The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 11, 1860, Image 3
111E - :C T Y . • - ---- LIEUREMENTB ,TllllB EVENING. WICILLTLIM k Chh.11411 9 11 pilLtno Abor f Everybody'e , iendu ,, 't Peter ,-„ cornet , oad and bituth.—" Medea —"' M_ewLentotte Question." - MsTIONAL Watitit SUOMI between unghth sed Minth.— Dap Rios Greet dhow. ', B 17 011M11111. BTIMICT.-4411M'6 • Andardroy - Fins Anna, - Chantnnt attada,—!. Pari inaa"— 'The Martyrdom of John num. &o. BANDintSOIOIEXU4BITION RpoM, Eapler'S Common- OreeltL htreor , a ve Sixthe-Tttfo ion', Museum oPart.•, - .. MaDoadana's'eaprepan, neeentteet. below Third:. Hatettstnnientn MOUT.: Tairpar OV WOIIDiRS, nettneast corner Tenth and Chestnut streena-agnor ants. • Tue lx+Eami2o oil3zettoP NSUILANN.—The lady of the late Bishop Neumann *as committed •to lts 'dual resting: place yesterday morning. As. • • we stated in our report yesterday morning, the body of, the deceased was removed to• St. Peter's fterman,Oatholio Church, at the corner of bilrard avenge - mid Atifth Street. It laid in state in the htu r uels night, end' was visited by an immense erowelif.persons. 'The arrangements for gratify ', t 4 the desire of those who wished to see the de ! mesed'ivere mpg, admirable: The main door on yifth street Was vaned, and the' crowd allowed to Jess tip the main passage until they reached the, got where the body fletethe °once:use sepa rated, a portion passing to the one side and the re 'weirder to the other, 'thus out of the' church by tltti rear. All the pews of the church were filled, •tsa was every, Ditsh of Standing room. ' The doors • toie kept open Until midnight. • , , . • Yesterday morning -at Ave o'clock the doors of the church were opened, and the crowd poured in to view the body. Snell was the intense desire to obtain a glimpse of the features of the deceased, 'thatkumbers remained, on. the ground night. The serripesjtere commenced within the ahem* at sine O'cledlt, solemn high nines being performed. ThCoelbbraut of the mass was the Right Reverend Httltop Weedovith the Rev. Dr. O'Hara as deacon. Theaerviee'weit performed with the usual solemni t} t he tmouipanylug mule serving greatly to nilie effect. . The performances by the choir of; t.' reter's.gbacli were -fir .superio'r to those in ithe. Oethedrld on Monday.. lir. Hertel was the hinder,- and the three, both vocal and.instrumental, ,Iffas strong enough to give . grand , effect to the re 91firettl—BtaktSci, pm_ Defanetia" (Hese Xed:thwikedd.) :,• '••• At the end of the•mam, 'Father Bonney°, of St.: sffelet•!fi Ptehottneed a discourse in.the German lan: trigs, log'hispaesaggea with difficulty through -the crowd to_ the:. pulpit. r, An extended report • Would' not interest our :readers. The speaker dwelt with etstsenee upon the virtues of the dead, 'and reettpihtlited- briedy the main *rents of his unusually eventful life. - • . 4 „tivinig the derefacinies Madera to the mass, the =Musty . Was -filled with the, dignitaries of the chnrch;:andttlerge repretiontation of the city oler 'LSurrounding the sapetuaty the Members of a eieletit association from Baltimore, -numbering ;Ode hundred and one, who •baineen.voluntarily to mend titiltiniwat,_wererimzed, arrayed it their ragalic - In the centre; initi iatelitto triad of the, litter, yetontside the senetimry, thevesnaliamf the late prelate were had ifl sitapie state, - surrounded by lighted tapers, attired in the robes of able be fore deseribed. After the sermon was over, and the body bad been sprinkled by the right reverend bishop with 'miens and holy water, the remains Were conveyed to the chapel beneath the church , for inferment. • .. .. .. . ' The' chapel to a • small apartment immediately -beneath the eanctum7 of the-ehureh,, containing sn. ittiet, with . symbols and 'reties .surrounding. Alen eatkit are the flunk: one Of - Which wail open tb recelte the bodY-Aof Bishop Neumann. The Beene liera !Ma ptatore , tl3o in a rare degree. Over the vault stood Bisho p Wood anu Dr.' O'Hara ' and , the priests' were: grouped., shout them. A few Talbot, - at intervals, ' sang iimulem. The Blabs eprlnkled.and blessed the body for the last time. -f neorozier was removed from its place beside the i r Bodyotrop a few other articles freak the .perron, t; and the mmains were then deposited in' the coffin, which sfas lined with purple satin. ,The coffin was l i or '; laced within a strong and heavy wooden box, and t., ored intorhp tomb. . . . ANSIII.AyAItETUICL OF THE MERCAXT/LE LI 44111.ARYeliKPAAY—ELNOT lON Or OFFICERL—The ' thirty-seventh annual meeting of the stockholders i, of the Mercantile Library Company was held yes , terthiy afternoon at Mercantile Library Hall. ',Smatter O. Morton acted as chairman, and William Eva44r., as secretary. - On motion of John Ashton, Jr., the minutes of tholast annual meeting were read, and amended bj itriking out the statements in regard to, the , umniper . olperscarprtsent at'that meeting. The annual report of tho'board of directors and treasurer wore read; accepted, and referred to the Incoming board for publication. - It: ht.liatlett meted that a committee' be sp. - ,gebited for the purpose of preparing a detailed and adthentle_ narrative of the origin, progress, and general efficiency of the Mercantile Library Com pany,of Itiladelphis ; that said committee have 11001161 to the papers and documents necessary to the prosecution of the work, and that said com mittee be dinsited to report to an adjourned meet. ing to be held on the evening of the first 'Tuesday ' of,iipill: The committee ii to' cohabit of Ore from the board elected, and Ave to be appointed by the iihidrman from the defeated ticket: Jos 0. Grubb, Esg., offered resolution that the adjourned *eating' be empowered to confider and not upon any other business conducive to tho in. tercets of the company that may be brought before it. Adopted unanimously. On motion; the meeting went into an election for Mears, the• following gentlemen being appointed tellere WA...Evans, Jr.; Henry K. Kelley, R. M. ifaelett, and E, Qgden. , -4 Thu follqvring ticlrets were placed in nomination, when - 010 hoard ,, proceeded 'to belloti, witlit the following resule: • - REGULAR TICKET. REFORM TICKET , nmactons: - n.BBcTOll5. Milli= E. $o wan,.... eel T. Morns rer0b...... sae wilitam L. Mader.— pa ono :le y. Nerille 40 Alien C....perhoron 126 Josep IC Cirlibb,...... Sag "T * 44 1 11 1 ,114 1 2 80 " - ' - ' t 11: 4 1 11.Aira,....u' * Clandlus 11,:b1n0,....:.:. 414 Dines& fitoboos . - 416 re.„..bbi no.. ... 423 Toomas Beldnin 4 '4M rd Clarke . -- t .1241 Jrnos pyyley, Jr 438 hyrd 00d..,.....,, 426 Warner M Nasin .. `4lll J. r. White ' ...: see Alan o. Adamson.:_ .4l 'Join:LS:tenor, Y'ir—....: LSIB -Willias..T. Vollool::7-'44 'George ItAtien,.,, - ' toe - JohaL Mash ' Ass . Charles M. 'Walton— . 408 - , snmAstrafin.' - . , Tlineiteastt Charles Rhoads-- . Re . Chayies Rhoads... i ....-, The balloting.waa very eiciting, and it wastafter . midnight before the result of the ballot' was an.- nous:toed. The Refonnerei bave 'nine • Members of the board : T. Dierris PeMt, - George V. Neville, Joseph C. Grubb, John D. Watson, William Whar ton, Jr. ,M: Baldwin, James Lesley, Jr., Warner 'IC Resin, and William J. - Pollock. Of the ItegiolaTs," William E. Boen, William L. goh'atrer, and }tabard Wood were chosen. - Sr, Wood has the reputation of being a (g Re fernier "in sentiment- The thirteenth director -441i1. here to be determined by the board, Mr. Jaime .8: Gibbon's, (Reform,) Ti •,51, Clarke, and -Allen 0. Durborow, (Regular,) having /waived a tie vote. Mr. J. C. Grubb was on both tickets as director, and, together with Mr. Rhoads, the tree- Surer, witelthanimoraly elected. .. ',MEETING OrYllll SCHOOL ,CONTROLLERS.-- TINT Board of Belted Controllers ,held a meeting • psitterlay afternoon at the Athenaeum buildings, :Rent, Bamm, Esq., in the chair. ' A communication was presented by the • Con - troller of the Fourth motion, asking for the ere°. ' lien of apt oatsidestairoote in the schoolhouse on Viiratity street, *Lowe ligitte also, one from the -.. or Hon, farqring the proj ect of 4 srtematio ldetriiction ST musid In - th e publia sohdols7 and ' hiking Controllers to take some *definitelictlon in t,thomatter. Also, one from the Nineteenth section, ': requesting the Contraltos° not to lease a certain old- achoolhohse, as -it Is in a dilapidated con ' li on, and is clansmen§ tq the Byes of the echo. ' . .., Willitun,.ll. Witte, g ec i ., rook in 4 omptpunioa• '44111"P°844 to ))1414 a 60 hPolhollce in the nine - - teen seatlop, provided he 901114 MOO satisfactory Anangemente with the Board. . Mr. Zane monied its reference to 4 epeeist COM^ • sun*, Jetta power to,act. The proposition led to -, acme debate, when Mr. iVitte's comitinnio [Wien was .. ,refikrred to the Cotomittee on Property. . ' A - eommonloation from Mr. Ryan, offering to , ..tent is three - story brick building at Front and ' Billeted streets, at $4OO per annum, was laid on the table. - The preeldent stated that he had In his posses. 4on *large 'number of proposals for supplies de/- tint-the year, and asked what action should be en in relation to them. A resolution, directing illgatlc i ? b p fgt. T Irc t tosati o itl it p is d it CO t trtto t e on t si Ce - 4w04 suad ta k ildl,r ; wai, :doptedc.RPr 4 medal was 'afterwards made that the bide be opened before "the - U . :aid, and agreed to; after !Nett tliexreeats wore opened by'the president I / Mgla p Wa ll offered direo - tin Alio alums , dyes lee a 8 saroadary 5811001 On 'raster 'street, aid adopted.' ' Bills smonnting to $275 for furniture In the Ninetnth section were passed. ..' ..• Aft, Vlizrami offered a resolution, that on and after tho lill y} l ., nst.' there shall be held but one bill illesl44l ' in the Grammar Scheele of the .Firstlistriof. ' aid over. %IPSO - 01pr 3itigniS3X ,has transacted of no fag Im -41114ofgri „isfigr' Irbieb the- board ell . PICJA DEnrina LIIINO-IN (WARM AND Map* flocnnvr.—On Monday evening, the twenty eeVellthanntml. meeting of the contributors to the aseeelatiervsms held at the Wanes' Homo, south welt toner ofgran* and Cherry streets. Wm. g. Skreithii. . .9 , presided. , 'From , the annual - reert'llli4eaM , not daring the year, OS garments were dhitrihuted to those applying to the society, and n garments loaned; 410 pobt women have been =flatted by the essoeletion during the year. • The Home employs Ek nurses to' attend to the irk orosslog number. of 'ferules applying for relief. After the deport had been reed the following ottleerawere'elwted to serve for the ensuing year: . President, Caper Vister, M D.; Idea presidents, • John Femur°, W. F. ,Griffiths ; chairman, R. Wilma, hf. D. ; . treasurer, Percival Collins; more -401 Palo 8 - Winllilllß. ? mitli4r, OF Psli 4. TinorNgi Htlii.-7TIIO I funeral of the late Peter A. Browne, Esq., took place yesterday Morning from his residence, Wal nut street, above Eleventh. The funeral was at tended by -several of the judges of the courts, imminent members of the bar, and other well. , nova citizens, and prooeyded to St. - Peter's Church (Episcopal). The fanetai services at the church *ere read bythe Rev. Mr. Crook. The interment took plane In the ground connente4,l. with tee ainga). Plate • YESTERDAY MORNlNll.