The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 16, 1859, Image 3
tßsroMfor'ThePrsM.l '; , ; SEasiONs—J'ijdge Thompson,— ,o«ptara?'liu< W. Power was put upon his trial, charged, with committing an - assault and battery 'fPOU -.Gehi Johh D, Miles.. The prosecutor tostf fled thatj on, the 23d of August'lost, I was talking ia , when Mf-TJbnes came*up to me, and we Jgefe talking; whon'Mr’ Power came up; thou I leiL.imd’ croraedtn’the Spring Garden side, to COlrMather; 'while we wero conversing, Mr. JonesVwwrtalklng-about, tho raising of a Demo oratio’flag,‘ and said leave it to the General; Gen. Powers said” this d-H|.<thlng; and I said I want nothing .todo’ witlv/onp'notiny equal ; I then re ceived'a spit in my;' face, - and, simultaneously, I felt a Wow*.and then .blows were repeated ;-tho defendant bitmoontbenoao, and Igotmj thumb in hia'eyo"’; I w$ beaten to a jolly in tho face; my hands were bound; I soon made room in the crowd.- when the defendant bounced upon mo, but was stomied 'by Officer McCulley; there were twenty-or thirty persons there; it wag at the jje. mocratlo Convention, .hold at Thirteenth - and Spring Garden streets. Cross-examined.—There were, thirty or forty’por soas around us; most of thorn were thoro bofore we oame; they were there to-see about the Demoorn tie Convention ; .they wero not with the defendant; Ido npt kpow what tho difficulty was with Jones: he did not then attempt to strike; he was about two fpet from, me; I yrs# talking to Colonel Ma ther; I sald'my impression was/that I was struck at the i same time 'as the spitting; I said before Alderman Clark '.exactly* what I sayhore ; X did not sweat 1 before tho alderman that I struck Power I ns bo spit in my face; as soon as he spit at me, he put himself in an. attitude of defenoo ;'he was pretty severely beaten; be rushed on mo; Captain Power did not rush book aud say, “He did not want any thing todo with mo;” I did notstrike the defendant .before he struck me; I tried to 1 make,him let'go, of my nose; the getting of my thumb In his oyo was accidental; I jadgo that X hurt him very much- at that time; I did not know that my fiagerwas in his eye, except from his let- ! ting go of me quickly; Ipashedmy.fiugerwhonit l got thoro; laujcortain ho bit me; laid,not try to htthlm; the wound on his wrist looked like a trifling scratch ;.Xcan*t say that Iproduoed it; I don’t,- know :ihat -he kicked mo; when I was arrested my friends did not interfere to take me away; themob'did not attempt to rescue mo. | Cof. Mather testified as to being at the Conven- I ttoo; that be and Miles were talking; that ho saw ' Power coming, and spoke to him, when Power said ! X want .nothing to do with that thing; that Milos said I enro nothing about his opinion, when Power spit in Gen. Miles’face. * Cron-examined.—Gen. Miles struck as soon as ho .was spit on; Miles struok first; thore was a-crowd with Power, or people acting In concert with him. William ,Keighter testified that he was at tho Convention, and saw the flghtbotween the parties; that he went to part them, when friends said lot them- 'alone/ trad lot us see the best man; that they fought one or two minutes, and I said go on, Power, give it to him* Captain ; that ho did not see tho beginning of the fight, but tost a shirt by the operation ; t .that he did not think Milos hod any friends there. A Dumber of other witnesses testified to tho earno stato.of faots, and as to hearing exclamations during the fight, such as u Go in, Captain.” “ Giro it to nun. General.” liovfis Kugler saw the fight, and, in trying to se parate parties, was severely kicked by tho Hoary, AVhUq, Ucutonant of tho Eighth district of police, arrested the parties, hot bad groat diffi culty in doing so, as they were tighMy clinched. The defence acknowledged the assmltand bat tery, but, in extenuation, alleged ere it- provoca tion on the part of tho prosecutor. The defendant also proved a good ebarActer. Verdict guilty, and recommended to the meroy of tho oourt. Senton "> deferred until Saturday. Lewis C. Cassidy and Edward C- Quinn, Es^s.,'appeared for the defence. Mary Fow» a young and prepossessing girl, wag acquitted on two charges of assault and battery. Geo. C. Cpllins, Esq-.-volunteered in her defence, and conducted himself gallantly. Joseph Devlin, a young lad, was oonvlcted of carrying concealed deadly' weapons. Geo. R. Smith appeared for the defenco. Sentenced to ono mouth’s imprisonment. Distbict Court— Judge Stroud.—The City Dank L. Ritter and Benjamin Ritter, lato trading, Ac. An action on a promissory note. No defenco. Verdict for tho plaintiff for $255.17, Thomas ‘.Jackson vs Joseph M. Thomas and Samuel'B. Thornes, late trading, &q. An action on a promissory note. Tho defendant set up that thoro was a less amount due than was claimed. Verdict'fbr tho plaintiff for $182.28. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the we of John E. Woodward, to the use of Byron Woodward vs, George Magee, late sheriff of the city and coun ty of Philadelphia, and his sureties. An notion to recover damages for non-performanco of duty in improperly returning a writ. Verdict for tho de fendants. George W. Roberts vs. Amanda E. Coylo, ad ministratrix of Alexander C. Coyle, deceased. A scire facias upon a judgment. Verdict for the plaintiff for $341 89/• District Court— Judge Sharswood The Carroll Building Association vs. John Donnelly with notice to terre tenants. Two coses. Theso are actions brought upon two scire facias snr mort gages.- Verdiot for the plaintiff for $2,055 66, and for $1,166 63. - - ' \ : PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In steamship Kensington, from Boston—Cap t Samp- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT'OF,PHILADELPHIA, Not. 16. 1959. WFmes==rJL l .™™=:~ifl ' “ ‘ ARHTVED. Steamship.. Kensington, Baber. 48 hour* from Boston, with mdse and passengers to HWinsor. „ Brig Celt. Graff, 0 days from Boston, with mdse to E A Bonder k. Co. ' • J \ Scbr Harriet Newell, Treworgy, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to B A Bouder & Co. m d C «it?EA£”fer T & S?'”’ 6d " ! ‘ fr ° m E ° Slon ' Witl ’ Schr Union. Kibbjr, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to E A Bonder A Co. . SchrijmraU Lamma. Conwell # 8 day* from. Camden, Dol.with corn to JHMcCollny. Schr Diamond State. Smitheri, 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to J H McColler. . Bohr 1, 8 Levering. Corson, from Boston, BehrJ-M -Yance, Bards e,from Boston. Schr Vnshti Sharp* Sharp, from Boston. Schr J B Dickinson, Smith, from Boston. ' ■ CLEARED. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, Ilichraoud, tco, Thos Webster. Jr. Bark Margaret,’Aui*, Pernambuco and*® market,Wels fora & Kanken. ... Brig Evelyn, Ray, Cardenas, S A W Welsh. Brig Geo Ham*, French, Boston. Nevin & Rawer. _&chr Susan Orlean, Matthews, Indianola. Ao.'Jairua Baker. __ - Scbr J H Moore, Jngereotl, Wilmington, NO, D S Stet son & Co. _ Sohr JBKuey, Huey, Halifax, Twclls A Co. Bchr L 8 Levering, Corson, Boston, N Shirtovant & Co Rchr J 11 Dickinson, Smith. Boaton.Mlayes tc Godshal). Sharp, Riohmond, Noble, Ham- SchrJM Vance, Burdxe, Medford, L Rothermel & Co Sohr L Brown, Quinton, Washington, DC; Van Du een. Norton & Co. •*- Sohr Maggie Van Dnsen. (new) Ireland, do do bchr Kedron, Garrison, Ba|om, ’ do Str H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BAILED. Tno V 8 M steamship Keystono State, Capt Marsh man,, lor Charleston; sailed at 10 o’clock yesterday morning, full freight and a number of passongers, (Correspondence of The Press.) ' w . HAVRE DR GRACE. Nov. 15. 1889. The Wyoming left here this morning with 0 boats, la den and consigned ns follows: Judge Lynn, bar ironto Maxwell, Rowland A Co, and lumber to John Craig; White Swan and Lnmlv’s Lane, dotoMfilnr.e Sc Taylor; H BThorn, do to 8 Bolton A Co; t ” Williams, do toNorcrossA Sheets: Mary, do to John Landol A Co; Wm B Redgrave, do to Wm H Linpincott; Judge Higgins and Frontier, coal to Delaware City, , BT TBX.KORAPH. . (Con espondencgn^toe^PhiladalphjaEx^bßnjro.^ Throa herm and one full-mgecf brie. and*»everal schooners went in this afternoon. Wind NW—weather clear and pleasant. tfour* , THOB. B. HUGHES. BT TXLjROBAfH TO TIIB PRBSS, ..... BJ lt „ New York, Nov. J 5. Arrived, slut, Southampton, from Tendon and Porte mouth., tor tho oast throe weeks encountered heavy Brig Emma, from para. , . Boston. Nov 15. . Arri ved. Wigs Randolph, from Glasgow; Martin Wor thington, from Surinam. Below, shfp Mercury, from Calcutta; barks Telegraph, from Faaang; Forest Bello, front Beyrout. fcl * , . , . Baltjmohb. Nov l«. Ship Justins, before reported in a sinking condition, has arrived m the hay. Barge No 3fi, with foal for New York,was sunkon Sun day, off Pool s Island, in Chesapeake bay. „ NoBFOtK, Nov. 15. Arrived, brig Ltonis, 90 days from Callao. . . ~ ~ . Savahnati. Nov it. Arrived.steamship Huntsville, from New York; shirs China, from Bremen;joldman, from Bath. Below, ship Nicholas Biddle, from Liverpool. * • . ». , . Mobile. Nov is A violent northerly, gale prevailed on the coast <m Bunday. A steamor is taking the caTgo from the ship Jamettown. - * The ship George Washington, from Liverpool, is ashore. She will come off. • The ships DS Choate. City of Nsw York, Mobile City. ECurlipg. Cityof Brooklyn, and Advance, drifted foal of each othor, and damaged their upper works and rig ging. « New Orleans. Nov. u., . Arrived,sines Princess Royal, from Liverpool;Tropic, from Genoa; Edward Hyman, from Trapani; Greenwood, from Bristol; Marmioo, from Algiers; bark A D Keeling, from fUo. - . . .. . ~ > New Orleans, Nov 15. Arrived, shirs Sagamore, from London: Yorick, from Liverpool; bark P R Hazeltiao, from Bordeaux. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) . NORFOLK,Va. Nov 14. * Arrived,sclir Canton, Aroy, from Boston for Wilni inr- B gnteF” PUl - n 013 » Ac< during the late B ' Sn* 0 ” 1 v Moh arrived this morning i«£*t experienced a m’SKooo r”?t !SmK?. " ,r " ! “ rinB ’ lrhlch 1,9,110 tl,row Ship Adelaide, Wakeman, which arrived in Hampton Roads in Cgdays from Callao, made the shortest passage on record by three days. And is the second largest shin that has ever bee?-in the -Roads-she beinvlßi tens burthen, and drawing » feet water, Capt W reports that when near Cape Hitteras, on the western edgeof the Gnif Stream,Jie experienced the severest hurricane he ever met with, commencing on the 10th, and lasting fifteen hoars. As several other empewero in company, it is feared some of them were -driven ashore on tno coast, NORFOLK. MEMORANDA. Steamship City of New York, Boggs, henoe, arrived at Boston yesterday* Bteamship State of Georgia, Garvm, hence, arrived at Savannah yesterday, _ „ ship Isaac Joaneer Chipman, from Trapani, arrived at New Orleans yesterday. Ship Hippognffe, Howes, at Calcutta Sopt 22, was Idg for Philadeipma at B 7 per ton. Ship Buena Vistef Lindell, cleared at Boston 14th inst. for *an Francisco.',-.' 