Ija.ktit FOROIGN NEWSq. I !"41';' , Wfic. ENGLAND,I ' LATli:EinoJoax " FaAwnhurerB4l4 - or! befog t~ken ; to •YrOnibtif rareehorsof Wolin toutheolsstm 80.legt,ifrantibt;4 1 4.„ 1 / 1 4 14W, Lineolnshire, the;:gelhintAtetio ,11_,yftyPtg_, Urn. ;143.114'4*Y le noWlimpiiiiii4hitt*Wire berm tualog'at Fdittiscrigh,"-;.ilii, eeeeMP44 o a famous and owe furious OotieVt , ~ liosn'ti 4 alucliernir Ching- EASTERX.The foltgwing•ita=oompdrlsoo between thesise of Alta Great EsaterritheL , Nbah'e Atit„-,Bnbjoined it thrE ettoulatiotc: Noah'a Ark (wording, to Newton): length between tiorpondicular,, 01 2 - feet ;:;eutreine' breadth, 85 fent: 'height, slfeet; teenage, 18;23E' _areut Eastern length between perpendionler, 630 feet; extreme breadth,. 85 feet;. height, 60 foes,: tonnage, 28,092. • •') - • • ILtuarrostermstur r ncorn,twn. A' ,ioder peers to the „ tsmani ,coinplaining of ' the' intolerable ;IyrannY protised in &Oland °wallah • persona *Niel_ henottiPelled"dwough necessity to travel eia.4Banday. %The •Irriter,neyegf,,..Net, long Slue X attired , at. Fdinbtirgh on:Sunday - by the mall from thelOrtio When 1100 k my.seat 1-could not but collect from the langnageand oeuntee% ounces of sundry 'gatirds' and Stokers' ttist'this' travelling.fin i tbis i flemdityvyak,deimed by them.), most profane' Ind Waives suit, :When karrlyeti; at Bdinbitigh`q tient, to,'mi/usuel.-icsiging, - and begged for some dieter. "Untertentstelyi 'nothing Wes 10130 htdlOP4o.lltte , an hour:. Ithen applied: at sundry hotels for something to ;eat, but teas re-:. fused at all of theni,volosaT'erus 'prepared to take up my lociginwweior their'roofr and Lwent home dinnerlestarYostorday,Lwalked dnto - Doull's, • the• confootioniiNtending toltrinibattytomebitsinits, , and to take them borne in a'p o pet.:4 : Well'hifOrtned‘ thst this was natralloired7 I meet, nil take ;them ' away."lllo)Writerfidde further on /igloo (lobelia consist Itkoutwartinisservanoes, nor . its oaten tatione_parede: Vidbre then 1) A ohJ7Par titular day—ti UillfiA !1 . , Meek to•Wn: coal the mosteerionelbreablieiefAod'slisr ere* other dafid theweekLehniin the ukilibini'Orlietlee• of sobriety, ohastity, charity; and kindness to our fella w.c restore!' throughout the serer). !hire r " The -EnsperOr liati Selected, neer.llortiosix, the site forsgtoistiporY, capable of affording anchorage to 30 and 100 corrodes. Toe &Mar troops; assembled for .opirationel ageing Moreno, are estimated atlB,ooo trifert,trY; 8,000 to ,I,ooo:eattdry, withrtirtilitirjr. 'The 'adranoe wu to taktiOitie.on.. : thels.l4,itnnatit, ,mhe tribe that, wig" Ise. encountered can bring 20,000 ' ‘. ' 5 • The correspondent of gte 4 l:lut;tiiiyi the imperial fisvernmenrof the trmperor is now contemplating whet merantefliiiillThe;lakturtd;ifeehtereet the • protests ofthwkreechilishopitiihnberning whatire' called outNeguagainstthe Ohuroh."Ah cps have reeelved bidemfrom Romeici preach the restoratkintedvelltalian . The IlishopefNeates,like,tlseilfshep.of Orleans, : has Issued 'a a prbtest"pt,theindepindence of the Itomagnstr. kerbs &step further than, Ms brother. profane; Mid Witpen hiMitilf to ppe,, tot, nut oulrin his - oirti•mente,.butln that of ' , every Catholic' fausliyAn grittany.'?.. ' o CIRRMAXff. - -- -- At a ligurAil.firtilektok plans o'n.theWhariork4 the inauguration et the aew.brldgeat Oologne, the Prince hogent, s of ?meta madea..speech. in which he said i'l"'Thalidfrbridgeilisi'symbol Of flernian. noity Owe 10 no longer - ts. right Unkind - OA for tiertuarg is one, and no repsign Pcivier hes a right to.,utrittfitiCin'Ant.,iffelre.2•The Prussian army will be ahreyrreedy defend tho;ighte Of Prussia and of -lienneni•l' Lettoradtortirlfungarriey that the whole scull- try is polftleallY:agitabid-agein.#'Beria Hubner, hinaister oquhee, list loft 'Vishnu' fot'Feedt.'' • . The idoa of oeoupyinikakinte by Sardinian troops hoe been abandoned. Tho Piodmontesc ,Goistfiihanottnene -that; from the lot of Novendhernexc, divot telegrapide nom-, munications are to be' reopened- between tha Sar dinian States and Vonioe and the - Anstro-Germania ooufederlitiorfralto"thirtelegraphio - omaniunica tions adready,ealetyyltlyidata *rough Naples and Sicily, at•Weillts=witli'Athens ' , Solo; the Piraeus, Smyrna,: Spray, mad' Caprviletlas. Thtiates 'for 'Tn.onnhobitodena' . Parma, and the , Legations bare beerrodiced 'conformity with the-Con vention to Oich those States, belie ad hered. *zny' , „t „-, The abolitionof - OtteteM4l . o4llo lines A between Piedmont iihd GM:various BtatesOf Central Italy is beinglihtivelylliroceeded - With; according to a Turin , journal, ;the • barriers are: removed. The buildings need as eustom•honse.s are to' be sold' without delay, The Giand'bukci or Parnia has written to his partisans to'rabstaitc from any littelept_ fever Of the re-eikabliehinea , of • hie dynasty. The Pro. visional Government has dintinished the tax on BM 4. The Simla& states that the restoration of thO Lombaril , tron". crown to its 'old custody by - the canons of tbo - oolleglateOhuroh at Monza, has been determined on at Zurich: A civil !nigineor,'-who hae been oonvioted Of hav ing given's- plan of Venice to the _French during the wardiss been sentenced to imprisonment for dye years, , Tito arcetiatithatresoh us from Venice are most deplorable, ,Thp. emigration of every -man of suustanoe„ of in the ableA*4led youth; the alarm and distrust -daises, the complete stoppage of all trade, and the sullen 468par:shah's on every face, erounlyseneral ayMptoms. But ono'fact ie more cogent then all;- the . lt/ Of Vadat) numbers (or did last year) 125;000 inhabitants ;; therenre at this moment on the police lista-registered as pan, pore, beggars and-people dependent;on public charity, ati„lclis than 45,000 the WhOle number. - The Paris correspondent of Le Nord h. informed that, the French troops are to evacuate Rome on the lest day of the present year. Auurebo4enit are stall felt in OentraHtaly of; cemented atialltl7, Papal andAllodoncee troop s, among whieli it is rumored .that Austrian soldiers aro Cu be Secretly mingled. • It; also said that Austria is supplying the Pope andllt - Protender of Modena with munitions of war. On the oth - er, the In epencteitte, a paper which has gauti4 credit since its change of management last summer, talks ofeA ifoto received by-the , Bardinlan govern., mant frotn7that of 'Branco (in reply to the recent eiroular'of Oetioi4l Deborznida,) in Whittle it is said to be -positively aeolared-- that Prance intends to limit her terventia :to 'advice, and will oppose all arined.intolference.. —. • - Letter; (Mut Madrid statelhat'ilie represent,. tiro of the Emperor of Morocco at Tangiers has asked fur further delay for the-settlement of -tee question pending with tapain, ; but Iris ; demand has het been acceded to. The different Powers of Europe have despatched vessels of war tuba present on the spot -daring the period or , this =Spanish' expedition-liforooem- England has a squadron at Gibraltar and= cruiser's on the coast, and Prance hes , sent a, squadron to Algiers,Rurnia, Naples, Austria, Prussia. Portia. get and De'nutark have each one or tired:kips; At Sovilletter whole of that enlightened nannity looking forward:lo the coming grand spectacle - Of st fight brnatien $ real lion trnd a hair.' TURRET: • We, here airless Irons Constantinople to the Bth inetent." - TEO otarnicissien of inquiry into this spiracy has held ita.Jastaltlt ig,.iho result , ambit& is not -known. One of 1.49 asmompliees, hionastir Paths,, tilifflinso binned •ni Conatantinople. It is rePortedAst4aiiler , Pookalies fled to Corfu. publication of the-Levant Herald and the ,Prasso et'Orissitisiebeenproldbited,-The Emperor Met. ander was,axpected - at - Odessa on the Atli. Pitt A fresh arrival of 881 einlgrants front Circulate has teken`plactiat Constentistople,- , 10 !interims fo lia t e t o o Frieeda Jaffe, densanding . the extra, dittos of the Otigiiiatii of the reorder three years .ago.i,:The Oovernlneritrhis' ovidentty, effected post hisProsernentArt the com missariat hrthB army: ' L 4447.44 ORT'ATIONS. , litovortittoi•frfie • ' WII.4IISqT,CIN.KC—Efohr Shipyard Mount, Hodg, kinenn-4115 httrtooluXtught ' NEW .I..Cki DON:- Bahr Carberry-86 •oaakit 'Amin ottlitiobehlialituut .t. 00;; FRILADELPRIABOA.Iip OF TRADE. , .tarn os vorMoimi . LA c treß. - metric* SAGS AT zitiiiiinariga' PartnittPtiii; : ' pipavntrur, Jlow Liverpool ' , soon fdrk won' , --- , fiAILI o , ..or,Tank iOCEAN - STEADIERS. , Iv/PIM .. - DIE :UNITED STATES. - , ; - i -- 'arm •„, • ~,, ...ts.V.p ..' rroa 1 DAVI ow V 011r.4.1-.....9!ew "k ork.:.,Drinnea ~ ; .. ...—..00t 29' t o e rib e tr. r Z e lartgri .. arVa . " .-I f . 2Pre animoolik.,.,, Now York.. bura............ ov .9 ... props V.:. : • ;:.: ~ . 114410n,. tvirpook,..z....':. -Now 2 oeen Qoemileyr ,Tork...• we ..........-....,N_0v 6 nrorod' , ...l-: oat , 01114 morsel : , i5e.:;.....: lov '6 opria. ~....,-.- err fork.. verpoo ........-.,!foe 9 uncle Albert-few - fork.: alwar :: - '....... - .Nov in .1 V . :41117:71 - TV ' t ." 2 1 :5; :i l k'. " %irk. "..::....."..... ': grit it. ll ==:rliePti. ' L wet=7.=::: 7,i1- ..„3 To eitaivE. 17(1/11 LX/071 701 DA.7 naLl Iwo Albort... ..• GahvaV.Ple , rlOrk...-• • •• • ..Skt /2 NY ees r...... Zoiithampton..New 0rk........... tla XnAonla.......boottutrapton..new 0rk.............120t18' Ara ;0 • -Han...new York-- ..... uol is P OlO 800 tian , %J4 1, 0111001..me...... .......-,.. Qat 19 al .usriam..«...:4. Liverpool,. .. r.....i. • • .. ...vet 22 VA IMO/Wit:. :•00111114101;401. ow ora.—• - ••• • • •oat 23 Nortk a thariow Womb .Ifaboo.l. -..—. „ . oot 94 C 01.1.93,1kmore,i,Lroorpoo ..N ew T r 0rk.'............- Oot 26 ‘ * 6 l:4 ' 9l4l( ." " . 44 l lll v a e mtVin , e,r yr --!—',4)g w A0n,..,.7..80uth,,,„9,..;;.,:y4::::::::::N0. i Tentoann.i:...flopmemptan..llow or k . . .........Doo 4 ' The Celliftairla Mail Stimulant an from New Nark on _ Meath ana 30th wretch month. ' - • , - - • __The Havana Steamers leave Near TOrkon the Mirth. 12th. 171 h; and 27W of eaoh month , and curl:mom ff. 0., ea-t a above - dates fet onipmdey, the Mantra - wilt salt owlitolidarrammet rom - ilw unearie. ~, , ' -', itit :ittottit:Mentprer.. . - , PORT Or PHILADELPItiAi'Oot. See leS.. tialtgg , " -"`' 46 If!, 18 ; yrligtirv...-4; •", , '4RitIVRIt.- 't , , - ' • Ntastitehti o Pplainire, thilew. trout Ne w Yoik, with.lnds. smt,passetwors, to James Ahaerdlos. Oot tidth, i A 14, when offßriganUtie _Besot!, Iroke the key of the tattoo rod.whiott - "mettle cause ot the detention t wee towed tip,c6mAtit4 . 410taaShoe by thrais atemougs.: ". ..- • Brit Chldose. Bowes, I.tif,ftYs Irmo xenon, with • G3 , .!,4y t..D Goopar. , , ,' ", • - . , L • .. MY . 1.51 0 0138 & s norts: Monroe, kt Gate from J 30 3• sont:Ille with nut y, to Osskill & ea yin. Brie Triodeltri, traveller . , 5 days frota'Portamouth;N 31,_ 1n bpliapc to I. Audenned at. W. - • ' Sqhr ahoposy4 A r :tdoott, flrdporqS LS ditYS from ' WIIMI33OII,NUi w i th rosin to ingot sc awl Bohr Aiwa, CarkerrYL4440 1 am Noy Loudon. with oil to flllobtty , Notice Co, • - • , -, ~ , ~,„ - , tioht Ite ...V_ ...Nteg Ireedd,,'S dale from ilotimond; Vs, With shorts to o.ll . o.tintratagar - --- -- - - •._ : le git: 8,1- 811tRit t y - Arbio;days Aims Elury,Y44 , lrAth iiiiiill4l=ll)Ou'ittlfilaji•fiol Lrivoir,'Dolt.srith Sot ,t o •11,13tires.lc,fioi.... ‘,. . _ .1,••••, •• -, i r r,•, sv , tt, . Sr A moo, t, 10. a day from, zolitcm. A. , 41, .. I .3 ° 94l l k l 4t w aa le in.4 " day ‘frOmhilMl4,:iial lab *lel lo gy 4k . „ r - "Rd d ' 6 ;It ' ' -'. oge ir t; il tro i llk :, r,l,,Ftr 1 „ flt# 114 !!9_•s to r t With tiehr Allow Middleton..„Th Sint°, 4 days from Provi ds..nlioirtrVotatAo- • . • • - . . - , yr' Iv . ' i 13. days from Boston" wit so th room",:: . ,-; , • :, • ', Witit b A j a C igllogV l 4 s44ll, t 14 ° 8 !;P 48. .