The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 28, 1860, Image 2

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    'it€ 4' ? -
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4° ‘.. • . 4 4 4--.4,r.4, H. •41 4 :4. ‘ h
ft. 10!$.
,•FIW 1 1W' v ,
ihilimartyl** l i i to*,
.44,010,, Yift%
r -
, y ' „_
.. , .n I.o,Mikeim,r,, liuthl. ee
•.' 4 1 11sailalittal. allweeTlMPreitat V. , V. .s-... -, t
- Watinurtimet, Ilareh MlRO
ril.- Yit' ,4l 4aal - bair4 Clair tattlitarbtkilastatas,
offemPlimpartenktmidiony take* . MOM Me Com-
Il l tu "fl a• -NlaiPll#o.l*P"satlte 011 Veil* to
trP4lita,4 4l ; 4 ; ol oFipvillig ;set'oks,ettit
b__,'lt*t'oriiki sibs?
~ 'laistlig toidi,isoboolA a
..retwoo_ • tee Os esansaympuit :tet,theteheirsesei t
sew, debsit. -llnakini based yea this isseimmy,
-1 0 1 0 0 4 1 sial Unita - cotlankttaa bon b‘l4 in' Me :
1 00* eliktiti. Tailed .-.** AI MUM ,of thi
• Pueitue 104 Of Weer Yorke ibt tbaPatPsas
liditecohly n tiailler , larestirtitm 134 the OM-
Matiffult thik - enald ttaCi - the .Adatiallah.libai
iia* - 41 itto o 4 llilittOtf;" tad ,aso : thlto abo!
to' tii*iiiik - ii.wla • pitoult,figsiii , :i4 ,u.
top , l!easloomill44 •usosims• ; Qom cow
ism." , imws tan retied•Wthaiboltali aa`Sit - Mtiao
tsar Olitbr, blatiltOSTadaiale iffrA4#*.fatiii!,
ikfolos_ikrl44o-04 1 : silliatbsa, 0 or rob .
*aro! rhAentot himself Si , Maimien ot• (be
fitatidly'bitimaittee alif , Ptibiletw WatfisOhltile to
*e l * *alba* alb Sahansiltiesaalaintition.
'‘-tp* , .. `4446 .*_ iilboo•iaaite,cbr the
ii champ; Abe bee t e ll a* -I stem natazatat,
has palled - Wife his ' Witmer miter skims ;
OA fdtboalii asst2-ibstVottittcana.'4ie eautsidad
44 1 0 1 ai l ii 4 i i al"licri of till: . ''" 4 atnittaot who
Warr sialloae to amain ths Prisaidei4 Zook% ma :
kis mineisteisrerreral holdly.aadrodendayleld
•-b 6444 ,,, t )t ib l esat !be' ',tibia, , 14 !. MOM ,to .the
asscgi " , '"ri#it trlpoito. ab.
: i*___ ,01'4011dtgaililibliglid• Mt.
. , saw, saw mugs& to .Sltildiatek the
ethsammeetam, toillo lay Wore the 'People of
11/4114litt ibtalsil la ahatotymedit mortally the,
• .10 1 , 4 .PP1N *PS Wttes Stria admemlned, e,,,
plittbiaMrseaperiderentimMUmestailly asserted,
that*** Mir UM beet'mid et former Prod-
Aiigia - )Hortahmk 40ka howeieriniedi sea may
baf ic: Ptlftliti altilhOltaa'Salast ei• t sesoheal ea of
epahlis • sMinatoktha mama! the pier's* , }lmes
, Cm imd We eller lithium', sod 'their betrayal of
the stook imbitpletitspetie whisk they wire ele'va
tea lite pettier, are withaula parallel in all Went
at-1, I bars Stated Outset ,etel„, did they mabine
hark Plerpoio Osstfiklaig dowa - teUery irdepacd
itell , lenimemit who reflood to ADM Mizi when '
#7. , 40 04 1 oatt* treat tali** bet that,• la
tilidaf to rev f iA no* who ail Ulna. dash Orel
Aura their , hda, iabe she pubis • tummy, ead
hilisbiti elm money it aspire with inliceened
W2t.- I .Wilint` Ptcoliisift , -;: TIM, angst written
.„ ;liitaitiie is bit . onto of Cesium" Di* will 1
, vilhe irsanin iaiititchAtinir'imiligasy win,
• _ he triarielitsit tollpoiderity.,t. Bear It mind that
every statement made
,befsrs his eommitter eat
ii#o ,iiiitik .44; 44 that ad Oita instance '
tatty af , the enitheallegaliass been disproved by
'Whir PidO. - I , —• - ''.., , e.- , :
--iilfie sir the President .each/ dawn hum his high
eceidons -and aldot ;the adttataltat 'Praia of the
***P lan k 112 ' the purpeu of sualklalii now/
stepimftiodieeted alone to the inaintanattes of
Intlyst rlfe emt hint t eampelliteg . the Government
mitraeterklitie 11r;lfentiaill;to eestribute out of
their, sandiegs,, to isplittin Oki election of faithless
Wreastatathis la torrern ! , We see hint bring.
iiter fatorlteeLto Washlytote, and paying them. for
eialustulatioY blot plait end his beat Mende !
Pfs; behold the national organ of theAdiseinis
‘Wit:ea In the hands of en unstustpulaus, Moto.
, itilitie jot
,Ilalitt ' in nobleman, prostituted to' the
, awls,' smelling to amanita upon private
f ehosimers, '.7.maindts pair ,for by the ill-gotten "
_prod hi wring oat
- of the *Witt patronage. The'
ethWietiea in-Mr.iliaklea report will ponstitute an
-ladletuteit YAW the Ailialalstnition from
ft irillneveb n ietri. Thif will Mae the, bails il
the Opposition '-oti dellig_6•111•11at year l '
they mill be hurled agabett tieneral Foster; is
Peoesylrasia, like so many imisistibl• prretilee,
wad will'mundly sanotylish his orertheow ' un-
P flU l 4. ha * 4atit it Ar# ol ; duidt. Au* .
•;pief doh* so the ' 'adasefts, itt saitidatattle an'
arau .thou wont Ai 011fAroisity spew morrow'
Mid MiprecoMMai itititri. ' No party km Bre'
thakretases to Imam» suck eoaduet on the part:
rot ism is °Zees ' Thhal4 Per issianos, of a Demo
;matte_ candidate - 1;4,41 , botersUnd to soloist the
rcutraciobeary charges ogilust the •President snit
- ,hkelltMlimt, contained in the testimony sad report
- ,of Itr.lialkial`itabiedttee ! • ~
• :'":".. I hire One underlie smarted la Of; Mrs-,
'liabeinte that thetbemeratin party' milid not be
'hidd responsible , -for , Mr. licalianan'a betrayal of,
*Ktrisit end thkdibietion of his pledge*, and the
Marmot the Ditammithe candidate' is to not upon ,
th l 4 eilasitittek add la 1 . ii4v• lila /0 14 7 frost die
geseind detest• tha t Otkeetielia4o. controlled
'by the neeisOillynt to se a m , of dhow 'upm
phltiliVicer - NAV; thereat Madidtitm . of Charleston
*Blip limn '.7 MINA imineed, s c at smog. " '
,;.this (ct gyi B o ut. mak or*. Douglas and ot ,
* flinch that nil, one dollar ef tbe meaty thus
figlimisitY siparthil Masi v 4, 4 le Dill behalf. OD
ittlWittltor iii it raga I. ' to erect his over.:
' 'tzthswitt to bent dawn 96 - Malan who dared, to
- eireintanyeryaMy with him hats gallant son
- - Velfarthirimpat &Maim et - nsifferarament. Ms
in.o - ,,..ifeicaa• '''' WW l * bathe wattlfamorth.
104 Z 41° isivown o 4 44 .dity *hie.,
rigi ' tildadaat:, **Di* sturiout•that be so.
hded' limit; etn &Mae. rebottles against
UMW lidemdiaralles lit ' Dllao4 he was Male ,
I kki#. o 41bi i . 11 ‘ ifibe atii**vmk, lll o ll 4.
• licKsliAl#:iit , zfotieji iiison the , WEI . f ,
;Tugie'sjmmi t as; and mmi,pm start ho boldly
*Dr'MIN& attacks Orb:Till/17W./ thaal DP to pub- )
' 11.1rXelif.' This Mae : another , to his - incy tildes
f'P .- 1 1 _0-ace - o - biltincii and''rilaiii• "I
cannot sat
'' Mc sews or any other candidate named fit the
Omission Oonveationi tor, while most 'of them
were t beilins,:iiistoalat or MOD Oa* with the'
reckless lflfaa proceedings of the. Adage's WWI, tin/
agwip t g l iasil with thi Admiedimatioa,med with
'Pe, saw wbrelsolott -, Oder Its whim in its pro
. • seeiptheas et lasfepeadent Demoirats, sad in their
= rialit 44 . I h. - :fer til ‘ e. Wilt. ObelYed the
' '- of tlta Men la Paltat• - '
f, Vo'inhall filf doubt him, OM, fliOlithe thDIO in,
tho-NoOmi - prier to the meeting of the Demerstle
Walittailt tioaistinem 'Other reports will follow OD
14 /14''Alis, Alaimo rare smcm will be , presented
-, to Nee hatatitall people. ; 2
I, it iii, at gro u t miltske t• saws th at all the.
Setethera men *re animated by a,contrasted and
i."ionitdr 'POW ' ktarst mai daY old !drub
fiDlit gluon' or. the BASIN who bliij SPPse
alitilths, weir wide& Ms look Softie ilPla the 10'1
. lAA Dentosistsitho initial 'wound "Tai ' Prat'
Viette:eitticr t "I'o6 set lb. rebels with open
mit -- I•o44:llsiria. It is. stgpallitaut that
-littat:Setha Allriltlitilltod lielittard Rea entertain
viitillidrittit soh* IMMO whiehantstate the man
at the : ` - M eehan .. _Democracy with Meta to_the
' = o6 ‘ , nh' sand at tho was alai audit', the',
_ _ _ sitiniflitiSit s fOs Douglas ead hisanPftetiers ,
A Mat Met a few /Wage, Cot Jame eardaer,
ofstegmbi, GiOrgis, wbo, while twepencies with
bb's 'AltitlialStlatiOn le its - gireiel , peal*, and
#ooo4fiii•:)4 9 ,i'.: ol l o sig ~
..310/10ea of lie
Asll l 4.4g . ,"kosigii Atiodo swims), Ilia gin . : 1
• lima. , th ed lie - Mas -Mum - .I: AM made his sa i
*manhole- 4tetatiheaiiihi ail the *duty ant
1 141"A.alttiffew itaglituder, with the goulsl spirit 1
pt Acialdhalaati• ' OiaalTflti.aaaathalat Position
• in the Deniesraiki party of his pate, he makes
pellharticomiday, taidebneilisee; and although a
*iiiirlaite'faitatie, le cue :c! the wit . leborims
asiti'S . On la ,tlie AMU/. 26 ii
AL '' : ilitillri4ii/i/alti 4 ' ' ' 'I
' #l l l 4 4 l 44TrAt/1 44 14111411tid jelinath the Ayoub 1
elhosMaiststosielsarifelsoras all over the ifoutb for the
- at 1W kW awl
be the isioeis of Its misaigo-
` i l l #4
I fk4il, * tfitoldfad la' tatab.'
40604- a 4. -t t lines - paper ages as •
1 - , :iiii, lit ai :,.P4f4 , apidt://wrog - OW at Alit
'aissti'llourtir , ithaippliodikyiur r Ism over
AtriayglittiAsit ter ilissor, s'Aedor in appear-
Aleti feetbinfep*ltli ite emente. , Gordocoso.
- Alsok, 1/0 1 1 1 0seta 144 et this hind httostiog for
1141104/VO 1501`itherti eireidetion meat blame pro-i
'bale != that there orsic sr- mat mount of mum
, *Pad to ant la thi'fieatit;itid that tia, neat and
-.-- _•_,'
a iitiet:#4l4 be " i 4 4, t ta' ' Osonti 'is i
' 'ltili *kr_ 1 1 1 *- 441 PIA a large larlial We
- I.l 4 ekoPiirte, slit &malt' a'greet deal of hin
'sdilemicantid tire. - ee, I anilliti elinteilieti o thareitore,
' 611 itsafat Pr i ill ' aPa•
'• lasaibrci ~ '.. ~ , • : ' '
- ' 4 : - -141411 - 4444144eitMotti sa t ethri ii Iti- friori:
iitzulustioest Dr thoeurase if floteglui hal f hel4
-'lie, ' Will , ; Aff'llllCallObt#l.o:l4ldb! and
1f,170#0 0 4•0 404***; ,itapDOuteg ti
claalia. aiiis* ' 744:«R0a4t7 as
- ***l. but ' '&4014 light iik thiMeass o u t h i hr i i,
' ' 1 ',;lllaillAtatt Bitifeseht,MPee - ot , ok•Otsti of Deli.
'ill*fit thic' ff elleOtes. 'Wliiiiiiitt .Artillithy r
4 1 01 1 . - ** l l o l,o 4l ll.lad h dtl o arlid o ladasistrauseug
' Silliftlitall' baost b0r 1 4,0 4. *O .- 40411y
, •
•'lb(i . " , ‘MitheillY Oietiiis# aii Ow'
V -4;74t'
Or** tilitobalf, to idterom amoral Black,
pierstar7 Cobb. and &entail Thomption. 44 Th.
pia -or saylatlier," Robert' Tyler, Hon. Henry
PbtittPo. sad Eau: Willima If. Reed are
leatilied with -420.0006Mtriee Mr.
t s haLiatto , boo pees tha I r tiVllCP4adond sit
!the years of blkaotive 'stadia itider
tiluinam Hitters, the oonlideedial. hi WIWI otio . `
pimion,of Mr. - Proharian, , ,istidlsartietiri gresid•
daughter of the illestrissai harm
e ider, who was
a Mee of Mr. ItitteriC.--, Bohm sad 'no object since
boyhood bat to assist in the nomination for the Yrs
debOY of James Badman, and to aneomplish this
objest has spent a largo amount of money, apd has mason and out of season. Ale was ap
- P* 6l 4 o 4..iribitrbt: Attorney by . Breildint Plense,
mom Huidurnin; and was held over
ft l4 .°X. , Ib o, .lottor -by, the, commas consent of
ell theleilitittlatta, Its year State; until it Was as
-4060* tbat fie was rlitilineed to resist their ma
"orfier 'to 40,41014 1 , tktnnstavel to
theyrr•ddeit, Mal a; ft,: 'no* time to show that
they, eahrierba Indinidated, they managed, to ob
tabi poseemion of thedelegation to Charleston,
Ch. 104 *habt ctottiraitts;al,, and to rule out Mr
Vewdyke, and eit who pyinpathhied with It
ts , diMenli to>ma im that the President should
hays bitakliillisig to - -yield to' these ineuenoes,
Mad to cue. Who was so long ,and lo' sin
;Midi Ai friend '— . :capielaily view nf the feet
that Xr. : Vandyke Is known to hold in his rises•
slow many important swats, Including certain
MAWS •octimoted with 'the campaign - of 1856,
'Width bail *Ma t*nded hie care.' DOS you
Wive oity -4 recollect tilt treMment of others who
bora rialto as iwthuate Mations to him me. Van.
