HitorolarioatAar ANEODOTE.—In the year 1,778, when the combined forces of France and *oriels:l9am contemplating an attack on 'Newport, t. 1., General Sullivan arranged his command to march against the British army. 'He disposed his troops into three divisions:' the first ;division were ordered to take the west road, the second to take the east road, And the thirdlto march in the centre. The ad.' oval - zee-guard having arrived within 800 yards of the British fort, commenced throwing up, entrenchments. The British then fired a few • scattering shot, which passed over. the heads; of ithe Americans' without doing any injury. The American guardswere placed about thirty rodsin advance of the army, and within speak-' ing distance of the guards of the British ; and. in full view were five or six hundred horses feeding, which excited the _enterprise of a • young martby the name of Mason, about twen ty years old. • This young.ma.n, in open day, and in the presence of both armies, conceived: the bold dettign of carrying off one of these horses as a prize. In a low piece of ground, between both sentinels, were a few scatter ing alders, by means of which he contrived to yens both lines undiscovered, and made direct for the pasture, where the horses, with their saddles on, were feeding, and the bridles slipped about their necks. Among these he selected the best horse he could find, which he mounted, and, after leaping two or three fences, entered the road which led to the American army. As he approached the Bri, tish guards, he put spurs to his horsetanci passed them before they had time to recover from their surprise; when he received the fire of both sentinels at the same time. But he had the good fortune to escape unhurt, and arrived safe in the Amerloan\camp with hie noble prize, when he halted, and•drawing the pistols from his holsters, discharged them . both in'triumpb. But the alarm givon by the sentinels called out both armies, and the panic extended even to the British fleet In theharbor. Alarm guns were fired for many miles up and down the coast, and the whole country was filled with the utmost Consternation. , The British army paraded in front of the , fort, expecting iirano. dlate attack. The troopers Immediately sprang for their horses, when lot one poor red-coat was seen wandering alone, destitute of a horse. The cause of alarm was soon discovered, and both armies retired. Mason, after exhibiting his horse in proud triumph for about two hours, sold him for live hundred dollars, a fair reward for an adven ture which;though not strictly in accordance with the precepts of the w moral law," (which, fn times ofemergency, are often disregarded,) was one of the most bold, daring and success ful enterprises that history records. , Is a not uncommon thing to hear all who do not possess musical ears, denounced as barbailans, Goths and Vandals—in short, St seiazia bo conceded that, as 'Sliakspeare bath it "The man that hath no musio in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems and.spoill The motions of hie soul are dull es night, And his erections dark cur 'Erebus I Let no such roan be trusted." We are not of those who believe that, as a general thing, the untuned ear is deserving of such reproach, although even the grave Mato. Tian, Folyloius, ascribes the humanity of :the ancient Arcadians to their knowledge of the musical art, and the barbarity of their neigh- Cynethians, to their neglect of it. Nor are we at all convinced that we aro in er ror, because Beattie, does not suppose that a man of ' Polybius' penetration could be mis taken in a matter of this kind. To" show the falsity of this musical theory, we might adduce numerous instances. The love of elegant Poetry, and of Music, both the offspring of refinement, are often disassocia ted. Burke, for example, was an Wait lover of Poetry, and particularly of Milton, in which his exuberant mind discovered kindred reflec tions. But Burke had little ear for music. Fox had none at all. The ears of Pitt and Dr. Johnson were equally tuneless. Alter all, we believe that the profession which thousands make for music is only an affected penchant. LANGUAGZ or FLowsus.—Our fair readers are respectfhlly requested not to pressnt a sprig of. geranium to a young gentleman for whom they entertain no more than ordinary friendship; for, since the publication of Illo ra'il Dictionary, it is generally understood as an evidence of preference over all other suitors. Dogwood blossoms signify ic I hate you," mid may be distributed among the grosser sex, rid libitum. Whenever a ranunculua is 'altered you, you are to understand "how much the youth is dazzled by your charms;" exhibit then the" them apple, and bid him good eve ning. IMPOR ntrioNs. (Reported for the Prem.( LIVERPOOL—Ship Ann B Hooper, Hooper-401 skits mdse Stuart & Broi 73 ik D Parrish; 71 mem & Co; 30 Writy & tidlilan; 34 13 lirahain & Co; 13 II Weiner; 10 W Mcßae & co; 7 Shaoleigh Hue Hill; 6 Li run dg w India & Co; 2 Pt t.; Redmond & Co; 6 polo grass feed D • nudreth & BUD; 50 tea ble.whing powders 40 do sulptt amnion's, rowers W siglamao; 119 do soda ash° W GhtlruhiS2 7 ll -26 do bleathing powders Jessup a NO; .315 do soda 53 do Washing powilorq F., & arnall & OW 63 do soda Ph 10 do chlorate of rem 100 bet borax 6 bins alkali Dulles & Cope; 41 , ,trtindlet steel Curtis & klair • 100 ohms plates Norm & Son; ,9 packages steel ' lsarlor & Co; 3610 boxes tin plates N trotter & Co; 200 bundles iron W F Potts; 1900 bars X) boodles Iron 81 II Mahony & 630 WI. do C D Robbins & Co; 230 bdls do Potts & netts ; SI lairs 663 bdis do le & oTaylor ; 860 bare do orris & Jooes is Co ; 65 Gass* steel D T dolly ; 66 alms seeds R 1 2 pkss hdw Marshall & Cot 2 do files K D Yllmdolt t 1 pkg mdss Ali Carson • sdo D. wwwo i2do W i P jug nOllllll ;21 Leonard & ' Baker; Serra earthw Wilson & Bonne; 20 do AN Liberman' 4 o Thos Moseley ; 368 do Skt Pierce, Son & Co,* 72 d As ow Al do ti Hainuiersleg ; 1 300 sacks salt 8 Bald. anti & Cot Led pkgs mdse 189 casks sods ash 3 bales wool " pit I y o .n order. A I M Robt Pennell, Huxrerd -0911 galls .Winter pomp!. 16 FM do bleached winter whaled°, ellrober, Bating & Co ; 102 do winter sperm 7e6760 blew:Hied winter whwe do, liod,sei .n & Keen ; Mk/ do winter sperm do, Chas Amory, Jr. & t,o ; 770 do do roohran & Russel ; 1650 Ins sperm canthes, 3118 galls sperm oil, J 1.• l'ouiroy; 1411 galls whale oil pressings, UV- Its foots: 0 mane & MeKeone; 44 bales 17 eases 111dae, Chi mery. Jr, & Co; 21 bales paper hangings, 113oWell & ftroa ; I do n Dimond & Co ; 27 do J E Van weer; 15 boles mills, Penn's Railroad Co ; 1637 galls .41 411.1tAll i g r i d ll t , ° C...-Sehr Lizzie idaull-22 bales raga & Moore 226 bagii. a nuts 6 Colson ; sdo UU pie l 1' ri , 26 biles cotton. 96 bids rosin 6 6 Van Musings. J r ,• 611 Dalai cotton,' 142 bble rosin, 100 bids tar t 200 do spirits wrpene Cochran & Russell 4_26 do spirits turPootine o Johnson; II btles *Won Kateli & Poster' 18 do 4 1 , 1 eilidss ic Erin 125 du, 301 Co nUtl. 60 bales cotton, 6/11 bids rosin order. BON AIRE—Bri, Plantagenet-040 bbts salt B A Bon der & Co. eatiadmia.illa. BOARD OF TRADE. hA. J. - D c°PE Mealß It/ Jr. COSIIITTS2 OP Tai E.U(lld, LET;ES BASS air Tim ItIZICSatITe tice+aes. PHIL4D111,7111.1• Otimmshio Vigo, bliarhougo, Liverpool, vjg, Queenstown Pr. amp drnganza, Helm Liverpool, soon Brig !Amato, King ...............eardeass, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM TILE UNITED STATES. sittre Ito 4 7 k 1,1: '01 1 pass et------,..,.. 1 3: - ......L i = 1 :::::::::.-- I pin I t I n tlro i rr i '.....: - .2:1( 3 .1::11:1, 1 e'r. - —,. - - IV:, it ' unTrna ... ..:::fi'dr:::11,17,','°;I::::::::::It L 5 nh. Bel ........iew ,0rk..01aeg0w..........,..Jan A roman.. - ..... Neer lork. • Bremen • __Jan 28 ru5ent..........New Yo rk..tfoutbampton.. --Feb 1 wi0n.•.........L. New York, .Havre....-.-..--. Feb 4 ... , - , - Ott , .SAYS • - FOR - Dais /few ork.....Sotitha.eton..Nesr York-.......__ - m,.D 27 John It ..... ...,111nenow../fety York."... Den 28 2:r "Liti-T 4 .71;it.".131, - .ll7,lrrit-- — 7.. iVi : 1na....400 . ... ~ 4ivo r puol . . Portland, ...............lan 4 oaten- .-...aouthampton..Plew York ....... .....Jan 11 aunta.:.-..Donthampton..N err Y0rk....-......Feb 4 Ara40...-....Bouthampum..Nerr Yerk—.............Feb 8 The Califonna Mad Steamer, call front New York on the Bth and lUth of each month. The Havana Summate leave New York on the fdli ra• ft_h. . I.lth 11th, and Nth of each month, and Charleston, U., • on v g i e 4th and 19th. ~ an the above date, fall on .13unday, the steamers will tail onhiondar, except from N ew Orleans. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 141R11 01 1 rlll/,,A.11111,P111A,. Sim 17, MO. 6112011.88.8., m ---.7 20-81 1 71 „ .5 0 wan wA'Erat-- .8 5B ARRIVED. • . oteamship Boston, Bellew. 21 hours from New York. ... with mdse anyassengers to J Allderdice. - Snip Anti E miser. lioopor, 41 days from Liverpool, With within to it Penrose. Brig vrarg,lgle, Fonl.3llnyn from New York, in bal last to.Thoe Wattson & Sons. 01,14ARED. Steamship Konnebeo, Hand, Piew York, .1 iliderthee. ' (Correspondence of the Philadelphia_Bchallge.) NORFOLK, Va, Jan. 14. Tho steamer Philadelphia arrived here this morning In'm Philadelphia. and 24 hoots from Cape Henlopen, notwithstandin having encountered a gale the whole • son. liar, Maohinery work,' With the regularity of a chronometer, and her nailing dualities are every thing that oould, be desired. I ant now coasting here, and will leave here this evening for Wiltlegtoo Yours,&o.• JO P. ',kyr, Master. • MEMORANDA. Mt .Th e nalui Ware , pilot, reports the, follovring ;;„ Is as Baying passed to sea: On Thursday ,bark Seal for filat,ovis on Saturday, barks for mt. A A Drebo rt, for -Cardenas, and Wig_ chen • or New Orlennef- liuuda. at a P al, shirt • • d lame, for Pensacola, bar ks Contains, for Canton, for Brnuswiok. Ca Danielnd brig Ell Ingo. At Reedy Island, br i g a Mato! I 7 , • .. °bile. At New Castle; the lotus bound down. fred can% from Mavens, at the, p r e ft k wa t6,- o n , Ito lesticiuder;Peonn; for Philadelphia, entered for LiStitynol 234 ult. , • ' ' , amp Tornaderalumford, for Bornbay,wne in the river at e t l VA lib li i all,7eit w afl ft . :l7l7 ' A' Calouits,,lriived - Opvesend gdthalt. ' - Stu, Priebre, froth Rhanghaeßast'29th, IMO bilks, at NOW York 11th lost, r • rig -Twee Vrienden, (Outoh) tor Philadelphisortas - ' reline Helyeet Pad ult.' - - Bent A , Cord nry, Allen, for Georgetown, went to sea from charlerten Nth test. - Bohr Ha Ceintaliallailton, from Charleston, arrived it Oserfetowno Oreth inst. • • --Bohr Canino: Cooper, woo op of Wilmington, NC, 14th • tor Yb ladelphia. • ' - hr Jame, egadison, Travers, for Mirth , pan 47th, vrm .' at k f lastoa Jam. Wm nit—before reported for MINI SO „Itioharti , Vasa, Stink, at Ottorsetown, SC, nth Inst. rom Charleston. o - Behr Limp sharp, Cmpton, from Matanzas, at Pen ' . OWNS Plol4olle Ttit lust, • LEGAL. IN VIE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND CoUNTY OF PIIILADELPHIA. WALTER LAING vs. EDMUND STEELMAN. Jane Term. 1869. No. 788. Ft. fa. SAME vs.tlablE , Septeinber Term, 1869. N 0.210. Fi fa. DAVID JAY,NF , vs. Mist UND hTEEI.MAN. beptetaber Term. 1849. No. 199. Fi. la, CAME vs. 1010 E. September Term, 1869, N 0.621. Ft. fa. GEORGE C. BARBsAt vu. EDMUND STEELMAN. Reotember Term. 1889. No. 188. FL fa. JAMES BAKER vs. EDMUND STEELMAN. doptember Term, 3859. No .285. In. C. B. & V. M. SMITH. ve. EDAIUI4 1) STEELMAN. September Torm,lB4). N 0.998. Fi. it. 