thlsholds tra* uta string- amlrtoeiving, u far as the influences, - MpaoiaUy f vaaay fashionable clothing, Cto tathe new tailoring store and examine the superb stock of JL P, M. Estrada, N0,i21 BowthSf veoth. street. You received by skilful , and kmstio outers and ooMleouii talesmen. -As ExOITtKO liKCTOttE—WKSDEIi PHIIMPS osr‘ Tonssiixi OriMios op ■ WAsauratott,,. Bosupabm, amd Josii Biiowx oi OftiuiHTOMi!!—Jons Bsowif rAiXTBD Ab a pATBioi Asb MABtrn bP iftb prußi water. —Alargoaudlerioo Notional Hell last eveoiijg,toihear Wendell Phillips, of Boston, de- a leoturo; on;tb? debated Toowaint L’Ou- VettnriLTh'e ledtnrer was ■ introduced as an in- Oorririble ■ traitor, and a’ believer in that most traitoroaaof dpcamfints, the Declaration of lade- . ; 'r >.• ~ Jtr.Phtffip*** B received with long, load, and entfadiUstle applause. Be said that his lecture would ba.afc once a biography and an argument— the biography of one of the most remarkable men that ever iived* and an argument for the race he represents. He would endeavor to prove that this negro race, instead of being an object of contempt ,ftoa felty, by its achievements, to stand aide by side with the Saxon in the catalogue of . nations. The speaker then sketched the difference .between tho Saxon and the African races. There were two instances of’Saxon disinterestedness— ono when the philanthropists of Britain emanci pated a nation in the West India upon whose race they had never looked; tho second was when that old man of Connecticut went down to the bor ( dera of Virginia and flung himself into the broach Of slavery, sacrificing bis life for a priaoiple that the Ghtfroh had always despised, ana the Govern ment trampled under foot. [Applause and cheers.] The speaker then went on to tho main purpose of HU lecture, TonssaintD'Ouvorture. Ala prefix to the biography, was ifitroduoed a graphic and ioudly-appUudsd-description of the island of San Domingo, a hundred years ago; tho Fronoh Revo lution, that in 1790 was noticed as the dawn of tho day of deliverance to the mulatto inhabitants of - San Domingo. The reooption of tho enfranchising decree was described, as well ns the contention that • succeeded its promulgation'; 1 Tho leader of the ro - volution was eulogised,.and John Brown, of Harper’s . jerry/ was a type. The one represented King • thouther , representedjthe spirit of justice, . whioh tho, Commonwealth ofWirginia was too ig norant to appreciate, and too despotic to permit. Touasaintii’Oavortnro entered the army of San Domingo In tho middle of this contest.' His father was stolen froin Africa. The son was a slave, and was -raised to tho rank of eoaohm&n, He was a man of somo oiluoation and of much ability. His - humanity was noticed, with tho remark' that every Sreat man - that' had performed deeds to stir the epths of ages bad written humanity by the side of courage. l [Applause.] Toussaint, like Crom wellj'oould practice as well as preaoh. The high ' esfw’der of great men wero thoso that believed to be instrument* in tho hand of God. - A pftrallel wos drawn between Crojn* well'And Toussaint, in which tho latter was 're farded as the highest.- Cromwell was only asol {er< The dynasty he. founded moiled when ho *’. died.' Tho Utter unfolded a statesmanship os mar ■ velloux as hltf military skill hadbeen. lheausor tlo'n that the negro was a coward was denounced. - The two unhappy—not unhappy, but glorious men those that diod at' Baiakl&va; the two negroes of the immogtal seventeen, had re de'emocL the nineteenth oentury on this siuo of tho' oofean. Virginia only added the oap-Mone of in* justice to-the arch of cruelty when sho malignod their bravery. [Applause.] .Tfiuasaint's achievements as tho ruler of San . Donnogo were painted in great detail. In speak .isg of Washington, ho said eulogy could not paint •' his fame—lt was tho only name U Virginian bis tory that had relieved the name of Virginia from abomination. San Domingo was a emall place, it ; was true, but it was larger than ancient Attica that ’ history for two thousand years with its glory.- world did not measure the suhlimo by '' a census. One great soul thrown into God’s scales outweighs a reoreaut commonwealth. [Apptauso.j .In, the Constitution of Toussaint there were two , great .principles which took the white race a bnh ' -afed years to attain—religious toleration and free trade.' Toussaint Napoleon in many things—in his personal talents, in his ability and warlike genius, He had Napoleon's power of *- keeping ms own secrets, and the same power of controlling men. Like Napoloon. he was tho idol of his raco and people. The‘gossip of Paris called „ Toussaint, the .Black Bonaparte, it was eaid that he imitated Napoleon—rather might it be said that the white man imitated the black mao. Napoleon, wishing to conquer Hayti and break his power, sent a navy and thirty thousand of his beat soldiers to effect Ins purpose. The attack of these soldiers *oh San Domingo was described at length. At. last, after having been deceived by Le Oierc, Toussaint submitted. He was sent to Franco, and put by Napoleon in a dungeon, at tho .base of the Alps, with but one little window looking out on the snows of Jura—a strong dungeon, covered with water in the sum -v mejandioein,the.winter. Toussaint was finally , sUryedto death, .God grant that, when the future 1 • Plutarch comes to weigh the groat men of our day, he does not. plaoc tho, whining exile of St. Helena, •grumbling About cooks'and dinners, beside that noble example of Roman firmness pining to death in a Swiss dungeon. The cruelties of, the French to the people of San Domiogo were piotured, amid the .most Intense . silence.' In concluding, he ran a parallel botween Touss&fut, Bopftparte, Cromwell, and Washington - —in alt casea pfflotng the former in a higher rank, than theothers, He also compared tho achieve ments of tho black race with thoso of tho Spanish as represented in Mexico, end passed a glowing eulogy upon them. The world regarded him as a ■fanatic, 1 andbia opinions as treasonable opinions. Bnt in future days, when somo future Tacitus would write the history of mankind, a different . chronicle would bo written. . He would select Phocion as the modol of Greolan . glory ; Cato as tho noblest of Romans;, Lafayette ,as the exemplar of French freedom; Hampden as the type of English liberty;.. Washington -as the representative of the primitive.#*™ .ofi-American L splendor,, and . John > Brown, of Connecticut, -as God’s best and dearest gift to this later generation, '■ [Longand loud applause.], Then dipping his pen ic the blear sunlight of truth, he would write . - above them all; in the clear cerulean blue, the name of tho hero of bis race and the martyr of freedom, Toussaint VOunerturc! , , ' Mr. Phillips sat down amid applause that lastod - for some minutes. -The audience dispersed with out any manifestation of disturbance. The best of order prevailed during the delivery of tho lecture. In ease of any attempt at a distarbsnoe. Ohief Buggies had a largo posse of police on the ground to assist in maintaining the peaoo. Cab elk sBSe a s and Cabe.—Feoplo should ’ be careful—pot'extremcly carefal, by any,means. _ A good lady, of honorablo reputo, was waited on yesterday morning by a young follow of.some twenty years; who Tory mysteriously knocked at herdoor, very mysteriously dropped a package in her arms assheoame to tne v door, and left, never saying a. word.' It was'a pcoutiar bundle, in a little square basket, with a profusion'of linen around the edge, and weighod about one-and twenty pounds. She was a shrewd lady that opened’ the door and received tho mysterious bundle into her- arms. She reads the newspaper every morning, and noyer omits the looal column. Suspicion flashed across bor mind on the 1 instant, coupled with tcColleotions of the t^i- weekly item on “baby Vai& ,, 'that comes as regular as (be sun.'. ' With a number of responsibilities on her hande, it was rather a summary method of assuming an additional one. ' So thinking, she bailed a .policeman' who ‘was snnniug himself on • sldeof the street, musing as oalmly • and quietly as though man was never made to be -arrested., Thbladhad gonoon a quick pace down t 'thie street, and ww barely in sight. The good . him out, and informing the officer 1 . that he had dropped a baby at ,tho door, despatched Mm for hi* body* The municipal Mercury was - tubeessful; and in a few seconds the mysterions > stranger was at the portals of the door. ' ' Then came a torrent of fnveotlves from.the good . lady, a torrent of questions from the magnate, and ■■ a torrent of suggestions from a dozen or two gossip . era who were standing around. VThe Mystery was alarmed, it is true,, but contumaciously never ut- tered a word. For fivo minutes this scene was eoptinned, when the officers seized the Mystery by the collar, and marched him off to the neighboring alderman. The good lady took - her bundle and followed, tho gossips and the ragged* little boys ,forming the procession/ .At the moermon’s office T ; there was tho jusaal. hearing. The lady testified that the stranger had called, and left in her poisos • sfona'stroDgebsby.of a parentage and origin to The officer' testified to the alarm, his agility, and,the arrest. The magistrate asked the prisoner, in a very fierce tone, what he had to fay. -Tho prisoner muttered something unintelli gible, and was forthwith ordered to find,bail. An ~ incarceration was imminent, but was prevented by a repotUr.of one of the evening journals, who sag - gested,'-in the mildest manner, that the handle should heopeOed. The magistrate was certain theeridohoewaioloarenough,without additional out of his tho, profession in ' general Oondesceaded-’ib'fbnow the reporter’s'ad ' vice. The Uneq Was unravelled, tho bundle untied, and toUhe-wondering gazo of the whole pfirty was exhibited n'layge shoulder,of excellent veal. The ptfsonpr—a German—was fiisoharged, and the veal was borne In triumph* to (ho good woman’s kitaben. l ' r * ~ . should not fco eareloaa f nor ahonld they fotiow-lbo summary example of: ibo good, woman % wtm her veal. About th* lime this occurrence ■.... - h adjust transpired a weibdressed - woman with an ~ ' Infant stepped up to a yoqog girl standing at the c corner Of Eighth andAroh streets and asked her ,ln the politestmanner to hold the baby wtyilo she ; ‘ T -tmrcKa»ed iyard of dimity. The girl complied, - '- pat the well-dressed l&dynover rotnrned. ■ f. ’ Herd are two instances of carelessness and care. . 3 point the moral. . '4 . I»qKJrpu»iBM—YouTHFunDEPOAViry.