The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 14, 1860, Image 3
Alitititrititt-ITINCRAV .IIOII EIIt .: ' ' 4 ' - 'I3P.T I 3YWIR.vit . 8 - 10 1 i08 ig‘ki.BtAggilY. "- i - 00NTINE; IVedrairof Ninth avid Otteatttot. 14, - ; i allfirtiyilkhAlit '--t ., -11lealr, Phila. rs .i - .• i umegigoirs,...-_,,,,• ---, /- P vickmiut-•afinico . , 0 ?downer, Fa -:. '-''• -'. ";•- r Fare Jri Epos . - ,;;. mush quitioyalotori, ~, es trUiDOIS ton' -- • #Welidr& i / J' ~, _;W 8 'arlan. ts ' WAOTI.B 01 5 .11 :, `,, . ''..' fanS B To9ket.: Mil - • it 1m cast =.._','- oast-, - dw Martin, Amd.on• 7 or to i Bolt -, ' B Yongelrirani 111 -;; -' . lei , - • al/1g hit '' oho H Henfotd.&W,NY i Ati f igi a l Ph. 7 4 9 - .. - kt 1114,11.6;,;:: k ft y '11. 0 0 7 , Bos ton.. . I A r , Johneol. &Or ''' -' . 'Zitlittlir4ert "' L': ' - 3 IfiYAZI4V`k -Y- , • h ~100,.,„„,„,Y -.."-, - . reit lle_ert, Cliertinnati, !Vaasa pirn.Cinoinnatr• isa Rra Botts; Clor 0 , -inMitallailißir --....--,...". u otartaman & lit i Brit t Fullarton,Aaltimore ,-. N rodkant,Jrg Balt !sprit . I glir u ltaLTV° .', iv Mr ! gL*,e --11anei .4ntiaplon'. ~.`". /33 Lsatherhurn. -. K e Ylgs.Wealt, 0 0 . :', -.:-. My /I. Willnil i fi • on -. I)arotift ~,.', . ',' -', IWlS e r l eal -"- : 1 notgfies h .Pottsylßa "` • '''- RiAr m li NL i . A - - o vin ,t Louis - W .- , nods -GU or , , S Krle,N "Tem ' Mid I R.D Onsw'old,N y.. , . -..:- 4.,..- ~.,. , 0.. -w n Akin' NY '• ' ', , ~,n lat zGan n ' At W GarrlemicAli ~ -., ' . f Vrre,,t l i ilill,gi Eir 131 1 11 n tSt a . Fa ill s & te s1 4; 014 '' :, - :•.,. '-: w r i. " , ' Eglig ft io ll ats ° ":-_-, . i m l N tw' ri int - ' ' Alviiratker' Bosco It '- V ' u rk '- ° I P .' ' ,- .11 riellr eti ' Ill' , ' ir.ltt4gs, .x . -- , . _ . on c. DION •_. 41 (AUttiMi t -' -- _ :•kh.4 A Iv. it • pxjam u_ man : , ...r raw, ell ‘ ,T#A 2 lll7l:Ar b - ngt"! ' " t R gri r rrA (llll°- :7' Blotter, KY •: , :.- • - • Lantneare itla;Belgituri GIRARD HOUSE-ioheettnit at.: b'etow . !ilia& : . Cw ci B 4 1 1 8 01; 1` . I t:•ve:• - .4 9 0 R CitiggiliA la '.. Anlgit, Ohio ' , -_ I • r 3 p Rankin -Ry - - ~,. a Sta ley, Ma ' . , - BNI Davis ic. is, NY • - ' r Dula' NY ' - J McGuire ,_Pe. . - Opel tonradford. Pa -, '' w Taylor, _N Y '''."- .-B 0 Daniels & la; N Y ' . ' ..1 Oceimbe,N It • '•- f,, Rnlon,'N 0 - , • Mout II Clarke; Hoglund -' Andrews - bid '' '- -' ' N Amigo, New Mexico • J Parker, N Y - Miss N Parker,•N Y . -;. 0 G Sykta, St Louis '', -. -N IL , Soldoshrts, w Maxie° 'L II Elaktori.'New blexioo ~,.w y r •po p e e it , ...l .i. - Miss Pheba, B' 0 Rt 81) Dudley Pa , - 0 B Rerinoret t Boston -t . wennetel y 's D Drown, e& Y ' Antler, A 3F W Delninger. Pa' - • Mortar. ,lt I. R Lane gun & la, on 'Mica Llano Lanorga or No moo,, c eii , !li,t I .drieritorl• Oa 14111 r. °ATI ' Tr VT Itil sell & Is, Mass 11 th Balt -- ' G l M lL lt i r=r V g l ia, N mi,critiDtailtian Fr anise() SJ MorPhY. Ala [ l , atom to far A, 0 0 Hendrickson, S T .T '- B Richter, fl Y -. W A Fitzhugh; N ~_" Ohs 11 Bergman, Y, 1 .'P W Sadler'. Alabama IP MeWhertay. Tann -8 G Terme, Boston . ohn Y Bechtel, Allentown Oeo B Schad, Allentown Luther, Heading - HIA North Columbia • .11. 4 1‘i l *TiV; ~,_l it YS'l bulW ra n 't tl Vl ltlir. 4onn ' • Smithson: l .mq - ' - A [Melts, m New Haven ,--.Loinltider, New York J Harris, _Pro! R I SURFS H Dwight N 1 C T Fay. ear,eraneireo NA Ludington. Conn Walter Paine, Fall River . Geo Gtohntne & la, N Y , Wm Boater, ei Y B M. Kelloge. N Y L Pritobard, Conn - , •• 'i_jl kdson. Baltimore . , Geo h 1 Pearson, Oho Atm t Pearson, Ohio it Davis. N Y -• Ja lmr ,Al h e 3 ann ii ler, N Y - 41 Fi tM nfl ift l e t:e N 1 1 4. 11 rtaltimOre 113 V 11 Itarritl, t 'N • W II fiftnsoN Y It W;Le star,Bal _timore • W Wilmer, Wafter° (I W Yerby, N Y W B RiehisrdOr, Ye. H P Kent & wt. COWL • - if ) tatitl:r4 .7 L 11 1 1 / 3 1 2:tVeiga4 Y' • 1 0 1 Veer ratZth, Baltimo re P o h h o n s t l 3 4 F i tre g r', A utteri . ' MERCHANTS' HOTBI,--Fonrih street, below .Arelt: 3) Battu, Canten, 0 , 3 Reefer, Alleyheny City . tut 8 Palmer, Pitt - abort; ,' D Ruston. 'Uniontown -,- w Hare. Tenn - -' :Jos Borland. Pittsburg ' W Lemma, row, Mo ,-,` Gaol WPASOIO, Mo ER Plondor. alo ''W A M Vauban, Mo P Ilvana, LI beer, Mn ' 3ls 'Wilda, Wheeling, Vs It Xants. - Washtli. Pa - F Wiederhold, Pittabarg A W Patterson. Paris, KY 1 1 Atonry o lok 0 - Cant A Jacob & la, Ps • , 3 C K irkpatrick, Pittsburg T Mee", Bteutie tivilie; 0 08 D i mmiok lc Is, Pike no k„,,•8 Hays, washVn. Ps .W P Binary, N 3 • West Renton; Tenn " J Heuer & dau. Pa .. " 3 Clui.umaru - ill •li Hall - Newport /ton 8 D Warner, Easton Mrs CleMeßs, SIAM • W A Hallowell, St Louis ' A Mutter, Trey, N Y iiiCallen ay. Milton, Ind W 9 Forrest. Va -, , II An Darat.-Waahrn,D 0 0 L_,B MeClungaa, , ....b Clierrommles, 0 W H Rod_gers, Ado • - W Honer, 0 . "',North, can nylor & Honey! N 3 , ' • A Grady, Carbondale A tucker. Athens,,Teriii ,A-Heller, Va M_Es ler, Va • . , ..- Jos Rhodes. Va W 8 oore. Ark - '-- ' ' D 0 Harldrenn - - 3 D Clark. Md 0 M Wilson, Ashland, Ry WK. weeder, Ashland, XI .748 take. Nola 'Jae BOtt ra• • E Cayley, 8 0 . . __ AMERICAN HOTEL -Ohettont 'street, above Fifth. ME Charles & la', N Y EUlar. Chapel', NY . . W H Taylor. Cincinnati pia. , 4 OS Macknet, N York „' . H sayre, Bethlehem ' 3 Leisinring. Psl Chunk - ,14 P Bowen. Md -- ~ i i rr t r . t. B A . sgi t irsokiq In I n a ti.gttalri, Charlottes - is t roger , , n li 4 . 3 0 Mrrehi', N r c • . F Dillard & la, 0 Jacob Canard, Nri • • emu Robertson, N C ' Yi 8 Hazels, N c 1 II Cunningham, Cairo 3 Faro baker. Cairo ' as Andrews, Md B •I eylor, hid B Smith. Conn - B L Champlin , Rochester 13 Black & la, N York John Holmes, Balt -W Sivas, Trenton 11 1 Colwell, Trenton Thos Klehardson, Harrisby P 1 Carter,' Pa _ aAnderson 4 111 Joe Anderson Dl BLBasders. N Y 3 4 , F i ledLLson. ri York IkrArit, n ,a l3, ma" ' Vrn. sara Poe - - on'? il 0 Jones. Boston P Fusel% N.y . - ,< 3 Eli , f n i ti v ,- _ . ; K IS Sta mper, 11l - • T'a afa v eaade s tt.'N C ' M n i. IlaV i n r lr e .% r aign, Oa B Taylor, Vsi - 'Thu Hardy, Lebanon. o A Ul l n n as, V. Shore Thos ILarrus,Sinynia, Del Trio Mimea, Jersey • . , JONES' HOTEL-Chestant street, below Seventh., I B baiter, NJ ' ' M 0 Reclaim N Y rri " 8 Anlceb, N Y 18 Skillman. 8 .1 • - ' - yield, blase D Lawronotbidau ' 0 Thono. Mits A 0 Rig bet. Miss - - lI T O le,... i tel l r Y 'IP P.ll i et; T r . n ont rt i v Y- D. I _Hamm-D.olv . • Morris Mons., Y ' , -/.8-gran, Port Wayne John F Kerner. Balt -martin 13 Muck, A Y - , 3 W Peekard. Mass -.., ' TIT Hodkies. Pinta - M 0 Davie. N Y . KO lAwrnaa. lt Y- W P Merriam, N Y w II Tell, Gs II Nye, Boston _Gee W Ayres, . .- . JONI, BM , ltg3 t .Wash,D 0 BF Ony:Wash.l) 0 . aibley, Waah,DC - W 0 Miller, Gailipolie, O . TEE UNION, 11.01131.—Aroh' et4et:_abOveThird. 14 P Stone, Fa ' Suagerd, Altoona, Pa T Wilson, Cobh: Ind A Pair, Allegheny. Pa J Richey. Kt Sterling J Fllbert, - Wavnesboro2 -J_Vjammer i _Orwigsburg; Pa __W Leirellre. Pa ri rrantz. meroersborz, Pa miss S Frantz: Pa ' -1 Silliman. Pottsville - ,_W Monseath. Redford; Ps If .-W (Mural!, Ma W MDllden, N J Min - cr mown, E . 3 1 .„ Miller, Ohio ,_, " " ''' - D Axe . Onto `'.' • ' _ -' W__PloT. Ohto J E Daniels. Ohio , , Jerolomon,,Ohlo J A Blaelr ' Oblo .1' I ertmilit, Ohio 0 FYttngling, Ohio " 0 $ Brady, Lancaster , , rtleadrsetke, Tamaqua Vir MoCanaa: Pa sirbuokle, Pit _ - , 8 W Tnooook, Ohiii • . (1 linitefer, Ohio J Huber, Chambereburg -J Strickler. Oharolierisburg - S Coldren, lowa chi/ 033 Connard, itaiuling ,BM Stilei.N 3 • , '- :BT. LOUTS 110TEL-,-Ohestantl above Third. P P Cooper, Ada J t Meany, NY - , •G B Watson. l'i Y ' .1 Anderson, PhDa W ,tinre, Firms- D MoNtinetra, Nll ' W Barr, Dela:Wet. Jai Bosch Phil* - 3 it teens; ti CI .hdia Kentadi,B CI • tlMaitsGeld.w - lem. Boston T./i._ Caps , NY - li ansentapn. Ohio R Hausman, lad V R GalthSohnatown, Pa Mao 81. Jana's, Fs J Tuthill, le V . - T Garrettoon. Pp, • A G 'tartly. NY - _ - 'l3 Doints. Detroit. Mich J Phillips, Maas ' ' ' RW T Idnittballt N 0 S Biddonsi Ps . . T 0 Atwater, NJ T Whtteentbo, N I - ' ' FOUNT/XI ROTEL—Second 'treat, above Market," Gen Renry itrustard. Del ' M V Flargraro,Dat C Grimes. Nova Scotia.' - • R ',Commons Del K rg Jackson, Del P i Bath, Fulton sr n EWING Farmington B Johnson. Farmington T. Devon) , Smyrna. Bel - BR Bnlllvan, MO Baßlual 4. rimtroll,t'•44 • , 11 Smolt, Harrisburg A u Dom, Dover. Del ' Miss KatoUnbey, riewark iowls M Fpnert(M_Pe -, r J Powell. N J 31t Powell & In N J . . 1' Hammond. N .1 Mrs `sr A Christy. N.Y - - esso Dos, Philo - • y Matthews. _Laurel. Dal , Chas a Raymond, N 'V .. r"Dayloy, Laiatel, Del - MOUNT VERNON ROTIL.-Becoad et., above Arab tdoCarty.Btroudsbarg Mn Bowman. Stroudsburg' Mies ^ De Yonne. atrondsb' S T Tanner, NY • H. Line, ldarnsburg Aht Hernandez, Philn • • /se Wswiner. '" I .,Y • H Jameson. Harrisburg • •DX•Wrlit ht. STATEDITNION HOTEL—Market Street. above Sixth. W- Dlalr,Perry no; Pa • ' J fit Ahoentaker. Ps 0 McQuaid. Indiana J P Kirk. _Washington, Pa gold, G r eenville, Pa 7 .,Kht, Brooklyn 11 1p Plitt, Pitraburg • D r Stitsellj a . 