In edema retire yourself for this new and
somewhat stutlingilempitation. .
tire'eppointmsuCuf Osage hi . Wharton as
feltedt Statie ,Dietri c t • Attorney .in the pleat. of
le.. Vandyke is oharieteristie of the spirit that
aataaatei this 'General dansinletration. Mr. Whar
ton Mail, Into the Demoorati•party in' 1856. Up
_belonged to the ; toned
edema astral of politicians. AU his- tastes and
irympathisi were arrayed against the Democratic
pirtY. ',finding, however, that there was no
Once of - promotion in the ranks of ' his natural
organhation, and lettered 'by the idea that Mr.
Bateman would be true to his original affinities,
hojered Our forem; and rendered no other service
to Hitt terrible Straggle bejond oecaidonelly pre.
' ddirgoverameetleg or presenting certain cora
mon-plaeo.resolutiene. - .
Hiaaristeerstisfeelinge were soon responded to
Buchanan, and; before many weeks of the
ddestubdrithin had elapsed, be was token into the
- ellibrael/S at di Visitant, and occupied a position
on the left hand—William B. Reed being on the
'tight.' 'Bo you' see the 'Donatioratio party is being
well Messed by. its early and late antagonists.
The captains and lierdenants who have fought and
bled In the good muse, covered with the Soars that
tall' of many a severe straggle for our common
Irrivi been degraded from the plioes
they bad so ,worthily,widi ; and the men of yodel..
day; the recruits from the ranks of the bitterest
'trawled of Unsnarl:Mersey, ace put in the lead.
#eibthi Aimimiemesits.
...There will tie in afternoon .ni well ae evening
Perieernesoe, tide dey, at Signor Blites Temple of
_Weiniersi . and Thlielon'e Art Theatre, danderson's
Seidl:Atkin Iteenmi . eppoeiti Tonle' Hotel, Oheitaut
4t; the Nstlonal•Thestre, there will also be af-
Memos and evening performanees, "Mr. Ward's
Mission to China," oWeiieb oteasion,' with a groat
vetietj of eqrtastrims and ether instil.
The complimentary benefit to Mr. Dan Riee,
whioh is ammatmed to tako - plme on Saturday eve
ning,- will be a !Pinpoint termination to a most sue
osseful swum.— The Great Show is bound hence
for Bailment. '
To•riormow . imams. Mi. Charles Noyes, the
trainer and exhibltorof the Womb of Dan Itioe's
titimitAtiow, will Present his olefins •to the publics
io the wily Of a benefit -- He offer's many induce.
*sate; alsd,the programme presented is one of the
bat thithaie been offered this sealson. k Mr. Frank •
Drew-will ammo the motley, and will appear in
the arena as clown, being only the second time that
be his appeared in that espsolty. Mr. Novel will
eisS personally exhibit all of the trained anbnals,
and itestri.'Jaelt Landis, and Van l3onbont will.
rMifirin Om of ~ their. choke Ithloplan seines
Pete -Atkins the great will, daring the evening,
ale make his eppeamine; aid, together with the
whole trispi,milkinalie tide event the finest that
tics bees given at the -Nationil Chess for a long
Mr. Noyes !swill ernlth7 ot smell en ovation,
hope 'that we will not be' disappointed In
thdiahligthat he great hove. -Let it
be io.•
• Guitar Sacs or Phalan WAIOI ean FANO?
GOODS, it ORD.& OP rag 811111UPP.—The large lot
of annwitaa mid English plated ware,-Paris fans,'
tiny "goods, brotuss, =finished work, glassware,,
tie:, :to be sold thh woman, at,-10 o'olook, by
-Se a% Jr., asotionaer, at lie, 428 Chsetant
street, Is sow arranged toy examinatioa, with cata
logues.: -Tim attention of the trade la invited to the
I.r4 4 r.iintothiinlat goods to bi
say, - by eider of the ibarlf. N. B.—Theina
eitimayi stetais, 46.. will be sold at the Sanity,
412 sad 414 Pram street, on Thursday morning,
29th „ ' - ,
Rum Rosnacnum.—Baren , Rothschild, front
Pasils l arrlied to Philadolthhi oa Monday, and is
sitting at thaVili7ardMease.
• - Irmiartiaav Naws.or Wossh.—The new
nombir, dated KOZOi1; lsth, fast, ressivod from,
B. A. /boil's* Camtputy, 'tattoo, Us asap.
,pletalat stool portrait and Memoir of the Bad' of
thmtliaput, a sottnioty of English iiiiitery,and so.
Os) Nit. fliers - ire, also, inamiams line toograrlogi
:TiMeasivr AID NIOZZL Wouaa, and 300 aorta
of land, will be' mid to-morrow morning, at Cam
den, N. J., try M. '3 ligsnes dorm. They Minya?) ,
Mtge pia' ea Teeeday next, at the limitumge.
-3 Sib iiii!!l'l!belwiras•
. . „,,
~ biILiDIPIKILIA. Arilwar. vOlintsittten Or THE
N. li - Oeneacia-4/laret DAL—The Conference met
lestezday morning al the usual hour. The iticancination
of the stated. the Parton' deducts was resumed, and
toatiatied tout pearly tea o'clock. •
• At thihAtor hour, the roaelation before revolted, from
the OMNI Cenhrenee. toter tor co•tteeratioa of the
hay. with the °Way Am , : the isanciel afore of the_
elitarehmar hikes at. The resoluttonver non•oonouried
is by area largo maker! .:" - •
The resehttlott tone tire Eht Conferencepreesina I a
ti-leetwey .theoie ne OPP tag Attention of the ( general
Coatinattathwee than called 10. '
' Asir, i l. it.' moCartar *em i ts an able tad ali.arec:ier
eiiao7rtellkgisihh. tpte-,„,atra'anhthea.:::
'2 4 :d pot
oitrath(l47`,7lll, arrayed every 1;4:
pi rue 0 eltore, nOtdirs. The 444 ) sr l umina the sub-
C:4 0 2 7 °l . lt!rdhli stit,., arm all news with great
e lltiTtehn AIWA, mialcies tin t?! . l2t3.leoh e tt t :t r itre l li
reZtroa me
- 6 • ".. . n .
Mina . tt.alliFt e ete. • Vote. , l '
Eh nesse ma amodtotelle tie yea and nags
ea the iseancon oteemearrino is the PA. tesonation.
A soma pow wee then ordered to be Meets. and the
hob Wawa conealterme in the Me reeelution by the
Atnowterrote: . .
. Almond too i;a7froot the frovidena 4i:14 - emus.
P gife . C4VATtLfttro e aint tcftli:lmmaftp V'etivae! -
-mm bonnie, or asthma pled, women. or
cililui, intik an intention tqatslare them," wee thou
utheau t t e &ter a le:at , he bap, the resolution was
l bi eonear. wi . ru" ' '
at to coneWi.. . ' ... .. 171/ 32
' - A reeehttiour iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .alitiiii, cod id
shaker temp, menthe thaohntati Coeferenee, wu then
votrituoru by a rote of lig to U.
armee then went into as election for delegates to
rlb _ moral Con Isrenue.
g Behar paacenioed that the Conference was en
ti to yr.derseates.
Hare. Arkegnaulibant. and Stith were appointed
. tne whew were cordon.
ma* Wore wore omi six the voles. the report
of , ektooom Netoinary, at en lionmport, wee read and
,rose to the Xdueetion Cookouts*.
' he Wert united to count the row, which oPttation
las pot tiosoluded at, the oleo of the session.
BY Telegraph to The Press,
CAPrOII OF THE iritSies,arazia
2640VA1i o f VANDTILIA.
110„1114?UtON Mfig n AvopTED By TEX
Ihrectet. pastime To " reuvrallee.")
Much gl.lllo.—it is eseetted in hush
teettem that, oetwithetuding the ihntiel that Clerteht
Tonesioa olotatiae the hputialt-htegioen
Oder 'Wm. Ike Adiandatraillar heft were,
ettenette - of the lithos out of those attention in edentate.
:thinieehling lune Vanes for the Gait, 'Ltd that Corn-
Otolietirkevul, *Me Amities* vanadron. was stott
Oda the - iateattoo- ofiloutatow to ova himself of
the aseiitteee of the Soda powers in Cabe, and di
rotted to *Oen .01 . t• Wahl"
TYf lealloval b tlo-fi'rosiCoaG of Distria - Mtmusi
VAOTK* bao suited OM" 41101141011 hire.
._Wo:itsvootitMtilsr moor oft km Ammo to-sight,
taittUrotod elate' Marolial Yost , will also speriMir
.tt.d tha t Jidge I;OVOLLII
eerritd lisiejonir of the ,doloitatto to . Charleston from
**Witt/dim: . ,
kr: kacittittir boa adopted-the Mormon polio' in
Utak•sadvill kimono ,tito.Uoitod Blotto Jodie' glom
whoopwiid it; sod ottomitiod to ponith the torootra.
torso, Utolionsearrerudora and matlo4oo.
.7ktitowttrOit t:itrarrrox iii returned from Connooti!
onto sod olonto that tiko Itopubiloano willosny that
Thedisciottiaitairse of the AMOR.WOO. the owe, of
rtisiditutvii 4 d4 avaeotad. sad a a ir Denman**
piwir, to be dovetail*, the North sad death 111 Y.
atiagaeted. -
tpratatarl Comm, Am 1411161.1( detested In hie oWNI
Oita of emus* &alibis Was a candidate for the
iimethidthie eamtattleit, intend ram
ketatiwasebase famartame witaaams too reaaolva•
pas team** to Us 4 :Pakoier diadem alma
Mootagor Asgio•lgazoir Bunke
I d.
* -A rt gilerkar a ,• o l
a rk L wit Ww4_
1;74 . T w alp oik „ . 1 1, 4 1 01:r 7 . Fe- powwow
U. B. Ormiror.‘ Vmittinixee,
. 8132 Inic -
Mr. SEWARD, Of New i' rthin Mean dm-petition in
feeLof thlle ketiesteed the o Heim of New
Mr. "OWN* of gginip j i pi, srellenisa the 'resole
does of-the Mieslminati Legielature, a rm ing a grant pf
hind to aid in the. construotion of the Gulf and Ship
Mr. SLIP Slit., of Louisiana. introduced a hillf lying
theermsent ofecontrerato the levying of tonnage midst
byteh States bordering on the Missiseippt flyer, or the
improvement thereof.
On motion of M BROWN. fiatunieyiwere set span
for the eormideration of tinniness relatiag to the Dia , nd
of Columbia.
On motion of Mr. anummtvr. of Delaware, Mr.
Davis' resolutions relative to the Territoriee, An . were
I taken rip and 'made the 'panel order for Monday
Mr. DOOLITTLE. of Wisconsin, presented a merdel.
nal In favor of the bankrupt
Mr. 4011$80N, Teenesseecrose to asp feehei OX.•
Planation. Me herein in the Neer York - linald the
report of a ogee made by. the Senator from New
Hampshire. ( tier. AI It Dover, on the 7th of March.
whjph yeference had been ma de to his State mid
An extract was then reed by the Clerk, in whiob it was
Mated by Mr. -Clark, that Tennessee too 'lit
tle industry or eeterprige to develop her , mine* of co
Par, An.. end further said that in eonversatfon wi h
tea Sinuttor from Tennessee. Mr. Johnson bed m •
some admialomi relative to the oureourity of else* pro
wns Mr. VeSOlti,sked if this teas millet report
Mn. CLA RE . Neirlifirepshire,taid he, did not see
why bp was called upon in the Senate fat explana
tion of what he bad tottered on the stum,p. - The IMAMS
was not the proper " le. IC was ready to meet the
SellatOrentaide led give him any sip anation he de
sired. -• „
Mr. JOHNSON conlannt see why the Haniter. aoeld
net * 7 OW or Miaror"tbe hinsuaireattribu bid to hup.
Mr. CLARE positively declined giving say lantana
thin In the Rent'.' •
Mr. JOHNSON said he would then among that the
eat:tortures correct. and knower it aepordingly. 15 the
senator bad made Minselrfemillar with the riots in re
lation to mining ie Tennessee, then he stated whet he
knew to be untrue ; and if he had not mede himself con
versant with the feet', then he spoke of what he knew
nothig about. He could take Ober born'of the dilem
ma he chose. Mr. Johneen then proeeeded to insttinte
a OODlDolllolllstween the. relative production" if new
Hampshire and Tenneepee.Omwing conclusons favors.
ble to the latter State . Be clother said in Mord to the
conversation alluded to by the Pr netor in his aveech.that
be bed no irmolfeetion •of tuning and any
with him donne this mime on any abieet. but if he
d. ha bed ever Deed the tautness attributed to him.
hat he had said. and he was willing to repeat it. was.
that if this Abolition issue i g pressed. and nseroesshould
rise in isettrection, the non-slaveholdent 'would unite
with the slaveholderg in enhingatieg them; if their re
sistance wee obstinate. thee be believed the extirpation
of the negro rasa would ensue. This would be the end
of the philsothrophLegorts of the. Abolitionists.
Mr. CLARK. of New Hampshire, said that when the
proper lime arrived he would take occasion to state
what he bad said hie spermh, led when he. did, be
would gar nothing in disparagement of Tennessee, nor
digest& the fact that she made more horses, asses, end
mules then New Hampshire.
The bill to increase and regulate the pay of the navy
was taken ue. and considered.
The bill gives senior entities SIM° per annum; tan
wee oprarriending squadrons, 116,000; captains on duty
at sea, 114 Ma • captains on other duty. $5.557 ; oom
menders. of US; lieutenants. 81, 5 eeland tnerearme the
pay of the other officers, in about the genie proportion.
It further provides for increased ply to commanders.
lieutenant", mintenne,eurmni. and antithesis, after the
Sri Eve ear s of service.
Mr,. END ON, of Maine, offered a substitute to
the whole 11, mainly "ivies lower salaries, but in
creasing those of some of the inferior grades.
Mr. CRITTIINONN. of Kentucky. moved en speed
men; to the engine° bill, to Worries the pay of mitleto
8 1 1, 1 011. r.... of Louisiana , moved an ern•ndrognt,
that no 'aoanc se in the chaplaincy shall be filled here.
"IIIVItItSON -f Georgia ' , mid be env
r of Georgii, aid he supposed ._
amendment was intended to out off' the appoditment ot
two gentlemen who had been nominated t e Presi
dent, and whose names had been referred to t Com
mittee on Naval dlfairs. a, dgot yet reported. He was
in t e e n y
‘ of Ve nvonbor of chaplains, hat op
posed to troy • side -ylee" of thie
Mr. stump. disolaimed anyknowledge of the two
gentlemen referred to, arid doubted the propriety of
neestioning what had occurred in eneounre #O4llOO.
