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' - :#0,..,ii.'- -,'.-71,040.-i._,,..i, klngiV, - ,,,,;.-_,-,,44,-;(%•*:*,':p:p -:-.•"- •-i1i47,40.6"ii ti1t,71!".1 -;!''',--••:l ; ,,iiigWill': -iss•'-'441e:., -',•-,., - al'adflik*,s 4 ,, _At l i ":'4**.As344,i;jst77'&g.'' ---- ....5....A., • , -47777•447';'-fok9p.:', •,,,,,,,f,_,,,-k:,,,,,-.,.,... , ‘406.7{614___;,,........*"iwibiti5',1? , ; , '4-.7 4 - 6 .4„,•--. 1 - i ii v,,.....44,.=.t.c!”„., J4,16,„_,,___.,..-1-, ,s*,_ i, jr:",TC-1-,;'ilid',lPrrilirit'ill4::: ''': 1 :- - -1,,--,iigiwi4t,o's iiiii - d;(4-0 041- - -- - 44 -.444 .....-- -- ilamin4lo 'of eli...riliii „, ittg,,..-,,,,Thi c ts .k ______, - **eittori, z. ;_-- ii; . 1140.0:46, HillgOrs.i. ; - ;:',:i•-;-'-i&,..---.':'•' 4 ":411,0147=ittbk#-i r---'„-,,,-.:,,,„-:., • ,-„-, itim„,•7,,t•-thir , :•31.--...-T,..7::;;••_7041:1-77t77: 11014,. (tiknov.,s--T-7 1,•,-,,*,4 '• ,,•,,,-;1 ;',1:',.-.' - - -*lmo_ :', ~,.,:-.;f41.0404,-,•., i.,,,,5.W-., :;'f,Abvehomthille,v,..-1, 'Y,l'.i:-.-:?:,--zt,"4,_,,...,____.--,-,---_,,,,...:•-,-.:' :, tivi'l! ,44k'ii10,*• ,- l' i 'Aia X.''•:-,ii'4-:•-••3iV7mitiiii-ii* A`i. "..- , `” !' •;:_,.14k : .egt?.',6. 4"..-,;:7?:;,"t-,::s.:•:1,-,-.4,:i•:„ ,u41i, i * :1 ",,m7,..., , ,i '-' ''' k -.."'..: :- ..--;;;t1Z%-i, i ,i i nt .....;- , P= at; ,. l - ",;: -,,,::,,-,.,,,,,,4-i,7,-,,,,,:„.5,,,,,,.,,,,.......,-'-.,-- ' 4 n / ft . !' -----,.. . '. !,,,1'..A11-fm-el:, viiiiiiiii*.: ~:- OT,I---44-.,L,':,-4.,,, , 'k - : , : - . 1 .i , '1, -, : - .,.. AL [.,,,5, ..ti , a? ,, , ,, „, , ,,,:, uf5i . L. 1.,-.;:';-•::•i;-.C,'Y',i':,•f-':-'7V-??:::',441k, • _,lt,lM.:l iiii iiriiiiiit *Wiri,- [4';-R:Ift:4!!'•-,iiiiiit241-4,-1, 4*;-::** , 70), f , 1.?„4.-5',,,',,,..,''',.:47;',-',,,;_:,•-.14-„,,1;r,,,, , ..orcrot---- s-----*_.,,.,-,4: -,1,,,,."-*,,4,.".,Liti!..117,1.,4,' ~,.... i. ~--.0.6_,,..1,5-, --iforth"; -:,-. :: -,- 4,--- - t . ‘ -f1F. „::-.2-7,,,----,156,104. t.,-,n4 %!,:%::' , i- 7... .-' ,4 M ,1 1" . :47,i-ktr 7 ri,,.'-'7l.q-,,,-Mf,,,q.:,1,..---, ' --_k.*:',,,,ir'n?'l-, i ~ •i, -, ir,, i r -,, ~. ... ~. . ....... '2A`4.:','..':,-!-!-',";--,,„..-•,,.:...,,..1 . .-,,mukk --. :,,-, ~.; ....,... , 1,,,, , ,,,. - , ._, ...-..._-_, "'-'- '''---:-',":::';N:',.f.,-';:);.---41111Aoilylittialloi 0 ZEE ' , Arli,A l !„ , itrasede t :-, ,!! -1 -.. - -ite: t., • _ - t,-- *..• ..,,,,- -,..,-,--• - i'. , 41.111**147,. ' ' it ... 4 00k.irts.,f - , 47,1v,-:-t,,, N 1 )-- ,, ".'-' , - 4 ii -0'5,, ' , 5 -" iii i iir a plirnr l , llol om e Nli t iont; -, ~";0.- ' **-7, :ii,ioiik' vltty.,!in. , e1k.,...._fm.,4...„4,,h1i5im„., . 7 • 7 o''''-'r- vvoirpr, „ ';' ~..),„-;:•,:ife:.,_„_,,.•,__•_. • , ,7 4intimi k,,t.L._ ._2 , ,,i7.77-..,771..„,;10;*mva rr j. " , , t i ka. - , '- , fli- , • . 'f :?'.: ',444:, '4.;Ti. • • )41114V•4.,,,,, Apiii.„ -:., 114 014,1-,,, -;;-..iiiiiiii•-•4144-,011:',,W712,. .-: 6: '',.-.,,-; ' ' ' •A '''-iiiiii;-:,Wis:loleitc , f.;,--:;-•19-:-•,::i.ifivel -,' .-1K•1.--:ir.i•T(' il i fi K l *ttl.....,_477,---' 'Aief*''riwr4. - ' ' t tevi4* kiko*;a4' h " , r 4a ; ' ot it tide' - - -, ~.liii4-lielj.::.#l l 7' .-liieitii 1011 :,, -- -,- -we '.i•-i:-:-:C.101#0,,---,•14' igo k r- Iwo ,-,,.- ~_=',.._2• 4• - i ", i ,i ..44;•;,-:::,''.::V:•-1: =-pliiioo. , k , * , =.:-• , , iiii[opit , =-°-' -'- :--' ,:c0i17401- :.!•V!.--;•,;,:f',4lehil.i#='4l-11:' -4 t*0ix.0.,....m.'" 3101#4011; '-----•--- ,-,:-:=•:.,.,- --; thin 4 "ill.-- i0ifri,,...mm":36,1,0(0!: --.•,':;-,a03-/---- lobe- - ' ;,,it4gAt•*' .i , - - ;virtik,*•.,...ia." - ,Iri..l d . - - "--144:_, '-: _= _ -,' 0,44 * 1 tk.,,, ,, T...- -..„..:: , : , .. T. it t0ii i04:00,0v,,,7,ii:p....:* .____. ',-."1:,'•-•-: --.- ',,k,,.=•ilivijoit,aiiiiiiiiiiov,9l.•,:ffa---,_,,,,,,,...,-•-.' :p...: •:,:, ',,-.::',;•-:.-=':,.. zr:;."....,h!,17.iiiit • ~_ , , • --I*IWAV , T. , --, ~,,,, 11,',4,.t:J.-•.“'-' -'atilke,,,, and ,' ~',' .-,,:";;EC,...'-fiedllantilri# *ail'•.' .. :-.,- -'---, • -=.4.,...T.7. 4,140400 a, „-' ," isitook•* : . :- , iiii-, [€•._,---,;.-- =:. • ••-__:•0--,..p-4,4=-110: -... ,ii,tstlithk7,- au,--Titinikaievr.= , :fl!..f:''-- V-7" :.;*:-::'iiiiill#o tinr'' *0111fr4:77-74 • ' '" ititt '. 'Pt' I,';,Y;* l',iii;i- ',':',-::iiii,1"0 1 4);°!!rg", ..-4",1r:14f..."1-,." Zii4.! :54.70;i: ~..,'„' --'4,4%'(1"/,' '''' -i3;bi--310`L :, '.".71-iii*ii'' ti„f"-.•;"4'::::'g,...;`,--::-;: '? ,.' 5 1 11- • ,1171, *ol.lo'lo' -' ii k***4 3 #41 1 : ,.........Aaa ,%1.2-.TF:r•--,VT,V::-.:04,,,„..___,,..;,1,6,;••'iiiitici**-wrfA-., ~,,..... ~: e, !a.n'?',3:-;,::3:•:•ip,i 0 ":"... , , *Wit : ~ • ,-- ...-",'-'*--li•V;"-i ii itiii i i!,,,, , ~... --ii4,4 4440 „.....t ,TF'4A',o*Aiki-,- - - -; =,,,,-*,=-,:.-•, ,-,.•-;•-•,..,.-.=-4..1/4.a.tramir-,.--- 14,01,,,,,,,,, - , ',dew t ea -,j, ~",..,•t„,,,,,,,,,,,, - 4;,..4„,,,m1, _, ._._ • , - ithilk , •‘• f Wen 2l 4 4 '';';7,7',-j.,',-;-.--,;•;-;,-;teeelbl". -I. ` - - :ti.4,,,L,:_:,=--,-aiiiolye,:' .u,,,--,, 7.- - - :thee-',,_ ~,,...5- illeide : L,',,,,'i1ik.1.0c, .„7.74.wthisiii,r ,,,, r i-- ~Ti.::.-f,-..;--,:.:41-!e,1,1,iiiiiie7....1011!"2,--kraff., ~0. , - , 111 t zu 7 5.7074,1:i ,e fi. , ...y - --; ,, - i ~."-Ti.;:filLriliiii*. ~.,, - - - • '''' litige VI"): - - ' - by_ lo tir *,,,,,w, , 5,,y.,,i--,5t. , --.. . ~,,,,,,t hia1.., , ,,,,,, _oll9*-,;•• ---iiiihiPol4lW-- r.„5,w,--„,11:714'.--,,e-, -,411.-,,,- •-`',FAlsitiffil!:,_-_=---27'-)000.4.02c- --,,imet_-' _. I R' zi.t,, ever A • • - ~iiiii.;• „*":#3 *ic '''' 'tFOOttlAblifi 7 ~. 4 ~ ,---S:k4,'='-'•;'"..',v--. .'' `-'. '': - •,- , 'O4 `44OOn,NIF .-77'y -''.4',. ~-.1,y-,'..,- - `,- tem* -ki,,,y- --,, 1i11d , , finn.,A--,- . '• ,te*T-•--",,,,t- , - ,:iiiii,;„,o-_______ ; „,.-----," r c,";=-(-2. F.;3,11 ' ,- ;7 , ::1A..."..- ' ' arplii,:- - 'ythisc:-.-,--7-7' -iiii--, • .~~ Yhi~% Yj cb~: ''eiteintittel is ' Itil , • the , Southern -. I a nuhet, i r-- "thetY oldest. bet. and - , Democratic tentP e mleeeini IO W-kinadcOosts,MAooii.,Wis 'all lmdidatie .i hinOW;ii_ a'in say. similar , MCI - I,tir, at* *Platte ,haa, nlote •thatiA':k 011 it *au ini„, W4itaik'lor ldir Afiti l At itteZ ‘ litilionit ti,llveAtions that ; have heretofore assembled, ex'e. ii,soe always ' been :two - or three proud "• r!Yeandidetei;.. nhetet ' z_equttilY strong, and ~ _. - - - “ ****itenhilmg *Oh othor;•,-. , •1a meow IP, e tto t o s , thofiliAinpi strong- C B it ." 111. addiTor a sew mawet F ii ***W inl44l " '''' -4-Af!7`itire lea-0*- mci: l 44l :ithigkibeitt or agiodatee. - 11' The l eetetteelein' le - ` - it Pritteillielt o - trutyvislgrgii . t e k o mbiliti 7.ogriTh ere i n , in didate• of , the l ipittf,'MUl - he lii imigrellonotia. , ` His bola- MOY.' i ! - 1 0 .4 4 : 61 4 64-4 a donkt, teitkepir - , : sue, party of the` NOrth *Ciiliitoili*io.44,-'loo4k there.; . I * - 000 0 ,400,*th a i; 10i th e . 431 4 - , AR P*Notkill. VAIPir 41,Itin4onitY eveyy inoWtimlieldthitAtettbet.Measeheeette And Vet** and . eheke"-ihetler wire* - • And, if ' llieliiiie4 l 4 - tlut Nstiomil Convention, though 00041stithiste 4 siting eltiotonlets of the "Ott e .... *eiwiiithk Ire'fostidiwii, ever i South.; 4 ariiihef South etiftithia; sand khaki gat ' The - iei iit lt o ' NebVlntto he mode tO the ehi14 1, 144-=l** o, o l , l e, , Tert7, 4 1858 or 19. :To ; get it all *old la Ikv short ot electing a Preildelfr. ; Sir: wilt it do to appeal to , the Doti perty'of 1866—that might not be able to elect av President.= ;111r.- lioeturunl ibteiSiOlikif Whin ebbit - OF an election ' as against* '' ‘ ' * i ftjla Opposition . The eilieetithee; "406,.eto,lioypili a nd' ithpfClhose Of tlitCbi:ilnci beck' to 'that of 1862 when the Rentoeritk . VoAY carried:, all the , Stehle of die' Milani North and - .Sou, but four- r two Ninth end two Knuth. , The appeal must be made to the yell; unanspeetingiatid confiding Union, coneetrative non-interverdion.with-slavery thethitththiiii - Mieh'inadi, Itiotherilllonth, 4th'the:re*iviiirthltikddpied _Compromise liii*inii:r*teiithi i ,!,iltf 4 eteo" of the South, and the 44t11iontirrc*,:ibelymrth, were so signally deiblieth ,The Democratic • party, to I**:l******filt ht 4889, ;must eatery all who voted for. General • Pianos it hos returned honesitlyto the Corapyomisemoisures, not only by inklbtfersqhnt by the man whom it places upon'it as - '4 tryy.'-' It came very WO 44 **e the : Pieettett ei 11 q; Been*Altr 14 th i lniisk:-* ',04001t2 " that- he 4 L l * ll *:ftW e, niAP platform, oia 'snout, 1110 - iirim its just expoinder. if de*** Oa* *W - ,yrear 'defeat with w sus :peetedbandidatei--- what' will 'be - the ~ r eseiti Ver*, iwital . atirodoi: "brie; ' proved realities, i if tie? shall ''be' littified' by , the. party, either "^le)tri":Pir,:tibrir ' l Of its 'Candidate, Wiiii,isili teedietinr. ' The"People—:the treat Arody Of Abe , votemof the - VedoW.Lhave amphaithally„ coudenned the construction put -npoo t the Oomiinikdse• measures • by Mr. Brr cas and the South—it ii useless, therefore, to appear to theth stain ticinstiin them. They mustbd Ignored in WO, and the tarty made In, atind wheie - it did - Mad, in 4852, and Pro fessed to stand In;1856, ind then the success of 1852 will 'attend it, , . The appeal lc usit: , to be made to the mere "iaacratieparti ewe .wha.go, with , it right `lr but to ihtiattindipendent men ont.i *la - .Ito who will ranly be in.: laced .to Milts with It con - - niatforthi and Candidate; To or "144,:ttdi(ligivi on* of 'Outsiders a'vain and . idlfr:;'mrd"lrwr•trike malignant oiraition li,thAVlOftqPre= 4 l; ''' fittimihng the Convention 'tk l il ; - 0 1/I" 46l4 l* o 4 iii * VligitOotnt t lit t SPktA.:***britrikblifkorn the *ra* * o4 l iiiYo4***o.4':liitii7o4o4 '4414110:J6 - sremir:toy 'madness ;Of .*:4Bs.l.4oolo.wor'itie, the f.:lfemeeratio ' WON: 6 104#.*: ' ,10#0thein ' Etatii * 1 4 1 1 44 171dai-: - **ll4*****ftebnik.otaoca taiaL POO 007!**1 4 .1. 1 #11 4 0 4 ` - of eitY'rerri; *Oa, r.. ,!t0;004, i c .th ' sk;il o 4ol l :l 4 , - 0007;*t 0 144d #0** (1 0440 4 ##D i i r , to the '°Y Rip—.2, l ook4o4!liii#OCitifeaa4llith 'IIIIM,MII4-11,t100-44itholikani AtO 4 40 4 4 10;* fi of tie 0 01 4 ,-,14 . or,iagroth . it • „Aro t = .sre Ada Wieouvr44olkg oaoo* VOglStiik'Apii*liiffil ' ilnie," s " lll ' ge04411 airy, ,as **AP* ei-Oriateksti-loWornis to 2az trio t,PtaflaiitY tAs wurseestimal wet saw him. ' • inelfn,Ocaa,the2conventien, if it • would ' , 4 0..1t.40 1 14#00 11 4 6 '.i55#1 flora ev erlasting .. dimpneei: , could only. nisainite a- candidate 'citteet known ah, " ',tents were in accordance 'o*,l l 4o l ** 6 ;i.lairOio; they may make- If , Rtingtatarl on. the subject' of ii,* ,4 : 4 +- 1 194:V1 11,1 * 410 be I ea(f ! Cattettfier or against It, the fauna IlretWit i vitafick:4l4; l 4.lWe'said - la the Mite of Chosen be aonsiat ant Withitheldstformiandsthe platform :I,( 4 ool,l4oCaiodidate; - On ibis point we Al* the . lfim b,•-cuid..,.*Sontb should agree., ;Pis inrereiti s imid this slow; will Settle the ones ".l4o eiherweild'imt,leare It open for !iirtberAketiordi add ironldnicsit,etfectuallY iu eniedefladi'::Thei,party should take it; stand :boldly; lad Aio l 4 l brtn`Plaar;and salad Aticiisainarely upon.lt. so . .there may be no Southern find" Northern - readings , and; mt ! oade"rstiq , 444:tiiea "ihrevi" its ,aaansira the -invesoilm letters of living: read and tinder, sostetaare Is " f reported tee have said , theni is I )10 , .€0,0 1 444", slVitne . f4C , thP dfOilosii, - ,: s 'Asik blo t raillatei;for e irisiusl; is '40,144 rePtited:'aither:of tbe , 'remark that * l 4o#4l.lioi . Sti:o o ** crime• Are hope th e Charleston Convention . will: not 60 0# 1 #te*: 2 , 1 4.._the 'ffidie4letili nor mike I iklqlnbsi*,:'.roi - ' : 1- ..,.( -- -': 'T.ii.vlitikorr. 'or: Tnatio. ,. ' 1 -,, 4 ,, ,iiii. itiOtaillir,:tflii lino eell a !Tot of ‘ingeo l l iiiikuriow- ;. * very; elftrei Ihillarti; of Adjiiii,4oo,4oealitedAl4:the thie ter ": its: tilliolo4 would , Eighteen iaare '-'listai i lanieoCand the Income Tax has settled li.eta::'‘,J*oo4;!?:' , # l **kei.bee4 ten tirilifentiesti , einte,4lhe . Five Dollars i at , I*4 ll 4.44ol l fiehief fiitwenty4igfit, and has _e:titaa;4o6; 4.oodigit'4o; <UltweetY .eeate riot the year , lB6o.