1.41,-;14.V.k , n < 1;:f ; !?Ze .--'-' • t , , ' • -•,. •-"vi ' - -,,,-'se",-,',....,v-iikentmoiratoititit ~koinew, .• , . ... ... .-,..> . .. , 11 ' 6610 br i ii, .--- Let_ T theiorbMio ' . bt * V S - ' s. I • \';.4,,k • - 4 , . 1. , •-• , • ' , ~, : l:i, : , : ilkki •'. ' via' " ,' l4 *-', .., , . ' L , iv..4444 1 i pa* , er d =At. itk i . & ''' t ... , P",,,7 ' Wise; Ottoyorir , , - , :,',.' . ' .. .•-.•4441. 94,- -' , ''. I:t-; S'''Filliilidllit•dith -- tiriini s trek TO 1 416"? t1C44.• sraVolteithrort ' i iiihro - * ''' .haelii,l4ll4iii , : t al GoodaihN t i afire ~ Irolit i lhollhoir , • f n t4W.4o**** - AtiAli*WiiVrniiilkOtl l o il if - 4 * 7 14,,,Pi' itt sZ ' t*°47ll°e. _ . ab l * . 4 l o;althkikh44ll - .. proikt ,i ii . lii- hi di 'fc'• 0 ..4 t , tlo O . ertrosi revs,thiriorir, PO ~ iii/W64l:4o l4 r•Okiligil;liat sii - cilb6 . It sitar . Ohi o 1 ••,. 0 Pries N V • T4 Petter'r. It 4. 1 0,4W44, 1 t OP 01,0 . 411ttio, Ado dilleety s M.PCioor go S_Slathaanky, Ind theitja id Sitattitikat;-,Thip . marom• iiaditi.4, i ?tietwir, C onn :, w Cook'. Sotoonm orav_ iteit :iiiii*noiii - fi l d i N s oiT e .ll, k io f J floalVi e qacia . : vrazvcan , ,i, ~..- , 040, i.p4;:irAtrtetr:tkorsairiTt looks a pm- Mir 1114 ""er t Aid ' . '19, / i a teigiP " ra ' - , 4 Geo Potts, Ti, . . -. :1 1 .0 1 . 1 4,M10k--:.14- 11 , 11 .,1 11 4 1 . 11 04 1 7. 13 4 011. 'ii t )40114P •Irollo-.-eatiTta; .4.e. beia; etyma. is T . improsibiAs:l494 namthlnsasini if' asWith- ~ , L AW ' cedi r . Va „_, II Crawford, Va • 11414.011 f SIiaIICWSki4S;SIOSOISI , iaI• DSO D g a# 1 1 . 0 1 :00o - . rt s t n .- 7 - 4 n - - - 'mg AY 'theenetif - alibi* - aliacidth •or " deli. ''- I B umw ati l ltekrln I idlot t iFl N ap t ri ' y dams," itlk.Salik alitillatitt la.* rdloir_tedfirdeld A B Wardliger!Pa nik ' S Goshonl. Vie *001 44 0" ''!.....,..:=. 1.1 . °C . A. ....fr i k e I _,.` & . ._tbm* - ra t e,_ .!: i.l. Vr e t rigi ' yntiztixt mealle'..;sw.thims, num- " the oared° /emit of IC 0 ilorium l u. Bait 9 it A. Antony. New York th R- 110 *;1 0 *l7 4 :inin mi .". l . i . ,1 4• 343 1" 0 7 egagigyMnr7, l ll` - 11 R mitggvit;: r4 ' the oratte - !!shisaid theil !asp, the cable Itself - ^4oMeerw tlt . .0 De Raiding, wash. D C wilt kik faikenti.,4isiinnylortitat event be Ins-• ij i g l n,dl3; 4.1..., 151ci Pitcher ,e'illgmt media/sly mipPliet with another " attachment .' , Ar y n n u ri err i lk TM eableAth igthitallon WelgtMlibeak one thundeed A infic, 7 N to kww : Tjein'enir t i ti a rkl in iPe a r i !if ;i r r or 7 k *rk and Any puiu*Sla,kti estimated to be ,hil t' equal i n. ) frAg:gt, Ve, . ' tnigast eo to strength* saordthary Cable et the , same pro- ,__ ' ' ...... . - ' w ow, , r ~ - ' - -,- -2 , ' ~ -, - ‘ . . - _ BT. LOUIS HOTEL-Oneetnet. Om Third. _ Th. Waal Whidi this llVllitipl, b 7 Kr. Wright, 3 PI - a, filgeorenra" v al t in to s i tc hoo reined io4 y, has_ l / 4 47 44 biat iivii fel iatetv t, blit ia thn ii "h uwa tilit . .16 1 7F.Il lea r i rml, -, , IR LI p li s it it is h iv il a rl i d ik; N . I tee; Wiriptie. liii iiiin*, uth.':'tiseerevesowies r .wti t rWebb .: - fitlIi::: 111°44;:iffx 1 i . will *Naha° • llo .4 oo94 AthKiiibeit *ill be , 6 or e , ' G A reirtfiZi. pa a -- L Amid,. .