The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 29, 1859, Image 3
73'Freb T141. 1 ,?'4 1 4 r, , Ar t.*if i ntaor. tßeported.forjhe ' • - - ThoMpson.—Eonr pris OC.yekteiday'S eessien were necurimil in the trial abdflotion ease; John Connor ming the defendant. he ,obart , reent woe aria:Mod to rte utmost capacity. Lewin +O.- - CaSeidy, Been' appeared for the ,ComMon wealtittandelesers. rassmore Handbag/ and Lucas Rivet for thadefenoe. ' +Mr.itandblist made thecortaht ding speechin behalf mf thir.prisoner., It was an able exposition °Ulm - 1W end fads' of the • case.. Aftef an + ll llPartial *horse-fora hillzrhoulPeodbile Jury retired . far deliberation. , whey. not come to anyconclusion at the time of adjournment. The,verdiet will not now 1 lea known until s)fttlay Mornleg,wlpen.they:witt mime Into court With a seate4 *shot. On appliontioniof Dditijot Attorney Imughead, the tour of Johme+wee'ney,' charged with the murder of Richard Pores. was continued until lit onday.November 21st.' 1). Dougherty 1 b... counsel teethe prisoner, de. , sired to have an Mir hi ay appointed, as hie client has already- been confine i nn rison' since February Inst. The District Attorneyetaged that the arrangements of the Judgextvere Suohwe triyender.tbiainmossible. nessesin thenalitorereguiredtdhem court on the day natigned.i , , hy r ,pmugherty applied to the Court' to have a day fixed for the trial of the. Ron. William+ Millwarde against wh e n, the arandJury hove returned a tree bill for no readyand battery. , Indge Thompson , said -he weuld be tear the canoe at any mme. The District At torney' d that he wo u ld notify r , Dougherty when he would . be ready to proceed with the rinse, and that a cer tain deVsoauldbe fixed: Mr, D. appears as counsel for the . proseoutor. The bill against Mr. Mlliward-was originally ignored, but It bartnibeen ascertained that - none of the witnesses na What of the Commonwealth had been =mined. it wee sent ok to the brand Jury, who subsequently returned a "true bill." James Gamble was charged with having committed an assault and bettery.on Ann Roach. Dunne the progress of this ease, the noise of vehicles from outside we so ineeeennt and annoying, that Judge Thompson was in duced to remark that by it he ad been - prevented from hearing the best portion of the evidenee. A verdict of entity, was rendered. Sentenced for pay: a fine of one dollar, and the cos; of prosecution. Joltramlitts was cionsicted of the larcenr ern efethes flee.+The defendant has been in prison for some time Mr. Edward d. Qiiinn, just before the adjournment of the court, arose anthaddieseed Judge Thompson, as f oe - +•+`• ," • May it planes the Court, thsre lays befpre Mr. Long hand a bill of Pidiettnent - charming John Roffman with selling,lieuor to minors.' I have taien here since Mon day moraine, ready to assist Mr. Loughead in the pence cation of this_ rause. The - .witnesses of the Common weattithad been%sttendattee in obedience to its pro letiltiltili6Joemie 4 11 t IV:a w e t'inerg Alyegacrui,z d il gv; will- testify ,'Mat boys. fourteen, fifteen. and sixteen years of age, have boucht liquor ot the defendant and drunk it in Mahone!, until they have become intoxica ted. Yet Mr. Longhand L*ll9 me he will not try this rime for, twir mistiest first, booming it has net prossed.- 13eannd. because a former .grandinry ignored a bill of a eharaoteragnirist this defendant. The-first reason IA not-true -in-fnet. The Remind, if true, Militates rather against the DistrtotAttorney than the guise. - If shill had been moored by ri grand Jury, it %night well ito. that the District Attorney neglecte d in the first instance to submit all the evidence of the Nun monweialth to the jury. He had then. ea he has IlOWin hiN power. abundantevidence to incontestably eaten bah the tuft of the defendant. • I have lied a great deal of trouble trying to bring this defendant tallest Me I' MY OnneamlS hare' been frustrated by those who+e duty It wad to secret me. Shall this defendant be allowed to violate the LW with impunity? Shall he be licensed by the District Attorney to carry on his infamous traffic to corrupt the morale, and make drunkarde of the rising generation ? I desire. simply: to submit these questions to the courtrbelimmig it not to be powerleaa in the pre ; , Afr.lousfiee es. d that Mr. Quinn was misinformed as to the real fasts of the rime in g nestion. - A hells pros. bad been entered by hie colleague, Mr. Mann. who is now cimfined to bier house by illness, with the approval of Judge Ludlow; and, of course. node_ these circum stances, he could net and would not try the case. He desired the protection or the court from the assault which had beep made in tbo harangue just heard. Mr; Q Men Paul that he knew his duty too well to allow himself to he provoked intone nlteroation with the Dia trict Attorney. The statement that the bill bed been ignored bp grand lure was untrue, and if this was the matter in inane lie would place , veracity against that of the District Attorney. Judge Thompson said that the District Attorney had me^ aproper explanation. and that the method pur ee:led by Mr. Quinn woe not in accordance with the rules of the court. The District Attorney was the coMpetent Judge of: his own enure., end with him recta the re sponsihility of his own official actions He wield call counsel into a weal 1 - he desired to do, so, or could re fuse their engird:lnce. ' The explanation of Mr. Loue bend convinced him that there woe a mteunderstanding between Mr. Quinn and the District Attorney. Mr. Quinn said that it wog not hie intention to give the court at this time it history of recent '' bailor cases." but if this cage was not tried, he would feel it incumbent upon himself to make a Proper presentment to the court of facts in hie no'lBollloll relative thereto. Judge Thompson.. ' Very well, pr."- Here the matter rested, and the court adjourned. To day is fixed for miscellaneous business, and on Monday linty trials prill be -married. • - UNITED STATER DISTRICT Corer—Judgo Grier. —The argument in the admiralty case of Clendaniel vs. The barge "Parke" was continued until the next term of the court. after which an adjournment was had l for want of business. Neither of the District Courts nor the Court - of Com mon Pleas was in session. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, VP, TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST MET GIRARD GolltSß—Oheetnut et.. below Ninth. Aug Priori. NY ' • O F Packer. Bolden F F Mercer, Switzerland Thee Ward. Md Mice Talbot,hid . Miss Bay, Aid 0 F Tomplcins,N.Y , j B Mann. IT R A WllEl,ll'l4 Milwaukee, ' .1 8 Prolden..N 0 R A Holden, N 0 8 P Johnson, N Y A R Garrison A le, Vs Israel Painter, Pa Oen: Ryan: Va • p G Washingtent, Wash ' B A Rill. Ara. 7 M Brooder. Ala It 1, Myrick. Ala, - N B Mose & In, Brooklyn B 0 Miller, Newark. N J 'JW Condit. Newark, N J. , N C Folver & wf, N 0 Miss Polger. N 0 , T Meer, ,N 0 " 0 Frolser. N 0 J It 'Hinton Phila. Sarni R Maurine. & la, N .1 Ellwood Fisher.Washingtn J W Tillinghast & la, N Y Bdw White. NY , , :Fes 11.,gers. N Y Thos Rope s't la. N Y Chas Marshall Balt Gen B Brown. Roston ~John 'Taylor, Jr. Boston P Mandy & wf Metettowtf Mice Mundy & tiro. ..Pirated C B Dana. Boston - W B Dana, Portland Chas 0 Moller, Pittsburg .T II Pennock & la. Ohto Dr J Baker.ton Re , Jae O Johnst R W Prey, RT II W Brake. Milwa uk ee Gen Steinman & en,-Pa R 0 Rogers. 041 J Ela, Mobile Rev Smith Pyne, Wash B Bose. Washington Aaron Leggett, N Y Williams k la, Boston ,dR L Ran Ac In . Irs G Rly. NY - ' R F Pratt. N Y A Pratt NY. '' A N Rogers & la. Gm tftin W Spear. Baltimore D 8 `Pamplona, N Y r Soammon. Chioaro ;101100n & In, La . Thwandt, Baltimorer W Gabbard. N Y BF Morrison & In. Lane kre WIT Gilroan,St Louis John_A Mitchell, N 0 J Platt. N Y. J II Brent:we & wf. N Y Non ART Hale, Bellefonte B m i, Phipps. bxinvtl. Ann Thee IT Waliers,Wash.D C Noel Baker & yr, Boston ; John R Greenwood. Brig Ti . t o e r i o r old i) St Lout,' ' , 2De Ferret Ai l lt ) . N Haven RIP ;nal:honer Sr la. Va ' Miss Arbevideon Va Dr g. 8 Elehelberßer . & la,Va ' MERCHANTS' IRIMI,--Fnerth Rt.. below Arab. , ttiltifitha I.'N Y -, , ' J ahn T.CoDe,JI Y 8 M Bartilit, N 1 ' ' Chrimeners,Sr %lino ' Thee GrabiErn & wife, Pa ,Cyrns Frease, Milton, 0 Wit Eby. Ohio ,_ A Well, Bethlehem HS Blitz. Columbia _ Edw Brooks & la, US A .IDnekworth 8c Is, NJ 0 3 Taggart. Pa - W II Smola - Wm Shottlidee • Ps. - B r Daniels. Frawley: pit, A Thomoson, Rufralo Pettebone.Mrvorning Hamanley. Glenwood A linker. N C ' Oates, Marietta, 0 W . W H Davis, Doylestown AMERICAN ROTEL-7Chentnnt at.. above Firth, II R Foote. ?hill J S Shreavo,N I H M Rooter & la, Ohio Tlt Stewart. N Y _ 3 0 Rlame. Me . A llorwm, 11l ) .. .4 D Brown. R I - - F N Williams, Trenton, Gen Tuynnt. N Y Dr R It Cnrt,a. N C E R.Patote , .'Del IC Ifendnek - afrintsville B; Cnrtia kia. Del - $ C Challelier. N Y John S Markley Sunbury F. G Dalton. Chester, Pa Win B Hooper. N.J.John Gray. Pa Gen Brooks, Boston —. '- W Mules, Bolt Theo !rangy. Balt ' D Cum , . Del hi Watta , ri Y ' W Mae. N Y John Gitlin. NY Robt otollberg, , NY Robt Tyler, Va . M Mollhenney Rogers, Va DONE®', ROTEL.eheettincetreet. above laiath. 