--, ,-, S - - , ,..1, ;,,,, , 's , . , ' . .. to* /4 1 **gbi-i l O- th 4( 1 '00 6, 4' at once ' taia4i,anit,oirgrawriv.e;.ii, one. of the marvel. ,iirjtio_ige,;", This inmost is In addition to over *OP.49 o 9oF i ke:feei;w4igilie erio6 by other' lust the a;itiai , peoille.' -, it it suYer , i l iogeg fikeee' ,.. .tgar *after= woidd be different; Pilthiff/''.+4s that .40 , 1fkudig 40 11 0 is pos - peopiei by imposta oponarticies 40 *41 0 v', 1 4. 0 0 e ery - .thtatAa , Aii,'Ocaantry?',;theinconie on abio'iated: , , ,• • • ,: , ihill ' taiiidi,ao ee'ditteve_2 l 4 .o , the = lncome of such mi llion. ltariaill**illnionizi which i:4 1 4, -. .* Wit of tie, lawyer editor or tradeamani the Vie ;ilia byi the N ovAtatar and, ,nWtitizig!just support theak arehahle' to be -4 40 i hiiiiiiithrmakit4osi whia' ' , ,-tbenw , -,Mr: Guramoni, than. ; ftehAtnii; niold-blooded phi. i, - 4cikit,infiatiea of *d - ra ted. 4rd, to hlni, r but has always iraider.it — ,-- , , ' . „ . ii..w Thosti who -have income. • 00 4 09 0 ', Teat eavePe', this , 4:0..0,1*-4,4T1ct 41 ,h0 1 4 'ioi ,!.*4 2 4-4 4 44 , haPeaL But, If --t!it;'-!!#;*estleiY*42o,:ana wy _‘,.:(04-avafriliS"o - 40tivet ab o ve .:,',ht4v•' eeteellii he pays $ 2O ' e4e# ll ll 4 41* 41tittc. .cent?''le , fanataiv3islsotilair. minim: ,lihilaiteliatthe•tai should be *****:P.44‘444 ' 1 40 , 4 the 1 4:fitit , ~- dingireitilx bate &it fie** 4l44l . , pay the v 41,04 11, :i*NosiD4:0Nonst: . 4 4*-ba*beetiAt i Atireatineatt ) pei: 01600004#3:IftibliTaiii41 , 11setrmes; o,titetet itet,lWEralaatiiiii;!,ith& 'iJitio_‘ Ifitit6l-bitetobviitintg4 'reach ,Theatre. ThsperformanaehY the Trench company, at the . Walnut-street Theatre, thlitcrinigg,Orlith• a play called Lea Crooheis Mtrgn;! ; ,..; Mb is '44 . 1110 .0 1 00i' *OK piece, with' "(ark little no re l 0 il'etherplotilini fait eiftitort interisting de ism& s=ue Pdre Martin,•4:Main front the lower rtiPhl!'ff. , l4 6l, 1 3 *?i4i, tiesi - by.hi. Industry to an *OM, eonipeteridY, Vas ooneititiited iMM•hoPro on the editeation•of his only sin, Armond,' who-is in Pads studying for admisdon toltiti.);,ar, The old „men imagines that his eon is attaining honor ,end. reputation,. and. is . profoundly . immersed in sbidy, Whilet - Arniand le In reality' attageid bi the dissipation of the capital, and rerronuded by iQ tote, 'Armand cornea to his father'sholde at Hate." Mel's, he hi raeolved with Wooden by Ms entither, hip 'fathekand i cousin Amedie,:to who* he..tmiMitit Great_ rejoicing to made - over Miriam; Wilda tell et Me the money-lender, Charengeit, amites, from. Paris,alsriPlitee the_POor man's joy, and, by •revealing his debt pronounces the mitt of the old man ? " Pateern, • , friend and immpanion of 'Ar -mtai'ut from Path,- at the aside time appoints and warns Arman.i'-of Amager:. Meantime, the Esmity Maoist psooeials, Genevieve, , the mother, being left In lisferaiee:pf, tiatabi'e errors; •; Atthis nippily; one otthe pelts lea sea-eaptain' - about to pill Jar' Ataistsellii,',' That 'Tag' evening, `Marino invents a story* . the ruin of one of his neighbors, Pith ;Mae I•3lth Captiiii,M take' lain as a cargo on ;The osptain consent*. Gout:. otrii, deeply' ntirestal' la the young man, eon.; tllittitee i partiOSTof.fiee 'son's' wardrobe and re commands the yiirig neighbor to 'the 'captain's tanderhaM,' - j'AraMild has understood ;'deeply humbled' and rspentint, - he ramp& -his titther!s sonteiei, , ind 'without betraying • himself, " takes , leaseof his Mother and Minsk 'as - though for ad l hirki;Mid salts with the 'captain.' In the third and last sot old -Martin' hp*: ;resumed Ur" erc- Ohers and trada,ai a tieket4ester thef,iihaif ettlia 'twit :Thivre.".AMOile, who hair oindeaventit',4o' aisitt• her - end' at Air her Minority; ' not having control of . her • little ;•fortime; Will • allow,' Is still feitbitil td-Arseand, who has now been absent two years: 'Peisei7eis Is reformed and sia'ssiiployil itte ihos,'-raitvraj, and - chere - e.eie,•• the ustirer; is Married to Olympus, a letette, who tisiired is the lOW Mt,' and who keeps 'the' strings of his passe. Orreet anxiety I. ithutifeataileeneerniag Armand. At iirgth hisvised puts into' port, iperfiet *reek, ult the: erenr`haring - died of a 'distemper, ind Ar mand and the captain' hating lierdioalty, - tlirorgli all oasts of itiquiere;:bsc,iught the.riehly•Laden ship into -dressitai - meets hit father bending un itaieiteitiaof ~in er , is an agony t of liter and Se pea[taasti. threw, himself at his feet. - :Marti/afar givea; „Attissasst isksies a partner;ia the house of the seershiate whet, .aargo he has saved., , Every bedy Aresaiid marries I MI oiessiai sad all ends happily. ' , drWeercinid venture= to glee one word of advice whieh•miglit; we think, eontribate tdisireme the iudiance at the French Viays-•-that is, to deOriase therptieeo to thole , of the nand theattioatentranaie otlho Welnithrtroet _ ; Theatre;' and not to -adopt thtiee of the•heademy of•Muelo. •' ' • '• •• I ' Dr: Scudder acCoacert Hall Last.: I :Hreskiaa., „ , • A dighlY appreciative audience was assembled. ot ,Commortllak lend evening. to hear a leetnrs by the Rid.' Henry Mardi Bondder, D. B o on " Boston Traneeeid-; entahlem.'" Thia, with the denim whink he is :to de-; liver on Thunday evening, on '°The Mutiny in India;', will be nubile Isetureedrevmus,to his departure for the Josue of his labors, ea mimionary of the Be-: feinted Dutch Qhurch, in Todd. They ire elven at the epeoiil resuistiand Onder the - iiiipiese; of the Young: !don't Ohnstuth A asoelation: of this atty. Ate o'clock.; the .hoir appotated toy commerfoing. die lecturer en tared on the platform, accompanied by te large nOinher , of his brethren in the mlnietry, of various denomlna- , lions, and, atter bring Introduced to - the audience) t,i Wm. Genf. Bid approached the desk. and oormasamid hie Intone. which, we may add, wed *Moroni and . polished efort, and was mdendedly greeted with ap? Rs imseniermed by series that, overleaping the boundef 'of HeidinnindtliolOgy; be Mould enter at Into thin philosophy of Rindoolsni. In deems so, there wane Iva durtinaC doatrisu which would claim his, attention:. Them related to God, Matter , 'Man Futurity and' Balj vation. " . He then proceeded to consider what they underetand by their Dear, in which he abowed that they regarded God as virtually hat • motive power, when'. amending one step higher in this temple, the question, Whit l , Matter ? waardwelt.tipon., The Me doo philosophy re, SP 06tilkT•thig Waa blOro MiliatelY defined. The creation, inl their view, was no creation at all bat rather a pulling forth, Of something from something SIN, whisk Wind* beadle reMies again WOW; Primitive Mite. '.The Web Of creation, in other...words. was intended to shrink back Writhe voider time which it ermine evolved. To them; `the Mae whs.' ot nature wee an sternal ebb sod direr of ferias. Which wire ielf-acting. and Wtdali. in fiet. could tiehareeisti tout; Other liabools among them regarded Nature its nothing more than a magnificent illusion, i - The them. more esvonally, of these materiaiimic opecnilattorio, was next considered. after Which he, as midi to ,aiicent Oen tiii hither 14 this Philesephr Sad ' loot at their *niter' to the onestino:What is min f .ThiMatimar body of. men Was by thew( diVided in two .fteilai •tisa :utensil - tad the istaraM. glabetantially. their philosophy maigidenial of the existence of indivt daiii,apirito. ,Then held that there was but coo soul in the Mimed*, and that Wm God. Hs thenpMeineded to 'the two Persalitrif priscuplei, Paterity and esivation.: 'Their Melina tmemeligretion weinhartexplidasil, In which ft etilemod, that; et.thateestimettoo the ,seu4, milli theterin In inset* otmcidated erase, putrid bo N - theriegeoset infttedile intlidegives op to the highest limi - Oen. , Ilti.'t.M. it waeliendi to bit through wartlike hes . vela '': Mimi :through ant mealier of Wel doikii .Rogatik;a4 Molnar, disoribed. , the, seal was mai-- - Mod thee, ve, ehbend ficrer,botempo the highest - aid , • Ver - i,,,,,,, we : timie pormaiss . ii i impuct crag :01444441grationf ',believing ;that *veer ,asties Mnforeeed frognaldesets . wield emet, its suit l ble reword try suer Helot or, Whig an its siext Inr . Lastly, eigiasolvigioo MOM tranmeigraffie Was the 81 - 'doe's ietimatiow Of Salvation. Thie weld only-- be, tainedb7the - nehievensent Of a . elate of ' perfectly gag *rib inilifferesee ; the fa - ado° holding, that, as loop sod hatred were alike promotive of interested action, they - Were alike elega to salvation; '• aid," said thin "ill fetter lei fetter, ea matter whether it be :made of gold or of mitt iron. Love and hatred were for MN resat* Mikeleedsha , to be exterminated an the Wart. tinder 'this philosophy, is they became more , perfect in the male of purification,the liitidoo's wife add 131M1dmo 'became to him no m oat sed•no less then the Wife said children of another, no far as it concerned ale fulf 11,. although he yrould_oontiane to provide for them ale meal. ' , . , Hamngeketehed their theology ; he proceeded to mimeo its molts. Pi sitically. the towed in ifindciolom no God at all. it envied all moral aceountabilitt. It repudiated the existence of sin and holiness, for no matter what woo done. If cione'dielaterastedly, !twine Mat. It bred, -indifference to the soul'. Muni interest,. 'And. imily, • thiel theology set up Man's sell' is his ail in all i - j. e.; if he knew himsel f he knew the tenth. To know self ,was 'to know God. --' . . . , t - . - - , --2 These: thin, were its sad eohoes:: No God!' no so , tour table soul! no moral thsratter i no divine govern mint! 12'o - redemption! All was a blundering'Naturb rm 'lidless turning maelons, with nothing to torn It -Nindoo theology w,s the devil's God. It was, at its oore,-Pantheism:whith naturally led to idolatry. i • - The lainumr 'next described, with marked ability the Probable gradual development of Panthitism, from the time when Noah left the ark, and in communion and , by revelation walked with God. . - - 1 Re proposed now to comsat* ilindoo Pantheism with, . • American Traastirndintaimm. Re had tithed it Boston Traostendentalismi from the feet that it we. in New England, more than anywhere else, that thus thetiogi ma boil most netded. pricking. _Redid not wish, to any unkind things about his Yanks, brethren fouvariOus reason, which were humorously, given.. to the great amusement of the andienee. ~ "'I hate th e Idea of a personal God." was said to be:glie _ cornar-atoise , of ; American Tranittendinl talimu.. B. . them read several palpitates from" gist writings ,rtf. one of tit New England „apostles,: to prove that th ey-did not believe. ns ahe individriality or the .httten soul sty ; more than they, taakised in the parsonality of, God ; also. that they, denied 'the ~allatanonof matter, sod the Atot that thsre wee Orly aitheritativi outward revelation, as theY alto renudis-, tad the notion of Birt,andaSeinedtbe thOnght of a inan't looking away from Natali" fore redeemer. It ina,,Mon tbe,Wko,lit • great eeheina EA' negstion;lissing Ont ',one PO, OS urineigle;whieh erse Wet eetftree eorsethiniand, that ireit Wee everything,. The eimilsritibitween theet - tw'ogretensitwaiShown ta" be translate. giringiitie ere ' dig; bowioi9r, to'tki euperfor pretenaiona of, theAsisti- SIM rode* -, tie wondered; indied, afbir reading Glide .IFroadiloll,mo srhllations, that this, should ever ton ' shatund to eats gists of b miad'and butte ii,"or wear owns . 