The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 07, 1860, Image 4
iVintat i jimplAjf, th 9. ,VO l / 4 1.40.1044 - , . ' Priiiihiiiiiii34finitary 6, 1860. I Tlfifltlelika - .- Y,43)tirstriatltaiM, , - aliefatvi \ ilA , fitiO4 'itlgiits OftleOrtr l / 4 1 0 JO .Prixl4o.ll . :4'elstriiitit'lliiteDi ersiterytriob. Biiigeli* :›filit* heift , i§4l4.o44)o,P licd.' WheatPriiiis aro Tither:bettor.: Pornislower'and Ives astir,. 41iiii tiolitinuirs,'sreadj. - &ells dull. Oarteri:-., the marieSie;firmer, and rather Mere no. titi",: Oo'ffee; sugar' and ifolasses are' hold:with firmness,. but.thereleßtileiorniehiolt of.thalativ i falai:4o'6: - Fleh'remainAithit bit firm. - Fruit triIPIPOPAYO , I r pdee aro : dull„The ,Iterlia4ket isintirenielzquiet. Lumber, as usual, aktists sea? gab;i 3 O,4l. Stend 7 still. Naval $ tons are quiet,' tn. Spirits cfTurpontina r prieeisare firmer.„ Pfeil , ter is uneliinged.. In Provisloaa there is - ve'rj llt gadding'. „Rice to dull., There Is 'lto Baltin Brat . Icsyrils,mnpld.: - ,:filt.xershid, lain gocid donnead et fully filly foymor quotations., , TalloW: and Teas remain as last ,quotedi Tebaireo is quitit.-Mool ‘is held flysaly:hut,buyers are holding:Off for the itaettin' sale. Thi Dry deeds Trade, has rmt ePetwxl , yet, ' bifilarile a good foolitatilis4e market, ard. the; stooks of el kinds are fall and complete, betiding' lintug nowAnd„destrabla i stylsa of rds, salted for epilog trade.'.,,, , , The Breadatuffs market is Unettaidged,'Arid there j t ák, bio .0 -knot hotness only ' to - note this week;, , the demand for Flour being. quite ; reederetkeedo gals ; Bales _ oomprise . buly i about., 15,0003b1s iii lets at $5:50 for straight ItaPerilno 'at,, which rate it la name 'arid wantod,"ls.l37tall l for extra,. andiss 4510.50! for atria , fatally and faiey, lets -as in' quality. the, ,market Closing, quiet bar very firm at these figures; the sales , to ,"the trade have also,bein limited a t, the above rates tizirsiVl resifiavind Cairns, and $5:5047 per, bbl for tesary brands. 'Rya Flour IS dull and lower, and 'sheet' 150 bbls Fold at $4.25,per - bbl. ' Cern” Meal lirbiiif little ,Inqttirad for, and'Fonn. Neil is holdit F3.T5,', per bbl, with sales of 400 :bbls to note at these fig- The follirellig Are the inspections of Flour And Af cal, f9r lit) week ercdiog, J,eroiary, 5; 1860 : .' • • tilebairels or superfine. r.'.—. —. ..:-......"- 'BB pie 0r , p00rfine....,.....:,.. : . : ---...---: Melo "- . , - Viiiiiiii'..'::::::::.‘-',.......:=7,7::,:.: 23 4 ~, :,' :r80 1 13 . 41;1:: 7.: :::::!::::::::::::.: l At _ Totol.:—: , --.-:-:..-4- ......- .—,.... Mtn W.ur,ai,—Thii oferings aro very light, the bulk or the steak here being Limited above the views of buyers ; sales 0t , 10,000 bushels fair. to 'prime red are reported at 133a1313e, chiefly - it, seine small lots of white at 145a150i: ltysi,"oonfee„ in slowly and the demand is, moderkte, - with sales of 3,000 bushels at; 925 ibi - -Pennsylvenia. cora kria.been request; sales of 12,000 bushels Perin Sylvania and Southern yellow arereportell at 70a $OO, the latter for prime dry; lots, and ?Nab -for: white, closing less arral.Old'yollecr 'gold at 920, 112 6toisP,Qate, are, in fair 'demand ealee of 7,000 lit 440 co: Delaware, and,154400 for Penn the latter rate .for -heavy Oats. • Barley' isle steady dematel' at , 80a8.30 for Naw?York, mud 8541121 for Canada; Barley 'Malt-brings . -9041000 per bushel; the latter on time... - • • - tßaortatottr.-..,The stukaof -all kinds are light, but supplies it:rabbet:intim to come fotWard freely frouithaWesti and the market at. the close is firmer. The,. demand for Pork is better; sales of - 200 bbls rheas at 417a17, 2_,S short lime, the latter' rate for new eity-paoked. Mem, Beef sells in lots, as wanted, at $13415, and. Western at slo.soall:Dressed Hogs are selling at .$0.+50a7 the 100 lbs. , Bacon—There hae.been more demand, and verylittle stook to operate in ; sales of hams itt• 1412 e-for. plain and 'spay auretti Sides at 931110f0, end shoulders at 81a as, on time. Green Meats are'begianlngto oome fiiiward morn freely and meet with a fair demand; sales,of hams in plokle at 10}a10/o;eides, in lots, &tillage ) and shoulders at 745731, 60.days.,Lard= The stook - . iat•eiy - light, and, Frees firm -• tulles of tee intibbls atlOiallfo, and kegs at 111a120. Bat-, for continues dull; soles of solid-packed at 1011112 o; Obeese at 103h11o, and Eggs at2o3 per dozen. . Is some in airy for Pig Iron for future delivery,',but, genbrally at figures below ie views of beldam; end no,Oontraote have been repented; 'Alias of 300 tone from etoro ats23ler No: 1'; $22 for No. 2; and $2l for No. 3, on time;' Charcoal Blooms are held at $05;•0 Months. • No. salei onsetob Pig ; Bar and Boller Iron continue last quotod. Lead—Thbre is little or no-stock• intiet binds, antl no• sales have transpired ;, we quote - Galena at. $5,85a5,90 the 100 lbs. Ooppor • end Tin are. qttlet, and prises about-the same as lastuuoted. Ban K.--Of -Quercltron 'there is very little offer! Mg, and it is held witit.firmness; a sale of horse. power ar $26 per ton; the last sale of fine-grotutd was at $27. There is rib Tanners'Berk offering. /ICES WAS is in good demand, with aisles of yel low at 34tt31i0 per lb. atuntne..-•Sperm end Tallow continue dnii, * the former at OA and -the latter at 12a130 per lb. Adatnantine ac t in fair request, and farther sales have been raude,ler lots to go out of thamarket, at 17352 1 11 per lb, SOL tenths. , coat,.—Ordors are seSroe, and there is little; or none ehippingfrom Richmond, the inquiry being oonenecitolue-wenta of the' home; 'trade; prices, however, romain,wlthoutehauge.. Nothing doing la fittuminoustOoal. ' Correa continueaArm- Balm of MOO bags Rio are reported at 10fil/ie for common and prime quality. There:hatreUen no further arrivals, and the stook , ie light..- • Corros.---There is a better feeling in thomarket , and holders are Arai at thdadvanoo noted at the olme of low week. The manufacturere, however, pur chase sparingly ; sales , comprise 1,30 balei Uplands, at Ilal2o oath, the latter rate for strict middling fair, and llfal2io ort.timo. The follow: , " jag is the prop movement einee let September": 5180. 1859. 1858. - 1857. Rae:. at Porte.... 2.143,0 0 1781.000 `,31.051,200 1,408.4.0 Ex. to G. Brawn. WA 637, 0.0 t 531, 00 312.0 X Franoe..... 194 OW 219,080 111,008 , `other 1 porta- , 95,1170 ' 131,008 ' 813.M1 HMO Total ear0rt5....1,109,000 819,000 MUM Stook ota hand„.. 9.58,040 - -712,00) 6.33,000 695,000 4 440 wrack during USe poet ;Foot*, included in the' above: Bea. at Porta , , 231,007 . 148,04 102,000 /48 COO 6 0( 1 1 '! caber 1. roots. JUDO MAO 7,01.0 -'ll,OOO T4telexoorfx.... 111,01.10 93.0 0 0 • 40.000 50.000 /Inoue AND 'DYEa are gatut,.. Among the solos are some white Sugar of Lead at llo;.brown'do at Ito; East India Castor Olt at 9541000 ;' Cream of Tartar at 290; Oil of Aniso at $2 60; -And 88da. Asia et,2la2ie per lb, 0 months: ' • Tnere have Inert no arrfrais of Menke rot Aral the stook is light—:aruple, however, for the demand; the inetrlirym only lop store lots at $l6O 25 00 firr ,Pro, 1—51da14.24 f0r1i0,2,,end.59.50e o'ls for No, 3. '-Pieklid - Herring range from a to $3.60 put '.libt. ,C6dlitt -eominand 43.76 - for IN lbs. raurr.—The,sales of foreign tiro -Only in a smalk way, from store, at full rates. ,Domestie Fruit is' in steady demand. Sales of , Green Apples are making at $2.50a4 60 per Uhl; dried do at 6latio, as in quality. Bala o. unpaved S6a10o; pared at 1211100.,,a0 in Pegraun9 aro dull; dales 'of irOod Western at 16a450-per lb, - „ „ FREIGEITIL,—TO: LiVerponl ',there` . not much' doing atnolkthe enga gements we nottee.loo tons, mostly Provisiong,'at 26s par ton i) and 2,000 bus wheat? fa Shlppere•bags, at ed per tts.. To London we - quota at ',25s per too. The Morning Light is receiving freight for San Franettoo; at 32a33e par foot. In West India.Fteighta.there is some move meal f)l'Veisel on the berth for Bayonets receiving freight at 1260 per, foot, and 750 per blot out; a yes= eel, was chartered for. , Cabe,' south aide, at 400 per 100 lin for Seger. To Now Orleans we quOte'vtt do; Mobile n,t 100; Charleston and Savannah, at Oo'per , foot:' , The Boston paoket fates are at 27e for flour: 'lnfer grain, sane for measurement goods, and 8245 for"iroo..ln Coal Freights nothing doing. attranno.—The market is 'hare _cf both, Crude aid Mailed, mid they are nieoh wanted. .• sewn is Over:l4l4 Pion; Is nothing doing in thole - Vitale.. • • -, •- - • 1183IP is extremely qnleC there being very little stook of either foreign or domestic in Aria bands.' Idtur,s aro held firmly, bat ho further sales have vernal/n(l9r our nodoe. . . LnArnenc—Thedemead tor Slaughter continues 'attire, cad the market is - nearly.oleared of stook. Seenittieloio; the supply IS ample and'prioes re main without change. Lunca.—There Is but little dqing in any do seription, and thers'is noehahge to notice in,prioes. Idousses is firm with a lighteteek 'to operate in, end about,2oo bbls New Orleans sold' at 620, from the.wharf on the usual cre dit , whioh is an ul t., , Navar.,Srottas oentinue inactive; email sales of Nu 2 Rosin are making at $1.750.80, and No.l at $313.23 per No sales of Tar or 'Pitch'. BOW - e'er Turpentine eulls more freely at 46a451e per Kano:L.- Ott.s.--Sperm is bent at $1.45a1.80 in.ossks and bble: 7,l o inseed Oil is firmer, and sells at 33a57e as 10'i:14(31(4d. ' Winter Lard Oil to steady at 00a98oi , Visstereßld - 011ooteteands 670. - • In/ports of sporni and while oil, aid whalebone, - Intil tho United litatol, for the wook ending Piedra., bet 23; 1839 :" „ • , • . Wee. wh. Ss. bane. tcal larth'evreels I,3st . le enottsly.,. ................ MOM 1,873,900 t ren.Tan;liO dato:.../39 110,M7 1.1173,000 nYGa9rca —t Mere is g l lefoffetr The lasi eels' of Sots-was at Ea 'per ton. "- , • . .Plait in unchanged, and there is very little In.' talles" casks medium quality at $4, on • 0410 la betel firmly, but there have been no fur titir'arilyalinr sales the wash. • • • • SzeDS.—bloverseednistits a good inquiry at Tull previous rotes. with saissof 2,..500 bus at. $5 1:6.37i• for nommen rind good, , and, prune quality—niostly • 5t55.26 per be. There is 'very Mae Timothy of fering,' and ft is in deruand at $2 40 - se be. , Flea. *ea sells onarrival at $1 30 bee. -'- sflarts. 7 —Foreige is drm bat quiet at previous grtotallons.;. Rani ie gelling at 37e. -- Into key is unchanged bat dull; Sales of Ohio ,bble 214710 ; Petite do at -2ifalifo ;:hhda 25 3 2 3 t1," and drudge at 244441, orating at the former ratevi Sasso.-The want ofiltec r k i rand,the higher rateS imparpfell'hy holdirti*,•have °booked' businees, end the mirknits quiste with anis - 0(130 hhda Cuba at 1460111.52.. • Refined Sugar* era' higher, and Itel' Orleans at $8 73 the 100 lbs, on tires, • - TALLOW is unonanged,..aad - olty jails s. 10io - per i , _ Tees are firmer buquiet at,quottitieue, .Topsobe,—Very I& UL tieing, and; the Market Othe:um - 6' for both iesfand •• market cotithiittlif,verg quiet, the tiatoufaeturerrand deetets waiting the :oat of the Alpine enetlorifiales; -a few emelt lotapf !IRO 40eoo" h!lira iialW void lit-10805e per l trl net: . r • DOINGS e Olt - 'TIM ' TENNSYLVANI4 sTAnkritut y. .R....7.,,_._._ , t plurrpft.Ebnunaan Aix 44LIVAILIM... tv virr e r fdr arm Ei s go 4, At sa. :,. . -.14/100/tAtllito EgialAm? - 1 011/4. 1 271kNA0B,- • - -• -''' :' -":1 :") ( q*RAPP/ 11 0Ba l i t filii4031.': ":'' "-- :ea(64 4 :piiiit. ,1' •-,, 'i - - illetLiiiti's4Mtrevti &Mil!) 1 .i 41108.1 , '• ,. ' l ' ,/, ziliii i litroirlA:Tzli- li - ' • ,1 ,zfowD 4 / 1 24148KEYe7tAiTq s ': • ---' iIieIiESIItiEMEITII, MANTELS. 1 . rir Aimpta t 4, • Ipsow.- ~ • , For *miry handiumto rcuti EpqmeUed 131461011- bu ff yprr. biddy Mune gla mtrororutilik, -`l5 ~1, . ~ • FIRB ru ~.. . ' ' ' . :4' . 