The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 11, 1860, Image 1
A • - ,?!: , i , rk-,1,1-..,, .1'...'..t--;1;,,-'i -',,p,-Af: ,:,-,'-';':'''''' ;':`.,-1-,..' - '''-' . iq ' 1 '-;;'',...,,,'::.;r 42; ~,.._ "...,,,....,s'lN'"''''"":".'ft.t'''''':;'-'„,,'•, ..,,.7. 4 -•.•,404,4 , /u- - • ,- ,„,ks,„„„orfk_77,-,--, •'•` 7 , - •-•- :., --• ,•-i-••"`-‘7-4,11H14.' ',, ~ '','-`:t4.l'.r•Ziisiiiiiiiiig i lk , ...• • •••".., .14 111Phienli -''? ' ' ; - . 1 . 2' ,' , , ,. '•„ ' , ' ;041,, ,-5 ., * i,i i 1 , 0.. - - -.-- i' 1 4..-.r-vaAo4iiklA,„sl,ll i o -E,0,,f,,,,,t,0th,8 lei: .g.i'm b_ . k it _ & ~t , ,?... , - - - , rookoz,„-7--,,., - `- ''..'- :112.. ,---,-,--:-4IN‘ EttY-.A -•,.: AO,, -.. q I -• , . -1, * ' - , _ ' •t, .-,,,,k0s , ''.,:,' --” ' , '1...,.,25A 0 ,;, , '.`,"`, .! j -,-..:.' i`37 N''` - ~....ho_ ~,, 7 .',, ~ '-.' - Iniratil4„ , 'BQ ` ' 'f-'-'4o' '434;)•ti , : '',' '' ' ' '' ' ...;*., ' ~, :: ,- ' ' r ' -c.....1,...' ' ' . '` imantalally•-:: „,-......., , :: , ,- .-"11111,111 •-"` • •-•trn,_ •-•-•:i".1•11WOM:4*-049111',OWN7111.1,' '7blßi~lG. t Y 1 4101044 1 0 1 40 11011 ,10 4 90 10 : ::111) ,'/_ ‘ s , WO* 'lliontio**ll4ll.4lloo9lolr IOW" ....poroNsite: •4' - • _ : • - „„A l ,„ Irminit._",.:: •,•;- ototad m,„,•• • ,„'" :•Nr•Q" --,k1i0aft.,.1,•-", T'Territit,,wrk.• - • • go, ttiAg;lll-.: • , C Jt:lWlLTOAlllagfif '" i '. :4 1111011 . 1. ; . -7,rti„•• . 4 ";•?. '.. s s ~ :•.;`;,• ...‘ 4 . „, •_ , , s • 1 X ' ,- Ltin r illialr ' 8-.D4--tb - -t3o.i. 1 - '. - : - -- , - , , , ,,tr SOW TP.11kr,,,, 4 - AID iliPt *qtr' , ~*'.4 ~ i•;, 1 - ;,, , c ; , ,,,, , I , •t It A ,IIMIM „,Yt-alatil-- 5 -:'"t'f, ' 2l l t,.".-', 1 , .-ACI , L 1- .+:5‘...-" ,, ,,0,:, , %':i • crfri , -,- ..‘-' , 11' .4, 44.V.:A ., 1:, ,, * +, ~ a V-= t.- 's ' • A11111,1141110111011M,, 4,-4,..11141.4•118 iiiiiiiiiikiiiiWeftiiiiiiV : iitil€KMe IK ettirio :.7 . - ~.-, — - 4-;. ", I ` .. 7- 1..., OIA ~ -,,M.Militt - 1- ^ f.:;:i. - 't , _ ' , 14; , „-.*'',: . . .:40,1 1 RIMIrik alld1•, ralliri 1 ,,, v •:, ' , , •., , -,. - 4,: 601 ? : , :4-4-a5 , 411044 - ms, : wri - ttgist:* ~',' --I N ge„tpntprzwFAl4.r-wmpii,-.,4l4i+24ammus, . - -rtlirkiW;:ttrAr4,., .---- --,- ~ . , 1 •..i: , ,v4e. • vrnaiii2 . . I `. mak. • Amv" P" Timor& Ok ---- 404 10,,nianzifis dioaravistil -14 Yr vintiacea, 3l ; l ,l..... ~3t ~~ '~ r• =MM }zzYf E ~ t X-J ~ } e }'. _ ~. SEEM REM V°-;., t a i d AQ f --kin i .E ;4 rj, '"' SUASACIVOCOLLEMEI 4 , • • • Ic ifi ; BAC l osll Wee MI 'ittlitSrllTlT• Ariviyfrr o sta&cie Orirts4l4 iri(kialldit.E444l4o 0414 ; 010in 414 &Oka Omit Ink& faknealt Poinglay ilOkas 44 86 11 1 , ." L. ~ ' CwiaiLUMlSlC4&4o;!.2L)*ltdosat IPAUCILIRY &Mir& 46 tii' min N! MLY' la Ott ison S I f lllbi cwomistim, rex- Cr! inoWsiOef 'luau itlXTUltita red TRI- Cf", BA iII'O6' - bHIIIaI, BLACK 81 4 K *ATM. COTTON -lam , sLAcac init.- Timmins, 104ACK. sad PAIWT.Aitt rAtriN .644 Aa, " Att 0640 01, 016, # 1 :0"bz• ulnas. , , SIIIPIarIO , 44114 ;11IIMMoN, ST " 4 " = 4:lommusBataff ifipitOltANTB • ‘: , , 4133ZA,ZELPHLILASIA.DE NINEEME oti *l4k,t4oAl4::o:oo DS " T it ;Iqietirs ' OP iiii4lllll AND 1 / 4!!" 6 7 /414 " eIEMOC,GO 00iiste0 ,11 . 11 4,14.1**stisINVIIPalli lAN .17410; /AD 007- 44-WOOL -AND .11/11t0ii *UMW •,- ,• , • . • ` '.• SATPMZiI 44 - 0 1 1 /01.oueixi WINN; ' aligliaagiiiriir a 4.0 k;t• MST ; . • • 'NAKURU, & 'MORRIS: ! ,„. fo o k ilwirpusamir iffiumnuuswk Yivinfiitiiibi a $i ~um te , exiiiitAsaimmixoine mom ikaa Dpanuirsi siedire*bkacial Oundiitit e it." 11." YEW.' 1 , -; „witjanAliiiiiiio4lol7ol4l- ?-.0•,-vorro=s:ounistr • ••• - • h ig ur i g i ii . , .".=O*FX.RAM. 4 14 4 11, 'llO- 1 010*: Ai - kudos.* Tri k iiii,' , lllll - PAVOlLiftli -f 7, 1 . . , War..41171a, & 00 4 AA Apo [ L i t . r -.t e AKeinglikolllWMl4 7 ,lsll - 111417111110 14'ionsiummovim i , L., t„. ' 14 1 1 1 04PRO'IrMlinr i f , ' , ' -• ?a -,,41111•11‘=",2r, I 7777:77 7 777' , - 'AULIA*I4II44. '' '• , --., - ;.3,:r ' ;', 4 Zb ignr l taBZI ftlicurimaiod . .-r,ip,f,r j ;!;"--: :'l,m;-1-f ,-..-, -`,., ,v -r:•,. , :- .., .-, ''l . -..i :;. Z.; " 1 , P5t 1 A 1'1 1 ,406110*1 ' Itteltinialrik . a il ; AO& IA 44410 .1! 4), wv 4141 A B,ar 8; 14- - ‘o4o l o l ** l l o 4o4ladillbi 44 10 , Wolo***ak, ' "" • '' . !_'lllll*TiolaSll, AIWApaY, *e. BUTLER &;13.00ARTY, AMERICAN aoLD sxmlut cam, Al-mi'Leillniell"3o,lllll4(olPßlOES MJEWELRY • : t ft air lat e t *id `" Nave wow ims Slid al mottos ar Z_ . 0 restlat m , /ate irmar int Btl~M cserrittrr Mixt *whit stimat NatiS 4 w i r "Bs • ,B. VOOPIR WATCH r. AO Jrajtet; No. MI OPRIYOB owl 416°4 :1= 1" 7 11 31 • A r il ? iii. • firei* M=W , I:t4RDWAIWo GO/0; PISTOLS, ago., *Ain MEM 629 • , BEI#OW V43„EY.414 'I4EFF. • pro.raos soini THIRD MEET, lisisiate:smiat oxaseets WO or FIAT WARE 4 4 1 40 11 1 104;0m. aad Ass• iee emuilifsetnio,s4uott turipcf* 0:14,4,*44:21LAPS 0 1 11,11 " 17 t*llt 114141X,444.145r,it5z8Y,& cc?. r . Pt ," `oUTLEITI' , I-I^' ,:o44irt imourt#444:44,*(lsminum opeoto "410' frf:S; ' ',ooo * Mraft» & Go.. is* nt1:00 ,g-agi,r-i R • • *4 X *IA Or. y , A 0 TV 11,11* i,tiiii!*WOC44*fi:A.tooto' 11164; 000111111% VOMMITACitfikt :**0 1 0, 1 1 11 144444!'' ,* )1 1 4N0 vi 1441 )14 .+: 4: 411.1LANX tIOOKS t 0, 06 6 0 1 0 1,410 14 ~f: /MU tO 'etas/ staisoi44 7 lWeitasion. - iri IMO" - i f taisjih t t-ierrirt:m rrea , r • Ar',W 41 0 4 . 001 .0. tOOM.O 4110001 SAW* tor Of wilmi#Ul4lo l ol o ll*.Orf . • I " \- 18410`101tAilti a. ' W. VA14144- „ oft 4 .04m0gm ' _ _ 'rew , 4 ',- - .... ~..._ .i: - .....-.!...7,.1.--zer. , Fv ,- .. - . , . , :.. , f'_7 -`'",.- — ''''''' - -" r',',.:..1, - " --: -- ' .: , , -,.; - ",..,•„ .: ~ .. , ~... ~, r,' : .: ~,„•22-- -- r.. ,4 0.," .. ~.: ~„„...,,,..i.,. :, . . . . ~,,, ~.,1.., - ~.' .:,L, , .: ,1 , .:,.: ~ 1 . 1 .1 , j:.= - .7;, , ,.1, 7 . 1 ,, - i , - , ,t1 ';',;' :„,.'„(i.71.7, ' . ..., f".,f,' ',.r.c1511 .:',' , ' i- . ',.,4 =, .„ : ..,,,, .' ' --;; .. .;,,,, ; i : „ . ,, .„ -; -- ;:oN 3 ,4 ~,,, J..:. ' : ',. „ A _ ', i •,.. , .'". 4 !.,4„:744,, ... .- • /oil - ''.. . • 4-4 1 . ' . . ....., t. . t 0 ,. • ..----‘,.-' , i•-•• - rr••I•7. ' ' 7' ' 7 •• . ' •," % :z. ' t • ..e. ' oll k I .r. -'. ~. N., - I.`' s NAV , • I'll?' it •': , r., —\:' ~ ; '''.-;,: .'''''' 4 i 2,' - ' .., •, „, 414 ~ .!1: :;•1 4, 1 :-.': : 4 '.:' ' •'' :. :•, 4 " ,• ''': ' 4 •'•: ': Y - 1 -• 4 .. 1;2,,,,,. ..,,,,_-- --. ...., , ,qk ft, 0 . .„,.. , r li ' , '.." ? • - r i. ,'..,:.: ittte_te , . - , -r1 . 116 : : ...,-,;:.%•,,, i , : ,,. itt _,. ~,,,, ..._ ~ , ..:4.:, „ ”,,,, - -,,,, ~,,,_ ~1,„,,,,;.:„.-..,:: •'''.'•f: 4!A i•! • • -1., .. ...-1,,,,..•• -- \- \ llt. - .' -- irk, ' ' ~ . • ~......-, . ,„.. 4 , 4 A ,-4', - ; - 'l 9 ...,f,:, , , . „ . , ..