The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 12, 1860, Image 4
_ - iFikW t ,A,t2: : *,'T:Z 5 17,1 0 0 14. : " 74 1 : 111 T - 0: - H 1 W$ 7111426111 ., ' - f*.' VA' .* ^ • 1 '; :P ir t .1.. 415 ; 1 V 11' frW' tif 7 . 4 , 41 _ ''' c,41;. , , ' - ' 611 " 011 . 1 - 1 ,00/ I li i=Vi ' '4 o , , „ .-'-' .--- . , ~,,.„, ' . . kit,- •11*. ' a, ' . Iv o__ ,c,.z,„,..-.......,. ....,,....., ~ - ~ , 4*, 4.limusik . • 1a" 4 ,, i , ii ., - se, latiorve.o. .. , 01..0 -‘-- i m o il t lia. ~..,,,,r3 =.17 - 4,.; . -'• 4 4 1 - 4 1 0 4* or . lizt or ".' • ' : \ , 610 , 0 ,4 ast• tartilitkithaiii , - 1 4+ 1 11 41 itill 11104 0 4tiali- -14 1 . r. ,_ _ , , :: . • , ..,riek . . , si a , udf. , by a l w o are 4 arlioeillnip ItheSTke i lpslitrfori by slim* , al* gotthairt :11theV.agry: Woisig - 1 * ko 6 ° I! It , 4:- . taiiiillnacery oi .!flair:7 l :lloVP , 11 .2 iii, dny l •'- ' - , ' "/V4l Mia l rill -l arar, lid blintellartntioW , o-gag- stair et Res`. tarl '' '• , d - - Ifelitredl*Wel."4 IP" „ n et` itni - 1 4 Pol • illiittrirS2rIP s llO - 11 11 1Y1 ,* lolgtintji . ar,ti** 04, . ~011 0 , . ,L 9 61 - 0 ;) poor-woe itle_atiralC ‘. ,o-, , ~ ..;, ... 0 1711 8"4 404 . ispr - 0 11,4 111"1 1011 41"ila ilols.: IS* 044141* It Matesthi liS+ L itprEl s vit ten o t i l . -11e , b*misitlVtlegtellt' *wit, 'Ai' the - amonar,'-10+1 ' thisdly.apPOl liklitiljt,'lMftlic . am =o,tioseiowbi-kho•iithoor . ...gio - Jai ~ ,,,, “ walso biews4away.l 00, 1 7 Imo 1 0.14 1 . 1 i wtib I *U 9iSi L iVria!W - .Om ''''. Bl also se .- llitt V4Ol ,and th ere, II abelakt. OW. •104 1 t*PW , •9 14 Pd ' +harp. orersoWc novo, sad good : 4 ~.. :5. „„ wm05t ,,, ,1a 5 i,z7 , 0. ,,,„ , , .. , ;...44.7,...m.,upti."._..,._ ..*7. 11 11/ 1 1 , 1 114 synths meow' ne . w 111 ~ • 1 4 11 .1r 3 . 11 b 4 0 1 f Vristottltbeelatito' cud 1 1 /001 , 101... r ialallir t iei temb W eld mi lbsif.theuti r iliaiiiiiiiiedeelir - Hort- Th•hlontiOtilter**lttati at le, there i • ni• c't maid. 4 " All Sathili.nerado the* 5 its 141111611' in** iii, totholaiSa jinn ilmu., 'Within, gesiminthrowthrlit Ina eet wipOom he can Ind say ottimhstioiot of No •; olltiailflY tbeearishtehalettleared its ooesitnet tar therms notheekliminetthet Ith W.: , ISM oftherz'plouser ammo( Cal been lens, -wens mane we - - big &no gait for 101111.150 palm hods, to make * littlermore boul; . , thistlit teragrems,i t sumegar. ,l t ,,, I tlcatritaltilie VS.:Wad say that the "Me li,of lit ,fiat to far taterktat pro. ' ' Witham arty other: , Of Rosalie' ilis tit*g r yPr',,tt OV, fiCittid, to, „..*: it r silt° -Net. r,-; - am atorthe sr; • t / tent.... l dare not vOttoh - fer'tbelt. , Sow_ . people wr It Si prob•by i erth'idnttotit '' • ' '', .-Itext manes thil.c.k, ii',l?, , Atiebifit4 t i lli fait to the, emilesedas , lll. au,' and 4:160 feet to the -101164541111Weallitkaittrld(ITiet Vs ; Oil'mirth in futmejTbiriviiiet lei• sit a oidArt i of ;she•°Mr not ions airo t .4,. .be , thong rew,ths ,Pg.thi, pare pitvp , l4,4* t4.-- - - - -Ilkirtzl*:talottlA 3 r taw Oohed or. Dow out, and put *On hafte,,,that will WA tomr *lt ritroseVaif lintarl. o ll4thineof lath Thai Ware 41/15 1 .11 WAlgt -1 1 1 lbr dleTat•loll,Y WINO. a ' Me and Whew Wei an Maw extant thstimre ow , Ithrirtterittol for W a rm. • ~ 7 4 ,, i , •s , ••-- ' ' 44 444 W.. ikil t r**lt= CAL!* k iliiie • his i rni fr • Wiwi .91110. 1 .4 la *Neil A11i1....g.: 2 0+; • ' • tete/kale in 1 theitthitethmiterimainow teleit.theet, and .tail* lltt=w+lll timber, cam lobed it - 4 - If te ogalli i , oi . 1 /1 1 7. ~.z.....• . I"litt itc fil • "I‘jr - Vat' neW[lo4l.lamt•testioartr" 1, Sila, 'wok 1 imeMildittltansa; • -rt. t 0 1 4 4 V : 4 1 4 + 11 . 4 rl i a t Taft. Om* Aro4)7t 1 ' ittoe.% .. !JT , Oaill' ,, W ial *AL 40%.*** for • milthlsolk berth mot sant of : tir*oldieas mien; Pr' Meta '„It 13 1, 1"....1101111117 math 'AC Menet 0 WI mat• smaMlthill onaliblilikrea - id that • ii..4.loo o •led*oi'itro l, forgbaddlltielli mime : ' 9i rozg,, , wfrv."' , :cf . mopk ~.. i. o , it rTi•mf ' ;siviiikireaelisisimeissi ruled for the past leerdersAwitsielt to the •oldrobrey" Markt, -te r %IWO to' 'heal 'ran the Ithaseis mine 1 .47.0 th 01411110 Fttlidgers ) . ground was 'apposed to 1 IssilMlbegisq7 , lllo.•shortas had bees' , swami eareJ r tu giv er t ‘ a . th° ;`ill, Wight' up the it ili C lit e" **arta 'am—say from IP to id par lett.•+. , Qra h mem nerieldemil ?Olt, . buy at emes titOyer tor:: c' -, -', ', •',,. .. . I,,lptiiketreie 46)Y,1it'.144 semi Abide% thai,*Mails; 'mes.."'noilthd.:%. + t ar, .. Mires ,/ , nal if troy , Reg. , - Sher sero hotir‘Safsfollythemit Oro Ilk Mb Or.b l l - 4IFAV;he Stltt Stilt he.; Via were 114thosaimItheth kilo oueemsgsay, soil ,/,* the . 4 + 1111 0 11 71 1 1 Z...71" . ' 11 . 111 .1 1 , 'IR* ea Mint iwitoppic or g ooTais% tle *ea ittlited,. lkiallaMtith:; art; or haT 0411Wata. = The shine'Cis, thlionorthow bin eselogs t wad - raiteothytharkok . Attit it Ir ak p ule sew s ,Allikttliglfftc_a*wilittio the i nit sag taken - ant.' The orapplage ars eery thantical, ' Ths Ledato,' the '“ Maisenotb," li of kin momprop..-2 Chaima,theoliesmos, ire held • at extraragant pytear.. , S ameorthe oldest pretheo ism ism, and oamenthof.thelargentomsenef sil ver had, in thh,"terlawy,, aim than lb rains hi fully wmal to '4lli '11,506 , 1' Cle111•;' Oil ilitAttlt • rery,laillas to bey ant ROO 'wee Sant. ere& Ware. ft_'th*oesd at 101. - Marais sons dillieelty oppre: , Ma imionard So thls.elalas. ; 4, ll le ea valnable. !leer there ...10114..t. all Imo" 1 01 /0":, s 0 a . ! id '' • 01, 1 - li l l . ll .lell l 'air l eallid:.rerr, In Th . %Orem" isteleatily,Ri-day.nt, Witt PM 41111erist sompFtdits Mind Ulm ;I'Clatais Mill4fig tll- thtlii name Ithati .por_rosants,'nettarytasila vial! f 5 1 1144 fot*hu ritl•Phitiol wicast itowitlYnihr Is ewe eldtheerf,proothowl hors than Me asgr blear iel,', vet As ntheismecto he 'ersh•imelbr, !qmseu.•ashi the speoltypt isitatt -9 ' 7, 'f'" ', A 147 4 4 41, w 1 t t r 41 01/ 11 Mt i =it e ir somposst guars+ Dr Raidith-theii:switt-, e ll• 7 whom' •The_goth to +4 swat, Tot it Ii plenty ' tklrd, 1 _,, 71 .11 11 .1 1 . _tit an ISt • ;;Atthereetilagarermrso r" alai. .N..M.r be wetkataidle tbaresairtests °near felithitleg, as thars4 *kr othanamdt , of water ' Tit :thaw - ars_thegjoromit Rtgob+ Weir talierri lii*Wir to:tbil O s4 2 4 l,l s Z ik r Wathee Lake, . 01 ralat.1 11 4 4 0 8 t ' ' rri another, from further oft • , . - 4 - ore is autism ended, mei s really imignid, iktot i tgask-,Spa.,;,lt materbs.lessihth, •• The plan , le thlt-' o ._ Whalllalethhithlaid Sat iionthfoer Moe from tar by 1410211,11117. Woks railroad trash io to, e laid mat that will sorry the mind WI "mitriAmilvil.ll l l o thil 11111,.and, whisk I. - very peyser'irthead. The company Iwo who taken up ibeetatorpower of Coma raver. and the volume Winger. with dm ries and fill +W111440 , from thirty Is tftylasarifMOW and llavo water to wash slaty +AMC Should Oh ;miss be; oar. -Wirlltzipeliill -- oftheriast wasysilimat iniderinklio th .- filth .",.--,- ,-, , -, f. Tar tehol,'l would my thit for men who MS! Ole sedwaltitthaintiWthey•nan And , employ smut Ism, and 'Sellers that the Maud woo l% of 41* lemitmly will Ray egial,, ifiet ersei+ Meal palmy days tdgold•illakap handillarads. im Mt --4', -a *.•, - 1 1.1, rwmantsuitipeagwo*Viiinwega owl N•4i . ": IY , rir,4 !Witt - 4 - I ,4 nnit"'"‘ • ..-.... -1 - " " 1. , ' •;:. .;- - "P-Y"- -"*.. ' - - • - nru'l=ar gri ll4l Pou - _ - --., .-, 7 , • , , , ',"'-',1.3 • . lira** •....7 - ,f '1 41 ~: ; . iniiipiii:;:';- ~.-;-= ',', wAiris ,-:" , ino, "• , " " ' viTs '4 "' i r. . , OAK . X2X...... - . 4. - 4' ilittxl2.: . . . vxesik-NOrILApr2 II 114 ii": Wt. trA M ITI ' LI - 74'. ..,101 1 4 ~ W'..,...,-.:, Mr York.. vorp;ol 3.: . ..../Ixnll4 ---, , - iiti11i0,~ Daa :. :2 ,.......... N 0z1a. raztston.Ar n ri) 1: z. -; XIXXX--;:: ixaSX- - sox - -•- same , .. XS pa :......, 3.:. ow Ypri=:.- XI t0w.:a... - .....tiveroonl:-Wirw Yqdr..,-;—.. hit "*.: 4,221•34:. . - z. -„ guentrtirgivattpw:)....l.74l7ril li „ . _ r, ,-.-• awa% "11 i lteNmai.milifizx Ytn",'Aili: - f-- '- ..110toitsra tevo Me***l4,* 'IP:=I44 I I II MM,—, ILLigi l 9. g.i' - if P.( i 1:1: : 14. E umbesr• 'imams ~n r., l nliz.Prq A , ' '• ll ' 1111,,:z . , ' ' Volom. toil ti •411=4 - --- • • - ---ast 4.c , 'V., , sons , , , to tha - - , i.- •:,......,.. - L.litao.,factairo. KM •14 a • .:-: *mi.. ~........ ~...,,,,k-tui,s ra, 110011 ,-- - • / 11 $ _r ' . . - non i ,lhOW: I i'iNa , „'• ~ :fit . ~~, - ;~<, _ 1 , VS: ' ~. , i Ml= /1111 ;.. - Iti vd r i MT* tor PU T 4 -- ; ..s'- ';" L4 - . '''' lips - Plat ioAloitiiiiifaiita ti;it' *1 , 14143 14 - 4 ih l 4Pt , 14 N . l 7 i '' ' t*.*::t.'irifiti: 7 l%4,.6i;M lklictiii i ditpi...,=iiiiigiiiiif4.:l4iiioil • zrtm.iN ..pplAffryo.toxu.. riot , _ i , : „„,=, , Is Virl iarjerrir,fpl a itl itetl= sies Gyt dirr ar " l"7sl - , i1 , - 14 !fi!.. 6r #P I ' 7o l 1 -- 1 -'•'.';'',': , • ';--. ,_ 4itti....tiy4iivisialvii . Pl.lbB o llll ~ Siligrii NolaTtreaZrei , 11 ,, 1s rol'Xiirir=l44=4.l, hi l a s : 5.,4" 4142 .. .1ira1iti, 4 1 P ri 6 14 o • , a Vkik _took he _aaaartara far......un- i ie . ire*" ..r? all. ' ' '-' -"" ilik*AX;DitireOtOD S. ill.CitHt), CLOTHS, • ClAjgeri ERES* _ r ; ArraSTINER3: " s ;'4o#l . l s , aini s iorik•Alarei'm • -- s SNODGRASS Sc. STAELMAN'S Pr. boat} t3tOOND Stmt. &bow" ORISSTNUT. _Aiirkuo, _slam and 81111P14111 cunns • for LAS dike' pLot.x.s. 'so .1 4 .1 - ADIEV4.l4ESSlitsmniCa. • GOODS. -• omg.iyinr 1 owikovogr - ; • • nAmp COP& L COLPRS., • • 6.111113 putfinie BALLS. - r r `• 1.-AktBAOTPEILIBT1;131.13,1110,01. • ,••, • - - ,..tattitougrajivigainiuts. ' :-1-- Y4/1156L11 00ZDEI • .• • :fie p is,cotN,* - .. 7 213.1mittIRWAND 7.loPinat-snaizs, " .‘, Y en= . „.. „ cTP4 4 x l gG._ . . . • '-ffIittIiXOItSINEMCIIIRMISiI 'YRS WEEK: < r . . „ SPRING - MAI , 4ITELETS Aro . . CLOAKS. taker«e Vui t 1 at the , =, P~(BdJ~ bld~lt4 i dLLd. EMPORIUM. • . . • -- - - • - -J. :tfT.iPROCTOR. - , _ - _ • iida4tt ' Plo4' Os virrorri irr shwa. tilliktgi• 01131iN4 01? BLACt LAOS - rolliTC-;lnvt,,a,"*.A.Nll,Es; TAIMAs, SOURreve. , • • ' . . . _ .iters•iidia t o.oit_ W !pipnr,tlo p? Prler, atul jut filoobroxi --froui_o4oLLA BR AWLS• *soh. —ST. ISTEELLA SHAWL& A Treat v nit isy . In , i4oyr, Rrowrif , and 0014111. „ - - ' 0 ROMS 11111Wfilltt. , 'xiiirlit sl t ao4l,•ThOet for Ehaolo. , i Wtoo MMus and maok,Sofors for , Shawls. 'WI& chomp Barfte Auglapvtor bawbs. A. fait Imo bi qiiir iiirlif , SkAttorgalluis DRESS MATERIALS , • dect 4., ibirte. ll, hr 911,lisui, ardium, sad sal. ..... Psusgu4sok irs . add to tIiCIPLA MADE: • Llama Cairatorifltitarattaro, fro. Prom Anetsoi lot - vf good Mods rotor Amos. at 3`ll;'Drab rltraf ' o7.i.i...Bl,;:islic.,t„. • - •--• -r. iidop., ibligui..a.. , ____ =....,.,,, .e:g;aihti z EIGHTd, oa ARCH illtreeeto. GOODS.