. ;„. 4.0 r ~C=',YY -atr.ftEss_ a• • (: 47 11 , 001..aart fltftva,lo,akast' 'la fa • *--e•WOLYXo46o44oloo,l4,o.c4eritriC aiimiferibetiroitiglkieittitlki,DOLLOs Din.tailutarosAgniT Winn i .44 11 4 ' 0 1 KM bioUrS4—aftwili - iut• E -e 44!,. • i ft 4 4, ' .4tii , kariribeitekcatlikat so 4#Taii Wiloi. •,.'"^".niMilnOtalliatatinuiaW.4aiaa igaa_ ,- 1 7 7.„71 ,,, Zet"? . .2 ,. 1 , 1•7 VJAV '6l9oDi i *MEAS. a, -; • • , . : ••• • t k E) 8 ' r' jtjStkit r A ... BAIL. '", 7 114.-tiOP t TAO,?I.? JOBBER; • h ritpot TEE SPRING TRADE. ittSS " . thangtml vulOti of itirk attd Um* *Oro* " • - SHAWLS; ir.r.« of --••• • -• • 4 , ;sI44URNINO- - GOODS; 4 . 4 • 1 7 Ci; , '"..",;f•-• "4- ". - • ' T S. 64;tiositioik et- id6lE — i4 A4canyst744R. -• • - „ ASSrAtERES, &0., f4A . tES . IIO:•O6O - tiEl. ~ ,,-..:,:5-X.Q.,snwticrrliTßEET, nihmt 4,IIPRINctOTt , - iieoloele.esBBri:4lo ; ?fiii es. pnixany Oita fie st.taatioa! of th, Tit* to khelF, lugs gook of P .,,"!; 1 11;TP O P 8.1' 44EN 4NO - 110 .. ,ret . :37VEAXL • ' ' " PS.lC r ir ; * 8Ebt01911),TO • • - - SET STIR E T - 111, 7 , . • - - • - • inine titer tinis on hint a aomPlet• eaiorttinni of 041430110litsTnias , 4 lit' 2-, 0 1 .$4 1 00 1111 XY, • •- To uchtoh the/ i nvi te thnatten4ton of tonitinn- 111*1nk SOING - TO.Dit: r ,LB6o` : , Li.B;OekSe,' TETATtak,' ,l- ;1011,11ARKWIcAtar,5185101001ROMP OV, 31§01A10001C,' wriefigit-14eij1AKro .! , alitttiVlTJUrariptwAcetMans,sztaikauSlA =', r sr 01441/11,7040111XialaN ITEBIONGEV • -MU)IIIS"I"ELINICBEIN43-13, IittiII33IILOLICHIT.STRIEMEWEttaitow , keg - 4. wopozelat their Snint Ittvirito Into tlio attention Otte tad*. • .If 4-$14,1 .1444:t•lii:AlkEWAtilita CO.,' • '1 -411 rob& A.76 , 1 , P „. FAION—DABBB 4001:03."% f =.4 .,, a011114111(157111trarti r aavi.l*7-,ata if.9o•Aviag a ~„4 „ m",1 4 1 z ro atillezlitywoote oalmt•, mousing , , 410:- N 4 4 711. -.10 *0 1 4 7 Te: j r Clit s r*terMiPatttliKloo , ' - itcr. iiii4ißciviiir..iiitriitratim 414:21E 4i; :1„f. r - • ,r..I I yIIO4IOIOIIII , DNALX94I - - • - 1 , 17:--nr • • - 'II#I74*I6OIIOH.c.END - 414.111g0LN : ttriv":EVt.l 7 kr -! 0 - 0:013 • EV t s u gatti"ll6lxspitht 44117, 644;thii iittroßri MOBIL 1444 - • 00q$ " Et44 1 0 0 X - 4, 1 00N5.& KA,R. IOI t 1 1"8 . 11 1 1' r 4111.01Prtiro D' eitalt.lll 0 P 17e oLtrni,grfaeg MENEB( V mice , , - Azu •,• ip tc..twa r itikw twriarmosis RIO A:k sod • se .4 01414 .4 4 ' 2 J.4t, - ;ri• - it , •; - Vt i ***** o7JQ * 4l #: 7 : ", *,40,10110 4 ,1f DO,11(0710' • - ~, L114! Ar=7 - • Ni . -! , 40 - 615 ,, Ausgsr IiTREST.; 1- LI- lopA , J.l . 3s's - P •:,,:, •!.:1• - 1 :; : I , lt - • , :si , ',"/ . ' " arbt0,.,, , „ GOODS. - ,%, •- : , - t , -, ',- '1^,7,. , .5;.4,• 1, , ,i :' '' - '''''''''''"' BAZD f oßprrire.oo„ - ; ~,,,, - „4„....,.... .....--,,,,. , -„.-„ - • , 7- 4 ' .. 'r' dioknii. noti , Aiitifilitiil OTREBIc' 51PS 04 , _-2,2-W.137 0-11 i NW' , " 4 • 4.. •ril' • • :lAN** AND 4 .o .Minib *104411#11"10001,-4bitlArg!:., r, „..„,.:..„,..1i. -r-' ': ';iiiiiiii#l;iniON; i — lfic' , ,'? -, - , B 1 n tion* '5 ''r w ' l ' "" E. F WM D . OWNSIIIO, ALIDED Os - , 310-' , ileAcidoto,ltiiiini;',al itattirilik 4,..7C.":-..1 iiiii,i4teilk*Okiidiiiiiali, .A.V;V.4) itTrYf -: AZIV 7 O OA) fil,-*- - _ tHlivo. -r r . 0?-4 - 46w -zre;-,ao'sc mr., t. ~.„.„, , ,,,,,, , i , -.4 . : . a ...... ... • . -.....,._ . if?, Ac .i %, -`: : ; ',, '•: 2I2 •Q V hi, bans e-': .== , IllitIOZV.1111V•AltIr./0112ERgi .!''' .!..fit , eiaorlfl;-:- yt.:).--A ! 4, ! ;., .73 , - . ; itti;-10 iiarqe WPM ISITPIRM • ? -,-,c . ,i i ll: w ra„: t.' - ---. : 110v = - • - ''' u tr iu l l4 4lo hob ' .' ttgi , 2 ~ 1 .M.esti. , , ;'),• 141 1 . 1 P ri,17.17-7 - - r''',l • !‘ _ ' pielpa " 4-4;.:IIOBSIERIY;',I,Wi ' 946 . 4Alkii t ilTREliVf T* . _ i.wimair ‘,.. .- .: ~ .1.31.. w. 4,...&,,,,1tat-Lisiyl; iff&k't .'''''"__.„„, . 5','WX , " , 1.,ite,.•:57 ,- . - , -“-KMBROWsigli'lli ~ :, 4 ;- „ -,., - - 4 . , •- 9 griarr FYI EST ~ , f;,• .t .. ~E ,,,'.:, ; S.+PIA Pr): i .. 7,q Ar'.. rittrrkj,,MYAW•m, gi...,...,,,10 ',IC 11' '' ' I , t - . • • -4410000.,,,,.. ..,,„,,„,.. 1 ' 61 4'4'41 11,t i-P, l' - - ..‘V. , -144tc* , , - - , ,:t • VOL. 3.-NO. 186. caluitli3swri HougEi. LAST , FARRELL ea MORRIS, MITERS and 0031111108 ION loss oitEgipti/T STRZBT. Have received by the lateit 'Bieeirdere a tall amortmon ,of GERIHAHand BAXOHIt CLOTHS add DOBEIICHIES among which are oU the poem of _ J. A. REIMELDKADIPS Whole and half Owls I - OBVERS 'SCHMIDT - 'do. dib , B. Jc L. OELEBRATEA DOESKINS. F. k: B. do:• ' - do, - • - With a fall line of the very popular IMPERIAL and ELECTORAL COOKIES; 'bra MIXED COATINOS ; .‘ COTTON WARP OLOTIIB ; OOTTONADES t..nd VEST PADDINOB, All of wide!' are offered • for sale ON FAVORABLE TERMS. - fells WOLFE & 00., WHOLNEIAZZ CLIMIXI . Ncir; on; blow, AND MATTING W,AREHOUSE. , NO. Hi , . ORE IiTISTin • STREET, w Saran' for Pldisdiolahla Otteget ktelaulkaturem SItICS ,82- WOO 1 4 1.,EN8 I - • • BIPLLWAINE:& BACON. No. UPS CHESTNUT STREET, 'llavo, per the latent arrivals, rooolved o, Jugs stook of 'B/LiB and WOOLLENS, miaow to the ciottdna and !rotlant Trade. among 'which aro elm' following popular :mislead cloths • ' '13 4. 2444132N Oaf bra.lit.) 7inlia. and Half Ends. MOLLIf iiorra iNAMIEBZ AUSTRIAN " BiXUNY 9101118, Of all grades, • Ales, 374 O.OBIhIERES, PAN dc.; KIOLLKins .ntLIC KIXTUREB and TRY, &MB; BATIK .BB,CELIKEB, BLACK BILK SATINS, COTTON. BACK do., BLACK- IibLVETB, MA= 4,0 - PAM:IY BILK VTATINGO, /co., /co. 'Au Of liikloh aro . offirid for saw on • &Parable terms. 61-xf&mora SHlkair) HAZARDS lIPTCHIMN3 110 oinunrcuT 81..* OOIMJSSION KEROILIXTB • FOR TKO BALE OF PII.44DELPHIA-MADE - CK.:9I)/3. BINALLUM & CO.. pAIIPET EA* Baiio" AtII LB, eßakiarroivv. • , ALo. ldi,ortemand Bogen In • • , • • • 011 a QLOTHS„ • ,MA T TING,RUGS. &O. mazimovisteog casirmrr trt e • Eiteiteyouse.) Southein'ai4W446mlitayers are riapeotildiy Invited an TB.- Stao 110. 144 'At:North PBOBT Streit, Ali Ulm .SOLE AGENTS in Philadelphia for the t4,Bmr COAPABY. and hareoonataldlr for all s fllll airmillahent of VICI,VBT and TAPESTRY 01131PBTB,Of ohms patterns, i• lare*entopli of . the Whitens kinds of Gin. P 14,11 roannftiotered to,Phitpdelphia m 0 and ointati, :fie nearly the best manofaotitiina ' /Wok :1 1 410114 it to -thelelintereet to an and meadse these soot, r, which are opted for sale on the 10041heettible terekas, , • ' befns tW Sots Agents lii Philadelphia for the sale of the Wonted and Carpet Iferninite.br:theßeionrille Alder (formerly she :few Reiland Worsted Aleraerinr,) and' bow acute also for the Baldwin,' Wilton,, , and .Abbots Companies, bare 0461 itir 4 6 - 11 Ern flrlroalteoenstantli,lbr sale the u1i 0 .0 111 0 1 4 61 M04 1 4linhoWodulPhilnalqfhls, o thop most fsvitrible tonna.