- ..4 iti N 1 .7 41 ' r# 'dill I .1.1. f l I I - .., ~^ i -, I .., I 5 . ~,11,e,,, ,-, .^.;., ',..":,1,.:. , - - 7-- " . .., - 'tier"- _-:.---='- 1 & `4l-4 , 7. ..,..[ _ - . _ .......:..- -:-. 2 ,--,,,,,,,' ~, -- ', l - ki - ' 4.21 r. - - , : ' t-- -- ' -- •- • —' ' -- ' Aill° - -••••..-'' .. `ice . ;7 1 4 .'' ' : '' - • .'' ' ' ' - t ,1:.,:,:.:;.: :•C: •:•.' * - •41: - • , ;"; ", - - ,:tl '4.V , P% ••,..i.'' - •• 7'..,1 7 : 7 • .7 . ', , 1 . ' . ' i 7 ' , , , . ',... t • • ' • .• ' ' ' 2....:4 ~...i,*7 l , i 7e:.i77.7 •: 7 ,) , ''.-,:: ' •.„. - , • .. • . -. IWWYfAM, I 4 - ArCiTtorrisllll. . ~ ..;t.y m%..44ua4,ta:).=aat5:4,11 VA RPETINII.= Grono , HILL. ~../ I" N P F Ac_ T uA SI, Mr - Platt! L A RP BT iv ARANO WHO, 144 NORTH THlllu, NUL splo.l6l* r 'W;;,!I'O,S II FNPENP :8;• po., .:0 ARP E •No:116 , NORTH-NINTH STREET,— ' ! B .bo ll o l doi ::14PET4 'Filbert; West-yids:} •S" '7 7-- t',l7• ' pHILODSLPHIA Weald reepeetinlti inform their frtende; 16i the Daly, !ie-Ifitnetallb that thy' !lave , eruct en entire noir kcot 3 k,Ofr • , OIL OLOTHB,' a0.,-; • -•••_ Utteseeion'itmportaslcon:" , ; - • - :Pnielneee saiwy entire riew steak to Jerileat front; and as isopootioa of tho some is re up - . ,04-10100m* OLD , EBTABLIgiIiD•TORk 449i::•39,13014'w•5z0imp„ . 131103HT, isoyiroitsitiluT, • TOWNBEN•D ,& , 00.. sudokasoms OF SAMUEL Toynieralo r & pox. , 4 importani and Deakin iuttrospis, .: • '• " • TRalp=rtir, „ I •- ' • initaw A - Xt P. E T B ,col . !lol44:ga g ljet; and Amer esn make. IidATTINGS, 011:'OLOTHIS, &0.. '&O4 as; To which attention is sOlicatect.' tata-irptiat -A Rp,u4sisitaT • - • • ciAitm vrAgEnputug. • OLD b i t eßoireMlNT K ., NEB 's_ TWOjr9p- 818 Ilt - .NlNTHipkoitt mash feM i ntalt,%ll4 AND vEJ moth f ors oli;: , ; 4141 1 51.02 d% rte., C*RPETI4-.: a; SUM* Ilt • 90,, )(ea miss K north ritinkri stria: 'aft auk BOAS *nil! in Philalslibis ror the moteuzie CARPET COISPAIST,iuid have asontnatly palmitin fiffsiartnant Of Vl4,Ntirt sad TAMMY, aaILYETS,Sf chains walnut, • • • • • Also,ahiris)Saialy; of thi 4Wirsa landed oAR4 tsTis tessufsetars4ll Philsdelshis, (Of sad Saintl4 fais nen* iU the bait Stanna4tniata . • • Dart ii +alt hal It ta."Shili Interest ' t'o sell sad sands* thaw goods, whisk ars Oared foratia on thii stssgivinabis area.. . W. 8.- 1 0... A s " SLIM pains the tlde Agent is riiilaSolphis. for the oils of the Wortad and Ostia/ tiniesisn TO ail, aszoivills' Mats (Orssitlitlis Ara IlarstatWorntsd 00111,911aYr) and toms Noma also fa um Ilhithria, Wilton, and Abbott commas", bawl issaliwfaxilitissjor -kewilleholtsagalY I , rlllo various ktrids of thiriets issaufsiaared u Pluladoptigaik i riatW movtlayortbie tenni. = - lil7-10 CIARPETINGS. J'Tapatiy;*imeldi.liiirkis. and Vinkitisa ` enw knovipsa doviitthisri mad mit Cloths, hi Mai 111144"°"1".." Ta l fire a lttgl e ek!' i t Importer aq Naar. igirbonthOlNOND stria, .4kborts aprons. treat atm • D1170.6.14LAUM. & 00. • OARPBT SUM Xi° itiL4 I . 3 ARPF-TitNos. 'QM cIATHI3. - ) 11 !IATTMEk AUGS• 619; - ; - wAziritinies linerrnui mr.; , comx t it. sof Ago ' ambonurnamr•sotsurepaso isimawbnito PArizakwanias. 119 W11 , 1, , ,L- B APAVER , NOMGeo NO. M ISOUTP POUBTR EiTttleT . Weiybhurkot. toteetit‘niteui ifootio toi lst alisailad stook of goods to ',loot fro*: and WI of booowoitsisd best dosigne.,:llllflXT CURTAIN • ' ' fogl-boi inpfilW 13IIBINEE119. ILUlT,lllolMwmear, ag Co., . • • craimmarr Aran, • Milton oat, throaih this wititof sad istatt mots& thiir hurt stook at PAPER , ilit ' NGtiTGEI. saithips of mrynalitieouseatedwith the badnes. AT NM= ANDUCKD MOM. FRESION-PAPERE AT al PER CENT. BE LOW COWL , Iron tufts &Mr "OWN FlNledoma tet Mal 1 4ARGAINEL 111-41 LOGIIINEGI GLASSES. LOOKIIiG-GLASEIES;": ifDtTRAT AND:MX . I= 1,D6161D8, ENGWAVINGH, kc., Ake ' JexEs - k.' NADU & $ON,' *maims. 'AiNtI ‘ FACTORERS, ' WHOLE ' SALE ,;IND RETAIL 'DEALERS. EARLES' GALLERIES, SIG CHESTNUT STREET,. pmoo P,IM3INGS. WIVL 'JOHNS a SONS - nodynrit'' ANDDNALIIIIII tee ithvidisos,,ixi GAIT= 21144THRIAIM, LAMM. OALLOONi. kATIINT 140411.14 I+ACNTS. SLIPPER MERL ko. N. N. COENBR FOURTH ma, Obit ISTRENTS. , pRrNcE IMPERIAL CHAMPAG'NE; PROM-DEYEMOOE & CO.. EPERNAY. FRANCE. Bold by gli . ,lbisgootsbis Deafen theaughaat thi smeary. ' Thialni bruit of ORAWRIORE, whin with Dug stritfig was wetted ezetasiveiT to {he tablet of , BMW pi AGA rogim...bma now a tiled the moat ye ayd swim' &Orr in i assn ft 'lt it I.lollllB4lll_,lded by souls ths nsiptig ass of o city Of VW Telt, Orr t wo ) Orw kw, on soomms o Wm. MEN 'rarity' lisa i r b i l gs4 ti m a x s i e a, ogee unit Fitheis wig or . .Ait . g ykoly_eitil I:.i . vre -„..., to Mir anionl nto f ills MAIM agglggissiihs - ' " lir" and .. " lta Prir t iira n s l arit tilt wilts hint' Iliallle e i r v i a ti iti vritsant high Jilted. Tinger i gra mrsatadrisly bg in&ivit it i r the ' . fa tA t a ' elinbt & ob. • ' ma, *ANN had 4112 BROADWAY, New York. Aoki, is Wm, fay kg • REEVES & DEAL,; 0014-1101 6' -" ' - ' 4104 WARR PM Pltraat. CHARLES Fe TAGGABT, J. t. KNORR 4E; Chi:, ' Inaportoi sad. Wholessie Nita in EILANDIET; WINES, GINS, O. aboleibraiute Oki 44oijoitg *MIL Itie,„And Boirbon 1111131EZY1¢oultantlf 011benill, at • • , • ..031 111ARCET ()treat, not '2, 4 oxwrs OTr " I.4T6uN !AND OTHER BRANDS „,• *at, nix ay -- AR9R' ANA TENAO STREETS. VirkljitE mu se.. OATNNT i ipl i Iffpr•E's, • rirstins Immo Pbl44.lohis. Orgit 4 Cr. 01 4 11148, - Ttstal-Stu RUTIN" ityQUATIals graenotter, 70Yorpcn$07, 000p11 •tiLoW SLlMlNVii a k ei t ut., aliglildl•llol4lll4PßOMlMMlifr !!!!!!lIIMIII , • r . iitvitits'AiTstiiiiii('-::: - ; '441--I;,' A.IIIJPERB ABB o .4TM9lir. 4 l';'6; i;! DRESS GOODS! frqiit she crest AUCTION SALES,. NOW OP.U. Itild he'malikfar below* ", IMPI6IiTATIOA: • " CM ;mut= imaury,, An tow inOrdaii that . , SPRING`STOCX 07„.0(1oDif E E•;, ' In whiois will be Aland * tall wortmest rt MOVIES, DOZEIKINt VESTING&TEIMONGS4O. fal-dna A LLENDALE QUILTS. 4"" BY THE VASE, -4TOEIHUA. L. EIAILYO 91$ MARKET aTitg9T. IffoOLINTOOK, GRANT, a co., utroirrus AND wstlimeasz Dimir i u IN 3 CLOTHS cessimaame VHMEIOO, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. No. 333 AILARNET STERIF, (Up btabsrti Ara ow 000rdas thsir Aortas Stook. to, *AA tialy Molls attention of the trade. Wiwi WM. 8. ti3TEWART Ito CO. IMPDXTEXX AIID MISIXI44 , - FAXXFAXISA 000* VOA MAX MtV •aa .°ll‘llllWrigili of* .4 no • Parehimd Aiestil• R atue li Fetii i •Mri*Tagrkra m t " o ?rifled • ea our.= yak - ~. . . , , ,'NO . lIBLI 4 ISON &SONS. ise,.llAltiCE'T STRE3O I , , ; t ,• - ' (Elroood door blow Fortrita . v., •:, i ' •• -INFO II 21114 -ao I) J . • 21.11101,114 V .• f„, ia 8 , effilr yl - ,.