4tNC),A.'4l3 ik - AVELSON . . kii.44iii ' " 1 1 .2. -(1 4V 111 :- ' .2 : I trn,lt'l i ii'i.. 61)-V ,: ... .. - • • TaRAT O 4O II MipIO:OIVERN mO6 : **4rA:#ll , -110M-liarge um n o, %) ,Oltaida IWO§ - mtuin 4atUtiell and lo ' , 4 ;,44- 4 A:=4 , ; - 4.4; i f . wVvtit t Ml:p i tta 66, ',,. Mi*ffiNti - BBRALLY , ADVANOELV. , -. • :i50 1 t."54.,tr 8 Arm ~lorreatiott_tiev.i.,4l toop: COPAUTIfEREIRIP NOTICES. nOPARTNERSELIP NOTICE.--The un &reigned, having Rumb a / a il WO otoolffr CiP 3 ; !NA , AI illlPP , riußD'fri t evilt lo w at t „ env:ie au! tunVor D S i d N. • aq, , ;, "D. D Bid AB, 1 14,111164i114,tini1e; ivieo -•• " •-r -. •• The qgdorsi goad *. ttlevir ea Duman et the old Rand [ 9.211 worth 'THIRD Istroot. OlstAtnin EWA ItP.N. Philathalphi*, Annan., a: INN. .10-6t* 1 11.lig UNDERSIGNED . HAVE THIS DAY fnrniad a eopa i flab rally fulthe at nod firm of ft4l , lll.E.Er'& Ja •AKER, H. B BAK FRAKEL. R ! Plrfleria:; - too. 180.9 t IVOTICP. - WILLIAM -R. LAFOURt VOA AZ,VERALD 'DE COURBPX, & WILLIAM H.IRWI beeowartners far. firm afteuthlo date. r'hiladelairDeeerlaffe. 1803 FOIIttOAD.B. j agfl i , NCTICV. , .-The interest of Mr. CHARLES ' 1 'B. MOUNT in our - hominess expire dm , by iitottationd ELLING'. COFFIN, to 00. Philadelphia. Deo. 111, 16,59. COPARTNEh SHIP 'AND `REMOVAL.— WRY. L.. DUNOLIBON is admitted to an Interest 111,7 e r Primness from this date. - • $27 ca ramm T eggfei No. 304_ Market street tO No. Annarr,l, , CAMPBELLis SCIt COPARVNgIi,SHIP NOTICE. <BIIORTRID9E & BaorrArg Wing fhb; day tia• hosiated , with them j'AMEB yoli.NO. the trasineas +sin frnra this data he conducted under the firm of - BROT.HER. & CO.. tiNC,42O T Streati and 40 and 41.5 0 .01: Stroot,— ,' • ' January 2, NOTIOE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. t+. s Whereas we, the subscribers, have thle day re newed and confirmed torn further tomcod of three years, au hereinafter mentioned. the limited partnership en tered into on , the gist day of December. A. 11. 1808, to commence on the Ist day of January, A. 8.1881, erider the provisions of the Aot of theldeneral 4timembly or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved Marsh flit. 1534, entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner- Ships," and a ll , other _ °automate of the said General Assembly relative to Limited Partnerships—now, there- p ore: comPlianop with the provisio ns of the paid en aotments we publish the terms or said original and rammed Limited Partnership. as follows • FiraLiThe name Or firm under Which the said original' and reneweo Limited Partnerehip mats and is to be son 'looted is that of .T. T. PLATE k BOBOTTLER. Second. The general nature of its fondness wag and is that of Afornhants We general Foreign and Domegoo 'Conner the Business In the city of Philadelphia, and also la the business of Importing and Exporting pad 'Vending Merchandise on account of the said Limited I llytite rd ha said Limited rortnerehip wge and is oom 'Totted of J fitft THEOPRILI.IB PLAI Eovho resides in tile olty o :Philadelphian of CARL 0. BCHOTTLER *he rein es the said city of .Philadelphla. and :ftERIBTOPRER F. ?LAM. whose place of residence tel. at present. in the free Hanseatao mt of Bremen. The said John Theophilas Plate and Carl C. &Mettler were end are all the general partneram the said origi nal and renewed Limited Partnership and the said chrietophea. Plate WWI ULU 13 the on l y special part. nerthermn. 'i;eiftgaTg'uttl,Valtrglin',l'l said ltati t t: r as . the suet •of Fifty Thousand Dollars to thl, capital o r common steak or the said original Limited artnership, no_partig.whiolhais been withiliawrilhare rem. Pilth, The sa i d ontinal Limited Paytnershin QOM- Manned on the rat day of January. A. D. 1397, and was to have terminates on the Met say of Dooetoo 3r. A. O. )559, but the same hAp been renewed and continued for the , further poled of three years from the lint day of Tipember, A. ft. 1859. and will terounate on the Mot day Of December. A. P. 1552. Pluladelphia, Dee. Slat, 1559. 3. TEEOPH. PLAT A E, SLER, C U R.I:I FIL PLATE, . By hie Attorney fact. a2-ew GOD in FREY FiI'F.YTAG. NOTICD.The. undersigned - have this - formed oeopartnerehip. under the name of P.:MI/WELL, & Go., gar }he tramosslma of a Wholesal and Rated Lumber Biunness i mid will wetly t h oln ' r " ei 10t 1 1:1 " WIVMPLirl d a ixwt?' g' " Month Ward of the City of Phlladel;m 4 a, L ill 8 Philadelphia,-Tan.2d. 1880. le.3•lst• TM SUBSCRIBERS 'HAVE 'llllB DAY entered into a Limited Partnership. in iiihordance With the acre of Assembly in such case made and pro vided,under the 'don name of LA NI BERT THOBI AS k CO., for the transaouon of the Whol•sale Dry Goode Jobbins Business in the city of Philadelphia. The general partners are Lambert Thomas and E. Earner Jeffries, nf the said of and the special partner is Jo. sal* B. Thomas, or Cadiz, Ohio, The caudal In 134 5 oontributed by the special partner is twenty amain dollars* The partnership Will commence on the Brat day of Jaripary, A. D. 1880 , and wit L terminate on the Scat day of irecamber, A. D. 1891. Tho phis& of 6401 7 nem No. 428 MARKET, and No. 62$ Idi,RCHANT Streets, between Pod h and Fifth. aMBERTTHOMAS. . HARPER JEFFRIES, General Partnere. JOSEPH B. THOMAS, Special rtner. January let, 1850. Ba-dBtlalt Wbt DISSOLUTION OF PARTNaSIIIP.— The _partnership heretofore wilding under the firm of MORA.II3 & JONIS & CO. expired on the 3let ent itle, by Limitation. Either of the pertnors will use the name of tho firm in settlement. JACOB P. JONES and EI , H.ARI) H. DOWNING retire from the business. and the remaining partners hem, formed anew oopart norehip. , ISRAEL, Pdt.RRIS, JACOI3 P. JONES. RICIf ANDREW att . ) If. DOWNING V , OS H WH. ER I.E, R.. Philadelphia, January 2, 1:40. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—ISRAEL MORRIS. JOSEPH K. WHEELER, and AN. DREW W. VELVR, partnere in the late firm of MOR RIS & JONES & 00.. have this dsy formed 16•000011. natality, under the firm of MORRIS, WHEELER.. & CO., and will oontmne the Iron and Steel humane In all ita hraw.hetkaa Itererofore nominated. %Vika old stand, .fiI.ARKET and SIXTEENTH Streets. hitadelplita, January y; 3a2-H NOTIcE.—The partnership heretofore ex between JAMES 13, ABROTT,ARCHII.I- LUS LAWRENCE , and CHARLES NOBLE, upder the firm of ARK= & LA WRENOE,ie this day dissolved by the death of A. LAAVIWIC.K. All persons tadebt ed to the late firm are requested to make payment, and those haring drums to present them to the undershitiedi Who are duly authorized to use the name of the firm On !settlement. JXIF4I ABIIO7T, t Phan.. Jan . / 2nd, 'OU-78t CHARLES NOBLE. a.OTlOE—Philsdelphin .ran 2 y Ist. 1860. The 4ndereigned having nurliused or the late firm Of ABBOTT rx LAWRENCE, a ll their extensive Meek °Moran, Patterns. &c.• will eontinue.the Store Fenn. under the firm of ABB° NOBLE. J A MIN (S. It rum-c, Jag-12t ° CHARLES NOBLE. NoTIGE.—The copartnership existing be a.l - tween Smote & Snodgrass le cberolved this day ;by mutual consent. The bacnost of the firnt Yrtll,be settled by either of the partners. - The name of the firm will be used _ht lipvidation • CTIPLIKL.E.I Sultt KRA, War. T. SNODGRASS. pi.irv i ivEr w •a:,.... lB ,? willj em.l at the old Stand No. SA South SECOND and X STPILEt I btreete, Wharf , be vull continue the Cloth bunn em . • Lchalkler Smarr has taken store No. 32 South YOURTH.Streetould emaciated with 1 h i e sea, Wm. E. Somers. unde r . the firm ore. SOME 80? r, where they will. continue the wholesale loth heel where Ja2-at ITENRY S. FISTER AND JOSIAH RIE GE!, have this day been admitted to an Internet In nor business, We suit continue the Dry HOMIs Importing and Job bing Baammui, under the firm ofRIEGEL, BAIRD. kat a North THIRD Street, as graforr__ T WhL A. R BA VRD, T, ' A. . . JNO. WIEST, 11. B. ERVIN. ' PATIADZIPSIA, Jam:, 1860. ja2-6te NOTICE.—The undersigned having made arrangements tor the ode, la this elks, or Maori . A. tc aprasues FAINTS, together with a general nsaortmeut of domestic Cotton and Woolen Ooods, rr the manual! , nt of Chitties It. Mount. late o f the nn of Welling. Cohen it Co., and William V. Berkslow, ate of firm 0 J. W. Ellis& Co., Cincinnati. would announce, that they__haaa established a branch of their home at No. 231 CHERTNIIT Street. HOYT, SIT.AOURS k lai-101 4 Of New York. Tint COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE At- existing under the name and firmof LACEY & PHILLIP!), was dISSOIVIId on the Net of Deoemher PAL W. N. LACEY 8. R. muLtAl.s. The business aoll be continued as formerly, at Nos. go and South SEVENTH St., above Chestnut. hy ia2-ot SAM. R. PHILLIPS. NOTICE.---WURTS, • AIISTIE, & Mo. VEIGH. Nam; associated with them,ne mart e'll in their Willows. Meyers. JO EPH /WHOM end JNO. N. WEIMER. The style of the firm to remain al heretofore. Minds Deo. 1. ma. 1113-et* E sant.PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TSO TRADE. znarg Bvit. compurEs or TEA Moors A. J. DE SHI E. LETTER BAGS • AT ?HI HEIMAN TO EXCHANGE. CHTADITPHIA. n Br. skip Bransa,Nelsort ....-. ivorpool, soon Bark Janda, Helntl... ea (nacos. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 7, IE6o, ESTAM ET.: ' ......7.2{-437,8ET8.77........1 , • • • ARRIVED. • City foe Bost, Ekheninger. 2 how' from the Home Roo arrived yesterday morning, and reports the chan nel °fear ono*. CLEARED. Steamship Keystone State, Alarehman, Charleetoa, A Heron, Ir. • SAILED. ' TheCLti roe Boat lett at noon yesterday. to proceed its far as Chester. to tow up Ouch Ve1161)111 as way require th, aid of steam. (Oorreleondenee of the Entitlabit e rt i h n eml The barksWhlta Wing. Trios Millet, Valetta. Refen 'Matted brigsW Ocean e, B Thurston. Eh fa. Ashby. flar mina; soh?. I Frambes. R. Beillwinkle. Bearnsn's Bride, and steamtug Amerioa,lite now at the harbor. Ihe wind being etrdng from roy, the barber Is clear of toe. Yenta, W. M. RICKMAN. DT TZLRORAnII. itiorrespontrenoe of The Frees.) New YORK. Jane, The able Euterpe. for -Baltimore,. is ashore on the i ßomer Shoals. ;',/i . stanmtuiplo ntonirini;aimour. Jan 6. Arrived, steamier touleigns, fforn i fforWk, Reports Tery,liftie hie below North Fight. theamtr Thou swann. from chatleston, Passed, ve miles Booth of False .Cape. sohoonor nahoro. an off Fire Father Bank, the bry night-110MM for Cuba, lea bopntl. rho Rummer Charles Colgate, c apt Cooper, froyal ;York for Baltimore was cot throug hby the ioe on W neadey night. near seven-feet Knoll. and sank in mil feet water. Assistance has been cent to iler. MEMORANDA. Steamship VIT MoGingan, at I.4verpeol Hot ult, woo ~to sail alld for Is del plua. - • I Ship Noemi. olinson, from Charleston, arrived at Liverpool 20th ult.. • . . Ship Commwattoe, Marshall, from Savannah, arrived as Liverpool 20th ult. • Ship Morning Star, Foster, olearod at Boston 4th lust for San Francisco. Ship ozonbridge, Matthews, groin dilloutta, was below 'Boston 6th inst. ' Bark Old litokorr, Hoban, Was leading at Havana Atthult_._fer Falmouth. Brig Melvin, Ca Ilagan, hence for Boston. remained at ,Holmes' Hole A hl 4th inst. Brig Comma, Pinkham, from Boston for Philadelphia Sae ee Ath BUPPOiled to have been at anchor la Mount Rope inst. Brig Santa Clara, Ellingwood, uneertain, remained at !Hamann 30111 ea: Mitoholl, hence for Boston, remained at Holmes' Hole A m 4th plst Behr Pleiades, Metturnie, hence, arrived at St John, 29th ult.. . ; Bohr Frank Herbert, Parker, hence, arrived at flos. ;ton ith ipet. Behr Theresa C, Gandy, hence, nrrived-at HOW oth Instant. schralJ anencor, Hole, and B Watson,Wilieby.nn oertafn. remained at Havana Uoth nit, , • Bohr Fair Dealer, Derma:, hence, arrived at &lot ;town let inct. Behr Halo, Newman. hence, arrived at Newhuryport 04.1 inst. . Sohn Martha. Edmund 13 Janet'. Mary Clark. a F Bel- Hday and C A Greiner, remained at Holmes' Role A ad nth hint,. • Behr Janina Martin, liardint, front Savannah, via 'Bristol, at Providence 4th inat. inJaa Neilson. Butt, enna for Taunton, wan at the of Mount Hope raly 4th inst• TOIMION 'rat steatnship flobemien._at Portlsed. Ar at Liverpool Deo le, Great. 