• ' • 1617-3 m -• ' BOOTS, AA , ' SUOZEI: 130 1 KE R Be BROTHERS, PlitAuk 4 s.quasaft AND 19110 J. 2 A1 , 14 ‘,: Diil4lll QiTY AND zAirrziowieDs : BOOTS, AND • SHOES. 50g.14 51 6nd,4 3 .4 MARKET STREET, • • • BeIow•FSPTH ®treat; South sidgh 614 in , • intiituttnuA. LEV.IC K RABIN, & 00., ao9t.ilito atoll w4tralotrai , MAZITIRAqI I OII.7 . . , 80. O 6 MARKET BISSET, PH ILADELPHIA. We Mitt now oh hand an extensive stook of BOOTS tindiSlOES,'of eyed tiesonetian, 91 • .OR OWN' AND EaBTERS MANUFACTURE, whioh'we' biviter'.the - attention of Bonham and Wsidoin buten. • - • • fe3-9in & .SON. • WcgtTER AND DEALERS IN BOOT, I OE, and CUTTER. XAT.BRIAL S, LAETINRIL GALLOONS, ONEETiNOB, PATENT LEATHER. • 7RENOH RIDS, LAOETIL SLIPPER UPPERS. N. E. maw* itotaus Lxu Aiwa nano. 'fas:am SHOE&WIERV GOODS; ' 4 Would respeatctilly Invite the attention of IlinettXßD CiATKIt XASURAOTORKSS To my, lane and well-aeleoted stook of SHOE STUFFS. Thalia goals are, es I general thing, imported br me, Croat from the illandictursrs, and I have reason to IngieYe, from - my expenenee in the bulnera And my knowledge of the wants of the Oho* Trade, that I can offer inducements esual to any in the Innings. Mr clock amide is part of the following Black and Colored Union Lagting& • plea and Colored Oaten Ptsatilee. Black and Colored Caaelmere. Black and Colored Eugenia Cloths. Colonel toad Black Union Galloons. , sad, Ortellif and Blue l'elre Galloons. ' Bbak Stlk Galloons and Minions. - • Wink; Black, and Brown clipper Matta., Contra* Gaiter Web, from 4in to ad hi. Boot and Gaiter etrapt-qoper Bottoms. Cotton, Bilk. and Linen Laces. • White Union—Bleak Cotton Velvet. ' , Bhoe Dunk, Drilla. and Linen Lining,. hf. X and D. and atmertan Patent Leather. American Patent Grain or Split Leather. • Travois and Gramme Clued Kid. flupcir qualities of Calf Glove Kid. Barbotir'a Shoo Thrintit4hoo Lifts, Batton 'looks and Shoe Punches. EDWIN W. P AYNE. -A:4+4km gm 4,96 ARCH STREET. '-':I3tAVICAND CAPS. ROOPOS & - DAVAB. : - /to): 517' MARKET ST-REET, MANUFACTURERS OF, AND 'WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, BILK, OASSIMERE, STRAW, AND PANAMA T S, CAM 'llbrinwrs..sLOOMEltti; RUCHES, PALM 4t WILLOW MODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Ail. , 'We resentfully invite the ettentson of oash and eroravt-parine buyers to our Wee and well-eoleated ,etook,, - , , feir•ein htuavatraim 171TIOUEIT &. SONS , ,0 03)13411 ° 1CINifitTet!" S, ,Itteigre- signlerly , s u mo assortment of desirable Cl' VA4, •sr , hls, peg, oder' at,,loW rates, [or eata i ll , , P. AilMrsTIN , .QUA LEPS - 4'7l , 4 l T4ll o tiglif I T% l el/MACY 000DEI . 110.5 • ALMIT laßaltr, • 311 " Y(1 " 71111 1 1 11141LDEIMITA;•, Toilet, Articles. - EINEM =ME • T..01484ND-43110UtiDatia431,909 Tieces turtvid *for &bolo Vront. • -- mhS- :gi e h anta:46t,.8w.8.1r0n.,1:-2,, abn3i a tarvok ethttla4orm,,Ai r I .01; L,' 1 e\' 1-r 11 :IL t ' it 1 ,'O'L', „'; le r ,klj4l f / lkii ... ,1' j, i'd,(l 1 , ..,;;;',' 1 ;;, ,A;i 4. I ,',;'. i'i' 4'. , ,, , , ti . • - • ..,. V -atilt: i . . ~. iv ' , rt. 1 -, r, .r...:4 - r.,.. ~ , ,, T. - ,.rt, . 1.1, r ;, - . - 1 ,,, ,.... , .. r: ~, - ~• ~I l ii - !I 1 / . J .- .1 0 . 412 • ...• • , . , , :). tr ........_, -- , AO .. , i' . :W I ~. r 1: .1 , '.,::( `-. f '.: 1 1 f 4:: t , r. , 1 1 7 .. ,f.. 1 y,),,, ~ .„,,,,,,, .....„ i; , I , ~,,-,,, ~,, „, . tik . ,•• • r c- , -r• : 0 , ..-,, r , .-• i., i v 1;/,,' II ,••,r • • r ~ ;:, /10 I • pogo{: .4'• • ' .' 1 ' r- -1• li; 2, •.'. •t • -'. ' " ,„.: :r l ' : 7 ; 2 • ' t . 1-,•'- -- ,,,r•- - ' * - gt?' ''',*--•*:::•-• ' i"... 1 . 1 ' . '':., '''• ( It *. Ilt 1 " , • •/ . it i el c ~, ' N ' ' \ ',- IT, • I.• It '.l. ' 11 ~ , ,i ~• ..„ '. '. , „.... '47,IWAN k , 4' . .7 , ' lit t 011111104.: ...4"11 ,', .' ' , ta ... i,_ z , '' . . ...,, . . .7. ', 7 -l C", ,::dr i i 1 ..... 1 .I#‘ t ' ' I IWO r! k ~ • ~,‘ .:, ~-, : 1 1t ,...., .., f. Et , ~.. ~ 4 ; •.,,::•-• :-, , :1.: .. ' ..•,,,. 1, . • ..i, , ,. , -.,,„,_ ,A.i,, ~.4F.,1"--A- Z , - ~,'' Ts" '. -. .1 ~ ,ri , •,-, -, , ~• i-1 -..., i •\ • , ~ , 1.., _.. . _ .1 ~ ~_ 0. ..' ' ':q• • .09/ / ' 13 9 0; " - .:• — a:- - . •' • i NOMI , , , ...—..........., i ~, ~.1 , ! i , I \ ti , ~ . , ~, o 1,, , . —,.....::;„.- j, ..,pplz.. ,use Akt ~..• 0 , ~. A rift. ,, ~........,..,_... . I --- , -- k ‘ 5 i ` , Ait----- 1t...........:;.44.1... . ! . , , cARrETmos. SHOE FINOIN(48 lIIRD STREET *JOBBING HOUSES RAlgTj.tti," 11114 D ORE, & Co., IMPORTERS WI r DRY GOODS. NOB. 920 AND 999 NORTH THIRD STREET➢ ABOVE RACE, WEST HIDE. Their extends° Store having been remodelled ena bles tit= to approOristo to Eaoh Clue of Goode A SEPARATE DEPARTMENT, DOMESTICS. 61N01141d8. PRINTS, • " SHAWLS, LAWNS, MANTILLAS. BILKS, ' HOSIERY, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS: 111laR1:611t.OK AND 00011E00 SECONDS We have now open the LARGEST and MOST COM PLETE EITOOR of 000D8 we have ever offered to the' Trade, to whioh we solioit the attention of CASH AND SIX-MONTHS MOMS. feDu•2m • • JAMES.• KENT. PANTEE, & CO. • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY 'GOODS, NOEL 239 AND 241 NORTH TURD STREET, ABovg RAM, Respeotfullylnvite_tlis g l utton of buyers to their LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK IY)REION AND DOIIfESTIO GOODS, Among *IA Will be found lines of BATES'. MILLS AND yonx COMPANY% GOT TONADEB. LARGE VARIETY 01 New end confined Stiles of PItINTS, 111ERRIMACK ONCIONDS, 4.e fd-Ini 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860. BUNN. RAIGUEL. & IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS'IN FANCY DRY GOODS. 137 HORTII THIRD STREET, Are 'Revived to exhibit $t their salesrooms the most complete stook of goods ever offered by them. Present ing manual attraotlOns to the trade generally. The'vtook qomprimes s complete nallOrtMent of *vary varioty of. SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, IVEITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, OLOTIII, CASSIXERES AND VESTINGS,II 11031EBY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS. Mao, • fall sad merit easortment of Sprig • SHAWLS IVIANTLEXAS. To ell of Ithloh they invite the Wootton of CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS. 8. 