The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 21, 1860, Image 2
"` :,. , ': 1 ' Ironer- lima lit 4:10 toniabsv f - ( of The Presal - .:4 7 4 - 4, 14 - '' - '''' ,--`" -.;-'r .. ,i ' Wisariorow,*rol4ll4 18 , 01 ....\ COTIN indignitleit of the South antaiiiiiiing not Li lii'ishingtin, at the threatemid iiimedhiiit,clitirtes et the ' hotsl4Nispore and atheist er_• - • 'Charleston* is Prettrimenly upraised. They feeldeeply wounded 4athi specula** upon delegates and visitors to A* eider city should be announced with snob a dial* *1 trumpet% and more' thin one domain h . __,_Oolillio to Mira* the Wilton that be is entirely ~logliferent Whither tie Convention' hibeld there or not. 1 Timartielli Boni tb•Cliarkeeton New is said to *vigil - the failing wash is 'entertained by the Mini of residents in the neighborhood of the Pal. ,ftlidiii City'.;,i I lend Tanen mar* from that paper ,of 6 440(tasti* : i,, !, ;-', , '. -„', . • ~ '' "iihe Dar Dori Would rimunittiar 'that, at the Con- Ciliation held four yaw ago at Cincinnati, (a eity cf 171_11eb. larger owe* tkaa - Chwinatino the least charge iterlor was ice dollen, this annum seam, t o i d s * doll*, and' in, mong 'Witimeee' tea ',dollars: Bat that' rarest, in en_avaideme alit, orerodent, and to the dispigagemeat of Ciool ooo ti i Pam Ito olteln neon ' the widarnedliespiteUtyriftheeititensOftlieriiiton' What liugherpriapie loneirtaiW to *with stash a• coari„ an irniihosimooherof ea imemme horde of sien, intent ina,tinfir bine eellisli sob, au ' indifferent alike to her *Me; Wirifeentiolliwto end intimate r And threw* at etniklietig ergs. oherniter, and manner* that, It teennere teeeme. hers indiiidailly. stain and wain, lswenWasirst betlionglit,* a riametable man of our olty,Diadinit eav of them within hie**. , During the Sopeinme of Wet wombioncrice crowd the private doors of CbailinitonWiii &NSW have been so Whip ' 3 , , Mir . i *or eerthiiie irtuticied %Oldies,' Ike Will minter more, watotier that nellMlGet Men the ' cm* toilwor n', who have amen to charmm at the &umbling, .of a 6 ,1 The New New ton Mina urge. that the ohms of wadi. 1 topohog be imained ,frein Charleston, and amuiriegly sayilliiii thi litihs estY. With its bee thoirend inliiibi- Pinta (colt of than sliald),- cannot amommodate the' Meheerreeteinuid *it *rota tiremy to iffy thoo l g o d‘.. whobriah toialsind.Wri Convention., The trnefriends or • the haliiiiitie and thentositry Mould rtioliiiitiny Mi. mailitinmeorbieh (Mould relieve the Couriiinentrom the Oli, on* Wenn. whiehwouldeorne from thiOrmsbon. Segirations, interference; and insolence of en* a nusa. Tiie erpristriatinertme who should be at the'Conven lion do not incest &thousand. Charleston tai sad will Provide for, the amosonexhithm of tea thelSed“vme vial :tenr4srely *mit fOr any Deineorminfipurpoir sad if WM./Would , will guaranty that ffelOYCAt rind other flortAma shin, frill- keep Anwar from Charles goomaiy ,shmilder-hittera, kerr, pie,plus ;shin, WiMi•fightere, tilisamard offorseelipoolnits," burglary, and mwdies. , raimany,' the New , will' guireaty that Charleston (now having sixty thousand inhabitants. me-thirds Wiped wilt have accommodations ready for every reemienNeand willihelinved visitor who may with: te.le here , &wing the. Convention. Charleston hen het Pule aNnity with the Convention end lair 'wit h the thoissands 'who will tame in its train, and her iiilosie,' imarisur i few 'night ooniplain at the removal, "lee be, rejoiced if it crew assembled at 'Mother L . , ," Tha till" hous WashinetiM announces' that the oemogratle Central 'Committee there propose to can the crommitira ,to some 'giber Mew than Charleston. Tae i hive ao right to do so. The lest Convention es !wad Cidalestoitax Salamis lia the saambly. and this omyinitteet apptilited , to it. were lot charged with any 'aiitherity is the ina, air.. Theycan only arm/cgs other *hips. Weald' itnotiweinianie if the committee did make tin aidlinkr teNew'York, Ind the Northern dele aiden ' alai Ware, and the Sonthenis delegations. ad 'whit et, idly, ea, is their wont, to authority,and roar, omit ghpitonou t Would it nia 'hi a propitions po iineeleveit 1 Thailand/se emainting - of needy all the beiestratte Mann, and constituting the true Ilemoora- W. would lip down a constitutional platform, nominate i proper etstaiman for the Presidency. and the unborn- Wills easoundoems of the Northern Damon* being slouched oft into the Now York body. (representing no-, thing bat thiunitives;) inutile* more unfurl the oon itinational Manor, and- ander it beat beak the hosts of Abolition. ossive deliverance to the Southern Staten." ' !/ do not thltik Align the dump_ can, be effected. It 'would carte:di emote bad feeling , in the ar t:aim Beath: '' Telegraph.% despatches have been aunt to Judge Smalley, by parties now'in this city, siting him to deal* the dispute Its time, and it is ‘ alleiged that he will deny that the riommittee have Any reemindbility whatever to ant in the premises, And:that the Slay way the- Convention can be held at another. point will be for the body itself to ad journ, at ,to Philadelphia, Wilmer% or New York. The more this matter is dhenased the more Whilst* ild ingitlims it beanies. An adjourn. omit may be ferried by the Want of moommo *Boils or by the oontingepay of penile*, and, if Dili shwa be Mona* dissatisfactien will prevail riii illiddee.. • ' : - governor, Cerwin'e great (Tomb appears in the *Glib* of the 34th, and . ** an area of twenty two oolonowl of that paper. ,Difering from him in minty thbfft, Ido not to too - far when I say that ;it, is one tit 'the mail' remarkable productions of hie ,lifi, - '461 . 1 ittitititj' PrOdietton It ter , *passing!! taillianiOnd 'althea& delivered In. a somewhat iiiiibilig stile, it is - thitillarlY logical and ' well -oonieeted. 'lt 11 mid that the Bepublietim have Ordered *wealth:Mg in usnino of this speech tor ormastko; - , Inthikni,inootkoc is . mai be. in. .rebut your read(M9o4owr that both parties age?m_ginningto_ ; piapma,Weldv,ily for the.Preci• , &diet orsefoiliPt;. .11 , 0411, months committee lisipaleiteirldi.Dlnaktm, late, postmaster • of ttif,, , ,an on; 'their *retain Mid (f.' D: Hooter; 'Biii, late "mmgamt...litt_tiii,is vonhosith,,- 414121 ,treisurer. The BePubilian oommittni,yelded (Mar bY John Caved., of Ponnsylvanii, r Med by deergifilagritighm, Bilt.y: of , this cit., es seer,. tart._ -Both parties want Inorele•Denroorats notler. Atkflufab 111 spent a ll that, be t , ,them in trying .to carry. Lecompton. Weedell, who had the disburennent *f the pill:d ig/gland, aid who is 'raid to hive paid out with great liberality, =non*, that his reirourom are szliausted, and bit 'aussenior, 'Brigsdiar ilinersi, Clamp Iffmlungtect Bowman, even if he 'felt din peited to be. open-handed, 'cannot be 'so' Inc.g the *lon of Oringrese, cutting of from him the great ftibilf Pm minting o the poet aka blanks. Where - thialnewsol War are to ozoine . from for the mm- Pilau, I eisert till. 4 , .. • , Onset `credit IS Alai to Roo. Una Washburn, of MeilM, foi his Vendetta industry. In insisting upon a' refernialion allot rules of the house of linprreenta. NNW, inordir to facilitate public' liminess in thit "body. The old rodeo had .some complioated and eumberwma.' Had the single, proposition, so gladly to, Inilibline the Clerk, in the event ,of the failure ,of the. Bons : to, along n tiptelter, at the beginning or a l new Congress, been , adopted bettliebiind, ' muchh - of thi delay that took plane in „ '1856-.58 and, in 1819-410 ' would have beak prinientini. The country is indebted to (Mr. - ' Washburn, however, in another; and a 'more 'important respeet,L and that 'is in the, PO* granted, under the amended ride .to Die Mein* committees to make morn. We had this JIM illustrated when Mr. Morrill, from the floinetittee of Ways and Means, presented his pro. trinime in regard , to the loan, and to the amend. 'meat Of the revenue law! (before defeated,) in effect a pretty thorough tariff bill, and quite m ao ceptable to thi'manufniturers of Pennsylvania as anything tbstooald be sug g ested at the present day. 'hie bfft Willbe hiunediately reported back to the Rohee,,eadwill be premed to a vote at the mil* poilible day. In this conneotion, I am glad to Mate - this tkr gm* committee raised in reference to Si Palltie,ltiiiirced, Waiting the Mississippi. to the Peel* .**, say be controlled by men who are dateinkined that no itillturl bill of this PhipendOna ~ehipactir eliallita passed', *lase it is distinctly. pty' - tti, irk: 'bras, that Andrstion iron AU/ Is uMd sn' Ms omstynotiew if tit is gross woik. Mr. iliiir., : wiie. reptile*: the Cambria Iron district of iPensisylvonia Dv., the lime and who .justly pyhiaa, himself ppm the; feet 04, there is a mann :finto7 of railroad iron in .his district capable of making :More rails than any other estahlish mint, et the same kind in ' the World-will insist upon - this' Point before 'that import ant - einniiitteir." 'lt progides for two ' router, a northern and a southern Mute; and yet some of • the _Misted 'presidents, who will be ap. pointed to image' and , dispense the great fund of lands, and , money appropriated by the Govern ment; may be disposed so to - shape the bpi as to enible them to purobasentieeptoreigii iron, under the debates ides, that (..onnorny in this respect will be( advisable". ' John Edgar 'TIMMS* ' the silent Nspoleon of the Pennsylvania Central Rod, will, or Gomm; ploy an important :card in this great game,. Olfd__.:.s o ., him , and .to . snob men as Blair;, of Pennaylventa, _and, Dottie, of lowa, I is wiping to entrust Pennsylvania's great speciality. It would indeed be an almost in valuable' triumph 'if Mr. Morrill's bill for the amendment of the revenue laws, end the Paella Bellread bill, Pooh as 11(r. Blair and Mt. Thomson low admit'', eoeld be carried through befbre the 'Cagle of time* session of the Present Congress. At all events, I feel in betterimertu I write kr day that A tio Walillehmiteesemay bettor, expeditiously and lads. ~ '', ~,,, , fasiorily *muted than under the old rates, and I , Na i ier vi, tins poi to.** • this testimony to Mr. Washburn, A u er ma k , who wee the pioneer in tbi latter reform, and to ot to k i,,4,' - ,47. the emeelient aten who stand by Mr: Ifforrill's bill .. a k i :imported Cost the Committee of Ways and Mazur, .„ 4 - i i.. and hihri= ire rewired ' net to lee PaimaYliranin . „ ; ,. t .7. -..-,- , ssiiriseed iti re gard to th e' Paeigo Balboni Alohatimilkrtii°ll Is, ' bill- - ". '''.. '' ' .' ' 4 :0 1 1 6 4 4 bl ii i ioi nt i d ; '! The military Min in Cony* are greatly ex( .4 iillidiiitim - d - i„ 'Oita toalay , the noire that there Ls imminent IVAlliesiagi t, wit he Peril it I war with Meziew, on anonst of a repulse o r :ffildigLejadmls gAis i ap , sr ; thip far* of .illiirmtion by-, the entreinhed army AliMpy. miff 'lng#ffir pipoggirii 4.. efl iniris 'Au Ye" Pino-Juares, being the power ".; .',*.fiittlfifi: f: ~'. 2,,.( • .; (. lleilettallisi 'by_ the present Adaliiistritioh. By a ~,",".;,,,, (.:, ;?,,,ffigrmil Slit/ will , iksiii, Potodiaiiiiiocidotie4 t iiko `sharp, brilliant, and fore!. •••'.'i :i•2 . :,7''.1 :•." *a's , Tkintrie - : of 'Aria will :We apinair it Mi. :Col, of Ohio, was being Made • '‘,' , 'J "• ( ;,.-- i• ","."';:i - :z,' . ' ~ ' • jut' as the will from Veto Cris wig telegraphed _ _. • - to. the .di ff eront thibliajourtuds. Should war be. ''' sl*- W* probable, on amirrant of the part taken by the navalkeen of the. •Ilaited Rates - to tho Gulf of 01 01 400 i• XIS .111111 plla.ltail• Man ,one volunteer (.3 -- 1, (";., i.r.,....,;.., - ... • , ,„.., r'Whidi -to, ,the _lll4, of strife. in the capecta ',<- 4 , i'-,P:-... -: it. - . - f - : .7. ',, , .',..,, ~ r thrifthist , rile Buie may , be ',presented to the - i-4 -:-.-7 . ;:ct,t,, ,, ,:_ -, (.• 1 .- ~ ~ • ~,-. ,„ .., .-, . ;Lliutriciliten CritiveisPoli, as a ' candidate for the ,'• -, f ''`; ;' l ;l i i',.:, - , •, ~ ~.., _ ,r, - :,; ' i ; , "'.- Ptuld • Probably Major Breokinridge may - - .;..7:,, ~,, :. ,-,-. , ~ . ~- , - ' • ','.'s I foil 'dieptiiiniff again' -?- le dealt ids midden sword. 0e.' t ,, ,'?"0',-' - r., ..,,,,..--, r. j, . %.. .- . % ~.. --, , - K r. Bunter, of Virginia ,ga never yet proved his L ,..,,,,..„,1„, , ,( t t•„,;_, : -(,:, ~ : . lei, . ;:.. 1.. . :, , ,r• - 'lot OnAlittentel field ; and ql,V vernor Wi se , r) ~, ~-4 . ,,, . .-, *: f : , t , . •-,' • " ", , "'',- --- , ~, :Noma 'se _egaittitiltihnßrown, will new. have „i , , ,•:,1"- "ir e '.(. .., i-'. '''• - : ' - -"- '- ' ' `AI shine* to show that hi le ( , . ....11.4 i , ..,.., - 7-, ~,,, ~,.. •.,-', - r rt. - ',.,,- ~. • , I ~,, ..„ ... . , . , , •mm of deeds • A"- , ',.'''',' , ;'i 1- ': '' 3t. ' - i i': ,r i 1',...i 'W.'lli;:'lre_i (,',..'.,(, .. ,,. ., , ,,i•"•..,, -.,i,. ( 1 ~,,. - -...' :n '.:- ' •', ' : -:: ' ' , it; needs Do jaw *Ord, and thrift( . 0 4 .,:r ii ..,A , , , ' : ...,,,„, , ,-;14. . 4 . 7 .. 1 , ~.. , ,:.,.. --,., ... - • ' ' .. ' ' , t, who are" 'now like (II .-tle„: - /i,4,cr -,... ' ~' ( . ;.•••'... :..., ~, ~ • ' • ~,.,. P.) , , , ... be In .'-'- AV,: ~ 0 - .e. 1 . ,. - 5.'ii..71,.. -- -: - ::' . P.: - :-.1- 1 , ', i ', • • -.' , ~,- -,- ~ •ot. umlaut io &nava *'warrior ..7 , 4 . - --..r,-• •?•''. -4 - • ii. ~ - ,t, . Lr.-••••....,“ -''''ft ,!'''''' ,' . ' ''''' ._ ' - ' :. . '''' ' ,' • '' , 1111•1101111 ittitthilit; would be (Y4 7 :'`4 , --_,Nt i ..**C :;(‘ - rti1r. , 44",1•4,(i•-1 '::•. t,- _, ,: , ' "'''.. ", • • svollobittqitho • will risk Te 3 '0: - - -, -- - -"- ,---: - . 