The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 14, 1859, Image 3
- •'• '3, At IlikkettlirOliot.ll t - 9 , stmat:l l -t' r.• • tt tretanWsteiekt - r;rittalliatitnertii this m ° Tu i n g. "Si lr f i t* aa'4 " -till ,lh iS tu a llsatit;t'd.9 4 "ra kaa g the strriSsOisianities; 'rgorrisT,,Venal, sdiriteeed,. , Rentutylvasio-Mitiltood shares 0110!tti, Commonwealth Baltic - " Tittle r ri6 - 11ryerlit l rleftyitOrt iii'kemoitey 114 h`--titCedirtolant ettloolate rates to an awm l l999eet holders of •nioatr 115471i 1 7 rf!wJil32 ;aay,redgetion,•;,!,,', ; thatt l'lte;MOMMAdriersisii, or the 22th,, lesms, e eot is opmingfiar 0949POSdond the 91.,„,r,;gr last that t has basalt aocum ~en enc. ex. istssalost has,fnund 4 noooBsArY tMegoi r,,, ,UP: l l ; oar . telt, tratne,t4 sleaf it . rap, zosi e t s u mb i r i r rsd . R.r , r"11*Iral * I" e l t 4 "" iwerfoar heavily looms suorninir. ""' " e". ad rase i s.,, IVAdinS' 9 Irx, 7/ 0 , 1 , ,Y 8 the 4 411 5 00V41144 the reeetpte GC 'the Morris mutat en4 r 4 " its • ' 'row to opt- ut , ,WcisMiclisig pct. Stit t s, _ ,m 1,132 21 -•• • —819 . '08 91 8,818 28 $208,177 19 Total to Oct. 2d, Weak embeg Oct ! L...... • '"i • 117 02 : The 011etenag are che quogittons km spool°, emestio tao tense, &o, as lurnilihnd by . Cronice & Co.i bankers, No. lO Scinth Thin* street; • , Old.ikmer. : , :;1.0 ) Old Attie - Tidal g01d....,1.06 •• 04 It/overmans , 486®436 blewidrinnollars ' 10 67755Nepeleons-xx frants.3.B4 '." Spanish .", ... 108 ." Ten thalers. . 86 ' 5,Ar00r.,..... ' " 'Fire - ranch . ' 9734 " 302 Berman crowns',,..., 1.08 Spanish doubloons:. - .;16 1 0 Frau*" I,* ' _l,lO Fatriot, , 4., •/ 6 • 66 • - "'" • "="=•• • Exettotfis. . - Nair York.par to 140.4 rein. th34odis. tb , Ctucinnati.4,._ it 40 if ltuntore, : .cps r ^ • Louie ei11e:... ; to • Rich dad..:, X to • - to Chartesten. - .:•.' „ ate Sni o2, ° Savannah::.: to 1 0 leveland.. - ..:, to 1 • Mobile • . to 1 `;'` Nashollle..',.. to 1 " New to.l,tr'," e to 1 estimited'hy tempetent judges that the unwise increase, of the freighteherges upon bituminous coal at theponient when tee Cumberland region had begun to coMpetesdcocasfully tsith rival coal Gelds, ea resulted to a • ; olght rhibitton of slopments suoli an extent as to coat.: eilelttinere and Ithioßaiiroad Company between' uadredthoueand =and ono A:Milli:4l4f dollars 10819 receipts- than',thel would, have realized byprriper en - cerement 07' this great branch °Llama traffic.- • T fiepten th er.ennungs'el the ' Baltimore and Oldit Rai and compare with thine of Soutentheri 183 8..43 f o l- W: Va. Total - - .514,75T.97 • $ 16 ,5824 3 • $ 0 0 5,74925 ' SSW; ... • ; 30,779 79 40,490'06 , -19,@1669 , 400.13654 Royonun 'Of Sopisinhir'W • • 418W789 68 Increesefof September • 4 540 60 'rtik.hBda ; yoar,otfli§ company oloso.d on the 30th of :September,. 4 . ooopar/son of. Unaware/nee of the year 1858.10t,Witb lhosn - ol 195748,' - ebitins the following _ 1858. - 1&5 • ;October.' 4392 5113 02 ; $ 5063017. 26 • 383 159 22, - • - 361,443 33` , . Inntutry "r 627,171 120 $517,513.73 • 321,391-10 ~ .277,01611 Tfareh 410,06 i 02 439,656 .;. .. 389057,33 ,• 483.568 45 . ,• - 51.95: • • •.4".• • ... ' 3stAlog 63 L ,' 397,710 07 _ 359,029 01, .400.7313 00 404: • " • 310,931 42 ' 553,601 55 Aug ... .... .. ..370,94092.' • siu 511 36 ' ...... , 00,10 51 • 395,789 58 „ ' Esr#inks of 1859-59..54555 219 7.1 s4,moss 1807-56„. .400,0 A , ' - Deersiutitthisieith!-.11196,44102'- • 61'001( 7 EXQUANCIE oeLza,- glotObei ilgrownitzi 11433314114 . ' . No.= Walnut street. - ITRST 11041t1).. - ,.' - • P 0400454 4......4.44.-4.-.92X -10 Pi Nana R . .... • ••521 600 City ; 66, .1i .100. - 6 Mot Cat'l prof (10tt0,105X 4 . IMO City 6a; ViewGas..loo 4 Olden Bk, Te :.105 • • 14408usa Canal .31. Common • 100 0 =de ' • ..31 30 Apse Canal 11k01p....X1 00 Frank Sc South 75.'.90 100 Long Island I% WY 1000 BIM * rutg 75.••47 ,- 50' do ...... 57 renal/. Itiln,let.o,-:,3981 15 Cam' go Amboy 11...113 21 ot Moron rrt 10t5).55$ 5• - de• •• • 13 Ilarrtsbure= It; 149 tiohlWav pref.. „b 5,16 8 •do .; ; , 3 Comet° rend 8k.....4935• • HOARDS:", . g nu looeNionge 1300 Read R ( lots)..shwn:l.9.. 40X1E'm mty 70...10 50 do. .. .. ....044/1 0.14484 /009ifterulatis,43 sdes,9o '' 15 Phila to 'ain't- ...120 92Lopic !illandit.;.•14 1 :1 1 011 - • - • • ; Sp)RND 'coos* f‘ii'ss, , tFt.,: - .;. - .139V ....4335 " - ;;,,,:4l l 4ofilffel' Pi - Bid. Asked. !U.V.taten &074....•/14 ••4 Mises WO • ..rlittrlnicl9 79 , 41 78 I J 6061 . 4:69 3 3 ( 5 'ttattalequo= s - • --f-,-.4 - -arermekkilBls! - &hur •-Xeliety tling I.l"&rbier'tel.A9 , .- eOO - 691 . 12 Parma X.'........, 2 878.39 X 19 -- .do i.-. :"; • "•. , 2818.897i CFA—puu: ~I S tir l ii. k-, E chlNayapriv.;..'