But if mob wad the ease, the nominations were mode
m e ter the committee had notified tee searetary that Out
{Write did not require so many chaplain. The m Mum we, lost—yews 15, 113.11123.
The Bent, then adjourned. •
The Roos* concurred in the Senates amendment to
the bill fulfilling the treaty stipulations with the Indians
of Oregon and Worthington.
a• a BRIGGS, of Hew York. presents/the petition of
°Means of blfw Y ork .
_ numerously signed, praying for
the sassapiPO 1.1 b ankrupt Liw.
The House then pexieeded to the consideration ore
hill to further provide for the safety of passengers in
btwtslopolleii in whole or in part by steam.
Mr. WASHBURN V', of Illinois, urged the importance
of the passage of the bill. No reotonstranoe against it
had Some from the West. from New Wnsland. or the
douth;nons from snwhere, except. perhaps, in pub.:in
ter enartere. bt il propoat4 . to enideot ferry, tug, and
freight boate tOweammation,_ by the local board of in
most terrible accidents have geepened u oo ferry-heats!
The provisions of the seine statute are extended to sea
going steamers limiting thetrpareengers bo a realsonable
extent, itad reeuiriart them to be examined by the local
inspector from time to time in eller %battle public may
know whether they are sea•worthe, or mere 'Morin
eaten, rotten bulks, which the (midday of the proprie
tors pot on thetr lines under false names, calculated to
. .
The bill propose; that no ocean steamer running more
than CXI miles shall cram exceeding one ammeter for
every three and a half tone. Acemiling to this limit,
tile steamer Augusta can carry WO, the Arago did. the
North Star Me, end the Ater of the West Mo. exelosive
of the mews. Interested men from New Yore, how
ever, say that it such movision be adopted their trade
will be broken down. nut he would cab, whether. la
vises of ali the eiroumatoues. the limit WM not mitil
moody liberal t
The bill alsoffirovides for a system of lights, following
the example or France and England ; and for four new
Boards of Inspeotom one each at Memphie. Oregon
City. Paducah. and Galena. AU things isonsiduld, the
additional east to the Government. se compered with
the 'present law, would not exceed two hundred
and thirty-seren dollsreanneelly.
llfr. TAit LON of Imuun at*, spoke of the immanency
of*. existintt )*w. and. to gyp it force, orovosod the,
application of anew rinOlfrier-namely. human letorest,
for the protection of amen life. The imbaritute he bpd
Dreamed for theisen ins bill provided. that in case the
slrtervea boat fails to comply with the matuirements.
he prmseot law. be shall not affect an insurance, it t e
i one be 'Rented it shall be vitiated; and in MIN of a
fruition of, or parlous meaty to, life by fire or mt.
mon , o r sawassuore at the wheei , the muter, sags
user, pilot,..or oth er officer. shall not again be employed:
on board or any steam reseal toad there tea been ek
prosecution at law, and a verdict, not only or acquittal:
bat that the person accused is absolutely free front
4 ,
Mr. CRAWFORD, of , sorsia. opposed the bill. The
Lvig:haribstlari la,, b i sr that` l? gerow,: 3 l
with his sa t to of the mtse, by extending the act of
MD to ferry- chartered William or from copal au
thonty ; en. d. mound, the ineyessad exposes, to the'
strum. me,....wouild sots to refer the tali .to the Com
° Air. Ig e lLif i ttff.:ni t e l ii e tric et ilt. mid e rotet $ reference
would be the death or the bill, and rowed that farther
il lirr. °ram, 'o' l
,t Georgia, said the
blitwair demanded by the Interests of the=t e muses
of the ornuttrg. and was opposed only by monopolising. ship.embers. _
Mr. &MGM of New York, regarded th e rotations
of the bill, la Merriam, as Water". lad said eta gamma
fireadlie" by
the r e". '
it. RO CPI P. CLOAK stated is ohntotions to the
lag I. which. Wore it raw gut oo its pearaye. should be
rend and understood in Mt mintiest operation.
The iurthar consideranon of the bill was postponed
feytwo vseitia
The Rouse then went into Committee of the Whole on
the state nf the Union on the army bill
Kr. NOTEI.Ed. Of Virginia. moved to increase the
unt. Legislation ought toe D
with v iew to peace, sot
My, BOTBLER replied that when foreign nations
could thys be taught, there would be some propriety in
th i l firVAlrtirais e ld that Warlike nations furnish
us an examsde wort y of cur
ers iitatin. We should ad
here to ths maxim ofour fath that large standing ar
mies are dangerous to liberty:
Mr, PHELPS, of Missouri, opposed. cud Mr. DE:
LA NO, of SI auschusette, favored the amendment.
Without any action on the sutgeot.
The committee rose, and the House adjourned.
Disturbance at Berea, Hy.
Loolavux.n; March V.—Mr. 'Ranson. who was re
faintly expelled from Berea with John 0. Pee, end
others, on suspicion nfentertaining sentiments hostile to
the institutions of the !tats recently returned to his
and Lom e
i 0 .:,5; roe? t!: i gg i g; t igr n atals l 11,1 had
stain. Be was visited 'mycelia time. by the town com
mittee, and ordered to leave the county.
On the visit of the committee to-day,, with
twenty-five or thirty itasootatea. ell armed with
fired mica them, but without doing them any Injury.
Hanson's_ party- then retracted and barricaded them
selves RI Mr. M.'. hone".
The committee. ',hint% consists of twenty- fi ve or
thirty men. all ared with revolvers. are making ore-
Perot/one to attack the party. Military forte tuts been
ordered from Lexinaton. it is thought that the dm
turban°e will soon be quelled.
From Washington.
WASHINGTON - . Mardi 27.—An unusuaily. large number
of strangers are in the city. including many politiolans
frost various quarters of the Union.
Government bonds to the amount of $lOO 000 were is
seed today bp the Government for the benefit of the
Wrandot Indians of Hansasthrousti the exertions of
JudgarWillietne. of Unit Territory,
Advice' from Restart to the Iltb inst. show that the
excitement with retard to the transfer of Huston to
Honduras continued unabated. V
A motor from era Cruz to the Picayune states that
linsmon. on the war dOwn from the capital, hawse d
loan of"WSW on the people of Puebla, and $7OOOO on
thou oalorPS. and what is more , sot the MOM,.
The Coal Mine Accident.
SoMANTON, March 17.—Tbe accident which occurred
yesterday at the Chittenden Shaft of the Old Forge Ciril
Company was not MO 11•1101111 In ita Multi I. Wu at Bret
Three of the mulerg More sariougly burned by the es.
plmnon of tie fire•dgmy, but no liveayrer* lost.
The bandit* over the abaft. containing the huietthlf
meobi ler, erne badly damaged. The men bad just been
housed out of the shaft. On account of the pumpg w
ills out the mine Wu Seed free from grater, otherwise
the low of life would have been groat.
Massachusetts Politics.
WOIICZET2II, March fr.—The Ninth District Bench-
Doan Comm!Von rustembled to this city to-day. for the
pivots o waist delegates to the Chicago National
cionvennen. An unusual degree of interest was mani
tested thrtuabout the proceedings.
Meagre J._D. Baldwin. of the Daily Spy. and Amass
Walker, or :forth Brookfield, were chosen delegat , s,
both of whont.n_nisentvorally expressed their decided
preference for Wrn. R. fiewatil for the ,Presidenity
Borns'', March 27,—George W. MoLellan, 01 Cam
bridge. and (tunnel - Beeper of Boston, were teat eve.
ping chosen delegates. with Peden W. Chandler and
Fall. of Boston. as substitutes, to the Chicago
Convention, from the Fifth Congressional district,
Farther, from Mexico.
Mpg Omits:re, March 11.—The Mexican malls of the
151/1 ;natant ocrittain thfir folk:wins latitillgessos
The military oonfarenee agreed upon terms of omit.
tice, but the 7nroen tioverpment disapproved or them
because tan . did not etinteistithr guarauty tri Consti
tution Of W. which contemn the cardinal p
,peg lee.
After three meetings the ocinfersnoe was Issolved.
Übe garrison reopened fire on the morning of the Nth,
which was eulokli retooled by !gammon, two of hie
aheUs hunting in ha palace.
The French toe was eanstantly communicating with
Mirarnott, oontrary to Jaares's orders.
The Mextean Plinen and Pneopeee.
—The prize steamers Mi
ramon and Marquis de la Mebane. sad the sloop-of-war
kroble. have all anchored opposite this oily.
The f reble brans ht tgp emotion, among whom are
Commodore Mann and his two sons.
The prise steamers brought SO IYIBOII,III.
The grlllolllloll brought by thorMarqms have been ta
ken to theparish prison by the 'United &ate' marshal.
Their trial has been postponed for the present.
Arrival df Steamer Star of the West.
arm Yost, March 17:—The steainskip Btu of the
West, from ram Orleassoroved hem title evening.
The Marv. West stopped et Havana on the eta,
Vonslderen excitement prevailed there eonaerning
the molar** bierin's expedition. It Ives viewed as
so *atrium.
guserewere brisk et MO9 reels. Freights had lin-
Ifraved. _r =hence pe r m o at
Li per oent. premium
on New York per mat premium.
Destructive Fare at Mount Clements
Durso's, Attqh.. March 27--A fire poourrotat Mount
Clements lest right. destroyins ttr.iriptra House Mid
severe &Wilk ns budding., compris na pearl) au , anT
Ors Wok on t west side of the publio square. Lou
VOX% insurance Cho om.
- Fire at Greensborough, Ga.
Allt/VITA. 06.0 March 2L—A fire at Greenaboroush,
Ga.,this ettopuois. destroyed ,the store, of ,Iphuson ac
,ronar sad J.. 4. Darla, end the rerodenoee of Mr. Cite
pinaham l
and others. Most of the property was
insured. -
Canadair:l Politico.
- INN Govithetihre 5170TAMIID.
(Insto, March 17.—A vote
i _woo tokoo loot ojrhe
L%Mom Orkr, on the motion eeelanell wont or °ono
oll n toe ministry. The Government was austained
blitl Majority.
Makers by Telegraph.
gammons, )(arab sl.—Ploor dull ; Howard Attlee.
Mfirs. Whim Brut and unehanged, Corn stead y At
OM for whit* sad yellow, ,Provistotup 4131. t. Whim
kty Mali.' -..-- .
/011/.l4llliggi llatoo g i ottoo ataady ; sales of sla
bates t IRO 102., Juno need. ~
ensniarron,.Marolt — Cotton , is drooping i 1,000
biles add to-day. , _ -
XIV!. D.LIANS, Mgrob 'Pl.—Colton ' — eaten today of
=NM id a detain* othe ; middlings loasemo,
10411dF at porillNe. Tie other • tpatkatil are un
. , ,
Cession of 190ior and Nice to Prance.
Poilnman, Marsh t7.—The stesmaltip Bohemian has
arrived, with Liverpool sdvitiee to the lath. by telegraph
via Queenstown. -
s •
The ateanwhipo Pttnee Alhart , LlOnlalar Arabia, and
Amato-Saxon bed arrived out.
The Bobettn_an .tinted at 9 e'etttok A. M. Elbe passed
the steamer Wien on th 6 Mt off Queenstown.
In the Hots. of Lords, on Monday, Lord Taunton
gave notice of ea address to the Queen on the cubical
of the French crommerelal treaty, similar to that weed
by the House of CqfnigiOna , A
in the Hones of Conutionit. there Vas a gaunt% discus
sion on the Savoy tuistion. in the coarse of which Lords
Palmerston and Russell depreciated the further discus
elan of irritating question., and challenged the Option-
lion to move a vote of censure, when the Ministers '
would be rallyprepared to defend their course.
On the next day. the - affairs of Italy were again di e .
cussed, when Lord John Russell asserted that the
Government had always been hostile to the contem
late annexation of :envoy t mid, Palmerston de c l a red
that the Great he r
re nbleotect to the project, Pianos
would withdraw tter pi eteestonv.
The Apetralian ship Commodore Perry, of whose
safety ream had - been entertained, had reached
Mr. Baring Vulcan, a diatinguished English Judge.
died very auddedll suet niter he had notched °barging a
Lord Eltin-Iliayerie PEWS . eehlie haziness is
commotion with is Winton to China. fle was expected
tic start for China Id about three weeks.
A report was, OUSISSW. that LotdTennton.fortnerly Mr.
abouchare. would Probably succeed Lord Elgin as
Pratanutter- General.
The lihke de Montponsier bad arrived in England on
a visit to his mother, the ax-Queen of France.
The P.rialish papers publish the teat of new conven
tion between Great Britain and Honduras. for the re
ofrn of the Bay Who& to Honduras. and the surrender
the Mosquito Protectorate. • . •
• - - PRANCE.
The Paris Steele had received a warning for an al
leged outrage against religion. The Pleas praised and
endorsed work in wh oh certain dogmas of the Catho
lin and Jewish churches were set down 44 shin s.
The Montgellf publtehea the treaty of commerce be
tween France and ringlapd The pUblication is pre
oeded by alone report, givin g a historical Pullin. of the
ne frO l g ° ,7l7,l l Thli - i r r e oU d tat gel i!gotsraiV't
France ha reached Perla
- The • Popill declines the nroyeeition to oon6ne within
an exclusive political compass a question which,. as it
concerns the integrity of Vie patrimony of St. Peter,
is intimatelybound up with the independence of the
Churoh. Although decidedly rejecting the proposition to
oreama vicar/Po of thexetnia in favorer & foreign
'sovereign. his Holiness Ws himself disposed To
grant reforms, op condition that the Inviolability of 11100
States of the Church is guarantied,
The Paris correspondent of the London Post
writes that the Frenoh Government, I have every
reason to believe, has seat a telegraphic despatch
go the French army in Italy, requesting the commander-
In -obis to be ready to evacuate Italy within twenty'
four hours and yet. I dean,- believe the Emperor will
withdraw he troops. even if the people of Central
Italy vote (or annexation.
The amine authority muerte that the foreign relations
of Prance were silently undergoing a great change,
and that Austrian influence, were in the ascendant.
The Paris Flour market had been dull, but oloaed
firmer. Wheat also W 5401411, but prices were not meta
lled, lower. '
In the yyjci-growing diritriets prices of wines were
dolly be4o ft tomer. A great speculative movement
was going 04 II spirits, and prices rose aboat per gent.
in a week.
The MasenioLodges of Paris were about to present an
address to the Emperor, thanking him for his serviette
in Italy,
The Boum had been _pretty steady, but on the 13th
(dosed heavily at 67f. Mo. for Rotten.
Advice/ from Turin my the whole - army of Sardinia
has been ordered to be placed upon a war footing by the
first of April.
The Central Italian' Mates had voted almost unani
monalr for annexation With Piedmont.
M. Thouvenal had notified Count °avow that if the
King accepts of the annexation of 'I ilecany, Sardinia
most not reckon upon the support or Femme.
