}~. ~ ,~ ' 4~ nky ~~ ; -.n;.~ ;u,~ ~t',~.;:~ ~_ y,~ ~~ ranalowiauothavi9.4*. onarAda 01 , 1 pup it. If I,,rersens' l aippl;lng for 84vertised i tetteta-Will Pleat's. - - 05 Anon isoaday Dom oi tot"'sywdoidakl..,C.M.itind 2 tot ,ricaarsT A 4N As ti so en rin n i ths ,MAllAf F° e l rdtVoqrs ° , l s o , l .7o:g am Asittpn m Num. laming ..‘a 4) „ - f e - br ilipth Mrs Appleton Misr -3; - • Mout, • ell A we AbbottE M Mrs Only's M EI G. 8 Ala 4 ti n t, l 4nA ar tia, Jerikliendi _nr p o s ee Blt r...infir Limner Mina PM _ any August Gray Marra ta ottsr Mrs more it lit George T W Mrs Percival Mary rilibe 'r a ther Omen • :Mice Miss ms; fDr Mrs aociti r .Tne, airs "'Gibbs 1.11 Miss Ferry Geo, Nino arborMahridist Graharn MAggie Potts /Ina rink Caroline "Gormang imam a PutmanMary W A Mrs Garret Mary friae }Dma," Jana Green Elia% col Annie Miss ailey I Mrs Gault Ann 9M55.11 Mar Mm Barker Annie M lioas Sareli Parka Eliza Mrs Bigger Mrs Harrison EC Parker Marton W Bishop Isabella _Reinter Mars. , Price A W Mrs Boyd Starks Harward I. B Mrs teretval Phoebe Bourke Magretti Heiden L Mica ratriok A B r eivon Isaac, Haney Weal Mii'l'errr Goo Mm Mm Fannin - _ , rentiee Virsa Bond Ann ' Henry Bernard 'Riddle Carrie Britain Bluish Mrs., liehardson W }linker Louisa 'Hays,' Bridle t 'Rends Jane Mrs Brown° him . ); llarVla AIMIn E Baakirt Vtreinie Byrum Hannah enderson Elm Rawlings Bawd He ate Mut A Mrs Britton Tulial) Hil l Mary }teasel Annie Witr Bro Ant : Hill Marat ci*lX Mite Brandon W Sirs Hazard mrs Branabv Jape }footman Q C Road M H Y Mrs Brody Mrs Horaer Alice ht Bran Bum Brodnek Ellan Hunter Mary Rose Ellen Bradley Sarah F Hughes, Caroline R 059 A Mrs 2 Bradley Philip Hamm Mary_ Searoh Oliver J Era Irving J B M Mrs. 'Bowers D P Irvin Laura Serious Anna P Buok o dp T Miss dhatmin MP M rs Briggar., hobs A'; Jane E Blieria Marfr ChriannMary Jormsonth A Scott Mary Mrs Chew) is Jones Glary-W, Sarah 4, Cash ;VG Jonee Mrs Scolland Sarah A Chamberlain I Jonas Catherine Scott Sarah Mm Cambia Jana atritiugson Hinny Sansom AC. Mrs Cavanaugh llath ,, JOMmon „ BohrirsmitnL Callender,. yaw Seiner P Miss gAllarpior ' Johnson Barah Senseme4 g Ann beistroys ( el }telly Mrs • &Mons Cassiday Miss Kelly,Luey H Smith C mos Haight Elisab - Snyder aria n E ElfiT "LI ST ' : II 'll4ll7,..ratir Sloan olarneAt l Els , * itiget BEhza Smith Salle Chine Mho easier b Airs Bnellser Nary ClemettbsEbehth , ieyes Flare Sommers Mary Clifidh-Catolone" satiety Mrs It Spear Albert Compton Julio_ ammor Ellen Storenoe W CooperlairMni Loyd 1,11 Miss Ptplut Elisab Colel i rek vons It L H Stine Chas AMm Ora° , , t Ansilon Margt Tupor Louisa It, t Cofrrei MA A .anablinMargt hlodd HannahB Crete n, Kitties LuplerJ H Mrs Tallman 8 A Mrs Orawlord Jane . Layton .T. 4 Sane TOllOlB4 : Cutler Lizzie ft Latterly Bridget Tyson L Cola Earawann - Emma TondipsonMol Cooper id ,ea t t i tl y fair Tune MrMre W I /l i cher Annit s L Mi c sDermott B Te r ser Julia Mrs ay,Wm F Mrs AtoLsuchlif Mrs Whartin Anna „llavia.DlAliss, , MeParlan ate Walton M A • Atra. Delany Mary ,Mottla ey Liss Washing/1: DewitkA IMAtisib Alohlu len Pim Warren A Mrs Dankle Alm - MoLeraa A Miss Walls Seb• rs DoWnt RI Mm MoLond !lira Whlttinston C Dempsey CaWol:,taltilliAtZt Mrs Whitaker Davis Miss Cloy aney Mrs hor A E Mrs rocitarey E 2 Wartierl Mrs Mullen Marg tot F 4 i gr rt h " Ts r J s Demeter Rosa' Maser L Mrs te n Barney Mary j Mere( ith, &Mrs I lipita a tgrAl Mrs . n Decor PhitekT it x ii n A °La b gro z o'c a lil Ward M Mrs Dully lam w Tim Walt° A Mra ' , echelon MM larks E P Welton M L DrallOA D D'its Maxwell M A Watson Kate nett mart In .1' Maxwell HMrs Walters w C Mrs ervitEaßlY A Merrick Mary Willianni S Mrs 2 Lea then Sarah 'tacit ,Pheuton Wilson V. Marl Duca SiienJ E 2 Um Williamson RI Bonn $C him Mi ll er Ann E re Donn arrtia. Miller Rhea 8 Williams Mary Emanuel Sallie - Mount Emily Wright Julia Ela mid Agnes 1410rtill Annie 2 Wtham Carolina Fee MI Miss Montgomery A. Wilkins Minerva Enrelman 3 • Morris M Mrs Williamson Hen Enzlainah Mary 'Morton ' , Wildta Julia Kitties Moto Monaghan Maria Willard F. Mrs Ernst Elitaboth Morris E Mrs: •Wotbert HA E Lasiman alarm C }dumb Car Mrs - Worral S F Mrs E•wp Virginia Moffit Jane E Wood Star Mrs Fleming Mary ht• Mounting BS Mrs Castle Rev Mary Fitzwater I Itirs • Mallet Mary _ A Van Pelt D Mrs 2 Fisher Mary Nagle WI Mrs Yung Rachel Foster It II Mrs Nutt Mall' E Mrs Folesting Kate Nutting' I York A E Mrs 2 Fellows Anna C Otto Matilda Mrs Zartsinger L F Foley Ann Opine Mary Mrs Mrs French A Miss GENTLEMEN'S• LIST. Ackerman Goo Donnelly John F Kula Adolph Armee T R j , Dorsey G W ing PPk, Co Ahnor AdolphDonolly E ehoejohn Agnew Wm ,DongoF ally Wm Albright Wm Donnell Jen elloM Wilde Aiken JIB, , ThabbOlt & CO? eonM& Baer Abbot Franklin Downing Brt in C eyes Freeman Allen & Churchill Doolittle Henry Kelly John Abbot Chas F Dodson II -.• Knowles Alex'r Adams Rudolph, tiolison L 8 Kittredge Jos IWD Allen lames 43 ow Jan B Kuhn ueo AlmodOMltt Ai • river Geo • Krauth 0 P Adamson lb 'Drake John CKirtley J3l Ak amen Gen ' 'Drury 011 • Hronochan JohnA Ablaut Foy Jos Dunn John K 81 41 18 ' 7 MM M Albums - 31ms L , Duette flan utn nel Ker Ingwis 8 .Ale'rander A" 'Daffy Peter King flail in :Warne Rav i , . N , -: - Dyer Olne v iinUrg - Ashen N , Byre Wm im as Alto rot erw Dunham Capt J ranee & Co mideixo t zer 1 Aaron Dunham Hugh BOCA Il lt, Aaron Alfrol Duren E Kyisbt nail Athaburn in Dubs Dr Blt Kirk John ; Anderson Jr ho C burden Ramon Kimball Richard Armstronr A Dunn D A }Lille Robt K Armstrong Jae Duren Chas •Krick Geo Anderson Raul . ., Dunningßey 11 Kramer L Anms•Agel, ' Dupont Chan) Knit.* C4letlan At , mill E Dun Wm Jos Lansilen m Arpin Foul DupontMonsW Lawner hbohl D Austin E W Mums R M Lafferty Hugh Barrett Lobo W EllicorDr Geo • Jaw s Geo Batkerville & Co Eielircol Max wrenoe S C Bartlett .1 Vie Elko:don Dr J P rpeld Barkley Hlt G Edwards T G bomb Dr Jno F Ilorrincer (I I, Echenbereer Lawrence Frank Bartlett Spurts Eagle Connell /Meetly Rev J C Ilakerl II - c • •No Hi 0 1.1 AM. Lammerhort Bison JW, M D Eilmondston Jae Lapp • Levi K Biker Thou W F t liborg_ l2l Thos Larkin J_li 'Barnett Jan"able W Lent A , h. Baldwin & Lang Anmerson W E Lender ri „,,. m Bassett JJr Emerson & Co . , Lesuerer Mons Barkley - It R. G Yskndte J B ',Leah° L W Ballrroin'W Doep- Ew ing W I P.,, Lehr a ryo,... . , lVorektCi, LuntE „ o rlamettD• Kenna Gip Leoltmuenr BancoMichael , Brriokson Band Leach John Bailer J H Eyre J R Leonard Theod Bortou'Abrohani Bvans. Josiah B Loathe ln Alex Barrinver,N, , 'Evans''-lili " daloh- Bow"' " ch lierratl John '-; Laseane 82 Bailey TW' Farley John Leeth/mos Bader.) p. , . , Foreman David bowl.= tohohtl DI ttaker'Donijil 2 Penning Beni Lemptr John 2 Bergner Znml tenno A, W Lewis 8 , Bennett toe ettemere H .I.evY J Bow lIL _ J easel Chas Lisle John AI 2 flookley;Prol Fern It ht. D 2 List Henry R Beall TA i , - ?ellows Seth P Little Jonu Z Beebe lonror ~ , e 1 omen L Lincoln AA Belt Ribbon', B '.'ls ter Than LlPPo,,joil J Beanie! Robt• ."intley Thou LIPP° n Beakloy:0 ./ Fusion shot,.,. Lloyd/ 8 Beabor J melt Flew Allen L Looming & Kel- Rely U Jae,- Field IsaitoW logg • oymore'RObi Finch ffamlV Lyons Dr Luther Berea 4 , 1 ' ,! ' prili d r. 11 81 ' 374, 1 'k, ilggc P l) j r gab •okley'R W '. Weil ktilrensp mum- Wm -, Fleetwood John Lowry -I 4.. Boman IS - -Fletcher A. Boa -Lowry non Jung° Bowler Geo V 7- -- den- - Long & Dalnes Iloaldem.lher-1: Flllebrown Lt T.Llonslas Boilean ItriiJ Scott, Lrooming Iron & Borden & Walko'r Franks Wm • Coal Co Bourlier Allred , Fallen Jae w • - m 1 .1: rit i l ' /toyer Iftrr Fonts Juan ' , 9 1 _ Bowery:dm H' , Forelsberger L Lodge No :we tiocas . e•__ , - Poster.WP Herman Grove ltown rof. ____ Foster lume NoBB town!ae: ~, Fredette 0 Prosaect Lodsa trown Wm • A ' Footing BF' , NO In I 0 0 F town W 8 Fountain P West End Lodge Brown Dr CI , 1 uller WM NoBBB IGO F Brown Jos 8 Puller Chas " - Mcßride ,& Rittee Black Jae Fry WH • rcDonnell Dant Make 18 B. -, Freeman N %Canis? John Bloom - ivn;c -. Poole A. Carter %Biddle kCo Bleko tir GT:' Fox Bit Ero cloCallom Inet Brewster Win t.ostar 8 & Bro McCabe, Patrick, Tt runew K alter/am° &Co ", Drohaner,john *diner Rev F McCombs &Co ; Brush Wilber F. Galley Jos E- MpDonald_W ll_ Brodriek V„. • _Gerson Lewis F &Co rossehir - Ang,` Garners If W McColli B ster J W liaddle Dint st• - Gamble.) A &Co rodshisw Mary ,naliagbor P - il t oClorg /go Dr ro, race George we, , toCarty Ponnthy Brooks Hand C:-;/Beason AI 11 loCanaless W J Batter ptikcj.., Gilderdate Copt, eArdloll PVink 1 Purr Atex --.- Geo - - -McClellan/1y uroru Achille r,, Gillette John , McConnell Ed R noon - E-C • • '-•13111iin Edwd ItteCarte Aaron arty Thos Gilmer John McCoy Jito Ores Geo B Geddes Jos Mclntyre Den 'elloek John Gibson W W , McMullen Cho, Buckingham J Girl, Hailer, &., McKim W;nl flyerly Ti D Btverd Messrs • MolLeorb Dri_an By ington . GA & Cinder Wm .111eMain W w Go .4 x, Bitting John S & McGuire Hll Dr CarpenterHar Co lideKlevry „Gl B Carr Lewis ! ' I gouldEdvd Alobalighlin Mr Carey Wm _boodinatt_Edant eMenem_y bey Callen John ' B iloodwin Josiah . oNellukttdw Catmint Robert (1 1, 0 d 8 oh Rev J ~ T V& 4 , 1 CamaltJkli L ~ a i a s at ("Arbil! rhuel '''Polemin Mr ' kteNeilt . John Calvert & lths- gorges/an AB , - ',lakten era Carl Zane trryinneu WB , Mahan Cornelius Cadworth Thor Brier John A Moor W H Carlisle A riffith Al, p , mairafr Chita Camberlio II P`, Gadd Edwin E` ; ` MalarrJasH Campbell &go* Greer li & ' Malrit Jno D Caney nettban ,Ortiverq i CON ••Mager /Rano &Co Canning 3E It ,Ontrato UlB • martin Fred• mi Calle Hann"- , Grdenlohn Mathewa )giro et ~r,,r Omen ha Manalne.t ta 7Cadwelfir.t l MdtgaSelllV — modle* - Canine & Bond grondhart F or. JlHanrcempg Li W Cothran Kugano once D 8" ‘ , • Mason, IN M Carter My --,• • Grund Lords - - --Martin Joe P , - Oily Jli t-' i' PrenOry 18 •; Il.lann Dr VI T Churehi rIF, Grogan Flor'e Maxwell Elias Cheantft Boni ttilrer He i r qattogir d Dir v eL Cl ZZW. te :r.' Hrl i regbertli iry 4ar Cent Christy Jowls , *.-Baroiltpn Stephen MegrawEdw T - Chonterlssoo . li urchll -. Nalln J m o ll 'i e agrrsa w B Ch DrJF Hae C Geo e s Geo W Chapman DJ Hamm ha r eoDrBR • uhamhere W W Hall Robt.H. ~ t iskey Dr Jno A Chopin Dr A II annetit C filler John caley Lawrence Hall Frank CMiller Jan (canon Barnes Penults Robt tiler Duel Clark S n ore all Id w __, Stroll Dr Alrth Clark Rev 1. , ,,W: /Lockett hpai, .1,1, 1) is P Clark John- - Hamilton A w Mil et (I W Clark C W Ilager , W 1 , 7 r Mttle.lasß Rev Cie/trey : l/pa ~., .1„ 111 1 11 null WA Miller Ge 6 Clinton: .4 .. nateettf_John 2 ' Alitchell Catit L Clark J b ler rt 04. MO Pkwz i t; ber •41 16 ttli n fi'arid'P Care Rai f ,Thill e .fir h a 1, 4500 , Clark John , ioartnian Dr' Meer Jr; 0 Copia/1,1'41;4,M; f laropulleorr r aMiller 0 al lien COMM. CI ' ` agDhon rag Morton enry Cobb &to .1 14_, , aardinsP Allen origin Dan y Copper oink Le - notrif b W logsneun Jos Corn 0 . t .)' Hart ic Co N F Morgap I Cope II 'l' --' Harked' Che Cap Montaleorm CornirkT ,I, ; 'Harris Ji__ , torrlo St ~,, Cox F r , r, „ - . /i numm.rwm ~ g„ orgl ii Eh ' W Cordes Jacoll t Homo .. e . 1 orie 1111 , Coilina 406 V ,Hart Nit CO Moron W'm colehourkra ~, c Hart T T - Illerrhion II CO GCOoper &,,,, I l y ' . . ll4 'irkes t B 6 to , 00. „. _- , HAFon .1 ,errata . Conrad W 6 ~• ,- 4 Hastings 9 W'Molllt Wm BDr Colwell s P.oini limMo Pr E 0 hloglin John! ' ..- armer • D • Mo n But S ' igra l lit il ' t "-. Raneock John it moore Sam &Co Conwell jdhy, 'Renshaw Jltis r .,,,.. fltiae -- ' Cole 'olin II qowloy Beni/ !array r, kit Cooper W K onnerson wAt lurch, B colton Hush ; ""landettion John Munro WI) Copt, Cochran Blt ' ' , Bawl 011 Ft , Alumni Sol P Cohen Chas Pt , ' Henry. Thos Murray /o 80-- Cinelnd J C ^ , HedaesiMookbee m ore ,c, Cox Dr II 8 ,_tretkp ,- h uirhBPd 'law 8 Coldwelt E H 4 q' kilromi Visitor Pi ultom Mr , Conner 0 P BlatMo Wu/ .II Muckle Alex Dr eov reir ItnatWut 4 , Nettleton k, Bay - ct i . I lin e i 42 , - y , lllekling D P -; • mond Conway hos" 4, /Dimon Capt , !Newell jelm • Cosmos Dental _ rotor FMnkid Nieman Geo 0,,,,,,,,J,ii, , , Itte rug Jam , latini t :, A _ Cowie Wity , --- f -Hord ,ton „air Conant AIL 3 °Ort" .o 0 ' N ' O j r72o Z 8 c,,,,pi,,,, Roll ~,,,,.„..„ Howell & Ckatonlapte_F A 2 Corbit Sorel holland Than . 4 11 kallAl S Cochran D a Horne , gout D B otitis Him Colbert a s • floWnrd Thr 0, ,DeVill IT B . Cocks GenJ IL" Lonotrd Ro it, ot ,Ilzabeth 2 Crew Wm Holum JOlll3 ' leeebOld •Etiohd Croft Thou F }Toffolon Heart' ewlln GE Ornighill h, A ' - good 4 1 1 e Z,. .• ass . 