4nifllititli,,,enttirirsid to wall on ,their natural lege at a11.,,' , , , ..',' Raving' ootatisied the point s , of sympathy 'between the Ryden . * of Hituloots at Mad imerivan Traneoenden bslimn, he r eti,/d, In aitelusion. tonsidiir tidier o; few, PAW. Itt'whieh tliey Car. • We may hire itheleithot the peeinagee, soil & tweet?' in all, *bleb the :leohirer tutted and sarcastically "reviewed, were all from the pen of a tines exponent of the "AmtirkaM' instem he Wits'emaising ; but Au he did not once mention hienarne, neither will we. As it regierdi the Out of *bill 9 ' 141000- 'hi he' thought we should sti ll 'eontisue toUidl lot the light of !bat gotti old stitotare, the Bible; God's light house, and not soostigthe tallow candle of the :Patti "oindeittalieteettokin the priiir albeit Mary ewe,. The. 11.1adoois bid hammered out their kheoingy On their, oiew Wile, in:whit& they differed "widely triad thiatiMari tart Imititota for they. its said 'siert at bat dressed in Neond-band *then betight - thug la "Math altdcGer- Man shosif °marketing the two 'gatelike tender &Mem , aim therAnieriaanwas likes mole bill WOe side; of a Majeitio mouritain. irrother words:Actsritati Tnina- 4 eendieibibeti Weis thi whiskinglidsolet,4hilst the Plidkiiiine of !idle' wee thigarlf-pmesd.'sulditati* old `frog r Age howitvit, this kinent tranotaigrstios was natant. therelime Mil bode of 'the Acterititis Pawn Wails its tail and developing into a frog, ; , •• • ; ..„' .$ s -, Be relleirid te ' the - oonfmalon'ef . tlnk mortis Web stsr, that'" Um thought *Adak Hu' ' him above all Others was his tionottritibility tolptiod, lotining uP in' stately inigsafikineee •in 'oookoartaot 'tie the' are • tinge ot the nivie 7 hetohed towed of Iti ' ' ' Mug in ' the lead which' Vitiate, had edOrmid; 'ids genius. .' gacosthimr on, he mid, that es the lei ' ' far bed bees I rathersoild kind of a meal, 'he, '' ..dti'eh off with alight 'dessert of Iliruloo Prone:4Bi sisvenel, of w hi c h he gave with explanatory comments that elicited goat laitiktef sad ippliess, The Collar use Of the , NAM' wee ailigkrwir i •- .• Thank lon mollify a ;doe's tail with oil. sad do Gus is esdinte, you'll serer getkise erook out of it!" . ,• - t-! ,- ,••, • , --'; , 1 litimuraL or ena•Nonme steamer ,North Star, Jonee'• eeininander,' . frirm4opNwall, ,arrived at'New :Terlt, at eleven o'oloolibfr Noinday eventng, With,„111,146,21.1. on 'fretitie, eat i'24 pas town: , The, moat' important news: ,elve, iirpoght referred to' the arrival 'of, the Japateso teasel at Ban Tranoteerfhlratwonnt of whieh, from "the 41144 'o4l,ii:oiiira, will be; fhand on'qui lint Page. thi : Prenoh. Nebo*, author of L'AMoto , end jm Fotome, her thanhid hie Arne+ esn trimelstot; Dr. Pilinetylis • entdisli.mut ohs geeteristle letter,- fen the honor he. has done him in rendering those troths into felicitous RegUsh Re Age he !ft "Ooda Iviiitutpprto b, en promoted to ,s people 'wht chili* the Unlike of thei Fit/side 1 10 .th!-FIF/PY;r? : = - 11 , 170710 Y, *01.,101167-14 hiritio the attention of ptheithatrii tk the„sttreotive 'assortment Of.,niedle worked good+, Paris black lace points, theyrie, kid ItlOTak ixonnet and trimming ribbon., Frond* dew, midlauri7' rode, blank lace yen., black silk blonde., 'pure linen girt gente' adored border kendkerohiefs. ME PRESS.—POILADELPRIA, IVIIDNBSDAY, APRIL IL isepo. WASIMI6IOI/ ,COMUiMparon, Leftist' [Consiglio:6mo' of Mralattaktiou;'• April 10 , itmg, I alluded yesterday tor*. aotiolt prowled tr`).b a taken lieefereintsito .4:tiodileatteifeftki emigre. city sot, The pasaage 4 Of that *lt ludo%) instanoe of the Wendy Of add dinner, ruipartri of the machinery •, , ef , inicemtful . 0 Gerrit Smith, then a member of Congress from the Os. wego dietrlot, ptisessed immense landed Watt.s iiiid Other kitUreets at Oswego - - and points adjacent °n 8 1 1° . ta tt r e_t el Pr4 vtc "litibt !St maim telalue by * pluage',of the bur.' 110 *MO ltdMirsist:Oultoeite.':ldtd then Governor.uf •Celurdit an Iqtlidit ardent plaids, of the mestere, which he made a leading fkatripli:of his ‘iffistileGttationt Feased mutt , tbao Washington to further its tummy. M. that, who kept 1 . &Mai. during • tile, ' , 'Congressional yea ;lemons ler his recherche' Ombra and' the gentiemenly• profembii with • wliteit they were: eon?* though ho himself, Vie theoretically and praotioally a totel.abstinenee man. it ring the pendency of the bill my lord was a dilly'gueet at,the 4pielan table of %Mr. Smith, and the dessert wee nidformij eielprogity. , Diameter proved more effective than debates , . The bill paned: genitors and Itepretenitativee, 'against their b'etter judg ment, andupinst the Interests of the country, fell easy vlothits to the seductive tipple and talk of the famous Abillifonitif tend temperanbe Mein, andgave my lord ofiliginf t im opportunity _to chuckle at his easy triumph , over, the Yankees. Fortunately, the blunder now' blift fair to be speedily righted . About thittimelook Out for Roorlasoks. There is an inommelvnble maw of intrigue fermenting In. the minds - of the amine aspirants for the neat decoy and :their wharfs of friends,••That high effiee is eo,brilliant and ~telnlAteg e, rise that it cannot be 'ionferred;caponiny nian • until N severe and desperate stsuggirhat taken place. Kenos is that we may look for more „ than. one Startling', development " between ' now in 4 the 2Sd of; the present! montti t !Jhe - Adminietratton and its mercenaries, the extreme Southern and their followess,- lapprehencling the nation of - Stephen A. Douglas; irillptindosibtedly, put forth all their energies to defeat' diet which betide 'to' hi more and more probable every day. The)' will run any risk. invent any scheme, hsserif, ariveiperlineut, to aceoinfliik — their purpose. Theis; hist isiotertient la to tlireateis lotheidatile • setiesdou from the Convention, to go , bstoli to gilts' remegoe. pieta aid p raise, the, flag of revolt, hoping to rally around' it en'ongis' m eters " to Barry -off • 'nutitsif 'of' States 'from: Mr..Dou.' glee. ,The conservative men of the , Sleuth,' however, unhesitatingly Alpert , Aft the lioulk will hive alternative •bist to go for Douglas, should: he be made the ,Domcsratio candidate. Mc. Ash. 'mere, Sotitii'Carolisii, who represented bias State at the last meeting ,of. the Democratic Natiorill Committee in this city, publicly me& this dostata-, tion. • A stroni'etrideisie in this direetlA 3i fonsidi in the feet - 'coy)* itiatis,l3tite struote4 its delegates to Withdraw frimi.tho Con. , Tuition .in the event.Of the - notainatkm las—that of Alabitnit • E!itsd , Only - two opiate hive - auttiriandsiocaMion from that bkidj riPon the eim: Captor of the rental of a 4 two-third riga repeal, wreak' tried, would belargely voted down inasmueb as the friends of the Senator front under his directions, will theist that :that rule sh a ll be adopted. That the nomination of Douglas would be ,s A sa -1 'amity to, many politicians, is certain.. Mr. Ba-t ohanat andhiaiinmediata friends would not regard : the dose as neolar,,apd" to a cartel!' extent would; unquestionably refuse to swallow it, but *Very: such defection as this would be made up by .thn vote of the Independent - Men - of other o'rganisal Lion.. ' Among the pmdtive men of the IteputtßMus pat'', there 11.1)0811 deforms more commendation' than Senator Besjamin Wide, of Ohio: lifeislovetr by his friends and reqmtod by hie Mos; Tiers lei so mob candor, iteleouragek h ail 'him -"aqui, eo mach liberality hi -his rotas, lad sub a wsmoles- , tioul'adbirence to lisiminionsi that' I do:jan ieen4 der to hear hisname:'favorably nienttoaed ootil nation with the, Presidency: fie is, in fist, the iron man of his party, and, many of• the lispublii Saes delight' M droving lantiliirlsons bini and Old Hickory. lie is .rmigb and LOAatt has a Way: of saying ravish.% things—petting tato a Single *tome Attest thotigh,Hbat sitaimbinit bt be a men of remarkable energy and' originality, AMMO' the intimate frilif of poor Bralerieht end the olher daY in' conversation with Mai, While ire% Earring to Mat lamented patriot, his eyes Ailed with tears. .'" " ilea u,. LATEST . -NENS By, Telegraph to: The Preen. •; eezcuL sESPATcI si. "*IK Ps;w. Watramortm,lol4o4 Tun nonstaiiM4)anuals , ....' l.4 l , f Doeirrenseo ii w uNti ss inost ai 4aforkra: ete.' • • • !"' of thit liaMittn; ' - the' iiltrit4infiittiesitetOf the - MD ate ionsiderebitlessarmid-by - YrePoourrms's de , Monstration. THIN 001TODE INTAiIIeATIMO 001 . 191411: 7111. JAIMS ArA7.SIIV 31%., and Eit,m, Pr.r4, saq., renohod Washington on Monday sTanisg, imp will bd exaniined betore the &tot' taninsigiting Comruitteo toluorrowi theleentkoltteo not being in Boston today. Mr. Pia:ill issimietell to testify to the amount of money moil in the esaspain of 1858, and Mr. VSltorna in reference to the ancinnt of servile Nude - 1..44y Gelman WSlintscrow 'brother to the collector of your port, se tpla as his raeentcorrenondenee with Mr. in re !Oren; the District Attornejettilh.' - that Mr. Vrartitinilim not yet been feninsike4imored Ile oontihnes to hold his offlee:': Whafidess thie Mean? ranry,,,q, 04118115T,1111Q : 0. Ossiiiir, Mi.', one of thif I dellieties;to Charleston, also reached Washington on Nonday evening, and, adoordingAO, Jho universal gist*, paid a visit to the , s Little Glant,", who IS at glad to see his ibi detegiaticske tar siii Osn ificawan's reply to the Presidential pntest is greatly admired - 14 'n' iumbee - Of the %then) Evil those who objet thth speak le high tenor of the foree end grape of its style: hfr. UNKKAN will, addreni the noise 'during tb pro , sent week on the anbjeotitt the aggression f the South alien the • Mirth. His 'nice , begtos%6 be freely mentioned for President or Plee_Predent. now. ZOIT 1 14 ; 1 11W411..5.,.. , , Hon, Alin BPnWAßta,pf Blir,l9,9ounty , Oso address di House at an elrir day; defining ts po sition and idyoosUng ,the,proteptlon,qlAwitum labor,nalnlyoreign,ao!npetltpu. , „ ! . The evident knowledge of Mellow York Mrs td In volition to eerteln ;Misfit (Irruptions . in g Thsh• - ington, and Its, 4 ,1 4', o,4olltuitlifttlnet pub* fen; will reader It imperial,* oaths pistol' Mr.tol)D3l to eummorqauss :o°4* - Hussars: be v. till eemmittee.' I that-tie *igninit-ithfitinitWl be dexpabihedloi ,frAnorrow,usereing,, t Is supposod'hewfili make soma svelitinee,:it fang. 'tested :in' thief:fosse-that Mr: Palms; of itilropis, shoed beinvited td issisfli his aaptur4-Mmill lie weleemed at" tbe'Oars hi the goithern*ipt tion on the one hand, aid the Adminhdraticm foam 'on the other, and for fear an ittemptitiOba rade to mous him from the °Macre of*, law, Umbel . dent Proposal* Call oat - the satirised.* govassos: roan. In my despatch in'yeeterday's Passe I oug to have said that Goreinor Posn,lhe House priaor, has notformally:thoolared foiJadge DocaLis;but has expressed the kindest feellup towards him; THE INTIAMAC • ' The rumors iihdy giireirourtroridy by the Aimi nletration audits backere, - that dwindles* d ebga lien, although Inotruotodfor Doodtdo, wortld oicat him at Charleito4ire Proved to be false and un-. fouided hy the dalegatewthemsstvis, on thaii . rivitin this city., Ilinfs just ion GPft , ,tnPr'D,Ult . clue and Mr. Ittutan, two of the Indiana fele . Cates; and - Ahoy declare that, out of the twenty-six ,seventeen are 'the' devoted:personal friends rand supporters of Judge Tonanin, Tint of theysdnalning nine have been Instructed te vote' fir him aid. the woolsdelegt.titia' his biei ffirnoted to vote as a unit , . The friends of Dommatt olaim that the rein* of Hon . Atati.ll: intl./taws, of Georgia, to low hie name to be and u a candidate for the fatal dewy` 4411 give , him , the 'vote of that Stip at Chirleebm. - ••'. ' • .' . OCOASIONi:.. , - /1101111421 LAND. SALM. • - • ' WAILIWINOOI4 , April 10.«-Lind SAM are to irks place in Michigan In July and Anent next,lN -ternatei (stiotione,.under the 'Railroad sot of "00, the minimum taloa of which Is $2 50 per wore $o• ge)her 'lrlth the lands heretofore, unoffered, bracing an area of s million six hundred and *h ilt I fy thousand acres. ' Heivi flank Robbery at Columbus,' la. roATT . THOTSAND DOLLARS SSOCIN. - k COLUMBUS, Ga., April 10.—The Marine blrk agenoy was entered with false keys last night, Id $40,009 stolen out of its vaults. About onelhalfae money is in Marine Bank notes, and the tome der in Georgia and 'South Carolina notes. tAe ward of $l,OOO has been offered for the arietbf the burgle:l and the recovery - of thit money. ' Arrival of the Bathe., ;at Halifax. Afamis.r, Aprii, l lo.