Pro9eedxugit h the Couits YesUmday THE MIFIDEU)SANOR OF COZISTABLIN OP JANREI GOttIIAN, - rx TUB COURT OF OYER AND *ERMINED, NOR THE MURDER OF JADES ANDER- • Cover. Chief Justice Lowrie and , Jho b eee Wood Ward. Otronm end eld.—Foster ra. The • Commonwealth of Pennsilvantn. Opinion by Chtef Lowrie. Judneent affirmed • Carl v& The rnmmonwealth nePenneylrania. Opinion by, tontine need.- Judgment :Anne& - Ebenezer Rimheonk. plaintiff in error and defendant billowy'. Cents% Ann Illichcook, by her guardian 1,. D. • 13heemaker. defendant In error. Error to Court of . Co m Pities or iozerna county. Argued, • Commonwealth of Penneylvania. et Vie relation. Ao., appellant. vs. The Welleltero end Tinge Plant Road .tlionnY and Edward Bayer. owner. erosible& Appeal P.m the Court of Common r'eati of Timm county. The wee en application on the part of 'lt" Waint i fribr eta inlunetion against she wiellabo' and Ties% Plank Road Company. Edward Barg re Barger, its owner, /to., to re strain him end them, their tollentherets and agents, from exactitil tells from the citizens of the Common ' Wealth end others travelling on said road. or keening env toll fate or other obatruotion on said plank road, . 'Mamma same is n ot properly in order• or property planked. aceirdlng not of Aerembly. The apolica- Btu was mode on the Mend that the toad was not kept In nroper repair. hut woe soft. moddy, end impassable. • land Metals q iof Assembly of c arob 24. 1859 , had re pealed the charter of the onmparty. The toilet below clernissed the bill of complaint, and doctored the act of blotch 3859, unconstitutional. Argued, and submit ted. Intim matter of the new township of Alba. Corti', ran to the. Common rieeS of Bradford county. This was a oittitinn of the citizens of the townships of Can - ton. Arenyille rind Armenia. Bradford county, for the erection of a new township to he called Atha to T is h itu ou e r favousnd to h e c enficti m n h of molt rt own he i p o de riding DIA the subsequent emceed Mae Must conform to the act of 24th April. 1857 .Neither poro, asking .for the oronintment of the time and plate for holding en eleetion In pursuance of the provisions of said act, no further order sees taken therein." Arened. Nest Pnius—lodge Thompson.—Matual Benefit Life forwent , e rnintiany ye. Joseph L. Lord. Before re ported. Verdict fir defendant. Frathaway vs the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Breenrted. The f Jury Yesterdny morning returned verdict for plaintiff or $125. Days vs. Cook. The Jury returned a verdict for the James Pi Elliott anti Mare It Elliott. infants. who hP their next friend. Thendore B Knight. vs. Lewis Wickham. Neil Conrad, and Joseph L. Noble. An netion of eleatment 'ewer from the defendants. who are the exem.tore of --Smith, deceased, pro party elinated in Catharine etreet. above Front. was elleeationsi 0' the plaintiffs ere. that the pronerty was convened be Mrs. Smith to a !dr. Crper. in MS,. who %withal" a clereyme.n in the lower section Of the city, and by him end wife tion-eyed to Mrs. Smith's hus band Slr Smith died in 18'3 cod his widow, the testa ' tor id the det.nri , nta. heeame his executrix. and took TOW/ omen ant) his Donets. end it in alleged by plain ors that the deeds in vitiation were destroyed by her. 09 . itsTR , PT CiattltT—Judges Shorewood, Stroud. and Hare.—The court was still engaged on the argument list. COMMA Pros Ya.—Tudee Allison.—The co urt wee en gaged hemline the exception% to the enditne aroperte Chu anti Taatst2gBllndres tediew•nd Thalmann. —Yesterday wee set apart for the commencement of the ' homicide eases, a number of width remain on the calen dar. Berme nraneedins to empanel a WY- the one of Comity/do Rummell was called on before Judge Ludlow, elates as n noMmittinPmiteistrote. In thiamine complaint. es wan stated in The Press of yeeterit at. Wee Mee to the mouthy is Testament keener. who alleges that Rummell end McKinney. non 'tables of the Plecenth ward. colleeted money under poltence that the Distrlot Attorney hod rearranged matters that ell persons 'wiling liquor Without license would he re lieved of the fear of a prosecution by the payment of a man "tax" Upon thew. rentesentatinne am:arrant woe issued for the arrest of Rummell, and yesterday morning the cue woe heard. • yrd wer ,t A mor , sys'ays r th Second street. testified that he appose Hummed and Me Kenny • thee name to hie res taurant about the let of Denember. introducer' them selves ea annembles of the Eleventh ward ; Hummel! rolled the witnese Wok and told him ha had a tax against litre for this Nem business; Rummell sort " you omit cot mit ;tsetse before the next court. end I was lust 4'mm to Bill Neon's. and lie says rim tax wil. es;"be witnessed asked him if he had the right to coheir. end he said yes, and Men exhibited the book purporting to contain the names of those who lead paid the " tax :" Hommel renresented that all with th e ex _ (motion of one man had paid; the witness then paid the $5. at-. ;Uneven the partner of Mr. Amon. eorroberated the above oarsmen , . ee did Arr. Geiger, a gentleman who wee In the reateurant at the time. Mr. Welker. eorner of Buttonwood and York avenue. testified that Trammell came to his esta blishment end inquired it he hod a license- witness told hop he had not. and Trammell then , satd that if somethinslMl he would make It all right: he first demanded 62 ; hutyhen the witness objected Co this ranntint he accepted filly cents: he said he had full pow er from mr. Mann. itnmmall.whnwag present at the hearing. Insisted that the whole thing was "spite work—he knew that rirli • off." 311112 A Ludfow held him in sooofn answer at the next term of the noun the charge of exacting mousy under the colors of his office. TRIAL OT TAXES 1101151A71 FOR StMADER. J ame . Gorman. elle. o Pos.." Gorman. was placed on,trial charred with the murder of 'einem Anderson. I In this case it will ho resnllected that Andersen. a seder stocked to the reeeivinc shin at the navy yard. leave of absence on the :filth of December. and the ammo of the day visited a tavern In 'me alley. Se there a oompaninn of hie, who hliled from Raft'. wee. made tome remarks rh oomm•ndatlon of the " Pee Belies.. This excited the ire of a men named Pouched.. who maimed to he a " Mom ho y.'' and lie threatened to whin the roan. Anderson interfered in his behalf mina' that his chimers wee ton drunk to fight. and he proposed to take Ids plate. The melee retired to the street. where the flea onmmenced. The dimmed wee get tins the be dayof Douched.. who woe on the mend with Anderson on top. when the nr saner niched genie him. and it is allayed that he stabbed the deceased with a pocket knife. The cry of " murder " was then raised. rind when policemen made their an rearann• and Gorman wasp anted nut as the criminal, he started in run away. When overtaken heehaw a re volver and Brad two or three shirts at the officers before he wee mitered and carried to the sintion house. There v n iti of kn if epockets of hie coat pe r sonnd to be bloody. wee found upon bu ',via Paul Brown and B. Brown represent the wi nner. She Mowing in a list of the furors empanelled: James Lersnrea John Dwane, Charles L. Roberts. Jeenb P. ',Aran. A ntustus I amnrette. Robed Citable, Samuel Richard., Semen 14mith. Robert Worulblne. Samuel Lehr Wm. II Mogan*. and Dimes M. anith. This naccinled the court until ahnnt a coeds, to one o'clock, when the etas was opened for the Common- Wealth he Wm. Brantlet Hanna, Eon . who assists Di.. trlet Attorney Mann in the progeoution. Mr. Hanna, said May it please vim Donors i Gentlemen of the Turf— The seen which in • bout to be presented for 'our con sideration. with the acenee end wen - domes which. for the past few diio• hare moulded this forum. can 'omit of no comrtrianit. It is one of enters , nit.. and not of Usti .onty ; and ifs onmwpirotess. beth fri the (10171111I1111t , which re recent end the unfnrtunate prigoner at the ban. demand a carefill. patient and deliberate attention. which I tract, and amennfident, will ha arenoted to it at pony hands. Thu primer is cha•rail with the great est of crimes—that of minter—and to answer the Gut tered lava of his country. he is now at this bin amid It is enneefortry for me to mention the maxim of the law that evert man is 'Vein:Mind to be innocent un til the contrary is moved. The prisoner is entitled to the nowerition of this principle; yes, even the lowest and mn-t degraded of mankind. The mime with which he is charred wee committed In Pine alley. with the character of which tireeume each nee of you is fimiilar. In thin neat of vice this den of thieves: this herveat field of eourtems. did the deceased ( Andersen) enternn Saturday aftroymon. December 24th lout. between four and five. o'clock in ocimPanY Witt a friend. or shininate. named Connelly. Here dettiled statement of the Picts wee presented by a. r *Henna, who contioned ea follows t These ore the Dints. gentlemen. en far ea they have come fn the linewledze of the officers for the Common wealth. and if thee are moved. as I apprehend thee will he In the once. we will 114 yob to tender a vornint riditvermurder In the first decree; and to gay Pat Jamie Gnrmen in ruilty. 0. manner And form as he stands indicted. With thew few remarks the evidence for the Commonwealth will be snhmitted. Tow Henri roar. Tallor;;;;:ii.=l • itTSide at ma Bhineen rrtreet: t knew Andersen, the dammed ; he Wee Pell. , in the employ of the Government; ( saw him the flaturday *afore his death. between 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning. when he first come ashore; he was in pommy with a young men named Connelly; they crime to my houte. in Pine alley; I kept a Worn there then ; they smut there half en hour; thee went' away to gether; they returned at ! o'clock in the afternoon. and coked me whether they could cagy a game of cards; there wee a one armed man with them: Connelly was drunk; •nderson temp under the influence of liquor. but °mild take care.of himself: Andersen played cards with the one-firmed man; Gorman. Kelly. end Tionsh efts. came into the plane while Anderson and his friend Were &irking at the bar; ther asked for some thins to drink T waited on them ; Gorman said to me. " I nnoeretand that you were going to knock that Twit:" relit it was not so ; Boughertv eald Gor man was told so in hie preemies; I told him it wan not so. and asked him whether that wonldn't so der Tom; he mid it won Id ; he then called for a email close of ale; he then repeated bin remark about me, and I denied it; he acid he wee satisfied; the one fumed men bola, "You're all strangers to me—take drinket my expense:" while I was wadies onthem Con nelly said he wee a Rip Rap and Plug•Th Ir. of Balti more: Boer herty as d he didn't earn what he was. that he *clanged to the Moyarnensine Rose; they ant to Prowl , nr. - when Anderson mill, d off mg coat. and said that hie shipmate wee too drunk to fight. nod that he amide take it an for him; this wee directed to Dou gher ty; T said. . 'Put on your coat—l want no fighting beret" thin wee to Anderson ; Ile maid. " want to raise to disturbance in .your house—l will ro out in the rarest:" lie went out. and Dousherty followed him ; they came in. and went out saran together •; Anderson got hold of Dmithertv, when they begun fighting • tut thittlme Gorman was in the house with me ; be limited to roma, end I. amid. "You don't want to get Yourself into any ditieulty?" he tried to work himself swat from 0.0. and 'raid, Let me go;" he sot out into - the - street; I saw a weapon; it wee a knife. which he took from ht. poeket; he opened it; he turned around to me and mod. If you don't on away iholding the knife npl l will give yon some of it:" dude , thin time the (Nit WAS going on outside: I got a /dub to defend myself: when I came hank with the club I saw ender ram coming around the corner from EMMA Street; he *aid he wee out: he then went Into the house: I Inoked at htm. end laid him on the settee; he hod rt. wound in the abdomen. end hie entrails came out se soon as Ire unbuttoned he pente; I saw Gorman lauding in Ball tlas; he still had the knife in his hand ; I guess the b Pule was as lung en my finger; when the officer mime lawmen elected to Tell rho court here took a recess until throe o'clock. • APIT.RNOON nuance. , Crms-egamined by David Paul Brown.