The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 17, 1860, Image 3
#l. -Nalf...-; i PIO ,r,k7 . 414,44,E1nitiag Airall°llo,o Illf eb. '"'", i , '- A* 4l 4 l(4 : lli. *P ti `,,*1 11 40 11 t 91 4 030 1 1 _k*, °1 9 11 1 11111 -.':VegoriartV'trßi.tStiFON., tii t tk..l , i I. :'' ' ' rt , 4) , Aliaotagtitrtonfaa i , ':;.irs., - .. ,t1',i,.1".4 - ."-fryim.P24 - 4,oitinitql4R.Filb“Oi...l B Boi i . '''l4"wiiitelo4oo74mar.tieentirred- T0,11;1,11420/, ':,' . - -zogit4 rithirpfirlicidirs e ef 'Whioti. - f. hiaten , to' , - .I•:tikvivoo.o 3 Por ilituvoavvik B .,,gros. , re, tops 'r. welpykitiftetheen:lnt'prirgress be beittnideti - s ervices '''' IM-14-04#ItAilinr1* doitted:titionitig foe about ' tiO v itVeliii; ' Ild; " /a t, crOlatit.k . e. guPl"4o"fi an 42 r4 1 0 1063 "Wie r cireg 'And imafirt i brained", ' '.. --1 4/Itr44o 4 .lhirttitttgli , lNeW,lightg)r:'" 7 ' - ' ' '' i";'-1k • `.7.10144Y-tniiirbinelttlykig -Plirini.'lo,iriiini, ' ''t,,,wit g „ligfigw atßif o'clook - wwhow the house Vas . -M/ itid' 'OM- pre aober - in ..tire .mldtAlscbf his -' 0 " - ' , 4, ' it- lOU alri Ninbiln-BirtO , 4'14 i - to( - 1;',461 4 '' '' ed w ' I f t , -*- Pealed in -the (Mew* etion, attempted lb ` - commit -' 4 - 1.3111 e; ifie!.iititilsig isqtiroat'lwith fa pen - n-ktilk. - ~.,11 e t ikrat',eitkiitke. p,t gigektirtor, 4l l , Aiggh t arni. thiiii idiot:ad:ft frible gish ins..tki . throat, '`,„''' kftiel,tie - itiontaftrf tont thnjugulat +On, but not `i,i-; Allitiifttkirekistilsimitiononbssed it.. . .r , ---, t , 4 . . - • tVieux dui iiislitiihifsa'llel.ittafiteint.holding his - " ' 'zlisti,din his-tieftliand,,while the blood s *sot trick , ~,Aissit doyri4 the:elite: of his Mock and arms. t Nihon Al r aboitt it,' holniisted.,.that nothing wit: the 4 ---, - _ • r t•-•..-iited .to bet.let'adone , 'Re was 4 ' 04 - anti-iii r ..... • . 1 "t heinst icitored ' curtest mit and. sooirica iffeit: - i.iii . . to - consciousness,' ho tatted for hitikiiirs;aVtiirge ' t't'lWl irillifoon finish IL'? - t , .r"3' . '.. ' , 74frikAfortun;i r te min assignsii ~ .rm pigeon for his tinieltenik, -Dui the, general initireselokis that be was laboring under a fit of insanity, or,-moropro bably, religions exiittement. lour • correspondent bad a long donv ereation with him the evening be= fore, and *al with him antic: a •late hoer during k , 'l,Vhieh•tinlehelliotted tio signs of Mental deringe '-tnenk „Ile had.heen in Sumner . Lint about ' a year, andWM(6ll3g a good business at his nailing (pies , - tiefing.) , ... - ~..... :.- : , , , .-- • , , -, , -..,14. •Barlow is about...twenty-two years of aie a , Ailed) temperate malt, and mail). respected ' by those who kuerr,him. ,At present. his physicians think that there is a toseibiiity of his recovering ; -.has; he ehould, itiflll hp:•regarded. as almost a . ^•'-lnitraole be expeoteet, ; the seem) thvow the eon into eoehisien l 'aed the remainder of the • 'PQrgtinseerviteoene - opltted, . • Iddistitatter:4o loath *Ors the thsOin lint, one bzin- - , .fired et more'oltilens ormobstiq , idass., who had ;;tatheindtaliyeenta . ll,l4l,,vrere ewe petiOne.adllll tletraielses brown Willlsots; who advert:la ./al.plytertsooneert of 4thloplan dbfithdter, no di the ithdte, of the . 4, New - Orleans -;OperaTroupe"They took the ohmage at the door ilt dine •thi the , perfonannees to derothenee, *nest, tine hired door = keeper arid 'itheanctied, Lthrongli the beeltd oor,leavlng th e andlesee minus Aheinniarieiatid Miner - MOO entertadninent; not 7 ,;p0710ir for theAsll or L,thelr,bot o l The lead deigned :thole ba ggage, outlasting , drone earpet.bag oontalnitignee bruit l—Besten.Heraldi Fthra4 .13. ••,, , . 2rA.?( 01 4 cqatßwitcuL• The lllollpy -aletyket. _ Pa Pab.lB,llBB. .c..-Thketinik -market eras dull lo;dey,,erithotit change In Xlltieeth.'exteptlet nint;dittidend•paylat, "Mob sielfatthlto;,Thentiney market ut without alteration er the Peet, Othe appropilation btll, 'which hbitati tont mill's= and a quaiter of the money • noir - looked up in the United Staten Treasury, heepitut :town any, tendency to highs:Yates, bailed upon the me h etery dunces in Europe., - , Considerable oxeitemtni war iwodneed t 6 busiqpia miroles in Bt. Louis by the of the mrotrillion •ci . th stasesowl mob had 000urred ar Chillicothe, Mo.. on - Oationed by the presentation for redemption of 1117,000, Stare Bank's branch at [hotplate: The notes 'wars coissod,by and•sent from , the StptelPting , Association of St 4 Louis, and the follocliat dellnateh ,ffOrifolle of- ilkillirkewarreeeired -r • . - -7, -CarimPorttn, Km, Felk.ll:-!-To atiseltrOld. Jr.. Cashier. of the tante Savings Association e cannot I fa rigA r gurn i tl i llit su 6 t. " ri s f.7llJgri e go= n l ob • . - eckstotors. The eantlagtof the Erie Railroad for the month of htiotary.3p-vere. • ..tasi,sea 3 nista - n em too - .;,....„. at , A,catntatitaa at the prevent eetieitlobbf the ootinty leek, et neaasehusette with the fieuttent 0141 , re:14s month, end sleek these ef,oeslebr agp,pleente thetol: -1°164 chin - 2 ton • ' • •%- ,‘t; - • sioi4 8281197. M e2ebfff,eo" 411 lc dutoot4tta.: 48 02.301 - 4,800J60 tho.-..E11,846 me in ..277 1441115' ' , Van - 3,14.10 209, 3,711 048 3 0 131) 92171 • -4 12,gf. n , yr, orufaton . 7 .- 11, 0 11v. --- a sm at 18.7064 beo.. , , . . ~ . ' ComParine,9ll9 9911'919911diniPeritth of kat Teer, and 018961 ' e... ,34 ', ?.- ';' C 444141; - - ithatth4r • Smote. ithithits • Circen. fit 4, ) 40.1601,600 49090.140 .14141,046 7.1171.974 14466,094 696,19.39 949.1thf47,9113,60 10312,1 th 8463190 MOW 4th . 9990;1&.211.1th,1160-411U1.181. 14148 V& 6.01846 8,960,083 -9, . - e, /„The follththiitg.isthe,i4te,thra Bank statement far too .t.- 1 01!' OT % - 40 1 Ag,irildlni 4 /3g '.' ,• : ..- -.. , f- 4 tiie th rge t li n iAllt. l : ° 44lr 'i i i 9q _ 99'....2 498100 ' 141,976' 1.919,7 I ,UV I:1 _ erck44the011.,....; 1911,8.52 ,91 912 • • USX& 2110113 o e••••-•'' tisane...:: ; . 4.. - .. - : 'Meth': . 'th.ef„ - 401419 , `...995.919 . ,''-! ;•,„ 94914.4%'—'...;:..... -, ' 274.145 ;',111.916'.';'790,700 -,thth,793 14441 y ty.. ... -:. . -..... .. .'. 216,910 ,'.; 94461/, COOS 390 , 416 • ' .:.. man; /1.18.761 !'70,127.: 168,212 ~,,,,t aigibik. , e1 g23 3 aslij 6,906.7091, 92 '• . ' .., 31,130 45 051 45467 7,3.91 a' ' - Irsaigy tutd nue lo " xi ";other Henke. Rittke i . a . otos, Eltstenrs,:,...., 1113.1117 $54,77‘ ' coma ettajge . • i r , LI Ittli ' .. - 73,812 cittair,' . . , 7::. 14,770 96,1611 81,314 runcit..... ~ 11 770 10.11' 81,814 on Mb.-- • 20.2.46 2 les a 17.166 legkeny..-. 10,070 12,613 , .. $O4ll 41331,itt2 • 191,222 , 2174116 'laud aaa week.:.l.. 411,097 612-0,1 1 4 API I3 / 4 a : BxB7o t; - . - •:!/./ Deoresae-t., - ii,itii 0e;201 ' . , '., 1,•,,.. The Nnw,York.hurnal arebettinerre ettie /et the - Neer itavetieadroad trande I , , - - e " Vigien No ffehtyyleifrend wail AbooverA4 And Sri' 3 jettatned that there watt a large ottatinueot the oar -7-31 eette or stiook by the pretedeat an tranefer , agent 4 . ''' 1 0 0 1 01 Liet4 And Dew Ara Rai road Company: "Z e n ritot t arnraimit ,It-1,711, a tnirm t rizi..4 the met muted Rime, but se the emelt 'whey r the engine , ettarehotdem idiots prime ty would ethervnee ,be depreotatm and. frittered away 180 the controversy IX:evoked. We have never, since that date. loan ooca• - MO to doubt ter a mooteat tither the Junta! or Woraorn ..).0r.444 1 etthei thee m ended , Rad tee have, ao hut. , tattm in amortine limey It had Won adoptW the e.oek ..1 late corriruloln won d be **aro ims, gay far , more 1 tri tweet. Whatever the ' adecrungn i' cil trur ciii i iPoeri l ay7 De on collateral tiancei oy even mum the meta ;mutton, the compartY wall peter moke .e. settlement Wore to their eavantage Noe t. one whlok could be effe led by recognising tee olaint to nont at /a rt of theee imonent Penton* who ' ' ' le!c t larritrifed hy i tbe oodepettyliollitett. A movement - bee recently been node to cotnnol the oonlyany to er rant/ /Mee union:eat of this voiced antenna ; and, It r irtrior l t A t e t itd a !O g re re t E i Patte h O i l e &Wt: I t: facilitate this oomviimbre. e h.,‘ bill reaapttubitee he recto of the elite in a abort preamble . awl alter noticing the retateation in the company's New Yorkol arise to emend or repeat the trent, at eroeoees the retriedy fur the grievanoe in two abort notions. The Irsteeetton Novicterieat eatenathe company emhbante the Yielders of these Certificate* tout duly petted til itsprottroltlaer, before the tat of July, NM. the low by w hi ch the Ivan ' elute Wail granted shall be repealed. Pie ' seined sea ' ' • tign antbortate the meteor to tbograte lie P r Ot i li t) in 1 thie Stale 1.0 Orovlde manna for euc a settleruen , - Tito foilow/dcata, the matted toot/mil:mil for spook, 1 alomeitio exchange, ko., at fornipbed by Croatia k. 00. -, baiskerri - No.Offoutit Third pmt: ' Old Amer. X dons.,, 1.1.0401 d American gold. • . l i t 314 .... 02 verenine . ~4.611101 td•Xlean do 02 36rapoleoas-ii 4 franca= . temiush • ......1.06 try thatero, ..: ~. .. 746 ;A mat. u ...... Lc/ . ,•• I rtnealait) gm lye trance .... In " knifdere,.... ,o. 2.ff ennAn ttfwee.--.Lis !IMAM a,0ub1p0ne..„.16.10 ronek a • , ..... • . 10 nitrite • —10.60 , ' XXXltalrolt, , 11P, WW". t i f $ 4•11 11 I. Pit t et u atir., ' ifi L tilis uth.,.....,,. to 1, r ..1....... 8 ...14 2 , ‘ : otimenui,.... N . to ~ Lowe .o .. &deign.— kto „ „ gar:, 11 c oat (" P 4 ~ 4 , 1 - gil l : . .M ro " ' r i ni p p::.::l to pi t: I 1 ow ozios!ns , . Xi* X" i e /e"..../ t 0 AA - xxonosgiu „. • - Fentio 11418 A ..! • Brro7t w 71T!{ S r .14ATIKAKE1{1 8106 wain* ift.not: limo newpoorcelmegijkair..