7 .0* • -F . :, .t. -- xeki - z434 ,, ,: -, J , :-:.,== ,:= ~ i. 3 - 3 2-• -,,', f . , =.: -, .-..., ainf impeded *Otte take gi - ,1_,...- .: ..' 1 „ ; .e. • ci , ,, - .04 , tlfspimt,;(0:; - (e.,(, ;...,,,, :.-. ,- !. , D . .„. . „ ; ,,.,,,.;," 1 ,•• t 4 p. m glow l org r tg r. K.rt.f . *. ...„ . "...IVI .- "-it,.,,.1 , 4.t-, vkeeTii'!iiA,pk.,..,,,... , . ;., ; -•- - - \ e l/ 1 WIA. 7A. ' 4.k ,- 'i- .„.._ ,,,iiptato, ~*..,---.1 . .* . n..,-:- - '1,0 , ? 4 ,7,-1, - "›,r.rVr . 4l 7 V• l :tiq!'," *aitiiii, liftWhe „.•.-.7.4,,,,.-1- --. .k , 2"-AVS(...O - , " "'''' -"-..t0 ''''-Per- 7 ° , 4 ',' • ' 4'''l • ' saga° taints ;'''.--' EN 7 -kr , -,i , ‘,li--,tritlz('lN '- • • '''../- . 7 . : , , , ,,,....., ',,,.. 4.^- , , ''..( l ''.", . , - ,_?AiN , - 4 4 , 't 4i,T4Ze - 4_ ' . - '1k,,,,: - 4‘,,,,, I.i" 0,„: c -. • ~,,.:• '.., :7,,.. ~-', , .....: - .4* ~ , ,14 ~- *l . ~,,,a , ' , ",,,i , .• .../ `p'6' ''',,, t,,,, ~,;- ",. `Lt 1, r q..r*.ris' A' ' ''''.. t :' 1 . ....; - ., -7' ,i(WpAir-ti 5 4_,17 1 ik:" . .%, 14 '3, 1 ; . '",,,. 4 -•" - ? - iP '4. ,-„'"'4 , ,!' --?;!'1,•....,*".:, ;z a 11M. -sow vow* ; 41 . • L' • • • SM.Jk I "F7 r*, "r • .B—talof ef %l ' TiP*iiii‘ 6 6iiitOititi-* 1 - WtiOro irilt the . • • --, lo 4o# l 4 l rittii lo o l . 'Pito knii*llibirir 1 11011,111 0 1apOOmdi i or:VizOtrOosqlooniriskodOrlosiOil , ;toystrisiklub,:hitrE Uri D.l 7 of the=Yorrcli~taw Hotoi on :Monday. 1 - 1 1 1 0 *WM , v4 1001 i .01 1 1 bl *ilia' set the Ww- hive not Momvi WOoIC bars rfOorrA fOpidtlPiN fn ;am, Trroo*,worfloo 'wok :the swallow. of the -*Um party: In 11)(46' mreptpirios - - 41114 Boorostoo Icreila# l ot bitiorbrAid, :WO* ,iiiidlairiatOr Milo—H*4o .4rk 'ogolook,lkooloOklio;:up" z,47prki 74", clow.**Kitto:.444 l ,!..ovOokpl.krrio ,, ,irftrOf debOilid64oll.l,olll campaign of 'AO 4 04 - ' for orOoroadooes of ell opariorm. Inmolokipan to character of=the , tip - ::ikollortirord AltitClodunoti PoOroothrin.- -Glom* rooroe;,oad, - Oolonel , Coma are bothopig-,kaown,sact. oiliness ot aolimo*re elska*. bare unitediskorkjioluilikaMm4.4 l 44s 3 4t , on Poo' who niwOrroolowli,imPOOOrt*Ailptheir partyir,W'Mto oo l' wok Ake - represenfa tirws,tif tbeirtiee manisations. sista tbakwalmit t 9 boy*,. Asoording to the ` *bath* gem People's or: gel:4th= eaa' didito4ibri *manor, and Um , ,asioolitstis.s of. n - • Ali challeage by General Yoram, the Demo sailaltembeee, a Stir Campeiipta In Wllkh the principles 'ln lame - In the, Presidential CiAlfabi are to Ittboronlibly mnded and disenised. Thiswelt.;_ itmerallkormia je sit till stager. Ng* goo bAly• *omit =mom toy Pesten , stens to the title, =Waif .thgl,4 04 4- law .711‘,ht i Pennsylvania. .11k is, the, idol of the 3000. Mon Whom tic hith flea I long, imkispoorable ,; has served in Con. I Saw esd*the,stlth ; Leg ststhre 7lth Woe dlitiae,tiQl4,,a; ,10,d4trict , 4 1 / Preotisu his Peofe*Olt ..... ire few those, Payee* before; thef Cetot,,so the Jay. " If he has any record in regard to recent, • Pothbob litthetef Orem ITsisothYlwt ,thtthe rebels!!-;Witt . the Men who beef ff . / 21 , 60 4, aviook,Oktioacheiloo.onik_thoio o ock*oo, of WA= ._Pr0 0 00t::cost!orot mirligotritioN And if he- :hel„est ithi - esSitos and ',Red t •Xlthir hsii,,thoot *rhe wi l l dtictusiou,_ with , vivid by, mpaillating,, that,. Amninistration s bold-, ly et, once. Colonel Giana, en, the other hand„ L.a . polishat ,popidar•,oratcr; intenselthienthieti with.the peculiar theories of 14party,_greitlybeloved_ at home , ready, to help the humblest man in his,locality, and strong in the atlecticns ct his Weide, beta* he has . norm. ,been known to , desert, them: Two SuCkiken starting outdetermieed to bear thessitislyce Ilke gentlemen, each show* at. tach4As his iseculhkrophahrs, *id ebb to , 14 7 - yeeete_l 43 * ofitetOkte witktreet Pow er , Oss noteht*isid *Mitered to;the great Wu. PAO ' hetitTchifere;u! COL Gellert , has logicOlithed apeat to al the the city y o f Plitte44 l o; :-PeOetsf n n s e -is a - P olitel i e4tgefleed! 34 it i ts: "one obsitthiles and trckpooll Mud and,his 1.43•13k0it' and Prektee tint,. sßarrbi eftWeeelso ihl/49Phts, they la' PtooSkte,eselefif the ' nfootht eologlet of t he ,e.te' getetliS.l:WP eoniratu late ./.9 0 1410, 1 *,,44tir. 1 1 # 11 4 11 ,14 1 4 even it lie cannot sympitbiss with you in the labor, Abet are before ~.. • , ,Tha 'recent tetelliiirMa from Mexico lzell• - mita diet Whiti ate'rapidly aitroOdhifs' erlais hf ii it bettetrn Much mat bed to the . 2101 tWl*tlittresIgt4 dikdrotaiiredidsteC %%dad itheit*Eitat with the autteetet eauotiiiiciiihinti*itiliiisitioi Udder:- Irithe •:` - - . rivatlittteei heeded respect!** ti* Aran sad iiikameetherie UMW , deidtt that the' the - beat aoistitutienal the coeitejr," aht that A" lire teajatiir of; the' ptmidif of NeadAt.' Wiensmitit t' but " the '.o4l,ll!lad'idtUl posiiiiidiki huttaitaid IdeStMrentoh aided by-the timaie3 o ' Ihrehhat b 7 the 'great Amish lita eatethey • seppottAiiii 'ambled maintain naht;„ taniptOoiiiMion'tof thieatitedidthe Weft!'" try"_; indt6eejkoiceseeritarmyotheliatptTtant , teweMdmptellim of thiees4oMl.• The stioet : ' Sold dfatiaititi hiiidiapihienVeisOnti, end - - ,:*tite*litit tticli ttpattit*idov KmetaOx ba# !ibliess'4tickiesithi,) , ' , the '43iiiiitgationikt • , C{conalune4,, would, hare , taieiii": ter the. • ttaMlielatinttatitleitrilytiC 2 bseataielt' as 'sue had' ''MIMMIIy :Thettgateed the Mid ttamedwith it . - e trAmtfieldOVlC *Teal mow Mader dlionallaa In eel:hilted Statek Senate, iota.' it flit lewd for Our ematref item ettisbia,:widie the amides et IltaeamdhavaahOwa littleotrie reepeet'do right. "; It ie fottanatethatthe Meek apoteiritri (kat . wattemacceidtd. The Com mies:tale oor bet had; &data,' ate:silent ' rembector , eipturlng the Teasels lent to the; aid Otlghtilets: ) i:c; .c•': . The'llekhddet alOtg the Ikea theltio Gratidiiiiihited with the • reeMSV oteurreheas -at Voss Cruz, may, therethre,, Wad - to events of ebistites , !MONA,' partiothety - *tea it is iessotitided ;that ' , it Axing onahiiitiOnla s kroureciuntsy snxicher to reatt*tlpiiiiiii4i — otitriisimatisttbet the TOM mithAmystiorMelo•ii:. eeStittalliareisloiMsposi their temise:.l „,,a:ploiii„lke loaf of It. : . TDo i nataindar anise* in the Os* :tor ,Which Is to Oontaaraa WitiAtifoie the meethig of the Deansedieoonntion in that city, and to eoeihhte 4 ' 1 44 iteigho,mheie retoohl, is , reo4la onC'efitinesdoth Man Of alias** the giabial: :Thationarn iris In the hibit of visits; Voin zniland; to bii berecutory Bin:orate onlanoyer. On one : 01- main, while ea -- iookiehte'obinion capital, be stopped, with his retinal - lb:lnn at a inait,totai Jai* `a iett'y ,Thk host had nothing in : the way Of ionisiate ex- • dpi 0 ,0 01 44 WI, and the KalorOlieadl'hht ,shies Perthok of a light roWest OLthese. the thlokliests was adds& the--landlord pre- - m i s t his owe anonnt,” which _la touch 'castled •thecnoldennai who held Owl tarn, • thit be handed It to the Mar. It happened that his Majesty was notoriously fond of mo. say: Turafors, he flew Info a theadfid ea je; anCOrik"thifilinitorting toadteat , w,tith mean Mato bis4lar Own hundred dollen thy a simolorthothi of ken mad ems; torn down Petiht. fie BORA* ashadhili *Old? Thehtlelloallelgth4. "So, stsw lettwilfilats ar' - • •= 3 01 : : 11 0 111 relettilie . akitetootthei 2'eatre_ daeinditthe.***, 1 , ...• • , At '''lfelestotreet noatim ../fsomoiert'a odolfthateo l lltet 11thi-Lstbiaa" ( ' as 8• 01 4 : natifbei, eattiebOtYetr tnifivev; bik,..pww3tOrsik tk• imar,,satimi=ladi Wood* rit thsidimi Alt• ea . Afthlifatkiet*liitoli the eolohthk# . 00 likatehitolOtiltiegteghil$:0111filbifootiedi with ada•-,inatestats' oretk. Wad's nisiamidst m in b e Detnifttne thinner :ffistigi-addmthig" At in taiafite t e ,tk,ff,1 4 . 4 1017' 9001 r 41- Obintha!:: ::sjitieketka:• .-. tin .1 Ifiewif'2lll4 will have puler Theatre d'art' wilt ? israiesolog of the i , tali is • '' ! le, r i ft ". Cr soon A. - • This of ipsr, -•-• , ' THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, , MARCH 21, 1860. up," are innumerable. The panhOhe PoroftY efths times, the Oostivenass of I:loneHei k an tlyklikit that hir t ßuohanan has . mo woe, moneyrivepend will Masi" t this viat tribe of men to seise win any 'pension to better tlitifiraggefibrtinei.l Those of ml, who remember the alacrity' with width ,adven• %irons men crowded to the fields of MeSiliOrhir teens years SgO, need,: net be miaired bit that wens will be played over as soon ois a ;pied oppor tunity is prevented, with many variations:. 000ABI0NAL. Lotter Italic New York. TOP HEW TORN SPRING TRADE SALE: PHILADEL PHIA INVOICES—TIM MISSING MRS. CAPTAIN SRINNATI HEAED flop—conagemong ELECTION : SPEAKERS-6MRS. SATIIMAN'S HEN PLAT—TUN NlikßActor penmen: [CerMapoadenegof The Pram] Nzw Toni March 10,1060. -The dretkatalogne of the annual spring trade sale of book*, to eommenoe on the 19th inst., has just been is sued ley Hearse A:Lentil% Alla SIO octavo pave. and centimes. invokes from the loading publishers of the country. Parry', invoice, of your city, occupies Inr paged; H. C. and I;;Diddle, 1 page ; James Ohallin & Bon. g pages: Charles Diailvarog pages ; T. B. rotor con & Brothers, 28 pages; W. W. Harding. 0 pages; Heeard,l4 ma.- The New York publighon, with Dm exception of Harper & Brothers, who for some years pact have'declined participating in these min, sand 'about the use quantity of publications, new and old/ the leVolos of the Appleton. occupying twenty one I ogee, Derby ik'Jaeluitin fifteen pages, W. A. Tower and & 01.-AIRS pages. and Mason & Brother. • The two former Mains offer *Miss amount of vary interesting wort! in general literature. I hear from the auctioneers that I good attendance and an active demand are anti -6,lh``l. town in nots little surprised this morning ; at the foliceging *dhotisl paragraph in the Merge respecting the Wife of Captain Brennan, of the ermi, whom r ll5- tatioits duiapptaranim last year canned so mush mum- Non:, • _ , • We learn , through a private letter froth Florence. ties Mrs, Brennen.whomi diseppeeresios from Staten Island amused so mush excitement some fifteen months ago, e nd , who was supposed to have been murdered. is now Italy mid recently for a short time n o to renal.. 'Hy whom shewas adeeniplinied wei are in 4 formed, bat she is thought not to have been alone. She wen seen and Ireerniseit there by persons who knew , tier perfeetly. This would seem to sot entirely at rest the story ot her murder, which we believe hen for some ifte past been aupposed to be without foundation in WO • • Connecticut i• ibis ;creek fairly invaded by 'seekers of both the greet political parties of the day, the Demo oratio aldebeini represented by gentlemen friendly to !adobe aspirants for the Presidency. Yesterday the lion. Charles B. Lambe', M. C. from Wisconsin. Pawed through Unction Memel thither. Mayor Wood Is already there. On Thursday Thomas C. Fields, Esq. late public administrator, a gentleman of line oratorical Powers, to to address the Democracy of New Kasen. The contest is being fought With unprecedented vigor on both side., and should thi Democracy win the day, SA there ie good reason to hope they will, it will go forth as the keynote of the great National battle next au tumn. . ALongfellow's Evan/dim, dramatized by Mrs. Bate man, was produced at the Winter Garden Theatre, last evening, with Raceme. The heroine of the play we. Miss Bate Bateman, who, grown op to full and beautiful womanhood, made her reappearance, and amnia Jrnatilled the aninamstiotui held out by her Pre' coedit sea child. 'Perfectly self-poised, graceful in movement, with *mellow. musical voice, expressive *yet& good presence, thoroughly familiar with the bast nwis of the stage. and with ample *moth to comprehend and give expraselon'to the ideal of the author, it It now surprising that ohs carried the audience with her, and stamped herself a thorough artist, Mrs. Bateman hail *sicced dramatic power of a high 'order, in the skill with which she ham brought the principal personages of the story upon the stage 'The spirit of the poem is ire served—not marred by the liberties necessarily taken to bring it before an audience with all the /maiden of actual life. - The new daily paper to be published under the edi torial and business management of Mr. J. R. Spaulding, late of the Censthr and Inquirer, and Alexander Cum ming!, of your city, will be issued about the lit of May. They have taken for &publication office the rooms at the corner of Park Row and Beekman greet, a very eligible location. Their priumeiv are now being built. The large cash *dud ot.ths concern, about eltrygo, enables it to start fully appointed In story department. NotWithatanding many prognostieatione to the con trary. I haye no doubt but that the paper will prove a complete success. Money and ability will accomplish utmost everything, and the new concern has abundance of both. Letter from Ilarnsburg. Morreopoadonoo of The Yrooal H►sozososo, Moro► 20, 200 The fres-banking law. which paused the Howe the other des, for NAN bast Menthe speciality of the mem emir from Tioga, Ron. L. P. Williston. He has labored for it by day and by night ; he bag wads every other subject moodily to it; but until thisisinter there has bean no prospect of a realisation of hb, hopes. It has massed the House, but its ohaness in the fisnate an gloomy enough. The law propeeee to allow say man to establish a bank anywhere, on aortal:: terms. Some of thee* ate: For emery hundred dollars of notes trued, the bank is required to have on hand one handled and live 'dame of *Misr United States or Pennsylvania Sc,te stoekat also, twenty per cent. of anmie in its vaults on every &Muer olmulation. Onset the greets of this bi.l, should It become a law, will . crease of paper money, and. per lies, an- %- Creme of speculation. Who a muss or a bless- Int, depends upon men' offl. - Itis .146 loager,*, Petty question, for at rampant Dsmoorats ars the keenest ad for banks, wheneret they have a Iltjl - ill for their own constituency. The anti bat,//t emooraay no longer exist, yo-day wee pnwiteseatendar d.p. bat the Wine had ,porlinuitiod up the 'Lends? of Tuesday, which Oall&- pliid r th• whole of the COVIIIOI3[., The finination of new county vitt of Potter. Clinton, MolCiesti; end ;lilt, _crated " Cameron,"uh. Your mbertTrom - mat - Yegain - rtivored - trie bill, but'Mr* Mean opposed it, and suoneedsd in pinaponiug the con sideration until next Thursday, when itwill be made the social order. A bill to divorce Hiram Buser, of Bradford, from his Wife. Lucy Ripley, was dimmed by the House, and de feated—yeasB3, nays 44. The Divorce Committee una nimously reported in its favor, and from the testimony before the committee It appeared Mrs. Lam', In open court, had sworn that she . heal c robbed her husband's shore of 'hansom!' of dollars' worth of mods and handed them over to her brother; Dwight Ripley. Frost being a man of considerable wealth, Mr.,llgreer. was reduced to 'Overt*. and, not wanting to live with such an un.