—Yelier4ay poinlr4, about one . o ' clock , a fi re was "discovered -frith° ba y - loft of a frame stable, situated on Sipan greet; between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets, in the Twenty-fourth ward. The building and about aged , to.s of hay wore destroyed. The property be aged, to James Jonas. A horse perished in the amts., Two others and a cow were rescued. The . lass is estimated at $4OO, upon which there is ap insurance of .$2OO. .The fire Is 'supposed to have Been the work of an incendiary. roman .Neamter.--A large number al' email ehildren, 'many of them Just out of school, and undoubtedly, stating in their ignorance 'of their patently were playing upon the pikes of lei at l i onbard,street. [wharf, shout sunset `lest evening, in imminent danger 6f‘ their lives, as the lee sae liable to go floating out into the stream. The at tention of the policeman on the beat was directed - to the danger the thoughtless boys was running, and he was requested to order them ashore, but he replied that they might drown if they would go there—it was none of his business. . . ~ III,FICICEOCEErs ARRESTED,- , -On Monday, two - wiem.natned Thomas Patterson and Daniel Malty, - Veto arrested by Oftleor Henderson, of the 'Sixth • - ward,'• while picking pookers'4o the Crowd. at Thirteenth and Market streets, - They were eons , - . . Mined for a further hearing by Alderman Berner, • , -4100rIons1.-Yeaterday morning a man named • AlPett.e. Penner, had a , ' slici ng four fingers of i. me %ahead taken off by sew - at -Bald . win'ilocouiotive works. The sufferer WU admit, $ MAittiVeltlisilifellie Mnipitel; ' . . • irAit - ntrvitEm NottEß--Pnonann Monnan.—Yesterday evening a woman named Margaret Riley was admitted into the hospital, suf fering from a wound she received from a hatchet in the hands of another Woman, with whom abe had a quarrel, In Catharine street below Ninth. A deep gash was inflicted in the head which niny prove fatal. The assailant le in euetody. Reign:RT.—Some . time between Monday night and yesterday Moping, the morocco-drov ing establishment of D. iy Btewart dc Bon, at the corner of York avenue did Willow street, was entered by means of false keys, and robbed of $2OO worth of skim. . REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &C.—The following are the sales of real estate, stooks, dm,, made by M. Thome & Sons, at the Philadelphia Exchange, yesterday at noon, and in the evening : 200 shares Hopewell Coal and Iron Company, certifi cate N 0.145.10 cents each. 100 ghares Bowmen Coal and Iron Company. cartel. cafe No. It 9, to cents cacti. too shares Hopewell Coal and Iron Company, certifi cote No. 150,10 cents each. 6 shares, of 8500 each, of the company known as the Illinois Land Company, 850 earth. 3(K) shares Connectiont Mining Company, 60 cents eah. 4 full shares (20 new shares/Ban Francisco Land Asso ciation, &MO enoh. Lot of ground, Clinton street, north of Baker street, 8 2 0. Lot of ground, Fayette street, emit of Franklin street, 820. InThree-story brink dwelling, southeast corner of Broad and Oxford atreets, 81,100. Three-story brick dwelling, Tenth street, south of Girard avenue, 81,300. Two•story brick dwelling, Ni'. 2/0 Lombard Street, between Second and Third streets, with emell dwel ling back, 82,525. Three story brink dwelling, Carlton street, oast of Sixteenth, $OOO. Irredeemable ground rent, 830 a year, north side of Wood street, emit of Sixteenth etreot. 8410. Three-story brick dwelling, No.Blo Carpenter street, went of Sixth street, 81,400. Three-story brick residence, with side yard, No. 624 North Eighth street, above Green, 86,900. THE . COURTS. YESTERDAY'S PAoasinxnei liteaortad for The Prem.' SUPREME COURT FETUS Justice Btrong.—Chambers VB. The Camden and PhiWel pbia Steamboat Ferry Company. Brady vs. Lan dis. Pemberton vs. Clark. Non-suite were en• toted in each of the preoeding oases. Fisher vs. Duhring. Matters in controversy re ferred to Joseph A. Clay, Bog., by agreement of parties interested. Richardson vs. Young. Vordiot for plaintiff for $68.37. Points of law reserved for argument on Satur day neat. StIPRESLE COUIZT to natio--ChiefJustice Low rie, Justices Thompson and Read. City.of Philadelphia vs. Eastwick. Argued by Loa for defendant in error, and William L . Hirst for plaintiff in error, in reply. Ruishart vs. Johnson. Argued by B. Wood ward for plaintiff in error, and by D. W. O'Brien, Esq., for defendant in error. . Ooldey's Appeal. , Argued by F. C. Brightly for appellant, and by Davis for appellee. city of Philadelphia vs. Billing. Argued by David W. Sellers, Eeq., for plaintiff in error, and by F. Carroll Brewster, Reg., for defendant in er ror. Zone vs. Ward. • Argued by Eolcstein for plain tiff in error, and by Edward Ingersoll, Esq., for de fendant in error. Non pros. were entered in each of the following Mos : Henry vorau Whitney, Haw versus Hsu, Shoff versus behailloy, Kniht versus %i tch ; Laguervare versus Dougherty, ,judgments ffirmed ; Hulshart versus Johnson, judgment affirmed ; Goldey's ap peal, decree affirmed at code of appellant ; Zano versus Ward, judgment affirmed. COMMON muas—Judge Ludlow.—Spring Garden Insurance Qompany patens Thompson. Au action on a policy of Insurance. Weill for plain tiff; J. Ilubley Ashton, Esq., for defendants. Ver dict for plaintiff for $75.25. DISTRICT COURT, No.l—Judge Hare.—Eck man versus Gallagher. An action on a proud& sory note. Wm. L. Marshall for plaintiff; Clayton for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $268.87. Milligan versus Kelly. Kai. fa. on a useohanio's lien. Armstrong for plaintiff ; Aaron Thouspson for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $203.15. Koons versus Hans. An action one promisso ry. note. F. C. Brightly for plaintiff, D. W. 0. Morris for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $1125.48. The Moyameneing Building Assoolation vs. Holloway. Sol fa on a mortgage. Lewis C. Cas sidy for plaintiff; J. P. O'Neill for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $198.18. Pout vs. Jackson. An action of ejectment. Briggs for plaintiff; Wallace for defendant. Ver dict tor plaintiff. • Drwrituri Can; NO 2—Judge Stroud.— Jordon vs. Woolston. An action one book account. George W. Thorn, lleq., for plaintiff; J. A. Owens, Esq., and J. P. Owens, Esq., for defendant. Jury out. Hayward ye. Serail'. An action on promissory note. No defence. Verdict for plaintiff for $100.32. Eisler for plaintiff; J. W. Paull for de fendant. . Koster vs. Schorr. An action on a promissory note. No defence. Verdict for plaintiff for $440.36. Potts for plaintiff ; Beyer for defendant. . 1 Santee vs. Brown. An notion on a book account for goods sold and delivered. Defendant plead statute of limitations. Point reserved for court in bane. Verdict for plaintiff for $440.54. 0. W. Davis, Req., for plaintiff; Quinn for defendant. Morris vs. Nicholson. An action of troves. J A. and J. P. Owens, Rap., for plaintiff; P. P. Mor rie, Req., for defendant. On trial. QUARTER Suomi:ars—Judge Allison.—john Smith was tried on the charge of 'stealing a horse and wagon, the property or 8.4.110x1e. Verdict guilty. Sentenced tq three years in the county prison. Timothy McFadden was fried on the charge of assaulting a squill lad, also with malicious mischief. The accused was driving a wagon on one of the railroad tracks, and_ elleolintered the. proseonter, who, was driving in an opposite direction. McFad den yielded the track with as good a grace as pos sible; then, in passing the other wagon, drove into it, and smashed it down. The lad followed him up -and had him- arrested, -before which McFadden struck him with a whip. A verdietergullty was ordered to be rendered on both charges. Sentenced to nine months imprisonment.. Mary Watkins was tried on the ehttrge of steal ing two shawle. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to two years impribonment. • William K. Nealey was charged with commit ting an assault and battery upon James Robinson. Verdict net guilty, but the defendant to pay costs of suit. James Robinson was charged upon a cross-bill with committing the same offence upon William K. Nealey. Verdict not guilty; hilt defendant to pay costs of suit. John Mcquire was acquitted upon a charge of, assault and battery. John Manley was tried upon a bill of indict ment charging him with assault and battery with intent to kill Officer Blob. Verdict guilty as to the assault only. The accused was represented by Daniel Dougherty, Esq. A young man, named Bainbridge Barry, plead not guilty to a charge of seduction. Gustavus Re male and W. B. Mann for the Commonwealth, and Messrs. O. P. Common and Leonard Myers for the defence, On trial. CITY ITEMS. PRATER FOR VIE CONVERRION OF via WORLD.— In purguance of a mall, to Which the following clergY men's naines are appended, the present week is t'emg observed solemn religious convncatinne in this city, in unison with 'the Christian Church in various parts of the world: Rem James Pratt, Charlei D. Cooper, Joseph R. Kennard, D. D., Mr. Du Hemet, John G. hlntray, D. b.;'loseph II: Jones, ILD., John Chambers, F. 'w. J . Wylie, D. D., George Duffield,' Jr., E. W. Hotter, D. D., J. IL A. Bomberger, 'ji li., lir. 4. R. Tay,qr, and Edmund De Bchweitiita. The im ciliate object of this movement, as it la spiressed in the call, is to offer " importimate prayer that God would pour oqt his Spirit upon all flesh arid cause the ends of the earth to pee hie salvation," and to " wrestle for the glorious menifestation of Goire Presence and having Power," and to " see if He does not give to his well beloved Son the heathen for' his inheritance, and the uttermost parte of the earth for hie poeseision.' " In view of this, it has been resolved to bold the Noon Prayer-meeting—originally the Baldness Man's—at Ransom street Church, during the present week, (tom twelve until beg FRUOpp o'olock each day, the meetings to ep nducted by ministers only. By a previous arrangement, re dnday was devoted especially to " fasting, aiAl to deep humiliation, heart searching, and self-abasement before God." To the special object will be, to otler supplication that God will iseard and blase the children end youth to both Christian and heathen lands. To-inor row, the theine, as de s la the programme, will be. "that (Tod, kr the Okereise of his mighty power, will remove all obstacles which now hinder the pro gress of the Gospel in our own land and throughout the world." Friday is to be made a day of special in tercession for the large cities, towns, and populous districts of the world; and the islands of the sea. Sa turday is the day suggested for "pleading for Christ's mimstere everywhere, and for a Moser union of all ito et the suggestion of Metbren in India,fluudity will be ' given to praise sad thanksgiving in the great ming egalien." The meeting at Bansom.street Church yesterday, we found one of the largest we ever attended in that edi fice. go great, indeed, wee (he throng that, soon alter the hour of commencing, a second meeting was started In the large lecture-room of the church, and, on Mon. day, we learn that a third meeting, in qno of the ante rooms, was rendered necsmiltry to accommodate the multitude. The eaereises yesterdar were conducted by the Rev. Joseph if. )Kennard, of-the Baptist Church' The pre-arranged stildoot of prayer for tho °cession Was stated as follows i "That we try mightily unto God. from the deep places of Mimi Br, that He will deepen and Mr week of divine grace la the heart of every believer." Were was nothing unusual transpired 'during the hour and a half worthy of note. The prayers and exhortation. followed in their mmustomed succee