° 14688 . Behr, 00.111,sofair. Buoy, 3 days' fro nt 31311 , York, wsir isMit4crowmi zr,oolusg; • . ,•• .-. Bohr Ketaht,liagi), 11 days frohl *Keil,' tiith'mdai • Corritltsr. coffins_ f .,, ~.. . e _ ~ "f 41•41 , 31444a:itiabifitalk . 12 - 4441 front ' ~.80 I tton aufte'lir.atil & Collins. - ' - , ..... - r With , ~ dohr, -K ati lirmiveyis dsyifriiiitildiefOieldth 109 . &Lai:mita Thsje & MoKeona. , , .!-.' • - ' Bahr ftXl,Witsmr Datier A 43.3311r003,!:33r3;*1ii ' ,173 101 1 E0 1 3 2 31 0 qr lielrour , ._, I , .j. 4 , .. dl ii br' bgEs: tot liyenc a ail.p.p l aptyi+ond qn , Giq b lip I t DoAl3l3„ft SOU., , „ . ~, _ , 8. t , k' f '74 WAROSlY. ll lt:,loAdrot, *DS *a a rr _ 114 1 .41* * .*.*,,C41111.,1414 - * ei l ekg'il dki*ta -40YWirPOLi 88 8 1 8AnWM&-8011. rrimer t,• I:44;:iiir , ~ , Midosis T-Wsttsort ii4l:MlA92.-13f,h742ittnii-leti -47 jaitcr,•"- t2.i.•••• , i . • - •, , •;-",•_•,':r.,,;;S• ~.. 11‘;': ‘`-• to. ,• , ... :,sisUrr , ,••••,;4 , .p.t,t 4,,,r,,,..••-i-,tvh; Wm Wore, Ames % Baneore r 80118irnh Jl3rilht,Braltn,Altereftyrrituotaon 13,Shilver, nammart A Growerilk ''l62 fi ll k il f*l ll ,ll% ° ol3 o 4lsei. ' The relit; boite Nromt o. s nal i Patetag the Behuyl etelte-deri ee'dte Plelede P! l 3 atubions_bcnad - am rolkarat - union 4000 . littiplet t ;ittlribe li r A l t tm,Pos Hepao • Mit:t ' a ?MI Mo; "Spring. Craalv lag Van tr 913 • - • r•- bramoiorra. ,Ellerelie, • Coutts, kenos, was waiting at Rio de Jaeeir' • Ship He d. CrOwell, from Toulon for Gibraltar. was spoken =huh. in the filediterranPan. , - Park-Glenwood. Glover, 41 daps from Rio de JanelrO, with commerce and wtne • arrived at New ork 26th test. Left ship; Statesman, Emery, Rhine,. arward, and Majestic, Lens. arts; barks 'adaryal Dyer. Fiekett.. W, A Banks, Bartlett it arlotti, Marshall, Gem of the tlea,• 'ller. and Hannibal. Kline 'fru; ' trig, &rib Point, Smi , do: schrs Fannie Carrie, Rogers. for New Yor k next day; Burdett Hart, Hardy, arts; and abets. - ••• • Bark Rilistinelr; Chase; for Montevideo, &e, cleared at New Tork =knelt.' Brig Ava, Neirailtt,:frOin 7)nthton for Philadelphia, at NearPort2fith inst, ,• • Sabre MarY klaleYr Haley, A Cordery. Allen and Restless. South, hence, arrived at Boston 26th inst . . h , Charity; Smith, hence, arrived at New London lath inst. ; : gept u ttit o h.ta i Liay,. Davis, Sailed freni . B dotal 26th net f Lon i 4a H •Endieett. futralj, hones - at Newport 261tankt. -At 8 •AMnith. off Eaton! Nook, was in colli sion with an 'unknown edit, end had mainsail torn; the other iehr,leetjibboom. • • Bohr March, from Eastport for rhilatielphlaiwas spa- Jon nth mist; Fins .Ireland,bearing N IS, distant 23 I Miles, Rohr Somerset, Stirling, hence, arrived at Charleston 26th mt. , • •- Bchr e R Congenial, Tilton, hence, arrived at Savan nah 224 inst. - - . MO Sarni Betio: Gandy, for Month and It 21 Mayo, ,Virard, for Jacksonville, wept to sea from Charleston Nth inst. . : _fikihr packlintarrim Boston for Philadelphia, at Newport Sithinst, and sailed next nay. • Bohr Chartre. Chartre, from Taunton for Phi- WI, at Newport Nth mst, and remained ate P M he ilmsrn, ;from Calais for hiladelphia; Tomahe' onion Eastport for do; Alberti Cotton, Bar tit& aatl N Ceroline a ßo i se. t Num St George for Sohr a gonterey, NTe w h ll ot,at i ll'alr River od, inst. from Delaware orgy, --• _ Solir Newry R Thisam,Cousina, sailed from Fall River 26thyrist. for Philadelphia. SOW Martha Wrightington, Thatcher, cleared at Bal timore 26th inst.forilaston.. • Rehr Lydia IL Ogden. Fieher, for Burlington, N cleared at Baltimore 26th inst. I et Bohr Mary Anna, Bowen, hence at Providenoe 26th • . . ' Schrs Percy Heilner. Gandy ; Revenue, Candy ;Erne line • Riokey_ Tice ; B Frisk. Doughty, and -Amelia, sailed from Provident° Nth lust, for this pow r , Empire, Marshall. at Boston from Baltimore, wet donhtletitheveeselin eollision with the schr ate. an she reports being in contact with a schooner on the night °lshii 28th instant, twenty nuke south of Fite Island. ' , -• Bohr mediator, from Delwin's, at New _Haven 26th instant. •.; , NEW -PYJBLIONIVNII; SPURGEON'S S ERMONS. • • - ' • " Knit HEMEL •1 1 FURGEON'El BERIVIONg. - SPURBRoNis BERoN • - • 'IIPUBWKON'P NAKM m ONs. New ready. the sixth gad& of the Bannon' of this oelebyated Preacher. One volutnejlerio..,cloth. Price 1 oa want it , toll or send to NWAritt Gi ft Book atm" for.tt." You have the advantage of getting a HADDBONtfi PRESENT. w o rth from VG cents to One Hundred Dollars with 'each book that is purchaleil at arm A_No • , 011180011 BTABLIO_IIMENT, No:BR C BTfil Street, Plulaidelphia. • W BOOKS. , - • " , • A L E FOR by the AuthOrtif" John As. • One -volume,;l2Mo.,` cloth'. We. pages, with a gift. Frio, 01.• THE-MINISTER'S WOOING, bi ?dn. Harriet Beecher Stowe... One yoiurnel2mo., olotlß676tves. Pros 81.11. MEMOIRS Op ROBBRT-HOUDIN. _ PRESTIDIGITEUR.- - _ Edited by Dr. R. Shelton Mitolten ale. One vol., limo., d10t1i,44.5 pales. with a nit. Priori at. OUTOF THE -DEPTHS:- The Story 9 r a Woman's Life. One volume. limo ., cloth with a gift. Pr ice IL THE PRINCE_ OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID. By the Rev. IL Ingrahani. One Volume limo., cloth, with a gift. trictel.2s. PALL. OF DOEBTICKEPB BOOKS, and a silt with each, rice t • ALL,B . OP T. S. AR 'S WRITINGS, and a hand some gift with each. Prins •BUY 'YOUR 1300Kft AT EVENS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, Where youget A HANDSOME PRESENT, worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars, with each Elk that you bur. m Call otif one trial will assure you that the best M these in O ty to purahate Hooke a o(}. s GEORGE EVANB' GIFT BOOK( ATABLIBIIIKENT , No. 439 CHESTNUT Street.. hiladelphis. 025-3 t o doors below itth. on the upper side. 'UNIVERSAL •KNOW;tEDGE-BOX. - THE CORNER CUPBOARD -- • • FACTS .FORIVERYBC:DY. By' the Author of " Inquire ' "The Reason . Why," ;Ito. :Large peel,: Cloth, Gilt Side and Back. ILLIIBTRATXD lArgi OVER - ONE VHOUSAND 'F. CRAVINGS. Erribu_scing Facts about—l. Things not generally known. H. Things that oughtto be known. 111. Things worth knowing. The food we consume, the clothe, we wear. the how welive in, and Facts from the Arta and Soleness, an well as from Lite ranre, Manufacture, Fmmerce, Anatomy physiologY, the Garden, and old. The whole forming a complete Enoyoloptedia of Useful Knowledge. • Whipher in the Parlor or Abroad ' tchen; the Chamber or the Boudoir, et Home or , it may be very sp. Propriately called the FAMILY'S READY ADVISER. • Published and for sale b.l T. B. PETERSON do BROS., N 0.306 CHESTNUT Street. Copies of the shove Book sent by math to anY address, - free of postage, on receipt of one dollar. ota•St PARLOR THEATRICALS: WINTER EVENINOrENTERTAINMENT. PEE R U AS CONTAININGHADE ACTING AMAY V I RR tARA e D - ES• ACTDGAwIytICABOUT r ATOLINIBLES; TABLEAUX YIVANTSOco. NT TEN ANTTION 07 "TNN AOCIAILX:' .4 MAGIOUVII OWN BOOZ," "TAE ONCAN;Fr . , HTS 12 M0.J Side and Neok,lllustrat with DesorlDtivs sayravinvyntrolgranie. nj? ... 7i'ENTY-FIIT CENTS. Published and node b B. PET ON kintinnaßs. 011EsTN UT Street. Copies of the above goo k sent bY mail, on receipt of Moen% to any address, free of palate. o.W-at CHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA. •• lEDINBURGII EDITION.) A DICTIONARY DNIVERRAI KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE, Post:rated with numerous Maps and Wood Enensvinem IN MONTHLY rArrig OF 64 FA6EB EACH. .02164 8 by IV P arrangement with the Messrs. Printed from the same plates. open the lame quality and executed in every particular sh edition. The whole work to he comprised in six orrno - von volumes Oro; /Wits I to :VI, inclasivb, alreadi leaned. Price 15 cents each. For geilO by Booksellers generay. or will be sent by goals Prepaid, on receipt or the oriee,tg the piablishers. .7. B. LIPPINCOTT CO, ..: 92 AND 24 NORTH FOURTH STREET, _' • , PIIILADELPIIIA. 'MANUAL OF GEOLOGY. DZSIOXaD Ton inn ran OP . , - COLLEGEFP AND ACADEMIES, "- IT __ ~ .. ' EBENEZER EMMONS, State Chod of North Carolina; late Stars Geologist • o New Yor k ; Professor of Natural tilstory_ and Ge o ogy in Slims College; Corresponding Member of " Gm Academy of Natural - Sciences of Fhtladelphos, &0., &o. • Thiele an entirely new work, and it is Amerioan in all its eatures. Almost. all our elementary trestises on Ohioan jest being repnnts or compilations pf foreign works, and illustrated with outs of foreign fossils. • In each obapter treating own the, sterns of rooks. isgeneralhistom s of . tn e ele , riod toyhto they belong is fileUntgen i rla i not d on a . Mir gre n g ' a t tesgr l nifi rid lustrated by the organisms and fou le 'which a ill known tooontain. 'Vie stud* of geology In this sonnet most be nor suedaßlOßß Amer an rooks. Brit few European fossils a soeot Pi ens are fond on the American continent. , ;whin wont will content EIGHT *GERBER ENGRAVINGS, DRAWN AND DRIDONND ALMOST XXCILIIIIVRLT 7ROM .%lOntolgar, AltaglOall FORMA AND gersoraterte. ..Thle.fs truly Ittt origlnel featore, rind its Importsnoe 'clan hardly be over•sitirnated. Professor Emmons, the tiput t e n t:tat i Nr e gtdvork, Monde in the front rank The werk Is biantenur sirintni3l on Ene *hits mar, andsobstantially bound in: roil wenn, : l'or private libra ries. or in half leather.with sloth sides, for use as a alms-book, Price sl.td. SOWER. BARNES. & 00., PUBLISRRES, NO. 87 NORTH ' THIRD STREET. , _ , -, . old-toot ni„DBOOKS;-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS ••••," The undersigned elates thathe 1470 be freran . tly fr 114° bmi Ttglit,be t r wee itte e vp.." er tail. Ies:M:17011;4n ser:srseton, ettleton, endorn rotirs, west, Coke, H s i ° , t h e y e , -B oot epo , u 0, are often to be round on Ide delves:. o osediii Alocuuk Olassigi authors, litatorYt Poetry bijoeopbY, loner, Pobtioal Economy. Gtffignment a llrhirtm irog . • VeVenligt i rw.7llf des in Il t inr n LPOocr, Arse mu! emu quannues, Dur onee se ue , atedl, OWES ltr i t e eCia; milk, P . vfivlll-4., , IfilliN CIAMPARLL. SCALES. jaiFAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES - For sale by FATES/MRS & EWING, • • • 715 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. -,FAIRBANKS' BAY, COAL, AND CATTLE S olldr CALES. -Po, sale"by I,PAINSANIVI & EWING, CHESTNUT Street. Phila. IN BOWE'S STANDARD SOALFAS.— Eter.—C os l, Cattle, and 411110-1 Wal l eitni t sras flr?;t; Pratr°l3""ill Counter l or eve... egAttption. her f ren v e a l a u o : othei eal l ia r trib r : l ihrstelot :r a l l o _ _ _ _ n r, _ oh_ in _ elsewhere, and --- --- i P Pan t iGTON G_IIBMI Agent, _ ILI South fixvEript Bunt, .. . „ 064m* ' , . . • kuladennua. DOINGS bF TIT PENNSYLVANIA „am FIRST AmAroF SIX PiIPLOALAB. grime or W z i c irMas GAS COMIFIN COMMEACE. , • ARticlrLY.3l 1 I.7IIR.NROi. lump ATlPOWerritariAoß. VC`Mdfanriliias. MILBONI3 DigiVIMVIIITMINCA RANGE , BEST PARVOI P tsywRATEEL wiavircalaA El 4 ORAT E S, siv BEST EN 4 5411,%F . ,E1i ATE MANTELS. For s vai7tinisourlimpleygegmelied Mato Man- Nat, very nig y 91she4, aso_srtoosrior sorkmorooos. MST PREMIUM. ARNOLD - 8c 'WILSON . - - 1010 OIfEEITNIPT street( M. rivr 611-tr HINTON'S , ENOAUSTIO TILES for ronfat Tops for oottageah trial pret"Punt— vortox 4, l lir r andwmer conductor. ;I,A:ice _ vim E h ifitamin : tria' !J e na AND : PAINTING MATE .: P i llelatil iil: A t ki B iatkuil r 7 . 4 - r IF i i rgio e r l ua li ul a rt n n, 4 ir , ft n " a %leo for Artists and ,20:3 1 0*10inre Prniiiak .1 t in -,,, es vat,* 4inarionn ana multi. .',. - ..- . 