The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 21, 1860, Image 4
~..• • -, .... ~ .„ i ~,,::••;-•;!:-7 .;,-;:,.'!A'.,2'.7 •:)...1,--jij'e1,f.,10.‘,•,.., ir- , ,,::• - , - ,41-...).;,;;;:z•t..-7:.`5,0•. , ..-A, -- 2. , ,..,•„:„,,- , , t , ;,' -.,..,:',.. , , 7 :-;,.., c , .. , ..•,‘ 1•:•;•,5 - • , ti r.4. --1 4 1 g , :pi.:•,, , ;' , ...4?zi.i5i - '3:7 , '',- , :...1z._ , ..: • • dodo* . i' -P a.;• - , a , L. -- " '-,- ' ---- ' 7 ' - ' 71 aCharstateoillos Alllotais italfasoliopodth,TO " , Poultifotygile-S T hleolloll,. Om , i ti oloal sat ;is littil the of &pee** err welt ftitcr wise bet oas IR* alkeit 'O4 tatoineashow t,_llW_lfillahh, it. ' * , ridded NA , Geohittation,_ wain time Masa' nagosilirdWilellkorkifV oast* a MA iiiiV orAtifiralut, -, Ms 010101014 Or 0r1it 411 1 0119 7- 4 " '' ,--',; :: ,Kr 2111ter',MIWOrt0, - fce*dotelklitiSikl*t. 01,0 1 ) le 'ilielleititaa UM ek- li AteOW " °MOWS**. Wit lilt hti r iltbdort', ll ..# o i, wayto itagoopitholi as‘i i , axolt A -- - An , , , 4 - aii e ',.,f, watt ain ' , fly , " • " '1 , "" ~ 1 . h,,... :::,. ' *i2 Clanitorar. Truter- i iiit . tit= a tet lobo the ilillooPtg =4 %ado gran vidWift upon UL = U - - alesoittee of Lint and pothassa a posayia OfVito% bY right, reverend ttisaitie:Altr - oonoott to reoitohnents after mamba aertioaila the eburebot, for which, to ma there shontd no good cause, nu' lan for o and soared for th wbo ar ose . Ildb e *a ea lon* ialforesoork ball tabt thig at the - " *AM Woli kiln ltt" kit -14 Vie ohs*, vitamin. addition to nail same. menu, thus was a sort of tilling toldierO dame, aims bah killed, several bona, one man badly saaredehaeiog eletdatily _Valtag lilibiarialthtl 147 Weal the bozos of an lidtatliatA bell, tram 'whence bath* towed, to lit,ploo* oredelgreo4 ~ b 6 911 it • yang mac s la hottioalf :at ' students or ute 'Noble art, wore present, as, through their, Wet, tolled, upn _the addlibigaM4hfultioits fur their in Afris& andp parfait shower_af 'Aro and___ Arid folkowed. Ws Calatiis 4it.tWa pl aty ~ rout, bet (toneotl Swam *id slightly and did not &toad. jimmy disOftujobokfeniale: were mew; t h e spestettirsi- let 0 ttikideetre enjoy. moot, bat tt t, Vies the oocodcatfor Ma coon." . 6004:144iii)thiliciari,,AuVeilliAlioiii -,- Conn's, at tbs" 10th tut. I: t ar, ~,, An snivel, on Taehley_laid. of onabwid old, Utlety bead of loaf WNW from Tailassete, afFerdar AO Market a tinporszyjeljef,floy !pre "logy bougkt iip lry tile lintilming ir, AtoVilit, tot MAO tioalall C. Prins of lest quality fellto 111 and Vie pettptatii, . gods peo •Oroopiamrod - Volt In lb* of veal, pork; and ointtolt.,. A aolloa hits of ,*tet, boo North liarollita - witi not blig4ht'eUror aakiniVo per, ~l othgptilt and , to kill fir look lattote‘ald` otbar'soareat o ieortois. dm tit liddiegt Daubers aro of the ophdaa Usti - instead of thin tar* a soaraitylarlag the , meet, led of Wit esursation; 'if ,is "ntoralhaalhobabis that tialitinhit'billt , ,loglittitek nottlutipii)ok Teog• *II* Ihhtt 1,2 t , ,,,t00tbi Pe tab% Ilier ' As. large intaltir of doivegoliialiguilladLtbati In. - tend* 1 01 40 11 - '9 441 4.2 4 .! , 1 ! - 1, , ,101 " 1 "4 111 , ° 4h ! Mb of natiotteth. '' 4 4,, r, -,,,-, Ilarrhsiebniestoa Mercury i , -Mixt' in ClimiltOit,lbMtot*Pshtl‘` gte - N ye' ttelt. Atha Who** of, automat= - distitO- - ; tire bemire. "If they hod, l tap the Afaroary, "supported lAA* thetteill4l l ol/0( the Oath with t h at oalogyand:lldelitTAbiablheif dillXti. the South Usti and . Constitution Iragoletedthey *odd notopi Bathe to reirforik thoir,hnt, oritloalAto Willem tot the North trbo hare, town over* shtua bY Utile eabwintive irshoollity. If they had finned thistliphte of 'the Booth in ; the Union to he sottidf-tbotio w ri l m i=ektlltem id the North shottlitho , been ' ' ' and victo rious - allies. :deft ' , lSiithey Ito: oplotAUnd, °rink thromilgatty'ia" ' , ,' ' „- Ly ", Duval ca, .ras Wrne,w , er , llionath...-wo • an atonsomil, a Au montbir ego, the that the‘thie widow ofh of actillitanmeto 'notortiled V y in the of tadnelerlkillter.the es of Mo VelledrisitudeCto wow married"ton ',mamas niausl Souk oat vilified *taller' husband wrounsbere inisissibeth - -. finhosequicalr , to. the death of her mild'•o OA viohAgiattiestiniill u li iiiltiudilloitel:' . 101 491,1 01 the poet.and - sOletchi, itelelsittiefic . =.41, 1111 1= 1 • 1t d 4 : 2 " 3 ' I ; The. triiiivomse7-4.ight-laAti: s iii4 l 4C , monoitisitisma 3 40 , 14 1860 : milliesiest or the deparirseat known prise ring b ow , ga, miner etlin , in; itllirestiplei to dew tot• time, into name -olveatiiamiti. :.:11,01.1ii‘showever e - V writing, and a stern, gimlet jestridoshilstratloriel the eltirtirliiiperial• pollen whit& "the /We han , . 41 301 ,01 00 441- it* sedllen4d h thto oribh , ; int 110.1411 thOlropsrb phianeriorseis ' hag It resiiiitsrtf the, or rtui r onani, elasete,h-iarl *voile thirstliglity 7 4,11' wit onair** 4l .Weallit "Mt*: Ms. mimed - both Kiiliel - 7nr where Ipessith to bit traial.t - be able to any, howerer, hike. Ishii werkstisieltirAhsk -than be wastible,to 41,s=;in ' the iiiholiffirelii. - 114 emir WestoCor; <4Oll • ms•hituttii moot -,..094, ~,pdair;iii-mto......,host*Nit; ...... , host*Nit; ,vidlit /lior, nd fat .. than.Whan:OW:l a, • for the ant a __d_ di . oildllit aClistobow. , lit iitamparied , /ialah:**DweaaAlit meet ow rdest`sedellitiicti 'lgcrt)tliti” *WM . stoneAl . lintly: ato t he' danpr , rinalletatWA , Mt - Hakim iw old to ham bean itl lia 1 -thirti , blot ln the dartiioll66llll/ Clillihilo 4111 AppaarteeMeritdrismadabstatlwaserhohara lean bowman itripoid ! tattlin_liwitatelle rtt•lthn - Ind his Asata MUM - . deelarithil now.Alettilitiltdotglitgerla ‘ tn it law efOght linntl9ollia.': ' ''" ^ -" - .1 - we Illeyars; also, ti iliViiiiili aiWtrantiare ' -'• erotic ond ktilmalmetaile_aliliblatto ha ;se: wall mike WO Atherere_bill PI he Sirsr:,wwi , feu sai aaatiolk llit 1116_,:ha,frideotatirlintel - riet.MYoli. PIT, r fliliti, Ilk diportatent at his roast 409114411 , . .011141liott_ , 4 'ant that. lids, comb, dinesilitallty addends end loinkeni,-is 'also' atitkort fiewslhe' diet that the lxldsiza Az to foot In his hwatceitdditE, irstt* high It mean_to In on* 01l 4161041hati been alined __—:, ri shoul d ' • not be " saroriast Wrist thv'tnarreat o dds hold_ the shiT s. - latter eilooNLlOr.49sllC:feeling 0_ ..vala in litcrpn i: ; so on lateron 1 tionaraeft; ", Illiebhotini not;,a,aio, a' id, ears' 1 to bet spit* illrlde. ' Ode. . day orthe SSW, however, I '4466640: 4 011 'nage 'ilitelidoe of the odds, whedihrt edirentaist 36.11114i-tiMi light and shade play to therittlwilka'knote hod 'hollows mtef s, It am , illosfit:_waWhelleiNtel absetdtrat ~..-,,, ~:., m : 4 • "lii• ' 16.1614Odisfot lihrtkeli;E im- . - # 1 1144, 11 406- . - .W IV thhOotwrinwti. plitelleik, ' law matisti ' , alyeall' the ptildisnathoti• - lige w4 l l - 1 11 1 44 111 0rri talmrawatra=s to 111,, iimiwi,ili tarratt'il ' the 4 • CO thit 16th et Medi; • ', tly;lino tilsenota. - bla bediklii lite' Chien " ' k ettle- World; by' 'the heer/ 424 41114 If . ItiEuntb , er rapt.. -' seated: ` y rlisasia!*td,Ljnefi r 'Anterkei and, Sayers. andjillor IW.;llll4hutd, will miss eff-.oiel that day. ~illfigESsl4. biiitiVasy erlo,- Anil* Oesi,' l who prove ;litiniadeii:lti'ltis the bedew he i ' Vsuarrillats: WO fam#lthe ardent 4. "-P. 8., if " Agra titoa. stand s t a r o . ; ' , tits' EirtraiThisirYj'illrtiit; 'l3lbilliti;: - .1 ' Sittarritt i ).- ow Albino Col itell , _loo le If fir the' - Cheater • OstiAtt ttet . ba :41011i1 Aar thclast ~ lines daytcadel liable - 'llitit,' bi'llitik di _ alined at 26101 , 44 t , -.1 -I *--..--;`: o•' ; =,.; ' • EzeeinfeworAkeveps lipid i 111-exPett.- !. - __. - PAmin,c l4 T"“PT iFIV?it frrom tke 0111Miestimejfableeeles4 " , ,- -_:- 0 5 eri Atotittroildrit le lobe thalltitteebbltboi itarreee , ew, -- bile bark, evitedilial Atetteil): Eitirresesiml" fleeleit kw- Owe Met toi.a.tbst low* Amos neirereller to ' UMWWY 4.4110-1110 00ip's Alifit al *let ** l of ibe litikeli , Jet - Amin euserikiftetof bur. flee, still the 1. 1 .lilbei ilchgogilftalNit, - sat tbottiloileetetft ilibtoluielliP:lHoectettSeC et - webobifibezweibiLlettle 01004 Ofik , iguiltyikelipteseicleitieateMl _ Wilrbeeeit infg;, nasithazi:on toasty shall _be made the ambit", ref Ito 'Oilier sereekeiteeefiesmit,..l ' . - '.--I - - - - . _ . • ' "' - Tis siiit Ns& ;Pk*/;110110441! At aleirelNlC 04 1 1•11104 i on Of tr*,,.."). - - ':. 111 11 5V'llitlit #lol.)Wir this= =mot ' s f, '--tftiverk ' 'ioute iii- . iirfsk talir ' ' • ftscut, aad *mins dadrad.64.lW tail& ILI'S'. - " - dean 16 *RAM , a tff4blßM*l:so4 l .!' ti **mast : 1 1 / 6 1 Wilkkai Joel I ylatinftl4o,l4lo6 ~-_ a dui an aa afildwar , iibt inli mown, rla ialpgar , v oitlig li =aino, _lt fa WM OniihralSodierlariastri :'- ~ al* Mak sat the Vs pigs" VEM L Ist rompiidid witii. dads ldo " ' - lids towil.Allikirfra- ;rtes Os sdr - s o t - , ~.._ .-_:.',! b 'Adriait aiiiktiaiholioda**,ll,"",. we * * , l'f , moon's& alio iliriTig i" da 404 - alitt Ira puma wi IdolorieraroSON maanips. --' , ,X, Advised Esiditt:Lo ,; Pas te 1,4= ---, - iorksaitimt addrillait Ida is simardisa ad 14opsidaP or aeautata.- - ,TelibeSty .iiiiiirjmis tibia sysavat is dm paw adderrJealgitilas4 , afit.4oatalltroasit ilit A a raorrtaaridfalaMa ia silsaieast waskto Mr Issaalaal yawl ideval , sift* fa ilai-kaaliml) d amhiaidkabi ofta,• ; atlgis :Avoids's feedsie 1 " 16 , 112 07040r0ati1t isidesoki,- , ------------,,-------- - ‘ ,9 Misr ,ilasibraddask Isd:lioia. ' di poj Mosivitiltieriadsidi Nadi taws 0 - - % m at aid kok r wiliiiiigteele ,Saseihr ; A ssja; eil-Med ma r -,l l l l b 44 : WO - ' -"WY. **- '. l . .0% tir7 4 * 444 .0 1 M1".°1 Wet. Bing &boat ittlflta wkiFo ' l.llalatNttei Ay were ataau sad, sad pro. 41 0- w ie Ui pt4'mitwigwam** ntinua: to Me.sDtarl Bpi*, Boatb Am n*. 1. J; ,'3ttiaact* Stn. SPO tray -tore Or,* pdtpoisaf paying a parson of fr=rielaw -- m i t; Barrow sad itlikiettwerirb titiletritmr Th. =eon totikp ' 2K:emit: min tbrivded_ breru , . 444. naguld Bakal; flatatday, w en ay ware like. at **mite 3140440141 z ' , The WA* lier•Oriowl,Alptike.bodis.wirs of rib to.thin4,==,..o," *Muria W 4 , 1 1 6, y wort not of the dor • siaapt, Or ite b 1 0: 1- sbalkieti eta:, tizt, and lito*)ti :btai,wu 'Wit lOW .riag;,b_at_ffir_w d . hal u a it H=t4-,-0400.491.0.,,e0„,mi14a, {rU=IMPOB3'#TIONB.- JAI , 0 = 1.... VAC ; &Ralik tie ,ta bre musUie SO via l ei VICAPVITCaI : 4 11 4 :7 0 = 5 i0 C %n i l: inavtg rk4lfriin Blini7Jll4oo hors - iis• r a . ~. lliE imizraziitti. lit . , ou r : , !.tt t zt. la .. •sioe l Ludea t soit, a too • lidias:-.4, '..1..i...4-LmaitaiTh i Lag o a ' MAW, 11100 A _ Ar 91400........ larnas. Noon •RI , r , ... .......... igi iiiiiiWreiU; &you . 