The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 01, 1860, Image 4
Statistics of Champagne. Charles:lllodeleak, tho celebrated OhaM pagno.manufaoturer, Who is now in Philadelphia, has requested us to publish the following facto aboht the sparkling fluid whloh, under a yarlity of brands, is so largely Oust in this country: It is a well-known - fact in Europe, that the pee- plc of the United elates are the largest consumers of Champagne in the world. It is the popular wine Of this country, and stands relatively in the amount consumed with Port in England and Bordeaux in Frani°. Perhaps, under these circumstances, I may not be considered as intruding upon your on- Inning by Taking Bored observations upon the im • portation of Champagne. - It is unfortunately the 0003 that when any artiole, or peculiar brand aim article, beountes popular in the market, there are at once so many imitations, that the real itself be comes damaged by its assoolation with the tonal or false. better°, Mr. Editor, that the name of Held: steak is wall known in this country. The custom honsereports show that more Hoidsleok Champagne has been introduced into the United States thane!' othtie brands ooMbined. It bite, in foot, boom° the popular wine for consumption, and it has coed the. tett of time lin eaken...en,- maintaining its mi k w nion in despite of opposition and misrepro am a native of .France, and. therefore so far distant that until lately I was unaware of the risumoidtion of cry name With other wines, with ,Whioh I have no,conneotion whatever. I deeply regret that lam under the necessity of addressing any letter in reference to this matter; but the gross imposition which your country suffers under; having wines imposed upon them with all kinds of figurative names, with ornamental Isbell, various colored sealing-wax on the corks, and ,iohich pretend to represent superior brands of ''',ltirtes, when in foot they aro only strengthened with brandy, and colored by artificial moans— ' these feats compel me, in justification of my fatuity reputation, to write this letter to the American public, CONSUMPTION OF CIIAMPAON'E The consumption of Champagne is this country is said to be 1,000,000 baskets per annum. ' The custom house of New York, through which pass two-thirds of the Champagne Imported into this country, only reports 175,028 baskets per an- Jim:. HOW enormous the amount of counterfeit. 'Wine must be can be appnrtnt to every one. The total Champagne district comprises 20,000 • The number of bottles manufactured for ox -- Portation per year is 10,000,000, or about 800,000 baskets. - Of this amount— y.-..., Russia consumes. 100,000 Great Britain and her possesslons..l6s,ooo America 220,1100 • France 162,000 -- Germany ' 110,000 The rest is consumed in Spain, Norway, Sweden, South America, kc. s-,1. In estimating thus roughly the amount of Chem :_ manufactured and 'sold, I have endeavored , to avoid trespassing too much upon the space of your columns, and have, therefore, made it as brief :as possible. That Champagne, in its pure state, is . — healthy, beneficial, and pleasant to the epicurean, cam deny ; but the gross imitation and forge ries of labels which the original manufacturer iltffers are alike Injurious to the grower and the •'-oonsumer. ADULTERATION OF eruirpaon ',.AThe greater the consumption of an article the . 7 K , More wide-spread its popularly, and the higher its - ;1:. standard the more liable it is to be injured by dis ' honest adulterators and worthless traffickers. Among tho brands that have suf f ered more than ~:' any other by this means, the one bearing my own _' 7 : 4 - name, of Charles Ileidsieek, may bo mentioned. Wines have sprung up as plentiful as mushrooms, `. -. and 'possessing about the same amount of purity as ' 2 that well-known fungus. Therefore, I wish to prove :-. that the Champagne imported by my agents,'. V. --: ,W. Bayaud & Co., is pure and genuine, and the only wine from Champagne bearing the name of Heidsiock, manufactured by any , person entitled to bear the name of Beitisieck. I. distinctly affirm, with the exception of a gentleman of that name, who was engaged in a business entirely foreign to - `the wine trade, before the year 1845; and a few _ :riots, I believe, will definitely settle that question greyer. I bad hoped and trusted, years since, that there would be no necessity, nor- any dream :". ti :awes arising in my business, which would require , me to enter into a controversy connected with my : family history. Snob things are at all times un - 'pleasant, and t they are especially so to me, as I ' visit this country simply upon a tour of observation and pleasure. I should, however, be doing Loins • tine to the gentlemen who represent me, to the curt. sinners of my wino, and my& it if I did not make clear, apparent, and distinot my inalienable rigutd to the hums of neittalock, and. my authority as its representative. Years moo, in 1853, in France, _ before the Commercial Tribune of Rheims, and of :forwards, by appeal of opposite partied, before the courts of Patio, it was positively decided against Piper & Co.'s claims, awl may own rights wore es tablished. Rises that time parties hkve seen fit. to issue circulars and advertisements with the intent of misrepresenting the fame, and thereby deprie - lag um of the benefit of the decision. ' alyexplanatiou shall be contuse, pruotioal, and undeniable. -„,” TEM lIISTORY OF WEIDS/EOC. . lir: 'Florent lieldsiook was. establ tithed in Bkehns _ long anterior to 18.25, when he commenced the his ' liortatiSu of his wines to this country, but the great tistat went of lleidsitiok te io. was founded and ' reaOre ' its world-wide celebrity through the con. - - tirdifftt s , rid enerptle exertions of my lather, Mr. Chicle tleidsieek, my uncle, Mr. Christian Meld. ,eteels id Mr. Walbaurn. _,'lliatt the public must learn that not one cent of - , ,lflitiArtune or property of Mr. Pioront kleideleek , — ..wiefigiven at his death, in 1828, to those who were ' his itatertil heirs,. and that every and all preen - skew to posi.nes, either by inheritance or directly, - whatever may have belonged to Mr. Fierent Reid ' sleek, is entirely false, and let that pretension come from whom it may, w'no,"sinue 1823, have over put Lon their labels or corks the name et Heideieck. Mr. ' Christian lleidsieck and Mr. Walbaurn judged it . . well to continue for their common profit the rela tion, established by Mr. Fturent Reidsieolt up to ip_ /8 I' bat it is necessary to add that by a formal agr . went at this period, the 'nark ileidsiock & any ceased to exist. Therefore, from 183-1 to .7. Itip r that is to say, during the space of eleven ~...„yeare—there existed nowhere in tote Champagne .:tradii a single person of the mime of Uoislateok, ', except Mr. Christian Ileidsieek, who died in 1830. ' ' The undersigned was the only ono that bore in Ckainpague the name - of lieldsteek; ho was then Yonng, and the French lace exacting that In each designated firm there should be a person of that. " na_intr, the undersigned was the only person who • oinguntite use of the name of Refasten's, and ' then he was not in businers. From this it fellows that Heidsieek & Company.sre a new firm; as can is by the circular of 1845. Up to that ifte they succeeded Mr. Walbaurn, of whom they -- !.:115.14 purchased the stook and the good-will. They : ,- 'rt have, therefore ' no direct relation with the old - ttiouse of Lleidsieek .b Company, which was out of ' Wxis tence eleven years previous. 1 5 .7, - 'We next come to Piper A Co. In 1834 the firm '" Beldsieoh & Co. was dissolved to make way for two new houses, Mr. Walbaurn, who branded `:.his wine Walbaurn lieldsieck, as the American publio can remember, and who in 1815 sold out , his wines to the actual house of Ileidateck & Co., end Mr. Christian lleidslook, my uncle and guar dian, who, for family reasons, desired me to be. --1 ' nem partner and summer, died suddenly in 1830, .r3isconeerting all plans remand upon. H Piper 'milted me to join him in business In 1846, promi sing me a good position, probably for my name, - because of the appearance of ibis new Arm of Held -- 'Sleek is Co., at that period. The contract with Adr. , Pipbr terminated in 1850, when I immediate i_y commenced business on my own account. There fore, sines this time (1858) there has been no part ,nor In the house of Piper & Co. bearing the name ' of Beitisieck, any more than there had been since the death of Mr. Christian Ileideleok in 1830. I claim therefore, that Charles fleidsieck is alone en titled, by right of his uncle, his father and his - great uncle, the founder of the brand, to a claim to the old hones. For years I have delayed 'any explanation of those family difficulties. I was opposed to intru ding my domestic consume before the public.' I have always endeavored to avoid public, oentrover sloe. Bat now that'l amin this country; now that I have been repeatedly and urgently requested by friends to make a thorough explanation for their satisfaction, I have submitted unwillingly. I trust sincerely that necessity will not compel me again ' to allude to the subjeet. My 'wines are-In the market. I believe the - name to lo as familiar as " household words." I know that in quality they are pure ; that they are 'manufactured from the purest grape in the Chem ' ,pagne district, and I believe that they will eon ' throe to be received with the same favor which has ' always attended their introduotion in this country. CHARLES lIEIDSIECK. r , '''The Warren Ledger of a recant date, in speaking , -14 the operations of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, ilitil,tho western division, completed to that place, . _ `bays : " The amount of freight received by railroad this place is truly surprising, and far exceeds the most sanguine expectations of the (Honda of the - "Thad. Prom eighteen to twenty ear loads, or two hupdred tone of freight par week is the ordinary attiphat roeived at this point. Thus far the run of a separate freight train as far as Warren 'basbeenacomplete success, while the daily pas senger train does a fair amount of business." This is the result in nearly all, if not all eases in which public improvements have been completed; their existence seeming to create business for themselves. -Snob, we betieve, no doubt will be the case with the road in which the people of that county have a deep iwerest in seeine completed as far as it has been put under centralt. ' ~The FreAman'u Journal eaten that the injury Jaletlined by Bishop lli,:eloakvy, F 7 the lite eel- Whin on ilk , Hudson River Railroad he more miens • that' woe apprehended at the time of itioocurreneo. II ' a. out of danger, but will probably be un el t , repair to his dioaeso for several dais. Tt7l iahup ie the poet of the Rev. Father Hackett, ofil)trrylown. . ... , PIANOS. 'TPANWAY & li SUN'S PM PA riff , 1 . 1 , NT OVii;N-STRING GRAND - PIANOS Q,U 4SE GRAND, AND SQVARE piANos, now m arred in concerts and in private circles by the ties : 'P wslc gr A rcw r n s m r ri oN' I leßed,clitriltglot7Aggth:lieiminnlni overligt' unausn'F i n au 001 U pe Litton. 0. A bfus a p s.THEBS, , :46-Ir - MI6 CHESTNUT Street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! • ONO PIANO-FORTES, MELODEONS. YInNU-FORTES. MELODbONS. PLIN i g-FoRTEII. MLODEU - PIANO-POR_TES. MELODEONS. I by Raven, Baena, & Co., Nun= & Clark, , Davis , dr, Co,, and others. 7. E, 00nD, - , aEVIIIITR and CREW irr UT. S/REAT MIPROVEMENT' IN riikNos. - ' BOKOMAORra & Co • 137.111JT Street, respectfully invite the inhale pablos call and examine their new and t improvement— THE 'PARLOR GRAND PIANO. ' la l td c llgli te itit i lllt o itn r Wi t ig n4 lnftq l en o ti f t: mg &lithe oideetions generally made to the style of r also dimialehing the noel of , the same. time: purity of toneiureat power,. brilliancy. sweliidepth, itnif evenriese of toilet', with exquieite delr `l444ll4lterriltstMertrlll'ULLY.:FlNlßlLliD'' IN -00m1...' y ' sin a e n i nall arec et o lL ti v ou tilZh i' eir o zs i il s el o tlbe e bi re g a yg Iff,& .Opppt o t t ry • to asi!tustinruenta ever maunfaptured this 'Taidantrinji haiiii;a:' large and elegant imuirtynCintOf unrivaue nAnio/3. We ilave been awprder m l i r -First Preoutfp, e ar all sahib! one ever exhinited, Islinimg a #4 a rtt s. dal from t e 0174141P611108 1.