1R Rhrivo, N 1 . PT Roanok..; Mich P3ll.rirnr , 11, N y II A Clark. Boston ark Winchester , Walden Dr Hoops. Bolt nse Sti te r _ /.1 J Mrs atia r ar.N J re [AIM. Pt 3 Geo Ilolmo •P , Y " David A uittrnlrs ' " Geo Merrill , Boston Thalia. N Y . John Lake. Ark - ED }Maven, Roston . WII Arnold, Witallingtoo A Rvther,Waghinston ft C Dame. Faxton. Pa alter Crook, Dalt - _ 1 Tome lie. la, Port Deposit E 0 Allem, Dolton - Rev Dr Strickland, N Y .RevJ l'onal, N Y . - EAGLE liOTElr—Thlrd street. above Rae. P I;Facirenthell, Durham J S E.ton. Boston SM Ford. N M Bertolet. W Chester NI Painter. Went Chester I,llornintr. Mester co - T Rant _ Bit , Blattk ta, N T M eshbarner. Pottsville M Morgan. Richmond n. Mimeo. Richmond F Reese, St Loma N Mark, °heater eo Mon Rendereon. Ps M R Felps, ClB4Ol/11,1 J At Dickison,kane eo Wm Burns, Chester no STATES UNION HOTEL—ltntket street.above Sixth ItBM!. Lancaster' 3 H I{lster. Ilel co M Huston. Dot city 0 ,I Davis. Phila. Evans & In. York co , Miss Boater. gists Hill as M Tllollllot. RAW Hill B Regertv. Clem•fid d co in H Watt, Pittsburg I Tionwiddloi Pittsburg Lag Ooteen, Lancaster. PP. J B Lincoln &Is, Dol W 11/loom. Wilmington BLACK BEAR HQTRL—ThIrd et. above Callowhill. L ClamMinarthiSlastown 8 Iloselandalvherev Eddowa, Moreland M Hahleman;Buckinglern Jas Caldwell. Pa • A Sieger. pa P B Rastas], Pa - Walßiome, Byberry roar Rind s; Byherry H Pa Jacob Haldeman, Bunks 00 Inn Van Artsdalen, Pa In , Van Artsdahn, Pa A /i /ono& Poasterville M Bnakman. Pox Chase Virißookow, Pa H Mehl & IR, lOU town P Roads, Southampton C Roads, Southampton A S Roads, Southampton II Gibson, Bucks co MOtitiT VERNON HOTEL—Renond it.. above Arch. H W Clandenin, E enria. 111 fleo Biddle. MI Sarni ritlbert. bisltimora Dsirsnoo, Sore Shore, ra Jaa Miller , Myerstoirn, Pa A M Myers. Myerstown,Ps. ft Biltimora W Lone, Phll4 Fmk Webb. Ohio - W Jonas, Williamsport Jos Conrad, Harrisburg , • NATIONAL ROT)3l,—Rave street. above Third. li Paoli ~ ' ' - -W i? Vont% Bch Haven phn_Andorsfin. Pa AI 8 Erb,Franklin co lja l l oo litl. d lWfla va Vt. F C I .M . ;i2li L AZsNin t6 _re t° w D Rissell, Pa Y NTM c v efts'''. Plimniav'le C C ooke, nt. Philo, 0 J Ite,ker, CattRAUQUIt R C Centre co, Pa Thos Evans, Atlantic City FRANKLIN BODBB—Chestnut Street, above Third. &MIR Mannins:.& Is, NJ Wm Comm, Lambertville D_W , Moore & Is, N .1 R M Blank. Delaware Win Moore, N J t , Miss A E Moms. N J rn 8 Noble, N Y .Tits Pearson, N Y C Fleming , Ohio , 8 Lem:tabor, Rochester CobA, N Y , 'COMMIRCIAI/HOTBIr-Bmth at.. above Chestnut. Ellesillnivs,'Boston ' 5 If Bonita, Del • M i rentioolc. Wllueo. Del - Allis Nowak, Wilm, Del it..SAollus. Coatesville , - Miss Roberta. Pa , .Assufientazii Colombia • 8 M - Buntmg di lit,Pottstmit THHArNION HOTEL—Arch street. above J'ir Littler - - C Toubson & la, N mhiefittnlromb& N I S D Andoreoaie la; N Y 'Jeri' Horton Sr ta,N Anton: Y J D Kern, P a P Hiohardson. NY ~ 111. V ARONANT8': HOLISE.—Tbird at.. above Callowbil F Z Pritz P Reirard. Pa S Hoffman, Warren, 9 ~,, Chas Jarrett, Moore en IItPORTATIO'NS. [Reported frirthe Press.] ROCYEGLE—Bark Amelia-4403*0 brandy Patter son & Bonitont to do Bolden Sc Co: 14 do Ofio Crome lin; Sado 0 it Ciotti" km: 126 do Arnold & 42 do . bieo Whlteleyr 100 do vi ne D 110118301 h 4do L. - Loftus, 211 40 Windy 10 do Win order. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ORE POURTEI PAVE ABB.WED. - flte r amship Delaware, Shaw, 20 hours from New York, with mdso and passengers to Jos Allderdiee. Berk Amelia, (F brandy',lorl, from Rochelle. via New York. 4 dAYS, with lco. to Patterson le Boulfon. Btu Motel Boone, Hekgen. 5 days from Dighton, in ballast B A Bonder & Co, prik_Neeey R Reagan. Coming, 5 days from Fall Ri ver,_ ballast B A Bonder & Co. Bohr Otter Rock. Cot, 15 days from Bangor, with laths to Onslcill A. Oalvtn. - Iflatir Annie Spicer, 1 day from Port Penn, Del, with oats to Christian tc.,Curran. Behr Silver Magnet, Perry, 6 days from Roston, in bal last to N eturtavant ar Co. Behr Sidney Price, Sedfrel. 4,days from Salem, With Wee to elt_Ptaln. i. flohrt„,ifornmond; Paine, days from Boston, in hal , 116 -9 e — Bri n ,etw t rol. Y .Rich;6daiii front Boston, in bell loo captain ; , • Sop tiroorsinna, rretryrnan, 16 hours from Lewes, with produce to captain , - - . . . . (Oorresßondenoe of The Press.) , NEW YORK:bet/8. AtrivElF4hlp Universe. from Liverpool, ..Rekrvr, bark Inditstrle, from Bremen. • Raw ()ILIUM& Oct 23. b. Aftivild, harks VI m It Banks and Hannibal, from Rio deJaneiro. - _ ' " ' ' • SAVA:V.OM, Oct 23, i - Arrived slearashin oity . of Bviiimerekbariut Isadora, ft Baltimore; °naafis, from D e n g a , , . . -, Ineariiship City of Neer York, Bogs , cleared at Boo .'.- ton Zlth ist. for Phil/0001a. titeitoishin Northern Light, Tinklinaugh. front Aspin. Arkiliarrived at Nen , York yesterday. ~ Stertnishin 7Bremen,Wessele, for Bremen, cleared at klemr York yesterday. , ' • - t • - 8 IP B 8 iiitetrooni Metcalf , for fian Frannie°, elesritti :it. aNy Y , qk yeeterdar• -- 0 ip Inbuilt, Smjth, fpt Noisy }Comp cleared at Now ,1 .811111/ 8 4 4 /44iiin' Itiii' de' Jilleirri PNit 20, _wns be , lin - aßi4ro,.)4l,_strirdaY. "Lek ships Oallogo AnliWar -- pti i ro war, Union. from Montevideo. Out pion, - 4 ay?' pror t *tf. Beke oat 14,11 - 26 N, ong 0 W bark Mayflower, from New York for Barbadoes—all Wen. Bark Margaret. Quig, Railed from - Rio de Janeiro 32th nit. for Philadelphia. • Bark Belle, lit der, for Pluladelphia, cleared at Boston 27th inst. Bark Charlotte E Tay, Hughes for Rio de Janeiro, sailed from Richmond 27t inst. Barka Elf, McKee. and Garapanero. Dube% sailed from Richmond 27th Mot, for RIO do Janeiro. hi :1 0 4=7 . 7%. Harriman, cleared at Boston 27th Brig Gen Rod, ttay, sailed from Now Bedford 27th inst. for Philadelphia. Soho E L B Wales, HoTman and T P Lamed. Stow bridge, cleared at Wilmington:NC, 27th inst. for Phi ladelphi a. 27th inst.. Bohr Yenta, Tomlin, heneo, arrived at New Maven Ochre Tants Bodirte. MaClane, and Ocean Bird, Jones, hence, arrived at Richmond nth inst, Schr 8 N Booth, Smith, from Charleston, at N York yesterday, Bohr Bliss & Rebecca, Price, cleared at Now York yesterday, for Philadelphia. Bohr Fannie Currie. Bray, from ,Rio do Janeiro Sept arrived at New York yesterday. Propeller Slide., Robinson, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. CURTAIN MATERIALS WAL HENRY PATTEN'S - CURTAIN STORE .= CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh Brenta:ills Curtains, Damask Curtains, Brooatelle Curtains, Damask Curtains. Brootitelle Curtains, Daniask Curtains, BL.oateite Cur.ains, Damask Curtains, primateHa Cartnins, Damask Curtains, Brooatelle Curtains, Damask Curtains Satin Curtains, Satin Curtains, Satin Curtains, Saran Curtains, Satin Curtains, Satin Curtains, De Laine Curtains, De Mine Curtains, De Mine Curtains. Do Mine Curtains, De Laino Curtains. Do Mine Curtains, Cloth Curtains, Cloth Curtains, Cloth Curtains, Cloth Curtains. Cloth Curtatne, Cloth Curtains, Bilk Terry Curtains. Bilk Terry Curtains, Bilk 'Verne Curtains. Silk Terry Curtains. Bilk Terry Certain', Bilk Terry Curtains Lace Curtains, ' hfuslin Curtains. Lace Curtains, Muslin Curtains. Lace Curtains, Tliislin Curtins. Lace Curtains, . ' Muslin Curtains, Lace Curtains, Attnlin Curtains, Lace Curtains, Muslin Curtain. Gold Bordered Shades, Fresco Shades, Gold Bordered Shades, Fresco Shades, Gold Bordered Nhados, Fresco Shades, Gold Bordered shade!, Fresco Bhaden, Gold Bordered Shades, Fresco Shades, Gold Bordered Shades, Fresco Shadoa, White Linen Shades. Whitli'Linen tithed., White Linen Shades, W w li Le s ki h n i e n n e n ti h s a n dee b , White Linen Shades. Landscape Shades, Landscape Shndes; Landseave Shades, . Land-cape Shades, Landscape Shades, Landsoape Shades. Buff 'Holland Shades, Green Holland Shades, Butt Holland Shades, Green Holland Shades, Hatt Holland Shades. Green Holland Shades, That Holland Shades, Green Holland Shades, Ilia Holland Shades. Green Holland Shades, Butt Holland Shades, Green Holland Shades Table Cover?, Table Covers, Table Covers, Table Covers, Table Covers, Table Covers Piano Covent. Plans Coven,. Piano Covora, Piano Covers, Piano Covers, Piano Covers, At prices to.pleaso all,. At prices to please all, At prices to ple+se all, At prices to please all, At prices to please ell, At prices to please all. LEGAL. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE I N MTV AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. JOHN .DEBROT. Assitnea of The Premium Ex chance Company of Philadelphia, vs. IsDWARD R. ELLIOTT. Alice v end. ex., March 1859—N0 Inn. The undersi reed has been appointed Auditor to report distribution of the fond rained by the sale of the follow ing desorihnd Real Estrito, to wit: All that certain lot. or piece of ground, with the three otory brick mossunge or tenement thereon erected,situ• atone the north side of Green street, at the distance of one hundred and eiAlity-saven feet ea.stwa d from the east side of Nineteenth street, in the City of Philadel 2bin, containing in front or breadth on said Green street 3 feet 4 inches, and extending. in length or depth north ward. between lines parallel with said Nineteenth street, one hundred feet nine Inches. -Bounded northward by ground now or late ofJohn E. Young.eontward by ground now or late of Kubn,weerward by ground former ly of said Edward IL Elliott. and southwa , d by Green street aforesaid. (being the same lot of groun which .Tohn E. Yount and wife, by indenture dated the 20th tiny, of Mae, A. D. lag. and recorded nt - Philadelphia in Deed Book R. D. W.. No. 26, page 329 /co. granted and con veyed unto the said Edward R. Elliott in fee. Reserving (burnout the yearly ground rent, or num of two hundred and seventy-eight dollars, payable half yearly on the ist of April and October, in every )ear therein men tioned. • AU portions interested in the fund aro notified to pre sent their claims to the Auditor. nt his office. No. Pit South Sixth street. an WEDNESDAY, the ninth dap of November, h 1859, at 4 &cloak P. M.. or bedotetrred from cominitot upon the same. JOHN P. B RINTON. 