. - - - , T • ?/":" . ' 4 177 7 7 11 K.rr - r r l KO. ! ju rv er ot kr s: We have moehlaarmiPA %%Word Skina I AV* tit 414 T rir li X.11121 ✓ ittaninar wow art 14, f-ane Orgitiratattikamthi - imarrmationtiarnt4 - t-- - .- - _-,: --. "143ti;€ 1 **4: 1," 4404 4 000 4 . 400 Vi t.gi g f • i i lahhanitißepottsaftliiPlisitaillift 100011,1129 Coup '-,P.0/.7-0130*TosjsravialaliiiiilairpO rt ' absitti ef Pnie.'l L Thh)*filli . *l4.o:49o:4l o46 t o, l.lo4 t : maybe manelcierad' , o4 , m , remseiM, titlrypnotepaskyl.. ate looked' for, iti****M4 ,l !'f 101 1 0 ***l only on "tiiMin4l:steittiOertnil ll- 10,iiiit":"JitA t many of our amount ofthe'vo6,l*#)4ol4.ltiiNt„tlieWassj , the infterti:of ; '449Milifanotapinitas centiln,'of the iapid Olraofittii4:4*Alooo4oinnki l ol ) oo; ofpno, tlinmoaktbilantkroitiO and benegloent jeotf"rter and proportion' of assets of 'the Mdtuat' ,144i.-Inettranee company ;of 'Mat 'York, compare MaS , ;Entn.p`ct#VO4 - 40.Y4 i „ 'while theaniall °"; ate; of mortality among ~ t ne•aa., OMM; initibelaitaraintabir 'imt.ir 04 - Irate basta '` „ genTiare prabablyinisenall&ll7 any oompaitY • Alle t weaUt 1e ,3 61 114 05 , 4-W .44 : 1 ' 1 :1044 7 * Compasin - that`theilianebil sta, temente aid staff -s -' tied tables are alwals wade - •onob ; and sneolnet,l9li*ek,l4o4ll.3ll4 nt the teohnt.P - • SaUtIstYPI vitoei ginoMitlO'wS 4 k ., 41 0 co • • toni4aoiotil4rocitimmi.tho , aalibiliAlga,lntn, e ranee eompantee:—PAny pelletholder may at companyoP:tWff Means ()I'MS WentalliAperti-apt 3 " We have, oollintedlntallia :lament and former Maittatteat tablet ehearth' Rat PPgreak4 ) l44.4ko/P4-34illiegii'liKeMt ,70 * R2111A' , • , ggg gerG 4,4 , • • • • -,- ..-- --- - 7.1." 1 -. AWL Itr TIM , l i t' la ' P , : , .., ;...5... S.' ...P. ! ;it'flgiriziri - ML,'"'- af szitii - sis , -,-,P.-,2--:,:f itei2 WkaSg t IV ce 6...14,41e5i-i :A"r - , r.v..r-- •-..,,,,,, si ittle,-sai ii..,477.1-40-T,:o --"•-sra6n - _ . Eiiiito 1 ~ cal -3'i .„1 , *antra ..1 1 :Iye °naive:by this, tabTe that the receipts for *Tel Al(Crfproltd ibt.,itiogt '9 cagi - pi, iett eihrtta In a ire a durthg e, Mayen, anttaffaidnidenee brakenthy. and replafgrowth. " The number •sf• death, NOM' have' twirled during the vear43s9 isstated at'B4•; of which one thin*, ganig, have been•mused bypulmonary ME' easenalower: Misessisoftbet digestive anion Mire ' carried 4.13?-while those' of Oa' novae system ebtthlplantli ...NM tlinbetl tollather., Nhere•have also been 4 miculps, an minimally Mtge proportion. Ain4slhAr ihe,Tradabarintel; amount of claims by death have been less thaaitimostenled toy by:the most approved tablas of,mqtality, and the history: of Company in rodtal atatktice seems to es • tablish:the fiat thaddriag Middle , lifethe'itiortal. itY KOWA• parsons iltlnStinPulnitnncom* pantos is iest than that of • any.otner clue in the ast aslar tolls reoerded.end4thown raid , older ages, however, the'mortality ' imattialatier to proportion, ind ibis fmt alone justifies thetaditomPendVeonsersatbmi. exercised by the officers miktrtgattnithf hip iim si th a v a id. thiStr.ibiteist nowitsityi wit% r part of : all luau. rtilMenahla !i t ' d lamertenaing pica trunition, mg certainty WO teoulthtiell • 4 - Maell9o' eflllfe institanee?-4 thugs/16dg* of , thl Itting - t:f Ilfe arld sictifultf ,!, ; ' ''• 7 _•'• , cis 1 .1 ~ , , ''''' :t t liA ibnadg , soil/ o f"lfibli.Prie'_:Mbielltif - px,csperms , condition ;, or the mutual tate Om espatan stgMtleame to , the *dee:aeration' of Putt Do doll ; c allltitlitib In AO/Int in At ttrantr -0111 war d which approaches GYall ,remotely te• the etworltrAl"filrelkintablithe4 WI Oldeltaf•nuf:- 1 3,4, - ...q , ,,vivv,,,, ,, aiviy , ,,.,,„...: - ~,,uovem•eing sometim es oszonie , of.; law the•VifFelthlipAeoPdtttle t s)WhichltareT to the utut 4l o4o 4 lArk , r , *4 ike ,l ll 14.,1 411 r, tatilig gal i: , i l 'PRI9 Mary ru y. um that were It puteible.that dmpoum meld tbe 'ea. Madeira/et TOlfaitithilonalwaiwould wish is= thump lapeotallyi clfroafjod 'to ilfof,t *tine pf life issuraton, for it crairp.inat froth,.community weraMmosited to epptepriatiaYentall 'proportion, °flit soadol iisionullo - ,thit , lth eYleith•MAll ',fira. Canna en a life paniey , foithe,Monelltadde Tawny,' :us elevated pennon' of 111014ta a l t i ty; s of • Puld4 morale, and' priViteinrito a lprldonAtat swmming the.some yet t d sineeny-sirlibed nation.: Wealth would become aud - Continue more equalized; wasthfurythilkiallty, andlth.ltfaited oes would be chinked; and 'parent Ptiti: TT + end. rant s , would be almostuakepini pkonspos terift. - T'finrakrtonlif be , no Peerillsidtesi struggling to earn th,t)ally,,thed--no sialicily ° orphans, appeating7, ,94,oltitifil',80,1be ti sietty,,for al4ateli an lista to:l4looosCeie64. would be Inc 'sweat; stmessint *- -supeneded: , ,, Mona the affluent the vielawfudes of lire and the reverem'of, fortune would be guarded igelstsicf , thet lemmas au the middle classes would bo rieri pw, :tUro ASV Millirem vtlia- ihelfttallitirof, the'. 'l,would be protosted'ggaiustiraut;.'inde nf. eharltable all. The moral tone of the coMninnity . Trealalm come elevated. Auol,titoprevek halineftf economy; . Would be Mimed, industry promoted „and en eouragbdc'autd',o6- binuls'of ismin , :indrdomestic duties strenatnernoll - Am Milani ithilanthrephat has, volt nof truly delderaat en I am, isoimidetforilinPurpose of providiagibra sarrittingAndlyAmlrllFlU niratebu y a Falk •, "Iflt be a duty.forninathejfair vita Whielf• Ott pg . ritiitehere4a ROPASStmV it ot the ' firsethmortanoe that e ansurstg Of the aistusime bet2refellygitained. , 7l4'bat 15 the , eltara,eter of the. officers wad direotore of the, atomptusy 7 4l2 . 6l h Mad of as has It, and how are they 'arena? , foiirlire ire dividends detained; sad whether they are astuatly - terneet prolte t ,that there elkOe l 4 be shadoieof A : 0 0 1 0 tinit.t.ttnipartYeartesin ille4 l l'4a4. .: LK; tat 1 all,! itt.'fithOtat ~. Flt.s3 l 2l l lPful - -1/ 1 470;4r.- , .4: .- , ~ . 4 , 6,4 wan L ife eau we I affe the dosser sentstnirmed-thr-offm_ mezmut - bosod - of - dirgeterg deservethe tbankinfthe'pablic for' fhalidnlgnme t etTredeeheethro , tlyv. t.,, , r , 4 sr " tis named niktlessur,icirptisyrthit int:lf e security, Saf ,, ellallniqatela AnnittlintiOnt i elfrufr WWII eadiatigliciattlettthiliMlSo l 344l4" ;Pt' e Antg, tilattl aftatiolt I*.erewattb ng met " r - n• 0 4-t. Inl4fir *OW( itore More Ile Rani thatoompauy'it'attreatioas pas an In v cot - fop- 0 ' ,'" ' -`'' ' "IVA° may be,geared,an the life of s man apaamsuagnimay &loony-payment of $10,89. or - thisliimp tfilo4lV tell. -- poronsm . m . , - Oaths Igo of a managed miriy by a pennant off 340 per earitliertemintoz•amf.'m enz' the - rate MOrosSip with the egg of, thelntallra.V 21tht ii, sal Oil Math ejraglinkbard with the World, and,unti a.llOlllOOO-11 Latta% alidatmeadeoce_ for Mg family during his Moats (114,11wI t great Man of the trading, etnamitinty is Mode Up of men so II tasted)*Tutnyi If hOlegirls a that' age of twenty. fivii,,^aeotintot Mtge amountefitadymeriey TV hie belts bYiltsilibl Paying &slit 'lltaill4early in. 1910 ' 0 Of two Per; 00V on a an amount. This appgranimag reryti marding , top this p magne t from, 315tH) to 21.00 n/ rt • " i ~ • " W.W .fft'fritiOt/ 20,0 fabOr lol / 81 7iad Fii4Ot Ingly*Tothilient of d pensme toil th i ot i ai l s • a loug II It It achtett. th e WM rtandt„ead r ; dole g *a.- - will**. robot OO itik. Ott /la • tY•ubitk 0 ma Rehash:less Teat feel rat a ingtheiiioXiaiu : , Itiflons,finfx i ow. ma e win - in iher mg/be igagit, taw ,suid-thal 'oh A of - pa lifetime defeated-We oollotget the class referred' to do not mare, getterell i t motokretioseetire their olietrthy metthe 'GM i Mantusafe.;;Thit le the • more remstkaleirlom itiennolfeaded that coca- W thOintio , ..thie, way am(•• not du the least inter fere erith-theisr.endeitgost •to elsomaidate in , any • tql"-A rwt i tiluii unWeituSrs , fad Poßeilffili the verY 1,4 . ..0 400 11 4patantege of being s ecure from me o aneets,of & Mae, and the claims of ore. ore, $ , ore "# Widitiilinfanoinfthe 44, Ipetillfe li entettegtissiOluendituatrw, e shell take the Oak of . Franklin distriqlfit.plablikliallttedbilhe Illu. tool LifaitnOTlMltt 407TRInitri.Vir No,. 1080 end , lo9 $i ,000 arid oat°, ' 185 b, bacb 3 Prfete; .IxlV•coeuto tar Abeat'Orlears. Dtlrbreft it atto,. Mrs Mr. 8:--bak.Wn.to th is evull .4074;1' heirs werCiansV3loo2l $lO,O Magsh.putemecuat of Woolley ',snootily, talt i lit n t Ig i t4 g *l•fn tuba btallIlli• Ofalft; In ttatotand. ga mm a s _ 'SO _2 the ;411i.10, and he beteg Medu bi thtnliOn rini te between the two allindad„:"difyi - thily - hall 7.1 f "cirrifiloacci. 31'; p r o . natanalafa'afiaoa the last dividettd4if $1.04740350, eluded in the $2474, on which they realised a fan ,. ther4dindondolf:s4o7,..itodlics prate aggregate , • i 2400, 15t.J.2.300 ellatfait ono the *mount if e Patel' , Medlin' ininanoes fins abundance - May alt tino - ..ltrilbe' Minns" of, the,46:oMind:po)kay .va • :', ' ' - 2 ' . ' ' r .4- trl Tlth ' i ll te atiSMT;fill" o itbefifilgaa t ufa : 4rue l itorfits , . ," i.. , '' , , ,': . ~. , - ~ i .ssenty smart tip thineyetusimen were walking Waal' on Ibnikalintard.`i' knell We go to Prei*-' Wa f t- rota, hoe, - "( WM , all ..railtiart,'!, '_',replied the seeond:p t'll 'length almedithet ;third ' " where Mil frefluid*, fWltion,of Ttiti. hat I t t twe e et, — " k: l 4o,'''Otkefii . ,,tOrft ni*onde, l , Inna Itniestmpty." t; Christi , and I ads' Mtn grp-atiLidawyer'44lerk.• AWhat's to-b 6 dogoo "I have sun idea , "_,said theLlion ,-- eseseki i sr- i " coma with me) TIM - throb nfiteed - ent64l b a rl ' a a ,se Pd ng". ~ A7So P i t e Al i tr i 1 7, , ,ru ni 5,1 1 , .. Lot mecca ivw- i 41111 linter Yen," wild the shortest of threltntine.lit t, d own to t h e Plate, aeldenairthaltMisseggereddha PINY ,Well," said the publithe ,r "if lif_gftt blut—i stiu give you - 211 retie_ •PintlitgireSdp,444 uf u me 4nd. all?" !Lehi vtosSoilislor 4 , 44444.4.14/vp7 - , utlier.hoser m dawace fp, lt, stowage to b lv, for ' bbd axtry= V., V6r tpatd the § s t , pi, ittioisitly sikfid ' goktr 'Loft - 0/1 0 ICW* Mk. 0140.14thibg4Plthe-Winintha 'al song *as '‘ L'Aightslemellr:Theil C S atthliadoot made. , 100,000 f. : M. edilltty tillinir..-flf of A r.,"lff aft)lfeal latis - i 1 larnit#ltiallOWAte thlliste Tram *,, ' oassotimpapmtpthill..a. , -•„ „2' (••• - ",' - . ,'1...- - .- .: :-/••' , lttgit st aatic n 1i,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,....„ stabOw sr— 2 110840orA z tfiniebt6= =APPAaIIn TVA; - IfoSlon.—Wo alluded ialliplatea , l4to."