- •- • • : FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,'1860 FORNEVR - ...•CALIFORNIA, PRESS_ ITO be ssedy,7o.2loltlkoWoet. 2 1..132. Zhu paper is piWished expressly for 'CALIFORNIA. CIROULATIONi - AM eentairuta r!orapleta wuninutry of ;whet has truth-, *red aliYi State, sad the Atiantio,Otatee, canoe the departure of the butt etaainerfor California., PAO* 8u `Ortita ear ape: in drone wrappers, and stomped, ready for ratline, -- , FOIST Pmts.—Hotels—At HoMe and Abroa4; The Continental Hotel ; Letter front' Mirrtsburg ; CongresstonalProoeedlngs ; Personal and Polities'. Yonsrn Paitt.—The Courts--Coneluston Of the Trig of Reinert Thompson for"the Murder of John ' • Northern Sentiment. While the Declaration of,lndependence was ,a Revolutionary =document, doCuinent, and mainly de • :signed to set forth the 'causes which impera liVely detianded 'a - separation; of the_ . Anted:. 'Cut' OOlonies from Great Britain, it neverthe lese expressed, in clear term, the philosophic „triter • that "Governments long established - - " - iteakt not be' chosend for light and transient 440414" and-thfst,g( All experience bath shown thatinatakind are More disposed to suffer while - irviltere sufferable, than to right themselves . by abolishing the' forMs to which they - are accustomed." This, axiom applies with ' - peculiar force to the' present • position of the , American people. , Sven if it were - true that some sections of the country are subjected to evils arising out of the Onion, Which weigh heavily upon them, the natural • dliposition of mankind, rather "to besr.the Ails. they, have, than fly to others that they knew 'not of," should go very fiu. towards Checking any real and positive steps towards ' - a dismemberMent of our great bonfetbiraey. There is no htunan form of government en , _.l.irely destitute of evils, and .which, under all OlieureetatiCes, can'provent action of a coin. paratively unjust character towards some of its citisensi but, it every allegation which has been - made against our glorious union, and the po nt:4lWe permitted Under it, were true, in its deepest said broadest sense; if every charge of aggression which has resounded throughout _the, country was based upon the most Mb e tential foundations, it still ; could hot be 44- nionetrated that the evils which would insults— ' result from a dissolution of the Union, would not prove ten-fold more unbearable and oppressive than any piditical action con sistent with our present form of goiemmebt. And for the very grievances complained of most:bitterly, disunion hub remedy. On the, . contrary, it weold rather aggravate and li mas. than prevent them. - No, one intimately acquainted with North ;rin sentiment can doubt the disposition or the Treat body of the people of this section-to render fa:justice to all Southern Constitu tional rights. The number of those who would be will abet, countenance, or in any way actively aid in the abolition of slavery, of in any disturbance with it in the States where it , now exists, is infinitesimal ;and 'so far as all the legitimate rights' of the South are con cerned, she has many thousands of supporters In the North, as earnest in her defence as her corn children. In the Oongreesional elections of 1858, which rentited in the choice of so large a majority of Republican members of "OOrigress, such seen. ciente and epiniaxisas dons Snows practically - exemplified by his raid In the Harper's Ferry region,, formed but a mere Speck in the great •Yoltune of in'dignatilin at• the suicidal and • treacherous policy of the National Admiols. 'Smitten, which was the great, moving cause in producing the present complexion of Oen greet!: If 'the . question of officioui inter ference.vrith the institutions of the South in an unconstitutional manner were presented to a popular vote, of the people. of the North, there,* perhaps, not a State that would not decide against such action* an overwhelming majority. In Pennsylvania certainly; such a measure would be more emphatically and unanimously rebuked than any 'which has ever been submitted to • her people; for, how ever they may be classified, in ordinary political contests, as Democrats, Americans, or Republi sans, on such an issue there would be scarcely a perceptible div ersity of, opinion. Among the evils resuldig front' the demo harranguee of impetuens spirits, North and South,'none is, 'perhaps, greater thin that' which by ascribig different senti ,Xeentale.thse-seasees-of-thplitOrthern people,. 'Ss engendered much 'ill-deserved hostility igairiet them. In this age of Intellectual ac "ldritY, every idea; no' matter how impractica ble, finds some little band who become ite ,ao tiiii4 repieseritativel; and it is, there. fore, not to be Wendered at, however much it may be deplored, that the freedom of the hu man rate, • without distinction of color, and withput reference to constitutional-vested ,rights, existing , laws, or the -general welfare, should Also bare found a body Of fanatical' champions who' adhere unfilnehingly to this Idea, and who would be willing, in their en thusiastic devotion to it, to plunge the nation into interminable horrors to gratify their Uto pian fancies i bat these ultra views are shared by but a meagre minority, for the resasee of the American people are firmly resolved to ticentenance -no governmental action in de fiance of the provisions of the Clonatitution. In the cities of. the North,' particularly, Where the commercial spirit largely proofing, and where opportunities-of intercourse with the peppie of all sections 'are 'frequently en joyed, a spirit of conservatism has been en gendered which; in all trying emergencies, assumes a controlling power, and which would check 'any really dangerous fanatical move ments with lightning rapidity. This is espe cially true of Philadelphia, and this commu nity would in any reel emergency as readily, fhtnish men to defend.' the South from a eritvile insurrection as she would to lend bee own limits from the filiation of a foreign koe,' Cardinal Antonelit. The latest rumor in England, on the Ifith ult., was that Qardinal. AnOinLY, the Prime Minister at Rome, had resigned all bib caeca. Re fiat long been a violent and virulent reec-' timid, and the worst adviser that Pitts 'IX ever hid. Hie retirement will pthhabitgive a new phase to the: Italian question. It may indicate a modification of the Pope's policy .iigainat the Duchies. Taw, Ovilo Timiriort Poi Iftiatme..— Oar tiperter hits hinds/fed an interesting aetaant of %hi argnmente of B. O. Brewster and District Attorney Man; made-peter:day the Court of Oyer and Terminer, on the trial of Robert Thomp• ion for the murder of John °Apia. A fall report :will be found on the fourth page. , • Tins Now -Yoris liewen.—By en imivertise• bet h another °clown, it will be seen that the resent ire in New York wilt not 'interfere with the molar lento of the NOW York Lodger. The Whole edition will ready for delivery at noon on.gonds,y, next. We invite attention to the advertieement in inothOr tooltnn_ of *awn., Cuddy, Carpenter, do Aii.,",wito'ilffeilor sale the Broadway Foundry and Chop, in 8$: Louis, Mo.- A- rare oppor tunity le: here offered to any person or persons who may Wish to enter into - a lucrative business. The firm are ritri doing a large amount of Western - and lio - uthem work. , 4saa•iißsat l'arassis.—Mies Coombs tacos Us balsa this sysaing.' Ellis will play the ohs. titotsrotXtanes, is the tssodyil raga." WAL11171417%1697 THIIATRE,. 4 -Nr: J., D. Roberti, Itill produoi Meg Lest,""thterfeniriCirith the tirhole.orlgloal text : Thii(4ll 'restore sfeyerel'obs isetere omitted' in the modetiot•ectition. lie' will eippetii me Kier DIUTS'OIeI PAIILOA 01 , 1118.1, 1 -4 large UMW, was in attendance at . 0011611ft i Hill /ISt :04111:112111, 1/41d 'Perfornionoe was in veryestrooossful !ono. Mrs. Drayton't powori so a ooptio, ultras were OW/ brought into play in her rondition of Maggy ,Otediogri'asta Saint, Gimsp in the now vonitos ~eviLoyik t ,e Laboi • Loot." She oortentsed the , Caner with laughter. Mooh 'of the shies* wu otieonhof;ana the whole entertainment wu . ..doof4i.ifritttrootivo. • Dix Rides Onakeeitoet, 'this eireoltig, the •..teapoalngapeotaelp•of the ,Magioliink,wlll be plaY. foi the,eighteeittli time,omulerotwo with `s ei.eiWeleetieLprOOmmoe f emus Mena, Family Pliiolkiallidfng, out of the city who .411 h to sea the Magio,Rlitg will be pleued to learn .' that I'lo rtimesentatioxioCthe.apeotaele will be agivaamillatardey afteinow - .., , pkt,;ii a goilaticiLD IMlNlTErlitili 'Paso.;Fount, ac.`, this teoralas at test' o'olook, at Blroh & Bon's artetion store l • No. 914 t7hestnut street, at twelve s'al4o. lOorriroopos and tyneopopple 0114 es. Spring Trade. An old merchant once 'remarked to the writer, that to be properly prepared for trade was half the battle of success. He was right. There is no law more tuldeviating in its ope rations, other things being equal, than that the best marketi attract the moat buyers. What is true of great mercantile centres in this respect, is also true of individual houses. demtrierde is a practical thing, requiring for its suCceirsibl pxosecutioA practical men, and, no matter what theorists may say to the con tram aelf-interest is its mainspring. Hence it is that such words as luck," or chance, can I have no place in the vocabulary of a good merchant. No man has ever yet graduated With honors in the school of Trade who was any more willing to ascribe his success, to chalice, than would MxvroN have been willing to attribute his Paradise Lost, or NAPOLEON his victories, to luck. It is the prerogative of trade to carve out its own channels, whether it be between sopa rate nations, or different parts of the same community, and those who suppose it to be an easy matter to divert it from channels thus formed, have a very imperfect knowledge of the laws which have regulated commerce in all ogee of the world. If the actions of a few fanatics could effect snob changes, they might indeed be accomplished; but are we to suppose that a Philadelphia merchant in going to Springfield, or Boston, for his to, baceo, would deter the great mass of his fellow- Merchants from patronizing Baltimore or Rich mond? Just as reasonably might we infer that the citizens of Richmond and Oharleaton will some day become customers of New Or leans for their supplies of ice 1 Acting upon the absurditrof the cry of non-intercourse between the North and South, we aro glad to. find that our merchants generally have treated this' atter with the philosophical indifference itdeserves, by making theme/it ample prepara tions to supply their customers from south of Mason and Dixon's line during the season now opening. In _doing this they have acted wisely and patriotically. That their judgment will be sus tained by a prosperous Spring trade, there are already cheering indications. We have taken pains to ascertain the facts, and are warranted in Baying that there are already more than the average proportion of Southern merchants in town. From private letters received by seve ral Philadelphia firms, we are, moreover, as aurea that the high esteem in which our mer chants ere deservedly held by their brethren Of the South is unabated, and that instead of the course of a few =crapulous politicians, North and South, resulting detrimentally to Philadelphia, the conservative sentiment which has thus been evoked will have a di rectly opposite tendency. Stocks of goods in every branch are, for the Most part, already complete, and we doubt not that, with our increased facilities for trade, the result of the present season will be eminently' Satisfactory. With a business avenue (since Market street has been freed from its unsightly sheds) unrivalled in its noble proportions, and a hotel—the mammoth ecOontinental"—un paralleled by any other lithe Union, to pre sent to our friends when they arrive, we feel better prepared to accommodate them than ever heretofore. The increased enterprise manifested ,by our merchants it' has been our constant aim to foster and facilitate, by giving them a voice in remote sections of the Union, where Philadelphia papers had , never before penetrated. That our .humble efforts in this behalf have been met with a spirit of generous recognition on the part of our mercantile friends is as gratifying to us as it is honorable to them. No class of men are in a better po sition to estimate properly the value of national harmony than our business men, and in point ing to our advertising columns to-day, wa ilo so believing that the magnificent card there presented, for our noble city as a whole, will be accepted by our readers, in every State throughout the South and. West, as at once a compliment to