• eel- PIUOU IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for the Preetil NEW ORLEANS—Bark Laconia-120 bbde sugar 71 bble do Stewart, Carson & Co• 216 bble mobteeee Rutter. Newhall le Co; 141 Call ard hicCutobeon co t tone, 100 empty We Irleesey, ins & Co; a 0 babe order. PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TRADE. RICHARD WOOD, WHAM., MORRIS, Carotin= 07 ?HZ Mown( JOSEPH C. DRUB. LETTER HAGS LT TEA MIIRCITAATIe SZCHANCiIit, IL A DELT Ftl. • Ship TIIIICATOM,DutiIevy ....... ......... Lwerpool, Feb 2 Bark Valetta. Mesonide .. London, soon Bark liamil'on. ttrotesbury..............Mauozas, soon Brig Alice Franklin. Clements—, ...... London, soon Brig Blank Beuall. Davis.. .........Bt Jog o de Cuba. soon 111A.RINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 1, 1E430. lON RIBEB,- -. .7 9-BUN NETS- ..--- 6 13 ttien ARRIVICII. iohr Cooper Haft. Fah, 3 days frign Salbmoro, With mdse to & Co, CLEARED Steamship Phi - nese Seraglio, Matthews, Boston, H W Insor. Steamship Virginia. Kelly. Richmond, T Webster, Jr. Bork Charles - E Lea, Almeida, Port au Prince, Thos Wattson & Bone. Brig Bgoil Welsh. Cole Havana. D B Stetson & Co. Bohr L 13 Ferguson. Barrett, Newbern, NC, Kates & Foster. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) SOMERS' POINT, NJ Jan taco Behr Watchman, Benjamin, from New York for Phila delphia. with nuts() to D Cooper. Went ashore on Sunday pleat. on Groat Egg Harbor Bar. Cargo wit be saved in a damaged condition The vessel will probably prove a total loss. J. Ha BY TEDRORAPII , (COrtespondence of 'f ees.) Sa P vis res aAU, Jan 30. Arrived, bark John Rowe, from 7iew York. • MEMORANDA. Ship Lion, Cooper, for Philadelphia, went to sea from Saugpr.26th Nov. Ship Ripporriffe Rower, went to sea from Bailor 27th Nov for PhiladelPhia. • Ship eirgonant, Norton, from Foochow for Now York, was spoken 14th Dim, Oat 32 49 la, long 33 E Bark chase, Raffia. at Baltimore 21. t a nit. Sailed from Rio de Janeiro Deo 19.„ in company with bark Starlight, for new Orleans. Left at filo ship Champion, repair log; .barks, Clifton, Lewis. for New Orleans neat do F; Marion, Hugs, wtg; Sophia, for New Orleans soon; W ft Newman. dischat and other s ' Bark Sulk.. Power, hence sailed frem Rio de Janei ro 14th Deo, for Cabo da Don Raperanca. Bark Merrimac, Fite, sailed from Rio de Janeiro 13th Deo. for . Cuba. . . Bark Reindeer, Franklin, was discharging at Cionfue go. trth ult. Brig Mary ENorden, sailed from Cardenas Itith ult. for New York. Solna Franklin West. Crocker, from Frankfort for Philadelphia, and Amelia, Marvel, tram New Bedford for do. at Newport 2eth Behr' Delaware. York, and Lennox, Baird, hence at Jupiter Inlet Bth ult. dehr Alert. Champion, was up at Charleston 26th ult. for Philadelphia. debts Daniel Morris, Hoover. nog Winans, Davis, and Sophia Ann, Smith, arrived at Wilmington, Del, 30th ult. Seas S Gauge, Smith, for New York, and Henry May. Hoover, for Boston, sailed from Wilmington, Del, BOth alt BREAD PURE AND OD:NAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN BE OBTAINED AT TILE VOLLOWINI PLACES MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. corner of Broad and Vine streets. C.M. CLARK.— ----Poplar street, below Tenth. H. MoNEIL.— E. corner Sixth and Conies etreat. JATHO In .N 0,236 North Fifth street. JOHN G. No. LIZ Vino street. T. P. SMITH.— 11.6 North Fifth street. B. 800 Y corne r Fifth and Srues P t iW. W. MATHEWS,..--S. B. mle lienth and Locust streets. D. street, below WaI t.GEORGE :ARVIN.....— —Nr. in Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.—.---N. corner Sixteenth nd Pine streets. WM. COURTNEY..--.....-.No. 606 South Twelfth street. 8. R. WANAMAXER-----F d eral street, above Sixth. S. LENTZ South Fourth and Johnston streete. L. HOLLAND.---- W. eo rne r Bix tee nth an Ogden Streets. DAVID SADDLEIL—...—_No. 160 North Eleventh street. 1. WElGHTMAN—...Thirteenth street, below Thompson street. S. IL TOMKINS.-----.No. 100 North Front H. BROOKS.— -.. .....-.l3. St 'r corner t : of; Seventh and Pinestreets. F. N. W. corner Tenth and E. B. TURNER. --:N t io l 'Arreßru u tis _ Front street. J. SHIJSTEIL---.-- S. W. corner Broad and Parrish streets. TllO9. T. BLEST Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. S. DOWN N. E. corner Ninth and Federal streets. J. MeINTYRE---...----Twentr-second street, ab. Coatee. ALEX. FULL ERTON. Corner of Fifth and Chris tian. MRS. E. RAMBLER-...........N0. 1731 Coates street. D. F. & T. W. Girard avenue. WM. McCRACR EN —.-. —2M2 Hamilton street. R. R. W. corner of Twelfth and Melon street. JULIUS KLEIN W. nor, of 'I hirteenth and Parrish street. b. ruttier or Fourth and Croon street. MRS. F. ELLIOTT.--._..5. W. corner Tenth and Green street. J. L. HICKS N. J., store 119 Arch attest. O. H. West Philadelp d li,B4th et. N. L. YARNELL Lielinf!,P= rood . JOHN BARNDT ..........Tv e n n iT e lt and Pine Grove: GEO. B. TOWNSENII.—.Weet Cheater, Penns M. MaCLEEEL—. 4 .—...—...Atlantio City, N. J. D. LEORTON----.Floroaoe,ll..T. S. F. EBERLEIN —.Columbia, Pa. 102-tf MIECII.A.NICAL BAKERY, S. W. Corner BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Thistestabliehment is now in suesiessful operation, day and [fight, and all are respectfully limited to call and see the whole process of bread-making for themselvee. 7'he undersigned takes the liberty of Haying that for thirty-five years he has been a emotion' Baker—five as apprentice, and five as Journeyman in one of the first houses in liootland. and twenty-five as master—during which time ho has had the opportunity of making many experiments, and observing all the Improvements wldob have been made during that period. In this establishment, of which he has now the man agement. in addition to the complete labor-saving ma chinery , he has how facilitiem of many kinds not hereto fore'possessed. Being unrestrained in the purchase of flour, none but the soundest and beat shall ever be used; and he has no hesitation in saying that Bread of all kinds can be de livered, unsurpassed in snahty and weight by that made by the ordinary process. Families in which the Bread made by the Mechanical Bakery has not been tried, or in which it has been tried only at its commencement, before the machinery was in perfect working order, are respectfully asked to gave it a trial now, the undersigned bplieving it would lead to mutual advantage, . JOHN O. 1110XEY . , m724-it Superintendent JOB PRINTING. rliE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE "THE PRESS" 1 premed to execute needy, cheaply and expeditiously 311rEllY DINCRIPTION ON PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING. EOOKB. PA MPHLETB. PAPER Boom CIRCULARS. BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. HANDBILL'S. Printinr for AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERZ, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS. MECHANICS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANOE All orders left at the Publication OThoo of The Pros., N 0.417 CHESTNUT STREET. will be promptly Wended to. MEDICINAL. TilS ALL-SUFFICIENT THREE I- TRIEEMMAR, 2, and 3, Protected by Royet Letters Patent of England. and mitred by the Seale of the Boole de Pharmaoie de Pane, and the Imperial College or Medicine, Vienna. Mt:oats invaluable for eilumation,spermatorrhrea,and physical disabilities o. 2 completely eradicates all traces of thole diseases that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous and per- Melons use of oopsivia and oubebs. him 3 has entirely supplanted the interims nee of mer cury, thereby insuring to the aplierer speedy rehe f, verging ail impurities, and rooting Oct tho venom oldie- TRIESENAR, devoid N . taste are prepared in the form of a lozenge. of and smell, and can be carried i n the waistcoat pocket. Bold in tin eases, and divided into esmarate doses, as administered by Velpeae, ralleniand, Roux, Rioord. h o. Price 83 each, or four cages for 89, which saves 83 Land in $27 oases, whe. e by there is a Berms of 89, ''o be had. wholesale and retail, of Dr. DARROW, 194 Stoecker street, New York, Sold also at Retail CALLENDER & CO., corner THIRD and WALES Streets Philad•liMia, and In T. W. DYOTT & SONS. 818 North SECOND Street, Wholesale and Retail &south for Pennsylvania. n23•d3m 7OLLICKOFFERI3 ANTI-MAI:MATH) m-n COEDIAL.—Sra: I hare been afflicted with rheu matism ni lor a lone Triod—a portion of the time had n ase of y limbs , ried your Cordial, and in three dare o I WWI able to walk own stairs, and in a week the pain entirely felt me. I d( s . v l il heerfully rsoommend the Cor dial to those who are a Wed with that dreadful com plaint. yours, his. . Newkie. Broker. ED Yineast. Prepared hy .THEOPORE DILXS, Chemist, N. E. corner PlN.Erand SIXTLI eta. n l{-em MPORTANT TO NORTHERN AMR CHANTS. The a mut of Messrs. W. P. Oilman & Co.. of Rich. mend, Virdlnia. x now in this city, and prepared to re. "'ewe cord, for insertion in the /OUtole YIN BUSI NESS DIE FC CORY. which will he issued on the 10th proxtmo, and sill be exteneively, circulated in the Booth and West. The object of this publication Is to enab'e El'uthern merchant's to dice lmtnate betwe'en the Inside and ene mies of Southern neap. And to place the trade of the Booth in the hands of proper Northern ;nen. As a medium of advertising tt wil bo unequalled, and conservative men will find It Middy advantseeoun to avail themselves of the opportunity nowoffered. For further particulars, address Box 417 blood's Dispatch. 1a.30-8t• REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS 0. DONOGHUE will continue business until Nay next, at 15 South WATER Street, and now offers for sale, • at the lowest market prices. for cash. or na ap proved short credits. 4 000 barrels ettitm- refined Sugars and Syrups, of various grades, including Leverin g 's r. Crushed and Polvezed and Atelier's Patent-cut Loot Sugars. Also. Rio and Java Coffee, Adamantine Can dles, and Kelly's Smash Brandy Coloring. jer/-3m • COINS AND MEDALS OF ALL KINDS Minerals, Shells, Yngrayings, Autorranhs, Eta Comm. and Fazes Articles, Bought and Sold. W. Solt ER /11/ . 44m* No. 11l North NINTH. near ARCH St. REFINED BORAX, in store and for pale. WETHERILL & BROTHER, Cpl nolh 4' tied 49 North OSMOND Street, COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING relinquished Ins Retail business to Nu J.4.. 4 . BURR. Jo., this day formed a COPARTNERSHIP with JOHN MARSTON, Jr., under the firm of BtLROSE d MAIEBTON, For the Manufacture, °soles's-81y to the Trade, of the finer sorts of PAPER HANGINGS, DECORATIONS, Av. °Moo, with samples, N 0.807 CHESTNUT ST., SECOND STORY. FRONT. Jan. 23, - 190-Jn9o-Gt• LOUIS DELROSE. N - () TICE —THE CO.ARTNERSIITP ill of K'EN k COATES. continued under the will of JOHN E. KEEN. doomed, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent of all the parties intoroaiecl. ABRAHAM COA VES, JOSEPH S. KEEN, Aoting Exeoutors of J ABRAHAMN tlynas ed. COATES, Philadelphia, January 10 1060, NOTICE.—The TANNING BUSINFES, from flue date. will be continued by the subscribers os hereto fore on for the name of KE Kr` , & o'l • Es. nr PO North FRONT btroet. A 1113 .Itl co •TEs, JOREPI-1. 8 KEEN, JAMES S. COA T ES.. Philadelphia, January 10,1&A. .1-21-finw /1111 E FIRM iIF MoILVAIN & KELLY is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. K. MeIf,VAIN, Philadelphia, January 1, 1850. JOKE KELLY. The buninsos of NMI' •1N & HE' IX will be set- Ore he JOSEPH KELLY. at the store, No. lon CHESTNUT St., to wheat alt persons todebtedto maul firm are retioevted to matte p:Unloat. J. K. rktrILV.AIN, • JOHN KELLY. I have bought out all the effects of Motivate & Kelly, and will continue the Tailoring business at the some Store, 1022 01tr.4 I NUT Sweet, under the name of JOSEPH KELLY & BROTHER. JOSEPH KELLY. January Sib, 1810. Ja24-6t• I IM ITED PARTNERSIII P.