'Western, Baler. New York; 20th. Intrinalo, DlivJer and Figarprie, Brooke. brleene; < l` J Hodson,' Patten, and udnddr ' Libb7s Cbarlestom Exchange, Lawrence, Savannah. Bailociath,Lady Havelook, Savannah; Sandusky, llllam .dO. Arat Deal Eliza Lady Weetmoreland, { Sailed iotaAnnaiew Orleans. Sailed from the Clyde }lea 17, Arran, Cummings, New ,Orleans. I Ar a at . Delfthaven 'Deo 10, Niagara, Boutelle, Now Crlean Ar at Constantinople Dec 9,lralksien, Soldott, New NoTls. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., SATURDAY. JANUARY 7. 1860. uazirAnED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDINGIi PREPARED GLUE! 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY: DESPATOR! Or" A BSITCE IN TIME UNTIE NINE," 'VII iteneeidenrs happen, even in well-regu latedfami lies, it is very desirable to have some cheap and con venient *ay for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, SCO. 'SPALDING'S PREPARED GLEE meets all such emergencies. and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready, and pp to the stick ing point. There is no lonsor a, necessity for limping chairs splintered veneers, h•edices dolls. and broken cradles. It is Just the article for none, shell, and other oinamental work, so popular with ladies at refiuumont and tette. • • This admirable preparation Is used cold. being ehemi call held In solution, and posseesing all tde valuable qualities of the beet cabinobinakere Glue. It may be used an the place of ordinary mucilage, being vast more aulhetlve. UGEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE " N.B.—A Brian 110011331paniel each DOttle. Pr tee 21 cents. WIIOLVILLIS DEPOT, NO. SO rwr Br., NEW YORI Address HENRY C. SPALDING & Co., • Box 3,600, Now York Pat up fur Denlore In o , llell eontaininit four, el, lit. end twelve gunon—e benutiful Lithographic, dhow-Curd tiociorapaWMP each Parikage. • wir A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED OLUE , will save ten times its ooat annually to every household: l lSi Sold by ail prominent Stationers, Drugrists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a note of SPALD ING'ia PREP ^RED GLUE, when making up their list, It will stand any entente. 13PALDTNG'8 PREPARED GLUM! USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. SPAI;DING'S PREPARED OLUR, SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S P.REPARED_OLUR, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. S,PALDINO'S PRBPARED GLIM_ SOW) BY HARDWARE DEALERS. RPALDINSIVS PREPARED OLUE, BOLD 13Y R 0 OE-FURNISHING 13TOnEgi VALDING'S PREPARE D I3LM SOLD BY FURNIVU EDEAL . SOLSPtLDINGT, PITEPARED OLT. D BY FANOI-000DS DBAL RS BEALLINO'S PREPARff OLVE. , , SOLD BY 01100 _PPALOJNOI3 MERCHANTS(nk SOLD BY COUNTRY ORNERALLY. planultostured by HENRt C.SPALDING "0.. so L,TT Street , New York. Address Post Woe, Box o. SAW. Anneied is en .Alohabetionl List of Arrielea which 11 damaged, may be restored to their original strength Ad ,useiblness by IiPALDING'S PRVPARBD GLUE. A—Mends ACCOUNT BOOKS— - D.—Mends BUREAUS 0.... Mende CRADLES— • ..... U..—Mends DOLI.B . ET.62ERES.: - ..... .E ,F....Nends FANG :11 %2 ? t U A I I T ARe .. : ... • l'.7.1:11g: F..... Mends KNOBS .I.....Mende LECER-i90 . 11.X..... 'M...t t iends MI HR-yRAMF.S.-- N... lends NE .g.P-POBTS 'F. . i _enes IPTTOm . ANS T ..... .. .Mende Ft ANO-PORT .8 ........ ...Mends QUt Ior,FRAT E4,....--..... ....Mende HOISI NO - HORSES ..---. ... S. --mends SO FAS .. .. . ... T.... Mends TABLES ............ 1.1.... tends lIMBHELLA-5T1C11.8..—.............-- t,. _,v ...ende v EIES., w —.Mende WOE li-BOXF.S, ~— .....-- ". .. ..- -•' ''W X... Mends XYIAHMA PIP ne.:WORK.--:.... X Y..—Mends YARD.STIOn —...—. Y Z Mende ZEPHYR WOP-Y7OB IC., , „,. &....In Fonclu•rinp. 8?A LD NG'S PRE P ARED . OlUi: Is useful in Libraries and Schools. 1....5....Mends SOP AB, ..,...... ..... ....... 8.... 1 2. ... P.... Mends PITCHE'us.,, ..... ... .... .P.... 2 3.... A ...Mends ACHOHDEONB A S L... ....Mende L Err . ..ft SH,ALTNO I. 4 '6.... ....Mende DAII LIE il RELIT Y 8.6 0M1E5..?.. • • 6 6. ....Meed d a I SAO 'B 6 BILE AR. K AGES ict 7 8....0....Mends OUN w 8 COCK ..........—. G.... 9 9. ... B....Mencts SCHOOL-1300a - - . ...... 8.... 9 10....P....Mands PatrOLS ...... —....—P....13 11. ...IL —Mends HU.. 128.,.... ~.. ... . R.... 11 H. .. ,E....M e pdg EI.R THIcAtdidACHINEI3..E....32 LI ...P....lllends PAPPIR-RitivinNOS P.... 13 11....A....Mends ARM.CHAI II S - ....... ..A....14 16....R....Mande RICKETY FI/RN1TL1NE......H....13 16....P.....M ends FRASER HA130LE8.......-. F..... in 17....1)....11101361 DESKS —..-- . - .-...-- 8....17 IS . .q. —Mends GLOBES ... .............. - . (1....13 19....L....4t10nt1. 1.005 ENE I) LRAVES.--.....19 10... Al.—Merida D holstered .PU RNITURE... .......2) V....E.—Mends RUG- REATBRB E 71 22.—....ende AffORN- WOR FB•BOAR I B. —.,....... , —.... 23 24-- Mende FIDDX,EB 25-- ..... Mende tHEL , I,-W0RR,..............„.......... 2.3 7a ----Mende FILLET-WORK .........—...—.21 27.......... Maeda Br RY-11ORREi —.— 77 23.. —.......M•nde K LE DQ;C_QPI4B... —.. ... --. 13 H NEY-BQXBB. 29 50..-- —blend,' PICT 11 tt $.; Ftt A MEI§•.. 30 91.... —. Mends 8 KO REZA R IEB —........_....31 32 . Mende VENEI.,IIItNO . .32 33 ....Mende BCIIIOI. FURNITURE ...........33 34. ..... —.Mends FA.P ER-MACRE .- 35 Mends W/ t DHO DER . .—...—. —.36 ;,;_.... meads p A lAN MARDL,E . .-- • --....., 31 37 --Mends gft 1:{3..... .......... . ...... ....... 37 3.3....—. Mande BAB f i nir , M0f18....••• ...... • .....34 4 1 1.-..... Maple MATCH ..BAFti 40 41 Mende P10TKRa1...,,..._. _ _ 41 42 . Mende VIII, -WHET': P. .... ... .••• • ....43 43 —...Alonde WE ~.11,X1C8.. —...43 44 •—• Mends A 51TAND8..—..... ..... —..34 45.... . Mends hEDBT ADS 43 46 ...—. Mende LIM , ~, ....... ..... .......44 it...—. Mends .F.83151E77..... ... ......... ....—.47 43 --pleads RAI,I,OT-110XE8 __ _4O 49 —Mends 11ERDAR1um5...„,„.._.......49 40,....,....61ends DAUKOAMAION-EUARD8,.......18 61.......... Al ands .....:Ne ed sti . ll R t kl'F I V . l l3 OLB 69 34 .. „t es RIVARD TAJBLES, ...... .......6.1 66.......... ends B 1 LIARD-QUEB. 6/ 96.........Menda B 1 D-CAOES ~... ..... ----Ad V.-- Menge IIItf , OIIIBTICKS...., —.67 33 —.....Menue oli,giltr i s i ..__.. ........ .. .. , 53 m oo:. 7. ...................... PraVg li lt-Ii ArrbEti 44 61.......... mends 13R1I I ~ , p .......... „ ... M 63 .......Mende Oil 8. . ....... . 03 Al ...... ....Aland; CI, 9 -ciidEis . GI 46. ..... Mends CR OH 8 45 AL-- ..... Mende CU OAR Mi. ... . ....... .... ..441 i CURTAINS.. —.Mende CAgINGS..... —.Mandl; OADDII9M, .. 70 ...... Mends cA Al k R AB-- • 71......... Moir lIAI R 5.... ..... —.. 72 . Men a CyRTA .„.._„, .... 71 .. •...... Men n CI, T HES.F . RA . M . E . I2 ... 71.......... Mende OA D-I , AMES. .. 75 ..... ... Mende CHESTS . 76 Mend, DIA RIES 77... ...... Mende WWI E-STANDS_ ~ „ . 75. ..... —. 51 e lull D R AND EIT.I3O A RDS.. . 00 Mende DIVANS-........ ID, ....--. Mende PICK-BOXES.-- .. —Mends DOORS „.. ..Banda ,Mends FIRRBOARDS . .. Mends DALLIiSTERS...._ . ....Mends GUTT A-PE RCIIA - WARE : Mende If ITEE4— Men4s PrB., 4.... q..... ~ ... 80.... ei..... • A .. A P, N . • • Mends 814wINti.itfidEiriE „, ...—.Mende PAN. TA ..... —.Mende PARTEROARD WORK .--. Mends PATTERNB . 97 Mende FIIDRBpAR : I3.I .. 0 .. .. 9$ .. 97.. 93 WOODEN WARE. 100......... Mende WILLOW WARE. SPA LTIIII O'S PREP AII ED DLUE, SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED MATE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY GROOERS. SPALDING% PREPARED OLDE_,_ SOLD BY HARDWARE STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARPID GLUE, BOLD BY NOUSE-FURNISRING STORES. SPALING PREPARED ()LUS A BOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS. SPAL_DING2S PREPARED GLIM, SOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY enufootured by HENRY C.PALDINQ. & CO., I,I.ATT [street, vow York Addrees Poet Office, Box r 0.3,600. Put up in own oontatning either Four, Eight, or Twelve dozen eenh—A bosun Ail LITHOGRAPH IC FiIIOW °AID accompanying each paoline. dat-sly NOTICES. TILE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE (30M. PANY, 4.0 g WATNIIT Street. DIVIDEND.—The Board of Directors of the Quaker Citvineurance Contently have &elated a Dividend of TWELVE PERCENT.. for the leer ending December 31.'1869, payable at their Ojfiee, demml Jas-et . • li. R. COCIOSHALL. Beare tart'. NOTI OE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Copartnership under the firm of DECK RR & DELL wee dissolved on the fourteenth day of pis amber inst., and MOSES DgeKEE.Is sloop authorized to settle the business, and sign tie 108 rb d OKERs OS. . D 12914takth Im* Philadelphia. Dea. 19. 1859. •NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS.— / The CARBON IRON COMPANY will receive proposes unb I the 20th day of February neat for bußd. ing an Iron or Wooden Railroad lirldge over the Le high River. opposite teir works at Perryville. in the !county of Cgrbon. The length uri Ibe about three hun Tired and filly (860) feet, in either three or four *mans, 'single track. ltropeeals received, and further partioularesbtedned* on application at l'arbTile NIB h SR t ßign, g s e re . sidont. December 1ath,1859. del-dtfe3o OFFICE OF TILE aftffiTri - AVENUE ANn 2-1 7 1,1 MAN AY U R.' PAI4 EN °Ea RAILWAY COMPA- Po_ i t lg. g t e S e t; d kti u dlrr b a m oi 'v tli n e u? P'R ttiat ..amenger Railway Company wi held, at the Moe vf the Company, on .MONDAIr January fi,IEl E n e ' llt lolti Q° r! c ? k r A t' l r 't k Theildent and Direotors for nail Company will be held at the game pjace, n . aud o v o t o lle , la %) day, between the hare ef A ildka L .. d el , iteldtjatl' Eiecretari. E OPPIO.t Orth r GIRARD COLLEGE PAII kiENlikitt RAULWAYC MANY, Ridge and Collin". Ida avenues. Tile Ann ual Me tin of the Stock holders of the 0111 A D pLEGB .nesErwhit RAILWAY COMPAN be held, at the Gillett of then Comialp. on MO DA , January 9, 1860, at 9 The Election for President and ptreotors of maid Company will be heW at the same place, and on the same day. between the home of 10 o'cjock A. M. and 8 seolook P. M. 11. BLIGHT, d29-dtja9. hooretery, CORN EXCLIANGR BANK.—Philadel phis, Npv. YB, 1099. At nn Election hold on the Hat instant thefollowing gentlemen were chosen Hire tors of this Bank s tif i r r 7dorff. t ?atteU, c a ,see i l e tNnag, y, mss &et 6 pru P. Orem 011101111 1 4 tinder. Ph hariee Knecht, teNan . tier Itil i e n rze e e . r, ugh lattigs hristian J. Hoirmsn. And atlhe meetfug, of the Board THIS DAY, the fol lowing Minters were unanimously e:eor . CAITE Presid e nt. R NEFF. Oe President. TORREY, Cashier. OFFICE OF TIIE MUTUAL FIRE AND LIVE ATOCK INDURA NOB COMPAN OP Pin/MP:I4'IIIA, 402 WALNUT titroot. NOTICE IS EllsitEDY GIVEN,. That, by ati order of Court ,made pn the applinat ton of the Mutual Fire ar Live Stock loauranee Company of Philadelphla..l PHIL- A, and that front this date t name n t ecwhlC away tine been yen qto he o busmen will bhee troneacted under tho now name and title. The Coin. Deny has reosatly inororised Its Capital to it large en• fut, and is oremtresl to makp Insurance against loge by ire, pr on Lire Meek, of any desenption, against death From any cause, cm the most favorable terms. CH A 9. P. wAYNE, Preeldont. ik D. IL I.OIJDENELACiEI R. eaoretarY. PhilAdelohla. Dec. 29th.1959. Sak-St MOTIOE IS GIVEN THAT APPLE - M- X ilea will be made for a Certificate of Pennerlyania boaria 41: 0 0tg d i ard l hrgriti A m.lhv,. fichov too or ward: ' ' 9 "v ,014. SAVING FUNDS. S PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO (NETT OF PHIL/0)13101'f , r 0nix.,,...N0 r lik . Street ( pneotplatt e n I. mg.) CHARTERED BY viy itBLA IMB OFYEBB. ItY A. ' Deposits reoeived in slims o ne Dellar and lipwas, Pi l ßrill'a l 4 41 1 1ggili t e tali 7.11'..11 1 ;fir 4,11`. 