—The semi ; •thilarer Balh, from Liverpool, his suited to mill to(,yi Her detee are to the - 24th ult., the maze ail f ibbed by the steamer Niagara ) oraffeeia day. , MAN s oyti pOmperfttle 10.7;-The: Cdavention aetembimi at 3 6ffeytiolialdit,400, org►nited by eleotingß. fsi p rod , a. Coiivention then adiottrusmi till jeaWoll.4 W4 BI3I IXOTOW 'itat'Orisr 7E IMITOS TrI,IRIFfr TORO HR}ALDr dipzynA YOU POtraLAS. (DISPATORiII rine ABSOCIATZD rasestl ttiklTl iIONGRESS.-FIRST SIMON, . „ Art Tot. Nreminpi toni Aodt 10 . ~ - 1)10,1)hilltER; of Massa° busettiarareathed tbeteenfor' ' eleV.of Mr, fientiorn t of, Conegird.`Maseschneetts, in gigept in the iron - atterriet.th - kidnap hint be nerainel elaigaitti tenet Fader the Ifitherithof the States I ththate.' Ski.finmintr narrated , the oirounistences it- 1 tending - the'oapture of Mr. Sanborn, and his subsesineit Witt*. mad iiild,the alt vies consaionoit boll ai re ittrddetlieb;ilmenViletirelliwhomurgirl.attirr. l ' a r tlll r ii c t t i ,6 a d e a quiet gentleman. of excellent fame as a scholar. and of , are life. This was the man who was seised. The at tempt wee mule At Concord, where a erasure wag ones mpt before - atteed -wheshr aided In the revolution of t h tic v. ta t tne, F he Neruda, ofeadvit:ipit4 Re writ lei y , otte • thouldalmett its •an Opt If transage% twin. e moved tr the metrion I re tired tothe .12 1 eiremultee ogi the vithelluy. -, - ~ ~ . ~ ,Mr liti..l3ow, or irgin a; mid this man Sieben% was shown to hats - Wan either, in oolgespondepas with a man who woo belle et Herfser's•Yerry Asa traitor and murderer, or with his trim's,- ;life had. therefore , been susllasesitaerore the Beasts's investigating isommittee t o teetler;• l lls gabbed to the summons that •he retuned to attend. on the ground that he feared personal *IN lance. A warrant was then issued against him. and the Resgeant-at-Arets-sont his deputing to mule the arrest. They.did so. but their urinates Was forcibly - yenned bY a mob. and afterwards discharged by Chief Justice Shaw noon a writ or habeas corpus. • The bill to amend the act for the adinhooon of Oregon into the Union.tel as to extend the !Dried 10 which Ore- Son could locate certain grants of lane, was taken up and passed. The bomettend bill wee then taken up. Mr. DOOLITTLE. of , Wfigionsin. said that before he debated the subject immediately before the Senate, he would nay a few words in reply to the Senator from South Caroline. (Mr. Chesnut.) whom he had listened to yesterday with- .pleaspr and admiration. Though differing with . him in ', his ' conclusions, he agreed with him on many points. The Senator had advised the Republieans to correct their philesophy, and study the laws of nature and those which govern the world, .ailld , act aceordingly. . go. sereed frith him that it wee the highest duty ot the legislator to study the - laws of nature, And be goveread by them. The Senator had made the application of his remarks to the races of mankind, denying theirerfnelity ni ,the sense asserted by our ancestors in VW.; Als did not himse'f believe ' that In this countty the negro or the Indian, side by side with the white man, was his equal' neither in the ' tropics was the white man the equal of the children of ' the tropics. The attempts f the Caucasian race to es ; tablish supremacy in the tropics always had failed, lie instanced Ran Domingo and the West Indies generally, ' and the destructive effect on Ethainewhich became of .; fete after 'extenduni her* conquests into the tropical i countries. lie then went into the examination of the menniny of the Declaration of Independence in regard f ,- i n the equality of men, which he held meant the eintalitY ; of the -natural rights of all men. not the equality of their powers. In the original draught of the Declare- Hon of. inderiendenee. Je ff erson had written In large ; letters the word M KS, when eharging the King of Eng , hand with supporting the slave trade, showing clearly i that he reoeignlsed slaves as men. He could not see how, i after that,s;:i r ne could get up and say that Jefferson did not me "to assert the equality, of all races. Mr. DOD Jilt then helloed out the desolating ef : feats of slave culture.. Within sight of the Capitol, in the county in which Washington had his estate, lend bee been reduced from fertility to poverty. The pope ; ration hes .deolieed, and the very church lir which i Washlngtotswerstuoved has fallen into decay and be come anassleurfor crews. e" -. , . , ~, air. MASON said the Senator was poaching on his Mr. Mason's) manor Land in Fairfax county had become impoverished' by the culture o tobacco. The popubithm. however. had largely 'increased. .As to the' i enure'', he regarded it with filial reverence. His an d dement had worshipped there. and it had been Tait in i meeed repair, nog' Was new used as a plitee of .orstilTl the decline of the church resulted from tee influx of ' wiateriane who had got the advantage. He would take the or y/ ion to say, flinthen in New England he vi i sited letnneth and found it e. wilderness, where they bunts male beers and wolves. ' al r. DOOLITTIJE said the neighborhood of Plymouth had always s ees barren and uncaltivated. Re hail 1 painted ent tbat thtlands in Virginia. once nett andel:it , tivated, bed been impoverished liy slave °ulnae: Be would eel the Senator from south. Carolina if that was ' nett*. effectof slave taker. „ ; , ! . Mr. CHESTNUT replied that in ell new ()engines. they went on. new lands in preference to reclaiming the old.: Out le the older States this was not the ease. He knew; that in South Caroltr a the old ludo were producing , , More then they; did' twenty years thgo. 'Agricultural was advancing in South Caroline es much es in any' State in the , Union. Slave labor did not impoverish soil.' The very part in the Declaration of independence, re-; ferret to hy the Senator from Wisconsin, was stnaken °Mb, its framers. . Mr. DOOLITTI;F: said, be intended*, show what: Adamih.T‘erersonotnd Fr/Udall' meant- ;The clause was erniken nut in complaisance to the reprexentritivey from; South Carolina ace Georgia who wiehed to continue , : the slave trade., Ittihad no desire to reduce the Colt ,States to tbeisendition of San 'Domingo. but did main-; Min that if the ninnies oneld be colonized in some con-1 genial climate tiiey could live outer the state of @MOW and attain a state of considerable civilisation._ itie' minted, out I.4beris as a summand experiment,, and' read from the debates in Par lament to Chow that the, condition of , the West, Indies was not as deplorable as I had been re resented. • - - Mr DOO ITTI.,E then proceeded to advocate the' homestead ill. in the coon* of his remarks he said itwould enable the poor white man of the South to es- *OS from *system under which its ablest advocates, SAMltted that capital wee absolute master, and held lOW captive. Mr. WIGFALL, of Texas, naked if the Senator re fermi to him. Wir. DNOLITTLE said he referred to the views er: Premed he the Senator from Vireinia. Mr. HUNTER explained that be referred in his re-; marks to slave labor only. He did not mean to ear that capital. at the South, owned white labor. • . , i Mr. DOOLITTLE continued. and said that throe co, lotions of the ,slavery question were proposed. The drat was the emanothation of, the slaves, and the stab.' lishment of perfect equality.; 'I hat might be called the John Brown *felon. The second looks to the Revile , Eton at Cuba. cair), Central America. and Tropical Anierioa, in which to extend shavers. and bring in roil- ' buns of mixed races to overbalance the Caucaotan. race of the North and 1. orthweet. I hat was the Southern fanatical solution. The third solution. and the only w so and practical oim. was the colontheion And deportation of blacks to some -place where, in a imitable climate,' the could work out theirown development. Mr. el ANON wanted to know bow this deportation wee to be effected. Mr, DOOIATTLE thought that if 'we managed the Southern American States kindly, they would them melees open lends to nem:, settlement., ~. Mr HAMMOND said that the gentlemen on the othei side need not trouble themselves abont the ,solution of the slavery quettion, for it Wag already rived: Slavery was always to stand no it now "tood, and was to advanee frith the destinies of I tic, eolith. It wag a matter or Inl 'ditthrenos What the Londe of, the North thought on the, I • r.DOOLIT l'Lli; Bald he did not intend to diseuss the *Meet lean offensive manner, nor to discuwi ita 8=4. 1 smooth t he States,: He ',poke with referee°. to Its, ex= tension in the Territoriee, t Mr. HAMMOND said the South would not ()Toast to ereetrioted es to her expension. He asked if all the states hail not coin' rights in the Territories T. .--, Mr. DOOLITTLE replied that the citizens of South Carolina and the hit ocrisconsin could enter a Trina on a c sVd MI th t tits Itt ‘ n ot te be idio7eel to take their property there r Mr. DUGOUT rum replied at length. contending ; that slimes were yelp memoir, under the terns of the State, where slavery existed. and it was like a corporated isometry: lob Wet regulated by s tate laws, J A COMM al debate ensued on this tweet. i' Mr. WA E inquired what question was before the, lir. i DA l PlgValiThtt s Wa t f s el a th b r i ti kr ktergill a n r a =s i t! hill n e n iaN T ALe:ti rD ie e lnr:p74l b . :h a d ai nir th A irrptione. _ r,MABON said that the Fenster wits ritht "ging se stlirpeaseree eempire. tt SIMS Oh DieDbaltlayl for pa ettes nee Temtmiee be end, rant aid socketiee sr.' Dui ti r 41;17 tg swum e the oveenteent:and In t end, the Image this bill would be to operate on "Invert lei the Stites. ins iyoliey had been fairly and honorably stat ed by the r , Astor, ana it rev a measure to obtain politcal power t. operate &amesa slavery. Mr. DOOLf ri IA asked if the Senator lithe 'iltst in favor of populating the troplea. 'frith the free negro." of the United States. Mr masoor said he amid not conceive a greater untie to the white man or to the free neer° than to seed the latter there.. Slavery, Only. elevated them. m Mr. WILS 1 , 4 of Massachuset ts, end that the free pogrom, in Massachusetts Srere,illintelligenee'and she rector. but little, behind the White people. 't hey could read and write. and attended "ghee's , but there was a Maladies against them, Se hollered that the free no -twee of the North And the Routh had made marked pre g feu Within asew years. Without when on the bill the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. 'i 1 -,. My: TAYLOR. of Louisiana, member of the Commit tee en the Judiehry, rend ,is argument in support of ' the President's protein. • , Be denied that the House had unlimited power to ini tiate or carry out en investigation of any kind, accord ing to its mere will and nleaeure. This would not be consistent with the great principle of law, everywhere recognised 'where Oho rights or todieidnote are concern i ed. and as &consequence the adoptlan of the resolution in relation to the President won in violation of this great principle of law. He refine to the tinware or time select committee as extraordinary and ingolidtorial, when note particle of evidence against the President batmen placed before the House. _fit conchielon, he says the pdeitionslaken by the Pre sident aye right.med the Molest madt be him heti enolid foundation in the, provistons of the Constitution am i those great principles 'Winch underlie every system of law established tor the administration of Justice. Mr. HICKMAN, of l'ennerivania, moved that 20 003 copies of the revolts be printed. The 'propriety of this was 'referred to the Committee on Printing. On motion of Mr.IIIf:KMAIY, the further considerri bon of the ouhiect woe postponed till Monday next. " ' ' Tits LiINBAS BILL CALLED DP.' Mr. GROW, of Penneylvania, then called up the bill for the edmiemon of Kansan Into the Union. He did hot desire todiseues the question. And therefore simply con fined himself to a statement of the recite, saying this van the third bill which has been introduced for the admin. MEI of Rapine into the Irmon,lthe first having seed the House in Ju1y,18515. hut failed In the Renate. Re pa nate had &voting somilation of 11,000 a year ago. which In a greater vote than in two-third* of the Cringressimpal die trtote of the Union. Flom all he could learn, Kenton no oTc h . aoltaltli'L l '.!r t roaii:softr, 4. 