The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 21, 1860, Image 3
~,O ir,‘,l4 s : 1' . 5.? 5A.; The jrkit ••itvortliorig. l„ T e:, Aaitilies - by iriVatiouuttk riuT , ux,ituzaTx. •• • The gathers talligenoe-froce.:a;;letter 'from; tliti , poettnester ! at 19av; „ Tanp , „; ; :tha! - S . TIAay rag*, the .10th inst.; a par ,y,f4110,0,-ritoo; urroitt;Wlttt*Mbleirbitrrried shot- il , :caoattaoked theAs Bor., at , Waverly, oonttled, gagged t and -,,, , ,Ani L oa ',M tn to a, senor iShVlCaltfb c ktPt ever him„ 0,0 etaisventtev4i ells doorrividalreheincifen,'ocenplatt tour or sro hours. , Tt sluVr t otrActe, aia pilsetiere:' , Oonfined in tholiihiLt. I± c 4itookitt;Uthinia iiiidur charges of muolet , and-itheit;-Tattioxi. Bethel, fot passing donnterfeit, ,money; and IffeKimmods, for L,Themoh.titertstariai et with the •Prlioners end, jailgt t and • having ,oarrleit the ' latter about 'fire miler; , retoped- - him. • The ; L oaners dossed the Tor 4 seeeWter t icidentiles'above' the ferry .where the mail crosses, and the supposition - at WaVerly was, that' they had, attacked and robbed both nialla, the one gothg doiin to, and-, the one owning up from; Huntington, which, • met three miles WOO of the . Tennehiee fiver V at one oloOk in the afeernecid. 7 • " • A wedding poh pleoe'in ,e. other day between...alkggedlfeeiel‘,4l4x4i-live'ltha a Yettrg man of ,They were cousins, and, on uniting theinselvoi, Matrimony :became por; sessed'of ton : thousand 'dollars . by. bequest. The donor of r.tbis money !had; upon his death.hed, willed *pi fire_thottliand dolikre each, under ,the condition that they marry 'ln the family. FIW. 0 4 4. :11 ' ND -i.'OItiiiiJERCIAL. I fitir4e*; - z., iflOare. A light,hnsiness was Arantadrad,to:dsi at the:fitook d'nenr,Sods'ssere al shade, lower. - Farms stooks are parties-lAg dell. More firmnese le edchibited in the :memos (Or ?WWI shares. ' Mortar ia laws eaey, oa ear elfeet.. for liret•Olguta wpsr and-loans, on. narletibted collateral, - while thq general dletruat that 'hese° bait yr - evaded la financial circles is grallaall7.lraselni away. , - • 4 -" - OFBICAI. BANK STATEMENT.. • AVAILIOBI Or ,S,111( PII(LODBLPRIA. DANIS.; L 0,1,29. 892012. • DaSit. ' .'...-:-" - • Feb. 13.-... Feb. 20. Feb.l3: Feb. 20.- --........ •"....-...- .....,...;,......-i. 4 ' •,..;.:. ..-.. ....-.............. 1 - 4fia/1.514,01*1-....53,233m0 93.200,0111 9720400 870. 001 orth Atognoa. : 4,141442 ~ 11.8118.633 624.684 641,091 atak , 4,37oloip. •,4.079.417 . dg.11,431 , 710.41 . ; 845,97T on,UnoTeit4l..... E 5 31 06) las thet "103.00 :197,0w geelPudoa •- - - 1,604,711 1.610.723. , 244 624 115,05 . I - Aortic:4,— .AA 11 WO. 4.311 WO 207 004 '14,000 Inthwark,-;:::. -= 074 Ins fte3,193 ` ' 19601! . 198,118 a nt i gal lip .. 4 8 11 4 g ." 2 11 t 9 11141 : itai .1 5 ,31 9 2 4starti ;4,1... , 1310,115 1,301,461 •11141,175 009,404 fan. .4. Moll._ 1,1214711 .1,133 00 • -MSS 164080 cautehttr ~,,,,.. ' 864 038 ' 613 9%1 . 123,612 112603 trhrtt. '• " ' 1.101419' - 907410 30.010 802 200 radtilliOn'a .‘. - 676F76 , 071,40 $15,013 , 86,002 439880119811483... - 492,100" 483.467 90.178 78,400 Vaty ..,,,, ,- ' , 787.070 .781,186 108 . 233 111317 comni6o44oB,lth ' - 414,179 , 416763- 115.114 114.416 tlorn Z 2038830, -: , 3.'2:742 496 mu 142434 66 606 U 0,104...,( ..Z ' 413.091. ' .4.97.099 90,117 .73,469 ), i —...., Total ..'4./.. 1 '. , . U,418,155 264.44.410 0001,303 4,991,989 ;'•-• -' ,' .' • 92208126. . ' , 'CIACCIISaIO2.. /3.4.2416. ' ~, ' ' . Feb. 13. Feb.ll. ab. 13. Feb. 6: r,,.4., t ,. 91,680 we 91,01030 9115.009 9230 03 0 orlh 41 erica: . 1436 196 '449 SU 290013 260'822 arm & • 0 11 • • 3,764.607 2,702,342 sea 415 next , ommareial..... 618000 ' 071,11011. - 166.00 161 UM 10144061,94%,:.:. ^ '802,444 766417 149.1141 lis gas . Liberties,- - 841.000 OS 00) 103.000 182.000 feut4WB.62.—. -61',207 840,203 99,81 92,3-9 o ' nein 4 ton .„. :.. 697001 681 518 ' .04.495 126.400 nu TowdaiP. . 8'5,106 608.060 88 060 ' 82.296 Veconl._ - ' Bing - 914,419 123,166 120,010 Mau. & 611446..... 650.705 MO 833 110,755 108.186 (kainereo . 0 ...... 431 301 402,823 9/ 810 89,360 bard ~ ..,.. , ... 890,143; .. 910329 -194476 207,120 Tra3eornon'6.... ' 371,001 140,132 , 81.735 02,748 ConeohdatlOn .., 272730207,,03 94,9111 94,480 thty - ' ....,1, 401,14 , : .103,117 92 096 9 7,210 Commonwealth. 293 974 . 281.831 104,743 104.481 V.4.)nr.Mobange. „ M 50,33.. „ 280 635 , 91,1 es 1t0.600 U11100,.......e, IMO? ,al 481 104913 e 2 015 • ._ • -- -- T0te1,41..,..., . 11.722 110 ,410 - Theltgereitateleampati with. 04011 of previous ,tats. merits as follows t . . _ • - Feb. 20. Feb. 13. QQOqqqaidtal Stook .'...".... 22 I molded tip liooms...rno.Ouvrois auks 10230 .%:. - . 25 584,840 25,451354...1u0- 105,136 ' 4D9 SD 4141358.. TUG 217.033 afm other Beaks,. 1.192209 1.311 sit.. De 0.125.334 ue to other - Banks.. 3 91 9 MS 274 5 0 5..• Ina 237.112 speeds.-- ..... • .....; . 14.721,119 1430001—Deo. 82 283 01 raulation..:. 2,676,197 2,653 145...7 no. 72609 The foUneung statement shows the tiondittou of the banks ofqhtlailetuhut. at various times, sone Novem bar, 1857, . , .. • , Loans. 80040 e. CirOillation, De o i ht, linv. 4,1351,21,199 AD 1,071,454 • 2,10.115 76.46 •408 jan.11,1&58.21.302.374 3.779.701 . -1,011,033 • 11,465.253 ta u t ly . , 5 0 i1190 —. ..•. 26 1.5 4 15 1 47 1 1 2 . 40 1 1 7 , - g 5 7 1 : 35 7 • , 71 8 L7- 4 1 4 1 786 ,1 4m 14 1 1 1 ; 7 4)19 ,081 .01 107 4 e pnl 4 ..., .21 . 437.50 --6,301 043 •' 5,429 , 166 , 12321 . 770 July A::,23.445,440 ' -41.407:103 '.-'' 2108203 15431;064 Aug. 3 . ....24.704298 8 j 902,630 ,2,209.010 14423,4_33 Vet. L. ±..:13: 4 ri1l - i:31123 2 : - if4 1 .2 2 .E 7 ' 1:',121:111 " 10......55. Ass 433. 2.910, " U. 452,055 " 17......25.815,151 ,6.217.766 i 2.873.453 11332.414 " 24, .. ~ .21834,2371 w 52.745 9,109,753 ' 15.098,538 . 31f......25 568,185 , 121:24343 -2238.375 ' 15.234,818 Nov. 7......25.058.286 : 5,017.936 2.737460 11470.453 " 14, ... . 24,821,723 ~4 .5,9;674 - - 2,764,358 15.212.915 .31 • 25,401,04 '. 4,783,883 2,654,112 14281220 " 23...."..25,077.432 , 4.512.324 2.879182 . 14.816 875 pfe. 11'45. 3.:::.:24.961.966 4184.483 11511 3 5 117 1 .315.5 6 11.2,11 " 19..... 25 208 966 4334.999 • 2 444,050 14.731..... " 11. 23223 039 4,041528 2DO (844 11303348 311 b 3 .2-tikt2 -1,38, 1., ..1,,...41.1.-,r,1 1,6% 1 11 11.5,1,12, 0 18 .....2 3 375.835 - 4,0.903 3.673 130 , 14,931 5,9 "2 8....,.23443737 4,614579-2,646,191 ,15 054 970 •"3 0-;....23 529.120 ,, - 4 515221 2.601,760 15,401215 Ftb. l g. -, .. 7 : 2 V:1 5 9 1 1 . . 3 9g :Al 1 92 m 3 ill 21 1 1 5 4 23 4 3 3 2 " 70— ... .25.01.840 4,591339 • , 34171,997 '14722,119 - Th40Th1h20.1141211. iitititiiiiiiiit of Ilialfaisiaotlotuf Of the Philadelphia Clearing Woe(' for the 'reek ebdiroy February 18, 180 Di eaten/Imbed by the minicar, George E. ArnobJ, Eal."l ' Cl9B4inge. - 84999846 .....83470 941 41 8109488 71 3 689,3411 '7O $11,899 CO .. 3 693 970 04' 129 790 96 3 240 82 278 07 75 ...„, • 2,91 30 2 8 ri7 200,213 8 44 3.147400 479,725 46/ Febrxarig..-- :2 .• • . - ex - 333.414A • I.Bl4osass Si Tha following otatement shown the buouwoof the Reading Railroad during the month of January: • Issb. lsap. P eeeived from cost " 203 .1113 58 - erohandise ...... : . 4 1 102 01 38148 81 reval. /co 23 ,000' icana 81 unao fE 144,732 01 1139.376 50 105,978 newel With and oar 87 Net~mhelwrith . 54 ...... .176 05 40.743 r 4 111:fr p o reOecting .... 108,816 63 115460 67 Total net profit for two Maths.. 182,480 68167,113 01 By telegraph We learn that the Lehigh Walley Rail road Company brought down for the week ending 014- turday, the 18th teat., 14,100 tone of coal, against 9,760 tons for correppootlinpatgek lest year, making for the Boson, oonizienein Deeetaberlet,l49.o73 tons, against 104,881 tone to corregyomileo Period last year, being an inerenee thus lay for the; aesimi, of 45,161 tons of noel. The exeorte of e pe eie from Now York to foreign ports. Wt week. amonntedSPUN' Frevioaaly reported .... , ... .... • .... ••••• •.• 1034,x8 Total rintielannery Same Una"' "I 2869, NV • " •MO ...... " - • 1111LABBI4P/LIA STOOK EXCHANGE, DAWN, February 20, MO- " Raroann 111' 8. B. 01.Artutga, 01411 Walnut Street, _ FIRST BOARD, Sood Parma. do . ~,,,,,, ZDIO 3 , 9 ' PAO Odd &fwe 9 213 goo city ea:. :....sawn •101, 101 do ' 92vrn 101 9000 Te2o7 - Coups. '7l. 79 2000 • !0171 do Nki, . • So — is • :1 71. 7 79 600" 1051ordi Ca1......1.5 5117 . 17 RTWER.1 10 Lontavale Bank- 71 10OOND 80AR..10. no City Re.... • .Noir_lo,l 1000 Rend'g R6O '93...0 97 200 de Neer 104 1000 Trenton ft..... so so° do ... '7l/4 1090 Titan R 93 001 achy! Nav04077..- 86 2 tecle.ThiTd•sts R.. I 900 do 89 do 39 , :100 Reed'it R 813 i 2 do . .at '2060 (10 ;......70..e- 1 111 60 Spook Pile- et IT.AS 10 1003 Of • 60 21 Pennr.'R , ' CLOSING PRIOIIR--AULL, • "tut. 47ked. - 444. - ?hilt b.:ant - oftlol magionia sv, • A,:finnt:az 191 b Ems dr. int off 9221( 9321" " - 31 d F10Ft.12,4 7105,01,30 R..— —2O 1 !And ix 11 k odo stu - sr.:l rob olds I TIO t " tr, 4 " 4 3. 1 " — :::4 31 Peßna 11.... • . 2 8 SSii 10s 92 "sd 61 '. 1 1 1 06titynese R. lb' 1 1)4" ' ISn dl offbli4 d j, 14 . lips% 1.147,1 4 1 if Soha or , rbr 0.. 11 agit 4 Wd&Thisd-ot R.aoti so lm'oss..7B orrszvririrlito Ism 30 . 0100 9.7 .- -• , • ,7,•••Piii!adelplua Itt!tritetqr . . _ - • . • , 10 Nwristdtan .B.:.• • 014 2 Pen oh. . 381( Y 6. do ....1;.716 0 /Q 16 hlin6olll - 11- 6 do • ... 4 :14 as 6 Die Philo It:. 66 10 Rk.f , *nit .10/i 19* SOKOL .. _, . . _ ,i .: ' ' Finstiaas 20-2ventnit, 71. 