1 1 , / Crowell Capr P - Hodge John:,.; a lbont "GB Currie &CO L & Howe Allon - , , O'Brien 120 B 2 Hoskins, Hu,ll; & Oriente_Fal Copt en,mniono,w, L. -__Atkieepri ,„., ?Aver lit i. , , crag, Taiv,thi nouno§ 4 1 9, .p ~•, rde Crowley IDo F C Bolgate wal l , 6 f a g rke n r,Richd , " croirord J sd & co Holongswort elmor.Johno A Cropper W P ~ F T , . .. 1 < afP_O J ... • , Carr Robt L Bilnrid/ -.. 4 "" r i a i ii Culp dw Mr, ;,,Huston Augustus reamer _ _.• ; , Cto‘s Robe r t Thitephrey And I Yattlion J D Orarefr ~, , k4,ei i llurdWant OW , Eattpraon &Co • orma '' li tahlneonMS• Patrints_o2,, „ ClertinW"' "rad, A ar on it ~ Parker Sy 0' Curwan J, MD ... 1 0 1 / B 8&. r i ahnet - Z f, l' Davie Attlee. a{ nanard GA featotti 1 ~, •' Dankwo2 So Oita ) wort /I emit ~,p , n. rvlson na unaloker_R eriun Al _ , uigen ti-T,.:,.. hamlw , ...Peannutt Sullen. iglu Franklus‘Miter Jag Jno Peet Joh e nrz, .." r Day Bamtv yna Sellers i'Regte 00 NIA , • array Fat orro3 y Phsligis CIiFTd go WM WM ' $5 Rob II ,Tr - render/suit Ault avia Wairdir ;elaiths* . I/rho) , /Huiroya,„/ Ingersoll 'C r ib ~, dr in k s .. , &Iron ra , thv e t r, v d Mirei , ,,, ',i -., erviner 0E :33 6 rhY ' entloittov'y Rifriit.„„ 1 • avis L Clack --- .reuldne ow . eerJ r 2 I fy r tir T 4 °s ' is a ,r37, n Ciligic, Fit i ttir ' I B. 411 L/Or ' .' 4 4 ' ' ',; f ing 3 A n s ß k t, - ,L h lll tlti'', e .,, „„,„ , ~,,,, -- 1 , .rps rep :'..6taker o , < aerator . ran , , , , ,„ , • e Wolfe Re y.% Amen I? tf t 1 1 . 1. ; , , noroe , Ittiv e notertp ,-0 r-Jarmer pre • - nerve Opt 64 1 w-V-'4900kl Inlicotto,,Co 3 it 00fig nr , ones ~ ~ ,, f4te d Po .. f 4 .000.640 e d " n 'l 4, .g • f 'it Uot givier . ft Dimon 4, , iguteir ea.; '' , Postman t:3 It ,!. v 'red' vniti K yvaZ B . l , l . ' ,;•itorger ThOs II ' 6'1 20 - Si - 0 ., ,,'" e & Thomaii - ' lvrh o '-' ~-,J oaealererikliri i GP-Copt-- I Lets) r , A z. t ' Johorgrir, OWejttriln p l , f t :-.. t i :_fon . I t .. , 62 , . w,i , ,,,,, „ ramn - 011 , -, cat .7V4174{ ,0 -, '" ,4 t r i u ggillt' -; MI .ArPikii:. sAM:rilioPei ' tenfi4 A e&t r avai . Vit/11M-PrEIRAdrIhT."- - .. Paline Edw Rev Skinkle P.. Trost John S Priest Wm R - Slam Trost boo •RatoliffJohn-- -Hatter 0 Turner]: Rater AS ._§rinth Jon'n , Tatman do Bros. lt s ttbdiffe Saint'smith John K -- Treekley Daniel •sbn Geo B - Smith HG& Co Walker John ndal SmithJfo Walton John Renwick - Retry •-• Smith Gilbert Wa Elon J R Reddstone ft,M. SmitliFred B . - Watson Joe Rood Sand "` Smith Wm Way John A _ RoynoldtW H:: Smith Prank A Ward Geo S - RenzosJ H, Smith W Piet Way Albert • Reed Ohm '.Smith Wm Wainwright W , Read Nathan I:Smith 10113 W Reynaldo Geo Tir Smith Beatty P Watersan J Read Geo - Jao W Wade W Thee C H Smith Joe Washington J Richards/m.l smith , John C Rev waurrwer & Son Rico ,Tag R Small Wm w altan 8 F 'Rittenhouse H ' Snyder Peter Rev Warder & Barrett Ritter Lewis _ Snyder Jos Welsh James Itloklny Goo A Bartore Jesse Wakefield Mann- Rickard A' ". Solomon C ' •factoring Co Rich J T , Semmes isoob Weston E Ralph Sproul David C Wetnen ILC Roberts Wm ' Spear Win M Westoott E J Robinson Jno H -Stephenson W 0 -Webster George Robinson 1 W ..• Sigrling Cant West Remelt Rogeni Thom rbmik ht Wegner Robt RcigeraWm S 'ft werard John - Welsh E A Howand J R Strakoseh Mateo° Weimer Sosey Robinson 0 0 • Stelv T Welford Chas Robinson -W C Stoddart Plt Welsh Liana Rev Bless & Bros" — — White Joseph II Roussol GStott Jno X Wheeler Chu H Rooks & Line- Sterling Geo , Wheelock A A . . _ ford • , Stewart Stephen WhiltaVer Wm Rowe John Stone John T Wieman H Rogers Geo W - Strickland Seth Williams Thos Root Roes S a 4ittl e jci7 •Ei t t:7k a e " D ie it Willie J C C H Rodgers Meagre Rev ° W i lliams Gen W Hyena John - Stevenson JE . Williamson C L Ryan Chas " Stickley Wm Williams Joe Rulstoni Steadier John Wilson And d Ryan Jan Stoodiey Wilson R I' Dr Rush B Dr Starr Eli 'l' Wildber Adam Russell Coult •Strickler WII Williams S Ruleson David Stamen Ebenezer Winslow Copt SOH Philip' thimble Beni B Wilson JF Dr Scott .Tomes Stephenson & Williams Wm Scott Thomas ' Whittaker Wilkerson S Schofield' Josh & Stern Levi Wilson Semi F sons • Bterne Jos Willett W Scott R ElinnullerJnci R Wilno RT Dr Senile! sE D Rev Swaim W J Whit.. T Sohwilk Karl- • --- Swope H F -Wooleton Isaiah Sehmumk Robt L Sample Win Wool fsolin Chas Schrivor T.G Taft Mr Worrell id Sohawz Chrier Taylor De WC Woodward E tichwroman WmTaylor Ha Mayor Wolfe Jos Taylor W H R Co Woods 11. Scheirer Jacob Taylor W d Wolier ton W L &wedge Jos Tags Joseph F Wood Wm Schmidt H J Rev Taxbury P Rev Woodcut Wm Senderson Jos Terheun A Worrell John R Saylor Fli • ' Thompson Wm Woolreton R Sellers Asher II ' 'Thompson Gen I Woodruff S F Salt' 0 W Thomas & Cash- Woodward Jag B Selfridge Robt ell • Woods Rama Seeright Wm Thornhauser A . Wright R H Shaimen Jae Thornhill Polk Wright J W Shaffer Chas H Thuth Francis Wright A IVE Slimed H T Thompson .1 & CO Woodwell J Jr Co Shaw Jos Thomas ft R_ Wynne 0 W Sheppard John Thompson wJ WynntS P Sheehan Wm Thompson Rev A Van 'Passel It H Shorn Aaronunborn John Sherwo^d Rev Cl'homag E li Vallee A Thompson A Vickers W A Sherry W -hr Opp Chas Vinson Geo II 'Shitiven Plt Thompson Thee Vanhoertnn Sas Shots John homes W Valentine J . K Shreevo Jos Tilfotd JW 10 Quiokeall liar E Thumbs nos B Kerbs Henry Sidney C , ,Trask,itev Geo 2 - oel7-1t" ' N. B, BROWNE, P. M. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, U? TO 12 ieoLocur Lest mon? GIRARD ROUSE—Chestnut st., below Ninth. T D Williams, Boston i It Holoomb. Vit N W Draper. Ala 3 A Hayden, N Y R M Prioe,Rmlimond. Vs E E Dowd, Balt John Atken, jr. & wf, N Y Mrs M A Braden, N Y 0 II Davis. N Y J II Horton. Minn .1 Molly. N Y A A Wheelock, N Y I T Smith & wf, N Y T O Fassett, Berlin, lifd L C Scott, N Y L T Chanter. Vs 3 It Moore. Richmond, Vs B 3 Mosley, GA E I Chafes* Is. S 0 Mies Chefee. Ohm-lesion 'Nelson, Newboryport - S 0 Gleason & la, Troy, NY 3 Bliss & la, Ala ! , , Miss Bliss, Ala Mrn 'Washington. Ala , 0 W parker, Boston .1 H Delgado & fm, Havana 'F hi Freeman. Ky WTI Ingram & la,Xy . roves & la. Gs. Et Stockwell & Ike Ky ' , Holland. Vs .T P Weetooat, Vs ' F Rudisill, Gs It 0 Shaw, Tenn - H II Kimball & la, Boston G W Anderson & fam, Gs Miss Lamar. Savannah ITH Mercer & fem. Ga LC W 'Hitchcock, Ensland N D Biggins. NY, 0 D Johnson, Memphis MM L Jenks. St Louis E 0 Lawrence.Norwalk,Ct lissLawrenco,Nonattlk,Ct Henry Walden, NY N Brewster. N Y Mrs Chaplin, Cal HS Sanford. Conn 8 S Blsnaliard. Boston .1 1 Njokerson & Is. N 0 Dr F A Proctor & fam, Va ,Dr it:WWII:Of la. Boston 7%.l°,l3lkllBaiten.ll; Mass 13 0 Watson. N Y • II Book & is. is Y . Thos Clerk, NY Neal Dow, Portland, Me Glf Shulevi Portland. Me 0 M Foster & Is. Mass 'r If Crawford. Louisville J Balm & Tam. St Louis W WAHL Ohio C W Gallon*, Boston JW ' Reynolds. Pt Deposit F F Renshaw, _IT 13 N Jim Witte, IsT Y W Madan. N Y 3' B ttichsrdeon. Jr, Boston R Barry, Boston DI MR Styles, N Y C W Botelor, Jr, Wash, DC .1 Lovell, Morristown, NJ Cllow, Haverhill .11 Hodge, NY R Fay, N Y C A ShePhord & Is. N Y Jos TifoCann. Baltimore 0 Bailey, Baltimore , J Bedlowy, N Y Ms Coxe, Miss 1 J C4llowar, tia, Mr Dinsmore, NY • Cap R 3 Faulkner,TA ro aril* Cap I CHarnmersley, TrePd 143 Proctor, Enniskillen ' MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Ponrth at., below Arch. 3 R Montgoinery L Pa .7 ii Johnson, 1.1 0 A C Cowles, N C John Lynn. Tenn W :Rives, PonAeroy, 0 L Jenks, Ohio W 8 Haven. Pittsburg 0 N Smith Johnstown Alfred Boyd, Ky , '- Dr A Callaway, Ky Wm McCabe, Pa ' II L Grisham, Pit .1 Lorian, Clearfield. Pa '.l Grant. New Burlington C Templeton. Brany'e Bend 7 P Brett, Pulaski N Beyer,. Pulaski L W Dickinson. T Haute Lewis A Harding. Cal . A T Sparks, Cal Dr .1 Moines, Boston J Cook, Chicago Mrs A Collins Ohio .7 N ritoCrsoken, Cal WA Knlght. l l%ilw Al Oil hart. Johnstown, NY II J Cli ft on, ew Castle L A Clark. N Y 8G Turner. Lucerne co John 8 Harris. N Y Mrs,' F _McGill Pa Mrs Pindly, Pis Mrs L E Basken,Ps A Neff, Va W N. Sommers: Vs B 7r. Piles, Va M B Miller. Phi's John Galbreath. Erie }lnnis K. McClure. Chnmb'g P 1 , Blood, Brookville Geo Thompson. Pa Mrs Jackson & eh. Pa J 0 Townsend, Pa T 7 Robinson. Ohio 7 Deegan, 8 & E R R 1) W Moore, Clearfield 1) Campbell, PR J W Riddle, Williamsport S B Morris, Lebanon. 0 ~- • , AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut it. above Filth. N h Belden, N Y 0 Bushnell. Conn R W McClellan, N Y R. Montsomerv. Boston W Eater: Boston L F, Hicks, N Y W H Ylbhert, New Raven JR AMerman. Phila • 3 Cpantasham.Blainsville T C Wallace. Harrisburg P Avery, Harrisburg, A Palmer. Phila g A Notes. N Y • D Hosea, Pa Dr J Haynes. Boston P Calvin, Cal 3 T Johnson, Burke 3 Ellis, ii C airs Jackson 4 eau, N A Forbush & In, Mass O Plummer. Mass F 8 Beaumont, P Bradt, Freemanshurg J 0 Hall. N C 0 A. Koehler. Bethlehem T H. Winterstoin, Pa JD Davis. N Y ' C Lawson. Philo I. J Powinlee & wt, Pa Mm 3 D James. Pa Miss Ellen Rapburn, Pa II L Barlow, Chicago T P Orton,. Phila - L Bates. Pa T It Barns:Pa - W yllendrick,Ala W Campion, Pa W L Keller. Ball I C Gobrisht. al Y .- F M Pratt. N Y- A liWsibb, N Y . CH muhell. li 3 r•, Trairison. N J .1 Malley, NU J P Havre. Exit - ' .1 E Justice, Vs. 13 Mevinser, Balt, J E Dougherty. Del, co J O . Rogers, Vs W Wileon, ?hilt& • JONES' TlOTRThestant street, above Sixth. JobiLE Gorey, Texas Edwin Akers. Balt Ins v Armstrong. N Y N .1 Demarest, Newark CR Webber, 1/ fl A W J Crandall As err. Wash A T Culpepar, Va. Cant G W Ward. N Haven Card Doe, New linen T It Switzer, N Y R.l Lawler, Texas • pH Sullivan. Balt RS Clayton, Balt Robt M Kirkland, Balt 3 C,Ths Costa. Junila 3 C Tiffany, Chicago Satit'llones. hid • V S &Minx. hid R st Cradyi Va . - VII Dopler, Md D 1) Manly. Alexandria V R Bright. Alexandria T G TileCorinall, Va R &am el. - An cnnts. Ca W H Stone. California W A Gorie, Califnmis P W Bye. California ' T 1) Webeter. N Y 1) Paul. Pa Mr Spencer, Al,l • it W Oarwood,htiddleburg,o Geo P Ad_ame. N V - T, ftTan Drietswi N Y ' il,w.i. A Y RT Bailey, N Y •* , .3 Ba dwin. N Y I),__lnekson, Oak Bowery 110 Smith, N Y II Illitoner. Providence M t, Forbes, Balt A 0 Bailey. Ohio • - 3 T McCrion. Lexingtn, Va .1 3 I' Kenedv.N Y .1 Snow, N Y • 1) P pine, Mass S J Black, Mass hllWdllanist, Balt 0 W Cross, Phila - FRANKLIN HOUSE--ehestnut street, above Third. ES Sheldon, N Y Wm P Cole, Dolt J, Clark. Pa ~ T M [truest & son. Fs Snort, lit. Louie Mika A rneat, Pa R Win Cowin, N J F R Rain, esollns John Large 4, wife' D 0 ' roe 111 Richards. heading E S Roar, Masa Deroreux, ?hills Joie Devereux, Philo - " r D BOWMan • Phila Oliver James, Phila . G M Olark.,Corning, N Y W A Wnilano. Cal ' A B Flinn, Wit, Del F C Simpson: Wil. Del Ohne W Leeds, N I W B ?gigaton, N Y 0 T Relabel*, N Y ' - .NATIONAL HOTEL—Kacestreet. abovirThird. 3 tiiping, Miseraville . S Adams, Easton E holler. Minennille ' Miss Fite, Easton HY MorkiHerrieburg P Rohner. Schuyl Haven 3 J Reyes. Lancaster " John Martin. Ore...Mims A Boyd. Podut MnKY A Calloway, Potluck. KY R D Johnson. nylestown 0 W Stauffer. Lebanon 1 T C Yeager, P. Allentown Miss A C .le meson, Pa I B 'Awls, A leyown It 3 Handler. Fo'tsvillo Wm Wood, r. 'blond . Luke Donnelly, Ohio Jerrie/ Weis . ork. Pa' John Butzbach,,) ork, l'a P Bowman, °Devine C H Garber, Bruit:cowl' .1 Hnnsiekor, , Norristown C B Ousenhalm & WI, N '... James H Foster. Pottsville Joseph Ch rist , Minority, l' , . Beni Weitzel, Reading HA We man, Chicago II; aTill'Et3 UNION ROTRL—NRirket ottreet.nhove Sixth. W Thornton. Ind D IT Culbertson, Phila it Patch; n. Clearfield •, W Wetherill, Pottstown J Bayard. Ind co .7 Sterrett, 1 ewistown 0 Comminis, Balt H Martin, N Y JP King, Washinitton I. Id Lovrlce, Pa .1 . M. hleCracken. Cal One 13 Mothven. N Y Wm A Wallace. Cal Mrs Etter. Perry co Miss ft Etter, Perry co Jas Lewis, Del co G W Hinkel. Attn City , CM. Lewis, Patterson, Pa .1 3 Moore, Pitteburs• Joe Addorly. Win S Msneer, Woinport Eli Beetle, WtrisPort Band Groan, Harrisburg THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street. above Third. H PI Pratt. Lewistown P King & wf, Ohio 81, Edwards & 1a.,0h10 . Will P Hammond. Phila I W SchiolsorrHagetstOWn W A Ingram. N 0 FlTrtorruis, Cantsauque S Thomas, Consomme GOOW Brown. Ohio 'l' Sanford, Clemont , • E Bamford. Clemont john Aver, Cletuont 0 M'Oilmore. Cin, 0 - Oliver Cope Philo PI O'Brien. al 3 • 0 B Cormard. Reading .1 It 'Williams, moody Run F, R Brown, N Y T P Buok:N 3 13 T Ludlow, N V 3 W Ludlow. N Y ,I P Posting, Balt .1 Storing, Balt . - W Burgess, Pa EAGLE MOTEL—Third street. above Race. M /VTOL., 0 )1011e8 I. CO , O Yarned!, Ti co l i aware co Delaware co , W Garrett r ,C ester unnerman, Easton .14 Jacobs, Port Deposit Tennock, Del J W Armstrong. Easton coulter, England B Franklin. N Y MerrieOhlo ' • 8 Bigaint, Boston_ Marshall. Williamsport Alm Speakman. N,O J gray its farm R I • w Connell.Balt , BARLEY SHEAF MOTEL—Baeond at.. Wow Vine. 