The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 24, 1859, Image 1
"41 1 0.:-VREIA .1 iv JOUN W. YUMMY; '4g:f,---; Deux, immix: 11100446400:out of the City'it Su Daum Pme. Diiitasit Facia* Moms; Tiraiatia„mt.ilfax Moirtsvariabls La ad. rases tor** thou ordered. , „ ' , 111444EXICLY, PUPIL , • Mailed to itibootibiariost dello city at THAI! Dot, taxa ", 1860* ? iIW OR F AVE S S. AND 1860. wm. F. MURPHY 8$ SONS. • —No. Wie ORESTNUTIMMT, • Below Fourth; P*ACTtOLL .1111ttinetlfliilli OP BriA N R-B - 0 IC Eh Made of Lideat Moak. - e rette ial °rde tc l a i ViTelTS4lll4 .l l;raigoia, Loth., and ° r cOllO P with a OMNI litOOk Ot 14 111-476V a ti ti -grik STA:r lON ACQO I SNT, 'B 4 O010; 0141) AND NEW ?Mt% SIBQIIIIIINO VnitOLß SETS the •Malief piioF, 'Fill Had Oa our aide's a LAEOE AND:CoIdFLETE iatiOETriESIT om witoi to mdeti;oreau hare them made to order o ANY Dziattur PATTERN; - . VERY BEST:QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, . Timistiziri;tiiii a full eagioitigiat of FOREIGN- , AND DOMESTIC • COUNTING4IO(XE '4T4TiONERY,' •AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. MOSS. BROTHER; gt',oo., -No. 4841 PLARKE.T STREET MILLINERY GOODS. 729; -- 729. I'l.O*ER & FEATHER, frT RB y I' 2 S., a it B NrT .6 T R (nosing one,:at GREATLY REDUCED PRIOREI.our satire stook of HEADANIESJIRIDAILWREAT - R FLOWER% FEAVIERE, 4.2.3 .•• • - - - MILLINERY 000 DEL THOS.REI4NVIA &BRO., 703.CKEETNUT ET" AND 43 B. SECOND ST. #3472-3131' RERCIIANT TAILORS. RAPIIABL P.M. MBItOIIANT TAILOR. • PIitEPAIINIONABLE • " 11.11ADY 7 XADX OL 01'41 IN 0, SUPERIOR FABRICS von ouOromEtt WORE vo.ancsotux seviTTE swan, - gml i ffiltrusitt o- d t i ,..y= Inv 14 or Granyi ltokes%) tesPoetiooy invites the /A nthill or the pub o to his new establishment, and his splendid stook. of FURNISHING SCUDS for Gentle men's wear. ' Re has on hand a doles seleotien le Fabrics experial- Una r trit i ntrinia d ß Cla i ll ' itrirtli% ! t numerative attention of.buyers. Each artiele warranted togva u ptire satisfaction. - ; .40KB HOBSON. Artist. BOOTS AND SHOES. HAZELL & HARMER. MANDIAOTURFUI AND wliopivera MALKIN BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. pa NORTH THUD MEET. A 631 tasolimeit or as Ewe toot. and Ohm oon steak an nand:, aitistf HARDWARE PACKAGE /LOUSES. hANDY & BRENNER. Nos. As, es, #ND - *Tit i4Ftift,iis* r/WoAD/EGPIELt. WHOWALI COMMISSION MERCHANTA - j• "WOOL MAAMiterillillo HAIWWARZs, AtOriNfirifit • largentware .onters.: • , , ..„0 TctsE.Rygt, PII 8, the wet or otheriviei: - .1111TORIEWS -.BDON TOOLS; i ' • • ' 11137CHER'8 STEEL OA VARIOUS Km& wmente,;PATIINT: tr.4l AND' 'MA EIRIPOII.O.O I I. - AM other If ads in every variety - SOLI MUMS ros. BRAILF'S BM - PRATER 'PISTOL, • WEIGHING ONLY ev. EHARIII NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS. zowAiir s RAErrr. • no. 0. tumuli. a. F. sisersax. pAOKAGE . HAADVTARS HOUSE.—Wo W'ro hall esti the attention of the 43_04 . w r e atrWill Mktg ,11.11 redo* tai the tosoitage. •-•- 14irtti t agrCtadA and • sritgtgg VI W. G. & Bon, COotraHltwE Street iginft46 sad Horrunissioa_Merohania. AM Agate 6x irOTESIM and Domestio Hardware. , milled SADDLERY, HARNESS, &c. LAM - HARNESS, SADDLES, AND ROBES. Tan l'ams bletikti at the Wprld's Fair, held in Lou ac:k tirrth r"r ot ni at d hewg e a_vgblPl4l,ll\27 York. in ISO, wriiielsousranlod to us for the best Rat 'livingau' toe they greatly enlarged our manufaetunns. fir 'two, are_now fired to offer to the at oar . Errgro ► or sTAbbIetIMENI No.. 'goad alt t ic above Chestnut, The tiostemrinleteaasortment, of - p vtioles In our line W s business, molt as arefies Ladies and Gentlemen's ding _Saddles, Brid le s, Driving end Riding Wilms. Fly eta. Rome Covina or Sommer and Winter use. :Bur filo and all other kinds of robes, Our goods are manta feetaw in the Tog best style of workrannshii,_and witirtat Olgx quALITy OF LEATHER, Oriloh is the best the market tan fO mash: Attoottoa ukett , Ootbe folloWitigooole of Vim: Gaud rain aarViNtittat single halfwit fr0m...819 to IX ewer • • - NS / 10 to pl e t u l t un g beiriimisp ae - re ban be supplied with Altiorners cheep.[ than ran Inanuniatureem. nlfi-stuikthang - CABINET WARE. .S A IMMMTUEZ AND ArUaAIU:I MOORE &,.oAmpioN, ay&ViratiVrotes al l 11311711 pros:hoed by v have eff”. l With f i th oh blhetiLa Pcitro t ti • blidia DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c. DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTH, &O. ROBT. SHOEMAKER & NORtagAn PORNOR iljtatiff AND Meg EiTREMS, WilOieltBAl4g, ; DRUGGISTS; fisporkee and Beam tt!WRIDOIr 0.12,08 . ,PA1NTH. Ike., Invite the atteation'ef COUNTRY ME . ROHANTS To their tow me;olt:tiatobioritioit thee ear at the lowest market estee” - - • oae-tt r:OOSZN6•GLASSES. • LOOligiG-GLASSES, , • At ritdtiOd Mises. I. COWPLAND, No. 61 Fatah Foitith 'street. has on band alarms stook of French —Mate Mirrors in silt Yrnmes,riohly.ornamented or phun. whioh ism uttered at very lotrartoes. Square and ovid•Fortratt, Platute, and PliotdarsaFrames, Frew* nabs on hand front by so no.set by SS, at - much beknr, forrner!snoes, Oridsnr sobs; , • OSECUA•OIO9.IMAND, „ •• No. 63 South Fourth street. HOPE COAL OIL W.ORKB. FIRST PREMIUM; AWARDED 4 ir naraiinvenTA STATE FMB, , FACITOPi* :9090.*REST, Yrgeßi/ SORINIA ONUS 12T WALIII7I MOM , P. NTINBAIRTI k WIN TIRA7611111: Aft 'TiillllPrtso , MATJC: tot *ore and Aroldt4,ota'Ststkeitty, ..._ - r reman Painting aterials, , natirrcrldx, and V ar l itio for AiUsta and at dts, Mkgse .." 4 ' g= arrtilinthoh - , , -- - ° g" ~t ht W , th d ° rik & .1 OlNEffTrit - - le, .-- ...' No. la filth BlOtral. fitre.t. - I,lt - ATM lt .TA 1,. ‘- ' - ,Mr -11M VAttOrTit TWII4 I '; r 3asf:rec'eAve4l, a operigs lot of Calcutta. T0i06,.0t0l forma° • VEN. I ,FITI,LA, dSt -; 13 N. wAter It. Fin 4 ZS ER whSrrec - - 113 PftSE • A n invoice received. and fo --,:vnrrunfinx* , BROTAMR. Nett. 41 And 49 North ...Eno N fityrpt., PANNOII,"VIVD6,4rt ' hand , 411 roi pit% iii_yrgigisntLG & Bunn Elt,' -al - , antr. 41' aIiortIiSECUPID Street. or, wiNtiovr-OtrrrA Siyle - atile - Prii•L;itkpioitik our rats% iirthe MMothO i/-411. 719 CitlEti.FN v ttreet. 01-4;-1 vh,itaxg4 ejs_vrcrt, r ter It , • ; • \\‘':\l •-•• , ; : •..„ *VI „A . • dri :5 a y . _.• 7 117 I “*. . • rte, r f 1.0111111 t r i w. L.l Lit .A••••••••••• •-, - - . ' • • , ••••••••:..,; T s. -""" • ( • tr. VOL. 3.-NO. 124. Tit , lor Tat." • (12( taaciltlMlX MORE FORCIBLE THAN TARVIZIED.) BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. tr e etty, witty Neill Oray o her Billy sai nt one days t tug go to Bennett's, attar ; Mho whispered in her ear: No you don't I" "Let me go t " she .'id, with you. From the Tower , to take a view— . Others go, and why can't I r" Bttil he made the same stray • ,No yondon t!" rare froM azure eyes ell like ram-drops from the skies; t, alas, t.oor weepingNel Bill resuarked,,M fast they . loll: No you don't!" "Uncle died." said well." last night, " teavingffle ten thousandmote.' earest Noll." mod Bill, "we'll go;' ut she answered. taproot.: No you don't !" "If you lad to Bennett's cone ',When I asked you so forlorn; When you thought I'd 'rim y I should not to you have said ; NO you don't 1"' n his knees poor Billy fell, vying, '`,Dearest. darling Nell, will wed you;" but she said, With a toss-up of her head: "No you don't 1" Then she spurned him with her toes, .And,with thumb upon her nose. - Moving either fingers fair, lisid again, with haughty air s No you don't:" With a heart by grief mode sore, lily through BO door, oaring Nett bested him shout. " your mother know you's" out/ No, she don tl' Nora; Ali young gents who wish to wed Wit2 l :taXi. clo thed gri t & i 'loWilt i lt ad We to you would loudly Gall, .• No you don't I" Other places you may try, With the hope to cheaper buy, But from Tower jell away. FaCtts will show f they don't say, • " ~y ou don ti" Bariaina: bargain .I gnat bargains! in Winter Cloth. Ing are now °Bared at TOWER HALL, 018 MARKET BTREET.ymarotnpura, by BENNETT do CO. CONFECTIONERY. C , IMISEMAS AND NEW YEAR.—Fine CONFECTIONERY enn be hnd, eir I to am otho , establlehmentla tha city—vie: Bon on, Chenolate. Almond. &d. Also, an assortment o Fanny Boxes. Call at TEFFRIEN Ir.' o.'B, N 0.718 MARK KT Krest, between Eleventh and Eighth. €l.lO-1m CJIRISTIiIAS CANDIES AND TOYS.