—Ja cob Rfee, 'a tad about sixteen years of'age, had a v ' "hearing, on Sunday morning, on'the cbargo of % having fired twoheaps of hay, on the promises of \ - Catharine Neely, on Annat street, Germantown, i . , (jtjfriday*evening last, about seven o'clock. lie ’ .waJarreatSAoiratardsy morning, op information y -given* bys»e members of the Fellowship Fire Com cV Sany, and examined by Fire Marsha! Blackburn. | • ,’ Rioe at first denied all knowledge of the flre,;but j ' j afterwards acknowledged that h* ineompany with ! two other boy*, whom ho named, had ooncooted tbeplau, and h* 3 companions.had' carried into execution while -he looked on, A subsequent ex . wminatio& showed that one of thoboys was inno cent, being in bed at the time of tin fire; and the. - f other had dn existence. The accusedwthen mado a ' full confession, and said that his only motive was v to v* 4 have a little : fuu, and git up some exalte. the moment after he had applied tho match ho was sorry for what-lie had done. After : the fire, he ran tp the Fellowship Engine the alarm, but finding none of the ■ member#orrunnera there, he went after them to a 1? 7 taVe?h. in AhajVloinUy, whore they were'in the , v',j^|uibUdeehgregatiDg;.-Bice was committed to junior at court. \f"':l, Ammutiok.*—All of our read* hoard bf the tfoion' Benevolent Asaooia =. Otloßydnel of the bOßfc of the kind in the aifcy. Its ‘r- primary object Is the prevention of pauperism and of Übor/'Darlng tho past year r have obtained employment arid relief beneToleDt Sooioty, which is provided and twomaieMsiters.! '; ' . *t6hi elwj for toe purpose of systematising the work. s ‘/^r.-JiiUviaedhyltbesooietyinto'sliieen districts, and • t ■ ltoiMfiet*fa aitfOrbedat least $12,000 for fuel, clothing, * v. broviriburi'4Thia leaves about $4,000,- which '■pr<)aoti ofirintor it already throiged 1 »wmk "X- zy.' y v ,j)|laj'e^ f arep»dMng the Mi. 5.4? -U l *i r'*V>'§fc l Li' ' Ta* Boasb of regular atated eenoe of the president, filled the obair, while the attendance was larger than for a considerable time previous. * , . T r The seoretary read an interesting document, ad dressed to the Board, from the American Chamber of Commerce, of Liverpool, on tbo great inorease of sandy and dusty cotton imported from tho Uni ted States into England, an ovil which has become enormous of late. • - The subject was referred to a special commltteo, of which (joloDel Snowden was made chairman. Mr. Oliver Evans Woods was tbfen introduced, and presented, at length, the leading features of his plao for introducing a general “susponded letter list” into practical use In every part oF the United States, as it has alroady been tried by him in California, as an auxiliary to the safe delivery of letters. Ho claimed that tho gonoral publica tion of such a general list of uncalled-for letters, and its distribution to every important offieo in the -Union, would stimulate correspondence so muon as to repay its oost, if no other motive could induce its maintenance. He olaimed that its features of usefulness and simplicity would permit its intro duction without tho sllgbtost change in the present arrangement for tho original delivery of letters, it boing simply ongrafted upon the present system, os a substitute for tho return of doas letters. Mr. Goorge N. Tatham offered a series of reso lutions, authorizing the Committee on Lights and Harbors to 00-operato with .tho Board of Under writers in the procurement of improved wrecking apparatus. Referred. The Board then adjourned. A Vigilant Opticeb.—Tho officer having chargo of the 1 boat ooveriDg the south end of Third street should have a now pair of boots as a roward for his vigilance. He would make a fino sentinel at H&rper’s Ferry, and a terror to Virginia cows iu general. Mr. David Griffiths, tbo oarrlyr of one of the Sunday papers, was proceeding rapidly down Third street, noar German, with his bundle of intelligence on his shoulders, in tho gray hour of the morning dawn. Tho vigilant officor espied him through tue shadowy mist, aod, supposing him to,be a burglar, entrenohed himaolf behind a lamp- Eost. The carrier came on, and the officer drew is pistol—a fierce, terrible pistol, with six hoavily loaded barrels. Officer. “Hold! Who goes there ?” The onrrier wont on heedless of the challenge. Officer. “ Surrender yourself! If you don’t I’ll fire.” Carrier. “ Fire away. ” By this time the parties were face to fuoe, and . tho carrier broko into a laugh. Tho officer recog nised him, quietly pqt up his weapon of destruc tion, and bade him go on hts way. Singular Case—Supposed Stabbing.—At an early hour on Sunday morning Officer Rioli, of the Fifth ward, found a man lying on the sidewalk in Water street, noar bpruce, suffering from the loss of blood whioh was flowing freely from a se vere wound in the thigh. He was conveyed to tho Union-streot station-house, where his injuries wero dressed by a physician, after which tue sufferer was taken to tho Pennsylvania Hospital, 110 gavo tho name of John Collins, is forty yours of age, and belongs to Germantown He says that he was in jured by a knife, in tho hands of some person un known, noar Fourth and Monroe streets. . The Washington Monument Association.— At a meeting lately held of tho Washington Monu ment Asjoomtion of tho First School District of Pennsylvania, the following gcntlemon wero elect ed offioers for the ensuing year: President—James H. llandall; ,Yioe-President—William Allen; Treasurer—Joseph Cooper; Secretaries—George F. Gordon, Esq., Henry Mathew. Dangerous.— On Sunday evening a lady aud gentleman were driving in the vicinity of Sansory and Twenty-first stroots when their horse was preoipitatod into a trench that had been carelessly left open. The gentleman was unhurt, and the lady was moat unceremoniously and disagreeably tumblod into tho ditoh. Tbo poor horse was hurt badly, and was only extricated after groat diffi culty. A Handsojib Compliment.—An impromptu caII was made on the Hon. Wm. Millward last evening by the conductors of tho Germantown Pas senger Railroad. They surprised that gontleman by the presentation of a handsome silver pitcher, appropriately ornamented, and testifying taeir os teem for him as the president of the road. Mr. Frank G. Troxell made tho presentation speech, which was responded to by the recipient. Another Soldier Company.—A military company bearing the name of “Gardo Lafayette” is now being formed in this city. Tholr uniform is to be similar to that worn by a company In New York which boars the samo name. All persons who speak tho French languago are invited to join the organization. The first regular mooting of tbo oompany will be hold on the ovenlng of tho fiOth Inst. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Tbe Money Market. PoiLADELrutA, Nov. 28,1859. The stook market was quito buoyant to-day, and nearly every description of securities advanced. City loans were in demand at a further advance on the price previously quoted; tho common nnd preferred stooks of tho Morris Canal were firmer; Pennsylvania "Railroad shares wore in good re quest at a small advance; Reading Railroad shares, and also Long Island, both advanced 1; North Pennsylvania Railroad 6s sold at 61J. The oom pany have given notioe that they aro prepared to pay $lO on each coupon, and that they will pay the balance before tho first of the coming year. There is but littlo variation in the prices of city passenger Tailway stocks; we note a sale of Seoond and Thtrd-streoU Railway stlOi. OFFICIAL RANK STATEMENT. WXSKLY AVERAGES OF THE PHILADELPHIA BANKS. LOANS. , SPECIE. Banes. Nov, 28. Nov. 21. Nov. 23. Nor. 21. i’hiladelphift... - W,140,000 *S.ill,Q»_ 'forth America. 8,661360 2,601311 673 J 25 677,0/6 Farm A Mech S AW.781 5&8.135 981,0% 9-4 477 Commercial..: IAI7DOO W.OOO 216.005 Mechanics'...... 1,674 422 1,766 364 200,850 246,603 FCiitSrtiei:..:. itei,ooa item 177.000 iwooj Ronth-wark .. 973.361 982,263 2v2.6£7 210,860 BS . B'o 74S 806® 216.731 227,880 Penn Township. «16*1 U4AO3 178 021 178.654 Western 3391,872 1,290,8*6 238,079 302 218 Mno.AMech.. IJ3I-66U 1,171360 1w.475 127,760 Commorce..... 641,771 180.247 180.651 fijrarS . ...... -2.081.103 2.123,495 191A25 2WJO4 Tradesmen's... • W 7,174 672.982 118 W 7 102,52.1 cJSSlffion,. 4851444 499,653 63,199 64.161 City 816,918 830,8 M 97.063 112 2SU Commonwealth 399J71 326-270 63 OM 73.066 Corn Exchange. 405.196 398,630 60.344 02^90 Un10iL7...,-i. 868,809 366,069 46,666 61,077 T0ta1......... 077,432 126,401,032 43123*4 4.766,889 DEPOSITS. CIRCULATION. Banks. N0v.28. Nov. 21. Nov. 28. Nov. 21, Philadelphia.. . . g 1,420,000 $1,421,000 *250.000 5262,000 North America. 1.539 OH 1,620,144 255 070 240,215 Farm & Mech.. 3,017,197 2,779,406 35f1,1i>6 3W.6115 Commercial 702,000 776.000 149 000 146,0110 Movhanics' 810 631 907,616 154 200 160.375 N. Liberties-... B*3 001) 837.000 1*)000 127,«w Southwark...-. 712,189 693,0W' 984U0 99.785 Kensington 600 030 639,797 140 AW 123.2-16 Penn Township. 604,725 602,299 89.136 90,5t0 • Western 030,999 927,697 112.190 121,675 Man, 6c Merits.. 550366 586.940 116 639 120395 Commerce 463,id 460,724 BM6O 7fJ,2OQ Girard.../ Tradesmen's.... 402,412 389-202 84,807 83,768 gf t r. UdoH ™.v: » K ,n£! Commonwealth. 211,690 211425 W6BS Corn Exohange. 261,119 242,914 92*35 83.326 UuionTf “.,7... 186,419 191*12 81,880 80,440 Total 14*16,076 34,978230 2,679,M212,654,119 Tho woekly statement of the Philadelphia banks presents the following aggregates os compared with those of tho previous week : Nov. 21. Nov. 28. „ Capital Stock $U,646,890 $U,«47,1M..1nc. 8 275 Loans 26,401,033 26,077.432..De0. 323,600 Specie 4,766 889 4,612,8*4. . Dec. 20665 Due tot other Banks,. 1,493 192..1n0. 139,169 Due to other Banka.. 2.663 867 2.4tfi914. Dec- JW.W3 Deposits. 14,978,280 1431M75..Dec. M 1,003 Circulation 2.654,119 3,679.562. .Inc. 23,433 The following statement shows the ooudition of the banks of Philadelphia, at various times since November, 1857: ( 1857. Loans. Specie. Circulation. Deposits. Nov. 4... .21,199,463 3.071,454 2,141,113 16,636,788 1868. Jan. 11... .21,302.374 8,770,701 1,011,033 11,465,263 July 6... .34,811,923 0,635,817 2,434,181 16,560,848 Jan! Bfi9 6.063.3 M 2,741,764 17,019,005 July'. 5.-.. .25,446,440 4,897,063 3308.200 16,481,054 Sept. 6.. .24.640,745 3,433,090 2.702,837 14,901.572 Oct. 3. ...26,479,419 6331,153 2 742,446 15.650.766 Nov. 7....26,668.286 5 017 936 2,737,150 15.430,452 “ 23 .. .25,077,433 4 612,324 2,679,662 14,810 075 Tho exports of ipeolo from Now York lest week wero as* follows: Steamer Asia, Liverpool—Ara’n silvor coin.. 88.000 Steamer New York, 8remen................ 