'JOBE DOWLING vs. EDMUND STEELMAN. Soptember Term, P 69. N 0.488. Fl. fa. JOHN Al SICKF.I. vs. EDMUND_ STEELMAN. Supremo boort. January Terum,lB,o. No. 9. Ft. It. The Auditor appointed to make dietribution of the Send in Court,. raised by the sale of personal properly by virtue of the above write, will attend to tho dutles °Clue appointment on MOEiJAY. the Seth day of January. 1880, at 4 o'clock P. M., at lime office. S. W. corner of Philadelphia,t and Washington equate, in the eity of when and where all persons inserested are required to present their claims, or else be debarred from coming' in upon said fund. January 18, 180. CLEMENT B. PENROSE. 10113-100 Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TIIE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Hartle of WHAT AM W. CRAM, deoeasod. Aooount of ANNE B. P. CHEW. Executrix. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, nettle, ariCadidst the acoount of Anne fit P. Chew, Execu trix of the last will of said William W. Chew, deoensed and to make distribution of the Warm in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of hie appointment on MONDAY, Jammu) , 2.3c1 LP 60 at 4 o'olook P. M., at hie o ffi ce, N0.,2 1 1 South F I PTH 'Street, in the oity of FlilladolpLitL. jal2-thetu-dt JOHN 0. Hal KN, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS , COURT FOR TILE -E. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MARV 0. LIPPINCOTT, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to tiudit, settle, and adjust the account o Joshua Lippincott, Jr., Administrator of the estate o [Mary 0. Lippincott, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hande.of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY. January 23d, MU, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his No. 255 douth Fourth street, in the city of Phila delphia. - mis-stuth-et WM. $E ftEANT. Auditor. IN TIDO ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP OFI•. ADEL WA. Estate or BARAK. B. PHELPS, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adiu t the account of HAW]) H. H GAN. Execu tor of BAR.s 11 B. PHELPS, deceased. and to make dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his aPpointment, on _FRIDAY, the 27th January, 1860, at to clock, P. M , his abut, /28 oath 817C.Td Street. in the City 'of Pluladolphts. ja7-stuth6t • OF.O. A. COFFEY. Auditor. -R. THE SUrREME co tatT OF PENN SYLVANIA, FOR. THE EASTERN DISTRICT Oflanuary term. 260. No. 26. In Equity. Elizabeth Y. Walker vs. Sophia V andewaterDunshee. George M. Patolion, Mußelit Munn. rind Sam!' Ann Martin, his wife. George Patchen. Edward Fitzgerald Patohen. Samuel J. Welker Patchon, Joseph Patolien, Sarah Marshall, 't homes. Marshall. Martha Trimmer, darah Duck, Emma purner, hlarshalt, Emma Ylarshall, Samuel blarehall, John Manumit. Ann Mar. shad, William M. Entriken, Benjamin Johnson, and Mary Ann Johnson. his wife, Benja min Entriken, Emma Entriken, Thomas Entriken, Emma Entriken. Mary Entriksn, John Entriken. And now, Dec. Srd, 1859. on Sling the bill in this ease, and on motion of John C. Knoxl and David Webster, Solioitors of comp , ninant. it is ordered that a writ of aulmcena be issued, returnable on the S st Monday of February next, and that the writ be served personally, or try copy, on all of the defendants residing in this Corn mouwealth, and that as to such of the defendants an re side out of the Plate. notice be given by the publication of the writ in" The Press." a daily paper published in .he city of Philadelphia. at least once a week, for six successive weeks Aud it is further ordered that John F. Whitening Esc, is appointed grdian nil Num, for Edward Fitzgerald Patchen. S. J. Walker Patchon. and Joseph ?Mahan. minor children of Henry Fraction, do °eased, Emma Betaken. Mary Palmitin), and John En triken, minor children of Thomas Entriken, deceased, and that a copy of "The Press," contain ng the writ and notice. haricot to the poet Once per mail of the non resident defendants. Certifier, from the record. In tostimonywhereof, I have hereunto set my seal hand, and affixed the seal of the said Sup eine Court. at Philadelphia. this fifth day of De cetriber, A.D. 1869, RO. •sYLER, Prothonotary. PASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYDT A AA Nib. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA, SS. roe idonmonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Sophia Van dewater Dunshee. George M. Pritchen. Mulford Martin, and Marne Ann Martin. his wife. George Pinchen, he , ward Fitzgerald Patehen. Samuel J. Walker Patchen. Joseph Patchen, Sarah Marshall. Thomas Marshall Martha Trimmer, Sarah Bunk, Emma Dumey. Wil liam Marshall, Emma Marshall frainuel Marshall. John Marshall - Ann Marshall. William M. Entriken, Benja min Johnson. and Mary Ann Johnson. hie wife, Eliza beth Entriken. Emma Entriken, Thomas Entriken, Emma Entriken, Mary Entriken. John Entriken We command you. that you nominally he anti appear before tholusticeenf our Suprem. Court of Penner Minim, at a court to be holden at Philadelphia. in and for the Eastern district. on the Snit Monday of h ebruary next. to answer to a b,li of complaint exhibited axitinat you in our said court by Elizabeth T. Walker. and do further and to receive what our raid court shall have considered in Ibis Cobalt. And this yen are net to omit under the penalty of four hundred dot tars. Witness the Non. Walter H. Lowrie Chief Justice of oar said court. at Phibidolphia, the third day of Decem ber. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. RU. TYLER. Prothonotary. MEMORANDUM.—The defendants have to enter their appearance in the suit in the Prothonotary's office on or before the day at which the Alit is returnable; otherwise the bill may be taken PTO COPIPSIO. add•tutlt Ito. TYLER, ProitionotarY. BREAD PURE AND 011EAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN BE OBTAINED AT . TEE lOLLOWINO PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, B. W. Donner of Broad DAM Vine abrade. 0.1% CLARK.— .--.—P op lar street, below H. MoNEIL.— L.corne et. Sixth and Coates stre JATHO ,Nci, 2.56 North Fifth street. JOHN 0, MOXEY-- —N0.1123 Vine street. T. P. North Fifth skeet. E. 800 Y—...- H. E. corner t Fifth sad 8 runs W. W, end Lomat streets, D. —Broad street, below Wal nut. GEORGE GARVIN---.—No. 1419 Lombard street. D. COURTNEY., —....N in Nl ig g i r i t , r B xteenth WM. C0URTNEY._....... —...—N0. Ast Bong ' twelfth street. IL R. WANAMAKE _..Fe d e oe rat street, above xth. S. LENTZ— --Corner South Fourth and Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND.— Stxteenth an DAVID SADDLER " Wig' Eleventh street, I. WEIGIITMAN--...—Thlrteenth street. below Thompson street. S. S. 1040 North Front . _ _ etreet. B. BROOKS.— W. corner ofiSeventh and Pine etreete. • F. W. corner Tenth and Bhippen streets. E. B. TURNER.—..—....—No. 1218 South Front street. J. BHUBTER---- B. W. corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. 8LE8T...............—C0rner Nineteenth street and Ridge avenne. 8. 8. E. corner Ninth and Federal streets. J. MeINTYRF Twenty-second street, ab. Coates. ALEX. FULLRRTON........—Corner of Fifth and Chris tian. 81R8. E. RAMBLER.....--No. 1731 Coates street. D. F. & T. W. WOLF ea Girard avenue, WM. Mc0RACKEN—....:......V02 Hamilton street. R. R. oorner of Twelfth and Me on etre . jet. JULIUS W. cor. or Thirteenth M. stre NIPPEB and Parri corner sh of et. Fourth end Green street. 111 Ra. F. E LLIOTT .....8. IV. corner Tenth and Green street. J. L. HICKB.--.—.....Camdeu, N. J., store 119 Are), street. C. Philadelphia, &tithe. ab. Enverford road, N. L. YARNELL—Leiun, Penns. JOHN BARNDT---Tremont and Pine Grovel Penna. GEO. B. TOWNBENB.—West Chester, Penns —..Atlantio City, N. J. D. HORTON--......—F10ren0e, N. 5, 8. F. HBEHLEIN Columbia, Pa. lex-tf NIECHANICAL BAK.gRY, S. W. Corner Mk BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This establiehment ie now in emcees ful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to call and see the wholepropels of bread-making for themselves, The undersigned takes the liberty of saying that for thirty-five years he has been a prac t ical Baker—five as apprentice and five as journeyman in one of the hrst house. in %rotten& and twenty-five as pester — during which time e has had the opportunity of making many experiments, and observing all the improvements which have been made during thatperiod. In this establishment, of which he bee now the man agement„ in addition to the complete labor-saving ma ehlnerY. he has how facilities of many kinds not hereto roye possessed. Being Pnrestmined io the purchase of lour, none but the soundest and best shall ever be used; and he has no hesitation In saying that Bread of all kinds can be de livered, unsurpassed in quality and weight by that made by the ordinary proems. Families in which the Bread made by, the Mechanical Bakery has not been tried, or in which hag been tried only at it, commencement, before the machinery was in perfeotworking order, re reirpectfolly asked to give it a trial now, the unders igned believing it would lead to mutual advantage. JOHN u. MOXEY, mist-tf Superintendent MACHINERY AND IRON. 81.111121. V. MIRRICE. I. VAVONIII NVIMI4X FOUNDRY, . gOUTTIWARK FOUNDRY, Poa FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET/, goNa t ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Ataantaotora High and. /ow Premium Steam &sines, for an d , River, and Mann. Novice. „Woos, Oaootner Tadm, Iron Boats, &o , ; Castings of ail kmde int or rya or Drama Iron Frania r for Gam Works, Work Shove, RMI - Stations, , • ' Retorte and as for of the latest and most Ha ywood orystrwofion. Every description of_ Ylru,tion Machinery, snob as Sugar, Saw and Grivt.fdills tp. aouom tam use 844103 T r i k ViteilA P ßtel a r l i ffAr tang ApparatosNaomota'a teal Steam Emmet; Ana . AingawaD Jr Wolsey's Patent (Marla( num= Ins Bl&OraZe• SILVER.SOAP—A simple preparation for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors, Mar ble, .h.o. far more convenient and effeetive than any other. one half the labor of House cleaning mil, •be saved by using this Soap which cannot possibly ere the finest lino white, an as no se rubbing IX Tea red, the saving in the wear o the paint is mpoh greater then the oost (lithe Soap. It eaves the our ace es pure antl white asylum new. Manufactured onlyby the lion indexical Soap Oompaur. and amid by thely_mis m bid agonoralAMAßD ,t VQ,, Apothecaries, TWEL TB tui OHERTNII . • - et. NAVAL STORES. • 300 bble Siorita Turpentine. 30 do erode Turpentine, 5400 do rpping Rosin, 11 , 0 do Te r. Z 0.5 do toh,_lrt store and for sale 1:1A ROWLY, ABHULIRNE , tr.. Co ' al No. IS WHIT if V. 14A AVER , UPEFIRAID BURAX, in store and for %, sale WETHBRILL & BRQ_THER, d9l 91.:97 Rnil 40 Nein/. 191,1111,119[trail MITON'S ritiOAUSTIO TILES toy floors. me,tto.rlog for oottagOSiia,.kiznt ri tltrdligmanWates ooa dnotois ed a • fat.lll IMO IN &NAM& MARTIN & QUAYLE'S Lvio- 'STATIONERY TOY AND FANOY 600D. _pi psi k gm, toes wALr4UT BTI T, • snow manum it na:Smfp P ILADaPHIA. Constantly on hand Parfnmara Toi lot Article& • I gu t 1. 8. eras, waren, and finetpulveriztd A coffee and_yelnw War, for isle by JAIVIEB GRAHAM dc LBTI A idtreet. Jag SYRUP 'MOLASSES, tte.-600 Ithda. and bide; °home end medium Syrup. Alen, prima Mus eovndo Mo'fiven, Me sale by.JAML4 ORALIAMI 00., LETITIA Street. Ja9 JAVA CUFFEE.