The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 28, 1860, Image 1
_ _ _ _ . . . . 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I ce . #?, ~ ~ I,; , I ~ .. tw le lit," o" st,". issitial Oat Putiouuir kENT,-mAN - TEk; ItNiUM DAY,GOQD I S,.,-, rt. 980 - iillOtflitOiTii.ililAD lOU*, AMOR /NAM . • ." af wow. traii le Visit - L,JOY! 4 1 0 0 " 11 /7 1. 0 1 ,..TOOF 1 ' alizinolutario 00filDis (1 044.104:16 1 1 1 6:ibeatiNduig44-- - Num APIMBILOOMPArirg On: Moo,/ :LAIUNI.VARZWIre,- Otits PR wasalegbeic INTS , INESEDILACE SECONDS, its. 1860: 41.. J 860: BUNNY' RAbauEr..; & dro.. nalosnEse AMD'JOBJEMUI Ix rgc7l,c„-P.VX- .!I` , I sq 1 - prineael to exhibit At tkeir seismees Ike soot 4 1 1 1 10 0110- 41,9100 goods ever ciforoll IM.O PPoptb 'QrjatiligliiiieillMAlM il the Mew Plipitiliii;,7;-:. 7 -.. in it. * . ir:r.'i :',•-. ,:•1011tt ' 4 :- ; -.--• ._„ u.', r,„ r.• ••-• .:. • • 1.: r ),'-'- ''- , P . '. - , 6WPr9 , s!Mll l. ' 9 (I ° l3B . t ':‘,:****4.,4lll,,OLOPV3;,- ::, - 414iiiiiiiiiiiii*triiv i iisifit*,„ ..„„--,„,,,,„.... ~ ,,-;c 4 , - --:, , , , -, -.,-, f - 1" - - _pr#lntintitroyagr. :.:-, -.— Mia;l6 MIA iaira iast..leiier . i _ V .: A s:: : . ..Z l.?'' • -; -'‘•-•_, - ii . iii,l * . ill'AlL.A.g:, ' ii . ; -. 1 ',: • ,- - . :. *4 , ,t r lt. , 144.44,;:i i , 4 'l,i ee ,:' - , ' ;-.: t.„.,." - f'} iialli - Aillrithili*„, *z. -11° ._NMPAP.ImPi - ' h' , :o.llr l ll,' • L- " - 7...: - "..," 0 .-- ,1.,;1444jui* - fii,,%.,:, , ..i. w. son* -,_ ',... ; iipmr -,,,,, 6134.1- 1 • :-..., in:-.-_-: =l -, ~, • - 4 ~ , :--;f -J.; ' IT.; :- V/ ATy di CI 0..:_ -,...,3 1 :„ .;.,..-,- ..,- , - `l., ,r . .V . • .i' - 1- b. :. ' , i - - 111M11111 - 41D, 1111., -DIAL,IOIII , J.'..; -- , . - •i', • • -... , ilf•:,;a1 1, ...•-••-•-• .., ~-, .• ,r? . - l i.;' L'''- 1 . '"" '-- OUP* 'Allo',37oXiirigg: - 1, ''''.: '. i. ' ' . ,; ' ‘ .:i. , 1 , , ,; DIVX, _ ,:;0, _;o._ _. .0',..D 10',? - ., ~•;, k . . - .4jir;-.. - „-.._, -.8k,.-1111,14011111 27/11/9 - T. t ,- : - e -, ..-,• 7 ,'„ : .- Ais iliek "iv* hr tlis ' , " '-- ,:_-',-; ,',- ' - '. t: - ' - ' ,: tr 2 P,ICI:N .- . -- a:: irit_ll.l-D E - - - .-: .-- 1 ,. . - r!.. , :liiiViiiiipisif.ii eiter. W - 411S* , 10 0 11— ,*.ritt i' -- - -' , - , - tiOarilislositioli,o; _ _taw '., .., . :;„ ~,,„ •- •, f: ' •c :.- - .;1 ,- 1. ,--,,,--, ,L -- -;.,.• •,‘• LAMM -;., •._ ,='..,-,. - • .: L •- - -}':: ..r '' ' ')' •) -I :ilitkik-- .44 7 1 4 ,0 1M1 - Oreftlii- '- L -,...`,- 1 --• ''' - :4 1. '' '-. ''- iii - filii'fiiisisty . iiiii at Mactivii..figit• Or almoi: ildrigiiimmdirl4oo4bisiii airitlor • . ;Tf, -- -" ~...pirediramp;'...eriba smaviteet wen-i. isiatat all - g . ' , -4 - •-trtywat; , l•• , - c - , , •,•: .. •, Ili& 11. lierita ! ". ' A ' -:*---- .;Ina ~ r , w ai.{, ,:- MAI '-, , ' riao. p. w4v. V - -'. , ..-i -'.'• - .ir .. _ '~; ~~- ':::_4.i.iiii. - 4.:'1 ye.TO isiit mums maw yissfrk#,:9o,p 'l, irk ' 4,s c.:: „DA :f". Piro *a N. Lai* sitsiatthi• 111111116111 Y: *WV" 111 , 112116'049 it•t: ' ; - AI4IIP4QH; REED.' a 00 ., wzotatata iambi ts . i•-• : _ffiv;'iv j y - - ;:::,i3i..0 .0.::D. ,ii': . *jai's.; filno‘s nu), " 'SEAL ANIMPACL" 'Ali. JIG 7141 a. '. Pavia . # no wy. ' ,lWie. ' ii.• rmarmik ' .: - - soa r - ir.l6 r Winti.' tiv pareErsip.aufgrOmilleA!. 2 in " 111 , A P • IS R At , / .P 10. 'o' m .1 1 rr • usoot ' Ira h i = , , AL:traTi. - NVINEBREN - • OV4 Alurinietattra 244 1 . 1 A.' o' 11 " Avirsi — , U"' IELAILIWW ' r . — , TOlSt o ltP= ostik p‘,7 LIAL 41001 g 1 , 111 it ' r• , w,ADI.I4IIt,C Ifildit*Altelk ii-444,D•jkOrarinVia virl694 . vismax:as .40,4,1910 t. 1. .9,oiffniotrosc;' , („, 400.% .411 ' c Q SHOES. - Phicidclic4 t' , o - 4 Aw~ ;u3 DoXsrr[o ~ds COQ.: _ ; "-16 0. yoL. 3.-NO. 204. '7IECLINERY .. , ,1860• : DAL_ LIVERY .(31 - bons.' SPAIN°, nee. iiCeg 11100 i C 4 liaL. LUMI.7 GOODS, ossaistiog in rut of— ,r. • - leuVectoss. - • - • ,'•t ire trots; Nolt ISTXWW:I3ONNETB. IEN I'S Oily Alt of thilitNi oad mot otyioh to which' tattimilittiiittottliii of Iforetioutii Those 4114144 g to olive isondy bs,, biyiug ele ). w lido wW bi sailbssos bin !Wore porohoolog olseerboro, • I „,BERNFIEIDAL lfo. at SOME- M.IIOOIID, EMMET, *AA* ' , 7RAw Gmal 'lB6O frrikimPsox & xmomsts. iNGPONTERD AND JOBBSEB - :Or .. , . , . , , ITTILAW GrOODS: Juis , AßD OAis, BILX BONNITS, • • ' - .. - . .' ARTIFIOLU: PLOREED.: 1110Z118, Ito, : ,• ' ,NO. Sae IdAILYET lITKEZT.:,' • ; . " -Brioriiirk rec4sit4 to atialso au WO.' I TIMM, Y.• PILAW!' 'ousted with the above :ad Reimer the "throwers of Ida Meade. l'111.!'l . „ II Aurt , • S' G'o 0 n - 'IIXOLUSITELT. . „ . RIDESEPTAtEtAX. PROCqirS. .11 133/4317. FORTS S DJ aril *ow opealroh for Gio Spring Trade, its most az taolii eaotont, Moak it glair hoe over oollootod togothirdiador.osi roof. , PIHOND of heft Ot'ou!Svattle dooorlytioA. • HOMIST:IIATEIWgI.&" • • - FRENOHARTIFIa 14.4)W1C/tB., - - -11111:41111, simian other szlllinei7satielos ix 'raisin VARIETY. • AND MIMES GOODE. :DO. • • ' 411.901113141. EGEMERit HOODS, ace. (*wow of oar mark: fioiiitioa is obtotoilia oar ospilloo, fatter ourselves test seserlor inducer eterstir, both so row* elioire of solootiol std mod era view. oonstot be mt ad*: , feS-Era STRA, ' 4,.ND. MILLINERY GOODS. lANOOLN ' WOOD ii - ' NICHOLS. - • : ': '--lici. litivoNesThut sTßlcirr; -' " ' • "-. ' Nitiiiiiiiikiirkitri AO siokiii..) , r. -, , • , lootoLoos 'loco or I iiiil ,"l No 7 "' Eir AAD - : I . %. 514147ff ci00... • . - g:' ' , •-• . MOHO 'aid', ' I I IN EFENEt.i. . a Tow 11/ F 0031" e , . '. I _ .. . 41v41 OttOottOo ni:d . stiort-timi bayano,wdl Sid irpiltdadAnd tap ingintilistbisibdcoT•lizihionuP no-oa . `,!ILUALBCP.IR,I4. ,tJONES. • Lesmiitiriail34!utfeataret of • faker Ethic Atti kiTRAW • BONNEMS':,AND HATS: - "ART/FICLU'FLO3MtIi ,FRAMPERLIUMINN Ls. ittoaka Cif ilia aolittiibealeis la tik'ftied Nil but* Mid yam. does ef the abets pogo st • • 482 MARKET'STREET. ' • • SPO BiQVV 1C ALCINGIRD; • MWorifik• lirreitindiaott eomvlte steetif ot, goods **or Hie it tkle poopori f , ',7l# I,iist tent., ind the GARDEN, & 004 . '': ll 4 4o o4 6 oMat;aiii:Whollegaili Dealers la, .T S. „CI A.P,S,-.14' ATREL infltiodlrruw ATRAW 9000 L 1.11/11211116,ivingstota., • i iilekaippgrprallitt p, anger 11 . 11 4 W • • ; • . .Mme, sttorGiotlB6o. -. I PEDISr..E -n'Ontios, et co., $0 1f0517i 701TBTff trOrliT, Moro stow ti Wan, sod ior daif► nibolviag. omelet* Mow ottbotolkiwing dogimido goods, visa moans AND BLOWS:, 7 BRIM AND ISHIRT FRONTS. PARIS AND CANTON PAM ' SUPERS ABUT& ' IYARIB COMBO AND BRIMMED.; NOTIONS OP EVERT KIN% - Adopted to Sootkgra and Widens Trod*, to grbf ol re lava' tha stwatail`offsakolaw ougon. , • 40-34.': BOOTI SitORIL BOXER Ib:BROTHERS. , memnrearuitiati AND . WHOLESALE . _ DItALICII• 1111 CITY AND EASTERN-MADE 'BOOTS AND 14.1-10E13, • , 50...4311.02 454 SIARICET_STRICAT• 81141, PlFTl l 6rest.. &WA 040. • brit t ipsszAist.M6A. • ILEVICIA!.#E3I.24, & CO..' soar AND NRON wennotrsz 4ND Mr A if 111 'A 0 TORY. , SO4OS MAESIT SMUT, P.IILLADELPIILS, 1 We extenstri stook - of BOOTS sod SHOSSA4 Satniioa, , 'VIPrOW,TUANI O ILISTISN - I,I4NUFASTURN• , srflialc !ails" the. iSsiatilit of 'lonsirs mita ,wAtisLow„ , - - , , 1 . 711 ; AX EXPXXI.XXOED Xli=l AND YENILZ: Stystrilea, presets to the suer SM of mothers her --- , :•- , S0,0THIN•4HSYRUP • ?OE: Cart Ditll.2 l ( VEBT II XN G , air atir fieili Z " glair r of ""! d u'il r: the , eel le astatatton. Wi - l l t t il odio nation, and te ULATE TRU AWN KM AUK% itmotitins,it Will ate- rest tesoareelves iitiumrs. le for o'er tan ad trutk of it. 1 ii n Y u lir ' CURE, w en an hustsnos of A. 04 the rent. igO r tigffiCa:T I *peak in th x i ft A 2 l 4fit! g l iil 4 oia , ?red. En, rfir6lYt; mod With 11511, ' ' , ' to! *Jai let ~in-.!1 serrstts' istiditlf 1 .3441V1N82 andoverotons w e..* 11 ti ne e vi r, ;il ly l i n f' lIV A n Ai , - rti win win litlrquill II I tat Yuma tiro* stsr o( t yoartireiol= A 1 L 1 . A ,: 6 / 2 11 1111 7 . t 4 timed., .t. ell saes-. 40 ,s . iii.t. lb El bottle. None "alarnek.rma i ir-0 N, 1 ...- _ —tali wrapper. ,:.. . pit • iltrovihott tors world, Masi-, k r .,..,, As, post, sit York. . . , din it, r do, _,_, , , , • • • /7 210 Y • IpAixiiii k'IMPERIAL . . . '-''' t, OA . $ l l P. A. ialSt t . rio,iiiii,ilik: ylolo44i:e (30,. trEniv o ittpleNazi 1941str 4.l4mpip4ou Peelers tbs.:mahout the edultryi Oda .inirtninitUlftiONE, -•Oitieli - 'I the • peewee eons { ottolstnyeiy to the . es of. ti= "4 "' :2 1 , § tittian""b$: , 111: atd#47,lllllVlT F. oity 7 i n v in izizroUfir trateCoo see s oTte a s tregelvelOainty,' Wad toenorisho pee tryst a lreitt=diliftt i life n Te n tials • • tenottnedi iniessonshtetlViner jog. Oaf M. Ma , /11d1 AO touts thee Stty of, the tent g glidal stlitclarlsalit• es 'tinder& mi rnagL i ert Settrersersiy se bent` . s ' C 1. , " visal i k ii ,Ld , ,, itia , ..: . low oft :„41‘ 441..0166660,131itie,:,:i ,*l,ios•eastiir - , 19$ SST /roes, COMJIIISSION HOUSES. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON No. 111 CHESTNUT ST., OCIMMISSION MERCHANTS ' - FOE THE SALE OF ; PHILADELPHIA.-MADE res • GOODS. • •‘, IWM _ -,.:04', - .otax ; , 4 00.. " - i ts ,„insi‘ ,Othr following doooflotkolo of IdAN 'GOODS, iiii;aw6 . l makes and ut grist vizietri PRINTe Of: STAP,LD AND 7.AN9Y * MLR,: marAousa AND ' DROWN OILEBTINGS ONID.TINEDLi - AND DRILL& 91INA84RO8;', 13Nlia.AL) iujq d. 001titii lEA2IB.BILTrBIAB, AND NAUICHLtiS. 'ANTON ir4ANNIKLii ado PRINTED LIN/NOS. LAMY% KENTUCKY MANS. AND COT- TONADES. ALL-WOOL AND UNION OLOTNE BLACIVAND FANCY °AMIN:ERN. BIEADK AND NIXED DOESKINS SATINSTEII AND ,UpTIQN OABBIMBROL - • ,n. :TrARDIC ClABilHAßiTet,:ks. ko. siT,RS & WOOLLENS! MoILWAINE & BACON. No. 186 PITN.97'NV2"IBTRIEET, Ravoivor the latest arrivido, molted a lame stookof SIM and WOCtf.RNO, .adaptint to the' Clothing nag SobbingTradewhioh are the follierins Deshler maim of cloths: C. NBLI.EII3EN Bon of J. M.) Whole and Half Nadi P. fIIOLLEY SON'S " " NAIdIENT, OR AUBTRIAFF • " SAXONY CLOTHEI;of all Fraud. Aldo, 5.4 and 6.4 DOESKINS, CAMIPMERES, FAN CY do., BIOLLBY'S SILK MIXTURES and TRI COTS; SATIN DE °EINES, BLACK SILK SATINS, COTTON 'BACK do.; BLACK SILK VELVETS, BLACK and FANCY BILK VEt3TINGS;IO.. &o, All-of which are offered for sale on fsvoreble term. fat-wrindm LAST ARRIVALS. FARRELL & MORRTS. IMPORTERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1132 011.13BTkIIT STREIT. Have reioived by the latest Steamerw a &II assortment of 0P4 1,0 1 AO SAXONY CLOTHS and DoomNß. among whioli are all the grades of • - KESEE4LEADVIS whole and hat Plocoo GIVERS & SORMIDT do. do. B. CELEBRATED DOESKINS. , yrith ~han kae (or tue ray popular ISPEKIAL !ld ELECITORAkDOIROUNSI SILKY:MED COATINGS; . 00170 N WARP CLOTHS - OUTTONADES aid VEST PADDING", All of *blob are of&rod for sal* ON FAVORABLE TIRMI. • tale WOLFE - & 00.; WII,OLEBALII CIARITTING, 611 CLOTH, AND MATTING • , WAREHOUSE. ‘NO. 182 ,OHESTNITT STRUT, Iona; for i'hiladolphia Carpet • • fet-am WATCHES, MWELRY,IIO, BUTLER A:" MCCARTY. NORTH SECOND sTazzr, AMERICAN WATCHES. GOLD - exp SILVER . CASES, • 'TILE LOWESi'..TOBiIIitG PRICES. pnit•JEWARY, AV , AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICE& F. P. DUBOBN. & SON, ICAWUPACTITIVIRA AND INDOZTIDIIk Rase now on band a WI osooltotent of @et Pearl, Pearl and Jet, Ntrusoan, and Enamelled Jewelry, of the beet quality. HISS CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Also, a Pall easortment of Plated Ware. S. W. PEPPER. feairtm3m Superintendent. JOSEPH B. COOPER, WATCH. MAKES r and JEWELEIH. No, Ide SPRIICS, qeet, Ara. door below SIXTH. Yornotdot e.ttenion. Oven to Reotdfilla Watebeh Clocks, and Teirelrt., ten ew• SHOE SHOEMAKERS? GOODS I would restieettally umtnathe attention of SHOE AND "O,ALITIIR MANUFACTITRERB To orr largo and r►ell-a&Letid stook of SHOE. - - STUFVS. These goods are, me a gaieral thiag,• imported by me, &raid - trona the, Manefacnirets, and have reason to believe, from my it:minimse in the lousiness and my knowledge of the want, of th 6 Shoe Trade, that I can Oder indeannente 4041 to -any in the btname. iW Meek sintristi, in part the fo ll owing i Bleak and Colored Union Lasting& Black and Colored Satin Trancaise. • • Black and Colored Ciminero. - Black and Colored Eugenie Cloths. Colored and Stink Union Galloons. Red, Green, had Bias Edge Galloons. • - Meek Silk Gamma and gabbers. -„ Whin& Riga,* Brown Slipper Blesids& ' Congress' Gaiter Web,.Bora 4 in. to S 6 in. . Mot and Gaiter Straps—Paper Mattoon. Oottoa, Silk, sad Linea Loess. White Ilattoim—Black Cotton Velvet. , Akan Dock, Drills, and Linen Linings. and D. and Amerman Patent Loather. Ammitatantent Groin or Split Leather, Ttompf and Griesbee (Raged Kid.' Boyer utilities of Calf Glove Kid. Barbour's Shoe Thread—Shoe Lift& Batton Rooks and Shoe Dimehm. • EDWIN W. PAYNE. • taMmw tta 400 ARCH 8111.11 WT. WM: JOHNS t BON. DAPORTIDL AND DNALNRB IN BOOT, SHOE, and GALT.qII,IKATERIALS, • • LANTINGS, OALLOON!, EHERTINCS, PATENT LEATHER. , • FRENCH RIDS. LAOETEI., • ' SLITTER UPPERS, N. N. 0010311, MOURTIEurs AROg ITIOSTO f44hn HARDWARE. TRUIT, A.RO,, ' & , CO,. • ' IMPORTERS AND WHOLDSALD.DEALNO HA.ADWARE. ouiiiiii, il-trxs, PISTOLS, Sto., 82U MARKET STREET, 629: . SHLOW Virra, NORTH /ODE. fol-fmirtm PHILADELPHIA , MOOnE,HENSZEY. & HARDWARE. OUTLERY, and QUA • • WAZEROUSE. No. air MARIE% end 44.11 OOMMEROE Ihresti4 PHILADELPHIA. fe3Ano 110.IISE, pAPE - NI A, WITH THE FURNITURE, FOR - SALE OR 11) RENT. • Apply to • 41 —• sietwersmstrunsTMiligtiov -0104 4. p. soh FOURTH and PRUNE St', PHILADELPHIA,. CARPETS AND • On,. 1860. : PB/L . Al3l . LP/3 4 1860. CARPET' 'WAREHOUSE.. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN BUYERS,' ' • • , 1 k I Aro roareatfolly invited to call amid e*ltmine ' ENTIRE NEW' S'OCR O.4APE v I7NG... - REGIS, OIL CLOTHS, IifIiTTINGS, iNarmirt SWEEP SKINS,' hiet rseeived by t 745 # 151 EVA lOl l ' s Ohmewor to Riotior4 Rust,), N 0.47 SOUTH FOURTH' STREET, A ECU-STREET ' . , ..." 1 - • ' CARPET wAßEnnusit. • • OLDD iKev ot RIOE - NER . . 832 ARCM:STREET, TWO DOOllB BELOW iNIBTIL (Aint k side). , ' Rave a sylsudid stook of ,' . ,- - • VELVET, BRUBBELB, s-PLY LNIOBAIN AND YE NITIAN OARYETINOS, Irtioh they ere'otrenng et mewled prises for sink. NOLltsti BRUBBELB. One Dollar per yard. • RUGGETB, OILOLOTHB. & e. mhl.4-brt • - CARPETS.. - - , . F. A. ELIOT & CO., Noe. 83 and WNordi FRONT Street, are the SOLE AGENTS in Philadelphia fol. the 'ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY, and have contently for sale a Nil assortment of VELVET and TAP,F,STRY CARPETS, of choice patterns. " • -' ' ALM. a large - mippli of the. Tubing , Math' of . CAR PETSmanufaetured in Philadelphia day and (man from ninth( all the best manufactureie t Dealers will and it to their interest to mill and examine these goods, which are orermi forage oir the molt favorable terms.'• N.B.—F. A. ELIOT k CO, • being the Sole Agents in Phileidelphis for thermic, of the 'Prorated and Carpet Yarns spun by the Saionville MtlL (formerly the New England Wonted Company,) and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton. and Abbott CompaineM have miller fauilities for keeping constantly for, sale the various kinds of Carpets inanufistsred rn Philadelphia, on Me maw favorable terms. M'OALLUM & 00.. • CARP= MANI4AbTUREB:S, 1111,RN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. Mee, linfortem aid Dealers ut OARIPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS. MATTING. RUGS, &O. WAREHOUSE soo CHESTNUT ST.. (Opposite palliate Honse.)' illonthorn and Western Tinian. are reepeotddly invited to oall. fm SKELETON SKIRTS.: THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. 1060. . 1800. 6 ,WO7EN GORE TRAIL" • SHELETON, SHIRTS. CRINOLINE DE PARIS. There fashionable Goods meet with universal favor by the Critical Trade ; nad . for QUALITY OF MATERIAL, EXCELLENCE OF WORKMANSHIP, , ANDSYMMETRY OF FORM, These Goods Stand Utirivallid. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE BY TEE TRADE. di there are many worthless imitations, LadtffMhboald ba pertienlar to lea that OUR NAME ft cramp/6i wpm She Braid eif Sam, Skirt, as a curs :warmly, of qtraNry. OSBORNE & CHEESMAN, . AssotuA, 4 ' CONN ECTIOUiI. LADIES , DRESS TRIM3IINGS. GORE TRAIL SHIRTS, . . . FRENCH CORSETS. THE TRADE SUPPMED BY EVANS 466 HASSALL. 