1.1. BUNN, V. E. BM, N. R. RAIGUEL, W. W. EURTZ, E. Y. BUNN, re Mem 1860. S,P R NG. . - 1860. J. WAY 811 0 0., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IM FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. SS NORTH THIRD ST.. Are now ready for the SPRIN G TRADE, And prepared to crer, to voce and prompt elx months Buren, one of the LARGEST ARP MOST ATTRACTIVE STOOKS - In the country, and at Pricer OW win dew competi tion, notottly is this, bat to any other pity. Puroheiere will 'Sad our Stook well escorted at nil wean, of the year.' 7. C. WAY,37111. 11. DIIIILATo WM. P. WAY, fe3.lnt 010. 1 1 , WAY. y ARDOpVILLMORE & CIO. NOS, 40. AND a NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILK AND PANOY DRY GOODS, WHITE 000D8, LAOS% LINENS, EMOROIDE RIES, HOSIERY. GLOVES, MITTS, AND felkala BRAWLS, ANSPACH. REED; & 00., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. 240,180 NORTH THIRD STREET, (cORNIIR TIMID AND C/DIND.Y sra4) PHILADELPHIA. ANI4BOO. JR., MIAs. E. ANSPAOLI. WM. Anpacu. Jae, H. Rum, DAVID 1/1. SWAMI, ' fe3.llm MILTON COOPiI. WM. M. PARHAM. DOBT. D. WOR, COOPER, PARLiAI9I, & WORK, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURER/LAND JOBBERS OF HATS. CAPS. 6.ND STRAW GOODS. NO. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET. OorustAnti, on _hand a large amortmaat,or Straw mitiL,ltewriMiganngtn,7,ki'llihsirgiNll,alimuleg &o. e3-3m FAUST, WINEBRENER, et 004 IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IA - HARDWARE, NO. i 9 •NORTR THIRD STREET, 4.bovemMutat o net., w Brown Stone Store, emoted on the Old O ootrd L DAVID FAUST. D. 6. WIIiIIBR I NC W. 31. 0411 VIER. [JAZELL &I •HARMER, AfAEOPAOTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALS= BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 128 . NORTH THIRD STREET. A full assortment of Olt? mad* Boots and Blom oon 'tautly on haitd. slO-tf LAiNG. & MAGINNIS. (Importers and Wholesale Dealers in , IRISH, ENGLISH', AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS; FRENCH. AND ENGLISH LASTING& SHOE MANUFACTURERS , ARTMES livW, INC M &CHIE SILKS, THREADS, COT- ToNS, NEEDLES &c. SOL E. AGENTS FON vi ?nrea celebrated IX L Maohlne Silk, and Uplleld's te t Vl 4lO North THIRD Street feS-Sm A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO. VtrlY for Op 'Out% of flheninatism and Oont. ..881.18 8 Mail RITIC PILLi. Thic medicine la offered frith the utmost confidence of Oa beteg the most summit rent.dy for the above die. UMW ever /CC discovered., No denger need he Fevre bernided from Its user , the. Most dynamo. rime 81 per non. Can be t o o t r ulna, one me , nere.E ys postage stamp and prippof t _gor nVapr t nom Arent, A - T.MC APER, Ho, 10 Smith kkODIT Btrut h Piths& PHILADELPHIA, WEDN4BDAY, MARCH 7, 1860. tIIIItD:II.TREET NAMING TIOUSIN 1860. SPRING. 1860. • FRESH GOODS. RIEGEL, BAIRD, & 004 IMPORTERS AND .JORDERYI Or FORRION AND AMERIOAN DRY GOODS. NO. 41 N. THIRD STRUT' Would reapeotihily invite the attention of Country Merohante to their 'LARGE AND WELL-BELHOTED STOOK OF FRESH SPRING QOODS, Whioli they are now renewing In Storm Nir'ldorohante would and it to their advantage to call and examine our Moot. teg-Sm SOWER. BARNES. & 00.. BOOKSELLERS AND OT PELTOWB OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS, EMMONB' OEOLOSY, BROOKS' NORMAL ARITIIMRTICR, SANDERS' READERS, &0., No. 87 NORTH TRIED STREET, (East side, below Areblyeet) fatal OLOCHEi, OASSIMERES • TC:MEILOBANTS BUYING OIL -31,0T 11,9 AND WINDOW SHADE& BLABON & SMITH, MANUPAOTIIREREI OP OIL.OLOTUR, . 148 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We Invite the attention of dealers tom' limo stook of FLOOR, TA ILE, AND CARRIAGE OIL 01.0TRIL GREEN OLAZ'.D 0 L CAMBRIC, a beautiful artiole for- Shades. r The 1.6101 stook of WINDOW SHADLIS and BUFF HOLLANDB an the market. at wines which deft aompetitlon. (.3.3w F ANSI FANS!! FANS!!! ' hut opened, a large and varied assortgaeht of FANS, Salted to all Beason', otimprlsing CARRIAGE, OPERA, AIOURNIISO,-AND, CHURCH PANS, , • In Bilk, Crape, Linen, ho. Also, HERBARIUMS FOR BEA MOSSES, EVlapilg2iol and rE .7:tta.ec. larg assortment of Doll.. gergurPa:.c.lll;:t2l Cnoketpoll Furniture atm C. E. MOELLING'S . VERY SUPERIOR PERFUMERY. Also, TOILET ARTICLES Oortstantly on hal . * -t All of the above artioles CIA be had on the tnoskitto dame tenni. at MARTIN & Q,ITAYLEZA STATIONERY: TOY, and FANCY 000D91 E P 0 n - i,u , 1035 WALNUT Street, below ELEVENTH, PHIL &DELPIIIA- A clime lot of CHENILLE EMBROIDERIES. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. B .A. FAHNESTOCIK& CO. DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, ORRIECIALU, OORICEI, AM/MICAS AND FORZION MS, an., And Manufaolnrers and We Proprietor* of D. A. FAUNS/ROCK'S VERHIBUGH, Noa. 7 and 0 NORTH FIFTH BTRERT, Et at side, a few doors Om Merest, Texan 144:1LAtiiLnitrA DRUGS; GUS% EtOBT. SHOEMAWER do CO. mORTIMOT CORlflift, MATH AND RADII STRUM WHOLISALN DittrOG/STI3, Larporteraltad Doggie to 19/NIX)I7 *LAM 441 1 14rd° the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS ro, their large stook of SOO% 'blob they offer at the lowest market rum , waif. CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. WRIGHT, SMITH, 41: CO., CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENBWARE, PITTSBURG . AGENCY, CLAW. NAILS, k. 0., delivers,' from tho sobri AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 5 North FIFTH Street, fe3-fmwtlm PHILADELPHIA. TURNBULL, ALLEN, & 00. 1 IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND tr QUEENSWAIII3. Noe, 23 and 24 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Between Market and Chestnut streets.) sr Pi r7lllllllO OLASIS AGENCY. GLAIIIP, OPEN on en THE peouou t Am MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. tel6^2m BOYD &I STROUD. - IMPORTERS h JOBBERS, Have now on head a complete Stock of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and HNOLIBII DIANA At their 014 Stand, Na. sn NoRTII FOURTH et., four doora below hjeratiente Hotel. to whleb they in attentton Or WHOLIVIALIC BC VERO. War" AGENTII woe PITTIISIIIIO °Less. fee-gym LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON Have now in store Ivory large and choice assortment of . _LOOKING GLASSES, ALL rnB SEW FRENOI.I PLATES, Ara or a quality aupenor to any imported &trims the mat few peens The designs ate or the newest nod ann4t elegant altimeter, I ewe ng ell the Preach and • palish novelties. boating Magna made to order, to fill oyery charaoter of seam. and at the very lea:est rates. Estt- ITIVea runitoold, on a_pplicatton, by Mali or otherwise. ttitaWAT;i6fiiirilit3i64, l ,cntd 1410. Tu HAI% PRA ES— the finest col eetton an the country. EARLE'S GALLERIES, mlil-tf bid 1311h81NUT STREET. TRUIT. BRO.. & 00.