The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 07, 1860, Image 3
=ZEE New York Steck 11Webatige.i.ionl. 114f' l e rer s eQ Hudson diver H... 49 20' do. Woo 11l Cent It bds 86 1 5 KO Harlem It 12. ref•• MO Bud It 34 nitx....• aid 300 Panama Read:3o.3yr 60 Pacifiefifail fi 8....7516 •60 do - - 100 Mich Central 673 g SW Gal. & Chlcago R.. 63 eu ItliehS&N (PdA3O 1634 60 • ..... 63 N.York Central IL -74,V 200 , • ...• •• • 63if 10 , o 74%1100 do b3O 6331 r 10D o b 36 74.14 6 Ohmage & K R• •• • 6 • 9 4 100, d o ' ' MK 16i do. .... Mk s 230, 749; d 0....;• • • 62% 100. do. - . . e 4 674 11W d 0.... ....... b3O 62V Clov Col &II it cc ma do .. ... •••••bdo 6:0.1 411 TIL E MARKETS. saltewax 'continues very firm, with small stooks; Sates of 1,000 lbs at 3 90 for yellow Western. Southern is held at •00. .„ CANDIAS ar¢ Met but unchanged ; satin of aoo boxes Adamantme,at lib. Other deiscrlptione remain as feat quoted.' do ssso i s i s . boayant, and Minnesota Loire can now be boUght at 3130, and Baltimore at 23u. No transao tions of moment are reported. • Naomi. —The market for ;Mate and Western is heavy. and declining, with light receipts, and soles of 4 990 bbla at ea moo 23 for suporfind State; $5.400.3.45 lot extra do ; 85.23m5.30.f0r superfine Western ; 416.3306. M for extra , do 86 7005.53 for extra roan .hoop Ohlo. Bummer?, ylour is dull, with salon of 600 Mils, at 3.40 n 0 30 for mixed to rood. and $5.15131.35 for extra. Canada' Flour is quiet, with Ades of 200 bbls at 06 4006.76 for a xtm. Fratt.—The market is quiet, owing to the close of In land navigation; but the ;sloes lately quoted are well en ported , if i eensequence of the light sUogl7n hand. we quote - ry Cod sa l e. for Georges ;•.S4 Mackerel blehemi.with small . 400 Ws fie, I changed hands at 1 . 15 76016. Fatirr.—Malaga, Raisin ore la „lair request at 82.400 $.921i for Layerthand 03.3734 for R qob. with sales of9oo taxes. .Nn change is reported in ried domestic Fruit. Hops — The market is qinet. an we can only hear of males orally:des, crop of 1010, at 10*18e. MIMS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, 1717 TO TWILTII O'CILOOK LAST ZQGUT ' Ort,ARE HOUSE-Chestnut et., below Ninth. Loins. lisil l _Bialreo, Pa Mite Mary Ball. Blair no Alta Murray, ri 4 ko) Laza, Phila B Erdman, N NV Ii Wnalit, Cln, 0. Ve ....a ger, S h t i Louhr H R Parly & la, Zile 8 T Perly,He .- I C.Msira . tilit Phi's, rano. Boston tiao TParae. Phile. ITYBtowe & la, tor Ra..oorrell, Cal on, 11181111 Jr I ? "' I 0 V Rita, Balt I: 4 radian NO, 111831, a David Mahoney. N Y iss Assit t litahatier,N Y W lit Babbitt :4 ,N J Allison. J Hon Nalann N ood, NJ o C litConyleaon, N J Matt White, PI Y 0 0 1114.0nerlealori, 8 C HW B cObury. TiJe F. llovias. - N Y Carly! \wing. Chicago 0 W Btrinharo ri tl a a, N Y 18 Ring, N y lii J Bookie., hila 1 Daffy, Nlarrietts , ~.' ill i gilg 1 Y tea W. Lova, Cowden, Bel Miss _Pralt. Ball • Bea R Cottinehomileton Col It lack, Banton. La Mosßrigor, N.Y . Linos Freed. Beaton 1.1 - vv. Bpe=rd, Boston Mee .astinan,y Chester i. fFlake, Bhaiu 1 BraeLo i csatabrill, Nd A 0 St Louis r R Flanowen, Cal Miss Wylie. IV Y P Johnson, athaaj,N Y N B /mid, Ohioaco II gituiner w ea y la, roam d Miss Kate Philli_cN Y E august a) is air.r IS II EZ, Viiton " W.l thuderwei r Bo ston .1 IV' Star: Philo ' • Tll Houston, aao77C J W Feuchtiranger. N v .itßarrington & la, va A.ksvi, Texas lambing. Terre Tlike:mon, Miss Moffatt, Haute hos V Clark, Or. , .ILengdan, Sinatra ---.. MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch, lon Thos Craig. Carbon . &Carpenter, Lanopster Do Jones, W Chester W K Madan. Piou s T. Shattuck, Philp C A I ulienbach, a ,on loon?, Ttirtni. Pa I" hl Mitchinson. 'a 99 ULanoe s _Plymouth r Blake. Plymouth 0.480u10,81e 'i J it Meredith, Pa A Orals, S'lttaburi , • AiaBRIOAN HOTEL—Ohestent et.: above Fifth. R 'AI Motilo.d'etseY 6hOre . B li_ponshton. Aran sim mood ti _ E w GordonN Y 11 . 1inescor, RR Cloodriek,'Weallington 14 Itiehards Boston ' P-A Baker & to. Philo _1 tee Osier, West :W Chester 'Mrs Ogler, Wes heater Easter Osier.eet Chester Mns 0 Brlnton.W Chester kna Harper, N Y John Balm.. N Y - it A Santis, Phila._, - 6 A RP•rs, Oskolossa 0 sdo o dy, Trenton, N J 1 Q broody, Trenton, N J B Manly, r e top, N Y i l Bigler. iv i . A. 4'tiloiatillf, 4 ijaie,;.. L g h. N Y iT niohards.% ° .l E Bunt .N Y I,Warnor. Newark, N J N Brainerd. Conn 33 Foy, Mass Unorth Fait . OSI C Neal. Belt W Stewart, Bait -EWilhanas, Bolton 'Y W Reed. Boston • ',TONES' HOTEL--Oheataut street, above 81.1 th. J Vora, rhita. ti Rl4eid,N F Troyer N Y Biota et John. Armee ,_Otrnsty. Y L B Lent, N Y ,lwhitebead, N i E Weeedruff, N Y .1 Black, Lanonser 8 8 Bnutober,Docka 00 B Been , o , f, TV 1. B W Bowen, N Y If Agfgli•v"'` - B V &sown, Balt .1, A /Whet, Week, D 0 St, LOUIS 110 TEL—Chestnut et.. ab. Third. Vir_W , Webh N Y - - NT Bourne, Lanoaster A Y ' N Vt e o r vt . N Y P_Dimmnak, N J N II Stover, N Y Si Ch*pron , N Y )3 1.- Jitat il Nl Y - ' Jee G Blanker, Pa •.rnu UNION noTBD-Ara Weed, above Third. .1r 8 Holoomb. N J Mies C Holcomb. N J Alin Ktllman. NJ I Jackson, Cheeteroo. Pe P Hammond. Phila • 14C Mown. N Y W Lanison, Phlla Baker. nale James A Dunbar, Carlisle W A W Aug.!, Lambertville B JOAN. N 0 VT67138 17N10,11H0T81,--Maiket et. above Sixth. VIP/Jytineer, Bairsalmrg J Phila John Crum. - Ja-ob suncoo. N Y .3scoi , Belfriaht,it -3 . ohn W Beauchamp. Pa ilys Westbrook. lurk en JaiUuggiva, Millentown Miller, Bloomfield, Pa NATIONAL ROTEL—Rase street. abnve Third. Rtesimer.Senttertflo J P Smith. N Y 0 Wsleley. Yb.e Ass e atm •N T A fes"anprirreire rt J Ren Be st . 1 a:l=U VOW:N . I, 2 x Betyn Boys. Memo go W Vogt.% kettsvi ' lle star Bowman , &ABLE HOTEL—Third street; above Reese. prout`Biter aue Wnerohnln. Md 1) Joaoln, Vlf. , ' , Bern Wood. d Buffalo Thos 11 HueWl, Salem, 0 8111 Duoot, Md . IPlovers 8. son. N y Pete. slim's, Ett John, 1 , 1 B John U Teelor, Balt 8 B Brottentult. Hunts co 0 We. N a Win Crate, Pe. Caso. er Sterllne, york ,Beididaryle, NY' Chao $ Fisher, Reading Y a Painter, W Chen halt Ham Chet eo COMMERCIAL HOTElti—flizah at., above Chestnut. r,J,W.A.°Perere6' -' l ! t iren t ifoicVl i g, " al., soil Garrett. Chester co 4, tog ogt- k l A t y vir Bainare„West Chester J rt. Lt R 'Coon:knob & 1., Win John B BrintoibW Cheater botartuolhouse.Del. A A Thomas, Hogborough Jethro, Jaffna, Po ... . rketnnfd T itire nmE ti'Lliefag•,:bbPr Vote. e Heaton. Newtown La Simpson, oewtown W McDowell, Wit chtstown. 'rhos Ltuton, Newtown See Pastbern. Attleboro A a heir, Aid Seth 'fan Hunks oo t - Jno n. Party, Attleboro 1.0 Bit ley. Phil - BR Iluseltoti. N J W reson,Bnoks co T P Harvey, Cin,Ohio bt array, Hinikroci Chan H. Lukens, Bucks co on 1 tlt/rucks co Havens. Del co. IV Y - tooben Tay r,l3uoks eo Prank T'aylor, Bucks on A H Daher, Ittl . , a Toithesoo. Bucks co E e Hughea, Buckingham James Thornton. BrberrY BLACK- BEAR ROTEL—Third, above Callowldlt at J Strove'', RtOztAwn El Apes, Saline 0 rave slant Ouilman,Brberry Bent Tomlinson, gybernr FTomlinsOn, Byberry Suril Garner. Doylestown Mast Garner, Doylestown .1) Romeo & la, N eaaper Roads. &berry /4 Woodward, Aim e'stult Chau Road. Southampton Jacob 8 Bodder, trig Roseland, Byberry VBR NON above Arab• W Thorn s Wash. DO QC Kan 'torn & Walsh ma Stiller, whining et Thompson, Lanoaswr Williamson, Pa BALD MOLE HOTEL—Third et., above Oellowhill. tolEtrewn. Nortbungdd CO Henry Smith, Hooko.Pa o n Shaeffer, Books oo,Pe Jacob Malinger, e oo Oemrigen, Eaton AIERCRANTEP Hol7l3E—Third at.,above Callowhilt Damon Albright, Reading ThoeWldmn,Pa 1,7 t3isl t,YY444tt)4;10 SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVIID. The City Joe Boat. &heßinger, which went down to Chester yesterday morning to bring up whatever ves sels yulght. he detained that point, returned last evening without a tow, having seen no vessele below. CNA 8 reports the chennei clear of we. BY TlLEgilt . 4l , ll. Oorreepondenoe of the Phthutelp_lm Exohente CAPE ISLAND. NJ Jan 6-6 Y A M. t_ A large gbh) 064 several sohooners At now off this rid* friltlJS in. s. Whe ship channel IS clear of toe, hat there 35 plenty rift offshore. Wind south—weather ruoilerotios. Yours, &o. TBOB. B. RUOILES. AT TELTARAPH. Worreepondenee of The Ne Prem.) w Yogic, Tau 6. The 4111DThiterpe, before reported tuition), hes got off. She arrived up thta evening. The Uterpe is only (nipper damaged. Arrived, bark Dirigo, from oMisow, Eng. Spa 6 . WOW, ship Champion, froniCrietol, Eng. MEMORANDA. 614=1410 Baton _, &new, cleared at New York yok tordery for Philadelhia. Steamship Arago Lines, for Havre, Gloated at New York yeete.delr- Bhla Thomas Jefferson , Meaeom, hence, arrived •at Mobile 25th ah. Ship lt. severe, Rorke, for Havre, tasted tit - 7,lobile MA u Ship Y Australia, Dudley, for Gibraltar, cleared at New ork yesterday. Berk A cooper, Dingier, cleared at New York yosto t for Benicia. Bark Honduras, Bates, for Belize, cleared at N York Yesterday. Brig Addy Swift, Avery, for Maracaibo, cleared at N Yeyk yotterdar. ssPit :riereeta. Welsh. hence, yin Richmond. for Rio de AMMO, was spoken 16th ult. lat 86, long 1140. Brig Elizabeth anthem°, from Bermes Ayres, arrived at Seaton sth inst. Bohr Amy Chase. Brevoor, from' tampido, was below New York yesterday,- ta a r gl :.I,olc,Anallietvolil, abated at Neer York yen- BehiAsse Willlamsok Jr, Dinsniore, from George' Welt; arrived at New York yesterday. Behr Only Daughter, Falkenburg, (rein &mash. at Boston sift last, - Bohm Theresa C f Dandy, berme And Neptune. Magee, irons New Brunirettek, NJ. arrived as Boston sth inst. 55Fr Jyne C Patterson, Nand, cleared at Jaokeenville ol i for Rlohmend l - , n obsolts Day, albourne, Oct 37, slilv ,, Cinoinns• oneoalle•Nlntron. cares. queen n f the est, Healy. Saltalragon. Grant,' Spark of - the Ocean , mminond, tputt etate of Maine. itnot.Ramen. Os,ead.'for Calcutta: maid McKay, 'Kidder,. for_ Liverpool perm. hark IT& elmine.(Dan)Wruen, for mat Franolsono 20111. Cid 1804 chip apoleon, Corner. Calcutta. Balled latrubefore reported 11th) ship hardinlan, (Br) Treeelljen, New °risme, Harrison, M m lb S ou Bulled froydner ne.y, NSW, Dot 16, ship Bell Book, e MARRIED. 101474--11ARPLETT.—Oh Thureay L ./anima Sib, by, Nv. charlei A. Smith. D. D., Pl/i.carld Japes.. 