51 SOUTH FOURTR STREET. mhittlsnw PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ^A EMT= IN TIME 15AVISV 111H11." BOONOMYI AMATO!! lildv.R PISCRE As occultists w{ll happen, Stllll4 in well-retor/otod famines, it le very deeirable to have some *cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crooke , ry, kn. BPALDING'fI PREPARED GLUE meets ail such emergencies, and no household can laud to be without ito It is always ready and up to the stick-, Inc point. There is no longer a necessity for limping , chain, splintered veneers, headleu dolls, and broken cradles. It inmost the sande for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, cc' popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold. being che mically held in solution, and pcmiessing all the valuable Qualities of the beet cabinet-makers' glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. • ÜBEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE." N. H. A brturb accompanies each bottle. • PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Wholesale Depot, No, 4$ CEDAR Street, New York. Adduce - HENRY O.,BDALDING k 00., • Box, No. Ba4oo, New York. , , Put up for Destars is quite .oontnirling four, eight, 114 d twelve dozen, a beautiful Lithographic Snow-win aeoxlmpanying *soh package. • , ifir A Jingle bottle of EIPALDLNG'S PREPARED GLUE will neve tea times its cost annually to every household Bold by al sronnnent Stationers* Drusaista, Hard , 'ware, and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fano; Stores. ' tkruntry Merchants should make a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. , IT WILL 'STANDANY OLIMATM. d26-mwf-p CHINA . AND 'QUEENSWARZ. WRIGHT, SMITH, Se. CO.; . CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. PITTSBURG AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, ego., delivered from the I aotory - AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. o,Noith FIFTH Street, feS-fmwem , PHILAD • LPHIA. T EIWBULL, ALLEN, Lt • CO y IMPORTERS AND. WHOLESALE DEALERS ORINA - ' QUEENSWA,RE, Nom, 93 and QS BOUTH FOURTH BTREIit (Botmimen Market end Chestnut strains.) WPIiTSBUILO GLAIIII A GIBNCY. GLASS 01.1111 011 IT TEN PAC K AGE, AT MAN IL UPACTUREB' , PRIOES, feliPan2 BOYD Sc STROUD; IMPORTERS di JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete Stook of QUEENSWARE„ - . GLASSWARE, and , FRENCH and ENGLISH OHINAj At their- Old Stand, No. SO NORTII POMMEL Lt., fqur doors below Morahan& Hotel, to which they up' vita the attention of'wnotdtear.s Bursae. * !tenure WOE PITTISHORG (RAM 're3l.3m SOAPS. „ • VAN HAAGEN & MoKEONE'R OE63I:MATED ORIENTAL DETEHRIVE, CHEMICAL OLIVE, , • EXTRA , PALE, • , PAU. ' • ROVirN,L- . , • ! FULLING TOILET, &o, ; nto for tho monufaotororo ~.Y ! r T IVI6 I I V:. ° 4: l 4 a s e NE, 22 And 2,4 N. WIEARV43. , JIM wnolesale dosionn CDCOANUT, COTTON,I3EED,P4M AND EL4. INE.Olts,• . , follirwtr CANDLES,PARRAVNE WAX, - PURE spERAKACETI, CREMIOALATErd Wtidpig: 41)44'4"' ' 11' iorar tt i : l ia n trti f :lie b 9tit tr i er: al . 1 4r j , 1 1 4 e b r TRAcN MolsgON X end x witARVEI fel/1 cwt WEMNESDAY, • MARCH.- 28; 1860 IviDNISDAY; BTA.RO ' fi, 28. ' ' Atlantic Telegraph,. ' • , Ina state, of suspanded", anithatidn; but" net :defunct, flio Atlantic Telegraph: ig still lives.'" , Tito spatial/dims,' promising enough: at into time, has sailed;. but it cannot'. he 'denied that, in', " prri reaped, it yrs!' successfid.;-= for it is undeniable' that some messages vrere: flashed' across . the' Atlantic, One .of thesey relative to . , the detention of a, Cunard,.mail ateamer bY'aceldent,'saved a very large Burn; which , they 'would -paid to the under viritera for ininiranod,' to tho 'owners of' tho Holding -the I hope; if not, quite the belief, that something may yet be done with the sub merged; Cable, to re over if not it, we are rejoiced to learn -that the. Direct Ors I ts have agreed ' not to ; iiqlyo4o.p . Alanapatiy., Slams time ago, , they, , eattUred to raffle addi tional capital, but g i:lonly $860,000,, vfhicii, was inadeosto to tittiAtipected expenditure. The British aorprimeAtckifolkiffaratiteri.: leg the sharelfolders • Piss; in' An:event of a second failure, and, indeed, it is sEktprisl ing that rational men ' should have asked the devernmenli for -each a concession. Tho‘Directors will'aefriy; out of, their own ProP9rln4 l ;4 : tlio 'eiPbrisei of, still keeping, the Companytogether. They' intend pro ceeding-to recover the old Cable; and to re store It to working 'Prdct; `if, v iniksible., The sum of $lOO,OOO will io:requirsal'Air this purl pose, and it is thought -that, .at the worst, a largeyportiOn of this amplant: will be repaid by the, sale et the cabtp,which can_bipicked up. . , , , , , . , . The ways and means-". of making these attempts ere small. The Atlantic, Telegraph Company has £B9B in hand, ,after 'spending £466;685. There are isevoral £2O shakes yet unaliatted, and it is , prerPosedo to: IMMO these, giving' the aubSeribers aifen on the - proceeds itof alLthe cable:that may "be. pieiced 'tip,. and the'privilege of gratuitously Meet - ring another £2O share, fully, paid lip; in the event of success.. lies been j alseeriained, heyond all doubt, that, the Cable was . deposited; "ai , both • the AMerican :and "Jrish rtnini; on such a reeky bed it irenkl;!iave-Jmen ruined, by attrition,,in a few 'nionthii,',Onk had the corn munlcatibi beep corn - p . *o;i'. There . : has re- Coatly bben birrestigatiOn; . l4 erdei of the English Board ...etuTrad.* respecting deep-sea telegraphs, and the report; veldehis•now ready to be laid before Pailiare; 7l , will declare very strongly favorer such . .of aotumuni cation. , - • Lettet ttetti [Correspeadoneo of The Prue.) lissome:., Pdaroh 111,1811). Cn Eaturday.the goose of RgetHentettrves paned the bill ahartortne , tbeldifihn, Cloetttrßoak, Odor the Veto of the' Gottorair, bj eonolly a two-thirds. vote. .The cleoclie of Mifilue county kayo dteen , endeavoring for years to get a bank, which thetpiopose to establish upon a real-estate basis. Ad ita prOasioni are novel, at least to this generatlcina will gine them an brief . . . . . . It is to have, in the fink platettn,eapital or 410,001, with rowel' in the coMmiesi entire tapers/Pie itto, $200,-; MO. and irith turthai power in the president and direct ors to increase it ro lima*, to be tlivided into Oates" of 41,00 each. No Amnon :tit subsetihe Nowt. then eve, shares of stoek. and the eb . .........kh01abit51e he not leas than' three, nor more than, thirty intuniber, 4When 0116 hun dred shares are aubaeribcd, and' (Pit dollar' paid In on, ettah share to the 60111111i611006011, end, mortgages given by the eioinsonweelth on' nnincumbetnd real estate (either improved or uniropteved) within thlif Comiton-; 'wealth; Ittieraised at .st suni'eseal to the Par value of the .atoiskOettera !patent Aire to be ?issued by the: Governor; (tad when the trsortgwe *divided for ire, &voided arith the Audits L: Netters]; Rut ithe _outlier shell eertify, ttidetoth;gtWeitt 'a per eent• of 414 . 01 PlailfAk0slal4414inathe nor (Amami is naanltiolfredeltkalt engraymtnotei tb the beaky propittryteir t ed In blank; to theNtrodititt' of the OeF,ltel,eldatf l i*de c nte*after being signed by the' proper officers, may be blued by the bank and circulated as money. It will be observed that thir Minster permits notes to be lisped, and the security given is unimproved real estate ; or in other words, a man may have ten thousand dollars' worth of wild lands is 'notes on them to their full appraised value, and the oulY proteoilon the note-, holder would have is the twenty-five per cent: specie which ie supposed to be in the vaults of the hank. AnY man who has had the least experience in financial mat-, tars can imagine how easy it would be to realize specie on wild lands, or, indeed, on any kind of lands, if thorn ihetild be a pregame id the money market. It ix only 171, " flush times" that real estate an he gold nit what it is worth, especially if it ix unimproved hard times"; wild lands could not be sold at all., , This scheme of the Mifflin Bank is novel to this gen eration or men, but something like it was exploded in England about one hundred and !evenly years ago. An attempt was mode to establish " the Land Bank," on a reMestate basis, and it even got so teens to be reported by a committee of the noun of Commons as pisotiori-! Me, and likely to benefit Alto nation. tint there thd bubble Most. • A hill has passed both ,hbuites and received the Exe cutive engnaldre, that intetests; mons or less, every township in the State. It requires Overseers 'of the poor and supervisors nfroade to Five bail in doable the amount of money which in likel, to come into his hands during hie term of office, and in ease melt security Is not given within thirty day. after hie eleetion, the office is declared vacant. and the court is to appoint a person in the place. • These were the only county officers here tofore who have pot been required to give bail. There is scarcely