7 1014.4tenttloain the Brsadsttlffirniarket. and a limit business doing in Flour to sunel.r tie- retailers' and baker'. at from 61.76t0 rtit 211 for superfine and ex tra. anti 1365037 for extra family and fanny brand,, an to sterility .. There is very until ingulf). for xtirrndllt find, no speastattirwderand to-day . and tne mar et is quint. A. miser family tons was made on fermi kept Secret XV/ Floor ur dui and veiling le v it t e d mall a war at 811;31? ifiCi Irle b Ann%lhriit SI:27W bbr 4 Tra r i itattmei: demand and seared, with further small sales _prime ennasts l ,sestl.te for red, and 81.60 for while. Penns go instilling freely at nre; , Corn comarin mostly, 1 he) the InirketrIMIJICIU j sales of 4 000 bus , allow are tepOli.ti at equal tondo, in atone.' Oatif—Yennsyliranls mate off oteadtrstfiegeWbus:' Barley is in steady demand at 80 •e 6a furfi..., rtrk State, and Barley Malt at 0000ao ak htl. Berk it lower; a,emall sale of No. 1 , Qoercitron was Aloe at among w B h 2 o 9ea alteration. to G n— ro T ce h n e e m n a — r w ka e i h a v u o et and , , limited business to note in finger and %dad at previous rates. Provnions—Holders Me firm and*there fir not phush dom. ; - Kens Pork tolls turwanted at wissisalsat W.; ' of4rnan f rdeate.liales include 12 ono Ise snit oulders at 7310, 000)03 he ditto Bliss at 0%. and fa casks 1 2 .0filed-Hamn - ta - 10)fettalge, on time. ilasonts Steady - at alfrettfin for *hankie - re, 103‘a for /tides, and 11 Mac fie HAMS t 600 tiertell AibliPlerft India !dace Beet sold at ifigth and 180 ti.r6er 011th411) ONUS ditto at 030 X. each. 'Lard and Butter are unchanged. Seeds are quiet; there le very little ClOrerseed offering or selling; Priers yige 'at in 44x0.t0 115.3134. the latter for onolee. winektig le in meads demitud; 600 bbl sold at ale for rennrY iVarl la, and *WO, WO; drudge at 22*22,ti0, and lihds at 233 per gallon..„ _ . • - zrhilaslelphla Cattle Market. • • - - FEntitAiy - Stb, lea The iimi ti k o f cove are small this week. 'teaching about 1A,04,110ad, 'lllO market vras very dull, but prices about the game he last aaotad; the following are the Par 01.1ho'kiles1. - 18 Iwo Abrahams. Oh-10019*10 m8.7n. InOths. 3117.Boldwin. Chester co., M 111oQuaid, Ohio, $llOlO. 24 fituderson, 10:04.6k "21 Coots k Trainer. Ohio. $&60010.50. 25 G. FillimenV Ohio. $BOO9O. 41 1C0nn034 ,- 8/. Ilfrese, Chester 50', $BOlO. 3111 Mooney k Omit , Ohio. 8789.60. 70 A Voters. blo. sTarm9. 211 11: - Oheln. Pennsylvania, 880049 , 25 Ullman & Co.. Ohio, escp. 25 Frank, Ohio; 8802. • 87 Ksuiltridn, Pounsllvanut. Clang. 38 F. Itidothsuah..Ponns2.vonti, $3.210. .49 Copeland, Ohio. sBle9 80, • - et 'rd3triehiand, Ohio, $8x9.30, yaller, Oho-, $3559.38. Milo. 85427. . 2.1.2411pr t Ohio; 4309. N About 400 hesel or lieuipattle arrived and eold'at the Bull's USiciß, at Ovitt $7 to MO the 10016 e, as In mlalllj - - z - • - .-1662126'6 UNION 22014 YARD. A. Gheetr:41114(112.284/0 ghS ityloolha. 8I hoh6pon; 8 Ohio. 9 8 00 , 1 2 .8 2 Y 2 - ' ' 20 18 0 :11; Folt881;.0116ster 00, $7 610. 17 'Webb. Chestorou.. 88 80410. _ , . 63 WalliA,6 068.800 004 88526.78. 3U'Nimble /6rKlrk, 066216660,, 2 . 8.50e10, 2d 218984166,8erks :1180+1% - • 20 khWes Br."Co I Barks co:, 88e9 80. ' 114 81gationlluq, 00. 1 _ 81442 60, poss. 60 A: Vfornts. Muo $l,BOOO 14110411161,-114lattal01, $9,50611 - 7,ooo , B66ofiitivaA And 8614 at from 6fo 60 2/; 100-6 M, 41,166AApd 10140 Phllll6'6, at from 022 to _ • CO 41 , kaari;:oilzu tto,holol.2f l o4M7`artita'aynrotsitroveTard, idt) do , • . 4,ty raft:24lldr, at 'pato 82205i0,28th0 104' :/tiKrat4 - TO'ettli?l#3llfilitiktia FrO3UBltlgllll it frolll 10 4 60 to *H oastyA"ordthr so t , • . u-x..~ i~-~.os:a-av~n'c+~rx~++.Ksacwwca~.,.R.,..e..,,.,~~.,,.. itOw York stock ='d 1806o1In SWAIM_ 7090 2000 U lob o s 186.& 260 68 It 620.99 V 290 d o 01dosto 1...b80.63 600 Tenn be '90 .:::•... 87h 60 Mil se Miss 2 'l6OO Cal 13141.6 7s bd5.0.87 , 823 N York. Central 72 , 24.2 u liltelouri 60., b 10.8 07 101 do • • 10090 Erie Rath '49% 510 - do 2000 Mich CB6 let Into - 1 0 0 do" 72?4' B Fond C h0nd5...95 100 do 72 ' 110. Paoifio Mail HS. ;-.93 600 do .. •.. ...400.72/‘ 60 do_ bki SS , 800 do 50 do - 9211100 , Erie .R. 9 , ;109 do 92% 602 Ifudson . i;r , 200 (hint c0..:.ba1,183g 100 !dish Sk Ni 4' 60 Panama la 131,X TUN ItitaltETB'. 4enzo are without important change, end still quoted at 8616 for rots, and $s 443 i for Pearls, Luna—The market for State and Western Flour Is a Outdo firmer, with fair redelpts and sales of 6.000 hid. at ro.36ap for unsound; fialoma 80 for superfine State' 00.48 for extra do; • 86.10eb.20 for superfine astern; 86.3506 60 for extra do, and $e @RS for extra round-hoov Ohio. tbuthern is firm, with Sales of 800 bbls at $e aloblf, for inland to good, and Seale for extra. -nada , Flour is firm, with salsa of NO bbls extra at $666®6.96. ' • linals.—Whent is better,' and in good ‘ 100, "d. w ith sales of 17 MO bushels at 81.18 for Ohmage. Sprmu. -,11 20 for Milwaukee Chib, and 21169 for red Southern. Omit is bettor, with sales of 16 000 bushels at DX for new white and 3 allow. Oats are firm at 39002 e fur Southern, Pennsylvania. and Jersey, and 41. 1 54460 for. State, Ca nada.. and Western. Wnisicay• is & fi at WA°. • • • CITY-:ITEMS. A Pamir •IZnAtota.-- , Wo have been shown a verb' neat little , instrument called Sharer's Patent Eraser, combining a polisher, paper-cutter, folder, and nenoil sharpener, in a " neat, elegant, and tasteful form."' Our experlerme tads us that the Invention is very Mamma and very useful—Just much an article as people who write and draw ehcad have constantly on tha(r writing-dent. It lam] invention of A. G. Sharer, New Haven, conneetiedt, and is for sale by all the stationers. " Utimicitg Fainkr.!,'—Friday IS the military day. par ixesiten et. according tothe opinion of the mil lions Ac an example, howeVer, that such stupid grain dices may be nutlet, we will quote a few instance, o r "Friday work." Oa Friday; August M. 1492, Colum• us galled for the New World; on' Friday. October lg. 1402, he Snit discovered hind': on Friday. September T, WC Melendeg founded Pt. Augnstine, the oldest town to the United Ptates t on Friday.' November te. 1620. the compact on board of the MelfloWet was signed; on Friday; DeoeMber 21. IMO, the Pilgrims landed on the Plymouth Rook; on Friday, February 22, 1732, George Waeldn ton was born; en Friday, October 10, pet, Cornwall, surrendered; on Friday. July 7. the motion in Congye as wee made by John Adams that the United States eught to be flee and mdepondmit ; and on Fri doy. February 3, la. Mules Stolteamored his entire 'stink of readr , node Clothing Into the " Hey/tone Pa live"- Clothing store, node? the " Continental Hotel," and, from that day nothing but memos has marked his programa So fares America, is eon - merged, Friday Is the A. Goon "fru% koomtana.— Elbe stoke—her words were very low, But resolute in tone— " Dear child he comes—nay blush not so To have your comet known ; 'Tis heat, 'tie beet that I shou'd go, And Nava lon beta alone." No doubt theY bad a rood , time, "he" having. doubt less, -provided' himself in a graceful and new suit of clothes at the Palatial Ptore or Granville Stokes, No 607 Cbeetnitt, strdet. where May be found the largest and most beautiful steak of cloth ey In the Union, N. B.—This celebratedplothing establishment has no connection with any other to the atty. Pt:Tarr TRISMINOS, Picture Cord and Tamale, Midmost for Canains, Laos and Muslin Cantina, Jam guard Cwiains Teasel !mope, Centre Tassels, Gilt Cornices and Bands, Phede Cord, Nausea and Tassels, Gilt and Gold bordered Window Shades, wholesale and retail. W. If. Bao.. bfasonio Nall, felfl-iituthet ill Chestnut street. A Vinntata Viaw oir Irda CONTInnaTAL.—A oorrespondent of the Winchester Bepublitan was among the crowd at the opening of the Continents! Betel the other evening. 'ln writing home to that pa por;he says: The new Continental ranks with the moat aplenlid hotels in the world, and f•hiledelphia can &mat of this rut, along with the fact that she has the most magnificent, market-houses, the most powerful steam fire-engines, and more of them then any other city; and, best of all, that she has the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Bookhlll & Wilson, Noe. 003 and 609 chestnut Street, above Sixth, where, at all the world knows. the most elegant °lathing for gentlemen and youths can be obtained. WINDOW BUAOTR, of, any style or sine, in store, or made to order, and put up by experienoed workmen, with good durable fixtures. W. B. CAltitTL & Bits, felB atuthilt • 719 Ohestnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. ITh . VO *WrI.V7 O'Ol.OOX PAST NIGH! CONTINENTAL—S. E. corner or Ninth and Chestnut. o Marsh, N H ' II C Branham Boston 8 W Bates i wr, Boston 08 Baker, N Y J Taliorerro. Hy Goo ^ Wa-den,Jdalt Oscar DeLisle, N Y GPO Van Viet, 1 4 y J A tcsaleston. Rich, Vs .1 P Wineton. Rich. Va E P Norton,_N Y Dr flinnosois, 17 8 A 8 F Bubb', Idelina; Ala chin I. Wrisht, Bait W Li AlllllonYt Cm, 0 1 li Glenn, Ark T E Ehilliva% Ca T W Harrison, Ga. 1M Bowden, Ali p casts, pans D B Plunie.o Y B Btenesby, Newark, N J J A Guthrie, Louisville W B Feesondon.Prov, R. z .W Wall, at Loma W N Glenn, texas CA Barham, Texas E.ll Forman, Miss Jae T Evans, Texas Mist Reed, Boston Mrs Fowler. Boston D R Hackman. N Y • C C Cody, Ga. W 8 Laveiy, Pittsburg. PI 74 Hinz, Pinta E Al. Walton. N Y AI .1 Geom. A r A P Porter, 1.1 8 A Louts li. Stein- - Elision no r Good, Allentown ' G B Schell. Allerrown 0 o 1., Gibon, Allentown J L Belli & la, N J H Canard Calvin Cods kla, pa .E floe, ButitT ..I L shank, Middletown 13 14 Oman r.k, dart, Troy 'rho, D A rinstron N J 11111desinnis, 2 , la 3 D Bard 8, la, II r_Drowei & la, in Y H Dra.yton A 111, Y W Evans ec Is. N Y W AI Hermit D WO ilonre,Phila Thee Golan, Mist pas W Well. N J ii F throve. N J A Cox, 11 . J D Washburn, P. wine o nags Phil& . - • J L Mos..l%ilaMclntire. Md 3 B AloCready. Al Chunk _ il WBturvetiant. N Y T D ArcheboW.Sydney,N B Baum, Lancaster Yrade OranbAPhits. 