.B 8 w 54 otl Na: .“18 : 614 ytget & Elm R. X 14 F . -,.„ •/.11Ist mort.4B. 48 i„,,,,41 , :a.tvpi,' itaC , Lehigh &, SOU IN .14:mm R..” ..-. flg 84 i.; "- " :' :1 1 t . : 7. ' .... 1. 2 2 * r ~...irMiss - R..4..' •, = 1 ; ii&:S t Mlelr. ll4, l l 7 , 'l3 :- I N.LICAKov - Jill' IV . • . OcTossali—lvaniss. , The Flour market has findersone no 'Anne 3' there in eery little inquiry for nhipment today, and the sales are to nivel/ the wants of the trade, at fromfirtnp 10,6 7 6' for eliperfine extras end fancy ,branditrahussas Floor in offered at siba6.l2g, the latter for good i tright brands. R.ltlittinatiatotilind,wanted, 114, C orn also. warm. and rennaylrania, ere, would reW' .commarai763. nale of 100 twigs Beal was made a t' sl.76 the AA lb. "Wheat' us steal and firm at preniouequotaticill4 I bout3 003 lam red sol at l .l 3 slslo/, the latter, for %prints. licalthertiLand3,o6o tui White At 3,30.01950. accoribita to QUERY: Hfe r sevanteitanasamt 'P'l"l-I",ckatrunsfoifil,Vg,taflgif:AnA'Ar bee off.. LOCO 'bus yellow havp,been dinpunid o ~part at Igo add part at a price to he 'RISC' Cate ere advancing:3AM bus sold at 44040 c. the latter for prime Buothernotfirint. , Barley—A sale of Western was made n alac, and 2,606, bua California Malt at 760. Bark' is otetsill. but Ai:net:at sms for first No. 1. Cottaii—Pnoes ate irrituisr, ass there 111 a small butineen to note at about previous- rates., groceries—The markets finn, , fl-.l l :KNlerate doing in auger and Coffee at, fol yformennieettr.Froyismai are held above the views or buyers, and the market is - .oust.'fierds—Clovereeed ,filsidlineat.s6,6o.o6.7o,andresonted 111.65althu. eo fitn4and about ZO tibia sold at 171firrfillo for Pernanivanng and Olio for Oldo; drudge us wiitth26,lo., . , • ••• 1411 0,04011t-isSlo . llttilliigiiilllo64oo,.--13. , • •• u4;iltokitiri .at 81f{1 36g R..: a emirs, - • :Mil i 2) Idich Con 11......150.43X 10000 - 118tata15,1876,1023‘ exalt Bk. • 460. , - .40 0 Mail 101 1 dleha8cRIR...,. 4, • 710 , 100 Mich El dr. NIX, - ~ . "...Uhl 150 ,do .do " .429.1014 100 ,do 1/60.813i /50 tial it Ohio .0 do • ......21. 100. de... . 100 Panama • . do; ... 200 X X Cinittal 79X 300 d 0:... .... .. 14.1.71 7 ~ o e ..0170.79K 200 ;do - •do 140.74 _ 1 •- do. . 791.1760 Chi k R 1R..03.6335 100 d0.... , .--.1130.00- 1300 • do 100 . do - .. 4 . : W9.631 coo. do So, 100.: - do 200 /4 . • do - ; THE hIARKRTR '• 'AsiraS 'ore - inode,ratelY Retire at, etiznif foibotli Pots, and'Pearls. • Market for Sinte and Wasterralout is 56100 , 1nirer.-with - fair receipts, and sales of 8 otkr ot„.s4.SOtts.7o for ingierfina Stilt% 5t85a4.95 for extra do, $4.6544.75 for superfine Western. et.iises.lo for es , tra do. 1115404L0 for chipping brands or etch-around hoop 01110.- •Ekiather Flour is steady, with sales of 1,200 Olds It-, es..asoo„ee, or roixod Cud rood. pod 125 /Kral for .'. ego. ;,•ctiotulien • lout Is eltoosingoralt emu of 201 0 bola 'extra. - at - 45.5005.25. Zlittelcwhoat Flour is quiet at 1 12.2342*C Extra sells to a fair' extent at $5.75 for Frusta." • • -,Wheatis dull and drooping, with sales of love - ifodot $141,01,2" ter fuuber Wastarn and 41.60 for white. lt6nroesy".. 'Corn is sumo_ and Sinn, with r no sales, 41, hnvint hflearefused tor Western winked.- 'Rye id steady with 01. 1 0 POI I.2o9.lineat NW , Oats are dull at 35w100 for Southern, ' Paitneylvania,, and J ersey . , and 430460 for State.' Caniida, "and - West6ro." ntrlsrsioss, - --York is steady, vitbr - saleiof 100 bbls 86 10,10 goefts, AllO-ate ll , for prime, .13$10f is rat:with stilirs et latuda SorVe.tor country prl Padtbr codurrr MOSS, 4658.40 for, retstorsdchrosito, Rearm. °Atria Reis: , sanoo ,- Cutments are - 0.91 11110 4 IX 99 lor Moulders, and 91 a o fa r vet firpOtithaPiall Pr 25001 e at ,111...0112,,0, and 123•10 l3tWei7ll. Epttlir nod Cheese ' are lute itiskortai nrm. ' ' MIESIM PSSPLVSL!TERARY L'ISTIVITE Ly,tieteng.—' ./4 we bhl44-Yesterdai,ln speaking of the*roaching' Miguidait cl the Minuet course of...literary lectmes before the People's Literary ; institute, that it'lrotild'i,:ewigt; thous whb desire to attend this ineregheir moaaop OOkotoirfor to tbedeliverjeftkifiret leetykeseNThuriday negt, the factsi tbewe hfivegince` ltiaryied;:ehow that we *ere right. • ,Almnat,a sufficient number, of these tickets lieltioh are idaced at the vbry moderate price of ILA for, seven of the beet lectures eitthe,eetison)hoie already,beeit fold to fill either of the' laths inWhlch the - y . 