a township in the Commonwealth that has not eulfered at come time or other.from a de linquent supervisor of made, nor a county that has not on its books a defaulting overseer of the poor. Impro per men are cleated, who are not required to give rail. Thoy do not pay over the mbnies in their hands, but for this there is no remedy. Now that each officers are re quired to sive security' for the fonds entrusted to them, a better class of teen wilt be electcd.and a Imo amount of money will be saved. The bill Was introduced by Mr. W.F. Waggonseller. of Snyder.. PENN. Delegates to the Charleston Conran. William H. Clark. of DaWax, and Walter Coles, Jr., of Pittsylvania, wore seleoted by the District Convention ' which met at Danville, on Thnrsday, to represent the Third electoral district in the Charleston Convention. , The Eighth electoral dlstriot Conyentloa met at Tappahannook on Thtiredny, and appointed W. A. Buckner, of Caroline, and H. T, ,Crarnett, of Westmoreland—both Hunter men•—dolegatea to the Charleston Charleston. Thomas Jones, of Rich inond county, and Dr: Nicholson, of Middledar, were appointed alternates. ' They are all in fa vor of Mr. Hunter. Tbo,Twellth elootoraldistriot Convention ideated D..H. Hoge, of Montgomery, and Col. Jas. Davis of Greonbrier—lied delegates. It is asserted that Melissa. Clark and Coles pre fer the nomination of Stephen A. Douglas. Thus, two-thirds of the dietriota having elooted delegating, the respective candidates stand thus : Wiao Mho deUgetes ; Hunter, eli ; Douglas, two ; uncommitted, threo.—Rieltatogni Enquirer, (From the Pittsburg Disenteld ' ANOTHER JOHN'BROWN RAITI—THE 801/Til Fong- WARNED: IL scorns to us incredible after the dis astrous results of the' Harper's Ferry invasion, (botany sot of man, however radical lit anti-sla very sentiments, should. contemplate a like incur ' elon into the slave States with the intention of in viting insurreetion, mon must know that' not only the pounielpal authorities are on the alert,' hut that the people of the free States will Sternly; frown upon any attempt to disturb the social af fairs of any State. . That such-rashness is oonteMplated,.however, we regret to say is morn than - probable. Indeed, we have the open declaration of James Itedpath, an intense anti-slavery men and the biographer of John Dream,. that the perilous experiment of liar per's Ferry will each be repeated, IrCe! speech made by him at Jefferson, Ashtabula county, Ohio,, on the 23d of Mach, he declared the intention of his own camp-followers in the following language., As be is one of those men who second their words• by their acts, the Southern States should be on the; alert for an Immediate incursion : 11 " Aaron D. Stevens is dead. ma breve life was' choked out of him for presuming, without asking; Senator Mason's permission, to believe Lillie De.' 'Aeration of Independence, and, thus believing, for,' still further daring, (to use hie Captain's w , rd,)' 'to put that thing through;' or, in the words of God, as rendered by Isaiah, for attempting to' Proclaim' Liberty throughout all, the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof,' Many 'of you knew' him ; ' shall he'die in vain and naavenged " To those of you who aro friends of the slarts, driver I have nothing to say—my duty is with mon when, heath!: are 'too largeio he Suffocated by thei,inonntebanks, end whose gaze it ton steady to be dueled by the glare of the falsq and fatal splendor of the despot's court. To these, of you who are ready to imitate Stevens tale only need be said : Be prepared ; bide your time; ore long you will be' called,' For I toll you, men o of Ashtabula; that the strangling of John Drown was not the death of this cause, and that, ere many noon: moons revolve, the slave wilt be offered swarm nein. Six months before tho blow at Plarpor'S Ferry I atatod that it would be made, and even in: dicated by 'whom ; and again, I -gave the slave: driver solemn, warning to set his house in order, for his; dean IS 'pronounced-r-' he, shall die and. not live.' ; Money will be needed' to execute' thaee plane Lf lihoention, Those of you who approve it :may aid It by your Money." ililowrrt or A. NEW Pt:rat:R.—The Loek'ffave* Tat) Watchman, records a very remarkable phei nomenon. 'dome months ago Mr. John Jobnsonoor that place,, had the middle finger of hie right Una amputated close to tbo loWer joint joining theliand. Ttie wound "Kinn Inaled over, and sistMat.inmo; didtely it new finger eomutoneed growing from' the stump .oc , t'Pe old oso, and biZ , iOnthe from , the time the finger was amputatedlir..Jobsson.had, tieirsita , h i ll-grown finger , plote r wlthi the exooption of the rail, erhieh'iilnet i. dtineffitll6(p3 to shoot out. Spepoll: of ,Oliarle# BIPOPIS TIII COMMITTEE , OP , WAYS' END 1111.018 OP FANNAPI!YANIA,I, , EOIBI.4TIMR, cev,..Turc .11VILL , 0011.-1103 2.111.115 P OP TUN klusuunr AND NIUE BAIL. ' :neap' eoremirr s.gmnriarir lethc 1860. ' o%'-;tlu's Coin mufti-F.of /Var,and Mean, :I The Iseebuby , and 'Erie Retired Ccmpany,,has,appliddlo this 1,4,101 1 .laturo ter ,a grant,of certain privileges :exprtated in the bill- which- hal just been -reef; and I bale been; requested te' , "ettend. herb } J the counsel or linit • coal Paul', , add , tho' ann.. 'the application, and the grounds on which we think dt should. he' favorably nonsideied. In perforinancm of that May, I desire td invite year,attentiett- Fit* To the'progress arid present oonditiOn ; of the work whteh the tibitipabrhitineherge.' Sqeatzeity.',..Xo the position etthe CoMbionwealth . as a explitor of ,the company, and In respect to the work, • TAirdlif... I shall endeavor 10:,slitiw' that the grant proposed by this bill dal-Steamier) , to secure the debt owing to the State,-and ought to be prompt ooticerrekertthat,,and another grounds ofpuli 7 he iinportance.., , ' " , , Under the provisions of.the act for the sale of the State' Canajs, passed' in the; year 1857, the' Sun; bury indErie,ltallroad Company was authoriSed to issue -its, 5 :per , cent.' bonds for seven millions of dollars,' and secure the payment of the same by a mortgage ovitf. PFOPerty . and'frariehisep. "Its property, property , at 'tbit;:time oonsistelbef forty miles of ratiroadosxtendingiroin Sunbury toWilllstaspert, nu Whinte theirs vtatitriMertgagt,•ot',otle' million of dollefa, a right of way., from the lades point to Erie, on which, it different points- some grading 'bed. tiseen,adowe, , , and abont on_e hundred 'Mg PY itireo..oflland to , ,the , barbor IbrArle,4lllt s-deep * water front of 3,000 feet: The bonds. and mortge. gas so nutherised - wehi'exeouted,'lmdthe State' te : 'mired . three millions hundred tholiaand dol lars of the ,bonda, in , considersitionfedi.which the canals were granted and conveyed to the coMpany. The residue of the bonds were deposited in the, of lice of the State . Treasurer, to be surrendered to and applied by the company-to the completion of the railroad from Williamsport to; the hathetof Erie... ditif the act provided that before any of the bonds should he so surrendered, the company should complete the grading of .the lips from Wiliimas;, port, to:the mouth of the; Sin'nemaboning riVeron the 'eastern division aid from Erie to the borough I of Warren, on the-western division: For that par- Vote they were expeated to ; provide moans by Ate I sale of the canals to ,other companies, and ,authe-1 rity to make inch sales war -therefore eenterredj upon them by the act. ,But',the hot absornevidesi that, in, case they shonld„.sell the property for ai larger sum 'than three and a half millions of dol.) lore, they should pay to the State .seventy.llVe per! centnni .of, the exceiti. in the securities, rimairedl from their 'grantees: • - -, • The company soldthiseanals for the nominal I som: of $3,875,00p,,,0f which $3 200,000 were paid In the: bonds onhe -mirelinsers, iteenred by Mortgages of! he'property.. The exceSS:of ',TS 'per eerititin, air:minting to $531,000, waaexaoted by and paid to 'the State in the 6 per cent.•bonds of the Wyoming Canal Company, a good security. , on which' the in-1 Wrest is proMptlypaid, et maturity. •, -- I The result of the transaction loft in the hinds of, the company dye - hundred thousand dollars in! sash, or its eqnivalent, and 42,210,000 in the'firati mortgage bondifef-the seVeral. companies who be-1 came purchasers of the,manals. From those re-! 