- Fine French Mixtures, 60 cents per pound. worth 76 conk's do. 78 cants worth SI. Plaus Mixtures 25 cants and 37 cents nor _pound. Also, Puobeirsa d'An gouleme and Vim of Wakefield Pears. , Latly eI . , Ap plds4c* X 4 B C ot N N B NTH S Street. j.AIIRENT MARON'S CONED:6 ALA TIONERr, Northwest corner SIXTH and ARCH Streets We krere now on hand one of the finest stooks of • , HOLIDAY CONFECTIONERY It, this oily, together with a great variety of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS ; TOYS FOR ORNAMENTING CHILDREN'S TREES; Faneg Boxes, Cornets end other artntlea suitable for CHRIS rmAs GIFTS. Ae wamanufaeture all .our own goods, with the ex petition of those we Import, our prices will be found lover than Until, for Our assortment of Farley Sugar and Fastillage Tors. ORNAMENTING TREEdi Will be found unequalled. die-et ' •• L.AURENT & MARON CHOICE CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY. ME MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, . * •L 26 ' 22.5 ' 1 ' 1111 . a 3 lj I I 1 2 2 'l'3l / FRENCH AND AMERICAN. BON-BONS, SUGAR TOYS, NICK- ,NA.OIO, &0., &o Ilauttfaatund and Imported by EP:Ara-. WHITMAN & 00., tD f 6 SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets. pia FARM, POE CHRISTMAS FOWL ` FR IoCiT, ici dre TOW STRE NSEND, die 9111 ET, 1344' ,140 1 , 4,ll2ly u ta n a l -vacerriaryrsry 19 A. a 11 Mtig i ll048 4 0„91 4 0 8 ;i ' ---- ah.or-'h , tioi_gh l t i rk- so s, Chils o irdail-Wpre orris media, ikah' , Wo vit also fide F ts, itaillney'rasef shell Almonds, .hu., suitable r the doming holi days, to which we respectfully - invite the /Warthog _of buyers before parehashis elsewhere. Don't forset sic hielf.KET Street. dle-tjal PAPER RAEGINGS, &c. TO CLOSE • BUSINESS. Wo offer from now to the end of the year our LARDS STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, Persons iridium their ROLIN3II Papered, can get vest BARGAINS Si4lllng early on HART, MONTGOMERY, & GO., dl3-1m NO, 322 CHESTNUT STREET. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. ZWISSLER •Se FIORILLO. 126 NORTH TRIAD STREET, Have for sale s 1111111 amply of CIGAR B OP THE BEST HAVANA BRANDS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, 811. AGENTS 808 GAIL & AS, GERMAN SMOKING TOBACCO AND MAIM oollt-Sm MERINO. 140 SOUTH BRONT STEW Has In store and bond, ant Wm for Bale. a Larne assortment el OIGAREI, lteeedved dbeart from Hama, of (tole, and favorite Brands. - ana-t1 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. THE UNION; _ MICR 'STREET,ABOVE' TRIM PHITAELYNIII. uploN El. NEWCOMER. The titaelloa 0 this Rom, is eepethuly adapted tt the wentseithe mime public; motto that' In Beard' of inure, Passenger Ra_groadeortgog gow roo peat and n aloes proxinuty. afford a cheap and plc l e et& to el pleohe of interest in or shout the QM. le FAD" SCALES. FAIRRANKS PLATFORM SOALIB For side bh 3 PAIGBANI%&, EWING. 0.22-17 CHESTN UT Int'est, Phils 44-1 ['OWE'S STANDARD SCALES.— STRONG & ROSS PATEDIT.—CortI, Cattle, and Hay &ales require no.nit. Platform and Counter Reales of every desoription. They reoeive all Fnotmn and Wear on Bells instead of Knife Edges, aeon other Boehm. Call and examine before pnroluunng elsewhere, and aint the impurtiment. YEANINGTON GREEN. Aftent, 112 Houth,BEVENT hiladH Fltre el et, Pphia. BUSINESS CARDS. (MARTIN & QUAYLE'S STATIONERid TOY Pok Anti F up A t 10 GOODI E M v A ALEUT ertizia. 13ILOW ZLIVENTH. n4-dinri PAILADELKIIA . Constantly . on band Pertomari and Tnil e t Articles. PROS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law 130. 273 Booth FOURTH Street. nl&6m• WALLACE & BRODHEAD, ta ExartANoE PL'ACE, NEW YORK. Stooks and Ronda bought an d sold, on goinmiation. FRANCIS B. WALLAO2. EDWAID V. URODHEAD 028-4 m. ALEX. frIoKINNKY AT'TORNB I y AT L_AW, OREENB lIRO, Will practise In Westmoreland, Arm Irons, and In mana oonnties. sell-11 THE ADAM EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 320 CERBTbill Btrona, for Pamela, Peek !gel, blerabeadiee, Bank rtytea, with Peale, a titter bl rMiles, or in connection age other .E.xe rear ea to all the rumple WE end eines o the ite c i ti pmeg, • E. 8. SANDFOR Flesterel Buserintendent SILVER SOAP—A simple preparation for oleanzlng Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrers, Mar. Me, &0., far Mora convenient and effective than any other. One half the labor of House oleaning niay he saved by using this Soap, which cannot possibly injure the finest Zino white, and as no scrubbing Is required, the paving_ in the wear of the paint is mach treater than the oust of the Soap. It leaves the surface as pure and white as when new. Manufactured only by the II ton indexicial Soap flompariv, and sold by their annotated &gents, MAS tIESTNIITSATID & CO.. Apothecaries. TWELFTH raia di- HAVANA CIGARS OF VIE FOLLOWING BRANDS: Figaro, Ifojae de Oro. Daniel Webator. Fabudaria, Zaragoanns, Noptuno, Venoms Praebree, °intro tilobrinos, Espernitza Real* Palma, &0., in N. .A. and 3‘, of nil I gee and qualitioa. hat re newed to store, and for sale low by 0 rfAll LEN TETE, at lot 100 WALNUT St. Mile. extra quality Veal vV Od. a ear+ superior artiole for honing long and "giving bright tight. Just arrivod. For sale b• ROWLEY. AMHBORNEtt. dig Pin. lliFtllltTlf WTIA RvER. CODFIRt4.-500 qtls, Extra Grand Ban Codfish, in gore and !ovals kr __ J. TAy lAA & CO., 431 , * OPIA POWPg WWl"' RETAIL DRY GOODS. ELEGANT WINTER CLOAKS REDUCED PRICES. AT TTIE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. THE SUBSCRIBERS, in accordanee with their usual custom at this season of the year, will offer the betimes of their Meek of elegant PARIS, LONDON, end HOME-MADE CLOAKS, at considerably REDUCED PRICES, with a view to the termination of the season's trade, They have still remaining a thorough and com plete assortment of all the lending Myles, on the whole of which a bean/ids reduction from the prices hitherto demanded has been trade. RICHLY ADORNED VELVET CLOAKS. REDUCED PRICES HANDSOME PLAIN VELVET CLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. IMPERIAL PLUSH TARTAN AND STRIPED OLOARS, AT REDUCED PRICES. ELEGANT DRAT DE VELOUR CLOAKS, STRIPED, AT REDUCED PRICES. PARIS CLOAKS. IN FINE BLACK, BEAVER, ALL AT 25 PER CENT. REDUCTION. hIOLTRNING AND OTHER PLAIN OLOAKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S . CLOAKS. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT REDIMED PRICER. OPERA CLOAKS, BALL CLOAKS, EVENING OLOAICE, ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. 7QB CHESTNUT STREET, ELEGANT LADIES', FURS, AT LOW PRICES, AT TR& P. X /81 MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY, RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON BAY SABLE, EASTERN MINK SABLE. HAREM r SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FINE GERMAN PITCH, ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, STONE MARTEN, Re., IN CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. HANDSOME MINK MARTEN CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, SO kin inches deep. Sn, SOO. MM. OHO, IWO, to 0300 J.:W.PROOTOR & 00.. CLOAK ANA FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. du-nt DECEMBER REDUCTION J. LUNY. & • Announce to the Public and their ouibimeri tie; °Orden°. with their usual custom at this elision of the year, they have rednoed the prices of their stook of FANCY DRY GOODS, wineh comprises many Wipe and beautiful descriptions of goods suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. G. J. L. & Co. have received, this week, a very ohome collection of Embroidered Cambria Hdkfs. New Lace Goods, Embroideries, tko., to which there will be added, on Monday. December Hi, several oases of Nouveautes, especially selected for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 809 and 811 OLEESTN CT STREET. di-tf LADIES' FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOB. 415 AND 417 ANON STREET, RAE NOW OPEN HlB USUAL 1311010 E ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Made of smolt saloon:4 b, himself in Europe during the Vest Boring. onl6-3m CLOAKS 1 CLOAKS 11 IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS. EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERY NEW MATERIAL. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. Mr Prime monk reasonable than at any other estab lishment. IVENS, 93 SORTRI NINTH . STREET CLOAKS I CLOAKS!! THE GREATEST BAROAINS IN OLOAKS EVER OFFERED. I V E N S, nlV•tt BS SOUTH NINTH STREET. CLOTHS -CLOTHS. JAYNE'S HALL. A cometete assortment of CLOTHS, CArSIMERES, VESTINOS, &c. 810 to 810 saved on a Gent's Salt and 86 to 810 on LADIES' CLOAKING. (Patterns furnished.) CGS and see at ESI-I.LEMAN'S n30.td31 625 CHESTNUT STREET. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH AND A.ROH, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. RICH SILAS AND REDUCED IN PRICE. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. YONS VELVETS. NAV vR CLOTHS, li gt iC t,B , ll l oo B 4 l ,_ M vS, 444 1 . 