The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 31, 1860, Image 1
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A , 1.0 :!, 6, : . :, , .... - .' , ..',........, y '' :,-.,. tt - , , j..;. • •••••••••••••-• {beP „4";,,,,,7-1..1:4,c,111414,11F4.4rai11ni11t>:',..,,'E,.4.'”` ' '' ' ~ •-• l ' i.7-2 \ .- f; :r. ,:i • , .. . , , - • .„ •:,:-.:-.4-' *lrt*-91-611444iiklmits; -.'• : - ' . ''' - ' '" ''''' ',.' ' -' - ' • . .. . ' vfiriwilgtillw - v • ''' " ':'-; • , '', , v :. tOisiteligOr4. '. .. v- ; ! -' 7:: -*A "',l','''''''''S'l'''':'' ' ' '' ' - gams • - - =:- . 4o l !*** lo 4ol**olAtitiqfttailit*P.; ,„ • ISWA!IR 44, 10.0701p,',?.; .90.0000i.urr; .1 0 or" TRADE• AND OFRii r *li* apt rt, kb* Attintass,of bases, Aug 'teals 4860 i *ritZ,X,STE'fiX 0017.01€4 74. -111 a. • , ; 0641140111mit Nib= "I'WZRTINOIN611141401E14110•17, a~..; STRAW ,BONNETS. era•lr,- :AU tbO64A: tai rwißllll . 6/Plibie WWI tI r'sr VAIIAMIttIOII Iljagas, sad MEW" iruNat Wiatakiaamalio _sallhag 'akin botorimaisaigall#olll.llle. , . - • : BERNltkast, ' • li.. at omit sitomiti *let iill'Air - € l43 c". 1860 1860 , THOmPox & JENKINS: DROSTE= 4IND JOBBUB OBT/1.4.W _ tuTe AND oars, rkowni. _ No. ego mAturr wildurr. Duritsm• ntipasiii)essattai'isr sat. TIMM F. PLAT it osimod Tits timo , elterifr UN% imitiedli:llo, of l!imblfulty - ; EITIVAW4 GOODS XXOLURIVILIT. itosiabiE;MlA, BitOOKS. ,•.411.11 NOM STRIIIT, NOE= OM lie arias Trade, tiscsieget -,-findlioSsiiiiiimaidosida,4lmdr has -me mollosimid ,1 • - ONO of insiticsiodytek dowdiest.- _ ; r.itATII4IO. • • UMW lad all toot Wanly rig"! ' 1- • - ' ITILAWAIDIMETS INanuass , VAALWCY. 6/111011/1W11'4111) MI 0001111. DIN r siussitipolN ',:••=;-"i'f== • '"' " `-' . siimareipiodar Mawr truestras Iluit , ingenee =der sy row* sisiesit 'WOO jitalligniT tiofna' s e -- V HOT", • „ _ , AND “iULWk. Aum?xcrLai,'n.ckmmk,' - - ,`• • . I. !soled - The etissitios stOtti mow icels at 9,6 10000-..1""1.11' wiliTBEETti . 1860-- . SPRING'S TOOK • - Wok lartilost - eamilisa slab" of lif:Ask law ni 1W ,qrs!iairi. • Ike - 11::,GARDEK 004 Maas - Of 9 10•4 seilnolimil• Dobai ,PU , i• IiIigamotrikow,DONNZTIONIASTRAW SOON, • AMliiiminowass. Iss.., k • ;r1? aid ups muuorT nurr.Ator. wow snaturoraso. ry' I::,l444Xntkil • •• - • - iO4OIII2.IOVPME BMW* • Zan saw a esti. sad ace daitt nweithabaraplata laweettlay fellswl i asdrablie smods, vial; • 801111ERY A111).OLOYMIN • mum LIM WIRT FIONIII, TAMS AID CANTON MIL • somas : . Palle comas Asti , KirrlowirAvoricum. _,- 44deset- Illajaharsaa4 Wash Inl - kivift* iii•OWcifilippaMoo wawa NA* --• ,.--- `,-:..Y•1110111T1 AND 2 RHONA. : - Beaitkli & )3ROTittillik; ' . = gni AND urraug-xiina , *K' AND . IsIFAMIA.: 4.o4o4 4 siliii***oool. f • • 'Mai Elii r iaßßASM PICLo' :-;: '‘lloiir :64.0 1001 IrAin*vuas ; si A * I,A' litOky "r7-- - - 46400,NARPOr MR% Plindincl&RlA., :!kr I , ,topt oipumrn IMMIX XANOYAO4OIII4 "1044 MMEDIMAIs. SLO AFEN,ALE ANA Auszpatiowsu"LoillaM•igh•• T' `i '~t': i'.' , '::. - -_, , 4 -,iiio= & COft iO7. ;' - ,l' , •: , o:l;:::..o — Wthlaiiiiiiii;tiO#B2l. WO*,IiAZIED,' is:11131OBINEION, • ' " olisorEttrf •-•• :0031.1111Elli"nr, MUCHANTB FOR 7 . 1,113 BALE' OF . PHILADELPHIA -MADE GiOPPS- - WE , COFFIN. & Co.. Ili 01/413TNI1T STREIT, br W PoOkoliita• flablriNhog d‘imoriptlooa of AMERIVIA.N GOODS Of !is's/o.llomila Md rt friK varl . f ti I nave or runs Alm - rmun , oTTIXI Bi4I:01111ID AND saiiwir smerrixas imusxmqrs, AND 104101,11. ouLtatmos. WOW. AM) TILIPER. sonny SEMI. BI inn/ AIM ramming *sv mem imervazy Jam, AND 00T4 , TOIfADIiL . n 00 'D ..err BLACK AND FANCY CASSuantili. PAADI AND XIXILD DON:NUNN 111ATTIIBTflefiD 'MON OANIIIKEILIS. rSI ' TWIZDII2.IO.UI4MARITS.,&,..'-ke. `libllpa pi IOTHIN(HAM - • as WELLS. it BOO= intosq. . • AND.SS LITITIA SPAR!!. Arii•Aezirre'fbi the idiot O xlels It7sititiosami is AID Offlariaise, i 4 11 4 4 . 1 ffirm • - e- PSIL", -•. • - • 671taw, , - ARTLIFf Breinatte. aid ,gobirird ithsisingivehleinsi , 'Jttwr• 808 sorrACHLI3II PRIETB. 11411112D1N, CONPANT'S VWZLDB AND OOTTO2(ADE9 in iirist •. , 'IF4BRITIOTO2I- - - . • %.• . (I!'priskerls,Bsi OtaW en.; ,F i co i '&11411c al !" zirsta-stattr *T :.?1, AND REAL EIKIN 00A.TINGS. TBZ 14MKM*IRS, . iota Moir ix. rim Mum lirarso or tko slier* dossiiirioikrilookof the wollaoarra ===l:3 maculae. =wig 711T$ 4 som Iai*EONrownri.TORXREITIA 11:1f0LAND. ' Aso . iiimag ooliiiiiioankoloo of the Tanen qua ils, sod Ws-Clore f, or homodiativ or Mauro dell via, io ral; oinvonisioo of the tad'. • , ,Tho aoodi csauot toushaied *rank Um timbers oissisoio ill Submit, awl on onion for dor United Soh* io'Oir!osk WRAY' & GI GIAL AN. ' PRILia)11141111. . tad larthicaN, a Towninan 1 i i4,4-fr; ; ;LAIWSrekl-4 3 * - ; VAi=rit & MORRIS,I migozwii3, - - IIiSW,OIESIVPIVT . 151. " 117 ' 1 01111 " 1 0 111 10= atmoilis *OMB* -•--- ~, m _ aliiiivii*** 4l , 4lo o l l ll H,P 4 , iCijatilliWrotiVii*ls tfr ,,,bliFy ~'ll 4 f; _ et ail 40 11116 / 4 111140 "" 6 1 0 111 P" :I, lllar mcas qualm; • oIYZTON - WARP,OLO'rES I 007TONADS8 sad • num PADDING% Al stalk in alma ftt us ON FAVONAINA , 12 / 1 218 . " hp WOLFE & 00. 11 • WHOLSSALE "• . OASPITING °MOMS AND JUTTING " WAREHOUSE. /KO. US ORESTNOT STREET, DT Avow for Oiart Itsathatuimh 1111 1 67LRY, ike. B7TIZR# MCCARTY, 50,14/ NORTH BOOM mow. AMERICAN WATCHES. SOLD AND NUNS OASES. AT TIE LOWBBT JOBBING Num fiIIitLtIILPLATED WARE ontinstskAtil .;• BLANUFA Bus' P Q. J'Asi DIN ' ' ' "Maarmicruiriss ...ftp I & IUO mrownms, gl=raft as striM itteekof iret-elaas Goode lerg Viltrihr lITHEST. fall' uportaigrat o annarr.eilverwani, slid TOW Oidart lohstalitly !wad. ,BAMUZLPSPPER. Supsmatendeat. ' ,00811EPH R. - COOPER, WATCH dr* doo ' MAXIM r And lEWEL IXTHBR, a SPRUCE brdow S. HWI • add stra 43w r tum rivoa to lkordat n *ottos, - fold • •HOE FINDIN,Op. WM. JOHNS ib BON. lIIILPOIt,TNI, AND DNALDRD 111 101:12 1 , MOB, red GAIMEMATIIRIALB, 'IMITORM GAILOoNe. "UNITING'S. PATENT LITATHEIs FRENCH lUDS. LAOSTIL SLIME UPPERS. ite. 001111K1 ROUSTS Ar* Auk sthre. - lIARDSV4UM. mc)ortE,HWIISZEILT.& CO. ILAADWARS; 017141 RY, . sod GUN - . _ . WA:tiliqUilll, 14. 49f Nun" sM I. OOKNIERCE Streets PRII., , ELPHIA Nl4*„jro= :4i!JVIEIRTISIEMENTO. siIiUGtrivESZLIdONT .4 7 00., • ' - . -B riKERs. • low YO$K , . Loss Litton of (Mott to Ttavolhmi avitisblo hi . ALIa PARTS OP TB WORLD, ' , Mimosa as ROTRNOIULOt of ?AII8 • LtIithOIv.IXAMKPONA 'MINNA, IA fo rV aa ti, AND TIMIA fOLIZIPONAWNTI .04ct1virlue . T• sT B !, • - APAQUA'fit SEAMLESS 'BAGS, • r ItICALT;MMIS: Wan HOTELS IN TOWN OR COUNTRY.- A CARD.. : ' 'Teri etbeoribertare env' Oromrefl te brairh Me lo Vie bar. or Ihrt•ohine Hotels or waier oleasitie the Om with weir elate* of LINEN or, 09TTON to r2o RI as • fir their hOrpot illist .re tot II Ogtimail , t? tititorTil:vrry W0ri:1131, 4 4:1 1 w a r in - wk i t h the_eror,lteperfonned ere per ti• ta i lfg vl5l l l .or tilt Coatiothtst. ,-0 ti O. "HUN WC& Aftßloutti • ,, ,i i ariei . ,, old nielese_litimdi +tore. • -er... , :-. f 0 O. Nie on Neva UT Street. OWMI I O - ROOT-44Priela b]•WZTHE tiliortia.icao • mita intonvo at:OLT111:::061:a.:400., a for sale , '.701411C-13: cArjrzyp, Arm OH. CLOTHS. 100 ., • , • , PLOOR OIL OLOTRB, of now and choice 'styles stair instate. • ' • N.; ft 0 dIRRTNIIT alma. -- 13AIIPZ .13ttOTHER; 1 000 YARDS niGRAXN CARPETS, part oottoa. at BM eooto a Yard good pattern'. No. t OindrlNUT Streit, DAILY & . BROTHER. 5,000 ' YARDS SUPER TURES-PLY . CiRPRTB. Just opened, new stploß, sit ' No. Rib CeifiESTNUT ¬, DAILY & BROTHER. 