'Sgtradling. Newtown " 1 E Spencer, Coon. i 8 Mulls, Buglanikaut 11 1: 74.1 , 14rA1is lak e t4lgnam n ii\ v da n iflTlLro‘ W K Doane, Backs co srota. PR; A W Morton, Fa • A gill, Pa J D Scott, Pa H. P_oblens, Bolt Dr W Livingston, Bristol Tanner, Y BLACK HEAR-HOTEL—Third mt.. above Callowhill. R Trodribcreer, Doylestoirn H J Clay. Reading Mony & omertio Mrs HeretoPa Rot Nobles, Hams rg Mre VT Shutt, Warring t'n Levi Temple, Rartivil e I MOUNT VERNON—Second street. above Arch NB Janney. Kansas ht Stout, Clinton co Miss S Losch. Allentown , C Ornsan. Fe : j A Stewart & la, Ni S C Holland, Viola Fl Rodrock, N J a Furst & da, Pa Z B Rosmyer, Belfast, Pa COMMEROINWHOTEI,Iiot.th at., above Chestnut. J N Bts, Ol i o H Grubb, Oxford, Pa Amos emble, Mies co it Jackson, Chas co Si M iles, Columbia "PdEtIOHANTEP HOUSE—Third at.. ab.llowhill. 8T T Blank. Allentown H Hiller, Lock Haven Pa - BALD 'EAGLE HOTEL—Third et., ab. Callowhilt. John Early, Lebanon eo, Pa Baml Herehey,'Phils COPATLTI4gRi3IIIP NOTICES. ' fIISFOLHTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. ho ~rht ' of WE [ BiTORd & WILLSON expires THISDAY._ by. Jimitstion of time. Eithet party wiU sign - 30811P11 WELSFOKD, , phoweiphitooth 804,, .J, ;TV:II,LSON. formedhereby riven that tOSEPII WELBPORD haii a oo_pal_e_e_fihip_wit t JAMBE! NAPIER, of LiVerpool, end JAmEE RANK N,, of New York, for the tear i tti gy of NOSOOdrlLl:attO o r r te it and %ru r al esi oil ,R.Pllll, " wilthigtO, f c RA N K d'i n , in N e ow r i P lirli, atetIifWELSFORD, RANK.OI,"& CO., In Philadel plum! 1 • ' - Philaiielphia, lit Oct., 1169. 011-Ct • IIOE IS HERBY 'GWEN, that the =of WARNICK, CHADWICK, & BRO . le this dv_ilteetea, The l i l d e 6 atilf, Ranee, :pa o titie u e v t r alar e k e iWOrat the kahLit :tarsE co iineYACE at,t,eits 19 K. WIA liriQX, Cis A. CHADWICK. ,4 1 1811eleblit, Jult 11, *Ski o'i ; ~ , , JAS-tf ItiIiMEREL.=-125 bbla., 180 halves, 115 outer', and 230 kitta prime N. 1p• 30 1 0 3 614104 PPARD ON TRADE. , JOHN SPARHAWg. COMMITTER 01 THI MONTE. BAHL. J. REEVES: LETTER BAGS AT THE IgEßol.6lrie EXCHANGE. PIIMAIIIIVPHIA. Ship Saran*: Liverpool. soon Bark White Wing, Ee1ing........ .... . Laguayra, 0(115 Bark A zal ia,'Powor .. , . ......'.......Pernambuoo, open Bark !eland Home,Jelfrey Y•ondon, goon Bark Olditielcory. Holmes Bavaria, soon Brig Zoo Nymph, Sohepper...—. Cape Town, COIL goon Bohr WL Syringe, Buokaloo Havana, noon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA., Oct. 17, 1869. BUN -8 311 BUN BETB.-..- 6 29 HIGH WATER.- 43 - ARRIVED. Steamship Boston, Bellew, SO hours from ,New York, with mdse and pansengers tons Allderdiee Steamship City of New York, Bowes, AS hours, from Boston, with mdse and passenyers to Henry Winsor. Bri r Torrent. blontromery. 15 days from Sombrero, with 400 tons guano to Jamb 13 Hanson. Bohr Everglade. Eaton, days from liillsbore', with plaster to 13 A Sender & Co. Behr S B Welden, Smith, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to B Manes & Co. Rohr Emma. Brooks, 2 days front New Castle, Bel, with wheat to Jan %matt & Bon. Behr ,W in, ermes, Buokaloo, 12 days from Wilming ton, NC. wthaval stores. &c. to D Stetson & C o. Bohr John A Haggard, Laws. 2 days from Milford, Del. with hark to Riohardeon & Overman. Bohr Golden Rule. Wilbert, 4days from Piermont, N Y. with lumber to Gaskill & Galvin. Bohr U & T Cramer. Bentley, from Palytueket. Bohr Adelaide Smith. from Boston. Rehr Isabella Thompson. Corson. from Boston. SohrJ 8 Rewittt. Ross, from Boston, Bohr Eva Bell, Lee. from Boston. Behr R Thompson. Lloyd. from Boston, Solis Jacob & Wham, Tapley. from Portsmouth. Bohr Sharon, Thurlow. from Newburyport. Rohr P A Senders. Somers. from hlsrblehead. Behr C Nickles, Hatch, from New Raven. CLEARED. Ship Chatsworth. Ilorne..Panama, Workman & Co. Ship Carmen, Haffner, Rio de Janeiro, Jae Devereux. Bohr R Cogehall, Tilton. Savannah, Jai rus Baker. Rehr Somerset, Sterling. Charleston, do Bohr / G Stifle, Hoffman, Wilmington, NC, D S Stet son & Co. Rohr O J Jones. Crowell. Boston. R H Powell. Seta Eva Bell. Lee, Boston, W II Johns. • Fehr .1 S Hewitt. Rose, Boston. I, Anthermel & Co. Bohr Adelaide, Smith, Alexandria, Noble, Hammett & Bohr C J I. acob & William. Milroy, onth,, do Rehr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, Provincetowng; At tiler & Co Behr Starlight . York. Portland. C A Hecksher & Co. Bohr Sharon, Thurlow, Newburyport, Van Duaen, Norton & Co. Sohr Jeri English. Neal. New Haven. do Rchr J K Stoneback. Lake, Nantucket. do Bohr Almon Bacon. Williams. Hartford, do Behr I Thompson, Corson. Boston, Behr N B T Thompson, Ireland. Providence. do Bohr S Whelden. Smith. Providence, B Milto; & Co, Bohr II & T Cramer. - Huntley. do do Rohr RThompenniLloyd,Providence,Blakiston & Cox Ser Minerva. Brooke. do do Re rW B Ferguson. Smith, do do Sc it P A Sanders, Somers, Marblehead, Tyler, Stone & Co. • Bohr C Nickles, Hatch. Bangor. N Sturtevant & Co. Bahr M . Taylor, Nickerson. Boston. do Bohr Transport. Tilton. Norwieli, L Audenried & Co. Str I N Smith. Hazard. Alexandria. &e jrooper. Str H LOW, Bor. Baltimore, A Groves:Jr. Str I Jerome, Jerome, Alexandria, Zco,T Webster, Jr. SAILED. Ship Carioca, Capt Richard Hoffnerrfor Rio de Ja neiro. with a cargo consisting of flour and lumber, sailed on Saturday evening, in tow of steam-tug J L Posey. The cabin passengers are Pr David G Bowman. Mr Oli ver. Jounce. Mr Joseph White and daughter. Mr Win Helm• lady, and child, Mr Thos Humes and lady, and 63 in the second cabin, who go out to complete the second 'merlon of Don Pedro II Railroad out the instanco of Messrs Roberts. Harvey & Co, contractors. (Correwpondenee of The Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE, Oct 18 1859. The Kingston left here this morning with 4 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: City of Philadelphia. scrap iron to Humphreys. Hoff man & Wright; Robert Montgomery, PM iron to Norris town; Col J K Rhoads. wheat, rye, aloverseed, bark, Re. to order; Latisman & Bon, lumber to Chester. • (Correspondence of The Press.) READING, Oct. 15.1859. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to.dsy, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned ae follows: Warren. grain to P Buehong & Sons; B F Bond, lum ber to captain; Erebus, blooms to Warder Morns; Saud MoFate, pig iron to E J Etting & Bro. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exehanae.) LEWEd. Del. Oct. t 5 The steamer America 11 8 ;niter forward, and one toenail nohr comprise the'fleot at the harbor this morn ing. The following vessels were there yesterday. me left during the night, vie: Sohrs F Carver. Indepen dence. Matthew Bird, C M Convey. Charles Fox, How ard. Shade, Palestine, Rio. end Ocean Herald. The bark Frederick Lennig passed tenets yesterday. Wind this morning N W. Yours, Whl. M. HICKMAN. (Correspo nd CAPE f SLAND a NJlp,h O a E l x — ch 4 n s ge.) P Ai. A ship passed in this forenoon, supposed to be the Isl and Queen, from New York; also a - berm brig and many light schooners. The bark Charlotte N Tay, for Rich mond. went ont this afternoon. Wind southwest— weather very tine. Yours, THOS. 11. lIUGHES. MIsM.OII.ANTM. - - Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, hence at Richmond 14th inst. Steamships Daniel Webster, Miner. and Karnak, Drownless. for Havana, cleared at New York lath inst. Ship W V Memos, Orr, cleared at New Orleane 13th inst. for Liverpool. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, hence, arrived at Savannah 12th inst. Ship South Shore. Lothrop. fforn Calcutta for Phila delphia. was dischargins at Simon's Day, COIL. Aug 7. Ship Thomas 'Matson, Laprelle, from Gibraltar, re mained at Malaga 224 nit. Ship Susan G Owen, Norton, at Charleston 13th inst. from Baltimore. Ship Clara Ann Patten. cleared nt Newcastle, Hog, previous to 24th ult. for Philadelphia. The Juliette, Joubert, for Philadelphia and Beaton, was at Rochelle 24th ult. LEGAL. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF FIIIIJADEL. PHI A.—No. 13 of September TOrM. 1859. Divorce Cane. CAROLINE At ETZOKER, by her neat friend_QOTT- F DIED SEUBER.T. vo. EDWARD METZGKER. Edward Metes ker, the Respondent in above ease, will take notice that LEONARD R. FLETCHER. Esq., the Examiner appointed by the Court to take the testimony of the witnesses of the Libellant in above ease, ham ap pointed the seventh day of Novetuber,lBs9. at RE o'clook F. ht.. to take said testimony rit the Wetheri II House. situate on tho north side 01 RANSOM Street, above Sixth Street, in the city of Philadelphia. HEOROE H. EARLE, olb•15t. Attorney for the LibellenL ESTATE OF JAMES McKEOWN I late of the City Lancaster , and Rtate of Pennsylvania, doceased.—The undersigned, auditors appointed by the Orphans' court of Lancaster county. to distribute the balance of the account of Solomon Sprecher and John &Livingston, Executors of James McKeown, tate of the city of Lancaster, deceased, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of their appointment, on MONDAY. i 'etcher Slat, 1859, at 2 o'clock Pi M., nt the LiIIRARY ROOM, in the Court Rouse. in the city of Lancaster. JIM AMES N L. EB REYNOLDS, IMO Y. EDWARD MORTON. Lancaster, Penna. 010-m4l LOOKING-GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSES. Now In store the most extenvive and elegant wont meat of LOURING GLASSES, Forever,. epos and every position, and at taa moot moderate prices. LOOKING GLABBEB In the moot elaborate and the meet simple Cremes LOOKING GLASSES Premed in the best taste, and in the most subetantis MUM. LOOKING GLASSES Furnished b us, are manufactured by ounrelves In on own establishment, LOOKING GLASSES En MAHOGANY and WALNUT frames for Country sales. JAMES B. EARLE A SON, , 16 CHESTNUT STREET, apl•4f PHILADELPHIA CABINET WARE. HOGUET HUTTON' MANUFACTURERS OF DESKS AND CABINET. FURNITUR B NO. 259 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Office, Bank, and School Furniture, Extension Table'. Bookcases, Wardrobes. eta ■9• em C ABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABLES. MOORE & OAMPION, No. XI SOUTH SECOND STREET % in tionneotion with their extensive Cabinet 8116111611 1 are tIOW marunacturnamismianatc and have now on hand a full supply. finished with MOORE & CAMFION'S IMPROVED CUSIIIOIYS. which TM morionneed by all who have used them to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the mann trimmersrefer to their numerous patrons throes hoot the Union, who are famihar with the oharaoter of their work. ly2k-6to COAL. SW. GROOMS & CO., • Office 140 South FOURTH Street, WHARF, FINE STRUT, scraryLxlLL, Dealers and Shinners Locust Mountain, ahinh, and Schuylkill L. Merchandise taken on wharfage. olc Om GRAIN MILLS GRAIN MILLS For the Farm and rlantation. The IRON-BURR MILL has no equal for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, Bel ong, eta., by hand or power. Noe $B, $25, and $4 , 3. Now in operaton at 126 South SECOND Street. Agents wanted In every nounty and State, by .2171 m R. PA RR Eh h. CIO SALMON.-25 bblo. prima new No. 1 Sal- NJ mon, landirm from Mesmer Konsincron. and fnr sale by WM. J. TAYLOR it CU, I,V and 124 N. WHA RVF.R. SYANISH , OLIVES—In bulk, in prime ff: l7 order, for an p A I M RTNO.IMA.mfh FRONT Ahem, ITALIAN HEMP ROPE.—ltalum Ilemi Rope, White and Tarred, for Inclined Planes. Ma neutered and for sale by WEAVER. FITLER te. CO . old Sat N. WATER PL. and 22N. Wharves. 1 AM PREP AEED TO RECEIVE EVERY description of Family and Domestic; Goods, having Sewing Machines of the best manufacturers, as also the most approved and skilful operators. articles flniahed with neatness and despatch and at such prices that defy conmetion. Miss M. A. BM ITHEMAN,_ S. E. corner of SIXTH and PRUNE, sty lm Laundry °Moe. SPTS. TURPENTINE. —5O Ibis Spts Turpentine, in store and for sale by tiM ROWLEY., Af3H CANER, No. le Routh WHA & R C VE O. S EFINED SUGAR.-500 barrels various J 1 1 .4, gradon. 1.50 oruebed, nif e to , d and powde., for nalo by JAMES 0 RAM & CO., an.SI FltrAot. CHEESE.-320 Bnxes Herkimer-County Cheese, in store and for solo by C. C. SADLER & Co. of A 14 CH ntrant. nenond door abovo Front. SUGAR -HOUSE MOLASSES.-150 hhds. herofl, & CO., rom T.F.TITIA /0.0,4 FAMILY CHOCOLATE UPERIOR UALITY. • ED WA RD A. HEINTZ, Manufacturer and Importer of Frenoh and Spanish CHOCOLATE. Store B. W. corner ARCH and NINTH Strode. Want rEnntary 814 Filbart greet.) FTOWE'S STANDARD SOALES.— STRONG /s ROSS PATENT.