01 west chaster. Pa.. to miss Hemet isernett. of fhila delphio. f ret Cheater papers please con] _ • WATS —Ca —ion the 141)1u1t.t4 the Elfg:. O. Wadsworth. al tiiif Andrewl 041;11,1.1° Mix • ABIIIST-111, yin the Oth inganliatttie resident/1 o the bride's father , Lambertville Pl, by Frieorie ceremony, Jacob Janney, of Philadelphia, to hiatilia, difgtiter of Robert..slr. rATING—frl i /LOLIg.—On the let instant" by Rey. kr. Hereillger, r. Wii, Boating t 9 Mine Mary Jae one, all of Phi &deb S. • AltOfIER—A 0T .—On lbe 11th tilt., by Wei/ ploaan T lA•gre. Mr. fi ller; W. 11 Karcher to flies gin glt:4llta/N a 7 t -0. ?1 thit il li i t i stit, b r . Rey. A. Mullen. Mr, mettle Royer to Aline Reagan* IL Binll, nil of libtael_pbm r . • ODA if, --9AOVES.—On the lst lenient in_ West PhiMne abia, by Rev. Thatnaa O. Maker°. Air. Win. W. Clerk to Miss /Bettie P. Uroves, all or this city. • • , DYED* Wiliii.--13addeitly, on the 2d, Mary Ann, wife of (ilium gga fuse. The and friends ail, invited to attend the funeral,. on Sanity, at 2 o'clock, from the residence. ooreey_Dreen an d Hittenhonee streets, Clermentowth * TAYLOIL.—On the evening of the 4th inst., 'Mordecai Taylor, aced di Years.. His relatives, and Wends of the family, are incited to ettmd his funeral. from hie late reeidence, Ilauo t roto. Delaware ocruntY, on Sunday 2011 , elk Met., at 22 o'clock_44. ARDLE.-Bu4dAnly, con ll'ourth day morning, eth lust, Thomas H.-Yardley, AL D., in the GOth Year of Dm 8 511amale ielstilres and friend* are reopeotfullyinYited, without farther notice, to attend Gip funeral., from his Late tesidafee, lees arch stiset, i til day) mor, 121 N ° T 6 , l° -ot.) Or:alto Tara , Hilt. Abbott, In ma d2d year ot hie age. His friends are Inv i ted Watteau his timers.), from his latirreeidenwe, - No. are Arch street4l6 (Seventh di.l2) natal at 10 o'clock. 'lnterment urel Rio. ti 2.ari .—Ori the murning of the 4 set ., a ft er fp, tiy•tinS loess, Isabella, wife of Cant. star Lane, e Year Oiler age, Heativesenli friehditare reepeetfully invited to at tend ner funeral, front hetbusbatie's tenderise, Thirty fourth and him 'treats, Mantua t this (Saturday) illOrri -114,_ 1420 o'liteek. Interment at Noma merlon ?ear tth 190 Demuth, , thithath year of per ale. - , ,ruattal .11.otal4i i T of - laplother , Vg." filstittH uutiter-of , HlOw r u iti rime, Bohai fit . ittl644 it the ins tt enard Lawson-. r -thislOt reet . atjUs seta - oppoelte the Pert Hostasl for the Insane, on Sunday morning at II o clock, COOK.LOe the 4th instant, Mary B. Cook, daughter • of WM.-Cook, aged 92 yeast,. ...,,F.nneml from her father's residence, roman° and rlun streets , on Sunday mornang,at Ski o'clock. 111.11,IOTT.—On theft], instant, Thymus Elliott, in the 00th year of his age. ' ...uneral from hie brother's residence, Franklin street, rrkf 4 rdon Sunday afternoon. at 1 o cloak. • • tat of the 3d instant, Rachel B. Brittle, M tot of the la e Isaac ttin, in the year of her lige. Funeral from the residence of her daughter. A. J. aeinhr, a. W. corner Third and Buttonwood streets, l. (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. • BBORT.—Suddenly, on the 4th instant, Mrs. Mary Short, widow of the late Wm. Short. Funeral from her feta residence. No, 1510 Walter avert. on Sunday. at 1 o'clock F. 6f. TOLAND.—On the 6th instant, Mrs. E lizabeth Toland, aged 70 rears. Funeral from her late residence, No. 1925 Wilcox Street. between Nineteenth and Twentieth, above Pine, this (Saturday) niternon• at 1 o'clock. NEUMAN —On the 6th instant. Right Rev. Bishop Neuman, the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia. Solemn High Mese will be celebrated in St John's Church, on Monday morning. at 0 o'clock. The Re. verend Clergy end Laity aro respectfully invited to • attend. interment at Si. John's Church, ANDERSON.—On the 4th inst Mre. Margaret Ander son, in the 74th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of Mr. John B. Shillings' burg, No. 333 Diliwyn street, on Sunday morning, at . 7o o'clock. COM LY.—On the 3d inst., Margaret Gently, In the 72d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her sop-in-law. Thos. Lomb, Fox Chase. thus (Saturday inornlair, at 10 M FtANY.—On the 3d inst., Ellen Messy, relict of the tato Owen Meany, in the 70th year of her are. Funeral from her late reendenoe. No. 1139 Ships: n street, this (Saturday 'morning. et Ellfi o'clock. MOURNING MOUSSELINES DRLATNE. is CENTEL-13E88cm & 80N hare reduced 10,000 yards of Imported Blaok and White Monne!lnes Dolma to only ie Gent& MOURNING B TORB, No. 808 CIIEBTNUT Street. BLACK TIMIET LONG SHAWLS.— owA-.. in Store, a full assortment of Lupin's Blank that Long Shawls. Also, Imon'a hlank Cashmeres, erinos, Blain Deohenes, Velvet Poplins, Talll9BoB, Valour Reps, Mousseline do Woes, Bombazines, &o. BEASON dc SON, Mourning store, dl5 SOS CIEtESTNUT Street, rrr . CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT T. H. STOCKTO Pastor t nnrth west corner iitiART) AVENUE and THIRTEENTH street. An friends of tins nhurch and its Pastor are requested lo attend TO-MORROW, end bear an etwourasina state ment, 81INDAY RCHOOL, A. M. PREACHING, io3i DAD'S SUPPER after presolting. All Christians v jergliAY Maier (January 10th) fi!clock mow, MEETING will be - held nt the HALL:in make Dernumont fina ncial amusements. Gentlemen of Rasa. moans and ospenenre. design to he present, told will be glad to sea onion from any Darter the city. Cars on Eleventh and Fifteenth streets so within two mutes and, retnrning.Thirteenth-street oarepass the door. Comae and help good cause! It* THE GREAT iIVEEK—TGE WORLD% PRAVER Mit ETING FOR TIM ORLD.— The mecond week in Janus rr, WC there in every reason to believe will be FL time of more united end extensive suenliention, for the pouring out of the Holy Bpirit upon all flesh than the world hat ever known before in its entire history. Let every one in Zion appear before clod. The Norm Prayer-marina will he held every day from 12 to 1)4 o'clock, and each day be led by Ministers of different, enominations. On SATURDAY. in addi tion to the Noon Prever-mnetinc. a meeting will be held in CIONCURT HALL at 3,t‘ o'clock, to Which a general attendance in eernestiv invited. netball have dominion from eta to eta and from the river unto the ends of the earth. prayer abut WWI be made for him, and daily shall he lie praised. It* , P s I s IAA A T T IMPHIA SABBATLIACIIOO4 J. An Adjourned meeting of the Aesociation 'viii be held on MONDAY EYBNING next. in the MOB AVIAN CHURCH:corner of, Fmnklin end Wood streets Rub- Jetts of special importance will he presented. lbw • Intendants, toAohero. and the Mends of the cam, with delegates. are invited to ho Present. The second of the orntro of 'Lento roe to Sunda. , schen) tettobers. under the superintendence of this Ae megaton Wilt be delivered on TURPDAY EVE_NINO. January loth. at Mo'cloelc,irt tho BAPTIST CHURCH, corner or Brood and Arch. The lecturer for next To Pads evening is Rev. S. R. TAYLOR. Roldect—" the ion of the Sunder school to the Fauulr and the Church." It ty"". DR. BARTINE' SERMON ON SUN DAN. last. on the " Disembralied State of the Soul one of tlntOona Existene• " will he reviewed by REQ. STORM!, of New York, I 'M -MORROW. at the Lux,. S.R. corner Spine Satan and Ninth Streets. at Toy, o'clock Morning. and I Eveninf r. Methodist frtends, and the admirers of Robert W. Landis' book, come and hear. it` 'C. REV. GIIATTAN GUINNESS WILL _proud' T^-y O RROW (Rabhath 1 as Ninon,: MORNING. at 103 1 .n'ainnk. in this RfIV. Pr. Edward's' Chnrch. enrcer Jwahroenth and Arch Errnota. AF TERNOON. at &Meek, billow. Mr. Collet' Church, 'Flint and Redworni Etrcetc. EVENING. at 7S; o'clock. In the lo e . Rev. Dr. Wylie's Church, Broad Street bew Bomblt* UNION M. E. CHURCH. FOURTH rr will below .9 roll. REV. A. 0001011 AN. (Pas tor will menell to-morrow (Flabbath) morning at lON o'clock—EvEming nt 7ti o'olook. A protracted meeting of very deep interest is in OTI). greets. The seats are all free. Young Men's prayer menting.6l4 o'clock, P. XL I t" 11 7 r T FREEDOM A A D O Pi t tV ' y E i g t ti: Tit 9 f TDRE.—A Porrnnn. olden • on Di. , " Religion of bv Hive Mr NARCINVA/ Unitarian. ntl Rad Dayda kru.ln ENIWTH AND APRIN OAR-pEri STRE TO-NDRHOWIEutaIar) at 73., P. M. Morning comae at 10% o'clock. Seats free. rrrPRESBYTERIAN ENTERPRISE.--. REV. E. E. A RAMA win T.IOMIOII at HROA 1). 'WAY HALL Ronthenot °aviator EROA D and SPRING GARDEN STREETS. TO-MORROW (anhhath) MORNING, at lOX A. M., and EVENING. at 75fi P. M. ift7-11. firC111.111,(311 OF TILE sittssutu, LOCUST St. EAST OF BROAD. Rec. Tlu. WILLI. M ioN Petrox —Servtre TO-EORItOW •tIN A. M.. aneni F. M Eveu tkg Lecture—" Spiritualism An cient and Modern:. lt• CrCHURCH OF THE COVENANT.— rPerviess coNovRT HAM,. Chettant Own Ig Twelfth street, en' SUNDAY at 1034 ownor A. M., and IX o'clock, P. AL, by the Rev. JAMES PRATT, Rector I(*AiNirsTattsZBEIOFCRITO;II,Ottitr ME N'S y. BOMBERITER will deliver sermon, D . VR..evir-to mnrrnrrOihilifinthi 41 , Vninc. to the ciiiirdh. Race rernot between Third and Fourth greeds. at Vs' o'nionic. ]t• rf lto7l l l l E r itB T JPlliElita l it, l'is ticr. WPM lIINSON. or New York. on th , s Ruttiest. TO-MORROW A WIT RNOON. at AS o'clock in Atnerloan Meohnnioe' Hall. corner FOURTH and GEORGE Streets. All aro Welcome. lt. p. VIIIATUALISM..!.IIIR M. FANNIE DUI:RANK Fgvrarr,- or Afaesnahusetteu Trnnee-med hon. mill . eive her elontee !enter,' at SAN POhi HALL, otiBUNDAY, at 101, A. M., and "f rhe Evening discourse will be nn the laws or medium development, illuetrated by the modiutz.'e experience. Admission 6 cants. it* ItilAT,lnerValTElLTiolefuorarllTOr.'.tf'T,T.N.l fra r irL ib mov i . . til . n r o , tvizg t t b r e u i ) , :i i, 3 , L ,tpe ij .,., t; lt hq P. M. The following ticket wee Placid ' ?le nomination at a meeting of the R.oolcholdere held on too 30th ult.: FOR DIRhOTOR3 MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY. BToOKHOLDERs , TICICET I. T. moRrus_PEROT. of T. Morrie Perot & Co. 2. GEORGE V. NEVILLE, of Canby, Neville, & ilugbev. a. JOSRPIL C. ORIMB, of Jon. C. Chubb dr. Co. .1011 ND. WATSON, Annotate Editor of the North A E. '" Pi i inlAlSl WHARTON, Jr., of Barker, Brothers, & e, Co. 141'2,2,1 NENII4 ,° VP= a da n olt i li r Of the World. 