0 W Bestty, 't oronto B W nankin, eriderson,l4 W A Davie. Th. E Bridces, l 3 Bowman Bell Reading Martin Earle, Pa . n A Howe. II y 00 Chess, 8t Coals Y A Cooper, rt Y WII Dian. Baltimore ~ 'r Goodwin,lntlt 8 Van Weckle, N Stunswick. A T Rtont, N Bcninsick Mr Havana. N Y G M racz, Nan viile Air Hitchcock, N,Y . D N Barney, N W 8 Dinsmon John 0 Crump Jets Callender, NY A P Li , dsay, *1 C Maud A Donner.lnd Col N. T Titua, Arizona E a Tates, Arizona 8 squires, N Y 3 W Crossland, lowa W 8 Itense, Vs It. J Denty, Va i' VN.raknesr, is. Albany C Deitrioh, Cin, 0 C Slinvinir, N Y 0 Whitfield Cook, N Y IA W 0 bi Th ou., &Louis Miles Tonga, Richmond a w Youn g _.,, Ball Mr Walters. Warinneton Fernando Wood, N Y Mai 3 B McMullin, N Y Al Boloutot L) MA B J Geary, N Y John .8 Molt, N Y • HißAßD_HOUSE—Cluistant et.. Leine Ninth, F D Kennedy, St Louis D M Wore. Silt .:lina 0 Shaw. Cm, 0 8 GTrmoti. Boston J Barbee, Louisville A J Willismson, R 7 CH Anlis , La Jag 8 Sutton. Salt e. 8 Plumes. Mexico J 0 Wilson. N y P Levitsseur,N 0 Mrs., Lafim Jr son, N Y W Firmatone SastJu H. 0 Blackburn, KY F tosks'ain Qin, 0 .2 Les r, Mo J L. Loeser, rat. , 813411. 5e u. Princeton W H W Stewart, Pa CT Worthing, St Louis fli I. Stansbury, St Louis Mrs Stansbuti & 2 oh do 14. Jas , limn. Balt . R H %banal!, Conn T P Plinth, Chit leston,S C W R rant ' s° James B !West, Balt' R Cannon. NJ (1K Dexter. 4 Louis g on w H Witte, Min Jas Fry. Lettish on P C Shannon, Na H myilasoken, t. Y wase .11 Pa L il , P ilsoo, West Cheater JC ii , IoaUlAri Conn W E Dickinson, Nl , - UHs steel. Round Hill Miss Lialstrd, Sound En ft W Anderson, Nashville D Luther, Reading 4 J 4 Samson G W Sinai! & W1.1,01'161440 0 F Downes. Louisville W T H. Duncan. N Y W Olis Mal/nail. N Y Geo T Knight. England Robt l , Colt, kg Y ii V Winsnrd, Pilmours 3) 8 Bunter, Pa J Thatcher. Louisville j C Tucker, Norwich, Conn .i.eo Short, Alain phis Jas 13 Kent. Mo.ile Wni HiWade. Via,_Um 0 Iseris. Va Chas P Whort St Louis W A Inedsoe,Sharno , Miss W MeKersil,Texall ) r T A Wooilley, Wash T Cogswell. B altimore " J 1 Richards. Mime W. R Hopkins. Pa A C Gray, Del J H. Edmonton, &SIMMS $1.877666 4 287 088 8 4 28 2,1E2 984 4 7 6%'4 93 613 47 2.410 Oa I 8Z9.111 6 694 787 JONES' HOTEL—Ohestnnt it,. below Seventh. Mr Jaobson. Prey. RI B F JeAleon, rrov, R I 8 J t.% ,nakirk, Prey. a lE.TaYb v. N Y. A E Bateman, Oin, 0 J “ Dineen. Clill t 0 W Thomvson 8 0 VY MU. Vivant° B In Edwards, Texu W Pavia, B onto n 'l' Landon, Oa • .1 A Walker, N Y Poo B achardaon, Mal q Pater T cCoranok, Ind 1 . , !Jitter, Pa 81. Easton Pa 0 D Rodman, pa . R D shoal, Pre G 8 8,0.416' J 0 W irrees Yells Inn 1, Bickel, Balt ii l vri to, Trenton, N J i Lfr eir a 1 y ll 1 d Jaa 10 1 1. 1 alro g uaall, Belt I 'r Beet. Mo Aug fikm^ntlial.,N Y J B Terry, Hartford, Conn John it Putton,Balt E A ttlioer, Balt , A I , 111.190wn. Vs W 8 Mallards. By W B wilson, N Y A 8 Smith. N Y T 8 Vt Minna*. Mane John Bands,l4..werk B I, Long. N Y A B Johnson, N Y C Riddle, N K MERCHANTS' HOTElr—Yourth Street, below Arch N E Allison, Now Alban , ' Beni non, Now Albany Jo H Brown,Ceorget'n •No HW +tlmnin. lens W mms.Mas rore , Tonn Win 11, Pox, Tenn S ii Dunaway. Tf DA H H Ckdenian, Kr Tinriestey covinston,E7 E A Coffey, Ala Col John ills ' rkin.i.sitto John :Worms., York no, Pa Ivlsrllgl, chile. lasso 0 Broiler Pa A vr Yoster,"Phila Hoots. Alexandria 0 Wagone MAI Creek Noiswangor. Jamestake bet . 11 .1' Stable Pa /Mull ffinditiO4, PA . „ H ofimnbaii, Petersburg 17 L Woodro , Rending E V Preston, Hartford M ainftniu s , CM Henry W Steele ,N Y 11 . ld W noornher. N Y W If amnion, ond 8. B Campbell. Ms s B Duncan. A labama A IS Watkins, Mlen 0 W dwepson, N AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohnshmt st— above Fifth. TEILeny,PI Y Thom IClen, N Y L Hewitt,. Columbus, Miss Ralph toinok,Columbus Jos H. Bailen.,_ra y 13 H.Mann,N y_ il ° rei l t illir r ( i N i a mmon, Cin, 0 En li' V 'ea kirVlll, ilte.° 1., P Hubert. St Louts , IP C.LOAr. Hiroo. Tromon H M Lippenoott ' ~., 1 3 71710 I t4l; , Y• N P.tor R I Adam Unmet Mr Rufght, Va ' t- Nolo H Allen tim erg, Bethlehem fiThommo 3) F ICt3lll, Allentown Am Doman Renton, Pa W Kelton; Reston, Pa Itobt Wurrice, Memphis W Sailer. N y lillarrio ac la, N 0 MI.. Horns, N 0 1-1 0 Cook, N y H 0 Storms:PhiL% C linll, Philo " J Ward, Corn H. 0 Sprunnee, Del ' J P Hanker, Del J 8 Navies, N J .1 Morton ...e 4imqs Olathur, NJ -,, 0 Wiriton.N .1 mum C'ffintno N J W al Polhe,nus, Mt Holly 1 W Horned. Phil. 41. N Y W H Kok moo NJ. R r Healey. Pa [ G Andersen, r , Y J 4 Hrble. Loworalo AII owliint, Trenton, N 3 Ohne H 0 IdepHoovo, N Y W Conon, Del J L Buckley Jr. N Y I Weleh Ec la,Mo Oeo Ilptett, Mau 1 W firewater Win ' . W n (,Crew, A f 01,A0K BR&B HOTBll,—.Third et.. itbove Oen /Mott, Pry , Dr 0 Treon,Turburtsville P Limner, Doylestown Outs. Allentown 13tolOpPo , . er. Allentown Jon Esbenbash, Allentown itAllenner. Allentown 3 Clemene, Doyi et t o " on .1 Erdma?Dehish no it Bernejlle 1•1 Xelletelt, tnv.llB Pi Miller,Bernvine 1(0 Bennett, ewisburg, Ps Jos Elseithert, Bs OCMMEHOIAI. ROTE/ - 811t1 of • ablwe Chestnut. .1T Kirk, Chester co, Keimble. Chester co 1) Hanna. Chester co Tan swot, Cheater co A Kimble. Chasten* DKimbi", Chester co T W Husbands. N Castle JH. 'VlTliatos, N D E l / 4 ,•Ott L Ekton, Md .1 M Illunden, Kansas James Patton Columbia 8 Hallman, Chestayeo E Pricer, Doylestown A Van Vranken. N Y A.l Jl(nson. Chester no Alf Yeatmaheater co Oen Winterbottorn, J McCrory, MnAl .A 8 Vanderslice. Pa .10 CC Coney, N Y W P Thatcher, St Clair A Hannan, fit Lome 1(1 Moore, Ducks co Jas Brown, Elkton, Md A K l'tone, Lanoneter co .1 M Haney ILano co I' V 'Beatty, Chester co 1) I ()natty. Chester co J Larkin. Carlo' Hanel (queer, Oxford, Pa J Aliervey, Chester co ' 'DIE UNIBN BOTIA—Aroh greet, ahoy. Third. P Henley, Bo greet, Pa ht L Straw:, Ittabmond, Ya A Neitstat, Richmond, Ya "Win II atfield,N Y John &nicker _ll Y T 8 Roberts. Del pest r. Liti, MAI , Ham! (1 Bradshaw, Pa . i bliss F Thomas, N 4 W il lhoniair, IiPJ A B Linderman. Phila &it'd Fiite, Lafayette B H °teen, Phila. W Bed, New Brunswick - k, .1 / 1 17, Tamaqua 0 Leaf Boyd, Taniaqtta J C May. Wash. D C W 8 Onamhere, VA. John D Haney, Fight, WJI Sayre, Jr, 114 Chunk If Roienheimor r , Via mAtiortm, liCYTED—ilacte street. above Thud. , fee W O finnan, York F Z Heebner, Allentown .t W Ti Wallace, Allent'n .1 P Nealtard, All entown • r eel 11 Doha% Allentown Own T.ll el ,oe, Alleo town r Gobrtne, Ileotown '7' T Je4klnm. tI Re ndler, Prate „Wn Hereto:, Reeding t lerrl hi K pe lie N e. i llerke no z, N our Frank - valust. Lehigh en D YOunif.Pobuyi fratven'. Donwpodhnehay Haven onWlntAker, DUI:II=4 Pa rED 'EAGLE 110711L—Thfni e lm s ltotiti). 8. Odle. /HO i aftr'asi.m/4414, tr b a P yir md "' ina tut, Villeulnare clown 8 Horettele waster 00 8T LOUIB HOTEL—Chestnut street , aids,. Third. 0 P tresoott, Salt Jew Hooper, Halt I, 0 ardmana N , Beni. Strong,. N Y ' F 0 Doushtna,,N A Walther. N Y R *own, th own, Oomnati ti Dam+, N "I (I &mann. Florida W 0 Coat., Ky Mrs K E Linooln. Frederl. Miss F. A Lincoln, Frad'k Mini 8 Linonin, Frederick W Dawson, N 0 J A Flohr, Mansfield sOboni—Veb. 20. 'EAGLE ROTEL—Third street, above Race. Jas CrylWallader, Memnbil C finliad°6 Reading Geo Simpson, Ind - Michael nnlob, Pa JJ Aphuyler, Middletown coshing. N John_Mi I er:Latio; Pa • Hew Smith , Bethlehem Geo B Janet, N Y H H Stevensk Chcatgr oo W Davis, l'ottetown ice X Reed, Lowirae, Pa BARLEY. SHEAF HOTEL—encend below Vine. W liMesseimso, Pa ar Tanner, Newtown Jno Li/Maley, Ne wtown Joseph Hart, Tlo 0 T Roper, Philp Sand nakor,Boks co Cadwaledor. Buolfe on C it chew. Buoirs oo D r Livingston, Phila Jos Barnoaley, Harrisburg K Doan, Dunks co riIEROTIANTB' 11 , 01.11:013—Third street. at,. Callowltill. Oro Cobdin. Cin, 0 8 Beaoh, Ky h 111 Ooloonnts. Balt Band Moyer, Mrerslown T Arrk l y t rller. Per C Rush, Altrntown, Pa 1' Snider Allentown, Pa B Carpenter. n Pf o r n, P 6 Wm Meson, Pa 13 Albright. Reading ' Mao A Heider. Allentown Nathan Miller, Allentown Geis. Pottsville Tremont W filches. Allentown F. Markt, Lehgnon, Pa D Underkopper, W B Drake, PI Michael Seltzer, Berke co - STATES UNION HOTEL—Market et..above Blxth. James Judiok, Baltimore 8 g &trailer, MD, Ohio HFtyer. Harriaburs Joshua Devoe. N Y AI Thuler, 111 N 8 Howand, Philada P A lotion ehileda Dr H W Johnson, re Samuel Heir, Pa L B Storrs. N Y Ames Weld, Now York Bamuel Funk, Pa John timith,Lewietown Ji MoGrath, Milwaukee 4. has Webb. chloago m Wilson, Jr, &Paul FOUNTAIN TlOTEL—Fleoond street. above Market. John Benson, Books co J M Jones. Book, co Mr Bradford, Va W W Mishit! & la, Del Mrs Wheatley,'Del Mies Phillips, Del A. B Woolley, Wilmington 'rhos N bongstreth, Tenn Jae Furgeuson, Media, Pa • tl MINT VERNON ROTBI,—/Imood streetAbove - Arelt J Webb, Pa '/3 Wharton, Bethlehem It Hower', Ps J Johnson. Ps, B Bowers, Evansville, 0 J Clawson, Kulpsville, Ps Oao W Jackson; Phila ,LBAek man, 1 snator Wm Falls. Jr. Pa H WRItOI2, 1.1 P BOWerer Dorlestanrn Joel Ratter,Receding lemo D Zoning, Walinincen BR& FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Steamship Boston. Croaker. 23 hours from New York, with ardor and paesengersto J Aliderdine. Steamship Kennebeo. Rend. SO hours from N York. with rodeo and passen,sys tole. alliterdiom Rehr Theresa C, Gandy. 