1 H Bruner. Perry on. Pa Mukha. Y 8 1140110 p CnitC olni unhie,, Pa J Albert & la, Delaware J nnia, Pis ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Obestnnt. i '. . Peneett, Pa ,' • . AG M Provost, Trenton 4.ty, Pa . .4 A Trends. Safe Ha bor •., p , 1` r apple, Rafe Harbor ^A. i tnb ir ' H iii "n k P d a EPOZ,tfalgr,'l l . O P W Leonard, rittiibur g Hams= ...Dot/mare , . &Bunting to la. St Lona ~,._. On V Dem e, Pa , ,le P Pam, Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. :3* YOff NPR PADS. &Ai independence, Been t, 8 days from Olougester. Alga. vivified rohls mackerel tel J Kecnedy & Bohr if*wes, 10 days from Felt River, with mdse to O. MeColier Bahr P d , chsesemso, S dela from'New York, In bat. lest to R H Powell. -last ccit to r Rectos. Mayhew C. 30. dare from New York, in bal. Asneoreot re OM Rich,.litard7. 4 days from New Bedford, in Whist, to vestals. A Ear It illokey, - Tiee, 3 days from Jersey City, in bal. to 131Anicksoit & Glover. . - ' N 01.,R ea ARBD, &Mr Mem Asa , Moo 11,, Tonga, Mobile, Pettit, Mame, & Co - ear Chailoston, do 150; John Famnm, Hall, Providence, Crcririell & Col. ties. - • Bohiraume, mathew, rroridenes,t, tfideareid &. Co, Bohr P-Simmons , Caffrey, Boston, A Reeksher &. Co. Eohr m .13 scattona. Leke, New York, Blekleton & Co 34hr Wm P Cox, linuok; do - Behr oy Hawley, Beckett, Kew hoodoo, 3: Btr Rte h WillinB,orestoole.Ralumore, A Grovei. Jr, ''' - (COMlPoild l ersof tile hiladeriehinge.) CIA 1:18LAN ,P 1 I. rob 13-6 fel.' M. stetitaer Gnashes, for slew orir, went out st 11) ANL. Twaeteeply Wen r se re west fn to•dsi, - Tap bark fp_msoatms. roe seams- west so_ sea Ms al ttlflioOb. Wind N: We s or cloudy, ,i: - Yiklirf. acs, - ~ _ T 4961 D. HUGHES, - •(00rietraVA00 of The boo: • , - Art barkJans'ffaenett. • • NEW coax, March 19. • , -• • •—-"- • ' ' - - PIENIORANIIA, -„Steamship Bbannon, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. • -• • Steamship Moser' Tudor. Griffith, from New °dein* Ida Havanna, arrived 81 New - York seateritsi: .. • • Bark/forests., Welsh, for Rio de Janeiro, sawed. f rom ' -Bahia Pen nth,. - _ •• ••• , . 2 Clark Man - :Elizabeth: Hiohborn, from Montevideo; - arrived at cienfautos 'Nth alt. Brit Ellen Bernard, Bourne, from New Orleans, ar rived a. Cardenas lst last. - Ber Palkenhork, hence, arrived at' Boston 74th - ). • 001 T FtiOnle yance, for Philadelphia, sailed from Car'. • Samples inst.- . , ,;, , fient Bates, biros reported ashore at Bandy BOA, - -'ariispot off yesterday.. Emu . Searsville, 84111711, was at, Nassau, NP, Ist mot, for - Pluladelithea soon- • - - Soho JagMatthaei, hdyers, from - Doper; Hell Par cell, from beamOarsl.Lookwwd, Truitt, from Cam den, an Car otene Ball, Graham, from Wilminston'Oel, artlyad at New Yorktlestarday. • • - • • dater,/ R Calm. Endlteott. from New Orleans, arrived -at oareenas Yth inst. - • • • Sclera W -I.l"acton. Bat elr. and Pisa's* Davie, • lerrtreireit:4lll:nlepreh..ll,2 h ws,timnits.,- 12th 'art. • - , Vphp Lewis htedf4rd,,Delle,,froin NeiTork, at Wit -113140411- N 0 •12/h inst, - • David •Fyulti- n lislitider, , for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmonston 0,14 th inst. with ).11 1 2 bbb :rosin' 49 do crude Larne 110,15 do opts do 8 2 hairs cot. 'wen, ,dO - f arm ,1,09 c bud ; pert lintaolll pits fnti t, Os • • . ,” 'f Nor Hale - , Baler, from Georgetown,fiu, &r , rive a t Boston 14th me •., , , , •:" , .13eluSltver Marnst, rarri, hence, strived et Salem !- - /2th mst, • • ,- gear 'doable' Ann, poen Wllinlayon; Del, for Boston. sailed from tio mem Hole 14th Ins . th '-‘.l : ‘ -;o 34l lit t rel f e e tr i i4g§ oll7l:4.3B pehlit!, 7/8014,.510w011, e n d B austin,'lravlS. Boston or, Skil adelelds, sailed from Itoknee Kyle • :•-`.?- ' .- ~ • • - .- , MIME TdratARINERB. - ----. ,-.."'‘:.:,.. fierito.lsheroby eireni that: ihe sun end Oen` buoys •. - . , •tlonsidir in Boman Bay and Road Bawd. and also in -,,..: useard a mar,and Vineyard. nomad, ,l. be . roo, aged ,--' I ibe IA oi•dril r and tbe spir-buoft, noir ozeneyins .. sit ersdinis n these looeditiee t wsll be renw_ed- . , '''.: -: I c r. ,l iti r , p . 1 i rtie2Lit n e e iiieety,g7lLT.l: m4 ! ° !' ~,,,,- .., : fx 5..0N.-11. a . Com's..... - 8.. Nv ; ~,....., _ ,-., r.. -, .-_ ,-- ;-,,,, , ,,... u g 1aba n e s nspeatori *Second patriot.. ,:, *.klaleb iarl.Me.• ~ .r.. -----. --.' : - • i '.' - t •- - -,. g -, `" ,- ;titilli!*• - -Tlibf ,,sl7. - - oir , THE ~ - 4 ..i- .. 41111-I#o,P•l,;l4lPwrillihAtli *44 ty . &Au artEpui, by re 2,1, ipelf ma sett , s. : At 5t beano.: -4u atet• '',-1,4 41 , -, ivt-4- , ,,,• 4,17. , , ;,-, , ~ , , n, . t rl v_o t pig 1111/11YLVANIA, r n 1 1 0 g Via . 1 11 2941 ii I `the DeAte Elio willTbe°.,d r. oFUND 'nliajp.Tfut 94 ,TEFDDADAY. Math 16th, at In ,D P l att °47l°oo.lloleVeronlaterl: tirceY . pub ate =viten torraijoigns, AT,I) , -.Dean or the Medina! Patultp, bI i t '' FIELD4LXI°I I44II, I rI T IR4i . W:TB 8 .1.,; at o'oblk. do aot.—„Tee D• or - VOW. ' , . ologit or soon of •thelet,:lar g i ICV pingo 01 Waters en the r Ealo to l distror ken t, Tie eta may be had at tote aoo . ir g• ~01Ertl,PATEIC/f'S DAY. —A SOLEMN OFt/ 7 AM:A r.vrtpa s el,!Prateakl. RI. Rev. va and Loonat. on SAT u Rua . the }l ' Twen g;olgrapagin WV no or the s;Ante,,vithbentigoi,.O.l N. o St. Tereaa's Church Mhl4-2t- HADNERER iNsTITUTE.—A STATED lifeetjny w il l be held THIS f Wednesday) EVE -6 , lab last., at 8 &Wails, Bus MOWsf importance. J. O. WHIT S. 4.4 soo'y. FCOMMENCEMENT...THE, ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT of tbe philadelphis Caen) rnutoy will behel den THURSDC SVEN/NO, erlath. en eight o'elook, tra the M SICAL FUND AL. The VeJedietory Addrese it'll delivered by' Pre easter LP: THOMAS, The Oennenis °wheels Will bete ettendenoe, mh13.30 ry"•I:...TRE WORLD , ON.—"T_UR 1.{..S • HERALD OF PROD RESP.' —A by 11.e.terea Dr is viblished vastly'? Net/ Y:rk lh tly . paper may gobfa l tnell 4 tint. t lll l ,l4, a F l o e u n e ridelhestnat streets, or at. No. NH North Eleventh street, wholesale or retail. It will he delivered to EthionberS tore cents per week, by Mr. Rol:anion. - mhlB.3t. A CARD. TO TAE Sotioes of the strike, of a portion of our men, about cine.tlurd of the whole number employed, and en adver timment of an assoc i ation which engendered, and IS endeavoring to maintan. an antagonists:l between work map and employer., having appeared in the papers, we ytotioe them to correct the miestatemets. It is not true that we are degrees o employing men more than ten hours per day ; neither is it true that we have redacted the once for overtime. Tho rule whieh the association desires us to change or abrogate itt as follows, viz t , Work neoessm b e to done before or after reglar hours wilt tie rated at time and quarter time. and Ills expected every one will do his prat cheerfully 'when called upon." This rule hail been In operation two years and two months, without alteration or modification. It is print ed in large type, and conspicuously placed in every work teem and °Moe in oar establishmeot since January, 1868. This was the first and only Buie we ever had on the subject. rreviota to this we had no published rules, and overwork was done at various rates. as foreman and men agreed upon ; but generally, and prinaipally,at time and quarter time °nee per cent advance on day's spigot, In making the role the price wee fixed at the highest average rattle of other city shoo, work done at the :tam fixed is a loss to the proprietor . We therefore virtually abolished, and so worded the e.. when aremsaril, and on no other account do we pormikit. To show our estimation of overwork, we will state that, during the year of 1889, the average amount of overwork pa man was three hours. and the difference to the reap, if his wages are $1 per day. is la cents per annum, vial at oqr rates 76 cents, pt the association's rates go cents. It is evident, from this statement, that it Is but a plea to get the control of shops in which their members are employed, and to preveqt employment of any who are not members of the association. And as farther proof of this, we quote the 2d article of the cen t stiintion of the assocoution ; ' The objects of 'hie Union shall be to unite and aw , locate together as far as practicable, the e ffic ient workmen of the two trades represented in this Associa tion, for the purpose of securing concert of action in whatever may be regarded as oondueive to their united interests. a+ the attainment of a fair rate of wages. the shortening of and rendering uniform the hours of labor, the fixing of a proper ratio of apprentloes to journey men..the proteetion of the regularlY-aperenticed me chanic, and the abolition of obnoxious and oppreseive roles in workshops." This organixamon, soreenins iteelf from responsibi lity by its secret ohmmeter, not only governs its own members, but seeks. by intimidation and threats, to resent those from working who, are anxious and wit hal to do so.. 'They dealer. in the/ preamble that • The relation between' capita and labor must, of necessity, (en far as the price o the latter is con cerned.) result in an antagonism o interests." We think otherwise and intend to manage our own business in the recognition of the mutual interests ex isting between our men and ourselves. 