..earrent-report ! that 4/ItialtPalt4SOLAAwlsottenpumks to .the _VIPS*, . ...p1:04*o. ntliolow,p,:eletall-, A-,. nt 4 !Aka „gown* { phenonienoni In blalhanglaerat.Watorijkieurrent:lomOr •are tirtOMPlri - llnilfaillq - ofAhri• 'appearithee, af,' , ulad:; -- - . Aftoranohere la uathlug-moria-roirtel•' i I atilt tlllathan In Ittif.AtraWe's nillint f3ldei 0 ature4 • anti Owen?' P.:Footfall. tort; , the.!Boundsis ' ea of anotipsy,prlii r ikwbfla It Is , better , rnithero• 05 01 1 '4% 1 4K oVtirk'narratlvea etdpilttort_lnte itAliki .Soliurnia -, hi - the - auporinundanet: Thou, , I llsritreeoi.wini are ready tee froliaoribe to t his ' truth, .ot,theourratlone glyen !by Owen-who himeelli haa ,ppnte in-laellativ in - art , 'lritennediattr; state 'or • Proltneekin•-wlll -be_eadtil : pitailed"upon --Whit eolllidt'to. ateeard -lite,Benedletlueldonk:of 81.. Npept!a Ahhy,,a4 an Allusion, The following-Is e eoutrochaloittlotrot theirortikr Abboh.: -• • • '. Bot•rdasaluaven-Avrartsiroe a *lend of 'mine lianded me a cots of the Dispatch_ of the tatt•low..; tat i ii t lte t riV i a c 4i Vnigwiro r elgigil t g l iati t g theapm a imam, yebiet• or . iser runeared„ond coo t_ MUD the informatten t o e Assonttiv , thakit wu tillnow n izeheptahout urgotory , no:43u plus Of titer tato of Prainttion eaistms. WONG ill el !fit but wo wharfs bud 'at tumid the r wa y to Sn i teririaliiiritteVaiihNAiter, - near - th e a Novi. saw , efihe lath. aentember until the gth Nonsoleoetwv even 03.1 r from eleven to twelve 'OleioltA:l4V - cor frOni Melt:tato two pal ma in the e l ibibt, lor emparition_Of alidanildtotme hlopk mills full , ee-. ; A r-li elh d eMfo a tor ot i l.h be e/Tar.. j 4h74 I T h t ;rintirrVlT un - /titian azierrered thi neraa wen sobering seventy tairtliiisert*.e the il e t - 1 1 4 lagn'errtefitii seven ktker anediotintis. at different times, ana luld not bees' esaf Atitittrat hiftrould:hare to abllem.itter • eleYen - lolello-alanfOt: he would 'not help tom. 110 Immo lbeaseven ..Matimesid tbe: him t.besides this. the • lleMbis ahould. for seven:AsyrWobserve‘ the strictest • "silence and retreat., and more. he' should say Sir thitt3 , - 'three: 'days. each day Orme times, the - . Fiftieth ' !Nagle.' barefooted extol& or= gtvotobs out. . 1 2 , 1b1e 'WM dOOW frqin %Whit AOVOM r. tilt the Sta '. receMber, when the mat ranes.was °ale rated. and the Rioa t :t i ffeapaeared. During . thu g tuokhe had - appeared 'eaVet times eaely of.„borto the, Ip,opeo • most .ira 'en roll', t . O vow or the novls •sit 4 - orolo!ery, since i they - adUise Arory . aro. Land, tioneeelleallf, , are yery mtgi,l,lg!trittilmtaftrinfigignitogiulan.f. ; ready ~,,i at-tee. Abhelle net-,one was yet in Heaven, • butkrthruntitt_Puriatorn. .. - rhuto,..ut sulistappe, the luta• that save oriin t 0 Jodr OtraugatlPOrt. 'WP *lva It $lll 17140 h ere4el T it de serves; balms reporue °onus: •- • • • - • ,• .- • -•1, - - •:- --, •3 ' •... •. , • -.. D. Wiatuk, Abbot. ; Itilt.Yindent's Abbey, Nth Feb, MN" _. „. _ . _ - ... . - - • r $.l "TaeMilt 3(01,11E01670UL Paitit.—A.eorimpoad , sat o$ thet',/euiwal,of , CoMmerm eptimatea the cost of the Ointral rt 4 U fellows : • " The cost • the, land Mae about thre mitilmurof dollda:-F- , •One-thlideiraiiesseOpop tidjeoept pro :l6Wroi•Welit;liiiilfaii,:slitlit upon I lia oily of 031a00,0001 -, Thi'olty' afterwards putehased, the §tato Arsenal and groundi it1 . 0,115,000.' Total out ),of laildomy twire i 11166 . . - " - The - act of-1457.0britcreratton ofd Morn' ment, limited the "mount of 1,000,000, er aw enatlittirest M 4100,000; I "The act ; of 11550 , extended- tits amount to two :• •- -;, ; ‘, . • i InlBB . o the istimmtmlonere tire Applying to the '..,egldattare,for i s2,soo,ll,oo addlilonal for th e pus -12081 4)utithi grounds , and $l5O,- pOO ilmaaUteviiimentink ,a,,eapitat of another 2;soolooo,l4;,ltaiMmil soderatnent-- !!;/ 11 C1' , 44 °leer; that; th irphin Under whieh the plimmi ssionersare setlheiiitt reptitre Ave millions napte. l glitix . era littlialpgidtbildgee,'oostipg . MOYe •Pultiliiitf, a Will4PWrArimi'efie roada , asid .tunnels thrungli'aolla Week, 10, 40,:80, - : and •In 'ware natotte I,¢leet geeft trifileWer;ol4ea,,s4'etkite44; an: illtddifriCiimaelim, -443 .'.. •,; ; • , .1. "Conualtadonera siesta employed' la Miting land for the . extonalon,of , the park. from 106t1,. f 0 , 110 t. h iriekttte:iiip'ease ,whlolorill add another mil- 111111 lo t .„ r b e: ", :„ sgi ,y~ya6.,Y„ POret 40.4 lO4-000,000 Da9tbt ithproveiti'ehteipended 2,000,000 , tr: • tasked • f0r:• . ,.". •• • 2,500,000 4, •"• • . 'nioeoary 5,00000 ri .••Goiernment• •• • 2,600.000 ost emtionslOn ' 1,900,000 -Tota odd of 5t7,4:000 •Y - 500-aolCos df ImidOto Improvemehtisn aramol: otoroot of $1,042,000.".: • • _ . _ . litapiatedrdr.tho LlVBRPOOL—abipAohn SpOsr. Spear-500 t 0011.04 Vex Re 00 do a3* !9a fg.,CF9 e4444140de. aa4& iettni t e -2 Bilitt 00ohn s pbty, 'Oantiggt briroxtono bag' armory toi 'l5 00 filberts 55 do vr4 hots tiontsgi oorkWOM bilge aorta 10 bxo shelled Olmoodo ioa ft; temnne WOO do omogeng !angers &Jiro, 1 840 - ILARBORktiohr Flyaway. Daym-,..11439 Bayou brit.ana RowletalshWiner & Co., 156W.ORLEAN5—klohr VoLoan. Butdcbgt-135 bblo E.!, Bonder & b to hbds Musep tomr Tr_A Now. Arl24 6 o72Vohni ft est a Godito . • •-153 welt cotton-nos airmail/541 do . COoM i grig°4 3 . l ,eieir w et txtgint ?OA p r kp C° s2;l 3° so bidetl Maae ILISNET'O7 4 : I.lo— Set t ' Bob BOgrOtt-15 bogs nuts - _0 & Vottot lag doing rgeolo dooms & aa 'arum fray '& bloVevitt; 215.b1g spiral Nroe r d i r..lZoirloy:Agbbunter & Go; 110holgo °moo 505 Able 1116 empty 0141212 Niko TIUIOO order. 4 tr B tfink U111 , 1 :,1, 111"1 -- s",s ialfirrlrjr Timm t 4.ll,4llXllllllllANTlPlptenall3*• ► t a ft . arra n t d: th lnure. soon ;Brig° . QtatituegosolOOn toix:4otrrinuirius:, March To len. Err-4tyrit Brio —4, s 43 Btianittrii teniebsoOland, 24 bouts from N Yeak, fwitlaisiseanApasasni to Jart,Andlythen. Saw bark a ii litan_li. f Masarsaa i mitaide beta May. . / L I 41 4 P . ° a S E: Pe a r ts_ r P siLe r ti 1_ 47 frs T l:wr i g di. Iroli V i zi ee to vb 11 ;amt ee D ynnineel, expellenced very heavy iwester y _sum , Feb ,111, lat sew sc.&•spot:eat:4 tOlamon, from Liverpool for Savannas; To last,J4l AIR, Poit 71 46,peased steamshtp China, :needing- H by 11. IT Jew*" torgd lip try ttl i f Americ? ., 1 los ale alt e li i p4Vivri r gr iis T roia d Wen n, rang HI Sane nark And Blikabet .6 i„, : f r iew t y.,., g roass a imppty of mansion, POlll er, 4 Feb 10. PMc 3thant In Bah, Me l 3 1 31 ERA ,:nupsolisd. -Expo coos& heavy wester:rashes aurang .thee passage. l Stilt Owl e rr ay. 0 thy 00121 rtgitintOi With I,"Palllactk..W 4o 86 New. 040., Hm_And laiseslo T A WaWaan lc Pone. iatt"aar Igieg r igar i g u va pa: from Au Harbor, with , •&ip mligurtion, Jr, liiinsmore, X data from N York'. rat to pgratern. l Ba hr. - tenant°, Henderson, 1 day from Odessa, Del, ,with tram to Ch ristian & Curran. hhr •Atlan sownint. Riee, 2 days front New York, with cement to Freligh,Riehirde & Cor, Behr Tele= Caere air from Camden. Del,with ,Dare toJ i E 0 rIo n Clark. Aoara. Com 1 1 1 3 / 1 / 0 8 River. - Be r HI Ott. Weaver from hitannee River. ) CO rRE )7 2 r i veziew. from Maur= flies°. r Mem Howe:taro:a Matuipe Raver. tl ik ,k,u tip Nattier. Horn creentrielb Nj, ISo r Ind Smith. Dpusleas, frooLflennisaville, NJ, Be &rept Yortsre pates, front HO Harbor. ' 11101,01iprallty o t ---- n. Mitchell, 'Liebman& 1 F l / 4 - 41161 wvabatenjr--- -kw r rk. ..f Anderd ea' i 01 1 1EMXP I841 BteWn 4 dc4 ' ll' rlitst , :kiiter:Pr i nt Spairrecanttsontrog. ht l' ItlOlircligbilifot, kttittali. _alginn & A. ar v, ‘ VatXrss•Xlettrtn, Jam, 0 & Wetslar tiestee - Yillluunson, Jr, Wintmort, Boston, Bin.. • gar tr,irgtarronarr Godfrey, math:iron, Van Da sen No/totCo. : Bohr Joe Sorter. IlsMar.l3alem. I.: Roth:must & Co. I ft:gti aigli ih n i ii ° pifirt Y g_tj - ,pried R Co. k , ; Bahr 11 shirrs site. Try ka„ roryina & Sawyer, Behr, di Dannii dower. ip ar, aty York, RCoorpor, ROM ttott, weaver, mt. ji. Ffsekeher & Co. Sant gent, Clark, ,swish. B Mass & Co. Btr A lung, asspooi, Baltimore, A Craves, Jr. Olarimpowenoa oty a 'hem) i B ar, h p Juliet trupdp, fr e ttire lm e lt i t. Mlnth 6 . Arr ad: ;unmet rarkerelasnr, tint A If Hallilei and a i r spied. from Newyork; IM Jer lireehington, 33 days from papaw, Chill; Halton s nit wary lipuell, from ll' brverp oob, , i . ' NSW ua rmarta.Harah A Arrived. shies _i9ol, from Htfivri, Onorke Washing. ton mid Northampton, from Liverpool; David Hardy, from New York; harks Sarpik t. Joni. and Qom cant. from Boston; Parma:it s' inufavre; atuel 'api, from Bordeaux; Manhattan, [rem St Whom& IifIaMOBANZIa. Shit , Aroole, C rofts , from New York, wee below New 'Orterose let ;, ~..,' ~. , lihiel'oolibonrae, woodmn, ' from Caloutte, at Bos ton i ggy. Salsbury, from Rionmond for Rio, was i n Heinno.oo 00d0 511104. p , 1- 1 4.1.P'4.." ' , • 8i ) . ' 861 ff .A7ol' Onlnt: &wain, from suonntOnd 107 utn kule3MtileMled fittratampton•ROadskt bat ' - ''. Bar Lationia• Hearse . hence for Baranash,was, opp- Ikon Iseri hit BY 12tiong tdot, • - BerirtiintimMweri *Met for - Philadelphia 7th ; Was at Bitten* 11. , - - far Hobe en. , lmalki. for_thibulelobaY_eb 151 Magatitiene, Henke, fordp let instLwasongton. wankel, for do 36th lust, and Elisabeth, blammi, for do Algal, were at Bremirbmieniestil-88-- Behr MAY. 0114011fp Beaming, for Brandywine, alined from Alam ria ith inst. at ßohr -r , t 7, Cheesemati, hence, arrived at New York hr Is Id a i litst , F,-,ree l' , men. 'Nickerson. from - Boston for Phi -1 "aphis, at Newport Ed inst. Bohr Leesburg, Brit, q ea r ed 6 ,t Alpm,36 infq,,for Philadelphia. •,. , -, . , -... , . ~ , • „ Bohr vilir,?:mA i lf t itley. for o felndeligila or Bal. timore,i sailed o tahlin Irma, ir v on[Virwesi-Vel,'Of and for Ersokfort, Me, whisk re nt seism* on the south aide of Block Ismael morning o nth ult• boson a le dge of rooks. PA i s i gnlrtt ?aril he A ° 4,f; ems Ml/. imoopt pt g UOlllOl the aik. aster. t6kgsttlerylly t,316-I,emmt. to, is , ve bean l av a 2:ll,ll,Varbt.M4d7, ialMarattrig.b. • • .ebasztlirlyouwltalted out. •, ! - 1124 ' - - ~..- ,-. HIGHLY pdPXOVRD ' and newly riggled DombißMl rio etend Boltini, or -- ---- -ssAttanANT-FLOllit MALL, , L ; : ~, ... Ipatly ha operatioat •. , ' - ' n 0.700 itAtt. 147111 S T, 11)11.43W LUJBD, fItILIVA. Thill UtlrlVlV,Flour Mill, lie PAlllt e oompletro' mamma std. Ung mantling i occupies a spew; of only areal -l i t , eziht feet MIF , and twenty-nine feet mast Menu °tering within' Hi small omapara, at a aim:loopiest on, and with li.t. l ittle more teen Dix horse oorertroptextre, ?get tipotflasOlnd hit oLthe Tow rfna: d e e& Zil;irtriinan4 am:v:ll4 9 ,of mOnA 'rpti iltree amount° wheat , b) the best Merehoot ° k ,our die in ths ', Vatted elate', Or in Xuropo, Its overage r e r..Th ii t..r.ptr ) , barrel. , or superior flour per riNii?4,4itereamitsah, lattg , d i vir d- Z ebi tti flour ea nepoistiliflina I v a this 'oonntryTatti l ' ho t plu n ,M 2 in heetOw upon it the MOW obinruendationo ; and have eon their talitimonlala Milts Intrinsic 11111)011011- trtnditaltag6oll,lo.lltilltn% ' .