•.:•: rammyiiiiitrw.v.tuatriAtiiio,4)4; do . ... otiP”,i• i:.• •,4 I , BErifintal sun* Iw seo NommoirtriVe.r.ev 01 ti I 3000 Xbuiedansl 6... 'O3 o 11130eLeidiii - Valliy • ',-, 1-6 Fires B. .... 38. W I I 2AI °Wa'Bank""" 17 t' 4 . • w• •xm oter•pluoi*..4.ov.L . , jle • mg. 404. t. - •• - Ana. Askset, if:l4 1 1g 7e Mw[ rag 604.46 - "16:1f ' , ..rsTtra t_ ~0 77~i0 j(, , , ,levnt ,n I -se-4...6 •• iv: io nri.n no ist tp „ FIX 40 . 5 /mp&o:.7 I lF , . Ina eta El /a • - ritillkdelptifit lietltetg.':' .; ° --; - , . lirsintrAtut 10-Itooolog. Flop sontlsoffti traitor more sett,* tads,. and l; '`ldirl Th t lowing 1 ale/i ST• reported. 100 him •itodatagge at , ~,,, 0 4.20,,,t00 bog boto_poottutpAl the pair, aoo„bble outro. -*-- at so,opooo obtr lalsoottot otitis lajfir family, at a , pit es ~,,, r ltoptavets,„ :And 44).bbiseuretkne aMoata pirate bar- tv, r Ay i l e t ' arbitttarle door**. and:seopral f rial at 6,76. 1 ' 'w , fig , * the Wkele Of kgrers.-..i , alit/ thelride ositt a rt Cl/al/LW, if to. 4 Sot elitiet ne andseltlas. star to it -to 407 .10, rot , 9xtrit.f.ulai. 40.7 VPOI ::-; '=Cjirt g l i t t al e i gtii* l gtl 4 4; Q Pl l ia;:ro l litlA ipu i ' • n i aO4, itod to. totter -- ot ',Mu. wit.out, - '.'-',..w oat cootlnUes acaroot ebout1:601) bushels prime red no 41.0 t 1104 3 / 3 40.0ut1 a elidtil tot or knob white tst Moo, ~ ,p4s to eoktee 2 Yeonsylraniatiells OM, bushel: , , t , I,Gorn isditil hiders li Lot mordrogrentig.tusd about 100 ~,,., bushels sold at 'Moo *Wins; .. ra care taken as vented , sit Stlio.forlanotylvantlit..; wark-44slereitron ianuiet I I ,',:',;leatnaLl sitittottfixeChlo. I only te reported at •illki 4P on, I .= - ,-Iduttoth,plo thaws, in price or: dem nd:and a, email Int. Foe doing. ..ttrooerie UM figay hOid3 thlrool* - Or a! II& ligh.t. l liZionis continue Arm. the li,ito view' , ,f„, -L ho ro ooi/it ag ~oporatont., , ' Bleat , Fork is worth At/kOO 01. .-, litanies .of Homo kre , ripprtolt at - ' ' memo, &toes o 0, ana nhoulders at Vier /bort tune. -redrneattare selling 40Mo for Karim the tame prime , :$ li I Bk/ 14 0 4 0 41 41 0 :rot O o litlitkleritoisualtertltir. Bbl i f and ' ,5 "•/.44fiegaitoWadlotrIgo i rraiti p ollt i ' ' A - ti r too OD butOolti oo '11t• ,irothi,.terntor 0,..,-.4, „.. polio ,lookoto tootoporgpoo b &ot witt At' itot bate Whip vrolvvL r -tifehigirwpat ...,.:. or Ora; gsyr topeo rip tit a ey is unsettled :',..rootiorlvanui obit 0000wsk,wir, , 1-1 5 itt Ito, 414 Ohlord. at soso. ico - chwoo' do c ,,O,,iltuoii I , ,, , AttKotti hlIo1I)toilrAolloo:, ',,,- , ,-;, ..,, ~ r •-, ag0t,t1 . A4,441, , .Li. IM.i SWl•Pitotrie Mail • .g ~3e000... i1ia...,,.. , .e14:99.% 600 ii*- ' " .: A.:, ni11.,, • 4.,,t0e.m1.- 100 -, :. (t , ",':,::t--.41', 0 0 : 4. 1 Yr, l :: - Iktrgutatit:. : ila 2r10: ift:Z . '7::::::l ; t l 4§ ::g 1' 1 1' , 10. 4;' '''' 1.4111 121 - ' fa ":_',:il' '" It r' ''l ' lli) L Vi V AN O r 7 / I 1 110:.=...1 4 , A-' , 4 , ,,, Ctpfriti....l7o t 2 de,..... ./ • ' -...-,-;10 r too - . ..d.„,„,,. : ~,, 1 I . ,?„„) 4BtedlilitliOftd l „ Ef,',4o..i. t i, I: 1'..%; 111% a'at-k;chTeift 11761g1:;:,;:...: , f1ig N‘,Pl7.g-illfitt:o crlghtzfrt4::l i i ~ .,.,,mit,i.t00.4,,r. isiggrkkle.Cilp -''- , - - iiiihaftwor 1-,P,-, O . ..-......,„..* .-_,. - 1 .- E mmAi t kii . _. t •'•••• ~',, .: - Att.-4'4'lM bitchtot 1 , ? 4,11, Oito,o4l,*o,,pf,,i'lter, at 'A- 0, .and' it..lig fat e , s„_ ' , -- . -,..:, ,, L 'ovanam,,M4 13t r Kitts and W 110.4011 Pi is -. r, abr.. with lassyttaipts emit tulles ~ I l hlstifirotp or arm ;.. !itpitflictiletc , ' iie _Eitel. . owii wto d s tit rttrilk Ir. 6.7,0_1411r ,' - iiirargitid i srirgicie i gtilid4i s tki; dr.. foliNoll - , vout if , 4WI: with issig 'Of TIP bblt' at 06,4170 1191 'RI Agra 11694A1id115.7001 , rot :extrt - ittaiide. angait. ii , i ,-. t4pomirmur.a.tocorioa - bbi.l4-AR4sl,talroir *'• -- ,444.11 1- '_--cott,iitiiv,lo - I,i,d.etrizo-Avri46,4 4 9 ,, 'Auferst.' Ilftretrior.l4dutiierti r 11l A iiriitMoyp t iai 64,6400 for tittito.,Capit rsii% lIIIIIOIIcit ..., ~• , • , • "`"-- 40VOQX0& 0 100:00tRIgAr0410191110100 - 01 . :200 '`'l./ II Wig° I 0 4 Ispiavviawlntm - lot qp i t s I/°; ,/ r -4: nift 011144ttiei , ntahlitietiew.00.. efts , ;Ki rta.vr tkistit-Aisvc Att 4. 300410101, 0000trt -Is 1 1 0 0 r..• 0000 -10& 0 sat dUttr reptoted it jr 7 „,, , A,, t- , #1,40 0 11 4, -Itrt,titost.l, t alltqtte to • kA" " 1 "2 111t -a il". "-tig r iVi r ktr i lttl eil ' ! ,14.7.1 ; 4*, trujoollagrfOlkiltr tit IN '•: , V.C64(= iit4t4l);Atil - I Mt taps wits2hefor, T=' - ':-..,- t niiitor i s e arZotot *Vie' - - •dew. Y f orkB; l 6a' a a. am Wept. Feb. .18,—The irotol'a* was spirits& otrofxed tram sold) E.4loePt tb team luteiwr ,Paree/soo,o4,l,#9oWrilrigil.m„, Market `tiv'Telemph. market quiet; SOO bales sold.. ' Feb. ie.—Cotton dtlll.l 00 bates Gold. • _.lollARLsomplit Feb4s.-1701100 111' PUVitili inquired aver, and once* are ak; I.MO Wee sto . Moltitat, Feb. }6 .— Cotton bee X. Mid the market climes swat t 1.603 bales sea 10X9106 for mid- ALTIIIOIII. Feb.' 18.—flour dull. Wheat firm; sales 0[3400 Nebel* at sl.4seLoo for white. Corn Erns and lidgrals ; *holm white 740; an advance. Pork firm at 418 for mean. Whiskey scarce, Sayan:eau, Feb: 16. , —Cotion depressed and Penes 'tending downwards ; sales ttudar of 0.100 Wee ; sales -for tine Week 6 , 060 Dales Innelpir 19.000 hales, against 'l3 000 balesforthe same week last sear fate* in port 80,000 bales. , Sterling tinkling, 8083io.irith Large sales. Citissrassgon, Feb. 18.—ttales' of Cotton to.digs. I,soo bales: sales for the week COO ba„ Prices are easier, though ( .00.000 rotations ,are unaltototh ' Boleti of the week AiMusyA, Rah. 16. 2 -48 let Of attatt to-ddro 090 bales at a decline of X to Id for &wapiti middling qualities. Ailoguix, Feb. 18.—A: batten feelingprem.!. In the sotto n market; sale* to-day of 3,000 eases at Kosollig tor middlinb 0100i114 firm. • -,blaw Omme,:frob. easier. quotations unchanged; s tie s 0.000, 1bi1eg.,L5911,1 1 2111 1 1p 0. 0. 0 .: !/ 014 4ff o ,llor ?wr e ria— 0.1.1 se Be. or 41 O. - 4.26; Ster ling Rxahouse Um - _ - - - altered. • Oisoissitt. Pah. Id.—Plbtlr • Ilene at eg.Mtill utiohnhged. The demaild Wig te,gB to4lay for Bacon and bulk insole Mr rotas delivbryi wax met freers by bolder. ;ihe gales imononum to 1,100,- 00 frounds. Exolionge oil liew-Ydtk unohangbdi CITY • • TEE " HogginnittaL" Otelaila.—Among the novelties connected with the magnificent Cohnhental hotel, which wee yes terday thrown open for the recep tion of gueete, we remarked the ;baste and elegant cigar stand at the right of the entrust) to the bar-room. Title unique and beautiful object was executed for the PreytletorCf the same, Wilharn Horn, Esc., who has become, within the last ten years, the Napoleon of cigar dealeis. Froin the quality of those we have tried, we are not surprised at the suooess which attends Mr. .Ifont'e operatiOns. 'The public have hardly an idea how exteneivethcse are. If we are rightly Informed, Mr. Menthes establishments in nearly ell the fatuous hotels in the ootihtr7; inelnding the "Fifth Avenue Hotel," to Nes/Yogic I the" National," st 'Washington i thb " Re vere" and ••Treteoht" honors. at Boston and the name and pemon'of the prbprietor are known in every `leadihsbity td•the Celan. Mk. Horn. is a Rumen by birth, but he ea teirdea long enough In the United Statea:to poems widely and favorably known as a Unmet; a good merchant, and an agreeable gentle- Man. We' advise those of our readers who love good °lame. to pays visit to the-. Conttnental," end call on Att. gem during his sojourn there. Titz Mien, &mil% 'oowwaltOatizer.—The dom. , inententret of the " ReOple'e college" Mok place to-day at the-Academy et. Music. Notwithstanding the bad weather, the .house 'Was crowded, and the scene was gay and animated. The let ess looked charming, and the yoting gentlemen aPpeared to the very best advantage in their now suite purchased for the orldtudolt at the Drown Stene .tlething flan - entoofittitt & Wilson, - Nos. ati B audleg elheetailt street. above Stalk, Whets garments to suit all ages, from the school-boy to the adult, Will be lirgiEiX(} OP GIANAT MO AND r n aanus , , Charming says "The greatest nun. is he who chooses the right -with Invincible resolution; who fetish' the sorest temptation from within end without t who bears the heaviest bn•dens oheerflilly! who in outmost in storms. and most fearless under ,menrice and frown,; andWbos e reliance on truth, love, and friendship leads him unfalteringly to buy bin clothes at the palatial attire of Granville Stokes, NO. GOT Ohestaut street." N. B.—This oillebritted clothing eatablistunent has no eonneation with NV other In the city. - Bolas POW • TALiaits.—Whenever there are two words of similar meaning, -one foreign and the other Entlish, It atwars hounds more or less redantie to polite foreign. Our attention is called to Ode by often hearing the French word colic (sweet) need instead of our own word, suit, when speaking of h suit of rooms. or a suit of clothes. As Webster says," in all its sense the word is the same, and the dictation of making ,it French In - mews'. and English in another, is Impro per, not to trey *dictating:" Now, there fir no doubt but that a suit of apartinsnts in the " Continental Hotel' , `would be swat: so, Indeed. would be a suit of cloth ing :from' the ." He/stone Peace," located under the Continental Hotels" jet, to ovoid pedantry. stick to the above voiei end bey your clothing at the " Key - stele 4"alaos." Whore they have but one pries, and that marked plainly on the goods. Charles Stokes, p•o -.prlator. - Ittonix Bitunoionnan Tana AND Piano Co- Valte.