1(o otileotion to the, practical operation of our rules hail been manifested lily our workmen acting itde pendenUy of this association. Many of those who are members nobly ex reps their. regrets at the strike, and Would resume work at once if free to follow their own judgment. . . - With this eta went we leave the matter to the Julia meet of the labile. M. W. BALDWIN & CO. TrOFFICE OF. TICE FELILADELPIIIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Miami, Ego. The holders of the bonds of this Company. doe July 1. um, can now renew., upon s.ppliestiou at this Milne, to per tient., in cash, upon the terms specified in the annu lar attached, The holders are allay entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of vow per annum, as established by the stockholders at their animal meeting, held human. 9, 1800, and in raiment* orthe oontraot,entered Hite by the onmpany and duly recorded, to sorry the same into affect. 1:1 DeA.D.FORe, Treasurer. • =CUL/. ot. . _ Hotta to the Hot Phil4lelphia and Reading Railroad Comment/Mortgage Bonds,due July 1.1. Those bond. ere secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the marmite to 83.9138.400. The net revenue for the but final rear warm' tIMBX the amount of the annual inierest on these bonds. _ The managers propose to extend thorn fors period of twenty' years. the holders retaining the bonds and the leounty of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the toterest• payable half-yearly, will be nutted A bonus of 10 per cent. will he given to the holders. in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in oaeh to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their regnan t's,' bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agenta, for endoreement. • Forme of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on application. 01 order of the Board of Managers, VV . ft. IticthllENNY. tfeotetary. MLECTURES ON 'ME CREATION, Paagi , _l4 c. Mr. OBOROE FIELD A at in. and ILAYDN EAU. red-ust SALES 1W AVCTI9N. NEW YORK. AUCTION NOTICE, BY VAN Fink', TOWNSEND, A WARRENS. SPECIAL SALE OF FUR AND WOOL HATS. , Of the Manufacture of JAMES 11. PRENTICE. , . PEREMPTORY BALE ON THURBDA /,'larit INSTANT, At to o'clook, at store, No, 14 VESEY Street, ON SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, 1,000 OASES OP FUR AND WOOL HATS, Comprising alt the different deitoriptforue, and all of which are fresh goods, of the latest styles. The entire offering will be sold without reserve, and will be found worthy the attention of the trade. sr Catalogues and samples will be ready the du previous, when the goods oat be examined. It No. 14 VEBEY Street. HATS AND CAPS. SPRING STYLES GENTLEMEN'S HATS WILL DE INTRODUOED ON THURSDAY NEXT. ISTH INST. WARBURTON, HATTER, tnhli St 430 * CHESTNUT STREET WINES AND LIQUORS. pIIRE AMERICAN WINES, From the moot eminent Wine growers of VIRGINIA NORTH. CAROLINA. 01110, and PENNSYLVANIA Sparkling, MIS, Sweet. Dry and Cogmunion WINES. Werreuted the PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPY ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, nthl4-tr Corner ELEVENTH end VINE &mete NOTICES. T 0 MBRIMANTS AND DZALSRS IN ELASTIC VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBER OnODS.. 4 3 :S 1 174: 1 4g e arlr o trfTh i e l ir ke d t. l .l4 p g l ill,g3n! t oo to the act that the ' , inanities is imihbling, and cal culated to mislead the Ile does not offer to hold Marahante and Dealers harmless from costs and da mages in (+aren't,. nor anything of tho kind ; while we, in our , card, heretofore published., offer " that, Wi ld any any persons, nompantecor firma. De prosecuted b y Wil- Dam Judson,upon the false pretence, that he bee any right or title minion Vulcanized Rublxir Goods its are, and have bees, olsimat by us, they hAvi only to hand over their vapers and the management o their defence te our counsel wherecipon we defea all suoh suits without costs or oonditions, and hold ell such persons, sonpanps, or Arms, against any and all chums of' Wm. "O n lo; to the other extraordinary card, having the ;signature a Charles Goodyear, we declare %pie to not one truce iu HOF AftE H. DAV, ALEXANDER NAY, NOW York, March 10th. loop. It° SAL SODA. JOS. ELEINTON t BONS Oder prime Bat Soda, In casks or barrels, delivered free of porterage, in quantities to suit purchasers. nalnlft-lm" US South SECOND Street. VOl7 'WANT LIKENESSES OF YOITR Ji• friend' ?holographs nt Atribretypes. REIMER, SECOND BOW, above Green, bee been th e met enc. ot ,r u i i n this city in ma king ell Mae, size, and style matures. It" GYMNASTIO INSTITUTE k r th d if t°V e ßeitil rig of e very age. Prima. IbLE RAN & LSW & B E;E:Fwortvil e p v ti e nin d gloademy at the same anhlo-Bt. g FUGUET,/c SONI3,_ Kg. IMPORTERS or HAV_SNA CIGARS.. No. ZIG South FRONT Street, ReOolvei fesularly a full owortmont of desifablo QI OARS which the °for .st low raw. for Gash or op lwovad oredit. foto-to PISCATORIAL SRORTS. 3- rut t 4 IP WILSON at_po.otas CHESTNUT St., theinvite the loves of risorroßut., SPORT the finest assortment, and Belt quality, of TACKLE ever offered in this city. - Faith as Burgess' world-renowned Trod, Bau r and tiatori Rods. Superior Trout, Bass. end Salmon Nies uper extra Linnirie, Virginia, Carlisle, Salmon, and ass and Heels. Sestets. Artifielai Batt, MIX, Bilk and Hair, Grim, Linen, and Cotton Lines. _ mhiltem THE` MOST USEFUL INVENTION OF A. THE AGE. 00FPE'S Patent Knitting Machine. Ogles and Salesrooms. CHEITA UT Street. , 'WM. ILL SAVAGE & Cie., Agents. LADIES, call at 732 (31:1EST -4v4-,_• %T e at et, rrontitoom d elairt. and ati1ei:1411%457.C, 61.4411111 - NEW PUBLICATIOI4B. TUG, WHITTIER, BREMER, BUT LER, LOWELL, OREEVER, STOWE. TEE INDEPENDENT, With a weekly eiroulation now much larger than that of any religious newspaper in the lb OW, will contain la this week's number, out on THURSDAY, en article en- DUTY FOR THE DAY Or, AN APPEAL TO CHRISTIAN MEN IN RITA TION TO THE PRESIDENTIAL OAMPAIONI By lIRNRIZ WARD BEECHER The Seventh Letter on SUNDAY•BOHOOLS BY REV. STEPHEN H. TYND, D. D Those articles of Dr. Tyn g'e are copyrighted A NEW POEM, THE SHADOW AND THE LIGHT, BY JOHN,O. WHITTIER WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER, ESQ., Contributes a new and obaraoteristla artiole ,entitled THE DEPENDANT FUNGUS, Containing a truthful denoription of ninniolpga oombination of Engine Houle and Temple of Justice in he northeaet corner of the Park Reminiscences of Chlef-Justioe Oakley—The Defend nnt's Progress from Summons to Execution—Fungus on Commercial Law and the Judiciary. This IN the fourth of the occasional some of sketohes of City Life and Topics written by Mr. BUTLER for THE INDEPhNDENT, and secured by oopyright ex- olueively to this paver A SERMON, BY HENRY WARD BEECHER A Commercial Article, entitled A STORY OF THE PANIC Tarim: By mad, Two. Dollars a year; by carrier, Two Dollars and a Halt. JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, Publlther, No. d Bookman street. New York. For sale by all News Agent', "ONE OP TEE GRANDEST 000 D BO'o6ll OP TRH BEA sox."—Krangs/ical Quarterly. JUST PUBLISHED- JULIAN HOME; A TALE OP COLLEGE LIFE. By Rev. Frederic+ W. Farrar, Fellow of Trinity Col ege, Cambridge, author of " Erie; or, Little by Little." 1 vol., Ulm Price 81 It is eeluom that we And a book in this depot tment of literature so unexceptionable as Julian Home, and at the same time so complete with the positive elements of excellence. Julian Home is Mt OP THE OILANDEbt Goon soon or rule exasox."—Scange/ital Quarterly. (Dr. Bert.) " With an advance copy of this charming work we took a liberty seldom taken by receivers of a book red hot from the press—the liberty of reading it entirely through. The time indeed was stolen from other dir ties, but it verified the saying of Solomon, that 'stolen waters are sweet.' • * • The sentiments throughout are true and noble—the language is chaste and finely appropriate—a finished scholarship is at all times visitle, and poetic' imagery, sometimes new and always beautiful, vivifies almost every chapter. • • We may hare been warped in Judgment by the strong reflection thrown by it on our own scholastic days, but, if any one shall 01IMICO to think it a poor performance, lot him take our opinion no more."—North American. FOR SALE BY BOOKSELLERS GENERALLY. 3. B. LIPPINOOTT & Co., 22 and 24 Nortn FOURTH. Street mblt-it NEW BOOKS AT HAZARD'S, 724 CHESTNUT STREET. HAW rHORNE'S NSW ROMANCE—THE MAR BLE FAUN•, or, he Romance of Monte Beni. Two vole., 16mo, cloth. 