1 1U I WA V NIS, VELVePOPLINS, Mil -IQUET DE T, INES, IGURED MERINOS, ?IN BLANKET de-luthstßa TABLr. LINENS, ato., As. gIiARPLESS BROTHERS have now open b•- 7 the balance of their Fenny Dross Goods. hlousftelinos, Calicos, VIRUS. Rich Silks and Hobos. Figured Merinos, Kipling. Marked at much reduced prices to soli off stock. d2l OtiIiSTNUT AND EIGHTH. LYONS CLOAK VELV F TS. All viidihe of these goods in brilliant blocks. They are composed of pure Silk e and considered the but manufacture that roaches this market. lmport%d expressly for our retail SH sales ARSby LESS BROTHERS d2l CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. RAPS() N'S. CORNER OF MONTE AND CHERRY BTB Have now open a fins assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, a SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from the celebrated notnufaeturers, Hertz & Wegener, in Berlin, Our customers can depend on getting the best article ever offered at retell in Phila delphia, at the lowest prices. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. AiLairry 01 BLACK CLOAK TASSELS. UANDBOME CROCHET CLOAK FRINGES. New_ AND BEAUTIFUL DRESS TRIMMINGS. 'WOOLLEN KNIT T 3210 YARNS, ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAS AND CAPS. ZEPHYR KNIT GAITER. AND SLEEVES. A ROLL sTOCK Or STAPLE TRIMMINGS. AT RAPSON'B LADIES , TBDSMiNce AND 7.VPUVR RTORE. Cor. Or MIRTH AND CHERRY OW. CLOAKING CLOTHS. Pine Black Cloths and Beaver*. • Ladies' !hack Cloakings, 411.25 to SLOO. Overcoat Cloths, $1 to 8 6 • 60 .' Drees-coat Cloths, $260 $6. Black and fauoy Cassoneres. Extra heavy fanny Winter Casomeren. Satinets ann Union Casairneres. Good and cheap Vestices.Bilk, Plueh, ValooOlo• Boys' weat—sooda eapcydaloe4to Gd 7 bNaNv4 t M MA R E B LACK BEAVER CLOAKS. Mena Cloaks, from et to ea 819.. Full Black Cloaks, 86 to Black Beaver Cloaks, 810 to 819. Black Trioot Cloaks. 810 to 8.9. We ore now solling large quaa elms from s large fresh, and clean stook. Cloaks made to order and gua ranter.' to Ft and please. COOPER & CON, F lt. dI7 NINTH and MARKET. 11 kVANA CIGARS—Cow 3009000prisine some of the moat oelobretc d mends. Now :and , and stare and foreal_e_ low by allet CS WALNU r et. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1859. NEW PUBLICATIONS. GIFT BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS THE aMERICSN SUND.IY SCHOOL UNION, 17 HIBBING ♦ NM BOOK EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, le enabled to furnish a large assortment of new and ELEOANTLY ILLUBTRATED BOOKS, DO D 117 IN HANDSOME GILT BINDINGS, &Sable for HOLIDAY GIFTS. THE SOCIETY HAS ON ITS CATALOGUE TWELVE HUNDRED DISTINCT PUBLICATIONS Theao Embrace Books for THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, _ THE BIBLE CLASS, THE FAMILY la appropriate binding. for snob 'ALWAYS ON HAND, A OOMPLETE ASSORTMENT BIBLES. TOOZTHER WITH 11111 DEVOTIONAL BOOKS Vied in the DIFFERENT EVANGELICAL DENOMINATIONS AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, VILADELPHIA-1123 Chestnut Street. NEW YORK-375 Broadway. BOSTON-141 Washington &net, °poollts Old South Church. For Salo by Booksellers generally. Catalogues gent by mail freo of charge di? stgthat BEAUTIFUL BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS . GA:UT & VOL,KMAR • • Suoomori to IL Cowperthwatt & Co., In Retail Do- partment,) NO. 609 CHESTNUT STREET, Would reepootfully solicit the attention of their patron* and the public to their SPLENDID ASSORTMENT HOLIDAY BOOKS. Prepared and arranged e x pressly for the FESTIVE SEASON. Their stook comprises STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, ♦ND JUVENILE BOOKS, In many beautiful and elegant style' of Binding. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS; CHOICE ILLUSTRATED ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOORS AT LOW PRICES. PRAYER BOORS AND BIBLES, (INOLISII AND AMERICAN EDITIONS') Bound In VELVET, CALF, MOROCCO, CLASPS AND RIMS, JUVENILE DEPARTMENT This department comprises the most complete, and the mom extensive stook of BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS To be found in the city. GAMES 1 GAMES 1 Of every description at low pricey. MOVEABLE TOY "BOOKS In Groat Vat Tint,. WRITING DESKS. ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY. PAPETERIES, -; m... 1r . Damns deriring It on g mike thew seStawimr-nv....- udiAgulp them bent way Dula Wren tAip.l.m chnit: . , Parohasars twill do - nrell to call and examine the well solootod stook upon our tables. AT 609 CHESTNUT STREET N. 8.--OATALOOUES OF FINE BOOKS GRATIS. delirtf TICKNOR & FIELDS. BOSTON, HAVE IN PRESS AND WILL PUBLISH I bIhIEDIATELY 1 THE. PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE With the Story of Ina. By OLIVER WFDIDELL HOLMES. 1 vol. limo. $l. Also, • fine edition, ele gantly printed on tinted paper, in aro form, and bound leavened boar& Prico $3. NEW MISCELLANIES. By CHARLES KINGSLEY. Uniform with Bir Walter Raleigh. 1 vol. Igrno. 111. SEW. HELP! With Illustrations of Character and Conduct. fly SAMUEL, SMILES, Author of "This Life of George Stephenson." I vol. Arno. $l. SEVEN YEARS. A Novel. By JULIA EAVANAOH Author of " Nathalie," &e. B'o. Paper. aft cent& TRAVEL AND STUDY IN ITALY. Di CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. I vol. lame. $l. POEMS. DT KERRY TIMIIOD. I vol. 16mo. ao mato THE LIFE OF JOHN COLLINS WARREN, M. D Compiled chiefly from ill' Journals and Correspond-, coon. 2 volt avo. 83W. With portrait and caw stool plates. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. A Baq tot to Salto Days at Rugby. By 311021A8 111.10IIE8, Fart 11. 12 °ants. CAPT. McCLINTOCK'S NARRATIVE OF THE VOYAGE OF THE "FOX" TO THE ARGIIC SEAS. AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE FATE OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN AND HIS COMPAN IONS. With a Preface by Sir RODERICK MR CHINN. I vol. lima. With Attie and Illuetratime. THE BOY TAR ; OR, A VOYAOR IN THE DARK By Captain MAYNE REID. With U Illustratious by Charles Keens. 1 vol. temo. 75 yenta. ERNEST TIRACEBRIDGEt A Story of Sohool Days. By W. H. G. KINGSTON. With 16 Il!marabou' by George H. Thomas. 1 vol. lemo. 75 cants. THE CRUSADES AND THE CRUSADERS. By JOHN 0. EDGAR. Author of "The Boyhood of Great Men." With illustrations by Jullon-Portoit. 1 vol. 18ino. 73 yenta. STORIES FROM FAMOUS BALLADS. By GRACE GREENWOOD. With a stool vignette by Cualinian, and 4 Illustrations by Billings. 1 vol. guars Itno . lied Cloth. 00 oonts. BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION NO, 1122 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL DE OPEN IN THE EVENING DURINO THE HOLIDAYS VIZ ITORIC WILL 3E CLOUD ON MONDAY NEXT. IMiiiilaCirMil PERSONS 1111 , A. CHRIgTMAS THE NEd"ADrEIanntsriCINLONEDIA REVEN VOLI;311411 N 0 W It E A DY. 'robe completed in Fifteen 'Volumes. PRICE 83 PER VoLUNIE. A Subscription Book now open et th. JOHN Agent' l ARCADE HOTEL, 62t Chestnut street. This is an admirable Present from a parent to a son. from eoholars to their teacher., trom a oongregetion to their pastor, from a brother to a brother or sister, or from a friend to a friend. 1117-0 JUST PUBLISHED. THE INSOLOSBY LEOENIII t Or, MIRTH AND MARVKLB, by THOMAS INOOLDSBY, (Rev. Richard Harris Barham.) With Life. and copious illustrations by Crutlishanki and Leech. From the loth London edition. Complete in two handsome volumes,Jum ready. Cloth, Atte paper HalCoalf, gilt. or antique ... . e W Iq The constant demand for the high-priced English ebb lion of this standard book has induced us to MUG itte at i low figure, in the very beet style. The Memoir s r. delightful and witty an that of Sydney Month, and must excite the same attention. It nontainn anecdotes a Theodore Hook. Wm Hood, Sidney (smith, Canning George IY and other colehrated aharaoterc. Any crib Diem woo d tin superfluous of the poems whose wit ant originality have attracted each widel,• extended notice come were interestiny on account of the notoriety if their subject or their bearing on, the gossip of the dam but all are amtnat- d with a 'plot of fun, and an tin flagging humor, that n ust secure unbounded popularity. The mitt or's diatinmiishin‘ trait is his unrivalled power in rhythm, and the flow and facility of his versification His satire is always well directed. and occasionally ; few toucholdisplay a dillerentand hlsher order of pootit power. stand-ng out In et:interim with tit.; ludicrous ~g ory that surrounds them. The Klemm gives an amusing sketch of his intimnis, will Theodore Hook, and 801T10 anecdotes ot lio n; pommies, adied to the lighter hietoriettos, surprising, ohm, corns of the price et which this invaluable work to pdblished. I viz al 60.11 n compari son with the price of the Isnglis . ll edition. 