10,009:: YARDS RNOLUIR.TAPENTRY OAXPETIL Jut rustra, to M sold at ORR DOLLAR A YARD. No• ND ONRSTNUT Berm, BALLY & BROTHER.., AN: INVOICE NEW STYLES BY NUM BRUNH& Just Jiro:4l'lBd by Moamar. , GAILY &, -BROTHER. No. 110 CHESTNUT Stunt MEDALLION .vm,virr (Immo. Crosby. Jut new pattern .rut poised. .BAILY & BROTHER. Na 9 OILEBTNI/T Itroot. DOOR MATS. ' ♦ vary tarsi tat from Auttioa, at - • Na 9 ONIZTNIIT Skeet. • ItATLY 8c BROTHER. phata/ttWm 1860: PB/41)ELPIA 1860. CARPET WAREHOUSE. 801JTILEIDI AND WEBTRRN BUTNIIB • Are reepeethdir invited to eall nod ezzanine our ENTIRE NEW STOOK os OAR,PETINGS. RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, ttiATTINGS, ENGLISH SHEEP SKINS, mut nieved by ' JOHN LEMON. tenimarof .4:c/thumb:a ft. Hee No, 47 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. nth IS-lm A ROH43TREET • CIARPDT WARNNPUAR ' • COLD.° KZ/ lIICKNER. 1332 , ARM( FIT B4T, TWo DrEl BELOW ,NLAITRiGletth ald•l6 VtlWitilfi l Utittt ii-rLy INGRAIN AND OE UARYNTINDA. 1/1414 . 144 1 2115tir Do ves fogria. ROOOETO, wild. rt. " " 71 miAll-It CA.CPETS. F. A. SLIM 4 00., Nos. U and U North FRONT Street. are the MOLE AGENTS In Philadelphia for the ROXBURY aßpirr 001.1P,ANY, and have washtub formals a fall amortnist of VELVET sad TAPESTRY warn% of °baps patterns. Alto, a large amply of the various blade of OAR PETS tuanfesterea is Philadelphia airy sad comb. boor *kir ail the best ansaatscitsrers. Dialers Wire Sad it to thelr interest to call and sisals* tbeaenoods; tibia' are offered for sels on the toostraiondder leans. - /11:8.—F.,A. ELIOT 4 00. Was the , Bet. Agents .Philadshitia for the eels of the Worsted,and Ousel Fonts spur by the EszonvtUe MiYa (forseirris the trio langtsad Worsted Compsara sad letup Wets also En ,the Raldwhi, Irlitos, - sadiAbiott Oolielledu " hire seetilitsr halides for. tessiss 00114144 1 7 for sale the ; unto= Wide tKOsnretli Masafeetatad on the aut flepoinildstOrma • „ 1a04.0 ENGLISH OARPNTINGS. . putik 4l474 3 "u" 12 ! *nag, kid Yodels!' Ow u lt r V i r i gr a v i r a F ar, la pia& Nifslwhaftlit NO. - ' !!7;',killAl."' • i_, ,~ ~ `~~~• -: ` r S ri. r +.~ *r-.d.~r brlPAritriThottSl CIO:; . _ _ Oiltrlfl'MANtlPAtTtiMB, ELM 'Km BillazontaixiNTOWN. .tasis,lnwirt•rimad Domino is CARPETING'S. OIL CLOTHS. MATTING. RUGS, &C. WARSHOUBE ea CINFATNUT (011ositip tit* eats How") ...them and Widera Imam are reagsothally Invited bo Gall. 411 La DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. g • A. FAHNESTOOK & CO. 'DRUGGISTS, ORPORTIRB, AND WROLISSALS ORALS= IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, CORKS, SPOI/OBS, &Milian( AND MOSINION 111111NTILD OM, CO., And Manufacturers and Bole Proprietor! of B. A. FAHNESTOOK'S VBRKIBUGN, Noa. I and 9 NORTH FIFTH ATRIUM Remit side, a few doom above Market, tes46l PILIADILPRIA 'ARMS, GLASS, PAINTS, So. ROST. SHOEMAKER & 00. • ' NORTHEAN/ OMNI roma AND RAO/ smarm WROLISALS DRUGGISTS, Inserters end Dealers ha WINDOW fbAH6,PAfI m. es., invite the attenboo if COUNTRY MEROHANTS lb their huge stook et foods, width they *MN at the Wrest market raw. CHINA AND QUEENSWARZ. VRNICULL, ALLEN, . & 00., IMPORTERS AND WROLEBALE DEALERS tr CHINA Ai, QUEENSWARE. Nos. 113 and to BOUTS FOURTH STREET. (Citwasa Market and Chestnut etreete ,) FITIMR/10 CLASS ADIRCT. MAIO OM OR DT UR TAORAOTI, AT MANUFAOTURIEHif PRICES. &Ware BOYD &I STROUD. 111PORTRIIS JOBBERS, nave now oa band a complete Stook of QUEENSWARE. GLABSW.II24 and PUNCH and SINGLISH CHINA ♦t rely' Old ear No. S4I_,NORTR FOURTH At. GMT 0011 Wow erobants' Hotel. to whit& they in vite_t_ rely' attention WHOLVIALE 11711[111. Mir' /Lamm you PIIPTOOIIIIIG WARM. reS-In WHOLESALE CLOTHING. 1 4 1.1 2 PINCOTT. HUNTER. & SCOTT. MANUFACTURERS • WHOLIAALMIALIMS ISt CLOTH'INGI 424211[4mm. Skeet, and 419 Id.BRONANT Ekren, PHIIADBLPRIA. A fall and oconeiete liner every iityle and lase at insohine-main citalunt, MIF wig to that maniac tared in an other efts. COLUMBIA MOUSE, CAPE MAY. WITH THIS FURNITURE. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Apvtx to RICHARD EITETHIIRST, Tnustes, wthltl-at B. E. or. FOURTH sod PRUNE Ms PRINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, FROM DE VENDOR k CO.. EFERNAY. FRANCE. Sold by all Respectable Dealers throughout the country. This fine brand of CHAMPAGNE, whiskugiOl the Mid year was confined exclusively to the best Win of the Continent of Europe, has now obtained the meet unbounded moos, and populatEr en thin country. It is recommended by some of the And phyemiens of the city of New York, 070 1 pll other wine., on account of its it 'creme panty panty see eiioeor. and teas who once try it randy -nth any o or brand..Aithough only one year las etaisiod sinew on introduction into this country, the demand is enormous and °militantly inereming. Our wangornents are such as to insure the quality of the wine being maletjlriee at its present high standard. Tie Promo Imperemie itaportedAelely him we being tkis sole Agents of Amara. Wool . Co. r in this cad. HAUORWO C., csh P BEOADWA New York. Said ill Atli eiMbf REEVES & 'DEAL, 4611114 e • 004 ISASEAT 1010, pH LADELPHIA , , SAIIIIRDAY, MARCH 31, 1860. THIRD-STREET 4011111IN0t11.4**iil RAIGUEL, MOORE. As 00.; ins elm 2U Nang THIRD STREET. Are lemr elekAbli %ler ung IT C asiadmont of PIENOII, BRUNDM, HERMAN, and DRY GOODS. Ito watch lho attention of OAS and EKORTALIBUI BlMlntel h partiothrly molted. JAMES. 'CENT. 14A.NTE1, & CO.. DEPORTHBO AND JUMBO 01 DRY GOODS, Nos. 10 AND 241. NORTH THUD iITRIZt ABM RAM Respeothally Santis the Wootton of buy•rs to the anal LARDS AND OOMPLETE STOOK OT FORRION AND DOMDSTM GOODS. Among vhio4 onll to found full loss of SATES' NULLS AND ,YODne.KN. COMPANY'S 00/-• TOPLA - • • Also, a LARGE VARIETY • Of Kew and @maned Stylflo et PRINTS. 11118EIMACX SRCONDB, ofts. 14141 n 1860. SPRING TRAI),.% 1860;. BUNN. RAIGUEL, & INPORTHRO AND .70981 RS IN FANCY DRY GOOD% 1 • 151 NORTH THIRD STRUT. Are proposed to ealtlitit at , Wu& esharaosis tlta *id ootoyloto stook of goods over o% rod by Ibool.lo/Vai r lae suriund atttsottorty to tho trodo Yottoblib'e .took 'amortise a oomplets assormint a< stun varlet" et' itrad, RIBBONS, • s DRESS GOODS, Wiling GOODS.: ismsnarDsErsis, 4CASSIMERRS AND riti01101114,•:. "ioniser, szomt: • Viejninvim: 091 - r4t *Mita . - SHAWLS - AND MANTILLA.% I So all itirbisik bnis• the Mamba of aunt AND PROMPT ammorents Mina U. N. DUNN. V. O. BOIL Si R. RAD9I.IIL, W. W. HURTS. H. F. DUNN. 3114t0t 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. W & 00, ' IMPORTER AND WHOLIMALB DRALBRS Pa FOREIGN AND DOKISTIO DRY GOODS, No. 1111 NORTE THIRD Ate now ready for the SPRIN TRADE. And' prepared to offer. to WAR and prompt eta months Mayors, ono of the LARGEST AND MOOT ATTRACTIVE STOOKS ISO 40entri and at Prime teat &A egewsti taw, sot only la *W, bat is any other atty. Yaretuwere will lad our Stook well warted at all seasons of the year. S. T. WAY. I W. P. WAY. ra4lll I . 'YARD. GILIZIORE, &s CO. NOS. a AND a NORTH THIRD "TRIM% IMPORT/3RD AND DEALERS IN SILK A.Wto i•NOT DR'Y GOODR, WENS 000 DB, LININII, imnitonni- AMC lIOSIIIRT, OLOYED, KITTS. AND fisdm DRAWLS. ANSPACTH. REED; 8a 00.. WEOLRIALN MUMS IN DRY GOODS. NO. 180 NORTH THIRD RTRIST. (COMM TROD ATM AIIIMILT 1576.,) PRILADDLYIIIA. • J. AVISIMOIi. "Lip DIAL IL ANIIMOIC W. Amman. Us. PC /14110. Myra H. M -fm *ILION COOPER. WK. N. PAHHAIV 10111". D. WOll. COOPER, PARLIVILVtORK, IMPORTERS, MANlTFAOteittnis, AND .1011BEED HATS. CAPS. AND STRAW GOODS. NO. 41 NORTIN TiLD BTRBBT. isr eknutitatly on load a go aNnottnankof Sra w . fia l ;runri ll =ir a' aat gr i gNnli n r 0., FAUST, WINEBRENER, & 004 IMPODTARN AND WWOLISALI DBALDIE Ilr HARDWARE, 30. 