1 • _Bhip Mercury. Hubbard, from Calcutta July 31 for Boston, was spoken Sept 18, lat 33 50 8. long 28H E. „ ..Bark Oak, Atkins, sailed from Boston 14th inst. for - - - - - - • Bark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave, for Philadelphia, was loading at Havana 9th inst. __"»*** Pa!6Tm°, Ingliaixi* from Shields, was at Venice 23th ult.-- JfftfniUpfor Card»^^’ sailed from Plymouth Bri* BreeM.Outotbnd,., from Liverpool, arrived at Cadiz 21st ult. “ i “ e^''»n9, ‘ ioih - J?t2flg&SSSr'" U * tS ° m w, 'nri n Eton, NO, . 0ro ” U ’ h '”°» Bfig Shibboleth, Morton, hence, for'Bo«ton,&t New port 13th inst. ■, .. , . n ”^ - Brig Win Crawford. Colburn, from Somerset for Phi ladelphia. at Newport 12th mst. -Brigs J,ank.atow*Harriman, T L Knight,Parks, N Stowers, fright, and Rebecca A Frances. Monroar, hertqe for Boston, were at Holmes’.Hole 14th test. '.t Brigs LplusatLAdftm*yfroin Portland, and May Queen, Mortonj feom lof .Philadelphia, were at • George, wi«hlttiton{ Sheimfuji atidf Carthagena, - Crapo.for Bhiladeipiiia, sailed from New Bedford 14th -'• instant, . . ~ . ? r~ - ■ Sohre Jaß : Ehglisb/Lane, hence, arrived at New Ha -' ’Ten 34tb -j. ‘ -1---, , - .< - .■ v .; • ■ -'-''Sohr Fannie* Vanoe,oleared'atHavana oth mst, for Philadelphia,/', i - • • -Jahr j ; M.-HnUßtoni Rntsell, from gavaunah, arrived at - ■ :-t- j ,o?S)sr.#9w v oh» Smith', hence. amyed at Norfolk / -l-tn -“v v s - ~ -•'- J, ~ - ' * Sc b ? k , Q^brB^Uehriug,pinkham, ‘hence* arrived at Bos ' Cleared ht Boston NUiTnst. for ;i H'SchrsfxooL ween^.Green, hence for Boston; A Ham- Ohipaiaft, apd jSdy Ellen, Corson, front 'Boston fo’r Philadelphia, at New York 14th inet. , - Schr Broadfield, Fisk, hence for Boston, atNevr \ ork 14th in*t. w Schra Isaac Rioh, Smith, and Sarah Elizabeth, Ke,ly, from Boston for Philadelphia: Pearl. Brown, from Gloucester for do, and hence for Boston, at Newport 13th last. Bohr Oscar F Hawley, Raokctt, honed, arrived at Sto nington 12thinst. Schr H Cole, Hazleton, hence, arrived at Washing ton. DC. yesterday. Schr C JJ Molior, Allen, from Petersburg, arrived at New York yesterday. _ , „ ... Schr Jane C Patterson, Hand, for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem 14th inst." ' ' Schr Chas Carroll, Pratt, hence, arrived at Frovidenoo Propeller Novelty, Mars, cleared at Nevr York yester day for Philadelphia. _ ARRIVALS AT SAN FRANOISCO—Oct 22d7*ShlpS Le vanter and Webfoot, from New Yorks ship Southern Cross, from Boston; ship Maria, from Shanghae; snips Peruvian and Twilight, from Callao. , Ship Poru, from Now Castle, Bailed on the 23d. HOLMES’S HOLE, Nov 12, P M-Ar sobs E C Knight, Whirlow, and Henry May, Hoover, Philadel phia for Boston; Judgo Tenner, Cottrell. Ehzabeth portfor do; Caroline Hall, Grnharn, Philadelphia for Weymouth; Susan Bray. Clark, Newburyport for Phila delphia. Sailed brigs Catharine Nickels, Santa Clara; sob*) Anna Smith; Beulah E Sharp. Ligonia, Game Cook, Sarah J Rrlght.Pecuonnook, Silver Mnznet. C A Greiner, LA Danonhower, and revenue outter Morris. , 13th, arsoh Amelia p Reeves, Lake, Boston for Phila delphia _ Sailed soht HO Knight, Hy May, Judgo Tenney, Cbtoligo Hall, Snsna. Remains at 10 AM, wind NW, blowing fresh, schß Amelia C Reeves. Saugatuofc, Adoltza. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOIELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST KIOUT, GIRARD HOUSE-Che-tout «t.. below Nm** W A Broth, R 1 Chas SI Carpenter, NY R H Wells, Albany James 8 Adams, St Louis CBPhco.NY J J Craitr k. la, Madison John Mullen. Ohm Thus A Rust, Richmond Marshall Jewell. Hartford H M Hall, NY O Mnmnee. Moliilo Miss Emma 8 Chase, Mass W A Wyman, Boston JAgnew. Pa Henry Granule, Wheeling John Dorlon. Wheeling Jomes D Lignn, Va Mr Kokort. Reading Miss Kckott, Reading N Anthony, Boston Mr Cochrane & la. Del Miss Cochrane As sister, Dol Wm Rothrook & la, Ala D 0 Smith. Balt GHeaton, Boston Thos W Branch,Petersburg Miss A Branch, Va Miss Lon Kerr, Va CantMclntsre, Wilm.Del RUR Thompson, Vft P P Scales, Va J K Robinson. 8 C John O Rurch Ac la, Col p Bigelow. NY Wn» F Kello**. N Y MissLS Kelloeg, N Y C Wooster. NY A E Strom. NY Isaiah Ungers. Cin, O M Warfield A In, Boston RJ Welker.N J G F Nesbitt At *». N Y B M Blatchford. N Y WraH Waddell, On. Mr Holbrook. NO Isa*»o B Rogers, Cmn R S How, NY G Ktihler, NY F a Hamnson, Boston John A Erlien, Lancaster E CEchelbave*, York, Pa MA*£ traknsl, ; T N Y c .. « C L Avory, Mansfield, O H H Sturga*, Mansfield, 0 .InR J.miman. Cincinnati, 0 L O Morrs N \ •PE Eiienr.N Y T) W Smith, N V W VVnllar 4 In, Jtn.lon E Lindsloy 4:1, Hover, NJ W B Allen 4 !a.NY Cli»» H Far, N Y. A L Clarke, Boston J M Ames, Norwich Mrs Ames, Norwich John A Parker. N Y J W Series & la. Brooklyn E C!<rk Ac la. N V RMGrabamiNY R M Sho-maker- Balt Tiowis Webb. Richmond John S Borrv & la, D C Miss Bettie Ware, Va I, Pams. N C B D Stitch, N 0 John F Plummer, N Y J WsAUisnn. Va FW Glenn. N V Or GilfWon k wf. St Lotlis H Jnjrfes <V. la. Balt Win Gilmore, Balt Mrs B C Howard, Balt RmW Palmer, Boston F Beck. Unstop .T N Post. Conn Robert E Day. Conn WW Whitney, Boston Tf Bosd.lreland TRKmmonck.NY Thos Smith. England ‘ J M Blevins. Va Rf? Saimiol Ky J B Hathaway. Mass A N Miller. Bristol, R I P .1 Kemp. Balt O B Coleman, Balt E B Edwards, Washington, D C MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Ddollars, Canton, 0 flS.T*»niison. Pa W B Loumati. Pa J 0 Clark, Pa A Kimball, Mass J R Krn»*y, York, Pa WF Johnson. Md JosWhtte.Cnl * .TD McCord. Pittsburg W Chase, Milwnnkoo II B Beardslee K I.Thomas Balt ,T Pnnle. Jr. Boston J N Kline Phih» W Fitzhugh. Md J T Llowl fc la. Ky A F Beam, Newark, N J D Carrier, Mass E M Clark. Mass K Carrier, Mass K A Clark, Mass H Holmos, Texas I, D AHowolt, Hanover, Ta W Mullins, N Y A H Rosenheim, NY 1,8 Parsons, Conn II AHiglov. Cal W A Addison. Cni R Flower. Jkl Hon J C MeKibbm, Ca! S Bedford, vTavorley Geo Burr, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL-Cheotnut st.. above Fifth. W H Flitcraft, Phila N Jaeger, Pa W Miller, Pa R Nnreross, West Choster H Nbroross, West Chester W E Winchester. N J P Vaughan. NJ H Lambert. Pittsburg D Armstrong, PitUlmrg • S M Way. Harrisburg M Morse * H Anner. Washington MMowry, Washington I, Bates & la« New York W f.awson. Boston G ft Rider, Md T W Seabrcs. Md ‘ T Vincent, Md EDo Kutz, Easton, Md W Oauik & son, Md J WKemp, Esston, MU HDewyee. NJ A E Thomson, Del L T Gordon &. la, Del M .T Croedon, Now York M B Huglies.R I T B Brenner, R I J G Cochrane, Va W H Tobias. Va N Marsh, New York D C Meeomhor, N Y LSwaine&la NC .T Lewis, Mass H F Barrows. New York JH Ryrr, New York T C Fintou,Ohio H N Dallas «t wf, Boslon J Price, Pa R Bavnnll. Boston G A Ives, Roston W C Ward, New York Miss Ward New York W McCullnck, Cnl G Yonn’*. Cal : H Brewer k la. Cal Master Brewer, Cnl T J Palmer, London Geo Gordon Otto B Graves NY C Wii!j nm s.N V J Murdock, NY G M Mead, N Y HP Welling, NJ FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut st.. above Third. Louis Stiz, Cincinnati. 0 Mrs RII Millikan, Olno John Patterson Ac la. N Y Wm Rhasi>. MiifnTd. Del gJns Bnynes. Balt, Md Danl Wdson.Catasaqua.Pa R Worthmston. N Y D 41 Hines, NY V Thompson, Pa J Doherty. Fchuvl Haven .Tno McCann.*'oehester.NY »S Cochran, Rochostcr.NY JDavis, Jr, Mansfield, 0 J Burke, N Y E Richardson, Moss o Warner. N Y A Metz, NY, CPMiller, Tunkhan’k, # Pa „ JUNES’ HOTEL- Chestnut street, abovv RWtb, G A Wahtor, Balt Dr T.nttornian, rhila J G Mcnjrjy. Pittehurg E Mills, N J Tes Mills.NJ J Condon, jr. Md Mrs R Harris. Marietta .T*cob VanalK. N J Col Bavlnr, Va Mr Murray, N Y f? HClomunt, Ala M»«s Clement. Ala •LA Bvther, Washington J R Lolland k In. Del M A Wurts, N J .TnoM Lane, 8t Louis J' Keller, Md OJack. Md HLAmn.Md .THDorsev W H Winston Mrs II BjMcCarty, Balt Master Jos McCarty, Balt i *BTATES*UNION HOTEWlnrket st., above Sixth. Jos Dudley, Pa J II Smith, 8t Clair, Pa Gon P Watson* Middletown G A Vannat, Pt Deposit.Pa J M Masonbimor. Carlisle D P Bee-'le, Blair co. Pa lIE Grnv, West Chester A M Pottit, Phila GeoL rlitt. Harrisburg J Dinwiridie, Huntingdon Jon Boolofs. Hollidaysburg 0 H Picket, Lancaster oo C WStewart. Lancaster co Wm »-fckol. tianoastcr co L Ij Engle, Lancaster co Wm Dean, Baltimore L L 4homas, NY G MoAlpin. Phila J S Watnslov. Va .T 8 Smith. Phila P Hnfler, Elizabethtown T HofTer. Elizabethtown J Dudloy, Pa J H Smith, St Blair, Pa THE UNION HOTELr-Arch street, aliove Third. J Keloele, Ohio J C Morgan. Choßtcrco, Pa C H Graham, Phila John C Wood. Putshuig HM Moore. Pittsburg Jos Powdal!. Avondale. Pa D D Davis. Va • G G Evans, Newark, Del K r Warner, fich Haven 0 R Conklinc, N J ,T Strvens, Conn H-T Teer, N Y J Hunter, Bedford C R BibUop k v, NJ F J Posey, Hagerstown HOTEL—Sixth st, above Cheftent. Win ryio, Chester co Wm P Thntohor, St Clair A Bmitimr. Pa C Hammond, Pa T f bila R Robinson. Juniata cn .Tohn H Crawford, Md Wm Kerr, Chester co, Pa Roht Hodrson. Now London W II Martin, Maos a IJ Brinton, Md T G Brooker. Pa Wn*h Kwiog, Chester co ClmsW Maxwell, Mil A Ward, Altoona, Ta NATIONAL HOTE!*-Race street, above Third. S Mayh, Monroe no. Pa P Simler, Monroe co, Pft G W Ramsay, Pottsvillo Jno C fitrohecker, Pa C F Ildl. Lune Rnleo CbnsHeebn‘'r. Moss JnpC Young, Pa P 0 Long. N Y Miss 0 Harris. York, Pa .1 H Von OUenstein. 0 PBhannon,Pa M T Dill. Altoona. Pa WO Harris. Washington G J Mnrphoy, York HP Lutz,Bloomsburg H C Hower,Btoomsburg J A Roth, Berwick, Wm Sterner, Mincravdio BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Thm! st., above CaUowhill. M A Sellers, Pa A Andrews. Bornvillo C Duel, Pine Grftvo C Finney, Hartevillo D Qiinman. Norristown J Horsh. Klinesviile C Harper, Jenlintowa NDSmith. Fountain E Hersh. Zionsville Isiuio Heydt, District Miss A!dU, DintHct Isaac Finnev. Bucks co Bamuel Fetter. Bucks co D Thomas. Upper Dublin Chns Levan. Pricetown Chas Knivht, Bniithville Jacob K Hill, Earlville Maiilon Hill, iJarlvillo J V ArUtUlen, FeasterviUe W E Willman.Btonccsvi’o Jos Young, Mont’y Square EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Race. G 8 Hoffman, Lan co H Valentine, Northamn’n Mias D F Hunter. Wash H Forrest and la, Ohio 8 Cmminglmm, Cincinnati J Watson & la, ~o nn W Painter, tVest Chester Pat McCnrtee, N Y J T Elwell. Boston T T Slifee. Boston M Griffith. Wash, DC C Wolls, Mexico T Carr- Chicago fiShnrkev.SC 8 Hull tc 31adics, Va H Gray, Ga Mr Ford. NY T Bnow tc non. Unit B B Cope A la, Bt Augustine J fct Painter, Balt BALD EAGLE—Third street, aboi'o OallowhiU. Mrs A Painnman, Reading W F Rauch, Nazareth. Pa D Krosgo. Monroe, Pa R M Kt»b«o. Monroe. Pa P Gilbert. Monron, Pa J W Butz, Griggsviilo A Butz. Griggsvillo 8 Bnrtolet. Pa 8 Barr, Lehtyh co, Pa W JI Deiuler, Cluakertw’n MAKRIEI). DAVIS—FREE.