811-22 ) aboutil induce all :Miniver. of polite humorotshteraturo to possess then sellTlol copy. SAC. B. SW & CO . No. 27 South cEVENTI Street, Phlndoloh For sale by all Bootielloyv. dZI-yi $4O 1-Jag NEW PUBLICATIONS. A SPLENDID BOOK FOR TITII HOLIDAYS, PARABLES of OUR LORD, In•}n , volume folio, beautißilly printed in EOrnate Saxer Trne, on tinted paper, and magnificently Bine tratealith enoreivi nee on 1444. Tiler, Super Extra ...... 810. FOR SLE BY BOOKSELLERS GENERALLY. J. I. LIPPINCOTT Jo CO. dinar& thla A • A IM BOOR FOR CHILDREN. JUST PUBLISRED, • sroni vs or MED.,/ AND DEINTIn+DTTA; Translated from the Prone). of ABEL DUFRES,NE, Br If. E. A. One lUds"eir vo l ume, TiiisetiraanisY. printe d e o g r i l it t i t ul by t pa ed o. with PRICE 75 CENTS. "Asa stories. addressing themselves to the children of bt: sexes. will be considered an asreesble collection whigyoung families, or brother. and sister.. love to eg ratertainment together. The author bee conform lido the morsel of real life—to that joyous, netulemt, ostimous life which is that of nouns renders. They wf undoubtedly .reaoinise themselves m some one of thispretty stone., and it will not be without pleasure onroßt." L. 0. H. P. BURNHAM. PUBLISHER, ID. ILI WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. 4107k16-$t A SUPERB GIFT-BOOK! I JUST PUBLISHND, OOTTHOLD'S EMBLEMS; 0114 INVISIBLE THINGS UNDERSTOOD BY TIIINGB THAT ARE MADE. 11,111HISTIAN SUMER. Minister of Magdeburg ilI. Translated from the twenty-eighth Clernmn 4 on. by Rev. Rontny Mxxx [ire. Bvo. In various 405 e of binding, viz: Cloth, plain, I. Beveled, rod edges 8125. BLBOANT 'TINTED EDITIONS. Ittv ! lod boards, plain edgee. ... itil SO 64 tilt edges c 0 1................ Ns co 14 14 44 " " turkey.........-.......V 00 4, li tun ny, with its inexhaustible mines of devotional kis, a. produced no trentise so rioh in thrught, co etrAnt n stye r and so tender in sentiment. nts. GOT -11901, '8 EMBLEMS. his one of the precious trea meet bequeathed to us by the piety of an earlier gene ratms. The minister may learn from it how to enrich his armons rind visits by natural and striking imagery ; limousines' man and the mistress of a family how to cagy prayer and devoutness Iwo Weir daily labor. end Oidrea will And fie much amuiement in its quaint insoles as in the allegories of Bunynn. The novelty And richness of its oontents, its elegant lettsr-press and superb binding. make it at once the chespest and most desirable Oilt-Book of the sown. GOULD & LINCOLN. 59 WASHINGTON SI RE ET, BOSTON. d2o.tu this it HUMBOLDT-EVERETT. Three superb portraits on steal address , withtained, and will be sant, post-paid,to any , the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF 'IIIE WORLD. A elate pobleiV,l r lua o at c o, 6 14 : 11 44 ,ach, H. A. BROWN & CO., dlO stoat 11 HANOVER Street, Roam.. NEWIII -We BOOKS BELLING EVERYWHERE. ' ' TUB GREAT TRIBULATION; 'DR +CUMMING'S New Volume, which has already ." 4 such a prodigious excitement throughout the sous e ft s...tome, "MUM - A A, " The frest London Preacher here sets f o rth his rigige of the Altura in burning words. with the energy and seat of a prophet sent from God. • • • Ills sermons will be rend with thrilling interest.—(N. Y. Onsererr, LIFE AND TRAVELS OF HUMBOLDT. With an introduction by IRTAILD TATUM. A popular and interesting raphy ; a summary of hi, travels: reicroe of his work. and extracts from the most im portant ones. One vol., with steel portrait. d' as 81.25. MOTHER GOOSE FOR GROWN FOLKS • HOT IDAY BOOK. A new and attractive Madame Vohnne. Printed on tinted paper, with croratweoe by Billings. Elegantly bound in fanny muslin. Prime 75 cents. VERDANT GREEN. A clever end amusing sketch of adventures In an English Lniveraity. Illustrated with nearly MO ho • morons wood outs. One vol. NtaittiM thousand. Price el. Any of these. 800 will be sent by matt, postage free, to Mll4 part of the United States, on the receipt of the prioa, 6y RDDD la CARLETON. Publiohers and B'ootmellers,_ diT•thi-tf N 0.1.10 ORAND Bt.. near Broadway, tLY HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS A LIVE BOOK, 20,000 COPIES HAVE SEEN BOLD! NOW IS THE TIME Thins the work that in O erents ns in, much excitement IN CNGRESS' ! Large 12mo. vol., 020 puss, cloth, Price Octavo edition, viper corers 60 cents. FUR Sort CT SOOILSZLLIRS AND News MESTA EVERYWHERI• ACTIVE AGENTS WA NT.V..D to sell these works the country through, Terms liberal. Single comes sent to any address, postpaid, on re ceipt of price. Addicts . II BURDICK, Publisher, d2l dtit&W3t. No. 145 NASSAU street, Now I'm*, • JOSEPH SABIN'S HOLIDAY CATALOGUE, MIMACINcI THE LA ito FSl' LIST OE ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED WORKS Ever offered to the. put,lia. =MEI N 0.27 South SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. C J. PRIC S, haven connected himself with the above business. invites the attention of his friends to his chance of location. Among the prominent novelties in ENGLISH G.FT BOOKS are— TE NNYLION'S POEMS. Ito, with 65 illustrations, by Mulreedy. Creswick. Millais. Stanfield, Horsley, Ac. Price. cloth. 86: morocco antique or gilt $5 . JAMES MONTGOMERY'S POEM, with 100 illustra tim,s and steel-ensrnved Portrait. Ito, cloth, price $6. or morocco antique or ciii ea. MOOSE'S 1. A L I LA ROOK I, with illustrations, by George Thomas, Ymkery ill. Ste. 4to, cloth, price et. or d T gkin a3 dVris o l % IC E irt A O AERS. Illustrated by Dirket Foster. and splendidly printed In colors. Small 4to' 60 cloth elegant, price 33, or morocco antique or gilt, 87 W [MOTT'S PORTS OF TILE NINETEENTH CENTURY, with 100 illustrations by Gilbert, Birket Foster, er.e. ito, Moth. price 34, or morocco antique or silt, 86. GOLDSMITH'S POETICAL WORKS. Edited. end with a Life, by Willmott. Illustrated lij• Dirket Foster. and .plendidlr printed in colors. Small 4to, cloth, price gc, or morocco *Miguel or gilt, 8760. DOME AFFECTIONS, selected by Charles Meekay. with 100 illustrations. Smell 4to, cloth, price 35, o morocco antigun or tilt 3 e s. WORnswownve POEhIS, with 100 illustrations' by Gilbert, Dirket Foster, and Wolfe. Ito, cloth, price de, antior morocco nr gilArt; R !s, with Illustrations. 111 F VITA Into , Sul: COUN TRY Illustrated by Dirket Foster, Small 4to, clop, price 83, or morocco 16. 'I II e UPPER RHlNE—Mnyence to 'Lake Constance. Described by Henry Mayhew, nod illustrated with 20 Geo) Mate* lir Dirket FoNt,r. Small Go, cloth, pries, 80. THE LOWER 17111 Nb—Rotterdam to Mayence. Described by Henry hlayhow. and illustrated with 10 plates by thicket Foster. Small Go. cloth, price 85 RHYMES AND ROUNDELAYS IN PRA IrE OF A COUNTRY LIF K. Adorned with 63 Pictures by Dir ket Foster. Small 410 c loth. p r ice 84. SEATTLE'S MIN PRELS With 76 illustrations by Elrket Foster, Small Co, cloth, price 81 76, or moron- VO I RDWORTH'S DESERTED COTTAGE. Illus trated br Dirket Poster, &a. Small Ito, cloth, Price 417 p, or morocco 85. MITON'S COMUS. Illustrated by Piekersgill, /co. Sn i r ( ll4l:3 k yilot .4iffieo A.4lll;l[3 or rainB OF TILE RR !rpm PoErb. Wit forty Illustratiomi, Cr. tiro., cloth, fth W. tiALI.. MRS. S. C.—TALES OF WOMAN'S TRIALS. (lluslrnted cr. Bvo, cloth. 81 60 FR A Ni•E. HOLLAND, BELGIUM, AND UP THE RHINE, Brlnic We side Pictures by Robert Bell, 11- lustrated by Dirket Ac Svc,cloth. gilt. 192. KNIGHT'S ORIGINAL I' CTORIAL SHAKS PEARE.-8 vole, royal Svo, 101 l calf, extra gilt, am. This work °omit/led is now very scarce, only a few "P!;"lgrATYV" g isi n oWdeN BALLADS. Gorgeously Fax W. 11 I k la. l4 ll l4l llC i iiit ' NT OF VENNICE. Illustrated by Birket 02.60. THE W,AVERLY GALLERY. 11 pintos. 310. RUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. 126 illustra tions. CAMPBELL'S PLEASURES OF HOPE. 25 Illus trations MEIN PICTURES DY C 05113 HAM'S. 11,50 Mug tlVA 7 ei 2 —Y9 OF ENGLAND. 4'o S,B. L'ALI.EORO AND IL PIiNiPLEOSO. • By John Mil ton. Go. Morocco antiqoo. $3. DIES 11141: Illustrated North Photographs. 82. A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF JUVENILES.