MR. FMB's - LECTURIta Oil THE Oaßkiftelereses' - !Metairie SZCOSti, ,, ;fdi. Field/ delivered t his Seine& Lecture on Taesdeardlight at Hamlet. and Huila Hall He commeneedWith R sliorttigavitteeeofalle Pieitediug - lecture, andatated very partoluierb•the Pesltteeetbat the Rook of,Creation and the Bookatßevelation,When. comeared, were found to show diseretiarieleas it tyres act to be deemed eiiliff ertint tie".lla, tending; Id 02# 4 , a _ t 1 from the authority of either, because 2 1 4 7 - 7"'"'t "`*" - all identical in their nature -Orin their alltvene T he Book of Cancels hitt; earlier ohapteineeneetwork,writa ten in symbolia lasignAge, its whieli ,the ,idea 4 were ax-. Pressed by natured imagery. The 13 ootot Creation was a history which iiniaided itself* book whose chapters bewould,proletalle eentilderi - -The premary Ritenition of, theeesirth'e endue, some times called the metamorphic , rocks, is competed of enies, granite, limestoop jiornblende.leo.• This forma tion is non-feasjafeross - When It composed the trust of the earth. no home thing could exist th ereon-not en animal of any kind, not a tree , nor,* Y. anti aretim or an insect. dreary . mature was drawn o what a waste thea human eye - 'would have • seen Belt had boon able to -leak thereon. The lecturer -next palmed to thatstate iii which the earth changed from being non-produetiye, and plants and animals Mat gem to *islet upon it. This was cathe transition .state, in whielt ithe-earths was ate r ir Jamming in diameter. sixteen thousand or urfeeteen theueeetafeett being added to its aortae& Whig- paleextdo or forisilife yorl formation gave insopot reneoessive ittowthe of, the (west or der of vegetable produotione, amid low forms o animal' life bore-an d there move *tam ' Mosseshohees. ferns. flowerless - dents, conifene, re tests of' pines, succeeded each Other In the•l'eg°t*tx* world, and °omit', ,xonphytese ammonites, mytillites, Ornate es , mollusk*, fi sh, andsome reptiles manimat - life. Successive traces : of these low orders of mime! and vegetables +arose, lived out their allotteee time, and werer swep t away, to give lb/MOP Others vanish in turn :offered t he same fate. The depth of this formation. and the succession -of these fossils, give Some Mete Of the immense lomat:1ot tune neoeuary.toitacompleumi The 'amender'', formathinfollowed. in which we find. new classes of vegetable and , animal creations. Bare we have the old red sandstone. carboniferous' Rine stone, coal. the new red sandstone, and other products, ending with' 'MANG in strata - one shovel another/ in which Ate found countless numbers of fessilti, both ant mad and vegetable-mcoessive ,new creations 'which exuded during the stages of -their lives. sod reseed ewe' oessively away. New herbs ,-- more developed legatee hairnets, spiders ; reptiles, such as lizards sod oreeo thleameraopials and gigantic matuderdiaPPeared dame this formate n, which addedm ore than t treaty thonsatut feet to the - thickness of the earth...' ' The tertiary formation followed. Ti was from thirteen to fourteen hundred feet in thiekeess,ane bears the fu tile of still higher and suaertor life-vegetable and aid , mai. Trees, as the willow. chestnut, eke, sycamore, and ropier, meek this period In vegetable life, and mam moths, mast ,dons. rhitiosaert, hippopotami, the mega thorium. elephants. end-immense tigere, - beare hyenas, wolves, oxen, laments, ovule, vultures, and pelicans at'- peered. Next came a period of death. and deatniatiott, thedi lnviun' or drift. In this no vegetable or animal forms tionswere possible. The earth Was hoe vast scene of death-not life. No animal or vegetable life could Pea glibly have been retained. - Allood of wattsrarid toe came sweeping from the north to the south-sabelent contra- Rion or oatacteem, earning down sand, gravel, and im me nen boulders o f stone; and destroyhte_ everything in its passage. This wee a good indeed, but it occurred long before man had an existence • upon the earth. To this succeeded new • foneations in the vegetable and animal world. The oak, the birch, and the • maple, and new emus of-palms. appeared among vegetable*, Trid as a crowning act oft the whole, MAN wets created. his happened at the completion of the lest or, alluvial formation. St was staled that, at the commencement of these successive states, the earth ' ee intensell hot, : and the lecturer prom:sad to recur to this fact in a sub. aequent leeture, t and explain why 'this - was so, and whence the heat was derived. - Having summed up the geologheal history of creation, Mr. Field aroceeded to the ennsiderestion of the six days .of creation, in the Book of Genesis. tie recouoted the first stay, when the earth waswithout form and void the chaos of earth , during which the Lord said, " Let there be fight r and- there -vas light"-when be called the light dayeand the darkness aights the second day, when the chaotic' state of the mingled solids and fluids began to be divided.and tke chaos of water 'redhead to order, collected together above and below the firma ment the third- day. „when the waters upon the earth were gathered together /pito , their basins, and dry land appeared.. and brought forth grass, herbs, fruit. and trees-the antiee vegetable kingdom.; .the fourth day. when the attn. moon, and stars were made and set in the firmament, to rive light, -sand to Yule _over the day and night. that had been previously made - on the first dais. the fifth day. when fish and bird' -were brought fort. ; end the sixth day, when were created eattle,y d beasts and creeping thinmi.end man. - - - The lecturer compared these two records se to the order of creation, the facts of creation, and the time of creation. and showed that they did not accord with each other in either case. lie said that theologists and Inmates all edmittee this. -But theologists mistakingly hold that to invalidate the literal sense of the account of the creation in Genesis le to invalidate the word of God, and on this account they had evinced the utmost anxiety to reconcile the apparent diserepancies, without: how ever. succeeding. But if the views of the lecture were admitted, and the account in Genesis was not a literal account of Phylimal ore/talon. but a symboliewntiog, of a hither Importance, the order and the . time would make no differ( nee whatever,wbothee they were exeot or net. That this vine the eauthe would clearly show in- a sub zequent lecture. - Dr. Pye Smith had shown great ingenuity; and other geolognes had followed in his wake, in efforts to renege what appeared to them such terrible disonSparmiee. Theologists also had adopted theory after theory. only to bo driven from their petitions as the preereas of eaten tifie investigation more and more fully unfolded the Beek of great ire" itself. Doctor Smith eepposes the first verse of Genesis, •' la the beginning 'God created the • heaven and the earth," to mean the matter of thewhole universe in the state of mere elements, at some indefi nite period in 'paste:amity.' Prom that time to the next to the second verge there might hate elapsed millions of years. But Idsplea lads to answer the demands of ge ology, which call for snob a_pened not all at once, but at each stage of formation. Doctor Smith on this euppo /awn. seems to think that Whhtthe readunGenesie that, in the begonias God created Me maven; and Gie atvehot means Just that; but directly a ft erwards he Baas that the' history. Inthe {quo severses, only relates td that part of the world which God was -preparing for man to live_ re. and the animals with him-namely. a part of AIM. - It would fellow from this, said the lecturer, that only • that part of the heavens supposed to he over.that Part of Asia vree - alao referred M. and day and night only theta. all which Ice et Besides, if six natural days are meant the difficulty tenet lessened,beesuse the oar-, native is Unseen:we (c oin the time the earth wits -with out form and veld, to the creation of vegetable', ani msts. and mantels:lh day's work is erpeeifieally recorded. The account Genets says that vegetables werepro, duced on the third day., before the sun moon , ser stars, and animals on the firth day, and reptiles and ntanoa the sixth day. But the book of citeation shows ant mals,• vegetaeles. and reptiles. of the lower orders. In the se cond or tram/Rion period of the earth's formation, pad In higher forms, in the third stage or sounders/tome, ton, Nor do the two records correeDond as to time. and although all the .world believed that the six des • mentioned in Genesee meant Just six days, and would have believed sesta u but for the revelations of Geology. ' theologists, have conceded that the day of 24 hours is not meant• and as they find it stated in Senators that thousand years ate to God as one day, they assume that one day here means ei thousand Years. But this is dan gerous ground. alf asa • assume that edaymeans some thing else than a day, the earth. the sun, the moon. all the objects of the narrative; may mean somethintalf ferent and the lecturety of-thelustory is broken down. I &ter in ha Mr. Field remarked that t his In-. terprdtatlon reunited Maria sabbath of one thousand yearn, and showed that veeetables must have grown one thousand years, without a sussed to prove that the liteml construction of the text makes the mean, ing a natural day, he tooted several known , authori ties. Dotter Comstock Wat quoted es Mailing wattle construction as of six natural date, and TO ening to the flood to prove that It would not do to say that the word day in use place means a thousand yearn, and in other places/ semetlung elm. The day meant was certainty a ' amend dap. Prof. Stout, of Andover. was cited. to shim- that the word used for day doss not signify an in - definite period of time, but always some specific and definite one. This view was further enforced by re mark. of the well-known oaolar; Granville Penn. • Professor Stuart says: If -Moue hes ;coma us an ma roneous amount of the Creation, it tat it come t and let ue have the whole • But do ant let et to out his language to get rid of 'difficulties that we Mal have in our speculations. Professor.fituart, said the lecturer. regards all geology as mere speculation, and gape. with intrea•m The Creator whospoke, and 14 was done twhoneutMendede and it Motel test' sai d let there he light. and lightest's:Shia treat and gionems Creator-the AlmightL God - t hirty-elx thousand Teen in making a world!- The lecturer said that Prof - eater Stuart might have said the same thing withthe ends MX days in matting- a world!-with, equal - propriety. Creation is a perpetual work. The Almighty God never stopped being a oreator; he is s creator now,and Will be for ever and ever. But the questinn it not whether Godcould do it in six days. Be °mild dolt.