81.50. So great bee boon the des. re to obtain this new volume of Hawthorne's that the first edition tine already. befote publication,. been sold, HOLMBY HOUSE. By Major Melville. author of The Interpreter. Kate Coventry. Ao. To those who have r•ad the other works of this author Chic will need no r•commeudation. HIOTORY OF THE FARLY CHURCHES, from the Bret preaching of the Gospel to the Counoll of !Coot, bro. By the authoress of Amy Herbert, too. One vol., Minn. 60 ciente. JULIAN HOME; it Tale of College Life. By the au thor of Brio. &rt. LIFE'S MORNING; or, Thoughts for the Young. LIFE'S e V EN I N G : or. ThoushM for the Aged. LORENCE NIGHTINO ALE'S NOTES ON NUR SING; What it and what it is not. A book which every family ohbnld have. and every one having oharge of tho sick should read. 60 copra CARICATURES FROhi PUNCH. By John Leech. Third Series. A most amusing col leoi ion of fanny plo tures ; just the book to dove away the blues. Oblong qu A t AIAI THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. By Mies Se Prl e f i l i flY tk l i fittilia A lit i gi b° 4lllPrUßE. By the lAMB outhouse. TRAVEL AND STUDY IN ITALY. By Charts, Eliot Norton. One vol. 75 cents. DR. OLDHAM AT GREYS L ONE, AND HIS TALK THRlttc, of which the press throughout the country speaks in thehigheat terms. Ons eloth, BUCHANAN READ 'S COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. 2 vols.. limo, cloth. F. Hawthorne in speak ing of these poems, alludes to ad as "a poet.panner , whole song has the vividness o picture, and whose pan vas is peopled with angels, Dunes and water-spntes, done to the ethereal life, bowline lie see/ them facie to ace in his AND mood." WHIMIL AND WAIFS. Bp the late Thomea Hood. Novr first published from MSS. in th e possession of his arab Evaws MISSION TO CHINA AND JA PAN. By Lawrence Bliphant. One vol., Svo, cloth, illustrations. ea.7B. A LIFE STRUGGLE. The_new Novel by Miss Par doe, authoress of "Louts XIV," Ao. One vol., cloth, WAFHINGTON IRVING'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON. A euboanber's copy, quarto edition, for sale at No 1124 WAI,NUT Street. It• a G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, %ftk• No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. Fltri 18`301 1. 5 . 3v /rtig, BU YOUR BOOKS AT EV• B'. 'Tie the beet place ha the eity. Books are sold ea cheep as at any other store, and you have the advantage of rattle's handsome Gift, WORTH FROM 00 CENTS TO On with each book. NEW BOORS: THE HAUNTED HOMESTEAD. A seleotion.ot Ghost Stories. By Mrs. Southworth, With a Gift. Price 81.25. 10,000,WONDERF CIL THINGS. With a Gift. Price THE MARBLE FAUN. By .fiswthorno. With a Gift. Price 8140. TILE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. With a Gift. Proae_Bl.2o. EGYPT- ARABIA, PETRAE, AND THE ROO' LAND. By D. Miller& New and enlarged edition. With a Gift. Price 5 1 i5. ALL Vie: NEW BOOKS AS BOON AS ISSUED, and a, Gift with each. califs, sad one trial will assure non that the beet Piece die the city who/ you shoirtiLlurchase Boop di GEORGE O. F_lt N l / 4 GIFT BOOK ESZABLIBHME /99 CRESTN_UT St., Philadelp Bohm Fifth. on the upper side. E W MEDIOAL AND SCIENTIFIC •g• BOOKS!! Lately caned by LINDSAY & pLAXiBTON, Publisher' and Bookeellere, No. 25 &SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. PAGETS' LECTURES ON SURGICAL PATHO LOGY. With beautiful Illustrations. Second Edition. HEADLAND ON THE ACTION OF MEDICINES IN THE SYSTEM. Third lj Edition, enlarged. 1. TANNER ON THE DISEASES OP INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD. One vol., 1 V 2mo, DIXON ON THE DISEASES OF THE EYE. :Prom the Second London edition, :r l2mo. ALTHALIS ON MEDICAL r LECTRICITY. Theo retical and Practical. One vol., limo. VI MILLER AND LIZARD ON ALCOHOL AND TO BACCO, Bound in one y01..10m0. VII. CAMPBELL'S SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. For the eohool and Farm. 12mo. VIII A,_LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC/ BOOKS at the LOWEST PRIDES. inhl3 NEW BOOKS! NEW EDITIONS!! RIDDELL'S Elements of Hand Railing, SSA. RE3,128 Carpentry Made Ellll* SSLISIJEII History of Independence Hall, SI. WILSON'S Conquest of biotic°. BA Ret,AY'S City of the Great King. OSBORN•rt Palestine. Past and Present. CHAT LEN'S New Juvenile I into:, 42 vols., for Bun de &hoots and Families, $lB 40. Merchants (rain the West and South are requested to call at J. OH ALLEN & BON, so South SIXTH. inhl3-6t above Chestnut. POLITICAL. RECEIVER OF TAXES. JOHNFIF O. TE KE EN LRR TH L WARD. sir BubJeot to Demooretio rules. rnhl2-12t. F OR CITY CONTROLLER, GEORGE W. HUFTY, mht2 tn FOURTEENTH WARD Subject to the Mee of the People's Patty. CITY CONTROLLER- SrEPIIEN TAYLOR, 241NETIRFITII WARD. Subject to DIRROOIRtiOnIieI. ITIMR. SOAPS. VAN HAAOEN k MoKEONEII DELEBRATED ORIENTAL. BETE RRIVE, CHEMICAL, OLIVE, EXTRA PALE, BROWN FULLING TOILET, /co. For sale bY rAtizAvil i ,lnV i d e anl a gt r ests. Ale. wholowe declare In COCOANUT, COTTON SEED, PALM AND ELA INE VILE. felB-awd CANDLES, PARRAFINZ WAX, pugs SpERMAIZETI, OILEMICAL SPERM,. ADAMANTINE. Assorted aim. Pcoked in rein or Piney boxes to Ink an market. For THA N the agents of.tne manurseturArs, & MoKFAME..22 and 248. witARVEB fele WALL AND CURTAIN PAPER.— Great Indooements to wish buy_ere. Entirety new styles for Spring trade. No. Se North EIIXTH, above Market lame. VAN METER. PRESS.-PHILADELPI - 04; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1860; INSURANCE COMPANIES. MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL STOOIC SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OF THE MANHATTAN MIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, ISM Made in conformity with the requirements of the laws or the tae of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK 8960,000 Number of shares subetribed for 8,001 Amount of neseisments on stook mud in, in oath-- nnid in full. The value of the real estate held by the c0mpany.................... None. Amount of oaah on hand and in bank....... 7,231 72 Amount of lrans gamed by bonds and mort gage, coestituting the first lien on the real estate, on which there is lase than one year'a intereet due and ..... =NO 00 Amount of loans on which Internet has not been paid within one year None. Amount due company on which Judgments have been obtained-- None. Amount of stooks owned by the oompany : Par Market value. value. Brooklyn City bonds —lOOOO 10300 10 000 00 Amount of stook held by the company Pa 001. lateral security for loam with the amount loaned thereon, and their par and market value : Par Ma,ket vale. value. Loan'd 22,900 31,039 23,100 Amount of premiums due and unpaid........ 8,883 20 Amount of interest on Investments &ensued but not 3,1112 SS THIRD. Amount of 10111103 due and Amount of claim, in suit or contested by the company None. Amount ofaesses during the yearwhich have been pair _ 93,217 81 Amount alone' during the year which have not bran settled... ........ ..... 16,200 00 Amount of dividends declared, due and on. Amount of all other existing Calm against the company.... ....... ....-...—. None. FOURTH. Amount of cash premiums received......... 178,780 81 Amount of premium notes taken by the COM. perky None. Amount of premiumsearned............... 101.207 00 Amount of interest money received from in- Inial vestments of the company 26 01199 Amount of income from other sources....... None. FIFTH. Amount or lone' paid during the year..,... 98,891 99 Amount of loges, paid during the year who'll 'warned prior 10 the 6.614 11 Amount of return premiums paid............ 4,081 60 Amount of dividends paid during the year.. 75,000 00 Amount of expenses paid during the year, including commissions and fees paid to the agents and 0ffi0er5.........:....... ..... 17,817 IT Amount of taxes veld by the company....._ 4AIB 68 Amount of all other expense, of the nom- Subioribed end sworn to before me, et New York, thin list day of January, A. D. 1800. Signed JAMES W. MALE, L. Commisnoner in the Etat. of New York, ---•- - • -0" , "•— • allnointedby the Governor oS Pennaylvenie. Who alio °artifice to the oorreatn en or the above state- Policies in the above-named company Wood, and losses under the same eaultably adjusted and promptly paid by BOSWELL & WILSON. El. W. CORNNit FOURTH AND CHESTNUT BTB., mhl4wam•t PHILADELPHIA. fitIARER CITY INSURANCE COMPA- Ncs, NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINOS, Oa WALNUT ST EE PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS 8350,748 70. —lnturie against Louo r Damage by ire, end the Perils of the Bea. Inland Navigation and ransportation. OEOROE H. HART, President. • N...N.Vegkiritr,affeld9tl2oci_TjOll/ UT • • 8. U. BUTLER, A Assistant Y Bureutry. DIRECTORS._ 't George H. Hart, B. P. Rosa, A. 0. Cattail, Foster 8. Perkin', B. W. Bail Andrew R. Chamber'', Hon Con e ell, Samuel Jones, Id. D" H. M. i nfer . • mbeir THE ]ENTERPRISE INSURANCE . COMPANY OF PILMADEFMA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXOLUSIVELY.) VOMSANY , S BULDIAV. S. W. CORNBR FOURTH AND WALNUT' BTRIETS. DIRECTORS. P. RAICTIPORD STARR. MORDRCAI ILiwsott. WILLIAM MAUR, GEO. H. B MANE. NALBRO FRAZIER. 4plll‘ H. Daowit, Jong M. ATwooD, B. A. FAnmswroox, Sem T. PURIM( ' tiIDRIW b. CARR. HENRY WHAWIOII_,. RAMER. CHARLES W. RATCHP RD BPARR. Br 00.