6.400 Total for the week.. Previously reported Total aiuce January let M Same time in ISM - • ** M 7.984 “ 1867..... ...................... 88,400,437 * ‘ ISM 24 7M.863 “ 1888,... 28865.801 1851 36,791.376 «* 1863 22,949,637 “ 1882 23,7*3,951 The foreign imports at New York last week were bb follows: For the week. 1857. 1858. 1859. I Pry Gauds ....$656,633 £344 222 «8U.033 1 Oen’lmerohandiie.. 2,195,300 f,0j9,3ifl 2.606,250 I Totalfortheweek. 52.761.033 1.483.638 3.317 237 I Previously rented..101,6143)2 132.690.118 218,022,774 Since Jenoarr 1it...301,366,24 PHILADELPHIA STOC November RspoETin by 8. K. El4ym- FIRST ' 3QoflPenna6s *• 93)« C 6000 City 6s. F R- .Sdrs.lOlH «WoRoadß6s’a6.Aiy* 69* IUOU N FennaßCs oaah 61* . 2J Common\1 . 45 BeavMead R..lots 60 10 City Rank .43 ! CLOSING PR SM. Atktd. | U. States6s*74...lo3ls ..J Philafis.- ~.. IUJK 101 4 •• R.~l~ .101?,' 101* *• New.....K'6H JO6 I Penna 6s 93)4 Reading.R..2o# *• bda 70.....78 83 ** mort 6s '44.90 « ’ae.ra 70.; Ponnaß.... »♦ jpj. 6s 87/2 » 1 Morria Canal Con.Mg M* »» «ref.loBM 109 M Sohujl Navw’B?. 69# 70* Ijobl Nav stoek 8 Philadelphia Markets. November £3—Evening Thera fa not touch demand for Flour, but the market Itfirm at previous quoted rates ;2«ibH* ordinary bu- BeKsold at Sai2«: eood atraUht brandenresene ?M!v haft ftt «6.2ssac6bbl* W. B.TbomftS do Bold at a nrice Vent seoret, nod 250 bills city tmlU extra §6.75. luebuYins for Ruperflos and extra, and 80*6 )6 lor exjra laraiiy and‘mntert*4«s n Sofn'ltfenlContinue*dull,and Penn i. ofTered it 80.76*6 87 M l '!’, 11 * f?!'*.' s oomea in elowlr and, command! full prioee, a.™ uu« .sold tronr 1280 to 133(5. mostly at 132 c for red. ."White ranges at 1370 to Hflo.ihe , Rye is in demand at SOc for Dataware for «»»»• Corn w not so plenty to-day and pncea unC fl«„ n . hns •include 8 600 bus "old yellow at ,02c afloat, 600 bus old and new mixed at7Bo, and 3,000 bus n ■t0740, as to condition. Oats are in fair demand .about 3400 bushels Delaware at 420, and 1400 , sylvaniaawte, Bark Is dull; No. lie held at §H v | VK/».iVv ton. Cotton-Til* tnarkst IsquUt, only about StA bates have been sold at steady raids* Gtocene* gw firralr held; but there Is very little doing In either Su gar, Cofi'es* or Molasses. Provisionsftie very inactive, ana prices sre about the same, need#— The Jem and for Cloverseed has fallen offijmt sales of a^Ut.^po Pennsvlvaniado26>i« | 37o; nhds 230, and drudge 24K0 ■ . Philadelphia Cattle Market* November 28^859. The receipts of Beef Cattle reached about 2,200 head this week. Prices continue aboottbe same as last Quoted, but the market was rather more active to-day. The following aro the particulars ofthe sales s 33 Isaac Abrahams, Cond'eriandcpunty, fi8.W«9.60, 69 U. Baldwin, Chester county, #8A0®9.60. 64 Kennedy & MnCieese, Ohio, s7u9. 68 E. McCAuaid. Oliio, 9708 60. 20 F. Snyder, Ohio. 56.6007, 75 P. Woodward,lllinois, Jj7a8.60. 47 B. Gray* Ohio. 100 Mooney St Smith Ohio 37.5059.60. 42 J. Vetters, Ohio. 3708. S 3 Bcimmbure Sc Ullman.Oiuo. 6O. 31 J). GemmelJ, Delaware, 3650(09^6. 60 W. Holmes, Ohio. s6aB. 12) Wood & Ward, Illinois, s7a»B. 26l,eidy, S6ffi7, 46 Harnholt k Mattm, Delaware, $6OB. 20 Balm. Chester county, s7olo. 72 Cochran jk, McCall. Gloucester county, sBo9, 63 Scott & Kimble, Chestercounty, 37Me 9.C0. 21 Kimble Sc Kirk. Cheater county, $B6O 61 Glendy, by Seldoinridge, Virginia, sBzt9. 27 West Alexander, Chestercounty. §BO9. 20 P. McFillen, Chester county. $82»9. 22 P. Hathaway, Virginia. $3 60, gross. 29 Dr. Hopkinß, Mar> land, $7AOa-8 60. 23 Chandler & Miller, Choster county, 58.C009.60. 31 A Wallace. Chester county, 87ffoA0. 38 B. Seldomndge, Lanoaater county. $7.604 1000 Cal State 7s 85^ lOOuErie 2mt bds 90 4000 frioH4thmt 63 300 Chi & R 1 It 06«£ 100 do b 7. mi 3000 Mich flsfd. bds. 60 170 Poo M 8 Co 87« 5 do. 87>* 26 do . 87 . 100 do sftl. Ba>» 4(X) Harßprf.... 1)30 . 37 : 100 Reading R ...bao. i-'h THEM, A«hes are unchanged, wil and I'oarls at $5.26. „ _ Ftouß.-~The market for State and Western is&olOo better, with large receipts, and sales 18,000 hbla at 8510 C 5.20 for superfine Mato; 85.55 J 6.45 for extra do ; $6.20 «6..‘15 for superfine Western; $6.4035.65 for extra do; 8 .G6«r6,75 for extra round-hoop oliio. Southorn Flour is buoynnt, with sates of 1,200 barrels at $6.60416 85 for mixed to goo*, and 86.85tf7.26 for extra do. Canada Flour is firm but quiet, with moderate sales at s6.4otf 6 36 for extra. GRAtN.—Wheat is one cent higher, with salos of 10,000 bushels, Corn is firm, with sales of 10,000 bushels new yellow Southern at77tfB6c. Oats are dnll at 40tf 440 for Southern, Pennsylvania, and Jersey, and4014®47.50 for State, Canada, and Western. Provisions.—Pork is quiet, with sales of 2£obbls at SlO for Mess, and $ll for Prime. Beef is in sood de mand at well sustained prices, with sales of 400bbls at 8404.26 for Country Prims; 85afl 26 for Country Mesa; 85010 for old and new re-packed Wostern, and 810 50© ft lor extra do. Bacon is dull. Cut Meatß are nominal. Lard is dull, with sales of 200 bbls at IOKoIOXo. Butter and Cheese are uochanved. Whiskey is quiet st27>aG. Markets by Telegraph. Baltimore, Nov. 28.—Flour steady; Howard street $6.37, Wheat quiet; 36.000 bus told at $1.2001.45 for Vhtie, Sl.lptf 126 for red. Corn firm at 65a760 for new white find yellow. Provisions steady; Mess Pork $16.76; prime $lO-60; Bacon 10c; Meas Beef $l6 : No 1 $l3. Whiskey firrnat Exchange on New York 1-10 premum. Detroit, Nov 28.—Flour firm at $4.754 disoounL . Cincinnati-Nov 23.— Flour firm at s6tf 5.16. WTieat steady at 81.125t1.16 lor red, and $1,5(J®1.26 for white. Corn steady at 46tf 46c. Whiskey steady at 23c. Provi sions firm. Mess Pork slstf 15.60; sides and shoulders 7>>ft9A«c. Hogs buoyant at $6.1030 36, The receipts have been light. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut st.. below Ninth. C F Schmidt, NY N Chamberlain, Brit J M Palmer, N C Tboe R Hendrick Va AM Laird,O GGBryon.NY E D bnswold, NY i Hendries, N Y Dr Graves, Texas Mr Hartetene, U S N Col WoodmK. Pa J N Francis, RI J Colburn. Boston John L Green, N Y W D Bopth, N .Y Paul Sinken Jos Hoilingshoad Miss Barnum, Balt W McGuiness, J’ottsvilie A Bussing Sc wf, N Y H F Fellows Sc la, Mo Mr Cainden Sc la, La B Howard NY C llapp, N Y J M Crosby, Nantucket Jas Fryer, N Y John T Brown. BaJt John Y Helguers. N Y F a Hunter Sc la, Reading T J Martin Sc la. Va Smith A Cfisrles, Bal; B F Guyton, Bait W A Sheperd, NY S Hartshorn 3- la', Va D M Watson Sc la. N Y P G Washington, N Y John W Garthwaito, N J J W Brown, Mt holly, N J A F Miller FMB Henry. 11l G P Whitaker. Md C Wendell, Wniht’n, D C Mr Schouler, Boston JM Hocd,N V B B Haroll, Richmond D J Sutherland Sc fa, D C F L Fake, Chicago Max Strakoah, N Y A C Gray, Delawaro Bimon Guick, N Y Duo Sutel, N Y D P W MoMullen, N Y GBMowry, NY RGBtarr,NY S C j'erkms, Boston J Savage Sc la, Wash'n J S Fleming* Jeff City, Mo H H«mp«nal|„N Y F Stout. Oregon Col Feuiwky. itPeteis g V- f/sYSSSn. Leesburg UwWildrrian, Leesburg Wm W Clement*, N C Geo C Davies, Cm. O EASUrr.NY,, J Langdon Sc la, N Y J Robertson, N \ John Allan, Va MraL (1 Allan» Va G H B Matthews Miss Matthewe MrDaticsD.N Y MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Foprth *t.. be|ow Arch, itolit Lowry, Balt W Higsenbotijam k *n,N Y rl VV Alemfeniiall, Iml Thus Hipeoh. Kalian C li Muller. Easton John Stotser, Easton K A Owinper, Kastpn . BB Spangler. York J K. Campbell, Wubamsp t H F Brown. Reading A Clark, Amsterdam J L Getz, heading G H Stewart, Bliippenpburg Alfred Day. NY. J FCoinfort, Mochamcsb’g R YVoods,Carlisle TT Woods, Carlisle John Pastorious. N Y Maj J Cuimiunra, 8 Grove 6 N Snodgrass, Mifflineb’g J K Fbv fc In, Harrisburg MrsC M Kelley. Maas Hon R Brodnead, Kaston Jaa M Coppernoll. N Y W J Willis. NY W DHheuerd, Wash, D C Kov Alex T McGill, N J MrsBHuutoy,Lanoaator Mias Kate Redsecker, N J EAGLE HOTEL—Third atreet, above Race. C Lovis, Cheater co J Black, Lanoco J Koan, Lebanon co Isaac Cloud, Cheater oo 11 Potts, Pottstown J Smith, Pottslown J Le Baily, Berks oo T Blair, Milton, Pa J Price, , a 8 V Baldwin, N Y 1j Bitea, Plnla T F Deleamp. N Y O Urowu, Harper’s Ferry R Jacobs, N Y H W Verses, Hboemakert’n 8 M Painter. West Cheator J 8 Weatun fc tain. Boa ton T B Brite, N \ J M Weston, NY j Oliver, PJiila. J W Thomas. Ohio B 1> , Ohio FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut at., above Third. Mrßßamson.NY G \V Bonnctt.iud E Morse, NY 8 Curry. N Y N M Field k la, Boston E Ludwig, Danville, Pa J C Donum k la. Balt C W Calton. N Y GRBroJcawdc wf.N Y J blatters k la, Rancocaa E A Ward k la, N Y W Phillips _ J P Stearns, Alas® J W Viles, Mass S Uarv.N Y Jno M Moove. N J Jnn McCann. N Y JBFnck.NJ HSBudd. NJ Carl Wollf k la, NY jv.r« Wollf.NY '] Btick,.N Y . M Buie, N Y 011 Buck, fct Louis E Simms, Washington J C Porter, Richmond Simon Polk, Baltimore Jns 8 Talbot, N Y L H Funk, Milton, Pa J Warren, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL-Raco at., above Third. W S Fisher, Reading M J Daniels, Pa i T E fcimtli K P Davis k da, Pa J Roictmrds k son,Pa B Adams k son, Knalon H B Beide, Lebanon H J Hendler, Ppttsville J B*ger, Allentown p J W Frank, Newport J Hartman, Newport J G Kessler, Easton J W Hubloy k wf, Pa Jno II Leaner, Easton T Johnson. Del Jt W Kern, Pa J p Kern. Ohio Isaao i ippinan, Pottsvillo Paul Letdv, Danvillo J A Both, Berwick N Foster, Scranton C Plaile, Scranton AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut it., above Fifth, L Crosby. Providence Thos Streets, Balt John M Vance, Tena E Willis, Pa, Jno M Perkins, Pittsburg Jos Merrefield. Balt G Rentier, Balt M Hwain, Washington A Benvin, Cal M Cal WmH danger PKhngle, Washington Thos Cla-k, NY R H Sayre, Bethlehem J Holbrook, N Y 8 Edwards, U 8 N L Durr, NY CA Deibm.NY E L Covert, Middletown G Willets kwi H Quarters John Gardner, N Y .1 P Moflecker, Del JasF Smith, Roading O Binnickson k la, N J Chaa Hoyt, N Y D Mackey, Y 8 Silver, Del W Priest. N Y M E Young, N Y Wm L Kinley, Balt G W Nelson, N Y Jas C Cushing. Bait Geo J Forbes. Balt L w Kmg, Balt W Curtis, pel HDunton.N Y RBn*t*ick,NY „ J Bmylie, Jr. Easton w K HiS 80 d0..~ <....20% 60 do . ■ • •• ■ • •• 100 Long lalandß.casn 11% 100 do ........ .... 