• ' ' =m te mill-oamste, =Hebei - HS, eamtelmte, aparills-, Mori dlhe public in Katmai', are Ifteetfulir ante d toss ird - srastiMathlit, pistil,' ;Moroi oroljuistly ads caroler, the Pqraheeel:he Patent at Rgr t itiratid pootittealad thill Hu ,yev., as or fO, anen,etnteti, net ' it 0, : ranee any; R sia, and other deriuldural coati ._lnfrwill si he giverty,,,alixerepn,. hmtffnlnLipm ". • • 41 1} ohL - Via iii. RA ' Y A W M I O I rd a rrl e hl . .1/7141' . alta r riirmittga , oonoat as Au alobt'a., -, .H 1 11'', - .4 pelted to rend the Yellow hmailuiusosa satgling it. • , - •- ' tallay , , . • "MTN gTO ni b ten . roxotp,Laiertt li ,tr ed AiliitilOW treat; nialoi tot 115 'AI °Wing -- nn" iiti Vtc.r.Livi#: catitt , j 1 ,yottoOtto. ' • 1 701( ara l tossiortiotreo• Of 'lfirity of Voi d totem ins,l6•6enty4 Cau44 "7 l, °.! nw inm , n CO9Aff. VOLUMBOROOT-Iror ease by WETEIE •-•-itral it-Isrunlawc Sad 411) Korth. it&tworD ` VC : 'MUSED A1 4 ,4; ',Lo f ii 4o4Ataintifoontonts.- marlpirwtr. q , owir,ette Tian s inpuumg treo4 FEWP*VI- BEST-- itt l • 41 Pian'L "'W I T AqVis e & and, momb /51tOttNlp 0,14:t tITMER44r dr N r . " 411:1 1 49 #0 1 059PP0,4t4., .2'f; ;4444/44.ft.w4'.44 t • ItilCAPEriltAltiON, :' I/I!I'..O#.I!iILTIONS. :M E MM I .TNTEEIL/GE!feE;,‘ THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1860. T`ifl) 3 1 . B. LIPPINOOPT PreMISCI01"1"8. QXOXO-',‘ • - -• ; 71 1:944 6 : 1 ,. roin/NCOTtio:CO. havini made o'r= rangitmentif for faiire biblieliNon of the works of WiLLTAss 11...5'111.1C021., are now. prepared to torah& their asvf Izarecppt ! ,,rntTto.nr , jri yoripue, stylus binding. .. -- i MUSLIN, r • - • SHEEP, ':HALF CALF, GILT, MARBLE EDGIER • • A , HALF., CALF, ANTIQUE, , MARBLE !FULL CALF, ANTIQUE, MAERLE 13 GEE, ETC. :TUX SERIES consists tiethe roWrwing works, any of iihloti will be funnelled sevarately. , inituoh, styles of bindinena nifty be desired, or tin whole 'complete In 15 ilolsavo., in Until:l=lWe: ' . • -•!.• ,• • • rßEecorrs EIBTORT OP 'rag pcstictugsT OP - MEXICO, with s Preliminary View of the Anoient, ;Maxim Civilinstinn. In three vole., evo.. _ FRESCOTT'S HISTORY OF TEE CONQIIFFT OF c PERU, pith's Ft - attach:my Vie* o the GittOutten of the Inotue. In two volt., Svo. pRESCOTT'S HISTORY top:THWililliN OP PER ' DINAND AND ISABELLA THE CATHOLIC. Itt three rols4lPro. • • '• . • • PRESCOTT'S HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF PHI- of Spain: In three - wish Pee. - PREHCOTTM ROBHRTSON% CHARLES V.; Hk kiry 'of Hie Reign of Charles V. By Wu. Rowirthreort; D. D. vim f in mmount of the Emperor's Life after bic Atdioation.j By Vat. H. Passcoir..lit three vols.. Svo. FREEICOTT'II 'IIIBCELLANItti Thographioal and Critical Miscellanies., One voL,Svo. ' BIILWER'S WORKS. LIBRARY EDITION Mews. J. 8.1., & Co. bee to iiitnOunoe the publication of 6 UNIFORM LIBRARY B;.ATIOK ,Of the WORKS or B,a EnWar.s,Bui.witt,"..rwrort,to be alegantlyprinted on tinted paper, from a urge readable, type, in volumes tr a oonventetit tonne The iefies widbeleinealn rapid uooeaaton. Price per VOL, olOth; ;, sheep, Library 'style, BUS; hall' calf, 11.73: ' "' • • Eow lady, THE CAXTONS. Itiyirci vols. NM Work 14 the Authoicif. " ERIO t , OR, LITTLE BY LITTLE." •' %nib. pub'lshed March 7th, JUL'I'AN - HOME; CIE=M!II C10T.a.T.,M4311.33 _ LIFSL 039 Rev. FEsmatin W. Fnicual, Fellow of, Trinity College, Cambridge author of " Erio ; or, Little by _One vol t . 32;ne, J, B. LIBPINCOTT & CO., , ' 22 and 2t North FOURTH street, . „ ALTHAUS.'OIC MIDIOAL ELEOTRI CITY LINDSAY & BLARISTON s , Publishers and Bookselleri t _ • N o. t 6 South SIXTH Street, above CHESTNUT,' Mivejtripublished, • A TREATISE ' ON • ELOAL.' 'ELECTRICITY. PTheoretical and Practice. , and its Dugs in the Treat ut of Parslysin, Irearalgia, and other Diseases. By . Atattays, hL D. In onterhunyflemo. Pricel.26. mhe pORTEAITS ENORAVED ON STEEL OF EISINENT. PERSONS. with_the • . I !ILLUSTRATED NE NE OP THE•WORLD, ' mustiest Weekly in London and Boston. !A c it i !O t ilEi n g e d r e. 8 t FORTRAMaritinvinval Wl n to SUB BO , , , A sample number' of t 'Journal, frith ideeLplate Portrait and Memoir, and eoiroudirconteaiping rms Sind s list - or all the: Portraits (120) babilehed *ill be pent,komillot! . 2 . elle a tregit or HE It L t i g e mp A s ie b u y is foP th Y s tdarborir. all igusoisp_tiOnli and tradn'or ten show; beent, at /I xertOvEm. Steet, Boatoyi, Ms, •• - • •• ' • ' feltArs tr rATTI WALTZ, ' tiapectfally dedicated to tag yoldlifial Prima ad ai las Patti, r P. TtedamaNn k ikulitiattail st. MARSH'S Mono porn, 7103 OfigdfcrAuT Btieet. rtide 16 cents. INSURANCE comeArnisi 1 .4 11 E LNSURANCit AND'lntrat oom nlrEN MUTUAL 1118 rNBU .e.,7 e'o ffl , o r torthe. w Isa:t l oorn_ er or TRURO ' sad O U Srt4 A erit :l 2nn eAcr- t o -nd l oren.ntLan 2 .t....L.l.. .mate i.galftolrlkLtlial49/, dOWllineenthe e o e r t TheyeeLy•"daom A4lnhltaors;Aadeeaea $ ' re...1aw,.1e l isi s i iirds, ono Coate, I a . rd $ Meli l la, , amen. 4114itenfa . p r i diFe'llif :fn; " ' °" Tiri l eitf t.r, .. • 40,iti *W aweu., - Itt , tup .ending. o.Tevammit. ' 4 ; • utetrao . ' 2 , 0 Dim Kent, . TT . , ~WI6 Warner krAV '' re B.lteaar m4 . ..." ei, r : vi, , , e , it, Presidtat. P VIOO PM L ,enta•lr ; Joan W. Noairci.i3Wrire. ' IA MEaIOAN no ..EtigußToE 00.,, INBBRPORKBUD. MII-41TARTB11. PBBIBT ri'L.Ma.W tLBUT &rea l :Wye Thi r .pia.d.w... Having a roe paid-uP patal etoo and Buisins in vested in aonod.and Alyea alita_ae6nr ties, con tin ue to i N n ess w ,i B le on int w il o tt , lann liElf id rea rr y .ioF l4oth il7 , olll 4 :r lairli4 Property. I 'OILO. Thos. R. Maris, InlinV Jahn T. Lewis, • lobe wetett, -• , , • , ,? ra m ee v rieveleffl, Damsel 0. molten, au • si iri, ' Patrick Brady, bit W. onitneyv ' Israel l itorr s. VW AB_R. MARIS, President, i ALBERT C . L. 0.11„AW ,OAP., leoretary. isar-tf DILA' WARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN PIOORPORAM A I i n 3 lia m whi,... OP N' DIM 4.IFICIE 8. 4104 . AND SALIM ! M g a r B'k tics' Was . e: - .„ TO le WU of th e Wfamn, - , • ; O. uA. firriairD prffiußAti n !might!" xivnr, Oensug, Laket atand 01 ' loturi -' - P Ph i r e i r g i e Rai On MercZuse ion On Stores ilium_ , 80,_ ' • ' ' . :'lioVtimber liar AllYs / Pm. Marks, Vales& 139 , r n ll i idelltda p r le r eant.ln....Bo 3 / 4 0 R eff i fo 7 r=l ug ttoir —. n.sin n ?as,ooo,l. r igsm atnt.Wirid•:l°±m .'...-":54 vs.,,co U. y.Xreatay 6 f ot.Niterind uiii: iitliii... - - - .. wad ca 0544 ' T7rtut , - ab; alia — dio . ..E . Fiiifil '4,,,,,*; reigitiatarrouvivriiii, - ; um co i mom North Polo n nirtio n ntesilroadkort- 4341° P° sUONO:WaN3loupettaiirrrar ILI" ; - -• , COmpany 7 , ct.oonloti bonds.... WNW to )1114#40,100 i tur otoo i Gemusittown gai 1 ,ell VC alPirC NAOII, NO P Poorwylvania — Rarrroad 18 „,_' 61° °() 11111,00O,NOsh!Firtriiiiiiiiiitakikal - 7 . .'"" 1 4,481009tozeig n onifWirfrtolim I" M ofirtr i ty=o B = l iivi elpnis m or . r o ut:lli t te i niSar yr, IP ThpajigAra T w . ' gemiNum numelpius ' , hA4 l ii• wompany -.:,.....-..................-... UV 00 no so i re oito es end Real Estate. or 1436 ' hoe C0pp,.. 4 ' ~..—' —L. tun 16 attleteoetvatee tor lantrarksas IMMO ...........-..... Mae 0 ure te ettL e s i t tr ie eu r ztw o r t egratz ; , . ...—. .. —.. gimg ge Snip mad swig of mundrylunurance tkienWer• be l ait teg atTeiOsiirlira — ---'' --. ellig Si oo . . el '1116)14164,14 DIRECTORS, "8 "3 Irk, . Stoke,. s ritte P ia to or r AA.. ' WribTitirtirs. op o k p r i i = JOllBl 8101% i 1 1.4 3 1122: 141' . neer M Reams, pmp O. Rag% , At freer* A4l kr' n° ll ' mph .11, , ' snug Alitriaaa. r.x. . Erin. . . 17 F. Bill, ree G. iirer, ,' I. Bemp 6 Fitteb'f. ag Cr itltYo , ~, P. . Van. " ' MUM BERRY LYLBURN. heferetarr. ' 168 P 474 1./1811BANORpt9OMPANY.OF.TRZ ..- f ri A Tisfrilaag u i A ttata g et ft pj . 0. a_ 8..1._... ilo ' vrod-n—taimaxoo-100•tgainiAi i i, 108 *n____ ..,...,,, 1 , itca. 1,./U1 , rel. la ...wl:sis4 +reilleible_petngitJeti= in.r.l%,°%Vi nil surremomm4o , 1• • tilharranor, f ". Wei' Z mett by IA PM a ' obis,' iff_Elet. If ~ 8, th, a ret ..B i , Wenn% i 111 .it ... Ae o l us hal B• ZerZ, l2l larhitii;rretid Tit lirruniti drra u ffeartitspr. , 1159-lifatt "FAME •INSURANOW COMPANY, NO. 06 CIISSTNLIT Street. riIILA SELMA. , . INOORPORATBWIMISATTHE STATIC OF CONFINED -TO hAll-AND INLAND RISKS. i w . ti ...z. T ..., 17 ,,,, ._. vi....w. iitz, fi. yeasts, . Qhm. 1314315 r n, , ow ~i r i Jr., ; • luml4I um 14 "lid ii ' ' i l° MOr a Stout, iis& - Etr arkl L ' - - _ ' vano Ste '. ,ON in. W. SA 0 ;03411.gat. , Vies Pre/ t. i WILLIAM/3 IA ; MBAR . glooretam. All -ti 'fIFFIOILOP. THE QUANINt OITY ‘" 40a 3 2KALXVT_STREBT. FOUAT4 , ASNUAL STATEMENT . IBUBlNESElAtili y yoriltr o t 86n/ 4 V, QUAICER ; m As PresenteortoYM Stook sdere.lan. A,Lam, , aspikAtad; .... • . tourplus. JearlarS.lp ...124.361.41 "Premiums meowed p 1859 ; 5114,551.2 3 . e l4:vigatioi ag, Trammertatton-, diSl9.lO 81/,067.18 • . Interest reoeived.- - . • / 2,751 . 45 !Salvage and retnnuranoe4—; 88,88239 80,018.29 LOSSES, 'EXPENSE& &o.L. klrllltt o multieri,irgO;i4Ce " , ° . l4 . 47l ' Bs 7, 1 , Vinvilient itusiet tiaan na :t6aid t r t exPe . macs, ~.Rl i r ourarloe and 4m65.48 - inao,non ASSETS. Sogai: ), agiuy mortgages on Ground so skates ,Canunental Beak, New • - - York:L, •-• • • •-• ••• • •,• 8.4)00.00 eoibarse ici ( ty najik, Philadelpha ' Lamm - 100 do grorn Exchange Ban g, PhilademMal 2 , 8 00 ge gums 'Union Vont', PLuana, 3.6001 ; XI do coneohdagedi vi nk do". MO. ' 16 do Farmers & eolganiew MO sera' l a nta,..drierVa k ' " Al° o th er ka; all a pay I a L am er , • ' cenpraer et, v VAUD ' 66ll°°°°° r e HOZ ittri , AbLl.!' o l , ,,,,, erjta an d .. in 414. i 0 '• Cash t oTgkiat ityr7.46 8350,70.70 This Conmany ocinimues to make 'nolllllll°6l, against Loss on all knoinot FE!) jEargne r sad ; wand caa : Chi) azoft:frirs!:!LF,tarv ymEits. . -•• • t 04:gift-V. Rg LAPF. • •, iseeret.,„„nd „ . ; 4inantanitteoretary—a: orFO 1, 1 21,1M 1 /40" • •, ZnitetEvreknor ' • Aar. 44414 . _ . /UMW .11. Ehambera, - rue Jatr,..M....P.. ' 14 11 14 60 2 41ALL 130ettakt _ • .; 11! v.. . = A • f ' ii; - . -LiTy ow'rmmrloplispl i 1860..:_ irtippltliti6o. WINTER ARRA NOEAEr. ,clt. 'is' ',: i LN A P. 'l'lls CAMDEN AND A, DELPHI& AND TREN' ON C AI . KIA I CO.'S ' LINPS PH ILArifts A. IQ EW YORKAND WA P All 9, • • I From Walnut-street What An Kensington Depot, Will leave as ollovra—viz: Wang. At 6 A M. yla Camden and Amboy, 0., &A. Mama. • . modation. .. • . /... ..... ... . . .......... i • • .•......213 At 6 A AI. via Camden and Jersey ..... (N. J.) Ao ; oommodation2 25 At 9 A M, via Camden — ind•Jerssy City, Morning iMail , —1..7 .-_, . . .. ... .i.• .. 