—CoaI, Cattle. and Hay Scales require no pit. Platform and Clounter Scales of every description. They receive all Friction nroli Wear on Salle instead of Knife Edges, es on other Scales. Cali and examine before purobeeing elsewhere, and see the improvement. PENNINGTON GREEN, Angel, 112 South SEVENTH Street, oaarn. Philadelphia. TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER MANTIC—ManiIa Rope, all nines, neatly P/I,l7ked and fat sale by the manufacturers nt the lowest New York prices. WEAVER. EIMER & CO.. 010 3i N. WATER Bt.. and 22 N. Wharves. PEST WINDOW GT, I% SS in town at DICK'S, B. W. corner of SEVENTH an. 800 TE, • ". • 012-9m' THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1859. NP\Y,PUIUI4CATIQNB. MRS. STO'VE'S LAST AND GREATEST WORK, TRH MINISTER'S WOOING, Ono large 12010. volomo. Price $1.25. IS FOR SALE TO-DAY, AT THE BOOKSTORE OF SAMUEL, HAZARD. JR , ocls-31) 924 citEsTmyr STREET. FROAI THE PItESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. A NEW DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS FROM THE GREEK, LATIN, AND MODERN LANGUAGES Translated into English, and occasionally accompanied with illustrations, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, AND ANECDOTICAL "Live and Lean'" " The Newspaper and General Reltder's Pocket Companion;' &0., WITH AN EXTENSIVE INDEX, REPERRIND TO EVERY IMPORTANT WORD. One vol., Crown Bvo, Aluetm, Bevelled Boards, $1.50. On the score of utility it may be classed among the most excellent and convenient, not only to the general reader, but to the scholar, who, in active life, !In.+ suf fered his classics to rust. And it inn) an welt he con fessed, that, in those busy date, many a man who passes for a scholar will find it much easier to verify a quota tion in this convenient manna', than to search for it in the original. • * The " New Dictionary will find a plane in the hands of every reader of current litera ture, ft is altogether worthy of the beautiful tyer graphical dreserwlttoli the publishers have given it. North American. " If, 'en we think, this is n book which line been wished for at times by nearly overt bode, the inference seems that nearly everybody ought to buy it."—Uentle nian's Magazine. The Dictionary of Quotations before us is conicity; in contents, neat in execution, and trioilerDo in price, The index vainly, enhances the merit and utility of the work, and gives it a paramount alai m to general wren lation."—London Morning Advertiser, H. THE GLORY OF THE HOUSE OF !SRA EL: OR, THE HEBREWS' PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY CITY ; presenting a picture of Judaism in the Century which preceded the Advent of our Saviour. By Frederick Strauss. One vol., 12ine. ' " It will prove a moat acceptable Publication to the lovers of Bible History, unwell. to the general rooster." —Pittsburg Gazette. IN PRESS: Will ha published January let, IMO, FOOTFALLS ON THE BOUNDARY OF ANOTHER WORLD. By Robert Dale Owen. formerly Member of Congress, and Americ,in Minister to Naples. 1 volume, 12mo. fi)l 28. Tins work is devoted to an inquiry whether msa sional interferences from another world in this be reality or delusion. It treats of toe pherimorin, of Sleep, Dreams, Rommunbulism. It examines the alleged evi dence tor Presentiment 4, House-hannt logs, and Appantimis I referring to the most approved modern works on Hallucination, Insanity, and the Ner vous system. It innwres whether, when wo set.down the narratives of alt ages ( including our own/ that touch on the marvels re (erred to as more vulva SU perstitions, we are overlooking any actual phenomena. IL SAY AND SEAL. A Novel. By the author of queeohy," "Wide, Wide World," etc. 111. THE RIVALS. A new Work. By Hon. J. Clemens. IV. PICTURES OF HEROES, and Lessons from their Lives. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 0e15.4t V and 24 North FOUR7'II street, BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. WILL BE READY IN ABOUT TWENTY DAYS, AMERICAN REVOLUTION, From Newapapara and thigi nal Dooumonta, by Agents wanted for every oounty, and for Canada Apply to JOHN McFARLAN, Arcade Hotel, 621 CHESTNUT Street. G. W. FAIRMAN, Agent for Philat!ciente alg-mthlm TO IXERY VOTER WHO AIMS AT RISING FROM THE 'dna! POLITICIAN TO THE 57'ATESMAN. D. APPLETON & CO., 316 AND 34.4 BROADWAY. AIM YORK, Will Publish on tIN First of January,. THE FIRST voLUME OF A REISSUE' OF DENTON'S ABRIDGMENT • DEBATES 0 F CONGRESS yrom 1780 to 1860. • • —. One volume to ho issued every month, end the work to be completed be Maroh,ll36l. 15 VOLUMES, b 3 PER VOLUME CLOTH; .s 3 Sd LAW. The publication of this work was commenced just Ire fore the panic of /MT, and it is believed that numbers were prevented front subscribing at that time by reasons that do not now exist. Since the first volume appeared, now nearly three years ago. a new tloneress has been elected, to every member of which it is a necessity: mom noes, men have entered the arena of active life who may naturally desire to possess these volumes,. which contain the snosl satiAfget pry political It:story of the United States, and the lest Biographi , s of our Ora tors and great Statesmen. For the convenience or all, the Publishers have resolved on a 4E-I.BU h., to the regu larity orwhich there ran be no interruption, as twelve volumes are completed, and the work will be finished by July IMO, when those who may prefer completing their sets, rather than wait for the regular issue, will have an opportunity of doing so. (Fruit ha Philadelphia North Americam) In' this work the l'noPia will have, for the.firqt an opportunity to become acquainted Irish the manner and spirit in which public affairs were dire ussed in the tarty stages of the Government. This Abridgment, or Annals," win be an in valuable part of the history id the country. The re )sous will contain a memoir of the author. By subscription only. JOHN bIePARLAN, Areftllo 621 CHESTNUT STEEL (oifien of the New American Cyclotardiad Agent for Pennsylvania. Agents wanted to Canvass in every county. 01646 THE PORTRAIT OF HON. EDWARD EVERETT, beautifully engraved on steel by D. J. Pound. will be pubIsLLU O TRAT ED NEW p BOF t TH g E a WORLD, of that date; ready in Boston. Oetolmr 18th. price ne wsy Cx:sys ; postpaid to any part of the United totes. These portraits. all engraved on steel. in Om finest style of the art, combining accuracy with deli coo of finish in engraving rarely attainable, except by the beet and most practised artiste—may Ito sub scribed for as follows: With the weekli numbers of the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. A favorite faintly Journal, replete with news and stan dard information from all parte of the world ; profusely illustrated with fine wood engravings, and in contuse tion with the DRAWING PORTRAIT GALLERY, The wonder of the age for cheapness and beauty. Yearly-62 Papers, 62 Portraits and Memoirs $7 go Reif "It 20 300 quarterly 13 " 15 " 2tO , Pestigidd to any part of the United States. ouuseriutions may commence at any date, as back stock of all the portraits are constantly on hand. To prevent in in pegging through the post, the Portraits may be sent separately, loot prepaid,' neatly packed, quarterly in advance; or a selection may be made iron, those already published, if preferred, for the whole year. The postage on toe weekly numbers, with or 'without the portrait, is always pro-paid by the publishers. Proms $1.26, and India proofs 82 50, on largo paper, of the portrait of Mr. Everett, or any of the portraits may also be had. Now ready, the first and second series (10 Portraits and Memoirs in each. beautifully boentD, THE DRAWING AOOM PORTRAIT GALLIA]. Price 45 Do each HENRY Address HENRY A. BROWN k COMPANY, It HANOVER Street. Boston. DEALERS SWAMI) ORDER EARLY. 5820-24.er8.13 17.10.19-1 t G EORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST.— IF YOU WANT A BOOK. BUY IT AT EVA NS' GIFT-BOOK STORE, YOU CAN GET GOOD BOOKS. YOU CAN GET VIIOICE BOOKS, YOU CAN GET BOOKS WORTH RVADING. YOU CAN GET ANY 1.1.10 K YOU WANT. And, above all others. voncan get the GREATEST BOOK OF THE SEASON, Which hasjust been issued by GEORGE G EVANS GIFT-BOOK punumEß,439Cl-lEBi NUT C.TREBT, And recollect that a Handsome Present, worth from 50 CENTS TO $.lOO. IS GIVEN WITH EACH BOOK. W READY. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN, Ambasaador, Author, Necromancer. Magician. Conjuror, Wizard. PROFESSOR OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND, eta., ate., etc. Written by Himself; Edited be DR. R. SHELTON MACKENZIE. This book is full or interesting and entertaining anecdotes of the interviews of the great Wizard with the most distinguished personages of the present day, and gives descriptions of the ma met of pnrforming Many of hie moat curious tricks and transformations. Bound in one volume, nino.. cloth, 411 cages. knee. , LIFE OF COLONEL DAVID C ROCKETT. Ono vol., 22m0., cloth, with n sift Price Au. LtyEs OF FEMALE MORMONS. One volume. 12mn., cloth. with gift. Price Sit. THE WORLD IN A POCKET' BOOK. One volupte. 12m0., cloth, with a gift. Price 11 25, ALL OF T. S. ARTHUR'S W.kITINGS, and a hand cone sift with each. Price 81. THE WAVERLEY NOVELS, and it gift. .91 each. COOPER'S NOVELS, and a gift. 81 each M A RRYATI"EI NOVELS, and a gift. 51 each. HUMOROUS BOOKS, and a gift, .51 each. YNE R RID'S NOVELS, and a gift. $1.25 oacli. Al H. lIENTZ'S NOVELS. and a gift. 51.25 each, MRS. SOUTH WORTH'S NOVELS, and a gilt. 1.25 ear,h . • • . BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE, and A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth tram to cents to 400, is given with every bookaold. Gillen, and one trial will assure you that the only place in the city where to purchase Books 0E(11101.: U. EVANR' GIFT-BOOKESTABLISHMENT, N 0.459 CHESTNUT Street , Philadelphia. Two doors below Fifth, net the upper side. IQ" Strangers. viniting the city. are reepectfe in vited to call and examine the large collection of Docks, and get a Catalogue. 011-3 t LATE PUBLICATIONS. EA RT11, ,, 5, EA,A ND filiYjOr, .God 111 the Work. Nature . umyßev.John w neon. With Colored Plates. Minn. 81.25. BIBLE HISTORY IN CONNECTION WITH TILE GENERAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Il' 11ev. Wei. O. Maio. Wino. 75 cents. REASON AND REVELATION. Ri• Robert S. Cand lish, D. D. 12um. 75 estate. THE FALLS OF THE CLYDE. A Series of Oil Colored Views. 25 rents. . . THE EIGHTEEN CHRISTIAN CENTURIES. By Rev. James White. 321n0. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 018 N 0.04 CHESTNUT Street. iss LANDRE'rIPS RURAL REGISTER AND ALMANAC FOR THE YEAR Ilia)—For Gratuitous Distribution—Contains a Monthly Cslender for the Farm, the Vegetable OnMen, the Flower Gard , lb and the Greenhouse; to which is added a complete list of Garden Beeds, with full directions (or planting. Catalogues of Flower needs, with full directions for culture. CatrlbnllAll of Agricultural and ,11nrtieultpral Implements and Tools also furnished gratis on spplica tum. D. LANDRETH Sr. 80N, Nos, 21 and 23 South iiIXTil Btrest. olfat• Between Chestnut and Market streets. ChLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS The undersigned states that he has frequently for sale books stinted between the _years 14TO and MO; early editione of the Fathers of the Reformers anti otthe Pu ritan Divines; in Law, Branton, Littleton, ruffendorff Grating, Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books. Reports ho., are often to be found on his shelves; Ciolopedias Lexieoni_, °tamale authors, illlitol.l. Poetry, Philosophy, Soienoe, Economy, Government, Architeeture, Natural History. Treatisesupon thes:a4d other kindred 'objects are being continually dealt in ty him. Books, in large and email quantitiminirch at the Custom- House avenue Booltstall, OHEFITNIJ Street, above Fourth; Philadelphia. tnvlS.Bm JOHN (IANIPBRI,L. rpo GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS.-500 Case; Saponifieror Concentrated Lye. in one pound air-tight iron boxes. ( the only welLosta Wished and re liable article.) Manufactured by the Penns hems Salt Meru:lecturing Company, and foe sale to the Wide ae follows': 5 Cases ,_l3c. percind ; 10 to 25 Cases, 81280. J. IL (312 te.F.S,_ _Soap Menlifactiire(, o. North rnoxr Street. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-75 bbls, Spts. Turpientine, in store and for mile IwROWI,EY, ASHBURNER,, k CO., No. 18 South wirmivEs, Q 3 By the author of FRANK MOORE JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY OEORGE WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wine, eco., 133 SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for sale, in bond only, STEWARI"S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. 