- There is no doubt of that. But the inquiry We' have to make is, Did he do it in that time? Sir Humphrey Davy, as early as his day, found that five successive races of plants and four of animals_had disappeared and new creations taken their Mau before man WES erected. Dr. Usher says that It would require one thousand years for-the sediment from all the nears of the world to Caine- the ocean one foot, and fopy mil lions of yea re to, make it as theek at the fossiliferoini wake, and fifteen millions to include the whole earth, or since the Mat vegetable stew nun ets suface. Since the lime when rivers firstran in their channels. from ten thousand to twenty thousand seem must bays passed away sines the Valle se" iagara river were et Qusenerown, • . Mount D'Orr, In Feance, was once a herniae moan.' tarn. Since then a rjv ar hat worn a ohannettfilty feet deep and _several Miles., !Ong .in the lava a on its side. More than two thousand years ago the • Romans built brides over the river, and since that time the lairs. rook has been worn away but si inches. Sur inches in two thousand years meg fifty fe x. et ID two hundred thousand years, and this. of emote°, tines the third day, when the the land Appeared, The calculation of Sir Richard Phillips. Professor Rockland, and others, were given to the effect that for millions of years the earth had sus , twined life. Animals were shOwn to have existed in the second and third geological formations, !While man commenees .at the sixth. How bold they go to •Adam to see what names he would oall them, when they had lived their livce and been swept away' thousands on tho usands of years before lie Was able to live noon therearth?' Another theory was referred to, which assumed that the fossils farms rorks, man. aninals.vege tables, and mine-: rale were all endued at once with the perfeetionof their Hardness, their. durability end their lustre It was „nixed the earns to suppose that a graveyard; with Its Totten °Mane, dead men's boneee and delaying bodies. had been created so, as- to make stah aserspoeition concerning millions id* [meal remanua dieted:m*l through eight (MIMI of the earth's bruit. The ground ofethose e tehd attempt, be "alleged preen inte. to make the book of genesis accord with the roes lateens of geology, le perpetually ihi ft int. ea more and more scientific -knowledge knowledge displaces them. - And Jet, • what is to he done - with the testimony Auld proofs of such men ittLysll,l3ockland Curler, Davy, Parkinson, Sedgriwick.) , Pah Miller. an the numerous others - wno have demonstrated that the three kingdoms of nature were nor created in six days, nor-in-heel than log hun dred thousand years, with this proof on the other hand that the literal text in Gedeshr does not warrant snot a • conclusion ? The feet will Ise sho that this text does nut mean to give wn literal hist Ore of cretin-oat that it is record written in eymbolie lansge-that is, that natural sabot/dearer° made use or to - show the history of mane - , „ „. The lecturer concluded with areferenoe to the error that the ages of antiquity were Agee of Ignorance. He promised to thaw - teat the menwhohnd lived long before the lawieh disponsatisin enjoyed wisdom and knowledge an wonderful and as grand es any modern age can built of. „ , . , He coneluded by announeing hie third leeture for Fri day evening next, end was enthugiestiosily applauded. PROCEEDINGS IN the COURTS trigTERDAY.-.- Mel Patra-JusticeiStrong.--Yesterday cusp of Clark et al vs. The Williamsport and Elmira Railroad compeer, the. ledge , made a deoreein Annear to the am:Be/Ulna of the bondholders, oederins sale el the road -At the 'tame time.- the judge referred to a decree Made In September last, and intended to protect the cleime of the employees nit the That dearee ha said was fiesignea to. protest the employees in their earnings from the time, Of the eppointment of the But until inch time as a eale should take place. But the road art having been in the meantime modal:stave, the sale couldem longer lie postponed, utthe .hope that TOMO MeOMe may be, defied - at some future tons: When the road is sold, an the reeelyer's account bat tled. these creditors mar t en examine it, and ascertain, if they are entitled to anything nder the former de cree. The time of the wile will be fixed on Saturday next Consort FLEAS- edge Allison.-In the matter of the application of the Building Inn:meters for an injuation to restrain the contractor for reperirlng the MUMMA' on Chestnut street above Seventh, front prooeedine with the repairs to the said bui lding, an oPi Men 'SIRS delivered yesterday morning, des ding-the the petitian, being drafted under the act of 1857, was irregular and beyond the Jurisdiction of the court. The procead,n_es should have beeninatituted under the 10th section of the eat Orliltde It wita suggested that the petition be amended. the injunction being allowed to stand in the meanwhile to prevent the conetrootign of the wall sit - a lets thmke east than the ant ra quires; • The difficulty in this ease sewn to he that the MIN titepee ld oomfaniet h h e ag alloyed into an agreement with a or e e r gs it a r c e e .tAit the matter p t egatir n e, ttiro n o d n ' t= must stop hiswork uutil the City Bo to amends the 'Petition, and to facts he the Thl i queetiori i nonearo a: ,compeoles, Da ye , t 'right to the contract for• ' repel's' - to a building 'Mitred le' fire, and if that word is ineluded in the vtorduesed his le sot" ereot, omistruater alter ," - Upon that polo t e Jades, reserved his deolaions fo- the presenti he' merge deciding that whatever amounts toe csonstruedien oral.: teration of a buildia'g is covered by the get of 1853. QUARTRII EMBILOXE,°uynts Mananan vex mane trial chargedwith forme the name of _Patterson,t Wham er de Co., to etude or 8150. It Was - alleged - that- the 'de fendant. under t e name of _Edward Mills!: went to a Mr:Aar and endeavored to sell the noteat 2J4 per Cent • dismoaat ,The lookers with whoa, Thee Rektor Pit tor: eon, :WintMett, & Co, had lousiness transactiont,i the is firmlocated in Startler, Illinois),3old him that it war .pot their sienaturee reply was that Ii was signed, - Joseph Palmyra, a Junior meridian of e firm. That. gentleman, hoateverecni-the witness-sten . denied the truth of the storm - It seems that -Manahan. was - in Ole employ of Patterson. Whonniy, &Co:alit ISt/Whig; 11h- Bole ahemshe Menthe ago: Verdleit malty. a William R. )?math charted with - obtaining :frelhe Itienry.Ch earner . „hymens of false bratenosel Chafe he designs ,with e money to manufacture imitation irc'hirinees tre he de leered to - Jamee, to' be- taltep to the - different jeteelereee s Mr, James teatiffedthat. on the Oth of November .he advertised ehethe hid $2OO to Invest "naothei hates*, and reeeive - d itosWar frosn'tintitlf rogue/de:We liliF i ns` call' Ile did Call:4mi' Smi th he bade; nOWJellatV en he had been studying - out for. three SWIM end -Al lie' - wanted wasmoney end afgaeriand theft -they 'mold emanufassturethelegold efehloh leafless, doehl cer n around to the ti •teWelert - ree hereereseetod ar m.' sell - as wellottab ahed twitneet thee advaneed e llideete of whielf eter was to pee =the trallteblehalf thereloPee teen went toanelderman and, art , atreelne i tt raiel; i 4et but which the witness never ,obtaia. ; r thee. neat received a note - , tromQVitsatioiaema' alf• the money Was pant ; reatede tiffined'e ' Cs d eironfaxatitirapon eiatr.alaineeraM.m„ltadirliettlie Eteksjill P Arre l glaWaZ i nfil i ggeg bt ke, West WWI beettisit t .s eata - rises se, , ;ea, -Another yntuess testified that, aitif'thli' "' ,riser febtatned by-fartithaßenithilinto Mestere th e iltflddnoi o f t t hieliAototy, Mad whe - - aatereill ehilt geerWitoit , trouble, lint he ridolned, Oh no, I know how to manage The defence:: eentended that. the Whole thine Wes a partnership trangantion ; that the 81100 was too Broaden amount to sang ()lithe boldness. A witness was oalled t o c ontradict her. James, and he testified that James did 00M i lto him to borrow more money upon a note, to in v.. rote busman with Mr. Smith. T s witness also testified that thie ideatfiitinufen iiirtng imitation gold rings was net new with air. Smith et thatiine of his aequeintanee with Mr. James. Mr. James took part in the hush:idea for about ten weeks. A Pftrt of tile ag7eernent wee, that Smith was to receive gin per week roe Cua sutiorintendenem Another witness, a worhman at the establishment, tetitified that • James was therees a eartner. At thle stage of the preeeedines, the Distriot - A ttgrney engseeted to the counsel for the defendant, Mr. Goforth, to Ste add emurrer td the bill (there being no plea yeten tered)tie defective in law, and it could be quashed. %his cortege was taken; and so ended the proeseution. William Miller was tried for the larceny of' a shirt, valued at gL The Jury. after prolonged deliberation, I reered a lerdiet of not guilty. I!urner Jones was oonvlated of an aggravated assault an battery on George Lukens. William :Dock pleaded guilty to two billy, of indiet meat, cheaging him with assault and battery on Pfeil MeGawley and P. Steven. Sentenced to three months in the county prison.- The court adjourned titan earlier fume than umml, on account of the non-attendance of parties and witnesses. Dzontras Tug ilotron.—We mentioned yes terday the Nut that Danjel , Esq. uf this citY, had been - appointed Aasistaat Joue Advocate General, with the tank of Meier, by thif A dj utant General of the State:anti ciom m testoued by: hie scellellar, Governor Paaker. ,The notice of the military appoint to a gentlemseso eminently dixtinguished as a civil Advo cate WneAs entirely , unelnevjed an It VW whly new iioitad:, mr.Doughertyitn the eo_urts yeaterder,' was greeted on all sideawitn title or major and the con gratulations eametmon him co think and fast that he was plat to task to express hie acknowledgments. Row ever, c ontent - with tbe..itrell-won nrofeseonal laurels that have given him mnatiorta fame. Mr. 0. quietly wrote to' he state capital, dec l ining the proffered ho nor. Tmone like him,..whoge efforts have been attire creditable to the bar Philadelplue, and himself, the ot of honor ie the private station. The title was but Ninth, day's duration, but yet it served to afford a legion of friends an opportunity to be merry in their courtenue liongratidations, wherein was expressed the gang - nine anticipation that in future sanguinary' con tester- the hero ofpeace might escape the doubtful chances of war. and live to know that the flag of our ctiontrY Waved In triumph over another of its gallant defenders: IMPORTANT TO liSTAILErre 'OP LlQlloll.—Du ring the preterit week the Grand Jury have returned over one hundred and, fate bills of in against those retailers of liquor 311 leee innaaure than a enart, who have nogieeted to procure their licensee according to law. Thin iS but the commencement of the work, as the authorities-are determined that the legal require ments in relation to this matter shall be fully and promptly oomplied with. The constables of the diffe rent wards have been notified to be in attesditnee before the Grand Jury, during this and the coming week, for the purpose of testifying against theme who have failed to obtain theirtieensea. To-day the commissioners be gin the issuing of hommes, so that those who are ceiling liquor without them, will hereafter have no excuse whatever. The coats of procuring them regularly amount tolut fifty dollars, while upon a conviction for selling without• them, the lowest fine imposed would he seventy-five dollars and _the °este. Delay. therefore. will be dangeroue, and Mr. Maim, the District Attorney, trill prosecute vigorously all offenders. Tim Casa or ROBERT THOMPSON, onvicted in the Climyt of. Oyer, and Terminer of the murder of J"hn Came, has been set down for argument to-day, on the motion for a new trial, anti in arrest oi. Junment. it cannot be stated. with any degree of emotiveness, whetberthe argument will take place, as Mr. L. C. Cassidy,tine of the 'mensal for the defence, in attend ance upon the Reading/Date Convention, and, in addi tion to this, to matters of law, erpeo.a 11 y,,. doubtful kernel, are mighty uncertain." Thompson is in good spirits iii prison, where his friends have endeavored to ruder lusnosition as comfortable as ssible. In the argument for the new trial, the question po is to be decided oy the court in bane, whether an nnnaturalized alien can act Upon aJury where the life of an American oiti zen ie involved. SOCIAL - ENTERTAINSIENT.