M.l houvenaPs reply to kmunt Cavonre desrettellini
had yealhed,Terin. Thouvenal ponds out the me
sential difference wineh ekists barmen the glestido Of
the anaszation ofiusoany to Piedmont and that_of Sa
voy to France, an *aye that the principal difficulty
whintt ompopee the first le to obtain its teciognition by
Europe. which haa guarantied the possession or 'Po_seany
to the dynasty - a Lorraine.. In the latter this diffictllty
alimPligars in the promisee of the arrangements between
Preece and -Sardinia Misfire to the spontaneous
cession or Savoy, arinsequently the Emperor requests
the refutation of the question of Savoy by simple nee -
mon, to be settled by mutual consent. cod without ,sini
venial suffrage, M. Thou venal thinks that to become
acquainted wit h *mush of the country An:maid suffice
to consult the municipalities of Savoy. As regards the
annexation „of Tummy, M. Thouvenal repeats that
France could not follow Piedmont in Mum a perilous
career, and that if Victor Emmanuel accepted the an
nexation of Tuscany, he would naturally remsin ca
ts/end to the Mtge of much a polity without being able to
reckon on the support or Probes.
The municipality of Milan has unanimously adopted
an ;Wrens to the King, ekpreming the' devotion of the
country to his Malec tr. and their confidence in the na
tional lice of policy pursued by the Kihe In reference to
Central Italy, The munioipality farther state their re
solution to support such policy, and. 'as a' token of
their firm resolution, they oiler to the King three mil
lion of francs.
The mu of Loll were prmparing to take a si
milar reso lution,
often, and other 'Wheaton* wars expected
The Patin correepondent of the tondme Temarstates
bulbs 01 exicommunicattonastunst Victor Emmaus) are
reedy to be launehed (Mfg Nome the Moment the oleo ,
bon in the Central Italian States was decided,
The latest voting on the question of sonstatiku to
Sardinia took plane on the Ilth-lind•-.1 pe o plehe various
Italian States. Immense numters oftunembled
in all the towns, and Much enthusiasm and oenfidenoe
was evinced. Admirable order was maintained The
following are the first despatches aefto the result:
Luentme, March lA—The ream of the voting in
Sienna, Pissii and Le_gliortt is se , follows : For annexe
lion to Piedmont, 38 ; votes for a semirate king
' dorn,Sl3 linejority foraitimmation,32,lo3 The number
of_p , mons insoribed on the list tras 46.215.
FtOattiCit. Match M.—Returnee(' thirty oommatleg
give 101 MI in favor of annex lion, and 2 a* for a sePa
rate kingdom. The vote in t s city is 21,ew fur annexa
tion, and two for a set:mate ifirdom.
P,11.1“. Maroh 18.—Of the 16 000 elbows in this town.
over 14060 Toted for itanexstion,llll4 GI for a 'operate
kingdom. The number of steel`-re in the provinces is,
ails, of Whom 46070 voted tbr annagation, and 113
fo imparnte lungdoM.
- he arm y of Some ties been in:named tom 000 men.
Wedneeday.—The t he Gore :ut, it
is asserted. coneented to the demand of *nee to
effect the canals. of savoy and Moe bl a Sleet tre aty
to be wee between Francs and Bar 'ma. The treaty.
will be followed by the votejlif t,U municipality, and the
two commotion mirttes wilaraMtrwarde repeat to' the
Eurorean Powers the nature and motive, of the territo
arrangementsjietween them. By this arraammeeri
vdisia °odes to Franoeffevoy natio Want eetria a '
k i ss auto Villarreal:lm Thus all the paisimmit of th ,
"A Will be renamed by mufti.
• 1.013 Xe, Themes, • Zdefighee.-ThillAneeeilleg the
official return alba Milton in the Roulegusi
For anaexatio•. . '
For egleyaratirkingdorn , Zgg
Proolamatione tiftito`Uovernor of Savoy ware posted
so m Oktiossonsisso of Shitecal it y. notifying that the,
intutlntaur t irtmo n, Mt called %erro
ricete ir the form`
ersoribed by ar e sat. •
ne London terapn pc:44lWf affirms that an oral,
gattd tionfidentis e_s,l had bun made by England to,
at it with ?routes Aussie in protesting against the
alienation of envoy from Sarditua.
It is stated that England supports the demand of Sar
dini Nic e ascein the wishes of are people of /Savoy
and bymniversal sulfnme.
It is stated that Austriet,while declaring her intention
to remain neutral in regard to the Savoy question ,had
assured Stumm that in the event of Rhine fron
tiers ever being menaead, she would immediately unite
With Prlllele Mr the protection of the integrity of the
The Prussian Cham'der of Depoties bad Unanimously
adopted the bill which guaranties the prom against
having is coneessions withdrawn by administration
?lathing of importune had °centred at the seal of
tate accounts from Tangier Mats that the MOON were
evincing a Berea spirit of resistance . and preparations
were being waft. for a strong defence of that town.
A Constantinople deapateb says that Ave of Hie points
of negotiation now 'ratline for the pa_leitlinon a a
treaty °lenience between England and Fran°, and the
Porte were a-reviaion of the vapitulattori.esul the nit ht
of armed intereentlon In the Principairtiee and Bervia.
- The wreieotee journey of Bir H. Bulwer to London Was
consented withilthis °elect.
It wan said that the Porte had concluded a loan of
36,000 Ng of francs.
Telegraphioadvicee from Chins are to the 36th of Te
hoary, and report the exchanges Without alteration;
imports in good demand; testi quiet atm in small sup
ply ; mike firm.
The February mails; from various ports on the west
coast of Attlee, had ranched England.
The United Btateegun-boat "Sampler" left Fernando
Po on ther2.sth of Sammy the southward.
Trade was generally dal at all the porta, not at Sierra
Leone it was reviving. he Novernwent was bairn ,
races to encourage the growth of cotton on the Gold
[By Telegraph to QueenetOwit ]
toupee, March le —lt la stated that eardinla hoe
ejtree4, by special treaty, to cede Havoy and Mee to
Lonoox, Thursday—The Pada cOrrespolident of the
Times Tappan that Timothy Will probehly be taken
Possession of by Pi/Mutates* troops immediately alter
the annetalioh—that is, et the close of the present week.
The Ptenon Government is said to have received
information that the military commission of the Ger-
Mama Diet had reoeived orders to turn its attention to
Preparatory measures for the formation of the con
tingent of the ea.antl army.
It is now officially announced that the Prinee of Wa'es
will visit Hitch 4nterice, and the time resigned is
shrill tne middle orJune next.
Six new vessels of war have been ordered to be built
at the Chatham dockyard, with an aggregate tonnage of
10 000 tons. sea MI ants.
Corninunicatlnn is complete between Alctandris and
Eurrachee or the siihnierine cable
Telegraphic dates fres Chimeras to January 30th,
Exchenees were without alterabon.
Tho total shipments of Tea d lest year by a mil
lion mace.
The stooks werolenall ; Imported geode were in de
mand. The fall inTallow, on Tuesday, was Ad to is per
leD owt. ,
LONDON MONEY demand for
teener continued active: both at the hank and in
the open street tite rate for the beat bills at the dis
count houses beings per pans.. The fut bad been
firm and rather higher, but late on the lit there was a
slight reaction, which was attributed to e activity in.
the discount marlin. On the 13th, hoverer, the market
stain became etrooker. and Consols cloned firm. 4o
bullion was relax taken from the Bank of England.
Commercial Intelligence.
LIVXRPOOI.. Mareh 14.—Cotten--Pales for the past
three days 19.000 nalea, including 6 600 biles on specula
tion and for export. She market closes dull and prices
have partially declined 1-160.4gd,lpriumpelly for inferior
STATE OF TRADE. The Manchester advioes are
unfavorable. little inquiry for goods, and unties weak ;
quotations are barely maintaned.
Basaperugre,—Flour dul land slow of sMes, but
prices are unaltered •, ^menden 23414 e. Wheat quiet
bet firm; red 9/10drilOs Td; white Ma 6dA1211. Corn dull
Mans 6d.
Psonuca.—Auger steady.; Coffee dull: Rice dull; Na
val More, ore dull with sale, ttnimrtant
LONDON hiiiREET. - March f 4—Messrs. Borings'
Cir.:whir reports Wheat firm at an advance of le for fins
qualities. Sugar is buoyant at fit advancer.
LONDON MONEY MARKET, March 14.—The mar
ket is slightly Wore stringent With an satire demand.
LONDON, march 18.Iesolletyg.
TR IA Eb r
Lavinroot. Thursday evening. Month 16.—Sales of
Cotten for themsat two days estimated at 22,000 bates,
including 9,f40 to spoultiters and for export. 7he mar
ket closes steady.
Flreadeturs quiet but dollar ; Previsions dull.
The salea of Cotton to-dey amounted to 12.6(9) Wait,
Including 4 460 ea speculation and foreseen. Toe mar
ket closed firm. Imports today 6,619 bales ; previously
Ms week, SLOT bales.
Lennon, March 18.—Sugar firm; Coffee sales going at
eta print's; 'Tye firm; Eine fine ; Saltpetre firm.
On the 26th, tat. L 991, Jong. 6049, taw a large steamer
with two runnels, chip rigged. and all sail Net, bound
east; oupposed to be the Anatralasie.
The Behemianpassed the steamsh i p Africa, bound E..
in int. 4749 N. L inng. W . te WM, ID tat Quo
long. 13.06 1 W., mow a large American chip, painted
blank, with a Yellow streak. a equarewhite brugee, with
theletter Ain the centre. •
Case of Isaac I. Shepard fur Forgery
Bonvox. Myatt 21.—The IttrY in the oaw Of /MO I.
Shepard, on trial for forgery, to. ens rendered a verdict
of not guilty—an error having beep dienovered in the
indictment. Be WM then aienteted OR another tridiet=
meat fur forgery.
Arrival of the Steamer John Bell. '
itaw Year, Mareh tr.—The steamer Jobe Bell has
arrived, Ohs left Queenstown on the lath ult.
From Texas.
'New ORLEANS. Msroh 26.—The steamer aristons.
from Brazos, TEEM, OR the 21th ult., is below, with
11110,600 in spoos..
NEW ORLEANS, March M.—The ingsmodup tnzone
has arrived up. Ater mails furnish Etta following an!
portant advices, •
The brownsville dater/ are to toe 29d.
Two companies §
wider f Remora under Colonel Port, and
two companies a U nity States Cavalry, Captain
&ottoman. crone the Rio Grande oh the 16th, into
Memitm, in (march of Cortina'', who had returned to the
frontier. The troops approach d an encampment at
lt ta. drove in the pickets, and tong thirtytosonere
Mhxico. ,
wo °M to imed belong to the National Guards of
Themoops went In search of Cortina the neat morn•
log, when a large Metioan foroc appeared, and claimed
the prisoners as their rear PAM It wee afterward'' as
certained that these forces had been match mg the lime•
tidlOlL and that Cortina'' was among them sod escaped
on the drat alarm.
Our troop. remain encamped on the Mexican aids,
Morn Brownsville, determined to capture cortices.
General Helthge/man hed lent them, reinforoement
of too oompanles of million' .
4 1
Three ihousan Munch troop.' were crewed to et.-
ri ye aeon on she to °rude.
It was report that , General Orwell had invited the
*Festivals ado Ramo.
. ,
Hanniszene,l4 .
The Semite met at 10 4. .
Thu being Petition day, a larga allatbat no a
riety of subject* were presented; among them the fol
lowing :
Theit /TAW Presented &remonstrance from Ortiz:MS
P/11 edelPhba against sal change the Sunday law.
r. *even petitionlh numerously aimed by
o Beene of Phdadelyklei, fora modificaron of said law,
The lereaanti hod berme the Senate the annual state
ment of the afitiLs tot the Lehigh Valley Railroad Coin-
pant'. -
ir.alem, & petition from farmers for enlarged
rights in the Philadelphia markets, Mr. TTIOMPIion,
one of similar import, nom citizens of Bucks county.
Mr. klidivn, four rememetrances from Philadelphia
sfrh. i 'iltrign,l=e7cro'n . a.tionto.moef°l l . l ,l. B r"lgroli.:
Mr. YARDLEY, ri remonstrance- from bucks county
against the incorporetlon of the Titusville and Dela
ware Bridge ComPanv.
Mr Hsu. presented a memorial from the Satiate of
Friends. adopted at a recent meeting, demented of
members ate:, somety from Philadelphia, the Stater, of
Penneeirania. New Jersey, and Delaare. The me
mortal sets forth that they hed been mistepreeented in
certain newspapers as a religious society, in re yi rd to
their position on the subject of elavery. Althoug sym
pathising with the n unfortunate enslaved. they id not,
irt u deNe c e o d u oir i rh y er vi it t er m oo eaa m u ie e le t ir ractVent
eitbridegion °tithe part of the slaves, ,and,
awmt the In
or roar once. They disclaimed all con
nection or sympathy with the late outbreak at Harper's
Mr, su. said he regarded this as very important
document, and moved its publication in the Legisha Ave
Record ; 'Which was ordered.
In Among g the Mlle reported favorably were the follow-
To Incorporate the Spring Garden Plank-road Com
pany L supplement to the fanny and Poqueesin Plank
road Company ; bill euthontiee the erection of a bridge
over the uelaware river. Unto is to authorize the Le
high and Delawere Water Hap Railroad Company to
erect a bridge over said river, at or neer Eastouto co
neatl ne wilt the Curette: or other roads J
in Now erse/..1
Bill relative to the Doylestown and Willow Grove Turn
pike COMCSOY wee reported negatively.
BILLS RIAD IN PLAMS.--Mr. HILL. 011e . tif incorporate
the Farmers' Northern Hotel Company of Philentelphie.
Mr. NCHINDEL, One to incorporate the Roberts' Iron
I Company of Lehigh county.
Mr. HUTtlanForin, ono to make the Harrisburg bridge
a free bridge.'
FINAL AMOIDINIANNT.—Mr. Sm..= submitted is joint
resolution to extend the session of the Legislature till
Viegt. h kozroAplg;d the i PaLnaiociPtni=nukr,l l -;
than to second reading to-day. They would know bet
ter to-morrow about the necessity of extending the see
atom If the House sent them the appropriation bill to
day, as he was informed they would, there would be no
necessity for it.
Mr. bairn had no with le pass it finally now. He
would let it over on third reading. He wee eat efied
that they amid not do the business by the time now
fixed, and do justice to their constituents. There was
nut a pilule goblin measure yet finally matured. ,
Mr. Herz took the esuie view or the question.
ele. )1 antler opposed the resontion, as entirely un
'the resolution was lost—yens 10, nays :
Tisse—Mosers. _Baldwin, Bell, Benson. Blood, Craw
ford; Ketcham, Miller, Palmer. Rutherford, and Smith.
BA's—Messrs. Craig. Finney, .tirege, Hall, imbrue,
Irish. Landon, hloClure, Mambo, Meredith, Parker,
Penner ,dohell, Sohindel, Shaeffer, Thompson, urney,
Wehh. Yardley, and Prelude, Speaker.
Mr. WELSH moved to reconsider the vote. Agreed to •
and then moved to postpone the notion indefinitely ,
which was also agreed to. So the resolution is edeotti
, ally killed.