slop,- being almost wholly engaged In by the clergy. wiluent , ou the Min of the laity, made a short address, In which lie earnestly recom mended a closer union between the ministers of, ditferent persuasions. They seemed to min. glo in time, religious gatherings with much gene ral harmony, but what he wanted to eye. wee the spider web divieben-lines entirely sundered, and for ministers,'ol whatever name, to step freely over the . . . linee .which separate their respective folda, and thus cultivate a oneness among the undershepherds, over whom Chriat leas uhisf—tlie " Ooml Shepherd, who laid (kiln hii life for the sheep," anti who prayed that all his might be "one." Re concluded by suggesting that some time during the present weelithe ministers of our pfly, some two huudted and fifty in numlker.should meet for the above named object; ridging, that such a gath ering would constitute ari impetus spectacle. The itev. My Crowell, commenting on the schedule Which bad been prepared for the direction of the daily exercises for the week, expressed his opinion that rte details had been dietsted by the Holy Ghost. He thought also that the objects of the two meetings already held lies been too much overlooked, and he hoped that a strider regard for the speoifio object, designiited would thereafter be observed. One gentleman read portions of an interesting letter rp9eiveli from a female missionary laboring on the western coast of Africa, containing encouraging an pewits of the work of grace in programa in that benigated lam!. George H. Stuart. Ego., on the eve of closing the meeting, wished to give the congregation a text of Scripture which he thought peculiarly applicable to the present occasion; the text was as follows: " Come, end let Rs return onto the Lord : for he hath torn, will heal us ; he path smitten, and he will bind us UP. After two days will he revive us, in the third day lie Will miscue np, and we shall live In hielsisht." The meeting was dismissed with a few remarks and benediction from the Rev. Mr. Marsh. of New York, In addition to these noon-day gatherings, meetings are being held every evening during the week at van: owl olfilrbliee. several congregations usually uniting In one of their edifices. A correspondent informs us that, on Thursday evening, at half peat seven o'clock, there will be each a meeting held in the Presbyterian Church, Spruce street, below Sixth, (Rev. Dr. donee'l; also, on Olt' Pollee ellfltell at the Alexander Presbyterian Ohara, Nineteenth and Green atom% (Rev. Cr. Ne vin's); and, on Friday evening, at the same hour, there will be ono held in the Broad-street Presbyterian Churoh. Broad street, above Cloatuut, (Rev, Mr. Crowell's). . PREACHING BY THE Rmr.ll. GRATTAN GRINNERS —This )oung and'aingulatly gifted minister of the Gos pel is still attracting thousands nightly' in the various ohur•rhes in which he preaches. His eetial in the power of riveting the intetestedAttention of his hearers has probably not been heard on this side of the atlantic, slime the days of Whitfield. He seems to he wholly de-. voted to the w or k of evangelisation, and labors with a refreshing disregard of the mere formularies of men that are unsustamed by the divine record. This even ing and on Friday evening, he is announced to pteaoh in the church of which the Rev. George Chandler is Pastor, Franklin avenue, above Hanover street. Suwon Bun —Thin amusing and poln*lar Von triloquisr and Magician Is a comical gentleman be is the very embedment of mirth and happiness; his audiences at the Temple of Wonders, corner of Tenth and Chestnut, 'laugh abundantly. lie exhibits every evening, and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and introduces the learned Canary Birds and the Au tomaton Rope Dancer, whose performances aro sur prising. STEREOSCOPIC Irstrumonte and views, at groatly reduced prices, at N.J. FR ARKLIN's, Optician, /12 Routh Fourth Street. below Chestnut. MAJOR ANDRE, in a satirical poem, entitled "The Cow Chase." published during the Revolution, thus descanted on the dress of our forefathers Their Congress dollars nod their pro„, Their military speeches,_ Their corn stalk whiskey for their grog, Black stockinet' and blue broeohes." The dress of the ereeent generation, like their talk and drink, is very dilTerent. Now, they wear the ele gant eta les of the fashionable clothier, Granville Stoke., No, 607 Chestnut street, talk treason, and drink a varie ty of villainous compound., enough to turn the stom ach of an alderman. • . PASSE:WPM RAILWAY STATISTICR.—An incrodl. ble number of passengers were carried on the city rail way lines during the post year, es will be seen by the reports mode to the stockholders nt theii annual meet ings on Monday. Ono line boasts of having carried three millions of passengers, about one-half of whom wore mates. Of these a very large portion (and they the most judicious and respectable persons) invariably dressed in garments procured at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Hoakhtll & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth. THE REASON WHY 80 Many books are sold at Evans' Star Gift-Book Store, No, CS Chestnut street is, that honor, probity, and generosity are the charac teristics of his dealing; and with each volume sold a costly gift is presented. It is estimated that over ten thousand dollars in gifts are distributed weekly to the thousands of purchasers. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BRE POURTH PAC 46 BY TELEGRAM (Correspondence of Tlv i t i lacalt) itrx Jan Arrived, bark Oen Green, fin Galveston; brig Co 1 r o es, (Dutch) Arrive Leghorn. Borrow, Jan 10. Arrived. barks Bunco, fin New °deem; Modena from Charleston; Yernandina, from Messina; Harvest, train Savannah• itch W N Allen. front Charleston. Below, brig Santiago, from Aux Cayce. MEMORANDA. Steamship Moses Taylor, Griffin, for Now York vit. Havana, cleared at New Orleans ith lest. Steamship Quaker City, Shufeldt, from Havana 3,1 inst, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Delaware, Shaw, benne, arrived at New York yesterday Ship Isaac Bell, Johnson, for Havre, mitred at New York yesterday. 131 up Berkshire, Williams, for Melbourne, cleared at Boston 9th inst. Ship Island Queen, Ray cleared at New Orleans 2d met for Philadelphia, wltli'M bales cotton, 146 bbls mo lasses, 05 hhde auger,, and 300 empty casks. Ship W Chamberlain, Knapp, cleared et New Orleans 31st Mt for Havre. Ship Isaao Jeanes, Chipman, was towed to tea from New Orleans Nth ult. Ship Liccie Harward, Robinson, for Liverpool, cleared at Charleston Oils teat. Ship Progress, WooeWard, for Havre, clearedat Mo bile etla inst. with 4,276 bales cotton, valued at 5143 031. Ships Kate Hurter, Healy, and Thirty-one States, Smart, for Havre. cleared at Mobile 4th inst. Ship Star of Hope, Pearson, was at Acapulco Nov 12, tor Chinch& Islands, to load for Hampton Roads. Ship Competitor, Ilildreth, cleared at Boston 9th laid for blianghae, Bark Mary H Kendall, Shankland, from New York, arrived at Havana 4th inst. . .•• • . Bark Old Hickory, Holmes, for Falmouth, sailed from Havana 4th last, Brig War Eagle, Williams, cleared at New York yes • te fi day for o , W right, from Barbadoee 20th ult, ar rived rat Ica rian York yesterday. Bahr Jonathan May, Cobb, far Carde nas, cleared at New York yesterday. Bohr C A Heoksoher, Stubbs, hence arrived at Bt Marts Hilt ult. St Bah Mar r B, Carlisle, hence was dtseharging at ks 20th . . . Bohr W Allen. from Charleston for Boston, sailed from Ifolmee'ffole 19th inst. Behr, Northern Light, Corson. for New clearednd Annie Magee, heaton. for New Orleans, at Wilmington, N O. 7th inst. BehrsJ Allen andC Loeser, for Jaoksonville, went to sea from Charleston, 6th inst. Behr J A Bayard. Bisbee, from Boston for Wilming ton. N %wail ashore 9th Mot on Lovell's Island. Behr Excelsior, Riley, from Oloneester for Philada, at new London. 7111 inst. Ins Sc hr Mary CAI*, Howard, hence at Newburyport ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO TWHISM O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT GIRARD HOUSE—Cilisatnut at., below Ninth. W Shaere, Boston Mre Shaer° Boston Hon . K Stevenson, Tent, Dr Jos Powlkea, Tenn WII Lockwood & la, Is 1 A 7 Warner, Roolieeter C J Barden, f Rochester Louis Chapin, Rochester I) Dickey, Ilocheeter lien Ostlom,„tr, Boston W B Dobbin, Ba It olinlaylor, Boston W Heel Me, Mas s - C Remington &f_,a NY W C ja 0 Forest. N Y Miss Goodyear •N Y Mine Wardoll;11 Y Min Spencer, Pi Y 0 Y 9 Wilson & wf, NJ I E Schnook & le, N J JoH Uarretson & la, N J David Droweruhlass Mr Alnot, N Y C A !Shipman, Pa Corn Stewart, hi 7 P Gleaeop Chicago, 111 J . C Rtn_gwalt, Cincinnati John Cramp, N J Albert CrUntp, N J H Barber, Pulaski,onn W C Heath, N y Geo W hlaeklai_,n Il \ Joe Gillett '& ra.N Y John Blonham. NY 0 Troutsons,N Y 'l' D Messlerailtsburg Wm P Pur4en, 'grey_ % 'Akatat NY Mr Morrell et le„_- N y Gen D Davis, Niy A 0 Peiargoii, Chino D F Fleming, Charleston C 131 Rai reond, Boston Geo M Gloat, _N Y HU Hale 4 I a, Buffalo J A flarden•Ji y , w 11 - a lark, Pa Wht Frenklin NI 11 C esf t e l N x . Og-ttgri'ntajo, Frs . riglit, •olnoinnati John E Plender, r, 1 John Ferris, NY / P . 1 1111:1111sT i Vki l is IT, DC .F il Ginger S A. Moore, Louisville John Ward, Mass V, tif Hawes, Fall Rim J E Durham N Y IPAdams & laaaltimore LOWAS ii_ Do ll rk. wife, Mil T H Jackeon, IS 0 Geo W Sewall, hid 7 A Graham & la, Md Miss Graham, Md Miss Tracy, Md. Geo B Porter, N Y W 0 Bimini:au, N CI Than J Foote, N C F E Wellington, N X J II fiterina, N Y ht Losserthem,j,endon A L Sallee, Prov, K { r mum, rtq t , Yt I C(I Judson, V Y ' 1.1 Oltertili. N Y H ft Oaridne, Mb If 1114ginnis._'N I Sl_l3E/Orden] N Y W A Cioot, N y Mrs G hlpßin n ey Mre Agnew C Kamp, ri J MERCIIANTS' IJOTElr—Fourth street, helow Arch. Ron R Dr he ad , Easton Els Delius. N Y Mrs Jones 3 oil, Pa It Middleton, Cal C b Green, ittiourg Wm Lally, Carbon ro W R It Walton. Money, Pa J 0 Chamberlin, Phil' 'I`E tihattunk. Pliila Goo Shattuck, Pinta W R Colladay, Phila. 'a hos IL Huldar, Nita 1. AI Thayer, Pinta W Hadditr, Phila. D P Fairohild, N Y M I) DunmerWyoraing 00 K Jennings Conn Jam Cross, N Y D Darnel, N.aston W W Eatlialn, Eoftoll A K Shriven, Balt 0 Leger, P 4, ~ ... It B Markle, Haitletoti Wm Paoli gindy, N_J . J L Q_MinKown,_lT VI. fl James Flop, N Ii C Martinet Chester co ,Mrs Cary, Cheater co 0 W Canfield: N J Mrs Sidon & sister, N 1 - 8 P Galt, Conesto . ga valley Mrs Frances Galt, Pa II N Slaninaker, Pa B_llSlaymaker, Win Jas Lake, Del w I i Antrum, Pa D A Furey, Pa Col A ti Brodhead, PA W It Mack, Pa 'rhos Craig & VIP, Pit Richard Rear, Pit Mio&len Mblityan, N Y Jos N Goll, Conn W 0 Sheldon, N Y N Chasman,Lanninqlig,NY J B Proctor, Mass D Williams, bonisvilio ' N D I:limner, II I;riala BALD EAOLE HOTEL—Third it.. above Callowhill J E Schrosp, M Jersey Shore W Beitinyder, Reading W Beans, Backs co J B Manning, onts co J E Zimmerman, l'a JAI% Baß. ‘lualFertown l'bilin Besse, Jr, Di d Anderapn OaDqn, melon W 4 kimith.l , olol - to l6hA Smith, Bucks eo J Bareeter, Ititaoins ' MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third at., above Callowblll, ()Stroup Both, Pa JS Hacker, Lancaster Jos lateinser,_Lanoaster R A Slimmer. Reiglesville W,n Boyer, Freeburg Id ins A IVA Bride, Allent'n 11 Heckman, Backs oo • W B U bamboo, Buoki co J Le,dtgh & wf, Lancaster 800 Roffman, Lebanon John Shipp. Shamokin F B Ragman. Shamokin 800 W Wolf, Mt Airy C P Wilson, Jenkintown BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., above C(01010111. Wm Rayner, Pennaburg Moro 8, Watt. Lehigh 00 Chas Harper, Jenkintewn John Ranh, rennaburg Sarni Ott, Baulk Easton Miss t,tt, Booth &doh I) Benno tr, la, N C Mrs Clemens, Roadlng Leaher P. 3 Jonas Knorr, Low Hill 11.1 Harman, Reading- Vir Kline, Parlville Jaoob Hopple,Sionerville A Lookena. Hooka co I Jaoob K Hill, Bothnia Fa Wagoner Reading Amoa Boyer, N J Jacob Hutt,unineytown Tt Artman. Zionsville W eqta.O• N orthampton C Oreiner,Northuniberlso Charles Finney, Hartaville NATIONAL ROTRL—Sane street. above Third, Amos Davis, Futon J 0 A Rohe Md Ji C Kirkland & la, N Y L S Kaler, Phrcnizville J M Willett, Leavenworth J Brunner, ebanon eo P H Higgins, Reading Wm C f o rrle, York. Pa C Ferrow_, Pa T Clark, Lancaster Pa Thos W Edgar, Espy, Pa Jacob Kandla . , Ashlan, 0 L Mall o ry, Chteago, 11l B L Raudenbush Pe, W R Brown Easton Mies A C Jortesla , M A Smith, Stoinirt, N Mies Brunel, N J EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Raoe. B Boyle, Pa Jno T Burton, Nashville fiedgeg, Brooklyn Jim L fibers', Oavonport Lewis Beating. Ohio P Rose & VII, Pittsburg Id re W hl. toott, 'Wash Mica Scott, Windt P Chesinan & fa, Bait R MoKtipStr. P B Jno Ed Iverson. oston ft P Parrish, N Y Ezra Potter, N q it pall & Ittai C IA LI goldwoll, Ty y Jes - Pieloe, Phis& . Ezra Sampson, la 1 , , Irinthrop, Boston Jerrie. 