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS ix HARDWARE. CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, ho., 520 MARKET STREET, 520 BELOW SIXTH, lIORTH SIDE, mG3•fiuw3m PHILADELPHIA. MOORE.I-lENSZEY.& CO. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, and OUR WA.7EIIOI.IBE, No. dIZT MARKET, and 416 COMMERCE Street/. PHILADELPHIA. [e3-81no NEV YORK ADYERTIMERENTS. AUGUST BELMONT .t, Co., BANKERS. NEW YORK, lane Lettere of Credtt to Travellers ayallable In ALL PARTS OF TIM WORLD, TIIIOI3OII Tilß RIESSItIi. ROTIMIIILD, or PARIS, LONDO v. FRANKFORT, VIENNA, NA JeasPLEB, AND THEIR VORRESPOND,ENTs 4m. OPERA GLASSES. , GREATEST VARIETY FOIL Stti BY M. J. FRANKLIN, rthAL ll4 ROUTH FORM% Rtrek. 111I010,—Prime reVAiling Oliarleston Rico 11,1 i tot rot We by, JAMBS (I4LARAM 00., LIVNITI , • FANCY GOODS. LOOKING GLASSES). ItAItDWARE. MILLINERY GOODS. 1860. 1860. MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING, 1880. The subeoriber has now open a superior stook of MIL LINERY 00088, coneisdag la part of— RlBliOrr i ih tacs, ORAP.F.EI R 8 , RIAMI. FitZNOll FLQW HA a n d LAOR 00000. —A LBo— BONNETS. FLATS, BLOOMERS, AND - STRAW TRIMMINGS, All of the hated and moat fashionable Arlo*, to which he Invitee the attention of Merobente and Milliners. Thole wishing to sees money by buying cheep will do well by mane on trim before porch/reran eleewhere. M. 13ERNHEIM. 'No. YI aptiyA ti*coNt) Below Market* r 1860. STRAW CAMS. 1860 . 'T.tiOME S AON & JENKINS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW GOODSi, RAIN AND CAM ELK BONNETS, ARTIFIOIAL FLOWERS, RUORES. to. Eq. CIS MARKET STREET. Buyers an requested to maim our stook, TIIOMAS F. FRALEY is engaged with the abort house, and odious the peuonags of his friends. fe.541,11 IVIILLINERY AID STRAW GOODS • EXCLUSIVELY. 410SENHEIM, BROOKS. - ISa CO., 431 MARKET STRUT, NORTH UDE, Are now °ming. for the Sprier Trade, the moot tizt tenths end oholeest 'took In their line ever oolloutod together under one roof. RIDDONB of every 004601vable derortption. BONNET MATERIALS. FRENCH ARTIPICAL FLOWERS. RUMS, and all other minim OTIALINI6I 'STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE ir.k CHILDREN'S AND 1111811E8 000HN3, DO. BLOOMIIIS, !SHAKER HOODS, &o. .•a • Consoious of oar superior faoltitiee in obtaining our etipsdien, we latter ourselves that superior induce ments. ocith ILI regard. chigoe of gehrotion end modera tion in price.. Ganda be met with. fel-gm FOR EYENING PARTIES BERTHAS, CAPES, BETS, BLEEVXS, and 0117/8, In Ewa LW, Ompip, Illusion, Bond and Imitation, in grime votietiom, of thik NEWEST Sruzs. Auto. 4-4, 4.4, 8.4, 0.4, 10.4 ILLUSION, TARLATANS, CRAPES, aio., Mu& below tlu awl PeMt . WARBURTON'S. 1004 011q1113TRUT Street, &bars Tenth Street, see South tfIiCOND Street, below Berme. Ja1.2.4 STRAW AND MILLINERY 000p8. LINCOLN. WOOD, & • NICHOLS, vo. 715 CHESTNUT STREET, Help now in ewe (Between Seventh and Eighth.) it cowthige /WI 0! SPRINO GOODS. ISYSILLCINO liTtAw N I',ATMINDIRRAw GOOD., i k OK ii t eE narN A il ltirtran i elatir To w they respect( y 'vita • attention of merchants. Cash and Omit-time buyers will end epeolsl advan tage in examining this stook before eutoloising. fat-gm j HILLI3ORN JONES. • Importer and Manufacturer of FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, ite. The attention of City arid Country Ceders Ia invited to a large and varied idea of the above geode at 482 MARKET STHEET. fe3-$m Below Fifth. 1860. 8 P R liniga ° ° K_lB6o. One of the largest and moat complete stooks of goods to our line in tine country. The best terms and the cheapest prices. - - U. H. GARDEN & 00., Manufacturers of, and Wholesale Dealers In, H ()AP FURS, SlLKand STRAW BONNETS , and STRAW 000D8, LafiriclAL PLOWISII, 111ATILUS. &0.. Noe. 600 and 601 e MARKET STREET, S. W. eorner Sixth. fel-3m SPRING OF 1860. MARTINS, • PEDDLE; H AMRICTIC, & CO., No. so r.gowris FOURTH STREET, Have now in store, and are daft/ reoelving, ',omelets lines of the following desirsble goods, viz., HOSIERY AND (MOVES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, PARII' AND CANTON FANS, SUPERB BELTS, PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND. Adapted to Southern and Western Trade, to whtel, we invite the attention or first-ales, omen. frl 3nl I/OUSE-FURNISMAG GOODS FOR THE SEASON. BRONZED RENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT TVARMERR, WA BLOWER IYI TER DIBIIEB WN1)8, PL , /cc Vc ~ tL i AliN o FERS, 1101 , AT Tits HOUSE-BURNISHING STORES, NOS. 222 AND 1226 CHESTNUT BTEEET. JNO. A. MURPI-lEY & CO. .13.wrgar MEDICINAL. MRS. WINSLOW AN EXPER grtoLDN Physicia S n, m O T eanie lIIIn th N td tilt i • O FOR CIIILDREN whip', greatly faralitv,ris the esulentug the gums roducirs n lay ALI. a and spismodic • SURE TO ttlidiuLAP Depend upon lt,mothere,lt Ind RELIEF AND HEALTH We have put he end min E l Al • nod n any. In com a who{ T. 6 •have eavarten medicine, N e,v hit AS, 01,h, INSTAMIe , I PX timely nand. Novor p y du.natist mien Le any one tier). fill 1113 011101t1,1 apciik in tonne of cal edec;s pd monteralv,r matter " what we do y_ esporiencmand pleilseour Mont of what we bete de '" e exhaustion,.ore the Isfant relief will be Ei u tt i n s C oithe mot tAr r P i ttl- c NURSES in New Eng and never-Wine sh THOUSAwasND in S w It not only relieves the IX visorates the stomach and and circa tone and energy will almost inntanaly re 110W F.L.S AND WIND C whinb, if not daith. IVo believe .t the '" the world, in all easel of ci HIREAIN CHILDREN, A . teething or from anyother every mother who hoe a the foregoing complaints ' nor the vreheleoe, or your sufferingchild and SURE yet ABaOLU PEI use of this medicine, if Cone fnr11.166 ROC Om kaiiptigrlNUolVlS?.utliZ to on gold 01),",'Att;it:' pal F... 25 cents a bottle. URSH AND PRItIA LE ention oi mothers her SYRUP TEETHING, Tweeze of teething. by initernmntion ni b no.ion, end is i'E THE H.NELIt. rill give rest to yourselvee TO YOUR INFANTS Ithie article for over ten Heave and froth of it, eine to en, of ° any other If P FAILED in a SIN I , ' , CT A CURE. wheq we know on instance of who used it. On the eon with tie operations, and imininendationof its mail. tars. We speak in this 1.n0w," after tea pear!' reputation for the fulfil- Oars. la almost evety is Nuderina from pain and found In fifteen or ;went/ administered. te the preto_riptn e I..NCIF.D AND S KIL FUL and hay been need with OP CIASEP, child from pain, but in bowel., correate e t e e r te d it to v he U Wh PN et Ire'lMF , 01,10 and overcome con speedily remedied. end in beet and surest reined! in 1. K ieb:NTRY nod whether It arises Wet cause. We would lay to Mold suflerine from any of do not let your preduchri e es, others. s and between ll be V,7 tam the timely need. YOUTea r/any emelt bottle. _pile *role of cIURTIB lin. the outside wrapper. ghout the Y w ork orld. prinot . 