0e29-10t A ud tor . TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE At- CITY- AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PEW PER F PMITFI, DOCOSSed. The Auditor appointed be the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ANNIE SMITH. Adminis trams of FESS FER F. SMITH, dquessed, and to make distribution of the balance in the hinds of the Accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY. Novem ber 10th. at 4 o'clock P. M., at N 0.627 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. 022-stuthst NOTICES. OFFICE 'OF THF, DETECTIVE DE. " , - , PARTAIENT OF THE POMP'. FORCE OP muu CITY OF ITMADELPHIA, S. W. corner of FIFTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. PIIIIADELPIIIA, October 29th; Thse. The Detective Department of the Police Pores atilt, City, beim' pow organized in conformity to an Ordi nance of City Councils , ell citizens, and drawers in the C , ty are requested to furnish the earliest informa ton of offences comm.' tad azainst persons and property, to the Chief of the Department. It is desirable that the most Oldies thefts and robberies than be reported. An Officer. or Officers, will be constqntly_ D. in attendance at the office. JOS. wOO It Chief of Deo. Dep. _ TESTIMONY OF THE COMMITTEE ON STIIMP EXTRACTORS. AT THE DELA WARE COUNTY (PAi AORICULTUR AL EXHIBI TION, OCTOBER..IBS9.—The Committee appointed to examine the worklnx of St imp Extractors in the Exhi-• birion had , submitted to am,. for, examination and, ,udgMhatt. two machines int nded for extraating stumps, moving rocks. huildines. and other heavy objects. One of these mac hines in known as " Willis' Patent Stump Extractor. and the other is called Knowlton's Stump Extrnotor." qtr. mulling consists of A slmele combination of levers. which nommen np uncontrolled amount of power, and which is no contrived that the leverage mar be decreased to the necessary extents nod moreened almost indefinitely. A pair Malice shears in rained over the stump, a heavy chain is made fast toe portion of ile roots. and the other end is extended over the top of , the shears, From the latter a series of krona iron rods extend ton horizontal lover. each end of which is fur nished with a smell wheel which enable• it to turn readily upon a centre. This lever is made fast to a tree —to a second stump—or to a shalt fixed for that purpose in the ground. This I(ete an a fulcrum; and by a very simple arrangement the !firmest, may ha increased or decreased at pleasure. and without loss of time. Another i m pertant advantage mamessed by this machine in the reaqinese with which the Inking out of a tod. or " fleet ing; ran be performed as the work progresses!. There tunatunalonsoftimeorof labor while doing this—not even stopping the horses is required. In the trial, no stop w as made until the work was performed. The Knowlton Stump vxtritetordiffers in ninny ewe tied Points from the Willie Extractor. The cheers aro used; but this Mr. Willie claims to be tin infringement of hit patent. In nil other respecta it is 'math in is eledra•nhatied, and Meteors. eannnt be need with the some Matti. In takint in the sleek. or fleeting. it requires stoppriees. a proppin4 up of the partly raised chimp. end n consequent Mu of time and power. It works in one dipmtinn only, while Willta's melon° works with equal facility, backward. forward, 'would intervening Abstructions.either aide up, or upon the side of a hill. In conclusion. Mr. Willis's machine is admired to nll remistinces, moat or small; and Mpg looations. level or otherwise. The Knowlton machine we cannot Mu marbly describe; hat we will simply any, it is like n hoistinx machine, where all the machinery travels just the same distance. and taliesjust the eapie tirCe,whatior a bushel of coal be rained, or a ear-load. It riper/ilea Met the mime in pulling a nun-flower, as in pulling to its fullest extent Therefore. the Committee deem it their duty In report in favor of the ' Patent Litman xtricator," as being . nll thnt it is claimed to be. And in the practical experiment witnessed by the Committee, it has proved itself to he far nuperior to the rival clump extractor. Nirat. 'EVES. RALPH R''CKI EY Committee. BR. T. ROWLAND: BREAD BAKED IN 28 MINUTES, THE QUICKEST TIME ON RECnRD. THE WONDER OF TRH Min OEN EURY. . E. St. Mastatat's PATENTRD GAS-DURNING COOKING STOVE. The Peentee guarantees to bake aloof of bread weigh ing 1535 the in ta minutes. Call and are the bread. One of the as wonders n constant operation. The largnat and handenmest assortment of Silver's Ou Stoves in the city. DIPLOMA awarded to theae Stoves, pa the heat nn exhibition. MANIGLF.'S Stove Store, ON MAR XE Street. above Ninth, north aide. It° CAPITOL—THE CAPITOL—THE BAPITOL—New Clo'hins FoueoJnet opened. The Public are invited to call and examine nor new stock of Overcoats, made of the must desirable continue the day. Moscow leavers, Tricot Cnasimeres, Whit ney Beavers, Doeskin Beavers, Brit's. Pilots, cut in to et* les. Made by 'pleat workmen, equal to toe host customer Penta , oone of all the new end approved materi.le, ant in the latest styles. Also, Vests of Velvet . Alnitesen. Grenadine. Week Satin. and a laces variety of Ceseimere Vests. The above Goods, wo will sell at the lowest prf e. HF.NDERoON & CO., MO MARKET &left, shove PIFTH. M ADIIINE SILK AND NEEDLES, AT LVAL RXDUCED PRIOF.S.—We ere newfindline a Machine Silk on 1 oz. and 31oz. spools, equal in every (oPret Cbinacei. for lova price. Also, the colobrated 1. X. li. Silk, warranted 12 nz. to the pound. The mantic. Drtwaon's Phillips's and Orr & Maeneurhts• ltiaejttne Cottons. Three-cord Linen Thread. Beet qualttv Machine. Oil. Smreee, Howes, Ororer & Bake re beat quality Machine Needles. To be had at N 0.30 North,THIRD Rtre.e. It • LAING et. MAGI NT$. Fr lI.E OPERATING ROOMS AT REI •Ji. ATER'S Pliotinraphie 611114rV1 BECOND Street, !time green. nro Pep:irate and diatinet !Ina you aro parted on with promptness. Photographs and Ambro types aro ansarpassed by any in the dly. it* ALL THE BEST BRANDS, AT lA* rim, X. T. FT,ATITIRTY, 'Mannar of Clear' N 0.831 OFIESTN UT Street, adiotoiag Girard 'loom 029 1m NAVAL STORES.-1,250 Bbls. Shipping ROBlll. TOO do. Bets. Turoontipe. landing from 1 , 4•11r..1. A. flapird. For gala hr ASHBITR NKR. & CUL Nn 1e anuth WIIARVREI. 4,2 g MACKITREL.-650 bblo. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Lir.m mama. in warted cylei roll_Peaks, of the Wen catch. for Pale by C. a liArhaa k C 0.,( ARCH Street, second donr above Front. AMS AND 8110TILDERS.-2,300 1 -11. -Pieces City Smoked Mute and Shoulders. Alm 900 extra &mar Oared Home. for tale by Q O. RADLER. & CO., 'MICH Street, second doer aneve Ptont. "kV CHEESE.-600 Boxes Berkimer-Cotinty Chfirne. in store and for sale by C. C. SADLEB & CO.. ARCH Street, second door above Front. we SALMON. -25 bbls. prime new No. 1 Sal- Mon, landing from steamer lfonsinrenn. and for pale by WM. J, TAyLon tic CO.. 122 and 124 N,W H 411 VIOL LA121).-100 barrels Western Lard for &do. WM, IL WOODWARD A , CO., 029.4 t. me MARKET Btreet. QIJPERTOR ARTICLE ()F COTTON 0 ,- ' TWINE:, for aals by ROBERT E. EVANS, 216 OWESTNoT • ttaigt. lia'piPEST WINDOW GLASS in town, at MOMS. W. earner of SEVENTH and SOUTH. •012 MACKEREL —125 bbls., 180 halves, 115 Tx- quarters, and MO kitte prime No. le k bble. and DO holm WO w ind storm and for male wm, TA 'MOB At CIO.. 1= 124 Nnrt 'WU TAlt --Just received, a largo invoice of Tae, in eileerior order and lanes barrels, and for sale bY WEAVER, FITVER. & CO., nl NA. N.lO ATRA and 4t . DRLA W A RE AV. SUO-AR-11011SE MOLASSES.-150 )i}J tioroot4and bungs. for oalo4_ SAM B 8 LiliAAl TO WESTEaN AND SOUTHERN llER phants.—Atanio otook of Manila Ropo. all mimeo . , tecOlotnetuted and for male. et the lowan New yol k town, by wEAvER, D e l a w ar e L C., tat aro. al N Wlr a 'Tv tr ~0,1 _re w tw. .. _ _ 3001113C5, No. 1 HERftING 7 100 half hbls.extra Mackinaw White Fish, in stnEe and A' A f h 14T , M. J. TAYLOR & CO., 142 and 124 /North IVMi PIM L t n bblg extra-Puperior quality Coal Oil, in atom and for aale ROW r,EY Asoott NEP & CO., n2l Rooth lA' /TA TiV4R. :PAPER, ()ARDS, AND KIN VELOPES. PAPER. CARDS, AND 'ENVELOPES. PAPE,R, anium, AND ENVELOPER. OV-4) . 4QT) c0y449r... iltreat, NEW PUBLICATIONS. SAXE'S NEW POEMS NOW READY: TUE MONEY KING, AND AND OTHER POEMS. 13V JOHN Q. BASE, With a now Portrait. 1 vol. 16mo— ..... 76 Contr TICKNOR A . FIELDS, PuntisrtEns, 0c26&n2 BOSTON. T HE NEW LIFE OF HUMBOLDT. [Up the Orinoco.l The most picturesque portion of the biography is the chapter "111. THE OR11 , 1000." It is the noblest spool mon of wad painting in any language—a marvellous gallery of Tropic landscapes, primeval forests, gorgeous w , th flowers ana l fruit: inniestio rivers hurled in the eolitudes or nature; Summorskies stAeped in golden sun shine, or glowing with the soft light of Southern eon stellations—it is a perfect poem. 0211-s2t THE NEW NOVELS BY CHARLES READS THE AUTHOR OF "GUY LIVINGSTONL" HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK., HAVE JUST READY: A GOOD FIGHT AND OTHER TALES By CHARLES READE, 11HE NEW LIFE OF HUMBOLDT. [Humboldt, the Scholar.] Humboldt spent over twenty yeartif his life in Perim, oflibi working up the resultsfamous ourney to the New World. He produced a multitude o books during thin time,many ofsehich ore of the highest importance to science. A comp•chentico account or these, with Ps tracts from the moat important, may be found in the chapter entitled "Books:" nowhere cleat= even a list of these works he obtained. ort eat Author of " Love mo Little, Love me Long," &o. Bm braelaa "A Good Fight." "Jack of All Trades." "Autobiography of a Thief." Illustrations. 