4411 /"' *lra* woo. Myr ItitT as.4I;IS :s s MrA...•••••p 119 41hbr litithirvloritiajonar Eit_ita'Aintiroivia Dila-, fli n , t °,, . r !,. :sf l , ,r 1 ,14 a '.. ''',, i.a.,&: retort. Hiaritt, IP- Jain Dona Cardenas, leatemee to Jatirataltilh Ovotairs. 14 11 i, aa IM i allbl i t ri ff t iolat 73, paaca mown to. ...d.,, ...fir Nos 116M1=1,1=3:1107 ,st•• ~. , . oamrgh•o-.t• nom" -. .113;7!04 k Y tt,;_ttos rupht Weeit eery I ,±. eh 3am Mak Milk maim( v i rtu Mein Ithea as . oe• ,bar eon* Pan o ft auk dinar • Parittintr 1100 , riiiVerphat "Wiz Milbi 6 pumatimi Itleeekacem., 1 111111114 And P aci ng ' 4 grratittrAt a rfi a grit he= Mg ratt as in nr.l a l ga. 3 Dammam& etz tair Ihe .100.efeke tr ftr z nm e l emma; Vag Lu PM.. or and atiltork.. .. Su ova, arhan Wt. al s &OPitia l thatiltata= a rtp rtio le k Dos Srtriva.ltanaav: rod onaouid,raft sr I C 9 1 ." rain WV I i Ofjrrh " • Mum, ' viii, Oaiiii:frlyth; toTannara & Pro. Fob wati, on . "pap . r out' agatimpon, uota , Salm set Wm; tiVriffroin Beldam in hal t 1 . V I NZ I P t i t nititt lii‘i /Ya rn kitten , Del: ...,..„,,,.. r. „, 1 .. reat ers V elk, ;.- e 121314 eigh rola Blet% l - iR I 42 44.X.,1 1 k 0 . 361 kart Aiitlta. ' r1417 04 111 9: 44 tt, PTV oi n i titntalniedectit, Co.' dtit Bantu, Use - wee; limatoett & amia ' eehr 1 B Audis; Davis.; Boston, glnialloll & %over. tight` Peetetmeoek; .Barrosshs, noiroon,, Via . Dixon, ;forlorn & Co. Behr Tia Pattarion.liand, Dhirio4oll.Bo, Ntlit, Da l J fWillisme, Cottirtonc.D a Station & Co. Soot 13. k. Edward,liskiK Salim, P &wit...ant , pante Banjliniiitbs. *amide. 4)tonr D hlatgartlV. , .r mum o at lingua. 3. Mal:IA . a 0 -..--, , (ciod r pttaiTr T t.p &fi z .--- hi - - 11 .- 2 - - AM D. - num nr-artak wind tvo Wks ar• now' al* thin'• plan, Pin la. cull &ix -- - - THOLI.:2I. NOOREEL • .: PehMOILhXDA. . ettlnathl•l24l2l4l i ghinailtPpipa.htathrwa, hum striae') Ship Joints, Young, for. Liverpool, Glared at New ;"3,c/Se 111118. , .-- • - o iiinoriontin; from Valparaipo for Baltimore, from Talathrtano Jan N. in ohms of the mate. • ' °LW . 111 %11TrItiaii• Rim &Mid at ~, ar eik ha... ',- P , -, - ~ . .. ~ .• - . a I ..,... 1: 4.114 10116 11171 0 htlit from ala lliO ed de frpm Janei ;it ro aligi4 ott N ii lobo pti7.7, ivi e _LIIMIT AU Ai. R. 18th ult. t° Bohr L Iteabritiavm, l 4and, &Ovid rtt Wihnintton, Dolaith jail _ _ ' • . ' ljaNgsttr fitign l TWitlrliti r ririr i PrOVit Arra, Del, reminder. ' • -, X Yroomaia. Nicksin i Lx BoXotl• XXI to 04 1 tem_ themdoa. Del. mem . -'" es ounnalia, Uttar, banes for no, at Newport at 13% &at poL Ol Danatilln, Ai, °lowan at New. York lath IIIEW' : PV131:10A l tIONC 111EDIOA1,4 ELESTplanl-- Am-m-, ff .' , .. m ..... a.., , '' '' I LIE Yit Imiurirrozi - • ,_ ___4, l4had '; ' —i l l' lMVlAM -- ; -ILEDIdAL ELECTRICITY, Dlieeliteel.' end Dines is the treatment T= I . earalxis. and other tiuseeee. By J. A r i " Ilinto. ELS. , ~.• _ i s :"Mon etwoont given by Dr. Alibi= of the anntral roma egethietnoiti ix a wiry Rill, intiallotort, MI inelthetive one.: It 'fishmeal all that is neosegarYth threw light cu t an n direct might -1W therethintoar sweliestlon t whole *mingled in • upthaisntly onnoixe manner, t one, at the earneAltheonear mot exsot.-,11...t. Med. irlorriesl Revieta ,--- _ -r' ' ', . • ' . IMUTO work of Dr. Masse hee one that, in these ilay• Of Book-makingdOsrpfralatirstoraftvir• It Is 1,1, the DTodaotton or one Who studio. bin gro in a ri ad seititpgsduotitwelulosothy. — Lon- PI LlZirl & Yelatlktr, gi' f . afterz u land rithilmhere, I d 8. d -above Cheatnat. Ti t=le l at ti tr i liglia tiLi e aMireo . et • • &elm With 1 eliElid PA,A ' BIREV ' ''' ..„,,,710 seAtinikasit i f i l ir ik r stria. ne Ifi l lar - dlll2llllll/13118..A 16 0 1 UPPLSAIENT C Egil PiAirmeit anaiD IC. contain. nu sa•=tto=d .. nlizr=2 . 2Wa. . ys • oat C , Oi , t . ip_n . olW2 3;0 3:nhi'Matohon, %if a tbasity. e r P " 8 itit e Wet it i rr a ' N ig' rm: Y col= . 'votes two °Amu to the no% of i t t . um which lee- knits by W ea lth, rewierit of pail- or tie li tieet a t a t, 8 ). :4 , h. fa iniw o s e nv e ?at Re por t % TINS. The new Novel by . lettNet 'rim' : Holthe meneitter, If.athie . ke, Wil/bB t ..152,111•111 20111/141111 Of fah Ulla ..t:;IL t hlriktriterat i gt 4, Igor! by, lithie Per : " rinlENtNia. yk no vel ity,sntltor of Otlinill3k:;li; ilfervtlistratorof The In -0 .Zortente ! The owls or the ,IeIUIOII. ' S ' l MPRC i pre a trCS-T; MAX ade FAUN' or. • • Beet .7. - xwo veieneno,..eforb. 1.40 , &lice M iz rtb:Fil rl i =retiztuotate or WI .raillatat re LirMillaletno trIAWDIAI'AN. Ityl=oe Ithehant.' One Tot /Ivo, oloth. aware therragfllitil iltlyr CH U B Cfniiii, (relit the Aret)tresoaine o th e %ape to the Council of MOOS, &0. I.ls4thir autbonee Norbert, Ito. One vol. JU'LLIn,... aitE' . r "it' file 4601144 i: Life. ,- Ny this nubby o 15 Cli &0. , . rnhl9:3t 9 1 41 1 #41PNORT4 ; gIiPRERUONM A ECriniaIiII A TRIP TO Aparwl. AiToy :. • i 3 voi.lfor b eitl_wyme. _ woe M. 0.... ° 14 pkis; Tgfy .r=.,. 71:TA4Kirr lan soon os tILAvE TTTT T MOND; Soon Otittlimui, kindls:Milan. met most tunely imd faithful. . ~e , nU,,.- *.. mew, roboarialta it pophio IMY thiiMenwst of lance winch eonsumnsAomutemos _p.n.*. 0042...,;. sill I tergeiritx..shimarugatra ,v.... 4... WA -the coward fury of the WeeM7mrtseit Ahla m is o lltV least! MO. I : xi IZETIONAL, NOT TTTTTTT AL; uOt Oartillat.but fi lle mete the South to me stsoste remedr em eir Ovilo, by soomming VOW for the Ash. rosiMbOr for tea. T 4 . . Agril NM! r ag e i raratiOte r .. • - daty or ara r i tono. s t rint li ptiod to_siti it • favornl i on:: Prs iirnrol" r e sd",7ll°- a 'r t wid g lY from : jelar e t i e w t o rn t r o t , s la p, I T= Le Ate ib udlhe •is put of oswention from ireste who testa me es me only motes or astetY , will swum it • otteulelson r 1 Fa r 2 4 to t A I ; tort ni te d n T s ) e r host the minim Itt gewyerms eeouriosl f loagios. wwt tea 46 rinditUO otarfol , mad welt 41101Mited to taint Me dio the loon. I Pivot the Iktroit C4ristian .fferald. Atfnlntsbee yemthent Meonshtms on the questions ' 71: Bm ItAt e lAlfa re al ' iroetifii Pius. .. Impressions amiet4 se world be Is by any 4 % 11 ". rewi r tnle r nen I t o Merit nap. IT Is wAix, ni twt . OM she : - A I iAlditton. ..1 ,Pabliehers, WOW otroot4.ol. Y... SALICA - 71srgii Oiriagai - and _Bar. -, iliermskitkr ootobliohmontt 'floats on the corner 0). ....,_6 the 'widest Antall In Porto:Routh, Va. ;,.. : 14 :1 riving husinors. fTho owner to unsblo, throng 11=t1it to longer ors .It attention, Call bi out kor and very rosionablo toms. or lowed ors term Of itth : 1111 .; APPLY to UEO. R. 8 BAD, , Ilialo7/ill Pottyyht t Ve., , &UMW& A OM . 804 OBJEST U treat. 4.-:: FOR SALE—The -handsome and sidartantial building, 'on the 'northesat corner oE MRD land DOCK' Btreets, now' AO for &number al •1 • eiter naoupied by the Penn Mutual Life Insurance .. OMIT. a prominent intiatieri Of lbtaproPert7; Preienting rSortie fronts on both Dock and loud !areal", makes sairalltia for 111.111_y purposes, and is specially worthy iii: attention of Insurance or Railroad Companies. ry:' , oll end tamseosointoodatra6 W tpply to . SE . liable et. No. Of WALNUT direst. Air - FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SALE O TO RENT.—For logrtienlor apply -en the i' northwest corm of NINTH and LOCUST tmeted. tower,. R SALE OR TO RENT.—A large '119: sad oommodiop Cot Vigo at It ivetton i MS,. with *pawl to the city eight times daily by steamboat or con The place liver rrouilded with fruLtirsen and ii h iu *R3 to hearutiforder,with a beautiful lawn ex of t iari t ‘ o e, th i s s zter ;e atiuzi p intis e beanrilat - Nobs FOURTH Street. • .• - • nai-otalwae, AS PEREMPTORY SALE, ON THEPRE- MilL“MI8138, WISSARICEM, to._ elms a concern. Tho & Son., Anotionsers. Ferrule Motile property. 'W okon TaVIITIIIQ. near ORES iHUT HILL, nine Milts M ..Philadelphm. A LARGE DWELLING. rwithE Missive fitablinr. and FIVE ACRES OF LANG. Aro 0 k IR a daglllginlis t 4 :l,reiltUtti. aw l MOM a noam , on the premises, ali that valuable lot of Rue sorwi, and buildings, situate on the westerly side of whishickon avenue , any Chestnut Hill, about nine milsa Rom Philadelphia. .'l'he improvements comet of * laws and commodious modern three-story Gums limies t 110 bY 90 feet, with =Worn improvements, exten sive maitesa. &o. Carriage House and gelding for twentyhorses. -Terns.--Two-thinle of il l lA , Pu i zhise money may re 77270otiTragiem(13 iat7h 9 rm. the property last ru ok islaeoessible by railroad, tiridpiki. ' Mtd several beaplinti summer roadii. WV The locality is ufieurmuised for health and beauty gt would be well adapted for either I private residence, Weenies school, oroublle house.' Will positively be sold without reserve or limita tion. 1 'PHOBIAS SONS. Auctioneers. 119 and In South Fourth street. PhiledolphierFeb.-29, MP:— mhpll2l3 & Ap1.11115 COTTON FACTORY FOR SALE, IN zaz CITY, OF 4.1_3AD1N13,,,F.A.' Tbe_:READINO UFA° URING C_ OMPANY wfil °Mir at Pubile Bale at the hitArnuom the MCI of Reads". on WIXOTRODA.Y. the Seth day of march, IMO, at 1 amok P.ja.. the property known ex " The Reading Cotton Mill," located it the of ty of Ai t ig'Marot grr o Vgitr bas, and from ti. Cost gitglons: ..!;,t...zuu and Mason e selfsiettim mule apinaies, apd 100 Looms. 'Main bighting' Mese feet. ctinalettag of three stories and an attic, With slate war. two wince one for boiler house and repair shop, iligniM feet, and the othel'a moker'e room. agM feet. In addition to an Offile outside, and a More Mouse nog ((feet With a slate roof, and a turn-out from the !Wading Railroed through the latter, and thence over Sou sehates s •gbere the coat is dropped without tisadling,ew• posits the Furnaces. An ornament 200 horse power, with two separate sets gf boilers, railroad communication di telt to,Philaelphia and flew York. The general health of meadingoand Sbe parity of its water are probably unequalled by any city in the Union, while the finest agricultural regions in the Butte Nur 'round It. securing for its markets an abundant sad cheap supplyof provisions. Thige are several acres of ground attached to the Mill *kWh VIII be cut OD into building lots. The Whole Mill, with 141 machinery, is in good order, and is:well worth the attention of capitalists and Menu firers. *mons desirous of obtaining information can dosobT ng versonettr neon, tir ado:reams by letter, the un dersigned CoMMittes of Managers. ISAAC ECKERT. • BEN3ANON TYSON, BELL Reading, Maxon eA J. BO W MAN nw-tin Committ,ee FOR, SALE-1 large Lot of Ground, front ingPirard avenue and Montgomery (late Cherry street,) with opening, and good Ironta 8110 oft Vienna and opt.. (fate Browne) streets, In the _Eighteenth Ward.; This lot is oonvemontly located, not far [mm the Delawere, on the widest built-up thoroughfare; easily tooessible from all points. end in a well populated neigh borhood. It would be admirably suited for foundry or Mader, porno's'. For terms apply to D. M. FOX, mbli-wfro3t* Ml YORK Avenue. ig TO RENT—Two beautifully situated mra double hollow, well shaded. with ooaoh houses and ita_rdeaa attached. on Tenon, Plank Road,. one mile aelot i :70111. three-quartera of a mile from no sing Railway spot at Bridesburg. Apply at 7/7 WA T Street. mh/7-tf irIRENT—Two large well•lighted - and fleeted room, with steam power in seoond and third stories of building 525 and 671_ CHERRY Street. Anil/ et the bendleit t le • Itthl7-11t . - moCAndortIDGE. PRY, & CO. WWI SALE—A. Dwellinis it liouse, near the ;state Rouse. Imitable for 0 cos. • 1141 LES RHOADS, mhl6-Im* 436 virALrarr Street. nvilICE TO LET, ON TIMID, BELOW O ;WALNUT Street, near the' Einehnneei two rooms, with ire-proof Went, suitable tor a lawyerconvoyanootgr ran.. Apply to • • mtrukst.: _ a. w. THADICANA. & SON. Nooth THIRD Street. LARGR STORES TO LET—Rest side f of FOURTH BOW, Just below Chestnut, wall adapted fora lers7jaetp, e t ad will be let low. Applly to 0M.2. iii. 724 Market streak. or to MAIII. all , all attest. inblIHR. •R RALR-.