-- A‘ EITIARPLXBB BlOtinethave received en ad mirable-erect we - new lebricei•Travelleries; 'snob xi griesdireCsmillas." - Anew, freskeleenon, liadentolie_r idliooltationf Hanall o Wl:perm% Onivatit:S broidortfia. ealoPl4. it net most, -*Oat igis teat Cheeks. Oftt : rolpiltiNsiil fray vitittrcuide• and Plaid ' ontaselerilimadiewlevreti,"sakOk stow. • • eitedieir Plemelik !bread Fedieteltide 9dode. Irish DkliVieeforee the Wet asioardie, - litA 1464:1115 Nit Mikittiii. • ' ' • Gliiedetkr ffilear:RWCSlMplkleallcikatin COOL' fIOOPICR ik f OONARD -vjgoriti to tbe lanai stools tJEty lama iiir Of 11:1;i8 . 4111 'ZA ' e Ake v . Asf.pariii Arm aii, o f .. i. i .. Scif, UK new, a .., VOMIT /18110 MINNS '` s !'•°, l rP airvitf , " - , a'il'ilmtningal ti• rtalaifit .44!;'. ii ikl ,-Itil l ittflf.SVlY.lVELß, ' . ~ it, rats c ilji ni c 0' I : . s cillaii * P priv e riJi l s i te a! ' " ' t 4 ,s„ _...„'ple . _ _ IWO CIATIIB. VPRISIIIN is LP { ' '',. • Wifill. OM; N I ` ' :AIL 1 frarp Tr- ' ' 1 i 0104371 ;14A31118m,•• ' 5 i - -,, A . . iittiosiloi ho - their Stook of— iivn,.. .C..." , ',• aka MA NI liF D _, ••,' ARGE. A 1501,A1' PllffaZaD DATOMES: .. tet.M.ltiolvestAttoot in,/ Oh L6OO - 110146013. , , ~.,,, Proptrely=4 l l: - _ _," .r . ,r6 Illho p , • _.,_. 1.41 , . - .; r ile ihotets66osEo, - A - , alinoc • F iiii ! lik ,,, I* !‘jio . , ililr' 4'' Y '. . - .. P'l6 - 0 - , 616 ~, A 14 40 zaa (,iooda, viz: . lia4litia. .„ . 4 ~.j . ~ . .• , a ' Ortsamores. Vosor • not - . y,, - 1.0600 4 Ilhot thlitanio etveimpt. 4EKY • 'COOK. °I nPrP.4 4 M I XT; la dim*. 1,00" W ai.Slll7 far Itteir N 0 M0,403.461-33 TRADE. f r i m l i er Newel , AND RRAIT,EIOOPB. ' To vide& Rift Annum ' 90.1.‘N0. WC)OD, ' ' - NICHOUSI ,orri itoieridirrims. - OPENING. THURBO4II". A ? 4111 /1 " , . •71 1 ,• a geMiliftailkimied• ' _, k . l4: ' 1 IVOII7ITHSTNITT otreet, . 0,, 4.r ‘ i _.' • 'lke' " 410 4, 6111 IN 00N '' T ' *WI% t STRAW Olio 7 . , 0 IFATII. : Mgt • It - , t- ft , - -IP, -5 .4 '', -,- 1 -;"° °ail' las • '..".4T tIiMABIWAN,III4 CIELIIST. ~ sziert i kthiAnliPAßieuerixt-' el.isc-witusisAY,• AM iTill . •: , ‘ .l gT,T,- , ',' , ' - - 1 , ,,, ',.''' '" .. • 11 1 4 • 101- t ; Iti ' .'1,.. 0 ;,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,...., -att.,41. 1 , ....,,.c.,..,,..d....0t._ ur,:vg raT i Tin d rZT ' i h o7r i ror. w ik low tato 4, 4 ,,,,... ring orn introcloolottis -"""' ' 4 dbt. -I gitiT% " =,:,7 d l s ill°, ihalip• , ona for the cum s;f e mpty eadat To yhoroaalo apd retail, at +a m M a ii 4 N ib as tang...O t ago( los . Ott .... . labilts,"l4ll - 11E 1 111:14thoil,ror loativ 0.4 v 0,... . . i % the undermined. Who has toOk orolina 4 tame akrze Mai i 0-tof . senigirdeelehrated WIIM-SiT VaraM illi Mg"' WA barkrOntifirkil.47 MP, lir" IT' ..1 IFACtoRTIOILISAL TUATEDI f inast Bridarerd;'l 4 lforil - ocifirj446Skiiiii,r, •idisg „uro„. liaMrlaWelti• 18 ohlnala 'rata • rl Particulars IMMO PIMA, at* B t. 247 North THIRD rarest. I -, Ortlo-- it 2 OW FOIC. Al* Olt` FX-; maCHANGE, FON,GERM ANTOWN PROPERTY—I Northarge_thretilktbriet . NRION. 'HOUSE,. No. NO2l TENTH Street, with three storied beak tregd-i inga, side yard on brown 'meet. and all the moderoimr gragnaUkiwatitlNvA , iT , 4 l kß. Z.Tor f1if.10#1444/41 O.N , NADI)UELP: ee;iritr very Briok ' kid trains; Residences. well shaded tW a handsomitir Ite_pnevet , Able. the beautiful property keotre ' together with a camber of well-loaated. eitee.l Portion of the Prow/fly tnll be ezebasafel r ty real, estate. Terms euxv . "4,sli $412 ' • • l.sint 2g. TON, raf, !tenth FOURTH Street, aos.lok "Between lb ;IL and P. M. GERMANTOWN.L4of litde; . tin easy. terme r ; ivtwain* tainted BIOS RESIDENCE, , near P.lnnhpini„etreet,„rleak road, and "Calvary Churab.rr :Howe Kam, *afar . and all modern non venlenes,ir .+Thellitossirrs id cot doomed; ivennan coma. . J. A. R RE.R. Nth .ta4st • • -se Strilth PO:MKT Street. INIUR SALE—A large Cairiage nese-inekint outabliihmont.'iittiatto on the comer! of two 0 00d t f h tla v e i zig n ergreetc, forOirqouth 4b ri : i h dozi rdheedtb,rtio longer I givrit attLlZTir Lrorseee , we low sad very resooo,skto teem/. ordeeett fervert n . or rum. App it to , • GEO. it. foIEA - • : Portetnone., or at E_,..VANS Wt. , tottiO-lm ; CHEAT u treat: TO , RENT—Tvio • beautifully situated; in' doable Minese - orell' shaded. with ooaoh !muses aud gardens attached. en TaeougPlank Road one mile below Tamer. and three-quarters of mile from Vas- Venli n Trizet , :net: at Aridembarif. • .applirr;hrg FOR SALE:—A Dwelling Rouse, near the State Howe. imitable for Officio. CNA ftLES fitIOADS. mbl6-1m", • ' 416 WALRUT Street. *FOR SALE, in HADDONFIELD. N. J., s pigeon gCottegsArith bbont two acres of ground, stable, fruit trees, sad accessible from the city, by rag, $O minutes, age times& day, and by s gravel tutapike of sirt ' Plea' ittl,oo i germs easy. , Aptly to EU. WALK, rahLl-Ine fel WALNUT Street. ip FACTORY: FOR :SALN OR =TO RENT.—The luxe BLIND hha BASH FACTORY ,f oito.nornatorrn. with lawns. hi' no oincantl , Ten pswe onthr Machu:l.B.—in mot, a oomolete maghippolbe house-building'. &0., &o. For team, 30., sautes" It. It. COMON. orristowns Pa.' . : awthetugt 17 LIN RT TO 'LET.=TLIE EnATErr Lintz' vitit,Eß COLLIFRI/7situated at•Sharnolnw, in the Shamokin .71 Buie. and mash e lies cf the - Sharriiikin ,Valley a n d°Haynie Railroad. will be lat. , upon the completion o the improvement." now in e ogress. - There are two ernes of Red liefOoll opened on the property; eschew:am feet OSA. The coal is Of a supe rior quelity, and hu attained a high reputation where ever it has:been is. highly !rained end °almond*" a ready sale in Baltimore and intermediate plugs, to whioh ni sent both by penal and railitad.• .A market haa - also to opened for llus coal in t h e North and Northwest. For shipment to the East it may be taken to Delaware City, and, upon the completi o n in June next. of the extenwou of the Mine Hill Railroadto connect With - the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad, it can be shipped at Richmond. These veins' will yield -from three to four hundred thousand tons above water level. There are other veins of White. Red. end Way Ash Coal on ,the pro perty, which are easily sooemoble. The copular of the breaker is fifty thous:mid tons per annum. The Colliery ormbe eXiuninsii en application to 1:# .111 r C,CI on the premises. For kr4“3lomaigiallaPPlT la M. EASTMCK, mh.lattiths ti Natal VINE Street. Philadelphia. RMANTOWN-PROPERTY: VALIWLX,REAL -ESTATE FOX BALE The trainable Farm and Counttyßest, - containing - 106 acres of highly cultivated Md.' Situated to the town ship of Germantown, Philadelphia county, and within 111Lnules of the depot in Germantown. The intuition of this properts not to be surpassed, being bounded on the north by Washington lane, on the west by Vownshsp Line toad, end on the south by Haines street, and within one-eighth of a mile of the Limekiln Turnpike. and n quarter of a mile of two Sta tions on the. Chestnut Rill Neagh. of the 'Germantown Railroad, High street, and Washington lane.' The location of the above property is high and heal thy, the land 'well watered and lying very advaubs gooney for Cottage Rites. It commands nq intended view of the surronndip g country, and is Intememed by the street* Innothilt flept Germantown, Maid down on the Surveyor's planor Mat distnot. . The property is laid out In Ave sore Lots; hthographio plans of which magned. ybe obtained on appli c ation to either of the under- Alas a vOtable and Itatutiesne" Betiding Lot, situated oil Ma n heim street. near Plank road, Germantown,oon taminvin front on said street 197 feet, and in depth about :feet. having an area . of aboat4 aerate. The ground es high and slopes towards Mankeim street, upon which front is a row of /arse and elegant shade- , trees. Also. several fine Building Lots adloininit dad In the mini*, of Fisher's-1 tn. Station, Germantown. For hrtheeportmulars J U Na apply to r GEORGE KIN, Yr.„tornen B. M. oor.BLXT 11l andLW a B. Or to iPAMUEL B. HENRY. mhl-2m* . GERMANTOWN. 11(LLIABD. TABLES FOR tALE.—Two A4F.fust-biaa. Billiard Tablas, with II( total Marble, beds, and latest reoprorsit_oushions,,inadtt last May , -. w sing at the BlOullt, earacoa How, MIA above F o lit4 a ftreot,iesditig. Apyjr.to_ H. A. aNTK, ..!Bast MARKET %ware, . fisfi-tf , ' , : Reading, ft 'PIANOS. PIANOS r PIANOS ! PIANOS ! ! ITT P F I T AN Y MELODEONS. , PLANO-FORTES E onEms. Made by Raven, Baeon. & Co., „Nonni, & mirk, Hallett, Davis, & ace other. . EoutE SEVENTH s adWIESTAT. Rim J. & O. MODERN SPLENDID , • NEW YORK P/ANOB. from $l6O tnywardi to '*500.-ao4ording to Bath—bworably known Aur. th eir beauty ibir tone, anterior. and durability. r, Mile ar. monthly Justaimentai trout VD *1 . 010,,nr roit *UN at titbenH dmouttr Maws larkkaaaortmonaof Other Piano!, trom lent manurarctenniontaao;“ taid raELIJAK, • SN and PI Routh FLAP fit 'STARRY, &bon Rpm*. mh23-Ine , _ wit o OHICIEBRING tt, BONS, MAKl ti.pigroAMW. 'fk r azo G gioti l treatriVi t g rtt.l. nano' tolet ga ikr4wi t ; twat, 1.114°6 , ktfarri,,Pl If*STELNWAY:& bows NEW *PA TENT OVERIING G RAND PIANOS, FiQueRE GRAND, AND 8Q ARE JANOS, bort' pro faned ut toomoorts vi v i da Jo rat vats roles by the' trim Te . peel Ji= like Gorkeehirk= ° ,e ver jelkt i . urns* 01 :glestilittek. .ImM us Bi n _AEBB: • I • •,, tOSS CHENTrunr . . KAAAVAD LINES. SUMNER BOARDING. PLEASURE BEEKSREI. &MI persostl'dash nI .to ed the easamer with t air famt lies to the •etesetrY. will Lid mapy deSiti ul places akin ili wtofte_ .• e Ii PENRALVANIA: RAILROAD. t ' e W ietre_ s tr.„_ w r azio__ l rivor t d,eonNtliVelttita.g: Vetz d o.mila wm ni llesuComze i y . saveziade a s. wr i t IVeLttreAttiril . V g in SS &11.11.0141 AT A Dl Emnisim, Ptuttgietta, ° W THE ,. • hollow deeiroes el eeeurine easnlies will And' every aseststase sa me well- a sp hotels slid please of sammerreeott all Won &Cline of the Peedaylvanie t d'eli kre r nY t r , the h l ret "da t • i n tra . InLtr iatt.','l.,,AramiandiAnitetrr I=9- apa-lut, THO MAS MOORIS, Agent. :WEST -4111Eis'rEE artipirkmkß4AD TRAINS via pemme 14_ , A AOAP, /ways Depot, ooniet EtilivENTM Streati.. daily louse Randal at S ,a 2 . M.. and 4P. M. lisv•Vient Mesta. ac 7.29 A. M. MAO A. M., and 3.50 P. M. irgippor TO' WEST CHESTER AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. VIA ME A. , • , • deiortatfaras..