-IcH.Seoretarr. TILE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANOR COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Assets: SIX MILLIONS OP DOLLARS, INVISTRD in VIRsT ISORTOswp MI REAL lIITIAIIe WORTH OVER a ispooo,oce. The 1r:o:V1 ?, TAl...._:_ than many eg"'l, r atNl shove b e en Ths gklig rAtialftiPßVT%" IluoNO TO TER INSURED, Pamphlets, and every information, may be DO east's, on nonli p o . sVca T tt liFo " grAR I. W. corner FOURfit aiiiWrniAlt A gefin. PHILADELPHIAREFERRICESt Thomas Robins, John welsh, Thomas L Dawson, trglisolteiderElßTS. Eleorop M. Stroud, .. &he t i ' Learning. I g i g t i RI retion ohn P M. Atwood, ' Ahem IL Lotting, Arthu• li WU, Thomas H. Powers, UeorgOV. Toland, illiamMoKee. Tho... Watt/ion. un-llyif. • ..:_____,...A.M. SLEEPER Ss FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUMIT/LEW, Na. 338 MARKET STREET, fe3-3m PHILADELPHIA SAML. N. DAVIES & • SON, BILL BROKERS, DAVE REMOVED TO fe29-Im. ha. 295 DOCK STREET CARRIAGES. WILLIAM D. ROGERS. No. 1009 CREBTNUT STREW. No.loll. felo-1m1( AWNINGS ! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS !! WM. F. SOHEIBLE. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT Manufacturer of Awnings, Flags, and Few Window Awnings. All Awnings made at this establishment are proofed to prevent mildew, without extra charge. fa9g•tm MO COIN OOLLEOTOREL—United btates Coins and Arsclals purchased et n htgh premium or exehang ID ed for Books. ao.. by EN'ARD COGAN, 48 North TENTH Street ; also, for sale, the folloirini Catalogues: Priced Catalogue oriel* of I. N. T. Levlok's Coins, 00 cents. American Store Cards, (430460 cents, J. J. nokle,'s Dates and Degrees of Ram, of Uni ted States CcOne. 15 cents. 'fhe three Catalogues for cents. 2 Im . Raw , rt canals. THE ROOT AND HERB DOCTORS' OF NMI. in North BBC OND Street, Barley Sheen-Tote!. Philadelphia, where he ean be enneelted the firat nix dasg of every month. He hes opened an °Moe at Mr. J. 4. BLETOR'd, Heston. where he can be consulted derma the Inonth of March. Also, the Salh, rath, and Seth of A pill. Also the 28th, 2901, and both of May. He treate all disease* that finch Is heir to. Children with wpakrilita made to walk In a abort time, All dl.easee of a citrate nature strictly csonfidehtish JS.—S ee Oirou ma. mlllo4Aol OR. W. IVIMISTON PEA CADDIES SPICE CADDIES, OIL stands, molasses stands, coffee stands, grocers' coun ter scales, and crejghts, ana groom' general tinware. es aountor and prescr draggles scales, and Fair banks' platform goals,. ng_Naryvtogran BR tabfl-ini" no mmucksT OF NEW YORK OITY 8960,000 00 103.097 10 $390,097 10 FIRST. SECOND. $305,00T 10 W. P. PALMER, PRESIDENT AGENTS, UMBRELLAS. REMOVALS. OF Tat RANOTAOTUUM OF REPOSITORY, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTIIS ARCILSTREET CARPET WAREII ( USK OLD 141 N ICA RIKNER. 832 AROII STRUT, vr TWO DO }t®BELOW MIN TR, (Booth side), inEleo d too f VALV a ET, B InIRAIN AND irE NI I OARPETINLIS, wh theT iti s el at reduaedpraes for mit. NO LIA( lin ELS, One Dollor per 'yard. RUOCIETS, 01 CLOTHS, &c. mhll-1m pHILADELPHIA OARPET WAREHOUSE. SOUTREAN AND WESTERN BUYERS Are respeetffilly itimted to oall and examine our ENTIRE NEW STOOK or OARPETINGS, RUGS, OIL-OLOTBS, MATTINGS, SHE.V.P SKINS, Ac., Just minced by JOHN LEMON, (Bnaoesaer to Riohard M. Ron , mid3.lm No. 47 ROUTE FOURTH. Btreet. CARPETS. F. A. ELIOT k 00., Noe. 112 and Di North PRONI' Street. are the BOLE AOUNTS in Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY, and have oonetAntly for sale a fuU assortraent of VELVET and TAPESTRY CARPETS, of ohm. pattern,. Also, a large calmly of the various kinds of CAR PETS manufactured ha Philadelphia city and county, from nearly all the best manufacturers. Dealers will find it to their lnterest to call and examine them goods, Which are offered for sale on the most favorable terms, N.B.—P. A. ELIOT & CO, being the Bole Agents In Philadelphia for the sale of the Worsted and Carpet Yarns spun by the Saxony'lle Mitts (formerly the New England Worsted Company,) and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton; and Abbott Companies, have peculiar facilities for keeping conetantly for sate the !adonis kinds of OUTDets manufactured in Pluladelphia, on tit *lost favorable terms. )al7-3m 310ALIAJNI & 00.. OARPET MANITBACTUREIttS, GLEN BORO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, Also, Imp*, ters and Deniers na OARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS. MATTING. RUGS, &CI. WAREHOUSE MO CHESTNUT ST., (Opporitsithe State House.) Southern and Western Wrens are reeseetrulli Invited to sal for 9m RETAIL DRY GOODS. 1860. SPRING. 1860. NEW FANCY GOODS. L.. 3. LEVY & Co. Will bpen, • ON MONDAY NEXT, 30 eases of new and beautiful goods for Ladies' SPRING .010 SUMMER DRESSES, lust landed from STEAMER AFRICA. This addition to the assortments received by previous amvals, makes up one of the CHOICEST STOCKS o new and beautiful fabrjo(which have ever been pre sented to the bublio. They will be offered at very mo derate profit.. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. Marob 13,1060-It A CARD. THOS,, W. EVANS & CO. Respectfully announoe to their customer, that, owing to the excessive importation of FANCY SILKS. they will be able, from the Large embalms they have made at Auction, to otter an immense stook, at Paces much below the oast of Importation. They will offer, this day, a large assortment, Just opened from the GREAT SALES ' NEW YORK. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT RESET. uchl34t 1860. 1860. ENGLISH HOSIERY. L. J. LEVY & Go. Have now in store a full assortment of very SUPERIOR ENGLISH HOSIERY, Comprising their full assortments for MIND AND BUMMER, Of SILK, MERINO. AND CASHMERE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. 809 and 611 CHESTNUT STREET. March le, 1810.11 EAL CASHMERE KNITTING ZEPHYRS, in double, rule, or split, are offer ed, for Hie present. at THE SAME QUALITIESAHE IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM OF ZEPHYRS ARE Sold elsewhere. la mos oar on. J. O. SKIRTS. AND SON, TRIMUINOS. SKIRTS. AND ZEPHYRS, rate-tf ELEVENTH and ORESTNuT. SHETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY ovNTs pie.g. 0% BBETIAANID W O. EX_SA_ TWEIN CENTI3 PER BARGAINS IN RERUN ZEPHYR% Doiadt. Stngle. and Split. J. q. Apocwrlta, &ex. I L moigk r A li kir a ts n . d o c d i del p ho r. fet7-rott FANCY DRY GOODS. y A.RNSI Double and Twisted, two or three cord, hard or shot twist, from No. 20 to 40. Unblosohod or Bleached. of 80POrior Qualur, on hand, or made to order cheap for muds, Address, F. PRATT & Co., mhp•lm PAWTUCKET, R. I. BURNETT, SEXTON. & SWEARINGEN laborters of FANOY GOODS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. MEN'S FUdNISHING GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. SKlRTS—Shetland Wool. Zephyrs. and VajIIETIES No. 419 MAIttLET bTREET. felBLni3 HDUHRING & 00., • No.. 98 and VS NORTH FOURTH STRHET, Are now melting, by successive arrival, from Hu rons. their SPRING IMPORT.ATIONS or ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, Maehme Sewing Silk and Thread—and aohoit as in epeotion or their complete and well.asaortei meek— BIPNCIALLT ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND WARTERN TRADE. fee-1m DRY•UOODS JOBBERS. TERRY, PRICE, & Co., 238 MARKET STREET, IMPOUTIES •ND JODDSRA 07 CLOTHS. OASSIMERES, Have now on hand a largo and well-selected stooks which they are prepared to sell at thelowest market trios". W. GIBBS Ss SONS. tl • No. 531 MARKET STREET. Are now opening their SPRING STOCK OF GOODS Adapted to MEN'S WEAR. In which will bn found a full ateortment of CLOTHS, DOSEIN VESTINOR,TRIMMI3OEIiiito A . W. LITTLE & GO.. SILK GOODS. No. 825 MARKET STREET. fes-Om JAS. R. CAMPBELL 8,3 CO., IMPORTERS AND WNOLNBALIDNALIIIII IN DRY GOODS. =TRIM WHITE 000 DB, OLOTIIB, OABSIMEREB, BLANKETS, STUFF 000DS, AO joitOrott No. 717 CHESTNUT stmt. SPTS. TURPENTINE. ---131 bbls. Spts. d i ugr o nv y n e it tim o vr , orm i tawc , COMMISSION MOUSES. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, do HIITOHL.NSON, NO. 118 CHESTNUT BT., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE mhtem GOODS. ~ • WELLING', COFFIN, & Co.. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, °AY by the Peaking., the following desorlptions of AMERICIAN GOODS Of standard makes and in treat varlet: PRINTS OF STAPLE AND FANCY STYLES. BLEACHED AND BROWN MEETINGS. MINTING% AND DRILLS MAURO% DENIMS, AND STRIPES CORSET JEANS. BILF.SIAS, AND NANKEENS. 1 CANTON FLANNELS Ant PRINTED LININGS. LIMEYS, KENTUCKY JEANS, AND COT- TONADEB ALL-WOOL AND mum CLOTHS BLACK AND PANCY CABBIMBREB. BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS SATINETS AND UNION OASSIDIERES mh6tmy3l TWEEDS, OASEMARETS, ko., ko LAST ARRIVALS. FARRELL & MORRIS. IMPORTERS arid COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 999 CHESTNUT STREET, Have reoeived by the latest Steamers a full assortment of GERMAN and SAXONY CLOTHS and DOESKINS, among which are all the grades of J. A. KESSELLICAUL'S whole end hell phloem ; (MYERS & SCHMIDT do. do. B. & L. CELEBRATED DOESKINS. F. &B. do. do With a full line of the very popular IMPERIAL and ELECTORAL DOESKINS; SILK MIXED COATINGS; COTTON WARP CLOTHS; OCTTONADEB and VEST PADDINGE, AU of ylualt are offered for sale ON FAVORABLE TERMS. fepl SILKS it WOOLLENS I MOILWAINE & 13AcION, No. 180 CHESTNUT STREET, Have, per the latest snivel', received s large stook of BILES and WOOLLENS, 'dented to the Clothing and Jobbing Trade, among whioh are the &Bowleg popular makes of cloths O. NELLIiBBEN (Son of ). M.) Whole and Ralf Ends. F. SIOLLRY k 80N'B os (6 NAMIEST. OR AUSTRIAN " .., SAXONY CLOTU, of all vadat. Also, 3-4 and 6-4 DOESKINS, CASSIMEEES, FAN CY do., DIOLLEY'II BILK MIXTURES and TRI COTS, SATIN DE. CHINES, BLACK SILK SATINS, COTTON BACK do., BLACK SILK VELVETS, BLACK and FANCY SILK VESTFNOS, ko., ko. AU of which are offered for sale on favorable terms. fel-wfkmam WOLFE & 00.. WHOLESALE CARPETING, OIL•OLOTH, AND MATTING WAREHOUSE. NO. lit CHESTNUT STREET, Ear Amoy for PLlladelpt•la Carpet Menufaatursra. 