—Ond &swat Same and Pow% ether or am raids; ant, Wad tww weeku will be mold low , as the owner her no farther s r them, either for °nth. part (Ash, and porn" notes, oX would szohoogo tor ',aeons'. wantwos calms good trade._ Apply at NS eolith ffili ams. • inhls-4t" MR • R SALE, in HADDONFIELD, N. J., MR pjeasitt Cottage, with about two awes ofground. stable, fruit trees, and socoselble from the city, IV tall. in minutes, five lima aday. and by gravel busy** of sin Was. Price terms am/. reit to wA LN, m,hl.l.lm* 702 WAL tri" Barak, ; SALE—A new three-story brick No. leCecnith Tenth attest. .Donbler three anerennek beektinge, with modent iterrOvelnelltc befit In tbe beet manner. Inanity at No. 2U Holub TENTH &rest. enheo•Tft* aF it BALE-The two ROUSES, 011. al and "'LARCH ['treat, i101d4115 WrisWARDBO.I4 Jr.. - - - elf 1' RUN B treat. GMMANTOWN PROPERTY. ALuestas REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. The valnahls Farm and Country Seat, containing 104 germ of tuning oultivirted land. situated in the town ship Of Gennantosin Philadelphia county, and within Buctiles of the dep ot in Germantown. Th. artuation ono this property _is pot to be slimmed. being bounded meths north by :Washington bine. o , r: by Township Line road, and on. the or he nes Most, and within one,sighth of a mile e unekiin Turnpike, and a quarter oils me of two Ste, LOD* On th e chestnut lidLttrangh be Gannantorn nailrOlid. sign street, and Weabington lane. The location welle above property is high and heal thy, the land watered and lying very advanta mainly for Cottage Sites. it commands an extended view of the surropgifir country, and is inters:o , ed p b n y illatrf t ,trzain.A G rzrprtr i ro - ,.. 1 rim ma tint awe sore lots, innogragnie ' plane r of whim' MST be obtained on arPbootion to either of the under signed. lm. a valuable 'and handsome Building Lot, situated blgr ‘ i!hrtign street, nem Plank road, Germantown, cop - io. foont r on said street 197 feet, and in depth groatMkt Ting an area of atrQpt 4 Wes. The ground lies g sad slopes towards Mantiem street, upon whiah front is a row of large and elegant shade tree* seimrst fine - Biiikhig lots adjoining Cud in the "w i l l of Fishers-Imo Station, German:rya. r De grelt r en d U t 9 B 7l l ll l .lt r iorney, 11. B. oor. SIXTH au. w tibzi Streets. Or to , BAM VJELLIARD TABLES FOR bALE.—Two find-otas, Billiard Tablet, with IX inch marble beds, and latest 1131proveCaushions, made last May— now using at the Mount - Vernon House, germ above Fah street, Reading. degV. o4 : o r ai t ithAr 4 g. few-tf Resang;Va. J ONES' HOTEL—PHILADELPHIA er The lease and furniture of this noted Hotel are for Wait& great balsam, The farniture is entirely new, having helwittun a year. and the home now doing tt su at pes . Inouye o D.M.D. NE , the Hotel, or of F. 6. flfroMßA r No.lll MURRAYR fit.. N. Y. felt-tf .t - I pR SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Christen &i o n Twentieth streets, twill three fronts,iantable r Oto mit or factory site. sro s r tese ko.;address J. at ta - uu aMoe. JelB- tr V,AOTORY LOT TOR SALE.—A aslus ble Wind feet agnate, having three (route, admirably roamed f or &Elicitor, etre, It la retested. in the mmtelweetene fart et the city, re a ratedly-nn forme samhborttoed. will be agjdon tameable rem XVI ipartioniata, &Mime " ethos of TA. late-rf COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. CPPARTNERSHIP. The Subscribers bare this dos joined inaLtnership, under the nuns nr firm of WA LO & HUNT for the purpose of Manufseturing SOH DOuRS. SHUTTERS. BLINDS. &Witt No. TE GIRARD Avepus.isscontory.) ROBERT wtiOß,' EDWARD RUNT. mh2o-2t* February St, MO. (1,0 PAR T NER SHIP.-CHARLES ‘-", ADAM 8 has this day admitted into Partnership his solfgglaii ADA MS ES _.4I,DAME & SON, tr i i3 l 4 l / 06 0 ti nt. Asp?,etaiy, R ETAI o Offro. sad tw o 8 n corner COALMEN &DARI._ OWLEN H. MIANI/5. Plilledelphis, third mo. 1, MOO. CIRCULAR, The subscribers reepeetfally Inform their friends end the public that they have MMO important alterations to the Este i bllshrent, sof are ttow sweltered toexrublt a 4rtemen AII t reVAPIA DRY NODS adapted to the vents of Families. Particular ;Misdate sko c alto the choice of . Desirous not only °Potential( all the old customers, but of mar the Weirton, the undersigned trust thatonth ad hone). care and attention to the wants of urehisere, y receive t i n ituireased share of us- CHAR Eli ADAMS & 130 N, .E.eornerEIGHTH end Alton fibs. ' CONTAIN. Nqatitist Latin hymn, t Allak a i r Eit mem: Avitio, *tabor of v a:M r a: ITALY. 1 / 7 lam& Mao, EbsyrN 7 CiAlill.TF 7 7 - • • . *MILT PSI PROVED thul newly 'Wit Oorn bihed G_tinding and )3olting, or i iSANT FLOUR MILL, • , -'- • - ads in operatiehet, i 0.1111 Rica etrienr,_mmoW Tasty, Panian'a: This tierivAlled Flour Mill,- inoluding the complete grinding sell bolting maohmery, ...1..a a space of oils , 4 feet wide, !sat %lop, and twenty -suns feet long ; manufactartog wit it is small compass, at a mingle operstlon, sad wlth t MID more than/six horse poweri family extra, extra, superfine, and all or the low er grades or sour rill the different kin& of offal iiro drusing Elora snub in quality to the best our made rom linelihn l ioilige tett wlAeat. ' s hy th r best Mercha nt lour r e of 'griffon ' s' 11 tern tia.nof VA.!. flour "is new, compact, complete, and celebrated lour m 11 has ben carefull y' examined by many of the most rs n this country, and theyassnex t 'r ey e =vgb:n it tlishi hip te PMPLIdItIOI/ etail have gives their testimonial or its c intriturio superion- Yi.end its utilitri miters, mill-ownere, merchants, carter sipeouls tore, and the public in general, are reorient all y invited g call Ina !sashimi this highly useful an Ally Gale larrirmatioenr r O l Ohoe - rnirur the pureheee of the Patent Rights for States and counties, and the mills, for every *orlon of the .I.lnitell litatea, Oreat taritain, ranee, trerManli,, Russia, and other Agrioulturf countr es, wil l be given w all persons ad rag s they t it tlltee, No. sas RAO st, below Thid, Philad'ai - Sr For thrther inferniation concerning this oelebra ted flour mai, please to rend the yellow handbill, de eirribinx it- nril IV 491nie, War* itee7ll,rmq. ItteoPers4 OP THOMAS muuakpopth slee t Philadelphia. ALEXANDEft, 11E11;111M D ei s . 64; ; icp`: Atigrstrort. BOOK :STORE. ' I W ptrvist. t llw it= Gite, >O3l WAN. %xi VAN RA/tOEN MoKEONE'S CELEBRATED ORIENTAL DETERIEVE, CHEMICAL OLIVE, EXTRAPALE, • PAL. B FbULLwrg fNO TOILET, Ike. b the ,the mane' - try - 11 1 :ff letittag. far, wVAIVIo. • A Mho A PALM AN EL , COTTON EDfele-oriftt J • ' I tlon of Nirtir, ith ,thit inkorikel :With .a With a Gli ft a . 111149A. " 1 1 1 "'w°, ir! Ait kamp. C P ANDLES; PARR li WAX, • P "tal. tl7. g ... tth , . ADAMANTIAE, otrud or fanoi boxes to "MA an market. tzormiiip vatur i t to ... V i torrArti aß ; rEs Want - • ger Ikat t Cost • . • .11:: 4'4 'l l i lA% $ • .z —330 Bom Herkimer ;County o.ll2m,limpsoto sad forests Ur O. O. SAWA 00/ ft outlaw* rront. '"" p, opiE§RAti r 4 14. Tju s , Ritmo,* -WOW_ AIRMtI M 737 " TO IXT, X2A L N INOURANC- 09 ANT Fra4lW erobarebee el l iknO W E klin iWou on variable terms, Mier. tad or ear efircesu rDART , 31arvallbaykniesli; • ward lijoberte, ohr kon c i nsi l. ical lenoii c a . , ‘_ 1 J Banal. L.. 0 wed eVi sizariA Ant Vat( Q. iirrwoio, Viee Preiddent. zDWAUD W. DAVID. P•aretan QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA. NYFRANTJAN BUILDINOLAISB WALNUT STAVE * WRTAD I ELPIIIA. i Ct EL.Ab r AND SIT Le. and SielstisTrat e s i git lfavrge a ratini Traramortation,_ OEOROE IL HART. President, itP. RO, Vies Prentleat. RBUTLER. LL, Beer and Trestairer. H. Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS. Pos .P te .R sB " . " Pa'tkins „„wer George H. Kart, C. Cattail, E. W. Bails H. R. Coebell, Hon. gg Fuller. LIFE INSUWOR AND .TRUST 00M -4ANY,--pkrZNlg MIPPIAI; I.att_ligelY -0N veu • Ifortheast owner or www.p and . igtoet.. is, the le. 8 u Inn LI for whole tens i r i r e griming inntnte• and eCowmemge-puronows Reel Estate. an m amma nii eengre•re depending engin) _nJunt notes o Luc - au They ° apt ll_ m ote , Adinitstritore, Asslgnsen Trot**, end iinsmaku. ' 741,1 e 1 L. - c. • f ai m M apbOl4. am , gsokor,, ~ W Nro . nen, rlLVl.Frir r al' '' a i r. Ar.;A: utintot t ;‘,i,:. min n, PM Joan' W. Ronson. eniretsiV. • • • I B. Stoke% • •il mtMs7oo'Fnrl aag•w notter, eo n, . P. . oiqrnor, .11 . om m,. o C i l li mulam an . intintr 6 sale AMERICAN -HU INSURANCE, :,CO_., UINCORPORATED lick .3,BELA.RTER PERPET AL. No. 310 WALNUT.Strset t above 'Third. Pltiltdelphra. T im IBIWP3 n largo pa i d -uP . motel Stook and Su rp lus In vested in sound and am blafteanritien. ;son nne to Insure on Rwellints,Btpren, Furniture , Moro Sian, Veneta in Yort and their cargoes , and other oreonal Property. All loans liberally and Promptly edJusted. kenuAlllarie, o n I'. Lewis, amen R. Cantp¢ell. mina C. Morton, mind G. Duti/h, • trick Brady, . Oben. W. Punkas', lens& Morrie. ' '' • - TH4EIAS R. MARIS. President,. ALBERT C. L. CR.AwroRD. Secretary. litn-tr TNSURANCIAVAIMPAN•Y OF TUE A VIAMMEr VA S A M E 11 1Pe i t mo ~ ~,,,, 4 7 4 GB IL iliaVlspial 14/4440-4isamet4, hinuari Is A!til744tenn rut 4414 available n smarßle4-0% 1Yr:=11°..1.4"" i gsroma , ' IRE II F.