—We have - )rift received a large invoice, and will sell them at 810 for Piano, and SA for Table Cowers.- W. it. Carryl A Sm., ?JP Obestrint street. , feli-motet ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. VP To ?maims o'ax.oox LAIIT maim ,CONTINEINTAL-B.!;iorner of Ninth and Chestnut. J 8 gable!, Pi Y. • - •, ; '„1 A Lehman, Tenn POHLPesee, Allmon .--, • Deo 8 Page, Roston - Joe Planun n ef,_,Pittslmrg job/ J_Jankson, Ark W.. pa Y - , . W Pais.l4 Y • JudOe 110 , 11, Del ,O• Campbell, hula 2 Bum P rev , K 1 , B B Pie et, Phil* Met Ramsey, Jr --.., -i , Conon, N f..) • ' 0 a Ela)mtnore, XI ,- • W DoMemom. ICY David 1.,04, Plu,s . is Plusher, Wile, L Del Chas B Hanirloll ; rhik, oe_Q W Roberts, W Cheater Wm is Stewart. hill , A K thinly' & Is, lie. J R Rowel', POI a Ceo Chase, PI Y Jasid Johnson i Dalt Wm °Kinney, 1 . 11111, it p. Mourliei Plum, Wm Lep, Boston .1 L Hower. Co on " P.l4.oophi, Phi 12 P. M eson . Phila - ' L DOUtiler. N Y • ' , fill. 1 1 .10411 , ..,-....‘,:. ~. ii 8 KASPP. PhDs h. 0 ore, rirds - John Bothell°, Pinta R lied, cinainnati •' . - J'V Thornton, Louisville Deal arks, Darr/sbou Jobp C Darted, ?hits ti D indboadarob;tra - N. al Danko, /qui& 1 4 ii orlon r ift '! " 'tk 'l4 " lVnTi l p h elt r r i e 5,1,1'.. :i ‘ 12 r . rit i itti , "„,•, c Lt . ti , ;. ! 0 1,traisviiie - . Li _i y a Vlore& la,Vi l • ' K ti.gollier, l N 'Ar 'lf & ti,grEle7, P A P.. 1-, . •, WI P:l31 5 ,' I t . `, I d fileVitopfoon Tr' N - Y VWMl,a,rilii Boston J POW, sr. t rig ' ' ' • We Co_ges. Alex, V. tohn Burgess, Belt- ' • ilorq Beach n Y Bhanr..yrov, kt, / . : D 'don ac la, Dolton - Ar., kY 1 0 5 , - .'- - .._-?,,q rft 9 146 eig - — o4o4 . lloUKU.:Clitigbudist.,.beloir Meth. _ li Chemins. Aloha; Os a Brown, I , lu/burg. • 009 4corideld. iinabville ' D J Disson,,Nlialtville , Viritriti, U l ie v-i11e ,2., • 1 11 : 12 :: M t, ii . " - . V U Wh it s dg Is, Pittsourg 4 Green. 81 Ms 'J 0 thafferoi_salt . - . -• . Root trolierton. alt , :E DEstesLifs ' , , - B L Plumb, Motion A &feet,' wastport. Mo J B Battier, MU RR n tannard, rlt tads ,8 6 Carr, St Louis _ '''t A l f t bt h ifig . NY ' f , LtB 2 talbdr4-ktre Y 8 , * Multi NJ . '0 Pone/. Dolton 'P Harvey, own . 0 Cook, Nay haven AllisSoriir, New haven W It Davidson, Md itwknitctZutre, Baton ' ii Folsom St kluff N Ball _ll4, vr :Intorno, Angry'', Ni aftrooka It. is, P 4 Y Aobn Kinsmen- Wag - h_V McClelland, St Lo uis 0 W atrobilde, Rm.. 14 DoMeiltslonto Xi • 0 W Fjmitane, - anon • Rev T B`Ly8 ` L y man Pitts burg Mrs_ l ß. Rough,Botton D 0 Blemish. N ) "P w Willard Newark, N J on T 7-Yorke N J ri N tiVs b ei . /trA, NY 8. P A112XV1,4 1 11 1 4, vii C it Carter dw Li:ln, aims (ell - 11 !Srittli g ,'Ai c a lten Ftd , lit i s n "al" V Man item. Os - mainey, N y eal. Ward's Island .Ijuttsrfitud, Port _Smith ....w 11- K4Bll. A. admin. DOI jlogerr, Ala wgn J`enrill, Pittsburg W .Blensar t Pittsburg J it Onuner,-Rieh mond_ no Watson, LonisriUs J DUilallaberf, We*, DC l e tt Jenumges_ork D . , AV) CPII4BI Jr, Bait . ~ W Caster, Balt Cl' r•raltb, Montreal A Morrison, N V Jos il Mammas, NV w A. Davis, Lou smile P J 8 iSmon, Boren . W 8 West, ri t; Oso A Blskeli i Wahl, B e • AMERICAN HOTEL—Chettnnt et... above Afth, J I WOodscrir Ohio J W Johnston, Mink M It erbett l ibllat ID li. Lane. I , tai le E B Calm, y - 0 E Wanterphlese John D Head, Kr L Midmost, admit' B, T Bnielow, Mau . , 0 save, 0 ern, N J J Balton, Trenton, N J . C Itepettallor .., y 1 4 ,141.7 1 •At ig th Leeiitett V il trutow, PM& ' n Lettlti k T. p ri r ~,, ~, • o p l i, W i l i gllg 14 Chunk what'll' ' • W Bellotd:Bekley NJI 00044 rooks •n , ; . , t 4 5i)rtiani,Bsooklyn EA , lobar owl, Mug • • UNITS, ,Treliten .1 Bjkailt4ft.Virillato/4 , , Lannouraielt Air lintel, Abbeville, 8 0 4 lerml, Abbeville, 8 0 A Amish tdadiaon t us, Opine, ri Y, , ThWineheett: C mane, N Y jt baleen, Y, - A C Dodd, Newark, N J 3 ore, Hew van , JONES'-HO' IL—Ohettntit eL; below Seventh Mayersottrfhils B W B4 t aarg i h e , Danville, The. R Best/. N Y 8 Rosasbers. e, W spet.e. al 711 •a 4/ 0 01111. J nos 0 s Su; Ps It 0 Room MIA J s ito . Halt I / veasdslo.l4 Y ' A li'sole% y • w BO Ramie; ' N %NC I " aV ' ' wiiilnt° 1 0., A lisboook so R Hall, vs. tophoo, Melt - Orooker, R MEACHANTWINOTEL—Ywunt street. below Arob, fiat Keyr. Mercer" Pa itobt : ttr Kerr, !timer. r. ftswittnr,,Xvoqvibs,bd :J1 4 Boners et at,ootties to irlinteaster.lies, KY 9 8 homer, New Heil - 16A nuke, VIII& - e n g 61 1i reo n fl Ps 8 movitth. sr , ..4 v . , so 0 , 0, York, _ er Veer - . iddlraWit :- r v e , nallgrene w pa barg Ytrat i b a . m t,ruis ir ! )- alle. * Ki . ' t 417... Rh us P nuit.tncwatier. - c t.Leuts - API. NY Ati wraton, Dianpnadurr 9a Durand, ii IV , , BT. Loom aont—ohainut 'rose. ibove,Thlrd. wAgtwiatinaton 4 D04 , 1•11% , 2&15hu10tt. C Presley, Mrs nertlest.ji Y LRoberson Y M Wills NJ Myers, B'Y ri - ; J B dnlith Jerse y,Clty • iebard, N ,f r Vlnsdo o rgePrOv,R A B UArdnerjro. FL g o itL4wrs' 1 1 I( r 4 r o Vmm4. Zailsol'• Vilitrar " ' jul W ilt, TEE ififiii,iiiiiTEl—Aroh street. above Third. iiM-1" CAm roll; Blairsville obLlVlill&en,-Pictintlatl aoldren, ova CM , .. o lt giIIIIPL rail& x ia, Bwmtm. hidimmPGMA *,.. ...9 an. 01 1 1 , 1 n, ti e d W C Outiiim l'a ' iißmium. C am 114 t H ecu° ' ithi° •'' ' ' - R eidi eui r t ti t tle " ni ni lti g°°d, rattg"ii. en Ht C n nite. ° P Auriga B s b a Roberta , I Lir 01 8 1c N: I i v i tini tn ti -, , Cha m b ers, ,. Oineumati - • ; STATES UNION NOTEL—Alarket et.. above Sixtt. Sal c Cuome,Ferry no • Thai P , gophrano, Ps F err, railcards:sir, Pa • J P LlVilaglnOpt `F rsan, Ellsabetat'n, #dau Porter, Harrisburg A Brutes, Columbia us Prose, Beaten 'tE44, B vf 41 ) 7414 ' raffn u wiro'f,tgrufa„ ' .11 r, ,a,,so xe,.Pa r, •es chmber,. t Nbern't Pa prineir,, Pa' 'S Coleman, ILOOilelltti ° FOUNTAIN innset, ahoy. Market. touts 0 Mistral. Mem -; John Sutherland, 141 Jobu T Masters. N Chart 'unapt, , 8 .,,,„.. 8ur0. D o i , Aunt Joys, lomites, ep,Pa 0' W Fiyind, . 1 "" "orts yrltyr & ' • • St ChttiT VlSANON,lloTEL4lsoondirtrest. alloys Azad kleCulloitgh, Falls, MA James Longslorip, Pa lvia Cur .p 6 „ - Oen ra Ps _ .1 Nldrat t% Pike ea, Ps, K Samso sa, n. J KMye ItY _ John De Young, Ps BABLEI4 °TOD—Third Street, above Rao,. oe6teeper: Colosimo oo' P Denton: Delaware co J BJaniesyNew Haven '. Geo Bates, Brooklyn Jacob 0 Beal. Pottsettle g H Posey, Books co H C War, Pati Huey, West Chester amtmagee, - Weet Chester - Itlonard cam hester oo O W Hagen, Montg Co • - . • BLACK Aga BOTEILO-Iliird . et., above Callowhill OJNittbb,leasdale - W gammas, Bumnettoirn t. pm Fang Is _.... . John a Goyer,_,vit sots ; -arra, mittitzvida rffirgit itatigh{ill; itaHOW: A , ~! ", -- it Atottews. Bernell!. li ti lrg, 33aBbol: ro _,, 33 ts.oiemerub Chea7allev 10,00RIANT8',1(QUEI.F:—Thtrd street, ab, Callowhill. -a 11 , 00,1 Hamilton, 0- . H 8 Martini Pa Ge - olt - Itatt;Ta ' Atox Hate, Sunbury, Pa T3efles3pMetattioibuti ,-, 000 W Etv;Lebatiott ; Pato, Itaterstalle Jae 0 Kreamer; Pa CaIdMERaIALIIOOI I i-atiafat., it,bois 08pitnut. Osol4okooni.oll di . - E Paiori - DC.po ' desp.uptminuka., Dal oo Jos P tont th, vv (i ilm,Del s o tuttennouse, Pottstown In W.lVlOnfant OttilYille Lou. DavolsottLWis, .. T W Shmsle, hio Wm R Wilton, Phas . -- , '3I63AF tOTE —7 fr 7 Beooad et., below Vibe% 30VA L attirae l lI 4 .; . '::VO t tintn, t 011 1 371 vit' 7,4ll,ii.iiiiVil...,'noll7tiset, above Cencreil* , 111pi t*E tkle ht*1: ' 'fol ta l k iOtkcfahe'cli,. Wataitusoltt,Lehlighoo In ° o ose, .tuttereville , NATIONAL BOTRL--ti eak west. above Thlyg. AAKKiewi Remington, 0 E J want Remingtoni y - P Warrington Del , ,I) A Clark, Pa - • J nlbokert, B At rtyPs P Higgins, owing W Drown, dig% ?1 1 4 . 7:10 h . ' & sltA r gy U li W Courtney. Pitt!, pW Thompson. fdioh ( o Joi l .l l l74lleltlOonis .' Pig TriTELLIGENCZ. ass FOUkTU PAI3i wt ARRIVED. Brig Orinoco, Tabbutot days from Charleston, with cotton to Vottit, Martin & Co. kohr Lewis °nester, tion2ernig dorm from ;Wilmington. NI., with naval Moron to D 8 &WIWI & ClOg. Bohr. Bartorg C,Ontrit, 9 Morn Irma Charleston, with cotton, ko. ollB Btetgon & Co. ads* t Waro D vapor. Da1..., Clark, 8 days from NewNew York, with BLEARED. Bobt P, T Bmith,Edwarda, Jacksonville. I Baker. Sir J 8 Bhriver, Dertraib JSaltimore. A (hovel, Jr. „ . DT TiLHOßAinie • (OOTTOSPOndeIIOO of The Pram.) /3avrimoax nib I Arrived, aohr Prleollla, from Bt Joao 98th Leltin rod shin Marl. of riew for Y N or e t , l it oa o cr for altimore; malt It W Tell, looting The frion o t r y.ll , l7Toi. NO, Feb le. went lot . ore Wee mdei 1111110 W 0 8)10 fo al a be va g n o l l off at high water. MUMORANDA. . ”..14.,1 Kingdom. Moiklereld, from Olen vary, yesterday. ow 2114 Mr 'New York yes „Min Ifi r fir harki frill:MU, &avail -a afrlvld at Botannah 12th Hat. atßark .ifoßn 011,06, Mirka*, tot tottraith *OA, old Boston 114Init. , Bark ihnin Mg Blfisil, olliared at Boston loth inst. for Montevideo. • Bark P4ll. Hammond, limit fibehlo, arrival at Mo bile 11th root. . Bark zmaarella. uunkeroor , Otto de Janeiro, ISAMU from Richmond lath inst. , Bark Mary ri,Kendall, 81/6111a81111. cleare d at Havana Bth Inst. for Matanitas. . • Brig Burnish. Ober, from tarbiOdoes, arrived at fit Thomas 26th ult. Bohr It J mercer. Robinson, called from Matanias 6111 inst Pm Philadelphia. Bohr N B 'l' Thompson, Steelman, cleared at N York yesterday , for Philadelptua. bohr Mail, Kelly, henna for Providence, passed New. port yasterclay. hour B S Johnion, Lookwood, from New York for .ooorgetown, 110. was too into by brig 0 B Miller and sunk, night of llto test, bif Hog Island. Boor d W Hoene. Rogers, cleared at Baltimore 16th lost, for Ne* Orleans. _Bohr Tariff, Adams, cleared at Baltimore 16th inst. for Wiliologtoh. Bohr RBI thirtir. Flak, eiteared as Balton lath inst. for Norfolk. tie hr Frothle, Vahan, bleated at Havana Itith loot for Phibidolphis. Bohr', it Porguiroo, Parrett, for Ptilladelphia, cleared al Newborn NO, lat h inst. Bohr RR P Bumyylons,„Qoafrey, cleared at Newborn, N C. 11th inst for Now /ark. Behr Ey& italLfr t irrew York, wile' 10 Hal from Key West 18th lost, wi amino of cotton. Bohr weo A Tit to. Adams. cleared at Mobile Ilth inat fOr Phibuielphia, with eat balms cotton, 63 do do pigs, 60 bbls !manna sundries. Bohr. l B Bank, Combo, for Havana, cleared at Mobile 11th iota. Bohr 0 It Arickory, Horton, from Indianola, at Mobile 11th inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. 