themselves and an eloquent ex pression of the loyalty of• our people to the interests of the Union. We have, of course, too high a regard for the intelligence of the merchants whose navies we shall introduce presently, to sup pose that they have thus honored us with their patronage from mere considerations of patriot ism. Such a construction- would be as arro gant in us as it would be insulting to them. Our merchants are ready for trade, and, like sensible business men, are losing no time to inform their customers of the fact. A. large number of bills, in the aggregate, have already been sold,'and we have reasons for believing that the princely preparations made, by our leading houses especially, will secure to our city this season a very large increase of trade. In the department of Silks and general Dry Goode, the stocks of the follewing firms, well known throughout the Union, are now com plete, and, we are free to say, present induce ments to buyers superior to any other city, both in prices and styles of goods, more parti cularly adapted to the Southern trade. Under the head of Silk Goods, more exclusively, we name, as worthy of special notice, the houses of Messrs. Moans L. Hattowatt & Co.; Snitsr; Homes, & iffoonavirs; DAIS, MOSS, & WITILERLI; HERRUCC & OTT ABBOTT, Jouttati & CO. ; WILLIAX S. &SWART & CO. ; and A. W. LIT= & CO., the latter house having recently effected a flue improvement in their place of business. Of those devoted to the Jobbing and general Dry Goods, the following old and respectable houses will, this season, command more than usustattention Messrs. Strati, Paws, & Co.; BANCROFT & CO.; BETH, WELLIANI, & CO.; M. WOOD) ruses, & HAYWARD ; WIIITS, AlLsTrs, RoVarou ; Frramr, Jonas, & Co.; CHAIFSZEI & STOUT; "LANDSAT TIONAS & JEFPRIZI; lawns R. °Jams= & CO. JOSELLIA L. BALLY; and Messrs. JINN B. STRYNER Sr. Co. In the department of Fancy Dry Goods the houses here annexed will be found most worthy the attention of buyers this season items. H. MINIM &Co.; MARTINS, PID DLE, & HAYRICK; SOHAPIER & MOSDRTI; MOCAVLSY, BIONICS', & BRZWIT3II; BUR SINT, BEITON, & BWISAILDOSN ; BITER, VAN Cant, & Gram ;" H. BANOSOFT & CO., and Susztaita, Ertronsa, & Co. In White Goods and - Embroideries, the stooks of Heim. Summer, Rui, & Co., and Messrs.. Fame, Feasts, & Co., will be found unsurpassed In any city in the Union; and in the line of Cloth Goods and general Men's wear the fol lowing establishments can safely defy compe tition s Messrs. De CONSIET, LAYOUBOADR, On.; .Idita B. BLLI.O. & SONS; MCCLINTOCK, dam.; & Co, ; I. W. Qom A. Sons, and Cl. Sostaas & BON.' To the departments of Boots and Slues and Wholesale Clothing we shall refer aT greater length hereafter. In the former, the Boot and Shoe establishments of Messrs. Lenox, RAHN, & CO.; BOW; & Baerueas, and other well-known houses in the trade, now offer stocks of superior merit; and in the line of Wholesale Clothing, which ranks among the most important of our In• duettist interests, there are here a number of enterprising business Arms, of which we shall have more to say at another time. The card Of Messrs. LIPPINCoTT, 13u1araa, & SCOTT, a leading house, will be found in another column. Under - the head of Drugs and Chemiceleythe old 'and celebrated house of Messrs. B. A. Fsuaarroox &. Co. has a na tional reputation: The extensive house of Messrs. MOLIRRT SLIOSILAKSR & Co., in this branch of trade, is also worthy of favorable notice. The manufacture of Umbrellas and Parasols may also be classed - aa a Philadelphia ape clang', and is represented here mainly by the old and respectable firms of SLEXPRZ & Pan wan, and WK. A. Ditowit & Co. Another very Important branch of our jobbing inte rests is the Millinery department, in which the efficient and sterling houses of Messrs. J. lin.r.soax jonza ; Roanturant, Bnooss, & ,Co.;LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICROLS ; THORP. SON & Jamas, and M. Banumum, now offer large and varied stocks, adapted to the trade of all parts of the 111R1013. In China, Glass, and Qtieensware, the large and admirably stocked houses of Metiers. BOYD & STROUD ; TRIOHT, SMITS, & CO., and Tunanum,, AL. ass, & CO., offer the greatest inducements to buyers; and the same Is true of such well known and popular houses here as Messrs. TRUITT, BROTHER, & Co.; Moons, lIRNSZET, & Co.; MARTIN & SMITH, and HANDY & Bantonta, in the Hardware line.' For the con venience of shoe maufacturers and merchants dealing in that class of goods, we may state that the two most prominent houses here, in that line, are Altos° of Messrs. WILLIAM JOHNS & lips, and Enwrx W. Pavia. In the depart ment of Watches and. Jewelry, the long-es tablished house of Messri. Pita= & REATH will always be found to offer great induce ments to buyers; and the same may be said of tho young and enterprising house of Messrs. Elaws & ILAss.tm, in the lino of Ladies' Dress Trimmings. Under the head of Commission houses there aro a large number of firms representing va rious classes of goods, that are too well known to the trade to require special specification. Of those we may mention the extensive estab liubmonta of Messrs. Jorm C. HOWE & Co.; LITTLE, STOKES, & Co. ; JOSEPH LEA; F. V. Knee & Co.; FARRELL & MORRIS; WOLFE & CO. ; SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON ; FROTHINGIII3I & WELLS; WRAY & GILLMAN ; WEST, FOKES, & LLOYD ; F. W. MELIZET & Co.; Mama= & BACON; RICHARDS HAIGHT, & CO., and others. Third Street, Philadelphia. To those who aro familiar with the mercan tile topography of our city we need not sly that Third Street, north of Market, is one of our moat important business avenues. The character and extent of the mercantile houses, in the jobbing line mainly, which flank this thoroughfare for several squares, have won for our Third-street merchants an enviable repu tation among buyers in all parts of the Union. In some. respects Third street is a metropolis in itself. Its stately business edifices are oc cupied -by firms largely qugaged in every de partment of trade. In no one street in any city in America can the Western or Southern buyer find more conveniently concentrated every class of goods,ho requires to make up his stock than on this avenue. Nor has it merely the advantage of concentration and va riety. Some of the finest stocks in the coun try, in every line of traffic, are always to be found here, and never has this more sttictly applied than it does to the present season. A large proportion of the houses doing business upon it are of long standing, and possess great pecuniary advantages, which, added to the straight-forward mode of doing business Oa racterislie of Philadelphia merchants general ly, renders Third Street, Philadelphia, one of the very foremost business centres in the Union. In connection with this, we take the liberty of introducing the names of the following well-known firma doing business on Third street. The stooks of these houses we have examined personally, with the view of speak ing advisedly of them, and are free to say that their character. for both extent and variety, was never more creditable. In fact, the pre parations already here made, and now making, for Spring operations, show conclusively that an unusually large season's trade is expected, and In which, from indications already bad, there is likely to be no disappointment. The Spring cards, of the houses which we hero mention, wilt bo found arranged under the general head of (( Third Street Jobbing Houses," on the third page of our paper to day. In the department of general Dry Goods, the houses included In this fist are all of a first-class character,-and would reflect great credit upon the mercantile capacity and enter prise of any community. • We mention those of Messrs. JANES ; Kass, BANTEX, & CO.; RiEOEL ; BAIRD, & CO.; J. I'. WAT 8; CO.; RAIGIVEL ; MOORE ; & Co.; BONN, RAIODEL, & Co., and ANSP*OIb Reap, & Co. Under the head of Bilk Goods, and the finer grades of imported fabrics generally, tb,e house of Messrs. Yvan, Gitimonu, & Co. Is widely known; as aro also the houses of Messrs. HENDRY & HARRIS ; and Messrs. MIZELL & HARMER, In the line of Boots and Shoes; Messrs. YAIIST, WLNEBILENEIL & Co. In ware ; Messrs. LAING & Mammas in Shoe manufacturers' Materials ; Messrs. Sowau, Palmas, & Co. in School Books, general Pub. lications and Stationery ; Messrs. Btanobi & &writ in the department of Carpets and Oil Cloths, and Messrs. COWIE, PARHAM, & Woltz. In Rate, Caps, and Straw Goods. STOOKS AWE 4EAL ESTATE, Tuesday next at 12 o'clock noon. Bee irttoplai tt, Bons advertise ments. Pamphlet catalogues to.morrow. Thomas le Sans sell regularly every week. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. l i nal of Stephens at Charlestown, Va. en , ntestown, Va., Feb. I.—The town is thronged to-day by persons anxious to witness the pameedings attendipg the trial of Stephen,. in connection with the Harpers Sorts raid. The court opened at 11 o'clock, Judge John. Benny presiding, Judge Priheing engaged in holding a re gular town-court o f spoupty. The e rr a n d Jurywat i le -17. • 7 14 1 4 0 Y is fOssnintl, An Went. ThaJudge, In delivering his oharge to the jury, mid, n reference to the Harper's Ferry laymen r Wirt own to you , and is now a part of the luster, of the irno and of the country, that on the night of the 16th of October hit pals band of traitors. murderers, and Ineepdfaries. sies in it op made a descent on the soil of irg's. in the eo ty Jefferson. and wantonly mur dered several of our ett pf rama pod people, with the de sign to incite our slaves to rePoit., god to subvert our Government. borne of these desperedoef,,end others, the dupes of de/liming cowards, were eaphited, tried. Bad punished according to their , deserts. But there are mime engaged. or supposed to have been engaged In this foray Wile have not ste yet been apprehended, and setae who Se believed to have been actively engaged Inthis lairuly, but not yet known to the it Wi your duty, and .1 believe your pleasure, also to tnen/t0 Fte were guilty of pol luting our soil and attempting t dishonor the sove reignty ol Virginia. f deem it unnecessary for one to re commend to you to conduct your inquiries With That coolness, jostles!, and good sense which has disausuuti ad your predecessors in their ingtusitione. and wide have met with theapprobation of the good, patriotic, an honorable oitmens oC cur common country ; so to eon duct your inquiries that the nht escutcheon of our beloved State shall not be di mmed by paision. preju dice. or groundless euspioion but salt bbyithout fear, favor, or affeetion, end that MI your inquiries hove Oen for the truth, the whoie truth, and nothing but the truth. The jars then returned to their room, and the witneeees in tho case of Be ommonwealth returned D. Stephen,' were seat Up. ore the furl to the court room, fdr. Harding the Prosciutto's 4ttprosy, made an address to them, and after an aniline. 01 471 gout the Jury returned with a bill against Stephens. Ceresm with murder, treason, and oomipiring with to rebel. The Witnesses in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Rasiett Were then sent up and an Indictment Ml6s ume character retprned. The wo'k of erapannalline a Jury in the cue of Stephens e ras postmeed until to-morrow to allow the opus eel time to ilgarAilt , Coldiotment. Ste ph Cont. and Hazlett will be defended .by r. Named, and the Co. onwealth represented DI 1", Wilding and Andrew H m omer, k set. It is deemed Umilloessiry to increase, to any great ,ig tept, the military fotoe now here. Tee only adelttork acornpany eg twenty oavalrr , rom ShepherdstoWn. A n fear brantertained of an attempt at rescue. ian;lawn. morni n g s.