«),./Mr° i ' rift tiiflM; 417 1 v ' :# l ll7P Rlr ee " meals ' Mam . RN - taw • . , 11 Lewis: 11.15 VG %MAI/ P 4 WILLIAM • - is Aoraart. . ' lit ide wgo ' DMA' WARE ' MUTUAL' SAFETY - IN nfeoßFC,iirr TgriMiLlitTAß 03 OFFICII3 IS. • fgatnt:A li ND WAUWI ON „VAT II lezt a x goy im . To all pails of the Ise% .. , INI?UItANCEE _ On 'coda, by ItiWals,fetat and . Wad Owings P lii a Pill g int& rina a On Morohaudise getußally. • On EtruerkEtrgihnifirds,th.c imRTP.of" comPANY, . facrronnber 1, Pa. Morkar Tales. iliti:ST .' AVldit c aZtlit r Atitt n i .... 1= X Yi rlonsL rams State 6IP ot. n.........., 21.00 00 lOC v.B. Treiugrryß 4 i IP mil. Mu and. Won't dila --...-- WM 54 WORM U. B. Treasury . Er oGNotiiin - ci inter ims due ...,. t o' .—. ~....... lAN 00 ROAN. TakuyorerY Loam to the Citi of Phlla -100,000,* 14:1171%$ - I tailioiliiiiVriiiii )34111 " 1110,000,1 forth rinray val l arniadjyyjal 43, " 0 *UM wasenUarrw,rgemi7, - ,.., in" tumcsio iikagrigtvarn .4 itsom e .c.m,guuvttraninim • ' ..i........... itom to NhaPIN IfiD shwas Fennaylvautu Railroad C0mmy—.......,, mot no shares Pannglaania. Rail road C0tpany,........ t.:-..... IN 00 elso, sham Philadehrlua Irt milts= Luazialf, • ihslaris and MiOultialteigia it lian Web rui " vie de Ittlys_Stuasu "Pow own • atmoZ aw katY. l'Alladelstus Psalm:go ....... .I.l'll I 4sit i lioNlarott, sad ifs' irtat.. Of. , go l iviefs - arr . 7114 . 12,11: S I ' "'brio' • orotzt, taiirestiir Sam As dui; Er . ' m st=2 - —...----- IgAli 18 Ta aad nada, Insaranea Coma now ......-- ...._,-,....., ...,.... , —, 5 00 Oak on'Onfosit fa Da . • ........ lIM St mom • _ - DIRR tillilato te r, : TY4t en roll, r no, IN sae oWerfirts, : intlitryAn. - li • G. aver. et ete% - es mem. .. . lENRY LYLEITENTS 1 MPANY, NO. FAME INSUR • ' 408 CHESTNUT Streit, PIDIADELPHIA. INCORPORATEDP ENNIF APRM,DES, MIME ETATE OF VSNIS. °DEFINED TO DIRE A Y ii ND INLAND RUM& 131170f011i e Baeset l W. Wrliet.. -I,LI W . &TIM, wafts». w. .11;90111190. KA Ki . O a it al ?Y " e lr ? if."egt . van Morns, iriws. 18u DAr ONO . JONATHAN J. 8 uouNI. ice P t. WILLIAM I. BoANORARD. Seecretsor. Jail -tt NOTICES. 'lllO MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN VI3I4ANIZND INDIA MISER GOMM tp j e t IrtiYa b tiPti t r i i rtilr o ff Mir in u al7l/e l tilllgn! ton to the sot that t e menage is cal.bline, and ma culated to maimed the pane. He does not offer to hold Merehants and Dealers harmless from colts and da mages in our snits, our anything of the kind ; while MP, in our mad, heretofore Published, o ff er " that, should any persons, corapaniecor inns, be Prosecuted by vrii. Kern J adson, upon till fatale pretence that be. has any right or title in such Yrilosnigee Rubber Goods as are. and have been, Mimed by no, they bays only So hand over their Papers and the management of theirdefenee to our counsel, whereneon we will defend all such suite without curate or condkiona, end hold all snob persons, ortemardel. or fi tnte, harmless against any and allow= of "Wm. Judson." Sir As to the other extraordinary mad. having the ingneture of Charles Goodyear, we declare there is not no truth in it. Id 11,111_AOR ,EXANDER HAY. New York, Merck 11th,11190. mhl6-igt. ITUL OANITE WORKERS IN • IVORY, TORTOISE SHELL, HORN AND BONE. Tins valuable new manufacture having been perfected in my extensive Imam, I am now ready to supply or der' to any extent. etuat to one todaily. My Present stook emllimceli allthe leading styles of Combs, of a .quality admitted to be interior to any Vul canite ever before introduced. pascal:lF plates from 120th of an inch to one inch in thickness; sine, 13411,14X18, It-K, adapted to a greet variety of purposes. Every trade sad art eupplie4 with this valuable article, adapted to their seeuliar business. My intention is to supp ly all trades with stock, as well as to make it Up myse. Workers may rely upon a quiet use of this subetanoe, as the article winch I manufacture is not a monopolY. HORACE H. DAY, 11 COURTLANDT Street. Haw Yonx,Ntareh 19,1860. Philadelphia Inisneh, 11 and 13 STRAWBERRY Street. mhntilt. sCHETYLICILL NAVIGATI4 PAICY—OFFICE OF TRH B(31111 NrIGATION COMPANY. March 12, to for the non of can and for Toll on Anthr lied on the Bohn! lkill Navigation, wil front this date; and no continuo until furl To p_h I lasi phi $..,..... ... _ .. mannyurdf --- it r al l otl i a:: --...-- --- 1m0uth.Daut...7:::'..7=. — ...... ridgeport.. ... —.—. --- Norristown."... —..............- Port Kennedy. ...--....... .... :....' t z awbngli am..........-- .......... Port Pr0vidan0n............ ...... .... hcatirxy l !yle —.--. -- - ottatown Irunling . --. -.-....... Ras i gAeggh."..." Rending-................. Altlionsec.."..- -... mon ovine Orwi aburg ainaing....... ........... • The charge will be per ton of 2,240 the., leas Riveper sent. altorranee for waste,Y usual, and no charge leas than twenty-fire cents per ton will be made for any dis tance. HY order of the Manages. mhl3-Im'F. FRALEY. President. HILADELPDIA AND I AD COMPANY. etatt.pnla,Maroh NI, INA oils on coal transported bit allows from ATarch,lll:A, sm- OFFIOE.OF THE READING RAMA PH' The rates of freight ad Mee company ;bill b ase ea farther nem*: To t0hm0nd..—......... tuladebatia.:—. ...... lin nue etdown.. Germantown It, ,R=. FAN of debug lion ••• . Eg i t n =. ll % ‘ .;;....= tConsborto/2. ..... ... it wed* UMIIOI 1L."... tnbo Orriet'lloi . Brictiepoit ort Kennedy.......... alte4Forga. -- Pim Title —: . —...—. Boyer; a Ford.—..-- . ifIX:4I? - .: -... : ... ottltowg..7 ' ..7....:: onglawarille • • •-•.-..... irdwboro..... Aster.. t. o/rer it.. --- ..... V - Afil,%::::. - ....::: . amburg --. evrtgab'g and Auburn. SBy order of GJA ao , w • pISOAToRIAL SPORTS. the ,lintst aipsoNard, and But IMAM/. a over *Vet pity. Muth gen world-renowned Trod, Baas, and Salmon a Iduaenocrront, Baas. air Snip= elies d M i legti, }Meek ° . ' s, I r . r atal ls6 Ber . Ott aill; Lines, Coctou Lino. sabi-Sin fitt , RING • - P ,5 , nimeat Elvin Styles,— - = 816 ro d wIgl i eVktode. Plain Oln CloakM Cloike roltde to eiaer. Prides from 8440 to Imo COOPER /c. CONAED, • NINTH end 'KARIM/ . Ste GRLSAILLES AND GRAY GOODS. All mature s of these Gray Goode for Dq40138, antles. and Dusters. fingaille Shaw/haw/tad satin boyOeyo. , Gray poplins. Limy Travelleriec Gray Hamm, Gray Valanoms. Gray Lawns. Gray Organdies. • • • SHARPLI:I3B BROTHERS, CHESTNUT & EIGAITIL Streets, FANCY SILK DRESSES, VERY CHEAP. We nro now offering a lot of Fancy Spring Silks et Pilaf' molt below the cost of importation. tutying been purchased st 'very low rates. BHA R PLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT it. EIGHTH Streets. SpRIN(t4 CASSIMERES. Jul opened, fi fty vetoes nett Spring Cassimerceu e°m ?e r goj g Ettripes, ' " Also—Silk, • ' ano! Plaids. Valenois, Fanny Mtitarol, schemer* and lain Colors, karseilles Good Planks,. Vesting,. .. Ladies' Ruined. Cloaking loth,. Ladies' Plain Cloaking. Gente , Fine Spring Coating. COOPER Ds CUNARD, add NINTH and MARKET fits. BEAUTIFUL NEW SILKS ! !! TwoRNLEy & OK/Ald. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, Would invite attentio n eik 9 3 . i. BILK GOObS. 4:„.1; checked laud plaid bilks for 620. await.' Foulard Silks forego. ery rich Foulards for 76,fg. and 04e. Beautiful bromide Milks, solid orders. for 31 lA. B liit e rlmfatirmst:figitaTED. From 81 per and up to 81 PO. of Few style, of Dress Goode, ambraomg evert novelty the r um ' Mi n d r i, 4 mllBllAW LB ! ! ! Our esta t bllshrrent fir been rendered famous for ORAPE____HAWLS, THIBET SHAWLS. BROGRA BRAWLS, and mhd, BLANKET B RAWLS, &o. RIISIITOWS DATLur CRIEACA I M OAL P AIN E XTRAC TO R'R' HAS ,universally supplanted allother ointments' and healing. ap ' plications in both the Eudora and, Western. Renuspharoa wherever intro &toed ; and sot intrinsic merit is the true neorat of its' mewl all ottoman/ giffectioss whether tha cause be oscittost orBURNS &seam IC PI SCALDS ie Inatantly relieved of t! their anguish vein and inflammation, by a timely‘A.; applipetien of this mar vellous Molar,. and the flesh is renewed as if IS ei charm k ni.lllo l 7r D se k r„ s ',Aim im isEm Millen are frequent M sulerersfrom eztenial in juries, especially from Fluid and Comphasti Ex. stotions—therelore every l mother should gave this heall t preparation con- etantly on hand. It beat s sore rsestrd quickly n., removes the TETTAIt tit, 'LINO OA ,so preen- 1 tent on the nursery • , TO TA VELLEAS BY BEA. AND LAND. ' The Mactunist, the Trs, 0 yeller, and every other in dividual whose lot in life .+ throws hunt w ithin the charms of accident from tll_., explosion, err: ot OM sten, should bear in mind " 4 that this Mesta Exhibitor is his beet and only friend. R It Is both . portable Ana • cheap, and should ever be ca his oompsmen, es & friend in limb) There are thou- sands or living witnesses to cite its Marvellous virtue, Who owe their sound mks and muscles I to its saving . arbour. • The allowing_ are a few of the leadlerseases for whioh DAL,LEVIVMAGI- CAL ream TE.ecrr oft is a . •PRSPEPITIVB I=l Oa well as 0 AR: • L ' Burns, Bryelpelas, • Bores of all kindr; Re t igs . 44, • ..tum. Shot Waindss Frost Bites Scrofula, Broken Breast, feVOT Bor es, BenrVT. Bites of Reptiles, Felon,. Boalds, ()sneer. Glanilnlar Die-Scurf. Cracked Lips, eases, Seald Read. ' Chapped hands, Merounal Boma, Sprains, a chilblains, rains generally. Small Pox. Oramp, Pimples, Tumors, • . - Contracted Cords.Es, Totter,. • Chafes. mon, Ulcers. Distress' of the hetunatlsui. Venereal ' Bores, 1211c....4 ' hes, _ 2 Ito. _, Bold at the erinoinal Depots , 24 Broadway. Now York, t r idt1 " :911"?& 15 &) C 2 fi gi r e e r s a 1 Ilkt.Nftweatlrliers. ? iroi: Mimeo of all. respectable Diluting and Merchants throughout the United States sit Cimada. T. W. D OTT & SONS, 118 North 13.SCOND Street, folly Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. fi lvi ll PIANOS! PIANOS ! ! PIANOS ! ! PLAHO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTFS. MELODF:ONS. PIANO-FORTEH. MELODEONS. Made by Raven, Hawn. k Co., Nunn" & Clark, Hallett. Davie, & Co., and others. J. E. GOULD. _ SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, dellag STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA- Lt l = 42 TE N er p ?vr A iiil i -pagr A li g g4M . P n IANOS, ?erred to conoorts end in privet* °lroise by the reit Performers. Received the Snit preremme over the beat mere, from judges bite lalotteetutik. asortt do t kom ()Wow all oorapatition.. SLAMS BIM RS,. dh-ly CIiRSTR Street. ' , , - rit.. B4 "" ; ....' i d g* , Miff M k.emp.ail.Wiulaado ',L • Bea/U s ittab'i _,.r ;' r.- ' : 1.,...' T N, Pfest ... „ . demt. s v 1.1 eft - . .7W-all mie :Oußi laiirn 8. 