—This evening, tiro members of Exoebitor. Division of the Sons of Tern- Demme 'will partake of au agreeabe entertainment, at their meeting room, in the prosp e r ous all This Divi sion is the largest and most in the ear, and is accoMplishing a vast amount o good. Initiations of new members take plaoe weekly, and the interest in the Promiedines .is never allowed to abate. Its what ap pears to be its name, as we should judge from we have heard of the • advances it lies made in the great moral reform to which it has devoted Its potent eiter. . A Fuss FranT—We leant from the pollee returns made at the Mayor's office, yesterday, that two men, well known in the Fourteenth ward. indulged in a street fight at .Twelfth and Olive streets, on the pre vious afternoon, Roth are powerful man, and some hard kneekswere given on both sides before the police had time to interfere and stop the sport Aid. Conrow held the amused to bail to keep the peace. COIXISION OSris RIVSS.—The brig Triad, Capt. Vtooster, which le ft Race-street wharf at half oast ten o'clock yesterday moiming,. bound for Kingston, Jamaica. crime in canted. on Margot street with the steam terty , boat Dido, by which the brie but her bob stays end part of her autereter. She anohored oft Ohne tien,street wharf, The ferry-boat instal ned no damage. • A cc Orin. " Outtp.—A female infant, about five weeks old, wee fount /d Cu Tuesday_ even in` on the dour-step of the house o r. Wm. Weadiey. No. 227 Juniper street. The ohi d was wrapped in a shawl and packed up In a 'pasteboard box. The latter bad holes Int in li t tle fford air to the baby. A neighbor took oars of thegranger for the present. STILL LP7ING.—MrB• HaslaM, who was burned it the a li ve Ellie Son's enter ta ined onday seninik, is st il l , but no hope is of her final recovery. IMPORTATIONS. :Reported for the Praise.] 8 HARTt3—Brig Thee Walter, Hiorth-1209 bbl, salt 112 ozpine apple/ 250 bunobee bananas 14 We arrow roe 22 lads a toe old metals 17 bdls 7 dozengoat and (keep elan* 5 balms:o2ton 7do rage 1 box turte shell 2 bag, sotele Juretahe 1 Caseating IiBtLADELIMA BOARD OF TRADE. rEPIKIES I Smal., 0. ORM, -B .r Comxrrrn or ma Mons, ' : LETTER. BAGS at Ord soicenums , liciumix,pirimmtmna. ildp Wiesner, Rowland —....—....Liserppol, March I Thy Itsnd Stumm, Rar....,...............Havana, noon Ra y reniont, .Baker,--,...--........8arbad0e5. soon Rnrk arnaret, laing--.........1ti0 de Janeiro, soon Brig C_H Fro#,Loary.. ... . ..... „Cienfuegos, soon BrieHmma, Baker —.... —.... Port Braun, soon ALLEINE INTELLIGENCE. 'ORT 'OF PHILADELPHIA, March 1, 1800. 15-BUN33 -- .3 33 ARRIVED. Brig Thos Waiter, Hlorth. IS da' from St Darla, with ootton, fruit, salt, &o. to /Buretshs & Carstami. - Boer Pgmummook e Borrows, from Damn. CLEARED. • Stesmithip Boston. Croaker, N York. Jag Allderdtoe. pie r 1 8 s c u , Cummings, Johns, Charleston, Wm Cum m et n ot i r Fanite: Mayhew, New York, T 'Hall. `Bohr Co Posuonnook, Burrows, Salem, Yon Dusan, Nor ton & . 'ohs Fly,Cheesoman, N York, Banoroft.Lelle & Co. CeLlaslon=The %rig:riled, Cant Wooster, left Race trnot wharf at 1011 o cloak yesterday morning, bouqd for Ifinfestopaai and when 'off Market street, name in , ontaot *int the steam ferry boat Dido, - by whiob the brig lost bobetal a and part of outwater, and anchored of Ohristian street wharf. The ferry boat sustained no damage! (Correepondence of the Philedelp_his Exchange.) LEWES. Bel, Feb 214. The Mirk fgr Richmond, sad exiboonere Cornelia _l. Crook. Hello. R Jeremiah' rreetierte, Clintort J, loam Rachel Reed, F.l Brockman, with the light m a in front the Five.fitthom Bank. nett berm brig, remain Rct the_Breakwater. Wind SW. OWN W. M. HICKMAN, • sr nieLlana_222,, (Correopondenee of The Prem.) CHLRIASTOZP. Feb 2a. ifigr i gagreet i rdithli t ia d Tbir trx, aground, but gotoX uninjured. RANDA. Ship labia, Nom MEM e, lro O m Montevideo, arrived up at Baltimore 28th ult. Bark Juliette. (Fr) Joubert, hence, arrived at Boston 18th ult. Bark Chase, Raffle, oleared at Baltimore 28th ult. for H.A.9 de Janeirp and a market. Bark Adelaide, Wingate, for Rio de Janeiro, oleared it Baltimore 28th lilt. Bohr Martha Wnshtington Thatcher rleared at New Orleans 21th ult, for Philade lphia, ICO eraotk Guth, and 50 do bble. t 11ea rleang o 2leh t, wa rt 8 b b de, l lt tw p ,loargl 3 half tibia tagar,l theme . hams, 15 make bbla oottmg seed oil, 3 bbls steanue, 10 Peaks soap stock, and 1 half bit molasses. • dohr Edwin Reed, Ohiptnan, cleared at Boston 28th OM for Philadelphia. nohrlos p Cake, Endicott, 'Cleared at New Orleans 22d alt. for Cardenas. &IirRUNS. Russell, cleared at New York 28th tilt for Philadelphia. - Behr James Neilson:Butt, hence, arrived at Fall 'River 22th tilt, and proceeded bo random Bohr Franklin Treat, Capt A Croaker, south Lewes, . Del. (before reported) went ashore on the side of Block Island on the 19th inst. Every sea made a clean breach over her, staving the galley. long boat, and sweeping the deeks, The crew lashed themselves to the boon on deck. where they remained fourteen hours, completely drenched by the waves. At 8A AI the neat day the shore was lined with people anxious to relieve them. Finally they made the pennant halliards fest to s spar, which drifted ashore, by which means a Dirge rope wee got to the shore, end the entire crew were en abled to reach the shore in Malty, although two of the men were .bad frostbitten, al the steward wa s erlThi g an 4rmae r o 187 tang, rthed Frankl in lilt rat.iffer 4Ou .be wee pained. T o, ,THE CITIZENS OF PHILADEL PRIA.—The Directors of the NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, tionsldering the °b leat; of. their Institution .so f jughly Important, have name itn dre deemed it proper to ss, in pamphlet form, to the citizens of Philadeiph a, weloh is now in canna of extensive circulation, sad it is hoped reach the hands oft sad be read by, every person kindly disposed to lead air _aid and in -behalf of the Institute. The Address sets forth the veins of the Institute to Phila delphians, its beneficial influence in respect to health, and also the general plan and design contemplated by the charter of incorporation.- &Mining Pools of constantly-running water, artifi cially heated. Seth. of every variety, including the Russian Steam Seth, and Oymneunume for Ladies, Gen tlemen, and Masters, will each be perfeet of its kind, and form important matures of helnstitute. The stack nes been placed. at fifteen do ars per share, and each subscriber will be entitfid to- I. e benefits of the Insti tute, In either department. to the extent of the par value of the !mount subeoribed, on surrender of his oertificale in payment, and the rates will be greatly in favor of sobsorllore, It is flown' that a liberal response will be made to the dear/ismer/ duly amPousted, in order that a very early oommenpement may be made in the erection oral:awe ing Eatable to alt the wants or the Institute. Each canvasser will have with him Written credentia l s, duly attested, empowering him to obtai subscriptions, re ceive the anmunt subeenbed, sad d elver the eettlfil- Dates re 'stock. • • • • The Officers and-Directors of the !institute are as fol lows: • . resident—PAUL, g: GODDARt AL D. • • View President...EDW. IHUPP Treasurer and aeoretay;riti. . DREXEL. DIRE 0 . Peed B. Ooddard, M. 11., Mem Cacao, Edw. Bis peen. - - - Charles M , Provost, Norton Adeldashael, Joseph W Drexel. Samuel . Reeves; Ferdinand.). Dreer, Prof. Henry Misuse, • fete -thfinalw TO . WHOLESALE. DRUGGISTS AND BFPO:BANS. Mrs. JAMES BETTS INVENTIONS FOR LAPT— Approved of and • highly regommended by the Al oal vrelessionthroughmit the United Statet igs boo wind lava Ids having been eAvlsed by Nett voeinns to use her Bursioal . Appliances. She would (mutton Merchants and oaken against purchasing egoept at her residents). 1039 WALNUT Street, where she eon be onnalted datly,,betwenn the ham of 9 and B. Het .It of testimonials wall be given on apelmation. fe 11-Muth-1y T _ 0 THE PUBLIU. _ OALIIOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above pavane is deemed, by solentifie and numb. cal men to be the very beet ever offered to the Public, and nee ds only to be seen in iiotual operation for its mote to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced .ja so perfectly adapted for ventilating , private and pub lic buildinge, wheels, hospitals, engine houses , mines, eteum and gailing a veesels, and for the cure of amok, en v itl i N 11Yetwholesale and retail, at the_Reating and Ventilating Warerooms of "MIAS, attention will be eine to all demonptionn of Itbahng and ven ts sting 6 the undersigned, who has been wan/ Years 'mottos rengeged in the above busi ness. Also for cci., Lulu s justly-celebrated warm-air furnaces, cooking rouges, bath - bone. reamer& Igo., by ..tfelB-stutltem p.a.& WILLIAMS. _ . 34 1 CF/NED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— YA•w:IN DoNoOttu galloontinue business until Al/ nektr at IS **nth w &Mat street, and no y o ff ers for gale, at the lowest market whom for am or on afi proved Short credits, 4,060 barrels stasavre ked andkityrpps of various panel, old=overtng q grttehed and Polvensed . and- Blotter's atent-ent LO of ugars. Amor-Tit and Java A tine Ca - dies. and Keay a ' , ranch Brandy uolortnx. JaztamiL YIC Ei 6 PRO 0 F SAFE FOR SALE, :,"ElooAt's Patent." Arlo.. .101 oast also. •' • •• • ••, R. D. &W. _ pxNtist,L, • 1145.3t,* ; • • DIARKET area. “:/PLIE I NDEVEPIDENT' V 10.14 2 ,1 tWAYSit.” '3ustidiblishaPnos 28 de. ' ' ' MA8811 . 611. SIC 10112. '-! , rirm.l4tt , fio9 0 TAT Street r_bdatEttlllinTSß.--4,tist received, , Yail -Priam loi:nittatae forßuoily nee, 41 3 4J14 10 ,Lnd logyMnisßolL .I%mi*, by O. OADwost "u.• a atresa od door &boy* "rpm „ sprr., PAADLICS. , -40 Boxes Bpenn ~vaxritPbtrat irs4l2 #esirTerwri NEW PUBLICATIONS. ANOTHER !SPLENDID STORY, WRITTEN EXPRESSLY FOR THE ' NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, ' • NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY. NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, WILL BE COMMENCED NEXT THURSDAY. ENTITLED AMY RAYNER; AMY RAYNER; AMY RAYNER ; AMY RAYNER; AMY RAYNER ; AMY RAYNER ; AMY RAYNER ; AMY RAYBER; iNIY RAYNER ; AMY RAYNER ; THE TAMED PATH THE TANGLED PATH TIM TANGLED PATH THE TANGLED PATH TEE TANGLED PATH THE TANGLED PATH THE TANGLED PATH THE TANGLED PATH THE TANGLED PATH THE TANGLED PATH By MISS LUCY A. RANDALL BY MISS LUCY A. RANDALL. BY MISS LIMY A. RANDALL BY MISS LUCY A. RANDALL BY MISS LUCY A. RANDALL BY MISS LUCY A. RANDALL. BY MIBB LUCY A. RANDALL, BY MISS LUCY A. RANDALL. BY MlBB LUCY A. RANDALL By MISS LUCY A. RANDALL (HELEN FOREST GRAVES.) THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, STORY AND SKETCH PAPER PUBLISHED, WILL BE F6R SALE BY (EVERY NEWS AGENT THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. PRICE POUR CENTS f029.2t NOW READY. AND COPIES SUPPLIED WITHOUT DELAY. 