886 At II A — M, by Steamboat, Nrl4 ; Funny and Joiriey City. Western Exams' ... i - . 800 Atltig P M, via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation........ 1 —. ... 215 At 2 PM , via .sanden 'and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex-' press At 4g PM, via Henan/sten and levier City, Eve. i 9 00 / l nine Exprees.... l e n s .. •••• • and t .1% P M. viaington Jorge,' 2..1 Class Ticket ' 1 225 t 6 r M, via Camden end Jernoy City, Evening M5a1,,..: - i 800 t /1 P AI, via Camden and Janie) , City, Southern . 1 Mail— . . 226 Ate PM. vin Camden and Amboy a ocomainda -1 tion, (Freight and Passenger, } —let 60 Clain Ticket. 225 1 i Tbag P. M Mail Line nuie . '4atly.• The II I'M. !loath lre Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere Easton. Flemington, &0., ate A M and i gr i li. t u r fTe W ku a i l l ' lr t Allepte l l i efid Bethlehem, at 6A . I , via I elven , rani Remand. ! For Water Clap. II roudaburg,Seranten.Wilkes'arre, Montrose, Orient Western &a. iiij 8 A. 2 , 1•, via Delaware, I.molowana And Western R. E. FOr MOUnt - golly: ate kid 9 A. M.,' mid llii P. M. Fur Freeholdott 6_4 2 , an ot se. M. WA L.11164§. For 'Witte], Trenton. &e.,,at Ms P.M. from Walnut treat Wharf, 4y ,' alid be{ F. from Kensington. For Palmrta, Hiverten. Delano°, keverly. Durang o., Dordentoan, &a, at 'IMO, end tSi P. 91. Steamboat Treq on for Bordentown and Intermediate Pinceirost 2) 4 P. . , Fifty Pounde o Usegato only, allowed each Pawn ter. Passensers are prohibited from taking anything as wigage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fly pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit heir responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wall not 1* liable for any amount Wong! 8100, ex- I N T t ? "l","°"t iiVitl.• It ()MATER. Agent. TM ' I ISTLiTANTA - `,O EN T RA L 'RAILROAD. - , AOS MILES DOUBLE TRAOR.L .: _ _:1 ' 1860. putomig . 1860. r rits ,Ap ils i OFAT i tUint,OW EQUAL L TRItEE Tif i llYMJo ridge& R TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADE SIVA A D rITTSBURD, Competing direct at ranadel7 with Through Trains 'rm Banton, New York, an a al points Bast, and in the . mon rut at l'ittsbu l ig with brough Trains to and from al millAkt an the , est. Northwegt, and Southwest ' itli h is a :n4 r rs ni ti=pee k tall! Ze t d h imeigiVon li ag other route., 1 Kumasi and Fait *Lines ruit thrintgh to Pittsburg, thout change of Cantor Conductors. All through ras @anger Trans provided 'with Imaghttdgers Fatent Brake—speed under peratet oontrOl Of the eheineer, Omt much to the safety of trilliums. _ ervair,h„,..4.....leFL' lr nilm T ell: 'ale RINK ,If.gf,a, : Mail and set L nu, Sun 4"lidri? Wit e litleria Ithil4elphie at a . pa,._ Fest Line 1 1 -,, - 11.1.0 . in. U M§ 1 4111 1 18 v 3E AYE .AS 1 9 0 6 1,405rti5j Harrisburg Accomat ation, via Colambia, 2., M. l grerit i r4 '' ' ' ' '' - ' 1.913 fP.It - • Feat .Cheater Yeesegeen Will [Ake the Mail, Parkes bu rg and-Colurebie Triune:, Passenger@ for Sunbury, Willarnsport, Elmira, Bei -18,1811mm% Falla, _add interns Ms points, luting Yhl- tedelphia at 8 A. M. go det y through. t 'rickets Wegtward may obtained &gibe ofiloasof the Company in Philadelria, new York, Boston, or Bat- ILTre4aBATi:lin tr a ttplany t Ua impo n patt 31 , ga l i c a ' r LUPO( Ststatners ci,,, - ae11i.„,,,...tt r 0r - bid: il livers. .. i „ „ , . , ~ Sir Faro always as low, and time u quick, as by any ' I other Route. , I For further inforrinttlVply at the Paseenger Ste- The czt a irmt ons t rit e I svat i h n aziatacAt u S taie t r e . twiti m a i mpimatui p a ._ GREAT WEBT. •tt I,lll x , The animation of Creeks by the jiailroad ridge ß at rittsburgiavolding an drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving' of tlittel Pre SanallONTeadili tmproolated by Shimmers otyreigM, and the iraysi 'l,‘Pcirehhaltilets. -Md Shippers ' entre — Al ' - he . tra — nspo Asti sm . 1 3f their Freight to this llompany n , ga t ri roll with cons ! Vfl e g,ll .l `lBW r rAl t iOUT to and from any point in the' eat 3 , the, entunteenhi Reiltoed are as ali gimes 'as /anomie& as ars charged et/ MAW Rearead r ° ll7dAlrit e A oad rtionlar to mark packages" via Penna. Rail g. I For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, imply Ito, or address either of the following Agents of the Coin- Nan/ i D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; L S.r; e roe & CO., Zancsville,O.; J. J. Johnston , Ripley, (At , K. Mayfaely, Maysville Ky.; Ormsby its ‘Cropur. Portsmouth, O.; Paddock k CO., Jeffersonville, Wi nk; H. W. Brown _st . QlOl paimati. Rit.Athern a libbert,Dinoinnstl, 0., A. Meldrum, m mon, Ind.; genlittli o ltd l ! ° . L if.V l . l tiraEm P ic S G C. ° IA ' 117 6 '1, 7 9° g i'. SAis t ig et,. 0 . 18,81,1!N a phi, moA . °hp...L i ...3r: Itir r kl a lc v g., T tirdigrie n 4.i t t. u ni m , fit .I .i3Val: RI or*Freight Ag ta st broad@ at rent points 1. YetioDElli iled Iphia. .Aeittit & Kottniti .Nortlestreekßaltivriore. • - 18 i RI ., I 4 „,.. w , or e e ti , or e l . SMllites st,ILY. 1 il i p ait i tlirgitodri , i , Dent nett A Gum, Fa. jaB.ly 1108. ' 1 PIIILADELPHIAWIL. 1 MINGTON, AND DALT!. I MO 4 ,3 a g ht k! . ND pi_,mbar 31 knnt. PANE lal B afte r itiAv vs int4bELMA, ( For BalUttiote at I. A. .. 121 naand =Mod ana D. P. M. or iingindlotil4llVMlPeu7l.lllll7.l; 10 or tw Canoe pit B.lnA. ~ .44.4) . ;. . , or dOlorown ist 911 A. ~ . or orbr ittB.o A. m i onO l oau_ 1, or iron: ULU A. An ilaa • , , i or geofora at An A. ,so OM or Lanrikat i lli s til e tire i N k. iwtt l a lt es t s vetkmorts at 8.30 4.7kxlrepi,) M.ln A. irtt, 1 11 iiV , a11ii1*0440416 I L Lila iIaA.M4AIIIIIId I -. VS '' w . 1 . 4415 " and 3.40 P M. i t non Ed al* A. ~ and iti, ,, . aye vol d sti r Ott a , „Ulig , 'Sf i 1 :3 Zlgrafg P a St tirekafrom e d w ai o e uu tolo t t im .7. 4 7 , a I.oo it .F . ' • • at to la A.. za ~..,.,,, titAIMII .lipilt., BALTIIi d ORII • r M. ' 41: Vii=tratss m g• j ettlitil, wimp A , OUNDAYS ' poppy I . llll.loP.A.l.grom,P4adoll a to aro. PtIOirTRAIPI.,3 "onfAiaa. *to ron fib ouotco lam ir. torphili for Po rrivinaand tniermadlnte Pl at i vr n.for;Perryvillo oad fAtormadisio gam at plaosaivilio Low at a. .e W a Lor.tbiladalstda and Latarmadtata . Lavoo4a Daltt ols inarp F2l,lltenunees Rita ; Oban'e, and gatl3ll.ll .r. nt. I al! : ..." _, O.M. If 'ELTON. Proddelt. i ioi Ito,) J PHILADELPHLA GICE ..Ant _ -Vffiutagt ABR: °III'S ligral t X. We. , ' Leave 111112.1eleVa. 0 7 7 lir fill. sea 14 A. M i r 7, 3. Oh, 4, el Of, 4, 7:8:9 'an/11M Y. --" i Leave Oermaatcrere 4, I, ', 8 , Ma, 11, A. Mei 8, 8, 8„ d, 434,fi. e, edi 7 8 0 10 infri ei l i UNITS rhiladelehia 0.03 min. .3.111,,e, 4M, end 10 P.M. Leave liermaatown 3,10 Wu. A.A., LW rale..lM, sad IP.M. t . . ,• ,• , I 'MUT BILL R. N. /AIM ARAM& Lila. /lA. 7. 0. 01.7 shall Leers Cheetnat Rill 7.111 7.* 11.10, sad MO A. N. !Le, 10. 140. and I.4IBiPanDAYS. -. _ ' n rar ie e . 2l l l 4 e l o a t a nit elf a l.t Ilea! P.M. ,aad 1.10 n hlt 9bNIMOMOOICEN AND NORMA WN, __ ' Leave Panatela 0. 11, 11.01, adz. A. MOM, nub 9:6"!.11 11`.4 ¢ . I I 11 A m.,11i, 4M, and I ,: r. l evel imps , 0,1; Big ' I; I) A YIS . MittPo l gtot "ii i:4 l 4l 3 6 . 1 ' ~.a. U ' !,, e Leave Palladelf afrki, 9, Mee A. Id., 1.011, AOC SAL — re l l'ell' and kOW 734 IN OM aad_MM A. M. I 14 6, 04awkirETi. ' ' . • ' ON era!, zsayargi t adelpitti ~ ,an Leave yr , A , it tag 0. at, . nIP-tt. b2iv.fr. nig tind IMairt°l46. _ _ AM PIitiaDELPLILV AND R KM.IRA RAILROAD MEE— as° Tenij,tillt l ,aZililk, ti llt inilatu, Tiv! gi; u ln, 'ldontratd, Bt. PAW'ap me twit, ...nth, and Bt. 1, 91 lialgilVelligiVatiltßll7lsoagit,:*l - Stine A ( D AY c ice )da falo w k MO A. M . BIPIL B". - Ka E t i ii l ie l eha l i a ga i te l lg 4. ° l'nulTlFenTag: 'arid Bt. Lonli. 8.3 q P. ?H., NIGHT EXPRESS. Irspr E v ra i ngnta FAlls,_ Bursio,Detrolt, %Imo, Jaye oe, !t Isuotd,laleurt,Bt. rani's Buruntton, a S tit i litic ei d 11.30 P. AI t ins t ifltilFifflt h ?,:tOppins tilt A t .2o es 'erre, throat* g i 111 7 7.41. ° M. train ommeete at Rupert fer pe t isrizwAtithktiftt tmagiirlTlll" - ' lineage checked to Elmira, u. wad ...einteket ,Brlttee EMOProad am aiVeM e t 81 l i r, It hi rtr eigtr i g el : liretlt ' 19118 443911 111PPWR841 14 e1ti t 4L rff 'a*".." w ily lealie d d lient, jt c, 144 ,,..., a c z 4ih a a ny . gat ' 'wine delivered Vetere al% M' to.buure gc rotriil i nfo s &Viiii, at - 'lie — , plot jz we bekriprim Vit. conoirii thud ORMlNlttrettl i 4,414 i noel, a. - - Mill! NORTH PENNSYL NA NIA RAILRSIAD, AL T i ?ITO r ill lT r Em g cI AI I 9 INTIFI i f 11,' ETE artn. " ' e r.p: m yi art A t . ...D 6 ~r m e l'arriz ; 141;41071X1o. RALLOundays excepts : or Bethlehem, ton, Allentown, rich Ohm*, KietOn. roll's.) at 0.30 A. M or Bethle em, (Expreas,) at LSO A..m. and SR M. or Doyl e . (Aeoommodattcm,) at Am. A. M. and 4 Pd, tor Fort WaahtngreeoramOdAtloni at 6 P.M. TRAII43 BBII,A1).E141111., Leave Bethlehem, ( prom) at BA. l'il. and tap. M. 1,e6v0 Doylestown, (Moommodf,Uon,) at 7 A. M. and 11A0 P. ht. Leave Fort WeatimigicAooornmodat(on i ) at 7. A.M. DAYI3I 10 N u ttpta fr Fort asturort t ol b ot 1 30 A. bt. o rlesto P et a t ' or o l'AVeßF,'ltt 71' El,' agr,M10,111,1,°;61: g i kiti`tettu 3 S, ? AM; to E rligitiahlgie t =t t :rOo B gid n ee'rein entering the ca n Palaanger Trains (amept Sunday Train) con- P:=ll:7 l l===iiiigegii°:::: 4 n 7 • art, , _____. PHILADELPHIA OD, !do L iIdritTIMILLI,II2Ic 0 and rut AIBURG, altnitahlewm4 ) ::tt , °4l. 3 l•LVii V i kalkeittsoupl oonneodog Pk Ba rr burg wit ,Amna rup t ilng to Ala "Nxilltaktmui„„,. KA iL witan o s . kL. LY. tor P ..LIVILLE and Ittrallintinn ai l ti l i s it , gun t lalnaxdantod.)for READ- W.'O. n MiILUENNY. Raoratary. " EST CHESTER RAIL- A LA R ffir n A i s "gtia .. 6 111 1 . 3 ;4(0e g FIC:Ln(11;t irT at 7.20 A: 01 4° .. 1000 A. M.. and 11.80 NOTIOII.--UHESTER vitaxy RAILRAPAId- BENOff:MIt OWtiIIiOTOWN AND IN_ TERMED/AT " HriPordanfekaPigin ha 1859, the Pme nforT th ° new Mo ra anger Depot of the Phil-, r 2 spirt fro m _4(pLitel I toad Company corner of Vl3) OWHILL Streets, (pasengog en el lowb I, =Grp.* TN/A I N for Downingtown, !eaves et 7.30 F i rpfttiooil TRAIN for Downingtown, Impel et At r (Bandage inc naffed.) the aud i fteltrtiegt e el YliaidelPida A TO WEST CHESTER end intermediate noints, vu ME- A, Wu for -Went Cheater , eye rniledr o T..from the llift tdialleant cornet M.,of EUIRTI4 N H and MAR e. meta, at B.IOA. and I an d .M. 20; A MAMA. .aei.4ll ku ' EL HIA nxr fyg Arkimaititcli iike a t ig o,lo•Afte.4 tael raime - - • =EIDE 1.11.11.