„,:rrolfaitilbettii'lt frathel tarsals, at TAO and A. and at land AMP. M. On Elneuleyn t.' . attd2 Pe M. • ; ; Paemenitern for one on, the Philadelphia and Del glow, central at clad trill take the,7.00 And 10 30 A. M.; nodal/3P. M. Trams. ; mhso miripiumPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. - RED DOTION- OP FARES 1 On and after APRIL ad,lBBo, Commutation Tjoleta, With twenty-six counsorill issued, goad for the Molder and am mem r tif Malin on any hialglingsf sin, and at any time. They will be mold by the Treasurer, at the 1:41041 of the company No. .127 Booth FOLIE PH Street, at a red_mttio Wishin gfig Per cent. from the yerolar fares. Parti to enjoy the Summer in the Country will and this 'a very desirable route, the Schuylkill aad Lebanon Valleys being among the most beautiful and healthy In the Mate, and scow ble by four Using from and to'Philideiphia daily. B. 1:111ADFOAD, Treasurer. PEILADIELPITIA. March Seet teeD. mh27-of - . NOTICE.--CHESTER r ',.. -1 1 --- 4 -- Irr Y llit Vo i ft7 A AU P it : - # , i , - . ' ♦ I B.—on and aved. April, for Dow GTOW/41 Fat= - !1i1f..• isir , l4 4!r e Li n epot o . lee n i t ' e lgt f 111" gs ~ MA ' Moeda, (psalmist en 17T,W—________EI rithil for Downingtown, Ittnare at V, HAFTEDDOO . TRAIN tor Downingtown, leaves at A , arargt h W um orgetiegiew of the Philadelphia MI Ma 2. --:- W. H. MclintENNEY,Beeretatp. PHILADELPHIA O r. dad B RG, h Depot, pt Cornier of BROAD and CALLA/ Lb treats, tentranoss. on Callowhill,) PIMA. • A Ifallliustsys e: d) POTTB • VILLA, BORG, and all intermediate points, an.eoting at Norristown with tootle running to PRU NUS, Ohambortphargs n lA k tip, to. Loin atilt/IP. DAL . for PUTT VILLE 4.!u1 , RARRIBBUR LAU' P. AL,- D4l+o9lndayi exempted,/ for READ trioin4 Into _rooo. - *0 • • r 11•1011)ThroblEr.allorabarv. PHILADELPHIA,WIL. rlil mtp. NINGTON tAND BALTI Prat) leraig i filtrit r it , —ELPRIA, • or Moors at LIS A. M., n noon, ( Kew ' ) and .1A P. i for r at PM A. M., Itnoon, 4.86, and 11.10 P. M. Yor mingtoa at LB A. M., 12 1.3 0 and 11.10 P. M. . or wor CaEle at ill A. t. ICAO M. , or ddletown at 8.11 A. m, aa 4,20 .M. or ver Min A. M. and . 4M .. M. i or Itord at LISA. M. and CIO .. i , or ford st 13.11, A. ~ and 4 1 " 11. 4 111: IL Y P tI rlyr tLbilA i Lev tam ai r ia , .. read PAU A. M., M ai Nye Williston anal A.M. and 1110 A. M.. 1.44 and 111 ;rin710,41.111 A: AL, mid $.O P.-N. Zi '1 oint WO Q . .; and tri 14 .1 ! re ' afa i ggrat 10 A: W. d ZiT7 P om m tp . Ira aw Cart!. at NMI. M ii and 11 r. I _al RAP:: a, I 1 g and 4 t d elitan i r Railroad As ,y A. 1_ ' 1 -=• ttilidilill. , AL'hikoli*_ ..1. . . ---- --- ------- ;IMMO gb=4lA, NOUS and lI.CP. M. Zr a w MAUI A.41L,11.11P. di.. and um ~ • • , Il Y ins ti artgfi i tqird,:tophs..r...,. ~_...R ., T . , Aki,.., a....u•0d, ' 1 tr: IVA Et % • and lotermedlato AlMitri ea' t•i,,retriiine I'M lotano•disti ii r tot P I ilnal 0 V t • ; .. 11111 4 . Pida and intdriaddillte A ari la ili w i ra r 8;••Intseo Masi Chase's, and .;nr -, ~ ,0 , , N. im,Fßuxer: Pronidont.• gr i PION, I B jitetilistetlO TILI* - . FOR tom + Ornamental 0119, T T , °`a*n 1'A. 24 17A,R. 74 kri0nN 5 . 4 ?" " , 1910 allESTri UT Street; iii(V , ;khosul derd,'of "Virldsfotditzd; o. l ob, Ken P t okJffeu Beef, iditlllll Altr' lift &d ell 11'0. S 11 l & Ca t : A nun idridee; 0041da , dor On pro mai 120 bble. - .extra Meekinaw White ah qntil e il s plcy t tme ` a " • SY OM , 141. giROUND BROWN' ZINO—For solo by ilangwai4ll4allwit e 47 ind te Mt* 4 , THE CRESS.--PHILAD E LPHIA, PrtnmsuAy, API IG, ,12, 1860. Fill Allow ROOT.- - or ipbyglis ang rawithea enliedlo the mtpetioltits. Of d smote. it le ravidir supplanting alt other . kinds. end- those 3Stm !Mee used it give it the most decjded preference. The fol- , lowing ex mate from oertarates in the lignite or the manufacturer, "Col. HiLtowes," will show the ht h` eetimetio in whiny the Georgia Amoy Root is held by, those gen tlemen of Mei mentoM - srompron Who Mew tnilleiamined it. W one pourd, et ){ Dente , or two pounds fort e 1, Complete instructions aooompeny eaoh peakes,ehoer ltaerlar make the most Wslisteits *Woke for the FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, FRwDERICII. BROWN'S DRINLAND CHEMICAL I brow& F,,- C O It Fre TH andkalthbTel UT I htfpbUl. PHILADELPHIA, PREDRRIff — MIZOWN, .MAMO AND. CriVIIC TO#M, 111. dilmed of and CMVITIY T. iStereeta. -Under Anitnerk.' Hotel, "I hove examined and prepared some Arrow Root.• manufactured by Cpl. Mellower!. of ht. Mary's, Georgia: .It maths beat quality ,of that, variety or %mule I have met with • being superior to any Bermuda °Luther Ai 'row Root I have seen. "SAMUEL JACKBON, M. . • Urdyntaity of Pennsylvania." ' hive ogundoed !Crumple of Arrow Root. mend featured by Col. Hallowes. of Bt. Marc's, Georgia, and exhibited at the lest fair of' tile , Anuerioen Institute by , My. Burkhalter, of this city,' The article is of the vary best duality, and, from the experiments made upon it. I find it to contain as large A proportion of nutritious matter, and to be in every other respect fully 'equal to she hest quality of Aritow Root obtained from Bermuda. It being of vital importance to invalids that such delicate articles ofdiet be pure , I feel glad of the oppor tunity to speakso favorably of the Meanie Arrow Rot. mb.49-lm " JA.M.EB A. CHILTON, M. D." TAPE WORM—TAPE WORM. JAYNEr'S 'SPECIFIC' rott TAP* WORM Has never been known to fad in a single instance to' remote this troublesome animal. It Is ac easily taken as an ordinats Purgative. end a followed by no unplea-, sant effects. The worm is usually expelled in from three to eight hours after the medtoine is taken. It is put up in doses; with directions for its nee. By writing tor Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, NI CHESTNUT Street, PhiLsdelps enclosing two dollars for each dose.: the medicine will! mmediately be fortrarded tell/1 to any part of the world. READ THE FOLLOWING OPRTIFICATER: ISCUENECTADY, N. Y., N0v.23. 1867. Dr. D. Jeyne—Deer Sir: I 'received the package of your Specific. for rape warm and tookit aceording the directions. :About four hours after I had taken it, passed a tape worm measunni full VA N two feet to length. FETES!.. VOMIT, Engineer on N.Y. and Erie Railroad. - Azonvinve, M0.11an.15; 7808. pr. D. Yang—Bit: I have foreight years been afflicted :with that terrible disorder — the rope menu: During that time I had _ liad venous remedies, And the best medival skill in !e and the adjacent 'counties. without obtain- As any relief., 1 Wan advised to send foryoUr reined!. At that-info I ;was alineet widened to a skeleton, un to attend to buidneWlv sad MY suffering was beyond le! Woription. I took tw6 noses. 'and then passed fifty est of the worm lam now *trees &milli seed heitlltti. hisser; FUSSES. , , • , /401r IFF aw aVViasog, Ark., Feb. &I. MA After taking Tone Specific for tape moan, It had the e fe ff e eo,to expel a worm theseurtag en all twenty-fcur Extraot of a letter from Mn.s George E. Ronk. dated Cannon, Tioge, Co., N. Y., Feb. 9, ISM. ." Aboutii YOU more we received from you a dose of the Tape Worm tipeoifio. which my hvelstnd took ac cording to directions, and the result Was, that lid passed nearly sixty feet of the worm." PlitLenit.PHlA. March 21, NA Dr. D. Ante—Dear lair: I had been for some four years aflboted with that horrible disease, taps worm. Having tried Various remedies Mama; sticoese. I wis at leaf compelled to use your SPECIFIC. 1 say compelled, for I had great repunance to advertised medioines, as I considered them a ll humbugs, mit was with great dit- Stony I was induced to try your remedy. I took three doses. and the result has been the complete Centime of my tormentor. I have permed some eighty feet—the latt eight or ten - feet - taperlng - graillill until it wall thicker than sewing. cotton, with head as large as the head 9f 'a pin. I believe if I had taken-o ur medicines in the begin: nine, before my stomach became accustomed to drugs, onee would have been sufficient. Peeling it to be a duty I owe, not only to you, for hav ing caved me from an early grave, where m disease would have inevitably placed me, but also to t hose Who ere MIME Y O es I Was. I make pUbligitheas foots. care gratefully, Loris Waoitalt. Fifth and Chestnut street.. ELIZ AMMON, June 17. MEL Gentlenlep# Your TAPE WODhl SPECIFIC has been minium red sooordieg to dirsaions: First dose, at seven in t morning. At three in the afternoon the worm pm expelled entire. Your EIPECITIO has sus tained its pretensions. end I have no hesitation in re commending it to the public. Dane B. Lams; M. D. PORTEROVILLV. Tenn., July IS, 2269. Dr. D. Janie & Sou—Dear birei A little girl about seven years old was auffenng with tape worm, and had been unser medical treatment for some time, without !benefit. •Your SPECIFJO was if wen tioaording to di •rootione, and in about three hews fi lliseA feet of the worm mime away.srlitell, atm the desontion, I think must be the entitemorm. • i t. Atcgliza.. - . . . DRSltnsmi, N. Y., Al 5, VW. Dr. D. Jayne-Dear Sir ; I took your TAPS dg WORM 'SPECIFIC according tolireotions. Eight hours after ;wards I discharged without pain) his toormship, who Augured twenty , e e ight feet in length, and contained , more than 950 /inks. , Lillilui ?straits. . ....-.:-. • - Irma. N. Y., Aurae, VW. Dr.D. Jayne-Dear Sir: Last week Mr. Myers made inquiries of vs about Tour TAIII WORM SPECIFIC. and immediately, wrotti to you for some. Thu morning ,be celled ;Mon to With e'bottle containing the tape 'worm : Waimea & RAT; Druggists. , 1 _ - _. New NALTimiltelilich.. Sept. 21, 1899. .- 1,1), Jayne & Son-Dear Si: I took your TAPE' iNVO rs RIA RPM:Ina according to directions. The worm , ;Wu expelled in six hours; length twenty-six feet. , Yours, &0., Loom Stunt , Barieswick, Ma, October 7, Dr. D. Jayne & Son-,-Mr. Riley Price has been in b ad health for some years i sub eat to spells of slokneas at the stomach, and continued emaciation. Abouta month ago no threw up •abon twenty-uve fee• of tape worm: ,t broke, a part remaining Mats stomach.' Wii 'lad some of your TAPS WOW.M tiPECIP IC, ,w hin he. took wording - to direotions. He soonnisoharge• about sixteen festal tapeworm, and thinks he is now ee Dom it. Yours. &0., Dims & DottoLaink ~ DAVENPORT, lowa, Oot. ag. WU. ' Dr. D. Jayne-Dear Ebri 1 took your lIECIPIC for tapeworm, according to directions. and in our hours the Worm was expelled. iligamman beam:Mg , .-, ........ CeildPo Seco, California, Oot. El, IMO. Dr. IL Jayne.