4km to be delivered. -Froth what we have hiiid,We glioifid not be surprised if thouiands in thliteity ',meld be quite willing to'pay the price of a settemi thbn be deprived 'of . peering ,flemihete f firat 'alone. Again we -MIT, buy your tickets further CourSO :Woo. OS we mity resit assured that they wjfindirdt holder to seven of the finest literary en trOtnenhe 61'11M - coin* season. , 401twiiiirti : , o Orr! Inlig: FinerSteel - Fwe Sets. ' , • - Fr,ench.Bolding'Fire Scieeni. Fenders. "-Fine Brannon Iran - Andtrone. ' Flue Brottzediron Fe nders. Fine Bronzedlron Standards, Blower Stands, &c. Fine - Ytonehlteorth - Dusters and Hollows. - .:-Fini,:3oputined Cost Vases and Scuttles. i.Cornoton_Scuttles, Coal Shovels, Shovels and Tongs, .:IJef t iiii:t/Yr:cairyt & Co., fit Chestnut street, have the iithat oOmblete)teetirtment and largeetitook of theme goods to be found tn. this city.. Their stook embraces all the tieweethild moot deeirable stytee Mae. ' , Vat WILLCOX , ANO SX.WINO MACntlitz has ecitebino .with its advantages ad the ' rialligood Mislities of the higher-priced machines. An examtnationif this Machine will prove the aboveaa - section to be true. Price VP/Tornio idyls Cheattnn 11 .1. 1 T9t , - - - 31bOais' Idek-SISE Cifftonn-Clinydle'Plioro - - • IdoCteete Water-Colored Photographs. ycfncleene, plain , Photograpes; ldeCieeit' , llallerY, Chestnut street. ext.coar,liitooming p,rearly enraged at - sn ass he was. driving, commenced to belabor the poor animal. an 'seeing which, a wag accosted him thuei— ”YOnlOokbi fQ fon were beside yOnrself," referring to thrtprosiMityof the J'accible to the ass:' this story of man grade's is - frequently illastfated to tie, by irate indi +44olo4 on the reception of ill-fitting and on eeaconable *lathing; which emild. easily be obvtated by-steering • - only the graceful setting and becoming kyles of E. H. , Eldridge; , a • proprietors the. , •! Continental northeast cornet ; of Chestnut and Attihth streets. By the may, we *cold admonish our renders,that this enteriarisinefirm have the facilities ', andhlierelitytofurnishabctterarticte,atamushmore fifeaScable cost: than any other,tailcrifig eitablishnient 'o_ prove, which, we claygo,and try there. X FoOttelill:a4K.—ihe London Courf Ctrcte ler has dory 'abbot lady, who, more than sixteen yoaii ago, named Colson, residing in Hyde Paik Ter time, 'reiollied "'lcier to see the tight of day again." from having been dieitOnointed taller teatritrionial views Byer since the "yearlB43,this eocentrio maiden his lived end Sleet in a chamber from which all risidisz - egolirded. Tpe foolish , woman has pri vately eatnaredimr friends thafthe'only regret she hat is 'that' she Cannot now lerole upon ft: full suit from the-fa. mnes Brown Stone, Clothing gait of Itockhilt k; Wit= - - - W 3 end 'Xie „Chiettmt, street,. above Sixth; Philittolphiew , - ,P - asumge - genre- a good Imp of Tea,-buf at f l ove'e,Fourth.and.fiheritnot. or ffeyenth nail , ; , ..t,in , BiaiOttiTy. 7 ,7-11it air iettttidtetthi,eleetioni taaforitieS,*e uninfingensfir omit ' 4'4 to 060 that ya_tnajorlty, ' ofPfileie - kl#llllltlneetliin • - Offnlitty , tirtiellyttietirhaVe. iltlletti determined to wear only, : the eleatintetyleit a-la Tain Hobson, as ,exhibited , at the new:Nile/int gatabliallinent'of ft, P.M. Estrada, N' e „ gihitkEttafituth , atieet.. Thesis 'enterprising fed int"ye a stook of elegant -fabric', selected' , es ' eeclatifietAliadolphia bitstontk'aed the. lateit styles •":"::- :of -I"SautfPdf„,*(ol7Malli, Clothing ',"always 'on hand. ilobsdn's rand I 14 es ,1114tai.11eirorld,Widet his fits are cr alaciiioi4e„"to" !deem: •-• /4 , /iti s ivE 3ll..7-A ivill'aidiVer a leotute iii this will, Wigs ;pr•Yrkacli wilt 40114. 0 %model of his steam ttterin whfoli-tre * rdeaMitsthiectiCantwar n-jeai4rt•Witlidati*ithcint firing a gan or forting a man, niteran'Al tninitil "notion, that -will kiad, eke; fire; and 4 "' ektioattitalOalt , la salt of clothes ft, m et tam of - thanyfile_fiitaliti;lii;dllChestrit4 been mittifiid by fbY 7 - -f 1 .4 11 10 4 0 1414 iti 43 ii VileiltfY• ' - - kitRIVAIS ArTAilimioun Hamm, vp , 9454 , , 940)411 , : inrn. , . , -- , -- -7 --- . „ - 4 • GIRARD ROUSG-=y nArTut 17t,:alOW Nintit. , .Y.V.T.1.n ., ?„Z0n- , . - .:4.:,',,?'hil 1 Z t9 4197 ri N - 3 Wm IliildwineNY , - - ,-: Edw Green,- srenton, N J Cline H T Collins, rhiliv, lh Gen,ll A Shaeffer. Lane Geo F Breneman, Lano ..--, John A Hentand, Limp J M Karelian! Nashville .M Collins & fa, St Louie F Insate, N i W 0 Gibson Pittsburg W K Yeaner,Covington,Ky E R Sibley & wf. N A I, Jarrett, Aid C P Pease & la, HI J N Large, Pittsburg Wm Howe, Trenton H N Beaumont. Pa 1,1 Courtright, N Y F , B Shuford. Miss - ' Dant Thompson kla, KY Mine Mag Moore, Ky R 8 McClintock, KY -Geo Trovinger , Cal , John Hues, Cal Ifftch Hupp, 0;1 JohnM Brown,Browilmille J r Heath, Cleveland ,Mortimer ,Thomson , N Y Dr Henderson, NJ Ohm B Bllinisr, 11 Y ()Musser & la. Baltimore. Win Buok & , ISlrt a n n t , r l in A C ',l P l itz E ge a ra t° ll.l, ll E 3 o lt s i l u aT w iN . 