-1.000 pockets prime Java Cot Tee, for sale by JAI VIES GRAHAM do CO.. GETITIA Street, • la 9 Sth AMMONIA—For Bale by AVETII- BRILL & BROTHER, 47 and 4D NORTH BE GM threat. • lalo COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. rIMIE PARTNERSIIIP lIERETOFORE existine between the undersigned in the BT. LAW RENCE HOTEL, under the firm name of W. h. CAMP BELL & CO., has been this day dissolved by mulled. cone-nt. W. B. CAMPBELL is authorized to wind up the humus, who 1 , 111 hereafter carry it on on Ins nu n atieeunt. WM. S. CAMPBELL, A. GORDON ISULLIN. January THE COPARTNERSHIP lIF.,RETOFORE existitut between the subscribers under the firm of B. G. ?e.. J. ROBERTS Is disdol lied by mutual consent. The busmena of said firm will be settled by Jesse Ro berts. • B. O. ROBE WO, Philadelphia. inn. 11, WO. .T. ROBERTS. JESSE ROBERTS wilt continuo the lumber business at heretofore ut Cltestnut Bill. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—NOTICE •—• HEREBY GIVEN, That the Aubitoribere hare formed and entered into a Limited Partnership, under the provisions of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That the name of the firm or partnership to Ti Illiate D. Edson. and the genet al nature of the business the Manufacture and Sale of Bards and Shoes. That Wll - D. Edson to the General Partner. and John Saun ders amid Manlier/ion Saunders are the Special Part nere. all residing in the City of Philadelphia. The capital in cash oontribtlted it, the Special Partners is Ten. Thnusand Dollifra, each contributing Five 'Thou sand Dollars. The Partnership commences this TENTH DAY OF JANUARY. 1060, and is to terminate DE CEMBER 31,1801. WILLIAM D. EDSON, General Partner. JOHN SAUNDERS. MACPHERSON SA CINDERS. Special Partners. January lath, IMP. THE FIRM OF S. D. EDSON & CO. HAS been diesolved by mutant coneent. WILLIAM 1). EDSON will settle up the business of the old firm. The business of the 21mufacture and Sale of !biota and Shoes will be continued at N 0.12 North FOURTLI Street. by W ILLIA 51 D. .2.DSON, under a Limited Partnershty. this day formed between him and JOHN SAUNIJERS and MACPRERbON SAUNDERS. SARAH I'. EDSON, WILLIAM D. EDSON. January 10th, WY). jail tin NO T i CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT II the Copartnership under the firm of BECIC v & DEI4, woo dissolved on the fourteenth day of De oemher mat., and MOSES BECKER I. alone authorized to settle toe busmen., and eau OS the liquidation. , 8 BECKER, JOS. S. DELL, Philadelphia. Dec. 19, MD. dot-stu&th Im' N(AWE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Wherese we. the subscribers, have this day re newed and continued fora lurthor period of three yearn, as hereinafter mentioned, the limited partnership en tered into on the 31st day of December A. 12,56. to commence on the Ist day of January, k. D. 11331, under the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved Mardi list. 1333, , entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner shipr,l' and all other enactments of the said General Assembly relative to Limited Partnerships—now, there fore in compliance with the provisions of the said en actments we publish the terms of said original rind repewed, limited Partnership as follows: First. The name or firm under which the said original and renewer Limited Pe rtnershio was end is to bo con ducted is that of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLER. • &mond. The general nature of its business was and is that of aleresants in a general Foreign and Domestic Commission Business in the city of Philedelphia, and also in the business of Importing and Exporting arid Vending Merchandise on account of the said Limited Partnership. Third. The said Limited Partnership Was and is com posed ofJORN THEOPHILI)B PLATE, who resides in the oily of Philadelphia; of CARL C. BCHOTTLER, whe resides in the said city of Philadelphia. anti CHRISTOPHER F. PLATY.. whose pine e of residence is at present in the free Hanseat ic city of Bremen. The hail John Theophilua Plate and Carl C. Schottler were and are all the general partners in the said origi nal and renewed Limited Partnership, and the said Chrigiopher F. Plate was and is the only special part ner therein. Fourth. The special partner, the said Chistopher F. Plate. eontributed, aotually and in good faith, in each, the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars to the capital or common stock of the said original Limited Partnership, no vart of which has been withdrawn therefrom. Fifth. The said original Limited Partnership corn menced on the first day of January. A. D. ISM, and was to have terminated on the list day oFilleeema.r. A. D. DM hut the same has been renewed and continued for the further period of three years from the slat day of December. A. D. lilar.and wilt terminate on the Slat day of December. A.D. 1882. . . . Philadelphia, Deo. t05t,1.99. J. THEPH. FLAW:, IIA R C. BCHOTTLER. CUR. FR. ELATE. By hie Attorney in fact. ja2.6vr GODFREY FREYTAO. NOTICE.—The undersigned have this dav_formed a copartnership. under the name of P. MIXSL.L, Jr., Lumber Business ransactio occupy Wholesale and Retail, and will the yard lipmerly occupied by north & Mixsell, at the corner of \ OKK and RICRMOND Streets, in the Nine teenth Ward of the City of Philadelphia. P. MIXSELL,Jr.. f MAL Philadelphia, Jan.2.l, 1 3AM'L WILI Al•l2t* DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of MORHIB JONES & CO. expired on the 91st ulti mo, by limitation. Either of the partners a,ll uae the name of the firm In settlement. JACOB Y. JONES and RI,HARD 4. DOWNING retire from the humor's, and the remaining partners have formed a new copart nership. ISRAEL hIuRRIS, JACOB P. JONES. RICHARD H. DOWNING, JOSEPH K. WHEELER, ANDREW WHEELER. Philadelphia, January 4, IS6O. • COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—ISRAEL MORRIS. JOSEPH K. WHEELER, and AN DREW Wu RELYR, partners in the late firm of MOR RIS & JONES & CO.. have this day formed a °newt• nershlP, under the firm of MORRIS, WHEELER, & CQ.. and will cont,nde the Iron and Steel business In all its hrannhee r an lietooforo conducted, at the old stand MARKET and SIXTEENTH Streets. Philadelphia, Jahns> 2, MO. Ja2-tf SAVING FUNDS. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. (Moe, No. MI Nor THIRD Street (gcmisolidation ank Smithey. ) CHARTERED BY TIM EGJOLATtiRE OFFENN SYLVAN lA. Deposita ceived sputa of One Dollar and npreatib CENT. INTERESTC without nonce, with FIVE PER from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible andjeliable Savings 4stitution hm beep needed in the Northern part of e oity, and " T e Henna Garden Savings Fund Boolety ' was ohartered the legislature of l'enntryivitela te aunty this necessity. ,The Manager,. in °reneging arid locating, it. have been governed wholly by a de to ezeommodate the busi ness interest reef lete and want* of the very taros end enteroll- Mae population o g i nk o iqpirmdfd. From II to t% o'otoek; on, Monday and Tho.rsder from I antii Co obor tbD eyewng. ... . Sienkstrine. W en P. Levy.. & eil Klett. phen Smith, rm* n. it. K. Strong. f met UndertofFer. !eda &sake, mum Bert , neap's P. LeClem. John HeseMr, Jr.. Cleorxe Kneobt, Jrunee &hues,. Joseph M. Crowell. Janet. Cook, Hop, Win. MiWar/. George Woeleper, Goo. T. Trip . Peter O. Ellmnker. Poked 11, .., p. JAMES B. PAINGL , rextdent, Flatlets HART. Boormarr. isse-tr if SSAVING}Ft:IND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and email rums received, e_.nd_paid haAk en de mand without notice, with VI - YE rEft CENT, INTE REST from the C.., of dwelt to the day of withdrawal. Office hours fro 9 until c o olook every day, and on MONDAY EYENtNOS_from 7 until o'idook. DRAFTS for rate on England. Ireland, and Hootlend, Deal uproar Preadent--STETREN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FON. Aotiumf. QAVING FUND--FIVE PER CENT. IN- TpREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM- P,ANk ..WALN UT Street, Southwest. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Inoorporated by the State of Pennsylva nia. hloneY M received In anypun, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The °Mae is open every day from 11 o'olook In the morning till g o'clock in the gvening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till El ,31ctik. Hon, HENRy,BSNNER, President. 'Musk: J. Run ,, Beote SEtary. L R IDGE , Vice President. DIRECTORS. r. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll lirewster, ward L. Carter, Joining LI., Barr, • Bert Relfridge, tenets Lee, mei K. Ashton. seph Ye het Landreth Monne, - ears Digenderfer. Money is reamed and payment/ made daily. Q • investments are made, in conformity with the orovisions of the Charter, in Real Estate elortgages, 13round Rents, and euoh first-claim securities as will al ways insure perfect seeurity to the depositors, and whleh cannot fail to give permanently mid stainhty to this Institution. ant-ty COAL. OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR 'R..aiegercet. Buy your COAL AT HICKS', where nothing but the vary best quality of Lehigh and &buy!. tlll goal is offered at the following reduced prices; Lehigh, Broken, Bap and Stove... ..... .../54 25 per ton, Schuylkill " 4 (B Warranted free from elate or duet and jull weight, al RICKS' _yard, southeast earner MARSHALL. and WILLOW. Call and see, 010-em W. GROOMS & CO., NJ a Offioe Bonth FOURTH [Rivet, AND WHARF, MS STREET ; 9UBUYLEILb, Dealers and Shippers • ow • LocrusiMoinntaip, 0 A W L , and Schuylkill . Merchandise taken on whin. age. olkim ULU AND SPRINO MOUNTAIN s -J 1 - LEHIGH COAL,imparad pith ara, for pa le or. bastl2tyyrks. Apply at xrdowt,Eve Dowd, M.14%31 ad w ILLOW Btreets 411-11 JOB PRINTING. THE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE "THE PRESS" 1 prepared to moats neatly, cheaply and expalticadly IVIIRY DEOCIIITTION OP PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING. PAMPHLETS. PAPER nooxs, BLANKS OF 11 1 1BRY DESCRIPTION, POSTERS. HANDBILLS, Printing for AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE M. All orders left at the Publioation Oilioe of The Press, N 0.417 CHESTNUT STREET, trill be promptly Handed to. lel6-tf MESSRS. ROSENTHAL 41 MORRIS, from Plymouth, England, manufacturers at the celebrated Pantescome" Speculates, respectfully solicit thepa tronage of the ladies and gentlemen of Philadelphia and vicinity, to themsuperitir ground spectacle gismos. The valuable admit - age derived from them Is, that in stead of vision becoming strained, heated, weakened, and in numerous prison seriously injured, it is preserved and strengthened, everything at once become/ clear and brilliant, and very aged persons are enabled to em ploy their eight at the moat minute occupation, either by day•or candle-light; can see with those lenses of a much less multi: mg power, and they du not require the frequent changes to the dangerous effects of further powerful asaistanoe. Certifiestes can seen nt the office over Mr Christ man's store 709 CHESTNUT ESTNUT Street, adjoining te r moo ' s PhotAranh tennis. OS ESS AIAOKEREL—A fine invoice of ILL bbla., his , ors., and Mtn NevrtzoE i Ingeeo tion. Also, kiloton let of Ilan fior large o. 1 oaken], I.li n gyro and for gala to , J 1 1 4 . 7 4 1 . 0 i i o if A R C IPV.9, jOti AD.LIQUOIta- - —Per sale by IVEtir- ERILL & BROTIIFR. a and 49 NORTft SR COND Street halo . MAUKEKEL.-525 bbls. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, in assorted Original Packages, of the latest catch, for sale by C. C. BADLER & CO., ARCH stria*, Zd door above Front. THE P.RESS.-PHILADE PHLA, TUESDAY, JANUARY THE PENNSYLVANIA CENT RA L RAILROAD. 