49 NORTH Tem MONT, daoradn e itt o ew Brown Stone Stare, embed on the tritTLADICLPRIA. DAVID FAUST. D. 11.;WWWW,Wit W. W. 01.1M11. IFIAZEILLa B, HARMER. ,1145.1MACTUR111181 AND WHOLESALE DEMON EN BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. tie NORTH THIRD OTHENT. • Inlloarottment of City Endo &wend Raw oon .tenth on bond. .10-tAp 10 LAING & MAGINNIS. larsporters Red Wholesale Dealers in IRISH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS; FRENCH AND BNGLIBR LASTING/I. yl t tertrxxxs , xrtaxs: 4416 , m BILRB, THREAS, 00T NB. NEDL B. o. LE AGENS; BOK Gussey's ettbrated IXL. Machine Bilk, sad Upfield'a Fetid Boot ess. No. 30 North THIRD Street. teS-3m SOWER. BAANES & 00.. BOOKBALERB ♦ND ronciennar or PEPTON'S OUTLAND MAPS AND KEY& EMMONB' GEOLOOL ODOM' NORMAL ARITLIMWTIOD,' SANDERS' READERS, ko.• No. 81 NORTH THIRD STEM ) Mot AO, Wow Arab Stmt.) fit-Ito A:Kists in a Thunder Storm: ' ST Tani *sun or Townie:Watt. -I r s air t h h littint o t .s ' l o o rgs , summer daY, - W d most dearly, ho needed but sn sngel's wings To be an angel rosily. A storm came up, the rain came dozen, And we a tree went tinder Then most tetlifio grew the storm, And loudly roared the thunder. At length there'oante a stunning peal, And then a Bash of lightning, IRtitiftarrr=nliorlinfri ma i den', • • _Tier eyes she closed, bet:lips /kissed; She old not seem to wonder, Because, no doubt, the smack wee cot As noisy as the thunder. The storm rolled by, the years rolled on. And Sallie dear I married, And o ft we speak of that wlid storm, When 'neigh a tree we tarried ; And or the storms of Ilfo, which ne'er Shall rand out hearts sounder, Nor drown the mem' ry of that kiss, When Sallie feared the thunder. T T Tower Hell I will not make, o day the least allusion: I The_ girl kihed oontrom my thoughts ". While pun nt rats effusion nut in Mr RtXt (LOOK OUT TOR THAT!) PH make my readers worder, By facts in PAMIR. whi c h o'er the World Shall ring intones or thunder. A complete told Irefl•ssorirtetl stock of Bering and' Bummer Clothing nowieitind, unsurpassed In style' end Worknouribtriegis MOO, attention of 84 "tiabafgleilaliSINASEItinuaa.. ' TOWER HALL. bt9 MARHET Phi sdelphia, BENNET r kg°. • DOMMMO T,txcET 1860. - SPRINGi. 1860 J FRESH swops. , ' FoRGEL. 1440AIRD, 8a 00. DILPORTIIRB AND .JOBBBRS or FORNION AND AME.RIOAN DRY GOODS. N 0.47 It. THIRD STRISEV, !PHILADELPHIA, Would rageotfully Invite the attention of Douala Merchant" to their LARGE AND WNLLTSELNOTHD STOOK OP ' FREBII SPREE% 4300D5, Which they are now receiving In Store. Morahants would find it to their advantage to WI and examine our stook. fat-Sin /+.O ERa HANTS: IWittifi DEL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. • BLABON, 84 . 13M1TH; MANUFACTURERS OF OIL-CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. - Wi invite tke erstantion of dteksts to our large stook of FLOOR. TA OLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, (OREM GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beantifid artiste for Skedee. The largest stook of WINDOW. SHARES and BUFF' HOLLANDS to the market. ad mime whisk deft competition, fe3-3m PAPER HANGINGS. &o. 1860. B nr" BTYLII9I 1860. ' WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURSE, -t . Maathotarore and.Doportari ' PAPER HANGINGS. NO. SOUTR POITRTE STUB?, below Market. 'Odaitinannal raollition to Bouthera and Wanton buy. sptuald do* of goads to whoa Dom, sea all of M wood sad that &W pm WINDOW Cant.TAIN PA rNRO iniatost Vatioty. ' fa2l-Int AL L PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, • • Wittglett4Autd Retell, at Maud prises, 141 grit FOU wit Street.- below Res. 10ousekeepers *Mere weld Sowell es sive es X 0411, ex& exegetes eereesek n t betw ndir.lerelitta , ins eLie 4 r EAT hei;s. i ft i rgemo tn ap t sal l e i ratteet—i 9 , Stree isi dtrf• C"ME BD SINEBi'3. RUT, MONTGOIGERT, & 00., SO. , an 4SOOMIUT OTRIE/X, tf# 4 lol:r., N I'm ea oat, We; thin and fk il inchar G ; UK: luso Moak of " * """cd edillilik " 1 At OBBAWLY IMMO= MITA& DIB PRENOR 7APIEB AM IN Pill OEWL BE LOW 00OT. helots vantinir their / 1 " 1 " isPerbd* "a " 4 "4" sl ARGAINS. STATIONERY. STRANGERS ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE ONE OF THE LAROSIT ASSORTMENTS of ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY. oIEINOKII, DRAFTS, NOTES, ()OPTING DOORS AND PRESSES, wirmoris, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERY, to be fiend le any itotabliohmeat in the UNITED STATES. Bold Wholesale, and Ratan, at LOW and UNIFORM SNOWY. • WILLIAM MANN. othe-tf 43 SOUTH FOURTH Stmt. WM. M. MAURICE'S NEW BLANK BOOK STATIONERY STORE. tfo. 1126 OILBWII4IIT STREET, (MIX OP TEX 851111.13 EAGLI.) le low fully eneplied with the following artistes, v‘hlsh will be sold in large or small quantities, very low for cask: 'Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Rimelet Books Cheek Books. Bill Books, Copying Books, Oiled Paper Coeriat Prows, QetW, Steel Pens in great variety Penknives, 1106110111, Sheers, Letter, Cap, and Not* Paper of all kind., Envelopes, &0., to. Banks, 'neurones Moss, and Iderohants supplied oa favorable terms. MOSS, BROTHER, & Co., 110._430 PLARKET'STRENT. BOOKSELLERS, • STATIONERS, AND BLARE-BOOK MANI:UFA OTUR;IR 8, Km a large and well-seleotod ntosk, miraitTED, DOMESTIC, and of their own MANUFACTURE, Wholesale and Retail at tho Yen lowest pries& BLANK BOOKS On hand It large quantity, or made to order, of any desired pattern, of the very bast materiel and work manship. We are enabled from our extended fhollitios to oilier 'minor Mdasemenhi to Dunham& 001 l is solicited. fitSl-2m rAmor DRY GOODE. YARNS: Double and Twisted, two or three *cad, hard or 'sleek twist, from No.lo to 40. Unbleached or Bleached, of inperior quality', on hand, or made to order shame 'lbr cash. Address, F. PRATT & 00., tottg-Ito PAW PICIPIT, R. I. BURNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN &patois of FANCY GOODS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. MEN'S FUSNISHINS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. ORTRTS—Shettand Wool. Zephyr., sad vAjtjwriEs No. 419 .111A11,&13T rattELLIT. fat. ye Km DUHRING - 8G GO.. , ro.. 96 and 911 NORTH FOURTH STREET. Are now reaelDrikei by suolieseive arrivals from Eu rope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS Op SNOLIBAL AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES; AND SMALL WARMS, Alkehme Sewing Bilk and Thread—and eolimt an ta- Wawa of their complete and well-assorted Meek— neritOlALLY ADAPTED To BoOTNIOIN AND WESTERN TRADE. fea-Sin MACKEREL -300 bbls. 200 hfs. 100 vs. 6zro kilos No. 11 just reoeived, and In prime order. For sale by WILLIAM S. & CO, . • aOl7 end 174 NOW MARV KR. ACKEY,904, 1 : 11 :1 1 ,4 30 s e i , Ta• 1,2, IJ3 l and 3 Afesokerel,:in assorted Stseepsj store.aad " ::71iko Yr,,ltathrii ' • 'LE totiolNia 644;1400 You.L+4 , , , Clje Vrtss. SATURDAY, ,MAROII • 31, • 1860 The LW New IlloireLe The Misses Warner, have brought out. a new novel called Bay and Seal," with the seed prin cipally in New Englarid.. It has been written bri both, but not the slightest indication is made as to} the respective' shares I M.