105-17 11? E'l N El) SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— ..0 NI , C. DONOtilitlE will continue bouillon until M next.. st In South NAT Etli Street, and now otfura for at Iho lowrot market uncoil, for min. or on 10- proved short coda* 4UM barrels stottni-re Irked Sugars itutl,S, rout. Of 0011011 l grade., itioluiyot Loverlorlt Oan crushed old thllyer , 23rd and 41Jiller ntentlut kohl s u e 4 andi4ifi f Morinr DETAIL DRY GOODS. REMOVAL. BESSON 153 SON Reepeettelly antionnott to their CUSTOMERS AND VIE PUBLIC, That they MVO roroorod to NO. 918 CHESTNUT ST.4 AND WILL DUN ON TUESDAY, MARCEL 61N, Win( • MAW lITOCIC or SPRING . MOURNING GOODS, . . , . ilugoilienuntns SECOND'SIOU.RNING • SII*S. GREAT DEMONSTRATION IN SILKS. mete TO ?HS 114011.4110/1121 IMO 11114 xuur, WE WILL OFFER OUR. NEW AND ELEGANT AEWORThIENT OP DRESS SILKS, A DISCOUNT OF 20 TO 215 PER CENT. FROM REGULAR PRICES. THOS. W. EVANS ik CO., 118 AND 820 CHESTNUT BTREET. NEW GOODS. L. J. LEVY & Co. A. ioow reoeiving a very large sad oboros 'sant uwat of FANCY GOODS, • Selected for their RETAIL TRADE, AND PARIS AND LYONS. ' may will open, THIS DAY, • nett variety of. t Fl Q_SICRO 0 frAND !MOVE*, tf KW fty.L. le kr DRESSE BA Rfq,ltt _A ,) aht Rik e . RAwl4 '17,,,, N r° R •ii 747,04, nn- AI JAMAS AND CIusTZES. With a °hole. aesartnient of " INMELAS, 114D itlft V 14err In ntrirs onie* br Oil:whin And am la our tonna Allho; Mono of tbo oily. , , • wilt NI Oftffed II . - • VERY MODERATE !WITS. ' 11011 and Mg CIIZSTN UT Mal'. nrhe•st , Sli k 1860. SPRING, 1860. CAMEL'S•HAIR EMBROIDERIES. TRAVELLING DREW MATERIAL& In g reat variety of my la e. and at moderate profits. Dow opening. L. J. LEVY st 809 and 8111 011ESTNUT STREET. Doubleondtit Idougehne de Chums new label*, of rood tale and guiltrOut weirs& at es Gents per yard. mb3-3t SPRING CLOAKS. Newest Sprier Riflee. "' nr.d.StlT. vrac.d. Flom Cloth Cloaks. CMOs mode to order. Prices from ent /66.60 vootTa a CONARD, mh6 NINTH sad vAnk hT Sta. PMMII SPRING CASSIME P`- 7 Jim opened. ARP Vino nom 'Moe anoytrteei. rm a cid,. 6110, IXtUrn. 1:2 Sp?a, Ledien'i iidloll Cl ng os e ki c . Mlo r Uen AlSo—rill Valencia. Caehemete and Marseille s Vestilas• loths. m* Bprior Ccatiag. IER CONARp. INils Lad NIARRET Pt. pft.RNCH EMBROIDERED BETS.' last opened ;mall lot or cri.,loely eeleoted ‘ very peat eesuni. Eta lu M oidored unlin SCA and Collar*. tilti,llo , 6B Rol IT HER& cinsnitrr mufti% bite.ta. HOSIERY GOODS. —J. WM. HOF. MANN, No. 9 North MONTH Sires_ ,t has now an Ins Fall Stook of Hosiery Goodt. via: Underrests and Drawees of Carlwrtaht and Warne es sapsrtormapa facture, for haws and misses' wear, Merino Shirts and Drawers, tor pats and youths. Merino Homers. Cotton liosfy, Woollen - 'Homan. °loves and (hoof lets, and • 'aurally apsortassing to the Hagen Dustless. .W. li.respeotfully sotioits attsettoe of !hod les tyi Is stook, assuring ( hem that DA Mal f a ! sat* hid for variety by gay ot sr In theoity la ana this pys{loes are a bi=e a n s t Xs o from s th e erica l rnai r ta b a, 101-wfrolf B EAUTIPPL NEW SILKS !!! THORrit....rY & CliTottf, EIGRTH end SPRING GARDEN, Would iiLv i lateitB,, ,to .tot ip SILK GOODS. Nent checked and plaid t dila for 630. flood qual t. Foulard Bike for 630. Very nob Foulanla for 76. n 7. and No. Beautiful brocade St i. pond colors for 41 11 Rio% ehene,ipsts, Pod de Floy, Ito . &q. TIM HUT HIJACK SILKS 161 PORTM). From 611 per pad up to St 61. New Itylee of Gress Goode, erranwnike *very novelty of the seeaon. grie , w ,d e r• affAwL , :1 Our eetabliaimeet has been rendered famous for S vnycla y str s i . pt toe. CRA WWWWIWLS. 1311.0‘.11 A n GAN LS,_and 3 1.,/triBET WU, &a. SPRING GOODS -SILARPLESS BRO. THERM are °peeler new and handsome stook Berme and Rummer edits Arch Organdies VOTY neat Lawns Foulard Robes • Camilla Cloths. it rutailitti. angel, seven donnas. !cured Mack Bilks lack Taffetas. !Axed Ttavellories. pews Shawls nib, CIIFEITNUT and EIGHTH Streets. SUETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY, ‘ TEN OVZrR BlLETlAmgotiq BTIANAL. BARO4Irts IiERLIN i.EYHYRS, Dunble. Sine. and I. 3 0. MAXWELL AL T vramhiT627-r•a atnNAN L _ UPIN'S DE I, SINES, &c. Fins mode do fl. nos, gni ono. :cadent. k,le ,n e*l .b on I 3d eta Vatirige ll .i t ti t nia; rt . i i :get : 0 % . Om fierg‘i n gL l Z, ",l . lo. . el 21.. ut:t t.nat'AL,ll:, ez end 4 / 1. ° tm. Nu t ssNA l N tn. yard.EV:re:V.7 !VA. by tVrteci. &rt l Sall ')A S 1.81( Table Linens, a elolias, all slits. AP K INS and Do, hey. by this oxen or quality. El- 1 11 1 61 tattl a PlTYl4l,9=, d' al 1301- lies. F La Nri_ELs, goes. low-priosd. and silk mixed. gIaItSEILLM [or collars, bosoms, bureau wears, & giARB MLLES (alum, also Lancaater, Allendale, k tINEN /MEETINGS, some nitre good and cheap i ° tOKIIIOI3, of every trade. Aleo. MERRIMAC PRINTS, AMERICAN DRY 6 DS (Mir RALLY. CooP F. CON &R D,_ fell NI TSI and MARX/n*Bes. AWNINGS! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS!! WM. F. SOHEIBLE, 49 SOUTH THIRD trrnEET. ABOVE CHESTNUT Manufacturer of Awnings, Flags, anti Fancy Window Awnings, All Awnings mods at this eatablishmeat ars proofed to %nevoid mildew, without extts ohmic - TWO CENTS. ClAt Vrtss. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1860 Nathaniel Hawthorne's Italian Re. nsauce. Very different from any of Hawthome's former m'oductiens, and Indeed importer to them all, excepting "The ficarlet Letter," which, once read, Is ever to be remembered, Is the new ose, called "The Marble Pawn; or, the Romance of Monte Beni," which will be published In Boston, ats 'try dip it ti, In tellectually, a Poem in Prose-to characterize It more exactly It Is an Art Novel, of which there are few examples In our language. Ger many has been most prolific in. this class, as witness . ' Geitlia'a "Wilhelm Metter's Ap• ;,reitticealApij!" *is Tleck'e Pot4lfe," b tillinhernate jnd Cautociati . .trw , mvefflverr the heroes. Is Tire:t i n4 hate; " The ..Ilona StodUri" of Henige Seml,la which fi gure, Titian, • Tiato. rani, ind 'the thiee Zuccatl. rpelab, "Titian, a Rotha F iett of Venice, " by Dr. Mackenzie, Which' we may humby mention, inasmuch ea' it. was ;KIWI:he& sseeenteen years igo, has long been out of sod Is so scarce that it is doubtitd' whether , another copy than our own Is to be fond In this country. In the Art Mond, the blesdhal of the Raul. the Ideal and the PlCturvemuti ems. ititutee the