- -: . ,;(.,0N-.1,, wird -. 'tr... , v l , IA ems 18e0c. _soot& god iti ; 4 q4 '• '' 'i • ‘ I - „ siTEE.- PRICE,. 4” OCk0„ : atroavirs4; aim JOBBPAS ii / 1191tElalf 4ND DOKIATTIC 13 4 1 , 13 •co 0, , p 4 4, '.32114,r4W SE94Piciv. - x: • • - .RAW,I*, FIL E V sD . WOOD, MIAOW a DAIWA-RD, Issettars icd Wlplemi• Deo** la D ICY GooDS AND • CLOTHING, teaks fte. 309 MARNA'? Street, Phtlade93l, WURTS, AUBTIE, ISi liolirglGßE. udrorisits AND JODDEINA / DRY gOODEL - Ns.p_nalPlT DUMAN. Ty "KWIC. ie lqa bh enr A ._ ) to g _ T. DoVaish, litiaaanett4 II E* r. ' ' . lia-Da FITHLIM JONES. & op, WROLIIOAIAI MAU= nt FOREIGN AND DONIRIT/0 DRY GOODS.! No. 240 MARKET NNW GOODS loomving inn Aty for ' OM AND NEAR. TRADE. Nicks SHILFLEIGH. Rum. as 09.. marts. warns eitsoDl. LACIEJI, ad • EMBRaIDSI4B3, lio. sag =user erritErr.. Xr Oar 'meet outwit, eelsided in the beet Illuze4eaa Markets by ottradves, is the wet ebergete we here vet offered. ro.i• Philid.Syhhti. PitErAftED GLUE.' SPALJUNG'S . . PREPARED EEGUEI. s • ITITOR Ix Trial SAVES NINE." ECONOMY! HAVE THE pings I 1 . 40 r AWOR 1 As seculsitra stilt kapprit, -Arens ds well-rsp4ated families, it is ear!' degirable to bave`pOrai abbey and cionvenient way for repairing Furniture, Tele.. Crtiolue ry, /so, SPALDING 44 PREPARED 01,171 i meets all ouch emergencies, end no household On Nord to be without it.' it is always ready and Ira tote !tisk. prig point. There is no logger a necessity It limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, ad broken aradtss. It to just Use artists for coos. shiltand other ornamental work, So popular with ladies.hrtAnsenent and tuts. Thliadmlrable preparation le used ,nold,bsini she.' mloillY held hr solutton, and sammedbla4 iS valpahls -Qualities of the best oabinet-makent slur It may be need in the place of ordinary modem, king ensue. more adhesive, "USEFUL IN , EVERY kotiao 'l , l, A brash armoropeniss sash bottle. • raioz TWENTY-FITN ROIL - Whoissid• Dopot, No. 4abßLAit litres ' New •Sio;k. • Address }LENNY . C. OP&LDIN & CO , Box No. New York. . . CuelP.oontstais bow. Olt fild u tireiv r a l Abesutifsl Othousslo Birowtcl. soooroPenTiPiOafg W kage. 1 • !Ouooottor to Mr A sin& Utile* of ' SPALDLRO'S PIWPAILEDOLUS • mill save tan timedita 'oat Osully fOtofi limu#MAA god by all prammeat ;talents, ratans% :14 Irmo sad Fanilture Dailam, Orman, and Vial• AtorM , • ..«.--- - Country IderelumMalimid make a mita of EIPALDING*PREPARI4 I GM / when ninkfun apineir KM. Iy WILL MIND ANY SLEEPER' 80 'FENNR; • WHOLESALE , , 0'14,0 B E r:4 PAIIABOI MANUVAI • 'No • OW! KA*KElT'irlE!#;', (69• Am • Idirontio Ti f ,AMPOLAOK—Oround pure- ;in 1 • pansoitta" SHAWUL OOST OP ; FOR BALD BY rrrTrri .17‘ lIRELLAIII . , ~,,tAillid,'.:Lilt..,l7,l-:,9 SATURDAY: vd ,, NING POgr: ^ , :4{li,LL • , , 'e S' riT.IIII.IG-POST!! 141'0,5M1R,47-',oitnticat POST!! , - 1,1 I , TgiIitiATIIIPWEVENING POST ivgiv,__ii7, ? NOW READY:Dentenn the TW! .. 411 - 51;1411H11Iteivoluttonary Story 7 ; XYAMQER P/ARTISANS: iItRtBANIS i. I • Q.ililF.Pß'rpaißAiio I: r 'TRE'QIIAttER PARTIO to it nr OAKER pAitTIE!AIO!,:, t T „ ,! -"- ' , TEE LieliKEß PARTISANDI t'.= t: ! = • ' ,= • '!TIA)g!Q,y,A I 44 PARTISANS' , 1 ~„ t • rr " I ailiggiitglePAßTlNANS! ,-, . Tl 4 WHAT:AR PAHTISANE I __. ; _. L , "'''''' ° I"FidE QuAKER. ,, PAIPPISAItit 1. r , •. • 4 Uitallit*ltil'oli4ftiMPortiasprrito "Mood" Ititio, ,Irsiik: ist " 31100104 1 00 0 4 " AY/4" I fi lK AY R I iTQr ' hMia~dj b 0 i i. , 1, A q. ) 7 ,, ...• ..4 nit 40, ' , ' TAELADVELOSIPEON•Ptftftir*EACSEEDIiikz. jiff...ADE EKErliOff :" "DhAetHRAWDONt" '' ~`l'vw, o lt ,RAWDON!" I SLACK luoarvan !?„ 1 , 0 Bi:A OK Itikw'DoN r '"EDACE RAWDONII , - , 9 {111491 RAWPON r 1 . 44C /c I l'ili r D o2 o ll 01 0 41DACIf RAWDONI" -"BLACK EAWDOIS P' ::jot vitt thsv stay "tread" fa now the suestios—or i I they" Wee" " Bleak Hayden" titan? , ' THE POSTibr . thismook also oontains the following, s „.• 'Alit's; Dasittre"—the great mistery,le solved Ad Ineideirg ritter,iir Ploimme Peror. ' ' Igi Valet of Clortoo Xl-40 1 ,1 40004 1 13 ' 3 * ' c JOS 0. l 11•Tfil, J br Plete noths trsabghtiggalue t * il o vii IMITels., A,liist ' afi , Tstlihdi Wearies. 4 ,', • ' o ' ,) . . •• • , • - ens Hitternassiof Paleshood.' , . ~ , ri , : ..,, ' , , , MEM& of ^pone Hilted by 4sbtaing. , • . 7AIIIEII# of It idb (*wish r•Mies• • 3 , - (and Yhrlthirg Hontarred—rn four ehinteis r Pare" tOttortitot"Ltaboood to Intiatior , Poiettee.., &Wier of thi Sortorriti. . ' • . t'e •••A ' HttossUmessf the ,lleart / Allositloi Paystoion. bili'lkehansos. Ailtrw to Stave Early Potatoes. Wdol. ,IPititAtsor for ettemborrisit. ?opal foAtii• Dasotopts—titokout tlatekwithout *mar, ego. gasses; Obaradts, fkeitiOdruum Zig/ . Aiuttit enuttilit " Xetehed" her Husband. Uttar front Piriaorhe Hope of Fran*. .4 TO Contofsioso . r • , . Lottirt Notya from the "Spirits." , Mistp so. Emperor. Goid an 4 Save r, Coln. : - bite* of-Plossoi Eislitiossio, by lot lob! Boat. , A throdiotitoot Theory.. • AttotherNerdiat. . , A Mtg.' icing' C°4 O T 4 • • - • t" oink. • • ' A H tt lE it E rf il l' y riki ntE raPill i k E o lll " O k l i PAl,' EEWIIDEAL.:: look *umbers of the Pea? can OwaYa be obtained • of3 o 7)lmordosior, (Who will order them for you, eyed 41 . ,, tdr I „4orst.) or *I rho Mace% , ,„‘ %, , ~,' o: it SODPII Illiffl tfriMET," f • • PHILADELPHIA: 4. P i Ircitta-cswris. • aPir 1 DOITIRRET .10$81!NG 110IISE0 OW• • • ••/. • J 'itißTN' a nuns -1860 .; ‘/W 9 ( PF 4 / 4 ' •• ~:kxxiinviinus AND JODBARti • --- • • 44.140 t 61 - ' • ,07"7- .; ;- • - ' Fib - W IN/Big iolothNl 4 Astir ailooteogoo Dio Inapt - • at "moan over °fond tor thno. yesoo4- Alrooiliwitt Iho *MAI 4 1 1 8 NAS.I ' . „ oolootionso44o4ao4c4mopfot anis •i , 41• 1 41#9# 10, P,;6:',', - - 41, , • :••• ; ,„?•-,,•;•'. • ,•1• , •-• - •• ; . „4 •• ., • 11001111111 Otaltra. •• - • • A" , • •• " • TRIMMINGS. • - A folt AO4 Colorot sooortatent. of Sprits 5H41.37 1 7113 • MANT.iIatiAS, • on of which they Invite the attention of RUH AND PROM NIX-MONTAN BUYERS.: U.K.MINN, • V. C. BUM B. ALUMNI., I W. IX AIJATZ. • ' • . H. F. DUNN. • f.16-tot 1860. BP l °. 1860. ISISa GOODS. RIEGEL. BAIRD. & co, WORMS AND jOHBERS op . FORZION AND AMERIOAI4 DRY GOODS. • NO. H. THIRD ORM% , • PHILADELPHIA. Amid raii•ottally Write the attention of D• 11110 7. brishistifii their ; : - • - LARGE AND WHIL4SIAROTEO STOOK OS, $ • •. , "REBA bPRING GOODS, '►bleb they ere now reoeleing in Store. Xir Me r alum ti would Bad it to their advantage to ill ind examine our sto4. ' fed-?!pa 'lllO ME RO HANTS BITTING OIL 'AI- CLOTHS AND WINDOW lIILADEE BLAbox da, switirrtx; MANUFACTURERS OF OIL-CLOTHS, ; 146 NORTH THIRD STREET.- FHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our large stook or moos, TABLE, AND ,CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHE. • 4 GREEN OLAZI , D OIL CAMBRIC, Inantifill article for Medea. The lamest dock of WINDOW SHADES and, BUFF NOLLANDS to the market, at pries* whieh defy competition. fellan , 1860 1860. SPEING. J. W & IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DRALBRO FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY•G.O . O.•DS. • •7• No. OS NORTH THIRD ST., Are now reedy for the • • 'SPRINA* T _RA And Prapered to offer, to Okla end 'tempt eis months Buyers, one of the • LARGEST, AND •' MET ATTRAOTIVERTOOKE In the odintry, end at Prices that Will daily ecdnipat- Hos, not °air In this, bet in Any , cabal' di tr. Purohmera will find our Stook well assorted et all seasons of the year. 7. T. Ws.i, pas. E. Ocular, wit. P.WATA fed-Pm , Penn. P. way. y Aka), OILIZIORE. 8 c 0 . NO9i,fo AND 0 NORTH THIRD BTREN7, ORTERS AND DEALERS IN BILK FANCY DRY ROODS, WHITE GOODS, LAOES, LINENS, EMBROIDE. RIM, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND fra4m SHAPALS. lIIIMON (DODDS.' Int. N. P•11141i. Goat, D, DlOll. COOPILIc i PARRAMi &•WORK,. aff AtAllillFAtifUßElte, Ate JOBBERS Or HATS. OAPS. Axn S T.R A W GO 0 D . birp 011 46. 00414 I,lll'ff 7.114.a0t Straw ta,teaspro, thorn, end Perst 1 : 811 Arti otal Flower/1, oar LAIN( ASI, MaioOwn end Whoiesaie Dealers in ' • . • 1.11160,..1NDL15H, AND AMERICAN . tinat 1 1 9 }I.RBA.t O S,; I , .• , %DitaNcili , AND ENGLISH. La snti as Ta nymtm r e ran, d / pa s x , p d . ° , • aStrioßNTs Pow • utin* , 4 oalsbrod, lu Mtene Al 4 ftd-fleld'il "IWO 000 t teem , No. 30, North THIRD Street. tetam - BBLS: NO: 1 OIIWINNATI Lard oL.4,oot l yanut WI% Blegnthad Elephant (sl l' 4"tpre atiNifin it tlEßßEßEEß & 1 00 0 SO SOU= MO9=M ( 4 1 f , e, t a vi! t , ,, t 10.,-T .4 4 4x). - 41 , 44ji,i.iiig.:':: 4+4 • . • TAKATINE- ON • -TNN, AMERMAN LAW OP. ty l4 4 l l4 " VitittifkfiroTag i r o rgr ntedilia4A.Vosat may ensue shersta.eitn&Pg -I.otipla precodsAti., Tent,A, edition., Al Jahry.N. Aylor,QuinfoollArlit.Low. , evo.i Boston! , Littleossown. SR ce.. , .• - • - • 191k4br 14 0f 4 1 01 0044 0 ! 0 14 i'. o 4SPri*ON • 44,14 w 9.f. 104 00 S 4 s4 Trs 44 , 4 , 44 0 sAfsi,ii."SO secorAriliosith ShalsPiA ll 9 l 9 l luitutPmul of tide F9VVY,AIs4 'Oa 1 4.1ris0 tiPSISSSESISII sPirkt,or t4eige,il took* plUe,in nitich 0 hSeOSlllipseil to,maintain. , Theeleansese andeon dunese of-, the Treatise ; will nt weyn glTp. 14 sa p., rior claim upon the profession - at ; lulls, altd,t hesj quelineetions, recomurnd lergelp..loAk? public; ~The world maybe sold to, °cubit 4,two parties in civilised soclety—lendluds and terungtel And it is higbly desirnbleihrit i thelirighte nad liabilities, as - de._thrs , o o44 4 14 30 1. 0 b 7 J 8 4 0 , 0 .4 decislou should be stated ins i glug,nunuser, aijo, of the legel supnllpg,which chunk? SPinveslSMlFllldsi it .n oo, ..4o l l4githiin 40 4 Y, ssossMs.. 4 5V pfie "P e°11 4 41, 04.444.1 0 .7 1 9_04 44 Fo 4140f1.*-10 AOt eurthsr.44„;klS ~.1 1 :111*.fss ;a; 1 44 4_,.,;;,0, . ThlQ. , ...040 01 4; . s l 4 „With i',lArgiVaddicipzi*.raptas,, ringing in the - meet isnportao incept Ave s tan* lc well worthy: the ;attention., of prectiol Preno. whetior belonging to the,proression er r not. 171 m book has the advantage of being; well intieaed. . ; coMMEN'rAitiEllpTrtgl i kto et -suits( by -lelresirawelE. ON AND ,ar. LIRA MINISTERED' ENGLAND AILS IRA • Witaotammoadi notations Dvm mom etas of the Nations of 4 /ootinpptal Eaweredbloireek Story, ot the, Justices of the supreme court or the United a i m, end Dater roressororrow in war - yard University. Fourth edition, revatid• and enlarged. Oro., up. M. Boston: Little, Brown, it That this took should be generally aooepted la England,as authority nowt an important brands of commenter law, lean unequiurgialprOof of its Merit.- The late Sir - John Baylor' Work upon the same Sub- Jeot, published overleventyleers ago, Is go'fardie• hind the age that ibis rarely referred to now.'• The late Joseph Ohitty'S treatise Oa' theidterl Of Bale of Exchange, published- indfle, stood its ground for' tally kiddy ;years,. wheat Sir iJohn: B.7lfyles (now a puiene judge fib 'England) published hie. 'Pritaticiil Treaties' Mg the' genie' subjeeti ;which bas Mintinued 'airtlibritY, 'o4'i fourth .American edition or which' wits pribilidied 111511, 'by Judge Shanwood,.of.this .44, end' is now it ; teithook in 'the law • schools' of Harvard College and the 'University of Virginia. , The late . Mr. Justitie Story-published his. hook Ellis of Ex. change nearly twenty.yeare ago.. -Mo wrote - a se partite volume on the Law of Promissory Notes, of, , which a fifth 'edition, edited 'by; iiii.' , Edbriend If.: Bennett,' of Bolden, was JatelY„,pnhVisinik; These' works, by Story stand side, by. side, on the shelf. of Meer, 'English lawyer, with Bylees excellent book on BIM of Evehange. ldr:liennottiai edited thel l i ,before ,usyrith, onre had , ability, 'adding •largely. to, It hontreeent English and:American! eisett l r and examining And , verifying • the name-i ions' oitatlontl . . The; present,' therefore, Is a de-! Med ithpiniement r on'the last edition - Of 1844 TREATIRELON MgDIOAL,_JURISP DENCE OP IN'tANI.TY. By J. Day. 'M. D. Fourth( td r igr i t, ran t :M i t ts : 4 vo., DD. Pd. Horton t Little ' t " In the first volume of hook ' s Diedleal Jprisprn4 denco, (of .whloh work, nutted by Dr. O.' E. 911 min, of New York, a niwAdliki#' has Out beer published by Helme t tippinoott, .of this city,) a considerable portion le devoted to Insanity, and either' degrees of Mental Alienation, - but the Dub* jesit„unts pariable of being, treated mich'utore'rli extems9,,spd:l)r. , 114 Y's.. Treatise, haa bee accepted' as giving a vast amount of information 'upon theeondition of the law relating to Intuit} There'vres - not coy work, OO4, the subject until .IEI3B, when' &Short iptioi of .11r. Ray's boo* W 4 published,' first dleonseing the legal relations of luserne. The safe custody of person/ who of a l ai, )xlings—Oo fret:pent ab,(eottons Toentaiy • 4ocnoaofit4,; on 4o . srontid itinf sou: ezeoetfeit there were Wit: thee for etidetetendteg what, tteirtlid—and, , f gr:l#4,4i*Vl4 l % 4 otilt!l -04,110 1 the plii‘ et 110'414 Ilia Veil' lilt Ifwar net bide t Waite In matte; ,It iseet,dee tie Ittilt.liost Jurteprudesee , etty-lweer trient the tobjeat,ltellietuitliketpt tip the_;relent; *ITS 403 41 1 0 1 01 'lowa ID s ttiOngor itgbi. very emplmtioally, as the result of finer tied ageqriaintanoo With the tabled, his strengthele " eonviotiOn; that much of the Common law rel ti,Ve. to' ineanitY, whatever Other aupport; it may have, has no foundation in • the facts of science .' We have, to add that, for the information it Nivea upon various rheas of insanity; this book is worth el perusal. The'paisiges upon the propel:laity to st ' and partial morel. Mania branching out into oth crimes are full of interest .. But the whole book f s worthy of being carefully studied by all who think that. t " The primer *WO of mankind to ADM." . , . . , .. „ The fileßowies' Estate. (From the Duly Picayune, April 6.3 The'folly of posthumous charity finds a suet pointed Illustration in the history of Op legally . 