8 North, N V yv_ V Baldwin & son, Pa .l I. * Wilson, Goshen, N V IV Bayeratothlotimi A B Bayer Bethlehem ß B Pryer. Etatniehom A Bonder, hilittin J Wilkinson k da, N J AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut et,. above Fifth, IR W Rirgs & la, Cambridge W if, Cathcart, Bait J H Humes, Fa A B Marvin,Di y Dr N 0 Sheppard. Va 6 RainsdellJersey Shore W Crosby & la, Wash D O P B Billings, 111 John Montgomery, R 1 Mrs N Martin Pa: 'l' J Barton,Beit A B Thurberliroy, R 1 W H Fish, Prot , R I 0 W Widtake , Pa .1 Smith, it I ' P 0 Bergen, rooklyn Bli.Trinp, Mass Iludointi Wont, N Y i it Rngers, Va W Miles & 14, N J P Wilson, N y i ti l ia thyinek, Winchester 1 Bil.'ny lor, Va A Cur Is , 00l Daniel Curry, Del W L Coen, Wrath]) 14 B Phi man, Del Dr TO l ogors, Del Rohl A Warden, N V BARLEY SHEAF' ItOTEL—Second et.. below Vine E L Flint, Keaton W H Loden, Stroudsburg A K Bowman & Is, N .1 Jos Watson, Hartsville H Morn., Willow Grove John Sharp, lia W Kitahin. Book, co W M. Kirk br. la, Fe .1 V Heeding, Hatboro Jos Blockhouse, Attleboro Urlah Lards N J B Fi l anney, Shan W W OtaY. Va. 4111 Allen, ,V) 8 Buokman, Newtown Jail 'miner, rooks co D BaDertiWail,l3tle co JOH{ C Bich, Bunke on NN Aticitison, DOW' Won .1 Ryan. Book. co Barred, Ilue aco I J Johnson, N .1 L Baliet, cc J J Stachboune, Doylestown B Nelson, 'Hartsville B Bunting, Bucks go 0 1)11toon, DoyD)Htown BT. LOUIS nolluz-obeenut su, ay. Tbi rd. W H Jones, Philo. w Cowin, Lambert v, N J WII Baker, Pyla .1 Faun ket D Eames, Phi M 1 . J . Yoder, Rethlshom A C _Perim. Inching. L I B Pasoan Flushing, I, I A 8 Reynolds & la. It I II \V Reynolds & hi., N Y . N S Allen ti la, N Kingston J 13 00tIttY, Pottsville .1 W hada) , , Galena, 111 Illi t " lffii i ji, li l il r iniond, Vs. Tl 7 Brame*, Phan It 7So infield & let, N Y 1, M Crumb hi 1 - F Rose, N J W AI Clark, NJ W T Rose, NJ MC Campbell,. N Y W S Folder, N Y Al Johnson, Ball T I) Sullivan, N Y II Johnson, Washington Jae E Bell, Beverly, N J M Rogers , N J It W JOnes, N J 3 F Parker, Camden, N J G A MoKinstry, Clifton Li Moms, Camden W M Barber, Pe J THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. J A Patterson, Pa Jos Butler, Mauch Chunk A B !alderman, Pa Wm Hill J C Mulford. tialem. N J W Hailam, Penninstpnv'e J N Anderson, Rending Miss Emily Evans, N J. 'Curtis Evans. N Edwin Eddy, Minersrdler Evan Ev ans. N J W aleonne, Pa W 111101108 p Zanesville 1p 11 Wes, Conn STATES UNION HOTEL—Market at., above Sixth. H p La u lt . r e n ‘ o: j' i h n i l o t .st Jer , V& D ° c ia ,S B o t r e a p it t h t e e n ,.E . a N I t v i more Plitt,'Harrleburg 1) Detrick,. Wyig Mao e, Pa T &wan, Chester co II Innf r r t .gir? , c a litaville, Pa T C , ornelic. Phllada Thor Mc Nllnn, Altoona W MoCleer, Atlantic City W Wadi!, Leityobe, Pr, Jar Dinwiddif,Pa Col McClure, Philada stietta. Pa JS 'l' Tsylor, Wilde:l,N? 0.4 AlAs k , Is,Treatoa Tilg ilitlgS.-1411tA1W,LlitilA, WtriNESDAY, ilmsteAltY it 1860. /FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Market.: 'l' T Sutton. Delaware Wm Pratt, Del T 0 Tram, Del II Denney. Smyrna, Del Mrs Manlove, Smyrna P J Bath, Del J Pratt. Dover, Del 'l' 8 Aaron, Camden, Del W E Sprnanee, Smyrna . Col Demme. Phil 8 I, Bentley, N I' 0 W Hunt N J F C Fitton, Md UltnoTaalellledn lanre e . u nA " p, vt, Wrn Guln, ureeneboro 1' JDoughten. e uel T Duektnaster, Del D 8 Homey, Del II 3 ft Smith, did A H Hudson, Md T 1 0 Latonly, Smyrna O W Warren, Del A Hay den, Del WEI Donkyne, Dell II Doaky e, Del W It Carlisle, Vol . ..1 Cannon, Del , S Pennevllle Del A Curry, Dol' i'lr it o i ll ed k d a e r ri i , " br G W Somer. Del It P Collins, Del F A II) att. Del W II Emery.,N Y T Hunt, Phila. .1 W Worth, N .1. W A Jonk, N J JONES' HOT El.,—Cliosniut at., below Seventh. Thos O'Neil ,__Clifton ti A Moirenstry, Phila .1 C Cooper, Wheeling, Va J F Randolph, Pa A Pramt, Pa Ii Priest, Pa J F nailer, nth 11 Sellers, Pa Mrs A Hollers, l'a M1 11 14114 ° PIC " ' Vi F Hansley, N Y H Berlin, N V A Mansfield, X i VI COMMERCIAL, HOTEL—Sixth it., above Chestnut. J Seen r Delaware no, Pa J Umetend, Pottatownl Hougitey, Phihas D Hume, Chester en I, 81taryless, Pa B H lielfsnytler, PhHada F Jones, MO J B Duukett, Delaware ccl MOUNT VERNON HOTEL--Seeond et., above Arolb J IL faille!, Carbon co Nen F Nixon, Bridgeport Theo Rolanwas, Heston OMelchior, flit Pleasant H J Hues N J W Lower, Horihnui I , Brasier, Bloomsburg Miss 11 Brasier, Pit Jam Armstrong, Mil T Watson. N V 0 Dufresu, N lr II Bonen binder. N J A lluokonbluder, N 1 Jacob Blakeelea, Pa J R Smith, ra J hi Lyons Pittsburi SPECIAL NOTIOEB. A NEW PHRENOLOGICAL CLASS AT THE Cabinet, t 22 CHESTNUT Street. These lectures wilt embrace comparative development of the brains o animals, health, disease, temperaments, form and quality of brain, signs of oharnoter, the di ffioulties and olajections to Phrenology, and the application of Ole Science as a guide to business, matrimony, management of oliildren nod the general duties of life, and will be illustrated by casts, sculls, and portraits 01 distinguished persons. Tickets for the course of ten lectures, Members of former classes, Si. To mitre seats apply immediately to J. L. C APEN. Jell St BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCIIHR.—WhOOVOr re troubled with Coughs, Iloareenese, or Sore Throat, will find these '• Troolies" a must admirable remedy. Indeed, at this season of the rear, those nt all inclined to bronchial oemplaints should not be without them. They are prepared by Meagre. John I. Brown to Son, who, an Apothooaries, rank among the first in this nit!, and are sold by all the principal druggista.—Boston Ammo/. Jas-thetu-St HIGHEST PRICHIUM AWARDED AT THE Wontn'e FAIR, LONDON.—JI.IIBB Halle te Co., No 701 Chestnut sweat, Pinta&lplua, ettablishod laid. Manu facturer, of perfumery, cosmetics, transparent balls and shaving soaps; liquid Ow dye, and Jules Hauel's celebrated Eau Athenienne, or Hair Renovator, also J. Hauel's unequalled Eau Luetrale, popular throughout the world. Importers end Wholesale dealers in Prenoli, English, and domestic perfumery, fancy goods and druggist's ar ticles, shaving, hair, cloth, nail, and tooth brushes. combs In al! varieties, etc. Ja7.l2t ONR PRIOR CLOTHING OR MR LATEST Srnu, made in the beet manner, expreiely for RE TAIL BALER. LOWEST selling prune marked In Plain Figures. All good' made to order warranted oldie faotory. Our ONE-PRICE System is etriotly adhered to, as we believe We to be the only lair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., sea-ti 001 M ARICET Street. SALAMANDBR PIRN-PHOOP SAPSS.—A very large moor talent of SALAMANDERS for sale at reitada. able prioee, No. 301 OHEST.NUT Street, Philadelphia. aultt tf EVANS *. WATSON °ROM & MEWS CILIBUATID NOISILIBI FAMILY 6411111111-IAIOIIII.IIII. SHANG N 0 SAVING FUND--NORTIIIVRIVI 'COINER SECOND WI WALNUT kitreOla.—Deposits re ceived In mall and large amounts, from all °lessee of the oommunl ty • and allows Interest at the rata of five per cent. per annum. Money may be drawn by *hooka without Ica of In emit. °aloe open daily, from 9 until $ o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL i Treasurer and Seoretary, CHAS M. MOB RIB. SINGER'S SEWING liAornsio, N 0.2 Sewing Machines.— No.l Sewing Meehine5.......—......... The Family hewing Machine, A........ The Family Sewing Machine-- ... 1. M. SINGER & CO., No. an CHESTNUT Street BARRIS' BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINA. IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. on-em Phda, Opoe, Mo ARCH St, Agents wanted. Wrist sa & WILSON SRWING MA9MNIIAL —ll.itedelphiakOlfwe,StS CHESTNUT Saibt._ . . . Merchants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOVNI` as by the Company. Branoh offices in Trenton, Plow JIMMY, and Elston nd Vleatohanter. Pa. asli-/m SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAWITY TRIM OOMPANT.-011110104 by Oa Mato of P011M1Y3,13116 RULES. I. Money le reoeived every day, and In any amount. TlAlVlAltlFUENTaaiWiktitlitdinfinoll6llliii the day it is put in. S. The money ie always staid bank in GOLD wh it ia nailed for, and without none*. ' 4. Money ia received from Rzseut ors, Administrator!. Guardians, and other Trosteee, in large or small acme, to remain a long or short period. 0. The money' maimed from ilapogltors Is Invested lo Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other Amt. ohms asourtties. O. Office open ovary day—WALNUT Street, itouthweat isomer Third street. Philadelohlre &OS SPENCE—hIMIARTNEY.-0 the :Bth November. 1869, by John U. Wilson, V. D. It Mr. Deo. b Immo apd Mary Jane McCartger, both of al ts eits• MIIA.F.B—PETERI9.—On theth instant, br John 0. Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. George hillier end Alias Jane Petera, both of this city. LANNINO—DII.DINE.—On the 2.1 instant, by John 0 Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. Jonathan hi. Liming and Mee Anna Dzidine. both of this oily. CM3BADT—RANDOI,I4I.—On the Slit ult., be Row, J. B. McCulloug h, l hlr. Jame' Cannily to Miss Derriet W. Randolph, a I of tine City. • BLACK—hto 81i.L.-00 the 140, tue he Bey, Chimp. Cooper,. Mr. itotto,Tt O. Who* to Mile Klte hloNeill, both pf ,this RethitlßlJ—HQ DPW 1,1..—At Camden N. J. on the Slot The Kt R. —lame, Mr. Witham U. Hap ge Miss AIIOII,II.QUIWeII, Vl to CKIAO3—Ki,DP h: It N.—On the 24th ult., by the Bev. W. Cathoart, Mr. William Vieters to hitss Jane Redfern, both of Philadelphia. K RI PH—K NATO v.—On the ZOth 04tober, by Bev. Jo seph 11. Kennard, Mr. Cleo. .t; Kripx to Miss Lonnie Kenton. both of ihiladelphilt. REED— .t , -Cia the 'soi 'natant, at Norristoivn , by lloy. T. Jl,tdo 'Phonier, Mr. John 1). Reed, of Phil adelphia. to Mtge Mary A., daughter of the fate Win. Niter, of Woodland Home. Radnor, Delaware co., Pa, • CESISTIAN.—On Months' rporet es, SiAl natant, Ellen C. daughter of the tete Vete; pliristotn, Esu. Her frionde end Ilia friends of the family aro invited to attend the Shia ral (without further notice) from the residence al Mrs. Norm N 0303 South Eleventh atreot, this Wednesday I the Ilth mat. at go'clock Y. ht. • MAY.