• IN THE .DIAITRIECJIIriFOR TEE CdTtANift-Xl. 14 311A.D.10111ii ARTS -to • tit' , Jfigs , Mid. -PA KARON., No.M. ,The enamor s ag a ate to distil ute the prowler's o i ( sale, under the above writ, of the following describe proDe tr : Gettairi lot or piece of ground. with the three sary rick one•story brink kitchen and frame ble, thereon ereeded. situate on the 'east , de eatg-third street. late Nixon street, in the Fifteenth , Ward of the pity of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of seventy-eight, tent one inch north from the north side of a twenty-feej_wirm allay or street, running eastwardly from the said Twenty-third street. called Ralston street, mantillas' in front or breadth .4 id Twenty-third street, seven t een feet eleven inches, looluding a two feet three Inches wide alley, on the south side thereof. tald out for t e use of this and the adjoining property on the south. Said alley being (mir y,' feet ten mohee deep, and said lot extending in sa p th of said width of segenteen feet eleven inches, one hundred feet to A tep-feet-wide alley or court running southwardly into said Ralston street ; bounded north by ground of Henry J. Williams and others. east by the said ton-feet ally, south by ground of Janiss nelson and West by said Twenty-thud street. Thir northernmost sixteen leer being the mime lot or piece of ground which Joshua H. Braker and wife, by inden ter° dated the eighteenth day of November, A, D 185,1„ mid pbo.t tobe recorded, granted and conveyed onto William Patterson, *object tq anorthic yearly ground rent of forty dollars, payable to Henry J. Williams and others, their heir! and armies forever ; and the southernmost s one toot and eleven es thereof being part osterner lot, which) ohn J. raker, by indenture made the eighteenth day of Oolober. A. D. 5 IBM end "boot to be retiorded,Aanted and conveyed unto Wil- Ro liW ut i h ria iiii r c all st a ri r 7, l' 4l ll 4ll)ll4. tl t DA4. 'n uTioti N i ' it 2 o. 1881. at o'clook ', M., when and whore pare are required to make their claims before said Au dor,. or they Inll, be debarred Irons coining in upon sal fund. JOHN A. (NARK, Auditor. PSTATE OF JOEL JON KB, DECEASED. Whereas, Letters Testament, r i on the Estate or JOEL JONES, late of the oily of rhPailelphia. de mi/wed. have been duty granted to the undersigned. En tine is therefore hereby given to all persons tietviug eliding Against the Came to present theta, and those in debted thereto to melte payment to kb 1E A P. ti. PINES, Executrix fels-w6t 625 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. 'WHEREAS, LETTERS z T/STAMEN TA HY upon the estate or .lOHN GETZ, Isla or tie City of Pitiladsloilla.deoetteed e have been granted to the subscriber. kit persons iDebte e l t o the said t o are hereby requested to make ram ,late payment. and those bevies Maims or demands against the said estate Will make known the same without delay, to i JOSEPH SPARKS, Exeentor, Corner or Ontario and Heath etreets, Philadel phia, - mta-et. JANE WADE, by her next friend, BEN JAMIN M. PARIS, versus JODN , IyAD E. .. To .10,BN ° 150V—ihalgr i e l gii iire l gi g r'e. that the testimony on the part o the libel nt in the above onse, will be taken beforelty Al Nsaminar upon Tuesday, the sixth day ot Mardi. A. . 1940, at 4 o'clock P. at my omee. No. MO WAIN Street, when and where you may attend II Y9lll think proper. THOhIAS J. DIEHL, Attorney for Libellant, fete lei , COPAR FNERSHIP NOTICES. AP AR TN EItSIII P.-01IARLES la ADAMS has this' day admitted into Partnership his ion, CIIARL,gs ADAM. ! The style *idle firm _ will CHARLES ADAMS SON. yho will eoetinoe the WHOLEkIALE and RETAIL joRY-Gon 48 BUSINESS at the old stand. B. E. corner aI'ENNITH and ARCH Streets CHARLES ADAMS. CHARLES 3L ADAMS. Pidiedelptds, third mo. ISM • OIRCIIILARi Thetirbso i fibevrespe . atfaill Inform their friends and thet Vitti&itsall they i nrt e nTar:.!= ° ,74l, :I=islit: lr"e"i,rit6rAwrikslAk. - LE Dlvi GOODS, YlVlil,ll l .hazlit'it:T i oisFlT s Hiekti to the choice of rs.jklN th,s.S. i Desirou in not onl or reaining all the old customers, but of en l arging t e business : the undersigned trus tha t .with addition alcare and attention to the want, of gurohnsers, they 'will receive en increased share of pa tronage. CHARLES ADAMS & 80:f. ruhl•len ' S. li. earner ZlOll4ll and ARCM Stn. lEDICDTAi. DYSPFPSIA. FIFTY YEARS IND& SCRIDABLE AGONY FROM DY4pErdia, Nervousness. Itiokness et theBtomaoh, and Vomiting, have been restored tiv _DU BARRY'S delio iota hettlth reetoor REvALLYiTa AItABICA FOOD. From the _Honorable Isidore 4. Blake.) ' • VDNEY 43 Elitabeth meet, 17th Angola; 1889. i Rea, Dote 1 I are Itage. to Inform you of the great tnet toy &tighter hes oceived (min the Revalanta rabics. Shentrae very t in and delicate. reins too tall 7 her age. between tee And eleven, whoa 860 oorn- Foenosd taking It. It bag made her suite strong and ealitiy. ' I consider it the most 011triti011e restorative od fur children end delicate persons. Believe me, dear Birs, truly yours, I. J. BLARE, 63 Union street, Third dietriet, New Orleahs. Mau& 13th, 1868. rot sevente_en yearn I have been laboring under an Mau!lambic, afflietlon.depnved of ;leap, and so ditty at times that I Gould not help myself; my stomach would me, and I Ills became a helpless, enervated invet d. At last, on t 16th of tuoe,l4l, I arts triter . ten &g i n% fret; to l ad a ta d olylit u i g th p o a tig e lit I n stiAld never mis see the morn.ng. My toadied attendant and friend, in whom was all ply trust, could do nothing to alleviate my stiffermix. and cent tee to one of his colleagues, whose attendance proved as uneueoesaful, all the Isma ilia!! _prescribed failing to afford Me any relief. It wu at thia striae of mgense that. on the 6th of September last, I . lolllly me one of my Bleeds. who told me that W i t ; . Monier passed througthe same ordeal, and be en rad icall y lured by DP Barry'a Revalenta Ay ton. wilerelpoa.l oeuedyllteic bete& to make wso or used, soon ter. fit relieved: and the extraor dinst7 change the better I have gradually expe rienced mace. Ow ng to that excellent Farina, Mamas hie to believe that am completair cxred. F. . BERNARD, I Commended Abstract Clerk in the Mentor's OMoe. Case 110,64 111 e. (Prom the Rey. Jams! T. Campbell, ..Byderstone Rea tory, near naltenhem, Nortuiti Dam r 011:1711M1121: in all case' of Indigession, andwasticti larly when the Liver is 1110/6 than usually sleeted. I *minder Du Barn e s Rev:theta dyable& Food the best of all remedies. ;e'en pan make what use you Odom) of t his ootatounioatl n. 1 stn,lirdoi : i lt°ol:3ll,l3,l t EarTy 4 k° d epot r 97: g Ng - T r e e r a r t g otl % li v e s! n t., Fov id upparg d of4.l 2 cutr l lmiad mast nuaaqnd ku ir u d i rt. el clo 1 bat. rim slhe latter r o li a D rt= !cps ou restptfr bath. old at t spot, 213 Douth s TBIRIO elreet, by 11. itUNRO, prat.° pal Agee! ler the United States. NM by all Grocers and Druggiats. fela•lnt" FtUSEiTON'S 000 LINER O.IL, 11011 boitstirarfitini DATHEEY o'l3/1 IF MAGIC AL P AI N T THOUSAND OR HAS universally supplahted all other Cllntmiti4,and healitio appljhatlT Er both the gestate en western. Hernierhere*,, greyer retro ousel ; and to 'airtime retro is ine t o tearer of iis heMa clamour OPerfido. wi re her the crawl he aersdeat or imam 118 & 04 SCALDS , 0 irttrat o ly elev ti ed e l3rB their entai l gr mti n,d_ venom heater 7 :ncl m thr y i g 711ZINZiaed serf by a Shari tirit i vilk ' infli trirlitsitY. . Children are Meant lar area rernelternalin ranee. eepeotally from lucid an Campriono Ex- Names—therefore every A mothershould hive din, healing preparation eon- q !gently on hand; It heals lore Brear, end quickly c, timoves the MITER or Mow° hi, so Nova- _., ern in the nursery, Ti Rnvind,Eita y.SEA AND LAND. The . solunist , the Tr e rj veuer, seri every other in dividual whose r ot mine ... throws him within the ohanoe of aii , i ent [roust ..T., ezylorips. Are, itrcoits -004, should rin pied 2., tut ibis' Maple rector ts his twat an oply friend. A is both porta ie and reap, and_ohould ever be to s companion, es a friend n need, where are Olen. sends of living witnosaso notify to its nearvelloire virtue. who Imo their hound limbs and muscles to iti itariPg a p&OY. . The ollonuglas fily trl a vi l e rk i tystresrgr . sit: .lillarfrl#t CI ...f.oUREt"" urns, g t raalaa, Sores of all ki n d., Shot Wounds, root iium, soroAtior rrk.°,ltittit 4 , gf A ra 84 ' re' , mrdvz. anoe4 Or . noter DM- Soun, Simla Heart. L tl iP atda, Mercurial Sores, Simkins. 0 ° 11 1' 71 D X : to, 'gins generally, rail Poi. :, • rarnp. . 7 1prIplei. umon. 3ontritoted Cords, Iles, Inter, _Mudge. '• Olean, ammo.. of the et uTriatisea, Ifirntreal Bores, Elan, ses, ao. Sold at the principal Dapots,M BrDedwaj, New lone., Viltitl i tPr i te i Co Chartres street, fircarAltalt. yol: ti.ne,, . . I reopeotable ',... rue ins and Merchants throughout the United. Sy.tes an iVenrida. T. D ow fr. SONS, 213 North SECOND Street, rely Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. - CIGARS, TOBACCO, &oo ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, le and 18 ORAMBERS STREET, Forma t ? 0 Chatham street, New York,) Would call e espeoial attention of ( I roner. and Drug Drusta to to removal. OW also the tabula of lus manutacture, Mx • 'BROWN SNUFF. Moooliol t . Demogroo, Finuzpir, 4 6 .B Pure Virginia, Natchitoches, AmenoanZentleman. Copenhagen, YE, LOW SNUFF. h_, .Frosh .4.0t0h: Tomt tiocitoh, Irish RIO Toast. 'tech Hone,' DOW 20a0lt, or Lundy foot. TOBAOOO. 211101122, 21211 car CHEWI2I, 1N011.22. F 41 4 2„ 1.,0, P. A. L., or plain, St. Jago, Cevendish, or sweet, Spanish, ruce, 1 & 2, mix , d,_sweet Scented Orinoco. Canister, ; Nitefoot, Tao Foil Cavendish, rare Turkish. Circular of Prim will be sent on application B.—Note the uaw artiolo of Fresh Sootoli ppeea.ztia, Which will be found a superior article for dippin d m REMOVALS. REMOVAL.-ANGIER, HUGEL, & CO have removed their Counting.-house from BROAD Street, below VINE. to FARMERS AND MECHA NIC.' BANK BUILDING, CHESTNUT Street, below FIFTH. Philadelphia, Feb. nth, UJM. D. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. • • COFFEY, Attorneys at Law. have removed to 329 Booth SIXTH Street. below Chestnut. (ed!•]m• SAML. N. DAVIES dr, SON, BILL BROKERS, HAVE REMOVED TO No. 996 DOCK STREET REMOVAL. --SMALL & CHANDLER, 1 6 , WHOLESALE OROOER't, have removed from 66 North nECOND Street, to MARKET Street, above Front, north side. 11 - IRAWING AND PAINTING MATE A-F RIAU. Engineers' ,snd Aro!gigots' Stationery. Lrealan Painting Materials. oßohomantaßesigna and Valles. nt Boxes for Mildren , dud olio for ANA! and ,gtudents. ri:VgiNrddr•lCAtigeer A tl i:V i tt French. Catalogue+ gratis to tee tend°, ic h s7l,l.l iStITRItt. WBOLISBALIt AN" nlO -set MINTON'S ENCIAUSTIO TILES for LTA floors. • 0rn:cr,40 4 h12,1121 for oottsgu. • tilit4 dtsip anNater oondwitort lOW AU 4 or me filo We NIOIIOLSON, sr • :Denaturant of SEIM. LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS. • A Jesse and °halos assortment, and writ!, MADE, al Ways an and,, unto which I prirtlettfirlY invite the at tencio.n o 01111IDEd prompt-payola SHORT TIME buyors delta 8. R. corner of BECQIU) and ARON Streets. Phil& itoa-sm• IVEW YORK KEROSENE 01L.