* Son-Dear sir.: Ido not hesitate nor, do t delay ,to give my testimony to the great exoeiwne l n and supeorltrof your " TAPE WORM dtr.cIFIC ' I lately had an occasion to have the virtue of this mem owe tested, the result of which wee the expelling oi • UPI Warm of InorniOns length. which had we U the 11O twat dowg toe skeleton . but who now looks eggs and healthy. lam at liberty Weise the address the ledY from whom this troublesome animal was expo led ; Dut a quarter section of it now on exhibiting at ROY ofliee % iii ocular proof of what I have written. It bas been Imi tate:led by hundreds who have called to see it. 'Yount trine, . . H. Li. Sertgace. - , Ilmunionotiow, 111., All. X. 1580. . MT daughter, lon/ satiated with a tape worm. was en tirety relieved by one dose of DR. JAYE WS TAPE WORM. SPECIFIC. -Hamar HILL. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, sk classy -riznirliest,mwarsgrggtae.lLAY,NE'S VALUA:II,I3.ridmET COUGH! COUGH ! COUGH !!! " EVANSVILLE L HoOk 00., Wie.,,Flept: 61116. DX. D. JOTNit Dear Off —Mr. Plattantel ilinger,. of this place, authorised me tq state that is wife was toren to her bed ono year Molina' .bung Disease, whom the physioians pronounced Consumption, He doctored for to c s i x mon th s to wrposei:dattng which time be had heard your EXPECTORANT spoken of very, and concluded to try it.' He bought of your gent haltdozen bottles, 110 d his wife commence d tailing it , and has been getting bettor ever since. atm oat go out even now, and II gaining doily in WOMAN, A. . ror k Co. EXPBOTORANT FOR MING FEVER. Kollelrtg, OMO, &OLIO. lea D. D. Jnyna t I have made of our F,XPE,O ro- RAN l for Lung Fever, gun e vo Onr.• 'MA the aid of your egeellent BANAT! 11 JA. 0, W. Howegiv. THE SWE DISH MISSIONARY. Suttee ofa letter, from the Rev. A. Wthers. dated Bvocittotut. Swedeu t t iu d:reb 10_,1810. Your invaluable Medtoine, the ENV OTORANT, Mum been of leery essential germs to my t t and breast, andloan scarce ydo without it a mug day. fievemi of our friends, to whole we have oomudonally given 1101130, enures' themselves as being much benefite. THREE YEARS WITR_BRONCEITIS. 137oCitTON,OWen co., Id:liana, 84/0./. 41 /Mg..' Da. JAYNE: My wile. having been severely smote some three Team with Bronetutlynd having heard ol the wonderfel effioacy of your xPEO t CHANT for Coughs. Asthma r Dif fi culty of reathing. Spitting of Blood, am other Diseases of the Lunge I pun:hued one bottle of it. and one box of SANATIVE PI lAA. and am hay to inform you. that after wing the EXPECTO RANT, her cough was Immediately suppreesed, the dif ficulty of breathing and nein renlyteld , prodditine a free and easy expeetoration, and in onik. MONTH effected a COMPLETE CURE. J. P. fittliTii. Preesreo only at mhti• Int JAYNE'S, CHESTNUT Street, HELMBQLD'S EXTRACT BIJOIIU, THE GREAT DIURETIC BELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUORIJ, THE GREAT DIURETIC RELM.DOLD'I3 EXTRAC ME HU. • GREAT DIURETIC RELMBOLD'S EXTRACTHUORU, THE GREAT DIURETIC And s roeltive and Swift Remedy for the Bladder. Kidneys,Graves, Oraanio Dreer, Weakness. This Medicine inoreasee the power of lhoestleo, and matte the A BBORDENTB iota healthy cotton, by whioh the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS divoiiittons. and all UNNATURAL ENLAROBIRENTO itre re duced. as well al PAIN AND INPLAMMATION, and good for MEN; WOMEN, OR CRILDIEN. eppt lot South TEN 11, Street, &Amt. CHEST UT street. hdadelphla. BEWARE OF cOUNTANFEIIB. AND UNPRINCIPLED DEAL OAR, Who endeavor to dispose "OF rateiti own" and "OTAr n i , 82 , 1 J p ivittmi r itar. BY JUSIITON'S THE GRIEF AMONO TEN_THOUSAND__ MALLEY'S MAQICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAB universally supplanted all other 'ointnien nj and healing applications in both the &einem and western Hemiephetes, wherever intro duced; and its ifIttOWC merit s the true enact of ils success; in ail csotencouir rurscriess. whether the cause be modest or dorm. DUREN k 0 SCALDS ' are Instantly relieved of 0, their anguish, pain and Illnamllesni of ft Ulna: ••4' application of this per venous osr rd the ilesh is renewed as it by a °Wai tia l idtErD s 2N re . PlTtiriniS ERY. 'Children are frequent •• masters from external in- Maim especially from Fluid and Camplsens Ex plosions—therefore every OG mother should have this ng heali preparation con- stantly on hand. lt heals Mere Ereasls k and quickly teem oven the TETTER or j1146 A 9 1 11 R/IVIL P ITIti NlPAPAStikarite. The Machin st, n the 'Era yeller. and every other in dividual whose lot in life throws him Within the chance of accident from 0 explosion, Are, or cad piell, should bear in mind ,1 Lt i lat thin Magic Extractor ie his best and only friend. Xi 1 is both portable and cheap, antsbould ever be 02 s oompamon, as friend In need, There are thou- r sands of living witnesses, to testify to its marvellous'" virtue, who owe their sound-limbs and muscles tqA.II saving sniper. Ms Tao are_a few of t e learisse diseases for which HAILE%MAW- C „PAIN EXTRACT OR is P REVENTIVE 1:1 sus well as CURE: urns,Herne, • pyassauss, - Sores of all kinds, stela „ Shot Wounds, met Bits*, Sereibills Broken Breast, ever Sores, ItmorflieptiteN, ray., GI =Hula DM- Scol, Craoltea easel, Se al Sand, Chapped Hands, !Ostend's,' Semi, te nes generalH, • mall VOL Cramp, ornate, Oontraoted,Corder Duet, Chafed. • .ision, • - ulcers, ise Dases; af th e jbells arnatisro, Venereal Scree, Skin, • Mo tk. 'Sold at the prinair Dadottta4 Broadwa o y, haw York, cad 'II and /61 C %Area street, New Orleans, by .16 W RIGHT & CO., enend Agent, It can also Ise ob -tamed of all respectable Druggiets and Memnon. throughout the United Stat arid Ca_nada. T. No r thOTT & SONS, c 1118 SECOND Street, fay , Wholesale Manta for Pennealvatuat , A NEW . AND WONDERFUL DIBOO VERY for the enee t ei t ßhedmittiym and Gout: T A I,ESLIEET RITIO PILLS. Ttde medicine in offered th the utmost confidence of El belts the , most effeetua remedy for the above die ewe ever yet tlizoOveyed. - ,No danger need be appre hended' from lte dee by the moot delicate. Price St :per box. Unit be sent by mail, on enoloing one poetnye 'stamp and price of PO,. For anie 11 a eflment, , ALEX. ,_ , , No. WI South MO' Iltreet, 11011-01 m. ' I taartirhl4. HAMS AND - SHOULDERS-1,900 Pieces City thanked name and Shoulders also WO Moe' tetra surar-eured flame, for sale by C. C. SADLER & USX. ARCH Street. &A door above Front, rnhl CHEESE:7-330 Boxes Herkimer County ' twoh .•-• pi s,,, it r gelre ., got ro sbo tass4 y ron a. t. O. EGIDLEA & spa COD LIVIA. Oli, 101 CONSUMPTION t i mliptittitdii..,hfitit m ''' Thitf°l°497 4 } 4% Arni a 'F'St i : , , , r. , ~_. . tit', .60 • Opt for esle t 'frbin cnited &Veil gonded.Wsrendnte, orjnetr oleo putortitTn„ ,' ~ , -, COvisee, - . -,.: , ~,, . - - 'Pleat. Castilian & Co., of earttmio vintages and in sat C . " pt """' • - ' ' ... .; '. . - ~;, vet & Co., . .• .. ;L,.L.nctiete!L4nh " eellee, . ' • ~ AL ignette, . , • reilevantin, , . `' A. Catena. • " ' ~ , Claret Wineihjn °meet Ohatapitane wines. of vationa brand*. • ' ; Bordeaux Olive 'Oil, in baakete, (P, L. Le.guerenne -, - aps-lm . . ~,,0 0, 0 E WRITIMC ‘Of 1 isiSoutiLFROPIT Sim, ' , . hirl*oriel , of %On, WU.", &0., °Wm ter ad*. in 9 oninthl! 0 11 GWW16 UMW our ilaxidardh.tanula . INZ Veattiton;& Ga.. , Theis. Wain & Co. L . ' slee t Adhin. & 06.. , Otard, WIWI, & Lie• ' • deignettet I , Marfa, mesa, ' - • folievomin, _ . Dapag & Go.. - Union Provieto . ,& F. 111.11rtalle. , ' .. ' Jaa. - Hannemy. ~ Btuart's Pautley Melt Whinken and the ohoineet yarietieof . Madeira sherry Port. onmundy, and Rhine w ines , _Palm ee Gin , /amine Elin, isanta Oruzittim. mordeaux O il, &0.. tc0 .37-1 7 i LEGAL, IN THg ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SAMUJ I W. EARL. deciensed. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit. settle. and oiliest the account a George D. Wetherlll. Exeou- Or of Samuel W. Earl. deowied. and to make distribu tion of the bilanoe in the hands of the aooountant. Meet the parties interested fur the purpose of his ap pointment on TUF,ryu AY. April 11th. 1860. at 4 °Work P. M.„ at Room No. 2e, Washingt•in Doilding. No 074 gooth D Street, in the city of Philad.lphin. noS tnrhs.tit 0. W. DAVIS. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS ' COIjILT FOR THE -H- CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. • Estate of NICHOL4S NEILS K.-Deoeased. • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle; end adjust the atmount of THEODOKE H tIC K. Haeou toed the last will and testament of NICHOLAS DES; deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the handsot the accountant. will meet the parties in tereaLed, for the purpose of hie appointment. on SA-, ,TUNDAY, April It , h. 1880 at 4 o'oloek P. ht. at the WHTHERIi L HOUSE. in Sansom street above Sixth; in the city of Philadelphia . i J. O. SHINCKLE, apa•tuthae aAuditor. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. .riIgSOLUTION 00PARTNER-+ iLor HlP.—The cohertnershie heretofore exiittnig be twettithe undorimmed, under the firm of BANCROFT BOTRAD. coal dealers, OS North klith street,: in' day . dissolved. by expiration. John Bonatead re tirteg. The business o, the late firm:will beuettled by John Bancroft, at the above place , • JOHN BANCROFT. April 2, WO. JOHN BOILIETBAD. The business wilt be continued, at the old stand. Us . John, Bancroft and Abraham Brown, under the firm of , BANC 2 ROFT & BROWN. JOHN BANCROFT. aplo-3t* , ABRAHAM BROWN. 0 T I C E.—THE COPARTNERSHIP N heretofore existing between the imbeoribere, un der the firm of J. E. KNORR & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual eminent. J. E. Knorr retiring The business of the , late firm will be settled by OK ARtoES F. TAGGART,. at the old stand. No. 63 i MARKET Etreet. where all persons' having Maims will Present them for settlement. and thrum indebted will J make payment. J. E. XNORR. • • ap6.36t CRAB. F. TAGGART. P A RTNERSHIP.—NOTICE LIMITED is hereby given, that the subscribers Mtive formed' a limitedrpartnership, agreeably to the set of .naemety of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. approved Mamh UM. Ir. entitled " An not relative to Limited Partner 7 "Al; of thesaid . mt partner ship is to be oonduoted is that of" 1:111ARLY.8 . OA The • general Wale of the' business to be ttannatea by the broils, that of Importers and Wholesale Dealers in_ meg ano Liquors in the city of Pnilmielphia. The name of the Kimmel partner is LHARLES . P. TAGGARr. whose . place of melamine is 'at No. 1610 Caviar? i rreet, i i n , the t tnty j of i ! v 'h i teerlp f lis k LAt i tt tilorG°..l.,..4,4,r,:ligerorlesniestles in the cityof Pulle d Vre i slit at r i l l o plii i ge7 ! ° Th h 6 P irlreein t Sl thin I. hsa contributed to the common stook of the firm the sum of Me the sand dollars in cash. The pelted at *bush the said Copartnership is to ppm mance is the 4th day of April, 31180. and Is to terminate on the 4th day of Apy11,1366. 