12mo. Muslin, 76 oents. SWORD AND GOWN. Bp the Author of "G IV LIVINGSTONE." tiro, raper, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Xil" Hamra & Ilarrriiarte trill tend either of the above Works, postage paid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. It THE NEW LIFE OF HUMBOLDT. [Bayard Taylor's Introduction,[ The popular young traveller line never written any thing more charming than this introduotion; the best traits consider it the finest thing that he has done. Sympathizing in all his trustee with the great Humboldt, he writes of him with affectionate reverence. His ao count of his Interview with him it the most life-like piece of biographical writing Eno° Hoswell's Jenson, 022-12 t PUBLISHED THIS DAY. THE OLD STONE MANSION. BY CHARLES J. PETERSON, " PUBLISHER OF ' PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. " AND AUTHOR Ob "HATE AYLESFORD," " CRUISING IN THE LAST • WAR," ' THE VALLEY FARM;' "GRACE DUDLEY," etc., etc., etc. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dol lar ; or bound in one volume, cloth, for One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents. PUBLISHED AND FOR BALE BY T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 300 CHESTNUT STREET. T HE NEW LTFE OF HUMBOLDT. (Humboldt in Asia.] One of the mod memorable epoehe in Humboldt's life was his Journey into Siberia. It wile an important four ney, for, in addition to its scientific results. diamonds wore found for the first time in tho Ural Mountains. • . . . . Ittambnidt, and his compitnions psnetrated as tar as the truntiers of Chins, and had nr. interview with the Chi nese ollicials. An account of the interview may be found in the chapter entitled "Central Aida." oU•s2t GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST.- ALL BOOKS are sold nt the publishers' lowest orlon. You can get all the Intost vablioatione. and recollect A ITANDSOMI PRESENT, worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars, with each Book. NEV!' BOOKS THIRTY YEARS IN T tit; ARCTIC REGIONS; Or, The Adventures of Sir John Franklin. One vol., 12m0., cloth. with a gift. Price 81,25. 13F.ULAII. By Almada J. Emma, Ono vol., 12mo. cloth. with a gift. Pries 8126. TUE CORNER CUPBOARD; Or, Facts for Every both-. One vol.. _12m0., cloth. with a gift. Price I. FROM DAWN TO DAYLIGHT. By a Minister's Wife. Ono cc'.. umn.. cloth. with a gift. Price 81. THE MINISTER'S WOOING. By Mrs. Harriet Beecher s towo. One vol., 12m0., cloth, with a gift. Price 81.25. BREAKFAST. DINNER, AND TEA. Reviewed Prac tically, Classically. and Poetically. One volume, /to., cloth, with a gift. Price RI M. MEMOIRS 0 0 RoBERT-HOUDIN, Prestidisiteur. Edited by Dr. R. Shelton 51nokenzie. One vol., 12m0.. cloth, 445 pageir. with a • tit Price 81. OUT OF THE DEPTHS. The Story of a Woman's Life. One vol me. 12m0., cloth. with a gift. Price $l. ADAM BEDS. By George Elliot, author of "Scenes of Clerical Life. " One vol.. 12m0., cloth, with a gilt. Price 81. ALL OF DOESTICEIPS BOOKS, and a gift with each, Price el. ALL OF T. S. ARTHUR'S WRITINGS, and a hand some gift with each. Price 81. SPURGv.ON'K sERMONS. Now ready. the sixth series of the Sermons or this celebrated Preacher. One volume, 12mo , cloth. Prose ffou want it, frlt or send to NYANS' Gift Book fo Store r it. Yoll have the advantage of getting HANDSOME PRESENT. worth from 60 errata to One Hundred Dollars with each book that is purchased At GEORGE f./ EVANe. , GIFT-11001( ESTABLISHMENT, 029-It N0.'459 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. T HE NEW LIFE OF HUMBOLDT. [Humboldt at Home.] His literary labors in Pnris nud, hie Journey to Central AWL or or, we have a graphic description of the borne life of the great scholar. His last years were spent in Berlin and Potsdam. where ho was visited by crowds of admirers.' Their Interviews with him, his personal habits and mode of life. his genial conversation and unicorns% knowledge. is the substance of the chapter, Humboldt at 001118." o2T•ezt W ASHINGTON AND MT. VERNON. MT. VERNON AND TTn ASSOCIATIONS Hilltop Cali tlioaraphieal and Pictorial, by Denson J bonnie. 139 Engravinen. Complete in one volume Specimen copies may be soon at S. AIoHENRY 0, oZi et 404 Wainut Street. WARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW CONE FURNACE GAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Worm your lines with WIN-VIM Lim cosr. tam is required by any other Fumes. Satisfaction in all easel guaranteed. Buildings Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD h WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS, The Richest and most Beantiful Specimens 91 Enamelled Slate Montele, ever offered for sale in thu country. manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Slate• stone, and for sale very low. ARN CHESTNUTSON, 1010 Street. COOKING RANG ES. MI in want of the Beet Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to call at ee ARNOLD & WILSON'S. le-gmlf (1111.MTNUT Street. DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE .RIALS. En 4ipeert;'iod Architects' Stationery. Grecian Paintin7. Materials. Potichomanus Desicos end Vases. Paint Boxes for Children, and also for Artiste and Bhutan ts. Piotures and Picture Frames. Playing Cards. American and French. Catalogues gratis to the trade. SCHOLZ & JANBNTZKY. No. 115 Sough I.IOIITIL Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAiI... ons-5m 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC EAU/M.—Great Emporium for Stereoscopes and fiteremoom3 Yiews, Amerman,Freneh and En gleh, Opera Weaves, Mieroneopes, and Improved Bpeotaolee, earrplf Vilalke u tir area, t I N'S, R Optician, 112 South iOURTHRtreet, below Cheetnuk Mir Artificial Haman Evan maenad. Coil -Imf 15, 000 BOXES AMERICAN AND FRENCH WINI I OW GLASS—The meet qpproved brande, and of every sign and quality required lor oity and t nuntry trade, M prices astonishingly low. Send your orders to ZIEGLER & SMITH, Drug, Paint. Glass, and Varnish Dealers, corner BECONjj and GREEN St reets. elB-tf , RAIN MILLS GRAIN MILLS— For 'LA the Farm and plantation. Meal,ON-BR MibL has no equal for Grinding Fine Feed, Colee, Hel ene, eta., by hand or power. Pee SS. 0611. and 046. ow in operaton at 128 South SECOND St ri ct. Agentswanted in every county and State nr an 17 -Ihr, P A AR 110. 8150,000 TO LOAN, EN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mer chandise, Clothing, &c., on moderate terms, by JONES & CO" Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and GAS KILL Stream, below Lombard. Established for the lar Bileare. Office boors from 7A.M.t07 P. M. Second-hand Gold nod Silver Watobea, by eminent makers, warranted simine, for sales keep, at one-lint/ the on Irina) fI.E. .14.471 -if SILVER SOAP—A simple preparatir n for oleanaing Silver Pinta, Jewelry, Mirrors, m ar ble, etch t far more convenient and efieotive any other. b ra half the labor of House olear,,A may he ed by Wing whi t lap, which Cannot , ;058 ally injure in required, the finest Zino , and as no nerubta tt the saving in the wear of the paint ill greater t h an the cost of the Soap. It leaves the surface as pure end when new. Manufnao ir od only by the B ohn , Indexical Soy Vompany, r.nd sold by, their_mointed AgenteJlMS ARD Cole Apotheoartoe, TWAI.FTIL and CHEST 11T. la/ PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE—We would respectfully oall the attention of the Gene ral Hardware Trade to our extensive Stook of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we offer at &small advance by the package. Orden; for direot importation solicited, and Goods de . Anted either in thin city, New York, or Orlears W.N. LEWIS tc Son, COMAIERGE Street, Importing and Comtnismon Merchant& And Agents for Foreign and Domeetia Hardware. au2S-tf VITRIFIED FIRE-CLAY PIPRR For rn ir anu tix t = o n f nA r wmu i t n h ,f , ,,. most celebrated WILLIAM BROWN, 019-tutheet,* 219 CHURCH Alloy. 25 PUNCHEONS YOUNG'S PATENT PARAFINE WILLIAM BROWN. Importer, 018-tutlutflt. 219 CHURCH Alley. WAI,LACE & BRODHEAD. 87 EXCIIANG P. PLACE, NEW volkir. Stocks and Ponds bou;at attd sold. on Commission. O FRANCIS 13. WALLACE. .epivAltp C. BapnurAD. n-in' THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1859. T II E PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, ELEGANT CLOAKS HOME MANUFACTURE NEW CLOAKS EVERY MORNING RICH VELVET CLOAKS; COLORED CLOAKS DM' DR VELOUR, NOVELTIES. PARIS MANTILLA CLOAK EMPORIUM. HANDSOME FURS FUR ROOM PARIS MANTILLA EMPORTITM. It is respeetfulli submitted to Ladles that, in their search for articles in this department, their wave. nienee will be better eonrulted at the PARIS MAN TILLA EMPORIUM, which, being devoted exolosirely to the Sate of articles for Ladies' Attire, offers Indoor.