--100 bbls .1.1 for loge $t manursotureee_pitoes. • YARNALL QaPgN, IX-1m , t 79 North l'Hium treot. 300 BHLS Primo Halifax and Eastport LEMlos, WO boxl i tloalocl Herring, 900 hell bblo White Fish, In store an for Bale 4T ati lidtur rig 11$140tIhnet;:k. REFINED EIUGAR.SC9 bble. crnahOd, WiW4lVgaViAlginear : fING FUNDS. AMERICAN Foug4lll4,ltg!,zitt onrnet tpz 412 op MON AY...IRP in puti,traninav -This Oiri l natatution I ° 6 ' "" ftiladliglPlTFAti.°l4t666 'Allnini:a paid mi. ojideit. i nn in TO d and shyer.. . ANA. Writ'LLIITN. President. O 1.. WORK, V taa Fred , 11 John O. Farr. T. ,1410111, Oruro oxen,. John Anenaoh.Jr.riaml nxinni m plh. ultoinntg, John iinn as li an, Jonknr n. g ridge, W. J. upward. JOnN W tennprer. JOHN O. 81M8, Secretary. RPRING GARDEN BAYING FUND 80 Ps' OIETY OP YIIIIJA_p PEA.P Oftioe, N 0.831 No lib Street (co E nsolidation en CHARTERED BY TH EG VA OMEN .it SYLVAN 111. 111 NTre t ri l li e ltEb lav A tn fim tr i 1 i l e t f /V e4.7laHrandeOkh mayo. bati Vela: b i l l: thl i fn b e l iw a Ur VI i ire ti criin h A l gi Ftq Ls . Garcon Savings ram away was ensnared by t a whture at Penorivittue tigiVireeoeseity. enigma in organ sing and it, have governed wholly by a desire to acco mmodat e the . gess interest We wants or the very Mae and ante " 144114"2 hil h aniArMey ed. , From 9 Wr es t agoli s t,tan in ei t c=nitrOifir YAWLS s. h a Mr i f o i lr . f y ittl. on. I! rtr6. s i slue ?Snorer. oisp il Etall• rand leaa r r t ; I y. rat t b7o l 4:ll 4 see C 7417" 41. !billiard./ rarom p a r r , h, a a a B.s9 •H i l k o : n iead a 0 h Flatlets Rost. Boormirr. AVING FUND.---lINITED • STATICS r•- 7 TROPP COMPANY, corner TILIAD ad CHEW 4KuT.:,..tererz, ommttm.kamt • Tir o l me i . day r duo:fl o p th: dal of withdrawal.. M_AY DON 36 % 7 41 4427. - - DRAY'a for on nnsuaa, imaad. and geotlead. (till ulna deli Rif Wi i ILAWFORP, mom TEL INY Mt Aswan. RAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN. Ii ,, _TERYST.-14ATIONAL SAFETY TRUBTLOOM- Fll7l4 l . APi lgogfAtig e b l y th ri t a r n! f r ea l gr s i; Money no peeved In any Am, largo oy am% and In. (mot paid from day of dapoint 1,10 day Of via .7IIWAL. :01 . 2 la, °poi over from q'olook In the too I oloo in roma, ono on MondaY 8 VAM P RIV WILLILX J. Eno, BooretarY. num** I._ asm. . usymuNgrinnitet• Ebert ellbreg Walter' egaretrat: aleph Yeiksi. smelt L. &aphorism. ;on il is received and perm onto made daily. ha vestments are made, a o.onformlty_with the gold Mar the Chaney, In. ail ratate Mortgagee, rftno Bente, And each arit-olus geountos am will al luriT I: s sura Drat ea:AMU , to the Otlio6ton and Vr cli usti ge o L I to grve graianeney akiitaltlyto I'IANOB. IfftJ. .!b C. FISCHER'S AND OTHERS' celebrated NSW Y ork PIANOS. From SUS. 11PN &oh to $440. For sale for cask. end OD cumWe• 'Unmet& Plano, to reo_t. JAS. 800/ fa1m. 219 tr. Bottth FIFTH St.. &boll Spruce. 6010 Agent. STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRINQ QRA _ND PIANOS, UARE Q RAND, AND &WARE fIAROI3, now e e erred in concerts and in private circles th b e t O erformers. Received the first premiums over t she rs. from Judges like Ootteelar i Mimait t rs. OhdA ail -l e"'mks ta"lnvelation. B ROS EfUTßUratreit. • fffisp HOLIDAY PRESENTS l navoitviti. -- PPAVO-Forros. hiElpAtny riat "lno P o TRa &TA. Made ba Raman, Baton, & Co, Bantu & gut Hallett; Davie, .le. Co., an d others. syl4-1, ISBVENTH an I d . E CHBBT . " tik A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANO t i i IN °MUMMA & 00, Ma CHNIUNUT Meet, iteapectfaUl invite the muds oving radio to ea I en 4 examine their new and mg ilumeln/ Improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Haring or i verted the Tong, Vouch, and Airtime of the Yrand =pinto that of e* Rome Inst rument E. , .... eci„.., ,, c , wilinensny made to t e style of rand Piano, aiso mrtarmaning the coat of the 7 volume purity of tons , great sower., anthem, - Onee,deith, mid eve one: of tour", with immumbe MR Br u dng.TAMY-FIN/ANED RM are wkollr nu/mailed. or hove received the highest enoommuns, and are prOnOnnoed by orifice to be far penor to any Inatmmenta ever matinmobarlid In eountrl i Oone ntir on baud. a laiweand elegant awed:meat of r r IT rolled rule, . We ;Lave been awtrd4he lagg re tn i fee' • a pL t wial e gergeltria=r . : eitien n flOW York. unx. eel- SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COT, Agent, OS CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. hiaahines, with Ozw Wont, on lute to Private Families. SIANG% 071/1C111: I Welt STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. LU) CENTRAL SQUARE, Beaton. Pa. AN-ft • WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA OH IlYE,—Tho great and Inoreming demand ter Wilcox k thnbe' Bewiag rdnehme fa a guarantee of Its e t t o ogwe. t rice . n eA u Di r la i le r a e t ir ant. fiXtr SHIPPIRO. FOR TAR SOUTH —QUARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. eavY F i reir at an Average of runzalt per aut. be- New or O ft tr. Oft uSA TON,B. 0. The IJ. B. all fiteis By STONE STATE, Cer tain Charles P. Marshman, sad on Wedhaleari 81_areh T. at god Al. Through in 48 tow/ hears—only 40 hours at Bea. }OR SAVANNAH. OA. The U. 8. Mad Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain John J. (inryin, will sail on ttaturdar. March hi. at 10 o'elonk A. M. Woulth in 88 to el honer—only 48 hours at Sea. Wltailing days ot an froth every Se.turdey to every Sys days. Oooas reoetved, and little cif Lading signed era 4We'ndid jirst-Oium side-wheel Steamships KEY STO STATE had STATE OF (MOROI a no, runes above every ten dam thus forming a firs-day commit attrition with Charleston and Savannah, and the South rind Souest. At bot Charleston, and Savannah, these Ships it plot wit hsummer. far Florida and with tilltvaes, Ati.; for all places In the r ot tli i i 3;264 thirest. • f shirtrd ht S47l l 4llll=lZ a co ittlign ° = 6 l:ri d pn than be sailing vessels, the premium being oniadlalf i the raN. te. B.—lnmsranae on ill Railroad Frdight Is entirely unneoestutry, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all nuke from these points, OREAT REDUCI lON IN FARE. Fars by this routo M to id per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route. as will be seen by the following 'phe nols. Through tiokets from Philadelphia. via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, /scrota from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery ; 131.1)00 TA;!. To Char1e5t0n........513 00 Charleston— ..-1/ 23 M Savannah ..... .- 15 00 5avarrah........... 31 00 Augusta.... 20 oil Augusta .. - 26 110 Mac0n........._. 25 00 Ma00n..... ....... 11 75 AtiAntp..... ..... 10 Atlanta.... ' 31 00 iollim bus.. ... 00 C01umbu5 .......... 5,3 t 0 lbany .. - 400 Albany . . .. --- 31 0 0 lontsomery 36 00 Montgottiiry.-- . BO 00 Mobile 56 00 Mobile . . .. .. ....- 40 00 New Orleans ,as 76 New 04855 51 00 NY EXCURSION Tiokrrs TO THE iIARLEBTON COforrlON. ... No bills of lading signed after the ship has bled. For freight or signora *poly on board, at second w hart shore Vine street, or to ALEX. Rfill.ol4sr.. Sop thwest oornerfOUßT3 an OTNCT, Agents in Charleston. T. fi. &T.O. SU . Savannsh. H LATER k GAM HLL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday For Fforida from Savannah, steamers St, Mary's and St. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. oIsFOR ENGLAND AND FR.ANOE.- Ayr YORK AND HAVRM STSAMMEIP The United States Mail Steamships AR GO, 1,600 tong, David L ines, Commander, and Pub ON, 5,400 !inii James A. Wotton, Commander , leave New or Hayre, and Southampton, for the year /EN, on e ° , Bowing days To meet new requiremetof the Poet Mee Pewit ment,lkeAsys of sal II; the aRAGO and FULTO from kIAVRE arid 80 T hIFTO, will, &net. r piste( voyayrea be 0 oil as follows from f o rt Pezt aridith a T e ll ic o thtnireseat e d l ec ore p . the ea Mule remains wl unaltered: on nlO. N.IN TORIG V. , 11011111AMPTOPle Fufroft—.r.ir. Ful f il:lL:jou. ro...it u. AjtAtlO.-- sn, r. 4 rtmur.. --lan. 3/.... a. 1. FULTON"- eb 4, FULTOI4..-Peb.SB ..,. ob. 29. G . 3. RAGO 0RT8PC.71 1 2 . 31. fuLTdie:•:lW. 6 2l l .:4l l :_:: These eteamers, built expressly for . Government ner ving, with double engines, under dent, arm attention hap been taken in the oonetruotion n the hall and ma chinery to insure safety and speed. T e chips !Vivo Svc water-tight compartments enclosing the engines, eo that la the event of collision or ramifies, the water could not mach them.and the pumps being free to work, the safely of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Recent expenenee has demonetrated the abso lute necessity of thie mode of construction. Tee accommodations for PaattOrtfferil are believed to combine every comfort and convenience that can be do- From New Tort to Southampton or Havre-First Cabin, SIM; Second do., dye. Prom Havre or Sonthampton to New York-First Cabin, TOO francs; Second do.. NO francs. To passengers going to London these steamers offer the delivered ot eoonorur both in time and expense. 012 4010 deliveresin London. No village. armored cad paw for. Au experienced surgeon on board. All letters and newt payer f runtrus through the Post Office. V,. 831tArb7 e gNei kooorrok Now York. vrArdAril BALI . AgenL Deere. ' WEAN fititti c ßA'Oglar ComrAny, Agent. Agent, °Moe, Tnbeee Ware h ouse, DOOR and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia° Plans of the ships can be seen. rke-tmh3l BROATOE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL ILA &TEAM- PROM FEW TORE 20 LIVERPOOL. ' Chief Cabin Passage... . Second Cabin Passage . 75 PROM ROSToN TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage... ...... ............ellO Second Cabin Passago.... 00 The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Mr- PERSIA, Capt. Tuning, ICANADA Capt. Lasts; AtABI A, Capt. J. Stono, AMERIC A . Copt. ASIA, Capt. F. U. Lott, to IA GA RA. J. Berson A RICA, Can't.. Shannon, EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. SCOTIA, (now btulditig.) These vends oarly a uloa d r white light at masthead; g al n lit i r t =le;t w e 187Yo o r l i rir t no ortiday, Fe WY 2 9 EUROPA, Leitch, Raton. Wednesday, March 7 AFRICA. Shannon,' York, Wednesday, Patch is AMERICA, Millar, • " Boston. Wednesday, March 21 ASIA, Lott, " N. York, Wednesday, March 23 CANADA. Lang, " Boston, Wednesdas, April 4 ARALIA, Stone, " York. Wednesday, April 11 NIAGARA, Miller ," Wednesday, Aura 18 PEP.SIA, Junking. " N. York, Wednesday, April 25 Berths not sectored until paid tor. An expertenced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be rieenuntable for Gold, Silver. )3ulltqn. Some, Jewelry, Preoinua A.tones, or Motgle , unless bills of lading ore signed therelor , and the value thereof therein exprelmed.er itet•nt &it AliG passage SOPIY to fen 4 Bowling Green. New York. KARPWABE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HODSE.