- autitendtip. thorough' has been Als;partnershir of mind and, purpose that no one unreel/111 &Wet the smallee f : flaw In the 'execution: ', Th at *lon cannot pui, your finger - upon sarotielpiqvymratest peesage„ and say, from intetnal- evidettme, i" 4 7ittlCanthor of, Qua chy Wrotif i thie,Nund the 'autietepef , Dollars; atuferittereirtitedbe piper ps~cllowing.". A'delislnttWhdoktit is: With of stated- antipa-i thy * to Elpit:nteu et, eempid,flotionelalled ?oilstone novels, ',we yettlitigra RadtlfreptiggliAlne, word' JobticilteidLageteAlgegeettigeggegilliptikead lo eekklitkiegiffeigutleirgelf, iffilte4diaply beeatiee, though the religious element pervades the story, it does not crush the life out of it. In'a word, thfeli not a stupid veligtous novel. On the contrary, not-1 withstanding alineitan'eatteint of dialogue and; deficiency 'of startling Saddest, 'Say, an d ' NajjlJ (which, historically speaking; should bare bet rather Says and Sele,) It is eminently readable: Nay more,—lt is greatly instruetite, for its serioai sharaeters are Christian men; women, and 'boy4 who,do not think thet, , beesuee they have religion, they must aet like titerharlsees of old, and make R constant, unpleasant, and unseemly display of the outward forms of faith. ' Ncf,..the Misses War ner—who now sign themielmes Elisabeth Wetherell and Amy Lothrop—evidently think that religion is not gloom, and that Christians may smile and talk pleasantly upon a hundred mundane and material subjects, without incurring the slightest blame. This is, to all intents and purposes, a religious novel, yet, although' nearly thrice the length 'of ordinary flotlons, we never wished it were a page shorter. Perhaps, indeed, the other way. The scene, for the most part, is In a New Eng land village, bearing the euphonious name of Tat taquasset, near Long Island Sound, and the river Meng, we suspect, is not a thousand miles remote from the Connecticut. Nearly the whole gotten of the story passes in this village, and it commences with the arrival therein of a Mr. Endicott Linden, who undertakes charge of the school for a year, and finally marries' Faith Derrick, prettieit and sweetest of heroines, wham, in that year, he trains . up for himself—trains up to be helpmeet for a Country clergyman, which he finally becomes him self. In modern !lotion there is scarcely such a charming 'Matador as Faith Derrick. )Phan wo meet her, she is Indeed " A young der who eh one o`et life, too sweet an image'for mph eau; A lovely being, searoely formed or moulded, Arose vrith all Its sweetest leaves unfolded." And as bright, pure, and natural does she continue to the end. The love•paseagee in this book are °harming, they are so very natural, and Faith is so true a woman There are plenty of other character here—quite a gallery of them—:and every one, male and female, decidedly marked out. A great col. leotiou of individuality this work contains. • This is all we mean to say of it; the Misses Warner have all of Jane Auetin's pure knowledge of domestic society, with a dramatic power which she had not, , —Dy the way, we arc in ,great doubt whether the two shots, one into and one at Mr. Linden, were or s were not tired by Squire Deacon ? • 8 .7 AND HEAL. B 7 the author "of "Wide, Wide World," and the author of " Dollars and Cents." In two roluntee. Philadelphia: J. D. Lippincott & Co. Fine Arts. Devereux k Co.; publishers 'of The .Afeunt Ver non. Record, (the new number of which, with its beautiful sketoh, "On the Potomac," has jest lambed us,) have already brought out, coloiel, portraits of Washington and Everett, and 'will ini mediately lame a beautiful print, also In colors, from the most authentic portrait of Martha Wash ington. • The tone of this is moss iieiloot, and we expect that hundreds and, thousands of parlore,•in city and eountry, willhaveit on:their walls ere big. WeSitiolitortle ,FarevreU 'Address, *printed -in book aS./kaat* 4t9iY with th ese toe Portraits, ItELIG lOUS INTELLIGENCE. ‘i The Secular Prom,' A New York denominational journal for this week contains an fateresting article, upon the daily Press, which concludes by laying, " What an engine for good or evil we have in our seedier press ! Is it to be wondered that some enthusiastic Chris tians have visions of a t eoneeorated press,' as the means for the world's conversion ?" We have merely to remark, in passing, that the spirit of the article here quoted from is sensible anfl liberal, in whim it stands In striking contrast with an article that appeared in a religions contemporary in this city a few weeks since on the same subject, in whhh the writer, signing himself with a certain letter of the alphabet, took occasion to shadow forth his contempt for secular papers in general, and more particularly such es have the audacitj' to express opinions upon matters pertaining to reli gions things. This pedantic writer, a minister, we presume—much as he affected to respect jour nals that wore content to mind their own busi ness, referred to France ac furmshing a profit' that the Itberty of the press was greatly overestimated, inasmuch as that Empire was never More prosper ous than at the present time, notwithstanding the servility under which the press is placed by the Emperor. This is certainly a sorry exhibition of what cer tain email despots would do if they had the oppor tunity, even here in this land, claimed to be th e prophecy-indicated "favored of nations." One remark for the writer In question, and those he may represent, must here suffice; That the Christian minister, whatever may be his persuasion, ,who cannot see his brother of another denomsnation favorably spoken of in a "pulpit sketch" without losing his temper, may yet profitably sitiat the feet of some " secular" Camelia, and learn the ,first principles of that religion Whole Divine Founder inculcated brotherly love, and exhorted his died ,ples "in honor to prefer one another." Baptist Anniversaries. The Beason for the celebration of the various re ligions anniverserice le drawing near, and in some eases the programme has already been announced. The anniversaries of the benevolent societies be longing to the Baptist Church will, this year, be held In Cincinnati, with the single exception of the American and Foreign Bible Society, the annual meeting of which will beheld in New York, on the 10th day of May., The others in the following or der:, That of the American ,Baptist Publication Society will be held, commencing on Monday the 21st of May, the speakers already announced, being the Revs. J. Jlyatt Smith, of this city: W. W. Everts, of Chicago, and A. R. Burlingham, of ,New York.- The annual sermon before that body will be preached on the Sunday morning previous, by the Bev. R. Jeffrey, pastor of the Fourth Bap tist Church in this city. On Tuesday, May 22d, the anniversary of the Baptist Missionary Union will be held (the forty-sixth), and on Thursday, the 24th, the twenty-eighth anniversary of the Ame iioarn3aptist home Mission Society will be held in the Ninth Baptist Church. The latter has 'al ready aimounced an increase in its receipts over those of last year, as hes also the Missional7 Union that it has cancelled its indebtedness. The trip to the "Queen City" of the West, - which these an niversaries will render necessary to some, will, we doubt not, be largely embraced by many members of that denomination. Tus Naw ORLEANS CONVENTION OP Yon Na MEN'S CHRISTIAN A BROCIATIONS.