The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 13, 1860, Image 4
~ - .l3lOsts -2aoker -on Spooittl-Logislati s n.' • Upoti'tho resembling .of the preient'otieslon of ;the Legislature, Governor Packer 'returned - , With islitie;',Ereentivoieto,'ssightbilis looorperatillg mining and tablitlfirecuring ileinpentee, which had been pre -5,341 to hiai for approval within,ten days of the '''Sidjsirrnirient 'of the Nat Legislature's ,The Geyer. mot's of ndone to, these ante dilated' leglidation contained la his veto of tba"Aot to ineoryorato the Packer Iron Company,"'aud - to which 'we eels - the attention of this publio. The Governor says: • - This bill proposes to incorporate- a company to _ beralled tho,"Pookor s lron Company,", with p capital of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. wtthqsower to - indreasei the same to five hundred thousand dollars, to be "employed in mining ore. making and, manufaaturing. iron, rolling railroari iron, mining coal and •limestone, end' transportg and vending the same and for snot% other obj ots en he neoessary in the prosecution of eald s•elsiets." 1 have uniformly Withhold the Exeoittlee appro. - Yid from bills of this. character, and have repeat " edly, presented to the General Aesembly my 'tibiae , Hone to inch legislation. By the not entitled "An sot to entourage - factoring operations in this ,Commonwealth," ap - proved April Yths ,1849, and its' various supple s- meets, provision hes been made for the Incorpo ration of retannflotering 'and reining companies -; ',Ooniequently, epeeist' eats of incorporation for Inch ,purposes are, entirely ntmooessiry. Nay, they ore, in tnifeelifoient, not only unnecessary, hut are 'subject to'manv arg grave objeotions. With'tlee history of pest legislation in Pennsylvania before it oah coarsely be neeessary to ray that a pri vate bill, confined At a Single locality, or limited . in its application to a particular company, is not likely to-receive at the hands of the Legislature Abet onasideration which its importance demands, and which is always given to a general bill ap plying to and affecting every part of the State. It, therefore, Often happens that, from mere lint mention. powers are granted which should: be withheld, and restrietions omitted which ought to he imposed, As a neeessaryconseqttence it follows that each corporationlas a law ct its own ; there ' it neither uniformity nor equality in the rights and privileges and immunities conferred, nor in the liabilities and restriotions Imposed. Hence that which one corporation may do -with impunity, is expressly forbidden to another of preolsely the same general character. One will be subjesst to n - bonus anti onerous taxation, while another will be exempt Irma both: At-one session of the Legtsla - Aare charters will bo granted with a liberal bend for almost every conceivable purpose, with few re 'retrlotions ; while at another, they will he refused ' for similar- purposes: or, if granted, will he hedged in by the most stringent provisions. To illustrate -the entire absence of uniformity, in int. portant particulars, in metal nets granting nor -- porato piwora muse' at the - same session, I would respectfully mill the attention of the General As sembly to the foot that, of nine bills fur purposes nearly identical, parsed near the close of the Legislature, all of which will be returned without the Executive sanction. the provisions fur the in divldeal liability of stvkholtiOrs aro as various as the bills arc numeronis , While in some tho stock holders are made individually liable to the ply ' went of alt or nearly cli of the corporate debts ' -and the performence of the 'corporate contrsete, in others the individual liability is extremely limited in character and extent; and not one of them cor respond, with the general law fixing the individual liehilitjr of ,stockholdere in manufaaturing end minion. comp-melee Fleetly there should, in this respect at least, be uniformity. - under the general law, manufacturing and min - ing companies aro required to pay to the Common. ' wealth a hence of ono belt of one percent, on the amount of the capital stock of oath cowpony. In same of the hills now before me, and heretofore sea furred to, this bonus is limited to the amount of capital stanls actually paid in ; in others it is en tirely omitted; and, in others still; it le mode to correspond with the general law. Of the latter description is the pertioular bill under considera tion.- Why the practice of the Government in the exaction of a bonus for - corporate privileges for . menunieturing and mining purpose' should not be uniform, and bear i equally upon all, tis difficult to connive. Special nets of incorporation, if defensible at ell, man only be justified where no general provls ston has been made by law for granting Push char ters Great evils grow out of the defective , ehinery provided for the practical operations of companies organized under special leers. They claim to be exempt front the, general law, and 'lumen, to remedy defects in their charters, frequent merlons seise for supplementary nets which filllour statute books, although of no pub%) interest, and occupy A largo portion of the time and atten tion of the General Assembly. to the exclusion of more ipaportnnt 'subjects of legislation. Let it not be urged that the general law le, in some of its details. objectionable and unneces sarily restrictive, and that eempardes derlinelo commence operations under its provisions. If it were conceded that this assumption to founded in truth, indeed of fnrnishing a reason for granting - various and mul Gramm! shortens,, crowding our lawsbotike with special legislation and our 'mutts s• with litigation, it presents an irrefrageble argu ment in favor of an modifying and amending the general law as to mike it olearly meet the wants : of the business community. A, tithe ;of time and labor employed in the - , :l4:;%pitrisage of specie) charters by mil Geperal - As :sees senility, to avoid the provisions of the general law, ,If devoted' to its nmereiments would long elate have perfected' its details, and made it acceptable toed; s Then those having accepted charters and tranittoting Inielneas 'under it would enjoy tho benefit of the obenge--nWwoulti be pieced upon aennsmon pletlnrm, without the rivalry of kindred cottiorations having the unfair adventure of re mitter and speedel lagfelnfion. it a modifise lion of the law be deemed advisable, I will cheerfully - coeoperste-with the General - Assembly in Malting • each proper amendments as may be considered promotive of the public interests, and conducive to the' prosperity of those engaged In mining or manufacturing pursuits. -We commend these Aiwa of Gov. Packer as , Round, and, if earned out In our State Legislature, eminently calculated to promote the best interests of she Commonwealth. Our legislation, of late years, Instead of being' a system, has become a ItellyAletelopetch of specialities. The major part of the time of our Legislature le occupied in efforts to forair individual or limited interests rather than in patriotic, - endeavors to advance the general good-.the interests of the whole people. We aro therefore pleased to see that Gov. snicker inani• WI a determination to discourage this species of ~T- legislation so far as Executive influence and power on do so; and hie courts in this respect commends Itself to the approbation of tho public, irrespective of all partisan views.—Lonnaster Express. THE COURTS. 780T8RDAV6 rsoo,mxtlitilf. (R portal for Tbo,Preas.l Paws—Justico Strong.—Earper vs. The Citv of Philadelphia (before reported ) f ilpl.l and Jr. 1'; lennhead far praintiT; H. T. King and David W. Salient, Emirs., for defendants. %erdiot for defendants. Administrators of Barlow vs. nage°, ex-lberiff. An action of trespass. Kneass for plaintiffs', and Meet for defendant. On trial. &Pat= COt/lIT ry netra--ChlofJustico Low rie, Justine@ Thompson and Ronda—Commercial Swing and Lonn Aeeeelatim'a appeal. Argued by T. - Lynt, Esq nr appellant, and Wm. S. Prtoo for apnallee. Farmers' and lafrobanios' Bank vs. Thames. Argued by cloorige iv, Biddle for plaintiff, and by 0. W. Peels for defendent'A ClorY'd, appeal. Arguedby G, Samuel for 'ap pellant, and by W. Thompam for defendant. 'Brook's estate., Argued by George W. Biddle, Esq., for appellant, and, by A. E. Graaf for ap• pelfee. - Judgment affirmed in each of the. following MPH: City of Philadelphia vs. Bitting: Dein vs. Connellsville B. A. Co. . P051M.02 , 1 Pr,Er--Judge Ludlorr.—Koaler re. Bodine. Before reix.rtal. Verdict for plain tiff for 838.03. . Dixarile vii. Doboaci. An nation to mover ground rent. William M. Smith 'for plaintiff Gerhart for defendant. Vordtot for plaintiff for $2351 • Letts ve. Miller. An nation to roma! , the value of ;so di told and delivered.. J. N. Urown for plaintiff; 0. B. P. O'Neill for defendant. Non. snit Thta court adpurned to Saturday morning, at 10 O'clork. DRUM COIIRT, No. 1--Judge Ilara.--Ja oob Monk vs John M Gummey k Son. This was an action for rent of first story of premises situate No. 73 South .Fourth street, at $l5O per quarter. Defenna only one quarter's rent due. Verdiet strig 75 for.pleintiff. - Dtniel Dougherty ter plain-. tiff: Harkland end Drinekle far defendant. Worrell vs. Willa An action to recover fcr arrear of rent. \ruttiet far plaintiff far 81,673 41. TIMM t. for plaintiff; McCrea for defendant. Csrgdbill vs. Stewart. An settee on a promis any note. Verlint for plaintiff for $35544. L. firer for plaintiff; J. 'P. Loughead fir defendant. Wallace ye. Robinson.. A feigned issuo. The plaintiff is a mantel woman who was the pronrie tor of a store, the business of which sbo Oat r:ei on da her awn name. Judgment was obtained by the defendant spinet her husband for debts he bad, contreeted- ()able.- individual amount, and goods, belonging to plaintiff were Beira in - execution. This action is brought to - recover possctwton of these goofs. plaintiff alleging that she is entitled to theme and that they never were the property of the , - htisband, who bad' never, In any Waypsoittritupel any money to the business. Lowie C. Cassidy for plaintiff, and P. Carroll femur for defendant. On. trial. ,DtgritlOT GOLIAT, No. I.—Judgo Stroud.— , Frith. ,'e. Hutzler. Before reported. Verdict for defendant. - .11,41.014 vs. _Starr. -An action to recover the value or goals sold end delivered. James P. John ston, Req., for plaintiff; Ouillott for defendant. -Jaylont. No jury trial will be Fuddle this court until Mon day -next. QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Allison.—s The trial of the sednotlon cam:Wire reported, wits Continued, hut - not conaladed et the hour of ad • journmens, half past three o'clock P. M. - Joseph Sweitser o arrested in this city by Deputy litirshals Tippen and Sharkey', for robbing the ;pat Made In Delaware City, was convieted in Wil mington on Tuestiny, and was sentenced to three ;oars hard labor la the New Castle jail. ' -117011110 AD XXI) Ilse MA3II7II.OTURING , fEte1.3711.74110 recent non•lntireourse movements .in thstSouth hare given a great impetus to the ma •anuttettlring interests of Richmond,land already we hear or many netr, munufseturlng establishments fn tenteMplatien, - ea, troll as 'tavern' already, • course of oanstruotion. Machinery for wane - taotiirrng :woollen fabrics ,will, in Match neat, 'ender yrey, end will consume from eight to ten . thousand-pounds of - wool per week.' Title will open a nierket for thelarge quantity of wool grown , the ttitate;Avlttoh - bee for the past five years :giougbh V. marker, in the Northern elites, there being 'acarogular„marttet ,for - wool in tiohmond since Aiti-Aurniog of the woollen ,faotory heredn 1864.1 Charles X • Morris Is nori plashing".to completion laige stigai.riAlhery,'lnd weleer win be able to - - ;,;.:-ttim out the 1, totlfied arilore by early spring. 'Ne'bear thitt'fintr or five bf Ourthost enterprising wfth'an .abuedenee' of capital, hero 'ass°. :tasted thetneelves together fur the purpose of 'eo. , 'tablisiiing a 'la rge - tannery, 'and ,that a gentleman - fronkliewark, New' Jersey, his applied'. to them' an interest tit the business, and the privilege_ of rleg a - largefipot and, ShoO &sry— „-'nkeifo fermi/it fire hundred' thOand to del= ' lats:- tie his pert 'or the Capital 'to beemplOYed., IlkoAdltion to .: these , it ,is expedted that a iarge matinfaalory win soon into-operation bore for ,initraf. 4 otltt IWi.kisrp ? 14151;t14_ ,4 1 10, z-;4 /ftekmtirsit - I MEDICINAL. COVGIIS 'AND COLDS. coughs, Colds, CoUghe, Colds, Coughs, golds, gauSql , Coughs, Colds, Coughs. Colds, Coughs, Colds. cous - PlOllBlO. - • • Plithib.Or Drone - lath!, Hormeneor, Roinchißs, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Brouokatts, Ito silences, Whooping Cough. Croup, Whooping Cough, Croup, Wlioopias o.9ugh, Croup, Whooping . Oeugh, Oroup, 9tatniy, quinsy, Consumption. Consumption, Coninimptioni ConsumntMn. Consumption. Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, and all like diseases, find an nnfailing antidote, a ready relief, and a aura and speedy cure, in that great and universally approved Remedy, WISTAIt'S TIALAANI (IP WILD OTTVARILY, Wit:CAWS BALSAM OF W 114) CHERRY. TPAITMOXT. WI6CAD . II BALCAM OP WILD Coznwr.—At this season of the year, as well ae at all seasons. it is impor tant to have on hand a remedy for coughs and colds. We speak for the benefit of our readers, when we re to thole Vse above named remedy, which h2e been advertised it our paper far come time.wo i live had occasion to use tln our family for pubs and other throat affections. and to nil snob oases it has cured the eorephont. We now'deem it an indispensable al-n -010, faf . we Moans wear to have reliable remedy on hand ,or these complaints. to which all are Itabie.— Otriftian Freeman sad Family Visitor. Head- the - following Letter from a highly respectable Gentleman. • - I.llElleTovE. Montour co., Pa.. Oct. 42. This is to certify that I was pronounced by never:it Physicians as vOneUrnetwe, nod had all the ay mptoms of the disease in its worst form, such as couching. severs pains in the cheat, shortness of breath, night-aweats, find oil renbe weakness and lassitude In me whole to s tein. ikly family nearly all having died of the disease. I had given op all hope of recovery, no nothing Rare foe relief; but thrpllgh tho persuasion of a friend I wee in duced to try Dr. Motor's nolgom ay Wild Cherry. 'f he first brittle relieved me considerably, and the third bot tle guyed me entirely. f now lee as well so lever Mil in' my it By. and am able to tollow my occupation as farmer sa fully as any one. I also had a sister in a more advanced state of the dis ease' having been confined 47 ner tied for over n. veer. and pronounced beyond hope by our beet ph; mations. hhe also watt entirely cured by the WI 'd Cherry., but it requited eiX or MOt bottles. and she still takes it flots am:oly es n preventive. being naturally weak-chested. I would sincerely urge Ail who are similarly alllirted to try Da. WISTAD.'I. HALS6St OF WILD CIILIERV,R/1 l am satisfied that. but for lour own Valuable remedy. my meter and myself would not now b. living I will cheer ' fully answer any one who may address me on the sub ject, and stale our oases more fully tsigned I JACOB MILLER, BEWARK OF COONTIiuFIOTA BE:WARE OF COUNTERFEITS I Each letters as the following, front u mordant, are daily received g Blarney. Delaware, Oct. 20, 1143. 8. W. FoWLR & C.,. Beaton : Please send me a sun ply of AVlstan's 13 , 61.8431, na f MD nearly out, and there ten great demand for It Lit is doing wonders; it cures Coughe...telhena. 117hooptrty Cough, nod Consumption. without all . There kne rover been nnypf the genuine liars until yea sent me slot some time since, but plenty of the counterfeit. Yours. truly. JACOB Y. FOIII,K. VMBER. gitaxesons. ail who seek koala, that the only Geouvre lies the WRITTEN signature "I. KITS." us well es the primed name of the Proem , tort, SETII W. FOWLE k C 0.., Bogen. on the Ml aide tortmgcr. Tear. No (MIRE ; it were money wasted and health lsoPartli gad. _ . WISTARII BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. WIBTAR'B BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. For Sabi try Philadelvhin, nt tolidesalx and ',Oral. h• T. NV DYUTT b SONS, No. 210 North SECOND Streot. DY SPEPS lA. DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY OF TDB SYSTEM, DYSPE,PSIA, DEDILITY OF-THE SYSTEM., LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. SICK HEADACHE. FLATULENCY, LOSS OF. APPETITE, FLATULENCY. LOSS OF APPETITE, And the numberless other dismiss, arising from Ind, gotten, and Junctional disorders of the Stomach. find when the &sew it, not beyond the power of medial ne ready relief in that establudted and sterling remedy, THE OXYGENATED DITTEIIS, THE OXYGENATED RITTEKS, RELIABLE TESTIMONY. We cull the attention .of the trader to the following letter from Pros:dent SmItIA, of Weale)an Unirermay : AItIW.TowN, Com, Foh. 28. M. . . • • . SZTII POWLB CO.—I:8)111cm. : I tarsi Wide one of the Ogren:ATP) BIT, BR, some seven or eight tears tin's. Having suffered for twenty yens bear form of 088888111 A. which was attended with a nano.. headache. on nn average of not less thnn one dm in 6 week. I was Induced by the unpretending recommends. lion of Dr. Green •• to try one bottle, and if no benefit wee received to discontinue the use," The nee of one bottle warranted a further trial. to the extent of some three or four. with a careful observance of the tleminantit ins directions. The result wel. at a l most ca m, r e l i ef from the usual dyspeptic symptoms. end thoir depressing. painful consegueness. 1 believe these bitters produced an entire chance in the Imbue of my system, and upon the active energise of the dice tive organs. I now deem myself se exempt from c h e • pepsin as most persons. 'riles, hitters have also bon of service to other members of my family. Very respectfully yours. AUGUSTUP W. SMITH. YORK. Livingston no , N. Y., Oct. 1. 18.11. MMES. S. Yl. F'oa'ls & 1 have !men soli cited by NOUrngl3 , l topresent to gnu a testimonial or the restorative quali ins of roar Oryerimied Bitters," to which I cheerfully combir. in gratitude in you. sirs, also in the hope that many snore may ex pert ence Its invl:o - effects. Desp/c.iit, with its timberless associates, took up its abode moth me. in opposition to the skill of marl , of the meat celebrated ph, inching Petri the 'pint Way willing (if nn relief gourd be Mundt to surrender, and r id adieu to its earthly taberritnle, when I wee olden& by the urgency of a triend, to try • our bitter.. little deer was Grath° Gilead was in the I , OM/10,1110a or orient will moos, as it was the fir s t &neat I was aver induced in quart, but, thanks be to knil. wee ft WM, and a most efloient and crateful one, ton. ire moat exec, %aor t ic symptoms in my one were the immoderate and mete - tar beatins of the heart imingdrately tiller taking food, attended with groat ptoortuon, end very Leritientty violent Ott Joke of palpitation, lasting from twelve to twentr-tour hours. leaving the stointeli co perfectly pow. less that even a spoonful 01 milk or rice wiver would seem burdensome. I commenced the rice of the Hitters by Wing half a tea-spoonful—rim extent won n. full one. I was very persevering until) hail taken three bottles; slued then, at intervals, I have taken two mom. I began to realize its genial eff , ek.s immeilletely . ; be sides it is extremely grateful and refinhin se a beve rage. which is a charm that butt few medicines can be tat of. I would. sirs hartily Burl earnestly beg all who are afflicted with D 1 enema in any form to test, your Oxygen e ted litters. all do esteem them tnyinlib e. nt Very respectfully, . Miss AL St OCKINO. 121ZbIZM=:= • . . T. W. DYOTT BONS, 218 North 800 m 4 sweet, Philadelphia. A. B. HANDS Se CO., Now York. CAN BY. fit LAIN. & CO., flaltimore. Bold by Ornevnita and Plerohents everywhere. d3O-eoClin d&W IRIPOILTATIONS. (Reported tor The Presol PORTO CA DRIZO—Birk Thee; Onllett, D111—&53 hart! eofrao 2157 Judos 8 serooos ndigo 27 tons lignornvitto IVO knL's ^oPosr urn Darlett Oros. 'HAVANA-81u Delhi---402bZe Id hhds sager Y cessa Diems Thos Wattsnn & Sons. PHILADELPHIA BOARD UN TRADE. F, R OPE. ' THOMAS KVIRER. Jr.} COMMITS" Of TBl MONTE A. J. DERD SHIRE, LETTER 8.5.08 AT TBB MISECIIA VTR' A ACIJAN9I, PUMA DXLTIIII. gr. rbip Brag n za, Noll= ..... goon Brig Loam o. Kin ..... rde coon • SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. . FROM THE UNITED STATER. • a RIPS LEAVE FOR ILLITO Kangaroo... - -.Now York..Gliattow .............lan 14 .... , New Yor Jon 1 8 Vl,O 1Nn1ed..1phin..Ltverp001........... Jon llungorton.Fornend..laveroool•-• • • •-• Jell 21 Now _. Ynrk .Bremen —Jan 21 EU , Opn. Boetton..Lt verpont ..-. Inn PS 1 of Pali' more.. Now Yurk.. Live Jan 28 John York .0 teerow....- ......Jon lb /ironies Now York.. Bremen . . .. --Jon 49 .New York..nnuthampton Pb e I Pthton ..... York.. 4 TO ARRIVE. MIPS MUFF FOR. IsAve Now York.....Bouthrnopton..New York Dec V John Da11...........fi1a5c0w..New 23 c err:Kea—Portland ...... ......Dec Ii Europa - Hoston ...... —Boo 31 Jil ra.. ..... . r pool .Nsw Y0rk........... Iran 31 C Belturiore...l.,vereonl..New San 4 Borussia --Boot aos pusa .New York-- ~. • ...len 4 Awls, daxon... ..I,lverpool..Portlend ten 4 Pulton.........Southaturnon..New ..... Ten 11 g.rXr , Ols. wnuhawpwn.. New Y0rk...........4 Arego .New York.— 8 The California Mrnl Steamers Ilan from Now York on tho ath and bah of (moll month. ..• • - 'Pita Havana Steamers leave New York on toe 247th. t2th, 17th. and :7th of eaoh month, and Charleeton, 13. C., on the 4th and 10th. WhPn the above dates fall on Sunday, the steamers will sail on Monday, tweet from New Orleans. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 13, IP.OO SUN RISES.- -7 21-SUN BETS-..- 4 t.,5 HIGH. WAVER-- .-..--- Steamship Delaware, Cannon. 2 . 1 home from N York. TYR h rodeo and passen2 ere to Jamea /Ode rdine. At 10 A M on Wednesday, paled a sunken seta on Slue.Tolin Anal—raw the crew abandon the aehr In a small ho A lime fleet and the City Inn Bost were at Reedy Island at 1E AI on Wednesday. CLEARED. Sohr Empire, Rofts. St Thomas. .1 P Poistoo. Bohr blargarot litocetioa, D N iFetslor & Co. Bohr Margmrst Rhtnottart, Peterson, Now Orlosos, Pettit, Itltutin & Co. nr TlMltrill 4 PM (Correspond non nf the Pl.lll44l4l!phis Exebenire.) CAPP; ISIA ND. NJ.14.1 p M. Several r.seale felt the fire4kwitter, bound up. Nn thlnj goin g in. Wind west—weather fine. &o. THOI3. S. HUGHES. By TALAVELAPH. (Correapondenoe of The Preen.) AVANNA'S. Jnnll. Arrived, NM psJohn H Elliott, fro nt Now York; Bravo from Qualm°. MEKORANDA. Stplalt.fily Penneylvanla, 'Taal, hem) nt, fiehmon 9th inst. • • Phi p Snortaman, Thompeon. tom New York for Hoar IfOof• sPokon Nov V. New4o 0, lone .3.3 40 W. Ship Finl Jono •. for York, olearod at Apala chicola mamma to 3111 Ult. Ott b tlit ' ll f tit Wag WTO r tgA ll ,Z7l . d r g &1.30 • Ship Prow World, Xnlaht. for Liverpool. cleared St tith Met, with 1438 bolos of cotton, valued at SIPIOB%. Iltrk WashinttOn Alston, Woods, from Boston for Honolulu. woe ro Pon P' tlkland Wands, Nov 10,fepatrinz: mu hank 4mrn Cape tu rn l ea k y . Hark Mondamln• CoS,na, front Mode Janeiro, arrived. at Now Odom', pith me t. "Bwk Laconic', hearse, whirl, clenrod N Orlanna mil loot. for rildNieltOna, ham on Luau] 120 hide en: nr.2'l3 We melanoma' Wee cotton. 110 tea lard, and NO empty hble •• . ttnrk 'Bird, Taylor, from Capl) Town, Off, at Doe ton 11th mat. . . Hark 'Flom AllltYse. Barnard. whi I. sailed from Ha vana Fent 19, wala 'OIL boxes euvoir, for Falmouth, E. rod not. arrived out at last scuounts. and team are en- Ormond for here, fety. Rho le an A 2 vessel of ais tons reinter. hurt at Petty's Island in Ito 3, and owned in phdadelphia. Hark bsreh Sheaf, Chs , a. cleared at Charleston 7th inst. fur Montevideo and Boom). Ayren, Wig Fairy, Welsh front Parnstubuco, via Delaware B•olkw.itor. 10111 inst. Brig Moonlight. rim sil, henna at Kingston, ,Yetn,l6th nit, and sailed lid for Falmouth, .Ft, Eehr Jae Mediene. Travers, fur Philadelphia 2.12, wan at Hairston Join, Dee gs r JAS DonntY, filth an. from Newport for Phi• maiphia,bef ore re ported ashore at Orient Point, was sot off weld of Bth met, and taken to Greempoit neat der. Being tinininied, she would aid again on t, a min, behr,A Turd!. fli, , sine. cleared at . Cloirleston 7th last for with 2/0 hales uplnnd cotton. 69 rope dettings, 71 old axle., tone old railrolul iron, 9 bores ne. 1 iron es fa, 4.0 Ws t.rts turpentine, 10 empty welts, and Ut ekes rodeo. Yehr Hichard VIM X. Frink. for Georgetown, norent to Belt C11;0(1,4011 ath inst. H W Godfrey. Wisks. cleared at Wilmington, N .o.loth inst. for New York. Schr it Cogashall, Tilton, fur Wilmington, NC,lrent to 8611 from Charleston Bth inst. • AEPFIEL6MESSRS. ROSENTHAL & MORRIS, front ?mouth, Fligialhit manuhtetu re ra o the cielebrittea ir pantomimic" Sneetseles, respect Lilly solicit the pa transge of the ladies and gentlemen at Philadelphia and violent, to their superior ground eneetnele nhasoB. The valuable advantage derived from them in. that in- stead of vision becoming strained, boated, weakened, Find in numerous ones seriously injured, it is preserved and strengthened, ever-Wiling at once begrimes clear "nod brilliant, and very aged persons are enabled to em ploy, their eight at the most minute occupation, her by day - or candle-light: con see with those lenses of a inueti less ninenifying poster, nil they do not require the ?vaunt changes to the dangerous dream of further obi.Verfol assistance. Certifleatee ea II tie tntn nt thtl offieo over Mr Christ- Man's atom, 702 OtIESTINUI' Street, adjoining Oer• TM'S 1 3 1intnntann room, diS I y PEPPER.—An invoice received. and fo ado by IVETBERILL & BROTIIHR. 'Ol MIL 47 bed 19 11,.rth nF.COND street. %AL. SODA—For sale by WIMIFRILL & DRoTHER, a and a NORTH eECoND went, COPAUTNEIttiffIP NOTICE& HE FllOl OF MoILWAIN & KELLY -IL Is this day dissolved by midst (3 °leant. J. K aIcILwAIN, Philadelphia, January 1. IBCO. JOHN KELLY. The berineeg of I.IoII,WVN & 'KELLY will be pat. tied by Joszpii KULA the tore No. 1022 CHESTNUT Street, to whom all persons indebted to said firm are requested to make payfmt. K. Mc ir,w&lN, Witt WELLY. JOSEPH KELLY. of the late firm of Kelly Brother, }erring purchneml the business of Mellwein k Kelly. wtltrontimte the r Vlnring business lit tit , old Easel, No. 1 (32 ciimaTtitrr Etw.t. nrulpr she St Lnwraner Entel. Ito wilt he essistml by Jour( Kii.LLY. of the late firm of Lukens. Kudy, S. Cu,. and Jiellwuir Kelly. juo N ()Two. wiLLIANI R. LAFO c ADE. MO ALD DR COURP , S, & WILLIAM U. IRWIN, become ovrtnri in o , r firm error Cam date. DID courts EY, ba.FOURCADE. & CO, Philedelohin. Dec.emltar 31. 186./ COPARTNEN SHIP AN!) REMOVAL.-- WM. L.-DUNG! IKON is admitted to an interest M our inlelltAEß trout tioadate. Wo love removed I fom No. 301 Market stmot to \o. 727 CIIES Pri UT !Street. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO. January 1. MO. Is 2-12 t ropAierp.lEßsiiip N(yrion. RTIORTRTDOE & TIRoTEIHR haring this by ns lodated wish chain JAM E 8 B. I!CWNG, the business n•ill foam this date eentluetod iiittler the firm of MOIR , RIDGE. BROTHER. & 00.. at sin. 470 MARKET Stront, and 413 and 4L5 MER CHANT Street. Philtidelphia, January 2,13 , 30. 1112.12 t N OTIOE OF IMIFTED PAENNERSIOP. Where's we. the subscribers, have this day TO flawed and continued forts leafier period of three years, as heretnalter mentioned. the limited partnership en tered into en the 3lst day of Decembar. A. If. leya °eminence. on this Ist day of Jammu. A. D. lAST, under the proviso - me of the Actor the °antral AnsomblY of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved al snit Sint. 1835. entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner and all other ennotments of the said Beneral assembly relative to Limited Panne rsh tpo—now, there fore, in compliance with the provisions of the said en actments we publish the terms of sold original and renewed teamed Partnership ro, tollown First. The name or firm under whtoli the said original and reneweu Limited Partnorxhic was and is to be con (looted is that of J. T. PLATE & StMIOTTI.Eft, Second. The general nature of its linaines4 wan and is that of aleroonnis in a general Foreign and Dontesiic Commission flosinnos in the city of Pioladelphia. and MAO in the business of Importing and Exporting and Wadies Merchandise on account of the said Limited Partnership. Third. The said Limited Portnelehipwss and is com posed of JO rtN 'I 111:01.1.11LUS V. who resides in the city of Phil idelphia •, of ()MIL C. SCHO VTLE it, who resides n the said city of Philadelphia. and ODD [STOP lIE tt F. I'LA'fk.whoseplacoof tevidence is. at prevent. in the Ups Ettnnoatie city of Brenton. The said John T'neophtlun l'into and Car C. Etehottlet were and ore all the conotal partners in the said origi nal rind tonowed Limited Partnership, and the said Chne.ophor F. Flute woe and is the only spaniel part ner therein, Fourth. The special partner, the said Christorlier F. Plate. contributeddtctitally and n gonit faith, in sash. the sum of Fifty Thousand Collate to the capital or common mock of the said mitt oat limited Partnership, no part of which line been witlid7ewn therefrom. Fifth. The bald original Li:toted Parrnotalup eons mewed on the first day of January. A. D. 1t157. and wee to have termlnatee on the 31st tiny of Docemnor, A. (1. ISM. but the same has boon renewed and continued for the further period of three sears front the gist day of Committer, A. L. len. and will terminate on the 31st day of December, A. D. 18.13. Phtledelphia, Dec, 51►t,1855. J. TILEOPIt. PLATFI, t‘fatt, 90110 MLLE, CHII. Flt. PLATE. Br his Attorney in fact. Stig.Ovr OcDP REY FR PYTAG. WE, TIIE UNDERSI4iNED. IiEHERY give net co that wo have ronrwed the hmi ed partnershic between us. wi l y c c t l i c collo our; h eJ the th VE l ln, 1 eb, Vitire -863, unit tote, re o rristrime let s o ' t he act of Assemb`y of the Commonwealth of Pennet Ivania, eiv,d Starch Al. ISE entitled "An Act relntive Limited Partnerships." tual IR , Suet) °manta thereto he said partnership is to he conducted its heretofore. under the name or firm of W. O. BEARD. The eneral nature of the business intended to he transacted I, tho niamifecoure and sale or lint, ny holes to, in tho City of PlidedelPhia,Ot .tonfmemant. Wf BEARD, urho resides at , o. a2a North EIGHTH Street. in the Thirteenth ward. of the City of Philqdrlda. is the sews' partner, and SANIBEL i.. WALTON. who re . sides at No. 724 South FOURTH Ftrect. in the Third vnrd, of the City at Philadelphia, is the special part "he slid uncial partner contributed to the com o stock of said firm tile pop of thirty thousand dorare n which was aotunlly and in good faith on , d in rash. Thu said partnership commenced on the first day of NOVEMBER, A. D 15r9. nnd is to terminate on the first day of NOVEMBER, A. D.lBlO. WM, O. BEARD, die-ftrt SAMUEL O. WALTON. NOTIOK—The undersigned Miro this day forineJ a copartner‘hip. under the name of P. 111 INSELL, Jr.. f.r pansnetion of n Wholeenle rind Retal Limber Busir.ess. 41 w ill occupy the ynrd formerly nceopled by •oth k Mlitzerll. et the corner WardßK end RICHMOND Streets, in the Nine teenth of the City of Philadolph in. P. M I XSELL. Jr.. BA.NPL Philadelphla. Jan 2d latiO. PO 120 DtssoLuTioN OF PARTN ERSII IP. fho partnership heretofore existing under tho firm of NORMS .v JONES k CO. expired on the 3lst oltl nio, by litnito lino. Either of the partnere Win vso the name of the firm in nettlompat. JACOB r. JONES and RI Haiti) DOWNING tetire Dom the business. and the remaining partnere have formed a now coyote nership. ISRAEL. Nm.ItRIS, JACOB P. JONES. RICH 10 11. DOWNING, JOSEPH. K. WHEN:WiId, ViDHEW WHEELER. Philadelphia, Salmon' 3. Uhl COPARTNERSITTP NOTICE.-ISRAEL NIORRIR, JopiEpn K. WHEELER and AN. DREW W. EEL'. partnere in tho late'ram moR. HIS k JONES k CO.. have title day formed n copart nership, under the firm of Molt lad. WHEELER. & CO.. and win erint.nne the Iron and Steel bileinein In nil ita bran• haa. ne herr..fore ennilunted ' nt the old etdrd MARKET and SIXTEENTH dtree te, Philadelphia, Jeinuar) XVI ICE.—The partnership heretofore ex -- 'mine between JAMES G. ABBOTT, AROHIV. LES LAWRENCE. and PALA RI.Ea NOBLY. under the firm of A n o‘oTT & IA Wit trINC E. ts this clay dialolved ire the death A. LAZY ItENCE . All sensing mileht ed to the late trio ere requested to make pa, oeos. and those hermits Ci4lo ato present them to the undersigned, who are duly authorized to use the name of the firm in JAMES O. ARS() I' Phila. Jaey:bad,'oo-12t CHARLES "NOBLE. NOTlCE—Philadelphia, Jan)" Ist. 1843111. The umlersignefi haiincr pnreh.sed of the late firm or ABBOTT & LAW:IEI'IIn, all their ostensive stook of Eitoves. Patterns. &a.._ will continuo tho Storo Foun dry business under the firm of ABIIO PT & NOBLE. J ...ME. O. AllnoT CHARLES NOBLE. IIItEALD pIIRE AND CHEAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY TIM MECHANICAL BAKERY CAN SOAlaan tr 11.1 n roLLOWI7tiI PLACES: firEOFIANICIAL DARWIN, 8. W. corner of Broad and Vine streets. C.ALCLARK.—.--- FTono pla th r street, below MoNEIL.—. E. corner Sixth and Coates street. SATIN/ & let North Finh street. JOHN 0. 1110XEY— .—Nn. 403 Vine street. T. P. North Fifth street. 8. BODY E. corner Fifth and Spruce streets. W, W. MATHEWS.— —EL E. corner Eleventh and Locust streets. aix , D. street, below Wal nut. GEORGE GARVIN.... —No. Mil Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.--N. W. corner Sixteenth and Pine streets. WM. 60d South Twelfth street. B. R. WANAMAKER---F lidera' street, above Sixth. 8. LENTZ Booth Fourth and Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND.---. --B. W.corner Sixteenth an Ogden streets. DAVID BADDLER—No. lit. North Eleventh stroot. J.WEIGHTMAN--1 h'rtoenth street. below Thompson street. 8. 8. TOBIKINB. --No. 1040 North Front rtreet. W. corner ors Seventh 11. 1 Pine Me F'. hIORRIB. ----N. W. tnnner t e nth and Shinnen streets. E. B. TURNER......—.—No. 1215 South Front Street. I. BIIEBTEIL------- 8. W. corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEBT—...—. Career Nineteenth street and Wee avenue. B. S. E corner Ninth and Federal burets. J. MOINTYRE----.Twenty•seeond htroot, Coates. ALEX. FULLERTON......... Corner of Fifth and Chris tian. MRS. E. RAMBLER......-No. 1731 Camel greet. D. F. & T. W. WOLF-633 Girnrd avenue. Wl.l. McCRACKEN--2373 Hamilton street. R. It DU LY N. W. cornet of Twelfth and Ale on street. JULILN KLEIN W. con of hirteonth and Parrish street. AI. NI PPES .......N. K. corner of Fourth and Green atrent KIM P. ELLIOT I . W. earner Tenth and Green street. J. L. HICK 9-- —Camden, N. J., stoma 110 Arch street. C. H. RAINIER.----.W ab. eet in Ph t v hidelphla, Sath that erford road. N. L. YARNELL. Lena t , Penna. JOHN BARNDT—.-- Tremont and Pine Grove: Penna. ORO. B. TOWNSEND—Went Cheater. Per na M. M0CLEE8......—..---.,Atlantio City, N. J. C. HORTON. --. Florenoe, N. J. 9. F. EBERLEIN —Columbia. Pa. 1.324 f NOTICES. NoTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS.— The PARDON IRON COMPANY will receive propotall until the Nith day of February next f'r build ins an Iron or Wooden Railroad Bridoi over the Le high River. oppoottfi their works at Parryvillo. in the county of Carbon. the length 1m Ibe about three hun Bred and lilt, (3dOl feet, in either throe or four DplinV r SinKletiotOk. Proveals renelved, and Nailer virtionlare cbtmord, an apphcatipn at Furl...tulle In the iiiidempied, DENNIS BAUMAN, Prontillnt, Deoember 19th, 11399. tl3l-iltic2o (VFICE OF ME SECOND AND THIRD STREET PpASSENOER RAILWAY O' , Nl DAN OP PfIILADELPIIIA-n; WALNUT ST R EE P. PutcAueLrat Jan.. 16 . 0. The Directors have this nay neolaretl n dtvWrnd nt FOUR per (*not. on the event"l stock of said Company, payablo nn nr after Om 25th met he 'I renefor %An n. tins Company will be elneed (rota the 10th to the 25th iret. HO-linw-123 HOBERT KELTON. Troasuror. CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel- OM. Non. IR, 1954. At no Election held on the :let instant. the following gentlemen were ehnenn Directors of th s !Nog ( Aiexander 10.Cattell, Joseph I. no eng• Rol-ert K. Nett, fininuel T eachy, Inman Steel. John N. Rum, Edmund A. Homier, totrles Knecht, I .oeicrsncler Whildirt, l (avid Vs ttervaer, Hugh Craig hihp Mmeln, Christi tn J. Hoffman. And nt the meeting ot the Board TlllB DAY, tho fol• lowmg officer, were unantumusly elteted A. (0. CAriEl.l , Pretmlent. R. R. IN Err. Vice President. d9-tt J. W. TRH REV. Coulonr. [VOTIVE IS GIVEN TIIAT APPLICA- L Hon will be made for a Certificate of Penne> Jennie 6.fete Loon, in place of one dated August 4. 1468. No. no. ilglp.tAertatnfAill 6, 1601 , to LOUISA JEr no.tarmimznte•Bm• COAL. OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR Ji..minterest. Buy your 00 AL AT HICKS', where nothing lout the very best quality of Lehigh nod Rohn)! kill boat ta ollerod at the following reduced prices: Lehlgh,ltroken, Eg F , and 5t0re ............ .t0 per ton. Schuylkill, " " ......... 400 Large Nut., .................,..... ...... 50 " Warrants d'free from slate or dust and full wetght, at HICKS' yard, southeast corner MARSHALL awl WILLOW. Call find see. r,24-8m N. GROOME CO., NJ. Office 146 south FOURTH Street, PINT AND wiTARF, BTRtERT. SCHUYLKILL., Deafen+ and Sluppore OP Lomat Mountain, 0 A Leh L irb, and Schuylkill Merohandiso toßnn on wharfate. 016-tm HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL, prey ared with care, for fide or beet Milne. Apcli at KNOWLES'S Depot, NINTH e g ad WILLOW kitreeta•tf P1tE56. , 4 1 1-111AbgliPMAA DIUDAY, JANUARY 16. 1860. WRING GARDEN SAVING FUND 80 OIETY CIFIA OiSee, N 0.331 TWEENorth TWEE Street Wonselidation Bank buttding,) CEA RTERED IJY THE_LENIBLATURE OFEENN , SYLVANIA, Deposita received in soma of One Dothr alWlreski, VNT. P IYITTE32 I I I i w righit t e giTit cre got tAt' tf wawa. TOSPOIIIe BitViitglt Tnatitptioll hag tot beep neede in then ertnern part or the city, and the I l igTlUTatWA Yl lWeiglgrtre i np;T:ltiVneggg atenagera in organising end loan tine. tieere been goveyomi wholly by arlomye act•ounnodtheheel noel Walnut and wanta of the very late* and Wean. chip population lir wino), IV nurounced. ovrcy. 0 EN DAILY, Prom to Zi o'olook; also, on Monde, Nnd Thom%) from/11111MA e'eloot in the evening, .. . , Ng NA.IIIR S. frodArinit Mott, atoplip lirrtAth, Veil i S'ejirlEoff•r, filtiari , ,k 4 / s t= g ,' e ranolis Hart, - out& 1,1,0.11,eve. Joan Newlin?. Jr., James k k Prj"le ItUgaegi7" Jnoorh 1. browell, Lon. Wl....dlwari. Clooreo Woeippat, Lyon. T. hunt, Foto? O. ELLinat .11.31,0 rt j lJavideon. er iAl4ll% 8. FRI/40 LE, Preerlent, FRANCIS HART,. 690111M1T . ia2o.tfll QAVING PIIND.- --UM TED STATES TRUST COMPANY*, corner MIR]) and OftEiTT uT Streets. Large and email mime receireil andpatij back m i diy tuand without notice. with FIVE PER . INTE REST from the day of de sit lo the day or withdrawal. Office houre,_from 9 until o *look evcyy day, and on MONDAY FYI:MINOS from 7 until p o chick. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Sootland, from .+:1 upwards. Frandont—STEPllEN R. QRAWFORD, Veaser—JAISIES R. HUNTER. PLINYFISK. Actuary. self-ly QAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY ,WALNUT treat, Southwest corner o M f TII I Bpi Philadelphia. Incomornted by the State of Pennsylva nia. oney le [ eheilltll In any pun, largo or email, and In terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office Is open ovary day from 9 o'olook In the morning till o'clock in the evening, awl on bMonday and Thursday overae . s till o'clock. Hon_. II)NRY_ L. BENNER, President RODE T SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WILLIAM I, REZD,Segretetry. DULECTOII4. on. Henry L. Benner, f. 4. ?Artll ii tlXr . /iter, dward L. Carter, i obort ReMidge, amuelK. tiekton, , ream Lee, oseph VOrkes, C. Landreth Mllllll.l, Henry Didenderfer. Money is received end payments matle Muir. . t . Thy inyeetinente are made, tp outLormkty.lei h the provisions of the Charter, in Keel Estate elongates. (iround Rents, and such first-clans securities as will al wn3 s Insure perfeot security to the epo . re and whleh cannot tail tlNgtve permanency and ' erability to this institution. aul-1y WINES . Mil) LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. • GEORGE WI-lITELEY. No. 185 SOUTH FRONT' STREET, Is appointed Asent C or the sale of the shove unri "41104 brand of ORAMP,AGNE, And offers it to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATES. 600 baskets, Quarts and Pints, now in sonn. d2)-tt ViTE CALL ATTENTION OF TIE?) • • TRADE to this really Eisperior article s • ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A 1113 NAT in awned K.-Yeats constantly on band. Orders received for direot importation. Oleo—Henneen. Cognne, Leßoy Coerce, London and Holland tune, Claret to IV °al nd n Cases, Chamtnignea• high and low pnossa. LONOCHAMP. Importer. 010-6 m fllßpnty FRONT. Philadelphia. G EORGE WITITELKY, tio. ISS Winos,N'r Street, Importer of Brandy, tro., offers for sale. to bond only, the following, other standard brands of brndy : alt)i, Postilion, & Co., Thos. Hines & Co., Wee, Man, & Co„ Ward:Duper, & Co., It. Seisnette, titafoir, ameos, Pellemsin, Y. ei j Y. ° llri_es t ` t . , • Enmii4T v P,r:e.mrr , Aiso, oruarts r annoy Melt Althlkey, gnu the 7 eholotil varieties of Madeira, Sherry, P ort, Bnr,rundy, and Rhino Wines, Palm Tree Oto, Jamaica Rum. Hants erns Rum. Bordeaux Oil. km. ko tw-ly REmoVAL..—SNIALT, (t 1 CHANDLER, witor,rLE GROCER°. have renuorrrt fret' 66 Waal eECoN izA D etraet, to 134 MAIMET &rent above Fro,t, north note. pia tr.', MRS. M. A BISHOP HAS RE vAo.movED from No. 916 to Inla CHEST:VITT Rtreot next door to too Pt. Lawroure Hotel. where Ladies aril find a spleudol nesortment of /Moneta, Cape, end Head dresses. 01 121 MARTIN QUAYLE'S BTATIONERY, TOlr t Ano FANCPi GOON Empoxru lOU WALNUT STREET. DILOW 3mtP - riIIbADEL PHD% Collath9tl7 on hand Penman awl 'roam Artiolas. THUS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law No. 773 South FOURTII Street. nlB-Am• WALLACE & BRODHEAD, v -eV EXCHANOII PLACgtiVEW YOHIC. fiteuka B bi AH+ ruxht sad ,on . porniFaion. r amhicia Vir ALLAC/i. LIM 117 , DRODBRA.I) 0t3.41n. ALEX. MoKINNEY ArroRN NS Ey AT:LAW, °BERURI3, VA, WtUvrao(unin Weatmorettut.A.mstrona.ant la. alanaeountles. sall-ti rifillE ADAMS EXPEAS • CO.) OFFICE 3 CHF.STNUT Strt9E, forsards Parcels, Pack. ages, Alfrollandiae, Bank ti?tes, al.nd Spews. either hr ita owa Ml:war connection wR other Express Com panies, o au th ga e Vrinoiplo tawas mad tes of the United States. S. SANDFORD, and-tf Gov red Na nArin tarnd tin t VOUNG LADIES'INSTITUTE, (WITH -A- • Primary and Seemly/ Department ritterheil ) Southeast corner of DJ La.wyx ap4 GREEN Streets. For eircularo ape)) at the Bohn& E. rAXSON, Principal. Entranoo on DILLWYN &tic MISS 8. ANNII.I FROST (DAIVIITEP of the late John . Frost, 1,1,. D.) will open n sobonlJor girls of from ! to '4 I earn ofare. a , her rear dance nn 214 8 , 1.1 TH NTENN TH Street. on Mon. day. Feb. in 1430. the is nernutted seeeially to refer to the following neatimi gentlemen • John Nne Esel. Loa A. notley, Ifentl C . Ca r e r . E ,_ 42., T.l). rthur, jllli.E, n , lO K-K EE PING ..—Thls science is taught JR-4 1 by commencing at its rptliAants and THOROUGH LY imprcssms upon thu mind or the pupil tio, PRIN CIPAL Po. v'l'B; a ot,thod ~,,,,,e ot tm to nos ndynnoo moot and elliolono? of tbo eonolat TWifilNo':ll`dEtt- OANTII,EORTH FAST CORNER OP NINTH AND BIIIII4I3 OARDEN STREET& nt4 120 G YMNASTIC INSTITUTE—For Ladies. Gentlemen, end Children of every nee. p rate LEWIS, northeast corner NT&TH and ARCH. Ja4-12t• A 311:111UAN SCHOOL' INSTITUTE is o . 1 - A. retiable medinm throthli which kietoola and Fami hes ra ty obtain oompetent talohera. Parents may oh• tam,atuitoully, information and oirculara of the bend schools. SMITH, WOODMAN, a Co.. 546 HROADWAy, New york, or tfl2-tf CO3 CHESTNUT Htreat. Philadelkina, re RYAN T & STItAT'rOWS NATION Al MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located nt pima- O_elphin 8. E. corner SEVENTH and CaIERTNUT: new Y;94, CieVeland, Chi try. and lit. Lorain For orttuttion , nail or mond for Ipanlogue. (0911 STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA- T °VIKA-STRING ()RAND PIANOS, RQU (iReND, AND 1:114UA rifiNOßi now pre ferred in oneorta and inprivate of the brgt performer, Received the first: premiums over the Rest maker,,frornjud,e, like ttottseludir. hlowon. nod others Chellenie n l lomnpptttton, IlliA h I Uri “OT II E Rd. d5-Ir PIA CH F.,"rNU r IiuLIDAY rititsENTS I PIANO-F011138.' MELQUEO N P. PIANO-FORTES. Ao,out•oNs. PIA N O-yonrEg. NELOIWOM3. lELODEONH. E nt , lij av l!..rr, c( l , 3.:n 6 o n o l 0 t e.. 0... Nan a.. Clerk J. E. GQ!. 1,11,7 I,D , fiEVET4TH and CITEB ago 011ICHERINci & SONS, PlA t itUnetyttß 0? GRAND, 4VA ini, Np uPRIORI - r ANO-F0 Tyl , WAREROOSI3 &77 CM. TN IT sTREET, Constant un atom a! rgo stQdr o_ Tar it FA UTiF lIL and UN Mit/AMED I NUR ulti EMIL We have hear awarded, at tho Me rant Exit' Mout in this country ane Ramp° t as GOLD /CUM I.VER FIRST-CLASH N KDALR. PIANOS TO RENT. lalls-11 A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN ri&NoR. ncifortincxEß & CO., lon CHESTNUT Street, respeelfitlls invite the musics. loving Public to call and examine their now and sun. modal improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument avoiding allthe objections generally wide to the sty lea Grand Piano, ntno diminishing the coat of the aline In volume, purity °Nene. great power, orilLonor. full nose, depth, end evenness of tuna, with excuiate eery and bwcetrese thetlif i SUPERIOR AND t 1-Vi UTIF'ULLY-FINIS11141) IN tiTRUhI ENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the hither encl.= ems. and are pronounced by ont OS to ho far sit parlor to any lustruments CVO, manufactured in this country. Consult on hand, a large evil elegant assortment of our mid led PIANOS . ` Ye have beep awarded thr First Pr= erne, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the Trite Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York.lBB3. eel-if CHRISTMAS AND NSW YEAR.—Fine CONFECTIONERY van bo bad, equal to An% othe estAblolanent in Cm odd —via: 800 non. Choooloo Almond. &o. 4Viso, en netontronnt of EnneL boxes _ Call at JEFFII lEtt eu..B, N 0.718 MARKET street between davontli and Eighth. d2O-1m INutr. WEST CHESTER and 7 • '-'-' PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD vtiNPM_.•. M 1 DIA. FALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after MON IlAY.Deeember 12,1839. the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 810 A. M.• 1. and 4.30 P. M. Leave West Chester, front the DEPOT, on EABI MA RKET ETRhET, at 7.15 and 11.20 A. AL, and 4.@ P. M. ON HUN DA YR—Leave Philadelphia at BA. AI., and I P.M. ',arm. Went Cho.tar at 746 A. AL, and 4P. M. The triune leaving Philadelphia at 8 10 A. Al. and 13C P. M. Connect at Pennelton will, the Phi l adelphia nail Halttmore Central Itailroell. tug l'opty•rd Kennett IMMO, and Avondale. HENRY WOOD, o.a•ti tsonpral Raperintandent OIL AMBER—Rectified and l'ornmon. for WETHI. RILL & BitoTtiEn, 1,, so. by 117 ririrl Ventls (41,COND JAIiD.-155 bids. No, 1 Lent Lard, for A-A sale by O. O.BA DI,ER & Alin *trent, 2,1 door above Front, SAVIND 'FUNDS. REMOVALS. BUSINESS CARDS. E 0 UCA,T lONA'. PIANOS. CONFECTIONERY. INSURANCE COMPANIES. .IRARD FFRE AND MARINE INBII ‘-A RAN o E COMPANY. Office 416 WALNUT Ficycet. , Ja. At a meeting of the Stookholdele of the n Comrrolsso . g held Om def. the Pdlowing named officer , ' and dim e • tots wertkdaly elected to carve fot tho ensuing Tear.tiz Pre odent —JOEL, JONEs. Voce President mad Tree surer—A. ti. OILLETT. f3norotAr)—James B. AI von), DIRECTO.N.d. 1 hums Cutv.34, Jos. ICI pr, D , / A. H. illett, S. Lawrence, Jtr. WoOker, Cline..l. Dupont, in.,. ClrtOpqn, Divedßoyd, jat- Jr., th wfm Joel .P,nox • • tko. W. Woodward, dwain. BUrrooshm, John Anspoch, Jr., FAMIOI6 Pawl. w m. Rudman. Thos. 'Allard, lino. H. Ashton. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN HURANOE COll I'ANY. INCORPORATED BY THE I,EDISLATURE OF PENNSYLVAJY/A, 1015. °MOE R. E. CORNER 111(RD. AND WALNUT St rent!, Philadelphia. MAEINk. INSURANCE, ritVERSELB, AR E G IG O tur., To all parts of the 'Nor% INLAND INSIIRANCRI3 On Goods, by River Canals, Lake U nion. and Land Carriage tyli part of the PI . INSURANCES On rrehan Jae gennrally. On tore,. Dwelling Ihnigep An. ARSETIiOP TILE'COMPANY, flovenaller 1,1660. Par. Marker Varue. LT,060, Philadelphia City 6 4f l ' cent. Loan-6123,050 0:1 100.000. Yenneylvanta State 54P' ct. Loan 03 555 02 21.010 Pennsylvania State 6 ci. Loan 125 45' 'U .S. Treasury 51,1 , 1r cent. Notes and Internet duo 21,0(g) 00 • ... 25261 54 630,00 U. S. Treasury 6 IFY et. Note. awl Inter net due •• , ...... 31.615 00 $25,000 Temporary Loan to the City o . f . . t'hila dolphin 25,600 00 650,000, Penngylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage 64P cent. Runde ... .. 43,the CO SWAPO, North Punneyh ante Railroad Mort itu,,ooo Viresin e ilttelit n a t i'tt n e d ri.ser Railway COMPRI') IP at. coupon bonds. ... 15,606 00 0163100,1)00 eliarce stop g Germantown OEM Company, interest and principal guarantied by the city of l'hila delphials 000 00 65,000, 100 shares Pennsylvania - Railroad Company —.. ... . .. -- 3,775 00 63,000, 100 @hares North Pennsylvania'i Rail. road Company ... . 315000 112,,MO,sharee Philadelphia lon Boat and Steam Tug Company, Philadelphia and Ha aannali Steam Navigation Corn paler', Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha vre de Oriole Steam Tow Boat company, Philadelphia Exchange 1 Company --... —....—.......... 2,310 00 8155.830 1088 ,718 114 ponds and Mortgages, and Real Rattle. Of. hoe liuddms ...... 75,383 35 reueivibto for lcuonageou mode— "... Ismas 69 Balance duo or gonoum—ereronuou ou.ffia rpm Yoltmea, ntereet. and other debts due the Company. 03,364 88 Rorlp andutook . Or mudri Inraranee Comps,- 330 00 Claeh on Depoeit in Rani L... —. 117 3 :0.;0 31 TORE. Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Pontston, 'fano , Sloan,. lOward Darlington. H. Jones Brooke. iipenner sFllvame, Ike:nee C. Hand, Hobert Berton, iamb P inn., James B. M'Farland, Joshua P. Eyre ohli , O . Semple, Pittec, M MARTIp r lltesolen . ;. '. HAND, Vine President, rotary. die-dtr ;iii'darn Martin. mural A. o.ouder, eoFlus rankling, Jo in .Yenroae, tahn . Dave, , mea Traqualt, illiani Eyre, Jr.. Jame.' C. William C. Luawlg, .Theeipli IL Float, Dr. It. M. Ruaton, George Cl. Leiner, tlngh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIA. 1}(()B. C. HENRY LYLBURri. Beoi A mEI 3 ,ICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., 4.L. INCORPORATED 1810---CHARTER PERPET -11 p, MO WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, oontinue to in ogre qn Dwellings, Storey, Furniture. Merchandise, easels in Port and timir Cargnee. and qther Personal fnort - 7. Ail toms liberally and promptly adjusted. mase rohpGeorgpAbbott. t. i T. L 4 , 6 , lnWelsl K. t i g u ; , muel Q.aorton, T. nine h Fa rlok Dr), , hr. 0,. in)lo q elriOTT, Preside t. THOMAS R. MARIS, Eleoretarv. Ista-ly If T"E QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, NIILADEIXIIIA L Pe. FRANKLIN EIL ILDINGS, 4.14 INALNuT Street CHARTER PERPETUAL. - -$6 00 21 IRE, MARINE, AND INLAND INSURViCE. Fire and perpetual, on Buil digs and Merohandom of all dosoriptions. Manna Insurance, inland and Ocean, on Ven% Frelglst and Cargo to and from all parrs 0(00 Wor ld. 4FORDE H HARY:l' e g g d . cpt, H. 5, H. DIALER, Ass t dormitory. Dlageing g. george 11. HAM LLWlti.l36nibers• t. 1 J:,1 4 .41, C6nr1e eater B. Perking, Samuel Jones. M. 13., Ron. IH. I. Pui.or. and NSUR A NCB COMPANY OF THE A STATE OF VENNSSLVANIA—YM AND MA RINI.: iNSURANCJE—No. 4 EXCHANUE BUILD INI;S. Glin rioted in 1704—Ceitatal a NO,Coo—Auets. January I. 18G8. ti 347,446 bid-100. i All nvested in sound and available atouritier—con ti nue to insure on Veasele n lid CRIC.N, Building., 84104 of riterobanduie, &o. on boral terms. iftlf.OTOßB: Henry D. EilborreGt. George U. Steart, t M il e Ve n aldlialetrter ' t i' a l u n t a 'l Vo . lit 'e j r . r " iIIINIA * S. &Mehl . ThOiliall i. . misotli tin 11.1lud_ ,d Hoary O. Freininn• it. R. Whitt; Charles 8. Lewix, Gag eC. Carson. HEN R . I/. BILERRERD, Preendent. WILLIAM HAHN? . Mee retatr 16 4-wilt tf L,TFE 'INSURANCE AND TRUST COM -a—l W PANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RAIE COMPANI • Northeast tomer of THIRD and DOCK Strsals. Amman, 5PJ2,228 26. ENSURES LIVES for the whole tam of 91fo—grants annuities and endowments—purohnees Us internee in Rsnl Estate, and ;Tikes all contracts depending on the oot)Lngenoteaof Li,o. they act as Executors. Administrators, Enlaces Trustees. and Ouardians, TRUSTEES. _ _ Hanle! uel S. Stokes. EnnJamin Coate!, Willem Martin. 4fieltv,ls. l lt:.•,,Va: • &Me' h ' i l eF"l".t. °seri. 1. rater. William H. Kern. rust V. Huey, nation Hallowell, Edmund A. louder, no arr p C. i ,TOrTer.4 ll , p o un t i j olL...Hutolunson, o W.Horner, dliam Elie l. Archer, P. V. Du Ramuel Qn tuna's. Willem Robertson, Warner M. Rest in e n P ii• l' l3 l. rgn a er P. • AUthrer, Emotes RSL E l L tilgliit l YieMe d ett t Jolla W. Ammon. leoretarr. °WARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU Phut COMPANY. No. 411 WALNUT Street Iphia. DIRECTORS. M. W. RTMTrin. lld_bt. W. D. Trultl; 0 01=013. wm. K. Hamlin. t i , i,kv. , 11,7 4 ,,, , k.,. Spangler, It B. Houston. i Liam Reignite 'Pm. H. Ave, kO. M d, hell. lariat; F. Norton. G. S. Warne. ? s ,..din OlaTton John K. Addioke. idward A. Warne. R. T. Ream]. 11. H. Shillingford.. Thomas L. uders. Fresident—M. W BALDWIN, Vice President — E.B. WARNE. Secretor - T.—EDWIN 800T11. deg MEDICINAL. T HE ALIATTFPICIENT THREE!- ___ TEIESEMAR, 1,2, and.% 4 Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England. and secured by the Scale of the Ecole de tharmacie de Parisi and the lin perm! College ended:owe, Vienna. No.t is invaluable for eznaustion,spermatorrhisva, and all phreioal ig completely eradientee all trnceis of those diseases that hare been hitherto treated by the nauseous and pen niyiobs use of notativut and cubelie. No. 3 has entirely supplanted the in'urtous use of mer cury, thereby insuring to the dullbrer speedy reliefidis persing ail impurities, and rooting out the venom of on 11(... TRIESILMAR, Noel. f. find 8, aye proparo4 in the forts of it lozance. devoid of taste and emelt. and can he carried in the xamtcont pooket. Sold to tin CRISPS. and divided inioserarate donee, as administered by Velpeau, Leillemand. Roux, Rioo.l, An. Price 83 snob, or four caeca tor 89, which saves 8 4 3 and in 821 cases, whme by there a a Caving of 89. "to Inc had. whoteenle and retail, of Dr. BARROW, 193 Bleeeker went. New York. Sold elan at Retail by CALLENDER & CU., corner TIIiRD and WALNUT Streets, Phileulqlphia, and hi T. W. DYOTT & 80N8. 718 North SECOND Street, Wholeante and Retail Agents for Fennhylvania. n 22 4l3in 7OLLICKOFFER'S ANTI-RMUM ATIC CORDIAL.-81a : I have been afflicted with rheu =Ham fora Inns perind—a portion ql the time Iy! qo pas of iny limbo. fried tour Oaidiel. sod inlee entre I wan able to walk down atai re, and in a week' t e pain entirely let MN dOCheedUilr recommend t Cor rtii4 to tlicec who are rifflioted with that dreadful com plaint, YOUN, J kg. W. Newt In t Broker. KU Pine et. Prepared by TH I.:01)0HE DILKS, Chemist. N. E. corner PINE and SIXTH eta. nl4-3m HOTELS .ipup TUB UNION, ARCH STRE.RT, ABOVE THIRD, tH,II.IiDELPHIA, UPTON R. NEW(.OaII.:R, The situation of this HOTEL. Is YU earintly adapted MO wants 01 the Publin; apitto those in seari t g of slur., Paesensor Railroads, which now run oast, and clone proximity, &Irani a cheap and pleasant nde to al Dlazes of interest in or about the city. if 33-Sto DOINGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR V 49. 61X FIRST PRISM WAD/ AND SIX DIPLOMAS. DM Formica for Warnonz }lnflame. Au:(42(1) 1/A8 CONSGAIINc. CONE. FURNACE. 111/1T PRPMIL DEBT I r ORTABI.E FIIIjNACE. To Ar...0(0 h, Nil 1 , 011(.:. itICIIMOI,4I•a PORTA UM N. FURNACE. T VIRST PRILDIDNI. RES COOKING RANGE. lORILSON'S D r O u ll'hris V - L O n V 4 E.Pr 0V(.717 . 1 R Flan, PARNuon. DENT PARLOR COAL GRATES. To Ax•o(o & WlLfloy. LOW DOWN nod BASKET ORATES, Final PnaMIDN. 'JEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. To ARNOLD & WILSo N. Fora Tory handsome display of EwunellAd Slate MAR. le o, veal hiFillY foolthed. And of euponor worknotnelllp, FIRST PREMIUM. ARNOLD & WILSON. B. M. FRI TWRI L. Rota CIIEHTNUT street,/ 31191,11`.1 . N. r an:l ‘ I . L ' I NlPl'A4l;:reErittsYi S. W. Corner This establishment is now in successful operation, day and night. and ail are respeetlidly 11/sited beaul and see the whole procenu of bread ins king for thentnelven. The undersigned takes the liberty 14 or) Lng that for thirty-five y our, ha has h. eu n practood fl y an apprentice, and live an Journeyman in one of the hrat houses in Sootlend, and to vlO-five an muter - during which time he Las hind the opportunity el notions Ilially eIperIMOMS, and observing nil the tinprovemente which have been made daring that period. In thin establinholuat. of which he has now the mita agement, in addition le the complete labor-navies ma chinery, he has how fault t ies of ninny kinds not here to. fora peesessed, Beingunrentrained in the purchase of flour, none but the soundest and bent nintil et er he used; and he his no henitation in saying that !tread of all kinds can ha de livered, unnurpassed in quality and weight by that mindsby the ordinary proven, Families in who% the limed made by the Mechanical fishery has not been toed, in in vier), it hen been tried only at its eommenceinehr, belore the machinery Wan in perfect working order, era rexpeotfully asked to Rive it a trial now, the undersigned believin it would lead to mutual advantage, JOHN I'. 1110 X EY, ruyS4-tf Superintendent SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortme of EVANS & WA'TBON'4 . PHILADELPHIA IANUFACTUHED SAL ANIAN DER SAFES. For Danke an VA d o DI. W T re, DO .ORS. BANE WOKS, LMu roc terme On an> other estabdehment In the United Stlntoo, by EVANS k WATSON, 5 , )4 CHESTNUT Street. Pluladel plan nivir MI A OA LA MONEY 1.11 - IEIWAX ADVANCED.- 10 ANY A 1101:N l'—Upon Watcher. 'maim Uia monde, NAvor Plnt.. chatting, Merchandise, hr., by *ONES & Cit.. WI I <tnth,),,,, prok,s, 7., il, comer THIRD UMW LL Blrrors, below Lombard. Offiro gostri. (mon i A Al b.., 7 51 nIF DEFINED _BORAX, in Moro and for Ks' male WETHERILL ft BROTHER. min Nom. 41 nd North dECUND Stmt. RAILROAD LINES. TIIE PENNSYLVANIA CENT RA L RAILROAD. 200 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. , 1860. ilaiff__,MEM 1860 s THE CAPACITY _QF_THIS ROAD In NOW E(4I.;AL TO AN Y IN I III; c(iINTR THREE THROUOII PASSENGER T . RAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND, PITTSBURO. RaGigiamlikeec,`,34olrtir.VPElLlrip:lll4 a r Z U gd .l 4 B :l2l Unton Depot at Pittabug with Through Trains to and Dorn all points in the weal, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities fur the transportation of Passenger" unsurpassed for speed and ooinfort by an, of Nor route. Itgpreas and Font Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Carl or Conductors. All through Pas senger Trains provided with Lougliridre • Patent Broke—speed order porfect control 01 the engineer, thus adding much to the ufety of travellers. Smoking Cara are attached to each Train Woodroff's ggteeyLLn , Cure to Lt XP' Sx D i A l tfirlSlTS a l n ' r lUtUnt. it K ex Cite cepted. go,„ train leaves Philadelphia at BA. M. [ net Lins, " no M. tVAY far i klrS v rFAV . E AS}•OLLO WSI ITarristuirg Accommodation, via Colombia, S I'. M. y'olu m bin 4 GO P. arkosburg r. 61 NN eat Chester Passengers will take the Mail, Parkea burg and Colombia Trains. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Bnifa- In, Niagara Fall., and intermedinte tomtit, leasing tut ladelphia at 8 A. M. go directly through. Ticket' Wutward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphot, New )(ork, Barton,. or Bal timore ; and Ticketa Eastward at any of the nnportant Railroad Offices in the West; al.n on bun] any of the regular Line of cteamera on the Mississippi or ()hie Dyers. n'ST Fare always u low, and time as quick. as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Bout least corner of Eleventh null Market Street'. The Completion, of the Western connentione of the 'Pennsylvania Hallman to y nu, inago i make g the DIRECT LINE BLTWE N TEE EASP AND THE GILEA' WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or fernage of Crete ht. together with the saving of time. are advantages resdily appreciated by Snoopers of Freight, and the Travel ling' Public,. ;Merchants and Phippora entrusting the transportation of then Freight )o tina.'ompany Oan tgly with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RAT'ES GP FREIGHT to and horn any point In the Neat by the Penns, vanta Railroad are at alt times as favorable as are charged by other Rat/mad C° L e' Ver gfartioular to mark packages "via Yearte.Rall road. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or add of ress either the following Agenta of the Dui:n anny. : D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.S.Pi arc e & Znuesirine,D.; Johnston.Riplay, 0.; R. McNeely, Maysville, KY.; OrMahr & CroPPer, Portionouth, 0.; Paddock -h. Jederaonville, lndt ina H. W. Brown & Co. Cincinnati, 0.; Athens & Ribbon, Cincinnati. O. Meldrunt. Madison, Ind.; • Joe. E. Moore, Louisville. Y.; P. 0. Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham, & airo Ill.; A. F. Sass, Harris Stotler do (Haas. Bt. Looms, Mo_ oho Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Has & Hunt. Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, It!.: W. H. IL Eoonts. Alton, DI.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the Wyt. H.J. SN .EDER, Philadelphia. t l ll . oll k CD., hanP,lg!t:Tg.e.tirinfTP,ti.y. c freo.. No. 77. Stateetruet, Boston. I. 1. HOAISTON, Donn b tomtit A gent, Phila. b._ . ROOM'. Gent Tinket, hila. THOS. A. SCOTT, Gen'l Supt Altoona, Pe. laa-ly 115801,645 57 1859. iffigtt&sm 1859 Wll6TE't ARRANORMENT-18.4W T., 04.1.D8N AN A I AMBOY A D PHI - Dhlt LIR TA NTON RAIL OAD 80.' L N RO5l Rib D.E.LPLUA EW ORR 1) WAY-FLACFP. 7110a1 WAl,oll7•s2ltairr WUaS7 .1.20 222111210709. Will Jesus as follows, viz : At 6 A. M. via Camden and Amboy, Cam. & Am. Aooonuriodation .. - .— • 82 30 At 6 A. M. via daniden and - jersey City, (New Jemmy taco' ommodation- ..... 225 At A. NI" via Camden and -- .lerasy CDT. Morning Mail ..... •• 2 CO At 10,1 'All., via Nensinaion and . gainer vity, Western Wean .. .. ......... 666 At LI% P. • ~ via Camden and Amboy - , Ainommo a ;;;i ...... 222 An i r ti. - ip3i it; nititchieiVdleiiiiolii, 333 Et,enirs prase 800 At 44 . .. .st ate Kensmaton and Jersey City, 9d plus Tieket ..... 2 M At 6 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City Evening Mail 3 OP At 11 , P. M., via Camden and Jersey aity,Etouthern Mal ............ ........-..... .... 21 At 6 P. M, via Camden and Ambo,Aormoclatiolt. I Fr6lght and Poasenter e-lst hum 126 24 Issa "utket...„. IbU The 6P. M. Mail Line rims daily. he 11 P . M. eiouth arty Mail. 9aturdays exeepied. 1. or Belvidere. e moon Flominctnn. Oro.. at 4 A. M. from Walnu tat rent wharf. and 3 P. M. from Kensington. For Mauch chola. Aiierktovro. and Dettoeoont, at A. M.. vie L•btich Valley Railroad. her Water llan,Btroodsbura, t4cmaton, Wilkesbarre, blontrobe. Great Bend. Are. at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Laokawanuaand Western Railroad. For Mount ' roll,. at node A. M.. and laud a% P.M. For Freeho d, at 6 A. M. and f P. Al. WAY LINES For Bnstol, Trenton, &a, at 3 and 414 P. M. from Ken. bin awn. ~Fer Pallarre, Riverton. Da1...-- Donsento,,,,r. For P B .ll - 4Yra, RiVerton, Delanoo, Beverly, Burlington, Ansentown, ko. ' M 12 1 1, 3, and Os P. M. Fifty pounds of Onggage only alibved oath ;inswinger. Passengers 418 prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over filly pounds to be paid for extra. The °airman! limit their reeponnibility for baggage to one dollarper pound, and wall not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, ezoept by special oontraot. WM. R. OATZIM ER. Agent Cmnden and Amboy R. lc Co. n :. PilllA DE LPIIIA , GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS. TOW AI LIVIAD— WIN PER AR RANGE3IENT— On and after MONDAY, N.V. li, 1669, FOR GERNIANTOWN. Leave . Philadeltna 6. T. 7.30 , 9. Iv, 11. and UA. 31., 1, 9.3, 36, 4. 6, 6 ,6, 7, 8, 9. 10. and 1334 P. M. Leave Clerinantow a 6 7, ni, 8. OS, 914. /0, //, A.M.. 1,1, 3,4, 4.16, 6,6, (N. 7, s. 9.10, r AL ON SUNDA'S, pave Philadelphia OA3 nun. A. 31.,3.634.. and 10 P. 31. eY• Cie inuintoWn 6.16 nun. A. .u.,3.10 Iran., CC end 9 hl. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leevo Philadelphia 6,7.60, 11 A. 31..3, I, OH, 7, and 10 P. hl. Leave Chestnut lull 7.10 c 7.10, 6.12 i, and 19. 1 0 A. H., 3.40, 6.40, 6.60, and 8.40, P. 3 . 0i SU. DAYS, Leave Philadelphia 11 A. Si., ',and 61.f.P. al. Leave _Chestnut Hill 7.84 A. hl., 17.30, 6.20, and ea min., P. M. FOR CONSROSIOCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,9, 11.06, nun., A. H., 1.63, 3.06, rV, and 1134 P NI. ye Norristown 6, 7, 9, 11 A. M., Di, 434, end I . . ON SUNDAYS Leave K h oit i nn u 7 l A A . 14?!:!,:i d a 3 F 1. . .71 1 . 1. OR 31. A. A UNK. Le .. 11 . 111:1 , 10 1 !p& p 8 . .11.: , 9.11.u6 A. IL. la. Loa. 3.46, 43 1,6 aves anayunic 04,7)ioui,es, and 1134 A. H., 7,3, S, IX, a eX P. I. ONSUNDAYS f,:g: 11,„tnt',6,!filiq .1: ti . .'24, 8 14111,4 ' 1'. 1. 7,7. H. K. S3l TH . Dena ral SuperiMendent, - DEP..T. NINTH and OAKEN Streets. Sin NORTH . PENNSYL gran VANIA RAILROAD. INTER ARRAN OEMPNT. A EnN ß T F l) l l4 l % " gin i tifl p aNl l . t r i A F. TN T . °N ' On and after aIONDAY, NO'Ortiber Tth, 1839, Passen ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia. DAILY, (Sunday. excepted:l For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown Mauch Chunk, It Caton. Ao.,(Expreug.) at 9.30 A. M. or Bethlehem, ( Exprent,) at 9.M A. Al. And 3 P. M. or Doylestown , (Acoommodation d 49 at 9.A. AL and 4 i . M. or Fort Weshington, Utottomreedation, I at 6 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILA DELPHIA : Leave Bethlehem, (Expreted at 8 A. M. and 4.10 p. M. 3.4 L P eavp_iloylettown. I Amcommodationd at I' A. M. and . M. Lear. Fort Wachington.rAccommodationdatf. A.M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Fort Waslungton,at 9.10 A. M. poladeltdos. for Pot lestown, at 4 I'. St. ylestowg for Fhtladeloh la, at T A. M. rt Wnelongton (or thtladelphia. at 3.40 P. M. Fare to Bethlelico, 8111 k; to Mauch Chunk, 8.1.801 tO Easton. 81.60: to Ilovlestourn.El)oantr. Through tiokete must be procured before entering the °lii Paasto ., 39r "Paul teircapt Trai 4 o) con coa at Der s ttreet with Fifth and txth-streets, and Second and hird-strsets Fasten-er Rad routs. nr ELLIS CLAN K. Agent. Er ti mmarPIIII,ADELPIIIA,IVIL MINGTON, AND DALT' On and after MONDAY : November 2I 1820 PASSENGER TRAINS EAVE PHILADELPHIA For &titanium at 8.111 A. M., 13 noon, i Express,/ an. 0,10 P. M. For cleator at 8.16 A. M.. 11 noon, 410. and 11.10 P. 111 or Wilmington at 8.10 A, M., 11.4 11. and 11.10 P. M. For New Cache at 815 A. M.. and VI) P. or t iddletown at 815 A. M., and 4 30P.' at 816 'A. SI., mid 45, P. Al. for Word kt 815 A. AL, and 410 P. M. or Elentord at 8.16 A. M.. and 4.1 P. or Laurel at 8.15 A. 111„ and 4 31.1 81, TRAINS FOR PHI LA BELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.50 A. AL. (Exeresso 115.16 A. M. d8.:5 P.M. •• • eave Wilmington at 7 16 A.M. and 11.30 A. h1.,1.45 and Evhaurel at &la A. M., and 3.40 P M._ save ijeaford et 6.46 A. 01., and 4 06 1 P. Al ! ye 3111 ford at 7.4(1 A. M.. and id* . mare Dover at 9.06 A. 01., and 6 Uo P ~eave Middletown at 10 A. 01. and 7.00 P. M. ...ease New Crania at 10.66 A. M.. nog U 1 . . 1. Amite Chenter 0. 13 A. M., 3.02 nn 0.16 V. M. _Ate ii:vmuore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE LAMP* gOeat , r at 8.45 A. M., 12 95 andU.4o F.M. !naveßßliming ton at 5..25 A.M., 12.63 P. M., lad U. 30 A. M. SUNDAYS Only el 11 15 . 1% . M.,,fro:A Piniedelehia Baltimore. ynl c. 11.• groin Baltimore 1111131 - 1(461n. Fft LOUT TIWN, with 'ASSEN6ER CAR attached. Val MD nn follows: Leave Philadelphio for Perryville and Intermediate ;Incas nt 3 I'. 3f. Leave Wilmineton for Perryville at ..1 Ir.harinedinte Dineen at I An P. AL • • Leave Wstinlnvtrm inr Philatielphla and intermediate 1a0.4 at P. AL Leave Ulaltlrnore for Stemmer'. Run, Chaos's, end larewood at 3,,,11 P. M. . PHILADELPHIA AND K;,ol9 gloa v uouTEinia'All'e 1 28 A D, iitago,Atook Island, Niarara Pada, Milwatises, Bur- Montreal, 81. Pau la, Detroit, lluolieth, and St. Louis. Paatenger tram, will leave. the Philadelrhia and gam ius Railroad )o 4t oornar BROAD Val C 4 t,LOW HILL 6trect, LY.(Putularj fueepted, as tollows: 1..! . .„) It. M. lIAY EN PRRfiu a For Elmira, Niagara Frills. Hudak', Detroit. Chicago, Milwaulw, Rook lulaud, Galena, Paul'e, Luriu:igton. and 85. Lome. . 3..13 P. NI., NIGHT EX PR ENS. For Eirnine, Nittiterti Fenn. Duffel°, Detroit. Wow , 11DIvraukee.R6ok Inland, Galena,St. F; - .lll's fly n, actors sod IG. Louie. rhe 7.30 ftl• grad ZI.W P. M. trains run through to HA UR Deli Olt stopping M all Btattone on the Leteinon Valley Branch. The 7.30 A. M. train connenta at Rupert for Wilkes barrealtt Gaon. tkrentou, end All etlti one on the LACK AWANNA ANLIBLOOMSBC II I i RA I LROA Baggage checked to Eluora. Buflalo, and Snaper....don [lndite. sy'Ptokete can be ',mewed tt the PhilPtdelphm nod E. omit R111,0:41 Lupe. Tiehet Offioe, Northwes: eorcar o fSIXTff and CII EsTNI"r Btreet•. and RI the Pagaen ;or Dep,,t, corner BROAD Ind CA I.LO W 111 lA.. TH ROI. OH EX PR ESB FR I. I OH '1 FRAIN hooves the Repol.llrostl street , 1,?1.11k. VAne, dell; .1 Ven. day exeopted. rof 5. , 10111 W,st nod riorth, P. M. Freights 'twat be ifelivezeit before Y. M. to 'tutus going the saws der. Fur further inforianbon, oppl• nt ~r eight Ituot,lllloAft, below Vint.. Or to CHAS A PPI•N Genet rl Arer t N. W. corner SIXTH and 011E8TIN CT Streets, eal-tf phogbe'ohlt. PHILADELPHIA RDlfolt to t Ind ll ' ARRIRBURO, " - Lopaves the Dew Depot, at corner of BROAD and C LLOW ritreete, entran:ea on Diffinwhilid at 7.30 A. 141., It Al 1.1% iriundat s excepted.) for POTTS VILLE, HARRISBURO. and all intermediate points, connecting at Harrisburg with tome running to Pate burg, Charobersiiing, Oath ale, Nuni.cre , Ac, ATERNOON LINEN. Leave at 3210 P. M,, DAILY, for ROTTSVIL . LF, and HARRISBURG. At 4.30 I'. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) for HEAD IND, and intermedmto pottite. db W H. Alf ILH ENN Y. NenrestatT. • VALLEY RAILROAD—PAS rENtiIi_It a RAINS 't; DowNrcorowN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS.—On and alter NI, latee n , her 1&19, the Passenger Train. for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the naw Passenger Depot of the Plata delphm and Rendins .. Railroad Company.noraer of DROAD land CAI•LOw1111 , L ntreets, trances on eallowhill. • MOOtIiiINO TRAIN far Di:mull/00mi !eaves at 740 A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, loAvoi M CM P. M. PAIL}' (Enn(lny%e r xe:ptrtl.t my order of the 11 d I eager' of the Phitadelphot eod Rerodlog Rntlroed Compan7. do w. mnII.}TENNY. Snlrnt.irr. PRIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW dZ4 • FINE TEAS, at c A ve N r t y c tw v r X St. . NY, d3l.lwltif' 313 N. BMOND St.. abot o Vine GUM GUAlAoUlll—Strained, fqr stile WETHERILL 11/1011112. Jai G cum tg forth dZCQ:(I) tr ust, FURNESS), BRINLEY, & CO., Nn. 4) MARKET EITHER,. lo t SCOTT, Jr. AUCTIONEER, No. 431 m-A r e .CIIENTDS UT igTfiEET, mamas th e IFlnnta.l,eisnec weit'tlTti and F. f rrry si, e as e BALE OF FASIITONAIIiI,Ii FURa. FANCY BLEIOR Ar 11) CAARIAIiE R..twe. &a. On Monday Mergang • 16th !nit ,comtnencins ..t i 0 Cie it, • precisely, con e l e s. Inc of the usual assertrnont of fine Cars for lassie.., looses', rind chit Iran's sear; &ants' fur cos! a, coUara, and gloves ; fancy ecinh and Lamas° robee, CJ. WOLBERT & CO., AUCTIONFEIts, h. SIP ARCH ;street, bet' eon Fifth end Ruth. LARUE MALE, teI:PERIOR FURNITUitE, eta. Thin 'Morning. 33th inet at ill% o'clock, at 519 Arch street— A !arse ageortnont of euperinr furniture and furnish ing strides. China, class. crockery. paintings banana matt , enece, bedetenee, dressing bur nue sofas, chair's centre, sofa, and buuquct tabta, looking 'Laza, ongrn 'VMS! &C. bur er-plated tea sets and castors. IMPORTED BULBS FOR PRIVATE SALE. tenors, ellen 3, 1 ) pada, eetnthe, to &c., In prime order, be eel %sty if aephed (or im rnetn.tte!y. FOED & CO , AUCTIONEERS, No. PM NIA REET Strenn. and IMI MINOR MST SALE FOR 1810 OF 1.1•00 CABPS BOOTe • &WEB, BROOA aNUtIIJMBIIOEB. On Thursday Morning, January Mith, at 10 o'Llook pre minis, will be sold by cotalogue. on four montha credit. 1 bad caeca boots and ghost. embracing. In part, as follows Men', I (rya, and youths' first quality (hi. It. grained. kip. and Prenok oad boot.; russet, thick, kip. calf. grained, and en - afneled bronans; calf and patent congress gaiters and Oxford ties; women's. misses., and children's goat, call kid, and enitmehd the blirt quality or Eaatern manufacturp. t 0.,, 00) women', children's city-mode go•t welt [nets, heeled and The attention nt hlye7ll IS partmolarly Malted to this. time first sale ot the season. The-IsTEdui DIREUT TO LlVER rvv•‘§n-;1,iri,1.9-Aqz,Bz2r;iN,- atom- Ship Compan)'i trim i , ;A ,,, Al w,Sicau.ship (I.tpt , in MIREHtII7:4I. you from Queen street Whet on tiATI,RDAY, 3/st JinnAty. at ane o'clock A. Al._ CAblll MI Sag e • • 875 13ternge• 9) For freight or paasA,T• apply at 0_ 6 0 1. tke af . tbe Coot party. 103 WALUT titreet. P 111413.20 301I\ U. DA.LE,A eat. p 111LADELPIIIA ORESOENT NAVIGATION COMPANY AT AN ADJOUILN3D ICSETLNO OP4TR3 Azont: NAMEID OORPORATION, At 10 o'clock A. M., ISeMetabsr 7th. 1039, the folkir- ns gentlemen ware usunnisicsaly elected Directors the Compsay, vie i GBORGE H. STUART, The BOONS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of sold COMPANY are now open et the above named Oaks, where all persons fisorshle to the enter prise we respectfully Invited to subsenhs. se-tf FOR ENULAND AND FRANCE.— 3 - • NEW YORE AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP C he United States Mail Steamships ARAOO, NO tons, David Lines. Commander. and FIATON. 247tl James A. Y'Y °Von._ Commander. will leave New lor . Havre, and douthampton, or the year. 18fig, on the allowing days : To meet new requiremente of the Post Coles Demi meta, the days of sailing of the A RA9O and FULTON from HAVRP, and SOUTHAMPTON. after their present g wises, be changed as follows from NEW yo K. save in the ease of the present departure of th e FULTO74. which Fill tale pi re on the 17th December, the schedule romaine unaltered: 0001.1 New rose. Ravel •ND sotTIiaNTTON. FIILTON....Dec.I7. FULTON... Jan. 10.... Jan. D. tr1814:-.Jeui; 7.. Pit.PBN-.7.-.-tit:3l`.-...-.1.1z.4: A AGO.. Mob. & AAAGO ...... eh. 17 . ....m0b. 77. F LTON ...Mob. M. FIiLTOY —Apt. 23. hue steamers. built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engines, under deck. every attention has been taken in the construction of the bull and gut chine, Minstar° safety and speed. The ships have Ave water,tight toMpartmehts enclosing the engines, BO that in the event of coil:loon or stranding, the valet Mold not reach them. an d rho pumps beta, free to w or k, the safely of the vessel end passengers would be se cured. Recent experience has demonstrated the ahem lute necessity or this mode of construction. Tim ritemumnallttons for passengers are believed to combine every comfort and convenience that can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Dane-Fun Cabin. 6190; Second do., V& From Ilgvre Or nouthampton to New York-Fine Cabin. 7011 francs ; Second do.. Ito francs To passengers going to London them steamers °Ter the advent:ice of economy both iu time and expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage samurai until paid for. An experienced surgeon on Loan!. Sill Letters end name psoirs most pass throu:h the Pont oMoe. freight ovpassase spelt to S. DRAYTON. Agent. 7 Broadway, New Tort. e. WILLIAM [SALIN, Agent. Marie. CROSKEY dr. CO. Agents. Southampton. AhlF.picAN EL'BOPRAN EXPRIalii COMPANY, 4ilfLfl ON. Arent, 63ca, Tobaeoo Warshaw, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plans of the shies can be seen. nSD tinbal - STRANI DIRECT TO ALL 41/4 - i. PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND A I), FRANCE, AND GE WMANY. TILE HA3IBURG AMERICAN PACKRT COM PANY'S IRON MAIL STEAMSHIPS. HAMMONIA. Capt. B. F. Schlemmer. SAXON] A, Capt. ]. Ehlers. BORUSSIA "T.ineL N. Trautman. BAVARIA. Capt. H. Teethe. TEUTON La. Cast. H. Ensen. These Steamer, are gli hrgt-olass Clyde-both 'reseals; Egre intended to sail Dom Pier 21, North River, N. V., a4 F t OITO : NDON, SOL'TRAMPTON, HAVRE, AND HAM The elegant and powerful Iron Screw Steamship BO RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trautman, 0,5 tong barthea.wiii sail en Norms, on SATURDAV. DECEMBER Mat, at 13 n'olook M. Passer including Railroad Fare from Plulactelphia to New Park , and from Nonthamptao to London. First Cg in. lir IQO I thspond Cabin.. 440 titeerege...ol6 The BCRUSSIA will to suceeeded by the I . OIkOrIDS Bteetmehs: HA M al ONIA—.—. WEDNESDAY, February 1. 1AN0N1A....-...-."7IIU_RxWAY, march Y. E 11TON'IA.-- .TFRIBSDAY, March 1.1. A VAR ~.....AIONDAY. Apnl f. Ifsr Passengers forwarded to Liverpool. Dublin, Bel fast. Cork, Glasgow, Pane, and Antwerp, at through rates. . . . These steamers are fitted up with unequalled socom modmions for first, second, and third-s lave l'anoniers. The Second cthin aooommodatious or these !Hurt are °Wgilo t !te:r:ll;° l "'4 l eririn=me"tondon, South ampton. Havre, and Haniburg. to New York. Pamela forwarded from Philadelpkis to all parts of Europe at reason We ratan. Freight enraged la Phrladelphut will be promptly th attended to by. he New York Agent. and shipped free of all rommiesion. For Freight or Passage, apply creatively to W. A. HAMILL,. Agent,. nlPlP 'e hl o o r rt t gaZM ' 417iffir'gg Brayrsu AND NOR BR in AMERIOLAI ROYAL MA IL 6TRAM liiioNl DoeToN TO LlVillrfAil.. chief Inn Faunae— —.--8110 S.,eond abet Passage— . . 60 Tue ships row Doe ton call aillabfax and Cork Harbor. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, IC ADA. Capt. Lang, PtiRllllA, Capt. indkinz, A. ERICA, Capt. Muter, IL RAIIM, Capt. J. Stone, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. ASIA, Capt. E.. 0. 1 , 0, BUR OSA. Capt. J. Linton, SCOTIA. (now builthns,) These Vessels carry!' olear Wkitte Pest at mast-bud; groen op starboard e e i.7.' : V on port It i w. ema E T TA, 14;40 leaves dell, IV. n r. 0.. ikA ti k d J . T.4, ‘ ; 4 , o r n k . , w a 7:1 4 i s; . co 3 . t . ASIA. Lout, o pi ark , Wecfnesda.;„ Jan. 4. CANADA, Lang, " tp.ton. Wedne•dar. Jan. IL AR A BIA. Ston•, " ork, Wednesday, Jac. IA Etutopn. Leitch, " Wednes,l47, Jan.= Bertha not secured tutu' paid'. An experienced Surgeon on board. The ownerssf these ships will not he Seetwantable for Gold, 811VOT , Bulliork, Bloat°, Jewelry, ..pi peinus stones MI Or MIC ee N lading onlelL of lli? itis therefor and the value thereof therein on? . Or night or pal age apply to $, OLWA , 4 Boehm 8r6611, Plow York. FOR THE BOUTII.—ORARLIZ TON AND BAYAIMAII STRARIMP4I. FRSIORT REDUCEP, low Freli p ht at an average of surname per cant, be low New Ym Warnship ic-R44, OR CIIAIL S. C. The O. R. Mti Steamship KEYSTOI4I, STATE'. C.ap tele P Msrehman, will sad ea Saturday, Jiaqusry 21. at 10 A.M. 'lhrouguinlywatr ours only 40 boars at Res. FOR SA V.l , :riA V. (la. The U. 8. Dyad StemmaNg ATE OP OEORGIA. Captain Joan io. will le sail on Saturday, Jaguar] 14. at 10 0'c . .;..3k 1 , • nr I Z t ai Itlars u rt?Wg e",A7ar:vaitrta:&*to I _7ll l aye days. bode received. and Dais of 1..a 4 ,,i 7 ag st a red 'Tevery Lis . he sendid first-class aide-wheel Stearnehipe KEY STONE S TATE and BTA,Tre GEOROIA now Tun as above every ten daps , th us forming a fire-day oommu nloation with Onatreaton sad dassansh, sad tae South and elweat. At both Chnibriton and lesvannah,thest Map, ecat sect with steamers for Monde and with rento*M. Sto., for all places in th e Smith ankfthwast. i UR Freittt and Imitate* on * large proporton of Goods shipped Byath bt e follnd to be lower by these slump than by tallies ewe the premium being one-half the rats. B. M. FELTON. Eteindent. N.. 13.—Insiiisnoe on ell Railroad Freilint 111 entirety nnneeeseary, farther than Charleston or navannt the Railroad Compantes talons, all rusks from Pleas po tn. GREAT RE DIA, rION IN FARE. Fare by the route 7:9 to r r o ot. easayar thin by the Inland Route, as via W lifn by the tobovrintia.ahs dole. 'fbronsh 1101.111 from nitirtejlela yte C. %Hea ton not:vannah ateamshess. Nt e LUDING IIdEA Son the w ale rotas,. except [row Charleston and Savan nah to outsmart : ifi.LAD TAU. To Charleston—. #l3 00 1 gbarlostom....--....11/0 al Basun 111 00 &Warn 110 Augusta— 20 00 Angusts..-____ Xal It is) Irlsoon— *2 TO Atluta- ...-... $0 015 0I 0o • Onlumhos—. 93 00 Colointrus 00 Albany...—. 11 OuAlbany X al ormtgorner7-.. 14 al montremerr.— • - CO 33 00 - New Orleans ... s 9 13 I New go billa of !minis listed after the ship Ca.s Wed. m.s.a For freight or pte apply on Coon!, at meoostOrbarf above Vice street, or to 41,1:X. HERON, Jr„. ?bottom; comer FOI , A V" th OAVIRLIs. For Florida from, steamer Carolina r . 07 . 53Vitalleitateamera Bt. Maws and gt. John',,even , Tassiar acid datortllP. Y 674 P. XVIII.IOI, I . VLIIGHA-1111/11CI SOUTHWARK SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY ,I , FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRHEIS, NER r i goNS, • ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manurectur High and Low Pressure Steam Ens Wes. for Land, Ri ver, and Manna service, or ilxl: ‘ ,: a., a e t t ,gr r tr.f. , , ,, T c :nle, Iron boats. Ac.; Castings Iron Frame Roofs For Om Works, Work Shope, Rall rocAl Stations, An. Retorts and Gap Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction. Every description a( plantetion Machinery, such ea Sugar,Sew, and Grit Mille, Vaceem Pans, Open Steam Dofecators, Pumping Engines. kO. role Agents for , Rallieua's Patent Sugar Bolling pparetus ; Nesmith's Patent Steam Hammel : 4 , V InAspin M wall & Wolsey's Patent Centrthasal Sugar a achine NAVAL STORES. Sjiirite Turpentine, 30 do Crude Turpentine. Stukt do§plppuiF 1:0 tto do Piton, in store and for sAN by RoWLI.,)". A. 1113 trit NER, & Cn d3l , n. In sorTli WITARVVB. - - - D t in A . — :295 bb I sMesa Pork, of New Jet bev , ()too, and rtnladeluhin Pa.A., f or by C C NADI - EN. ARCH Ntreet. 3,1 Xwlr 1% , 11. "• R AI) I.lQ+ ORICK—For sale by WETH AA, FRILL Jc BROTHFR. 47 and G NORTH Sr ef /7'4 n St,nor tali) Pt.)1)}•11.-500 qtls, Extra Grand Bank codfish, to store and for &Cot W. & co.. dn. 3:4 WITH Whine& SALM BY AUCTION. SIIIPPING. NO. 8 IMO ANTE' EICONANGN, 8. MORRIS WALK, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CRAB. BLACALEBTKR, Ain JOHN EDGAR THOMSON ESOU NEW TORY TO LIVITTOCS. Cop} Passm e---- a LSO &mond Carhn raflUTO...•-.--- 70 MACHINERY AND IRON. SALES DY A 1707101% I• Tklo.ll.lus hSONS, _ A•L bola,/ cad IfIBOITH POBR• , Former!? tics. CI and 111.1 CAR D.—PTBLIC, ALE REA t. En/. TE AY H 8T S 8 AT THR EXCHAVIE—Wass ot ras) ead noose every Tuesday. at tea Elsie:lle. arr uustriberorsnae:ag tar °emu .1 Dater erSe. ST Ha:dna:a of each roper, meted eesarerai.T. addition 4, whloh we yabi at. on the En=day rrEr.:ss: to the ikve, me thousand eatatoKuts. tr. magi e% Lem, giving dederr.ocisot ail Ina nroperter to be sat( l t i.S.l4. 'o l n kTr a.. AVV • AT PRIVATE RALE. ST We hue a large ernfreliV of reel estate st grim* sale. laaladusg every deacripraen of ear ar.d . property. Prmted bats may re bad et the atte:lor. met PRIVATE BALE REGIBTER. sir Reel estate entered on our Pnrn. 10111 . Termer and Mrs:tired otseaconally.inoel YOVI . O arli:M4 (Of Which/J=oo9re* are an uniod ree.•ll.4.)free ate-largo VA LI ?ALPO ormar.9o - O ALL PALF.Q, STOCKS AND BEd L rsT a Tr. «4 F4.lBato, te n. IT, even*, et ine Exensort. 114 r Pan et the handbiLe for each of toe anovs War now reedy. ITT Sl 4 . LOANS PEWS. 4 t 4 . On Tr.heols Jan. IT. SIT o'clAY. os 1014.., the 1-e.e4L4'.e.Ue inso fe— Pew.Y0.162. west midiiie SeLwinedTnteS Church, rerrihr of Serectit nEd Sierin; Otrcer, streets. Per. A. A. Willits.) C Pe r w h corner m fln t a l i and Th e d t P : errted f C itht abef ate. eats Oa" lif l'e w No. 21 , Et. Andrew's Cheree. Eirbth street. &boy* Mance. Alio. I share fldledellltis. Litters. I stare Steirointrte Litirsr:. II shares Eastern Market Co.—;,st /W TI. t i ll pig. EXTRA EALEr;837.4. 1 0 RAILROAD 021 /61Atora. Sloane;. 19th int., et 11 o'cl et, at the Exchange. rata/me 111. same. for M 1 c00.11:110( Wliflm I. may 421 00) Ty race end Lore Hsrae Radroad Bin mut* ease beads. lear Bale shaolete. • REAL ESTATE SALE—JA?CrARY v. At 7 oclock in eerntae. Orphans' Court Aale— .j et Wllnstu Ktri - pst-ttek, dersessed THREE-TORY BRICK DWELTPIG. _e t a Teesr isrelf inn Thttteenth and nts a n te Ca'hsrtriestre.m. AIX DWELLINGS.—AiS three-.tory Rutty WOOL sal Sareq enseer. between Atiteenta nd Atzteenth and PitnrUpr Nth‘rtn• ferempcorSale.—THß nE-STO Bk IC E LINO. No. North t.terentb street. axon lirtaik sue' ;ale ateolute. Immethate possesstats. REAL ESTATE ALAL E-JANTA RP 11. At 11 o'elo_k. noon. PeremptoryLe-F r sonorrit nt whom it raar emt• rerei.-4 423 ACRES Lan D. TEXAS.- Otte of Low. Coutainina 4.415 Berns. Nacogd.thes orient,. ;. - the rest ba• It of the Angsbna riser.= wins from 2• iaooeuolies. Texas. to- 14.‘1e a tvohita. rustees Elahx-LARGr. AND V •LUARLE LOt O bROUND. south ode of liarket screet.wert of Twenty Brst,ee feet front, LZ feet deep. to Ash olty. Two fronts. REAL ESTATE SALE- JANUARY 11. At o. noon. Orphans' Court stytn of Na it •am Carneri deed, n !tin. Li Y. ELIANOI.—E.x taree•storr Sauk end three flame dwohnts, Geri:mg:own road sag altaxr street late ho Leon I..berties.l zaa fiet!"3ll, Rgrr l e s, A. TEAR-par et LO-i,en n • oat of Int eon side et Se cond etre t, wash of Chi istise : elt lir of trate; ascartd by motive. *tort brick deeihnes. FLELIA , T 1311.••Wri-STONE RESIDENCE. with ride yard. Norto Brow knot. west side. above Muter. L.i.t SY by Est feet. with two fro,.-es. Homo 13 , net Iron 4 Suished witA evert nit Lent lair . ..* MOO- •I. thiok stoke and coach }mime on the rear end of the ea Cl:lisle street. Er' Bee handmhs. Trustees Peremstom Sate_ --TWO I ARCM AND TALUA E BUILDING' UTE , . oes at the norrhweat corner of Amber and eereeant attests -Its Gun to on the FrAnktord roof and Lloyo street Ike other at t.s northeastrorner of C-ral and Fameant atreem, was a root on L Md street, Nineteenth • aid. Tus ten Mbe noid a. One lot, with bra trouts far as:e paisohyte. &de Noe.lY) zed Ipt goad' Foerth ScreAt. SUPERIOR_ FAIRNITU RE. PRIAYCH-rt.ATE • ROBS. PiArtft- FORTE. BRAiriSEIS CARPRIS. Oa Thureltr Mormar. At I o'clock. 11.1. the Anetios Store.= assorts:eat IX excellent canoed hand remit:Am elegant piste- irrtes fine mirron. actsets. eta, from families dzellzi sale ty k^cleX•eldos. "snored to use store tot woven" eres el . AMUEL NATBANS, AUCTioNEE.R, No. Lti Smith THIRD Street. low Walnut- LARGE tint.l3 rUHFt.ITI' below P , i - . BY ORDER OF ABRAHAM NATBAS.S PLI, . Broke Sr. On Tnestia) Mesmer. Jaa.l7. IND. et #l4 o'clock cons Ina { red and silver patent le. et & a o th er watches rotd emaie ear-rinse. hexer-rinse, resat-t.tss /*nett eases. stlvervare. he CLO THING de.--Coop, pants. vests. dresses. shaws. Intone ;deems. resolvtee sisto:a.ekstl.s. e. NOTE ll persona bkvinc r.ssds on ace 5,, over the least tan. is ime vitt can ace ro2seca , ne same. Otherlrlia MO. will he sod at pul4, a,* the snore dal, ABRAHAM NATR &char. jai let. N. . tor . gzith Awl Cal,mrl.lli MUSES NaTHAND, AUCIIt) i;11 AYD DIMIRzION MERCHANT, aoatliaaal onroor ni PT XTM aad { RACE Rows. PEREMPTORY SA OF IRE BTOCH OP A Tkl %ANC, RTOaE, Reaored to th• Auction °Wry fur CAnrreniesei Ibis ortnt. 13th torsi. at 19 o'clock. n • Mores Ifatiatia • "sort= 5M111124114 CMS/ of Sixth sat Iltratts, at C01,41-•!Ory •titt =et ft...akar, eti.kt- Consistarg is in. of erste nonet of silk diners tra men !se klitek stik =tut. mohair mars_ hoam n bre. e, lone amoil - tz malts moult boterints,emb-car'sry. E:4 ea sootrilk itoznny !ace. Bak lace edianes. monalt ri.lut toot.'r4ar. ladles ' sk r g rAtra• Thor , / tam nz comm. OnIII4. rellot/Mlll relit. SWin rm. hendem , . do- • an suit*. eimbne sines do eberromots- Ciasrillr lams do almth - e, .. Lea as s , ladtes . Trio:awns Marre,:len akin boron, 71. dart' merlon heeds. infants' semis. woollen eomfnres, nntatichiefs. SOVVIILI d^zes first mot: . me. trtbn andataturte, lidLef cloth itha utins,st4 I[lllllll/0111 otter arth_its Alta.' main. km. t r:tetwertil klnno- forts, owl kV. And a superior sewing msoloteo Tn. piano and sewiaz ma.nater will be Sod as II precisnir. MONEY TO LOAN," .11230.000 to Lean..' la- g• or small amoes'?, c*i 'Woks, cold and sita r pate. diamonds. Tage:rig. eg . towline races. dr, anode. pletelag. groce Wei el gars bards - aro, ottairT, couriest 1113U4111•Er!... frat irdre, bedding. aoraaa. ea ba meas. and zle cur V.Litia. tot My Wrath of time agreed nine, oa gr.ega liberal germsthaa at say mart' ep-abLiumett itt OUT-DOOR SALES Attended to penicenally by the auctioneer. at 7eu bp. camel. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Conoirements of all elzid every load of cznxis szdcl:sl for public sale ; tvo-tturds A* vu of tilia :mar v - , 11 be advanced in anticipation we sale its :. . sir. Lolls, .114). IiATILLTA3IS A - BOYLE. AUCTIONTER9 A•p_ COMAITPRION MERCILt NTS. No. h North MAIN Street 3 f.l.tiCt3, Ma.; former., T. :a Mena. Siren. Cloehorn. k Co. Fn eZe• alma aetalees tho merthente. rroenteetarers. em.t others of Prolndelnam tor +ha .o'e ct dr , , c 0... Va rs... hoot...hoer. herd - rare. letre.rf • to., k . tT t' advances mad on afro cis. far Setttentontr made tares di , " Cis: BEFBHENCES Misers. M vers. cleshoro. k Co., real. tttnnrt & Brother IlWr6 tt ran W. ek.'foweternd Warren, Now Tote. S. Curt New rOtk. Word. Chrtsty. & C.... t Lonit.Mk, t' Crow, MoCronry. k Ca, ••• trot-frosty THE WEEKLY PRESS A NEW VOLUME I TES YiTaEKLY PEES enteisi &MI & :yaw v .. . lame with the New Year. To say.raerely, that oat Darer bla ken e-zz:zre s al. weuti be to pre far tog. , resk. sad Ir-deli:alto ma Lit% of our rue itior.—tor, tut °sly Ilse TH.B WEEKLY PRESS been establ Libr] on a secure and perm Su eat rcue.ertet• bat h Is, to teaLty. a ZaSzvelincs summa of the ,'.;re • of tavor vb.1.1.1b, a rightly-oondsotsd LITERARY, POLITICAL, A.ND NEW JOURNAL can renelee at the hands of a liberal and eal.ghtened eubia. Our moat grateful Omaha are ter de ed for t. e patronage already bestowed upon Ur. and we shalt graze no Sorts which may ain't to render the pager area more eatraZt!ve.urettal. and popular in*. future The POLITICAL °aurae of "lIE WhiIKLY PRES., need not be eelsrged upon here. Independent. ateadra sad framer. it kta battled, uharareringil end gealo.4- Iy, in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE aggleat EXECUTIVE USURPATION. and dr:fair and Si rancuoal !aria:anon; erer e.e.'ar:nu and adner:de t the doetnue that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY coact:- Unto' the fandameat . el beals of cur free met.rutzeds art that the latelbre nee aid ratri.-Lsm of our el:3. zeds :r.14 always he pre:err - ivy - a of einse.Just.g-dsn:wir) ism:aunt. These are the us to eh-ca THE WEEKLY PRESS has heed conaniMil, add to these PZ adhere. OUR NEWS COLUMNS Vtl continue to b the en Tact of warernittrnei care • Tit attention. and CI .. alio° b Tmr.'c:ied 11,1 pspt , rn oomnendinoi cf a:4 the priocipll lire='s of Inte rest which at home and &bro.]. The LFIERARY oharacter et' THE WEEELT now nnicessally acknowlect red to be or ea r'e. vetted clams. 'hall not mph maintain its tvereat etanduks r but shall be enhance.] ta Inip.-marm to a - Lie oontributions trom the writers. Deem net r7N-71 or XultAL , the treat airman! M . private harp are. t r .! puhlra prosperity. we 'hail careful,' szeune trnit. column, seen taint which may rel./m.O-4 to rt.,,,a to ma the score of improper tendeatte. r.e of pure Meritrure su - md sialc.ent ma•orry to mat- an AC:- CEPTABLE FAMILY liEliVetta PER. ^- Um elements of ezceßre.e, walumt s en a le or.r, able line t and the proptmter of the THE Wi•Eli t.Y PRESS ma, justly claim tint no herd of a (unit) nee] bee Ism to let its calumas ga under the 200.3 et &T., roentheT of 11111b00/M1,14. The itenerAl feamresof tha rapnr. in mitlit..cit to:Is POLITICAL .AND NEWS DEP.4RTMINTs. Pastry. Stetvirs. Dirrrardq aid D•irinat or i 5. kited had*. chaten for tLeir lessons of fife., ;•••y. tins of binirri. deptatirre of iinszarra. merit—and adspreid. in Ina: MIMI. to LS* la+ bob semis and all urn. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. roe Cafe Inn be taken to farmsn ear rt. cortect aad re Sable reports of tee rs.cluce sal ostse markets wads up G 3 the .test Among eta agiaoilila variety of art , 2 l ,it 12 'tors f -, 7 the ptirona of TIM Wk., bIiLV ,CREnzli a n.. 7 I 2 aim= oneil tnaairc conionce, Ne*l' ;-___a, tha publication al TR TATI AND TRIUMPHS Oa, ANCIENT TIMES IN OLD VIRGI.NI.: ; an Original Nere'ettc of rcraeas-iig as author of seknoar:Ni.e.l ata:vy. The at.,. c, ihrocaa cave a: tambera of rar. ar. and At I:irda; worth lure than Lb.] fir s ) e'r'a .ul.4Kwiption. la a wont a will La tits en!zt are, of ta cox_co --- ,..1 to make THE WEEKLY HEv coat...cue A ft. .a FAMILY JOCRNAL, zzaa2arattrr a,;5 of a carefuliy-preaired rir.ratler• StrLaor4 Was are tellktet:.:T tiOLIC.tOd. ". - 15 who proposepatroalcat tie '• WEEKLY' f Rt -, ." promptitude to forwar.:.n; tat,: criers for tza Vokrttr. e•rnest'y reoommza.tril. am. from. r - e sere irlicatioas. it Is be lerett that lards Pa Iltest.llca be which vi:: he prated, it rill aot!ock r to forn.3a Nick atvat•ert, In st:ra out , must 000ar. TERMS One Coro .one year... Three Copes, cna ree.•••— -- • Five (toms, one year- . . Ten Colors. one year.. ..... 11 tat Twenty Cowes, to one slimes. ,t the rate o: 3I per annum ..... X Twenty Cowes. to one address of ooze w.b goober . . .. - :4 •O Any perlon rending ns a Cie.". of Twenty or Mare. be cit.tled to ao extra oony. We ;owl:: la TH.I. IVELRLY PRESS to Clergymen for $l. Sabeenr.OSS Mee comae...Ns at ens Te rra slits), cult, to aro - anew Alt letters te ail:else.: to JOHN W. FORNEY. No. 417 CHEST 11T STREET, PIITLA73 3P IA qr.) WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER- A. CHANTe.—NIANILA ROVE.--A hrge. si! - . 7- ..' soaor , ed meet ~1" Rini.. , n•.ltL4oin.l it 4 l iar de, st New York yr 4 t hy &YEA. Frrcut, h. CO.. (al aB. Cat it. lad 32 A. Wham% MOSES NATHAN&