—NOTIO E IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Subscribers have To , med and entered into a Limited Partnership, under the provoking of the Laws of the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania. That the name of the firm or partnership iv William D. Edson, and the general nature of the buaineaa the Manufacture and Sale of Boots and Shoes. That Wit ham D. Edson to the General Partner. and John Patin. dere and Macpherson Saunders are the Special Part ners. all residing in the City of Philadelphia. The capita. in gash contributed b. the Sonata] Partners is Ten Thousand Dollars, each contributing Five Thou sand Dollars. The Partnership commences this TENTH DAY OF JANUARY. ISHI, and in to terminate DE CEMBER 31, WILLIAM D. EDSON, JOHN SAIIND ERR General Partner. MACPHERSON SAUNDERS, Special Partnere. January 10th, 1803. THE FIRM of S. D. EDSON & CO. HAS A- been dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM D. EDSON will settle up the business of the old firm. The business of the Manufacture and Sale of Bents and Alines will be continued at N 0.12 North FOUR rtt Street. by WILLIAM D. P.DISON, under a Limited Partnership, this day formed between him and JOHN SAUNDERS and MACPHERSON SAUNDERS. 71# SARAH P. EDSON, WILLIAM D. EDSON. January lothono. jail lm DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The partnership heretofore existing 14twe.ti the subeeribere, under the firm of R. & F. L. YARNALL & CO., is this day dissolved by mutant consent. EI.LIS YARN ALL, FRANCIS C. YARNALL, JOSEPH_ TREMBLE, Philadelphia, J an. 16 IE6O . LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—AgrenabIy to the pro visions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "' An net relative to limited part norsh!ps," the subscribers have formed a limited part ,- °ratite. under the name and firm of YARNALI, k TRIMBLE, for the transaction of the bumming of Im porting and Dimling in Soda Ash. and other t hemieals And General Merchandise. in the city of Philadelphia. ELLIS YARNALL. residing in the Twenty-first weird, of the pity of Philadelphia, JOSEPH TRIM BLE, re siding intim city of Camden. in the State of Now Jer sey, and CIIARLO'S HAR SHORNE residing in the Eighth ward, of the eitv of Philadelphia. nye the Onno ral Partners, and FRANCIS C. YAIINALL, residing in the county ot Montgomery. in the State of Penneyl vania, is the only Special Partner. rind has contributed to the capital of the said partnership, and actually Paid in cash the sum of fifty thousand dollars. Tho said part nership is to commence on tne Nth day of January, /sou, and formulate on the Slst dm. of December. 1862, El. LIS"VARNALL, JO P_PII TRIMBLE, CHARLES H ARTSHORNE. FRANCIS C. '7'7l e M l AE 4 . ""ri. Spacial Partner. Philadelphia., January 10.1800. ja2d•frilw ISt — OTII3E — .—TIIO special partnership ex between Reshard A). Hun), general partner, (deceased.) and William Richardson, special Pa' tnor. expired, by limitation, on the With inst. All persons who have claims Against the estate and them ndobtNl will oblige by nailing at i 7 South FOURTH Street. for set tlemant. S. B. tt/CHARDSON. Executor. ja3o-mwfilt. NOTIOE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. • whortmwe. the suheoribers, have this day re newed and continued fora further wieder three lama, as herelnalter mentioned. the limited partnership en tered into on the Met day of December, A. 0, ism. t o commence oo the Ist day of January, D. 1801, under the proviniong of the &at of ihoGeneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Palms> Ivenia approved March Vet, Mg, entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner ship.," and all other pnaotmenta of the said liencral assembly relative to Limited Partnerships—now, taar./- fore in compliance with the provisions of the end en ',animas we publish the terms of said original and renewed Limited Partnership ha follows: First. The name or firm under winch thee/11d original and renewer Linoted Partnership was end is to bo con ducted Is that of J. T. PLATE & BOoTTLEft. liettond. The general nature of itssi nese wee O/14 that of Mereean.s tn a general For—ign and D 011.14141 Commission Busineas in the city of Philadelphia, and also in the businesx of Importing and Exporting end Vending on account of the said lam ted Partnership. Tit it d. The said Limited Partite-ship w•ts and is ma ps ed ofJOrtN TILEOPHILDB PLATE...v•In - • :Twee in the city of Philadelphia; of CAB I/ C. BCHO'reLjift, whY reetdes in the snot city of Philadelphia, and CHRIBTOPHRH P. PLA I I...whose place of 'eau:lance is at present lit the free Hanecatte cite of Bremen. The said John Theoplllll3 flats and Carl C. &Mettler were and are all the general partnere .11 the sat I origi nal and renewed Limited Partnership, Rind the said Chritropher F. Plate was and is the only speoinl part ner therein. Fourth. The special partner, the i Christopher P. Plate. oontributpktictuelly and in it pd faith, in cash. the cum of Fifty Thousand Dollars-to the capital or common stock of the said prizing' Limited Partnership, no _part of which has been arttlidtawn Therefrom. Filth. The said original Limited Partnership com menced on the first day of January, A. D. 107, and roe s to have tnnninated on the 81st say of Doceino-r, A. 0. 1669. but the game Ilan been renewed and continued for the further period of three years from the 01st day of December. A. D. 1869. and wilt terminate on the Slat day of December, A. D. 1968. Philadelphia, Deo. Net, 186 P. J. THEW% aw:, CARL C. 80110TTLHR, CHR. FR. PLATE. py his Attorney in fact. Ja2.6w GODFREY FREYTAG. LEFTERS OP ADMINISTRATION ON tho Mate of CHARLES A, 11. 7lCVlNB,de ceased. having been gratitall to the sobgeriber. all per sons indebted to loud r svita will Vervie notke rts meta, and those having ein tom willpreeent them without de Ia to JOHN R. SAVAGE, Admtnietrnfor. 'sat 60 No. 18 NOR UR FRONT Street. TN TIN ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE crrY AND rOUNTy PILLAOWI, gip la the matter of the Estate of k.DWAHD SMITH, *mod. . . The auditor appointed by rho Court to audit. nettle, and adju• t the account of THOMAS N. acting Executor of EDWARD SaI I TII. doteneed. and to re port thatribution of the balance, win meet the parties tworeated for the purpose/ of his appointroPnt offioe. at chenouthoast corner of LOCUST a:111E1611TH Streets. on MONDAY, February 6, MO, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. ra/-furwdE DANIEL DOUGIIF RTY. ESTATE OF TUNIS Q. BAROROFT, deceased. Letters of Administration to said Fe indebtedng ple a se make the sub.:Tiber. all pereone willpayment, and thote haying oltume Present them to SUSAN BA itCIIOFT, Adtn nustratrix, ide Buttonwood etrert. or to tier At torney, H. O. Jald-wet 933 Arab Street. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUN]) SO CIETY OF .RIIILADELPIII k. Office, N 0.631 North TIIIRD street iDonsolidation Bank Buildingo OEIRRTERED BY I'DE LI E N GSLATURE OFFENN SYLVAA. Deposits reCeived in sums of One Dollar anitupwripde, and r e pai d in Cold, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savinge Institution lies long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and " The bring Darden Savings Fund Security " wee chartered by the Legislature pf Pennsylvania to supply this neoessitY. 'Um Managers, in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly by &desire to accommodate the busi -12081 intermit and wants of the vary lav and populationentered b hich it ur o sd. ling oirlior: OPEN , From Dto 2% o'clock; also, on Monday end Thitroisl from 6 until 8 o clock in the evening. BILL HEADS 11/I.BAOSIREI. Frederick Meth rphen Smith, John P. 1-4119 on. H. K. Strong. Emoil Undorkoffer. rederzok Eitaoke, Taman Hart, rap!, P. LeClore. lul Kessler. Jr., enige Knecht, James B. Pringle,. nooh Hook, tre7ghelfS;c2rn:ru' on. 771 n, Mdlwart.l Peter C. Ellmaxer., Rot T.Ahorn, , , o JAMES S. PRlgaarkerd'Onf,. PlinOln liklil . SOoretar Y. iaig.tril SAVING ITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner TIIIHP sod CREST NUT Streets. Large and small rams received, and_pald,,lmAik on de mand without nottoo,_with FIVE PLR CENT. INTE REST from the day Of deposit to the day of withdrawal. ogles. houre,from 9 Mall o °lock ev , ery day, and on MONDAY E VENINDS from anti! 9 0 cloak. DRAFTS for ale on England, Ireland. and Scotland, Tngr r e tanPiy ß. R L . U RA E W R FORA. efunmi—JAHES sN LINY • FIBS. Actuary, 5e1749 COMPANIES SAVING FUND—FIVE PElt DENT. IN TEREST. SAFETY TRUST COAT. I'ANY, WALNUT S treet, Southwest 0011113 r of THIRD, l'biladelphis. Inoorpomted by the State of Esnasylva bine, is received in any sum, large themall, and in termit paid from the • day of deficient to the day of with drawal. The office to quell every day from 9 o'clook in the moming o'clock iu 'Felons, and ou Monday and Thursday eveninsailulo ol i or 4iNER P id t RWILTA`EYLok WILIAM( J. aSIID, SOOretary. ... DIRECTOr. Hon. Henry L. Benner, . Carroll Brewster. gclward L. Carter, oomph B. Ban, Kohert Belfndite. 'Miele Lao. gamins' K. Ashton. icemen Yerkes, 0. Landreth Means, James L. Stephenson. Money is reoeived and payments made daily. The inveetments are made, tn conformity with the Grovirions of the Charter, in Real Estate along/tree, round Keats, and quell first-olass securities as will al ways insure perfect sonority to the depositor?, and which cannot fall to give permanency and stability to this Instltutlon. aull-1r OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR . I —Aintereet. Buy your COAL Al' WOKS' ' where nothing but the very best _quality of Lehigh indflohuyi. kill cmal 161 offered at the following reduoed prince: Lehigh, Broken and Stove... ..... 26 per ton. St~chuylkill' ; ,s t t l Warranted freo from data or duet and fell welight, at RlCKS'vyand enutheest corner klAntilltila, WILLOv.% dell and lee. • S W. GROOME & CO.,_ • Moo 14 south FOURTH street, ANT WHARF. PINE STREET, SCHUYLRILD.• Dealers and Shinners OP Locust Mountail, Lehih, and Schuylkill C. 0 Merchandise taken on wharfage, ole-em HICKORY AND SPRING 'MOUNTAIN " 111°I1 c°A n i tliv e NVAV r'forrit'A 1V0Y(15°.h4FV,',.,„ ' 1 " •22. t MESSRS. ROSENfiIAL & MORRIS, from Plymouth,ngland, manufacturers of the celebrated " Pantascome" Spectaeles, respectfully solicit tho pa tron .ge of the Intim and gentlemen of Philadelphia and vicinity, to their sulfa riiir ground speetacle glasses. The valuable advantage derived from them is that in stead of melon becoming strained. heated, weakened, and in numerous oases seriously injured, at is preserved and strengthened, everything at once becomes clear and b illiant, and very aged persona aro enabled to em ploy t eir eight at the most minute ocoupation. dater by day or candle-light; can see with those lenses of a muph lees magnifying power, and they do not require the frequent changes to the dangerous effects of further powerful ntsistance. Certificates one be seen at the office over Mr Christ. mine stole, 702 CilliSTNU'r Street, adjoining Ser mon's l'hotosranh rooms. Ma 1, NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS SUGAR.- 60 de prima new crop N. 0, Sucar, for gale by ABM 011MIAM k CO., LETIT Street. inn THE PRESS.-PHHADELP LEGAL. SAVING FUNDS. COAL. RAILROAD LINEIL - TO WEST ()RESTER and intermediate _points, via ME DIA. Trains for Went Chewer leave Phdadelphia from the Depot. nurthoaht corner of EIGHTEENTH and Al aItICET streets, nt 81u A. M., and 1 and 13d P. M. On SUNDA VS at 8.16 A. 61 . and 1 P. AI. Passon . ore for the Pil ILA DELPHI A and BALTIaIuItE cENTRAL ItAlLitoA.ll will take the talti-t1 6.10 A. M., and 30 P. Al. Triune T ILE PENNSY LV AMA OENT ItA 1, RAILROAD 060 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. fia , .: 1860. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. . . THREE THROUGH 1'i8.47,14GER TRAINS BETWEEN ritILADELPRIA AND PITTS:BUR°, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains front Button, New York, and all points East, and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to nod f ront nit points to the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing faoilitios for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed And comfort by any other route. Exprers and Fast Linos run through to Pittsburg, Withollt eilarlge of Cars or Conductors. All through Pas senger Trains provided with Loughodge's 'tent Brake—speed undar perfect control of the engineer, Outs adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Care are attached to each Tram ; Woodrufra Slespini Cars to EXPI MI and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and net Linea, Eau days excepted. resin leaves Philadelphia at 8 A. M. Fast Line 11 gO A. M. Express Train leaves " 1010 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Ram:ours Accommodation, via Columbia, 21'. hl. Colombia 100 P. M. Parionitiurg 1990 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Mail, Parkes burg and Columbia Trams. Passengers !Cr Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 8 A. M thready through. Tiokets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, Naw York, Roston, or Bal timore; and Pickets Eastward at any of the iinportant Railroad Offices in the West; also on board any of the regular Lino of etentners on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. Mr Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chmago, make this the DIRECT LINE IIKTZII&N THZ. EAST AND THE iiREAT WEST • The connection of traoks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Bummers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the trended:akin of their Freight to this oompany, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and front any point in the West by the PennsAvalon Railroad are at ail tunes as _favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies, giNG;l=Zl;!=ia=l For Freight Contracts or Shipping Direction', apply to, or address either of the fo ll owing Agents of the COM psny : D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg: B.S.Fierce & Co., Zanesville,O.; J. J. Johlottonill Wen 0.; R. McNeely, Maysville, Co .; Ormsby & cropper, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock Co., Jeffersonville, Ma nna; H. W. Brown & Cincinnati, 0.; Athern & Ilibbert.iCinoinnati, O.; R. J . AleldrumOladison, Incl.; Jo". E. Moore, Louisville, y.; ti. O'RdeY & Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, Ill.; R. B. Sass, 81,aler & Oloss, Bt. Loma, Alo.f John, H. Har ris, Nasville, Tonn.; Barns & Hunt. Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, Ill.; W. H. 11. Koonts, Alton, III.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. . . V. J. SNEEDBiI, Philadelphia. MAURAW & KOOKS, CO North strsot, Bnlttmoto. LEECH & 00., 2 Astor House, or 18. William et., N.Y LEECH k CO., No. 774811E61:groat, Boston. H. 11.1 H 10 TON, Cep Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. O YT,Gen't Tiotst Agent, Phila. Tilos. A. SCOTT, Con'! Hun't Altoona, Pa. 1859. WINTER ARRANGEMENT-NEW YORK LINER. HE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA.- /Jill:1 , 11A AZID TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S L NES. ROM PHILADEL LACESO NEW YORK AND WAY-P PROM WALNUT-6THERT WILLEY AND RESSINGTON. Will leave as follows, viz • VAR'. At 0 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cam. & Am. Accommodation . -- ' 82 In At 0 A. AI., via Camden and Jersey City, (New .Tersey)Acoommodation., . 11 23 At 2 A. 31., via Camden and Jersey City , !doming hfail . 300 At to; ATif.7;lia Kensington and Jersey City, Western ExPross • ••• • ••• •-vr -•- "" ..... 8 00 At 13% I'. AL, via Camden anti Amboy7nocionnuo dation.. . . ' 2 26 At 2 P. M., ;la . damaan — and -- .Z . nie:i .. .;,. A ' l6 P. AI., via Kensington and Jersey City, vening Express.... 000 At ig P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, ad Class , ...... _ . 910 Me P i M., via Camden and ....... 'city E veal= Alai At . ..... 93 Ata P.M, via Camden aiii:{:ml)ol,rneommOdation. IFraight and Prawn ngor F-4. 1 ; 1 49; Ticket •• - 396 yd Class Ickat. • • / 0 0 The P. AI. Idyll Line runs daily. • he 11 P.3l..South ern Mail. Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere. Easton Flemington. &c.. at d A. At. from Walnut-street wharf. and 3 P. M. from Kensington. Fpy Ms.ucli Chunk, Allentown, and Betnitmem, at 0 A. td.,A_la Lehigh Valley Railroad. eor Witte,r Idap„stroodeburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Croat Band, ko., cA. M., via Delaware, Whew &nue and Viestery Itnthoe.d. For Mount a and 9A. Pd.. and S and 0.1 P. Al. For Freeho d, at 6 A,M._andi_P. M. WAY LINES For lingtol, Trenton, eta, at 3 and Ili P. M. from Ron aiVoL:2ll.almy ra, Ihrverton. Delano°, Beverly. Burling - ten, Boraentown, ar.e., at tfti, a, and .34 P. katif noonds of mil age only allowed each paceonrar. Paasong eft, are toted from taking an thing as bag gage bat their aid wg .l . Alt baggage over filly pound' to be paid for extra.' The conipany linut their reeponaibility lor Page age to one dollar get poand, and will not be liable for any amount beyond &BC except 1 / 7 putout! contract. WM. 11. OATZMER. Agent Camden and Amboy R. H. Co. P WAIIILADELP, GER apqmom MANTOWN AND . NOIII4IS. TOW RAILROAD— WINTER,AR ANGEALtriT— On and after MONDAY „Nov. 21, 1867, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave, Philadelphia 8, 7,7.80. 9, 10, 11. and 12 A. AL, 2 ,8, 51 1 '4, 0, als, a, a, a, to, end WI I'. Al. Leave ermant,e.srn C, du TA 8,81 i., 9W, 10, 11. A. M. 1, 2,1,4.474,8,8,6% ix+ a 7. 9 1 /' at. l Leave Philadelphia 9.03 min, A. wt., 7, and 18 F. M. 9Li Leave Germantown 8.10 nun. A. Al., Lau min., IN, oAd 001E07011.1T HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia I) 1, a, 014, t, and 10 P.M. Leave Chestnut Mill 7.10, 7.40, LW, aim 12 .49 A. AL. , AR 400. 8.40, 8.40. and 8., P. M. ON S UNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.06 A. AI., kand 814 P. M. I,4eva Cheetnut Rill 7.80 A. M., 11,60, 4.20, and 8.92 min. P. I.OR CONSH 0110041,11 /'ID NORRISTOWN, Leave Philadelphia 6,9, 11:00, two., A. hi., 1.07, &Oa, 674, and 1134 P. Al. Leave Norristown 6, 7, 9, 11 A. M., Di. 4h4, and I P. AL ON SUNDA YS, Leave figPiilt i c. P l th 7 9 A A O T , I i d I S P I'. 111.6 R Al. Leave Philadelphia 8.7 .9: /1.1,8 A. 71.1.00,/102.102. eaC, ix, and 1144' P. . Leave Manayunk 04, 719,814.174. and 1114 A. M., 8,8, 8.,;;;. and 8M P.M. ON SIINDAYS, Leave KM/Otti ) . A. N., a, and AM PM. Leave a Ahi. and 7M P. M. 1. • &al 1. entie! Superintendent, • nl9-1.7 DEP. T. IN 11 atal cavEN Ptreets. NORTH PENNSY.Lr a.m....4ml V.A NIA RA ILROAD. wiNTEWARRANGBAIENT. For BETHLEHE3I, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN AIAIJOII TUNIC. HAZLETON. Onautl attar )11.1:01 DAY • ovember 7th, 1369, Passel. ger Trams will eave FRO T and WILLOW Streets, Pluladelphia, DAIL Y,Sunday; eseeple,9ll For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, anal Ohnnk, Hasleton, &0., I Express,/ at 9.30 A. M. For alige.tig4;.( Myer' ):,11', 0 )4; '‘tkaaPith.leintl 4 tm. PeT klailla g WilliTirr u ni t .if ° Leave Bethlehem, I lotorese,;4l OA. . an d A 10 P. M. Leave Doyleetoan, (Aaeommodation,)c7i. M. and SAO P. M. •• • • • Leave Fort Wuhingtou,(Aooommodation,) MT. A.M. ON HIJNIDAYB: Philadelphia for Fort 2.20 A. M. ylnlndelphie, for Doylestown, at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia, at 7 A. Fort Wenhington for Philadelphia, at t4O P. Ikt, Fare to Bathiohom, Wm; to Mauch Chunk, 412.60; to Brixton. SIM; to Doylestown, 80 coots. Through tickets must be proeursd before entering the oars. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) con nect at liorks street with Fifth and Siath-streets, and Second and Third-streets hanonger Railroads. a 7 ELLIS (MARK. Agent Pill LADELPIIIA, IV IL MINGTON, AND BALT/- IORRAMR I On end after MONDAY. November SI, 1669, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA 11,10 , F A or Baltimore at 8.15 A. hl., 12 noon, ( Expreas,) and P. l. For Chester at 8.15 A. Al:, 12 noon, 4.50, and 11.10 I'. AL For Wilmington et 8.16 4, 111.,12,4.90 and 11.10 P. M. For New Castle at 8.16 A. M., and 4.`i) P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M. are, 1.3 e P. M, For Dover 08.15 A. M.and 4.51: 1 1 hl. For Milford at alb A. Si., and 4.5il P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M., and 430 P. 111, For Laurel at 8.16 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.50 A. Al., (Expresso 10.15 A. M., and 5,25 P. M. LealieWilining ton at 7.15 A. M. and 11.30 A. M.,1.45 and 840 P. M. Leave Laurel at 1.12 .4. 1,..1._. and 8.40 I'. hi. Leave Seaford at 6.45 A. M., tad 446 P. AT. Leave Milford at 7.50 A. M., and 4.2,5 P, ht.' Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M., and 5.00 P AL Leave Middletown at 10 A. hl. and 7.05 P. M. wive New Castle at 10.55 A. hi., and 8 I'. M. ave Chester at 8, 12 A. M. 2.22 and 9.15 P. M. • won Baltimore for Lamer and Delaware Railroad t ' at 10.15 A. M. TRAIN° FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. 1.1.„ 15.2,3 and 11.40 P. AL Leave Wilmington at 915 A. 1.T., 12.641 P. 21., and 12.20 A. M. SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., frr m Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 5.25 I'. AL. fron, Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAIN, 'nth PASSENGER CAR attaaheil. will run at follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plsoes at 3 P.M. Leave Wiliniegton for Perryville and Intethialiate places at 445 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate Wriest at 3.45 1. M. Leave tialtimore for t3tommer's Run, Chase% and Harwood at gag F. AI. an S. 11. FRU WEST IJIIEsTER It i "M I:1- 6 3 110AD TRAINS vl. PENNSYL VANIA 11414110 A D Leave Depot cor. t LEVEN 111 and Ain }WWI' e fleet*, dolly, (except Sundne.l nt A A. AL, 12.30 P. AL, and 4 I'. Al. Leave West Cheater at 20 A. AL. 1040 A. AL. and 3All'. AI. 1a 11-1 zweit PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAII,ROA D LlNE— quicriM' ROUTE toWilkoaharro Buffalo. (Alamo Rock Island, Mtwara Palle, Milwantea. Bur linlon..3l.ontreal, St. Paul's, Detroit, Dunlielh, and St 16/I.IBfIKOI Malmo will leave the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Dilegt, wiper BROAD ap 0A1,1,01'4 - HiLdUSlDestallA igoi.(tuu.daya elaented,lllB follows : 7.30 A. M. DAY EX PR ESS. Fog Elmira,filarara , Detroit, etnoaao, Milwaukee, Rook inland. Galena, St. {'nut's , Burlington. Ind St. Louie. _ . . . 3.30 P. M., NIOHT EXPRF.SI3. For Elmira, ?imam Fa tint; Detroit, Cbmaso Mtlwaukso, Rook Island, Datum, Bt. Paul's Durl , uston and St Louis. HAtd: nd3 i i'. f ltrA T innt4 el i V ValOirßtlt.topet: ataigtatusOntller .; ey Branch. The 710 A. M. train el:mullets at Rupert (or Wilkes harre,Tittelon_ , Scranton, nail all eat tone on the LACK APIA NA AND 111.00MSBURti RAILROAD. Baggage oheeked Suspension Bridge. Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Itaiiroact Lines 'Picket Office, Northwest corner o S ~ XI it and ciIEsTN UT Streets, and at the Passen ger T e a it 01111 . 1 1W341.14 d F Et,P O IT THAiN Leaves the Depot, limed street, below Vine, dal In (Sun day effoepted,) for all DOlnta WeNtand North, at P. N. {freilits must be delivered before P. M. to Insure going t he same day. For further Fr to apply at H UOAD , below Vine, OVo . W. earner SIXTH e nod oIiESTN UT N g trOeis, ant-tf moisdeiehis kinanseiPIIILADELPIILA AND READING RAIL ROAD, MOR.NiNG LINE, for POT rsti ibLE. READ MO and HARRIS/it/IW, Leaves the new Depot, at corner of BROAD and CALLOWIIII,I, Streets, (entrances on Eallowliiii,) at 7.311 A. M., DAILY (Sunders excepted,/ for POrPS VILLE, HARR18)1610, and all intermediate points, connecting al thirrisiong with MIMI running to Chambershurg,Us 1 le Buubnn, a, ANTERNOigtI LINES. HA LeRRIS ave at 3.30 P. M., DAIL' for POTTSVILLE and BUI(0. At 4.30 P. M , DAILY, (Bundaysexeepted,l for REA D (NO, and intermediate points. dl DT If MollillENNV.Perwatiws na NOTICE.---CIIESTER VALLEY RA 11(11 OA D--PAS PIER TRAINS FOR BOWNINUTOWN AND IN TERM EDIATE EITATIONS.---on and aner eth . Deeetn tier, 1869, the Passenger Trains (or DOWNINC(TOWN win start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Readier Railroad Company. corner of BROAD and CALLOWIIII,I. Streets, (passenger en trance_ p Oallowhtll. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown. Leaves at 7.50 A.M. ArrERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown , leaves at 430 r, m. DANN (sundaes excepted./ By order of tha Board of hlanagers of the Philadelphia and Medina RallmL;omkani. w,ll. eaciLßENY,Reoralarr. ,A. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1860. WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. 135 SOUTII FRONT STREET, II appointed Anent or the sale of the above non Palled brand of ogAix PAGNE, And offers It to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATES, 500 baskete, Quarts and Pints, now in soon. d29-tf WE CALL ATTENTION OF THE TRADE t o it'll realty Superior article : ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A supply in Assorted p. - . , •ltages °omit/tally on hand. Ordora received for direct importation. Alao—lfenneear Cogna Leßoy Cogono k l.codon and Holland Ulna, Claret in W' ooa and Cates. L.harripagnee. high and low pnoria. LONGCHAN.P. lmoortor• 010-dm 211 South FRONT. Philadelphia. G EORGE WHITELEY, No. US South FnoNT Street. Importer of Brandy, Wines,, offers for sale, in bond only, the following, among other standard brands of brad,: inet, Castilian, & Co., Thos. Hines & Co., Mee, Robin, & Cu., Otard, Dupny, & Co.. A. fiei gnette, bfarett, Cameos, Pellovoistn, 1. Dupont & Co., Union Proprietors. , & F. Martell°, Jas. Ilenner , y. cr . , Stuart'. Paisley Malt Whlslte, and the eholciesi varjeties of Madeira, Sherry, Por t. Burgundy, and Rhine Wines, Palm Troe Gln. lanisioa Rum. Sams Crux Rtun. Bordeaux Oil. &0.. &o e27-ly tiTFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND "," READING' RAILROAD COMPANY. . - PHILADELPHIA. CompanyMO. The holders of the BONDS of this duo JULY 1. Imo, con now receive, upon application at this office. TEN PER CENT. in oath upon the terms spe cified in the Circular attached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of the NINKINU FUND established by the ff tockholders. es set forth In the following roe lotions, passed at the meeting of Stockholders hold January P. I.iGe : Resolved, 1 hat the sum of Waffle) of the tuture not Pronto of the Company, site, pat nisnt of the sum ne cessary for the extension of tho bond. due in IMO, the completion of the road to Dauphin. the car loans. the necessary rolling stock and improvements on she linear the rood. and all the liabilities of the Company, except the bonded debt not matured, In se: ea do in each year as n Sinking. Fund, (in addition to Iho alreadyproeided,) and shall tin appropriated to Um purchase of such o' the bo da of the Company fir which no Sinking Fund is already pion tiled and established, in the order of the priority of the court 'ages given to secure such bonds. so long nu they can respectively he obtained at or under par, nod the bones so purchased shall be forth with crowned. Resolved. That the Board of Manners be, and they are hereby. reque.teil and directed to enter into such an agreement as shall make the provisions in the forego ing resolutions an obligatory and binding Contract of the Company. In pursuance of this resolution- the Company have executed the contract therein referred to. s. BR A DFORIL Treasurer. CLA Notice to the Holdersl R o C f U Philaß delphia and Rending Itadrond Co. Mo Wire Bondi, duo Jolt 1. ISAL These bonds ere secured by the First Alm - ft - ageson the road , amounting in the aggregate to $3 3 e 4 40 3. The list revenue for the last townl y enr was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The Managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the alert:ages in the precise condition in whigh they are now held. Fresh bli-ets of Coupobs for the interest. melte 01111 V, will tie issued. A Bonus of ten per cent. bo given to the holders. in consideration of their assentin., to the extension. This Bonus wilt be on din cash to the be*rers of the Bands, on their signing in cocci t and presenting their respective Bond. et the office of the Company, or to its ist.ents, for enders ment. Forms of reempt and endorsement will be furnished on application. By order of the Board of Managers. 'all; lm LL MoILIIENNRY. Secretary. JO T IC E.-OFFIt!E OF THE DELA WARE AND RARITAN CANAL AND CAM DEN AND ANIMA' RAILROAD AND TRANdPUR 'CATION CON PAN I hd. PRI!. ETON. New JER•eer Jan• 18.15 M. The Directors of the 'Mayo ooniranies have this day declared a Dividend of all PEN cENT. out of the earnoics of the htet six menthe, payable to the elock heArts or their lead representives, on and alter T hS DAY, the 34th day w January inst.. by RICHARD 81111'EEN, at the Companies' Office in Philadelphia. tinti ,; by IRA BLISS, at Co Office oetlime Companies in ow York. RICHARD StOCKTON, 1671 la JAR. A. GREEN, T 03111Terl. NOTICE TO BRIDGE The CARBON IRON COMPANY will receive prolamin until the 24th du, of February next f h l lg an iron or Wooden Railroad Bridge of or the Le igh Hoer. in - dinette their works at Perryville. in the county of crNin. The length wi Ibe about throe nun dred and filly (MO) feeton either three or tour spans. finale track. Pron. , a,tle received, and bulbar particubtre obtained on appooation at l'arr, villa to the undottootod. - DENNIS BAUMAN, Pres:dont. December rath,lBs9. tl.M•dtfeM CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel ‘../ Ole, Nov. att,1839. At an Erection hold uri the Stet inetant, the following gentlemen were o oven Klrednurs ofjme Kenk : Alexander G. cattail, Joeeph binneay. riohort K. Neff, • Retinae! t Cantu. Jammu Steel, John t , OTOSas FA Imund A. Bonder, fearing Knecht. Alexander Whildin, 'avid Vanderreer. Hugh Craig, 'blip H. Mingle, Ctin;n, J. Roffan. A tad et V. InIANIT)g ut the Boyd THIS DAY, the fol lowing ORICBIII W1)10 UMlntinnually ~..nt.d, A. H. co l' him, trclutiv,... H. 11. NEFF, Vice Pree,dent. di- t f J. W. TURKEY. Cashier IVUTIrE IS GIVEN THAT APPLIOA .I Lo o n,ll be modeCerlate of Penoeylrante Mate in piecedated Ugilat OK N 2,39, for 8300. under net April 0. 1 I. to LOIJIIIA JEN KRY, pow loar or =Mad. nutam• TI. PA I MER'S ADVERTISING AND • • s U AGENCY, for Principal Neva. paws and Pertod lonia of ef T ity and Country, Pl. E. CJT ner PI FTB and ciiEsTNI . Address " Y B. PALMER," Philadelphia. .1313-5 m 'llllOB. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law Ne. 173 South FOURTH Street. nig Gm• WALLACE & BRODHEAD, 37 EXCIIANOE PLACE, NEW YORE. Stooks and Boucle bought end aosti, on Commigaiono F1A.:418 D. WALLACH. EDWARD C. BILODRVAD A LEX. McKIIINEY ATTORNEY !LAW. GREENS URO, PA, Wall p ritoVias in Wertatoreleuid, Armatrong, and Ip limns counttei. TIIE ADAMS IMPRESS 00., OFFICE am CHESTNUT Street, forwardt Parcels, Pact !Mem. fileroltandtse,l3ank Note., and Specie, either It, its own Lutes. or in commotion with other Express Com panies, to ell the annotate towns and emits of the "United States. E. 8. SANDFORD, ant -tf General Superintendent MRS CAROLINE 31. CUUR. TEACHER OF rum PIANO. INV ft• 2i7 North NINTH Ptroot.— NSTRUOTION IN CLASSICS AND ATATHENIA.rioN,.. HOOP NT D. LABEEFITON, Ph. T) Is now open, for an /, casement for ono hour tinily. All communications addreared to No 03 bouth Eighth street, will melt e prompt attentlo4l. Hry IRENeeq—Prof. Geo. Allen. No. 215 South Seven teenth st‘ect ; Dr (Mourn Dithrinx, 014 Arch street; Plo nick Itandolph. Else.. 219 South Fourth street; blot d P. Smith, Librarian. Holedelphia Libra(); James Leiley, dr, CLI hlarattt stteet. y DUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (WITH Prileary and Secondary 'Department attached I Southeast corner of DI I_,LAVV'N nod GREEN Streets. For Circulars Borty at the School. E. eit:XSON, Principal. Ent,all6o Gll DILIIIYYN fitreel. Jr,E2l;n" AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable mod min throughwhiehSohools and Fami lies may obtain cuintetent teachers. Parents may ob tainm ation and menhirs of the beat AOllOOlO. SADrii, WOODMAN, & CO., Me BDOADWAY, New York, or 609 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. RRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MEIiAJANTILE ONAMIR, lq3ntV! EL N. corner BEYBNIII and ettElwrNta New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, Chiaarro, and Bt. Louie, For irformation. call or gaud for Catalogue. GOA( 14EMOVAL.---SMALL & CHANDLER XIL WHOLESALE GROCER°. have removed Iron 66 North r•ECOND dtroet, to na MARKET Street above Front, north aide. MACHINERY A1(1) IRON V. XIIAIIICIE. 7. V4DKAN 3111.011111 X WILLIAX If.11(111111C1.. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, ita:TH AND 'WASHINGTON STHEVIS, TON. President THILADILLPIII4I, • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Menufsature Ititih pipl Low Pressure Steam Eheinel. foN,and, Rivor, end Marine service. ilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron floats, &o.; Castings ors I kmds, other Iron or Wass, Iron Frown Roofs for Gea Works, Work Shops, Rail. road Stallone, &a. Retorts and Gas Slatihinery of the latest and most ha proved construction. Every desorption of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, saw, and Grist Stills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defevators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ice. Sole Agents for N. Rlllleux's Potent Sugar Boiling Apparatus ; Niteinyth's Patent Stearn Hammer • an, Aspinwall it Wolser's Patent Centrifugal Sugar drain ins Machine an 6-e SALAMANDER SAFES Marge asnorttr,ent of EVANS k WATSON' PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAAIAN DER SAFES. VAULT DOORS. BANE LOOKS For Rents and Storm , Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, Sit UTTI.RS,km, 17% di good terms a. 6 any other establishment in tar United Staten, by EVANS k WATSON, N 0.304 CHESTNUT Street, Iphia Philade, PLRARR HIVE VTR A n ALT. tf TiIE CONFFSSION AND EXPFRIENCE of an INVALID, noble bed for the beneh , 111 a warning anda cannon In nouns Men who suffer from Nero °. Dabillt) I'rOnr,lol.o &C.; N 11 , 13111 r. nt the sanie tllOO, Ilse means 0 belt Cure, non oho owed Inno , oll . niter Innine been put to al eat ex tense Hire oedipal 1,1,1.0.1110 n rootyorwlaw). -1, tie enpica mat be had 01 t h e. au th or, NATII ANI PH, 11l AV FAIN. Frq.. II df rd. Brook'', I<thr,a count). New York, lo) enclonaa a attic-pa d addressed en, elope lAN NI 'SILVER SOAP—A simple preparation for cleansing Cii, or Plato. Jowelry, Mirrors. filar. bin, &e., far more convenient and attentive than any other. One hall the labor of House alennine may he saved by using this Hoop, which cannot possibly icier, the finest Zino white. and as nut scrubbing is required the saving_ In the wear of the paint is much greater than the coat of the fioap. It leaves the surface as pure and slate as when new, Manufactured only by the Boston Indexical Form Vompany, and sold by. their appmtea Alcanta,llABSa D A CO.. Apettosearles, H 1, 1 ,111 adfItIVATRII en. a2l MINTON'S ENUAUSTIO TILES to LI-J• Boors. Ornamental Chininny Topa for cottages. Garden Vane" and Fountain". Vitrified Film for drains and Water conductors Imco. tod end for sale tis fa% I, *I *PIM 14.1AVINVI, R EFINED SUGAR --500 bbls. crushed. comae, and fine'polVOTlZ, d A coffee antbell^w Sugar, for auto by JAMES (112A11.ANI & CO., LETI prA Sir-Ant. llRM—Priiile retailing Uharieston Rice ALAI , for sale 11 JAMES ORAIIAIiI k CO., LETITIA set. NOTICES 4UBINIBB CARDS EDUCATIONAJ.. REMOVALS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office N. E. corner of THIRD and JOCK trews Phdadolphis.—'l lie nd . owins 6tlS 'Tient of the auntie of the Company is published in conformity with a provision of the carter: RECEIPTS roe THE YLAIL ENDING DhCEUBER 31ar,155.3. For Premiun s and Polle•es 21 For interest on at estnient and di ctdends 78 1.33 21 e 933.903 15 LossSi AND EXPt.::II7:6 Dud a ) THE 5....11Z PgRIOD. 