01-MIMES TAGGAR mat-Sat WiLLIAM REMila L. PAGGART. COPARTNERSHIP,—A. W. 'RAND has TRIS DAY admitted into Partnership OR (i RER W. &WIN. The style of the flrm will W be , • RAND & ALLEN, Who will Pontine.. the ROTJAIR AND HOT-WATRN FURNACE, COOKING-RAN OE. PLUMBING. OAS, and STEAM FITTING BUSINESS, Lithe old Maid. • - No. 124 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. April 2. 1860. ,i402-Imw ED U cAT a or 4 Al, VOATESVILLE SEMENARY.—This in -ititution is located in Coatesville. Chester county, Pa.. on the Central Railroad, about 32 miles from Phil& dolphins, and d 2 from Harrisburg. It is easy of access from any part of the Union, and is in the midst of a moral and refinedulation. It possesses the adroit, tares of having a daily mail a telegraph office. and an Adams' Express officio. The buildings have been eroded with referenee to &united education of both se s es On the basis of swell - regulated Christian family. Po healthy is the location that no rue of sickness has occurred in the school ; but several students of weakly 4:orientations have become strong and robust. The course of instruc tion eurnprises everything that is taught in colleges and seminaries of our country Bend for a Catalogue, or meet the Principal at Mc KI BBINa' Mer chants Hotel, FOURTH Street. Phibilelpina, the 10th 11th. and 19111 of April, Irmo I until b o'clock. apfl-7t. JAMES B. (UNFIT.. a. M. Principal. NGIAFR AND CLASSICAL BOARD !NG 80 gOnt, FOR TOUNO URN AND BOYS— r. JQY. Lancet t twenty. Ps . The Bummer Despion ciliate filmy Is , . Mar Vinaufars coil at Amaral , n School Initiative, 809 CHESTNUT otreet , or eddrees the settift• Prtuoiattl. D. L. M"ORF'' FAMILY &afoot., FOR BUYS. at POTTSTOWN, Montenmery county, Pa.—The en. miles Summer Session will commence WEDS kd- DAY._ May 3d. Circular , with full particulars, fur nished, on application to - kev M. MEIOI3.A. M., Principal, References--Bishop Potter, Bon. Owen jonesLed e sera Jamas E. Caldwell, James L. Olnithorn, Jain W. nal kro. E. Weatoott. Bailey. Edward RODOILL Joseph K. 'Evans, A. F Glass, Robert Wood. • ape -1W AMERIVAN 8011001. INSTITUTE is * 'reliable medium throns h which Semis ana Pam!. itria may Ottani coortent teachers. Parents may ott• !ch oose. atuitously, in orrion and menhirs of the beet 8 I uoDMAIS, it. CO., 1110__B 044RWAY, Nesaork t or nit-tt ' OM CHEST 8T Street. Philadelphia. NEW BOARDING 801100 L. TUSCARORA 'PRAIA LE IN% SITUTE Will be opened at ACADEMIA, Juniata county, Pa, on the let day of MAY next. For announcements con. totems terms, kn., apply by letter. or personally. till lit Apnl, to the subscriber. at 1711 VINE Street, Shile.del• phis; atter that at ACAUSSUA,. O.E Juniata oonnti,Ra. W AG, fells-dtmyl* VINR NEW Street. IRRIANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL ;Li! .111EROANTILS IrlAy r Eft. located at rtille. Kew Yo rk , Vaga r o n , e 6le4land, ciLm awi o, C tr aT ,L7l For information. call or lend for Catalotie. d 81r69-tri SHIPPING. FOR THE 13011TIL-OHARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& FREIGHT EDUCED. Honey Freight et en verses of mum per oent. be low New Vol SLeaviiipystee.___ _ POH LESTON, _S. 0. The U.S. Mall Steamship KEySTONE STATE, Cap. Min Charles P. Marshman, will sail on Wednesday, April 18. at 9 o'olook V. M. Thronkh in 48 to iso hours—only 40 hours at Sea. IrOlt SAVANNAH. GA. The U. 81. Mad Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, Captain John 3. Garvm, will sail on Saturday, April 14, 0)9 o'clock . . _ 'through In SS to SO hours—only 48. hours at Sea. ipir Elm hug days °banged f ro m every Saturday to every five days. Roods mewed, and Odle , of Lading signed every day. - - The splendid first-oleo side-wheel Steamships KEY STONR STATE and STATE OF (MOROI &now run as above every ten dais, thus forming a five-day comma nioation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these She eon neat with steamers for Florida. and with railroads, &0., for all please in'the South and Southwest, • INURNCE. Freight end Immranoe on a large proportion of Goods shipped Booth will be found to be lower by these ships than by salting vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. • ••. N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight Is annuity unneoessavy, farther then Charleston or savannah, the Railroad Companies taking_ all risks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare Ly this route 26 to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadi)phia. via Charles ton and Savannah steainsbirsit/NQL Duro MEALS on the whole route, except from Chu Paton and Savan nah to Montgomery t CHARLESTON CONVENTION. The steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Capt. Marsh man, will sail for_ Charleston on WEDNEeDAY, April L. at 3 o'clock P. Pd.; arrive in Charleston on FRI .DAY. April El. at o'clock, P. M. ; and remain there until SA CORDAY, April ZS, unless the Convention shouts adloargooner. Excursio ikers, ineluding_Board dete n ti o nhs in Charleston un til April to ,, 6,60. For any after that date, N 6 per day. ' INLAND PAIL To Charleston-...-013 00 Charleston..—..2l32 00 r annah...,-- 16 00 Savannah Si 00 —21 MI Aureate —26 00 00 Macon— - 32 73 Atlanta-- —. ZS 00 Atlanta..—.. 51 00 Columbus—. 23 oo Columbus-........ 32 00 Albany.. —.-.. 24 00 Albany...—. 37.00 biontioniers--. a k a 000 Montgomery— . 88 00 fdolnle. . 66 123 ....- 45 90 New 22 7a New Orleans. ix No bills of lasing signed after the stop Sae willed. For freight or pulsate apply on board, at woad Wharf above Wei street, or to AE. HERON, Boot CharlestonrfOUßT and CHESTNUT, Jr. Umtata,_T. N. & T. C. BUDD. 88,Yaltnah,NUNT,ER & UAW WELL For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina ever/ For I T iorld front Savannah, strangers Et, Manes and St. Jahn's, every Tuesday and Saturday. L"DWIN CLARK'S HIGHLY IMPROVED end newly Patented Oombined Grinding_ and Bolting. or MEROnANT FLOUR MILL, Dady in operation at KQ.IM RACE BTHICIII'. PIELOW Titian , PRILAVA,. Thipl unrivalled Flour Mill, inoluding the complete gnading sod, belting maohi nary, occupies a space of only feet wide, what fee; high, and twenty - nine feet long a roanufitoturang within this small compass, et a single operation, and with but little more than six horse tower, family extra, extra, superfine, and all of the low. er ;Jades of flour, and the diflerent Snide of offal ; pro dueling flour equal in quality to the bast flour made from a given amount of wheat, by the best Merchant Flour Mills in thn United Mates , or in Yurope. Its average rate of grinding is two barrels of superior flour per hour. This new, compact, (template, and milebrated fl our mill has been carefully examined by many of the most experienced millers in this country. and they UMll mouelY bestow u tes t imon ia ls hhest commendations i.and have even their of its intrinsic superion ty. and its immense utility, Millers, mill-owners, raerehants, capitalists, specula tors, and the public, in general, are respectfully flirted to call and examine this highly useful and Justly oele hotted flour mill. Information concerning the purchase of the Patent Rights for states and counties and the mills, for every p_oruon of the United Kates, great Britain, Franse, be given to all persons ad teasing their Uermany, Russia. and otli t, er Agricultural countries, letters to E Wlfi BLABK. Patentee, • No. US RACK et., below Third, Philad'a. Sir Por further information concerning this celebra ted Pour mill, please to read the yellow handbills, de atriums it. v me i, GARDEN SEEDS Wilt 1860. VE B GETAB LE SEEDS in g Sr O e O a v t variety. P R O A W BS A R DlELD war DSofthe a e e gu . iIty.°MEESE I M P LEMENTS and Books. Fruit T ees and Roses, Grape Vines,. Sco., Re, Send for Vataloguers, which ma be had grans. mhal-En H. A. PISUATORIAL SPORTS. Pl' LIP WILSON & 00., 439 CHESTNUT St. would invite the iovete of PISCATORIAL SPOdT to the Begat auteortment, and Bat ethahty, of TACKLE ever peered in this city. Snob as Burgett' world-tenoned Treat, Bask, and Salmon Rode. StipenorproaL Bass. and Salmon Plies Super extra. !Among, Virginia, Carlisle, Salmon, and Bum Hooke, &sew, Baskets, Artificial • Bait, Silk and Bair, Orme, Linea, and Cotton Lida , . mh6-3m IPaIRGEBB' TROUT, BASS,_ AND SAL. 'AAP MON RODS.— muds WILSON & CO., 4121 ORERTNUT Street, halting taken the Sole Ageno! of onlebrated Trout,. Base, and Salami Rode, Reel.. Ice., wi ll supply . 132) f riends and the trade., at the lowest prime. tnha.inn 13, W. BURGESS. URWK-MAKING MACHINES which tem. oar the oily. and a, eke 20.00? per day, Brink Prema, 50120artlitg._11 1 relant t e l ararO t tri . h... P. am..., B M I-CARB P . SODA 3.-400 1I A keia.fiF sale, 4 O : 1 15 1 MW I C it .1 ,r,': :,;~a;i4 •- OFFICE 'Or . , iN.LTRARO 00hIPAN Y. nenll ' ' ; Thy.DIR Re'YO KR ha this day deoleted 6 dividend of, Flys y* DOLLAR PER SHed.F. for the teat at menthe, ifbiaa will IM Paid X.) the aTOCK ROL LIBRI. Ir_roofir.,orni .reorerenrortvon. on sad alter th e Uth nstant. exclaims of Suits spa -let" , , ALII c,R/` 0. L. CRAWFORD, Seer. 1 0110YLKILL 'NA vu, QOl-10YLKILL .:NAVAIATION :COM: .P.-71ANY.-rICE OF Tiii: saairviama, riA.'- 'VIO TION OMPANY,, March 12. 1124.—The charge for e nee Oers and for Toll on Anthracite Coal. oar- ~e d on•on t sebuyiktil riavisation t will be as follows from this date , and act continue until further notice : , To ... Boring Mill.-- ... ... ..... Conshohocken ..—. Plymouth Bridgeport Port Kennedy ..... Valley Fotge..— Royeee Ford., ••••••••-• • • • ...• tottstown Landing.— ort Union Althouses. • Idohreville ..... ...—..—...... Hamburg— ..... or,wwilrarg ...... ne charge will be per ton of tete be;. less five per oent. allowance for waste, as usual, and no charge lose than twenty-five cents per ton will b made for say dial lance."Y order of the Managers. mhl3-1m F. FRar,EY, Preeident. OFFICE OF E. S. WHELEN dp CU., Noi NB WALNDT Street.' FIRST MoRTGAGE BONDS , wILLIAMmpowr AND ELMIRA RAILROA D COMPANY.4—aII holdeni of First Mortgage ands of the Comsat''', who have constituted Ndward S. Whalen their Attorney, are Tat quested forthwith to deposit their Bonds at tie office No. M 9 WALNUT Street, and par an assessment or ONE PER CENT. thereon; and all' Bondholders who have not united in the power or attoraey to Mr, Whe. len. and desire to. do so, are requested to gall at his office and execute the same, and deposit their Bonds, with said assessment. before the 'TENTH DAY ids APRIL. 