• wifely woman, he asked the Legislature to dissolve the beans, the courts having no power. Messrs. Smiled and Einley igaikein ite favor with great earnestr.sse. Mr. Wilhiten opposed it in an able speech, and Mr. O'Neill, humorously thanked Heaven that he had never been " put together" for any set of men to " put 'wieder." Both Houses are holding two or three sessions a day, indare rushing bills through at a frightful rate. If the Legislature persists in adjourning on the ad of April, scores of sots will be passed so hurriedly that It will tale tke half of next winter to undo the wrong and Enamor committed this session. This would be economy of the people's over the left," • 1 PENN. LATEST NEWS By Telegraph to The Pres& THE WAR IN MEXICO. FURTHER DETAILS. THE SIEGE OF VERA CRUZ. Moonlight Engagement between the U. El Naval Forces and Miramon's Havana Expedition. The Mexicans Refuse to show their Colors. and Commence the Fire on an American War Vessel. THREE AMERICANS WO TALLY. UNDED-ONE MOR- MEXICAN L . 066--I6 KILLED, 30 WOUNDED. THE EXPEDITION FIGHT UNDER THE SPANISH FLAG. Hew Hainan. March 10.—The folloWing detail of the encounter in the GulforMemoo between the Home Batiadron and Marin'e Revue expedition have been reexived: Ae haii been before stated, Miramon commenced the siege of Vera Crux on the oth of March. On the nut day two steameri appeared before the city, 'bowing no colors. The United States sloop•of-war Saratoga, with de tachments from the Savannah and Proble, on the steam ers Indianola and Wave, were ordered by Commander Jarvis to proceed to the anchorage of the steamer., and eadertam their (lariats?. Upon nearing their aztaborage, off Anton Lizard°, one of the vowels. moved A shot was bred to bring her to, end the Indianola sent to overhaul her. The Indianola's hail was answered by a shot from the Inestiner General Miramon's guns. followed by a volley of musketry, whereupon the earatoga fired a broad side Into boy, and the action became general, but was soon decided in favor of the Amenoanc The engage ment was a spirited one. (Another despatch ease " Goat Tarsier sent a boat, with a tag, to demand the nstiottOtty of the steamers. when the boat wee Sired upon tides,. The engagement then commenced.) Commodore Marin and Ms men were taken prisoners, and placed on board the U. ft sloop•of-war Preble. The engagement toil plate by moonlight. The blexioan stemmere mad* lIIMTI exertion to emit*. They bad paned by all the foreign squadrons and the curio without hoisting their flag, although ordered to do so by a shot from the castle - and other signals. The English, French, and hostile. fleets did not seem to notice this bet. The Parsiogii, bolus Sewed by the Indianola, took Merin by sunitise in Clitonhig lre upon his vessel. FESMMMi3M= The ?dolman too in repotted to hats been IS killed sod KI wounded. The Prisoners corroborate the report in relation to the steamers having cleared from Hanna u men:bant am, and hotted the Mextean du only after they left ROLM They afterwards mounted MIX gun, each. 111 statsd Ikat Kamm had gaid 1114,000 for the imp itiamerg. • From Washington. Tirsililligyorl, March go.—The Renate had a short ex eestive session to. den and took preliminary measures with the view of rgeueeitating the Elmira, as treaty mind! Selected. There ans mthestiena of rumen. The conference of Republican denature held thie morning less with rererenoe to this subjeet. The friends or Peussor Bigler think It to be of multi elect !appease° e to denv as wholly untrue the memos- Per statement. that.jpriliVietui to Ins election as delegate to. Mi., Charleston convention, pledged himself to Viag• tar.Donglaa atter the third ba sot The Weir printing the poet o ce blanks have not Yet Wien o MCI but Mr. Crowell, to whom the work set hereto ore bin sublet. 'tete* that he has f ramed to do It far ninety-tiime cents os the dollar lege than the Gocirriment hasheretefore paid. The subject of c hanging the place of holding the De mooratic Nationa Convention is still under considera tion. The Rational Executive Committee may be con vened next Week, according to the present information, to take *Oh lotion as will quiet the public mind on the sull e : t i en e ggarpees Perry Investigation Corn tee, after enatnining. Several more Witnessee, Cam soon Mose its labors. nothing of special interest tuus bin thoite4. Western Nein. I ND x Emmet MO ita i s kialb Ll—Tits Banta P• math VitrinTo " ark ' rt hi ' ..t v h e ido1:1 1 417.71V;11 with in s ide I r i ll Oing and Mgdig• n L All the maile y at at the ravage Fork to the oth Inst. " "V 11°. were men there and they w• fr7eMy. htto ~iti h mia; with they, waging was Mt' i rti B r i q n c ratrwz r A g itigi I o g oti tir oom o i • l •so, ' • th wi T oiloo e op i olmoot enotigh for .oe molt. L..t..,. . 4 . 4 11nr. An:ggla i r . t2 the told o i tmoo were mot on , t ifinatos pain .long Vero (at ladependines/ja to ors et•wart's sotlun In not signing the el . • warner bore is WV ell and pleasant. ter livery • low sad UM baling. ARRIVAL OF jaltign; FELTON; THREE DAYS . URI ROI EUROPE. Now Yeti, March 10.—The stormier Fulton has ar rived from amine and Ilentliampton. - " She left South ampton early on the morning of the 6th Wit.. and Whig. London perm of the Ttli, and Liverpool of the 6th,z' - The Canada and Altos arrived at Liverpool on Sunday night March e. Loss or TER 11IINOWILIA11.—The Futter gays& Ame rican letters relating to the loss of this viresel show con oneively enough_ that she has been totally wrecked but there Is not one word Mentioned about either the ship'. boats, or any effort made to save those on board. It is, therefore, possible that the passengers and crew, or some portion, left the vessel prior to her perilous situation, having been seen from land. Before the fate of the crew and passengers should be considered as now reported, more conclusive reasons should be given. The " Bohemian " arrnved at Queenstown on , Wed nesday mornit's, March 7. • FARM, March 6.—The Pattie asserts that the reply of Sardinia to the lost despatchi of M. Thouvenal has ar rived in Paris., . The King is said 10 , have agreed 'to the 'solution yrno posed by Franos in reference to the ROMeene but as regards the solution of the notation of Tuscany,lmo posed by Al Emperor, the reply' of the Ring is sald be less distinct. " The " adde s We ore unable to snake known the exact reply of kordmis to reference to the annexation of dating to France. • • - • • Tomo, March 6.—Chevalier Buonoompogui hag re , 'signed the poet of governor general. - • • N GL AND. in the House of Lords Maroh S. the Duke of Newer.ll - stated the tours* her Majesty's Government intended to pursue with respect to the ' , vie of the Howe in row_ ono. to the treaty of commerce with France. He said that lithe address should be brought up to morrow from the Commons the Oorernmentorosose d to illisioss it rn their 'Lordships' House on Friday. but if it were brought up on Thursday , to postpone the diaommion to Monday. Miler reading the " companies' third tune, and the. administration or prison bill" a second time, their ir i dshipsadJourped.• n the House of March ath, 'the report on th customs tot was brousht up end agreed to, with it few amendments. , • On prooeeding to the otherorders of the day, Lord Pal inerstonsnoved • tint they be postponed until after the' notice of motion given by Mr. Dyne for an address to her Majesty on the aubjeet of the commercial treaty with France. - Mr. Lindsay otecrved that the .terms of that motion, were not before the Rouge. • • Mr. Kinplake opposed the motion of Loo Palmendoe, and celled upon the House not to depart trout the ordi nary mode of plooeedins. Mr. Bong said, if It was the opinion of the Rome that the extol terms of his motion should bepreviously be fore it he would postpone the motion until Thunder. Lord Palmerston then offered to withdraw nig motion. Objections were raised to the proposed day, and the die °ursine of this question gradually drew Into its a ea topics of much larger dimensions the most prominent tome the annexation of Savoy to France. Mr. B. Fitzgerald urged this subject with great earnestness upon the House. and expressed hie hope that Parliament would make a Solemn* protest against that act. Mr Bright condemned the terms employed by Mr. Fitzgerald. Mr. Roebuck inveighed against the Emperor of the French whom he mewed of breach ct. treaties. Lo Ruuell said that such irritating diseuemons only sowedsimpleton and dietnist, and was oallinlated to bring about a total rupture with a neighboring friend ly country. He thought the present was not the time to raise the discussion.. Sard. the Power most inte rested, had not sicken on the subjeot. His opinion was sheathe treaty of commerce with Franol was destined, if approved Parliament. to draw closer the ties of friendship between the two nations, by giving both an interest in the blessings of peace, whioli would tend to prevent the great ealemity of wen After some further discuesion, the motion was with drawn. The House then went into committee upon the owl , tome not. The " sartngs banks and friendly'emnetles' invest- Meal; bill" wee read a second time—on the order tor the second reeding of the " settled estates not (MP amendment In I." Mr. Byng moved to o pposed eieon reading for six months Ti.. billets' o and supported by several members. upon a division, the &monument wag carried by IS to 45; so the bill is lost. T he House then adjourned. Tux tiOMMODON FRB Y.—ThO Times stl. , pr a m teen otice given of the fact of sixteen guinea. having been paid on the gold and wool on b rd this vesse, at Lloyd's, mom. misapprehension is likely to arise in the minds of persons having friends or reletions on board; and, although as much &gal - teen guineas has been Paid to-day on the gold, there is no real apprehennon among persons well intormed on ;be subject as regards the safety of the vessel. Tee ing itt writes item the shippers of gold." The Shipp Gazette says " Du ring ;he month of February , the number of wrecks was lei; in January 229, making • total daring the present year of 181" riccor.oxim —The Irish papers deny that Mlle. Piocolomini has been united in the holy hoods of matrimony since her arrival in Dublin. The Prince of Orange said a visit to the great Eastern on_MOndar, Maroh 6th. RqYAL VOLUNTEER BALL.—The number of voucher. for this ball exohanged up to the evening o the 6th exceeded 6.000; not less than 8,000 are expected to be present. FALL Or RAMSEY TERRACE, EDlNACTROR.—ThAdie turespue marine terrace, erected by tt i t, " Etient t i c h w , owing spur the ethe f e e c o L iti foS dation, aria become mu; of ruins. FS khI.CIL • . Manifest, • • Palm, March s.—The Mani, announces thatyci terdey the minister of the United States presented his lettres de grams, The Coa Ocurio.nrigt publishes an *Mai*, signed by its chief editor, Orandguillot, explaining the French policy In Ital. t tit:kea mention i n g filh.eogro lution roposed i q' t i? Ir:tgt of luirdiman solution, it an Italian one. Sardinia will posses. i It t. Tommy an ally who will aid her to overcame the opg coition of Naples and Nome, in order to oonsti tuts an :Wien nation. with tits ocincurreno•ofall its Eta- Women' e a. and notan Italian kin,dom, abecitbing every thing. withoutconsidering the essential differenees. the oposing interests. and the distrust of Europe." The Times'. • • . pondeut says There is ry men that the soldier' now on re to Moils their regiments se soon as portible. satd that the Imperial Chard Will not be ex illitird'abilnals and prelates 'who are members of the Eremite have presented the House petitions demand ing the maintenance oftemporal powerof the Pope. The Botligris dos Leis publishes a decree opening on e tstiatatas s of "Pfau extreord!rg e ctte of 4 i1,(140f. • or es • iit r tge n a ' 4 4 2 4 garrie ootiewi r idieTt Of the . Moraine Poet '! (imolai telegraphic despatches have reached Pans from all parts of Italy. The Empe ror's etieeelh hae not been receved very favorably. , That the people of Central Italy w i ll confirm the vote of , annexation to Piedmont. is fully believed by the Govern, , meet of that, country." he COrreilatt u ntatn. l , 74: pee Pariiilrroirgiarket was dug last week." VisriNA, March 11.