—On the 10th instant, by Rev. D- W. Barttne, Mr. Morgan F. Davis to Miss Elizabeth F. Free, both of Cheater county. * TAYLOR-HOFFMAN.-At the residonoo of Dr. William Wright, on the 30th ultimo, by his Honor. Mayor Alexander Henry, Forrester L. Taylor to »SaHio M. Hoffman, all uf this city. * STROUp—BaIt/EY - .—On thoJSth instant, by the Rev. John Jenkins, Morris R. Stroud to Marie Louisa Bailey, both oi this city. ** DIED. RICIIARDSON.—In Cincinnati, at the resulenco of Jnsmother, on Monday, Nov. 14tii, Omar F. Richardson, the weU-known Equestrian, aged about 24 years. . Although so young, he had attained a foremost rank m hiK profossiof), and was widely celebrated as a skil ful ami dannz rider. In private lifo.ho was universally and i*9lovedbv hIR asaocialeH, who sincerely monrn his early oealh. lie was a pupil of Dan Rice, end has recently been performing with Spalding tz. Roger* 1 Cirrus. * McCREARY.—On Saturday. 12th instant, at Pitts burg, David G. McCreary, (printer,) .formerly of this citv, * HURST.—On the 11th instant, Susan 8., wifo of Jacob M_ Hurst, in the 35th year of her ape. Funpral from the residence of her husband, Bridge port, Montgomery county, this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * MORTON.—On the 12tli instant. Mrs. Rebecca Mor ton, rohet of the late\Benjaimn Morton. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Charles N. Holbrook, No. fi)s South Ninth street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * TVENTwORTH.—On the 14th instant, Albert T. Wentworth, in the 2ith year of ins age. Funeral from the residence of his pnronts, No. Ml North Fifth street, above Brown, on Thursday after noon. at 2 o’olock. * BOSTICK.—On the the 12th instant, Mrs. Catharine, wife of John Bostick, in the 21th year of her ago. Funoral frAm the reshlencn of her husband, near Penrose Ferry, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’Cioc*. . * JIcCLISLLAND.—On Iho 13th inßtnnt, Emma Louis?, daughter of Daniel and Mary Ann McClelland, aged fl years, 4 months, and 15 days. „ . Funeral from the rosiaonceof her parents, No. 1103 Wistar street. thla(Wednosday) morning, at i> o clock, . STEWART,-On the 14th instant, Wm. K. Stewart son of James A. and the late Mary Ami Stewart, m tho 18th year of his age, Funeral from the residence of his father, No. 023 Passyunk ;oad, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * NORMAN,-On the !4th instant, Annie, daughter of Samuel and Emma Norman, agod 19 months. Funeral from the residence of N. Hallowell, No. 915 Melon street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o’clook. LAY.—On the mu instant, Mr. Thomas Lay, in the 83d year of Jus a«e. Funeral from his late residence, in Woodbury, N. J., on Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock. * MUftPllYrt-On the ltth instant, Mnhlon Murphy, m 73d year of his age. Funeral from his late residonoo, No. 15S Frankloril street. Frankford, on fifth day afternoon, 17th instant, at 3 o'clock.* - WORTHINGTON.—On the 14th instant, at Moores* town. Hi J„ Mrs. Susanna P. Worthington, wife of Charles Worthington, aged W years. Funefal from Milltown Meeting House, Cheltenham township, on Thursday tfternoon, 17th, at l o'clock, * BLACK VELVET POPLINS—Just re ceived,bestqanlity plain Black alt-wool , , OTTOMAN POPLINS. Also, Black Velour Reps all finalities. Do. Cas - hraeres«.Lup)n , B make. , Do. Katin de Chines, ail qualities. Do. Bombazine*, all qualities. • Do. Frenoh Mennoes, Lupin’s make. Do. Thibet Lons Shawls. Black and Second Mourning Bay State Long and Sqdare Shawls, gQjj t Mourning Store, , OHEBTNUT rT#* POPULAR LECTURES IN PROSE AND Lks VERSE-ToLecture Comijiittees.Becretnnesiof Young Men’s Literary and Chtisnan Associations, Ma nagers of Benevolent Institutions, Ac., &c.lho subscriber, having already accepted many invitations to lecture, will be happy to make further engagements, extending to May. 1800. He lias prepared new essays, as Well as revised and improved old ones. Hie terms BhallbpJnstand modorate. While ho prefers engage rnentunenr home, ho will not rofuoo Ihnso atnilistwco. ri«Ofo n<lclro«e PARK BKNJaMIN, U Wo.tShVEN- TbßNTHfitreot. Way York. n!5-3t ffS-MK.V, U. GRATTAN GUINNESS, FROM 1.L3 -Bol'lif. will preach M followa: THIS (Wodnaa dftfl HVKNINGv at 7J, o cloch, in the Baptist ;\ l V < ?c l iSr.n’tha Fifth fPann Pra.b,- e i ™"dm r A (R -' Mr ' ™ ! " Btreet ’ t u5 W THE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, [Y's=* at an ADJOURNED, meeting of I L. 5 tho Junior Anti-Slavery Society of Philadelphia, held November 12, 1859, the iollowing resolutions wore adopted: ... ■*** . , Itesalved , That inasmuch as slavery, in its essential naturo. is a perpetual warfare upon the rights and per sons of its victims, as well ns an outrage against the moral sense of tho world, its existence must necessarily create a spirit of rebellion in Clio hearts of all true mon. Resolved, That tho singleness of purposo, undaunted bravery, self-sacrificing devotion, and moral heroism evinced by John Brown, ns well as his olear and intelli gent appreciation of the conflict itiwhioh ho is ongagod, entitle him to tho Bvmpathy, respect, and gratitudo of every lover of freedom. Resolved, That the brutal haste, and unblushing dis regard of legal forms, winch have marked the so-called trial of John Brown and his companions, while they hive transformed what is assumed to he a judicial inves tigation into a deliberate murder, that fills the soul of every honest man with horror nnd indignation, furnish still nnofhor illustration of the unmitigablo villany of that system in tho support of whioh these enonmtios are perpetrated. By order »f the Sooiety. JAMES G, THOMPSON, President. ANNA R. JUSTICE. Beorotary. It* (TIP* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE LL3 FINE ARTS.—Prof. A. R THOMAS, M. D. will commonco his annual course of Lectures on Anatomy, to the artists nnd students of the Life and Antique Classes, on SATURDAY, Nov. 19th, at 8 o’clock i*. M., m tho M Life-Class Room.” JOHN BARTAIN, ) GEO. 8. PEPPER, > Committee on Instruction. A. M. STEVENSON,{ nlO-31* rrs=* THE REV. 11. GRATTAN GUINNESS ' preaches THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, in the Firi»t Baptist Church, BROAD and ARCH, at 7f» o’clock. Seals free. It* rr~s=~ LECTURES TO LADIES, BY ONE OF 1L.7 THEMSELVES.—A huiy graduate of the Phila delphia Medical College propoßos, during tho onauing winter, to give lectures nnd private lessons on Phjsio logy, properly illustrated. Bhe will form classes at her own rooms, or at tho residence of pupils, nnd, ns her main object is to benefit horlsex bj imparting such knowledge in regmd to tho laws ol henfih, nnd tho duties they owe to thoinsolvo' nnd their children, os her experience has taught her thoy stand moat in need of, the terms will bo very reasonable, nnd will he made known on a personal interview with thoso who may answer this advertisement. Address “ Improvement,” at the nfiieo of this paper. n!5-9t* THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Ilf YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHfLADKLMUA Trill Im held in JAYNE'S HALT., next THURSDAY EVENING, November 17th, at *4 past 7 o’clock. The annual report will be read, anil ad dresses tiohvered by the Rev. Henry Grattan Guinness, of Irolaml, and Rov. Messrs. J. W. Crnoraft, Rov. Al fred Cookman, \V. J. R. Taylor, Reuben Jeflroj, and John Jenkins, D.D. Delegations will be present from kindred associations. Tiokets of admission can l>o bad. gratuitously. at the Rooms of tho Association, IUW and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, CHAB._A._DUX JNO..A. NEFF. JNO. W.BKXTON, WmVh. ANDKRBON, GKO. COOKMAN. JNO. WANAMAKER, JNO. McARTHUR, Jr., noI2-6t Committee. PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITIJ.TK.- ikJ? The fifth lecture of tho course will be delivered onTHUKSDAV EVENING. Nov. 17th, nt OONOKRT HALL. t»y Rov. T. STARR KING. Subject-*'Per sonal Power nnd Ha Voices.” Lecture. quarter before Bo’clock. Bintdo tickets, 25 cents*, admitting gentte inau and two Indies,sQ eta. nl2-fit rvlr* HISTORICAL LECTURES ON, THE L < Groat Representatives of Modern Civilization, bytho Rev. JOHN LORD, at CONCERT HALL. Sub jects: Lectnro l—Nov. 7.—Lord Bacon—Philosophy. “ [l “ 9.—Michael Anirolo—Revival of Arts “ lII “ 12.—Cromwell —Constitutional Free dom. “ IV— “ 14.—Peter the Great— Absolutism. *‘ V— “ 10.—Pasoal—TheoloRicallnquiry Single Tickets 23 cents. ThroB clotm* lectures 00 cents. Commence quartor beforo 8, rrs=* ANNIVKKSARY OF THIS MERCAN 'U? TILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. - Tho Eighteenth Anniversary of this Association will ho celebrated at CONCERT HALL, on MONDAY EVEN ING, 21st mst, At 74 o’olock.nt which the annual re port of the Board of Managers will be read, and ad dresses delivered by REV. RICHARD NE .VTON D. D., M'iRTON McMICHAEL, Esq., and JOHN WELSH, Esq. The musio, by Uio Germania Orchestra, will bo undor the direction of Carl Fentz. Tickets of admission may to had. gratuitously, by ap l»l>in«i to the undere-ynad, No, 36 North TiUlll) Street. Ah the number of tiokds issued will bo limited to tho capacity of the hall evly npvhcMnmwill to necessary to prevent the tin* lei ant disappointment winch oc curred at most of '.ho p'evious annivursaries. nnKbriinZl vVM. C. LUDWIG. President. frr=* FROFKSfcOR COPPER’* LECTURES \3 ON AMERICAN HISTORY.