1.1 , 610311. 19, nmourilin, to. 840 as) 00 Expenses. salariss.adsertiung,/co 10 017 :IS Rent, E , ati , and city taxes t ,; 310 b 3 Agency chat,es, 11011111118/lung, thxei. he •• • 9 178 49 Re-Insurance and interest-- •• • 2 638 l 7 60 AEMETI OF THE COMPANY MAPLE TO TAT LOIS 8-65,4 P.a.! ANt.. 7O Aka . lit, HU 5,(0 0 00 United States 6 per cent, Bonds 83,112 00 40 600 15/ United States 6 percent. Treasury butes .. 40,163 00 2,001) 00 Pennsylvania par cent. Loan .'.'.. • • • 2,105 60 20 003 60 Tonal./Iv : an Ca . 6 ' Pop cent. Ler sn. . ••• ••• 13,174 09 20 COO 00 Pennsylvania 0 per cet. Coupon Ronda ........ • • .... 16 515 00 10 bun 00 PnilaGelphik 6 per cent, 3d 100 00 Phil icUiphia 6 per cent. I sisn short. . ...... •.. 36,633 75 2) 690 10 Phil idelphia 6 per cont. Loam exert otion. . . 18,308 tit 20,6500 s Philadelphia 6 per cent. 155 e ft tax 10000 60 Patsburg Cit) 6 per cent. Ronde 10 00 00 Washington County 0 per cent Bonds. 7,333 00 Non 00 Allosheny Couhtl 6 per cent Bonds.. 16,915 66 21104) 00 Pennsylvania Railroad tar niortmee 6 per cent Bonds 20,0 - 000 20,000 00 Penns) tsars Railroad 2.1 non nyea per rent Bonds Id NO 10 20 (51010 North Penneylvonin Rail road 6tier cent Bonds 22.0(9 00 20 000 Ou Union Canal Ist morum.e 6 per coot. 'ands..., 13 477 /0 100 chorea Western rank Stock . GBB (0 taxi Commercial hank • . 7.16 2,6 76 " Borth A 'mitten • 4 . .. 10 lel 10 10) " Tlanutactor r' and Me chanics Sank Stock. . 2 7.51 Cal es 0 '' Pennealvrinin huitroad, 26,312 70 212 " (Brand Life Insurance • C0mpany...........2 575 29 Mortgases au) Ground Rents, all first liens 250,76) 01 Lorne on Policies. . ..... 15 1000 Lonnie on Collaternls . . 60 101 Al Ili Is renewal, e Free inn, Notes . Ito 931 56 Heal Elinte, Olhce butldrnq.. . 31 14 d 70 Scrip dividends aud Insurance Companies ..... ......... . (.3,95) Arienta, balance of their accounte slue Quarterly pay runts on Policies Is• Carib on hand, end in Rank. . Into eaten investments to Jan. I. al fin 40 ("nice Furniture.. 660 41 Franklin Pyre Insurance — Corn pally 13P.0 d9i ti Deduct two losses in 134 , 0 . 21100 00 ER-7.651 72 PIIILAnIMPTILA, Jan. 17. WU. At an Election hold at the 'thee of the Company, on MONDAY, the .d inst., the flowing gentleman were duly elected 'lruedses, to serve for three years: Rodolphus K. at, Enos N. Archer. Samuel J. Christian Don at I. Miller, Wuhan Robertson, Joseph M. Thomism, Warner Al. Rosin, Pierre Y. Mallon, anumel At a meeting of the Baud of Trustees, he'd this eve ning, DANI 1 1. MILLER. Vsg., wax ele tad rrexi• dent, and SAMUEL. E. NVOKLS , Esq., Vice rim dent, for the 011111,PR Year. The Bo ird of Triorees Ince 'mils DAY declared a Scrip Dividend of TWS NTY-EIVE per cont. upon the cash premiums paid in 18. D. They have also deelar d a Cash DI% Wend of SIX per rent. upon the scrip Dividends of Moro February 1359, inclusise, poynble nt the ~thee of the Comport) after the 7th day of February next, to those who have paid their whole premium in cosh; nod to those who ore trios hied lor preMIUM notes or otherwise it will ho pa, able nt the tune of eettlemcnt or their neat premium. Aod have also ordered the discontinuance of the Guarantee Capitol alter the lust day of April next. it DANIEL L. iILE s. President. tNiIII.I. /STOKES, Vi ace e 1 resolent. JOHN W. RORN , lll,Rocretors. IM-fwfit6cW3t DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY TILE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, lats. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND 'WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. ON V}:E MSELS ARINE INSURANCE , i CAROO, To annuls of the World. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCLS On Ooods, by River, Canals, Lake., and Land Carriage ' to MI parte of_ihe Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise perierally. Oat:Rotes, DwellincHotuies, tr . o. ABRETS OF THE COMPANY, November lOUs, Par. Marko' Varga. 1123,030, Philadelphia City Bdr cent. Loan 31231.90 CO Homo. Pennsylvania Slate 6 19) ot. Loan .. 93 (35 or NAP Pennsilvania Mate 0 tr e.. Loan._ .. 2Luoe 00 26,000, U.B. Treasury 639 4) peat, Note. ~,,,,i interest due .. 26,13 64 450.500 U. 8. Treasury 6 it)r ot.NOtea and ll:her ein due .1:1613 00 826,000 Temporary Loan to (he City of Phila delphia ... .... 23,000 00 600,00, Pennsylvania Railroad Id Mortgage 6 ti oent. 80nd5.,........ 43 SO) 00 .23,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mtt.o ' raaq 6W cent. 80nd5—...... 12,3(1 00 31440 West Philmlelptor. Passenrer Rafter Company T 4) , qt. coupon bonds 13400 00 .16,000,114 shares stock Germantown (p CompanY, interest and Mlll9l puanultipil by the city of Phi a deltiltio... . ... . /6 COI 00 .1,006,100 slys.res Pennsilvan s icltiulroad C0mpany.....,.... . ..... hall- road 100 shares North Pennsylvania HMI. road Company .... . .... ... s7,33o,shares Philadelphia ler itont and Steam Tug Company, Philadelphia and Ss "annah Steam Navigation Com pany. Ocean Steam Navigation comp any, Philadalphia. and Ha vre de Grace Steam 'row Boat Corn zany. Philadelplua Exchange Company --.—........ ..... ..... 0.210 00 --- 840 1 1.718 84 EtrTuir .and hlortgasos, sne. Real Estate. Of. Fe utuldtng ...... 13.1 is reserbla for Insnraposs ..... laratal Balance ne itseuoutt—Prenunuts on Ma rine Po Kies, Interest, and othoi debts dun the Company . 65564 Bony and stoat of sundry larnrance Clomps nice . 3 NU CO Cash on Delwin( in 07,060 01 DI RECTORM. 7.7711% Henry Moen. ESward Darlington. H. Jones Brooke - Rpenoer At'llytuns Thomas C. Hand. Robert Burton, amb P Innpi, Jame. B. krFrirl.,nd e Jos„un Y. Ey c., {pip U. tiomple, Pittab't D. F. Piorsen, J. veser, !d htA,R fi r re, freaient. . HAND. Vice Yresid Cretan.i!:lt William Martin, Edmund A. Soudan Aa r ?Vi4 n Pauld . in..r. ohn C. tiavis, MlTreenair, William Eyre, Jr.. Amax 0. ttana, William C. Ladwiiy, Joaeph H. Seal, tir. R. M. "Lofton, onto U. Leiper. l a/ lei Welty . WILLIAP THOS. C. KENNY INLBLIRN. 800 - FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. NO. 4. CHEBTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCIMORATED APRII,. 155413 Y THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRB AND INLAND R181(8. NiueTowle: Samuel VFnaht. D. H. Dim,. Nal, W. Walton, J. W. tv.lttli,B Riahartham, Amoy Inns. Jr.. . Geo A. well, Jacob N. Stout. 0. Wilson Davis, Evan Morro, ThOe. 8. Martin, Mena° Steno. OHON OE W. HAY, l'rebident. JONATHAN J. sLonum. Vice Freet. WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD. Baoretarr. Jail -If y IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM. -.JPA NY.—THE PENN MUTUAL Lin INSU RANCE COMPANY. Northeaet corner of THIRD and LIOOK litroets. Arsons, mom= Yd. INSURES LIVEN for the whole term of flife—ernAte annuities end endowmente—wurehelee life !Omuta in Heal Eet4to, and rates all contracts depending on the ot:RtmgeOoler of Life. rho) , sot ea Executors, Adrninlstratori, Assignees Truitees, and . TRUSTEES. Samuel S. Stokes, Wllimn Marn. James B. birl'arlar.d. 0.001 H. Trotter, ir..ml4 k....LA 3 t on, heuphihut Paulthne Edan urir. MA. Sumter, o a h n , l i le 1 1 , L.1 r 1 , ue o l i !ir.sor, Ilia S. Archer, email. Chnetinr e oneph :$l. Thomm, John (3. Brenner. ler, Fe4t,..n. ~ L. MILER, l'relident. ... sToKEs, Vice Yresq. tarn. aula-ly tesmel L. Miller, njamin Coates, ietiard 8. N illiam P. Haokes, William H. Kern, sanit,•l P. WqT, Charles Hit Henry C. Townser.4, Kodolpliss Kent, William H. cur, P. V. lluflow, William Robertson, Weisner hi. Rain n P. B.'3lioldi RISI lonil W. lioniton, Becret, f I NSURANCE COMPANY OF TilE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE Aril) MA- RiNE INSURAIiCE—DIo. 4 EXCMANtiIe. DUILD -08 ha red to 1761-0.19H3.1 akro,ooo—Aseeti, January I, 18.33, .147,416 All Invested in sound and available storunties—con tm us to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Ilultdints, Stocks of Merohandise, Scc., on hboral torus. DIECTORS: Henri P. Ph' nerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Mac ylestrr; Tobias Wagner, William S. South, Thomas It. Wattson r John B. liutH, Deno Freconae r Wlllumn It. Whitt,' Charley S. Lours, C. Carson. H . SIIERF_ERD, Preatdent. WILLIAM HA 11 PI , R. Reerebtry le 9-w (la tf H OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSI3- .2. A RANGE COMPANY, No. 41/ WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. M. W. Baldwin. Root. W. D. Ttulit. - t. r Edgar Thomson. \ s 'l.K.l,.iialu.. oho O. James. C. b. Rptintler, otin W. beiton, M. IL Houton, illiani Rainuel, Wm. H. Love, poG. Mitchell. Charles F. Norton, . R. Warne. John Cis, ton • hn E. Addiote. Edward A. Warne, R. 'E. Xensil. 11. IL Radungfor,,,, Thomas L. Wore. Preemant— H. W. BA L WIN, Vice President—E. S. WARN S. deoratare.—EDWlN LOUTH. dell 42' STEAM DIRECT TO ALL PARTS OF' GREAT BRITAIN AND jr% A fI L AVD t ig"AAniM A TA 4 la- - :r COM PA 1 , (1"8 IRON MAI . STEAM lIIPS. HAMMO, lA, Capt. H. F. Sahweueen. SASONIA, Capt. if. I. Mem. BORUSSIA. Capt. N. Ttilltlllan o BAVARIA, Capt. 11. Taute. TEUTONIA, Capt. H. Emom, Theme Steamers are alt firal-elaes Clyde-budt vexeels, are intended to awl from l'ter 31, North River, N. Y., RS follows : .. . . . FOR LONDON, BOUT/I A 111'TON. RigYRE, AND 11Afil BURG, 'rhe elegant and powerful Iron Forew Steamship 110 RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trautman. 7.14.141 tons m i nt., w i ll sail se arVIVO, on lIATURDAY, DECEMBEILMst, et lin'elciolt N. Pasisair including liikilroad Fare from Philadelphia to New ork. and Irma nom Ingrinton to London, nrst Ca nn. $ 1(X11 Stiool.l Cahn. 5411 Sten rime. .115 the 110REhdi.A. will be succeeded by the tellowing dt•iimships HA M-...—. 'WE ONES DAY. Fe broad y BAXONIA. RS PAY. march 1. TECTON/A--.:.-...TIIERSDAY, March U. BAVARIA.— ... (MONDAY, April 2. IF Passengers (invented to Liveriwol, Dublin, Bel fast. Cork, Glasgow, Paris. and Antwerp, at through ra 'rtielie steamers are fitted up with unequalled arqiom moderions for first. second, and third-class Passengers. The Beaded Cabin ainionnuodations of these Ships are e t l e a r l i t i Pic t lt h ine fir o a r pt7a o g r e m i o lis ' i t ie s i t l e' z n i ' „ e i rs. i Landon,Routh aropton, °Ayr?. and rfamburs to igew Panels forwarded from Ph'iladelphia to all parts of Europe at reasonable rates. Freight engaged in Philadelphia will be promptly attended to b 7. the Near York Agent. and slopped free of all minaniumn. • • • • For Fright or Panne, isrply exclurively to W. A. 1LA31114 Agent,. Of of On lidtmourr Anirrietto , " No:threat noruer rOURTII %tut CHFEITNI'T - - Etu ult 6 I , , MTATE • RR' KER Aro CONVEYANCER, NORRIS TOWN. PF:Nr , A. 110 . ntoonory, Backs, and Chester roan lies. for bale or • GOOD AtOlt TOAD ES on f. moo nyrotl.m.l. HANDSOME DWELI,II , 4IB tor Inlet to Noma KICK-Al.lKlNU\lAClllNh:Swhichteat- Tile t • per the clay. and malottyrttat. Prick Atachinca, Chat WheelA y Cla l. y e Bmidea, and rnstm. fm C.ll Kiln, at C. ANN GP:MOAN iNV N • ntult, Fifth !elm , / RRAW INtrAND PAINTINU • 8 1 41., 9 ; Engivenra and A/241We os' NtatiOn..l• Oreotan Painting !alaieriall , Pottchomania Peel huit anti Vance. Paint Boare for Children, and air° for Artie' and ttudenta. Filatures and Picture Frames. Plum Carrie. American rind French. OlifellOgits• Clam lotheCH tradOLZe. S & JANENTZK Y, No. 11.5 Pnuati hlliji Tll Ptreal WIIOI,F3AT,F. AND rtlol All, .at Cu QUCIAR-HOUSE MOLASSES.-150 tenni:And barrell i r v b JA fo MES de 01V 4 11 k. CO., MLA Strut. SALES BY AUCTION. prifiNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., vr.. 09 NIA R.IO•T FTRE}.7, FIRST SPRING HALE of HHIT;811, !Riga . SCOTCH, GERMAN. AND AMERICAN DRY tiOuDd. On Tuaadav Ntornlnn, Feb 7th, at 10 o'clouk, on Ea month~ credit, by rata. .t.e— ko paol;:rxes nr, , llotl of fancy and staple 'lnverted and dohwltio ry go,Nla. co - oatalevael and eamp:es early on the mornou of UNDERWRITERS' SALE—FOR CASH. On 'ruestlal Alorritng. • Febllan' 7th at 14 o'clrek— tt colt.. 1;0 t;eccs. Louthon plaid gliztintaa. 