4. ° w Wi lli b a rl i g i l N l ' . o il ' La K Latimer & wt. N C. RFaxon Jr Ala J Baldwin, .Ir, Boston '' - - - 1 ...smar t , bei, NY' Richard Faxon, Jr, Ala • ' H Portend. Baltimore Be i n Palfrey & gaol. N 0 II A Wheelock, N 0 Geo M. Lauman, Beading A W Gordon Mrs Prindell. Brooklyn Seaman Lowerre,NY - Id H Duakworth,N Y El' Nieholst N J J A Nichols, N J MrStovens, Lancaster, Pa E B Turnbull. Conn e ,vt w Shank, Monomer, Pa Mre Deena, N'Y Miss Kith - ids!), N Y Mrs Jones, Philo Geo Gould; Boston _ J H Turnbull, Hartford John I, Plummer, NY - ' 1., Carnet, lowa MAd, Madison, Gs, ninon Bishop,Madison,Ga Mobs A (manna, N 0 C A Crane. N Y Mr Hawley, N h W B Robinson, X Y W L Mosier; Cineinnati 3 O E Hoyt, N Y E 0 Tufts. Boaton , J Black, N Y Geo .l Bent dk_ WE, Boston II Mutton, N Y „W }Liguria, Richmond I, Id. Cole, Baltimore John B TaJoott, Conn II G MeClarty, Texas 4 B Magruder; /Oise MD Moore, Ya Chile 0 Judson, N Y T A Watson, N Y Tyler Cobb, N Bridgeton CO Chapin Mass J 0 McDonald, Va ' J 0 Wilson; Pittsburg WStJolin& IaNY W L Strong, N Y Mrs Stevens & tam, ea , - Is r,Dodse, Jr, & la, N Y 3 T Plummer, N Y W T McClure. KY T Berlhour,N Y 3 II Joinor, Elkton J .1 . Blake, St Louis J Shelleto, Cincinnati, 0 W Shelleto, Cincinnati, O' W 11 Litchfield, N Y And C Elliott, Baltimore B W Evans, Prov'e, It I C H Bird, Charleston - W B Whitney_ & la, Philo A W Leisenring, Pa Mrs Brooks, N Y nos Beaver, Danville, Pa 3 L Gorham & la, Boston TH H Messinger & wf, Ct 3 C White Pottsville W F Tontrard, Lis A B Drake, Bo s ton Dr ii_p Noyes & Pt, " 'N Y ' G H Bunker & wf, Chicago And Boyd & xi, Ny' - J B A R i Bostwio i ,k Lex'n, Ky Iv all, NY- -- Wm H II Chandler, Mobile 3 A Skelding.-14 Y A L Hollingsworth, Bostonß White, Boitel ' Mr Bliss &la, Johnstown fur Barnett & le. r, work Mice Barnett, Newark - JIIO L Potts, Pottsville 8 N Bradley & la. N Y Dr A .1 Tischer & la, El C Wm Groomer, Richmond JR Greemer,Richmond AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at.. above Fifth. W Heiekeil, Va W II Ftiftcraft,Boston W Olplune, NT J T King & la, Brooklyn MISS hl Drew: Brooklyn , Jno Webb, Jenny Shore Jno A Williamson, Pa's- ,13 If Cline. Ifollidaysburg F R Fronts & la, Jer'y Bh'e J B Tomb & la, Joey Shore Miss lineman, Jetty Wee Mn U quiggl,e Jer y ilh'e Holt Carter. l'ainaqua H C Nesbitt, Ale tI J Elliott; Ohio -•- J .11MoCreary, Sr Chunk If Nioodemus ts - wf, Md J T Boyd. 8 C Dlt Parker NC - W 0 Graham, C Sisley, It - Geo Manton k In. Pa Miss Jane Marston, Pa •8 L Randal. Baltimore W Wash'n D C Jno Tretlor, Wails n t D C W Miles & la, Nevrar, NJ R W McClellan, N J Hiatt. Greensboro, N 0 C Tappan, Boston W Pearce &let, Mobile W Bond h la. Maas Jackson .N Y W Bond. Newark W (Notts', Ne rk D Stewart. Colerain Forgo Win T Nogthbridge,N Y EII Day, Providence, N. I I Br PAM R It Murray, Os J A h 11Boyd & Is, N 'Mrs; MeNeven, Pi ' NJ Quinn, Gs F L Burtch & son, Va T K Monlaster, Balt .7 , 14, 1 rq Y. Alex.V kV F AFgg er rr N D Y C Chultan ib &lo.talt Mien L Salt RP Ellis,NJ hIERO/lANTB' HOTEL—Fourth et.. below Arch. C GarratsOn,York, Pa C Hoge, West Greenville W McClintock, Pa I Gillett, Mercer oo Deegan. &ERR A J McKean, Mercer oo J Sherwood, Dayton .7 Duncan. Fallston J g Trimble, Hookston .1 Waikor, Jr, Ya S Zatinisar & la, Pa W .1 Trotter,Pa W J MoKeitn & „Pa I , ` rialsey,N Y W L McCullough, Newville W H Cleaden & la, Del All Bert. Clinton co, Pa ano 0 Brown, Look Herren Jno Yuneker, Ohio W Tallman, pa • , Miss Morriene, Books co Dr T P Morris, Ohio Mrs &oh, Ohio W F Irwin & son, Pa it_White, Pittsburg T It Hartley, Pittsburg OW Dike, Boston Jno Morgan. Pa F P Burxtal, Centre cri,Pa John Rowe, Green Castle Miss E Sites Prank co, Ps J W Douglass,Frank co,Pa Kramer, N Y W 8 Devore, Veiing° co A B Cramer, Belford, Pa Joe Clear. Bedford, Pa .1 B Hall, Jr, Ohio ti S Platte, Berlin, Pa .1 Border. Somerset,/ Pa A Thistle, Ira A D Jaynes, Albany, 0 G T Gould, Athens, 0 FRANICLDCHOUSE—Ehostnut Street, above Third. W-Luds, Trenton, N J Rid Haines, 111 Mrs Munson; - '1 Wynne, Chicago J Parry, San Francisco J 8 Ke onedy,Ban Francisco E D Lawell,Allentown,gg~a Wm.W Fulmer, Pa Jll Whitaker: Trenton, N JE Thompson, Phila. H 0 Bond, Newtown - Jun M. Moore, N J W Moore, N J 0 Wagner N Y 'l' (Madam', en, ' Alex Bull, NY 1 Taranto Boston Mrs A Graves, Beiepn P Gamer, Azikland, Pa Saml Rolaneou, IQ Y Owemith di. la, 85 Crocker, Mass Pierce, 74e . THE UNION, HOTEL—Arch street. above Third. M Prott,Lionstilorit, Pb John B Trlon, Pa 0 8 