—Third Lecture on the 17th, at 7*4 V. M, Subject—'“The Cavaliers of the Old Dominion.” Tickets to .the Course, admitting a lady and gentleman, $1.75; single tickets,2s cents; a gentleman and two indies, 50 cents, n!5-3t* fY'“s=» THE MARTYRDOM OF IIUSS, >i3 AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, WILL CLOSE IN A FEW DAYS. nH-tf mr* AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ’ k_s. BoardofManagorsof the HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY ol tho City of Phiiada’phia, held on Saturday evening. Nov. 5,1860, the following communication was roooived and mad; To the Board of Managers of the Home Missionary So ciety of the city of Philadelphia : Dkar Brethren ;.I find my business becoming soox tonded that, in justice to you, as well as to myself, I must hereby respectfully submit to you my resiunat on as an Agont, anu as a Miss'onnry of your Arsucintmn. In do;n<so, allow mo to assure you tlmtl stiil feel a deep interest in tho future prosperity of your Institu tion, and will cheerfully rennor it any assistance 1 can. Very respectfully, JOHN STREET. October S 3 IW'J. Whereupon it was resolved, that the resignation of our able and efficient Missionary and Agont, the Rev. John Street, wjio has served this Association so faith fully aud sntislnotorily for the last eighteen years, be, and tho samo is hereby, accepted. Mr. JOHN P. AR11I&ON was appointed to take the placo nl Mr Street: and he is now waiting upon tho liublio, soliciting donations for tho use of the Soctoty. GEORGE H STUART. President. MATTHEW NEWKIRK, Vioc President. R. K. HtEPI ICR. .Secretary. TIIOS. T. MASON, Treasurer. MARKET Street. Office of the Society, 531 East NORTH St. nll-Gt LECTURES ON AS- L? TRONOMY. .Pro r , O. MIICHELL. tho eminent Astronomer ami ■jilted Orator, will deliver the following Course of Lec tures in the Musical Fund Hall, under the auspices of tho \oung Men’s Christian Association s Tuesday, Nov. 15th—'The Structure and Perpetuity of Uio Planetary System. Tuesday, Nov.22d—Tho Motions and Revolutions of tho Comets. Saturday, Nov. 20th—The Number, Distance and Magnitude of the objects comprising the Galaxy. Tuesday, Nov. 29lh—The .Motions and Revolutions of the Fixed Stain, and tho Translationof tho Suns aud Solar Systems through space. Tickets for the course, ono dollar. Tickets lor tho course, admitting a gentleman and two ladies, two dollars. Tickots for a single lecture, fifty cents. Can bo had at the principal bookstores,and the rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association, No. 1009 and 1911 Cliost nut street. not-tf (Ts* OIHAIU) UANK-THiLADELI'HIA 0o- JvJ? tnl>erlB,lBs9. Nonce is hereby Riven, that an cloction for thirteen directors. to serve for the ensuing year-will be held at the BANKING HOUSE,on MONDAV, November 21st, between tho hours of 10 A. M. aud 2 I*. M. The annual meeting nr the Ktockholders will lie held at the snmo place, an TUESDAY, November Ist, at 12 o olock M. oclB-ti>2l W. L. BCHAFFER, Cashier. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK L? —PiutAPELPHiA, OotoborSd, 1359. Notice is horeby given that an elcotion for Thirteen Directors will he held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 21st, 1369, between the hours of 9o’clook A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.; and a general mooting of the Stockholders will im held on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 4 o’clock P. M.» at the Banking House. 04 dtn2l W. RUSHTON. JR.. Caeliier. ffS»SOUTinVARK BANK—PIifLADEL -13 . PiilA, October 3d, 1559. Notice is hereby given that an election tor Thirteen Directors will bo held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 21st, 1859. between the hours of 10 p’olock A. M. and 2 o’clock J\- M.; and a general meet ing of the Ktookholdcrs will be held on TUESDAY, No vember let, at 12 o’clock M. nl-dmai F. V. STEEL. Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.—OCT l i 4, 1859. Tho imnunl meotingof tho Stockholders of this Bank will be held at tho Baukmg House on TUESDAY, tlie first dav of November next, at 12 o’olock M. And the annual election for Directors will bo held at tho Banking House on MONDAY, the 2lstday of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. os~wfr&mtn2l B. B. COMKOYS, Cashier. MECHANICS’ BANK.—PIIILADEL- J w ? . PJIIA, October 4th, 1853. Notico is hereby given that an eleotion for Thirteen Directors, to servo the ensuing year, will bo held at the Banking House on MONDAY, Novombor 21st, from 10 A. ftl. to 3 P.M. The annual meeting of tho Stockholders will be hold on TUESDAY. November Ist, at 12oVlo«k M. nft-wlr«Vm ln2l J. G. MITCHELL. C.a«hior. rr-s=» COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSLY VANIA. Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1859. Notice is horeby given, that an election for Till RTKEN DIREC TORS to servo tlm onsuing jour, will be hold at the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY, 21st tween tho hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. The Annual meeting of tho Stockholders will be hold at the same place on TUEBDAY,Ist Novombor. at 12 o’clock AI. 8.0, PALMER, oo!7-mwf-tn2l* Cashier. LEGAL, ¥N TIIE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE »- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Estate of ABRAHAM KELTER, Doconscd. The Auditor appointed by the Court to nudit. settle, and adjust the account of CHAKLFB F. ABHMEAD, Trustee of the Estate of ABRAIIAM KELTER, dr co.isod. and to report (hstiilmtion ol the balance, will meet the parties interested, for the purjpo'u’s of Ins appointment, on FRIDAY AFTfcBNOON, November 23, at 4 o «*lnck. at his Office. Southeast cor. of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, nlfl-wlmSt Auditor, INSTATE OF NATHAN Cl. HOWARD, -K- S deceased. Letters <>l Administration on tho Estate of NATHAN 0, HOWARD deceased, having I>eou granted to ilio undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against said Kstnto, are requested to present them, end all thoso indebted to said Estate, to make nnymont, without deia), to UJSOJIGE SERGEANT, Administrator, 432 WALNUT Street. NOTICES, OFFICE OF THE GUARDIAN* OF THE POOH, Nn 42 North SEVENTH Street. PROPOSALS FOR COAL.—Scaled Proposals will be received at tins Office, until MONDAY. 2Jst instant, 10 o'clock A. M., for supplying tlio Out-door Poor of Uio several Districts with COAL lor the ensuing Winter. TheCoalto bo Wlmo Ash. Stove .or Nut,well Hcrconed, AndJ/ee from slalo, and 2.210 His to tho ton, to he de livered at anoß times ami places, and in such quantities as may he hereafter designated. Also for one hundrrd tons of HARD CHESTNUT COAL for the engine, free from slate and well screened, to l>o delivered on the Afnudmuso wharf. Schuylkill. nl6-w&«2t C. M. DKRINGKK. Secretary. I>ANCING. BIiOOKS’S DANCING ACADEMY, V-/* and pOATEB Street. jits "Hall room Monitor,” Second Edition, is out and for sale at his Acodemi— Price 26 cents—and wholesale and retail a' JOHNSON'!*, N 0.7 North TENTH Street. nl9 it* O AKFORD’S, Are the cheapest and hert to bo found. RICK DARK SABLE, HUDSON'S BAY MARTEN, VISKY DARK MINK SABLE. ROYAL ERMINE, EXTRA FINK CHINCHILLA, STONE MARTEN, t ITCH, kc., made into capes, half-capes, tippets, MUFFS, AND MUFFTJSKH. As we Import our SKINS direct, and Manufacture all our FURS on the PREMISES, we are onabled to sell them very cheap, and are determined to close out our entne slock, previous to removing into our NEW STORES, NINTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. BETS FROM $5 UPWARDS. CHAS. OAK FORD & SON, 624 CHESTNUT STREET. Ti/lONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED— n. TO j4AY Jewelry, TA^Ln? t i B, £}i vc . r ,L 3 f?' C '{thine, Merchandise, ko., by airi . N. W. corner IIII1U) and GASKILL Streets, below Lombard, Ofiige hours fromd A. M. to 7 P. M. n].V3mil ROOKING RANGES. V,. All in want of the Best Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to onll at . ■ ARNOLD & WILfION’B, •eiO-Smif low CHESTNUT Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS, rjpjElE HERO OF DELHI, TWELVE YEARS SOLDIER’S LIFE IN INDIA Being Extract® from the Letter® of the late MAJOR W. 8. R. HODSON, B. A., First Bengal European Fusiloers, Coinmnndnnt of Hod son’s Horse, INCLUDING A PEHEONAL NARRATIVE SIEGE OF DELHI, AND CAPTURE OF TIIE KING AND PRINCESS, Edited hr his brother, Rev. Gkohoe H.llodson.M. A., With an Introduction by tho Author of “School Bays at Rugby.” If from the ch son ones of each regiment of England s brave men in tho Indian war a bravest of tho bravo ■wore to bo solceted, wo bolievo that Jlodsnn of Hodson s Horse would stand forth the representative of tho band ofheroos. * * * Neither Fernando Perez del Pul sar,orany Cid.or Paladin, ever aohioved noblorex ploits than aro hero recorded,—lLondon Athenn-'iitn. Ask any soldier who was tho b avest man boforo Del hi, who most in the saddle, who foremost? and nine out of ten in tho Infantry will tell you, Hopiox.-fßlack wood’s Magazine, As tong ns manly courage—:a courage which is shown not only in the field of battle, but in the often harder contest of peaceful times—is hold m honor, Englishmen will havo reason to smile proudly when they speak of Hodson of Hudson's Horse. * * * Many more edi tions are to como, for thousands aro stilt to road in it the story of a Christian soldier, with whom duty, in its full sense was tho one fixed principle.—[London Exa- With regard to tho solcctionof the lottors, and the Simple narrative which has l>oen contributed to them ft* a Hatting, we can hardly ovorpraise tho taste, the judg ment, and the manly sonsc with which tho editor has fulfilled his pious task,—[Saturday Review. It is a fitting memorial that his brother has raised over him. Taste and judgment we had a right to expect from a Fellow of Trinity. But to thoso havo been added precisely that manliness and good sense which Major Hodson would moat, have desitod tlmt bis biographer should possess.—j Litorary Cazetto. FIRST AMERICAN, FROM * HE THIRD ENGLISH ISDITiON. I vol., I6mo. Price $l, n 9121116-41 THIS BAY PUBLISHED BY . TfCKNOR & FIELDS. BQF* Copies mailed, postpaid, onrccoiptofprico. nl(s-\v*2t JJ A RP ER & BROTHERS, 3*JT to 335 Pearl StrcottFranklin Square>, Now York. PUBLISH THIS DAY THE VIRGINIANS. 'A TALE OF THE LAST CENTURY BY W. M. THACKERAY, “Tho Nowcomeß,” ‘’Vanity Fair,*' '• Fendannis,” “Henry Esmond/’ “Tho Great Hoggarty Dia mond/’ “ Lectures on tho l!u -. morists, ’&o., &o. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY TIIE AUTHOR. 