—Lived in the ; gems bongo lour yea a 9th Dentember ; left the 9th day of January: , herb known Anderson since Tune. end Con , telly come length of time; Dougherty only the day he. . hitt,: had known German two yearn: Gorman and all of them had been visiters at my her; had seen Anderson two weeks before the oconrrence; they: Connell. end endorsee. were sober when they fin:tome to my wawa; that was between hand TO In the morning e.nd they re - trained from a helf to three quarters or en hour; Mel drank once ; 'they come book between two att three o'clock intoxicated ; the, then drank a t fnur times ettlece • 9orman see lioneherty eamo M twesn four and five n clock the onn-armed man remained thion as Into ne the res t; Connelly first save Vet+ to the difficulty ; Gorman wax under the influence _ of liquor when he, tame I Dougherty the same; they ' drank twice. once with Anderson ; Dougherty eopearad I ,„ ii.„,, mom d, , ,,k ger er he bed teen In me home for A , while ; Ccnneliy, Anderson . Gorman . Dougherty. the , , one armed man eel mrself were the only persone in the her-room. new,anderson hit Dougherty. hat new no blow *creek with a I tuff. or any other weapon ; had no boonthe Mom ;" it was coming on night when the , s count mi. Direct esammation.—Gorman had a pistol; he fired it Bl l P eriti n,in . rro r Wn. Saw this in Ball alley i the twat I saw a n t r b .VA d fri . sworn —Pbysielan at the boapital in De cember lush A ,, derenn was bro - sht to Pennaviranta FrOinl VII NM n'iriff.y afternoon, about sta remark. totem b., Pd; ....,,,,,h ricir t peatielia. and at Met sight appear• d ti be dead: upon exammins bin abdomen, we mend a wound, about, one end one.haif inches long. hie &hove tour)hint troin• and protrudin¢ from the wound eh , ut ee* inane• of small Intestines. and throw Intel:. Mee were themselves wourded in three Vooea. en if se knits bad peered thrnugh the coil and wounded the one be , ymid ; I stitched the intestine& returned them into -- -the - alelomee. and Oohed the external' wound; lie vomited 111"Yelal [ Men tinting the operation ; end or snrewwed to have died ; he revived coon, end was tinietnntll Sunday evening ,when he complain ed of von• nod became reetlees: he enetinned to grow worse mita Monday morning, whim he died; we merle vgt,.s-g,t?gletgiNrot:Vv7i.yaggaquan tity geal l :firmrr o i we toned the et Lehell had retained their hold. and found - no other then tide Ural. injure • he died (corn thin woend t the wooed could hate been :endears a knife alit% a hind. three or four Inches long. John idanderfield sworn.-tire sts Notimoo street' wee et work in the second story of a building in Ball altar et the rime of the occurrence; heard the noise end looked nut of the window_i it wee light, just before dock; ca w a count rynninT up Pine allotwith a men with 0-a arm running sifter ; I now a sailor in 'Pall alley and nether man; that other men was the prisoner; I wan i :.. dant at tom (the prisoner 1 then; I sow the two men old oP each other : saw Gorman run a knife into him; mean into the seller; Gorman then went to the earner of Pine alio) , and pall alley ; l did not se- what be did with the knife 1 the knife looked to ben pen ; Gbrmen stalked in (meter himt I did not sae the blade and can't - tall the sine of the knife; the tailor that was stabbed _Wall the man called Anderson; I saw Gorman after he wee arrested ; lam mire the primmer Is toe in ; I saw amen go to thy side a Gorman, and h. looted to me es , g: th en el h he geese:riga ng out of his pooket and passed it to another Man ;tin woe 'while he was in onstody ; it tree taken from the right side-pocket. -, Mary Elisabeth Piropeonaworn.-1 live at the corner - M . OOl end Pine alley ; i wee in m y house at the time of --; the neourrence • I woe attracted by the noise of two --- l ng w ei tt inf"tairra'ak"rfiVniejWirp:lll 4 - 5 , r ` rl r S e tlftl ' ilMil -„,r then drityti aw n ay e lor a few MUMMA,' on looking . _lt again I saw him wiping blood from the envie oi the ,-,, , ,knife; be minted it end pet it in his right mintsloon's pocket the then took it out and put ft in tie mint sleeve i Anders,on went back again into line alley ; - Gorman palled l oot a siv-harrelled revolver, and then he was per -,,Aped bythe officer. • Cross exam nilll wee just norms the street from , - the souffle ; th en t .-- know Gorman before this; he had on e. brown cost and cam ' • - '' Penny byte sworn.-'•I am the mother of the last wit 'Mael torrent to the doorwhen thin noise occurred in the , ~ • ,streer. I Allure , was a my of fights I saw the prisoner . ~, ton forms the street with a revolver in his hand! gool6 - - one Oiled to- him t "Why don't you shoot —;” the I'-'4„ men tanght Atom they- got Into Barre' street ; on the Fitt Oda: Gorman passed ever to the nortwest oorner ; _ .n,nto with's-Vigo cent on told him be should not mix ' n ,• he brake ewer and ran towanht Anderson. - • 'Phis; witness norrobvinted her ditlighter in every par- A . - iteelar. role! more fatly into the details. Charles Jeffnes. policeman. sworn —Gallon' Mint and . I were tonether ,-; lo Shitmen street, end we - went towards Ball alley; I sew , a crowd collected; -,, j ~ sa w .Gorman, standing ; in. flail alley. five or , six - -Vet itte ve. Pine Yale r I Mr: , ninitit.hdllmnid out, " Catch . 1 .1 tn11 , ,i1. Inn4[ l, lt . eri ' air. Taylor oiled out, , . „.., it i gmch o iv ; I.:penmen Goralsili n istr e neme gEwllif ,fe'edits tripped end 114 I W 01,4 atnif: I 'tiny t„ , .. - . dni was ever my shoulder, and was din , th.,,r c id nitwit Mt &AA 9/ ALT Main laAiiYlMl sTait the assiatanee of °Meat Bunt. in arresting hint In taking-him to the elation hence, a scuffle ensue n in Bel noenatreet:near M Fourth' bemuse come of friends wa nted ug to take him to Alderman orwe's °Mee ;we fnund blood upon pot [inns of tiorman's ng two of the fingers of the right hand were out ; he nil on a brown coat: Cross-esamtned —When my attention was firstcalled to this matter it was verging on to five o'clock. John Smith was next cede I es a witness, and was ob jetted to on the ground of infamy. Mr Brown naked him the question: Bare you not been nonvieted in this court of felony f First. after a refusal to testify. the wanes! dated that ten yearn since he w , n innocently convicted of larceny, and Was par doned. Air. B own withdrew the objection. Mr. Smith Wee then sworn, and testified that, at the time of this occurrence, he was in hie brothers place, opposite Ball alley; he heard the noise of the souffle outside ; the crowd engaged in the fight got directly up to hie dnor :he saw Anderson knocked down a man ; named Kelly came up and kicked him; a sailor hit Hel -1 lv and knocked him into the middle of the street; after the fighnatrea over, Damen ran over to Anderson and. Dutiine his arm round his nark, lupin probing ham; the witnees saw a knife in Gorman's heed. and all that happened subsequently as detailed by Policeman Jer i fries. Sophia Sharp sworn.—Flaw Gorman with a knife in hie hand ; the sailer, Andetima met ate. and holding his I hands tn hie nide: gaud "'German has stabbed me ;" at this time German was in Bill eller. The prosecution here closed. end R. B. Brown opened for the defame. Ile said it would be their ditty to throw light on the Matter. and assist the prosecution In en deavoring to am:attain the whole truth. Mr. B. would show thtt if the offence was committed at all by Gor man, it Wes la folf-dere , oB. or was of a lower grade then mnrdor in the fleet degree. Patrick O'Connor sworn.--I am over nineteen years of Are; et the time or tnie occurrence I was residing at Ball eller and Pine eller • I 'was etanding on the pave ment neat door to where Mr. Taylor keeps horse An derson came out on the pavement with Ins sleeves rolled tip; he went in 'Lenin; it seemed cc if he wanted to bring come one inside out to fithr • I went in after him. ne he went in; Gorman wan standing bank in the corner of the hone; Tarim bed hold of hint by the arm, and said. "I want yon to respect my house while you are In;' Anderson *muted to get at Gorman; Dougherty. Connelly. and Kelly were standing there; Anderson walked around: Dougherty Rat to the door; Anderson struck at Dougherty. missed him, and hit the doer; Dougherty lumped outside • Anderson and Cannons both Jumped at him; they knocked. him down on the urb.stone, on the lower side of Pine alley; he was un derneath both of them; Gorman came out of Taylor's; Dougherty ran over to smut Ws plane. This witness. in a lengthy a• d somewhat confused manner. proceeded to nye a desoription of the (wear lance, which neither of the bidets, the district attorney, nor oneself was able to comprehend. The main p int. however, of it was. that inn s DrOVIOUS to the smithies. A Orson kicked Gorman twice to the breast while he was in a stooping posture The (mart sat until a late hour in the evening. The examinatinn of the 'witnesses for the defence will be resumed this morning. DETERMINBD co Dan.—The Buffalo Express of the 19th relates the performances of a man named James Webb, who, having become bent upon sui cide, at last succeeded. On Saturday last he throw himself into the Ohio basin, but was rescued by his brother. On Sunday he made another despe rate attempt upon his life byoutting his throat with a jack-knife. This also failed ; but upon the Brat opportunity that presented itself, after his wounds were dressed, he again made the attempt and sue oeeded. The last act of the tragedy was performed in the proems of his mother. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, VP TO TWELVIC O'OLOOK LABT NIOUT CONTINENTAL-8. B. oorner of Ninth and Chestnut. .1 0 Winter, Ala Semi Blood, N Y Ti 3 Clough 113 W W Thomism, Ptttsburg It Benson. Jr. N y m Nicholson. . Victor Finder, Phila. I , Mika A M. Porter. La II Sheppard, No C Snoppard . NuW alcOoy, alo P W etubbins, Ky . J Brasil', inn 8 Mossier, Cinn.l? LI 011phent _ A Garrison. Pittsburg Dr J A Rogers, N C J .1 . Bowles & da. Md Mrs J Gibbs, Plata miss Gibbs, Phil& W It Macdonald. N Y M B Mooch, N Y Gerd Van Itensseleer, N Y OWN Chamberlain, 0 C W G Maxwell, Balt A Cummins & wf, N J Mrs B Roberta & sie W C Whitenian,_N Haven A A. hlcilll, N Y Mrs It Speer, r. Y Miss L E Speer, N Y 0 W Garnett & la, LI Y H F Cox & la, Jersey Cityp .1 K. Hoyt, N V J L 'Kennedy & la, N Y T W Kemp, Balt T II Underwro•il W R Heltwook, N Y Mr Rainey. N Y Miss Ihnney, Li Y John A Burney, N y WP A bendroth & la, N Y Miss EIR Abendroth. N Y Capt Silvery, N Y J Rogers, thnoinnati Jld Ridgeway, Cincinnati (Jen! J MoMaken, Cum T F Baker, Cincinnati J Al Rose, Ala 0 P Heywood & la, Ito A Master, N Y A I' Port.r, USA J H Harbaok. N Y J 8 Smith & la, N Y J M Collins, Mies Miss r. Collins. Miss Miss M L Walker, hiss JO Bynum, Tenn .1 A Pinith, N Y 8 L &inn, N Y II B Wright & la, Pa E Baldwin. N Y Morns Collins. St I ouis P Wender, N Y W N Wood oil; Chicago Ii Hardrolf H Woodruff, N Y J C Wells, Kg W Pouthwortn N Haven A M. Porter, La J J Williams. Id 0 N Wadding, N Y a P Crichlow, Tenn 11,0 Wright. Tenn A W hunoson, N C J.l Thomson, Springfield W D Baffin, Miss W L Harding. 11l I T_Bradlee, Boston II A Page, N Y J 8 Beecher, N Y P It West. N Y Geo K Noyes. N Y A G Angell & el. R I Wm Page Boston Jan Mizell, Wheeling Prittobett, cub. D C Jae It Noche, Wash, D C oho t 3 :on ner. N V Rev i. 0 Addison, Balt Bniterheld. N Y J Walker. Miss .11) Osborn. Ohio A Boyd, Va Henry .1 Faber, Balt (too Milburn, Ind E J Warner, Ohio John Davis. Pa W W II Davis. Pa C E Snodgrass, Va John h lee, N Y P H Joy, Boston Jos A Madding, Ala C Earvoy N Y H Laurent* & wf, Boston Miss Laurence, Boston TT sawyer & wt, nostun Miss Sawyer, Boston Mr Smut, & la, Mass Jos Buick.N 17 D Folder, lowa A Fowles, Ala Hon r , .M. krIBLOW. KT GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut at.. below Ninth. C A 80/Infield, N Y B l' Keller. m 0 W Anderson 8c la, Chicago CEI Robinson, Cin, 0 alit Robinson, Jr. Cin, 0 8 Kelm., / la John flushes. re V A 0 Full. Pittsburg T Dean. Cin, 0 J T Godwin A la, Canada Miss Godwin, Canada 1., Morris & la, Alilwaukee 08 Jennings, Dubuque Geo W Lazed!. 