Oserbolt. Pa BWeber. Centreoo Mrs Zmneh,' Centre co • MO Emrich, Centre co M. Maler, Centre co - II Miller, Pa ThosThos Ray & la, Easton F Thornhill, Ohio ritan,"Ark • ,Jea 0 Me% an, Ohio io t a Y Lister, N Y .01iso M C Lutot, N Y boo Battuw,'N J Butte & la, Allentown eat Butti:Allontotrit -0 N Bowen, N J z H i illoClay,Oettrahurii 000 Rohm & Is, N J J 1110, N . T Thorton, lininhartv'o V Bennett', Latribartoe J L Hunt ctv'e 8 Sanford N T SanlorolN ft JAiter ly N yl ki" Folios, k .ne, Ohio 0 It Cook, Fie If Lever, Conn - R oRives , Conn iys Bottle, Pa ' A A deudder,_Ya Geo _chadwiclr, Y Jae Burk, Me C E lank. Mo - • • ' A L Irvin°, Green Castle 8 L Bettie, Light street • Wm Eves, Green Castle J Duokftelk England Mast M tiekfibld, Eng Most mokhOldr England Wro Troxell, Hagerstown "" JONES' HOTEL—Cheituut street. above Birth. Wm II Haines, Bellefonte Wm B Ilaminer, Wash M AteNamassiN,Y, - • y Fon Dawes i Ps . Jag 'Own, vs , - . J r r Stanford. column's, GS I ,Felimine, Columbus, Chi ' m H Armstrong, Easton W Boott. Boston . ' B Lewis. Washington Jos It Manson, Balt 8 8 Corey, NY. T 8 Eleanore, Balt' " I W Gaither, 8 C E E DurgetyiWie .. T 8 Palmeri Chicago -,-, - John Bi l yb,.Prtivnlanee, ~ . W H Rom, Del , , A Bart 0117; Pi Y E A Bythpr, Viraebington J-I.Alil r od SI -- ~,, -..-- - MyW_e & la, Balt Geo William ~.idalt - - ' -V S buri a l Lßalt B Georges, Balt , -, - -A B Smyth, Balt BEACH"- BEAR HOTEL—Third -et, above Callowhill. I X Strawn, 11l .EF Yeager, N Y -A 8 Moyer -- -- -- - U Faum. Lehigh ea Miss Faust, telligh'eO , - . knelt Johnson Bush/ so' flarart, Bucks no , • Paul Hilbert, Autztown TA bright. Allentown Allen_Hartman. Allentown Anthonyio Rhoads, Amity Mrs ithoads, Amity Chas D Elhomo, BaniburS Mrs Shorao, Hamburg Thin BRi, , Buoks en , Chao Roads, Southampton Geo.WA'olf, Danboro BALD EAGLE—' Thud at above DarowhtlL M Katentant'Bucks co • Thos J May, Easton Master Hay, Easton Hoary Emory, N NATiON/11. HOEL—Rane street. above Third. W Davensort. buzerne.eo - N Ape'shack. Pa DBainpson, , Donsineville B Clark, Lano. Ps John Horn, Jr, Pt Clinton, - D Wilson. Clinton. Pi‘ J M Hartman, Lane. Pit John Haar, Lane, Pa Mrs Hckley tc son; 11l - - A Hexter, Minersville urtioxffontr:- - market street, above Sixth, J Columbia, 11 P Dunbar, Pittsburg W P Carlton, .Luzerne co B F Holly, fihrewsbury.Pa. J Qreeneco• - .I).MoKeehan, Clearfield R Wishart. McCorinellsb's Dr RI MI neer. Pa P Lantunr,,tiftwood, 0 J Brandon, Ind en, Pa C Mcßride, Bellefonte J Bitter, Bellefonte Win Lowrie, Pa B I,owrie, Pa Mrs 9 Slalom. Pittsburg - M Bin kn ey. Pittsburg P Oakland, Pa ' Wm Jones, Borlinston,NJ Mrs9A. Bleakney. Ps, S M Bleakner, Pa P Miksell, ()skirted, W L Boyd, York co, Pa .1 Y Thompson: Lana co, Pa Miss llouglas, Pa ILPyttchin, Clearfield co, Pa A Bly myer,Lesnstown,Pa' Will Wardritude,Ohio 9LBrisien,Lerietown,Pa ID, figarshbank, Lane. Pa - jno Mciiemne, Osp, Pa B Lever; Academia, .Pa It C Biros, Academes, Pa ycpr o id u a t r eiF ,A r ) i n i o n i l da D e e o l , N Y Pa 'o . l . 'artrids;, Balti'more • Hainerely, New Pork COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at.. above Cho/taut. 'Jae Forguson. Franklin oo Jno M Franke Fa Levi:Crum. Ohio - W Skelton, Ohio' JJ Solomon,. Pada J Hetrick, Mexieo Slt harnmo.d, W Chester A Orittain & In, Md Poirootra W Adnme, Md Gft Clarke,Totbstown ' 83 Miles. Coletnbia Jan Carnobell. York co r L Beck, Chester co • MOUNT VERNON—Second street. above Arch. Geo 1J Brown. Phila W Oheon, Winstort Bho Heroes. Philo J C Tilzhnian, L Broadbent, England Mrs Johnston, Trenton ,NJ HARLEY, SHEAF ROTEL;—ficond et.. below Vine. Vit-Robettenck.,. ' Ron M K Brelir. Btroude'g Alt Barber, N 1 - - W E Towns. Phila J R Thompson Mr Rogers, Bnetol Though. Phiin SF 81temsn, Salem VJohnson. Now Hone .1 Simpson & la. New Rope Blakeslee, etoddardsville 'l' Cooler & la, Pa Mink. 'Bucks en Mrs 8 W Kirk, Panville W Huntsman & la,Strouds's L J Titus, Lambertville MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third at., alb Callowhtll. A &honer. Barka co A Dennis Pa Win Bavidge, A Kipp, Milton, Pa ISmit h, Pa .1 Fencandnet W if Buckman,Germanen Wiester & la. Pa W 11. Manley, Phila E Flack, Mt Bethel 8 K Mohn,Barks co G Schimmel. Easton S Ballet. Pa H 8 Boyer. Juniata co, Pa Rev Jacobson .& la, Beth'm P A Pritehman, Pa BAOLE•HOTE.L—Third streot. above Race. 8 P Thompson, Del ' .1 M Daught,Chester co Mr Lyle, Chester co ' 8 P Brown, Boston T Dicky . Cheater co' M. Carson U Pearce & la, Boston 8 Hendrick. Newport J Foie, Cal . 0 Mergaml!hamlnville i son. tkltiinore kfitti, 4 .llllllv4 l ° T Frost, fit Louis 0 Laggan, Pittsburg Pye, Savannah IMPORTATIONS. (Reported for the Press.] CHARLESTON—Steamship Keystone State.