'of the late John MoDonogh. To imam the fok.. tune which be left Behind him, he labored lia.rder ' and'praetieed more self,denial, and more closely I shut up his bend and heart to all appeals for be- nevolence 'than moat men Whose daily labor forth' the' sole support of their children: Be out him- self off front social and _domestic ties, and held the most distant and ungeniai intercourse with his fellow-men, while be added house to bowie, possession to posseesion( until his actual wealth seemed to him to have swollen to some twelve millions, and to promise him the means of czar: dieing a iiontiolling influence upon a long nieces. elon of generations. Bow, as he pondered osier the aoeumulation, In revolving years; of this etiOrs moos estate;hie heart 'must have swelled a t grads, Which conception he himself could seimeely t of the benefitotions it would bring to the poor, i n comfort and intellectual culture, each year inereter log in the means of benevOlenee and enlarginglts sphere of blessings ' But; a lifetime , long as brie promised to be; was not sufficient to lay the foun- dation good' and suture enough te satiety his glean tio conception. Not a foot of the property t there. fore, was to be sold ; not a dollar of 'the 'principal was to be need ; even a large portion of the annual revenues was to be reinvested for fifty years, before the full fountain of his benefaction was to tiow'for the benefit of the poor. " ' Wet ever " a more enlarged scheme projected? Or has any one ever proved so complete a failure? Sapped by law charges, undermined by emintio: Mons, diminished by natural waste in the abeam). of an acknowledged legal bolder of the beeneslS, it shrank,into a mere pigmy, compared withins;gl. gentle roportiOni when the 'testator yielded teihis destiny. Then, by the judgment or the courts, ft was diverted from hi original purpose, and theirs. lies 'gathered from the wreek go int o f bleak stone pavement in New Orleans ;' and are put into btiok and stone and mortar for a new Oily Hall in .138i timore; rind poor John Mclionegh is remembered .only to point a sarcasm against folly', or sharpen an example of 'misdirected life, and impracticable undertakinge.i The result le a healthful lemon to the living. It has moved that no real benevolence exist 4 in that cold, selfish charity which' grasps with inn .:flinching tentwlty',every, dollar, bestowed bt a bountiful ; that looks without emotion upon tho, : present wants of honest poverty while oabulitions are made for the relief only of genm.: tlons yet unborn, and that couples thee°, die ist; , benefsetors with honors to the name and gratiti de. to the memory Of their author. / , The diversion of the , bequest of this singular old man from its original, purpose is, not the only no,. thseable portion in Its history. , In the midst oil the contest of, litigant legatees under the will, ;one claiming to be the son of the ,deoeinied millionaire, steps in with a demand that cannot be disputed, for $100,000,. Had. the testator risen from theglave and. appeared personally in (mutt, his. blue I eye beaming with,wrath at the manner in which his will had been hendied, he would not have emitted more au,rpriea th en did the sudden , resuresethin of that worn, creased, greasy, stained , piece of pe'per, six inotaes , by. three; bearing all the idlosynertuies of John hieDonegli himeelf,, curtly disposing Of so large, a slice of the estate.' .' 7he stoicism and re. Menet of the holder of . this important document was. equal , te anything ever exhibited by his re• puled father.. . ~'.. , _ Nor have we yet, it seems, seen the last of ohn AfeDonegtes. eceentriolties. • Within a few. aye . another piece' of paper, like the first, if not eid: possessing 'remarkable resemblance. of . reality, comes to light in the hands of *pollee. or ex•pelice, officer, claiming to bee nephew of :the old. Man, calling for the payment of $300,000 from his estate.. It is rumored that still another document of a 'Simi, tar character, for $200,000. is about to be as singu larly produced. The encentrio blood seems t+ run in the Whole family. It is something se undated, however, for men in humble station, living penu riously on the Income of an insignificant public, office, to tarry secretly about with them for yearn a piece of paper that, entitled them to a fortune, not making a discovery to the most intimate friend, nor showing even occasional extravaganee of hone, that it cannot fall to excite suspicion in regard to the wholentatter. - • 1 Minna OP Da, Kilvr. , --The friends and neigh bean? Dr.lieitt,..reeently murdered in Florida, Itted.a . meeting and resolved as follows : That Ilia reeve* , Terse' .11:nd Allen. of the Fite; Dr. t*etrtgre= i ' d e!i h e ' Ti ti ft o f i ga n iii d pe 7 iiii i . l, l4 4 , l a m ml i tt l l ,6 o l wo man Inelvints tweh ty-five gripes ailay. foe ten enheee,r_ rive days. Sundays excepted, tine .. that they then ,he ,bantehed fronntfe - Btate;"" ' • At a liter hour of the day, the jury, through theii fuel:nen, returned the foliOriug emenOutent to their verdict,' chichi wee adopted • • trherms: eireuinstences' have' trOmulred• tint in duos the Mrs . that tried the slave brrsal tq ohange their view of the CAM, they therefore unanimously recoil,- mend that his lenience be °omitted to baumblueht from the 6tate.',1,... I.....zewas • imm.mira • • marena.lummicormanlMlNlNEWTe • tip!) '1114411 - MM zit , u4tl • - , 1•1` . gEk-Thi", f In J i enlid*l-kirtjo l l4l l 4 1it4 1 44 11 ,1f 'RCM% 4ri .P RI X l iTlOM l494' at l imi CEll43 o , Pr ' CATILA. `' ' , ts 77077 IM7O/ , 7 -r .11,recyttir et ROJOAItr 11 ,81 2 10- 11 5 1/ 014 407 ter,TA:o4 4 4,_ _ _ 1 0 1 17.1 1 4 f With reettecirld, mrirM. igiolcitWO !' I ikiciater*Pliirei;•ni: Well:1141W giLiflkifit.' , 44l4 tserl inittitatieettlei tor iiiortelt Oa* Aellialiougat the f Snider fithoothmethien dove i d d i bar ami e w thcautebertttleil, tftblimigtreil, iltertitlilitit*". (aoompeated:,hyAntitrytamtte% M1C1214444%, epee), *hick irbeemtd.til !!: 11 W i tiN # 1 7: / t4 pli att;:ind fit. mc4., l 4 . iiim ,, 1444 1 antlfol, and the same inq udttht the ? ott'iti; tlOsalettistainotii &taw Iloilo:6g 10(44* 4146911444filliirtii+ reidlitna Buis" talloY; itedeldt whterwias also ezbentad 'with eoleitteraid• 6001 *lll, is wire, to fat aU the sebeetoomi Detunetudlntiltants,that milPoll , l4# tgitvkalons oftsik• DtiaPablg altrAr',Er4o th e 54 / 4 1aAd /A4thpialAtt neo P li' A ti} k the Ittlapq, ai t eonteint4 'ln', the J2th"elliapto piiitias arida 6th nhailtailigNifittitakti* hiilkintlyloll4oosl - litkehtOtertiphe,,,lnirhisi *oats Yie abeinittt IOW ; exampliit, otvenefLorPl , l*. ;The se, ronntiltyWii:f;t4ittitt, / 0 4 nikL im llites it it. 