11WD. responsible and goyim. Institution toiltiont beep needed in the Northern par of the oity n and "The The guricr Garden Savings Fund 800 ety " wasartered by the %%Mature of Pennsylvania te supply this necessity. The lanagoru in orgenising and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate thq busi ness interest and wants of the very large end enterpri sing population b winch it m eurrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, Fp= oto 23 i o'e ookt aloe, on Monday end TharsdAY from II until 8 o'oloot in the evening. ItAZlkerße. rederiok Klett, Stephen r th, i o a h i ic . I I IMAto for . 0n..11. . Strong. , i f rederio Stacks, ', , - : mum JLart, oseph r. Leiner?, : , John Kesentr, Jr.. leorm!r4ohtt , :. , , alma Q. Pringle, aoo alma 111. I.4oWellf lon. Thilirlkr4! -- 00110 Wckelppeir, tar 0. Etlmater• Geo. T. 'rr i p it Robert 11,, jt. JAMES N. PRINOL • adopt FRANCIS HART. BeoistArv. . raa' ,f SAVING FUND.---UNITED rATEs TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD 01 CHEST NUT Streets, Large and small sums received, and_p:ald, hank on dis wid_without notice with FIVE PLR GENT. UWE ".I' from thray of dcposit clock day ef artthdrawal. 01:3 hours, rom 9 until 5 o oven day, and on DAY EV NINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. D NTS for eats on England, Ireland, and Bootland, from LI upwards. Eltsident.-81EPIIEN CRAWFGRI). naurer—JAMES It. HUNTER. INY FISK. Actuary. eel?-1r CAVING FUND--FIVE PER GENT. IN. 1 ,7 TEREST;—KATIONA_L SAFETY TitUtyySoA rally!Nig, tro r =lo i lh t T i r t le a lf t rtf r e tZ i ti v i i i k ! Money is reoolved in any enin,large oreall, end in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The °M a r a le open every day i n 9 o'olooVt_in the morning h I 6 o'olook in tV even nig , and on Monday end Thur y i re . nistiktil o'ol. „ , _ NER, Rtssident. RVILE t n tILPIIIDOE, Vice Padden*. WILLIAM J. R . 5111D, Secretary. DIRECTotka tn. Henry L. Benner, 01(01 Brewster, ward I... Carter, ben Iblfridse, Hee B. Barr, rano 11 Lee, 13.1lilierletV'ATA, mesh Yerkee, Henry Thifenderter. Toney is renewed and payments made daily. ho investments are rand°, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Reed Estate Mortgmes, Cround Rents, and snob first-elass secunties as will al ways insure perfent security to the depositors and which cannot fall to give permanently mad stabilit to this Institution. nut- in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. R . O. WALBORN- 42-00.; (NOW) NOS, 6 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very superior assortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves, Rosiery, eta. SacoLai attention given to OENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, of whist' s fine assortment is aonetantly kept on bend. olo-ssaf SP NOER'S FURNISHING STORE, RO. 889 WIESTNIIT STRUT, GIRARD nousß, J I J PHILADELPHIA. DRESS SHIRTS, UNDERSEIIRTS, DRAWERS, STOCKS, TIE% °LOVES, GAUNTLETS MUFFLERS AND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY. r64Auth-7rn-ir _T W. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win •N• cheater & Seott—OENTLEMIN't3 FNMA ING EffpftE and fill.l.llT SIAN rAcTO ( 1 / 1 ORystts la Street, (neatly °prolate e Gir need Philadelphia. J. W. B. Would reteent v llly 011 the ettoetti of hie former patron!' and Mae to tiff new etore , aa ie ere pod to t fill ordeie fier RUITti aS short no Noe. gr e f.og . ax i ree , holeisele Trade supplied .2;--4PSTATE OP CHRISTIAN M. HULSE. MANN, DEC'D.—Letters testamentary to the E. tate of geld decedent haven[ beer granted to the sub 'enter, all persons indebted to his Ertate are requested to make payment, and thogo having oiaiing to oresent them to JOHN HUI ENN. Executor. No. 2)5 LONISAR 1) St., FREDERICK Ii Ey r, R. No. 2sl south THIRD fit. Or to Ins Attorney, d24-eflt. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR VIE -I. CITY AND COUNTY or PIIII,ADEGTIIIA. Estate of THOMAS RQBINSOII, deceased. The Auditor appointed by tliq Court to audit, settle, and AdJUet. the account of MOW() Pincer, (reorge Clay, and Caroline Robinson. Executors et Thomas Robinson, deceased, and to make distil- Wien of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the partial jeterepted for the purypsiss his il s i o niintmen, on MONAMI, the nth day et January, I at 4 o 'clock P.N., at toe NNW, N. E. corner of islith and Looust erecis : in the city or Philadelphia. d24-et DANILL DOUGHERIN, Auditor. l'tlE DISTRICT (N/URT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADELVIIIA. ALEXANDER YOUNG Ts. JAMES BO LEN Ad ministrator of Robert Cunningham, &towed, wit no ties to terro-tenaut. Sept. Term. IMO. N 0.922. v. Fn.! Tne Auditor appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the Hind in Court, nroong froin the sale by the libera( s under the above nut of Alt that certain lot or piece of ground. with the four brick niessuagee ottenoments thereon erected, marked in a certain rho 1t0.... citrate on the west side of Pasal rink road, between Fitzwater pod Catharne streets, in the late district of Sto) emceeing. battening ate 'take by the aude of the said road, aouthweeterly sp fact from ground now or forinelly of °Free Clymer, thence by a lot marked in the wild plan o. 2. stow or formerly of Thomas Knock. wmtwaril SS est Hi inches, to n la-feet wide alley, thence by. the same southward le feet MS Manes, to a lot marken in said plan NI. formerly of William Morrow, thence by indorsem eastward S 2 feet inches. tn Peasyunk road eetd, and thence by the coma northeartwardly 20 test to the place of boginniueowhiah lot of rround Patnek Me d'ennit. and Ellen lng wife. by an indenture dated the Ith day of February. A. D. 1812, recorded in deed book IL L. L. N. IT, pate IV, hc,, gratitee and conveyed unto the said Robert Cuuninglitun in lee, hitdeet 10 the pment of n yearly rent charge or sum of twenty-two toilers and Ope ballot' a dollar.) N.ll.—The building e and improvements on the said lot consist of tour three story brick bousei—ba, of them fronting on the Paseyunir road, and the other titres of them fronting on an alley laid nut over part of the titer end of said attend to the duties of his tip ntment on Tuesday, the lOrli of Jan cry 17 ,,,r at o'olook P. M.. at Isis office. No. 24.0 SOUTH I FTI tutees. in the city of Philadelphia. when and w e all battles interested In the said fund are required te mo ment their claims, or she be debarred nod excluded therefrom. ISAAC MYlllt, JR. dldilet Auditor. WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. 136 SOUTH FRONT STREET, 1117 appemted Agent ibe the male of the abOve tin* vatted brand of 011AMPA0NK, And offers It to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATES. 800 Woke a, Quarts and Pints, now In aoao, d2l-tr .tvl .Itl .91 WE CALL ATTENTION OF THE " TRA IT : IIPP liNitl e dlreigl i B lB A supply In assorted Kokayas oonstantly on bud, Ordete o— jec7 2 l:llB,.. dtreatar4tlz6 London and NtiandlOi n ns, ' Claret fif t li?ond nod Caiss, l anipaiss. his and low vivo.. LONGCH,6II, , moo r. 010.6 in 217 South FRONT , rhlladelph a. GEORUE WHITELEY Importer oi rin3iat Sou %Fn l e t s ° , ll? & T o . 8 , tr otttii for .1., ttl bond only, the f ollowing , AMU other standard brains of brandy i v & so. lm.R.lnt,°kbo., ' ficrty) , , , ,v,k, P&„, ! i tleignette, Watt, nines, ellevopiln, , :,e Yfillatg?el Vnlon Proprietors, Jae. HOllllelwy. 130 r Stutirt's Panne) Malt Whlalrey, and the choices' var atlas of Madeirs Sherry. kart. Burgundy, and Rh ne Wines Palm F ree Oln, Jamaica Rum, Banta Cruz Ruin. Bordeaux l. &0.. & a 07-1 y , REMOVAL. -J. LAGOWITZ, Trunks arid ToveHine flux. ovod from 244 Market 'amt. to the store IX North TB D above Market. Sa6-.3t.. DONMITZER, A Grit. R EMOVAL. -GEORGE McFADDEN has romovad from No. 22 to No. S DANK Stmt. ' Jab-6t• & ()HANDLER, WILOLESALE OROCIER O have removed from 66 North bEOUND street, to 123 MARKET Street, above Froth. north side. Sal i n r , MRS. M. A BISHOP lIAS RE V.AII64IIOVED from Ne. Pl 6 to lON CHESTNUT Street rnat door to the St. Lawrence Hotel. where Ladles wtl d eplenthd assortment Of Bonnets, Cope, and Hond TOMS. dal In MESSRS. ROSENTHAL &, MORRIS, from Pl i yinouth, England, manufacturers o the eelebrated " rantasoOlio" Speetaelen, respect oily solicit the pa , Nonage of the ladies and gentlemen of I hiladelphls and vicinity, to their superior ground spectacle glsses. The valuable advantage derived from them is, that In stead of vision becoming grained, healed, weakened, and in numerous oases seriously injured, it is preserved and stsoi3gthened, everything at once heroines clear and brilliant, and very aged persons are enabled to em r4.o,satelorcerZton_ti 4 11 , (1 11,7,11 j. ineem,Vhogougtonn...e.'4o,l moot lose magnifying power, and they du nottegu re the !resilient changes to the dangerous oilman of nuttier powerful assistance. Certificates ono he see_n at the office over Mr Chriat man's store, 702 CHESTNUT Street., adjoinlnz Vele. mou's Photograph rooms. 5 ly MORE PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL REPARATOR EFFECTS OF MONELIA'S AM ERIOAN HAIR PHILADELPRIA. ROPtelllb,Cr nth, 1114. This is to certify that !Was tgild for ninny years, ana wee recommended to try tour Reparator ; and having procured three bottles, used it for three months. whieh epaused ynyhatr to grow, and alt4h not quite ea thin es Wore - , yet It to constantly g No. 31 North T itrd street. PHILAIJRI.PIIIA. September 27th, 1600. Mr. J.F. Sir-Some time clime my hair commenced falling out, to much co. that 1 was, in foot fearibl of becoming bald I but heating of the won derful power of your Reparntor, I was intlueed to buy a bottle,. and after using one-half of It 'Dr .halr nqt only ceased wining out, but commeneed growltKnnely, 1 have now as thick a suit of hair a JACO evt 4 4, 3 A. 7.18, A n an a erry e streot, 716 Agen ts o 1 NAVAL Sl'OftES. 3(4:llAde hpirt ts Turpoiduh4, tO) do Cryde TOrpordina, 4U d o ... toppolg Rosin, do d l a til t ip I P. , sifjp , find foLiaitlPY_ 131 WI Vn.ITAMieVib,%9)W. ACKEREL.-560 Ulm. Nos. 1,2, and 3 . 1711 . Itlaskerol, In assorted Ong(nal Faakags, trti 24 do asset small,or above Front. tor ants by C. O. A/ZIA Avesi GENTS O LEGAL. REMOVALS. INSIMANCE COMPANIEO. aTRARD FIRE AND M_ARINE,7INSU %" RANCE COMPAN Y. Office 41 3 WAptilly i r t. PiIIIADILPII le, 64.:4, , , 4t a meettna of the Stockholders of t et 00 puty 'held GIN day, the following named (dart and divan• toiriV,ll#`3BVeitliall."4l) . .)4sll,Vl.tigg! surer—A.o. GILLETT. Secretary— awe D. Alvord. DIRECTORS. 41 Jones. Thom e Craven , Gee. W. Woodward, Joe. X . pp. M. D., Wm. M. Swam, A. U. [nett, 11. N. Burroughs, N. S. Lawrence, John anepaoh, Jr., Jar. Walker. Francis I eters, VIM. J. Dupont.. Win. O. Rudman. - Jon. W. Claiillorn, Thol.Dillard, David 1103 d, Jr.. Goo. It.. Ashton. J a l-tit wf 111 • DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. 'INCORPORATED 11 0 , THE I.EOIIILATURE OP ' PENNS LYANL4,III36. ~.CIiO P IGE 8. E. CORN R THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. 9...1+ * ' MARINE 1N 8 RA 1.4 ° B . 'VESSELS, i U CARGO To all parts of the World, - A .R.EIOIIT, INLAND INSURANCEB On Ooodg, by River, Canals, 'misc." and Land Carriage t,s an parts of th , e union. FlRks INSURANCES On Illerohandiso generally. .. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, km ABEIRTB OP Tlll3 COMPANY. November 1,1662. Par. Marker Pai ne. 123,050, Philadelphia City 6 glY_gent._Loan....Bl23,oo to 18)000. Pennsylvania State to IP' et. Loan 03 835 CO 21.030 Pennsylvania State 6 ' 43 , . Loan 25,004 U. 8. Treasury o% 4? Cent. ;lutes and 24,0° 0° Inherent due .... 