—Z 4 bales rottonil Morris Wain & Col se bales cotton, J Palmer & Co; 4p lades cotton waste, Jessup & Moore pt bales coltorkyarn, Hay & MoDeVitt) 20 sacks dried fruit, Ans. past), Reed. & Co ,• 9 kegs 'edge. Kates & Foster ; )9 empty cocks. John °lbws, Soo. & Cot 0 2 empty emits. Engle & Wolfe; 67 enipty casksi Massey, Collins, & Co; 24 bales ootton.lo nkgs sundries. various coneignees. SAVANNAH.--dhi Connecticut.-21.10,000 feet Y P lumber, Than K;cbardnon & Co. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 'BEE VOURTII PAGE ARRIVED U S Mail ideapishlP Keystone State, lktareliman, 72 boors from Charleston, so, with cotton, rice, end pas- Nagara to Alex' Heron. Jr. Also towed from Charles ton bar to this city, ship Connecticut, to undergo re pairs. Passeneers—O H Bird. 0 F Johnson, J W Lewis, Murray,tt N P Lewis,H F Raker, A Heron, Jr. and 4 in the steerage... Etearnahlp Virginia. Kelly, from Richmond via Nor folk, 23 hours, with pulse and posengers to T i,oa Web ster. Jr. Ship Conners jug. Foulke, days from Savannah, with 290.000 feet lamber, to Thos Richardson on eo. Bohr Win Oeorge,• jaekson. 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat to Jim Bewley & Co. Bahr Ann i e Gray, K e eney. 1 day from Smyrna. lfr t h ° r a 4a l4 o4 l ;l l ,l r dty C Wom Camden, Del. with rye to.) . L wley & o. Schr t ine Carol, . Steelman, 1 day from Delaware City, wither ain oJ L Bewley & Co. &she hfechanie, Hendriakton, 1 day from Odessa Del, viii, oats to Jon L Bewley*. Co. New D, Brig o;Mtis, Baker, New &Afore', R R Corers k Co Behr Caroline Coles, Petit, Taunton, Twang & Co. DT TIM/WRAP/I. (Cdrriipondenee or the Philadelphia Exchange./ CAPE ISLAND. X. J, Oct 13-10 A.M. One Dill rieged and one herrn brie are now yardarm in . Yours, • THOS. B. HUGHES. DT TELEGRAPH TO TEX PRESS. . • NEW Form. Oat is, The wreaked materials reported by Canted Bend, of the eteamyr Potemem, were, no doubt , nouns joiners' work carried away from the steamship Roano4e. which arrived here on Monday afternoon, from Norfolk, The steamer City: of Washington reports heavy westerly gains ttis entire passage. Arrived, ship John Bunyan, from Shields; barks Gowen Bra, from Turks island ; Albertina, from Ha vana; Golden Rule, from Aspinwall ; Behr Charlotte- Mieerva, (Br,) from Nassau. The eteamer Locust Faint reports a large schooner ashore twenty miles north of Barnegat. .The ettemer Jamestown reports a schooner ashore live milesnorth of Ateecom Light. fighr Eliza was wrooked on the Bahamas. Her inn terialewere sold. - SAVANNAH. Oct 13. Arrived, brig Frank Knight, from Jamaica, for nali fax,in djraress. ' NEW ORLEANS. Cetl3. Arrived, ships Vandalia from New York; Charles Davenport and Rockaway;from Boston ; Isuk William Henry, from Baltimore. -•- r • • fdEMollANDA. leared at Nes , York ..filteamobi?" Circassian , Campbell, le fli t =tin ° ll ° ol a at7d, Cdpes, oleated at New York yes terday fot Phila. • Steamship City of New York, Howes, cleared at Bos ton 12th inst. for Phila. -Bria,Chlcopes, Howes, cleared at Boston 12th last for Philo Brikkontahristo r Northrup, cleared at New York yesterday-for Rio de Janeiro. - Bahr Carthagena,' Crain., hence, at New Bedford 12th BAY !Sabel, TityllOr, nailed from New Bedford 12th mad fut Zak „ Bohr Alert, Chionpionf, Beni, aiiiyaphington,D yeaterdnx Mather, Niekerson, hedoe, at 'Beaten 12th Behr ODkR F Shannon.' BCCOOIi, for MALI, Cleared a-t Fi W chr ilm ld ir r t h ° 4l n N orogird ll , lh St4 in g, from Boston, arrived at Wilmington, 0, llth inst. ' with Alice. frnni Hatteras , bound to New York with a cargo of, - what, put into this port in distress, having been sasted on Saturday last oir 0ra...- teague. Her c ar g owill be sold here. SPECIAL, NOTICES. PROFESSOR 0. S. FOWLER Lectures at MUSICAL FUND HALL TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, Oct. 14th, on " WOMAN : Her Sphere, Rights, Wrongs, Treatment, Perfection," &e.,, settling, scienti fi cally, many vexed qUestione, a.,commenoing at n quarter be fore eight o'clock, nut) closing with PUBLIC EXAMI NATIONS. Tickets 15 cents. PROFESSIONAL EX AMINATIONS at the Phrenological rooms, No. Waf CHESTNUT Street, for a short time only. JUST OPENED—W.IMB FRENCH CHINA DINNY.II BEM at the unprecedented priee of 82S—com plete to dine twelve persons. . . Also, 100 Dozon WHITE FRENCH China Dinner Plates, full size and be quality, for $1.60 per dozen. Also, 100 Dozen WHITE FRENCH China Breakfast Plates. eatra size, for 31 per dozen (usual price $1.761 • Also, for Economical Families, . _ . White English Stone-ware Dinner Sots for $l2. Likewise fine White Tea Bets, complete in de pieces, for $3.50. - These bargains. for cash only, at the old CHINA HALL, CHESTNUT.,Street, directly opposite Old Independence Hall. 012-4 t W. J. KERR & CO. Tna CROWlsltgia GLORT."