8vo„ Paper, $1.75 ; Muslin, £2. From tho Edinburgh Review for Ootolier, 18. W, There is one point in which Fielding is h niodol for all times, and in which .Mr. Thackeray is his worthy dis ciple. and, wo venture to think, perfectly his equal. Tint point is, stjlo and beauty of composition. The •lirt century was certainly more studious, generally speaking, of form than * urs. You may open anv page of Fielding at random, and rend it with pleasure, with out reference to tho store cr context, merely ar a picco of exquisite writing. Tho same may be said of Mr Thackeray. It can hardly bo said of any one else rfmong tho novelists of ourdav, most of whom seem never to havo npprohetided beauty of composition ns a dintmet obipet to Ikj aimed at, ami one whioh requires a distiuct effort or the intellect in order to if» achievement, Lot them, if they wish to plenso greatly and live long, Btudy their groat leader’s art in narrative, description, ar.ddnt lngue, and those beautiful immature essays, porfeet in form ns crystals, in which the sentiment oi Ins novels is hore nmlthoro co densod. Cut®Kit Dkll, Author of “ Jane Eyre/’ Ac, Why h'vo I alluded to this man? I have alludoj to him, render, becauso I think I see in him nn intel lect profoumler and more unique than his contempora ries have jet recognised j because I regard him as the first social regenerator of the day— as the very maator of that working corps who would restore to rectitude the warped system oflhints; because I .hinkno common* t tor on liu* wiitmys has y«it found Uie compniisnnthat suits him, the terms which rightly characterize his talent. They nayvlio is bko Ft. Mini; they talk of his wit, humor, comic pm\ crs. He resembles Fielding as mi eaale does a vultuie ; Fielding could stoop on carrion* but Thackeray never docs. His wit is bright, his humor attractive, but both boar the same relation to his Syri ans genius that the mere lambent shoot-lightning, playing under tho edge of tho summor cloud, does to the electric death-spark hid in its womb. Hahpbk A. BnoTimis will send the above Work by Mail, postago prepaid, to any part of tho Unitoil Statos.on receipt of the Money. j* IMPORTANT TO THOSE FORMING OR adding to their Libraries. DERBY A JACKSON have now ready five additional \ olumen of the Translation* nf tho STANDARD FRENCH CLASSICS. Edited by, and published under the supervision of, 0. W. WIGHT. Translator of Cousin’s Philosophy, and Editor of Sir Wm. Hamilton's Works, etc. Completing the issue of tho dories for 1839. THE THOUGHTS. LETTERS. AND OPUSCULE? OF BLAISE PASCAL. Translated by rt. W. Wioiit, A. M., with introduc tory notices, and Notes from all Commentators 1 vol. This is the onlv complete translation ol the Thoughts, embracing tho oxcollonnos of tuo recent French edi tions of Fotuere, Havct.Louandro. and Astie. itaUo contains lengthy introductory essaja by Louamlro, Henry Rogers, and Vidor Cousin. , VOLTAIRE'S LA HENRIAPE, Wit lithe Ihttle of Fontennv.Uis'crt'itmnaon Man. Law of Nature. Destruction of Lisbon, Temple of Tiut* and Temple of Friendship. From theFronohof M. Pa Voltaire. With Notes fimn nil the Commentators. Editod by 0. W. Wight. A. M. 1 vol. l2mo. ’] )iin is.a carefully rovihrd find carefully edited trans lation of Voltaire a well known Epio.and of his teal Poems. 111. ~ .. r, x, THE martyrs. Hr, M. .1'“ ,?"»■ A revised translation. Edited bv 0. \Y. Wight. 1 vol. This la Hip first timo acomplAto and unexpurgated edi tion of Lhfttcaubriftud’s groat novel has ever neiwarcd in English. * IV. , I«A FONTAINE'S FABLES. Illustrated by J. J, (immlcillo. Translated from thr French by >h*ur Wright, Jr. Editod by 0. W Wight. A. M. Zvols. Tliero is something in LaFontaiim that transports us back to tho innocent thoughts of childhood; »ml when ho introduces himself amongst the diameters of hi* aeeno, we seem to road tho unpremeditated effusions of n heart absolutely without guile, breaking out in those occasional touches of tenderness, wh'eh, seoininjch without design, but never without effect, aro scattered through Ins pages.”—Quarterly Rot i°w. The following einhraco the first ten volumes of the series : MONTAIGNE'S COMPLETE WORKS. 4 vo’s. FEN EL' N’S TELEMACRUK. 1 vol. FAHOM/H PHOVINCJA L LETTERS, l vol. VOLTAIRE’S LIFE OF CHARLES XII. 1 vol. M’MK DE STAEL'S GERMANY. 3 vo|». ” ” CORINNE. l vol. Price per volume, hound in doth 25 “ ‘‘ 4 * shcop. Library stylo “l .Ml “ , „ lialfcalf.uilt.ornntiquo . 2 2A The complete sot of fifteen volumes, in a neat case, in half calf or antiquo. sai 76. DEIIBY k JACKSON, Pohlishors. H >l9 NASSAU Street, Netv York. A FRESH SUPPLY THIS MORNING. A frewh supply received THIS MORNING of Guinness Sermons. 1 vol. 12mo. §l. Illustrative Teaching; Or,Practical Hints to Sabbath- School i Pftcnor*. 20 cents. Bring Me Up, 3.uimel. By Rev. James W, Alexan der. D. D. >6 cents. ■ The Mother's Hymn Book. By Thomas Hastings. 30 cents. “ Poor Little Joo.” By Aunt Friendly. ISnio. 25cls. Bound Out; or, Abby at the Farm. lsmo, 25cents. Tho Little Musicians. 18mo. 25 cents. The Orange Peed. By Aunt Friendly. 25 coats. For sale hr WILLIAM 8. A- ALFRED MARTIKN. nig _ No. ii ’O OH ESTNUT Street ATOW READY. LI TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. By the Authur of” School Daja at Rugby.” Par' Firet. Price 18centa, Published in Monthly Part*, from the early English sheets, by TiUKNOR A FIELDS. nli;-w&*2t rjUIE GIFT-BOOK OF THE SEASON HENRY A. BROWN A CO.. >t Hanoverstreet, Boston, oiler «t Hktau. and to the Tkai», ( the URAWINn.JIOOM I'OUTKAIT oaLi.kuy. an elegant 1 plume, beautifully hound 111 cloth and gold containing .FORTY STEEL PLATE PORTRAITS of eminent. persons, migrated in the highest style of thunrt by D. J. Pound, from Photographs by May nil, nl London, and other eimnout artists, from lire, express!* fur the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, oaoh weekly number of which is accompanied by one of these fino portraits mid a memoir as t\ supplement. 'I Ins mipeib volume, nobly worth twenty-fne dollars,’is sold lor the very moderate sum of l&T FIVE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. *>OJ Or we will send it vraxiv! 10 any address in tho United States on receipt of Air ttoUnrs, N. H.—For the additional sum of two dollars (7 60 in all) the publishers v It send, in Addition, tho ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD for Foim Wm.k* (i'oW-/*ni</ as nbo ic) from the date of subscription— t»ilv fif>' rr/il? per copy lor h paper winch, with rnrlrmt. is cheap at 60 cents. Address all orders to JTJYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. I>R. VON MOBOHZISKKR, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr, M. gnes his exclusive attention to the medical and aurgicnl treatment of tho EYKnml EAR. DEAFNESS ol the longest standing removed both hv medical and surgical operation* on the latest scientific principles. Dr. M. would ho pleased to roceivo mem bers ol the. medical faculty who wish to witness Ins lnetnoil ol operating for the removal of Deafness, or anv operation on the EYE and EAR. ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED. Office Ufa l South NINTH Btreot. almve Bpruoe. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 4 to 6 P » M > n7-luuf WARM AIR FURNACE. * » THE NEW CONF, FURNACE ~ I!AS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Wann your house with ONX-rniRD i.ltM coal linn is required by any either Fnrimoe. Falisfnoiion mall cases guaranteed. BuiUlinc* Warired and Ventilated by ARNOLD L WII.BON, 10U) CHESTNUT Rtrset. eLATB MLVNTELS, tr Tl !, e , R^ h ? t,t M an '} , moat Specimens ol Enamolled Blato Mantels, ever nflored for sale in tins oountry, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Blate stone, and for earn v?ry low. ARNOLD ic WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Sheet. OF THE AITTHOU Of HENRY A. BROWN k CO., 14 HANOVER Street, Boston. NEW PUBLICATIONS, ILD SOUTHERN SCENES. A TALE OF DISUNION! AND BOEDER WAR. BY J. B. JONES, Esq., Author q/ 11 Wild Western Scenes ” “ IPnr FafA,” fc. Completo in two vols., paper cover, prioe One Dollar; or houud tn one volume cloth, for One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents. Tho Publishers of this powerful liook are confident that the aimplo announcement of a volume in the vein “ Wild Western Scenes,” and by tho same author, will arouse an unwonted demard for the new book. “Wild Western Scenes” has now reached tho already Unpre cedented salo of 100 000 copies, and Its publishers now continue to sell some 10,000 of it annually, although the work was published noarly twenty yea's ago. The name of tho now work by the same author is WILD SOUTHERN SCENES. A TALE OF DISUNION! AND BOUDEIt WAR. And it will undoubtedly, from its peculiar and absorb ing character, at once occupy the undivided attention of a very largo portion of tho thinking and reading pul iation of America. While its disclosures at this timo will assuredly create a deep sensation among all reason ing ami reflecting bodies, tho purely novel reader mil, at the name time,bo absorbed and diverted with the strange and laughable story. No work having any of tho distinguishing characteristics of this surprising production has over appeared from the press, and its very singularity must insure thousands of renders fur it at once. READ TIIE TABLE OF CONTENTS. The Eve of the Wedding, Wiry Willy in New York, A Midnight Conspiracy, The Executions, Tho Eve of Baltic, Blartling Intelligence, Tho Attack and Repulse, Advance of the Invading Wiry Willy’s Hodge, Army, Horrors of Civil War, BAttlebt the Budges, Edith's Disguise and Flight, RufJloton’a Generalship, A Mob of Destructives, The Junction, Edith at tho Black Boar, Headquarters at Havre Kdith’s Adventures, deGrnce, Wiry Willy and Jack Bim. Affairs at the Capital, Insurrection of tho slaves, Reception at the White A Death Scone, House, The Battle of Bladonsburg, A Dark Conspiracy, Wiry Willy’s Strango Ad- The Scouts, venture. Last Scene at White Meeting of Blount and House, * Alice, Temptation, Rescue of Wiry Willy, Ruffieton in the White Alice and Fdith. House, Gold, Glittering gold, Mount Vernon, Nocturnal Visitors, Blount's Headquarters, Interview between General The frotoctor in his Blount and Edith, Palace, Tho Invasion of the An Alarm And a Capture, North, Tho Announcement, Excitement in tho Conven- Tho Mystery, tion, Nocturnal Adventures, Suspension of Hostilities, Further Adventures, The Treasure, Federal Headquarters, Hudson's Sncoossor, Diplomatic Categories, Impending Perils, The Ministerof Justice, Negotiation, A Contra Temps, Negotiations with Ran- The March to Rioh dolph, morn), The Eve of Battle, Amherst Castle, The Battle, An Exchange, Attempted Assassination, Arrival of tho Enoniy, Promotion, Desertions’to Randolph, Lord Slysir’s Captivity, Nocturnal Expedition, Cessation, of the Bombnid- Generals Toler and Fell, ment, Tho Prisoners, Preparations lor a Naval Ptartling News, Battle, Balatrmn in Randolph's LordMysir in Captivity Camp, Tho Cannonade Resumed, News fom the Capital, Tho Naval Battle, Battle and Stampede, Return of the Chio r tains, Flora’s Intrepidity, The Underground Bridal Bcenos at the Castlo, Chamber, Tho Fugitive, Young Summers, Tho Underground Bridal The Soiroo, Chamber, Edith and Summers, The Restoration, Council Board at Midnight, Conclusion. READ THE FOLLOW (NG EDITORIAL NOTICES OF THE rREB3. From the Richmond Enquirtr. “ Wo havo ventured tho prediction that this worlj is doitined to aehlovo a success. Wo hope naif a million eooies mav Ikj disseminated among the people North and Kouth, ami wo *rn j/Dd that it lias fallen into the hauds of tho fortunate publishers of it.” Frot/t the Neto York Observer. “ A very remarkable and novelbook. * * * * The scenes that follow arc portrayed with great skill and ef with a love story running through and amusing nemnes introduced, making the tale entertaining, and holding tho reader’s attention to tho close.” | JFVofn ike Amim. “A capital tala of love incidents, patriotism, tuid statesmanship. The Imnk is nqe of the most mlcnsah interfilin' that wn ii.ixa read lor many a day, and it is amusing and patriotically instructive ns Welt. Itsinflu onoa cannot fail tn do good. Wo heartily corain ml it to evervlwidy. No one will commence to read and not finish it.” From the “AVii* York 2)vy Boole.