Wire principle, and Mr.' Haw thorne has developed it with the latultive power of a master-mind And the practised sitM of an experienced pea. The scene le pal:1(4611y In Rome. The characters are few,—lndeed, they are only fire in alt. •Mirtam, a painter t Kenyon A' Hilda, American sculptor and painter t Donittello, a Tuscan Gown, with a remarkable likeness to Praxiteles' statue of the Fawn of the Capitol, and a mysterious male model between whom and Miriam is a solemn repuhdon and UM/tidiest which constitute the deeper shade of the tale. There is much about Art in these volume, --thoughtfully add eloquently bat rationally expressed, for Hawthorne doeinot put We feel lags upon that subject Into a meadow of pretty sentences, to be hidden by the flowers. There Is much, also, about Rome, well called "the Eternal City;"—of her Put and her Present. Reading 1 . The Marble Pawn" we feel as lithe shadows of twenty years were roiled aside, and that we stood, once more, in that won. drove capital, which breathes infinitely more of departed ages than . of living years. This book will be found a better Veda Mecum In Rome than 'Murray's red.corered Galder—lt is an excellent ciceroni. Ilawtbonie's Preface contains a brief exposition of his motives. We subjoin a por tion of it : Thfa romance was sketched out during a mi. dame of oonstierable length In Italy, and has been rewritten and prepared for the pram in kagiaesi Tna author proposed to himself merely to write a fanciful story, evolving a thoughtful moral, and did not purpose attempting • portraiture Of Italia" manse,, and character. Be has lived toe long abroad not to be aware that a. foreigner seldom moinii es that knowledge of a country_ at once taxi fie and profound , which 'may PIM,' him in is. dearering to WWII* its traits. " Italy, as the site of tin Remote, wan eliitly valuable to him at affording a sort of poetic or fairy precinct, where actualities would not be ISO tenthly tainted upon aa they are, and must needs be, to America No author, without a trial, can conceive of the difficulty of wilds, a latillOt• about etiantry whose than le as gado., we sod. gully, 00 IttritOty. b u tlaurouto and gloomy wrong. nor asythinga cestimaclace prosper!. ty, In broad and rimy?* dayttgbt, a sLi happily tha case with my desks bathe land. It .111 be vary bag I MIA pegs mormuroir minims may led soa genial and easily handled abeam. sidle" Is Um annals pf our stalwart republic, or le any ammo terletto and pitchable wrontir of tear lndividital aria Romero" seal poetry, Ivy, Maass, and wult-lowsre moat rain to make lbws grow. - . Imersri z tiz si tbcopTolnia" Syti r ip ioneltbakt w y m it m a il bad lativala acrorl puts, satlquo, pie eantsenos. Yet them thiugolUt the mind agetywhare ha Italy, Asa as. pentane is Rom., sat .awes neatly be kept from flowing oat upon the pigs trice one writes body, and with obit-orloyeent. And, Atha re producing like beell, ea the brood sad dreary sands of Redone, wide the grey Games Oman tembriug In upon ma, and the Dostlons blast stamp faults( in my as„, the complete shame of moos made those Italian remlancenees shine oat as vividly that I could not And It in my heart to cancel thy' ” Hero Is a description of Miriam, the actual heroine of the story " Reversing the trillion, then 'prated the ra a r. trait of a beautiful women, loch u one ates c o y two or three, If even to essay times, in all a life time; so beautiful.. that she seemed to get lute your consciousness and tztetearT. end scald SOTO/ atterwerds be shut out, hit Diontod your drams, fur pleasure or for pain ; holding your Lauer realm as a conquered territory, though without derisive to makolemelf at bonne there. "She was very yoethfal, and bad what was usually thought to be a Jovial' aipitt ; a eon ,. plesiou in which there was no rousts bloom, yet neither was it pale; dark eyes, Into whieb you might look as deeply es your glance would go. and still be cone:dons of a depth that you bad not sounded, though it lay open to the day. Sae bad black, abundant hair, with none of the vulgar glossiness of other women's sable locks ; If she were really of Jewish blood, then this wee Jewish hair, and a dark glory suck as arouse no Ohrittian maiden's bead. Hissing at tide portrait, you saw what Raabe! might hare been. when Jacob deemed her worth the wooing seven years. and Wen more; or pernhacce she might ripen to be whit jutith was, when she vanquished Holofernes with t i es beauty, and slew him AT temente!' adoring It " And here, at greater length, is a sketch of a statue of Cleopatra—that fair she, for whom Antony ICU content to lose a world i " Ile drew away the cloth that had served to keep the miniature of the clay model from being exhaled. The Bitting Hoare of a women was teen. She was draped from heed to font in a costume mi nutely and snrnpulously studied from that of an. 'tent Egypt. as revealed by the arrange sculpture of that country, its coin', ilrewines. painted maw my.esses. and whatever other tokens have been dug out of Its pyramids, gyaysis, and c a scom b c Even the atilt Egyptian bend-drew was adhered to, but bad been Wattled into a rich femialne adornment, without losing a particle of its tynth Dillionities that might well have seemed fuer mountable. bad been courageously encountered anti made flexible to purposee of grace and dignity; so that Cleopatra eat attired in a garb wooer to her bittorlo and queenly state, aa a daughter of the Ptolemies, and yet snch MI the beautiful wo man would bare put on u beet adapted to haled en the magnificence of her charms. and kindle a tropic fan In the cold eyes of Oetavius "A marrellotio repose—that rare merit in sta tuary.' ercept it he the howdah repose native to the block of stone—was changed throeghout the figure. The spectator felt that Cleopatra had rink down out of the fever and turmoil of her life, and for one Instant, as it were, between two pulterthrobs had relinquished all activity. and was resting throughout every vein and masole It was the repeat' of despair, indeed; for Octarias had seen her, and remained insensible to her en chantments. But still, there was a great emeulder log furnace deep down in the woman's heart. The repose. no doubt, was as complete es If she were never to stir hand orfoot stain sod yet. rich wee the creature's latent energy and fitments*, the might spring upon you like a tigress, arid step the very breath that you were now drawleg midway in your throat. - " The face wan a miraculous inverts. The *snip tor bad not shunned to give the full, Nubian lips, and other characteristios of the