The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 15, 1859, Image 4
;±A 7 ;•. - - ,. t. • ) -. „,-4- - 5, - ;::-.1 - '. - ,- , . -,,, , - .r - A ,-,- ~ : „ -Tits Antlis l a TiSIT , TR,TOi GREAT-EASTERN. — " A r e tkralitforrEqd inatthe 'Great harden), will. ar rive titlielYtiead on : the:l2th Of 'October, and that on the litti,thefitmerirsadheoralfainity,will, leave : Glaagoty, artivinetheiAante/'Penrylin Castle, near Bangor; **lit of.the,jon. Cot. Do n On,Stindey .the..Quileti - will attend Divine serviiieakhangoriVathedral. the 'Royal limit , the ',Great hfoitern,Matake:glka'rit:Heilitinut ". The mato' notliondmitted.te Groat-Eastern bo-; fore - the Queen's vtilt.ilitit she Will be on exhibition. for afortnight after , that event.- . In„ the course, of the 'Spiced, weak of tho Great BasteriVe stayat naiyhead a magnitleent„banquet bo given to the direitore by the _dircetore of the - Landon' and Northwestern Ana Barrow Asseeririon list.iicirisr,.—On ~ Thoiday,, September• 22; tbo='liresidente!of'see dliina,`members of comaiitteh! and* 'distinguished jitiliters of the . :BrltielrfAilsoiguatioll ,iala a visit to on the 'invitation. of- Queen ;Victoria. The party, to the number, of 200, left Aberdeen' by epeeist train eta o'clock in the - morning, and tra velled-17.0:010mo. and Coaches. from the. Ran. by station of theheeside railway to. the ,palace greetridk =The 'Morning Vas' end occaSional showerafollilbut Ip:the afternoen there was a faiorable change. At half past I o'clock and' the' soorie - x*lis well' fitted coMpensate.for their wearyjourney.i:lP' front of-the wind wing of the patio° arrangeinents.wero made' for an ex. hibition of Illghland4ounta. livery imp - ll:bad its flagstaff and balstieriand the green, laWn, Tina laid out for the Liighland clans; who 'were' to ()canny three sides of a square: Tentawere placed it in, terralsoind marquee; elegantly „carpeted, was _set -apart apart aneommodition of : the guests. On the green terrace in front of • the paliiiiii,7fid;faMpg Abe : Neale, sofas , were, set for the A' platform was - erected 'im mediately opposite the -spits of .the, Royal Family' for the dancers,' and 'the Qiieen's piper lied rids place la due ;time to. give mule to the dance. At 2 Vetter the clans; sasived, , and etrnaleted 'of the Penn/lemon: neon; the Duff, twin,- and the.Forbee men, under their chiefs,„ijressed the highlandhighlandgarb and oar : gine their ,L hiiihrnia of clanship. ritiluld,4V.iftder; The .l'eari l as tilted:ha brspeeta him, consisting chiefly of the :tenantry. of the , . dig trhit;:,:thernemiters of the Airdelation being' for the moat part 00oOmmodated on the lawn, At 9 o'clock rilci the Queeft , the Palaai and walked to the front,' accompanied thePrinee thinseet, the Prince of Wes, the - Prineans Ailee,:and the other children of `!ho _ Rognl °• Family now: at ;Balmoral: The Duke efilfrithant, :the Taff :of 'Atkin, Lard John Rasaelk- and the merebera Of the, Royal house hold accompanied the Queen, who, was received with - loud cheers, and on her being toeated: the games ',proceeded ; They consisted : chiefly of the millet , course of- tossing the cabre,,,,throw ing the !hammer, , foot-raoing, and dancing; and although the exhibition formedlt novel contrast to whathad been witommed lnAtierdeeti, yet fir Rode. risk Murchison, f3irhavid Brewster, Sir Sohn 130 w. ring, Lord Oltanetillot Napier, -and Other distin guishediiiiitinirtunl-screaris" enjoyed the '..anniati moat. The Queen recognised,Professor Ow en' who, with Sir R. Murchison-and-Mr. , Bedretary lead also the honor of 'dining with her' Mahiaty in the evening ;, but beyond Gaspe formal notice was taken of the visite : re,/ The Queen Awarded . prizes to the successful competitors, and, at half past four o f olOok:the coati loft the gronnds:,Thexisiters now retired to-the ball-room, where an elegant luncheon wis,iieilvidrand; where `every comfort they_ could deeire.hadheen provided - for them. At half, peat five theyleft Balmoral,. and arrived at Aberdeewat n,qtairter to one, having that in one day peiformed fouriey miles, win:teased an exhibition : of Highland games, and received a hearty welcome from the,Queen in her mountain home, ~ - , Tun 'Qitenten , B havr.sen ENGLANR.—The quarter's revenue,will , not he made up before Fri ,- day, he 30th inst. 'Although we are, therefore. unitto--by reason of a week's receipts to bo still paid op-.-to ere the - exact figures of the amount, WO, aro enabled toidate that the return.% both for the year and the:quarter, will exceed those for the corresponding year and quarter of 1858. The in conie.t,sx, upon whieh the lowest rate has been in collootiou during this quarter, may be tiogordingly eirpoeted :, ' to exhibit , a decrease, when compared with the'ithrrespimding quarter of teat year. With this exeeption, every'other Itent;Will show an in, crease.: liven the_ great and , Important items of Customs and-Exciso—the barometers of the public presperity,the increaser will ;be considerable,' al; though there has not boon propbsed or adopted, in the last two sessiena of Parliament, any alteratliml in those two chietaiiribiee of the' national income. In filekeyoo new return basin witness to the sound. neon of our financial system; and the buoyancy of our national' resources, fetinded, as they aricapon the active. industry , and -ituireasing pow ers of consumption -of the' people : of the United Kingdom.: In fact, Ake increase in the :revenue.. without "any , corresponding. ail-, ditiOn,to the taxation. of: the:country,, has as: seemed solorinal conditicm .; . and has, almost ceased to be eh : tont:di& as a spowoiy , ,• , ki steady , ' and, ha - bltual has - hien the increase lathe leading items of the revenue, withouttinY, addition to the public burdonsi,but rather on the contrary, in - the face of the ir.any.reductions that live' taken plies"„ , :' Xot the last two years no addition of • consequence Hal been made. The-only increase, of taxation that has sarrical the war, - was 'the - ptic upon bankers' checks, imposed by Mr,:histaeli, and the succession duties upon : real . property ,defised by Mi. Glad stone, and Whieb has 'net yet reached its fall de ,Stilt ihei; swell 'Maltese-a stamps, which, therefore partielpsto largely and pro. gressively in" the general traproyement.: Prom the progressive prosperitief the -post-dace revenue is but fair to deduct the large an :constantly in. , creasing expenses _Of that establishment •at home and abroad. 'Upon too whole, the retitins cause for ,well-gron3ded and- safe - inn gratulation. , , The :.Enghe Board of2Trado returns, for the month of September, - Continue ,to afford evidenee of an extraordinary 'growth 'of prosperity, not withstanding the complaints of dullness usual to, peritidelehen 'there is an absence of the exeitement of unhealthy speculation:: ,The declared value of our exportations compared 2 with ,August, ,1858, shows an inerense-of; 4982,012, , or nearly nine per cent., and there, is also an. increase of -more than four,por cent, even on the totals of,the correspondinganonth 0f,,185t. , Oettotigoode figure for, the chief - Tart of the- attginetitation;,nwing the,atisfained mageltiide'ef ‘ the,thitaiientsto India and Chink The, ':agiregate,,Value •of British ex porta during t hofi rat eight months of the year has been £88,405 - ag 885ain5t.i75,51111,564 , in.the 'Oros• pending , period lof,lBsK,sbotting'.,en ' liaireastrof 110,809:321, or more than fourteen per cent. -.This. has occurred es follows': - • January.::;. . .•1.2,371,8 . 2 3 play„ 42 2 10 95 YebruarY ' '..2,326,727 Ame..,....... , 424,459 March - - Z312,954' Ady. `," '• • "291,454 Aptll .-: . : ................... Augnst. ' - '982;512 Ooinnered with 1857,there inut beep Tan Indicate,' - - 0f1.478,470 on the month, and £1,739,167, or more ' than 2 per cent. on' the eight_ menthe. Tat the quantities of impelled. artieles-a 'decline In bread-. Etna and rice is Obaorrrible, .consequent on our ' proldngedtell in prices.% Of coffee; tea; endanger, the doliverica '.for ,home comnimption have .been lees than in August, 1853. • Those of wine , spirits, fruits, and tobacco , bare,' haen 1arger....4.01/don DEATH 'or' Proeiision:- - AiisOriire notice the death of Dr. WI toner Alison, late . pro. fesserofthe'Preetiee'of physic in the University of ,Esilubltrgbi which Wit lilac') at Edinburgh; in the clef lest week.'. The deeeseed, who was born in - 11130,. Was the brother of Sir Ardhibabi Alison, the historian; aretwas the. son of the Rev. Archibald Albon; an Episcopal clergyman ID Edinburgh who, abouttbe end of last contury„obtained n considera , blo literary reputation' by the publication of 'his Essays on Taste. Dr. W. P; Anion, -who had, while yet. a young Matt ' , Shown the higheit talent in and devotion to his prefeisiones a medical pme, titimier",* Was fag 'early as 1820 chosen by; theEdin burgh' Town Council to fill the 'chair of medical jurisprudence in the University there, end was suc cessively. choirs. of stilt higher import anee,. in'lB42, was appointed professor of the prootice.of physic.' This chair he held tilt 1855,• whenbe resigned, owing to iq health, being So tebded in it by Dr.' Thomas' Uptick. ' ceised,wm. not ,enly for; many-years one of the heads of the medical profession at Edinburgh; and gained for himself a wide reputation by the.publl cation of , but be wail- - better known: in his own immediate sphere by his un bounded benevolence and philanthrOPY : FO some years back, suffering ender 'a ; lingering illness, whieb be endured- with mush resignation, he .had neementrity withdrawn froth active professional pur suits, and lived in retirement in a quiet suburb of the town," Novi that he Is 'gone, hist memory will long .bo. cherished,-with a'dogine . of affection end admiration which are thilmaisthunionsitaheritance bi,reuiembered m one of the zost,hninane, the moot ieffrightj and" the. most amt.; able of men. • , The Town Council oflldinlnirgh' has oteete d sir David :Brewster. Prineholl • Of, the Univeral.ty of Edinhorgh. -No, other uandidato was propeeed, Thitiappolatinetit brutes a vseancy in the Princi• uf,st;', Rrofessor , Crack,-the well-known of many learned and: popular' works,, is a cendldatnforthe vacant scat. - ' The Preach frigatojanii , Of 450-horas 'power, laanelzed, at Cherbourg, In 1847 , wak lost on the 224 Inst. on the Roe do Seine, on her way from Toulon to Brest;, all bands saved': Tun: Fehr' etsmorta .01' ANTWERP.—The Pre. eurreur of Antwerp, gives the following account of the measures, adopted , by the War Departmentfor the esectition of themorks'ln thateity ,( A public adjudtaatien will,take place at Antwerpen the 31st of Oetober Lnext:' ;The Mulertalcingirill be, con trantedlotStOne Tot and et a fixed price. The de pertinent ektimatea the whole of the Berke at about 90,000,000 f;. Eracy plltsen-• 'sending:, n ',tenders mast,,hotore 'the :doy of adjudication ; - dope-it as ,gu a ra i l te e 1,000,000 f., and the works most he ter minated Within three Pura" ' • =* The %report of,the" fotindritien'or a kingdom of CentraLltely; under: the rule ofthe Count of. Flan ders; liatinsent 'positively denled,und declared to be vittletraffoundation. , , . ' , , _ lt,lssiated r poaltirelY thiit' the' .ISminitor of Me- Mot; 11 ready .tO grant the deinanda of Spain, and that he will seed - , troops against the 'tribes of the Rifit''' Oehfirmatiou of this, it iii said thathe re; - fused to receive the envoy of the Sheik who rules • over those tribes.' ,1 Intelligence has be en= received at Gibraltar from Tangier; ahnoudoing , that all the European eon aula!lanititui in the vicinity of that city wore de stroyed' by fire Mi. the night of, the 18th. The gar 'den at the Britishreharge which was oneof thblargest and Most beinatiful is the: coun try, trulpinirg that Of the Spanish lionsuN,) had milts eitelfsenimbr. residence, Mit-Offefei, It Is itipposed that this - set of ineendiarina was coin. witted by. hy, thep mountaineers 'opt revenge for haylng,lnien`prOVenteil,from, pillaging,' the city is few , days, h - efore.- -•-• . - A'letterfroin St...:Petersburg,‘Of the 15thof Sep. tenibekatiyse - itTIM - arrival of Behtunyl, our enemy, for thiflistlP,,yearli,bi expeoted with the givatest o'affhtiff. ;Overt one:'atiks , Misself whether the Osueasat is definitively conquered; or whether any worleatfil remains:ler - onr - IroOps lidera the Sub; - mitstion,of the mountain= tribes - of the Tehorliesiee is 4Optoapttalted;":l,t,lll not forgotten that 164882; afterlfm.filrof tlettopyre,predeciesoof, he,ewitlenly artinciliMflueilield 'firmly until 'the prima, Slim against the Iteediniarinitis sent'against him. WA - - ever thatrany he; the last deed -of-arms-which has takitt plaini;4o4lprp)Maltr- the MOinent'of the festif-, - Wee for the imintngot to of the Grondillake, to the Crtiwnptwillvhei inseribedl in-the annals of - Angelus history a one ot,tho„,most. gloriens;inns meet as ttninimindittiditntitilkn 4 4filination on the " confines of Asia Minor. Thit arand DukeC Constan tino returned the 'day beihrty , yeatetda# from his Journey to Unglaudi and oMCes:dist, ; (ll-rently to his summer residence at Strelna,tY-.l:i - lo ,Nowa from Coobin China trP to (dim 18th of July . - has i berf - -;loo,4ved, by. tfie ilyv o litonilla. The trefittortsmeklint4cenarranee itarthe Emperor otAlifdit.rrint not Signed. at that. dste. _The tele' griiplaiiikafug - e7,iteripurieedi its Coivilualoti..'.--It" Is Bald tionipnseiMiset:lolphrtiine Christian religion in: the-Rewire of trsaty..nficommereti; theEfirst. that has eief , 7ol3o4a *greed to by the_ Court of flunqi the llOt ooht4l44tfithe . ,,Priieli : of the magnificent town „of 130 the'rrtsiostiltion Of thg, IPf4thitYloo.o thctsay o TkorAn 0., lb: THE 00.UfRTS. YBSTORDLY'S PII6OiXDIXag. J 1 ported for'Tha Preasa , QUARTER Bug gleitB:-.4Tldge Ludlow.—The trial. 'of prison cases was resumed in this court at ten y'clock yesterday:morning.' District Attorney Longhead prone., noting tjie plena yf the Commonwealth. Thy diermin. Men evinced to accomplish FI Prompt tfatilleet tell of the lawman incident to this class of eases is a marked and -gratifying feature, and one which we treat may never be discontinued. We winged in the colored " gallery" that aged and , r(ispectabloindividualwho, for' years past, has beena_ unity frequenter of this court. .'E very morning ragu dads, just the State-House bell images striking ten oteleek, :this gentleman enters, with Bible and prayer book in ono hand and cane in the other, to take his no cuntomed goat.,Hiaeountenanee le of the most lantern- Lent east, and the footprints of many a ear , Y rlst upon. Conventions are in session in the city do we miss hlm from hie wonted ,place, for then the best pew of the church finds innvite occripent, and then churchmen and laymen are often times startled from attention to business by his repeated , eleerilation of " filmy!"- and by whirls even the hoer loresof the Quarter Sessions are now not UnfrequentlY edified. The ina - afriuigeerenture, tide same religious tailored 'man. mos a walking, ;talking court record, wherein, !from the earliest doings in the seesions, have been tmn ,seritied the detailspf all ogees of importance that ever 'engrossed the attention of a jury. No details of any of nil the murders that have eceurred during the pant quar ter of a century In Philadelphia have escaped the erase • of fun retentive memory, and tragedies forgotten almost by the better infermed in the general of local affairs. can now by him be rehearsed to his hearers, ad though the speakernnd but yesterday witnessed their commis aton, The beehives always treat him kindly, for, not withinanding the' Diet that his talkative ,propensities havereedered him a small nuisance, there is something about him that beimerike a gond and generous heart. ;which es tarestiesinir to the respect of those visa are lila minims in years.. Long mar he be seen in and about , thixceurt-recme, for his removal now would seem something like the absence of even tthe Judge himself. The first case called upon for fiat was one in which Henry Moore was el - paged with the larceny of a kettle of trivinl Value.. There being no defence, lite jury had , very little difficulty in finding a verdict pf guilty. •.. Jiihn. Carr , Thomas Carr, and Edward Morrie, all young lads, were put on their trial on the charge of 'stealing a worthless pair of old boots. The evidence 'disclosed the fact that the prosecution had been induced by is bed motive, and that there wan no felonious intent on the part of .the. defendante, 1.. Brewster, Esq., ape: pealed for the lads, Verdict ; ot guilty. jsee,coffee plead ening to a eharge of Petty larceny. Francis Lamb and William Murphy, WO Miserable. looking arretehes, plead-guilty to the charge of hie h way.rotibery—Theiprosecutos• was a soon fellow who, When he wee waylaid, Wee pn his road to the almshouse. I Susan fiqhdffeld wan oonieeted of a charge of keeping disorderly house. It was altered that she was In the 'habit of harboring other women's husbands. The ease Of the, Commonwealth ye Henry Scanlan. iwhe Maeda charged with having, on the 12th of August last, cpmmitted a rape upon the person of Catharine 'Hawkins, alias Dunbar. alias Donnelly, was called up by District Attorney', Loughearkin name pertinent re ,marka to the jury relative to the infamous amine of the 'crime, and the facts whiten he exported -to eel ablish by , the testimony. The proseoutrlx was then called to the - ntitnees stand. end swore positively and unbeintetinsly to' the commiesion of an alleged outrage. which, in its ;ieddeent details. we think hen rarely ever been equalled ; •in the midst of a civilized and Christian community. This wan the onl witness whose evidence wan submit- Ued on behalf of the Commonwealth. • William fit. Bull , Fee., appeared on liehulf of the de 'fence, and opene his cede In nn exceedingly vigorous and effective speech to the jury. Hp referred to the prime its his estimation, Worthy of the same ennialfrifent ati murder; and pictured the ruin end dew legion invariably iiensequerit upon itscommission..Con sidering' its importance both to the proseentriX, whore beet hence In this life are imposed to be forever blasted, And to the defendant, when reputation and his liberty for many long years were ;In'extreme peril, he invoked More than ordinary attention to the merits of rim cause. For his client he had no foam, and felt eatiefied that lie could convinee every Juryman in the box that the story of the proseentrix was the halve fribrication Of n bold, Dad woman, Who, for the sake of Mere, Upon the Holy 'Evangelists, hre ad perjured her 'model soul. r -The defendant, he would show, was a reepectnble, high-toned moral gentleman, who is the superintendent Of one of the largest nulls in Illanayunk, and that the complainant was a woman of notoriously bad oharnater, who could not be believed 'en oath.' The offence was said to have been committed at a time when the defen dant wan in the mill, after the hands employed therein had completed their daily_labor. This he would prove was utterly Impossible. He 'would show that for many tears past this woman , who has been twine Married, bore the reoutation of tieing a public prostitute, that the police oftentimes hut. her m custody, and that, uncor roborated and contreuliotpry as Was net perjured state would tie the veriestoutrage Upon every awed principle orjus ice and of right to convict. Thin charge was one *high any woman can easily make , but which spy ma" would find it difficult to disprove. The improba bility of the testimonv , ond the fact that he had mate rially• impaired it by his croepexamlnation of the wi t nese, were dwelt upon at some Monk, and with great for. , by Mr. Bull. The remarks of Mr. B. were listened to with the closest attention by a crowded coutt-renni, and by their eloquence made a most favorable impres sion. . . . The examination of even tnes spokenhe defence was then commenced. and fact of by Mr. was clearly established by a host of testimony. which was sufficient to convince any one that the prosecutrix was a most dangerous diameter, and flint the defendant was beyond suspicion and above reproach, Without remarks from counsel. and under an able and iinpartinl (Marge from Judge Ludlow, the Jury promptly tendered a verdict of " not guilty." The case occupied the hestpornon of the Betislon. Judge Ludlow Imposed the fol'owing sentences: Henry Moore. four months in the county prison. Francis Latch and W. Murphy, two years and six monthso in the county prison. Jane Coffee, five months in the county prison, UNITED STATES CIRCUIT Counr—Judco Grier. The ease of Baffin va.the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company is still occupying the attention of the court. .Witnesses nore examined yesterday morning. whet are tomcod in the coal-inining regions of Ponniulvania. to testify as to the difference between the patent coal- Annakers monufactured by Ilatiln, and the ones used bY the defendants, The case will consume a portion of next week. • = NISI Puluit-4uitloo Reati.—Commonwealth ox ralatlone Norden vs. the Atanasers, ke„ of the Union School and Children , . Home. Thiecase has been before the court. upon several occasione. upon a writ of habeas corpus, It was finally dionsed of by the court yester day morning. , Alary Ann Heiden, the relator. was dis charged and placed in the custody of Mr. Owen, her guardian. This teethe ease of the lit le girl who was placed in the dove institution without the consent of per parenUi., and afterwards bound/nit toil fanner living in the State of Delaware. The nese rif Clark Ps. The Williams port and Elmira Railroad was neRM before the court, Cengthy writ tenopinion notadelivered In the bastion ins to modify the order of the court made short tune sin DISTRICT ;Cow Judge flare:— ce. M nem* vs. Jesse AL Tyson. An nation on a prendsiory nose. Verdict for the plaintiif for 6 , 612.91). • James Sparks re. James Walton. An action of eject ment to recover possession of ahouse and Mt in the lute borough of Brulesburg, On trial. Weekly, Review of the Philadelphia • Markets. There has been very little animation in the Produce Iderketathleweek. the excitement - attending the Mee"- thin having to some extent checked business, and for Dry Goods end &iota and Shoes there has been a falling off in trio trade, but without any ',hanger; to note in either: Irißreadstitfirjthe movement in Flour has been emittind prices the same;;Rti Flour and Corn Mont are scarce and wanted, and for Grain bribes are better Ugh Js fair. Ciral is in goad request, but prices are un changed. Cotton continues dull and prices irregular. Coffee. 'Sugar and MOlesece are more inquired for. Fish command fulrrates, but the stock te increasing. Mau are dull and prices unsettled. The Iron market is firm, bat with limited transvitionS. Lend in very quiet, Naval Stores hare tieen in limited demand, Oils. very little doing. Provisions continue in good demand. and Rune is dull. Salt is, firm. Clo'verseed is. in demand at former rates. Timothy is dull. In Tallow no change. Whiskey is not so sirminad for Wool the prices are will sustained:" ..13READBTUFFS.—The demand for, Breadrtuffs has neon rather more active. but the price of Flour has undemene notihanse, nine* last week, and the sales for export reach about 6,060 P4lB. In lots, at Sawa 12 36 . for suoarline. the, latter. for rood strairbt brands. e 8.2.50 3716 for extras, and 08.62iirr8.76 4F' bbl • for extra family Flour; the market Closing quiet lint firm at the above figures.' The trade have been buyme rather mere freely at prices within the range 9r e 5 50 and 8.75 iff lad for common to extra. and family brands, ncoordnig to quality., Rue Flour and Corn - Meal are wanted at e4..1234 for the former, and $378 4fr hbl for the lat ter.- Put there' is little or none offering ; about 600 bbbr of Brandywine Meal twirl on terms kept private. The following are the 'lnspections of Flour and Meal for the week ending 'ThurstMy, October 13,1509: Bartels of • 1 : --- Rye..... ' . ...... 87 " condemned Total 1204 -Wheat —The receipts continue light, and 'holders are firm nt the late advance, with sales (W M= bushels at 12044/25c for common and prime red, and 1250158 for white,'closing stendily at the highest quotations. Bye Is waren and batilv minted, wth sales at 88692 e for Pennsylvania and Sol:them, wh i ch isn further adranrie. Corn In also In active demand at a fUrther advance, with index of 25,181(f bushels yellow et OM 950. closing at our highest figure. Some white sold et 9to. oats are better, and salesof 29.000 bushels now Southern and old Pena- SrMania are reported. mostly at 43,410. nitwit and in store; 5 Who:Meta Barley Melt sold at 86040 0 ., and some Western Canada Barley at the alma rates. PROVIS7O4.—The market is, quiet. owing to the firmness nf holdem; stec ke are light, and the tendency of prices Is upward . Mess Pork Is selling at gla DO, and Iporno at 813. City packed mess *errs steady , at Bt2e. 93" 1411,`Accorrilne to brand. Ibusen 'sells at 1110.13)10 - for plain, and Inner /Isnot /We for Sides, and BVo for Shoulders, Green Mama are scarced the sales limited at 9,84.101(is for Rama. 9.110 for Si d e, and 808Ve. for Shoulders. Lard to held with more Smarms. The de mand Is better , with sales of LOW Mils and tee, mostly to go nut of the market. St 11NtelDke some inferior, et 101,fe 1 1eand kers at 120. Duller a steady, nr 11012 e for packed. and 160r17 for roll, as' in quality—the latter is an advance. Eggs aro worth 187s1To per dozen. Cheese is firmer, and selling at 1et91040 4' lb. METALS —The_ market for Pig Iron. is firm. with sales of 1000 tons Nos. I and 2 Anthracite at 821.60 e 220080' ton,d mos. Scotch Pig is also firm, nt 8211, 6 mos. In nutnafactnred them is it steady 'tredo doing, withoot change hi 'awe; the Mills are generally sup. plied with enters. - lAad—There is very little stock lie , e. nd no sales have come u.nder our oblige i ‘ we quote Pm at r litirrit 85, . the 100 Copper is dull ; hoiders ask 21821 e for Sheathing on time ; 1,310 sheets Ameri can Yellow Metal sold at 200, 6 molt BARK.—The receipts and stooge of Quareitrenron• time light. and the demand steady: at 828 for lot No. 1, Tanner's Sarkis also steady ,• several lots of Chestnut flak Cold et 311. Benumb , , f here, would command 813 enni: CANDIAS..—There is n fair demand for city-made .Ademantine, with sales of 800 hosee Thais k Cole at lidtB4oo per 81;4 'and Ida months, chiefly to go out of the market. Sperm and Tallow Candlescontinue as last quoted COPPEE.IS firm et the late advance. with further Wiles of about 7,000' begs Tao at.. l o4al2hieer M. on time. for fair and chOlee aushty, including. 7 0 th) hays gam , euetlun 'within- the above range of prices, and - some titi Dom inert at 1054 p, 4 months. • COAL—The demand , is better, but Prince gee Un . oherrlX6ll;Alideria come forward more freely, the imarelty of vessels and the advanced rates of freight have tended to restrict operations. No sales of Bitumi nous Coal. and prices are nominal. - a COTTON.—uyere are holding MT, and upra are 'm id:llrd and rather lower,. with wiles of sao leg, chiefly 'Uplands to rate at .10114W12,Ne ife lb, sash or low grade and middling fair quality, ineluding some ' I'Velif Orleans on time. Statement of the movement since the let of Septem ber Mat, as compared with the previous throe years: , IM9. 1847, 1836. Rea. afPnits.,. MEM 231.010 101,000 117000 Es. to O. Ordain: 70,000 : 20000 AI I 17.000 " Prance...." 22,000 20,000 4 i 15 000 other F Ports.. 6.000 0,00 200 5.0(21 Total exports.... 08.000 65 000 82.0(S) D. 030 Stook on ' 243,000 217,060 102M0 Ka 000 Ofivhiehduring the past week, indludad in the . aboye , Bee. at Porta.. ... 92.810 93.000 60.68) GLOM 1 rig. toll. O. Britain, 18 , %MO 800 8,000 '" Prance.— ! 7.400 . 0,000 4.oiXi 3,000 . " other F. Porte We IMO • 1,400 Total exporta..„. '26,090 1940 Id.oo nom SvteXkity.--jieeirts—inereluie at the por ts compared with 1858," 24 01:10 Imlay. Exports—Mures.. orcet Britain. '30.000. hales) increase to Franee, 2,(.90; image to other faraina porta, 1,000. Total increase in Xpo /JAGS AND DiElli.—There has out MAO nirMli do re; the sales are some Soda Ash at 2X8270, ' Bleach- Powderses nt enc.- Alum, in has, at via - Mo, and melt Indian at Q 1.4,501.55, all on time, PEATIIERS. fhe demand is limited_,, with smell sales of geed Western to note at 488600 I,ror lb, cash and time. FISH.—The iicelpts of Maekerel are mellowing • en invoice of Nor. 1 and 2 mold from the wharf tit $lO 'and $l4, and some Halifax 3s at $9 V' bbl. 'The more rates are $lBBO, 814.80 and $3.80 for the throe numbers.. A sala of Labrador Iferring was made at $4 23. and some %hag at es 4, bbl, from the wharf. Codfish are sell ing (TM the veinal et $4 the 11 2 lbe. • PRAIi.T.- - --The transactions in Foreign have been coll.', •4niid email late fom store at about previous ratan (largo-of Haulms in daily expected here, Domestic is leas abundant Green - Afar' range tram $.l to $3BO and Cranberries $lOOl2 bbl. Dried Fruit in den, and maneerenearly noi nin a , apple, milling at gebbio and Peaches rinnared at Yfr3c in FREI 0,11T8.--There is very little prodded offering to biverpdol, and the reams are Mecca; to London some further engagements have boon nimbi for heavy goods, ,at 2thictrin &IV ton. West India freights are inactive, but several vessels have been chartered for Havana and ;saitite,at es WY ton, and lGe gr foot., TO New Orleans the trawl are Go V' font. Mobile So. Savannah b e am, and to Charleston 400 e. To Boston there is more activity, Coal vessels are *dame and in demand at a flintier ad , 01Y181:140.—Prices are nearly nominal for botleCrude and Clarified: and no further gales are reported. UUAitO.—The demand line fallen on; but prices are 1111 lan ed. - - '114'..,N0 sales have come tinder our notice, and 'prices are unaltered. H7l) fi contamma dtlirand drooping. and of oaten from - Porto Cabello must in, part have been sold on pri vate terms. - - - - 110P8 are fir S'iar, wi th sales of new }lantern at 115w160, Find Western at PirPlBo; old /tope are drill at&Mote' PLEATHER. Prime Spanigh Sole is in coed demand, but other kinds are neglected, and prices unchanged. ,LIMBEIL—There has been igss doing; gales of Yet. low Pind tiniTioards ere reported at $140111; a cargo of Carolina Flooring at f 817.50 Mi and White Pine 8140 MoldlB9rgB.—The market remains quiet, and the etelf salen•are some tart Cuba, to arrive, on private la:Ando lot of I New 1 1 3 , , i rle t a 2 nz ittl t if in t months; Some , NAVAL ft ' A i ttliraiTgulet, With sales . of No, 2 ionin 8...f0ur months, front the wharf, at our low - est urea;a too blds. No 1, and sorne'Aittle at $203, and 2101 i Iscommen itt per libl• Wilmington Tar is scarce, and worth s2.7a..and Pitch $2 per hhl. Eitdrits Turpentme meetawith affirmed Inquiry, and armee are uneett ed, tit Belga at 47440 , 450. ;MAP' SIP Mil are Stead r &tat, OA a. moderato demand. Linseedollie dun. and selling at .23c5t0. Lard Oil to firiner,withlialoS of lTinter at nano, on time. A sale Of Olive Oil wee 'made at 1100. Red Oil ls un changed. Imports of Sperm and Whale Oil. and VntalChone,, into the United States. for the week ending Oct. 10, 1859: Mils en. bide, wh. lbs. bone. Total for the week..... 2.813 3,854 19.810 previously •, 76.181 • 191,8ai , 1,792.800, Prom .ten.l to date... 81,727 191,722 1,811 600 Same time last year... 88.617 178.215 1,473,800 PLASTER. is quiet, nt t 2.75 IP toil, .11.1Chl. ,2 Plie, stock Lie light and of poor quality, and small sales are making at Mirrhi Op lb on tune. SALT.—A cargo of Turks Island told on terms kept OAT., and the market is fi rm. 118 There is a good demand for now Clovereced and supplies come forward more freely; sales of 800 bee are reported at 455.8006.70 If , bit. Timothy . us dull, and ranges at from d - 2.20 uv to ,?2.62)0 bu for inferior and prime. Flaxseed °manumits St 66 2 e , bu. • TALLOW is unchanged; sales of city-rendered at 10,1Laellelfr lb. ' BLIGARS have boon in 'good deMand this week and prices are firm, with ashes of 1,200 bade at 6075,10 for Cuba, INGIN'o for Porto Rico, and No for New Or leans. TEAS continue active at the advance, and some holders have withdrawn their stocks for the present. , TOBACCO is outer, and manufactured is steady, but Leaf is dull and lower. SPIRITB.-qtrandy is held with more fineness: but the demand is quite moderate. Coniesho Spirits have an upward tendency. N. or. Rum sells et 37a5180, the latter rate for Felton's. Whiskey is in better de mand at the advance. with sales of obio bile nt 281ist 220, Penn. do nt 28c, tads at 27d 271i0, end drudge at 20.ti0 per ration. WOOL.—The market is firm but quiet, the stock, cape- OMIT Attie Medium grades, being very light, with wiles in lots nt 40W450 for common to good Ruth 6;1T66° for full bl, od. sod /592t66e for fine bee°, (Reported for The Press.? PORT AU PRINCE—Brig slay. queen - 62 1 ,060 lbs Ins:wood MO hales cotton Titan Wattson & Sons, NASSAU. N P—Bohr Susan Orlean-411 toss sugar M 7,000 cigarp 4 (man cigarettes 71 pipes auKadenta 1 ease sweetmeats Jesse Rose; a Int of old sails, blocks, rig ging, Re, la turtles Cat Matthews. CARLIENAS—Btig Mary E Milliken 69 blots sugar 29 casks aaMaltum 5 ban do S & VI Welsh; 48 Wide inn lasses D W Preaentt7 07 lire auger .1 Became; &locomo tive wheelqghl W Etaldwm. , WILMINGTON, NC—Behr Lewis Chester-10 bales yarn Hal & McDevitt; 476 bbls rosin 71 bbls opts turpen tine Rowley. Ashhurner & Co. 303 We rosin IN) bbls acts turpentine Jairus Baker; '648 bbls rosin 74 bbls opts turpentine 87 bags fruit 16 bales notton G 0 Van Ain ri nee. Jr; 114 bbls rosin Knight k Bell; 20 bids opts tur pentine 4 bales eotton Cochran & Russell; 63 bags fruit 13 M Jones. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. , TROI. 8. FERNON. lOHN S J PARIIAWK,( COMMITTEZ OF TUE MONTI! sAmL. J. REEVES. LETTER. WACHS AT TUT SSERCHANTIO PHILADILP)3II., Ship Sarannk, Liyorpool,sonn akin Carioca. Maribor Rio de Janeiro, Oct 17 IIMI White Wtnit, Eaiing........ ... Laguay ra. Oct m B%rk A millet, Power .. . ... .........• ..FOrnambuoo, soen Bark Island Home, Jeffrey--; London, soon Bark Old Hickory, Holmes Hamm, soon Brig Zoo Nymph, Schepper.. .040 'row, COIL, soon Bohr W L Borings, Buokaloo. ........ won MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 15; num SUN RIBE -6 29 I SUN 31 GR WATER-- ----- ..4 43 ARRIVED. Brig Sarah Elizabeth, Rayne', 12 days from Calais, with lumber to captain. Brig Wm Nickles, Strout, from Boston. Bohr Manton, Maxon, 2 days from Frederica, Del, with grain to. ae Barratt & 800. Bohr Sarah Woodbridge. Atkins. from Boston, Bohr Mary Elizabeth, Reed. from Roston. Rehr White Squall, Sharp, from Boston. Bohr D 8 Mershon. Allen. from Boston. Bohr Theresa C, Gandy. from Rohr D G Flod. Rackett, from New Bedford. Bohr Bomb C lark, Griffin. from New Bedford. Bohr Wm Loner, Robinson. front New Bedford. Bohr Win II Rowe, Herne. from Providence. Bohr C W Holme s Moßlwell, from Hingham. Bchr Z Stratton. Webb, from Lynn. Bohr Sugar, Bray, Roes, from Newburyport. Behr I, F,ndieott, Leeds. from Fall River. Bohr Vermilion, Avery, from New Haven. CLEARED, Steamship Keystone State, lilarshmen, Charleston, A Heron, Jr. Steamshlp City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, T Webster. Jr. Steamship Phineas Sprague, Matthews, Boston, Henry Winger. Bark Charlotte E Tay, Hughes, Richmond, Rutter, Newhall & Co. Bark Oak, Atkins, Boston, Twelle & Co. Brig W Nickles. Strout. Boston. Brown, Hewitt & On Bohr George Pales, Nickerson, Providence, Crowell & Collins. Bohr S Woodbridge. Atkins. Boston, C Miller & Co. Behr Mary Elizabeth, Reed, Boston, Van Dusen, Nor ton & Co. Bohr Theresa C. Gandy,Bog A, T.Oer Stone & Co. Bohr White Squall. Sharp. Boston. It Milne* & Co. Bohr Borah Clark, Griffin, Boston, C A Heokshe d & Co. Rohr D S 'Mershon, Allen. Belem, do Behr C W Holmes. Madison. Hingham, do Behr z Stratton. Webb. Hingham. "A" I t Johns. Bohr G Floyd.Rnekett, Fall River, Tiverton Coal Co Bohr H Rowe, Harris, Now Bedford. do Behr Win Loper, Itchiness. Pawtucket, do Behr Susan Brify, Ross, Newburyport, Sinnickson & Glover. Behr I. II Endicott. Leeds. Newport, Rothermel & Co. Behr Vermillion, Avery, Bristol, Nevins & Sawyer. Baehr W Saulsbury. Hudson. Boston ,Sturtevant & Co. Rohr Mary Anna. Gibbs. Boston. Audenned & Co. Behr Lady Suffolk, Baker. Cherlestown, do Bohr Deborah Jones, Totem. Roxbury. do thchr Pero, Heilner. Gandy, Providence, do Bohr Lewis Clark, Booey, do do Behr Colorado, Withering. do do Behr Gen Cameron Smith, Norwalk, do Behr C Anderson. Booker. Alexandria. do Str R Willing, Cleypole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of The Press.) HAVRE DR GRACE, Oot It ISM The Wyoming left here this morning with ti boats in tow. laden and consigned as follows; S Reed. Intuminpue emit to Thornton Barnes; Equa tor, pig iron to J P Morrie & Co: Rebecca Ann. antler*• cite coal m Cbseepeake City; Extenuate. Judge His sing and Three Sisters, coal to Delaware City. (Correspondence of The Prem.) READING, Oct.ll.lAN. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, 'mend to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: George Cost, lumber to .1 II Dm slier; Dr Win Moore, grain to tP Bushong & Bone: Hiawatha, lumber to !Ma lone & Taylor; SW, grain to P Busliong & Soils; Wit tman & Conrad, drain to captain. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exohange.) LEWES. Del. °M. 'S, Bohr; It H 'Dely. Rio Grande, J & N S teelman. Ran. nab Warwick, and Asa Eldridge were at harbor yester day. Isloa of them are now preparing to amt, the wind beingfrom the southwest . Yours, WM. M. HICKhIAN, By TBILREIZAPIN. • (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND, NJ, Oct 14-8 P fd. The ship St Patrick, for Now Orleans. two barks and two brigs, went to sea this afternoo. IS'ind SW. ours. THOS. B. HUGHES. Ocrottrat 1401,1819 1411.MO1tANDA. Ship South Shore. Lothrop, 4 ,min Calcutta May 20 for Philadelphia, put into Sittion's Bay MIA leaky, slak ing 16 incline per hour. Ship Harrisburg, Wiswell, nt Gibraltar 13th ult. from Rio p•Emily Augusta, Strickland, hence, arrived at N Orleans 13th inst. Ship Arcola, Crafts, from Richmond, atrived at Mar seilles 2.1 d ult. Bark Washington Butcher. Collins, from Havana, via Falmouth, at Antwerp tlth ult. Bark Jeddo, Wheeler, hence, arrived at Hendon 13th instant. Bark Elisabeth J, Foulkes. fur Philadelphia in 6 days, WAS at El ROQUO about Zid ult. • Brig Breeze, Outerbridtte, sailed from Liverpool 2lth ult. for Witt. Edits St 11 rilahonv. hake. 1, ft Loverin_g. Corson. W ter Don, Babcock, Volly Met. Adams , I.lartho, Bax , Leave, nand Tonneau's, Wooster, from Wilmington, Del, at Boston 13th inst. &lir A H Brown. Endicott, hence, arrived at Dighton 10th inst. Behr N Wham Winslow, hence, arrived at New Bed ford nth Inst. . ' Bohr Isabel, laylor, nailed from Now Bedford 12th Met. for Philadelphia. Ear floston,llrower, hence, arrived MI Providence 12th tont. Rohm Cicero, Burroughs, Revenge, Gandy Mail Kel ly. ana Oceon Wave, Ens Ugh, sailed from Providence 32th inert. for Philadelphia. Bohr Alt hea t Corson, lienee, arrived at Saleml2th inst. Behr Globe. Jones, sailed from Warm lUth Inst. for Philadelphia. Behr Alio) Lea, Foster, at Georgetown, BC, 9th inch. from Charleston. Bohr Wm Ruark, Ruark, cleated at Baltimore Oth lust for Philadelphia. &Mrs Peugasset, Waples; Clout A Hecksher, /Rabbi, Harriet A Roger., Godfrey, Sarah A Hammond. Paine, H Shannon, Marts. Northern Light. Lake. .1 13 Dick inson, Wheaton, .1 Clark. Scull, john R Plater, Gandy, Elliot. Freeman Suttet; Chats, Sarah Antl Roe, Baker. WoottrulTSuk,s Mason. W 0 Audenrled. Hewitt, hence. mid Mary J Hoyt, Derrickson, from Camden, /NJ, at Boston 12th inst. BchrJohn Roma. Elliott. from Ellgartiola for Phila dolphin. at Holmes' )1.?le ptli mat, and sailed float day ,/ Behr lender, Ilarklrom Delaware Car fog Portlan at lionnea flute 12th trod. DDINGS OF TILE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR SIX FIRST PREMIUMS AK) SIX DIPLOMAS. Mit - Fumes for tYsilinns Buildings. To AIINOLP WILAON. GAS CONSUMING GONE . Ft!AMU. it PREMIUM. BERT PORTABLE FURNACE. To ARNOLD W ILS(1 , 1. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. PlRrf PREMIUM. BEST X,OOKING RANGE. To AuxoLD & Wtasor. GUILBON'S DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE, PARLOR PREMIUM. BEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. To AnaoLti & Wtr.son. LOW DOWN and BASKET ORATES, • PIER] . Promest. BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. To ARNOLD & Wia,on. For every handsome display of Enamelled Mete Maid els, very lushly finished, and of cove A % workmanship FIRST off cove ARNOLD & WILSON. IMO CUEBTNUT street., B. M. MELTWELL, fluid FLOUR MILLS, SAW STILLS. FARMS, ece., As I cannot attend to them, I offer for sale the follow. ing properties. viz 3 • . A superior Flour Mill, with 3 run of Els, and einDle water power. The profits of the mill, wall managed, would soon pay for it. Where is a Store and several hon. tired Well of good land connected with it. . Also, another water-power, with Saw and Orict ;till militated two miles from the beautiful and healthy tow of Smithfield, Isle of Wight county. Virginia. Also, adjoining the town a vary superior estate of 800 acres, one-halt under cultivation. situated immediately on the water; with a large brick dwelling, It rooms, and every requisite out-building, all in perfect order, Aso, a beautiful farm of oyer Magog, good lifad, im mediately on Nansemond river, near village or Chuck atuck,lo miles front Smithfield .Oysters , crabs, and fish abundant' Will be sold together or in parts to suit purchasers. Tennis easy. if the Flour Mill is not sold soon. I wish to get a gen tiernun, Writ experirii,d, to take chit. ge of it. For further particulars, address MA S. JUNIUS WILSON Smithf i eld, Isle of Wi Reference—LIPPINCOTT 3/, PARRY'.g ht,Co., Va. FL W. corner Market and, Second streets. sa-stuth-lm Philadelphia. iIaRAIN MILLS—GRAIN MILLS—For •,.." the Farm and Vlantation. The IRON-MIR Ft !MU has no equal for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, 14pt nee, eta., by hand or power, • Price 68, 823. and At ta. Now in operators at 128 South SECOND Street. Agents wanted In every county and State, by itnl74rn F,. FARM* co. WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1132 MARKET St., Phil's BUILDINGS OR AE, DESCRIPTIONS WARMED AND 'VENTILATED BY CULYEC',S NEW FUR GAS- BURNING WAHM-AIR NA. The above furnace brie now been in tine during the last two winters in this city, and has gi MI universal sat fisaction. The large heating surface being directly Over the 1411 10 1111 1 lire, and the conical tubes, through which all the droll.pass. are so arranged as to consume the large! port of the gases froin the coal, being en• eis of Cast Iron. with deep, sand joints. Is now of yWoroa to the puldio no the :nest cormilete heating aline rattle now in this market. C. W. being a emotion] mechanic, will personally attend to all heating and ven- DMting. - sue, 'Sig sizes of CrlOrg RansesoulaPted for hotel and private use, Co li ne ' Patent Chimney Caps for ventila ting and cure n smokey chinineYsi with a full assort ment of Registers and Ventilator" of every size and petteni, Flre-plane Stoves, Bath Boilers, &a. 116r2obbing promptly attended to. . CHAS. WILLIAMS, aiii2-tutha3m . Late BAKER St WILLIAMS. NEW PLANING MACHINE, Embracing The Andrews Patent of ISO, with matching works for_dressinor Beard! Plank; do o. Now Principle of Feeding. Great of Powor, Machines of various sine, 24 to 30 inches wide, for mingle or double marooning, with or without nit/Oohing heads, for' Cale at N 0.23 Nolth SIXTH Street, Phits. CM) and examine. ros-thstam GRO. W. COLBY Sr. SALMON. -25 bbls. prime now No. 1 Sal mon, landing from atonmer Kenaingron. and for Ws by I NI%. J. TAYLOR & co.. 122 and 124 N. WR AR VIA& , OLIVES-In bulk, in 'prim ordir; tor itale itf A NT KR MO. till RnntA VROIMT Rtratokt ITALIAN HEMP ROPE.--Italian Hemp Rope, White and Tarred, for Inclined Planes, nuractured and for Hale by WEATER, FITLER & cat ' 7Q No WATER 86., sad 72 N, Wliftyvee, ,YROSOI- 4 1'niaditi)gbeMit4 55A31,4104Y1,901 1 0BEit 1.&59. IMPORTATIONS. NEW •PUBLICATIONS 4 GEORGE 0. EVANS! BOOK LIST.—, IF YOU WANT A BOOK. WY IT AT EVANe' OIFT-HOOK STORE. YOU CAN Or (300 D BOOlfti. you QA oET CROWE OOKS. YOU AN CIET BOOKS WORTft REA,DINO. YOU CAN 6ET ANY 13001( YOU WANT. Autl, above all others, you can get the OREATEMT BOOK OEIR TIRE SEASON, by Which ! 1")"4 j1101gra EvANs, IiIFT-BOOK THEI.IBH ER, 09 CIIEN ',NUT STREET. And rooolloot tAdtaaryArimosfirstrt, worth from IS GIVEN WITH EACH EOM NOW READY,_ MEMOIRS Olf ROBERT HOUDIN, Ambassador, Auti lfeoroinanoor, Magician, Conjuror, Wizard. PROFESSOR OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND, eta,, eto., eta. Written by Himself; Edited by 'DR. It. SHELTON MACKENZIE. This book is full of interesting and entertainlng anecdotes of the interviews of the y.reat Wiznrd with thaw ost distinguished personages of the present day, and • gives desoriptlons of the manner of performing MIT of his most earning tricks and transformations. Bound in one volume, cloth, 440 pages. Priam, $l. LIFE OF COLONEL DAVID CROCKETT. One vol., Dom,. cloth, with a sift. Price LIVES OF FEMALE molt 510148 gtl One volume. " TrIV I I) 1 00 1 .1) qq E.,„iiPlaNhOOK. One volume. RI 22, and a hand• e so sft w eaoPric e M Ay' I P S. with 11 R ' r e i V . l . /t vrAvw,hy NOVELS, and it gift. el caoh, COOPER'S VELltirind a gift. al each MARRYATT'S NOVELS, and aloft. el eaoh. HUMOROUS BOOKS,__and gin. Siena. MAYNE REID'S NOVELS, and a gift. BIM each. MRS. HERTZ'S NOVELS. and a gift. , $1 . 22 each. MRS. SOUTHWORTIPS NOV ELS, and a gift. 11.2.6 each. BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE, and A HANDSOME PRESENT, orth from 80 cony' to $2OO, is g iron With every book sold, Lull rn, and one trial will culture you that the only P lace in the city where to Ipurehaii . Books is OE9 GE G. Bylaw GIFT-BOOK .E 8 ABLISHMENT. N 0,489 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Two doors below Fifth, oh the upper auLe. Irsr Strangers, rieitteg the eity,are respet,tfdp in vited to call and examine the huge collection or Books, and get a Catalogue. STR:4I7BS'. CRITICAL EXAMINATION OP THE LIFE OF JF.SUS. Translated from the fourth German edition, by ht saran EVANS. in two royal octavo volumes, pp. 902. With a fine ideal por trait. $14.60. THE POSITIVE PHILOSOPHY OF AV ausTE COAITE. Translated by HARKIST hinny:vests. In one elegant , royal octavo tolume, pp. SA With a fine steal portrait. ea. TRH ESSENCE , OF CHRISTIANITY. By Lumina FkIIER.BACII. Translated from the second (Inman edi. , liars. tl ' igill'OEovrakinEWlNAing.Found%. tions )yid Superetruature. By WILLIAM RATHBONE OREG. /Zmo. 61.26. Rola by all Booksellers, or cent by mail, together wi th lim catalogue* (13 pagee octavo), postage free, by the pudishe, C. BLNCD, on-St No. 7t3 NASSAU Street, Ne w York. N BIV BOOKS For Rale 114 GA UT do VOL "MAR, Successors to H. Cowperthwait to Co., No. GO9 CHESTNUT Street, abovo Sixth, View ed de. , BREAKP ABT,'DINNER,,and TEA. clout rally, poetically, and pract ically. Containing nume rous curious chalice and feasts of all times and coun tries. THE WHEAT PLANT: its culture. growth, development, oomposition, varieties, dismount, he., too. BY THE SCIENCE OF EDUCATION, and Art or Teaching. By_John Ogden, A. AI. DE rINCY—THE LOOK OF POLITICAL ECO NTiIVROIPPe.TPREMI; or, the History and IN:d -ome of Cookot. P RES TIA L CANDIDATES. , Containing sketchesßiographioal, Personal t and Political. of pro minent Landidates for the Precedency In DP. By IL W. Bartlett. BORDER WAR. A tale of Disc:lion. By J. B. Jones. THE AIISSISSIPPI BUBBLE. A memoir of JOHN LAW. By Adolph Thiers. To which ere added au thentic accounts of the Darien Expedition, and the South Sea scheme. Translated and edited by Frank B. Fiske. SYLVIA'S WORLD. Crimes which the Law does not reach. BEULAH. By Augusta J. Evens. MISS SLIMMEN'S WINDOW, and other ne vem. By Mn. Mark Peabody. With humorous illus trations. AOC ECHEEK. Sketehog of Foreign Travel. KNITTING WORK. A Web of many Texture., wrought by Roth Partington. RECOLLECTIONS OF SAMLEL RODGERS. ALMOST A HEROINE. By the author of Charles Aualiester. he. SMOOTH STONES, taken from Anpient Brooks. By Bev, O. H. Spurgeon. tieing Ft oallootion of eentonces, Blustrations, end !anoint sityings. f rom the works uf that ronowned Puritan. Themes Brooks. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON STREET OR HORSE -POWER RAILWAYS: Their location. con struction and management. with general plane and rules for their organ' maim and operation,o., Ice., inclu ding copies of Municipal Ordinances rotating thereto. By Alexander Egstin,l3. E. .Alstr, a very large assortment of Books of every de scription. in plain and nee styles' of lAnclins. ENGLISH and AMERICAN tiTA PIONERY. BIBLES, PRAYER and HI MN BOOKS, of every variety and style. OUR TABLE, containing all the daily papers, with Massaines and Periodicals, offers en advantage for spending . a sperahour. N. II TEACHERS will do well to call at the TEACHERS' HOME. No, WO CHESTNUT Strinit, end examine our large and complete assortment of Reboot Books, MEDICAL MEN Will do well to mecum the following beportant end very desirable New Books, WIIICII Will sent hy mall for prices MO11 . 811! , ruF, nmv,ltionN DISPENSATORY. Ily 'Prof. King. SM. I.476ipages . ON! 00 KING'S. AMERICAN ODSVETRICS. Pro. 800 pages . 400 SINES & SHER WOOD'S.AmpucApt ECI.RO • TIC PRACTICE. New edition, revised. vols. Pro. I.6ooroam • ... 700 SCUDDER ON DISEASE'S OF WOMEN. Illus trated KOST'S . 11ili.DIa. ;AND 'fIigIiCA PECTIC:B. teumeroun Illwittatinps BEACH'S IMPROVED SYSTEM OF MiD 'WIPER.) . New and reyined edition, with nu meral,. colored Plates, 11111110 ..... 6 tr) PHOP, SYME'EIt EDINDLI 011)SURGERY. instrated. NS pages 6 oo RENOUARD S (of Paris) /tinny Op 710 pates .. . May be had of Medical end Geneml Booksellers, in all cities, or direct from the Pabliehers._ MOORE, WiLSTAOH. REM tb M o i : OinenompOh , l 0 0 . & or etlebyall Meilcalokseliers n n L F NDSA k IMAIIF7OAMTI&trot• PNcorr FOURTH ptraot, etc. 013.itia PIIBLISHED, ON THE Ent INST.' THE LEADERS OP THE REFORMATION, LUTHER, CALVIN* LATIMER, and -11010 X, -tbe Representative Non of .Herniany, France Emden& and Scotland. By Rev. J. VitaLocit, H. H. 12m0., cloth. el. JUNI' Pl/1114181IED.' • BRITISH NOVRIASTS AND THEN. 1111,1.8 Being a Crithull Aketch of the History of British Fiction. Bt Davin MAOOON. 11t. A., author of the Life anollines of qloth. Thoents.' English and An grime et iewora unite in unqualified commendation of this *or , es one of the most, enter taining books of the day. , NEW EDITION. LECTURES ON META PHYSICS ; By Sly 'MUM lc (.1t ft. TO . Bart.. Prpressar of Logic end Metaphysics in the University or Edin hu rs. aro, cloth, 33. The remit sale of the third thousand of Otis masterly ivoth attests the love or the Amerman mend for mental philosophy. IN PREPARATION. M ANSEL'S MISCELLANIES Comprising' Prolegoinina Logioa, " Philosophy o Kant," psychology, or the Test of Moral a mt Meta physical Philosophy." " Metrologies," An., under the editorial mipervision of ilia author. LECTURES ON 1,00(0, BY SIR WILLIASI HAMILTON. gouLD h LINcoLN, No. 59 'WASHINGTON Street, ' - ol.2.grew3t Roston. RENOUARD'S (of Paris) HISTORY OE' . 1 vol. Sr..ri pp. Z2o. Sheep, rice 4984, No 'indent of Medicine 'can punitio his studies with' genuine zeal. without the information connoted to refuters of English only In thin volume. Every Pli) mien and Studentof medicine should be acquainted with the history of his wiener,. • • * A .compendioun, well-arranged treatise by Dr. Soo ouard. etri.--t Prof. Jac' son. Univ. of Yenn. • a it iea wit rk of great erudition. itectirecy, itlida.hito sophiont ray Li at/ALar , Al. ti., W 19 tra i l i rl . of Renouard me one of great merit, well calculated to 511 a told in limit department of medicar hierature.—l Prof. Gone.. Jetfereon hied. Cut., Phila. The best history of Medicine natant.—[ m. Jour. of PharmecY. From its pates n very accurate acquaintance with the Watery of Medicine may be obtained.—l Hat en Am. Jour. of Med. tIo once, We are PUN that the work will he received with the favor which it 50 truly desernes.--(Sonton Med. and Sure. Journal.' It is a work which Is greatlyneedyd. some such work ought to forma part of every liberal and extended coulee of Medical education. • • • • • no similar modern work in our lansuage.—[London Mod. Times and (Janette. MOORE. WI LSTAC If , 'KEYS. & CO.; Publishers.' For male by all Medical Booksellers In t Plidedelphla, LINDSAY & BLARISTON, SIXTH Street ; J. B. LIP PINCOTT & CO., FOURTH Street, eta. ot-e&it •• 90.000 qg 00,000 CELEBRATED COLLEOK BOOK JUST PUBIAR11111), In connec ,on with Mr Jet mre Ditickwocd, ( tho e l s . t o ,, n r i e lo o n . Pubhillier, from whom 1111 N e just receive ' I IIi e F. P . I ZMET I PtIIh OF ME. VERDANT GREEN, op 0.1 , 011 D tr • OVRELMTV• BY •CUTHDERT BEDE. B. A YjNITIBTIIIIIOtigAND. Three volumes in one, with nearly IRO humorous inns trationa. elegantly Printed, and boiled In mudlm. 12nie Price .91, • " The popularity of this humorous work of College life and adventure is itonlenee. The English 'Publisher. in a letter to no, neaosnosnr - ins the plates, write.: I hove eat nearly ninny thou sand of Venosvy OnisnY in England. and x \ou wall do wolf with it. "JA hi Rd !MAC WOOD."' New Editions now randy of LOVE (L'AMOUR I. Alionxt.s.T's steal work. The "Benention" honk of the day. inith edition. One vol. Pone M. MA:KANDER VON HUMBOLDT. A good* Life and Travel' of this celepintod an rant oo h introduction by BkVARD ' TAILOR . Ono vol. Steel Portrait. rrico et O. BOOK OF THE CHESB CONGRESS. A einntileti Eneyelopierlin on thin nuttiest `' The Euclid of Chess,' One large volume, rnoo 4140. Thome Rooks will he lent by mail, postage froo, to anY part of the United Staten, on the receipt of the price. by RUUD k CARLETON, Publishers end 13oohnellere 010-the-tf N 0.130 (IRANI) Pt,, near Broulway. NY. T HE: PORTRAIT OF RON, EDWARD EVE PITT, beautifully engraved on steel 17 P. will ha published October fit h. and presented gratis with the ILLUSTRATE() NEWS OF THE WORLD', of that date ; ready in Mutton, October 18th, price HEN Csvrs ; postpaid to any mitt of the United tatea, These portraits. all engraved on steel, in the finest style of the art, combining accuracy with deb ertey of finish In engraving rarely atternable, except by the best and most practised artists—my be sub scribed for na followsi With the weekly numbers of the ILL utyrunTka, News OF THE WORLD. A favorite family Journal, replete with news and stan dard information from all parts of the world, profilamy illustrated with fine wood engravings. and in CORIIOO - with the . _ DRAWING PORTRAIT GALLERY. The wonder of the ago for clienpeass and beauty. }lnlf " Yearly-32 Papers, 4220 Portraits and Memoirs 87 60 Quarterly 13 ' 6 13 " 220 PoolPlud to any port or the United Stales, Rulisenotions may commence at nn} •aate, hack stock of all the portra its are coustnntly on hand. To prevent injury in passim: through thepost. the d aid., Porrros may he sent separately, (not prep nontl; packed; quarterly in advance; ne.a efileetion may he mode Irmo those already published, il preforroth (of the whole year. The pootagn on the weekly embers, with or without the portrait, in always pre-paid by the publishers. Prords 81.26, end tlot proofs es Oh on large yam, of the portrait of Mr. Everett, or any, of the portraits rin d r oW i lga b il e y i , ta t i ke first and second snies (10 Portraits and Memoirs in each. heautitna 1m0n.12, THE DRAWING -ROOM PORTRAIT LLERN . Price 8630 each series. HENRY A. BROWN c '(IOItIPANY, 11 HANOVER Stront. Banton. DEALERS ftIiOULD ORDER EARLY. 5e20-24.0c.8.16 17,13,19-7 t V 10 GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS.-500 -IL Cases Sapardfleror Concentrated Lye. in onn hound nly , ti.ll.t I ron Nowa, (the only well.eqdhlielted and re. Kahle article.) Manufnctured hi do Venneylean , a Snit ManuNcturing Company, and for sale to the trade an follows; 6 Cum 13e,per ponQd ; IQ to ne Cason. $ WM. J. H. GRAY}.Blllottp Manufacture', 041-I.m • ' North FRON r, Street MACKEREL —425 bbls., 180 halves, 115 (minters, hnd 200 W Inie No. 118 300 bble. Ana 20 halve. largo No. 33. in storeend for nAle by W At. TAYLOR & CO.. 122 Ana 124 North WilA It VW 03 SPIRITS TURPENTINE.--75 bbl q, Sptq , ZHlBlllo'4:nCrilieio.ftla WINES,MrD LIQUORS. JAMES STEWART & PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. GEORGE NVILITELEY, litiportor of Brandy, Wine, &0., IM SOUTH FRONT Street, Wort fur sale, in bond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WEISKEY. raT-Sm VITE CALL ATTENTION OP TIM TRADE to We really Hi:parlor article : ALFRED RENAUD ODONAC. A supply in stanor_todsi r ieneknos nomlntly on hand. SgrAfg=W:4ValorJl4 °, —oan . ao, London and Holland Ulna, Clartt in "h ood and Ca. on , Champagnes, high and low Prlnen. LONGO/lAA'''. Importer. olo•tim 217 South FRONT, Phdadelphin. GEORGE:I9IIITELEY. No. IN ficath FRONT Street, Importer of Brand Wince,offers for sale, in bond only, the followinf, anions other standard brands of brandy : V::: DI i n I , Pc.C6co C o„ ( I t i rr fi d . . o db , A. Seignette, hlitrett, Cainces, ellevormin. min Proprietors, L. Ilennes.y. A ljC io, D ß "F tti:l l7 r it ti t P eC a lr i e. a : ler Ms It Whiskey, ande.y, the choicest raltaties ol ittrideire, Sherry, Port. Burgundy and .Rhine Winne, Palm Tree Gin, Jamaica Rum. bents Cruz Rum, Bordeaux Oil, ho., are. a27-ly CARD.-LAIAREUIL-SUR-AY (CLIME:- PAGNE), JANUARY 16,185!.—1n consequence of the frequent invitations me to renew the shiprtionts of my Champagne Wine p to the United States, I by; leave hereby to inform• my former customers and the rubble in general, that !have appointed Memo". P.C. ROUWER, ANCIIER, , dt CO., Bole Agents in the United States, for the sale of my Champagne Wines. Ittir Voles have been so long and favorably known in the tinted States, it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that my new shipments will in no way be found inferior to the former ones. BILLEIART BALAION, BILLEGART SALMON'S CHAMPAGNE WI VES, both CABINET and VERZENAY, for sale and con stantly Oil hand, in lots In suit purchaser' by F, 0, BROUWER, ANGRIER, & CO., aprt-6m 61 BEAVER Street, New York. driCARET.-100 elms Barton & Ouestier's ' bt. Jutiio; Bco do. BLT:step° ; 300 s do. Washing ton Morton M. Jabot' ; 100 dp. do. faience, pints ; to do. Chateau La Rose ; 00 do. do. Leoville Llgooteh to stone and glass; Younger% Harvey's, Falkirk Brown Stout and London Flirter, in store and for sale ID , • Out A. MERINO. UnSoutit FRONT Street. - - "C0V.311 WHISKEY. 125 puncheons P ,7 James Stewart Co.'s Paiskty M i alt. n bond and for sale by GEORGE WHITELEY. .21-3 m NOTICES. NoncE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Assignees of the President, Directors. and Company of the Bank of Penrisylvenia have applied to the Camden and Allantio Railroad Compn tiygo make or deliver to said assiuees a duplicate of 10 First Mort gage Bonds of mid Railroad Company. for $l,OOO each, numbered IL 33 31, 471, 472. 473. 474. VA, 4713, 477, with Coupons attached, which belonged (rimed hare been log: by mid Bank. All_pe mons ere cautioned not to negotiate or recoils said Bonds or Coupons, and the finder is requested to return them to mild Agaignaes at their office, 226 WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia. W. C. PAT VERSON, • N l : ? mime 8kv,,0E1A..i F .,,e,„ 011-tuthAs 3t' NOTICE. ---An application will be made at the neat session of the Legislature of Pennsyl vania for the incorpimation of a Bank, with general bankingpro:doges. with %capital ot TN% 0 HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND _DOLLARS, to he called the MANUFACTURERS' HANK, to be located in the oily of Philadelphia. Jyg-e ern NtiTlOE.—Whereas n certificate of Ten Shares of the Stock of the Philadelphia. German town. dc Norristown Railroad Comeau dated April 2, 1859, and numbered 3,792. in the name of 'WM. A. BAUM, and mailed April 21, 1839, has never come to hand. notice Is here.? given that application wilt he made to the hoard of said Company for it now certificate, and all persons are called upon toahow cause why said certifi cate should not be issued. A. T. CHUB, oaitivrat* 219 GOLD Street. VAUTION.—I hereby caution all persons a lJ er ef , A wlr um due or InUlu due here kill, to any pornon but iho tindeBLerteet fi Ekhpuii; nuthori zed to renew. end recto p i t gr n t e hti v an h nler I YMIDLEY, Attorney. QPECIAL NOTICE,---Dcalers in Good year's Patent Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Winds. Webs, and all other fabrics and articles mule by combining . fibrous inhabit with threads or sheets of vulcanised rubber. are non ed that unless the Caine are properly elamped or lebelle with on name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine speumene now in store, and to &moto N r order for the Spring. Trade to the uk. Cndersigned, LUY - P t OWNER OF THE AND E CUSHY}, EMITS 1 Tux PAn..NT for these souls, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im rialgitintinVlalti MANUFACTURE and SELL —and Ole Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. s 3 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. nS4-ly HORACE H. DAY. NOTICE, ---Persona having businiss with the FLOOR INSPECTOR will call at No. 14 VINE Street, between, the hours or 9 o'clock and 3 p, whore U they will And the Inspector pr Dpputy, F. M. WES TE.. . M. LA UMAN rel 7 Flour Inspector. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DDISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSUIP. The firma WELSFORD & WILLSON expires THIS DAV, by limitation 'or time Either _party will sign in liquidation. JOSEPH WEI.SFORD, N../. WILLSON. Philadelphia, Seth Sept., 1559. Notice Whereby given that JOSEPH WEI.SPORD has formed 11. COT3rtnership with JAMES NAPIER, of Liverpool, and SOME' RA NXEN. of New York, for the transaction of a General Importins end Cononisaion Business in Ws and ew Yorkiiinder the Grins of NAPIER. IVELSFORD. & RANXEN. in New York, and cif WELSFORD, RANKEN, es CO., in Philndel. 1 1 1 1111ailelphia, ad 0ct.,18,54. NOTICE IS, lIF,REBY GIIVEN, that the i d t i srme 1 7.41:il i fat e. 01W n li g ArICK. & I I3RU) this llgi va iry m e g un d a T (lie Amp: :P d etlerWldß e t a treats. , ' - " --. 70 . 111 , 1.1 . 051 V. ItACK FRANCIS A. CHAD ICK. PhilAdolohla, My 11.1BW, zylf-ef BUSINESS CARDS. J. VIROWN ITM:111Y. JOIIN W. UAW of liureyAßuchnown.) (Lateer Henry& Turner. HOVEY it ArTORNE HENRY},s AT bAW. INDEVENCENCE, JACKSON COUN 1880 . 1.11 i 1. COLLECTIONB made of Engem Claims in any par of Weldon and Northwastotn Alfaanun. lIXIVER TO Messrs. R. Wood, Marsh, dc Ro ward, Caleb Copo dr Co., Pluladelphia. Biter, Prim & Co.. aterehants Will please cut out the above and paste at the head or" f3ilte Revolvable." no C-Le MARTIN tt QUAYLE'S BTATIONERY TOY. AND FANCY GOODS BAIPORIUM. lOU WALNUT BTRE'ET, BLOW XLIIVENII-1. Ceratantly nn hitria Perfumery n rid Toilet. Articled.. puRE CONFECTIONERY, MANVFMITIIIIiID wARI) A. HEIN T Z, fete of S. Hannon Store 8. W. corner ARO)! and NINTH streets. Sin tFaatnry att Filbert stra.t. I JAMUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase and Hale of Real Estate, and the Collection of Rents. tn• No. R 6 WALNUT Street. B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING • • AGENCY. N. E. oruer FIFTH and CHEST NUT. Subscriptions taken for the best City and Country Newitanyeral. eat lowest cash times. ge3-3lit ALE. moKINNEY) A ngintrE l ii l a w , Wall pratotiee in Westmoreland, Ara:Wrong, and le mann counties. sell- THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE CHESTNUT Street, forwards Tercels, Peek ages, aleroliandoie, Bank Notes, and Slime, either by its own Lines, or in oonneolion with other Ex press Com panies, to all the punotple tow to awl oitien of the Vnited StAtes. H. S , SANDFORD, eut-tt animal Buverinteadent. MORE PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF MORELIA'S AMERICAN HAIR REPAIIATOR. Hoptember 27th, 1859. This is to (*stirs that I was held ror many years, and was recommended to try your Roparator; and havlng tiprocured three bottles, used it for three months. which ne caused tns hair to grow, and althoush not quite as thick as before, yet it Id constantly gowins. h. ht. JONES, No. 39 North Third street. PHILADNI.PII I / 1 . September 27th, 1859. Mr. J. P. Mos rm.: Ltrpr Sir—Some time since my h air eonm,eneed falling out. no muoh so k that I was, in feet, fearful of becoming bald; but hearing of the won denial minter of )our Haparator, I wag induced to buy a bottle. and after using ono-half of it my hair not only ceased corning out, but commenced growing finely, and hare now as tlimk a suit of hair as ever I bad. ACOII EVANS, No. 021 Cherry street. For min hi T. 11. PIETERS & Co., Odle Agents, No. 716 CIIESTNrr Street, Philadelphia. so2i-dni 114 SALAMANDER SAFES. A large tournament of • P}l I ADELFHIA " YITIA rt'SYSit EI, SALA etANDER t:AFES. VAULT DOOllB, . • For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOM! 4 turtl to any llov' in use. IRO )00E 8, snuTTERB, Bo., ontscood terms . anyt3 other tates establishment In the United , by RVANN & WATdON, ri0.116 dotal FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. PLICANP. lIIVF. lIA A lIALI. Ruts to giCIIIANcIiEsTER SCALES. sAt No. 21 North SIXTH Street may be found general assortment of COUNTER SCALES, ro tiTA BLE CLATFORM SCALES, DORMANT WAREHOUSE SCALES, HAY AN tt COAL SCALES. Alec, RAILROAD TRACK SCALES furnished at short no• lice All a arum tort to indicate standard weight, accu rate and durable. The style and finish of the above goods best known by tyminination. _eta-thelitYin ORD. CoI.BY it co. S!EVER SOAP—A simple preparation for Managing Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors, Mar ble, :cc., far more minvoment and effective than city other. One hall the labor of Rouse cleaning luny be saved by mint thin Soup, which cannot possibly injure the finest line w We. and as no scrubbing is required, the e3Vllig_le the weer ot the paint 18 much creator than the cost or the Soap. It leaves the surface as pure and white as when new. Manufactured only by the Sienna Indexical Stvtp ronlpiiii). and sold by they appointed Agents. HASSARD et).. Apothecaries, TWlt.liFTli and C II ESTN I IT. FAMILY 011000 LATE ED WA RD A. JIEINT.Z. truvorter Freneh and Sventeh OCOLA' ddr Store B. W. Corner A RCII a ram' Streets .s-sn, I Pnnlory 114 Filbert Arent.) LADIES' DAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI -8.1i1"ftl, and cURI,I3, nianujnotered in the very beat and newest Pens sty lee, arida which we remnant/7 keep a very large interment en hand. gold wholesale and tetett, at the hiweet oasible mires. Orders from all parte of the reentry lolieited, and promptly, attended to. Also, a new lIAIR 1/Yl , i .' superior to eny in use. AI, maws, No. 12 TENTH 81.. Hetween Market and Chestnut. VIEGLEIt & SMITH, corner SECOND and URFI:N.II:Iva acquired a groat reputation by the wise end prudent coerce they have pursued since thejr conunoncomout in busioess, by selling a first-rate artinle ate IoW &MO. ,13d( HOW E'S STANDARD SOALES.- PRONI.I tc ROES PATENT.—Cont Cattle, end Ilay &alas require lie pit Platforin , and Counter SealeA q,5 1 „ 7 r 6 v ,, tv l r ß i p , t , t t s ia ;,o T l o np u l l e r e e I %LI . FLlc o ti n on ni va &aloe. Carl and examine berire puralLi4 eleorrhere, and see the improvement PENNINOTON EI , N, Ment n5-3m* 112 Mouth SEVENTH Rtrret. To IVESTERN AND SoUTDERNMER roIutIY'rB Roo?, oil ilizom, ormily packed. nod ,or owe , by tho PI toolnetoron , RI Iho 10Wpst Now York prom WEAVER. FITI.KE & co.. pIU 23 N, WATER N, Marvell. EDUCATION/11.. DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young letdine. all branches taught. A few TIMM PUPIIS received in MUSIC. BVENING ktalioni for Adult Lenie. Bent Reference given. Apply at Nu. North Till fur HENTII Street. 413-3 t MADAME VAILLANT'S School for 4 . 7 " i• Young ladies, 1418 CHESTNUT Street, opened September 141 h. Scholars continue to be received. 012-1110 nz KALBINSTITUTE, Norristown, Pa. 1.-.• —Por Young Men end Bo's. For Ciroolarg with Particulars, address 1310-ot. JOHN W. LOCH. PrinolpaL MESDAMES CIIEGARAY AND DIME 111A. VILLY'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, No. WA LOGAN SQUARE, 'VINE STREE Madame OHEGARAY res T. pectfully Informs her friends and the publio in general. that Independently of her Boarding and Day _School, directed by herself and her niece, Mme. PRKYOST. in NEW YORK. she in tends, in connection with her niece, films . D'HER MIA', opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution on premsely the same plan as the one above mentioned. os-am EV. JAMES I. HELM'S School for the higher educatinn of a limited number at Young lindies, 1313 cHEsTrarr Street. Circulars, with terms. reference, be.. may he had on application. of-Im AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. Families, Schools, and Colleges. supplied with competent Teachers, for any Department; and Teach ers with positic,ns. Parents gratuitously supplied with school °woolen. Refer to Faculty Amlierst College, Mass.• Br. Lowell Matum • Mason Brothers; lion. Theo. Frelinshuysen, LL,D. t ' Hon. John C. Rives. Et at. SMITH, WOODMAN, k CO., SIB BROADWAY, New York. and se29-ern OOP CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. WHITE HALL ACADEMY, THREE MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG, Ps.--The 18th Semi- Annual Bcureion will commence,ou MONDAY, the 7th ..f November next. The attention of Parents and Guardians is invited. The location is pleasant, the mimeo( instruction extensive, and the terms mode rate. Good Mt) , references given. The Principal can be seen et err afternoon at the UNION HOTEL_ from the 10th till the 14th of October, inclusive. For Circu lars eddrele • D. DENLINGEIt. Harrisburg. Pa. A CAD BMX OF ME PROTESTANT -I- it- EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST and .1 IJNIPER Streets. The Autumnal Session opened on MON DAY, &Diem bar Sth. Aoplications for Admission m exceptmae to the Prin cipal, at the Academy. daily I on Saturday/ be tween 10 and 12 o'clock A. it!, MY, thainlm JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., Principal. VDUCATIONAL.--Miss ELLA WATSON 216 North TWELFTH Street. will recommence giving Instructions on the PIANO, et her own residence or those of her Pupils, alter September let, 1969. au.25-thmt m gm. U STOWS WRITING ACADEMY, S. R. corner EIGHTH and HANSOM Streets, Open daily from 9A.M. to 9 H. To Gentlemen a. rapid and elegant businees hand is imputed. To Ladies a neat and graceful epistolary Myle. Curve, Private. Cards written, and every de scription of I'enmanehip neatly executed. sI3-Sm HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the reeidenee of his father, Profame Allen, No. ZIP South SEVENTEENTH Street. 36-2 m• PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN, PIGLADELF GEORGE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. The Fall Term of this Institution oomme aces Septem her Rh, 1859. The course of Instruction comprises all the branches of a thorough English Education. together with the Latin, Greek. and French Languages. ault-tf ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORD, PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. The course of instruction to this School is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardian. who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution will do well to make immediate application to M.A. E. L.THOMPSON, 13-tI Principal and Superintendent LARYANT STRATTON'S NATIONAL A-4 , MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at 'Phila. 8. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; ew York, Buffalo, Cleveland, end Chioago. For in °mullion. call or lend for Catalogue. (0-tit DANCING. WASHINGTON HALL, 810 SPRING GARDEN Street.—D. L. CARPENTER, the Sordety Teacher of Fashionable Paneing. la now ready 10 take Pupils at any time. either rrtvate or in Classes. For rata:sues, call and observe the rtspectalnlity nI "I)4.Vbt•AUFILPENTErt can be seen daily and nig_htly for terms, Lo. Thu is his twenty-ninth year as n Teacher to thus city. 03-lm" PIANOS. MARS! 'S MUSIC STORE, No. )102 CLlEf3rNtrr Street, PHILADELPHiA. Where the bast nuke of PIANOS, hIELODEOhIft, end MUSICAL INSTRU- MbNTS, or XVIHY Can be obtained at the lowest Maim fac tu rers' Priem' Dinstantly publiahing the latest Choice Compositions and Popular Music of the day. Also, receiving New Music diuly_froin all the cataloxites in the Vatted Stalest. Dealers, Teachers, Seintnaties,and Clergymen will be supplied at the lowest wholesale rates. Orders by mail will be prompdy filled. Catalogues of Music or Yrice List will be forwarded free of charge when ordered. igldm J. MARSH. Agent. giow EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB LIC LEDEVER.—" Mr. James Bellak foie on exhibition severed of J. k C. Fisher's pianos. One of them Is secret' octave rosewood piano. fell iron frame, handsome, but plain finitit. '1 he lone is most excellent end Powerful, and the price only 142 n, He hue also one somewhat stonier in appearance, which has all the la test improvements, besides a new patent damper,which prevents the piano from getting out of order. ft is fin ished in a splendid meaner." These Pianiut and a splendid assortment of various makers, are forsale from 8175, or upwards, format, or on muniments, at JAMES BELLA tf'S, 279 and itelSoisthFlFTß st.. above Spruce. New and second-hand henna for sale. takine NM, 0 °KERING. & SONS, RANDATFF:An WRIGHT eann wianocd icr 011tr i ' SKET, and U4Vetltrll.l rifir ire /TIFX, 5W4004. 0 dinArent 'inbitions in thin worn and Ear Or 23 G 1411 AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. JAICIr RA YEN, BACON, & Co.'e, Nunn & Clark's.Halleit. Davis, & Co.'s, and A. Hale & Co.'s superior PIANOS. Also,_ Atm- HAR ta,4ll3 . sir,tVirenagtieedforgECLhOuttranaddLeotare Rooms. 10/^ Plums and Melodeon" to Rent. J. E. GOULD. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. KMA GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIA NOS. IiCHOMACKER as CO., 101 l CHESTNUT Street, respectfully invite the mnsio loving public, to call end examine their new and true oessful improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding all the objectionegenerally mule to the int le ot Grand Piano, also diminishing the coat of the name. In volume, Aunty of tone. great power,brilliancy. full ness, depth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy and sweetness. these SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIPULLY-FINISHED STA IN ppA ENTii are wholly unequalled. f hey have received the highest encomiums, ano are pronounced by entice to be far su perior to any trunnautents ever manufactured in this country. Constantly on hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. lye. Immo Leen awarded the Pint rtentirs, at all exhibitions ever exhibited. in cluding the rise Medal from the Crystal i'alace Exhi bition. New 'ork. STOVES. TILE "FIERY STAR." GAS-CON. SUMINU AND RADIATING AIR•TIGIIT _ sTovE. fo r Parlors, Halls, Offices. Stores, &p.olt 'the food economical, cheerful . and healthy stove in Go market. Al. Wbo Wish it heatiox 1144'0 that will a.. entire satisfaction are invited to tall and see one of the FIERY STARR in npuratton at oar Wa fermium. hvery variety of Rh both Plain and 0/18 BURNING. for Parlors, Kitchens, Chambers, !talk, Sic., tuny be found in our amortnient. Oar celebrated ROYAL, • BEA.BIIELL and DOME-OVEN Cooking Stoves are WARRANT ED, and. fu r excellence in operation, they CHALLENGE all competition. NORTH, CHASE, AND NORTH. 013-In, No. 201 North NECOND 8 runt. STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAK No. 1116 MARKET 8 rREET, lx now prepared to meet the wants of thapublie more completely in all the details of the Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of which he invites COXPAII•TIVE EXAXINATION. . . The following are amonti so wn popular inventions. aerate' of which have al re obtained a national repu tation as surpassing in ere,. nu and from any other Stoves nee. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved One-hurnin t Cuoking Stove, noknowledgeJ to be the best Stove for family tine in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Oas-consuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coining 11110 general JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver s Air-tight (lee-consuruing Parlor Move. JAMES SPEAR IN the Inventor of the Improved ( Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, which from its' beauty and utility IN likely, thia season, to be unit er• ash!it t & AR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR a the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Ralway-car Heater. For all of the above the Inventor very Justly claims advantages which require but to be underatood by the Public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other artieleirof that elan in the market; and he woold her l phr extend a cordial intitatton to all persons in want o Stoves to call and examine for themselves. Partial W shine to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately tojaur cluese or not. siZt-sm CHARLES JONES, ,gr, N 0.400 North SECOND Street. (Suctesior to A. J. Washer.) would respectfully call the ellen - tiots thosp desirenx stoves to his extensive assortment of Cooking. Heating, And Parlor stoves. here purohitsed tho exclusive right to the r.inal solos and repairs. in Philadelhia.of Gallagher's Celebrated Morning Star" and " Sunrise' Oes.hurning Cooking Stoves, well known for years as the most eatudlsoterg Stoves in the market. Also, hie new Plat-top Cooking Stave" Pat light," which combines all the useM im provements, and operates admirably. also mann filature, in a superior manner. B,lvor'a Oas-burner of the best Russia Sheet Iron. These are the most economical and easily managed Parlor Stoves in use, sl6-Jni ' AUTION.—Wo hereby caution all per sons not to purchase any Cook Store or Stores with Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross I laces on. ,sops those mode by us, as me are the exclusive owners of the Patent for makins Hollow Centres or Hollow Crow' Pieces, and we shall prosecute all persons who infringe on our Patent to the full extent of the law. STUART PETERSON, Iron Poiniders. WILLOW Street, above Thirteenth. WASHING AND IRONING. el . WASHING , AND IRONING DONE "R- Lag E g N tie ss ntiaenm a . D . 2 EB M24. ij ia74 School, ' Rotel', flteamboats. so.. at DuNOVAN'a FAMILY LAUNDRY, No, ZO South SIXTH Street, earner of rrune. Nuttily Marts and Gas" Ot P nt polished. Fverythins washed by band, an the com mon wash-btard. The Whole =needle strictly attended to hideout', operatives. Mrs. DONOY Jr $ (1-1, Reverie endeilt. IAM PREPARED TO RECEIVE EVERY description or Family and Domestic floods, having Sewing Maohinos of the hest manufacturers, as also the "1 31 1 . t 0 '' . Pi gl v fMl a Pe d se ' t8V,VI;g8 " ; , .. and do. patoh and at such prices that del) or atm M. A. H. E. oornor of SIXTH and PR ENE, In 1m louniolrs Office. SPTS. TURPENTINE. —5O bbl Spts Turpentine. in store mid for ante by ROWLEY. AKIEWRIVER, h. CO. .at No. InNooth ritlA REFINED SUGAR —5OO barrels various grades. 1,10 bbla oeunhed, sifted and poodle', for sale be JAMES GRAHAM la CO., RUM Ij r TIA Rtrowt, -------- CEIEESE.-320 Boxes lierkium-County choose, in store and for 9919 by A 121111 PO. UGAIt Ili USE MO LASS Ks.-- I 54) lids horoeoland Introit. for ualo JAMES UItAM T A LT SI & i'VS/ EIA. Streei, SALES BY AUCTION. SOOTT, AUOTIONEFA No, 431 A-A* cuEsTriuT ETREET, its the Cushing Rouse. between FOURTH, and rirTH 80tte% SPECIAL SALE OF 630 BUFFALO ROBES. on Monday htorninS, October 17th win be sold, brpatelogne, commencing et los, &dock, 000 Sioux end tAuDoewal robes, of beet inze and colon ip the market. • - Cr Robes arransed for examination, with catalogues, on Saturday, the lath inst. BALE OF IVO LOTS EMBROIDERIEB,.THIMMINGS, BONNET RIBBONS, 111..LLINERY GOODS, &c. On Wednesday Morning, . Oot. lath, by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at 10 be &cloak, will sold an assortment of seasonable goods. to which attention is invited. Catalogues and samples ready early on the morning Drente. A't' PRIVATE 84_LE— P BESKIRTT Q . UALITV WOVEN HOO S Now in store. for. pry vale saloon laroe lot or beat qua lity woven hoop Auto. of 8. 11.15, 21, 25, and 30 hoop,. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO„. No. 4V MARKET STREET. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY On Tuesday DE. Motonsk, Oct. 18th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on six months credtt— 400 packsges and lota of fanny and Maple impor led and doutestto dry goods. %3 Catalogues and samples early on the morning of sale. PIiILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. MARKET Street. and 621 MINOR Street. RALF, OF BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS, AND GUM SHOES, On Thursday Morning. October 20th at 10 o olook, will be sold, by catalogue, on four montlue credit, 954:1 oases boots, shoes, bro sena, gattara, and gum shoes, comprising a desirable assortment from the best manutacturers of city and Eastern goods for oily and country sales. IP - Catalogues early on morning of sale. SALE OF READY-MAD ko E CLOTHING, SATINETS. On Friday atorning. October 21st, at 10 o'clock , will be sold. by catalogue. a large a nd desirable assortment of ready-made clothing, of best make., for tall arid winter sales. On Friday Morning, October :Ist, will be sold by catalogue, on it months' credit. 100 pieces Ingrain aneVenetian carpeting. OW Catalogues early on the morning of sale. SHIPPING. PHILADELPHIA AIM CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP.THE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, WALD AT NO. U MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'olonk A. M., September 7th, 1839, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors the Company, Via: GEORGE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WALK, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, GRAS. MACALESTER, lap JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of maid COMPANY are now open at the above named Mee, where all persons favorable to the enter ed's are reepeotrotty invited to anbecnbe. is-t( I w) ME BRITISH AND NORTH 8 , AbiERICAN ROY AL MAIL STEAM. 80 . 110 W 111 W TORS TO untierooL. Chief Cabin Passage— .130 &mond Cabin Pauses.— —.---- 75 110)1 SOITON TO LITIOLPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage.— --.................8110 Seeond Cabin Passage...-..._. ~ in The ships from Boston can at ltabfax, 1 PERSIA, Capt. Judicial, OAN ADA, this- Lang, ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone, AM ERICA. Capt. Millar. ASIA Capt. F. O. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA. Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Capt. J. k' Leitch These vessels carry a clear win light at mud-Ma d; /Teen on starboard bow; red onport how. E ASIA, Judkins , leaves N York. Wednesday. Sept, IS. RABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 6. ASIA. Lou, . N York, Wednesday, Oct. IF CANADA. Lens, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 19. AF RICA, Shannon, " N York, WedneadaY, 0ct. 26 . EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Nov.,. PERSIA, Judions. " N York, Wednesday, Nor. 9. AMERICA, Millar, '. Boston, Weds-many, N0v.16. ASIA, Lott, " N)1 ork, Wednesday, Nov.ll. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on imard. Tlt . s owners of these ships will not be socionntsble for 00l . Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Ranee or k tale, unless bills of lading are med therefor and the lite thereof therein expreised. Bow l ingh pas- Is ht e o , ti ply to E. CUNARD, 4 Green. New Nods. FOR TitE SOUTII.—CIIA.RLEB - AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of simian per °est be low New York Steamship_ratee,. _ FOR CHARLESTON. 8. C. The U.B. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Cap- lain Charles P. Massinguin, Intl sail on Satusdoc, Oot. lath. at 10 A. M. Through an SY to SO hours, only hours at Bea. FOR SAVANNAE,.O.I.. The U. 13. Meal fltaaraahip STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John I.Oarvin, will sail on Thursday. Oetober at lo o'clock A. M. Through in ES to g 0 hours only 48 hours at Bea. lair Sailing dale chanted 'from ever/ thttradal to every live der. Hoods received. and Bills of Lading argued eve sientil_Snrt-olass side-hel is • NET - - STONE A ' L'E and STATE OF 0 war nulAll allot" every ten dam th re-day omma end Savannah, and tee South sad ` litonthay..o.• to Charts/Son and Ramesh. thews Ships con nect with steamers for Flonde, and with railroa d:, Ac., for all plane' in the Sou SURANCEtRand Southwest IN Freight snaUtirmrsnee on s large 'proportion of shipped &Nth will be found to be lower by theee 43 Zie s than by sailing vessels, the premium beteg one-half the rate. N. 11.—Inrerpnoe on ail Railroad Freight is entirety unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies Pam all Nib from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fere by this route 111 top per eenß. cheaper than by the Inland Route as will be str by th 4 rOßOwin4 sche dule. Through cliets 4aaa IttlikdAphyy eta Charles.- ton and Savanna stesmahi”. NOLIMING MEALS on" the whole route, exoept Cram Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery : . . INLAND TAU. Tog%leron— 116 ell Chariertan..........-6133 SO M.-- 1600 flavaanah—. -- 3160 Augu on sts- ...... 20 00 00 ANrtgao masita......-.. 32 M 75 eetlaaMac, 21 13 00 ,titlaata—. 31 00 iambus-- . DOD MOO lbanY ... • • .... 34 GO lbsay 37 00 orilyome4•... 16 00 ont,Folnert.--- SI 0 0 Motu ie De 00 Dim.. --..—... DO New Weans.. BS 76 sir 0114a5... - 61 OD No Nils or Indin;signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or paaaasts apply On board, stsiroaM wilmf above Vine street, or to Soyithirett *other FOIJTI II L II II I M ArI 'u Lents Vitiar i gston,;l446, , • G i cf ( i j y 3 D i r l ei nt. Fee FloridaTr i oui l ekarleston,stsaMer Caroaria row! TuesileY. . Far Florida from Sayaintah,_Bliaissirs St. Mary's and St. John's, even , Tuesday sad ftMrdar. GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY.--STRAIA TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY raw& YOR E GLASGOW, Thomeson. L 7, October IS, at 22 n'olook, noon. F. INBURt; H. Cumming, Wed needay. October AS, et 11 o'olook, noon' YROK OLA.OOO otasaour t Teommn, wed:leads/. eintsmber U. EDINBURGH, Cumming, Wednesday, Be it iolo bar .21 Rotes of Passage from New York. F lotto. or Boeton, to Glasgow, la vorpool, Belfax, Do lin, or donne try. firat mass. tin. Litegrag e, found with en itet demos or properly 000kod proinsimm, An experieneed Sprgeon Marled to each steamer. No charge for modicum. For freight or Doilladlor OPPIte, W &MO & No. LIB WALNUT/Brost Ro cam , No. JO BROADWAY. New York. s ink U. S. U. STEAMERS 701 lAVRE AND SOUTRAMPTON. ARAD°, Captain Lines , will sail July SS, September 1/ ,November F ULT ON Captain Welles, will sad Maud 20, Onto her IS. December le. First Cabin 77411117.—..—.—,._... -SIM Second Cabin passage.— 71 For [Dwight or sewlego_sw il lttlA t° M NEILSON. Agent. At the Warehonaimr_ _Dmoseuty's thliedeleMa Tobacco Warehouse. DOCK Street. Phila. rega-em AILEDICINAIG. DR. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERP hare been thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia. flatulency. heart.hurn and lierulahe, costiveness. diarrham, fevers of all kinds. rheumatism, gout, gravel, worms, scurvy, ulcers, eruptive com plaints, salt rheum, erysipelas, 'Comecon colds and in fluenza, irregularity and all dernrigetuent of the female systere.pites. and various other diseases to which the human frame is liable. For sale by the proprietor. lir. W. H. ItIOFFAT, LIROADWAI . New York. and by Druggists generally all over the country. all-glatWIY DLLNTIVORTIVS PILE REMEDY. -&-r• For the cure of Hemorrhoids or. Piles, Constipa tion, Fistula In Ann, of this Amis. Prolapsus of the Rectum, Fissures. Excoriation. Ulcerations In ternal nnd External to the Anus, Pruritus, and all Die- WWIs peculiar to the Rectum. The great and tint tortn success which this Reinedy has attained for the cure of the above Disease' is unprece dented in the annals of Medicine. The rapidity of its curative qualities and the durability of its cures are equalled by no other Remedy of the nee. Ninety-nine cases out of an hundred are alleviated and roved of this distressing complaint and are restored to comfort here tofore tin known. Full and expliett Directions accom pany each Roc One Box is sufficient to perform acute. Prepared only by DR. 01,E 7 RACE NTWORT Streß, No.Blet. Price 41. Can he tent by Adams' Express. od-lm A N()TIIER PROOF OF TIIE WONDER FUL EFFECTEI OP TKO/CELLI/ NEURALOLA SALVE. Puma., July Tilt, MS. Mr. H. Ir. airs—Dear 131r:—/ have teen troubled with the 'NEURALGIA" fur the last It year., and here infrared the meat exernciating pamloonaPelbug me at tames to give up my business entirely. I oould not eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eyes. I suffered more Hum tongues can tell. I had the adraCe and aid of varicomphymeotrui, as used other TOMAdies, but all of no avail. Having noticed your adverbeetnent an the papers, I ooncluded to call on a person whom 1 bad learned was cured of a ease of 30 years standing. He applied the "sAI.VR" but once, and I felt immediate relief—e second appboation removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like, a different men. &nee then I have pies wen—sometuing that I, h ave not done for months being obliged to set up all nag tan a chair. My appititi has returned, and I feel grate ul to bort for the »itera tion of my health. CHARLES H. RARER, Tobacconist, CARROL Street, shone WOOD, Repatriate!). For sale wholesale and retail, at IL W. oorner SI XTH and PA qlBll Streets, and at T. R. CALLENDER Er. Cols.r4. . corner Third and Walnut eta 6P20-Li DENTATRY. DENTISTRY.—The improved sets ...A:W. of ARTIFICI Ph i ladelphia still manikoptured at PoT ARCH Street, , by I. Lux.ENS, ht. I)..Surgeot*tiat. The Mineral seta of Teeth are superseding all others, Maass from tl a following reasons Pure mineral to twed in place of told or silver, for plates, matins them one,third lighter, and at the same time interh stronger, as their greatest thickness Is where the gums have shrunken away more, thus perfeetty restor ing the anatomical shape and contour of the mouth and face, and giving the exact original espresaion to the features ; they will stand better in service, end never get out of repair they are responsibly warranted for a lifetime; there are no crevices f or the aocurnamlation of Particles of food; they are w holly free front all gal vanic action, and ran never produce palpitation of the heart, headache, sore throat, neuralgia. or nervous ness. aIsoLUKENS' offica.9.o7 ARCH. etreet. Philadelphia ; 3311 PENNSYLVANIA Avenue. Washington. D. C se24-]m 111 - ICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LENltili OA L. pre need 7rtt!. oars, for pile on beat term. APO} at 1,110N5 , b Depot. NINTH an.l Ft rear, 1.21-tf 3 00 MILS, No. 1 HERRING —lOO half btile. extra Mackinaw White Fixh, In atom and 2 ,, r sato Whl. J. TAYLOR & CO., 122 and 124.2.icath WVI A LP VIV 4 L OVERINWS SYRUP, in Idols. and L 1•1‘1.., at reduced ',moil. for ilftle try JAMES (MAHAN . & CO., 1 wriTT A Ptr...o, 'VAR —Just receivtli. a large invoice of A- Tar, in superior order as farce barrels. and for sale b WEAVE RAVE FITLER, & CO.. 1:4 N 0,34 WAUR . DEIAWARS AT. SALlld BY AUCTION.' K THOMAS lb 815— ,- - - p likia.ll9andl4lBo i fiO a rTE MUM. - . Foraterly_ ea Illt. ) • - - EST i dta - AND fr eCYCA P T V R A% !lei sad atcaks will he rbe heldteP li ldoet Pro= in the evening et 7 o`okielt. giir Contnbators having the option of either gide. gir Handbithr of eaoh_premly gamed Rapustelnin aaditi oa to which we pause.l3ll the Saturday yeevrirear to the sale one tboaaaad catalogue. in pawipeart forts. Wingfull dpsiaffrof all aw properties to be sold cm the arena • y. , WEAL - A .S. AT PRIVATE SALE. wir We have a large armpit of real estate at Sint* sale, inalading every ciessonptig eity and tawdry property. Printed lists tor ha at the seed= store. PELVATE 8 TV. WEE. lair Egad estate entered_ ce our private ads peeteeer. and advertised ocosaiongly in oar Pablelle i ts.m la/ which I Annooptes are printed weakly ' ) es of cham FALL SALES STOCK AND REAL ESTATE. Tenth Fall Sale, lath October, at 12 o'clock woo, at the Exchange. EleveuthSale, lath tictober. at 7 o'clock is the sv a ln iitto l tVe l to h = rot each of th aboTa alas now reads. - PEREMPTORY sALEs—PEWS, Lc. • On Tneaiayl2th instant. at 12 o'clock aomt .witiHrota reserve, peire rroa. Sid and sar i pAretl-at m et Pre thylatit2l. Chtl rat. (Rey. Dr. Wadawo 'a.)_weat or Tea th street.: Also. pew No. 44 Chnrch o the Epiphany. Sir B ile of the three ahoolate. PEREMPTORY a LE—AD vmoNAL PEW. 420. without reserve, per No. d St. Junes'a Chinch, (Rev. Dr. Morton, Seventh _street. north of Markus. STOCKS, &e, Aliso, 20 'keret North West Minute Company. $l2l atiii Delaware Mutual lesorsooe Coattosaf— en for 1 , B r eese or =LS I there or Park Alsociation. l share mercantile Labrall. 1 share Philadelphia Atheaseans. TENTH FALL SALE, OCTOBER IS, AT NOON At the Exchange.wirode— EXTRA VAL ABLE PROPERTY. BY ORDER OP UNITED STATER. the very vAmuumt MARBLE BUlL, g rlma formerly the BANK OF PF.NNSYLVANIA.. street and Dock street, opposite the . Philadelph: Es cheese." and sear the "Corn Ezehange, &Mord street, th bt TAM feet by Nin feet, haring four . foo h ts. The th e rd Dr feet forenrlY THILOSOF CV , HALL, Fifth street. soutleof Chestnut- Lot TO feet ftt i Trustees' Sale.—The COAL LANDS of the NORTH CARBONDALE COAL. COMPA.N lf.ssa acres SI perches, in Fell township, Luminacounty. Pa. Administrators' Poreropt.o . ry Bale—Estate °M ethanol' Huila d . deceased.—VE.R \_ VALUABLE BURANESS STAYM, Noe. and KB Booth Reseed attest, baker Chestnut. Sale absolute, without reserre. VALUABLE FARM AND COUtt PRY BEAT. stint A 8 acres, near Torreadale- oaths Philadelphia and Boa tol Becks comity. re. Executors' Rale—Estate of D. and 8. Davie-des% • VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATlON.—Thrise brick dwelling. N 0.107 south Tenth street, below Ch , nat. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate ot Joseph Wright. dead, VALUABLE COUNTRY riacE, r setes.srith im provements, powder 3lg i t zad,ilrar Nteetcren Buse. Ruford. do. . • Or TORY BRIC K' o f James eortdwt corner of Sixth and_Men_streeta. south of !wird Same } : state .—? RASE .-STORY BRIO D W$Ly. IRO. adiotint, same Estme.—TIIRSE - THREE-STORY lIRICI DwELI,INGS, Jones' atter. In the rear of the above.: Orphans' Court Salo—Estate of Hears Junkotth TWO TWO-STORY STONE DIVELLLNOd. d a =Mown. op - CouttSals—Estate of Joha E. Welch. deo'S TWO-STORY PRAMS DWELLING. aorthwestaide of Bmishurst street * Germantown. , Peremptory - ELEGANT MODEIL`f 1,814- BENCE, N 0.1317 Walnut Wrest. obsosits P it t. 113134r0, with all the modern cos rtrotruorm- Lot= 7 niches front br £l5 feet dews, to George strut.. ELEGANT RESIDENCE with stable. coat &c.. Locust street. above William street, TveatT • ward :late West Ehibulelahust. Executors' We—Estate of MrlL Aisne L Euelk - = VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND —Biota asf ivr No. WI North Fourth street. above Arch. TBREE-STORY BRICE DWELLING. Naj 2130 Winter street. wan of Teen brat street. Executors' We—Estate of WlSous olasfa...' TWO BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos.= and IS NW* Fifteenth . NEAT . MODERN DWTsL LI NO. No. Ma SoultElsh trench street. above Pine street MODERN RESIDENCE. No. gai North Trail at NEAT RESIDENCE. 1201 e Mount Venunt strut. ELEVENTH FALL BALE OCTOBER 19. TIT O'CLOCK ry THtirionito. At rthephans Expanitse i rade - gensde— . Qu e °lD:oriel:matte/P TWO-STORY BRICE DWELLING, northeast c Der of Muter sad Yourtltenseets. Same Estate.—THßEN THREE STORY DW ELLI NOS. Fourth street IMMI , or Hester. d 4 Sante Estate. THREE T mO.STORY DWELLINGS. tarmac &WS of Muter *not eat Fourth. Same Estate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK MIL INO, northwest corner of Muter anctrroh ip. game Estate TWO-S'o Rh - FRAU west lode of Pink street north of Master. Same Estate.—THßEE THREE-STORY B 1( DWELLINGS. east ode of Fourth street, sort or Master, with three fourAtory brick dwallista vtier rear. me Pint amt. ••. • • Orphans' Coart bile—Estate of William Clam. dpi TWOETOKV BRICK DWELLING. No.= Ben Berenth street, between Sprtiee tad Fuse. Truetees' Peremptory cattle—Estate of Jams. Bell BRICK DWELLINis, Sputa Brach street, barn" Oilmen and Pitzwider. Peremptory Bete.—A Grimmt• rent of 531 a year. pert; in Delaneo, New Jersey. rseentors• perempialy 11 , ...le—Estata of Cimaisstee bott. dee'd.—NEAT TWO-STOAT /MICK DWEL [NO. No an Notch Birth ttseet. TWO BRICE _DWELLINGS. Federal and Parked., BLEINEBB LOCATlON.—Tsrohtory betel tout; Ilt Carter street. between Chemant and Walaal 124 8 econd and Third streets. . . . - Peremptory bale. —GROUND SMITS—Tern "Ilk seenr• en:nunl-re Ma of 113 sad tni you. Aks4 of 81.2 a year oath. SaFe &bantam. Peremptory /Mts.—TWO BUILDING LOTS. . street,. Sixteenth yard. AT See handbills of both the above rake, 'amnia: and evening. L.A.RO THI R TYP LIVERPooL WAILE,_OO3IfENT§, W ill OF caATE4 PER /3111 P k,* sold. Oa filoadss Moriuns. Mit 10 o'clock, st the La coon Swim, Mss. fa sad 1.111 South Fourth street, witless: reserve.for sash, acedeats of 30 crates fine elute snags dtaaer. tea, sad toilet sets. dinner and tea plates, NMI and ewers. control , dishes. pitchers, bakers, custards ' Juts. bole* kit s This We complus this Wrest and DeSt'VWPII.D*IO.t4 ware all this season, sad *ill be sails btu 10 dealers, housekeepers. sod others. idismy...aarPODS aIRARY OF THE LATESION.- . - lOS L ERst 3J, DORAN. On Tuesday Peanuts. - (X^tober lath. at the Auation Storsorill Se sold the mimee Ilaneous library of theate Eon. Joseph SL Doran. of th.s oat,. SJP - For particolan me ezdaleasse. grocKs AND REAL }STATE. • Tuesday seat—None-ant samosa arias. _ _ ' Pamphlet eatstpgveas Dow ready. costesoms scnpoons of all th e amputate to he sold ea a next at /2 o'clock. noon, and 7 &eke* is th ee with list of sates 13th amt. and Noramktu Lt. at real estate at private sate, compmiag a large arsenal and variety or valuable meimro. - RARE, VALUROAnEB M e , d F AsRNsOdDM E OEDAmN.T RaO OKS:D -.• October 19thcon W emste e ng a at M al a i a m . . wll be sold. at the auction store, a lame consunment of POPO- • VEAN BOORS, of an interstitial' character, = Betted r 1 - ated direct from Lesbos. per sloe Pleiades. - 1 are standard and desirable author. an the meted ments of English limmtare, tor ether with a fine d = Dori nraglerldia pictonat and diasmated Imam. _ Cataloraes atilt be ready and tits books arranged for examination two days previous. BROOKLYN FLINT OLAMWARP. a' Also, at the mane time. an invoice of BromM a a Ified • glassware, cennastang of decanters, sohlets, temblem. wines, celery howls. fruit. butter, and preserve Sidise. meters, Bale et Nos. Pe and Ist South Fourth Barbet. - - SUPERIOR .P JRNIT BRE, FRE,NcH-PLATS RORS, PIANO-FORT& BRUTR . R/A Go' UXI& Oa Thursday Morning. At !o'clock- et the Atieuun Store, as assortment of excellent second-hand furniture. a:exult Ammo-inane. fine mirror:, e....rbets. etc.. from fertubee diseliaing hooaekeeyc - .u, rumored to the store (or couremenoe of este. J M. OUDDIXY & SON • .1:1-L Err4.lll At` OU CA RD.—L PL Glewj pone. aretioammi, Wit ra la te r rr i tga giailfir s " aiwki" 111., Oa Oar Private 13• 4 4 Register will always ta fool a Tag 111419 aso4at psal mate, isalaittaa may - ao nption Cal n i alark SONS, Estate Mama No.= WALMStreaa Wear axia. 111 011 g oy a i tT i 1L41 , 4 014 j i CB AUCTI L, INEEN SIXTH and RACE Etrta. mown- TO LOAN. eoaraei Mover vo Loan. ts tilillt 02 menu. aste=so . merchandise generally, and oa all artwa i , a souls ovni wig enh - nalde no: zees TWO Pal Met. 2 20520 0, . Mending storage. iht• at 'maser rum Esteb ntli' OR R. earOOMMI aams RACS FM AC ATIoN. MONEY: M Yl! MO EY:II Money liberally advanced in bums or small ammerata, from ODIII dollar to thousands, on sold and silvan Vats, diamonds, vetches , revelry. f owling eves, mielsoal ran straments, fumbare. &moods. clothing.groonea. C.P . e a re. hartivareamtlery, won, bona., vensi.k., and all arbelea of cable. kir_any length of tune OR ea, st EsTHANS' PAMPA'. DA raminsaimlT. aosthwt corner of Elisth and Race meets. 1) t PROMI33O Y NOTM.vith collates. inexisted at the lowest mar et rater. GREAT BA GAINS IN WA Y. fcc„, AT_PRI ATE SALE, at ciATEAE3' PyCl- PAL EABLISIRMEET, S. E. parser of arx and RACE Brreete—The Morin articles oral be void leas than kAlt the emelt MOM Me': P lll4, Old Egilltrat tell jellrleillki mad plata , of the most . armored make, in hunting oases and double b0a.a..1. rate ir/ esospetaeat lever and lam= vratebes, , ie bumpier cameo open face, some cf them are extra fird /*voted. sae beet make. Sliver EAshint patent lever vsonhem amospe merit lever aW UntlDele. in hooting .east. sine lie face. ways very =senor ; Enshan. Renee. f row*. ape Quartier watches; 3. go ld Tea, reel. ase , dren's chains' fine gold sena earie4 l.3 yelia.leseseit breoutpine. anger.nageotkuear-rina, s ave and /e.elweine rally. paler Harm,. j.,N l Z la i h n; 15), per thous. ,In boxes 24 each. van be aoM by amid box or I b ile/, to 111111 Plilrek&MlS. bitiPßOPie ban Wtv3l6s ' ' 6 1'harrienc laT v A imposior fire-pixof empet, e Avertg by 3 foet Vet& Won. vatobee. Rad, or 4.eerwice ST. 1.0:1718, WM. IWEI& BOYLA _AUCTIONY.SRS SM A rsdkLamm; ..p.caarcris, No. ,1S North MAIN NTRKW, Loma, Ago.. ( xis srith Messrs. Myers, Chemin & Pk ad oder their sernees to the taerahants. arse others of Phitedelphus. kr the sale soak. CarPetk boo*, shoe.. hudy.rJeTriarr. 3a, to OS. Caah &draw*. Ml4ll am »oust of goods. Eletdersents made Arse days otter We. 111771.11:Wis. ,oars, 0 ' hare , & r Phily .• omit Brotber, Ma. Wrg, Townsend, a Wartana. Na w York. B. roe & Co., 1. Wood, Christy, & Co.. St. Louis. " 0 Crow , 70. 1 3CrItati • & Ca, me-rmv-Ir HOTELS. MURRAY HOUSE, NEWARK:ORR), lathe lariteatand beat Urrantedllotel is central Ohio. is centrally located and re easy of soot horn all tie routes of travel. It contains all the malersi unirove menu, and every convenience Tor the emend and ea commodation of the travelling riblio. The Bleeping Rooms are lare and well ventilated. The Suites o f Rooms are sel lsrranged and carefully fiincehed for Termite' and Larne traveltma emcee; and the Howe arta be heat as a first-outs Hotel in every reeeect. H. A. MURRAI & BRO.. Proprietors. T" UNION, RICE STREET, ABOVE THIRD MLA DELPISIA. LIPTON 8. NEWCOMER. The situation of this HOTEL is wipennely adapted is the wants of the Business Public: ssqltn aoes in snood' of pleasure. Passenger Ra &nada, which now run WM, and in close proximity. afford a cheap and pleasant ride to all planes of interest is or about do ol tr. IT 13-4111 MACHINERY AND IRON. SAINLVSL V. YIERICK. I. VAIIGHLN / L KILLIAN H. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. LARILLVII lA. MERRI CK & SONS, 'ENGINEERS AND AIACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Ragbags. for Land, River, and Marine servtoe. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats,,&e.; Castings of an kinds. either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations. &o. Retorts and Gas Machinsrg of the latest and most un proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such ea Sugar, saw, and Gnat Mina. Vagnom Pass, Open Steam Trains, Defecatom, Filters, Pumping Engines. Sr. Rola Agents for N. Rdliera's Patent' Ungar Muting Apparatus ; Naamyth'a Patent Steam Hammett and Aspinwall & Wolseg's Parent CenUthigal Samar Drain ing Machine. aml-r MILLS AND 'MEETINGS FOR RX. PORT. BROWN_, BLEACHED, AND BLUE _DRILLS. HEAVY AND LIGHT SHERTINGR, Suitable for Export for We by FROTHINGHAM WELLS. TI South FRONT St.. and Si LETITIA Street. onts-lr - MINION'S ENUAUSTIO TILES tor floors. Ornamental Chimney Tope for cottage& G A M.. Vaaes Anti Ftnintllllll. Vitnfigd hpe for drains and Water eondantoria. Imported and for ale by reb - S CIM -. A I T 14702%,-