10 (lays from Boston, with rodeo to Crowell .es Colima, HT 7IILILORAJE. (Correepondenoe fine Philatielphla Exchange.' CAPE IBLAN D. fi Feb 20-3 PM. The glean:atm Atlantio lett the roadstead thin fore. noon. taking a fall•rigged brig In tow. The fleet left the *seawater this forenoon. some in tow of tugs and the rest under valises, Wind B—weather fine. Feb N. 6 P M—The oars. of the sohr Jnmet Neilson, (before reported ashore oft thie 1160 e. on her passage from Philadelphia to Talinton) le being landed. Pio gee eels m eight either inwerdor outward bound. YOllll. &o. Taos. B. HUGHES. • • • WOrroationdenoe ot The From.) N.Feb 20. A deepatoh from Byannle reports that an unknown brig wentaehom on Muekerat rods, with a signal of distr.. flying. Her crew were seen °liming to the masts. ho assistance could be rendered, on account qf the Ice. This morning the meats were gone, and it le supposed that the crew had perished. A tight-boat started from Tuokernuok to-day to render aid. but It tote not yet returned, NOIVFOLIt, Feb 20. Arrived, s- hr Exchange. from Baltimore for Charles ton. leaking badly. The why Artsonb. from Boston for 'Baltimore, has gone uhore on False Cape. Assietance has been sent to her. • . The bark Cannon and a large CAD are ashore on Can -1/01011 Marshes, JAMBS Etre, HALIPTON Roam Peb rrl red, aldp Onward, front Callao. nhe will proceed to Daltnnore. MI..MURANDA. Steamship Royston° State Al aretman, hence, arrived at Charleston If al Inst. Steamship Cambridge. new. 858 tons/ Howes, cleared at Boston lath inst. for Philadelphia. Ptesinstop North Star, Jones, for Aspinwall, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Atlantic, Pearson, cleared at New York yesterday for Aspinwall. Steamehils bins, Ando:aeon, cleared at New York yes terday for Liverpool. Ship Ashburton. Croaker, from Calcutta for Boston, put into Mauritius Dec lt leaky, and remained ith ult. reloading, having effected reran , . Ship Elm& Owen, Potter, for Charleston, sailed from Havre lit inst. Ship quickstep. Odell, for Colombo and Boston, sailed from Bombay rth ult. chip James L Bogart, Conway. for Havre, cleared at Mobile 15th inst. with 3060 wee of cotton, valued at 946,136. nine Edith Roee, Hortuts, at New York from Foo chow 00t.2d, reports: Oct Stb, in the Chine Bea. rape rimmed a typhoon; carried away the stayboard oathead, nlibOorn. and all atiaobed, lost sails, Ira, ship lying with lee rail under water moat of tie time. Has been to the north of Hatteras 16days, with hem y NW gales,* WAS within 15 miles ofllandy Hook on the 15th. Left /Miter in company with. and poke ' Nov T. Hamburg bark Dbio, from _Amor for New York. Deo 26, spoke ship Monte reyt lar JIM S. Jong 14 40 E. Deo 33, lat 3340, long 9 25 h., epoke ship Zingara. from Calcutta for N York. Bark Ann Elsabeth, Nora rave, for Philadelphia in 10 date, was load i ng at Havana 15th inst. Bark Bglle, Ryder, cleated at Boston 18th Hutt. for Philadelphia. Bark A A Drebert, Hewitt, hence, was disobarging at Cardenas 11th inst. Bark Oak, Mayo, benne, arrived at Charleston 17th natant.. Bark Tidal Wave, White, for Galveston, cleared at New York yesterday. Brig Basitraw, Case, from Laguayra, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig, Loans°. Kum, and El Thurstoa, Lamellar, bonen. were discharging at Cardenas 11th inst. Brig Ocean Bird, dbaokford, cleared at New York yes terday for Para. Bahr J C Patterson, Hand, for Philadelphia. cleared at CharLston 17th unit, with 119 bales cotton, 340 tag 119 bale, rope cuttings, 30 pieces multiage, 7 hlicla tobromo. and 4.20 1 / 1 1 feet timber. Behr L &odorant, &over, for New York, cleared at Charleston 17th inst. elchr M E Smith, Smith, for Charleston, cleared at N York yeaterday. Bahr Julia Fox, Learning. from Charleston for Provi dence, arrived at Newport 19th inst. Bt !l'homaa, Feb I—The bark Evadne, of Cordon. Capt from Callao. with a cargo of guano, bound to Hampton Road,. arrived here thus morning with mu of foremast and mainyard,_bulwarks stove. and loss of some sails; also leaking. The captain memo the loss of flue man overboard. The brig Win Purringtori was coo damned and guidon the 10th—h16I1 and materials brought £630 The cargo, for. London. will he seat forward in the Br brig Nebraska. chartered for £493. SPECIAL NOTICES. ,II- FINKLE'S LOCK:BI'ITM SEUTTLE SEW- I:co Kamilla.' aro the boat In market, Warranted to do all kinds of Family Bowing or Tailoring in-the best manner or the price arid be refunded. Price e6O and upwards. 913 CHESTNUT Street, up stairs. fo3llluths-Gt* GROVER It Razzes CELBDRATSD NOISZLESS FaatitT 19Ewma-MAcniNEll, ONE NICE CLOIIIING OF TIM LATEST STYLES. made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAU. SALE& LOWEST seilins prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is atrial, adhered to. u we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES k CO., seibtf 601 MARKET Street. RAVING Fazio—NATIONAL /3APETY TRUST Co:gra:vv.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. I. Money is received every day, and an any amount, arxe or mall. 2. PAVE PER CENT interest is raid for money from he day it Is put in. J. The money is always raid bank itiI:IOLD whenever t is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is receivea from Executors. Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums. to remain a long or short period. 5. The money received from Depositors is invemed in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first• Mass securities P. °Mee open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest earner Third street, Philadelphia. SEIAMI3 N r 8 SAVING FUND—NORTIMEST CORNER SECOND and WALNUT BTEEEDI6—DODONIDI re• calved in small and large amount', from all of the community, and allows interest at tho rate of NI TE l'Eft CEN C. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without loss of in• to I est. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evenine. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary. CHAS. AL MORRIS. FALAMANDEFI. FIRE•PROOF SAPHS.—A very lane assortment of SAL Als.f • NJ ERS for sale at rea sonable prices, N 0.301 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. eu23-tf EVANS It WATSON. SINGIIII'S SEWING ALkonnas. N 0.2 Sewing No. 1 Sewing .—. PO The Family Hewing Machine, 76 The Family &ming ?Ambito!, 00 1. M. HINDER & CO., drilm No. 202 CIIEBTNUT Street. HARM& BOUDOIR BEWMIG MACHIN/2. I ItIPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST FRIIMIUM AT EVERT FAIR. Philadelphia Mae, 720 ARCH St. Agents wanted fell-Em BIBIIOP-1,13E.—0n the lath last,. at Friends' Meet [no House, Mount nay, N. S. Witham R. 13 shop, or prilineton. to Mary Lee, tne former place. BURGER-8111ICK.--At Frank ford. on the 16th inst., ho the Rae. A. Atwood Mr. Ydinund Burger, of Polo count , . California, to Mine damn G., daughter of Na than Shuck. l‘ B 4 ELL—HOW/17.—0n the llnt Nov„ 1839, by Rev. M. Taylor. Mr. John W. Ewell to Miss Julia Lows% tiowitg, both of this city. /MN aW—fitcORAGIL—On the 11th September. 1&N, 4 Rev. W Blackwood. Mr, Andrew Agnew to Mist M. L. hteGeart, both of Philadelphia. BRA I/FIELD—N.I[UB —On the 16th instant, by Friends' ceremony, at the residence of the bride's fa ther, in Abington , Montgomery county, Penns, tiraitia, Henry Bradfield, of the aforesaid comity, to Ruth Anna Neeld, daughter of James and Evaline Neeld. formerly of Philadelphia. [lowa and San Francisco paptre tenet, roar.) McCORM CK—REILLY.—On the Nth tuft., by the Rev. I'. Rafthrty. %rhos. F. McCormick to Mon Catha rine F. Reilly, daughter of Daniel Reilly, of Phila delphia. GARTLAND.—On the 20th lust., 'Elisabeth C. W hill din. dolts liter of Simon and Caroline A. Gartland, aged 4 are and months. The, relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of_ her parents, No. 33 South Thirteenth street, on Wednesday afternoon, at four o'clock, without fir th, notice. HANNA.—On the 18th inst., Joseph. aged 4 years and 2 months. and Franca, seed 14 months, sons of Francis and - Eliza F. Hanna. of Washington MO. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend their funerakfrom the residence of their grand father John Keefe, Sen., No 111 Federal street, above Front, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without fur ther notion. T. proceed to Bt. Mary's Church, Fourth street. (Washington papers please copy.). BARR —On the afternoon of the 18th mat., Martha, youngest daughter of Jane and the Into John Barr. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral. from the residence of her mother, No, 1609 Spruce street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, the 21st ins * t., o'clock, DANNELS.—On the 19th inst., after a lingering sickness, William C. Dannels, In the 34th year of his ag_e Funeral from the residence of his mother, No. 1326 Atinopi (late Miller) street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o clock. • BUTTON.—In Norristown, on the morning of the 19th Inst.. Lizzie, wife of Dr. J. L. Sutton, in the 27th year of her are. Funeral from the residence , of tier husband. on Swede street, near Chestnut. Novistown, on Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock. mEDARY.—In Germantown, on the 10th Met, Mrs. Boson B. Righter, wife of Jacob Medoff;. e Funeral from the reshenoe of her husband, East Wal nut street, Germantown, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. • _DECAURBEY.—On the 10111 Inst., Mrs. Rush Ann Penwell, in the 48th year of her age. Funeral from the late residence of her eon, bank of 012 Dillwyn Fillet, below Green , on Wednesday MOT - in .,§ 4 :ll l 4B c ,PLOn the 18th inst., Mrs. Harriet H oxife ot John 1). BMW, daughter of the of Thomos . N.loh. ards. of this city, In the 40th year of her into. Funeral from the residence of her husband, NO Flo rida it reet. abore Catharine, on Wednesday afternoon, 46 u chock. ALO o.—On the 10th Instant, James Algeo, aged 07 seam THE PRESSe - --PMLADELPHLA., TUESDAY, . FEBRUARY. 21, 1860 i MARINE INTELLIGENCE. LAL J AT REDUCED PRICES. 730 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILATIELPRIA. PIARItIED. DIED. oBiturday, the 18th lost., Mr. John Miler - , Inpie lee r hie age. lateral on Wednesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock,' Hie relatives and Mende, leeil else the einineylvenia Liqon Benevolent Society, are invitee to attend MAIBMIAbL.—Ort Sunda , Morning. the 10th inst., et hi resil tenoe earner of Fourth and Market streets. CamaeP, eW J ersey , John Marshall, Sr.. In the MTh ey y'r oi his age. Funeral on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. • HALF.—At Pittston, Maine, on the 11th net. Clark son r. Hale brother of tile Hon. John P. Halo. 1.1. O. kle natal. from NOW Hampshire. aged a 1 Years. 111J886f.L.