7. BILBRA4OOII & CO., General Lr; r d and sal Estate AT' Dealers Litrid urnanta.Alloe &0.. Renamed corner RIRD and OH7BTN SOW% 87. LOUIS. ma' Particular stiention Dad to antenna Graduated Land& mope Masa for sale at prim ranging from UN to 7 &t per bore. &tents mecum( and taxes paid. noloee slams for Flat and pernoulari. ' fella-3n w*. lit. MINIM. WM. W. EANINWI6. arIZINER & 11ARKNESS. •••#1 • COMMIDIXON MEROHANTS, 13:1 BouT W Aa v soh rug am P :B/•PHLA. A LFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANIMACTURNRS' .43ENT. Orders solicited for every desonution ot PAPNR AND ArER-MAKEWN eIATERIAyi N 0.17 South SIXTH street. Prdlndelehle.* pAwsoN do NICHOLSON,. 11001CHINVEHr.. NOS. 619 AND 621 MINCH STREET, Between Simnel and Chestnut. strees. PAU J A MES PAWSON. JAB. B. NICHOLSON. 3101-I,` • RR. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. .. lEEE MID CONVEYANCER, Norris*Warr& 100 Farms for mle Baehr, Montgomery, rend Cher sr must*. Catalogues of Farms, With fall downy ions, meat by mail. fee-am V B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • • SUBBORIPTIoN AGENCIy, for hillolllll New.- nririndirVeraVißith."l4 Country , E. nor. loldreao " V. B. YATALEft," Yhiladelvhia IaLS-lat Jar. BID.DL.E, Attorney at Law, 1711 South F O UR TH Stmt. Itak• TUE ADAMS EXPRESS 00 ., OFFIOR no CHEEMUT Street, forwards Pamir, Pack pm, M it erohandlee, Bank Notes, s,nd gyms, either soma Linea, or in connection witisother cm. mintes to all th e pnnomple towns and oitieror ths llniteciPtites, B. N. SANDFORD. illeaeralauperintendittl A MERICAN SAVING FUND.—Compa -LIL ny's Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH dtreets. I')pen daily. front 11 till 5 o'olonk, eind on MONDAY till Bin the eventng. This Old Institution has always mill4nAt r o zylt r oilti g ;leo& ti oe. All lams paid issoa; on demnnd, in 'Kidd arid silver. TRUSTEES. ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. BAML. WORK, Vole Fragment. Jon O. Parr. T. E. Herber, George Nugent, Jo n Anepach,jr, Sam! T. Bodine, Mb. C. Roberts, Jo n Animan, Jonas Bowman. H. H. Eldridge, JOHNHoward. JOHN B. WILSON, Treasurer. C. SIMS. &crafty'' , ' mhl7-8t g PRIMO 6tARDEN sAyiNo rum) so INF CITY OF _PRILA:DELPIIIA ' • 01lig, Noin i rlfoi r ilviy Stroll ONARTERWS 410 CEGJfitt4Wit OFFSPRI• 8 LVtitA. • _ Deposits njoeived in gams or One Dollar anilrayi impaid Gold, from potioe r with jr P . it ERFAT from the @se Of deposit ti W th rew. 'A resPopsible andiellable Daring Institution hafjg been nerg in fi t i htlriorttim arc of te city 1 , 6 %d te ri re__gialat i ge O l f ?tamp s 'leant& ' to e % pl this ° nee ty IV DlSSlSierlk in organizing and bo ur n it, have . governed wholly by a desire to iteoomeeste the bad nee nee interest and yenta of the very large and eatery dug population bf wino!' it us mired, 0 FLOE I n s Flipp 11 tolV o'o colt,' also, oMonday awl ThirstS3 iffigrom I wile °Nitwit in the everdr.s. 1114,111411 Re, ohil er i lt e tC y lett. amel Underlain mots Hart, John Kessler. Jr.. ammo P. Pringle. aleph N., Crowell , rge woemper. *ter 0, Bllmaker Led % t a l l? Pith. Frederi:fk [Stook., Joseph . LoCters, 00011 e Knecht, Jacob Doak. Hon, Wm. RUllwardi o T. Thom JA r r i iB , ll . .litift . Itilttql d isid ' e Saloon! FRAME'S FURY. SW tii W COM -ILKILL N - o.—Theitalo zoir; tvot; er nottioe; SSAVING}FUND.---lINITED STATES TRUST OSSUARY, oorner THIRD end 010117- NM Streets'. Large nod amen and_paid batik on da pped stithout none@ with FIVE RErt CENT, INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hour., trqte 9 until 6 °look every day, and on MONDAY IiVENINOB from f until 6 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Beellend. (Rele(Rtomer*. elent-8 Ek R. CRAWFORD. nt —AWS . Huimt. INY FIER. Aotnerr. RAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN w'4gV, faterglAJZlggire,YogillßFEßP; ~- m 0 a. Incorporated by the stata or rearm Ira temlid L i t !r iv als b ila a y n Y ork:art% If, el ` e ,7 1 41 " tt: dra , :f m no omce to open ovary day from 0 o'clock la the morning MOO:4oqt in ttr , evening , and on on ay ailid. Tboraday averoc tit o'olook. 1 M j'lß L. BENNFA, President. • IR I! SELF RIDGE, Vico Proddant. WILLIAII.I. Run, georetsrY. - . • DritiolOttl, r . j . d ie f .t t , it, ta ß r e . nner, .(larrall,Preiretrt. ceeplv i r. 13arr. btr e t i lleffntill.., rime _Lee, (reeve Yertee, itLandritrilianni, amen L. atop tenon. nor is received and Dardlente Made daily. 0 ineeitmenta ere made, in eorfformityWlth the erOiriaiOrta Or the Charter, in Real Rotate mortgages. Ground Renteond each hret-hlau aeouritlee as will al we're!. perteot security to the depositor and Mr eerag s r to give permaneney and stability to atil-tv f 1 •50 1.50 1.30 1.30 1.55 1.90 1.15 ENTS 9 FURNISHING GOODS. J+ W. BOOTT—Iste of the firm of Wirt. it. greana . lftril T VAS2?arai $ a set, (earir opposite the 0 r owed Wr e li Wn 1 d respectfully aell the attention .of his to ' r yetis And friends to hie new atare, and is ere pared to . orecfor_tililliTti a l t r zt l arl Apr._ Ak seririmtßtatie . witi ei4 , Wholesale iu"l4)Va 21 ""' - '7.' '''n° A' NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO- J- JR- VERY for the Gore of Ithenmatiem and Gout. ARTJYRITIO PILLS. Thle aledielne le offered with the utmost oontldenoe of 14 being the molt effectual remedy for the above die eases ever yet discovered. No danger need be appre hended from .14 nue by the most delicate. Pride el per box. Can be sant by mall, on enclosing one postage stamp and price of Pilie. For sale by the sole agent. ALEX. J. GARTER, No. 10 Routh FRONT Street. Phi edrdenia. REFINED NIIGAR.-500 bble. crushed, ustr i nigienry i fi ttn i nte d arr i celr • /10 1 ;/ 1 3' " 0 A Oa L A 120 bble. extra hieekinew White 1 20 Fill ' in ItautflefultemayaLwoilidNit MEDICINAL. OOD LlVlrit OIL, HOZ CONZUMPT/ON. PILANOi9. BUSINISMS CARDS. SAVING FUNDS. Ap t oo gf, aitt'yoit ro ad 2 :4:itiAttaZ tiog,' A v 441MAyratilh' . rime= s sum Pratt Man me oir.eviiipint PM tient. be tow NOW Yot SRtsdnship re: ea, • O n CHAnLENTON' 10. C. !Ta b e C LirPilt=?Zrit?'g FT. IN I TM sN't ratlt,ll . hours-only 69 hours at Mis t : oseyrirl . GA. The U. S. Mall Smaniehdp EITAWIF OEOEO4', Captain John J. Caryl:l,9,M gall on day, March 94, at 10 o'clock A. M. through in M to edliOunt-:-Mdy,46 hOurs at Sea. Mr Sailing days changed front even' tiatuniniy 00 every five days. ,cootis reoetr4, and, 8160,01 tit signed every The ap aa kurlidirsi-elys irEY STON STAT arid dl ATE 0 0 A run ea tijaiv t a Dirtri h tag i ys io Tas , 1 1 . 0r14412'r enaah, end, the Month anTet i i i thWeit. At both Charleston and Savannsh, thaw Ships 006, neot with steamers for Florida. and with railroads, &0., for all plamin in the Bouttiano Southwest. . INSURANCE.' ' freight and Insuranee on a lame Proportion of VI shipped South will be found to bet lower by these s ps than by willing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. D.--,lnsuranoe on all Railroad Frea is entirely unnecessary, farther than Chaleston or Sa vannah, the Railroad Compames tah_lng l O Nlm from points. GREAT, REMOT IN F• 11 Fare by this route 25 to . 40 per omit. °basest than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following eche dole. Through ticket:: from Philadelphia.+l4_oh:tries ton and Savannah steamshiPe,lNOL U DING MEALS on the whole route..soMept front Charlastoti and Savan nah to Montgomery :. INLAND spa=. To aharlestoti'-..,;-;..813 07 Charleston 60 Savannah.-- - 16 00 Savarmah___, 31 03 Au5u5ta......,.. 96 00 'Augusta ... 16 76 91 00 'Marlon. --' 75 Atlanta. '33 oo Aquas- 31 00 800 36 00 fibtuir. »-0,116 00 Albany. ---. Do err 00 meataomsry.::-.... Moo ad oo *Ars.. -..,.. 90' New Orins .39 76 eurOyleagin.' et 00 EXOCREIIO TioRETS TO. wag -01HANICEnON CONTENTION, !Md. Forof Wing signed Itherilla freight or passage apply. on boa , mama wharf above Vine street, or to , • ALEX 'RERONtri Southwest corner FOURYklarktoss NUT, Agents in Charleston ,__T. R. & T. O. BUD _ Savannah, BUNTER & DAM 41,11 i. For Florida trout Cloarleston,iiteenter Carolina every Tuesday.. 4 For Florida from Savannah, stesmem lft, Marv. and St. John's, - every Tuesday and Saturday. a l & FOR' ENGLAND AND FRANOE. NEW 'YORK AND itsvitz STEAMSHIP 7 . " . 1 2PA N. . , Ihe WWI , stit..'.l4 l / 2 i - sui;.iiii r 441 , re o tone,David ines, Commander, _SS F 0 , tone James A. Wotton g Commander, Wil leave new York, Havre, and , klenthamtdon , for the Par WI On the followmg dais : , , . To meet new reerdremer A of the Post Moe wont, the dove of milingo the &RAG°, mod F 81,11% from ILAVRk. and SOUT ATON, will. after their rat t ent, ooya i ge% be ?arra as follows frOin ri t i. , W FBLfat v ;rde t h vin„,9s-.....r..rthtedtvilltrallil`re, the soh dole remains unaltered: 111.014_ NW lost :--- -- --SLIM; AND SelrTnereVrOn. FULT N—.Deo. IT. F51.T0N.....1an. it.....J&D.11. i ARAG —Jan. 7. ' ARAGO-...-jan. M.. -Feb. 1. FULT N..-Feb. 4. PULTONL-Feb.lll-.T.Feb.M. ARAI3O MO. & • ARAGO.,-...Meh.V...11fe1t. N. FULTON- „Mob. 31. FULT0N....Ap1.34....Ap1. 15: These steamers, built expressly for Government ser vice., with double engines, under, dect every attention has been taken in the construotion o the hull and ma ohinery to mare safety and speed. T e ships have five water-tight compartments enclosing the engines, so , that id the event of oollision or stranding, the water could not reeolt them, aqd the pump* being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers wOtia be at pored. , Recenxperience has demonanakat the shim. se lota x . rt=ty of o gr mod? of construotion. bel iev ed combine every oomnsanTeonver2Croal are can be d t s2 m . rem New York to aentheaupton or Havre-First Ca in, eim ; Second do. 417 f. From Havre or Soutirmpbm to New York-FirstCabin, 700 frame ; con s do ., 100 trance. To passengers going to London these Mamma offer the advantage of economy both in time and expense, Specie delivered in London. No towage secured until bald for. An experienoed surgeon on board. All letters and news pannifnostiess through the Post thus, V r ilif DitSCli P lfri,ll:ll,l rroadway, New York ' WILLIAh ISALIN, Agent HUTS. York. AMERICAN CO. Agea k tii oinhamptom EURO!' EXPRESS COMPANY, Agent Paris. Wh": NEILSON. Agent" , Moe, Totoioo Warehouse, DOCKand FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plane of the shies can be seen. nr&tmhn ANIL I TOE BRITISH AND- NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM . S r il flir'l VROIS NSW BORN TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage...... t3boOnd Cabin Passage... - • • • 78 PRAM BOSTON To LIVERPOOL. , Chief Cabin Pa55age...