Rgyptlan Oyster nomy. Ilia courage ant integrity bad been abun dantly rewarded ; for Cleopetrs's beauty 'bone oat richer, warmer, more triumphantly beyond own partion, than if, ahrinktng timidly from the truth, he had chosen the tame Grecian type. The sic pr.B.l.n was of Vorour 4, gloomy, heavily revolv ing thought; a glance into her peat life and pre- ECM emergenelet, while her spirit gathered itself ep for souse new struggle, or was getting oteraly reconciled to Impending d,,om. In one view, there was a certain Deftocts and tenderness—how breathed into the statue, 'mere so many strong and pessionate elements, it is impossible to lay Catching another glimpea, von beheld hot aa im placable as a stone and cruel as fire. "In a word, all Cic - patra force, voluptema. passionate, tender. wicked. terrible, and full of poisonous and rapturous enshentment—wes knead ed into what, only a week or two before, had been II lump of wet clay from the Tiber Soon, apts. thooslseil in an Indcatructible material, she would be one of the image. that men keep forever, find ing a heat In them whioh does not Cecil down throughout the centuries." It is pleasant to find ono man of genius praise another. hawthorn' speaks of Thomas Bnchanan Read as 6 , a poet-painter, whose hong, has the vividness of picture, and whose Canvas is peopled with angels, fairies, and water-sprites, done to the ethereal life, be cause ho saw them taco to face in his poetic mood." VeryV picturesque, as well as faithfhl, are Hawthorne's descriptions of tangible things, It Is thus that ho brings before us the Fenn tato of Trod, lu Rome, which draws its pre cious water from a source far beyond the walls, whence it Lows hitherward through old subterranean aqueducts, and speckles forth as pure as the virgld who first led Agrippa to its wellspring, by her father's door." They, and the rest et the party. dreeenArt 1101310 steps to the water's brim, and, after a sip or two, stood gulag at the absurd design of the hart- IP.I 0 •raik• • - • _ • BWIAL, Tor Wadi Pisa via — iiiiii taftlinft I F INS (ftraszor, ft ......i.O• fafri 7 tia...... =Mk i , : _l4_,„„„ }..... UM I" " ~--, ...44.-c....... S6O Tee " " " Twesty Swift " " ft• ft* allows WWI ean ipat '''''' 1(o Warms et ••ft aliftwifisokl aftik.L-.:.................-.- -- Tee • Mb et Tionft-cor or ow. MI VII mad aa 911 "...,..ftv., ft ftt siftftrift at Or lid T"" a W ^"tmifteft ansftai sad up •ft as Aft Ate Sir x iLtum ?wow eau - roma !RIMS. laud Beat-ilowthii is taw tar Po Oa:forge Scourers- rata, i'san Pa " I CS ) PIar Of SeUmg rata abeeildsly sad. la lassie*. It woaLa josoi4 pelaea-lireatt, sitb sielkestoviltalky bad-teß*olBl of WhiCii leered Adrippe's legrardary SIM roma of tea aliecerie mitterieeed; *lac at tM Woe, appeared .7eptaas, Ida eme n fta i w t iiir steed' acid Tritest leWrieit Witt brae Arse litat, and toasty ether artificial ilealsidas, *bea t 0 0 eels staaalight aaativi iata hatter tuts Cesa arm native to than • " And. attar all. It .0 se tarettatheentA pier at wort as Areas Immo Itillutrlead. -At the eat et the palatial Node, was striars. trick eatelhi eat sad ordered tariadatted sad itrahatt heap of lumen net. Int IA& Met Isle then sloes the dolma a antral entil, pin fell the water. Is a imakinaltriteesed• ; sad has s hantrtd 'mien ea alkddin assay Ins Pfd ap sad rtransa nasal wet Sr lb. swift sad Deatrils Sr Arlanassenes. sad MI ta &tame; drops; wane -ether *taloa that bet ran wag eau* leaping fres as note step 'Doan, inn awes than Inn wary dial, obi grms odds,im•o4llol, It a *retort noir wild elm Ifststi bad Mooed tb• lt•aaute of ?net, with ill its elthente devin+ hat heir mai Malty. the Instr, tuallitec, spulthli . set iitvalsi lac wittilltall We sad eisoodNootabm sibirmar, mural inehrtsie a pan aisten Winne snow vett, sad iM ft Gbh avireetztv e s Obit •t ties. ' flolly. a oa t Sr teetbay ban bout the ameoas. as wad as • wawa& et 1110•• keit was" Re beds •••04.11 the Oats %matt w r e rit , 2 e 6 .0 et•loto z isi eomeleit 50 , 4 sooltsisyogee see ion to aoothot. We lab• • We have bottilitet the jade's% of this booth:Lot - Ibl ea** beauty . et chi story develop itself to 114 readir:7 Wit'oelf say,that it le • kook width agates - end, pissed, Carefully, 4 well as beufthbily wrist* there la little to lad fault with ben, hat Inds/ seataties is litnessily ceassicrapiseel " Par off, the deer is abet to by the Alba* orottotana,leokbliiieet at amt. avoid aA ate decay and -ehater. is *hem taeselea 'peed tbitbenla Vies We hieilshel wall.* Irby 'boas t.lhei soi kidi the same 1 -2fetato 410411 en dings.' Is eitether piny lt Ibriss *MR of education and alio as artist, ease the word timings& an atipississat crowbschdben, which; was nearly obsolete man rtrtrind by tibial:loos niters la *trials New Yea aeleptispers. - Those are labiate defects, heitsoet. Out putlag wad of w Tbe Midge Tun" Is that it to 000 of the few modem bookie 'Okla the world will an kt dle. ' It Is fall of feeling and hag, sad the Aida sad the flgbts are artistically minis& Xr. Ihurthoese, moreover, shoes a thoweeigh eppteciatioa of &xt, though he wisely avoids Wag bid Haden-with Us asathediss. GENERAL NEWS. Tunic Amur Berirses Two Ihvazan.— la a meat army at &seep aid Ham Cone" ebindea, Ta., lesseelf. Rom, if (finis. was kitha by a blow istiefoi apes lie hood 17 Jess Bell Brawnier, of Kmosellie, Tesa., • tee elf tb• femme Parson Etrwelew. Mee Utter lees pet. RAW a card Is tin gserrills WU: be nor" to chile trig* sissy, to wbleb ba says : I Ines a. Mutest tee desseist. cs hie fesote. if I did. I se* sot psi, one waft ad c -•••, as r if%remaxat I lifffta4 be -rent poet.-4M, M.. emy ..2-44 t• • • •f -rubstatirp-ese f ' , salaries at I has. ruder tem aau ki Sittiosraspissar ;etc sis. it G. n. sum ter au !et Issas No eir. ems r•• 1141 4 / 1 0e4 ft Off .4 We forts. The btfat T toms* 1ft. , 11 •.•timm ibet b--frfi tat uset see yettsd asd ewe. urs_alai es... a areas . he eau the Cu Pew Sy allii.lbffmkj, nialiber Mahar Mum, lad ' MK Lar i llais his retest.% rear-seeelhe gait me vete tiesiea. via 2111ra in an; *a lA= aa try s io,„ %iviess oiad Wits lacked Idis_is age amebae apiates iethe. seat Wad mid east. With the of • twist bey pimp at itsa. tarn est has seder km owl team ease as mut selsid eras • ease m a st ateekowitiat lad r at it at m laitebral• Wm, altate sal Teasseale way. gates in Glide Satise• &fa bol. balk Os _t. oat tr. ost‘s t s et tie (moth- illnaf to .Is.. B. 111.4 oft lease estil attar tie ratakar, ete...aest tie Mused • es press fr. Sad raid fry FA via at. socked beers t • fast •eid slows* Ist es 4 rad la to la loasedes. vgi gelato In atiagßa. at Oka *tow Has. 0 , 64 awned*, llama is_t i ultimates. eat await Pe pia what t o c ast m etals. eat. sad wear yes, ones tau. Led itt. estirste via eseeseet itimetakh Ire boner Sas et letiarz seiheipe nessatea put* to awl WO aliewelpfso.l36 stipia 11,1 11. 