1 4, TV? it% . 'rri d in,g twee of the Enslish Compromise. whi eh the people of Ksneas have disregarded and violated. Besides, the 4 . yandotte Constitution infraota treaty stipulations by including , 45 , 41gg r itigiviti n . d acres of the Cherokee lands Mr. GROW inquired whether the same boundaries were not presorined in the Leoompton Cnuptitutiolt, for Whieh the gentleman voted / Aer.V LARK wild ne voted for the Lecomreon Consti. teflon\ but he did not know itt the time of the existence of these treaty stipubitiouse which assure these lauds to th.fLitittetee of State control. Mr. G RO Wshowed that the bill under coneiderati on egeeplgneh lands from the boundaries, until the ra diator sii nit} their wish to be inolndedwithin the State. Mr. ARK. Yoo ought to have sa id that these lands should form nopart of the State. Mr. MORRIS. of Illinois.' risked Mr. Clark wliether he did net vote for the admission of Oregon? ,Mr. CLARK, of Missouri. replied that he did. and of hie reasons for doing so, adding tnat the people of Oregon were a local nOOOlOO%OO SOUR ht not to anti vert the Government. and did not come here clothed in the garb of defiance like the people of Kamm. .. mr, piENDLETON, of Ohio. said he intended to ore for the bill, copsidering that by doing' so, he wouldbe acting In the spirit of the English Compromise. , The mading feature vas the number of people d and thii re, g IiIir e StU I D I AMOVi i r i i ilt l i 1 ;Pr. 71 n e terg h tli e fast that t a e English Compromise requires IMO, a e arned s be dilly end legally taken. It has been Aseertained that there are only about 00,000. and not 03 inhabi tants. se required by the Federal ratio for representa tion in the Home. Mr. Pe,NDLETON repeated, the main foot to ha de termined was 00 0001.110.000 01 .. Kansas—the method of utatortainfesikwas secondary only. In December,lBsB, ,the Presidentl recommended an epproptiation to ho made for tattler this vary census 1 yot. the Committee al Ways and Means paid no regard to it. The ,Sehnto Commit ee on Finance proposed such an Apprnprintion. h t den r e.cted t g i .i : ea°l I?lrtt'COoagnort oSe!a i,2Sht.tl ttui edisidered 4 waiver as to that part of the English Corn penile which• requires the census, to lie taken. , He ash that. neeording to the bait Information, Kansas has a tteutio of 110,000 Ile maintained that all the Tedie r i g ht s were preserved under this prominent' of tviu fr t Atnc ri, delegate 'from Kansas. said that, ' althogh the Leaompton Conlitqution was charaoter aged s it it fraud, it was tendered to Kansas rut an organics !Pw ; and wimp this was rtrieken down, there arming utt a mean and false coetrivence called, the meth tomeromlee. It was entitled en act to Admit KIWIS into the Union, when everybody knew It wits intoned to keepjleneas out or the Union. Her people Wsetto come In, with her honor unterniehed and nn solled,not onlyati a ooniederete. but a coequal of the aide, slates; Theriot*, of Kansas had not e meumbed to tie resiotive 0 °moron. Ile thought it mime with singem goility from the gentleman from Mietouri fair- tar 3to scheme the Dennis of Kansas with law, lessees and disorder, The judgment: of history is re _ , riorde.that there were repeatedraid s of ruMardi • and • w out-thes from Missouri. coil who kindled the flames whichafterwards !arced with such fury all eve t the land, i Mr. MARK, of Mousouri,,exid the disturbances were insttgeed by, the Emixyant /fine iy, Mr. %AYER, of Mairaneh hi, explained that the Emigrtet Aid Society:woes' 4_ business organiza tion. knave, paid the expenses of any one to Kansas, nor a dtler for the purchase of army, and wee amenable to the clone. ~ !Hr. MAGIAN, of Texas, asked whether the soelety did notvitiate with politicians in Weehington. Mr. T yER replied that he framed the charter of the corn ny._ He was a member of the Legietsture o f M60.10(0 , ietts at the tinit.. If the Kansas bill had not passed /1 Would have applied it to some other art' p i i i. the coup . If there was anything previnue to the for mation 0 , he compeny, it was the Illue Lodge of Mis souri. Gil:embers of which Bahl that the Yankees should no so to Kansas tr their rifles could keep them mil. The' terent MA Society sent thither only peace able anit friendly men. . MVP ARK OT. resumingoeild" it was false end elan-, demon that,tho people 01 KOlOlO/1 ever resisted the lowa of the conntry,and were revointionerY, either in history or in their Cement attitude. Mr. CLAIR. of Missouri. Slave riot Your people re sisted the laws?' Mr PARROT,replied, God forbid that he should deny that the peoyie teetered the execution of the Territorial law. This constituted one of' the chief glories of that peot4e, tic recognised nos law save that whir* Origi nates With the - people. The lawi edaded by his eon etituents were not the will of the people legally ea- Premed. but the expremion of a Missouri mob, clothed with the forms Of law, They were a fraud, andthaleu toted topromote and encourage fraud, and ony executed with' theAnd7of ~.trederal - tilyonets, sent there.? The geomidrete ware Stimulated by Federal paironisre, ape striving outdo the other by tasoality. In coma:mi er ,: hie he. esteem yrhy KAMM ; 'Mould be ar i l l yinted itite th Mon. He Wks of ergoh nulatien es au ciont, , and dereneed_her generally front all aspersions. , Mr. OROW said heleoUld Mg a vote on the mlestiest to morrow. Adjourned. • The' Ohio at Pitteharg. Pnorsainto; Aprll.lo.-4130 .riter:showttOonty 4otin th 6 otiound . and rising rapidly: Nratlng iloady.- - • - •• •i ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. THE PRINCE ALBERT AT ST. JOHNS. Warrant limuod Agathat Heenan end !Mrs, TOE NM pIAPI evissrioN APR.°AcinifiSi "or - - A SETTLEMENT. TfiltATY OF-P.ll'l6W BSTWERN SPAIN AND - MOROCCO. COTTON 'VERY DULL COMM i 4• 0a 4 (The following despatch has been delayed in its trans tniwiloninoonsequnnakol_an Interruption my RA work, ing of seine of the telegraph lines lathe North.—ReM Br. Joann N:: F., Apri th l 9.-.ThEstaantahini.Prisca Al bert, from Galway on Baturlay. e als ut. amend at ,this port at noon to-day. The steamer has 660 yawn gen aboard. and wilt sail Assets .for New TUBS IrIOtIVW }seal(Tees morning. hi. tr 2,4 ;Virtralih i lo h rle .. " "v rafentri i r n stritiet v v e a r i m:entamehiP , niro non e ., -, " -' • The etesmahipe North• Almeria*. fillinigow, and New York bed arriyad,out... „ . Lord 'John 'Raasell bed announoed, in the ones of Commons, that the SSA Juan question was approaching aaettlement - - . • A warrant haditien honied , mmiast the tiro' rise: fighters. John 0: eenan and Tom Baierii to oorpPoi them to keen the some. Nothing new had transpired in'Whittontothedavoy annexation. . . , It was reported that Switzerland will protest against occupstion of Chan - dm. and - Franclora*, by France. There were motors of the ulabahility of 'a Congress or the Powers being held on the Elwin question. The ;Rouge of Commons had adopted an addre•e to the Crown urging etrong e ff orts to be made to obtain from ?ranee an abolition of the restriction on, the British shipping. u ' • ~, .• The Vana Telegraph Company lie d determined to raise .Ste Goo on mortgage on the old cable, to be ex pended in effort. for its restoration. • - • The Paris Ronne had been buoyant, and Rentss had advanced to 70f. 300 that on Friday there was a decline, and the auotationa (lased at tef. ttlo. The Pore of Rome hes wined *major exonromunieetbM ago net all who counselled rebellion. invasion. or usur pation in Romagna, mid had sent a protest to all the go vernments against the annexation of the Legation/ to Sardinia,. Austria had sent to the German Diet a protest against ,the annexation of the Italian do hies. been tre raed.aty pi peace between Morocco and Spain had MOTOCIOn cedes ts Spain all the territory between the sea and , he r road 'Madera, and pays twenty millions of wastrels as an indemnity. - In the ineanthne, Spain holds Tentan. •- ; • ; • ;'• • TAE LATEST.' at TELE33 ALPO To caetht v fi a a z r .l aLonont, ulay.-xThe Pgenrditti `treaty has been publiet• ed. Also the preliminaries ;to e. treaty of. pen n. between Spain and Maroon°. Commercial Intelligence. [For the week endlnk March 3tet.j - _ LIVERPOOL COTTON INARRET—Fridiy.—The Brok'a tendencye Cotton market very dull. with declin i n g Some authorities say that the inferior qualitiee are 30 lower. The sates of the week amounted to 46 000 tides, of which amount specu lator' took 2MO bales. and export•m 6.000 hales. The sales or to-day (Friday) are estimated at 7 000 bales the metket closing quiet at the following' authorised quotations Fair. Middlings. Nev Orleans. ... ' ... - . .7.X ? • 6X. Mobile Theplan (la.,- . • 4 3-16 . stock of dotton - in'iori: is estimated at BC,OOO bales, including 600 000 bales of Amencan. . • • THE LATEST. LIVERPOOL. Batmdav-{ Be Telegraph.)-The Cotton market in very dull. The sides to day are estimated It only 4,000b/des. - • - - - STATE OF TRADE.-The Manokester reerkets are general!. HAVRE COTTON MARSHY.' Marsh to —The Wffes of the week amount ,to JO 000 bales. New Orley, bar sold at 9!f-an Merino. oflf, but closed with a declining V tendenny. LIERPOOL BREADSTIMPS MANSET.i-Mears. Eionsrdeon & Spence report Flour deelienurisales -American brands at Sonic Wheat quiet.l.l3olll dull at Ms iklertils 6,3 for yellow, end 37096. for white. Other authorities report , Flour steady end Wheat boorant, LIVERPOOL PROVISION iIiARRRT.-The Novi: sion market. generally; W *ateadl, Menses." Surma' McHenry. Bladritd, Attire. & Co . Riedrardeon, elpenire, & Co., end other nothoritiea. report Pork firm, within., slight advance. „Bacon steady, Lard dull. LIVERPOCH. PRODUCE M AREET.-Suseir heave.' Coffee quiet.. Rica firm. and advanced 11, Rosin doll, at Liadoseed. TormontinerstdinisdalLatern &twin. LONDON ?d ARRISTS.-Mesers. Raring &. Brothers, tenon Wheat firm, and advanced 1011. Buser dull, at easier Prices. Thesnorations are without Miring°. , LONDON MONEY MARSET,-The money market Is stringent, and an advance In the bank rates is resort ed. Console • are quoted at 9Mg. The bullion in the Bank of 8n l and has denresard .06,000 during the week.! TAR LATEST-Sarvanay.:-Consola are quoted et, 94143 g y 0 for mon e and acoount. FOREIGN MARINE INTELLIOENCE.-Arrived; I from Savannah. ship J. Lawrence, at Liverpool. 'This Anglo-Saxon at' Portland.' Portmatn i april steamship Anglo-Saxon,' from love on,Wedneeday, the Wei alt., arrived at due port t h e gamma.. • The royal mall steamship Aides arrived out on tba morning o' the frith. Work had lama recommeneed on the steamer Grigg Eastern. • ,; Earl rd Langford'aras dead. LoElrin's departure for Chang; had been del ay till the middle of April The first of the returning' battalions of the Freed: army from Italy had entered Revolt. France assamed a debt or Piedmont, to the amount of 173,000.000 trance. with the annexation or Savor. The preliminaries of a treaty between Soda and fitc , rocoowore signed on the Nth, and an anuntive hafi be rlatilliriel l ge c el i alaiM the AM, on the road to Tangiers. The flpaniaraw were oompletely vietorloris: ITALY. • The readies of the election g for members Finks; ment were very favorable to the Liberal cause. It was rumored that at Rome r on the lat h, the geti d'armes charged on' the pariple, over thirty of *hoed were wounded, Marine Disasters. Nowyoit, Va., AM1110::=-The"brig Ann Tyler, from Turks Island.for 'Portland, was .abandoned at sea on the 19th of February: The orew was taked off by a Dutch brig. • , ; Captain Moore, or the wrecked Veisel, theirooond mato, and one pt the aeaman,... have arrived here. The others are eisiiVere. git Two pseeeagese of the schooner Caroline Case* (whiob wee wreaked "on Turks - Maid) have ar- rived here. The schooner wak from - New York bound to Ohignyqs. 