The bill to erect the new county of Cameron passed
second reading and WA laid over.
'Hie bill to Wend Fitteenth street, Philadelphia, came
up in order.
Bairn opposed it on the ground that the courts
bad power to open the street. and so had the Counons
whenever they deemed it ;proper to du so. This bill
makes it imperanve, which is wron Is wee an impro
per interference with Commie and th g. e
courts. He hoped
it would not peas.
Mr. etstisams advocated the passage of the. bill.
From what he Mid learned on the subject, be believed
the people or the district wore in favor of it, and de
sired itspassage.
The we. negatived.
The Mil to repeal an act of the present session relative
to the opening 0, eartainiudentents la Lawrence county
was debated at some length, by Messrs. Smith, Bell
brie, lino Palmer. Parsed second reading-1a to P. bud
over oa third leading.
Message from the Governor yea received, vetoing
the bill relative to :he polite of Yhtladelphia. 'Princi
pal reason, that it gives ine pr. sent Mayor and snoces
sore pewee to appoint police which hie amasser,
should another person be elected, could not remove or
The nomination of Mr. Chinks D. Hinting, am super
intendent of mind:, printing, was confirmed unani
Penal Code Bill. No. 9, came, hp ih order; and is now
under consideration.
slrtappoit seinen.
Mr. PARSER read in his plaw , a supplement to the
act incorpoi atom the Allesheny Wharf and Land Com
pany in the, Nineteenth ward of Philietelphifte
The consideration of the bill to revise the venal code
was then resumed, and the bill passed
The bill to appropriate an area of around on the west
lank of the Schurlitall for is Dube° park was called up
by Mt. Steivrn. and passed.
Mr. Maasittis called up the bill to vacate two certain
streets in tne square bounded by Spruce, flue, Twenti
eth, and Twenty-first streets in Philadelphia.
MeStiertt eipremed Stinnett drvabtluiplthe propriety
of the measure, arid desired further a/planation.
l'he bill was finally lard aside.
Mr. Palling. called up the MR authorising the mana
gers of the poor of wermantown to sell *attain real
estate The bill passed to a sewed reading, and Wes
then laid over at the request of Mr. Maratha.
Tho bill relative to the remo po rt ionh tracks of the
Pennsylvania Reilroad from aof Liberty street,
Pittsburg, pealed finally.
Tee Douse amendments to the bill re'ative to the ado
of the Remptield Railroad were non-concurred in.
Adjourned tilt evening.
even:to sassioe.
'the bill to vacate certain streets in the squire bound
ed by Spruce:tine, 'twentieth and'/ went, -first etre , eta,
again came UP, when Mr. Sated withdrew his olueo
twosome the bill passed.
Al e'relisti. moved to proileed to the onside:MlMl of
the bill to provide for the sale of the Pittsburg - and
Connellaville Railroad,
Mr. Pennar °bleated. and it was laid over.
The bill to incorporate the Ranch Creek Coal Compa
ny was i.teected to, and laid over.
The bill to incorporate certain owners of wet lands in
Bohuylkill county was laid over on third reading.
Mr. bilasvrice called up the bill to provide a hems
for friendleu children in Lancaster, which Was
Mr. extra called up the ro ineerPorato' the
Allegheny Avenue Wharf an Land Cowmen,' in Phi
ledefphia. and it was passed
'rho bill to incorporate the Dank of Minerevilie,l
Schuylkill county, was lost by a tie vote—yeas 13.
RE IM 13.
The vote Was finally reconsidered, and the bill passed
—yeas 16, nays 11.
Ihe bill to incorporate the Dime Savings Bank of
Allentown, Lenigh county, passed finally—yeas 17,
nays 9.
hlr, Seven called op the bill to hicioaporate the
Butehers' mid Drovers' Mutest Savings Feed, and Loan
teimpany of Philadelphia, and it was Ilegatived—yeas
11. nays 15.
Mr. Sault introduced a supplement to the, act incor
porating the Eastern Market Company, and it was taken
up and passed.
1. he Intl relative to the Troverton Contend Railroad
Company passed tidally. Adj
• -HtillaS.
On motion of Mr. SURAD, the Rouse proceeded to re
no der the
c lieTw e et t i ulifitrausd to an-
his wife. ' whin unhappy couple have lived to.
tether for over twenty•keig yenta, and-hive thildren
grownup. The hueellid chance Abe wile with infidelity
enitenaking way with his property, HRH general **
qobstiatiabtrof tamper." Alessi* &tend, Klllllol.Elld
Plake atone fftire rev favor qf the divorce; Messrs. Strong,
Butler. and Willi to n eminent tt.
^ Daring Mr. g'pefeh, lie iras frequently inter
rupted by Mr. gad. who rose to explain. 'the
Speaker. ( Mr. Thompson) declared Mr. Sawed out of
order, es pante:Whitton. were'not explanatiens.•
During the discussion, Mr, JACXIIOII. of Sullivan, an-
nounoed that the Senate had calumet to moonsider the
motion for final adjournment on the ad of Apra. and it
was necess ary , lithe Donee wafted to pass the appro
priation OHM, out snort Oos debate.
The yeas and nays were oohed. and the House de
not to reconsider, by a Vote of yeas it, nays
do. Mr. Spear will not be liolonsed this tension.
Mrs Snide° Moved that the Howe tesUmo the con
sideration ion alma reading) of the approprielle
MIL Agreed to.
The appropriation e ranting losebo to the House ,of
Refuge, of W astern Pennsylvania was agreed to: This
swoon met with violent opposit ion an Committee of
the Whole. in coneenuence of the twee manner In
which the affairs of the institution bad been conducted.
The section appropriating42ll,oMi to the Pennsylvania
State Lunette Asylum at Rerraburg met with conside
rable oppwition. It was agreed to without amendment
Mr. O'Plitint. moved to amend the section grant ng
tip 111,000 to the Pennsylvia Institution Mr the teatime.
win of the sand, to eft an I
TEO. and urged his amendment
with commendable seal and earnestness. This allows
8226 for each pupil, instead of 4200, as heretofore.
Mr. Letwaance_ , of Washington, and Mr. Jacesos ,
of gullivatt. end Mr. WILLISTOII, of Tweet, advocated
the ionresse of fass for each pupil, as right and just, and
hoped the amendment would Vass.
elesers, Mitten and Piaiezaeort opposed the amend
meat with muoh warmth. •
Mr. SHEPPARD replied to Mr. Pinkerton, defandiet
the instituuon.
Mr, deadeo said every dollar of the approptietien
westwent to the poor, who Wind not avoid to pay.
was authorised to say that no child had
been turned from the, doors of the institution when,
there was room for it. The institution was doing all,
in its power to itocrease its room and acknowledged
The yeas and nays were called on the amendment of I
Mr. O'Neill, and it was agreed to—yeas de, na 27.
The unction granting fifteen thousand col lars to the
Training teatime for Feeble-minded Children, at Media
Delaware county , es amended, •' for the completion of
the buildings. prilvided that a like sum snail be paid into
the trewurypt the inatitutfon. by private contributions,
ro be drawn in sums of five thousand dollars, when the
like amount has been paid in born tee private sabr". p.
lions, and the usual annual sum provided lor by toe
Legislature, provided the number of pupils does not ex
ceed forty"! was agreed to.
The Isobar , appropriating $23,000 for the instruction
Of indigent pupils in the Pennsylvania /natitutiob Isar
the natruction of the (Leaf and dumb, was agreed to
without amendment.
Au additional section was offered appropriating
;IMO to the Franklin Institute of Penney teams.
or colleating and publishing meteorological observa
It led tO a warm dismission, and was not agreed
to—yeas Is, nays 61.
Mr. I)orirort,Ll offered an amendment appropriating
82,000 each to the fit. Joseph'ir Hospital apd Episcopal
Hospital, of Pluadelphia. , paid that these
institutions were supported entirely by 'private oontribu
tions, and were among the most welly) in the city, and
dreerviug of aesiatance. The amendment was lost—
y eits.l3, tails en.
The sections appropriating flee thousand dollars' for
the Northern Home for Friendleaa Children, and twen
ty-five hundred for roofing and repairing the State At
sewalo n Philedeephia, wive agreed to.
Mt. TELLER offere d en additional section, appropria
t i ltliderittit ' i the PifiTt i d!ci e , dj lt V i;t i l v A r gl If' of the
University shall receive and educate, free of charge,
one lady student from each S enatorial district, who shall
be selected by the Senator and Representatives of the
reepeotive Senatorial districts in the State.
Mr. spoke In laver of the amendment, urg
ing substantial reasons why womesahould be instructed
in ',return medico.
Mr. Winer spoke in favor of the appropriation. The
dissemination of medical knowledge a moue female ,
wag one of the progressive improvements of the age
and should receive our support and encouragement. Ito
instanced severelOaliel in support of his argument
Mr. KANEADY was in lever of female ini Meal col
iegee, but was peewee to granting them appropriations.
If gentlemen could pay to educate their eons for the
medical profession, let them do the same for their
The question being taken, the amendment was lost—
v eaten. nay set
Adjourued until afternoon.
avranroon SESSION.
Mr. RIDGWAY tntreduced a bill for the better security ,
of th e holders of bonds of passenger railways in Philo
delp is. which, on motion, was made the sheeted order
ler humility neat
Mr. Moose called up the bill to divorce Joseph /ten
ded from his 'Rife Mary, and it Wee nes atived.
M r. O'llamt.. moved to suspend the rule.. tar the pur
pose of coneidering the Governor's veto of the hit, re
ative to thee police of Philadelphia, which wee agreed
to—yeas 62, nays to.
And thequeation being, "Shall the bill pass notwith
standing the veto of the Governor 7" it was decided in
the affirmative—yeas 65. nays 50.
The bill from the Senate relative to the Sunbury and
Erie Railroad came up in order.
Mr. RILL moved to postpone for the present, which
was agreed to—yeas 62, nays
Mr. GORDON moved that the bill be made the speoinl
order for to morrow morning, which was disagreed to—
yeas 43, nays SO.
Mr. tioanon then moved that the bill be made the
first order after the bill relative to the penal code is
disposed ot. which was not agreed to—peas 45, na,s
. Mr. Ma/armed et made a statement Bar the vote on
the veto of the police hill, that Mr. Walker, who had
voted against the veto, had pledged himself to five
Democratic members, who had voted for one of his
bills, that he would vote with them, under these err
ournatences. to custom the Governor's veto of this bill.
• Adjourned till eve'. trig.
avionics 616310 N.
The supplement to the sot relative to manufacturing
and imirovement companies in this Commonwealth
passed natty.
The ones .hen resumed the consideration of the spe
cial order—the senate bill to amend thepenal code of
the State—and it was debated at considerable length and
passed finally. Adjourned.
Plexican Affairs.
WAlllllllOYOtr, March 27.—The Government has not
yet received sufficient information to en able it to
Judge intelligently of the merit, of the recent affairs in
the Gulf, and hence the delay In answering Benator
Hale • call upon the President for informatin.
The recently - published statement, that thin Govern.
meat will call on Spain for explanations ne to the fitting
out of this Miramon steamers at Havana, is net well
founded, there twins no offinial data to choir that Roam
is Implicated with Miramon. er whioh would ktetify
suoh a course on the part of the Administration, oven H
there were no other reasons Why such explanerione
should not be demanded.
Accounts continue to be received from the Booth that
the army of the Knighte of the Golden Circle Is on the
eve of leaving lor Mexico; hut. up to the latest co
couNte from Vera Crux, no invitation had been extended
,to them.
our city Arms yesterday shipped for llulEsto, New York.
one of the finest third-olass steam engines ever coa
st/toted In this oily, weight 5.000 lbs. The engine ie
Painted Mee. and Picked with gold. At a trial yester
day she threw through a Wit Goggle, a horisontal
Strewn to tea dtatanco of Vs feet; two etroaMg through
ax-inoh Woggle , 100 fast, and ono strum through a
one-inch hotels, 21U feet. The engine wee Constructed
for the fire department of Buffa!o. and was sent on in
charge of John Neal of the Philadelphia Hose Corn-
Tax AuzoaA.—Thera was a beautthil
pjat et tim ourowborootto moroitot towed. two
0 Wok,
r I-1E CITY.
'ffirmairfarr k fltaags'a . 1 1.aorr.ktative Twitting.
Atoll street. shoo* Siath.—" The 00t0r0013."
NATION/1i R/EATRI. WAlMlLltrett, between lab
4 Ninth.— an Moen Greet Rhow.—"Werd'e -
to China " — Enuestrlan Feats and Athletic Ski i`ei,
fkoth.--.• Richelieu "- 4 . Alarming Baorifme."
ig . •
MoD ygai io nmenor negestg GAnightly .lETIES. Race street, below Third.--
ggg -
Barrmisores Rsktovrton kook. Jarne's common
wealth Chestnut street, above liixth.-:-Th to.
- dan'n Museum of Art.
TEM,LIC or WONIoNlig, northeaat corner Tenth and
Chestnut streeta.—Minor Mts.
Aces - ion' OS FiIVN ARTS. 1976 Oheetnut_ street.—
ChumWs Plantain, " The licartot the Andes."
•JUIVE- OADWALAIDIn —On Monday afternoon &oilmen
of this city—PasemoreWilliamson, we behave—received
telegraphio deepatCh from Harrisburg, notifying him
of the departure for Philadelphia, by the Reading tram.
of United States officers with an alleged fugitive slave.
The news, of course, created a profound sensation
among the anti-slavery people, who immediately called
upon George H. Earle. Esq., to lead his profeselonal
assistance in behalf of the negro. A waloh was Ma-
tioned at the Heading rail) °ad dotrot, in order that the
movements of the uart7 rnirht be narertainedvit being
uncertain ae to the ociroinigalonei before whom the
fugitive would be taken. The train Which wan due at 8
o'oloak arrived in good sewn, but no slave Tea on it.
This canned considerable oneasineii among those who
were desirous of Mellsiedins every possible aid to the
prisoner. Quite acrowd of gentlemen prominent in the
antbslavery cause, gathered st Filth and Chestnut
streets during the overlies, dleenseing , the probable
whereabouts of the party , end the possibility of a court
being improvised on the road. and the totem reminded
before his friends could communicate with him. hies ,
irmgors were despatched at'intertala to the Reading
and Pennsylvania Railroad depots, to collect sit the in
formation possible the telegraph offices were visited.
;11.ut still the party were none the Wilsey, and totrarderi
o'clock the mongoose's retired to their respective
homes, eatisfied that nothing could be done during the
Dories thin time the officers Vern in the care on their
way from liar.ishurs to Philadelphia, with their
toner. and the entire petty same near a sudden rtolotion
of the case .by an accident on the Pennsylvania RAII.
road—fugitive. Omen, and all, coming: near been killed
in the smoking car in Wh:oh they were seated at the
• .
It seems that on Sunday night Deputy Mandrels Jen
kins mud Bhaiky, armed with the necessary papers nu
thorining them to arrest Moses Horner, the slave of Mr.