1 F a t i it! ) tile !IVO-. • . & TANENTKY ' ''Nni t NABALA ginatte P°F.4 Z tre," . , , RIEDIODINLie OXYGENATED :BITTERS ! THE OXYGENATED BITTERS! DYkIPP,PSTAi' ' DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, lar As well as INDIGESTION, 'HEART-BURN. WATER-BRASIL ACIDITY, FLATULENCY, OP PRESSION AFTER EATING, LOSS OF APPETITE, LANGOUR, LIVER COMPLAINT, FEVER„ AND AGUE, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, PILES, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL .DE BILITY, and all Diseases arising from Imperfent Di gestion or Funettbnal *sot : Aril or the ISiomaoh, are rapidly and permanently cured by this distinguished and established Remedy, ( VALUABLE TESTIMONIAL. (From a Distinguished Clergyman.) "EAST TAUNTON, Mass., Jan. 4, 1888. To TUE EDITOR OP THE CIIRDITIAN MIRROR. Sir; For mom than twenty-five y eare I have been a sufferer from the dyspepsia ; Besides trying the Patience of my family physicians -in the almost-useless, trial of their various proseriptions, I have tried a great variety of patent medicines. with a similar result. Through the kindness of Dr. W. G. Hanaford, I received, irk/lamb last, a half dozen bottles of the Oxygenated Bitters, from Mr. Seth W. Fpwle & Co., Boston. I began to use them without nay hope of deriving help from them. Being determined to give them a fair trial, I continued thou one. but without any perceptible benefit Juno. Since then. I have gradually improved in health, till I ant entirely free from acidity of the stomach, and from the consequent flatnleiloY, and the awful and almost d istreeting sick headache, which often, for dem together, bag wholly unfitted me for study and for all other min 'starlet duties', and rendered life a burden, Having de rived so great a relief, I feel that I owe it, as en expres con of gratitude to Messrs. Foyle & Co.. and also a duty to the public, to recommend tneir Oxygenated Sitter', as, in my estimation. a suremedy for that most try ing, most VeXU2g.'and cruel of all diseases. to which poorhumati flesh is heir—tee dyspepsia,. Taken at an early stage of the disease, and k have no doubt of a speedy and permanent cure. Having eufered so long, and - tried so ninny different remedies with no good re sult. I can recommend the Oxygenated Bitters with a confidence few others can. If any of the readers of the Mirror are suffering from acidity of stomach, and the consequent flatulency and sick headache, I bog of them to make trial of them Bitters without delay. JAMES It. CUSHING. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS! THE OXYGENATED 'BITTERS! Are purely a medicinal preparation. unlike any other ever compounded by aoienoe and medical skill; they are not oneaf the many alcoholic, proparatione of Bitters, which impart a momentary stimulus ' but never cure, and often moronic the character of the disease; but they are a peeblier'aild wonderful discovery of a well known physician, Dr. Green. The that trial of the medi cine will make then troth's apparent. IZ:IMMETI BETH W. FOWL& & CO., Boston; T. W. Dyott & Sons, gig North Beoond street, Philadelphia; A. B. Sands & Co., New York; Canby & Gilpin, Baltimore, whole. sale agents. Bold by - druggists and merchants throughout the State. CONSUMPTION, COLDS, COLDS, COLDS, COLDS, COLDS, Coughs, Coughs, Coughs, Concha, Coughs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Hoarseness, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Bronchitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Asthma, Asthma, Asthma, Asthma, Group, Group, Croup. Croup, Croup, Croup, Whooping Cough, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Sore Throat, Disuses of Throat, Cheat, and Lungs. Spitting of Mood, Pulmonary Allbetion, and all like diseases, have an unfailing antidote in that great Remedy, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. READ THE FOLLOWING LETTER FROM A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE Gh.NTLEMAN : histogram, Montour co, Pa., Oct. 4Y,1818. This is to certify that I waspronounced by Revere l physicians as epasumptive, and had all the symptoms of the disease in its worst form, Ruth as coughing, severe pains in the chest, shortnees of breath, night-sweats, and extreme weakness aud lassitude in my whole sys tem. My family nearly all having died of the dismage. had given up nil hope of recovery, as nothul save me relief; but through the persuasion of a frien I was in duced to try Dr. Wistar' Balsam al Weld C erns. The first bottle relieved me considerably, and the third bot tle cored me entirely. I now feel as well aa I ever did in my life, and am able to follow my occupation as farmer as fully as any one. I also had a sister in a more advanced state of the dis ease, having been confined to her bed for over a year and pronounced, beyond hope by our berg physicians. She also was entirely cured by the Wild Cherry, but it required eiz or eight bottles, and she sttll takes it 00011- atonally u a preventive, being naturally Weak-ohested. I would nineerely urge all who are similarly afflicted to trtDr. Wistao's BALSAM OF WILD COMMIT, as I 11111 satisfied that bet for your own valuable remedy my sis ter and myself would not now be living. I will cheer fully answer any one who may address me on the sub- Jul end state our cues more fully. (Signed) JACOB MILLER. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIIB I BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Such letters as the following, from a merchant, are daily received: " Mmgoan, Delman, Oot. 58,1868. S. W. Powt.a & Co., Boston t Please send me a SIMI] of BALIIAdd r ae I am nearly out. and there a great demand for It; tt is doing wonders; it cures Coughs, Asthma, Whooping Cough, and ConsumPtion without fail. There has never been any of the genuine here until you HOC 1110 a lot some time idiom, but plenty of the counterfeit. Yours, truly, JACOB Y. POOLE." 1110116248 EH, TIMEMPORE, all who seek health, that the only Genuine has the WRITTEN signature of "I. BUTTS," as well as the printed name of the Proprie tors, SETH W. FOWL& & 00., Boston, on the out side tOri/EPSE. TARE NO OTLIER ; it were money wasted and health Jeopardised. WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. WISTAR'S Atte= ok WILD CHERRY. Prepared by . S. W. FOWLE & CO., Boston. 'WHOLESALE AGENTS T. W. DYOTT & 80N8, 218 North Seemed street, Philadelphia. A. B. SANDS & CO., New York, CANBY, GILPIN, & CO., Baltimore. Sold by Druggists and Merchants throughout the State. seati-eorm &kw SAVING FUNDS. SAVING. PIIND--leivi: PER CENT. IN IV VlTlfinragela 111 u y. ri Rat itl i, slp Inoorpo me IBMs of Kamm va blirld t an ' . tar' I llirili:l:42%i l .lß: dr. from e y o pm Th 9 Wk. li, open pm, dtty from 9 o'olook In the morline tole o biotic in Abe Ivroing . , and on Monday add hard" t e r gli d DY . B R YL . ki d Ve/ , 1 11011141111(1:111, WILLIAM J. an,, Seoretai7. acascrote. Hon. Henry L. Benner, . C7ll Brewster, zdward L. Carter, °Sep Ban, f a rt Belfndge, rano s L ee, '. Samuel R. Aehton, r t oseph Ymkes, antireth Murals, our,' Datnderfer , olloy is received and paymets made Cady. The investments are made, In oontortnitywlth the proviprovisions of the Charter, m R eal Beate Mortscrtes, sions Rents, and snob Breit-class seeuribes as wiz al ways' insure perfect secant/ to the depository, and which cannot fall to give permanency and stabillty to nmatnto aul-ty gAVING , FUND.--UNITED STATES P ,7 mr TRUST COMPANY, oorner THIRD end CHEST ar Streets. m i .indViteurg i tire l , nv w l i r tlin i tft P n PR I VIIT. k II7I47 REFIT from the day of deposit !4) the day of withdrawal. (lot houre,froin 9 until 6 o aloulc every day, and on sale M iaNSU EN" A l l a rtini ln i " upwar : lid re and Sootland, resident—STEPHEN R. cIUtLIVFORD. eseurer—.l.4hlEB R. au Ansa. IN- FIS T{, Actuary. " A lade, but often, Mt the Puree." FRANKLIN IN SAVING FUND-- South FOURTH Stint, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posita o demand. Depoei n tors' money/wend by Government Stabs. and City Loans, Ground /tents, Mortgagee, ko. Tra Company deem. safety better than large pro te, consequently will run no nekwith deposi tors M9ler, but have it at all time. ready to re turn with per cent. interest to the owner, aa they lump always done. This Company never auspended. • Forestal, married or single, and Minors can demient in their own right, and each deports can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent, Charter iporpetual. Incorporated by the State of Prensylvania, with authority to receive mo rus es and exe ' TAAND /EAU, ILICEIVED. Ogl nai from S UMS to ; olblook, and on WedneiMay and Sa turday eveVing. until; o'olk. DIRECTORS. •anon, Pre'Ru l waYla d e 4 tindatikarr:V cl 6- 114 " KoliiiikTttenhouse, flithefp 47314. Joe. R. Setheithwaitv iphinum Ellenotintd• lAA B. lIMINOW, Preeident. Cleave OLDWALLADEIL. Treasurer. dlB-7 " A past saved is tree settled. ' NOTICES. NEW ORLEANS GAS-LIGHT COM PANY, FARMERS' AND MECIJANICS' BANK. Plt IL A DELPHIA 00p 24, Notice i hvebyVven to the Rtoehholdere o the .81 , Y ORLEANS AS. IGHT COMPANY that the Agency for the trans ras e or eth Stook rind the payment of Divi dends of that klmpany, has been closed, end they are requested. without delay. to rec e ive warra n t, ofertificates tuned by this bank. end receive warrant, transfer to the company in New (Mean'. ea at TY . RIMITON, Jr., Cashier. OFFICE OF SECOND AND THI STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, 226 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, ' Sept. 80, 1868. A Fourth Inetalment of EWE DOLLARS per share on Second Issue of . Stuok of above Company will be due r o d y rjge n eg t thi °nice, on or before tc ti c icillat o rl t ty on 830-fmwtul Treasurer. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. rifILADELPIIIII,Ootober 90. map, The Board of Direotors have MIS DAY dealer° d a Senn-annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stocker the Company, clear of State Tax, a blo on and after November lath. 1889. Powers of Attorney for Colleotion of Divideodan be had on appliostion at the Office of the Compan., South THIRD Street, THOS. T. FI RT H, 021-tdl Treasurer. NOTICE.—An instalment of two dollars and fifty oenta par./Mare on the Jaapital stook of the Peaseptar and the City jewisenaer Rtniway Campa nia. of Cincinnati (Rooms No.. and Owiti be dug, and n l : l abia at the ofts of Jonathan Brook, N 0.323 waL N T etreet t on Nov. let. SENECA W. hiladelphia, Oat. 194869. dtnl Treas. SPECIAL NOTlCE—Dealers In Good year'. Patent ' Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Amide. Webs, and all other & bees tind articles reed, by oorodnin fibrous rubstana e s with threads or sheets of vulcanize d rubber, are .notified that unless the same if;litlllys, t a4"c d a:Lig:l)7l4ls t , h d7,,;',,,,TeOfainnTe i , u i rit t ie :Vt. jai Merchant. end " g n i ' td %ex or %Ifni% la tollit T tid s ers A 9i, IEIIII riSIOR I It - THE PATEN for these nod., whio embrace all the styles hereto ore manufaetured or nu n:leg_ b i ti OW& the i ri MANUFACTURE and SELL —and Ine_Terms—may o tamed on_applieation to me at Ro. 23 CO URTLARD fit test , N. Y. nat-ir HORACE H. DAY. IN SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment or EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VAULT DOOKIL For Banks and Storm BANK LOOK% Eal to lITR e IRON 000TNTAL :aeo.. Ones good Wiwi's say other 'eetabughment In the United Stee,..b EVANit WATSON. N 0.804 on TN FIT Mreet, PhiladMutt PLEABBarys um A OALL 7LEGLEft it SMITH; corner SECOND arAl and attEEN, have enquired a great reputation by the wine and prudent MIMI they have purmted their oommetioatnent in bzuenem, by oiling a aret-ra ja gruel* at gIOW .qll. Tirm, , ,PttEpsr-weitimama,FitiDAy, op R. 2 8, 1859., WINES AND LIQUORS. JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. Importer of Brandy, Wine, &0., Dit SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for sale, in bond only, STEWART'S - CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. 