.TAIX WWII% T0N41#19,4 PALFI AO, W 4 .7 0, EXCKET/D) rolier staimiy. „ , . orfims NO p'sCIOLIT;NIYt BTILIPTi DAILY PRESS. TV7.IIISX °XXXII 'XX 70:1611K eiTehle to the Cerlere. Alla to Subsoribo4 ont of the City et Six DoLoLoo Po* AnNow.. Faux DoLLAzo pox Emu: Moirros Tares DOLLARS /PR Six MOXIIIB-1011Mbly lx ed^ intioo tot the time ordered. • TRI;'WEEKLY PRESS. Mailed to Subioribere out of the City at Thum Dot- LAIN nos imam, la advattoe. DRY.GOODS JOBBERS. 1860. SPRING.' 1860. SI43LEY. MOLTEN. & WOODRUFF. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS SILK AND FANCY GOODS, NO. ill MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Are now prepared to offer buyers, generally, a very terse /nand desirable Stook of Goody, replenished by the arrival of every Steamer from &trove. feb7-fmw2ns CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, LIPPINOOTT & PARRY, WORMS AND J088E1113,1 No. 800 ALARINT, AND No. 5 B. SHOOND STB., PHILADELPHIA, Invite the ;Relation (tithe Trade $o their Istfot stook of SPRING GOODS FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. OF Ma Bur ROME AND FOREIGN AIANUFAOTURE. 102/-lm MoOLINTOOK, GRANT, & 00., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DELLBRE IN CLOT/18, 6.41§811113100, VBSTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, No. 333 MARKET STREET, (Up !Reim) Are ow opening their Spring Stook, to wldah they in vite the OtttAtiOn of the trade. fee-gm WM. S. STEWART & 00.. IMFORTEIBB AND ,TOBBERB OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, 304 MARKET Street. _item now In sto and aye constantly reoellrtne a MU' eassonment of aw and Geslynble - B RING 000011 Posehased fo; oath, to wiaoh thoUnvite the atten tton oroash and prompt six-mons yam. Full hue of Blank and Fanny Bil ks , and ell the styles or Printed Pabnos oonstant v on nano. 3 OHN B. STRYKER & 00.. MO. 810 MARKET BT., SOUTH BIDE, AB. TEURDO ' PEILAEKUHIA. WHOLESALE DEALKO3 BRITISH, FRENCH, AND AMILDICAN D'RY GOODS. Also. Carpets, 011-0!Mho, and Matting', bought duly auction, and BOLD AT REDUCED PRICES. fall-tin JNO. B. ELL/SON &SONS, $39 'MARKET STREET, (Seeend door below Fourth,) INPORT3IIII AND JOSBIIRS OP CLOTH& JOABBIM3,IOE, VESTING% API laftivlDit RToald ifirite re attention af bniem to theiriarri ris of FANO OASSIMERNA,_VNBTINGB,I. Ad mot makes 0 FOREIGN CLOTHS and DOES Meeks, and Colons,. and offer the exams's , . sale In hibidelchisof lIILGEN'S celebrated inak of Clothe Doeskins ; also, La Favorita_lievnlAs, warranW LS off. to the pound,) and MAOHM TWOS in all oo• (ore. feS-ain SITER. PRIOE. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN aND DOMESTIC DRY GO.ODP, No. 815 IiMRILIIT LITRBBT. PHILADELPHIA SPRING . . 10E30. kluvw v ti., lll4 f un, Rw sz liggi c ris. ENNUI H. FOSTER. R. WOOD, MARSH, 8 HAYWARD, Importers and Wholesale Dealere in DRY GOODS . CLOTHING, 1e34a0 No. 809 MARXIST Street. Philadelphia. WURTS. ATJSTIE. & MoVEIGH. IMPORTBRB AND JOBDENZI tr DRY GOODS. NIAIMET STREET. Eirbse A moh gil r ll_ll.'}dovetuh.l hn . Wapner, 130 Durgin. FITHIAN, JONES. & 00.. WHOLESALE DEALERS FONEIGN AND DOMESTIC) DEY GOOD•S. No. 240 MARKET STREET. ' GOODS reoerviaa every day for . CITY AND NEAR TRADE. fee-!n SHAPLEIGH. RUE. & 00.. Importers cd WHITS GOODS, LAOBEI, and EMBROIDERIES, NO, Ma MARKET STREET. I? Our precept go*, selected In the best European Markets br ourselves; Is the meet complete we heve eer offered. 1143-11 m SPRING OF 1860 NEW GOODS. JOMHUA E. BAILY. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, oponlag dolly a groat vanoty of NEW GOODS. BELBOTBD POI TRH SPRING TRADB. in the doosztniont of - DRESS GOODS Will be found the mod variety a staple 'dyke,. andLEl4O chalet' and novel &brim/. A largo assortment of I:3PRING SHAWLS. A fdA Pins of 'MOURNING GOODS, AMEDIOLN AND ENEILIBII PRINTS. Bony description of - LINEN GOODS. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. OLOTI-IS, , CASSIMERES, &0., AND A GREAT VARIETY IN STANDARD MAKES DOMESTIC GOODS. NO. 218 MARK= STREET, PRILADE.L.PIIIA. HATS AND CAPiI. HOOPES da No. bl 7 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURE= OF, AND WDOLYMALS DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, BILL CABBIAIRRE, OTRAW, AND PANAMA HA T Is. it OAP& BONNETIWOLOOMERI3. RUCHES. PALId. lc WILLOW HOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &o. We iespedtfolly invite the attention of wish mut prompt paying buyers to' our Vase and well-selsoW stook. - . .fel4Bm NEW YORIC ADVERTI6AMENTO. AVOW BELMONT & 00., ,B E•R B ,NNW TOME, .• brae Letters of Credit to Trivellirs available As ALL PARTS OR TM WORLD, • ~, Tll2OllOll ?SI iiktgMß•,RcfraeoluLD, .....ritalat ONION. FRAIYXFORT, MINNA. NA PLEB. AND WHIR COARROPONDENTS. 40/14m* 4 tvasc'j-61..1.12hde. mad prisfr=u,.fiditrinda.'eakirijyr filitag;ll AXING MAOLDIMBWIIIOII4I - ji% eggradir i : F r 9Y fi 'OM st U. ARN.r.I4IIII, 0 04 1 irti 01 4 ' • 414 VOL. 3.-NO. 194. TEURD-STREET JOBBING ROUSES RAIGUEL, MOORS, & Co., THIRD STREET, Are now opening their usual lam assortment of FItHNOO, DRY GOODS, To which the iittenton of CASH and eIfORT-TIME BIIYHRti Ss valtionlerly inrlted JAMES. KENT. SANTEE, Ss CO,. DEPORTEES AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, NOS. 239 AND 241 NORTE WILED STREET, ABOVE RACE, Reveatlnlly invite the attention of buyer, to their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOOK or FOREIGN ItIVI) DOMESTIC 000D3, Among which will be found Mil lines of BATES' MILLS AND ..yottx S. COMPANY'S COT TORADE Also, a LARGE VARIETY 01 New and confined Styles of PRINTS, ivEßßatAcic SECONDS, 4.. fe3-2m 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860. BUNN. RAIGUEL. &s CO-. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN FANCY DRY GOODS, 187 NORTH THIRD STREET, Are prepared to exhibit at their salesroom the most complete dock of goads ever offered by them, preeent unneual attraction" to the trade generally. The stook comprises a complete assortment of even variety of SILKS, RIBBONS, DR.SSE G00D.9, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS, OABBIMERES AND VBSTINGB,) Also. a full sad game' 61301iMent 018;40g SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. ITo sit of whioh they invite the attention of OMR AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS. B. M. BUNN, V. 0. BUSH, R. R. RAIGUBL, W. W. KURTZ, IL P. BUNN, fe LS.-2m 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. WAY 152 0 0., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. DS NORTH THIRD ST., Are now ready for the SPRIN G TRADE, And prepared to offer, to VAIN and prompt Bis muth. Buyers, ono of the LARGEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE STOOKS In the ooantry, and at Meet Mat wilt defy competi tion, not only In We, bet in any other oity. Purohasere will find out Stook well assorted at all seasons of the year. 7. T. WAY. 17A11. N. DUNLAP, WK. P. IVA.Y. reN-NM ono. P. WAY. hin,Animpois. yARD. GILLMORE, & CO, NO& 0 AND 0 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILK AND FANCY DRY 0001313, WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDE RIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND feS-Sra BRAWLS. ANSPAOH, REED; & CO.. WHOLESALE HP A.T.RES IN DRY GOODS. NO. 190 NORTH THIRD STREHA (COMM 11111IID AND OSBERT wrs.,) PHILADELPHIA. 