'll4:limy, in, f ou ' i rrfri l J "MT] " A l li be fgre twaT.e , , SE4 tiNs#l4;atioti valise word?, froni"the twenty-fnaitit veni"Orthelkit oVititer of ivaureilrit ttititottnettanit wmitres' foiiin • • • - [We; mayirnito, Ware .fivierosdh3iler the abetion, that Mr, Mirtia-sitsmand , the Lreetaishipt At this °harsh (frlassix•ihs etungitotitse.:DT: goblin) abOtit 7 11 1 r An; Aoxiedocasi e;ghtoonNyglis4 at PlwfiSaWai•- I , l l l ,P b oo r Y faiIitRYIIPYI w o ,l t u kr n ilwAtml ' yeOlpii`ad . )sy:the oongieganon, add, road Ores, pile'tele'Cwilh ersiblir f4iW flu e~~gqzr~~se lolostoitnies: lioltdOli'oArielifeeiritta his ehargXlwbieh utylK lltiyt6.iloctle!mirodeio• srof tholoharobOmiror alshbsen;quite Imiseessfal pita& la hat, .ha nay ho,sahl to hire;Wes.a.his abaft .19111 k thetallyktriernhs of A1if.1414.710ma mow, .#O4 B 4 447. t 1 !.. 1 .M0 rket.,tmantr. I t r'.: llr 9 k ; lag, Riegel& 4 7 1 soirne a nt ; - ' • '"- The - ireeiertilei bad jolt blond Wheii- We laird . 1111111Vil one whisk, abbe, an `others Ja driwalbavilyrnpon the-mental orni;physiCal. runt Mott of tlia . Episoopol °tiny, and Lis *troy* pok ocaasiop, nsough ,oreaitablo, Aar", on, aoooant maths of haste, aza trnhanstionoshiefi ifs Roite l in kompitig,leithblepa;e; .sisredne TRW poiSearni 04 9 1 1 /e 1 9 10 141srsea 1 and eilhentlyiee nisi)* ld Yearn' thip Reid h't con sniping vitality no lutes tbag i biathYiggiFrk!wrn fornip;pl*. If he'will Id:4U israbiAvoth,rnn play Antic:kerns Am *mon*- &Hie thornless 7 P 14 14 , b 999111 ; 1 9 9 $ kepi 994199119 bonen4 thangbAniteAttraetivai uP9P Elie w.*49;1 1 ./ 111 0 -1(14 .! . ...4 4 c4,affft,f05x, beat ANA, arm lqs„hseress,,ak,well }llll-71Pi..h . pow O r •ci;roAtd organs. - from' :thi eitoic Id i•FiloritaiWi Weil :lAA bib Y' eari,imiL4Wahotiist , • it, "V 2 ministry from a deoldisf lebefoP ai.suark.: Its ebtqvieneedilir tatenon'oo the aboiii totito laying that the tree olpoe ithiteffeote etehrietian' fly. cent&.bo peaked - by, owitroot - trlth th tottilti tit thecvailattielitilmt of *Misty itid mitoudirott.bitritilirotinsiod ! ilttlth , : was ottly , by looking at ,thou that th grtiottcYatom of Chiba; ttio'iteon Ott of God; Mai.' holeatt qenditigi latrairde Ebb! In , r.triamptir of truth; Q erroteimritowithi• lion; oh t g hloO•tb!liflatathe ottiabotitigto. and t uttoftoot, 'eattli Tor , , %hut slehrist ta the Nerer 01 , 00‘,1, be 41 wax. ittareriolly true, mud preeeedekteltit menet' imbruing. the latterly!' #0! pis* *in • • through centuries of theet •to Alitete•' 00 T -411 11 1 ,101 10,41 ti°D." 11 904, • -ands en-- ~.,...,mand Witoplimp v iating.ind a - resting,moet potently fez the worinng ; eat of Men great purpose - of grace: ' - • - , [Theargrnstent.lieve '4llntlirikeveaker • rho in g the ,dependintenef ,00rneserm the l ove f ~ luore,'.' and the Overruling of marstgambition f the- aeoempliabottoit'of ends witteit'essi` not at i aimed at by tha.setors themielvem was instal . ingenious, and,ahould lthet:thaffloolior "IM ll iltot. novice" in the Mitter he was disinusting.l It - was Gedir-PlitiPoie; UM lie'lliat / Maestri shOultt be one, Id proof et whitiiii be referred-CS Christ's last prayerm behalf , of the ossessmelit disciples. The Power vithledieraii witild#4 alio the nations for the • athievendent of this vest suit; was said to he the eitssr,oh. I .Wherevetits ~ daimon watt spread, its tentleneywas tolaring i fellowship. those who werajpituaelly oppooad each other, eves to the tini .fewe and Genii! , infidels and ohristAsiss, Asa -thereby ID. seeds f, truth were scattered, and the spread of lAA i 'Linty was subserved. For this 'mason Christ w . the Power , of .Clot anteing -Aker nations; a Pow r , unseen, but user moving onward; is the great wo to be actieVed. The probleM :of inalversal 'uni was never 'solved by anrother - systeni. l'helsni -' ems of Babel had attempted it; but instead of, a •, eroding, its end bad. been the vim appetite - treme of absolute volunteer's& eeparation. The speaker's •viewi—intetirbre at Ibi s poi to concerning the "llamae oeseation.- of wart. alga, Amiens of, arbitrament between contending tione was peettliar: 'Me said that if he rig' htlj literpreted the history of the last three Mind d years, and the program made daring that is t al lin the invention of destruotive carnal weapon s, i thne was net far distant when it would be an - lute iseposnbility to place an draw vs thejfatti„eo that nations would be obliged to acquire new terrl tary and settle their international difficulties al a by negotiation. This would in itself work a t revolution, and the praetioal result would mar 0 onwar d march ef, , ! Chrill.flteposesr ej,' 004," w o, oven though, unreeognieed, assuredly ruled's= g 'the nations.. Start as people:Might' at the n• nauncement, it was incontrovertible, that the sent aspect of the world was tiriseson., Howe er tree it ' bright IM that the world was grdwin in wiekednees; Men and flattens Wens ' being bre ht e l nearee:to Ireob, ether, and so , ' God;god that by the apparent power of lliammon, yet r ty by that'Power to whom all others are but the •b• oervient instruments. - - Christ, ,again, was ;the Power oft God for is ' reason : Although the miracles it the Bed and it Meribah were'equal he those performed by' Christ in: the flesh; yet 'while the, former to ed away the people from Him, who wrought them, e latter brought them to his feet,Und so because a Saw the face of fink whose:power was mantles ,-; It was then in 'the, face af, Ohne* that G 's power was most netently exerted in overrating the nations and leading back the fallen to becommthe Bons of God; It should :be borne inArtind,mlso, that'll'. Rentrreetiott was the stupendous an c taa. grossing fact in this mighty exhibition of Mine power. To human eyes, when they. bore 364 to the tomb and closed it with a rook, itmair most