— ' --- The stook of Altseellaneous Literature, in every de partment, IN complete. and having mostly been pur chased abroad durins the pest summer, on unusually fa vorable tonna for each, the price. are much below the usual rate.. d22.3t NEW EDITIONS OF SUPERB GIFT sooxq. Jun ISSUED FOR THE HOLIDAYS. PALESTINE—PAST AND PRESENT—Super Tor. Turkey, gilt, Se; RIOT e• TIP; Ol i fY OE 4 THE dREAI I3. KING—Some itylo and Roam MON nisTony OF THE CONQUEST 0 F MEXI CO-111111%011. §:ISO; sheep, e 3; cloth, 5750. lIADJI IN RlA—Turkey. gilt, $5; cloth, gilt, $1; cloth no. NEW JUVENILE LISS A RY-12 vole., $.4 CA. HISTORY OF INDEPENDENCE II A la . JAMES CHAI,I.EN SoN, Publiihers, N 0.25 South Street. &rout! story. For ante by nll Bookeelle re. ‘l2l-et HOLIDAY 1100 Kg- '1111.1.11E:s;'S 13GOK,S,InillIttlon, ruit 11,1, I I l';ootoi 88 Fro aPnta. tirit lloWta, ANNI' 1: X. 8.1 I • + I I, ,1 I It 0000. TENT 1%1F.01A. WRITINII "10CoR91 1 1At. IN ALL STA LYS, fitmv,t OF ALI. K1N1 , 3, ANI , A LAIIOIC FANCY ARTICLES, at ALLEN'S Book and ul u o onry Stnro, No. 811 SPRING GARDEN Si., aho,o /31AW1, ,121-4 t. North 'tide. THE RE-TSRUE OP DENTON'S DE 11,4'eFg ON CIONURF.qti in monthly voliwrim will commence on the First of Jams: iv. riolnioricitions received by JOHN Mr iAltbAri, Sole Arent. Arcruie hotel , 621 CHI CNN UT At., 1/19-Ut (Km of She New AttletiOtat Enosokrpodis.) NEW PUBLICATIONS D . TARY OF THE AMERICAN REV°. LUTION. FROM NEWSPAPERS AND ORIGINAL DOCU MENTS. BY FRANK MOORE. In 2 Vole. N. thengrvings. This is the first work uponAMERICAN REVO LUTION that Ilea been collected from the lam ..d Tory newspapers of tme. It is altogether new in iden, and preeente to the y reader of this day the same view the renders ofthat period enjoyed—the manner* and customs of the people, and the social and religious, a rt containslitionl, feat cur r enthe titues not only theaccounts by Whig and Tory writers of the dilfe rent skirmishes and battles. by sea anti lamb but, at the seem time, Mee a clear idea of the effect of those occurrences upon the people and their homes. The dia people-of the veork presents the everg-dal life of thetha day news of the •it Ifni rat Lex ington." or the " bloody - fight" at King's Mountain. is brought us, and tho next, some one )ekes on the ridicu lous figure Earl Percy made retreating before the pro vinaials, "who (ought like sava. from behind ernes walls and fences all the twelve tributem Concord i• or another page page& well-merited to the ••eallent Ferguson, who fought like a hero for his king." One day tho pious Dr. Leonard preaches vatriotisni and Self reliance to the army at Cambridge, and the same after noon Putnam goes out with his forces to fight the British on Hog Island, This day General Watetriaton arrives, • • amidst the aceininations of the largest multitude ever gathered in New York," and lit the evening " our new" uoyernor Try on Ineds quietly from the ship "Juliana." 'which the day before anehored nt Sandy Rook, being just thirty-fire days from England. Such incidents and o:eurrenees ere rive it in the original language of the newopapersi and. although In some eases, •" the-testae:4 cared more for feet t h e, style," lhe render In presented ,with the mat thrilling and exciting narratives. Copious notes. illustrative of the text ; biographical sketches ol eminent patriete, ot tesmen. military and been teugiTeetelliti."4l naval commenders, together with en analytical index, will be attached to the work. The work also contemn accounts of the balls, parties, marriagee and deaths . , critms upon men and books yokes hr men whom wo have wedding parties. oleish-rides. the Whigs tarred end if,•"'S. — •• .i• Me T o nn s e, and vice versa; fox hunts by oe f o Sinstrs of the Entlylt ar; surpriaes, birth.daY disposition ; ,triotree g;:sortinthdeaitztv.:N2::! gmee..-- Tern oele b ratoo rt ~,__ des. reviews; aneedoies of the most usages, and the cant women ; Popular merriment* and No similar work has ii---,,f nntional festivities. volumes present 'peaking eterea5i"....—i.....,...., ~„.„_ Revolutionary Fathers,t hewing what th Y - Mai Alf dared, Photographed by the Sun of History, tn:i v g e. 01 . tuba a bright and truthful reflex of the inner l of the the men whose outer lives were so storming, and the Homes. the Hearthstones, the Ifichway n e r , ,d st.. Battle Fields, and all the varying meanieiß (,A N. did, JOHN h c A nerd and sting. laughed at or wept Ina , feared n u_ of eighty yeere ago. Agentfor Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, and Canada. Agents wanted In every county to canvass for this work. - Arcade lintel, 62t CHESTNUT Street, See notices in the hiehest terms of eulogy in the tate, the North American, the Evening Journal, and The Pratt, tca., ho., tea. it .ELEGANT AND RARE BOOKS SUIT ABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, NOW FOR SALE BY SAMUEL HAZARD. Jr.. 72l CHESTNUT Strecd. FOUR COPIES OF THE ARK/TU( I ORD WA VERLBY NOVELS. These copies are part of a lot—the balance of the edi tion—which, as the plates have been destroyed, make them va'uable Item the fact that, after they are told, no more can be readily obtained. ONF. COPY, IN 17 VOLUMES. containing the PROSE WORKS, bound in the bast and handsome st 6 I N r g l fiY m ir FULL i 7 TURKEY MOROCCO, OM Edges 11 volumes. novels. -•• . . ONE COPY HALF MOROCCO, 19 volumes, novels, with cult back. nit sides and edrea. ONE IN FULL CALF, MARBLED EDGES. All new and fresh copies. at tarsierate Orion.. THE ICONOGRAPHIC ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCI ENCE. LITERATURE, AND ART. 4 vols., letter press. 2 vols., pisten boom( in half morocco, gilt. REYNARD, THE FOX. The °Hemel German copy, with exquisite illustrations on steel, atter designs by Keulbacn. elerautlr hound in morocco, RE.TZSCH'S OUTLINE. ILLUS MATIONS TO SIIAKSPEARE'S PLAYS. A line copy, bound in halt morocco, t. THE IYAVERLEY NOVELS. in 48 VOLUMES, 16m0., tree-marbled gall% Edinburgh, an early copy, beautifully hound. WALTON COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER. The original large paper edition, now very scarce. In two vole.. elegantlJ hound in morocco. silt edges. THE PURSUITS OF LITERATURE. A satirical POO 111, large paper copy, with inserted portraits, bound in half morocco, gilt edges. A very curious end rare book. THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. A complete work on Natural Histnry. By (larding,. With colored plate.. GALLERY h silt. THE OF PICTURES of Masters of An cient and Modern School.. By Alice Cunningham. vols., Ito boll morocco. Nuts. JAMIESON'S EI,tOANT WORKS. compri sin. SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART LEGENDS OF TIIE MADONNA AND MONASTIC ORDERS, 4 vole., morocco and half morocco. A superb book, with exqut.tto designs from celeltratekpaintingc WORDSWORTH'S VIEWS IN GREECE. A proof copy. Full calf, extr a. INDEN'S ROYAL 0 ”ZERY OF BRITJAH ART. A collection of superb steel ongravirtsx, from paintings e=ted by eminent English artists. One vol., large sITHE 130 . 0 . 10 F FLOWERS, painted In wAyita rufous. being one of the moat exquisitely beautiful hooks of flower. ever offered for sale. One large folio volume..uperldy bound in Turkey morocco 'tongue. itTHE COMPLETE WORKS OF 110GA.RTEI, tn two vole., no t half morocco, steel engraving.. ROBERT'S VIEWS IN THE EAST, AND THE HOLY LAND especially. A superb book of fine htho graph illustration. S volt. 21p., To rkey morocco. BROCKDk,N'S PIC! URFA OF ITALY. A Ten' flu oolla.ticu .f vistwat of some of the mott harintiful 1 41 3na qvivri t brno,,, n sl , rth - iii=ions ny hf m .,,, n , nil cal or half calf. r olio. Onginally pub li WOO. fold now for 1,28. THE COitSV air GALLERY. A fine collection of Pictures after the old mutters. A fine proof copy, royal. NE morocco. TURNER'S RIVERS OF FRANCE. Very an* conies In cloth and morocco. WILLIAMS'S VIEWS IN GREECE. Royal aro.. AUTOGRAPH ETCHINGS OF AMERICAN AR TISTS. A collection of photograph drawing', by some of the most eminent American articts. Quarto, in cloth half morocco. and morocco bald mr. Tfl'H WILKIE ()ALI/I.:RT. A collection of 'ruiner)/ enstravinez by English Article. A very fine early copy, IIW moroocoorilt edges. clic VERNON GALLERY. A companion to the above. in full Turkey moroorn. OFMB OE BNCfISH AItT. Large quarto, morocoo, 6 VVITFAMOUS FFMALE POETS OF ENGLAND AND AMP RICA. By Copped. With exquisite !Iles trationS on steel. Fruited on tinted paper. Oro., mo rocco, ntlque. RAJ' HALL'S MADONNA 9. A collection of the beet executed Pbototrephic fae-similes of tha molt cele brated Raphaei paintings. Quito, u antique, or siIt.MOUNT VERNON AND IT9 ASMOCIATIONS, with numerous thustrations, by B. J. Loosing. Cloth. cloth gilt, or Tune, now.). COMPh:NDIUI OF AMERICAN LITF.RA. TURF,. By O. D. Cleveland. elegantly illustrated with portra,tte..l in omen , antime.. MaIREIMMEEMEIEiI • . . .. i . . Bonn' a coriee of engraved liu9tratione of portraits o characters in PIT Walter Soott'i romance.. 1 claim volume, Son.. with M steel engravings. Morocco as Limo, rich style, 810 ft I.:IP:ARIL THE FOX. As or the version of (Soothe. By Thomee J. Arnold. With CO illustrations from the dssicni of Wilhelm Von Raultvich. 