- fronts not obtainable elsewhere. REAL MARIAN BABLE.CAPER. MUFFS AND CUFFS. MUFFS .AND CUFFS: AMERICAN MINK SABLE CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. EIDER lAN SQUIRREL Cu dark as tmportod).oAPES. HALF CAPHB, MUFFS AND CUFFS, FINE DARK GERMAN FITCH. WELL-SEASONED FUR. PI3R SETS. PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. to-mr CLOAKS AND FURS. I' U R EMPORIUM. PHILADELPHIA PARIS, LONDON, NOW OPEN IN GREAT PROFUSION. OPENING THE LARGEST IN THU CITY HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS; PINE CLOTH CLOAKS; MOURNING GLOM ELEGANT IMPERIAL PLUSH, ECEMIB ROYAL PLUMI TARTAN, 708 CHESTNUT STREET LADIES' WEAR, OF THE HALF' GAPES, HUDSON HAY .SABLE CARDS. HALF CAPES, lIALP CAPREI. 13TONR MARTIN AND EVART 01118 R THE LARUST ASSORTMANT CITY. CHILDREN'S ALL BUBB P R I C E S, FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CIIF,STNUT STREET, RETAIL DRY GOODS. MAGNIFICENT NEW GOODS OPEN ING DAILY!!! THORN LEY & CHISM, EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, have anexcellent stock of Lone Brooke Shawls of $B, 810, 812, 814, 816, 813, 820. Mond 922. Square Ifroshe shawl.. Stoll. Shale. &0., &a , Lone and Stlpare! Elanket Shawls Lathan and Mince,. The & and 147 . 11 13 2 1 1 , hy1 i e, from 83 !Mai ; 00 CLO&K " S e IIy the hest o.r Nnl4ll b l'oti Philadelphia Manufacturers, front 83,20 up to 'M!!! With? SIIIVAIr t ets, Borer Clothe, e., andijoya' Wear ill anZ 7 7 l4l C a .gre t : l tten c t7i f f o n ` d i ol e regular prices. gcore li 2 e, iinunonlly cheap. rP nl t l tr re" l " Goods' in n li creat variety ' t I I) rffiwlton•P[lir hon ' t i' 24llr e a g r d y 'Ame Haan Mann nor. THOR LEY & CHUM Buy only for Cash. They can' anti won be Undersold ! N. E, corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. 020 B LACK BEAVER cLonis for LADIES. CLOAKS, RIBBED AND MAIN. a Also, T: i k t t're a n f e r h La t ify Clothe of a hghtor texture; fine fresh or easi"" op"' WHITE GOODS. L:diee',and Gents' Linen Cambria lIDKFS, in great BLACK ALPACAS, From 25 eta to SLOU—Rtelt and Glossy. OILEAP HAIOROIDERIES. wrench and Swiss Worked Collars, on Swiss and Cam bria blualtna, Al.', Sole at greatly reduced pleas. PLAID GOODS REDUCED IN PRICE from 41 and 3756 to St eta. Rich Plaid Vavoritas at 25 eta. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! A aelendid stock of Brodie, Blanket and Stella Shawls, dem table. CHARLES ADAMS, ollS•atiiwtf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. LADIES' FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET, RAS NOW OPEN 1118 USUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Mode of stook selected by himself in Europo during the part Spring. 47084 m CLOAKS I CLOAKS!! WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY, AND DURING TIIE WM, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP VELVET AND CLOTII O L 0 A K S EVER EXII/BITED IY TIM CITY. WM. P. CAMPBELL, 025-St" 1144 CHESTNUT STREET. EYE & LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared tomtit fatuities with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCII MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., I-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID BILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKINU FLANNELS. • FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCK OF\ BLANKETS, CASSIAIER ES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. 13.—The above Goods are all at tho low rates of the season. onto-tN3D J'ACQUARD REVERSIBLE SIIAIV.LS.- A lama invoice of and desirable style' of these tootle. in Women and Ghia' sizes, at a very to Prise. •Aloo, Warm Blanket, Santa plaids, and a great variety of Autumn and Shawls. GOODS FOIE FRIENDS. Dress Goods, Shawls. Plain Bilks, Delmines, Valen- Mato Mertens, Cap "Stuffs, Re., imported expressly, and of the heat fabrtes, for Friends. LYONS VELVETS AND SATINS. Extra quality of Bina Vesting Velvets. Medium and superior Vesting Satins. Milk Vesting. plain and figured sty lea, neat. Figured and Fanny Velvets. Cashmere Veatings, now Winter 'styles. Gassimeres, good styles for Veattnea. SILARPLESS BROTHERH. 028 CII MTN .I' end EIGHTH Streets. TO THE LADIES. JUST OMIT:YU, AT B. V. R. MINTER'S Now Store, Nn. 10 south SECOND, above CHESTNUT. RICII OUALIT V. 2 FLOUNCED SILK ROBES, Et/FGANT WINTER SILKS FOR 75 cents. High colored printed Frenelt Iderinoes,e73d ciente, to gether with a general assortment of Bltawls and Dress oode. rt . B.—Oponing of Clonke on Thursday. atnong whirh will Le found all ernes and attlee for Children. n 25 tit• FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. Newest Patterns Fall Cloaks. Winter Cloaks daily opening. Black Beaver Cloaks. Black Tricot Cloaka. Black French Cloth Cloak& *1 Cloak. made to ord r at one dal's notice. PrMos OM 810 . coorlint & ~.oroacn, NINTH and 'BARBI:I' . CASSIMERES, CLOTHS Thick Pisin Cnssimores. Heavy . Black Cann - norm Mont Raney 84 loe. Rugged J 1 txturea, Platdd and Stripes. Lind 6-4 Fud-rat° Black &making. Land Broadolntha ill° to $O. los' Cloaking Cloths. COOPER & CONARD, 010 NINTH and MARKEP TO THE LADIES. OAKFORD'S, 624 CHESTNUT, BELOW SEVENTH STREET, Is enabled to sell his FURS Cheaper than any other House. He has the largest and beet mock in the oily, all of his own IMPORTATION AND MANUFACTUItE, And is determined to sell CdEAP, to reduce his Stock Previous to his REMOVAL under the NEW 'turn, NINTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. LADIES, remember this, and give them a call. The moat beautiful HATS FOR MISSES AND BOYS Will bo found at this establishment. Also, GENTLEMEN'S SEATS AND CAPS ocTS•tl Of every description AIEDIGINAL. SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HEAD, Eruptions of the Skin generally. and all Humors and Impurities of the Blood. are radically and permanently oared by the crelebrated DEEIIRATIVE. It hits been n very important agent in the cure of CANCEROUS DIN. h.A E 8 by Pr.Lountiberry & Co., for .IPigi n nt r r:is ye il r Un y d ft a c n t ilayne d s t albrirstrdVPirieiinen h ; c c uYei effected by it. In SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable curative effect has never been equalled. It cures the most 01.6- 4 TINVII., SCALD HEAD, and all Eruptions of the skin, readili yield to n moderato use of this Medicine. Malignant bikers and Sores are tenthly cured by the use of a few bottles. Prepared and veld by MscNICHOL, & BftO.,tlnte Lounsberry & C 0.,) N 0.60 North 1 , I P'Plt Street, below Atch. For sale by the following Drugen.ta : J. P. Long tk Co.. Lancaster; C. W. Retina, Pottsville; I. H. Miser. Reading' S. 8. Stevens, Randal: ; &J. McClintock, E aston; Owen, ',S l eet Chester; Wm. Stahier,Norrintown; Simon Rau, Bethlehem ; Dr. Live soy, New Hope.; Cr. Lealm, Briatol ; Schmidt & Co., s.ilentnwn LLllts & Bell, Manavunk, Pa; J. O. JAPICIE, Ironton; Le La Cour, Camden; Brewster & Co., Bridgeton ; Robertson & Lippincott. Salem, N. J.; Mc- Nall, Wilmington; L. 8. Hoopes, Wiliniogton ; 'l'. F. Demme rely, Milford, Del.; and Dragnets merlins. DR. GLENTWORTIPS PILE REMEDY, For the cure of Beniorrhuids or Piles, Constipa tion. Fistula in Ano, uri:o rat wills of the Anne, Puy! linens of tho Rectum. Fissurce, Excoriation, Illceratias In ternal and External to the Anus, Pruritus, and all Dis eases peculiar to the Rectum. The great and uniform success which this Remedy line attained for the cure of the atuive ll:names is ustvoce dented in the annals of Medicine. The rapidity of all curative qualities and the durability of nn commS ore equalled by no other Remedy of the axe. Ninety-nine cases out of an hundred are alleviated and cured of this distressing complaint endure restored to comfort here tofore unknown. Full and °solicit Directions accom pany conch Box. Ono Box is sufficient top mam's') n cure. Prepared only by DR. tiI,ENTWORTII, N 0.817 RACE &rect. Price SI. Can he sent by Adams' Expreun. of-lm DR. IsIOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LI F E PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have been thoroughly testod. and pronounced is Nommen remedy for dyspepsia. flatulency, heart-burn and headache, costiveness. diarrhma, fevers of all kinds, rheumatism, gout, gravel, worms, scurvy, ulcers, eruptive 0111,1- plaapts, salt rheum, en sipelas, common colds and in fiuensa, irregularity and all derangement of the female system, I l es , and various other diseases to which the human frame is liable. For sale by the proprietor, Dr. W, N, AIOFFAT, 335 BROAPWAI, New York, Rod by Druggists generally all over the oountri. a'2l-dkWly MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS. • Summit, HOT-AIR, end STEAM 'BATHS Under the wire of Dr. T. IT. It 1.110111,?, 1121 SPRUCE Street. If ighlr recommended by ell the principal plum owns in the 011 y for Itheunyttion, Skin Diseases, Sy - IMAM, Cousha and Colds. 1. °male ISseasee. erre• So. enial accommodations for Ladles. 011 l In COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 1. I Earn of WA RNICIC, CHADWICK, & BRO. ts this day diasolven. The Mentos, Range, and Store business will be continued under the 11111110 of CHADWICK /e BRO., at th e flottbeast earner of SECOND and RACE Btzeets. , JOHN K. CHADWICK. FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia. Jn)r 11, 200 h. deli-If BRUSHES. 'FITE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN 11 PHILADELPHIA.—Look nt the following lint of proms for Handsorubs, and compare them with those bought elsewhere No. 1, 83 knots, 6.134 per dozen. No. 2, 62 knot., 75 3, 60 knots, 87 " Co.