' Char es Butter. of Jefferson county. Virginia, e'arted in
the eleven o'clock train for Herristurg. tint little diffi
culty was experienced in trading the individual who was
the object of their visit. Be was found w_erking in a
clearing three miles shove Harrisburg. The officers
stated the nature of their buoinese,and at first the al
leged fugitive was disposed to resist; hut the officers
put manacles upon hie wrists and these effectually cowed
him. In order to avoid any excitement by passing
through Harrisburg, the officers, with their prisoner,
walked eight miles to Middletown, and then got upon
the train r n the Penne' Ivania Railroad, which was Otte
in this city sit eleven o'clock last night. In consequence
of the accident already referred M. the train was de
layed and the officers walked to the city with their pri
soner. He was fawn to the county prison, where he was
lodged at midnight.
Mr. butler. the claimant. alleges that Moses escaped
from Jefferson county (in the neighborhood of harper'.
Ferry I lest August, and his whereabouts was not ascer
tained until within stew days.
The hearing of the ease was Axed for 10 o'clock yes
terday morning, before Judge Cadwalader. As the fact
of the arrest was not very generally known throw bout
the city. the attendance at the oeurt-room was not very
large t the audience present cons reed prison ally of
these gentlemen who - have for years been identified
with the anti slavery movement,
Benjamin H. Brewster. Elm.. appeared for the claim
ant. and stated to the court the seise, and desired that
the hearing might proceed.
Mr. George t.arle on behalf of. the prisoner. ob
/wed, as As had teen afforded no opportunity of eon
ferring with the alleged fugitive in order to prepare his
defence. A witness residing in Harrisburg had been
telegraphed for, and mime was necessary to enable him
to appear.; , • '
Up to this moment the natio bad not been by/nicht
into court, and the judge decoded there was nothing
before the court until the prisoner was present. In a
few minutes Horner, a light-colored negro. about 2/
XWs ofale,made his_ appearance, looking very much
defeated. , ' -,
Mr. eerie then renewed his aeplication for a post
ponement. lie enlaced two h.urs at taut, in order to
Mr. Brewster replied that he was no more ready to
Proceed with the case than Mr. Earle. Infect hardly
as well pecparcil as Mr. Earle, as the latter seemed to
have had notice early last evening, while he (Mr.
Brewster/ Wila only engaged in the case early this morn
note ithatanding his abort preparation, he was
ready to proceed with the hearing.
The statute under which the arrest was made, pro
vides fur a summary trial, and he objected to any post
ponement. tor two reasons first. becauee it was not in
conformity with the practice of the riourt to allow vo
lunteer counsel to come in, hold an interview with the
mariner. and then make an application fora postpone
ment upon such grounds; and, second, because it had
been his lot to experience in a:former ease the excite
ment semipublic olamor aroueed by a postponement. In
that case the proceedings wield have diserseed a revo
lutiouary tribunal, and. were a Murano to the true ad
ministration ofiustice.
Judge Cadwalsiter said that if Mr. Firewater desired
to co on and examiner big witnesses now it was his duty
to hear them and dispose of the other motion offered But
if he desired the case to proceed without interim:inert.
he would give Mr. Earle the two bombe. asks It was,
therefore, at Mr. Brewster's option in proceed now
with the Witnesses or agree to the postponement for
two hour .
After conisultine with his client. Mr. Brewster con
sented to allow the two hours before the case should
begin, provided the counsel would agree that no other
postponement should be asked
Mr. Earle obtained td being bored by an agreement.
He had not said that the two hours only were needed to
get witnesses. - His motionwas for two hours postpone
ment, in order to constilt with the prisoner. After two
hours had expired, they claimed the right to make any
motion which should to them se eln correct.
Air. H. A. Warriner. who was associated with Mr.
Earle. did not understand that this motion was to stop
any further motion.
Judge Cadwalader decided that the two hours for
consultation should be allowed, and the ease must
begin and he would decide all other motions as they
should arise.,
• • • ...
'g he hesnog was th , n_poetponed until one o'clock.
Menus. Earle, W.H. Hell, and Warmer appeared for
the piteous?.
alyeartosin sention.
The hearing was recommenced at one o'clock, Juitte
Cadwalader on the benoh. The crowd wag very large
within the court-room. although but little. if any, ex
citement is manifested, Among the audience we no
tired a number of prominent members of the Philadel
phia anti-slavery boolety.
atr. Earle stated that when the court adjourned in the
morning there was an understanding that the counsel
for the defendant 'should have an opportunity of con
ferring with him. After he had been conversing for
about an hour the defendant was removed awar to
another room where he had oaths same opportunities of
rooms He wished to know whether there mid been any
reason for this action—whether the court had made any
order directing the prormerling complained of.
The judge stated that he did not understand to what
extent the opportunities of conference with the prisoner,
on Walnut 01 Mr. Earle, had been restricted.
Mr. Xmle replied that a Quaker lady came inducing
the interview and asked to speak to tee snooper. she
.wished to Remit a mere word of commiseration and
sympathy.' ratio wad prevented from doing so, although
at the same tune the claimant bed unresincted oppor
tent ties of converes.ion--and every „chance possible of
extorting adniumons to be used ea evidence. me would
like to know whether this was according to the honor of
the coon.
The Judge said his aunties returned. 'He wished to
know to what oxtent tne counsel had been restricted in
his conference, with the prisoner.
Mr; Carle said the prisoner had been carried sway to
another wont'. He did not thank it was his buainess, as
an °Muer of the court to ton around, from room to
room, at the beck of any other °Muer of the law. It
was oontret7 Co the spirit, f not theletter, of the deer
nion of the court.
The Judge gaidie would be willing to give the counsel
es meet' add Lionel time se be h•d been deprived of by
the officer.
Earle iuid be would take oeassion, during' the
Progress of the ease, to avail himself of the indulgence
of the court
. -
Then:Wee sa'd he must take the limo granted now.
The prisoner then retired
with his counsel, and in the
company of the of of the court. After an absence
of a few ITIIMItee tie returned.
Benjamin H. Brewster. Es .. said he appeared there
as the representative of Charles T. Butler, a citizen of
Jefferson county, in the Btate of Virginia who claims
that the negro man in the court, named Moses. some
times called Moses Oner, owes him service andabor in
the State of Virginia, and that on the 17th or 18t h day of
august. 1859 the said negro escaped from. the State of
Vtrxtaia,ife would submit, as_,pert of the ern/eerie, a
transcript o the proceedings of the court in Jefferson
county. Virginia
.The judge said the document appeared_ to be, torrent.
Mr. Hopper said there appeared to be one or two
erasures on the face of the document which would de
stroy He validity.
Mt. Feria said. that these evidences of alteration were
aenarent in Terms portions of the transcript. The
mute of the defendant was written in various *bowies
Horner, Humor. Horner. Honour, suit Oner. Each time
the name immured, there appeared to be either an al
teration or an erasure. These alterations were made
with ink and a pen different from that used in writing
the document. If these alterations were wade at a
Period subsequent to the preparation of the document,
then it was a forgery if that question were to arise on
a trial for murder and a record hike that was presented.
he felt that hie Honor would have no hesitation in
quashine the lawn/ant. it wait! be a mockery of
justice to admit these mutilated records as part of evi
dence. and the moment a party had the power to alter
a legal doetunent teen no citizen could regird himself
as cafe.
The Judge. Ido not think the objections material.
Mr. Brewster reed the transeri pt.. after which it was
admitted in evidenee. he then oiled the tenth section
of the act or 185 u. and said that under it he would pro
ceed to crave the identity of the prisoner. Ire tuna
cal led the first witness.
Henry R. Cameron, ir - orn.—l reside in Shepherds.
town. ' foremen county, Va. ,• I 11101/ Charles T. Bader,
and his slave blosra; I have known the slave for
seventeen years, end since he has been a hey.
Cross examiner b. fur. saw Moses for the
last time about the first of August, IMO; be was driving
a team along the street;
I cannot swear as to the day ;
I have seen tom on en average twice a week; I have
measured and out coats for tno slave 3 I out a coat for
him at least num • year for i he last five Years ; I went
to Harrisburg to meet Mr. Butler,. he expa,ted to go
there with toe marshal to take the boy ; my expenses
were paid; 1 expuoted tionipensation for my t me;
Mr. Butler said he would bear my expenses, and if he
was stiocessful be would allow me something.
Mr. Eerie then moved that the testimony of the wit
ness be dusarded, on the ground that he well an into -
rested party ,and that he hada pecuniary reward depend
ing upon the issue orate cause.
Judsl, Cadwalader. Proceed with the crows-exareina
tion. will postpone the daemon of that question for
the present.
Mr. Bun said that it had been shown hi the examina
tion that the witness had an interest in the success or
the non success ot the suit before the court In view of
that fact.), e contended that the testimony of the witness
sh o uld nut ho od. tie bad just moiled that his ex
penses had been paid by Mr. Butler, and that if the ne
gro men was remarried into servitude, he would receive
a compensatum. To accept his evidence would be to
violate a plain precept in the rules of evidence. Ae
hoped his honor would determine the question now.
Judge Cadwalader. I would prefer the examination
should go on. I cannot determine the question now.
Croon-examination resumed —Mr. Butler asked me to
go Harrisburg as / knew the man so well ; he met it e
at my shop. and there I bad the conversation; I went to
Harrisburg first on Sunday night and from thence to
the Brady house, near tne Capito l; 1 saw the prisoner
about one o'clock yeaterday fur the first time Anne he
left Virginia.
Mr. Earle. You say you first saw Moses when he was
Witness. Yes air.
Mr. Earle. Let me nab you how much compensation
you nave been lcd to expect for your services in this
ease ?
Witnere. 7 never gave the matter a thought.
Mr. Earle. You pre a tailor, I believe ?
Witness. I ant sir.
Mr. Earle. how many days have you lost from your
Imeinese ?
witness. seven days, I believe.
Mr. hart,. You are amen of family ?
witress. Y,s sir; I am.
Mr. Earle. You state that you have lost seven date.
Now what layout time worth ?
Witness, I really don't know.
Mr. nuns. hit worth three dollars a day ?
Witness. Ido not think it ta.
Mr. Earle. bit worth two dollars is day ?
Witness. My business at Shepherdstown will not suf
fer rom my b.,euce ; I should value my time at Ptt,6o
per day, and an I expect to to Fitment ten days, filteen
dollars will cover my loss of time.
Mr.-Earle. Don't you expect s great deal more than
Witness, I cannot say.
Mr. Earle. Wereoll over on a similar 0/0111110L
brim° for air. Butler, 1 t
. . I
Witness., went with him to the mountains after
Mosee ; he paid me then 8 Lad per day.
Mr. Earle. la slave hunting your business 3
Witness, It le when I make it my business. [Laugh
Mr. Earle. Is tailoring your business?
Witness. It is air.
Mr. Earle. Do you keep doge? ,
Witneee. No, nor oats either. [Laughter.]
Mr. Earle, Did you ever bunt slaves before ?
Witness. Yes sir.
Mr. Earle. Are you known in your neighborhood as a
man who will hunt ',levee
Witness. Yes, when It suits me.
Mr. Earle. I suppose you make money on the slaves
g 0 larter ?
'Mum. it Ido work I'm paid for it; if 1 have any
thing to do at to store I leave negro hunting alone.
Mr. Earle. If too have not much to do, then, you will
goaft( r runaways?
Witness. Yes, Mr.
Mr. ode. What do they call a man who follows that
profeasion, in Vir,:inla?
Witness. I don't know.
Mr. Earle. Don't they call him a nigget. hunter
Withers. They do when a man Makes it Ina sole hn
Mr. Earle. now many times have you been after fu
gitives ?
itness. I cannot say.
Mr, Carle. Haveyou been out a dozen times?
Wltheee. I anent have.
Mr. Lark). Did >on got paid then ?
Witness. I tot paid what the law allows.
Mr. Earle. What does the la w
Witneee, Ten per cent. on tho u price of the negro
when sold.
Mr. Earle. Then I understand that this man, if re
turned is to be sold to Georgia or Booth Carolina, and
you are to get ten per cent of the price ?
Witness. I cannot ea, whether lie will or not.
After a rambling crosvexamination on the various
points alluded to In the glove evidence, the witness was
air. Brewster said ths t he only mentioned as a matter
of justice to himself, that he would have interposed in
the catty part of this esstnination, but that be did pot
wick l to appear as if he desired to treathe other side
4 iibertßibovee swore.—l live is Ellspbeido-
town, :storms county, TIMM& ; I hove lived MOW,:
forty-four years, having removed thence from Phil* ,
dolphin': I have know Charles T. Butler from hie in,
whey; know the prisoner to be thealsive man Moses
elpo"ofigßwis i grrn lurn.'for fifteen;
ears; s /WIT h ea father parahaked.
C f ronee ettam;ned...4l 4ireatidd - Witli Si) one
bemml left n'ttepberdawn to
reference to this hatter;
do egg YAW /sow many Alves aitt weed by Mr But
ert.l know several of them, Miring ;frequently roan
them at the store • Learns here at ten o clock last nig 13
in - compeer' with' a brother of Mr, Butler; Mr. Butler
did not set be would pay me anything if helped to get
the slave Pack': t think Moses is about 27 years of age;
he wee Shout -thirteen years old when Mr. Butler pur
chased him.
Po Mr. Earle. I was not at Harrisburg ; Mr. Butler
made an appointment to meet me here at thts time ;
have seen no marks on Mo•es by which I could ;dent/ fr
him, except -that he walks pigeon-toed; I came
voluntarily to Baltimore to purchase goods, arid, at Mr.
Butler's requetti'ortme on to this city twill be assents ,
four ears old'next May ; Mr. Butler a father : left four
children, and Moses was pniohased , by his "resent
owner. " '
Mr. Bull asked ' the witness how Many children Mr.
Butler had. - •
Mr. Brewster desired to know why this question was
[The witness retired from the stand. while Into. Bull.
pr eroded to ID lain that he required Mr. Brewster to
prove his title. it lie had a title, to the person of Moses :
and he wanted to see whether the party he represented
was entitled to the custody of this mu, if he al a fa:l
-nv., bum • i
The fudge overruled the question for the present, an it
could not be discussed without bringing Up the mein
Robert G. Harper testified. I live in Philadel p hia;
in the silk bustnele In Market 'Street; left Mte
henistown five or six years ago L have been In this critv
• since [am July ; I know Charles C. Butler; I have known
1 the prisoner MI hie tire.
Crose-examined. I have spent about two months
.every year in Elheoherdstown since Ileit there, five
lean ago ,
.• I was there thja winter; saw Mr. Butler;
hie "milion of mine ; I have seen hint here during
the Taft week two or three times t he told me his bou
nces, and I volunteered to be a Witness; Moses belonged
to my grand-lather; I have seen him within the last
'twelve months ; I volunteered as a witness. in justice
•to the country. to the colored man, and to Mr. Butler;
heard when I was in Skepherdstown lam filet tbo my
had run awes; I have been: engaged - since last July
with eibley. Melton, & Co., silk meridiem, in Market -
street they were not aware of m reasonsfor coming
hero to day, until within the last few haute ,• I have not
seen hlasesat any time until to-day, since lest winter,
when I [SW him at Shepherdstown. ' -
hl r. Feria asked what the witness meant by saying
that he came here in melee to the country ? -
The witness. InLnetiee to the laws of the ,country, to
the negro, and to M r. Butler
CI Butler testified. I live in Jefferson county;
am a farmer ; I bare known Mr. Miller, the claimant,
all my life • he is my brother; I have known Moires
Horner for fifteen or Imam years.