07-3 m WE CALL ATTENTION OP THE TRADE to this really Superior article : ALPRED RENAUD COGNAC A supply in assorted packages constantl) on hand. Orders received for direct ituportation. Also—Hennessy Cognac, Leßoy Connie, London and Holland Gi fig, Claret to Wood and Ca. es. Champagnes, higlo h and low prices. LONGO AMP, Importer. 217 South FRONT, Philadelphia. GEORGE WHITELEY, No. 1.16 Soya pitoNT Street, Importer of Brandy. Wines, he., offers for este, in bond only, the following, among other standard brands of brandy Pinet, Castillon, & Co., Than. Hines & Jules, Robin, & Co., Ward, Dupuy, & Co., Beignetto, I 'e (t l tt, urtmees, C. Dupont & Co., Union Proprietors. & h. Martelle, Jae. Hennes.y. A7 eti Stunrt's Paisley Malt Whiskey, and the choicest va,rgenes of Mailmen, Hherry, Pori. Burgundy, and Rhine Wanes, Palm Tree Gin, Jamaica Rum. .3ants, Cron Rum, Bordeaux Oil. &a., &a. a37-ly CARD.---MAREUIL--SUR-AY (0 LIMA-- PAGN44 JANUARY It, 1859.—1 n consequence of the frequent invitations received by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to the United States, beg leave hereby to inform my former customers and I no public in general, that I have appointed Messrs. P.C. BROUWER, ANCHER, & CO., Sole Merits in the United States, Ihr the sale of niy Champagne Wines. lily Vines have been so long and favorably known in the United States, it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to gay that my new shipments will an no way be found inferior to the former ones. 111 LLEG ART SALMON BILLEGART SALMON'S CHAMPAGNE WINES, both CABINET and VERZENAY, for sale and con stantly on hand• in lobs to suit purchasgrs, by P C. BROUWER,_ AtiCHER, & CO., _ 01 BEAVER Street. New York. CLARET.-100 cases Barton & Guestier's ` l .- 1 Bt. Julien; SOO dn. Bt. Estephe ; Soo do. 'Washing ton Morton St. Julien; 100 do. do. Talenoe pods ; DO do. Chateau La Rose ; CO do. do. Leovise t y riontoli .Ale, in stone and glass ; Younger's, Harvey's, alkirk Brown Stout and London Porter, n store and for sale by auS A. MERINO, 145 South FRONT Street. S01:Ull WHISKEY. 125 puncheons Jame Stewart & Co.'n Pairdol Malt, in bond and for mate Cr GEORGE WillTELtii. 41-3 m SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND---FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, Southwest corner of THIRD, Btuladelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylva niMa. oney is received iu any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till o'clock in the evening, and oh Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDOE, Vioe President. WILLIAM 3. Bonn, Secretary. DIRECTORS. on. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Josoph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee, Baronet K. Ashton, Josoph Yerkee, C. Landreth Munns, Henry Didenderfer. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real ..state Mortgages. Ground Rents, and such first-class securities as will al waye insure perfect security to the depoeitors, and Which cannot fail to give yormanerloY and stability to this Institution. nul-ly FUND.---UNITED STATES Ps- 7 TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST- N UT Streets, Large and small rums received, and paid bark on de mand without notice, with FIVE PER. CENT. INTE REST Iron the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS fro,? until 9 o'clock. DRAF'fq for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland. front Al upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK, Actuary. " A little, but often, (ills the Purse." ,FRANKLIN SAVING FUND-- No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government State. and City Loans, (round Rents, Mortgagee, kn. This Company deems safety better time largo profits, consequently will run no risk with deposi tors' money, but linvet at all times ready to re turn with 6 per cent. interest to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. ' Females, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn oxi.y by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo nofrom trustees and executors. lidiflGE AND SMALL BUM RECEIVED. Officeopen daily from 9 to 3 o'clock. and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'olk. DIRECTORB. Jacob B. Bhrtnnon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John ShindleA, George 110.01. r lo aisin W. ionn, Edward 'P. Hyatt, evils Kruinlihnnr, Henry Delany, , holeis Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. R. Bathe rthwaite, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. hippinrott. JACOB B. totraiNort, President CRUM CADWALLADER', Treasurer. dlB.l " A Dollar saved is twice earned. ' NOTICES. OFFICE OF SECOND AND THIRD 43THEET PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, tee, WALNUT kreat . . PnibAettbenzA, Sept. 1 0 jst% A Fourth Instalment of FIVI•; Dold.Arte no - ',horn on Cceontl !me or Stock of above Company v. 111 be duo rtynble nt thus office, on or beforo the first any un November next. EMIT. Niii,ToN, e.YO•fnwtnt rreasurer. a„, ,0011 inn. h TION. —I hereby cautionll pct oos n atter fe '" r t fraVON. I VNI•7 Street I V I n n authorized to remove re o u n H e d iVt .t h 4 or n tl i e' T. 11 . 3 11 1T 0 1n i . 3 1 "ally rt. 1 AR OLEY. Attorney. SPECIAL NOTICE.---llealers in Good year's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspending, Braids, Webs, and MI other febries and articles made by omnbini nig fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanised rubber, are notified that unless the same pre properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by fny authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Alerchants and dealers are invited to ex amine specimens now in store, and to give their orders Or the Spring Trails to the undersigned, EXCLUSI WNER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for three pads,whioh embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im ported, and nom? others. MAIO, LICENSES TO SIANUFACT UR P: and NELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 2,3 COUHTLANDT Street, N. Y. n 24-1, 'HORACE H. DAY. BUSINESS CARDS 3. AnoWN not . nY, Jon \ W. Hr.. Late of novo)&nnehannll.) (hale of Henry & Enraer. BLOVEY tt lIENRY, ATTORNEYS Al' LAW. INDEPENDENCE, JACKSON COUN'PV. MISSOURI. COLLECTIONS made of Easton' Claims in an) Far of Western and Nortimestern Ithawmri. ourvo to Memirs. R. Wood, Mood', Her ward.) Valet, Cope N. Co., PlMadelrbuL " Sam., hien, AFY Merchants will louse cutout Um above until pante nt the head of ••11d1.1teromible." no MARTIN & QUAYLE'S 3, - 111, STATIONERY TOY AND FANCY LIOODS 1035 WALNUT FITREET, BELOW nuiTAYU. 0 , 0 lm PHILADELPHIA. Conutantly on hand Perfumery and Toilet AM elm PURE CONFECTIONERY, StAtitIYACTURED BY EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Tato of 8. Room!, Stine 8. W. corner ARCH and NINTH stroets. 3ln I Feetnry fill Ftll)ert street.) WMUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase K. 7 and Bale of Real Estate. and the Collection of Bents. 21/1 WA I.:NUT Street. VB. PALMERra ADVERTISING • AGENCY, N. E. coroarFlFTHaod CHEST NUT. Bubeonptions 'Assn for the lest City And Country No wsmars, at hornet cash urines, se3-em ALEX. liIcKINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. GREENSBURG, PA, Will piquing. in Westinoroland, Armstrong, and In mann counties. grinE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE no CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack ages. Mernhanclico, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by it Own I.lnee, or in connection with other Exprese Com anies, to all the yrinoiple towns and cities of the United Statee. E. S. SANDFORD, set-ti General Sunerinteadont. MACIIINFAIIi AND IRON. IMPOIL V. 1411111LICII, SOUTIIWATtriVINVAT FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, pitdantLriliA. MERRWK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACRINISTB, Manufacture High and Low Preehuro Steam lupine,, for linnil, River, and :Marine service, Boilore, Gasometer,, Dinka, Iron Bottle, 6:c.; Castings of all kinde, either Inn or Bragg. Iron Frame Roofs for BM Works, Work Shore, Rail road dtntione, Retort, and Bea Machinery of the Intent and nivel im proved winetruotion. Every denoriptinii of Plantation Alachinery, gook as Sugar, Saw, and Gnat Mille, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecatore, Filter., Pumping Engines. hr. Bole Ayente for N.llleux's Patent Bugar Boiling Apparatus,. Nasinytien Patent Ste, on Hammer • and Aspinwall Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Mullion. an 6-7 . MORE PROOF OF TILE WONDERFUL EFF EcTg OF MONEI,I,'S AMERICAN HAIR RPIPARATOR. .Pmt.nnrr,Pul s, Sentember 27th. Iti)9. This ix to cortif , . that I Nan for man 3 sears. and was recommended to try sour lleparator ; and having rocured throe bottles, used it for three months, loch p ins roused my linty to grow, and although not quite as thick as before, yet it in constantly irrowinr. No. Se North Third street. PIMA DELPHI I. Sootombor 271 h, 1529, Mr. J. F. MoN.EL.T.: Oro! I,lr—Sonic 111110 011101, my Lair COIIIIIIOIIMI failing out, to much WI, thill I tin., in fact, fearful of becoming bald; but hoofing of the won (101111i power of your Reparator, I wan induced to buy n bottle, 1111th alto; using ens-half of it my hair not omy ceased coming out, but commenced growing finely, cad I have now tillek II suit of hair as ever I JACOB EVA hiS, No. 624 Cherry street. For sale by T. 11. PRYERS Co., Solo Agentil, No, 716 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. SALAMANDER SAFES. f A largo assortmeot. of EVANS A WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALA Al ANDER SA 11 , VAULT DOOM, BANK LOCKS For Banks end Stores. , .Equal to any now In uso. IRON DOORS. lIIIUCTRIttI Ones rood terms as any other establishment in the United Staten, by EVANI k WATSON, N 0.26 South FOURTH Street. a. PLEASE DIVE 115 A OA L . Philad elp hi t. KORAI SILVER SOAP—A simple preparation for cleansing Saver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrore, Mar ble, far more convenient and effective than any other. Ono half the labor of House cleaning may be saved by using this Soap. which cannot possibly injure the finest Pone white, and as no scrubbing is required, the semi( in the wear of the paint is much greater than the cost of the Soap. It leaves the surface as pure and white rut When new. filnimfactured only by the Boston Indexical Sony nranny, anti sold by their appointed Agents, HASSARD & CO.. Apothecaries, TWELFTH and CHESTNUT. el- LADIES' lIAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI SETTS, and CURLS, manufactured in the very best and newest Paris,atyloe, and of whlch we constantlY keep a very large assortment tin hand. sold wh01.4.4.10 and retail, at the lowest presible prices. Orders from all parts of the country indicant!, and promptly attended to. Also, a now HAIR V,. superior to nn yin use. larotB, No. 12 TENTH Ht., au9o-3irt* iletween Market and Chestnut. YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY. The net Session of COTTAGE SEMINA Th i sill com mence the first TRESS AY in November. !nowt, tion is located at Pottstown, two hours ride front PM la de Iphitt. The Prinnipnl, Rev, R. CRUIRSHANK. col be seen t A l.;_Bll4 UT Street, front to 12 o clock, till y M.. lath inst. 015-3t' A swroN , s commucim, AGENUY, Nl5 CHESTNUT Str , et.—One large nnd nevem' leaser 110(11118 10 let, tho fIeCOMI story ratite building. Apply to JOHN In., Itt the aim o!5-3t` I%IA DAAI E VA I ',LAN T'S School for -LT-R- YOllll4 ltathen, 1118 CHESTNUT Street. opened September 11th. Sehtdard continue to Mt meowed. 012-15' MESDAMES CIIEUARAY AND D'HER VILLY'S HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, N 0.1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE fun BET. Madame CHEGA It A Y respectfully informs her friends and the piddle in general, that independently of her Boarding and DAY School, directed by herself end her niece, Alm. PREVOST, in NEW YORE. she in tends, in connection with her niece Mme. LURES VILI.V, opening in PHILADELPHIA an Inatitutaon on precisely the same plan as the one above mentioned. T. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, K- 7 LOCUST Street. west of Sixteenth, wilt, D V , re open on MONDAY, September 12th, 519 A. M. Applications for admission, If made before the begin ning of the term, should he made to the Principal. J. ANDREWS HARRIS. A. M.. iinlo-wftm-tf Its RACE Street. TONCUSII AND CLASSICAL BOARD INti SCHOOI, FOR BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lan caster Coutity, Tn. The Wiillor Session of tI re months commences on the lid of November. For circular, call at 609 CHESTNUT street; or, address the Principal. E. L. MOORE.R2 m - jIX. JAM .S I. HELMS School for I' the higher ethicltion of alliniterl number of Young Ladles, 1313 Llttl,l6TN UT Street. Circulars, with terms, reference. nifty be had on application. 