7. Ataartca, Jl., Oats. B. ANIP•011, Wtd.ANSPAOII. JAs.II. Rams. Etna M. Bistaa. to3-2at milerott coonie. WK. W. ?ARRAY. 10nD. D. WORK. COOPER, PARHAM, & WORK, IMPORTERS, MAN UPACTURERS, AND JOBBERS or HATS. DAPS. AAR/ STRAW GOODS. NO. 51 NORTH THIRD STREET. 1117' Constantly on hand a large assortment of Straw roLeoe Bonnets, Panama, Loghorn.and Palm Leaf e d tte, Bonnet Trimmings, Artifloial Flowers, Ruches, . fe3.3m FAUST.. WINEBRENER, da 00.; IMPORTERS AHD WHOLESALE DEALERS ID HARDWARE, NO. 49 NORTH TOTED STREET, t u tar it ytik e t f fr t r WOAD Mono Store, emoted on the PHILADELPHIA. DLVID 711312. D. c WiNDDRNICRIL. W. X. OI.RIDR. EI4 7 IRILI. & HARMER. EIARIIPACITIIMIRS - MD WHOLZIALS DroILLXIII U• BOOTS AND SHOES. pa NORTH THIRD STREET. A fall saeortment of City nude Booty itnti IShoon eon dantly on hand. il3-tAp 10 LAING. 'ea MAG - INNIS, (Importers and Wholesale Dealers in IRISH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN BHOE 'THREADS; ' TRENCH AND ,ENGLISH LASTING% „,..4140 1 8 MANUFCTURBRS' ABTICLES : 1 4„, , s it„sIARIII /3 SILKS, THREADS, COT o_Nrs FOR. ri llizig:rponitott ix machine silk. and Unfield's , • , /CIO North THIRD Street. 183-em ER' all AL-WATER aproya style and fi APPARATUS, OP ntsh. 'wld Cie: all ins attention p of all druggists and dealer ou s Err wally. Apparatus to e2lartude his new 'llya and. 617.0 and Symms Apparatus. Also, Nadi of Si I Zi 6 d6daKandflmahed to ureter. All kinds brass 11 11. 1" e-Artieular - atteriti n paid to repairing of all finite of Mineral-Water AP ° P i tgatihtrA mim Tit R .617 MINOR. Street. Philadelphia. r PE , GELATIIa, WHITE, BEST mitvgam, Ss BROTHER, .. . . 1r . . . 1, 1 4/ 1 . ( e•-....'; ~...-..•*...:....:14-. . ~.. . „.:_. . . , ._ • . ,4, ..,. s. s ., \ % ,,i 1 1 1 ! , f , l i , „., ii [ -_,.....,.._7. - .. 1 .." .. • trtt ..tz • • . -"1 . 00. _1 . 111 .7 .„,..... , ..5 .. ,„ 04 , ! .. ...71t ." -- 91 .,,,. . - 4 !.7. , • , ':. .. - , tort ,y , ,, ~.„..... 1 r • ''''.. 0 i__,. ' 6,,imwort -. •;-...: . -.-*;---:-. ,'--,0•Th,."..=-,ill.- `.::,."-c,z,...f....(-,-----, • INNII,':_ .-.... .4 • . Ilk .—a . . • 'MPiriAl:*,,A : ...%•,--*. 474;;T,i ir' , C......--sr ^ " At ,'. - A , im.! . .- , -... - .- ,s; , -fhli . ..._, y. 1 ,, d ol t(i , :,l,'i ' '•••, , ..'. ", q . tit:. ?,7„..i.... -- 1 , ... , 0ii..., , ..-;:0 f . .. 7:4L. , ..:-. ~ .g,•: - i • ./.:::::.•... ....:2_ . ... - 1. :: --------- • ::-.7 `'''itr ' ,, i - ' 4 ": , 1';4Ykk",t , ?.... , 1 , . .. . , 1 . ,.. * C .- ......t . 'n*: , '-: T''.' " ''it l / 4 4 . 0 : ':'''' ' '''''*'.f '''''' '' . ''' .....t , .....ii' - '441 .". • ~......,..: ,:it.: , ....f." .0:4 - 7‘.. ' ...(............„LOI, • , ' ' ' ~A ., . ..".....; AI - ..:-. '_ - ~- - -" . .: -1- "`21:: '...' -•"."/".'•r'-----f----- - -- ...--,_.... .....,, _ .. W........... — 6— .... -:., , z..-... , ..--- ---.......... L .... i .- . ' ::....'•', 1 Eir ______,..! Yom sli 220 AND 292 NORTH BRITISH, GERMAN, and DOMRSTIO HOSIERY, GLOVES TRIMMINGS TEIIRD.STREET JOBBING HOUSES 1860. SPRING. 1860. FRESH GOODS. RIEGEL, BAIRD, & IMPORTERS AND ,JOHDERS OF FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. NO. 41' N. THIRD STREET, !PHILADELPHIA. Would reepectfully invite the attention of Country Merehants to their • LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOGIE OF FRESH bPRING GOODS, Which they are now receiving in Store. S' hierohants would find it to their advantage to call and examine our !nook. fog-gm SOWER. BARNES. 8a (10.. BOOKSELLERS AND POS.L.I9BIIEO oT FELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS, EMMONS' GEOLOGY, BROOKS' NORMAL ARITHMETIC% SANDERS' READERS, &0., No. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET, (East side, below Arab. Street.) f03.3m ►ro MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON &I SMITH; MANUFACTURERS OF OIL•OLOTHS, 148 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to opr large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for Shades. The largegt stook of WINDOW SHADES and RUFF lIOLLANDS in the market, at prices which dofy competition. fe3-Sm PAPER RANGINGS. dm. 1860. SPRING STYLES, 1860. oy WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, 'Slanufacturere and Importers op PAPER HANGINGS. No. 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, below Market. Offer unusual faollities to Southern and Western buy rs, a splendid stook of goods to seleot from, and all of he newest and best designs. WINDOW CURTAIN PA PERS in endless variety. feat-Pm WALLPAPERS, WALL PAPERS, Wholesale and Retail, at reduced prices. 14 NO R TH FOURTH Street. below Race. Housekeepers and others would liOvell to give so a nail. and airman° our stook before puroliawng elsewhere. Roams papered at the shortest notice. by olfroful workmen Don't for get te.he number—US NORTH FOURTH Street. OLR. below Rac IkIeF.VOY & O m 3 dim TO CLOSE BUSINESS. HART, MONTGOMERY, & UO., NO. 11.22 CHESTNUT STREET, 19111 sell out, through this winter and next rating, their large gook of PAPER HANGINGS. initiating of every variety oonneoted with the business, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. INE FRENCH PAPERS AT 30 PER CENT. SR. LOW COST. Tenon' wanting their Houses Papered, out get great RARGAINS. 1a18•tf DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BA. FAHNESTOOK & 00. • DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, CREIROALS, CORKS, SPONGES, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ERBENTIAL OILS, le., And Manufaoterers and Sole Proprietors of B. A. FAIINESTOCK'S VERMIPUGE, Noe. 7 and 9 NORTH FIFTH STREET, East side, a few doors above Market, fer-lm PIIILADELPUIA. DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, &a. ROBT. SHOEMAKER & CO. INORTILEAIST commit FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, latnortors and Deslora In WINDOW SLABS, PAIN 73, am, lento the &neutron of COUNTRY MERCHANTS re their lame stook et Goods, which the/ offer at the lik:oeet market rates, ooe-t1 SHOE FINDINGS. SHOEMAKERS' GOODS. I would reepeotfully invite the attention of BILGE AND GAITER MANUFACTURERS To my large and well-selected stook of SHOE STUFFS. These goods are, ea a general thing, imported by me, direct from the Manufacturers, and I have reason to believe; from my experience in the business and my knowledge of the wants of the Shoe Trade, that I can offer inducements equal to any in the business. My stook consists in part of the following: Black and Colored Union Laetingi. Black and Colored Satin Francais& Black and Colored Caseimere. Black and Colored Eugenie Clothe.. Colored and Black Union Galloons. Red, Green, and Bluo Edgo Galloone. BMA Silk Galloons and Ribbons. White, Black, and Brown bit pper Elution. . Congress Gaiter Web, from 4 in to 36 tn. Boot and Gaiter Straps—Paper Buttons. Cotton, Bilk, and Linen [awes. White Satteen—Blsok Cotton Velvet. Shoe Duck. Drills, and Linen Linings. M. 3d and D. and American Patent Leather. American Patent Grain or Split Leather. Tramps and Gnomons* Glazed Kid. Soma' qualities of Calf Glove Kid. Barbour's Shoe Thread—Bhoe Lifte, Button Hooks and Shoe Puncher. EDWIN W. PAYNE. fe3-fmw 2m 405 ARCH STREET. WM. JOHNS 8e SON. IMPORTER AND DEALERS IN BOOT, SHOE, and GAITER MATERIALS, LASTINOS, GALLOONS, MEMOS, PATENT LEATHER. FRENCH. KIDS., LAMS, SLIPPER UPPERS, &o. N. E. CORNAPPOURTIS AND AROLI STREETS. 