111334 m WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. BUTLER & McCARTY, NO. 131 NORTH SECOND STREET. IhIPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENDUED, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES. mhB tm)r3 IFINE JEWELRY, • AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICER. F. P. DUBOW & SON, NIANUIPACTUDZIL• AND IMPURTNRN, Have now on hand a full assortment of Net Pearl Pearl and Jet, &Munn, and Enamelled Jewelry, 0 the beet quality NO. 1023 CHESTNUT STREET, PIDLADDLPDIA. Also, a full assortment of Plated Ware. 8. W. PEPPER. fia22-wfmam Superintendent. JOSEPH B. COOPER, WATCH MAKER nod JEWELER. No. 63.3 BPRUCE traet. first door below BIXT.H. Particular ettenuon given to Repairing Watches, Cloche, and Jewelry. fan 6w • CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. WRIGHT, SMITH, & CO., CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. PITTSBURG AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, /So., delivered from the S saw, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. S North FIFTH Street, feS-fmw 6m PHILADELPHIA. TURNBULL, ALLEN, .1 00., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. Noe. 93 and 94 SOUTH FOURTH BTREHT. (Between Market and Chestnut streets.l liar PITTSBURG GLASS AOINCT. GLAIL OPEN OR DT VIA PROMS, AT MANUFACTURER S' PRIMA fel6-tm BOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS % JOBBERS,. Have now on hand a complete Stook of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH CHINA. At their Old Mild. No. NORTH FOURTH let. , four doors below Merchant,' Hotel, to whtoh they In vite Orttention of WHOLX BALD DOI till. Kir 0 VMS 101 t, PITTS 0110 ULASS. re3-11n HEATON Be DENORLA, HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 007 COMMERCE and 610 NORTH STREETS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CUT NAILS. HOLLOW WARE. CAST, BLISTER, AND GERMAN STEELS. Which, with a complete assortment of AMERICAN HARDWARE They offer for sale at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. feB•wfmlm if M . EC EWde Co PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. 39 BOUM EIGHTH Street, Above Chestnut. This is the only establishment in the city devoted exclusively to PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. A greater variety of OVAL GILT FRAMES on hand than can be found in any one establishment in the United States, end primes lower. Cr Bring your Photographs, and have them fitted without extra charge. mh9-gm FLAGS! FLAGS!! FLAGS !!! U. S. FLAG DEPOT, 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. WM. F. §CHEIBI.E, Wholesale and retail manufacturer of Flan, Politi cal. Banners, and Transparencies. Flags of all sizes on hand, and made to order rie cheap, if net cheaper, than can be had elsewhere in the intr. fead-lm THOMAS & MARTIN , 117 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVi YOE 111.1.11 APAQUAGI SEAMLESS BAGS. ar IN ALL 51ZEEI, foNI-314 WANTS. - - A YOUNG MAN OF 21 DESIRES A Bi e ltmn i ) ,!n PV Good, basin= Batt: or wore. peek" th beet. and German. beet °tint, and pountfy referee/wive!". ADDIY 012 dress " 8. F., 118 North THI . imhl4-21. WANTED —A situation, by a Married Man, in a Wholeals or Manufacturing establish ment, where his services would command a g ood salary. Address" O. G. K." thw office. mhl3-30 Ql5/000 TO INVEST IN FIRST CLAES MORTGAGES. Anti to WARDt.E & STEVEZVSOM, N. W. corner Fougrii and ARCH Streets. WANTED—A good Chambermaid, who will assist in washing. Must bring refiweriees. Awls at OM LOCUST Street, south side of Washinston &mare. IDhlt•7t• A N EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY IS Ana offered to an active man. of rood business habits and experience, to °ones° in a very lucrative esta blished oommission busmen. Any one poinsessins these qualifications, and StinOo capital, can have apy further information 'bey may need, or ap exhibit at the last years' basil/eat ant profits idmwn. addresm et • " Cold ort MISSI Mitre BS," this week, at this cape. MANIJFAHTUBER OF THIS CITY A desires to make an arrangement with a Treys , Meg Agent to sell his goods by sample, on oommission, throughout the States. customers—Dm/70st and Vsnoy Goods dealers. Ternou liberal. -Address-, with real s3ame and referenoe, T. Press office. sahib-St • WANTED—A Salesman, thoroughly sc• etiolated with the wholesale and Retail Cloth ing trade. Address " Box 1.19,'. Post Woe. mhl3 2t. MUG STORE WANTED—Or Store and Dwelling imitable for one. Addreu P. C. P." Press Oftioe. . rattl3-21* WANTED—An enterprising Man, in a Who:stale House, se an out-door sales man, to dispose of is selfishly. article. No fixed salary; but a liberal commission will be paid. References re-, quired. For farther information, address " Third latreet," PM'S Office. mbl3 St WANTED—A Situation by' a young bo's nt r y ri r e rt. s .n n ae v re i g f . t4 l:l4 t 2,! ‘ r m lTril , days, to L. KANE. C. 827 MARRI01"8 Lana. between car. Venter and Christian streets, and bighth and Ninth streets. mbl2 3t* WANTED—A SITUATION by a Mid dle-aged Married Man. Is a first-rate Salesman in mostly any businesa; per'ectly familiar with aa counts : writes a ospital baud, and is a good corral pondent. Has much experience in humans, generally, having been engaged for twenty years, and willing to make himself generally mental. The beet of refe rences given. Please address "Buuinese man," at this office_ P. B.—Would be willing Company, t of the position of Secrethry of an Ineuracce having occupied that position, and having a large circle ot acenaditt ance• mhlo et* A N EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT .J.A. will examine and adjust partnership and intncate account., open, poet- !Aine°, and clone book.. Ad atm "B. B. ~" office of The Pres.% mh9-tt. V‘jANTED—A purchaser for a t , ell es— t:Wished and very profitable mannfacturine eines,. Toe business man, with e capital from 83.003 to $B,OOO an opportunity in now offered that m seldom Presented. For full _partpulars. addreu, with real name," Box N 0.110 7 Palle. P. 0." mh3.6t. WANTED—By a middle-aged man, a SITUATION as Porter, in a 'Wholesale Roust!. Unexoesnonanle reference wen. Address ' • Porter, ' [doe of The Press. WANTED—By a young' man. twenty 7 ears or so. s SITUATION in a Wholesale or Commission House, AS Aiselynnt Clerk or Out door Saleamsn. Address "P. J.,"ollioe of thu paper. rnbB EC n i a l TS 0 lox I 1 willV. WANTED.—Machinists a good wages, and prompt im p iment. at 7 W. BALD WIN & mlil-wfm3m Cor. BROAD and.H.AMILTON Streets. _ _ _ WANTED 1,000 Ladies to send for DE RUSE'S great book. Every young man and woman contemplanng holy we should have thin book. Fnolose 2S cents to Box 84, Philadelphia P.O. fe99 Ira' FOR SALE AND TO LET FLOUR STORE TO RENT—The old-es tabliehed steed, No 701 S. Second street. first door below blisppen at. Ilia None of the best stands in the city fur a baker's and family trade. The buildinz is CO feet deep, 20 feet wile. and fourstories his h.. enable of storing 5.000 barrels. For further particulars inquire of WM. C. 8 rEVENSON. mhl3.4t • Nu. 713 8. SEC D dtreet FOR SALE—A large Lot of Ground, front iagGirard avenue and Montgomery (late Cherry street.) with openings and good fronts also on teams and Broome streets. in the Eighteenth sr ird. This lot is conveniently located. not far front the Delaware, on the widest built up thoroughfare; easily accessible from all points and in 4 well-populated neighborhood. It would be nom rably suited for foundry or factory pur poses. tiff terms apply to D. M. PUX, mall-wlmfit• eal YORK Avenue. rillO LET—A DESIRABLE AND WELL. lighted Room, having a front on both Walnut and Third streets. Inquire on the yremt•ee. of JAM Ea cRAWFORD. mhls-st• 1335 WALNUT Street. AUCTION SALE •T THE EAGLE iiOTEL, No. 421 North THIRD ' , treat. bares 8.1. of FlM.7Belitit,D FURNITURE. oa WEDNES. AY MORNING, March 14th. at 18 o'clock. the entire contents of this large Hotel. consisting of sil that is required in a first.eteas house. The Furniture is of the beet quality and in use but a short time. May be examineo at 8 o cock on the morning of sale, with catalogues. B, C. B.HOOXFH k CO.. Auctioneers, mhtf-4t N0.2d1 North THIRD Street. I"ONUMENTAL WORK, &c.