11% 6 Cam Jc Amboy K be 123% 10 Nor ialown R. .lota 40% WChaafc Walnut at K 16 3 Race k Vme*nt R.. 32% 20 City Bank. 43 STATES UNION HOTEL— Market st., above Sixth. Col J Robinson, Pa H J Culbertson, Carlisle J Philger, Chester 00 V L Enjoy, York, Pa , J flowers, Lancaster, Pa K W Miller, Lancaster, Pa H U Caluo, Carlisle Rev A Babb, Dickinson,Pa J n Green. Dickinson, Pa W H Wagneis Contreville J Carnthers, Contreville, Pa 8 Carothors. Centrovillo S W Carnthers. CumM co J Sampson. Cumb’d co, Pa J Early. Carlisle, Pa J K McFarland A la. Pa J 8 McTague, Columbia, Pa A M Rambo, Columbia,Pa J MoNaught, la A ch, Pa If BOARDS. 15 Academy of Muaio... 63 MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second street, ab. Aroh. D Simpson. Newark, N J Geo Brown, Winn, Del M A Lambert, New Hope K Knight, Pft A Rich, Northampton co Abraham Nightingale, Pa Thos Anderson, Monroe co U 5 Rending R v II Western Bk - v &* 132 d A 3d-*t R..... bG 40% SoamfcAmß 8 d 0.... «W 6, do •122% BARLEY fIHEAF IIOTEL-Becond st.. below Vine. Wash Thomas, Pa John Butch Pa A Ely, Doylestowu K Croasdnlo, Bucks co UH Shaw, Pa Rich, Bucks co tiCES—FIRM. MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Third street, ab. Callowhill. Dr AJ Martin, Allontown C L Smith, Mnldlebunr C Mitchell, Allentown Thos Cunningham, Aid Abel Williams. Bucks co D Halites G W H&rtzel, New Texas Geo W Wolf, Mt Airy Sami Snyder, Pottaville Chas D Frelin, Pt Carbon M H Hoover, Auburn W Hohnelor, Pa J 8 Reed, Pa , ~ ... Ft. Macdonough, Phila n Fensterinsohor, Danville Jesse Henszel, Pa J Schuyler, Rohrersburg P ClArk, Sunbury F Richter, Freeburg Geo Stroub, * reeburg I Sid.Ashtd. Snhl Nav.pref.... .16 16 Wm»p't k Elm.,. ‘‘ 7s .Ist mort.47 , Mmort. 8 BV* Lon* Island R.....1i)£ IIV Lehigh Oos4ANav.4B>* 49% N PennaK, b>% %y. „ “ 10a. 7$ 80% C&tawissa R. iV . ?2 i)i 1 •* Istm bds.SCf 34j| ;Frank & South R. 66 68 M& 8d Bt* R... • 40 41 I Race A Yine-sts R.31J4 Stt* BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Callowhill, Wm H Parsons. Tenn Thos Btrobm, Daunjnn co amili uiwhi.. co, p* HJFoo.y, ri.uphtS J. Popper, Louisville, K j D rfinirmi. Upper Dublin J » Levon, Allentown WMUuckmnn, Pox Chase P Steimel, Heading „ T 8 nomor.hMton . Jtiliu. Pi,her, Lane co, Pn Hunt, Nen.torevlUe THE UNION HOTEL—Arch afreet, above Third. J B Clark, Del Frank Hands, N Y Thos Reynolds, Va J Moore, Jr, Ohio John 8 Parson. Rending E H Perkins. Pa Thos Bishop. Easton Alexander Hamilton, Ohio W DA Namle,Carlisle R K Shapley. Carlisle J 0 Altiok, Shippensburg John Wagner, Pa Jos Smith, N J Jos MoKeen, Easton C W Shattuck A la, Easton H Lowenstein, Wilkesbe W S Everett. Chsmbersbg Elias Davis, Md Cyrus Gault, Baltimore J B Kayser, N Y BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. . G S Strasberger. WU John Ball, Pft ; Adam Hellicn, ra A Hautnar, Pft Joshua. Shoemaker, Pa - - Jacob Zevv, Lansdalo , J J Woolsfayer, Northa’n oo Wra H Fried, Lehigh co David Wilhelm, Lebanon co Alison Phillips, Ohio ISClymer,Ty]ersport AH Rauch,Bethlehem J Thomui Bucks oo John Moroaey, Phil* J me thesmv, November 29, um. !xchange--»Nov. 28* 1 BOARD. • PI,A lUIi 100 N YCenR stO. 82 Y* 700 do BiK 50 do s3O. 82ifc (WO do s 3. 82>i 300 Panama It 133 15 do 1M« MD! Cen R 1)30. 68H 100 Erie R b«0. WH 460 do 10 100 do 1)60. 10 100 Harlem R 10 326 Mi 8 St N I R 8 100 do.. v b3O. 8 IOOMiB AN1g....b10. 20 ,0 do 18X 260 do \9H LRKRTB. 11 email sales Pots at 85.12 K, VP TO 13 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. JtfAltlNß INTJEI-LIOIEMCfi. . 1 SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. Bngoiivo,CaUigan,l2days from 8t Marys, Gai With lumber to E A Souder Sc Co. BohrS PHawes Maxon.4days from Richmond,with feed to J B Lanoatter Sc Son. oohr Jas W Early, Sipple. 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oorn to Jas iiarratt Sc Son. (CorreaJondenoß oJ^he^PliUiLd.l^hi,^iohßn,a.)^ Five norm brigs andanumlwr of schooners went to sea durinz tho day. No vessels observed going in. Wind northwest. Yours, THOB, B, HUGHES. BT TBLBOBAPn TO THU PBBSS. _ , . ~ Nbw Yobs. Nov, 23,. An arri val here reports the brigs Abbotsford, of Balti more,and Eureka: of lost on Cay Arenas Oct 25th in a hurricane. TheVjrows amt materials were saved. ..... Boston, Nov SC. Arrived, barks George Thomas, from Havana; R A Kinsman, from do; Emma F Chase, from Matanzns; David Nickloß, from do: brigs Frederick Wording, from Surinam; **obm, from Havana; Charles Edward, from Cardenas; J W Sawyer, from Matanzas; sohr Byron, from Cardenas, „ Baltimobb, Nov 23. Arrived, ship Adelaide, from Callao, via Hampton Roads. , , , _ Norfolk, Nov. tB. Arrived, brig War Eagle, from Havana, bound to New York, with sugar. She has loit her fore and main top masts. The bodies of CApt Stillman and his son, who died at Havana, are on board. ' . CIUULHATON. Nov 23. Arrived yesterday, bark Sarah Sheaf, from New Eod ford; bark J W Ramsey, from Bouton, Nrw Orleaxs,Nov23. Arrived, steamship Moses Taylor, from Havana, ships Ahoo Wilson, from 8t Helena; Baltic and Kate Prinoo, from Liverpool; Charlotte vanuluse, from New iork; Oliver Putnam and Commodore* from Boston; Anne Thompson, from London; John W White, from Bor deaux. Seven of the abovo ships are English. MEMORANDA. . , Steamship Citv of Richmond, Mitchell,bonce,arrived at Richmond 2Htliinat. . s . Blnp island C{ueen, Ray, henoo, amvod at N Orleans * Ships Jtoberl Cushman, Otis, And Eloue, Collins, for Liverpool, oloaredat Savannah 25th mit. , Ship Hamsburg, Wiswell, cleared at Savannah *6th i«Bt. for Boston. ..... , . . . Ship 8 C Grant. Crowell, for Liverpool, olearcd at N Orleans22d inst. with 4U>V IjaUs cotton. , , A Ship. Mayflower, Chatfield, for Valparaiso, cioarod at Port Townsend 13th ult. . , , , ~ Bark Florida, Monday, renamed at Aspmwall 19th for Piiitndelpkia, sailed from Salem2lth * n ß»ric Mondamin, Collins, from Baltimore for Riode Janeiro, was spoken 16th ult, lat 6 12 N, long 29 23, Sark Clara Hnxnli, Dutton, for Baltimore, oleared at New Orleans 23d mst. Brig Emma, Harford, cleared at Now Vork yesterday SchrH P Cushing, Pottingill, for Antigua, olearod at New York yesterday. Kchr J tl Flatuier, rocentlf reported ashore north of New Tniot, will prove a total loss. Her eargo was being landed on the beach on Saturday last. Bcnr Eliza Mntthows. Bradley, henoo, arrived at Washington, DC. yesterday. , , , Sohr eheet Anolior, Hall, for Philadelphia, sailed from Charleston 26th mat.’ with 196 bales cotton, 96 tes rice, 67 bales rope cuttings, 17 bales WAsto, 120 empty bbls, and sundries. Sclir Belle, Barratt, cioarod at Charleston 25th inst. for Jacksonville. Sclira Ocean Bird. Jones, Mary Adams,Sparrow, And Geo Bartol. Parks, hence, nrnvod at Pitorsburg, Va, 27th mst. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Soft Gi-ossr, LuximuKT Uaik!— Our fttir readers who covet a beautiful head of waving ring lets should try JULES HAUEL’S EAU LUSTRALE HAIR RESTORER. Its uiecloansos the hair, imparts to it a delicate softnoss and brilliancy, incline* it to curl, and yields to if the delicious fragraneo of (lowers. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES HAUEL Sc CO., No. 701 OHKbTN UT Street, Philadelphia. n29-dstAWit Uoofland’s German Hitters will posi tively cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Sea., to. BOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively ourc Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough to., to. i Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON t CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for tale by Druggists and dealers generally Pnoc 76 oents per bottle. *eM-tf Holiday Presents. PIANO FORTF.B. MELODEONS. PIANO FORTES, MELQDEOfyS. PfANO FQKTES ‘ MELODEONS. ’ riANO FORTES. MELODEONS. Made by Raven, Bacon Sc Co., Hallet, Davis Sc Co., Nunns Sc Clark, Mason t Hamlin, and othors. J, K. GOULD, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. no2CstutthtJel _ To Public Speakers, ami others who make a free use of the vocal organs. F>om Htv. E. JL Charm, i). D., Kcw York. “ BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.”—“I consider your lozenges an excellent article for their purpose, nnd roempmond their use to Public Speifkors.” nji-tlistu 3t M. Finki-b’s Sewing Maoiiines Received the Cr«t premiums at Franslin Institute, October, 1168} New Jersey State Fair, 1869; Illinois Stato Fair, and United Staton Fair, Chicago, 13fi9; two silver medals at American Institute, New York, 1869 ono for superior mechanism, and one for greatest range of work War ranted to do all kinds of Family Sewing, or Tnilor's, Saddler’s, and Seamstress’ work bettor than any othor machine in market, or the price refunded. Price ro luced to $6O. For sale at the offico of FINKLE fc •YOS, 013 CHESTNUT Btreet, over Le Boutillier’s lew store. nl9-stu3pth6t^ Grovbr & BA&pa’s OXLIBRATBD NOUBLMI FAMILY S*Wlrt#-MACBIHM, AT BBDOCBD FBXCX*. 730 OIIEBTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Tint Priors op SINGER’S BKWINO MACHINES UAVB? BKKH H ttBTHTCBP M ! gll-dm Saving Fond —National Safety tstoin Ookpart.—nk»Uf*4 br the Bt**« o t Fennijlv&nla, KUIiSSi 1. Money ia received every day* and In any amount, arse or email. 1, FIVE PER CENT. 1« jsid for raon.j fron the day it ia put in. 8. The money ie alwaya paid baok In GOLD whenere* it ia called for, and without notioe. 4. Money Is reoelved from Executors, Administrators Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small turns to romam a long or short period. , 8. Tho money reoelved from Depositors Is Invested it Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rente, and othor first class counties. 0. Office open every day—WALNUT Street* southwen ooroerTblrdstreet, Philadelphia. aeli Wheblbr & Wilson Sewino Maoiiinm. —Philadelphia Office, m CHEBTNUT Street. Merchant.’ order, filled at the SAME DISCOUNT a. by the Company, Branch offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton and Westohester. Pa. *el4-4m One Priob Clothing of tub Latest Bttlks, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling pnoes marked Is Plain Figures. All goods mado to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE System is striotly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are tboreby treated alike. JONES k CO., seB-tf «M MARKET Street BALAHANDRH FIRB-PROOF SAFBS.-*A VQT) large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able price*, No. 304 CHESTNUTBtreet, Philadelphia au23 tf EVANS k WATSON Xlarris’ Boudoir Sewing Machine. IMPROVED DOrBLE-THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. 023-3 m Phila, Office, 720 ARCH Bt, Agents wanted, Gas-Lahp Depot—Sixth and Arch. se24-Sm MAitniEO. WHITBY—BLANK IN.—On the 2)d mst., by Rev. G. Oram, Mr- Daniel P. Whitby, of Rogborough, to Miss Phcobu Lnmsti Bl«nkin. af M*-iia)uiik. • MAOARTEY— DRAKE.