1,53-3 m IVUOLENA.LE cLorinNu. LIPPINCOTT. HUNTER. & SCOTT. MANUFACTURERS WHOURSALATEALERB 1N oLOTHING, 424 MARKET Street, and 419 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. A fall and oompleta lineof every style atid lase o machine-made Clothing, fully equal to that manfao tnred in any other atty. fe9-1m PRINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE. FROM DE VENOGE & CO.. EPERNAY, FRANCE. Sold by all Respectable Dealers throughout the country. This fine brand of CRAMFAGNE, which until the i t r ear Jon t i n w e a n s t en . h e % e p 1 1% v n o o l y w to o lLe t bit i table, of unbounded soonest and popularity in this It is recommended by some of the flret phisiciens of the city of New York, over all other wince, on account of its ax. Creme purity and delicacy, and those who once try it rarely one any other brand. Although only ono year has elapsed since its introduction into this country, the demand is enormous and constantly inoreasing. Our arrangements are such en to insure the quality of the Wine being maintained ants present high standard. The erince Imperil is imported solely by an, we being the sole Agents of Messrs. De Venture A , ' Co.,in this country*. E. V. If ADO ftwouT A Co., 488.400 and 482 BROADWAY, New York. Sold in this city by REEVES & DEAL, mhS-8m fp 804 AIARKET Street. ;MARTIN it QUAYLE'S ILO- STATIONE E RY TOY ltr AN D uhi FANCY 000D8 po, Ms WALNUT sTizi DEL t:LTA PIIIA•, BELOW ELEVENTH. fe24-If Constantly on hand Perfumer,' and Toilet Articles. HAMS AND 811OULDERS-1,900 Pieces City Smoked Hams and Shoulders ; also 800 Pteoes eARCHg- eured Ha for sale 14 0, 0. SADLl ; f i t a k CO.O Stromt. 2d ilnor shave Front. COLUMBO ROOT—For salo by WRTRE. RILL & DR47IIIER, 47 and 4 North BECOND ntreot fell% 114R111:TED SUGAR.-500 bbls. crushed, iiii,7o:l7,„:ne,filtiargdataolettdakrir PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1860. MILLINERY GOODS. 1860. 1860. MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING, 1860. The subscriber has now open a superior stook of MIL LINERY GOODS, consisting in part of— RIBBONS IHLRS. CRAFES ItlS FRY, NOR now Pith. end LACE GOODS. —A LSO— STRAW BONNETS. FLATS, BLOOMERS, AND STRAW TRIMMINGS, All of the West and most fashionable styles, to which he invites the attentton of Merchants and Milliners. Those wishing to save money by buying cheap will do well by calling on hint before purohanong elsewhere. M. BERNHEINI. No. 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET, mht•Sin Below. Market street. 18 6 0. STRAW GOODS. 1860 . THOMPSON & JENKINS. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, SILK BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, &es NO. MIS MARKET STREET. Buyer' are requested to exanune our stook. THOMAS F. FRALEY is engaged with the above house, and imbeds the patronage of his friends. fed-Sin MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS EXOLIJSIVELY. ROSENHEIM. BROOKS. & CO.. 431 MARKET STREIITpXOIITII Are now opening, for the Spring Trade, the mod ex tensive and choicest stock in their line ever oolleoted together under one roof, RIBBONS of every conceivable denoriphoet, BONNET MATERIALS. BRENER ARTIFICAL FLOWERS. RUCHES, rind all other millinery article STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE VARIETY. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES GOODS, DO. BLOOMERS, SHARER ROOM Ac. Conscious of our superior faciiitiee in obtaining our supplies, we Batter ourselves that superior induce ments, noth an regard. shoioe of selection and modera tion in price., gannet be met with. fe3-3rn STRAW AND MILLINERY UOODB. LINCOLN. WOOD, 8o NICHOLS. N 0.105 CHESTNUT STREET, have now In store a (Between Seventh and Eighth,) coXPLITN STOCK OP SPRIN( GOODS. INDIUM NO STR&W, ntas BorcIET,B,. tI(SS r, I S A A N isD e c it H A lwygi tyy S RAW GOODS, 41 1 q/CH ;LIVERS, EIBLPIIIi and INERY GOODS IN GENE AL, To which they respectfully invite the attention of nciainbantl. Cana and short-thne buyers will And coeolai advan tage in o.lBlllllllln this stank before yurolounug. HILLBORN JONES. • Importer and Manufacturer of FANOY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, ko. The attention of City and Country Dealers Is invited to a large and varied stook of tho above goods at 432 MARKET STREET. fed-am Deloar Fifth. 1860 . SPRING STOOKIFM . ARRANGED. One of the largest and most complete stocks of goode in our line in this oountry. Tho beat terms and the oheapest pries& 0. H. GARDEN 153 00., Manufacturers of, and Wholesale Dealers in, HATS, CAPS, FURS, SILK and STRAW BONNETS, and, STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL YLOIVERS, TFATIIRRIL ROCRRIL 140” Nos. 600 and 602 MARKET STREET, S. W. Corner Sixth. fer.em SPRING OF 1860. MARTINS, PEDDLE; HAMRICK, & OD.. • No. 80 NORTH FOURTH STREET, have now in store, and are daily receiving, complete lines of the following degirablo goods, viz,: HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, PARIS AND CANTON PANS, SUPERB BELTS, PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND, Adapted to Southern and Western Trade, to which we invite the attention of firat•clnee outer., (03.3 m BOOTS AND SROES• BORER & BROTHERS. MANUFAGTIMBHS AND WHOLESALE • DZALISRI IN CITY AND 13ASTRRN•MADI3 BOOTS AND SHOES. Noe. 432 and 434 MARKET STREET. Below FIFTH Street, Routh side, ==! LEVIO KRASIN, (S 3 CO.. BOOT AND SHOE' WAREHOUBB AND MANUFACTORY. NO. 505 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We have now on bend an extensive stook of BOOTS and SHOES, of every description, of OUR OWN AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE, to whioh we invite Um attention of 110111ern and Western buyers. fat-dm MEDICINAL. MRS. WINSLOW AN EX PERIENCI.. D MUM AND FEMALE Physician, presents to the attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitatee theprocess of teething. by softenigg the gums. reducing all inflaininatton ; will al lay ALL cairn and spasmodic action, and to SURF, TO PEG ULATE THE BD WEER. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves cult) RELIEF AND HEAL? Wei have put up and sold Yeath, and can say. in coal I what we havenever bean medicine, NEVER II AS OLE INSTANCE, TO EP timely used. Never did dissatiefs,tion by any ono trary, all are delighted speak in terms of lushest gal effects and medical VI ell matter " what we do' , experience,and plodgeour meat of what we here de inatance where the infant I exhaustion, relief will be t minutes after the Syrup ' Tis n valuable preparation o the most 15XPERL URSES in New England never-failint summits in THOUSANDS It net only relieves the vigorates the stomach and and gives tone and energy will almost instaatly re- BOWELS AND WIND vuleiona. which, if not death. We believe it the the world. in all oases of RIIIIIA IN CHILDREN, teething - or from anyother every mother who has a the foregoing oomplein to. nor tha vreJudioes of your modems Mold rind SURE—yes. AWED PE use of tins medicine, if tions for using will accom genuine unlesti the Inn si- RINS, New lark, is oni wir- Sold by DTll2OlllSit pal Office, N 0.13 CEDAR Price 25 yenta 11 bottle TO YOUR INFANTS this nraelo for over ten fiance and truth of it, nide to tiny of airy other IT NAILED in a DIN P SNIT A OUR.E, when we know nu Inatnnce of who used it. On the eon with its operations, mid ormonendationof its inniti tuns. We speak in this know," niter ten years' repUtution for the fulfil plane. In alma es sly is suiterink from ran and fountlin lateen or twenty nd ininuite rod. is the reason ptine of one I , INChld AND SKILFUL, nod hen been used with OF 11A1310, child from pain, but in bowels, correct' noldtty to the whole mien] lI hove IN VIE COLIC and overcome con npoodlly remedied, and to bent and surest remedy in DVSENTF,RY and DIAN whether it arises from cause. We would Nay to child !uttering from any of du not lot your Prelnillnellt others, s tend between the relief that will be lA' BURR—to follow the timo'y used. Full diren pally each bottle. None mile of cum . 's& PER the outside wrapper. ghout the world. Primo , eet. New York, 13.23-17 FLAGS! FLAGS!! FLAGS!!! U. S. FLAG DEPOT, 49 BOOTIE THIRD STREET, ABOVE cliEsTruT. l'llll/ADELPIIIA. WM. F. SCHEIBLE, Wholesale and retail manufnoturer of Plats, Politi cal Banners, and Transparencies. Flags of all sizes on hand, and made to order ea cheap, if not cheaper, than oan ha had elsewhere in the city. fe2B-1m JAVA OOFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime Java Cone, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM 4t CO. LETITIA Stmt. MP . COMMISSION HOUSES. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, NO. 114 CHESTNUT ST., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. WELLING. COFFIN, & Co., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer by the Package, the following denoriptions of AMERICAN GOODS Of atandard mhos and in great varlet, PRINTS OF STAPLE AND FANCY STYLES BLEACHED AND BROWN BILEETINUEL SILIRTINOS, AND DRILLS 08NABDADD, DENIM& AND BTRLDSB CORSET JEANS, SILESIAB, AND NANKEENS CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS LINSEY% KENTUCKY JEANS, AND OUT 101 , 1AD.ES ALL-WOOL AtLD UNION CLOTHS BLACK AND FANCY CABBINBRES BLACK AND BILKED DOESKINS SATINETS AND UNION OASSIMERES mhetrny3l TWEEDS, CAMMARETS, &0., ho SILKS ea WOOLLENS I MoILWAINE & BACON. No. 186 CHESTNUT STREET, Have, per the latest arrivals, reoeived $ large stook of BILKS and WOOLLENe, !Wagtail to the Clothing and Jobbing Trade, among whioh are the following popular makes of olotla: C. NELLEASEN (Bon of.l. Id.) Whole and Half Ends. 1 , ./3101,1,EY k SON'S NAMIEST, OR AUSTRIAN " SAXONY CLOTHS, of all grades. Ain°, 3-4 and 6•{ DOESKINS. CABBII4IEIIEB, FAN CY do., BIOLLE)."8 SILK MIXTURES and TRI COTS. ErATIN DE CHINES, BLACK BILK SATINS, 'COTTON BACK do., BLACK SILK VELVETS, BLACK and FANCY BILK VESTINOS, ho., ko. All of which are offered for gale on favorable terms. fel -wf A ru3in LAST ARRIVALS. FARRELL & MORRIS. MPORTERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, U3it OHNSTINUT BTREBT. Have reoeived hi the latest Steamers a fell assortment of GERMAN and SAXONY CLOTHS and DOESKINS. among Ishiolt are all the grades of J. ♦. KIISSF.LLKAUL'S whole end half plow; ()EVERS & SCHMIDT do. do. D. & L. CELEBRATED DOESKINS. F. & B. do. do. With a full lice of tho verr popular IMPERIAL and ELECTORAL DOESKINS; BILK MIXED COATINGS; COTTON WARP CLOTHS; COTTONADES end • VEST PADDINGS, All of Tluolt ars offered fur 'tale ON FAVORABLE TERMS. fen WOLFE Sc. 00.. WHOLESALE CARPETING, OIL•CLOTII, AND ;MATTING WAREHOUSE. NO. Hi ORESTNUT STREET, wr Agenoy for Philadelphia Carpet Manufaeturera 163-3 m STATIONER9'.. STRANGERS ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE ONE OF THE LAROERT ABSORTMENTS of ACCOUNT BOOKS STATIONERY 0 to found in any establishment in the UNITED Bold Wholesale, and Retail, at LOW and UNIFORM WILLIAM MANN. 43 SOUTH FOURTH Street WM. H. MAURICE'S NEW BLANK I3OOK ST ATIONERY STORE. No. 326 CLIESTNUT STREW:, (4iON OF THE N riticeo CAULK,) Is now fully supplied with the following &dialog, which will be sold in large or small quantities, very low for cash: Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Reoelpt Books Check Books, Bill Books, Copying Woks, Oiled Paper Cop) ins Presses, e tool Pens in great variety Penknives, Masora, Shears, Letter, Cap, and Note Paper of all kinds, Envelopes, &e., Banks, Insurance Offices, and Merchants supplied on favorable terms. fe29•lm BROTHER, & Co., 140. 430 MARKET ISTREP,T, BOOICSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS, Kao l in large and well-eeleated Moak, IMPORTED. uomEsnc, and of their own MANUFACTURE, Wholesale and Retail at the von ItrittSt pTICOS. BLANK BOOKS On hand to largo quantity, or tondo to order, of any desired pattern, of the very best material and work luanalOr. We are enab!ed froin our extended faolhtma■ to otter superior indarementa to puretraere. A call us solicited. fe29 3m SPRING TRADE. WM. F. MURPHY ea SONS THAIIMAL MANUVACTIIARIA Of BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERS, AND PRINTERS. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL, No, 339 ORESTNUT STREET. 20-IMI7 LOOKING GLASSES. LGOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON nave now in store a very large and choirs assortment o LOOKING GLASSES, ALL TITS BEST FRENCH PLATES, And of n quality superior to any imported during the last few yearn. The design. are of the newest and most elommt oharrioter,tnolmtam ell the French and ttnel.li novelties. Looking Ulasaes made to order, to fill every tharneter of apace, and at the very lowest rates. Esti- Antos furnished, on ittplioatton. by mail or olherwtae, I'I.ATE B , without k moms, at very tow plum WO/RAVINGS, PORTRAIT, PICTURE, and PHO TOURAPII FRAMES--the finest (wheaten in the country. EARLE'S GALLERIES, mhl-tf 816 CHESTNUT STREET. UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER IS3 FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUIfACTURERS, No. 330 MARKET STREET, NEW CROP NEW ORLEAITS SUGAR.