30.000 COPIES BOLD IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION. THE ONLY GENUINE AND RELIABLE El- OGRAPHY,_ AUTHORIZED Br, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FAMILY. LIFE OF CAPTAIN JOHN BROWN, BY LAMES REDPATH, WITH AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF RIB CHILDHOOD ' AND YOUTH. In one elegant 12mo. volume of 406 Pages, printed on superfine paper, and handsomely bound In gilt cloth fully illustrated, and embellished with a FINE STEEL PORTRAIT. PRICE ON LY For sale 11,411101610 by the Publishers' Agents, and at their store. Agents wanted to sell the work throughout • the country. Copies mailed to any address on receipt of price and slants In stamps for postage. Address THAYER 84 ELDRIDGE, PUBLISHERS, 114 and 116 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. fel4-tethstit FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE'S NOTES D. APPLETON & 61 1 , N i gs ß2 346 l l C lia SO BROADWAY, . . . . . Pus Lulu sloe DAY, NOTES ON NURSING: WHAT IT 18. AND WHAT IT 18 NOT. FLORENCE nownNoALE. Iv.i.,umo. W cents. The_following notes are by no means Ihtended as a rule of thought by which nurses cap teach themselves to nurse, Still lees rue manual to teach Dupuis to nume. They 1178 nicest pimply to give hints for thought to womenwho have personal charge of the health of °there. Every woman. or at least almost every 'woman an Eng land has, at one timer another ot her life, clents of, the personal health o somebody , whether chi l d or in amid—in other words every woman is a nurse. livery day sanitary knowledge, or the knowledge of nursing, or. in other words, how to put the oonstitution In such a state as Ist it will hive no disease, or that it can re cover from tisane, takes a lugh place. It is recognised as the know edge which every one ought to have—dl"- tinat from medical knowledge, which only a profession can have. • IL then, every woman must, at some time or other of her life. beoome a nurse—i. e., have charge of some body's health—how immense and how valuable would be the produce of her united experience if every woman would think how to flume. Ido net pretend to teed' her bow; I ask her to teach herself ; and for this purpose I venture to give her some 11111tA. • lt O.IIAVE ZUNT PUBLIMEDt REVOLUTIONSIN ENGLISH HISTORY. Br Ho her Vaughan, D.D. Volume I, Revolution' of Race. PI U c OMROLDHAM AT GREYSTONES, AND HIS TALK THERE. One vol.. limo.l ]. ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELNCTION ; Or, .The Preservation of Favored Ranee in the Struggle for Life. By Charles Darwin. M. A. 1 vol.. limo. 41.15. EVRNINGS AT THE micHoscoPF. Of, Re searches among the Monter Organs and Forms of Ant mal Life. By khills 11. Goose, F. R. 8. 1 vol., Ism.. SVEN YEARS. By Julia Kavanagh. I vol.llmo. Ci riCtll l .4l: t fl intraa r k 37 fIk e rVARIES. By the Rev. James White. 1 vol., limo. et 1.25. TRE PTII THAT LED A. I,AWYER TO THE OATIIOL O_CONC. I vol., tlyo. 42.60. REM EMENTd OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES IN th X , SERMONS. By Henry W. Bellows. I vol.,lerno. Clo fe 13-It DR. HAYES' AROTIO BOAT JOUR. NE —An Ando Bont Journey la the Autumn of UAL By hada J, Reyes. limo. 81.26. Fme Feat lruei; or, Tableaux Vivant*. lfseo. rigs in.the Night ; or, Hymns for the Sick and But re 61. nMil. 76 saute. rinalve Piety s. (wired ; The Aggressive Power of the Chrletino Church. By Rev. Henry C. Frith. Elf s•ebe l i e l Prolge 0 4 11eroi n 2 t i, IL D. Um o cents. ..nna Welfred ; A yin ICIT 8011001 Girls. 16mo. 620. What dose a Lillie Money Cost 16mo. 20 anti. Mary Alden • or, Decision of Charaotar. 18mo. Moo WILLIAM F" 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, fe27 No. 606 CBES FE UT Street. BOOK LIST. GEORGE G. EVANS' IigTAVERi ft (74NRIFAIITAP" UjTiff, A alo 3 fPI .§: THEirAT 0 0 of . VA o' ift Boot tore, 439 Chestnut street, Gift ic tore, 439 Putout street, Oif,t it Store, 439 hotpot street, the best slue fa like city. Book, are sold al cheap u s any other stores and Ton hive the vault Qf getting _a handsome 01 WORTH raom oo CENTS . COO NEW BOOKSI with eaoh boot. WHIMS AND WAIFS. By "themes Hopd, Now first collected. One Dino volume, with a sift. Price 8145 _ , TWENTY YEARS AGO AND NOW. A nw and isteresting book. By i i i . , Apr, This book i e ca nor to aTIT ever written tla popular author. One volume _e ismo. With al Hoe at, " WOMAN (LA 1 , 41 IBy )11110lialet. One vo linnearmo. with a i Pries dI. LOVE (VA OUR). Ity fahelet. One volume, limo. V9Bh a OHL Prtoo e. NiiATCPAH B OnvRys , 1L., , ;. , 5re1r.81,?1,117-.),Ei. I vow., lime. With a 01 8 _31. 5 ADVENTU F l / 4 4 AND _O EnVATIONS ON THE WEST COAST AYRIC AND ITS ISLANDS. BY the n . Re. char If tr Thomirs M. A. With Illustrations OIL O p c ina l l tor. " I go. One volume, lumo, With a WILD fir FINS IN TEE SOU yt. Or, TireeCemp. fires or the Everglades , Fly B. W itelioad. Ono limo volume. With a atift. Prieeirt DR,' LIVINGsToNE'B TRAVELS AND RE. stiAgaltEs IN AFRICA, limo, With a Gift. Pries ei.n. f rEßsoNa Ex.PLoRATIONfi AND DISCOVE- R 8, ltmo.• Illnyrir eettll tt.iyia,j'ilan 31.26. DIA AND TR 'J lAN Nita/Av. Umo, Il lustrated. Woll_6 Gi ifa 1 kVELR IN E l iT. 4RABIA, AND TIII HOLY' LA 1). _By_ David Mor _jyroo. WI aui . er. 8 VEN YEARS N THE WILDB Ow ISE lA. By Atkinson. 12mo, il t l i ustratil_wi'h p a lEtiO nti, tt i l r l tik. l m itrA w i lit s e u kitk r, its p i A .2 l, A it, . 1...8 1 10' mAtrAtl rt i t i.. ty .ee. Wi to r jaw . iin iximng.d.- 00,N i A8 ft ? 3 1 8 it 11134. LIS ,',2lid one triWa l l'asitie tor 11 1 as' ter. !tatioin " tAia der wears you %rare 00 ; k11 iii . te'i9-4 -Two ow it.,,,,vtiroltopapv4fitd., THE PRESSe-PHMWMILM MIOIIELEVS •d Lit FEMME NEW BOOK, ' LA FEMME, LAFEJEME.] WOMAN. LL2, FEMME. HlB EiEguEL TO L'AMUVR. lust Published in Paris, and translated from early 'h4B i t .t.dr b ilutP 4. O j rie vol., 1 1 2 ' in k inlislirnra. Translator of Thefallowing interesting] ed is the work : The Working W9man. T Tr eo W A43 i tve m oor a iro n e.B o a f: Letter!, The "Dame sue d ameliex," One more Dedeetunel," The " Booh Womae. n fcontinuation of h 0 Hook t l V a O n A d i i C iwo zatt ; ou - , ieeVe of " Love," Woman a Religion,,The Last Love, Revelations of Herosm, Woman the Proteetrese of The Woman who Loves oma n, molt. W W oman, the Physician. The Man who Loves Beat, Childten, TM, Dolls, .ko, Twenty-Sixth _Edition of L'AMOUR .1 f_ j o VE. [L'AMOUR. One vol.. 12m0., muslin. Prune * l. The unexpected Gala of this remarkabe volume le everywhere the subject of amazement, and has been pronouneed m the great fact of the publishing year. The New Orleans Delta atm: " Title remarkable work prodmed an impression upon the reading public, most without palatial in late years. Such au acity a d delicacy, scab rigorous analysis apd tender month-mot combinedelrever before no artanupelty and effectivelym The style of the work it fit for its Important theme—dignified, eloquent, vigorous, end chaste!' • Either of those books will be sent by mall, post• age . free, to any_pari ot the United States, by RUDD & CARL ETON, Feblishers, faL9-sdethlf o. 130 GRAND Street. New York. DAY AND EVENING EXHIBITION " THE HEART OF THE ANDES," On vlew at THE ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1095 CHESTNUT Street, From 9A. M. tiE 5 P.N., and 7 till 9 P. M. Admission 22 COl3ll. Visitors are requested to bring Opera Olassel ai ot. WILL OPEN FOR EXHIBITION, CHURCH'S GREAT FALL " NIAGARA." ALSO, GlGNouve PAINTING OP "NIAGARA," O:it"lTrfr:oAni't° hl, A' 25ngsoc0nnts. fel7-4t. VONOERT H ALL— GiIEBTICUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH. MR. SAM COWYSLL. THE GREAT MUSICAL COMEDIAN, Flattered by the kindness that has been extended to him ,ann the brilliant and signal sweetie be haa achieved in .Phi la hes the pleasure of announcing that he will appear for SIX NIGHTItMO RE, in his NOVEL AND UNIQUE ENTXRTAINMENT, With a isIIGHTLY - CHANGE OF PROGRAMME, Commencing on MONDAY. Fob. 27th. These willpositively be his Mat apoeitreames in Phi ladelphia, as his Southern and Western engagement* commence early in March. Mr. SAM OWE LL, nit/dated by_Mr. and_Mrs. JAMES HICKS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. N. B.—All the city passenger oars connept with the Chestnut-at line, pgChickening doors err, Use minutes. Tiolcets for sale at& Sons .• Lee &Welker's, and Beck & Lawton's. Commence at it o'cdook. feE.St finFTEENT" WEEK--SANDERSON'S AL" EXHIBITION HOOMB—Jsyne's Conargionwedth (now) Building, CHESTNUT Street, near Bath, north Bide. MORAL, UNIQUE, A M ND ENT. CHARMING AMUSE- UNPRECEDENTE RT MD BU USEUMZ' C_EBB .OP THIODON'S A In the programme for this week wit. be Included Tansier, the seat of the present war between Spain and Morocco ; Washington at Valley Ponta ;Alin* upon Salzburg ; Napoleon crossing the Alpe. with hie army of 80.000 men ; the Bernardino ?Sensately I tke utontaton Siack-ro_pa Vaulter..Olio ?Ito rni_at bee. _nralLY mATII,SRES on WEDNESDAY and U DAY AFTERPOONS. BAT- Evening Entertainment—Door open at f o'clock; to commence at Hg Admission—Ad 1 ICHults, El cents; Children, lb cents. CARL WOLFSOHN AND CARL HORN. STOCK'S FOURTWH ill CLASSICAL p SOIREE take lane on *THURSDAY, rdnroh 1, 1810, AT THJS • , FOYER OF THE ,ACAI/EMY OP MUSIC. For Programmes and particulars sec at the Musio Stores. Subscribers are requested to 01 w their tickets. blinsie imitate One Dollar. Cap be bad In the evening at the door. Messrs overwringed grand Steinway Piano s tr eet. from . Blasius' warerooms. 1001 Chestnut street. fel4-61 mo D ONOU GIP S GAIETIES--RAOI4 St.. 4-TJE- below TRIAD. Imm.N/Ifi ATTRACTION. LAST TWO MOWS 07 VI! NEW COAIIC PANTOMIME r BTAR OF BEAUTY. The following_ artiste will 11180 appeay Mimi LIDA iTE. Miss JULIA PIIIOIIS. Riss IN/ P elt t WM' 807 t;L 1 4 ; V at: g.t. MBA, and a FULL and R CHESTKA, led 1141 Prof. BIMM . P ENNSYLVANIA AOADEDIY Of Till FINS ARTS • wad ILESTNUT BTREHT, 2 OPXN DAM . (Sundays exoepted.) from 9 A. N. titl, P. VorrVitti7OrllirTgl;. volume of 1 . Urbis Rgernea Adminsion 8a aenti. Children under If yea ha Prioe. • Shaven of Stook B.V. df:tf GOROBESTRA.=--Pubits Re. "LA hearsali ATlll l , O g u irt t U o nt a ttlall t rlN HALL. t 3K L o max Y. M., a Book & aawtoa's Music. Stores, asd al tinedrz,— Ottztrinni T E 'Nortil i tt o ,l,llll7„P D L El 4 l l. 6 stmts. arm' s o gla B woOrtril "Vgo DENIM() TR EXHIBITIO EVER A R d wERNE9S C°2llblirAlls AntAlliAnrBtfleifearjrifite tiß in or d i s z Al rroi fgai r "s o 7, s i nf ill nir t a in. ol ,3 t ig. r. h """ ti REMOVAL.-ANGIER. lIIIGEL, &0 0 0 haw) removad their Countint:honse_from OROAD kirgi•kakr Jiatiilo,eiti4 B 4 Afi l lags1 4- FIFTH. Phtladelphis, Feb.:800860. (Milt WNE. D. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. SOFFRy, Attorneys et J.sw. Isms removed to 128 Booth SIXTH Strent.belnw cs.plout. 029-1 m• SAML. N. DAVIES & SON, BILL BROKERS, HAVE REMOVED TO Ott tre ho. 225 DOCK STREET RB,U*I - E - scegVG tur:o„evriinaitoot. thlrAmitiiit CONTINENTAL HOTEL. PHILADEL PHIA, CORNER OF CHESTNUT AND NINTH STREETS—OPENED FEBRUARY IeTH. This megnifint establishment has been erected by enbscription; t he stookholders oomerming a large num ber cif the most enterprising business men of the city in which assembled the Continental Congress that gave to the world the Deolaration of American Independ ence. The hotel hastoommodations for about one thou sand and is supplied with every modern lin provement for the comfort and convenience of fami ies, business men, and the entire travelling comm.. nity. A vertloal railway is being constructed upon a novel and scientille principle, which renders accident impos sible, effording . the means of reaching the highest Ito ries without the fatigue of ascending continued Bights or stairs, giving easy Anacleto the purer air and quiet of the upper rooms. The einteiess corridors for ventilation, and every Protection against the dangers of fire, have been libe rally introduced. An extensive reading room and busineseestbange, with telegraph *Mae and oonneeting writing rooms, hare been provided on the first floor. 