—................5110 Second Cabin Passage—— ' . . ... . • . (10 The ships from Boston call atHalifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Jinltins, CANADA, Capt. Lan, ' ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA:Capt. E. 0. Lott, NIAGARA ,Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUROPA, Capt. .1. Leitch, SCOTIA,(now building.) These vessels carry a. clear white light at masthead; green on starboard bow • red on port bow. SAADI A, Stone, leave N. York, Wednesday, Feb'', 39 EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston. Wednesday, March 7 AFRICA, Shannon," N. York, Wednesgay, March 14 AMERICA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday, March 31 ASIALott. " N. York, Wednesday, March M CAN DA. Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Apnl , 4 ARABIA, Stone, ", N. York, , Wednesday, April 11 NIAGARA Miller, " Boston, Wednesday, April 18 PERSIA, fucking. " N. York, Wednesday, April 21i Berths not attained until paid tor. An experienced Surgeop on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor. and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or Pussllo apply to • • E. CUNARD. fe27 4 Bowling Green, New York. LE GAL. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM S. PEIR CR, Assignee of John M. Pomeroy, vs. CHARL E S Al. REYNOLDS. Lev. Fa. e0..1889. No. lAA HENRY Wr DAULT vs. win nbEEI Al. REYNOLDS. Vend. Ex. Deo., 18S9 Ro. 1,07. The Auditor appointed to rep:illdistribution of the proceeds of the property sold under the above writs. sir exceptions 6114 .eani.t ratornsof the Sheri ff ; add property being desoribed ae iollows: - All that certain unfinished three-story briar mamma's or tenement and lot or a e teas of round, situate on the south side of Race street. at the distance of 99 feet west ward. from the west side of Seventeenth street. in the Tenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on l e n g th d Race street 19 feet 9 inches, and extending in or depth southward He lest. Bounded westward by ground now or late of Rebecca dtumlxia, eastward by ground formerly of Henry Pratt. and northward by said Race street. The rear end of the said lot , to the breadth of 10 feet northd sooth , to gether with, some other adloinieg eround an . by a certain indenture from Samuel Richards and others to Samuel Wetherell. Jr., recorded in Deed-book M. R.. No. :0, pare 857, eco., was agreed to be opened in °omit:major) of a certain Bu-feet wide alley. as therein sst forth and stipulated. (Being the same premises which Thomas M. Wetherill and wife, by their attorney in fact. Mar garet 8. Wetherall, by a certain indenture did grant and convoy unto Charles M. Reynolds intee.l Will attend to the duties of his appointment on THURSDAY, the 29th of March, ISO at 4 o'olook P. 914 at his office, N 0.416 Walnut street, Philadelphia. when and where ell persons interested are required to present their claims, or else be debarred _from coming in on said fnd. CHARLES S. PANCOAST, mhl7-/Ot Auditor. ESTATE OF JOEL JONES, DECEASED. Whereas, Letters Testamentary on the Estate of JOEL JONES, late of the city of Philadelphia, de creased, have been duly greeted to the undersigned. No floe is therefore hereby given to ail persons having dtainui against the same to present them, and those in ebted thereto to ossl74..yment to AM A P. 8. JoNEB, Executrix, feNt-wat •' • OsWALNUT Street, Philadelphia. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COVNTY OF PRILADELPIILL - Estate of SAMUEL, OITHENB. Deceased. The Auditor appointed be the e ourt to audit settle, and adjust the first and final account of MARTIN E. HARMSWEAD. Administrator of the estate of acid SAMUEL, GITHENtI. deceased, and to make distribu tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested t for the purposes of his ep poinfrnent, on TUESDA maroh fith. 186 d, at 4 o'olook P. M. at his office, No. 113 South FIFTH btreet t _ in the Mt,. of Philadelphia. C. M. ktUSBANDB,- 1111mh16-fmlew St Auditor. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACTICAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We would respeotfullknall the attention of the Gen eral rade our extensive Stook of B I R- Hardware T MINGHAM ILARDW withal we offer at a small advance hy the package. Were for direct itanortation 'allotted, and Goods de. &Med tither in this city, New York or New Orleans. W. G O dE tVI6 & Son, nd C m M mssißß Street, t, morting aCo on Merettants. And Agent' lor Foreign and Domestic, Hardware. autPsr RIAVIIINED.X AND IRON. SAMUEL V. MERRICE, I. VAIMEIAM MERRICK, WILLIAM H. MEIRRICIC. SCCITHWARK, FOUNDRY,_ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, VAILADELY3IIA. MERRICK k SONS ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engine., Ibr i Land, River. and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, kn.; Castings ot all kinds, mike. Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roo,k for Gm Works, Work Shops, Rail ad Stations, ko. " Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im pr_oved construction. Xvery description of Plantation Machinery, snot' as eugar,Baw. and Grist Mr% Vaautim Ram Ope Steam Trains, Deferatora r Paters, Pumping Engines, t o. Bole Agents for rt. Rdlieux's Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus• Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; and Aspinwall dr, Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Dram ing Machine. m 64 zieLARGE AND VALUABLE STOOK Bolles selling out ej Greatly Reduoed Prioesi st aitS !MESTA UT Street. tvortht3tt.cdatd Weight Baal's, comprising an assortment of all inzes. . PortableCounter,l Platform, Warehouse, Hay, Coal, Cattle, and Railroad finales. Purchasers will film it for their interest to call and examine the above goods at Cab:SMUT STREET, Philadely_hia. MIAS. A. DANIELS. Te attention of country merchants le called to the above stock. fell-len plt FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES. -Fct*leb Mil ß aWa 6.041 MBE ROOT AND' HERB DOCTORS' 01'- FM: in North SECOND Street:Barley Blies f Hotel. Philadelphia. where he can be consulted the brat six days of every month. He has opened an office at Mr. .1. A. EILETOR'S, Baotou. where he can be consulted during the month of March. Also. the Sidth, Mitt, and 28th °lnert'. Also the 28th, 88th, and 90th of May. Be treats all diseasee that flesh to heir to. Children with weak joints made to walk in a short time. All diteases of a do:innate nature 'Ms' et' confidential. N. H. -see Cuc's, unlil ta o- tApl ' DR. W. LIVINGSTON 4?INED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— AA , G. DONOGH WATERontinue business offersar nest, at 15 South Street, and now for sale, at the lowest market Prune, for eash, or on ap proved short orodita, 4.000 barrels steam-refined Sugars andithrups, of various gradea, moluding Lovering's Crushed and Pulverised and Moller's Patent-out Loaf Sugars. Also, Rinsed Java Coffer', Adamantine Can dles. and /Cop t's Frannh Ilsnntly Coloring, Inil-nyn• 300 BBLS Prime Halifax and Eastport Herring, SOO bogs* Scaled Herring, SOO hen bble White Fish, in store end for sate WM. J. TAIITVH & CO" dli 121lt 115 NO H Wrynnm, W. GROOME do CO. ,_ • • S& Moo US South FOURTH Street, kND WHARF, TINE STR DST" ocavymuly, Dealers and hhippers Or MONS t Mountain,Lehigh, and Solusylkill 0 A 1.. Merchandise taker/ on wharfage. olg-the 'DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE- A-. BIALA. ' Engipears and Archßeate Stationer:. 1 _roman Painting Materials. • otiohomania Dosigna and Watts. lint Boxes for Children, and aim for Artists and I dente. lotvree and Fieture,FtenleS, Ting Cards, Amenoisn and French. , Worsts gratis to the trade. BOHOLZ tc JANANTZIY, _Pt RETAIL h EIGraTH &rest. ,WHOLERALE•Aern ofe-dar BURGESS" TROUT ) BASS, AND SAL MON RODS.— PRILIP WILSON & CO., 432 CIRESTKIT Street, haying taken the Sole AgenoY of 'My o.ll,brated Trout, Base, and Salmon Rods, Reels, &Oil w,lt supply my friends and the trade, at the Lowest prices. mhll-:tat G. W. BURGESS. I TON'S lAN OAUSTII) TIED to) ' floors. • iran:n v t i sl e ihar a Ziniroottapis. Wiled, Me for drolooraVistertionSsistirs.. stocotss sod for ills hi Writ,AWitte. NEW CROP VEW ORMAIId tiCOARi— JAINLEA go_ b OR.MM C CO.. bdu nrror o LAUT/41. Num, for ,A ale' try ftiPS • BRIMISKL.: I4- jtja . ';' IF ir"141191 . 0 . Afie r lyr BALE o,y r r Goo , • Magni at 10 .1 91' 000k- 4 ! . 3' °flung , 800 patina, ana iota of mai a nd staple ?Ferrell dry Pan* • ALL WOOL PARIS BRIO WETS. —T-4 all wool Paris black drop d'a to, fine to superline lambing. BALE OF BEAWLB. Of the Importation of ' MESSRS. EL EENNEQUIN fic CO. . ' - . On Friday Morning Marob 11 1860, consisting of— 1,000 ohoiee and new styles of Glasgow and Paisley printed cashmere shawls. in great ' , misty of patterns and qualities, many of which are not to be found else where. , • . , .11,000 rich Tarim printed all wool oruthmere and thibet obawls. a'patmettes, fond Vein, rarer', waslerle, and ,Wbordtoe—comprising a terse variety of new and ele , gent designs. 1,000 rich all wool ram broohe bordered atolls shawls, comprising a full and complete assortment of the new est, and Most desirable pattern", among which will be ftland Oboice line oOHALf ES AMP/IEIMB . . AND ' FRANGEB ITALIENNEs. The Latest Novelties of the Semen. SOOplaln back moos oe lame , thibet and merino shawls, with wool fringes, from fine to extlayanahtiee. N. .—The attention of buyers is respectfully solicited to th is sale, which counting an antenna proportion of black and °home colors, suitable to the rank of &et ch= trade. 1%1118 BAREGE ROBES. • On Friday Morning, WO Pats bares. robes. FROITED CHALLIS. LAWNS, AND PRINTS. 5 oases printed chain's. 4 eases 9 8 pprioteo lawns. 3 11011 9 i 8 AISVEllitrAINS, FOR OITY TRADE. A large invoioe of extra rich tambourd lies curtains of very Superior make and styles. NES OLBWORX EbIfikOIDERED,COLLARS. - 130 lots needlework embroidered collars. SALE OF IMPORTED' DRY GOODS. On Tuesday Mosniag. klarohllth.'at 10 o'clock SOO packages and lota ot.imported dry goods. SPEC j i lk.ti v .S ei yiE OF DRY GOODS March 213. at 10 o'cloc k. MClaing. Sir Particulars hereafter. BSCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONIEFIR, No. 481 e morns UT STREET,.nlptalita the .01111tOM Holm, between FOURTH end FiFTit Esteem. BALE OF WO LOTS EMBROIERISIS, WRITE • • • GOODS, RIBBONS, &o. This Morning. March 21st, by catalogue on a dredit, commencing. at 10 o'clbcit precisely. comprising the usual assortment of new and desirable goods, suited to present and ap proaching sales. EMBROIDERIES. Rieh hew styles embroideredJaconet and Swigs col lar. and sets, very richly-embroidered ohimeseux, bands, flouncing infant's wails, ladies' cape border and hemstiohed linen cambric. handkerchiefs. RIBBONS .AND FLOWERS. _ Also, rich spring sty's*, solid colors, plaid stripes. and embroidered pouts de mom bonnet ribbons, Paris artificial flowers, &a , &o. BLACK BILKS. A tine of heavy black grog de Rhine silks. HOSIER. Also. ladies' white and brown cotton hosiery, wisn'i half heap. &0. % &o. WRITE 00005 AND LACE MANTLES. Also, white plain end plaid cambric., laconete, Swum and Niumook muslin bisbops, lawns. SCO. Ladies' new styles black lace mantles and cloaks. UMBRELLAS. Also, 60 eases ginkhain umbrellas. 