11l Chas B 61Iman.'N Y t) Whitcomb. Boston Beverly De Kelm, Reading Wm 8 Hobart, Alsdrson .t D Detaier , Lancaster 8 Broadbent , Balt J , Broadbent. Balt I W Boasert, Fort Smith W B Bailee, A Y H Janney, New Bedford Geo Cochran, Albany Mom Cool:van, Albany T Morgan, N J Mr France Silt Maj Jahn J r ade, N Y C 6 Trail, Aid Jas Murphy. N Y Mr Rowland, Phila Mr Glrard, Pa 0 P Pddy, Wilm, Del J 6 laiwir. kid V Summers, Troy, N Y 0 tifullwiter. Allah tf C oille, Ala Mrs 0 0 Hills, Ala P M Matthews, 11 C E Noma A avl Vilash'n W 0 Winder, i hila W 1 Walker. K I Miss L. Dean: 8 0 Petal Smith & in. Cin, 0 Jo' Johreon, Jr & la, Ky Miss Nionoiaa, Louisville 8 A Whitney, N J Pdw 1 .. tenant, Lundon,Kng llawrionJankson. England Goo P Whithser, Aid 10111.140 n & la, Va W Sweet. N y 1? Cooly. Minnesota Dr Page. Valparaiso Geo B Kenn, Pottsville J Konigrnacber, Pa 0 W Carrigan, Washing 'n Hon T lone' Yorke.N 1 Mrs 0 A Cheesboroue h,N Y WPL Onneaborouth .r N Y JH. Hail. Cat Mrs R wirratl, t Y Mr Watkins & la„ 80 Ellie Warier, Mies sirs Warner, Miss Miss Warner, Miss W it H /almond, Conn D Tain:er, Mass EB Goddard. N Y N B Holm, Columbia, 8 C Miss Holing, N C John I Bigler, NV B. F .dark, N Y 1. M 0 Roberts, N P. Caron, N Y lien Wii Keim.fteading g Heiden* C 0 Luc/knit, Vs Mal Witrd, NC John Muller ,N Y S W Arnold, N ) M. 0 Y B Owen, ‘waith, D C D C Smith. N_Y lion W 8 Ash°, N CI Tll Walker. N 0 B. J F Coleman, Ala .li. 8 Moon. 8 C r t. Griffis. Ind B Wood. N Y Jas 0 Holden. N Y A.l Vanderpool, N Y W B Messinger At w, Ohlo Miss Adams, Cm, 0 r El Rutter. rtiohinond, V m Jae Al (lune. Va R I, Williams, 'Vri, Chas T Worthum. Vs Miller, Balt F W Kalbliieseji, N Y 'P &ovens, Jr, N Y Col Alexander & N Y fa, 118 A Miss Bates W Waldron, MERCHANTS' MOTEL—Fourth erect, below Arch. .J L.Teokson. Tenn 3 W Clark, Tenn • Z J Morris, 11l Robt darker. Pittaburg I. Fdgorton, Newport. 0 F Allen, hlkton, Tenn JR child ' , v. vaster 0 110 Bolton. KE. J McMillin, Ripley, o Araby Terrell. Kr Wkl Lamb. camera°. 11l 3F e °al d, Leavenworth W Mollready, N J I. 1. Arnold, York A 8 Bare. Lanoaster A F Kohl. Salem, N 0 as Pfohl, Belem, /i C .1 B Duval, Charleston H J Crumpton, Cal - W B crumpton, Mobile M D Potter, Pa Mont Mot.niluin. 8 0 B E Sparks. Ind P H la edits r J J F Griswold, K T Rev John L aitliead, Pa H Brelsford, Bollbroot. 0 Ti. Allen, 19.ynesvine, 0 P Leach, Jr. triton, Pa ft Roar. Minersville N J Reynolds It la. et Louis W Young Al ifltinburs H 3 Funs, tlprinatield. 0 11, Wileua, W heeling ,Ya .1 H. W , leon. New York W 0 Pee, Indiana Mrs Foster la 4 children C RI Wilson, Ashland. Icy A Eydans, Pa J 3 eitokmann. Biooklyn 0 A Roberts, Conn N 0 Underwood, 'Penn .1 I. Blue Tenn 0 W Yost. Tenn T A Cleasuiry Athena, Tenn E W Tatum, 'lean H A Tatum, Penn W II bolonion. Mo 0 Mills, le C 0 Meg ninny & wf, N Y R R Gwyn. N C B Raddin, Boston C Jammu, lowa W A nice. Fremont, 0 M.l Justice. Fremont, 0 .1 P Cummins, Tenn A B Swift. Boston It 'l' Richardson, Balt H. Eichalberser to la, Balt J Randall, Waynen, 0 AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Fifth. 11 Watson, I) C B E Him, n o is B Matorson, J) C W W wtikinson. Ky W Rims, I. J .1 THenderson,_Tenn B Shepard, Tenn N 13 Freeman, Ft Wayne E Hammer, 11l C C Cook & la, It I Alias b Cook, R. I A Perkins & wf, Boston Airs J Loring, Mass C O Scott do la, NY . W 1) kpreker. Lancaster .1 Aillaye. Tenn P Reynolds, N C 0 El Itemiser N C H. Alexander, B C J 1 Laurence. Boston T Currey,. Ky it Woodcock, N Y UIC Miller & da, Ohio J 7) GAgeon, Tror, N Y H. 13 Bwarr & oh, Lancaster M Trnnion', Ph lino .1 H Wenterstein, Pa J Mclntire, Elkton. Mil GPlunkett, Minnesota DCarr, Lebanon, Tenn J V A Tuelc..r, Va 14 Al Firruetone, N Y J B McCreary, Al Chunk W Taylor. Jr. N C A H Cooke, Oxford, PI U 0 W lluddleton, Tenn (3 Jackson . Tenn L fl iinnhill, N C B 0 Howre, Fla 11 0 0 Cary. Ohio 8 T Brown, HeorgeFn, 1) C it H Brown, Georyet'n, D 0 1) C Anderson. Oh o A T MeLear),Ohlo J 11 Hicks, II Y P AI James, N Y JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. below Seventh. J T James. Pensacola, 8 13 Fullerton, NJ N TWood. l'hila 8h A C Davie, ula John S Mernam,NY W P Merriam. N Y C olark, N Y C 11 Dennis. N Y B 13 Brisk, trio 0 L Long. Mo 8 Yi Beech, N Y .1 J Long, N Y J P Murphy, It. oorsville Wlt Rose, Del 1, X Mom, N Y DB Rhodes. N Y J 8 Lewiston. NY - .1 13 Edwards, Lynchburg G. Benton. N Y John Morris. Balt J II Wintecall, Halt L W Romeo, it Y Miss Barrens, N Y Mast W liorrnoe, N Y Oen reane, Boston W I) Waterman, Somerset Mr Taney. Cni,ago John 11 Dews, r Y W 8 Cunningham, N Y A ilridges, N Y ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut, above Third. A M Wills, N J B Roberson. N Y L H Lyon. N Y B H Hamann, Cincinnati .1. Bison:we, Cinelnnati J M Coolbroth, Me 1 4 HCombrotb, MA J' Krum horse', 0 Miss Fisher. Pop:mills A Clark, Amsterdam, N. Y F M Jones, Charleston, 8 C Jos Crashaw Jr, St Lous I) W M oon, tt J J Itt twoon, ht i Jots Rainey. Ihltimore F. L Pratt, Mist A II Lewis, W phoater it F e eon, Ky B Whitney, N J A T Fos, kilo L Harding, 14 .1 A Cross wt. N V II A Pratt. Conn 6c ./ B Rand, Fusherville, NH J H Thompson, N C RR Moon, an. Cincinnati E Rice. Y. Y 'l' J Shallcrots. kid A Lateran. France I) e Evering• Balt M 0 Fisher, Phtla B Holstein. Pa II L Pratt, Conn THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. Jas 1 1 ,1 Moore,Philo Oeo II Coffman, Easton, 0 it H Barnum . Warren, 0 Jno D Bkber, Lena...nor A 11 Dav, Joleet, 11l 1' Bright. 'l:arnitsiin W W Moureran, Timmons D Sheep, Images W C Phan', NJ W J Pro hl, 8 dens N W 8 Pomp, Dublin, Pa Nathan Gaut. Dublin, Pa Geo 0 Evans Is wr, Del I. W Olds, lowa W J Wortley. Circleville, 0 H A Tiliiiirhast, LI Mrs Bryant, Ohio Mrs L A Reeve, Ohio M Golsen Ipers Or. Lancaster Wm A Shark, N J Col Now. riatolitr, Tamaqua W W Hand, Look Haven A T Steel, Look Haven J D Hay, Winklow, N J E lfitone, Wheeling Miss H Morton, Phila. Saint B Cope. N MERCHANTS' HOWlE—Third et, ab. Callowhill. D H Taylor. Bethlehem El Knight, Elmira, N Y H Manning N Y Beebe Harriaburg P Haim, Milton Nol Weil. Pa H my 7 Ranger, Reading I) Albright, Beading J B Sheeler, Rending AV I clout. Reading . C Smith, Pa ABIIull; NY James Bachman, Pa Stephen Bellied, I'a Chu Wininen. I's p BC6134111111fia• Pottsville Thus Telin‘ge. N J $ Ray . . Poranton, Pa AS Colburn, Boston John B Vanhorn, Ohio STATES UNION HOTEL—Market Street, above Sixth. C Moan Phil& A 0 Harlan, Coatesville CS, Harrisburg .1 Eminger. Pa I Swartz. Mechanicsburg Jam E Martin, Phila P Raeford, hid .3 W Dorcas, Montroseaa J Legere, Newark, NJ P 11 Mulct, Newark, /1 .1 11 L Anderson. Phil& G K Henderson, Cin,N Y 11F Hassler. Bloomville, 0 1, B fitorr, Canton. 0 has Pewee. Canton, N Y W Wright & la. PG Mies E Cunningham, Pa H E Gray, West Cheater Jas Dinwiddie.l& Cheater B H Magonagle, N Dr SilHarry, Chester co .3 W Phillips, Patterson,Pa COMMtRCIAL HOTEL—Birth it. above Chestnut J R Yarnall, 111 I Christman. Pa JO. Thompson two Yooont, Pa F Gj'attorson l lC T M Zell. Limo co, Pa I _g, Bsokofer. AM= tßertolet, Reading , il Leopold, orks oo HE Charney, Pa I aer. i'hila . li Connard, Reading . VT firsom I'mhs ;131rx BEAR llPTMt—jhlra st l . pore INIC54fil Inbaok,ll4Tshvilie ' s- Yoll'lll6 AlleMoirn Jo n lieginan, FA Antilltir Trlersvort 410•11 m, Wriablux NATIONAL ROTEL—Rue street. above Third, J Emerick, Lebanon Jos M Pager, Pottsville W 6 Moore, Pottsville Mr Frederick & son, Pa John Kaufman. Pa PT tilt gins, Reading W Phillipsh, Port Carbon C W Landin Pa W & N J Eisenhuth, /NMI/Villa D Schnook, Lebanon, Pa BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second et., below Vine. Pll Robeenn. Btroudeburg J Sterling, Burlinf tnn J P Dilworth, Pa R E. Heine & wf. Mt Holly 0 Pickering, Burke on J E Parrey Attleboro M W Alien, Att le two SR Tompkins wf, Pa h. 0 Hughes, Buckingham FOUNTAIN UOTEL—Beoond s treet, above Market X Brown. Seaford, Del W S Nelson. Del John M knee, Df I J Y R 'ere. Vont W &Paola v. teubenee, 0 BB Cooper, tinayra, Del I,V w [Anna, N J D Ynce, N J Ciao W C Hearn, Del BMA) RAGI,E ROTEL—Third et. above Callowhill (3 N Hoffman . Easton Wm 13Harris. Pa eol Borer, Leluntt co Band not or, Port Clinton J Smith Bucks co Even D Jones, P,a, H LOOOO, edeyorstown N B Manning, Monti co MOUNT VERNON HOTEL.—Beenmt et., above Arch H Jameajlarrieburg IV Al Reit', Bethlehem It Jonee, Bethlehem C M Wise, N Y 8 Frneks, Pa. Mei Linea, N Y Theo Lanes, N Y MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOUUTH. MGT. A RRIVED U 13 mail steamship Keystone State, Marihman, 51 hours from Charleston. with rtuiFe and pnuenre a to A Heron, Jr. 11th inst. at 10 o'clook, A hl. I ape Hattoros bearing N W, signalled stembship Mato of Georgia. hence for /Savannah; 8 A al lath. below Bombay Hook, saw bark Iniperador, ketch Commerce, and out War Eagle, hound down. Bahr Anna B RIMIF 11. Duffel, 2days from Lewes, Del, with corn loJes L Bewley & 0,,. Behr Bony Shop_pard. Marsh, Sdays from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J Bacon. BY TRIBORAYB. (Correspondent,e of the Philadelphia Exehtoire.) CAPE ISLAND, N. J., March VS, 6 PM. Two bri , a and several sohoonero went in today Wind enet—weather fine. Yount, &o. THOB. B. HIJORES. BY TELEGRAPH. SEOrreepondenee of The Press.) SAVANNAH. Maroit 15. Arrived. chips Emily Gardner and Wallace. from Li verpool; Empress of the One, from Baltimore; bark Omega, from Now York. hth(4ORANDA. Steamehip Cambridge, Howes, hence, arrived at Bos ton yesterday. Steamship Austin,(ne w) from Wilmington, Del, ar r. ed at New York yesterday. The A m intended to run between New York and New Orleans'. Steamship QmMer City, bhuteldt, cleared at N York yesterday for Havana. Steamehip North star Jones' , from Aspinwall, via Havana. limn ved at New 'York yesterday. Ship Eivint.Andrew, cleared at New York yenterday for +fan Franoisco. Ship Witchcraft. Booth, for San Francieco, cleared at Now York yesterday. Ship Annie Laurie, from Liverpool, arrived at Alex andria) este rday. Ship me Yankee. Thorndike, (or Havana, was rat tingnt Hone Kong Jan 14. Ship btag Hound, Hussey, for Havana, was at Swatow Jail 10. Snip Ocean Eagle, Wert, from Adelaide, arrived at London nth lilt. • • Bhip Medallion, Theobald ; for Liverpool, cleared at Charleston 13th met. Brig Virginia, Ramsey, sailod from Richmond 14th most, for Bouth America. Bark Armful. HollooM from London for Philadelphia, sailed from Gravesend 26th ult. Bark Indus, Thompson, for Baltimore, was at Carcie• rtes Ist inst. Bark Palmetto, Wheldon, for Philadelphia i sailed from Palermo 14th ult. Brig moonlight, timall, hence, arrived at Cardenas 7th met Brig Eolus, Allen, for Philadelphia, stilled from Pa lermo 14th ult—before reverted for Boston. Brig Hamner', Aleeklen) for Philadelphia, was load tog at Rotterdam list Brig Zee Nymph, dohipper, hence, arrived at Table Bay Jan 9. Bohr W Collyer. Raynor, for Philadelphia, cleared at Now York yesterday Behr Virginia, Davie; for Charleston, oleared at Now York yesterday. Bohr A Henderson, Ketcham, hence, arrived at New flavon 19th inst. Bohr J C Boater. Babcock. cleared at Charlostoa 13th inst. for Philadelphia, with 341 casks nee, 40 bales cot ton, 630 melts call, and 30 000 lest lumber. MARRIED MOFFETT- 11 E10K ELL.—on the 16th inst.. by the Rev. John A. MoKohn, at the residence if al r.T. J. , rraser, Richard Moffett, Esq.. or this cite, to Mien Lizzie M.. youngest daughter of Capt. James Cricket', of Now odes tis, La - Pit tahurg, Pe. Omein i gati, 0.. and New Orleans, "gatTIVII.- C2 WILLIS.—on the lath loot., by Kos, R. Jeffery. Samuel Ash Timber to Miss Emily Mel , vine, eldest daughter of B. S. Willis, Esq., alt of this cite. KELLY—WALKEE.—On the Oth meat., by the Rev. Wm. W. Him Albert L. Kelly to Miss Cecelia K. Walker, of thin cite KENBEL—BfIOF.MAKF,o,—On the Bth loot., in Lanonster oily, John 11. Kennel, of Philadelphia, to Annie Shoemaker, of Lemmata , . county. JOHNB.—At Pittsburg, on tho Itth twit., Jennie ohms. Per relative. and [nand. are mattwl to nttnnd her imam'. from thn residence of her grandfather. (4. 0 fcClcilancl. No 818 Arch erect, on Saturday,l7th in.t. tao'cliv.k P. M.• • . . . SI ''''Cr..lllED -On the 13th inst., Annie, wife of N.J. Siegfried, in the 3411, vent' of her nee. WA CE.—On the 13th inst., Elizabeth Week, nerd 65 'elem. ALL , . v.—On the 14th inet. ' William E,. eon of the 'ate William E. and Mary E. Allen, aged 2 years and 6 months. Funeral from the regaidenee of hig mother. No. Me South ortrePt belmrStxth. thin afternoon. nt 1 o'elork. PODGER..—At Frenhford. on the 14th lost , John Rod /ere, Ir.. in the Nth year of hie age. Funeral front the residenen of hie fattier. **lieu et., above Fnity. on Sunday afternoon. nt 2 "check. • BACI4III IN —On /he morning of the Nth inst.. Annie, elder/ . daughter of Chrigtonher and Laura Bookman , in the 16'11 year of her na,ra. • • • Funeral from the residence of her parents Lentz at., hrlow sederal, west of Eleventh, this afternoon, al 2 niclook, • N; • C;'...Lnn ilia 13th Ind . Farah. &itchier of &mei and 1 line Nice+ In the 15'h TPRT of her age. Funeral from her parents' Ltmcl•nce, Good et., Oar man nwn, thin afternonn, at 1 clock. PoWltl,le—cn the 11th inv.. Sarah deur hter of William 0. and Jane Anne Powell, in the 6th year of her are. .. • • .. DAATII I .