—At Washington city. Ash. 10th, Fietahey, wife of Mai id W.W. Russell, palninsW 8 ' Marine Corps, in the year of her eye. BESSON & SON, PREVIOUS TO RE MOVAL to their new Store, (No. 9 1N 01111.14T NUT Street') Will sell oir govern' large lots M SPII LNG 0,00118, AT PRICES BELOW THI COST OF IMPORTA TION And have now ready tor sale . Beoond Mourning Olnshions, Moussline de Laicise, Chally do I.sines, Baresei, Chyme, Cbens, Moheira, lanlore, Ltertreo, Chintzes, Lace Sleeves, Laos Bets, &0., &o. NEEISON & BON Moornint Store, fee No. aoe ditztraitrr street. frr t. CHASMS OF ANTI quirr.t . —A FnEE Lecture at the Ifall of tho t.ll ANICS' INSTI TOTE.eorner er FIFTH etre_q mid WASHINVI:Ori Avenue, thin eveping. by Mr. IN iLLT AM DUTY. tt. !MTHE CHATTEL 13014131102.DE11q OF the CATAWMA WHIAMBPORT and 1,1t(13 OAB COMPANY are requested to call at the °FMB OF THE COMP A NY. 368 WALNUT Street. between the hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M., present t i ltr bonds, and sign the power of attorney authorized their Committee, without delay. J. A.M L.MO . JONES. S,. M. P. IitITIBINSON. R. P . BOBOEN, THEO. 1 4 HE, felt St Committee of Chattel Bondholders. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANV.—P.ILADILSOIa. February le. IMP. TO STOOK HOI.DERS —The Annual Elec tion for Directors will'he held on MONDAY. the fifth day of March IMO. at the aloe of the Company. Pio. De South THI 1 111) Street. The poll. in be opened from 10 o'olook A. M. until 0 o'clock P. M. No share or shares transferred within sixty days next Precedint the eleotion will entitle the helot or holders thereof to vote. EDMUND SMITH. fele-taTa Secretary. WGRAND RALLY OE THE FRIENDS OP TEMPERANCR.—The YOUTH8" 1 101- ANCH SOCIET•, of the Rev. JOHN CHAM BERS' CILLIECH will c W IV elebrate their Twentieth An , niversary at CoNCERT RA., oe EDNI..Bfla EVENI NO. Pebrunry Zed, (the birth der of the tm mort‘t Washington 1 All the friends and supporters of the glorious cause are earnestly invited to be present. The SI•115{1104 will be of he most interestine ohmmeter. Addresses are expected front Rev. .10101 OHANI. BEES, the great Champion of Toinporance. and other Mott nsuished *seekers. Tickets can be obt oiled of any of the member., or at the Hall, on the evening of the entertainment. fele etunat• firDYRPRPSIIA.—TrIPTY YPAIIR 11413 E. SORIBABLE AGONY from DYOPEIIIA, Pier- Townes*. idiokneavt ir the btomaoh. end Yoirtine, Xl%lll been rello_red -BARRY'R delicious. heelth•ra storing KW/ALE A ARABIOA FOOD. upward'. Packed. SUMO cures,. and many thouiand testimonials. Packed. with full instruotions. in eanisters. I pound. 61.130 t 11 pounds.lll—the latter carriage free on re ceipt of cash. _Bei .14 the Depot, US Rontb 71URD fitrest, by H. Aiu RO , Principal Agent for United States, and by all Grocer! end Dru. gists. PEP4IA. Perfect di • inn. ere g nerves, and refreshing el I; ir r IUAV . I 3 4 t AtZ MY. Ull i'nt i lVire et s ' glil a Pe, with circulars and testimonials from eminent persons in England and America. fel3.lm. ANCE COMPANY OF TUE rr STATE OF PIiNNSYLNANIti. PHILADELPHIA, FebrUDIT 6, M. The Direolove have this day does...oil s Dividend of F w e v i3 p. AN D r At , HINZ DOLLARS ael o illre tle . hifiern , ir i Theirle:arrepreeentihilZ on derasn e d. e7-10tif NEW PUBLICATIONS. 474,,E0RGE a. EVANS' BOOK lASI% IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF ANY BOOKS, Buy ^gHnt AT GEORGE G. EYANIS! BUY "'HEM A 4 11;r91i G. t• VANS' BUY ROI, 0. .FV NS' '- '-'11 1 ;: i g A T GEORGE G. EVANS' Girt Book Store, 439 Chestnut street, . Gift Book Store, L 39 Chestnut street, Giftlpok Store. 439 Chestnut street, 'Tie the best place in the city. Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, and you have the adventase 6ottinit a handsome WORTH FROM ea CENTS TO $lOO NEW BOOKA: with esob book. • MICHELET'S WOMAN (LA FEMME). One volume, !lino. With Gift. Fries Al. LOVE L'AMODR). One volume, Ifmo. With n Gift. Preen SI. TITLE lIIINTIXO By E. L. Lewylien. One vo lume, Irmo. With is Gift. Price SI 93. A LIFE STRiii3OLR. By Miss Fardoe. One vol., 12rn0., with a Gift. Pram. 191.28 SIR BOHAN'S GHOST. A Romance. One volume 12mo. With a GiO. Price 51.21. IWENTY YEARB AGO AND NOW. A new and foterestins book. By T. S. Arthur. Tbie book ho RUPP nor to any ever written by this popular author. One volumtklxmo. With a G.ft.price 81. THF voYAot OF THE "FOX" IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS. One volume. Ilvo. With a Gift. Price SIZO. ALL THE En W BOOKS AS 800/4 AB ISSUED. Carr in. and ems trial unit aura you that Ms but Plans its tftts city ushers you shuck( purchase Rooks is 14EORGF EVANS' • GIFT BOOK ESTABLVIIMENT, 439 CHESTNUT SL, Two doors below Fifth. on the upper side. iv REISS' NEW FORM BOOK OF - 11 - , WORSHIP. LINDSAY & DLAKISTON Rave lust published— & BOoK OF FORM 1 . For the use of Christians in the Ken. Toasty. the F s may. and the CLORNT ; or, II elm end Directions for the Observance of the Christian Religion in Public and YrlVllle. By the Rev. Jos. 4,, Bel s. D. D. limo. 'E ta contents are arranged under the following gene • rat cads, vie 1 Tt l• All Order for Public. Worship. 11. Forms for Performing Ministerial Acts. ill_prayers to be used in Fondles. V. Private Devotions. This work will be found to be thoroughly Evangeli cal, embodying all the Tele mEßbents of • living Christignitg Itts 'Embossed, Plai n .......... Turkey, Fl O x lt b leE, d O t i em /1 14 101 eY & RLAIS L ISTNI Moo Publish— TRU agv. . HE eh' NEW WORK , TDB 003 P EL IN KViTIOLIS: or, An Expo/Won of the Hebrew Ritual. One rot, Vino. 81. LINDSAY tr. DI,AKISTON, Puleinhers and Booksellers, fell _ No. 25 South Bi XTII St.. Mews CREST.NOT. NOTICES. I 0. S. M. • A SPECIAL MEETING or MINNE.IIA-RA LODGE, OF SONS OFEMALTA, WILL 1311 lIILD TRIB aueedar/ EVENING, at SEVEN o'clock BUSINESS OF IMPORTANCE. By Order of the Grand Commandor. OBORGE WOOD, It Grand Secretory. PAPER HANGINGS. 1860. SPRING STYLES, 1860. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL' & BOURKE, Manufacturer!! and !mortars PAPER HANGINGS. N 0.17 South FOURTH Street, below Market, Oiler unusual facilities to Southern and Western buy ers, a splendid 'lock of goods to tilled from, and all of the netrest and best designs. WINDOW CURTAIN PA PERS in endless variety. felll-2m CIGARS AND TOBACCO. t -4 GIIMPERT, IMPORTER ALWAYS ON HAND, 1,000,000 HABANA CIGARS, Al No. 1311 CHESTNUT Street Above U. 8. Mint No.tOIX CHESTNUT Street Below U. 8. CUSTOM HOUSE fell-tuthe-12t• SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. Mitolunes, with Operatota. on hire to Private Families. BRANCH 0/lICESI T West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL. SQUARE, Easton. Pa. • lal9-6m WI LCO X GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINK—The groat end irioressing demand for Wilcox it (Jiblis' Sowing Mitchane Is s sunrantes of ,8-tf eu elcerrfxraala FAIR BANK'SeaIe excellence . ,dHIVIA gtle. G EUR(iE B SLUAT & CO.'S te2o.ot• • bEWINO MACHINE,,_No. IoinCHEsTNUT Street. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. JAS. R. CA NIPBE.LL it 00., IMPORTERS AND PIPOLESALN DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIME:RES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, to ja.7.44inif No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. CHINA AND QUEENBWARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHINA AND QUEENSWARE, Nos. 23 and 20 BOUM" FOURTH STREET. (Between Market and Chestnut streets.) RaT PITTSISURO GILAIVI AGENCY. GLUM OPE( OR BY rwir PACKAGE, AZ MANUFACTVREIth' PRICES, fel(1-2m BOYD eta STROUD, IMPORTERS & JOBBERS,. Have now on hand a complete Stook of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH 011 INA At their Old Stand, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH tt. four door, below Alerchanta t Hotel. to whioli they in vita the attention or WIIOLIPIALR ntrr isne. mar AGSNTS UGH PITTSBURG 0 1.1..5. fe3-Sm MO COIN OtILLECTORS.—United t.tates Coins an! Medals purelmeed at a MO premium or exelotneed car Rooks &a.. EDW COGAN. 40 North TENTH Street; alga, for RDfollowing Cstalaguee: Prioed Catalogue of sale of 1. N. T. LevlalCs Coloa. 50 aerate. . . gmerioan Store Cards, (00 )60 oen la. J. J. Allektere Dates end Desrose of Rarity of l.:11 tel Stales Crone, it coats. ' be three Catalogues for Id cents. J3DW'D COOAN. RETAIL DRY DOOM. SPRING OF 1860. NEW GOODS. L. J. LEVY 45a CO. Are opening daily a very GREAT VARIBTY NEW GOODS, daleated with great MN hl PARIS AND LYONS, For their choice RETAIL TRADE During this week they will receive nearly JO) CASES OF STAPLE AND FANOY GOODS, Of their own importation, from the ateamer Arago, and other steamers now arrived. Of many of the goods, samples are now being exhibited. The assortment is not only very extensive, but Is aim remarkable for the very climee character of the goods. The following articles will be found in veziety I FOULARD SILKS GRENADINE FLOUNCED DREBEIEB FLOUNCED DAREOE ROBES. SUPERB ORGANDIES RICH CHINE BILKS AND BODES MALL CIIECKED BILKS PARIS LAWNS AND PSRCALEB ENGLISH and FRENCH CHINTZES NEW PRINTED MOUSSELINE. NEW TRAVELLING MATERIAL. MOUSSELINE DE CHINE. MOUSSELINE DE SOIE NEW CHIN CZ SS AND DRILLIANTE. JOUVIN and ALEXANDRE'S GLOVES. SUPERIOR ENt/LISII HOSIERY HIIIRTING LorEris, of superior makes BENETINOB AND TABLE LINENS NAPKINS, DOYLIES and TOWELINGS LONG CLOTH BIIIRTISIOB SUPERIOR BLANKETS CAMBRIC/3 iuul JACONETB. LACE 1411.18LINEL FRENCH MUSLIM 0A)1131110 and JACONAT EDOINOB SLTERIuR STEM, SKIRTS, of now forms. A (rent variety of now articles for irentlemen'a use MOURNING GOODS, in all the new articles manufactured FOR SPRING finolt SOD AND till CHEST NUT STREET LAST DAY IS FIXED FOR SELL- R hral: oub Ent g tt:T I LIN ft Stogie. or Sold. 011171:4n ZEPHYRS. De. AT IS CENTS PER OUNCE, The Im u re °nowhere Leon° 2° cents por ounce. l. who eacure en issiornnent for future uee wtlt do well. SI A XWEINB. fel/ tf f ELEVENTII and CII etITNI/f rite. E A I, OAS II MERE KNITTING ZEPHYRS. in double, reels, or eplit, ere offer ea. (or the present • at THE SAM h: PRICE AS THE. IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OF ZEPHYRS ARE Sold eleeir here. Ili ceme ear (a. J. O. MA 771 WELL k SON, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS. AND ZEPHYRS, leap -if if ELEVENTH nod CIISSTN VT, FANCY DRY GOODS. BURNETT. SEXTON. &I S WEARINGEN' (matters of FANCY GOODS. ENOLISII AND GERMAN 1108INRY. MEN'S FUSNISIIINO GOODS. LADIES' DRESS TRIM MINUS. SKIRTS-BA*o'nd Wool. Zephyrs, and VARIETIRS. No. 41w maim= oTREET. (els tmr3 STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW SICIET, THR t , BELLE OF THE SOUTH," The mold Pease. and Beautiful Skirt 'Ter amtueed MADE WITHOUT cum's, and warranted not to get out of order, in 0, 11, 15, 20. 