—A flowing, soft, luxuriant head of hair is considered the crowning glory of either sex, but particularly of woman. JULES HAUEL'd EAU ATHENIENNE HAIR RESTORER will produce this, even where baldness has existed from age or disease. It also restores the hair to Ito original life color, black, brown, or auburn, and yet is not a dye. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES HAUEL & CO., .No. TQ CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Will posi tively cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, &0., leo. I:WORLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough &0., ko. . . Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists and dealers generally. Price 75 oente per bottle. eo76•tf Tun BEST $5O FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EVES MANIIPACTOkID. W. H. JACKSON & CO., 724 CHESTNUT Street. Agents wanted. oe4-12t* To THE LADIES.—W. 11. Jackson & CO. respectfully innte the ladies of Philadelphia andvicini ty to call and examine their'new and improved sae FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Their Machines use the Straight Needle, and make the look stitch alike on both Bidets of the cloth. Office , 724 CHESTNUT Street, over Hazard's hook "Store. oc4-121. Gamma & Busies WILIIIIIILTRD NOI6IILKSI FAMILY @SWING-hi/MIMS, AT PAIDOCED PRICIII6. Temporarily at No. eat Broadway. Will return to No. 4a in a few week,. THE PRICES OF SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES HAVE! IBEEN !! REDUCED I!! lal-SIR OAs•LAatr DEPOT--bIXTH AND ARCH. ise24-31n ONE PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the best manner, azure's)) , for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted antis team. Our ONE-PRICE System is strictly adhered to, as wo believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., seS-H SR MARKET Street. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFBTT TRUST Comrsay.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money It renewed every day, and in any amount, arge or small. 1. PIPE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3:The money is always paid Murk in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. L Money is received from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, end other Thulium, in large or email sums, to remain a long or abort period. 6. The money received from Depositors le inverted in Rem Betide, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and other Gut class securities. 6. Moe open swore dee—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third street. Philadelphia. spN SHAKEN B SAVING FUND—NORTIIWENI COENER SECOND and WALNUT Btreeta—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all classes of the oornmuntty, and allows interest at the rate of fore per cent. per annum. Offiee open daily, from 0 until a o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 In the evening. President. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CRAB E. MORRIS, SALAMANDER FIREPROOF SAFES.—.A. very large awirtment otSALAMANDERS for sale at reason. able prieee, No. X South FOURTH Street, Philadel ' auEltf IVANS k WATBQN WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. —Philadelphia Offioe. 628 CHESTNUT Street. Merehante' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Branch offiees in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton and Westchester. Pa. lel4-din MAILRIE D. FORMAN—GODEY.—On the 12th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Morton. Win. B. Furman, of New York, and Louise, it.mghter of Louis A. Gado,. LUKENS—CURTIS —On the 13th inst., at the resi dence of the bride's father. by the Rev. James Cuth bert. Charles J. Lukens to Miss Emily Amends, ter of Wm. Curtis Esc.. all of this city. ANSRUTZ—MILLER.—On the morning of the 11th inst., by the Re v.W: J. R. Taylor, J. P. Anshuts, for merly of Moundsville, Va., end Louisa M., daughter of John Miller, of this city. ADAMS—POLLOCK.—Tuesday. October 11th, 1859, George Adame. or Leicester, England, to Elizabeth .1:1- lin Pollock, of Oda oity. .—B BIRCH—JOHNGONy the Rev. J. R. Lighthourn. on the 12th inst.. Edwin K. Birch to Alexine L., daugh ter of Alex. It. Johnson. all of this city. • LOhIER—FL h.TCHER.—On the tith inst., by Rev. T. A. Fernley, John Lomas. of West Philadelphia, to Mar garet Fletcher. et Philadoyhm. RhIITH-I.YNDALL n the Ith inst., by Rev. John Patton, Mr. S. W. Smith to Miss Annie Lynda!, daugh ter of W. B. Lyndoll, all of this city. DAVIS—WRIIitIT.