111 AXM fttrts—NenThwial Clantma Moen *Mt Wattles. elitette.—ijeetgita re endued to until and Mine aptothte, Mtn en Weems of the oommunity, and intiteet it the lite attire net meat. per annum. Money may be tresta by *lmola milked' Imo if fa tenet. Onlos *non daily. from I until f &aka, and on Mon day and Bstarday nab! In the evening. Pzeradonr, FRANKLIN FELL ; Trimmer and SooretuT, CRAB rd. MORRIS. " Swan's SSNING MAIMINS/5. No, Bimini No. 1 &Ming blitohmea 90 The Family dewing Machine, A..... 7S The Family Sewing Machine—.r..__. 1. M. SINGER & 00., 412.1 ha No. 002 CHESTNUT Street. SAuxesmn hairPsoor SAYES.—A very torgeaasortmont of SALAIIANDEHiI for solo tt reason- Able priooo, No. IN CHESTNUT Sbait, Philadelphia. ai~tf Irv* NM 6 WATSON HAREM' BOUDOIR SWING MACHU4II. IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. - FIRST Pinnuom AT EVAIT PAIR. Philadelphia Moe, 720 ARCH Bt. Agitate wanted, tell-am asovii ft Bens% libaariuvap Manias Faxlii At Wits= PRIM. no ORKSTNUT BTIEBET. ramurgthna. On PRIM °imam; or rzto Linn Small. made in the best manner, everenly for RE TALL SALES. LOWEST bellies moos marked in Plata Finn& All goods made to order warranted seds- Lsetorr. Oar ONE-MOB, System us attiotly adhered o. as we believe this to be the only SO way of dealing All are thereby treated ali k e. JONES & CO., see-tf NM Ai A itlip Street EIANTIM FUND--NATIONAL ELM& TIM? Cloittemy.--Ohartered hi the State of Pecoeffveole. RULER. I. Money le meek every day, OM In Any =out area or midi. RIVF. PBZ MOIL interest is yell tor money rime the day it is tott I. The money is always geld back in 001,D trheneves it is mined for, and without nonce. 4. Money I, received from lizacutort. AdfaXiliffif Off • and other Trastem, in lame or ,mall eons, to remain a long or short venal. I, The money received from Depoeitors Is invested In Real Estate, Norttagas, Ground Rents, and other Ira dam ssearnies. I. Wes uses oven' dap-WALNUT Stunt, southwest tier Thlrd .beet, Phi;Ml.l.hfe. lieVl MARRIED.. • WORTHINGTON IlLeariandaigua, rob. 9th, by the Rea r. Daggett. W. Watapn Worth ington. oflnelnttati, o Mary Olmstead, deughterof Alexander . TOAD—AVXBUANH.—At the Yletnikuare Pres byterian Church. on curia) morning, February 16th, 1800, by the Ru t . lames M. Ma el Onion T , Todd W i Plam.,:datigllget atlas late William Bughtal9le, tlLABv—MTEßS.—tannatLlet. by Bey. Mr. Tillot son. Henry Blue to Min M. Mize Myers. all of Burke court . QINN—NRITIIEHCOT.—On the 11th lot., by Rev. N.M. lone% John Quinn to Martha Nettheroot. bothof tb itil t llNGEß—RtlBBl32..—Cin the lath Instant, by Friends ceremony. in the greceuee of Mayor Henry. Richard O. Ballinger to Mary P. Russel, all of Huhu ton county, N. 3, BNREDER.—On the Idtlj inst.. of paralysis, E. J. Bneeder, In the 40th ear o his and. Tha restive' and friends of the family are reenact rally Invited to attend the funeral ter/lees, at the late residence of the deceased. N 0.1615 Vine street, this (Friday) altisrooon , at o'olisok. The remains will he taken to llarrisburg, arid interred in Mount Remelt Cemetery, on datuiday afternoon. at o'olook. REM (NGTON.—Departed this life, February 16th, 1860, Elisabeth M., wife of harms Reuling on. made Her relatives and e fr iends are particularly in yited to attend the funera l,front her late residents, No, 612 North Fourth street, on Saturday afternoon trot next 2 o'clock. prooeed to Germantown. • • ELLICOTT.—In West Chester. l'a . on the .15th in; sa. Nathaniel H. Ellieott, formerly of Eihoott' '1 he funeral will take pleoe from to late residento. in West Chester, on the 19th. at 2 NAGLH.—On the ltith Instant, after a long illness, George Nagle. in the ?Orb spar Or bin age. [Harrisburg aqii'die Reeling please I respectfully invited to attend his funeral , from his late reindenes, No. 103 Vine street. on Eli lards). afternoon. at 2 0'01044, witpoi oat farther noPed. To proceed to l i surel Hilt. .• iiilHFBoff.-00 the 16m instant, veer/ 7. .." 1, 01 th e late Thomas akeroti. In the Nth year o hie age. His malt friends. and those funeral emily, are m oose:alb invited to attend his from the nisi eines or his mother, 924 Pine street, on Mender oßtil ingthe gOth inst.. at 100 o,ook. Lii•- - 011 the lath inst., Thomas Hill, Aged 0 years. 'lee relatives and male friends or the gamily are re spectfully invited to attend hie funeral. from his late residence, gio. 533 Pine street, this morning, at 10 o'clock. • CHANDLER.— On the Nth instant, Rev. George Chandler. in the 71st tear of his age. , Funeral from his late residence, No; 419 Richmond. (late reenree, on blonder morning at 9 o'clock.' All BENORD.-454 Ois 15th last., James Ruther ford, n the leer of Ins age. Funeral from his late residence), No. 2210 Callow lowhill stet, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. • itIVE .—On the ton loot., Nary Kane?, wife of lemur liner. l t e 76th seater her age. Funeral from t residenoe of bet banana. No. 452 ompeon (late ukei street. Eighteenth ward, this inning, at lu o' Ph Inst.. George Harrison Perot. eon' of Him. Jemima and the late Henry Q mg, 4,54419 years AO 6 moult'''. Funeral from the residence of, his mother, No. 229 North EleVeath street. this (f May/ morning, at it o'elook. • ABLEY—On the 16th pet. 14110 Statile', &snakier of the late Hugh Holand, aged 36 Tests. Funeral from the residence , of her mother, No. 1031 Mutton street, between Christian and Carpenter, this this niternmin at 1 o'clock. titllloll.TT.—.on the 11th inst.. Nicholas's Schmitt, in th+a6th rear of his age. k Funeral from his hoe residenoe; No. 923 Chestnut street. thicafternoon, at 1 u'elooa. * KOH , R.Tlo.—On the 10th Mat., John H. Roberto, aged 29 14&110E.--On the lath huh, William Walter, son of Clarissa ri Jane i ro/us, aged !imolai" sad 4 data en tor u a n n e ir Wardstreets, fir s t tad.' rt u nen.ttirate 13th het., Carolina Louisa, daughter of Christie an Bridal 'Auto, aged 23 months. 'F/ne4r fro “me n h i ewa ven n. o e f lOW pgaysnntse rb satcke o f. h . s aiternoon, at 2 0 cloth. WALL/LOY: —On the 11th tact.. Clara, daughter of George and Margaret W 311300,10 here lh.Teer• Funeral-from the ZOlldenoe her airier, No. 1108 Columbia avenue, Awe afternoon. at 1 o'clock.' YAWLirli..—On the 16th inst., Abraham Pawling, in the 74th year of his tn.. Funeral from his late reeidetme.Ne. 29 North Ninth street,this afternoon, at go'ciook. HU/X.llooo.—On the /Eh inst., William Hutchins, in Oltit year ot jun sae. Funeral froLri lila late resident's. No. it Harmony tr.. cl street, above F.l h street, on Boaday ottoman, ti.t 1 o'ock. BALLENGER.— On the lath inst., Sallie S., only daughter of limo and Susanna W. Ballinger, in the 63d year of her age, Irpneral it the Friends' Meeting House, Woodbury, N. J., on Sixth day (Priam') morning, at to o'clock. RESSON et SON, PREVIOUS TO RE. -I-D" =VAL to ttifdr tivr More, (No. 914 qiiaST NUT street,) vut sotto several jarge lota or Brol , " GOODS, AT PRICES - BELOW lIE COST OF IMPORTA ION, And havA now f ir for sale , Seootid Aloarning :infante, Ointhants, Mduieline do Lathes, Cholly do atom Hareem Chenole, Moue. Who've. TruJore, Ltottrea, Cottages, Lane Sleeves, Lace Sete, /co., ko. 4 ; " 88w rit s ordittNiVAllt. CONTINENTAL HOTEL PUILADEL PHU, CORNER OF Off NSTN_CT AND NINTH rtp.sll3—OPENs. FEHR, ARY IeTH. This magninoent establishment has been erected by anbsoription; the stockholders comprising a large nein her of the most Worm isles business men or the olty in which assembled the continental Courage that gave to the world the Ileolaration of American Independ , : " Tje hotel has itotommodations for about one thou laari guests- end la supplied with every =darn fin- Provement for the comfort and , oonvemence of Pm les, heehaw,' men, and the entire travelling commu nity. Avertical railway is being constructed upon a novel and aolentifla principle, which renders accident impos sible, affording the means of reselling the highest sto ries without the fatigue of unending continued flights of 'Maim giving Only access to the purer err and quiet atm upper roonia. • The spacious corridore for ventilation, and every protection against the dangers of lire, have been libe rally. tatinthieed. An extmusive reading room end hi/sines, °nasalise, with telegraph aloe and connecting writing TOoMe, have been provided on the fast floor. The whole of the interior arrangnments and tarnish ing have been under the personal sonerintendenoe of PARAN BTRVENB, nneer whose management the success of the Revere Douseand ;Promo M. Hour Dos ton the Battle Rouse and Point, Clear Rotel. °bile; and the Fifth Avenue Rotel, new Yolk, has eenee tabliehed. . , • • i The various departmentiof the Continental will be conducted upon the same liberal seals which has earned for the clove named hotels their well-known and ex tensive share of public favor. All oommunioationg for apartments, or upon any butt nese connected with the house, should be addressedlo Continental Dote) in order to insure immad late atten tion. • fell-120 J. R. NTig VENN & CO. STEREOSOOPIO vuovd OE ALL parts of the world are constantly on hand for oak, and on exhibition, free of charm RElbilifs'a PHOTOGRAPHIC GIALL.KRY, FISCOND Street above Green. MONEY TO LOAN BY THE PENN 418aving Assootatlon, 46 he Elaiiktor t m A ggni 'kJ RCM Boo:rotary. THE PAS:- - PtirltittoELPlllA; FitiONY` 4tittteAßY 17 ißok • c • UNION E. - ' 6fiiincH, FOURTH [:cr - Street' be ow .tych.