'mimes the ;CemPany dirr's:slue epastrnotod, arid: partlallrequippvid; sixty-sii miles of railroad, ex-I tending from Erie to Warren, on the westarrali-' vision of their line, a n d fortpfwo milts, extending! westward finin Williamsport, through LoOk,Efaven, I making,, together with the fort' miles previously! constructed, one' hundred and forty-eight miles- of, - coraP lo „ted l road , . The' un fi nished part of thelinel ,is one hundred and:forty Julies in length, of which' ono hundred miles are now ready for the road - su-I 'porstruntars'. In 'their retentl intnd"report,' toy , which I 'beg leave :to refer the committee, thel managers say : ''lt t pushing the work with the 'nativity that has cha•taterited the season's opera- Mon, the board confidently relied upon being able; 'to dispose of their canal bonds, ate price not greet below par, and after thertti'should be exhausted, in being able also to. realize from th'e $3,500,0001e • their own bonds ee,onred , by the•same mortgage o I ,the whole road' as, secures the State in a likd amount for the pnrishase money of, the canals, such: a sum a 9. would more , than complete the whop) ,Rubin this they Were disappointed. They could fink no.-ready -market for suolk,a large amount o newseenrities, and they were 'obliged to hypothe elate them 'tie* rates, es they - required 'money expecting by Sates 'of their - five per. cent' _bonds to provide means for tbeirredemption.- Tb opinion Of the managers of the company was' eon firmed.,by' that of some ,of our most, intelligen hpakent, that when the 'work should be as flea eempletion as it now the , tbree end- a half mill lions of five Per cent. bonds Could be negotiated 01 terms that would enable them to-finish and eqni the road.. But the unfortunate sumenelervof th New 'York and Brie,apkother prom i nett toilworn compablekla the Urtited,,States,'• has so far credited this elan of , asourities, that this company elan' And no purchaser for their broods, witbentattbi sating to a seerifaie that "mild defeat -the main object of Mellow for llitssate of thee/male; .whiek was the completion of this Important-prildity.inc4 prevenient., Duch, gentlemen, brief, lathe posh thin of the company and of this work, and sack and the cironmstances under which .this application id made to the Legislature. I. now invite your attention to the relation whiehi the State holds to this company, and to the wort, 'on which they ate engaged. She is a creditor to the sum of three and a half millions of dollars, fo which she holds that amount of the five per cent bonds. The semiannual interest due on thee bonds, on the 81st of last month, is unpaid, an cannot be paid. The city •of Philadelphia - is a stockholder in the company to the extent of tad and a quarter millions, and the city anti county of Erie to the extent bf half a million of 'dollarsi These Investments Wero 'modes - not as speoulattene,) •but at a tithe when the stook bad no market value and for the role purpose of- advancing the publicl welfare by the construction of this great highway,,, through-our own territory, to "the; lakes. The! sixth eeetion of the scat under which the debt was, contracted, provides among other things that, it the company shall fail to pay the Interest on any of the said bonds far ninety ,days after it become 4 due, it shall bo the ditty of the Attorney General to sue out the mortgage, and by execution directed, to the Secretary of' the Commonwealth, to sell the, 'mortgaged premises, together with the franchise.i of the company, and on such sale being made, the ileeretary,shall grant and convey the property to, the purehasers, who shall bold and e njoy the sumo free and discharged from all ineurahranees, As the interest cannot be paid, it will be the duty oil the Attorney General to commence proceedings for the foreclosure of the mortgage on the first , day of May next, antes title bill shall become a law. Can the State recover the debt by curb a' pre-' cording ? In order to pay the debt in full the: property must bring a eine in cash equal, not only to the amount of the bonds- owned by tho State, but to nil of the bonds that may bo out-I standing at the time of the vale. The fact is al.; ready ascertained that nobody trill buy the bondt,' enured as they are by the mortgage, at fifty cents on the dollar ; yon may, therefore, believe that the mortgaged premises, in their present concli-3 lion, would not sell at fifty per cent. - of the most gage. It would not be an easy matter, gentle-3 men to raise even one million of dollars in °alibi for the purchase of an unfinished and unproluotivo' railroad. The money must come, If it (mete at all, from many , sources, and every subscriber or con tributor, before investing his means in auoh a con cern, mast make up his mind to risk the whole of his investment by a mortgage upon it, to securer the completion of the work. An advertisement oft the sale of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, under, a foreclosure of the mortgage, would doubtless at trust the notice of speculators, and they would get; together, probably, at the Astor house, an the city. of New York, to concoct their plan of proceedings. They would make everything so " snug, f ' and be so well organized, that there would be but ono bid at the sale, and that bid would he theirs, and they would get the property for about five or ten per oont. of its Wind value. The State would, lose nearly the whole debt, and the Sunlinry and Erie= Railroad teethd soon be opened as a new tributary to the city of New York. •- I have assumed that the State Would not be re presented as a bidder at the sale, because no one is authorized to purobase on her behalf. If you pass n law for the appointment of en agent .for such a peeped°, it dill • he necessary also to make an ap4 prepriation of three or four hundred thousand dollar-o,loll°h he may be required to pity in cash.: Should no one happen to ho interested in the bonds but-the State, be could pay for jbe property with tho bonds, owned by -her, But in the meanwhile,' and-before the sato, the company must fulfil their contracts and pay their debts as best they may, an necessity will compel them to nee their boils for that pnrposo. The holders of them will of course require payment of their proportion of the proceede of sale in money, and I therefore say yen must apt propriato money for that purpose. If the work be purchased for the State, you will, then bo in possession of an unproductive property," which will be of no value until' the road shall be completed and opened.through to the Lake. Thq eompany can accomplish that, and equip -the road for about three and a half millions or dollars. But you may safely conclude from moohliiperienee id such matters, that it would cost the State about double that sum. You cannot afford it from Ile „present revenues; you cannot take it from the sinking fund ; you cannot pledge the credit of the State. Tont only resource will be to levy a • til* upon the people, and it teltl be dilleult to mekq thorn understand the economy of spending raven millions of dollars to save a debt of just one half that amount. • , Gentlemen, I am suggesting praotical difdoul ,l ties that must present themselves when you corns to,the foreclosure of the mortgage. And I viva 'yea my Opinion for what it may be worth, at' when such n.step is taken by, your anthonty either expre,rsa in a law authorizing the appoint itientOf,an agebt to bid for the State, or srdotts by the refusal of the Legislature to pass_ this:Will the whole responsibility of the loss of the debt least rest 'with •this Legislature and hot with the company. I am sure that you will assume no such respon , Allay ; and that you will never consent too. pro. oeeding that will extinguish the' half million of dollars owned by the city and county of Erie and the two and a quarter reilliohs owned by -tho city of Philadelphia in -tbeiatook, of the company,' the whole of which would be swept away and forever lost, by the foreaeguris of the mortgage. Yotnere too mush to Philadelphia to he guilty of suck meanness. She pays into your Trensury one-third of all the matinee collected• in the thate. Eht pledged her credit to the. extent of five - millions o dollara to aid the ennetttletlea of the Central Ilia road!: She levelled I,4ol},boo'dollariin.the stock of We North Pennsylvania; - seven hundred ail fifty thousand