—On the' 14th inst.. William Henry. eon of Isere and Martha T. Desoto. in the Itli year of his age. Funeral from the remlon e of his Taranto, No. 1308 Melees Street. on Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. • CUR. i V.—Suddenly, on the lith inst., Mr.. Jane wife of N J. ~artte. aged 25 pears. Funeral from the residence of her husband. 1%11 Cabot street. below Thompson this afternoon at 2 o'clock' PPO PL , 8 —rlo the 14th e nit.. mu, Peoples, son of G. and Rosy Pennine. aged 18 months and 4 deka. WAPD.—Suddenly. on the 14th test • Miss Theresa Ward in tee 21th year of tier age, a native of Caven count.. Ireland. Funeral from the residence of J. Reynolds, 1221 Green street. thin morning, at 9 o'olnee. GALL AWAY.—On the 14th lest John Galletway. aged 4 vesrs 6 Months, and 23 days, eon of Jamas and Rachel Callaway. SUTH R .— Om the 13th inst., HoiddA Suter , wife of P. Poor. In her Vith t oar. Funeral front her husband's residence, 337 Crown at. this afternoon. at 1 o'clock McCAULIaY.—On the 14th inst., John, son of Henry and Marra et McCauley. aged 3 roars and 9 months. Funeral from the resedenee of his Toronto, Fie swelter street between Twelith and Thirteenth, this afternoon, at S o'clock. TRCllT.—Suddenly, on the 14th Inst.. Edward R., son of lhdward R. and Mary Trout. need 5 month.. Fro.eral from the residence of his parents, Loran st., south of the Haverford rand. this afternoon, at 2 o'crk. I'ANTON.—On the 14th inst., Mrs. Ann t tan on, in the 633 year of her age. Feiner I from bar late residence, 2132 Summer et., on Beturdnv aftern-nn, at I o'clock • COLEMAN.—March 14th, in this oily, Peter N. Cole man. aced 59 tsars ,Fl4a•rel at Reading. Pa . Saturday. at 2 o'clock P. M. iIBbIARB.- the 14th test.. George Vt., eon of Geo. H r eed Annie W. Sellers aged 5 scars. • Funeral from the residence of his parents. 2201 Bran. dywinn .treet, this (Sixth ( la. tat 20'elock P. M. • POTTER.-04 the 13th. Rally Ann, daughter of Geo. C. M. Potter. aged 1 1 months and 4 days. 'The Illative. and Iris nds oe the fatally are reeved fnlly invited to attend her funeral. Cost Friday.) Match Pith. at 2 P. M , rrom the re•sielence of her parents. No. 412 queen stree t,withoot further notice. •• I.BLli'Y —On the 14th inst., Joseph Lesley, in the (oth year of hie age. The relatives cad male friends of the family are In vited to attend hie funeral, on Saturday, the 17th inst., at 2 o'clock P. M., from lea late residence, No, 814 Mar shall atreot. fiINKLE.—Gn the 13th inst., Ana Hinkle, formerly of Hooke county. Funeral from the residence of A. 0. Sleety, No. 678 N. Thirteenth street. this morning. at 7 o'clock. E MO VA I, ! BESSON Sc SON will open their NEW STORE, 918 OH ERTIVUT Street, above HINT% On TUMMY, March ath,) and respectfully solicit a oonttnuanoe of the patronage of their customers and arr DEMOCR TIC CITY EXECUTIVE COM NI ITTFE will moot at FLANAGAN'S. THIS EVENING, at 734 &elm*. RICHARD SIMPSON, Chairman. JortN R. DOWNING 4 Bemtari„ JOHN CAMPBELL. 1 • It MR. FIELD'S NINTH AND LAST LECTI.IRR of the Course, nn the Craw inn and Do non TRIS IvENIN;. at 8 o'clock. at HANDEL and IthYDN HAUL Subjnat: Whet in intended. and what in mills dewoibed, by tho Flood in ()enema 7 Tiok ets may ho had at the door. It REV. .AMUEL LONGFELLOW. OF BROOK I_,V N. will preach on 1311'4 1 . A V neat, the 18 , irlet. at the Unitarian Choreh, TRNTif and LO- C ST. in the Mernint. at hit:. and at the Senna Oard•n Unitvian Church. at HANDEL and HAY. N HALL. In the Evening. at 7)6. inklft2t. irrPHILADELPIIIA,MARCII 8.160.—AT MEETING of the BOARD OF DIREOTORB erPubl.o Sehnele. F.iehth Reot en. hold this der. the following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted. viz *IISILRA,s, The text-books introduced into the Public Bawds by the Board of Controllers present the only proper :patter from which questions for examining our puadcshould ho framed; and WHPRE... EXerrlineraWhodifinard 'hose text-linoks, not i only reflect neon the dement of the Board of Con trollers; n its selection of boat s. but also do injuAtiee to those who ate examined. unless previous information of their intenders deviation be given: cud ITERIMI. Some of the queAtions riven In several departments et the late 'Examinations for admission into both the Hizli Eclionls, were entirely (melon to the Rub jeat met , e , of the roooznismi text-tin lot. and were ;pal sunny difficult and DecUli rule unfair tests of the branches tempt in our Grammy' ftchoola; and Wriderss. Such munitions double the Perplexity of the examined. a d often elevate unduly those who, he accident. may be ore oared upon eatch-questlons. to the elispariteement of euperior ,cholera, end thus °moo rage the beat teachers and pupils without any proper desire; end • Moot ass. in other features. the examinations men tioned were not, In our opinion. conducted according to aproper ea stein. Thnrelore. loletd. That In the large number of pages upon each subject contained in the vacuumed text. hooka of the Pu hint School'', there is n sidliotencY either for studs or examination, end that examiners be prohibited front pie-tinning soholare upon any topic not mettioned in them. Rerolerd, That in marking answers each perfect o no should be equally valued ; that MO should he rermmumil ae the highest attainable average in it ei,dinit and Pen tnanshin. as well All in other branches: that Orthography and Definitions should he examined separately; Volt Mils should be permitted to read the selection upon which they are to be mar. ed before they am to be tested upon it and that the historical dates or one text-book should be veined the same us so of any other. and that answers Should not tin rejected merely &muse thoY are not siren In any arbitrary formulary preferred by an Resolved. That the .questions used at High I ,l oltool examinations shall be published with the required tin ware the day after they are liven to the candidates; that the order In which the digerent branahos ere to its liven ehnald he published before the ex ion. and' that the number of vacennios to bo filled in the High School stoned he previously known to the Prinuipais of OTRITIF. ft! So , en Cot they may have some guide as to the number of candid 'tee they shou'd select Getelverf, '1 hat the prinoipal of the Gale' High School hs reqVred to pursue the vim] !read, adopted in the Bone' 1%11 School — to wit t keep a hook containing the mark Riven to each candidate upon end; partmuler quettion to the various branches of the exeminetion ; iid hank and the original answers robe open to the In spection of all whom it may concern. W 7110110,3. It is ineepedient, because inhume to time applicants who fail in passim! the Curls' High School examination. to have their names and averages published, as Wee done on a recant examination ; there ore. Resolved, That the Gourd of Controllers he requeeted toprohibit mink erection In future. Resolved. That a copy of the above resolutions be sent to the Board of Contrnllors, and that the beard he requested to take such me enures. in reward to Cm eon duotinK of future examinations, an will Insure Justice to all tonoorned From rho minutes. It CALEB W. HORNER, Fien.y. REV. mit. MARKS WILL DELIVER the first, in a crone of four Leetures on T RBD AY EVENING, the lath instant, in the hey. Mr. Chambers' Church, at the corner of BIWA end KANBOhI streets. Buldeet—Northern Palfixtino. Leba non. Carmel. Scenes at the Gate of Jaffa, Radom Araby. &a.. Robbers of Samaria. Tickets fur the course, four lectures.... ..... - • . • .78e. Single Children half price. Loth's), Thursday *wining, lath L Monday evening, 19th ; Tuesday evening. NM and Thursday evening. Dd. in Hev. J. Chambers' Church. To commence nt to 8 o'clock. mhlfi 1t T HAI, on Ty. , ,v2zirl:o,.7„ , ! , ,"A,FriNgE. OF NEW T SURSD Matah au,, a an a u TUMIDAY, Maruhl7th, at 8 &cloak. 'itOkeis to each feature 100. For wile by Mr. Baru Fourth and Qualtaut meow, ati 4 OM Aron "tract, THE PREM-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1861 itq:NOTICE.—TIIE HIBERNIAN SOLI. ETY, for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland, old their Annivere irr meeting at the CON TINI,NTAL. on nATURD AI. the 17th inst. at 1 o plonk M.. when the Annual Report a ill be rend, nod an Election for (Moore anti Committees for the (mew too tour will take Wen. lhe Committee pill lo in attendance to furnish lick. etc for the Iminer, winch mill he on 110 tablo at o'clock preoisely, at the elm. place. nthl6 It ANDREW C. CRAIG, SorretarY. A CARD. TO T 1 18 PUBLIC. Woes of the atrike of a portion of our men, about one-third of tho whole number em plot ed, and an ad ve , ligament of an essiteletton which engendered. and is endeavoring to maintain, on antagonism between work men and employer-, having appeared in the Da Pete, We !notice them to correct the misettntementa It ts not true that we are desirous of employing mon more than ten hours par clay ; neither to it true that we have reduced the price for overtime. The rule which the association desires us to change or abrogate is " follows, viz: l• Work necessary to be done before or after regular hours - will he rated at time and quarter tuna. and it Is expected every ono will do hia part cheerfully when called 'von " Thu rule has been In operation two years and two months, without alteration or modifiention. ft is print ed in large tree, and conspicuoualy placed in every work room and office in our establishment since January. 1856. This was the first nail only Role we e oar had on the subject. Previous to this we had no published rides, and overwork was done at various rates as foreman and men agreed upon hot generally, and prineiPallratt Wee and quarter tune or 25 per Bent advance on dav's wagon. In making the rale the prise was fixed at the highest average rates of other city shop.; work done at the rates fixed lea loss to the proprietor. We therefore virtually abolished, and or, worded the rule—l. when note morn. and on no other account do we permit it. To show our estimation of overwork, we will elate that, during the year of 1659, the average amount of overwork per limn was three bourn. and the dill - crone° to the mon. if lon wages are 52 per day. is 15 cents per annum, viz: at our rates 75 rents, at the naseeiation's rates 'AI coots. It in evident, from thin statement, that It is but a plea to get the control of shops in winch thou 11501711i0Te are employed, and to prevent employ meat of any who are not members of the nsmoointion. and es a further proof of this, we quote the 211 article of the con stitution of the assootat ion ; The objects of him Union shall be to uni to and an srapate together on far as practicable, the efficient workmen of the two trades represented in this associa tion, for the purpose of uncurl:lc concert of notion in whatever May tin regarded as conducive to their unl'ed interest., an the attainment of n fair rate or wares, the shortening of and rendering uniform the hours of labor, the fixing of a proper ratio of apprentices to journey men, the protection of the regularly-aparenticed ton chanio, and the abolition of obnoxious and oppressive retell in workshops." This organization, screening Well from responsibi lity by its emoret character, not only governs its own members, but seeks: by intimulation and threats. to prevent those from working who ate an xious and wit ho.g to do so. They declare in their preamble that ' The relation between capital and Lauer niust. of necessity, lso far as the price of the latter is con cerned.) result in an antagontain of interests." We think otherwise.nnd intend to manage our own business in the recognition of thin mutual interests ex isling between our mon and ourselves, No ehjeonon to tne practical operation of our rules has been manifested by our workmen eating cede pendently of this association. Many of those who are members resume work their regrets followetrtko, and would resume work at once if free to their own Judgment. With this statement we leavo the matter to the Ju dg moot of the !obi° tt N. W. 13A1.11WIN & CO. .ry"'. • OFFICE or THE PHILADELPHIA 1.1.3 AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. alsticu, Tho holders of the bonds of thin Company. due Jul', 1. MA. can now receive. upon application at this office, 10 per cent. in rash, upon tha terms specified in the otrou lar attached. The holders are also entitlod to the *nofit of a Pink ing Fund of $l4O 900 per annum, as established by the stnokholdars at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1840, and in pu mama of the contract, entered into by the company and duly recorded, to parry the same into ifeot. CIRCB IW/1 it. Treasurer. ITL6 Notice to the Holdiri of Philadelphia mid Reading Railroad Coingiango,llo.lgage BOW! <, due July 1, 18nn These bonds are secured by the fret mortgages un the road. amounting in the aggregate to $3 303 400. The net revenue for the last fiscal t ear was stx times the amount of the annual inierest on those bonds. The managers propose to extend therm tor a period al twenty Sears the hoidens retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the precise eorantion in which they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest. payable half-3 early, will be issued A bonus of JO per cent. will be given to the holders. in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds. on their signing a receipt and presenting their Teepee tire bonds nt the office of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on application. the order of the - Board of Manngers, ml-tf R. 11. Al r I NY. nerretary. SALES BY AUCTION. 