—The court opened at ten o'clock this morning, Judge John Kenney presiding. melanins, see m inglyns,. was brought In by the Jailor and guard, in portant liealth. Mr. liennott, the counsel for the prisoner, suggested to the commonwealth the proprfety pf announcing whoteet it would elect to try one or rill orthe ocontsor whether_they relied on one or all for oonmetion. also read a letter from President Buchanan in rent/ his inquiries in tabard to the trial. Be to t Clo • monwealth has anted ip )red faith towards the p ri soner. in removing the cue to tee Federal Court , and t en re ceding from that disteranhation, end _thought the in dietment shonld bo quashed. biePpealed to the mercy of the mitt for it certesnly wo o l ap apt or mere, to send the prisoner to &tante); for trial. Mr. Hardin for the Commonwealth, said that he had not mews the pr oposal for the removal Of the trial, and ad strongly protested against it throughout the trial. e was at hist lelitleit tO hire over 41) the c t r i li s ioners to the Federal Authorities , but after the °tete depided to try them be was opposed to any °haus". did opt consider that governor Wise had the ember ty I. melte tee change, and it Was done itngpr t lug p rotest. mt. !Aro el g etl r t e o n t t hrip h w a i ge pla co h 7rf Vi c :l l'l ,4r S: s • pounced pa utterly untrue the aiwertton of Mr. Sinnott, that Stephenson* fettled to plead at the late term of the court Mr. Bannon dlselainted Any Intention to yelleot on any one. and spoke elbedentlY pfr v iltate of Virginia hoping that his ton-ue Aught wil before he should i ttta r k y t a:y .4 lT t t te rx:d3L i tr i a h ls o il o art v . ; the he isioug6t, se it wax emitter orbiTi and ' n dertlile r ra4 better naiept the offer, else be would share the at PI Brown. Judge Kenney, after stating his understanding of pie motion or Mr. nennottsated that there was nothing to show that Virginie ever made a legal surrender of the prisoner, He we • ea, no attention to polities l as any and the prisoner should have as lair a trial as any Boutbetu man could possibly hey.. ooutd only look oft it •tis an appeal Of the conned for the de fence to transfer the clue. and would Dave to NW!. it. Mr. Harding moved • poll. plessitel'on the sld dieting me, as the prisoner would be tried on the triad mods brought in yesterday. Mr. Sinnott requested the Commonweal th to select one count m the indiotment, in order io fe sr the ease le ss eoptpheated, and In NOM* to the 'prisoner. Mr. Ilnattly replied, quoting a number of authorlttee, to show the Leeway of the course taken, and declining to recede from WY Pellet in the indictment, deeming all of them neoeirsatv ellee of Inch Ogee) importance. Mr. Harding objected loth. ;notion of Mr. Sinnott, to to sot one count of the indlament. Ile agreed that all the mints were of the same degree Mall were punisha ble by death, but that each was an landosant melt, and all were neoeseery to render the pane frew from embarrassment, He quoted e.number of authorldes, to show the oorreotnese of his position. Judge Kenney said it awe conceded that therawas no rejoinder in the ante it le illinted that the indictment as it stand., ts yi to embarrass the prisoner in defenoe. It was a high disorop• sulked of the court, and he coned not see how a rejo er te all the courts could embarrass the prisoner. he object week' ;ire the prisoner ell the °bailees in his favor. ante till the Commonwealth had the right to maintain that the prise nor was regarded es inspoent until proved godly. Be therefore rejected the moth: the counsel for seleot • Intone count. • 11 t h. Bennott stated that he would nrteent exeeptions to the ruling of the Judge at the proper time, The argument of counsel occupied more than two home and litephees was re it witted on to plead to the indietment until alter Ito mock. The reading pf the indintment occupied ten minutes, during whietitime Mephitis stood up in an Groot men• per not moving a muscle, and .itaeWered " not guilty " to tie charges with animfallering rutin, T o empannelling of the ury then commeneed, and the unmoor of twenty-four urora was exhausted with out securing a Jury. Addit ional talesman warp jinni roped, but et the hour of adiournment,llo'olook, the eie c o * oVtU d piinled Mr. Hunter said that he hadjust been handed papersfrom Hovernor Letoher informing him that.' brother of CoPole had been arrest ed in lowa. Judgeicenney gave orders fpr apotber Orand Jur/. Whioh will meet to-morrow, at I/Jo °loon s titephens made hi, appll6lllllDe in lee port in a willatilt. &ad aPPeared VI good spirit,. The mile oaoupy iieVerei dare, The witnesses in the case pf Hazlet were dentharged until atondar neat. The lorure_for the trial of his ease have been summoned from Frederick Ociunty, se it would be impossible to get them here. Texas and the Union. Haw °ALUMS, Feb 2.—Governor Houston's message to the legislature of 'regal. transmitting t h e No t e . tione of the Sleuth Cerotina Legislatpre, disapproves of Nouthern Convention ae proposed in the resolutions. In the Legislature a resuiution has been Introduced sustaining the tiovernor's view, on the ground that u Texas surrendered her independence to the Union, she is unwilling to live np the Union on en emergency not deemed a suffident excuse for so important a step. Goy. Chase, of Ohio, Elected United States Senator. Courtesies, Ohio, Pet.. 7 he Legislature to-day elected Oovetnor - Chase Vnited Stolen donator, in place of Mr Pugh, to take hie sent on tho 4th of March. 174 t. Mr. Chase vas elected on the Am ballot. The votestoodi For Mr. Chase, 76j Mr. Pugh, 61i Mr. Corwin, a. Mirine Disaster—A Collision. NEW Daman, Feb. 2 —The bark Aabmore, from .New York, bound to Cadiz, .has put In here leaking badly, hawing come in colhinon with a aohooner• She he lost r topmasts and am's. THE PRESS.-PHILADELYMA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1860. TWO DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. STEAMSHIP AIIIIILICA AT HALIFAX• RESIGNATION OF ANTONELLI NOT CONFIRMED. SPANISH ARMY NEAR TETUAN. LORD COWLEY'S MISSION TO LONDON Negotiations for Non-Intervention. DECLINATION OF ZEE BBITISII CABINET. Tam CONGRESS REVIVED THE GREAT SHIP COMPANY RESIGNATION OF THE BOARD COTTON DICOLIIVICD 1-B u 13-10 DREADSTIJFFS DULL CONSOLS 93 32.4 a 015 3.8 HALIFAX, N. S., Feb. 2.—The royal mall ettlantehiP America, which left Liverpool on the morning of the 11th ultimo, and touched at Queenstown on the morn ing of the 15th, arrived here thin afternoon. The steamer City of Washington arrived at Liver pool on the morning of the 12th, ttral the Borussia at Southampton the game morning. The steamer Bremen, from New York, arrived early on the morning of the 11th. TEE LATEST VIA LIVERPOOL. Jai/layout.: January 14. It is now known that Lord Cowley's mission to Lon don wee to resume the negotiations between England and France. which ware interrupted by the l ours" of Count Walewein. The basis of theme negotiatlo_ne was on the principle of non-intervention with the affair' of Central Italy. France, in _adopting the same lasi:. le desirous that the whole or Europe shonjd give a formal adhesion te thatprinciPle. With this view Lord_Cow Lei was s hotted to mend the feeling" et the B ri tis h Government as to the advisability of addressing *col lective note to the European Cebtriete, in which note an infraction of the principle of non-intervention was to he considered a eases ULU. The British Cabinet, while expressing its readiness to' support the principle of non.intertion, either at the Congress or in communication wit h foreign Powers. pointed out the impossibility ofedging, Without the consent of Parliament. to a coe of pokey whisk mightlnvolve Possible hostilities.: The feeling in the Northern email wave ride to some fear. that Europe would not tacitly optima toe° threat ohms en intimation. which, also implied the nOption of principles opposed to the indemotenoe of every State which possesses the richt of forming suchallinnees as it may think proper, at its own nog and peril Thep British Cabinet having thus declined the proposition!. the audi tion of an early meeting of Coesrees is •again revived. There we. a doubtful rumor in circulation that Hue- Pia and Prussia intend to form an alliance for the de fence of the legitimate rights bf monarchs Reports were current at Pam that en agreement had been made between England and France for the recip rocal taingrtation of coal, and i'oo. and wines. The pane correspondent of the Leiden Post gaps the Papal Nuncio has said the Pops will give up Romagna, provided the rest of his dominion" are secured The idamliester Chamber of Competing, tiara memo claimed Lord Palmerston to brit's the subject or inter national maritime law before the European Congress. TR BPANIBR-MOROCQO WAR. At the latest amount, the Bpathshiermy was seer Te teen, the position of the rr e A rriApe tag Unchanged. Cardinal Anton&li's resignation wai TptoOl4 med, It was rumored that elaribrddi had gong to Molly. FRANCE. _General Montedban, oommander-in-chief of the F , eneh eXpe.iition to Chips, bad embarked, with his gaff, at Marseilles, his destination being China, via the eVerlap4 goonihly returns of the Bank of Frame show a doom's in cash of forty-five million. *an% and an Increase in discounts of nearly forty-six mil ions. A submarine telegraph cable for ty-six been suecessfolly laid between the Channel lolanda and France. THE LONDON TIMES ON AMBEICaN FINANCES AND MEXICAN AFFAIRS. The London Times editonallr oritiams' the financial statement pf the Arnencan Government, end points out that.'allOwnsa for the youth of the one State and the materity of rid other,,t bore is the strongest possible analogy between the respeptiye financial proweeding. of England and Amends. " In another leader the same journal piwietes on Mexican affairs in cionneetion with the PriiiiMaillitnes, sage. It says there Isnot a question but that rbo•Ameth cane, if they plane, can march to Mexico, nor in It go doubtedsr LIZ"' bed: at , theadvance e temporary bens e qui its. aXina the, British interest, we, tl took upon in ch a prooSityg with the least Oita s motion: but, if Mr. Buchan wchmarirtion of ed slue a faith ful picture, It will require fat'more than one casual ms tervention to restore the country to the rank of anon. ganised State. GREAT BRITAIN. iedVtiziec i rrpi i gg e . sirre.rofta,agragam i rg int the tjlon o4ermapany. and announcing the re • eignebon of the r or )a ny. A motion to re. move the report as followed by as amendment that, 4.,.474:d011icen,01,:f,--,At.v.„(,l..,_l7l4:ll:lV4.ll:eaPq aeoi the a ecsion by +allot. the result az this ballet was ote/ to be me known on the day the eteemer Americar sat ed. Tha Meeting stood adjourned tilt the A pia palling himself Captain Walker, stated to be t dtpf4llo Pf the Waver Wanderer, and who re cent y arrived Ltvergool under extraordichry air eamstancea, was under arrest iP that ;lees, chaffed with having 'Mosel red, 'nth others, to obtain money by false pres. The evidenee bsfore Abe magistrate s towed Chat Walker was treating for the pefebaee Ara ship for a - 3 1 0.1 p expedition. Edward Lens and George H ires , A m t sa d a s ,anno mate" of the ship A nna.of New York. were under arr ' 4 t 11 . London charged with having Mil tiered several color.. 4 ..lll(stinep during , the voyage of the Said_yessel from LI gore cotton mill at Bitektm,m, cause the s we d e , !greet Mill,oontatning 20,000 spindles, bag kt,en burnt. Loss, £30,000 sterling. INDIA AND CHINA. The Cab:mite mall of December 10th, and the Hone Kong maitor November 27th, bed reached Eneland. The 'GoVarnment deepateh from Dude oonfirms the complete overthrow and dispersion of the remainder of the rebel,nrmy. The fait tax was to be More Sped ono abiding on the eighty pounds, adding nearly a million istsylipa to the revenue. y Ana:r u e:4lg) Vg l'A . IrFelNl, l , l g * . r id The Chine.. were, reported to be making greatinn. like Meearatteha. /MpprlS Shallichae leers ei. lise tee bin o inese. e m s cons spegenned,QMlOA 00 sheexerOitant demendia of the desdera. Silks veto lower. A good twining was doing Ip tDe it; Z PowYCOott firm retest At Japan trade programed favorably, - Tjee Bombay telegram of this 27th of HMV!, Jia Aden; Mfiort• the campaistipainst the re to N Paul as au dYer,, Trio robe e all myrtles _erect ex.. pert the Beaumont: It Wha is tPse:ber could pot hold ' ° the Chmeee had 'Adam& descend to Russia that Wm pvgouate eta the isousay Of tbe . A TIVIDON MONEY MARKET. Jai. IX —The weekly. meeting of the Bank of England eistorp pas_!ed oa wahaut any advance In the rate or iseount. 'mane "Viggiermiredoc.°;;Przilvisli, owaera, h..... I pended for about .C4O 000. also Chu subrcliandeh lc d ßen. of London, in the sugar trade, have . THE LAT EST. (By T o le s's/oh ileaneton ./ Lonnon. haturday evening. an. J 6.— r. yillemaine is publishing a pamphlet in whip he advocate" the territorial rigliM of t ee Pope. .t is rumored that a majority of the French Bishops ' have expressed themselves as ready to launch out into a public discussion of the rights of the Pope, but that Tt° that the Austr lan Governgoal ment intends to interpose both openly and no lively In Central Italy, in favor of the exiled dukes end the Papal Government.heyeetoral , address sif the Archbishop, published in the , prettasyZestung, con fis this fear. rm The PAN/ Unitert " announce* that the Bishop of Terngla Is about to publish a pamphlet in anieWeg to • ," p E es ppe Sad congrs.' m rumored InEnglish military clippies that - the Government :will disband the militia early in the opting. The funds are firm at yesterday's prides. Console 2a spa for money, and 903 f for account. PRANCE. Paste. Saturday EVOOIII4 Jan. 13.