—On the loth inetaut, Mary Ana May, aged ti years. Iler relatives and friends aro respec tfully Invited to attend her (tunnel from her brother e residence, 1445 North Eleventh street, on Friday afternoon, no 2 o'clock. Fit:4ool.—On the 10th instant, OIL Joseph Fervour, aged 66ye I re. His trtends. and those of the fund), nre int itod to attend Ma funetal from his Into resittenoo, IVn. 217 Booth Front street, on Friday' afternoon, st 2 o'clock. 11.• . - CRIFFS.-8114, thinly on the Bth instant, Mrs. Rebecca Grippe, relict of the late John W. Grippe, aged DO / enrc l'uneral from her late residence, Tammy road, on Thursday afternoon, 12th, at I o'clock. • • McCRACK EN.-On the Bth instant, Solomon Mc- Cracken, in the 96th year of his age. Funeral front the residence of hie eon-in-law, Ma thew Thomson ! 1716 Burton Kraal, that (Wednesday I alternoon, at 1 o clock, HAFE.-00 the nth toetant, Elizabeth O. Had, an the 81 , 1 Year fif her age. I. imolai fulfil her late residence. 8. W. earner of Bel• grade street and Columbia avenue, this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. STOCK.—On the 9th instant, Frederick Stock, in the 80th year of los age. Funeral from Ins Into rosidenne. No. 407 Buttonwood etreeLonThureday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Vl* simrsort—On Bth instant. Sarah. wife of Jamie thinpson. Funeral from her late residence, No. 238 North Fifth drool. on Thursday morning next, at 10 o'clock. • • 11111,1,11'8.-0a the Pth instant, Mrs. Margaret Phil late widow ot Jonathan Phillips, ag Davinynare Funeral from the reeidence of her son, Kitties, 1356, leaver, (late Union) forest, below Belgrade, Ken einston. thin( Wednesday I afternoon, at 2 Wolook. • PH E VO.lT.—Suddenly, on the Bth %natant, hemline Elizabeth. daughter of John J. and Ellen L. Prevost. aged 3) ears and 24 day R. Funeral tram the residence of her enfants, Frenklin street, ntot e Frenidord, 23,1 ward. this 19ed ncsilay,I at. 2 o'clock. VICISERV.—Ontha Bth instant, Mies Emma Goidelia Vickeiy, aced 18 yams. Funeral from the reeidenoe oilier father, Benj. Viek. err, 2132 Jefferson etroet, this (Wednesday) afternoon, "3. 1471 8 .—On the Bth instant. Jacob Snyder, in the 73i1 roar of Ins age. Funeral from the rexidence of has son, No. 636 Twon ty.third street, near Goatee, this ( Wednesday ) atter •noon, at 1 o'clock. Mb 111.118 A .-011 the 9th instant, Annie Aluithead, nged 71 years. Funeral from the residence of hor eon-In law, Mr James Lonna, 8. W. corner of Eighth end Wharton el mete, Ow( Wednesday) atternoon, at 3 o'clock. * PAULLIN.—On the 6th instant, Sarah, daughter of Charlem nnd Maria Ann aged 6 months. Funoi al from the residence ol her parents, N 0.757 560111 Sixth Erect, beton' Fitzwater, this ( Wednreday ) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. McDONOIIOII.—On the 9th instant, Aire. Elizabeth McDonough, aged CD years, wife of the late Michael McDonough. Funeral from the residence of her lon, 1231 Eleventh street, above Girard avenue, on Thursday morning at fl)o'clock. DARKER.—On the 6th instant, D. Mortimer Barker, in the ed year of his age. Funeral from hie late residence. No. 2119‘Jellerann etrant V i ne ( Wednesday) looming • 11 Welook, GLf TWOR'III.-00 the 7th instant, So Ida L., re lict o the late George p. Glentworth, in the 58th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. No. 911 Mount Ver non street,t hie f Wednesday) morn) ng, at 10 o'clook. OBAKL.BB.—On the Bth instant, Mr. George Charles, literality per, in the 36th year of 1118 age. Funeral from his late residence, 1407 North Eighth Street, this Wednesday) moraine at 10 o'clock. Tftfhlalk.H.-00 the Bth instant. nom Belleville, Ducks county, Pa., litre. Martha A. niter, widow of the late Edward Trimmer, of ?tilled', plOa. The funeral will leave Hartsville his (Wednoinlitv) morning Tao relatives and Mende are invited to meet GM Mr. E. Grattan% 015 Pine street, this afternoon, at o'clook, • MOURNING MOUSSELINES DELAINE lb CENTH.—BEBBON it 80N hive redgee 10,0000)nt Se of imported Meek end White Mousehte Detain. wordy la oente. MOURNIN9 STORE, No. tat 0111.S1 NUT Street. BLACK TIIIBET LONG SHAWLS.- Now in store, a full assortment of Lupin's Black Veldir Opli k ns e , B 4 4nw e r sii:' Velour Hem Mousseline de Woes, embeeiner„i e. BESSON SON, eteuratee Store. dill 808 uIthaTNST Street. LOST—At the Annual Meeting of the Mereentito I.lbritre Assooiation. n BLACK BEA VER CLO VII OVERCOAT, supposed to bare been taken in yetake, The finder will vloato return to $0 NAREE'I Street. 1t,31 PORK. -295 bbl,s. Mess Pork, of New Jamb Oleo, end Philadelphia enotor, for sale by 0. 0. HAULM{ & 00.. ARGlLStreet..lnor othrivr. Front CODPIBII.-500 qtla, Extra Grand Bank Cod Galt. In store and for male V A CO., tllll 121 end 121 tglittill Whereas. AD LIQUORICE—For salo by WETII AIL , t6 BROTHER, 4 1 and 69 NORTH SE cAn9 1,10 AT AEDI7OND NUMMI. 130 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ititAgnicv. READING RATIAOAD noNnlo,—TO THE 11 . 0/1 OP E TILE EVNIN(I JOURNAL [-T E 1) AN a holder of the bonds of the Readies fbail rpad, company, matitritur In 1870,1 ennimt refrain front signifying my uneitahnsd disapproval of the proposition made by the managers of the above road for the extol mien of their lbansinaturing this year. hen the bonds of 18 00 fell due, they were Wed to 1870. with the ex- Prelim underitandiris 'that the loan of 3.400,0t1e rollers maturing In 188 Q, sheuld be pa d off, and the loin of le per cent. was then to boooino a first mart:tart on th e Tood. It was with this' d int net onilerstandonor that te holder' of the loan of 1880 consented to the deferment of their claim. I want to know what better prospeotwe have for the payment nr these tonne twenty years hence than we htve nowt Why it tli 4 the company }leveret pro vide a einhinit Ned or the redemption of their matu ring nde, Inn lead of spending the money In ditridepds, anoin uncrresscrity fa ire enfant improver:wits ? lithe Company insolvent, why not say so, and let tt go Into the hands of a Receiver 'lt once I very much fear that this eventually will lie the ease. Perhaps it would be better that it be done pow, than later. and let its impita) be out down to eorne thing like its tree value, as in the ease of the Williamsport nod Elmira and Catawitout routs. I strongly Illlireet that the proposition for the arrangement Wile 1810 loans has been made more with a view pf Istlater ins up the price of the stook t of which an English holder rs. Sold to represent some 0,000000! than thr any Just eatilement of the maturing wilds. As one of the bondholders of 160, I think there ought to be some prompt and instant milieu taken by them to pro tect their endangered interests, and I hope some promi nest one, nine:isms, will take the initiative in tine wel ter. jt seems to be the polio' of the Company that sullioient for the day is the evil thsreoe," and that they will go along ewimmingly until the next loan ma titres, when it Pill ho ample time to take care of it. I, for one, think wo ought to fore the "mete now, and if the debt, cannot be pool, let the road be sold out under the mortgages. ' January oth. 1801. hlt'l L. rr BANNEKER INSTITUTE.—A STATED mooting will be held TlllB Wodueoday EVEN ING.IIth !net., tit Thi o'clock. Annual elortion. It J. C. WHITE, Jr., Ben. arOFFICE PIMA TUN RAILROAD C E PLHIA AND TREN 'OMPA Y. Dr:r.rn lA, Jem . my 10.1801 .1 the Stockholders, held on following gentlemen were Directors for the ensuing 1 . 111141 At the annual election of MONDAY. the etlitnst.. the unanimously elected the 1 leflr: Vincent L. I.lradford, Edwin A. Stevens, John R. Thomson, James S. Green, Hobart P. Stookton, CEN t W a T i ! a . it n i A ti t D lp i r wayec t R. THOMSON, Treaaurer, tary. it • William 11. flatzmer, Charlet. no:Wester, • John Dorranoe, William Cook, Shloven, Williamtl.Freeman. • • • ora held the Etna, day, YIN. a °looted Prtaidant, JOHN and J. MORRELL, Sacra- El= I R 1 - . FAME I NUANCE COMPANY, NO, 406 cliEsr UT Street. 'IIILLIALIII A, January lath. leed. At an election, eh! on the 9th inst., the following gentlemen were oleeted to serve as DIRECTORS fur the entwine rear: Samuel W•isht, 1). B. 'limey. Wm. W. Walter,. 1. W. Evorman, Chas. Itiolintalsoit,„ II Lewis, Jr.. p v ei,v il e so t T W a e v ii s t, • Jacob W. Stout, Evan Morrie, Thomas S. Martin, Monk° Were. And, at it meeting of the Board of Directors, held thin day, the following gentlemen were unanimousy elected OMeers : . _ . . _ _ • • GEORGE W. DAY, Pr...lent. JONATHAN J. EiLOCUAI, Vice henlilent. Was. L BLANCHARD, Flecretarr• frrTHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, PIIILADELPIIIA, Januitry 10, 184 At the annual meeting of Fincklifilders of this Com pany, held nn 9th ;away. IBC°. the following gentle- MOD were eleeted Directors for the ensuing tear : P. Ratchford Start, Wtlhum hleßeu. Nalbro Frazier, John ht. Atwood. Benjamin T. Tredtck, )lenry Wharton, Mordecai 1,. Dawson, (Norge H. Stuart, John H. Brown. R. A. Pelinestook, Andrew IL Celli..l. Livingston Erringer. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, hold Ong day, F. RATCHFORD STARR was appointed President. Jall-Glif CHARLES W. COXP, Secretary. gAT THE -ANNUAL ELECTRON OF the West Chaster and Plidadelptla RaPrond h:ld at Media, on Jan. 9 WS, the following offi cers were elected to serve (or the ensuing year. President—Marshall B. Hickman. IllanaKers—Zo- Ow C. Howell, John Fallon, Hush CraiK, John Clark, Samuel J. Sharplese, Samuel Riddle, Abraham Pen nell, Thomas P. tlibbonta and William Apple. It KrOFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, foto. 4( ll CHESTNUT ST.—The Boanl of Directors have declared a dividend of three per cent., payable on demand, out of the profits of the i,ompany for the hot six months. NV. I. BLANCHARD. BOO' . - WOFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CMPANY. O.) ii Annual Meath:ix of the Stockholders of the Philndsichinard Mindingßailroad Company, held Hoc gm 9, 1869 the following gent amen were unsnonously elected Officers for MU: VIMITENT. A. W P HI TNEY T . , J. DUTTnN N lI WN EE LE. 14kNACIIIR•. J.purroti ST. A. N. BORI CHAS. MACALESTES. WM. SELLEHs, ROST. KI6I.T"N. CHAS. E. SMITIL . 111E4sthER. S. BRAIWOHII. szt WM, H. MpILHENNEY. By order, al() W. H. MoIbIIENNY, Seorehry TE Fltii.Ani I TON,U aNuaav AND 9. A GTD III—J B the Stockholders. hold Till sons were unanimously 'ole; suing year: mstnuet M Felton. Monona' Robinson, Wm. Littleton Savage, John A. Dunonn, Jenne Lone, beoph Dringhurst. Fredonok A. Curtis, Edward Austin. At a meeting of the Boni DAY, SAMUEL. M. FEVII od President, isrut .41.4.515 F Treasurer, Ala it ELI.III.t, NV 1,111iN(J. MORE RAILROAD CO3I - E t ) h A o v en t triblia w is i t n init of toted Directors tor Jon C. 01'00111e, . Cohen, Jr., Thnnine Kelen, enlittnlm• O'Donnell, Enoch Pratt. Donaldeon, v. • (-mow, rd Of . Direntors, held THIS EVilfVtiW i ll n grr u el i n r r: lect d ALFRED HORN AR, " Beoretarv. %E PHILADELPHIA PITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. Jan. IVO —At an IL n het thie day, the 19howing gentlerrlen were duly fl eeted for one yer^ L. J ete OHNBuN lneNT. . mph:Tone. CHARLES QAMBLOB, CHARLES WISTER • JON. M. COWP4 , R. F. O'§:1.011, f . b e, HOWELL, JOB, P I OUOMEAD, Chairman of dtookholJete. WMERCHANTS' FUNO.—THE ANNUAL eeting of the MEROII A N DP FUND SOCI E. ill m be held oITiEIiDAY AFTERNOON 17th In - Man!. at 40'0100 . .. at the Rooms of the hoard of Traded:4l49l44T 1.1 Street. The an nal report will i la*R2" - --- ' —.