1 vol., M. 0.. beautifully Yrmted on the finest tinted Favor. Cloth. Kilt, lax 0; morocoo extra, al; inoroeco anttems.t7. THE 800 OF MODERN BALLADS. A Book of Pervonto Modern rlnliade I IluctWried with CO illustrations from drowinve of tho rim nrti tc. Poch pace I ncloeutod with •cold tordar. 1 vol., Bvo., cloth RUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. With Illustrattonel,r Charles Bennett, and a preen. by the Rev. Ch•rlee Ringsley. 1 vol., nvu., cloth, gilt anttque morocco, $9. Tlll ERCHANT OF VENICE. The most excellent H,etor e of the Merchant o Venice. Written by Ntlhnm Minkgreare. 1 col. , Bvo. with elegant illugtrationg. to the at) le t f Gray's Elegy Cloth, 62 tM morocco, rtl CAM P111.1,1..:1 PLEASURES OF HOPE. Wall 28 illustrations by litrket Foster. and others, In the first styli , of att. 1 010 extra cloth. 0111, 81:13; too com) extra, 83. MERRY PICTURES , 13; COMIC , it twin. Being a oollertion'Of humorous Pe eizna by Ph.z, Crowquill, Palle. Leach, Aleleova Hine, fro. With om or ASO illuntat.ons and illoorntivo text. Oblong folio, banesomocover by Crowquill, board., S 1 tO. lit EMU!: DAYS OF ENGLAND. Sketehos of the Olden TIMP. BY Eatt.nrd McDermott. Illustrated with 20 Into Enernsintre. Isom draw , nts he Joseph Nosh, OPOrp.o '1 homes. Bakes Foster. Edward Corbould, Ao. quarto, hell morocco. elecnnt.B.4. L'ALLLGIIO AND iL PENSEROI4O. By John tillton. With users/de of SO iltustrations drawn end etched by Dirket Foster. The test prime in red. 1 vol.. super-royal Ovo ., hound in moiocoo an tique, rich style, .18; or. in Levant morocco, Al:. DIEM lltAB. In Thirteen Original Versions. Hy Ahrshem Colt', h D. One elegant volume, syn.. moyo.,on fmt,que. For sale by SAMUEL HAZ RO Ja.. Agent for ."rilE A YPI.ETONS," d 23 724 CHESTNUT Street. McUENItY, 406 WALNUT SMEET, P.Y• PitLE A OF.NT, BEAUTIFUL AND VALUABLE BOOM DAR lilirtt liiittSTBATED EDITION OF IF.NI- MoltE CCADP EH. Two Vignette■ on nteed, d twelve aketchee on Wood, in na h toluene. Mall, NEARLY COO BHA wINOS. Engraved frota BARLEY'S DES eve n ( ,NS. TY VII nre o BESTut. ENGRAVERS. El Volume. The Ptheelere, The Bravo, Red Hover The Not. Last of the Mohicans, Wept of Wilih-ton-wieh, The SFr, The Headman, Wyandotte, The Prairie, Lionel Lincoln. Others will follow at intervals of a month. iinttl the entire sot of Coe r'• Novels is published in this splen did style. Price 1 lid per volume. in plain cloth, uncut, rn or ebessed clot bevelled edges. Pubscribers regu larly served. ft. filcllk,NßY, 40d WAINU'If BTR Et. T, fe Floi,F AlitONT also for the PIGIOst IA L FIELD-1100K OF THE ILFVoLUTION. By 8y...50N J. Losarto. the Hitters, Biography • Scenery, hellos, and raditions of the War for Independence, Illultrated b. Pen and Pen cil. Hoven Hundred Engravings on Wood, ch ear from Original hketobe• by the nu her. Complete in Two volumes, Royal octavo, carious bindings. at 01. 7, P. or 15 dollars. Highly extolled by Edward Everett. Jared Elparks, George Banoreft, Washington Irving. &0., a o. P. Mclirsar has also . MOUNT VERNON and 'TS OCIATIONS.IIieto rieaI Hingraphival L and Piatorial by B•netin J. Ltioinne Ete I iluetratione. thJund YPJIOIIII sty lee,, 54h0 .V.OO end SAN. hither of the above is SUBP.Ettfi HOLIDAY GIFT. Remember SUPPLEMENT GRATIS. TWO DOLLARS PER QUARTER, POST-? (ID THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. Subaoriptions to thin favorite London illustrated weekly Journal and Gallery of PORTRAITS I.NGRAVED ON STEEL of Eminent of which. with Memoir, Is Presented Gratis. with every Numb,. Rimld be sent rect to the onla,shms d ents the United States,diH an ENRY A. BROWN & CO. As , for H HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. • who have much pleasure in 'tabor, that after this date they will supply the paper and portraits in weekly num bers, parts, and volumes, at the earn* PRICE AS IN LONDON, AND POSTAGE. and in ell eases sonarainees can have their portraits seat in advance, separately" neatly pacLed, prepaid, The Portaue ere thus beautifully preserved for training or the folio; and the imper, which willoontaln the latest home, foreign, and colonial news of interest, 15 pease of excellent reading, enlivened and beautified by an average of 16 innetratiOna on wood, enTrat ad in the hihest et, le of art, is sent weekly, without portrait. for the term of sabieription, am follows : 62 weeks, with 52 Portrait. gratis, s7.Bl—all prepaid. Portraits sent quarterly in advance. 13 week.. 13 Portrait., grebe In ethane., V. SUBSCRIBERS MAY SELECT PORTRAITS for n subscription of 13 or AI weeks from those already published, and the paper will be rent for a correspond ing number of weeks front the date of subscription. BACIC PORTRAITS IN PRINT • - Any mingle portrait (the hack roareerre are elver■ in print) nitty slant a be hvd with n specimen number of the p leer, all sent poid•peid fur lerente mesh, or Postage /view., to any address in the United States. ANOTHER Frivol - tin: METHOD. The Drawing-Romn Portrai ag t Gallery of Eminent Persones. FORTY CC THE STEEL PLATE PORTRAIT', WE RETAIL FOR FIVE DOLLARS FIFTY CTS. !I or sent prepaid to any eddresa for six DOLLAR.. or with tho ILLUSTRATED NEWH OF THE WORLD, a journal second in point of excellency and stiletto beauty to no LONDON ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, For 40 weeks for 8720, post-pall. All subeeriptwn■ orders from the trade, photographs, or drawings in the U. U.. intended for the • ---- ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. 'butd be addrened to HENRY A. BROWN A. CO, 14 HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. THE TRAPS SUPPLIED, d9-er 4114 Cljt VrtsS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER. 24,18559. Publications Received. Under tho heavy and engrossing, but not unpin !liable or unpleasing pressure of advertisements, we can do nothing, for some days, but acknowledge the receipt of new publiostions. We have received the following : Films Paransom & Baoruzas : 'Lola Siontex's Lectures, a new and handsome edition in gold and scarlet, with admirable por trait. Peterson. The hilscellaneons works of Sir Philip Sidney, with Life of the author, and Illustrated Notes, by William Gray, Esq., of Magdalen College, Oxford. I vol. Bvo. pp.- 380. Published by T. 0: P. If. Burnham ' Boe :. m. Erzides Sidney's Miscellanies, this hantictrue rulume, printed in the old-faahiotted type, which is coming into fishion for the elder' &atlas. contains a memoir and sixteen of Sidney's lettem now Sat printed from the originals in the British Museum. The text has been oollated and corrected, and ably annotated. This volume contains ail of Sidney's" works, except his Arcadia, and the Psalms, whiob ho wrote in conjunction with his sis ter the Countess of Pembroke. Harry's Summer in Ashcroft. (en mount of a spring. and summer passed on a farm on the III:aeon, by a boy and his sister,) and the second volume of the Rainbow and Lasky Stories, by L'A'l4" f u birhne " - written. n s New York. FROM E. IL BUTLIR dc Co Rev. Dr. William Steven's Ristory of Geor gia. 2 Tole, See. With portraits. Published by E. 11. Butler. Flom J. B. Lienitccerx Co.: The Professor at the Breakfast Table, with the Story of Iris, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. This conclusion to the " Autocrat," which it equals in literary merit, is collected into a handsome volume from the Mantle Monthly. It is ono of the beet-written books in our language, and is deeply imbued with strong human interest. A book to hare at hand for frequent perusal Pub lished by Tioknor c Fields. Self-Help, with illustrations of Character and Conduct, by Samuel Smiles, author of the "Life of George Stephenson." Ticknor A Fields. Narratives, connectedly arranged in einem, of men who, by ability, probity, and persaveranoe, have worked themselves up to the top of the tree. It is anecdotal, as well as biographical, and we recommend It as worthy of being put into the hands of youth, while it also is a capital parlor aid library companion. Poems: By Henry Timrod. Ticknor A Fields A small volume of good poetry, by a Southern writer. "A Vision of Poesy" is the most ambitious piece, but we prefer " Pneeeptor amat," and the human passion of "Problems," and " A Year's Courtship." The sonnets are good, also. Fairy Dreams: or, Wanderings in Elf-Land. By Jane C. Austin. With illustrations by Ham mett Billings. Boston: J. B Tilton k Co. One of the best collection: of original fairy-tales we ever read. Illustrated with Taney and teate, and luxuriously