— so hh4e PllOl4 now mob N O. Roar, for sale by LANIEB ORAILAM A, CV., LETITIA Btreet. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS 1860. PHILADELPHIA 1860: CARPET WAREHOUSE. j3OUTHERN AND WESTERN BUYERS Are reepeolfullt invited to oail and examine out ENTIRE NEW STORK CAR PETING S. RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINLS, SHEEP SKINS, • Jost received by JOHN LEMON. . (suoc..or to Richard M.ll l n. No. 47 SOUTH FOURTH STR nth 13.11 n ARCILSTR gET CARPET WAR kii(4:BE -01.1.31_, 1-tfC)ICN itt. 832 ARCII STREET.' TWODOQRS BELOW if.l TH. Mut h /.. Iran splendid ,atock of V ELVET. BRk i rNi. LAIN AN Ittaprigirn°D4rOtofig 0111C1. I C AV. " • m 4-Im CARPETS. F. A. ELIOT k CO., Md. SS and Sl,Norttr PRONT Street, are the SOLE AGENTS in Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY. and have constantly for sale a fall assortment of VELVET end TAPESTRY CARPETS, of ohoioe lAttatM a large supply of the Parlour bode of CAR PETS ramisfatitnred in Philadelphia cap and meaty, from Deafly ail the best manufseturera Peelers• will find It to their inte.est to eall end examine these goods, which ere offered for male en the most fevorsble terms. N.B.—P. A. ElsloT & CO, being the Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of the Wonted and Carpet Yarn , open by the Baxonville Milts (formerly the New England worsted Company,) and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton, and Abbott Companies, have psouller facilities for keeping oonitantly for sale the various kinds of Carpets manufaatu red to Pluladelphie, on the most favorable terms. /aIT-gin M'CALLUM & CO.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, SIAN ECHO MILLS, OERMANTOWN, Also, Importers and Dealers in CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS. MATTING. RUGS. &O. WAREHOUSE 100 CHESTNUT BT.. (Opposite the Bc%te Muse./ Southern and Western buyer' are respectfully tnvited to oath fed 2m FANCY DRY GOODM. Y A It N S I Double and Twisted. two or three oord. hard or aleck twat, from N 0.20 to 40. Unbleached or Bleached, of Superior quality, on hand, or made to order cheap for cash. Address, F. PRATT & Co., PAWTUCKET, R. I. BURNETT. SEXTON. do SWEARINGEN Inportera of FANCY GOODS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIKRY. MEN'S PUttNItillING GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIM3IINGS. 81(IRTS—Shetland Wool. Zephyr'. and VARIETIES No. 41V tiTILEET. fol3.tmy3 DIIHRING & Nos. 96 and 29 NORTH FOURTH. STREET, Aro cow receiving, by successive arrivals from Eu tope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS or ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, Machine Sawing Silk and Thread—and solicit an in spection of their complete and well-assorted stook— ESPECIALLY ADAPTIO TO SOUTHERN AND WXATRAN TRADE. 103-am SPALDING'S PREPARED • GLUE! "A STITCH IN TIME HAVES NINH." ECONOMY: DISPATCH SAVE THE PIECES! As accidents trill harpon, even in we Idt mitatid /aunties, tt is very desirable to have some cheap and inniveniont way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crooke fl, tc,o. BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It to always ready and up to the stink ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chaise, splintered veneers, headiest; dolls, and broken creole,. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. Thie admirable preparation is used cold, being ohe lineally held in solution, and possessing all the t aluable qualities of the best cabinet-makers' glue. It may be need in the place of ordinary muolloge, being won; more adhesive. "USEFUL, IN EVERY 11013 E." V. kb A brush accompanies each bottle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Vi'holeenle Depot, No. 49 CEDAR Street, New York. Address HENRY 0. SPALDING Ar CO, Box No. MOO, New York. Put uv for Dealers in Cason ()outlining four, eight, and twelve dozen, n beautiful lat:sok rap km BnoW•CARD sooorapanying each package. NET A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED Q LUE will save ten titres ita °oat annually to every household Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard swam and Furniture Dealers, Wooers, and Fanny Stores. Wintry Merohnnhs should make ¬ed' hiPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their het. IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATE, d2.41-wiwf-y CHINA AND LWEENSWARE. WRIGHT, SMITH,,K, CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. PITTSBURG AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, ,ko., delivered front the factory AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 5 North FIFTH Street, fr3-fmw6m PHILADELPHIA. TURNBULL., ALLEN, & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. 93 And 23 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Between Market and Cheatriut arests.l iirPITTSBURO ULASS AGENCY. MASS, OMR OR BY iIIR rICIAO6, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. fele-2m B °l'D 8 " STROUD. IMPORTERS 4 JOBBERS, Have now on hsnd n complete Stock of QUENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH CHINA. At their Old Stand, No. ti NORTH FOURTH Et., four doors: below Merchants Hotel, to whioh they in vite the attention of WitOLSMAIR HUI RIM WAORNIS eon PITTBDUAG GLASS. fe3-3m TRUIT. BRO.. ez CO., IMPORTERS AND 'WHOLESALE DEALERS 1:c HARDWARE. CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, &0., 529 MARKET STREET, 529 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH. SIDE, fey-fmw3m PHILADELPHIA, MOORE, HENS ZEY. & CO HARDWARE, PRILADELPISIA No. 417 MARKET, and 416 ROMMRROKERreMs PREPARED GLUE. HARDWARE. OUTLFRY, and GUA WA:7EIIOUBE PIIILADELYILIA. TWO CENTS. glje Vitss. FRIDAY, MARCH IG, 1860 The Future of Italy. The London Globe of the 28th ult. (Lord • Palmerston's organ) says ig it has authority to announce 'that the Austrian Government has stated' that the report published on the 25th, of an Austro-Russian affiance, is entirely do void co i f foundation." I,ess authoritatively, the Globe says that the statements that, under threat of the withdrawal of the French troops from Italy, the Central Italians are to be called upon to think no 'more of annexation, but to consent to the election of a sovereign in Tus cany, to allow the separate annexation of Mo dena and Parina to Piedmont, and to give up the Romagna, are far from being correct. On the other hand, it is stated, from Paris, that Napoleon has sent a note to Count Cavour, requiring Piedmont to give up all thoughts of the annexation of Tuscany, that 'Victor-Emmanuel