—The approaoh ing annual Convention of the Young Men's Cbris tian Associations, to assemble at New Orleans on Wednesday, the 11th April, is ensiling considera ble attention. This will be the seventh of these annual convocations, the last having been held at Troy, New York, in June, 1859. The expressions of cordiality on the part of the New Orleans brethren, and the disposition already manifested to make the sojourn or the delegates as plea Sent as possible, affords a happy contrast with the tone of certain papers respecting the political convocation shortly to be held in another Southern city. We may state in this connection that the New Orleans Association have lately secured a commodious set of rooms, and they have now a plan on foot to pro. cure scientific apparatus and introduce a small gymnasium, in order to render their rooms more attractive to young men. . A Ux.igiirous CALL TO TUE GREEN HILL (NEW SCHOOL) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCII.—Tho Green Hill Church, late charge of Rev. T. Street, whci is now 'stationed at York, Pennsylvania, has extended a. unanimous call, with the offer of a liberal salary, to the Rev. Prank L Robbing, to become their pas. tor. Mr. Robbins is a Row Yorker, woe educated at William's College and Auburn Somintry, He is a young man, .having never heretofore been settled RS a pastor, although be supplied for several months the church of 'Lane Seminary, at Cincin nati, and has preached with great acceptance, for several Treace plot, in the church to which he has now been called. A NEW ()Millen CONTUPLAT2D—Wa mean new chant' ede:firo. The North Broad•atreet Church, a oomparativoly newly organised rteeby TO CENTS. . . teriflu. 00 rifgeg i #9% rAlrf OtßrtlY-.cIP4PFAPIA I O erection, of.,a place oc s worship in thoo..vieinkyfl 1 , Broad and' Green Orel poi a t lof air Wii.leani from the' Azairteistf'kii 'tartan; ggeri l icie AO purpose bY BC Ist4 rfaldiri , lite iiihk enfelf ' has been , akefuSed by •iiatonig fintyitrefilika peoutriarily, to faller* ttieneelakeinedg -lay will doubtlear,iirekor&ballamelilatil'ilo" coma " 164 % 1i04 141 004 loPlyfec.Nenlatit. ..The nonersiletion hal latan4lStskPOlA°foP; l 4l o -..g11C ,Adame, who has biien preset ihm t fof.,...gMl! , .Mll , Wnr . 1 y r herelpfore. ,• ~, „ ~,- . .-.. •,• _,- T , ~ I Tea llini,E re anis Scnoilii:- .l .llnaiesn°94 _00;3=144, 1 1 +10tto;riii , f, 1 14,ttask the' giteettatt'onte 6e oT thiltiltS : - Palide, sib:foie, 46'1/se itigi4 -E tiaii,"Y 2 Ail -fet:eser iNlitaitathSt7sis litle . ruaaligmu44 , 44li z g , I Ilialligiond4ssallreteieht all lisle • oommenggi* , • Florin* , e j • a 4 ,„ %;at the Tar' ir y r by"th e • • ' ''' • - 0 - •, :',, MITIOTAbg hi i *lli ithildrenntVallietik reintrtill fo:ideilAtaitieeteitant veraliMbet - Ai BoriOsetkortresihi,theßrotestant sersiontoile•- Ten,as4 - 1 1:14,-. t.:ft , P 1 4 , -;,1)11"1.9' Tiik*OVIND Altiltiiatig*Arri - r:ii yres:Allorde ; an !intim answer of par . gaeeni is the .tfriterA Workrtirrri, that stip gave to al African Orlnee, • who sent an •7etnifelwaireic,wit eestlY Presents, aretasked. her in return to ta ll him the secret of England's 'greatness and Effg4 land's glory; and our beloved , Queen ant .him' soh the mumber of her fleet, not the number.- o tl'allnieiclo the fieeount of her boundless men atuttte; ndt the 'details 'of - bet' ineahaturtibl ' weartfi: She tdhiNkatilasie ibissults,itelND Ita hour, abess4e mahespadosxidleseends .and be rich ornefprits, but hang* Sim a beabtifull • bound copy elle - Bible, she' WV- i Prince that 4fitsis the sedret. of Eggisiur.s Min nem" „ EFFICACY Or 461SRICATt _MISSIONAP:I4II.—TbiI Levant Herald, an English puce? published. at Constantinople, *ye "We risk 'nobody ivrebntraS diction in affirming that the American misdonarie have done more to Advance eivilizatiOn and pure religion througtiont''Ttirkey than all 'the' other agencies, diplotatie ormissionary, which Europe an policy or props andism has ever set, to, work upon the country. ; ' Fitio3f . Tale ISMAISTP` UP EARBADOiIIi A gentle men, recently retained from the West Indies, sta ted, a feW days ago, at the Old South ing, Boston, that be had seen two thousand colored people - at communion in one, dfly, In gm Islands of Ilarbadoes., the Moravians have done a, greet work., The emancipated negroes have been coat-- stantly edianeing in ciiilliation'and No IndiVidual gas been Crokvieted of: ii•crima in ' ppp court of ' law in Barliedoes 'since 'their Mairtelp tiou- GOOD MORD BROlt Eiwsnair.—A great awakening in Sweden is reported to. have been bronght,about by moans of books and tracts which have beenair culated. Out of a population of three Million Edde hundred thousand, 250;000 have professed &raver- Eton within the put, two years., „ Rmseßtarott.—At the Communion .celebrated it the presbyferien church of the late Rey. George Chandler, labt Sabbath, fortyone politicks were re ceived on profession end four hv,certificate. ReV. George Duffield and. Rev. W. Cox offioi►ced. ROBBERY OF A ' entineß.The Catholic Church Littlestown, Pa., was robbed of articles to tfie amount of seventy dollars on the night of the 22d inst. . - - - • • New England in 1673. . • 1 The Boston Trpveller ripublinhe, s per contained ina maga:ll,9f the hat eentuqr, entitled is follews: " Oblertations made' by e - New eurionon E ngland &bent the year 1673." ' '" There are 'about 120,000 - JMUIe, 13,000 falai, and 16,000 that can bear limn, Thereare 12 stil s of between 100 and 200-ton., 100 chips of, betwe n 20 and 100 tons, and 500 Asher • boats shoat 6 to : t There be 6 iron works whieb'cast no guns: Th e are lb merchants, worth about £ 50,000 , pr aho t 500, one with another ; 510 persons, worth ea h £3,000: 'No house in Efttw England hie more than 20 rooms. N0t..20 house. in Boston .which which hir 13 rooms each. About 1,40 families in 1- ton. The worst cottages - in New ',England - lofted. No beggars. Not ihree“persons - 4 t to death for theft, qinatial)l..AboutWerir ni and harbors . , Ahout, 23 , elands need. a place.. The' three Provinces of Beaten; Matne. d Igen; Hampshire, make three.frairthe -of the'w la in wealth and etrangth. , The other three_of,K 'i npatient, Rhode bland, and Kennebec*, being nt ono-fourth of the Whole fti e ff eet: • Nut above t of 'their military teen have: been!aetnil soldi but many /mob *9ldiers as the sip:Well:son at L n don. Am c eg the maeeirates, the most, pop ar are Leverett,lthe Governer; Majol. Dennison, M r Clarke;, ark o;.. Mr. i Mrsistrelit..! Mnongltheitaialat Mr. piaohar,, Mr_ Ozenbrhly Mr. Mimi n. ! There are no 'tnaideleini' by 'trae.„:4l. 'dined E mbed Wig set tap lint patdown. , li: Ter Bing ea 10 _!filow , ,P_L , ' , 4tteuleirevelitsautte.' 1 from Enefen4... riCieleWentge:Ulte/Cliti,ftdhlVet yaid: SO 4iieligbO ' Vii'2s:lll:` - WeNtkal, nor cop peras,-nor salt made by 'their , 'alar.' , llley take an oath of fidelity to-the 09vershoh Awl wit #0 the King..-The Goveritor is chosen by every freeman. A freemen Must' be orthOdOx, above twenty years old, - worth about' £200." , - ~ • • ,! .