4.. The whole of the interior arrangements and furnish ing have been under the personal superintendence of PAEAN STEVENS. under whose managem.nt the success of the Revere House and Tremont House, Bos ton; the Battle House and Point Clear Hotel, Mobile; and Um Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, has been es tablished. The venous departments of the Continental will be tionduoted.upon the same liberel scale which has earned for the tboVe•riained hotels their well-known and ex teatime *hare or public favor. dill codimunloations for apartments or upon any bind neu oorineeted witlj the house, shouill be addressed to Continental Hotel, in order to Insure hnmgdiate atten tion. (fell-12t1 .1. E. STE.VEDIS & CO. WITIEELER dla WILSON SF4WING. MACHINES. HENAN COY, Agent, 628 OkISSTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, • Machines, with Operators, on lure to Private Families. saertou Ontleart: West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL imotatz, Easton, Pa. • lal9-6m WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA CIIINF.,—The great and * mailing demand for Wilcox k ,Maehme is a guarantee of tta superior excellence. Prom Sao. For late at FAIR BANKS' Bogle Warehouve, 711 CHINTNUT Littedt. Mgr fl A V T I 0 N I—ASTROLOGY I—LOOK ,•••• o Tl-000p NEWO FOR ALDI—The never failing re. VAN HORN la. the r best 1 eke sno uted' wen all others have tape d. MI 'who are in trent e bla, all who have tk been u ortunatt deured by l a ott lIIIIVItny. °Lill. fartiaann 41 m aa ° o r rt t l o a f ii ,. winnin the {Motions of the odpointe sex. It le this [ant w oh induoes illiterate ttandem to try to imitate er, and pops her adve rtise ment . Cue Ours !flu the ' keneia of your future en e4utband, ore bsent ninth tla well known to the dub lib at large that abe it e first and al oil person who can ow the likeness in re tlr, tiptl a ve entire satisfaction on all the oon. cern' all ti, w pan be. WSW and droved by th - mots, bot married and sot, who dal yl tutd, pager visit her. Coln" one I come ll to No NU Lo MOARD Strut. Nehmen stainer and toad. ' ferpdt• pATNNTS PROCURED IH THS UNITED STATES AND ,ÜBIE,at H. HOWBON'S (d -oes, Forest Wave, US 8. F HUTH St n et. The pro mister vtatts Witabins on tw co wont ard e attende mrsodellilta street. Pamphlet, entrusted to h sidenoe "r campThets on the Management of relented applica tions, foreign patents. oases of interference. and a m entor of reference, may be had at the above otSoes. .ORLINOTON, lowa, the. 1dv1867. Hsu'. Sin : I take tele occasion to state to you, that for several years past have been acquainted with the mr m whiohypa have conducted your business as Patent Botimtor. This has always been Mg lijv meld i tabl e to yourself and matolaetory to the Patent °Mee. You un derstcodtom osses,well, and presented them in that intelligible. form Webel Generally insured summu. I forward oertifioate, hoping that it may be Semen.- able to yop in oontinulpg to bud that employment in your proleulon to which your Intelligence, industry, and courteous bearing, eojustly entitle you. Your,, very truly,_ CHARM!' MIAMI, Late yomnnistoner of Patents, Henan HOWBON, EH. fe3-1m• MINTON'S KNOAUSTIO TILES for ante tal thatnner Top • for Ito elm Etrztn 3preer Fountain•. tirig t% ••/ AT l : l %l%mnd Water eand•eterm tem wee! 3 00 :881,8 Prime Halifax and Esatrhart oiling, $OO boxes Bosled Herrin, VO kelt bbli White FM, atorevd eats • as 1 117 NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOW READY abject, are doque.ths treat- How She Hives her Heart Away, The Young Wife, rand Book., ow Woman of Man, Humilitsee of LQVO, he Commupion,ove, ADIUSEMENTB . EARLE:EI GIALLERIM, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, ON TUESDAY. FE8.28, REMOVALS. HOTELS. SEWING MACHINES. IORSDAY, MARCH 1, 1860. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TIIE have THIS DAY formed a aoacrtnerehin, ender the etrle 9f 7. B. PTIPENS & CO l fg the plume or conducting the bums. of the p nentat Note!, at the corner of CHESTNUT and 1 TN Street& ?ARAN STEVENS, JAMES E. P. STEVENS. Fibiusry le. few-St TOIIN MYERS, HAVING SOLO OUT a. his business at the 19, W. corner Broad and Bannon} streets, all persons Paving claims against him will please send in the Fame. Also, those who are indebted to him will please eall and settle at the above plitoe. Philadelplue, Fe).34, 18 1 3 0 . te2Aat DHILADELPIIIA, FEB. 27,1860.— WI LLIAM BIRCHALI. , and DANIEL M. DA_KER, ,having purchased the interest at JOHN MYRRI9. have this day gone into joint partnership 'tithe Warm Air Furcaoe and Range toollesofOrY, O. W. corner of ROAD , said it toe George) Stres, above d re speotully solicit patronage in the line. Fink'sßange, oositantly On hand. Repairing p erompt ly attended to. f26.6t EDUCATIONAL. A MERIOAN SULIOOL INSTITUTE is a "I. tellable medium thronahwhioh [taboo!' and Fami ilia mar obtain oomktent Wuhan. Parent* may ob- Midland, it tars best ob tain, &.° ' wY al-tf CHESTNUT Stre N fil o ad k, aM a B RYANT it STRATTON'S NATIONAL d R VI I 4 Igklins i gratar Et% For lc prodition, call or se a for Catslotoo, fed-tf ItEDICWAL. DYSPEPSIA. - FIFTY YEARS INDE SCRIBABLE AGONY FROM DYLIPEPAIA, Nervousness, Shalmese at _the_Btomach,and VonliEuz. 1 4 ' 13;1 ' 1 ' 4711 1 2 1 MA PA' ill, llYcI iti ir health lirrolll the Honorable I sidore J. lake.] SYDNEY ) 43 Elizabeth street, 17th August, 1689. DUE Bias: t am happy to inform JOU of the great benefit my planghter has reoeived from the It evalenta Arabic& • S he was very thin and delioate, being too tall for her age, betwee menced biking it. t has made her l ten and eleven, when she com euite strong and healthy, I consider t the most nutritious restorative food for ohitilren and delitotte persons. Believe me, dear Bits, truly sours, 1..1, BLARE, 81 Union street, Third district, New Orleans. March 13th. 17.66. For seventeen years I have boep laboring under an insufferable &filiation, d 0 praved of ll eep , and so dizzy rii myself times that I could not help et my stomach wouto fail me. and I thus became a help eis.enentated inva lid. At last, on the 16th of June, INK. c was taken down with an alvine flux and killing pains in the bowels. Otte ti as I went to bed at night, y thought I should never see the morning. My.medical attendant and friend. in whom was all my trust, (maid do nothing to alleviate my SUfferil2ll:l, and sent ice to one if his colleagues, whose alteedanoseyoyed es_onsueeedsful, all the reme dies presonbed failing to 'mord me any relief. It was at this stage of my disease that, on the 6th of September last, I luokilY met one of rorfriend., who told me that Mr. J. B. Hooter had gimped through th e same ordeal, and had been radically red by De Barry ' s Revalente, Arable& Thereupon Iim mediately began to [peke use of it, and, soon after. I elt nattered , and the Ganser dmary °bangs for the better I ha v e a dually expe rienced smog, owing to that exoellent farina, Indueee me to believe that I o„ - tiaomPlettlWe ye • • • AN R, Commercial Abstraot Clerk in tle al °toes 010 e. s 51 MO. [From the Rev. James T. Campbell, Byderetone Roo . tory, near Fakenheun, Norfolk.) ~ „. DeOembar Ilth, 1859. GENTLIIIIIN: Le all cues 01 indigestion, Andsortnn !aril' when the Iver is more than usually anectea, I conindor Du Barry ' s Revalents Ambles Food the best of all remedies. Yon can make what use you please of this otrmmunioation. 1 awl, seittjemen yours, as,. 78.111E4 T. ciAMPLELL. Perfect digestion, etrong nerveg. and refreshing_ sleep restored by Du Barry's delicious health-restoring. Reva lentit Arabic& Food. Upwards of 80 COO oures and many thousand testimonials. Footed, will+ full instructions, In canisters ;I lb #l.BO ;IS The till. he biter carnage free on receipt of ouh. Sold at the Begot, NS South THIRD Street, by 11. MUNRO, prinelpal Agent for the United States, and by all Grocers and Drussints. fell -;m” FLUSLITOWS OOD LIVER. OIL. TO% CONSUMPTION S' 'S PERFECTLY Pr COD LIVPR. HET AND PALATABLE. Mont teetered rat New oundland for the proprietors, from fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at a low tempera ture, thee preserving the neatness and purity of the Oil. while! he natural fishy flavor le perfeetly covered, tast and the oil rendered palatable and Agreeable to the e. The_proprietors of tide Oil seer. no eens. in having their oil properly prepared lit Newieun arid, the only Wane where the Hades morrhuit foun din abundance. The true Oil is frequently impaired by admixtures with oil from other species of the Gadus farnily,and only that coming from the "Banks" can be relied upon as the genuine. Our Oil has been analyzed, and pronounced to be pure. end the perfection of fine quailty—tharaoteristios which ena ble it to maintain its superiority overall other kinds. Prepared and tor sale, wholeeale and retail, by HABBARD & CO., felitml Twelfth and Cheetnnt street, Philadelphia. DAZINyvr ani o iE w g l i N TH Att r atoß I -I universally supplanted all ` other Ointmen Western ing. epellentiona la , hte r.astern al l Nenusehetes,whereler Intro &wed and ta Istrltarts retro .14 the tree Secret of Its inmost teal cuigerows grections. whether the eause beisocuteat 0r B U RNS BURN & 0 SCALDS are instantly relieved oft their anguish, Matt and inflammation, by a tune)) , gpoucatien or this _nig / - yellow iserer, _and ths flesh Is renamed as if by a charm l 'lMPtg i filnY Yiltlt i Ji BERT ; Children are .retment en eeeee mimes rnal in juries. especially from Fluid and Comphene Rz piosiess—thorefore every mother should have Ulm heal preparation con- stantly on hand. It huts sore seas's, and quickly c., removes the TETTER or RIN WORM, so preen- g /sat in the earssrih_ TbsilTß4 VE t tLBII.B By SEA 4ispl. f .ANp. l sokd le Tye: ter.and every Vier in ldes roes ce in f ra. .ii., row, MBA wit in lie arch eo 14 11nt reto . 4 i h lim a re, .i. re u bear in in n at eam Streator fetusbest and only friend. X t is both portable and Out., an should ever be m is QOM potion, u a friend in need, There are thou- 5, sande or home witnraures to testify to its marvellous F,j virtue. who owe their none Joutsi 1141.11 oriel .3 blip; saving etfmaey. . wall WlRylol.l r 4r. WV frilt ` 1 1 1 1•711,11•F OR is is TIY ' q as wet as CURE t a ' , 11 kinds, 7:igir A " grol l ik r o a tinde. ells, , /cost ultra Scrofula, yokes Niaect. 401 Sol es, to y , its of S.epttleg, Co e, CanoaN Olan Mar !Mp Boat P . llloltOd Lips, eneestßead. kii:apped Rand', Mercurial Bores, Sprains. imp& talus i tenerally, Small Pox, Utrliated Cords. PRA al. Tumors, ?Veit% of the rag.° ' • MIT, kin, BA „.„, , ttim. Venereal Bores, id at the principal Dep'ots, II Broadwea. New Yor, witel and 151 Chartres street. BOW deans, by . IQRT R. CO., (Mural Aunt. It can also be o - tamed of all respectable Dressisti and Merchants throughout the United State, end Canada. . DYuTT er BONS. fay I 8 North BI&CONO Street, W .ol.ell Atell forreasylvanie.. PIANOS. 11100. e ct ra o t . k_lSo4 . E r li'S AND OTiIERS' Eatre r egfo i n e y far k e LL , ANDS . d 77titiglit Vg act z s t il3killirrli fel•lne "c'varlltt. STEIN WAY & SON'S WYpoa wwNpIPA TENT OVER-V. 4. ti ! rift Rai , true o G ot t ati . eitu in privets circles b 7 the mug performers. Received the first preg:Ums oveTe but makers, from Judges Uke Gottschall ,oAerz. Challenge alloompetition. BL.Afil di-tr 14C6 R 'STRUT Street. i fivpU I bra ritlfaiNTSl pu MEL tyo OD ra. PI 0-iORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO -PO • E. MELO I ON.. • Tir . 