—The Sub scriber, who is about rehnouiehiria the business. is now soiling 011 the e.ttre stock of the MARKLE YARD, 1825 ARCH Street--consieung of fine-Monu ments. Head and Foot stones. Statuary, &a.. and soli cits MI early inspection of the same. The Betiding and other tmpro cements on the lot to be •die posed of. mh7 12t • . WILLIAM BILL MCORE. [UK SALE. -The Steck and Fixtures of of a Lumber Yard, now doing a good business. whioh may be greatly increased by any one having the requisite capital. To any Mb wiithins to engage in the Lumber Trade, this is a tare chance. as the Yard is in one of the best locations for business to the city. For further particulars app on the _premises, corner of GIRARD Avenue and FRANKLIN Street. mblg det-Wit fiq VILLA RESIDENOtS IN GERMAN TO WlC—Gentlemen who desire to build after their own taste i can be supplied with choice Lots. wish a liberal advance. if required. J. 8. HUBEIt, ral73 at 2.16 South FOURTH Street. fa FOR SALE, in HADDONFIELD, N. J., nu pleastict Cottage. with about two acres of ground, stable, fruit trees, and aeoeseib'e from the eity. by rail, in 20 minutes, five times &day. and by a `revel Molnar, of miles. knee 86,0/0, terms cagy. Apply to ED. WA lm. = 704 WALNUT Street. EtTO LET—In Germantown—A double three-stories dweilinic house. with modem im provemente. fine grounds. shade. fruit, &o. Inquire of A. HEN Li hSHEINIER, 432 MARKET Street. mhl2-mivf6t. el FOR SALE-A VALUABLE COR MINER PROPERTY—A fine, convenient and com fortable city residence. with all the modern Improve ments. N. W.corner of SIXTH and GREEN streets; would be a 'nimble location for either a lawyer or a phyrnoilin. inquire of R. A. BOWER, N. lg. come• of aIXTII and GREEN streets. mhlo-Im&wat gig A HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO kali-RENT—Furnished or unfurnished. For Isis apply on he premien, Northwest corner or NINTH and LOCUST breasts. in FOR SOLE-150 Acres Land, being the well-known Mansion of Health Greenwood, through willed runs a boautiful stream of pure cater, widening into a lake, near Pemberton. Burlington do, N. J. E. P. MIDDLETON. mhlo 6t LI North FROAT Street. fig 3 FOR SALE—A new three-story brick dwellins.2s4 South Tenth street. Double three store Inot buildings, with modern improvements built in tho best manner. Inquire at No. 4'r South rt. NTH Street. mhlo-1.2t. op FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Store No. Ilia MO Booth WHARVES. above Pine street, Tan nin' through to Water street 2H t3O feet. Apply to WALNIAT St. n:117-wtrolnuf aTO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— The Machinery. Brock. and Fixtures of s lame Mutufastory of PAPER HANGINUcI, replete with every convenience for carrying on an extensive busi nese. A desirable investment to persons of energy who can push the business For wile with or without the buildins. I mtf i nquire at= CHESTNUT Street. juissff FO R SALE—The two HOUSES, 1RE14.N05.413 and 414 ARCH Street. THOMAS STEWARDSON. mhldm• 414 PRUN Street. flpi HERR'S HOTEL FORE E T.—Th e JHEul.proprietrese of the above well-known Hotel wishes to retire. and offers the Rotal for rent. The furniture will be cold, or rented also. For particular.. addreia fell-Im J. G. HERR. Harrisburc. rm. COTTON FM:TOM FOR SALE, IN 811. THE CITY OF READING. PA. 'I he HEADING aIANHFAC CHING COMPANY will offer at Public Sale, at the MANSION HUH6 I, , in the city of Rending. on WEDNI•SDAY. the Mb day of March, at !o'clock P. M.. the property mown as • The Reading Cotton Mill," located in the city of Reading. Barks county, and elate of ,Pennsylvania. 53 miles from tide water, at Philadelphia. and thirty from the Coal HegiOne, containing 13181 31ruion's self actin,: Mine Spindles, end mu Looms. Main building 2nxig feet. consisting of three atones and an attic. with slate roof, two wings. one for boiler house and recur shop. 1063.25 feet, and the other a picket's room filg2s lei In ai.drtion to an Office ou.side. and a Stole Boone 77x.53 feet, with a slate r. of, and a turn-out from the heading Railroad through the latter, and thence over coal eghutes.where the coal is cropped without handling, op petite the Furnaces. An engine nfelo horse power, with two separate sets of boilers, rePrnad communication di rect to Ph.ladel phis and New Volk. The general health of Reading, end the purity of its water are probably unequalled by any city in the Union, while the finest agricultural regions in the Sate sur round it. se .urine tar its markets an abundantand cheap 'un l ere yci provisions . sa r are •e several acres of ground attached to the Mill which can be eut up into building The whole Mill, with its machinery, is in good order, and is well worth the attention of cacitsliste and Manu facturers Persons desirous of obtaining information condos.) by calking parsormuy upon. or addressing by letter, the un dersigned Committee of filanagers. ISA AC ECK FRT. BEN.) T J. BOWMAN BELL. Reading, March 9 fimr-t2B Committee. GERMANTOWN PR , PERTY. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The valuable Farm and Country Peat, containing 105 acres of highly cultivniedland situated in the town ship of Germsnto •n. Philadelphia county, and within 134 _miles of the depot in Germantown. The situntinn of this proPertrje not to be Itlrraggea, being bounded on the north by w aghington lane, on the west by township Line road, and on the south by Raines street. and within one-eighth of a mile of the Limekiln Turnpike. nod a quarter of a mile of two Sta tions on the Chestnut Rill branch of the Germantown 1l ilroad, High street, and Washington lane. The location of tae above property is his h and heal thy. the land well watered and lying very advanta geously for Cottage Sites. It commands an extended view of the surrounding country, and is internee ed by the streets running from Germantown, as laid down on the Wn plan of that district. The property is laid Mt acre tote, lithographic plans of which may be wined on application to either of the under signed.' • Ajpo. a X-aluable and handsome Building Lot, situated on Alanheim street. nenr Plank rend. Germantown, con taining in front on Bald street 19? feet, and in depth about 830 feet, having nn area of about 4 acres. The ground lies high And slopes towards Manheim Oreeti upon which front is a row of large and elegant shade trees. Alpo, egvecal fine Building Lots adjoining and in the vioinPy of F 1241. line Station. Germantown. Fog further culling And ts rnis apply to ORGE JUNK IN. s J r. i tttornee, Si E.conSIXTHAn dW LB T NRY,Orto GERMANTOWNt s.mhl-Im. . I3IIITARD TABLES FOR [ALE.—Taro first-elm= Billiard Tables, with 1 1 i Inch marblio beds, and latest improved cushions. made last May— now using et the Mount Vernon Rouse, Penn above r am street, Reading. API gto H. A. La N IZ, Si East MARKET Square. Readint. P.. TONES' HOTEL—PiI (LADE LP/IIA The lease and furniture of this noted lintel ars for sale at a great bargain. The furniture is entirely new. having been put in within a year, and the house now doing a successful busineu. Inquire of D. hl WIIGER, in the Voted, or fell. G. SC 11.111 A. No.lB MURRAY et., N. Y. tf FOE SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Christian and Twentieth *treed*. hawing three (route, suitable for a church or factory eats. For terms &0., 'Witten J. 11.. at this eines. - falSitt pAOTORY LOT- V,O SA ' 7 -A valua ble corner 10t.126t4Mt fronta , admirably located for at Ureituated the eoutherilturabLiart. att. : u ngidly n im PAW iTgPartlollill7l, lAidl.llll 471 aloe of rui frog. jealf APIUBEMENTB. jy- - - ALNUT-STRERT TV.E4T/M Sole Leases M. A.:GARIBTTODN. Stage Kammer Mr. B. g, NE A Mi. witjeritir FM% _AIEBALLIANcIi. J. Fardinaodp ort., Mr. L. &Showell ; birowe Antitalt, Min M. Daven BOBTAILS AND WAGTAIL& Mr. Bobtail, Mr. Vining Bowen; Mrs. Bobtail, Malt Mary Miller. ifir Proem as usual. @eats secured 'walkout extra agree. Doom open at 7 o'clock ; Out=ll Ace at WI put 7. WEI - BATLEY Ica CLARKKS - ARCH STRWET TREATER. THIS (WEDNESDAY> EVENING. Kan* U. THE FORTUNE-11IIIITERR. Gerald Desmond. Mr Coltanp; Mr Ceatterton Mane', Mr "What Mies May.. Mien Emma Taylor. THE MANIC REIRT. B.o.l3oPlaoadt.6matinis DrellothPacmy:::::lll:ta.h.:—* Attp°ll7misdU2lsll.oMasirr:L"ll, _poor" open at 6(i performances to 0001132.11100 at .7)a - preofserp. AN RICE'S GREAT SHOW, _LA above M EiTIONAL TREATRE, WALNUT 'Street ighth. Piatcvc.—Dreeto Circle. Sit mats; Famibr 27 601111.3 Boats in Enters Boxes, ill mots ; Whole Pri vate Boxes. 83 and i 6, Gamma or,Trus.—Goon oven at a cutter Wore 7. Tooommenes 735. THIS , AFTERNOON. A Grand Pm. Entartaututent for 6tritnra and Families. THIS t WEDNEEIJAY) EVENING. Manta A most novel and excitirtp Rpeetaele. reoreeenbas AN ENGLint BTEEPLE CRANE. Engagement of the eelebrated Clown, • •• XL TONY PASTOR.. Who VIII fisPsar In his most telling and Encontricittea. Third appearance of the favorite Eaneetnan, Mr. T. NEVILLE. The entertainments will include as infinite renety at Extraordinary Equestrian Feats and Prodigies of-Ath tette Cone admit wa hIDE-BPLITTiN EXTRAVAGANZA. IFTEENTII ANNUAL FLORAL BALL. IW —D. L. CARPENTER'S FIFTEENTH ANNUAL FLORAL BALL will take place at the atUtrICAL FUND RAL, WEIUSERD AY, Aerti Ufa. Tickets can he had of J. Thornlss. Esq.. 311 Chestnut street. of the Committee, and of D. L. Carpenter. mhl3-it, incDONOUGH'S G/lETLES--RACE Bt., helow THIRD. STAGE HANAGE2- ERN-LNDEE. ENGAGEMENT OF • Celebrated FELIX CARL° BALLET TROUPE. The above Troupe snit appear EVERY EVENING. They are the most wonderful performers Bins. mad were received on Saturday evening with the most ea thusuistic applause. HERNANDEZ! • Ad the Wanted Company appear. First appearance of TWENTY - ¢SEVEN PERFORMERS. TEMPLE OF WONDERS Northeast comer of TENTTI and CTIFBINUT Stre.ts.