-.'fbe official Weiner :toffees will Publish to-morrow the following programme of reform. asnotioned by the Emperor: The Council or the Smears will be segmented by the nomination of extraordinary Councillors selected from among persons of known ability. and by the nomination of thirty-seven ordinary councillors, chosen from a list to be presented by the Provincial Diets. The thirty-seven ordinary eounoillors will be 4-elect ed every sixyears, The Connell of ths Empire will examine the budget. corol !awe relating to financial matters, laws of gene ral i nt nterest, Prolects tor the formation of the Provincial Diets, and ill questions submitted to its delibaration by, the Emperor. Until the convocation or the Provincial - Diets, the Emperor will complete the Council of the Empire by appointing persons of greet distinction on the basis of population, NICE. SUNDAY. March 4.—On the occasion of the anniversa ry of the promulgation of the Sardinian Constitution manifestations were made by the Pledmentese party in the Italian Theatre. A demonstration also took picas in the Prenoh Theatre where the population of Nice I demanded the " Oc e riapolienne, and the " Reins Hortense, , ' which were performed amid enthusiastic applause, end s hoots of " Viva l'lmperatore !" •' Viva l'anneszione.'- The, situation o[ tae country is very RPAIN. .1Wi174011, MarohlL—cleaerat rebate* has oommenerd ,: rwar d momossit tom morano, Dot it is SICK known PlAThilltrtir* II has Not to Madrid the cannon Eaton at Tetuan. THE POROB FOR 0111 NA. ' BOlgiittZeh. 11.- 1 1 he r st Foot Regiment will emba ill tne " Earl or Clara on the . Mth or Feb ruary. T he ' Third Regiment of Native infantry is wi ;nged from Weineand, and will embark in the "Dal me" and " Prince Arthur" on the 16th and 17th of F T THS FASSENCIERS AND CREW OF TEE HUN OARiAN. The London News oubliettes the following list of the eassangers and crew of the wrecked stearnahip Hun garian : CABIN PABESNCHiIIti.—Mr. J. B. Wilsoit, Mr. and Mrs. the Rev. James Stuart, Mrs. woods, Mr. and Mrrs. B. Evans. Mr. Allan Cameron'. Mr. W. u. Crocker, r.. 7. W,_Crooker, Far. Leslie Mr. sad_Mrs. Talbot, Dr. and Mrs r.smaniego, Mr. Barry. A. S. alortin i Mr. Watt, M r. Boltenho. , se. Mr. Bnulton, Mn. Delano and child, Dr. Barrett, (i. S. Nash, officer in charge of mails ISTREISAGIX PArialgOlail.—Mr. Hugh Pff'Claffrey, Mt. Abraham 'Fagg. Mr. Wm. Voslo. Mr. John Richerdson, Mr, Henry rilehardson, Mr. T. Allen. Mr. Frederick Child, Mrs. F. Child, Frederick Child, Mr. Biel Morn son ,Mr. Richard Madden, Mr Robert Martin. Mr. E. D. Iliallett. Mr. George Shank, Mr. George M'Dermott, Mr. John Daly. Mr. John Delaney, Mr. William Kerley, Mr. William Wright, Mr. Michael Limier, Mr. Martin Downes. Mr. Francis Riabardeon , Miss Ellen Sheehan, hlr.lretriak M' if actin—tl: Qasty — Railing De_partment Thomas Jones. captab , ; W. Hardie. let officer ; Wm. Allan. 21 ditto; Rich ard Porter, ad ditto; Wrn. Cain, 4th ditto; hi. Feittling. boatswain; Jam. Bayley, ditto mate. Seamen : John Bailey M . M'Phereon, A. ;Addle, A. Phillips. J. Shan non, Wm. Quinn, A. M'Aliflan, Time. M'Lean, J. Croilthwaitn, R. butus, David Jones. ThOmmi Carter. John Aameden, George Booty, J ohn Bennett, M. Go lightly, M'llonald, r (tarifa. Wiljtania,Clive, Watt, Greenaway„ Merriman, P. Mitchell. A. Boyd, William Craddook. Whip Johnston. Charley, M'Cullooh, John Brioe, Nelson,. e kes I Maxwell, boy. Engineer's De partment: viri liam btewart. let engineer ; John Mc- Kean 2d ditto; Alexander Smith, Sd ditto ; John Clark, 4th d itto t Hugh AFGalin, oth , ditto. Fire iron Isaac Welsh. John Calderwood, Hugh Rus sell. Henry Lowe., James Mooney. _John Boole. .P.m. Holmes , Peter Hanlon, Henry French, John Jones, Jona Fox, Richard M'Neilley. Archibald rff'Call, John Jones, Jr Hamil, Win. Welsh, Alexander Wat son, Richard 'Ronald, Thomas Shaw, Win. Flanni gan, Thomas amieson, Thomas Ritchie, Jame. Alli son, Robert wards. Victualing Department .— Chas. M'Donald. /Et 'toward ; John hl'Kinnon Cud steward. Stewards.—Richard. Thomas , John M adden, George Edward.. Alexander Warshaw, Edward Lerman, Robert Dewar, James Rhodes. Hugh McGregor, Thom. Hannah, John Longwell, Joseph Brennan, Thomas Kenned.. lames Renard. Edward Pd'ldain, Augustus Caine. Win. Howarth, Robert ;Revamp:pt. Peter NV- Crea Prescott,Rieherd Jones , Joseph Marriott, Jones. Cooks.—Franem Fdlrourea (ilorga Saarle brick, Edward Murphy, Wm. Horrocka; Wrn. Preston, baker; James Gitlin.. butcher LT..S. Green, store keeper; Dr. Ferguson, eurgeon ; Robertson. nurser; Mies Caul tart., newardes•-102. THE HUNGARIAN'S PASSENGERS. Haw YORK, tderob 20. fhe agents of the steamship line to which the Hungarian belons ad give the follow ing as the number of soul” on board, when that steamer lett England, viz : From Livelpool, crew, to; cabin pas senger., HO: steerage, to. From Queenstown, cabin passengers; 15; gteerage, 40. Total, 205. Financial and Commercial. The Times' city &dials of Marsh 6th say": The pub lication of the despatch of the French Minister on the affare of Italy. although the genial tens of its contents was previously known, cause the English funds to open, thin morning , with much easiness, at a twiner deohne. The quotations of exchange from the Continent present a rat her better appearance. and at most of the principal elbows mono is very abundant. At Hamburg AL the rate is only 13 4 tkv . cent., and at Frankfort, There was no withdrawal of gold front the Bank on Monde/. tell h Bombay telecam today announces the long-e - peoted response to he buoyant prime of Indian 'scull :: I.llT,lna i tt fouiradvance CI: the to ve per ciente, from 9 114 to MX, and on the vs and a half per cents, from 90)( to 10034. At Caloutte, also, so. cording to the last accounts recetved at Bombay, there i had been a general rise of between ft aid 4 per cent.. A Private telegram from Marseilles likewise stales t hat the five soda half per cent. loan had been closed ; un der these mroumetanoes the further amoebas that will be vent to the London market are bela y for the present to be limited. - Ten Tee, Titans, March o.—The deliveries in Lon don, tett:ranted for the week, were SAM be. which is an Increase of 30,443 be compared with the previous statement. The following is from the Times' oily article, March Ti Although the damnation of last evening on the Savoy question created a diesgreeable Imprefaion. the Eng lish funds opened this morning at a fractional improve anent, which hat been maintained to the close. Consols, which left of yesterday at WM. having been steady throughout to-day at IWhigaM for money, and 94,44a3 for the 11th April. In the foreign market there has been more activitr, and occasionally an advance has taken place, The las t as from Paris was elf keo, showing a fractional rice. In the foreign exchanges, Tuesday afternoon, the rates on Amsterdam and klamburg were "lightly lower. The aggregate Australian solo, known to be at am for Englandoe AItIOOKI. The rate of ineuranoe on tile Antra man gold ship " Conunodore Perry," has ad ' sussed torn V opot. At is meeting of the Great Ship Company ot revelation to raise £loa 000 additional capital in ilifi ep , sent. pre ference, shares of Al each, redeemable in two yearn, at 204 P cent. premium, was mailed. t Pu rIintIOMariVkZIKET. March 6 and 6. The holiness transacted in Cotton fur the two days line been unusually small. and the sales barely reach 9,000 halee-2,000 on speculation and for export. Prices with out change. LONDON CORN MARKET, March 11.—The market was dlitll at the rates of last week. LIVERPOOL. CORN AND HREADSTUFFS MAR KET, March 6.—The business waa dull to-day, and quite of a retail oharaoter. Wheat and Flour re,aintained the prices of this day week. Opts unaltered. Denny, Beaus, and Peas were without change in value or demand. Indian Corn was in moderate req,uest, but at rather' lower prices — galas and °dime being in coins cum Id 33e ed r Mk "Lo a tum pßoluca - AND PROVISION MARKETS, Mare 11.—Tea heavy . ' Sugar firm. Coffee inaidive. Rim rm. ?debases unaltered. Saltpetre Oat, Tallow q•ket at Mien thp spot, itHe 9d for two menthe, fluorite of Turpentine Carats Id for American. Pootok Pig Iron As WOMB Id d/v ton. LtveleooL, March I.—T4e sale of Cotten for the last three days have been 14, 01 A bales, , inoluding 11,000 bales on epeonlatlon. The mar ket closed very dell, with a alight decline for all quad 'clover grades belag mostly affected i prices arel-iga d lower. Manolmeter advisee are avorable, the market closing quiet, but steady . Yarns have slightly deoLined. Riehardson ape,uot.At Flour dull, prime being NAM, tkosteko. Wksat ituet, but steady ' Si IWO; Ott, whit. ice I rma. Cqrsihk,ltning—: 0 claiditid karat • I; iellqwlis Wag 64. 1 f r h g .hc at;: ' " L ' lg g at ' LVeiritrr i a us.,..__ ,- _ - LONDON; Micah 7 th.—Con!ola in 'noted at RN* iiXRPOOL PRODUCE INAREEP.--Sugar otdot. - d u n, Ri c o oolot. Douai of lurpentine midi It ellk steady ot to ea. - • ' CONGRESS,--FIRST SESSION. B, CAPITOL, WatHINOToN, Morel:LW. EENATE. in°l4ll4-15:f5l i mEgitel :AalaMy , the abolition p ho r ef e d see slaverynn d t resented e t n h ei e me nr tenrehent o Boston, praying for the repeal of the fuel , t H m istilet iltve of Col aw o o m f b il i ß e, ihe prohibition of the n itate the slay* trade, end the passage of a resolutio pledging Con c.' seedost the admission of any slave Biete into the Mon. or the acquisition of slave territory, or the sr~p ymon g of slaves by any agene „ contractor, or *Hoer of any department of the Federal Govern- He moved its reference to the Committee on the rinolary Mr. DA , of Migelesippi, moved that it lie on the table. Pgrositto—Y eat Ed. nate 17. . Mr.,Wll,tOrs, of Massachusetts, introduced a bill for the oenstrnotion of five steamships adapted to the Afri meet. for the suppression of the slave trade. r . m ❑ ums also submitted a joint resolution, an t milting the President to negotiate with other nations for the right of search within 200 miles of the western ocelot of Africa. Mr. WILSON introduced an order Instruction the .10- dietary Committee to report a bill substituting Imprison ment for life, instead or ileath, for being engaged in the slam trade. end applying the penalty to persons im itated in fitting out slave ships, or having an Interest in them, eirAIEBASTIAN. of Arkansas, introduced a resole. ties authorising a treaty to be made with the Indians, owning land in and about Pike's Pealk,land providing for extingtushiestheir iitie to the land. hir..ateeoN; o Virginia, opposed tha acquisition of n i7lir d M t t ske hr tti l r loo7l. of tridtt we gs either extinenish the Indian titles, or else drive away the set. Bens at the mines, who were trespassers on the Indians' lemilter We must either legalize the settlement, and the wets a ROvernMe_itt,or else titer would make orei4err themselves They had even now formed a Ter i ritory. hamite of Gov . Medan'. and ergani zed a Lents- Imam we mast either legalize their course, or drive them away and carry out the Indian intercourse laws. Valium* Wee the oafs in Ramie, when, from the ex-1 'liniment about the silver mines, the people gathered together and made a Terntory out of Utah and a part of I ' California, elected a Legislature, and sent a delegate to Congress. A stand-still policy will not do. We must either drive 611 , 01, the settlers, or else convert this squatter sovereignty into popular sovereignty, wen, d, ing to the,. 1 - w and Constitution. We ought to extin. .„ .. truish . the Indian t e borders ill!, e % e li t es wo will have a war all I tlTu iS i:nl . 