1811), as after ti at day signatures to the acme will lied bereoeived by him; and all who shall not have signed, paid. and deposited their Boors berme that dates will be donindered as deolining to Unite In the con temattid purchase of the Road, tinder the decree of the MM. , ELLIN EWIS, Chairmy.n, - • - RSINSON, CHARLES GIBBONS, - , WM..11. .11SAY'PoN,' WDWARD B. WRBLEN, Committee of First Mortgage Bondholders. • Philadelphia, March Di, IMO. mhl7-taplo-stuth OFFiOE OF THE P. READING RAILRO HILADELPHIA AND Al) COMPANY. 4DIMPBIA. Mardi 10, NW. ' on: on coal transported by 0110W8 from March Ws an- The rates of freight and this company Wilt be ale tit further :antics : Toiehmond..— ..... .... luladelphia.—. ... Inclined Plane ' leloetown..... • Qermantown fe,..K......• Falb, of eohuylkill..... Manayunk........ ...... Egbert'5..........—. Conshohocken. Swede Furnace........ F o rrzt;;iiiidie rt Kennedy......... Bridgeport, Valle; Forge.— .Phrentxville ...- -- Royer's F0rd....._._. t or g i sa ow s n vi . 6;: ... l. ..— . . Monooney ...:. " • Airdsbozo.....-- -- " . Reading ........ -- 7 .. iuokerton— •.. • eeeport... ... . T.: • — .7... ohrsvilla....„ —... ambutg ,_. f wigsb'g and Auburn. ' • mhleam By order or the W. SAVING FUNDS. "A little, but often, fills the Puree." EIRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. A- - 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut. Pluladelphm, pay' ail Deposita on demand. Derit;inir;rs' money secured by Government, State. and City Leann. Ground Rents, Mort , gages, /to. i his company deems safety better than large Profits, oonsequrntly will run no risk with delta- odors' money,' but have It at all times ready to return. with 6 per cent. interest. to the owner, as they have always done, This Company never l I ,,uspended. 1 7, males, married or , single, and Minors. can i deposit in their own right. and such deposit, can be wittulriaWn onty by , heir consent. Charter perpetual. - Incorporated by.the Mate of Pennselvania with Authority to receive 190110/ from trustees and executors. LARGG AND BtdALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9 tog o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'clk. • D IRE C TORS. Jacob B. Phannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shindler. George Russell, m ac h l oan , . kdvard Hyatt. Lewis Krumbhaar, Belay Delany. Nioh.das Rittenhouse , Nutt * Nutt tigHdler, Jos. R. liatterthwatte, y.phratm Blanchard, Joseph W. tap_pinocAt. SACOM B. SHANNON, President. UTRI7II CADIVALLADWL. Treaeurer. mtex,y " A Dollar sited twice earned:, AVING FUND-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, carnet' THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Lame and small sums received. and veld bank an de- WV without notion, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE b.NT from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Office hours. from a until S o'oloalr every day. and on MONDAY EVENING Eng land. 7 until 9 o'9loolt. DRAFTS for sale on Ireland, and Scotland, from Li upwards. P resident—STSP REM R. CRIWFORD. Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK. Actuary. SAVING POND —FIVE PER CENT Ig TERFST.—NATION SAFETY TR , NT COM rAN V, WALNUT Street. southwest earner er THIRD thootoorated by the btate of Peneepl venire. • 'hiciney is received in any saw large or small, and in threat paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drsisral. • The office is cpen every day from nine o'cloc k in the morning till five o 'clock in the evening. and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o'clock. Hon. HENRY L. BPNNER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vioe President. WILLIAM J. REND, Secretary. DII:SCTORS Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Breve ter, Fdward L. Carter, - Joseph B. Barr, Robert Belrridge, Franois Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes. C. Landreth Munn,. James L. Stephenson. Money received and pommels made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the p r ovisions of the Charter. in Real , Estate Mortgages, }round Rents. and such first-olaas seenrittes as wilt al ways mews perfect neourity to the depositors, and which cannot fall to give permanency and stability to Cue Institution. ant ly SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND 80 OW) , OP PHILADELPITIA. Office, No. THIRD Street. i Column litiolv .. Bank) CHARTERED BY THE EGISLATU. OP PENN ANIA Deposits rvoeive4 in sums of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid in Gold. without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. . ti responsible end reliable Saving Instigation has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and " The Prins Garden Savings Fund Society" was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers. in organizing and locating it. have been ittl.6TyltdWbollY by a desire to accommodate the bum news interests and wants of the very large and enter prising population by which it is surrounded. OFFICh OFaN DAILY. From 9 tg 33 o'clock; also on Monday and Thursday from 5 until 8 o ' cloc k in the evening. MANAGERB. 1 Stephen Smith, ' Hon. H. K. Strong, lrederick Ste oke, oseph P. LeCtero, eorge Knecht, erne Dock. Hon. Wm. hfilltvard. Geo. T. Thorn. Robert B. Davidson. S. PRINGLE, President. Frederiok Klett, John P. Levy. Damel Underkoffer, Francis Hart, John Henley, Jr., James 8. Pringle. Joseph M. Crowell, George Woelpper, rater o.l,llmaker. JAMES . FRANCIS Haar, Secretorl EXPRESS COMPANIES. SPRING TRADE S . {EED . ECOPIY,AND SAFETY, TUE A OAM "I EX MESS COMPANY, eue CHEATS or 8 t !MET, Respoot'ally eve native tliet they are prepared, with a !nmed Lea Ihtim a," Ott ,o,intAtmet. By ?assentor Trains. to all parts of the WLBT, SOUTH, AND SOUTHWEST. RECIIIPTIS GIVEN. With rate. inserted to destination , which we rumen. tee will be as low ea those of any other responsible Ex press Company. The despatch with whtoh we put alt descriptions of merchandise throne h to Pittsburg, Cincinnnti,Coium bus, Cleveland, Chinas°, Lexington , Losisville. St. Louis, Nashville, and all other Cities and Towne in the West, cannot be excelled by any other Company. Also, by our Southern Ebvielltl• 191110 h lICl4llVely been established over the great line of Railroa as, via: 1 Grand Junction and Mississippi central, throush to New Orleans, to Baltimore. Washington, Alexandria, LY noh burg . , Bristol, Knoxville. Chattanooga, Nashville, Huntsville, Memphis, Grand Juno] ion, Canton, Jackson. 4iokabura. and Pew Orleans, and all other cities and loan , in the South and Southwest. Expresees eve ior the West and South from our Office 3M CHEST NUT Street, daily, at 7 a. M. and at For New York; at 8 9, and /I A. M.. and ExpressP.m.. daily (Sundays exospteM. Steamship , for Charleston and Say.nnah. close at our ethos at 7 P.M. on the days before sailing . Our Watons will call fo'r goods in any part of the city within the follovrins limits. Delaware end Schuylkill rivers, and Co des and South streets. provided notice be left at our office bofore five o'olook P, bl. Merohante banging out the Call Cards of the Adams Express Coro pan?. rosy depend upon our drivers swing stnot atten tion to the same. For partiou , ars,pleagn apply to the ADA aid EXPRESS COMPANY. Phila., Feb.lo,lBoo. apb-Sin Joos BINGHAM, BOP% MERCHANT TAILORS. EO, THOMPSON, • MRRORANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER OF SEVENTH. AND WALNUT STS. Respectfully invites the attention of all those minting from the mconventenoe of bad-fitting pantaloons to his superior method pr cutting and fitting this important garment. t ruth , i n , fact. an almost fault rsaltom plaint. The in, however, that the generally lire with the unskilled nutter. who has never searched for or made himself master of the true method. Raving, n measure, made thin department a specialty. I invite ail who are interested to eve me a call. I have always on hand a complete assortment of desirable goods lbr Coatings, Pantaloons, and Veatinge, or the latest styles, partiality OM Own - importation. mh2tam COAL. PAUL P. WALLER. KELLER & EMORY, Moe No. IS) WALNUT street, Philadelphia, spLE AGENTS Pl.Gt E. Bordas' superior ffroad Modritrun White Ash, and R. Reoksher & Co.'s celebrated Black Reath and Otto GOAL . • Shippid bicanal and railroad from Bohnylkill Raven. Botorylkill 00., Pa. felt-Sm S • W. GROOM & CO. Odloe ys btiutn FOURiiR EOM. WHARF, PINE ETREET, BOHUYLESik Nolen ail Menem Una I plelataiNerth, and Ilaharlkili Merchandise tahen OD wharfage PI• OUSEKEEMS LOOK TO YOUR iigintereet. - Huy your CIE , LL AT HICKS', where nothing but the very lossttuaiity of Lehigh and BohuYb kill Coolie o ff ered at toe allOWlag reduced prices: Lehigh, froken, oliF, an Stes—..— Ali SS golf ton. Sohuyiki I, *. --. 4 , 00 I.4rge Nut— •—• 3 60 Warranted - free - Nut aims Or d - tdit • l'vid ftilv_rpkaht, al BRICKS' _yard, moutnenat Gunner MARaitaakb an ,' I b LOW - . Call and haw. plums-sw sale br , WXTHIMILL , SIOWINICioNIONMILANIONIftrow NEM 'fIBALROMIMUICH IJCOD ApriliCit $1? o'ajoOk— ,• 111 P. ' hA - aw Packaged : OuiAutp 4=o, y ,0041M 0 rein; dry r IMACKAACM POlNTl=roa, • erty -- • An inVoion of very hig tor ' rig fillittgLhOlkio!rlM. CHANTILLYLAWS ANT ; An lava* of Chantilly lace mantillas. - BONNET RIBBONS.: -. On Friday Morning. ' - An involoe of NOS ilagpoult do ems bonnet yjhbof HEAVY •TAFFETAi vaimema, • Strand 82-inoh heavy blown taffeta, or prOkellaa. , SALM ,OV. IMPORTM DAY' ' (3001 M. , ' Apnl .it tit,* 1 poit ' ' . " 4111244' .. • d - r r M0 i 1 , !•46N epld lota of ~ .faitet end *pie Importeil SSA Samples sononviloguen MAW on morning of abli. AUOVIONS11; No: 431 -tUre , ,UELESITNUT lITHRET_rte the Motes A anee. between FOLTRTIA and Ft H,fitmeta • n.A_Jytt OF L.Ol 8, AN D MIYO Or itAW, BON NETS. FLATS. BLOOMERO AND FANtyY HATd , ht.d.No' AND DOTS'Cris 40. On Friday M , orning, April 'l3. by ounions. on a mean, commencing at 10 0 clock precisely, consisting. in part. of— Ladies' newest and , oat shape Holub straw, 7 and it end braid, fancy gimp pedal braid, lead °Mend mid brown straw bonnets. - .F1.6:18 AND FANCY HATS. Ladies',and ahhdren'a trimmed tied un trimmed mam braid and t e i meru hats, Bloomers, Ads ~ buries, Diner riding bats. &o hiNti'd AND BOYS' BATS. palm,. braid, tenet. Wm. Tell, sad • Yugo& hats—to wh.oh the attention at the trade is invited. PMILIP, 40111) &- 00 ; AUOTIONEFAS No, 00 MARIUS,: Street, and 01 MINOH IltreeL SALON OF lOW, OASEII4 .INNYrd. ANONtt, Bag. GANS, AND ISTRAW.GOODB. . • This Morning - April IL at 10 o'olook _prawn's - . will be told Pt `catalogue; on four months oredit. 1 qoo ,14.. men s. boys'. and y ouths' calf and kip boora'; calf, bar. goat; and kin brogans, calf and patent lea ther gaiters, Ox ford ties, patent leather walking r oes and opera boots; women's nneeme, and children's oalf. , aoat, bur, mn, roeect kid, and enamelled boot., heeled and sprint.'