** 4 ‘ Tlio author of 4 W ilil Western Scenes’ h«a given iis another very entertain;"* book. The terrible results that will follow tne inovitnhto olinmx of soctionnl mad ness and folly ore made tho subject of the story. The tale 1.1 of intense. Inlrtrost. There is niunli humor run ntng tlirmuhonl it. Tho President's daughter. Captain Bim.unil Qrnoritl Crook, are well-drawn characters. Wo cnnrontidontli rocommeml the work asone of ab sorbing mill peculiar interest/' It is issued complete in two volumes, paper coier Price One Dollar; or.bound in one volume, Cloth, 25. Published and for Kale by T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS, PiiMi'shers and Booksellers, No. 30ti CHESTNUT STREET, J'mLAou.rnu. *7* Copies of the nbnvo work Will be sent to any place, f’ee of routine, on remitting the price to tho Pub lisher, in a letter. nil-.'it CARPETINGS. rp.lis FALL’S IMPORTATION OP CARPET I N G- S , TO J!E CLOSED OUT AT REDUCED PRICES. BAIDY & BROTHER, 0-0 CHESTNUT STREET, Will this day reduce the prico of the entire balanco of their stook of “ CKOSSLfcY'S,” '‘DICKSON'S/ 1 “ HENDERSON'S'' And other makers of VKJ.VKT, TAPESTHY, and CARPKTiNGS, in orclor to close this sea son's importation. Wo liave also on hand asplendid ns <ortment of snp«r THREE-PLY and INGRAIN BED ROOM CARPETS, wbioh we shall soil low. nIS tf <;i:nts» fuiinihiiing goods. gUI'ERIOU DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFACTURED AT W. W. KNIGHT’S, GOG ARCH STREET. The newest and most beautiful stylcß always on hand vory suitable presents for the approaching holidays. Just received a lot of PURE BILK BIIiRTS AND DRAWERS, EXTRA TIES, SCARPS, Ac., OF THE NEWEST STYLES, PINE SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, OR MADE TO ORDER, GUARANTIED TO FIT. R. WALBORN & 00, (NOW) NOS. ft AND T NORTH SIXTH STREET, hate now a very superior assortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves. Hosiery, etc. Speoialattention given lo GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, of whioh a fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. oIQ-.Jmif JW. SCOTT—late of tho firm of Win • che/tor & Soott-GKNTLEMKN’S FURNISH- Rn<l H HIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESiNUrStreet,(nearly opposite the GirardHousr,) Philadelphia. J, W.B. would rospeotfblly call the attention of his rormer patrons ami friends to lus new store, end is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notioe. A oerlect fitgunruntied, Wholesale Trails supplied with fine bhirts and Collars. jyJMy LOST AND FOUND. T OST OR STOLEN—On the Night Train ‘v^n’*il Woen I'J'dadelphia and Baltimore, or between the Biltimoro Depot anil tho Kutnw House, on theBlh or tth nut.i a 1 OCitET-ilOOK,.belonging to the subson ler, omtaming the following notes, vis s Iwc notes, both payable to W. k C. Smith, al Hank, endorsed by them, and signed by Con verse A Hyde, dated SlatlbnlviUo, Oot. 10th, *6O, at 7 inos., for 8M3.4L .. d ” , ilo ~ do •• 616.01. Also, two notes, pay aMo to W. A C. Smith, endorsed by them, auu signed by E. A. Converso, agt. Hope Co., dated Stafford vitlo, Oot. 15th,’ 60 , at 6mos., for 19697 20. .. do do do •* f. 94.20. Also, three notes, signed by Parley Converse, ftgt. CiiQversviHo (0., one payable to B. W. Patten, for f i l y° to Robbins Patten, one for $761. and one for BLOW 40. ‘1 he pay mont of al) the above notes has been stopped. H . , a . „ „ PARLEY CONVERSE. Stafford Springs, Conn., Nov. 12th, 1859. nia-Si’ 4 AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a ■f* 4 reliable medium Ihrotighwhioh Schools and Fami lies may obtain oomretent teachers. Parents mny ob tain, gratuitously, Information and circulars of tho best schools. SMITH, WOODMAN, A CD., . 846 BROADWAY, New York, or n»«* «oar.Mw STNUT Philadelphia, qpriEREIS THAT WHICH EVERYBODY A- admires m the Life-siso Photographs in OH. They ?. r, .' , l»ft. r .. l JWJßP ,^.a ft , *s*Rotory oiotnres for parlors. Visit IIEIMER § Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. H* retail dry goods. yELVET POPLINS AT REDUCED PRICES. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. • HAVE MARKED DOWN THE PRICES OF TIIEIR HANDSOME ASSORTMENT 01' VELVET POPLINS. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET, nlfi-.'tt RAPSON’S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY BTB. Have now open a lino assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE. AND SPLIT. The whole froin Hie oeletirnteij, Hertz * irt Berlin* Our customers can depend on fettinff the beet article ever offered at retail m Phila delphia, at tho lowest prices. A ‘PLBNPIO ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERED SUVPRRft, A-Varikty of Black Cloak Tassels. Handsome Crochet Cloak Fringes. New and beautiful Dress Trimminqs. Woollen Knitting Yarns, all colors, Zephyr Knit Talmas and Caps. Zkphtr Knit Gaiters and Blehvks. A AT SftS'oH* TiUMM,SO "' LADIES’ TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR BTORE. Cor. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS. Blfi-3m glLlt FANCY GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. L. J. LEVY & CO. Have reduoed tho priees of their entire stock of BILK AND STAFLE DRY GOODS, Which comprises a very choice selection of all the NEW GOODS OP THE SEASON. The .inspection of purchasers is invited. "heir STOuK is now complete, in all the Depart ments, ami many of their GOODS have been purchased at the large Auction Bales, AT LESS THAN THE FOREIGN COST. They offer to the publio a Urge assortment of the BEST GOODS MANUFACTURED IN EUROrE, at prices AS LOW as can be purchased olsewhere. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET, nU-Jt fjpiJE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM. ELEGANT CLOAKS, OF PARIS, LONDON, and HOME MANUFACTURE, Now open m great profusion. NEW CLOAKS OPENING EVERY MORNING, The largest stook in the oity. KI3H YELVfaT CLOAKS, Plain and elaborate. HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS FINE CLOTH CLOAKS, MOURNING CLOAKS, ELEGANT COLORED CLOAKS, In Drap do Velour> IMPERIAL PLUSH, in Stripes; ROYAL PLUSH, TARTAN, AND OTHER NOVELTIES, J, W. PROCTOR & CO. PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, JXD FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. nldx* tf JJANDSOME FURS FOR LADIES’ WEAR REAL RUSSIAN SABLE CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. HUDSON BAY SABLE CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. AMERICAN MINK SABLE CAPES , HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. ALSO, BTONE MARTIN, FINE DARK GERMAN FITCH, and evert uthe well-seasoned FUR. The largest assortment in the city. It is respeotfully submitted to Ladies that, in their search for articles in this department, their convenience will be batter consulted at the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, which, being devoted exclusively to the sale of articles for Ladies* Attire offers inducements not obtainable elsewhere. J.W.PROOTOR & CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, JND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, Great inducements to shawl BUYERS. In order lo reduce tho stock of BLACK, BKOWN, AND COLORED CENTRE mi , STELLA SHAWLS, The .prices have nil been markort down, making a re duction of §l6O to £3 on each Shawl, according to quality. 'lhe stales are fresh and desirable, the assortment large, and tho prices will amply rernv Tor purchasing a little out ol season. CHARLES ADAMS, nlO-who EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. TVEW-STYLE CLOAKS, OPENING THIH PAY, at S. V.R. HUNTER’S New Store, No. 40 South BECON D Street, N. lI.—A variety of Children's Cloaks. nil 6f Horse blankets. Bright Co’ors and Plaids. Railway Rugs and Wrappers, BIIARPLESS BROTHERS, nlO CHESTN UT and EIGHTH Street*. Neat fkenuh chintzes. Very neat Figured Brown, wide. Clm/zea for Friends' wear. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, nIQ CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, TONMUSU FINK BLANKKTK, Superior quality, nearly square. Large size and Heavy. Ribbon-bound Twilled Blankets. Amorican fino Roohdale. Crib and Cradle, various grades. BHARVLESB BROTHERS, nIQ CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Hosiery goods.—j. wm. iio'F MANN. No. 9 North EIGHTH Btreet, has now open his Fall Stock of Hosiery Goods, viz: Undervesii and Draworsof Cartwright anu Warner’s superior manu facture, for ladies' and misses' wear. Merino Shirts and Drawers, lor gents and youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Gaunt lets, and goods generally appertaining to the Hosiery business. J..W.H. respectfully solicits tho attention of families to lus stock, assuring them that his stock is un excelled for variety by any other in the city, and that his prices are as low as those of any other regular house. N. B.—No abatement made from the pnoes named. s2l-wfmtf Magnificent nw goods open- ING DAILY!!! THORNLEY k CHISM, EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, have an excellent stock of Long Broohe Shawls at 88, $lO, $l2, $l4, $l6, 918, S2U. $22, and 828. Square Broche Shawls. Stella Bhaw!s Ac., Ac. Long and Square Blanket Shawls Ladies and Misses. Gents' and Boys’ Shawls, from 83 fiOup. The RevnrsibloBhawl for 86. worth §7.60! CLOAKS. By the l>est New York and Philadelphia Manufacturers, from 83.60 up to 825!!! Wulo Bilk Velvets, Beaver Clotns, Ac., &o. Onssimeres, Batinetts,Ac., for Men’s and Boys’ Wear. BLACK SILK, 10 per cent, under regular prices! Fancy Silks, unusually cheap. Boautiful Dresi Goods, in great variety. The Prettiest low priced Delaines in tneeity. BLANKETS, of the best English and American Manufacture, THORNLEY & CHISM Bun cnlyfcrCaih. They can't am! won't be Undmold N. E. oorner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. 020 • LADIES’ FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCII STREET. HAS NOW OPEN HID UBUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Made of stock eeleoted ty himself in Europe during the past Spring- oc*B-3m & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared to suit families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MKRINOES, LADIES’ CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID BILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKING FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCK OF BLANKETS, CABBLMKRES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B,—The above Good* are all at the low rate* of the season. oeTO-tNZO fJ&LL AND WINTER CLOAK'S. A. Newest Patterns Fall Cloaks. Winter Cloaks daily opening. Black Beaver Cloaks, lllaok Tuoot Cloaks. Binok French Cloth Clonks. •9* Cloaks made to ord-r at one day’s notice, Trices 86 to Bw. COOPER fc OONARJJv oio NINTH and IgARKET. pASSIMEKKS, OLOITIS. V/ Thick Plain Cssaimeres. Heavy Blaok Cassimerei, Stout Fancy Styles. Rugr*d Mixtures, Plaids and Stripes. 