—Orent Mirsienery Alerting. BATE ner f ith lot. yierwititigjaes morning et 1O) h•oloott; by ev. 3." P.. D h, . . on'tmeeting oc nt r egest In the Agerneen,stg prenojtiita, the e vtoing ni Rev. P. N /MAU. .Q 1 New] York: , Wilt. MIINUS I/ o DIR arzautgrio, To. ao w gv W Er4 No o theßepublican eldb Im. RR TS and 0 EISTRUT. et 7)f. o'alook. i t' ry - Vln - &FACE OFTHE KIISIRIFFT U,3 OAR CO. February 14,1801 be ant of POI• rectors of the. KensiestrokOsavompany eve this day declared a dividend of FlIfF. PER iiffillit on tbs aaM tal stook of the a:impair, to be paid out of the profits of the company for the lee six months , which will I* paid to Stockholders, or the r legal representatives, on and after TIJIRIDAY. the 2111 inst. fele-St" r I iTER RAMBO, Treasurer: .• KREV. IL - GRATTAN - GU 1 N N ni i lnill e r a rroh In the Hey. Dr m Viehe'i Churotk. ESDAt and I , 7lBl%l7ll`lFiotaliV;Zni O'OlOOY. Al Mr. Oulnnese must soon leave to meet other enge.gements, It a reepeotrully reqqested that those who have enjoyed frequent opportunities' di hear. M u la ri o nVfl'erti l L !NU EMI r f a r to m mi i tt t g tellP who ohurohbx. felbbt rqc. PHILADELPHIA, FEB. 11,3.70, Of adi Migitil"PeVboitZlitiniilti'dASlN COA ANY, held thi tr day, km. liO. W. WOOII - Li was unanimously eleoted hesidant of the Compan te fill the mammy °mullioned byr T' e dsomum of lion. y Joel Jones. JAS. B. A VON, iel3 mwf 6t earetary. ry?, ' , PAID FIRE DEPARTaiirt T-41100 PRE ' LI lUM.—There ha/ petal dam, ted, with the on prilened, a fund whieh is del td MOM empanels • Mao to ... rpprotie PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT riFtla Thar h " "alP .N s : v i„ ill iteeorlanoli *limn . of tho o payb i tit t ra i el dew , at el I nd rirditatioth i CloMb Eking e Ornomns... • ' Ana h n e r r . ge ni s P u tr d s itibellt id orti• l a = a rra e h February next. mitiliff, 30, Itldl. e M NE AL trEn, reTarfkm IN mil IP TiOt. rr r tu tli4ll it RITA Af . P.I.I , ILaA N L p., hetojd thdCathilre ledyOntilantI ed yOntilant ;;Pl i tote in aid ot the tha u to u a t FRIDeLy EVA:I'44AM .9 . 1790,V140' 1i cr0;i; at the 'MUENCAI, FUND HAL "Euters64 , Eetigion without Faith, Ticket' 28 cents. fell-stuth& Pet OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANV.—PRILADELMIIA, February 13.1• { c sr - , 7 TO STOOK HOl.Dhlt.B.—The Annual Men tion for Ireatere Will be held nn MONDAY. the Eillb dny or h eteh.lB6o, et the °Doe of the Company. No. 136 South THIRD &matt The poiltwill be opened born Illo•olook A. Id. until 6 &gloat F. hl. No there gr share!' transferred within 7 ty d elk peat Preceding Dip 'mown grill entille the holder of elders there6f_to mare. ramitni - too ii, , fela•tM6Secretary. , TrDYSPEPSEA.—rurrt yr. r &arms. BCRIBABL,H AGONY from DYBiIIIVA, Ner vousness. filoquit the eltomaoh, and Vomiting, have boon resters_ DU-BARRY fl delicious, hoelth-ro donne __REVA b.NTA ARABIOA FOOD. Upwards mWOO 4 1 1 ... and many thousand testimonials olted, witu re All instruotions, in cantatas. 1 pound, Glee t 11 vattaukr—the latter (onage fee me ter 0010 o oink, ilol lit Dee art, 243 Bost 3111,11,D Street, by H. U RO, Frio that Agent or United States, and by rt Grass , and ruesiate. DYBPSPBIA. Perfit dic_eetio, worts nerves, and refreehtng sloe re tor bv DU-BARRY% deli ' hI h t- 9 ItYA RfiTA AtIABICA FUOr Uf tcit i lirui r :s i al l t i g a ve, with oirou are and tatimon as front eminent pinion' in England and America. fel3-1m• g.THE CHATTEL .Eoluncor,DEas OF THr gAT i o...wago, i r T ILLIMOOPORT, t AHl i i o i alte L ilfrhitompe A aos 411Orrierea,r.. Moen the hours of II at . s t Ei 3 r 34.,,5n sign the power k il orattorney authorued br Cr bn og a. .O. , J. L. hi m.y. f if " 351 N80N, I MO. 1.11.1, Coutmittee of Chattel Bondholders. [l , 7p-re INSVII Me PI?. COMPANY OF THE 11,3 STATE OF FBNriSYLvANIA. puq.AultPßia l iebrarily CM. Ttid t porpel f lie clay ekoo arod a Dividend of TWE It a LF DOLL,A e i lorgh t Negra! Calm Stoe e/ 9 nioaoy. Pe gs e heidere Or their Mal ion ' resetiudrrie s , ern dema nd. 07-10til . ... .. WHOLESALE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT, HUNTER, & S 0 T. T MANUFACTURERS o • WHOLESALE DEALERS CLOTHING, 424 niA.RRET Street, and 410 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. i e iV and complete line of every style and Masa of mac e-made Clothing, fully equal to that mantio tur n any other olty. •Ife3-2m D1Y•000DS JOBBERS. JAS. R. CA evil/BELL 8.1 00.. =POW:IU AND WUOLDNALII DIALERS IN DRY GOODS. LINENS, WRITE GOODS, OLOTUS, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, STEW GOODS, doe No. m CHESTNUT Strut. NEW PUBLICATIONS. WILATELEVS PALEY-A VIEW OF Fri(lsogon of Chrurtinultr. Iq Three PArts. Br Witham Paley, 21 A. With Annotations by %distil Whrtelity, D.J.) , Bro. MIA CHRISTIAN BELIEVING AND LIVING. Sermons by F. D. litiptin. ton. D. 11. limo. BLS& ANNUAL WHO DIED E THE MINENT PERSONS WHO HAVE IN UNITED IiTATEB, 1867 AND 18241. By Hon. Nathan Crosby. 2Ws Syn. S_ 3 20. LIFE Oa MARY ANN BHIhIMELPENNICK. Au thor of "Seloot Memoir of Port Royal," eco. By C. C. Rankin 2 vohi. SCIENTIFIC ANNUA I. OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR 1220. 12nto. Formals by WILLIAM B. & AVM) NIARTIEN, 1.17 608 NUT Street- THE YOUNG AMERICAN'S LIBRARY ! Published by • LLNDRAN pt HLAKISTON. kosselfers and Ptuntshsre, No. 23 Smith BIRTH Bt.. above OHESTNOT. THE YOUNG AMF, R 10 AN'S LIBR • RT. Con taining twelve, Ireeuttful Urns. vo'urnm,2lo pp, each. Entttlea no follows t LIFE OF FE AYETTE. • • LIFE OF WEBSTER. LIPE OF W.ABHINGTON LIFE OF el, AY. LIFE LIFENN. OF FRAN RIJN. LIFE 'OF NAPLF.O, LIFE OF JACKSON. LIFE OP MARION LIFE QF TAYLOR. THE OLD BELL OF INDEPENDENCE. THE YANKEE TE A FARTY. The above volumes embrace ell the 'eviler events oonneeterl withthe liistotr of our oountry, and the Lives of its Distinetitehed Men. Price per set. (In Boxes)..— ..... ........ .....,86 00 v°l24l;say A BLAKIBT — O . N, PulAshe:. INSURANCE COMPANIES. V i TATEMENT OF TUE BUSINESS OF h. 7 THE EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY for the year ending ,nuary IM, s A UTH t/RIZ bD CAP! A ..... 6100,000 00 RBCRI GED CAPITAL 11.0,0u0 W PRE et bin for the year...— • . 012,566 /11 I.OEOEB during the year... 16,600 42 Reinsurance. Hetarn Pre miums. Commluione, Baisties. and all other expenses 23,785 15 -830485 67 14 C. 20 87 PCO 97 VW Bildern largely reduoed fu WO by the 'with drawal of ell Agencies GIGO% Pittsburg, and on.qr two others. and the relinquishment of eh except Fire Itlsgs, to which the business of the Compani le now oxelu• mealy confined. AMTS. ' Donde and Mortgages.. Ornlnd Routs Rea Estate, purchased at sheriff's eon Company's execution-- 1140 00 Farmers and Mechanics' Ilk. abates 10 sherds, (Damen, N. J.l• • • • Bills Receivable ....... COr Passenger Railroad. and other stooks and coupon bonds .......... 13,21 S 17 Cash on hand and due from Agents, 6,000 CO 8116,1113 JRREM BONSAI. President. _4OIIN H. 0 iriNo DO, Vice Prestdent. kIDWAR,D W. DAVID, lieeretari. Philadelphia, Janusry 1 ith. kW. It THE ENTERP.RISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHIVADEPLIIA. (FIRE INBURANCE IOCCLiISIVELY.I CO FOU RTH BUILUINO. 8: W. Cp_RNBE Avult.Tll AND WALNUT STAZDTB. P. IteTeurom STARR. WILLIAM, MCKIE, NALII*n PR ' , VIM, iogn ittrool) , Bro. BBIACK. lignity ilalti z oN ft ~C RP CRARLSB W. CUB, Be THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE .00NIFANY OF NEW YORK. oats: SIX MILMONIIIOF DOLLARS, INVIIIRD It v tl i ngentwa s ll i t=l. 1117.672 The premiums are Lomas than in many other Comps. aim end the Dividends lave bean ORZATrit. This Is a etrietli MOTOAL TRWPAINA " " Stockholders, so that A HUMID TO Int Pamphlets, mad every information, may be had 911"" ' "P"Oati TA OR T t 8. *until: huff .1%.01. Mete. PHILADELPHIA REPER W ENDEin Jo Riga% Goor hn aW elshl• &Mart. ymnss. tig:md, helen, 9ritlial r c t .Vag John M . Atwood, Artbnr ,1 Conn V T 4 hemu H. Powers, t ism Mateo, qrpir..!trlzi;cr,2%. .f. iIEATON & DENOHLA. HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 007 COMMERCE and 310 NORTH STREET, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF OUT NAILS, HOLLOW WARE, CAST, BLISTER, ANDGERMAN STEELS, Winoh, with a oom piste assortment of AMERICAN HARDWARE They offer for sale at ANUFACTURERS' PRICES. fettAvtalm it PO DEALERS AND CONK/MEWL-Al. A. wale on hand a etoek of 1.1:00,000 line HAVANA CIGARS, of the following brands, via I Oethemas Unmann• Penults, Traveata, Normsede, fig fleneillez, Programme', Chuoha, Copgultto, osa, &o•.ere. Offered at wholesale and Retail, ter O. GUM PERT, 401 3 : CHESTNUT Street, below the Custom Home. l ONT : flile , .-10,000 TONS ?