rejoicing in fine type and tinted paper, A bijou of a juvenile book. Fan( G. G. EVANS : Fables of La Fontaine. Illustrated by J. J. Grandville. Translated from the French, by 'Blur Wright, Jun. Complete in one volume, Bvo. Now York : Derby .t Jackson. A fort night ago we noticed this work, in two volumes. The present is a superior edition. A French artist alone could illustrate each a French poet as La Fontaine, and Grandville hu suesoeded. Mr. Wright's translations give the spirit of the author, and his Preface gives a very good idea of Ls Fontaine's Life and Times. Fnow W. B. ZILBZR : - The Art-Union for December. London : J. B. Virtue. With • vast quantity of _latormstion relative to Art in all parts of the world. This publication, which here completes Vol. V. of the new Series, Is also rich in engravings on steel and wood. From the Queen's Collection it, this Mouth, gives engravings from paintings by Wilkie A Grease, and a sculpture plate front Foley, no. meson? wood-engravings, and the conclusion of Mr. and Mrs. Hall's Excursions in South Wales In the January number, Benson J. Lossing's illustrated serial on the Course of the Hudson will be commenced. Fun S. Harann, Jr.: Gems of German Verse. By William H. Furness, Philadelphia : Willis P. Huard. A new and extremely handsome edition, revised, enlarged, end illustrated with fourteen beautiful outline engravings, of a well-selected volume of translations from tho leading German poets. Mr. Furness, we believe, is the editor, and has con tributed largely. The opening poem is his. English version of Schiller's " Song of the Bell :" a spirited translation, which, however, belts terribly in its rhymes. For example, we have ponder and render, combining and joining, filling and reeling, hollow and billow, chamber , and timbers, torn and gone, full and skill, be ginning and renning. structure and fracture, tender and asunder. fedeth and Oidetn, and that dreadful cockneyism, dawning aid •wsrming. This to not accidental, because farther on (p. 150,) Mr. Furness makes daughter rhyme with shorter. after he puts sorely as rhyme to surely ! The other translations aro N. L. Frothingliarn, F. H. Ridge, W. Story, J. S. Dwight, W. M. Thackeray, H. W. Longfel low, Chattel G. Leland, C. T. Brooks, and a few who give only their initials. The volume will bo in great request, as a gift book, we doubt not. Fnou TEE Pr.tnirrnyvti.t. Snanct's Futznn Co=flare° and Christianity. A Premium Et say, by Roe. Rollie Read, author of tt God in History." A bequest of $l.OOO was left to the above Society, by the late E. W. Clark, of this city, and the Board of Directors appropriate-1 $lOO ot it as a premium for the best Early on the Moral Power of the Sea. Out of nineteen eeasye a competent clerical committee selected Mr. Flollis Read'a as the beat Ile has taken a eom prehensive view of the mission of the Sailor, and hes argued ably in favor of the ameliorating his condition. The Society for whom be wroto le one of the most nadal and beet known In this city. It her applied itself for sixteen years to the sal vation, body and soul, of seamen, and, In that time, has provided Christian accommodation for more than twelve thousand of that class, whest spiritual wants it also attends to. We hope that the Society will widen its circle of utility and protect the sailor from cruel treatment at sea— which, in English Court. of low is severely pun ished, while in Philadelphia, one of the Judges of the land declare, a trial at law on that ac count to bo •' a mere farce." While the Society nobly supplies missionaries to crave seamen's souls, it FILQUid sup ply lawyer' to defend their persona. Tux Reprint::le NATIONAL CONVENTION —The following Is tho call adopted by the Republican National Committee: A National *Republican Convention will meet at Chicago on Wednesday, the 13th day of June next, at 12 o'clock (noon>, for the nomination of candidates to be supported for President and Vice President at the next election. The Republican electors of the several States. the members of the People's party of Pennsylva• nia, and of the Opposition party of New Jersey, and all others who are willing to 00-operate with o , ern in support of the candidates who shall there ho nominated, and who are opposed to the policy of the present Administration ; to Federal corrup tion and usurpation ; to the extension of slavery iota the Territonea ; to the new and dangerous political doctrine that the Constitution, of ate own force, cards.' slavery into all the Territories o f the United States ; to the reopening at the African slave trade ; to any inequality of rights among citizens; end who are In favor of the immediate admission of littlSall into the Union under the Constitution recemly adopted by its people; of re. storing the Faders! Administration to a system of rigid economy, and to the principle! of Washing. ton. and Jefferson; of 'maintaining inviolate the rights of the States, and defending the Boil of every State and Territory from lawless invasion; and of preserving the integrity of this Union, and the supremacy of the Constitution and laws passed in pursuance thereof, against the conspiracy of the leaders of a sectional patty to resist the majority principle as established in this Government at the expense of Its existence, aro invited to send from each State two delegates from every Congressional 'Pat rict and four delegates at large to the Cone eu• tiop. EDWIN D. Monaste, New York. 3013'11 BARTLETT, Maine. (SEorws: G. Foos, New Ilamn.hire. LawneNca BRSINERn, Vermont .inn's I , oratßien MtL.... , • At! Cakes, Rhode Island. glior,oN W Cooi.o,lD.ot. Titom us WILL aaa Penn, I value. bonne 11 tants, Maryland : ALFRED rat ow el I k irginia THOMAS SPOOS SR. Ohio. Cogan a M Cr, v, Kentucky. Jamas BITCIIIII, Indiana. Noun iN Li. Jt I,D. 11111,1.09, 'itCll ant 4n Mt^hlgllll. Jona 11. TWERPS'. Wlfton!in. ALESANTI• n It 1 , AN 41 , % Mit:meta. ANunew J. STEVE:IS, lowa. Aet S. itikRTIN Y. °muter, Kansas. Lewis Cexru nlr, i)is,riet of Coitus)* P. 5101rNRY. 408 WALNUT Strome TWO CENTS. TimTHE n Pans w WEE ill KL he wet to Solocribets bW men (Per Lamm, Three Copied. " ISO Fire Copies, " Ten Twenty Copies," Zies43dOTes) neW iS44l Twenty Cowie*, or over " Ito address of *sob Elabeeriberd UNI For. is Clab of Treaty -oat OT OM We will sad en esti' posy to the setter-ue etas Oink air Postmasters are heasested to .at as meats for Tax w ins Pima. CALIFORNIA PRES& tweed . S end - Monthly lo time for the California RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. The Nativity, Br ORATBN.ASD. To-morrow will be Christmas. Por many eon uries the twenty-fifth day of December has been , beerved as a festival throughout Christendom, in ommemoration ot ottr Saviour's nativity. In the atholio, and some branches of the Protestant hurch, it is more . exelusively a religion, festival, and is celebrated by a particular service set apart or that day; although in the main, eren among Burch-going people, Christmas has be'ome noted or its social reunioes and general holiday-enjoy -ants, rather than for any special religious tang ly. There are reasons for this. In the first film, here are no injunctions in the Bible whatever for is obseirvance, and eye° the exact date of the Saviour's birth seems to have been purposely hid. ft is quite certain, also, that almost a ()eatery of .e Christian era bad thirsted before this festival was observed at all. The name Christmas, or Christ-nsaie, derived torn the appellative Christ having bean added to he name ofJeaus to express that he was the Mee - lab, or 77te Anointed One. -The first obsess.. • nos of it was in A. D IQ, It was not ordered to - held as a solemn feast, by the performaneesof 'trine service on the 25th of December, until • early a century after our Lord's ascension, and as then done by Pope Telespboran who wis rob. eeqaently martyred. A century and three quer' era later, Dkwilatian, the Roman Emperor, being nformed that the Christians were assembled on his day in great multitudes to .celebrate atist's ativity, ordered the doors to be shut, and the hurob to bo set on Ire, when viz hundred peradied n the burning pile. . en p se - Imam various countries at the present day partakes n in eminent degree of the national character:it:len of the people, irrespective of their religions faith Still, even in these worldly social emcbsllishmants, in which a mighty truth is enshrined, there would seem to be a befitting symbol of that gladne.s end •' great Joy," which the advent of the Son ef find, through the Angell° herald, proclaimed "to all people." For this we love the annual return