule provadg, ead they emit seems. coiossZard to play only on what the managers choose to yeinist. At the teat moment, we were told that we must conform to this rule or not pity at all. We preferred the latter alternative, not one el disrespect to the public , but because we Wt that we could not civethe satisfaction we wished to give if we Played en strange instmineet. If there had bees no other piano at the Academy, the ease might have been different ; but, with the istrirommir lee wanted &afore oor awe, the retrial to perm itit to be Pilied upon seemed like a deliberate effort to plum e& la a disad vantageous light before the puldie W . roEiiisox xcavFa. W .MIA L e malt-stuthlilt) - S. R. AMIS. BOARDING. PRIVATE' BOARDING.—Ver y superior •••• accommodations cue be had mg nee or tie most delightfal locations in the city—neighborhood o( :thir teenth sad Walnut streets. an entire ems.. with to trims and din i ng r o om on first door, all communica ting. with elegant b-M•roonts. wit! be let to a party of gentlemen, with breakfast and tee only. if desired, or to families, to or eeparate. Unexceptionable re ferences required. Ms homes. for beauty and con veniences. have no superior in Philedelehis. Carnes preferring to-furnish tan do so. Please address "K. L.." Press Offme. 414-12t* BOARDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR the summer months at a pleasant farm bones to Chester count,. within a abort durance of the railroad. References given ana retpired. Applr at SEI SAN SONE Street. above tIORTIL apt]-6t• PERSONAL. OR EIIROPE.—Having been appointed ' Agents for WAS. WILLIAMS & CO.'aTrawal lsatio Express• we ere now preptred to reoai►e Fat - dour, PACKAPF, For all parts of Extrope and Ass, e•_ prtoss napress dented in this city. OAKM AN & apE•Sm N 0.15 South FIFTR Street. EDUCATIONAL. V A°AI 'CIES UPON THE BOOKS OF "AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITI.ITE."—In Southern Female College I October), Professor Natural Sciences and Mathematics; salary, 411.1X0 per 9 months seation. Same Insiiintion, superior French and Musics Teacher, (Lady ;J salary. am Professor Latin and Greek, in Northern College. (Episcopalian./ Classical Teacher for first-class Boarding SchooL Three Pnoct pals for Academies; Teo for Public Schools. Lady for Engliatt branches and hfosio, in Texas; one for Ches ter coenty_; another for Philadelphia oorinty. Several superior Female Teachers of French Mum ; Teacher of Drawing. Parting, and Prormanshipefor female College. A young Man, aa English Assistant in Classi cal Academy. riliTlCE.—First-clase Teachers, efiectinn to make changes at the end of the present school year, are cor dially invited to make known their willies early. SMITH, WOODMAN. k CO.. 609 CHHITNUT. AYOUNG I /iDY, having a good Engliah education, offers her. services as Governess or Teacher in a private ferrule, References given and required. Address ItLiZABIiTH, °dace of The EMI. SP.IO 6t. REMOVALS. EMOVAL.—SMITH, ENGLISH, CO. have removed- from N 0.4 0 to No. 23 North SIXTH Street, nearly opposite them former ;mation s and directly opposite the City Bank. apl2-3t REMOVAL. R. & G. A. WRIGHT Inform tbeir.trieade that they are BOW losstel ia their new and spacious bulb:liar. No. t 24 CASZVENLT Street, where their increased facilities wit enable them to add fresh inducements to the Trade to visit their new mi tablashment. - We . have opened o_ur NEW STORE with en in creased variety of DRUGGIST'S .aRTIoLEtt. to which branctief oar hnsinees we intend to devote particular attention. having made arrangements in Europe to be supplied with all specialities and novelties as they ap pear Our . PERFUMERY DEPARTMENT will continue to receive our best attention, and we amnia oar friends that no exertion will be wanting to produce, as hereto fore, a variety of new, elegant, and exiceosful design' every season. the !virility remaining unrivaled. Sincerely thanking all our customers for tneir kind Patronage, we hope to offer new inducements for its cont•nuanoe. R. & G . A. WRIGHT. Apnl9, 1360. apl6-Imif J . E. KNORR & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, BRAN - DIES, GINS, WO., HAVE REMOVED rEOM 121. WALNUT IT., AND ill GRANTEE ST., TO 631 MARKET STREET. Pour doors bilow SEVENTH. north side. rol7o-1m 1141310 VAL.---SMALL Zs CHANDLER, WE GROC.E.IIF. have removed fora :t a N ,r, :rth SECONDr ti at e rnet, to UN AIAREET Strat, BAKES' RENOVATOR, FOR CLEANSING KID GLOVES, AND Removing Greece sad Stains from Silks, Sanisra. Mai ne, Carpets. Wall Paper, Ica. WITHOUT INJURING THE MET DELICATE COLORS. LUSTRE, OR TEXTURE. Pon sole, Wholesale and Retail, by EDWARD PARRISH. No. SOO ARCH Stmt. spll-elif CABBIAGFZE3. and by DRUGGISTS generally OP PIM RANIIIIOWOIII OP WILLIAM D. ROGERS. Azrosj.TOßT, No. 1009 CHESTNUT STREET. Nteloll, VBRISTYR LIMPID BLACK WRITING INK.—This Ink flows free), does not olog to the pfna. and is of a twevitifni. pennaneot black color. CHRISTY'S BLIM-BIJACK WRITING FLUID—Of a greenish-blue +vier when with. of akikaging to a deep end ram:tent black, especially "aI t rIATIrM A'agfit . may be relied upon at au times to glee a clear sad rpf . end le fir from an rust, appearance. be arltl ' 8 6 / 1 1 M e k PriN — AeaPted to - COMM 04 a / In dirkYOY l TßigittlnlANX BOOKF.-4remium awarded by the Franklin Institute. WhL M. CUBISM 137 tomb TIMID Strip t. Btalioaer and Blank. boo 4 ?daunts° turer apil-thalt tu