—On the 24th inst., by the Rev. J. Walker Jackson, Mr. Jamos Maoartey to Miss Marv Drake, ail of this oity. • Ct'LlN—DAVlB.—On the lfilh inst. by Rev. John H. Oistlft, Mr. Frank H. Culm to Mins Maiuto A. Davis. * PALMER—BENNETT.—On the 21th inst.. by the same, Mr. John A. Palmer to Miss Caroline T. Bennett. WKAVER.-On the 20th inst., of coinuinDtion, Mua EUnalietU lL Weaver, in lUe&Qtn year of her age. * WHlTE.—Onßunday;morning, the 27tli inst., Busan S..wiieol Samuel White. The rolntives and fneuds ofthe family are respectfully invited to attend tho funoral, from the res'dence of ner husband. 464 Franklin street, on Wednesday morning, thoSOth inst.. nt 9 o’clock. . - •• WILLSON.—On the 26th inst., Bonjnmin Willson, in the 60th year of his ago. Funeral from his late residence, 1220 Marshall streot. njmve Girard avonue, ou Wednesday afternoon, at 2 O clack. * MONTGOMERY.—On tho 27th Inst., Alexander Mont gomery, aged 66 years. Funeral from hts late residence, No. 1619 Lombard st.. this day. < Tuesday,! at 12 o’clock. « JAMES.—On the 20th mat., Thomas Jamos, Br., m the ?7th year of his nee. Funeral from hi* lato rosidence, N. W. corner of Fifth and Parrish stroots, this (Tuosdayjnfternoon. at 10 oiock. * FRY,-Onthc2 s th mst, Henry Fry, lute Purser in the U. H.Navy, m the 77th year of hla age. Funeral Horn his late residonco, Cnonor street, one door below Sixth, Camden, N. J., on Wr unesday morn niß. at 11 o olook. • BANCitOFT.—On the 2oth inst., Lydia J. Bancroft, relict of the late Thos. Bancroft, in the 66th year of her afiA. Funeral from her late residence, No. 709 Parrish*t„ thisUUtrd*dn.vj mornmi. at It) o’clock. ‘ FREED—On tho 27th inst.. Bar'» Black and purplk Valencias, 37)4 cents. Black and Purple Velvet Poplins* " ** Camilla Cloths, 37)4 cents. Dress Silks. and White Lupin's Mousselines, cents, i. ~ , * Impurtod Do Laines, 16 cents. Velvet Poplins and Velour Reps. Lupin’s Cnshmeros and Meriooes. * oftpQj o Clnnes and Tamises. G,dk Warp Cashtneresand Bombasines. Thiliet and Bay State Long Shawls, Ao. Just reoeived by BESSON k SON, Mournlne Store, l»a 808 CHESTNUT Street. AND THE MORMONS. II j A Lecture by • HORACE GRKEI.EY, bflfor* the HARRISON LITERARY INSTITUTE, on FRIDAY EVENING, December Id, at CONCERT Tickets Twenty-five cents. For sale at TarryAMc MUhm’s, Hazard’s, Martien’s, Hendereon’a, Sixth am Arch, and Bower's, Sixthnnd Vine Lecture to commence at 716, rr?" THIS FIFTH LECTURE OF FIIO ILi FEB9OR ropi*EE’B Court* will bo delivered dnTHURBDAY the Ul of December* at 7)i o’olnck. Subject: “The PilgnmstftheMayflower." Admission 2ftc. A gentleman fend two ladies, .60 cents. ,r .hi)-if3t* IT'S 3 * PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE CWIfA !NY.Noy. 28, 1859.—A general uieetihf of,U»e Stockholders of the Philadelphia Exchange Company* will be held on MONDAY NEXT, Beceinbor 6tft| at >2 M., at the EXCHANGK.iRoom No't&Mbythe purpose of electing NINE MANAGERS to serve tor the ensiling year, anafor thetrAntacUonordihw.bUimets,:' < n22»6t . WM7 g. OlymTt Secretary. B«THK STAnHY PROF. MITCHELLwiHdniflh hiivoofse of lectureson omy THIS EVENING In Hueid&lFund Hall. The iod beautiful pteturbsefaatroiivflDpal glories, ae Id by this enrnent professor, will ever remain y impressed uponlaomindiof all vrhowerepriYi o bear him. We doubt not that the hall will >» id this evening. jt nr?*ni&f%** *' ANB MECHANICS* rpa>i^teomini«t <^Jfl(K« i 'taP%oYem i &rjBs0 t the Of 1 1 ,Tank ™ a were elected Director* !ri£ 0 !-?r'*' JsassfjtjEfcaap*. » n fek M<CfeR 1 4 reet ' n « jKrtotora thla day. S, A, 'W Roimoy, Jr„ rTg“ CONSOLIDATION BANK. .t ... PItILADBLPHU, NoV.M, 1839. held on Slat iniUnt, the following Oen year* n Were °* lol,en a< direotora toaerve the enauing 4?™?? X* y at * on » ' Jamea 0. Abbott, MVtf 9 -, Jamea 8. Wataon, or ; Jolm H. Brln*hurat, wfihßmty c, inß . lor ' Sami. B. Van union, t itSpringe* Ch&a. U. Williama, Joa.H.Colhna, UcgJ. Malone, njoating liefd thia* V. Wataon, Joaeph pßtterson, John wniJit, Wilhftin A, Blanchard, Willian A. ISverly, flnmuet E. 8tok«B, it. L Carson, ,K. PHILADELPHIA. i election held on the 3lat jontleinen wore ohoaen Di eiifliifnic yonr. vlu : William Camm, John R. Worrell. Charles R. Wood. William Miller. Moms Patterson. Isaac Joanes. . Thompson. _ -ard to-day. JOSEPH PAT nousW ro-eleotod President. «, TROUTMAN, Cashier. ... JohnJ. mll ufftl 1 '?,® 11 n ? of the i)o« TMISON, Uaq.f-wae unanini J[t G. K Ifr’ltOl'LE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE.- LV-J Lecture of the course will liedellver- T HUttBDAY KVEMNO, Deo. lit. At CONCERT DULL, by Hon. JOHN P. HAt/E. Subject-** Agrarmn "sni.’’ Lecture A* to 8. Ticket! iidmittms ono, 2s cents. i»u *«ntlemanand two ladies, CO cent*, pZo-fJt fTT* WOTICE.-ANADJOURNEDMEETINO K.nS °m nnil MorUftue Bondholders of the Wil ,ra Rwlrond Company will be held ?fw!mN h^ A J n ? xt * the autlvmt., at 12 o'clock M., at Room Nn. SO. Exchanse Building, to receive the re port ol tueir Commuteo. ' lBB ' 3t F. A. VANDYKE, Clmirmnn. rrr fl 11 ??- MITCHELL.-Till! FOURTH Lhrri - R i n ? las * . 00t1 , , .r?.pf h,s highly Intereitimt cotino w ."L b t„ de « U . e f ed . ol ! TUKSDAY EVKNINU. Nov. 2911., »> oolMk ' | n musical fund iiAm,, sub n,,Jt'ons oml rovolulion. of tho fixed Stara, ond tho tmnalotion of the Buna and Solar ayatema through ai-aco. >t n2t-2t rrr* r ,,E ee y- ». orattan guinness pWibca! l p /. e , ,lc !!.! nl . ,,a . c KNTIlAI. I'MKSUVTKRIAN V corner Lilith ami Cherry, «n WEDNESDAY, TilllHSbAY, and FRlDAYEve nmga. at ih o clock. On Friday evening tho aorvico will be for IIM s t » ry^mVj f *I L ADELI > lIIA iTIBLE SOCIETY.- 3’wenty-firit Anniversary of the PHILA DELPHIA SOCIETY will be held, by Divine W/miMica. at CONCERT HALL on I UESDAY EVE NING. November 29th at half past 7 o’clock. nt/niS?'?,® 1 W b® oxpeoted from Rev. J. H. A. BOM JOHN CHAMBERS, Rov. Ilov - A - A WILLITtI, M. RI|SSELL TI AYER, Em., and other Laymen. 1 tokets of admission mar be obtainod, gratuitously, by calling at the Bible Home,corner of Walnut and Seventh streets. American Sunday School Unmn. 1121 Choitnut at. Episcopal Book Depository. 1224 Che nut street. Philadelphia Tract House, 92i) Chestnut street. American Baptist Publication Hotuo, fi3o Arch street. Methodist Book Rooms. 6* North Fourth street. Board of Publication. H2l Chostnut street. Prosbjtenan House, IJ3I Chestnut street. Lutheran Pub ication Office. <2 North Ninth street. Moravian Depository, M 7 North Nixth street. \oun* Menwi Christian Association Rooms, 1011 Chestnut stre»t. Henry A. Bower, Northeast comer Qreon and Sixth streets. Dr of the Commitleo of Arrangements. ISAAC BULGER. Chairman. nr?*. NINETEENTH quadrille party .yk-MisM'S’isif Sfffi'As'iWftaissa D^EVENh^VoVo'mb^S. 8 ' 11111 ’ °“ WBDNEB - not tranrernble. No Tioketa »o!d at tho door. JAMES M. DECK, Secretary P. 11. No. 1, 74SPLOKIDA St., above Eleventh, below Fitzwtter. nfS B *., A D J r .?.VA PiED meeting of the CHURCH MI88ION8,” At the request rJ} v?^9QteGJ or SJ r »wiUU>. V.)he held oq 1 UES ££?- nriYi^9,'..Nov. 23th, at 7% o’clock. at the SIWJyWJJ IIIS EPIPHANY, CHESTNUT and FIFTEENTH Streets, The respectfully in vited A collection will lie when up. Tho following Clorgy -will Bpoak: Kev. Dr. Steven*, 'Wiliner, New t<»n, and Rev. R. a. Carden, and Rev. Uoorgo A. * «, ®r« v ho cora ®e as a deputation from Ireland. nZ;}*st m= STOCKIIOLDIiHS OF MORRIS • , and Hanking Company are requested . with *fi °£|LQffico of Aloiira. HODGDON Sc. hIORK.S, N 0.839 W« "ill street. below Fourth street, where inlprmaUon will bo given them respecting an ap plication to the Legislature of tbo State of New Jersey, do meet »n Jantiarj next,) for a supplement to the char 'PT °\ *P I ? Corapanyj which will greatly benefit all in terested in said Company, and where a petition to the Legislature has been left for their signatures. nH*M* k§pMi M CASK, on the stock of the Company, clear of Btate tax, for the year ending 31s| day of Octobor, 18'9. Payable to the Stockholders standing on the Books of the Company ">!! day, at representatives, on and after the 12tbdar of HECKMBER proximo, at the office of tho Cotrfpany, No. 305 WALNuT Street. . D . •, v „ J; N. HUTCHINSON, Treasurer. PhiWNov.o.l4s9. nn-itttu-m OJ’‘?AS»Y 8 “ C *°R“ ON AS .Prof. 0. MITCHELL, the eminent Astronomer and gifted Orator, will deliver the following Course of Lec tures in the Musics) Fund Hull, under the auspices of the Young Men a Christian Association: thTVia°lT lt~' L ' h * and Perpetuity of Tuesday, Pov. 22d—The Motions and Revolutions of the Comets. Saturday, Nov. 90th—The Number, Distance and Magnitude of the objects comprising the Galaxy. Tuesday, Nov. 29th—The Motions and Revolutions of the Fixed Stars, and the Translation of tbo Buns and Solar Systems through space. Tickets for the ooune, cme daUar. Tickets for the gropse, admitting a gentleman and two Indies, two dollars. Tickets for a single lecture, fifty cents. Can be had at the p'ltipipa! bookstores,and the rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Assooiation, No. 1009 and 1911 Chest nut street. no«-tf PHr* the martyrdom of huss, IL3 t AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE ART 3. TVILL POBITIVKf-V oCee» ON SATUBJJA^Mtb RETAIL DRY GOODS. TONG BROCHE SHAWLS, " t . At ®B, 99, $9 60, 810, and $ll. Large porchaaea at the late auotion tales enable ua to oiler goods at the above prices, much superior to any we have cold at the price. Alao,aaptemUd line of superior anode in t . PARIS AND VIENNA FABRICS, Ofcho en deatciia ami oolorink's. CUAWKN STODDAR'i* fc BROTHER, ISO, 448, and 444 North SECOND Street, above Willow. 