47-3 m irCALL ATTENTION OF THE rRADE to this really Superior article ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A supply in aseorted paokuges constantly on hand. Orders received for direct importation. Also—Hennessy Cognac, Leßoy Cognacs. Imaidon and Holland Dine. Clara in opd and Cakes. Champagnes, high and low prioea. LONG(IHAMP. Importer. ol(1.6m 217 South FRO:/T, Philadelphia. GEORGE WHITELEY, N 0.135 South FRONT Stront. Importer or Brandy, Winos, &0., oiler, for sale, in bond only, the following, among other standard brands of trrandy Pinet, Cardillon, & Co., Thos. Hines & Co.. Jules, Robin, & Co., Otard, llupuy, & Co., Beignetto, Mayett, Corneas, Pellevoilin C. Dupont & Co., Union Prop . riotors, & F. Martells,_ Jac Honnes3y. Apo, Stuart', Paisley Malt Wit:okay, and the choicest varieties of Madeira Sherry, Port. Burgundy, and Rhine Wines, Palm i'red Gin, Jamaica Rum. Banta Cruz Rum, Bordeaux Oil. &0., &o. 07-1 y CIARD.---MAREUIL—SiTR--AY (011AM— PAGNE?, JANUARY 10,18°9.—1n oonsequenoe 01 the frequent invitations renewed by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to the United Staten, I beg leave hereby to inform my former oustomers and the public in genera.hat I have appointed Meters. F . BROUWER, ANO R. Bale CO., 010 Aents Wines United States, for the sale of my Champagne My Wines have been 40 long and favorably known in the United States It will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that my new shipments will in no way be mind inferior to the former ones. BILLEGART SAJAMON_, BILLEGABT SALMON'S ONAMPAGNE WINES, both CABINET and VERZENAY , for gale and oon. 'tautly on hand k. in o l . oggrit ti lt roh A ap e re gh by , et co., apt?-0m isY . kilVEit Street, gew York. CLARET. -100 eases Barton & Guestier's St. Julian; 300 do. St. Estephe ; Ste do. Washing ton Morton St. /alien ; NO do. do. Talenoe, pinta; 00 do. Chateau La Rosei 60, do. do. Leoville l_Booroh Ale, in stone and class; Younger's, Harvey's,Falkork Brown Stout and LondonYorter, in store and for salcrhy aub A. MERINO. 140 South FROAU Street. gCOTCH WHISKEY. 125 puncheons P'- 7 Jame, Stewart & Wrier Malt, in bond and for sale by GEORGE WHITELEY. HOGUET & HUTTON, MANUFACTURERS OP DESKS AND CABINET FURNITURE NO. 269 SOUTH THOM STREET. 016oe; Bank, and School Furniture, Extetud on Table+. Bookemes. Wardrobes. eta. "6-3 m CABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION. No. 281 SOUTH SECOND STREF.T, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Sumness, en now msmuuturifflrluliViallk'ir ft with 9 1 1 ha rel w att a gfg a l FA P ßTgvn 7 , 00 .N% which are pronotnoed w o eve use them to be InfOrrTlietcollia en. &doh of these Tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Uruon. who are famihar with the character or their woik. IrPe-em INSURANCE COMPANIES. BRANCH OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, 81,800,000. E. W. TROTTER, Geneva Agent. BRANCH OFFICE OF NEW YORK LIFE INSU RANCE COMP ANAPIT No. 108 50800,,u h t FOURTH Street. CAL. sl,w 0. PITILADELPHIA. glum:Nes: Thomas Robins. John W. Chtghom. Lewis Cooper. lioteria;Pgit". William Shaffer. ogr.tin D ELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE compaNy. INCORPORATTITILE LEGISLATURE 01. PR NS LVANIA tesa. OFFICE 8. E. p RN ER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, philadelphie. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, PiTERET, To all parts of the World. INLiND meujuziaß On (toads, by Rive ft i, Canal, Lakel f and Lend Carriage rttit 11, "IV Wiliti'4. AVE a &rt,l2.,..linttg,uliMs &Q.__ ASSETS O. THE ' OOmrANT. . November 1, 1800. Par. Markel Value. 8103,010,t hiledelphia Olty 6 41v mint. L0an...41105,144 00 m amo, ennulvania Mate Loans 104,6111 00 30,000 . , • 0 . Trens4rlr ir rent. Notes.. • 00,112 00 60,000, Perinflvanta ailroad Sd Mortgage 0 cent. role., ~...„ .4 ... 0,373 00 $20,000, Nod Penney yeah+ 19Iroad Mort gage eV' cent. Bon a.. . ~ . • 11,0X1 00 gia,ocoooo shares stook Germantow n pt Company, interest and ninon, guarantied by the alty di Philo, iteluina• • • 14015 CO $6,000, 1(113 al , tatOe Nunijiiithiii Itailroad mpao • ,3•17 60 80,000, 100 s oad hare Cninortrrs orth y Penneylvastsliti 4 --- r SION. Sundry shares Philadelphia IV; 1100 00 re a rs t m e Tit ' v a lr Ye l l P I :n?_ 1 7: rag,ln3 %raj:ea ti n g l i Company— ....................... 0,000 00 $340,700 11019,100 00 Bonds _and Mortgages, and Real Estate. Of.. Pa Middies .... MAI 80 BAIN receivable for Insuratres made.... ..... MAO ge Balanon due at Agencies-- rennums on Ma nna roltales reoently !sued—sod other debts do the COMPEUV CMS 1 gorip and stook of sundry Inouranoe Compa nies...—. . .......... ..... —..-- PAO 00 Dana on Deposit la Bank.-- ......--- . trArg ea Willtani_Martin t kre h not . A Be . igede„ kin K. Yeaf.... roe G. per, r wartjperlington e ill t ierr b! i iragig. eh Crom, _penoer itl' Hearne. V_. s 4 ll 2,% l Wr i crAe Jacob P. Jones, . • WILLIA MOS. . HENRY LYLEURN. BooC TIE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY OP pimenirLirrtia, 409 WALNUT STREET. This Company insures against Lou or Damage by Fire on Public and Private Buildings, Furniture, Moons o and Merohandise generally. Arf f r i dlowieg prevision t in, the Policies of this Com pany guarantees their security wean eastgried as 00l- Worss " This policy shall not be Invalidated , or In any wise affected, after its easiGr b oaent as a collateral aseurity to a ground-rent or mor ass. and the approval of such aa- Mgnment byy e tte otrioe, y any transfer Or conveyanpe of the mottos promisee, bp tee owner of the same." DIECTORS. a d ul T. Jones, r e it i li e f i lJ . roolin. ohn Hulme, saao B. Water Man. avid Salomon, ward G. James, illlam Vaneenlyer. oseph Uni t y, , Theodore Cuyler , Joseph H. imp Samuel Canner. PAUL . JOVEI, Presid ~t. WAL ANDER:VEER, Vioe President. OILBIRT S. STERLING. Saeretarc. my7-tr HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. elf WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. DIRECTORS,. Lhos, L. Laden/ Wm. E Lee?, Ecicar Thorn/WM, Robb*. D. milt*, w. Baldwin, Wm. K. Eam in, John O. Jimmy, H. H. Ellullinxford. . J. Aoknor, C. .b. Spangler, ViTtia " rt; PAM, Win i :liinen° Edwin Booth, Charles F. oholto John Onmoon. lease Myer, E. 8. Warne. Edward A. Warne, John E. Addielcs, B. T. Kensil. President—THOMAS .Ilst Late. Vice President—E. B. W Secretary—CHAßLES A. DUY. dell AosiERWAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., .ux• UAL. INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPET- No. SIO WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large said-up Capital Stook and Burping In vested in mind and available Securities, continue to In sure on Dwelling, Stores l Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in Port arid their ageism, and other Personal Property. All Mese, liberal y and promptly adjusted. DIASKIrte. George Abbott, ohn T. Lewis, John Welsh sines R. Campbell, Samuel g. Morton, dmund O. Dutilh, Patrick Brad). has. W. Poultnev, Israel fiords. • (lEORO ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Swann. 1a.,3-ly If t - 1 AM E INSURANCE COMPANY, No. •A: 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED ANrisrLyAroLA PßlA t iase, Ey THE STATE OF PE. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND EDDIE, DUMDUMS: Rent. Willowy.. ~..of Wriyiht, TO., it. CO. 1r !LUAU W.WALYIRS, W lIIILIII /6,11 k CO. OBADIAH; RICHARDSON-. 4 0. Howe dc Co. QBORON A WEST. - 661,F0be_,.. & Lloyd. I 1 UARCLAY hIPPINCOi - i.... ipmeotrenter i d, Rota. tscoa W. SOLIT••-•-..... halts% tout. & 0.0. lENRYIACINIS, Jr-.-.. mu, otos., & Co, AVID B. 81R15ZY......... AVID & LIMY. .H. Romnint.— . rehea t Brooke, & Co.. 21: *.t r i ,l igai = glig #l,' , . Everts k ol &N ILEXES 8. MARTIN..,_,. Van & Martin. GE_QII , FE , J PAY e assidvit• , .TO/111 itiN •IF Al, es Free t. WILLIAMS I. A CHAR .860'1. auttf INSURANOE COMPANY OF THE FOkANOKAVNLßAF,viiirictciMetihM: Chartered in 1104—Capital 8100,000—Assets, January!, mos. Surma 60-100. AU Invested in Aound and available seeuritiee—oon tinue to inerure on Venom and Cargoes, nuildonts, Meeks of !Merchandise. &e i vulrberal_terms. ,- i x c n o t. F n i i es 1 ow, Fa rn et : i, ij ri, a.. . Henry D. Bberrerd, George H. Stuart, Servo i i i pby loatar 111 A' a, ' homm fl a . li k e e r ttnon, W ile TAU; /want 11. bite • hubris S. (}..L e e man, At G. Careen, HE R . MERGER% President. WILLIAM HARP . fiaaretarr. 1e llorrm tr LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- A e". -THE D A i t c.°4l. Meets, 4(00206 26. INBI,I 'a LIVES for he whole term of 4ife—grents annutties and endowinente—purohtues life mama. i n Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the ng not as of_Life. 0o lie' °sot as Ezeautora. AdmirdstratoM, Awdirneee Trustee'', and Guardians. Intel L. Miller, TRUSTEES. Earnest B, 'Hob% njamln Coates, William Martin, °hard 8. Newbold, ames B. MoFarland • pain Y. Banker, oseph_ll. Trotter, William H. Kern, ernes Ruston, aophilwe Paulding, vAni .7 i till I g/el I , ,dmund A. Bonder, enry O. Townsend, email...Hutchins:On' capfuls Kent, ~ apt Cart , Cart. III?' Ir '1%7, 7 4°, 4 4'llliem oTertson, / rte l e l ai l k . Yh n o i n t i i iie n , ' Warner I. Resin, John 0. Brenner, E. 8. MIA or, n, EtM , DANIEL L. t, MILLER Prgaident. BAL. E. ETOKEE, Vies Bum% .101111 W. lionnon, Eaaretarr. nut!-11 QUAKER. CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 483 WALNUT Street. - - ----- . _ . . BUR L S. - * . ' IRE, MARINEI an iliSkii''"" B '''' Fire Insurance, limited d perpetual, oD and Merchandise of all descriptions. Manna I asurguee, lAjand and Me m, on_lresosla, Freight end Cargo to and from and parts of the World. 07,11/81.11, EOROB 1111./iBT, resident. , - r . 9.98 6 V i re PLes dent t H. It itIYLAH A ,LoPtCIII4. re . rga Hart, D1A1070.110,. _ .. 2 A •igiLit' B 4t iiy i l b.,.. A 6. cattali. ki gintil a ill.ll:l , .. - '' ltiZeirrad . , , Ilr, sdil ... GEORGE WIIITELEY, CABINET WARE. $N8,804 70 DIRECTORS. roe 0. Hood, heophilps Paulding, mes T?susit, Hills) pv,Prn 4. u lita S ° l il ß .s . l E n ies. may lloso,_ mos /3. W.Fild&M. °mai 0. HAM, oho% Iturtop. o Berme, Pittop, ~, _orru, . HA.a 'P r i .h .di ent• h, t ? , rotary. " ru de CHARTER PERPETUAL RAILROAD LIREO. .. . THE PENNSYLVANIA" 0 • N T L. RAILROAD. ' 1859. Magi -- • 18599: THE CAPACITY_ OF THIS z ROAD IS. EQUAL TO' ANY IN THE COUNTRY: THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAMS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, ti °' ortillcTan d , i rl e giVric il itt lp a l ii a po w in it 4 h d T a r t a Nei Union Depot at Pittsbur , l with Through Traine n for Cm einnati,St. Louis Cleve and Chicago, Burlington St. Faure, Indianapolis, Louisville, New Orleans, and all intermediate point% to Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Rentue tTia §:gra-Tig: frignniaggrcgaMilitdt2:l oor t,,t io n of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and cote tort by any other route, Express and Feet Lines TM through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train ; woodrurs Sleeping Care to Express sad Fast Tritium The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY : Mail and Fast Lines, Sun days excepted. CaaH Tram leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. t Line " 11.60 * f . M. reed AS I%OWi Parkeshrirg Accommodation at 12.30 A. M. Harrisburg Accommgdation, via Columbia, 5.00 P. M. Womble. 4.30 P. M. Passengers for West Cheater will take the Mail, Parkesburg, and Lanc aster Trains, at the Pennsylvania. Railroad Passenxer ation Thr Passengers for Sun ury, WI 'aniseed, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Palle, and intermediate points, leaving Hula deiphis at 735 A. hl., and s P. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained atjhe office of the t ouipsay in Philadelp h i a, New York, Boston, or Bal more ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad offices in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers en the Mislassilim or Ohio Rivers. Fare always aglow as any other Route. The oomplotion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania to ;lhievaii.ke this the DIRECT LINE 'BETW NORT HW E STT iND THE GREAT The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantaves readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling Publio., FREIGHTS WESTWARD. • . By this Route Freight; ot addescriptions can be for warded from Bhiladelphia,New York Boston A or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads 03 , 0hi0. entuoky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or lustouri, K by Rail road direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connect. at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on the Oiiio. Muskingum. Kentucky, Tennessee, c o mb e riand, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisomusin, ?Swoon Kamm, Arkansas, and Red Rivers; and at Cleveland; Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamers to all portion the Northwestern Laken. Merchants and Shipper(' entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on ite.speedy transit. TILE RATES or FREIbIIT to anypoint in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all tubes an favora ble as are charged by other Railroad Companies.. To ni. Be particular to mark packages " via Penna. Rail- Merchants in the West ordering (roods from the East, will do well to direct them to be shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany; D. A. STEWART, Patel:sag; Doyle & Co Steribenville,a; H.S.Pjeree & Co., Zenon ville, Q.; J. Johnston, Ripley 0.; 11. McNeely, Mays ville, Ky.; Ormsby & Cropper, Portomouth. a; Paddock & Co., Jell ersonville, Indiana; 11. W. Brown & Co., ancinnati, 0.• Athern & Hibbert, Cjnoinnatt, 0.; R. C. Meldrum Madison, Ind.; Bintam,Louletille, icy.; p 1c Co., Evansville, nd.; N. W. Gra ham & Co., Cairo, 111.1_,R. F. Sass, St. uis, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Walls, Ill.; W. H. Koonts, Alton, Murphy & Walla, Dubuime,lll.; or to Freight Agoras of Radroiuls at different points in the West. Parties attending to their own shipments from the East will find it to their interest to call on the Agentsof the Company at the following places before shipping ; letters addressed to either of them on the aohJeot of eights,_wdl meet wlth prompt attention: J. SPIUDER, P EFCI g;worilzvtirA.elerirign,Vtr.e,ii.y. El° i l e & 1181 1 ,t iOb 0 4 0:1 11 1 : i i i t o P kir s IZ' n el;!!'nhta: h146 T 08. A. titnoTT. Deng Sop't, Altoona, Ps. isoLly iNts NORTH PENNSYL VANIA. RAILROAD. SU ER ARRANGEMENT, For REVILE:I EM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN MAUCH CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and after MONDAY, May _l6th, (859 Passenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Street*, Phi ladelphm,,DAlLY, (Sundare emepted ; I For Bethlehem, Allentown,Mauch Chunk, Haselton, .k;,( F or at PAO A. Ai. or Rethlehem, (Express,) at 4 P. M. or Doylestown, (Aocommodationd at 8.15 A. M. and 5 P.M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation ' ) at 145 P. M. and &so P. AT. . . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA : Leave Bethlehem, (Enemas,' at 0 A. M, and 4.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6.30 A. M. and I B. M. M. Leave F 0 ort Weahlnatilti, (Andokirtodationd at 0.30 A. and 3.9 hl. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 9 A. M. and II P. M. oylestown, for YhiMa., at a. 30 A. M. and 4.48 Y. M. are to Bethlehem, elzo; to Mauch Chunk, $2.40, to Easton.Bl.6ot to Dorlestownalo cents. All hmsenger Trains (eseept Sunday Traine,) con nect at Barks street with Fifth and Siath-streets, and Second and Third-streeta Faseenger Railroads. myle , ELLIS CLARK. Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE— (WRAF 10 Eto Elmira ,Wilkosbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, ook Is and, Niagara. Felts, Milwaukee, Bur tr., %Montreal, Bt. Paul's, Detroit, Dunlieth, and Bt. um. jag ttirr g o e rid t b s er i o l ii itl v r Il t ag i tl i gl l 9lll ' DAIL , (Sundays exoeptedd as follows : 7.30 A. M..,_ DAY EXPRESS. F_or Elmira,Niagaret Fella, Buffalo Det roit. Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Oalene, St. Paul's, Burlington, and St. Louis. I t M " 1 11 1t r EnUr I EV'It Kii,c,fl'gro_ h a.R.:,thasranda,u(,e,,hui:B Fli i rb e grog: an SL Loma. The 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. trains run through to VlCtifl r loo, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Ihe 7.30 A. 4' . train connects at Rupert for Wilkes bAvediastogilileArdstariott V a s tea ROAD LA C *snags oteoked to Elmira, Budalo, and Suspension Bridge. E Welt: Railroad 1, Ito O t ei IMertt i et corner of VTR and Cli ne[pt otrikll 4 and at the ressen l"r .x.iARIORdFRIEIERT TRAIN Leirefit e epot, road street below V_ me. (lady, (Dun ekoepted,/ for all ;mints Test and Noll., at 6 P. M. reIVIS must be delivere d before al P. M. to inmate " O a r itArte a ri 1 1". L n etr. VZ n t.,, al ifiO a AD, below Vine. nASIXTH yll N,Beneril Vat. e ieW. corner nd CRESTN T sets, ool.tt hil ?ill PHILADELPHIA, GER JD.AtaA Uhl,' m4ifli°AlLANTlA'ati 41 8 -: a end suer /mildly, ley lith..lBso,pillil further notice. FO t RMANTOWN. Leave Philedelp is 6,7, 8, 814, min., 10, 11, 10, A, M.. 1, 7.6, OH 4,6, 614, 6. 7 8 1t 9, 10. end 1134 P. M. Leave Oenutinlown 6,7, ni 41 , 9, 1 0, / 1 . A. M. 0 224, 1, 9.5, 1,6, 6, 634, 745,4,9, 10y r, • 5 • ON SU AY2I, _Leave Philadelphia 9.06 min. A. 111., 6,1, 5, 714, and 10 34 r Al . 4e, Hermnntown 8.10 min. A. M.,1.10 min., 4, 541, as 934 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, BM, 11 A. M., 2, 3)4, 4, 6)4, 6,9, lIM P. M, Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11.65 A. 51.,, 5.40, 7.10, B.R), 10.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, o'live Philadelphia 9.06 min. A. A, 7.6. and 745 P. M. tive Chestnut Hill 7.60 A. M., /2.60, 6.10, and 8.66 POR OONSMOTIOCKEN AND NORRIBTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,808 min., 10.1)6, min., 1194 A. M. 1,65 mie.,6.(01.min., 04, 614,6M,11. 1 4 P. M p llave Norristown 0,7,1, 11 A. M., 1, 3)4, 4)4, 0, ni ON SONDAYI3, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. 3 and 4 P. M. w Leave Norneton 7A. M.. 1 and P. M. . . . FOR SIANAYUNK , . leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 min., AO min., 14, 1005 nun., ID: A. AL 1.05 min., 3.05 3.06 min., 04. 6%, itetaltutintik 01. 7K. ON RN DK A. MOM, 06 min., 4,5, Mi, 5, 906 rem. PAI . ON SUNDAYS, LOSSII r_hiladelpilia 9 A. M., 3, 4 P M. Le"a Mi 1!V.13 7 13i'Pli rb , l o'qu I tra 6 i 4 g11 834 p..E 1' 6,19 M ildent, my 7 DEPOT. Nlratt And I.r:bhp. Stream. FALL ARRANGE • „, PHILADELPHIA WILMIRCITON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Ontober 17th 1820, PARE:WNDER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Forßaltimore at 8.10 A. AL, 12 noon, (Exprosed an. 11.10 P. AI. For cheater at 8.15 A. M., 13 noon. I and 11.10 P. 01. ?or Wilmtngton at 8.15 A. M., 13.4, and 11.10 P. M. or New Castle at 8.15 A. AL, and 4 I'. M. for Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and 4 P. M. ' , or Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. At., and 4 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. 111., and 4 P. 81. For Laurel at 8.15 FUR and 4 P. M. TRAIN/3PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M., (Express,' 10.15 A. ht., aqd 5.25 P. AI. Leave Wtlmington at 5.65 A.M. and 11.52 A. M.,1.16 and 8.40 P. AL •. • . • e Laui at 6.15 A. 111., and 3.40 P. M. Leave Sea for d at 6.45 A. 31. and 405 I'. Leave Milford at 7.50 A. Ai., and 60.51'. N. emirs Dover at 9.Q5 A. M., and 6.40 P. AL ,eave Middletown at 10 A. M. and 6.50 P. M. easy) New Crowe at 10 5a A. M.. and 4 P. M. ~eave Chester at 7.44, 12 A.M., 2.2 and 9.15 I', M. _Aiwa Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.13 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 1223 and 11.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.23 A. M., 12. M P. M., and 12.10 A. M. SUNDAYS Only nt 11.10 P. Id., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. r at 5.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FRYAOHT TRAIN. with PASSENGER CAR attached, will run cc follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate planes at 5.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7.50 P. 31. Leave Baltimore for Stammer's Run, Chum's, and Barewood at 5.54 I'. M. oil S. M. FELTON. President. WENPHILADELPHIA , AND READING RAIL ROAD, I 0 LINE, for POTTSVILLE, READ ING and HARRISBURG. Leave' the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Strersnt 740 A. NI, DAILY, Olundays excepted,) for POT fB'VILLE, HARRISBURG, and nil interniddtato points, connecting at Harrisburg with trains running to Pittsburg, Chamberdburg, Whale, Hunbury, &o. AFTERNONi LINEd Loave at Sin P. M., DAILI, for POtTEIVILLE and HARRISBURG. At 4.4 S Pi HI., I)AILY, (Bunde.ye excepted,) for READ INI3. and intermediate points. 'seta W. H. MclLllENNY.Beoretary. 1859. of mlmm 1859. FALL g ARR ANG E A ME NT—NEW Y A OR D K L I M N ER.TDELFINRMDEJNDTNDrNAONRYUILNuADIA L N E W , YoRKAND I WAY-PI Tu- FROM WALNUT-578NET W 11411.7, Will (pav e as follows, vix TAM At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy. Cam. & Am. Anoommodation 83 23 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey CRY', (New JerseylAoqommodation... 2 26 At 9 A. 61., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 00 At 11 A.M., by Steamboat , via Tawny and Jersey City, Western Express 600 At 1% P. M., via Camden and Amboy Aooommo -926 At 2 '. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Ex -00 AC 4 P. 111. by Steamboat, via - Taoony and Jar- C Y, bventrig Express 3 00 At by Steamboat. via Tawny and Jer sey City, 2.1 Ticket At 6 p.m.. vie Ca wan and Jersey City PV4ining Mai 3 00 At 11 M., ..... damden and Jamey City, Southern ai 26 At 6 P. M,via Camden and Amboy,Acyrnmodation. (Freight and Pasaiinger)—let Class 226 2d Clogs 1 60 Tim 6P. M. Mall Line runs daily. The 11 P.M. South ern ?dad. Saturday excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, &0., at 6 A. AL and Mauch 2 l PAl Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at 6 A. Lehigh Valley Railroad . ?or Water GapStroudeburg, Hamann, Wilkesbarre, Montrose. Great bend , ho. at 6 A. Al., via Delaware, Lacisawanna r nnd Western Railroad. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A. M.. and Mg and 4 P.M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. Al. WAY LINES ror Bristol, Trenton, ito, at 3% and P. AL, from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmyra, Balance, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, An., at 12%, 1. and Mg P. M. Steamboat John Neibtomlor Bordentown and interme diate places, at 234 P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and In termediate places. at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each Paretimiler. ?mangers are prohibited from taking anything ae bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over VI pound' to be paid for extra. The company t eir regponsibility for baggage to ono dollar per pound, and will not !table for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special nentraat. Oot• 1.1869. WM. 11. GATAIER. Agent. liar ite MI _ V A l l! 21TI IC RA - la. 1 1 : E ) I A D - T P A 13 - t fi N ISI E Ep IV' B 1 1 4 ' 1 1 i l i t Ord 1 : 7 1 1 , N a n 3 d T aWe V rsi ,I N a gu l t ;- no, the wronger rains for DOWN! DTOWN, wi" rfrovtigtravigmoof.T:Difitaffing Ifftramii for Downingtown, loaves at 720 A r . ERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at . hi, AIL (Bandar. exooptod.) d yg a dl n ofitzlloard or Managers date Philadelphia 1 U g irtIVECILUMNNT.I9IIO4I7. EDUCATIONAL; 'MESDAMES OHEGARAY AND - D'HER VILLY'S BOARDING AND DAYI3DROOL FOR. YOUNG LADIES. PRILA.DELPHIA, No. 1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame C H EGARAY reepeetfuily infertile her friends and the pablie tri general. that independently of in her Board and DIU School, d_rq i sate by herself and her niece, Mum. g PREVOST, In NEW Y ORK . d ehe in tends. in conneoticn with her niece me. D'HER VILI.V, opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution pn o precisely 6-3 the same plan am the one above mentioned. m REV. JAMES I. lIELM'S School for the higher education of a limited number of Young Lubec 1313 CHESTNUT Street. Cireulara, with terms, reference. die., may be hod on application. AMbRICAN SellOOL INSTITUTE. Familioe, Schools, and Colleges, supplied with competent Teachers, for any Department; and Teach ers with positions. Paronts gratuitously supplied with 4ohool cirouhrs. Refer to Faculty Amherst College, Mass.; Dr. Lowell Mason • Mason Brothers ; Hon. Theo. Frehnsbuyieni LL.D. t' Hon. John C. Rives. Et M. SMITH, woonntor, kCO.. SO BROADWAY. New York, and sett-dm 609 CH KSTNUT Street. Philadelphia. HEMAN ALLEN, A. M. Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. MG Allen may be enybed to at th 9 residence of Ins father. Professor Allen, No, 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street. sB-2m• PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. The Fall Term of this Institution oommences Septem ber 6th, MM. The 'course of instruotimr comprises all the brannhes of a thorough English Education. together with the Latin, Greek. and French Languagee.auge-tf ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, P••• 7 LOCUST Street, west of Sixteenth, will, D V „re open on MONDAY, September lgth, at 9 A. M. Applications for admission, if made before the begin ning of the term, should be made to the Principal. J. ANDREWS HARRIS. A. M.. ..110-afkm-if 11077 RACE Street. A LLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, - FRANKPORD. PENNSYLVANIA. six miles from Market street. Philadelphia. The course ofinstruction in this School is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to plane their daughters or ward, at this Institution will do well to make immediate appl ication to Mae. E. L. THOMPSON, s3-tf Principal and Superintendent. BRYANT (Pc STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For in formation. oall or send for CAgalocue. fefl-tf DANCING. WASHINGTON HALL, 810 SPRING GARDEN Street. —D. L. CARPENTER, the Society 'I ember of Fashionable Dancing. is pow ready to take Pupils at any time. either Private or in Classes. For reference, call and observe the respectability al "wl Iiii. be MENTER can be seen daily and nightly for Wilms, &c. This is los twenty-ninth year as a Teacher in this city. 03-11 m• PIANOS. MARSH'S MUSIC STORE, No. no 2 CHESTNUT Street, FOILS DILLPH u. Where the beet make of . . . . PIANOS, ISELODNONS,and MUSICAL INSTRU AIENTS, OY ItVIRY DESCRIPTIOY. Can be obtained at the lowest Mendfitoturers' Prioee Constantly publishing the latest Choice Compositions and Popular Alum of the day. Also. receiving New Music daily from all the entalogues in the United Ptaies. Dyers, ['sachem. Beminariee.and Clergymen will be su whparlOrtpalily" beOrders by mad w,lt filled. Cataluna' of Mueto or Price List will be forwarded free of charge when ordered. J. MARSH. Agent. Fqmi EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB LIC LEDGER.—" Mr. James clink has on exhibition several ofJ. & C. Fisher's pianos. One of them is a seven octave rosewood piano. full iron frame, handsome. but plait, finish. '1 he toad is most excellent and powerful, and the price only $220. He has also one somewhat similar in appearance, which has all the la, teat improvements, besides a new patent damper.which prevents the piano from getting out of order. It is fin ished in a splendid manner." 4 nese Pianos, and a splendid assortment of various makers, are for sale from 4178, or upwards for cash, or on trustalments, at JAMES BEULAH'S. VD mind 281 Booth FIFTH Bt.. above Spruce. New and second-hand Pianos for sale. fifflo 01110fiERING & SONS, GRAND,H NO ARE IO AN4D OU PRIGH7 PIANO -FORTES. WAREROOMS M 7 CHESTNUT STREET. Constant r n store a large stock of oar BEAUTIFUL an UN EQUA_LLED INeTRUMENTS. We have been twarded, at the different Enhibitlons In this country and r eib AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIA 08 TO RENT. iala-ly RA VEN , BACON, & Co.'s, Norms & Clark's„Hallett._rlavis, & Cojs, and A.B. Gale & Co.'s supenor PIANOS. Also. Ma son & Hamlin's unrivalled MLOD.F.OIOI HAR htONIUMR,, so desirable for Churches and Leona° Rooms. ti" Autos sad Melodeons to Rent. SEVENTH said E 0 HEM% A GREAT IMPROVIMENT IN PIANOS. RCHOMACKER & CO., lOM CHESTNUT Street, respectfully invite the musio loving. public to call and examine their new and Imo mogul improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. . .... . . • . Having converted the Tone, Tonal, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Initrument, in avoidg all the oblectionasenerally made to the stile o f Grand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the acme. In volume, purity of tone, great power. bnlliarioy, full ness, defth, and evenness of tomb, with 'sellout° deli may an sweetness, these SUPER OR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS e are wholly uneralled. They have received the highest encomiums. an are pronotinaed by critics to be far su perior to any nitrumbnts ever manufactured in this ". C l :i t aintly o hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled rtAIIOS. We have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited. in chiding the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace MEM. bition. New Y0rk.1&53. met-tf STOVES. 4_ TILE "FIERY sI'AR," GAS-CON SUMING AND RADIATING AIR-TIGHT STOVE. for Parlors. Halls, Offices. atom. do. The moat economical, cheerful and healthy stove in the market. All who wish a heating stove that will give entire satisfaction are Invited to call and see one of the . . . .. . . FIERY STARS in oraration at our Warerooms. Every variety of Stoves both Plain and GAS BURNING. for Parlors, Kitchens, Chambers, Ilalls, AL, may be found in our assortment. OurAi6l§. •bA rtt , ed BEA-BLIELL, and DOUBLE-OVEN Coo ng 13tovei are WARRANTED. . nd, for exoellence in operation, they CHALLENGE ell competition. NORTH, CHASE. AND NORTH, 013-Im No. HO North BFCOND 8 rest. STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR No. 1116 MARKET STREET. Is now prepared to meet the wants of thepublio more oompletely in nil the details of the Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of which be invites COMIPAIIATIVIC EXAMIIATION. The following are among his own popular inventions, several of which have already obtained n national repu tation as surpassing in excelicare eindecon may any other Stovesin use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved oas-burning Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be the best Stove for family use in the world. JAMES SpEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated (ins-consuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coming intogeneral use. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's Air-tight oas-consuming Parlor stove. JAMES fBPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, which from its beauty and utility is likely, this season, to be univer sally adopted. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Poet, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Radway-oar Heater. For ell of the above the Inventor very Justly claims advantages which require but to ho understood by the public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other articles of that obese in The market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons in went of Stoves to call and examine for themselves. Parties wishing to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending tinmedtateip tour obese or not. a2:l-am CHARLES JONES, No. 3015 North SECOND Street, (Successor to A. J. Gallagher,. would respectfully call the atten tion of those desinng stoves to his extensive assortinent of Cooking, Heating, and Parlor stoves. I have purohased the exclusive right to the retail sales and repairs. to thdadelphisof Gallagher's Celebrated Morning Star" and "Sunrise" Ona.buming Cooking Stoves. well known ,for years as the moat altisfactorg Stoves i D ay l i gh t, t Als comb s tiow Flat-top Cooking Stove " which nes all the useful im provements, aid operates admirably. I also menu filature, in a imposer manner, Silver's Gas-burner of the best Ittutsia Sheet Iron. These are the moat eoonomtoal and easily managed Parlor Stoves to use. alt-3m CAUTION.—We hereby caution all per not to purchase any Cooking Stove or Stoves with Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces on, awes's those mode by Ili, Uwe Cr, the exclusive OWTHISS Urine Patent for making Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces, and we shall prosecute all persons who infringe on our Patent to the full extent of the law. STUART de PETERSON. Iron Founders. . WILLOW Street, above Thirteenth. COAL. IH'HOUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR I—.intereut. Buy your COAL AT HICKS'. where nothing but the vary best quality of Lehigh and Schuyl kill Coal is offered at the following reduced vice.: Lehigh. Broken, Rut. and Stove... ........84 ES our ton. Schuylkill. " • " ......... 400 Largo Nut ........ . . ... . 3 Warranted free from slate or * dust and full weight, at HICKS' vard. anuthesst corner MARSHALL and WILLOW. Call nod see. 023-0 m W. OROOSIE & CO., • Office 10 South FOURTH Street, Ann WHARF, PINE STRLET, SCHUYLKILL, Dealer' and Shippers OF Loeust Mountain. Lehigh, and Schuylkill COAL. Merehandiso taken on wharfage. 016-dm TiIUKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN - 11 - 11 - LE it lOU COAL, premised wlth or, fop _MIA beet terms. Apply rtt KNOWLES'EI Depot, NINT end WILLOW &recite in-t MACHINERY AND IRON. SAMTHIL V. MERRICK. I. VAUGHAN WlLLlAMyrosaitittes. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, 2,4llliNeektONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Mal i nStature High and Low Presence Steam Engines, o t h y and, River. and Marine gamm m a, te, Gasometers, Tanks , Iron Bats, &o.; Castings o !kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Work', Work Shops, Rail road Stations, gco. Retorts and One Machinery of the latest and most im proved oonetrpotion. Every description of Plantation Mhinery, such ae !lunar, Haw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam frame, Defeontors, Filters, Pumping Engine'. ko. Sole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus t Naarnyth's Patent Steam Hammer M ;rai and Aspinwal ft l Wolley's Patent Centrifugal Sugar an Dn ing achine. 5-7 M ORE PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF MONELL'S AMERICAN lIAIR REPARATOR. rITILADELPMA, september 77th. INA This is to 0(014' that I woo hold for many years, and was recommended to try your jteparator ; and having procured throe bottles, used it for three months, which as caused my hair to g row, and ahhouKh not quite gur thick as before, }et it is constantly growing. . M. JONES. No. 39 North Third street. PITILAPRLPIIIA. September 27th, 1862. Mr. J. F. MoNnu.i Dear Sir—Some time since my hair commenced felling out. AO much so. that i WAR, in feet, fearful of becoininir bald; but hearing of the won dertul power of your Reparator, I was induced to buy a bottle, and after using one-half of it my hair not only ooased coming out, but oommenped growing finely, and I have now as thick a suit of lour as eveLl had. JACOB EVANS, No. 624 Chem street. For sale b£ T. H. PETERS eo., Sole Agents, No. 716 cHERTNIIT Street. Philailetphia. itedlen 0".6'-4,000 gallons Extra Bleached, Irt% Whale Oil, bblz. Extra Packed Whale Oil 25 bble. Nn.l wr. Lard Oil. 25 Wm. N 0.2 wr. Lard Oil. In store, for late by 620 HOWLEY. AHIIII3III2N - El4. k W. cbLlVE"..