--4 211E1r; Wit . eralarr. MEilltST-DAY OR SUNDAY.SCHOOL SO. CIET Y.—The Annual meeting of the Society for enton of ottmers will be held on INTONES!) riY next, Ilthinstant. at 4 P. M.. at No 1122 CEERTNIIT titieet. . ALEXANDER KIRKPATRICK. 410-21.. Secretary. _ __ fr• — • A NO V ELTY IN RUI LOINS} soiciE• _1 7:1i...0N4 OALIIATER TO TERMI NATE I FOUR 2 FAKR.— armed Wleeting of the REV iNTII wr. DECROR I LDIND AN D 1,t,h.,N SOCIETY. will be held "on TR D /MAY EYP NINO, the 12th net., at Di &Ova. at Mr. Ward's lintel, Ni.... A p C n ILE . R I, R. the h s e t r i t , A i l . , n e a tLo o v r e ;I h ' o b I: stook. for , t e, u u o o r Pe p [hie thettgr to tar superior to any of ... pr .d 000 .," ".. 12 .... e ti:;i r on c' OI having intorporated In it 111 NIT .- : IA ...ualiie improvement; not founittln any other be . 'society. 2, , 11 per cent. which is ;t s. interest roll °l.Raf;: . i . i on the amount nelually loaned, iced annua lly by deduating or allowins in terest bn toe amount paid In on the stook. The Comm.. 'talon And Ily-lawd are now ready far duatibution. Call and exam.tia them and ROO ft.!)ouraeh es. e harem $ 2 per mouth. A DAY H. DIETRICH, President JOHN WI KM A It. ocrel . S . erl Pilo 31.• gIWIIIAT'S THE USE OF POETS :"_ 7in E. T. REESE, J). 110 of Baltimore. on this Fla. btle . Oa First methodist Protentant Church. EI,E vENrii wit WOOD Streets, on THURSDAY NINO Jan 12, at 8 o'clock. Tickets SS cents, to be Lad at the nookitores. A splentlia teeter°. lase tiTINDIDENT WIDOWS' AND SINGLE W 0341011 OM ETY.—The annual 'fleeting or Ihvety will he heir& at the Asylum T (MEER) 81. below ERET II lEENT, on 'lllll RS DA ' next. January Inh. at 13Oolook noon. The Sepia off the Managers for the_yoar, which has closed, will be read by the Rev. Dr. JENKINS, who has {myth) connauted to preside. Jalo-It* UTAPPIaVVrION WILL MIDI H MIDI FOR the renown tU % of Fontaine sent, No. 7e2, hlerr,tntan In trery fit Which hem been loot or snislma. rele-3t• MREV, 11. (RATTAN GUINNESS \l'll. l. preach this week ns follows: This ; MONDAY; ING, at TM o'clock. In Rev. W. C. Johnston's Clutch, Fraskford Road, ;shove Frnnklin; on WED NESDAY atd FRIDAY KVENINGB in Res. Gen. Chandler'. Ciurch, Franklin avonne, alive Hunter street; snd ortTUESDA Y. TII taisDAY FATUIt- DAY EVENiNtiS, at al o'clock, in the Ron. Dr. Wy lie., Broad, haluw Spruce street, ta9 et • COMMONWEALTH INSUR C ANE: COM PANYOF PENNSYLVANIA. VIM COXIIONWCALTII Hull t•I:.0. Nn. 613 CIILSTNI r drattar, Philadelphia, January 1, Plea. At an election held January 24, the lollowttla Ranted &antler:mowers °boson litrentore 01 this l'onuAny for the arming yens: ItAVID JAYNE, M. 11„ JOHN M. win ent.t. Jill' I,hWtti, Jr.. Alt NV. LVANd. ' RM. AS S. NTEwnit'r, WIN M. BUTLER, j rDWA lilt IL li Npiirr, iIIIN K. NYALlit.ft, STEPHEN etfUIIEER. CHARLES L. PAM:ALL, And'at n meeting a?the Board of Directors. held this day, the following were eltuen i'ffimerll of the Compa ny : DAVI D POO RE, M. ll..l'resltlent, JOIIM. V. RITA (AL, Viva Prosulent. SAMUEL 8. IMlJON,Pectetary. Jae et U.. 3 ~ QUAKER CITY INSURANCE 11:031- PANT, Oftlce,llß WALNUT Cltreet. rIIILADILTRIA, Januark ) 3, ISO. At a Meeting of the titockholdere of the °invent. bet this day. the folkwring named thlloere and treetore were duly elected to serve for the °Minn ) OCT. viz President-OEOIIHE 11. HART. Vice President—E. P. R0: 4 8. beoretery mid Treslot—g. H C,00(1.111A lA,. Aerustrect beeretai7 H. ill/TI.F.R. DI tECTOIttiI rierwye H. Hart, E. W. 11 1 / 1 118• • F. P. Hose, A ndrew H. Chambers, . i. R. Coegallall, Kost erti'e nB?P'ileir'kins'Flamini Jones Hon. H. H. Fuller. -t- jab GI EZNITIRRIES` 1103111±.—THE PIIILADEL• PHIA LYING-IN CHARITY AND NURSE: TY htte remorei its Nurses' Hoke to the Routh west corner of WEAN and CIMR RV litteets. Jab-lutw.6l AT A MEETING OF TI IVY Otk- Wid-41LPINIAZETIVII2VAN M .gi'Mil-, hold 'anuaty 9, MI. the Yol'owine Imo Mooted at Prondent and Directors for the year entitling • Pr cadent. THOMAgi L.WOOLBTON. Dlntotora. Jones Cooper, John Ely, Harry Connolly, al. .% Mereur, Andrew Mclinde, N. J. tooperroo, Eey o rr in t'. n Andre we, Win. IL Sowals, H. R. Coag alien, James Magee, Jonathon Brook. At a rneettng of the Donn), held WSIIIO dlt , DA tiny coNNEmoi wee elected Trennurer, and DEN Itl* till a RWOOD Nieman% into at oFFseE THI , 2 PENNSVILVI,I COM.ANY FOR 'MURANO , : ON LIVER, AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. . PIIILATIKLF/LIA, finuftry 2, 18,30. The annual meeting of the So,eklioldere of t hie C 4 ,11 1- pony will lake plaint at their office, WAN St. on MONDAY, lath Instant. at 12 J.dolock M., end . et the came time an election will be held for thirteen dOOO - for the amnions year, .18.3-18 t. WILLIAM IL lIILL, Actuerr. OF 171; 115 — A I ET) COAL COMPAN ,:t10073 WALNUT Street. rule, Don. 14, 1059. The Ann,oll Meeting oe oldeja of this Coin ttilfl4llettirtlet, iL ( i, ' ,l7,; , (TArt u ,VAg Election oi fficers to serve the ensuing' year, Weil Miler porpoeep. J, HENRY SWOYER, - tutlt&Wit tlsoretnry. 92N OT4 4: E Cile Cott run, ov THE Runde of the GREENAND COATES-STREET 9;;NUER RAILWAY CO:11 PAN Y, due Januar, It, IPAO, will he petty',,t _preoeututtuft at the office of the Compton, 423 WALNUT Street, ou orut otter that dote. ',moo MARRY CONNELLY, d3l-etukth fiats Treasurer. THE ARRANGEMENTS ARE SO COM plate HVIMF.I2`3 Pbotogranino BE COW Street, above Green, that you eye care 01 et en pence waters w/thout en) 11111100010111) delay to 0011 Inc. 11.• ROHR & DAVIS WASiiiNd:IIIACIIII4I for male hr r LOWNI AN & 111011111 W Alanufao • weer., ST STIIAWIIERI4YIIIrour, Philadolo , irt. Ity thia innomne a week's wash of an OrdiIIIITY•4IZeiI can be done before broliklad. It la equal le ea - malty to four Hund r e d s eaves at least pet vent. Iu wear, and tear. of them hro row 1180, and the demand continuum'. exaunne Coll and 1 17Contr 412:viara No terms. Prioo o maQhlne Rh ay Srowi., A N lIR In E. - 37 STRAWIIIOIItY Skeet. B _ RIOK-MAKIN4 per the elay, and ntakeme Jre t' btv Brn`k Pro"... Ttlo Machine., Clay AY node:Qin> Spade', and carat en Inc Coal }Witt', at C. CARNFI L'l3, IiFINANTO4 le Co Road, above Fifth Str eat. WILLCOX & GIBLtS' SEWINU lq A 'l49. LET.—Tho serond floor of the New Store, N 0.112 MARKET Street, weld vatted for Conenietnon or Jobbing believe!. Sew tow to e.", toble tonsnl, je•itvith it" NEW PUBLICATIONS. MoELROY'S PHILADELPHIA CITY DIRF.OTORY, be ready for Sub- Beriberi, T 1 itl SIORNINU, and will be delivered ill' sous as possible. Fisch se are maim' to procure early copies will please send to my °Mee t S 3 South SIXTIIArreet, A. McELROY. NEW SERIES OF FRIENDS IN COON elk Friends in Council. A series of Readinre and Dis course Tberenn. A now soma. 2 vols. Religious and Moral Extracts, front Shal.speare. 76 Ibe Book for You. Hand-book o Lifeotinal eceipts ; or, U.lelul Hiram i ll Every Day 39 cents. Hell- Help, with Illustrations of Character &nil Con duct. By Hsoluol Smiles, 16mo. 76 cents. Nelll and Her Friends. Illustrated. 60 cents. Sir Holum's Most. 17mo. $l. Compensation ; or, Always a Future. V. Fur 'Wel Jsll l WILLIAM S. & AI,FR,EI3 MARTIEN. No. 6421 CHERTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS AT HAZARD'S. TER WARDEN. A Navel. By Anthony Trollops, author of Dr. Thorne. Paper COVIIII, 38 cents. BARCHESTER TOVtIERS. Same author. E volat Va r PL 7 .( S 47I!" . PtiIVATII LIFE, and other Tales. By Wilkie Collins, author of The Den/ Secret. Paper, 3d coots. SEVEN YEARS. and other Taloa. By Atha Kava naugh, author ot Nathalte, Adele, au. taper, centa; cloth LO MISREPRESENTATION. A novel. By Anna H. Drury, authoress of Friends and Fortune. Paper, tO cent, TRH VIROINIANS. Tauohnits Kdttion ; at:tinplate. 4 n ols. Paper, Also, PAW, MORMIV'S GAMES. A selection of the best Dames played by the distin guished Champion iii Europe and America, with Notes by J. Lowenthal, in one vol. 12mo. Price 41.26 c aralhw o l i t i lhallian i qi n tiVANDAßD AND Mill ais,' an elegant clock of N ' all ' aND LETTER PAPERS AND ENVELOPES, on which initials are stamped without extraohnrite. I:IAAIDEL HAZARD, Jr., .1111.31 72,4 CHRSTN UT etreet. . • SHIPPING. STEAM DIRECT TO LIVE& . POOL, oalliog at QUEENSTOWN'. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam- Ship Company's ardendid Iron Screw Steamship VlOO, 1,e68 TONS , Captain 1111killitlUtlE, wil Januar ym Queen street 'Wharf on SATURDAY, 'I Ist at nine o'olook A, M, Cabin engage SU Steerage.. SO For freight or paying° apply at the Mae of the Com pany, Jell-411120 10a WALNUT Street. JOILN 0. DALE, Agent. HOLIDAY GOODS. a HOLIDAY PRESENTS. e iti • We loive Suet tooilived & new and beautiful assort_ 'Tent of WATCltAfi,_ JWELRY, SILVERWARE. tisleoted expreistly for Holiday Yreseaut, oonalsttnr part GOLD WATCHFJ3. SUITABLE POE EITHER LADIES OR OENTLEMEN. Borne inlaid with diamonds and others enameled, eta°, WATCHES SUITABLE FOR BOYS. Alio, on hand. a beautiful easortment of DIAMOND ,lEWELIty, Of all lands, at reduced prices. Diamond, Mounted in the most Diamonds style. Our style of Setting Diamonds cannot be en rolled in this country. Our assortment of Jewelry amine:me the following: CORAL, MOSAIC, PLAIN, and FANCY JEWELRY of every description, suoh es Gold_ Nook and Vet chains, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Gold Thimbioe, Panel% Tooth Picks, ArMlets, Loets, SILY WABS. Silver Spoons and Forks ; Pie, Cake, Butter, to Cream and Fruit Knives • Preserve, Sugar and Berri' Pones: Salt Cellars. Nagk4n Binge, Card Case' an Silver Sets, °an f nife, Fork, and Spoon for children. with an ondlees variety of goods in our line. whi ch we will sell at reduced mines, Gold and Jet idraoe.ets of all kinds, of the newest de- Gold and Silver purchased for cash or taken In exchange. !lease oall and examine at 1,. LADOMUS No. tel CHESTNUT Street, F. P. DUBOSQ, 6: 3ON, Manufaotureta and iliDdrtaill of JEWE L R Y J. S. JARDEN & BRO.. blanufooturo TA and Importer' of SILVER PLAT'S') WARE AT FIRAT PRIOEB: WATCHER', JRAVELSY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE The above, Wholesale hfanufaoturers and Imposters. find that the reputation of their warm' hits extended be• loud the male of dealers, to such an extent that the 081111 of consumers at their COllatuipr¢pMgoannot sleet proper atontion. The edvsetege to them, as mantane- Wren', cif direct acquaintanoe with the wants and tastes of individuals parahesing for their own use, is too appreotated to allow them to neglect the custom thus offered. For the more ollovenient olasaifiontioi end display or then. CHOICEST STYLES. too T We fitted up the NRW STORE, No.lollB CHESTNUT STREET, Where they offer at FIRST PRIORS, everplescrie• One of JEWEL Y, in DIAMONDS. R LB, STONES, COLD sad omelets. stock of al vER and PLATED WARE, of the &MI pUlaktr. lECES or 9EIB. A full assortment . oVNOtlitil antlllit BW WAITAKI of the most celehrate tnalire. will in the oars of F. cormuNT RICHA U. to whose skilful chugs our oustomer work can be coufidentlr entrusted. dl6-1m WHOLESALE ROOMS. 804 CHESTNUT ST WARBURTON'S lON CHESTNUT fitrest;secoati mor e a hrm. 306 South 1113 CON D Street, below_Sw•••• m—crariv — rri - IF. T 4 O DAYS REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETH, IN RittlssELs POINTR, BRUSSFLS APPLIQUE, VALENCIENNES, IiONITON, ant MALTESE., A FULL ASSORTMENT OF REAL THREAD, CAMBRIA, AND ADENCON VEILS, COIFFURES, AND BARBEd. A so, A FULL LINE OF PARIS litdbaOtnxelßS, And ovary dosonphon of Laos by th• yard. . . WARBURTON'S RIBBON. LACK, MILLINERY,and EMBROIDERY BTORYZ, 1001 CHESTNUT Street. shove Teeth, dl/Ud and 3068. SECOND 8 . 