11.3mm:1r Roans, April 10.—The ship Wan:. -deter. - 100 days from Online; rutine ik the Roads w ith the %Ptah bark Li g h ttitro6. Both iesseitireeekredbasidiriableifirdry. Late from Vera Cruz and Browaaville". • I , frpr,patasests; , . April • IM4The mhopllltAtni• Gant; 'from Sisal, With dates to the 4th'init4 re , , rts thalthallnudeb.wee wane' Habanero was lb a otoopateh for Havnen, [nn the Span ish squadron. , _ 4 The same arrival furnishes dates from Very Grith to the lel inst.' The city was thin quiet, and Gen. Mira:mon is reported to have left for the card.' tel. The loss of property at Vera Crus by the bombardment is estimated ,at. dve millions by some *dons, but residents of Vera , Cilar, now here; think, this is a , great exoneration, ae It would hardly reach that amount if the destruction wee total' Brownsville dates to the Oh feet. hayeraleo been received, but the news is unimportant. • 1 The Cargo of the. Wrecked Steamer Hungarian." ' • BOSTON,. April 10.—A correspondent , writing from Bar rington, N 8., says that four hundred eases and bales of the °ergo have been taken from the wreck of the steamer Hungarian within the put few days. Election at Trentoi l / 4 ?,i. J. Venerate; April 10.—At the 'mriniolpal election held here yesterday, Mr, (Dom,) WXB elected Mayor by four hundred majority. A 'majority of the Democratic ticket wase.leo eleeted.i Election- at, Albany, , N. I'. Armaarr, Apritlo.—Ttoi Democrats have carried Albany by_ 800 to 1,00 majority. George G. Timelier, their candidate, has been elected Mayor, and they have a large majority in the Board of Al- dermen. Publications. Received. FTODO CALLENDER it CO Illustrated London News; March 24, and Illustrated News of the World, with supple ment, portrait and Memoir of Dean Trench), of eame date. • From T. B. P/TERBON & Dnortesets The' Balton& By Bit Edward Bawer Lytton. Library Edition. 1 pol., 4.21n0„ pp. 505. Harper Brothers. Stories of Inventors and Discoverers in kelenee, 11.0 the Useful Arts., , Bonk for Old lud Young. By John Timbs, F. S. A. With Illus trations. 12in0., pp: 473. New York: Harper 36 Brothers. Stories of Rankers , ' stud Luoky. The Three Pines. By Jacob Abbott. New York: Harpist. From Senwsx; Nnann,w, Js, : . .Conlin Mandwand Rosamond. By Mrs. Men , J. Bohm's. Pp. 874. New, York :.,Derby The Florence Stories. By, Jneob Abbott. Orimkio. Pp. 252. Now York : Bbeldon, Compiny, • From G. G. Evams : • Life and Speeches . of Stephen A. Donilae United States Senator from Illinois. Bye Mem ber of the Western Bar. New York : Dori)* A. Jaolcson From JAMES CIIALLEW & SON The Bible and Social Reform ; or, The 1341 p-, tom its a Neural of Civilisation. 13y, R.; H. Tyler, A. M. Philadelphia Ohallen k eon. From 9fill.bB & Punt:pot:4 ' Our Vying ReprimentUtiro Idea, From OM offal' and - Original Sources. By John Savigo P Philadelphia Childs & Peterson., AUCTION' NOTICII.—The attention of purehisers is requested to the large and valuable assortMent Of boots, shoes, brogans, Paialita braid and palm hats, bonnets, caps, &c., embracing, samples of 70,0 packagos of prime goods, to be peremptorily sold by catalogue on credit, commencing this morning at 10 o'clock, by Myers, Claghorn, & On., auction eers, No. 232 Market stredt. ia" We are indebted to Freeman Co.'s,Ex prees for early copies of Oalifornia papers. 'Now York ISt°Ok E xcihinge.-Aprll I 0 SECOND 10000 , MissoutI 6s 63(1.83 201,0 Cold , Ts 10^0 N Y,Ce4 R Li bd5...885‘ 14001.Crie Sth in bd... ..61 6110 Hudson Ist m... 163% ' I OI P O 1(000 Han & At Sop 2t500 510 , h 08i lit Ms. 93 25 Am Ex Bank. ..10130 160 Pao.fla Mail 819 .102 100, ~ -..1060.1451 8 'do , ~ ~ 100 (1 - . .060.102 h 11:0 N Yore, C0n...,.,. ..77h 12 0 6 d o Ivo Erie R Mociritiscletk..l4 . TAR di . . 80.0.1/D. WO Erie Railroad 'll 60 do 1.4 ISO Mich 8 & N I 8.R...11 - 60 Panama R... • ..680.133 160 •k do ia.,..,. , ..., .......;)681( 160- do -•‘• - • •t 133 60 111 Can Rtiorap... . ' .61 so - QM& Ol i o R.. z .64.6;1$ do .....„,. ~69.8 iN, 660 do ~, •:: .... ~ '' i. 61 1, 200 Cleve & * Tol - .1(..•..'. 26 . 200 do • , :,.... , ...:bOl 600 Chto & R T....._, .63 01 (121074 k Tittab'ff R. 6 15 New.lirsey R. 4 ....12.6 • ' KETS. ' " .-• Asada are unonansed, with moaerate sales of rots at 65.25 and , Fearls at 111518. V. , FLOVE.—The market for State and We'stern Fleur is more active for export, and firmer, with receipts of 8,990 Mils, sod .ales 9._(00 bbis At $ )5,5n5 30 for superfine Strite,; o 544 for extra do ; 1)5.2595 30 for 6 UP(l , fitre Weetart, 55 40c5.70 for extra Go,. And 55 Mee 10 for extra round hoop Ohio . Southern Flour is eteady, with sales :of SO bbis at, dfl 9000 90 lor mixed t 9 good, and 582507 to for extra. Canadian Flour Is firm, aithsates of 269-ibis extra at 3 5 fera. • Onals.4-.W heat is firmer, With a fair Mimi detinunl. with galas of 50 000 bushels at 81.206129 Air Chicastro Spring, and $1.20e1 95 for Milwaukee Club. Coro is firmer. - with salsa of 8 000 bpshelel at IND for yellow. Conyers firmer, at 596120' for Southern, YAMONZIVanIa. fad Jersey, and 4.530948)/0, for Stele,. Canaria, and w astern'. , Priovisiorrs.—Pork is dell, with sales of 100 Ws at 217.40 for old'Meni.'l,ll.6h tor-new _to..; 0113.74 for old Prime; 51411014:18 'fee, new do. ‘Osef Must, with atJes of 159 bb at 11480.59 foroeuntfr prime ; 5 405 fa lines; 7,75010.50 tor for dorepacked western; :rine 12 50 for extra Vast 454 nos. ilita , riOr Prime anVrl vatete terms. Cut Meats are dull, with sales Of akar ac lilthife fir Rims, anti 7e71(0. for Shoulder"; eon ii 90000 The *Urea sold rit 9)/o. Lard is stea dy; with salvo of 102 pig* at' ISM wife. Sutter is doll litllet 186 for Ohio, !tad 320900 for State. : Chola* la stalidy - at wens)4o. tepaalAatat Ideal bar ut, THE CIT Y. EVENING. Waynsyll' "% ro la. p agiti - riata ioo nt im r4, PrinG4.7 - inns , Taxa >az. ttrn. AIR= of a Poor Yaws strait. &bolts. 111 tn .` to*" Th - —ottesion s En rtalansants llatsgagGv Wownsaiscapatisaist owner TonGi and Piltistnnt street.—gurnor mtg. 4411311 T oz Pies Aav , Wig Oitssinst strrsto7 8 tattlers; Paintings. tie. CONTROLLER'S ON. PLUM/Q. BORool,th—.-This body heldi Stated meeting yesterday, et theVeluil i billi . in the Athemenitt Mush* of ea, bone ware removed'afid refined ArAhir atilmerWate d ett e mitiM emamenteetilollweritlwrlbllimehrgt"'-'-' One front the Fourth motioe, wain( iso appropriation 'of *8 068 far the erection of knew ii~..bbise_lbr the ;' OW or -the abildreE now beige educated at Howard i Hall And Wes ,Jottme onAtroaktlies seetheiLigkimutbr assaPproprianon Rot regieletto buildings; one from the Ninth section, aekinit authorftr to establish s new school, and the appointment of another teacher. A communication was received from the Fifteenth motion, asking power,,torinagYdvigatUtitrktif teem sea and lro=inAntir *4,00g to *reel additional buddinni •, one from the Twentl-firet elletion, asking for 110.000 for similar purposes, A number of other rommunieetforiewent reenived• The Committee on Accounts reported ha' to the I amount of 822,729.611. Mr. Albion moved to strike out the bill of Thomas W. Fries ter furnishing coin-books. Mr. Leeeh moved to amend , tht 'the hold-the Warrant. until Mr. Fries Witold IMMtiik Ibt dozen ropv-books to make UV t h e de letes's,' be thesis* efrhe = resent books. Mr. Allison refused to wept the amendment. - 1 Mn. Carter rose to sint of order. Be thought the bill illtaaltbe paid, as there eras no 4mi/hue_ that Mr. Price had not fulfilled the centre:it: Mr.” Jackson thought the point Amid be Mooed to writing. Mr. Borne decided that 'Mr. Carter should proeded with his remarks, when the latter remiated hie opinion , that there was no evidence that lierr , Priee had not fist nailed the books according to agreement. Mr. heir desired to sal that th e supplies furnished by Mr. Pr ic e did not come up to eiestract. neither as to (Malay of paper. as to• rnlise. nor is to the size of the book. . 1 1 0 did IletWent i t rellest mg 'tabula member of this board upon .'or the mraitteims hat t sdies. Hewes no expert in the way Judging Mar; any gentle man who would examine the book! wooli see at eines that they did not come op to the each& that had bees furnished; and Or. tbi amoral the oily wail the actual loser by the operation. They were con siderably smaller than the sample, end, maculating the difference in - SOW dove: Me dozen would be found wanting. The ides of ordering NOW doze" of eopt one time he retarded ass great stretch ors:rear on re part of the committee. Mr. Davis could not me 40 pfSity of his remarks with the question now before the d. Mr. fwene .isitd 'be_wented •to tettlei hoard that by the notion of the CoMmittee on llepplies. in revenge' the pava-ant_of this bill, the *Wry of Philadelphia weld lose ,It ireA _we I nederetendgltaLthe tomato's vote Wilhite to Amiga three tierlant. Inithishonee. ion account of the deficieerte Weser. • Thieves evidence that they were not - u p thlialiterile. Mr. Leech here alluded to the former mode of obtaining hookah Misr* the -contract aystem wes adopted.--me stated t sar Mr. Price had recently come out wt. a. card destosuiph g pl former and in favor of ithe drawee* esaldisneg g • supplies. In 1868 . the last year before the amble 'sys tem was supplies., the Cmyetes of Bappbee had an; eeproptuitiotecif egteitelf. t nextyear EMEIN.9I. arid for the lest year the sant of 46.000. If we go on at this rate, #lOOOOO will soon be required. Mr: Leech ob. • pitted, also, to the - manner in which the boob; bed been ruled; that some of them were shorter by two and a half inches than others in the game lot. end that In weirbt there was "difference of two ends half poen* in Rate Of twenty dozen. Mr. Flitoralt who is engaged in the manufactoring of paper, as d a great deal depended mon tbe way in which it wag otillennered as leearite its weight. and he sense dared that Mr. Fries had fulfilled his isoutreet es near asnosinble. _ . • • • .. Mr. Ivens,' from' the Committee onlsniOles," said so far as the ruling. was concerned. Mr. Price; tout followed the diettione of theeommistee. In some cases the lower hoe or the &Ake is closer to the edges i than in others, hat One makes to mated"! Ailfereaco It there Wal a mistake he regretted it - 'llthirntality of, the paper was certain"( its tool as the seapplit, sad they were deficient in h ingbutane.whiskiheespmittes thought might be balanced by adednetiovi on the tort of three per gent: The entinteattnivor the 14304 beau I entrusted to Meseni.Lawrence.rtery ,st and mown. who had mooned. after mountains. the books promiscu ousl y. that they had found them all up - to essnele.wicept two tooks.•erhieh were deficient in cover, and in the coarse, of his remerlit eareeetly•urred the pammes or the bill. Mr. Davis said that when he find examined the books, he thonghtthererer• not tip Mike nanisle; bat thshrudi Tim opinion after they were pronounced correct by the! referees. and could sae nonagon why 14r. Leech ahouldi unseen their conduct. Mr. Leech apologised. The debate wee onntinued at length; vied thatnotioti to. strike out, es well a. the amendment. wee UMW defeated. After .severat, inotiope to -refer Were effendi and loin, Mr. Peed moved to refer to a special commit= tee or Eve. with taatructinew to esoettain what _loss, if any, has been. sustained by the city, sod to report at the next meatus*. IA at-ayes U. wren. Mr. Davis moved that the 'reporter the amimitteiti be adited, Agreed to-a_vee 15 nays 9. The uolllesltbtwou rrowertni reparted throoth Mm Davis (chairman) in raver of theerectiesof, sebtols bermes is the let, tii.B4,llth, 12th. lath Mth.1114.2100; 2tst. 22d. rhionidl 2fith fettleelgThe Mod Was commented by treisolutiint agkilly tannin telmita appropriation for the same. . motimate postpone the oornrideratica of the report for one week. after mime debate, was lost by a eate:: 9 eimeto 15 nays. An Mnerelaient agrnotroMdthit ilheYeakt&Ma to the Committee on lertanwor, &mower% aW rrintarg. g chords. with instillations to retort in owe weeks. which was asthma* Tim reebtatingi was illigiliratlolloll.' A series of Meolotwas were presented t 'same committee. fudging Councils to appropriate the Crown. CMireliano litmeitheanne tog selioollintrPoosol also, to dimee of the Zane-eareeg whool-house, to buy certere property for a primatermboolAieuse 4 eskobn: matter. of similar import were adopted. • The board -cOgifirseed the Appotatisent of La 11; C. Nutt as a school- teacher., A resolution instructing the - gmemittert sa Property to Set at one, on the Apolle*. ea made be Conned* for the erection of new eonfttlietteer earl that jinn proceed to select sites for the mantel alter being nindl, Fro in retard to the construction of • 'nimbi Melee is the Fifteenth metion ar.