1860. Misv- • 1860. TITS CAPACITY OP TIM ROAD 18 NO. NY EQUAL I'o ANY IN TIM COUNTIn. THREE TRROUtili PABBENOER TRAINS BETWEEN PRILADELPIIIA AND PITTSDURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through' rains f il om Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the mon Depot at Pittsburg with.l. loough Trains to and rorn all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cantor Conduotors. All through Pas senger Trains provided with Loughridge a Patent Brake—speed under porton control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train • Woodruff's Bleeping Care to Expiess and Fast 'I rains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lanes, hap days excepted. ark.DOI rain leaves Philadelphia at BA. M. Fast Line ly 50 A. M Exple es Train leaves tt 10 00 r, WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS,F,OI,I„OWS: .IrarriSG Columbia 4.00 P. AL Parkosburg " 12. ZS) P. M. Went Chester Passengers will take the Mall, Parkes burg and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Duffs to, Niagara Falls. and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 8 A. AL go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the °Moe, of the Company In Philailelph,a, Now York, %abort, or Rat amore Land Tickets Eastward at aoy of the important Railroad Offices in the West; also on board apy o f the regular Line of Memnon' op the Minaleetpet or Ohio itta - Fare always to low, and time an quick, no by any other Route. • For farther information apply at the Pagsonger Sta. don, Southeast timer of Eleventh and Market Streetit. The completion of the Western oonnections of the Pennsylvania Railroad toshicag HE oonake Him the DIREOT LINE BETWE 'N T EAST AND THE OHBA WEST. The connection of traoke by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving at time, ere advantages_readilY appreciated by Snipppers of Freight, and the Travel. ling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this oompany. can rely with confi dence en 'to speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the Weet by the Penne, tennis Railroad are at all time, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. 07" Be piutioular to mark packages" via Penna. Rail road. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, aPPIP to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany: D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.S. Pion° & Co., Zanesville, O.; J. J: Johnliton.Ripley, O.; H. McNeely, Maysville, Hy.; Ormsby & Cropper, Portsniontli, 0.; Paddock & Co., Jellersonville, Indi ana; H. W. Brown & Co. Cincinnati, 0.; Athern Bibbed, Cincinnati., 0.; R. Meldrona, Madison, Indd Jos: E. Moore, Louisville,. Y.; P. O. , Walley Se Co,. Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & CO., (biro 1114 F. Slu t Maier & Glass, St. Lou i s, John H. Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Limit. Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111.,. W. 11,H. Hoonte, Alum, 111. or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points theis West. E. J. SNEEDEH, Philadelphia. M.iGRAW & KOONS, Bo North etreeknaltimore. Lt,ECH & CQ., 2 Astor House, or I et., N.Y. LEECH & CO., No. 77. state street Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, fieri'l Fretht Agent, Phila. L. L. Hall PT. Gent Ticket Agent, Phila. THUS. A. SCOTT, (Intel Sept' Altoona, Pa, al-1y 1859. seam 1859. WINTER. ARRANGEMENT—NW 1, 01 LINES. TUE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND RILet vELEHIA AND TRENTON RAILROA CO. 8 LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-YLAOFS FROM WALNeT-BTREST WHARF Aan oß.,larrtoN. Wm leave as follows, viz Veal. At 6 A. M. via Camden and Amboy, Cam, & Am. Aocomniodatiou . _. 8361 M 6 A. M., via CaMden and - Jeraey City, New Jersey 676 At 9 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail . .. • .... . K ••- „... City, 6 00 At 1l); - A. M., via ensingto - n and - ) er,ey * City, Western Express .......... . ..... 300 At 12% I'. Al.. via Camden and Amboy, Acoommo • ... 83 At 2P. M,, ;rig, Cam - den C. A. Ex- ALT: P. - Ird . .; . ;;e; tOn - an . d .- ie7aW .aiTy-, 00 vening Express.. - . ... . . . 00 At 4): Y. Al., via Kensington and Jersey City, 7d Clem Ticket,- . • • At 6 P, AL, via Camden and Jersey - City Wvening Mail _ .... . ... 3 00 At Jersey oliy:SOUiheim Mail At 6 P.M, via Camden and Amboy • .iccommO..dalion, (Freight and Paraßenger)-lat Chum Ticket. 06 Id Cl P.M. The 0 P. M. Mail Line rues dail aes he 11 y. T. Routh en Mail. Hateldaya excepted. For Belvidere. Easton. Flemington. &e.. at 6 A. M. from Walnut street wharf. and 9 P. M. from Remington. Foy Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, ac t 6 A. rd. vie Lehigh Valley Railroad. for Water Clap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkestarre, Montrose, (mat Bend, &0.,_ at 6 A. AL, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railmiut. for Mount 'oily. at 6 and 9A, M . and 2 and BI EAT. For Freehold, at 6 WAYand P. M. LiztEB For Bristol, Trenton, &o, at 3 and 40 P. AL from Ken sington. For Palmyra, lefeerton,Delanoo,l3everly, Burlington, Bordentown. &0., at 12)4,3, and 4% P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each_passenger. Passengers ire prohibited from taking anything as Ins ft sage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over - pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for„baggage to one dollar per pound, and Intl not be liable for any amount beyond moo. except by 'pseud oontraot. WM. 11. GATZAIKIL Agent d7O Camden and Amboy H. R. Co. WEST CHESTER RAIL g/kWOe3. ROAD TRAins Vt• PEN NAYL.. VAN IA RAILROAD. Leave Depot onr. M Lk:l'EN 111 and 31 AR Kla ',Deets datly, (except &Mar.} at 8 A. M., 12:11 P. M., end 4 Y. M. Leave West Chester at 7 20 A. M.. 1031 A. Al., and 3.60 P. M. /a II y atts42Mit PHILADELPHIA,GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOW AlLitoau— WINTER ARRANGEAIENT— On and after MONDAY, Nov. 21, 1869, NOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7,7.50, 9, 10, end 12 A. M 1, 3,3, 3N, 5, 5. 0)1, 6, 7,8,8 10, and 1184 P. M. • Leave Germantown 6 7 1,20.4.4)6.5,6.6%.7 5,54, 10, 11 ' 1"n " 11 , Leave Philadelphia vas min. A. 654, and 10 P. Al. 9 Leave Germantown 8.10 nun. A. Id., Liu SX, and CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,.7.511, 11 A. K., 3,4, lOC L and 3 0 P. M. Leave Qheatnnt Rill 7.10 7.40, 8.56, and 12.10 A. 151.,, IPA, and 5.40,_P. M. ON SUN PAYE!. Phibulelphin 9.05 A. M., 2, and gyi P. M. 011earMa4 - 1/111 TAM ..01 , 11 and 8.40 P. M. NOR OONOSIOIIOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN,. Leave Philadelphia 0, P o 11A6, min., A. Ith, 1.08, 206, (N. , end 114 P. M. PLeate Hometown 0,7, 0, 11 A. M., IN, IX, 010:1 . M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 3 P. ad. Lime Norristown 7A. M. sat P. ad. • FOR MANAYIINR. Leave Philadelphia 11, 754,9. 11.06 A. 00.,1.06, 1.00,1.00, nc. 75,1, and 11.4 P. fit Leave Man:glint 6%.734i and 11)i A. M.. 2. 3. 5, 614, and 5% P. M. ON BUNDAYit Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3. and el( P M. Leave Man tl. Y Ve. k B 7 A44l l . l l . le.v B l:e a rßAi ll'i le nl9-0 DEPGT.HiNTat end r ktt. r ?..t. -ottee.e. NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD, • 4g5P. ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, _MALIGN CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and after AIONDAY, Noyomber lth, 1859, passen ger Trains will leave FRON7 and WILIAM Streets, Philadelphia, DAIL . (Blinders excepted') For Bethlehem, Easton , Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hszletni. Aq.,(Express, ) et 0.30 A. M. For Bethlehem, ( Express,) at 9.30 A. Al. and 3 P. AL 4 r F ,or Doylestown. (Acmouunodationd at &40 A. M. and For Fort Washlngtonddt 0 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPH I A: Leave Bethlehem, (Express ' ) at BA. AL and 4.10 P. M. SAO P Lesvp_Doylestown, (Ancoramodstiond at 7 A. M. and . M. Leave Fort Washin.gtori.(aoto_pamodationjati. A.M. on RONDAytii 'hiladelphia (Or Fort Washington at 9.30 A. M. khiladelphia. for Doyloatown, at 4 1 . AL _ .) orlestown for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. fort Washington for Philadelphia, at 2.40 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, $1.00; to Mauch Chunk, WO; to Easton, $1.00: to Doylestown, Monts. • Through tickets must be procured before entering the oars. All Passenger Trains Wont Sunday Trains) eon, neat at Berta street with Firth and thxtb-etreeta t and Berland arid Third-streets Passenger Raitrauls. 211 ELLIB CLARK. Agent. tiRREIREN PLIILADELPIIIA, WIL MINGTON, AND SALM Atoß * AILROAD. On and after MONDAY, November 21, IflM, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, or Baltimore at 8.16 A. AL, 12 noon, (Exercised and 11.10 P. M. . For Chester at 8.13 A. M. 11 noon, 4.30, and 11.10. r. M. For Wilmington at 8.16 A. M., 12,4 30, and 11.10 P. M. or New Castle at 8.16 A. M. and 4%' P. M. or 'Middletown at 036 A. M. , , and 4.30 P. AL f A. or 7rfO r rl t a a ti t iA h . l l;L an a c i i iiito P P l, . l lil, For eafor at 8.16 A. M., ant 14.30 P. AL For au TRAINSFOR and 4.30 P. 51, PHILADELPHIA an lserg p ai tt l imore at 8.30 A. AL, (Express,/ 10.19 A. 'L, 8. 1 6 er ti l Wilinington at 7.111 A.M. and 11.30 A. M.,12.3 and Leave Laure l at 6.16 A. 52,, and 3,40 P. M. Seaford at 6.46 A. 51., and 4.00 P. M. Leave Milford at 7.60 A. AL, and 4.26 PAI. Leave Dover at 0.06 A. M., and Lou P 51. Leave e Middletown at 10 A. M. and 7.06 P. M. Leave New Castle at 10.63 A. M.. and 8 P. M. ave Chester at 8,12 A. M. 3.22 and 0.16 P. M. Leave Baltimore fur Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. 3.1. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 8.46 A. M.,12.28 and 11.4 Q _P. M. Leave Wilmington at 0.74 A. 30., 12.66 P. AL, and Lt.lo A. M. SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphm to Baltimore. Only at 6.26 P. AI.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIOHI"PRA I w N, l with PASSENGER CAR attached. run as ows : Leave Philadelph iafor Pe foll rryville and intannedinte places at 9 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate plums at IA P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate plume at 3.46 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Steinmer's Run, Chase's, and Harewood at 3.64 P. M. nil IL AL FELTON. Preside .. PHILADELPHIA A I EL33IRA RAILROAD LINT.— RTl{TuctlsoTip; to Elm i ra Wdkesbnrre Bu ffalo, lington, 'Montreal, tit. Paw s, Detroit, punueth, and i Iff. lawenger tntins will leave the Philadelphia and Reed fag Railroad Depot corner BROAD and CA LI,OW. H ILL StreetsDA lI,Y. (Sundays exgoe t ed,)asfullowai 7.30 A. 111.,_DAY XPRESS. Foy Elmira,_Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, ChlcallO, Milwaukee. Rook Island, Galena, St. Paul 2, Burlingten, and St. Loins. 1.30 P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira,_Nutgara Bultalo,Detrott, Chicago, Milwaukee„Rook Island, Galena,St. Paula Burlington. and St. Louie. The 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. trains run through to HARR ir ORO, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon tte Var ranch, The T. A, M. train connects at Rupert for Willies halve, Pittstop, Scranton, afd all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMS ILIRG RAILROA D. • ilikage checked to Elm ftl, Bu ff alo, and Suspensirm Br' lokote lba procured at thePhiladelphla and E i li l ltra Railroad ine a Ticket Office, Northwest corner o SI X'fli and CI ESTNUT Streets, and at the Passen ger DwitBvbwit I PPP A RI gg d F C RI I IH N I VA PHAN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, Mutt. dal ',scented,' for all points West and Nortb, at P. N. Fre t hts must be delivered before 3 P. M. to insure going e same day. For urthergyrr gn, t ap i tbal, below Vine, Otto DE AR.t S. rAPPEN, general Agent, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, oat-tf Philadelphia. OIROULAIW, BILL ItEADB COMPANIES PHILADELPHIA moz 1 AND RKA DINO RAIL. ROAD, ORN G LINE, for POTTSVILLE, READ: I 0 and HARRISBURG, Leaves the two , Depot, at corner of BROAD and OA LLOW_HILL Streets, (entrances on Cellewlon,l at 7.30 At.. M. DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) for POTTS VILLE, HARRISBURO, and all intermediate points, umeog i s ili tt e ltme , 6B3 li v e th e t u r i r i erunning to Patel Al2E10(0(41 Leave SAD P. ~ DAILY, for POTTSVILLE anj HARRIBB RG. At 4.30 P. al., DAILY, (Bandaysexeoptadd for READ-, ING, and intermediate pot n tn. dis W. U. MalLllENNY.Saerettni NigNOTICE.