7t . would be better not to make treaties with the Indians. Ho was in favor ercounselling with them, and moved to insert the verde ” hold a council," instead of " make a treaty." The amendment was disissreett to—yens 0, nays 83. Mr. MACON, of Virginia. moved to amend that at any I goosed which may be held wi th the Indians no pro vision shall be mad e to extinguish the Indian titles. Mr.tAliTl N, of Arkansas,. explained the resolu tion eis being only one of inquiry into the expedient., of inginnutreaty.. r. SON withdrew his amendment. The resolution was then passed. ' Mr.GRESN,of Missouri, introduced a joint resolu tion that Congress adjourn from April 20th to May 20th, PeCt. • to ,and laid over under the rule. r. GREEN also Introduced a resolution to pee the dow 6f the late donator Lunn, of Missouri, for mileage not drawn. Passed The bill for the payment of the Florida claims wes U tf i r. l ' a ltrA u firo, of North Carolina. Spoke against the naiment. He thonght no s uc hna, claim could be made tinier the treaty. if notion of Congress had authorized srtuh a claim. and if there ever was a claim, the claim , ads bad already been told more than their just de mends. He went over the history of the claims arising frein the invasion into Florida. and contended that there was In the treaty a renunciation of the demands foi• the redress of injuries sustained by the late invasion under which these.elaims were made. But all parties In any way engaged in that war came to the treasury and were paid liberally. He thought the Government was imposed upon in the investigation of theseelaims. lie ;meted from the opinion of Mr. Guthrie. who examined he whole subject, and said the claimants had been al- Mole Laid .denble their Just rights. Mr. HO OT. of Vermont, as chairman of the corenalt. tee, that reported the bill, desired to express his views, bet, as the hour was late, he gave way to a brief execu tive session, otter which the Senate adjourned. HOI.IBE OF REPRESENTATWVES, . Mr. POTTER, of WlV4 , .'"irns', 2 7,3l;l,;ri 1",: resolution calling on the Secretary of the Treasury for all papers tertalning to the removal of the late collector at Mil waukee. and u to whether he is a public defaulter. j itliouse then voted on the reference to the Com mittee on Military Affairs, th e West Point Aeaderur till se retained from the Penate. with the amendment making an appropriation for the purpose of calling into service a mounted regiment of Texas volunteers. The motion wee muted to—yeea 111. nays 15. Mr. 0 rERO, of New Mexico Territory, introduced • till authorizing the President to call into service aregi ment of volunteers, for the suppreasion of Indian hoe tlitiiill In New Mexico. Referred to the Committee on Vr,VAVYIa L of Maimaahusette, called up the regolu• lien reported frem the Committee on I , leatisns, re viving Mr. Williamson, the contestant of the seat of Mr. Sickles, to serve on him, within ten dais, a par theist. statement of the grounds ofthe contest, and that Mr. !Mak les serve an answer within twenty days there alter; and that both parties be allowed sixty days Intake testimony In support of their separate allega tions. Mr DAWES said there are seven contested cuss Maine, and the committee has not yet men able to procure on any one of them preliminary notion. This eau was novereitented on its merits, for no testimony boql been presented to the committee. It arose from the peculiar and *manse action of the board of Mate asnviumers, winth left boat contestant and conteetee without the Mina. to avail themselves of the provisions oft e statute of Mil. It wee claimed by the minority of the committee that Mr. Williamson was called on by that law to serve notice on Mr. Sickles, when nobody had determined or certified that Mr. Mingles had a right ti l v to I seat; hat it wee the opinion of the majority that Mr. illiamson was no more called upon tO servo notice Ca OlLles than MI r. Subles upon Mr. Williamson. r.e R. of North Carolina,isplied, maintaining that the majorityof the committee solight to set a new Iteleeedent. at variance with the law of 1811, and all the .... r of Commas anterior to that year, and without any fo undation on which to rest, the potitioner. Mr. Will amson. stated nothing of his own knowledge. but Oiled an isElldat.ct of his attorney. Mr. Manure, which, 11 introduced in a county court of law or chancery, would not be guffieient to put a party under a rule nisi, for the simple rumen that it states nothing at all. The .00nnty canvassers declared the result o weedy. and the error of the o,lerkasiraying " member," instead of • n i t e lraltPlri LI T , ' of "r".' M u .witZti material. t Mr. Ginner load not referred to Mr. w illiamson'rai memorial, whmh . way a part of the ease, and clearly and distinctly cheiroid fraudulent and illegal voting for Mr. Pickles. who. it hp radleged,used buns same of Money for bribery and eorrniOlon. The resolution pending was merely .ou the preliminary MeritiloijAcquutunidiad will be in quired into asessm,,, air. OARTRELL__, of Geoyais. argued antiost. and Mr. Crinkling, of New York in favor of the resolution. Yonchog its eonsideration the Rouse adjourned. 4- 74 4444 ) I'/lOCW :',01:)fflo VP :1 Hammettha, March V, INS. _ BENATE. Mears. PARR OR. and YARDLEY, presented petitions in favor of the passage of the supplement io the charter of the Penn Aletheal College of Pada delphic Mir. MAVIRLIe presented yeti ions from eitiseng of PG3 l fielsih -- .. for a modiooation of the Bandar laws. Nt. Trio Arpin, petitiops for the pewee of the bill to ingasporate the Farmers Northern Market Company. TORE* of COXXITTREL—Ing Yuzw.zy, from the Committee, on Corporatio 5, reported. as committed, the Dill to moorporate the Penn I. ty Chemical College. Mt. BALDWIN. from the same committee, reported. as animated. the bill to incorporate the Philadelphia and Pavanash Steamship Company • also, the supple ment to toe act incorponkting the Apprentices' Libra ry Company of Philadelphia. H'. Swint, from the same committee, reported , es ooninitted, the bill to ineorporate the Aerated Steam ~ fdaaufaitturing Company of Philadelphia. Nr. McoLnas, from the Committee on Railroads, re.. Pored negatively upon the tali to auttionais the sale of theittsburg end connelieville Railroad. SD. FIESIII reported, as committed, the supplement tone set for the sale of the State Canals. 'Dm following were Ingo reported as committed : st., act relating to gee companies; ineOrpo sting the Wiliameport Seminary ; enact incorporating the Ches. ter Luton stove Company; inoorporattng the Delaware Comb , Partnere' Stock Assoolation ; incorporating the Calboit Mutual Insurance Company. and incorporating tits Philadelphia and c tisane henna Railroad Compriny. supplen sot to the ant lb incorporate the Mount Jol Savings Bank. which had been vetoed by the ()e -vertor, wee received from the House, and passed over thr veto by a vote of me 19. nays 6. 'The Senate then tookup the nomination by the Go vernor of Messrs A. G.Waternian ‘ of Philadelphia, and Philp Dougherty and John IL Briggs, of Harrisburg, as directors of the State Lunatic( Asylum, and they wive severally confirmed. 'The suoplement to the ant incorporating the Pittsburg, Pot Wayne. and Chicago Heilman, was considered act passed finally 'the mint resolutions proposing certain amendments to the State Constitution (staking Badges aPpointable) wew taken up. and, after considerable discussion, were pcgtooned inde finitely—re es NI, nays it. he bill to equalize the rates of State taxation in the various cities end counties of the Commonwealth passed fit ally. Adjourned. HOUSE. The lbuge met at I 0 o'clock, when a number of unim portant local bills were read in place and referred. The House, on motion of Mr. NENEAOY. took up the bbl to moorporate the American Steam Plough Menu featuring Company of Lancaster county which had been returned by the Governor with his objeatione, and tie question being again on the passage of the bill, not withstanding the veto, It was agreed to—yerie 62, nays The House then took up the motion of Mr. RIDGWAY. U reconsider the vote on the vetoed bill making the Mount Joy Sayings Inatttutton a bank of issue, end in mowing Its capital stook. The motion to reconsider wes agreed to, and the question again being on the mass ara of the bill, notwithstanding tne veto, it was agreed toby the regtheite oonetitut onal majority. Imo bill emoting a new county to be called " Came rtu " was taken up and postponed. rho bill divorcing Hiram /Spear from his wife .Luor Was then taken up. and elicited considerable discussion. Evidence was submitted to prove that Mrs. /user had etalen good_s from her Mulband and given them to her erathers. Upon a vote being taken, the bill was de feated. message was received from Oov. "'Poker, stating that he had approved and signed the act incorporating jarrisburg into a city; incorporating the Neu mutual We Insurance Company ; confirming certain deeds, bpd inoorporating%the {Vest Reading Iti.ilroad Company. The House then adipurned until h o'clock. • The bill reported trout the committee, m tho House, tin Friday last, relative to elections in the city fif Phlla gives the City Connoils authority to change the lime of holding the spring elections. An effort will be made in the House to-morrow to pooh the appropriation bulle. •FTHILNOON SESSION. Mellon.. reassembled at 3 o'oloak. Mr. BAYARD rend In placo a bill to incorporate the .fttsburg Coal Company. The donee then. in Committee of the Whole, took up the private calendar, when the following and a number of other bills peened met reading An not to prohibit die importation of fish into Philadelphia and Delaware fauntles ; en riot to reduce the width of Wakefield strain, from East Logan to mill streets in the': wenty-second yard, Philadelphia; RA act to incorporate the Parham Manufacturing Company of Penney!. rants ; an not to incorporate the Mutual Live-stook Laurance Company of Philadelphia and ZION coon See ; an not to inoo. potato the State Insurance Company ef Philadelphia. The bill authorising the opening of Drum street, from Buttonwood to Noble !Meets. In the city ot Philadelphia, wen objected off by Mr. btrong The Rouse at five o'clock adjourned. Wreck of the Propeller Sofia of Phila. delphia. flaw Oammws, March 19.—The propeller Pan. from Philadelphia. with a valuable map, was boat on the Jlth met .on the Taxational, During a keavy see, she touted her sails, but her propellers prevented her steering, and she went ashore. Conflagration at Black River Falls, WillCOnstn. CATCM7M. Mareh SI—A fire at Blsoic River Felix, Visoonein, on Sunday last, destroyed forty-three build- Ws. among which ware the Shanghai House, office of Jtokson county Ammer. and all the rotes in the town stoops ono belonging to F. T. Parsons. The Inas anounted to 8.33,000. The Are was the work of an in• cendiary. Maryland Delegates to the Charleston Convention. Tht.LTIMOME, March 20.—The Democratic. Convention fir the terectond Congressional district to day elected W. B. Gittings and T. Moflet delegates to the Charles ten Convention. Remolnflow' were gassed etrongly denouncing the smatter sovereignty doctrine. A Cotton-ship Burnt. Maw You., Maroh 10.—The bark Martha. from Charleston, bound to Houton , wag /Amok by lightning to the 13th instant. The flame coon oonconned the res eal and It. cargo. The crew have arrived here. The reseal wea owned at Charleston. Her CMIIIO cansixted sr cotton, rice, and rosin, and was valued at $74,000. Canadian Navigation. Timmy°, March YO.—The 'reamers commenced Vieir regular trips to-day between Toronto and Niagara. The Kingston harbor is nearly clear of ice. A steamer mr . :11 4 111 0 . .pe Vincent yesterday. Coneiderable ice In the bay at Hamilton, but it :.ill proba bly te all out in a day or two. Destructive Fire at Milwaukee, IVis. kittmaticen, March 20.—A fire broke oat at noon to-day, on the corner of Water and Wierionein streets. making a clear , sweep of fifteen frame buildinge,locsated tetween that owner and the Newhall House, vle fon aid not Probed: rouged 810,000. For Pike's Peak. LIIAVENWOHTIS, Mart) 10.—The Overland Express Cotnpany will run a warmly coach henoe to Denver after theyith n►t., and daily as soon as required. The river at this point ❑ tailing, with about three fist of Water OR the wont bare. Tim. National Democratic Convention. Bissvms, Tenn" March SO.—The Naehviiie Vigo, met Armenia come. out in laver of holding the Na tional Domenico Convention at Baltimore. • - State of the Ohl° River. Prrtsirozo Ittoit e t—There atol' feet oevqn tr. of »wl3' sued to- TO river ts rlarnj W 7 and windy. • The Political Position of Hon. Edward Hates, of Missouri. Sr. touts Marsh 1111-Ifon. Edward Bates bee ad dressed a let'ter to the tbsisouri delegates to the Chicago Convention, in reply to the interrogatories propounded to him tip them. It will appear m the Democrat to morrow. The main pointe are as follows: -He entertains no new prawns than those he has formerly expressed upon the subject of the extension of slavery, mid has formed Er ne with reference to the present array apatite,. a iseoeval with the Missouri. Mahon of ifigd. He formed his opinions then. and has not changed them - mime. At the time of the Revolution, and a long time after. slavery was regarded as an evil but temporaryin its nature. and likely to disappear in the course of time, yeti while it continued, it was misfortune to the country. socially and politically. Slavery- is a - social -relation—a . domestic - institution. It exists by local law. The Federal Government has no control over it in the States, hut the Territories are sehject apd subordinate to the Government. Rot being supreme, like the States, the nation is en preme over them. He m opposed to the extension of elavery. In his opinion, the policy and spirit of the Government ought to be - against its extension. The Constitution does not carry slavery into the Terri tories nor anywhere. It only acts upon it where it is established by local The Died Scott decision only decides that Dred Scott was not a citizen ; nail the opinions of the Judges be yond this ate extra-judicial and of no authority. The enestions discussed by them were political, and not within their cognizipme n and beton: and could bo dis posed of only by the political departments. The deci sion was most unfortunate. en it produced a dangerous aottibet between the co-ordinate branches of the Go vernment. He Moore the colonization of the free black" in the American tropics. the homestead bill, the immediate admission of Kansas. the perfect equality of rights among (Hazen& and the construction of the Swift Railroad unser the auspices of the Government. He Is gratified that his name bee only been used in spirit of harmony and peace and to present division and controversy among those who out to be united. He has neither sought nor held as political office for twenty-five years. and •is satisfied with the honor, already paid him by the publie. Murder Trial iti Virginia. houreta, March 2:l.