2 awl mir viola Via at liter j i traft twirl , • Wrist sties vtlis. Wessex Liss Pei Dest.-4ls Soot save hos ss serout4 of • 82 . 444 isstlet s - wiediss tot. OM Ms ehtstt Isilk gififilif_ P!. 04 0 11 , 11 Ilisp.:-AbSlllO4ll 1W PltittJ 64114 fiesserefa — Iryt* tit sisksisiffsttosss. sWilfsts - that it was !a-. bumf& pet sot ristr bawd the sees*, bat ~17 adketwistia pplillol tt ailk ea utitasl coal, .1 WWI it opposa samioalial proud. A Craws Lair Pearr.—Thi sort hearts act. MINIM whisk brow seblese is the etapaticit /out, to a eatitee sad Sahli polo se mivas.astary taw.- Whoa the Sews ft sower imitative" aalarlatk the tomposa satrapies hires. •iiratien ha MT, the samskre• appestat ihr the =lepassed J. IX If fillossass as a strew. et papa Stood Nat sorbed Is the jtli Tit' et Me oft" rtosat7 latest as emotes at the slit of Wiebelbseeils, lb.ewelt pt•tatt[ Qs. tit Ware to war. Ilse Hosea sikheelpil kft otoosteept. and ardeted the Spesittee ~- rant to Ism for Ms most. Bs eau serordtesfy muted. sad breseht as is Washiness., sitliess the kassitids• tar esseest at the them Montt /suss C. Wiltott, she vet Whirl% seat by the proms tattoo for sa stamp" The sherd emus the flpeakves warm as s jortilsalks, sail as assn setss hat atom sill llor bOtty. sod the Wield staidly et lb. Hoe" =- tried ressletiss er eras. is issigith, est the wand tins Is this solutto. beim tea sestis aI law Tlrre go Nitro lam keg brae the robjear afegerree rem la Earlead. betwors both tie Homo! Oro mesa rod (the Linda. lad do Mona at Casson* old do Courts. bat It le eareplkated be» by ester owe of the State aad Federal Cosoltetwar The ease was cored en Earevday. ty 31.. E L. Godkin for the plauttilr, Lad Yr Vends/pool Ice the sborff, baton Jcfp Sanaa, at Veda terra —N. I" Roewert Part. anosing eeearreaee Mal plass la the !taw Jamey State Senate at Irmo* as Maeda, last A moor having obtained earrewey that dm wife of the Benin, from Barlisgeoe had recently presented Dim with triplets, a tosolettlas wee pre. seated, tendering him the eetsgretntations cd Ma peers, and recointeending that his example be fol. hoed by the entire body et grave sad revetead Senators. The resolution ass WI en the tail,, sold a terrido explosion of laughter, shish coed nit be restrained, the lobbies relishing the joke equally as keenly as thew* 'within timber. llisroatcu. gess:lass "—The brpoisliaaa papers bore been circulades the fallowing: ••Wte settled 'Virginia? Joins smith. Wan &amulet Virginia? John Brows" The author or this production dm:Mien imagined that be had " get at a good thine bet a Southern editor asks, 1a reply who settled John Brown ? Virginia!" Wealth DtP TEAT coats now I—She Weer' (Ga.) Tdrgrepii. of the ISM alt. rays: "Between sixty and salmon, !regress. boombt in.cretheestern tame& pswed thtusgh Mrs on Tvetday. is their way to New Orleans_ The yentas who perthated them ort epeettlotioa pee as his itoobe, hat it bat escaped oar =wog. A !majority of theta spoke a sort of mongrel Freseh, ninth to the aeresish• went of word, who supposed theta geoids* sa. tins of lower Onions, and recently landed by sieve ships on the sae." CrillooliTill AT Damn QTY .—A earl, or pod of eerie that is not marked. A child between the soy of seem and tent• nee that doe, not everywhere sal always wear Ida belt tad navy shooter. A boadiocie eosin over the ap of thirteen summers that manhole Its Wm toe or e_ •n beset A mountain wan taro b*.t trA tan t-cre , " gulch claims" for axis, and ort.'t!: will net average over SS is the par " The Washington oorrespondant et' 'lle •• (S. C) Adrertistr says that. Dc r,.; a , stronger than any cam Iran la the Clarterra Convention, and that If the Eolith erralrats to his netzdnation, be will be the catallwlata." He Wats It ~ will require a hard fait to sorry Tetlllealte, Kann:sky, and Minsuari for toe Desanaratki can* dbiate." lissitemeat at a Testament House. A ACAATIC sum TIC Tsarina LID 111.1111.041 (P;c" the Nes Toth Virtue et kat erezite.l T 325 I 1fee..41 / Merema. anat 7 o'enek. tae zest II• tr,• tiTitvrtzt Tea cres:rd ta Ito Unman breath ly3 Hester 1144•111 t. to COMIS - 4 . 4142,1 of the vry.s'Ao - u of repOtt tett tea rhea wu fa ire la:a stun to be true. asp *nib was tits 1441. to to CAr gd . at trent, teal nsau of this, sestet sp %•• r sae roavad to Pt" roof, limb a Tie. el enspag 41 v 11 4 -1 .... ad br.ls4st. A fur of lin Yearisot. =led • musk. sad aa eartataed teat EY, its ass La on Ira= Of lona G. rose • er a 0-rota tat or, oa tee 1114 Po..yr._ As floes nas nun to Dose tea nor. beta was bond ca tea wens Ise oceas..v. *mud. it intuaL Lea lion nu fimott to, means 6-9 nae 4 to e-• ef rriente. sad loos uttaisounli &nun alba lab wood rez-st• wens ssowsses so tee nos. sad nada a riv artesaad its.. Wawa of In 'mums. The *W. JO trza et elev. d. nt 43 a Moe, t ►a bed twin H• Tad fyirined a mat.l er:d Oust 511 12. CT. sad royuallat s atlug i s to 1.5 e Iron. attar watch the area, ivied • he sera sn.onn speed.fr fotkored- Ise body nao life. ardor:set. Rules' bate extort for sa 14 - or or Soft I.s•Sa Mos ott•• ohs. at ire eie ktrii.l,4l Ina antra/qv/say Nunn Out be bad has a: vent watts IN* sun. Tee appata4-• of the reocas edsrood Ohne/ 41141. Faber IQ door., o t i ot Nava ant latAur ensue Slob blue 0:16 ••:1 it I ' l6 ' "t" to. of a largo sofa std notteeed eurpherve mom. aridastly to Feed WO ...*** Tirol b. tie 4.64 la ths al oiet mg:Wl:latter anersunt. Ploe•sard Israel ea its bona far sauna Tam rad Vla b flea othor cacypesto sa a owl 0•0114710 zed • di wsw sows•sr. a7 a laa t d VVif~ sasni WAWA' INK VI I I:611:0 1 le, ' saw •• •••• 1.40 1 . "1.11 ra-kilL!eni It 4443 .I)4` l "miar4l7:4 s. ;t t o t b• 0011418.3114 11.1 pd IS tie • IWllitiabbimr , hod. 514 situ but bit mos Or urns i• fear ulna. .11a4 of Its smstessitssessr essassisst - Irsa. =nee tone tar, }tart 40 bßsadst lit • and assn.:(. bar. 44 kind_of • lIS • nal bola/ he Obi !Was tip-44 hot UM% %SA, % tkettottea Si at , or estit. , 4l.4 oaf 41 Ps F. 96.1•41 to th barn Ann Yard kid *•%"%d • 1 , •• ' itnsa rut. winch ha ienaltaat la eta at At unary to-to C0 ,111.1 r Fitton % 11 4 4 sat avow* s brYff• the Jar, rrode.-r,l • Y•rd 94 'beat% ll• - •`••• F" . tnissod iii asset ttunr-Is s win kte , ..ailw arks. er lief cuaay. H. w • k enneur, bat lokwkialtesk Its wetted it she WNW banalas•