23, 30. 35, 40, and 50 1100P0, EVERY LADY IS REQUESTED TO EXAMINE THEM BEFORE PURCHASING OTHER MAHER. VVholegede Deniers iruorlied by DOUGLAS A SHERWOOD, 61, 63, and 65 WHITE Street. feledm NEW YORK. HDUHUINGt Bo CO., • ROL 96 mid 119 NORTR FOURTH STREET, Are now FeFFlFiag, by stmesoiyo arnrate how Bu ms), their SPR,ING IMPORTATIONS OF ENGLISH AND UERMAN HOSIERY, ULOVKS, AND SMALL WARES, Meahine Swains Silk and Thteut—and edited as lii- NDE.otiota or their oPmplete awl well•Lesorto . s stook— ISPHCIALLY ADAPTED TO 60IITILERN AND EBTLE6 TRADE. 604111 NORTII PENNSYI; 411 11}TAI A M 0101 T. ". ArArProT,o3lfily9Mx,.. B Tilfitglitr_._ . ". On an/ alter A b orent,:ur 7th 1339 g llio a l; l ltriAniials a e n a d "*.ti• lot Bethlehem ,A.lent.4p P MO*, Balleton, tho, lntresa,) at 9.30 A. M. For Bethlehem. lExpreu.) atM. and 3 P. M. For Doylestown. (Aooostutiodahond at 8.40 A. M. and 4 h e r l. Port VbingtondArmornmodationj at P.M. T FON PHII.ADBLPRIA Leave Peth ahem, (Estpreu,/ at A. M. and 4.1(1P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Aoooltuntidatlon,) at y A. M. and 3.00 P. M. Leave Fort Washingto to sty, A.M. ON Bail DAYS: rladelphla for Fort milli ngton ,at 9.53 A. M. hiladelphis. for Doylestown, at P. M. yle Washin gto n Piladelphia, 443 A. . root fo hiladelphia, at 8.40 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, 1.80; to Mauch Chunk, .140; to Keaton. 814): to Doy les town, Eßeenta. Through dokets must be procured before eateries the cart. Ali Yanonger Trains (emopt Sandal' Trains) eon neot at Berk; 'treat with Fifth and Birth-streets, and Second and Third.streato Passenger Railroads. n 1 ELLIB CLARK. Agent. [859. ,A# Moo 1859. WINTER ARRANGEMENT—NEW 'OR/f LINES. TUE CAMDFN AND AMBOY AND DELLIJIA TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LEVES. OM r_RILADELPRIA TO NEW IC A.ND WAY-PLACES. YAM( WALNUT-STRAIT %VILA*/ Atill YINIINOTOtto VVIII leave as follow", via At AA. M. via Camden and Amboy, Cain. is Am. Amioniziodatlon , 0 2 13 At A. via Camden and Jersey EitY.(7itew Jersey !A cc0mm0dati0n............ —..... SI At 0 A. Ni,. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning blrul . . 3 00 At 115: — A — ..f1.7;17(iCenaingiOn — icia — iet - ;;;; . Weate ..... 190 At IN P. M., via Camden and Amboy. Anoommo dation......... , 2$ At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Ex press 11 00 At Of, yrat., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening _Exsss.- At (I C P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Id .. 311 At 6 P. M., via Camden ti.AC y C Joneity — E Evening Mail 3 00 At II l r. Ni., bliiiiden and Jersey oliy7Glifiiii; . . At 3 P. . (freight and Paesenger)—lat Llaasi Ticket..._... 33 ad Class Ticket....... 1 f/0 Tins M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 P.M , 0 11111- aril Mall, daturday!! exosete d. fr or Belvidere. bitaton. Fleminggon. kn., at 11 A. M. from Walnut...treat wharf. and 3P, M. from Remington. For blauali Cnung, A116130%111, and liothlehein, at 6 A. IM., _vie Lehigh Valley Railroad. gor Water Oap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkesbarre, Montroee, Great Send, he., at A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For hlouutllolly. at 6 and 9A. M. and and P.M. For Yreetio d, at 6 i si...l9,.and_q, M. WAY LirtEB For Bristol, Trenton, ico, at 3 and 4 P. M. from Ken. eington. For Palmyra. fiverton. Delano°, Beverly, Darlington, Bordentawn, &a., at 12%, 8, and 4% I'. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed eaoli piursenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their 'wearing apparel s All baggage ,over fitty Pouride to be paid for extra. The oompany limit their responsibility foriniagage to one dollar par pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond .1100. exoept by special contract. WM. It GATZMER. Agent dr, Camden and Amboy R. R. Cm_ l ailge Pl l I AADP A ' ROAD, MORN ( r A o N r FO A IILL2, REA. I a end iARRIBLURG, Leave' the pew Depot, et corner of BROAD end CALLOWHILL hitteete, (entrances op Callowhilld et TS) ht., DAILY, Flundele exheetett,) for POTTB VILLA., HARRISBURG, and all intermediate point,,_ connecting at Harrisburg ,with trains running to rats' burg, Cbambereburg, Carlude,_Hunter i i, AFTERNOON LINF. o. Leave at 320 P. AL, .DAILY, for TTBVILLE and HARRISBURG. At 4.30 R. hi ,DAlLY,(Bundaysexoepted,)for READ MO, and intermediate points. , W. H. MoILHENNY. Reoretavv, NOTICE. ---UIIESTER INARENRVAI,I,I4Y R AILROAD-PAS SENDER IRA 'NB F DOWNINOTOWN i SND lII TERMED ATE STATION/S.—Ostia alter at Opoem her, UM, t a Passenger Trains for DOWNI OTONyN will start frowthe new passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD an ? i A t LL?W RILL Streets, (passenger en trspeßeNe/na TRAIN for Downingtown, leirsa at FA A. .._ AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, kayos at SAO P, Pl. DAILY (Rundaye exempted.) )y order of the Board of Managers of the Philadelphia ild Reading Rellrond ComDany. 4 air U kieTFAIVNIVV •••••••••• THE LARUEB T ASSORTMENT ON' etereoseopioirstrnmenot, Views. &0.. in the cite nen be found nt R ROM n'ri Celery, NECOND Street, ?know , Green. (In'l end examine the assof tment end Judge for yourself. It • GE E —Choice Herkimer County ‘... 1 Cheese. pine apple end Pop Flo Cheese. Supe rior Goshen Butter. Eastern Mar et Cheese Sts lid. lei 6t BLOC MB to ammo'''. THIBBATREBT JOBBING BOMBS 1860. • SPRING. 1860. FRESH GOODS. RIEGEL. BAIRD. & iMPORTERS AND ADDERS OP FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. NO. el' N. THIRD BTREHr. (PHILADELPHIA. Would rogyikilfully Invite the attention of Country Merchants to their LARUE AND WNW...SELECTED STOCK OF FRESH SPRING GOODS, Which they &renew receiving In Store. trir Morohanta would 6.1 d it to their tdritn(g44l to oall end examine our stook. (413-3ei 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. WAY & 00., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER UI FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. SIB NORTH THIRD BT.. Are now ?Mir for the SPRIN G TRADE, And prepared to offer, to Cain and prompt eitt• months Buyers, one of the LARGEST Aso MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCKS In the country, and at Priest teat mill rrary tompoti not only in this, bat In any other oar. Purobasere will And our Stook well assorted at all moons of the 711114. 1 ; 4 1 t i. v . Az ly. / 1 , 63.3 m 17•/. 5. DONLAIs CIO. T. "AT. 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860. BUNN. .RAIGUEL, /fa CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN ?FANCY DRY GOODS. 13T NORTH THIRD STREET, Are prepared to exhibit at their sahteroome th. moot complete stock of goods ern offered by tbern, preeent leg unusual attractions to the trade generallY.l The stook comprises a oomPlete assortment of scary yanety of SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, , EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS„ CASSIMEKES AND VESTINCI3, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND TRIMMINGS. A 1.,, a full end general easortment of Bering SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. To all of which they kens the attention of eL9II AND PROMPT BIX•MONT(I8 BUYER& H. M. BUNN, V. C. RUSH, H. R. RAIOURL. W. W. KURTZ,. H. F. BUNN. • re LI 1m y ARD.GILLMORE. &CO. NOS. 40 AND d NORTH THIRD STREET. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN - SILK •!1D FANCY DRY GOODS. 'WHIM GOODS, LACES, LINENS. EMBROIL/E. RIES. HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND 1,4-3 co SHAWLS. ANSPACH. REED. & CO., WHOLESALE DIALERS IN DRY GOODS. NO. 130 NORTH THIRD STREET. IC01:111 TIMID A:ID Cllllll PTA,/ PHILADELPHIA. AnsrAcat,Ja., Clll.l. E. AIIIPACII. Amaracet. IAD. M RIND, DAVID N. SWAM fw3-31a micron cuornii. wx. M. PARHAM. ROB?. D. WORI. COOPER, PARHAM, k WORK, IMPORTERS. MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS 71F HATS. CAPS. • AND STRAW GOODS. NO. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET. Cr Constantly on hand a large aasortment_or Straw and Lew* Sonnets. Panama. Lae horn, and Palm !Aar Eats, Bonnet Trimming., Artificial Flowers, Ruches kn. re3-3m FAUST, WINEBRENER, & CO.; mfroßrExs AND IVIIOLESALE DEALERS Ia HARDWARE, NO. 41,1 NORTH THIRD STREET, .a.ho d a _er Market, pew Brown &one &ore, emoted on the Ol m t. PHILADELPHIA. DAME, PACIt. 111. (*AMR. FIAZELL a: HARMER. MAN UFAOTURERR AND WHOLESALE DEALIRO nt BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 128 NORTH THIRD STREET. A till roortment of Qt, mods Boots and atom con dual, on hand. slO-tl LAING as MAGINNIS. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in IRISH, ENOLISII. AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS; FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTINA. SHOE' MANITFArTURER.S" ARTICLE.S: Fir WING MACHINE 8/Lad, THREADd, COT TONS. NERM SOL RS, E AGENTS FOR Gurney's oelelrated IX L Machine Silk, and DaLehr§ Patent Boot N o N 0.30 North THIRD Street. fe34na SOWER. BARNES. & CO.. BOOKSELLERS PUBLISHERS or PELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS. EMMONS' GEOLOGY. BROOKS' NORMAL ARITLIMETICEI, SANDERS' READERS, &0.. No. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET, (E&.t aide, 6JIOII, Ares Htreat.) 103 3m TO 31 FBO II ANTS BUYING OIIr CLOTHS AND WINDOW 811ADER. 13LAI3ON 455 SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL-CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We Invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAOB OIL CLOTHS, OREEN OLAZ D O.L CAMBRIC, a beautiful artiole for Shades. The 'meet stook of WINDOW MADER and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at armee which defy competition. 