dollarain-Vorth--Weetern, and five hundred thousand dollansin the Rempfield road Companies., lies citizens have. sent millions ,roorti into thh interior te be employed in improve `ialenta"sed — enterprises of various kinds, from whioh -the.Stitte is receiving daily benefits In the development of her wealth, Stand by, Philariell pbitt,' gentlemen; and enititin her. lief interval ,and yours aro not adverse. She is adding . altefho Whilq to your power and grentnesennd glory.,,Enta ale- entitled , to your -respect and afeetton,ratl Ito the fostering care of the Commonwealth thet'rhe honors and lower; .'IWO oEN et 44.10 i T -O x ift?o9l!;?,4l4i'doesthii , al2- ' piny require 'the th e completion or finale work'? What is reinetheilitifitiOn; and - if iii answered 'hi' the provisions of proposeCin'thellfret Pies., Oust the. oenspanyeindtaanaelsl.626,ooBaf their tiVelier •perd,,,. bonds, endiglet tile &SCOW' reeeive,thernsidee et.5137,5,01/0 bOO - of, five yenta interdAr'dtillie debt: "Ttiilises'pende fOr thiti time the caellpentdear:ortineetisskitand airdsitte the principal, which:will he iiiereased at?the end of the.dve year; to it4i330000. --Theysaortgage.. of SPvelt •mililDna , or dollars,witl,~te reduced to that ameunt;and ;will bp enrol aolely mid eaoltudiely by the'State.. ' " - ." It propsieee, tv the'eliednd r nfitee,yiltietlisi 7 oinn; Macy shaillerni $3,500.000, o f'six per'estat bond!, and illeettrp , thecPUWAnt,llf them -lsy cs, mortgage whoh,abeittellte,Pnmdowle .o,l•lllsonrity.AOW held bythelltete. Xhoseeifis the provisions d the bill; and if yen fe, you Will- thereby enable the oompantelleisk,open, and etpilplhdr,read; I em instructed to nay, within; eighteen.montiur from this date. Why should this bill net pimp? That is &Anne: Lion; gentleirten,:thM7 em doable foamier, See ing that the State cannoteelleet tier debt by a fore: closure. or the 'mortgage, and; that thisiconipany can;my no interest, the, State finds herself-inthe same position with .respect to ,her, debtor that her Own orediteri held Aciwards her. not many years ago. 'YouilMr. Chalirium, must have a -red die- • float nemembranise of the time, ;when Ike cOnlifitat find moneyite-pay, Ike -„lnterest on her debts,. when her ereditormpteneonnuen„end orphan:children, waited and; gram( hungry,,and cold in vain,,at the !; deeifi• of her; empty tredsary: ,They 'lll% re dress; fat shower& aim/sales Siete; abfi could not !I be isitedta Shnpietilltitadeasd* Weir was after- nerd' „funded,ryl,addl e ito. tWpeintdiatkof her indebtedness.-,few,.bon, were, ifortkise . I note 11 the'nihritet then'than these live per cent, bondeof the; Sit - ober, Sual!!Eifelikilivad' They sold, if my memory semi rrimwelli it more ; than fifty:Rey emit. endsherarsolit :was I ' In such _eprefound. trance, that reieny,efifer friends thought it walf•dead, and the Iteitoe,Ordt. wrote itturfullaslied its obitliary, Waked at lest; andltivesitlivesinotwittuitindbg . th elfher. that eighteen uattlgolls of.dollitreaf-her,uldebted ness„are .skt. this One doe an,sl ampaid debtor now approaches', her end_ asks.for the semp,iidtd gence that she' s clit of 'right, nor °Omelet:butt by virtue Of bet severeignty,sehdinedandfbeltlfor l! herself. - How. can fts great -Coassionwealtk; frith" each a page, In her ,history,aot new the Part of the Merciless .creditor in the parable, who somed, his debtor "by 'the' threat; 'regardless 'of Ma prayer," "Rave inereyWithme,;aifririll'paylthee all'." When thework ea the New York iandrifrie Rail road was enspeotied,, and that 'Company well with. out,means or, credit to complete its construction, aria owed"thrie millions sir,dollara to the State of New York, the ; Legislature of Abet ' State passed a law for the release of the debt, on condition that the work ebould completed Within a limited time;- The: wink was completed' in 1851, *the debt. relented, ; and theditate , .har time .realised a larger -sum by. the increase in . ; the -value tion of property through the influence of, that 1 improvement,than the whole debt that she forgaiie. Thelfunbitry and Etfti .ftlilrtiad.Company ate.not asking so much of you: they ask,' in fact, for time; only,—and,. they aak ,it for,your sake, as well es their own. The debt is by iteniearts honeless! It can end Will' be 'paid, to the nttermodt farthing; but you , must litre patience.- ' the coMpleted-Work; and! ; no solo owner of a second mortgage on 248'miles it, VOA pill have a good and spinetentwourity; ' but in the unPushed work; and as'' joint, owner of a first mortgage.your security is certainlylnadequate, if not entirety worthreae open aim to a con etitational objeetron: Thee fillli nettled of the; amendment. adopted- in '1857; expressly . preyides, ; among other-, things,' .that, t h at Commonwealth " shall not become a t ipirt owner or stockholder in any - aampany, association, or corporation," I" do not propose to disease thatieestion here, ap may be worthy of your netted, - ' • - A railmial two hundred and eighty. elglitinilas In length, of lighter mnximutra - gratlel than are, 'found on anyslutilarwork extending „to , the- Weak! North of, southern nrginla-a well cenatrneted an d ! fully equipped at,a cent bf twelve Militates of dol lars, forming the larger nett 'of; a great comfier-1 Mal artery thatitill contest si 'city of 700,000 in-, habitants by the beet • and nearest route,- with and inland see whose: commerce has , exceeded ,two hundredinillkini of dollen, in aylogle year, ought 'to be a good security for a debt of etglitt eight hundred end - seventy-fee thotteld . dolline.l The net .earnings of the Pennsylvania 'Railroad ,Company,fortim last year.-amounted to $2.231,- olT,..being six intr. cent. Interest en .53'1,193.783. The net e a rnings from the main stem of the Buhl more and Ohio, for the same period, were 3E03.4.- 270 ; the interest at"itif `ffitroent. of 132;222,118. The nerearnings of the'New York 'Central fof lb same period, were $1,104;808; the" intermit 'at six per cent,.., 0f,528,410, - 100: -The net sender of the New York and-Erie, the year,atter wea l - opened; amounted to 11,588,50,- being percent. interest on $27 , 779,980, ' and, *leapt in the yeari - 1858, tbey'bave never fallen below that aunt. , The extreeedinaryeest of operating that reed,which; has aoreethries, rearhed 70 per cent, of its gross , . earning, and , ;extravtgenee.,94.l/14,Mikkill 'moot 'that - Atin. to hive stecommtated. the, LAIMIDIR tratian ,if its elfairtiiiintirthily We're placed in the; handanf the - Passeiver,l folly explkin. the - ember-1 rassments that rendered the appointmentof Rath; en offlaer necessary. There has been no din/Inn-I flea in the actual bemineSs Orlin rood. With each fasts staring us In. the face,'on what k grottnds. can we doubt that the ,Sunbury-and - Erie Railroad, la less than flan ;rears after,its comple tion. will pay, not only tho interest upon the debt of $.8.875,001, - hut dividends -- alsTi upon ita stook ? - 'Let us look a little further into this questioner its probable mine. - The development, of nearly one-, third of our' territory is waiting for its completion. More - than ;six millions of acres of lands la the' northwestern section of the 'State, abounding In Mineral] wealth, covered with forests of valuable' timber, the growth of a soil parpebially refreshed by hundreds of small streams and springier deli cious water, lie, for the ,13303 i part, neglosted and unimproved. In all that country there is no nevi -gable liver, rio canal; no rail or turnpike read, no' ontletfor itintealth, except what is farnished,eneel or twice a year, by the freshets, on which loge and rafts of lumber are floated to.markist. It -the, heart of this region, that „,the_Sunbdry arid Erie Railroad will penetr a te, einneetieg it with Phila delphia, Yew York,' and Italtiinore, Mee o railway now In 'operation, and with - the 'City and harbor of Erie. The Veining°, the Allegheny Val ley, and the Tyrone; and Look ;Haven Companies await the completion or this work to - forward their own valuable 'improvements, which will con meet with and throw their business upon it at dif- ferent paints. They are allies, not rivals, and Will help to open the ccantm and let in the sinews—the capital and enterprise - that will make it hum with prosperity. It maybe asked why the route of the Sunbury end I:H6l:Mimed presents so many, advantagea of a .raineralegical character which other and nearly- narillel