ÜBE AND oLEAnwATEA 10E. From 10 tole Inehee Welt eakee,m32 inahos. Housed id the best ma, and In fait onus ',Tsai, and oovered with nail hay. .5, pditis or expel:me aye been spared in 'modulo /to OdOking tide Sae , it. eof A No. I Reality, and wilt . . aoid nt a reasonable price per ton, jn the bowies . i lord for Vi?P' .i ! .., ~ „. - pptc K&On i R. wholesale too a sere fell -Qt roushisepine, N, Y. 8014 470 42 1533 83 DIREuTORB MoaDscAl L. Disviott, Ono. fl toivo 8. BROWN. D. A. PAIIIV . I CIITOCAsaI, J. MUM D . L. Es/MORA. RD tiTAUft, Yretiderit. mats. re 1517 ►' 1111 Y GOODX. M== DOUGLAS 1 tr. SHERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT, "BELLE OF THE BOUM') The moat Perfect and Beautiful Skirt ever produced MAIM WITHOUT CLASPS, and warranted not to get out of order, In 8, 11, 15, 20, 25, 90, 95, 40, and 20 ROOM EVERY LADY 18 REQUESTED TO EXAMINE THEM BEFORE PUROBABING OTHER MAHE& Wholesale Dealers surolled by DOUGLAS h SHERWOOD, at, 63. and 66 WHITE Street. felo-1m NSW YORK. 1860. PRING. 1860. NOTIONS VOIL TRH SOUTHERN TRADE. N'OAUILEY• • PROTHEK• & No. Its Notrli FONT," sTREEt Have a lage and Omelets aseurttnent of AOSIERY, GtoVES:, SEGO, lAN iELTS, WOVEN TRAIL slid*, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, and FANCY GOODS, To *Mott they 1 ell the attention of Ityst-olaskiV- i DIJORIRG Nye, 9N and $8 81t/R.Tit FOlLlittit BTRSE'r. Aro °owl...milling, by anoootalve a'irriralr from rope, Ibeir SPRING IMPORTATIONS or ENGLISH AND GHRMAN HOSIERY, OLOVHIL AND IiMILL WMIEN) Mai Mme Sendai 811 k and Thread—oad fe ars:Won of thClr complete and wallmmorte stook— IMPICIALLY BpAtusir TO Sonatas AND TATIIN TRAM (*am 1860. SPRING. 1860. BURNETT, SEXTON, & BWEARINGEN, Would roopiothillr Invite tie dftdutlore of Bovine to thou BRAIN° STOOK o NEW GOODS, For Kates trader Alio, GLOVES, nosum, eutd - FANCY GOODS. Wenn' lona Itellerget Trlmmlan, No lan°. 409 MARKET STREET. 111LLINERY 18600 8 P R . 1 1 1 a C A l tigg. ° ° KlB6O. One of the taigiiet and meet complete stooks of geode in our line In We ooridtif. The Wet terra and the eheatiot alines. _ _ O. lad. GARDEN Be 00., &Laminators re of, and Wholassie Dealers in, HATS, CAPS, FURS, BILK and BTRAW BONNETS, and 'STRAW GOODS, AI7IIIIICtAL sLowtlte. PWATHEMII,IIICIiIn. &0.. Nos. 600 and 60S MARKET STREET. B. W. corner Sixth. feT-!m SPRING OF 1860. MARTINS, PEDDLE; HAMRICK, ea CO., No. so NORTH FOURTH. STREET, Have stow in store, and are dolls recaloing, ootoplete lines of the following desirable goods, silf.2 HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SHIRTS AND COURT FRONTS, FARIS AND OANTON FANS, SUPERB BELTS. PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS OF EVERY RIND, Adapted to Southern and Western Trade, to Titbit' we invite the attention of rsbolus buyers. fe3-3ut CLOTHING. NEW STYLES.-1860.—NEW STYLES. MONS. P. ANDRIOT. Late of the Finn of MORLAND . P. ANDRIOT, Taill4ure and Chensisiera, 6. PLACE DE LA BOIIRSH, 6, '• , PARIS, Deti•ent to minutia his Maras and Milner Petrone, that helaut, returned to the United State. , having weeded the position of Chi efArthine Cutter in the FASIIIONA OLE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT of GRANVILLE STOKES. No. 007 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THE LATEST IMPORTED STYLES, FINEST FABRICS, ELEGANT FITS, AND MOST REASONABLE CHARGES GUARANTIED. felt-6t SE WING MACHINES. WHEELER it WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY 007, Agent, gnie CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. Eaohines, with Operators. on hire to Private Pawnee. BRANCH Of /ICES! 7 West ELATE Street, Trenton, N. J. .110 CENTRAL. SQUARE, Eeeton, Pa. jant-em ILUOX &BS'SEWINGMA CIIINE.—The great and Inereasing demand for %loot k Gibbs' Bening Machine le a guarantee of ita superior excellence. ?rine 63u. For Bak, et FAIR BANKS' Seale Warehouse, 7rn CHESTNUT Street.; fou•lf CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. WRIGHT, SMITH, 60 00., CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENBWARE. PITTSBURG AGENCY, GLASS. NAILS, Oro., dehvered from the I• actor, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. URANITN BUILDING, No: 5 North FIFTH Street, feS-fmer Om FAILArE",THIA. T URNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., IMPORTERS ADD WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND'" QUEENSWARE. Nos. 99 lu3d 94 8011TH FOURTH STREET. (Botwoon Market and Chestnut streets.) Ch Ass AOINCY. CLASS, ORIN 08 58 11l PACLACIII, ♦T MANUFACTURNRS' ratme. fe9t-Im BOYD & STROTJD. IMPORTERS I JOBBERS, Rave now on hind a oomplehs Stook of QTJEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and • ENGLISH CHINA. their at t ar i i? E rg FOURTH I . foot ooe Zgolnn titeOeattentionofw oLasatmnut ao SF'Uwiie FOR MITIMIO 0101. fe.S-3m NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. 1860. 1860. SPRING SHAWLS. ALEXANDER CLARK. 81 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK, • AS NOW OPEN, AND OFFERS TO THE WHOLE SALE TRADE, on liberal terms, a large and splendid stook of PRINTED CASHMERE SHAWLS, STELLA SHAWLS, BROCEE AND PRINTED BORDERS. Also, the LARGEST STOCK of WOVE BROODS BORDERS, IN BETS, Ever offered in this market. AS THEABOVE WERE ALL BOUGHT PERSON ALLY, on the molt advantageous terms, by the ad vertiser, he is enabled to offer them at sakes that mua command the attention of all FIRST-GLASS AUGUST BELMONT , & CO., BANKERS. flaw 'YORE, wart Letter of Credit to Travellers available In ALI, PARTS Or TAB WORLD, ettativottinTl A . s MEBI3RiI. ROTASCHILD, PARIS. DONDdir, IitANXPoRi. VIENNA, NA ' PLAT; AND rriItINCORRNIPPONDRNPS Jag.,-61t0 TRIBU.STREET JOBBING HOUSES 186 Q. BPIUNG. 1860. FIUME GOODS. RIEGEL, BAIRD, b CO.. IMPORTERs AND JOBBERS o■ FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, .A 10.41 N. THIRD STREET, IPHILLDELPHIA. Would respootfußT invite the attention of Count" Merohadta to their LARGE AND WELL•BSLEOTED STOCK OF FRESH SPRING GOODS, Vithloh they are now reoeiring in Storm Merobanta would find it to their Mutants to oall and examine our gook. feeL 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. WAY Beoo., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. 98 NORTH THIRD ST., Are now ready for the SPRIN G TRADE, And prepared to corer, to CAIN and 310211 Pt eli months Buyers, one of the LARGEST AND mosT A. " 7,2IeXT/VB STOOKS In the errantry, sod at Pate; tA a t will nun com'egi- Hes, meanly in Mc, bat in any nth*. Say' Faroltaewte w<e and our Stook well all mamas of the year. Z. T. WAY, I SIAa. N. DVIILAT. Wit. r. WAY, (115441 toad. p. way. 18604 SPRtNG TRADE, 1.860‘ BUNN, RAIGUEL, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN (FANCY DRY GOODS. 137 NORTH f Mat STRUT, dre revered to exhibit at their salesroom* the Most complete stook of goods aver offered by them, preterit ins rmasnal Memnon, to the trade generally.: The stock comprises a complete assortment of ever, vsaiii Of SILKS, RIBBON', DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOOK . EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS, CASSIIVERES AND VESTING'S, HOSIRRY, GLOVES TRIMALINa. Asso t • Aill and general ganortmant of Spring BH AWLS MANTILLAI3. To ell of whaoh they Writs the etiolation of CARR AND PROMPT BIX•MONTHB BUYERS. 2. M. BUNN, V. C. BUSH, It. R., LA IGUEL, W. W. KURTZ, 'it: F. BUNN. to 134 m yARD, GILLMORE. ea CO. NOS. 60 AND 41 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, WRITE GOODS, LACKS, LINENS, EMBROIDE RIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ikurrs, AND fe3-!m BRAWLS. ANSPACH. REED; & CO., WHOLESALE DIALERS IN DRY GOODS. NO. 330 NORTH THIRD !STREET. (CORNIR THIRD ►ND MIRKY IVO PHILADELPHIA. .1 ANsr►cu, JR., DOA.. E. ANIPACH. WIC JanAM J ..IH, REIN DAVID M. Sw►ll. fe3,lm MILTON CDOPRR. WM. M. PARHAM. ROM D. WHIZ. COOPER, PARHAM, & WORK, . IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS or HATS. OAPS. AHD STRAW GOODS, NO. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET. • SIT Constantly on hand a large assortment of Straw Bd Lee. Bonvtts, knaaras,l44bortk, and Par Leaf ata. Bonnet Trimmings, Artlamal flowers, Mies o. eS-3m FAUST. WI.NEBRENER, & CO.; IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE, NO. 49 NORTH THIRD STREET, Ahose Market, new Brown Stone Store, erected on the Old Coy Motel Lot, HILADELPHIA. DAVID TACIT. D.I. WINBDREREE. W. M. CLETE*. fe3.2at RAZELL & HARMER. ItiNUFACTURRRB AND . WHOLE' ALN MAMBO BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 128 NORTH THIRD BTRIRET. A Aall assortmen tof MO made Boots and Mem cm 'tangy on hand. 40-ti LAING & MAGINNIS, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in *, IRISH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS; FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTING& SHOR kiNtLpAcruHs'lts , ARTICLES: SYWINO ACHINE SILKS, THREADS, COT TON& NLED ES, ho. SOLE AOr NTS FOR Gurney'. celebrated LX Machine Bilk, and Upfield's Patent Bootes. o. 30 North THIRD Street. te&Sm SOWER, BARNES & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHIRS OP ' , ELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS. EMMONS' GEOLOGY. BROOKS' NORMAL ARITRMETICS, SANDERS' READERS, Ao., No. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET, (Feet sblo, below Arab Mum.) 143 3m TO Hi B HANTS BUYING OIL. CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON Ss SMITH. MANUFACTURERS OF OIL-CLOTHS, 140 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA, We invite the attention of dealers to our lame stook of FLOOR, TA LE, AND OARRIASIE OIL CI,OTHS, GREEN OLAZ D O.L CAMBRIC. a beautiful artiste for Bh.,des. The lai ipt. stook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at moss 'which defy competitor,. fel 3m JAMES, KENT, SA.NTEE, & CO,. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, NOB. 239 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, Respectfully invite the attention of buyer* to their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among erhioh will be found full line' of BATES' MILLS AN TO D _yrty, COMPANY'S COT- Also,' LARGE N VARI ADES ETY 01 New and confined Styles of PRINTS, MERRIMACK SECONDS, tyr. fe3-2m HENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STREE'TE, PHILADELPHIA HATS AND CAPS. HOOPES & DAVIS, • No. 517 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS OP. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, SILK, OASS/MERE, STRAW, AND PANAMA HATS, CAM, BONNETS, BLOOMERS,RUCRES, PALM & WILLOW ROODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ite, We reapeetfally invite the attention of cash and nromet-paying buyers to our large and yellfel -selected stook. t hin COLUMBO ROOT—For sale by WETIIL RILL h BROTHER, 4/ and 43 North norm Streit, fen WANTS. AVANTED—Six good white ' Waiters ; Pierre also M. bo y fourteen Yews of she. AS* at 14 HA WANTED—A person well aoiusinted With Lire Ineursnas sad having gorperiasea is obtaining appliestuuss. A good. oPedridditr Sere ofr-red for baderrig up a handsome income. Address Box em P. O. relr 3t WANTED—By an active young man, V situation t he Wholes mike us an Assistant Cleric. Would willing tohimself senerall, t.,aatul his employer. Address" L.," at tins silos. Sava- WANTED. --A Young Man from the country 'wisher a situation in a store. Buxom, knowledge of book-keeping. or wowd make himself ge- Wi li n v ivsrtil ei e l geit n ot i gfe'nrsrrYA he J placed . office,. fell - A CLERKSHIP WANTED, BY IHE ndvartiser; bas some active armless°, ha busi ness ; fait peamtaoad correct a• tatant•lilac, good a dareu 'Fried!." PIM ee. reis-wittas WAN'rED—A Partner with tiapital, to take an interest In a Lumber Manufactory in this Mate. near a railroad. The business is established, and Voids rood Drat& fleiuusl , s required to extend the buidneu. For par ticular/. address, With full name, Box 201, West Cheater Poet °Moe. Fe. feltt WANTED —A Financial Partner with SI6XOO $26 MO cash in an established leritimate Angina and Lloruiniewori Beet now selling over Imo par annum. 86 000 Eutowitied the first year. A y OWLS Yuan prelemai. Mill OLIO acquainted countlne.hquse duties. Best reterence required be loreipt7view. and only with 'real name. aril strictly erinfident A uction Business no: required. Address " A Buness' no: leo. ostnffics. nas atll St.ruA'►lON WANTED BY A YOUNG KJ Man 611 Yfitly_ Clerk D ry t Book keeper, or to learn the wholesale U sed, or Notion business. salary not SO much of an ohlrjrnto rood place to learn. Addrees •'Alms.' Press omee. fob 3t• WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN, A situation as Porter in a Pry Goods or notion Ronan. Canawe nefaranna from I kat employer.. Ad dress .• Q. O. I.l' Ulm office. tallant" ABOOK-KEEPER who will devote hie whole time to the intagalp or his em j elor er, wishes a vitiation. Address T. ~ aloe of Frau. ele 6t rirTANTED—TO RENT.—A modern vv. a "::•ng ho et . iitusted in the western tmli of 81 430 to VIM per annum. Addreaa Vi v itctreft . olBo,-.. reifi-nt• FOR SALE ANIII To Lltr, sip COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC CITY .lUL. FOR BALE.—Four dotfikeige, bOteetreeele. da ting the het season. by the C. mid A. Lead Coottetig. to Me families Wangles the mummer et Me delightful watering plum. Forrticulars app . to Jol a lll 114 W . Architect. 427 In NUT Eltreet. /3hk6 Ll,Ol D. Reeretive. fe11.61 • 4 r Foist. N.J . _ _ POR SALE—The good-will of at old NI- A: tab Isted Cabinetlobbint shoo; bons. to let with large .tray -bedding. lint; vary kW. Would maks a - (I rs• at* mesas eta • tot any kind of brunassa. 406 - II • I 11. J ONES' ffirtt4-1411LADELPHIA The lime au3a tariloire a.Lthis soled &et afie . per Wifilt:lnf.tltliii:r7 n all4ll,l " l=l74 nil a sucavaarai lama laaufre of D. 11. e lOIS.S. fa IhfLuota. dr tr i p. 5 atflA, Do. IS JOU RAY Ph. P. Y. 001 t. BALE—Ten acres of LAND, on -a - Nerve Last ndiasont to Motion on the Penn sylvnois We'd. Os olden hue too cm ;none hoer! oast; 00a/d i ffrotoirodoo so to *Ow • &arable dye l og t ono, taxi. Arm t° Jogi nor tit AN, felt -lit ,LBLVX Street. CtONESE AND JAPANRSE ERX)DR.— A tarp quantity of Chtpees and Javanese tins AD- L li. erene!. roue* jdandseroinels. nod emir . . eve just testi, r e eiat , s/ t . 7is., thin. of rinN Senate, fki•Wii . e . north of IdA 11, pil•ptitis a t, at moderate )rtes. AB= to or E g e r. with a view ord. Lee and Wets see n far. dPS Of grrt b'au . I, Mt euntility. senate& tiifaksto ti rm. iell-411' FOR SALK OR EXCHAN G E FOB, CITY ;ROMITY.—A 'skiable FARM, ea .1". IL IL. pear n. War station. 13 mites thellty=ll; tri f etch a = aigirs:a v an u lteatQZ ". ..*.rA, tenant and coach house, all neeesssiiry catt-onomni ° l Sue gluing, and streFf water, Tannins Ulm= the arm Whit form ie. in t exception. the Anent to be *and within the saran istanee of Phikidelphia. Also, one Delanattelenty Farm,. of 73 acres, line location, netir i r onwo od station. Those who want a eountry remdenee, having prctiosily to exchanger, lied Getter examine this property Dorm Porehemns ***- w he re. A Lot of Ground on Pins street, vest of Ttreati tiesond. Sete jinn Lots on Trenton avenue and Cleailisld street, Wear of all ineambranes. will be ezahaasioa for 'tuna hiirdsee.. fot=isattUrnDertr, nomad rents, and bmds Lsyak COf_frlA fate t° WALNUTanent. 70 OAPITALISTS.--POR SALE-- Manta hlnoinnery,_ Eitoak, and Fixtures of a lame Manufnotory of PAPER HAIsOINtiP. replete with every convenience for carrying on an extensive bum nem. A desirable investment to persons of ' withoutwho can Noah the bueineee For vale with or the but Id nit. I gums at an Cf[oll4 (Jr threat. yalierfnitf OR BALE— THE BROADWAY FO WONT AND MACHINE-OROP, 8T.1.01318. ALAMO, EBTABLUIRED 18,7 6. This long-edablished end well known Foondl7 a of raged for eels on atioommodsting tense. Donut the last eighteen months the Buildings hare all been rebuilt, in the mod sllettose IlloOsto allot Me new machinery added. magma tne mod *omelets es tablishment of its size in.the Western constrl. Tie Foundry Bedding is 06 by m feet , and furnualted It I r Crones, uutmle, Core Oven. &a., &e.. complete. d Irtioloos thoe Is 110 by fo feet two sad one-hall Iltv aliturllnu 00111.11 W/ laZgraitO well.arranged set Lathes, Burma en Planing se On'kr. &Go wallah found in Mops for doing s gene hlatoludloT boVot. oo The stock of Patterns tbe Larsen sad stig t '''6o l late in ;he city of Lowe. Flasks, 1 cola. t lung' shop . Foundry , Mealutte tOWD. end Bo er Out in umlaute.— A most eltialent opportunity is °fend lorro or three Practical ameba mos. with small amount o Carte 4 to embark inA well as ablished manuteetaring boluseee. For paelmulets addrese, et Akt.ouitiado.. Di3-Imil CUDDY, CARPENTER. k CO. em TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS. asa. A Retail Store and Wares, well leaden for bud -1181/1. A an 71 by SS feet, three etariee high. with water- Power ao4 steam for Downing wed liguettine tootle. ra %% t ip c i t i r ee dr eO r tg4 feet.fitti good water for dyttag, tu troperty l in Fistier'a lane, Dear the Glerataatava Ito 1, being so eery aotteseible to the city, makes it very warble. Je3ll-tr to .fixomis H. Fano. Fisher's Lana F UR SALE---A valuable Lot at corner of Christian and Th h antieth. _strgu si ttrig rt t a hret ,kg.D,Tal i re n i . ° r 8., :I ra° tt pAOTORY LOT FOR SALE. —A valua a- ble corner lot, US foot square, having three fronts, admirably located for a factory site. It !a situsts4 to the southwestera part el the pity, of a rapidly-rel. . roving neighbohood. It will be sold on reasonabl t e rms. Per partioalara, address "K.." ollae i or The rissal3-tf en ROUSEd TAVERNS, and STORES Mi. tiorb Rest Estate of every desorisfor sale or to rent. Rest to MAX HEIN'S, Real Estate Agent. NQ. 2A North SECOND Street. in L. Town, & Co.'e Bead atom AU onlsrs will be promptly attended to. Emit* French, and German spoken. Collector ofGromul Rents. ala-ka BOARDING. B OARDING -225 South Broad Street. To rent. with Boarding. mingle and double roving handsomely furnished. Best reference requited. lt• AA rat t:OND-STORY FRONT ROOM with the we otm. May be had on application to No 1133 CHERRY S tr eet. lt• A FINE ROOM VACANT ON THE SE- A-IL mid door. with board. at Idit3lnut-st. REMOVALS. R EMOVAL. -SMALL & CHANDLER. staWHOLESALE OROOBV i iiiye icm_st_ve4 Von Noqh obcor4D Street, to LIZ /11W ET etr•et • irro , L aortb side. WATUEUIS, JEWELRY, ar.o. a PRATT •8o REATH. N. W. CORNER FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, IMPORTERS 0 WATCHEE, JEWELRY, PLATED RARE, &0., &e. tis-iin SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite noodal attention to thou stook of SILVIO WAKE. which is now ungroally large, affording a ea nety of pattern and demon unserpassed by any hoes, the United Btatoo, and of finer nada; than Is maculae tared fur table use in any pan of the world. Our Woodard of Myer b 936-1000 ports par* Ito English Sterling oxs-zOOO American and French 900-1000 " Thus i wid Doman that ire give thirty-Are parts pure than the American and hunch rola, and ten puts Irmo than the English Sterling. We malt a our Oyu Ehlrel end we guarantee the onaltty as shore (NM, whial tr the Aim Mai cast be =do to be smnlcialt, sad 111 resist the motion of wide sees► bsusr seen the loa my Sher mositmstsred. U. WILSON & NM 8. W. OORNER JUTE AID OMIRAY En. N. 11,—Any gnomes of Weer mennhatared al &MSC upon , bat poiitillay ISOM *OWN to Pomo% mod Aomori UM asoodord. Dealers rivalled Intl the lame standard am mot b our retail department. Fine Silver Dui, 010-10:03 parts pars, oondanthr et hand. sali-dm UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER Be FENNER. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS, No. 336 ktatlin STUNT, WM. A. DROWN & 00.. UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS. Na 848 MASKET 8710337. fa-Lm PHILADELPK/A. rg LEON, 411 CHESTNUT STREET. above Fourth, North eidexhae the very Rest Smoking and Chewing Tobecoo W rhgadelphia. PM-1m FRENCH GELATINE, WHITE, BFAT4- For We by WURERILL k BROTHEL and 49 North bROOZID thress. 1213 D _ UAYTOWEI PARLOR trp•RAS, PAO - COMEDY. sND DRAMA CONCERT EAU. CEMITHUT STREET. • Near ("weft posmvsLy THE LAST NIGHT. Prior to now itomoure Ow_ Ca'hoots as • .aahlszton. t i NPRJSCeDENTwD_IMIOCEBS. TRIB 'OFR u nYt EVILMNG, at Di. o'clock. tadelatos. MERE'S l e PAW CLOUD OR, LA 130114Aat 41.4. = *aro LOVES'S La BOLLOEfT. (Last Tans t_ - SENOR OLIVEIRA, the Great VioliotaL GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY. at P. It.. and last performance. Tickets at Chieleinng & Sees. SA Chestnut &ewe Beek & Lserton'sses lassomot Mee, Hell, Prioaa—Body , the ball, It sesta; pamm.T• ti le oasts. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT Bt .. aboire Elena. riticas.—Dras Oink, *mats; Pimalt_chi*o l li nanaaj new se ?my* Boies. le cants; wears ru vate MOIL, In And Cinema ear Tit &nommen; at halt veld C teektoß. Tooosuneiges att. TEM i Friday) EVENING - Feb. it, Will be yrsaented the Urogscos Spewed. ot the • ELEr PARE HANT UP ; OR. jibl'N 13 VuW. Almanaor, Mr. W R. tags •JI e, Mr. C. IL Levis: Chittagong, Mr. Whpasei rinds. Mr. Johns to t; Rowe. Mr Murray ; Bite. Mr. Noyes ; Theophilas Gi raffe Mr. Frank Drew ; • Saityinr. Jammu, LlCabarba.d. Mr. Madmen • Rated. htr. r King; Akber,Mr.2ear.ow; Diego, Mr. u. Rolland; Korrasaan. Si r. 3. lamas I in dimmer Mini Raymond Attendant on the Pumper, Adieu Wilton; Lulu. s• Macklin ; .Bore Otiose. e Clara Robinson; Misa Annie licentiate. Fire Slaves. Amazonian n wird, adiea °Celle Marano Art, Panning Girls. E nestae s es. Ice. The F.,irr Court Or the glutei of Hoses. by o berg of basautii Children: Caters et the Irregular Herne. Boldesie of the Diemen and Buri n s. gouda, Attendants on the Eleehant Am tiasta. De - tus, Vo arum F re. Hearers, k slaves, de, by the EgnestrLe Corp. Do and On. undred Anultartee The a erfontianoe will_oonelude with a se action of ACTS IN TRA I.INU, in whioh the Onginal Hrsainst. DAN RICE. Inpnara. SATURDAY APT 1511140026. for Ms coarsioancpsf (+nukes end strangers. the great sfreetac.e ef the bLE FRANT OF [SIAM will be Sal sa MERICAN-ACADEMY OR MEC THIS (PRITAY) lz VSNINO, Feb. 17. Win be yrneested Fears timed Roseanne Urns, in four sett, sainted TER TROUBADOUR; TiOOA.TOI.O) OR, TILE OlYaYht Vs./4011ANCE. Lear Lemon—. —..41111%111 M Inez Antisrak Arn;zla . . Monneo. tins Troanneenr... ...-----.. -Mr. r. Yamada.. . .Mr BOadisoL ''' . . . ..... Mr. draw. M it2 3 esid e e L r " Ot "the London Allnlk rr 5 C nio Cs b 9 e l eTet. Italia& Orem &o ) pruc 1. el OP ADMISSION. o Pareset.grquet Carlo. and Beesony *be, eittl 000.130 101' r•sen-04 'seats. Family . ... ors. Wts for the Maio: or siest alo7 end *art Ifeeeedey. t eM lea- UZI* Auer mega Lizirsad Chsekendfer. frons St LI 4. von at 7 ems*. , 000110100011 M 4 of Opera els y VVIIRATLEY & CLARICIPS &kat anna 11110 nA I T kVSNIIrO. Trrh. IT. FOO IMtla of BO RCTORthrd ('MW /MAT. ogled tbel toy r'+ - BOON: Os. I.IPN IN I OMPIANA. George Foto% Mr. WOW/tin .144. MerAulikel • Mr Dolman; Zoe. the Utrosoot A.m./No Ursa'. bem..a UI raids --11011.k0000, J 00010 0.....5111 40110 to Dias COOO. 073.4 0401.0; Parquet- If 0004 000ril 01010 at tM perionaasisee .121ZAMIR. TM prool•oly. WALNUT4TILBIN THEAIRE. i s a r atuo Lemasse__—..._....lll is. in. ) 4 73 . . ft;r i 1l Elesusses alert. . Ott. 091. D 1 , 1 HISS sr. P elb/ 7 J prieponi. THIS r1 7 .11.1DA1 17. Poi t ..ras t•TIRA).I3RE: Tke Premier. Mr. IMI todOen NA BAUM KM NSW. Tomato& nnb T.lllii. Vapid. Mt. MIIII/MIIHE DRA1111; MAZIASUIe. WI. Ana 00n% ar - Prioss Snob sewed "tart eitr , smarm Do 7 ors ope nan ot o stock : Partonos st ames to ornanteitost Na A CRAND INCERT IN AIP OP !zT. vlNcErirrt itomrfpie OREN. ha • sven tee TIFIODAf Er , Vet .a.tant. at CONC KELT Eta Lir. Cement aloes • • this street The etsVezniahed led raivere.ily vs red vooalist. him RICHI IGS. lea. re the Ilodoet wow!e volunteered her earvieee for tb. mese ea. Pls. kendi avll Thneder drs es hat. and a nue, l+rrofloodlasemateurs,haleatsooferedtoas-iK to ssonstecuenat Tit o'alock. Ticket SS artas WI ft ANDUSON'S gXIIIBITION ROOM*. Comnionereekh Beilthtni, (Moist Plus Street near Stith- DDIT,.N L API!) tt _ATTIIIACTI O II3: The eganart men tof the T MrigeLld. Wrist -vs bon°. ed with immense ar.d lathe audiences during the past week. respectfully annonneet isestate Cr removing in Plidadelnlos • eh,W 310 , k. Des) order to enable all to asthma the a girth= execs* of the et/revel spectacle, entitled ^ LUGHr atlU ITS Before irtaarin. the city. we w . m sd thank th e poet. and the Inabile for the high /seam i. they have hitherto held the of Atte and hope we may to able to glee 000 tiaoott our tutu:Ann, Adrounion—Adulta. 36 ovate• Children. IS Ds, hihtbauoas ou WEDNEDDAY sisi ee ntr- DAY AP I EDNUOMS, sill o'clock. MoDUMAJOWEI (tAl&T110---AMAIJA .. beornin.. joverrio. •razes • • Of Mt STAN tr. oSALOTT; SILVER * IkOWN/LS. Thin PanlOtoblei ta ennimenomil bran tole , mePe rior to any attempt it Lce Hirt the Whew. is ke tHo e n,ll:ll l, it i ron: lana a t m ate . i t s in esa 2=.1, tamer. REV I LVING IRE!. REVOLVINia " WU% IL AV ' a ATLAS. &WO?. .11.1WATLIS. 511/1. PEN IMO ADOISIADEL Ampuip ALCIBIADES. ALOIRIAJO The above Tableau will form a eraIPSLIVINH MOTORAIL CAST OF HARLEQUIN CRAILL A C. . I 49 I 6 tals. Pentido . ¢777.— ..... gt L . Columbine... —J_ d ty RI 813 &sr of - • —ldrN Also, ea be 'oedema the NemDelals&oApriolis of - OR - PENNSYLVANIA NIGGLERS. Slim Jim..._..........._.._....__..Hernandez. Clover Cramps... Sally Snow Also Singing andisp . seeing. 1011,71". IMNANDAZ tim trona al feats of Peetadmi together with NICIIO. 1.8 pEMISYLVAIIIA AOADMIT 01 Till A. PINE A.RTS. utIESTEUT STREET, Is °PRE DAILY. Iftandais ssostSsa.) Rost I 41.11 t. tVa P. Wanted—The Tenth Total:to of UrSis Mews rastisia ' Adatiosma SI out & Claim: nal' El its hall M At OO. hitroa of Stook VS Oltkf cIERMANIA ORWIESTRA.—Pubbe Re. 'LltheartlseverT BATUIPAY. at MUSICAL M_ll HALL at 33“Voock Tukets tot &lid at U. i.ndie's, wit Bea & Lawton', Mule atom. sag at toe aonr. iatt-am CHURCH'S PAINTING, " THE !WART OF THE ANOFS." Nov on kitatetiott 24 the ACADEMY_PF FINS SAM 1035 UT efiEBTN treet, from A. IL till Wt. Admission 23 cents. Vietera are requested to brier OPerli Gingen. ha if TEMPLE OF WONDERS Nortuut, o v a l TENTH and CHESTNUT dtrettlls. Croat an Attraction. • 810 OE Ilt.l SEETTIOI 4 VI II ER 6N 6 e ~U m 6 TSBWEER. Comtism:dap at73figoloch. and ® WEDNESDAY tad SATURDAY Arr hits 00b8 at 3. The cal./mask Automaton Hops Vaulter . one of toe antatent Neese 0 1 1 naottamam aver e: St ab, Mayan .Ma ma. and perform tua alto Data. admumon cents. Child ren meta. daHl JOSEPH LEA, NOB. WARD 137 CHEM= STREET, ulritsii the 'WWI= of the Truitt* hie Btook of COTTON. WOOLLEN. LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTK rev bight and daft oprusg tries, • VOSS , 11711110 - Dom MESSRS. SAWL SLATER & SONS. SUTTON MANUFACT R iNG CO . MONTEBELLO COMPANY. AI" THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, 'minding maul ow um:Lard Flamm '(SAT BLACK & WHITES. n'ReLva. LAY I. As. AIONY & SHEPHERD PLA.I , II. k BID RANDS, BLAC&AND OKAYS. AND CHOICE DUSTER STY WOOLLENS. 9ANCY CAMMEILF.J3 and DOE&CINB, CROM ROCK COM., GLENDALE CUM., NEW SINGLAND COAL CRAWFORD MP . BROOK DALE AND OXFOItD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' lUPERIOR BLACK DO ' SKIN AND MX MIX TURE& Batinitto. Plain and Printed, of all colors and quail inn; noataoky „loans. Twain. Cords, Outlast tts, Stases Itveds,accmprisint on. of the but steaks to oountry. AMERICAN LINEN CON. CRASH, HETES, SHEETINGS, &c. jaM.Sm CARRIAGES, Or THE MAXISTACTIIZX Or WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 10C9 CHESTNUT STREET. pp. 1... frakNask GGUSIPERT, Importer —Just received, • sa (WO bestquality HAVANA. CIGARS. whip% are offered for sale by_ 0. 1 31 , 1211P1i1rr, 130 CHYSTNUT 8 rest. above V. 8. Mint. 1 116- it. S • CHENCK CAN BE FOCAL, A T AT his ofilea, No. 39 North SIXTH Street, ow Fri day and Saturday of each week. Mondays and Theo Jays ars sat artt for routing patent is and oat of the atty. On We ands! and Thu-sclty of each week he is Ithis °mos. o. 1a79 BALTIMORE Stmt., Batbmora, d. His terms for a thorough examination with the Reapiromater, at his ace or any pert of the Vit) art 13 t regular Visitations allarw vas. SO yentas. Tint du Advice at his office &ea of charms and, in alt earn oa where persons do not feel able to pay for hav ing their tonsil examined. they wall be eared for. and hare the tame ntleating as the morn favored. fet-hoif• MONEY_ LIBERALLY ADVANCED.— TO ANYAWN:TNT—Um Wattled!. "swam PAT 9 l'L lve i). THl l ld OASK4•eI Ir. LAltroo.,_ below :±2 tmini rot an 4 A. 111 11F PRILADELPELL goi f ONICHERING & SONS, LtNU. FACTUREAS or Grand. aIInaISALAVW figIZ A PI N a ° " tnn. w ern ro gra:A... c liwe n z comedian. a fall ewes of Nadel m tna. Muria Books. da. UM-3m f NEW YORK KEROSENE OlL.—±oo bbls for sole at miumfaoturorivrteer. YS & OSI_DEN. hts-rm 471 orth THISS Street. 10tRIOIE-MARINO MACTEINSS which teal -I,Proulsetash_pad I..olacpdieD yard. .Briekrrassee. n JD s l ta lB e ILu.d -6 00 g w s . Extra r G o a m ol Bast, . _ •• .u TAVA' OOMIL-1.000 .pockets Nam' e r ar if i nefteesslill JAKEVORARAM =MU3 KNOLLBH OPREA : sem t d zi l et nr taa Celebrated COOPRII, OPEkA i aCLIPt.