619 . 110 w SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON da SON Invite speolal attention to their stook of lIILYKR WAKES, which Is now unusually large, affording a va rlet, or pattern and design unsurpassed by any bowie the United States, and of finer quality than is seginufs'e lured for table use in any part of tire world. Our Standard of Silver Lo 935-1000 parte puts The English Sterling .925-1000 " American and ,Fronob 900 -1000 Thug tt will be seen that we give thirty -lire Parte than the Amerman end French own, and ten parts purer than the English Merlins. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being consieoted with the Refining De partment of the United Mateo Mint for several yearsore guarantee the quality as above MS), which is the .1 4 . 4 / 1 that sae be made to be ',Trimble, and will resist the action of acute winch bitter rasa the roamer' , Siker rieititfatltired. WM. WILSON & SON, U. W. OORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY LITB N. 13.—Any fineness or Miser utanutsotured w screed upon. but Po:ilk's:if wows Wirier re Roach aid Aland caw standard. Dealers supplied with the nine standard u used in our retail department. Pixie Silver liars, Pin-II:03 farts Pure. ooriateritli On hand. suit-ern GOODS FOR THE SEASON. BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT WARMERS, BLOWER ST.VDS, MITE WAERS, HUT WATER DISHES, &v., &c,, •T INN HOUSE•FURNISHING STORES, NOS. 991 AND 1218 CHESTNUT STREET. JNO. A. MURPHEY 'ft CO. pRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS H THoivii,E) 4 . : 4 4 .lrL , HA movirit ., lB? . ,i c i lin lu ll liir sti l t iv t. 4 1 . 1101 off " . ` , Speou Ditrgalialtn B" t'— ittlk Ittuctto St gate, h me Q nail tr al Blanket Shawls. Misses and en 's Chi Blanket Shawls, Onntlarnen'a and ,ta . lll,Awli. CLOTH CLOAKS! OH hAT VA RI I v.:Ty : FannDreas Bilk,. Esoe ant Blank silk', e .toh muted Memnon, Q Lama., Valenaieta and claltnaeor. BLrE 'TB, FLANNI.:Ldi, LINENS, and MUSLISS ' loth., Campmates, ll ud Sattine tot, I arsaillea (Dillta,_calipo,Onntrortablae, ko., ko, Oantleman'a SilX Mitre., Cravats. &a , ) 1 Linen 'D1111'1..01" osonw . p . Ipi pot tation. at ' [ . B l l " l l l,Y ,l f ‘ r . ybil l' ii. & ii:' ' Mner EIGHTH and RI. li . A R: ' WE 'UV AND BELL FOR CASH. dll IVORYTYPES AND PLIOTOGRAPLIS MEM 1-lOLIDAYS. It ii wall koown that the moat el tont, artistic', ohnota and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHN AND IVORYTYPES are produced at hf oCLEES' No. 696 CHESTNUT S'IItHET. Hy the late reduction in his prices. COLOR El) PHOTOUR APIIB, so distinguiehed for their eupenonty. can now be pro cured at as tow rates es °Own fvrnt.h as Oribigary ar lute for. PLAIN PHOTOORAPHS. SILOS. Me GLEES, 615 CHESTNUT Eattmr, BELOW /Ha ENTH dl2-Lt GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JW. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win • 0 1,..ter & goott—c F:NTI,EMV,YB FURNISH INCL wrott I.: and elltlftT MAN UFACTOR Y. 914 g oo llF.STNUTlitteet,Olearly opposite the Girard H ousel W i g. would teeneet4lly mill the attention of his former patrons Veil t_tioi new store, and is pre pared to fill or 10 .11 11 rs nt short notioe. A eeriest fit guars . Wholesale Trade supplied with hoe Shirts and On an. tell-1r HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER on n Farm in Delaware county. 1.:x(,416M amides and azmulenood Groom. AM, No. WA WALNUT Street. aanond Marv. o)4f JAVA COFFEE.-1.000 pockets prime Java Coffee, for We by JAMES IJRAIIAM & Co., I,ETITIA Street. VIL AMMONIA—For sale by WE'I'II E,R11,1, Sc BROTHER, 41 and 4 NORTH SE COND &rent. pod lAL SODA—For sale by WN,THERILL & BROTHER. W mul sa NORTH SECOND MOO, JAW WANTS. T _ o HOTEL KEEPERS.—SITUATION WANTED as Clerk or Bookkeeper, bp a Tonne man. HU as Oil naive travellms not Gallitano. South nod West, having been rive r number of 7 ears clerk on fire,his Misiussippi stearnWet. Address 6.1. Press Office. WANTED.—A Young Mon to Assist in in the counting room of a Jobbing Home. Also. a lad from 16 to 16 _years of sit, to learn theibusiness. Address MARSKT ST., this 0160 a lall-31.• - - QT. LOUIS TEN PER CENT. INvzsT. hIENT.—FIFTERN THOUSAND DOLLARS wanted for Ave years. by a responsible parts. on mort gage of handsomely-improved propisrtr, centrally situa ted, worth more than double the amount. Interest notes payable semi-annually to rtilladel . ploa. 3NE Apply to N, It` N 0.129 South riEVhNTII Street. A YOUNG MAN, SMART, ACTIVE, and industrious, wishes to procure a situation as assistant bookkeeper, entry clerk, or salesman' best city references from former and present employer. Please address A. Z., this ollioe. it' BOOKKEEPER WANTED.—A person fully coinpeteut tot aka charge of the books of a Railroad Company. Address, for three days, box No. 1341 Philadelphia Post Office, stating reference. and salary. 4a11.3t. IJANTED—A respectable Young Man to Board and Room with another /ma companion, in a private family. All the comforts of a home, with the use or Piano. Location Second and Green. Ad dress filood's Dispatch. with reference. Ja9-30 WANTED—A Situation as Porter in a Dry Goods or Notion Nouse, by one who him had experience in the business. A eference from tact employer. Address " Clifford," the office. ja7-St. WANTED—In a Market street Store, an active, energetle young man a. salesman. One who can command a Slx-months trade. Address DRY GOODS, at Preis office. isd-ltt• FOR SALE AND TO LET VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD PATENT . RIGHT FOR in A L patented. Call dou ble the Investment in A very short time. Parties desi ring konnftivnnin, territou_nteil_ not . apply. as such is tilremit sold. Apply nt the MOUNT Vk.RNUN HOTEL. North idECOND gluier, or Address A . hioNAMER, Easton, Pa. A PLEASANT CHAMBER ON THE third floor vacant. with board. at No. ISIS WAL NUT Street . 1110-6t* %IWO SUMS OF $5,000 RAM, AND 82". t°l°" on ET.VaItIACCIaIIIT4I6.I, Jalo 3t. 244 South TH IRD Street. TO RENT—Three kores, $3OO per an num. Ari t:7.EARNELL. GERMANTOWNCac,jetIItr. isl-St• fro RENT—A large third story room, .K. El by 46 test. Apply to O. CARNELL, GERMAN TOWN Road, above Fifth .treat. 40-at • Ifi PER CENT S —We have for sale paper • 1 -‘ , mins 10 per eent. per !Leman. secured Py deed of trust upon hrat-olase pruperty to St. Louie. The nt tenhon of capitalist. deinnegante investrtlnte Inv,. RAKE, WESCSITL it D.. te klm IT South THIRD Street. MI HOUSES TAVERNS, and STORES, MA Beal Estate of every &seri piton, for sale or to rent. Apply to MAt . MUM'S. Real tate Arent, N 0.227 North 8 'COND erred, In L. Toon', tr. Co.'s Bee4l Stott. All orate will be promptly attended to. Feillsh, French, and German spoken. Collelior of round Rents. L t ARMS FOR SALE, ranging from 20 to 150 gores, in good localities. on easy terms, FARMS for root, •S from 10 sores upwards, HANDSOME COTTAGES and DW L LLINGS for Rale orrent. Apply to .R. x CORSON dl7-skrir Ina tiomitown. Penna. FOR SALE—A Valuable Lot of Ground, threelrtbrloo- reatwzeer irto, lvii suitable hwim lai: itaahtn:rlg;-w stiir ha rvvibTg re ~ 0a,E..0i 0 1 t his paper. noetf HOARDING. BOARDING. -A Very Fine Suite of tire or trio momuniontirur rooms, on *semi floormith or wi bout private table. Addreia, ROO-vie, janll tuOutte 1 Box WO. Pills. P.O. EDUCATIONAL. the FROST .t (E D OA of , school for girls o. from'Pto fleas. of aie. it h tl o ef e Asi l dense No lid ft , HITII FIFTEENTH Stroet, on Mon• Jar, Feb. id, PICO. tlhe is permitted specially to refer 10 the folloirtaf 'anted gentlemen : J re h n u r g EnrA l N , wi • V: l44l ;t l Z l,e rfa i " jolt-61* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. LITTLE eic STORES Have this day associated with them JOHN F. BODINE AND THEODORE A. MEHL, And will continue the IMPORTING AND COMMISSION iIUSINEMI As heretofore, et N 0.2217 CHESTNUT street, under the style and tale of LITTLE, STOKES, & CO Refemng to the above, we tempeetfullvlnvite the trade to ea exammtionot our Stock, which will embrace full and complete asrottment of FOREIGN DRESS AND STUFF GOODS, Together vrt th the van ,productsoll THE PACIFIC MILLS, PORTSMOUTH AND HADLEY LAWNS. We elm II•va AatitsiiVe Alleflei for lk 4 Market ti( JAMES BLACK ACO.'SCELEBRATED,PRINTINcrs, In addition to which, we would call your attention to a complete assortment of GOODS SUITED TO MEN'S WEAR, ~nuud,nL IL. r. rirws % dig of BIOLLErS CLOTHS, CA AND DOESKINS. 'hiladelplns. Jan. 2,19 CO. lal myllm LIMITED PART N I P.-NOTICE IS HEREBY 01 YEN. That the Butssoriber• fo•emd and entered into a Limited Partnership, under the preemie. of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Penney Iranian 1 hat the name of the firm or partnership is William D. Edson. and the g ener al nature of the business the Manufacture and Sala of Boots and Shoes. That Wil liam D. Edson is the General Partner. and John Faun dens mid Macpherson Saunders are the NF sal Part nem, all residing in the City of Philadelphia. The cepttal in cash ooptritaited by the Special Partners ts Ten Thousand Dollare. each contnbuting Fire Thou sand Dollars. The Partnership commences thisTENT lf DAY OF JANUARY, IMO. nod is to terminate DE CEhI BER 31,1361. WILLIAM D. EDSON, JOHN BAUNDritt ral Partner. MACPRk.R.dO: 4 SAUNDERS. Special Partners. 101-dew January 10th,166). THE FIRM OF S. D. EDSON & CO. HAS been disiolved by mutual consent WILLIAM D. EDSON will settle up the busineee of the old firm. The busmen of the Manufacture and Sale of Roces and Shoes will be continued at No. IS North FOURTH Street. by WILLIAM D. tsDsON. under a Limned Partnarahlp, this day formed tpataaan bun and JORNSAUNRRNS and MAC PR ERbON SAI'NDERS. SARANEDSON. WILLIAM F. D. EDSON. January lath. 1380. _ tall lin_ OP A RTNERSHIP NOTlCE.—Robert BUM his this day aasomted with him his toe, Robert Bunt. Jr. The business mil bereaftar be en.. dueled under the firm of R. tultrr & sort. rtyln.. Jan. 2, lea). talt-St• nISSOLUTEON OF PARTNERSHIP.- Tle partnership heretofore existing tinder the firm of Whl SPOONER. Jr.. & CO. a this day Me soh ea by mu tual conwnt. Wm. Spooner, Jr.. a sloes authorizod to sign in liquidation W . hl. SPOONER. Ja., I. I. STADIUER. January 10. 1300. tall tt CIGARS, TOBACCO, Acc. EST A BLISIIED 174)0. . FUER I,O BLE, AR Q L SNUE'r Rt. TOBACCO KA_NuFACTURRII, la and 10 CHAMBERS sntEET. (Formerly u Chatham street. Now lork,l Would oall the ire eclat attention of firocere and Drugaieta to his removal, and Mao the artiotain of hie maautioture, viz : DROWN BNll , l`. Ma tt ' e r klippen, Coarse Rasp.* atimitoosen. Arne noattaiktleeme. GOV4alistoo. Yr. LOW LOW 1:113FP. YOUt SCotelt Yreeh Boota A. Irish High Toot. 'reel' Hone) elf Atilih dco. Or Loody toot. Intotio.o. VINX CUT CHILMINJ, 1111101L4J. 1. 2 I'. A. L. or plain. Jato , eat, 8 posilsb, .. V l4. 1& 1. niiiV l 4e k e l t i n T ted Orin . mom. Kitsfovt. Tin Foil ' eavanda h. Pura Tartish. §. ( ritnCe ( rt u ir e n . er li atle s i e n nt or /-t i g whioh will be found a imperial' artiole for dipp n or pone'. an & FIORILLO, 12$ NORTH THIRD STARR!, kayo for sale a law eapply of CIIG AR 13 (110 titiSs HAVANA BRANDS. TOBACCO, SNUE'I O , PIPES. Al'. AGENTS YOR +JAIL d AX, GERMAN 8:110)(1140 TOIiAIICO AND CIGARS. 00.11-Wai JOB PRINTING. 18=ZiMi= "THE PRESS" 1 pripare4 to oxoosto sootlf.