—Spaninli Queen in prime order In atom, and for Baia bA. MEIVNO. Nao Routh FROtg Nowt. siit'tftne AtictioN:- !FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., Nn. 419 MARR'ET BALE TILIB (FRIDAY) 1110/tNING,OOTORER 28th. AT 10 O'CLOCS A OARD.—The attention of purchasers is requested to our sale ol imported dry goods, this ( Friday) morn ing. October 28th. at 10 o'clock, by catalo.3lc, on 6 month,' credit. consisting of— t 600 new style cloaks end Itasfens, of the manufac ture of taleurs. (sidor linrchard & Son. 600 all-wool plaid long shawls. 126 lots new style emb'd cambric collars and sets. mousbn de laines, Cobourgs, toilet coverings, cam bric !Mak, black velvet ribbons, &c. BALE T h isRENCH GOODS. Morning October Z 5, at MI o'clock, by catalogue, on 6 months credit -440 packages and lots of fancy and staple French goods. SALE OF 150 LOTS CLOTH, BEAVER CLOTH VELVET. AND FANCY FRENCH. CASSEHLRE CLOAKS AND RAGLANS. (Atha manufaoturs of MESSRS. ISIDOR BURNHARD & SON, Of New York. - • • This Morning, October 29. At 10 o'clock— RO foul of velvet, cloth, beaver. and stripe eassimere cloaks. Raglans. and mantillas, 'Atha newest sty lea and hest quality offered this season ALSO, WO LOTS NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES. Balance of the imp°, tation. This Morning, 200 lots new it le embroidered Aconet collars and beta. PLAID SQUARE AND LONG BRAWLS—ALL WOOL. This Morning 2eo 124 London ( all wool) plaid ehasrls. SOU tall wont, tong shawlr. PAHIB PRIM ED AWINELTNE DE LAINES AND ROBES. NO pieree Paris printed monsaline de Wines. Deism, Cashmere, and Valencia robes. pIIILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET Street. and 02) MINOR Street SALE OF HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, BUFFALO ROBES, SATINETS. This Moraine, October 29th, at 10 o'clock precisely sill be sold. by catalogue, 350 lom of ready-made clothing. eom ;mains a large and desirable assortment of overcoats. business, frock and dress coats, of various materials. Also, men's and boys' cloth and cassime re pants end vests. bemg fresh inVolces from cal and Nov York mazufacturars. 150 BUFFALO ROBES. Also. in sale, 150 buffalo robes. SATINTS. LSO pieces fancy side-stripe satinets. Also, a Imre I➢YOICO of gimbal - it umbrellas SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 .2-.• CHESTNUT STREET, op_posite the Custom House. between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. SPECIAL SALE OF GERMANTOWN FANCY KNIT (AWLS, MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, &c. This Morning. October 28. by catalogue, one credit, commencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold an attractive lot of new style lane, knit goods, hosiery. shirts and drawers. &c. The /ale this morning will consist in part ot— COATS. 't ALMAS, As. New style Indies' and children's zephyr unit coats, talmas, circulars, Ac. LICKGIS. • • •• New atjlei rich colors Lobes' opera and children's school zephyr knit hoods SCARFS. - - Genie' large and heavy rich colors zephyr scarfs. childron'excarfs, victorines. , SHIRTS, DRAWERS, AND HOSIERY. Gents heavy aria fine merino undershirtsand drswers •` Children's Tartan plaid end blue coned wool hose Noe. la 4. LARGE BALE OF FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES' AND NI BSES WEAR. Un Monday blorninz. October Slit, by entalocue, commandos at 11 o'clock, an attractive assortment of fashionable furs. SHIPPING. p lIILADELPIIIA LND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. VY .910 . AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP.TRE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, ItZLD AT NO. 6 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'olook A. M., September 7th, 1539, the foßov ing gentlemen were nasnimouily elected Directors the Company, GEORGE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, AMD JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named 06m, where all persona favorable to the enter pries are respeetfidly invited to subsonbe. alt-tf STEAM DIRECT TO ALL PARTS OF GRFAT BRITAIN AND ABI.,A.ND. FRANCE AND GERMANY. HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COM PANY'S IRON MAIL STEAMSHIPS. HAMMONIA. Capt H. F. Eohwensen. PAXONIA, CApt, LI. Ehlers. BORUSSIA, Capt. N. Trautman. BAVARIA. C.a. H. Taub°. TEUTONIA, Capt. H Ensen. These Steamers are all !ant-elms. Clyde-built vessel.; are .ntended to sail from Pier 21, North Rtver, N. Y., no follows : FOR SOUTHAMPTONJIAVRE, AND HAMBURG. HAMMONIA. TUESDAY, November 1, at 12 o'clock M. Passage. including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York, and from Southampton to Londoe, First Cabin.SlOo Second Cabin...B6o I Steerage...33s The HA M MONIA will be succeeded by the followsug Steamships: FIAXONIA.... . .....7UFSDAY,_ November le i DON U8.1A.............THUWE1tiAY. December 1. SAVA R lA. ..... MONDAY. January 2. TEUTON I A.... . WEDNE.SDAI . Februivy 1. These shies are fi tted up with unsurpassed acoommo dai ions for Pusengers. and commanded by experienced Navigators. An experienced Surgeon 13 attached to each ship. Persons wishing to engage prepaid passages can do no. on application to the underlay ned. Freight engaged Newhilanelphis will be promptly attended to by . the York Agent, and shipped free of ail commisaion. For Freight ur Passage, apply exelusively to W. A. HAM MLL. Agent. Office of the hamburg American Mail Steamship.. u2a-tf Southwest corner r CURTI( and CHESTNUT. THE BRITISH AND NORTH SRI 8 AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM. PROILXIW TORX TO LIVXZPOOL. Chief Cabin Psagage--..---- IMO Second Cabin Postage.... ..--._ TI PROX 8011 TOR TO LIT/11'001. Chid Cabin Passage-- ------3110 Beeped Cabin Passage— ... ~ 60 The ships from Boston calr at_Nallfax. PERSIA, Capt. Alamo, CAPI At Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Ca t. J. Stone, AKER CA, Capt. Millar. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Loft, N AGA . Copt. Andersson. AFRICA. Capt. Sheraton. E ROPA Capt. J. Leitch These vends earr i La nisei. white bait at mast-hea d; ' f' T EITSI n A s . !Ili& a u s i , lets w vei e N ir".Wrw.L.a.i. &MAIL ARABLA,Stone, on. Wednesday. Oct. a. ASIA. Lott, " York, Wednesday, Oct. 11. CANADA, Lang. " ton. 'Wedliesdal. Oct. N. E APRlCA.Bhannon, " York, Wednesday, Oct. 26. EUROPA. Lettoh, " sto le Wednesday, Nov.g. PERSIA. Judkins. " York, Wednesday, Nov. 9. ASIA . RI. Millar, " n Wednesday, Nov. IA ASIA Lott, " N York, Wednesday, Nor, g 3. Berths not secured until paid for. The xperienced Surgeon on i ll no e owners of these ships will not be extocantable for Go . Silver, Bullion. Spetim, Jewelry, Precious Stones or 1$ tale. toilets tulle of lading are pined tnedsfor and u l t the i Ina thereof reins: the preamd. For freight or pas ser.. apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. elo4l New York. FOR VIE SOUTIL—CHARLES TON AND SAVANN AH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of VIFTXIN pet Ont. be. low New York Steamship rates. FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. The U. 8. Mall Staaa - uthipKEYSTOYESTATE, tam Charles P. Marshman, will aail on Saturday. Nor 6th__, at 10 A. N. Through to to SO hour'. only 40 boars at Sea. FOR SAVA:WAIL GA. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEOIIOIA Captain John J.Clttrittn,wlll sail on Monday, WWl:era] at le o'clock A. M. . . . Th roue h Fa 6d to 60 hours. only LS hours at Sea. Kr' Sailing days chanced from every fisturday,to eve five days. Goods reacted, and Bills of kaduss moiled °Very day. The splendid_first-elate tide-wheel Stearnslu pa KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days. thus Forming a five-day commu nisation with Charleeton and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savanzah,thesh Ships eon next with steamers for Flonda, and with railroads. for all plaoeu In the South and INSURANCE Southwest. Freight and Insnranosi on a Large proportion, of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these alines than by mailing vessels, the premium being ono-half the rate. N. H.—lnsurance on ell Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companie REDUCTIO N sks from these points. GREAT IN FARE. Pare by thm route Xi to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from PhibuMiriam ran Chsrje•- ton and Savannah stelontlups, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route. except front Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: INLAND VAAL To Qhrolairton nu 00 chariNton_ am to Bavannah.— 16 00 Savannah— ..--. 31 00 Augusta.-- 3) 01 Murata. ... 3600 Macon... -...... 21 00 Macon.-- -.. Si 76 At1anta.......... 13 OD Manta.— ._...... .. 31 00 in Oolutrias— Co lumbus ..-_......... 23 0) 36 MI Albany ... ... .... 31 00 ham --. 37 0) Montgomery.... 3600 ontgomery.— - 39 00 M0bi1e......... 36 00 Mobile.—.... _.- 46 00 New Orleans.... 39 76 New Orleans- .. ..... 3/ OD ffo bills . of lading signed after the shiy. has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street. or to . _ . . . ALEX. HERON, jr„ flouthwert ocrner FOUT ft and CHESTNUT. /vas in Charleaton. T. S. G. BUDD. Savannah. II UNlatt. & 040dIdLL. For Florida from CharlestoThetteamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Hammen. steameni Atary's and Bt. John's. every Tuesday nEd Saturday. jJii #II4GLASGOW .AND NEW YORK ST.BASIVITy_ COMpANY.—t3Tur , I.IVE FuoL, BELFAST, BußLlzi. AND LONDONDER Y—Nr 830. TROX AZW VOILX. OLABol)P r illbomyson, Wednesday, October 12, at 13 EMIDUROH, Cumming, Wednesday, October 29, nt 12 o'clock, noon' PDX SLAIIGOW, GLASGOW Thompson, ternber 14. EDINBURGH, Cumming, Wednes d a y , elpnber ZS. Rates of Puerto from New York, hi elphis, or Boston, to Glasgow, Li serum'', Belfast , in, or Lon donderry, first Mass. a le. Steerage, found with an dance of properly cooked yromsions, $3O. An experienced Burgeon Itteohed to each Ammer. No for medmines. For freight or sit erat e, apply to WORKMAN it. 00 , No. 123 WALNUT Street Philede_pl . his. ROBEFe CRA, No. 11 BROADWAY . New York. U. S. M. STEAMERS gen t HAVRE AND 801.1.TUMPTON. ARAD°, Cap_tain Lines, Wm sail July 211. September Captain Walton. will sail AuSaMlO, Onto bet le. Deoember 10. First Cabin ',numb SLIQ Raoapd Cabin samage.....— For Might or PammitentJA% NEITAON., Age qt, At the Warehousing_ Oompany's Philadelphia o.oet Tobacco Warehouse. DOCK Street. Phila. ie.Z-dm Bit EMI WEST CHESTER and PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD via. MEDIA. PALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after WEDNEDSAY, October 5. 1369. the trains will leave Paandelphis, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 730 and 9.1 M A. M and at 2.30 and 6P. M. Leave West Cheater, from the DEPOT, on EAST MARKET STREET, at. 7 and 10 A. M., and IVO and 6 P. H. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 6 A. M.. and I P. M. Leave Weat Cheater at 7.30 A. M. and 430 P. M. 6-tf HENRY WOOD, General Superintendent. LADIES , HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI -11-• SETTS, and CURLS, manurtured in the Very bee: ba and newest Paris styles, and o whit% we constantly keep a very large assortment on and. sold srholsuale and retail, at the lowest possible proves. Orders from all parte of the country coltmted, and promptly attended to. Also, a new HAIR DYK, supenor to anyyn use. M. HUTOIB. No. 12 TENTh rietureen Market and Chestnut FAAIILY CHOCOLATE oa SUPERIOR QUALITY. EDWARD A. ILEINTZ. Maanfaetnrer and Importer of Fronob and Smash CROCOLATE. Store 8. W. corner ARCH and NINTH Bthaets. le-sm (P.tor. 814 Fl NM et root. I SAMUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate,and the Collpetien of Rests. eti-ltn" O. 314 WAW(IJT street. sasi.zeltr-xtrenolcut- Ai THOMAS & SONA- Ja• N 05.119 and in scrum - Multi; isTickFr, Zierly_llol.llr LW CAR D.