- Official Account of the Capture of the • . Spanish Naps. . On Thursday the Sresidentsent in to Congo:die thel of floral despatches received fruit American &hen in i the Gulf concerning the MUM* of Spanish tunnels byour squadron off Vera Crim.including the following ralrort of Commodore Turner : U. S. flare Ersuarool.t Orr VERA CRUZ. Mexico, March 8 IMO: To Capt, Joseph Tarets. Commanding U. o, Ship •Sd rannah: Sin: Oa the morning of the 6th inst. two larre steam erg appeared off the harbor of 'Vera Crum without any flee being hoisted, althongh a gun was fired front the Castle, and the hlemean flag runup at the game time. to induce them to- do so. They were evidently confede rates. ea they were' hove to or , some time eommhnt eating with each other. AftereleVeral hour, and guar communicating with the Spanish vessels ofwar at Sa crificial'. which sent Cut a boat to there, they arced down the coast, lit the direction o Anton Lizard°. You directed me immediately ta place my ship In tore of the small Amerman steamers here.. the Waite , and Indianola. which Were placed at your disPosali to follow them, and to ascertain their charaeter, where they were from. Of what nation, where they fitted out, and what was their object upon this m art. and to report to you the her or these inquiries with all practical deepatch. I. obedience to these or ders. I left here about sunset in Ow of those vessehl, on board of which I pieced a detachment of atom thir y live men and marines, in cue they might Kelm° shoal water. where nip ship. with her large draught. could not follow and communicate with them. ' y The de tachment on board the Wave was commanded b erit. Joel It'd. Jicenn Ind, of the Savannah. accompanied by Midshipmen NV iglu Whittle, Jr.. of the Preble. That of the Indienole was commanded by Lieut. Andrew Bryson, of 100 . °o - e Stable. accompanied by Master Jos. N. Miller of the same vessel, Lient. Andrew L. Hays, of th e Marine Guerd of the Savannah. and Lieut. Julius E. Metre, of the Marine Guard of the ehip. fano ceeded down the coast, making direct her Anton Lizar. do, fifteen miles distant. where I expected to find them. About midnight two large - vessels were reported at anchor at enten Lizard°. I stand directly for thane. I had directed Mf pilot to anchor me immediately between the two seawall At the Moment when I had nearly reached this point. and the tow WM Callr Off. body the little 'Mainers being ahead of me, they hailed.; ard reported that the large steamer of the two was uhdrr way. and endeavoring to escape through the southern passage. I hailed, and ordered them to serene him. and to get on board, if possible. as I was ordered to communicate with the senior offieer, who. I suppereed, Was on board this vessel. At the same - moment I fired a stint ahead o , him to bring him to. As goon as•they got close to him. which was hut A few moments, to me extrema astornehment. he opened a heavy fire of great guns and musketry upon them , and it was reported to Me at the same time that the other steamer was 'elm- Piing her cable. I immediately gave him a broad side. ne I had not the remotest doubt of Ins bairn in complicity . with and under the orders of the officer of the ether steamer, and I wail afraid be would o to h e assistance. in which mute I ehon'd have been obliged to recall my vessels. or to have wit neesed their capture or destruction; and as he had the andaiDer to fire into me without any provocation whatever. I was determined to seize him if I could. Henn up the Spanish flax as soon as I fired. In the meantime the_ larger steamer wee hotly engaged with the rows on board my two tittle steamers in a meninx fight. Finding that he °nerd not get nut of the southern Damage. t e immediately chanted his course, put his head to the northward, and passed inside of me to gam the northern 'pauses. and to keep out of the wayff nt Bone. followed by my resole , warmly enraged wit him all the time He was evidently too fast Mr an was gaining upon them. , As he shot ahead of them, I got a gun to bear upon him. and shot awn. his smote-stack. I found now that it was impossibie to fire wit tient danger to my veg./ they were all together. The charm wan continued in the midst of it. hot fire on either side. I could not hut admire. at this moment, the daring eat lantry of these fine fellows contending with so superior a force. They closed in upon and rooter:et with him, in spite of his efforts to shake them of. Finding it IMMO - to escape, I suppose he ran his vend on shore ; at all events, pressed o osely by them . she grounded, which I was not aware of at the time. They were then distant about a mile from my ship, and my anxiety was ;Mango for their safety'. I armlet afford them no possible aid My three largest nutters were inboard. and before I could have manned my beets and got to them, the affair would have been ended. I was net. however, kept long in suspense, for almost immediately I heard three oheere. and was informed that they were boarding her over the lowa, whine could be distinctly seen by our ;Ganes. I- now return to the steamer anchored close tome. While the el:wizen:lent continued between the other vessel,. and at the moment that they were paining this ship, the first lieutenant: who was on the poop, called to rented ag a inat this etaamer ores firing musketry, I di a divfzion of gene to be given him. which was done. I then hailed and ordered him on hoard, say ing if he (Ed not instantly coins on hoard I weird send a guard to bong him. He frame on board, and informed. inquiries that his ship etas the' me. in answer to my Marquis of Havana; that he had been emplosed by Captain Merin. who commanded the other ship, to transport stores and munitrons of war, and that he Iran Spanish. twin the meantime I had gent an °Meer to. bring Capt. Mann on hoard. As soon Pe he reached my cabin, I asked him how he had dared to fire aPOn my vessels. He replied unhesitatinelY, and in the presence of a witness, that when he observed my vessels steaming into. he harbor, he had informed his crew that he was oere they wale Amerlctn vessels of-war andrirasitive ly forbid them to fire ; bet that it wag a mi n e w of r a Mee nations. having been but recently M en on board, and not being yet properly disciplined, he found it impossible to control them. I obser v ed to h im that it AM a great outrage, for which he would have to an Mej, and which he pretended moot deeply tOregret. All of which I knew to be untrue, because during the notion he was distinctly heard calling on hie 'men to hoard with him. You will perceive how all this con-, theta with the nevem:repine depositions of four of his crew.- lt colt reuniting for me to speak of the Imes and armament of these veeeele, as far as f_hava been ergo to ereerteiu , Ir. The larger steamer, called the General ira men. ear tied two Manatee. one pivot, end neve ral howit Er re, NV ith a crew of 3M men. I arnnetpo sitive as to the ralirf eof her guns. &moms that She ould follow mfr • awarder. I expected to have been able to give a mote minute Recount of her. but she is still itemized. The Marquis of Havana carries also one piv ot and two broadside _gene, with seventy sermons on board. Her pivot gun is a heavy 24 pounder. The cap tain of thee Inch vessel threw overboard large quantities of ammunition, much of which was Picked rie floating in the harbor by my boats, in theists and kegs. When he wee taken poesession of, his RPM were all dismantled, and were lying upon the deck by the side of the PA'7l- acre. which I have no doubt Waa done after he found he wan captured. and before I could get a boat on lx,and of Wm. He aseumes to bean unarmed camel; and his pa pers of clearance. 