•SMpll an 4 sairiatticAttil PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL riwirtria. rltAirilLE 11, YAPYR 1100115, BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIYrto:4, fOBTURD, HANDBILLS tenting for AVCTIONEMM LAWYXReI. t4F.RCHANT 9 , MANUFAOCURERS. MECHANICS, HANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCR SM. AS orlon tart at tali Pat Mambo Of6oa of TA. Pr,,,, No. 111 CHESTNUT eritsxr,val In proinytly 4414.4 to. Jata-tt livt,„.N2T;sTßEE.,:rir..Te A. A GARRi44 I , I ttage Manager ___..._........ Mr. E. P. KEA H. Stlatatial Agent.— • ~Mt../GS. D. MURPHY. THIS I WEDNESDA Y) EVENING, Jen, 11, MEDEA. Medea Matilda Heron ; Inuthe, Mr& H. A. Porn' Jason, hi r. L. R. there!!. To ewnolude with the MuhlEr4Tol:B QUESTION. Robert Shelly, Mr. L. R. Shewffil Rachel Ryland, Mrs. Duffield. orirTrices u usual. Reats o p en a t without extra chart*. poor.. open at ai 0 . 6100 k ; PerfoTmanoe to oommenne MYWaxc.. i'IIEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH • RTRI:ET THEATRE. THIS tW VON ENDAV) EVENING, Jam 11, EVERyBODI"K FRIEND. Mr. Featherly, Mr. Wm. Wheatley. PETER WILKINS. Peter Wham, Mrs, Drew; John Adorns, Mr. Dot pan ; Nioodemss Cravat:oil, Mr. Clark &ALI 01 rt l ic 'Es. — Admisaion. m cents; Secure] Resta in Drees C. 70 8.3734 cents; Parquet. to cont.. Doors open at halt 'put 6 o'clock ; performances to commence at 7 o'clock prectsely. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT St., above Eighth. D. McLaran, sole proprietor. Donn open at 6X o'clock. Performance to cammenca at 7) o'clock. ruts AFTERNOON. a Grand Day Entertainment for FAMILY PARTIES, When Ht RR CLINE will appear. in corounction With the Entire Company. To commence at 2 o'clock, THIS EVENING. the Grand Pareant of THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE GLOBE, ,The indescrnahly Mucha tite extravaganza of W.I. BUTTON, E. 4.!, Both Afternoon and Es ening. Also DAN RICE, the great Humorist, in new Commalitiss. THE GMNSUM. The THREE GRACEEL Y andn u nerocia other acts of Equestrian and Acrostic Macter Jul.m Wbitbr is hin WONDERFUL HURDLE ACT. Ilfor A Magnificent Spectacular Drama is in active Preparation. P lIIE EXHIBITION OP PACOE'S VENI,7B. Will At the Rooms 80? CHEVN UT STREET , cootnue till IitURSDAI next. Admission 26 cents. QANDERSON'S EXHIBITION BOOMS, JAYNE'B COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, CHESTNUT Street, near Sixth. THIOLION'S THEATRE OP ARTS. THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING, Will be offered the following elegant teenes The Port .f Genoa, Birth-Place of Columbus. Ac American War Steamer. Washington and tug Gese rats, Valley Forge in Mid-Winter, Rome the Eternat City. The Home cf the Popes. no..are trite TIIPINOGIUd. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. In which r. 0.000 Moving Figures are reptile ated—ta , gather with a. his-like Timor the General and tua Nar ita's. The army on its mar c h. MONKS OP MT, BT. BERNARD. lifter which the tent& =a= of the storm at Sea. The salutation ternunstllla with the-model view of the .1 0000 ter stssullahlw. the Great Easten, LnAfternoon performances= Wednesday and Saturday asts, aS cents. Children, 15 cent& rs open at 7. To commence at d. UIARMONIA SAORED 3JUSIC -ma. SOCIETY. CAD, ORATORIO OF T R EIE SEASONS. The Direetori announce the production of the splerdid ORATORIO O y F THE SEASONS, b aydn, ON FRIDAY EVENING. January 13. rE,'), AT THE I'iIUsICAL FUND BALI.. Great care. labor. time. and expense have been used to bring this beautiful composition before their friends and the public in the best manner, and the Solo parts are entrusted to well-kuown signers, harms the re quisite voice end ability. The ebonite, "nil be sus tamed .by the HA. Rl4O.Ni• members. tarsal" lac reaaed number,aea effictirpc•, Lunged with a WI 10 rot , erful ORCIIIUTISA, from the htt:SICAL FUND and 0 ERMANIf L OACAERT Rfi r d eN :tinder tDoche tbLa ..__ E FIFT 9 I I CENTS. Sitheoriptioni. at THBB.E . GoLLARS each, "rut re received at Beck it Lawtoini, corner of Seventh and Chestnut greets, ( or the Three Concerti of the society. lane CARL WOLFSOILN AND CARL HUHN STOCK'S SECOND CLASSICAL SOIREE ke poe on THURSDA ta Y Itt la h of lanturT. st the FOYER OP TEE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Pot prolnionnee and _particaLers, ran at the Mors Stores. Innate Tickets Ono Dollar. Caro be bad on toe sevemux at the door. Subaaribers are requested to ahoy their tickets. GAIETIES—AAOE St., shore SECOND. Ok 'AT BILL TO-NIGHT MOTHER TA GOOSE; GOLDEN EGG, with a east of altmoters not to to altutlod to the ooantrY• wn. • • • • • antaloon. arl= . D..• u ) Bo y Bi 1i Tallosa, . - . DANCING AND SINGING, AG Goimpany. WILL SjiOlti I he N Bk. rit onuceD I RREPAy.SSIBLE CONFLICT. TEMPLE OP WONDERS. Northeast bores: of TENTH ani ea: whirr Beteets. tirent and Novel Attraction. HAPPY NEW YEAR SIGNOR BLITZ, The wonderful tEssieisn and Ventrf'osedst. EXHIBITION EVERY EVENING DL'RINO THE WEEK. Corninsnoine at 73io'clock. and on WEDNESDAY and BATE HOAX AFTERNOON/3 et S. The caletrateA Automaton Rope Vaulter, one of th e greatest pieces of Nleobaniam ever exhibited, will appas r In eren (ton. and perform Ma netnmskung Admission 25 cents. Children Ucents. THE CELEBRATED PAINTING, P IsIN A, LORD 'l Drinn o i'OEM. inth LrOY'el YAM* NOTRE. THE PILGRIM FATHERS and 1 .1 210 R F T CTR R 1 194 Z" DNS , _m_the D u.Tsgr.noKY exrasrrroPf. ACADEMI OF FLNE ARTS, 13.4" CHESTNUT Street Open from 9 A. M. tns P. M Admumon 25 cont. pEIsIiSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. 105 CR ESTN ET STREET, t 1114 6 VAN DA I LY, I bundaye ekcejty.lo from ii =7:l7 ,: rl; , 3 , : e s i k t , volume of Ur 3. E terna Admutuoll 20 ems. Charon under /2 yea b.lf price. Metes of Stock eV. .22-2/ ERXIANIA h yr3Lic t> . mt.. it. AL 11- A,,",'446:' l A&Babeti ti t eeol k s j4 l0 (4 4:TA ' ' cket.. A nu r'.• *ad Bec k INSURANIciI COMPANIES - LIAM INSURANCE COMPANY, NO -11; 405 CHESTNUT Street. Pith_ADELPHIS. NCORkuRATED APRIL. I , :e. BY THE s. ATE L.F I I•::SNSIL% ASIA CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND XI-2 Samuel Wrlght. '"l“T e). l l3 .. B'rs,•• Wm. W. Asher,. J. W. Erertnam. Chu. Bohan:Both Henri Lea - a. 2 , • Ise. A. Wert. Jleeol, W.. T.. 3 0. Wilson basis, Elms Moms. Thos. S Martin, llerkko Eters. GEORGE W. DAY, Pres:dent. JONATHAN J. SLOCI:M. viza Pre.'l WILLIAMS I BLANCHARD. 4erstsry. - T HE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. - - INVISTID 1,11 UlteLT MORtf,,llll. OT RV.: I STAIN. WORTH OVER 113 6WW.). The nrOMIIIIIM ay* tow as thin in many mbar C—mta anss. and the Lhndends name Gana a t . This is a strictly Idrynat C , anyanr. ars t 3 Stoakholden. so that ALL Tii E. 1' RUM'd Itlol4 ro TOO Ilstati. Pisiph!eta, as,l every tsf,..nat...z.¢. L.A7 llitf. U¢ aPP/ , 'At.os F. RA LCHFORD STARR, Alia!, S. W. ourlar FOURTH and Vb . A LNUT PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE.S• Thomas %Ames. Jolla Wele'+• Monl•au L Dairsom, Os.orto H. 21.tairt. tlearil M. Stroud. t... E. Whe:e.... olmit B Myers. J,_Faier Lts:.^...! 4. ioreph Pane ries', w 'ham C. 1......T!,g, al:a M. Atlroo.l. krtlar OC.,S a. W l' Sl m i - 1 Lit'..-.- (»once W. To'...s.i. Taco. Wattioa.a.=-1111 B ONUS TO THE INSURER-THE 61. BARD 1. .. 19 , .!NmURASCF, ANNUITI. AND COAL I NAL 1 As the pone.] Elle testa his t., Wt Boual in 1. , . the I rct-eny tilt d•• addltton...l one. BONI. zt No. 4. 4 , 49 e , [..4-• , .1 it. t It Poltele• to force. whieh were • r a:x.r, I. lA3. Thuo.ll P.Lit Issue.) :oI J. h t- •s. 11+01.41de.! to tt• trot trlnted i-r eo-h issued to lilT t hsce !,e4 ; t.r. 17..1.4. • . or• 11 Ls Pt , iteletwhat .tr. 1. 1611 of Doesw.ber. IM s. hive 97$ viled he.. he. Latter se.d inve..:tr toms p . • pf‘ , porttons. 311003; lllVilnng an. tmre ate ,c th- tl mammal t be paid to the eoropaal• A Life Pol.!. therefore, of II Md. 0r7..e . .1 to l 3. tam - eased by t sad former &Janata to .5 1 oo' a boy of Its co) IA tneriolued to STAN; f larmaaad to 811j0Lvastlt will tw pe.d er hen lite:, /I C 41131 hp death. last/old of the $1 • 31' ISIMCISd ; the.. .. I. III! 1- cmseed from IX O S. th-we a'r creased to 811 U. fa sajitle9 to whoa. ease tea at., • e.met P.O op which s tutor* &CACI; Stet, on; say 1 . 3 3 : all other Life Pottelee alter they •• • aars s: .s.l peaty, and chili laYCIII• nit: a tZa 3.11 3rf learn. there will be ps.4 a icAlt• 1,7 •T•i3 Such p 101.1.32113 SAMS cilia 1.• th.3l 0.1. de :A - rd. By ceder of the Bosco, THOd . Fres ire Jou:, F. lartet..totahn December JI, taiTILE PIIRENOLOGICAL CABINET, ) E•r•st,iteo ST F.541.T.Z. WILI.I. kCc . fa oyes day and ercallag.f.,f tta ii. of ..S,,ki OA rnri.oloif. i'hy•toioiy. In ater-eure, A.:- . god foe PIiIIENOLOtIICAL F.XAMIXATIONB - =pomace of Peramoaxy title trua it of C...e: voting. Oa leeneetioa of oedipal:xi Pe." tooepat lee.. Indio setri depart:meat of pewee I.fe. Ls fe.1.g.r.1 s•- googrledieJ ol go tatchgest peemx• VG.) S.:* 14 VAL.n .- 114 .to ite fe,:a. Written degeripuots frost dgeglifrooteppa •t.. to sllt i i 4o. b 0 m111 1, f..1 tv , od vv , - gt_a rl.. ~.,,i I grat .hilili 1. CAPEN, No, 73 Cllft.aTN VT .tuteet. arioe..l secep, ill ergs &at! IN ..., Gllt,Se ela. JIES:citS. IitiSENTII3I, MORAL". frma Ems"-s-d. ensamiseturers of tee sw:eMeve.: .• Fantsdeomth - Sped*: ea, 117 tl tronase of the . ...tee ar.l ista , :twaer. et and their suservar tread spec., .4 t The ea'all.:e advantage derived in - n can s tmnt - stead of ramors becoming streamed. he te.l. wth tem.!. and in numarthat eases senoney • red.ll ;71L e • and stressthened, essrythoth at oath. -tit:: =_'a - ST and tellbant. and eery aged pethots are ostr-ed t e ‘- tL y lLtotg all at tips most M, Clt* .X:1; •.-: eta tan see wan tt,..• -e-ase - s meetttas 113.11gmfyip, LEA they Co Sat. r (h. frelitlitat . thAnpla to MI Clll4.lrVill IlEo4ta ct tal r powerful asiguitance. Certificates elm A. ate n at tie elth o,Br Mt Cmrd• man's Mom rag C Ss r Street. ad.-te=es a* , sloes Plaotherards rooms- .LI.S I MORE ,PROOF OF THE WONDERFI_;L t t e rA FM. i gs OF MONLLI. AA M ER1C...L . 4 HA-It Pall. LtIL tHI4. Serdlliber ra.-, Isn Thle is tO CI if[that i was tALI for many year.. az; Illa recommend& tc try )oaf f ir and tat.r., r a ocured th ree bottle.. us e d It 3r art* 1.3.7..n.t. Wt...] Li oaabad in, taut to ;parr. a& LiLo . 3.3 . 160 out As..te ta W k bere. yet Il I s evrAt-t,..L1 r . eMnRiNF-`,. 4 . Nie. $ North 'nun! emu CIRCULARS, Pa abrti.rmA. Sestaiiiter rib, pit.l Mr.). F. XIONS,I .S.F.--.`•rne trine !1t.... pp~str cornipqnell.3 (char rut,. F.r.rh so. ttst_L , of [AA ; tut hstrttr of tae te4fu purer of yOUr EfplTTltili TIS izdwesll,.. C., sod rjtar *slag otil hair of it Illy r, t rf ceased COMMIE Din, but commenced Trlll:o I 0,1 nor thurk s mut o( lLr u e f t.--,1- 1ACI). -1\ ANS. 1134 La's rry For sale by T. 11. PETERS t co . Soto ere'. ne CliEsTl , lll' street. P111,1404h... 811.1. it EA U 9 SLEIGI.I BELLS. Strappl and Loo•E•e Tool Willi. eTtert•,SCSe• *53 ve ,S4f 541.1414 otutap. . VC. lila C. SyN. .114-6 t• ARKET Bc. r,;0 , 10 Pfs:Arr.r. LADHI4. • 111ACKEKEL.-660 tads. Noe— 1,2, and Mackerel, In aaselte.l Ornd.r. a! restates. cf atedt catch. for at.* ty C C. 8A D LES k AR, I trees • Fr.,r. cat Ciik.ArLS't 11 INDOW GLASS in towr at VICV9, tt. R. rettin of EF.VitiTH Ls , 110P70 ."1. ISEMEMEI H>.l ANA CIUAW", —A full Jut: rece.cej..a WI! St: t ,,, 1 Ts, cf a itt i sto Iltruhl. V. I , k No.AS eocctil FIWNC El:es4 '4 k . 4) , 07( . .re, • - 1, 3 , 0v,.. AMUSEM M. Hernn4t s. see 1 C l= l .s . . miss Marts. DEAF AB A POST /ores: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLAR,'