—The Pays lull metes thetjaisirri are d ailyi mproving, net ogly in the relations of the Government With Romsi tutalso.with En lan which are daily impostues pore Intimate. The Vienna (layette peblishes an imparial,decree al lowing the testimony_of Jews the Same e'slua te that given loiy Christians. The measureis considered ay pi 5- miner. to aerording i i hem full VIVO JUld pOlitioolraghta. The Diet of Denrnar has decided by a large majority the second reading o a bill separating Church and &atm _ PAWS, JAM. 14—Noon.—The Dames moaned 10. e far ther. discs of M. the first price being 00f. Ha past 3 o'clock P. M.—Tbe market has bsoome very etincl prices have materially detained. Rented ale quote at PA qr.!. being Id below the closing _prim os 'ester ay. LONDON MONEY M..I,UUNT, Jan. 11 — Reeniu g.— In the chart' market there Seatosly a 'lngle feature of interest, Tbe railroad share market is tpeatire, but prima olose steady. Commercial latelligOnce. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET,—The :lea of Cdt,ton fyi tilLtverpool market for thp weekadd ed up 76 OOD o !Molt 6.0 W toles wer , to Speen &tor', and 10,e 0 e to e ortero. All qualities ad Might's' de alined, an ho era wore prorating the ir atone on the satirist The decline ranked from gettettio. The amen on Friday were 8 (XXI bales. of wino n SIR wore on ape - Vg l lngt f il i cfrunvattriTi k , et 0 1 " , 08 9918 t, et the ;leans Fa r. 7)(,d intddlings,ll)(d Mobile Fair, ; do middling, 00 I Uplands Fair, oe'd ; do hltct ' Tbs stock is 616,013 bales, of witch 418 MO were Amenean. DTATE OP TRADE IN MANCHESITER.—The se from Manchester were favorable, and the Mar ket eland Om 1.1 both goods and garde. LIVERPOOL, JillpiptiTuPPY mAßKF.T.—Rlch irdson Spence, t.. 0, report the Worst market for gime time. Sales unimporisot. Floor very dull, and all qua hums slightly lower. Wheat dull, and told. lower. Red 9e. 1d ergs 10d. ; white 9s. 911.011 e. id. Corn steady yellow 31081 a. LIVER YOOL PROVISION MARKET. Bisland. Athye, & C 0.,. and Richardson, 'berme, & Co. report Beofsteady. ro , k steady t unpaexed Werrara Ikl, new Ntern M6lOBO. Bacon doll; long t middles 18•, short fibroma. Lard dull. and nominal at ate. Tailow ad ,it cad ildia Ivit4 demand 4 i, butahe 58659 e; F NARK T .— The Iltokete °insular resorts AS es Elm end 'us tly with an active depuir o,we v . aq.. e q ui f h igher. Coffee smutty, Hine quie t by aterioy. Bar al snore. Linseed tdelphi a, Ita ed. cod oil. rei *perm Cil, AIM; Oil 'trimly at Mr 6dogas 94. Homo b t meal irregular; sales of common_ at 1s Mete kj, ;dosing at 4a Spirit, toreen a tine . Atm sad .lightl y i' t,6lli) r a rll ,3 4 t A l l a tKET a el t .ll7l3l47 ; oi re ul r reports Leytto o : me l t n lgotrolr i . , Iron e steady, at .Ce meiT i slightly higher. Coffee r erm. ere yiee usgteradby.ue/Pg led common Congou 18.64 era. gifd Tallow Erin, . RI. Nitrite Turpentine tam and Slightly his her; ;I es sktomms. N. rah Oils Linee!al Oi LONDON 144118 y MARKET.—The demand, for money was active, Out the Wee Were generally n. changed. £237,000 Tha . bullion in the Dank of Reiland hail deorotteed Console cloud on Friday at 1115Nep01( i for money, and 69031" tor account. ins olniuleldiotes bar silver 4s 53id ; dotting,. PA i ntitt e' flitililt--(yor the Week ending the 10th o January, ne naive. )—Cotton market t antes of the weok 1.100 bales, at 18,21, for PleW Orleans ins oral noire and 103 f. ;or do. bar. Stock 09,003 bales. Bread. atolls dull. Pot and Pearl Allice (lit et, cotter. buoyant, kyd ali qualities slightly advanced. Oils larin. arm illetapf, for Carolina. Sugar buoyant. Laid WI. blotto gigot. but . prieee firm. AM B, WADI ATOtatel —Messrs. Baring Brothore to port t e Domes Jai the American stooks limited, at pro vious rate'. Maur!' Bell Co. resort en salve market, at steadY otiose, l o os State stooks, and railroad allourittee emigrant , ue 4:"Pri l iter. of Friday, Nays tee market la without oha gp, pail ouotea Illinois Central Te. 1800. (Freeland.) at 89)s; Plump Central Railroad stock 12 diecount, do 7s 78, do tls 75 Erip Railroad stook LATEBr hLIRKS.TB. Livanroot, Saturday, Jan. if, P. M.—Cotton—Bales to day 8 COD bales. The market stored dull at yester day,. iireadstulls du 1, and sales unimportant. 'Promo:ins quiet. LATEST SHIPPING. Livgapoot, Jan• It —Arrived. front New York, Arne rialto Pons rem, 'Porbay ; at Batar ia ; Uranits Mato, and bark BUPA Frinui, at Wonting. A Ji Now York Anti-Slavery Conyentiou. INSURRECTIONARY DOCTRINES STRONOLF Apyo CITED-00Y. 110RUAN oxmayrtsD FOR 1118 INV( MINK 10 BOUTIISIM LBOIEILATURES. AMsaap Feb. 2.—Thp State Ariti-Blavery Convention held its o eing melon in this oily this afternoon. There wee a fill attendance Ad napes were delivered by Alest's , FillsbnrY, Wen dell Phillip., Powell, Robinson, and others, and incur reotlonary .doctrines were strongly . advocetad., A resolution was adopted severely Oen goring povernor Morgan aod the Slate Leshilitore for invit ing' the in gnitem i ng (rompers and Levelatures of To !Incise and Kentucky " visit New York aa guests ot the State. Fire at New (Meant]. NEW Ontmang, Feb. 2.--A fire broke out in the @tip The e' lon hee mountedl yeaterda toyo44o, lestroying 8,01)0 hales or cotton aOOO. The Mississippi Central Railroad. Ws SUINOTON. Feb. 2,—An authorized detpateh states that the first trainassed over the Mississippi Central Railroad on the 29 th ultimo, and have been running regularly nines that dal., Non•Arrtval of the fiteamer North American. PORTLAND, Feb. 2—Midnight.—There are no .ijne of the staatuolnp North Amertoan, now due hum Lavot- Pool with dates to the ielh ultimo. From Washing-ton. ItESSADE OP ME PRESIDENT ON INTERNAL III• PROVESIENTS—TRE stamens OF CONGRESS AND TER )lONET•BAOS—►RAECIS J. or.orip cortrinsiED AN CONSUL TO RAPRE• Wifftigeyole, Fe I;.—The resolutions introduced in le nate by Mr. D avis. of to-day, are emp a collection o all the issues on the slavery ques t mr, prellefilltill the Southern side affirmatively. The ?resident nent to the Senate to-days message, in which ho says he deems it a suffioient reason for having yetained the bill appropriating 1/16 000 for the deepening of the channel over the bt. Clair flats, ia Michigan ~.that it was not presented to him until the last day of the former Congress, when he had nonp %Maundy to examine It. .He says a constitutional mode exists by which the Legislature of Michigan may, at its Wt g . ° l!; river ra' by e ri n gr e y y t ri o s i gn i mirev:t the 6 4 n : 1 n on American vessel, using the channel. _,Hendeies duty nfit mean to intimate a doubt of the power of Congress to maltreat such internal improvements as may be es sentially neoessary for defence and protection spinet the invasion of a Foreign enemy. It would be scarcely claimed, however, that this improvement comes within this category. i This river s the boundary line between the United States and the British provinces of Upper Canada. Any be of its navigation, the which could be made for purposes of war, would equally enure to the benefit of Crest Britain—the only enemy that could possibly confront but shouldt quarter. War would be a battleadalamity ; but it ever unhappily exiet, the will not be fought on the Ft, Clair river or the la , es with which it communicates. The members of the House, to-day, were keeping the Sergeant-at-Arms busy, by drawing their mileage and salary. the Speaker having yesterday signed a check on the Treasury for a large amount of money. The Senate, to-day, in executive session, spiritedly debated, for more than two hours, the motion to recon sider the vote by which. some weak,' ago, Mr. Francis .1. (irtind was relented as consul to Havre. The contest was ended by con fi rming this appointment, the majority be jnir unexpected)" large. • WAVIIIHOTON. roo.2.—Veipt. Gardener, of the infan try .• Lieut. Moore of the dragoons; Lieut. Anderson, of the artillery • Lieut. Taylor, of the cavalry, and Lieut. Alexander. of the corps 'of _engineers. have been appointed s Hoard to assemble at Weshins ton arsenal, on IConility next. for a trial of all the diffeient small ernie whch have been made or purchased for the mili tary service. They ere to report in full to the War De- Plit hr eloptanee of the offer of the services of the mounted rifle regiment of Tey,an yolunteers for the protection of t he f rontier against the Invasion which threatens it from ex co and to be ready in any emer gency, will &pen upon t ie cotton of Congress. Caucus of the Opposition Members of the House. COL. JOHN W. PORNEY niSCOMateNDED POE IBS WA ettittoToN, Feb. 9 ynference or the Opposition members of the House of opyteeolativra who vo . ed for the successful candidate Of water Was held at the Capit A et noon to.dey. teeny eeekers after plane were gathered Ip the lob bies, impatiently awaiting the result,. and the rum - rs time which were airculated from time to me created much excitement among theni. it hoe boon ascertained,' by the proceedings le the hall.that the pre oholtireace of feeling there woe in favor of Col. bhp W. Forney, of Ailed , ;phis, for Clerk, and miry W. Ho f f man, of Maryland for Sergeant-et Arm. oQf the Boum These gen t leme n were recommended or the positions named, but no nominations were made. No definite notion wan taken on the, candidates for the otheroffices. Some difficulty was occasioned by there being two candidates for the Orme of Doorkeeper from NOV Writ, Ceptain Daring gad Ira lioodenow, while (leers* Marston, of NOW tierny‘hire. as the prominent candidate. Meagre. Sherman,Grow. Tsproi. Hickman, and Soliwarts were appointed a committee to osU 'mother tionforenee, if 000assary. The Republican Caucus. Cii;fltOrVa T o ° l:dat . n4 - i r hhinrcyl i a ' ll3lllll2: 0111C1111. Bad Calamity at New York. FMB IN A TENEMENT 0005 E—PROM TEN TO VIETESIA MIIIOXIS BURNED TO ORATE. NEW , You, Feb. 7—Midnight A fire brota out to night in tenement house situated in Elm street, be- tween Wand and Broome streets. Tweaty- tour families reti e fed in the house, and it hi *opposes that from ten to Clean pergona Were burned to death. A number have en carried to the hogpitel badly burned and otherwise injured by Jurnping from the windows. These are all the partioulars that can be ascertained at dug hour. PENNSYLVANIA LEOISLATURE. lialaisstme, Feb. ¢. DENAtI. After come unimportant busthess, Rho elan/lois cern mites* were galled for their reports, when the fo LOWIDe. with a considerable number of other bills, wholly of a looal obaraeter. were reported : A bid to incorporate the Venango Oil Mining Com- A bill relative to roads and brldgeo in Lehigh oentity. A supplement to the not to incorporate the Belmont avenue Plank-roeul Cbmadiry. Bum. irr acs.—Mr. Connell read is twee bill to reduce The number of aldermen in the Tweaty-f i ritil ward of Philadelphia ; also, to incorporate the non Farm, Plantation Mill, and Machine Ma ng Company. Mr. totianat.. a bill to require the Lehigh Valley Railbor9 Company to keep watchmen at the Catasaa galitalasesp.—The follo wing Dili were severally considered and tagged An Rot to incorporate the Delaware County Assoola- Con for insurance against home stealing, and tor the detection of bores thieve.. . . An act to incorporate th e East Moloch Chunk Water Company. An pot tg incorporate the Fogleerille Male and Fe male Arm may, in Lehigh county. An no o inaorporate the Home Insuranoo Company of Philadelphia.. An act to incorporate the Farmers' Mutual Fire In• mance Company of Philadelphia. An act to authorise the Councils of the borough of Conshohocken, in Montgomery county, to widen Fa yette otter*. Adjourned Idt/0. The Berasen laid befog ton tiOuse .1.110 statement of the affairs of the Locust Mountain, aria the Thomas and Carbon Coal and Iron Comeonies A large number of petitions were presented asking for no &Permutation for the Halloo! for Feeble-minded Children at Media. A number of petition* were received from Books rVintr , asking the prohibition of the inuingration of ee nit:rotie into that county, Mr. Rita presented a petition from Montgomery olipiy pp the peerage of a law securing the enrolment of peterntetttpetti to every resident of the Mate nut n' lrr g .T i gT.i.ga nr itiitiented a memorial from the .Vacan tly,' Committee of the Penne' haute industriel Reform Bahool. Meagre. Trace, and l a board preeented petition, for the establiehment of a board of inspectors to ex attune applicants as engineers of steam engine,. Alm, Joe porn, the assessors of Philadelphia for a remuneration fat their seryiape in making militia emus- Mr. O'Nerat.. several memorial. against Ineorpoittmg anwompany lor the purpose at building • passenger ye t i ey__ntong Broad street. • Wu. r, two for a law to reenlist° the assossment °reit apt sifiesof real estate for taxes Philadel ph a.' niner9Oo /ral Petition' werispresented, I F bill em owering eherlif to wheats(' the titles 01 el estop in i rree of the daily newspapers of flee phis passed o I ra 01 oo th P l y ?ZIA refomd to7r con lonia. jhe resolution for the purchase of cozies or Zeigitep for the use of membeell 11/16 OPlkerli oh the HOlllO, tip and passed. /trans . * or CONM:7TESP.:77I Judic i ary Cc4l - act e :N l g e ee, t r. / 1 . 