--We wcyd resvo n a f pi o oisll the atte ntion ot i theGint figi a llThell.A.RD WAIT/1,141%V:: itig o f mall bd t= gr l ligritritqlon ',pa s ted, and gamic do tireichi ettar tu tam olpr, AK. iilavgilesno. oNia iget ° 4l, !monism sad oght r h ,And Agents r9c roma and W =rimpro attia. y ^. Ii!IEMII EIALEO BY AUCTION. F intl349 4 - ,.. 161111 „, u n V w 017111155011 07 * DIV • •• k ay IJIWPI... March fith, of 141 o'olool9 py cars/or:1 # I IIII I O., credit— - Soo wines arallors of Lie/ antLiiiairli•ntl!ll : llrf re,Catalognes and maples early on the morning of ea* PARIS NE STELLA AND PRINT ED DA , IE SHAWLS. ou Irndar Lamar. 12 4 doe printed blooke-border Spits Amts. 12 S fine printed Vaehmere atm.% DRPSS eir.l(B. An IoVOIOS of Intl Paris dress s•lks. 28 and 35 Faris black era Cie nines. iIrUBBARD it GORMLEY, AvovosEEn s; 730 KARIM ttreet. RSCOTT, Jr.. AIIOTIONSER, .110. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET, gintoat to the CasiON Haase. between FOURTH and FIFTN Limpets drCOND SPRING BALK OF EMBROIDERIES, WHITE 00110 4 . ars. 0.1 Friday ?doming. March lOtb, by allltteaguo.olll. a efo4:llV— eno packages and lots. stangarsint w h itstoral anon meat of rich new style embroideries. scrod tams mitts, &0., to which the attinticia of Alts trade Ls vit.& in qo Wo. BenteLes And catodoceee earls on the moralist of FIXTURnn AT I.IIIYATE BALL The datives or e nrctitnno Ory-soods store, la SASS order ; cost SIAN. P HILIP FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, No. 010 MARE= Stmt. sod al 0111(011 Street, USAIR OP 1,000 OASE RS S BOOTS, SHOES, BRO. OA, &a. On • Marsh da. a) )01 Tb - 1 o'clock aselp orning Willbe sold be Oatilorue, on raft months aredit, 1000 Oxon boots, oboes. brogrkito, consiatins en p ort o f men's, sod °alba oat r dad Ina boots ; d patent muter Oxford ties and salters; super eel pa an llets sod Intlklux oss; women's, muses',. and abildrtea Calf, kin. goat, and osprooco boots, waiters. nanfil nes. and sl,d atntintaind s foil assortment of seasonable lauds. from Srit•olsits msnofsetnrers. Also, samples of Ifo Gases glathaM UMbrallaa. sir Cat gees and samples early on morning of sae. SPECIAL BALE OF Is° CASES STRAW OOORT ARO TRIM MNO. pp Friday Morning. March oth, et 11 reelon o lzacieely.will be we'd by enta la"; y B ;ra l linil t iO n r . n . flUrea n7 U:iilg ar t e . = tZum. Ind mimes. leer b'oolneni braid [anal straw Lonnsta. pedal bonnets, f in e ,i'ilotared emit , &ad Iteadla, tape and gum" bonnots, one and brown to. and 17 braid do boys' bite att and I white straw hats. whim nahn leaf 10., men a drab traid men's Ana Leghorn led no., latatnlia bonnet/ Watt atm, suitor Frew!' hair do , diamond win do.. superfine whole Canton aptit straw do., kn., ko.. comptiaiug an wort aqua worthy the atte ntion of blllett. PEREMPTORY RALE OF MIAMI( AND VENI TIAN CAIIPRTINO.• On Tartufay Monnna, March 13th. at 3054 o'clock, artil Oa sold b aatalatua, on six monad!' oradlt. }..10 niece. super all-wool and worded impala aanadla is, wool Ulna do, Ystitian and head 4, 34, and L 3 earleting. II J. WOLBERT & AIIOTIONEERS, XJ O 019 ARON Street. between Fifth and Sack. REOULA R BALES. Dr, r oods , elothins. s traw goofs: carpets. boots, shoes e., in lot, vistaed to the Mt, and c ountry trade. t catalogue, and for cash, ovary -Tamale, and Felder morning. Fnentture, chit:m.(lBu. &a., every Wednesdey morn inf.raes, plants, elms, dm. even Tharefey and Petar ds, recreants daring the season. Special Wes of rill or any dreurreleon of Proetttl Sit env unto to runt the convesienes of the owners wow. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, ha • Thu Morelos. Ith inst.. a. 10 o'clock. at MI Arch street. A Mese anortmeatof superior household flarnitem. parlor arid 4:haat:or watts. la use but tiro =oaths. Also, white granite ware, paintings, &o. STOCK OF SUPEROR. D IN NER VERPATED WkRE. F BENCH CHINA , DEBBERT, AND TEA BE It. ka. •On Thandav Id eat. Bth inst., et 10 o'clock. at 619 Arch street. „ The superior stook of Sae Saver-gated ware manu factuer, rompristur Coffee and tea sets. vegetable dishes, chains dishes, ter sod butter Mattes. Costars . snit stant* elan hut cake baskets, plain and chased waiters, ire pitcher". " ZO, a iii i pefrii k %e t Trieri t iner dessert, and lOU, covet.° dim es, ChinsßittoOrkg,A BALE AT No. Sal BRANCH STREET. On Friday dloillinfi 9th Met.. at 10 as No. Xte Branch street, be tween Rare arid Vies, Cad Third itrd hriorth rtreric the entire parlor, etounberr and kitoben furniture, the ProharM of a lady declining housekeeping., V may be OXILITIIIieNt earl, on tfie morning of mile. IMPORTED AND DomESTIC . DRY GOODS, &e.— FOR GASH On Tuesday Morning. 11th Inst.. at 10 o'cliviit, at 519 reh street, by cata tonia, and in lots adapted to the say and country retail trade— - • lota Imported and domeatio steel* sod fancy dry err Particulars hereafter. BRILLIANT DIAMOND JBWELRY. FINE WATOBBB, &o. On Thursday Evening. lOth lest, at 7X o'clock at 69 A rgh street.b7oatalagae. Brilliant diamond °hater pins, Anger rings, and steals emerald and rah, runs ; bids.? vanities. set in dia monds; gentlemen's aratohea. of the highest eat and hest makes ; imported braesleta t Jewelry, In seta and I~af be s e g l i .iiii i irren t l I day e c t m l • Th n radar. MOSES NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER A.ND I , 2OIII4V4MTACEhrrt soathrtast corner of tILSTH au% . , , agithoot?- 41, ~tal lr= t r = stools, gold 41 V y .. p . n a " ,= " rioMe ary ry.nrarna ,t 1 ....AM., 4114 wait:ire hones womb imam, la =i tt w 7 1 ogee Or taint for any t il i npth of time ag a Einem terms at nor other tab GREAT ORANgIi PO BARGAIN& At private mile, eplendta Pfeo lone, in rosewood 04440.004.8100. price MN; t Wuj ul tg. a nx es ease tate patent lever watch , do,. gold 114Atitte-aehe . ps sandL "11 tit o? tie moat aserevel d ifoi%et test ever wa , Fat i le g ilint r titr::. t' 6lllrai u t t ltsek 90 tel a,: r no IE - caret hustling-OW ' litlagrod At ir c , traioliar. 1,1 jewels, from .la to.tll, op , 11 , : fe., tile, sornitrope * V. t dA gr Ulte to vo • inli npuen "patent open face *Menu in Imam s . oases pna door boy Attn of tAe most slotted' gad best WI M l :flat:lCA VIM lt s * 4; 1 4 tu luta sami tat uhrierrr tisox LP %ier lever "'OAP,* . r.. . winds roNt. • sey, from OH to Mir a do., all k r buil ease silver de 1 ;ler . IF . from WEN; open lose . rr v ii . g ease TAIT Lorne 1: .,„.....,„,,,, 010; opeliolp,do., to a t prat I • vratohaa, IS to t silver Fretiejl trateß from SI % i ll i d pont one epee_ aU.one_ a rt o lt= VI A P I r o n to Aar.. .1,t.,=1. 1 .7.1:1wi0 ce i = r i tar i ta , sat bot u se s ti alr e ._ ara d k== . a.. seriptiorj, kit lee. then Gus tall= puma. who= to lotto, in gime to slut spy meth= dry end every kind of good,. et MU rate of damn Qin my other establishment in the 010. OUT-DOOR BALM Attended to personally by t h e atietroneer. at vertical charge& 0011810AIRESTR 3041CITID- Cootirojoto of all Ond arl i aladji h airede im i t i ted for pu p e ; tvro-tOirde s r se a goods be adTswed in antmeation of the lola MORRO NATILLIVIL • NT. LOl.llBl MO. PARS & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS R Wire l E.Vottird'iPVEragtil amt. yam, Clnttarn, & Co. Phasdi e tishis, ofet str sarsises tot e others of Squint's!, lg. for the sele of goods. eat pets. boots, shoat, swarths'. revylrir fi r eo he. scr cut' advances mid. on realist at goods. or Bottleraentocondo Shiest dors atter sato. BEREJILE!4I3I..S. Matt. Pllllll. OVlCO h r i r. I h eit! .• i ftlrlokloviliend,k. Warrens, Nee Yost. it s AlPirtret C tO. ll . frargAlo. Crow. *Greatly, k , • Ira-twit, EDIJOLTIONA.L. A MKRIOAN SUHOOL INSTITUTE is a, A reliable medium" titteCkh Odell Batcedsand Faatt- Bei may obtain competent te&Ch6ll. Parents may at. tale, grattitonsly, Information and oirealare of the beet schools. SMITE, WOODMAN. & CD.. sa BROADWAY. New Yore or n 124 NO CHESTNUT Street. Philadeletue. EW BOAROINti SCHOOL. J.l TUSCARORA vim ALE IN' fITUTE WM be opened at ACADEMI A. Juniata wordy. Pa.. on the let day of MAY next. For annoaaciemente coo l/MORe tro ma, Ito., Apply b. lotior. or peraJnalle. till lot April, to the eubaeriber. at MI VINE Street. Philadel phia; after that at ACADEMIA. Junin to county, Ps. NV. .E. Ag. Mt VINE e riEw treet. FIRY,ANT & STRATTONIMATIONAL AILERtIiTILE COSitalf j p4 dell r bt or t area 81. d 0 t. YorFor infonnabon. for CaZ:ta tet. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. I W. SCOTT---late of the firm of Win er • cheater & Ihrott—GEBTLEMEN'S FITRIOIBII - and EiHIRT IGIANUFAgrop._y, ri UT Street, luagrti Opposite the afraid Knee,/ .W. . woahl reerocear oall the attention of ine former eatrone and friend. to_ hie DOT more, mixl ere- Fr i elet to d t fi g ti tut= ! f" RaTele e i t r a s oi h e o gtot t gi e ;rift nun onirta a nd Colla r.. 1•11-1 r MIMI PAUL. P, ILISLLIE. KELLER. & EBIORY, Office N 0.140 WALNUT street, Philadelphia. Fs. SOLE aOENTS FOR E. Borden' superior Broad Mountain White Ash, and }LHeeksher /4. Co.'s celebrated Black Heath and Otto A . Shipped bloanal and ra C ilroad L from Behnylkill Haven, Behus 888 eo., Pa. fell-am H OIIBEKREPERS LOOK TO YOUR -Wintered. Buy your COAL AT RICKS', where ; nothing but the very bestahty of Winch and &Mut- V . l b lal beggerd_at the ollgreduesA i ngo;; ton. Ke z if 'an . 5 t0ve ......_, -- 4Oa " ' te.ol4ll l l. ! !60 '. ----- n t r t nteci tree — ti;el elate or dust and falLFplatit. at LWlTo4a.rddairaltililat corner MAlt8"1.1. an' L SW. °Room Co. . . 015ise US Bonin FOURTH Rita. WHARF, FINIE STREET, BOITUYLIII4I 4 Denten and Alumna oe Locust Moan rain, 0 Lehigh, and Schuylkill L tderehandine taken on wharfage. on-aza HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN A-s• LEHIGH COAL,lrtritred with care, for sale on tasU r einas. i tug a t t l, KNOWLES'S Depot. AM gOIITHERN OIL COMPANY or NEW ORLEANS. No.l Meal:Liners oil. at 75per cent. below the cheap est labrioating agent in use. for railroad oar boxes, eta tionary engines. segarrefineries, enuring_ presses, an. This oil in chemically pure ; is entirely free fromgent and itch!, and in all changes of the temperatL.re retains its perfect limpidity. it has been tested against sperm, lard, metallic, Polar, Arctic, whale end elephant oil, and hee defeated all with the exception of the vert beet sperm, alongside of which it ran for 3.340 miles on the Macon and Western Rail.. read, Georgia, when no differ - earn was perceptible. :The attention of Machinists is partici:July retueated. • ILEDEII TO p:nnul i varti g a l c9 , :tnia , Railroad. C0:1,44M .82:11•Yin. a New Orleans. 