8. JAMESLEBLIR, Jr Hardware Merchant. A. WARNER AL RAcliN, of banck, Resin. & Co. 10. ALAN, O. ADAMSON, with Canby, Nonite, & Hughes. Jr. WILLIAM J. POLLOCK, with titter. Prim!, & Co. 12. JOHN L. 11011011, of Bond & HOnsh. 13. RLEB Al. WALTON. with Monia L. lowed & Co. roa TRIAMIRMII• OKARLBS RHOADS TO THF.iaTOOKHOLTERS OF THE MERCANTILE IBRARY. The undersigned recommend the gentlemen named tenon the above ticket an suitable Persons teoolllPone the Board of Directors of the Mercantile Library Company of Philadelphia, believing that. it they are elected, the °Meet contemplated at the establishment of the insti tution will be attained, viz: that of a Public Library for the moral and intellectual improvement of its mem bers. Lewis Bros h. Co Wm D Jonas J B c, o orperiiiwait Jan CrIFISY liaml.fennes PAVas 13 Truitt Chas Abbey Wm Blanchard Jenne ()miler Morris Hacker Alex Heron, Jr Caleb Cresson %GS Lang Joe 13 Kennon (leo Rhoads P,dwd Leann:Me Relit Leviok Jos Prot BrJ Grlseoin Bilwd N Wright It, It Hutchinson Edwin Mitchell Rout M Hazlett Geo Vans Cresson Wm A Abbey Alfred ()Justice .Tos B Lovering, Jr At 3 Letchworth Stephen Caldwell Wm C Biddle Norman L Hart Richard Levick Henry I) Landis F, M Needles Semi R Hyena Jmnah 3 Alle n Geo H Earle las A Wright C MoKibbin Thornton Pike .Yranklin Fvens obt Biddle 0 II 'Nikon W Mitchell Win S Fletcher Marmed'e MOOT() Wm at Ireland Simon Stern Ryan T Eller Win N Needles Percival Collins 'l' It Dawson Geo P Abbey Pdwd II Ogden Tobias M Huber Gen W Vintine Alfrea H Love Morns t•troud Sft Martin his A L Morrell Ohne 0 Abbey Jnehns W Gaston .Tnhn it Pavement I J1490e0 0 Evans Cline M Ta)lor Wm 1 3 Walter Rdwit Allen . Jan :11 Stephen., at alley Geo W Hall 'l' ElWnotl Zan Chas Hallowell I Butler 1)11wyn Parnah, Jr Jae Willie Wm II Niehols John F Sherman JAgsob H Fillloll twin Palmer Fra oinJ Ott vv . A Knight 4 P Wire Joe G Henzey Chow Rogge Mahony Hanel Huston TI Molntorli 'm A Ingham FIR Int 111 Duffield John Noble Clime I) Cleveland Dan! P Dietrich no A MaCallinter .1 W Wainwright B Peel Geo Boldin W F, Wood Win J Caner Thos Fit Gallagher E A Adams John Mahn Jar-St and mane others. at 7 LECTURE .I.Ic.hy T 11 0 .. 3 4 10 .0 11 . R T H O& A lt ,, N:F in N g ri re l : Invited. Universalist (Thumb. LOMBARD alive COMMONW IP:A LTYI I NECIURANCE COM PANY OF PENNSYLVANI A. INCS, COMNOtiwg.l.lll Heit,Me. No. 613 CilEfsrst!T STREET. Philadelphia, January 1, WO. At an election held Jemmy 21. the tollowins named gentlemen were elertee Dire tore or rya, Company for the *Having Veal PAVID JA YNE, JOHHEN ',Mfg.L, NRY. Jr . THOMAS IY. RATANS. THOrd AS H. FiTEWART, JOHN NI. BUTLvn. HOWARD C it NGT, JOHN 14'. IVA IX). R. STEPHEN COULTER, CHANT.Y.B L. VASCALL. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, hold this der. the follow;ns were ehoren l'lrrerg of the Compo rt!: DAVID IA VIII .3 M. D.. Prexident. ..jr 011 g W Vice President. DANIIII4I, S. M PON. Becretery. Jae at icrFt TAVEMENT OF THE UNION BANN, all required by the eenond section of tho Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of ()metier, A. p 1857: Amount of looms and discounts.... • 15 due from other honks... .... 45 038 ad of noise di deception ... 88,718 00 '' deposits, indeding balancer' duo to other hooks 214 023 78 Pin t.‘ eeLPIII A, January 6,1820. CITY or PHILADELPHIA. es: I, James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank, being sworn, depose non say that the 'Awn) statement is cor rect to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. Bwornliefore me, this 'dun doe of January. A. V. Y. C. ELLMAKER. Notary f irr'FIRINO OF MR FIRST DEMOCRAs T OUR FUR MO. WTHE NATIONAI, SEMOCR tIY TO members of the Keystone Club cordially invite their brother Deinctersts of 1 3 1tilstielchia to meet them in Commit at their Hall in Twelfth street, below Meet not. op. Monday evening the Rh net.. for the triple oh' Jot of celerating the bottles f New Orleans , weaving for tbe Spring sad Fall Campaigns, and amain, new members. By hnrnasny we will secure n united Verne. oraoy, and a united Democracy is certain of victory. Able speakers will address the meeting. Chair Will he .taken panotually st half past 7 o'clock, ja.7..2t 'WILLIAM McCANLESS, Pres% IXHEAD QUARTERS CENTRAL RE. PUBLICAN CLUB. N. W. CORNER OF RP,- H AND CHESTNUT.—II, R. WA RRINER. Vanand WILLIAM S. PIERCE. Elm .will the oitizena of Philadelphia THIS (Saturday) EVEN ING. at 7YI olook, at tho above place, on the lames of the day. It* [CrTHE CARS OF TILE oyalmnrcrowN PASSENG HE. R lI.WAY COMPANY will not run on Sundays after thla date. SINOERLY, Seoretary. Saturdny Jan. 7, 1860. It* OFFICE OF THE WESTMORELAND 1./3 COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South THIRD 81,, corner of Willing's Alley. PIIILAngLY/1 1 A, January 4, Ipo. At the annual meeting or the Stockholders o, the Westmoreland Coal Company, held at their dike this day, the following persons were cleated for the ensuing year President , —Edward C. Biddle. Direetore—Edward O. Biddle, Jaw es Magee, John Covgde, Samuel Welsh. Samuel !O. Morton, P. Pemb•r ton.Monis,Rtlylien X . Brooke, Edward Lowlier. M.D., Irembertontiutahlnoon, Wil liam S. Perot, James A. MoCree, M. D Secretary end Treasurer—Frenole If. Jactizson. It IP7gOTICE.-1118 ANNUAL DIEETINO re Stookholdate at tha Second and null atesemn TAT s narni lair l t tiA 4pi a t , heir 0., zmp". tree , on hill, at Lib °Lori AVM it W 1011 time an p een t o ecitin g rip, jte! _fpr a Presider and twelve Dim , PAO ""9114"1111104111940141MMTt THE PHILADELPHIA LTING.IN aT CHARITY AND NURSE POCIETY.—The an nu meeting of the contributors to this charity Will be held on VIONDAY.9th mkt., attp._,Al „at the /Wits' Nome, southwest corner of f...LEVENTH end CHER RY Streets. inB-5t I Cr EMAYAM MISSEVAITTIIN!• The annual dues of members for IWO are now dim and payable Ft , rho rooms ,1009 and lOU CREsTNUT Street. from 8 M. told P. Ja6 , fset JOHN WANAMAKEIt, Cor. Sao. ry QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COM PANY, Office, 408 WALNUT titreet . riIILADELPHIA, 3.1850. At Meeting of the titocknolders of the Company, lorlathisday, the following named Officer:land Directors were duly elected to serve for the eueutne year. via: President—GEOß GE H. HART, Vice President—E. P. ROB 9. beerettry itud Trotumrer—H. R. COGOSHALL. Assistant Beeretery-8. H. BUTLER. Georg_e H. Hart, DIRECTORS: E E. P. Ross, Andrew R. Chambers, A. C. Cattail, H. R. Crnal, Foster 8. Perkins, Bamtiel Jones, Hon. IL M. Futter. irDEVICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCE ON LIVER, D GRAN:LINO ANNUITIvd, PuiLanetplim, Jan van 1860. The annual meeting of the Stockhoidere or this Own- Pans will take pla instanteir Mho, Uhl WALNUT St., on MONDAY, 16th at 12 o'clock AL, and at the same time an election will be held for thirteen dime tore for the ensuing seer, ja3-18t" WILLIAM B. BILL, Actuary. HOUSE OF ILEFUGE.—THEANNUAL CePre'Ttrif,Vb,oefah t e c ',VA l OVitlfri t iN h Vic?,"f e ttl o'clock.; M., at No. lujiNorth TEriTli Street, above Arch street. The annual Report of the Board of Managers will be submitted, and an eleobon will be held for °Moore and Managers to serve forAgmtAtiree i t i r kNßy, Secretary Rouse of Refuge. PHILADILTIITA, January 0, 18tA Ja6Asmwit [I:rOFFICEOER RAIL CITY PAN. BEN WAY COM PANY, 152 SOUTII Founru Brainy, Dot. 21, 1859. The annual meeting of the stookholders of the Phila delphia City Passenger Railway Company will he hold at the office of the Company. No. 152 Mouth FOURTH Street, mt 81014 DAY, Sanitary 9th, 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at whiqh nom an election will he held for a Presi dent and sut Directors to servo the onguiug year. _ W. M. 13INGERLY, Seorets.ry• .frr OFFICE OF TIIE ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE COMP ANY. 8. W. corner of AM:IRTII. and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA, Deeernber 11,1859. NOTION—The Annual Meeting_of the Stockholders of TRH ENTER PRISE INSURANCE. COMPANY will be bold on MONDAY, the 9th day. of January, IWO, at ten o'clock A. AL M the Oflioe of the Company. An Eleationi for Twelve Difeetora, to serve the on- Ruins year, will be held on the same day, et the salve place, be M. tween the hours of be o'olook A. M. and 2 tjo o'clock P. CHARLES W. CORE. Secretary. ZrOFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 4H CHESTNUT Street, Pinta a.—Tlte annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Compel will be held at their oft M. on MONDAY, the 9th day January. 1860, at 10 o'clock A. . An election tor ' welve Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the same plate on the same day between the hours of 10 A. hl., ayd 2 P. M. d 29-01.9 WM.!. 13LANCIIARD. &maim% OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL IN. SURANCE COMPANY.—PumatraLeitia, Deo. 25, 859. The Annual Meetinaot the eon pholders of the UNION MUTUAL. INSURANCE COMPANY. of Phi ladelphia, will ho held at the 011ie° of the Company. on Monday, Innuary 9. 1860, at 12 o'clock, (atm./ at which time an Election will be held for Eight Directors, to serve for the ensiling three year°, Re COL LIBON, d25-11t Secretary. ir" OFFICE OF THE E PENN MUTUALJAIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, N. E. corner THIRD anci l Docic streets. .renunry 3, I&O. At an election held this (lay at the (Alice al the Coln- Penn, the fe.lowing gentlemen were duly elected to tetra an Treace(' for three Years Rodolphus Kent, Wdumn Robertson, Elie B. Arelter, Joseph M. Thotnns, Samuel J. Christina, Warner M. Roam, Daniell,. Miller, Pierre V. Dutton. Samuel:Willi tons. Jas-thstu-3t JOHN W. HORNOR. N I' IC E .—THE COUPONS OF THE Bonds of tho GREEN AND COATsfi.STREET PA ENDER RAILWAY COMPANY, due January )6, 1860 will he DA id on _presentation at the Officio of the Company, 422 WALNUT Street. on end after that date. MARRY CONNFLLY, Treasurer. dn-stu&th tims OFFICE OF THE EAST MAIIONY RAILRuAD COMPANY, rifILAPELPIIIht, Deo. 1851 TIM annual meeting of the stockholders of the com pany, and an election for officers to servo the animus year will hold at the allefl of tho company, No, 407 , IBItARY Sc.. on MONDAY, the Dth January next, at 10 o'clock. A. 151. p. MoINTYRE. tl2O-tuthstja9 Treneurer and Secretary. .frrOFFIIdE OF TILE LITTLE SCHUYL• HILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Duo. 19, 1859. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this com pany, and an election for officers to serve the °fluorin year, will be held at the office of tho oomprinv, No. 407 LI DR A /11' Street. On MONDAYthe 9th January next, at io)4 o'clock, A. M. Vi'ALN. Jot., d2U-trithatja9 Treasurer nod Secretary. pa. MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY. A general meeting of the Company will 1* IWO in the Library Room. on TUESDAY AFTERNOON. January letli. MO. at 35 o'clock. Immediately afterthe adj. urnmcnt the Tellers appointee will hold an election for Directors and reasurer for the ennuint year. The polls will be kept open until os4wciocic I'. M. d3O-jn2-4-6-10 CHARLES H. RINGER, Seer. DXOFFICE OF THE LEHIGH AND DZLAWA RE WATER-GAP RAILROAD CO., WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above-named corporation will ho held on MONDAY. January 9th. 1260 ; at 12 M.. at which time and place an Election will be held for a President and Pireetem to nerve for the ensuing year. JOHN HANCOCK, d2l &Mg Treasurer and Secretary. iNsuitArticE COMPANY OF TILE Uri STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. December 23, IMi. An election for Thirteen Directors of this Company, t ' hig: r ,2q o . fo •t r ETCl e t s nre r hind n b s e s i i) b n i ilol , llrA?? . tirti l ti . ry . oth. IMO. between the hours 04'10 o'clock . anti 1 o'cock P. M. WILLIAM HARPER, . dell dtJe.9 Secretary. fr". OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE COUN- EaTY PASSENGER RAI LROAD.—The Annual tion for President and Directors of the Delaware County Pawnees Ralroad Company will be held at the office of JAMES MILLER, MARKET Streak west of Tilt street, West Philadelphia, on MONDAY. tke 9th day_ofJanuaryoh6o, between the hours of 10 A. AL and 2 P Al. A. L. 130NNAFFON, d23-dl 9 Secretary. IGTNOTICE.—TIES ANNUM, MEETING TES the MN/Ph/Adore of the orE_EN AND 'EI3-STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY COAt ?ANY wig he held at the aloe tho Company, 4,V WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, Jenuary It, I&O, at 12 o'olook.,itoon,at whioh time and place en election will be hold log a Prolident and twelve Dircotore, to nerve for the few enaulna. d2O-10 MINDY SAARWOOD. Secretary. SALES BY AUCTION. IinRATIO HARRIS & CO., AUC TIONEERB. BALE OF OHIO DOIEBTIC rLBECE AND PULLED wous, ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11,1050, At 12 o'olock, at Ma store of CHARLES LERRIE & CO., No. 19 CITY WHARF, BOSTON Will bo sold, 300,000 pcninde of Ohio fleece and Pulled Wools, oomprising a complete assortment of all gradvi, and well worthy the attention of consumers and deal ers. 'nine wools were Wonted with great care, and none of them have been do lainod. The wools will be ready thr examination on Monday and Tuesday prone• ding the sale, when catalogues will be In rnislied. RMS• Terms and conditions at sale. Is7-3t NEW PUBLICATIONS. GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK LIST. AU Books aro sold at the publishers' lowest prices, AND REMEMBER That 3ou have the advantage of receiving a Hand some Present worth from CENTS TO $lOO, with each. Book purchased. • NEW BOOKS. COMPENSATION; Or. Al;vm; a Future. By Anne M. 11. Frowsier. 000 volume, I:rtio., with a Ola. Pace 91. THE PROFESSOR AT TUE BREAKFAST TABLE. By 0. vv. Holmes. One volume, 12;u0., with a Gat. BBIfkAII. . DY Augusta J. Evans. With a Gill. rrire 51.25. HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS. Ono volume, 12me. With n GIG. Price RI. HOW COULD RE HELP IT; Or, The Heart._ Tri umphant. Bv A. R. Roo, One volume, 12mo. With tt Gilt. Price Rl. • . MEMOIRS OP ROBERT HOUDIN, Conjuror. One volume 12nio. With a Gift, Price BOOK OF POPULAR fli.Nar. Tho hoot collection of ponce over published. Ono volume, nine. With a Wit. Price $l. HORACE GREELEVB OVERLAND .lURNEY TO CAL,IFORN A IN One volume, laiuo. With a l; R. Pnoe rullibß, AND PARAGRAPHS. By G. D. Pr allrofPnin i k 6 3 ,1 i volume. 12mo.With a Gift. Price 1 KINGSLEY'S NEW MISCELLAIYILS. One volume, 12mo. With Gilt. Price $l. HARTLEY NORMAN: A Tale of the Time& qy Allen Hampden. Ono volume, 12mo; With a Gilt. Price s'l. 'nth GREAT TRIBULATION; Or, Things Coming on the Ranh. Bv Nov. J Cuintmng. One volume. vvil h G,rf. Price J. . . THE LIF' A 911; 91THRES OF HAJI BABA, the Oriental Traveller. comprising ninny curious de neriptnum of the Abetter's,' of the Harem, etc. One volume 12ine. With a Gill. Price $l. LOVE. (L'AAIOUR b Be Alicholet. Ono volume, I2mn. With a Gift. Price $l. TEN YPARS OF PHEACIrR LIFE. By Milburn. One voliono.l2mo.. with n rill. Frio, $l. IF' VOU'ARE IN WANT OF A BOOK, 131/Y_Er A7' EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLIRIIMENT, 439 CHESTNUT BTHELT, Where you can rot BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTAIENT OF LI PERATURE. And you have the advantage of getting a Gift with ORO Hook that you pnrohese. Gall in, and one trial will assort you that the best place in the city where you should purchase Books is I.EOROE EVANS' GIFT BOOK EeTABLI9IIIIIENT 439 CHESTNUT St , Philadelphia, Two doors below Fifth. nn the tipper side. ('1 HESS' GRAND AIARCLI BRIL 'km LI ANT ancients. COUNDSPROM wyOMING.Hat oI Waltzes,lb cents EX. WV. ZEE. X r Y. Z Folks. 26 AMERICAN LAIMEs' MAZURKA. 26 cents. Published at MARulrli Music If tore, 11Q CHEST NUT. ST-St. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY or PH i A71E1..1111.. Estate of SAN RAH D. PHELPS, deceased. The nuditor nepointod by the Court to audit, nettle, bud edits , t the aceiemt of 11AVII) At, If GAN. E xoou to of RAR sli B. PHELPS, deceased, and to make dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, Win meet the partieenterested for the purposes of hle aprintinent, on FRIDAY, the 27th January, MI, lit 4 o clock, P. .at his ollioe, 720 south SIXTH Street, In the City of Philadelphia. ja7-stittlifit OEO. A. COFFEY, Auditor. G LENN, NORTHWEST CORNER OF EIGHTH AND RACE, FARmonn n muss ITATI3,. SOFT HATS, CLOTH. PLUSH, AND PbUSEITRMED CAPS. FOR MEN AND Boys. AT • FAIR •PRICES.. VOIJ WANT FOR YOUR PARLORS Life-size Photograplin In Oil, and for pour frkudri STlER' P li h eniter7. l 4lM l N 0347,7.":1",,;,4161.7.`,,!° BRICK-MAKINO MACHINES which tern rer the clay, and m 04320.000 per day, Brf oh Fresno', Ttle alnehines, Ciav Wheels. Clay Spades, and eaMiogn ',menet Rdnn. nt C. CARNEL,Li'S, IiERMANTOWN Road, above Fifth street. Ja7-Glit THIRDfI Street, Alaking, Altering, end Re- KENNEDY, TAILOR, 200 South le pairing, in beat style, It• QIIOULDR,RB.-70 Mids. dry salt Shaul -117361.e.TA7174°.1.7.ingr.1.A':„ VrociA C . HAM" LARD. -155 bbls. No. 1 Leaf Lard, for gala by C. C. RAMER k JILT PORK. -295 bbls. Mesa Pork, of New Jersey. Ohio, and Philadelphia Paolons, for sale P by 0. 0. SADLER k 00.. ARCH Street. 24 'MAT rnnt CODFIBI3.-500 qtle, Extra Grand BIQA oixtbit t nt RON and kr** tgy pu, QM. RI 44* Mfg W4O.:Hi ,THE PRESS.--PMLADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JAINUAR,Y 7, 1860. HANTS 86 BROTHERS, JLonslinEtE SQUARE, NEW YEEE, ULF:HELP. With Iduatrations of Character and Conduct. Ay Baum ®cuss, Author of "The Life of George Btephaniion." 22tno. Main, 75 cents. MISREPRESENTATION. A Novel. By ANNA 11. DRIJEY Author of " Friends and Fortune," Eastbu ry," ko. Bvo, PaDortlso cents. THE EMIT!! AND CONCLUDING VOLUME OF ALLISON'S HISTORY OF EUROPE. F3DIT MDMIES.—From the Commencement of the Fieneh Revolution, in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbon. in 1815. 4 vole. 800, Muslin, $8 CO; Sheet, extre,,,S 7 00; Ralf Pelf, 810 00. SECOND Sitnixs.—From the Fall of Napoleon, in 1818, to the Accession of Louis Napoleon, in 1852. vole. 800, Muslin, $600; Shoop extra, $700; Half Calf. $lO CO. _ I!7 The Work Complete in 8 vole., Muslin, $12(81; Sheep extra, $l4 00; Half Calf, $24.00. s'l The Volume sold eeparetely. /LARY'S BUMMER IN AORCROFT.—lllitstrations Simere Ito, Muslin, OU ciente. HISTORY OF PETER THE GREAT. By JACOB Ammar. Illuininatod Title and numerous Engra ving', 16mo, Mullin, 60 ow"; Mahn, gilt edges. Di cents. ABBOTT'S ILLUSTRATED HISTORIES. Gyms the Oreat. RI +hard 11. Genus tho Great. Richard 111. Xerxes. Alexander the Great. 4, Richard a i A e e r n C liz a a l b% f t h i r . c ° t 6 Romulus. (Aeries 4. Hannibal. Charles 1 1. Pyrrhus.,osephino. Julius Ccesar. Maria Antoinette. pleopatra. Madame Euless'. Nero. ' Henry IV. Alfred the Great. ' ter the Groat. William the Conqueror. 'tine Vali It : Riotoird I. ernando uortez. TILE DIARY UP A SAMARITAN, in Narrative. By s Member of tho Howard Awsoolation of Now Orleans. 12mo i muslin. el 00. STORIES OF RAINBOW AND LUCKY. By Jacob AZ141071% Beautifully Dthetratett lemo, hluahn, ed cents euoh. Randle. The Three Pines. Ratabowle Journey. Lucky. IKIr HAN= end RAINBOWS JOURNEY are now ready. PICTORIAL BIBLE. Harper's Illuminated and New Pictorial Bible. Embellished with Sixteen Hundred Historical Engravings, exclusive of an Initial Letter to each Chapter. by J. A. ADAMS. more than Fourteen Hundred of which are from Original Designs, by J. O. CU &PHAN. Moroooo, gilt edges, beveled and paneled aides, $26 00; Morocco extra, gilt edges, $22 W; Full Calf embossed, gilt edges, 820 00; Ptill Calf, marbled edgee, blank stamped, $l6 OQ ; Pull Roan, marbled edgee, 216 00. Cased and folloarded by Express, on receipt of the Money. OWITT'B HISTORY OF AMERICA. A Popular History of the United Mates of America; from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time. BY MARY BOWITT. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. 2 vols.l2mo, Muslin, 82 20. PREACHERS AND PREACHING. By KlRWAN,Au thorof"L.ttei to Bishop Hughes;' "Romanian at Homo," "Men and Wiwi in Europe," ko., 12mo. Muslin, 73 aente. THE QUEEN OP HEARTS. A Novel. By Witch: Cottaxe, Author of ••Antonin; or, The Fall 'of Rome." thno • Muelm, 81 00. THE VIRGINIANS. A Tale of the Last Century. By W. 111 THACRETIAT. Author of " The IN tiwootnes," Y‘ Vanity r." " rendennla." "Henry Esniond." "The Great Hoggarty Diamond," " Lectures on Her lish Humorists," Ao., a e. With Illustrations by the Author. Etvo, raver, 817 E ; Ithi olin, 82 ft), TILE FRARIE TRAVELLER. A Rond-Book for Overload Emigrants. With Maps. Illustrnti.ns, end Itineraries of the filmset Routes between the Alia alsaippl and the Peolfie. By RANDuLPH B. Manor, Captain U. 8. Army. Published by Authority of the War Department. Small tilmo, Muslin, al 00. WOMEN rARTISTS IN ALL AGES AND COUN TRIES. By hire. ELLETT, Author of " Women of the Amoriosn Revolution," &o. limo, Muslin, SI W. FISHER'S RIVER (North Carolina) SCENES AND CHARACTERS, By Baty?, who was Raised Thor" Illurtratod by John IldoLorton. Enna, ma'am, RI to. A GOOD RIGHT, and Other Tales. 