has decidetinot to act as this dictation desired, and that the French troops, if ho be e6hteftiacious, will at once occupy Savoy. Mr. Kinglake, the author of "Eotbea," de clared, in his place in the Rouse of Commons, that he had received undoubted information that an agreement was entered into, the night before the marriage of the Princess Clothilde, In which the King of Sardinia agreed to cede Nice to France, in return for any possessions which be might receive. lie believed this de sign was abandoned, but when the treaty of Villa Franca was found impracticable, It was again revived. Lord John Russell was unable to deny that France had designs upon Savoy, but said that, with regard to its annexation, f , he was sure, after the prudence and sagacity which had been shown by the Emperor of the French, he would hesitate before he adopted a course which would give rise to apprehension and distrust, which would bo contrary to the magnificent proclamation which he issued at the commencement of the Italian war, and would also not be to the security of France. Seeing, therefore, the feeling of distrust and hostility the annexation of Savoy would give rise to, he hoped the Emperor would abandon such a Policy." The Paris correspondent of the London Timm whose information upon European po litics Is generally surprisingly accurate as well IN early, nays it is reported that the Emperor of the French is, even now, desirous to exe cute, if possible, the stipulations of the Vi/la. Franca treaty ; and, for that purpose, would wish the great European Powers to discuss the latter in conference on the following basis simply : A kingdom to be formed in Central Italy, to consist of Tuscany and also the Ro magna; and in the probable event of the Pope refu4ing the pLen of a nominal suzerainte, Perli and Modena to In annexed to Piedmont in exchange for Savoy. The sovereign of the new States to be the young Grand Duke of Tus cany, or a prince of the House of Bonaparte; in the latter case probably a grandson of Joseph, formerly King of Spain. The remarkable confusion Into which Italian politics have fallen, chiefly from Napoleon's weathercock action, may lead to a repetition of the war ere long. He wavers between the claims of Italy, represented by Victor-Em manuel; of the Church, represented by the Pope; and of Austria, which represents the old legitimist principle, as well as the aggran dizement of the House of Hapsburg. Napo leon evidently desires to rotund oil his Empire by the annexation of Savoy; but re can scarcely believe that Victor-Emmanuel will voluntarily part with that earliest appanage of his house, on any terms. Taking it Coolly. While extensive preparations are making in England, France, and in India, for the new China war—lnevitable, unless the Emperor liicufung give satisfaction" for the attack upon the British and French vessels in the Peiho river—it would appear that the Chinese arc taking matters very coolly. They are act ing as if everydread of hostility was dismissed. The Emperor has not Only thrown open the new ports of Swatow and Taiwan, but he has extended the advantageous provisions of the American treaty to England and other Powers. A reduction of the tonnage dues at the various open ports has also been ordered. Lord Elgin, who goes a second time as Am bassador front Queen Victoria to the Emperor of China, has fullest powers to adjust the ex isting difficulty—but will insist on much more than a mere apology. France has a voice in this matter, and requires a large sum from China, equivalent to the cost of sending out the second armament, which is now on its nay to place the tri-color ti ig upon the summit of the tallest pagoda in Pekin, if that be practi cable. Of course, if France lead such a card as this, England will follow suit. In the Chinese language, Ilienfung—which is only the Emperor's adopted or State name, like the name assumed by every Pope on his accession—signitles perfect felicity. In the event of Pekin being bombarded by the British and French troops, the Imperial 4 , felicity" will by no means be so " perfect," as it now appears. Letter from New lork. THE \I ' II.KIVN 11F:NYFIT—TIM OIZIDIRON H ticwAr— A NEW 1111001VAY RAILWAY PROJECT—FIRE LOSSE3 IN FEWICAI:T—A NSW CITY HALL—TOO VINE M 174. (Correspondence of The Frees.] NEW YORK, March 11, IMO The benefit at the Academy of Music on Sethi day last, for the family of the late George Wilkie', was the most successful, in a pecuniary point of view, of any demonstration of that sort that has been given in this city. There were some circus. stances connected with it that are worth alluding to. as showing how many really kind-hearted, noble fellows there are who, passing ordinarily for mere men of fashion, bent exclusively upon their own pleasures, aro at bottom quick to appreciate and quick to respond to any appeal made to them is behalf of any worthy object that may have claims upon their generosity. There were many of these " worldly " young fellows who had come, morn or less, in contact with Mr. NVilkins in the lobbies and business rooms of the opera house, and who appreeiated the many goods points in his character. And they testified their appreciation by taking tickets—tome ten, tome twenty. some fifty, and some an hundred each—and paying for them. Others, among whom wore several mem• bars of the operatic and dratuatio profes4m, who o.fered their services, but could not well be included in the various performances of the after noon and evening, purchased tickets at five dollars apiece. Besides these cla:er things, several of the of the Herald, present. newspaper people made liberal deductions from whole amount, (upwards n h g e I t r oh bills— beneficiary a e r r yn e t h t t e , of one hundred dollars); the Times donating one. heir, and other journals defog the equally generous and correct thing. The result of the whole is, that, after paying all exponsee, Mrs. Wilkins will re ceive about tico thost.ana! fire Itendred dollars in cash, for herself and the children, and that is not to be pooh-pooh'd at this time of year in MO. The grand "Gridiron " Railroad bill, running through Sea enth avenue, and some forty•odd streets of the city, hangs fire in the Assembly, and will probably get a quietus in that body. Indeed, there aro oracular givings-out, by those who pro. fees to be " inside " in the matter, that George Law does not really want the bill to pass at all lie caused it to be introduced into, and passed through, tile Senate, for the purpose of killing off several other railroad projects that would materi ally damage the Eighth and Ninth avenue roads, which aro mostly owned by him. The Senate, by passing the "Gridiron," have committed them selves against the others, and the House, not hav ing been " seen " on the subject, are tolerably cure to send it to Coventry. It