43 3m JAMES. KENT. SANTEE. & GO, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, NOB. 930 AND 241 NORTH WIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, ReirsoduilT invite the attention of buyers to their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF • FOREIGN AND DOMESVC GOODS, Among whioh 'mil be found full lines of BATES' MILLS AND _YORE COMPANY'S COT TONADES, Also, a LARGE VARIETY Of New and confined Styles of PRINTS. MERRIMACK SECONDS, ¢e. fe3-im HENDRY & HARRIS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. DONNER THIRD AND ARCH MEETS PHILADELPHIA HATS AND CAPS. HOOPES & DAVIS, No. Aff MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, SILK, cessimEns, STRAW, AND PANAMA HATS. OAPS. BONNETS, BLOOMERS, RUCHES, PALM & WILLOW HOODS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &e. We reereetfully invite the attention of cash end u to nmet-paying buyers to our large and well-selee in ted sol:. felt S COLUMBO ROOT—For sale by MITRE- Wm RILL . & DROTILEIR, a and 0 North REC OND Vl3 WANTS. —WANTED —By & Young $59 0 00. Mao. int 6 from Asa siethoossod dollsre, an opportacoty to On MO 111 A silts blames& Address, names business, "8. R. this sites. 1411.3 t. ACT IV E, INDUSTRIOUS 1 1000 Agents wanted. t All Tare of "felted Saves. t whn'aeOe and retell new and useful patented arti cles; profit [Mee. and Guatneen a:entraps. Opale are drawable, end wJI sell to ever, beds. address. Ina, Ph J. J. 111116 LE & CO.. Km 211 WALNUT Street. Phtladelphsa. renege. tela3t• WANTED—By an actrre young man. a • • satiation ins Wbasalks Stars as an Assistant Clerk. Would to willuss to maks himmlf sci.rsity timers) to his employer. Address" E. L.." at llas °Sot. fait •4t4 FOR SALE AND TO LET ' HERR'S HOTEL FOR RENT.—The Plootiettess of the stove yell-town Rotelsrlebes to retire. end offers the Mot•) for Feat The farsitars WI be sold, or rusted also. For parsealats. addrew fql-lm 1. G. HERR Horruitrarg A RCII•STRkET PROPERTY FOR SALE. 4.--Ths Store add Dwelling No. 211 Arch strut. 'reread easy. agply to WILLIAM Y. ALLEN. So. us ARd it Street tell ft • AN COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC CITY MR FOR 8 ALE.—Foet Cotteuee. t Itt u rP" ..ll . d - !tee the last mom. by the C. sod A. Cooping, to sea Ism Ist in hes spending the lemon at rhie delightful wspertng place. Forpertmelers app{ to JOHN army T. it tehitoet. to WA rt treet. or ISAAC LLOI, D.kreretar T. fell -0. Cooper Pores. N.J. _ JUNES' BOTEL— PHILADELPHIA The limas and furniture or this noted Rout are for sale at a crest bargain. The furniture *musty new, hiving been gut in within a year, and the loose sow dome a raccewfut basinesa Joint , . of D. NI riTIUSR, iq the Hotel, or of P.O. Betti A. No. 1.5 MURRAY St., IS. Y. fett-tf FOR SALE—Ten acres of LAND. on FIBRES:B loco. attioesot to Staten on O ot w Pomo tqlvOn Floalloo4, Imo soles from tie oat); Moo* loser on it; could be improvitd sou to plait odoesnibin ; prtoo 117.1K0. Aptly to 414-1.7 t JOH 1. N 1101,111 AN. wALPttrr tl*Ot. POR SALE-THE BROADWAY FoUNDRY AND MACILLNE-ISHOP, BT. LTA& Miamian, ESTABLISHED IN ISIS. This long-eetabl imbed and yell known Pouadry is of taped for Bale on accommodation tonne. none the lest *Antral month the fladdUtts hero al been rebuilt. In the moot approved modern so le. and new machinery' added. matins. the most ecimplete so td taoinment of its pile in the Western eountri, The Foundry Building in 90 Dr 66 fest. aad formalued wtth Cranes. Cupola. Core Owen. to.. •0.. • earnplete. The blaociao Photo to /10 by 10 . fe a s . t a g o rn i sad onstialf `4'nEru%l. found in b.“ for dmag a general Mesdnaory hamster. The clock of Patterns le the largeet and most milgeNs 14 the oity of Et Lows. Fluke. I *lats. to— akoot Rani. anon shop. Pottandry. Maeldne laton. mid Dodo , Yard in abundance.. A most 'salient opportunity le aired for two Wrres trammel meebanies. with a amial amonst of Lam. to emhsrli in • well es abliabed MA31111444/I eg bNuooa Pot pe runnier* address. st y at feJ-ImtfCUDD . CARPENTER. It CO. in TO RENT FUR A TERM OF YEARS Raoul Dorn and Learn. w. l Icwataa t Iva Z 844. • . A MIL Te try PI feet, three stories high. enth welsh and wtaito lot •enyilat and •hi A Dye House. 40 by Si teetovith good water for et ries, Dag plenty of dry roam. 4 This property la Fisher's Igoe. pear the Otinmaatove Railroad. being so very aooestable to the aity, makes Ls very deal made. Atply THOMAS FIMR. jaXt.rf nitwit's Wm. putt SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Chriausa aid Tirenthotk eztots. kooto. rultablo or churl' or Upton' mirk !of tonpa attn.!. tiss o 0.. Isit- et fa- TO TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK /113 ERS,—FOR 13 LT , . Tho *Miro stock to trids of the Into osEett F 6 HOCK, com onion; as ''sort. moot of Tin and Poiret Iron Wsn. stones. Restore, eirrutsnooto, ho ninth the tools and iItUNII O Ste fir and work.hopo. Also. to root. the Elton' and trvellins. An opoortrin.ty 111 no. offered to •Oeuf• the boon,. of this ..ld entribt,shod used. srbiek hos over ird for rocs/ leers a Isrg• share of the pstrunsite of tae *alp- Pi es intoroot of Yht 'dolphin. Pot tern s. to3uirs 'tithe hiroutor s. at this OW Stand. NOS. 343 and 31i /South FROG P Ptroet. 1414 ntathrlt FAOTORY LOT FOR BALK—A Talus bid earlier bt it f t.o•ua. harms LLt.. Natl. admirably loosted fora'tory Nu. it to attest.. is eouthweetere part p the Olif • in • rapidll.taa proving juitghborttaxt. It will pe .014 Oa MUM. G. WM. For partioslars, alibied* "1[.." aloe ni 1111-ti Pros. 110USE+ TAVERNS, and STORES, Bfft. Real )4t4to of PY•ry &script= tot ale or to riot. Aped to max Awes. isl .4 ti t e me 12 ro.roy A Co-' i ""r 4 AU order* ort!I ha promptly attoortal to. Eput m Frooda. Lad Immix' spot... COU‘OIOI of 0 s GIL ati4ett BOARDING. A FINE ROOM VACANT ON TUE Sr• c.nd ft, ,or, 'nth board. at U 33 WALNUT Stmt. NM 60 REMOVALS ENIOVAL.----SMALL & CIIANDUIR, WIIOI.I.IBALY. GROCER..d•re Timor-ea trots 44 Montt ek.COND Street. to 11:I IIAILLET Street, •bore Frost. north side. 11.3 EDUCATIONAL. NEW METHOD OF ALEC WOLOWSHI. L X —Mr ALEXANDER WOLOWSEL Pianist and Composer. hnuorachs member of tae principal Phil harmonic tinsmiths. of Europe, ko.• ban arrived from Paris. and opens a soars. of Lessons by hie extrema, nary meihml, which h•• prtiduced the greatest ger ..tjon Vi Europe for Pinging mid the Piano Porte. BI Mr. method a cation itsval4 ugly a slight knowledge of moue will be •n•hled. in a very abort time. to real music with greet facility, and at the maw time execute Operatic em well no Cruelest Mos e with • fare .IPer. rettion, minks them au • to woodman, thesesitives. from eery to-e. by a new march of tortuous. As to the vocal Pert. he hoe Proved. by the great samba, of musical stars that he boo brought out [...fore the Eu ropean pubic. that, be his war of vocalisation. be ar rives at most extnsordinary results. renders the voice powerful and the singer a enabled to vocalise the most dilEoult rariangee with the [nation facility, riemracy. and the quality of tone. Mr. W. *di give a Course of Le•sotdi in Philadelstra. and all primes who desire to become artists, good maggave. or jest rate emotion , can ands at his residence. 'No. IR11_:W set WASHINGTON SQUARE. second doer bPkW W.Lleat street every day, precisely from Id toll A. Al. res-4; WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. SILVER PLATED WARE Of the fineat itothty. at L'FaLl CURERS' PRICKS. J. S. JAKPRN A BFLO , filast FICStRIRII A D Have mtsr on hand an elation !noel Cl first class Goods in their line. at their new store. TO 1u >. 21 eIIFZINVT STREET. A full assortment I , f Jeretry.fitlyersata. and Table Cutlery conntantly on hand. SAMUEL. W. !NITER. fell.tuths-301 Burinattfrd•at. PRATT & REATH. N. W. OORNER FIFTH AND MARXET BTREETS, INFORTEIN 0 WATCHEN. JEWELRY, PLATED RARE, he., he. fe3-]m SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON do SON /obits inpooiod abandon to their stook of etwrn, WARE. wtuolt is now unusually large, affording • vs nety of Innen and design Insitresued by Loy buss the United Owes. and of liner quality that is =neu tered for Carlo nso an Aar part of the world. Chu Standard of Sneer fa OWIOOO party pure The English Sterling 915400 Arinfigin and French 900-1000 Thai tit will beetle:l taet We give thirty • h he earth /wet thin the MIMIC= aid French oath. and tee rim Pant than the English etaling. W. melt all oar eye Sliver. and vo osmium the anahty as above (Wi). wkosh la the flaw that tee he man to he serviceable, and will resist the action of ooldo muck bona Mao LW whi st, &kw suouVestor“. Wit. WILSON & SON, LI. W. CORNEA 111TH AND OHIRRT 818. R.ll.—Aay icemen of 811ut mansfseturiel u AMU Lyon. bet positively WOW Worts* io Audi rug inert. oul44ltd. Dealers segelied with the same standard ad ase4 to ni retail department. Floe All►er Ban. 01 - 41:13 }Lite PM. •011 4 / 6 1:1117 as amid. sa.ld4ot STATIONERY. SPRING TRADE WM. F. MURPHY & SONS. PRACTICAL %%ROYAL TTRIRT OP BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERS. Argo PRINTER:S. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL No. 939 CHESTNUT STREET. foo-tIVIT WHOLESALE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT. HUNTER. & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS • WIWI:UAL 4 SALEM IN OLOTH.ING, 494 SILRILET Street, and 419 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. A full and complete line of every style and alarm of machine-made Clothmt, fitly Imusl to that mantaa tared In any other cut:. fe3-1m COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS! IVORY TYPE B. DAGUISRREOTYPE 3 : MOOLEES', NO. age , CHESTNUT STREET, Below Seventh (await/ Jayne's Hall). $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $1 Thou who desire a retlly splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should oall at this THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND MOST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH OALLERY IN TUE STATE. Copies or DAGUERREOTYPES or Arnbrotmls. of any use, finished in exam(' OIL, WAT2I-UoLOI, PMITIL. or as iVORSTTPES. dl-3m cuIogERING & SONS, MANII PACTURERS of Grand. Square. and 1, 7 2= right PLANO FORTES. Warerooms.lo7 CIIESTN uT Steeet.:_Yinnoa to Int. taken In exelinnte, tuned, and gir i vr1t ... . 