{, 80 knots. 100 " B 3 knots, 113 " NO. 6, 106knotis, 102 " n. 7,101 knots, 100 0. 8,160 knots, 178 HENR Se ECKSTEIN. 101 North THIRDtet, below Ara, Philadolphm. EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSOIEZISKER, OCULIST AND AMIDST. Dr. big exclusive attention the medical and surgical treatment of the Eli: and EAR. DP:s.FPII , BB of the longest Mantling removed both by raying.) and marginal operations on the latest scientific Principles, Dr. 51. would be pleased to receive mem- Pois of tho medical faculty who wigh to witness toe method of operating for the re moral of Deafness, or any opemttPn on the 13 v R Heil 13A If. ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED. Office 264 South NINTH Street, above Firßticr.. Office hours front 9 A, M. to l' 51., and from 4to 5 P.M. nol-lm-if COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA pjaOTIO COAL OIL WORKS. BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Manufaotured and for ante by HELME, MORRIS, & CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH O 1 MARKET STREET CHOWE PURE TEA.—LOVE, FOURTH and CHESTNUT, has reduced Ws Dollar Mark and Croon Tens to 75 cents per pound—A Bargain. • 023 SPANISH OLIVES—In bulk, in prime order, for ealsO . QT A. nualliO. 140 South FRONT 6treet. MINCED MEAT. FRENCH. MINCED MEAT. The subscriber begs learn to inform the Public that ho is•again prepared to offer his JUSTLY CELEBRATED NYE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, In large or small quantities. Orders through Despatch will be punctually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS. 028.6 t COMMISSION HOUSES. SUPERIOR OVERCOATINGrS, MELE TRAVERR, MARENGO, BROWN MELIRT, AND NEGRETTE VELOURS AND TRICOTS. BLACK BEAVERS AND TRICOTS A PULL LINE OF LEAVY AND MEDIUM CLOTHS, DOESKINS, AND OAESIMERES. To which wo particularly invite the attention of the Trade. RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & CO., IMPORTERS, 026.tuthe-3tl 206 CHESTNUT STREET CAIIPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. CARPET NOTICE. BAILY & BROTHER, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL THIS DAY REDUCE THE PRICE ' Of their entire Stook of “CIIOSSLEY'S" BRUSSELS TAPESTRIES TO ONE DOLLAR A YARD, Including all the best PATTERNS. 0c23-tf , TO MERCHANTS BUYING - 076 CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON . & SMITH. MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, OREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC. a beautiful article for shades. The largest stook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDB in the market. at prices which defy competition. au3l-Ym DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. CARD. SOMERS & SNODGRASS, 34 S. SECOND, AND 23 STRAWBERRY STS., have in store 4 largo stock of CHINCHILLA, ESEIIIIO, FROSTED TRICOT, •ND SATIN-FACED BEAVER CLOTHS SATIN-FACED DOESKINS, ANb HEAVY PATENT FINISHED CLOTHS, FOR LADIES' CLOAKS AND MANTLES, AND GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATINGS. 025-tf MERRIMACK PRINTS. ELEVEN NEW STYLES, OPENED MONDAY, OCTOBER 17. FOR BALE BY JOSHUA L. BAILY. Xl3 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, BOOTS AND SHOES. HAZELL 8o ,HARMER, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS tII BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 128 NORTH 'THIRD STREET. aft full assortment of City made Boots and Shoes con stantly on hand. .19-tf J . W. MaCIURDY & SON, Ul CHESTNUT STREET, (2d FLOOR.) LADIES', MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS. Manufactured &uproar for the Retail Trade. aull-fm FALL STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSHPH 11. THOM BON 100., Et MARKET BTREET, Hake now on hands Itwks stook of BOOTS AND SHOES EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND CITY MADE Ptitahmere visiting the nits wilt ;demo mil and en' amine their stook LEVICK, RASIN. & CO.. BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTORY, No. 606 MARKET STREET, Ptultulelshii. We have now on hand an extensive Stock 'of Boot/ and Shoes, of all descriptions, of oortown and EASTIaII Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of South ern and Western buyers. ane-3m GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. VP C. WALBORN ea CO., (NOW/ NOS. b AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now ft very superior assortment of Shirts, Under clothing. Gloves, nosier), eta. Speolal attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, or which a fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. 010-Sind fNICHOLSON, • mnooNetoTer or sifIRTS, LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS. A large and choice assortment, and wro.t. alwayn on band, unto which I particularly invite the at (nation of CAS it and prompt paying HORT-TIME buyers B. E. corner of SECOND and ARCII Streets, PIIILADBLPHIA. 013-Im° REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subscriber having REMOVED TO 255 MARKET STREET, (The store formerly occupied by J. 13. Ellison & Sons.) Would call the attention of buyer, to hie large and well. selected stock of CLOTHS, OVE RCOATIN OS, CABSINIERES, SATINETTS, VESTINOS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, And all other goods adapted to Bien and Boys' wear JOHN V. TERRY, oo3•1m 245 MARKET STREET. VADIES' DEPOSITORY, CA He mond to No. 11l South ELEVENTH Street. Order. received as heretofore. ole-ettithlm REMOVAL.—MARTIN & WOLFF hive Removed to No. 334 MARKET Street. South mile, below Fourth, where they oiler et choice riasortment of Fall anti Winter Goode. at very low 1110111. 113.4111 CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. BOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. Have now on hand a complete stook of QUEENSWARE. IPLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Obn STAND. No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., four doors below Merchants' Hotel, _to which they Layne the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. Mir Aosars VOA PITTSBURG GLASS. ant-em E • NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-CLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive stook of OIL PAINTINGS, ate. All a very bow Prices, BOA ARCH Street , above SIXTH Ptuls.elphlo, all/-tJaltr WANTS. VV AI I w t r lt E th ip e Dru A t In o i ti n n elre. eg it e n l3 tolk2o.uartaiAgnstts r.ot Poakkeepor ; meta wrlte a neat hand. be quick and correct tt figuree.,Salary for first year 8173. None but rteady and tndustrous young men need apply. Address "Industry." PrgiS oV-Pt. WANTED—A Purchaser for a Dress. nutkiat Establishment of eight years standing. located en CHESTNUT Street, doing a large and profi table business. Terms Moderate. Address, for three dam "Dressmaker." Maxi's Dispatch. It A LADY WISHES A SITUATION AS Companion for a Ladr i or to Superintend a House. ddrsss R. it.. Pr', office. It• WAN'FED—A Salesman thoroughly ac climated with near trade, either in Pennsylva nia or New Je se y ; also, a teen welt aceuainted with city trade, to sell Notions end General Auetioh Goods by SAM pie. Address" Energy," Press office. ell Yt. A SHTON'S COMMERCIAL AGENCY, A. t 4 CHESTNUT Street. VOW) —A PARTNER WANTED, Special or Active, with 515 ets) or $20,000, in a safe and profit dile Importing and Commission business, with a house 01 long standing and/ugh reputation. baying valuable connections both in Europe end this country, and doing a tine of trade to an extent exclusively its own. The additional capital is wanted to establish a branch in New York, needed and demanded by Ike trade in that city. THE AOENTS pronouncing this a favorable oppor tunity to invest with profit and Wet". Apply to or ad dress JOHN ASIITON. Jr.. at the Agency. 0c.21-3t• TO TAILORS AND CLOTHING SEEN. —Aperson engaged in a prosperous clothing bun nem, which has been many years established, in a neighborly city, wishes to form a partnership with a 'bailor who lully understands the retail clothing business. Bach an one. commanding a cash capital of from nine to fifteen hundred doliers. and can Bno assurance se to Capacity and ,steady halms, will hear of a first rate chance ofgettins into a profitablo bum nevi. by ntlilreming " Clothing." Blood's Dispatch, giving references as to character, &c. 026-wleat. FOR SALE AND TO LET. SUOII A CHANCE OFFERED. FOR PALE. The Good-will, Fixtures and lease or of the torsos. and heat Clothiria Mores un MARKET B.feet.a central location. hither with or without Stock., will be wild a bargain. Thr Prrprietor about ,ommo”,ing n different bus nes.. ADDtY to JORN SLOAN 6066l0RKtT Street. It EASTERN lid iIitKET.