would not be surprising, therefore, if the present Legislature, like the last, should come to a close without passing a single city-railway bill, notwithstanding several are im periously demanded, by the necessities of the pub lic. Since the ventilation of the Seventh Avenue Famine, a veritable Broadway bill has been brought upon the carpet. It differs from all other city roads in that it provides for the " carrying of passengers, parcels, and letters." Below Four teenth street the faro is to be only three cents. The postal provision is, that the company shall carry letter-boxes in all their ears, all letters de posited in which shall bo deposited in station. t o be provided, one for each mile of route, free of charge, and parcels are to be carried at ten cents etch, if not weighing twenty pounds, and delivered at the said stations. The company is also autho rized to connect their line wittethe up-town depots of the Hudson River, Now Haven, and Harlem roads, to carry those passengers; fare to the THE WEEKLY PRESS. Tax WZIPALT Parse will be sent to Beleatibers by mail (per annum in Mesas%) at_._.. i 4 M Three Copies, " 11.00 Five Coyle". " " LOG Ten J. " . 12.00 Twenty Core. " " (to die add,...) 20.00 Tventi Copies, or over " (to addrem of 'sok Subsoriber,) 1.20 For a Club of Twenty-one or over, we win eeo i s extra coy,' to the getter-np of the Club. Pcetmuteni are reddirsted to act as Agent, foe T. WITALY PAM. CALIFORNIA PRESS. knell Semi-Monthly in Jima for Um California Stemmer". nearest terminus of the Broadway Railway to be 3 cents. Broadway omnibus property is to be ail bought up at an appraised valuation, and this new company are authorised to run them in other streets, to carry passengers, packages, Oar insurance companies got off pretty cheaply In February. During that month there were fif ty-sis fires. The total loss was only about /50,000, u s Ths far, r 400,000 less 'than in the month of Janutt ry. in March, the number of Ineencliary fires has been very large. The city authorities are gradually yielding to the pre/antra for lire engines worked by steam. Yesterday, bids were opened for two new ones, to be known as No. 29, and No. 38. Only one propose' for each job was received, and from the same parties—Messrs. Lee and Like ned, $3,h50 for No. 2g. and 63.975 for No. 38. These gentlemen own the patent for steam-fire engines, and have built all that hare been ordered by the city. The new machines will be of the hand pattern and not self-propellers. senator McLeod Murphy has introduced into the Senate a bill to build a new City Hall, in Ma dison Square, though not an Indies:heal in the city is known to hare petitioned for It. The sum named for the 'work is three millions! It's Almost as good as the " Gridiron !" Mr. Derby, proprietor of tie Dusseldorf Gallery, has purchased a lot opposite Laura Keene's Thea tre, 25 feet front by 200 in depth, on which he will forthwith erects Imitable expressly adapted for tlei , exhibition of works of art It will be one of the finest buildings on our great plena. In the new building provision will be made for top lights, on an improved spout, and such other features will be borrowed from foreign galleries as will be cal culated to heighten the of the works exhi bited. Amongst the sit le for the moose. modathon Milk* it le coutemplated to liars last, bandsoutigy-furnished saloon for ladles Mr. Derby his also determined to offer, for the Cosmos politest Art Association, an annual prise of $.2,00e, is be etimpoted, for by young American painters, the picture that shall win to became*. property of the A.sociatiou. The money is to be employed to paying the err...emees of the rseces_ral erten' a two-years soyiurn is Italy. Letter from Cbainbenbutg. com•rousence of Tito ?real C aaaaa mac, Muth 12, 118 Have you ever been through the "Cumberland Valley" from Harrisburg to oar plate? If not, you bare yet to see one of the most beastifel and fertile portions of our great and growing Comaeon wulth. Bounded nn bothsides by rangeu of tow ering mountains, which add greatly to the salubrity of the atmosphere and the beauty of the seamy, this far-famed valley le excelled by none in the broad extent of our mighty Repuhlin. dommene ing far in the North among the eltfiliag regimes of ice and sr.ow, it 033=33 away down to lb* mastry cotton fields of the South, presenting every variety of soil and climate, and is, indeed and In truth, a lend tlowirg with milk and honey. Its people are industrious ; temperste Lod frugal; attathed to their homes end their fire-sides; contest with their tot, and jealous of their rights. And year eter year they find their labors abundantly re warded by the prode:lious of the genial sou Woe, by the blood and irc7trirg of their abeettote, from Fs original occupants. Long are the ailer.torcos 'Chambers" erected his cabin at the jott.ction cf the Falling Spring in the tt Cox:toed:eagle, — the romaatie beast's( 'be /pot woe known, by Indigo orpoots, to the hardy pioneers of that day, frees the Delaware to the Susquehanna. and =soy who would 'have vmeht it as a desirable k.eatior. were deterred from so doing solely by the fear of the tomahawk and scalping knife. At length, cariosity, the love of adventure. art a desire to recant the claim spots -f the land, triumphed over frzr, and one hundred Hui thirty years ago the first improvesint wee raids where row stasis our beautiful tows. Bow great the changes made in these testing years Then open retches of swellieg prairie r /ceded the vition of the fruits* pioneer, and In vited his easy culture. The ritnoundtme forests were filled with herds of timid deer and bands of 'talking elk, that roamed umeneEnted through their deep recesses, browsing upon the swelling tots, and fattening upon the tender grimes, whilst 'he remberleas streams cf the land were tiled with an infinity of fish, and Err/netted by beavers, "tiers. and nantkrats in abundance. The whits man, in his wanderings, would. often stumble cc troops of nimble-f'oted, not-brown girls. who, in their unrestrained glee. were =kiss the old woods echo and re-echo with the music ct their slimy voices, whilst net far of `beads of herein-zed. an t.reeched, and bare-headed urchins were taking their first lessons in archery and in arms, by pat ,ereting and 'murderous attempts to slay mall wrens and scoffing catbirds Bat the crowning attraction of the spot, to both the Indian an-1 the white man, was the glittering cataract of the Falling Spring " The former reposed, daring the heat of the day, in the cool shade, upon its banks, and watched the speckled trout as they sported in Its clear waters, or darted away on the igh test sound of stran ge raters or strange presence- To him there was no mane sweeter than the plashing of its miniature camades over loot* atones and is •crposing roots, whilst the roar