'blob I herewith enclose, made out at Havana.. do not speak of his haring any guns on hoard. Yet his armament is euoh as! have mode I it. And there is not a doubt that hie vessel was equipped at Havana SP a part of, the force with which Capt. Marin wee to aot onahis rout. It now becomes MY painful duty to speak of a otreum etande -which has occasioned me the deepest con cern and regret, About two hour, after the engage meet, a boat game alongside fr m the Indiennia, With apergonvery badly wounded, deemed in citizen's dress. Upon inquiry, I wee informed it was General Lave. of the Merman Army. Immediately • I had him taken to my cabin: ft seems by hie own account, as he related it to me, that as I was about leaving Ter* Crag, be was ism off to the Indianola by the Government to obtain some information es to MY movements, and that is the hurry end confusion in getting - and towing out. his boat left him. The °Meets commanding these vessels had hie huontsts4 by itis to allow Pe lrzo WitWIT Puss ilia Maw lib llialroaiiire.W mdt (peraaava, is advii*o Three - IWO flostoii, Too " TwoatiOnotti . " . . Tweak, Ootiod. ovor « mak Ilatoosibor.) tow. ler irmi.moirvilloita =busboy to tie gottoriwofillhoinotr - !.:" -or 7.201. an tetroptokit. , At IN TIONNLILT Pimm?- . • :r Wood -11 4 : 41**,..jiiitto,.tbi..114_ defy* I 1;::!1 ~--- straniewor other tlotscotatiavelliles beard no vestiactisiftevoges, ositineers. it. An not ib dilirtfensautt ear"ndr-oitbater-igrangdrillit'Uperk! soesewbearet - 1114. ding karma enc.tatliad adeataly nape', antral . Wsktriftieketeethe.wbitinedie l neesiP. MR oer-Je tree not to NW* e ist "F owed' entseart linalr . conqi4n Alr i f ge 4-#.l l o l i9t. -"" !". 11 • ii,t t r i tzl e isai eadi to %usu. t o . iez . oo thigenefagenmst. 7 4' Mgmitorgs wolynem4g . . who Saatiltedigen 3:ls=tirkiWzgM. firs limmog„. initrar isfariaiktri tir.4 - • 40=14;iiiktrogreirror•__: ytalim,isk•••••• ' .b•letimaiirm••••- c. - iibnn , - slIT`litnZAIN,. t SisitsPessatsits Z ir isVlZ. - " svat Myra and agar. *wig • fi At'trf ajgat4 fr ilg Mats atid.roltattl towrianakrasulit; esseesdikneenwerlistk r s t oci id g i • Notniriit. • • lie War Isnr. , I hay" maim &if ita4,6,4lllll.figfra :t=g before. during.or eller Sato ' ' 1 4 4 Lhftlit was • Willis,* .•uocruP. a tisi hir ra tep mg to shy_ xica ts'jimerMS er' Pißttf` omitted to stet. that the/ bleetranol .papera of the Hemel s of listemes, - pertify:to oate. Out,- Piny vamp on nmt, whereas scomformed by this atm arm' In cheat of her that. atter thirty oftheeldbnd WON remove* to. Our ship. them remamdot least forty gilt nn board' of her.i As tins ship au 'seat immt , enteir back to asst in floating the General. !dilemma. I /We beilajtailktelo make accurate report of this ramdier of persogenot boar& Meat theljote the genislad,ldirs mon pea tetten.s..boat encased Morn her to UM Shan. said tehartagebeitinhetGem.-Mirantoa's - dye ofnn s t i i = ll IggAlTilhs 1111 t ail son to bravery caper ofthe tpleadition- • - I hove the' honor tei'led, yorrrel obedieztgarvants • - • '"— P, 8 — Asevery stiort‘lSOl e thh Da tiles wit° knee been suirsrad hrmisrepraleitt the - factor ctibb af fair.' have desired to be as accurate in_tiar stAtemeut unssiblei num said th at the ( lee. letrataret had a hundred men on board. I removed from her fifty .nses before leaving Anton Lizard o. who mar troy toi•betird rorfseiti. But it is pesmble that i 'hail never know what number of men she, had on board. as moms senate& in a boat to the shore jest • beim* idle sitts hoerded. - There may have been mere, there mar, hare beim hies, than one 'tundra...lon board, I have Nutt/ma the pmt, gun a the Margins of Havana WAS a twenty- foor - portader ; it may have bass a thirty-two. Ido not wish to otaltsiite Oplituiermitiathie armament often. vessels. - lay ar• rival here fro AmmonLisanfo;mY "ship unforteriatair grouaded in the tea. sad was ell-lay endesvonn.s. to set her off. I bed :Miami to - erre my attention to Any tlang ,Thet mead] fait: the neltlarirrutig at der light. mime which. by a lode of wind from the mirth. I hems been meted trent both thew vessels. ••--• - I herewithenclilee denotations of the first lieutenant, of the minter of the ordetiy seraeilitt. sad or the Ma ri nit guard bf this-sine. who were alibi the prep donna the setron.ita to the met that the 'Margins of' Ratans fired mirskets . drering the engagement fed , Ilea this certificated f able Atiptegate to a eonversation with the engineer, o AthaMewquis of Haven who Abed arms wounds.. ifittd. in the haste with whic a. h I have written this cemenirnientiomtbabl have Committed die mistake of saying that' bee placed lemon on board the Wave ; diet vessel had on emrdenlyl9 men - • •-• weekly Renew of ll!!arkets. _ Pirmennmett. Karel !MERL The inhth , nnerseior:s in ?melee(' haAre beed to an:inde nt* ekletetasulthe edam *Limit imidsissitibitinit little alteration. 'Bark is Instead, detnentt BrizistAteonti ane "atill,end for moat kinds oncies arena tied; In Cnal there is rather more doing.Wotion fa inactive: Coffee le in active request, but the market is bare ofetoek in, "rat & ham Sugar and Molasses are tumor . " Frill Seib doll, In Fruit there is incire dotns No Minnie or Hides. The Iron Market ii dull; holders - ere IRV in their ViSWIL . Lumber ie,selfinK rather more flair Naval Shires have been %inlet. - Fri:Melons - are held with ritoTIS &skews, but thitiansaetioni eit Timited: Aires has advanced. Belt it dull. - Clorenemit bast been Quiet. Teem and. Tobehoit areiitohanged., Acßo is Erin but . withonghotiray. Dr? 'Roo& Bobbrand Sheen, aid Ilardware; there is ti good Imainearedningt and trade holds on well most of the large bonsai aro - selling freely to the West And South." - The BREADSTUFF'S market ii without change eines las tweek, and for Flour the ~dcon times limited, the sales f , otine tie' about' 7,ueema. in lota. at 815.73 for en_perSne.Seeti.2s for ealsos....m la quality, 86 251,850 for family. and $1 eir bht forAner brands. Ineludlet 80102 bbis Naomi" iltialitharbeAterme kept private: the ilea for home nee have also twat moderate within the same retro of to 4111104 y. The reeeipta, are light for the amen. bat the market aimed dal.' Rye - Flour is - torettled e»d tether lowers ealechavincheen made et 44.2541103)(1Wribin. Corn heal is not en much tilitetred for. and t_ON Ws of *selected brand MO on teems Irepteeeret ‘Slemisylva- - nix Meat is offe,red at $350 SP hbl. The folloering is the Inimeetom of Irlouriattl' item for am weekearthecrderelk 2 0 , , Banal' or ;Wail • fee. • m.n r id e dlia ;Z: " 'Total elii- • WHEAT, 6 •The receipts are light-neS limited. arithnyinessententhaAttsiertied ' bar fair lied etmolweittleterree. Rea wleld - Rse fake reseed; Vritheatietof.`4.2ll , • as - 558660. Core is dillf.iled psinee have' Weida WI heeteiriumketnee. • "S, Teb. downs ase at Tiorle foremen, er. r •• ledieller l*V• - _ straq:, vets tee L 4: - Peneakenel ego lir „ • tatas!tatzliioliia.,pallst pßonsuar r o i mageidadot .9ziptVl 44; eoriptitme eft stal esir hittelmn hs Ws at ell&ftaudilidllif hiddAsAtamas Veal end new eity posing ere - fellable Sainte. - shit IlletWSAlL llll 4*.bhe emcee rate, are Wle* for ?Dun InEns=. 'NO tor Wee and eAfo_ for shometrit:ronlirsm-19reers bleats me stendyntenest; 9351 times ruidetd barns . sold et lel , on tiMe Wel at 10029,45: and sioilders at days. , Lard in unchanged: saleas4 toe bills and toe at 113{60110. and3oo kegs at nag ill time. Folid.ueolivaltatter Mann at liteillEmhtelll3 toiye 47,Th. and Cheer+ at it3irtm34o META EX—The market for Pit ISMS is Atli. but dull. and there is poi:violable (Manta to note in notes males o ff' g Anthracite at rkstgLand Sallp tog. months for the three numbers. Or Blooms and NiUsta. Animism. &Tina Boger Iron sell slowly at previous rates-teed le quiet. Among the vales we notice 540 -Piga Salve on private terms. and 110 do Virsinia .45 naafi. Coe nor it very doll Wee of Emillsh a/Resew:m.o Ma and Yellow natal at 20 and Si o 6 months., _ . . . Baitit'eomen in slowly, and the re . is reii tittle Quer citron left in drat hands ; Ist, No.l I, steady at, dB, per ton. , BEESWAX measles without ohange • we iota email osiers of Yellow nt 39ile ASO per lb.