21 plecee black: nip etas. &mum] on ZIA, ro)age of oort SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 CIE3TN - UT STREET, Ir gerute the cut.= Fin` RTH and FIFTH Stripes. SA I.F, OF A PRIVAI E mußErv. UPON THE PRE- NildLd. No, 157.3 ItAil SET ST.. THIRD STORY. On Frtday Morrun4, Feb. Id crunnmncm,it Ldi (idle k.orabrdeau; teeny vz.lnsble sc, , ,nirns4.l omis, fish end r.v.i;es. Fr Open for exanunat,on on Thursday, Id last FIHILIP FURL CO, AUCTIUNEEPS W NO. r.Ol 56. street rad 611 f NOR Street. sa LI % 01 , IOM CASEY BOOTS AND sHUE`d, FRENCH CALF AND SOLE LEATIIEN.- Un Thursday atorn.ot bruery Rd, at 10 o'clock pre wit, will to sold try oltaluAue. on four months Credit- 1000 ester men's, bore'. and tenths' first ou car. dram. nrd hip boots nod brogan,: men'snnd boys Corlett.. salter, calf and natant leethar ;Called t:ea sod tolases' 1,001, lor.oo I callers, sh roe's. gum or ershoes Ac., ern 11,acing a law, and direitaloe aasorttr enr of zit, and Hater., manufacture. a vrthy the a tentron of tb.a tr At the cnmmencetnent or sale, an invoice of Fre , ch ca f skins and oak ea leather. Also at the C"li/11111.ellalFML of sale, 1..) dozen pr.:. kid end goat bine. J. WoLBYFIT SL Co., AUCTioNEERS. ao ARcii :Preet, between rift!l end Rim BUD DI AIOMUEWELIei'...).TRA FINP: 001 I , N Tilll-..5, AND A—lift l d'D JEWELRY --AIORMINti A Nip 1. V i-I , 4l`iii °ALL On Tr.cnday Alernin;. Feb. 7.3 at 11 °Met, And Iks o in the egeninr, At LA Arch me.' IN eltslegue. a ltrge rinnortment at extra, finest. niisl.ty. gn'd jewelry set in b dia monds iif the first wirer; ex., fins poll eh °tempter ivher fine !stet' and gentlemen. watches, Sc nn it t Leto-Mar.-oam,, of other Jewelry, o r Vas ee catanmers.r• Wednes day alternia.n, fled early on Thuralay tuornier. HOC EMIT, II Ft It NITUItFI. On Fed ,y Morning. Tel, SI, at 10 , d is fiie Arch street, n !arse fln.iortiiient of hunsehobl furniture, en, Sc. AI USES NA'rIiANN, AUUTI Is EEt 11-1- AND CONI'MISSION NIRRCUANT, mouthess corner of SI XVI arta RACE Street. MONEY TO LOAN. 8.230,000 to loan, in I.siiza or small amounts, (T -wos!, gold and miser plate, diamonds, watches Jewel yy, fowling p.eces. dr) goods, clothing. groceriec ci gars hanlwAre. cutlery, mit:neat matron:en:A, furniture, beildin2, horses, vehicles', }mums, &taloa all ayud e e ralue, for any length of time agreed upon, ca mare liberal terms than at any other tatabbklment to that Qtly, GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. At private sale, splendid piano forts, in rich roaewood case, coat e 401.1 pet e 81150; fine 18-caret gold hissitssor case patent lever watch, double time and bade en2eut seconds, only $125; fine gold huntins-case houlislis pa tent lever wetrhrc. the most approved and best snakes, from 225 to 1100; fine cold double bottom heh patent lei e 'a - niches. beat m vice, from ex) to IP); fine IS caret buntln detached patent lever watches 13 Jewels, from $l5 to re 3.5 ; open face do., from $lO to SL:. fine td-rtret cola Lem, blIr.:,11( cue swatches at r 32.1 , oven lace do, !rein lt , lo to :2 ; silver En.tbeli Wont let or v..,tches in hunting cases and double bottom, of the moat approted nod best make, from $lO to $2O; Amerlenn huntin4 case silver patent Peter watches at PIO; hunting cite silver duplex watches; ditto double time from $l2 to ex,: hunting case Over ;seer matches, full jetrellea. wands withaut a key, from 616 to SP); Lome do., from eilY to 610; hunting case silver detached lever prstenes, 13 jewels, from 09, to , 112; o,en face do., front $5 to 3; hunting OM raiser Lepirie watches, lull jewelled. from $7 to $10; open taco do, from $3 in 6; silver quartet watches, from $3 to $5; silver French watches, I um $1 to $3; gold patent lionises,: case end open face lave and Lepine, Fnpll..h. Swim anti French watches. from Ito 410; fine gold vest. fob, and neck chaina at ZO cents per dist.; fine Fold sets of ear-riage, breastpins and bracelets; Lanus, finzor ri11..., and J ewelry, tit every de scription. tor lets than half the usual selling print% $lOO OW to loon. to awns to amt apolicantx. on dry and every kind ot goals, lt less nasal charging than any other eetablishment In the city. uvr-BOOR SALES Attended to yorsonelly by the auotioneer, at Yer7 low oharges. COIN 8 IGNMEN TS 801JCITED. - - - . Cons , surnents of ail and every kmd of goods solicited for pubile sale; two-thirds the Talus of the goods will bt advanced in math:opal:on of the sale. MUSES NATILLN9. IN & A L - i n A 1 0 1 & B 9 p i F A u Lr e T IT E N E . R i 7 3 North hirt IN Slreef r. LOUIS, MO . ( formerly V:111 Messrs Al 'ere. Cinghorn. At Co. Ph ladelphtn.) odor the, services to the metro-nte, m•r.utaetutere, and others of Ptoladelnh". toe the "Ile at dr) goods, wnx re to hotos, ehoes. hardware. Jewelo Lt Casn ndvane.s on reee.rt Of 60 , 411. Pfkr , Bettlementr meth, three de), after sale. 11EFEhENCES hleters. hirers, elazhorn. A Co , •• Stuart & lirothrr Phila " Van IV, oh Townsend Warren', New Volk. " B. Curt a dc. l;"., ?Nee foss. Wood, Chrnni..k. co.. ht. Lotus, Mo. " Crow, hlcCrearr. 1.m4-(mWIT . . , lIIPPInit, THE Bitynsu AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM ... 111130 M NEW TOIEL TO LITZTPOOL. Omer Citnia illassge 6Nuad C". , n rallaa4e WHOY 80, , T0N TO LIVERPOOL. Chief reed - aro_ lUD EL.Coud Cabin Pasta 413 - ea.) snips from Iketor, os!I ea Ilea fag and Cork Battier. rEke,IA, Cs pt. Jud tins, CANA I , A. Caot Lang. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone, ?. 51E It 10A, Cast. Millar. Ahl A, Cant b. G. Lott. 'AGA RA. Ctpt Ancyrson, Af /tlija, Capt. checn.n R ti.? A. osgt. J.Lettch. SCUIIA. i cow budding.) These Vegabl carry 3 CU:at Itlo Le .4 u L at aust-heads een on starboard how tm port bow. titote, N irk,Wednesday, Jan.ll. EURO? rt. Leitch, Boston, Wednesday. Ise. Eg. AFRICA. Shannou, " N York, Wednesday, Feb.l AMERICA. Maar, it on, tVeduescar, Feb. 3. ARIA, Lott. " R fork, Mfedneblls, Feb 15. CANADA. Lang, Roston. Wettnesday, Feb.:L Licabs cot secured nutd paid for. Au experienced Sun erm or. board. the owners of these ships will cot be iso_yountabie for Goll, &Ivey, tJo lies, iJpecis, Jewelry, I.yecioue noses or metals, miles* talc of 'atone are eigr.ed tbe rem: and ejteeremexpreseed. }or Insitht orgas m," IMPLY to /3. 01. - 31 AILD, 4 BoWl'aLUV,l''. Araol,sse 67 p lIILADELPIIIA AID CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. dna. gniftir AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.THE ABOVE, NAMED CORPORATION, MILD AT NO. D MERCHANTS' HEM:LANGE. At 10 o'oloct A. M., September 7th,16:9, the folteep int gentlemen vim tinanirnovaly elected Director* the Com Pane. ell: GEORGE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WAI.N, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALTZTER, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of mid COMPANY are now open at toe shore named ol6ce, where all persons faverah:e to the eater- Prise are rerpoetrellp invited to enbarnbe. ea-t: FOR ENGLAND AND FRAM - A.- 40G NEW YORK AND HAVRE STEAMERrY CONIYANY. The United States Mad Steamthlys ARAGO, 2.5)) tone, Ibtand lanes. Commander. and FI:LTON, 2,54 tons. Jones A. Wollon, Cototr.ander, wall lease NOS' Tore, Havre, and Southampton, for the year inal, on the following days : To meet new seen:re:rents of the Post ()Ilea Defect meat, the &ors of tn.:lino of the AR AO() and FULroN from 11AV ffh: and SOCTICANIVIUN. win after the, present vo> aces, be chanced as .3 fohowe fora NEI"( VU.' K save in the cage of the present departure of tne F UL'f ON . which snti Lase else° on the 17th Decen:Ser, the schedule romaine unaltered: VGDM few NDAA.. DADP.It AND porniAlc?roN. VULTON....Dec. 17. FULTON—Jan. Id.. Jan. 11. ARA6O.--Jan. 7. ARAGO__Jan. 31.. Feb. 1. FULION..-Feb. 4. F I:LTO:L.-Feb.:l • Feb. V. - ARICA).". Nlch. 3. ARAGO .... fi1ch.37...31en. FULTON XL FULTON... Apt. Z. Tneee steamers. built expressly for Government ser vice, with double eniirleii. under deck every attention has been taken in the construction of the hull and ma chinery to insure suety and speed. Thu ships have five watertight compartments encloaltm the ensincs, so that in the 8N ent of colli Awn or strandies, the water could not reach them. and the pump, being free to work, the ratety of tin ,essal and rmarenzers would be se cured. Recent experience has demonsmled the abso lute necessity of this mode of conorretion. Tee accommodations for passengers are behaved to combine every comfort and convenience that can be de cried. From New York to Southampton or Havre-First Cabin, SVAI; Second dn.. $73. From Havre or Southampton to New Yorki-Finst Cabin, 7ial francs; Second do,. 380 harms .• • • • -. To passe mfecs Roane to London these steamers offer the a,hanta. a of economy Mtn in time and ext enle. Snec.e dellvered in London. No pug,go secured ,nto put roc. An experienced surneon on i.nrd. All !suers and ne7B- patten 1111.110. pan thrta..l - 1 the Po-a Off.ce• Of 111,111 1 it or I+l.'l=o xppic S. t) A YTON. Ake ilt. T Krottoway, New York. WILLIAM ISA LIN, Anent. Howe. CROSK EY A CO, Anew'. Sonthompton. AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS COMPANY. Axe . nt, Pens. M, 111. NEILSON, Anszt, Office, Tobaeco We.rehouse. DOCK arid FRONT Streets, Pluladelplna. Plans at the shire con be seen !I.J onn.ll DUX% 1111, OV u 111. ON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS FRIGHT REDUCED. Hearty Freight at an avera4e of Slyrat!! Ite tent. be low New York Steamship rates. FOR CHARLE C. 'Phe U. S. Mall flteeneetvp ef .STbN E. STATE. Cs tam Charles Y alarehrukn, will sail Cu Saturday February 4, at tit A.M. Throuch In 43 to a. Goan, once sal hears at Sea. FOR SAVANNAH, (la. The el. Mail leteitamhip BTAT h. OF OPOROIA Ca tain J pohn J tiaruin, earl ou Enday. February 10, at 10 o'clock A. M. - rhyme' in ea to 60 nrairs, only 43 hours et Sea fl.trltte , litir days cliansed trom ever] :Se:lmlay to every Sae days. Goads rens,ved. anJ Mi." of Lalng slimed everyctly• The eplentlki first-ejem sole-ernepl Ftearrentpa KEI - STONE OTATI: and OTATE OF ( 3 L0RG11a0 . 44 run as store ovary ten days, th a n forming a five day oomme niatition with Charleston and liavennah, and the South am]. Flout liwet At both Cuerteltet, inc Ervrkenett, three Stitpe con nect with steamers toe h•ritle. enttlitth rat , rotu.L M . &a., for all places in e P .lllll en.', Pont west. IN . :TRANCE. Freight and 1.11.111 . 211101, or, a larr pr: p, of Sori , ..s 'hippest Smith Lo found to le loco: Icy these Clip. than by Jostling vessels, the prerreum tit Ma CZC - Malf tree rate N. B.salantat rroVi.,at. IS tntlyely tonateasary, farther than Char'eston Savannah, the Railroad Compsaica pion,. 'hunk. (root these points. GREAT RLUI CTION IN F.tRE. Fare by 0111 Unite 23 to to per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Rowe,Ma 'MCA 11 ' teen 11 the fittorr.ns sche dule. Throar h tickets from 14 1 cezterypi, ins Charles, ton and ~ , artanlartenmen,ps.l:NCLUDlNG the whwe route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to 3leutt °mere' anti Tana. Ire Charleston 111 DO Chariesti.n IS 63 Stavarnah.— le GO ha.,nnsh-- nII Ausucta.....-. 20 CO Alitikts.•---- 23 CO Macon 33 70 Atlanta.- 1.1) St C 4! Clotumbun—, 23 00 C.Gtumbze 6S Co t t Many........, 24 iv Albany ---. nt,coincty..., Co CO 31 ,tretnerp.—.- tre o ft °bile 23 10 M0 . ..1`,e,. 44 10 New ... 39 73 New Orleans - !So Nil , of 1.1.1,ns Limed after the el.: hair sasliol. For frek ht or prissace apply on L.03.:3. at second wham! above Vine street, or be Al EX. IiFRON, J r. Scethvret potter F01:1711 and Clll- h`r:ii.V. ALents in ktnarleston, P. S k T G. BE Savannah. II .t 1JAA1311.11,. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Taesday. For Florida (win SW, &naafi, steamers St. Mary's atil t. John's. every Tuesday and Saturday. A U 'l' lON !—ASTROLOGY!