of its final impetuous leap from rock to rock, and from declivity to de divity. in mingled foam end mist, gave undefined ideas of that "Great Spirit" who dwells in the loitnensity of space, and rules in the bunting grounds " of the red man. No iron horse then thundered along through the land with almost the speed of the wind, each day bringing with it, through the columns of the press, an account of the occurrences which transpired the day before, at the seats of the State and National Government; and no tele graphic wire, fleshing its menages with the speed of light, to the most distant parts of the Union. gave the daring " Nuatter sovereigns" of this wild re gion a'claily summary of the nntiotis doings, and of the deeds of their fellows. To the white man, titen.'or STOIC, the chief at• traction of the spot was its water-power—its ea. nability of being converted to useful, labor-caving Purposes; and the thundering cataract, like the ravage Indian, was soon seen and heard no more. or, if heard at all, 'ewas only in fitful spells, and divested of all its former terrors. Diverted from its original channel, e. - od converted to the uses of man, it has, for a century and a quarter, been toiling away to supply bread for the hungry, clothing for the naked. and el.-Irak for the thirsty. Thus was ‘• Chemberthurg •' founded: and - a more beautiful and healthy town cannot be found in •he land A more desirable resdience no sane man need want Raving no roc! leis in our midst. and no iron ore, except in our mountains, are is essentielly an agricultural community. ['rte, we have a very considerable amount of manufacturing going on, and wo might have moth more were rot so many of our wealthy men of the •' old fogy" stamp, who continue to carry their ;riots to mill in one end of the bag and a atone in he other end, because their fathers did so before them. But, thank fortune, men don't live now as tong as Methuselah--they nowt step out some time. lotne of ours have gone already, and the public ~avantages arising from the opening of their • strong boxes" are perceptible in the increased life given to trade, to business, and to improve ment. Soon the others will have followed• and 'hen our town will escape from the "Old Men of 'he Mountain," who has been hanging upon its. teeth:ties like a mill-stone for the last fifty years. I am free to say that we are far behind the times--far from being, as a town, what we should he. The valley from Mason and Dixon's line to the Sulnehanna has been awakened years ago, nod town after town, and village after village, hITO sprung up. in grave and beauty—whilst other ad elves have been rejuvenated under the rptrit of the age. lre alone, like Rip Van Winkle, bays slept on. until very recently. Bat Item the skies ere brightening. Our place is improving—lts boundaries are extending. and its surplus capital is being invested in manufactories and work-Shope. The "Cumberland Valley" Railroad, which con nects the Pennqlvania Railroad• st Harrisburg, with'our ple'•e is one of the best-conducted roads in the State The Franklin Railroad has just been completed from this place to liageratown. Mary ,and. There is no better constructed road in the State. Its management, so for as regards the eberges for fore and tolls for freight, is now some what exereistoz the people and forwarding men upon its line. For passenger' too VILA, they say, ts charged—for freight too filth% at least from ',me points ; ea they now carry flour at Sets per hbl less from Hagerstown, 22 miles farther from Tour city, than they will from this point. Of this our forwarding men cemplain. and are crying out rl'• R•rtu' - Pro Rota ." Will be come? end it he does, trio will suffer and who wont ? Let me soy a word to your yummier pleasure seekers. Let me tell them that walleye a "Moun t!'" Rerrr,rt" in the Blue Ridges. sixteen miles east of us, called" CALZDOXIA SPRINGS." which is just the place they should seek in the hot days of mummer. do elegant, large house, wide and cool halls, large parlors and chambers, plenty of pure mountain air, and water, call—eh' so cold it fairly makes one shiver to think of a bath in it. This is the region, and that the place, for all who seek pleasure or health, at not too ranch coat. The Odd Fellow! of our town—aided I ant told by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and by voluntary contributions from the Lodges in the State—ere about to erect, in the " Cedar Grove Cemetery." near this place, an appropriate monu ment to trie memory of Past Grand Master Aezon Nichols. the first presiding cdEcer of the Grand Lodge of this State. P. G. M. Nichols was one of the olde't Odd Fellows in the rnion--was a Past Grand as early as 151. 1 2, and took an active part in placing the Order upon its present firm basis. His remains repose in one of our grave-yards, unmark ed by a stone, and it is a labor of love for his brethren of Columbus and Chamber...berg Lodges, with the aid of the Gland and subordinate Lodges of the jurisdiction, to erect anOnduring memorial of their appreciation of his worth and virtues Every l - Age in the State should take pride in ad• ding its mite to the undertaking, and in helping to raise hea7enward the shaft commemorative of the greatness of its Order. and the beauty of its prin ciples. "Do onto others as ye would that others should do unto you. - Politically. we are 71.1,t hereaways as yet. But it is only the quiet of the slumbering volcano. The Charleston Convention will cause the cauldron to bubble, whilst Chicago will add fuel to the flames. With the action of our State Conventions both par ties are generally well satisfied. 110111. 31K. REMBRANDT PEALE, the venerable Painter, to whose c onvalescence we hate aiready al luded, has returned home from Stoneston, Connecti cut. The New York Pour thee alludes to his recovery. and departure from Stonington flit. Peale is now in the 83d year of hicage, and fi t iend informs Oa that be saw him In hia studio last Friday. commencing another copy of his celebrated Portrait of Washing ton.the original having been paint ed from life in 1T. 1 3. hlr. Peale attributes, is a great iii pucre, the preservation of his life during his late se vere illness to the kindness of the citizens of S'oriinit - t o e, who, durinz his stay there, loaded him with every attention end civilize. The most refined and prominent peep e of the city visited him, sat up with him, and sent him delicacies and presents. Whiqi she to leave. sixteen men of wealth and position formed thent.elres 'into an escort, and. on their own shonklers, curried ,ttr. Peale , Man eest-chatr, (ruin his room to the depot. four of them convei mg the venerable painter by turns, their oomPanions alternating Inte them in the self im posed task. This reminds one of the hones , pent to 'L an to 114 old age, etatanee ago."