0101 l STYLE BLANKET SHAWLS, •*** / Of ovary rnufo and stylo. OURWEN BTODDART &-BROTIIKR, 400, 401, and 401 North SECOND Street, above Willow, rUIILDREN’S BLANKET SHAWLS, Of superior quality. from auction. at reduood pn«€«. CURWKN STODIMRT k BROTHER, UO, 431, and Ui North tffcCON D Btroet, above Willow. !'SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, l AtOJcenU, £1.91 10. wvl 91 20. just opened. CURWPji sIODDART X BROTHER, 450,452, and North 8ECON1) Street. _abovo Willow. «23 3t French merinoes, AT VERY LOW TRICES. PurcliMeantthe late Ruction anlei enable ualooiler good Morinosa at 65, CO, and 66 cent*. And aevcr&l lots of bLacK FRENCH MERINOES At a great redaction. CURWEN STODDAIIT k. BROTHER, 450, 162, and 461 North SECOND Street, abovo Willow. RICH HIGH COLORS Printed French MerJnoe* at 65 cent*. CUIWKN BTODDAKT k BROTHKR, (50, (52, and (54 North SECOND Btreet, n 29 3t above Willow. GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS. g FENCER'S GENTS* FURNISHING STORE. NO. 839 CHESTNUT STREET, OIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, DRESS SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRA WERS, STOCKS, TIES, GLOVES, GAUNTLETS. MU F FI, ER S AND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY. n5-siulMm-if gUmiOR DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFACTURED AT W . W , KNIGHT’S. 606 ARCH STREET, Theneweit and most beautiful stylet always on hand; very audible preaontt for the approaohing holidays. Just rooei'cd a lot of PURE fIILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY*. TIES, SC4RF3, Ac., OF THE NEWEST STYLES, FINE SHiRTS AT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, OR MADE TO ORDER* JND GUARANTIED TO FIT, n9-djl O. WALBORN & CO.. (NOW) NOS. 0 AND 7 N)RTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very superior aaortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves, Hosiery, (to. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN’! WRAPPERS, of which a fine assortment!* constantly kept on hand. 010-Smif JW. SCOlT—lateof the firm of Win • Chester A Scott-GES'ILBMEN’S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 ?HEBTN i UTBtreetI(nearly(p>osite 1 (nearly(p>osite the Girard House,) htladelvhia. J.W.S. would respectful!/ call the attention of his former patrons and friends t> his new store, and Is pre pared to fill orders for SHUTS at short notioe. , A eerfeot fit guarantied. Whoesale Trade supplied with fine Shirts and Collars. iy2l-ly CDONOGIIUE, B SOUTH WATER • STREET, offers for wlo, at the lowest wholesale cash prices, a general assortnent of ateam-refmod Su gars and Syrups. Also, Jam Coffoo, and Adamantine Candlos. n 19*21* WILLCOX & GIBBS’ SEWING MA CHINE.—This Maciine never fails to give en tire satisfaction. Price $3O. For sale at7ISCHKSI’- NUT Btreet. n29-tf Those who desire life-size Photographs In Oil, oi Ambrotypes, to give as Christmas Gifts,shouldr.otdeliT in having them made at REISER’S Gallery, SXCOND Street, above Greed. It* WARM AIR jPURNACE. ▼ T THE NEW CONE FURNACE ' M *v . & AS oonsjmer _ t Will, thoroughly Warm you l house with oks-third lkss coAt* than is required by any other Furnaoe, Satisfaction in all oases guaranteed. Buildings Warmed ud Ventilated by ARNOLD A WILSON, •» DIO OHESTNUT Street. ©LATE MANTELS, K 5 The Richest and most Beautiful Specimens ol Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever offered for sale in this oouati7i manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Blate ■tonet and for sale very low. HfIONKY LIBERALLY ADVANCED— XIA. TO ANY AMOVNT-Vvot Watches, Jewelry Bd», Silver Plate, Clothing, merchandise, to., by k CO ..Old &ffaMi*Ae3 jW'r«'N. W.oorner and UASKILL Streets, below Lombard. Office nmOA, M, to7P, M, nlff-Srau NEW. PUBLICATIONS, ]>pw BOOKS At hazard's- AIiTS - AW By WIN «v A » R T ffl ra I 't B pb? R ? r IVER SOENE3 AND OUARAO- M?LMn. A n. V *rv^“ m #if U * boolt - lrith iU»«r»Uon. b r '^ ANHOOD - A Novel. By John Neal. AT OXFORD ' A «» M LiPE m i B voi°V HAm DRESSEU in mon For sale, with ALL THE NEW BOOKS. THE BEBT LIBRARY EDITIONS. THE BEST BOUND AUTHORS. THE LARGEST AND BEST A6BORTED STOCK OF BOOKS m every department of literature, at the LOWEST PRICES, by SAMUEL HAZARD, Jb., 724 CHEBTNUT Btr.ot. PUBLISHED THIS DAY— ADA LEIGH. OR THE LOVE TEST. By Pierce Egan. Price CO cent*. FAST LIFE IN LONDON AND PARIS. o /ncludmg a spirited detail of the Life and Love Borapes MARQUIS OF WATERFORD. u . - , Price 25 cents. Dent ireo or posture on receipt of price. FREDERIC A.BRADY. Pnbbsher, rp. . a .. ~ N 0.21 Annetroet. New York, llie trndo supplied by T. B. PETERSON Sc BKO’S, Jt Chestnut street. Plata. A LESSON ON MORAL COURAGE. D|CK AND lllS FRIEND FIDUB. By Miu 0. M.Trowbridge. Illustrated. 18mo. 45 cents.l Ilie riuus of tho s'ory is an al'egoricat personage, and gives utterance to what passes in the conscience of tho boi—gentleand kiud when he is heard and obeyed, and a stern reprover when his counsels are not heeded. The story ii well sustained—tender, at limes, and thrill ing. and it adapted to benefit the young.— Central Pres byterian. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, JS» * No. 605 CHESTNUT Btreet. N Y OF THE •y FOLLOWING BTEBL PORTRAITS Will be sent with a sample of the paper for 15 cts. each, or stamps, post-paid: a* CHARLES DICKENS, MACAULAY, PTCOLOMI HI, EVERETT, HUMBOLDT, PAUL MOR PHY, GLADSTONE, THOMAS WRIGHT, CARDINAL WISEMAN, BUCKSTONE , CHARLES KEAN, ALBONI, MDLLE. TITIENS. tur OR THE 13 WITH THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WOULD For 13 weeks, all post free, and Portraits sent in ad vance, neatly packed, free from folds, **“ FJR TWO DOLLARS. Eaoh portrait U cheap at SI, and the paper acknow ledged to be the most beautiful and interesting illustra ted family weekly Journal extant Terms of subscrip t'onsYearly S7.SO; Quarterly 9t, all post free. HENRY A moncan publishers, to whnrn all orden, subscriptions, photo*raphs, Ac., intended lor this London Journal ii u«t be addressed nlg.f tu-4t QAUT & VOLKMAR, (SUCCESSORS TO If. COWPERTRWAIT & C 0.,) BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND IMPOR NO. 600 CHESTNUT STREET, Would respectfully invite the attention of their pa trons and the Pubho in general 9 their RARE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Prepared and arranged expressly for the Hobdays. JTnglirA and American editions, of all noted and popu lar authors, in both plain and fine bindings. NEW BOOKS Received as soon as iisied, and sold at the lowest cash prices, all of which will be found upon our READING TABLES. here will be found also many of the Periodicals and apori of other cities, as well as our own daily and weekly Journals. Strangers, as mil as Residentt, are cordially invited to spend a leisure hour at this popular and well-know resort. PICTURES, A few sots still left of The Voyage of Life, entitled Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Old Ate, by Thomas Cole, engraved from the original paintings, in the high • ___ . The colebratod paintings, from which those engra vings are made, have long been regarded as the best of tno productions of their distiniuished author. They are too well known to require any extended notioe. The name of the series has become familiar as “ household words” all over our country ,rnd its fame among the gal leries of European art is worthy of our native land. It is an allegory—tho silent Interpreter of whioh is in every heart. It is an Epic Poem—the hero, or heroine of whioh Is the beholder. It is a discourse on human life its openings, its fascinations. t*mptatlon«, trials, dan gers, and to the Christian voyager, Its peaceful and glo rious end. Its eloquent teachings are none the leu im pressive because conveyed in the silent, graceful, and imposing forms and symbols of beauty snd sublimity. With and without frames, at prices ranging from $3O to £5O. Oil Cotoßzo Vixws of almost all the cities and places of note in the world. 13 views in eaeh paok. with descriptive letter press price 35 cents per package. at« 0« u*«* uMrtmoni of flrui, Engrao ints aad Colored Illustrations of scenes in Germany. STATIONERY, GOLD PENS, AND PENCILS, of the best manufacture, at low prices. BOOK REBTS. Ac. Just received, a large invoice of WRITING DEaKS, PORTFOLIOS. PAPETERIES, INK STANDS, Ac. Also, a full and complete assortment of LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS, AND ENVELOPES OP ALL BIZES AND KINDS, at very low prices. JUVENILES, TOY BOOKS, AND GAMES. DIARIES FOR 1880 Prioe, From lOeenle to $9. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. We call the especial attention of Te&ehere to tins por tion of our establishment, m which they will had the most complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, GLOBES, AND SCHOOL APPARATUS, to be found in the city. We furnish at the lowest rates FELTON’S OUTLINE MAPS, MITCHELL’S OUTLINE MAPS. JOHNSON'S PHILOSOPHICAL CHARTS, CUTTER’S ANATOMICAL CHARTS, KOMBTO3K’a ELOCUTIONARY CHARTS, POTTER k HAMMOND, and PAYSON k DUNTON’S PENMANSHIP, and CHIROGKAPHICAL CHARTS. Tenchors and Book buyers generally will do well to call and examine our rtock before nurchaaing. n23-$t IVOW READY.— REMINISCENCES OF J-l RUKUSj CHO*TE. By Hon. Edward 0. Par kfh; Crown Bvo., 523 pages. With steel portraits. Cloth, price $l.lO. The great fame of Mr. Choate, as an advocate, gives an interest to ail Ins habits of thought, expression, and lalwr. . » Mr. Parker, in his introduction, says: “ At tho dose of the studios of college and the Dane LawHchool,he(Mr. Choate) took me into hiaoffiee, and from that tune on l saw him almost daily till tho nloi>o of his life. "Howfasoinatingandemlcarinr hewasinyouth, I need not say, and for that reason, no less than his magnetic and marvellous eloquence, I observed and studied him every day of my life for ten years. During those years, many an afternoon and far into the night. I have lis tened to his conversation, not less fftscinated than in structed. And to deepen the impression of his thoughts and suggestions, they were always committed to paper on returning home." Tne New York Timer says: “ lie thus knew him well and appreciated himfally. WithoutattemptiDg a biography, ue has given us what is even more interesting—memoranda of his life, reoords of his conversations, notes of his legal arguments, with tmitsof his personal character ana intellectual habits in great abundance, and with evident authenticity ana accuraoy. * * * It is an exceedingly in teresting work, and will be largely read by all who nave acquired, etthor from personal Knowledge or tho perusal of his speeches, any just notion of Mr. Choate's abili ties and ohar&cler. * « * * * "We have not space at present to pursue our notice of this book, Wo snail, if possible, recur to it, for it abounds in most interesting and instructive matter. Mr. Parker has performed his difficult task with excel lent judgment and taste. Some of the best things in the book nro his notes of Choate’s conversation, which ex tends over an immense range of topics, and was fasoi* unting and instructive on all.” Copies W)U lie sent by mail, post-paid, on reociptof the advertised price. _ _ MASON BROTHERS, Publishers, n2d-3t Nos. 6 and 7 Mercer sL, Nsw York. riMIE LIVES OP EMINENT PHILADEL- X PIIIANS. JUST PUBLISHED. Pp. M 3. 41 Portraits. Price $7.50. To bo had only of WM. BROTHEiIHEAD. n22-12t* Nos. 313 and 215 South EIGHTH Street. QEORGE G, EVANS’ BOOK LIST, ALL BOOKS are sold at the publishers’ lowest price, *" ase an interest in asPsaassass^p to hialaat employer,. AdSren K," t th!i?lic». 