-10.4yweit WSW/4 4 to th a mirth sad" th e F Wthigi. N 1 1 , as' ere - lient'ithilisis,' VA& ......Thrglojui , ii imp" ••• o t 411Cruch Detroit' • • il li h ' Fi rt on T eA l et i , N'Y ' - -..-. •••••• - ~,, ••..--c•-• - - , ..t - :II wolf., • Y • ' at wa r ranted. Plots. 414?u,r44 /, ..h• yrirdatiod to halt ,i 017.. shed nirett. -; The_ : s C sawyer. Mose -. M Bordm an A wf, N Y 9W*. • Itgt• - : ritinil;t 4- . 4-,4 onsid._ sivt_,. biPail. L u W b itlitd ir rSlZD ' e I , : CATal,s7g: Wadlotown eittlegh *r AIN of handred , intos bilthen. . ' AV.,11 Painter. Westollostor J 0 Shore, Phila - -,Wet may stank Jii , gondolas, that, tor oar own C ' La e " ' 3 Y -- - - joo is asatiethisatteri.`ira do no% elates in- ' rignion4,•• havtlth.qdniona - ne pniettoal ses,Awing men ham bessi.eniressed that's Alp at amther;, in alinidij sidn„wontd ' tide` With g reater NlS and ".sat: ' , with the all of: t . this - deed*, sl atteehment," than with thiiii:Ordblem egibilig ;"_,411 who examine tkartissioditht4 Ite_lithignithry thinatons affair, iirrumb;daiptigniiataiiiiim at it by the , person in sttiokiliew lowa bat in doubt of its complete rillikithlitt7 , • --- - ' ' : ler3 siteseke t ' and ss~eaL awn s o Peithilied. aid is - essay eseicals the sene*. er nt idt:teeitte hisbese ibastmLbe Pneer tenentre. that woo reliable .reodien for re- - feAskii: tea beeetiokind easily of *noise, is almost wore tbaa baits: omen Snead Miele& bit London Testers' 4. - enter; bet we • destitute of this eauentinial anal, ode 'le , 414111.1111) MAN OCIEFM)I.• Immune. wee drieltiatodin the oily of Pew York; *nal its list se biddisieuetirnibteentseidel w ine nitereakend bass iiiikedlued`eith itirlioptetars; beeete of the illesitieif *tea OrliellY stead Itie fee days of ' lab ystifof isreneesa,ia leirieltork; and the sweet fettle eat?. It litbstelauti to -ha; Properly spertudend by tie edeestioaireeininualty. Amen ill paWerlief many of lb Wein/ edestors of the stn= rat dente& r beep rsianied al eat Of the initial - tease tbereonstry: beset we wish to oall - attention to its leading obsieb—remily.to sad in MOO, in , And him yetis, ead r oulleies with oiravitc# teaches aad AA a beobestier iseereini, niesslitted books, so •-i:,=; • tle - otedseeters tine eslitito bream neeasinted with terishi*4 itikebite:VerAreto. this' sou eine - reliable kospecessents. • bey an 1210/11$•fliteril odugation. °r em sueessez fal eirLeolinesi as tieddten. beim will able-to lode* of eidualltbdeloniattetehere.' AO - traitikes'i their Ml*, • *a*Ntle• ifiNgwiik at Lthiiitriatesinals "mat be Atli» toteriptent Ode tier vill - isoktsiteauissi. iseconpeumt aid's sweat Imo 'or erne ,tabi right 'ermine to the. triekt 'etrn - Airlateil• dotes Tatiylaciw tilde** dee* depostee of efentedite doeserrebe tie better esiroole of eentny.-. bedates elia seldom him iimpormositY - •v!r• Molinari** tbroiStaltil 'berate* lb.- molts • tie beeolitirbiel. they would ystioniso; Ansa it is ainindet *at- %boy Anal; have eons Ewa medium thateardilqao)l iltog Jew* Nan Oes gortioibui of good Jkaistcii dlciawia -Issdreggif "el•Pfoay awd olfeetstally molt Nagar of tie edwationsi liisetta or ea:atm :lts 'lawmen, aos onorgotio. bosoribli, war graittiortity SW. Wo aro wirtsatai eoliout:ease. oatonstioartspoosses won sad - ,sitottlargte: win Ow sore ad son prom,- itself a s:. 4l # 4 l;!*ollteleit.EdoostiOnsfAursop 1t o~tr~D'Platt.