1/47 , 0 . 1; ta t d nd in Z eo n m:l ' on n Arti l Joining owners of sininerallitnar, in this Commonwealth to manage and develops thlesamp. Also, ae committed, an act to unable the Justice* of the dilemma court to hold Circuit Court* within pie Commonwealth. Also. an act authorizing president judges to hold °guile ant of their general districts she same Committee 6110 reported an act to amend extetme lawp relative to the employment and inmate nenco Of the par. Also. an not for the Netter geonrit/ of the wage, of 'starers. The Committee on Banks reported, ea committed, an ant to inoorporate the Mullin County Bank. Also, a supplement to an actntirted an got to incor porate the Mount Joy Paving. Fund. Alen, an act to incorporate the Media Baying. Bank. Also. an act relating to the banks of this Common wealth. Also, an act authorising the Auditor Cleneraltoeanoel hie ppoll bgnffincen Lebanon Bank. in The committee on Alines and minerals reported, as committed, a In I to incorporate the Eastern Iron e glig n (Mrimittee on Aimounte reported the postage tio count tor the last month, amounting to es eat 37, to which vas attaohed aresolution to pay the same, pro vided it befound correct. The resollition led to a tong and animated disposition, and the amount wee elltaanterqed to *apatite,. 1, r. Triostreon moved to recommit the report and revolution to the oommittee, and mecum the postmas ter to oupport acoount by an allidavit. Agreed to. Adjourned. THE CITY. Tint .110111CIDE IX rice FOURTH WARD.—The In. quest on the body of the wife of Christopher McFar land, whose murder has oreated much excitement in the locality whore it °centred, was resumed yesterday. Mrs. Judith Marry. was sworn, and testified that on Monday night Me e arla”d raised migrant noise end rtyw ; Witness hoard the children of McFarland " titer! father !" lines, heard. on Tuesday nipt. more noise and crying. and heard Mot arland Kelt, • are you dead 1" McFarland told Witness that his wife had fallen into the fire and got burned there as no lire the tove at that time; deceased was ly i ng ng naked on the door; deceased was covered with blood; she was then dead. 0 tier bfeCullen recalled.—The clothes, shirt, omit, &0., of the prisoner were bloody when the prisoner was &Tenoned at the station-house; his hands were bloody. Dr. S. P. Drown wan next milled and sworn.—l made a 'post mortem examination of decgmeed ; there were many coratchee on the neck, *boulders. and breast ; peper e was out through. about three quarter Mabee in length another eel of abq for e h e ada bo vegth near the noes ; another cut on the pee; the head wag all bruised beneath the scalp over th e ass of blood, as if phe had been we r e all bead; the bones of the skull Were not ftno• lured consideroble blood poured out on the brain be neath the dare mater ; the wounds could have been matte with a poker, or the ate edge of a hard etich•or with a bottle; these wou nds were the cause of her death; her who'e appearance is that of a woman who had been badly beaten. The Jury returned a verdict that death witiseaused by violence received at the bands of husband of &Goma, Christopher Me Farland. TEE FBADT op Ills OANEIZMAII...-YelterdEY woo &gnat day alliOne the members of the Roman C5%1101113 and Epieno pal persuasions. it being Candlemas!, or the Bout of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin At the venous churches of these denomination. the oeramo- Ines were statedmposing and impressive charaoter. It might be that it is from the ancient custom of having the Catholic, churches oe this day lixhted with a cut number of needles that the name of Candlemaa, or eandle feast. derived. The feast itself is supposed to have originated the declaration of Simeon that our Saviour was "to be a light to lighten the Oen tiles." On Cand'emva a I the candles and taper, which aro to be burned in the churches during the whole v ear round are oonsecrated by the priests on the altars, and on mega for that purpose are aooordinsly made by the people of every parish to ea pastors. Many persona send several boxes of the finest wax EfiEtHei to the priests, while poor people make pre- Rehm of two or three candles. !weer dins as their oir- OliniiitahOde May permit. The laws of us e d,urch pre scribe wax oanoloe as the quality to be but by • special dispensation granted by i Areobishop tße f many himself, alter which qq dititributes the. blessed tapers to the oardinala and ogler inferior dignitaries of the church, who carry them in ;Wilma procession through the great halt of the Papal palms.. A. locale - whet similar custom was formerly observed in Eng land, but in INS it woe prohibited by an order in coun cil. Candlemas is made remarkable to England be being one of the tour tisane for the collecting of rents and paying of interest. It also gives name to a law form In the same country. beginning on the 16th of January, aed ending on the 3d of February. ARREST or THE ALLEUP.O MURDICRERB or Heu yit GAWKEII.—it telegraphic dempateb, publiehed in yesterday's Press, announced t tee hat Detive ()dicer CaHenan and Lieutenant Nicer, of the Seventeenth ward had arrested one lames Mtge?, it Baltimore, on the charge of murdering Henry Uawker. The prisoner arrived iiLtown. in company eith the officers, at a late hour on Wednesday evening. Yesterday morning a telegraphie deseetoh wax received by Chief lieteotive Wood, ennouneing the arrest.BrooklYe. of Seinite W. Rlehle alias Eddie—the other fuSiti v n Wile is oilers ed with a participation in the murder. Hiehle. tt is under steed, had chipped in the butted State' Immo at the navy yard. He was ferreted out by Brooklyn police- Melt. "NEVER TRUST TO APPEARANCEB."—A lady resident of Kensington attended Divine nervier) at the Hancock•streef church, ort`,Vednesday evening . . In the perreho occupied, she noticed a very respectable-Wolf ing gentleman, who took the deepeat Intermit in the de votions, and behaved like a pooter ef Divinity of twenty yenta atandng. She could net help admiring hie demeanor, and feeling greatly pleased at the ex treme interest be manifested in the words of the elo quent divine in the pulpit, W the minimise/ere over, and cite lig qeet her oomph elm Wend that alto been robbe of a gold wa tchand chain, which Intuit aye departed through the agency of the reverend-took ng gentleman while the cone rerat , on ware at prayer'. The police concurred in her auggestione. and are en the ;opk-out for the affable pattern of devotion. HoariY4y, Cas cc—William Hammond, a man acesl forty yaps, had hie right shoulder dislocated by Whoa °sr a dray at liwancon dr, e t and Mende alley. Laat evening there yea a fight at, en emigrant and sailors' leer ding-bona., or Front greet, betwpon Hook and Spruce streets, In which a runner, named John Red mond, alias James Kennedy, won badly injured about the head. The gory told by Ma friend, is, that Red mond was forcibly hold by the odds of the keeper of the boarding• bowie voile the proprietor of the eatablieh cunt heat him etbaut the head with a bottle. The ea rem le a married man. He wee talon to the hoppital, THE WATER DEPARTMENT.—During the month of January the receipts at the taco of 04 Recater or Water were $345,711 et. against 011,8914 r for the Oorre. opOnding period in IBA 'Ms hugs ioaretse he to ha httr.boted to several anuses, the ill CICIPSI of which are es follows: he pronto. 'laceration of the books fur 0/receipt of Water rent. the p, Met Y eer, the extent Con of water qdpes, and the increase in the numb r or consumers. and the careiul cunt nosing of the entire oily to ascertain whether all onesumere of water NI ere jpoOtdOdOn the Looks of the deem intent. CITY COUNCILS-61MM BRANCH.—Mg. Drayton offered a resolution instructing the Mayor to attend the nest meeting of the directors of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, and vote for a new by-law, prohibiting the president of the road from holding any salaried office in any other riplroad company. Mr. Culler moved to refer to a optimal committee of three. Notagraed to. Mr..Drayton stated! that Mr. Thomson now received a salary of $B,OOO a year. Ile realised the foot that Mr. Thomson'. 'levies were invaluable to the road ; bat he thought that as good a manager might be obtained for the same mune). Mr. Denton thought the resolution we small business. Who has found any point upon which to bee censure No ono; but ma petty spirit an attempt is hers made to letslate him from the minor noting as consulting en gineer, when applied to as lie often is. Mr. Thomson is known all over the Union as an eminent engineer. He has been made president of the grandest railroad scheme ever projected, and let its entire duties do not occupy his time for an hour a day. As to this resolu tion, it is hypocritical. No other word will express it. It is equivalent toa vote of censure, and Is gotten ups. a solienie by those who feel disappointed about the change in the Delaware terminus. Such agitation as Uns is like summer lightning—aft shimmer, with no emit. 1 his resolution is summer lightning, and nothing more sub stantial. • Mr. Neal thrutlit that no other man than Mr. Benton would have thus spoken. To perform the duties of President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, to render pro perly productive all her ramified intereste, why, only a man of great powers as an engineer could properly at tend to them. Mr, Thomson, no far from having leas Combo can perform, has the work of two men to do, without any time to devote to other roads. Mr. Brunetti thought the resolution a compliment, rather than a censure, and was in favor of its passage. Mr. Culler felt that Mr. Drayton had boon used by others. He knew that this matter was a mere revival of the terminus controversy. Gentlemen outside, who had been disappointed in their schemes of specula tion, whose measures for aggrandizement had been thwarted, were bent, aler being foiled in one three tion. upon an attempt to bring. about the name result in another They had failed let their measures for te e r i sx:47 a fit theby a n dic i ilirtg en tha ii b i o board t t o . the Delaware their end terminus,in ono her way . As to the reso lution. it was never intended tha tthe policy of the oompany should be subservient to the will of Councils, who were but a poll:km.o'y, and tt was neverintend ed that the wisdom end judgment of the di•ectors should be totalled regularly every two yearn. No one here assails the internal economy of the manazement, and whatever t lent the president mar have isalreadv in the smite...ion of the city. When it is conceded that every duty is ProMpth and efficiently discharged, how contemptibly bpotty it is to say to other rondo . 