117 CatautLit Brays, Author of " Lore me Little, Lora inn Lone," ke. -Illustrations. 12tuo. Kuehn, 76 ciente. SWORD AND GOWN. A Novol. By the Author of " Guy Livingstone." two, Paper. 24 mtg. HARRY LEE ; or, Hoye for the Poor. With Hiestre Lone. 1211 no, 'Main, 75 out/. I{aitpse & Baur }tuts will Nnd ehher of tho above Works by Mall, postage paid (for any distance in the United States under 31J0e must), on receipt of tho Money. It SPEC/IAL ANNOCTNCEMENT MoCLINTOCR'S NARRATIVE TICKNOR & FIELDS Beg to Announce that they hat c reluctanil) decided to postpone the publication of TIM NARRATIVE OF THE VOYAGE OF THE 'FOX ' IN SEARCH OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN,. or a tow day, The Lotter Prere of the entire Work, and the Illustra tions are now ready, and in the binder's hands, but the labor of reproduulng the Jour elaborate Noun, line ocou pied far more time than was originally contemplated. Ti a raw day a, however, floss Maps will be finished add TICKNOR & Firmei will hare the pleasure of offer tag for sale CAPTAIN MoCLINTOCWB NARRATIVE VOYAGE OP THE FOX IN THE ARCTIC ERAS, THE DISCOVERY OF THE FATE 01' SIR JOHN FRANKLIN AND 11113 CODIPANION6 6IR RODERICK 3117RCIII8ON, F. R. 6 07" 71us edition will contain ell the Maps and Illus trations ru,the London edition of Mr. Murray, by arrangement with whom and the Author tt is pub lished. The Four Maus, engravel un copper, aro n , follows Atop of the Arotio Regions, showing the Discern doe of Captain MoChntook, from the °rig inil by John Arrow smith, F. R. G. B. (Size of this T.1np20.fx13 , 4 ineben Shelf. h Met , of the Britt of the " Fok" &An/ Balfin's Bay in the floating Sketch Map of the Arctic Rattont nt the Time o Franklin's lout Expedition. Geological Map of the A rotto Regions. Thu Illustrations on Wood are Twenty-two in num her, of which Fourteen are of the fuU•page eine. There in also a Lithogrsehio Fao-eimile of the Record found of Franklin's Expedition. The volume will ho n, large deodeolmo, and the price SIB). Most liberal Disentinls will he made to the trade and to Agents in Book,. The knowledge of Sir John Franklin's zeal and per sistenon in Arctic Exploration le world-wide, and the Interest felt in his career ham been such as men alwat feel in one who gives himself up sinsle-minded to the pursuit of a great and noble art. The darkness In which his fate has been to long involved is here dispotl•d in the narrative of Captain McClintock, whose account of the discovery of the fate of B,r John Franklin end his Companions constitutes a most thrilling chapter in Arctic Adventure. The readers of Dr. Kane's admirable " Arctio Expedi tions" will be interested w comparing the nerreti voe o r two Arctic Explorerg—while those who were proellideil front buying that work from its oomraratively high Mice, will find here en accurate and vivid•rictilre of a region abounding in exciting adventure. The Appendices are very entertaining, and comet ise (says Sir Roderick Murehison in Ina Preface,)" most valuable details relating to 'the zoology, botany, me• teorology, and especially to the terrestrial magnetism of the grotto regions. WI" The trade are requested to send in their orders at once, for a prompt supply on the appearanoo of the volume. TICKNOR & FIELDS, Publishers, Boston ANNA BTSIIOP-DIOKENS Thogo oupotb portraits on steel wr atill obtnined "d t rIITAWIV A ra l. tY13:01.4 0 " . 41 0E044 }4 QTAtrIOINPAW• MITI PUBLICATIONS. Have Just Published PUBLIOATION OF DELAYED NEW PUBLICATIONS. SELF-HELP. TICKNOR & FIELDS DEU TO ANNOUNCE TO TEE TRADE AND TILE runic, THAT THEIR EDITION S E L P-1-1 E I. P tl Published from EARLY NOOE-811ZETS purellaSi4 et ti large expense from the London Publishers. Another publishing house has, however. brought out an edition, not printed from advance sheets, and issued at a lower price than the original American edition. In order to conform to this lower price, and notwith standing the much greater coat of their own, 'nelson & rIELDI Piave determined to REDUCE THEIR PRICE or, AND NOW OFFER THE AUTHOR'S EDITION' or SELF -II E L P ; El= CHARACTER AND CONDUCT By SAMUEL B.IIILEI, lE=lg "THE Li►a Ulf UEOIIOIII Elnriii,NdoN." With the addition of a Complete Analytical Index, Reclean], Enlarged. and Corrected, ex pteraly for this Edition. n one handsome lamo volume of Or pages, at the moderato prioe of . dEV.eNTY-FIVE UNTO. MP - Coffee mailed, post-paid, on receipt of the price n oast" or stamen. Agents and Dealers in Book+ supplied at the most 'iberal rates of discount. Amtmis—Fon TIM Atiniutt's EDITION, TIOKNOR & FIELDS. 135 WASHINGTON STREET, Ina the 2t NEW LAW AND MISOELLANEOUS BOOKS. IN PRESS LITTLE. BROWN 65 CO.. 112 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON LAW BOOKS A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF COVENANTS FOR TITLE, By Wm. Remy Rawle, Esq., of the Pllllll - Bar. Third Edition, revised and enlarged -1 vol. biro. COMMENTARIES ON CRIMINAL PROCEDURE; Or, The Law of Pleading. Evidence, and Practice in Criminal Cases. By Joel P. Bishop, Esq. In 2 vole. 8 vO. A PRACTICAL TREATISE UPON THE LAW OF EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS, embrao leg the Probate of Wills, Devises. Legacies, the Die. tribntion of Estate. among Creditors and Haire, the Settlement of Administration Accounts, the Powers and Dirties of Probate Coutte, Re. By Imo F. Red field, LL. D., ChiefJuatiee of Vermont. 8 To. A TREATISE ON THE AMERICAN LAW OF LAND LORD AND TENANT, embracing the t tatutory Pro visions nod Judicial Decisions of the several United States Courts in reference thereto, with a selection of Precedents. By John N. Taylor, Esq. Third edition, revised and enlarged. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS, Civil end Eleetroeynary, Municipal and Private, in cluding the Rights and Obligations of the Members thereof, and of 'third Pardee in relation to them. By C. C. Langdell, Esq., of the New York Bar. I sot. Bvo. THE PRIROIPLES AND RULES OF LAW Regula ting the Property of Husband and Wife, and Civil An tions therefor. By lion. Sdward 0. Loring. Svo. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE LAW OF PARTNERSHIP ; with an Appendix of Poring. Dr John Collyer, Fsq. Fifth edition, with large additions to the Text arid Notes, by Hon. J. C. Perkins. Svo. CASES RbLATING TO THE LAW OF RAILWAYS, By Chauncey Smith and S. W. Bates, Rana" Councel tors at Law. Vol. 3. A TREATISE ON TILE LAW OF PROMISSORY Notes and BIN of &inhume. By lion. Theophilue Parsons, LL. 11. Dane Professor of Law in Haman' Unit orsily. I vv). Bre. COMMENTARIES ON THE LAW OF BILLS OF Exchange, Foreign and Inland. as administered in England end America. By Hon, Joseph Story. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged, by E.ll. Bennett, Eli. UNITED ESTATES DRIEST: containing a Digest of the Deoislons of the Courts of Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty of the United Staten, and in England, for the year 1859. By Oeo. S. Hale, Eeq. Royal See. REPORTs OP OASES AROTTED end Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Mazsachusetts. By Luther S. Cushing. Vol. zit. goo, REPORTS OF' CASES AROUE ID and Determined in the Supreme Judasial Court of 111fteenehusette. By Horace Gray, Jr., Esq. Vol. viii. REPORTS OF OASES ARGUED and Determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, By Rom Simnel Aural. Chief Justine and Reporter. Vol ui., being yol, re of Rhode island Reports. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS A DIOTIONARY OF BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES, Bio graPhy, hloography, and Natural Ilt'dory. Edited by William Bmrth, LL. D. Illustrated with many wood cuts. Uniform with Dr. Booth's Dtotionaries of Brook and Roman Antiquities, Biography and Coo grapliy. Vol. I. no. AN EXAMINATION OF TIIE.THEORY AND Er- FEcr OF THE LAWS REIjULAIINO THE AMOUNT OF; IN DANKO. 13y Samuel Hooper. B‘o. 11181ORT OF THE UNITED STATES, Vol. vim, he- Mg vol. ti, of the American Revolution. 111 Hon. Goo Dat.oroß. 8i o. Upi form with the previeu. volume.. TIIE SPEECHES, ()RATIONS, AND A HOUMENTS OF HON. RUFUS CHOATE, with Memoir of hie Life, by Prof. 8.11. Brown, of Dartmouth College. To be puhlished by subscription. 2 vole. 800. Portrait. ELEMENTS OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. By Josiah P. Cooke, Jr., Erving Professor of Chemistry and hlinetalox) in HanArtl College. I vol. Svo. With oM wood cuts. SHAKSPEARE'S COMPLETE WORKS. Edited by CRicherd Grant White. Vole. t. and ix. to mi., com pleting the Work. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATUS. By Loule Maims. Vol. iii., Co. Bultiect. AceNotts, or Jelly Fishes. THE LIFE, LETTERS A ND DESPATCHES OF MA- JOR GENERAL NATHANIEL GREENE, train the Original Manuscript,. in P 4,460641011 of hit Family. By hit Grandam', Geo. Wanhington Greene. 7 vols. Bvo, A GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY of the Fir Net- . . Vero of New England. II) James Savage. 4 vols. Bvo. SOUTHEY'S POETICAL WORKS, with a Memoir, by lI.T. 