4: EoNs, Made DJ Raven, Baoon, & Co., N & Clark Hallett. Dam, & Co., and other,. Igtimp j _ 34,14-1. SEVENTH and urr xi,' a uw. A GREAT I. PIANOS. OCROMACRER & CO., Cl[ NU Street, respectfully invite the mule loving public to call and examine their new and ear wand improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding Blithe objections generally made to the style of rand YlllllO, also diminishing the out of the same. volqme, purity of tone, great power, .brilllaPer! n -1761144 neliitti, and evennwis of toed', With ragmen° - reinitirrlltli e l r s hicgliki-PINISIIND IN are wholly uneFalled. hey aye reeelved tbs highest encomiums. an are pronounced by entice to be far su perior to any netramento ever mannfaohyred in this country. conatan r t e ls on hand, a large and elegant eimortment of oar unrlva led PIANOS. IVe have been awarded the pirgt Pre irs, at all exhibitions ever exhiblted,si oluding_the las Medal from Me Crystal Fatima Ex i tenon. New or .104.3, eel- LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Flask+ of OAOROE Ay PI PER, deolieeed. NOTIC4 is given that the Widow of said deoodent has filed her Petition and Appraisement of the Personal Property elected to be relented by her under the pro visions of the act of Assembly of 11th 1831, and that the same will be approved by the stud Court unless exeeptions thereto shal e be filed on or before the 16th day of March, 1840. H. ft. WAHHINEIt reett-mth itt* - A ttorneY for Petitioner. JANE ADE, by her next frion4; DEN JAMIN M. PARIS, versus JOJIN WADE. Common Pleas, December Term, 1869.T0 JOHN WADE—Sin you will take notice, that the testimony on the part of the libellant in the above ,oase, will he taken before the Examiner upon Tuesday. the sixth day of Me oh. A. D. 12.50, at 4 o'clock P. M. at my aloe. No. aill) WALNUT Street, when and where y ou may ettenelAyou think proper. Tnom DIV.LIL, Attorney for Libellant. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. • PACKAGE HARDWARE 110IISE.—W0 H. would reseeetfully call the attention of the Gen e 11_6111WItre TlAtte to our extensive Stook of DIM HAM. HARDWARE, whioh we offer at a mall adyanoer the packets. Ordentfr tweet importation solicited, and Grads de livered a titer in this city, lieW York or New Orients. W. G. Lltil at Son. , SD COMM ROE Street, Imparting and Olmmisstoo orahan% And Agents for Yoreign end Denmetto menewitte, anm-tf CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. E STA 814 ISUED 1760. PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, /8 and 16 CHAMBERS STREET, (Formerly 42 Chatham street, Now York.) Would call the einem' attention of Orman; and .11ruggists to hie removal. and also the al UM.' of hie manor actors, via: DROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, llemigros H Fine appen, Fuse Comae Alumni. Natchitookeir. ealir s iN FF. Copenhagen. flootoh, I%l ' must Nootoh, High 4sat, Fresh Honey Dsw_gtootoh, or Lundy too t. TONACCO. ,'tondo, VIE GOT C4IEWING. 111dOl1Ng. NO. 1, 112.. 1, L or plain, NIA JsB o Cavendish, or sweet_ open ish, • 80 1 . & raix'dal west Scented Orinoco, Canister, uo Kitefoot. T Foil Cavendish, yore Turkish. 9 11.T 2 11L thii e ntZ " Otlore Q tr l i l ro t a Snuff. wo,oh will be found a superior artic le for dipoles' pur poses. d -Ram NIOIIOLSON, 4, :Hann (Rota re r or Ulna. LINEN and MARSEILLES DOBOMB AND COLLARS. A large and, ohoioe assortment, and IVI3LL MADE, al ways on band, unto which I particularly invite the at w awa ot nava ann_promnt•payi n 5 CHART TIME 8. E. corner of S E COND and ARCH Streets, Phila. delph ' IaIS-2m* NEWW CROP nirMera NEW ORLEAZIS SUGAR.- A i ZVI lll i l 1211C41°"41?jr VODPIBII.-600 qtly. Extra Grand Bank N../ la Moro ma for gala Di T 02 yx_4 0., m TM uf trO A wal o i Wharv, 'OR TIIE SOUTII.-011ARLIE- ToxAm o rltyt t nejtj . EAntsnins. Heavy Freiht at an aver of irirtmitn per cent. be low New To s it . c pai ng! N The u. S. 61411 Steamship K 1 9 i3VOSIE STATE. Cap tain Charles F. Alarshmen, w ea t on Monday, March a, at 10 A. M. Through in 48 YON to 50 SAVANour n—linlNAyH 40 hour. at Sea. , GA. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Friday, March 53 at 10 o'elook A. M. 'through in 68 to 60 hours-oily 48 hours at Sea. /6 0- Sailing days changed from every Saturday to every five days. Goods renewed, and Bills of Lading signed every day. The splendid firet-e , agg side-wheel Otearoships KEY STONE STATE and STATE, OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten day', thus forming a five-day @ammo- Marlton with Charleston and Savannah, and the Smith and Sou hweet At both Char leston and Savannah, an trrrasidt O ri d• for with con ' e g NS th Rae thest. Freight and insurance on a N large proportion or Goods Chipped South will be found to be lower by these ably* than by galling vessels, the premium being one-half the to H.Llneurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely umpteen/try, farther Or Clulleston or Savannah.. the Railroad Companies ta ung al ojim_from_tharie pointg. • GREAT RE UCT 021 IN AR& Fare by this route 25 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, aa wil be seenq the following sche dule, Through helots Vie Charles ton and avannah steanurb ps,INO UDING MEALS on the who le route, except from Oharleiston and Savan nah toMontgomery 3 INLAND To Char1e5t0n........516 00 Charleston.--.....*Xl 60 Savannah 10 00 Savannah-- II 00 Augusta..,..... to 00 Augusta 2d 00 Macon II 00 Ma50n....—..._ M 76 Atlanta 23 NI Atlanta 41 00 Columbus 13 00 Colambits.._..... Nt CO tlbany •.. 24 00 Albany. SZ 00 reo o° o ..... . 46 00 New 89 74 New 01133113..,.,.. 01 00 EXCURSION TICRETB ro THE () ARLEBTON CONVENTION. . was. No bills of lading . signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or punts apply on board, at second wharf above Vine etreet, or to ALEX._,HERON,Jr., _ Southwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT, Agents in Charleston T. IL &T. O. BUDD. Savannah. 11UNTER & oematgLL. For Florida from Char Mon, steamer Carolina every T YVVioride from Savannah, steamers St. Mary's and St. John a, every Tuesday and Saturday. FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— , • A tt.W YOLK AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP %it'd States Mail SDrablaa form, David Mau. Gommando and ON, UW tons Jamas A. Wotton,_ Commander, vri ea,* Now Havre, and SouthaMpton, for the year IP" on t o &Hawing dare To mootiew roanirementa of o Post OMoo Do mint, the oya of nit! GO and FIJL from HA RE and SO TH aftm present vomits, be 0 aged as Ira PM aria Mr ;Tata= bi tta d = " Mbl i the mohednle remains unaltered: °a 7 . 10 1111 W TOIL . R/Atta Ail lOW/ 70M FOL ON-...Pnaly, PULTqa— an. t 0... 11. Offirrlet. I: Pg eg::: - tg2 1 9.1 , K e a b:a 1 :1 0,i,t4i477 .. . R:1 1 :3 1 ,. Sr, (). .. 1 1 :1Vettl. heanowiltektil, ow *an 1 f or overnment set vioefinttipMe Tun, se r. dill. non attention hag in in In e oonatrgotinn tie hell sad ma nn ry toil te to sty and ann. ne lamp Woe nye water-tight rapartments enolosleilq engines, ao that la the tweet or ecintslon or at no, the water oonld not roach them, and the pumps NI ng free to work, the safety of the venal 01l panniers would be ini oared. Remit exponsen se demonstrand the shoo lute necessity of MI mod. o oonstruotioe. TAO sooommodetions to; passongers are bettered to °nion° every =eon ana 00AVORIOROO that can be n oire From New York to Notithangton or Hays-First a l l i l 'A'n e gitgfiregritiMiton to Now York-Pint Cabin. TOO Mune I Bennet do., ato franca. Templet:44ga Ting to London theta enamors ores tla mouton of ea may both in time and ex k i i L e i al i d n wia A ro U P I to O 4 . ola i rrpi ri . : I t g l a it i l iVE eafro f Mtlatriall rtl... Le toper Doe. wj r g r irgitla l f tralrart hiellr York. AKE at h i AV A its yt g . h IAMVAMOOMPANY, Ant, shla . IL3 l y, f ,Agant, Offine, Tobano Wareham. ROOK anrFRO Btstiota, Plundolohn. lans of the a pa oan be seen. ellt•tmlikl THE BRITISH AND NORTH 8 rm. AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM e titan $W YOU TO m v . Second Cabin Passage... • .• • • .. 70 germ a ge TO avgiroot.. Chief Cabin Passage .MIIO Beoond Cabin PIUOISTO. • •-• • ~,. 60 The ships from Boston ea. at Halifax and Cork RR rTo ERBIA, C4Pt• brill. I CANADA it C 6 :Rt. Laos, RAA. Out. j. tone, AMERIC Capt. Millar. ABIA. Capt. E ott, NIAGARA Capt•Andeeson AFRICA, Conj./Malmo:I, EUROPA, yt. J. Leitch, BCOTIA, (now building,/ These vessels tarry a clear white light at muthead; been on starboard base... red on port bow. E RABI A, Stone, leave el. York, Wednesday, Feb`y 20 EUROPA. Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, March 7 AFRICA, Bhannon, " York, Wednesday, ildoro 14 AMERICA, Millar, " Boston Wading, Mato ASIA, Lott. N.Yorlf, W_ednit M a t o CANADA, Lang, " idogtop, Wetlrie av, April 4 ARABIA, atone, N.York. Wednesday, Annl Miller, •' ~ e ton. Wes~6ceeda7 . Aprl 1183 Berths not scoured until . pald tor. An experisnoect Burgeon op board, Lite owners of these c h i o p not bs sematuttable for Gold, Silver , Scallop, Smola, Jewelry, Preening alone*, or Metals, unless bills of Lading ate atEllep the-Ter o T. SZta• the value thereof therein eApreaseri. or rreit ht or passage apply MINA D, 647 4 Bowling Green, Re , or -.1 - I" ! 0, STEAM DIRECT TO ALL GREAT B°"4IUN AND .t i mis hi. . ,mitA,c a tm. trams:am .40mi, ese Stamen aye_ Gjyde-built eeettelet ere Wended to sail from er , North /Nem N. Y., "iettimaN, a N, liavaag, AND Tim _stelae and_ power rc4i Bons fiteamsWp SA ROMA. OW, Ehleri, IMO tone bnitten. erllt af ireltai s MARCH let, at 12 o'cil YenßiPatittaVn eo h ‘ IVA ALT l rte d g= Ste b 7 the fil ovine go o f V t attrie li tß , rates. ft These demons ars A;1491 with. wangled sof eta oiodations issoitoi Mint-class PktioTT•ll% Th• ?gig ab=o o li t rs of these ohms are ei ntaleges oi.passagelrei t ted rOrt.ondon, South altias fortr;t4 li ag u iriatd " :4ll, oL k ill parts of By ro opi al s i t L l easorA gic I fAllitadidAhla ISM he Prete, sitil to Moss Der tot *gent. and shipped o r ul t i r & in reig or soap, aoply.oxoluiTrly at the nikr VO r rtil i taroZ i el °M S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 4EALED PROPQRALS will be received until the tbjh of APRIL nest. for the graduation and wissen{7 cf ftillOsrzglmed , / N 'RAILROAD. To Wit : Bees. 16, 26 r TB, 89, 84, 17 , 33, 33, 36,3 T, 38, 33, a edthee: cavating tit a TUNNEL 1 WO FEET ,1,01 M 0 fIEC. 30. The above sections comprise I the bean' work on tic, hue of the road, end is believed to be the beet class b work that has been (littered to Cont actors for some 11 0, being the work that is misogamy fnr the cgastrop iori of a first-blase rqed with lieu light grades over a roker Caitiii4 top and prOilell MAY b. seen at the Ergot's ci se in Anentown. arms 347inent nn to art q 1 1.14137 1 i: E . lt 'l arttir ' BoN ad , Lehigh county, Pa. 1 , order o the ard. J. F. Blip PERWORTIf, President. Ono. D. ROBIRTI, Chief Engineer. Feb. 7, 1860. feißbtaplB. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT •L application has been made to "The Trustees of the Fire A sloolati on of Phdadpla for the.renetal of altar of inaumnee, te 4, tamed dated name di &ENTER & StEIOIIERI for 81400, Sept. p 1881, which hotelmen lost, and any information thereof will be received ill BREUER, R & C.. fo2s.atufath 127 MARKET Street. tteJTrag CORN Exonaius BANE.—Philadel- El phis, Nov. Se,liaa. At an ection held on the ILt Ingtent,the following gentlemen werybosen Dia tors ofjtas nut Alemder . Cattail, aleph Lindsay. Ebast K. eff, nel 'l'. Canby, mu Steal, Y. Omar, mind A. Solider, basis* limb', taxan_das and Vandereenr, Hugh ura 11. Mingle, Christen J. I( 10 Oil l ad111141 1 1:WilWA P 41r " -if 11:4: Emy.4,Pmient . TO tcsun.Y. Cunt's."' weta i wag. Cr HARKNESS, COMAI.IBBIOIf MERCHINI 6144 m 311 OVT it WR4 v rittLAD reuA. A LFRF.D L. HOUGH, -LA- PAYER MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, Order i o so for T ry denriptlol2 of PAP R ANDPAP .R-MARER'S tdATRRIALL o. 17 Booth BI TR Street, it R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE litap AND 00,tiVEYANaER, NORM TO • htirleTT,Bacika, Muter own, USitt(itnEttornadltd... North. 0,... _ 4116,49 PAWSON 4r, NIVIIOLSON, BOOKBINVERB, NOB. 819 AND 421 81F011 IiTaHtST. HetWeep Myr jo BEL Nlid tes A tnut 'artists, LA. JAMHE4 PAWBON. JAB. B. NICHOLSON. 1617-1 y• R R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO • KER AND CONVEYANCER, P a. leo Farms for sale in Bunke, Montgomery ,1111 llh ter counties. Catalogues of Farms, withfull (marls lone, sent by mall. fef,am v B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • • BC OS_CRIPTION A GENCT, for PrinoillieWs- PaPertand ?oldies's or ity mid Country, N.B. 001‘ nor Fl FTH n CREST UT. 44droa "Y . . r4Lr4 TAUS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, N 0.113 South FOURTH Street. nl6-11m* WALLACE & BRODITRAD, EXCHANGE PLACE t NEW YORK. Stooks ona Bonds bought nml_soid, on Commission. FRANCIS N. WALLACI. 4RWLIID 0. BIODRIA.R. 0118-Im. AL" . MoKINNEY ArtoRNEN! Al I,Aw, omorm mot. rA. m mizt u ttat i o . Woutmoieland, Armatroaslgid.B - Tll.ll ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE CHEEITNU.T forwards Pftmels, Paok 'get rderoltandisp, noes and Bpeg• , either AI Its own L t igict au: oogrun t ir th othlii i ipres io c om; Wtted'apatz " E. fil. ns a gklol% aul-tt leaaralflapenntendent DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE. 1 111At i a te A Heats' Stationery. 10:::14 : i n aterist.. fitnnt n lir. l o l ,l 1... WA; I t r ttr g itlao for Artlata fa Stant.. .t t iree add nature Frames. laying Canis, 4morionn an Frond. tilo g ing gratin to Oot e N g mi & J h AN GI S T N H ZRY e t WHOLESALE ANDRKTAIL. 00-an FIJGUET & SONS, PsJi. IMPORTERS OF irAyialtk CIGARS, flo. 216 South FRONT Street, Rem)lre regularly a run assortment or desirable CI GARS, which they offer at low rates, for oash or ay proved °red' t. felo-1v AOKEKEL.-500 bbls Primo No. 1., •Lcis. 600 balm Lam e Nq. 3.. 200 bins Small No. A, aid &A eAortmont of ?Bak/WM YOt 38.10 'N M. 3. TAYLOR. to 00.. .131 132 and lm / NOH WhimlN4 RlO.E.—Pnme retailing Oharleeton Rice tlil 811 for solo by ]AREA IaRARAN h 00., Mira , SHIPPING. Np,TTCES. BUSINESS CARDS. ILL ST AUCTION'. IFIIIRNSEp t BRINLET & 00, Ne. MA4T BYRNE". FIRST SALE OF FRF CH DRY GOODS. On Frights Mominit March Id. at 10 ND clock -480 packages and lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. oomprising a general AND RICH PAR/8 DR/28 BILKS AND SILK ROBES— JUST LANDED A large iproiee or it, 91. and Zr inch ?tell Faris stripe, one, plea:Land plain pooh de Note. Paris "L YON Seend colored silk robes. BLACK GROB DE FRANCE. 40 pieces, 28 and 34 inch. high lustre b%ok grog de Primes. PARIS PRINTEIMBAREGES, ORGANDIES, AND LAWNS. Peril printed bareges. 9 8 Paris printed organdie, and lawns. 9-8 printed ehinrn Toe FRENCH BLACK LA A CE POINTS, TALMAS. AND TN) rich French black laceßß AWLS. mantles. points, talmna, thaw% and FRENCH LAOS VEILS AND TRIMMING LACE. An invoice of • Holt French black lace veils. ' !oh French black trimming laces. ftgemlu k tr s tiri"4 4 ll =ethos._ PAR 8 STELlid r c ri iA LB-BROCeali AND PRINT -I,OOODBORDERS 14 4 fine P Rtella shawls, printed and broche borders. 1.003 Scotch Stella shawls. TRIMMING RIHBONSJ Ro t An Invoice of new stria trims,{rib/tool, thread laces, and black Elk Isom SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On Tuesday Moraine. Marsh oth. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on six months' credit -4:0 packages and lota of imported and domestic dry goods. V/ SCOTT, Jr.. AUOTIONNYM, No. 431 • cusentUT STREET A onte the Natal to between ZOURTII and .W 1 pr Elgeeta. EIPMAL f SALE OP 100 DOZ EN N EITEREOqCOPIO PICTURES. REVOLVING AND SINGLE BOXES. .11te.oho. This Morning, March lit, oommenoing 105 e o °leek. oomprising an anortment a of Laugheinfe plain and colored En lie plain i nd polo eQ T U ra:.Te. °'"4".. en d also, walnut and rosewoo d revolving boxes for 100 views, sing e morocco, rosewood, and Walnut boxes. Ac. Ac. Aso, a superior fire-proof safe, roads by Ivans Watson, and cost sl3a, Also, a superior fireproof cheat. FIXTILIRsB AT PRIVATE SALE. The fixtures of s first -Wass dry-goods store, in perfect order ; ooet *l.BOO. pIIILTP FORD & CO , ADOTIONEFIRB, A No. MO MARKET StreelitmlUl MINOR Street. SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. This Morning, March Ist, 51 0 10 o'clock precisely . , will be sold by catalogue. on or months credit r 000 pass* men's bole'. and youths' French 'oodi 8,31 tip boots and progana I men's, boye', and 'baths' oat gaiters, patent leather Oxford tie. and gaiter,: bufhis [-welt do looms; maw: and children'. call', goat. kid inameded and ktp boots, women's, misses' and children's do,- nom- Pritag an sanortment of goods from tirst.class .C:411U1111 11001ai manumoturena sir Catalogues and gamine early on morning of sale. At dosesmmemet skins , e— ") French calf and 3,009 lbe Bile Mar °unitise. Also, in sale samples of 100 oases Boatel gingham um brellas. LA ea. in sale of Thursday, will be sold to close an es pieces of straw laces, gimps, and bonnet (1 J. WOLBERT 1 UO. , AIIUTIONEEIII3, Na I 519 ARCH /West. betoryp Fi(th and Sixth. LARGE BALE OF F RNITU e. RE, & On Fnday amps. At 10 o'clock, at 519 Arch street, a large assortment of superior furniture mod house-famishing good., China, glue, and Liverpool PRIVATEelated are, /cc., &o. FOR BALE, A very fine white, thorough. bred Durham short-horn bull, tap months old, from the herd of Richard Wistar, MOSES NATHANS, AIIOTIONEEE 00TIL•ttilliaT21111 B a re " ' the" " ' the" TO LOAN. , $5130,000 to Wan, In large or null IlLOSOOntet 011 aorta !told and Elver Mate , dummde. matebes. Jewel ra fo s winsit Mser i lLdrY it= etlilu a =. el frdlinT,iniesilaraidoliq:barnes=artiolin valise. lor an y birth of tinw agre p .en more Mend terms at any caber nt la Oda city. GREAT ORhEPE FOR BARGAINS. At private Ilia eplend i lipieno forte , in non roierwood cane, most VW. prloe $ ; ins liamiret 'Wig -6114e Patent lever watch, Mlle time and dent 1000OCtir 0111 Y IVO; PAP Mild linnuntiesse PO teat ItiVir ws hes. of um matt Imre and best rare, tram 1 91 to tilICO; Res gold doable- tbain Eng fine Went lever watches, bed make, from to iller• d Monied level watob l e a si t TetekeV i ril 115 to pi; open fee 1 twos IMO to i t 4.tial s i a Witarraol Lecr to re l liiip wets imel; Engle% e a Wier " wat o'hes,in hunting mum end double bottom , of the most approved and best make, from 1 10 to SE; Amerman hunting ease silver:at; lever watobes at SE; Minting owe silver ti ex watches ; ditto double timp.irterl $. O to *XII ease silver lever wetohes. Inn jenrinted.irde finis a key, from ON to iNlijimitt, WO an 7. , ; bruiting omoguer of eq r. IMO, boot SO to' ; Olpttl see do.,lmim l N, t; ..taz ems elver pine watches. tau *wall , f rom 47 to $10; open taw do., tom IS to MI: I ler quarter watches from $9 to le; silver French:eV pm at t i n got ta l s pitz! huntin asp &AM Inner rom sad erio N. 4 ...t. .4 ~....1.1.17,..,..i..= I.4.detiii.v.iNv 0 Friiiirid i de glijk =taboo, for 10 . a usaal e sta:gioss. 91250400 to lean, n me to ants pshesin cm dry and every kind of OE4 ca" thaw any other establ ish , va c e to PO 7by the atiatomeer, at vary MP CONSIGNMNNTS (340ITRD. to(Vants of yid every ad of i s soldoltot sis v _.• tw o- SU% ... Es dais goods yid o• advaa la sawn oa "Nu timurra. COAL. PAVVT. DILLIIR. 71110. D. 2MOD7. liF URI; £ EMORY, Moo No.llo WALNUT stroot,PhiLsdelobta. 891.% , ,raNT8 FOR E. Ro o t:I: I :471 Mouttaut Whits Am b, aad Coc. atonal Black Heath and Otto Povad...l7aanal and railroad from Elohnrilrill Emu, . 0 Rai 00., Pa. tott-Ato BOUSKKEKPRREI LOOK TO YOUR JL-Lintfreat e ty i Tour TL 4t7 .lalCHlrwhoro Eptbitt t e y beaj ty of Lelegh Asa 150kost -1 r o ere et the viag rerlaood wow: int % extior I, tra-• : —..141 ipoj toe, r L e UL-:•-----”--..«.... 3le .r ep i rrsqat slate or dutAng u tartif . ht li / V,I r , , . d Jo i ltlzt . ammo r NIA ole4m SW. GROOME 00. * Ofiria• la South FOURTH Street, AND mum*, ENE EITRKET, acHITYLMI N Dialogs and Staitiatii Mout Mountslfr o kaildhaylkill itoilhandise taken w 61145 W.OKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN tA -A- LEHIGH 00AL,prpievCilthit e ztlap n e ri k e li n tOUlg i " 36:4"W"ra ,MACHINERY AND IRON. eiXera. V. XERITZ 4. IranOBAN . WIL IA X_ le. SOU! FOIJNDRY,_ FLPTH AND WARRINGTON STREETS, THILADI ETH IA • wsHarcg. a BONS, ENGINEERS I , ND MACHINISTS, im Mafaoture Halt and Jaw Preuure Steam Engines, far Land, River, and Mar ne terrine. Boiler,. lissome tare, Tanks,lron Boats, &e.: Caetingv at . all kinds, either iron or 5r.,,., r Frame Roofs for Gas Work', Work Shope, Rail, So, Worts and 011.1 Machinery of the latest and moat im proved oonetruetton. Every description or Plantation Machinery, inch as anger, Saw. and Grist Mi Is , Vacuum Nun. Open Steam Trains, Defecators,Pilters, Pumping Engines, ike. Sole Agents for N. Mime* Patent Sagan dtu' Apparatus; NaserYth's Patent Steam Ilannoar ; Aspinwall Ja, Weise?. Patent Centztfusal Sugar DMA - Inn Machine atua-y UFMTSI FURNISHING QOOU. 1 - W. SCOTT—late of the gruk or Win. J • orr to SoottIINTOR'S FUMIEIR INC* ORR and Pa T 814 ?, , ,. A /AEsT h .Virel"ll l t.(l4o4o Oplicoute thOtrar l MPage,) rW e rittild reralt: the attention of hie tonyipatrond add ends hie new stmt. and Ls Dre w i fill ordir ed. or I ET% iirrituirectwitt Cis ?thin; and Cain. • SOUTIIERN OIL COMPANY OILISAIIII. • Vb.; Muchluerr M. at I 6 per cant. below the ahem. set lubricating meet in use. for rail r oad car boxes. sta. tIPOIkTY 'melees. sugar radium's, pnettespresses. ao. TUE on is chemically pure; is entirely free from gum M sold, arid RI all changes of the temperature Males its perfect llnlpldlt It dm bea u tea against a rm. ?olai ItArctic, whale al elpthei k t m and me i dereaSedjimi e ra i tiVinlag: Ori 4 3ta Malc er i n Li a d ° est:m 14 1 9 1- aa, t r omp s , jito. dieereno e vm pereeptlom, tui attention of Naohnilate is particularly Ira:masted. itiltt TO Enr i l l O a at l l a Pt e cTaL. °ad ' , ofnmerrsal Brijerus, of New orleans. loher' s hum. definery, di. Louis. J. REDMAN c,QXE. A g ent, 144 Bouth FOURTH Stree tell-Im rhandolaki t. s. 111, RICK-MAKING MACHINES which tern- MII4 Va l is ° l4rigr 11 .2;01,:iel4sa' 8. 13 616bstrn NEW YORK KEROSENE OIL.--/00 bbla for solo it aaantliotrieamsr do no DEN. t is-1m el North THIRD Btroat. WIRES AND LIQUORS. WE CALL ATTENTION OF THE TRAMtigh i l , ‘ carT i rd i ajA r l a g e A mignlf in assorted Protium oonguinity on hand.. era maim] for threat importation. .o—Hennaggy CognaVior Sognan„ London and Ho land Oing, Claret la W aad Laaffraeajaea, high and low prim. ONGCH , teappflar. can-Orn n 7 South FRONT. alladelphia. GEORGE W 1T.1047, N 0.131 Souti,FRONT attePt. Importer of Braudft muss. &et, ours for oaf. In oo only. tho following . arms othlir standard broads 1 .7 rdy t et, gaztlllma, & 00., os. 'pea fa Cto , , Wes Robin, & Co., i t vuoSY, & Op. a t m . floiretto, . Dun t & 110.. IFisin, on roprietora. . & F. MtrtOINN. pa. Renoom.T. r, Stuart sat Katt Whiskey, end talih r ot; sambas of ModeVihera i Port. HMV. t._ Rhine Wlnes, Palm 0 , /make os ja11....ta Om Nom. Bordeaux . to.. 0 ruer-lx SAUWANDER amm. A large assortmi s idA. WATSOPII P 1 / 1 4•DMPI irDIUFACTIIRRII NAMUR SAFES. VAULT DOOR/I, For Bank' ea/Rare& HAIM LOOM_ Equal to tine i lo_oe. IRON DOORI3. ERB.. . elm gsod tersis tu uk t ny o ther estaboanment tles "11 40:21A. WATSON, N 0.304 0 NUT Street. Phlladoopio. MARE SIVE Ira A OALL. sadutol ARGE AND VALUABLE STOOK iSofiles selling out at Greatly Reduoed Prices, at 426 culsTN uy Street. . _ . 320.000 worth Staglard Weight Boehm oomprixiog an assortment of all aloes. . . • . Counter, Portable Platform, Warehouse, Hal, Coal, Cattle, and Railroad Scales. Purchasers will tine it for their Intermit to call sag examine the above_ goods at . No. elt CHESTNUT STREET, Plailadelina. CHAS. A. DANUELS. The attention of oauntry merohaute is called to the above stook. FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALE& F°r SOAP AND OANDLES.