'you shall not have the enefit °flue advice!" No road dens'ss its maintenance from its own territory alone, 'The road to Chicago from renburg is hut a continuation of the Pennsylvania ilroad. It was at the request of the directors of the neY tennis Railroads hat Mr. Thomson assumed its charge and the Pennsylvania Railroad has been a gainer by the measure. Mr. Neal thought that the beet evidence of a pros perous railroad was the price of its stook. Mr. Neat bought fifty times some years ago at te. It is now quoted at M. With Mr. Thomson s sole attention, it might be resuscitated in value. The city own five mil ling of it, and should have a corresponding voice in its maliasem ant. If the president Is devoting his time to the buildidg of other roads, it is, of course, 0 the pre iodine of tee interests of the Pennevl-ania Railroad. Mr. Meinty re believed it inipossible that Mr. Thom son soul fully subserve the lot rents of the road with an attention divided lir Other obleetc. IS ti man has ever yet been Able to control two railroads. Napoleon mid more readilydirect five handed thousand med, at tenni head he was, than ten thousand men who were in It a ly, and another ten thousand in Spain. Recent mistakes in management have abeam that this Is precisely the case of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The ye solution parsed to a third reading. The Chtiam -11 M suspend u:%.IP th e rules end go to a. third re d rew atom Wan adopted relative to guards upon the w eels of passenger-lailten4 pars, to prevent people from bein g run over, bin from Common Council. to pay further delicieney bills to the amount of 81,135.61, for the old Guardians o the_PJAK, was referred to committee. • Mt.Wirtir grill or. red n resolution for the aPlOintnient of a oommittee to inquire the charges upon freight, and certain particulate relative to the policy or the road upon this subject. AgreedGl end the chair ap pointed Messrs wetherill. Drayton . and Molhlyte. An ordinance providing that the Chief Engineer chill invite proposals for coat, tallow, end other material l e er the Wislor Department. before making any purohesse Mr. Neal explained that toe appropriation bill should have thus fora suppternent. E ith lire very large ex penditure in the power of the Chief Engineer, it WWI mulled, Inv he should purchase supplies where they °mild be purchased to the best advantage. a The s Chief Effln ß et7p, i 4rtl:NinotlfltiVeymtrttn:Li t iTlVl: vrp , . The ordinance restricting the ORenditttrea of the de part:pent was passed nap The opposite Chamber not aerating with the amend ments to the polio bill, a motion was made that the Chamber recede. The subleet in which the opposite Chamber differ ts the menet , " of striking out the item of 421000 for the repair of dilapidated station houees. Ifteleet Council re Wed by a unanimous vote, The ordinance for the approval of the surveyor's plan for the wideningpf Delaware avenue was concurred in. Mr. Davis, (Girard Estate.) reported an ordinance as sting. out of the income of the Girard Eget*, a sum commensurate for its expenses. Laid arer un der the late,. A resolotion was adopted giving the contracts for street clean' C, Adjonrned. Commo* CORN a, aseeinMed atthree o'elook. The President laid before the Chamber the annual' report ci the State Savings Fund, from which wo learn that th deposits of the year were 8 11 .2g1.072a2. Of this amount, $1,193 323.61 were returned, leaving _on hand a balance of 86Y.613.01. A petition from the Franklin None Com- Peal, balling that a steam fire.engine be located in their ht, xrasceseoted by Mr. Dunk. A petition from ce'rthin ow erg Of property on Twenty-fourth street. asking to lelealed from cul v ert , tax, was se prented. and, together Pith a Pennon ch ili gto have Lehigh avenue, in the Nineteenth ward. opened and graded, was sent to the Committee on Highways, The cons &ration of an ordinance making en appro riation of 8326 TOO to the Highwey Department for p 1840 was resumed as follows: Mr. Houseman moved to amend, to aid to the Item for the repairs of roads end streets, and stipiartion the appropriation as follows First ward, 82 600 i Nineteenth ward, 896,000. o wen- Oath ward, SLOW; Twen7-first wad, 86 004 ; Twenty second ward. 86.0001 Tweoty-third ward. soar: Twenty-fourth we'd. 86 MO. The other wards to have each the suns of 81400. Mr. Muller was of the ammo that this matter xhould be left at the discrsolon of the Committee on Hi g hways . Mr. Hacker did not think the members could make an intedigent apportionment of this item. The amendment was finally lost by a vote of Wynne toll nays. Mralougeman then attempted to amend the section so that no part of the impropriation could be expended without the consent of Councils, but the Chamber re fused to sanction the proposition. A second amend merit wr then proposed by the same gentleman , giving the wor of paving and repairing to the various super. vieors o the verde. A discussion arieing on the mo tion to adept the amendmeot, Mr. O'Neill said he had no confidence in trier stipervirre, god he would oppose the attempt to cermet Melt with the Work. r. House man replied and advocate the propriety hf hie amend ment. Mr. Potter though the oreanisation of the &- garment required a stringent measure H o useman . and argued against the amendment of Mr. A vote recurring on the amendment, it was lost, and the ordinance was finally adopted. A communication was presented from the Chief Com missioner of Highways enclosing the names of the lowest bidders for cleaning the streets. Mr. Miller moved that tile Donned authorize the Commissioner to enter into contracta with the following tentlemen to do the work at the rates et ac to their names. First District Samuel Shaeffer. IT; Second District. Samuel Shaeffer, !Wu ; Third Istriet, John Twigs.. 81001 Fourth District , Winfrey. 84000; Fifth Dietyiet, $ 3 960 Sixth Distnct. 83.200; Seventh Die met, ; Binth District, et cal; Ninth District: J. Given & $1,90); Tenth ilutoot, Hobert Kelly, D 9,603; Eleventh District. H. Miller, VW; Tweith istrict. John Jackson, /100 ; Thirteenth District, George Jackson 81000. The motion being to adopt the resolution of Mr. Mil ler. Mr. qui& sod. before the Chamber anted on the mitten he woulu like to know whether there wee Rl3l underlie& operations in oonneotion with the opening of the bide.' He had been dibly ipiormed teat bids had' Wan' reCeived for 'an amount leas than the known and mono ded intros as ieooenoeed by tho committee. Mr, }tiller hothlrur of the mater . and. 'whet was fmore, did not tic M':@ diy it. Mr. Quinn said l at the assertion of Mr. d not alter the matter. it from ;lie last authority or his sts Lenient. Mr. (po em nw ,.,;;, :o• a -pmmlttee on Invent gallon, which led to an exteninve Potter oppoeed the Too twit of Mr. O'Neill. It so olio from a „ !..re ruler, end was unworthy of credit by this honorable how.. Ha moved to lay the resolution on the tittle, which motion was eed to. Mr. Miller's resolut on was then adopted. • Mr erner called up the resolution m relation to the terminus of the Pennsylvania Rei tree(' as it Nuns from Be eat uouncil, and moved that Conn nla non concur the amendments. Mr. Miler moved to PolltPolle the consideration of the matter, which was agreed to—yeas 3/),:isys 67. Mr. Hacker then called up the ordinance makiipt an appropriation to $ll3 MAO to the Department of City Property. Mr. Miller moved to reduce the nopropna• tion, of 818 COO for the improvemept of Fairmoent Park, to 860(0. Sr. Creotwefl was Os favor of erasing the appropriation altogerher, and making general loan bill for the purpose of finishing the park at once. It wns to benefit posterity. and, posterity should help to foot the bill. Mr. Miller said it was R spec. es of exten sive extravagance to pay $l5OOO fur a park which no ono enjoyed but those who were a disgrace to the com munity, The "Innocent Germans," who haul enjoyed themselves for so =sir years. had been driven away. This was to encourage the aristocracy, and to take toe money.t of the pockets of the wining poor men. Mr. Wil l i am B. Thomas would vote fur the proposition of Mr, hillier. Ile wanted to see tno park pies-teed as a turai._platuresque place, and NI tree as possible from the artificial nett - unions and adornmerite attempted to be imposed upon the park. The more it wag kept in its ' origins'condition. the more it would be to the advan tage of the POOr man. Mr. Justice was to favor of hay ' lug tr p_ improvement estimated, and the hilt paid at ono*. Mr. Denote wanted the park to made as it wee In tended to be... park for the people. All men, and all corporations, moat expend oninethins if the way ofileco rations lie trusted that 315 fie wool be appropriated. and that when a loan was proposed or completing it, ho would have the pleasure of voting for its adoption. The debate on the motion to strike out the ap romla • lion for the Park was continued. Mr. Miller a d vocated his motion, while Mr. Dennis made a very eloquent speech in favor of the appropriation. Mr. Potter very elaborately eulogised the _People'a party, and snowed how much they had beeehted the poor man and how the wisdom of their legiel•tion contributed towards the work of scattering blowouts upon all men and all classes of men. Mr. Miller ventdatod iii. views on the Deinooraoy, , and showed how much more they had dons for the poor man than tho People's party. He contended the representativee of the Poop elt party were now on the high road to extravagance. and he WWI apposed to their doings. Mr. Miller's motion to redo°e wee lost, but nine gentlemen voting for it. Mr. Quinn moved to insert 81,000 for the improve ment of the parade ground, prhieli was agreed to. Mr. Pomeroy moved to increase the appropriation for improvicir Norris Square to 86.0 W. Mr. O'Neill sustained the amendment, and advocated its adotion. Finally, the Chamber, without disposing of the mat ter. postponed ste consideration until Monday alter nn 0 . . Darker moved that the Chamber proceed to the Consider/limo of an ordinanoe providing for the pur chase of the bridge over the echo prop at the Falls. Mr. Warner moved its poatponement. which was agreed to. • . The resolution from Poleet Counoil in relation to the appointment of e committee to investigate the charges made by the Fennsylvecla jfailroad in its tariff of freight led , o a debars. in which Mr. Miller said that it eeerned ‘ p him that somebody had a Joh In view. hlr, enter rep led that be came hero huntinueo lob, The ImPUtation same with bad taste from Pdr. il gitigittett ;:i7:111n t er ih" Id Re ver dis- A NEW Corm —A new dime piece has been is sued from the Mint. It differs from the old coinage in several r , speeds. The Goddess of 14`erty is in a sitting position, aeon the old coin. but instead of the am rpllnv stars there are the words " United States of Amino, ' The words " Ono Dim..." on the other side of 'he coin. are in a wreath of cereals. Instead of the old-fashioned wreath of leaves. The new note in very neat and pret ty ; hut in the specimens we have seen the milhne around the edge is rather wiry and ragged. FoxtricaL.—On Wednesday evening the People's Accoouttion, of the Fifteenth ward, met end Pained revolujiptis expreteive of their gratification at the elec • lion of Mr. Pennington as lipesiter of the House. The following wag adopted, among other resolution's • Itssolcid, That the hourpf triumph is the hour of magnanimity, and whilst rejoicing over our victory, we }terser extend the hand of lellowehip to our brethren of the Bouth and throat bout the entire country." Waren Beartssies.—The following is a state ment of the amount of tester supplied by the different water works Of the city during the month of January Pio. gals. sup. Av. Pin, gels. during m'th. sup. tcr ti.l7l,lFit 19.131,5ikt 0,778,4ki I,9tB,titi3 10,301.780 &Call Falrmovnt Schuylkill Delaware Twenty-fourth Ward.... 15:0=113 Ins Sava or Tituranarreo.—lho Order of the Bona of Temperance throughout the city, we lento from reliable morons i. rap dly more/icing I ts nicinherch p and extendin; the sphere of its influence. 'lite I ingest and beat-conducted citation in Philadelphia is the Es hsior, which monis eve y Thum] Lc evening. at er. lin Hall, Not la week passes in wineti new monitors. from all pursuits to MB, are not initiated. FUNERAL OP VIM LATE HON. KENAI" D. GILPIN. —The funeral of the late Hon. H. D. Oilwri took place restive as morning, at eleven o'clock, from his late rest denet, at the Bouthweet comer of Eleventh and dpruce attests. 'the funeral, which _proceeded to Lmrel Hill Cemetery, wait attended by Nteiy4 , s Henry moat of the members of the renncylvent Historical Boototy, and by a large number of other citizens. ATM PT• AT Ronezny.—Some time during Wed. neaday night the ,tore of George 8. Loral, near Frank ford road and tiergeant street. was entered by a robber, who attempted to blow OpOn the wile with powder. The attempt wee unsucoessfal, and he had nothing for hie pains. LARGE PATEENT OP TAYES.—The books were an V n l es :al the ° I f P e ce lanes,ne for the taxes di l rer Paye d oll ars npreoedented, and over one hundred moue sandwore received. ROBBERY OP A STRANGER.—Ivan Patron; A native of Russia. and a Wilier in the Russian atm/, arrived in this cane; the New York depot, on Wednes day night. A negro porter managed to obtain his valise and make off with it. The valise contained E2OO In gold, and all of Alr l'etrotra clothing. I.loftitgo MON.—The account of a tire, which took Place in Camden county, New Jersey. on Tuesday evening, v. published incorrectly in some of our city paper.. The dwelling burned was not that of Mr. John Lucas, but that of n workman in his employ. Mr. Lucas house wan untouched. FATAL ItESULT.—lleory 'Weldon, who was stab bed on Monday night, as mentioned in 'I uesday's ra per, has died from the effects of his wound.. The al leged murderer, have escaped, and no tritons of them can be found. The inquest in the cave of the deemed will be held this morning at the hospi al a HIYATINU UM) 'I THE betiCrYLFULT4. The very cold weather now prevailin r has frozen over the tlehuylkill, and the skaters are nt ailing themselves of the Avantagee it affords for the enjoyment of a rare and invigorating luxury. LARCENY.