25,20380 130,000 U. 8. ''' remmry 6 - 17 ot. Notes and inter est due ~., .. 30,615 00 823,00.1 Temporary Loan to Ma Cif; . 4 'Phil's dolphin 28,000 00 150,003, Pennsylvania Railroad 3d Mortgage Gtr cont. 80nd5...., 43400 03 $20,000, North Ponnsylvanin Railroad Mort t74l6rent"nCnt IL" 0° sl4,l)l,Wes lalpnaPiseeaiflvly Company 7 tr , gt. coupon bonds 12,160 00 $114122),300 shares $BOO6 Germantown Otte Company, intermit an principal guarantied by the city of Phila delphia......... . . . . 15, 000 00 15.000,100 shares Pansyvaraa - Ratirttia . Company 95000,100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail i ad Company $1.630, share:Philadelphia Ice Boat and littsiiM Tug Company, phtladolplits and 8a vannah Steam NilVien'lOn Com pany, OoeitO. litanro Navigation Company,flilladelphia and Ha vre do re liteam Tow Boat Company, 'llll ac adelplua Exchange Company -...........-.... 2,210 CO 1i135,8E0 et 08,718 al ude and Mortgagee, and Real Estate. °t oe nutld lug it r ie rooeivnble for lueurances made.— 131,693 0 *nue due at A 'emcee—Premiums on Ma ine Mime, interest, and other debt. due tato Coknuany ..,... ......... ........ ..... ..... (met 08 Etortp and stook of sundry IrJatitltte Comps area... —.:.... a ;XXI 00 Oath on Deposit In Ltant — r..-.-:-.::.%...-- . 67,060 31 DIREO' [1 Ittn'ila.pj.. heorps a dini, ohn . Penrose, Om . Davie. 17' .u il l ' 411:, t ;,..4 . , 11gcalwig , °;7'A . 'r s:. liL.. lloosg* O. Loiper, B`:, l l,l.:Yaftr, WILLIA TllO6. C. FENRYLYLBURN. Bow 'TORS. tlornitel H. Stokes, HenryF. Penuton, Henry Wenn.. Edward Driflonstor, 14. Jones Itreoke eloonoor kr)e r i.1 8 111!!, 4 4 4 Jacob P Jawee D. M'Farinne, Justine. P. Eyre. John H. 8 emvle, Vittalet, D.'l'. Dlorgan, A. B. lierwer. M MARTIN, President. 1. HAND, Vine President. 'rotary. ti-dtf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., 1.1 JAL INCORPORATED 1910—CIIARTER PERPET AL. Igo. MO WALNUT Stre i tiatove Third, Philadelphia. Hanna' a larg e pald-u apttal Stook and Surplus In vested intone and ava a B . eourties, °patinae tc. M aitre qn Dwel Inge, OS i urniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Pert and air c argoes , and ether Personal Property. All Lamas r a lly and promptly adjusted. Tol?trAll‘lel4)1," Di"c %ii:,'T. Lewis James R. Carillon, Ilfunue C. modem , patriok rad,. 1:41mu0 G. It La. _Ohm. W. Potiltney, Israel Morris, GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Secretars. 31.23-Is if THEQUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY PHI LADELPIIIA,Pa. FRAXXLIN MIL lIINGS, No. 4 WALNUT Street. AS.TR PERPET UAL. gti l i. A U L S * — 79 ` ;g:g% Fl E. Mkiefrik - , — ) . 111 Fire !neurone°, Limited and petunia/LI, on stuldingeand Merchandise of alt denonuttons. Marine Ineuranee, inland and [Mean, on Vaunts, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts or the World. GEORGE JEARV. r l4Ment. P. ROSS, Vine Presidant. It. R. COUGSRAI.I. I Secretary. B. H. BUTLER, t Bears mry. DIRECTORej E. Ar. 11111ez, Andrew R.UribeN. Clintloll G. Int Tit 1.. 116 11 :17.1ePn il lier. Sul teii . g 2 ll o l ; Hart, t. C. Cattail, older 8. rinfrum, unuel Jonas. M. D j NSURANCE COMPANY OF THE -11-STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE _AND MA RINE INSURANCD--No. 4 2XOIIANIJE BUILD INGS. Chartered in 1794-oayital e900,01/o—Aisets, January /, MI, 41 , 54T, 446 60-100. All invested in sound and available seouritiekr—oon tinne to insure ort Vero:land Callow% Buildings, Stooks of Meroliandise, Ice n ‘: 3 lralarins. airy D. Shea ert, i Beorge 11. BtUartt Mop Toby , ilanmel thant. Jr.. • vies hiscaiesteis 'rehlas v'''E4 6 T , ithem S. Smith, T t lio u mnt . ll..ll lawn, ohn B. Budd, Ghent R. White ' an ;I l e a S. 17:rTer . er C. Carson. HENRY H e ar s, RE LI, President. WILLIAM HA )1 NI. Mil • le 9-wfm tf LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST C(E‘.l - I'ENN MUTUAL I! 'Ft INSU RAIt COM YANI . Northeast corner of I ItIRI) and Ma 1 / vil.'7'l4 1 ''1 .5 !?.. .-. .he 5r..0l- t erm of Mr ants It u e!al ' We t tar: a nal n 7 endow ments-purchases n tli - o P o ' n ' tVe ‘ .o l L i d ( I ) i p l l2lPi r i e o o l' the in estntsnsenelee o Lite. Ther not as &motors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and OuardiAns. TRUBTZE.B. t=lel L. Miller, I 1110E:1 8 6 13toiree, 410 4 8.1Z1d, lir.bsuiesl l l+ l s3l;leciL Illisin J. Backer , Sloeeeh . Trotter. ilharn 11. Ears, 7.7timaa ouston. litlit l ie l s ?Alt 7 oll, 4* /' :2 ' . 1 4 1u A 1 . L ' t , V°, " henry C. Trsruserl s li AINAJ- . .. } 1, 1 ,41jEuma .lelsbul Kent , .. 1 5P. 1 17:1 1 1;N art, williamithuertsor, 'Um 8, Archer, ' I Umnuel J. cjinstlars Joseph M. Thomas , Wiruor 1. Rainp John U. Brenner, P. /it-il. V' e . f il l A t l§ : , Pio l eif B t l.d s t e . Joan W. Hoarros.ttemetarr. 0018-Ir IRIAME INSUILME COMPANY, No. J. , . LH CHESTNUT Strata—PHILAJDELTILIA. • INCORPORATED APRIL ISM HY THE STATE OF CONFINED TO FIRE, AND INLAND HMO, _ PIRICTORA : OARIRTIL WRIMIT ol WoEht, Brom., & Ho. WILLIAX NV:Wm:rime, Milani Ryan & CO. CHAILEs ItnllAßD6o3 J. C. 119 . w0 & Co. CiloßG IC A W eer..._ . WoH, Robes, & Lloyd, BARCLAT kIPPIROVIT... Lippoloott, Ilonter k & Boot iAOOO Ni. T0uT........ Chatter's . , etunt, ,t W. lENRy Luwor. Jr__—.. Lewis. Jima, & Co. IATITI B. Ihnnay...--- Davos & Dm:lpr. . H. Row num.-- . tltAosetein), Brooks. R. Co. oen ii. 1..1.L0wx........... John A. Elk.on & linnE. MID W.EVRIMAN-- John ,Evernrui & CO. 1.101(1.5 H. MARTIN Savage & &Dotal. vEoßgy, W. DAY, Yrendept. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, Owe Prea't, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Pon'r. TOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 112 WALNUT Street Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. 11 W. Baldwin. O nI. r ITin ' e n a ' r e ' n W. Bexton, ``llium Ratruel, . 0. Mitchell. . 8, Warne. ohn E. Addloke, r T. Kenail, Bola. W. IL Trull: VY'rn. K. 1 1 ,0112,, O. 1.. Swindler, H, H. Houston, \VEIL 11. Love, Charlet, F. NOrtOri John CIV/tOll Edward A. Warne, H. 11. 81olli ngford. Themes 1.. ',neon,. tleaulent— 31. W, BALDWIN, Vo3e rreaudent—E. 8. WARN?. SeeretarT.—EDWlN 1.001 11. do 9 MEDICINAL THE Alb-SUFFICIENT THREE I- TRIESEMAI4, 1,2, and 3. Protected by Royal better, Patent of England. and Secured by the Beale of the k.oole de Phzirmanio de for's, and the Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. N 0.14 invaluable for exhaueben, ecerinatorrhtre, and 111 phi steal chsabilitioe. No. 2 econclotely eratlioates all tycoon of tlo o o , otilHoasee that have Wen hitherto treated by the nauseous and per :riotous nee of eociu via and euhebe. N 0.9 has entirely eurnlanted the tit'urlous use of mer cury, thereby insuring to the eillTorer eceedy nib/L . O- coming ad impurities, and rooting out the venom of dis "MIEREMAIL Nos.l, 2. and 9, are prepared mu Iso form or a lozeuge,• devoid of taste and smell. rind can be carried In the walatetiat pooket. gold in tin came. and divided Into separate drms, as administered by Ve I pone. Lallemand, Roux. Rieord. &a. Five 91 each, or lour moms for 9p, which eaves 113 cud in by ease.. whe•e by there to a twine of Bp. Tv be land. wholesale end retail, of Dr. BARROW, lei Illeeeker tree/. Now York. Sold also at Rated by CALLEN DF.R & CO., corner and WALNUT Eltreete, and by W. DYOTP , 00/.01.214 North SECOND ducat, vholesitie and Retail Agents for Pennsylvania. n22,19in rzOLLIOKOFFER'S ANTI-MIEUNI ATIO CORDIAL.—Sin ; I have been afflicted with 'lieu :intim for a long period—a portion of the time had no UOB ohm) limbs, Tried your ititriiml, and In three days I wee able to walk down ideate, and in week the pain entirely lelt me . Idu cheerfully recommend the Cur dval to these wit? are_tiJAptod with that dreadful conr plaint. goitre, W. Nitivym, Unikeri KI2 rine 51. Prepared try ' PlLKitt, Cthenilet, N. E. corner MAE and 131XTII eta. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. THE UNION, Alton STREET, ABOVE Tltlpey . UPTON TfEWSAMt. MA. The Nit :Wien tro. 110 . j'EL Is ulteriorly ndopted ttqq the Inuits of the Dimness ru Amin - , those in senrch of pile/lure, Paesitorpr RePronste, which now run rent, and to GINW erVlJaelty, afford 11 chea p nntipleptaint trt ail eines' of interest in or Ilhont the mitt. 93-ben MECHANICAL BAKERY. S. w. Corner BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment is now in quoctwaful end night. isad all are reepect incited to call aud see the whole ptocess of bread-making for themselves. Tee wederetarted take. the liberts of ela ing that for thirty-4,4),Nya hr— e hoe been it nautical Bake five an Lnprentice, and five as journeyman in one (it the first house• in Hoot', nil, and twenty lire es master-during which time he hashad the oprtunity of nmling many experiments, andiabserving all po the unprc. climate which have been made inning that period. In tins establishment, of whieh he has now the man agement,in addition to the complete labor bli%lng 1116- oltinery, he liar how (itoilities of man) kinds not hereto fore possessed. tieing unrestrained in the purchase of flour, none but the soundeat and best shall ever be uted, and he has tie heeuetma in tra:47 that Broad of oil load. can be de -01 in Quality and weight iy that made b 9g,i7.,l?Nhiirer i l h u : Bread mile by the Mechanical Bakery has riot been tried, or in wind' it lion been tried only at its Nwaineneement, before the nmehinery wain perfect working order, are respeotlulli asked to give it a trial now, the undersigned believing it would lend to Mutual advantage. JOHN it. :HOC El , tnyilibtf huperrutendent BURNETI"B COCOAIN1;. 'Pita following toslimofildl le oonchistve of It' etheacy In the 063 , 4 1 . ) A :1 UFC. BusToN.o,t. 3d, 19x9. MPatre..lollPll MANUA' Sc Co.: Gut nit fltrt t I havo [fled your COCOA INE about sit weekm. and its effort le en marked and ex trnurdinfirr that [ doom It my duty, to ',tato it to 50e. woret complaint for fievelal yenta has been DplVooirr, with oohing find irritation 01 the refill, Aryoynrinalnli( MY • hair, my coat.collyr could tit) 000- fired with the white eica'em, drolld which 'coked Ilk, a elion or of ennW, dIS berhOEtriol rioug erplict wit boat effect. e &avow - your COCO arid ho, chug Intro rot unfit to nee It, nrovoked me to promo end tr. it. have uteil lege than s tattle. The dentirnlr. end the IYrltritlott which canoed It, have otitiroll dinsfip,syred, and my alt was Rover bn(o.o 111 CO VOA 011 R1111 0 /1. OUT lkelllOtit air ant. A. A. h BURNETT'S CORSA INE Asingle application renrlrrB tho bur st as4,4lY) soft arid siOSS) for ot n al r r s Wa l e d: e n J py ir a.ll u•bo u ottl ,, *() , uso i 0 ., 1t bo roe Dot e t- n ' tl nk4r2r solo SY . s ) 9BP , Pfl g l3l.Pl ' tNiq'a, Co., BOSTON, fie. by all don ors ganora ly, at f 4 cants bot d2l 2.331 nu, AmßEß—Rectilled auti Common, for by wEVUtRILT, yt. MagaitE R , W ZlWei of 9t 11110‘ THE PENNSYLVANIA CENT RA L RAILROAD. 200 AIILES DOUBLE TRACIK.I 1860. WITAMME 1860. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Conueetiu4 direct at !Itiladelphis with Through Train. from Dolton, New York, and all points EMI, and in the Union Delmt at rittsbure with Through Trains to and from all pointn In the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thee furnishing fauilitles for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by my alter route, Express and Past Lines run through to Pittsburg. without change of Cars or Conduotors. All through Pas se:liter Proms provi.led with Loirgliridge's Patent Brake—speed unaor perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the atifetr 01 travellers. Snaking Cara nro attached to eaoh Train Woodruff's Sleeping Corn to _Hamm and Fact ' T rains.' The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, sun dale excepted. l'rnin loaves Philadelphia tit 8 A. ht. Feat Lima .. II SO A. M. Express Train leaves " bop. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE Alt FOLLOWS: .liarrishurd Accommodation, via Columbia, 2 P. M. Columbui. 4 00 I'. M. Parkoshurg 1230 P. M. Wont Cheater Passengers will Wits the Mail, Parkes. burg and Coiumbin . _ Bassen,mrs for Bunl.ery, Williamsport. 'Elmira, Buffa lo, rvißgitra Palle. and intermediate points. leaving Phi ladelphia at 8 A. f 1 and 2 I'. Al., Ito directly throurh. Tickets Westward may ho obtained at the oliforeof the Company in Plulndelßh.a, New York, Boston. or Bal timore; and rickets P.hatward at any of the important Railroad OMene in the Wpm; &en on hoard any of too regular Line of itteamera cn the Illistimelppt or Ohio risers. ICJ' Faro ninny' as low, and time as welt, as by any other Node. For (author information apply At the PAiiiieniror Sta tion, Southeast corner or Eleventh end Ptrket Strpets. The completion of the Western connections of the Vounstivtnisltedrold to Chicano, make this the DIREOT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE atAT W. 'rho conneolion t l ra E nks b EST y the Railroad Bridge at Plush, nrs. evoiAins all drayage or ferns., of Ere. kt, to-Railer with the tams of tnne, are advantwea reedny nor/roosted by Sweepers of Fretat, and the Travel ling Fiddle. Merchants and Sloppprs entrusting the transoartation of their Freir lit to thin ~ atipant, non rely with cook dense on its a poird r transit. TUE RATI,II OF FREIGHT to and from any point iu the West by the I'mina pinta Railroad are at nit times or J , ,voraPft as ere charred by other Railroad Comp - tale.). Cr Be particular to mark packages" via Penna. Rail road. For tit, ar rYd r ir i :s h s t eFtte t r r o a nti:forgVing i gn " :l:: attlY- Prutlr D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; 11.5. Pierce & Co. Aaliesville,O.; J. J. Johnston. Ripley, O.; R. McNeely, 'Maysville. Ky.; Ormsby & Cropper, Portsmouth, Paddock c Co., Jellerstinvills, Indi um; 11. W. Brown & Co.. Cincinnati, 0.; Athern & ernatnnetr. R. C. Meldram. Madison, Ind.; Joy, E. Moore, Lmosville, Ky.; P. 0, O'fllley & Co., Evansville, Ind r N. W. Graham & Cs., Cairo lit.; R. F. Seas, Slimier & (Rags, St. Louis, Mo.; John H. Har ris, Nashville, 'rent.; Rams & alltit. Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicano, MIL Koonte. Alton. III.; or Co Freight Agents of Railroads at diferent points in the West. E. J. SNEERER, Phdrutelphie. MAORAW & KOONS, ao North street. raltimore,_ LEECH & CO., 2 Astor Rouse, or 18. William st., N.Y. LEECH & CO. No. 77. Ststostreet, Roston. , 0:1: 7 / 2 NT F ir t r TVA fj il 1:11o5. A. SCOTT, Gehl Eup'tAltoona..ra. lal 1y 0601.6.7 57 RA IbROAD LINE 3 1859. giagmN 1859 wirrnvt Aptßitioli - mENT . -Nr.'w YORK LINES. Tit§ cAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHIL DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES. FllO2l PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACER. Caner WALNUT-sin - 11NT Wliitty AND IigNIINDION • Witt leave n., follows, viz: VsflE. 4001 A. N., via Camden and Amboy, Cam. k Am. Anoonunntlation . . ..81 2•6 At 6 A. Ai., via dainWel - an7/11 7 11 - 0 - y - oiii;iiiiir Jroes lAooolummlation..- ..—....-... ..... 226 At 9 A y AL, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning At Its; A. M,. via Kensingtdn and Jailer Cdsl. 3 30 Waste rn I.zprees ..-......,•.•• • --• • •- dOO At 12N P. AI., via Camden and Amboy, Aooommo dation... •••• • Atl P. Al., via . 06 - ta - dez7 - e . .nd — iiiiit - 07, - b7:t A. .Lsc: 2 " AriT. Kensingt.ji7and-Je;ie-y-diq.Ate ;P . Pf., nn Rena netod and Jersey 3°a 3 33 Clime 26 At(' P. 21.. via Camden "!;:;1_ . .v . en . Ln! 6 ail s At II hi., via Carndeli and J e reey city. Southern At 5 P. 21, vi a Ca mden Sijmmodation t (Freight and Pausengeri-Ist (Amin Ticket_ ....... 226 gd Claim Ticket... 160 er T A„tr..Bl',..lrdViNTl:erAtnildally . T38111%31' Bout),. Poe Belvidere. 'Easton. Flemington. An.. at 0 A. M. from Walnut-street wharf. and 3 P. M. from Kennington. For 21aueli Chung., Allerdown. and Retnienem. as 0 AI,A. Vl3 Lehigh ',alley Railroad. ur r ate r Gar, Stroudsburg, Porantkil: T l rtiribirre: Montreee, Great Bend, &0., nt 6 A. 21. , via Delaware, Laokawanna, and Western Railroad. For Mount dolly. at 6 and 9 A. ht.. and land 4.10 For Froabold. at OA. bt. an d 2 F. M. & Y 1 Y WAY For Bristol, Trenton, o, at 3 and ISt P. M. from Ken niuz ton. For Palmyra, Riverton. Delano°. Beverly, Burlington, liorneuttiwn. ko., at 1334, 3, and sh P. M. Fifty pound , ' of baggage only &oared each yr.asencer, Paesengera are prohibited trout taking MI) thl ng as b•tx gar,' but their wearing apparel. All beggar.° overi pounds to be paid for extra. The company hunt their responsibility lor,lingtage to one dollar per pound, and Will not be liable for any amount beyond 9 WO. except by SPOOlta contract. WM. H. OATZhIER. Aunt Camden and Amboy R. R. Co. atIFAM Pill LAI/ELPII lA, liElt- NIANTOWN AND tiQBI2I3- TOW RAILROAD- WINTER A RRANGLMENT on and 'War MONDAY,. Nov. 21, 1659. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Plnladelelan 8,7, 740, 9, 10, IL and h) A. 31., 1,1, 3,31 s, 4,6, 63i, 8,7, 8,9, 10. and 11)8 P. M. Leave Germantown 9. 7, 74, 8. 04, 94, 10, 1 L , I.A.L, 1,2, 3,4, IN, 8,6, 6X. 7. 8. , 307, P. 31. ON 131.r,91/AYS, Leave Palladelphts 9.06 min. A. Al.. 3, sad 10 P. M. Leave Germantown 8.10 win. A. M., LIU min., ON, and 9 P. M. GIiERTNIIT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Pluladdph is 0, .7.60, n A. id., 2,6,0 g, 7, and 10 P.. 1. Leave Chestnut Rili 7.10 7.40, 8.39, and 12.40 A. AL, SAG. 6.10. 6.40, and 8.49. P. 01 4 ON DAYS, artve Pailadelphta 906 A. 31., 2,and 6!4 P. H. l.eavf 4.llteetnut TAO A. M., 12.6 u, 6.90. and IA) m o FbirCiGIRROHOGICEN AND NORRISTOWN. Lease Plaladalskla IS, 9, 11.80, nun., A. h1.,, Pi, i, and P Le P ave Nornate;i2 . 6, 7,9, 11 A. rd., Di. 04, and I P. IR. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Kt i nl e u iph,. 0 A , M. and 3 P.M. Leave VAASIIIARIPIL Leave ,Phllndelphis 6. 7,4, 11 A . hi., I 05, 2.05,3. W, 7.31, and Fitt P. M. 8. lic;:nl ,, 4 „. ll. u ka t . 6)4. ?).6,13),.93i, andil.% A. N.. 2,3, ON 81.JVDAYI3, Leave Flalmielphi, 9A. M., 3, and PM. Leave m il l . W. 13 !1 ‘ 1'i11 ;' . 1 4:1,3 3 n . '" y and X 4 1 . 0• M T . ild nt, nlO-It DXl'. T. N I Nl' e n7d B (.it e F N etereats. atri. VA NORTH PENNSYL NIA (RAILROAD. wiTaFirARRA:IOt, ior FIETHLEHE \I, DOT LI-:•+TOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN. MA Paiti OH UN IC. HAZLETON. On and after MONDAY. November 7 tit, IAI9. Passen ger Treys will !ear° FRONT and WILLOW htreets. Fittladelplain. DAIL Y. I dundais excepted:) For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown, Mauch Chun'. Hazleton, Arc,' Express,' at 9.30 A. M. Per Bethlehem, I Expresso at 9-30 A. M. and 9 P. 51. For A (My Isatown. (Accommodation.) at ex.) A, ii. and 4 or Weal,in A od t o l d P M TRAINS I TN P e llil m ,Tl)l,l7[ll I.e ire Bethlehem, Express,' at t , .a.m14.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, I Accocuoodation,lat 7 A. .01. and 9.W)l'. M. Leavy Fort Waaluin ton. , Aocommodation,) at 7. A.M. ON SUNDAY 3. Philadelphia for Fort Witahtngton nt 930 A. M. Prolacelpata, for Doylestown, at 1 1'. 01. NyleAtowo for Philadelphia. at 7 A. 51. Fort Wnsinntton for thiladelphin, atelo P. M. Fore to Ilethlehejn, .91n0; to Manch Chunk, etfAt to Yqaton.eizo: cent/. ttokoti mug be procured before entering the 0944. • • All l'xPaenger Train, (expert Sundnr Trains) non font at Berta stroet ntth Filth end Guth-Ftreeti, and Scnond and Third-atretta Pasien„•nr Is. n 7 EL L CLARA. Agent. PIIILADELPIIIA, Val,. gptitglim 511270TO:1, AND 13ALTI 810k . 11 - .KILROAD. Oa anal afte_r MONDAY. November Si 19.54 - PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PII.II,AbEL VIDA, Rot. Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 12 Noon. ( Expreu, ) and 11 t 1,0 i' orCheater at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon. 4-Nl, and 11.10 r. M. 'or Wdm inB ton at 8.13 A„51., 12, 4.30 and 11.10 P. M. i '' o n r kr,' l'et,l7, at 8.15 4 3. 1 1 5 51 . . 1' 5 j 17. 4 a n n d d 1 4 / 11?) 1 1 : : 3. 4 .. or Dco or at 8 14 A. Al,, and 4 .10 P. St. or Mlllord at 8.15 A. 51., and 4 30 P. M. or Fealord at S IB A :11., and 4NJ P.M.or Laurel m 8 , 3A. 'O., an,l 4St 'll. , 'c t. OR Plil LA I I;t:I.PIIIA Leave Baltimore at 8.50 A. Al., ( Uterine, ) 10.15 A. 35., a7Ol 8 25 I'. 31. Leave Wilmington at 7.13 A. 31. and 11.804. M445(44 &tr. AL ear° Laufel at 8.13 A. 31., and 3.81 P. M. ate Record at 6 4.6 A.? ., and 405 I'. 151. Leave 311: ord at T. 60 A. SI., &oda 25 P. 51. Leave DQver at 1/ 05 A. NI., and 5.00 1' M. tear Mtdd lotown at 10 A. 51. and 705 P. Al. vs Now Castle at 10..55 A. SI., and 0 P. 51. eat e Cheater at 8. 12 A. NI .2 22 and 916 Y. 112. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. 31 tRAIIIS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 4.40 A. SI., 12.20 and 11.10 P. 31. Leave Wilmington at 9.15 A. 31., 11.153 1 . M., and 1710 A. M. hIUN I V4YEI Ny at 11.Iy'. M., (foul adelploa to ilelthnore. i romE 2 k , . 3,l„,fre: t7 I , elljrnorp . to Philadetram, A I Irr uhn 1.. ft " k " "R atelAhe4 ' Leave Philadelptua for rerryl, we . and Intermediate places ut p. Leave Millington for Ferri One and tutarmedlata p ao s e a s , at 1. 4 45 P. M. ... t ' . .. , 1 5 epn..1 . 0tt for Philadelphia and intermediate Loavo Anittinore fpr Stounnor's Run. Chase's', and flarewvod at 3.51 P. M. na B. M. FELTON. President. PIIILADELPILIA AND blr i ll— LLUI HPT RU hleago, Rook Islan l j, t Nia;;:r it a i Palls, .. 7 4 B a u ° r! ng1.16, Montreal, St. Paul's, Detroit, Dunltet , and Or. QUI • rastopser trains will leave end Rend [Tie Railroad Depot, corner lIROAD and CA 1,1.01 . /.. HILL BtreetaGAlLY.iSondAys excepteddeLl fellows i 7ItO A. H. DA EX PltESo. per Elnitra i _Bingsra rolls, Ilutlalo„lteiroit, (Romeo, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena, Bt. Paul a, Burlington. and Ht. Louie. 5.90 P. M., NIGHT nx PRESS. Eirrdra,Niagara Pee,. Ituilaio,Detrott. Clonago, M4wank ee,Rock lelard, Galena, Faure Burl , ni.ten. an St. Louie. The 740 A. Al. and 5.3 t) P. M„ trains run throosh to HARILIRRUIW.stovpinz at MI Stations on t. , ,a Lel-tr.on Valley Branch. Thu LAU A. Al. train conneota at Rupert for tArre, ritiston ,S.orantvti, an el stntlyps on the LACK AWANNA AN'lt BLOO -1 311t Rl.' RAIL ROAJ „Ba.Sr 3 ge checked to Elmira, & 00. Mato, and Suspension oket I Gan Fro : 3nre4 at the Philadelphia and 51) 11 tiril ntrilroafl I.lne , IF . k:• . t Office, PiorthwesLoorner o Etr.‘ 11l and CH rIEU I Street., urn Me reason ear Or.pot, corner lIOAD and CA 1,,1.0y, THROCUII X r REPS l'R lull I"I'llAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad ' tit reet,t,h,w ne. darly.r..9cn eaeepteild for all routs West nod North, ot 61'. Al. preights must la, doltoered before 9 P. M. to insure goino the same day. For farther tofermation, apply at F,O ht Dypot, rs ROA D, helots Vine, Or to CHAS, H. VAITh'N ieneral Arent, N. W. corner SIXTH and GIIESTNUT ;Meech, 001 t 1 l'llllollolohilL INV44 P II I L A D E L P II lAT AND READING IRIL ROAD, 1110_146 1. RE, for POTTSVILLE, READ . 0 and HA RRISIId Ittr. Leaven the new Dceot , at corner of BROAD and Ca LLO WIIILL tit reatx (entrances on CallnwhOdl Vl 7 aod6Wrt:lnr4eißa ponuaNing at Harrisburg' burg, Bhamleerstelra,Cerbele. Somber, An. AFTERNOON LINER. Leave at RA) P. M., DAILY, for lOTTSVILLE and HA HRIRIBTRit. At 4,3 d P. lO.,DAlLY,(Bundayaexeepteddfcee READ INtI, met intermedints points. dd W It. MrII.TI FNN V. Nnerntary Ivy , EsTER %Nt4ip' 11All ID)AO—PAS DERMA:. TRAINII.O . R DOWNIN6T(IWN AND IN TEIthI EDIATRIS rAno -O0 mdntt.