na turist to turn away saying,: alas! it ,bas been Irith him even as with other men: ' But was it so 1i Alt 'no! the tomb"riven - and its tenant gone forth, bras the mightiest etteeMtion to the incarnate Pow r of God of which the mind could conceive. The pa rtition of soul from body wee the fruit of Sin'; i the resnirreation of Joins Christ we saw them ain united I.; It was in this achievement of Chri ,in overcoming death and the grave, that the Po rof God wed most miraculously revealed, and ieh. constituted the. most ' precious hope •of afris be— liever. Viewing the history of the rape buri n the past two thousand yeirs from this stand-poin ,we could see that all has been tending to 'demonstrate the power of Christ's viatory..l„ -, , .' , i t, Approaching the conclusion be said, that as urs wag a Christian nation, it became the 'people to act 'Os -such. •,• Although*our Vetterriseent - Ight forsake *very titling, thaswas eensiatent with. h nor, iridivicluils shpeld remain true , seeing that rise was the Niter Of God. find that they;ee hellebore, Werein t Christ; and, elitist en God... His ..peea .tton was pantempjahiya, and was directed to that final triumph Winch' await* the' faithfil" Who the to irmigiet shall sornid;Urst when ibblighf shall romp direct from, theihrone, ,and when. the muttstehall be that of angels Then indeed. would ~blo the great 't Baiter," when Christ shall holes detificari the riven tombs, hut from the riven, •orn.' ell in glory, and accompanied by; ampilsit to meet; his risen bride. Then, and not perfectly until than, Shonid we , telly tee and' realise to that w it Christ is indeed the Power. of G0d..., t.; ~ I , . , . iFor The Press I ' - sonnet from. the' Ititlini. 1 . TO Aißel. —,....: , , .. 1 • - Alone, in contemplative mood I nsodor I Through silent woodi; Or by fhb tivier-nfarginh ' Whose sands of hamlet Coot-print; yet We virgin, Upon my cruel hit in team to ponder! .. . 'Tie thus alone allow I opeetvation--'• . i As Joy'd A to ell My nature, I • The Nissan! face reveals to every creators 1 repheart consumed. with love's Aire. contlaseation ! I care not that thel hills, the Shady hollow.' I i The st l reathe and Silent (meets' should diseov r , •, Olss.prsoiennseoret ever l'in.reheiming• • And, rugged heyrsoe'er the path I follow. , ' 'Yount Liriti, toy o'ovirade sweet. dotlibyinelheyer. " - And sOlaittadtly - together we're ioirreitingJ 4-tra PO! ugh., -- . ;-:, - .! .. . ~- ; ' •". 1.4- - ' Me . ; Cohititutioaal tUnion'Conioin MI, to , f , meet IttlloMM:we 40 trio Otlt of WV nott nth, has 'moored the Trout-sliest Theatre for A Ater at.the.tate Of V-00 Per daY, %The front tfer,o twimo ia to lipe deyo!pdexolusiivioly to the ipt .thr ladies who may with to be present.. , „ - • -,_ - t i ,•:, : THE Y- . . . 1111 . 11_11 . , tn 011,111, rim FITS COWS, - " 7 7 ran app.;; *vow l COilay.a ..2= mull 1810- Row trbow-414 - : - boviorto "Mama* Umbillibmii. _ - Srwi w . 11107 1. 1111 044. *POO lialbig .; ~cl o l i ka, I frr Or Obbitatius , efe to - .1 lihntir*titinle.oll.7lll Nrierbar--JthlNlßaiii " Al tP l . 6_ " 1 " 111 9 17 "TIM miter mormpliieuirppr she IFIIMIa4 ar,llllllllf, 44 1 11 7. 0 n7 P , 7114 00111/11staiietrireki caw.* 11 . • I, BeamPaidrifildirow Jrriastylw - wriir itaiaar giallbairnikumveluadift •by, Kilt-alaitarror,W • •itl *WL+Me4 ; A g t p Y y 7o 111 7ixed...41?tm how i• f 7 1r t liatigl a llk, wharf, at three °want r. it, =terWf, from 111 : 22 PTa• lad / faid:rapatteiiiiirttotal& aVagtii4frigtOlhiAtielat *AA bt 41,1&*2 dUiMiriih Uses Wider 411 , preareig *or AM 4 14 W skilawiliii? ,, rojihAtm.,,thig t • 94 . 0.10 otWietiag, 60 wiM tAtirrirthetratmoilm. r 4ifirs#tees leiahrldrithinitirirabAr Mean of thawbit t::1M, Go-re*lca-lwa shine 4 , sptalo ~ 7411 4 1-AVIO q 00 49 iftgabiga Malfor9 ItelAlis444 4 .So l lwrwralp* oak Olterk- t *to t % a•ba,‘l7re,a-te "rojapi-1464ihtialttfet eh* ; twee*, wartarrewgl4 =.11.4.6,-. 1 2 hoz arldshierairl,... :ki gropat, ri ttie mast! Thif steamer =Anti tan_sanicirlivfilrealiif ditlalkleedwell skim* foorferieWliaird rjr-41!*•11nty,10-140mpors4W", A l bs -10**46 .11.Xern, ake, ITnitollnater arlhartwir gvaiore Carrfrar;yolia qtailt , Thokedd at Yokaharna Waited In oWi ordearhi. rws pAas ninM - .'"" 1 '•: ' a '''fite-''Fite digs inning to, ,thin_portbi:m-anpum ..listaintro: d n 002.4 uring ,faso dark onild( the, Japanese amid: SW miff pretty ,ha Made Made atilt MOO t Intedrotiollti *ln• brie any. ~ j wit- bu t % ilellsailifoir tho 41piAttotOlmlitiroyrladi yamilllo .sl4pPllll 'r• 4111 ta'A 1Zr it 1 ,01 e40n0 lt. td ßd tii•atnni . ntilam,k -r at/ mid morn thin letmlionli /to CtoPtatilltelp.4o4 lir• fern, from wrtoptyr,4„ o V hi sillod . 1 11107 •ilifel deters or ft* pima. els trostetheative -- ateelners; aospollOg lbmJapilsmoniarrsr, A Illterki li. 87 0. 7 : 1 4. 01V )11knoup.try.for l a.femoign Writ MO. 1 ,140.10,Mi1it Ar-. 404 t i antionelf -ampra Dome' AD 4InAl felakikbasa746t•iittaldithkgX• ThePn'telll ctlill 1 1 1 4)P tOz t all4lninll,./V T I aloallataa *VI dm a 'ones taws 'ad Mitiiiirtiiirof *4 Miibillialoirrintinits. 14aammoniknoniniam Alt all Alta klul!lol clielliv.titictt 4,14 - onut mit 'Milt r t h old 9 110ei in ‘"- Isis loto . t•lltome lio 110> Mid efttstku‘worliktitikittololli'llet lalanll, InC "PlA c ig "'f i ll,. • I f l4 , ! , r l l‘ - it 5 arttlabspe Mmunli. ' '', -- • 9 lii opiwprirtk sloilkiirit inskaisimi loitolln mid mitbAke intatatt.aloorlty:, Thornotata IP Pal* mutts ..of, any • Mod,. : No* on'lloo ettnr—rrory thing talk pl ' Mitt %mO" 4. ?tone tile !ME Tim A ;garosmenont• 4in ',lmard.-tlaindblinatilliskom at inilll i gia l if it e rallblirblerlAff among elia vs who l, ••TrnitiftM it fiarannua l pea tlitk iiliantat If" ena of ' Illtdolf,** • onsfentarmtreillioy,imit unit alironmiutCli,t*' Mgr. Tittolittp tormilltl - in ill., Mimi( • client thtilyirME Thefilomt t glik 6ff bottiffipriMilmdlfttelp, itrittilltiOnitioldrtM vmotablte. : me ,It•ik, in ,- .0144-41*. ralliltilt 9# l, mAing i a, Tay. pllll4loo ,ffilic-AK ail *lett, Minor man liroild tifirilol"Tain 'cif 114 iiiit. it allowed &gallon of geoliorAmpbf4ebtilitki voila. perrtion•As. Wiligefii ilk ;Mut - few •UPair nil. S l / 4 W Ve r aleg / MY!f li g a3 , : 1 A L, '4,6'.'4#1-r40, theittageiwe,;.theltaura:wera rat e a ripl e ttrool P e t4 heTri tchis 'etwte. iti al a .121 this ws6Vr parent, and the'. speak wee , idiphdelir -111 1 deed to eat frail forediuid :aftwaheitlifekttAhing wed, as with the, Vitiates. L,llO -Wive"! werewel oleo were' &nerved tortaind the *Age, nor Were there my evidential etidoliiry: .weralniard, however, toprerto,theiejleithw. tw rigidly in, their.