—Yesterday morning. while a dray was being unloaded on Front street, a can of vermillion be longing to ()Morse Wetherili & Co. wee stolen by corns person unknown. The on was valued at ea FINANCIAL AND COMMEROIA.L. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 2, MO. There was little change effected in the stock market by the election of the Speaker by Congress, beyond a general stiffening up of shares, without much advance in prices. City sixes of the new ignite advanced S, and the old issues were held more firmly. Bank stocks were in demand at previous quotations, and City Passenger Railway dunes showed an upward tendency. The money market was more easy, and the brokers found lose difficulty in placing paper. The effect of the organization of the House hes been beneficial in mope tary circles, where the releasing of large sums of money due by the Post Office Department le arstleipated. It 2.1.,P AD/M1.211A 51001 8YC211101012 BALBOr February 2. IWO. WIPOITZID IT S. B. ft.typtAisz, mai Walmit Stmt. FIRST BOARD. 217 Ce Peon& . 9234 1000 Cam & Amb '76. 35 1000 d 0....... 923, 10 Penns R..... 2 days 36 1001 Cdr us, nw OOP 0h.i034 20 do lots, .... 3d 1000 Reading R6s '70.. 78 ZS Calawina R 8000 Elmiram 75.... 1314 36 Peon Ty Bic-214s 35 1 ROD 4o 1314 3 Morns Ca1ytd....106 100 Reading R m 1914 2 Bea, !Amid WM 200 —Man 1934 4 Commercial 8k... 4914 SECOND BOARD 280 Perms. bs 92341 1600 City 6sO9X 1700 do. . .. , . 99 2000 Phil & Tro_u "bds. . 89 1000 Penns R Mm de. 86.4 1= do.. 8630 600 Frank & South 7s 8430 WOO Chas & Del Cul 61 ICW Cam & Amb 6t 'B3. 8 : l CLOSING PR! B id. As k 4 4. Philt Ile — B — —.9999..141 Re , 37....i0 9 3 9 9 4 Eeana 611 —92 N la "v fi L R .E,7 --- .I;A 3 9 4 mart es 44,94 66 do '86.60( 68 Palma R.— .36X 37 31070 2 d M —47. 8a " u tiTerde i c.B" Er kl 444 4930 &that itav iSs'Bl..or IN4 stook— 6 7 a Minohtll 08 3 do r 8 15 Bco Third- et R... 393 i 11 do 1g Mead back .21 R. 3 . 9 1 1 / 6 Modal! 3 6 1% 16 N Penns R......... OEB-11113ADY. 811. diked, 1 8 ekl Nev, prof—...wi 16 IWmsit & Elm... 1 111, " lit mort.6B 61 " 3ld port.L3 13. ti L.Clsland R..... 11 11g elo rioal&Nay./9 50 IN P2nas 8.14 18:777.71 4 ,Datamnisa R.., ... do Lt ms bdx.33l 14 Frank lc South R... 64 IReo'dfr.Third-st R. 3111; 39n litaoakVina-ata 8-na 30 Philadelphia Markets. FeaItITARTI--2•012114. The Flour market still continue. dull; the demand balll for shipment and home nee being limited and prices the tame ; sales include Uri bbl* good standard imperfine at .15.50 and 600 bbl. gadder 85.62 K; the trade are buying slow_fy at from 85.t0 for Common up to 85 713n6 and 87 bbl for superfine. extra, and fancy brands, as in quality. Rye r boar and Corn Ideal are not Inftred for and doll at 41_115 for the former and 43.75 bbl for the latter. Paeat—The demand is , but holders are rather fi rmer to their views. end only about PM bushel' found buyer' in lore at 1340130 for red and Iteesl4sc for %hits, na in quality. Rye Is aeihalr as wanted at 90erkle Corn is firmer and who: more inquired after, and abort; WO bushels good yellow of atTennei in triers end in ogre. including some delivered at the latt er igen. Oats coutinne dull at tin4S cents C ' umbellir Pennsylvania. Bark is lower , a• 11 some small as as of lit tio.t. are S reported at et, , ton. Cotton— here Is very little movement, and a few mall lots only have been sold at about p evious rates. Oroceries—There Le very little doing, and no abatises to note the nooks, of all hied*. being vet , lit. Provisions—The market is firm, but rather quiet -day ; 100 bbis Western Ideas Pork told at MO% 4P bbl ; some fancy Rams at 11.34015 o; do, in rookie, 1040103fi0 ; Bides, in calf, at 90. and Shoulders et 70, oesh add short tints. Seeds—There iv very little demand for Cloverseed, and prices are muiettled ,• faits of 300 bus are reported et 8505.191‘. and GNI but on terms kept private. Nothtne doing in Timothy and Flaxseed. Whtskey moves off slowly at IniXo for Penn sylvania bb15.343g0 for Ohio do, rro for pnson, and no 1 for dnidge t' CITY ITEMS. liitretnic EnTinTAINVENT.—This evening a Ma gical entertainment. in which much interest Is felt by the numerous friends of the lady in this city, be given at Musical Fund Hell, by Mrs. Emily J. Reed, well known in this community as a most estimable lady, and Fln e vooahst. Mu. Reed, we may state. is the so- Piano of the ifarrnott Bored lidnsie, end ritniet and Haydn:Societies,. will be assisted. on this noes- Loa, by parent' popular F artiste, and the programme, Portending of twq earte, is. 14P149 whole, decidedly attractive. As it will be the lady's first oonoert, there will be a more than tunnel amount of interest felt in the result. A hires house may, therefore, safely be antici pated, and from the names of the performers, both Published and unpublished, who are to take part, we may as safely predict a delightful evening', entertain ment to all who attend. Tres Spitsitsit-EmtoT.—The Hon. William Pen nington. the apeaker.sleot of Oongrese, is a native of New Jersey. He te an " old -line Whir," but tor seve ral year. past be has been identified with tho general Opposition. He is known as a Sound Oonservative man. Speaker Pennington is a fine-looking gentleman, end he has for many years made the most of his personal ad- Vantages by procuring all his garments at the Brown 82ons Clothing Hall of Itookhill & Wttson, T os. WM and We Chestnut street. above eixth. That fact alone ehonld reconotlo hi. baterest political opponents to his eleotion, as it prove. the sound:mu of-his Judgment, and the excellenee of his taste. FRIIALE COSTUXI, 118 a sanitary regulation, Is attracting some attention in the Old World. where the health c f woman is generally much bettor than in the United ft tea. Ina report read and adopted at a meet ing of the Ladles' National Sanitary Aulociatmet, held in London, in July last, the following language commit "Believing that a great part of the weakness and dig ease which the Association aims to prevent is canoed by improperly HMIs 0101hillIg.lhe committee are pre- Peens a complete set of patterns for every part of the dress of women and children, with *Peels' reference to health and comfort, With an explanatery tract, which nen be cheaply lent to any part of the country." Were similar attention paid to gentlemen's dress in this country, we should sunset to read reecdutions advisiug all men to wear the gay and elegant costumes of Granville Stoke', the National Taller, of 607 Chestnut street. LECTURES IT DR. CALICIES.—We would dlreot the attention of our readers to the features of Dr. M. Cathine, before the Mechanics' Library Association, Coate, Street, above Eleventh. on " Diseases of the Lnnes." The first of these lectures was delivered on Wednesday evening ; the remaining one will be do ens(' on fistarday overlie s, the 4th inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. TUE FIRE IN 01111STNITT STRUM. LETTER PROM THEO. H. PETERS & CO PHILAIDI{.IIIA, .11411;511 19, U. Magma. FtRIPIL I Htlatso & Co., eto CHINTIIIIT 19111 VET. OEHTLEXFNr WO have recovered the fierring's Patent PhalllPion Bars, of your make, which we bought from you nearly YO leers ago, from the rains of our building, No. Ili Chestnut street, which was entirely destroyed by fire on the morning of the 17th inst. Bo rapid was the progress of the flames, before ws could reach the store the whole interior was one mess of fire. The safe borne in the batik part of the 'tore. and surrounded by the most combustible materials, was exposed to great heat. It fell with the walls of that part of the building into the cellar, and remained Im bedded in the ruins for more than thirty hour*. The Harp was opened this morning to the preemie° of a number of gentlemen, and tbs contents, comprising our books. bills receivable, money, and 'a large amount of valuable papers, are all safe ; note thing was touched by fire. Respeotfully yours, THEO. H. PETERS & CO The above Bats can be seen at our 'tore, Inters the pubito ars Invited to call and exermins it. FARItEL, HERRING. Se. 00.. Ix2l-1( 629 Chestnut street. (Jai ne'slion.) Eieuuuripma Fram-PBoor , 6LPIIIB.—A very Larne aviortmat of SALAMANDERS for isle at reason able arioes, No. NM ORESTNUT Street, Philsdeophla. ae]pti IL"VAIiB & :FATED'S MARRIED. RADDINGI—DART —On the 2d mat.. by the Rev. nervy Steele Clarke, D D.. William W. Eardiructo Cassie B„.deuahter of James Rem Esq. CAR PENTLR— FIBBER . —On Wednesday merlons. let met . at Wakefield, Germantown. by Friend's cere mony, George W. Carpenter, Jr., to Mary R., daughter of Ttincia.s Fisher. Esq. YOUNCi---HEADI.EY.--Ort the let ins 4. by Mayor Henry, William Yount to Emma T. .Headley, botkof Bristol townslop. Ducks co. BUM3I—DAVIS.—On the 23th ult.,by J. Davis, son. V. D. M., Mr. Jatiob Hamm to Miss Rhoda both of this city. • ZEI6IIAR—ROTMAN.—Nor. br Rev. 0. W. Showman, Mr. Charles Zeigler to Ulu Josephine 'kit roan. both or this our. . • • MuitiLISON —I3OURWALT.-0o the 16th nit, by Rev..l 11. Kennard, Mr. John R. Mulligan to Balite A. solintelt, both of thin city. • R I A NEA RD.—On the lat inst., Ellen Rlanhntd, In the 76th year of her age. Funeral from her late resident*, No. 813 North Eighth street ,_this afternoon, at 2 o'obsek. • .DOUGRE KT Y.-04 the 30th alt., Charles Dougherty. aged El years. Funeral from the residenee of Ws brother. bait* Dougherty. Taylor's avenue. above Third st., Camden, N. J. this afternoon, at 3 o'olook. Aft NOLD.—On the Ist inst., Jane, daughter of Mar• garet and the late James 'mold. aged 13 years. Funeral from the residence of her mother, Wheat street above Reed, this afternoon, at I o'clock. • Be NO the Ist inst.. lismuel Irene. son of !Sa rah E and the late John Benet,. axed 23 months. Funeral from the residenee of grand-father. John Cheney. Frannford road end Orleans street, this after nojmon.,nDixdorr at 2 o'cloc . k. • —On the Ist inst.. at Nornotownt Witliaro Reddleson, In the Ifbh year ofius age. The funeral will take slue from the Norristown Rail road depot,Ninth and Green streets, this morning, at . i3 o'clock. y ellifTF:R.--On the Ist inst., Charles Shaffer aged 411 Viin'eral o f rn him hts rooidenoe, No. noa Mager at.. on :lands,'o rnoon a t e l o'olook. BLACK AND WHITE FOULARD 81LK8,61% cente s yard. 1,4 ueortment just received. Also, lack Oros. Orain Stlke. )0. poult de Some Silks. 10. artiViwahnilletigiallettheichllre. ega t l e zi t u k tr o r i nt s lal s oe . d Sae. Jo. agd_rurple Foulard Silks. BESSON & SON, Mourrqm_Stere, Jab) No. SOB CilEtrlN UT Street. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 3, ieGo. fBN RMS. -- .7 7-431. , N SEW— —a st GA WATER— . to ts ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware, Cannon. SO home from N York. with aid.. and pas/lancers to Jai; Altdardtoe. Wednea day evening. off Morns Liston's, passed bark Rowena. for Laguarra. gotne down to tow. The D was detained six hours north of Cape May by the furious snow Emu on Tuesday night. CLEARED, Steamship Delaware, Cannon, N York, J Bark Helen Marla, Taylor, Boston, Twang, Mellon & Co. . . Brix Plantagenet. Morrie. Matanzas, J Mason & Co. Btr J 8 Shaver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Grovel, Jr. BAITED. The ahitikuscarom.Dualary, for Liverpool. loft Wal nut street wharf at 8 o'clock Yesterday morning , in torn of tug America. She carries out 14 prises era and the following cargo: 10,626 bushels wheat. 050 do corn, WOO bids dour, IMO bags cloverseed. 100 tierces beet 13 quake cotton need oil cake, 23 tons apelter dross, 81 hhda to bacon, 66 do bark. 11 bale, rags, 18 tone oamirood, and tt oases nierchandup. The City Joe float, Captain Sohellinger, preceded the ateamtug America, with the ship Tuscarora in tow, in going down the river yesterday morning. (Correspondence of the Phila. Esclumps.) PORT PEN,I Febl,l PM. Rain commenced falling hornet , , k last availing, but was soon 'unneeded by a northerly snow storm, which lasted until 7 A hi to-dsv. a sloops Victory and Annie M. for Millsville, NJ, and Isabella and Ze phyr, for Philadolphinlare at our wharf, and a bark and sehr, both bound up, at Reedy Island harbor. Wind NW, with,the the rmon.ster atanding at 9degsbeve zero. sours, bon, IMAM. B. CLEAVER. =MM . (Correspondence of the rhtlextelphia.Rxekttme.l CAPE ISLAND. NJ. Feb 2-3 P M. The b.rks Chas E. Lex, for Port an Prince; Rowena, for Laimayra, (in tow of the tug lieniiiinyk Eliza beth, for Savannah. and bon Alfred . for Carde nas. went to sea to-day. The bark mint. from Charloston 20th nit for Philadelphia, teat anchor off the firandyu ins. with masts out away. The stearntug At lantic and pilot boat Thin 0 Connor have none to her essistinee. The steamship Kensington, from Boston, Passed in 'clock, Yours, km. THOS B. HUGHES. Irf nt Tee Press.) Wulff:corm NC, Fab The sohr S C R wart, from New York, board to Sa vannah, nut in here to-car leAky.. New OR lAA Md. Feb 1. Arrived, eh Pi AtisThe, from To Ion; Scotland. from New Yore; larks .11111 PX L Day, from Boston; Dame; Webster, from Baltimore, ARRIVALS AT TIER PRINCIPAL HOMER, VP 70 !WELT' O'CLOCK LLD? =CET GIRARD 1101 1833-obestant at., below Nieth H R Forsyth. Wheeling J E Newhall+, N Y J Tanenbaum. Ala C Andrews & la, Syracuse Ere Osenbell. Troy 0 Bardarell , N H U Id Jacoby & la, Fa E R Jewett, Baal° .1 A Jamison, St Louis Amos Cottine. St Louis • Chase, N Y 3 LI Furner,_Ga WgresSeld. Ed P H Booker , Jr A 8 8 Co.ster, Ed Aga Era Whitehnret. P . J JnoMaxture, Mobile P Epstein, Richmond. Va F B Lyons, La H Lathrop, Savannah J 8 Lathrop, Savannah L L Allen. N Y C E KearneyWestport,Ya Mr Scott & b, _St Lams C C Cope, N %' W 5 Arnold. Alas. E Wheeler. N Y A W Whipple. Wash W J Averell 0 G Lebdell, Wil d Det W 81. Gooineh, N Y Jim Thomas, N Y Thai D Stetson, N Y at G Askew, Ala II Locke. Ala C P Dexter, Ala A at McKinney, N Y F G Rat mond, St Loans D Leight. St Louis J id Emerson, N y II li Milford & is, PI Y Cast W F Smith, N r ohm ri Turnbull, N Y R Pike, N Y Vr Williams, N Y 0 W Scott. Mobile, Ala Jno T Brown, Balt ht Loheg, N 1 J F Williams. Miss J J Armatron4 A la, lowa in D Epste, Charleston. 