routes have 'not developed ? Mr. Edward IL Gay: who is personally hnoln to some of, the members of your committee as a gentlemen of high character, and 'eminent in his. _profession, and who held,' for, many years, the position of chief engineer of the State, has furnished me with a satisfactory answer to the auestion. Tinichafacteristice of the country: both north and south of the Sunbury and Erie road, are entirely different' To the north, the - country gra dually changes into a &imperative 'plarieLsleping Mr towards Lake Ontario, "while en the south It forme itself into distinctive mountain ranges, the principal of which is the Allegheny chain, which divides the waters flowing eaetwerd into, the 'At lantie, and westward into the Ohio and Miselsitippi. All the mountains , east of ;the "Allegheny" are narrow at their bases,- and are cut ''ke the delith of eight hundred or a thousand feet,,neeirly at right angles, by the streams flowing enetward. While-on the route of the Sunbury and E 0 road,' all the several mountain ranges seem to betthrown into a general mass, through which the water* of the west branch oftheSuseirtehanns'and its tribictaries;flon, cutting them at an average depth 'not exceeding flee hundred feet. Thus It will be apparent that the 'Various Minerals found on some' other routes, are hare (like the mountains) coneentrated, amide line of the road. passes for a distance of a hundred miles through them, at en elevation favorable for their development. This is clearly proven by the fact that the line enters the-bituminous coal dis trict about four miles above Look... Oman, and con tinues in it, until it ranches the entire weston slope of the mountains Within a hundred miles of Lake Eric. It may also he, remarked, that (Within this distance an abluidance - of iron ove,iirpixtapUftion with coal and limestone, - is thund - convenient to the route of the road, and Also large quantities of fire clay, and'' - valuable bed Air Kaoline, porcelain, clay. of- A-BR porior quality. -There can; therefore ho little &MIA - that: the peculiar gsalogicat forma: lion of this motion of- out ;Mate, will, on the com pletion of this road, lead to the development of a iiirgeramonnt of valuable minerati than any other section heretofore opened by the ' , minus lines o our public improvements. Mr. Dalton, the engineer of the McKean and Land and:lmprotenient Company, whose'propert • ; lies in the northern part of Elk and southeaster part' of MeXeen counties, nod through which th, line of the road passes, describes that part of th, country as .a continuous forest, bearing an inex haustible supply of valuable timber. De says, i one 'or his • reports. published in .18584 , " trees ere found in great variety ; hemlock, beach, maple, • poplar, oak, pine, elierry,!ollolltaberi Re.: others, and frequently of amazing size, which be speaks both a primitive forest and ;fertile soil While tine-genocide generally went promisetwidel in all parts of the land, tome of them, indeed' th. moat valuable ones, are , found in groves, with . perceptible &elusion. of the other" •This is - th , ease with the pine, sherry, and: hehaleek: The re gion between the upper branches of the north. for of West Creek, and corresponding branches of di , East Clarion, may be properly designated as a pine country." Die observations appear to have ex 4 tended nal further than the lands of the'oompaay on which, near the lirio of the read, he , found thre , cherry groves, earering, each,' upwards of a - then sand' tome. , - One of these; between the Tioriest and-West - he had an'opportunity tif rte versing, during a geological excursion. - He say. " it led me' for more then a mile in' length through groves of cherry trees which- appeeired to' rins; each other in size, roundness, and beauty'."' , also refers with' enthusiasm to the Mineral' tree! antes of this region; concealed fn the deep shades o the forest. The success of recent eiperlutents In-boring for oil, near the waters of Oil creek, furnishes eddi Lionel evidence of the extraordina ry wealth of th: country. It is no.exeggeration to soy that ye' may drive your ban-akin Into the earth, and pew out more oil In ninety flan teem -a tingle opening than a New Bedford iwbeler will , bring . home afte a two•years cruise. Wells are multiplying rapidly , and the Oil; will& :Rebirth to heinexhaustible; find a ready Marketat ithenVoixtyeentandeialton;an , is transported to Erie on the Sunbury end Erie reed. Tnereleno place in therTnited - Statesnther: • R ted• ander more - favors able elleurastances, lied with a bettor remnuerist tire prospott, than through this part of Pennsylvai floor:mille, -- „fanneries, pumices, forgee,.collieries, coopers and sieed4hoppem m a i sons and . 06m-batters, will soon eWakein thatwil derisent of -wealth , those magi c :Oboes whoa. voice Cities leap into eristenee..... , „ Da you think, gentlemen, thatlirilueitile:Wor too highly, and anticipate Improbable malts fro.. 4alt sf 4 0 1 4:001411ro: iv* mil Oar oagninaUriamosao4,,....-11,04, r ikr ", Bl o. B . • 4t Tot r • !•,- itelb • "- M OM•••..t at Twoigo lol .Or For ithril; : ofa • ratni sar ali Witaiman 3"b" "..wwwww` litha alth ea ZiesArrika Sio; Tux arum MEM okuIfoIgiIITIVPRZIA Issued Osni-hiosthly -is two "is = Ib 11M111.110 1b81110W;7: its completion? AMP i c .U . 1040 .1 540 . 4 , 1 1._.../AOCo l lthalld in deter, the 0rir,14,01. S TUMMCOI kI OIOII Of lilt tauter in 1 16 , thet o irbteh Theible Cabal, extend/es treurAlbe ho 1e1114, -, in the $444444 , 43.24ew:Terk,:ercut opened fn the yew 1825„ TheeeMbe 1 3; then cutrqcorr et-. ihat la weak. o Nei .7; 'ab teied 1118 d, dititl 'ln diktat' oxioitlgo set* lilt the , der ter t NatoYork - maim !Se - 4 WM , gable thee; hadettim BO dowly thst 141820, at the' elpe,ege4 et , epo busdrei ateictldliT loam It epw. tamed tint 12 500 Whips. The populatios MAIO; whietc yarori y hild out Ay the Sol hind 'o3thyany 11'180 1613' 254/0. ' - Mat% In year/ age the - opeetiosetthe , eettel,lllo"= Lion efAllteem w* detabledithat el Ragete andatlea and Rochester Ammo aIU seek ,eeels tainfog - 9,500 Thea Keir :York Castes( 11affrded; attitiritide iso*ritefiel, - atid fotknetili line:of eatitiloiddediti IntleeitesAtt lb. da moot ot the 'Weary 'bleb 3t;epoolyaidrileZZ: berg#4 ?.41E9,12/00710 eetiemtelt 44 , 21,200,-17.1.0 at .213 . 011 e,A 4; Ail blank. at. 080, Arleen AIL 35 . 0 004.. rttool4stet 50,000;TA : tpo' tket 20;000; 5042114111,4 to ot -430 ,000;Utaelei'vMhee' of le - wre said wit lagello thing inen theta/Id thee§ isigoorestattij attest, tbe veleismrettgallithte, andW_Melbete-ee the fltite,orltuU,TheellX=.7l to /lie ' 4POP ntt JAW. 44. Re.:)1111nt 4 1troide •` " *ee to - .1. 5 ,069A8eien1y...-..Mbi • ywar•itehve --- the 'Les Canal Atm opened, ,the valuation of evelsmil inner 'property in, _the city et" Savr,letek „nue $83,075 676. • 1rt1856 ft "Vas .011,741;461, en in ereeee of rend,. $ 130 ',606,611C ` i Sikk,"eseireleesri are some of the autgel643eat eseattiref thirviallmers end cenuts Abed* eonnesithn. sits_ of New -Tat with grgit. /akar ;wit*, like up -like nietedi..sta.lresjOiliiika g like 'a -fifer into street* of thetuouireafttifal 'etiporAttat. ' tall ' 'Likeveeultettetiftlale einiireregueel tirethaind hi the idttegly: of other :States: In iftNrelavolead had but five hundred : Men hundred, in& Moog° rui, a tradi pi V., the midst of basin wigwams . 'Theo 'of ouzel/ ant ruftveldirlbroust Ito Stater i n - " oh 'those villages belonged'' , swept late' their. lerbeas - -:the products of t the inter* oontary.- , Their are Jill* splendid cities gerrehtud, bee .neas„s . 9,soo, troit 40,000;"and' Chicago mere tha n incideed thoitnind iillitAtianta!' ContemPlidetheitevroudors, gentlemen,' sad betters-with arty that Psnesydre not too old: to butane the notion of .new °Wee. Lot us rotors now to, that portion of our torit, tory of whieh I was speaking. For those six Jet; Noes of aorta of land; is which I do not kelt& the more improved parts of Lyoomiag, - Meta* Centre, Orawford;, Erte:and Venatego, As Omit monwealth.colloots, tax of about twentrafetkt thousand dollars a - zear=less than is Odd little chinti of Delawitio.'wheee artists Initimese sores.- I herd present 'you with a stehieteutof area of thioeintleolnithhdtztbow has 11 % solt the asseopodysination of thereof ueosia seek elf them for the,years,lB,4s at 41851: Condties.eOrea. Val. in UM Vii 61 N • MAO clasps ,- -- - - - seiefer Clinton .... eat= - she r. fieTd.... ... 