01-11,1 A MERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. and Colleges, bupplied, wilh umpetent Teachers. for any Department ; 'feath er+ 11 . 1111 pomtiony. Parente gratuitously supplied with eolmol AWVOIVR. Lefor to Parulty Amherst College, Maim.; Dr. Lowell Mason; Mayon Brothers; Hon. nem Frelinghuyilen, LL.D.; Hog. John C. Hive,. Et SMITH. 'WOODMAN, k CO 31111110 A lIWAY., Now York , and aut2o-rya re.IIIIIESTNUT Street. PllllllllOlOll3. WHITE HALL ACADEMY, THREE MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG. PA.—The 18th Semi- A minallicamon will eommence on MONDAY. the 7th of November next. The attention of Parents and Guanhana is invited. The location is Pleasant, the course of instruction extensive, and the terms mode rate. Genii odd references given. The Principal can be seen ei ors afternoon at the UNION HOTEL from the 1010 till the Ilth of October, inclusive. For Circu lars addreve D. DENUNGER. 5024-Ito' Harrisburg. Pa. A CAI) E M Y OF TILE PROTESTANT x- EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST a nd JUNIPER Streets. The Autumnal Session opened on MONDAY, Septem ber 601. . . Applicata - mu for Admission may be made to the Prin. elpal, at the Academy, dally (except on Saturday) be tween 10 and IP o'clock A.lll. EDUCATIONAL.—Miss ELLA WATSON SS North TWELFTH Street, will recommence Aim; Instructions on the PIANO. at her own residence or those or her Pupils, atter September Ist, 1859. an2.5-ths&m 2m• EUSTON'S WRITING ACADEMY, 8. r.earne , rl.ll l llTl , l an;i I SANSOM Streets, ° V,i i iloWle f ,rn ;I,4 o ltAd t %le,eant business band is imparte. Tu I.stilies a float and graceful epistolary sole. ( ' tofu. PetCardiwritten, and every de acr ptioti of Penmanship neatly executed. gl3-3m DIAN ALLEN, A. N., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the reenlefien of hie father, Profesecr Allen. No. 215 South SEvENTEENTH Street. st-2m• PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, EF.RMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. (7E0116 , 11' It. DARKER, PRINCIPAL. The Fall Term of this Institution commences Soptem ber 6th, 1869. The course of instrnction comprises nil the branches of n thorough English Education. together with the !Alin, Greek. and French Languages. null-if ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANEFORD, PENNSYLVANIA, nix Wes from Market street, Philndolphia. The courso of instruction in this School iscomprehon nacenndthorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to place their 1131.1411t0rl or wants at this Institution will do went° make immediate application to Men. E. L. THOMPSON, 83-tf Principal nnd Superintendent. u rtyANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL 1 -ff MERCANTILE COLLEGES, looated nt Phila delpnot, 0. E, corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chimed. For in formation. nail or wend for Cataloane. fefl-tf FASHIONABLE DANCING AND CALIS TIIENIC EXBRCIBEB.—W. J. DUFF respect hilly notifies that he will resume hie ellieSee. In the Ati9101111,1" BUILDING, TENTH and C,Ht•ST•4I3T Stronte, on TUESDAY, the lelh October. Hours of Torsion-3 till 5 o'clock, and Bto 10 o'clock. P. PR. Ft—Tue.lays and Fruity), Rost,lonce-712 CT ;greet. 014-4 t. WASHINGTON HALL, 810 SPRING v GARDEN Street.—D. L. CARPENTER, the See lei) realer of Faeltionable Dancing, is now ready 1., take Puede at any time, either Private or in glees.. Per reference, call and observe the respectebilitY al rend) C.IItI'ENTER can be seen daily end nightly for to e. Thee In his twenty-ninth year en a Te,telter in the city. 03-Ine Wl' MARSH'S MUSIC STORE, No. 1102 CHESrNUT street, PHIL 0.111,1.1•4 - 1‘1. Whem the he, make of . . • , PIANOS, MELUDEONS. and AIUSICAL INSTRU MENTS, OF ' , PER% DESCRIPTION. . . Can be obtained at the lowest iltanufaetwins' Priees. Constanth publishitm the Istest Chico Compomitions and Popular or the da). Also, reeeivin.: New unto (kilt from :ill the eatalosues in the United Stares. healers. ' renders. Sem !mines. and Cie re) men will be enablisd at the lowest wholesale rates. Orders ii moil will be prompt!) filled. Catalmaien 111 Music or Price List will be forwarded free of charge when ordered. J. MARSH. Anent. re:r - zi EDITORIAL FROM TIIE PUB -1 i 1 1.1 C lAIDGER.—" Ittr. James ltellak has on exhibition several oil. & C. Fisher's pianos. One of them is a seven octave rosewood piano. full iron Irani°, handsome, lint plain finish, the tone is most excellent and ism cilia, and the price only BZ.XI. lie has also nine Foment' it similar in appearance, which lens all the la test improvements. besides a now patent daniper.whieh prevents the piano from getting out of order. it is flu imbed inn splendid manner." These Pianos, and a splendid assortment of various makers, are for sale from 8175, or upwards, tervaldi, or on instalments, at JANIF:zi BEI,LAK'it 279 end MI South FIFTH. St., above Spruce. New and wend-hand for sale, o,f-lut• oIIiChERINO it SONS, MANUVACTURER4 OP GRAND, SQUARE, ANI) UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES.. . . WAREROOMS & CHESTNUT STREET. Constant in store a larva stook o four BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have been ayrarded,at thedillerent Exhibitions to this country and Europe, yu GOLD A NDSILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TU RENT. i 5.26-1) RA V EN, BACON, & Nouns & Clark's, Unbolt,vis, A Co.'l, and A.B. Onto & Co. s superior PIANOS. Also. t Handin's unrivalled MELODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, au desirable for Churches and Lecture Knot.. and P.telodeona to Rout. J. F. GOULD. onyl4-1s dEVENTH and CHESTNUT EAT lAII'ROVEMENT IN roMEIPA GREAT SCHOMACKER & CO., 1021 CHESTNUT Street. respectfully invite the murk, loving pubho to call and exattnne their new and suc cessful mmprovernent— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Staving converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Plano into that of a Square Instrument, av 01(IIIIG all the objections seoerally made to the stile nt Grand Piano. ahm Minimalung the coatof the some. In V0111111(4, punt) of tone, great power, brlillitliCY, full ness, depth. and evenneaa of touch, with exquisite de h -0101 Ilnd PINVeCtIIOBB. thetll,.. SUPERIOR AND ISKAUTIF:UI.IN-FINISIIED IN - • • - - • STN U:IIENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums. and Ore pronounced by critics to be far su perior to any instrumehts ever manufactured in this county. Constantly on hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions over exhibited, in cluding the Prize Medal Item the Costal Palate Exhi bition. Now Y0rk.18863. eel-tf THE "FIERY STAR." GAS-UON- IiffSIWING AND RA 111A'rrtill AIR-1'1(311'r it!. Pao Vre for Parlors, 'lnlet. Witten. morel, &e. The most eeetioneral, cheerful and health) Plot eln the market. All st Ito awls a letatett ntore that will Rite entire mattsfaetion ate invited to call and 1500 0110 ttf the rn;m • s • IAR in opor,tton moor Wary room, El 01) Nitrofo of Flay. et. 6.1 113111 and ffAS for Parlors, Kaolless, Chambers, Halls, c., ba 1 . 01110 m oar 1143orillient. Our erl,l.rated HOVAL, SEA SII had., sad I. VAIIGIUN MICIRICIE Cooking SIOVen re WAIII7AN'I ED. awl. fur OSCCIICRCC 111 OpCralicit, the ) CHALLENGE all comPetttiou. NORTH', CIiADE, AND NORTH. on Int Nll. IV) North SECONDS rent STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEA R, No. 1I Ili Al All K ETST R E ET, 1. now prepared to meet the lA/Mtn of thin politic more complete]) in all the detail, of Stot 0 trade than ant other extablinliment to PhilailelPhi t• m proof 01 which he inviteit CoIIPARATIVE eN %.141,urloN. followny: aro otworSe l'orular mventionx, mayoral of which ha, aim obi rifled a national repu tation an Piiriivaing in errel net anti ronomy all) other Stoves in Use. . • JAMES SI'EAR in the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gas-burnine Cooking Stove, acknow ledxed to Me the Mist Stoic for Imudy ono in the world. JAMES SPEAR In the Patentee of the celebrated (f a / 4 ,011..1;mm: Cooking Range, now rapidly COMM; 111t0 ePlkelat JAM ES SPEAR to the Patentee of the Impro‘ed Sil veri's Air-tight Gaii-0011.111111114 ratiOlflgOVe. IANI ES SPEAR Inn the I rotor of the linpro%ed I Patettle.ll Ornamental Slot e rot, which trout its hetet) and otiltO m liktel), thin venom, tobeunncr sall3 adopted. J A 'il 8P1'...11t it ho Patentee. of the Labor, poet, and c o mf o rt.. 01114 Hanna; JAMES 81'1:Alt in the !Mentor and Patentee of the eolehinted Railway -ear neater. For all of the al of e the In, enter t cry Justly clarion alb !Intl CON 11111011 111111/0 bllt. Ito tie undrrahwd 11 the public to he mat greatly appreciated and preferred to any other articles of that clans in the marlot ; and lie would heretic extend a cordial iIIVIIIV-1011 to all persona in w•nt of Stoves to Call and examine for theineelt Parties wishing to examine will hate ever) attention shown them, whether intending immediately to pur e:v6o or not. 02'-3 tit CHARLES JONES. 0 . No. 53% North SECOND Street. (Successor to A. uli J. thtljor, would respectfully call the utter - trot, of those deer relic sto, MI to his extensive assortment of Cooking. (fatting, and Parlor slot es. I have purchased the exclusive rot. lit to the and r(pn,m, in Philadelphia. of Callat,her's Celebrated Morning . Star" end Sunrise . ' Ii is- hurimor Cookom Stoves. well known for t ears as rho inflict intislactory Stoves in the market Also, hie new Fla I -top Cooking. Stove" Daylight," which combines all the useful im provements, and operates ailiniralth. I also manu facture, in a superior manner, Silver's 038-bO/1110r of 010 hest Russia Street Iron. these are the most economical and easily (minium(' Parlor Stoves in Use. elii-3m CIAUTION.--We hereby caution all per- Sonq not to PnrrLnae one Cooking Stove or Stoves with Hollow Centres or Cross Pieces on, cr•rpt (hp, novir by us, as we are the exclusive owners of the Patent for making Hollow Centres or Hollow Cress Pieces, and we shall proseento ail nersons who infringe on row Patent to the toll extent of the law. STUART & PETERSON. Iron Founders, 03.1 m WILLOW Street, above Tiorteontb. WASHING AND IRONING. y , WASHING AND IRONING DONE with NEATNESS and DESPATcIi t tar Single `ft_ In,tee sad Gentlemon, Families, Boarding Schools, Hotels,. Steamboats, Zee., nt DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. 239 South SIXTH. Street, corner if Prune. Finally Shirts and Collars patent polished. Ever) thing washed by hand, on the com mon wash-board. Thewholefounnerutis strictly attended to by female oyesitaves. Mrs. DONOVAN, 1r 17euverindendgidL EDUCATIONAL. JAMES W. ROBINS A. M., Principal DANCING. PIANOS. STOVES. pouBLE-uvEN sApps By AUCTION. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 CHEfITNUT STREET, appoints the custom Houma. between FOURTH end FIFTH Streets. SPECIAL SALE OF MO BUFFALO ROBE& This Morning October ITth will be mold, be catalogue, commencing at leis o'clock, WV Sioux and Chippeway robes, 41 best size n ind colors in the market. D 7 Holies lirrin zed for examination, With catalogues, on kiaturilay7the 15th inst. BALE OF POO LOTS EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, BONNET RIBBONS, M . I,I,INEkt GOODS, &v. On Wednesday alornins, 00.19 th, by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at to o'clock, will be mold an assortment of seasonable goods. o to which attention is invited. Catalogues and samples ready early on the morning of sate. FIuRNEs% ratINLEY .2 & CO., Nn. 149 mARKET ST R EF,T BALE OF IMPORTED AODSN D DOMESTIC DRY' GO . On Tuesday Morninz, Oct. 1&h, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on air months credit -401) mud, yes and lots of fancy and staple imported and domestic dry goods. Ihr Catalogues and &smelts early on the morning of side. primp FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 a. MA RIIET Street. and 621 MINOR Roues. SALE OF BOOTS, 8110E0 BROGANS, AND GUM 16110kS. 