• adopted: There eras no other ' Whiner Of nblia, tatireet traarf acted. • •_••• „ Foignse.r, or Nap. Etpsy.sati, Safer!? Busui.4 The funerstOf this Isdi,iibo died oit ' iritley lest Weft Plane yesterday lidterstoott. at Starlet/eV otreish. Tenth street, betiviter Cheetentefed :Naiad' The at tandems of friends of rewtlr Vithieet large, bat the ohnroh was -crowd*, with . li f fall itiollgteglitioll. 1121114 evidently ltrseted by. curiosity. The cola was ars. wired 'with WO 016th:having helm, nit beadle* GO snob , aide add et the endi. , ;.On thelid,:aref the breast, ism a gold plate, containing the name and. sleet tit! deceased, end an approp riate Inserlidirlik The ovum was placed eathir r .iindete eligiiiteetintllo49l_, et. The Rev . Bishop 6611111111,11. Rev. Dr. Doistehdtr ter smear. Rev. Dr. Wllmer. Rev., Mr. Van Pete. Rev. Mt Watson. Rev. Mr. Yarnell: Rev. Mr. Durboors. Rev. Mr. Palmer. Rev. Dr. Went.. atd Rev. Dr. Plums were. tri &timbales. -,,'The Aunediful , lisnaLeernes of the Protestant Bitiseopet Church fm , the'deediractud by the Rev.Zacaebet. who at times was an out come with - alio hissueld immeely speak OW diblv. When he 'need. elarreting the words ashes to mks. dam to Mut" and itt i pd 604/0 earth gpme Ups cothultalhowititiloWneYer IC wig ;gale qinnY thepourer& al on were so rated tears neon wi - 11T1t 11 1 1 0 1 : S o : r ei bS e vad perd:p s o r rev e d black. inmates of B ard a Airy tim Virg , - sent - did erieirt4 ever ' oflasirtr tress rss It sheliod Win a mouses to 05.16 in fenneetree it edivite aratereer *et Ur& Be . childr e n.-11. Ma provided inenilleeany far War orphan ildr. aad the benefits of thistiWittition will les **- tended tee Mill Wier sianther.' , - The celnred nerettUr of the houerhold. male and female, were also eveient. attired in deep niourninr. The funeral services over. the roMrtwas taken nut of the rhareh, and deposited in the famt . vault on the north rids nice. baddiewhy the shin of others of the family. Tea relative+ and friends of the deceased greased forwant,And took a test look: after which the opening was closed. A lame portion of the omerreration remained for a time to oondole with Rev. Pr. Puraehetorbo Netted very much anteted en the mouton. Rick;&inn! ) Siooxs,Blo.--Thit followidgaitt the sales 0( real estate, stooks, ko., milio.PY M. Thmill k Rom at the Phllidelptits' Exchantfii YoutetaltY, at noon end evening: COO shares Hopewell coal and iron Companp,oo cants. . ChM Per sent. coupes bonds Clatewttem, 1 , talents •ort, and Ens Railroad - Company, each for #1,040, 6per pent. $33 , 3 shame West -- Thiladelphia Medina flaying Ilhaid. , • 1 !hare kleyeantile Library, SA. 2 'nitrite Mernaittfte'Lihrtyr=lo: - • , ' - • Throe-story-brick dwelling,,NMeiffNorth Sixth street. north of Rrtesm:#6,lre." ' Handsome new stone reeichinee, Johnson street, Om , Maddiannti -modem 'reiddicioet Itvaimit street, 'Chest nut Hill, UV76. Brick feaviry and terse lot, Front 'kept. Riehmond street, and Cohnolteink creek, (threramittsr.) $lOOO. • • Three-story brick dwelling, No. 1636 Cherry street, Neat residence . . in Cottage sigle,Spineeitret“rest of Till street. 134,400. Three-story briek dwelling, corner of Thompson and Oehler streets. $326. • Thr•e- story brick dwelling, Thompson street, north. eset of Gentler street. #3OO. Two Sect modern dwellings; Nos. 1716 end 1717 Carver street. $475. Modern four-story store and residence, No. 703 South Fi fan street, fri,ezio Three.wory ,briek. dwelling. No. 1337 North Eighth street, 712.676. SOOll4 - 11; FOR THI INCV#IIOTIOX Eatezqr - MIMS OP Tt POOll.-021 Monday afternoon the mana gers, contn 'tore: and friends of the Philadelphia Elo olety for tho•Rmeloyreeit, and leatriatioa of the Sir. held their-annual meeting at the House of Menem, in Catharine *treat, ahoy* &meth. Mr. kicitani Richard - • son presided: From the report of the fhapeolary Committee.'we learn that 41W persons have been treated by them during the neat year. I.f this number ; el were eiekted at their houses, and 4 636 teoetved alintaia treatment at the dmoensary• ft he number of preeeriptions given'out was 812 e. The expenses alum:roiling this dentine:out line been 87)1,7741 . • After the nonlinear the si t ymia report therein's; a t " sleeting for offieera. with the Mown* result: Prnident, Richardson • Mee Presidents. A. 'DA•ALavaper.JoliAl Bi. Tfe4itter, Water Mor ris; eoretary. Coleman - b. `Nicholson ; Corresponding Secretary. win. D. Risphssm A board ofmanarers consisting of both ladies and gentlemen was also chosen. ••• • • • SPORre (4- THZ Firzn.Notarithiganding the unfavorable weather on Monday. the„ed;ertjeed 'split match of the Honey Run Town-Ball Club esna4 off at Germantown. Wm. H. Stokes and L. Towesend; led the two parties. The ,Btoileaparty were vtotorpoul by forty runs; . The wlayihkwas vary wood. The Atalanta Ormitet Club hare elected the follogiag Widens t _President, Wet.'lL Bitier, Jegt,Vice Peen dent. R.. E. Heating, ;secretexr. lobn . B.wrlsht; Trea surer. Wallace Hemphilt ; Field Captain. 1). K. .r.yana ; l 4 round Commttree. MOSUL Butler. Andrew.; Evans, Go^drioh. and Wright. CHAHOIED WITH 6WINDLDIO. - -A colored WO man, named Sarah Ann White, was arrested yeate;:ditY morning by Deteative Officer Sommers!. on the charge of obtainini clothes from varlaue families, wider pre tence that she wished them for the regular mesh woman. and apareerintais 'bent In her awn ness. It no known that many families have suffered in this way; sunlit is thaught tbat Beath has been. in many instances,ithe guilty party. Persons who have last elnthint iu this way would do well to can at Alderman Beitler's. Saturday morning' at 9 o'clock, woe; the soused Will ue' granted a hearing. - • s FIRE.—A fire was discovered about half seat seven o'clock last erecting. attiii extensive dyeing establishment of Messrs Lefferty & Co Ideated eiNale tilers street below Oxford. in the esysadietth ward. The fire rippearete have_ broken out on the first floor of the braiding, in the store game, end Was evidently Gauged by the leakage of chemicals on cotton Yarn and ether combustilsle materials. The firemen subdued the flames before the, tied geined much headway. Ths loss. prin cipally by water, 11 estimated it St e am, and is fully no vered by insurance. Ax Acounst.--On Monday afternoon, a little girl, about four years of age, named Beadsman,' was run over by a lager beer wagon on Culvert street, above Fourth. Ifo bones were broken. hat she le be lieved Oshawa sustained internal iniunet of a minus oharecter. One of the wheels passed over her breast. LUdwiek Kenloh, the driver of the wagon. was a d, butsubsemently discharged. there being no epidermis le show that the accident happened through his sere- Hiroo as. • LAYING OP A CORNER-STONE—The corner stone of the neyr Cettlkoho church to ,be, emoted at the southeast corner of Tenthehd Dickers on street.. First, ward. will be laid on Sunday afternoon next. 43 o'clock: by Bishop Wood. An Andress will be delivered at the ground by the Very Rev Dr. Moriarty. A large wirtion of ;the Catholic olorgy melt of the nit) Rill be In attend epee. Ills view church will be under the pastoral charge Pf the trey. Father MoAnanney , now attached to 81. aul's Church. Christian streeu below Tenth. HISTORICAL SOCIETY.—On Monday evening At stated meeting' of the Historioal‘Soelsty v ita held at the Athenreum Building. Dr. George M;Buriin 04104.. The etoodenoe or - membore WAO anunanny large. frro renew Binding , of the Now York umenrsltY. and anther or a forthcoming hietory,of Bosedsnsma. rend -sn,inte restinr essay upon jrcandinaman • Mytholory, sarrer whieh several new members were eteeted, and tile leen ing adjourned. Mum/ MIN Iltutittpd Thonip ion, a vi , cloz, Indy melding on rennsylviknis.wienue. near Einhteenth street. died lenlordur mo.ninq "from ihq effect* of -Jejune' reoeivw front tits explosion of a fluld lamp. eh. leaven four children to mourn her ' ART IntismannOni , --The following men have seen sleeted Atadensisisse 4:Albs/sondem, of Pine Arta in this oil P. F. Rotheraiel, W. E. Vrinner. Edward Wrath P. wmoir Geoire C. Lernbeltn. I, A. Bailer, W. H. Furness, Jr., Ed. D. W;T t . Rinhards, , i FLIJe aboatlbiar ealoik. a slight fire °aborted is the thin story of a home. No. 911 Perot' Tweetioth ward. 'The Beate anenttred Omagh the'tetre4ollMitee -of tts ova amt. lesion ailirennars Vehe eh* e Si lamp Oltin a Did. 41rnitt tat. -17 " 1 1t . ,_ .1.n .. 241-1 , ,-4 4 ,t4 6 47* --'l. : ties Read.--Tliest 4.••••••• I• ' liiiiiiiit" - nOl d ye 8an,.0, lailtMitirri before IsiertiffitiMlCOlo4. tinned tenueled. _There TM elpixii leather se attendance. aw kgreisitaxidteda diddling of etas-- Ilion soon M o d lotetteMette*tidfattstid'UokitentA.- Joke& Itiverstielierligiasernedeo tie SM . inhume . le rebuttal. Ara zod- that tro-ame it-eliiiirot-iffie -; ?peek-until liner tot memsien t _sed kept ledividesl - ledger roe Ato " irs-rwse Anise-mlm aged. ilia * Ai ifinti eTbAylithelii"l4'-irittor"."selseg,to 'the theta r. - Allitotaix , :e ,-,..- ..i ni----,•-- ~. ti lt iVits s ß=sitstisithile v oi l fdege 4 it Is hiss.,,a lh per' Isitri inglisyl• 'FA eitirotririnvine • t item spoadinurith 04 cheek forni4l.2lier its eioryir it. m a d igerVi l litt! AMP ISlTlVOirrt=i it; wesztAr m ingo l ailtr i ,iggilmiesceozgagga M ear' or *VS - it to Hr. Miller • thereto ea maim 116 lise lletief-ef:- s-Ot 1 8 4 1r Atir i Ntslrh i gL m HPIW i erifii Nitsent to r. ri la iltat ' Alto till! fit _ i syt pre of tbs. ,i SW as A o r m ilif et illeMedriseitio recut. s 1 beverage kis eamitseli was, then. i Aikeois_ .d —lldr.Altibree tied amnion dent tremble metered re Melodeon tUTritiW ems Of. Aka - Ware klgaillar;Wrilr dOtLitffl,hilt thesmOrsteit to ithaisisele Asa rn . rgli the existence of the preekneet aseouoal wii not ...own to the board of dripettunt-4-grao sloven the book keepers. and made this ent-y on the day they hear dais frots 'striation of the check; 1 ISt= p .g iul y. BM accoun t ; bo., and - - 1 -- diseibint.torlieew *ft t the cashier kaiser Maud serge oft* , ig the checks of mg moment remain in my on - twice a week the segregate badanNee of the devoid re counts sere banded in to the board of directed. t f Okla rty this account of the preeideaffe ~unknown to the directors. Re - exemined..-The wasideot'a coconut sae aliens a debit sweet ie the bank statement,. , George Philter Joh Whiteman- sod Herm G. Stall wagon were ex a mine d. and tandiSed that thew had no koowledge of tbe garment VIM, neiendant The roan- • eel for the philutiffeatdeimplad to ietroduottle tottiso ny or a eliniWgrottion. ea Atrikeir sera teed nut on' the upend of boos Interested in the issue et the snit. as oreditorsofak.- ' - . , The aim Wins osseous 15th - into. the Wills& pro needed to argue its merits before t Mrs. J. F John ston. Foe., oeseild for Weshilatiffis amid *se fellgsrad by P. C. Bruthilt and G. 111.1lbarton nes. kir defouttet. Pi George T. Canivtlll. Henn Sill' stkosi:Ad, depend e nt rein inornies. << - thornier-Cope:—lodia.fftesed—Sainet lisiewrs. Wilhant,.Yoses, WW l '. and AdlO -Fillrntstp-"Nr" tractor. Before reported ., ,ar trn44 - e or -P iv- r John Polk vs Pdvaid Wright. Before renorted. Yer dint for &fondant. •i i v -,-, ---,- •, i , Robert - Golds - salt and trininel Pmith. 