. 11111168 . - superm emb'd goat morocco eau glove- ktd Congress heeled boots and 'lmpels. Also, a large em 'torment of font-class eity ,, made--goods. Ihe above sale will embrace, a full einiortment of boots and oboes of the first Quality. Wanted to the city mod tiountr, trade. - ,•• • " AS . • • - samples of HOUMBRE eas LL es Scotch gingham -um brella". • . STRAW GOODS. • At oommencement of sale— A large and elesan. assortment of ladles' and misses' ultra 6ne quality Leghorn Bloomer., flats, bonnets, ladles' sod misses' ND:nano. lugh omit new style do. Psr w it , atop and faitey do, trtsnmed Flo renee Adelaide , quality miasma' shamus. Sm. SO' tiooda 'open ' onamination, with' osialognes, earlyton•Ple moron,. o(.gale. HUBBA . R.I) & • GORMLEY, AUCTIONEERS, - 730 itLARKET St•impt. - RALE OF DRY GOODR HOSIERY, CARPET ; . DAG 3, THIMMINUS. /go. , Apri - 113. ' On Friday ti,lorntaa.., 81. , Part ionlarn on Friday alarming. WILIAMS & BOYLE AUCTIONEERS ANA COMMIBBIONIIERCELABTB, No. 10 North MAIN threat. BT. LO 18, Mo.. fronted/ with mean. Myers, Clashorn. &) offer their Berme, to the merchants, nianettire', arid others of Flu lu ladelpa, for the sale of dry goo se, car pets. boots, shoe*. hard. are. Jewett's, Ac., a e. - Kir Cash advances made on receipt or so-da, , Or Battlements =ado three dayeafter sale. • AtElI/FILBNCEP. mews. Myers'. Chisholm. & Co. Philadelphia. • -Btaart & Brother. PhiladeJehisi. - Van Wick, Townsend ~& Warreas, New Nark. "- & B. Curtis & , Co., New York, " • wood, Mundy, & Co., St. Los, o. .• Crow, McCreary. & Co.. " • mallis-thstnlT xl. O 30 130 130 1.30 1.36 1.20 8 11 .25 15 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 102 JGNER J ERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT -LAW, Office, No. 110 South MEE Street, - (opposite Independence Square,' • PHILADELPHIA. By the aid of reliable Attorneys, et different isolate in' t‘e, llnited States, is enabled to proseeatirand aonsot clams of every description. Particular attention siven to the examiastion and re covery of the maims of Le.atees and Davies.. sad the examination of Land Titles and securing the interest' of heirs sod all persons interested in the 'same, in all parts of the Union. Dee the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. Depositions carefully taken under Cotionuisions. anti nin JOHN DICKINSON, COMMISSION I,IERCHANT of Malmo • ILII 14/Ni IN . AND; DEALER IN DOISEITIC AI'IRFEEBI6I4 EXCRA.NGE. ROOS ' OR, TEXAS. ' ' Collections made and, prompt remittances in Sight waohance, at current rates. on New York, Easton, or New Orleans. . REVIOS TO CR ESCENT CITY BANK. New Orleans. Mesnrk. RENE LEGS k GORYING, New York. W. R. PRICE.Esq. Now York. Mew.. PIERCE do'BACON. Boston. nrliPS-larlf RAMIIEL G. SLO REAL ESTATE DROICva AND C,OLLEDTING AGENT. mhZl-Sm. ST. PAUL, itllolllol%. MISSOURI LAND! • &BILBRoCOrt & CO., General Land and Reel Estate Agnate, Dealers in Land Werrants&toeta. Ate. Northwest minter THIRD and coma:ll3T litinete, B't. nds. LOUIS; La PartiOnlar attention aid to entering' Graduated - • • • dorms for sale at prices rant kW from Wi to oents per acre. Patents secured and taxes road. Enable stamp for Plat and imam:dam tell-ema WAG X, 82,111XER. WM. W. 11411N1511 G OER ft UAEKNESS, COMMISSION MERC felorn l33 ,13 0 UT a, IN _ PAILAD LPHIA. A LFRED L. HOUGH; 4 - 11 . PAPNIt MANUFACTURr &MN/. Orders molusted for essr/ demon on of PAPER A ND PAPER -MAKE 'kl 41.A.TEBILTA fell-Sm. o, V Booth RIX= Street. Pnilstialonin. , . . . pit W SUN & :NIWIOLSON, . .1000NJOR8. NOS. •14 KBI anD 421 stINOR. MEET, Between Karon and Mamma sow* PRILARELPHIA. • JAMES PAWOON. JAIS. B. MC/191MM jes7-iy* R R. CORSON. REAL ESTATE BRO- A-a." RER AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown, ?e Uo Farms for sale in Boobs. Blootgomary, arid Ohm er counties. Catalogues of Farms, wish fall ossonr ions. want by mall. 1441-31 n likr B. PALMERIS ADVERTISING AND V • SUBSCRIPTION AG.ENCY,for Now*. papers mld_rorldicalo of Oittonci Cowan', M. E. oor nor FIFTH an CHESTNUT. Addrom " V PALMER." Philadelphia. MI3-lm THOS. Id. BMDLE, Attorney at Law A. No. 773 South FOURTH Street. • ulB ft* E XCHANGIE 'INSURANCE COMPANY —of6oe No. MO WALNUT Street. FIRE INBuRA.ricE on Houses and Weinhandise generally. on favorable terms, either knitted or per. netnal. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsai!. hdarard ILL Roberta, John Q. Hinnoln• John J. GraMtbs, Jostma.T. Owen, Reuben O. Hats. Thomas Marsh, John hloDowe_.ll Jr.. Sarni. L. BmedleY: Jos. T. Hate, Bellefote. JEREMIAH BONSALL, President. trum Q. GINNODO, Vine President. E DWAAD W. DAVID. Peoretary . athn-wfmtf ANTIIRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Adthorised Capital BiOe.OOO—CHARTER P.RPETUAL. of No. WALNUT !Street. between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. - Tele Company will insure against loss or deems, by Fro, on Buildings, Furniture, and Ideroluindis• gene. rally. Attic., Marine Insurances on Veesels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insaranoe in all parts of the Union. DIRELITOBB. Joseph Maxfield. Dr. George N. Eckert, John R. Mahatma, Wm. R. Dean, J. K. Baum. .bBHEK, President. . DEAN, Vice President. ca-tathstf /leo') Esher, D. Lather. L. Audenried, Davis Pearson, Yager Sieger, JACOB WM. F. W. M. SMITH, Secretary. DriLAW AKIN DIU 3: UAL sariak IN INCORFORA S B R B CE H M LEGISLATURE OP PJONSYLVANI4 Use. OFFICE S. B. streets, uoßNEßF hilede IHIRLAND WALNUT l MARINE INSU RANCE ON VESSELS, CARGO.,_ To el ruts of the Wail. FREIGHT, 'INLAND INSURANCE/ On Goods, by IliveT, Can,sle.Askee„ mad Load Oarnase -.... or, 101uaa........aap, ar....- to all parts of the Union. FIRE I S Cu 'Merchandise 20144, On Storm, Dwellm_ uses, is ASSETS OF HE Aun. November Lilt. Par. /lariat Taira. 1123,010, Philadelphia City 111/g cent. Lasa....elsaisa 00 100,000,Teansylvsnia State 6ir ot. Loan.-- 91555 00 MAW Penneylvenla State 5 itr M. Lon.-- . 11,000 oo :Low, U.B. 'Preainry ilfi 00' cent . Notes an d Illtereat CMS •••• • MAO 54 /20,000 U. S. Treasury (1 7 2, ot. NOW' and inter est due --- ..... .. .• . ... - ~.. 30,515 00 4115,0 M Temporary Loan to ; the City o f Phila delphia__ . _._,.. —.—.— MAO 1)0 150,000, Pennsylvana ßailroad scr oloitosoo Pea , ar , cont. 800 $20,000, North Penney vault% R a il r oad Mor tgage aIF cant. Bonds —.— . 12J0500 114400 West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company 7 fl , ct. coupon bonds.... UM 10 1115,000,1103 abates stook Germantown 5544 Company, interest and prinoipal swarm:W . ed by the city of Phila -15,000,100 s h e a ve s Pennsyia „...lvania Railroad moto ao • Company .......•-• •-•••••• elm 00 I 3,0110, /00sharea Nortirginnsylvania Rail-. road ComPasig -- .• —-- . ,-- 1110 to $l,BlO, alums Philadelphia fee e - and Steam :tug C 01 1 ,6. 6 167. Philadelplua and MU Bonds Nl and Mortgages. and Heal Estate. or- IM ' . fine Building IBM X Balt reoelvable for insuratoes mate-- MAN Balance one at menotes—Prerminns on Bla nco Poliolee, interest. and other Bette doe ' the Company— ....... 10,141 0 Boris and stoat of sundry Iturarance wax- me& • • •••• • • cash on DeP°6 DIXEOTORB. William Martin,. Bamval E. Stokes. &Inland A. &saw, - J. F. Penieton , Theop_hilus Paulding, Henry Sloan. John R. Peareae. - Edward Darlington; John C. Davie s if. Jone. Brooke, Jaynes Tratrair j Bpenoer Miming, Witham E . yre , Jr.. Thomas C. Baud, .n.ea C. Hand, Robert Burton, William C. Ludwig. Jacob P. _Tones. Joseph H. Seal, Jame. 11. M'Fariand. Dr, R. M. Huston, Joshua P. E 7 114 fame G. Leiner, John 11. Benin* PittstAg Hugh era, D. T. Morgan, .. Chafing Kelly. A. D. Beath .. WILLIAM MARTIN, Pregident TADS. C. HAND, Vies P , esident,_ HENRY LYLBURN. Beoretarr. dIl-wftratf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED Igo—CHARTS PERPET. W . 0.310 WALNUT Street A above Third. Pkibidelphiit. Having a large paid-up iMpital Stoolc and Surplus in vested in Round and available Seouritios, continue to insure op liwellines, Stores. Furniture, Myo °bs':Wise, Vessels in on and their cargoes, and other. Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted, DIRICTORS. Thos. R. Maria, John T. Laiu. John Welsh, James R. Caoplbell. Samuel C. Morton, j•ldmund Patrick Brady. Ohm W. Nethe r , Mi l L or il s. r4Aars, Pr • k ALBERT O. L. URA v. , POiltD..leoresary. - fell& 7111[04 Dv /111011 e T NSURANOE VOMPANT OF Tall BTATE TENNULVNIAFIRS ANZLNIA. RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BULLD LNG& Chartered in 1244— Osints1.411000074MINO ' Amman 1. taw RStrette 64,-100. All invested in wind aid if i v irg ailaldsjmenguilf Gnus to insure ontreuels and nenißldiMbilit= Merobsndise, etcvfothiiM terms. RS: ,snry Blistrittd; some H. imeon Lau ob tolgissi g rt plain 11. 821 Ir, r. 6 1 1 To r s TIN War churgr* • - e 1 , ~.k a ritau. - "EWAN • 01,7, 1,1!,FW0 I=ll= ST. LOUIS, MO. BUSINESS' CARDS IN sUMANcE COMP ANIEs. 6aysnnah Bteem fiaviggitioaCoin- 'Lady. 0,36 — W1 — titeam — f.air 'alga le Bartipahy. Philadelphia and Ha vre de ilracie Steam Tow Boat trlidleT , Philadelphia Bat:thaw, .. 1.20 00 --... 0,0%. 31 WTROMAIi: 4 • INS, i . - - -I.' r , ... . m ti' 06 . 1 1WrilirSCSI4 DIMITRATaintr 4-Trotifiriarar ilL _Ru m . .. , evrint...-:4,1,1-mb'-"" Ara ate** —Handoxiors achni , /tatiamlie. W iimirtory sole. .: ma lIKIDI aWile—gigril Mb. as Ow wfuelsew. igo ttil i hickon--Large dwelling. extensive etalaligg. Ike. remptory fele. , loth emu flale,Mull IT. aim.; 144101 Thrh win Balis — Aviill7.,eveatas. & 116... ' LI Zilut Ol tall taladbilbi wt .day sir owe Own gags now reads. , • CA.AILPUBLIO WAN it Listivir Aoir SToCILIVAT-THis Exow wry* SONS end stooks e n ver, Tuesday. el sr ociatri_b_uppusnetstacrams st either Sr Mailla qt ertetkmee *Mimi' to isluell weitettmeilk *I ..____* to the ?pee theetlued o rtOemmia Wins Sa liZi , on the •:, L InfirrAT MIrATIIIF IiALIL L SFr -wp hens leant eassentes IV 1 1 1 , 1 • 2 4 Invest sale, inoleding, evetylideen „ • 01017 property. Printed nujy T rAtatnnt rest • ' - . PRIVAT SALM ILTSV ilir 116•1 estate entemd o " l3 101 1 61 Z 1. 4 = and advertised ocsistonally is oar Pub itt (erwhiehlateoetnes ars meted elesiree *fetus§ CARD: TO GENTLEMEN OF TEE BAR,AND F " BOOi- LARGE AND ImPORT ELLERS. AN r BALE OF-ILAW BOOIL We are noir preparing' oattlogull so Fier ce is oollection or valuable - taw booker wo+ob mars** , *rot entice tt b to bed old 1)y order ' wxmatoOLOW others. i n are many o f the belt and most Mesita bla English sad - Anterioau Revorte, Digests, Awl ilit tnentary Works. fir Date (dials will be announced In • few data, . . FOORTBENT A SPRING SALE—AP/M., IL Potemkin Sele—On the Premier. Abaegi Areß_Ne—. HAND.OAiN &UGRIC( REeLDO.N.CRAND Puma- TuRE. ' • - Oa Friday Morning, Apni 13, at 10 o'clock. will be sold, without reserv e on tne premises, all 'that superior modern three briek me:snags, with double terse-atom be out - ince. and lot of ground7-North side of • reh adroit, west of Broad street. No 1 4 / 3 .23 feet 8 inches front. 