5? 2t* WANTED-A SITUATION, by a first- fifljiisfil “* lltl>nt '■-Ofc-Wr. Add,/., A BOOK-KEEPER of many years’ exp#- dUen/aMd^y'thfV!* f° tlTe employment Will be i*3- i v * he lgt ofJannary. H&sakoocl knov |,fesrafecfeis's * n2B-«t* WANTED-By January Ist, a situation -?-• ■■BfcvwsssSr. T° a com to to tranchai, to t CO.MMKKOE Street Preferred. Apply at Mo. H26-St* A bu S wb” S E wI AN P D IN THE IRON D n£'-7t*' a " d whore “ ‘“‘.mew h«i® 882 000 —A VoUng Man living con- udaraUe bu.m. u would inveit this amount m an established Dry Goods^o^* wholesale or retail, an interested Partner,where his ml vestment and labor would yield a just return. Refer ences exchanged. Address “0. F. 8.,” this office. nfrl-Ct \ WANTED—To sell at a Bargain, the laaLmost desirable Hotel Property in Books county, M. t gr o v, i i e r?;. te,n - °° ° r ■fyfea f- FOR SALE AND TO LET. T* o LET, AND FURNITURE FOR SALE. u“7 »^5? n n eniaok Hons*, in a desirable' location. Kent $3OO. Possession immediately. Address •• Bprinc Garden, at this office. nSB*»t* SALE—The Machinery, Stock, and , Fixtures of a large Manufactory of Paper Rang ings, replete with every convenience for carrying on an extensive business, tor sale, either with nr witnout the bjilding. Inquire at No. 321CHE8TN UT Street, nir-tnstuytif 03 for SALE—WiII be sold, at the Ex laix change, on TUPBDAY, Nov. 29. at It o'clock, noon, by M THOMAS A 8(3X8, the modem three- K™®? il'f k f e «»d®PP9..Wo. #27 VINE Street, below TiV'tLt 1* has parlor, dining-room, and two kitcbensoa the first floor; large chambers, bath, gas. hot and cold water, summer and winter rnngea, furnace, Ac. a n*J!ur Wl ie2nri* 00tI ® k * property is in com plete order. S 3 600 can remain on mortgage. nifi-St* SALE OR TO RENT—A Large *• Property suitable fora Coal yard. Manufacturingor £fi'ywfLPH. rpo ® el ’ * l , luat ® on the north side of POPLAR STREET,between Reach street and Cohooksiok ereek or canal.(lately occupied as Glenst’s omnibus stib'es,) 86 feet front, oj> Poplar street, and 160 feet to Lewsllen street, and having a front on the canal of about 73 feet ilieiopremises are well adapted for a Foundry or Fac tory, the buildings easily convertible for eithe/purpose. „ LUKENB A MONTGOMrRY. u3d-lni 1(03 BEACH ST., Eighteenth ward. HHO LET—Tho Second Third, and Fourth Jr oftfca central and spacious Stores, Nos. MNO. 1924 CHESTNUT STREET.— Elerant foci-story HOUSE FOR SALE; three story double back buildings, finished in the best manner, and replete wttnail modern conveniences. Let 236 feet deep to Bansom street The yard is well supplied with shrubbery and dwarf pear trees, plums, Ae. The whole establishment incomplete order. Possession given im mediately. Apply to Messrs. GUMMSY $ SON, 62} WAL NUT Street, opposite Independence Bqu*re. n» tf M HOUSES, TAVERNS, and STORES, Real Estate of every description, for aale or to rent. Apply to MaX HEIN'S, - Real kstate Agent, No. W North BECON D Street. . in L. To'irny A Co.’s Seed Store. All orders will be promptly attended to. English, French, and German spoken. Collector of Ground Kents. n!8-3m fHE UPPER FLOORS OF STORE No. 216 CHESTNUT STREET FOR RENT. nls-tf SALE—A valuable Lot of Ground, -*-148 feet by 100, three fronts, water and ras laid on onefrout: suitable for a church or factory. It is situa ted in tho Southwestern part of the eity, in a rapidly im proving neighborhood. Terms easy. Address, for par ticulars, “ J, K..” office of this paper— pt-tf T» —jv oecona-story Room, conve nient to the State House, suitable Office, Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. BOARDING. BOARDING —A handsome second-story Room vaoaut, at 1100 WALNUT Street Also, a small Room for a gentleman. n29-2t* A FINE THIRD-STORY FRONT-ROOM and PARLOR at 1523 WALNUT Street nB-6t* TSOARDING.—Three Rooms, with Board, -*-* in a private family, may be had on application to 619 South THIRD Street n23-6t* WANTED —Furnished Apartments, with every lacUitv for Housekeeping, Batb, GAa, Ao., for Gentleman and Wife: or Board ( n a strictly Private Family. Address " Merchant," Blood’s Dio patch. with full particulars ol price. Ao. nlO REMOVALS. COMMONWEALTH BANK.—Pihlabbl , Mil*, Nov, S 9, IW.-Tkil BANK hi, b.«n RE MOVED to the Southwest corner of FOURTH and CHEBTNUT Streets. Collections made on aU aoeessib!e_points. n«-6t H.QRAMBO, Cashier. Removal.— louis belrose h«s re moved hia Paper Hangingseatabliahment, to No. 523 CHESTNUT Street, three doors below Seventh. nl3-6t* Removal.— Mrs. m. s. bishop has Removed her Millinery Establishment from >l3 to joifiCHESTNUT Street, next to St. Lawrence Hotel. n!5-Im Removal .—henry stevenson, TAILOR, begs to inform hie numerous friends and customers that he has Removed to 323 CHESTNUT Street, second door below Fourth, South side, where he wtU keep a fine assortment or Clothe, Cassimeret, Doe skins. Overcoatings. Cashmere Vestings, Ao., which he will be pleased to sell on the most reasonable terms. nS-lrn* MEDICINAL. SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HEAD. Eruptions of the Skin generally, and all Humor* and Imparities oj the Blood, are radically and permanently oured by the celebrated IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. It has been a very important agent in the ours of CANCEROUBDIBEASES by Dr.Louusbeny k Co., for a number of years past, and its great value in the oure of Canoera is abundantly established by the many caret effected by it. In SCROFULOUS affection*its remarkable curative efleot has never been equalled. It ourea the moet obsti nate cases. TETTER, BCALD HEAP, and all Eruptions of the Skin, readily yield to a moderate use of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are readily oured by the use of a Tew l>ott!es. Prepared and sold by MacNICHOL k BRO.,(Lnifi. Lounsberry k C 0.,) No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arotu For late by the following Druggists: J. F. Long A Co.. Lancaster; C. W.Eptiqg, Pottsnlle; J, H. Raser, Reading; 8. S. Stevens, Reading; T. A J. MoCiintock,Easton; Jos. Given, West Chester; Wdl Stabler,Norristown; Simonßau,Bethlehem; Dr.Live *ey.New Hope; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Bchmidt A Co., Allentown: Ellis A Bell, Manavunk, Pa; J. D. James, Trenton; Do La Cour, Camden; Brewster A Co., Bridgeton; Robertson A Lipptncott. Salem. N.J.iMa- Inalf, Wilmington; L. 8. Hoopes, Wilmington; T. F. Hammdrelr, Milford, Del.; ana Druggists generally. iell-stutnomif DR. MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have been thoroughly tested, and pronounoed a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, natulenoy, heart-burn and headache, oostiveness. diarrhsa, fever* of all kinds, rheumatism, gout, gravel, worms, scurvy, ulcers, eruptive com plaints, salt rneura, erysipelas, ooramon oold* and in fluenza, irregularity apd all derangement of the female system, piles, and various other diseases to wbioh the humau frame is liable. For sale by the proprietor. Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 333 BROADWAY, New York, and by Druggists generally all over the country. aS4-d AWIy Til EDICATED VAPOR BATHS.' SULPHUR, HOT-AIR. and BTEAM BATHB. Under the care of Dr.T.H. RfDGELY, 1121 SPRUCE Street. Highly recommended by all the principal physi cians In the city for Rheumatism, Skin Diseases,By pHihs, Coughs and Colds, Fem&le Diseases, Ac. Ac. Especial accommodations for Ladies. .s o!7 2m Afr FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— NEW YORK AND HAVRE BTEAMSHIP COMPANY. Tho United Btatea Mail Steamships ARAGO, 2500 tons, David Lines, Commander, and FULTON, 2.500 tons, James A. Wotton, Commander, will leave New York. Havre, and Southampton, for the year 1850, on the following days: , , „ _ To meet new requirements of the Post Office Depart ment, thedya of sailinr of the ARAGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON, will, after their present voyages, be changed as follows from NEW YOw K, save in the case of the present departure of the FULTON, which will take pDce on the 17th December, the schedule remains unaltered: FBOM NEW TOBK. HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON. FULTON....Dec. 17. FULTON... Jan. 10-...Jan.11. ARAGO ..*.Jan. 7. ARAGO Jan. 31.... Feb. 1. FULJON... Feb. 4. FULTON. ...Feb.23 ...Feb.*). ARAGO Mch.3. ARAGO Mch.27. .Mch.29. FULTON.. ..Mch. 31. FULTON... Jlpl. 21....Ap1. 23. These steamers, built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engines, under deck, every attention baa been lakeninthe construction of the hull and ma chinery to lusuro safety anil speed.. The ships have five water-tight compartment* enclosing the engines, so that in the event of collision or stnindinr, the water could not reach them, ami the pumps being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Recent experience has demonstrated the ab*o lute necessity of tins mode of construction. Tne accommodations lor passenger* are believed to comhino every comfort and convenience tnat can be de- B, Prom New York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin. $130; Bccond do., $75. „ , _ From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin. 700 francs; Seoond do.. 350 franca. To passengers going to London these steamers oner the advantage of economy both m time and expense. Brecie delivered in London. No passage secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and news papers must pass through the 1 ost Office. For IreiKht orpasaage apply to W. S. DRAYTON. Agont, 7 Broadway, Now \7>rk. WILLIAM IBALIN, Agent.Havre. CROSKEY & CO., Agents. Southampton. AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS COMPANY, Agent, Paris. WM. NKILSON. Agent, Office, Tobacco Warehouse, POCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. Plans of the ships can be seen. n29-tmh3l ROOFINU PAINT—A very superior ar tide. Pure French Snow white Zino, fVieille Montagne Company’s.) ground in oil pure. . » Chrome Greon, various shades, in oil, pure. " Yollow, " ’* u 41 Venetian Red, ground m oil, pure. Bpanish Brown, ** “ ** Bfowc Zinc, 44 “ 44 Lilac Zinc, 44 44 “ Forsale by WETHERILL 3t BROTHER. Manufacturers, n!8-tf Nos. 47 and <9 North SECOND Btreet. IMPROVED SPECTACLES, with the finest Periaoopio Glaasen.eorrectly fitted to the eyes, M. J. FRANKLIN'S, Optician, .112 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Also, Microscopes, Telescope*, Opera Glasses, Drawing Instruments, Stereoscopes, and Stereoscopic Pictures, of latest importation and at reduced pnees, m a great variety. . nl2-ifim Drawing and painting mate rials. t 0... Engineers' and Architects' Stationery. Grecian Painting Materials. '’iuo for Artist. ,nd Students. _ ffi“,;rC3"d. P, ArrSn".SdFr.noh. ,ntu tt. t JANENTZKY,. No. 216 Soush EIGHTH Street. WHOLEBALE AND RBT.MU fitt-3ro /CHILDREN’S OLOTHINQ—A FINE AS- X-' BOjITMENY 804 RACK 6t.; s«xt door to Eiihth. AMCfIEMEKTS. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. JtjL- " ' - - ■- " - the Opera. - OPE'IINO N 'NIO&T'op lt TH*4 “ l'lBoN. First performance in Philadelphiaof Donixetti’s eele b rated Opera, in three Aetf. of TL POLIUTO; ox. THE MARTYR. Wbleb was brought out last May s>mult«neoa*ly in Pans and New York, and mat with unqualified xnccass. It will be yjren. with same new and splendid miie tn scene as at the New York Academy of Music. Mad. RAZZANIGA as- -.. -Paulina. gig. BRIGNOLI as. „ ... PoUoto. o‘** a*. - - ■ Severe. Sig MUi i ERas. Felix. v, T ”E FULL ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS From, the New York Academy of Musio, U'der the di £?™n?RR f * Signor AUiZIO. A* Repertoire selected for the season p°J?iSl»i* S i.- ,even J*®w Operas never performed yet in rhiiadelphia, no Oeera, except two. will be repeated. PRICES Ok admission. pSiptSS**! l * Cr ? M and First Tier 9100 W# ?. r lh. n , IB the same, including admission.. 160 Thi n^. El * e L*’ Scents; Amphitheatre. 26 cents. t\A , sale of Seats will commence on SATURDAY. Dec. 3, at the Academy of Music, and at Bock A Law *• n 29 It TITALNUT-STREET THEATRE. R , * f? 1 * Leswe Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON. I W*nw. .Mr. B. F. REACH. Busiaess Agent ..........-Mr. JOS. D. MURPHY. THIH (TUESDAY) EVENING. No” 29. o j j BORN TO GOOD LUCK. \r t?/ 0 Rafferty, Mr. Barney Williams; Count Malfi, a » Tha, ? r l ’Countess Molings, Mrs. Thayer. A.terwticn the Protean Faree.eoti'led AN D OUT OF PLACE. adh w *h. an «w Vaudeville, written for Mr. and Mrs. BarnevWilbstnj, entitled WP.;.. LATEsT . FariINE " r YORK, ■k Prices as usual. Heats secured three davs in advance. "r)AN EICE’S GREAT SHOW. alb t b N u T ffi?ii;„' I lF ATRE ' WALNUT B*., abora Will be.iocloded inth« BHUMwmi To W HEATLEY A CLARKE’S ABCH strbet theatre. Riiuj : T rt i^-?L LoTe .L aat^vMr »- JobriDrew. *“ UJ To conelad. *ta™ n tw Dmmo of (wten^try^^,?.'°.’ clo ° t ■ M-formooc. to oDONOTTGH’S GAIETIES—RACE St ■ above SECOND. ' A J i A p N i? 7.^ tt ,K WEB F OF novelty. ToDd,rflU *•'*>"“<■«»“ w.. A. M.BERHAKDEZ, Will it* gre S.gimj»OQT^ Jonn william*. X. Berthlson. AdmiMion. 10. 15. and S easts. JVI tTROPOLITAN HALL —JAYNE’S Slr7»t n°af ! ‘mxTB LALTH BUILDi; '' 0 ' CHESTNUT mechanical ekiU erer introduced 14 bow. ©pea for the regular ■•aeon, a wHMmsftSv T3r tl» wSofc and on BATURDAY AFTERNOONS. CMMn « .rfeU” °P«gat7iB t th©.ereaint.%iid 2 oVoekin the ££J£JB°OB‘ Remember the Dajluht Theatrical* eVerr Wedaeeday and gain day aflenxoont. Jlp T ‘EMPLE OP WONDERS. sSEr" ° f TENTH “ d CHE3THUT CiUNOE OP ENTERTAINMENT EACH EXHI . „ . SIGNOR BLITZ, s!t fJ:'.*! y«‘nl»wi« «nd MicicUa, -will Hti hi, EVERY F VPNimf •tlinnbcrn’llAC. flitlnj ot Lanihabls Bcsn«« in VENTRILOQUYS, RIT Wvppi'ri?" F “? B ,° r NATURAL MAGtcJsPI LEARM P D^A*R^Bm D I f PI ' UE; ' CES - Admmion 35 cent*. Children 13c«nta. T’llE germawia orchestra - !!. t;ke p!m« pa THURSDAY KVFSING, lrt, FO§TY HALL ' ’ ri “‘“ orck< * tr ‘ Price of Subscription—Three Ticket* for 82. Pnb eonption List open at Andre’s and Bfcck Jt*Lavtc«’t i?m l f Sim*!# ecket*Si?E DOLLAR each; to be had at the door on the aunt of the Concert only. For oarticulare tss program toe. B g. tfi W ILL SHORTLY CLOSS—THE EXUI -.THE MARTYRDOM OF JOHN HUSS. AStSfflfr. 1 "?.» M., ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC puND"iuri7S KTilifS ll jk et *'s»« collir. Bic*le _iiok.ti.JSTobahad *C «• A rare e< and Book c LtYton'i Music Stores, and at the door. 018-ta NOTICES. npHE PHILADELPB * Phtl At the election held on He tleroen were sleeted Duectoi theensuinr year: Thames Robies. . Samuel P. Smith. Joshua Looxstretb. Levis R. Ashhurst, Abraham Hart. Frederick Leno'r, . J. GilUnt! And at a meeting of the B itobint, Esq., eras anatmooi HA BANK, io.pni.yßit, Non. 33. IBS. at met. the foilnwins cen tra of Utie Bask, to son* for .John W. CUxhorn, Samuel Welsh. Marshall Hill, Edward 8. Clarke, Richard Wood, John P. .White, than Fell. soard, held this day, Thooae >usty re-elected President. 3, B» COMBOYB, Caetuer. IV 0 TICE, —I, THE UNDERSTGKEP? i «*• *i*h* to the “ COOPER GAS REGULATOR» (first patent) for the city and oooatj of Philadelphia, Pa,, do hereby lire notice that! aa toe sola proprietor of the aaid n* hi for the city and county, andihitt I only have the ricbt to sell and inlr the *aid gOOPER GAS REGULATOR (fins petent/in the said city and county. All infringement* oa the aoor* patent will be prosecuted. according to lav. IvUlcca* rantee every instrument! eel] to give satisfaction. The pu*>]>o are reepectfaUy invited to see the operation of the Regulator, at my office. No. <39 CHESTNUT street. second floor. [nS-3t*] A. J. MARffHi I\OTICE.—HOLDERS OF THE MORT- Tx sag# Bonds issued by the Catawiaaa. WtUiamspott, and Erie Railroad Company are invited to present their bonds within thirty days from this date, at the Office of the Company. 3UJ »VaLNUT Street, between the hour* of 10 amfto clock, daily, and sign the power ofattoraey under the resolutions puaed by the Bondholder*, at the meeting y> M£R J. ITBUTCH{nBON, A. W. MITCHELL. H.F. HUTCHINSON, WM. D. LTV® TiSuw. nM-lm November 25th. 1389. ]VE\V MARKET—IT IS PROPOSED TO T a establish a market on the Lot at the junction of Front and Laurel streets, in a thriving, populous, and active business neighborhood. Stalls to be erected id mediatel* if encouragement is obtained. All interested are invited to call and new the premises. WILLIAMS 3c COOK, o2tf 6t* Comer FRONT and LAUREL St*. jVOTIOE IS GIVEN THAT APPLICA- I T tion will be made for a Certificate of Pennsylvania State Loan, in place of one dated August 4, lies. No. s®, for $i(W, under act of April 6, 1334, to LOUISA. JEF FEkY, now lost or mislaid. nl3 3m* rjIHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF X THE FINE ARTS. NOTICE TO BTUDENTS. QThe Evening Btudies by gas-liclit. from the Casts of Antique Statuary, commence on SATURDAY, October Ist. at 7 P. M. The Life Class commence* its studies on MONDAY EVENING, October 3d, at 7 P. M. JOHN SARTAIN, s3S-tf Chairman of the Committee on Instruction. OFFICE OF THE TIIIHTEENTU AND FIFTEENTH-STREET PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY, No. 12 Exchange Building. FniI.ADIt.PHI A, Nov. 21, ISSP. The Third Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per Share on the Capital Stock of the above Company will be due 1 and parable at their Office, on the 15th car of December prox., between the hours of 9 and 3 o'clock. _ _ B>- order of the board, H. N. FITZGFRALD, n22-tuihAstdls Treasurer. INSURANCE COMPANIES. TPUB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE X COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Assets: BIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, IXVKSTXD IS ri«ST MO*T6ACE* AS UAU. ESTATE, WORTH OVER $13,000,00. The premiums are i owes th»aia many other Compa nies, and the Dividend* have been emxATx*. This is a strictly Mittal CnmpanT. There are no Stockholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS BSLOX9 TO THE IHSUSEB. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had QiATis, on application to _ F. HATCHFORD STARR, Arent, 8. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh. Mordecai L Dawson, George H. Stuart, George M. Stroud, E. fc- Whelen, John B Myere, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur w. Coffin, Thoma* H Power*, George W. Toland, Wiiliam McKee, Tho..W»ttso ß . n29-ly!f • BAVING FUNDS. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO- CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street (CpnaoUdation Bank Building.) . CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OFPRNN -BYLVANIA. Deposits received in rums of One Dollar and Reward#, and repaid in Gold, without notioe, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day oi deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Saving* Institution has long been needed m the Northern part of the city, and ** The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society ” wua chartered by tne Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, in organizing and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to aooommoaate the buai □eaa interest and wants of the very large and enterpri sing population by which itja surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9to W o’clock: also, on Monday and Thursday from I un&t 8 o dock in the evening, MAJtxaxxs. Fredenqk Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, Hon. &. K. Strong, Daniel Underkofibr, Fredenek Stacks, Franeis Hart, Joceph P. LeClere. John Kesslay, Jr.* George Knecht, James 8. Pringle, JaoooDock, Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Vn, MiUward, George Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn. Peter C. Ellmaker. Robert B. Dandacm. . JAMES 8. PRINGLE, President. Francis Haet. Secretary. IaJU-tfif gYE AND EAR, DEAFNESS Djft, VON MOSCHZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST.- Dr, M. give* hteuxolnsive attention to the medical and surgical irestmeniof the EV E end EAR. DEAFNESS of the longest standing removed both bv medieal and surgicaloperstions on the latest Mientifio principles. Dr. M. would be pleased to receive mem bers of the medical faculty who wish to witness hia method of operating for the removal of Deafheas, or any operation on the KYEand EAR. ARTIFICIAL EYEB INSERTED. Office ‘Jt»4 South NINTH Street, above Spruce. Office hours from 9 A. M. to I P. M., and from 4 to 5 P. M. u7-lmif Eye diseases. De. OSMUN. OCULIST, 1515 CHESTNUTStreet. Has just returned from Europe after an abasnoe of several years, during which time he has paid especial attention to the treatment of Eye Diseases at the better medical schools of Germany, France, and Koglaed. , The Doctor is provided with all the newest and most improved instruments necessary to the practice oi h:e frofestion; among others, he has brought with him rom Berlin, Prussia, a most perfect instrument for ex amining the optio nerve and the internal membranes of the Eye—the nnt instrumentof the kind ever brought to this country. ™ , . At home every morning nil 20 o clock, and every eve-