4. 1 , 1 / 4 ::: k : . ox . tultion. a Nil stock arusglitz A LtiOLIOL, FLUID, and PINE OIL in , E3S,berjela apthalf nutanftedanid,fnishitia. VieleMßitar, VI "" MILUSEIVITS. AMWAY iiOA,DIEWY OF NOW COOPER orußa TROUPP- Tufa I . 9IIINDAY RVENINg, Feb. E. Tlll4 SOH KW r s • (i)Rte r. 11,44 Aragek_A•sie 4i1144, ; sae, a Gip ic i ot Pair* fl ute. Mrs r .t ha • 1 fraadar..A 4, ~ p.,4h 00 r. Ar.. 41,44 Q3Ars. ;* Cont Arale444a. B.Arb 9ot. As a 144'e I. tbrr Opera. Asnia .11,4 , es InTI 9'04 the 4.4 14-rsanwaroel So.r. ** L. H•tro titatlA k_' • V. 0... 4A4.14W. C CArrt—r FDIC 411 OF ADMISSION. rani". Paltuat Curl*. sat Starwar .'—nem No aura sham be reserved ao r ta P ugly lard., es. . Seats en, 44, 1644 at tbs Acatrrary.S4o4S. 1 . 44 ‘ 11 04 . 16 944 Ch.ekeriner, Dow 9 11l 4. Doer Aaaia . " 9 9!. nwe:oet Ogreeortiorso• at I. 01.:* ay, WALNUT-STRUT THSATRR. Aote Lotait•—_-•Mm. It. A.. 0 Ator• Manning.— •mr•PM: Emortne ret. • • - • Mr. JOS. •AI I R - Drawl ottoontsl to HERA CONE. Mr. I. E. Mc DOW: nll nos t•vd:r t - ottst.tretl THIS ITI IDIYI KVEN 111,,, FrA. V. tn. LA 1, 011 WREN floo-rn not tow. Mr. J E. Iln /*cit. Ek•ltli CLINE in bin eved-remotrzett torforningo cm tLo C:.•••-• • Waot tit ro comet ad* With TWE Wrr,olPr! viCTLX. Jo.oottab Clip. Mr J. E- MaDverauk.. girPrnes ea natal &us egeor44 to Mootintrt 'Una. V.v.:neves at IlAt o'clock : Iv le oftnninst at trainni AVLIZATLET CLARICI9B UCH. RTIEST TEIJIP TRIS iTULnysY) FIV I RI.CrXX- Vats 11. Etshti. nista of souscicauLra Nsvir PLAT. eatlod the 01;rnA00:6: Oa. 1-11rE IX LOCIPTAXL. 006,.• Pe,Sess. Mr. Wheat's; 100-b Moassitao, Mr Dolma: Zoo. th• °clomps Mrs-John Dow. Scats or Pvcrs.—Adattoooo, 34 assts. imarairrl roots n Drew Carole. L) oasts : oasts: Parson- toss& Dom . oesa as 7: pernmemansos 4166211.1111104 • 73; srsoisslr. DN WE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL. TRIALTEE. WWI= it... 'bawl Ecunb. Paica..—Draw Oirelat....oo costa ; raatile new; Nato sa ?nova Posta. it opts: old. Tn .w Bas. Ito sad $l. Oft'..; OF ?nos.—Dean epee at WO peat 11044110. To totatoeys at THIB ITUFIPAYt RIPPTURS. Tab. WO. be eraotowd tiortawerroteeta moth. P.LEPHVIT (34 , • • OR. t•IP. FIRE 11• 1 1 ENO!". itaansor, Oh. W H. Page. Walac. OhC. ML Lwvt Ch3Llll , l3t. nat., O." ; Kn.., M Norm: B. Hr. Melee Tbotopearro Ot nal Ur Praalt Prow: hub. Wt. Iltrooom t RaiwololL. Hr. UM v..: lisfo• y r . r Em : meow Ur Itartoort Prato. Mr. Ro4vldt 1.-smarm. Ur j btotte ft, da t ion. Wan itateanoa ArrooasatV . ..row:a. 14 Witt. a. LaW. NI Hatt t ; Row • 11ia.C14 , 1 Roetwtos; Zetalt. Mtn Au.. L....a Tao retßmsaaoe tote ar Porto lt & with I w olden of I. ACTLI "rti 0 , btee Wawa PAINTER awl nritaorv. •al the .atop Eiteeetnae Trtotpe. atrU ter. Dl. CARPP.NITNIVS FRIENDS AND . • t : me., Skjt3 ars awbia.l totota rbe COUIL:OI•STARY Pak i ,••oa tt Tot'••• obaY EVV111•P). led Jaw at at 14 0 PIWO Tait Fia• L. •IGEITR ..4•P•IN4 GASP'S esa to trot on a l it 4 .4 1 . 1 . 5 , .,1, ? „11 1 ..7Z1 t i ti d te1 dar 1e2: oat acme Lot two' a4llta. RR rel•absetrate oWart:t. ==t2MIMI eIONPFRT HALL-- CH Est . ?. VT STA Err, onv - rs. twpri.rra. 71•• ptaSt.e. try rtlit•e•la:ly st.foramM LPL tae GJULIT .11U4IGL • 0‘131.$1•:l. NR ISAIt COWELL, C..alfteettty Um mow rintromatmly tad ext.otai. Cttiat• Veal, t.f tit•• •. Our re the alma oboe or If. C4I Vrt.e.t. a. wet as t. nit Votemud 11.. tow Serer suaaaa. an 2 BMW " VISDra7/;10 5 / 3 1 . art PA mein , " irrrarliSo. Ts an 134.2t5b- .ad litti is t stmetor el He 10/14A CHARACCEI SlV•titi. • ....WI s* Xt../eVEABICte. tie 16111011, Oetecett-ei ISO* Pertonreee Nadel. Ng X re. J • X rut ti• semeseteeted Tl24llilL {1=1:11111,0 33 oasts. FISMIt 11/0,..1 6. few exsatesto it iej *eel To's:emelt- A h r . GRAND OwNCYRT OP VOVAL AND 1. v, r rr AL iantirwr i - ..411 . •u• 1 camps Vt. oa Tt Fltftr }: TE • t• 5. Po clma••• • at 1 •(, eck-I. at CONCNIT HAIL. Carats•L a T. eat! mutat Moo CA ROLIMS RICH !NG& tla 44•04 , u44•4 4104 ea • rarsa::patuslredl Y.:4:w- tut mak ••11- nata•mi bet MIMI** 4,e moss" II '1 •• (mu " atur , •S. hiirmai • WWI! t• Lat Cat Clorte ; •VaUss • :4 14:44- •k 4 • pry aa4 trim a: 444. anwpanad •atesat, fs, xr,as X..e.A.24e.t7 Gtott• IlLealatoutuidat •.• Wamaf.•• T:ttr a . :r.l7 R. Dirt. ••• &Lusa 1444.141 1444 - sumeme vs r4katta7ecvs ; listermi sews it tts.s it GRAND M USW:IL f:::* 1 Ito , r . no 4.) -a -..r: ta. YOVNG Ig., TPR :MEV +4IINCY Mid rf 61St tfrTx !Lt. Ttig[4l27 egla'a For W 4 as Sad} Lsaidie"a. o r sat eea-aat ; Lea Jk WtuUt a.:7=7:lmM* at, or- .a 4 at U. flaw oa Lao a al uni seam% PM 30 riFTEENTII W EIK--SANDE• SON'S F XHISITIOat 10011Z—Jaise• Claameararmtt lax. • •I 4 aclaT an , • avarre. wt fkalk. THE WORLD IN IitaIATCRE• TIS 10 t•ON'S ART lAVILTIL Is the yer.oram too to t.lsa amok .ortooot : Tut t. . tib• sou , o , Cto Inoseat vs: trioress Sines sot Morweo ; at ash , ret,o u Va 5.7 F:toso :.Searoo Lena esa:vonr aloopoo I.e Alt t to army 0 , SAM =as ; fitersarA-s• IlossireiT tAs esck Tulle. Lour • vs FAMILY AfATISIERSts WED:Ik4DAI Ltd SAT LitUAY arTEIthUlMt. I,lms-AEt SIMILII.II2IM—Dont arra as 1' emboli . to co. insane, IA triaut-4141.`U. Xas MALT**, 15 0111. a. ru euuts 0 1.; tiII • S liAlirl IT A bemv - ramp_ LICSOCOIS PreCTIS . spa Tax Prill.2 OF lIEJLOPY; el Lvait eirow - r.l i rasa N ausea 114 La irmaszeo4 ..t7 W. 1 0 tar AM TIOr to Lay *Atomise al Cgs.. ES - eels. OM aell4 MM. IN arrt s• eslaturaal nary of lea t kW( 01415 121.11d1214 i 1 ea he t. T 1 si-Niassa of 1.1.• lass Sass* am sariasorair taautt• IkITEF AvIoAO I.LSE v . , V G War A rI. -1 l oa ATLAS. TLAS.AATtAiP k wIA , & 1 1 . 11 42. yH P ) DUX i H HIDU& PIBIADHM/NDtlifIER T . 4 at•••• Tabstaa vs.l farm a glees pn Urn. 13 Pk. CRAP. CAST OP CIIALICTIVI • HARLE4I: IN ..... ..... ...l. X . ItiREVIL. clowa— . .... - ... IL CA D raati.losa .. ...... .- -..- ..-14. PICHOL Cola•biee— . -- t r i l 4Viat. ET. Bur of Bawdy Aloe. ‘l2bstrrs.larett tia He sr Partama a vlitul:its D..t.k/(11-,; m .h. 7 PENNSYLVAZi LA .14 1 crrs E R.S. 5 , fienuffirm : . - • • - • - ..... --- C:oret Tor . - - • ---- ••- • 2.1 a• Ow& .. t.....,Ar0r. Crivate - i. 46111 znov . _--- • Segiaz pose!ar . H Ey NAN D A ZLIO etre ato sad der sl foos lsolleram. e.cetbsr wits lIICHO LS k e pENNSYLVANI.A. ACADEMY as Val A- PINE ANTES tar, ctourrirt - r rrita, Is OM DAILY .03asUts aleetted4 Ma Wanted—The Tenth minimd " Cireis lsirsaws " of Ptrasoia r Ada lanoo L max. Claim mat 311 Tea UN pm*. Bkame et Stn.* ea es-ft a ERNIIuNIA ORCHESTRA.—PabIie Rs haatialtivary BATURD4I. at )11.1ICAL rI.IFO HALL. at Pa o'clock P. M. Melite to to bad at G. And re' s. and Beckk Laartaa'a Norm sad Se the dont harlie Cti J PAINTING. s• THE HVART OF THE 4..'tl`r.!! ‘ "' t iSit.t.. , n at a* ACADEXI OF 7111 ART , . eli ST:' , LT ¬. frost 3A. Vdrama:on 36 Mit. illitire are svird to Eras Own. Gstetts. fraIPLS OP WuNDEISS. Nort miff of TIMM and outrnws atm% emit ad Novel lttraateca. Bt.lrZ. .44 ifid mavvima aia vattritifoHL.' tut KX)UBITtO?4 l EVEXI" EvENING DIAL/240 TIES _ _ - - at TX . sad on WE DAP ODA4 and dATUK [PAY FT It 1t.100:a sat 1 The °strata - pp" u wens ton Rove ss.:er.ooe of the greatest *era !P:e...11-annpas a., r pram Nted, appear Ls r'ter•[ ti. . azd prel,>rea a.s aatnaland.4 feud& Adaapaptoa SI eon= attAtrea 11 adz= - - - INSURANCE COMPANIES. TUE MUTUAL LIFE IN:•UILANCE COXFALN 1' OF fIEW YOLK. &poets: 511. MILLIONS OF DOLLkLL man. Ida area ms• ariP town than n imaza obit Came was, sad Um DirAtada Ilan Dees •WILL. TWA la • stnetly ;Wm Cosvw. ritert_n• ao Huxkloldes, wt ALL THE ?Run/ 5 1111.036 "1' , 3 TES SZIKSIS. hatiphlets, sad erery informs==. 11.17 be isi onAtzs, on wrlktntwoli to Y. ILA f CHFOR 0 STA NC Arent a. W. corner Fla Jura .4 waukrarr - PRII-ADELPILL IP-FralfaiCial rzednew L 13::soa. ea Sr 6tr rar ri. osepti_P UU, ": M. Ir.V . Es. Waal lase. Jean w (ash. ,wsio H. &tinit. Vai l o r et "2' alum Cr ...a .. ~..2 . _....,....„... watt's.. all- trif. JOSEPH LEA. NOG. 176A:4D 1 cv}-3TNVT VTR-WM lent., the at wet,... of the Trade to IL Stock of COTTON. WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. Nev htlt &sada* .nag tylea, a (teat verist7 Nem MESSRS. BAWL SLATER & SONS, SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO. MONTEBF.GLO COMPANY. et.o. TUE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, laoltute g many arm ateadard Pattercs. NEAT BLACK & PERPLMS. ha. SAXONY & SHEPHERD PLAIT'S. A SiDeRANGS. BLAcK__A2O ways. A.ND CHOICE DLITEA WOOLLENS. FANCY CASSIMERES aad DOESKINS, A 0... FROM ROOK COM., GLENDALE COM., ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD M /ELS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR SLACK DO 'SKIN AND SILK .1dIE• TURFS. Satinet', Pieta and Printed, of all colors and qua tie*: •erinicky Jeans, Tarals.Casactattua. Re reey'a Tweed". ours:tart/Cu 00. 0 Me boa 00,0 -k- 0 the country. AMERICAN LINEN CO'd. CRASH, HUCKS, SHEETLNGS, &C. Jan-lot CARRIAGES. or TEM iumrracrusz Or WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 01ISSTNITT 13TREET. Mo-trwt DR. SCIIENCK CAN BE FOUND At him office No. Se Not% SLICTII Street, os Fri day and finttinimy of slob week. Mortars Lod dare are set iart vuttanm patients .a and oat or QM any. Oe W at! liy_Mnd Thoremilm p each week be us %Ips es ILeterma f oe ht . l4 o TlN , L l Tt e S ,ro Lit ‘ set, tial aattoa i.:.:gorA. Reywonmeter, at Or say part al the city, are $3 k mecalay vimitatioes snorer tds.lo rents • isit. Ad •deloo at him office flee of shuns ; Spd, rn all eases where persons do not feel able to pay [or karmic their tangs examined , they d for. sad have the er9.lll,nn enbe owed fltrrarori AIMBH&L.-120 bbla. Nos. 1,2, and 3 itlet l ei le t s tg 1.7e d . cegfittimtait Oes, alevesbove mat.