—The trial of Land for the mur der or r Janssen. m the Princess AZDO county court, is progressing. Eir-Ov. Wise made a mieirerfal speech in favor of a change of venue, but was refused. Havre Cotton Market. NIIIK YORK, Maroh 20--(Per steamer Fuiton.l—He. vex, Maroh 7.—The Cotton market le very doll and drooping The Wen of the week amount to only 8,000 bales. T . here Is a stook of 200,000 bales in port. e. Burning of an Eastern Steamer. WISCASSIT. Milne, Ideroh steamer Eastern Queen, running on the Boston and Kennebec route, wee destroyed by fire to-day. The loss amounted to 475,000. The Loss of the Bark Swann. Nonvot nrch 20.—The reported he bark 8v nun, Ashore otl Cepe Henry, ( before .) te st total Inn. The five men who were in a perilous situation have been saved. Death of Col. A. C. Pepper, of the West. MlLWetf LIM Martih 30.—Qp1. A. C. Pepper, one of the Mott prominent drams or the West. aced this morning at Rising Sun. la.. after a lingering illness. Non-Arrival of the North Briton. PORTGAND, Ma.. March le — Midnight—There are no Gigue 01 the stearnehip North Briton, now due from Liverpool with one day's lator adviees. Fire at Harrisburg. Hatterentreo. March :o.—McKeller•• State aspire Grist Mills were entirely destroyed by fire last night The lose Is heavy.; The Steamer Star of the West. NEW Om:neve. Mareh Al The steamer Star of the West staled tu•dr.y for AVOW Yerk, with 073,00 In speole. Markets by Telegraph. BALTIMORN. Mn - oh V.—Flour quiet; Howard street, He 75. Wheat unclianeed. Corn steady. white and yellow, 708,724 by f reieht . Provisions steady. Pork— Mess, b l 6; Prim), dl3. Htcoo—sides. 100. Whiskey steady. at Mio for Ohio. CINCINNATI. Match 20 —Flour dull; sales at 06.806 6.60. Whiskey unchanged. Prorisionn dull—there is no demand. Lard liens at. 16.14a)lo. Money to in mo derate demand, and the market easier. Moms., March 20 —cotton —Soles of 3.600 bales at irregwar prices; mold togs lolinlOge; sales of three day. 7,000 bales ; receipts 8 00ti 6alee. CHANT:woIf, March 20.—Cotton unchanged; sales of 1,600 hales.• Nome. March 19.—Cotton irregular in price; sales of 3 500 bales. at 1035C03i. APALACRICOLA. Fla.. March I7.—Cotton—Receipts of the week 3,4:00 Inloo. K33°344,700 stook in port 41.0u0 bales against 31 600 bales. Bales of three day. 1,600 bales. The market is very dull. and slices are lower • the Quo tations are nominal. Freights on Cotton to Liverpool 9-I6d. Exchange on New York 34 IP cent, premium. . 1 . The Trance of Love , /--Romantic Incident in the Life of a Young Girl. [From the Cincinnati Enquirer, March 17.1 Some time last August, a promising young lawyer of tine mtg. while on a profeuional visit to Springfield. Illinois, met the daughter of one of the most prominent cit.zens of that place at the house of a mutual friend, and being charmed with her fine personal appearance and varied acoomplishments. made her en oder of his heart and band, and was promptly accepted. At length the liver awoke to the fact that he had some business engagements to meet in this city the latter part of last week, and was therefore compeiled to bid her a reluc tant farewell. The second day after his departure, the "int, to the great surprise of her parents, suddenly iliet;peamti, and all efforts to ascertain whir her she bad gone were unavailing. 'After spending a day without :earning 11111 Y. thing or her whereabouts. they toles. -- aphed the fact to her lover, who immediately roturAell to a mat in no. ravelling the mystery. To his great joy he found her once more among her friends, ant: learned the particu lars of her mysterious disc)) earshzei end recovery, which are substantially as follow.: - Attertheir separation, a few days beibre. she felt an unaccountable inclination to follow, her lover t but knowing how Imprudent snoh an not would be, she bat tled against it with all b^r will till the next day, when some irresistible power impelled her to this course. Hastily collecting a few articles of clothing. she made her way unobs rved to the railway depot. and took the cars for Lafayette, Ind.. where she knew her betrothed would 'main two or three daze on his way home. From this time till her arrival in Lafayette, she seems to have been in a state ofpartial unconsciousness, and has no distinct recollitetion of anything that transpired. oiler walking about the streets of that town for some hours. the' proprietor of the Bramble Bosse. who had more than once observed her haggard appear ance and a titular manner, kindly took her in. and af ter partaking of some refreshments and es. few hours' , sleep, the returned to olati ouiiness, and was at first not &little surprised to fin reel( among strangers so -far, fr om hams_ uddenly, _he remembered what site one, and tric. ~areg -Dm., b e y Me acre ottise ease. he Placed her on the brat train for hpringfield. and notified her Mends by telegraph that she was on her way , home. Their joy on meeting her again was indescribable.. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENILN6. NATIONAL THIATIUg. Walnut street, between Eighth and Plinth.—Dan Loa's Great Show.—" An Radish Steeple Chase"—Equestrian Feats and Athletic Skill. WALNUT-8211MT TNIIATRII,. corner Walant end Ninth.—" The Haan blid•Lothlan. ' WEZATART It MERLE'S Alleli-ETEISIT TREEIRE EYRE street. shove Sixth.—" The Soldier of Fortune' —" The Irish Post"—'• Forty and Fatty." EAELE'S GALLERY, Ma Chestnut street.—Two Great Pluntinge ot Niagara. MoDoliovaw 8 eAlliTl2lll, Rue Watt, below Third. Entertaizuxienta nightly. BANDER/081 EXHIBITION ROOK. Jayne°.&lnman waling...Building. Chestnut street, above Big —Tido don!, museum of Art. Tamp Lit 01 Worms's, Jortheset corner Tenth and Chestnut streets.—Signor Mits. TRIAL OP WILLIAM Bun AND BIellOP RUT- Tee ioaßrowds.—The ease of Williain Burke and Bishop Rutter, charged with homioide, was resumed yesterday morning. A point of law which had been under oonsideration at the time of the adjournment on Monday was decided., The peint was Sato the admissi bility of the dying declaration of Johnion, the defence o =tending that there wee no sufficient evidence of the fact that he knew he wits dying. The court decided to admit the evidence of Lieutenant Paullin, as the physi cian' had said in his hearing that there was no hope of his recovery, and coupled with this was the urgent de mand fora magic trate to take his deposition, and when none could be found, the feet that the physiolan con sidered his condition such that it was thought best to allow the lieutenant to take the statement. Lieut. Faunal then , tesiified that the first question he asked Johnson was. ' Who did it?" his answer was that Burke out him and Rutter helped to beat him ; naked what it commenced about, and he said about a driller bill of which he had been robbed, mains house; asked him where he lived he did not answer, and finding he was growing weak. ' did not ask him any morequestions; he did say of his own accord that a pistol had been fired at him; he did not say in what house ; asked him who by, but he did not say ; he was too weak to talk. Croes•examined.—Johnson had all his clothes on, I thick; I did not know hint. Margaret Davis (colored) sworn —I live 228 Cermet alley; next door to • an Johnson'. house; there is a nar row alley between the two brme: on the night of the thirtieth of January I heard a disturbance in Ann John son's house; paid no attention whet part of the house ; just heard a noise • appeared to be people's voices : I opened err door to le eve aperson out ; I paid no eaten. Lion to the nose at first ; when I opened the door a sew three men leing in the street; they were opposite Ann Johnson's door • herd oor was open ; I thought the men were in liquor; 'they Vera ogler nothine that I heard ; one of the man run into the Louse, and went up stairs and looked out of the o endow ; saw two officers coming; they went out into Locust 'meet after the two men ; know Rutter, havingseen him et Ann Johneon's ; thought she was his wife; don't recolleot having men Burke; this was atout whet.: ht; could not tell them; I wee up steers looking out of the window when the man ran in the house. hlisabeth Beckett (colored) sworn.—l live next to Ann Johnson's. north; no alloy between the house; nothing bet the partition wall ; heard the disturbance first up in the thi story' heard a man and woman's voice; she appeared to be °ging ; after awhile she seemed to go down stairs Nell on ing ; after she went down stairs' heard the noise of loins men like hshtlng, andene wit helloing up to thous to come down; they came down stairs &chime ell the way down; thought they would break throech the wall; heard the front door opened, and henry them fighting in the wen; was in bed all this time ; this was a little after I o'clock. The Commonwealth here closed, and Mr. Daniel Dougherty. one of the °ounce! for the defence, opened with a statement of what was intended to be proven on the other side. Mr. D represented part icularly Burke, and he proposed to prove that be Res of a rel apectahle family ; that he followed a regular ocollPs tfon. During the evening he visited a nos Johnson's house, and being in liquor, he was put to bed, and „Rutter, who was In his compatiy, left that room. Ile. deceased was recognised as a " fighting man." He met this woman corner of ightli and Walnut and mom panied her to her home. For some reason or other Johnson commenced heating the woman with a billy ; a billy found is the house alter the a ff rav would tie identified as the property of .he deceased, and had been borrowed the day before. '1 he affray with the woman was continued until Burke. who was asleep, was awakened. and he called out what wee the matter Anna Johnson asked him to corns dos n. The moment he came down, Johnson felt off beating the WOMSP and assaulted Burke, and followed him gestalt's until Burke was corri ifgeydfotung ht f t e o n , e n e hriel , f u r f itl t i small ,e t pocket it we. I were coming down ethi r is. Hon i g, w e tni ' w e ns . o a asid as e eeny ' deavoring to get In, tried ; when oh neon, and thieves' the position of the patties theohnson, officers epproached. Meer Britten testified that be was an cancer of the Eighth ward ; visited Anna Johnson's house the morn ing of the affray, and found a billy. Constable Finnegan, of Aiderman MoMullin's office, testified that the billy belonged to him. and he tinned it to Johnson that night or the night before; Johnson used to go with me very often. John Hipson, a boy. teetilled that lie worked with the locksmith with whom Berke was employed ; witness had an old knife, whic yy . he loaned to Burke to cut leather. IWltnese identified the knife produced by the Commonwealth as the one belonging to lune) Anna JOhnson sin:mi.-lam the woman arrested that Mb l t never a iC n .T u o t hn r e n f tellor e = e n i e g n h c l ; ao rta t d h in d: where I was going; told tom I didn't think it was any of his business' he swore he was bound to see where I lived; told him if he came after tie I would have him arrested, and he said he was notf.fraid of any r ;finer. that he would knock them down ; went up borne and tried to run in and shot the door in his firm; he came in, and swore he would knock my brains out if I snot the door in ire face; he came in. looked the door, and then pushed , and knocked me over to the steps leening up stairs; then he got me by the neck and dragged me ell the way up to the termed story; *hen be got up stairs he milted if theta wag anybody on the house ; 1 mode no answer, and he then took out a black Jack end lilt me over the eye the first thing ; the mark is here yet ; l'told him " for God rake don't sill me ;" he swore mod said I was not the first he had killed; then ho knocked me down again; he knocked me down twice; I get up the third time and he struck me on the Willa with the billy ; it is still out of place; went to the window to see it I could see anybody ; I tr i ed to halloo.fand be took me by the neck and hit me agein with the billy; William Burke wee up stairs ; I didn't know he was there ; I be came insensible fora half hour; when I came to I saw Johnson hs.ving Burke by the neck; Burke wanted to go out and he swore he should not, he should fight before no went out; I saw the men clenched together , and Johnson took the billy out of his pocket and tried to strike Burke on the head; Johnson swore he would kill him before he left tho house; they got down stairs fight ing ;,Burke wanted to get out, and said lie was net a fighting man ;Johneen had dragged Burke down stairs; I sew Burke struck with the billy Rutter was not in the house then; they got to the front door; I had the marks on my lace and head for six weeks; the dootors said I was near dead; they had not been in the street long be fore Burke came back into the house. After the cross-examhation of the witness, which de veloped no new facts, the court took e recess until three o'o oche" • After the retied, the ease was proceeded with by the defence. The court mot at three o'clock in the afternoon. The first witness examined for the delenne we William C. floored, beeper of the debtors' department, who testi fied thatwhen Anna :ohnson weir esimi tied to the prison she wee very much bruised and disfigured ; her fives was in an awful condition. Eremite Keel, a boy employed in the debtors' depart ment, testified that when the wee admitted *Molted a sear under her eye, and her wrist was much swollen. Mrs. Martha Wismar, a sister of Burke, testified that she saw him the next efts con it hi s affray at the rire4 is i ft s should ra g=ll,7 rig"l7a4r", B, BMWS Wat tled that he *air Berke oa the . night of this r °ll 'l r it va ttil K w V street, near lai j Mil Ind him with him , and hit w to bed ; he was settbiti to , -frYthitla he said to him. i ciova - Raine 4 ..