'On Thursday Morning. October 20th. at 10 o'clock. win be sold, by catalogue r on four, months' credit, 050 cases toots, shoes, bro gans. smilers. and sum shoes. comprising a demrable assortment from the best manulacturers of city and Eastern goods for city and country sales. Ka" Ca talmues early on morning 01 gate. SALIt OF READY-MADE CIA/THING, SATINETS. he. On Friday Morning, October 21st, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, be catalogue, a large and desirable assortment of read) -made clothing, at best makett for Intl and st inter sales. On F rola) Morning. October 2lsti wall be sold by catalogue. on 6 months' credit. 100 pieces ingrain and Venetian carpeting. lir Catalogues early on the morning or sale. SHIPPING. HILADELPHIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. an. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF_TIIE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, HELD AT NO. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 7th, 1639, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously sleeted Director/ the Company, viz: GEORGE 11. STUART, B. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALEBTER, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL. STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persona favorable to the enter prise are respectfully invited to eubecnbe. ea-tf viNf-a THE BRITISH AND NORTH --' AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM BM 'B. FROM NNW TORT TO LIYINTOOL. Chief Cabin Aaiun._ second Cabin rasing& PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage.. —..— Second Cabin Passage... 01) The ships frorn Boston call at Halifax. • PERSIA, Capt. Judkins, CANADA, Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar. ASIA, Capt..h. 0. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, Three vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head: green on starboard bow; red on port bow. PERSIA, Judkina, loaves N York, Wednesday, Sept. ZS. ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. B. ASIA. Lott, N York, Wednesday, Oct. 12. CANADA, Lana, " Bastin, Wednesday, Oct. IS. AFRICA,Shannon, N Yore, Wednesday. Oct. n 3. EUROPA. Leitch, " Boston Wednesday, Nov.g. PERSIA. Jud " N York . Wednesday, Nov. 9. AMERICA, " Boston, Wednesday, Nov, H. ASIA. Lott, " N York, Wednesday, N0v.13. Berths not !Wet , red until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on beard. TI 11e owners of Ship; Will not be accountable for Go! , Bayer, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones thentale, unless bills of lath,,; are sinned therefor and the thereof therein expressed. For freight or Inu it sage apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowline 'keen. ste.tf New York. FOR THE SOUTH.-CILARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average o guineas per cent.. be low New York Steamship rate*. FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. The U. S. Mail BtaanstiiiKEPBTON73krATE. Cap tain Charles P. Marshzinn, anll sail on Tuesday, Oct 2.56, at IC A. M. Through to 46 to 60 botany, oMy 40 hours at Rea. FOR RAVANNAR.SI4. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John .I.oervin i will sail on Thursday, October no, !it to o'olovh A. M. I in 58 to 60 bourn, only 40 hours at Rea. ISTSaillas days changed from every Saturday to every five tlajs. Goods received, and Bills of Lading caned ev Tl74 elTer.did firet-clue; side-wheel ateamslops KEY STONRS'L'ATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as shove ever) ten days. thus forming a fire-day commu nication with Charleston and Savannah, and the South nod Southwest. . . At 1,..th Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con nect with steamers for Florida. and with ratirouL. Lto., for all places in the South and South:eat. INSURANCE - - Freight and Insurance Oil large proportion of Goode shipped Booth will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—lnguranoe on all Railroad Freight Is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, Use Railroad Companies taking all riska from these points. hAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 76 to 40 per neat. cheaper, than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Ilialstlelphin via Char/ea ten and Savannah eteameloys, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, eaciept trona Charleston and Saran nah to Montgomery: INLAND PARC. To Charleston— 1115 00 Charleston -..537 10 Savannah.-- 15 00 Savannah— 31 GI Augusta....-... 20 CO Augusta. 16 00 Mac0n........_. 21 00 Macon._.-.---.. Sy. 75 13 00 Atlanta-- —. 31 00 Oolumbua—.. 13 00 Celumbua —.--- 16 CO Albany . —....... 24 00 Albany ..--. 37 %I Montgomery . ... 26 00 Montgomery....._... BB 00 Mobile 35 00 Mobile-- ..... 46 90 Now Orleans ... 39 76 New 0r1ean5......,.. 61 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or plumage apply on board, at aecondwharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON Jr.,_ Southwest corner 1 6 '0UTH and CHESTNUT. .Yenta in 11,' 3 hi .,a rI n e o st n nn, Dr/.4 1 14 ELL. Fur Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every T Y' e nlMOrldtt from Savannah. steamers Bt. Mart's and St. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. jy2.l GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY—for SAL FROM IR.W TORR. GLASGOW, Thompeon, Wednesday, October 12, it if n'nloelr cofm. I.: DIN Ill, ; It 111, Cumming, Wednesday, October 26, at is o'clock, noon' FROM' pLAFGOW OI,Ai.IGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, September 11. E DINBUIV: R. Cumming, Wednesday, September M. Rates of Passage from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to tiiiISCOW, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or lon donder ty, Erst etas.. Btoorag e, found with suacua -13000 of properly cooked provisions, An experience.l Surgeon attached to each steamer. Nn charge for medicines. Fur freight or tisasay,e, apply to WORKMAN at CO. No. 111 WALNUT Street. Phdadeislia. ROBERT CRAW ) No. 23 BROADWAY. Now ork. U. S. M. STF.A.MERS Yon HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON. ARAGO. Captain Lutes, will sell July it September 17 November 12. FULTON, Captain Wottou, will nal August le, Octo ber IS. Veoember 10. First Caton palmate—. . Second CAbill Panage•• •• • 7 6 For freight or fouisago. nPply so WILLIAM NEILSON, Agent, At the Werehowong Company's Philetlelphin Moe, Tobeceo.Werehouse.DOCK Street. Phtla. JeZl-6m MED ICINA L. D R. 3IOFFAVS VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have been thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for dr sPePsie, ilotolenc), heart-hurn and headache. costiveness diarrhrea, fevers of all kinds. rheumatism, Rout, i.rat el, worms, scurvy. ulcers, eruptive COM' plaintn, salt rheum. errinpelss. common colds and in fluenza, mogul oily Flll'i all derangement Cl the female io stem, piles. and various other diseases to which the tounart frame is liaMe. Per sale by 1418 proprietor. lir. W. It, MOFFAT. Ids 11110 A LWAY. New York. and by Pray glOtl contrail r all of or the country, wiy Du. (ii,l.NTlvouTirs PILE REMEDY. For the cure et J.lontorrhoids cc rdes.Conattp, tion. Fistula in Ano,l7fceriti me of the Anus. Yrolapsus of the Roefinn. Vis•tires, Exeoriation, Ulcerations In ternal and Ex t erirtl to the Anus, l'ruritus, and all Om ens, poveliar to the Rectum. The ~rent and uniform success wh.eh this Remedy has Mt tined for the cure of the above Thseases is unprece dented in the :tonal.; of Medicine. The ritailltY of its curatit o qualities and the ditrxhility of no cures are equalled tin no other Remedy of the age. Ninety-nine evtes not aim hundred are Alleviated and cured of this dintressimr entilphint and are restored toroinfort here tofore unknown. Full and explicit lb rections meow, pant each Box. Otte Box 1311111E000 to rfor in a cute. Prepeved only b) DR. BI,ENTWORTIf, No. PI RACE Mreet. Adams' Express. Price 6t. Cnnhesentty A NUTTIER PROOF' OF THE WONDER PUL EFFECTS OF TROXELL'S :NEURALGIA SALVE. - - PHILA.. July 7th, 13119, Mr. P. W. Taos sta.—Dear have been troubled with the " NEURALGIA" for the hut It years. and hose soffered the most exeruciatms pafn, comPellmg me at times to sive up Inv business entirely. I could not eat. and sleep was a stranger ro my eye.. I suffered niece than tongues can tell. I had the advice and aid of variousphysicians, and reed other remedies. but all of no avail. Having noticed your advertisement in the laper.. I concluded to call on a person whom I had earned was cured of awe of Id years Mandl". } le applied the " SALVE" but once, and I roll immedlnte relief—a second application removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like a different man. Since then I have slept wall—something that I ~ rave not done for months, being °Wired to aft up all fuzlit in a chair. My appetite has returned. and I lead grateful to you for the restora tion of fur health. CHARLES H. BAKER, Tobacconist, CA KIWI, Street, alone W 001). Kensington. For sale, wholesale and re fv tail, at N. W. corner 913TH and Pa SHISH efreets. mid at T. IL CALLENDER ft Co.'., N. W. corner Third and Walnut Cl,. ati2o-tf DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY.—Tire improved sets of ARTIFICIAL TEF.TH, still manufactured at PiC ACH Street, Philadelphia, by I. LUKENS, Surgeon The Alincral E4ata seta of Teeth are superseding all o thers, ponrspit from the following reasons: Pure mineral is umd In pinee of told or silver, for plates, mats rig them one-third lighter, and at the same time much stronger, nq their greatest thickness is where the t nille Moe shrunken away more, thee perfectly rector in.; the nnatmuical shape and contour of the mouth and tree, and giving the exact °monsl exprealion to the features; they will stand better in service, and never get out of repair; they are responsibly warranted for is tenth° r there are no crevices for the accunithniation 01 Particles of food; they are wholly free from all gal vanic action, and can never produce palpitation of the heart, headache, sure throat, neuralgia, or nervous- Ileas. Dr. LUKENS' Mike, 907 ARCH street, Phlledeleina Mao Me PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, Wnetungton, D.. 0 ee:H-Int lIICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LETlllill COAL, pretmred u'llh "re , fo r " I° on lent tonne. Apply et KNOWLES'S Depot. NINTH and WILLOW Strontn e=-tf 31111 BBLS, No. 1 lIERRINti-100 half " 1 -Y bblm. Ira MR, kIII‘w White Rah, in ' , tore and fnr WR tale he % VAL J. TAYLOR & CO., 1.72, and 121 North A RITRII 03 OVERING'S SYRUP, in hhds. and bola., at reduced prices. for sale by JAMES GRAHAM k CO., coo 1,1:TITI A Ntreet. AINTON'S ENOAMITIO TILES for i. floor. i ven Orrmnientll Chi fur cottages. fierileti Vallee 5. Vitrified Mpe Mr d Water eonduotora. Imported and for 1 B._A. HARRISON, MD tf IMO CfIFATNUT Street, 111" THOMAS ft SONS , 122 • Nos.atulltlSo MUTE STREET, ( N. CY and O. STOCKS AND REALESTATE, TU,EBTLAXITEXT,.-- -- Noon and Erenins Pamphlet eatelognes now ready, containing to le eeriptione qf all the properties to bp BIM on Tuesday next at 12 o anon. and '7 o'clock tit the evening. with a hat of sales :nth inst. and November lst. and of real estate at private sale. eomProung a laird amount and a aunty of valuable property. CARD.—PURLIC SAL"S REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS AT TIM EXCRANGE.--Bales of real Nita* end cock/ will hereafter to held at 71e'clo sooaourd in the °venom at 7 o'clock. nor coo hut Ore I.i..‘tEg the cotton of either *ale. ri3r - Handbills of eae pro..erty woad riepararelf. tD addition to which we pu loth. oit gaisrder previous to the sale, o_ e thousand atalosnae.... in pamphlet Conn, Ruin 101 l d n eserrptiona or all the Prtolettiel to be .et a on the „ollowine Tuesday '" - itE''''''''''''''''''' PRnrsTs'sALE. Jr.. - We have it tants amount of real estate at private sale, including every nescription of city and country property. Pnnted testa mar be had at the auction store. PRIVATE SALE: REGISTER. trir Real estate entered on our private Sale registers and advertised occasionally in our public, sale abstract , . 1 of whichl,ooo copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. FALL SALES STOCK AND REAL MATS Tenth Fall bale, 19th October, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchange. Eleventh Fall Sale, 18th October, at 7 o'clock in the eremite. at the Exchange. ea , Part of the handbills for each of the abase Wel cow ready. PEREMPTORY SALES—PEWS. &c. On Tuesday. 14th instant. at l o'clock noon. without ',twee, pews Nos. 38 ano 1084 Arch street Presbyterian Church, (Rec. Dr. Wedsworth'e,l west of Tenth street. Also, pew No. 44 Church of the Epiphany. Ike Sale of the three attwilute PEREMPTORY SALE—ADDITIONAL PEW. Also without reserve, pew No. op St. James's Church, I Rev. Dr. Morton,} Seventh street, north of Market. STOCKS, Re. Also, at shares North West Mining ("timpani. 