1,000 DOZEN STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, REVOLVING BOXES, An. Now open for examination, at Salowoom. 431 CRP'S (NUT STREET. To be cold TO-MORROW (Saturday I MORNING, at 1053 o'clock. BAZAAR. NINTH AND SANSOM BTRF. AUCTION PALE OF HORBEB, 0.1 Paturday /Horning, At 10 nielook, comprising— A pair of last trotting black barmen. a Watson shift ing-top wagon, cost e. 235 double and single harness by Pearce. he above are the property of a gentleman I realong up his sable. A sorrel mare, nt yearn old, sired by Denhaw, out of a well-known blooded morn A hay borne. 15.4 hands huh. 7 yearn old. A eau of Comedian bay ponies, A bob-tad hi tele hors° ono of m pair. A I loaded buy borne. 8 years n d. 16 hands high. A large gray horse, 1 04 hands high 7 IDRIS alit. A fine gray horse, 'Ph hands high, 8 years old. A brown DIM, 6 yearn Dld la hands hien. A bay mare. 15 hands high, 8 roars old. Andiron tray horre,B tearsoid. 18 hands high. A bay hors*, 8 yearn old, spirited and tool; Ilan trotted in 215. Alga, a We.tsan top wagon. and Jenny Lind wagon. A nerve' mare. 1.5 n, hands 1110.8 yearns a d. A dark creel bards high 7 y earn aid. A brown horse. 7 rears old. 1.66; hands MTh. A sorre*o se. 15% hands high, 6 years old. A gray tare, 11 hand , lila. A chestnut 'oriel borne, 8 year/ will. A bay horse, 8 yams o'd, 16rs 'mods lingo A bar Mate. I) years ol , IS garde high. A bar mare. 16 hands high. 6 yearn old. A promoting young buy colt, sired by "George M. Patolten." A Dalt of surnorior bay 'minim mare!. Also, other horses. Also, At the commencement of the gale, will he gold— A hires on faction on desirable new and second-band carriages. humps end dearhorn wagons. he., Lce. trd" No postpignement on amount of the weather. THRbIbl TIUNDT/ED CATIRFAGFR AT AUCTION— T trY ENTY-.% INT/1 TRADE BALE AT PillLA: LELI'HIA. 2bh Maroh. at i On n o'o Wedlook. nesday Morning, t Tho colloollon will comprise nearly 301) CARRIAtHtfiI, ineluding about 6.1 of Idunlitp'e wagons, all of which will he warranted. tG' Nopostponement on account of the 'weather. Mr Full particular' to time. ALFRED M. ILERENFM. mbliS-Stif Auctioneer. TO 'MERCHANTS AND DEALFRS IN ELASTIC VULCANIZED INDIA RUDDER GOODS. Referring to the card of William Judson, published in the Philadelphia Law of the 9th test.. we call Mho tion to the fact that the liviktift,e is and Mine. and cal culated to nslearl the public. fie &sea not offer to ho.d Merchants and Dealers harmless from cents rind (L. manes in our suits, nor anything of the kind ; while en In our card, heretofore published. oiler " thai, Mouth] any persona, ocuripsnies. or Orion, be prosecuted by Wil liam Judson, upon the false premien that he has any right or title in ouch Wnlcanizel }tubber Cionde no are. and have Wen, claimed by pm, they have only to hand over their Meta Find the mauls currant of the rdePnre to our counsel whereupon we will defend all ouch surto without coots or condition., and Laid nil such persons. comon.rues. or firms, harmless ngrunat any and all cantata of Wm. Judaou." trr AS to the other estmordinarl. card, 1111%111S the signature of Charles Comb ear, we declare there to not ne truth ill it. lIOR ACE H. DAY, ALEXANDER HAY. Now York, Marsh 10fir,1bie. udttii 1l VULCANITE —TO WORKERS IN T IVORY. TORTOISE SHELL, HORN AND BONK Thin valuable new manufacture having been rerfeetitil in nip extensive factory. I am now randy to emit or. dens to elm esdent, equal to ono ton daily. Mv present stock embraces till the loading tittles of Combs, 01 a qualitr admitted to be superior to 0112 Vol- Mottointroduced. Criesever before Cries of plates front. 2nth or An Inch to ono molt in thickness; size. 1112.304r.1i. 12.21, adapted to a crent variety of Durupsos. Every triple not art supplied with this valuable article, adapted to thoir peculiar business My intention is to supply ad trades wilt stook, as well as to make it no mysetf. Workers may rely win n quiet uso of this nut elation, as the article 161.3111 manufacture is not a incept:only. NOR ACE 11. DAY, 21 COURTLANDT Street. lilntv Yon a. Match 13, 1..440. Philadelphia branch, Il and 13 STRAWIIERR Y Street. mlO6 CO IN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY ANt) COllert Y OF lA. Estate of SAMUEL (lITILENS. DOCH9tletl. The Auditor epooluted hr the t taut to audit. battle. and Fullest th first and final account of M att'l IN F. II 7‘l TIT aft Aiiniinitstrator ol estate of SANIUNI. GITIIENS done:teed. end to make diet,i.o. non of 14e, bahlreo in the hands of she annotintnnt. will meet the Sorties intorestiid, for rite purrinites of hi. tip. pointment, on TUEI 4 I)Iy. Marnh 27th ISO. et{ o'clock I'. tl. nt hie Milne. No. 113 Booth FIFTH ntretit. in the oat of l'hiluieloltia. C. tl. 11USHANI9, mhle-fm&wet Auditor. COPA OTNERSIIIP NOTICES. NOTICE.—The Coptirlaership heretofore existing tiotween (vow. G. Beoners mid henry Jarvis under the fi•nt of lIII:NNERS & JAR VIS, bar Lean this day dissolved Persons owing fl tid firm /1,0 notified to make eminent to the subscriber. and Per sons haying claims apt , nst smd fain will wrwsont them to him. GUSH AVIIS 0. I.IVIINENR. N 0.1103 ()IRA RI) Aviinuni mhl6-3t* ithove Thirteenth street: EVPROREENS AND ORNAMENTAL TREE —Norway F l prueo, Septet) Fir. Rahn of Otleerl,lll Mtn Pine. Ito mlnek.tipreen, A rhorvitme. Dome Chestnuts. ttilver r nil Super Lindens.-hileor Plantar, t• Imo, Sycamores. Anti, and all other varietlea of 'Frees, by the dozen. hondrod.or thousand, at vert , in rater, nt HOSEDA t• l .' N URSEDIP 8, HARRY ROA D. ntllsl' .4 CON, Prortelors. Heed Warehouse, Nos 922 anti 921 .MARK}.I` etroet, above Ninth. Inlati ft isks KTTell EN GARDEN SE E DS.—Eu lat.'n Extra. Early, Farly Daniel n' Hooke. '9 on Thumb and Prier° Albert Peat. Emir Rearlet large. smooth lied Tomato. Feiee Island Tomato. Early Cabbage, Beets, Ontibilower. hellion. stquanh. Carroty Early Atli loved and Walnut-leaved Itiitt,ey Potatoes. Asparatus. (toots, kn, 40, at • R UM' & RON R BEIO WANEIIO(IS , e, mhl6-6t Nos 922 and 9? tt Rtreet • nbeo o Ninth. a CHARLES LAING S: CO.'q SPRING Pab steles Gentlemen's Drees Hato art modem s of grace and limits. The London and 1 . 0.110 1011311 are particu larly attractive, it• SIXTH and C II EtiTNUT htre'eta. JOHN DICKINSON, COMMISSION ML:IICIIANT DEALER IN Dom' , •PIC AND FOREIGN EXGU A N v 1101 1 ti 'ON, TRX Collections ovals anti prompt renottnness In Fnau Fxchnneo, nt current rates, on New York, Button, u New Otleflos. CRESCENT CITY 1r4) . 4 OPennto. ItTemws. If FINN ING4 k (10 4 1_,1N0, Now York. PRICE, Ftts., New Yo k Messrs Pik RCE It BACON,Boston. watitelmir _ TO MAKE GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS OR Ambrotvreat there must to sktll and superior ar rangement Bluth as you find at REIMER'S ltallerv, SECOND I. treat. above I hone. It• BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, and Cninehene. in barrels and half barrels. Inanely:- ured and far aale ROWLEY, AliflllUßNleft k, CO , mhls 11141 14 RAIOII AR AND prrou —3OO hula Wilmin g ton T Tnr, IN) ltokLdo do., WO pitch. tit more and for sale by HOWLEY, Atlti BUlttiE It. & 00.. midis 111 Nont I. %VITA lIVVR • CIYAINAS'rIO INSTITUTE ri):11i-doiren%Po7t4Wil' Chtld•an of ave rt' age. Profeasors 111 1,1,1•11 ft A ND ar. lams. , Snlonrilern reamed eve , day. N. B. Fencing and Sparnng Anaderny at thy mama sib • WALL AND OURTAJN PAPEII. ()rem inctoesenenta to geela buverw. Entirety new styles for Seriog trade. No. Sr North HI XTI-1, slave Market street. J. E. VAft METER. SAL SODA. ' JOY. 'ELKIN - COY & BON Oder Prints Sol Pods, to oasts or barrels. dolivorod free of portorpso, iu q t antitles to suitourahatate. NahleW. TO South itiBOOND &H O, B. SCOTT, jR., lIROXIII NOTICES. LLG ILL. MOINE NEV PUBLICATIONS. 25 CORNHILL BROWN 44a TAGGARD HAVE IN PREPARATION CARLYLE'S ESSAYS, Revised, enlarged, and annotated by the author. The work will be in four volumes. printed at tho River side Press, on fine tinted raper, in the Mlle of the Bunton edition of the" Cu:insoles of Literature." It will have a copious index and new patrait, and will tro altogether the finest edi'lon of Carlyle ever issued on either side of the Atlantic. Price 81.15 Per vol. Ready A pril LORD BACON'S WORKS, le vols. Crown Vo. Ready July let. BMELIAE'S PHILOSOPHY OF NATURAL HISTORY. A New Edition, with extensive important addition. by Dr. John Ware, illuetmed by over 60 engravings on wood. engraved by Andrew. ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA, 11 vols., evo. to various 'tiles of lnding. B. &T. having 'wetland the stereotype plaice and sheet slack of the above valuable work, now (air it to the publfo, and solicit orders front Town Libraries, Flohool Committees, and all wanting a complete Encyclor Mot eta moderate price. PARLEY'S CABINET LIBRA RY. 13y Hon. S. O. 000D,VCII—Ai gentleman Who, AM Peter Parley, has made ills name a household word in two Ilemisphered. In RI vole , lemo,b01) beautiful inustintions. Three styles of binding—plain black, red muslin, and sheep. The whole forming a corn- Pleb, Library of Blot really, History, Philosophy, ..Art, Science end Literature, embracing 'objects of the most important kind, scab as every one in th.e age of pre; reel Fhoold know, and whiuli non only be obtained elsewhere at great expense of books and time. SA ROENT'S ARCTIC ADVENTURE, By Nen and Lend. from the earliest date to the finding of the remains of Sir John Franklin's Fatty. Ready March P/th. BOSTON PIUNIARY SCHOOL MANUAL, For use of Teachers in Primary &hook throughout the United States. By John D. shilbriok. Sever t itendent of Public Schools in the City of Boston, Ready July let. EATON'S PRIMARY ARITHMETIC, A bountiful book, intended to precede "Warren Col burn's First Lemons." Illustrated with many en gravities. Ready July lir. SUMMER-HOUSE STORIES, A new volume of this charming series. NELLY'S FIRST SCHOOL DAYS, Being Vol. 21 of the Nally and Martin Stories. RECENTLY ISSUED MARGARET FULLER'S WORKS, LIFE WIN-LOUT AND LIFE WITHIN, An entire new volume of her unpublished inanusoripts edited by her brother, Rev. ARTHUR B. FeLt.un AT BOMB AND ABROAD. MEIIOIII or MARGARET FULIR D'Ossom. Two vols. num., cloth. WOMAN OF TILE NINETEENTH CENTURY ART, LITERATURE, AND THE DRAMA. The above, being tho complete works of that muoli es teemed authoress, Margaret Fuller. ore published uniform, and furnished se parate or complete. DR. HAY 8' ARCTIC BOAT JOURNEY. An intensely interesting narrative of Aran) Life. Fderth thousand in press. MOTHERS AND INFANTS, Translated from the French of Dr. Al Donne—a capi tal hook for )oung mothers, and all interested in young children. THE UNIVERSAL SPEAKER, By N. A CA/AIM end W. T. Aussie. Third thousand in press. Prioe 81. THE B nflON PRIMARY 13CII0°L TABLETS. Consisting of 20 Tablets, printed on 10 sheets of extra hoary binders' board—recently adopted for use in all the Primary k °horde of the cities of Boston and Chicago, mbls-2t. SOUTH AND NORTH; R. IGPRE:93IONB RECRIVFA) DURING A TRU' To CUBA AND THE ISOUTH. Ily 9 D. ABBOTT. I V01..111110.. 