--litirth Mike and e were drunk at we ti -• ut Ratter no ed itch sorsa rke. Joseph, arks. brother; of de ant. testified that he hadseenhis brother at bme We re, the moor' 1014 , rime, and left him the» early in the( firstling ; he was sober them ; the next time tut RAW bathe was in prison• on then* of January ; there wee a wound in the centre of bin vent hand; the left side of his cheek was been inlaid, and his shoulder appeared to have beaten lin it wee black and bine. John kl Vallee testified that he is a lockemith by trade; Burke worked with him until last November; they often ureda pen.knife_in _their taisinem; Barks Prinomally attended to bell-hens inn. The case for the defence was then olosed, after watch the counsel made speeches to thoilir7 i and they rotund to deliberate. Ibe court -remained in simian natil• towards nine o'clock. when the jury retired to deliberate upon aver- Mot. The court subsequently, adjourned. - , KROCEEDIIIOB la THE COVETS YESTEZDAT.,— . , 11EITEREITATES DISTRICT Conar—judge Cadwaleder, floan:Newrnen wee placed on trial, charged with pass ing counterfeit coin. The money was passed on a wo men named Rachel Fry, in Thirteenth street, on the 11th of July, consisting of two one-dollar gold pieces, and two silver half-dales!". Mrs. Fry was put on the stand, and identified the defendant as the one that pees ed the,bad coin. Thomas Kramer was called to prove that the defend ant aoknowledged to him that the coin was bad. On trial. Susanne Cousx.—Cillefiestiee Lowrie, and Justiee* Woodward,.Btrong; and Real-Thornits latoßlrer, Faq., was, on mammal Mune! R. Perkins. Rag., ad mitted to practise as sa sillasestay sad counsellor of this court..Harin St Henderson, nhijV inamor and plaintiffs below, vs. the Lehigh amenelon Coal Com astir, defendenta in error.: ror, tea Comma Flee , of Carbon count,. on the Mil of April. 1846, plaintilfe were in possession of and engaged in working two eoalvelns of defendants. called the P and Q. veins, and on that day a lease was executed by defendants, demising the R and 8 veins, and any other veins intermediate between th e game and the Q,.vein, for three years from April 1, 1847, at the rate of 25 end 80 cents a ton, according to the me of the coal. This instrumect recites the possession of the P jdiverrootl..emrdglisibrthnleoo...ol.ntmirg: mining eaina if it can be done with proper management and exertion. . . . It also provides that if the lessees did not perform their duty in this respect, they were to pay as though the whole quantity had been mined. The R and S veins proved to be no veins of coal at all, yielding, notwith standing the lare amount of expenditure , less than MO tons of coal. T he other veins were also found deficient. sod the whole amount of coal realized Rom all the veins, from the three years business, by plaintiffs, wee 10, 000 tons. The question is, whether the defendants have cove nanted, by the terms of the lease. that the Rend 13 veins were coal mines or veins of atone coal, and the charge of the court to which error is assigned on the point ulna follows: " The defendant does not covenant for oml in any of the veins. He lets them, and the pi/Inane take them, subject to the ordinary risk of minim!, without any covenant, express or implied. of the existence of coal. or of the quantity or of thewnality of coal.' Argued by B.' Gerhard and A. H. Reeder. Esse, fn plaintiff in err r. and by A. E. Brom , and Max. (teem and G. MallorlliEsqs., for defendants in error. iat l'aitts.--1 be court wee not in session, Justice Thompson being still too al to hold court. DISTRICT COURT — Judges Sherwood. Stroud, and Hare.—Argument list. , Common .P Lass—Judge Allison.—Equity. Argument list. DEATH OP A REVOLUTIONAHY SOLDTER-- Yesterday morn i ng, a soldier of the Revolutionary war and .f the War of 1515, named Michael moon, died at his residence near the Wheat Sheaf Tavern, in the Twenty.thini award. The deceased, with three of his brothers. was an native sidier in the Revolutionary War, and served fora time under tieueral Washing to. The dectimied was a peculiarly wall-formed and noble. looking man. He was six feet four inches height, and was the timeliest to the family. He was iq tee one hundred and fifth rear of hie awe and before his death bore his ream well. We learn that it is pro posed'to pay to the memory of the deMsesed honors of an unusual character We are informed that theta will be s o io f no one o v r ot r iNU I f fir r irette l r General Patterson will order out the division or nor, bat there is a strong sentiment among military men to favor of such a worse. Too high honors cannot lie paid to the memory of the gallant heroes of the Revolution, toe great majority of whom have passed away genera tions ago If we would foster the spirit of military ardor in the incest. of the boons Men of to-day, we should pay high honors nine memory of those whose example they would emulate. . RAILWAY STATISTIOB.—From a statement now going through the printed columns of the. ;rem we learn that tuere are 315 passenger care, drawn by horses, which run daily on the railways within the bounds of the consolidated city. These require about 810 horses. over 300 drivers, and about ElOolnductors besides furnishing emWoyment to a great number of car-builder. harneismi.Ners, blitoksmithe painter., stable-men, and other. Tae annual receipt; on all the city railways era estimated at about two millions of dol lars. Until the rear 1833. Volume who desired to ride from One part of the city to smith rr were compelled to hire a vehicle spcoially. in mu omnibuses were intro duced. and they became en obsolete idea to Yost a quar ter of a century. the starting of the Fifth and Sixth- ' streets Hallway is nth having settled the omnibus ques tion forever. Tux Grand Jury have made their final pre - sent ment. They have been twenty-eight den engaged to the performance of their politic duties. During that time they have acted upori-I.ldB bills, Ed of which ware found trim and 173 were ignored. A n Nora, of these bills were against those who had been charged with selling honor without license. ,They report having vi sited all of our public, institutions, and found them to be in good order. A paragraph is devoted to the necessi ties which exist for a house of correction. and the want of proper moon modations for the business of the vari ous oeurts. Alter the preseotment bad teen wide. Judge Ludlow made a few remarks relative to the great wantwhich exists for these accommodation', and felt that he had .'eased to expect a °hernia in the present condition of &trains. • - -- STABBING °ABS.—Yesterday morning, abqut One or ileipo'clopk. amen named 4111011111 MeElhone wee badly stabbed in the-arm, et Eighth and Fitzwater streets. Officer Lacy. of the first voiles district. arrest ed a man named Monroe, on the charge of having in flicted -the wound. George Armen was ermeind oaths. charge of being an accessory. Both men were commit ted to await the resalt. McElhone was taken I. the hospital. SLIGHT Freer.—Yesterday morning,'about 2 o'alnek. a fins broke out in& stable. owned and coup* by Mr. Cornelius Kennedy. at Twenty- thl rd and Spring* Garden streets. Four horses that were In the bedding were rescued and the barmen was also got oat. The enable was partially destroyed. The loss is not heavy. No insurance. The origin of the fire is not known. Fran alarm of fire'was c.sneed about five O'clock last evening by the partial burning of an ojd_hiailding _located in Penn strgat, near Maidenon the SOHO= - rrarthamt - laved by Tonne's -fosndry for storing patterns. The et ucture caught fire by a spark from an engine. Darnage,trifling. romrmAL.--The election for delegates to the Chicago Convention wilt take plaes in the Congres • sterol districts of this oily. on Tuesday next. the 27th lost. The pods will be open from Mx to reeks* in the evening. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &&.=-4110 'following aro the sales of real estate, stocks, kg.,made by M. Thomas Sons, at the Philadelphia Ex change, yesterday, at noon: 32 Bonds 81,000 each , of, the Charters Valley Rail road Comp any.e pay cent.: - - 90 Bonds. 81 COO each, 6 par Cent. Allegheny County Bonds, 3, per cent. 31 Bonds, 81,00 each, Allegheny County Berndt, 30 pe 2 r l " it . nds. $l.OOO each; Chartiere Valley Bailrold Company. 111 per cent. 93 Bonds, ' , MO each, Chartism Valley Railroad Corn pann 5 per cent. • 92 Shares United States Insurance Annuity and Trust Comtani. $OB. 1 hhare capital stook Associated Butchers' and Dro vers . 813 80. 1 Share l'htladelphla Library Company. 831. I Share Mercantile Library Company. ed. l'ew No. SO middle aisle,_St. Andrew's Church. $240. Pew No. 16 middle aisle, r. Boardman's Church, 860. Three-story, brisk dwel ,U hng, .No; 818, Linnard street, 8160. Large lot and building, northwest corner or Ptomain and flops streets. 212200. Valuable wharf. building!. and large lot, abontl6l by 500 Net. Water street and Rilrer Debilitate, 820.120. Handsome modern residence, with sidir yawl, Pio. 612 North Fourth street, 816.466. ' Modern 'our-story limit residence, No. ma Franklin Street, $3,050. Three-story brick stores, Nos. 03. AB, and 627 Girard avenue, east of Tenth street. 80,000. Two th, se-story brink 'dwellings, corner of Lydia and Site! streets, 82,100. Ile • on the promisee—Valuable residence, No. 3217 Walnut street, 222,700 At private sale stone last report—Elegaat reeldenoe, with stable. coach-house, „Ate.. Locust street, west of William Street, West Philadelphia, aux). FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. rHILADIELPRIL, March*, IMO The Stock Board have again considered the subject of " puts" and "veils," and renewed the suspension of the penalties provided alumni such of its member, as deal in that way. We expressed our opinion of the =policy of this action, in January last, when the role was sus pended for sixty days. The,depression in the business of the board undoubtedly boars heavily en many of the members, and it is generally understoodthat their oom. missions will to increased by allowing this character of business to be transacted. Whether it is so remains to be seen. In our opinion those who simian to be the garner, by this kind of business will find themselves mistaken, while the practice tends to lower the cha r .cter of the Stook Board, and to drive legitimate and profitable business away. ' Another resolve of the Stock Dotard allows the divi sion of the fraction of an'sighth into sixteenth, in the special case of Reading Railroad stook. It is thought that this change will facilitate business. and it is intend ed to give it a fair trial. Under this new rule there were sales of Reading Railroad shares this morning at 21 1-16. West Philadelphia' Passenger Railway stook sold at 26.1‘, Second and Third-etre.t at 8956, and Spruce and Pine-street at 10. Pennsylvania Railroad shares advanced 1g ■^llmg at MIX. In the money marlott low rates prevail. owing to the two fold cause of abundant supply of funds and a scarci ty of prime bills. Loans on call, with good stock secu rities. are reported even below six per eent.; good en dorsed notes are sold at six to seven and a half per cent., according to their time, while bona rids businesa paper of parties not well known can be disposed of. without much difficulty, at from ten to twelve par cent. In New York exchange for to-morrow's steamer from Boston closed at 108)0103g for sixty-days bankers' billy; 308% to 1M; for commercial hills, and 103 U to 103 X for Southern or Canada bank bills. Silty-days Banker's bills i.n Paris closed at 5.1634 on Amsterdam, sixty days at 4134 et4lB(e 4P guilder ; on Bremen, sixty days, 7814 to 783,f0 six dollar ; and on Hamburg,aixty days. 36% to 3630 mare bunco. The principal business for the steamer was done in endorsed Southern Uhl. The receipts of the city treasury during the past week wane; From water rents, $44,784 90; law depart ment, 8882.08; highway department. 8548.90; taxes of 1860. en 264.66; wharves and landing, 83 84.78 ; city railroad tolls, 83883; interest od bonds, $238.40, sales of city loans, 811,400 ; sinking fund, 884820. Total, $93833.94. The amount paid out during the Larne Period was $18834.78 the principal warrants for which were drawn by the departments of Highway'. Guard , ans of the Poor, and Inspectors of the County Prison. The city of Alton, Illinois, throngh its Council, has taken action to repudiate VSO,OOOOf bonds issued by it to aia the construction of the Terre Haute and Illton and Chicago, and St. Louis and Alton Railroads. Mr. Thomas D. Telford, of the Northern Bank op Kentucky. has been elected cashier of the Farman' Bank of Kentucky, at Henderson, to place of.. Mr. Da vid Banks, removed. The earnings of the Erie Railroad for the month of February, tsdl, were es 32 3.54 38 Earning. February,lB.o - 300,999 Increase A majority of the joint committee of the Missiuippi Legislature, appointed to consider the question of paying the so-oaled Planters' Bank bonds, have re ported that it 10 not expedient to agitate the matter now. since it would " result in a division of the people of the State. aid divert their attention from much more im portsnt questions of State policy now pending and soon to be noted on." The bonds and the interest op them amount to more than four millions of dollars, and It is not denied that it is the duty of the State to pay them. The Louisville Journal says : " The bank bill which has passed both branches of the Tennessee Legislature, besides reohartenng the Planters' and Union Banks, also charters Me Bank o , Clerksville, the Bank of Frankland at Knoxville. end the Merchants' and Planters' at Memphis. The bill also makes the Bank of Middle Tennessee at Lebanon. stock bank, and brings it under the new bank cafe. The bank heretofore worked under the free bank law." Philadelptua Markets. 