'Pucka man. 8 role. BYROIVII POETICALWOR KS.. 10 vole TIN LIFE AND TIMES OF JAMES MADIEON. Dr Hon. William C. Riven, Vul. ii. Bvo. TILE ENCYCIdIrIiDIA I;RITANNICA; or, Diction ary or Arts.Seionnos. and General Litornture. Enthth eddion, roeieed, enlArgod, and brought up to the m eans taro. Vol. xix. inn-thstu Ulf WASHINGTON IRVING. ORIGINAL 'OII.TRAIT BY BARLEY IKVINOIANA: MEMORIAL. OF WABIIIIiti lON IRVINO. Just issued by tiro publisher of Historical Magazine, a memorial of Washington Irving, edited by personal friend. It 111 handsome', printed in small Ho with two Brest Plato hiestrations; ire original sketch he Mr. F. O. C. Dariey et Washinictiiii Irving at Nunnyside in the summer 01 Nth: and a Inn roods page of the in lainal AlBB of the Sketch Book in the possession of Mr. J. C. Boot bort. It columns nn Intorestmg account of Mr. Irving's literary career by Is ert A. Durekinck. the Historical Hominy Address hy Dr. John W. Francis; the Irma Tribute by the Itev. Dr. Morgan; Notes by Mr. Bre t oort. kit /cc. Also, tho addresses of the lion. E. Everett. lion George Bancroft. President IClne. Prof. H. W Longfellow. the Bev. Dr. Osgood, Dr. Chapin rapers by Frederick B. Coszeng, Oeorge W. Greene, , d other. I Skxtehes of vista to T t i 3 lio n nTli d e e r b eli gl; chsraotar of Mr. Irving be Dr. Creighton t Yroeerwings of societies and other txxlies; several charaeteristio let ters and sketches by Mr. Irving, With n vitrielY oft Min oollny—the whole consti tot ng rElMita able tribue to the genius and character of no eminent and much Invert author, well worthy of permunent preservation in an .suthentio nod appropriate volume. Tti eta.; Paper. 60 ctn. Copies for sale, rind the trade aupplied by W. 13. Zieber,loo south THIRD street. latuth.B. N ENV BOOKS BELLINI) Till GREAT TRIBULATION; DR. OUNIMINIFS New Volume, which hey alreerli awakened such a prixligioug excrement throughout the Wixom community. FIRST SERIES. One Pillion., lgmo. Muslin. PriceSl. "The great London Presolier here mete forth his views of the future in burning word'', With the energy and noel of a prophet gent from (Mil, • • • Ills sermons will he road with thrilling interest—lN. Y. Warren'. MPH AND TRAVELS OP HUMBOLDT With an introdttchon by BktiAltD TAYLOR A Popular and Interesting bum ra phy ; a summary at lan travels; resume of his works and extracts from t most im portant ones. Ono VOLITIth steel portrait . PllOO 81.23. MOTBER 000813 FOIL GROWN FOLKS A HOLIDAY BOOK. A new rind ettreetive Christine@ Vol ung. Punted on lints/1 paper, with frontispiece by Billings. Elesantty bound in fnnoy muslin. Price 76 @ants. VERDANT GREEN. A clever fln.l amusing eketoh of adventures In an English Untrerelty. Illustrated volt' dkarly __pp his morons wood outs. Ono vol. Ntnsiteth thousand. Mus lin. Prior. 81. Any of theme Rooky will be wont by mail, portage free. to any part 01 the United Sotto., on the reoeirt of the prtoe, by RUDD k CARLETON, Poblishers and Bookaellere, .117-the-tf En. 130 OItAND Bt.. near Broadway. N Y 46 SILLIMAN'S JOURNAL.,, TRH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS, }lublisheil every other month, viz : Int of Jammu, arch. May, July, September, and November, at Nittv !AVM Conii.,by N. SILLIMAN, Jn., AND J. D. DANA, d 5 ran NL , I IN ADVAISCIS. Edited by Professors B. SILLIMAN, JR.. and Pro. lessor JAMES DWIGHT DANA, In connection with Prof. ABA GRAY, of Cambridge, Prof LOUIS GASNIZ, of Cansbedge, Dr, WOLCOTT GIBBS. or Now York. This work fa theonly Journal of the kind in the Uni ted litaten. It is devoted to the general interests of Physical and Chancel Science. Geology, Alineralogy, ftural History, pharaoh'', and kiedred departments o knowledge. an contain s original papers, as well as a ;rade of forAlgn dlgeoven es, on all these tom% or i s , ale, , upd bnpletto t r TiligrA by uti iV YoTirto '"' " trig " B oon 'MANI A CARD. WATER RENTS FOR 186 0 . DEPARTMENT FOR SUPPLYING THE CITY WITH WATER. PHILADELPHIA, January nth, Extract from an Ordinance approved December 20th, 1804: fincrioN I. The Select and Common Conuoils of the oily of Philadeiphia do ordain. That all Water Rents shall be payable to the Register of Water Rems, at hie office, annually, IN ADVANCE. ON THE SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY. And upon all Water Rents unpaid upon the first day of April. in any year, there shall be charged the BUM of Five Per Contum; and upon all Rente unpaid on the first day of July. In any year, there shall be charged an addl tionalerum of Ten Per Ceram. The attention of the Water Tenant. of the city to re spectfully invited to the provisions of the above Ordi nal:lee. W. J. P. WHITE. ia7 3t REGISTER, DIVIDEND.—The Board of Directors of the GREEN and COATES-STREET rnasnr liNß BAILIVAT COMPANY have deolared a semi annual Arridend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capi tal Stock, payable to the Stoeklinble , a or their legal representatives, on and after the 20th inatant. The Transfer Books will remain ,olneed till the 21st Instant. HENRI BHARWOOB. jal-rtuthtV) WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL. V PHIA, lanunry 6, 1860. The Planters' Hanka Teuneseee hairdeclered a dtvirlend of five per cent, payable to the Eastern stockholders at this - Bank, vu r the Pth mit ,nt. 1a7.3t U. M. TROUTMAN, Cashier. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY WEEK. Fora few dam, to aloe. out our FALL AND WINTER &Tom IVe shall °Bar purobase re VERY GREAT BARGAINS Bt On! Manufaatured (Mode. Ribbon!, Nowell, and Tn_nimlngs, Boa and Al tame Cava and Rata, he., We mean to sail T05_401618 ()Nog. LincoLN, WOOD,?c, NIOHOt av 725 CHEBTIIU treat, d2B-102 Two door. above Almon • 10. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WTI rya Just mewed a now and beautiful assort. Merit ATOIIES J4ELRY, AND SILVERWARE. Selected eaprecely for Holiday Presents, oeamieunt la Part GOLD WATOHES. SUITABLE FOR EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. Some inlaid with diamonds and others enameled ateo WATCHES SUITA BLE E FOE BOYS. on D h i a ,dl . o ° A b l ° ) ° ,lWhinn , , ment of Of all kinds, at redueed.prioes. Diamond* Mounted In the moat exquisite Mlle. Our style of Setting Diamonds cannot be ex celled in.thie coontry. . a missortment ofJewelry embraces the following* MOSAIC, PLAIN, and FANCY JEWELRY of every description. such as Gold Neck and Veet Chains, *nude. Sleeve Buttons. Gold Thimbles, renails, Tooth Flake, Armlets, Lockets. ere, OIL W.: itiVeRE. Silver Spoon' and Forks; he, Cake, Butter, toe Cream and Fruit Knives; ?r n erve , Sugar and Berry Spoons; Salt Cellars Napkin, into, Card Case. and SG, er Sets, ooneisting of Ifni e, Fork, and Spoon for Children, with an endless variety of goods in our line, which we will cell at reduced prices. Gold and Jet Bracelets of all kinds, of the newest de signs. F.S.—Old Gold and Silver purchased for wish or taken In exchange. Please call and exa LADO mioe at k L. M No, en CHESTNUT Street, F. P. DUBOSQ & SON. litanufaeturere and Importers of JEWELR Y. J. S. JARDEN & BRO.. ?Sane facturers and Importers of SILVER PLATED WARE. AT FIRST PRIOESI WAVIER.% JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. The above, Wholesale Mono (aoturere and Importers, find that the reputation of their ware. ha. extended be yond tho clrole of dealers, to such an extent that the calls of consumers at their 00111a1111(4001111 cannot meet proper attention. The advantage to them, as menu far,- lure re. of direct amen raw* with the wants and tastes of Individuals purchasing for their own use. Is too high ly appreciated to allow them to neglect the custom thug offered. For the more oonvenlent olasefieation and display of their CHOICEST STYLES. they have fitted up the NEW STORE, No. 1028 CHESTNUT STREET, Where they offer, eit_ FIRST PRICES, every &scrip. tion _of JEWELRY. in DIAMONDS, PEARLS, STONES (101.1) and a complete stook of SILVbE and PbATED WARE, of the finest quality, in PlEcl . B or B}lll3. full assortment of Exotzsu and Swiss WATCllitil of the most celebrated makers. will be kn the care of F. CONSTANT RICHARD, to whose skilful charge our customer work can be confidently entrusted. dln-lm WHOLESALE ROOMS, 004 CHESTNUT ST. WAR BURTON'S 1001 CHESTNUT Street, ipaouud store &bore Tenth, MS South SECOND Street. Gslow Spruoe. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETH, IN BRUSSELS POINTE, BRUSSELS APPLIQUE, VALENCIENNES,, , BONITON, and ' MALTESE. Auto, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF REAL THREAD CAMBRIA. AND ALENCON VEILS, COLFFURES, AND DAUBS. A .0. A FULI, LINE OF FARIS EMBROIDERIES, And ivory dami own of Lnoe by the yard WA [(BURTON'S RIBBON, LACE, MILLINERY,and EMBROIDERY wos cia.mirr &feet. above Tenth, dl4- If a and 308 H. BECOND Ht., bekaLuzga b , SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON dc SON Invite speolal attention to their stook of BILVWt WARE, vrhioh is now unusually large, affording a va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by any house the United Stetee, and or fine: quality than ie manufac tured for table we in any part of the world. Oar Standard of Silver Li 935-1000 parts pure. The English Sterling .925.1000 American and French 900-1000 Thal limit be seen that we give thirty-five parts Purer than the American and Frenoh ooin, and tea parts parer than the finelieh Sterling, We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being oonneoted with the Refining lie partment of the United States Mint for mayoral years, we guarantee the quality as above (53n), tetuoh is the finest Igor Cl2l{ be made robe serricenble, and will reelet the action of acids smock better aami Me ordfaerw Silva manafeeinrid. WM. WILSON h SON, B. W. 0011.N111. FIFTH AND 01013.1tY BV3. N. B.—Any fineness of &Ivor anutuf.wturod an agreed upon, but positiody Mona infsrior to Rana and Anstri• Can standard. Dealers tupplledirith the elms standard as used in our retail department. . . Flue 81Ivor Bari, 9N-1000 ve , rta pare, tionstantli on head. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! TA?RNLEY &SHINN_ RAVE REDIJC THE PR IC r.B QF THEIR 171100D9 IN ORDER FACILITATE THEIR SALES. They otter kl social Bargains in Long firoana Shawls. Fine quality of Ille ket Shawls. MISRO3 end Children's Blanket Shawls. tientlemen's and I10$•' tinnier!, CLO CLOAKS IN GREAT VARIK IT Fenny Dress bilks. Exoellent Illnok Rude Punted Ide, mode, Cs Lsines, Valoneirts end Csligoes. BLANK FLANNELS, LINENS. aunt MUEILIfiId ' Clothe Ca/dimares. and Brsttinetis, ia STOIC illes Quasi, Ceh o, Cornfortehles, ho., he. 1,30 riflemen'. Silk I dkfs., Crnysts, Linen HON. of ieu=R i portati on. l'iL k l e e. , (Vi;ner EIGHTH and Eifltirl(i GARDEN. WE BUYAND SELL FOR CAM. du IVORYTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPEIS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. It to Ira known that the =oat elegant, artistie.chaate and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS AND IVORYRYPES aro valued at MoCLEES' N 0.624 CHESTNUT STREET. By the late reduction in his price', COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, ao dielinautahed for their superiority, non now be pro oared at as tow rates sea others furnish an ordinary ar title for. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, BLOC. MCCLEES, 626 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH OPERA GI 4 ASSES, Pearl, Ivory, and Japanned, with the Allen Aehromatio Leases. at M. , FRANKLIN'S, Orman, 113 SoutimPOUKTII Stroot, Below hestnut. Ng - Also, linprdted Spectaeles, correctly tted to the T/e. t 3 , 110r0110 °Des, Stereoscopes, and Stereoscopic ER Views,. to as endless variety, and at REDUCED P R 1C di-tr if PAPER HANGINGS, dtc. TO CLOSE BUSINESS. We offer from now to the end of the year oor LARGE STOOK OF PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Persona wiehtng thelr Home Papered, can get great BARGAINS Hy ealling early on HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., d1.3-1m NO. 322 OIIESTNUT STREET. TIELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS and IYAITC/Pk i VIVAAR -vr, r 6\ll Ntrtvii 1101.11 • and JAO•ii NOTICES. Eteoietiry STORES, WANTS. QPRIRG TRADE.—A young active, bui l., nu , m u , wi g h ox to Itt ooo rt• t o.enTtrxrioN rot tits l i fi d to w io th rialiVido it e V :g i t city. A rasa " . • O." ibis " JA7-It• A GENTS WANTED IN EACH TOWN -"kin PeOnsTivania to sell a Superior Mantas Lock- Stito4 tiewntg Machine. A finephanoo to mato noneT tbrlQtAtl p r i ttp . l. o PorPartiortlArs, Addresta'itty. A 0061PETENT HOUtiEKEKPER wants sk a situation, who is a oomplete needle-woman; city reference from her former employers. humus. for one week. at thee. W. corner of Tistern and 15. - RING GAR i)o.N street,. JaT-stothat• WANTED—A German girl to do house work in a mill family. BU4 gar wag' will tie given SEVEN paient, well-reaominended gilt Jiggly at 727 TEENTH Street. It" WANTED—A Situation u Porter in a Dry Goods or Notion House, by one who has had exponent. in the hoeineas. Pleferenoe from loot employer. address " Clifford." this office. Ja7.3l* W.ANTED —ln a Market street Store, an active, esergatio young man sa salesman. One who eon oommand a Su-months trade. ,Address DRY GOODS, at Press °Mee ias-12t• $3 -A OENTLENAN OF IN. to desilollll of entering into nom° luerstive wrens hiirluiles would be light. (with tit above isnm.; w erg everything proved satistaotory. *Arenas gesuired, as well ea given. Address "8. W. " Press Mos. e-tuthslet` WANTED—A single Man, prompt, exact, and not talkative, to wait UPOI2 a vanineatent invalid. Good wars !pen. Undoubted reference re. united. Addrete •T. T." Blood'. Dianetch. FOR SALE AND TO LET - EIOR RENT—A fine Store Room No. 32 South FIFTH Street. Apply immediately to Jobs 0. hies( & Sons. earner 1110TH sad CRESTNLIT Streets. Philadelphia. 4741 9CO RENT—Three stores, 8300 per .+an num. AA)* to C. CARRELL. GERMANTOWN Road, abovo Filth street. JaT4.t• TO RENT-4 large third story room, 40 b• 45 foot. Apply to C. CARRELL, OERMAN TOWN Road. above FitLk street. 7147.4t4 $lO,OOO —An Active Man, with ten • thousand dollars in cash or real ea• tate. ran buy aninterest In a laptassa that will pay a satisi.otory profit. Address "D. D. John ,' No: SIM Post Moe. It. LET.—The second floor of the New Store, 140.132 MARKET Street, well suited tore Commission or Jobbing bueineu. Rent low to a "ea table tenant. Ja7-stuth 3t• FOR SALE--A valuable bob-tail Sorrel Mare, six years old, sound, very gentle an 4 kind in harness. (settees of locomotives, fast and gay traveller. the property of a pri.ate gentleman Bold only for want of use; will be sold low. ADDIy at No. 718 South FIFTH Street. jd•gt• COAL LANDS, &c., Ac.—About 708 Acres Coal, MO Building Lots, 3 Farms, Large New Hotel. Btore. Stabling. &a.. ke. This property is located in Luzerne oounty. at the junction of the Sus glehanna and Lackawanna rivers, at the heed of the Wyoming Valley, directly opposite Pittston, and the lands ol the great Pennsylvania Coal Company. The Lands have been bored and proved. The groat Pitts ton vein underlie/ the same. The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad runs through the property, had has status, Depot. &0., & c.,located thereon. The property will be sold a bargain. to close a Corl cern. Apply to F. C. KNIURT, President West Pittston Coal Co., ja7-sit Cur. CIiESTN UT and WATER Ste., Phila. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALE.- A weekly newspaper, established tanream in one of the most flourishing sections of Pennsylvania. to be disposed of at a very low figure. The advertising and too patronage first rate. This is the only newspaper offine in an enterprising town of abut 8000 inhabitants. For particulars, address Newspaper." olEoro of The Press. .11.8-3 t 10 PER CENT.—We have for sale paper apal; 10 per cent. par annum, seoured by deed of trust upon bra-class property in St. Louis. Th e at tention of ospitaltsts dewing safe Investments to tovo tod. RA_KER. WESCOTT, & CO., 117-1 m if 17 South THIRD Street. FARMS FOR SALE, ranging from 20 to Iva Acres, in good tonalities, on easy terms, PARINI 8 for rent, from 10 mores tumoral. lIANDSOME COTTA(iEB and DWELI.III6B for sale or rent. Apply to R. R. CORSON, dl7.ntw lm Norristown, Penna. ga ROUSES TAVERNS, and, STORES, KA. Beal Estate of every desoristion for sale oo to reaL Apes to MAX VEIN'S, Real Estate Arent. No. 7.7 North SECOND Street, In L. Tourny k Co.'s Seed Store. All orders vrtll be promptly attended to. English, French, and German spoken. Collsotor of around Rents. nte-3m pOR SALE—A Valuable Lot of Ground, 148 feet by VV. three fronts. water and fee oa one front; suitable fora church or factory. It is coa ted in the Southweetern part of the oity, in a rapidly im proving neighbor timid. Terms easy. Addreiw, for par ticulars." K.." office of this paper. noStf 200 TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE ° kW irraC t il'AßA A. SON, le44t• '341 South 1 BIRD Street. BOARDING. BOARDING.—To rent, with Board, in a double house, a suite of handsomeiy furnished rooms. on first floor. Mao, other rooms, YU South Broad street The house has °banged tenants recently, and is now ready for boarders. d Wad" LOST AND FOUND. LOST.—Placed in the Post Office , New Pork, on the 23.1 December. a LETTER drected to F. P. STEEL, enabler Southwark Rank. Philulel phla, Penna.. conteming among other enclosures the following Coupons of the Penns.. Central ft. R. Co., dad January 1, ldtsi, pu,ment of the name benne been stop ped r Nos. 214 to 234; 219 and 28); 6U6 to Latin URS to I &A; 3.301 to 403; 3.923 to 2 931 ; 203; 2.A56 to 2.9 ea ; 2.1172 to 2.979; 2.932; 2.939 and 3 WO; 2.993 to 3,000. Parties are cautioned egamat rec.iving the same. A reward will be paid oath, Letter being returned to the Bank of the Staten( New York, or the Southwark Bank, Philadelphia. New lea. December 30,1039. LOST.—Certificate No. 118, for 10 Shares - 2 —. 1 of Stook Ranbury and Erie Railroad Company. to the name of ANNA ht ARIA PEACE. Notice a barstrr given that an &eel cation has Deep mode to that Coo partfor the solo of a new Certlficate. 'camber 7, RAO. h &set . EDWARD PEACE. Elamite,. LOST—A CERTIFICATE of two shares of stock (No. Xn) co the Consolidar Bulk , Philadelphia. WILLIAM L. WRIBY. I.:Oilltithl2l. Deo 2% 1839. -thalk• DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. T C. HOWE & CO.. No. 210 MARKET STREET, PIIILADELPRIA, Oder to the Jobbing and Clothing Trade J. T.SEAGRAVE & CO.'S GRANITE MILL. BRADFORD, TAFT, & CO.'S BLACKSTONE MILL, ELM-STREET. MILLuRY, MERRIMACK. MILLPORD, And varinua others of the choicest and most desirable make' of American PLAIN AND FANCY CABBI - Also. a line of very choice high•lastred BLACK DOESKINS.. Colored and White CORSET JEANS, Bleached and Brown MEETINGS, SHIRT. !NOS, and DRILLS. J. C. HOWE & CO. Are also Agouti of the MANCHESTER PRINT WORKS, And offer the various goods produced by this Company, DE LAINES, CIIALLIES, OPERA CLOUDS, PRINTS, Ac., Ac. Ins thatulut CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. THE CELEBRATED EIVOL/211 MILO Pus FINOLIIIM MILO rrra: ViOLIHR MILO ?IPS! HUVrk..M.N. E. oorner TEEIRD and USINSTNTIT Ism Just received au assortment of PRF.YARED PIPES ! lairorted direct from London. These celebrated Pipes are of the finest Hellish Cl6l, and will color equal to the Meerschaum. They are !sold with or without Maroon°, Tin. or Wooden Cases. ENGLISHMEN ! ATTENTION I 1 The delight atoll English Smokers Is the 51tt.0 Nei Hoiono, N. E. THIRD and CHESTNUT, hao re *Wed Lathe Stiles, Yin, HATTIE, BILLIARD. COURIER, LONDON. BCOTOH, IRIS% 01.11 - re, Wholesale and Retail, St 6 ""r1.7. R.l.7'nnip and CHHBTRUT. ESTABLISHED 1700. _ PETER L0R1T....T.4 AR D. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUrACTURER, 14 and IS CHAMBERS STREET. ((Formerly U Chatham street. New Noric.) Wool 4 call the especial attention or Owners and Bracelets to his removal, and also the a:110es of his inanuiecture, VIZ: BROWN sktUFF. Meobol. MOll,. in. tine RArpl.o. Vlll I/4 Warn ENT.", 7.sateettoehen. Amenoati beajlegoart,... COPailhaink YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, xreah &Malt, High lout Scotch. Irish limh Tout. Fresh Roney DesOeetch. or Landyroot. . TOBACCO. - - •MORISO. CUT CUSH/Mi. 61101.1.11•• No.l, F. A. L.. or klsin. St. Jain, No. 2, Corenchsh, or sweet t Spanish, Nos. I Pr. 2, tnix'd. sweet dented OrinNo.Crintstef. Kitefoot. Tin Foil Cavendish. pure Turkish. A Ciretakr of Prices will he sent on opphostron. N. B.—Note the new article of Fr frA Scote.,h /Antal; which will be found a superior artiste for dipp r. a ill sz Poses. zwissLEß &I FIORILLO, 115 NORTH THIRD STREET, Mae (or WE a largo ripply of OIGARS OF TIES BEW7 HAVANA BRANDS TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, M. AGENTS FOE GAIL A AX, SHAMAN SMOKING TOBAIIOO AND CIGAR& 0031-3 m A MERINO. 140 SOUTH PROM MU% Ku In More and bonds and Kira far Eats, a Lane Anortuulati d CIGARS, leoetvtit CIO from Ramlslet 414;*0 gal favorite Snags, sal.ti AMUSEMENTS. WALIWIT-STENST TUE.& v . Pak latatc---..xfs. IL 7 v i tit t i s m al4" C"': .-. 