600 PAIRS SBOEB, BY ORDER OF SHERIFF. Also, at commencement (weals, WO pairs sham. con -11 d il r 'a T i micas' morocco and ingte and slrDpeis, , rPgitchld doco shoes faun gn ter'Re.g yeremptory by order of W. H. Kern, 'Sheriff LINENS AND TABLE CLOTHS. Also, e line of shirting linen , damask and snow-drop I table cloths. &o. VEILS. Also, super black silk posher lace veils. HANDHERCHIF.FiI. A full line of Isdies' tape border hematiobed and embroidered handkerchiefs ;_gents' X and X plain and Printed border, p/ ard, and rurffed dimity bands. BLONDE LACE. A full line of rich end wide LRhiY. wte Elk blonde lace. JEWE Ladies' fanny cameo and painted pins and sea, Muds, sleeve button,. &o. • TRIMMING RIBBONS. Also, rink new styles silk dress tnmining. _ribbons, fringes. and button tiammings. STOCK OF A TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE. Also, in continuation, a stook of fine Havana ,eitare. tobacco; and umbrellas, canes. WNW. meersc haums. AO, AO. BPECIAL BALK OF 2,IIENCIL VLOWkikts=iiikr,TeNlikli. On Thiusstay Molllll3f, March 22d , commenoing at 10 o alook. wt.ll be sold by catalogue on a credit ot 6 months, 1300 cartons Fans artificial cowers. tonsuring or a full assortment from n medium to verynob and high oast, allot' the latest and best spring styles. Wir Catalogues ready, and, samples arranged for ex amination early on the morning of sale, when the trade will hid it to their interest to attend. SALE OF THREE HUNDRED CASES STRAW GOODS. Oa Friday Morning., March 23, by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at 10 o'clock, consisting, in part, of ladies' new styles Eng , loth straw pedal braid, brown and white Leghorn , fanny lace, gimp and chenille trimmed bonnet/. BLOOMERS' PLATS. Also,. fi ne white Leghorn end brown sell`side blOont erg' Adelaide hats, fanny trimmed lints, Are., ko. MESS' AND BOYS' HATS. Meri's and boys' pedal braid Legbßrn and Panama hats, &a., HUBBARD & GORMLEY, AUCTIONEER. 730 MARKET Street. Bale et N 0.217 North Tenth Street. BALE OF FUR.NIII.3R.E. This Morning, - hlaroli 71, 1860. at No. 22/ North Tenth street, the en tire stook of the furniture of a gentleman deolining houlekeoging, Including handsome parlor mirror,, ta pestry carpets. sofas, °burs, bolistoadn and tedding, kitchen furniture, etoves, ho.—all of which hes been in nut but &emit time. . • . pRILLP FORD a. CO , AUCTIONRKRS, A- No. MO MARIBT Street, and 1111 MINOR Strad. BALE OF I,OOP CIABEB 111(0.68, RAO GANS, On Thursday Morning. March Md. at 10 o'clock precuteLy. be 'loll by catalogue, on four months' credit; LOCO Amuses men's, boys', and youths' or sad kip boots ; calf, botY,goar, and kip brogans, c alk and patent leather gatterg; we ford, w aking ael and opera boots wo rld, and enstrlelled boobs, h ee led and 'soriris ladies' super enamelled, goat, morocco, and gloy 'e boots and alippers ; also, a Mr-('sot gatsor- me of Arst-olsu goods. 'rho above sale was ecs a full assortment of boots and shoes. of the brit quality. adapted to the city and country trade. (loads open for examination, with catalogues, early Cn the morning of tale. CI 'J. WOLBEBT, & CO., AUCTIONEERS, ‘../* &Le ARCH Stree. LA IL between Fifth and Sixth. lIIMI SALES. Dry R oods, olotiting; a;a4a; carpets, boots, shoe', 0., in lots adapted to the city and ociontrl re tail trade, by catalogue, and for Gogh, every Timed*, and - Friday morning. - Furniture, duns, gleam do, even' WodurodaT morn illteeo, plank, vineo ke.,every Thursday and Satur day Morning dunes - the 'season. Swami salsa of ail or any desoription of proty at any time to suit the convenience of the owner. thereof. STANDARD AND GRAPH VI DWARF F&o. RIIIT TREES, NES, On Tharadag Morning, The 224 Inn., at 10 e'olook. at 519 Arch street—,A large assortment of standard and dwarf frut trees, of all the beat varieties; grape vines, 1,2, and 3 years old, &a., ho., MOSES NATHAN% AI 1 0 TIONE ER oonArtrifix.rffil %I ir. j'aLuvx. 6°.th.. 4 me , 11:1 .., k .910,000 to loan, n ler or ta xa elluoalts, it stool.. gold iti;d silver p . wetwass, it • tl, fowling menus, dry goods, plo thins. groomed, ea marl. hardware , cutleirtinusioal matimiteans,fainituret bedding, hones, vehia llamas, and on 4/1 vitiates 01 value, for any length o time agreed _peon, os more liberal te nth than at any other sertabbahmeat in this say. GREAT 0/dANCE,OIII BARGAINS. At private sole, milendid piano forte, in riot/ rammed case, com .160. price illiao ; fine IS-oarst gold hunting cime patent d el i; b*, double time and independent thoonds, only fine gold hantinp- cu. English 11,3 LE:a lever -Retakes, of the most approved and beet images, from .1111 to IMO; fine gold doubts bottom Eng hob patent lever vraph ig es, best Tasks, froiggi to UN; line ' 18 - egret Dan -awe . detachedpatent lover watches, 111evrels, mm VS to 1111; open da,from $lO to **fine 11-oaret gold Lemne tinting gave veto!. es at ; open loos do., from. VW to g all; silver English nt lever watches, in hunting onset and double ble bottom, oldie most approved and beet mske, from 810 to .30; American hunting case silver paten le v er watches at .70; hunting case silver duplex watches ; ditto double time. from .12 is 1110 ; hunting mum silver lever watches, full Jewelled. winds without 1 a key, from 811 to 810; . ..epine do., from 0. to 816; hunting owe silver detached lever watches, Ojewels, front .9 to Ng ; open farm do., from $6 to 88; bunting Ouse silver Lupine watches,full Jewelled, from ST to 810; open face do., from $3 to eV; silver anartiar watches. from 82 to 05 ; silver French:watches, from SI to 83; gold patent hunting base and open lime lever and Levine, English, Bwlu, and French teatones, f rom .1 to 4. ; tine gold vest, fob, and neatotouns MAI cents oculist.; fine gold sets of ear-mph breasts/4e, and bracelet,; . 'Muds, finger 11.11 s, and Jewelry, of every de sonption, for less than hall the usuideethug prioss. .MO.OOO to loan, inteums to snit ap.pllasots, on dry and every /curd ,of goods, at legs rate of charging then any other estatiluthmenta t y ke city. 0 -DOOR SALES Attended to verso by the amilioneer, at very low charges. • COMIIIGNACENTS SOLICITED. Consignments of all and every hind goo solialteal for public sale ; two-thirdallie value of the goods will be advanood in anticipation of the thle. MOSES NATHAN!. SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER it WILSON SEWING. MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, 110 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, mahhinen, with operators, on lure to Private Families. BRANOII 01/1110tii T West STATE Street, Trenton, It I. ITO CENTRAL SQUARE, Esaton, Po. iol9-6m WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA OHINE.—The great and increasing demand for Wilco% & GMe!:win t ir ri ltiachnie is a guarantee of its BJII. Fo sale at FAIH %SA e fi x giel siehous c e! ' feg-tf AillhtilEßALe meat .-WATER . APPA4 . AT V I S , OF t also sell the attention of 21 e dni n g d si f s i g delrr o s u g Soda.water Apparaius to examine his new Urn and Diallinx Pipe and Syruping apparatus. Also, Bells of all kinds asst and finished to order. AU kinds of brass work executed. N. s.—Pattioular attention said to repairing of all kinds of Mineral-Water Apparatus, &n. JOSS P RINDEMYER, 817 MINOR Street. Philadelphia. EViatoREENs ANo ORNAMENTAL TREES.--Plorway Sento', Bootdit Fir, Beim of hits Pine. Ilemlook,Spruee, arborvOnan. Norse Chestnuts, tfilver and auger Maples, Lindens, Bayer Yoplar, h hns, Byosmoree, Ash, and all other venation of Trees, by the dozen. hundred. or thousand, at very low! rates, at NOSED.% nN NURBERPOI, PARB 2 ROAD. R. 0151ST & bON, Proprietors. Bead Warehouse, Nos. 923 and 924 MARKET htreet. above Ninth. nottl9.6t KM] as JINN GARDEN SEEDS.—.I3u ....s: foes Extra Early, Early Daniel tVßouke, Tom Thumb and Prinoe Albert Peas, Early Scarlet Radish, terse, smooth Red Tomato. Fele. Island Tomato, Early gabbage, Beets, Cautiflower, Lettuce, Squash, Ca rro ts, Early ash leaved and Walnut-leaved Kidney Potatoes. Asparamur, Route , d-o. &cr., at R. BUM EBON'S SEED WAREHOUSE, adna-et Nos. un and 024 MASK ET Street. above Ninth VIOL ATINA POINTS, FOR LIONTNLNG st. RODS. nut points are made Of tneTlll% GCVO? body, about siainobes long. well gilt with pure Clete. to Prevent the action of the weather, and tipped with solid num & They have been in use over twenty yearn, and have given general satisfaction. Prices. al. RIM. al 80, 32,a9, 44—the price varying according to the amount of Fianna with which the Points are tipped. Obas Insulators lion Sts fen . lac.. o. bIeALLIBre.R Br. BROTHER. 728 f O sa BSTRUT B 7 tree L OILS. -3,503 gallons extra bleached Eltl 6 pliant ; 4.000 nallenaextra bleaohed Whale 011 3.670 do. raoked Whale 0,1; and en Mils. extra No. 1 Lar Oil, lAntore and Tor aide by ROWLEY, ABRBURNSR, & CO., rahlr No- la South Wharves. MACKEREL-300 bbls. 290 hfs. 100 vs. arm Nu idles No. Is Just reeeived, and birsrune order. For sale by eILLIAM J. TAYLOR & CO. In aid LW NORTH WHARVES. COGNAC, SORIN AINE, in 12s, l e is, and 1-80, Pale and Dark. for sale by, in bond. Mir 11LEEK(i.,_ GORMAN, MEEKS, N 0.68 LIIBEN.W etreet, New York._ 300 Bbls. and 340 MS. large No. 3 Mask end. 190 bble. and AI No. S krn. ), " erel received PIT soAeoger Frarreie le verde. sad .‘t sale by lry 11.1.141. M J. TA OR & m 10,7 121 and 194 NORTH WHAR ER. 14.104—Prinse retsilinibharloston AA' for 'silo by JAMES GRAZAK la 041§ LIEVI - sz - 01 -4! Nos: ! ZiTAII4 / V } g ] r tLlffl BAI % B er f f. i ktd.lid absurdities* =ff untie_ sissidlideS. eve dth Spring Bale. Ketch nth, at mood. et Re; Ed; ramose. Eighth (bring fiale L fdarek2llll, amid, di the Id chfrifittlprins Bale. MaTre Carat.a den. . J.. the " Camden sad Bawd Week& and tract of ad acres lase. ST Part of the handbills far.eseket the Orr, sabre now ready. • atl&PUßl,R3466s r Atire ti r nit AMP KB AT rald ABMS and stooks every Tuesday, M tree • • „ Mr Contributed" hares Me added of intim( - • - ift Handbills of, llisCAresseett addition So whied penuea.eaUse to the saie, one ttiodesset e rblocei i n sm fall d Prike tie on te followin . • • •. , _KRAL AT, Mir we hare a - lard• iimost lost Nest* Wulf sale, im/eine "wai setr 410=r import, P tedPRIV& Iliirße rin ,al estate to odder and advertised doneelonaltr "aux 0, (ofwhichlentleoinesare snaked erseki7.o EIGHTH BIMINI? BALE—][AHOY Mb. _ NEAT MODER A N t R il FlTD i l l itarziorthsairt eeSner of - Tenth and Fitzwater streets: • - • Executors' Peremprou eootsSaie—Estate of Ann E. Tailor. d DWELLING THREE-STORY BRICE DwELLING, IWI Arend street; between Arch and Race end ffeeerarl Tnird stream ruirsie. ft w o l u t o . ' TWO BUILDINGLOTO,southwisit Side of Swum- town road. nor wed of mth street. - • BUSIPi gas OTANI:P.