5120 scrip Delaware Mutual Insurance CeillPartY— t 23 tor and e 95 1853.1 1 shs• e Point Breeze Park Association. 1 share Mercantile Library. 1 share Philadelphia -4thenamm. TENTH FALL SALE ; OCTOBER 18, AT NOON At the Esc/lance. will include— EXTRA VALUABLE PROPERTY,_ BY ORDE VALUABLE NITED STATES. Via, the very MARBLE BUILDING, formerly the BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. Second street scr , i , d Dock street. opp , osite the • Philadelphia c han4e. and rear the • Corn Exchange,' Second street, the lot la feet by MI feet. having four fronts. The ialna hie proporty, formerly PHILCSOFB ICAL HAL L. Flllll street. south of Chestnut Lot 711 feet fropt. Trustees' Sale.—The COAL LANDS of the NORTH CAN DuN DALE CAJAL COMPAN Y.Peid sere-AEU perch* s, to Fell township. Lucerne county. Pa. Adml rust ra tors' Peremptory Sale—Estate of Nathaniel Holland, deceased.—VEßY VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND. Nos. 106 and 108 South Second street. below Chestnut. Salo atuolute. without reserve. VALUABLE FARM AND COUiIi fRY SEAT. atou 18 acres. near Torresdale on the Philadelphia and Brie tel tar:nuke, Bucks county. Pa. Eitecuto. a' Sale—Fstate of D. and S. Davis.. dad& VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION.—Three-story bnck du oitrig. No. 107 south Tenth street, below Chest nut. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Joseph Wrisht. dew& VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, T acres. with Lin pro% vacate. Powder Mill road. near Nigetown lane. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate ofJemee Raeford. dee'd. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, northead corner of Sixth and Mary streets. mouth of Lombard. },mate.—THREE-STORY—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL- Brim:mon. Sams E—THREE THREE-STORY BRICK DWl:l4s tste.A NOS. Jones' 'We!, in the rear of the above. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Henry Junfurtb. deed. TWO TWO-STORY STONE DWELLINGS, Ger msntown. Orphans' Court Rale—Estate ottobs . E.Waleb. deo'd. TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING. northwest side of Brinehurst street, Germantown. Peremptory Pale.— F.1.4.0A11T MODERN RESI DENCE, No. 5817 Walnut street, opposite Rittenhouse square. with all the modern conveniences . Lot .12 fest 7 me ws 1. not br Ztt feet deep, to Leone street. ELI:GAN T RESIDENCI. with stable. eoseh-howie, feu.. Locuststreet. above William street, Twenty-fourth went Into West ThAtidelphia I. E-ceeutors' Sale—F.4.as of Mrs. A nis e L. Poalk de e d . VALUABLE BUSINF.SS STAND —Store and dwell- No . 151 North Fourth sheet. abuse Arch. TIIREE-BTORY BR ICK DWELLING, 2115 Winter street, woet of Twenty-first street. Wiam Wayle. defd. TWO RICK DWELLINGS. N. 250 . ing zn Nc 7 tilk ReenPo street. NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. MT South Fish eenth street. 001 e Pioe street. Ditto ESN RESIDENCE. No. 65.5 North Twelfth mt. NEAT RESIDENCE, 1.210 Mount Vernon street. ELEVENTH FALL SALE. OCTOBER 1 1 3, AT T O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING, At the Exchen-e, 'eat lociude— Orphans' Court Bale—Estate eLDertd &cit. dec'd. T O-TORY BRICE DWELLING. northeast cor ner or Master and Fortrth crests Same Estate--TERI- E THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Fourth street, north of Master. tlsnse Estate. THREE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. north nice of Master street, east of Fourth. • • . Same Estate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL. ING, northwest corner of Waster and Ptak streets. Same Estate TWO-S — ORY FRAME STABLE, west side of Pink street, north of Master. Sad Eie Estate.—THßE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, east side of Fourth street. north of Master. with L brae foal story brick dwellings u the rear. on Pink street Orphan.' Court tale —Pstate of W:niarn Chew. decd. TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, N 0.327 South Seventh street. between Spruce and Pine. Trosieve Perem p tory Bate—Estate of James Bell. BRICK DWELLING, South Stith stzset, between Sloppeo and Fltawater. • - Peremptory Sale —A GrountLrent of $lO a year. Pro pert, rn Delonco, New Jersey. Executors' Peremptory TW O- S TO RY B RI C K Charles El liott. deed.—NEAT TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL IN G. No 172 North Sixth street. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS. Federal and Park its. BUSINESS LOCATION.—Two-story brtek Caren, 211 Carter street. between Chestnut and Walnut oar Second and Third streets. Peremptory 1.-etc.—GROUND RENTS—Two well seen re I.round-rents of 573 and S. 22 year. Also, four of s&p rear esch. Sale al.weilute. Peremptory Bale.—T WO BUILBING LOTS, Howard street. Sixteenth ward. CARD.—lncluded in our sale or choice London hooka. on Wednesday I.IOTDLIIC next. 19th inst., among many ralnabls clod net ions. are the Jollowing— SPLENDID I'ICToRt AND IL LUNIINA'rED WORKS. Illukraleil L5;1;11 s:awl...it - obi:: Eta rams'a Sketcher, Al plater ; Wyatt's Ornamental Aletal Work; Works of Env nent !dastard on Paint; eq, 3tin engranntie; History of Chit 3lry i 'laminations;Art troon Journal, 30 en rrarines ; Britian National Gallery, 114 enerravinas; Cool.e's Views of Loudon. 43 entravin ; Clatale's Liber utitoruna :Went ; ancient Punted and Stained Was , . 75 Colored platee ; Gruneen Freta re Deem - morns ; Lew a's Scenery ni En_ land ; Ornamental Alphabets;. 13,40 , 11 a Views ot Sebtatotiol, Ac. a?" Toe la.nla are now arranged for examination. wart entalo,uea. LARGE RALE OF L [VTR Poo WARE. CONTENTS OF THIRTY CRATES .PER SHIP CHICAGO. Wilt be sold. Tbis Mprninc . .• At 10 o'clock, at the suction Store, Noe. WY and Jill South Fourth client. without reserve. for cash. contents of 30 crates fine white granite dinner. tea, and toilet sets, dinner and tea plates. cups and saucers. covered dishes. pitchers, baker.. custards, na.s, bowls. k.e. This sale comprises the largest and best savor:merit of ware offered this season. and will be sold in lots to suit dealers, bouve keener. and others. - BROOKLYN FLINT GLABSWARF.. Als.v, at the same time. an invoice of Brooklyn flint gluttrare. eousistutz of decanters, goblets. tumblers, wines, celery bowls fruit, butter, and. preserve dishes, castors, !cc. SALE OF SUPERIOR GERMAN BULBOUS ROOTS . - On Tuesday :donnas. October 15t!, at II oclock, at the Auction Store- ono cage 01 superior bulbous roots, coudinsiris the usual as sortment of hyacinths, tulips, usrclases, crocuses, itc. IIIISLIELLANEOLIS LIBRARY OF THE LATE BON. 30,11•Ikli M. DORAN. • On TUed.l7lT Evening. October 13th. at the Auction Store. will be Pohl the miecellarteous library of the Into Hon. Joseph XL Doran. el this city. 114 — For particulars see catalogues. RARE, VALUABLE, AND ELEGANT BOOKS. DI RECT FROM LONDON. On Wednesday Morning, October 10th cmnmeneing at 10 be sold, at the auction EtOre. a tame consignment of EURO PEAN BOOKS, of an interestMs character,just re eels ed direct from London. per ship Pleiades Included are rtaudard and desirable authors in the eared depart ment, of Engbah literature. together with a fine collec .rs of splendid pictorial and illustrated sorts. ifs - Catalogues will be ready and the kelps arranged for examination two days previous. Sale at Not Ito and 11l South Fourth Street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PLATE MIR ROIL, PIANO FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS. 011 Thuratlav Morning, At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Store. an assortment of excellent veto nd-hand furniture. elegant gnano - IPitesi flee mirrors, carpets. etc.. from families decks= housekeeping, removed to the more fur coast:menus of sale. Administrator's tWe—Eetate oflacoto Oarsld u dec'd. BREWER cAstc§.CORPER EET- TLF., HORSES. WAGONS, Re. On Fnday Morntnc. October flat. at 10 o'clock. attic. Z Coates street, bY order of the rulnurostrator, lot of lan c e beer casks. qusr ter casks. corner kettle and tester tanks, copper pump. r error lottonl, 2 beer coolers, brewang uteasilA,3 horses. Inds waton.s. harness. &c. J3l. GIi3I3IEY et SONS, IF • REAL ESTATE AO_OTIONEERS"._ No. CO WALNUT ST REET CARD.—J. M. autamelr k Bons. auction - sem to haw teinlar aales of Real Isatate. Stooks, ko. Mao be hold famtare at dwelling& al. On oar Prorate Bale Revolter will &Ivan be a tart tarp amount at m' agitate, mated= Mil ft loription 04 C4t4 M me . /ML. J M. Glim.M.k. gr. SONS. Real Brokara. No. AM WJalt UT Street. below Sixth. OSES NA TILAN ,S AUCTIONEER AND COMAILSE lON MERCHANT, & E. oonaer SIXTH and RACE Street,. MONEY TO LOAN. Moss. 70 LOAN, IN LARGE of *MALL AIIGENTE,, me:ohm:Mire genera/IY , and on ail articles of value. A LL nix' OV,IL ONE eirsPREDSI , I.I.A34 Two Fri RANT. ? .. 103 stosni, inciedmg storage. he., at Nathan.' Eatabbehment. O. E. corner of SIXTH and RAGE Ma GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. „MONEY'. MONEY!! MONEY Money literally advanced in large or mead sievanty from one dollar to thousands, on told and salver plat% diamond., watcher. tewelry. fowling-pieces, musical in struments. furniture, dr. goods, elothrng. grocenea,m gar.. hardware. cu Gary, books. bones , vehicles. t and all articles of value. for any length of tome fr i =, on. at N trii &Xt . PEI cLIAL Env AILISEXILNT, loathiNial corner of Sixth nod Rae. streets. PROMISSORI NOTES. wrthoollateral.diacionated at the lowest market rates. GP_EAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. JEWELRY, dtr, PRIVATE SALE, at NATII/LNS' PRINCI PAL ESTABLIeRNIENT, S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Etrect..—lie following art el slit besot:ll'mM.* than tall natal store prmea Fine gold Englittliatent full Jewelled and PLI,. of the moat approved best make, in hunting cases and double bottomed. Foxe gold each piiiment le vcr end legine watches, in hunting CaSisaW open race. come of them are extra full Jeweled, and beat make. Silver English patent lever watches, MERE ment lever and lepines, in hunting ease and fair. v e r y aupenor ; Eng li sh, Swi.se. French. tai .rater watches: tine rold vest, fob, neck, and chil dren'. Pne gold pencil caws and pens, bracelets. htr - vtnini. I nrer-nags, ` ear-tinge. mda. =Mathew., and te•reiry seuorelly. Superior Havana C,77.7 67 el. perGr, dal. In boxers of AV each. will be sold by sing la boy mum:titles, to suit purchasers. Nyman:as tansy arlie!ea, bon., ace. AT PRIVATE SALE. t nor fire-proof cheat. 4 fret high by S feet anal& Ahw. watelo , s.a.tdiewe:rc or oven deacriotioa. ea'. LOUIE, 1,41CC1. %VILLIAMS & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS • wt P CO ) INIVSIONEP-CHANTS. Nu. le North MAIN STREET. Sr. Lot 3, 40.. formerly nth E4re. 51)ers, Clachort & h., Thaadelphts. , oder their acrvlces to the marchanta, msllnfActureri, and others a PatlAdelphla, (or the We Cr err €m a, carpets. boots,. hoot. hardware, )ewer, . & ^.• llN_._:nah advance. made on receipt of orooda. 11.3a.c'ettlertienta made three days after sale. EE►EEE\CE•. Meters. Myers, CLlshorn. & CO., nibs. tiS a u n ar_t_& Brother, Flu gi yA t rrs 6 %e . & Warrens, New York. " Wood, Chraty.. Co., Bt. Loons. Mo. Crow, ;‘lcCreary, & " " m4-f rn w-Fr HOTELS. _ll URItA 110 USE, NEWARK. OHIO, I 3 the largest and hest arranged Hotel in central Ohio. is centrally located and is easy of access from all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern improve mentn. and every couvenierce for the comfort and ac commodation of the travelling public. The Sleeping Rooms are large and well ventilated. The Suites of fil , olll/5 are well arranged and carefully furiashed for families and large travelling Ratites ; and the House will be kept as a first-class Hotel in every restact. H. A. MURRAI A. BRO., Proprietors. 1 1 IIE UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD PEILADELI S HId. UPTON S. NEWCOMER. The situation of this HOTEL is supenotly Adapted to tho wxnts of the Business Public; audio those in search ofpleasure. Passenger Railroads, which now run pest, and to close proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant ride to all places of interest to or about the pity. 11 23410 a DRILLS AND SLIFETINGS FOR EL PORT. BROWN, BLEACHED, AND BLUE DRILLS, HEAVY AND LI6HT SHEETINGS, SutotCh3 for Export,. for lotte_by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. n South FRONT St.. and Ss LETITIA Street. T- klt.—Just received, a large invoice of Tar, to superior order and larre barrels, sad for m o ll N o. zi WA T E R Z,VAdLyARz..PSD.,%IRIO.4. a" al : .1' 4S'AI'A
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