9911 lest deep. replete with all the modern imProvemeats and oonvernences. erer - See handbills for Mb partioubun. Clear of all ineumbraooe. I arms—Steuo rash. 13MM within twelve months; Waned may rettlatu ea molt gage for a term of years. FtittNiTURK The entire hotnehold furniture,. piano, do., will be sold' immediately alter the sale of the house. OW Sale absolute, without reserve 'or limitstiosi. . SIXTEENTH SPRING SALE—APRIL 17, - At II ifolooluntion. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Rehear& "Atelier, deceased. FOUR-STORY BRICK Ole EIAING, with modern oorivieniences No. 1131 either*. eireetoseet or Fifteenth,. Same Flints-2 FRAM er 'STABLES erwilli rude o f Filbert 'Street, west of hightepath street - Execu t or's - Perhaturrit7 Mao, _More of C• 011 * WU' ' deceased. IHISINESS PAND-Thres storybriedt ais cad dwelling, No. 131 North Front street, about Arch street. in7e . , solo abroinco. - • LARGR •Anfr . VALUABLE, RESIDENCE, with bask Moldings end Modern linprovements. No. Pall Vine west, 'with stable dud mulch house in rear. on Mem, per's street.' Lot MK by let feet. two fronts. • HANDIRME MOPE d N RdoIDENCE„ Walnut et., No. lON, error Eleventh street. Zifeet front,l3ll deep; has aft modern oreigemences, end m getal Order. BRICK riTh BLS AralY COACkt 13.0U+$. No. 1305 C uthlierr etre et.'between Twelfth and,Thirtitenth, Cad Arch and Filbert street". Room for 3 Oise , and carriages, with - gas non water. - ' VALUABLE PAOPEIt'r —Btiaia Flouring- MIR, Doitil:ery. Coal Yard, Ind I ems land. at _North Wake station. on the Ifortn Pentrisylvsela Railrood, rg, miles from Philadeiphis. - If ANDMKMDERN RESIDENCE. witAL side yard. No. 1331 Spruce street. west of Thirteermit atreet ; lot 99 feet front, 115 feet deep, withal! mourn improve meats and'eenvenienOes. ' , . N KA"I` - RESIDENCE. RLYER'f ON. - Pothet• strie, N. W. corner of Second end ,cinnentlasoa swot" ; terse rot MO by 300 feet. HANDSOME 'MODERN RESTORNCE„: ISM Spruce street, emit of Sixteenth ismer. with modern convergencies. M /DERN owELLINpr;. Ito. . to Costes stioet. east of Tenth street - • •-- BUsI,NEsS STANT— Modern tine - story briekstOre - See eWelliets rio. Nee* street. west of eciAttenth street. 1160 - ItansedistCpompeswon. • ELEGANT MU .e.NA ReeLDelfgE; No. leti Wal nut street. west of Tweeftr,3s feet] 19ne US feet deep to emulous street. routs.' Mr .tomiadiste ses session SEVENTEENTH SPRING HALE—Amu, it- At T detest is the *mum, AMAtAtte*Paremoted7 Bale= rwo TH REE-STORY BOWIE DWE4dANGS. Spring Garden draft, betimes El/month and Twelfth streets. Same Estate h40131.T. TORRE-81'0RX =CY DWEtiLINGS: itetith 'side or Barker meat; betwesa Chestnut and Market, add Iduttesuth lad devetasseath streets, Rate abeotata. . mum" Ettato T WO TEIRES-VIVItY 'BRICK DWELLINGd,porth side of Mello; shoot. "botwows Chestnut end market. sod tiltnteunthilibarkyWOMPutli lumens. Oir owe atustuts. Tlittr.o.BTOßY BO.101( DWELLPIO.. No. pie Federal street west of Kwyoutti. - • lointmoliny bile= IWO-MIRY 'BRIO; "OWNI.- kinvettutd stroot. , wast of Thwar-orto stroot. (tato blintaowillo; Jot Si' fest frOot. lit foot dillof4 Oir Sole oboolow. BAL E OP 'SUPERIOR FURNITURE, 1.14 4 110.. ItORTE,_' OFFtER FURIVITURE.- S t<LIGA T VELVET MEI/a1...L10N cmtprrs. 'Altai; D _UPisRIOR can - trruFFEvi BIRDS, BAit- TEL LE nor , E.Kurtitiossuomoasas. SI IS- Wil.. IMPF,IIAL- ARO ovum. GAPE . 4.111 NA ARO GLASSWARE ' ' , CIA ED— Our side this sondet, At the L est zStoreorll OomPrse-besidesMotsfeicalWata tunnture, pthn“orte, sUpOrOr Oe& 1401/0. ofastn. bookcases, lke.; 2 .leanst medallion vile table. st ear. Oa. handsome case cuffed birds, begat...lle- entli balls and own templets t. terse husk Ir . °bandoliers ; Brussels and leglaHlt , lepers id U ln nehatteetests, China sad slastware-itte, muse se attsamate asso rt ment vortny the testenstos of Aliso ind others dolmas of pershistes, - „ _ • P. Catalogues *or nie,Aviand Itte.ettlWeeilett for examination. •- " . _ . . • . SI. 6T. 1.11.111, VOW 14 r e. IiPERIOR JJANITtIitE, F st a il wpm. ROllB. PIAIIO-FORTES, 11 Thu Morning. ." - . - - . At 9 o'clock. at the Amman i.torii.Mt" of exoelleut seoood-hand (armholeoeFtpi aa- Ame.e mirrors, carpet' Mo. WEL . e =Sb W oureaeledas. removed to tarator•r cow . , Abe. a Wig ease stiffed birds. ' , .. Also, a large quantity wall paper. - . • SA, No U 23 Arab street. SUPERIOR PERMIT. kle. ROaEWOOD PIANO, ELh&ANr cHAND tad : BURlLanti. /RIX CARP.STd, CURTAINS:Su. - On Friday IRorarae. - 11th inst., at 10 o'clock, at pa. lel Arth strut, by catalogue, the han some furniture. enperlur IntiOs mete bY Iteiehenbion ; See mirrors. *armies, enneriou brains-es, tine carpets. enyeruir choosy fanutu.• to sir The residence .111 WI 17 Yitirriuue to tN Mk Of furniture. W See catalogues. stair or roor r. OY v 24119175 elirolnii, FROM A PRIVATE col,LE.upit Pndat Even um. _ April M at OW mama pam a eaftanstar book.. an variotts .a Neat.. front a rivata NT For partionlata sereatalouies, • rflteml i torr halt PRIVATE CIOLLEC op OP ICROIMARE VALX: ABLE .).IJROPEAN A INT.N looladdit_ Worts - of eminent Daareklor Altana. isT PIER'S Splendid Mettle Statue of PSYCHS, - On datitMay Mown, April H. at 11 o'clock, at the auction room. Woo. and lei South Fourth street will be bolt witkcatt ye 'er re. a ertcate collection. of choke. sad beautiful td& .kaanunge, by Eminent EuropEen stoat.. Alan FITEINHAURERII RPLnAtp...ramitßut sTAT cataime. will be reads thrsa dart' ytartoaa. Palatines now artaneed for exammatiais. - NATHANB 3 AUOT 10 NS BR ITA- AND COMMURION RIRRORAIIT, entheiell owner of SIXTH end MACB West& 11024X1 TO LOMA a9i0,000 to km, ID Iwo or Name% A Amite. gold An etbrer Atte. ftmencle, Aachen Aim ry, fowling meow,. dry 1000, cdatbatigal sew.. terattare.ontiery, matt testrent b yl e a d au, ho ao nes t vebtott, tenznont, ned ee Uni u tt than et any otter estebt=erte m re Alit7 OUT-DOOR SALER 'Attended. to hereoneat by the anetteuer, at very kw ;oluiritee. CONSIGNIRENTIF ROLICITDR. • bonsignments of all .ad every kind A needs @A AA for public isle ; two-tbildelbe vatua of the teetlevel be attyanoed in antunpattee of tee WA' • - MAW PIATITAWL 1124C1112tERT AND IRON. SANI7III. V. 311111/Ci. .T. VAIIGNAX WiLLLIII H. XIILIULICZ. 1: T WA R K FOUNDRY 1 , 3 FIFTH AND wAsnixecoit STREET", rotganagrgua. • KraitkiCK. k • RNGINESIIBtI2) Adannfaeture Risk and Pressers Akin. rangtimm, for Land, River, and Manna sumo.. , Boilers, Gasometers, Tubs. frOnlosts, Roo Castiags of all limas either Iron or Dram • Iron Prams Roof, for Oso Works,'Work road Bustiono. &o. Retorts and Gas l ßsit- Machinery of the least and most run proved construct/on. Every description of Plantation Machinery, seek m sugar, Saw and Grist hii b, Vacuum Pans. OTan Steams Trains, J./elevators,. Filters, Pumping Engines. Re. Bole Agents for N. ltdbent's Patent Sugar Rolling Apparatus; limmirth's latent Steam Ramaror_t and Aspinwall k Wolases Patent Celatrifugai &mar Drain ing Pdschms. auF-Y 4 lew. t4_ap :Ex_luftt : llpA i l TIN ;P ACKAGE HARDWARE 110IISIL—We d reeverotally call thip attectior of the Gimp of BIZ -Iderizroymeirmr =ci v iT : zi t it awl ftice by the weals. Orders for direct iSDO.O. rcealt 101 6 . 4 . 40 t ( 6 = Anna! elm' In tie/ Gab Pgr . Al commvt stmt. dad - uarating and =l:2 l6r Aniaalft Last, for Foreign snit nati4l GENTS' FHRNISIERNG GOODS. .j W. SOOTT---late of the firm of WM ,. • cheater & Boott—GENTMtit'l £llll - N 8 1318 3 11% 1&*1 nli t r .10 the GI imd 111 • NI trestinsat moon gladelabia. J. W. ff. would ropOotfolbr oall the attentiZ,llf his r patrons and nrisodo to big my store, ...le t° fill ordain (oUIitIRTA dn maim. , elgi . g .i nme. wholualo T rade IlliplitAVi Iti k CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. N 7• FUGIIET SONS,' 1. LMPORTRRIS op _RAvacA crwAß.q... No. IN Booth FRO,NT Street, Receive regularly •- full awottmeetof desirable CI IeARS, which they offer at kry Mahler care or ap Proved credo. &N\7, IIItAWING AND PAINTING hum jaktp, Unguloati and Arehit.o& Blationtry. fireman Painting Itliteriste• M a t h = 3 l .l .l ' 4ll74 l g.ltria. tp, .uthita and ; °tures and ?Ware "maw Ting Cords, Amnon and Finset Nines gulds to tti_dnide. BICROLZt bitlnjUrl2lY. No. lli Smash 'EIGHTH Street. WHOLE:PALE Itin *IMAM. owe.* SWIM VI IL' AIITION !—AStROLOG !—LOOK OUT!—GOOD JilyWft FOR ALL t--The never failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the best she succeeds when all others hare failed. All who are in trouble!. aU who have been unfortunate. deceived by false tomiseet hi Sy to her for advice and comfort tons c airs sks error fails. She has the *egret of winning e ate lions of of the °melte sex. It in thin fact which induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate he , and eoey ber advertisement. the show, you the likeness of _Your fa wn, wife, huebeind, or absent friend. It is well known to tha.roblic at large that she is the inn acid only per sou who ran show the likeness in reality. entices Ms Ot t it a itt i at c 'Zig on th the =ll:,°fkileityar7;i4 and single. who daily end eagerly rim g er. Come one oorne all to No. 1336 LOM °ARO Streit, betweeD Juni per and Broad. izeSILVER MEDAL AND WYLOMA , AWARDED, at the Ws State P10T,59...k, DAVIS & CO.. N. W. comer of PIFT&IATH Bud WI We .W Streets. A. B.DAVPI & rtailrcild &alga. A. B. DAVIS & CO,'S Depot roAlos. A. B DAVId & CO '8 way rosier. A. IL: DAVIS k CO.'S Coil Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Miners' &Mei. A. B. DaVIB & cO.'s Ronta&-Mill teak& A. B. DAVIS & Co 'd D.rmant Warehouse wawa. A. H. DAVIS & CO.'S ristfortal+ealfnr. Macrut&ctnry, N W. MUM' Of aP7-/M FIFTERtad tad WILLOW ate. 414A.MiE 'AND VALUABLE ETNA Realer MenialOld* 91114 itedueed Pewee, eat URI. ateiUT street. at iaa.oeo worth ateueltrai welsh(, &Us, ONSigigall as assortment atilt algae. Coonter, Porrabl• Platform, Wareham, si ft . o w. Cattle, and Railroad Robles. Purcheserra will ban it foe aide intermit lb Gall east examine the abotms SWAN at , On CRASTZI UT BTIENT. Philieteldrigh, CHO; A. LA lELS, The attention of abut', umereheate teesned tome above stook. .figm FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM &MUM For ad* IraMMILV4746. IGIRENOH GELATINS WHITE, BUT