---UITESTER VALLEY RAILROAD—PAB. BENDER TVA RAINS FUR DOWNING OWN AND IN TERMED AT hl fiTATIONB.—Onund after gth poem. ber, 185. the Paesenger Trams for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company. corner of BROAD and CALLOWIIILL Streets, (passenger en- MORNING en TRAIN for Downingtown, !saves at 730 A. M. AF P TRRNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at I, AL_ AILY (Sundays eaeepted.) 3 , order of the Board of Manager, of the Philadelphia and Reading Rallroad_Company, dll W. H. IsfoThlt EMMY. Rearettars. CDFI6II.-500 qtia, Extra Grand Bank Codfish, in store and for sale by W. J. rJAYLOR & Mead 41 METH Wharves. RAILROAD LINES. 260 MILEB DOUBLE TRACK WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEaDSICK CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. 186 SOUTH FRONT STREET, fa appointed Agent nr the retie of the ahore unw eaned team] of 0 lIAMPAANE, Anti Wen it to the Trate et the LOWEST NEW YORE RATES, 600 Meanie, quarta and Pints, now initou D. 529-tf WE V OA E LL A ATTENTION OF TIM TRAD LFREDRENAUD COGNAC. tr i le P r P e t Tge: ` ,Wer d igne k t a irl s :r%Zi th o;i tV on hand ' oleo—Henneet• Cogno_ ,o Leßoy Cognac. London and Masud Gine, Claret in Wood and Cjg es. Champagnes, high and low price,. • LONGOI Alta', Importer. olp - dm2.17 Routh FRO T, G EORGE WIIITELKY, N 0.136 South FRONT Street. Importer 'of Brandy. Wineg, &0., offers for male, In bond only, the following. among other etandard brands of Mindy: met, Castilian, & CO.. Thom. Hines & Co., ales, Robin. & Co.. Otani. Ilupoy, & CO., A. Seignotte, Marett. amen, li Pelle raisin. Q. Dopont & Co., Onion Proprietors, . & F. Model le, Jas. Hennesey. ci . , Stuart's Paisley Malt Whiskey, and the ohoioset varleties of Madeira,_ Sherry, Port. Burgundy, and Rhine Witmer, Palm Tree Oln, Jamaica Rum. Santa Cruz Rum. Bordeaux Oil. &n.. &o 827-1 T NOTICES. fIVEDEND.—TIic Board of Directors of the GREEN and COATES-I.TREET PARatiN. OMR RAILWAY COMPANY havedeolared a semi annual Dividend of THREkI PER CENT. on the Capi tal Mock*. pn7able to the Stnekhnldo a or their legal rurresentetives. on and after the Dith instant. The Transfer Bunke will roman o'need till the 21st instant. DENDY MAR WOOD. slutltt 20 'IVOTICIE"10 BRIDUM BUILDERS.— 11 The CARBON IRON COMPANY will receive proposals until the 50th day of February next I'M build ing an Iron or Wooden Redrew' Bridge over the Le high River. opposite their worke at Perryville. in the county of Carbon. The length wi Ibe about three him dred and fifty (350) foot, in either three or four spans, single track. Proposals received, and further partioulars obtained, on applioation at Parr•vtl'e to the Itndersigned. DENNIS BADMAN, President. December 19th, 1850. ,141-41tre20 CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel ohm, Nov. sB, 18.39. At an Election held on the Hat instant the following gentlemen were_ chosen Directors of this Bank i Llnlander O. Cattail, Joseph Lindsay, ert K. Neff, &impel T. Canby, es Steel, John F. Gross. Edmund A. louder, fharlee Knecht, Witt Id Alexander Wile, )avid Vandervner. Hugh Crass. Ohristisn J. Hoffman. hilip H. Mingle, And at the meetfng ot the Board THII3 DAY, the fol lowing Actors were unanimously eiected 1 A. H. 0 ATTELI., President. R. R. NEP F,_Vine President. d3-tf J. W. TORREY, Cashier. [VOTIOE IS GIVEN THAI' APPLIOA i tion will bo made fora Certificate of Pennsylvania State Loan, in place of one dated August 4, 1868. No. s 9, cykßrnoivfoefit.oortig.o." 1g34. L°ll3Bll:tar- BUSINESS CARDS. ij 13. PAT.IsIER'S ADVERTISING AND • SUBSCRIPTION AO ENCY, for Principal News papers and Penndicals of _City and Country, N. E. oar nor PIM; and CHEST NUT. Address "N B. PALMER," Philadelphia. tail 3m TllOB. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, No. 273 South FOURTH Street. nl3-21n. WALLACE & BRODHEAD, a; EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Btooki and Elude bought and gold. on 90mM1531011. FRANCIS Di. WALLACE. .C.DWAED L. BRODHEAD 028-1 m A ux. MoKINNEY, ATTORNEY_ A. lejiW. OREENSII EIRE'. re. Will rants° In Westmoreland. Armstrong. and In mans mantles. selt-tr THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE Mq CHESTNUT Street, forwards Pamela, rea lises, filerehandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either he its own Linos or oonneotion with other Express t.ont sexism, to all the pnnoiple towns and _cities o p the Ututed States. . E. S. HANDFOR wag! General Buyerinten eut EDUCATIONAL. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (WITH Prlmary and Eleeond‘rr Department nttaehed.) Poutheast oorner of DILLWYN and GREEN +Street,. For Cireatareapplt at the Bohm!. eAMON, Prinotpal. Entranoa on DILLWYN Street. Jan-lm• .9ISS S. ANNIE FROST (DAUGHTER J Or the late John Frost. Id.. DJ licit open a sel.ool for girls of from itot , 4 ears of axe. at her real denon No 216 B.IU tit FIFTEENT/18treet, on , Moo d•tFeb. 14. W. Hhe is pesmated opeoially to refer to the following named gentlemen John 0rmn.1:64.,... 1 2 0 On A. Godey, Efi4.. C. Carer. kriNo Arthur, Eny. fR 11.6 t ' A &WARMAN b1a3001.. INSTITUTE issi L reliable nmtrunt thronp h whioh Schools and Fami lies mny Otani oomfetent teaohera. Parents may ot. tam. gratuitously. in ormation and °iron lora Ithe beat aohoms. 8 Mit WOO.Dhia N. & 0., S4P lIROf i DWAY, New iror . or nl2-1.1 WO OfiEBl . UT Btreet. Philadelphia. RRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL LA mEntraux COLLEVES, located at n 1 delpkin 13 i. corner SEVENT.II and CHEliTElli New V i ork . , urea Cleveland, Chioaro, and Bt. u For in 0:Illation. oall or send for Catalonia fedi- PIANOS. Mfg STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, SQII ARE G RAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS, nowpre ferred in concerts and in private circles by the beet performers. Received the first prennunie over the best makers, from Judges like GottAelmlk. Mason, an d other.. libellant,e all compeution.• BLASIUS BROTHERS, d6arIRS CHESTNUT Street. Flintp HOLIDAY PRESENTS! PIANICI-FORTEU. MELON:OWL PIANO-FORTEB. MELODEONS. FIANO-FORTEet, ItIELOPEONE, PIANOTR EII. LODENS. Made by Haven, Bacon, & Co., Minns & Clark Hallett, Davis, & Co., and others. SEVENTH a E C EASITIVI4I. glign 01110KERING & SONS, 111•111117ACTUBERII OP ' GRAND, 13QU_, &ND UPRIGHT PIANO- 'OR, WAREROOMB tel 7 C ESTN T BTRERT, Oepetapt lin eturui luro stook o our BEAUTIFUL sod uNE(.II.IALLED INBTRIIMENTB. We have been rverded, at the dttlerent Exhibitions in this oountry and &I (1.1 ANDHILVER FIRI3T-CLASB MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. 1a36-1r A GREAT DIPROVEATENT IN PIANOS. SCROMAOKER at CO., 1091 CHESTNUT Street, reepeotfullv invite the mule loving public to call and examine their new and sue d)Salni • THE PALOR GRAND PIANO. Having convene the Tong, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that or a Square Instrument, ?voiding all the objection, generally made to the style of rand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the same. n volume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full- DOSS, depth, and everwes, of touch, with exousite doll en/Iv and sweetilese,t ese SUPERIOR ANDB ,AUTIFULLY-FINISIIED IN STRUMENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums, and are pronounced by antics to be far su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this w gri r strintly on hand, a large_ and elegant assortment 01 Fur unrivalled PIANOS. liVe have been awarded the First Premiums, at all oibitions ever exhibited . , in cluding the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York.lo/13. sel-if REMOVALS. .REMOVAL.--SMALL & CHANDLER, -R WROVSALE GROCER°. have removed from ria North eMOND Street, to 3M MARKET Street. above Fro"t, north aide. 03 CONFECTIONERY. VDRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.—Fino `LJ CONFECTIONERY can be heti, Gene I to any °the. esdabbehment in thin city—viz: Bon Bon. Chocolate. Almond. ho. Ain, an amorlment of Faney Boxes. Call at J E PER lEo CO.'S, No.ll/3 MARKET otreet, between Seventh and Eighth. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. T uir, UNION, ARCH S RERT, ABOVE THIE,D, PHILADELPHIA. UPTON B. NEWCOMER. !ho situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adopted to the wants of the Business Publio ; ar,dto those in senrob of pleasure, Passenger Railroads, which now run past, and in close proximity, milord a cheap and pleasant rids to all diaries of interest in or about the city. tr IggPIMWEST CHESTER and ROAD VIA MEDIA. P HILADELPHIA RAIL . . _ . PALL ARRANOEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Deoember 12,1859. the trains will leave Pinlndelphia, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 810 A. 131.,1, and 4301'. 31. Leave Weet Chaster, from the DEPOT, on EAST MARKET STREET, at 7.18 and 11.80 A. M., and 4.11 P. M. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and P M. Leave W•er fth•ater at 718 A. M. and 4P. M. The trnioa leaving Philadelphia at 8.10 A. M. and 430 F.lll. connect at Pennelton with the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad, for Conimrd Chaditaford, Kennett &mare, and Avondale. HENRY WOOD,- 00,1 , ierierni Superintendent. 3 SALAMANDER SAFES. A law twaortmety NS WATSUNT PHILADEL_PEIA ANItyAOTURED SALAMANDER SAFS. VAULT DOORS. SANK LOCKS For Banks tutd Storm , Equal to eaty tow hmue. IEON DOORS, SHUTTERS, /to., ORM good torma az airy St o a t ther eetablialment. 10 the United ts, EVANS ty A. WATSON, No. 304 ORES rNUT Street, Philadelptaa D OINGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR 1869. 51 X FIRST PREMIUMN ANI? BLX DiPLOMAN. Best Furnace for Warming Buildings. TO ARNOLD & WIJ BON. NIAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. FIRRTRR iiUV. DEBT PORTA LE JNazzAcE. TO ARNO LD _ Jr W RI.OIIMONRA i Ef T 9FgAII i II , FURNAOE BEST C4OIOO4.,IIANGE. 1 , 1; An. & - 011111501413 Utp,E-o.yEti COOkIIIO RAMS LUR IOS). CC ftEMIUM U , BLST PA r R4L ORATES, To ARNOLD & WILRON. LOW D T OWN and BASKET ORATES, BEST ENAM9ll.llf3llliili MANTELS. AIINOLD & q ame. fora very Itandeoele.lteplay of Enamelled Slate Man tele, very highly fipigga i l„Drityle i um or workninnehip ARNOLD & WILSON. tom CHESTNUT Mutt 11, td. Folawatc, Boot 011 7, 1860. INSURANCE COMPANIES. pAME INSURANCE COMPANY. NO. 403 CHESTNUT Otreet, PHILADELPHIA. INEORIORATED APRIL. HAIL BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. Dliractous s Wri,ght. P. B. Dimly, Wm. mr • Ni alters, J. W. EN °IMO nt ?has. IlenrY .(Awls, OM. A. West, Jacob V. Stout, 0. 17ilsion Its, is, Evan Morns, 8. Martin, !Stank° Stern. °Erik's W. DAP. President. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, Vine Preet. WILLIASI3 I. lILANCIIARD, BonretarY. Jail •tr Pi XCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY —Moe No.l/4 ROUTH FOURTH, above Walnut Street FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merehandisa generallr, on tat arable terms, either nom d or Per petual. I :ILAN!) INSURANCE to all Carte of the Union. Lows promptly paid and liberally adjusted. DIRECTORS. rorninh Borman, John Q. Glnnodo, arnes J Dunoan, Jacob H. Lox N. C. lisle. B. al. Holdnehead, aines Irvin. Edward w. David. ohm D. Morrie, John McDowell. Jr. JEREMIAH SONSALL, Pr eindent. EDWARD W. Devto,Seeretnry Ja'o-tutliely BONUS TO THE INSURED.