—A sale of all the STALLS in this Market will take place at Pt CLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder_on IitIESDAY, November Bth. at 2 o'clock P. M. The gas being introduced lulu the building, the axle will be continued till to o'clock at night. The Company have lensed the Girard Building, and will proceed with all despatch to alter the front in con formity with their new building. The superior construction of the Wills, the unusual width 01 the avenuee, the floors entirely flagged with atone, and the spacious vaulted cellars, on a gravel bottom, free from all campuses, make this a most de eirable end superidt Market. ti Printed eatalNues. with terms and particulars, will be reads for distribution at the building the day Previous to the sale. Bs order of the Board or DI rectors. oc Awn HENRY T. MANLY, Secretary. VALLIA RI E DAIRY AND GRAZING LEL FARM AT PUBLIC BALE. It. It. CORSON. Ren t Batate Hraker. of Nornstowa, Pa., will sell at Public Sale, on MONDAY, October 31, A. D. Dtge, At I o'clock P. M.. on the Premises. In Plymouth Township. Montgomery County. one of the best Dairy and Grazing Forme in the township, containing 117 noires and Pll perches. bounded by lands of Samuel .t* *pit, Reuben Lukens, It. Davis. and others, situate on the Ply mouth Railroad, between the Ridge and German town turnpikes, quarter of a mile from the former and three-quarters of a mite from the latter. The land is highly cultivated, and the improvements are a STONE D GIN ti two and a half stories high, with 6 room.. Ttarn, baby To feet, (double decker,) nearly new and built of good material, with Straw and Grain House attached. This is a very desirable property, being in a good netthbot bond, convenien t to churches, schools. stores, Ice. ke. Nn 2 in a STONE DWELLING. 56 by 34 feetAhree stories high, with hall, parlor. dining room and kitchen on first, three rooms on second, and two rooms aid gar ret on third floor, built of good material and nearly new, with lance yard. grape arbor, orchard. planted with the beat of Dint and ornamental trees, well of luting water at the door. Barn. 60 by Is feet, in good condumn.with Carriage House, Granaries, Corn Crib, and other Out Builduirs. The whole beautifully located on the Ply mouth Railroad, adjoining No.l, containing 16)i acres, more or less, of rime land. No. 3 is a TVi 0-S fOttY STONE DWELLING. with Out Kitchen, Cave, and well of lasting water at the dooronth 3 acres of land, more or less. A stream of water sasses tl,rough the same. No. 4 is a LOT, adjoining Nos. 1.2. aqd 3. containing 117 perches of land. more or less. on which is erected 2 double two-story frame dwellings, both in good condr bon. and will be sold separately or together, to suit Dux chancre. • The above properties will positively be sold, as the owner IS about to relinquish the tinning tinniness. The land is cenveniently divided with fence'. and will prim pate with any other farm land in the State. There lea considerable portion of it limestone land of the best quality. The whole will be told together, or separately, to suit purchasers. Persona wishing to view the premises will cull on the subscriber, residing thereon, or to R. R. CORSON, at Nornatown. Bale to commence at No. I, when the term, and con damn!, which will be easy. will he made known by R. R. CORSON, ten otS-elowtonl For Goo, Farrinaer. FLOUR MILLS, SAW MILLS - - - - &e. As I cannot attend to them, I offer for sale the follow , n g properties. viz: A superior Flour Mill. with 3 run of stones, and ample a ater power. The profits of the mill. well menaced. would soon pay for it. There is a Store and several hun dred acres of good land connected with it. Also, another water-power, with Saw and Gr:st Mill. mowed two miles from the beautiful and healthy town of Smithfield. Isle of Wight county. Virginia. Also, adjoining the town, a very superior estate of 200 acres. one-half under cultivation, situated immediately on the water; with a large brick dwelling. 14 rooms, and every requisiteout-building, all in perfect order. Also. a beautiful farm of over 300 acres. good land. im mediately on Noiseniond river, near village of Chuck amuck, 10 miles from Smithfield. Oysters, crabs, and fish abundant' . . Will be sold together or in parts to snit purchasers. Terms rosy. If the Flour Mill is not sold soon. I wish to get a gen tleman, well exptrfrneed, to take aro ge of it. For (other particulars. address MAJ. S. JUNLUS WILSON. Smithfield, Isle of Wight Co., Vs. Reference—LIPPINCOTT & PARRY. S. W. corner Market and Second streets. og-stuth-1m Philadelphia. WA TO RENT—A store on Chestnut, Itulaboye EIGHTH Street, south aide. poi : session riven January I. 130. Inquir e oil'. D. MYERS, north east corner or SEVENTH and SAMSON Streets. 625-tuthe.3l• CENTRAL LOCATION FOR RENT.- Weli-lighted Rooms. Second and Third Stories, Southwest corner EICHITII and CRIATII UT Street& pply on the Premises. FOR SALE. The Subscriber will dlvon of the entire Stook of FINE MONUMENTS STATUARY 'JIHAD AND FOOT STONES, A Ao • AT THE MONOMENT MARBLE YARD, M ARCH Street, Wait of Eighteenth street el-tog WM. HILL MOORE. ►rO LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the State Home, reliable for &Lawyer's Office. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. ale To RENT—The 3d, 4th, and sth Story Rooms and Basement of No. 42 south THIRD Street. Ihe Rooms are well lighted, with gas, water, and water closets. lingua.) within. on-tuthitt. BOARDING. 'UST OPENED—A First-Class Boarding or Boarding Howie in a vary central and deeirabla Wit v. A few Room yet to rent. with ens. nation:try w%alistande eupplied 'nth hot and cold water, muted for Sinele lliontlenion. For further particular - a. address '• W. B. 8.," at this office. References given and re quired. ant E OR 7WO Gentlemen can be accom 'LP modated trith an elezent second-story, mote of rooms. in a quiet private family. Full or partial board, required. Location: CHESTNUT Street, above Fifteenth. Addreee Comfort," Press axe. (AC 31.• BOARDING.—Two pleasant Rooms may bo had by early application at MI WALNUT Street. or St• MILLINERY GOODS. N E W FLOWER & FEATHER STORE, 729 CHESTNUT STREET. Just rscaived per Lito BTBJtMER, n splendid assort ment eq DEAD F D IZ B E E N S CSiEi SF LRWERS ,W IuIIs.YREI aND MILLINER% GOODS THOS.ICENNEDY & .F3RO. lqD CHES ['NUT ST.. AND 43 S. SECOND ST. oeV 31111 MRS. PURSELL has removed from Di 730 to Pm CH ESTNUT Street, where she will ope, the latest st)tes of Winter Millinery. on THCINUA r • Oetober 27th. Also. an opening of - Mourning Millineri st the same time. Dres,Malins, and all kin of Mil linery. with various styles of Caps and Head Dresses. 027 St. rm t MRS. M. S. BISHOP, of 915 CHEST NUT Street: has now opened a splendid assort ment of Fashionable llttltaen. or-tm WARBURTON. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVR TENT% 300 S. SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST Has now opened the largest and most beautdul assort BONNET MATERIA.LS That can be found in the city ALL COLORS. QUALITIES, AND PRICES GOODS OUT BIAS A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO MILLINER!. 0c.26-tf-if NOTHING CHEAPER! NOTHING BET- Tk:R !! }lnving the very beat feeilitt el, we are determined to furnish, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, the beet and most sensonabloiroods in BONNETS, truomed or untrimmed, It lIIBONS, FLOWERS, RUCH FS, Ste.. We hare now n sp'endid stock of WINTER BONNETS, in variety of style nod qualify, sure to please the most simple or ti,, roost fludiionable. A 1 , ,, a most complete assortmont of Children's Straw nod Fancy Bonnets. Beavers, Flats. et.c. Moots inl Cloth and Velvet Caps for small boys. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, olf-tf NORTH SIDE. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. HANDY & BRENNER, NOS. 23, 23, AND 97 NORTH FIFTH STREET pinLADELPHIA, WHOLESALE COMMISSION /SIZELOHANTS, For the gale of ell kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, LRD IYPORIERS OF GERMAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH, AND ENOLDDI HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Keep constantly on hand s large cloak of Goods to intr. sly Hezdware Dealers. BUTOHER'B FILES, By the cask or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS. BUTCHER'S STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, 8111? CHAIN, And other kinds in every veriell. 00L1 AGENTS TOR lIA RP'S R E PEATER PISTOL, WEIGIIINO ONLY I 3 OUNCES. - • SHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLEB AND MISTOUi. IDWAID a. HAM. MO. et immix C. NUICHISIto sun-tf AMUSEWENTS. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH. STREET THEATRE. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, October 80. DOT. Dot. Mrs. John rew: J A B. Fielding, Mg& Joh* 02.- bet 81w/rho - . Mr. rerknnai l l tAT MiNFAIMPax LAW. Joseph Ironside, Mr. John Gilbert : Mn. Ilterylbs, Mts. John Drew. o)Ptices.—Aftdgeion,E/cente: Beenrsa Been in Drees Chile 37)G cents ; Parquet, IA rents. .Doors open at quarter to 7 o'rkick ; performance oothmeune et LW o'clock preoigelg. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF 1111510. LAST NIGRT AND FREWELL BENEFIT OF 0 aBRIEL RAVEL. TIES (SATURDAY) EVENING. Oct- M. THREEACED PRENCRMAN. aPkrhich Gabriel Ravel - will enema Fire Character& DOU IN A RABS. The Screaming an d Amuninz Pantomime of SIMON'S MISHAPS. Simon, Gabriel ItAre. PR Parviet Circle and Eale011y• 1513 ato-; Family Circle and Ampliltheatre.2o cents. Box Office open from IS A. 141. till 4 P. M, when &atm can be secured without extra charge. Doom open MI o'clock. Performance to commence at 73 o'clock. MADAME ANNA BISHOP WOULD retneetfulli inform her friends. and the cabman of Philadelptus, that she will rive ONE GRAND CONCERT, AT THT MUSICAL FUND HAIL. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 2, mat On this occasion she willbe assisted by the following eminent artists : ARTHUR NAPOLEON. The Wonderful Portuguese Pianist. W. 11 COOKE. The Faconte Young American Tenor. SIGNOR MORIN% Baritone of the ItaliAnkris. Musical Conductor...... Further particulars hereafter. tf D AN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT Et., above Eishth. The public are respectfully informed that thie estab lishment. harm: bison purchased by the ProWle:ErEf Dan Rice's Great Show," will be opened for ate m e= on MOND A.Y EVENING, October 31Et,' when will be presented a IHAONIFI CENT ARRAY or UNPARALLULED NOVELTIES, ntroducirt r A SUPERB EQUESTRIAN TROUPE, A GREAT GYMNASTIC CORPS. And a Collection of TMAINED ANIMALS. Such m cannot be produced in any other nano( the world. THE GREAT SHOW is. in many respects. unlike any Circus. Menagerie. er other exhib i tion that has been brought before theta:loM and comprises a combination of Equestrian. ZoolosacaL and Gymnastic wonders free from those features which ate considered so objectionable in many salutations by the refined and educated claws of the comminute. DAN RICE will appear at each entertainment. and explain the per formances in his ownculiar style. A PERFOR M ING RHINOCEROS, the onle one ever trained inane ace or eountry, AN ELEPHANT THAT WALKS IHH PE! HIGHLY TRAINE D /G H HT ORSES RO ! GYMNASTS and ACROBATS! DARING RIDERS! GORGEOUS PAGEANTRY! PERFORMING SYRIAN irOAT and LEAILNED KANGAROO! THE ORIGINAL COMIC NIIILEIV The funniest animals in creation. and an MESAS 'S not! of other sterling attraction. will be brought for ward on the opening night. while FRESH ATTRACTIONS of the highest order be produced in rapid during the entire season. It being the detorminh the filenagement to render this PRE-EMINENTLY THR FAMILY RESORT OP THE PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC for the future. CARS to every part of the city page Theatre every fire minutAa TIEDN I'S.DAY and SATURDAY AFTER:IOOX9, Matinees for Ladies and t'amlly Parses will be FiVgai co•• mead or at 23.{ o'clock. TlME—Doors open at IN a to commence at 7},i• o'clock. PRICES—Dreg. i't rc le. CoD cu.- Famul, Cirele.26 cta. Seats to Prh-ate Bozos, 75 eta. 'Seats may W Insonred during the day. le._ In consequence of name rou solicetatlona .• plata harlieen set apart for Reapectabte Colored People. Ad mission SS coats. 029 on grin ANIMAL WONDERS.—Two more entertainments only. will be siren at National Hall. by the Dogs and Monkeys. THIS AFTERNOON, at 2.3 s o'clock. and in the EVENINO as usual. This tronpe rise advsnced rapidly' in poptitarity as the public become familiar with Its mente. The afternoon entertainments in particular have been crowdevrith our moat fashionable families. This alternoon Mire POMPADOUR.wiII make het second appearance. The Reindeer will also be intro duced for the first time. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. Cote Lssses..._.._.. ... ....Mrs. M. A. GARRETISO:Y. Singe Msnager Mr. J M O r §. E O. Y Id . L IS PS" Busuleas Arent TRIUMPHANT RECEPTION OE THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAGEDY. -• Received on its firet presentation with I.I7SQUALIFIED ADMIRATION, Testified by the INTENSE INTEREST OF HUNDREDS Who crowded the Theatre, and gave. by theirdeep emo tion. the most annvineineproorof the TRAGIC POW ER OF TEL 3 THRILLING PLAY. And also of the SUPERB ACTING OF MRS. WALLER . Whoa° mlevirly exposition of the mingled giaggions of the HI HCFIBACK BRIDE, SURPASSING r E XC n LE NCE, THIS EVENING. (Saturday) Oct. :Si. And until farther notice tlthe Tragedy, in ho, acts. en tied GERALDINE, Oa. LOVE'S VICTORY. With the following distribution of character*: Geraldine. the Hunchback Bride—. - .Mrs. Waller David. of Rohm, a Welsh banl..- If A. Perry Anselmo. Prior of St. Watburgh..... Mr. L. R. Shwind Hubert, the Crusader Mr. E F Reach. Gam?... the Earl's Jester .Mr. Nam* Bowers John do Lam Earl of Chester . Mr.Z . bout Hugo de Boursh. Earl of shressabury-... OCalf e r raze. fiteward ler Edith de Lacy, Miner of Geraldine-- Miss Mary Miller Joan, a nurse Crusaders, Retainers. %Meths . ...l.:Lib - "ei, - V - asaals, MTlL W I Z for.. &a. Ac. /T PRICES AS USUAL. No advance. or NATIONAL HALL.—MARKET Street, between Twelfth and Tlurteenth. !SIGNOR DONNETTI. d. H. WOODS THE lasi. THREE DAYS!. DONNETTI & COL. WOOD'S GREAT BURLESQ.L'R CIRCUS. PANTOMIMIC AND ACROBATIC TROUPE. Coroposed of DOGS. MONKEYS. AND GOATS! COM PRISING FORTY GREAT ARTISTS! THURSDAY. FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY D AY, - October MIL, and =h. Cards of Annuesion..% cents. Child r e n . is cents. SW" A Grand Statute. will be ;icon oc SATUR DAY AFTERNOON. for the accommodation of Ladies and Cbild•en. . • - • . Doors open to Erening Entertainments at ; eon. me noes at 734 o'clock. • Doors open to Afternoon Entertainments at 2; com mences at to'eloek. er7-31 MAL BURNELL. Bemness Arm& USICAL SOIREE AND BALL OF TAE 3LENNERCHOR VOCAL SOCIETY. on THURSDAY EVENING, November 1. 1649. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. LOCUST Street. en 'which Of Cf.,31011 Schiller's Poem, the LAY OF THE B.FLL. music by Romberg. will be_performed. 'with a :arse Chorine and Orchestra . under Carl Gaertner, Esq. Tickets One Dollar. admitting a Gentleman and taro Ladles. may belied at the Piano Store of A. B. licrittesi barn. Inn Chestnut street; Col. H. R. Markle. Laser Eunldings; G. Gabel. northeast corner Fourth and Cherry streets: R. P. Schmidt.ll3 North Thin:tat:rent Kraft Teuhner, nern Arch street, and the Comnutts• of Arran rennents— JOHN .4. NOLTE'S. R. SCHMIDT, H. G. TEI' BNEK. T. RESAO, oc adt N 123 G. GOEBEL. FIRST GRAND CONCERT Or TOE 1:tilON ASSOCIATION T FEND HALL. Oa TUESD kV EVENING lor. 3, WC TICKETS CENT'S - . W See Pm:lAmine. T " PLB OF WONDFRS. Northeast corner of TENTH tad CHESTNUT Streete—ereorei Srorr. sit4NOR BIATZ'A. NEWANT) WONDERIL DRAWING-0031 F.NTERT4INMr..NTS of MA /- CAL 5I F. ET. MOR.eDosF.S. NTRILOO:I37I. thp LVA R STD C•NAEtY BIRDS. at ILA EVERY EVENINU tee WEEK,eorarneveirra at 7Nte'eletY. a i dnn WEDNISDAY and SATURDAY A Fl ERNOONS et 3 Admts.ioae3 coats. ChlUrea Uerats. fiERIIANIA ORCIIESTRA.-P B IC ‘l ll- Rehe r sessiss ATURDAY st kIUS.IA„.4 FUND HALL, st .7;s "re o'clock P. M. A psckage or sti tickets, one colts?. F.nele tickets. ?3 swats. To De at: G Andre's, sad Deck S Lawton's *care Stores. - st the door o3!-Jai CARL WOLFSOITS and CARL IIOILti• s rocK's B=BI k.B OF SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES. At the Euler of the AC aDrAP,' OF MUSIC. Subscriptions w;11 t o reeernd at the McLain Stores e( 0. Andre & Co.. 114 Chestnut street; Lee & Walker. TY2 Chestnut street; Beck & Lawton, corner of &rem and Chestnut streets; A. Shnudt. South Ed;:hth street, where the Droepeetus and programmes tan be seen. 91 {E MARTYRDOM OF IlliSS is n ote exhibit:az. inth other Fairunta of the DUSSEL DORF cni.LEcTioN. to the Soatheast Gallery of the ACADEMY Of FIRE ARTS, Open tlatly. from 9 A. M. Dab P.M., sad T to t 0 P. M. Atlmisslon s eente. ‘‘,NFORIES OPERA 110CSE, str ere;. be ta , sea Chestant sad IdArket. Open for the Sewer.. SANFORD'S STAR TROUPE. the ler; eat Company in the 'world. In their excellencies every wreaths. SANFORD appear' Every evening in Fin meat Rola of Character& Door. open at TX. Commence at & Adimussion 20 oenta. Chuldrezi 13 eon% ocl-1m SPORTING. SUFFOLK PARK. — rum:um •• •..-... ......... FATCHEM ANL. LA.,\ .1 4 contend again on MONDAY. October Mils heats. 3 mO , • • %MI 'Ka deci d e ho is the congneror. to'• Wm. Woodruff tames g.Lancet; D. Tslmaa names b. h. Ge0..31. ratchem Trotbn t to commence at 3 o'clock _ Cara leave Broad and Drime streets at . k P. 31 Adon -3t ssion JAMES U. KELLY. Preet. 02.3 SAVING FUNDS. AMERICA N SAVING FUND COM PANI"S BUILDING. S. E. corner of 'WALNUT arid FOURTH Streets.—Open daily liom 9 to a n'elook, and oa Ztlonday till Bin the evening. This old institu tion has Miss s paid in full on demand. without notice. INTEREST ' , R. CENT. All same raid tu God or Silver. TRUSTEES. Ast, WHILLDIN, P,es. SSM . L. \Vox., V. Pre. John C. Fnrr. T. E. Harper, George ent. Louie A. Godey,Thos. Ser,:eant, Aft.t. C. Roberts John P. etmons, J"ras Non: man. H. H. Eldrnige, Wln. J. Howard. Jonn C. S! Ls, Ser. lolls S. WlLsox, Trecit'r. 02)-Gt SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, O'th . ce, N 0.331 Norta THIRD Street I Consolidabon Bank Btulding.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OFPENN SYLVANIA. Deposits received in slims of One Dollar and updirad. end repaid in Gold. 'without notice. with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till yrith drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings InstitcHon has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and " 'The Spring Garden Sal Inge Fund Society" ....i chartered by Theegislature pf Penroylvan.r. to ropply hi v e. Manszers. In organizing and locating i been governed wholly be a desire to accommodate the hum nen interest and wants of the very large and watt:wi zo ulalion b. winch It es aarrounded. 'n- P'44 OFFICE OPEN DA/LT. From 9 to f 2rom o S=W ; S a locki n Mnd ve neinndg Thurgau KANAG IRS. o rnie l tio l k ,e Klett , f Stephen Smith, oh. H. K. Strong, mule! Oader'koTer, rederick Stack% rands Bart. t i rmerh P. Leann* ohrt Kessler. Jr., eeorge Knecht. M emee S. Pringle, Jacob Dock Joseph__ . Crowell. Han. Wm. Millward. George Woelpper, Gee. T. Thorn, peter C,Fileciken Robert B,Davidst 4 n. JAMES S. PRINGLE. President. FILLNeIa HOLT. Secretary. le.lo-ti if L OV SYRUP, in hhda. and bbla„ at reduced atcllliayaStZTiolTT & O" REFINED SVGA& —SOO barrels various grades. 150 Mite unshed, sifted and pon - ctva for roar by JAMES GILAILAX, & 00„ worn LIZT ITT A R•rd.t. E f V( 0 ; 1 1 , O t R I K SY RUP-304) bbls. assorted, alq ! 21 `F 41 G I rEtt Mit t • O. TRIES. Ascot.