-50 boxes Deter- S eottilar° m i r 80 01 ich) boxu Ada -110 icir i mie by RA y s i tuffitAin. °l " & O ita % I& & Whtivvrkv. taq-NED SWAIL-5410 b •te. crusbed, witat;."sksaVrairatetirMtri RAIMII By ♦IICTION. . . 1% THOMIS tt- SONM A.TA- 1 • N0a.139 and In SOUTH FOURTH RTIRRT. tram:My Noa. IT mtg./ CARD. FIFTY-FOURTH TRADE BALE.—T will -ionrac el du Trod a Bala to &naiades sal 01frownwa on blanday. Ulttt Kant. Cataintes nady. ;PRIM? RALRIHIT( 8P9.10. 6TOCXB AND BAAL lIITAT IC se.nd Bat - us fielo—March ;Oa, nt seas. at the Ex eharqe. Third Swing Salo—]Bared Oth, in ths swain. st the Exchange. 'lowa Bonn' Bale—Xoteh ltd r as esit POSCI Fsmillagant reaidenge. OW Palo= mg. Fifth Epruig balsr—abarah 11th. st Mon s at tha Fs. odao e. EP Part of the handbills for *soh of the Mora Was now ready. " vgrimi y iblav y.AL yarr o m An ratralolta overt Tuesday, at tria la Stir gontnbutora haniptd the oatton_of tall eat i l % Wir nand bilis of aaoknotattld ....... addition to winch we annum. on the X re to tps rale one *maw! oatiloduaa, II PaPin s tat , i fali dentran of all WI arose ;0 pA elluvirber PlafitTfl RAM IT a heas a &moist ugleldats e t gat, including army desonaho i t °ar u /4W ttlerty. .IMlLiv i r 101" Real seats an oa °argils jilft . sad advertisad ta oar (of ' , filial' lagoon ars alletild fraaaaTlTl PIiItRILMORY ka. tln Tu-wv. Mates 6th, at 12 o'clock. wog, at the Pkiladelsida &shame, ‘lll be sold, without miens, for account at whom it my concern, I onsioal share Iso new shares) &la ?melee* Lead Associatme. For other amounts, 1 share Diladelptda Library. 1 mbar* keripanti Is Library. iharea Delaware Mstall Pasty !mance Co—par 82a each. SECOND SPRING SALE—MARCH Ilth, At 16 o'clock, won. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE erf ado mrd. No. 633 North Thirteenth maw, above jq~ Peremptory Sale.— VALDA BL)3 4 h, SIPT I ND —Four-story brief atom No. t 24 North shoot, be twoen Arch and Race streets. ST We • la SMALL PANIC It sores. with improssmooya, on the Bates mad. I mile from PlentamnolTYSM, from Line-Lannaton station, oe Proren i ria l p il r rams Railroad, Montiomery county, Pa. E fiv - loam dusts paiscianon. THIRD SPRING SALE—MARCH 6. At 7 o'cLcalg is the EPOIL2I. ° V04 9 8111 Btlfa t iMAL A EIVIS . 41 Spruce Wee t. between Second and We by order of Helra—Estat• of Bonlada n akaaan, &teased. THREE-STORY BRICE MELLING. Nacre Vas street. between Foarth and Firth attests. ()robins' Court Salo—Satan/ of Jobl,MoCrthal., FIVE DWELLINGS, Aorta Tturd street— - story brink I two-story_ brick. Lad 2 two ston dwellings. No. rs/ Non/inn rd street, between :Tamma ny and Green street& °rebuts' court dale- Estate a Mary I..arrpe. deed. TWO YEARLY GROUND RENTS. RH ISA oat of lots west side of Such street. monk Fitrwatar street.. , Bamp Eatate.—TWO-BTORY BRICK DWELLING,. west side of Math sweet, north of FIMV gain* Estate. TWO STORY F INo 4 _llo2th a de of rum street. west. - 7ErAmiL L. HOTEL AND DWELLING—Frsme tweep, ecestikeesa cowl' of Fourth and Coates striate. Vl*Lhlllt name pyrethrum In the rear. FOURTH SPRING BALE—MARCH 7th. Perempto Salt on the Prituilses 7 P sees.. ELEGANT R E SIDENCE SIDENCE AND FURN e , ptNE ei PAINTINGS. BILLIARD TABER, etc, Of a Gentleman Declinini k i x ithi ) wikmPing. Id Wednesday orm4, Much 7th, at o'cloelt. Will seal. et Labile sale. without re eeee , on the Premises. No. /1 17 rilbert 4. 1 the superior Residence and Funuture. liet ta es feet front on Filbert street.toppoei to Penn Beame,resei 144 feet in depth to Cuthbert street. The mansion Is we of the but bruit houses in the city, and rerdetle With every modern improvement and ronYerdence—abeam side garden supenoritew .table and roach house on Cuthbert atet, he. The whole in snootiest repair. Tenne—Sll.OUo mar remain on bond and mortgage In the usual manner. Of the balance. only ID Me re amen. or an approved endorsed note at 40 days; reeitnie is as, nine, and twelve months, satiefactorily sensed with interest. Sir Sere peremptory. For Di I desorintione, see handbills, VP' The FURNITURE, which livery eIegSAL and in hilt-Tate o*. der will be sold by eatakwes, immediately after the sale otlie hoc.. 1P" BALE A cowry., of both the Real Palate sad yuraitine, ineluding the entire elegant rceevooddraw ing-room. library, dining-room. and chamber femi tare ; haute mantel sad pier animate fine homage& ear tains, elegant gas etuuttlebers. splendid china dinner arid dessert sets, nth ent glass, superior Ilhelleld pia ted-ware, Sae carpets, to VALUABLE ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, - By eminent European and American artiste itchodtat Mel *diem- Danesobrender,Schltssinser„:s,,,h, s ki, yen, Bulimia, Ballaille. Teddeman. f'inta. Montagne. Greevert. C. Erma heir. Pant WelieT„l ii i - d m m t . m. 0,d., Potter, T. Moran, We:elsidie, and War tele brated minters. Also, e, number of fine Syrairings. Also, a soyerior Praha billiard MN°, in complete or der,eost 8750. W ?day he 113Latiibed, With natal:amts. on Monday and T13911dA7, ptevione to gale, from 10 to 2 • 'clack. FIFTH SPRING SALF.—MARCH 13, At /3 o'olook - - noon. 411.11 M Orphans -. ' COW'S Bats—Estate of /dark Whitoodon, de- rliTO THREE-STORY BRICE DISTILLING% north west corner of Juniper and Rodman menet., between Thirteenth and Broad and Lombard and South streets. O ceased— telhant• Court Sakr-kstate of Howell NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 'IV Path Thir teenth street. above Walnut amt. A,ARGE AND SUPERIOR RwSIDENCR SPRUCE STREET—Three-Mon/ bnakresidemeonthallmodara oolvenienees. N 0.193) Spruce street. with greets her, Conservator,. stable.. coach house. and large lot. 44 sst front. 510 feet deep to Latimer street. Two trouts. Executors' Sate—Eatate of Robert 2nox Peott. de teamed— VALUABLE LOT. tI ACRESorith ins Moan barn. and frost of over Ka feet on India* Motes Mop, btu Germantown. Sir See _plan. girrWO HANDSOME MODERN REBID= Antli it., north ads, east of Twentieth street; all modern eonrenienose. tir.fmniediateve MODERN THREE-STORY DEICE D No. 9AI north Fifth street. between George Wager strostsjete N Liberties. MODERN DWELNG, No. 9040 Was West. be tween Twentieth BRI C K en ort, streets. TWO-STORY DwELLINGF No. IS Brier Place, (formerly Bards Coml.) hetwien Lase* astir Spruce and Tenth and Elerenth streets. SALE Op 5VFE.117.7. FURNITURE. EXTBNi SION( TABLES. MIRK/ 8. 81, P RIOS PIA,NO_FORTE NOASURANDELI TRCASESCRE-PR . CHINA AN GLAittswelt REDS AVD REDDING!. BRUSSE ARPETS. CARD.— Our sale this morning at the Attrition Store will nominal. besides lIM Ws of a:zimetnt seamed pap [minus, rumor mahogany piano forte. mad. Lona, gas okaflrers. several Large book elision dining tables superior ins-proof safe= l 4 EYSDI & Watson,Ahe_ iron fire-aroof safe. Chmi sad slaseware. beds 'and bedding. En:meals sweets. &a.. formes an attractive assortment Worthy Wikattilajjois of ladies and others demons of parettau for • lar xi C i tt=ea now rear. and the artWiea armagedi _ suiffraintimmic e Tim Morsung, At II Walack. at the Auction atortiir gaciellept second-hand.faraltage mas h lIIIMirs. boamokaltog, rel ear = : Me more sal% SALF. OF hILIORLLANEOI73 DOOLI. Fday D o k' nu Wren nd , eoll On eatten ri ot book' on kt. mums ennisann Isr - For pnrriculars see ostalognos. Sale No. HIS Samoa t`rost. - 'ELEGANT FURNITURE. MMROIIB, CUR- a Tainyo. On Tuesday' organs, March etb, at 10 o'clock. at o.lll2lSpraye street. the (*maitre of a gentleman deolinuts bouseltopLag. made to order or the best quality, nee beta short Me, sod to trat-rat. order. Sir Particulars in estaloguea. Bale No. 311 Rooth flereelb Street. GENTEEL FURNITURE. MANTEL CLOAr, FLA TKD WARE, CHINA AND GLASIMMLE, CAR PETS, ke. _ _ _ On Friday Moulins:, March 9th. at to o'clock. at 14 '4. 3.11 South flecenth street, three doors below Spnry, the ' mat t e heee,h e be and kitchen furniture. Arc, of a gentleman daslisinz housekeeping. Karbo examined be rooming of sale at 9 ceelook. Mir The House ix tf, gum. RgTAIL DRY GOODS. WRITE MARSEILLES QUILTS.—Just • v named an inroioe of all sixes and enalittee from 19-4 to 13-I. Some new and handsome denims. 1-4 and 11-4 Barnsley banes dhernag. Cask Napkins sad ask Table Mats and Table Liam W, Diaper and Towelling. One Bab, super-hem Russia Crash at 9 and 10 ems per yard. One Bale of extra meal' White do at LIN cents. CA large stock of Ladles' and Gents' Linen Cambria Mars. in Plain. Corded.Hem-stitoleed, Colored Borders and Embroidered. Inch Shirting and Fronting Line, by the woe or yard. WHITS GOODS. Nansooit. Cambrte. Jsoonst. Bova, and ?hall Nas hua An invoiee of French Lace Points, Phavia, Shades, I.4 N i t u lN . 000 and D l Wins 6". daily mem& fetal 111BWR led IZIOAPOIa TUORNLEY & CHISM Would invite maid attention To a Muntficrikidlook of NEW SPRING GOO Boned cheap for cash. and will be so Correepondinglg obese. Among whiels 'wilt be Null VERY RICO FOULARD IDLES. Neat (Meoked and Plod &Ike. Mott v.. and Brocade Silts. BEST p ecx BI ES. Bean al Nem Sty lee pi reas Goods. _ rent:rang? C►mtaea cad SPRING CAealelElLe FOR nu in- The beet makes o Domani° . ltieshea, Irak Linens of our own importation. to., All at Pr am Low am tha At the N. E. °enter fen EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. LUPIN'S DE LAINES, &o. ic . Pzi.v;ighirxtivilrai. upir qnailty at a t and 20 ota. Waimea quality at id eta. dated wool de Woe., V to 62 eta. lank bombazines, amount, loin, 81 up. lank edlt alpinen, &o. k Franoh lace voila. 82 and sa, Also. Y MUS LI NS,lory the piano and tat& 51 1 1 1 A N. ftle y pt l e ' C ' elrey a l l }" p_AMA tilt able Litman, In Glottis, all Mae& NAP Ilf i I NS and Doyliis, by the dozen or quality. TQW LS, ROAnkett r ficen Nets. to 86 per dozen, RED- ON DMIED YllB TOVISh. Raskin,. and Da/ L ite.. FLANNELB fine. letr-nrieed and silk mixed. MAS.SEILLAS far caftan. 6o.nis. Duman coma. dip, SaARSEILLES QUILTS, also Lancaster, Anendsle, a tUIEN BRKRyllqas, some extra good and abase. b i I iDEINDS, of every grade. Also, MERRIMACK PRINTS, ' And AMERICAN DRY Gomm, o t NERALLy. C00PF.....P a CONARD . , feta gaNT Ft and MARKET Ms. iIIARGAIN FOR SIX WEEKS. Jur 'lwo m. N. N. oorner i eNTN sad QPI AlDii:P l ould resnectfans orm the Riy i tt S?gfra i that N il in now !January li. ./ Mil "' iTheaI t rIMARDLEGS OF PROFIT2I They ve an exeellent stock of a Brodie Shawls. p a nd' and American Blankets. Skirting and Bheetint blastula. nens of our ollli importation. kmnels, Cloths , and lasinmeree. A A M l Gr a ftiartr i M a i d filLrEi. Nest make of k silks. Mennoes, De Laines. German r9r in Plaids, am Many of thelibove goods will be d hi CR UNDER COST RICE! N. B.—lt wit PAY to give as a Call. MU BLUE PLAID FLANNELS. rant Broths Shaw% tae Cloth Cloths. °ellen Lorg Shawls. t34tty 10 and a cent Detains/. 0 and eta° Wool Hobos. worth igf and 81a eat Black hfigaselthea, 38 to id antra U cent alLwool Plaids. ; t ag for bostVaroy""lllEreeres sod Goods at $1,41J0. aad Saida Hash and Orumugarek 40 to M oasts. .., ‘ a!ti vim okta • .., osalt e law d dits and Drawers.. (Meta, H , ke t , Bannon lot CiruPhat re vuferffl_ --' NINTH and_ mAKIET. N. B.—LINFN GOODB. a large and dea d n oo k c , 1 every desorintion. lab/ FPO COIN OOLLECTORS.—United States coins and Medals sardonic) at a Ina tirmlntil or exalts_fed for Books. br El/WARD C0,71/04. 48 North TENTH Street; also. for watt, the followuts C 8104248 N educe, Prtosd Catslogos of sale of I. N. T. Leviers Coal. Amercas Store Cants, UM.) 00 . seats. L J. 14,eklsy's Dates and Decrees of Ratio of Uni ted States CUIRC•is coats, Th. tares Catalogues for U amts. feat Ito- KWIC' D COGAN. SYRUP MOLASSES, Ac.-500 !Ms. sad ilafra:yr t rag li Vag alga/
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