—Three-Wu brick WM Ani dwellins,_ No 1019 Lerma street. TWO-STORY PRAMS. DWELLING , , (rough east,/ west side Greenhill street. between Master and tier? brat. and Sixteenth and Seventeenth street', Tyndall" ward. VALUABLE LOT. northe ast of Franklin pad Jeffe. streets, 4 3 feet ou, ftankins street, and 14 feet on I 1071 street, LTlrelaimitti void. Two fronts. Vs T ABLE LOT. north lids of Jefferson street, outof the above. 41 feet on.Jefferion. 40 rest VALUABLE LOT. redbreast corner of Sc.,, th sad Jefferson streets. Se feet on Seventh. 60 feet os Jelfer- - eon. Two fronts. • FOUR RUSIN 61361 STANDS.--.Your two-story:friar* • stores Ind dwellinss, southipset corner of Frost 4011 - - 'Thompson street's', late Kettematora • - CASIDEN.—Ts,o-story frame cottage, northeast 41160 - of Ferry street, sortbsast of Yanhook street, - Point.' Camden, N.J. ntsAT MODERN DWELLTNG, with tbres-story iliekbeuldings, No, PlNHorth Eleventh, street, above Parrish street. - VALUABLS BUILDING LOT. mist Woof TIMM street. north of Cherry - street, 51 feet front. TWCI VALUABLE, LOTS, OMURA. reIOWN, south west side 01 Jefferson street, southwest of &AMOK street, each 100 feet front. eaDESIRABLE I)WELLI66O, stable and week haws, N 0.1526 Filbert street, west of Fifteenth. NINTH SPRING *ALE—MARCH lath. Assignee's Peremptory Sale. "THE CAMDEN COBALT AND NICKEL WORKS/ . AND TRACToF. Soo ACRES LAND. On 'Thursday. March 29th,et 12 o'clock, noon , will be solifyitwebbil sale,llelthout (reserve, at the Weet Jersey hotel, Camden, New jersey, the two following described pm. potties: No. 1. The " Camden Cobalt and - Meisel 'WNW , with lot of two acres land, and wharf on Cooper% creek. Also, two ouch dwellings. counting-house, &e.. eau mile from ferry, No. 2. Tract of three hundred aorta land. with hags* dwelling, freight houses, and passenger dripoti=i vor s. low elation, Camden end Atlantic Railroad, township, Camden county. N.J. Imo - Hale of both absolute, without reseree,,by order of Assignee. TENTS 'iduz--Anut At 1.11 e'ekon. neon. Orpluttie Court Bale—Yotataof Joe. L. Se tatai,dea'd. One- Warp or large LOT OF GROUND. Weeded bl Green Mount Vernon. Twentieth and Twenty gra rut. Four fronts. . - - Orphans' Court nale—Eatx toot Deborah Baader. dee% use-sixth of larse!LOT OF ditOUND. bounded by Green,' Mount Vernon; Twentieth and- Twenty-Ind streets. Your fronts. , Executor's Peremptorttile4state of 'Jos. Grata, VALUABLE RUSINESBB4ANDS. thriierefoitr brick ;tore'. Nal; 315 end 311 booth Front street. ex tending through to Water street. Tiro fronts. Air SIAM absolute. ELEGANT - RESIDE:EDE, WALNUT STREET, No.lole South side. west of Tenth street. 25 fearless!, - Ha feet deer, with Stable sad Coe eh Honsaur the nor. NW framed inte noseeseion. - VERY VALUABLE LIIHLDING LOT,' North side of • Spruce street, east of Eighteenth attest, Re last front. 101 feet deer , Tlyakealeh.— RANDBOISP, aIODES.B 4E3/PENCE. -No. UM Brown street, west of TrreUth stseet. MT: Immediate poasezun on. MODERN • REElDENCE,seediest &duel , of 81E teenth and Linden streets, above Chestnut street. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY—Fonr story brick hotel and dwelhog.tiortheant corner of Broad sad Ohristian streets, with brick confectionery, garden, toe-boues, and large lot, with three fronts. - • Peremptory . Sale —HANDSOME hiODERIC DEre CE. with. marble front and side yard, No.= South Sixteenth street,' stove Bynum. Sir Bale obsohate. - Immediate possession.: 161tis&NSTREWS: -effaidaems modern four story - brink residence, No. rtes Omen street, west of Nivea teenth street. - ELEVENTH SPRING-BALE—APRIL 3d, A ewe'elook Egegins, - Orphans' Court —tansted David Scott. dee% „- TWO DWELLINGS.—Two and threenster. tines dwellings, northeast corner Fourth and Master istnisan Same )state—TWO - DWELLINGS.—A two-GU:l7f brinkoottb side of Bloater street. east of Foor4S street. • - Bare Rotate-TWO DWELLINGS.—I three-storg brick dwellings. N. W. corner Master mid Pink !aces. east of Fourtti attest. Same Estate.—TWO-STORY FRANCE BTABLB; west aide Pink street north north of Master street. Sams Estate—DW ELLING AND BTABLU—Tbrig story boon dwelling, 'set aide of Boutin streetinottli Master, with frame stitbte to Inn! on Pink neat. Same Estate—ElGHT DWELLINGS.—Teree tarok story sod flee fourotorf brick dwellings, ilia *UAW Fourth street. north, of muter street. _ MODE AN DWELLING,. _No. "eV /fount Enthusiast stro.en N. W. corner of Addling. stmt. NEAT MODBIIN RESIDBNCE. with large side lard,. No. 1218 Brown. street. west of Tire M BSA 11011 t. NEAT. MODERN ; .RESBUNCB. No. doilli; between 15econd • TWO OWBLILLISOB AN=tOE tinsia• story Irian dweninr sad largo vacant lot sex feet oet. .-P,r9W: n street. e at Rsda• aveinm , sad a Dom% r lige ea meet. hots fronts. . . • We at No: MI North ea HANDSOME HOUSISMO4 FIRAM,Euxo- FORTE A atiER_OJR., _V V Tel jar AND, BRUSSELS CARPET, 0 iNe. 'o.. ke„ • This. Hom , t o., ' - 21at . mat ,at Mo'clock. at No. mei North - 1 drat. : above Poplar err e" the halllllloolo Ei tatr earca-forts. mirror: valve taasetra sad h Aort ae& ir0..,0f a geelerati steamer hotteghloguet• IlliP , May. b e examined ow tea aromas all•At 1 ' o'clock, vete catalorms. , • . , Sale strice.l.9oat i tOooth il l - - ... SUPERIOR FUILNIT FitEDIG 80R1Y.19.110,1P0R 9.,.13M ... . !. On Meander , .. . At 9 o'clock. at the - Amigos Itore. a; excellent becond:hand fund*" sleell 99o- . fine mirrors, carnets, ate., tram housekeeping, removed to the store 1,77:07 sale., atnierior bagatelle table, balls sad ousiusoili plate. also: a superior m , hoMmy and walnut book am. suitable for proteutonat gentlemen. Alan a chronometer, made by Creighton-3: paws, Aew York. blo.gAna. EDUCATIONAL. A IMIRIOAN 801:100LINSTITIPPB is s Am , reliable medium th kw6loh SekeeLiens Falai lieu may oPtaiii oclactent, , aere. Parent ob laie,lrataitoaeii orinaboatand mailers of wishoola. 5 TH ITODBI.AH; bal " AY, New sIS-tf t i MitT Street. PhiladeUrks. -NEW BOARDING • BCIIOOI,. - • TUSCARORA FEMALE J un iatag Will be opened at ACADEMIA, county. Phi. on the let day of MAY next. For annotutoomente,em towns terms, &e.. apply by lager . or pereonslll1 Lt Apnl, to the =bomber, at 1711 VINE Street, Yn *del phis ; after that at ACADEMIA, Juniata tonely •. . W. (4E. AGNEW. faitl-dtm7l. , l7ll VINE btreet. BRYANT it STRATUMS NATIONAL NERVIITILE COLLSGES, hooatod dephia,corner BF:YENTA sad VRESTrT New York. Moo. Cleveland, Chiwko, sad Ilk ktAN, For information . call or send rot Catikkne. fes-ur CIGABIIi, TOBACCO, Ao. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, 18 and 18 CHAMBERS STREET, (Formerly 42 Machine meet, New York..? Woild call the especial attention of Crooke end Ding=a to hie removal, and also the articles of ZS Ma' kV"' via 'BROWN SNUFF. Mecaboy_ Denusros_ z . Fine MVPS.. Pare VittriniS. Coarse Remise, Natolutoohae. AmerioMtleman,_ Copeahatels. W SNUFF. . trl it olutt Scotch. Preshleotch, Kruk Hi T Qs*, Nth Honey Dew Sitojoh, • or Londywou TOBACCO. totoeires. P err 11110%11116 No.l, P. A. L.. or plain. St. Imo. No.!, Cavendish. or sweet. ¶de, No..l&2,inied,.ehreet ecentsd Oriamo. Cealeter. Hitefoot. .vin Foil CaNsilish. Fare Tartish. A Cirealar of Price* will be Nat clumbeabon. N. B.—Note the new article of Ft fleotehead , which will be found•engenor article for dipein - rates. NJ* FUUUET & 80148, IMPORTERS OP HAVANA CIGARS. • No. 416 Routh FRONT Street, Nearly* regularly a fall easortment degirabia OARS, which they offer at low rates. for oath or awl Proved credit. COAt.. YAWL P. IRLI.XII. Mb. D. EXO2,; KELLER & EMORY, Office No.llo WALLENUT 'Mot.FOR PkiladelplaiA. SATS R. Bordss' simerio O r Broa *R d Mountain White Ashdod R. Reokaher & Co.'s celebrated Black Hoatit aaa ono COAL. Shipped by canal and railroad from Sottorildll Navin. Sebnylkaco., Pa. fel‘4o I_IIOKORY. AND SPNING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL - ,_prepo_led turtth cent, for Jatkutil boat 'tenni. Apply tit , I.NoWLEB.B Depot. NINTM ape Wi uLtiw Iltronts sm 1.1 OUSEKKEPERS LOOK TO YOWL tutsrest. Buy your COAL AT HIM', When nothing butte very bestrality of Lehiglig and E.chni kill to offered at thefol lowing reduced prime: Lehigh, Brok en , IS4F, an d fltovo-.....,-.111/ ler tees Olihillikill, N0v0 . .....,_.. .......,..._ al .... Lime Nut.--—..-..--...- ISO Warranted free from elate or disittMi t ir u ar i t i a a 1.0113. yard, southeast corsair _ WILLOW. clan and see. C A IT 'PION I—ASTROLOOY !—LOOK 'IL/ OUT!-0008 NEWS FOR ALL Tye assn.- mina Mrs. VAN 'HORN is the beet; she WI , reeds when all others have failed. Ell who are it trouble, all who hare been unfortunate, deceived false promises, By to her for advice and wagon. Is love Afairs the sever jails. She has the salmi of winning the affeotiona of the opposite adz. /t is thin fast whioh induce. illiteratepretenders to try b imitate her, and copy her adverhsemeut. She shows ron the likeness of your future wife, , husband , or &begat riend. It is well known to the public at large that atm is the first and only person who elm Slow the ultimata. reality, and oars save entire satisfaction on all the eon loam of life, whlbh ran be teats.' and proved by thou gem% both married and single, who dusty suit her. Come one! come all! to No, LO Street. hAtvrown hinitukt ot.nd limout - &rm.. VREN(3II,B WRITE, REST— aaa L oot t t Vail&lL:l4 & BROTRESI. Haig BHIUK-MAK [Nti MACILINKS which tem m, clay oind malts:4,ooo per dal', Brick Preen, Tile Mae: Ames, ClsE Wheels Cl s; Spa44ll, sad von C r t*Eta. GBMAII.9 HAMS AND SHOULDERS-1,900 Pmees CA T Rmolted Hams and &molders ;also NO Pieofe extra sugar. mired Hams, for sale C. C. SADLP.R. k CO.. ARCH' Rareet. door above F ront VOLUMSO ROOT—For sale by AT . : Strom BILL a BROTHEL 0 sad 411 North BECAME fon MALUNREL —545 Bbis. .Nos. 1, A it 3 Idaokerel, in assorted oriainalWltam of ge latest °Mo tt, fo r 1 . 1 e 1 .; , y C. C. ISMILba ot.... ha Ajt v . &met. *1 doo Bt/ K /1.1111 tI FLUID, ALCOHOL, and Carnahan°, in barrels and half barrels, aunalke "'ll "Id for sal litiThEY. ABBI3IJRNSL a CO. Sails - Ito. 1S firostiLlinahriese., PRIVY WELLS GLEANED AT A LOW Price? to obtain the *oldest'. Address WILLIAM TIW3ON I Pond retta Oilloov • ft* Vin. MI Venial FM1(114111 .oret SYAIIY MOLASEM, itc.--500bbds. blda (tom apd medium Byru,,,,a.„,,,tbettr. g yp : ;H: ts-- or side • " - :1104 85.04111111.0a411/X•ciltilligalnibeili as t