of . merryChrietmas" It ventilited Our hr , ,nit7, and for the time being, at lase:, thaws the extol. nor frigidity of our, business life, and opens the fountains of our generosity. It is always proper for us to interchange tokens of friendship . and Or feotioh with those in whom we are more keine dittoly interested, and u custom has set apart a epeeial season for this, there can be no hard in its perpetuation. Let bear in mind, however, that by remembering nob only in our sets of kindr.e ss VI are in circumstances to return the compliment, we fail to realize the true sweets of giving. If Scene were visibly manifest among as now, while lie might not condemn indiscriminate giving, his voice would assuredly be heard in behalf of "the poor." It is this God-like element of his historic character which most enshrines him in the hearts of his disciples. As the morning star of the Baptist "paled its inellectnal fires" before the rising Son of Righteonsness, in all other temporal services which we may render pale befcre cur disin terested acts of kindness towards God's poor. That which we lore in Jesus is not his exterior form, of which we have no coconut, but the lineaments and divine grates of his inner life; his humility, gentleness, meekness, courage, benevolence, and truth, as manifested by his words and works So i far, then, as Christmas has any eigrdEcance as a festival, it can only have it as its observance emu lates the example of Him whose birth it is intended 'o commemorate ; and in proportion as this Is re allied it becomes indeed the herald of that blissful ate, when " rictus lances into scythes shell bend, And the broad falehion In • plonehshare end; • • When lambs with wolvss shall gnus the verdant mud. And boys in flowery bands the tiler lend." In conclusion, reader, be generous to your own, as your circumstances may permit; but, to attest your gratitude for being time favorably situated in Life, do not WI to R1312311/TE THE POOL itZLIGIOCE AWAKENING AMONG THE heuroarass. Letters forwarded by the Secretary of the Turkish Missions' Aid Society. give an account of an awa kuuing among the Nestorian in the city of 0 repo mush The work of the Lord Sitipears to make great progress In the whole district of the Nesto rues usoantaine.—Nos °jam Chart/us,. YEWS LE ' 7/118 COKNlity.-L.The Israelite popula tiolle the United Stake is estimated at about two he red thotetand - souls, who hare ertabilished tat. tau died and seventy 'Tarpons- Of thee*, forty thousand dwell friths city of Sew York, and alone outnumber the entire Hebrew popelatioa resident In the British Isles. Of this aggregate about three-. fourths are derived from the unmigratian of the preceding twenty years. DZATFI or Tilt OLDIST Timothy M. Cooley, of East Granville, Ilan., died on Wed nesday, at the age of eighty-seven years and nine months. Barn to Granville in 1774. he graduated and studied divinity at Tale College, and preaehed his first salmon in Granville on the 13th of April, 1795, end was eetzled an pastor there February 3, 170 This relation he uninterruptedly main ,aioed until 1.5.54, when he preached his farewell sermon. lIPISCOPAL. —llishcp ELISLUSZI has torh;ddert Rev A. D. Spatter, rector of the Episcopal Church in WilkingonviLle. to prezeh In the ehtetreb, te mente cf his hnvin: exchargel with a Coegregt ti mat clergyman, at the rogues: cf his yrel /a. through the Lahore and Ilheraf views cf Air. S.:al ter his parish has increas.4 in numbers and frce perky. and the r eopie na , uustly feel indla-cant at the action cf their Ei.hop.—Sp-sncjff.'d ReTulh ran. Tam Borten Pilot gives the following re-vomb of the increase of Cattu Ilcity for the week cc ling December 11: aurehcv, one; cot:: er-stPcss, cr.-4; foundation of religious honsz., cue; crittatizza, six. Tax BIBLE IN Pt - seic Scaans.—The qttest?on cf readirg tho 131210 is the pub:l: c-17,:i Lss be,a moth dlfcuss,..l in Calinrcls, th, se:n!ar press oppr4ing. ai also itversl religions peers azi erne ministers. Trig I'Sr:trial T.rtl!sts the (drain) of Rev 31r. Sporzr , n is h:s new taking rr writing letters Lr en .‘metie:o It erqs Jast f.rte is pnblls EliSi - 01•AL Po tTEn3fL crtNa —The riet ircrersi pleennal prtyer ineetinz q! to Ern in Grit Church, eerner of Trrelf:.h an.l Cure y, en Tu , slsy, the 27th Let , st P. 31 Tll6 RICIIre or tee MEDICAI. STCDILVTS —The Baltimore EreAan. esys : `-Tbe step taken by some three hundred tithe. medical cadent, in Poils-ielphia we eon,irs to b., onviso in Itself, as well a ; articalerty 11 , -time I It is net likely to recoil in any advanta,:e ant it can certunly do Pkilsielphie no seri-ms damage If there is a crisis ia oar polls ctl sfsire from which any disistror.a c - v=ettten:es ere st likely to ensue, they will only he &ratted by re.,a qtres more comnrehersiva and more modersve than dant° the Emathern students hive thoeght pm-2er to Adopt. , When the present eseltement tuhalica, as we hope and believe it room will. theca r.:enti<reser find thatthey have eat themselves ani tono Tar poee.frorn any fetnre ennaeclea with the colLeret which are sapped to tsar the best faalLtiesf , r the enmt letion of their En lies for they Atli epeed:iy be deprived et the eorsolati-n of supTi - ssi,..r that other s Attach that lintortaree to they m,;ver.r.eLt which they themselves era nitora , ly e; -,- zzh posel to give it. They wt l l del. I..efore many mouths are over, that the staid-es wti:h it cc , . them semethirg to make. art n. ither re, - ;sried r. r remembered ty the ccar.try. 7hc tr:cm.4-I.s , hey mny enjoy rn their severs! k - nrcoys 1 will not be very honor. nor trill they cm -I-ere - ate them for their Pastes, if acy they have it.e.reei. We regret th,refora, the mil, they lave t t'eer, It , it we caornt blame them try other ly of ;song men who hei received trier eim.;!ar ciream- cancel , the raTeea! , -ur,ir.vat. aree , l have noted in precisely a Similar way. When the Goverrcr of a State telegraphed them to come aml he re ceived with open anus. and another derat•S an nounced that the cltecas of R:-h-2ceal :acre 'pre pare I to welcome them with military h - ners. iSe Invitation i113111.71P4 a thane that wit i•re t :atitle. That Governor Wise Acrid hare busied himself in the matter is rot surprising. perhaps, whets we re member his proclivity for I.:tingt up reriodtral egoitements, nor is it unnatural that Richtcr:l should desire to hove a few hundre rat students in its college, but we cannot thirk otherwise than that it ii a pitiful and er•cne. policy that I, cow resorted to to Lei:later. and embitter sectional anitnceitieg. and rear. a little proat from the divisions thus ertat , .l. Suoh movements as that of the students sea cf others who. to various States, h•vc determined to nbAnin from all intercourse with the North. e•.n a•complish nothing whatever. an !erg as they are partial, and they can never become general anttl the L'nion is dissolye.l While men are at !It-arty to act they will boy where goods are cheer:lt. tc:i to whosoever will pay them best. and they will so journ in the places they find to be the pm...1r.:- est. The channels of trade are no more to be turned or obstracted by the petty a•cieries er LW elation!, formed for that pnrp - se. than Rich:nen is to be made the rival of New rerk. by the stu dents or men:beets who are at present 'bar - tile to the latter city Until the feeling of the cut:try has reached a point which threatens the inttart destruction of our Confederacy, there will be pur chaser* enough left in the South to keep the North ern manufacturer' from starvation. We J. r.-:t betters the antareniem of the recurs is quite so serious es yet, although It may readily b-c malt act for this rclaou we deprecate every speech arid every m•a•nro that, like this migration of the rm :c.o.s. is calculated to pr treero o'er •son'• to scatter wider the teeda of discord, and add new embers to the bickering fames that are too hlgh al ready " The Slaarateles Democrat give* the srot chtper in •‘ • story of Taal life," by satin; that Mks Harriet F.. Smith, daughter of finrat.t. Smith, of Bpaffanl. Onondaga county, inn rare !root hr Waohingtororerritory. array in the :Sootier-ft. )od the R0.....1y mountains, to marry a roan r!..e hos never seen—lfr. David Spalding. jr.. Port cf florid Spalding, of 5p05.m..1 The friends of :be rar•-c-s are intio,te. ,rrepr-mdecce brt. !ID 1 . -! , t= Vll- r. r•ir, 7.1 f , - leo Jeer, an-1 too marriage coat:ln--and the yeitang gr.:non--a loo log engsv I to a T rontahle bas - -em , stihrh he CU> rnt conveniently leave, bee remitted %cis to at lady, wrb a mint as ft.t hez to jckla him theft.