—LOOR lJ OU l—ilOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The nener airs. Va N HORN it the brat; she coo seeds ulna all others have failed. All who Ste it trouble. all rho h are been uctortt.nate. deoei,eo tr else promises, tly to her for lee and rou.f.:rt. is lore affairs she ewer Yost, hiss has th e , oar ,t ii wlnnint, the adeetions of the opposite ses It is to • fact nloch Induces thiterate pretenders to try Cr , mitate her. and ropy her silt ertisetnent. She show, rot the Idonees of )our future wife. host-and. or raven. friend. It is well known to the pat 110 at lar...e that she the first and only ',emus who eon show the I;:eneoi reality. and cap alto entire saticactton on all the son tern, of life, which Call he tested and proved by Ib. iv tolnds, both married and sinzle, rho daily and easerl rut her. Come coo! wine o, all ! to &NMI LONI YARD atria, between Juniper and Broad. ta4S (It• fffs• 1110.11A21 - & SONS, Noe. 131 and la SOUTH FOURTH Formerly Ras. CT and O.) SALES REAL ssnrrz Affil STOCKS AT THE EXCIIANUE.—fiaIes rice erall end eto.lcs ererr ToesdaY. 1 4 , 1 Esc outic ar trz Su tore teeing the ovum. IN eerier ado. ILledboLs of each ykro2orfl timed the La which we publish. on the Ratardef prey:ref to the sate one thoossnd atta:ooes. in Pl.rephoeLi -n2i glPlnn fit delpzrlptlets of ;Li the roper:Yee to be tp on the fo!;oarineneadsr. REAL ESTAT AT PRIVATE GALE. le" . We have 44e azocen:cd reel utile.: ri rale see, Includnis ever, disenoLon of sag a.od . om.serf ProPartf. Printed lists 11237 be bed at the gayeties mow* PRIVATE SALE REGSTER. r Real estate entered on oar privets ee.e Miner and advertised 000ssiony in oar pobiie sale atetznets (of .hick LOX cop tea are 'rioted .08140 free of charg e PALL PALE*. STOCKS eiND REAL ESTATE. frAt Fa !Sale. Jan. 11,evenlc. the. Enna-tem IST Part of the Catalans for d eael of Las atcre as:a • eoyr reed r. OP 61742 ton rrimirrfig- FORTY., Y•INF. FRP`CR P 1 kTE MiREOf 8, SUPERIoR Hlfiß CA..hE CLOCK. A QUA•TITY OF RA .TA' CH Aißs ANTI, CHINA AN .1 LARAtt ARE. CARPETS. a.C. CA .1.) -Our .ruaa the /W . V. F . 1.5 , 8..i I can gr.a . Lae.d • of wwf a.T *s nood hand faro tare. gaw , r.or n theory ...NI by 1 -.."11J, fineFr+cd. scAtt mantic i ter Wrenn, W. a c.111..e.,.: • I.r.e eases t. of ',- tau nhltrs. beds and tir,e els imprial. inzrico. sod other cayeetc, Chins *at s'arslrste, e.. for:runt an sttra...t.e asaortaseet t•l• nner.t.on o inn others tlAsitoon a' I , UMW..F. LT CA talocurs now truly sad the Afrotlie4 br extm.osix.o. 81-0- :so. Thes.7 • Feb. 7, ar o'eloo cont. Inn soU• t Inc= Fora e— coosat of wton it ata7 CCZC4III— a-c CNurnti3 Co.lsa3 Itre.a 3 con loon 7 perc e nt. tends b I toy stelt, of tha Pl.Frva2. - 7.-tro4,3Y • For v.:enact of whom it may conne rte -4.5 av 7 per cent..• ••!.3 ..f the Nreik,lay Is; I, .an'a n. ll.' rocuems from Noe. in . . . A , Po. tor o"'a,r teemrtitt-- 7 toll mortgare rer pen'. eut., jr.,; an Cop." NLE •ni .MZEIFiCIa/1111li-SCY , rollteln•t: I. / 0,1.1 . 4 Merela:lle Libram REAL EsrATE , Lt.—JAv CARY SI , C 1 .2 o'cloct, core. Orphans' Crust Sa tt state of is ,lisim Caere See.f. be It LLlfiliz3.—sta tares-stun tannk thre• frame rt - sertnra, Ge:1.1.11:0•12 roe:. and ALlttLe street late Noratern Lthert , ss.t rptts,s' faro t 4 410 E 5,142 0 Vv.% Efe& IRREDELBABLS GROUND r ttE ee YEA R t ar.ll lbo-two stf tot s S f See A oonst cre• 1. s at), et enr.srlan. Celt of Mu; sea.tret by 'WA Cates story be,ek stwebtnsa. LEGA sr BR Wh-.110:11. RESIDENCE.- watt tode yard. Itiort4 Braid street. idea: aide. 10,111 W.U...21. lid:fo0 0) feet. with two Ismsts. Moans .Z feet f-or_t„ Stashed way •rdil I:oooterntntyrose n , n t.. bn,j, etil - Ce at Frew nu the rear ea.! of the CP 'nee sucet. IS:r Kee turd bats. Trustees Peremptory Sate.—TWO I ARGE VALUABLE I L DIN') Lt TS. ere at vas northwest Ge e of Antle r o ac h serreo_ct street s ine trent. oc. the Frank!. trd nd Lloys street tze ofter st Lie northeast eornsr of an d Sergepnt. sprats. ts-a.h Iron: on L'oy d street, 2a treteenth war]. The two to :o rtld as oar lot n-e fro-to Nil' :We ahen'ut, 1 WO-STORY BRICK ftWELLINO- wttn Sack Ise]. Ens', No 119 Cherry street west of Elf:h street. RE aL E.BrATr. HALL—t@CARY 7th. Orpk‘ne Cnnq A evs oe t a le of Bard Pa's zeirrra. 10T OF GROUND F.N.lthiresi rooter cd La1a0.".4 and Huron &Urea. Wr.t VALI:A BLE F o s o.kt s twee. tor , earl • Ltt stre-ta WortVlera Ltberted, tY fret f•-n:, and .7-.1 e , to App.. street. Goad wan e I. kT Non ntxteenth street. Ikut tale. ot. a P.n....Et ltreet._ 1 a.. 1.1: STORY d-ICK DWELLINg. sex mie kirc,t,cnrch of fecters.,n cr - rAL NEAL r 11101)P RNIDIVi• LLING Pc.LIM strceL VNlGlartcm tree. ward. NS STA %P.—Three-Ber. brick TAV2TM sA.I Parr unk Fnrid. W Cart= ...t — LARGt. ANL VALUABLE LOT. kAr.Oekki "'rarer Weatmescer areene &Ad Market sticat. fireasy - fourth Arl-d. REAL ESTATE SALE—FEIRI'ARY 1101. exert S e—Farate of -nos P. Ha ties. Cet 1 r tit W. LO Po .1 • ROUND. Tw-iith tirar.t, aotor enter-ran 'treat Tyr, '•th• vntre, DEP DIVE, FoArta woe , comer of Lei:lb:Aro arrant. THREE-STORY BRCS D FLU , 0 No- N. F , xEth siren a ore Willi .ee irtrier, with a :lame sc-iir7 Lr tic house 1 the rein on Lort•in Tli Reit. ND A RALE-STORY BRICK FACTORY and lorge lor, HAM. •rin and . inn atreeta. teorfta Tn - ont•-se.ond and Ttranii thin woe., No AT t.ODB N OW- t.LIN e.irtlieut corner or E4hth ant Lombard creels, writ :mid and has tax mo dern imorovimento and itneor. THREE 1:lt , ELLINGZ - l.—Ttiree-atom- trek &est lint. ••o. t t Chr Mtn creel, was two tares a ory brick de - e!Ln.a at the rear. reremytuti Sala by,e rder of Heira-7Ea4ta of Elliab.ierlt Fo-c, TititEr ET , NE DWEI LING& MAN.-ITT - NT. soutavest rile of Sprin.: a rant sa•c. aite learn vt S. G. Lever:as. Twenty-first re rd. i Sala etiolate.. REAL ESTATE g•LE—FEBRUARY SLY At I o'. - ' - K.kt—cr Perernly.tor. —H .*:`4l.).SuAlt. a EPIPEvCE. c::1 stalge. eoltert :I,llse u.t )ani, lu. 3.1.1 titna4 • - • Pereirqtorr 't't4-71-lii - ,- frTY RP ICK FTC ar.o dvrelion.r.rtylilverss to , !eer even S Fa: , w. c:rArta ad- Sail with, a. Firer:l;4,v .7..14,-1 WO THREE S TOP Y BRICK thre,ita4, Severti attatt tar,. re.mth ere-t. VINO Alt/ T HILL e -SION V MACK "MEL - LIN GS, ea.: ELY. of Bautmo etre.t. _ street, Leturec a 1 I4rteenth crest acd. FAL.. ra4. St:LI N0.1.7:21 Orden ;4••ee. GENTEEL IifiI.:BEGOLD CAR- I'ErB &o Tem Evelyn/. Feb. Is!. st 13 o' L... 11 etreet %, th! IBS teet het:At , rt, held futexe. carpets, Ste-. ` . 7 e• - cl.n•cs treeeceer, g. Also the kttehea flratt - are. iT May be exam:lle:l d oVcek ex the W.43r7lTe el the rAhe S.II9r:ELI.WF'Gr-i roorcs..EßoY 4 Tit 0.13: OF A W.K.,IO.IELLI.E. lit.CL.C.Sthu - - MNIM Oa Wectzea_Lae Erea.-4. Feb. le. a t the laeLee scare. st,k re:h-trat sla eel,i^e,:ca traria ca letererle; aurt.seta. s rzmoa Is far Part.tcu!ara m e5!.C.N31941. Bata at RN,. In sad 141 &Aft, Fiery !lawn SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FRENCH-PLATE vi.R RORS. PLLIS FORTE. BR 1. , 1-1.13 CARPET'S. Qc Tarrit.n, At 9 o'clock. AkCt.:] etttri. 1 1 4 3 CR250111 . of eletiTr.t scsor4 hand farn.t.sra. en -f ant M.O-krie. Ens norrars, carpets. els.. hollekeews c. remora,' to tie .ore fo:ormm.ents s. A. ti tine tai'ea. ,Alao. a iupo,Tor nt.a.cll tc , x. in c - 2.-;:r.l.lrn tittal. Aide, s sJpenor icatooar h;ih ute Tur. IsF.EKLY PRESS THE WEEKLY PRE-5.4 sabred rrx, ► Ntv lame int,h the New Year. To say, mere:, that oar pater bee bete icon d. woad be to Live far too wait ant iutetatte at Ilea of our at , SttiOtl—for, not only has been estsba shed en 2 teen r s_.l se r.. :stet is. In raslss,arasrsen.^.cs exassrS3 et do dewy` I nt tarns inse3 a n4atl7-wa—'--tta4 esa receive at the hard. of a irbers: atql iteighterP!. retl•c. Oar most srottfJ thanks are terdered for the ra:renare already teataved oyua vs. arC - we she!: 're-' to efort: which may serve to reader the one: , ircta more attractive. aural. sad Ter...l: a th e The FOLITICAL coons of — ItE WEEKLY PRESS teed tot be eetrzed upon hare. ltdererdest. treQe, and hianess. It hos busied. itsweverias LT ...I in defence of the aaaiust EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and a--!'h!/ tyrtrauaat !eusLatton; ever deamia; atd at.h the doctrine that POPULAR SO rEftEtrj tutee tLe fitaaaaaental hes s of our free irst.tut-- - ,ts sty that the tr.teLuence azd garnet-am of cur et:. seer a a:twat - she anserrati%e of a *lse. jrat.2,:t calu tar) 6 at - - erument. These are tLe artnetples to hiet TEL:a WEEKLY PRESS has beer, co - zart - tad. and to theta it all Where. OUR NEWS COLUMNS ell: continue to be the ta%ect of nammmtcra core en attention. and ail thilsecce tc emp'..oyed to make p.per a e.linpecdtLEl or al the ermc.po!ever.,eef hc.o rest which at home and all-m.l Tha LITERARY character of Tin: WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be cf ee rued stamp. shall not oni. maletam its present lt Eh standing, but !shall be enhanced by imporMet and raln Lle contributions from ab'e 'writer., Deeming TCI:2! •105 ens the great safegeard of p :irate happmess and Pulbe Proepertty, we shall carefaLy exclude from o,„ r columns everything wh eh may reasonably be ot , ,ecm.2 to , n the score of improper tendency. rhe dean of pure Memento afford surlctent material to makes/ AC CEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. contam-es at the elements of excellence, without a eztis.le oh.astau. able line; and the proprietor of the TR.E. WEEILY PRESS mar featly <gar= that no head of a femilo need hesitate to let its co'nmut go under the rotme of e'ty member of his het:re:m..l. The ceyera , fettureihof the rar4r.t, POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMM , Te, n^:i Poetry Skartrs, Blot, cMy and Origin,: and Sz- Jecte.i Tess, chosen for their lessees of life. 17.1.stra tiona of Inver), depletory of manner,. and gnerhl merit—rind mi%2let.l. in their vanety, to the terns of ban sexes and all lazes. Dna cue erlll M taken to (waist oar re-dere with correct end saiimbia rep , cie of the f , oiLioetil.f Cttte markets, mule up to the Latest hou-. Amon; Elie lucre canet) of ut cars in n7re fJL the curoce of THE WEEKLY PRESS. a m 7 t aucntioned tam: we [SA:: cOtome.w.3, 10 00? New [ek=e, the piitlicuion of - - en Of 'total Nore ette of ■orpaaein_ ovens:- cr:ert In I.llth..`f of soknorltd,ed Tha con . - 1 rrn through INTO al numbers of tier,;.., !Ltd ne, t. tteelf. worth more thse the e.t.a tutre.d Lr a y nee auleteriptiom In a word. It art'l l the enJeawor of V: c•••_••Tere...l tots:aka THE WEERLY PRUSS c: - •:::::she a fa- —:•s• FAMILY JOURNAL. mh0...) Ins al: the olearacte.:,:h:•s 0(0 Careral:7-Ver , re•l were-rarer. sr E,:lat:,:cnoes oro re:tr-e , t..: , er:ls.4 , ekl. To C• 11, who c:' , t‘exe rttr , e:s:a.: e•• FREISS." reccrtitsde In forward enters 1:: the DLO Vets :!a is earnestly reccra.:l enJea.t. ar. rrsen: onsot IS behaved t_ a: la:_ of :‘l2 : will he r. 1:0.2. w:': re to famawa tees hara:.ers, In wh..e i rife mas: er.e COP T.ooe 7elr Twee Copies. one ee l-._ nye eoples. one elf ... Ten C0p.ce.0.:12 yes-......._—..... Twenty Coro's. to one ad 're:a. at t Twet.ty Copes, to one addreze of es: rnt serthe,r—... -. C.) Any pawn aerld,n4 to s tT.nb of Twenty or more. wtl to enntled to an extr• cone. We ecet rce to send THE WEEKLY ['RES , . to Clergemen Fl. Sudeertpttone may comm etre , at so. Cr,. Terra, alwa)a cant. In ac.vrtztre. Ad letters 0., to bl2reasket: to JOHN W. FORNEY pH TL ID BLYT3T A CLCUTTA T W UNL—Juzs: tnperior lot of ( . .... I.l!!ATicia,. rind tor r..l* . kk, F;TI Fit, b. CU.. cintl int ot. %TWA, WWI N, I_A KEN TO WINTER en a A A FATIII in rel%wsre warty. Eire'ient ard expAneneed Ciroa. y tic. tnt RtVOl.l• irtor• UL CITRONELLA—For sate by WEI HE RILL b. TITER. a 7 .v.. 4 to 'Yr..., • ta-Smoke.? Sum and Shozectsza. atsh 4.0 Ve ~ ie x extra sugar creej ye k ar r SAI)L , R S:reet_ do aberre FlCat. T,ttt.zft. AND SOU ii AAR. CIIANTS.—MANILA 110iF--A Large net von.. Luarto4 stnek of Mamie. Rope, mmaarsotzued sad for Ct. nr New lerk &AVERt7_ I VP. Wan wt. mini% IT hirfel SALES BY AUCTION. A NEW VOLI3 ME I THE WEEKLY PP.ES9 LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NNWS JOUY.NAL RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS: A;retk.NT TIMES 1 OLu VIRG:NII TER:IIb No. 417 cllEsrsur STREET, .Si•• AN!, SIMUL , ERN.-:.3f.) - .. 3 1.) - - 23 BEM