Cross examined. I rode part of the way here in the
oars, and walked part of the way; I came at the re
quest of my brother ; I live about three miles from my
brother's farm.
Mr. Bull asked the witness several queening relative
to woom the stave was left by his former ownsr, which -
were ohiected to by Mr. Browner.
The judge overruled the (mention. Hie impression
woe that the record left open the mg le question of the
ideu .
t W rit . o b r o t t l it e r.Tro t s y s!e n x% u n s =_The:. were no scars
by which lie could identity the prisoner; his brother had
Co. sultsd him about endeavoring to regain the slave,
but he did tot .ell them there was a reward offered; he
hod not said that if the slave was returned he would
send him to lieorgia. or to some co her State.
air. Hopper swil he had just received a tele:mph from
Mr. Willman. a memo r of the if nose of Itepreeents
tives at Harrisburg, stating that the friends and wit
nesses of the negro were on their way to this our.
Mr. LIMO asked for an adjou.nment of the case until
to-morrow morning.
Judge Cadwatoder said that if the counsel would state
what they intended to prove. and sire the RIMER • or the
witnesses they expected, he would sire them until to
morrow morning, but he could see no reason for delay
ing the case merely for the parpose of inquiry. He did I
not want to turn what was made irsporatirely by law a
proceeding of a summary character into a proceeding
of &different nature. The question of Identity couki tie
argued and decided to -day. as it would require no delay
for witnesses; or he would adjourn the case until to
morrow it they would give the name, of any witnesses
they expected toproduce on that question.
Mr. Earle said the proofs or identity already given
were its weak or weaker than those elicited in the Dan
gerfield case, and the witnesses in that ease. who were
brought to this city near the conclusion of that hearing,
prove.; that the time of his escape, as statist( in the pa
pers, Was incorrect. - r - - •
Mr. War ruler said they were as much in the dark an if
the negro hod been brought front the moon, when the
case wen commenced this morning. They did not knew
where to go to
_pick up witnesses to testify to the q. cotton
of identity. During the adjournment, however. they
had consulted with him and obtained themeless of "leve
t* witnesses, who tee de near Herriaburg. They bad
been telegraphed for, and would! be here to-morrow ,
morning, to testily to theAneation of identity.
Messrs. Warmer, Bun. and harm. proceeded at
length to argue the question or title, and concluded by
asking that a postponement might be allowed until to
morrow n 0111101 K.
Judge Codwalader replied, that the 10th section, of
the act of let/describes the rule which applies to this
case. Addressing Mr. Brewster, the Judge said that
there was an application for a postponement of the
ease for evidence, and that the counsel would procure
the names of witnesses who would give testimony on
the question of identity.
Mr. Brewster ottiected to a postponement because he
thought the prooesdings should ho regulated by the li
teral phraseology of the act itself,- which provided that
these oases should i.e disposed of in a summary man-
Judge Cadwalnder. This proceeding is somewhat of
a summary character. II the gentleman of the bar. not
witnitandinr, , states that he can produce within twenty
boar hours, five or six witnesses to prove the identity of
the prisoner. I would be disposed, without changing the
summary character, and Amless there is some more
prevail objection than there le animal., presented, to
grant th e delay. The most implicit confidence is doe
to the counsel They are investigating this matter and
are /empanel ble therelor. it would be wrong ill did not
give the time, and it they produce five or six witnesses
to morrow morning on the euestion of identity, I Will
adjourn the case void ten o 'clock.
Mr. mule., I would ask that three o'clock he the lime
fixed for the progress of this hearing. We have to trust
to locomotives and telegraphs. My friend tells us that
the locomotive broke down last night, and I heartily
wish that his case nn,rdt break down m the mime way.
Judge Cidwaiade, understood that the application
was li mited until ten o'clock, and would not extend tie
The hearing Wei then adjourned until this morning at
ten o'clock. -
Ty.-Puretusnt to the rules of the Democratic party, the
ward delegates of the different wards of the city RUM•
bled in ward Conventions for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for various ward effuses. In some
of the wards the Conventions found it impossible to
complete their ticket. We print a number of the nomi
nations as they have been made : - •
Aderman - James MoClaskev. Comnion - Council-
Cale b Pair •e, Peter Omen', S. W: Power, tI.O. Raines,
Gustavus Galen. M. D. School Directors-"-John Stin
ger, John Bradley, Peter hummers. Constablea-Joan
Tcoley, /Fleury 'I rhea.
ascenD WARD.
Select Council-Joseph Magary. Common Coined=
C. F. Iseminger i Wm. Lomthlin, Thomas N. Roffman,
Wm. N. Ring. John MoCioskey. Aldermen-James T.
Harmer. James MaPeak. Constable-Josepti Coady,
Wm. l'utim. School Directors, (for three year/)-Thad:-
dee. Johnson, Jared Greeufield, Edward career fee
two y ears, John ; one year, Wm. Allen, John'
H. Taggart.
stirati Want.
Common 06wricil-Atterryw Miller, Edward C. , QUinn.
James Armstrong &moot Directors- mm. V, McKean,
Beaty tiahedeneer. , Crippm. C. Savage . Constables-
W ui. Gillingham, Richert' hieClos. ay.
Alderman George Moore renominated. Select Conn
oil-Miohael J. Dougherty. Common Couned-John J.
Hanel, David Ala Lean, Sen. School Direetors-Jainek
Alettillin. Henry Marcus..
Select Commit -b.dward F. Gay. Couunon Connell-
Albert F. Bonnaffen, Francis b. Smith, John Barrer.
Pensg.--The primary elections of the Peelle's Party
were held last evening in the different wards, to cleat
delegates to the City Convention to be held on Thursday
next, to nominate oandidates far Solicitor, Controller.
City Commissioner, Receiver of 'lakes, and Mayor of
Philadelphia. The Sixth, Seventh. Eig nth. Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, Fifteen th , and Twenty-fourth wards in
structed delegatesfor the nomination of Alexander
Remy for Mayor. 'The Twelfth ward instructed for
ga'he artisans of the different wan., selected cric'di
dates for the various ward °Mote, &teat and Common Councilmen, Aldermen. School Directors, Arai by
lay vote, which is the first time the cutisens have voted
tit this mariner since the organisation of the People's
ferry, as directed by tee new rules. rl he principal fight
for ward officers appeared be for Aldermen, end the
friends ol the respective candidate. let thatJpoittion
manifested much sealing.
According to the resolutions adopted at the late Fee-
Ple's Convention. the citizens of the first five Congres
sional districts selected delegate. to the Calcine Con-
vention to nominate candidates for President end Vide
_President. jha system of popular balloting was also
used the saltation of these delegetes. There was
much interest manifested by the friends of Seward,
Bates, Beim, Cameron. Chase, Dayton. Cotwin, an t(
others. Tho lots polled lent evening was unusual!".
large, in some instances being equal to that of the gene
ral eleouorr.
It As estimated that enonith delegates to the C.ty
Gun man have been chosen to nominate Mr Henry
for Mayoron the first billor..The Eleventh and Twelfth
'wards have elected delegates favorsb'e to Mr Leidy,
and another ward has instruoted its delegates to vote
for Barry comicial With these exceptions, all of rtes
wards. as far as heard from, have elected delegates
law ornblo to the remoMinstioo of Alexander Beaty.
We are enabled to present a few of the ward tickets
as nominated by the People's party. hoping to be able
to print the ticket coo pieta to mot. ow.
savanna WARD. ,
Common Council-Joseph Andrews , Stephenson,
F. moßae, John Lex. and Wm. A. Ingham.
slain WARD.
Select Council-P. B. Atingle. Common Counoil-f,
R. Broomall, Harris, Marshall.
Common Council-loseph Lyndale, Thomas Steyr,
Alfred Kuhl, and G. P. Al o Lean.
Voeßisitarit WARD.
Select Council-J. Q. Ginned°. Common Council-
Charles B. Trego, I. S. Etratton, P. Hamilton, and R.
Paleot Connoil—John Craig. Common Connell—Jos.
Manuel t Jr., Daniel J. McLean, (jeans W. Winona,
Win. Bokishat. and John Watson.
rwcirr• SECOND VrAltD.
Beleot Comma—A. Alointur. Common Council—A.
C. Harmer, bleary. and /loam, Stew-wt.
&pasha Comur —Chief Justice Lowrie, and Justices
Woodward, Strong, and Bead.—Bemilen ex, ret. Ts
the Select and Common Cocnoil of the city of Pitts-,
burg. An application fora rum to show cause why an
attachment should not flume' against the minority of
Select Council. who had made no return to the unitf.
ut o
peremptory mandamus; also, armrest -those members of
Common Opened who in their return have refused to
obey the writ, and those who have made no return.
' The court allowed the ensue agmnat the majority or the
Common toenail, returnable at Harrisburg, on the Met'
Tuesday atter the first, Monday to Mar.
Braclum re. Miller, common I'lens. Susquehanna
I county. Per cunarn A recognisance is a contract of
recordr with a condition. What is the condition of this
one There is nothing on the record to show. It is
said the , the canoe was carried to by appeal, and there •
Tote the oentl,t on must have been that the principal
should prosecute his appeal according to law. But no,
appeal ie entered on the justice's docket, and therefore
- hams not Helmer that the hail wag Ihr an appeal. We
cannot supply the de loom r f the Tacos nisance by pubis
que,,t aces between the original sorties to the suit. it
is said that no bail is admrssi bre in a suit neatest a con
stable for neglect of duty, except bail for an appeal.
But the hoe ice and the bell m.y have been ignorant 01
this. lf we thould presume they know all that thejaw
required, we thou d hand a ream , wiry of correcting all
bad recoanizances. When airtingin error, the presume
von that the Justice knows the law is not very availing.
Judgment reversed and Judgment for the defendant be
low, with costs.
Smith vs. huff. Judgment affirmed.
Duffy vs. Mark. Judgment affirmed.
Hunt vs. the City of Ptuladelphia. Judgment &Mewed.. '
Hong's Hoed vs. Upper Bascom The order of the
Court of Quarter Session is reversed, and the report of
Viewers in set aside. Adnconed.
Net ive--ChiefJustice Lowrie, and /Mims
Woodward. Strang, and Heed.—Amos halls vs. the City
of Philadelphia and Citizens' !monger Railway Com
Janice AloGlathery vs. the City of Philadelphia, and,
Frankfurd and Southwark Itiutroad Company, and
of hers.
These cases, with others involving the earn. Point—
the rignt el tne city to tax
passenger railwa comes
nies—were argued before Ju,tice etrone, at Bier y
But that justice desired a reargument hetore a fell
hooch. and sayer Maly the eases were taken or Jester-.
day morning and fully argued by Messrs. Camelot'.
Wharton. end }larding for the co r.plaronott.and Amu,
T. King, Elm., City &Meijer, for the defendants.
QUAt.1.231 exesions—Judga Ludlow.—hdward
Hams pleaded entity to a charge nt burglary. Ha en
tered the dwelling of Mr. Tatter, ]tab (Preen street, teed
took &cloth overcoat, a shawl, blank frock coat. and
other prouelti, the whole valued at eter 10. The defend
ant has been out of the penitentiary about a, month. af
ter servhie an imptitentarnt of four years for burglar,.
Judie Ludlow sent him back to the peortentiury for
meth years.
Copelort Lowry was wreathed of a charge_gf larceny.
Mary Ann Lee, Ca' bonne Met ean,ared Mary John
son, were chareed with the larceny of a quantity of
calico and nigell a. In the coarse of the trial there wad
quite a scece. It was in evidence that the three women'
whose appearance was not at all attractive, entered the
store and took the articles.
V h d i s ar d r o gfe she
two. and more modest in her deportment. She Stated
that she., in company with the two others , went to a
more to buy a dark dress. but Mary Lee advised her not
topurchase, tea she could, at another store, find goods
that would suit her latter. Then then visited another
store, and, after leavine. Mary Lee meld she had come
thing to, show her, and then produced the dress pattern.
At this point Mary Lee became much esroperroedat
her no-defendant, end, notwrthstanding_ she carried a
babe in her arms. Oho made arush at her, and, with
horrid oaths, deolared she wee a liar, coupling it with
terms not for ears polite. The tipetave in terfetei just
in time to prevent violence being intheted, on Mary
The judge was compelled to threaten to commit her
fee contempt, no matter what disposition the Mrytaight
make of her case.
The jury returned a verdint ofguilty. Mary Johnson
was sentenced to six month.; Mary Ann Lee, for her
violent conduct, had her eel:mends increased to eight
month. ; and Catharine MeLeau, an old convict, got
eighteen months. -
The court adjourned until Thursday.
CONVENTION Or LantEN.—Laat evening a
meeting of the let men and elergymett favorable to a lay
delegation to the Conference of the U. k. Church was
held at Trinity Methodist Church. on Mae* street, shot.,
Eighth. A long naemortat wee teed before the mooting.
It wilt be submitted to the WMIIIII Conference whioh
meets at Buffalo next May. A *edited rmothibowsWirrie
offered ursina . the propriety of laymen having • voles tit the debbeteturas of that body. sad z tat i rd Oman,
mealy; .tier tTAleh *yawed=
. s ! •
1.1 • d • ' Y . 1114 "" 1
44 o'clock, at ism n ri ou
' 4 llol 49 l 4:ge t rithloo Pi lltiat=W i e li t
13 , 3e rlyoppoistoitipleireseout ero
ding "
ham , &lihraa.Rhientten.
to Mr. Mslidbeld stairs' 01 - ret eldoent of
"at at deagate tome Menus.
ston.-tilr Relmbold terkshe Omit. soil Teter Rambo"'
"idled upon to preside: Liter Id the as), Bernard
Moindkirs, the 'Pardon - who min - tested the seat oilitt.
fjelmhold4 withdrew his - protest, leering Mr. ie of -
diopotoi peooloaoii of the WA: ' • •
The reception of the anilloatialeur the delegiurie was -
pen commeneed, Which occupied Ike ieniktm , eMil
twelve o'clock. when an adjournment took place for
one hour, to allowelyelecro V3slt mmr
betioal lists of the delegates.
Tbe•Convmellea ryiessembleidat aspoWinek. whim the
contested seats being disposedof. too cooreftwoa.•
permanently organized by the se action of the geod
mw awed nbsveaeeieaw_-v ^•
A telex raphie despatch was road to the Ceaventios,
Stating ibet , OPtheßidefndim hed thli,, ai t4 l re
organising the
_ponce miee n g emunalunauly .s 'ld
tr ved with. tlut gtioaleej seulane t edivee akeireMila
tieerv•Wine re tbmegatustant. ; r . •
hlr. Edward a Webb moved that a Cmnsottee ma
Resolutions ne an_pointed, to whom should homibcolued
all resolutions inured in the threrentunt. The motive
lima agreed to.and the chair appointed as the annunittre
Memos. E. 0. Webb, lawn at. ILnes, S. meet renrson.