- - CAN DL ES.—Enr mtp made atinemstine .there is a stendr inquiry. but Sperm and 'fallow are; threat in° boxes oftthe former were disposed of , mart - fatlnf, end IWO, font— and lax menthe., and Part on private terms. • , . CnAL to rather mots active, brit with increased re - nelote tutees are nominally rutehattyed.•Ttotrate het little shinning ns 'eoteesenetio of the L soarcity sif,.7ssaela and hish rates of freight. • - COFFEE* wantedi but therein no Oinking Ptoin first hendei smell of are making at 13% , 914,30, Jays at lereletin , add -Lagalyra at 14n. on . COTTON.—The ,mart et hne, been quiet; therein bat tittle inquirr, except for the fine graden 'mink are name, and held with more firmness. ff. , inferior qualities prices rids irresalarly ; tales of 900 Weser/it reported, chiefly uniands. at 70)0- from simples, ay le 120 nesh for iniddllns fair, including some lot, Gulls atllelßY.o, rash and time., - • -.-„: . - The movement. since the first of September lint, as compared with the previous three years, is es follow!: Mao. 15X1- 16Se, 1867. Rec. at Ports.. ..3.41 , 3 000 3,185.0 0 2,142 $.BBl RX. to O. Britaill.LBoo OM 1.14000 933.000 • France... 460 800 - 3plool 274 ODD ' .310.000 " other 1. poris. nacos mon 21s000 - 225,002 Total export' ..3.604.000 1.021.000 1,411400 1111,000 Stook on hand...A.000.001. 847.050 -10040 - 658.030 Of whmh during the seat week, included in the above: Reo:at Ports..... 05.000 • 75.000 _ RAW :63 000 Ss, to G. Britain,. • 71,000 02.000 D.= 45 005 France ' tOOO - Me • . 10,000 " other F. ports. 21 (00 MOO 6.050 , 26,060 Total exports., • 70:).040 101.000 t 7.0110 77.000 Biranirant.—rtorietn—faoreageagghe porta, eompared with lest rear.2l3 °Whales. Erporra—lnarease to Great Hntain, hales t increase to Fronee.l3loo; de crease to other foreign ports, iapoa. -Total_ :acreage in exarods. 730,000. . • _ - DRIIOI.I AND DYFS are dull. with sales,. of Sods Aah at 21(e. Bleaching Powders on ertvage terms:- some Crude Brimstone at shout atm; Oil of Lemon at 82.6364 t do. Berg emott at 8337 X. and do. Orange at $1.2.5—a1l six month.. Indigo is firm. but quiet. FEATHERS are nnehansed, with sales of good and prime Weetern et 490.500 WY lb. - FL +G.—Prices era quiet* the store quo - tatiene for adnekerel are 817 25 a 17.50 for medium No. I, 815 50016 for No. 2. and CO:Mall hhl for No. 3. len ehante in Codfish; email sales at 8360 the 100 The , eq 400 qb intale mom. on private terms. and XXI bble Pickled Herring et a price kept secret, saki to hairpin 83 to , 123.2f4fr Old ono new fish. • - • FRUIT.—Two cargoes of Sicily Oranges and temilea have been landing, of.which about 5 (X 0 boxes told at 673i1egt9100 bog. earn quatty.- In other deeeriptions of Wormer' Fruit there ig little dr nothinr doing. Do meetni Fruit is quiet. Green Apples ranee from 8350 to 94 .11Y bid. North Carolina Pea Note command 8100 retaa. Dried 'Apples ars tiro at 561'26.640: -AMP/area Pos3hes commend 100110. Is ,Craabernee nothing doing. the seasbn betas about over.— • , FRENBT 4 .—Among the engagemen .• 'to Liverpool Rae noting 40 hhds Tobecon at 201 per bhd..; •25 tads Nickle Ore at ZVI ; -1.500 Ti ides at2ss ; end 25 snake Tal low at 251 : end some Bark at 40a. -To London the rates are W0274151per ton. To the West, Indus some ensaremerts have been rerorted on terms kept en on vete. We SUote at 400424 for Bazar ; see - 83 for Molasses from Cuba. Tn New Orleans. Alobils, Charleston, and Savannah. the rates are neehanged. Ts Boston the current rates for Flour ; and Grain SY.OGe per boshel. Coal vessels lire getting 81.50 to Boston; also to Rhode :eked: alnlas to New Vnric : 7to to Baltimore and el to Washington. OINSENG,—Thate Is nothing doing in chide or ea rifi4d. end prince are nominal. GUANO.—The demand is increaging . and prieis are firm. Peruvian et 85650060;and Sombrero ttelliug) at W3O per ton of 2 ILO lbs. - • ' = • • .R tiP is very quiet and no 'ales have head reported. mops are dull, en inemee of Porto Cebella has arrived. part sold on private terms t 1 500 city slaughter a lso 'old for escort at a prom kart private. IIOPII are dull : tales of 'Eastern and Weetera et 136 e Ile 40' k, Old Hops are entirely nominal, and they are not wanted. HAY is moving off freely at $144.1.10, and Straw at 70 0750 the 100 lbs. • . . b LUMBEIL—The demand is increasing'. and manilas water are besinnins to corns forward more treelv. A mane the sates wit notice lea OCO feet Oelaware YelloW Pine Boards at 815516, and Susquehanna White Pine at 314011 M feet. Laths command 8L75ct2.254P . M. etc to Int Pickets are sauce. L EATIT KR is more active. and thenrike of all kinds are well sneained end 6 Lin, MOL OSEB tuts been inactive. but 'prices are without change: There is more inviiry for ..prmacuvslities. A canto of Trinidad sold at 31er3Sc ; Cardenas at 2Sc. and Porto Rico at 18tr4041. tame. , • - NAVAL STORRS continue vane quiet; sales MTN This Rnsin at 91.7502. for No. 2. anti low grade-No.l at $l6O. for common.. Tar and Pitsh are an lat quoted. and flealne. For Spirits of Turpentine the demand is limited, but MIMI are unchanged, with sales at 47m45a IX gallon. Olt.Barefirm.lmt the Sales or Sperm rind Mr 5515 525 mostly confined to &tore lots. Linseed Oil is more sa tire. Weil ot Bficiltflo. Lard Oil is quiet t sales - of No. 1 Winter:lLO:SW.oe days....Wasternßed Oil sell; at Mc. 1 mnorts of Sporn, and Whale Oil and Whaler into the United States for the week ending March 26 : Bbis Pp. Edits Wla. Lbe Bone. ' ' • ' 3.460 ma , 46X0 Previously. 5.811 7188 POO 000 From Jan. I to - date...... 7.472 76= 24i.aeo Same tims last year...... 4Ma -21.2% &CM PLARTER scarce, and soft would command per ton if here. RlCE—Prices Me firm• with sates of SOO tierces to note in lots, at 4-VartVo, four months, chiefly at the lat ter figure. SALT is unchanged. and the dealers senerally are well suppl ied :nn import of 1,600 racks Liverpool ground, and one of 2.890 do. fine rermun tin sold. HEEDS —Clovenseed continue dull, and Bells slowly. within the range of Slef to per bus for common and prime quality. The market is Were Flaxseed, and it is taken on arrival at 81 ea per bbl. Timothy is worth 5 3 2 5 Per SUGAtt—There is a Moderate inettiry both for Talk ing and the supply of the trade. and priors are quite firm: sales of 1.100 hhds Cuba. at New Orleans at 63( n ei7 e, and 'Porto Rico at Mem on time. MO boxes sold on private terms. SPIRITS.—There is rather mere dein; AR Brandy. and prices are fully maintained. Gin la qatet. N. E. Rum arils at &ammo. whiskey is dull ens lower ; sales of ls at drone Penna. do at 2Ditt.V/40, hhde at 21021)4 and drone at Z 35.20%. TEAR arc quiet. and ',noes - Very firm :for both Rlnoki and Greens T i eLLOW is in fair request. and considerable sales of nits rendered have been made at 10 - gc.—now generally ileid nfi hi A t ik r o . remkins inrMtive. and tlie -Wales (7f both Isar and roromfeeteved have been modstaW at f,rmer W en" is rather more incnrT,Sted prices are firm with semen business to note In ammo and vollert pt fr'ont IN to PO per Ai gh, PUFft