•tDeaem• lor IMO, too Yeasen,er for 1)0A NINGTOWN ntert trom the now P.., Err ci the Nola !s, easteu6or on olphn. and henry 1z,1.0a I emovony. omo r BROAD and trot, tropore npn Cr/won-hill. MORNINti TRAIN for I),,wr.lngtown, !cave' at 7..,0 A. M. AYTERNOON TRAIN for DorranittiArn, talvel at 4.Di I'. !ti. PAII.Y (Bpadr.), eyeepte . d.) /4 order of th, 1311.1. rd of ~ , 'carer' of the kroledelohli end Bettor Rat'road 113 tom. li. VII NY. SnerrtArl ItIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW oto nbtnhl the . cont.ntd. ,iodr,fig LIJANI TIM , ON. Pond, ette Uthue, 1213 Nort 1 EijON Mroct. AT3 F INE nt very low prices, c.I,N ; ON TEA CO.VrANy, 01 mail* 819 N. 81:COND st., 0, UM OUAIAOIJAI TE —Strainell, for sale by WE.RILT, 4 14110TM:ft, a and a North teliNtill haws, SALES BY AUCTION. IFURNESp, BRINLEY_, CO, No. 09 MARKET Bra y. B scorx, Jr., AUCTIONFXR, No. 431 -Los CHESTNUTIeiiREET_, F 1 oereto the Cutout Rouse, bora - nen FOUR 11 and FIPI Streets HALE OF FAH FUONA LE FURS. FANCY SLEJOR AND CARRIAGE ROBES, ao. On TnesdaYs Jan 10. by eatalngue, oommenoms at 11 o'efoms. • Consisting of the Mull assortment of furs for mums', children's, and gents' wear. BALE OF FANCY 'KNIT OERMANTOWN GOODS, On L3IBROIDER I tit. TRIMMINGS, ko., WetMetdaY• January llth by catalogue. on a credit, commencing at lUo'clock,comprlying the umal asaortmeatof goods suited to protect Wet. pIiILIP FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, R. No. OM MARKET Street. and /531 MINOR Street. SIIIPPING. p lIILADELPHIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. digkrb grab AT AN ADJOURNED ItlEr,Tazo OP.THE ABOVE NAMED OORPORATION, MILD A! No. 6 MEItOHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. Nl..Seetelaher 703.1649, the follow ing gentlemen were unn:Anaoneir elected Direetore the Compeer. eta I GEORGE 11. STUART, H. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, ORAS. MACALESTER, AID Joni; EDGAR THOMSON. The BOORS of ISUIRICKIYTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY ere now Open at the above immed 0 no°. where ell persons favorable to the enter- Prise are rearrectfeilly Invitoa to sulacnbe. se-tf z ,6A•• FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— Ntnv YORK AND HAVRE EITEAIISIIII . C(9l.i.A;ilr. - The 'United states MailEteamships AR AGO, Z. tons, Dnvol Lissa, Commander, And FULTON, SA* tons, James A. 06 otton ' Commander, will lease New York, Haven, and eiodthampton, fur the year 1,339. on the to:loving days: To meet new roqulrements of the Post Office Dernrt snent, the :Nye of aniline of the AR AGO and FULTON from HAVRZ and SOUTHAMPTON. will, after their resent voyages, be changed as follows from ?i1. 3 71( <<t.l< , save in the ease of the present departure of the ULTON. which will take place on the 17th Hocemlier, the schedule remains unaltefed: - 0004 NEW YORO. 11501_11 ANT A0r211•31P701. F LTQN..• I7. FULTON. an. Id.. leo. 11. aßaiio —.Jan. 7. ARAGO _.. an. 31... Feb. L Uhl ON....Feb. 4. FULTON—SOL:3 AA Ratio— tich.3. A RAr;l) ......711e11.27...31.e. D. FULTON . ..111cli, 51. FULTON .. apt. 24 Apl. These steamers, built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engine., under deck, every attention has titian taken in the construction of the hull and tea ehinery foment° safety and speed.. The ships have fit 0 water tight compartments enclosing the engines, 0) that in the event of eolliaion or stranding, the water could not reach them. and the pump. being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Moment experience has demonstrated the abfo lute necessity of this mode of construction. Toe acoommodations for are believed to combine every comfort and convenience that can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin. Sloe; Second do.. #75. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First 70 0 franca Second do.. 350 franca. To passengers going to London these steamers offer the advantage of economy both in time and expense. Specie delivered Ili London. No pawn;. secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board, All litters and news payers must pus through the Post Lace. F ' freight orpateage RVV ITT tO . RAYTON. A4et.7 DroAdsrAy. New York. WILLIAM Agent, Mavis. • CR 0:4IS & Agents. 3outharo ton.p AMERII7I.II EUROI'EAN EXPRESS COMPANY, p ant Yarn. ON. Agent, Office, Tobacco Warehonse, DOCK and FRONT Street., Philadelphia. flans of the Wes can he Been. n}3-tmhsl 411ASTEAM I) RELIT TO ALL PARTS OF' GREAT BRITAIN AND fit ELAND, FRANCE AND GEFOLANY. TILE HAMBURG r4 kMERICAN PACKET CO3l - V'S IRO MAP. STEAMSHIPS. HANIMONIA. Capt. D. F. Bchweasen. hANONIA, Capt. Ehlers. 330RUP8IA Capt. N. Trautman. BAVARIA,' Capt. H. Taulm. TEIIToNIA, Cat:. H. Erma. ' These Steamers toe all brat-classClide-ba!lt v easels; are intended to Intl Chain her 21, North Itlt et. N. Y. an Aflitl FOR LONDON, SOUTIIAMPT,ON, HAVRE. AND HAM BURL.. The elegant and morirfal iron Screw Steamship ,SQ RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trautman. titYJ tons Mullen, trill sail et. et..,ve, en SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31st, at Unock M. Demure, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New ork, and from Southampton to Lonon, First Cable. 81001 Second Cabin... 3160 I Steersga...s3l The IiORIJMIA will be enoceeded by the fbilowing Steamship,: HA at Id QM /L.-. WEDNESDAY, February!. 13A _...... HVASDAY, March 1. TEUTONIA .TH "RBDAY, March 13. BAVARIA.. ' ...MO DAY, April 2. SIT Fesseners forwarded to Lteerpool.Dublin. W rest. Cork, 'imago', Pang. and Antwerp, at through rates. Theme ides Mors are htted pp %loth undqnalled eeeom inodn,lens for first, eeoond, and third-chum Pnwenstrs. The Nocond Colon ricoommodatimis of these Ship are equal to the first-class of most steamers Certificates of passage tanned lrem London, South ampton, Havre . and Hamburg. to New York. Parcels forwarded from Philadelphia Wall parts of Europe at reasonable rates. Freight engaged in Fhiladelphus will be ProMPHS attended to by, the New York Agent, and shipped free of all oeunnieeion. For Freighter Famine, amply egolusively to W. A. lIAMIIL, Agent, 011.,e of the Hamburg American Mail Ateamehlps,_ n2-tf fiorthweit °other t BERTH and CHERVIL:T. THE BRITISH AND NORTH MIPS AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PROM NEW VOLE TO LIVEIPuOL. CI tier Citin renege —.--..—. —....--. SIV tiocond Caton Pa geage.... —.— TO gittot Roatua TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Caton passage_ ___.......,__.... e no Elooncil Cabin Passage.._. —..—. 00 icet Toe hip n froca_Boston call at Optlifax and Cork Harbor. AFRI A, Capt. Shannon, ICLIAJOA, Ca_pt. Lam. kS. HS A. CayLiodking, 111,OLLIT IC, Copt ntiliat, ARAB . Capt. J. Stone, NINJARA.CapL Asdersou, ASIA, apt. t... fl. I ott. FUR° F 4..Capt..l—.inch, ‘ SCOTIA. (now boilding.) These vane.* carry a °tear alma up:a at mast-bead: green orl itar hoard LoW ; zed on port bot. EUROPA. Leitch, loaves Bonen, WO-aaaLly. r. 11. PEIVII.i. Jadkine. " N York, orriar. o.:1. AMER wod AMERICA. Millar, " Wednesday . WedneaY. Doe.:. ASIA, Lott, .. N York, Wednesday. lan. 4. CA N t P', Lau., o Semen, Wodaealay. Jan. It. AII aIII A, Ozone, .• N York, Wgenesday, dai.. It. IL ' RUP.t. Leitch. '. Poston, Wednesday, Jan.= 11,in:is not secured wail paid for. An esperienhed Surgeon on toard Poo ovnera of the.. shirt trill not be . y.toonanthle for uold, &Ivor, Dulling., fleecier Jewelry, rm.:nose Ftonar or Metals, unlogg bill, of Luling s i red therefor acid tne valve thereof therein itcpre . or Ire' chi or vin ous aptly to F.. CUNAIt . a whel (neon, fifty York. FOR THE SOUTH.--CHARLES TON AND SA VANN#IISTRANIEDLLIII. F EIU ILT REDUCED. Heave Feels - ht at an average of PLYTELI pee cent. be low New York eamehl re ea. oCLIAIIIISTO,44. C. Tho U. B. Mail Steamship KEVati v STATE. Cap- Cala Chortle P Marihmao, will sail on Saturday, January 7. at li) A .74. Throceet Ir. 44 to ee.Jhourset hoer( at flea FOR SAV The U. S. Mad Steams lls STATE OF GEOSOIA. Capteln John .1 GI-vio. will sail 011 341.tuiday..14.141i447 11 at 10 o'clock A. M. To rou rh in es to go hours, only SS houreat Bea. .141. chanced from every Sa t urday to ever, five days. Goods received, and Bala of Ladtua alined 0 , 011 dal. The splendid flat-cites sule-wheel Steal:Letups KEY STONE riT ATE and STATE OF liEoltiaLA soar ran u above every to days, thus forming a nve-day cor—ma nloatlon with Charleston and Bavannab. and the &URI and Southwest. ..• • . At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships eon nee: w,th steamers for I londa, and with railroa, to. for places in the South andCE. Southwest. INSURAN Freight and horn ranee on a Litres prepare:co of Goode shipped South will be found to to lower by these .to than by sealing events, the premium betng one•half the rate. • • N. B.—lnsurance en a Railroad Frelstt is entirely auneoessary, farther theta Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies tairint all r ohs fro m th , so points. GREAT RF.DUCTION IN FAR E. Fare ,, by tilts rout 25 to 40 per oent. cheaper than by PLie l , a) l7 i rotrileVe ' ts ili fm bl ni e gil b Wß e hf°, ' t i uVr; b,taudaarannihetesmahtps, INCLI.IyINI3 LIU'. on wholn rrhue, eznept trout Charleston sad tienzi nah to MoutgeLne rt INLAND 1 . 112. Coa.rtestoo--...413 JO tiovacolb— SI CO a55t5........._.. S 6 tO Atsoor. -3 73 Atlanta,.... _. . 81 oo bos --- 86 QJ ID, - --. 87 30 li ontf °mem— - 30 Co ; tnie...--. 44 00 re , Orlonos.-. ,*1 $1 00 flar the ship Ana . ill on board. at 3 d wharf ALEX. HERON. Jr., KITH antL.ol - 011 , 11;TI ti & T. il. EL LW. .17iTER & CIAAI3I ELL. tston, steamer Carolms even To chariestaa.— El 00 iSorannalt.— 12 W Augusta_.__.. 2u Ou Mao° 31 00 At , 22 rJ 23 00 tlbanY 24 00 ent,ioniory...„ 24 00 • 22 IX) New Orleans „ 99 TB No 1.0 of lading inirtied a Fur light or re1.1P111) above ine street, or la EOUthWtSi CV(llet Pi Stout' in Charleston, T.: Sarannah. 1111' For Flondc from Chsrlet Pnr Florida from Bsvartm th.John'e. 84, ry eh, steamers Bt.Msrs's end mud Saturday. PIACIIINERY AND IRON. MIMI V. YHAYICI, I. VATIIHAII 1111311 CZ ..OUT [MA I. W. ' FORM', FIFTH AND WABHINGTON YE 4i ildiregoNs, ENGINEERS AND macuirsTs, Manufacture High and Low rre.nnue Steam Engttet for Land, River. and Marine aortae., iMnlen Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, tro.renstints cf all kinds, eatier)ron or Itra• i s. Frame Sonia for Gam Works, Work Plops, Rail road Stations, ha. Retoria and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Inv proved construct:oc. Every descriptionof Plantation Moohine-v. ouoh as Rural., ells - . and Ural ;knits, Vaciism Pans. ripen St.eszi Triton, Derscatore, I.litere, Pawing Enxines, Sole At:mita for N. Eillieux a Patent Snrrsr ro,bno Arphratkr; Patent Bteses Ssnoyar ets.l Aaptuwall VoLser's Patent Contrlfaral Bata , prun ing 11.rehtn• an 4-• co - N - 11.:i3446 - Scrn CIIIIISTMAS AND NEW SEAR.—Fin, CONFE.i.; I'IONERP can be had. ev•l to Ana °the• rstut hshtrent to th • ell> —viz . Ron Bop. Choe.A•ce Almortl no fiFp,rts,ent of gancr_ 14,:ea mt it.FFRIEM St No. TIS )1A KhT Mlreet betweetiNevratti: , .: V.,gnsh. o , IVESI'VIIPSYRR and L l l2 .- PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD via. MENA, FALL A RRANDENIIINT. On nod niter MONDAY. Deeti nt mber 12, 2429. the trims w . oi I-, Yhkladnlphia, r, the hmtima, N. J. eon., 01 El GHTEI.NTH and 3 AIiKE tin - neta, at II 10 A. M. 1. end ‘ 4.30 I'. 31. 14erl,,i..,Ven'S_(.14vner, from the DEPOT. on EAST 31.\14 K h rl r, at 7.15 end 1120 A. M.. and 415 I; 0.3. \ I. O\ Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 2 P.M. or. Nt.'aut nt 7t5 A. M., and 4P. 51. The tram. Navin: Philadelphia at 810 A. SI. and 4 31(1 I% M. connect at Pannelinn with the Philadelphia and Central Rantoul. (or Pnnirrd ChadtDford. ilzwiro. and Avondale. HENRY WOOD. 00-tt_ _ climatal 812 clatal pinata ode at. . 