8 C 81 Macklin, U 8 A A Bhrelder. St Louis .1 Simpeon.N Y 7W HMI, NY W Gil M T C Hama. Richmond, Va .1 w Bo ndu rau te., N Y R e Low, N Y 13 Nash. Mass J F McNeal. Washington J F Nickels, N Y J Lion benion, Freehold, NJ Mn Lambe mon , N J 8 W Hemline, Cm. u Saud Wits, Boatort R al Hyde, N Y F W Fry.N Y 11. 7 Chapin, N a ' J M Williams, PI C 7 N Washington A wf Miss Washington, N C Mrs ii 8 Gilbert, Mass 8 11 Gilbert. Mass I Cole, Vs. W ft Mutt & Leaf Y E D Eayngworth, Ala W it MeJarry P Gardner, N Y E W batty. VA F E Smith Tioga W.l Gidatrige. 'it Y W P Campbell, Louisville r Borland. h 1 Wlf Konica :anon. N Y 7 F Monahan, Balt J A Bo l lan, Cm. 0 W El Culbertson. N Albany 8 0 Ryder St Is. Pi Y W B Comstock. Pi Y Miles Pratt, Boson A 0 Hies er, Harrisburg I Kempton, /hilt J A Tint, l'i Y 1., P Porter, N Y Mrs Cameron. Balt David Parker. N H Edw Fat'. N IL 8 H McMullin. P: I W Cronin, Md Y frVu1:0.,,8,,1t Jno Dolman, Petersburg J R Patient. Petersburg N Capon. Poston 8 Bloom, E 0420111 W E Hooper, Balt RN Samba% Balt I Livermore. Boston F W Bird L p Banger, St Lo* BF Ruff , J H Moller,, Texas 3 D Wallace. Texas W E Mailer, N Y HWhitchouse. Louisville 8 F Miller , Louisville 3 & Clarkson, Vs A P clincher, Vs W .1 Pooley,ls Y EP Wingfield.oa .10 ,h ok, Texas - Rj Dieing, Texas I' 8 53iller.lexas 0 D Street, Mess 10:1 AMERICAN HOTEL-Chestnut Et- 'bore PJth. E A Packer, N Y Jos Merrifield, Balt A C Wetmore.Cumberland H I' Wilson A la, tin, 0 JesTF Einnth. Reading J li McCrearr, M Chunk W C Imhoff. nibs .1 , 0 Bo ers. rbils. Jacob Getman. Miss El t; w Trier. Min el, 8 eloensker, Va El . 8 ?heats. Va W E Jones. Va D A Smith. Pottsville N amts. Alexandria J 0 Will Chester co. Pa H W Van Weguer.Brookis a Was li Fool*, Brookins ET B S•surr. Lcastor A V Harlan Pa C H picots St L au ouis A E Adams. Pray. R I I , Woodbn.Lo. C can B Carl:outer, N V L Bates, N Y W P Hastier, 8t Louts i v N i f F arr ht rla n r• , L K oel, Haven 8 H Donalti. N Y C it Du Forest, coma A Gaines. Da Matt M Lam'. Pa H Rice, Hiss L Rovritoti, Mill BT. LOInB HOTHL-Ilbestnut st..ab.Tbird. W 0 A llison. N Y El B Pul erica. N 1 J M Hook, UBM AO A ~. Wehlr,,N4-.j-,.. Paul Anale,N P Rapp. N - -'- Mrs Mrs Dale. WilitDel 111 Wilhelm, Esabet El 0 Cltadso__.• N % Jsm . F Klint.all A. la._11"1 P D Nash. -1 1a Jossab Woodtrant N J Rudd . Woodward. NI Ge.c. woodvasd N J EhasH Wo o dward , ri I Mrs Mcaturo, Bedford 1 .1 W Eichartnarbpra Ea la, Phis MERCHANTS' HOTRL—Pourth street. belays Arch, Jules J Bertha. Clll, 0 W.* befoul. Cm 0 If Griswold. Danford J A Dinsmore & la pe Hiss 88 Whiteford. hid MI6 E Isfit,hell. Yotk co J 0 Ramsay. York so 3 Q. A MeCorkey. Pa ?hos Hare, Pittablug Jos rerzon, led 1 T . Wain' D II Neiman. Easton T C Harbert, Texas A B Thompson. "NW Ell Crowder. Alataimta j lifotssn. Wrasport D M. Ball Elmira, N y W Bity ton. Fa T H Hughes, Pros, R I Handl:takes. Chamber* D lc W m tVerboW. Pik Jos ter . atiiclu Pitteb ii Sarni tipsy. N J /us E 24e Les it P.I H Rubs, Sltleiettelnirs E L Butterfield N y I P Rsidwin. Pi y 0 B ii , L Seburlktil asp M E Leis th. Sebuyik Hair J Rotuma. Cimarteld B. I, Williams, Louisville C 8 fismtt.. Mitt 0 Treharig. lvi ()hunt, Pa TB Soneds. a• ass 3 P Ittsirkbard. Texas N C L Aahn6. Texas W B Young Texas B ittne.s. Texas E. W Fries. E.alem,N C JC: tekel, 'Lila 0 Chew, Atm JONES' ROTEL—Chestnut at.. below Ellaverith, _ RD Fenner N Y W P I seder ? N Y PH Trout. r taoton. VII in Geo iv 04, A q, /11 3 11 t re a l iiot ) , 4 A 1 a Sanclhata,/.11, Inc W Itio Weir Ala o.o.lennth.'ali Dr Jae Shaw dc la, Fa. B Sat rreoll, Scranton Taos Thaws It J lomact McFarland N J F I.earic Cincinnati .. II Lavin. Cincinnati J B Caldwell Balrlmcnn .1 K Caldwall. Baltimore R. W !Well..Balt:mon' F. Miller. N Y aa A A Hickman /c la,StLorila J R 8 Wan Fleet. Va I El-inb.n.N J W /I Wheeler, N J .J • Aar. Va arra Fly. Lancaster en W Hathaway' N y Wlticagietiv" Lyman Tret,Awar. Va FOCHTAIN TlPTEL—Seciond street. above Market. Geo Wanner's, Balt Phillip G Jove' Belt Amos Wilkinson. E l Chas W Broadbant, Me Mn Broadbent. Me Chair II Nan Me John H Coa'soott. Del CB Thai E towbar. Dal Wra F t Wl r l:Prrn maa3 Tras, Del Win Walker & fa. Del Jas Eotarty, Batt Wm E Eirmane. Halt Thos./ones Del Chita 8 Stewart, Phila. John A Collings, Phil& B R mpton Henry Penn le. Belle Bra G L ?arms, Ohio Dr 6 0 Holt. Pa. STATES UNION HOTEL—ldartet rt.. above Sixth J X Rhoads, Pa Jos Raman. Chicago L Friedman. Chicago - 8 0 Conk, Pa 0 W Ehfar, Legrietown J W lewd. arevegburg Geo I. Plitt. Trrietaill f R usl i ". J r. 9, Jas 13 Bm4, a billy stela% it A D thinik & la. Md 8 54 1 P1 v c e e r ' Ceg Y il go, rifd J Boma. Cecil on, Ald J Taggart, Costarring, Pa 8 Wk.!. & la. Newrille Graham. lane on Miss Prior. Pasta, a H E Gray. Wert Cheater .1 Dinviddie. Pittsburg I einviddm. Jr. Pittsburg .5 t nol‘nx. Jr, Carietea 4 traksPl Hullguth .r 4 W 4 Watt, Latrobe NATIONAL HOTEL—Rana Omit. above Thad. B 8 Martin. Lattemeter A V Horner. PAlezn. 0 J Sermon. Lehuton. Pa Jlt Lone. Allentown 4 8 Cole. Allentown R Bowen. Pitillisalamt Jl3 T railer. Allentown p P Bigelna. !Nathan G T . Pa. bi° P OLMtalilf AVNOM. Pa R Bennett . Pa COMMERCIAL' IHITZL-Bixth at. above Chestnut. iof°relate Ps. Altrvi Bunting. Pa Hooota. Viilniingtoa, Del j H Baldwin k la, X Y geotr. Elkton. lald J Jaetson, Pa It Wifter, Phila. 8 Nightingale, Dogiestown BLACK BKAII. HOTEL--Thlrd at.. above PAIL-rota BACK HT !Perri W Thompeon. Blearing ?Nevins art T ehl6h oo Ja4oh Neerineyer. nhte Om Kline. Pa Jaa B trook._Nrelown J 'nob Panqualt, Bait W K Grim. Boy erstmrn P ilorelaud. Ht berry Mn Dorris,. Smithfield Mn, Vandergrift. Smithlrd C Dyer, Southampton A Behnohler. H Mower. Pat J W Wqlf, Danboro, Fa MERCHANTS' RollBE—Third tt.. thos4Callovrhlll. p l Undatttifar t Fella Linn . Hellertown . Rem) Weaver. Pa M B Fellmaa, Banks ea A Cope. Beets eo kooli Griseiner Pella H Eaves. Pottsville w Marnard Pottsulls A L Cartwright. Bait B B Remolds. lad Jacob Motor, Montour eo P Momir. Montour A L VW, Pa liltuil Wither., Pei W Peter Pa • Chas Art 1 Is, Porantort Mrs B Engle, Scranton TICE UNION HOTEL—Aroh street. above Taira. P J Inghram,Hoehester.NY J Clark & la, Ni ht Feller. Hagerstown. Md J Wasson, Hagerstown. WI A H Etneklgr, Green _Castle C Helfer, Lancaster H Deals. pittitown, N J Gen H L Cake. P [Wale W Hutelasan, N J E Heysham, Phila BARLEY !WEAR ROTEL—Eneond st- below Vine W Livingston. Phila. t Arnett. NJ R Fitz. Hanover, Ps p Wolff, URl:toyer. Pa E L Flint, Heaton Sohn S Paul, Bucks co BALT EAGLE HOTEL—Third st... shove QOl.OOlOl Thos Morrow, Ps. B Bertha. Bucks co Polomon Boyer Pe A Lear, Easton. Pa W B Emincten, ra li Rtnicas. Lehigh c, Henry Gabriel, alleatoera C N Hortmeui, Readies. 11017 NT VERNONROTP.L—Beetindstreet.aboce Arch Louis Samuel, Galt Poi Thom*" & 2 rh, D C Wmter. Monroa co Talmo Will , ams, lhorutnn, Easton Wm Overload, Easton J C Ciumiug haw. Alitultwini EAGLE HOTEL—Third rtreet. above Rees. P Tonn.K.Albowy, N T T Walters Euten, Pa T Sreirert , C Kimb:e. ti A tleire N Godley. N Y E Wood, N Y .1 Bay ha. Easton T Wlptby, Pints, E W Pe nay packer. Nuts ANNUM. MEETING OF THE DOARD I Cr OF TB-ABR.—The Annual Moeda' of Assam t on of the Board of Trade wilt be held et the Rooms of the &tart, OCIS CHESTNUT Street. on the (wenn"; of IdONDAY next. Februaoy 6th. 7% o'elock. The report of proceedings for the year will be pre sented, and an election of officer' will ft kit piece. con wiling of & Proodent. three Vice President", Moo/loran' of Asecunatian, Treasurer, and Executtve council of twenty-one members. LORIN BLO LIGET, id At Secretary., [rr , GRAND UNION MASS MEETING. A Meeting of the °Meese of Phlladelshts, farateUti to the organisabon ors CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY, vit.a be held on SATURDAY EVENING, FebruarT Oh, at 7 o'alook, at UNION (late National) RALL. All who AI in sympathy with the movement are in vited to attend. Hon. JOHN J. CRIT rENDEN, Hon. MILLARD FILLMORE, Hon. JOHN M. BOTTS, — And other speakers, are riposted loadings tie Meet , t. fel3o irro FEICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY . PitnaDELPIOA. JannarJ 14.1531. NOTICE TO STOCKLIOLDERS.—The Annual Meer. Inc of the Stook's° dem of this Company will be held on hIONDaV. the 6th slay of Pearoarr. IsSu. at o clecit A. M., at the SalloO 11-STREET HALL. The Anituel Election for %reason will be hll.l on MONDAY, the 6th day of twat. OW. at the ODice of the Conmany,l34 Bonth TEL *4l) Street. 16164E6 I.. 1) SMITE. Secretary. irrARCH -STREET THEATRE—NOTICE. —The annual meeting of the Stockholder of the Are -street Theatre will be held on MONUAY. Feb ruary 6th. at &Jo P. AL, et On hall of the Phoenix Hose Rouse, ZANE Street, awes Seventh, north NAL. et which time en election for fire Assists. to tier a for the ensuing sear, will take place. Pain open until 4 o'c,ock. A dindend of 4137 per share has been declared, paya ble then. ja3l 6t B. J. 011RISTIA.N. Secret-miry (II:CARBON RUN 131CROTEMENT CO3l. PANY. PHILADELPHIA JIDIIII7 SIS 181.10. ce is hereby given that the Annual Aleettnit of the btookholders of the Carbon Ran Improvement Dom- Pany. will be hs.l.Lett their Office, S. E. corner of FRONT and CIIRSTNi. t Street.. Philadelphia on MONDAY, the 6th of February next, at 4 o'clock P. M., when an Election will be held for Pive_Olyeetors to se-re for tits enstongyear. HIR-AM B. TILtiEN. t0.=416 President. OFFICE Or_ M TU M E SHAOKIN, AND POTHLLE RAILROADCO. X 9 Us ' ut street. PIIIIADILPHIA, lan. IS, IM Coupons due February 1, Hee on let mortga ,e Neils of Philadelphia and Sunbury R;ilrod Company. smil be r ttej on is ter that date, et the Bank or Commerce, J. . BCDDLE. jar 30.? Fl dQt President. YORK A 'D MIDDLE 1_ 04. L Fa.t.i, RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY, E9Zetubc of the Stockholder', of this Compan) will he held at the ottiee of the Company. No. b. Fonrth street. on MONDAY, the 6th day of February neat. at 11 o'clock, A. M.. for the purpose of electing Fire Directors of said Corneas, for the ensa'air 'ear. HENRY nonuisort. Secretary. Philadelphia, January 2121, 1860. ja2s-d fed MOFF SAV AN N A H(E PHILADELPHIA AND STEA3I NAVIGATION ANY, N 0.300 North Wharves. PETL‘DILLPRIA, Sins. 23.1 a t 1). The Annual Meet' ofthe Stookholdersed th Com- Fa for the Election of Five idanarers Ind for the PHILADELPHIA of other Wetness. ‘lll be held at No. 30 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, tteird floor., on TUESDAY EVENING, the 7th of February next. at half past semen o'clock. WM. DENNIS, 1t34-12t Secretary end lretanter. NOTICE.—THE AN NUAL MEETING! of the Stockholders of the Ocean Eteem llss-- 1 1 - gt . Comrny ro t s the Eigebon of Firej:P e ir h esTri end. s X 0 /Vp r s r/ Xte o wrkg A4.' n u e r'o w ' l TUESDAY, held et of February next, at 12 o'olomeno l e DENNIS, 1a21•12t Peeretary and Treasurer. VDIG MOUNTAIN IMPROYMENT COM PANY.—Puthstixtrui k. January 23d 1960. o:ce l• hereby given that the =anal Ineetiag of the Stockholders of the Big Mountain Improvement Com pany will be held at their _ortee, Southeast o veer of Proof and Chestnut 'treats, Philadelphia. on MOE DAY, the 6th of February next. at le o'clock, M., when an Election will be held for five Directors, to nerve for the erminr. IniVi-t e raft yea WrI,LIAM e. .11;16-K6. tr:LECTURE ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Eveninys, ofthis stook, by Dr. ALICINB. Dusarree .he Lunt., bats, tau Alsohaakue Library Areoolation,COATEA &bars Ele venth. The tublie are tumid. a
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