'Verdict for plaintiff for 1138141.. . - --, - - William NOM Irle:Tiinnttiy Crowlei. 'As Mil inn on s breast , sfeontracVsfiddict for elgintlff fur 4204te..- For pi miff. J. A. Burton; defendant.. P. O'Neill. - - Mart Roger, executing. sod' Isaiah Re f o. erteen4sr of the last will and testsreikk ot. - Loanent Buyer. Vi talised. vs. Fretteripk I. .Japgirorth. An action - V. a book *rennet Verdict forisuntiffs, R 5232. Earnest for plaintiff* Sergeant for de fentta et. Wet. ii. Schreiner vs. H. BroWn_Williruns. An - agtion to reenver the onion id , real. ,-- ,yer tint Abollefetsint. Nicholson for plaintiff- %goo for defendant- Mary Fonder sad William% Roeder, cc inlni Heim. An action to recover - the amount of gitat3.B2 alleged in have been deposited with defendant for the use of plaintiffs. On trial. NITA cr COVlT—Jedge Hare:—Hoilfine ra. Heid rich. Before reported. Verdict for plaintiff. • James Fox. ve. alicntAii. Wdhamecgiam;herleeLtA. tineentkie Matt lu Atliiiimeon,'Honefrisf.-kive. Jury out. Nipple for plaintiff ; Heatainter for de end sots Connote PLESll—Jildie Ludlow-Henry va. Maxwell. Anaction agemetseeeenty for root Jary out. - Sehambore vit.' lhoik4l. 'Au- *aide' es • prolodabory note. Jury out . Trrs (.Innantaz Caziana...—The Court - of Quarter flesatiins vas busily enmity - ea - yesterday mete!• lag in disposing of the petty -mintiest Minos brougbe before it. Judge Thompson presided. District Attorney Mann repreienting CM CommificarMslth.' I hathine Mel den and John Riley each plead itelgb tetbe ildninee et larceny, and wore snob sentenced to Aire months Im prisonment in the county is ms. lobe - Bald ieks Wan plead anlitt to !bottoms of hmr.rysy,-asel mai sentenced to three months improloarnent to the county prison. Joseph Armbruster. for haiku, bin wile. Imo se nt to priessifra twenityslaye.med- Afesekni.te i Ma gt el he the sawn IrXe to' keep the Woe: mosso i , truces cionmetton witivibefore ropertedi. , erst, to stst u outbaininriaanniont ie the e nee r. l 74 4: John W Anderson , alias 'Rah isto It. was con austed of picking pockets. to sisetenekere him, Jades Thome... remarked that it. did nos 0004100 T him in the lista of- Hie year unfortunate :eilleneders whistormiten name before him. .Wit b Ito advsntage of _Ai amid ex , cation:and the knowledge of the detiel be O W ta l' l a fellow-melt, he had Made IV his barmen feidpere opmestici.ty. Poe thew 111111011111 fre would i.dbot a - se- Yens punishment upon him, and. sieemrdingly.-be - sen. tanned him. to. sixteen ,ssonthe -isstmstrement- MC round Jude 'AIM worms one nosed radio sof is iag poo i r M il a Judge Thompson. in sentencing him the remarks reeteAl Andernoll +MOW to him. but. to consideration of his south., end with the hot-ar- his future reform. be would :make, hie stronemsest bah's/a. and sentenced him to rice months - imprisonment lathe toasty tinsom . .. • .,. ; , • -7 ,--, , -...-- ' , ..1;7,e - PnunnaL• —On Monday eves gibe retnrn , . _ . . judgestof the Poettit conaminmustiliarritt ;Teeple' May/ met at the room of - the, t eopte's association, binbit of Ele ribliti o .ii i fd rillee' l ibetelteilfg is the - re auk or thiefention - for detonate* Lathe Chicago Colt. entino ti: r iP ', ,', •-,..- '"--; T_.r..i. - - - ell Albeii - C.jteheite.t.i ' William PC X• 111.: S*l 611 Vet...... II 323 Marcus goemtv..,:, pion iMirun.,...,.. milt Willi...w 4.1a11ary.,,.p ~..1: ' %AM faimmtigt ...4.1... 11 . -. ley --- ....3 MM, t, - - .--', ' '.' • . • Mein. 14 hiftliArenir.bilikliM• lad Tetley We tit!, Obnie.4oWPOGSNialllndillnatk,;-^: ,•, ': l. Thitbolll . lll Dittilig Cogalliglelk.Orilke-rtftiLes.- Rreelenext atittiet ISO 11. , contests) on Moeda! sod elected Jamey Bo d y and br. , r. hi. itaiiititoa a "aro. Aid .1 0 4 1, :.` 4 7.,.1t0gf0e red .Tteale crow TirilioitotdohhingioftrosiTilloaoholdotitiWeh_iooto COMM ..114 , . • io Trio ,1011 , 11.! boomenionee of oar roodilts: • - p. Firms I:l4triost.—loo. K. Doti?: ais,W s c , o g. lannoy, Aittilowei IDloinot, uoiros.! Foknois FlytAbbinvi. solo rotesemr. - Third District—Wm IL ! t o m', "'math s ? eatriet—grintrd *is, c. o rts, Wm DAE•ll4kr, " • R: 'groove*. pplribit-hit Alotto. . Rom. Prank crabs: MONIIM114T0,7112:11.0114941. . Last,evenlek Of VAO held et the hell of the' lhartliwatif Itidrtitit, l .loifta *met. below Waehiektmareemtai id" ettudipt ereetint a plain monament tir.the memory tit the lets Lewis C. trim: Thdtiteettilkatia iplkoWitnetqittaiteked: Irma to the - WetWeatidlt:', M :Aoki& dent of the Balem'CoiietilerMeMlltied tilitote dozen - - gentlemen Were tinned et_ siee' t rataft w i merete rite. F. H. 'Dego: Hrt.; *wee of the spankm, mat a hater, tegretthiO . r Vitiator - impact ex ermine kaNtMaait runkatkriwitti r thasitoMmeent Dr. J. T. Walton send a am etioolooreamatite emoted* pthir..kmvin.mhtekteltmetabried. 11811011, skeroh. and e Wl*l the 11,Pell mayor et. nib". att. fi ed - comvei:, 4l !rallteti 46 - tomtit aletTtlfday of "Mr MOM - - - Mows %mead theta °mime , trawietalt INFIKK*;•a make ansimaliettet- to - etwompli ' olweet of itot - meet:Mt. .The president appoint , emeneribee. hie ielzm Cm John Weraahrs arrant!-tea r =ed' wiewi e s4toolf tf=SE - James Moore :made some remarks ef listVo' ohmmeter; shim! aided • aiitallora . • th a t prbation from those format. iwtkr of whom ookeended the meettot wet imisioative. or pplyty,' mad that eckbertisem pubic abbe introduoed. A Potat Wilfteli Maid Ib4 'evening In- the T kanviiiitik.**r,b74 l 6 3 l/tisAbeliCifikAtloNVorgtia Nattorpachie: ' AI MA Dos tiiia shbf YeelindaYtaiiinthg by (Am. Lake. at Seemed aiediAlldell *WOOL - CITY 1 `` 1 15. ; Lsoryartt at . Ray. Di. Rama —A coarse of four leotures will be delivited at National Ball. Nitta street, above Twelfth, by *it, Rev.. , Dr. Cahill, oom mincing on Monday aliening , as. the abJeet of the first leetaiste be. The Ostend Chin/whim of ire lead in hit Religions and Civil Arreeistiona.?,_ Tim re =Mine three will be orildPif aelre,opieal is abaraiter. theansotal Amps clench being stated lathe advertise ment elsewhere , to whieli the reader is Wetted: 'r her erillbeillnetrited by i Wiled lista dbiliamainisaif,ar.fi .V.ase...meeltireert , Thicaketnemt,:ditialtifilidik*red the Gonna here, iminoseestd. irt *Ostlers. Minim the Union, before immense audieshes,'ind it in eiveoted that Philadelphia, will net, be. teibinditilestitting her antleciatteit of WIND highly internat./nit bid inflictive scientific and literary entertainments. - Airriccis rotC Ittressinony.— la susother4ohnia of oat paper to.dar,np Isis found an admenssement ortin• artinle reisommendral ,by tligi pa tentee for Otteinlng kit stoTel;siiiii' eblhiles, tali eager, et cetersof tree* of Milt Of Shane, with out the s lthtest tidori to the 'Meet deheate color., les-- tre, ovlextOre.t•lt will btrupga at* elisseis that.such at article would be of inaeleulabln Value to =regimes. Several days ago a bottle of tkia preparation was eons tone by Mr. Bakes, the proprietor, and me determined to try hand report. We have now to announce the re stet as a most complete mai*. "Wm' Mom spedisted a valuable gamest of light eolovorliek bed. be we W hirred, been tathrly rained by gremie,./ast as geed as am, by thet'avellastimi of a men mil - irestionwf the renovator," and, moreover, seen it tested name which fully demonstrated atplthevirtisys obsimed for it. We pridiot for the article an'entiiinons sale. New ArrhiliCitons IT VairSOßD'll.—The Ladies depertmets oflifeseri.ciakfoid ' k foie' beanttful new store are `' now the leading centre of attraction among ladies of fashion. The Umbrella and Parasol rooms is a feature which steleve hmettfore omitted to speak of. and should have probably omitted doing go now bed not our *initiation been threeimito thereby sortie' a whuhave been deli tided with the elegant Meeks of goods they are eines, l r jotifts'Aosystre,..eintdaily beooming more poi ..sr, and are bound to bermare Co es they become more hopefully known. in hats we need h irdly say that Oaufwds are taking the lead. They are now. from their superior manufacturing facilities, sell ing Maga( the low figure of three dollars teat are sur prising everybody.' We ha‘ a seen them, and find it dif ficult to distinguish between them end those usually sold elsewhere egfinG . • • 4 B. 10,;• CAApm.".4lllthougt so near the r „ close of the menhirs Season, the Wenonacienseett that Mr. Cliaphsieto Menne at Concert Ball, this evening. will be sure todrew - an 'overflowing heinite:-. The ritildeut— ifBoolal Force. "—is the best of Aix, lilhaniggetirts. - GRAND FLORAL FESTIVAL 74 1 . L. Cartir‘nter, whose taste and liberality fe so well established in this community, will give hie Fifteenth Annuat Plots( Fes tival at the Moment Fund Bell; this evening.- To those soenniated with the style of sir. Carpenter's enteitran meets it se useless to describe them ; suffice it to ray they are unsurpassed, both for beauty of Bored diworo- . tion awl the pleasure - they invariably aft trd to the lovers of the dance. A sight of the room, with its rich floral adoinments, is well worth the price of atialret Csrds of admission can be had at Mr. John Thornier's' No. 311 Chestnut etre et, and at the Alusical:.Ntind Ball; this day. COATISVILLII SEXINART.-7-lire Write 4e st. t e a k,. of parents seating a school fiW• theiijebildren to this eixelellent eatablightnent. it 18 located in the most healthful emotion of one State r in midst of a rrhned population. The branches taught ore those of the best oollegeil, end the Remotery is is shame of tho rough scholars. by whom etnry attention Is given to the moral as well as intellectual culture of the yiapilo com mitted to thew ohms. BOWER'S MEDICATED Floc— This coral. Pa`rem_ tion of inlaying the fig with pure Alexandria Rena and fragrant aromatics, thus tendering the taking ot median's a pleasure, is considered a great - triumph. These RP are - a gem in their effect over elek and ner vous headttohe, habitual costiveness and bilimis effeo Cons, and in all eases where a mild and efficient Purga tive us required. Does net debilitate like other medi eines. Manufactured by G.. C. Bower, Sixth and Vine. Price Stti cents per boit "Disectinit to the trade. NE_ SAYANESII ENDA ssw.—The Pest arrival from Ban Frannie - CM will probably announce AC ArTIVoI bf the - UnitedEtateit steam. frmatet POwhatiiii.Sith the Japanese Embus,' on board. Alter s few dafs 'delay at San Franelacio,ithl Powhatan will , sail for Panama wheie the meMbers of the ItrntiassY will be transported scram the Isthmus and received bra United States ves_ sot on this inde. - The list of the Embassy furnished by Mr. Harris, cur consul-general to JAPAU. in as follows Somme. Prince of Dortzen ; Mooragaski, Prince of Estwadsi, envoys; Ogoori Iltrakitees, chief peeler; one vibe gotten:ar of the treasury ; one 'Vied governor of foreign affairs; one secretary of the first rank, (Seraby Alma): two inspectors of the first rank; two secreta ries of the second rank; two ,treasury' °Soars ; two in specters of the mooed rank; two interinitera ; two doe tors, and fifty-three servant,. The United States Se nate have appropriated 860.000 for the reception of the Ambassadors, and for refureashini-theirlrotirrobe, so w/stein artim;at the palatial Clothing Store o}' Graa ville No, 607 Chestnut street. ' ' - - - - Tae JIAPANIfia aaaaAaa.llkr jralOaLiag are the pristiMal Persainagite attit'ohed to thelans i lese ; immil.,POnati qt, ikplaq; Artooriroki, Frame of Airtifisi tigobrt4fMatitieei ,fifillif &moil; one vice governor of the tree/MO Or • v ies governor for foreign affairs ; one lieeretai7 (WAIN" first rank ifieraby Alioe i ; two inspectors of the first rank. The Embassy will be direct to Viziftideiptfiti. det {dm fowisaten, and immedi ately upon their arming' they will be taken to the Brown &Oat-Clothing Ifielt.of *Makin k Wity,sv, nos. • 03 and ggpCholtiot street, Shove Eiltiiiaa ale nola WI be It' ..2,14 oat with
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers