Milktteol as the aoatitaticrii ilibttaxtti,ag, ViSi#ll(ikailaraleatioti..tio:Dem9; antis ; testi it attentively and eels to it: sr Let thareglsliteres Of, this Sou:them States; at their next ineetings,liatinotly'deolare the rights of the Sauthianu'plithaly'dmitecible - from the Drad &nit' ditlo Retain - voted: *ilk rani:illation that thoy - will' vete' for' wone , atm , tbe Pr,esidenoy or Vlees-Presideney,'WheAtmenttirigetwkr,aad_ils tinctly affirtn.ftall'anpqtbein withouthen-coot;- mittalisit,lMl;ginv or vocation.. a I:4ot, un fil•,th e ,okif eaton._Convention declare and Milne thesarighte,o,o4 nominate candidates for the Presidency end - Yief, Presidency who distinctly suppert,themi,thea 'the. Sonthern: States will sup port nab' aanahlUten; _an& ebould they be elected, proof JO be affaided thstlhe Soittkinay continue with:tafalY lit the Confederacy. .‘ &Ifni should ..tite candidates for , the Presi dency and Vice presideney t thus fairly nominated by the ChaYlisfett Convention, defeated in. the . Presidential. election. and the Republican or Abe litiow party succeed In electing their candidates, then the Southern Legislatures, as: soon thereafter as they ehali tineeneeively assemble together, should rye ill their Senators and RePreeenteilves from the Cou;rese or the United Statesand invite the on. opernlion of their itistei - Senthern States to devise mama fortheir common safety. "4. Bat should the Charleston Convention relive to declare and, affirm the rights of the South, as dednedble from the .Ltred Scott case, or nominate candidates who will not affirm and, support them, then let the Southern States naminatewati support candidates of their own, plainly anti faithfully re. fleeting and eavunting their rights. "5. Should the Southern States succeed in eleet ing their seetional candidates thus nominated. of course they will deem it of spffielent proof for the presodt of their safety in the Union. "0. Put should the Southern Stiles fall in elect ing the seetional candidates thug "nominated, then let the Santa •eourei pursued as has been seg. gosted in ease, the , Demopratie party bo defeated with toandislates•standieg on' the rights of the Scutt], and the Black Republican or Abolition can. dida'es be 'elected." ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, ,TRETIrA 110GOOFC LAST MUT [Fee aerdlet owq Arnya<s lee Fourth Page.] FtAtiDlTOTlSP.—Chentnur st.. beicin• ID Comstock- tn la: NY, ToNW Pt.rson, Bristol Oen F Trine. Paris • Mae i.nt,, - rari. W T Boelosson. Mo. W L-11ny, Paris jgrnos Ttrnokett, N Y Dr C Nnit / l c eon Yobn Rhatt Albert nett $ • Geo l'iyana. Ma 4. A C allddlerontVa BUMM IVV V4 RlPPPmaill; B s • - . Tam 4 4aNd:r . e.,Ealt Chat' M Flamm, ' It itacon, - N •Y _ Win .NYReesman y Yuba Beale,. Fla • Morrie - • John R tiestliam. Va VI Smith, St Lanni - Rao T Coulter. h alt • G Maas. Va ' - -W P Gibbs, lit Carles. Mo lir.l - Berrio. Salt, • Wl.eans. Fla T C* Tenn - ' hllOl. Caruthers tr. ele,Tenn At }Clan-Xi• c - • w J Russell. Marietta, Us Mr Coleman, Cincinnati". 4• • • - aatEttICOPHOTEL-:Cbeatant et., above Fifth ' j H worren;i3c*ri Johnaon, RatHatone. H stone:Mina • • A Loao, Phil% Mil, Camden " T Oltrien. Camden o=-.= ' C T Harrison, Va E Matta, Chin • - • tilEißaitttOir HOTEl.;—Vninth at" TIV White, Maas • j p About, ?Awn C colsteor C: • . Ji Barton; Conn JONtS!!lloTE.l.. 4 ,ohestniit street'shora Sixth. C Chidl . li W Schley, Au:quail, Gtt, JIIItrrEti L _NNY-" ' -Jas Uittiogor, B Lohg, Solt . • FRANKtiN:Xibestrnt "ntreet, abort) Third RINI!, Ny - G drexcont. N Y - , ;l* Sal dim. Pirtx'li t ul - t v i w Z m U l t7 l ti 1, 4 Y. I , ltrAniNE ' 'INTELLIGENCE: . -- 813,10UUTI.TH. PAa& - • - ' - .• • it 7 TP,LII.OItAPIr. (Correimondonoe of The Press.l • " Maw Wins. pet le. Arrividotteareshiejaiet. forgo Havre; ship Sesman's Bzido.ftarri Altata• west Coast of Mexico; ship Daniel Webster, from ~f,ondart: , • tiriox. Ont 16. Arri k en. ships Talbot, fronaiverPoolt Meteor, from Belden. ships Mdbito, from, charlestont Indiana, from' Savenmth,•., - • • :-, ' - • " ikritdORANDA. - StoirashipPhineatiSprague,ltatthevrai hence, arrived at Bruton ?macular. -- _ ithip Western Onenn. Calcutta, for Lon don. sailed from St Helena Aug 18.- - Birk Ceres. Humphrey, hence, via 8t 'John, NB, at Liverpool kethnit. - Bork Washmeton Entailer, Collins, from Havana, was disobey - ins at Anise...7,29th ult. Bark Helen Mario. Nickerson, boobs, arrived at Bos ton 14th inst. Birk Irma, Habra, for Philadelphia, wee st hfrimaailio -20th nit, loath ro sen. hut detained by the illness of the cantain- , -wculd sail shout 30th. , . Bark- MRS PoultneyAdarshman, at Falmouth. E, 29th ult. from Havana. • _ Bark Vireinten,from Rio delatieiro, Was gatanton Raids lith inst. - • Mitchel- from Cardenas for Philadelphia , war lowlinn, at Sams 301 inst. Brie ataryH, Baxter, cleared at Boston 15th lest, for Ehitrdeinhia.: , ' • ' inrta )3rixnt. :use, Coombe . hence, arriveed at Bangor 13th Brie.aattannaga; for BaltiMore, wee loading at Bahia 13th plt. - Brig . Judea ,Dathrtaray. Lancaster, hence, arrived at Boston 14th inst. Brie Alfaretta; Bibbor, hence, arrived nt Portland lathirarLA Rehr, nee.llarthell:C , l , Hawley, Beckett, M Nand, Terrv. and Lillis , Banders; Gale, cleared-at New York 14th inat. farThitailaknhia. 8chr...11, Itedner,'Endieott, from Alexandria, at New York jsth ' Rohr Chas Carroll. Pratt, from Delaware City, arrived at New Bedford 11th last. . . Sehr Gunn, Cplline, cleared at Charleston 12th' inst, for Jnaksonville.- Sehr - Jfte,,VP,Krotrd. Higbee. for Philadelphia, cleared at w,lmington. NO. lull inst. - - Bohr Chas 8 Poaidee, Baker, cleared at Savannah 12th feat. forpalceorty,lllo.; Solna' Daher-Ea- 'Knight. Endicott', and Irene, Colo, hence, - nrriVed nt Boston 11th inst - Schre Preenm, Wee Pia, Smith, Ida. Ray mond, for' Philadelphia, and M Wrightington,Thacher. for HMG-More: Oenred Boston 11th met. Rehr Ynn)to Beji - EifteYiltence, arrived at Hartford 12th met.' - - ' " Rehr Governor. Ilooper,triira•Eakt - port for Philadel phia. at Ppttlanti Vith. inst. ' Bohr -Mountain - Avenue. Greenfield, cleared at Now York met. for Philadelphia., ' Rehr - 1-InanaliMatildit,Priao, hence, arrived at Charles ton 12th inst, Selsr David Fatiat. Moslandei, cleared at Wilmington, NC, 13th inst.' for Philldel phut, Schr,P. A ?Rhin. Sadler, sailed from teetport eth ins t. for - '- Rehr Mauhave, Cr9abr, nailed from Eastport 11th inst, for Piiiladelehm. Behr .1,11 Plannor.-Baser, from Poston for Mrillping ton, NC, vas at Holmes' Hole lath inst. Polite W C Nelson, Endicott, and J IT Risley, Boree, for Philadelphia. were at Newport lath lust. Rehr 'p y, Talpey, hence, arrived at' Portsmouth 13th Rohn 1,1 A Ala Kee. Afintee.,Courier, Crowell. AN, En rlieh, Rita, Gibbs. J Premium. Somers, and S P Solhdar, Seaman, bane° at Boeton,l4th inst. Noir 11 hint, Hoover; cleared at Soitrin 14th inst. for Philndeloya. Satire Filitht, Silver ltlagnet, R E Sharp, and I Ireland, hence at Boston 16th inst. Behr If Parson, Eldridge, for Philadelphia, cleared at Benton 1,6G1 inst. , 801 r 3din Eaton, hence, arrived nt Newbury "gin: Fitii ' ielit,7*hitlow;frein Georgetown, at Pro; vidAnno 1 .1 8 11.8 L Solara -..lne , Meitin. A At'Edwerde,JiW Ben ed let, Benedict. T P Cooper, and Ann Turner, hence at Provi dence WA ist. , Sehre sritah XinyinntAnd . r.lfleoit4ailed front Proyi._ deqee frir Phdade gun. Sehrilrankeandk' i t . igiatAirtr Cone : sailed from M rio c r " el i lere h tt i alre:ionos. and 33 ri ft ed ol , Allen, cleared at NOW York TIM how for Philadelphia. ' _ _ TiOljdn HOIX, Oct. IC—in port At 5 A "Id. wind 8 nnltiliMAnY , LnuinA; Robert A 0 Pease, Barah Lone°, and &Linnet Lewin. CITY ITEMS. TILE WjLLCOX AND, ems SEWING MACIII)11: is sunken of bruit who have them in use in terms of un qualified praise. Pries-WO. For isalerst 71,6 Chestnut street. Lovn'a Paextroos—For:fauttly uao buy your Teas ati d oVes;nositivelY the cheapest end purest to be had. FOurth and Chestnut, and Seventh and Brown, Tug, TROPIIrrIC __EI,O9IIENG ow DANIEL 19En , sr EH far back an 130 b, Daniel Webstor, to spealung of the rapid prozross of events In the United States, said, Prophecy kin dituir in the blaze of his rhetoric, " I look forward ta thaPariod ',sheathe people Unite Pacific Stem; will-miss, a standard for themselves los they ought to do; and Thentkey Inscribe upon its folds the aonsiblastimunitien inen to go buy their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Ile!, of Rookbill k Nos. 503 and GA Chestnutinceet; above Sixth, in Philo, delphia;'? - • • . , A VintithAl. "OWftcrili, in Wiftoneln, gate oft poem after theatile al,Loagfellow i of which the follow leg etatin to a eeeftinen ; world'e broad held et battle, inthe great barn yard of life; Bp aef ne lazy cattle—, ,-- Bea painterly the ;strife. I.ein'et Bat do an fin ether Colin. -Atfifirear - the bienateous elethlus °atop by era:wine blokes, No. egehoetnut idlest; - SP,ECIAL 'NOTICES. Eglyt r - ,AiIitibIIESINII - Oft atilt RESTO/IF.R.— This wonderful ellen:teal discovery is note dye; but, by obendeel oombination with the blood in the espillarY tubes. 'Mimes anti. heir and' whiskers to their original life color,. It canaeee luxuriant growth of new heir, to sanely, tho'defeote tensed age or sickness, Its use prevento qtie heir 'from killing off: ; bold by all Drug gists: and hr JtibEfi RAPEL Alt Chestnut street, Philadelphia. oil.dtdltrW MEN, :MAW,' MER-LOid '•and young, mar ried and single. youlattantion le Tampa:Aridly, called to the foot that Frofeesof 6, di FOWLER *ill deliver his great lecture on" desuelitri" to gentlemen only'ht Mo ment licidd Aeni kfootlar, evening, Ootoboy lyth, tie early and 60611 M seeirsestei Tickets 25 Fonts. Phreno logical Oiaminatfaa for a fete days longer, ai t Chest nut street: EVAlis h have ,removed their SALA, 111AIIDEft SAVE 81.0R11 fron No, M South Yonrth street to, No. 3U4 CHESTNUT. Street; ,'where may be found thiluriiiiifrufsertnient or tjalamander Safes in the country. Ttia public are riauested to call and examine for themselves, - riODirLAND' GERMAN, bITTERS will pOSi• &all ouro D Atiß. liver Complatot; Nervoue De bility, Ice., OFLABIPS BALSAMIC" CORDIAL rill post CouchiL Colds, whooping Cough Prepared - by ' Xir, C. - M. J i iiCKSON tc - CO.; 418 Anil Street,`and &mem - fell - Dnipgisie'and degiera g ene ra lly, Price 75,`..ecnyi -_; = ' MACHINE W. CO., 724 CHESTNUT Street; Asentirviinted, • , -oci-12t* To. slot I,Atits:-418r: 11..Jacksolp. & Co. reaPektfii_ ttop. 1 17,0n0 t.ll.o.l4l,o,l.Pliiladotphid, and vioini ty to aati oxammo thaq now end 49prove.t . • Their%.mwuries use thithrafirht•Neidlaiind Ineke tlio ImlLOtqlkAlika on 'Nth aides of the cloth. Office 7fff'OltlBsrig Atceeti: - . o v,e):*ffiTritl)kok Atom - aqvAn. 4430 ' - CetAi'4oigm,#."*.sF,rlr.piyht 44:11.....T0ni1t . ,lintitme. 1 - 07W0A0A r kiittipACCiivafty , • 14 1 . 111 !,Yttsji4i 414 ilt 4:11,` weeks' akkliar POijfrOXia Anon 4.04% v,ArarAMWtti*.,:e.+4,S , e. • OAS - PRIOR CLOTIIINO 'OP . TEE LATEST BVlll*, mane In the best inariner, exerekely for RE TAIL SALES: LOT..EST iiiiess marked in pima Flores. AU seeds made to order warranted natio. 'factory. Our ONE-PRICE System is strictly adhered "to; as we believe this to bethe only fair way of dealing, .All are thereby treated alike. ,iONES & CO., seB-tf 606 M Street Street, TIM PRIORS OP SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES HAVE i BEEN 11 lIIIDIMED i!! 821-3 M SAVING Ptum---isliittatua, SAFETY TWIST Ga:l 7 / 7 57- - Cfiiillared by tha State orrilaitywayaa, . , . - RULES, -a L MonaY is renamed every des, and in ant amount. area or email. 2. FIVE PER OENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in, 3. The - money is always paid back In GOLD whenever It !ensiled for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Administrator:, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums• to remain a long qr short period. L. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other Lrst class aeuurities. 6. Office 006 every duy-LWALNUT Street, southwest comer. Titird street. Philvielohia. ayli SHAMBN 5 SAriNG FORD—NORTErWEST CORNER SECOND and WALNIIT, Stream—Deposits 70- °mod in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, Money may be drawn by oheoks without lon of In tercet. Office open dell!, from 9 matt6 o'olook, and on Mon day and Batardal until 9 lu the evening. President. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and flooretaryi CRAB E. MORRIS. SALAMANDER FIRM-PROOF SAFES.—A very I arge auortntont or NALAIIIANDBRB for Halo et reason able prices!, No. 28 South FOURTII Street, Philadel phia. tr WHEELER .1 WILSON SEWING MACHINES. —PMlndelphin Offloo. US CHESTNUT Street. Merchants' Wen filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by Om Company. Branoh °Mona in Trenton, New Jamey, and Enkon and Weniohnonp. Pn. met!-4m MAJFIRUED. PIMLER—RAVXS, TICR.---On Thursday eveninz, (lowlier lath, by Rev. Alfred Cookinan, Million R. ?toiler to Anna Mary, daughter of Charles llaverstic,k, Ess .all of this oaf ; ROGERB—GRE :NLEIGIL—On the 12111 instant, by Rec. Isaac Grey, Mr. W rn. Rogers to Miss Mary Green leich. both of Frankton,. • CAMPBELL—SKEEN.—On the 29th Jima. by Rev. V. Grey. Mr. Henry Campbell to Miss Maria Skeen, both of this city, • tILARK—PARKINSON.—On the 6th instant, by Rev. D. W. Thirtine, .Mr. Wesley Clark to Align Amanda Prances Parkirsw. daughter of the Rev. Peter 8. Parkinson all of this city. TROMPbON—COCHRANE.—On the 11th instant. by Rev. Clarke Louden, Mr. William Thompson to Aire. Antic Cochrane, both of this pity. HENRY—MEHORTER.—On the 30th July, by Rev. Clarke Louden. Mr. John Henry to Mina Rachel Mo. honer. both of this cat!. ISCREL,LENGER—ArEttB.—On the 13th instant. by Rev. J. It Peters, Mr. Daniel Soheilenger to Miss Sallie Ayers, both of this city WIIITAHER—MILL . IGANOit the Ist September, by Rec. J.ll. Peters. Win. NowoUntb Whitaker to Vlo torts Milligan, both of this eily. BIRCH—TROAIPSON.—On the 12th instant, by the Rev. J. 113ightbourn, Edwin K. Birch to Alexia° L., daughter of Alex. R. Johnson, all of this city. • RODIVEY.—A t Germantown. October le, 1359. Sarah, daughter of Rev. John Rodney, in the 23d year of.ler age. SMILTW.—At Germ.mtown, on the 13sh inst., Sarah, wife of Thomas T. Smiley, M.D. aged 3 2 Years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her hus band, N 0.002 king street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clovlc. • DlNlNRY.—Suddeniy, on the 13th instant, Mary, wife of John Dininey, aced 671 earn. Panora' from the residence of her luisband, Yectory and Willow streets, between Spruce nod Pine. Service at St. Patrick's Church, this (Monday) morning, at 9 &clock, FollYtErt.—On the 12th instant, Mra. Martha C. Fog el., relict of the late John Foster. in the 88th year of er age. Funeral from the reside:trio or Mr. Thos. Sentry Arburry road, above Colleceville. Twenty-third ward, tliie (Monday I morning, at 10 o'clock. MOURNING STORi N 0.809 CHESTNUT remit of Block Velour Reps, - do, Mousseline .do, Cashmeres,. do. 'Matinees. - do. Satin de Chines, do. Bombazines, do. TMIIIIIOII, do. Paramattne, do. Mohair Lustres. do. Thibet Jong Shawls, Blank Crape y &wind Mourning Goods in vOII7IIERCIAL BANK OP PENNSIa r VANIA. Philadelphia Opt. B. 1559, Notiee hereby given. that an oleetion . for Till FLTEEN DIREC TORS to nerve the ensuing rear. will he held at the BANKING lIOUSE on MONDAY, Vet November. be tween the hones of 10 A. AL and a P. M. The Annual mooting of the it.toptcholders will be held nt the game place on TUESDAY. lot November. nt (Meek N. B. C. PAL.ALETi, ocII-Iltaw.tn2l* Cashier. FEMALE MEDICAL COLL GE OF PRNNkIYLVANIA, Nn. MT Arch street. The OeneratlntroductorLecture to the Tenth Annunt See mon will be delivered by Prof. ANN PRESTON, on Wednesday the ]9th Inst., at Di' I'. M. The Public. are invited to attend. ocl7-3t• LirGEORGE WM. CURTIS, AUTHOR OF " Poti elm Panerc," etc.. will deliver a NEW Lecture at CONCERT lIALL, MONDAY EVENING, ()rt. 11th. at 8 o'clock, for the Union Temperance Home. Subject—" Modern Tickets, 21 cents ; for sale at the Bookstores. 015-2 t. ,CITY or NVIIEELING, VA.—JkbLDERS L 3 of the City Bonds. Domed to the " Itempfield." the Marietta and Cincinnati," and the "Cleveland and PittshurP , Railroad Companies. are requested to meet atilt° Nankin, Ronne of WINSLOW. LANIER, A. CO.. No. Et WALT. Street. New York. on TUESDAY. the 18th inst., at t o'cdook P. M. A full attendance in re. guested. as important questions touching their interests will he considered. TrPULL'A. v(ITH ANSI VAIKBAR.Y.—PREDERICK DOUGLAS'S will deliver hie great lecture on' Self-made Men." I previous to hie du gotture for Eurnnej before the Philadelphia Library t..ompany, on TITABDAY EVENTNO, October 18th, 1859. at 8 o'clok, at NATIONAL HAT,',. Market street. above Twnl Fth. Ticketn or mint: men, 2' e.m , a : which may he hod at Parry & cor. of Fourth aud'Ohestnut. and H. N. Ilendertlon, No. aM Arch street. oIS 2t gTPEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— t 1 3 SEVENTH COURSE OF LECTURES. OPPSING LECTURE VT REV. HENRY WARD DEECILER. AT CONCERT HALL, TRURSDAY EVENINO, ()donor 20th. TICICSTP ROE TEE COUTOIE OF WORT LECTOR/Olt AOMITTig one person —. el se Gentleman and lady.. .......... 2 OU "entleman and two Indica .• ......... . 3DV FOR SALE RV Parry & McMillan, Fourth and Chestnut. - Rower. Sixth and Vine. tiondersne, 623 Arefi street. Rock & Lawton. Seventh and Chesnut. Preaby Whin Book Store. 1335 Chestnnt at. 149-7tif A MEETING OF Tlfl STOCK 'WED ERB of the GREEN AND COATES•ST. PAS rBZi- R RAILWAY COMPANY will be hold at dm °Two of the Company. 423 WALNUT Street. on TUES DAY, October 38th, at It noon. to manillar the question of running the ears on the Green and Coates-street Afg r ti o ,r a m b p o l g a road an Sunday. Er 032 6t DENDY 811ARWOOD, SeoretarY. VINDIA—ITS DACES. LANGUAGE, AND RELIOION I The Re v. HENRY Al, SCUDDED, DAY I:VI;NINb, the 18th ioenet. hl :tl b ZooeFic, the 111 BICAL FUND HALL Tickets. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. To be had at Metier& Parry & McMillan, Wm. 8. & A. Mart:len. Presbyterian Board Trait Rouse, and at the Reome of the Young Alen'a Christian Aesovintien, 1011 Chestnut.. otglit* ZFARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK —PHILADELPHIA. October H, / 9 1 9 . oo is hereby given that an election for Thirteen Directors will ho held at the Banking Mom en MON DAY, November 2180859, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. nnd 3 o'clock he l d; a TUESDAY , November the Stockholders will be on at 4 o'clock F. M., at the Blinking lionise. 04 dtn2l • W. RUSHTON, In., flashier, SOU THW AR K RANK—PHILADEL aPHIA, October 9d,1859. tice is hereby given that an eleotion for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on 9/OA DAY, November 2lst, 1829, between the hours o 0 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ; find a general meet ing of the Stockholders will ho held on TUESDAY, No vember lot, at 12 o'clock IM. it4•iltn2l P. P. STEEL. enabler. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.—OCT Tl 4, 1622, e annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking house on TUESDAY, the first day of November next. at 12 o'clock M. And the :annual election for Directors will be hold at the Banking Douse on MONDAY, the 21st day of No vember next. between the hours of 10 A. H. and 2 P. At. oS-wfr&lgto2l B. B. CONIEUYS, Cashier. mrecnitrtlcs , BANK.—PIIILADEL- U. 3 PLITA, October 4th, 1333. lorNotiee is hereby given that an Mention for Thirteen Direeters, to serve the ensuing _rear, will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, Piovember 21st, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. The normal meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November Jot, at 12 o'clock M. ott-wlrbcm te2l J. 0. AIITCBELL, Cashier. (LANK OF VOIVENIERVE—riIILADEL -7.111A. October 1, 18.59.-IVOtiCO in hereby gmer,, Ktrtn Election for thirteen director,' to serve for the enitainj year, w{ll be held at the BANKING HOUSE. oft AIuEDA V, /November 21, between the hours of 10 o cloak A.lll. and 2 o'clock P. M.. oc3-mwttn2l The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, November 1 at 12 o clock M. J. Q. DONNELL.. oea-tnwftul" Cashmr. PASSENGER RAILWAYS. OFFICE OF THE SECOND AND THIRD-IT. - , ..t. 2 ..nti,§-4, PASSENGER RAILWAY PHIA, 226 WALNUT StreeCOMPANY OF PHILADEL t. • PHILADELPHIA. October 15, MI The PRICE OF EXCHANGE TICKETS mold Willhie ClompaAy. on and tsfter MONDAY, l7th Inst.. be SLIC CENTS. for the followine Ratlwars: GREEN AND COATES, R SCE AND VINE. 0 RARD COLLEGE, AIM AND FAIRMOUNT, SFRIJCE AND me. 017.2 t THOMAS LOGAN, Secretary. , OFFICE OF TUE FRANKPORD & MOUTH* WARK l'H : CITY PAHRENTER RA IL• 20A11 COMPAN Y, vans (Into CltattimM) street, below FoUrtli, Pimsnacrir October It ',tan. On and after ItIONDA_Y negt.l7th inst., the price or EXCHANGE TicrosTti aolo 11 this Company for the Branca A.stl PINS, GIRARD COLLttllt, Ancu AND FAIR MOUNT, RACE AND VINE, and GREEN AND COATES Exituttla Passenger lia.lwaya, Will he emits, • cd4-3til 011A8. ft. AfillOTT, $o eretary I _ MPORTANT TO CLERGYMEN, PUBLIC SPEAKER% AND RINGERS. DANCASTEIVS BRONCHIAL. LADENCIA. "A SLIGHT COLD," if its first symptoms are not arrested, too often lays the foundation of a variety of Polnionary Complaints, including Winter Couvh, kith lna, Bronchitis, In fl uenza,. irritation and Soreness of the Throat, and other constitutional deramternents. The evil con ,seeuences of these disorders may he easily averted or sub dued by kerming at hand &supply of the above celebrated Luzgrms, which have now stood the test of puhtio experience for several years. • Containing neither opiates nor any injurious anodyne, they may be safely taken by the youngeet child or the most delicate female. Prepared only by THOMAS LANCASTER, • ELEVENTH anti WALNUT Streets, 01l tirsil2m rhilndelptga, fa. MEDICATED 'VAPOR BATHS. SULPHUR, HOT-AIR, and'STEAM BATHS.— Under the IMO of Pr. T. H. RIDUBT.Y, 1121 SPRUCE llighlr recommended by all tile,prinoipal autos in the oily for Rhenmatam, 81111 pigeons , SY' phtlle, Coughs and Colds. Female Ditenees, tee., &0. Xii&ouilacaoramodattona for Ladies . 017-101 3 . SILVER MEDAL AND DIPLOMA vranled I t ye O bTATki FA th IR, M TO A. B. DAVIS 8a CO., tiSt;bte 417,11.11.2,5 f. I f eillt i ;, E gd Depots. QO4, MU, Mid tilverlagiolr: Also. the various desorip ttom or• DORMANT eiNit! PORTABLE PLATFORM Of AVE AND PATENT BEAMS, N. W. COR, OF IF EENTII_AisII wthisor cp1744" Apar4,l4,. EVANS & WATSON E ! BESSON & SON, Street, have a full assort- Black Grog Grain do. Poole do Mos, do. Venetionnos, do. Gros d'Ecosso. do. 'Potent boiled Ms, do. Irish Popltns. do. English Grapes, do. Grano Collars, do. " Bloosos, eile, So, &c. every veriety. 07.4 f J: O. DONNELL, Cashier, MEDICINAL. NEW .PUBLICATIONS. 0 R INFORMATIO4I, , ,REOFAROING " Bishop DOANE'S L' FR AND WORKS. to 'tie in 6 vole.. atirdv to SOHN McFARLANi Mont For Appleton's New American OvoloPcdmi Benton's Debatee of Concrees, and Frank Moore Diary of the American Revolution. ARCADE HOTEL, oft-Inkat CHBSTN UT Street NEW LAW BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED BY LITTLE, BROWN & CO„ 112 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, lIILLIARD ON TORTS; THE LAW OF TORTS AND PRIVATE WRONGS BY FRANCIS BILLIARD, ESQ., Author of "LAW Or ATORTGAGISS, " &O In two volumes, Bvo. Prieo 910. " We have examined with muoh attention this latest work of Judge Billiard, and must record it es the most valuable of all the books lie has given to the profession, since It supplies not merely it alandard Amerman work upon an.importent branch of the law, but a work where none existed before, upon a alibied which, by its mag nitude and its inaccessibility through ordinary channels of study or investigation, Imperatively demanded what alms received—a distinct, cull, comprehensive, and phi losophical treatment. Upon the whole, we believe that the prapayntion of this treatise at this tune is extremely well advised, and that it will prove to be at' groat practical use in the hinds of both praetitioners and students."—Boston Adcerstres. BISHOP ON CRIMINAL LAW, Vol. It. New Edition. COMMENTARIES ON THE CRIMINAL LAW, BY JOEL PRENTISS BISHOP, ESQ Vol: 11. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Bvo AMES'S RHODE ISLAND REPORTS; VOLUME II Reports of Cases Areued and Deternaned in the So prone Court of Rhode band. BY HON. SAMUEL AMES Volume U. Boma Vol. V. of Rhode Island Reports. Bvu ell• mwrSt MOUNT VERNON NUMBER THE 'ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WOqI.D Nil o,f Ont. Bth, ready in Boston. Ost.2o'h, will contain a complete history of the HOME OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. written by the VERY 111011E.T AUTHORITY In the U. 8., together with the Views of MooNr VERNON, Photo- Eraphad from the beautiful pleuras belaneinz to Mr verett, tktndly loaned for this purpose,' by Messrs. Whipple & Black of Boston. IN ADDITION to which. the super') steel Otte PORTRAIT OP RON. EDWARD EVI:RETT, with a Memoir, is presented GRATIA WITH THE ABOVE . . • . For eente in cloth or prinlago stomps thin number will be toot to any part of the United States. pont•paid. Ana solivrntr and true history of Mount Vernon, It is worth ten times the amount charged. and it copy should Ito in the possession of ever) member of tho Moran VAR NON A 450 C I A T10N.4.0 TOTIAS of nalstorietion to the ILIATSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORN), a superb family journal, onntairont: 18 pager of choice rending, the latest home. foreicil and colonial netws of interest, beautifully iltuetrated with wood ongraringo and a . . . . . STEEL PORTRAIT OF SOME EMINENT PERSON ('ratio with earl, Weekly Nitinber,Ml Yearly; Quarterly $2, post-paid to any part of the United States. Subscribers can have their cortraite in advanee. or may aeleet from thoae already published . and have them Bent separately.frre from folds, post-paid, by remitting extra POStaKO of one cent each portrait, in addition to their aubscription if they Prr.fer. Now rondo. let and 2.11 no rms $5 i5O each t of the DRAWING ROOM PORTRAIT GALLERY of Eminent Persons. (40 Portraits and Memoirs in each amine. beautifully bound). These portraits are the name as those published each week with the ILLUSTRATED' NEWS OF THE WORLD. and having been photographed froin life by the most em inent photograph's's in Europe and Amerion expregsly for the" Drawing Room Portrait Gallery," loon a col lection of steel plate portraits of eminent persona line• quailed in any country, and cheap at ten times the price charred for them. Either aeries will he Bed to any part of the IT. S. on receipt af N.M. or vjepavd for Ail. BACK PORTRAITS ALWAYS IN PRINT max be had nt any time with a beak specimen No. of the Illustrated News at Me World," for 15 cents each or P. 0. stamps. All subscriptions. orders. or matters of business con nected with this paper in the United Rams. must be ad. donned tn HENRY A. BROWN Et CO., 017-mwf-It 14 Hanover street, Beattie. JOURNAL OF PRISON DISCIPLINE— eI per annum OT 23 lento per Number. CONTENTS OP OCTOBER BUMBER. 5. A Day in t h e Easton:, Pom twain ty. 2. Criminal Statistics of Emtland und Wales. 3. •• Our Materials." 4. Is a Souse of Correction what people suppose it is. and will it accomplish what ia ex pected of it ? Chain Room e Milbank. with en. cravings. a Convention nt rinladolphin. 7. Onr County Prison. 8. Crime in Petticoato. 9. Prison Mutinies, &a. Notices, &c. E. C. & .5. RI DDI.E. 077-3 L. N 0.608 MINOR Street. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. SHAWL SALE! The attention of buyers in °specially invited to the following BLANKET SHAWLS : LONG BLANKET SHAWLS, SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS, Mims' LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, CHILDREN'S BLANKET SHAWLS, FEOI TIIE MIDDDESEX. WASHINGTON, BAY STATE. WATERLOO. WATERVLEIT, AND PEACEDALE CO.'S FRENCH BLANKET SHAWLS, SCOTCH BLANKET SHAWLS, LONG AND sQUARE. FRENCH REVERSIBLE SHAWLS. A FULL LINE BROOHE SHAWLS. LONG BROCIIE SHAWLS, tiQ,L'ARE BROCHE .BBAWL3 CASHMERE & MERINO. LONG CASHMERE SHAWLS, SQUARE CASHMERE SHAWLS, LONG THIBLT SHAWLS, SQUARE TIIIBET SHAWLS 0 ALSO, STELLA SHAWLS BLACK AND COLORED CENTRES, PRINTED BORDERED STELLAS, BROCHE BORDERED STELLAS, PRINTED CASHMERE SHAWLS, MISSES' STELLA SHAWLS, CHILDREN'S STELLA SHAWLS, Comprising one of the largest assortments of SHAWLS IN THIS MARKET For sale to CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTRS MINERS JOSHUA L. B AILY, 213 MARKET STREET, ocL5-ti PHILADELPHIA MERRIMACK PRINTS, ELNITEN NEW STYLES, OPENED MONDAY, OCTOBER 17. VOR MIX BY JOSHUA fa. BAILY, 3313 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call spooled attention to our stook of DRESS GOODS, Nov , expoood for solo. EVERY RETAILER Who may visit NEW YORK will be amply repaid the expense of his trip, by selecting out of our splendid va riety etyke different from those to be found in other merkete. WE ARE NOW OPENINO : GO OABEB DELAINEB, now and really beautiful 200 0 WAMSUTTA PRIN I'B, new Myles. 100 " WARREN PRIM 8. 1,000 CLOAKS, SACKS, AND AIANTLEB. 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for us. Vie have a yich supply of MESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, OF POPULAR BRANDS, But to the above we ask your notice in particular. We shall not quote prim, but suffice it to nay, that by this advertieemont we mean to arrest your attention, and the Goode and Moue will enable you to arrest the at tention of your customers the eountry round. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 AND 82 CHAMBERS STREET, JUST REOETVED, an immenne variety of STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES. For eele at the New Ster iV eoscopio Emporiuni i 0, 21} South glom% Otrqot, 'THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1859. SILKS AT LOW PRICES. L. J. LEVY & CO. Ara now oirertng a very large and handsome assort moot • OF SILK GOODS, Imported this autumn.. at VERY LOW PRICER. Many of the shies, are rared at retail at less limn the importer's cost. The very large sales at auction of FRENCH FANCY GOODS, Have seven them the opportunity to putellege desirable descriptions of goods at lees Clan cost Besides the richer qualities, they have also a large assortment of medium-priced goods, to which the inspection of pur dinners is invited. Their general assortment of aft fabrics for Fell and Winter use is now full and complete. It embraces includingoricton of goods, built in bum cue aside. SHAWLS, 811.1(5. CLOAKS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES. CHINTZES, MOUS 4 ELINE CASHMERES, MERINOS, POPLINS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, N R CRAVATS, W HITE GOODS, and SUPEIOR LIENS 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. oil-3t LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. LACE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES NOW OPEN, OF THIS SEASON'S IMPORTATION. SLEEVES, SETS. COLLARS, LACES 1W THE YARD, EMBROIDERIES OP ALL HINDS, VEILS, GLOVES, MITTS, MUS, /ce Walt an entire stook of THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 AND HO CHESTNUT STREET. 013-4 t CLOAKS.' . THOS. W. EVANS & CO. HAVE NOW OPEN, OP THEIR 0 IF N IMPORTiITIO N AND MANUFACTURE. A LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, BURNOUS, AO., Embraamg ell the LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTIES, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. ela- 4t ELEGANT FALL WINTER CLOAKS. OPENING WEEK PARIS AND LONDON PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. n 1 vrtimet SILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS ! JOHN KIEHL• iNG SON are opening, every day, NEW FANCY DRESS SILKS, direct from the Importers, which we will tell at small advance. Also, a large stock of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS, RICH DESIGNS IN PRINTED CASHMERES, EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. We also have a large stook of SILK ROBES that cost urty dollars to import, selling at WINTER STOOK, STAPLE AND FANCY. •EYRE 8a LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared toatut fumihes with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCIVE LONO SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 44 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Du. MAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, 1111SHRiNKINO FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCIC OF BLANKETS, CASSIAIERES FOR BOYS, RI,AcK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.—The above Good, are all at the low rates of the season. uoa-toal D RESS GOODS AND SHAWLS FROM NEW YORK. Will he arranged this morning— Printed French Alormos, loath colors. Printed French Merinos, Polka Spots. Printed French Merinos, (Amu. FigUres. Printed French Cashmeres. Printed intion Casineren. All Wool Plaids, Satin Travers. All Wool Sinus de Lewes, Printed in greet variety of styles, and many oilier kinds of Dross Goods. Also, a full line of 'sly State end Washington Mills Blanket, Long, anal Square Shawls, of entirely now de signs and fine modulo' equal to French Blanket Shawls. Also. several styles Roversable and Stella Blanket Shawls, of entirely new designs. Bine& and Brown Centre Stella Tiobotts, from e 3.60 to ela each. Itroche Long and Square Shawls, A new stock of Gents' Neckties. Bajou's dark Kid Gloves. ho. CHARLES ADAMS. 319-them EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. HOSIERY GOODS. -J. WM. 110E MANN. No. 9 North EICHITII Street. Mtn now open his Fall Stock of Hosiery Goods viz: Undervesta and Drawers of Crtriwri s lit and We rne r's saponor manu facture, for ladies' and misses' wear. Merino Shirts and Drawers, for rents and yowl!. Morino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Gaunt lets. and goodit generally appertalmag to the Hosiery business, J. W. H. respeettuily solieits the attention of families to Ins stock, assuring them that Inc stock Is nu. excelled for variety by any other in the city, and that his prices are as low as those of any other re,mlar house. N. B.—No abatement made limn the prices named. 821-wfmtf WIDE WOOLLEN DRUGGETE. An Invoice of these derirablo Fonda. in now styling and heavy fabric. Srair Druggets, and largo size Woollen-llordeled Crumb Clothe. Also, linen wide Druggets and Cloths. 811ARPLESS BROTHERS, 014 CHESTNUT and ,EIIiHTH Streets. LARGE HEAVY BLANKETS. English Square Blankets, of superior manufacture or , ordered for bon& use. Fine Awn Plain at Twilled iMinn-Bound Blankets, all sizes. Crib, Cradle, and Borne Blankets. 8 SA R MESS BROTHERS, oil CHESTNUT and EIGHT!! Streets. TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, inki • style E m b r o i d e re d Worsted. Richly Printed, bright °fleets. BortWS, now rlettllttrS• Burgundy, Blue, Circlet,. Bf[ARPLEBS unoT HERB, 014 CIIESTA r trod EltrllTHtitreets. FA LL AND WINT ER CLOAKS. Newest Patterns All Cloaks. Winter Cloaks dui 3 opeintiti. Black Brayer Cloaks. Blank Tricot Cloaks. Black French Cloth Cloaks. 07 - Cloaks made to ord•r at one day's notice. Prices to 616. coopm & UONAttp. 010 NINTH and MARKET VASSIMERES, CLOTHS. N. , ' Thick Phin Caysimerca Heavy Black Can:mimes. Stout Fanoy Sh Rugged Mature/J. Pl+tals and Strspam. Land 6-4 Firnt-rate Slack Doeskinn. Lev' Brotulolotlo. 60 to .$6. eg' Cloaking Cloths. COOPER & CONARH,_ 010 NINTH and MARKET S[LKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! THORNLEY CIIISM OMR TIIIB DAY Very rich fancy 811 ks for Di and CT canto. Exceedingly nob for Al. worth 81 25. Black Derrieres and Plain color 81Ns, Ace., e. TILE BEM. BLACK SILKS IMPORTED!! ! Over .93,000 wean of Brookes. Shawls. Melia Mulish, in blank and colored neutron. French, Scotch, and Amerman Woollen Shawls. Plain and embroidered Crape Shawls. New styles of Closks opening daily. All the above roods being 1301161 4 T CLOSE FOR CASII, WE CANNOT BE UNDER2OLD. Our store, being centrally located, it is easy of occoes from all parts of the car and country. N Oct -------------- - TIIORNLEY & 00.18111. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF MONTLE AND CHERRY STS., Have now open a fino nnsort ment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from the celebrated manufacturer/I, Hertz & Weoner, in Berlin. Our customers can depend on getting the bent article ever offered at retail in at the Inweat TOMS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERER SLIPPERS. A VARIETY OP BLACK CLOAK TAssELS. ILANDKGME CROCHET OLoKX FRINGES. Now AND BEAUTIFUL DRUrie TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAN AND OAPS. ZRPRYR KNIT GAITERS AND SLEEVES. A FULL STOCK OP STAPLE TRIMMINGS. AT It A PSO N '8 LADIES"PRIMIHINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Cor. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS. 416-2 m THREE USUAL SIZE PIIOTOGRAPIIS for 10; nix for S 3; twelve for 6'5. None are better; none are Tondo by more skilful person; none are mode under greater advantages, than nt REI MER'S Unitary, SECOND Street, nbove Omen. It. NEW YORK NAVAL STORES.-75 Bbls, Spirits Tar retain°. in Storo. 470 WA& llos;n, 91 bble. Sme. Turpentine. landing from eohr, Lewin Cheater. 1.400 do, Homo, f 0 Obis Spts. Turpentine, landme from eehr. W. L. Bormiii. For min by FOIyLEY, R8111111,11111;12, & 9911 ii 9; 10 4011/11 1 (YWOLVEB. 0/1 RETAIL DRY GOODS• A FULL ASSORTMENT OF WHITE GOODS IMPOR7'.I7IO2Vs, FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET SHAWLS, 3IERINOS. 919 CP ESTNUT Street, below Tenth IttILLINEIty GOODS. WARBURTON, 1004 CRESTNUT.I3TREET, ABOVE TENTH, Anop 300 S. SECOND ST., netow SPRUCE ST. Hue lot received a beautiful supply of COIFFURES, CACIJEPEIGNES, CROWN PIECES, AND BARBS, In reel and imitation, of the newest Paris Pastime. WARBURTON, 306 SOUTH SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. f PAPER HANGINGS, &c PAPER HANGINGS. NOW I, THE TODI TO PAPER, YOUR HOUSES. "(ART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET, Have for ,ale every variety or PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, &C., Which will he field at the lowest Taloa, and pet up by natant workmen. „O-dtnole WALL PAPER WAREUOUSE. HOWELL & BOURKE, IT SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (ast.ow MARKET) AND OPPORITE micnciviar STUART, Have on band a large and splendid assortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS. To which they invite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. au2S-2m CRACICEIIS. BOSTON CRACKERS. BOND'S EXTRA ORAOKERSE FOR FAMILIES. VOSTON CRACKER/3, 1 80DA BISCUIT, BTER 1 mil,li RA HAM " WINE It IJBAION PIC NIC " QREAM o,_Ek rREBIDENT " COAST BISCUIT " GRAHAM WAFER!!. EXTRA PILOT BREAD. We are constant], receiving this celebrated make of 3:eskers, Arech from the Bags. In barrels, boxes, end H. H. TRENOR, Aims, 140 SOUTH WHARVES. UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS or UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 336 MARKET STREET, PHILA., Are now making more than vtvo OOODRODDIPINRINT /AVRTIEO of Umbrellas, of every am, from 22 to te Cones. Buyers who have got had S. & F.'s make of goods v; ill find their time well event mlooking over Una well-made 'took, whioll 'naiades MANY NOV/IMES, not to be ma with elsewhere. nue-em SHOE FINDINGS. WM. JOHNS & SON. IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN ROOT, SGOE, AND GAITER MATERIALS, KITING% GALLOONS, SHEETING% PATENT LEATHER, BENCH KIDS, SLIPPER UPPERS, LACETB, Ik.c N. B. CORNER FOURTH AND ARCH STB. sue-sui GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. C. WALBORN & CO., (NOW) NOS. 5 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, hero now a very superior assortment of Blurts, Under- Gloves, Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S 'WRAPPLID!, of which a fine assortment is constantly kept, hand. old-twit' NIUIIOLSON, J• Mlnufaetcrer of SHIBTR, LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS. A large and clones assortment. and %CULL MADI., it'ware u, hand, unto winch 1 if Art0(11111'4' fittitt , the at tention ofroksir and II:law-tat IngbltOßT-TISIE but Cf 9 R, E. cornet of BECONO nod ARCH Btreets f7ltcanY.Lrn tag oit-Int• HARD WARE PACKAGE HU USES. DANDY (k. BRENNER, NOS. 23, SD, AND 27 NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of all kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, SSE IMPORTERS OF lEP.MAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH. AND ENGLISH HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Keepoonstantly on hand a large stook of Uuuds to san ely Hardware Dealere. BUTCHER'S PILES, By the cask or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL. Of VARIOUS KINDS. WRIGHT'S' PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, SHIP CHAIN, And other kinds in every variety. SOLE AGENTS roll HARP'S REPEATER PISTOL, WEIGHING ONLY eK OUNCES, dHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS. SEWARD B. RANDY. /NO. O. EIItZIINEE. C. Y. BRENNER. anl9-tf P CKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We - would respeotfully null the attention of the Gene ral Hardware 'hada to our extensive stock of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we offer at a small advance by the package. Order; for direct Importation solicited, and Goods de livered either in this oily, Now York. or New Orleans. W. G. I,P,WIS k Eon. 411 COMMERCE Street. Importing and Commission Merchants. And Agents for Foreign and Domestic Hardware. aun-tf BRUSHES. THE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN I'HII,ADELPRIA.—Look at the following het of prices for 11andsorubs, and compare them with those Wight elsewhere : No. 1, 63 knots, 63.4 DeVozent N 0.2, 62 knots, 76 No. 3, 66 knots, 87 " No. 4, 00 knots, 100 No. 5, 83 knots, 113 N 0.6, 100 knots, 126 " N 0.7,104 knots, 160 " No. LW knots. 1 7 5 " HEN NY C. F.C.KSTF,IN, Id North THIRD &roar, below Arch, Philadelphla. ROPE COAL OIL WORKS FIRST PREMIUM, AWARDED AT PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR, lAOVUItV 'won STREET, WHARF SCIIUYL HILL, OFFICE 127 WALNUT STREET. B. H. HUBBARD & BON. COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA. PHOTIO COAL OIL/ WORKS SUENKOI ANI) LUBRICATING COAL OILS lilanufaaturod and for sale by HELMS, MORRIS, & CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH OF MARKET STREET got,” EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. Dlt. VON AIOSOHZISIZER, OCULIST AND AURIST. D r . M. gives Ids exelestV9 attention to the medical and surgical trnnttnent of the E y E end EAR. DE A BNESS of the longest etendme removed loth by medical and surgical °mations on the latest scientific plea. Pr. Le pleased to receive morn born of the medical faculty who wish to witness toe method of operst , ng for tire removal of Deafness, or any opOrnti , m on the B E and EAR. AR'IIFICI yEs INSERTED. Office .64 South NINTH Street, above SPRUCE. Office bourn from 9 A. M. to IP M., end from 4 to II P. Al. $50.000 TO LOAN, N SUMS TO BUTT APPLI CAN TB, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, 'Ater cloud um, Clothing, &0., on moderate tonne. by JONEE & CO.. Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and GM. If ILL &meta, below Lombard. Established for the las ed yearn. °MOO 11.148 from 7A. M. to 7 P. M. Second-hand bold and Silver Watobee, by eminent make ks, arranted carmine, for Bales hea p, atone-hall the origin w al cost. nue. g3l-1( V. NEWLAND & CO., AA . LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An o i. x . tvego . -t . 0,3 ver e . tag. PAINTINGC ' eatC.ti treliao . ta iirMlT Philltdolchin..l9-tjalif GUANO. -DAZZLE GUANO in Store and for sale in lute to suit PurebnHora. Farmors will do well to examine it before porolillung else* where. Pylon $2O per 2,000 pounds. JUAN ItIcCANEY, own" WILLOW strnat. bolow Snoond. HAMS AND SHOULDERS.-1,100 Pieces City Sleeked Thousand Shoulders. Also. Wq lone. nztra Hugnr Cured Hams, for sale by C. C. RADI,Eit ARCH Stroet, seound doer above }'may RAILROAD LINES. , FALL ARRANGE ''"'"`MEET. PHILADELPHIA, WILATHTON, AND SA i .'l . l MORE RAILROAD. On and alter MONDAY, Oetober_ 17th,_ 1860 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8.113 A. M., 12 noon,lExproted and 11.10 P. AL For Chatter at 8.15 A. 14., 15„noon, 4 and 11.10 P. M. Fur WtlmtnFton nt 8.16 A. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. AL, and 4 P. M. For Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 4 P. Si. For Milford at 8.16 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. AL, and 4 P. M. For Laurel at 8.16 A. AI. and 4 P. M. TRAINS 9. I IePHILA.PELPHIA Leave Saltiniure at 8.30 A. M., (Ennuis,/ 10.15 A. M., and 5.26 P. AL Loave Wilmington at 6.53 A.M. end 11.30 A. AL,l.4sand 9.40 P. M. Leave laurel at 6.15 A. M., and 3.40 P. M. Leave Seaford at 6.45 A. 31. and 406 P. AL Leave Millbrd at 7.60 A. At. , and 4.08 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.06 A. M., and 6.40 P. M. Leave Aliddletown at 10 A. 51. and 6.60 P. M. Leave New Castle at 1066 A. 51,, and 8 P. M. Leave Cheater at 7.44, 12 A. AL, 2,22 and 9.16 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.16 A. AT. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington46A. AL, 12.28 and 11.40 P. M. Leave at 9.26. A. AL, 1243 P. M., and MX A. AI. SUNDAYS Only at 11,10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only nt 5.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIORT TRAIN, with PASSENGER OAR attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Places at 5 4 P. M. Leave Wilniimaon for Perryville and intermediate places at Bal ti m o re Leave for Stemmer'. Run, Chase's, and liarox - ootl at 0.04 P. 51. 015 8. M. FELTON. President. TJI Nl PENNSYLVANIA CEN TR AL RAILROAD. 1859. ffigli,MMis 1859. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS EQUAL TO A_lgY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE fllßOUlitt PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHI 1.), DEL PlifA A5l) PITTSBURG, Connecting iliplet at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Bolton, Row York, nna aftt points Fast, and at the Union Depot at Pittsbure with Through Trains tilt Cm cinnati,Bt. Louis. Cleveland, Chicago, Burlington, St. Paul's. lade:naval:a, Louisville. New Orleans, and an intermediate points in Oleo, lndmnn Illmme, Kentue ky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and COM lOrt hy any otherroute. Express, and Feat Lines run through to Pittsburg, Without elinnge of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train; Wood ruff's Stooping Cars to Express a'td Past Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, dna daya excepted. Mail Train lopes Philaitelphia at 1.13 1 A. M. Fast Lure ' Lag Eger,. Trait. leaves •' WAY TRAINS I NAVE AS FOLLOWS: ParkeeleireAcememittion at 12X0 A. M. Harrisburg Accommodation, Via Colunibia, ILO P. M. Columbia 5.54.1 P. hi, Passengers for Went Chester will take the Mail, Parkeshurg, nail Lancaster Trains, at the Peattilylgerliti Railroad Passenger Station. . . Passengers fOr Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Burn- In, Niagara Palls, and intermediate points,leaving Phila delphia at 7.10 A. M., and 2 P. Al., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be oirtainecl at `he office of the Company In Philadelph.a, New York, Boston, or Bal 3imore ; and . Tickets Eastward at any of the important tailtoaOffices in the West; also on board any of the reguar Line of Steamers MI the Mississippi or OW Elvers. NEL Fare always as low ea any other Route. The completion of the Wes ere crinimotione of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this tilt DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE FAST CID THE GREAT NORTHWEST. The connection of trunks by the Railroad Bridge at Pattalnirg, all dravitee or ferriage of Freight, together with Ito gating Of hale, ate advatitared readily rparcated. by Moppets of ki'telglit Tfavelltas FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freights of all descriptions can be for warded from Philadelphia. New York, Boston, or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky', Indiana, Rican, Wisconsin, lowa, or,Missouri, bTßad road direst. The Pennsylvania Railroad oleo conneota at Pitteburg with Steamers, by Which Goode can be fomented to any tort on , the O l io. Muskingum, Kentuoky. Teonensee. uumbernied, Maims, Itltestesippi, Wiscottein. Kansas, Arkansas, and Red Rivera; and et Cleveland. 13ntidtliky. and Chicago, With Steinberg to all Odeon the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entreating the transtortatiffn of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE HATES OF FREIGHT to any point in the West by the Penney tveatia Railrbad are at all times CO favora ble as are charged by other Hallrortit Cote carnet. Be particular to mark packages" via redna.Rad 'Merchant.' in the West ordering goods from the East, will do well to direct them to be shipped by , thin Route. For Freight Contritere or Storming Directions, apply to, or address either of the follow/a g Agents of the Corn vany D. A. STEWART, Pitbslintg . 4 Doyle & Co..Sttlubedville,O.; MS—Pierce Co., Zanes ville, 0.; J, .1. Johnston, Ripley 0. eely, !Or ville, KritOrnisby & Crooner, Yortilnitintb, 0.• Path ock & Co.,effersonville, Indiana; I. W. Broida & Cincinnati, O.; Minim & llibbert, Cincinflati, O.• .11,, C. Meddrum, .Radinon, Ind.; William Bingham, Louisville, Ky.; P. 0, O'Riley & Co.. Evaneville, Ind.; N. W. Gra ham k Co., _Cairo, Ill.; It. F. sass, St. louts, Mo.; John 11, Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Hatris & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & CO.. Chicano. it.; W Koontz. Alton, Ill.; Murphy & Walla, Dubuque, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. ?anion attending to their own shipments from the East, will find it to their interest to call on the Azentsof the Company at the following places before shipping . or letters addressed to either of them on the guided of freights will meet with prompt attention: E. J. 11.1NEED.Eft, Philadelphia. MAOItAW & KOONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. LEECH & CO., Astor House, or llt William at., N.Y. LEECH & Kriby etreai,Bostan. U. H. MOUS ON, Gen , Freight Agent, Phila. HOUPT. Gon'l 'Ticket Agent. THOB. A. SCOTT, Gout Sup't,Altriona. Pa. 1859. on;_.;- 1859‘ FALL. ARRANGEMENT—NEW y OR X LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO'S LINER. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES, 92.0./1 WAI.101:r-OTE.NET WEARY, Will leave as followa, YARE. At 6 A. M., via Caution and Amboy, Cit. & Am. Accommodation S'S 73 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jeremy City, (New Jersey /Accommodation 226 At 9 A. 31., via Camden and Janie; City, Morning Mail ..... 300 At 11 A._31., by Steamboat , via Tacony and Jersey City postern Express... 3 00 At 2)% P. M., via Cainden and Amboy Acconnno dation., .... At 2 P. M., via • Ctundeh and Atut,dy, C. &i A. kx -3 00 lip Btolimlitiat, via Tawny and Jer any City, Evening Eapreta3 130 „ At 4 I'. M.. Bteambent. via Taatifty anti Jer sey City, 3d Clem Ticket .... ~• 225 AteP. M., via Camden and Jeremy City venillg Mail 9 09 At 11Mail p. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Southern 25 At 6 P.M, ma Camden and Amboy,Aorommodation. (Freight and Passenger;—tot Clow Ticket........ 223 3d Clam Ticket.. • 160 The 6P. M. Mail lane rune daily. The 11 P. 51. Ticket...... . Saturday* e.3883/911, For Belvidere, Eneton, Plethingten, Ac., at 6 A. H. and 23; P. M. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. and Bethlehem, ate A. M.. via Lehigh Valley Railroad. cur Water Oap• etroudsbura, idoranton. Wilkesbarre, Montrose. Great Bond. Ac.,_ at 6 A. M.., vim Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Mount Trolly. at dead 9A. M.. and 23i and f P.M. For Freehold, at 6 A. 31. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES Per Bristol, Trenton, An, at 33i and d P. 31.. from Walnut-retreat wharf. For Palmyra. Deltinco, Beratll. Burlington. Borden town, An., at 121, , I an d 33f Py H. Steamboat John Nei hien, tor Bordentown and interme diate places, ai 33i P. 31. Steatiilkiat, Trenton, for Bristol, Bolincton, and in termediate planes. at It A. H. andl P. M. Fitt, pounds of baggage 'oily showed each passenger. Neve n.;ers me prohibited from takina any thing as bag cake but Incur wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The company lunit their responsibility (or barsue to one dollar per pound. and will not bc liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. Oct. 1. 1659. wm. H. GATZAIER. Agent. NORTH PENNSYL ffifflaa;/..M. VANIA RAILROAD. SIMMER — ARRANOEMENT. Fpr BETHLEHEM, OO3'LESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, 3141.1011 CHUNK. ILAZLETON. On and eller MONDAY, May 16tn, 059. Passenger Triune will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phi ladelphia, DAILY, t Sunda) e excepted :I For Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, llogelton, ( 1 / 4 42.,t Expresso at 9.m A. M. For Bethlehem, ( Express.) at 4 P. NI. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 8.13 A. M. and 5 P. M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation ' ) at 133 P. M. and 6.25 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILAELPRIA: Leave Betlilelietn, ( Express) di 3 4. n and 4.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, AccutnModationd at 6-30 A. M. rind IP. M. Leave Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 6.30 A. and 3,35 P. NI. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia. for Do lentown, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Doylestown, for Philitda.. nt 640 A. M. and 5.43 I'. M. Fare to Bethlehem, 41.50; to Mauch Chunk, $ 9.60, to Enslon• ; Boylestown,Sliennts. AD Passenger Trains t except Sunday Trains.) con nect at Ilerkn ousel with Fifth and dixth-ntreets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. EDI 10 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. NOTICE.---CHESTER 0,1f4_41.M.c1_ VALLEY RAILROAD—PAR. HENGER IRA frizi FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERNED ATE STATIONS.—Onami after latianoary, the Passenger Tram , for DOWNINGTOWN, will nowt from the Passenger Depot of the Philadelphia and Reviling Railroad Compiiny i corner of BROAD and VINE Siloam MORNING TRAIN far Downingtown, !eaves at 7.2) A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 4.45 r. M. . . DAILY (Sandave excepted.i By order of the Donr.l of Managere of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. d3OW. 11. :Ur I.I.IIENNP. Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND EipZ fli.v2m ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE-- $ll C g . 0 111 11 1 dc l IN I Mi , t l:4 Elmira ?rit p alls, ;Sl a nVi e na j o u , ll 4 l° i: ' ling ton, 'Montreal, St. Paula , r Detroit, yunlieth, and OE. Loma Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read Inc Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DAILY, iSunda)s excepted, I as follows: 7,80 A. 51., PA Y EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Fal. Betio, Detroit, Chicago, M R ilwaukee, ook Island, Galena. St. NOS. Burlington, and St. Lorne. 3.90 P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira Niagara Fulls, Buffalo , Detroit Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena, St. Paul's II rhngton, and St. I,olllb. The 7 30 A. M. and .130 P. M. trains run through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch. The 7.30 A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes barte, Pittston. Scranton, and all stations on tile LACK AWANNA AND BLOOSIBIIIIIIO RAILROAD. Baggage °hooked to Elmira, Baal°, and Suspension Bridge. la. Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad bins a Ticket Otllce, Northwest corner of SIXTH. and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Passen ger Dmpot. clamor BROAD and VISE. / 11110lltilf EXPRESS FRP:II,IIT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine. daily, (Sun day excepted, I for allints West and North at 6 P. M. Freights nuist be delivered before 3 P. id to Insure going the mine day. For further information, apply at Freight Depot. BROAD, below Vine, Or to CHAR.S. TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. corner SIXTH and C H ESTNUT Streets, ocd-tf Philadelphia. I ' R II • A P N I D MDDELPIIIA NG RAIL ROAD, IIIORNINti LINE, for POTTSVILLE, READ ING and HARRISBURG. Leaves the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Streams, nt 7.30 A, M., DM IN• (Sundays excepted.? for POTTSVILLE, HARRISBURG, and all intermediate points, connecting at Ilarrieburg with trains running' to Pittsburg, Chambersbarg, Carlisle, Sunbury, &o. AFTERNOO LINES. H ! maw) 30 o t 3. P. AI., DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and ISIIIIH. At 4.43 P. 111., DAILY, (Sundays excepted,/ for READ ING, and intermediate points. ante W. H. McILHENYV. Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, GER glel4-IM. MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD—RUMMER ARRANGEMENTS— On and alter Monday, May 9th, 1809. until further !name. FOIL GERAIANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, Tt 8, an, nun., 10. 11, 12, A. M.. 1, 2,3, 3%, 4. 5, n'0.6 3 7,8, .9, 10, and 11%_P. hl. I,eavo Germantown 731. 8,8%, 9, 10, 11,A.M., mkt, 1 , 3 , 3 , 4,5, 6. 614, 7.4. 0 B.N SU 9, IO ND 1 A YS., YS. M. , Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. AL, 2,3, 0,7 U, and 105 E P. M. Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. 91.,1.10 min., 4,63 i, and 9.14 P. M. CHESTNUT 1111,1, RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8,8 X, 11 A. M., 2,3%, 4,5%. 6,2, 11% P. 91. Leave Chestnut Hill TAO. 7.40, 8.10, 9.40. 11.56 A. M., 12,40,349, 6.40, 2.10, 8.40, 10 10 P. M. O 3 SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. AL, 2.6, and 7% P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.50 A. 91., 12.30, 6.10, and 8,55 P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8.05 min., 10.05. min., 111 i A. Al., LOS 9110.,_3.011 nun., 4 30 . 0 1 6,0 X, 114 P. Al Leave Norristown 8,7, 5, 11 A. /, 334, 434, 6, 734, P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. 3 and 4 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M.. 1 and 8 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia d, 7.05 loin., 80.5 min., 934 . , 10 M min., 114 A. A1., 1.95 min.,2,05 min., 9.05 mm., 434, r.x, 8, nu P. M. aLeare Manayunk6% 7%, 9%, 10%, 113: A. M.,134, 9.05 min., 4,6. 634,.8, 9.05 min. P. 91. ON SUNDAYS, Leavo Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3.4 P Al. Leave Alanayunk 7% A. M.,155, 6.L."• P. M. K. SMITH. General Supermtendent, • MIT DIVOT. end ORgEN btrit4, WANTS. VURNITURE WANTED.—Elousekeepers havins &cod -hand Parniture,Mbar Beds. Carets, Mirrors. ice., to dispose of ir :II mews A h b o w cm }, nod. by y tut to T. N . WALSH. S. S. E. corner of FOURTH mid SPRUCE Streets. 0744.1. WANTED—In" an Importing House. a Lad of about 16 years. to mak6 himself Reneran useful. One with a knnwledire of the Oeffoeri larquate preferred. address. with references, prepaid, %Box /997," Post Office. It• rl l O WATCHMAKERS.—A Lady desires a Situation at Watchmaking, having had k even pear. experience at the burliness. Address " BOX 1592," oet O ffi ce. ' on•et• WANTED—In a Wholesale Hardware Douse, an Anaident Bookkeeper. Mud nave some ex pe r.ence in the trade. Address T. & "at this office. WANTED—By a stout, able man, em ptoyment Re Potter iv a Wholuale Store or Factory. Unexceptionable reference as to character Will be given. Addreyg "Porter," office or this mein. 014-4 t. WANTED -13y an experienced Sales man, an encasement in a Whalen.%le Jobbins Roues. Can influence a Mr amount of Soo horn and Western trade. Address "111. W.." at this office. nll-et. WANTED—By a young woman, employ ment in ft Retail my -Goods Store. Good re ferences will Its given. Address '• M. I`." office of The Press. A YOUNG MAN is desirous or obtain in,: employment in any Wholesale linnee, where he can make himself assist either in the Counting Room or Store. No compensation required. Address •• S. 8.." at this office. olg-tit* WANTED—By en active man, of good address, a situation as out-door salesman: would be willin4 to accept a commission. , addles" 4,Putseverance. office of The Pro.. 011.6 t. NVANTED—A German Designer for all kinds of Woollen Cloths. A panty:merit and lucra tive position is offered to a Corwin tinkle c the follow ing a:vilifications. VIZ.; A thormi4h knowledge of the French and Enshsh Languages. an accurate knoislerLe df Woollen Aisne factures as carried on abroad. and It, eat Dill and taste in getting up now and fancy styles of Woollen Cloths. A practical Weaver and Resigner. and none other need apply, to 34 South FRONT Street. 35 LETITIA Street. WANTED TWO GOOD SALESMEN IN TUN . CROCKERY JOBBING BUSINESS, ono for Near and one for Western and Southern trade. With a man able to influence cash and short credit buy- Ere A liberal arrangement yr ma Itt be made. Address at thin tam," Crockery." oIY-afm•tt FOR SALE AND TO LET. PO LET—The First Story and Basement of Store No. 25 South FOURTII Street. lately on rtily Evans & Watson's Pate Store. Would gait well of )7 n(14.2141E3 and Retail Urooert Store , as it loins the astern Market, and as there la no Grocers Store is the neighborhood. Apple_to }:VANS & WATSON. New Store. No. 30i C H E:4TINT VT Street. 017-3 t T° LET OR FOR SALE—A Central Pro pert...2lo South POURT.II Street, ettitObte for rest donee or business. Aptl , on premlsee. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN :I7.= PONI Streets. . OF CARRIAGF.6. lM *eiinosdir Mormng, 19th instant, at 10 o'clock, dl the 13nputr, will be sold, without resc rya, a cridection of stlpefner LIGHT GARIII AGES D WAGONS, Coneinting of over fifty new and secondhand, made by good workmen, and to be sold to pay storage anal ad %mires. 1 he attention or country bnyera is particularly invited to this sale, which will positively take place without regard to the weather, ALFRED lA, FLERNNESH, ota-rtif Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE OF THIRTY-SIX .. 1 VALUABLE STALLIONS, BROOD MARES. AND COLTS. On Thursday , . The SOth October, at RN o'clock A. 31.. at Mile 11111 farm, the testgence of A. Mailliard. Esq., cop. - die the Bonaparte Orountld. Botilehlown, N. J.. will be sold 36 %minable stallions. brood Mates, and colts, consisting of thorourh bred, half bred, and troth he stock. greattiloeues contain ns full particulars now read) at the Bazaar. ALFRED M. HERKNESS, oil Siif Plots. Bazaar, Ninth and Sansour Streets. To LET-TO LET-TO LET-TO LET. J.arre Second-story Room. Northeast corner Hi:STNUTand MOUTH Streets .100 by 25 feet suit.- ble for a 'Wholesale Bout and Shoe, or Straw bosi l nesa. Also, A Large 'I bird-story Robin, in the same Mold ing. Alm. A Lame Second-store &Mtn 84 by 25feet, S. W. corner BROAD and WALNUT. Also; A Large Two-story Store, in BROAD Street. above rind, 23 by 120 feet. .Apply to J. H. EDW ARDS, s2B-m&thlin* MO WALNUT Street. ERMANTOWN PROPERLY FOR SALE —A large, handsome pointed Stone House, 53 feet front. hr 43 feet deep. with Kitchen beyond, and ea Pa- Mous Cellar under the buiblims, and Piazzas, which Pmend on three side.. Has Parlor, Pining-room. with are Cut Stone flay Windows in each Li bran, Winter nnri Stunt , Or Kitchen on the first door. Ten Chambers. flatk-roorn, ',Water Cloeeti and Conservatory on the up per ifistre. Storo-room. Pantry. and 11111110 MS Closets. p te with all the modern conveniences. and Welled in the most substantial and tasteful manner. Hand dome Balcony. front and rear, and cOmtuanding a fine view of the &mounding country. The Lot haa tiro Oozes. lull feat on Tnlpohocken street. and 103 feet on Washington street, by 378115 . 1 in depth. 'I he situation is one of the finegi and Mod desirable in Germantown, and presents an opportunity rarely to be met with of securing, a delightful reside non. Apply to BOWLBY & CO, No. IFarquhar Building, 0.1-ciffn-6t• Opposite the Exchange. T J LET—A Frcint Parlor, suitable for a - 1 1.. Physician. Denttst, or dotive, sifter's Moe, with lotteMe room, tf dostred. Apply 537 riNg Street. 015 2t• A LADY, WHO HAS A LARGER HOUSE than she needs for her own family, wiehen to reel twoßooms,ee loclang rooms" to Gentleman, who would he ketinanent, if suited. Address. for three days. " Mardian," Press Mee. lieferenees required. 01.5-2 t. WESTERN MARKET. -FOR SAL PI - • v Twd lian,-Cattera' Stalls. Apply at 14SPOVRTH avenue _ _ _ 014-atv TORENT—A handsome Cottage, with fine lawn. three minutes from depot. elek en rooms, sal. water. and heater. Inquire on the premises, S. E. corner of PRICE and HANCOCK Streets. Ger mantown. 012.-et. FOR SALE. The Sul/ecr;her will cliso6ls of the entire Stock of FINE AIONVMFINTS STATUARY. HEAD AND FOOT rrpla, &c., &o. AT THE MONLJAIENI. /I.I.4RNLE YARD. No. ICS ARCH Street, West of Elskteentli street . WM. HILL :ifOORE. sig AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY! Oct 211,1u9. on . the ptemisee "A Valley Form," in Chester county. nthotning Cnln &Minn. on Penn sylvania Radrond. three mllee west of Downingtown. eont , 125 Acres of excellent quality of Land. with trod Rtoldin..e. and possessing. ninny edearitgoes of r. roads, and other convente no. 4. For further par tienlare colt tokon .11g0. N. FOX, Executor No. 11 South THIRD Street. Ph& T-) LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the State Prttieq. stotable for a Lawyer's Oft s• A vpl) 431 ell ESTN UT &tent. ill fa FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.- UHL The subscriber. in concentrating hie Warne's on Cher nut gtreet, west of Tenth street, offers for sale, upon reasonable terms. his large manufactory, with out build INs end Inr4o lot aground fronting on Sixth, Mar /mall, and Master streets, imitable for almoet any large manufacturing business For partniglare inquire of ALFRED FITL ER, Conveyancer. No el N. SIXTH Street, or to the subscriber, No.loo CHESTNUT St. sle-tm W3l. D. ROGERS. BOARDING. piftsT.cLAss LODGINGS FOR A a - Family, with private table, if desired, at 13,14 SPRUCE. ent, door below Broad street. It• J3o ARD WANTED, by a Gentleman and Daurhter, in aemail American !mar. where there are no other Mentors, near Fannuennt. or Lmn,rtine Equare. Address "Lens," Blood`_ihe patch. t. T WO fine commtmicatmg Rooms; elso ApplNt°l24Vll:l'OPttreet. o[3-Gt* REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subscriber basins REMOVED TO 255 MARKET STREET, (The store formerly occupied by J. B. Ellison & Sons,) Would call tho attention of buyers to his largo and well. selected stock of CLOTHS, OVE RCOAT INGS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, YESTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, And all other goods adapted to Men and Boys' wear JOHN V. TERRY, 235 MARKET STREET. REMOVAL.—MARTIN & WOLFF have Removed to No. 33 MARKET Street, South side, below Fourth, where they oder a choice aasortment ol Fall and Winter Goods. at very low prices. 113-4 m CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. BALLY Sc BROTHER. NO. 5320 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TO-DAY ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS, OF I:EW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, ENGLISH INGRAINS SEVENTY•FIVE CENTS. an iltileTtt TO MEROUANTS BUYING OIL -a • CLOTHS AND WINDOW BUADES. BEASON tk, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our largo stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. The largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market. at prices Which defy competition. se3l-An CARRIA OF TAE PLANUFACTURE OF WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1000 CHESTNUT STREET. 1011 intLarn __ PEARS, PEARS.— _IL Llarge lot of very superior quality Duchess(' d A 11,011101116. for sale. in lota to snit ; also, a rewire' va a' of Fruit and Confectionery. C, N. BRINGS. fle st" 106 tiOUTlLEtreet, AMIUSEMENTS. MUSICAL FUND HALL. , THURSDAY, October 30tb. • MADAME MARIETTA OAZZANIGA lute the honor to announce that she viii gyre her FAREWELL CONCERT, prior to her immediate departure for Europe, to this ON THURSDAY, October Iltb On this occasion the following eidebnited oomanatiaa of artiste will appear MADAME GAZZANIGA, MR. ERNEST PERRIN. The celebrated Englieb Tenor SW. ARDAVANi. Primo Baritone from the Anedeme of Music. Neer York. IL SANDEBESON, The celebrated Pianist. SIGNOR ALBITIB, Muskat Conduetor Jilmiseicrd ONE DOLLAR toanta ta of the MIL No chaise for reserved seats. The sale ornate er:11 commence on Tuesday socolllng. nt 9 o'clock premselv, at the Maxie Rom of Beek a Law ton. corn er n 7 Seventh end Chestnut streets. Doors oven et 7. Commence at 9. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. Sole Leases.. M. A. GARSETTSON. THIS MONDAY) P.VENINo. Oct, 37 LOVE; OR, THE. COUNTESS AND THE sally. Duch. the Serf. Mr. H. A. Perry ; Countess of /s stein, Misr J. M. No- noon. SARAH'S YOVIIS MAN. Mr. Mozgridte, Mr. Johnston SCAL6 Or PRlCES.—DlOUClTC4o.ll3ratesecaredial out extra charge,/ a 0 cents Parquet (Seats sects tie cents. mr,44 ; Second Tier and Pam& Circle. Tier, 23 cents; Private Boxes, according to theirionsle. TS and - .13; Single Seats in Orchestra and Prorate Boxes. 75 cents. Box Office open daily, from 10 until 3 o'clock, whoa seats coo he secured in advance. WHEATLEY & CLARKI'S ARCM -BTRERT THEATRE. THIS ( MONDAY) EVENING., Oct. 17, DOT. Dot, Mrs. John Drew ; Alm Fielding, Mn." 'ohs Gil bert; Tilly Plowboy, Mr. J. 9. Clarke. Performance AFTERcn with the DAYTHE WEDDING. Dol. Preehlte, Mr. Wheatley. iliasts or Paicen.—Arlmounon.2i units: &masa Ewalt in Dress Circle, ,17M cents; Parquet, 19 seats. Doom open at quarter to 7. o'clock; performsooe to emn,nere , at 7X o'clock SnWlsel7. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ____ RAVELS AND MARTINETTI THIS (MONDAY t EVENING, Ootobet IT, 3IAGIC PILLS. Dandy Grins Mo. Gabriel Ravel; Colorado. Fte iaeeii it noel ; The Prod. Young America. To conclude Vali T HE PRIMA DONNA. Grand Pea de Deux,Mlle Maria Eennecturt and Mats. Mathieu. FR can.—Parquet. Parquet Circle and Balcony, to eta.; Family circle and Amphithearre.2s cents. Box tlchce open from 10 A. M. till 4P. M. when Bea can be secured without extra charge. Doors open at i f o'clock. Performance to commence at 71.4 o'clock. ipREE EXHIBITION AT FAIRMOUNT, ABOVE THE DAM —On TUESDAY. Nit. Mi_.h between the hour s of land 2 P. M.. Mr. WILLIAM W. WILSON will perform the marvellous feat of WALK ING ACROSS THE BOTTOM OF THE 80/111171, RILL. Mr. WIVION will start on his perilous Journey Pon the Fairmount Bide, end will recroes between the boars of 3 and 4. The cam of the Green end Coates-street Rally') Com pany (Veen cars) will pees Mon< Eighth street every four minutes to convey passengers to the scene of the exhibition. Fare I cents. 0ci1741 A CARD.—WALNUT-STREET THEA TRE.—HIES DAVENPORT will COMMerie• as engagement on MOND H Y Si g V I N HTe ONLY.7th, Purina which •he will baud the pleasuie of appearing to sii of her most T.ODOIIIr DIXI Z. AD)? lENN't 1. - ecotrrnzint. MASKS AND FACES. Introducing a new scene from C, Road's Novel of Peg Wang.), THE MESALLIANCN. MEDEA, Which canned no great a se mat.on onita prodactioalset seasoa. KnowlAlso, f Plaor the nf ft ret time in five year'. in Sheridan's •E's TEE y MAID OF MARIENDORPT. 01.5-2 t CONCERT HALL.-GRAND GOMPLI- IvJ BENEFIT Tendered to the MYERS SINTERd. on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Oct. 224 1 0 59. Come and beer thceo captivating Nufati Doom open at 2 o'clock to commence at 3. Ad= 23 etc. Utndren half-Price. G RAND CONCERT. MI E. T. GREENFIELD, Who has suns with great success to ignore. ittZer the patronage of her Oretee the Duchess of bother d, and be^n honored with an audience by her MAWS Queen Victoria, FV , er ORAND CONCERT •T WASWMG CON FALL, FIGHTS and SERINO GARDENStreets, On MONDAY EVENINO, October IT, lOC Assisted by 108. BROw.N, The American Night/he le Nice Mid Pupil of Mal Great Ilmuccua. Prof. Frank ohrtaon. GIGNOR AX First First Clarinet, h ern the Ocera of Raclin& PROF. O. /CMG, ?march Ticket. can be had at the principal Marie Stores. at of at the door on the eninz of the Concert. olt-St USICAL SOIREE AND BALL OF TBZ " M.ENNERCHOR VOCAL. SOCIETY..—The n mnfiV4V!.l ° ,l, l . h es i,e_led,rAr=t-rAIVNIZ , LITAde SOIREE ! l and 1, AL.! mi r M ON DAY EVENING*. October 74, Itsl9, In the MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST Street. Toketa, ONE DOLLAR. t admitting a Gentleman and two Lathes) mar he had of the lollowier sanatory: Geo. Damon,. Col. Mnekle. C. Liebrieb, Prof. Emden sticker. C Demmer. J Pfaff. W. Gelbert. H. Tire.CoL Fttggerald. A. Lalbre. C. Vetterlein C. Matlagh. R. Voireft. C. Lindner. A. &haw:rimer, Prot. Jules Mer ton. Prof. M. Masker, S. bellies'. J. Grimm. C. Tudtum. Prof. Raw, F. C. Schmidt, L. Beaked. Schick, Dr. 1. R Jones. Dr. Herring, G. Volbrips, Oroasnm. C. Bitikett. Fenrin :• A. R. einatein. J. Neff. 3. P. Steiner. Mark fltutslet.H. Fox- L. Gebbardt. B. H. H fireman. J. A. Bator, A. Reiebenbach, MA:4w, Jos. Drexel. H.Vori Ewen. Sehrtessel H. Kochemperger„ A, Foster. L. Herbert. F. L. Johns. E. Heron C Retc net. A. Fags, P. Weber. J. Thornier. D. Rosenberg,. A. Hi ppman..loa. Dieainger, or et the member*, or the COMWTTEK al ABICANGEXHNT. , A. Koltea, R. Seht Tre uidt, C. Goebel, H. G.nbeer. _ _ T - 14E GALLERY OF FINE PAIN7INGS, at No. 80/ CHESTNUT Street toyer. Chiekeriag Arms' new Plittld-foTt. WareMoin . aill to epe- F KE: 70 THE PUBLIC—on '.Ii.IDAY rad 'gain- D n A : T io n,rtoe_rl4th arid 15th. o :1 0 1r. ssale! . wg , On b inawrz DAY (17th}, at 101. A. ^! / r0.,.e.. •wst ____ CAR', WOLESOHN and CAILL HOHN groocK's s SF RIMS Of SIX CLASSICAL soiREF.E. At tho Foyer of the ACkOrIVIT OF All/SIC. Subscriptions will he -weir; d at the Millie INwee al f , , Andre & Co.. Mt Chestnut street; Lee & 722 CheA.tuet street; Beck & Lento% comer of Serest wad Chestnut streets; A. Shrives. ZS Smith fight .beet, whore the prospectin nod 110211110121er cell 20 elf. 014-1 m iE MAR. TYRDOM OF MISS is now T eshibi tin. loth other Painting or the DtiPECEL DORF COLLECTION. in the Southeast Gallery of the ACADEMY Of PINE ARTS. Onss %Wig. (tout 9 A. M. till 5 P.M., and 7 to Id P. M. Admission cents. oia-na -a-31 Off:COUGH'S GAIETIES-RACE ST.. below THIRD. GREAT SUESS Or RICE, ORIGINAL " JIM CROW" ALM , . HERNANDEZ IHE WONDEIL EVERY VARIETY OF ENTERTAINMENT '51.112LT GIVEN. BEST COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA 10. 15 A ND 15 CENTS. SINFORD'S OPERA ROUSE, ELEVENTH street. between Chestnut and Market. flANFltal f g s r A l at t fi n otlFF. th lames Company is the world. In theitexcelle ßD ansisa every evening. evening. SANFO Reery evening in Ea great Hole of Clarsatern, P Doors open at . Commenea at E. Adana/son 36 oasts. Chtildren 13 °ant& SPORTING. _ . SUFFOLK PARK.—THE •ce` 'D NATIONAL HORSE FAIR commences 10-DAY with the Great Running Match for ; also, the Trotting Premium, free for all Horses in Harri'ss• (Or *high there ste al ready three first-class Horses eeteled. Books are still Gen. Neucent names Wm. Wheatley. 3f3t1:13 lthodrn names b. h. Unknown. George Woodrutl names Transenpt. ...dinlss/on 25 cents. Hock's Band will he in attendance. Cain Leave BROAD nail P1t1511.1 el 2 o'clock P. M. It SAVING FUNDS. QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND 50,*".7 , *". 7 CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Odle. N 0.331 North THIRD Street Consolidation Bank Building,._ CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATUR.B OFPENN SYLVANIA. Deposits received In sums of One Dollar and r_nyinislit, and repaid in Gold, without notice, with FIVE. Prat CENT. INTIWF-ST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and_ tali able Savings Institution has bean needed in the Northam part Of the city, and "Vt Spring Garden :laving Fund Society " was chartered the Legislature of Fennsylt ante to supply this necesptir. The Manson. in organizing and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the bad ness interest and wants of the very large and *neaten sing navigation by which it is surrounded.. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From p tett; o'clock; also, on Monday and Thursday from 5 nnial 5 o'clock in the evening. sunsemas. erie&Xlett, Stephen pith. ° an im ie P l . Undrlrlrolfer. Don. IL K. Strong, Frederick Stack*, rums Hart, Joseph P. LeClere e John Kessler, Jr.. George Knecht. James 8. Pnriglo.. Jae* Doak Joseph M. Crowell. Hon. Win. laillerard George Woelpper, Goo. T. Thorn, Peter C. Falmater, Robert B, Davidson. JAhfES S. PRINGLE, President, F3ANCIS riAIIT. Sal:Tatars. isga-tfit DOINGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA. STATE FAIR FOR 189. _SIX FIRST PREMIURIS AND SIX DIPLOM/X. Best Flgneelo! Weming Bealdints. •I'o ABNOLD & WILSON. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. Foals: Pitaxtru. BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. To ARNOLD & WILSON. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. FIRST FERMIUM. BEST COOKING RANGE. To ARNOLD & WILSON. CIULSON'S DOUBLE-OVRN COOKING RANGE. FIRST PEEMICSI. • BEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. To ARNOLD & WILSON. LOW DOWN and BASKET ORATES. FIRST PREMIUM. BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. To AR:YOLD k WILSON. Fora very handsome duple y of Enamelled Slate man. tea, very highly finished. and of eneer.or workManS. FIRST PREMIUM. ARNOLD (Vc WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT etreet.l D. M. FFLTWt.I.L. Surd WARM AIR URNACE. THE GAS CO HO XSU NE FUME RNACE W i ll thoroughly Warm jour house with ONE-TiCratl Lass COIL tkon is required fir au other Furnace, Satishietion in all eases gnarantmid. BuiWins, Wurated snd Ventilated by ARNOLD & WILSON. Imo CHESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS, The Richest and moat Beautiful Speeinlollll . 1„. 91 Enamelled Slate 11.1.enteLs, over offered for vu country• mannitured by no, from l'ennsylvenlalliaV atone, and for We vary. tow AHNOLH & WLI4. O N. 1010 CHESTNUT Street, COOKING RANGES. AU in vneht . er the Be , e: 9e .t vetoil Double OTee C° " ln g R " ge. win " WILON . g. min CHERTNUT St rom& IMEEGI H 2 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR.—Groat Emporium for Stereoscope* and SterBosCOW YIBWI4AMeTiCan. Fre;lit and English, Opera Glasses. Microscopes. and uziPro SPectseles, correct 4 s . r . irpiez4Vaejt . ti g. na pti.. lit Sonth . iolJßTll Street, below I Cheat. Rd" Astliksig ligno EP ti i I p s 0:. 01l JO
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