28""'""4" R e fi rflt PA 7 d i tn i t())y. Agent, 114 804th FOUX attest. Pel4.lin Philadelphia. II SALAMANDER SAM. A large aisortmept of &VANS & WATION'S_ I,ILII.ADBLPHItA lALAMAND metAFuvaawinr.Elt VAULT DoORS, - 1,0 For ' Banks and Stores. t HAIM 01M. Elul to sui_VOIT 111 ire, IRON DOORS, 8.111/TTERB c &a. Ow good Wrote as any other establishAtent in ski Melted States b - RVA'N a t il .E' We, . N 0.1049 N Her% Ph a PLKAPIR UIVR UR A (LAM. , . Ms 11- QYRIIP MOLASSES, &0.-400hhde. and bbla. ohome and tanliVirma.fi 4h ntatTy.' 44"5„ NEW CROP NEW ORLEAITS SUGAB t :—;• V.' ailMf".,-I;7).rwi ms ll4.e"!'tr etV.A.00113E.400 podite, ms i ta ckar44 - v7ousa aziax9t 427 SALIN BY AUCTION. letintSigi.**sjoriatturr -1•1 a MA • r FIFTY‘Ona Pl,ww=22, yktbalip _ . , titimoi_B4ls-47 1 51318 Arm aIiAL zervz mirth wines bas—alszetabatlis streausdeamo W, shwa ms , toti tisk. • Fmk Aprins riatiM4 4117dit zacta, at de Ex ebang e• - at e, - Eusil Ertng 84••-ir ela eliesiseii. taz Patina strait Yabselei rasiareco. rtTenth ',nag Bali—Faur prisay, g i th a rgraiMb Waraxei. at Ole °bongo. LP' Fart ot the kaothial Uri esakei de lbw* odes [ow readr. ddliß OP BUPKRlo2rjkil - Ag l iria3i -1•41 : 1. " Pat MACHINE.. tn' % two. AND GLASSWARE, BR 'SS ar CA% D.—Oar solo to-morrow mamma. . More 11.11ootarrios. Issidos NO loto *Tam Matt owlmott toad Norodom ?mob Mom warrant:MU= Dolts-of liao&mo acetate londtwa. Mien lomati u m so d a's roman 'ass %moat!. Mr ffmttrommts.' mot •ftatmit. arowslo load .rcaqatir. kR . (arm - so szsortalituj warthr tie attostioa at sad DOM* nUparekiiltai. e lfir ouiNtaas now nab. sad Om ardeks mrsaitd‘ lea. TESFAT •t aar EN Ti tgai t a airW• rem 7. at the • ii alk • sae *rhos — ado. .mum • re pi • • o. $ " 4. f•• or&C" io bra • -AT nom, UM 1 1 1 %14 h i t ," rip.* of roll MIAs at mini" vcir itiAl mama AT isloiE4 (di= 1411=1:1Atsi FOURTH SPRING Ilittall—MAßClß HlP.Or.:Zer43lloll:44CreriD FURL VA FOS rttINTINOL BILLIARD AlZ m it Of • Usetleaset Deals ag SIOnIIIII. .Itsrett fa, at Itt dela*. ail be sold. et !child Wet leatboet temtWe ireeseee, No. 11/I . Esibert te senor_ se* Fundure.. jog est Oral F *Oret.toisposter Fees Swum! 41 feet au drab 4o Onthhen etrea..The asasero az i f the best tomtit basses us the aft. oaf . motets every modem ueveseemest sad eareestseee—stismal ed• tartlet, sorpestot...taur table sad oosol Seem al Cuthbert street. te.The vitals in oelleest essetr. Tertos— m dlideemey aim ea tot sad unetput• ta the magi manner. Of toe Wawa. Daly in ta• is eel. Or stslw ed 'wet:awl sots slideyetsise /opt. pass, sad tests, ise n tte. mo*, tor& rano vita Interest. liir piimillgory. ALI clessapture. see handballs Or The FURNtFUßO ‘ which %eery ele=4. l ldlst fa- it. rote order, um be sold by estahstoe. after Me side of the base. 10 . ALt; a UAW. VIZ. of both the had litsbiaa "mature. melodist rtte nem shwa teetweel tare. drew- Ing-ro citatory dismat-moes. sad c IW t or fle tore ; rse mantel ;rad pier annum he au twir, sestet pis ChAildltbllll. 11= amt sod dessert sets. Ada cat glue, ted-eare. floe terms, ko. VA LILA MA ORIGINAL PAIRTTNOS. By stamens Euroesum set A amaze suites. isebsdret Its e the to Damask re ad et, Se b'sso • • et, V • riassektie wen. rehandt. Bant.Ple. Tedd -mon Otto. Atortatoe, °maven. C. Xreieboff, Nu) Weser,. Tim 1 " 1 / 4 : 1 , rd PV , II+. T. Moms. wcotur.444 sass ibis,. milt A lso, u n trtar of Rae loarmehats. A bro. • inpillOT Pram* tobianl able, to catiphits der.eost OMO. tor May be AlAralsed. efth atatesstes. es Herbs sad Traday, previous Wait, frost )9 toldeleet. PIPTH SPRTII9 in SALP ek "nr-XLICSet rt ke =sae' *art asb—Erse Mat* Winitesedee, de • TWO TRILVE-Iti:ORY 1111_0(11111WK8=- tresteorater of /new eat Baena* etree4'. Thirteenth sod Mae ast Lasilvird astbmpli moat& 811 ore;tune Court 80.—.1.stas• dir imptiasoi•- 11.144 BEAT MODMIZI W o Mena nit teetith street. above Ws sat we're. LaitOK AND OU?B to 6 ftelttllENCY., enrcit STREET—Tam-army Wick nrsidenets.vnthall swam so , ven2snets. N 0.17.0 Spruce street.lllo gmes how. ronasrvatorv. stsbta. math house. sad largo sot. Mil bad frost- Ste Net amen LabaserstremC Tye Imam Ismacatore Balm—Satrkt• of Saban Xa= toad. is, mused— VA 'AMPLE MM. 71 Acm vitt . stow hart. sad frost of ova , Ina feat oa Indian Qat* kWh sae Gormaatnim. iragr TWO Wan DtiONVIL L ITAN RESIDINC/T.Azek st.. north, -de. *sat Twastivtlt sheet; listeholl ell sandint coavearrness.- larnasdista MODERN TN DWKL4IIIO. Zia Dank boat Wawa Uitions awl Waal' ts. tato Nom .91 DERN •LlNti, No. 1041 Vim serest. tee: Sulvva TweatadToterty-d tat N a W(1 roax t r .nyrr.LLtme fi NI Placa. (forma Bards Cana) beds . Locut= Bose* aad Tea sad eltmult s-asts. Sale a Nes. so Bs &nth Fowl% Stmt. SUPERIOR ,B R FURNITUREREELS ROES. PIANO-P ORI ES, USSEL& CARPET& Oa Minds/ Yorztaß • - At p deleek. at Ow Ammon Mani.= aineittimet sf riaellant wood land tattoos. ektthi t is }'.fors. 1.3* mums. carpets, eta-. froac tinfa opera at boasaksoptag. removed to th e More SoMisiellee Of sale. Bala No. all 'loath &math Street. GENTEFL PIiaNITIANi MANTEL Tut/ WARI. CHINA AND 61.451194, - CAR PETS. to. Oi Friday Itorataz,_ • - 9th. at to &stmt. as No. al l South Smut stmt. throe doors halow A mes. tbit *atm boorobota Weaken hunt - tom to., of a alatioreaa dootiattor, tar Moe attroesarai o immt on mariiiialriaak atialook. sir House Is t nit. Bala roathesst Cttestmotaad Posirtk Streit& STOVS. n O Fair g & /IRK PROOF.. an. rida Nerwitg. bat int, at ti o' k. at tbe sontnesst cam!' of Ckestratt and Poartb streets. *a stsw• Itsisiras. ems tables. glue chairs. ka..t.o. Itoetiver's Ealq4Eica. lIay E ZS 800 tb WWI, sing. 811POK lINFINISHEOP .10L114. M ATRIUM'S. - _ LUMBER. VESINE vioLit. a°. on Bawds, Natoli 10.11, at It estocic.atriirioi YS Kith street , 113 order of tit* toot. azure coo/ of anew. V. !Rolm k Scattier, aocaprisloa a imolai 1110 0 ciotacto v.:mm.lllo'Es : tuff otastity ota. canals, woo atsetuact, & AV stmatill leas t ot. motors. tads. troCk be . Oir FLU patikatiant Mt __Q.. tot Honk Nfrotatk - risott. _- NEAT 1 0 01.1DIRR. RE MERLE CAREE= to. Oa Moeda, Slontiaa.-- Slatob 12th. at 110 tectosk. sat No. OM Honk Elocoath attest. shots Patrua, street, tlis *sat itoor== tothita Naito" goodusaa dung's tsr We btis Do summed at a chticok cot tit ammo of , Bele ea Um VALUABLE WALNUT-ST, re T M.Z=lCtell AND VAR Ou WMfillef&lll Mark lallost. it Vetoed. est dr_ • MT= street the UM. sad Miseries reitteso coach beam. sad let of stased.p feet ifiti• Zd feeds depth. to lioness street both the best MAW, RC the assofaf e ra es miser. Tii l 5 FIARNITVILE, of excellent tostity. sad is Imo or& t. wig be mid itarclohateir after the hmas. di7' Particulars - 1s Numibilla sad catatosees. WIRES AND LIQUORS. WBCALL ATTENTION OP Tan ritdie x to Oda lu V re lkarrioir sylvan s AHD CD COCHAC. Ampply in =pi = ocasylatly NI lasi X=Errimrlw gail dlr.a vavao, Landes sal Holland Om. Most ta ROW and Gum Mananaava, digh and lov riot& 1,0/nic I r XP,bmiegitr. otO4m • Ca &Mt Flt.o.TalbudiAltia. GEOBAIIR WILUTXLEY, • • PitsT ofl U aila Sir rekr. tke fianar steam= b raLt d7 kruHlgo.. C. " 1 1Mafty k Ari. , J. tg. mu. ratletotria. .rit Tags, nips prowiekom HIMXISIPY. etaart's Malt "41 : 110AttivieM vanetwa M Trry, fte l rec r ialso rir GIL smamT.lFari MACHINERY AND IRON. =l3l WILLIAM N. MIIIILICL. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY L nnuelowmmsolvsnmwm /HILADLLPHIA. ME RICK .t SONS, NNOINSEIIB AND M CHINDITS menefeamys Mgt sad l e ow Pressure thesairagimbm, far Land. Meer. and !dense semce. ftlers, (Milometers, Tacks. Irem Boats, &c.; Castisms of BJI kinds either fres or Braze . . - Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works. Work Shops. Rad road B.ations. &a. Retorts aad au Machinery of the latent and most im proved ocastraettpu. Even deecriptima - of Planation Maehmery. such as 13ussraiatr and Gnat MI is, Vacuum P , ns.Ctlen Omani Trains tkfecators,Fliteig. Pun ping Fortino. de. Sole Agents for N. Mamie§ Patent :Roza/ Apparatus; V_asrotth's latent a teem Hammer: sod & WoLsorn Patent Centrilnest &Isar Drain, Inc Machine • - atialr AlF 5.8°13 8 11 1 L EIti N ,B I R 1 0 1 1:0}; & CO. General Land and Real Estate Alente. Dealers in Land Warrants Sleets. &a. Northveat corner THIRD and CHESTN UT Senate. Sr. LOUIS. s Particular attention paid to entering Graduated Land.. •• • . 600•000 Aorta tot ode at. polo.. =slag from is TI mut per note. Palmate .scared and taxes ptud. Enclose vamp for Plat and paraantara talS•Sat THEO. ➢. EMOA]. WM. 11. GRIMM G REINER & lIIRRNESS. COMMIPION MFRCHANTB. 131 SOUTH WHAR , EBu fel4-3m ranADELnote. ALFRED L. HOUGH. PAPER 3LANUFACTUR4RB' AGENT. Orders •olioi tad for Creil dawn ptlon of PA fI:R AND I . APER•idAKER'S N.ATERLdIa. 1.40.17 South SIXTH Suva, Ptuladolpha. fell4re R R.O 0R 8 0 REAL ESTATE • BRoKER AND CONVSYANDEV, NORRIS TOWN, PENNA. .FARXi in Mottaxiory.Dizoka, Olsestoreoce "d4l; VIINGTWA farm neodated. HANDS IS D LUNGS Inc Ws in Norris. pAWSON It NICHOLSON, BOOKRIN3I2PERE4 NOS. 619 AND 4:it MINOR STREET, Between A. Mareet HlL AI and Chestnut raellig• PHI JAMES PAWSOPN. M L JAS. B. NICHOLSON Jer-IT' R. CORSON. REAL ESTATE BRO. • HER A.".D CONVEYANCER, Norriatows4a. DO Farms for sale to Thighs, Montgomery, and tat's er mantles. Catalognes or Farms, with nth eagerly tons, sent by mail. • fe4l-34n. V B. PALMER'S -ADVERTISING AND • • SUBSCRIPTION AGENCTJor Principal throw PaPe.lik Penotheal!orVittand Couto., N. E. can ner r Irril and CIIESTNOT. Address " V. B. PALMER," Philadelphia. isl3-Sm THOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, No. V 3 South FOURTH Street. BIS ft* ALEX. idoKIN_ ,NEY Arroitrray 47 LAW. iiiitil33l./BBIThe, PA, will grandam in Weiamorelanti. Ainnetrent. and Ta tum& onantisa. ne/1-11in THE ADAMS' EXPRESS CO., 011101 Silo CHOWN : UT ?theft, thrwsrds Pasty% Nth• pies, histhhandise, Bank Noes, and B a, either by its mini Linea , or conneetion with other grew thins• tr u l ti t s tl e if the sancosin tisre gs. she i 6 tba aal - tfGeneral eihi stendsiit AiARCS AND VALII4B4E STOCK IScales selling oat at Greatly !tainted Price% et 415 otIFBTa,UT ntreet. 80."00 worth Stan lard Weight Peaks, complain an Immanent of all then. Counter, Portable Pietro:re, Warehouse, Huy, Coal, Ca Pn l r e eA d Tilt limd E m Ee a i e s f or their' exam s ne the above oosat teret to oel end No. tin CHISTNUT BTREN. T, Philadelthia. A. Ni 6LX, The attattention of emintrf merchan Cabt" .1)a la called to Me above stick. fen-Ise Fit FAIRRIMS, EAU - 4' ORM WALES. OVA For We by PAI3tE.ANICB & EWrge., 711 lIIVERTPOIT rho", 13tit.:17.-adiktiNtx Maull.llo,b which tem. kAitifie ettland makeao,ooo OT !Mak Promo, FaM a a t 4l 6. W at i aL .rns hewn*. _ . 4- • .4 tivsotEss'emws.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers