The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 11, 1860, Image 4
in several .eol carriages. .vented, or, rather, the ' ett, by thollniquie et' Worm. :0360. Few understood and non. A it. He died, in great mortiticat .e honor was afterwards en grossed by Sa ' In 1765, the Earl of Stanhope applied the steam engine to propelling a vessel. A steam boitt was run twenty miles on the Sankey Ca nal, Liverpool, in 1797, and another on the Forth and Clyde Canal, in 1801. 'A steamboat trip' was made on the Delaware as early as 1791. In 1807, when Robert Fulton was fit- I tins up his first steamboat at New York, re spectable, and sensible, and gray-headed men pronounced hint " a fool for lie pains:" Oliver Eiens welt before conuuittees of Le. •gislatures, first in Pennsylvania, and then in Maryland, with a project of- a steam carriage, as early as 1804. Be asked a little aid to de= fray the expense. They could hardly be pre vented from reporting In aver, not of steam engines for carriages, brit of a .straight jacket for himself. Now, almost all nations Welted the sagacity and ingenuity to seize and Willie the precious idea. . When Peter the Great, in 1700 or there. aborts, commenced a canal between the Wol ga and the DQII, the Governors and Boyarda 6f the country opposed Wearnestly, thinking it impiety to turn river's out of the channels which Heaven had assigned them. When soma Dutchmen proposed to make theriver itianzanaren navigable to the Tagus, and that to Lisbon, the Council said if it had been the will of God that the rivers should be navigable, he would have made them so. When Brinley, the great engineer, told a committee of Parliament, to'whora Bridgewa ter's petition was referred, that canals were' better than rivers, and would supersede them for the "pnrpese of navigation, the committee were shocked, and asked him : •of And pray, sir, what were the rivers made for I" if To feed canals," was the answer. • .. Dr. Franklin surveyed the route of the Dela ware and Chesapeake Canal, at his own expense, -in 1767. Baron- Napier surveyed the route of the Forth and Clyde Canal, at his own expense, in 1781. . • Both of these works wore subsequently ac • complislied, but after great delay. • Dr. Zabdiel Boyaleton introduced innocula- Mon for the small pox, into Boston, in 1721, and tried at first on his son Thomas, and other members of his family ; but sneh was the force of prejudice and unbelief, that the other phy. sicians gave a unanimous opinion against it— . the municipal government prohibited its prat ' tice; and the populace would have torn him to pieces if he had not, retired from the city. LET us HavE TIIE BENT.—A farmer in an ad joining county once went to his cergyman and inquired of him "wily he did not Preach so mach Latta and Greek as the minister did who preaehedto them previous to him 7" " Why," said he, w I thought I would make use of such language as I presumed you could understand, and I did not suppose that the farmers gene-; rally understood Latin and Greek." "Oh," said the fanner, "I pay for the best, and let na have it; give us as much Latin and Greek vs, you can spare." , Mcsio.—lt is a not uncommon thing to hear all who do not possess India' ears, denounced as barbarians, Goths and' Vandals—in short, it seems to be conceded that, as Shakspeare hath it • " The man that bath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweat sounds, Is fit for treasons. stratagems and spoils; The motions of his soul are dull as night, And hie affections darken Erebus Let no each man be trusted." We are not of those who believe that, as a general thing, the untuned ear is deserving of such reproach, although even the grave histo ttatr,--reiThtm,,,...ribils_the _luit_nankty of the ancient Arcadians to their knowledgrol — the musical art, and the barbarity or their neigh bors, the Cynethians, to their neglect of it: ---N . vr-5t1e........-..Lnlio.o..2.l.occytncit - rFo aro in 9r 7 suppose that man of Po7ybius' tter of this kind To show the falsity of thle-smsical theory, we might adduce numerous instances. The love at elegant Poetry, and of Music, both the of of refluditent, are often disassocia ted. Burke. ibr example, was an ardent lover of Poetry, and particularly'of Milton, in which hls exuberant mind discovered kindred reflec tions. But Burke bad little ear for music. Fox had none at all. The ears of Pitt and Dr. Johnson were equally tuneless. After all, we believe that the profession which thousands make for music is only an affected penchant. Commit. Arrnortoff.—Of all the Hens human nature can enjoy, and of all- the delight it is formed to impart, none is equal to that which springs from a long-tried and mu tual affection.' The happiness which arises from conjugal felicity is capable of withstand, ing the attacks of time, grows vigorous in ago, end animates the heart with pleasure and de light, when the vital fluid can scarcely force iL passage through it. No man ever prospered in the world with out the consent and co-operation of his wife, let him be ever so frugal, industrious or MC cessful ; and it avails nothing if she is unfaith ful to this trust, or profusely squanders in pleasure or dissipation those sums which toil and application gained. But if she unites in mutual endeavors, or rewards his labor with an endearing smile, with what confidence will he resort to his merchandise or„his farm—fly over lands—sail upon the sea—meet difficulty and_encounter dangers—if he knows that it is not spending his strength In vale, but that his ober will be rewarded by the sweets of home ? How delightful it Is to have a friend to cheer, and a companion to soothe the . solitary hours of grief and pain I Solitude and disappoint " Dent enter into the history of any man's life, andike iz-but. half provided for his voyage who finds but en associate for happy hours, while, for months of darkness, no sympathising part ner is prepared. Prudence and foresight can nolth'er ward off the stroke of disease nor prevent the •caltuni ties which are ordained by Heaven: Affluence enariot purchase a release front , pain, nor viealth cool a fever in the blood.' The best endowment is, a heart ready to sympathise, and a life that is ahaolutely boundup In bis. As enjoyment derlyea, additional relish from anticipation, so misery loses the poignancy pf its barb in the, bosom formed for symrathotic 'kindness. LANOVAOZ' OR F.LOWPOS:47OIIP lair readers are respectfully requested not "to present sprig of geranium to a young gentleman for "whom they entertain no more than ordinary friendship; ;a for, since the publication of Flo. Ws Millenary It is generally understood as an evidence or preference over all other suitors. p airw . ood - blossoms signify "I hate you," and nia3r le distributed among the grosser Sex, ad lc/drain. Whenever a- ranunculus is °flared you, you are to itoOr, much dm dazzled by your charms ;". UAU then the thorn dpple, and, bid Linn godd eve- --- Swum/vs.—The --eelebrated:Pr. Parr used to swear`; w ien temptatiOn eaused' him Ict do se,' in the style of the neivapapers, i. 4, by •omitting, the body of :the offensive, expletives. Thee, "when a poor' Omuta applied to JAN for hie interest ineepuring him the degree pi Doc tor lit Divinity, Parr, taken "all aback,' , ex claimed, ++ You be d--d!" "Thank you, sir," responded the applicant, bowing. ft Forwhat?" inquired Parr, amazed. g For so kindly, ex. pressing your opinion, said the other; grave ly, ifthat am worthrof the dignity I seek. that of being D: 1)1" BETIRACY,—Thhi . wOid, - now froqnontly althoogh net incornOrated, 111Vobsior into the great broiborho'od'of syllables 'which comprise the p3 - glisb, language, is reported Eby an Ohio editor to,have had its • tnigi n _i n t iffy • 'Wise t An orator tit. the ,Legittlatara tur that ',State is said` td haie saidelfr, Chairramt It dotli appearettt unto me, till:Apo gentle . • man. up ' • last is• somewhat chagrinated at my reukalwabont the,aborgoynes-od*Ors New, rather than take the.'entirse thafitentle ;tniiikhali.talceila *mulct rather pull.n . p,stayk, go in a state of rilirary among theiii sthne libmgoynes." . ' .al in the English Church. ' A CLERIC_ AL ie at present before •one of the English Anal courts that excites great attention through.' At the country... The London Times, of DOOM bet 17, in the course of au editorial, thus elates the elretunstanoce " Mr. Benin% formerly of Drumm's° College, Oxfortl; is incumbent of St. Philip's, Stepney, where he generally resides, MOMS attached to the aehOol.roolu Whig, fitted up for his use., lie is a married man, With one child, and his wife at the time of the commission of the alleged offence ' kept a school in another part of London, whore Mr. Bonwell 000asionally visited her. "The lady implicated in the oaso was the daugh ter of a clergyman named Yorath, living at New port, in Monmouthshire. Last year Mies Tartar, then on a visit to' Margate, became acquainted with Mr Bonwell, who, it is asserted, gave himself out as a widower, and soon became the accepted suitor of Miss Yorath. In December the lady left Margate. in order, as her friends thought, to re turn to Newport; but. instead of doing so, she re mained, it le said, a fortnight in Loudon, in lodgings hired for her by Mr. Bonwell. There is no necessity for following the steps of the history; but in May last she paid a second visit to Margate, and MISS Ames, the friend with whom she had boon staying, perceived that she was preg nant. Indeed, if the evidence is to be believed, there can be Ise doubt that Mr. Bonwell seduced the lady under promise of marriage. "Shortly after the fortnight in - London Mr. Bon well visited Newport, and there, according to the evidence of the lady's brother and other persons, was guilty of the grossest misrepresentationa. lie presented himself as Miss Yortsth's aceepted suitor. introduced inthen, and at subsequent visits, was in this character to all the friends of the family. Not only did he declare himself a widower, but said that his friend the Bishop of Oxford' would perform the -marriage ceremony, and wished the Bev. 'Hugh Williams, Chancellor of Mode, to assist,' after the fashion which had prevailed of late. The'marriage was fixed for inns last, but before that time it began to be rumored that Mr. Bonwell was %married man. Mr. Lewis Yorath, the brother,. broke off the match. In August it came to the Biabop's ears that Mr. Bonwell. had passed himself off as a single man to a family in the country, and had prevailed on a lady to marry him. The public , will be a little startled at hearing that' this conduct was thought by the Bishop worthy only of a 'severe reprimand,' and that Mr. Braswell WAS sent back from Lon. don Bosse to teach morality to his flock. lint within a few days his lordship received two anonymous letters, which caused him to place the matter in the hands of the police, and it wag dis covered that a child had been born in the school house at St.-Philip's, Stepney, and buried nutlet suspielous circumstances. It to beyond a doubt that Misslabor whilesisiting Mr. Bonwell ; that th she gave birth to a male child ; and that, after remaining twelve days at the school-hones, also was takers, with the child, to a hotel on the other side of Lon don Bridge. Mere the child died,,and was carried away, and buried by'an undertaker in aeon with another body. The child was exhumed, and a coroner's jury returned a verdict that it died of inanition, and in express terms censured the con duct of the Rev. James Bourret]. "These fadia being proved In evidence, the COM mission has deoided tbat there aro grounds far a further Inquiry into Mr. Bonwell'il °ended " ago in and fifty • .D NEW YUBA. MEDIVII IY AlankriA.—Dr. G. Redman, a spiritual medium of this oily, has been travelling South, exhibiting his powers in sum moning the ghosts of the departed. Ile got as far down aii Montgomery, Alabama, where, if we credit the account he gives 113 his letter to the 6:pirttital Telegraph of this week, be and his associate, Mr. Lansing, made a great stir. Ile says: "The el roles have been composed of the elite of city and country, Including many clergymen, mem hors of tho Legislature (now in session), with a fair proportion of the more undeveloped portion of the community. So, groat has been the excitement chat the more conservative churoh.goors sent in a petition to the Legislature, asking their interference in our case The bill, Imposing a fine of fifty dol lars par diem on all public spirit-mediums, was framed and presented to the august body by Dr. Mabury, and subsecinently, by motion of Mr. Clitherall, the amount was reased to rive Ira &Mara per day; the, bill inc passed the Mouse like a:whirlwind, cud the rates wore suspended to send it directly to the Renato, where It also Passed without a thought. The rotes were those from members who hadattendeded our circles." —N. 1". Post. A MATIUMONIAL DISAPPOINTIIENT.—A CU lines terntination of on intended marriage took plains at Halifax on Sunday last. On thst day , Geary Grooves, of Mount Tabor, and Mary Mitch• all, of Gibbet street, in that town, had arranged to be married at. the parish church. The wedding party mot before the ceremony at the Spotted Cow Inn, in Gibbet street, and proceeded thence to. wards the church. When they bad arrived at an Inn named the Ring of Bells the bride found fault with her intended husband for not having his thou clean. They, however, still pursued the Journey, but co shookod was she on going along the aisle of the church in coMpany with the dirty boots, that she renewed her complaints, and, setting at defiance all remonstrance, left the church and refused to ba married. Dinner had been provided for sixteen, and tea for twenty. After the return of the wed ding party, the proportion of expenses to be borne by each party, formed a further topic of dispute, The disappointed bridegroom refaced to pay any. thing unless ho had the ring, which anst him 10a, returned, and then declined to contribute more than ono-half. The final issue will probably have to be decided in a court of law. IMVORTATioNs. (Reported for The Frani BREMEN—Bark Elizabeth; Somali-3 boxer Indite 1, .1404,44itit'it`"S**Wth'intnPureut i kliffi 'fer &Preytax: & Co; T Pinto & xenottlerll3 Dux It Peoree; 18 Item, Duhring It Co; 11 Grundy,. Warden & 4.2 W Gems° & guns; 13 Gallic mer & Woodward:6o ll = ll ton & Frjer;,4 Angustir 1111- debrant: 6 3 C Eberhardt; 4 Wm H Schtvelsl 10 Klemm & Lao; 9 R& O A Wrbild; 2 Adolph Foister; 3 Jacob Ilaehnien; 3 E Ketterlinus; I Maennel h Sahepater; 2 John Doll; 1 W H Horandpsoit.V„lretiil... griArgr It Ilona; 2371 u 6 do Alter ; Sera batmen 6 do 2do Geo Dna & Co; 9do 16 do P 8 7.'; do 1 bale do Fred Lerma It Co; 2 bales do Stuart It Ban 10 hXs 4 casks India 1000 lice ropes Rules Bros; 2 10t534 caske Ocher & Kohn; Manske nine Lama Poll; Edo do 1 to indite T Hessenbruoll is Co; reek!' wine and yndso C Sedalia 6 do wine P Beckmann; 0 F Eiweit; 3 do O Corey; S R,Dentneer; 4do Lo to 8 bxs oigars L ilarnbexgiir It Co; 16 bus see W Wnissenbanit 9 hales mine N . Lenol6 It Co; a one ants recuserer Koradi.; 2 do china Marren It Witte; 3 casks eloverread 1) Landreth It Son: 2 brit 1 baeket mdse C A Thudiutti; ban I casks do .1 N Bane rsatila 7 mask. Dant Kellner; 1 larsialurware 9 do mdse 93 aa4,la wine 3 do grumbles 1660 deinijobes order. • FERADELPRIA BOARD OF TRADE. P. R 'MON TIN DIRERE, COUNITTIN or Ter Mona A. J. YB, LETTER BAGS .. - LSTRIMUCBAVITS' lit XetteiGX, PUILAIDELPITIA. Br. °No Broganza, Notion* ... -- Livorpooi, roan Brig Lollar°, King.- --......... ..... ... —Ca Mena!, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 40ILT OY PHILADELPHIA, Jun. U, IE6O. RIBEB- -- 7 12-SUN BETI3-:-..- 4 64 HI B WATER-- -. 4 4 ARRIVE:b. otaarmaip Daaam. Bellew. 20 hour/ from New York with mdse and passonaera to J Altderdicc. CLEARED. Brig Olive. Small, Portsmouth, F A Bandar Co. Bohr John L Lee,f newlCorson. hlohile,Jairus Baker. Behr Loma' Chester, Somers, Wilmington, 1 , 10, D 8 Stetson dr, Co, • AT NEW CASTLE, Dst. The titeamtrig America, Virden, from the Breakwater, with the ship Grey Eagle, bark Thee Dallett, and hrig Delhi in , ow. arrived on Monday perm nir, and remained at ILA M yesterdny—detained by the Gook log. A leo the City lee Vont. which wee preparing' to Alert for Reedy letand with the Ode Betsey BY yELEGRAPIT: (COtteepOndende of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND. NJ, Jan 10-6 P M. Nothing to be 'teen passing in or out to-day, owing to the Prevalence of a donee log. Wind BVII, Yours, &o. THOS. B. HUGHES. IIdhIkIORANDA. Steamship Vigo. Mierhouse. sailed from New York 9.40 P M. ml, inst. for Phi hyt Ship Anna" F Smith, itfulliked. for Havre, cleared at Savannah 6th inst. with 2790 bales ornton. Ship Parthenon, Smote . from Caldera for Baltimore, was signalled Oct SO. lat 6716 8, long CS ZS W. Ship Juliet, Elinelmr, for Chinchas. to load for HanlP. ton Roads at SM. was at Valparaiso lot Deo. Side Chariot of Fame, Knowles, sailed from Valpa raiso 29th Nov for Callao. to load for Hampton Roads at eis. Bark Fanny Buck, Crockett, from New York o , t el for Australia, was spoken No 28, let 2028 8, long 2940 W, schr Mahlon Betts, Thompson, Coto Now York; at Wilmington. NC. at h inst. Sehr Army Clark, Howard, hence, arrited at Newhtrr pßohr h lo Neilson, Burt, demo for Taunton, ranted at FIB Kiser 7th lent. Bahr Excelsior, Riley, from Gloucester for Philadel- Phis, at Sew London 7th mot PEE PA LIED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE "A STITCH.' IN TIME SAVES NINE." 800NOAT7 SAVE THE PIZOES! As accident, will happen, even (Si well-regulated families, It Is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crooke ry, &a. SPALDING'S PEEPARND GLIM meets all ouch emergencies, and no household can afford to be without It. ft is always Toady and up to the atiok mg point: There kin& longer :a necessity for limping chef 111, splintered veneers, handless dolls, and btoken °metes. It is Just the oakta for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so milder with ladies of refinement and taste." This admirable preparation is used °old. being oho- Mostly held in solution, and possessing all the valuable Qualities of the best cabinet-makers' glue. It may be used in the place Orordintry mucilage, being vainly more n4hesive. "USEFUL. IN EVERY R 01.4311." N. B. A bruab accompanies oath bottler PRIOE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Wholesale Depot, No. X) i'LATT Street, New York Address NENBY C. SPALDLNG lc CO., Box No. VA*, New York. , - rat up for Deafen in Caren containing four, eight, and twelve dozen, a beautiful Lithogrepine noOW-PAaD accompanying each packago, Kr A single bottle of SPALDING'S PEEPARED GLUE . _ win nee tea times its mat annually to . overy Imeseeol Sold by' all prominant Stationers, Druggist., Dard ware and Furniture Dealera, Qrocera, and Fanes Storm Country Merokants should make a note of BPALDING'S PRBPARED GLUE, whou making up their list. IT WILL STAND' NY CLIMATE. d26-mwf-r. O WESTERNT AND SOUTIfERN MER. • CNANTS.-41ANILA ROPE.-4 large and wed minted stook of Montle, Rope, manufactured and fol .ale at New Yoyk pra i r t 4p.V$R. FiyLtfi sat '• otor n.'nn 22 At, hikr44,ll. ,AND,--155 bbls, No. 1 Leaf Lard, or ••••• sale by C. O. tiATLER. & CQ. ARCH Wein, tabor *bon rioSt, cornaTNEnsuir NOTICES. HE FIRM OF MaILWAIN & KELLY T this day dissolved by mutual consent. .1 . , K. aIeILWAIN, PtilladeMita, January 1, 18C,O. JOHN KELLY. The busi aims of ateIL'WAIN k KELLY wilt be set tled Ity JOSEPH KELLY, at the store No. 1141 CHESTNUT Street, to whom all persons indebted to said firm are requested to wake pay me at. .1. K. aIitILWIN, JOHN KELLY. 30SEPH KELLY, of tho late firm of Kelly &Brother. having purchased the business of Mollwain & Kelly. will continuo the Tailoring business nt the old stand, N 0.1022 oIiKtiTNUT Street, under the Bt. Lawnen e e Hotel. lle will be assisted by &JOHN KELLY. of the late firm of Lukens, Kell), Co„ and Idollivain Kelly. MID-Gt• NOTICE.—The copartnership heret , tort exisOne under the name and Ftyle of ANDER SON, MoLANE, & CO. expired by Imitation on the Stet day of Deeember.lBs2. The bneinees be continued by James Anderson. Pentane, JOll4 W, Anderson, George W. Anderson, and Welter ti Anderson. under the name and style of ANDERBON, DUNIitt.TE. dr. CO. Jan. 2. MO. mlO-2t" HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT MY -o- interetrm the firm of GRAFF k FAIRLAMP, to M. ISAAC WATKINS . FREDK. FAIRI,OII3. The Who!erode Boot and Shoe bovinely] will be con tinued at 308 MARK hT Street by the new firm. under the name and style of Q kAFF S W.ATKINS. Plaladelohia.ll.lan. 7, BSI Jae-St. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-Thu dersigned, Imving eurahatiod the stook of OHM. SHARPS, No. BB North THIRD Ntreet, continue the BOOT And SHOE besinees ot the old eland under the name BAB firm or BRODHEAD D. & B B RO ROHTER. D. DH EA D, A. C. BRODHEAD. Thßrolotehin, Suwon' 2.12.60. The untlereigped THIRD Streetbueineee at the oM stand, No.2H N o CHARLES SHARPE. Philadelphia. January 2, 1800. Jai-Gt° Tv 0T10E..-- WILLIAM R. LAFOUR i. CADE, GERALD DE GODFREY, Pc WILLIAM TRWLN, become _partners m oat firm attet_this date, DE COURBEY, LA FOUROADE, & GO. " " ' dun. December al. litta. 1.2-12 t COPARTNERSHIP AND REMOVAL. WM. L. DUNGLISON ie ath...tted to an intereal moor imemeew from thmitnt... We have removed from N.}. IAH pi, i;ot street to No, 711 CHESTNUT Street. J. fl. 0.131P.1 1 ELL k CO. Ja 2-12 t January I, IPZO! COPARTNERSHIP NOTYOE. SHORTRIDON & BROTHER leivine tide day 113. soetated with them JAMES S. YOUNG, the Iwamoto' will from this date be nominated molar the hrm of SEIOR , 4III -1 6 E. BROTHER. a. CO., to. 420 MARKET Street, and 413 nod 416 MER WANT Street. 11111. tt elpli in. January 2. 2600. NOTICE OF LIMITED PAIITNEILSIIIP. 4.1 Whereas we, the subscribers, have ibis day re vwed and continued for farther hunted par three years. hereinafter Mentioned, the hunted vortnershlit en tered into on the Met day of Decomber„A. U. 1866, to commence on the let day of January, A. D. IaST, under the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. approved March Mat, read, entitled " An Aot relative to Limited Partner ships," and all other enactments of the sold General Assembly relative to Limited Pertnershipe—now, there fore. in compliance with the provisions of the said en actments we nubile' the terms of said original and renewed Limited Partnership. R. follows: First. The name or firm under which the surd original end renewed miteil Partne nadir was and is to be eon deeted to that of T. PLATE &, 80110TTLEIL Second. The general nature pf its business was and to that of Merchnnta in a general Foreign and Domestic COMlfillilip. 8U1..01111 in the oily an d adelpia, mid Map in the businees of Importing Exporting And Vending Merchandise on account of the Hatd Limited Partnership, Third. Theertitl frimited Partnership was and is oom- Posed of logos THROPHILUs PLATEortio redden in the oily of Philadelphia - CARL C. BCHOTTLEB, whir resides in the said city of Philadelphia, and CHRISTOPHER F. PLATE, ' whose place of residence ie. at present. in_ the free Hanesatio city of Bremen. The sold John Theephilus Plate and Carl C. &healer were and are all the general partners in the said origi- I eel nod renewed Limited Purtriorobip. and the, said Christopher F. Plate who and is the only special part ner therein. Fourth. The special partner, the said Christopher F. Plato, contributed, actually and in good faith, in each, the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars to the, capital .or common stook rir t t i ho original Limite d Partnership, no art of Fncli. The said al original d m f in n l'a e rfil el eT i n . p com menced on the brat day of January, A. D. 1867, and wan In have terminated on the Met day of Deceintitr, A. D. 186 c, hut (ho same hee teen renewed and condoned for the further period of three yearn from the that day of Deoembor, A. D. Ma. and will terminate on the gist day of December. A. IL /80.4. Philadelphia, Dee. 3lst,l3se. J. THEOPH. PLATE, CARL C. SCHOTTLER, CHR, FR. PLATE. HY hie Attorney in fact. tiOIIFREY FR EVTAO. ATOTICE.—The undersigned have this da. formed a comartnerehip. under the name of I'. MINS - ELL, Jr, k Co., for the unnenetiou of a Wholesale and Retail Lumber Bum mina. and will oeniigy the yard formerly occupied by nt thu corner of YORX and RICHMOND Streeta, in the Nine teenth Ward of the City of rhilad IN elph m. P. SEI,Ii. Jr., f. • Jrin.2(l. 1840. Ja3-121* JySSOLUTION OF PARTN iiRSHI P.— The partnership heretofore exjaling under the firm of faltfus x JONES & CO. mired on the 414 ulti mo, by limitation. Either of the partnere wilLuee tea Dame of the firm in settlement. JACOB Y• JONES and H. DOWNING tetire from the Ininean, 04 the remaining Partnere have formed a new coma. nerstng. ISRAEL WPM% ti% COD P. JONES, Agmkgn .11.,D9lNjNo, aitH 411 1 kelli t : Philadelphia, January 2, MO. fIOPARTNERSAIP NOTIOE.—ISRAEL MORRIS, Josh:rit K. WHEELER, and „i DREW WHEELER partnolB in the Into fi? mof MOR• tS & JONES &, cd„ have thin 4ay foraled a 00Part. nerallin, under the firm of MORRIS, 'WHEELER, & CO„ and will continue the Iron and Steel business in all Its brarilhee, a n dertofore cond Streetst the old stand, MARKEL SIXTEENTH Philadelphia, January 2, Hon NOTICE.—The partnership heretofore ex -- toting between JAMES 0. ABBOTT, AR(91111- /44 hezo o p..,N T e ik. 1 11 ,71 4 w C I f n d n i at . l ,a s by the dean , .t o fi n „ thAIYEENCE. All games indebt t hem hav ha ing alma ani who are duly authorised to see the mime 01 the fine in otilentent. JA MRS O. A SHOT l', Jan'y 2nd,'GO-12t CO ARLES NOBLE. • NOTlCE—Philadelphia, Jan'y Ist. IRGO. The undersigned having_purehmied of the Into firm of ABBOTT & LAWitEiNCK, all their extensive etoek of Stoves, Pattern+, &c.. willcontinue the Stove Foun dry businams under the firm of lifto FT k NOBLE. .1+ NIES n. A IIHoTT. CILARLESI4OI3I.E. --,- KoncE he.—T undersigned having made arrangements for the sale. in No Day. Meesra. A. k W. Spragrzeo' PRINTB, together with a general o aomeitto Cotton and Wootea Goads. un arg*,:siVrtargement of Chants B. Moue,. tete hI t),e firm of Welling, Coffin & and William V. 13110;1 , 1mi , , tat& f the firm of J. W. Ellis & Co., Cmotnuatt, would announce hat they have estehliehed a Immo)) of their house et Ito. Pa 4.7IIp+TNIIT Street. /1017, HfRAG UPS & Co. .. PI New ork. pIIRE AND °REAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY 416 MECHANICAL BARER'S( CAN DI OZITAIMRO AT THE FOLLOWING PLACEO: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. prom gu t d Vl.lO n•roc!a, C, pl.. PI :pet, below Torah. H. I:. r.or Sixth and JATHO & a Firth ulreet. JOlll4 O. MOXEY—,— -- LV.3 twietre T. P. 8311T1L.-- .-----.No. ILS North huh erre§ E. corner Fifth and 14 prune entente. W. W, MATHEWS.-- .8. corner Eleventh and Locunt strocte. O. —Broad arrant, below Wal nut. GEORGE GARVIN —.No. 1419 Lombard street. D. COURTNEV.--.x. W. oorner Sixteenth and Pine etreate. WM. COURTNEY.— e•—•-• Ne. eca South TWOUtti street. B. R. WANANAKER—F od 0 Val street, above Sixth. S. LENTZ— ...—... --Corner South Fourth and Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND— W.ooruer Sixteenth an Os den alreetn. DAVID SADDLER—No. Xdo North Eleventh street. I.WEIGHTISIAN----Thirteenth street. helm , . Thompson street. H. 8. lOW North Fron . . • r treet. . H —S. W. corner ofilieventh end line streets. F. MORRIS.—. e Shi owner ets. Tenth and ppen str E. B. ISt It south Front I.BHUSTEB __ PPS. W. tolier Broad end Ferri') I streets. THOS. T. Oorner inotespth street and Ridge avemoo. B. S. corner Ninth and Federal street/. 7. hr01NTYRE...—.......--T,Tenty-seciond street, sb. Coates. ALEX.. FULLERTON.-- Corner of Filth and Chile tuu. MRS, T.. RAMBLER. , . 7731 Coate& etreo D. P. tc T. W. 1V0L1 , —..—.,833' Oimrd avenue. WM. McCRACKEN.......--220 Hamilton street. R. R. BEAZLY...... and Melnn street JULIIJB W. eon orthirteent and Parrish street, M. DUFFEL.* „ „..,N, 14, corner of Fount! and Green mt. eat. MRB. F. W. corner Tenth an Green street. I. L. N. J., store 11' Arch street. 0. H. RAINIER.----..-.—Wast Ph thidelphia, et N. Penns. ab, Havertord road. JOHN BARNDT—.— —"Tremont and Pints Oroie West Cheater. B. TOWNBEND.--. West Chester. Parma M. MaCLBER City, N. J. D. H0RT0N—....e............F10rene5, N. J. 8, F. EBERLEIN ....-,... Columbia, Pa. DISPATOP OFFICE OF THE SECOND AND UMW BTRF,RT PAISBBNOER R Al I,WAY Cr l llll'AN`i OF PHILADELPHIA-22Z WALNUT BTREET. ritimkormoris. Jan. 3,1818 The Directors have this deg declared a dividend of POUR per Ce o the enpltni stook of said ComPttny , payable on or aft e rthe 26th to Tho Transfer Hooke 01 thts Company will he closed from the 70th to the 26titi l tist, JS.6-fints-05 EltT KELTON. Treasurer. THE QUAKER CITY INOURANOE COM PANY, 409 WALNUT &reek. DIVIDEND.—The.Doard nf Directors nf the Dustier City Insurance Company have declared a Dividend of TWEINE for the lent ending December 31.180, payable at their Office, on demand.. 105-81 lf, COOOBHALI.. Secretary, NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. The CARBON IRON COMPANY Will receive proposnls until the 90th day of February next for build ing an Iron or Wooden Railroad fridge over the Le high Fiver. opposite their works at Perryville. in the county of Carbon. The length wi Ihe about three hun dyed and fitly (3W) feet, in either three or four evens, single track. Proposals received, and further particulars obtained, on application at Farrr villa to the undersigned. DENNIS DA LIMAN, President. December 1eth,1869. 01-titrepo CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel phin, N0v.18,1889. At an Eleetion held on the Slat instant, the Confining gentlemen were chosen Direetore ofjh is Bank JAlexander GI, Crate', Josenh okert IC. Neff, Bamuel 7. Canny, James Steel, John F. those, Edmund A. Bonder, Charles Knecht, Alexander Whildin, David Vanderroer, Hugh Craig, Philip 11. Mingle. Christian .I.llOffinan. And at the ineettng ol the Board THIS DAY, the rot. lowing offiears Were Urittninlonly elooti3d A. D. CATTEI.L., President. R. It. NY.FP. Vine President. da-tf J. W. TORREY. Cashier. VOTHIE IS GIVEN THAT APPLICA 4-.7telimrN'lrna: fArc Certificate of 'ARV; Lintigrd.oll a ' mu ' L6Wain?"- - (AIL AMBER—Rectified and Common, for laf 46 4 by wrxmotn.t. HAOTHYNI L aaa north BECOND & mt. THE PRESS..PI-11tADELPItIA. WEDNESJiAYI jANVARV 11. 1860. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND BO curry OP PHILADHLIX. O Ilse , No, 331 North T Street I Donsolidatiol2 an MASTERS]) DY TON L igg SLATORIS OFFENN SYLVAN A. Deposits recolved to gums of One Dollar and Rewards, d repaid in Geld without nottee t with FII V. PAH O SN'S. INTEREST from the dew of deposit till wtth• drawn. A responsible and reiieble Saving e Institution hair ions beep needed ill the Northernpart of the city., and " The Spring Garden Having. Fund ISooloty ' was °bartered by the Legislature of Fenneyivania to supply this necessity, The Managers. in premising and looatinut, have been governed wholly by a OMB) to aooommodate the bull nen interest and wants or the very lats. and enterer population o bmisrAhAlyeround - ed. WILY. From 9to Vi o'clock; also, on Monday and ThursdaY from 0 until a °lila* in the evening. FUND.---UNITED STATES N. 3 alum actuat!, oomeTTIIIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small sums reoefved, and paid tis Aid on de mand without notes, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST froni the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. 1191110 hours, from IN tantil d oolook every day, and on MONDAY EYRE INDS from 7 nntil o' Mock. . RAFTDS for sale on Eng Land, Ireland, end Scotland, froupwards tresident—SlVEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—JA Ed R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK. Aetuary, BILEAD NOTICES. SAV 'Nu vurros. . . 14411a.ozas. Pred.riok Klett, +Rephsgs Smith, John r. Levy, Pgibtt•grV,. f nkie'l'ilig,k Dire" Joseph P, LeClore, John neuelar, Jr., George Kueoht, amps S. Pr,, 7 mob Dook, Joseph M. Crowel, Hon. WIA. Mlllwerili George Mrqetteer, Peter O. Eumnler Geo. T. Thorn, Robert IJ, Davideop, ;AMER B. ?JUNGLE, rtimule4h Flaxen HART, Sooreort. te2o-tt u V.AVING FUND--FIVE PER CENT. IN ppP-7TEREBT.—IVATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM ANY, WALNUT Street, Southwest oorner of TRIAD, pjujadelpeth. Incorporated by the State of Pennsynne reoe'ved anysum, late 11, nd - tetsTFaidfrom i the layof c liepoWt e o o trre i ry at wit drawn The °Sloe Is open every day from 9o'olook in the inorwpg tlllso'oloo.k in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday avenu e o'clock. HOZI. ENR L. DRNISK, PresidenL Ron T LFRIDGE, Vine President. Wrlztaw 1. Ritmo, SeorMarY. 111 RECTORS. a. Henry L . Sward j l r e r nner, J r . e tw a u &rites, Robert Sedfndge, rnelp Lee, r. tTIVAtIg2., oseph ism Billendetfol. Atoner la room vod and payments made daily. The inveetmente are made, In eenfernuty with the provisions of the Charter, in Herd I:state mortgages, Idround Rents, and suoh first-class seeurities as will al- Ways insure peyfeot motility to the depositors and Prhieh cannot fail to sive P01T1M61307 and inability to this Institution. aul-1y LEGAL. iv THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHIL.ASEINCHA. Estate of DANIEL. MAN RING, deeen mod. The Auditor appointed by lAA (Wirt to audit, settle. and adlust the account of SHUN ADAMS, Ailminle- Veator, and to make distribution of the balance in the ands of the accountant, will meet the partiorinterested r the purposes of hot apomuttnent on MONDAY, the lath day of January. at 4 o'clock I'. Ai.. at the Wetherdi House, GEORGE Street, above Sloth. in the city of Philadelphia. CHARLES It. T. COLL.S, )rt6-fmw•Or Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS .1. FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. The Auditor a_ppointed by the COM audit, AC Mare Cash Aocount of H. J. Biddle. Ens, Trustee of y M. Ricketts, under deed o o, t of Ricketts and M.. M. Dicbatte, dated Aprd 1 lAtddecortled in deed Int O. W. R. No. IL page ale, Iva., wall meat Bit pante. in at the office to. at eh flock datable. on MONDAY, leth January,M, at 0 clock din!-wfiwet* t • ED, WAbNeAtiditor. WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. ISt) SOUTH FRONT STREET, Is appointed Agent for the sale of the above unit valled brand of • 0.11/1/11PAUNE, And offers it to the Trade at the I,OIYEST NEW YORK RATH. 600 letaketa, quarts and Pits a, now in eo n 11, dBl•tf WE CALL ATTENTION OF TIIII v v TRADE to thle really ffiteerlor article ALvagi) RENAUD COGNAC. flaupply In asearted paolrages tionetantly on hand. dere received for direct importation. A ao—llenneese Gnaw' ,c Leßoy Cognab,London and Holland Gina. Claret in Wood arid Came. rripagnes, high and low prices. LONGCHAMP. I mporter. 010-ern 217 Rou th FRONT. PAIL delplim. GEORtig WIIITELEY, N 0.1.46 South FRONT Street. Importer of lirer,iiy, Winea, &0 .. ofeni for salL4l:l b?eil 0117, Um ollurring, amuns other standard fir ° bFil l s 1, ' Castillon, & Co., Thos. hints 1k co.. woe, Robin, & Co.,Otard, Haply, a: Co,. A. Saigne"' InYtitt, anises, ellevoielt. Q. Porn! tc Co., 'noon Proprietor?. J. 1} . hinetßile , as. Hennessy. • ti.44,seAtiad'AftimlVatOr, IMl, , hiltheA^MtlA ine Wines , P alm tee Cr Re Jamaica loon, knots Ruin. Bordeaux Oil. Re.. acci 477-1 r REMOVALS. EMOVAL.•—SMAi,L CHANDLER, A 11, WHOM:BAUR 011001M1Y. hev, yeTrlvt frop Norq W.:GOND etreet, tons MARK' 4 uca EltrOnt above rikvq, north side. jel al ki MRS. M: A. BISHOP HAS RE NE.iiis.r MOVED from N 0.916 to 1.016 CIIF.9II'NUT Sttpo 986.1 door to the I. Lawrenns HMO. where Ladies WI find a splendid tunmrtment of Bonnets. Cepa and drosses. All 12t 131JSINEs9 CARDS. , MARTIN At QUAYLE'S BTATIONERY TOY ktUil •ND FANCY 6OUDIS BAIT Of, wAuxuT STREET. nt-Smfo. 1111,0 W XlillYlN TII ? ILADELPILLA Constantly on hand Nedumny lint{nt. hotalas. THOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law - 11 - N 0.273 South FOURTH Street. nlB-6m. wALLAc i t; & BRODHEAD. R 87 IC AhtidE 1 1 1,111 , 1, NEVY YORK. Stooks and Bonds bought a bold, un gqinnttsidon. FAMI ICa R. W•LILA.CIt. Dwain to. IIauLIIR4D 023.-4 m A LEX. ISIaKINNEY, A. 6infl a / 1 1vr • Will practise in Wedmore d, Amami. Rd liana oonaties. tLDI TM ADAMS VXPRESS OFFICE elt t iL lo t e , Ri p2 Up . s t a C o trAt, A , 4 01 1.11, P e ° ,1 - Ili own 'Anchor in oonzeocio with other Express Corn! mi t t , * s ti t Att . the ortnoiole ter B etinig n izi l S . ths ant-tr finnerel thioerintendent NOUCATIONAL. 11100K-KEEPING'.—This mem is taught . 1 - 1 ' by commencing nt its indiments and THOROUGH LY Impressing upon the mind of the pupil the PRIN CIPAL Pot Aers ; n method in essential to the edvatme meld 'm(140106;1(1 of the lobular. TWINING'S NI ER GANT' LH ITUTE. NIMTHEAS'P CORNER NII,IIII AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS. 111 -/al GYIiINASTIO INSTITUTE—Vor Gentlemen and Children of every ogo. trsl3+ HILLEBSAND & LEWIS, nprtheatd. corner N and ARCH. •rn4-12t• A bIEEIOAN SUIIOOIi INSTITUTE is a roliolo inoilipm through wbloh Bobo°lk and Faint like Tofu' Waal oo l i3oCol thapPork. Parents may oh glifito:a. tuituttely, in o matio,a r ae 0114 Gr tifijle 6sat 8 I,Tlit . 1 * Ai, i C . o f iD A , New York, or ' rtl2-lf lkat CEIEBT U Btraet. Philadeltdtta. ____ _ BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL c0t4.773,101ated Tblin delphin, namer ititar sad 011EHTNU; Now , York. UM, CIOC. p Cr &pro, ittpt tit Lour. For ItlfollMatioll. Call 01 NIIMEI trot ‘16111040. 104 PIANOS. Mg STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA- T 1 N_T OVF.R-STRING oßmvp On PIANoe, DQU AAR GRAND, AND ItiGNAltel GRAND now pro• ((erred in concerts and in gyDole (valet by the beet performers. lteaelved the IYrdt ireußguitt ove r the best ipeLkers, from Judges like Gutteetudig c lqason, ether/. Challenge all competitton. BIJAISIII* tt (g de-09 1000 ClikaiTNU r Btreat. owl HOLIDAY PREUNTS 1 PIANO-FORTES. AI"L VP l ir 7411, AIELOD DNB. PIA 0-FORTEB. MIZOCEOPI t pIAI4O-1 , 0 'Mi. Alli/0 BOW. Mule by Re,vou, gooon, it 00., Z . NAMI CC Clark lifillett, Davis. A Co., and o 1001.1. J. E. uoui,p, m)l4-Iy 15BV.ENTII and anveTri vs. 011WHERING 'it SONS, RAND, Viiipfar )( I Pittaktvr ii , PA 0- O R ' '. v WAREROOM &Yr OMs 1t T RIIS. , An a eb n iriQ t t bei m eteDlV/P ; 1 9 97 We ht have i ta U e L n twardad,s I a 'Havant 'xldtlihrui tu thfa country and tA PIA KB A U N FIRST-CLABB AIEDAIdI. 0 TO RVIT. larf-ty NMA GREAT IIiII'ILOVEMENT IZ' PIANOS. SOROMAORER ea croraTsur Street, respectfully invite the music loving nubile in mill and °asinine their new and sue °mishit Improxpment— rut; PARLOR DRANO PIANO. Raving converted the Tone, Torten, and Aaron ol OM Grand Plano Into that of a Square IT t trument avoiding allthe objentiess generally mule 1 sty Ito) Oran Piano, also diminishing the nogg e Basic, In vo ume, curdy of tone, mat Pins'er. Onl I " n Cr e , , n WAN, darn. evopla of tenon, with *genic deli nn g a IgiIinIAriIP,VITIPOLLY-FINISIIIID IN STRO RN Pb aro wholly unequalled. They have reaeived the highest encomiums, Dna are pronounced by Maws to tie far su perior to any instruments ever manufaetured In We country, Constantly Gil hand, ferle and elegant amorttneotef our unrivalled PIANOIL Ye have been awarded the First Prettliußlß. Mil Abitiopi ever exhibited, rq pluding trite Medal from the Crystal Palace FAlR bltion, New York.lBen. set-ir COAL. VIOUSEKIIEPERS LOOK TO YOUR .----,lntstest. Buy your 00AI, AT 11101(S' whore nothing but the vorY beetgunial L#lllol n. ll ' o / 11,11 kill 00111 le offered at the allo wing raduoe mewl: Letillthp,Brol ll, ion, Li F, and Stove... ~......84 pot ton. Sohuylt areented free froin elate or duel and full wetglit, at 11.)0K8Lard, eoutheaat earner °MARSHALL, and WiLLOY.. Call and see. ate W. GROOME & CO. V, ? • orriaeus South FOlllllll litreOt t AFL, WHARF, PINE STREET, sautivqui,L. Dealers anti Shipper' Looust Mountaizp o ll A nlt , ll, and Bohuyluiil Moran:lSW) taken on whorfaire. oI 110KURY ANDMPRBIVROUNTAIFI Etitib"AEac:firdvesAptr:4l.o,lo INSURANCE COMPANIES. GiILARD VIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE CO3IPANY. Office 416 WALNUT Street. .11 1 01. 3 .1&50. At a Meeting of the StoultitoMere of the Ooretetny held Una dos, the following named officer. and throe • tors wer i g t aly elected to serve for the mooting year. viz: prowrro JONY.B. Vioe President and 'DB:t ourer— .8. GIMLET r. HOOretory—James B. Alvord. DIRECTORS. 1 Thomas Crown. Joe. M. I), A, S. °alert, N. H. I , nwreocto. Jor. \Volker, CIIRN. I. Dupont, Jiro. W. Claghorll, I David Brild,Jr, pat-Gtvrtot Joel Jones. Deo, W. Wendward, Win. Al. Swam, 11. N. Burroughs. Jelin A nspach, Jr.. Francis Paters, U.. Rudman. 'nos, Dillard, Deo. IL Ashton. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. •INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATORS OF PENNSYLVANIA, iem. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) RIMIT, To all pada of the World. 'INLAND INSURANCES On Goode, by River, Canals, Lake_ J o and Lan C • g Fleal Parts of the Unto , 4 "1"-e RE INSURANC e ES On 61erchandise generally. On Stores,_Elwelling_ Houses, &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1550. Par. Market Value. 123,010, Philadelphia City 0 icr Sent. I Loan.. ill 133 ' 050 CO 100,6011„..Penneylvania State S iP' et. Loan " 03,555 00 61,000 Pennsylvania State 6 V ot. Loan. 21 010 00 26,000, U,S. Treasury 5% $P' cent. Robe and ' interest due ~. ... ..... 25,20 54 $30,003 11. S. Treasury G 40' cr. Notes an'd inter est duo— ~.. • • .. 3 0.015 00 625,000 Temporary Loan to the City of Mdla dolphin . ... . , . .... •- . Mortgage 6 ~_ .. . ... . • .. 25,000 00 $lO,OOO, Pennsylvania Railroad Id 6 4 A ir cent. Eonds., ....., ._. 0400 00 820,000, North Pennsylvania Ifallroad Mort- ' gage 6W' cent. Rands.- ~, -- 12,500 00 $14,000 West Philadelphia Railway Passenger Company 7 4,f , ot. oolpon bonds 12,600 00 $10,000,500 shares etoog Germantown One Company, interest and principal guarantied by the city of plals .. delphia...... .-......• .- - 15.060 00 85,000, 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company ....,. ........ 45,000, 100ebares North Pennsylvania lialll road Company. ...,... .. . ~... gap (g) SI,W, shares Philadelphia Company..._ Bpayn . nd Maim Tag Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Caro ni:l4y, (Joann Steam Dlavivition Company, ,Pliilndalphia and Ha vre de Warm Hloant 'Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange Company .----. --................ kilo no and Mortgagee, and Real Estate, Of- 11°3'118 11 sno- floe Building ~ .. ,-....-.... . . ~. .. .. ..... 75.353 35 Bills recetvahle for Insurencesmade.L ...', - 2a0,601188 e 0 Solana. due nt A g atioles-Preapums on-Ma rine Policies, migrant. and other debts due the Company... 61,588 CO Sorip and stook of sundrylnsurance derma,- nom- „.__ 11,2 Q 00 Cash on Depoolt. iti 1ianii...: . . * : . ... - : ..---.. ra , ,iied el DIRECTORS. William Ma tin. HenryAlliiigV,'"' EAmung A. under, TOOOlllllB 1 aulding, e Sloan, i!.ctlrer' Edward r ? n. iC. i I.iege &mos Traquait tpnoer A'llvaine, eillitn Eyre, Jr., .terll6ls C. Hand, Janina C. nano, . bort Burton, Williqin C. Ludwig, moot, P. Innen, hrle X: Pen% I t'o n , • il l a n h e u ll a il . l l7ll 44"l4 George 11. Loper, Z . / H. Semple: PRlAb'e, litieleTlll4, AL . Nlnrgaill ~ An . Betgar. WILLIAM MARTIN, PreeldanL HENRY LYLIMTINTIIZratri.D, Vioe l'regingt AMERICAN FIRE DAL INCORPORATED 231 o, ald WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in mound and avitflable Seouralem, caribou° to in sere on Dwellings,. Stores Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In Port eta their largove , and other Personal property. All losses liberal 1 and promptly edluitad. INSURANCE CO. 0-CHARTER PERPET DIRECTORi. 51:gMritltr,"' John T. L . min, Campbell, Samuel C. motion. tit O. ~, Patriok Brad), ghee. W. Poultner, Woo l om, (IF/JROE ABBOTT, President. TROMAB R. MARIS. Bement re. Jarl-li I T"EQUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BuiLuttro P s,_ No. SOS WALNUT Street, CHARTER ERPETUAL. CAPITAL— 8900,000 BURP LIIB. ... 160,000 FIRE, niXitiNK.7.l4l.3 INLANII Fire Ingaranoe, limited and perpetual, on Buildings and Meraltendtse of all descriptions. Marine Insurance, inland and Oooart, on Vomit, Freizht and Cargo to and from ail parusof the World. }s tbBB Vloe redden[. B. .BUTO D E HA An L, S B c o e e e ta , . DIRECTORS. 511 . 681!JAITS, E. W. Bailey Andrew IL C;sniberss . Charles D. Int sy, Oster 8. Pe, )1. R. Cordshnll, Oster /noes. M. D.. Hon. 11. M. Fader. ma INSUAANOE COMPANY OF THE sTATE OF PF,NNsyLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE. INSURANCE—Nth 4 EXCHANGE BUILD- Rus . _ Chartered In ITN—Capital .1900,000—Assets, January I, 186s..eistr,Ste 60400. All invested in sound end available seouritiee—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merohandsse, tco._, on liberal tarsus. DIRECTORS: E 3 ni7 D. Sharrerd, George N . Stuart, moon Teby ‘ Rommel Grant. Jr., brides Maoalester; Tobias Wegner, Ahem N. South, Thomas fi,Wattsollo John IL Rudd, Henry O. I. roman, William R, White/ Charles S. Levis, beerge C. Carson. HENRY - D. BHERRERD, Presiden ern t. WILLIAM ILA RPR R. HAMILAT.T. . le 11-wtf LIFE, INSURANCE. AND TRUST COM: PANV.—TILE FENN MUTUAL. LIFE LNLIU RANt-;E: COMPANY. Northeast dOTIIOI of TI.L.IRD and DOCK Persists, Acres, 51Pt41,23 26. INSURE:B LIVES for the whole term of 'life—grants annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Real Estatn, and makes all ooutraots depending na an contingenoies of ,Life. Ahm l ialn si ti9atim, Administrators, Assignees YKUL3TIJES. lanlel L. Miller, Samuel 8. Mokoo. nnismin Coates, William Martin, when] 8. Newbold, -James B. MeFarlagalr 'ahem P. Hunker, foJoaoph IL Trotter, %%Pawn H. Kern. Warne, Enaupp, ''t_ 9: He- .417116001 1 1ns Paulding. ttEdmund A. Sondes, pante L. Ilutolonsogs John W. Ilornor, *Ellis B.Avar, Oacinsl J. iristiano Joseph M. llamas, Jem id. Brenner, ! o 1:. Iviltil i t, Presid e nt, :. STOKES, plea Nes% tarn. unlB-1r Samuel... Huey, ChaTlea Hallowell. lrry C. 'l'owoload, otlolphon Kent. V ) 411/ I. Oen. (iillil i dir g otttm Warner h . Hawn, ? Y. N. pllOl , D A IL(HI. S. E 500 M W. noRNOR. Hoorst TOWARD FIRE AND ATARIN 1 - IiNSII RANCE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. M. t)' . .. paldwin. t ' r ) i i l it I N C V . i 1 D a . T ifa u te . .i. Etitr Thomion, Olin W.Stiriita, pi n, 4.l l i. B ll=p r ' 114,11,MT.'"' 'tn. 11. Love,' chattel P y .,Nortnn. t. 8. Warne. Gila E. Addiotra, John 'xis ° Ara . T. Kemal, Edward A, rne, ii, 11. 8111114101nd, Thertas L. Lytle e. resident—M. W. HA 1.111. M, tee President—E. 8. WAR•. Seeretarr.—EDWlN BOOTH. 4.1.'9 JUDICINAL. 11IIE ALL-SUFFICIENT TIIREE!— TRIEBHMAR. 1,2, and 2. Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England. and sowed by the Settle of the Ecolede Phmpancieda Paris. aadtholniperial.College of Ade, c', np. Vienna. o .t is to with nWe of teeellell i ol).hpormr•torthu"eett ell phy moat dlsabibties. he. 2 oomplotely eradicates all tritons of those diaeaxes that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous and pe r- Mien% use of copitivia and enheba. No. a has entirely supplanted the in'urions mot mer cury, thereby int , n ring to the entrerer greedy robe f,dis coning alt Impurities, and ruotiod odlt4e venom °Nis- TRIF:BEMAR, Noe. 1,3, and 3, are Prepared in the feint of n toymoye, devoid of teats nod smell, and elle lie °furled in the weietooat pocket. !fold in tin caries, and divided into separate dogmas adininietered by Velpeau, Lalloo+e»d, Roi 4, Ricord, Ao, Pilot. 83 oaoh, or four MOB for $9. save. Viand 1 1. 427 oneee, where by there is CaVing 1)k TP nag WhVIPIIP 701$111, of Dr. BARRON lileeqke areal, ow Yor . Bold also at Retail by CALL}:NDER CO., corner THIRD and WALNUT litreete, Philadalphta, and by T. W. MOTT &R0N8,213 North SECOND litres!, Wholeenle and Retail Agents for renneylvaula. d3iit 701,LIOR.OFFERIS ANTI-RTIEUMATIO rir-u CORDIAL.—tea s t linve hen oflbote4 with rheu matism for a long ponied—a portion of the time Lied no use of my rried your Cordial, and in lee days Vir4 eine to wittlic down stalls, and Inn week I is pain entirely felt ino. Ido olieerlully recommend t Hor dial to thyse who Aro ;Inflated with that dreedful earn- Vault. yours, inn. W. NRWLJ BTO1(f!r, 0 . 4 rirM Elauessd hy THEODORE WOO, Udernist, N. E. corner anti filral eta. ,14-!m 'HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS 1 1 UN/ON i ARCH BTItHRT, ABOVE THIRD UPTON B. 14 yAVCOMER. , P I DELPAILA.. The sltuatioa thin HOTEL le superiorly adopted t the trains of the llasmeu publio • mann those to search afS ag"e' Vu"'"er Ra which now nth Put ' in clos e proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant ride to all Ohioan or interest in or about the city. Jr as-eni DOINGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR ISM ItilE FIRST Pg. 101(1E118 A 11.13 SIX pi PLOMAL , Deet Furnace for WA'rtulg BoßAtAgit. To ARNOLD & wrl soN, OAS CONS IVBINO CONE FURNACE. I.lll+T PRISVIUM, BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. To ARVOLD & WILSON. .ICICRMONIP . SI PORTABLE FURNACE. DBl l VO(3llfi n al4 OE. To AUNOL.I3 & W 11, 1 ,01. COll ILSON'S DOUBLE--OVEN COOKING RANGE. FIRSr PRICMIPM. DEBT, PARLOR COAL GRATES. 0 ANNOLD & WILSON. LOW DOWN and BASKET ORATES. BEST EN Alitakr4Vii MANTELS. To anoLn & mane , . Fo veryrr handsome dlepter of Enamelled 131nte Man tele. Its g finiehod, And of eu pe nor WoOnnetnetor. .1 , 1103 T PREAIII.I.SL _ . 4RNOLD & WILSON. 10:o CHESTNUT qtreet.l U. tg,Forr : rwat.r.. goo, -ILDREVIIANICA BAKEIty, S. IV. Corny BROM) and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This estnlilisliment is now in euociessful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to call and see the vtitits picas.) of m l• 'linking for Themselves. The mites the IthOrtir.o t! at 114 Out Or . /VS YO , ll to her loon told 1 ey— ve spplentme, fi'Vf. tie bourne) inan 0111 , 01 the frethouses in Scot and, Drill Iwonty-live as inastar—during OA luno lip has had tlto 01,1..1014M) of making many eaporimentii, rind otainromi: /1111110 improveinonti lis• lan !IVO I , Pert litado diming that period. In tide establishment, of Which tin hes now the man issenienton addition totes complete lebor-saving ?Mum, he has how Inflame of many kinds not hereto. `lt e efn c r u e n u t e e ( ikrttineil in the nineties° of Hour, none but the trollnitost , and beat shall ever be need; and he in no rintation in tinYifiir Dint ltroul of all limb cr,tl tie tvolea, umunosuou in quality mid loimilit'by that multi 'LW" ordinary process. Families in which the Dread made by the Mechanical Bakery tine not boon men, or in which it time been triod only at its rnnmiencomnnl, before the min:lune ry was in porfont working order, one rasoootfollynatied to give it smut mw, the undorlintned believing it would lend to mutual zulvantaga, JOHN G. 1110XEY, Superintendent _ SAI,AMANDIIR BAFES, A 'mite eaaortmerit or. EvANS k WATSON'S PIVLA DE SA L A U IA IA iABAUERAC'EURED VAULT 1100FUL For Itm",'..e Aug Stores. BAP! Equal to any now u 8 IRON DOOIW, oaks g .od term r t % am other estAbliialltibni 1111 the United Staten, by EVANS & WATSON. No.:104 tiIiESTNUT Street, Plitlntlelphts, ese-ty VtgA,RH MVP. 11A A ilAt.l ONE'Y LIBEI: A LIN ADVANCED.— TO ANY AIIIOIIN P--V pia? Wnt ohm,. ipwelry, 1) ...Wnd.. Haver New., clot hina, Malohandoto, e.0 , 3' & CO- 0 E‘tabh , inni lirnk,rs, 14. W. corner TM/IP and ()ASK LL atreotn, below Lombard, Offira %Mrs Cronin A. M. Nlll'. M. n14.317'11 f ERIN ED BORAX, in store and for .ale WETIIERILL h pnoTnEx. 1111 Nos, 41 sod 49 North 14F.00N1l 0tr4.4, RAILROAD LINES. T HE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. 200 MILES DOUBLE TRADKA 1860. Eimmati 1860. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL To ANY IN THE C EN OUNTRy. THREE THROUGH PASBOER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURCI. conneeting direct nt thilndelphis with Through Trains from Boston, Now York, and all points East, and to the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trtuns to and from alt points Mille Ng est, Northwest, and Southwest, —thus furnishing facilities for the trartsPortation 0/ Passenger', Unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines ran through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Gonductors. All through Pas senger TWOS provided with Loughridgela Patent Erato—speed under perfeet control of the ongureer t thus adding cinch to tho safety of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train_ ; WoOdrurs Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS It ERB DAILY: Mail and Faec Linen, Sun days excepted. lifnii'l leaves Philadelphia at 8 A. M. Fast Lino l t tiO A. M. Express Train leaves " 18 Ml'. M. WAY TRAIHB LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : Rarrixburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2 P. M. Columbia '4.01) P. M. Parkesbara 12 20 P. Al. Welt Chester Passengers Will take the Mail, Parkes burg and Columbia Trams. Passengers for Sunburn Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 8 A. M. and 2 P. AL, go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the (Almond the Company in Pluladelph,a, Now York, Roston, or /321- ttmore; and 'rickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West ; also on board any of the regular Line of bteamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. Er . Faye always as low, and time as quick, es by any other Route. For further ii4o4ation apply at the Paeseuger Sta tion, Southeast r of Eleventh and Market Streete. The completion f the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad toVino, make this the DIRECT LINE BETWE 'N THE EAST AND THE RE. The connection of G tracks AT by W t he Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantagee readily ape maimed by Shinners of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transporteition of their Freight to thin company, con rely with eop fi device on its speedy traneit. THE RATES ON FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Velma> tvania Railroad are at oh times as faeora4le at are charted bit other Railroad Companies. We De particular to mark paokag es " vla Penna. Rail road. For Freight Contraots or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com- Pa rt Y D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.;, Pierce Co., Zenesville,O.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, O.; E. McNeely, !mine, Ey.; Ormsby Cropper, Portornoutli, 0.; Paddock /r. Co., Jettersonvillo, Ind'. EM; IL W. ilrown Co., Cincinnati, O.; þ & glinhoct, Cinoinnati, 0,; K. C. hlehlrurn,_hludason. Ind.; to.. E. hloore, Ky.; P. G. O'Hiloy & CO., Evansville Ind.; N. W. graham Co., Cairo, 111.; R. P. Snag, h, Otago, lit, Louis, tio• John H. Har ris, Nashville, Tonn.; Harris k Hunt . Memphis, Tenn.; ll: Or to e h e t' k A I rent: Lti.t.liesTIEF:DER, Nasooere.t t i agt nit! 'CH & CO., No. Ti. ,taloath Be . It. Lt. HOUSTON, Osn't Freight Agent, Phila. L. 11.01.111 T. Can't Tiokot Agout, Phila.lsw-IY TIIOB. A. SCOTT, Can't Emit Altoona, Pa., 8801,6C5 67 1859. irtsgmw 1859. WINTER ARRANOEMENT—NEW YORK L4blB. TUE fAMDEN AND AM - 130Y AND PHI DEL HIA AND TR.F..NTON RAILROAD_ 00. L FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEAV YORK AND WAY-PLACRR. THOM W.U.NVT-STREET WHARF AND KENSINGTON, Will leave se follow', viz sans. at 6A. M. vie Camden and Amboy, Cam. ec Am. Aooomniodation . - • .81 IA At 6A. M.. via Ca m d en ..... enrSepal City.WMew z _ Jersey lAccommodation.—. ..... 212 AVA.M., VIA Camden and Jersey City, Morning At 113 i A. id., ma Kensington and Jersey City, Western }sprees .... 800 I AdaN P. AL, via Camden and Amboy — , Aooommo ion-- • . 2 25 At 2 P. hf., Ma Camden and Amboy. C. & AFT': V7?;17;", icia,;WaTiii;il - itic(fieiiii7 '6;67, D° Evening Express.__.._.... ..... 00 At 4.44 M., ma Kensington and Jersey City, 24 Clue Tioket. . 2Xi At 6 P M., via aii.uhra — sWii Jereey — dill Evening At 11 r. baiiiVeiian'd jersey eityTiOuthern Mail . ... . .. .• 2Zr At 6 P.M ,via aniden and imboy.AnoommTxtation. (Freight and Pasasagerl—let Claes Trek° t 226 2d Claw; Ticket....... . Ito The 6 P. M. Mail Line rune The 11 P.M.Bontli err, Mail, Saturday; exoepteel. For Belvidere. Easton. Flemington&o.. at 6 A. M. from Walnut-etre et wharf. and 3 P. Al.'from Remelt:talon. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, and itethlehein, at 6 A. M. Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Ray. Btroudeburg, Somnton,Wilkesbarre t Montrone, Great Bend, 6;0, a t 6 A. M., via Delaware, Laohaeranna, and Western Railroad. For Mount Holly, at 6 and 9 A. M.. and I and 434 F.M. For Freehold, at 6 WAY IN L and 3P. M. ES For Bristol, Trenton, &n, at 3 and 434 P. M. from Ken sington. For Palmyra, 18110erton, Delanoo,Beverly, Burlington, Bo_rdentown, Ito., at Mi. 3, and 4/4 F. M. bounds of baggage only allolved enoh peasellser. Poem - Inger. are prohibited from taking anything aa bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The aompany limit their reepongibility fOrlaggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 0100, except by special oontraot. WM. H. GATZMER. Agent d 22 Camden and Amboy It. R. Co. MRIAPAN PIITLADELPIIIA, GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOW AILHOAD- WINTER ARRANGEhIENT- On and after MONDAY ,Nov. 31, 1869, FOR ORRAIANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7,7.60,9, 10, IL, and a 1, 2,9, 34, 6,6, 6,7, 0, 9,1 ) 0, and 11h. P. M. Leave Germantown 6,7, 7 8. 8 1 4, n's, 10, 11, A. M., 1, 2, 3,4, 63i, 6,6, 6H, 7,8, 9, 101 * P.M. ON SUNDAYS, evpa Philadelphia9.o6 min. A. M.,! 63j , and 10 P. M. 9 aye Germantown 6.10 mm. A. M., LID nun., 6%, and . M. GHESTNUT HILL RAIAD. heave phijadelphia 6, ,7.30, HA. A IRS 4, 06.7, and 10 P. M. LBELVd. Chestnut Hill 7.10 7.40, dad, and 12.0 A. 7.1., 340,6.40, 640, and 640. P. itt ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.03 A. M., 2,and 6h( P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.60 A. A l., 12.60, 6.2). and P.M min, P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Phdridelphia 6,9, 11.06, nun., A. M.,1.06, 3.06, OIL 61(. and 114 P. M. r hirs Nrlrristown 6. 7, 9, 11 A. NI, Hi, Hi, and 6 ON SUNDAYS, Leave ‘ i hiladelphia_ V.A. M. and .3 P. M. "thitp rO T R A MANIRJ Leave Philadelphia 6.77., 9,11.06 A. A 1,1.06,203,166, , 734, and P. At. ° L MC eave Manavunk6l6, 7X, MS, 9.4. arnl.llN A. M.. 2,3. 6,656, and Mt P. Al. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3, and 6% P M. Leave Manayunkni A. M t , AK, And Mt P. M. B. K. 81g1TH. general Superintendent, Eilo-0 DEPI. NINTH and GREEN &Teets. NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RATLRoAD. • 41 g5Ft AR ItANOMENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON. ALLENTOWN, MAOOI7 CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and after MONDAY, Noverober7th. hyme n . er Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia. DAlLY,(Bunday egoopted:) For Bethlehem. Easton, Allentown, Maud, Plunk, n E az o i rlVt'ltttgl_ji r ;:esil, t l 9. kt• thl. and 3 P. M. For Doylestown, (Aommuno a dation,) at 8.40 A. M. and r : s'Or Fort Washington, (Acoortunnelatlon,) at it P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Deave Bethlehem. (Express,) at SA. M. and 410 P. M. 3.30 P. Lea M. ve Doylegtown. (Aooommodation,) at 7 A. M. and Leave Fart Waeldn.ston.( Aooernmodation.)at7. A.M. ON 8UN11AY8: Phdadelphis, for Fort Washington., at 10) A. yd, Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at `P. M. Doylestown ,or Philadelphia, at 7 A. M• Fort Washington for Philadelphia, at 2.40 P. hl. Fare to Bethlehem, 9 1 40 ; to Maaoh Chunk. ; tp Easton, 91.6 Q t to Doyleslown,Bo omits. Throat Micas must be prouured before entering the care. All Pageenger Trains (exeept Sunda, Trains) eon neat 'tette 9 tTeet with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Beoon and Tlurd-streets Paseenger Railroads. n 7 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. r,PHI LADELPIII 4, W IL • N All k , OA mpti MINGTON, AND BALTI • . ._. On and after 61uNDAY, November 21 1869 PASSENGER TRAINS I,E.A.YE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8. 1 5 A. M., LI noon, (Exeress,) and 11.10 P. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M. 13 noon, 4.60, and 11.101.. 01. For Wilmingtop at 8.15 A. M., 13, 4..100tz0 nay y al, Fqr hop Castle at 2.16 A. AL. and 4."0 P. 61. For Middletown at 835 A. 21., and ,4.3 u P. AL For Pl7f e o r ril ' lNY2 ' ;t i' . l l4. an alliSl Pt l k or §eaford at 8.16 A. Al.; and 4 : 10 P. I. or /..4ttrel at a. 15 A. M., a n i, ;.l ; , TitAt 42 at 1 , LA k PHIA LeaveDattunore at 8.30 A. ~ I r ein 1J.15 A. 31., and M. . Leave 'Wilmington itt2.l3 A.M. arid 11.30 A. 3,1,1.16 and 8.40 Y. M. Leave Laura/ at ALI A. N. andl4o P. M. Leave lis t aford at d 45 A. N. ar.d es4,r. at. Le3ve . %gad at' .00 A. .. and IV r. M. • Leave 1 over et 8.06 A. Al., and 8.00 P AL Leave A.Juldletown m 10 A. M. and 7.05 1 N N. Leave New Castle at 10.55 A. M.. and 8 F. AL eve Chester at 8. 12 A. M., 2.23 and 0.15 P. M. ye Baltimore for Ll5lllOl alld Delaware Railroad at 10,13 A. A!. Tamss FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chvi.t.r et e. 4, A,. 14., UV and 1140 P. M. La L ve W11,, ton at 9.26 A. Al., 1724 .1., AL, sad lUD A A. A SUNDAYS ggly a1.124,5 1. p. 0 11 . 1 : . f ig;0ro m B lZNlttdelpAitt r to Baltimore. i FREIGHT T HA IN. wiiit P AgA n illa alillittittft ad. will run l LAAve Plilladelphilt for Perry ville and intermediate plLadeave es at I W P il . AL minicton for Perryville and Intermediate LeaveZde 441 p. Al. Wilmini.tott for Philadol chin evr,,l itklaraiadis.te places at 3.40 P. AL L;eVe lialttioor/ fig Maumee' Run, Ohms's, end liar,SWOOd at. 5.64 I% M. no S. N. FELTON. President. PHILADELPHIA AND td }, ROUTE firilaVa t ,VA l eV2rq l egio - , ioago, Rook Island, isgara Milwensee, Bur- WO, Itfoutreal, Patti Detroit. %wheat, and M. I. • aeaanger tramsleavo the Philadelphia and Road ins Railroul Depot oornar BROAD and CALLOW. HILL StroetaDA , I Sundays (+speared las 101 l u• • 7.30 A. 31., 1)A1. EX PRESS'. ° For Elmira,Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Detroit. Chicago, Milwaukee, 'Rook Egged, Galena, St. Paul a. Burlington, and lit. Louis. 9.30 P. ht., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Falle, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago ftlilsrattkeejlook Inland, Galeria, Paul'a 13u rlingten: an St. Louts. rho 7.30 A ht. and 3.30 P. M. traiaa run through to ThAßßlBlllfßO.stopping at all Stattona (la the Lcrion Valley Franelb Ilie7eo A. al. train connects at Rupert for harre,Fittaton_, &mutton mid all stations on the LACE AWAPINA IILOOIIIS3IIURfi It AI I.R 0 D. Baggage oheoked to Bode°, and ikaperialon Bridget.ln. - negate o Fie ?Tittered at thsrhiladelphle. and Elmira Railroad ne Lino looitet Olnoe,Northwea,• corner ot SIXTH. nod CUP:tahltlT Eitreeti, and et Ote Fagan ger D ITIS1" tT34l73`A' d pg i ett Ftlnz, Loay.s the Dep ot Broad stroe . t, below ine, d al , n . dal exoeyted,) for all points West end Norm_ i n at k'reiFttn anvil he delivered before 3 P. N. toinsure going to gam day. For antler information, apply at Freight Detail,. - BROAD, Nil! Vire. Ovo 011 A M! 8. APPEN_, Clette,ra Apra oopuir H ILT laud CIIERTN V Creels, co -*LI PIIILADELI'IIIA Matt CO, 1 1OPPtiT 1 1:4 1 V D ILtli READ- I 0 and HARRIHHIJKG, Leaves the new Depot, at cornerHHG, of .I.IEOAD and Cat,LOVVICILL Streets, (entranoes on Callow ‘ hlild at 7.50 A. N.. DAll,l,oundal exceeted,lfor UfTS VILLE, lIARRIttlotuRl3, and all intorineglau, to , r , i . tea c tAn a g , at Harrinblr,:tTitt.ttrao Bu ga raging to fitts , " LINES HAV i lt i a t te ß o 6 . • AL, DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and idti, i 4 O i k' f ri V e v n l gyLy,istindaysexeepted.)for READ -416 V. P it a ric 1 I, 11 EN NY. gd.retit". VALI.Ey RAILROAD—PAS S }kilt DONS - T(II7M OWN AND IN TERAIEDIATE STA'FIONI.4, a/Mr r}ih'iteceni bey. l i nuenn,or Traine lor Ii}OWNINGTQWI,I 11111 elan 'torn the new I'd...tenger Depot of the All, delehts and }teatime Company. corner of BROAD and CALLOWIIII,I, tlreeta, (enee eneer e n . once l tr MOILI'I.NO TRAIN for Downingtown, !olives nt 7.30 A. AL AFrgRNOON TRAIN for DowningtOWn, fe%ven st folnlate expw etaA.) ysrdrol424' 4 rucn h/an agers of the Pltdelnhla andeeBa,ig Railroa d w.i iimnrr PRIVY WELLS ( JUANE') AT A I.OW p r ke to obtain the Content*. Alite, WILLIAM ISOTIM Poudrette Ofnee, LIU North: ECtINN el reef. LO t. F INE TEAS, at very low prices, CANTON TEA COMPANI. 1131-ewitir 313 N. a RCOND .9t.. shove Vine GUM OIIAIAMII7-Stram e d, for sale by pa irglag4igkeaniget. SALES BY AUCTION. F URNESS, BRINLVi r & CO., 4N , DLARICET STREET. B SCOTT, AUCTIONEER, No. 431 . CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Caseop t Hones. between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. SALE OF FANCY KNIT OERMANTOWN GOODS EMBROIDERIES, TRINIhIINOS. kc., &e. This hlorning, January nth by catalogue, on n creda, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising the usual assortment or gonls onitoll prezont Joale7, ERMANTOWN FANCY KNIT GOOD?. Lathes' mime' and children's fancy and school hoods: alio) wool knit jackets, emirs. :atom. cloaks, shawls, nitwits, metric sc.; gents' large and heavy fancy knit scarfeinnd ooinforts. der. Alyo, ladies' knit wool hose. children a eo:rrP,' tork hose. killatTS AND iii:ACVERI , Also, gents' heavy imehrinkaLle, white and stay me rino underskirts, end drawers, ladies' black and wool hose. children a white tuck hose A menu* half hose. GI,OVE Ladies' and rents` merini; fisee . y.lined and silk gloves gents' linen collars, &c. VEILS. Also, a Itne of black silk lace veils. SALE OF FASHIONABLE FURS, FANCY ROBES FOR ( - WNW WEAR, 6:c. On Thursday Morning. Jan 12, by catalogue, commencing at 10 o'clock. Consisting of the usual amortment of Siberian 11411. r rat, real mtok sable, stone and silver marten, and other feshiouable furs for ladled', misses'. and children's wear, in sets of two and three pieces ; ales, gents' beaver and other collars, gloves, and auntlets. ROBES. Wolf. raccoon, and fox fancy oams/e robes, plain buffalo., &o. - O.J. WOLBERT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, • tl9 ARCH Street. between Fifth and Sixth. LARGE SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. he- On Friday AtorritriF• 13th inst., at lo,ti o'clock. at 519 Arch street— A tame assort nient of superior furniture and furnish ing articles, China, glass. crockery, tainting*. blankets mattreaseth bedsteads. dressing burraus. sofas, chaos centre, sofa, and bouquet tables. Inalong 1 1644 1 engrs vmg6s, Ac. Saver-plated tea sets and castors. IMPORTED BULBS FOR PRIVATE SALE. 2 Meet, °settl) packs, firmer bynennhe, in prime order, will be sold very low, if ebbltetlfOr im pIiILIP FORD & CO ,AUCTIONEERS, s• No. 530 MARKET Street, and Syl MINOR Street. FIRST KALE FOR 1330 OF 1000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, 11ROGANS. AND GUM SHOES. On Thureday Morning, .111,1111TP 39th et 10 o'clock Dreamer, writ be sold by catalogue, on four months Credit. I WO a ces hoots and etyma, embracing. to part, as fellows • Men's. I ote. and youths' first quality tint*, g rai tied. Lin, and French calf boots; russet, throb lip. °all. grained , and en ameled brogans; Calf anti patent eongressesiters and Oxford ties women's. images' and children's goat, calf. Lid, and enameled boots. M the beet lustily of Eastern nianulanture. Also, MU women's misses'. WO chOtlfen's car-made god welt boots. heeled and aprons. The attention of buyers is particularly invited to this, the first sale of the season. PHILADELPHIA ONESOENT NAVIGATION 0011PA.NY AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.TUE ADOVS NAMED CORPORATION, NO. 5 2451105ANT5' EXOIIANGI, At 10 o'olook A. 2.l.,Bevtember 7041069, the follow ing gentlemen were stnexamouily eltiotad Dlrsotaza he Comrzni: viz: GEORGE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWTN, MIAS. MAOALESTER, An JOHN EDGAR THOMSON 'The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY ere now open at the above named Office, where all mums favorable to the enter- Prise are ret.peatfullp Invited to subsonbe. se-tf 6 ,1 A FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE._ NEW YORE AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The United States Mail Steamship, ARAD°, 2 N g tone, David Lines, Commander, and FULTON, 2 tons, James A. wotton t Commander, will leave New York, Havre, and Southampton, for the year 1969, on the following days: To meet new requirements of the Poet Office Depart ment, the days of sailincf the ARA,QO and FULTON from if AV RE and NO THAMYTON, will, after their htesent vorphec be a nsed as follows from NEW yo it K, rave to the ease of the present departure oge FULTON.whiels will take piece on the 17th Door r, the schedule remains unaltered: PEON! NEW Tolle. waval AND 6011THrre.N. F SI. F1TLT011...../611. IL ARAGQ. —Jan. T. it RA9O . 111„..P0b. I. FIJLTON..-Feb. 4. FULTON—Feb.7EI ...Feb. 29. ARAGO...-. hlch• ARAGO .....7.10h.V...h10h. 99. FULTOW....Mok.3I. FULTON. • • .Aer. 74.-API. u. These steamers. built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engines, under deck, every attention has been taken in the construction of the hull and ma chinery to insure safety and speed. The ships have five avatar-tight compartments enclosing the engine., en that in t e event of oollislon or stranding, the water could not reach them. and the pumps being tree to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Recent experience has demonstrated the abso lute necessity of this mode of construction. Tna accommodation's for passengers ere believed to combine every comfort and co I:menial:MO that can be de sired. Preen New York to HouthAmptort or Havre-First c o lon, 8130 ; Becond do., 976. From Havre or Southampton to New York-First Cabin, 700 francs ; Second do.. 950 francs. To passengere going to Londoa these steamers offer the ad vantage orsoonomy both ILI time and expense. opecie deliveleS in London. No paiseage secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters end Ilea ll panorsrTiremaelipses through ,,j, the p Pr o t Office. W. B. pit kkr ' Vo4. ° l.l4l, l i Broadway, New Port. WILL AM tBALIN, Agent, Havre. AMERICAN CO,Agenrs, Sour:aim own. EUROPEAN EXPRP.tin CO3IPANP, A tn i i . .IF.ILSON Agent, Office, Tobacco Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT iStreete, Philadelphia. Plane or the slope can be //80/1. can tmt.3l , STEAM DIRECT TO ALL LA" t ,WWWlhilft l ic a laWAlN AND THE 11.&11AURGI AMA AMERICAN PACKET COM PAN Iqa IRON MAD. STEAMSHIPS. ITAMMONIA. Cap!. H. ,P. Bobwensen. 1M10N16., W.L. ggr U A l leit Tr.UTONIA. Capt. 11. nasals. These Steamers are all first-olass vessel:ll are Inteadoil to earl from Pier 31, North River, N. V., as follows : FOR LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAYRE, AND HAM BURG. The elegant and , porerful Iron Sores Steamship BO RUSSIA. Capt.Trautman, 2,400 tang hurthen, wrll t sail a 2 ftboCp on SATURDAY, DECEMBER Slat, at 12 o'clock M. Passage, ineludioe Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York, and from Southampton to London. First Catlin. . 8 too I Second Cabin-860 Steerage-VA Tho BORUSSIA will be snooeeded by the !Covina Steameh rt s: 4 Ail 1 .. . A .WT PrTI/T2 7 a " 1. . ANNIJ... .—%T IS u A M a. EUTONIA-.... Z HINSAY, arch is. IIYAitIA- -...MONDAN Amu h. Si'_ Passengers forwarded to iLiverpoid,B u ht. a , llal faat. Cork, Glasgow, Parts, and aztartry, at through MUM. . . Thee. eteareers are Atteil n 0 lD uneesalled aooom modatlont for grit, SIMON. Ita4 Mire-class Passeessts. The &mope gshikaaaommodatiowt of these SW% are e Tl l s,r i t t ig l . e h t e erl e ,t u t,,a o h ni .t i er if:n i toodon, South amptom'sirmre. and..atambuls. to New York. Pamela forwarded from Philadelphia to all eana of Europe et reasonalda ratef. Freight engued in PhiladelPhlS I'dl Ta v-emetly attended to by.the New York Agent.Ludetoreed free of all 110121311581013: For i'retahoi i l auagvn A d):Eektil:ef R ant. OJACe of the Hamburg Amerman Mall co SieltoWpair. n2-tf Northwest corner FOURTH and ullEaniu i THE BRITISH AND NORTH 8H PS AMEPUCAN kOVAL MAIL STEAM. I[9.O7INILW TOIM TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage —.........„ ........... 3155) Second Cabin rasange....—,--- re PROM 1309T03 TO LITSAPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage— ----SC° Senottl Cohan testae 0 --....-........-- 110 Tile ships from Bostotioallst Rallies and Cork Harbor. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, CANADA, Cent. Lang. YERJRA, Capt. indicting. AbrlOA, Capt. Millar. ARAIII A, Cupt. J. Eton.", N ARA. Capt. Anderson, ARIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. E CPA, Oast. J. Leash, SCOTIA, Inow building.) Thego Pawls Garry a °leer white Ustit at Toast-head: lea on starboard bow; red on port 010i1. RaPA, Leitch, leave.' Boston, Wednesday , De 0.14. Rl4Ol, Judkins, " N 'Work, Wednesday, Deo. sl. AMERICA, Mater." g en. Wednesday, Dec. 18. ` , ABIA, Lott, , or*, Wednesday, Jan. 1. CANAPA, Lang, " top, Wednesday, a ., U. A.ABIA. %ono, " ork, Wednesday, Jan. 18. E /110 EA. I.eitedi, " Beeson, Wednesday, Jan, al. berths not secured until paid for. An experlonoed Surgeon on 4oard, The owners of these ships trill not be acooantable for Oold , Baser, Bullion. Bbaajt, Jewelry, PTOOIOIIIIBtOIIOII or Metals,nnlees tape of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof thereiwpreasod. For freight or pas sage apply to E. CtRIARD, 4 BorrlieCwmk. FOR TUE 8011TEL—OliA.RIM- Tory_Nim SAV_AtIN_AR STEAMSHIP& RSIORT REDUCED. o rien'T Vaighi t tliT o t i t i r_etaf e e . ol airittitN per cent. ha- I " " 3R CliAli g tr,B. C. The IJ. B. Nail Steamihip K LIME STATE. Can tata Charles I'. Mahatma/5, Will sail on biturday. January 01, at 10 A.M.I Through in aco no noun miff boars at Sea. FOR SAViritiAli, The 11,1 Ma il Steams BTATE OF GEORGIA. oretain John J. Damn, will Ball on Saturday, January 1, at IU O'clook A. M. Through in a 3 hours, only hour" Sea. aiirsathxig days °banged frOul OVery Solunloy to every five day a Goode reeeloo.l, end huh of Lading signed every day. The, eniendid first-othu tide.wheel Steamships KEY -BTuDiE KTAT/. and 8 rATh OF Lil.olll/IA now run en above every ten day e. thus forming a five-day neuron nlostion with Oharleeton and Savannah, and the Soath and Southwest. At bath Charleston and Barannah, these Bhins Mi nna with etearnera for Florida. and with rtulroau, aro., for all places in the Synth and Southwest. INHURANCE. Frotsbl and ituenvinoe on a large proportion of Donde shipped Bopth sill be found to he lower by these ;Mpg then by sealing vaunts, the premium being one - half taa rate. N. B.—lnenranoe on all Iticroad Freida t Is entirely IFl4ovelteary, farther ; }an Orlentem or nevennikh, the I . Railroad UREA W 1 :0364 Ortri r rar P°" thlernel cotta it tie Der cent. l itie h ttlrq:o be y ,- dale. Throurn tioiete from attys. ton and Savanna h steamshire. OWL DINO htEALS on the whole route. exaent from Ober eston and Swrai:r neh to Montgomery gharlesto.....— OD baViuma.h........ 15 CO ktri. ta ' ' ' r 3 St SO. SJ uu tatty.— cutsometi —.. 26 00 3,5 00 ear Orleans—. ,69 76 b of ladiug Issued For Vs ht. or oaszase abort toe street, or to aDI ISonthwest acntr Arenu 2hM l o3Utp , m ' Ain FC.irtortd:t r :lTGVaiiest Tuesday. For Florid& frouiSavesult St. Jbhn'o. eVerf TuagdaT MACHINERY AND IRON. SAWN AL V. 111114LHICE. J. valerH.LlgrlLl.le.f. WILLI&M POUNDity, L 7 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STNEhtI. MEN liibkzic . SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, iti n nufaaniro High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, fur i lud. River, and Marine norm, Bailers, Gasometers, Millie, Iron Dokte, so.; Outing% o kind, either jron or Bragg.. iron F r or no !or Welieli Welk SkOlg, Itatt. I lit e n = r lS'epaikinallino7 of the latest and moat tm provod eenstrootiOn. Every desorption or Plantation lifigehinagr r math an Sligar,Baw, and Gnat Ming, Vacuum ?Ana, fJp Eb nim Trai as , Dereoagora, r tilters, Pumping .hte fi 8, A , D. Sole Agents for . Patent thitar noqing anaaratna; Kum; Patent Hamm Hammer ; and woisal a Patent watt - angst 8 9 / 4 7 Dnaug kibil!Ogr. egg f-y ffZE= CONFECTIONERY. CHRISTItIAS AND NEW YEAR.—Fine CONFECTIONERY oaa be Lade q_nal to env otbet entni,balment tho etty—vin: B on Bor, Chono ate, Almond. ten. 80, ep enortment of F i sney Bova. Call JEFFE 8 &o.'B. N0.7/8 MARKET Btreet, between seveat and r J.7 aga. d2B-lat SUIPPING. MARTI To. Char1aat0n......—.144.015 $0 Savannah— SI CO tutts— 26 00 I4oon—, St 76 Atl6nl 31 00 Conmona 56 00 Anknny $7OO MontKomory.— 5300 Matte._ 46 90 New Orleace.--- el 60 Stet the elm, has eg g 1 . ply on bo&rd,nt ftalrharl atigEB ll ll6. rrti t Eli &:4XIMIELL. ston, steamer Carolina 69677 ~sted_dtgre Bt.lllda'd AUcl dadturaby, SALES BY AUCTION. M THOMAS & SONS, • Roe.IS9 and lel RUM MRTH ST.R.U7. (Formerly Noe. 6t and es.) CARD. PUBLIC smArs REAL ESTATE ARV STOCKS AT THE EXCEANGR—SeIee of reel estate and monks every Tuesday, at the Exchange. mar Contributors having insertion ot mum sale. /fir Handbill* of each ,property mimed separates. addition to 'stitch we publish, on the Sexmday pp re•s-bne to the salt. one thoueand gel/alms , in pamphlet fonn, prying full deetoßtlna of all 8 properties to be soht AVVIST 6 ATIPAT PRIVATE a te at We have a large amount of real estate at private inoluding every deemption of eity and coanitri property. Printed lists may be bad at the auction Mors PRIVATE SALE REGISTER 1 1 EFT Real mats entered on our private sale ree.ater and advertised amasionally, In our public sale atotreore (of which Loco are punted weekly, I free of El PALL SALE.. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Pnd Fall Sale, Jar.. 17. e‘eiring, at the Eaehleg 4 . Part of the tusadbilla fOT NM* of th e "O r e ARV ready. EXTRA sax—lama RAILROAD BONDS. Iha Taurpray Mms,,sg, 19th inst., at II o'cleots, at the hanse, without re• serve. for account of whom it tamegre ra elt 009 Tyrone and Lock llama Baalroad first melt gags Wads- le2r Sale absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANtARY At 7 ololoolt in the erening• Orphans' Conrt Sale—Betato of WChutn Kittpatrin. deeeased. THREE-STORY BRICK DIVELUINO• Fulton et, betaPeet Twelfth and Thitteenth and Fitz •Iter Catharine streets. • -•••• • • -. MX WELLlNl3B.—Sii ' three-Ytery brleic dwellings, Holly street nod Bach street. between Fittpenth ea! dtxteenth and Fitzwater and Catharine 1.111. t. peremptory SaIe.—THR4E-STONY BRICK DWEL LING, No. add North Eleventh street, above Brown b Bale absolute. Immediate poesesston. REA!, ESTATE BALE—JANUARY Si. At 12 (iciest'. noon. Peremptory Sate—F r Seeoutit of whom it to ‘Y elin sera r 125 ACRES LA aD. TEXAS.-01ke leapt'e a , land. containing 4,428 acres. Nacogdoches cirner.:4 the west be• k of the Angelina river. Zv titles front Na coadoches. Texas. Itir Sale otoointe. Trustees' SaIe.—LARI3X ANO VALUABLE OF GROUND. earth side of Market street. wear o Twenty first, 66 feet front. 12a feet, deep, to Ash alley Two fronts. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESICXENCE. side y ard. North Broad:trent, west side, above Mamma. Lot 50 by ral feet. 'with two fronts. Boole 25 feet front. finished with every modern improvement. 1 150. bnck stelde and coach house on the test end of the lot, or. Carlisle street. t9' Bee SALE OP SUPERIOR YURNITTIIE, PI ANtl- POSTEe. PREN.CH , PLATE MIRRORS. AND SUPERIOR BOOKCASES. CHINA AND OhASSWAILE. BEPS &Nit BEDOINO, BilI;3- 13E10 CARPETS. leo. CA n D.—Our sale to-morrow mot:rung. at the Anohdr2 Etoreoritl romnriso. I,egtdee CO3 lota of exert ent se cond hand barna - ere. piano (ones, fine French-Plata mantel and pier mirrors. large and supervir bnokassez. China and glassware, beds and bed ling,llrus•elr ael other wirer". &e., forming an &Matt ye assortment. worthy ins attention or ladles and °them &moat of oureham rig. Ma' Carehgnes now ready and 110. *rattail ameged for examtnetton. Sate Nos. LV and South Fonrth street, STOCK OF A JEWELRY STORE. GOLD AND *rj - R WATDDEI, ()OLD CRAIN°, BREASIT,NO, ELATED WARE. CLOCRiti. SROW-CADF-S. Thu Montilla- At 10 o'clock, et the Auction Store, the stock of Jewelry store, declining hominy", oonlYnaletit Fo'd and salver trachea, gold autos. bresstples a d other Rfrer el ry, Alan , elated wave, clocks, show- cases. ,W" :May be seen on the meaning of the sale. Rata at FURN I TU RE. IRI Routh F 1 7g FRIE24DV-PL e M . AW ROM, FIANO- FORTE. BAUR - 10 .8 ilk RPETd. Oa Thanalay Mamma. At 90WooR. st the Auotioa Eton, ea serottrW excellent second hand fulnitsve. elept u tt ?man- Ana mirror*, carpet etc. , from • ea dee nine housekeestnx, removed to the store for convenience el v‘te. i'Ei,AlltrEL NATHAN'S. AUCTIONEER, THIRD, below Walnut. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED ,PLEDOe BV ORDER OP ABIWIAII PIATDINtr, Broker. On Tuesday laming, Jan. 17. 1380. at 9t; o'clock A. at. ronsiatinx of gal and silver patent lever, duplex. and other witehes..xted yttrium, ear-ringa, finger-mega. breast - pips, modathon, permit eases. advent - arc An CLOTBI NG. Am—Coats, pants. vests, dresses, shawls. beamreooloAng pistols, NOM E.—Alt persona having goods on depostt with me over the legal lenith or time wits sell and redeem the same. othennse tees wilt be sold at *shim anti on the above der. ABRAM Altl. NaTRANS, Broker. jalt-let • N. W. Cot. Math and Callowhillsts. MOSES NATRANS, AUCTIONEER_ AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of BIRTH and RACE Streets. PEREMPTORY, TRIM M SALEING OF STOREE S TOCK OF 'A Removed to the Auction Store for conceniencer Un meta , s“.er tag. 11th Inst.. at 10 o'clock, et 'loses Nathan' Auetion Store. southeast corner of Sixth nue Race riteeeta, second-story salesroom. entrance from Rao? street. COolliithilg in Dart, of niery variety otmit drers t Mini ge. blaCk Silk. mitts. 'Dobai • mit/B.110"km clove:, long moirtir mitt. coolicit bracelets.einbroldery.alll., aesner .ilk. Saxony lape l silk lace edsrage, Mcbair plgits trate pnader, ladies skirts patent tianad don,. tug [Cotton, black ware, creep gismo Saw em. braid er y, do.. ands do. strips. crunhria Maps, do. banns, eherninetts. Chantilly lace do. cambr c. do, cheniac, ladies' mourning collars, Marseilles shirt boemns. dies' merino hoods. infanta' scarfs, 'soonest ooinforts, hendkerebief., several dozen first ocialit•, ladies' me chip endecahirta,ladies' cloth cloaks. Irish linens, and , numerous other articles. . . - Also. a magnificent rosewood piano•ions, cwt /1141013. And a superior sewing machine. The piano end setting machine will be sold at 13 o'cicAt precisely. MONEY TO LOAMY e 250,000 to loan, in bvse or small amounts, rot stooks, gold and Elver plate, diamond'. watches. Jewel ry, fowling nieces. dry goods, clothing. grocenes. 0- Kure hardware, outlory, musical tastroments. furniture, bedding. horses. vehicles. harness, and an all 1111106 i value, for any length of time agreed Aeon. on mats liberal terms than at any other eemblishmant in them OUT-DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Illalerteer. at Tali low ehatges. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Consignments of all and every Sind of goods ;allotted for public sale ; two-thirds the value of the goods will be advaneed in anticipation of the sale. moats NATHANS. WEST CHESTER and ROAD via MEDIA. PHLLABELPHIA RALL FALL ARRANGEMENT. On and aßer MONDAY. December 12.1.1311. the trains will teavn_ rtn.ladeptus, (min tbs Stytim E. corner otßion T.NTH and MARKET Sizeats. at 10 A. 1. and 1.30 P. M. ev West Cheater, trove the DEPOT, onAART MARKET 'STREET, at 7.11 and 1130 A. M., and ti 3 . - ON M SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at A. M., tad a P. Lew tv..ift cheater at 7.15 A. M., 4. P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at BM A. M. and 4.311 P. m. mimosa as Pagination anth the Philadetphie. and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Pon eogd ChaddatorJ, Kenna tt Same. and Avondale. HENRY WOOD, oats barters! Saperintendint. NAVAL STORES. aco bta Bptiits Turpenti 30 do CrcdoTurjmntino. $ 4 03 do tqopping gain, 1.11 do Tar, ns do nte and f g al 7 No. li SOUTH Wis ARNE,' lir DE WEEKLY PRJSS A NEW VOLUME! TIER WEEKLY PfttletS entez&l nt,:m & New V , Inme With the New Yert. To say, Merely, that onr paper has Leen WOUla bet to give far too wank end indelicate so 'del of 'out' positron—for, not only has THE WEEKLY TRESS been established on &secure and permanent found s Nutt is, ID teal' tr. & marvellous esamPle of the de;r c of favor whlen a rightly-conducted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEW .3011BN kL ran receive nt the hand• of a liberal and stile:Jere; public. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for tha patronage already bestowed upon t 1.5, and we shall spa: no efforts which may :erre to render the pipe; even mote attractive, useful. and popular in the The POLITICAL course of '''HC WEEKLYPRisi need not be enlarged upon here. Independent. steed, . and feartess. tt Ins battled, unwaveringly and Irwilo'os ly, in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE rE01"1.1.: against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, Ind unfair and tyrannical legislation; ever declaring , and adhering t the doctrine that POPULAR. fI , OV . EREIGNTY const. lutes the fundamental basis of our free inghtutions, and that the Intelligence and patriotism of our c,ettanssci'l prays be preservattre of a^dslltaull r; errrnent. These are the principles to - which THE WEEKLY YE ESS has been coinmittea, and to these it will adhere. OUR NEWS COLUMNS wsll continue to he the subject of nllenlittth I; care aul attention, and all diligence be employed to make thi Paper a compendium of all the principal scents of lots rest which transpire at home and abroad. The LITERARY character of THE WEEKLY PRESS, now unicersally acknowledged to be of an Cr , . voted stamp, abet! not only maintain its present tugs standing, but shalt be enhanced by important and Pahl a ble contributions troni able writers. Deeming ptair or toasts the groat safeguard .4 pr,v , Sie Public prosPerltt , we shall carefully exclude from our columns everything which ma) ressonahly be oh; e, l t , to on the score of improper tendency. The fields of pure literature afford suthcient material to make an AC CEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. containing all the elements or excellence, 'without a single ob.lection able line: and the proprietor of the THE W.P..Efil, 1 PRESS may Justly claim that no head of a fartaly ceed hesitate to let Its columns go under the notise of any member of his household. The general featnree of the paper, is addition to it POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, sill Ny, Poetry. Skltthet, Binpapiy rind Orisinal and S•. tmed Tares, chosen for their lessons of life.illahlra lions of history. desieture of manners, and sener3i merit—and adapted, in thou variety, to the tastes nt both lanes and alt nee. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. Due care will be taken to furnish our To , dari Wif comet and reliable reports of the produce ant cq1,!.3 markets, made up to tho latest hair. Among the agseeeble variety of Br uolos in eters fo7 the patrons of TITS WEEKLY PRESS, it mar 1 , 3 mentioned that we atoll cot:menu-o,in en: New YuMr-..., the publication of TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS: O. ANCIENT TI3IES IN . 01,0 TaIOINIA an Original Nore'ette of surpa.,4ing interest, written 'os nn author of acknowledged about. The story wall r•r. through seYetel numbers of the paper, and wall by, in Itself, worth more then the snot required fora year's onbscrtption. la a word. it nH 14 the eodearor of thosa tomsko THE WEEKLY PRESS continue a Ist: FAMILY JOURNAL. embody lag all the obetractenst: •, corefullr-prepAred newspaper. Suhscriptions are respectfully solicited. To th .1 who propose patronizing the " WEERIX PRESS.' Wornprltude to fonrardter, their orders ter the :hrn- is earnestly recothmendz.l, as, from present ndications, it fe believed that large as the cdttiori mi 7 wltioh will be printed. it will act keg be incur power to furnish beck rintnuers, la which ease distiPtlotutm ant must occur. TERMS One Nay, one year.....„...—. Three Copies, one y ear—. Fire Coplea, One ) ear.. ..... ..... 8 0-) Tea Centex, one year-- _ tt2 Twenty Comae, t o ooeaddresa,at the rate of :Slyer annum . ..... . 40 09 Twenty Copies, M one address of each sub- Any person sanuithr us s Club of Twenty or mots. 1,11 ala *mulled to no extra cony. We continuo to Dora 15 t. WEEKLY PE E 33 to Clergymen rural. uutocrionoo. WAY commence at nu, tuna. 7 em , alwors cash, iouvitnoo. AU totters to Da itadroloolt to JOHN W. FORNEY. No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, l'. I - I I 7....A..7 .111 .1...1z) I-I_l A,. .