William M QM ull.,paysseesillispotte. J. As ts•r.
Eteinhoner, Robert rooster, iittd Chhelee M. Lemen.
he Convention then proceeded to place in nomina
tion candidate', for City Commisnioter. Receiver of
Taxes. City Controller, City Solicitor, and Mayor, as
FOR Ottir. CiikviiiistoituL-Alfrieriii.ala
Thomas hII a, Charles M. D:Emitb, GeOrit•
W. Leech, George Bateau Wllliam Rossi, Joan Irk r.
'Whiteman, Y.luelut Lovett, Henry Vaughan, and Ito.
WO Winslow.
. .
mFon liacsivint ow Tgxas—John C.Keller . John J.
ean,. jribriß AdWat,P-0....-
ter and Witham Xleneocka. - • - - • - -•
Yoe CITY CONTRoi.LaII -John IL Bowdon StaPben
George Gets, Andrew J. Westar.
I*oll CITY hOi.ICI7O/I—Winiarn 'L. Hirst. henry M.
J)eobert, and \chrism B. Rankin.
Fria A/Avon—John Robbins. Jr., Charles J. Wddle.
illiard Bradford. +lsmael F. Flood, and Joseph Rugg
' Previous to clouting the norninatipo for City Commis
'stoner en exciting diecceeton gross in regard to exact-
Inc pledges from the several candidates to abide by the
act on of the Convention, and support the candidates
nominated. alioy vs, they meg ht be
Mr. fielmbold made a moUontbthirriffitint, which was,
denounced by some of the delegates as ea attempt to
Mr. c h ' old il de la l f e e n i ded his motion very strorgly. and
PM/Irked [halve n. ready knew of the exigteuee.of •
Secret organizlZion in the Opposition party. and It was
requisite Metrics candidateanominated by the Conyea
: lion should bind themselve,by written pledgee, to are
`vent a repetition of the frauds Which in years gone by
had been perpetrated also the Deameraiic Deft/.
Mr. John 43. Keifer also offered a reeolutiou of the
same import. wheh a motion was made to refer it to the
Committee ott Resolution,.
The matter was finally settled 1 y the resolution being
withdrawn, and the adoption of a motion that all the
Candidates be required to give wntten pledges to abide
by ill e tleals.on m. the Convention, and support its notni
Pledges were then read Inimeaigh.of candidates
placed in. nominanon=for, City Commiesionet, alter Brehm:reties commenced.
rin the fit:, ballet Charles M. D Smith. of the First
ward was nominated. receiving 13u votes, and Phomaa
Ellis 75. The nomination was afterwards [elide tanal
moue, alter which the Canyonilen adjourned, to gruel
W g morning at ten ..'clock.
The lollowing table shows the state,of the balloting*
for the several ea otbdittes
Me CITY commairoszt
I , t. 2d. 3d. 4th. 3th. dth. 7th. tith
.33 3337 Bet 49 a st 75
' as
.SS 41, 10
54 60 Ca
LS et.t 1
.10 32 27 14 23 /3
.12 71 14 13 4
11021tIS ...... .17 15 11 S
82oets .... . 4 1
yriushan . . 6
Wtkueman.,.. - . 3
203 .1/4 493 1311 . 303 307 3116 203
After the second Wiest; the lowest oindidate on the
list wee dropped. 'e t the close of the ballot the nun
01 Mr. MoViiintl via wlthdrayin)iy hdr:}11110,101 Citl67/-
The session was a pretreated one, occupying over
seven hou,s, from I o,Clock till a ‘ ftirrit o'clock Y. M.
moan--On Mo eveerrig, toward" midnirid, the ents
'Pres, train from Pittshtirg =Werth, an accident whielf
threatened-ram motion" con.equericaa...Th tram... Wee
in the neithbarhocd of Allier street, Mantua. In the .
Twenty-fourth ward, when one 4 f the axles of the tette
der.broke. throw - Mr the tender,'the &manse, express,
and emoting cars elf the track. The beggate car We.
Pushed mien embankment, and'the wove In it being
overturned, the ear took fire. i tie lanes extended to
the express and smoking care, and they were all burned
up. The mellisednearly all the baggage sod *ions ow
ticle a, were eared. The Manses canoed &great !labs. and
the fire companies in West Pliilade Dina /Proceeded tri tiee
scene. They prevented :the fiwo flow extending to the-
Passenger ears. which wood helplesa- ow,
,the track. It
was rumored that several wines Wire badly hurt; bat
neon making More ktethiry Iter blab that the eery inju
ries received were Mastatned by two of the employee' or
the company. ; and UM/ wade means ht thatthe men vets
able to be on duty next day, as meal.
'There were five or sex persoror In the smoking ear
Meet of the m were thrown in a heap on the door be - the:
chock. The alleged toggled slave, Horner, and the
°Marne ebb haul hum ia charge, were to this ear, and
they were knocked aboortery meekly.
The pa/wagers were brought to the city in the care of
the ktestonville City.Rettway. MOOMettre attire**
to Me delmaged train escaped raimv. ..Lturiea the milks
the wreck was, cleared from the track, and the
tan yesterday as utuaL
Futao.—Yesterday morning, - about four
o'clock. it fire occurred in a small_grocery store- on
Randolph street, near Poplar. The names were extin
_kr the Ringgold Rose Company. The lose is
alxiut OM/
Tttere was as elarm afire y esterday enato= which
Wall caused by the partial burning of a three story brick
building on Dock street. near Front. occupied_
'f hom%s Kay ae tavern. - the times were elonined to
the roof and were soon extinguished. Trio loss Intl not
amount to much. several ideas tames were is me-
Poirrtcam.--.-The Democratic Donversttoo of
the &mood diettint wed at Wet. N. Rine& owner of
Fifth and Carpenter. last slidileg._ - tiotaphas, Beide%
presided. -.Dr. GOACASOIII S. Galen acted ,ea
o wn'.
Mr. Al red Young. was chosen as the nond 'ear -
veyor. hhort and *loaned speed/ea We
Mews. Antos a. Macpbeiso a and Ste Arad
appropriate 71310'UtION1 were Wonted. Trui rennin,
then adjourned =weds& -- ...z -. ; .. _ '-. • :
BlitrgAr. AseAULT.Olin *lg . ;'4ldned
Gill. and 'Edward Lone said to he driven, en the Wal
nut-street ltua of omnibuses. were held - %Latex ba , l
each, on Monday, for attacking and batten, aessuitiag
the °endows Orear 0. le oaths Clowned. sod w dent
street Radway, aboutl lil t + twelve o'eladi ois San
day 211061108 hleti in thek gediaitiogthe ditty.
agar. Ea2Ati; Stocks, ~r.l ; -"rite fel:owing see
the sales of real estate, stooksidc, made by M. Thome
& Sons, at the rhiladelgitita 'Exchange, yesterday ' s;
110011 ;
2 ort: inal shares talleawAhorod San Filooli oso Land
4 original shares (40 new , ahisee ) San Premised Lead
Airsociatioterttlia. ! - '-•• - - -.- • --.
I share rhiludelphia
M Library-15;k
e shares ereantde tatwarr- • .
Three-dory Smith dwelling'. o. 110 - 11 rea- straid-...
*I MO.
Desirable dwelling and stable, NoaMa Filbert street
' 84
l .
Va 96o uble building lot, Twelfth street north of Cherry
street-84041.". - N.% - • • --
4 frame stores and dwellings. S. X. corner FTOII, and
Thompson streets (late tiessmstoo--13 Safi
Valuable Int orground, con:tern( .fiffereoinainilforton
At private male ,iitigs 'ast report:
Budding lot rout' aide Of t‘iiruee streelhanie of Seven
teenth street; 44 feet lroot, 107 feet dek —es,see.- -
below t
Three-story its
eet-43 * dwelling AV , flo.ellsonthßusthetteet s
eeth str..
,-i .
The Money Market.'
Primiastiosin, March V. ime,
The business of the Moak market to day was very
limited, and aelight - divans was' exPerismisd to cue or
two of the most-often-ctuoted securities.
The money market la eery quiet. 'The nun& is gran .
dint, and the demand far from pressing.
We give pine° to the following contmuniestion, select
ed as a specimeriof isthers 'which have been submitted
to us for publioation:
TOWN kSitharian.—fheabsurd and vacilatialr MAMBO'
meet or the element directors. of this road van never
more strongly exemplified than by their recent nottoq
in advancing the price of their cderterfr and annual
tickets At a time when competition is threkening
against them. and the pu bibs are beginning tO Clamor tor
a new steam toed to Germantown. they race their
prices, by way of making friends end soliciting pa
tronage Was there ever a brighter idea moan this ?
If such vriseacrea are continued in office the time is not
very remote When their stock wits be neon a par with
the various turnpike et eke in this vuinity for the
public, will insist 1000, and will h we, a new swam road
to Germantown. stud' wit( carry passengers kr much
less than thin road can do it, teal will also pay some at
tention to their convenience while carrying them. 1)o
the stockholders ever leak tato-the manreement et this
company. or are they going to sleep forever
ll Net-hlosOtove.
The footings of the New York bank statement this
week compare with those of tathweek a sfoilows:
March 17. March 24.
Capita1.........810 133,12/166 131 GIM
L0an5......... $127.662 848 75027 613 807 Ico...sao.eas
Specter 13 171.831 t •21288.204 Inc... 1143+6
Circulation..... 838) 993 8 266 268 Leo... 46,733
bet deposits .. 62 994.1Z1 85,107.416 Dee... fa:gtie
The Evening 2'844 ISIS 0r1t.. •
"The weekly honk siatinitat, ea 11141 anticipated,
ebow. bet slight chimera nom the prelims* week.
The acacia average. whisk is a ming one. will be as
aided by the $900.000 of Cal foram treasure now trans
ofringto the bank veldts. The loan., ooneesuesq.
outside competition for ap e
base lacreemK
only eamao.
The per oentate of specie to tet deposits held be
all the bankis on the present return' ls 283 1012 caul.
against 2774 per cent last week.
The shoenap of the 'invest of goalie to net de-
Posits held by each bank is Invertible. 'nose report
over e 0 per cent.: four premier:ter cant.l fear over PO
per cents fifteen overt!, rep o rt under
; twenty-two over
per cont. ; sod seven report under SO per cent.
March 24 LW.
1000 City 6a . 102
1000 do 102
11 1 :1 do 101$ .
400 do . .101
100 d e o
1090 Pa 6a . lattot.l,6wn .• ;101.14
1010 do lot 10.1•600 n 10
161.10 do let .briru.lol34
1 , 430 Soh Nay 62'72 b6wn.S6
600 do ..'72 06
200 City .102
Pen 4.l ns 46. *5.30.4311X I
• ' ~ I (ETIiI E Is
1000 Penna. Coopos 60...06141
01 oat Phila .66
WOOPenne. 5c....—. —OW
WOO do ........ 935:
OM al(
d o nPp coupon L 6 e..
woo do ........ ..... .95%
Soul Citj /ASS do ......... ...-
10 .. 93
.5090 do ...101
100 do „Ns w./0
IWO Reading . .15. 62 '
054. Asket.
Pli off fglk 1(U
fix int off 100 i VS
Nana 6a.—mt 010 033 PA,
Itt. ." "Ib tliio.,o4t 85
•` cort te iii.gsg
do „'..1111/ 3 34 . 72
P 66
td m 91 '
edoLtlnl Con M or./11-.
-• cierdioi:lo9 1L
Sohssi nav 641'a..72 7&
Philadelphia Markets.
- .
• • MANCE gt—Ewemng.
There is no change in the Flour market, and very lit.
tle inquiry for shipment. Sales of about I,OUi bb's su
perfine aro reported at 441:75, and part private, ZO !ibis
extra at 416.1= bbla extra family $6.50, and SOO bbla
fancy family Flour at §l. The trade are buying in lots
is wanted at the above figures for superfine, extras, soil
fancy brand, as in quality. Rye Flour is quiet and
nearly nominal at $437M qp bbl. Corn Ideal 'meets
with a moderate inquiry, and Loco Ws sold on private
terms. „
s os AT is dull ; bur er sit re holding oft for lower Prices;
sales of about 2.L-00 bushels are resorted at ledalito for
red. and .158.0.1a10 for white. mostly of the former de
scription. Rye oontintive dull; aboUt 1 kW Nabob' Penn
albrastie wild ac astrato. Cora receive sad sales are
boht, and the market inadtieti at The fur coed acct em
Tallow afloat and bushels damaged sold at "Vb. - Oau
are firmer; Delayers selling at teisino, and Pennsyl
vania at 411817 e ifr bushel, . . •
.flatts..—quercitron is wanted atSO, beettheriii con.
ebonite,. -
Com on.—The market ia dull, sad the Wee limited, at
Previous rates.
~ ( iitiocll2l.llB,--Nlia market Is steady_for all kinds, with
a small business doing in Sugar and Al onuses.
Porkovisioris.—Th is se llin gO eit.nta way e sales j
Pork and Bseon arin • small Oilly ;
400 tierces Pickled Bruns .are reported at 100, usual
oredit. Sides arc vorth 930 and Shoulders Me Y ne.
Lard is in steady demand. at,W ZOO tierces sold et WO"
Itite, cash and time. Kern arogrotth
evens are nines ;,torioes' of Chive/now 'Mend at
14 Otte JP' bus: Ita la gush '• -
Walsers' continues dUI salsa of dnidga at StiV. bbdi
POUR/lila* bbla maiatio. and übio do 33116)(gy
. „
6 Peens R. .. :.. ... 43
00 Cm
do awissa E. ea -
8 Cam & Acab0y.....117
9 do ...... ......... IA
60 Bp k Pine-it R.....:111 -
00 do .... • ...... ... 10
6N W Copper, .. —.. GO
10 Commercial 8k......60
NI Macharu es 1ik.......17
7 Belie Mead B...enene9
4000 Reading R ta
IGOO Frank & dot:ol7c .sa
is ronns
. -
10 (1 - 0
.2.:- .........MX
73 .1.4 .. „ ..... -- WI
17 N WitChlinirag.... la
to West khilis R... • bi 1
Id do di
100 Lehigh Zino,. .".__IN
22 ''nuanclawetaliaDit...774 -
i 12 City 8ank.....—...13
BM. Askt.t.
1230 h. riav stook—. 8
• prefrrted.ll.l4 1 8 :1
Wicrev'Act it tli.. 4 ..l . 1
Lung , .2.1 m0e..1.9 13
gMama 2.....11M i t }:
1 Lthirh Co.ittettiv.zoig mifi
N Penns R._..... 8.4 9
it Y . 19.1 0 :101....6 4 4 6 WI
IF r a d n o k :13 o u til l b 11 Si
189edit'rhird-at 941.1 g