76—Evening. There was no quotable change to Flour to-day, but the market is dull; about OM bbl. gold at e6X73] for superfine, at which ruts there are more titbits thin buyers, and 56.16 for good extra, including one lot on terms kept private. Sales to the trade are ,making within the same range of prices for superfine and extra, 56.3706.76 for family, and s7ol' SS for ramp brands, as iniutoity. ,Rye Flour and Corn Meal are "Game ; the former is held at atom so the latter 0.1.10/4it bbl, without mueb doing." • • Writ/LT.There Is net mask earl' but the &mind rot it I. LIMAN aiad otiose are unsettled ere quote red at 13351e11a sr/direr 16301630 irr bus. and en/ lial• Pennsylvania RIP a stead 3 at 930. Corp, to unsettled and rather lower; Ind .tsboot LOX Mrs elad 73.10 for Delaware, 'Mao for Jersey yellow, 11110110. NU are "rit 4".4",.:lll46lPARlONltylkikftrgin..a'- " Biitiz n rot at 029 i • tort 9 forrAMPT9ol IMF , Cor , onia e! a _previa a s ratter' m Camas are in Iri altaiLeannallii,-With Thai 114 ""Pf most Made to ommt s , PaoVlsloss.—Thea markatisuoionseit. taataaist. for barrel Meats and Bcon. Of Omen amine. *al/mare re m.,,ted at Mints for Pi Barna, sod nie foi' ea 1.407101 11 1044•0140. 113 f. sad . =Aro 472)413. on time. .10 (pi; andfler Very active, end priendlq madia ri bi s a d % Herring are etead.y. - . Sanne.—Tnere is not !Sunk dinisid. Loy Jlovetssed.. ma anent 600 bus have been sold at Ws foe ow, e a & •19,8456 for new tbe,lstierips good gassy:.. - WEIMILET oontinue• dull, rennsplivats bble slowly It 230i.0hi0 do,silesdiudgs, 11a; Midi, Xis V, salon.! - ' RETORTED ZIT X. bt KAuctiumesittema r -r am. 31 Wsiiit istmit 1000 City 614.---0a5h.143 . 34/Lsid4i VII 8... ...' R . MI do , _-...- JOS •21 Barrie:nu 3.....88 MO Ido . ~ ....SOMAS 100 39deldll R. _,-..... 1000 Pa Cove 8 . 88.;.•5wp Pt SPY, Oberfisess..... SP- • 1000 IteaditsB RA '7o_ - 604 IS - Norrisloirn 1k........ 114 20110 •do '88.......86 72 40 Mau & Mesh Bi— 001 to peans B. ... .... . , 0101 OMt of ifilstao_33 - • ./a3i 8 See ec Third-46 34. R slot 4 _ iteleasido' Nk • =;-• W ' 10 Refding 4,, .. ... ... 31 1 Uommeroial M . ... 44 100 ,do .....oluhlt 118 7 11'4811/82'a sky sum ha 100 do ....easo.2l 4-18 i, 3 Go .. ......sown.llo BETWESsAI BOALMIL "1 60 Res-dins R. excortro SOAK% E 0 Lehigh 62 ... 2 6 2 m.100% - a Pim* R. 30m 'OT-2.2t Chester re .70 10 - do a 1001/ PhileCuabarr 22 72g - P - do_ ... 10 Wilt Fails R...../224 _ l lStrnigtowe.l9...-: - ... 20 ...20 do -- . r ... , 1101 12 Heading H ..I.dwir2l - )0 ' 0 c"x 11-2411 it mg is Paqms o lt 22321 la VA MORAY, 42.1021 F-. BiliApY.- - - -, ( . Md. Aska. .844 Azked. Pallal rig:ls re ' imwl"likihrisrgtalllll (I .' i n oriaig-toilii227frc&- pre ta x..;,-- ,2 -Ai Pen= bit. 111, Ofi Mt igli I „ 7 71 2 1110 r 2 . 3 2 Re V iES L b — - 2 4 ; - 'Pit,. '61 , 4174"1im la .. l'a d :ria , ii:al Nx. laiShowitsiiiiew • " do 10.71 '/1- re rousts 66....--: •2' • ' Penn. it---- .S 8 5832 " 62--.- - 09 1 241 mes ... .. 9132 " XI ....-. g' '112.4 ?dot 021 Co} Or oir.2l* 62 Ostalrussa R. - - tii;70 142 . 3 1 ; ~.., " 'midi 0cr.10232 ilo do la mg 001100 910. ra 'r2..72 7232 Frost & South RIO 62_ ", trapd2-110 &io'd&hirdid.22/0 ING New York Stock Ex INCOND :cleauge”DiarCh 20. 30•1111.. , 0000 Virginialts 'lOO Erie rt. _,._,._.-elo 1000 Missouri ht 6c ... 81 60 !Sartain it. PrM.....N1 - 1160 do -....,, ... -MX 80 slob Mmtral ft.... 41 - 10000 do ... .. .. .4•616 80s1 HO - 'do ". .. : . -..- ...„., 4 190 0 do ...... - ..560 80. 1 6 100 d• 960 41 ' mow do .......- .001 filk; 00 Mich $& N I B.- • • 2000 calamine St 75... 88 asp Web 8 Guar stoci. 701.0 Tema 6A 'OO 90/4 100 do ...... ...MO It - WO Erie bit rnte...._' • Sidi PO : do . 1 .1:00 600 .11 Ceram! R...bdi OLdf. 100 Possum $.-.. .....lab 200 Del 1. kW 2d mt. 90 60 do —. ...1411. 13 Bk of St of N Y.. 99 10 ' do ....OS Me Is ilic of Commence. 94 60 ,- do b3O. 81 Del Ltc Weet 11.. 03 100 -- - ..b1u.134 , 18 decond Ay 1t.... .160 If. :do . ~.. .... 13 80 Nada Mail 8 13 _,. vat 7s 111 Central. 8... 90 : do ..... ..1.00 FllOO , do ..........., __.. 41. 10 10 i do .-.-.,. I ~ .do ..........ble IS -- 87 60 do . .b 00" 110 ~ do ....... .11 - so . ,do ........NlO ISM SS 041 k Csdass,is.... 190 do --We irr - 100 —der ...........0 LO 40 .rlO 87 180 do ....... ..b6O 63 30 60 Canton 0i:........ s) - i llo do ~. ~. • .6.10 00 • do .- . -1141) 2134:100 Chloago /Lk Isld it 100 N Y Central 75,41880. do ............. ad • THIS biaIItICSITS. dears stead's, with email Wes of Pots at 1110.88. sad Peoria at SIS 6834. PLotra.-The. market for State and Waitron [lour is rather more active, bet without ahem e i . once* . y ol k receipts 01 1.947 bbls. and sales of 7,1140 b%[ at elf 100 6 9 0 MI ImPerdnie e•Lote 1 friala4o ter extra dm ; 118 11 •..Z) fr superfine. Western ; '36.11108.411 for extra do.; *6 9508.10 foreltra roned-hoop Ohie. bonnier° 61000 is dull; sales 8,000 bbls at, siiiram for armed 10 809 d, a Va l . 1 1 121! e lV e lt i oa r iet t t r, tot, C riTtottall a terett l ip;d, without sales of moment. Corn - is toilet - lid steady, with sales of 20'0 bus at 7 / 6 0811e fur new white sad yellow. Oats are dub - et fkloillo for Southern. Peen- , svleanhi, and Jersey, and Mitlre for Mate, Ceas4a, sad Western. . - ritoVislMCO.-the Pork artrtefisdall and lower, with males of 200 bbl. at, 137,2$ for 64 Ines. *IT 8130 for pa w do. 01210 for old prime. sad 4114 6100 ler aim do. Beef is steady'. with sales of 100 btds at pparketi• for country prime. 116.9008.ci0 for ooaotry mean. 1940010.00 for re -1 .co Sod Ch*Coito. end 4111 We r21:9 for extra poss. Prime ems fleet is quiet at azsen. Nest Mame are al - chanced with rides of aisle st.llllo 131011. and m a Wester* 014600 76. Bacon - quiet but Arm. with no sa le.. mompat Cut Meats are saint at 9Se3m for Warat. 707afe for Amadora. with sale. 0101 phis. .Lardts ins. .. with melee of NO cockerel! at 11011.11( . Bat Cr i s SONS at 110120 for Ohio. and 1402116 for State. Games la on W i. RatLZ T 0 snominal- ' • at 211h(02630e. CITY_ ITEMS. _ - IMPOR T ANT TO TNit - TNATOLWO Invite attention to the card of News. Osborne & Chessman, weak will . be found in another eobtion to-day. ' The - " Wove* Gore 'Trail" Bkillletoll nuts what!' they masafaetare are widely known to the trade as antwrier sonny 'etchers - in the market. We would eepeeially mite the amnion to dowse. Of " irritations?' Those only are [naiadMal are stamped with the some of the mu a_ „Heels. had an tniportnuity of exentitalag Owe stair orated skirtr.,at the halm* drawl - se eemblielewitat of Messrs. Brans k. Haus% lari ti South Pairtkilltialt.. yesterday, we are enabled to speak knowiatlg of the superior excellence of these shirts, get only ... it T w a t,. their ; graceful form and quality of teaterielr il!Illti *Mr their unusual strength and danibility; ” .' k- -- ' To BOUTHIRA AND WESTIN" MIIICILIIIITS—POR. TAINS AND CIIIITAIN MATTNIAZAI.—eLIGaionibis salt mu& begets are invited to &Wet from ler. e stook of Cer tain Goods. and Trimmulgs of every grade and pitbe, jr. and of the newest pattern.. They are ill the lowegt wholesale -OHM. by the *pee or W: I. Cssityr, k duo ., importers and Deals Partite Gonda 719 Chestnut swat. - ~ . , -. : - . All:orders for Curtain. requiring to be madil, OM be Ailed! in a satisfactory martrior.: - MU. Wittoen Sewing Mealtime shell I bug T -Lei{; Webiter, & Co.". Improved Leek-Nick Maelifuglithe given more uniform satiefaation then say ether imam machine in the world. It is wimple, etronerinnd esti eit doing good work.. - Cell and lee, or mad few I, LAnD, WZDSSZD, * Co.. ' la) Chestnut xrdslo-smlr ANCIENT PHILADILTRIA first newspaper published in Pennsylvania was ringed in lISO, by Andrew Bradford. It was entitled nit American Weekly Mersa's. Tina ssionisde: trisf. wrest Instructor and -; published by Samuel Keimer,in •111th. who yea ell bp, Benjamin Franklin as a great knave and fool.'! papers published in Philadelphia prior to thsß•voht were very stupid affairs, sot °mint thous coeteht inn a word in praise of the magnificent garments get up at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Boothia Wil • "son.lirs. 603 and 005 Chestnut street, above Sint& CatAnzsgroP Convairrzon.—The landlords of Charleston are getting alanaed at the proposed ghoul* of location for holding the Demooratio National Coll imation. and are (imposed to.emne down in their prices. . 'Two dollars a day, the Courier aim', will be their man. imum. Some of the Charleston papers intimate that. although Baltimore or any other city be chosen 1111 tM place of meeting, the Southern delegates will sasiszedly assemble in that thy, and proceed to make nominations for President and Vise Prasieleat- , •Only - prostigiairklusk the perions so honored do, as other sensible, omissive,- tive people. and bay their cloths* of the peat National Clothier. Granville Blokes, No. OP Chestnut street, SPECIAL NOTICES. SOUTIIRRN AND WZSISENBIZIRCHANTS, AND the trade generally, ere solicited to examine the Wes and well-selected stook of Window Shades, Trimmings. Curtain Materials. Usholetiox Semis, Re.. at No.= CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh. At this establish mast will be found the largest. beet, and cheapest es• sortinent of the above goods to be seen in this city. W. HENRY PATTEN, No CHESTNUT Street. nb2l•2t• '•• KERR'S CHINA HALL, Chestnut street, opposite the State Hones, Is the Owe in the city to boy White Frenoh Chins, White Ironstone Chi na, Fine Cut Glass, and all other articles in oar lint, from the oommonest to the Soca, goods made. Pamt hes furnishing should not neglect giving this estshltelt meat is visit, as they will ind the Lowest Pries. end lergestaaeortiosab, J. KERR & CO., eSa CHESTNUT Street. Goods packed and warranted. - waif saw S lid 31a ' a SAYING FtlirDL—NOlLTerWilee CORN= E.SCOXD and WAINVT oeived in =MI and larxa amount., from all claws of the community, and allows interest at the rata of FLYII 113 R CSN f. per mina= Money may be drum by obeoke without, onn of fo- Won. (Moe open daily, ilora 9 until I o'olook. and oa Ike da), sad Betarday until nine ter the *velum. Pail dent. FRANKLIN FILL; Treasurer aid Bearetary. 011 AR. MGR It WINDOW SLUMS, WINDOW-SLURS PIC. tares, Holland., all colors and widths, Latent Gresa Old Cloth fdr Shades, Cords and Tassels, at wholssate. W. HENRY PATTEN, 635 CHESTNUT btrset. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. N 0.3 Sewing Machines-- No.l Sewing --. IS The Family Sewing Machine, The Family Sewing Machias 1. M. MOEN & CO, d3-gm Nn. sio CHESTNUT Street. DECORATIONS Oar lIIINA.—We ere TIOW Prepared to execute orders for allhlnds of Painting and (biding on China. Dinner. Demon. and Teo Rote. with Crests and Initia ls. or of any deerign ordered. Door and Number Plates, axe.. decorated to order, and at short notice. Articles of China matched. All the work ins - au tad by us is warranted to stand. W. J. KERR & 00.. • inh , 7-smur CHINA HALL, a* CHESTNUT Stmt. EA LAXANDER FTSA.PROOP SAYES.—A very largo assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rear sonable prices, No. 304 CHESTNUT Bt., Ptill.sdelpkla. spat-tf EVANS JF., WATSON. WINDOW EIIADRB DIRSOT FROM ODM OWN manafaotorl• W. HENRY PATTEN. mllll-2V OHERMUT StreeL SAVING Foxe—NATION j. SAVNTY TAUS, CohirAwr.—Chertered by the State of rearorylvazus. RULES. I. Money 31 rewired every day, and us any itauroal Lugo or email. f. FIVE PER CENT. intereet is paid for mossy hem the day it in put in. S. The money in Cleave paid book in GOLD Theiaver it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is reesiveo from Buenas's, Ailentairtrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or mall =ma, to remain a Long or short period. b. The money reoeived from Itepowitom te Invessettd is Real Farste, Mortgages. Ground Rents, end other AM alms securities. R Office open every day—WALNUT Street, scrithwee corner Third street. Philadelohia. fate AT HEBB'S CHINA HALL, 529 Chestnut street, Cut Glass Goblets per dozen. SL X. sinw4t. IMPORTANT TO TAILORS IND OtECM.— The Grover tr. Baker Sawing-Msokine Campaks have Just introduced a new and superior Shuttle-Machine, large size, high speed, with latest improvements. Pence SM. For Sale at N 0.730 CHESTNUT STABBT, Philadelphia. ONE PEW, CLOTHING OP THZ LAPIaI Srriu. made in the beet manner, 'wanly fig RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Nang PRONE IMAM' Plain Figures. All good' made to order warreased astio- Newry. OM' ONE-PRICE system is *trimly Mitered as we believe this to be the only Pair way of All are thereby treated &Woo. `- JOKES ♦ _-If - • 'Pi MAW= Pim& AT Km's CatltTA HALL, 52 Chestnut stteet, Cat Caws Tab!, Torablore. far damn. *LW tata7timw.4t Mums' Boulxiit Swum Komi.— IMPROVED DOUBLE-TRREAD. Fin? human A? Inca Pant. 11114 hiladelphis Moe, no *am ms. RiWlr T II 4. —. ca 2IM