352 Dacca. !'are $l. TO= ()VIVI.: DRESS. From De Nile York Independent. The vEOy Oral' noun lIN 81,V1t.5 Yartssrnv Bound. judicious, kind, Verisii. nod most timely and faithful. dd The author rehearses in a R r aph lo way the measures of violence winch Bu v AGOBB.IIION" has of let, g 0 SYstertinti e+lly enrsuod ; and, while condom mug . the ants, zeal of 'oho Br ut he shows that his hero a sell denial for the oppre.sed puts to shame the coward fora of the Soul h for oppression. Yet the tone of the book, While candid, frank and manly, is always kind and gentle wants : NUT sECTI,CIL, DEC PRATICIINAL ; not partisitn. but Christian. Ile palms the Nouth to the simple remedy t o y os,st,g,s egos, by substituting wages for the lash, free labor for coerced Mil, From the New York TrOunr. its nolnotted &script one, and tiro frankness anti col dinlii y of its trine. are fidet p Oil to tire It If fat (Kahle TO COD.I.OII. PVciD with trade's who differ most widely (torn ern/ in np•roon. • • • The tomes to whieh the volume is devoted, arid the koi Kit in which ilia) arc die weed. though they may !UMW, a tempest of OPPOSItIOII (font those who regard eilehoe as the only guarantee of suletY, will enure It a wore circulation ermine THE Bn'Cane es FREVOONI Iltfollithout the country, From the Aibuite )Cim.frirgrarY• It is n enareMPTIBLE ABOLITI”N PRODUCTION, writ ten in a von r eadable style, and well calculated to tamt the muds of ihe young. From the Detroit Chritimi, ;Amu It Yurniebee VAIXABIiId I on the questions which now POillitte oily country. Mom tee lino.for.l Erentne Press. Ills Ini_prestion, nro each ne re.muld bn derived by any bonnet. f or-minded Northern men• IT a WARY, Ittoqueny. Front the New York 05server. The book a intensely and 0011 W illy A hOlainn, AUBF.I & A HBO I'. Publiehers, mllll fm&w•lm No. 111 Norm street. N. Y. FERTILIZERS. TO FARMERS. PHOSPHATIC GUANO • FROM EOM lIRERO PLAND, WEST INDIES. THE RICHEST FORMATION OF PHOSPHATE OF LIME ICNOWN IN THE WORLD. It contains over So per cent. of Bone Phosphate of Limo, !wing RI par cent. richer ht Phoephate of Llme than Done Dust. FOR SALE BY THE TON OR CARO% AND TO FARMERS, IP IC VO PER TON OF 2,000 LDS. JOS. B. HANSON & Co, Rote Agents In Philadelphia, tnh9•fmw-2m No. 39 NORTH WATER Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. REAL CASHMERE KNITTING ZEPHYRS, in double, snide, or split, are offer ed, for the present. at THE SAME PRICE AS THE IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OF ZEPHYRS ARE Sold elsewhere. 24 rents per oz. J. 0. MAXWELL ac TRIMMINGS. MS I /ITS. AND Z EPHYRB,. fet)-tf if ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. SUETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY, TEN CIeNTS PFR OZ. SHETLAND WOOL. PxTKA quAtiTY, TwEt.w. CENTS PFR OZ. BARCIAINS IN BERLIN ZEPHYRS, . - - Double, Sinxle. an,t tsidtt. J G. MAXW ELL k HON, Tn. - muss skirts. and lank to (e27-rot ( ELEVENTH and ClintiTN UT lIIEDICINAL. DYSPEPSIA. -FIFTY YEAIIS INDE SCRIBABLE AGONY FROM DYSPEPSIA, Nervotisness. Sickness nt Alm Stomach, and Vomiting, have been restored by DII BARRY'S delicioui health. roistering REVS. LENTS ARABICA FOOD. [From the Honorable Isidore 1. Blake.] Sy miss, 43 Elizabeth street, hilt August, 1119. Dean Stns: ant happy to inform you of the groat benefit nu daughter has 0001% ed from the It evnlenta Arabian. She was very thin and delicate. t clog too tall for her ate, between tan and eleven, when Nile own menend taisinl it. It has iaida hay Quite strong nod healthy. I conaninT it the MoM. nutritious restorative fast for children end delicate persons. Ballet o toe, dear Sirs, truly yours, I. J. BLARE, 13.1 Union street, Third district, New Orleans. March 35th. tif3e. For set entrain tears I have been laboring tinder an insufferable enctntu.denftVed of qleoP, and so dizzy at tones that I could not help tnl sell: may stomach would foil too. and 1 Oita became a helpless. enervated inva lid. At last, on the tell, of June, IP3I. I was taken done with au alvine flux and killing Pints t the bowers. Often as lweat to toil at nizht, I thought I should neVyt tee the mormog. Illy medical attendant and friend. ia whom was all my trust. could do nothing to Alleviate my sutlerinri. and sent Ise to ono of hie colleagues, whose attendance proved P.ll enaueoesarui. all the reme dies prescribed failing to ullord me nor relief. It was nt thin stage. of nip disease that. on the ath of Septenst-er beet, I luckily mot one of my friends, who told me that Mr. J. B. Monier had passed through the same ordeal, and had been radically cured by Da Barry's Bivalents Arabic.. Tberemum I irrunedlately began to Make use att. and, coon niter. I felt reliesed ; and the extraor dinary choose for the batter I hove gradual', expe rienced since. owing to that excellent Farina, incomes me to believe that I um completely cured. F. B. BERNARD, Commercial Abstract Clerk in the Collector's Olbooi =t=o . . . [Front the Rey. Mine. T. Campbell, Syderatone Reo• tory , near Fakenliam, Norfolk I peen mbar /3th, 1839. GENTLEMEN: In all onion of Indigestion. anti partiou lady when the Lit er is more than usually affected. I consider Du Ilarry:e Ilevalenta tydbioa Food the bon of all NW elllpA. 1.12 On mato what use 'nu gleam o this communication. I am, gentlemen, youre• Aro.. JAMES P. CAII.IPBELL. Perfect th test 1011 0 strong nerves, and refreshing Bleep restored by Po filtry's delicious health-restoring Reve, loom Arllden Food. Upwards of NJ 000 cures and n any thousand testimonials. molted, with full instructions, ill =Were Ilb $1 51;13 the U. The latter carriage (too th, receipt aced,. v.. 1.1 at the Benin, 243 South THIRD Ftreet, by 31. MUNRO, vrinnioul Agent for the United States, and by all Umtata Palmate. reLITICAL. _RECEIVER OF TAXER. EOSIN t:. KEIARR. Fli - vrEmTH WARD. Igsr Voleset to Pet , t-sratto roles. rt h111.12,* FUR CITY CONTROLLER, OP:OrtOE W. RUPTY., Johl2 to FUIIRTEb,NTR WARD te9^t!uhlert fo tho roles of tho Peoule'a Party. CITY CONTROLLER- S rEPIIEN TAYLOR , NICTICENT It WAR 0. tiuluect to Demooratte rules. ita-tn" CHBISTIANI & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PERFUMERY, INIFORTERS OF DRUGGISTS' ARTICLES, No. 45 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now open their assortment for spring sales country merchants would do NYOII to exanune the, stook. 91711 E STARRY BANNER. Rats° the Starry Banner 1110: 1%1110111 iin10111: ary. A fig for Hoy, nrd Cotton lung : Unhot I l`nion I let us swig. No elosigrown. Morn anon, after wa have sold n few more Colon 13arnient Patti nut. at No, 3dt CILES IN I; T Street. third Story, in fhtfattelphto. mhfit4t• J. It. SHANICLAN 1. I - viscAToßi AL SPORTS. _a. PHILIP WILSON & Crr.. 41,2 CHESTNUT St, would invite the ewers of PISCATORIAL SrOv T t, the fieeet nonortinent, And Best quelite, of TACKLE ever uttered in the city. Hoch as Burgess' world-renowned Trout, Bias, 1111, No mo n Bo t ts. Superior Trout. Dam and Salmon Sliea Fuver extra Cßii/Ble, Salmon, on, Bess Hooke. Heels, lineete, raffia's' Belt, Silk s i kk h rld Hair. Gress, Linen, and Cotton Lines, hl-3m FUGUET 4: SONS, • I"rial.2li:2ol?triPAYnterTo?AßS' Rtoolve regularly re lull amortment o( desirable CI OAKS., winds they Eder M low rates, fur 08411 or ay proired Credit. f• 4-4 DRY-000DS JOBBERS. TERRY, PRICE, & CO., 261 MARKET STREET, IMPOOPPOS AlO JOBBRIS OW CLOTHE, CASSIAIERES, fte., Have nom on hand a large and well-selected stook, Wiiloll they aro prepared to Cell at the lowest market vices. rah? dm J. W. GIBBS dc SONS. u• N. 631 MARKET BTREET, Are now opening their SPRING STOCK OF GOODS Adapted to MEN'S WEAR. In whioh will he found n full assortment of CLOTH'S, DOESKINS, VEBTINOS, T R161611N GB, &o fe3-4m A . W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS. No. 825 MARKET STREET. fe3-em JAS. H. C3ANIPBELL , Sc CO., IIiPORTEDB AND WitOLEBALD DEALERS DRY GOODS. LINENS, WIIITE GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSIMEREB, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, Ao No. 717 CHESTNUT Street.. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. BUTLER & AIuCARTY. NO. 181 NORTH SECOND STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENGLISH, SWIS3, AND AMERICAN WATCHES. mliB tmy23 FINE JEWELRY, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES F. P. DITBOB4 & BON. MANUPACTUIWIm AND JAIP , RTEgI. Ilene now on hand a full easortment of Net Peas. Pearl and Jet, Ltruloan, and Lnamelled Je weir) , of •tie beat quality NO. 1028 CIIESTNUT STREET, PfIILADFLPHIA. Also, a full aasortrnent of Plated Were. 8. W. PEPPER. Superintendent. fo=•wfm3m JOSEPH B. COOPER, WATCH STARER and JEWELBR, No. MS SPRUCE treat. brat door below SIXTH. Particular attentioa given to Repairing Watches. Clock., and Jewelry. fete Ow' WINES AND LIQUOIM PURE AMERICAN WINES, From the most eminent Wine growers or VIRGINIA NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, and PENNSYLVANIA Sparkling, Still, sweet. Dry and Communion WINES, Warranted the PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, • DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, inhtl-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. REMOVALS SAML. N. DAVIES & SON, BILL BROKERS, RAVE REMOVED TO No. 226 DOCK STREET. I J JM. D. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. COFFEY', Attorneys ea Law. have reemoved to I 2 South SIXTH Street halos> Chestnut fe2BJm• REMOVAL. --SMALL & CHANDLER, 11, WHOLESALE GROCER., have removed from 63 North SECOND Street, to 113 MARKET Street, abovh Front. north aide In 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ntIAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA. ..30, NT—FRANKLIN BUILDINOB, 408 WALNUT rtiF.E.T. PH ILADELPti lA. CAPI rAt. AND OUR• FLUB 1933 0 ,746 70 —lnsures against lona or Datriase by Fire. and the Perils of the Sen. inland Navigation and Transportation. Iik.OIIGE 11. HART, President. P ROSS Vice President. R. H . cooo.4llALL.Beo'y end Treasurer. S. H. BUTLER.. A esistant Secretary. DIRECTORS. .E. P. Ross, Foes,. S. SerMos, Andrew H. Chamber., Samuel Jones, M. D.. Int,%-t[ GenrKe 11. Hart, A. 0. Cattail, R. W. Hailer. 11. R. Coggeltall. lion. H. Al. Puller THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY./ contp, BUILDING. S. iv. CORNER ruuliTit AND WALNUT STREETS. DIREUTORS. I. RATCII,OIID STARR, NORDIC/LI L. DAVrsort, I LLI AM Moltsz, , Gno. H. 8 , OART. NALFIIIO FR, TIER, i0t1:414. Dnow:s. Jour AL ATWOOD, IL A. C AIIVESTOCIt. Thor. T. TIIRLUCK, ANDREW V. CAIR, HENRY WZIARTON J. L. ERRINGER. F. *ATCHF RD STARR, President. CH AR LRB W. CORK. fleoretAm felt-II THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANUE COMPANY 0.1 , NEW YORK. --•- - Arafat's: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, iNVESTIM I n VEST MORTG AROA D: REAL nu? WORTH' OVER. WU The premiums are towna than in many other Cornea 11162, and the Dlvidends have been URKATER. This Is a strictly Norma. Company. These are AO Eltookholdeni, so that ALL THE YROFITti MONO TO TIM I:,7HCRICD Pamphlets, and every information, man be had enants, on applic . R ation to ATC PHFORD STARR, Agent, e. W. oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Strnots. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES, Thomas Robtrts, John Welsh. Mordeoai L Dawson. George IL Stuarts tieorge M. Stroud, F. hi. Whelan, john 11 Myer., J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterhon, William C. Ludwtgo John 11. Atwood, Arthu- 0 Coffin, Thomas H. Powers, George W. Toland, William MoKAO. Thos. Wattson. n2S-Iyi I. is- NSURANOE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—PIRE AND MA RINEING INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCH....NUE BUILD . SS. artered in IT44—Capital eseo,(o)—ASSet/, JAMMU 1, 1869. 8347 4.3 60-100. All invested to sound and available aeouritiee—con- Drina to insure on Voshels and t7arKoes, Badding:, Stooks of Morohandise, &o, on litx.ral terms. IRECTORS: Henry D. Sherre d, Ueorge H. Bumf. dimeon Tohn :taniu. Grant. Jr., Charles I.laoalester; Tobtare , Wagner, Witham B. Smith, Whomas n.Wattsea. Jolt IL llndd, Henry 0. Freeman, Witham R. Whlte,t Charles S. Lewis, lice C. Cara m, SIDIRRERD, President. WILLIAM HA R P Secretary Je tt HEATON it .DENCISLA, HARDWARE commissloN .11E1iGHA 410 T OMMERCE awl 510 NORTH STRIIEIS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE; OF CUT NAILS. HOLLOW WARE. CANT, BLISTER, AN GERMAN STEELS. Which, with a complete aesottment of AMERICAN HARDWARE The) offer for eale at MANUFACTURERS' TRICE& fat-Wm:in if CARRIAGES. OF TUX MANUFACTURE OF WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 UItESTNUT STREET. Nn. 1011:f AWNINGS! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS !! WM. F. SCHEIBLE. 41) Bovril THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, 251anuftioturor of Awnings, Flags, and Fancy Window Awnings. All Awnings mad, at this establishment are proofed to prevent mildew, without extra charge. fe23-liu M . SHE \V &Co PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. 39 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Above Chestnut. This i e t h e only eambliahmant In the city devoted exclusively to PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. A greater variety of OVAL , GILT FRAMES on hand than van be found in any one cadabhaltrnent in the United States, and priori lower. ft - Bring tour Fltutograpie, and have them fitted without extra charge, mh9•3m THOMAS &I MARTIN, 217 CHESTNUT STREET, RAVE FOR lALIC APAQUAG SEAMLESS BAGS, IN All RIZF.O. re2A-1m TUE ROOT AND HERB DOCTORS' OF- Flnti in NorthSECONLlßtreet. Barley Shelf Betel, Philedelphmok here he ran be e-nsulted the first six A of every month. Be hss opened an °Mee at :21r. 3. A. fil,e,TOß'el, Bacon. where he can ho consulted dorms the month of March. Also. the 20th, Pith, and treats April. Also tha t 23t pyth. mo nth 01 d ray. treats Mt Mee:roes tha fleah is hell. to. Children with enk Inmate made to walk in a /Ilion tone. Al. dpeases of a deltoete nature strictly oonfrdentlal. N. B.—dee Camden!. trilaP4Apl DR, W, LIVINOSTON W ANTS AN'rED—By a gentleman and wife, two or three furntshed loons. wiihout board. in a pleasttnt suburban neighborhood, from two to six months Must he respect:oMo. and on brat or second floor, and rant Imp. A pply in person, or by letter,. to Room N.. 0,” ramn-man House. mho .71‘ $O O 'CO INVEST,bI a busneYi3 1, nnns r eePe. a ,lm Ve n s e ,b4 l ;(res4 "Davia'';tireaname bUsir ri•Thapn'oh• WANTFD—An eprgement as Book keeper or Cl.rk. hen younz man that has been connected lour 'ears with a fast-class rouse /a tin. city. Pest of ray reMrenee glean. Address TlibStAa." Blood'a Dispatch. mhl3-3t• 515,000 TO INVEST IN FIRST CLASS 1110ETOA01.8. Apply In NVANDI,v, k STEVENSON, N. NV. corner FOUR. M. end A FICII Street. uthlt 3t. WANTED—A SITUATION by a Mid. dle-aged Married Man. lea first-re te Salesmen in =WIT eny hiplines.; psrectly fniniliar with ae -01A111I-11; writes a ',ya a l hand, and is a good corres pondent. Eke much experience in business generally, having been eneeted f ee twenty years, and willing to make himself generally useful. The best cif refe rence. given. hearse address " Business Man," at this office. Y. B.—Woold leiailing to accept of the position of Secretary of an Insurance Company. having occupied that position, and having a large circle et sogurent aliCe ruble iSt. M E C [ a l A H I N . l k U .the A n N r, n T d W ANTED._. steadyl c employment,h ini st s 8 1m good wages , and prompt PII7N'VIV,j;DWIN & mh7-wfm3mCor. BROAD and HAMILTON Stream. WAN TED 1,000 Ladies to send for DE Rtrafl'R great hook. Every young . man and woman contemplating holy welock khould ha ve tu t , book. I' lactose 25 cents to Hon 81, rhaadelphiaP.O. b,29 lm' FOR SALE AND TO LET 1 - 1 1 OR SALE—A Dwelling House, near the State House. eintab'e for Olheart. mhl.3-lal. CHAS I,EB RHOADS, 414 \YAW% UT Street. OiFICE TO IBP, ON THIRD, BELOW WALNUT Street, near the Exchange i two room? communicating, with firs-proof closet. suitable for a lawyer, convey an Ae r or broker. Ap ply Lo mhls Gt• 24.1antith T HIRD Street. VIOK HALE—A RETAIL DRUG STORE or the first class. centrally frosted on one of the erinoipal thoroughfares in the city. Apple to the pro prietor. r3AMUEL h. VinON, nitag gt• N. F. corner el NTH and NINL et". ca La ROY: STOKES TO LET—Fast gat. of FOURTH SOAat. juk.t below Chestnut, well nd pled fora large business, lad will be let low. atippl, to CHARLES no. 731 Market street. of to OA. L MINN. N 0.618 hoe arm. Intilti-6t• FOR SALE—One Six-Horse-Power Port ab'e Steam Engine and Pump. together or sena ra'el; ; only used a taw weeks; will be so d low. as thy owner has no lurther use fur them, either for cash, Part each, and approved notes, or would exehauge for groceries, provisions, or some other good (Mid. Apply at 375 South SIX 111 edreet. mblsdit• $5,000 $3,000, AND OTHER SUMS, to loan on Morixor• or City ProonTlY. S. W. THACKANA et. SON. mhls 3t* 111 t'ooth ThIRD tftreet. 1 4 1 LOUR STORE TO RENT—The old-a --• tablished stand, No. 707 8. Second street . first door below eloppen et. Phis is one of the best stands m the city for a ndkor'd end family trade. The buildins to PO feet deep, 20 feet 0, me. and four atones high, capable of storing barrels, For former parneularsnquire of NI. C.3l' EV ENSO X. tohl3-41• No. 711. S. BECoND street 31ONOMENTAL WORK, &c.—The Sub ... scriber, who ix about relinquishing the bur nevi, le now aelhng off the e..tlre mock of the MARLILE YAW), MI ARCH Street—consisting of fine Monu ment., Head and Foot stones. Statuary, Ito., and auh oils an ea , ly inspection of the same. The But ;ding end other improvements on the lot to be dowsed of. inta 32(.. WILLIAM MILL MoORE. cim VELLA RESIDENC SIN G ERMAN TO WN.—Oentlentea who dolma to build atter their owe tote, ceo be supplied with choice Lets. with hbe rat a/lrance, if requlred../. HUBER, inhl.3 6t Z)6 South FOURTH Street. TO LET—In Germantown—A double three-atones dwelling hoes.. with modern un- Orogemente. fine grounds. shade. fruit, he. lupturn of A. ILE k.SH EIM k,R, 432 MARKET street. 412-rnwl6l* eig J 0 CAPITALISTS.-FOR SA LE kiaThe Machinery. Stock. and Fixtures of a lame Manufactory . of PAPER HANGINGS. replete with every convenience for carrying on an extensive bum nem A desirable investment to persons of energy who Cullpush the business For wile with or without the buthling. Inquire at 323 CHESTNUT Street. JalSsfmtf if pm FOR SALE, in HADDONFIELD. N. J., a plertsar t Cottase. with about two acres arrows& amide, fruit trees, and accessib'e from the city, by rail, in 21minutes, five timesa day. and by a travel tui nuke of six lodes. I'IICO 86 000, terms easy. App'a to ED. NvALN. mhl.l Ire 702 WALNUr Street. cq A 110TTFE FOR SALE OR TO r-RFNT—Furnished or unfurnished. Forpart,u- WM apply .01 ho proonscap Isiortinve.t corner of NIN and LAICI 7 BI' r•troets. ffal3-61. trA FOR SALE-150 Acres Ls•nd, being . V 3 the weli•known Memnon of Health Greenwood, ilirnoch which runs a le , autilul stream of pure 11,310 r, widening into a lake, near Pemberton. Barlinetnn N.J. P. MIDI/U:l'ON. rnhlo 6t 6 North PROaT Street. FOE, SALE—A new three-story brick loolinc. L ,l South Tenth street. Double three. atm, Inch buildings, with molern improvements built to the beet menner. Inquire et N0.7.2e South Ph NTH Street. mhln-121. nlt SALE—The two HOUSES izaNes. an and 411 ARCH Street. THOMAS STEWAR 1190 N. Jr.. Inh2.lrn. 413 PRUNE Street. lIERR'S HOTEL FORRENT.—The LaProPrietresstr the above well-known Hotel wishes to retire. and oder, the Hotel for rent. The furniture will be sold, or rented also. F articular . address fe2l.lra _O. H rnr ERR. Harrisburg Pa. 49 , i1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Store No. .tea. 3.14) scinth WHARVES. above Fine street. Tan nin r th , olieh to Water street 2.9 S 1)1,115 (cot. APPLY to E. B. Wit El, & W.. 309 WA LNIIT St. rulg•winnlntlf CIERMArfOWN PR PERT'. A-A VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The wituable Fenn and Oonntry Bent. oontamine lot normsof highly cultivated land situated in the town elite of tiermanio • n, Philadelphia county, end within Tiniles of the depot in Germantown. he situation of this property is not to be surpassed, being bounded on the north by Washington lane, on the went by fownship lane road. and on the south by Haines street. and within one-eighth of a mile of the Limekiln Turnpike, and a quarter ci! a mile of two !Ma trons on the Chennut 11111 branch of the Germs...Hewn Railroad, High street, and Washinzton Innn- The location of tne above property is hi eh and heal thy. the land well watered and lying acre advanta germels for Cottage Sites. It commands an extended view of the surrounding country. and is internee ed by the streets runninellrom Germantown, as land down on the Surveyor's elan of that dustriot. The property is laid out in five acre Into. lithozraphic plans or which may las obtained mg application to either of the under siened. AIN , , ft valuable and handsome Building Lot, 'situated on Ntanheini street, near Plank road, Germantown, con Gonna: in front no said street 137 feet. and• in. depth about ti.3o feet. having an area of about 4 acres. The ground lies 'deli and slopes towards Manbeim street, upon which front is a row of large and eled,ant shade trees. Alm, sever it fine Ruddier Lots adjoining and in the vteml y oi Fisher's 1 .ne Station. Germantown. For further particulars and t• rats apply to GEORGE JUNK UV. Jr.. Attorney-, S. 12.. cor. SIXTH and W • I,N CT Streets. Or to SAM L'EL B. HENRY. GERMANTOWN. 4 :(11 COTTON FAOTORY FOR SALE, IN CITY-OFTIIE RFADING. PA The RE A DINO MANCFAC UIIING COMPANY will offer at Public Sale, at the MA. PION BOUnc , in the laity of Reading, on We:MI*BI)AI'. the : sth day of March. fed), it I o'clock P. M.. the property known as • The Rending Cotton Mill," located in the city of Reading. Itgrks County. and nets of renal:Wawa. 54 miles Item tide water. at Philadelphia, and thirty from the Coal Serious. containing 13131 ason's self action Mule Spindles, and MO Loomis. Main building =see Get. consisting of three stories and an attic, with slats roof, two a Inge, one for boiler house and repair shop, 1Ca11x2.5 feet, nod the other a picker's room 61125 le. t. In audition to an Office orraide, and a Store House 77 , 01 feet. with a elate nof, and a turn-out from the rr eadreg Railroad through the latter. and thence over roil aJhutca, where the coal is dropped without has dlin;. o 4 poste the Furnaces. An engine of= horse power, wirh two separate nets of boilers, railroad communication di rect to Philadelphia rand Now York. Thu generel health of Rending. and the purity of its water are probably unequalled by no city in the Union, while the finest agricultural regions in the State cur round /t. sat urink for its markets an abundant and ebony Bopp!, of prOVlCieue. 1 hero are several acres of ground attached to the Mill which can he cut up Into huddler I vs., The where Mill, with its nischinerY. is in coed order, and to well worth the attention of cepa-dune and Menu.. iacturere. Persona derdrous of obtainins. information can doper ba calling personally upon. or addressing by letter, the un dorsidired Committee of Manager& ISAAC ECKFR'F. ISFNI a MOT Tor SON, J. BOWMAN BELL,. Rending, March 9 fmw-t:'..5 Committee. n(LLIARD TABLES FOR tALE.—Two first.nlau Hilliard Tables. with Ai inch marlil , Ends. ard latest irderoved cushions. made last Ma) now usinit at the Mount Vernoe House, Penn alio% Fifth ereet, Reading. filiplytir H. A. LANTZ. 2.3 East MARK F.l 4 euare. Revllns. Pa. ZONES' iIoTEL—PIIfLADELPHIA ItY 'rho !nava and furniture of thus noted lintel are for tale nt a arena bargain. The furniture is entirely new, having been put in within a Sear. and the house now doing a aucecoatut latooneee. Inquire of I). NI KruiEß., in the lintel , Of of F. 13. EC If I HA. N 0.13 MURRAY tit., N. Y. fali-ti FOR SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Christian and Twentieth streets. hams three fronts, suitable fur a church or faotorr site. For terms &.0., Address J. It., at this office. jail-tf FeityroßY LOT FOR SALE.—A yak:l- eorher lot. 1!3 feet square. !Lavine three fronts, admanblv located fora factory site. It te stowed In the southwestern part of the city, in a rapidly-im proving ne4hborlioad. It will be sold, on reasouadte terms. For particulars. tuldrees " K.. ' office tFrets. tatadf VOR SALE. -The Stock and Fixtures of a- of a Lumber Yard, row &Nag a ,emi Which mar be rreetly Tiirreeeed by our one ha' e; the TeqUillite emptuil. Any one iturhou to enoze in the Lumber Dude. this is a rare chsrl , e. as the lard is in one of the beet hmationo for bll•t11,15 in the mtv. For further purbrukre she r im the volume, corner o f 6tßaßli avenue and MANKLI7.I etre:A. thhl2 Mit Wit SPECTACLES, CORRECTLY To ENTVGII.T. OPER A-GT..I.'3SM MICROSCOPES, MArLlE.Motile +I. I , IBTRUMENTs, ST can KOS COPES AND VIEWS, &Id at the tow prices by M. J. FRANKLIN, Optoian, tahl3-3fir 112 haul h 1 . )11R1H. ht., below Chestrut, WILLIAM N. ATT WOOD, ItFl h. - - No. lt) North EIGIITTI 2trcet. tohIS CV ADO , . ARCH. x+.r! DO t re L, r ,......