„hre roomy.. ThAY, ,IfOrt for ward with -plesistre,` dining the' palms - to their arrival beta—•eltibittaktheVrewhati st4iiittso - to Ulna alWat-Awletriffes ;fittglatual ,4 The -Governmentwaa.nertlialarly a, sabjeethria quir*L 'They' Were `ehifintili' their luthitkiiid bathed. irequestly, giv.r 1. tit Ih• • seitalit* *WI fa i g Virttt.vvtr etaidly,iii waiting ;Ai Aft 1 0;11 1 , 1 4 s' 4 7 sativible' Wieerwhe rneeemisitiolle et Awl:Miaow •eltesaedwor,ttiltaielliwvtionalvEtte glerglie"Wriatelitaa" roawo eounteefinp F , _ more )o,ok `iJitin #4O, ire We were; received [Misr — twenty.' tad 'cosealuided'• about tbe,vhip. -wgipqictsl4-atirr matters do not differ . from thostief 'AMY Dutel(pro peller of her 'size, wificir is 'abontlirreittleadred teas. —She has not a! deep draught of inateirOout great beam.- Thalam are rather elninsy, Andean wiefdl,j ; i' the emsketa; arc kelit with 'the Moat seinprilliter brightebod; Ira of" the tones old-fashioned,: orderly ippeentem-,Ecenonding into the gable, see found-the *Me itiollaM i l= 'der. - The ROM' Wasr"seruptilinositscru • e mahogany; pallidted. 'Title (alter} clabin'teuiliden appropzletiodAuring the -.presage to thaAraerioall offleera, „who. have received every attention, a nro fusion'of Servants to Wait on ,them; and the blest -that the ship afforded....,:• - - r • , Ist an adjoining cabin we were introducted• to Admiral•maMemo-sk•um: Be la a ho. benevolent-lookhor man, about forty years of age,-and evidently in high fever at Ultimate's!. Court to be entrusted with so important a ,charz ,as this. , 'When we entered he was baring his 'ham most artlithally &eased with ohs tina potentate:by his gement—the. Admiral being ! ca fes on the floor and evidently enjoying the luxury of the siMmloo. Soon after, he onopeired on deck; dressed ill in un assuming:but rurtletnimlyeeetume—lits feetentnts ea in ..enowy•white sandelsend stockings ; a dark brown or olive frock, contrasting linelywith a' deep lilac ir est,' ',Mot was" lased in front with a heavy silver 'cord.- At his side hung two swords,-re sembling ataghens,_ . • • The, officers on board a Japanese Ship, from lieutenant np, ' are called "two sword' ofriiMos," and entitle" by rank to wear two swards • Them weapons are keenly sharp pointed, and beautifully polished. The Admiral's head is partially shaved, and the hair handsomely bound up behind. In an adjoining. cabin, the Chief Engineer,Rahn's:ge r°, wa s hating his, hair oiled and demed by a ser vant: We' noticed - iii the IsdraiirePa Cubist a - platen of President .Buoisanan - banging; in, a , conapicuous pines,. The Japanese national flag is displayed on board the ship at the laid and in the bows. ' This is a white groundwork: with a red in this een tra... At the piton floats the. admiral's private pig nal—a diamond-shaped figure, within a red - eircle, on a white ground. We wore offered for; refresh ments a very delicate, but-strongly flavored. hquos, something like marseehino. )V hire we wet taking notes -about the ship's decks, the Japanese dedwed the most intense curiosity to sea oar style of wri ting, and were much gratified at beats allowed to examine the.betik. This curiosity was manifested as to artiele4 of olothiatewatehes, pencils', knives, etc:, and it may be safel y presumed that She 'crew bastion; and wsellal eyes ashore at the oity, whose strange eights they were doubtless eager to explore. The captain, Bet-Lintaro, has been sick nearly the wholapiestage, and under the eare of -,the.doe tor, who is a very intelligent man. Mum a ,aer vent entered the canteen's cabin he made a low obeisance to that dignitary, and the same on leaving. ;We noticed that whiles the sidling master was conversing with the admiral, or receiving -from him some lengthy instructions, the former 'bent very low. and • kept Ilk eyes fixed humbly oh the deck, whilwthe admiral preserved a peculiarly np right position, with his head well up, as though he felt the dignity of his 'Made. The name of one of the , IfirdShipMell. is•no tame- " I thank you," in JITS/I,42Mi A.Tett,gst-tu. The ship, we presume will be open to inspection far all Who desire to visit her. She is a eurnionty, which none should neglect ; and probably another chews of the kind will not occur again fag many years, A isaluto will be 'exchanged betwise her and the flirt tosnormiw: - 'Last-evening, Captain ltiert4b-roe,. ,Ye l sa-ro, .0-ke yo-mo, and tr-ha-ra came on shore in itne of - the stiamer's boats, with Captain Brooke and Mr. Charles Wolcott Brook., and proceeded; Ithtongh several of our prineird etreets,,to the International Hotel, where _they tordr.itaientM , 1 4if dinner MU; served, containing many of the mortal' vari• cities iffordettby Ike 'Market, *MeV they disoassed with a goad relish, exprosemg gratification at the new dishes which were now set 'before tliem for the first time. Superheats' Brooks 'and 'Young were teeeisod! by there,: on behalf of the eity govern menk 4 . 0., the civilities of the city ,were.tehdered - to - them - in an littering Manner, until snob time as the'bierif Wont& meet: Liter in the evening they visited, Job's 'Hotel, by invitational Mr.,Brooks, and, then, for the first time, indelge4.te the luxury of Lie erupts and tither detteteiisoonfeetionery. PALIt BCINDLITIAT ,11AVAI(A.-"Th6 chief feature in the events of the lest ° few dayi has been the eel.- bration of Palm Banday.' At an early hodrin the forenoon -the Captain Oneeral,iattended hy_ a ma merows staff and =mated escort. left his pekoe for the cathedral, where. repose the: remaine`of the - Mighty Colutibus. Before thit elite of the eity had urived there the representativeaof elmweeof the lowest grade tilled the interior of, the: grand old blinding, and :vehicles crowded 'the approaches ' ••- - • r ''" ' •fr AU through the celebritiem of hi/blears; which began • immedMtely. on the arrival, of the Captain General, the spectacle partoat - of - the sublime. Every individual sensed Ailed tritly,boly rave rm.;_ Th e richly - dressed inilLtary.,men. the beautiful Creole girl, mid tke negroalave, all found their planes side byldde With' the infest of the land. Ali miemed,dictOylavp the cern monies; of An eccaldelS..-4:proceepips -took place about the cathedrpl % headed,hy , the Atchtilelop and priests, followed •by tier' Captain Gtitoiriviti and ereird'ortildoera and- °hitless, isaelebberieg palm tt;tbeiT he,ed, while yi juilitaly_hind pealed folk - tausta)n rich . and invent stiiiiiiil - Plktirations -Wire' 'snide for' seriatim - We:li the t *rental at the Captain Gaierall'epaleon on almost apleadal 4 14. fik9 " 41 41 afligort SIM!