-TLIE R Liv BA OMPAN INFURINCDEAPIAI—DecNtD a X 8 ta As the period of five years has transpired since the last Bonus was made. the oinpany have deolared an additional one, 808 US No. 4, to the insured for ofe. nn all POIIOIIIIIIIIIOIIIB, which were prior to January 1 lens, Thus, a Policy issued in 184 d, by this Bonus has 8116 added to the sum insured for each 810u0; those issued in 10, have $9O added ; those issued in KU, as well as all Policies which participated in the last Bonus, that of December, that, have 9 added for each 51.0ta). &e. Larger end smaller sums participate inlore Proportions, without requiring any Increase intim Amami Premium t • be paid to the company. A Life Policy, therefore, of 81 00). issued in 1539, is increased by thin and former Bonuses to 81.400; Po licy of OW is increased to 87 ,or one of 810.0001 e inereased to 814 uoo. which will be paid when it becomes a claim by death, instead of the it uei). 85 OW, or SD, 000. originally Insured; those issued in 11W. are in crania,' from 8100 to $7,377; those of 1056 are in creased to 41,541). dec. In addition to which. on all the above named Policies on winch a future annual premium shall be paid, and on all other Life Policies after they shall have stood three )ears, and shilll become claims within the next five years, there will be paid afurther Bonus for every such premium in the same ratio as that now declared. By order of the Board, 11108, RIDGWAY, President, JOUNF. JA \IE. , . Actuary December 31. Ha, GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY. Office 415 WALNUT Street. „ . PHILADELPII(A, Jan. 3. Mid. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Company held this day, the follgerin=r named officer, and direo• tore wora,duly elected In serve or the ensuing year.viz Pre , IdErtit—JOEl. JONEs. Vine Drceident and Tres surer—A. B. Oira.arr. Secretary—James B. Alvord. DIRECTORS. hooves Craven illep. M. D., , Joe. KI p . FL Gtt. N. S. Lawrence, Jer. Walker, chas..l. Dupont, Jno. W. Cingiei, David Boyd, Jr.,r int-at WM 112=21 Joel Jones Goo. W. Woodward, Wm, M. (Swain. 141.. N. BUTIOIIOI3, ohn Ansoeoh. Jr., ranois Peters. Wm. C. Rudman. Thns. Dillard, Geo, H. Ashton. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN RURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY TILE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA MA OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, CARGO, To all garbs of the World. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES On Hood', by River all , Cana parts olsf, Lnkes and Land Carriage the d mud Land RE INSURANCES On MerehandowygeneraNy. OnB-Wre ign i g n & i VirE t b A otPAßY. November 1, 1818. • Par. 21farket Pa/us. 1 727,060, Philadelphia City 8V 0ent.L0an....81 7 3. ,5 0 00 100,000. Pennsylvania State 6 tr ot. Loan 03.655 0) 21.600 Pennsylvania Slate 6 4fr e, Loan.-- . 21,000 (JO 2 6 000) ti•S• 1 :0 302 0/2 67i V cent. Notes and interest due • 820,000 U. R. Treasury 6 V at. Notes and inter est due .... .. 30,61/5 12) 820,0 w Temporary Loan to the City of *Phila 43 - delphia 080,000, Pennsylvania Railroad 241 Mortgage 8 V cent. Bonds 43400 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage 8 Br neat. Bonds 81/,000 West Philadelphia Passenger v. 12.20000 111.511 °0 Company 7 V c i t es . coupon bonds 12,600 00 816,000,300 shares stook Germantown Gas Company, interest and PrinmPal guarantied by the city of Phila,- - deigns ..... .. . . 15 COO 00 82,00), 100 shares Pennsylva nia Railroad Company...„... .... ......... .. ..... 3,776 07 85,000, 100ahares North Pennsylvania Rail- - roil"! Company v .. _ dphi- 831130, sharieTlilladers;hii le . ; Boat and Stan Tag company, Philadelphia aim Savannith Steam havtgatmn Com- pan'', ~ oo oan Steam Navleanon Company, Philadelphia and _Ha vre de Grace steam Tow Boat Philadelphia Exchange Company - 00 1435d8e°8408,113 84 on n atul Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of i __ _ __ _ _ 0016 receiveil g e fornouranoea made.. .... Balance due at Arenmea—Premiume on Ma rino Foamy, interest, and other debts due the Company.. —•... . 63,68,1 68 Bonn and stook of sundry Insurance Comps- Cash on Deposit In . COW 31 i i ll 4 11:1.g(A or. k e n T ?:r '-' r.it , l P a, _ , tohn K. ` yenroes, o r tn C. bavul, eines Trauma'', liam Eyre, Jr., yrimea U. hum, imam C. Ludwig, ir! le b H. 1 e.B ltg al e Dr. on, ilgeorge 0. Limper. ugh Craig, haslet Kelly, WILLIA. THQS. C. HENRY LYLBIJRN. Sow • Azup CAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., ri IN ORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPET ar ri =WALNUT Etreer, above Third, Philadelphia, Raving a large paid-up Capital Steak and Earl:due In vested in sound and available Beenntiem, oontinue to ni x: on Dpalbnaa. Btorea l Funutare, Alerehandrate, email In Pert and their argoes, and other Parsons) party. AU losaea liberal y and promptly adjusted. DU ! " ° 131 1 11 . T. Lewis, E h liv r at i iott, James R. Campbell, mile! C. 'LUAU, ABBOTT, trick brad), Edmund G. Datilli, fa Chap. w. Poultneii me Mris, iIEORG‘P. ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. M AR's. Bearetarr. 1123-iy If TEE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMFANYIIILADELPRIA,Fa. FRANKLIN HUI DINGS No. 408 WALNUT Street. CR TER .ITRPETUAL. CAPITAL— 8200,000 SURPLUS FIRE, MARINk, ARD INLAND INS RANGE. Fire Insurance, limited and perpetual, on Buildings and Merchandise of all demoriptions. Marine Insuranoo, inland and Ooean, on Vessels. Freight and Cargo to and from all pare of the World. Q/ BICERS. OF.ORGE 11. HART, President. F. r. ROBB, Vice President. R. COGOSHALL, Seoretary. H. BUTLER, Aug. Seoretary. • Inr . g 1 ,1 0 1 ; Hart, C. Foster 8. Yetlnne, Samuel Jove/. M. D.. JNS T U E R AN CE JOMPANYY OF D T HE F A A IIB O RA EN E W —N LVAN EXCHAN E E NUIMA - Chartered in 1794—CaDital elllo,ooo—Assata. January!, IEISB, 21130.446 60-100. AU invested in sound and available securities—eon- Bone to insure on Vesse and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Morohandise, 2co„,DIR sinIsEC TORB: liberal wins, Henry D. Sherrerdi George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby Baninel Mynas, Jr., Charms, hiaoaleeter, Tobias Warner William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Walton's, B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, W imam R. hite,' ' Charles 8. Lewin, George C. Carson. HERI — D. EEB. BHRRD. President. WILLIAM HA R N P Recretarg. .14/ 9-erim tI LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIPP, INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK %Tema. Assets, $903.925 se. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of dife—grants annuities and endowments--puroluises life interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts, depending on the contingencies of Life. They aot ea Executory, Adminietratom, Assignees Trustees, and Guardians. TRUSTEES. kaniel L. Miller, Samuel B. Stokes, Mamin Contra, William Martin, iohard S. Newbold, James U. McFarland. Sham P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, SamuelC. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, E dmund A. Bonder, ni Henry C. Townserd, ael L. Hutolonsce, ROdelohim Kent, . ohn W. Horror, withal,' H. Carr, 'llia B. Archer, P. V. Du flow, Samuel J. Christian, William Rol,e neon, Joseph ht. Thome, Warner B. Ras; il , Tin 13. Brenner, P. . Miehler, .aston. DANIEL L. lII,I[,Eg, President. EMAIL. E. STOKES, Via, Pree't Jose W. HOHNOR. Secretary. aula-ly HOWAND FIRE AND MARINE. INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 413 WALNUT Street , Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Rnbt. W. D. Truitt: Wm. K. Hamlin. C. Is. Spangler, fif H. Houston. r i rtann;tolll ohn Clayton *dward A. Waroe, H. 11. Shillingford. Lode ra. M. W. Baldwin. j.Edcar.Thomeon, 'Warn Relgnei. U. Mitchell. Warne. ohn Addicts, . T. Kemal. Thomas L. Ludein. eremitism—U. W. BALDWIN, Vice President—E. R. WARN}. Bearetarr.—EDWlN IsUOT}I• (10 T HE ALL-SUFFICIENT TilltEE!- ___ TRIESEMAR, 1,3, and 2, Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England, and secured by the Sealer the Ecole de Phan:name de Paris. and the Imperial Col ege of Medicine, VIOODA. No.l is invaluable or ezhaustion, spermatoryhma, and all physical disabilities. No. 2 completely eradicates all traces of those diseases that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous and per nioions use of copaivia and cubeta. N 0.9 has entirely supplanted the in'urlous use of mer cury, thereby insuring to the sufferer speedy relief ,dis persing impurities, and rooting out the venom of dis ear.e. TBIERVAIAR, Nos. I, 2. and 3, are prepared in the form of a lozenge. devoid of taste and smell, and can be carried in the waistooat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided into separate dosex, as administered by Velpeau, Lallemand. Roux, Rioord. Ao. Price each, or four caeca 009, which saves !33 i ,' and n IV canes, where by there is a same of se. Ito be had. wholesale and retatl, of Dr. BARROW, 191 Bleacher street, Now York. Sold also at Retail by CALLENDER & CO., corner THIRD and WALNUT Streets_, l'hiladalphia, and by W. DI OTT & SONS, 218 North SECOND Street, Wholesalea and Retail Agents for Pennsylvania. n23-d3in ZOLLICKOFFER'S AN TI-RIFLUAI ATIO CORDIAL—EIm . I have been afflicted with rheu matism for a long period—a portion of the time had no use of my limb. Tried your Cordial, and in three days I was able to walk down etairs, and in a week the pain entirely leit me. Ido cheerfully recommend the Cor dial to those who are afflicted with that dreadful com plaint. Yours, Jae. W. NewLIN, Broker, 812 Pine et. Prepared by THECWORE MIAS, Chemist, N. H. corner PINE and SIXTH sta. nl4-3m C AU T lON !—.ASTROLOGY I—LOOK OUT!—GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never fluting Mrs. VAN HORN is the best; she sue "et whei alt others u heir fNolertitnaltel who are r is y e, a ll aalleeee minis; fly to have her for advice and o ' o e ni e fo 'v rt. 4 In lave ciffatrs si never fails. She hen the secret of prinning the a actions, of the opposite sea. It is this loot which ILiiiioeB illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her. and ropy her advetneement. She shows on the likeneke of roue fatura f wife, hueband, or absent riend. It is well known to the public at large that she s the first and only Portion who can chow the likeness in 'reality, apd cap give entire WI/Action on all the con- Perna of life, which oan be tested and proved by thou both married and single. who daily and eagerly visit her. Come one come all ! to N 0.1338 LOMBARD Street. between loaner and Broad. 101 l ct• PEPPER.—An invoice received. nod fo sale by WETHE RILL & BROTHER, Noe. 47 ;Intl 49 North nEOONO Street. SAL SODA—For sale by WS,THERILL & BROTHER, 47 and 49 NORTH SECOND Wrest. Inki U k GUAIACHIN 'tram. , for sale by WETHERILL BRoTHER, and North EitiVOND &rest, 1E01,685 57 DIRECTORS. 11.amuel F,. Stokes, F. Panaidon, Henry Shan, Edward Darhngtone Jones Brooke. B noer mu C. Hand, Bert Burton, Jaoob P. Jones. James B. M'FarlaAd e Joehua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, D. T. Morgan, " A. B. Bereer, .M MARTIN, freiddent. I. HAND, Vane President, iretarv. ditt-dtf Drancinne,__ E. Bailey Andrew R. Ch amber*, iharles 0. Im ay, . R. Congehall. on. U. M. Fuller. aid MEDICINAL. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY & CO. No. 429 MARKET BTREET. ige SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CEEB - TN B'FREET, omMeite the OestoM H o es, between FOURTH and FY F'FIBI Btreeta. OA RD.—EURS NOW OPEN eOR E LAMINATION. The fine assortment of Siberian squirrel, mink sable. Huddm Bar sable, stone marten. ermine, and other fashionable furs, to be sold on Monday morning next, are now arrenred for eantrunetion. Also. inclu ded in sale, rents' otter and beaver coaara, caps, and gloves. Isnot sleigh and oarriage robes. BANDTHIMSTC N K OFT A RE TA E IL R M R N G OWN GOODS, &c. On Wednesday Morning. 18th inst., commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, con sisting of men's. women's, and children's cotton and wool hose and half hone, prints, de laiqea,joBlllll, caesi mores, oto., &a. RALF OF FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' AND MISSES' WEAR. FURS FOR. Gt.:ITS' WEAR. FANO Y AND BUFFAT nursd M L ay O RODFI3,Ico., Au. On orning, 19th inst orammeneing as 70% o'clock T.:smartly, com prising the usual assortment of fine, fasutonable fors in sets of two and three rouse . ; gents' fur coats, gloves, gauntlets, and collars; fancy wolf, bear, and genet robed; plain and lined buffalo robe.. Ac., Ito. LARGE SALE OF A CHOICE COLLECTION OP EURO YEAS OIL PAINTINGS. On Friday Morning. tab inst.. commencing at 10% o'clock. it7T.ritirma arranaed for examination, with cata toues, on Wednesday and Thursday previous to the sate. included will be found ninny flea original picture. representing pleasing landwines. marine views, figure Pieces, Dutch toast scenes. Flemish interiors snit ex terior., fancy twitches. Ac., tote her with copies of celebrated pictures, the whole forming a collection well worthy of notice, and to which attention te invited. J. WOLBERT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, • 619 ARCH Street, between Fifth and Shath, hUFFRIOR FilftNlTl, RE, &o. On Tuesday Iliornm, Nth Inst., at Mit o'clock, at 619 Aroh street-- A large aattortni.nt of taverner parlor and chamber furniture, and a quantity of French China, glees, ailrer plated tea and coffee tete, &c. IMPORTED BULBS FOR PRIVATE SALE. 2 CR3O.. each 300 psoks, finest byeicanibs. tu'ips, in prime order, will be sold very low, it atiPlied for 10/ mediately. Pfitia , NORD & CO, AUUTIONEERS, No. 530 MARKET Street. and 611 MINOR fltrpst, FIRST SALE FOR MU OF 1,600 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, DROOA NS. ANA GUM SHOES. On Thursday Morning, January 19th, at 10 o'clock pre mete will be sold by catalogue, on four months credit. 160 0 cases booui and shoes. embracing. in part, as follows: Men's. boss, and youths' first quality think, grained, kip, and French coif boots: russet, thick, kip. calf. grained, and en ameled brogans; calf and patent congress gaiters and Oxford ties; women's. minims% and children's goat. calf. kid, and enameled hoots. of the best quality of Ranters manufacture. Also, 600 women's misses' and children's cart:nide go't welt boots , keeled ' and sprines. The attention of buyers is particularly mrlted to this. the first sale or the season. SHIPPING. giW...., BTEA3I DIRECT TO LlVER POOL,eallinit at QUEENSTOWN. The Liverpool. New lurk. and Philadelphia Steam- Ship Compant 's snletvlid Iron :crow Steamship Vll,O, Med TONS. Captain MIREH p. oUs will sail from Queen street Wharf on ISA'fIIRDAI i Slat January. at Line o'clock A. Al. Cabin pa55age.................,.... 75 Steerage ..,.. e 3O For freight or apply at the OtSee of the Com "J'z'iri-dlja2o leg WALNUT StreeL JOHN 0. DALE, Agent. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM -811. EBOM NEW TOIII TO LIVIEPOOL. Chief Coop) Yeasage-----$l3O Second C-^”lPpgage....—. PROW BOSTON TO LIVBHPOOL. chief Ca..... ?assess Beoond Cabin Passage , 60 The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Harbor. PERSIA, OW. Judkitui, (AM ERIC A , Capt. /Ann ARABIA, Cat. pJ. Stone, AttERICA, CUL Maar , ASIA. Capt. O. Lott, AOARA,Capt. Anderson, AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. E ROFA. Oapt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA. (now building.) Tese vessels carry a Moor white neat at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. ARABIA, Stone, " Short,Wednesday. Jan. 18. EUROPA. Leitch. " Boston, Wednesday. ran. 26. AFR WA. Shannon, " N York, Wednesday, Feb. AMERICA, Miller, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 8. ASIA, Loin, " IS York, Wednesday, Feb 16. CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb.=S. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienoed Surgeon on board. Tee ownemed these ships will no t be accountable for Gold, Silver, nllion, Spews, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Mbtala, un ions bills of lading are Wined therefor and the value thereof therm exprewe.l or freight or pan. safe applY to E. CUNARD, 4 trbithelivr%,k. PHILADELPHIA LID CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING 01r.Tall ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, EEO AV NO. 0 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M.. September Ttlt.lBA9, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Director@ the Company. via GEORGE IL STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, *RD JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Moe, where all persons 'favorable to the enter prise are respectfully invited to sabeonbe. itaFOR .ENULAND AND FRANCE. NEW YORK AND HAVRE ST ... •. ; • COMPANY. . . The United States Mail Steamships tAOO, tone, David Ltnea, Commander. and F TON, FY tons James A. At otton Commander, will leave ew Fork, Rene, and Sou&amPtdw, for the Year Ma: on the following days 1 To meet new requirements of the Poet Office meat, the day, of sailing of the ....RAO° and FBMI - 1 from HAVRE and SOUTHABIPTON. with after their resent voyages, he changed u follow" from kiEW X, save in the case or the present departure of the FULTON. which will take pl,ce on the Irth Deoember, the schedule tertlaill. unaltered: PROM NEW TOOL HANNA AND 11017081PTON. FIILTON....Dec. 17. FULTON.- Jan. .. an. IL A.RAGO Jan. 7. ARAGO al.— eh. I. FULTort.. -Feb. 4. FULTON__Feb.SIB ...Feb.l9. ARAGO.. alch. 1 , LT0N....h10h.31. FR LTON....A pl. 24....Ap1. 05. These steamers. built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engines, under deck. every attention has been taken in the construction of the hull and ma oldnery ton:ilium safety and speed. The ships have five avater-tsght compartmeete enclosing the engine. so that in the event of collision or stranding, the w ater could not reach them. and the pumps being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Recent experience Ilse demonstrated the abso lute necessity of this mode or construction. Toe accommodations for passengers are believed Co combine every comfort and convenience that can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin. 5130 ; Spoond do., GIL From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, Tlq francs ; Second do.. 350 francs. To going to London these steamers orerthe advantage of economy both in time and expense. Speeie delivered in London. No passage secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. AD letters and news papersimuit pass through the Pat Office. 4. r B. " D l itl ' i r ?O ''a . Broadway, New York. WILLIAM MALI. Agent Havre. AMERICAN COI Meats. Southampton. EHROPEAN EXPRESS COMPANY, A WIr t f. P htEI L LSON, Agent, Mee, Tobaeco Warehouae, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plans of the shins can be seen. • rag- tmhBl STE.A DIRECT TO ALL .• PARTS O F ld F GREAT BRITAIN AND IR LA t FRANCE A , AND GERMANS,. THE HAMBURG AMER CAN PACKET COM PANY'S IRON MAI 2 I STEAMSHIPS. HAMMONIA, Capt. H. F. Bohweneen. SAXONIA, Capt. H. Ehlers. BORUSSIA Capt. N. Trautman. BAVARIA:Capt. H. Taube. TEUTONIA, Capt. H. Faison. These Steamers are all taret-elasa Clyd built eetee-le; aro intended to eml from Pier et, North River, as Wows) • •-• • • • FOR LONDON. SOUTHAMPTON, HAVRE, AND HAMBURG The elegant and powerful Iron Screw Steamship BO RUSSIA, Capt. N. Trautman. 2,400 tone burthen, wit gall an anove. on . • • SATURDAY, ,DECEMBER Mat, at 12 o'elook M. Paaaare, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New fork, and from Southampton to London, Firer Cabin. 81801 Second Cabin.-13 80 I Stee rage.. •13! The BORUSSIA real be mmoeeded by the following Stealna hips HA NI AIONIA--- WEDNESDAY, February 1. SANONIA.• . DAY, mareh I. .THURSDAY, March IS. BA VARIA..... ~.....RIONDAY, April 2. Pasveniters forwarded to Liverpool, Dublin, Bel fast, Cork, Olaagow, Parra, and Antwerp, at through rates. . . These steamers ere fitted up with unequalled 540041- modarione for first, mooed, and third-olsesPassposers. Wahinatitr of f irnoxl[itir of these Slops ere The Second ea de a itiac t ktes 71 : passme m i:ii:d l ain na kendon, South ru a P pton, Havre , and I:Umbers. to New York. arcels forwarded from Yhi Lsdelpttia to all parts of Europe at reasonable rates. Freight engaged Now Philadelphia well be promptly attended to by.th e - York Agent, sad shipped free of all commission. For Freight or Pesuage_,_epPlT eXo l tiletelf tu W. A. RA Aron (Moe of the Hamburg Arnericeu Bteautskr,_ rd-tf Northwest corner e OURTH and CHEST 11T. r Tlai ISt/ TON AND SAVANTMT.E.A.MEMIS. FREIGHT RED Heave Freight at an ayerage of mysits nee lN low w New Irc.rk Fti t li a V h Ati a pTON. 8 C. The N. El. Mail Steamship EYBTOI.II, STATE. Cap tain Charles P. Maystiman , will gall on PaturdaYs January N. at 10 &Mr Throngn to LS to of POUT,OUIT AO hours at Sea. FOR SAV i r r NAlt, Ga , The B. Mail Steam STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain .101tra J. Garvin, sail on Saturday. JUAAar , 11, at 10 o'clock A. M. Through In MI to 60 hours, only 4.3 hours at Sea. igir Sailing days changed from every Saturday to Over; five dais. Goods received, and Bins of Lading caned ev 'fV silendid fret-clam ei_de-wheel Steamships KEY STONE TATh and STATE OF GEORGIA now ran as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day °mum, S ons with Charleston and Savannah, and the Son and outhwest. At both Charleston and Savannah,thestlllnes con nect w.th steamers fort h loaa and with rmirosa. for all places in the Smit and southwest. INSURANCE. Freight and lasgraase on a large proportion of Doods chipped South will be found to be lower by these shins than by sailing veueli, the premium being one-hell the rein. N. D.—lnsuranoe on all Railroad Freight is entirely annecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Com_anies taking all rialto from these ponds. GREAT REDUCTION IN FAIIE. Fare by thie route 58 to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the folkiwing sche dule. Through tickets from Etaladhut v.iugkutrles ton and Savannah steamslos, INCL UD ING 8 on the whole route, °smut from. Char eston and van nah to Montgomery 'NLAND VAIL To Charleston— 11111 OD Char1a5t0n........—.4133 10 Savannah.— lb 00 Savannah— 31 00 Wta--- 10 0) Augusta-- XI 03 a. .—... 31 IM Macon— .... Bs 75 tarmii --- .. 13' 00 3 tii i h a i n m t ta — I.; g ° o 1bany............ 91 CV / lbany —...— ,37 00 untsomery.... 26 00 ontgomery.—...... 38 00 Ade.. —....... 33 00 °MM.._ —__ 01 SO aw Orleans—. 89 73 ew Orleans.— ......... El 00 Bo bila of lading signed after th e shin has awed. For rata' ht or passage apply on board, at seoSead wharf boveVine street, or to • AUX. IfIERON, • Jr., Southwest oorner_FOUTh and_4I.EOI.NUT. A l' eatli in FalarlgraT;;Fliligii'kEii U. rinELL. For Florida gm Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah steamers St. Mary's and St. John's. every Tuesday and Saturday. p P RIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Price to obtain the oontente. Address WILLIAM TIMSON, Poudrette Office, 1213 North SECOND btreot. ltn. n - ttiuK_AlAKEsti MACHINES ivbich tem- A—rye r the clay, ail heels . ot Clay Spaces'rick rreseee. Ablehines. Clay W Clay and caatinea for Coal Kilns. at C. CARIIELL'ii, riEKMAIYTtarS Road, above Fife) wear. )s7-Obn WlLLuta bEWINIi MA CHINE.