„, .111 liN lIALL, FUR NISH N(2t I'NDERTAIf FIR. would re spentfully inform his frienle eird thn cubit° that he still continues business at 1313 VINE Street. All articles furnished of the Lest quality, and on reasonable Isms. mh13.60 CHECKERING 6; SONS, MANU. FACTURERS of Grand. Square and Iro tight PIANO FORTES. Wereroolna,6o7 CdEo I'NUT Street, Plenoa to tat. taken in exohenqe, tuned, end raptured. Also, in connection. a full stook of Poeulqr Mn. n 111 n . ,• lin•Nk• •to cuL' I:IIE,E.N A 141.) IVES l'EliN \ISK• 4.74 a. CHAN'fd pattleniada Invited to call and ezanotto the r ear and ■elendtd ataortment of Mllltnery, consontna of Bonnets. t..apa and Ilead-drereee, at V m M. S. Bistto we. No. 1018 CHESTNUT Street. neat otor to the St I.avrenaa }total Im JNIOI.IOLsoN, • Manufrotarer of 6HIRT9, LINEN and MARSEILLES NOSONIS AND COLLARS. A lame and choice assortment. and rat Ina. ma PE. 111- 73111 of hand. onto watch I ',Mont.'', ratite the at. (Satan oroolll and promp t -ronn,•H°.' . "" bo - Id. IS oorner of 82..C0ND and ARCH Streets. P MS-rro` w. (*WOMB zt • office Id Sotita FOURTH Stmt. . . . 1141 , WHARF, PINS STREET. SCHUYLKLIJ4 Dealer. and SUPPoral OP UMW Mountain. Lehigh A . and flohaylkili id 0 L.. crohandifte taken nu whAtimP. of/1D IfitAtilt eltril, —5 to 1403. 1, it 3 :Inelko Tel, in assorted orseiool roe:Roos, or the I,tost ostch, for mile bj C. C. 13.1.1)L1.11. , 7cA RCH Lott 34 door above Front. WA* ADltist:METiTt4 IVALNIJT-STREET THEATRE. v 7 4 01,1 Leaflet .k; is. BL A. GARR Errscnr Statae Malcacer , —Mr, R.F . VCR r Acpat... _ ;oq. n 4lokrigy. MIBB I. sr DAVFNPORk. TRIO 'FRIDAY) MVP/ITNG P•rnh Lam' PE HP/MT OF MID-LOTHIAN Puna. .1 M. Daveniaort l•ilfie Deana, khan Adritir ; %luta., Wildfire kl•a Ann • C.strail ; Ueorkfie Robertiati, Mr. L. R. Sheira Rsvid Lewis. 20:r • blyer. lICT Pr ca. L. nariaL Pert. lenred arthont extra eharre. D'° T e open at 7 o'clock; Curtain will rise at bait put 7. HEATLEY CLARKE'S ARCS `•I3TRFETT.PaH. BENvPIT OP SIR. COI LIMB. THIB T ‘ FI F P; I PO k R Y TT T NE % -131114 4 TE M R'r h h asrannsl. Mr Ca ' ;Mr C' , star2o2 MUM. 1r wal ls ; aloe May. assmt Palma Taylor. TIM IR , SH To ciosolude wsth D681,11.N0 DIVERTISSEMENT. SCALE 07 PRICE4.—Ad0 1 / 5 810tt. 25 rants , Racered Bests to Dress Circle 3734 rents; Parr/oat. ao come Doors seen at PA ; lerforminces to commoners at 75: precisely. TAN MOE'S GREA T SHOW, N ATONAL TIMATRE. WALNUT Eltneee. above Etabth. .. . . - . PRICES.—Preas Circle. 50 tient' ; Parnife cents ; State in Private ifoxes, ceate; Whole Pri vate Boxes. 83 and 86. CIIANGE OT Ttv E.—DOOll open at a quarter berme 7. To oommenoe THE lIIT n'F' THE BE %RON. THIS (FRII'Ak t EVENING, Mamb 16 . mak A most yore) And •zoltier Peeettes. reereatlitille AN EII6LTS4 STEEPLE CH e Se. Engagement of the eelebriVect Clown, MR. TONY r • sToR. -- • Who will appear in his most Millis Yoke.. Bongo, and Recentrim hes Mr. T. NFVILLE in los daahins ante of Leaping. Pi.,,,etone..kc.. on horseback. The Entertainments will include a vinery or ACTS IN TEII4 RING. 13r the mrst Tat•nred Troupe to .Ameilee. PHIA, 13th March, 1860, DITZ. Fag.. Leader of the Germania Orchestra. pIIILADFL CARL SE DZAR Eta : T tin undnrrj lion of )our ahiliti PLIhIENTARY r tore for Euripe. Be kind avouch engagements best_ Yours truly, ll. ' ttinirti A Home Chits. Vern 0. H. Graff L. Candador F. tsraff Ctrl Wolfsehrt J. An fain irsoar Vern RimW. Grayson P eaob nstock Dickson ! Welter , H. Rein IM. Landenberger G. Peacock IC. F. Menzel . Kneass 10. A. Pchepaler J 0 Resencarten J. W. Drexel U. I. Whitehead 'Wm. V. Wioht H. Davide C. b. /Joker 1 C. I I : n i 9 ri s l B : 2 Mahliohael C. C. Rehottler I W. Camas Geo Runge : Wm. N. Vaux Geo. L. Seam C. D Barclay • G Frey Ur H. H. Farness . Victor Gallic A.l 4 light C. tt. Rena-ks C. W. Little Oliver l Puller H B. Graloard .W. N. Paler R. R. Mackenzie ;C. Wickersham E. Borers '1 A. BAP. A. C. Dul es ki. Cube:mar e. R. Bacon .F. P. Steiner T. P. Parry J. T. raolgamuthl T C. Tripler IG.Letwrukaan&Co C. V. Hi' pfeLl; %firer Oars J. J. Allen lc. Kaiser A. G. Emmerick F. Feb toeder A Lawrie Jobs Welk E. L. Moss ' • . }Creche E. F.I. hirers Carl W Peters L. J. Eatrognao F. L. Gillespie ' Kited desire to teatifa their aporeoix and 'apneas. try olfe yol a COM- ,oNcrRT, pre ;ion to nem your afoot. o name such time es win fait yens REPLY. P.ILtDA,PIUA. N• rub lith ISS). AlexAnder Rawl.. .I(4nbard Vann.. Fred443.l Grand. and others: OEI 'rumen : • . nur invitation hes been waived. Plena went my heart felt thanks for your kindnese, and itiles me to propose NS the tune for the CONCERT, 1.111;13.8DAY EVE:WALL Mar the Thud. Your obedient eervent, (Sitined) It CARL BENTZ. VIFTEENTII ANNUAL FLORAL BALL. —D. L. CAR.PFNTER'S FIFTEENTH AllrlfDAD FLOR AL BA. L will VIA. plsee this AiIIeICAL FUND HAL. WEIiNEBD Aprillah. Tickets can lie had of .1. Thornier. Este— 3/1 Chseteut street. of the Committee. and of D. L Carpenter. inhl3 At* cDONOLIGII'S GAIETILS—RAO Bt., heiow THIRD. STAGE MANAGER HERNANDIZ. Eli GA GEMEWT-iiilliE - • • Celebrated FELIX CARL') BALLET TROFFIA, The above Troupe red] appear EVERY Evpuniro, TPer are the most 'wonderful performers 'Max. sail ear. received 011 Saturdep everung rrall dm awe - thilllUtiClLlTl2ll.o. HERNANDEZ! And the te'ented Company aypear. Fast appear, noe of THE McCARTY BROTHERQ. TWENT Y -SE CES PERFORMERS. riIEMPLE OF WONDRRN, Northeast corner of TENTH and eTIFEr%T. Streets.—Wt.l anon close. Come then and me BLITZ. in hs Magical Iduerons. Vent•ikauum. the L....6.mM Canary Birds, and liVonderial.antamstaa Hope Dancer. e - tt;ertive Entertainments every everang. cowmen r 734 o'eteek. nd on WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. at 3 o'clock. AdmiAaion 25 moat,. Children ar.ata EITENTEENTEI SUCCESSFUL AND MOST sOsiTI VEIN Tlll LAST WEICR. nAhDERSON'S Y.XIJIBITIote ROOMS Jayne's Coininotmeratt insert ihnichner. CII.I4TICUP mreet r &stn. north side. THIOOON'S ART MUSEUM. • Will pow tit ely close On SATURDAY :SKINT. March 17th.1813. tinfliteetne Interest! Unsxsmpled 4 uoceast Ortirl nnlity Splendid Effects! Imposing' Tehle•ui 1 COED"' mandinz Pa,:enntry frrepresTrWeLeach:er The ineme:enient *bare the honor of informhte the public thst nn encasement Irtvlnt beer Orem.] m ppn °toer cify. the Art 31 asenm will not re mam here aDat baturd•e 'tierch 17th. therefore maktng this CIEQI:IYUCALLY TOE LAS; WEER! FRIDAY I&'c. Senefit of Mr. •St'l sALL FAMILY MATIN Ws on WVTIN sue nay and tIA -1 OR DAY AFTERNOONS. Browne Fntertaunnent—Dyont open at 1 o'itiookt 005, mance nt 7%. Adoi 'salon—Adults. SS de.: Children. U eta te.blll et WILL StioßTl.* CLOSE. THE HEART OF THE ANDES:. AT TILE ACADEMY OF THE FOCI. ART& 10-a CH cMTN ITT Re - rent. 9 A. M. 4115 P. M. and 7 4119 P. M. cimusinn 23 cents. Vint , fa reviewed to brier Ope•a G'aaata. CLlllltilli'S GREAT FALL-NIAGARA. AND OIONOU,VB NIA 04RA IN WINTZE." NOW ON EXHIBI 10. N. AT EARLE.% OALISERIEIf N , 16 CHESTuT STREET pENNSYLVANLI ACADEMY Of TO A. FINE A R TS. lass Q , IIESTNET STREET, Is OPEN DAIL], (Sundays incepted ' ) from) A.ll. till 6 . . Wa P nte M d—The Tenth volume of " Ureic Beisreem Testicle." of Psi-cease. Admission SS cents. Child= under 11 yea hal price. Shale.' of Stook VG. CIERMANIA ORCITESTRA.—Pubbe Re hearsals every SATURDAY. at MUSICAL FII2I RALE. at 3,to'cioek P. M. Ticket. to be had at u. thudee, and Beck tr. Laarton's Altaic Stores. and as or USI-ete BOARDING. GEN' LF3IEN can be accommodated with pleasant rooms. with or wltttout board. at 97 PINE ytrret. rohl6 St 7 0 CIIkSTNUT comely-fututshed Rooma to let, watt or with out Board. mht6 A• TWO PI EASANT CHAMBERS VA CANT. with Bas d. wt WALNUT St rabl-Int• PERSONAL. PERSONAL.—Cash Will be paid, and paid, the Michela Ticep ‘ tor Lech& and ate' CAST. OFF CLOTOINO, by 1141418 28412 / Bus 517. Albed'a patch. zehh TO COIN COLLECTORS.—United 'tatese Cotes and Medals purchased at ahi gramma or exchanged for Souks am.. by EDWARD COGAN, Li North TENTH Street; also, for bale, the fotlonni Catalogues: Priced Catalogue of gala of I. N. T. Lerick's Cotes. PO cents. American Store Cards. (11.33. I IX) sea O. J. J. Mickiey'a Dates and Degrees of Raft of Da ted 'eaten Coma la cents. Toe three Catalosnes tor LP cents. feel Imo KDW'D COGAN. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. JSCOTT ---late of the firm of Win • cheater & Scott—GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING 8 ORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, NU ,311,E8TN UT Etta t, (nearly opposite the GirsniHmin s ) Pdedelphis. J. W.B.%timid respectfully call the re of his former petrone and (Manes to Ma neer store, and to pre pared to EU orcers for SIIIIIT3 at short Donee. perfect fit guarantied. Wholesale TWA supplied Sze Shirts azi C3llars. irll-11 JOSEPH LEA. NO3, 22 !ND DO OILLSTNET STREET. Incites the attention of the Truitt to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS MADDER PRINTS. M2=l== MESSRS. HAAPL SLATER A SONS. SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO.. SiONTEBELLO COMPANY. Ala. THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Inc:udxng many new suadard Pattirns. NEAT BLACK & WHITES, PURPLES, LAV.II. SAXONY & SHEPHERD PLAIDS, & SIDEBANDS 6 B B L,r I AND DRAYS. AND CHOICE DUSTER .1. WOOLLENS. FANCY CALTIMERES asid DOESEINEI, ke.. FROM ROCK COM, GLENDALE COX-, NSW ENGLAND COM.,CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK. DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR - L.l6i pO:SKLN AND BOLE Km- _ _ _ _ TURSEL &ammo% Pine and Panted. of all oolcrn and VMS. ti ea ; a egOookf Jeaoa. T ,7 -1 1 e. C"-ds. Ceebtearetta. :se ree comprieimg One of the boa atoeb t the oo:mt.r.y. . AMERICAN LINEN COM. CRASH, RUCKS, SHESTINGS, 2(13. Ja2l-1m EDWIN CLARK'S HIGHLY IMPROVED nod:Lively Patented Combined .n neinr and Bohm'. or MEDD-JANT FLOUR MILL, Dail, in operation at No.tss RAC c Ste:fir, egad.. This urinval. ed Floor Milt. including the complete grinding a-d bolt,n: machinery, a specie nj only I feet wide. et at feet Melt. and twee.t'-coos fist lon g; manufacturing within this small compass, at single operation, and with but little more than au hors* power, t extra. extra. eithernee. and all of th e low. and the did - enlist kinds of etre., ; pro m sunlit. to the beat done made from d e o r c r i r n a r i "Au elr edgoudall given amount of wheat, by the beat Merchant Floor Mills in the United states, or in coops. Its aver-ace eve of grolding is two barrels of superior Dear Per hour. '1 his new, compent. complete, and e•lebrated door mill has been caretully slammed be manyof th e Meet experienced mil:ers in this country sad they sawn mously bestow upon it the highest commend ettons 42d hare Riven their testimonials of eta marathon superiori ty. and to immense whiny. Millers, mill.nwneis, merchants, capitalists. @retell torn and the publm to timers!, are reepeetfull• Lashed to call at d examine the highly useful and gently risk. boatpd dour mill. In:cremation tionoernine the rcreh.ue of the Faust Rights for States and counties and the mile. for *TNT portion of the United Putts. Great. Booms, la Harmony. Russia. and other A g rieurn Tel ornatrthae trig be plea to all pennons addressing their lettered. F. DWL`I CLARE. Patestee. N 0.233 RACE at...below Third. Phileen. 57 For further inierritatlan Coneerui no this eekstiew ted ir m 11, please to read the yellow handb,Der. de soother it. as IT D RAWING AND PAINTING MATT. Rid*. nuipeers and Aujatecta' Stationary. grecianlnums Mate ri als, rotteborratua Design and Vases. Pant Bats, for Cniktran. and Ors ter /Irma sat 'todonta. r•ctures and YrctnreFruter. PirMenr Cards, Anted - Lessard Preto& entalcarna tasty to the, trada. SCHOLZ t. WI 3T. ___l4_ll, go scvet- WIIOLBULS vuiTau. WAS neo . Nortbmp Q. P. Perseb ••• H. Goddard J. MaMartria .*, Minn Peak, .iii;a l e s rr e a r aDer 3. R. %avails fferman Allaa Geo. Datoar , Jobit I. Harju I. H. Hstisa H. 4. Jones , R. P. Marton Ge o . Wmd Ed. Weldon 1 S 1 .I.e6rte P. Middleton H. floraticiann Richards A. Bruckner lc:. B. Pearce* A. Hos.. /Lewis Levis -Yr !earl Waher • Can,. Mohr la.t. Heat H. W. N etherill A. gptt,litus C. Etumberg Peter Kraemer C. Reed:time Gintartie Runt, Hemmer. Hum Cart Loreas