9&T frMANDER SAFES: 0 ,„D A tare aavortruet of E ' IANt.. I & WATT ttOtAll PHIL ADELPIA IANUFACTUKED trALAM R ANDE - R t.t AP- 9. VAULT DOORS. DANK LUCKS For Ranks end Stores. , Equal to an. nnw in n.e. IRON DOORS, gIIUTTER: 4 , &0., Ong, 'trod tam vg s as any other et.bshrnent Is the I.IeIPW Stites. I v EVANS At WATSON, No. l!vt CHEN ['NUT Street. Phllati:likaj ILVER 80.1 P—A slmplo pmpanktion rb•rl:une ...htver Phte. Jeegeiry, Mirrors, Mar hied( e.. ter more ton, entent and eneetive than an 7 dthcr. one h e ll the I. t ho g o f Musa cleaning may be PIC 041 t y nano' ht., Soap. ahioh en nnot possibly lam re • torn t 410,1 vitae. and as C.', edrubbine if retul red, e t, tr.c in the rear n: Ibe ge:nt a rnech greater then ;hen •t f the Sat p. fit lunvoc the sttrfeee as eve anti style, n 4 w. Month:coo/4 °air by the tiosten i n n arl ' t ' . - •:eA ' rt . T.l n r " o " '6'.. ' Aiget "o nere d a b ri y eg h . e 4W ' V r eFT ' ll rlorn eNt,r C _ I.II4iPEJT WIDIDOW tilaISS in town 1 7 0 ADIOKI, P. W. woof of BBVlitia t i aßvo., SALES BY AUCTION. MTHOMAS & SONS, . NOS. iaa and 14150 MT PI TH STILES?, 'Formerly Nos. ar and ea.) R1).—PIT111,1911 SALES SISAL EJSTATS STOOK§ AT rn.. EXCHANOE.—BaIts roll and goats evert Tuesday, at the E.:chasm/. Ike Contritiztors harms the entice et eater seas siir Handbills of each properti molted separatek addition to which we publish. on Ins daturaspreal:an to the We, one thousand sekreptoist 110101 fail deserwions of ail tee Dronertase to La sad on the followitts Tnesdar. REAL ESTAT.6 AT PRIVATE BALL ET We hare a large annanas or teat salts at siriaute I sale, incladlo4 every eescraption of city and country Probsrar. Printed list may be had at bb• unction scan PRIVATE SALE REGIATER. ISIr Real estate entered on cur private sale reciter tind advernaed occasionally, ter public rt!a acv meta (of Which LOW ooptes are pnnted I free ore-urge PALL RAIE 4 , STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. 31st Fag Sale, San. 10, ei E11in... - . at the Exchto;e. R2 - 6' Jan. 17. tha Exatania. ILT Part of tho hsr-db.l . aiwo l oh ot 11.3 atvva Wit how ready, 6TOCIL9. LOANS PEW, Jae. On Tuesday.. Jan. 10, at 11 o'cloca, noor....srili Le soli, at the Fht- Isolon.a • xtatinge 400 shares linprwell Coal sal Iron Conmany. Foa'necnont a! whom tt may !map. era— & chattel mort,nze cOnsrri/bl. 1 ,- e*. at .55:4 oast ({ate OM or the est wadssa, Invmsysit. and En• !Inroad Camrany. aow No. 20, aud.l!e ails, `•]art's Clm,:h. For. Dr. ;roar. • !titlF . lnr4 Conneettout Miming CerCiany. t crlg ortli shares Sao Frane.sao LassiA.ssouletlwa. THIRTY-FIRST FALL BALE—.IANCA.RY 10, At 7 o'clock in the treat tr. Qtrhsns' Court? Ile—Free If A Foot: - Foyle. dept.!, II R.litt'-ttTORto BRICK OWP LLIN fi DI.ASOB I OF. routbenst corner of Brontt art oxford tows. Twentieth ward lot LI feet o.lJ:frond street It: feat on o:t6rtt r re - t. Two fronts. snrna estate.—TftftElK-EITf)RV BRICK FWELL INto, west rde of Tenth street. ',Oh of wrencte. Orreotre'CO..trt Sale—Fetal° or _to^ n 0.,!, s, dzir/cl. ttT firOFN D. rant cote rf C..ntot. Ft, at. tents Cl 13 at Cr ttrcet. Northern ttu GB Fst.t- —1 Ca OF WWI. Slt. totutu Jo of Frotto arrant. e4tt o FrankLa street, (2;0112....era Lt. e w F r Inv to-t. Eiemae. arerostory RII.R 7 F:- . Lati) of Altrcezel timrson. Lee . I R REnFEMAPI.P •1, 01,c,t) ATSA R. on I '4 moth sid4 r!.. I'dt...en:Li ward. well secured, ar.d free art. - Lees. 2,7 e als Rune Fatnte -r-TWO DWELLINGS —Twn Staff bri• kda yams. No 2.) Lona, trkt .ewt ni Wee:,Lair Sl'e - Eau, —ll-1111'.1.:•STW.ri BhI , K n vtle et Car:t.,p west. e • ..! 111 , 0 f. FirtierMi „ta tune Est.t, —Th ft jIIRICS rwr.L.L -1.. Na. 6,0 Carpel:ter itre-n. west cf &nit strer. Rain alwnlon. NPAT IVITII 1 11 ITIR VARi) No. th Eight!, •voet. A 1 ,11.0 l o tz,f, e ir r , n r. lIOTFL AND GIII.I LING. coras , ll corm or Eiprlor. C,,J•n er-ab: also. Cory brick C.-re 3Cd to.l lot of =round 24. jo , p l l2 . llfl!tlf,';liretn St'.C•i• 1 'IIAIII.I t l l7ol.*Nri.fti'N r, I•1.-.;re est of tat of grourl. withe drege-eo,aven,ratlerirts. northamt of Fa:tnn as. m 14.3 'lronton - rant Gra:- Bale for vr;ted, WOOL AND C!... , TTON C Fi A R.N•Y C. 7 ING, BLax EBUL'I Ez!, Jr o. . TY./ Moro'n , T. Jan.:th at 1O o',-look. at t-e Any-on Ftc.orra. D. cata loins, for noo,ura o 1 ! i , ta•ay, L 7.50 L 4 sweA c utt.n.s. 1 713 Th• f •no al. IPa . 4 Si) t... 4 COMM, 1,&:.9 P,4 tent, l) 214 L's ao,e Cl. 3,811 rope, ke. Also. a tiortntity of dyrrtAzYgl clothisy Ltd etvpmrs., 'n01,2,11111; 49.3 Crest it , 113 tr.t artillery irtrat cols. 14 ;trill:en , mime COAL,. Jct.:cos 516 infantry coats-113 infantry iyt..'iots.slB :17 b'ankein, 1 ad haversack. t kitavatete, Sc. WI" 1 partiezdars to taut:Dittos the!) Can irreibus to sale. Side et N05.1..V a nd 14122erhinegth Street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, t RI:NCR-PLATE ITIR ROHS. PLOD-FORTE. BRUMELE CARPET& On ThunetSy Morning. At lio'clock, at the Anedon Store, es celleia second hand farrature. eiesent piano. icrtelle tne manors. carpets, ete., (rota fstr_t.,e3 housekeeping, retrieved to tie ,tare for todregirmdti Of sale. A:IICEL NATH.iNS, AUCTIONFTE, VI south Tlf IRD Street. beer Wer.ut. LARGE OF FORFOITVD FLEpti.s. DY ORDER OF ADRATIAII INATIIAN.e, Brolvr.' On Tue•nine JCL 17. W), st , ;'eln-c A. M.. e^ns out: of and silver pnteat le • sr. darks. ads Cnld chains, esr•rts, - s,l.:esst-vus. reen.l esses. :ern are. d CLOT PIA' C. 5r pant,, rntr. dt,M2g, shams. linens t7` =&s, vie Ye. NOT! .ve I sris4 ,ends o^ tn. oven the iev* , ! 1.0. n f ,tit eII vsd the snot. Other,l6o rut•no atla rsri tli nds, a day. AB! , ',HAM NA ri-lAN Itrn's - er. lel2Ci` 1. IV. eAr.Slsta ind Csi'clsctlls.r. 111 ) SFS NATILANS, AUCTIONEER AND c_ommts.9toN MERMAN?, soutteisss corner of SIXTH d, RACE, esso,noo to loan. to a , ce or small ""waste, stocks. cold and slyer plate, the ectott , s. wet-beg - CT, ;exec dry 1(0(.11 , Zit'{'lTZCS gar, hardware. cutlery , musscal irstrzu , er.t..fura.rar e . beddtttc. horse.. vehicles. corners. Ftdec nr.cies of vales. for any lent th of LC:a a4re?ll cpea. (pi U.ccii liberal ter than at any o th er taiaLlishnpeat fa this city. GREAT CRANCE FOR PkiiritalarS. At rriree sa:e, ap! , .l7<! - ,1 tier° f , rt., an 7. eS reversed cue. con OS pea a II:0; tr.. g bur.:4l r Cl.O pattut lever wateh. dont., t ma a,.1 tuda enceat second.. role 5125: fire to!..t hue•t,-,nee e..achse pa tent lever a - erelea of tba ru,t ••p• t•t'd PGA . rest r !Aft., from ez to f Fa' I d ,. 0l Nei palest eve vreehes. best frost fine 13-esret hantinz..ase det•c'ssd r wsrebea 1314 e -els, from .?u :3 ,r . 5 ,en f cs..frctrt eta t. 641 fine 13-caret so'?• • st..atsc etas ate/least ores lice eot .1N:1u to &fret En tl sla patent later mitt Ara an A and doot , .e touom of tUe et; cr• ed a_c from 810 frolo to 63 tt .); A.ertsart ell., W :rim. eeer pleat la m 6. varYratch#B at t r :C; duple" watches: ditto double tame Inane *1: to hratias ease ulcer laver trvellei., that Jewett...l. wi,it a ta ot a key, from 518 to sszy; Letup_ do, froe. c 1 to tu Slit hurAf rate del :ere , vr veers ta from 13 to 51/ ; o ;an fare from ea t. Lsatiss cave silver, lepmst watches. ;awe - Ird Pt. E 7 to ,b): open facia do , frera r 3•••• 6; alum r rehes. Ices I, .5; ellrer tees 1. ft 9 0 et 4.: 3; go'd patent hen 1.14 trpe•l f.-c error and Lerrne. Pn, fhtea. f rens wat•lute. flout ,11 to it rp ; fi' , and . cunt at e) :tet.ta per dart; Pan gold via-1 es - -r.nas. treeivpina seed brace:stet batata. finer 1 , ,,,, ti0••0ry.0t every C.O. ecnptien. for leas tENn ts• c•usi a•Ltrne ports a. 5 :As ULU to kiln. to soma 4, :,ts t O, o-y . and Story kand CI 1 , .. 1 4. at ie., t - :tot' eaarithg thila say other eatabLaithr.ett tha X ci / ty 1: r DI Attended to atersta—A. r c tee- aucrtetteer, at rary tow otarges. CONEFUNSILNT3 SOL . IC!TED. Coact amen[" of all and every tirkl of goods reakthit for pane : tyro-thirds zer sole of the go‘re.avillb• &ire:iced In antreipatlou of tea a-. A:15 , 3E3 NATEIANZ. J. IVOLBERT & C. 0., Are. TioNFF.RS, ` j. I Tutsalsa le^--..r..• seat • - • _ . 10: h 'nat., Lt tub* IlivlOck . . 3: b:) Arch street— E..iptrtOessy Lad trvers'..•.c.% • , t`'.oLit:' ,, r 4a;11; rr'.._:ra e.r..i-•-Pt.::&s.trt rereessnfi ant! e#M . re e 'O,Ol Y‘tketl• 'CIOCE.g c1..1.A.s is ct n s w=t: Ist .Cis. breatnit .." , t mew r vets Of wilt., ra. cape. uazen. dishes. Ito j/ • P.3:2.1.C2.1.Air.t.:., and s c..~:n;gm's!. c.n.r.U.Y• BUSINESS C.S.RDS. RIARTLN dc QUAYLE'S &Lino:4 - E R Y, TO7. FANCY GOOD* t: Y. CS IYALti L - 17 STREET, ViLow :tetra rp Const‘otly e¢ hat Pima eta:, sad T,..:4t Taos. 31. BIDDLE. A:l.)mq at Lvw, 73 R , ntS FOURTH Ll!ds• WALLACE & gp,opipLAp ‘ v r EXCHANGE FLACE. NEW YO.R.E. Roots srd hmat ar,e, 604 i, en FIANC , S WALLACZ. 11 - .. c 09-4 m• ucsrn - N E, Ate. ATTnRNIIT AT LAW. G,TiE.E.:l.sßr.i.g, FA. prcoitisis in N. eiz.. 4 .1.1.-e Ar...rizalz i Cass tioanties. 9111 E ADAMS EXPRESS CO.. OPYILD MO CIS 1-I:STI`itT 3:rt forirt: Is, ac ate*. Marc.0.,..1 se. Cts:ri c-:: r itsevaDace.or In c0r...5.,..t.01s or. tri-ILZ: - .l`2ct- V.r.le.• the sr.zclpl.3 torts v.: atted Etttei. 1. a. tc‘NPFURP, sat-tf ~.t .por“! E DUCATION.4,L. Ipti)oK-KEEPINi; .—This tsr.ziat IT r 07 rti NTS; inont.v.d ,t e IN , l'o 1 V. \ oi , :SINTiI AND —l'll.l:iti OAF. DEN S IRE.r..T.z. jst 11:* Qt L.NASTIU INSTITUTE—For nertl•rcen. otcl&en cf tr:rc sce Fmk. HILLEBRAND LEICLI, :lot:kegs: comer NI ':':I arAl ARCH. A vEtttL SCIIOOI, IV -IU Al telieo , le med:z.he thrQu e h whet ' Fe= - ties UM otq't• n (t , :hrtteat - two, g' re:tit:oda:s. :e1;•-reettoe and re , us O . the ttt schools. 11TH, WoOutlAlt, t 3.4 BR(' kW:I'AV. New VOrk. cr nll-:f 6.X3 ell Es t. i Street. BRYANT IL - STRATTON'S NATIONAL rtlyOei:STILE COLLETS, locsfeq EA Fa.:l,- ao,pnis. oerner SEVE:S A ar.4.1 bow S'or • itnTalo. Clefs sm.! For information. call or mend for CvAlorao. PIANO , .. STEINIrAY Jc - SONS NEW PA TENT (1. - iirt-r,TRIN.) GRAND rrAscli. SQU ARE GRAND. A 17A:qr. ANt•-!, , g• I re.- Od 111 cur. 2:U sr. it• m ale b , the (4st pinfortekri Received I s , tat y rear...a v•er the Neu gasket,. fra.:l I.3.tea ka szt,et. di 11. V4•Jen,/ 6't Lawn. i:J.Az) rc.4 b 0-17 1.060 C EST:. L &zest. HOLIDAY PREiENTSI PIANo.FORTI-:3. MELODEONS rjANO-FQRTt.3. NS. ILANQ-POP TES. 31e.T.0D.E0 PIANQ-t'01171 , 3, JIELODEL ,mme RAI an, Eason. .tNs.r.z.s CAA. MLEert. DlrLa. and orlens mylt-li I=MIM FfirA OIUCHERINGr NIANCTACICRF.%! el GRAND, aIEARE. ANI) i.;FRIGtiV YIANO-FORTY.?,_ WARFROOMS &7 CUE Gatasfpn 2:orx. a I _ and UNFAIALLEL/INcgßt.rV.e2:l . c awarded, a the the ere Etta tr_d 1.7 . • r Enzolpe 3S 4.00 ANp.g, T.V.L 4 R FIR3T-CLA.2B PIANOB TO REN rfail A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANos. SCSOMACRER & CO., STICIIESPI`ItT Street*. r:epectfe -, 'he potd c td exa.adne L.e.r eteatal troe-ooecneet— THF. PARLOR GRAND }IAN°. Having eonemed toe Iwr, Tont). Ae• the Gruel Pl.. ,-tr. eroollni &lithe \ es e a rar.4 a.° 1--e c , t't 0 ; E: 4 10 ; In volume, punt, of ton,. (re , : Z. , nen. depth. end evenee. of c•ded, vlta krldei d atesetneutr.ote, SUPER , lOR ANI) TI r Ilh erfs.L'Ati.NTS aro whtlly anevtilel. y e re: ..re_ t..e _ eric.orn.arr.r. !MU Ire t • C-3 :ti €.l - to any In7trun.l.alB ercr::..l coantry. Coultsntl , on hrteti, a lane and x Oat sz., , rtner.l of rtatr.vni:e.l PIA.NOS. We First Premiums. at at eN! . .. - ttt '.'7..- c!u-ling the Prue Medalsae ,r). - ..)a I 1::.t.- b1e.012. New York.l3i.t. ref-:f COAL. HOLTSEKEEPERS ooki TO YO LT. .A.-Lnateriet. Dna ~y rtur COAL. r ' 44 '2414 nettant tat la- ter, oast aut:.•7 cf La:t L,Nal c2ared at taco to' .a; rt....a-a rt iit ,, ka a. Eif ra 4 13 ;ar tza. Wat s:7ki fre e try.;lL, a: CrlS' yap,. raer NLatna , LLAI _sa n t 'ILLOW. Call aa..l are. W. GROOM/. it CO.. Off.oe 1N .4,;:tS FOURTH Etztat, • WHARF, PINE ; 54.7371;.Z.M.L. Bea-ars or 0 . '4:erelr..: tlker. ra I,4ICKOItI AND EPRING 31t1UNTAIN Li.I.EO it c0AL,11,14.:V0r.! ratimilit3:l4.l.l""'6"" vsi". LE :s a