—K - thotoso, Bower, Slatit iderfill3s litiffiitrallogi wat asifit gadjogi-, leg awdhissat,,lt 464405a10. t „olloioitt:seentativo sifsgo aiiiiillfidagottsaiwida if law garostAkessadtg • liodoi.iiidlt:,thealligOiW Osoikg oodstitatot tdosSistialit !Said Jmfe4liifitgodfeitte tdrat-Of lows fnut.7 tattoos; gaistwaso 1 glass • new . sasadod thesedigsso ea istraisusblo tosdadas for bsededAssa isd,j patios. soasttgatioposad irrog Wat.ftisoof Ake listen • 'mu Ina! vow 4sp.Lai;iit . —ln soother pirt of , ' osr,peper lords, inn feesdittie own of hlrs Conrad. IfeckfilifieS,asitealiews Lei .ffieriag Weis- Tirestrisdy temiiiirsorbe are aesialot-' -ed' • Wads illipertment; are - :miff that the libelant novelties of the muesli iii 6rsftfgssdiahsi'itooki!WAN* ito ere set. Mia100L.04111111014711/ 16114tigidthg hit .•!ffpontrg) , bolieiits;of emirs deleiistioa, are lastareeietestitthe ^ - Vitiltisto Alsadide. 7 4atattelit. Murdock Wt., iiliibiits adatellassousteed. resiattiateliwailiheisieews, Reett - Afros, ,414 a *we sketch - froin tie Pideriek - . ..ttirisic* no. -mi . vieh " , tegtsiniseesitvvkisit mot* , iatiolveted. sea the winks Viiikielithekiolieedis ere kvbe toplind. will, Be ilealAi:kttnisknOvensiksik - flee adirttiesseati • "'lftistosi yowl ladies of ~., , „ • . .thekitiiireWerstiwalsaelsool Olga gevisital .. , -„„easkite&easeo' tc-esercowetwaher. • .1.4 newest Peal anoseds ei r theweseera IWO varehaee of a for the use Peens of the „whoa _Besides aohic tif Pod aims& preitarati 'et Waiie will lead their ^ sasgslise; We prillet ea eisrllvelwalsoese: Wait saillaireet tilli i,Sled to tiara that Labia, tbe'liorldrienotraed • polismar et ?rail; has witelaished as meats in this the-isle of hie lams Powderraweallatewid ' with it. ewe, wider Wei* Seasneston. To he ems. thiifeaVe weigiatloasiwwweli.led, which. lb far frees *Bevies the irrititiest of the skin haeidiont 411itt , ishatir. prodiee , st. lad Aso isairrir rail to dam, *sift °CAW' trefeeff., whelwele seam= WI Michel laiihthe It. Z. otitis of Fraith sad Smith streets. It he. he obatiaist K all the triseii,lArat ltimiilati6 - AM I biky "SlLatii, Welabit'AtWaliaartwitt' ightildair hes truss save intifogri sidgeatlea toss ear other *swine weeklastallirevarid. „Itie eltelth!. itrws.aadsnrsof - do* deattwo i l liedeeeor Ailed far oiterlit - • . tam, Wessicee, AO*, ;119) tamisiest street; eyeterbesit tragedy,' is NeWirott,a4 the eiadovi... lelostioat sod lb. fe - vitive.: to stir se aoa ` lid to mks, 41 - Tab* , ling , Ta c all;waireekt ser4lwee tw' readies^ ant. meths et the *oath's ;weer &Wight mesh* Vairwillassei.Cietidair Bea of tookkill & Wal - sea, Neale twel fie Cliestsiit street, above Sixth. • - jiiißeff - = hiviiinte to eve, lawietimes I'm low, linlibeasslNl ',a hills. , • Illesseueseareshish.seaseasWee l'atkrar .^2'c • Swieetisses Pa swift. eliwettweel'ss slow. `niessedesiii f some ivitiovessenei mai iikifiliailevies Soso " miloutsis kith. lama time leal.sed the bessar-hr ;.^ - , 1 Watimigistisetleahetenea thefollie do, erSkt sot. bay of Granville 11486 , - • • Ito. iN Cautatrt MINOR ARIVAB ,111t-niticeit spTritiirs oiewozyri, ze!T. 4101MTSICTAti4. Z. obirser of Ntiat&aad Clestast. I Ph usr,,g,,. i v . .l, - •.. fia11t.b.,.. - " Iv y., 14:4::' gout emot t4,n%. ~, 7 , , A u., 4 7 , Znart,,, :