750 MI • - Min 11=i4 Crawfotd 01111.0110 2.11 1 1.3111 - SWAM ;ACM - - 4.43/I.lff . RIM? . 3117,910 -WOO 34324 f now) .. • • frerwm 39.000 . ULM 4.11/.4111 Rif* • - Vriatifi ' i 06.4412- ro.aoo. 11411 6111 OSSA44 care* .Mean MA* ISM.* Leman • Lvromirrg. McKean. Potter...- Tioga— Veasego.. - • fos,sit 211.141,61 c c • You wilt observe Met the iSestroMAll tlwosials- Con of, 7,468,764 nem, foe jifteagyear?,,amoantir to about ittnety eixisper 'Very, 0r11,716,851 doll** The ineeetteein'eeteeptOtt 'Commit, ilosillirtious area is 476.609 serevybr the soft I simountt; ed t04%,e25,4181, • or , tworos-aroasto - 4~iner , cents P s r , , • -. 5.. • The &refer o valuattoo ptista4 gmo ,egantiet named is 4:3 Wa'per siste.'"Let compare this with otbeitetuttleit, 'usts ion h nA bettor. wives maws! remorse* are is ilwarirst absiderisr, xhiolt•hoive °ROJO, . the • airimaist. of Jan& and ' . . Vaiestiam. z.m - 10,741 r L 7, 4 80 _ pkagg ava. - 'Lowe 126 ' • -11 MS IS 117.1110 9AIII "- es ens - IS TR ISS SIRIUS - WILMS - • - _SiSsllas Burka. ... Cumbedand.--- .. Tian = • Franklin ' , Lnoisater. Lelianon.., ..... ore Nor thempton..... - - - : • • ' Here Yon - find tha its'arelle ales' ti be forty-two dollars and fifty eents per acre: V you give to the. eounties dint named the benefit et the Improvements now in progroat and in content plation, Oplll3l4them westward to tbelaketi smith westward to the oblo, and eastward to the Atlan'- loothere Is no reason why - - the wreriss tralt - mtlem of their landashould not, darlins the-Hese aims. of you, be equal to that in the counties last des* rated. I dad In the last message of the Cletrammet of ilissoarran not Muitiktlon of the - effset of rialp roads% tWo'of the eon:dies' 6t that' Static - ' The Governor says t Sines the-torretyo- St the Peei9o- :Railroad- were made. the aseeestneets of Pettis county, have increased-, fr om 8649,00 Ai 34.050.000; end those of Johnson county from 8749,000 to $5,500,000, from 7852 to 18513.41 x years! This increase in.themeormtiee what' entii dt infatul,and away from'the rimsr navigation, has been in a great =tame produced by Use bawd* received or anticipated from that work. As the extent which the reed rune thiongh thee. eoentles will be sixty' miles, the increase Already has beenUal to $135,800 per `mile, islelunrgh - not • of mite of road is its uss stater cum*. It Is a very moderate estimit• to, say that orta:hilf of this advande'is due to thei rillroid,directly or ladireet ty ; yet thlstardly Indicatesirbst maybe expected from the completed road: - Awl the results slang the whole line of the lismaibal end St. Joseph's read, and on the others, as for as built." Gentlemen, you may rely upon it, I am not ado taken in the opinion that the valise of land in our undeveloped counties will rise to the standard of those with which I have compared them. At forty t co dollars and fifty cent! per acre, their value lion will amount to $317,795.€18. which, at the present rates of taxation, would bring to the nubile( treaseryen sunned revenue of $794.849, eight-fold more than you now _receive from them. This yr cult, I verily believe, is within your reach, by fa cilitating thir great improvement, which should have been completed 'a quarter of a'eentury ago: And you may conceive of others - that , mist nuady Callow. The anthraeiteooal of the Shamokin and Wyoming basins will,; by means of the Sanitary and Erie road, find a new and extensive market at the harbor of Erle. andyoUr'hitumiamis coal, new inaccessible, will be aliened to the markets 31" lb* East, where it is required for the manufacture of gas and other purposes. • Erie will no longer sit is sorrow on the bluff, watching the commerce of the lake sweep past her splendid bitter, and through' her streets to Dunkirk and Buffalo. She will be op and active; 'she will share the benefits of that commerce with her neighbors, and will radially, but eurely,- rive to the dignity of a greet fluty, and will bold the trceptre of Queen of the Lake A new and powerful' outrent of trade wilt *pen Weigh our own &coitione fink hey harbor to the dabs of Philadelphia, and it• will flow beak end forth like the flex end reflex of the tide. Pittsburg un. the Ohio, Erie on the Lake, and Philadelphia on the Delaware, all in daily communication with oath other, and with an intervening country bountifully rupplied by Providence with all the elements of a powerful empire, will give to Penurylvante, In wealth and political influence, es high e position as her people can desire. I could hope that this bill will relocater no op position in this Legielatere. I linear there are tome short-sightti,•narrow•mintled, ticket!, poll. titian, who are incapable of a eompreitensue view of any great public question, and who may find in this application another opportunity to "split the ears of the grosndlinge," by their denunciations of a measire that has left three melancholy, vacant chairs in the office of the Canal Commisakelere. But such patriotism i a now at a very low &Useful, and catioarn neither money nor reputation. I hope 'that it `Motif no shadow in these legislative halls. I feel enured that from you, gentlemen of the !sem mittee, this bill will receive a favorable Considers tion; and the more you. examine the questions, which it presents, the more-reedy you will be to 4E170 it your cordial approval, and extend that prompt and eine/ant encouragement to this raat improvement thatits merits and the public With," demand. [From tie Charleston Mercury.] - • Linxum. IlitQllP.Sr.—Mr. William linston, far marl years a large dealer in furniture hi this city, Cid very Suddenly yesterday morning.' Mr. Bos ton was a 'native of 'England, hot cauto - to this country in early ebildhobd. In Philadelphia, where hogrewlup to manhood. habsarned the bade of a chairinaker, and, after his mareaim. coma tie Charleston to follow that trade. From tbislumbie beginning,. by habltb of 'airier industry and atten tion to business, ha bemuse .. .nit:of -otar wealthiest citizens. and has died- neseessed, of • 'property of shout $2,000,000.- Being ehildless, be has left his wife a life interest in the sedate ' and one or two an nni ties to relatives . Upon the death of these par ties, the entire estate, excepting about $30,000, re verts to the city of Charleston, in trust for charita ble purposes, as is more explicitly jet forth in the following extract" from his will, which was read yeateiday : ' 9 And at the death of parties concerned, wherein tho amount isnot left unqualifiedly absolute; shall revert knot tom, fiesta MO. death orall partieS Immune& it is mv wish and wilt that the:whole laudation go to the city of Cherleston, for the fol , olyips perespes and upon the following pronatons: To build op a hirspital for Mit and infirm - persons; none mast. be admitted under the a.. of igdt forty-fire years, unless ill case of moms great infirnnty, soma I Inlay/3as. soma phseical hideouts. I entirely exclude lunsay from the said hoc:pita,. It la more for to make old ace comfortable then for anythliis else_ The neoessary qualifications for entrance must he poverty &Food bonegt character • the patties most be decent,and the sift or the places Must be invested by the handset twelve Bastion, ehossaby Coned] :and the sod trustees. together with the Mayor of the eity, shall determine whether they are proper persons for tan ( 1 1 4 - My. Thera shall Manna rarriailtin lba PlY.e.talrtelleY family', if oily be alma, six gilts fir six individual,. Before baritone can be done with tn. fonds foe-amok a ovum, the _ city of Charleston must fprnish rimless Matt film acres of ground t 6 atect the said cogtairesi OR, for each °ounce must have a small garden to b... the occupant., These cottages must ha taiiik of bria s TOWai'neat . and convenient. two 'storm* bitk i 'havtnig each two moms ands kitchen. As I home oci_tims there mustpermrda a plan amid - hospital, and sabmit ted to my wife Hannah for her approval: The tot ground, or its location, must h,vis her aapro7el.' Pao TACTIO:( Or AERA CEOS . liwarlidoet.-41 pti 'Tee letter from 'Word Uri states esti& the raw bias in the city had been preawd let. reawfwe fat ,m4eotiort of thw-wablia Walley alml dwell ing; againat,the enemy's &elle. Aquartilty already idtiqed liddlikerriee bean tabu:back oh there fic the saw; purpose. 22t.fiR soave .. MOB Mae'