54 and 6-4 First-rate Black Doeskins. Blaok Broadcloths BlAoto 8&< Ladies’ Cloaking Cloths. COOPER k CONARD, old NINTH and MARK&T. IMPROVED SPEOTACLES, with the A finest r.rl.oopio Glee/we.corrfctly fittod to the e. e«, at M. J. FRaNKLiN'S. Odliciru. .. U 8 ?« 0 . FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Also, Miorosoopes, Telescopes, Opera Glasses, Drawing Instruments, Stereoscopes, ind Stereoscopic iioturas, of latest Importation and atVfdl^r^rf/"■^r r, . m a great vanetr. ni2-ifim riUOIOE PURE TEA.—LOVE, FOURTH V amt CHEBTNUT, has reduced his Dollar Blaek ana Green Tea* to fft cents per pound-A Bargain. cJ WANTS. scll &t a Bargain, the delphia andEaatpn. For a view ol tha nn PARTNER WANTED—A~H^TiiuT Wished in the Dry Goods Commission business (Fo reign and Dnmestio),and now perfectly unembarrassed ami doing a flour.ehingandgrowing bugmesa. would take as partner, r gentleman of integrity and business capaci ty who could command from £25,000 to 430.0(0. Terences of'he highest character wil be offered sod every information given that roa) be desired. All com munications ad rawed to *' R. 8. & Co., office of this will bo held strictly and honorably confide^i- ViT'ANTED—By a Lad of Sixteen, a Situ . a lj°n 'u a Wholesale House. Good reference. Address Box 2312,” Post Office. . nIS-3t* ANTED— X purchaser for a first-rate, . . rospectable and profitable business, already es edf •i tn ' ted on CHESTNUT Street, in tho nt/Sin r * I ‘!i of lho . Continental Hotel. Less than thousand dollar* m cash repaired. Pays !?S.® t J? B but lilt e competition. Address pox mo. 1910/ p. o. n!4*?t —A first-class Hotel, either in torn ofsfooiTF^lAticaster, Lel«inon. or r!,w An J. Person baring such a tw^t^B^s^-ssK^SaaeSfiS; OSIos. Fhi&dqiphi,. Coamumy \f%T ANTED—By a young man, having an * T excellent knowledge of German, and several years experience m a British Dry Goods House, a Situ ation in some importing house, either as entry Clerk or Book keepers’ and Buvers’ Assistant. Best references given. Address ** G. F. B.»” this Office. nlft-tt WANTED—Employment for a respecla " *, ble. intelligent Boy of 14—where part of his time would imj occupied in writing. Best reference given. Apply at his home. 303 UNION Ptreet. nlfi-fit* YfILTANXEJ)—A German Designer for all ,\ va ;^‘ , . f ' w y olle «Cloth«. Apermanentandlucra- K° n . a otfsr «d to a German haring the follow * y*?’ l thorough knowledge of the If vi*ff 1 Languages, an accurato knowledge or Woollen Manufactures ns carried on abroad, and 5f wiulncfothtl 0 W ‘ eUm ‘ Ul> M,r “ d *“W*‘»M A practical Woaver and Designer, and none other MSoath FRONT Btreet. 010-mwf-tf • 36LETITIA Street, %\TaNTED—A gentleman of responsi* » y bihtv, having a family of three, wishes to hire a furmslv-d house in or near the city. Would like to meet with a gentleman with whom he could make an arrangement to take charge of the premises for him in his absence., and who would he willing to receive a no minal rent in addition to his scrvicog in taking card of smd premises For further particulars, inquire at the officeofl J A\TON A HAWKINS,No.32BCHESTNUT Street, up stairs. n!4-3t* 000 —WANTED—A Partner with if f»<l| cl 'pj l sf of from <,OOO to 8,000 dollars, in the Wholesale and Retatt Lumber, Timber, and Coal Commission business. To an active and reapeotable gentleman. possessing good business quali ties, with the above amount, a rare opportunity!* offer ed. as the business is well established and sitnated in a central and leading market. P lve 9. and required.. Address Box N*. 1730 Philadelphia Post Office, giving name and resi dence. All communications strictly cor fidentiaL part nership to commence January Ist, 136 ft. nil-fit* A RARE CHANCE,—For sale, on accom modating terms, the Btock, Good Will, ntd Fix tures of a first-class Fanoy Dry Goods Store, on one of tho best busmess avenues in the city, doing a business of $15,000 pernnnnum.and increasing; Profits 30 per cent. Address »»J. K, P.,” office of The Press, nil-fit* VITANTED—To EXCHANGE for Unin- J \ . cumbered City Property, One Hundred seres of Land in New Jersey, twenty miles from Phi ladelphia. “Knetf,” office of The Pres*. nKHft WANTED —By n Young Man, a situs tion as Entry Clerk or Assistant Bookkeeper, ran furnish good references. Address •* K.,” office of this paper. nlO-fit* FOR SALE AND TO LET. Xjf'Oß SALE —A Portable Steam Engine ■*- and Pump, six-horse power, together orseparatelv/ nearly new. Can be seen at the P. tfi.R, r. Co.'’* Warehouse, WILLOW Street Wharf. Will be sold low, as the owner has no turtheruse for them. For further information coll at 315 Sooth SIXTH Street. n)fi-6t* TO LET—3d, 4th, and sth Stories of the new building 413 ARCH Street.' Well calculated fpr a light manufacturing business, having two sky lights and water and water closets; also, gas and gas h uureg. Apply on the premises. nlfi-fit* A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—-The subscriber, wishing tn dec'ine farm ing, will sell, at private sale, that valuable Farnunn which be now resides, sitlhted in Thornbory township, Chester county, Ha., bounded by the street and Con cord roads. 11l miles from Philadelphia, and >a miln from tho West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Dopot at Cbeyney’s Shops; containing One Hundred aou Fifteen Acres of good Land, ten acres of which nro Woodland. The improvements are a Stone Man sion, two stones and attic, with four rooms on each floor, with good oellnr, all lately repaired, with a well of water, and pump therein, at the door; n targe Stone and Frame &\rn,7o hy 35 feet; Stabling under a wagon house adjoining, with a well of water nnd pump under tho same; Corn-crib, Ice-house. Ac. There is a stream cf water running through the farm, by which water may be forced to anr neeessare heielif. For a country soat or dairy farm- there are few more desirable situ ation.*. Persons wishing to purchase will be shown the same bj callm? on »he subscrilwr. or refer to Mr : JAM La M. CUMMINS, .Media, Delaware county, or .Messrs. GEORGE TE LL A CO., No. 1U27 street, Philadelphia. Terms will be made easy. no!2-sws3t* ALEXANDER STEPHENS. UPPER FLOORS OF STORE No. 216 CHESTNUT STREET , f FOR RENT. nls-tf TJ LET—A new four-story Store on Strawlierry Street. 132 feet deep, three sky-lights, 2 he «ts, nnecellar, coal vaults under the pavement,wa ter and water closets tvbo\ e nod Irelow. Kent very low to a punctual tenant. HARIES BROTHERS, nlt-St* No. BTKAWBEHRY Street. "CUR SALE—The well-kiumn and ©!d established Hotel, at Mount Ephraim, N. J., f’ur miles troni Camden, with extensive SUnlmx, Hay Scales, nnd Seven Acres of Land attaobed. all of whicii is surrounded with shade and ornamental trees, being one of the best located stands In the RtUe. forms easy. Apply to E. F. MIDDLETON A BSO-, nit-fit 6 North FRONT Street. FOR SALE—A valuable Lot of Ground, 113 feet by 100. three fronts, water and *a* laid on one front; suitable for a church or factory. Insinua ted ip the Southwestern part of the city, in a rapidly im proving neighborhood. Terras easy. Address, for par ticulars, “ J. K..” office of this paper. nt-tf TO LET—A Second-story Room, conre nient to the State House, saitable for a Lawyer’s Offioe. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. s!6 BOARDING. LODGING ROOMS, for Gentlemen, second story, handsomely furnished, private entrance. gaB,ftc.3t’2 UNION Street. aU-st* \\T ANTED—k umished Apartments, with " * every facility for Housekeeping, Bath, Gas, .ke., for Gentleman and Wife: or Board 'n a strictly Private Family. Address 44 Merchant," Blood’s Dis patch, with full particulars ol price, Ac. nlO REMOVALS. Removal.— Mas. m. s. bishop has Removed her Millinery Establishment from 91ft to 1016C1IESTNUT Street, next to St- Lawrence Hotel, nlft-lm Removal .-henry stevenson, TAILOR, begs to inform his numerous friends am) customers that he has Removed to 323 CHESTNUT Street, second door bolow Fourth, South side, where he u ill keep a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Doe sk>ns. Overcoatings. Cashmere Vestinss. kc..* hich he will ba pleased to sell on the most reasonable terms. g n 3 lm* MERCHANT TAILORS. O. THOMPSON, TAILOR, N. H. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS., Devotes entire personal Attention to orders, and keeps always on hand a desirable variety of GOODS FOR MEN'S WEAR. N. B.—FANTALQONS, as cut by me, are warranted to Hire satisfaction, and as many find it difficult to ge suited, 1 laauc this special notice. no2-wfm2mif BOOTS AND SHOES. [-[AZEtiL & HARMER, MANUFACTURERS AHD WHOLESALE DEALERS IK BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 128 NORTH THIRD STREET. A full assortment of City made Boots and Shoes con itsntly on band. slft-tf MEDICINAL. For obstinate coughs and Colds, Bronchia] Affections, And diseosespf Throat and Lungs medicine has established and preserved a higher character than THOMPSON’S COM POUND SYRUP OF TAR. Sold by ANGNEY, Drug gist, FIFTH and SPRUCE. It- IMPORTANT TO CLERGYMEN.PUBLIC SPEAKERS, AND SINGERS. LANCASTER’S BRONCHIAL LADENCIA. U A SLIGHT COLD,” if its firsttsyinptoma are not arrested, too often lavs tbe fouudat|oaof a variety ot Pulmonary Complaints, including Winter Coush, Asth ma, Bronohitis, loflnenin, Irntation and Borcness ol the Throat, and other constiiutional derangements. The evil consequences of these disorders may bo easily averted or subdued bv keeping at hand a supply of tbe above celebrated LOZENGES, which have now stood the testol public experience for several years. Contiumn,’ neither opiates nor any injurious anodyne, tbor mar be safely taken by the youngest child or the »"* d, ' io *‘ B AnCASTKR. ELEVENTHand WALNUT Streets. o!7 mwftm Philadelphia. Fa. Rockbridge alum water.—This Natural Mineral Water, so well known and ex tensively used at the South, possesses curative proper ties in many oases of Chroniu Disease and Debility, which have gained for it a European as well as an American reputation. Many invalids, either restored or relieved by its use, bear willing testimony to its remedial powers. It ts used in Scrofulous and Cutaneous affections. Chronic Diarrhma, Dvspepsia, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, and in ailments peculiar to FeinAlcs, It is also useful ns a Tomo madebilitated condition of thesy stem * < ROaK&'RIDGE ALUM water I. bottled—Rh e»l«, At the Springs, and in this condition retains it* virtues for a long tune, ummpaired. A supply will always be found with our agents, from whom it may be ordered with confidence in it» freshnen and purity, viz ; BLAIU A WYETH, Philadelphia. HEGKMAN k CO . Now York. COLEMAN k ROGERS. Baltimore. FISHER k UMSTON, Richmond. ’ Pamphlets containing full particulars can be obtained as above FRAZIER k RANDOLPH, 031-mwslm* Fropnetors. ZOLLIUKOFFER'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL.—Sin : I havebeenafllictedwithrheu mat'sm tor a long period—ft portion of the tune bad no use of my hin!<s. Tried your Cordial, and in three day* I was able to walk down stairs, and m a meek the pain entirely leit me. Ido cheerfully recommend the Cor dial to those who are afflicted with that dreadful com p’aint, Yours, Jss. W. Niwlix. Broker. 632 Pine st- Prepared by THKOhORF. DILKB, Chemist, N. h. comer PINE and SIXTH *t*. oH 4 3m NEWLAND & CO.. •LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTUHK-FHAMH MANUFACTURERS, WUOLEBALE AND RETAIL. An extena've etock of OIL PAINTINGB, etc. Allot very Low rnces. 6*14 ARCH Street, above SIXTH, el»-tUt>f JI. 11. GROVE, Manufacturer of Show Cases. Waremom 111 North FOURTH Street. WM. 11. UROVF/g (lata SHUSTER’S I Stsam Cabinet Fartorj-SoroU Bavm<. Tnrnme, Flnnine, Mr.uldinr, I.AOHANOK Street, between Market and Aroh, and Second nnd Tmnl rtreote. nlAlm SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF COTTON TWINE, for uls bj ROBERT E.' EVANS, oiaimlf tu CHESTNUT Suwai. XitUSKaUiNTS. VirALNUT-STREET THEATRE. » T Sole LesM« - SnJLA GAHRETTSOW. Aotrnz «od Swze lUnßtt..™... .Mi. £. F. KEACH. Will be pre.ented BERTRAM With Mrs. Waller as lmosine, Mr. Waller as Bertram, sjaeo by the full strength or the effieieag artistes of the Walnut-street eompaay. To conclude with the Nautical Drama entitled „ _ THE LOST eHfP. Ben Trenant, Mr. Perry; SaSy Popple, Muw Wilks; lose Linden, Mrs. Duffietd. ** Priees os usual. Beats secured tlirea days in advance. Wheatley & olajrke’B arch ". „BT R K F,T T H EAT RE. THIS IWEDWKDAY) EVENING, November 18, TO cooclude zmh the odciinjWe Corned. entiUed - «^,,.„.|5,r^ AV ie T 0 eKT MARRIED. s-owodßooia in Dress UirUe,37)4 cents; P&raoet, SB cents. Doors open at half past s o’eio&t aaifoneanee to eomnieao* at7o’clock precisely. ' TV AN RICE’S GREAT SHOW. DAN RICE, thoOrigieal American Humorist.smear* in tus Senu-Fbiloeopbieal Oration* at each '° t TH(sTr)FERNOONAND EVENING. Not. m. The performance will commence with the BEDOUINS* CAMP. Mrs. DAN RICE wiU introduce her beautiful charger, •* White Burrov.” Mast. JAMES MADIG *N. the great Trick Rider. Mr. F. H. BC6BTON. with fils six Performing Horses. The highly-trained Eteshsnt sod Rhinooeroe. Each enteftamment will conclude with funny antics 3y the Comto Moles. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. x *» distinguished success. SECOND GRAND „ ITALIAN OPERATIC ENTERTAINMENT, By those favorite sod talented artists. AGNF.SE JvATALI. Bopsako. ASM4* COXTRALTO. BIGNOR MaCCAFERRI. Txxor. BIGNOR ARDAVANITBixiTOXR BIGNOR_ROCCO, Bass® The full and effective Orchestra,under the able direc tion of CARL ANSCHUTZ. w WEDNESDAY EVENING, November l« v 1369. will be presented all the prominent and favonte selec tions from the Operas of LVCREZIA BORGIA aan _ ELISIRE D’AMORE. raiCEs or Admission.—Parquet, Fareuet Circle, mid Balcony. 50 cents t Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 25 ce s“- _g.° extra charge_for reserved seals. Box Office open daily from * A. M. till* P. M. Ihxirs open at M pan 7. Opera cotaaue&ces at 8 o clock. _ L ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Nor. », 1 be above favorite artists will give A GRAND MATINEE, Commencing at 1 o’clock precisely, for the aoeotusaoda tioa of ladies and families. nls-2t p f ARL WOLFSOHN.xnd CARL HOHN- BTOCK’B FIRST CLASSICAL SOUKE, _ . _ will take place on Nor. 17th, In the Foyer of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC* D , . . ... At 8 o’clock. will he received at tha Mute Ptorea of G. Andre A Co.. 1104 Chestnut street; Lee k. WaQmr, It2 p hfistoat street; Beck ALawtou, corner of fierestt and Chestnut streets; A. BhmidC, 28 Bovth Eighth street, where the prospectus and pnvrammee eaa ba seen. Subeeribers are requested to asllfoi their tteketa Bißgl# ticketsatthe door, £l. oM-talT THB GERMANIA ORCHESTRA BB ■pectroHy atmoQuce that their FIRST GRAND CLASS CAL CONCERT{VocaI aßdlutrameatal) will Uka place on THURSDAY EVFNiNG, December Ist, Ü MUSICAL FUND HALL,-*i than Orchestra foAty PER FORMERS. Price of Subscription—Three Ticket* for £2. ‘ Sab* ftcnpuon List open at Andrea and Seek k tLairtoQ’e Mqmc Stores, aod at M.F. Hall. Suule bekeU,ONE DOLLAR each; to be bad at the door on the night of the Concert only. For particulars see programme. TUoDONOUGH’S GAIETIES—RAC® ST. ANOTHER NEW PLAY. THIS EVENING, and donas the entire w«ek» feud ed upon the thriliinr incidents of THE MEXICAN WAR, A- M. HERNANDEZ , , . MONB. CALAD2NB In the principalport*. iSREAT band of SERENADES#! Givmj? the be*t ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITV. bJ tf Temple of wonders. Northeast comer of TENTH and CHESTNUT Street*—Seeond Store. SIGNOR BLITZ’S NEW AND WONDERFUL DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENTS of MAGI CAL METAMORPHOSES. VENTRILOQUISM, and the LEARNED C«NARY BIRDS, at hie NEW HALL, EVERY EVENING dttriet the WEEK, oomneoaias at 7Ko’clock. aad on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. Admiision ZS cent*. Children 13 cent*. \JV ILL CLOSB IN A FEW DAYS. 1 ▼ The Exhibition of DUSBELDORF PAINT INGS, at tbs ACADEMY OP FINS ARTS inetediar THE NARTYfiDOM OF JOHN HUSS. Open daily, from 9 A* M. till 5 P. to 10 P. K. *dim»g»onHcenU. ' pS-tf OERMANU ORCHESTRA.— PUBLIC vK fcebeamls evrry SATURDAY at MUSICAL FUND HALL, st 3H o’clock P. M. A package of eight ticket*, one collar. Bindc tickets, tacent*. Tobeaad aCG. Asdro’*. and Deck 4 Lawton’* Moco Store*, mao at the door. oUSm MIJbLINJgRY GOODS. |>- MRS. M. S. BISHOP, of 1016 CHEST mA NUT'Street, has bow opened a splendid M*ort mentof Fashionable Millinery. off-la HAMRERGE&, No. 116 North WBISECOND Street, i« prepared to exhibit the aoct complete stock of Millinery Good*, coinprmnp Ribboai, Flower*, Feathm*. Bkrada. Laea*, Rsohea, Vslrat*. and other Bonnet Materials. Also, a handsome assort ment of Pattern Bonnet*. to all of which he would ta- Tite the attention of Merchant* and Milliners N 8.-*Goods daily received from Auction, and eold at the lowest price*. eff-fta* 729. N E w 729. FLOWER & FEATHER STORE 7 S 8 CHESTNUT ’STREET. Just received per late STEAMER, a splendid asaert- HEAD DRESSES. BRIDAL WREATHS. FRENCH FLOWERS,FEATHERBEDS. THOS. KENNEDY Se BRO., 789 CHESTNUT ST., AND 13 8. SECOND ST. ocZ>-3m3 1004 CHESTNUT STBEET, ABOVE TENTH, 309 6. SECOND ST., maw 6PEUC3 BT. Has now opened the largest and most beutifel asaort- BONNET MATERIALS That can be found in the city. ALL COLORS. QUALIT IES, AND PRICES. QOOBB CUT BIAS A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO MILLINER!. ocM-tf-if ]\TOTHING CHEAPER* NOTIHKGBET -11 THRU Having tbe very best facilities, we are determined to furnish, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, the best and most seasonable roods in BONNETB, trimmed or untriroroed, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. RUCHES. Ac., Ac. We have nowesp'endid stock of WINTER BONNETS. in variety of style end quality, sure to please the most rmple or tbe most fashionable. Also, a most complete assortment of Children’e Straw and Fancy Bonnots, Beavers, Flats, etc. Beautiful Cloth and Velvet Cape for small boys. LINCOLN, WOOD, A NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, 019-tf NORTH SIDE. SAVING FUNDS. MANUFACTURERS’ AND MECHA i'A NlCB’ SAVING AND LOAN COMPANY, N.E. corner of SIXTH and COMMERCE Streets, pays de posits on demand with fire percent, interest. Philadelphia, Nor. 3, las. At the annual meeting of Stockholder* of the above institution, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. JAMES T. CARTER. President. THOMAS MARSH, Vico President. Sawvel P. Hvscoci, Secretary. DISKCTORS ! JamesT. Carter, Clayton French, Thomas Marsh. Thomas Craven, John Hertzler. Jr., Thomas Allman, Jr., SylveJter J. Megsrgee, Jacob Binder. Samuel C. Wilhts, Joseph E. Schell, Solicitor—George W. Thorn. It* A MERICAN SAVING FUND—COMPA XJLfiV’S BUILDIN3B.K. corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Htreeta—'Open daily frotn9«tli • o’clock, and on Monday till 8 in the erenmc. The old mititntiOß All eunte raid back op demand in told end MWer. TRUSTEE*. _ „ „ Alkx.Whillihx, Vres. YicePrt*. John C. Farr. T. E. Harper. Geort e Nosent, LouisA.Godey Thoa. Sergeant, Albert CTRobertt, Jno, P. Simons. Jonas Bowman, H. H. EMndye. Wqu J. Hazard. ** ~ nlf-ft Joitt C.Bim»,S«c. Johx 8, 'Wilsotc, Trew’rr OPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND SO ►O CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office,fro.ttlNorthTHlßD Street (Consolidation Bank BoiWtnjr.) __ CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OFPBNN £>« posits rooeired in sums of One Dollar and onwards, and repaid in Gold, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST Cram the day of deposit tin with- A responsible and reliable Barian Institution hae loaf been needed in the Northern part of the city, and ** The Sprint Garden Savings Fond Society ” was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to apply thin necessity. The Manners, m organising a#d il hare been governed wholly by a desire to aooomjoooate the beat* n«u interest and wants of the very large and eaterpn- From >to IK o’clock; also, on Monday and Thursday from B until 8 o’dook in the evening Xjuusni. Frederick Elect* Stephen Smith, John ?• Levy. Hon. H. K. Strong, Daniel Underkofibf, Frederick Stack#, Frances Hart, Joseph P. LeGere, John Kesslar, Jr., George Kseeht, HS. Pnn*I*. JaeobDock. „ M. Crowell, Hon. Wm- MiSward, i Woelpper, Geo. T. Thom, _ Peter C. Eftmaker. Robert B. gandsom _ James S. PRINGLE. PrewdeyL Fnancts Hant,Beoretarv. TIOINGS OP THE PENNSYLVANIA JL/ state fair for ,„ SIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Best Furnace for Warming Burnings. ToAevold A Wilson. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. Fib*t Peewit*. BEBT PORTABLE FURNACE. To Askold A Wilsojc. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. FmsT ramie*. BEBT COOKING RANGE. To Aa>oLt> A Wilson. CHItSON’S DOUBLE-OVKN COOKING RANGE. Fiasr Pnswitr*. best parlor coal grates. LOW DOW^and ’kASKKTG^RATKS, BEST EN AMELLKD*SLATE MANTELS. „ . To Aisold A Wilson. . _ For a very handsome display of Enamelled Slate Man tels, vsrj highly finished, staTcf superior workmanship, FIRST PREMIA. ARNOLD * WILSON. MU CHRBTWUT itn.t.l A M. Fkltwell. Su.t TMTNTON'S ENCAUSTIC) TILES lor IIA goon. _ , OnuuiMl Ckimsn Tom lot oo<iaf«* Girdto ViuotwJ Foontaint. Vitnfitd Pipo /or dreiM and Wator wodaetoa. Imported vat toraala bj Visiting, and Professional "* Cards, executed ia style. fcv ft. MAJtOT, Ka crsver, *W CHESTNUT Street. £ F~ comer Fifth, zd story. Poor and other plate* tpide to order. Sesis, Jewelry, £c., easraved. uU-Jca"