7 *•• • • :.1 • C • let k i T TIR AY) HlPft3. an. . FAUST_ AND JAI eIIGUEItITE. liephistophibea. Mr. J. B. Roberts; Faust, Mr. E. Kasai; nrauerite. Mrs. Anna e¢ t be performanoe to commence with the mido-driliena v itled EILLA RnSRNBURG. Rmenborg, Mr. Shewell ; Ella Pavenbulf MIL a~Pnoes as nimaii. at Ilt r oi=. ll63( taco eree and without extra acne. o'clock ; Performance to oommomos WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH, oTRE ET THEATRE. THIS. (BAVIRDAYI EVENING. Jam. 7. PETER WILKINS. Ester, Wilms. Mts. DrerwX John Adorns. Mr. Dst- Win j prcoreinill. Mr. Clarks. To oommenee entb the lIPITALBFIRLD WEAVER. To oonolade with I he WLLOW COME. Setae of Pitcss.—aamtasion, le cants; 66011114 Seats to Dress Caste. rzti news; Parquet. 00 cents. Doom nen at half Past 6 o'eaosk ; performances q commence at 7 o'clock prioiseir. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE. Yi r ALNIJT BC. above Fiche.. D. McLaren, sole emanate'. qoor , , , c . it o e . lat OM o'clock. Perfonsance to oonunene• at Tla AFTEROON a o_rand terformanoa Panti- Bee, when the veteran TiAht-Rops 131 r. MIME OWNS ajpear, with the Battle "MOIW. wax -811/111nrrg11.141rGek'Jannary 7th,_ the per formanees viloommence with the dune. Enueetrteat heave, TRH RIVALS OF THE STADInt. DAN .11/DE. the Onginal Hammitt, will Appear After noon a-ot Evening. New Fairy Beneettien Ballet, called ZEPHYR AND CUPID. In which M ISS SALLIE ETICKNEY wt2lappeat. Dash= Hortencenahin And Ctursin Olympic Grools by the Equeetriatur and Acrobats. To coteludo loth THE EDUCATED MULE& NJ' ANDERSON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS, JAYNE'S COMMONWRArTH BUILD/NB, CHESTNUT Street. hear Sixth. .31HODOIS THEATRE OP ARTS. TnIS ISA TURDAY) EVENING. Jan- 7, Wl' be ottsredi the foSowint oltat teen.: TIN. Port et Gerws. of Cotton us. As Amerioan War Steamer Washinikm and his Gm- Tails. Valley Forte ta led-Winter. tie Etemal CO% Rome. ea St. Pewee. Chime Weeezeoeue, Aide meton,Src-rope Varillsr. • Ane Mehllse tentfm scene of Site Stoma at gym The ttzlibittola to rmaistinc 'rub the modatnert of the monster stemoshipr great gamin. Nis T WEBS, NAPOLPOn C 08.131N0 THE ALPS. MONKS OP IST. ST. BERNARD. Tickets. le yenta Ch il dren. le Gents. Doors open at 7. To commands at 8. nitlitONlA SACRED 1. • SOCIETY. CARD. ORATORIO OF THE SEASONS. The Director, announce the THE of the eldeedid. ORATORIO OF THE SEASONS. • by Haydn, ON FRIDAY_EVENNO. January /SM. AT THE MUtICAI. FUND UA L,. Greet core, labor time , and.expense have bewailed. to bring this beaunful compotition before am: friends and the babbe in the beet manner. and the Solo parts are .entrueted to Inn-known miners. tutrusit the re.- noted* tome end ability, The Chanute trill be sae. rained by the }JARMO:IIA members. largelv tnereedeed In number, and efheienev,smrstedwith a WI and law erful ORCHESTRA. from the MUSICAL PUND OERMANIA ORCHESTRAS.- All under the ahb leaderebfe of LEOPOLR MEIONEN. Moe. Mato LS TICKETS.. FIFTY Ilsyl TS. &fOr Scibeeriptions, at TH REE DOLLARS leek. vli re received at heck & Lawton'a. caner or Bevwstla and Chestnut streets, for the Three Concerts of the Society. CARL WOLFSOIIN AND CARL BOHR. hTOCK'S SECOND CLASSICAL SOIREE • aril/ take place on THURSDAY 12th of January. AC FOYER OP THE .DESIY OP mune, For programmes and aarticulars, .all at As Mania Storrs!. blng's Tickets One Dollar. Can be bad on the arrest le at the door. Subscribers are rsonestod to show their tt.kete. Malt. ltro utiNOUGIVS GAISTLE3--)LiCZ St., JJ-A• abort BECOND. GitfiAT BILL TO- 1 •IGIVE. MOTE hit GOOSE; GeeiVIGG, with $ oast of character, not to ha eattatid tono couisoy. Alm arko. .111.117 olltnaalut Cloy. pnotalooc.... Harle am ..... Oolumne__ DEAF AS A POST R u n m it l : .E " ' DAN NG AND All the COMM I WILL SHORTLY BE P nDOCHD IRREPRESSIBLE CO ,L LICT. 9 1 .112dPLE OF WONDERS. Northeast corner of TEXTEtaneCEESTNOT Streets. inset and No A ttrattlo6. 811VASvir Rea ! P T/ft roauß Th l eirade E rf v e ll l ra y le t ia v n gs and iN V e en D t u nrzt. ras WEEK. Commeneite at 7112'slocIr. and on WEDNESDAY and SAT VIZ uAY A yrs KNOW f at J. The eelabra44 Automaton Rope Vaulter. ea} oUs smatsst Ptsowf_.,9l Mechanism ever exhibited, will aEr u ar . friererf esurca tint!. and perform hie astonishing_ Admisston 73 cent. Miami Meant.. - ,• • TRE CELEBRATED PAINTIND, PARISIZTA, outritice of LORD SYRON'S Font. with Lucrs FRU.. PIC_TURE. THEP ILG R IM FATHERS TEE MARTYRD OM OF JOHN Bra. ON VIEW FOR A FEW DAYB ONLY. F tie DUSSELDORF E XHIBITION. ACADEMY OF FINE Aar& los CHESTNUT Stmt. (ken from 9 6. IL to 3 Y. AL- Admismica 23 c 0991. 192-91. LAST WEEK OF PAGE'S WK (C& At SOIEMI.I 01117 Mjfkorip_s_k Roo's, CRESTN 3. STREET. Admission 23 omits. P ENNSYLVANIA AOABEMY OP THE FINS A RT&I lone SILEATNT:T STKEET. Ts OPE% DAIL . atuadaye anoeittectd Dom! A. K. tilte P. It. Wanted—The Tenth Tame of " rrhie iterate:" Pee form " of ['mutest. Mffii3MEiMii aERMAN - IA ORCUSSTRA.—PubIio Re beargats every SATURDAY, at Mrmcm. FUND HALL, at Os o'eWuk P. M. A packaaa of eight kilta. one dollar. Qintlit tiekats,l6 cents. To be had at d Andre's, and Boa & Lairtaa's Mme Stores, and at tle oor. .1)-an COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSOLUTION OF FARTSFESIIIP.—: The taterest of the subscriber the 6trn of M. cliatt,ToN k CO. ceases front the let harm; C of the same to THINS. M. CIiaRLTZN. vio ,nt, use the earns of the Aral to hast.dst.ton. and am • liaise the business at lAMVINE tiltroet. MO P. CHARLTON. ralLAt Ltrut a. J1'11.11.1341 • ja7.31. - PiIILADEIPIIIA, JANUARY 2, 1860. The subvention hays this day form a copartner. ship, under the stole of liITNEIt & k.VRE. for this tralleilction of the timers and Vann, bands Dm sees. and have taken the house No. IT NOKIA THIRD Street, northeast apneas of Church Alley. otters they arttl opentin the Ent of Fibre re vest • vita_ a fresh and welLeeleissed stock. 08KPH BLINTaft. jatat• A.A.AC P. EYRE. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—Mr. JOHN A. L.. MORRELL lea this day been admitted to as interest to our batmen,. vlue C hereafterw I 1 be logi- Opeteq. _under tiro Maas of PhDDLIS, HAYRICK, k i C TITINS, PEDDLE. HAYRICK. an- 1. MU. 31.14t.` INSURANCE COIIRANIES. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO3IPANY OF MEW YORK. OF BIX M U LLIONS OF DOLLARS. YINTRITED 7 , 1 • • . x xi An, 'Woallehrit sx aa ki IL" The primates aro towel t►sa in many other Dhow aim, sad the Dividends have boa meths. This te • strictly' lityrrsa onekvay. Therie__are no Stenkholden, so that ALL THE Paorna ZZLOZO to tee urscixa. PuoplOsts, wad Etwry iwforsutioa. au hi la . " Tis ' Oil "vb gTAVllPOllD i rtkit,_= B. W. wane? i 0 u tag tad kL..'L - i - PUILADELPILIA, R Io FERESCES: Thorasa Rotatui. ta Wetab. Monism L D&V.One George H. Smut. Georg!, NI &road, L Eu l "' • gtittllT4... ohm . Arwood. t 01:03a H rover% ~. 'main C L ._7,t i 1, ,ww-rW To,:siad. ...eller d. r . Tbo..WILYI2I)..sIS-ITit• Mao Nam RONIIS TO THE INSURED.—TII6 OI RARD Ll 9 B INSURANCE. joiNnTy. TRUST COMPA7Ci OF PHIL aDELPHIA.—DItc/M LIS 23 1452. As the period of ireyears has transpired silo. the Lost 130 m l, Was made. t he • oinpaar have &deli ill additional one, BUN US No. e. to the insured for e. on all Pamirs in force. which were issued ;nor to /annul 1. 1 557. (hue, a Policy issued re Ml .by this &nun has 8116 added to the sum insured fa each 81 NO ; those :armed in lent hare 890 added; those lamed in 1154. an well se all Policies whrch Partivinsted in the tact that of December. Mat hare IiIS added for each !poi. he. Lamer and smaller sums wartelpate in Lka proportions, without regain crn soy ineighse Lathe lUMINI premi am I. be paid to the company. A Life Policy. therefore. of 81 NO- tamed 111 ISlt, is locreseed by thu and former Bagasse to SIAN: • po licy of 83 CO) a increased to Ira°. or one of tr) ,,,, tr . increased to 811 CCO.whmh Will be paid when it claim by death, mewed of the 41 red. 45 WO. or 8313.- 000. origorially insured; Mow. Maned In ISC. are 10- creased from illss3o to 41X3; thee, of 1338 are in creased to 81.30). Sco. In &Odium; to which. on all the above named Palming CO which a fauns sexual pure:Lam shall be Paid, lad gra all other Life Policies after they shall hare stood three year!, sod shell become alums within the wit ire TSUI. there will be paid a farther qtileards for even/ truck premium in the same ratio se thstkelow declared. By order of the Board T/108. REDO WAY. President Jolla Y. Js rtes. Actual!, December 31. 1S .V. TiIORNLEY & OEIB3I, northeast corner EIGHTH and SPRING GAR. DEN Street. id UMW attannese to thou stock c IRISH i LINRN BOK FS., c•• Of their own direct Importation. aqua thee a" Pod' nently recommend. Also. an a/salient Kock of taming and Sitsating Leglialt and Antennas Blankets and F . :annals. Cloths. Cassanetea, and Estancia. Marseilles golltil and Comfortabies, AC. Balance ol Clooks and *oche sod Ulankst eelltni at kris than coot : Rich Fancy Silts eerz caste. • Rest mates of Black oat. kc. knout flock will he foe red derrabie. M ASONYILLE LONG-CLOTH ~~"_ Meting at it% etnte—the but 6 ' le TT" eamAket in tkei market WINTER. DRESS 000 re,, all reduced an mac E rrevi k oL. to t takmx.. X.upte. French Mormo oc n. to wlutea. blacks, pain. arA 114 h colors. Broene and IP-lake Mumls in (mat rsnetT. CHARLES ADA MB. jan-tf EIGHTH and Alitoii &TIP* ROHR. &. DAVIS WASHING-MACHLNE for mt. b-ol.ovr sr AN MeBRID E. %sena • wren, 1 7 BTRAwBisfIRY etraet. ladalptua, By thus Insehin• a week's tub of aa orstaan , r-riiri (soul; can be dose before breakfae- It Is issasi In es putty to roar wovten, and apses at least ad per cent. in wear and tear. Hundreds of them ars now in cure. sal the d, msna - (*amain:K. Ceti and examln4 for rormistrea. Count r rshra for sale oa Flammable thr=a- rmn of whe.hins a xr, 32 to ill rLOWNAN & M^PRIDE. jaa-lea• 77 BTRIIWBERIIS Strut. sLElliti BELLS. Strapped and Loose; Tool &MN. Creepe#, *ad TO Sims sellinf off cheat. IP. . KNIORT, SO. . k JaS et' M.A.RXET rt.. otposits Now. 1 EIDILD BORAX, inHBREL atom and tor A 9 aak WTT L k BR Bro. irr aid • Math PROISRaSit noßsEs TAKEN TO WINTER on a Fans is Delaware scanty. Eseelleet rabies! and exparsimoed Groom. Apply New 134 W,3124 Street. waned story. _413131f 'WILMA Cc GIBBS' SEWING 41A v • ti cal . 3.-RLiaakirgewe t uajar . Mag L.4W Aj iV ANA * I'm C i EG ARS.—A A fuua ust:m nnstG, stesoV.l4, 0 , 11 . o f OM: na t Ng, gc.47404tiv4