—UBL HALER REAL MAUS - AND v. mon .AT EEC -- Bala of reel and stooks will hereafter he held attlto'clook soot= in the evening sty Ado*. , 1 1 6, * Gontnbators baring the apnoea( eithiWit, ilandbilla of sea property trued sepisibi, addition to which we publis h . me the Saterday previous to the sale, one thousand catalogued. In Padmniet fogey giving full deserlptions of all the ProPariles 10 be MON on the following Tuesday. EAL ESTATts AT PRIVATE SALE. liGir We have a large amount of real estate at private sale, including every description of city and ogiglan7 property. Printed hate may be had at the suction atom PRIVATE BALE REGISTER, Kir Real estate entered on oar private sale ragisfere and advertiged occasionally. in OW public sale abstracts. lot which 1.000 coma are printed weekly,/ free of charge. STOCES—Ist NOVEMBER. On Tuesday, Nov. lot. at 12 o'clock, noon, at. !harlot/4%11MM Ifos chrome. wilt be sold -21 shared Flu etinsdon and Broad Top Mountain Pisad road and Coal Co. I share Philadelphia. Library. For account of w: out it may concern— MI shares Richmond and Schuy !kill Pas/tenger Rellwar Co., 612 per share paci. PEW—WAIMIWORTIPS CHURCH. Pew No. 11l Arch-street Presbyterian Church (Wads worth's,. Feu- No. 82. south aisle St. Andrew's Charcir--Eielith street, above Spruce. FOURTEENTH FALL PALE—NOVEMBER Lt. AT IS O'CLOCK. liouN. Trustees' 8410—Estate of icaeph T. Bailey. dee d. VA L U ABLE RES WENCE. No. Isl 9 Chestnut street, built and furnished in s superior manner. sErs. Immo dititrenl9o% g: n. NIODERN RESIDENCE. No. 7414 p1ae street. Lot r. by PTl , feet. se, Immedista maseappo, Peremptory Site.— • SEVE N PRESIDENTS ROTE AND MARKET YARD," riermantresra road, near So ren th street. Lot ND fee t front.lll) feet deep. icy We absolute. Tit;stees' Brie—Veleta of Gideon Scull. deed. LARGE AND 'ELEGANT RESIDENCE, Na. 921 Spruce street 1 Portico Row/. HA:NILSON E ..MODERN - WALYGT-STREET RE SIDENCE, No.lol. east of Eleventh. L. Immediate wmeesion. MEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. with side 3 ant. No. = Franklin street. above apneg Garden. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, zro. Chestnut valve. ieremptory haIe.—MODERN DWELLING. N 0.1221 Mount 1. mon street, west of Eleventh. Ws-ask abso lute. VALUABLE TROPERTY , kncrern ee the PENN FORK WORKS , —striae mill. d shop*, & e., 75; acres. Thorrie's hue, Germantown. THREE STORY BRICK D WELLESG,No.Aid North Fifth street. Rhein Poplar. B USINESS STANDS ANDDWELLINGS.—Two-and s-hall limn store and dwelling. No. pfd Costes amt. with three-story brisk dwelling in the rear, on Sil4on street. FIFTEENTH FALL HALE—NOVEMBER M. AT I O'CLOCO . EVENING. Eget7u lore t!.tle— Estate of Thomas Radom. deed; NEAT 310GERN DWELLING, No. 11. n Wiliam, etree• •late Ronne Garden 1. Tl. II EH-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 14 Mast shoat nete College avenue/, oppoate the vnuaklia Mar:pt. . TFIE ER-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. a St. t hen's place tresr of Bt. Stephen's Climb). mini* OA Prangfin Market. EL F:G.IN T MODERN NEMDENCE. No. wee , . near Levan beanie. Immediata VALUABLE RESIG Ards sweet , of FAghth. lumediste possernoL N AT DWELLING, No. ma Mandel stmt. &bore Oltord. - TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING. No.R street. betsteest Ninth sad Tends sad Lembust "" M Sootp streets. - liunra4s" BTAND.— Three etory brick gore sad dwelhne. o. Red Tt mpson 111t.Thet, earner of Alder. between Tenth an d Wreath streets. • TIIREF.-STORY FUCK DWELLIIIO, LIU Alder Street. Fisk N HOLD oblo aroA t I3ENTEEL HOUV F_VoN/11.1142. BMW SELZ CORPETO. to. Thai Manua,. . . 2111th Inst.. at le o'clock, at N 0.1017 Noble street. earner of idze aveano, the ti eateel bonseW4 farainare, lre gentleman deehrunK hasumsksepip.t..eosoNnsjim par or. dining room, and chamber thsaitit to, see katanes. pair Nankin China rases. ens ravta4s, Brussels serpent, &c. Mae, several antl imam Mei saddliss aid bridles llW" May be examined on the morning of sehhel o'clock. SALE OP VALUABLE MEDICAL BOOKS. On Saturday Eren'n, October 29th. at the .action store. a collection arab" able nivileal works—Eu.ll4l and American edit loom 14" For meaty:lan, Res vitalora PEREMPTORY SALE OF VALUABLE AND BEAU TIFUL OIL PAINTLY.GS. lecludicc a numbs • of origina.a by Boutiekt, Handhow. 31071111. Suon, of Londoa. and Was:. mimstmasif. ALSO. A DRAWINGS , OF ORIGINAL WAT COLOR BY COLEBRATED GLIM ARTISTS. On Friday Morning, November 4. at the Auction Store. Nos. 1.14 sad 141 South Fourth street. Catatoraes will be ready and-the paintings ar ranged three days previous. Pala at rf05.1.19 and 141 Booth Fourth !treat. SUPERIOR FURNITURE,YRtN_CE-PLATE LI RORB, PIANO-PORTE BRUSSELS CARPETS. Oa Thursday ?brains. At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Store. as aaeortrieet - excellent second-hand furniture. elegant gimp- trines. nun mirror...carpets, eta., from ftmlate Did hodsekeepmg, removed to the store for eormatetaa ci sale. AT PRIVATE SALR—PSILOSOPEICAL APPA RATUS. J. templets set of philosophical apperataa. ie working order, a portion nearly new, and the beet Comae make, comer sins lets of pneumatic, elsetriosl. sistse_tue , obs- MICA. and zoiscsibtneons aPParabt& Cal Do •144 at the Auettnn Store. I 31. M GUMMY SONS, J • REAL EST ATE AM:10 No. kw WALIRMIN ge.. , OARD.—J. M. Onmanay k Bob , aaticaoloN Wit r r= Z f t d ß w s :l l .48.13b3aki ' x°. ' us° tip tta oar MIMS 814111 Under will a wayab kink a very largo amount of reel caw, baobab= imal de a:4oam of city „ s! d 50Mt, RiarAnal• Stamm No.loo WALNUT tames. betray aztit. 1110 SES NATEtANS, AUCTIONINg sturryl K AND R ACE DONMISSION % IatERINIANT. /1. muff au Sidle NATHANS' GREAT SALE OP Foams - L =lm anon LOTS OF FORS EITI-"D COLLAR' On Tuesday Marinas. November Ist. at 10 o'clock. at Moses Nruhass' sul tan store. southeast corner of Sixth lad Retie streets, will be sold -2 MO LOTS OF FORFEITED GOODS, Coast's:nil, in part. of soapier oweremits. It sack ecots. frock and dress coats; cloth. cissaunare. sad Other pantaloons ; Testa of venous kinds: eapersoreo Pant, and rest pattorzug; elaaant .inainaL sans. nod inn: arms. sod dress patterns; =minor brach", UPON Be. State. woollen Canton crape, silk. &scathes shawls velvet charm. circulars. bassass NA tad cloth dusters; circulars. dusters, bans...aad outut, las; gentlemen's shawls, boots, shops. suabrellas r dry goods. trimminss, brocatellea for catentt.maskera. de n qoilts. blankets. spreads. patchwork comp tenwnee comfortable'. stows, .Ice.; feasiore alas. ingrain, Brussels. and other carpets. la, 0411 rid tally fine old violins, accordeops. opera slessies, ratter;. esjr penises loots, raattiernsuc&l instrument& mama, ne"o - historical. aed other %mots. travelliss maks, oarpet-hats. dotilits and ainala-ferret fawkag piw pistols. leather, harrow. ire.ll, isw. l l7, sad sand other articles- NAT.ILLVfr MONEY TO WAN. L . MORT! TO LOAB DI , AROI 01 11/(ALL Alll=ll IlterObandlTe generally. and on all articles of STXI °TSAI ORB RIINDILID DOLLARS TWO MI MIT. MONTH, inoloding storage, Jo. el Natkaate Pll use? Estabbahment,S. E. corner of S IX anA /WE is GREAT RIIBLICOMMO_PATitMt. MONEY . .ON MONEV,i Money liberally adranoed to bugs or =RH SODORRIRs from one dollar to tbotur.hadk on cold and saber slags. diamonds. watches, jewelry. krel'w-yrieces. mauseal Ut eri:talents. funutore , dry goods , clotainc..grooefles. a gars. hardware.oreder7, books, hones. etkieles. and all artiste* 9r vslike. for any length of gums on. ALN/TRARI PRICIPAL E1TA.11.15131.132, corner of Sunk aral Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTM, with oollegeral.dmenanted of the kmeet market razor. ::12:'. 1.0171 b, MO. virILLIAms &, BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS N v ort V h AMA HiriT re. LolFRVIA(..,,,._%TraMeriNt 14 Messrs. firers, lautkorrs k Co., .rn.• °. _ Pphiao neer iut i fii their sernees to the mere . ausaulacterers. sad others of Phdadelphi a, for of en , COWS. Oarreela boots, shoes. hardware. je !e. 311.. tltsh &demon made of gmis. eek. Settlements made three 'ter calm. telt Messrs. Myers. anima, & Co. hits. BStuart& Brother, Phila. , Van Wyek, Townsend. & Warrens, Nov Tad. .. 1 kB. Curtis & Co., .` Wood, Chnsty , & Co., It. Lo uis, ?fp. " Cr'.w. McCreary, & CO., ma m w-ly LEGAL. rs THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 , 011 THE CITY AND COUNTY OFFLADEL- P.llla 13 September Term. laa. 'cores Case. DAIL/L.IN e! ETZG KER. by her east need QOPTT FRIED SE ÜBERT. vs. EDWARD METZUKEst. }:en d ?Jetsam. the Respeedent abnce ease, will take notice that LEONARD R. PL ETCHER. EA Ike E.J.am,ner appointed by the Court to take Ike testimony of the arstnesses of the Libellant in stance case, Ma &e -moted the seventb day of Norember,l6M. at 3,15 P. M. to take said testimony at the Wetherlll Home. altimie on the north cde of SANSOII Street. above Sixth Street, to the arty Gof Phila.:lBlAm. EORGE H. EARLE. _ _ Attorney far the Libellant HOTELS. MURRAY HOUSE, NEWAIIHCSh . la the ?unmet and beet orranged,Hotel in wen la centrally located and la easy of sewn from WAVY routes of travel It contains all. the modem Improve ments, and every convenience for the comfort sad eis oommodation of the travelling pablut. Re &Men Rooms are large and wall venintated. r ay et Rooms are well arrange:l and earefellr fanlike I and large travelling parties ; and At te kept ea a first-clam Hotel in every_reepoet. H. A. HURRAY it BRO.. Pripristors. TIM UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE UPTON S. NE'worMIV The situation of this HOTEL is autrerinas adapted to e wants of the Busmen Publ.° W NW* andto thee° Vaipleasure, Peeeenger Realmads which now roe past a and In OMe noXimits. afford a eheap and pleessat ride to all ;planes or interest to or shout the eth. 21 M-411111. WASHING AND IRONING. WASHING AND IRONING DONE fa....-11 wail NEATNESS and DESPATcH, kr Binds Ladies and Gentlemen. neuters, ,e dire hoots. II tab dteambonts, .ko., at DC/NOVA:Ca FAMILY LAUNDRY. No. Sed South 13 4: M. Freeeorner of Franc runty Shuts and m 14 , on l , ebed. Everything walled by band. the oa -boerd. Tee %emit, buttes! is stietl.7 mica ek i to bb i reko nperstlv DO, 0 V ra a. K , • • 4 1.•••••, nolo* dwelt BUSINESS CARDS. S. BROWS Bowri, lore. sr. (Late of Hovey&Bachanan.l (Late of Henri &Tamer. ) HOVEY it HENRY, ATTORNEYB AT LAW INDEPENDENCE, JACKSON COUNTY. ItIIBBOURE COLLECTIONP made of Eastern CiAiras is azkr Part of Western and .NortAsestero Minoun. RITMO To hta!sts.ll.lVorki, Marsh, & fittYirard. rhat.dolrhis. Slorchn '• 151a 8 re t 41 pleat* cut otOtho above and pato at tho hood of .• Receirthle." oe 11-la 31A IN 8 1 4ITIOARI U T A Z LE N 'S FANOY 61:X/D5 AV P 0 k A / 1688 WALNUT 8 KKET. DILOW ILIVENTH ole-Im PifILADIESLPHIA Constantly on fond Perfumery and Tarim Art pm& PURE CuNFECTIONERY, SIANVT/CTU RD ILED A.ST EDWA HEINTZ. Late of 8. Hannon. Stern S. W. cornet ARCH and NR' M streets. 3n Eratory 814 Filbert. anat.; V B. PALM k. R' ADVERTISING ‘ • AGENCY. N. E. , orner FIFTH sad CHEST NUT. 1116. Subscriptions taken for the beet City and Country Newspaper'. "4 lowest cash rnees. set-3m ALE. McKENNEY, ATfORNEY AT LAW. GREENSBURG. PA. Will practise in Westmoreland. ArostroisS, and !D amns counties. TO GROCERS AND DRLIGGISTS.-500 Clues Saponifier or Concentrated Lye. in one Pound air-ticht iron boxes.( the only .ell-estabbshed amid re liable article.) Manufactured by the Pennsylvania Salt Manocacturins Company, and for sale to the trade SI ftill)ri: 5 Cues. M. per pound ; )0 t 0.% Casrs, etuo. J. R. ORA VR,Soa p Manufacture.. No. 9 Mirth FRON Ruse& PilE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE MO CHESTNUT Bisset, forwards Pamela, - men. Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Speele, efth r by Its own Lanai or tneoeneotton with other Express pante*, Ge Sta to tes all the pnample towns EL and o f t es tbe United . Iltti•tr mara'