—Thee Machine never fails to live en tire eatieNotion. aLln. For WST e at 71a CHE NUT Arr.. wl9-tf CALCUTTA TWINE.—Just received, a superior lot of Vtla v ninhein i c! for eats 4 tz dff 13 N, Water at, INV,lliVharraa. SALEM BY AUCTION. AURORAS et SONS, Nollasi and Id SOLITEI FOURTH STREET. Fortnerty rine. e 7 and ea.l REAI O ESTATE AND STOCKS, lIITAIDAY At f O'clock in the Prettier. Tantablet eataloguee now reedy. cont./nine fall Ott. ...unions of all thecropertiee to be eold on Tilowa7 next, 17th Jantotur. at 7 o'clock to the evening, th hit of 'aloe Mb, 21th. and S'irt January, and 7th Feht t ,a. 77, lad of real est ate at private sale. aMtee,—PTIBLIO _RALE! REAL ESTATE Artie AB AT TEE EXCRANGE.—BaIse of real artate and stooks error" Tuesday, at the Exchange. air Contnhatom having tee OPUOU a either NU: OT Handbills of asap property . weed eeveraten, addition to which we publeh, an the flaterday prepoms. to the sale one thousand catilosues. in temente. for swing desenvtons of all the propettof to be on the oiloarinETotoia. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. KrWe have a large amount of real estate at privnts sale, inaludins every dimenation of city end. counts property. Punted tarts may be had ante *action store PRIVATE PALS GIRTER._ W Real estate entered nov a private sale l m u ti sal ni (adWhyit*/Pcoiwsaradprinedwp m —e PALL PALEo, STOCICS a ND REAL ESTATE. 33 , 1 Poll Sale. fen. If. evening, at the Exceseee. ST Port of the hendbilla for esoh of the above tales now ready. STOCKS. LOANE. PEWS. &b. On Tuesday Evening. Jan. IT. at 7 o'clock, win be send, u the Pb. Weights k:atunre— Pew N 0.168. west middle Mile. Pirpt Reformed Plies Church, corner of Seventh and Senn( (leaden streets. ( Rev. A. A. Willtts.{ Pew co rne r middle aisle. Third Referruad Dutch Church of Tenth and Filber t ,tre a ts WY' Sale abeolute. Pew No. 21, St. Andrew's Chtuch, Eighth Wait, steno Soruoe. Aho.l share Philadelphia Library. /share Mercantile Lamm. 14 &hares F.astern Market ( I .3.—par 41140. full paid, 3 (anginal) shams San Pranotsco IriudAssucinuou / share Point Breeze Park Association. EXTRA BALD-1120,000 RAILROAD BONDS. On Thruway Moraine. 19th inst., at 11 o'cl cic. at the Exchanre, without ra • serve, for account of alma it may concern— - $m COi Tyrone and Look MINIM Railroad E.rat saint• saes bonds. O.T Pak absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANITARY 17. At 7 o'clock in the evenine. Orphans' Court *ale—testate of William Rlrkystrick, deceased THREE.STORT BRICK DWELLING, Felton st., betw , TwelLA and Thuteenth and Faze - stet and Catharine streets. SIX DWELLINGS.—Six thresstory brick dwellings, FIC111) , street and Birch street. between Fifteenth and Sixteenth and Fitzwater and Catharins streets i rreinptory SaIe.—THREE-STOKY BRICK DWEL. L NG, No. POS North Eleventh street. above Brore. Sale absolute, immediate possession. VALUABLE PRIVATR LIBRARY. On Friday Evening. January nt.at tba aocuon atoro, Inn bo soli a mdaac bla yrtonto iibrary. 'which Ina tides many atcndard and desirable authors on Interacting and imuortact auldecu, the goief portion London and fine Amarieaki ern uonc, neat and elegant bindings.. gra - ,The books trill be arranged for exareanatmn, vitt oatalcque., one day prao,ooa REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 21, At 12 o'clo,:k. EOM. PeremPtorrSae—F r scenarist of whom it mss con• cerc.-4 428 ACRES LASS, TEXAS.—One league of land, containing 4,124 acres. Nacogdoches county, 011 the west be. k of the Ansel:as river, 23 miles from Na ocwoolhes. Texas. ET dale absolute. Trustees' daIe.—LARGOS AND V•LITAELE LOT LF GROUND. south ado of Market street. west of •'.66 feet front, 126 feet deep, to Ash elks., o hoots. BR t, ESTATE SALE—JANUARY SL At 12 O'ClOck, noon. Orphan a' roan Sale—s.state of William Cornell dee'd. reiNo, DWELLINGS.—Six three-store brick and three frame dwellings. Gerniantowu road and Mirror street, late No there Liberties.) • Wi t, ans . Corot Sale—Estste o• Stare (IF% deed. IR EDEb; BLP. GROUND RENT SP. A YEA —par $1 40—ipuins out of lot enst side of Sr coed etre rt, south of Chrmilan. clear of taxes; secured, by Iwo three story brick dwellings. FL EGANT tilloWN-STONL RESIDENCE. with side yard. North Broad street, wet; tide, above Master. Lot 20 by 200 feet. with tiro fronts. Bosse 23 !sat Iron; finished with every modern improvement. ♦ boo brick stable and conch house on the rear end of the lot, on Carlisle street. NW See handbills. VALUABLErueremptorr Bals.—TWO 1 ARGE AND BUILDING LOTS. one at the northwest corner or Amber and cerseant streets. euth fronts on the Frankford road and Lloyd street the other at the northeast corner of Gold and Sergeant street.. wild a trout on L'ord street, Nineteenth ward. The tooto he sold as one lot, with five fronts. Orr Sale absolute. Sale at Nos. tia satlM Booth Pooeh Street. SUPERIOR FAIRSTPURs. PRVIOL,PLATE MIR ROR% Pa-No-FORTE, BRUSSRLS r-A PETS Oa Thundar Morphia. At 9 o'olook. at the Anotom Store; ea 11S8011Mrat of g. i ttelgitt second hand farag n reektaatzfan boosoMIMATIL rimmed aaryW Lae der!crFratiorteaTAl saM. Bale for seentint United &otos. BOLE LEATIF ER. HAVE.S3CLI, &a. On 'noonday Morning, At 10 o'oleak. et the soetaost store. ',delimit morn" 13,711 enundo sole leather. and 1628 ha rennet& , a be examined any time nromona to rata, MOSES NATHANR, AUCTIONEER ilrp MAMMON MERCHANT, nouthaut oorner of 61.XTR !Lod RACE Stmt s. MONEY TO LOAN! e 040,000 to loan, in la.ro or emaB aim etookA n old sod stlyei vlato.mumdt wemoors. OWLI, " S i n bordiea l =ery rr oloWatem== es g: !eldime. horses. whiews. barmen, and on all Inha le ,o s. for my lanith of time agreed en. on. tnalt liberal term* than at any other aatabl , ant trims atty. GREAT OTIANUE FOR BARGATES. At private sale, splendid piano forte, in rich rosewood case. ones 840 U on. PM; Otte 10 egret sold bannue ease patent lever "moth, doubt,' time and rode endent moulds. only 3123; nee raid huntlat -case hventh ha tent lever entente. or the most approved and heat makes. from es to 4100; doe sold double bottom Eng lieh pelmet lever watches. best make, from CM to $4O; fins 13-caret huntiner-ease detached patent l ear watebee. l 3 jewels, frontal& to 33; open face do.. from $lO to 429; fi ne 10-eatet go Lew e ousting ram wetehes at SW; men face do - from 410 to 140; silver Enebeh patent lever watches in Mintier cares god double bottom. of the most approved and best make , , rom 11l to NO; American human: wise silver tweet laver watches et 'ro; hunting ease Liver duplex watches; ditto double time (tom /at. 320 busting oue silver Lever watches!. fall jewMied. winds ooth at a key, from/Pato 420; Lemaa do., from ..e.12 to 416; hunone owe silver detached laver watehes. jew...l e , from *f to Oil; open fate do., from ea to 413; homing reel* rarer Leotne watches, toll jewelled. from $Y to 410; opeq face do, from es ip 6; silver qoartier watches, from $3 to la ; silver Freneh watches,, orci $I to f 3; gold patent Monne ease and open far* lever gad Lejrnre. Endlirh. arrow, and Fronee watches. from $1 to *lO ; fine syest. fob, end seek obelus ot Skeet' Per dart.; ' fins_ .go er tool ear-rtare. Wootton. nod he S neer rm., eadienelr.v.tit even' o*- seript ton, for less than half the cane onrao, ergo no b to Ipso. in moms to scot apalleeay.oa dr? and every kind of prods, at less rate of cludgleg _ krir other eetobrishment it; the city. OUT-DOOR SALES Attended to penman, of the anetioneet, et eery taw °barge& CONSIGNMENTS 801,ICITED. Cornienments of all land every kindof goods sotioited for Redo) ; two- -tturdi the value oldie goode will di advanced in anticipation of the aide. biOns NATHAN& MO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN DI ER- C HANTS.—NI A NILA ROPE.—A large and well. asaortetl stook of Manila Rope, atanufaotared and for ale, at New York omen. b W_AWR, FILER, k co.. ,tee Itt WaNsr &m T i./2 Wh•wv.s. THE WEEKLY PRESS A NEW VOLUME! THE WEEKLY PRESS entered Imo I New Vo lume with the New Year. To may. =arab. that oruP paper has been imeasasful. would be to sire tar too weak end indeLtatte as ilea or our poaition—for, not only has TRH WEEKLY PRESS been established on a seems and permanent foundauea. but It Is, in *galas, a marrellens example of the degzes of tarot' which a Tightly-conducted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL man reoeive at the hands of a liberal and enlightened publso. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for the patronage already bestowed upon no. and we shall spare no efforts which may serve to render the caper even more attractive. useful. and popular in the future The POLITICAL course of THE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlarged upon here. Independent, steady. and fearless. tt has hauled, unwaveringly and zealous ly. in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and cider and tyrannical legislation; ever declaring and adhering to the doctrine that POPULAR sorEREIG rTY constt• tutee the fundamental basis of our free Institution■ and that the intelltgenoe and painottein or our vitt core vill always be preservative of a wise, just.a^d salutary ( I nr eminent. These are the pneciples to which THE WEEKLY PRESS has been oomntitted, awl to them It will adhere. OUR NEWS COLUMNS will continue to be the ausleet of unremitting care end attention, and ell diligence be employed to make this Paper a oompendium of all the principal evenre of inte rest which transpire at home and abroad. The LITERARY character oT THE WEEKLY PRESS. now universally acknowledged to be of an e'a rated stamp, shall not only maintain ate present high branding, but shall be enhanced by important and ridea ble contribution from able writers. Deeming -Pcnirt op stonsta the great safeguard of private betimes:sand public prosperity, we shall carefully exclude from oar columns everything which may reasonably be objected toes the ecorn of improper tendency. rhe fie:as of pure literature afford gurficlent material to make an AC CEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. containing al the elements of excellence, without a el ngle °bin:Don able line t and the proprietor of the THE W KEHL Ir PRESS may Justly claim that no head of a family need hesitate to let Its column go under the notice of any member of his household. The general features of the paper. in additif n to Its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTNIENTn. salt be Poetry. nereAss. Biography and Original and Ss. tared Tales, chosen for their lessons of life. tllnitxa tiona of limo's, depioture of manners, and r,snersi merit—and adapted, In their veuisty, to the Natal of both sexes and all age/. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. Due etre will be taken to furnish OAT r11:deT11 correct and reliable reports of the produce and settle markets, mad* up to the Latest how. Among the agreeable variety of articles in store fir the pairons of THE WEEKLY PRESS, It nier to mentioned that'll, shall commence, in oar New Volum., the publication of TRTA TA AND TRIUMPHS: Oa, ANCIENT TIHEB IN OLD VIROINIA ; an Original Novelette of ■urpassin; interest, written by an author of acknowledged abdity. The stars will ruu through 501133 al numbers of the paper, and will be, in itself, worth more thou the sum required for a y ear's subscription. 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