--Will *non close. Corns then and see 1 11.ITZ. in lie Magical Minions. Ventriloquism, the Leveed Canary Birds, Bobby and Wonderful Automat)* Bove Dancer. Att•ectiva Entontainments every eveairtg, COMBO' , cint at 73ti o'clock. rntl on Wk.I)Nk.SDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON% Admission ni oents. M C 3 hi n l;from k ti amts. SEVENTEENTH SUCCESSFUL AND MOST Pt:MT - WELT THE LAST WENS. SANDERSON'S EXHIRITIOS R00_741, Jayne'. Commonweank (new! Etinkinne. CE.MTEUT street. nee/Sixth. north aide. nuopcve Aar 251181aUfd. Will nova - fitly close On SATURDAY SIGHS . klatch 17th. W O . 'Unflagging Interest! Unexampled 2peoeitis. Ortgi nalitv ! Splendid Effects Impomor Tableaux! Coax Fageantr2 ! Irrepteatob'e Lanthter ! The mans4ement have the honor of informing the public that an engagement hating been effeoted in An other city. the Agt Museum sill not remain hers after haturdav March 17th. therefore making tem CNEQUIVUCALLY THE LAB v 'WEEK! FRIDAYAgth, Renefit of Mr. eRPINALL 'f211017052. FAMILY hIATINEE3 on wEDNES DAT and Hp -1 UR DAY AFTERNOONS. Evening Entertainment—Door. open at T o'olodk; com mence at 7%. Admistion—Adulte. 25 eta:Children. 25 eta, nikl3 et WILL 6lluitTLl , CLOSE. THE HEART OF THE A' . ADEB." THE ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. • 10 , 0 CRWRTNUT Rolm, 9 A. M. 4115 P.M.. and? SUPS P.M. somuer.ou Z cents. 'Visit re requested to briny Opera (Tama. mhtta• . - GREAT FALL-NIAGARA, AND GIONOUX'S " NIAGA RAIN WINTHR." NOW ON EXHIBILION. ar EARLE'S GALLERT mh3-13t els CRER - I•NOT STREET 11011ENNSYLVANIA AOADllkty Or TIM FINSAIM lou CITESINI7 BTRERT, Is OPEN DAILY. Manias euilsdod./ frog! A. till 6 P. M. Wanted—Tn. Than volume d " Mitt Rarsam ristirfa." of Piraeus. Admission U omits. Claim nada 12 yes half price. Mares of Stook SIX. IZERMAINIA ORCHESTRA.—PubIic Re 'LA hearse's every tjATURDAY, st mualc.u. FUND HALL at 3x o'ck P. M. Ttekets to be had at G. Andre's, and Beek k. Lawton's Made Storm end at , he door. end MEDICINAL. A BOUT FIFTEEN YEARS SINCE I was maw! tn try a bar of RADFORD'S POW DER for SCARLET F I•VEILand the effect prodneed was snows/ring. I believe it to be one 12, the best remedies for Scarlet Fever ever need. JOHN B. DARE. Altb.rnran. No. MI North SECOND Street. Prepared only by W N A r TE S K X T T W Sr r e t. For Ws by JENKS & ooDEN, No. ISO North THIRD .treet ;T. W. DYOTT SONS. No 113 North h..COND Street. mlotat• DISPozPSLi. —FIFTY YEARS INDE SCRIBABLE AGONY FROM DYIPRIIIA, Nervousness. Sioksess et the Storrach. and ioiniginr, repo been restored ny DU BARRY'S delicious w ealth [From REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD. w [From the Roam able Isidore 3. m Blakt,l. SYDNEY 03 Ehbeth street, ITth An ISM Dist Sias : tam happy to inform you o the great benefit my daughter hae receired from time Residents Ambit:a. She us very thin and delicate. Icing too tall for her age, between ten and eleven, whet she com menced taking it. it has made her tame strolls and healthy. }col:under it the moat nutntwas me...oratrs food for children and delicate persons. Balser& me. dear Sirs. truly yours, I. J. BL ABE. 03 Union street, Third district, New Ottawa. March 17th. 1906. For ....toren years I have been laboring ends. an insufferable alter ca. de pnired of leap. aid BO dizzy at times that I could not hem myself; my stomach woald fail me. and I thee breams a helpless. enervated ittrd lid. At last, on the 11th dflune, 1854. I eras Liana down with en &trine flax and billing pains in the towels. Often as I went to lied at nicht. I thought I should never see the morivng. Al y medical attendant and friend, in Whom was all MY trust, could do nothing to alberiete my suffennes, and sent me to one of his colleagues, whose attendance proved as ansnecessful. all Om reme dies prescribed failing to afford me any relief. It um at this stag e stray disease that. on the Sib. of September lent, I lankily met one of my friends. who told me that Air. 3. B. Monier had passed through the same ordeal. and had been radically cured by Da Barry's Raralenta. A rnblen. Thereupon I immediately begin to make use of it, and, soon after. I felt renewed ; and the extraor dinary change for the better I here sradoslir ens.- rieneed since. owing to that excellent Farina, incises me to believe that lam comcielel• Mired. • F. B. BERNARD. Commercial Abstract Clerk in the Collector'a Office. CASE Si.). 64812 . [From the Rev. Jame. T. Cliumbell. Byderstone Bao tou, near Fakenham. Norfolk.] etche r IM 9 . Ormszaran In all oases of Inth Den restion. am: reruns larly when the Liver is more than =tally ahected. I consider Do Barry's Reralmta Ivabica Food the beat tf all remedies. You can make what am you please of his communication. I am. gedliemen. yours. Ac.. JAMES T. CAMPBELL. Perfect digestion, strong nerves, and refreshies sleep restored by Du Harry's delicious health-restoring Revs lents Ambica Food. Upwards of .50.000 cures and lc ern thousand testimonials. tacked, rith full instroctions, in canisteni I lb SI 63 tl , Ihe SU. The latter carnage free on receipt of gash. sold at the Perot. 243 South THIRD Ellen, by H. MUNRO, principal Agent for the Malted States. god by all Grocers and Druggists. fel3-Im. BOARDING. 7f ig, CHESTNUT STREET—liandsome kmr It furntabed 'auk parlor to let. vita or vlthoat rablt-r.• TWO PLEASANT CHAMBERS VA CANT. vitt, Board. at 1.53 WALNUT St. mhi-Im' PERSUNAL. PERSONAL.—Cash will be paid, and the hithert pries, for Ladies'Arid Gents' CAST OFF CLOTHING, b 3 adoreumg Box 617, Blood'. Olt pitch. tribiSlSt' JOSEPH LEA. ' NOS. IX , AND LSD CRIZTNUT STREET. Invites thOettention of the Trade to his Stock of COTTON. WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS, Net• light and dark genes Wee, a great variety from MESSRS. SAM'L BLATER k BONS, BUTTON ,MANUFACTURING MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Ale*, . THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Ineludtue many new standard Patterns NEAT BLACK 2c WHITYB, PURPLES. LAY.'B, !to. BAXONY dc SHEPHERD PLAIDS. fr. &DELAND& L BLACK AND GRAYS , AND CHOICE DUSTER STYEEI. WOOLLENS. FANCY CASSIMERES arid DOESKINS, &0., FROM ROCK COM., GLENDALE COM., ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD BULLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DO :-SKIN AND SILK KIX PURER. Winch* Plain and Pnnted, of all oolors and quali ties; seaway Jeans . Twills, Cords, Cushinsretts, Kersey's Tweeds, comprising one of the beat stooks in the country. AMERICAN LINEN cam. CRASH, BUCKS, MEETINGS, &a 1.21-sm DRAWING AND PAINTDIG MATE }MLR. Engineers' and Architects' Btatonerg. thernan Painting Materials. Potichemants Designs and Vases. Paint Boxes for Mildren, and also let artists and 'tridents. , ' , etures and Picture Frames. Playing Cards. American and Preach. catalogues grans to the trad LZ e. EGRO & JANENTEXY. No. lid Sough EIGHTH Street. WirrIIMAT.R ANT hritTATi. WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, 'r! F ia i ll i m UNDERTAKER. No. 119 North ElGllitt Street, mhl.l-6t. AEOVE AICH. Year ii•DI. ate.. 3(I LIN M. HALL, FUR NISH NG UNDERTAKER. would re spectfully toforto his friends nod the public that he ncil continues business at 1313 VINE Street. All articles furnisheu of the best quality, and on reasonable 1011138. otr. THE PHRENOWUrICAL CABINET. tOrfit ESTABLIBEED so FOWLEI, %VELLA., & CO. Is open day and evening, for the wo e of D N Am l in a filrenology, P 43101067, water-Cure. &n. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. The , lrance of Phrenology in the train , ea of the young the selection of occupations and con panlonsi and in every department of active life, is feltar.d sr knowledged br nu intelligent persons who me acquaint ed with its facts. Written descriptions from davuerreorrpes will be sent by mail for two dollars. Catalogue, of boob sent gratis. H CEN. No. S 2 CHESTNUT JO StreetN . L. seoond AP story, Ploladelehoi. OHICKERINU 4 SONS, fiIA.NI)- FACTURERS o! Grand. Square. and right prAmo FORTES. Wareroonss,Bo2 CHM , fNUT Street:. Pianos to let. taken in exchange. Med. and Waned. -Also. in connection. a full cocker Poretar pinata. Mama Rook". lad, in3l-Insif ift6OUTHEHIS AND IVETEIiN MEE.- CHANTS eve particularly iftrited to call sad ee , m , n e the, air arid se:Podia asanriarrat of hiilLarry, &antiwar of floarieta. vim' and Head. dreams. at Mrs. M. 8. If JBBoB'B. No. 1014 CIIESTFILT street. nut unnr tslthin Pt_ io.rvonn• F 10461. fell-lx, MAUtik.lll5.L —515 13b1s Nos. 1, 3 /La litsairel. in owned (mein! pne.tiKen, oI the ktest for sale C, g&CL o gii, Co_, AR !Ai Omit 1A Ow *Don flvia ear