-08 the 10th inst.. by Rev. A. Barris, Mr. Jas. D. Dam to Miss Julia Ann Wright, all of Pox Chase. Pa. • • - • . FLUOR—ROGERR.—Con the let Reptember. by Rev. Geo. Ha Book, Mr. Win Fauod to AweAweMary C. Rople, M both of ddletown. Del. DIED. SMILEY.—At Germantown, on the 13th inst., Sarah, wife of Thome T. Smiley, M. D. aged ti 2 year,. The relatives and friends of the faintly are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her hus band, No. thrt Yore street, on Monday. the 17th inst., at 2 o'clock P. AI. NORMAN.—Seddenlv. on the evening of the Mk in stant, Lewis Witham Norman, in the 23d year of the u llis friends and the friends of his family, are Invited to attend hie funeral, )roin hi, late i esidence, N 0.7 }fo menter alley, this(Friday 1 afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, with out further invitation. Interment at Monument Ceme tery. EDWARDS.—On the 12th inst., after a lingering In nen, Mrs. Ann Edwards, aged ati years. rimers' from her late reaidence. Rinrgold place, Nineteenth street, below Pine, tine morning, at 1 0 o'clock. KELLEY.—On the 12th inst., Mrs. Margaret, wife of Michael Kelley, in the Vali year of her age. Funeral from the residence of Patrick Devlin, Cad walader street, above Franklin, thin afternoon, at 2 o'clock. dill/MM.—On the 11th inst.. Mrs. Margaret Cronsin, wife of Edward Cronin, aged 41 sears. Funeral from the ronideno of her husband, No. 722 &anti Seventh street, above Fitzwater, this morning, at WLEICOTT.—On the 7th inst., at the residence of her sister, near Desmoinea, lowa, Elizabeth, daughter of the lateMolor Robert Wooott, of this Mts. MATIIERS.—On the 12th inst., Ellen, wife of Roth Mather!. aged 9.3 years. PICHON.—Cm the 12th inst., of pulmonary consump tion, Mae Caroline J. Fiction, daughter of the late Inapo F. and Mary A. Fiction. CORE.—On the 9th tent., Samuel Core. Jr.. son of Aging,' IL and the late Sarah J. Core, in the 7th year of his ate. _ . . WALTON.—On the fteh inAt. after a short Mem, lapjel Welton. STOKES.—On the lith inst. George Stokes, in hie Mat GAMMONS.—On the 19th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Sam mons. aged 86 years. POMO , 17.—0 n the 11th inst., Mrs. Hester, wife of De Witt C. Foreott, aged ad years. MF.CKE.—On Monday mummy. the 10th inst.. Jun. ,Henry, eldest eon of John and Catharine Macke, aced 19 .14rAl N.—On the 9th inst., itr. TIIOIII3B N. Newlin, in the 32d_year of his age. •MILIAR.—tM the morning of tho 9th inst., Anne, wife of Jacob Miller. Er At a meeting of the Bar, held Oct. 13, 1859, in re lation to the deceitse of Wthmest G. SMITH, Ban., late member of the Bar, the Hon. John Cadwalader was called to the Chair, nod George W. Thorn nppointed Secretary. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Hubbell, Bethel. and Carter, when, on motion of Hora tio Hubbell, Esq., it was Resolved, That we have heard, with deep regret, of the sudden and tragical death of• Wm. G. Smith. member of tine Bar. Relotord. That in our intercourse with the deceased we have nlways found him lair, uptight, honorable, and gentlemanly. Resolved. That we hincerely sympathise with the friends and relatives in this ntelanelioly dispensation of Providence.. Resolved, That these resolutions be communicated to the friends of the deceased, and that they he Signed by the Chairman and Beeretery. and be published m the daily papa's. JOlOl CADWALADER, Chairman. Giro. W. Timms, Secretary. it* MOURNING STORE! BESSON & SON, No.BoB CHESTNUT Street, have a full assort ment of Black Velour Repe, Blank Gros Grain Mks, do. Mousgelined'Laines, do. rook de Soles, do. Cashmeres, do. Venetionnes, do. hlerinoes, ' do. Gros d'Eoosse. do. Satin de chines do. Petent boiled Ms, do. Bombazines, do. Tenses, do. English Crapes, do. ParemaGas, do. Crape Collars, do. Mohair Lustros, do. " Sleeves, do. Thibet Long Shawls, Black Crape 1 Second Mourning Goode ii oils, ko., &c. every variety. CfIEtSPEST WINDOW GLASS in town, .t DICK'S, 8. W. corner of SEVENTH and SOUTH. 012 310 1.12 SOUTH FOURTH. STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR.—greet Emporium for Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views, Arno rie an, Frond' and English, Opera Classes, Microscopes, and improved SP"taciel' correctly en(tnd to then oe et 112 t3outh FOUItTII Street, below Chestnut. Artifinild Unman EWA. InpArtod. TirArds AN D SHOULDERS.-1,700 Pieces City Smoked Hams and !Moulders. Alen, 800 eieess extra Sugar Cured Hams, for sate by 0. C. SADLER & CO, ARCH Street, second door above Front. WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 102 MARKET St., Phila. BUILDINGS O WARMEDCRIPTIONS AND VENTILATED BY CULVEG'S ERR" aAS-BURNING WARM-AIR FOiN;WM The above Furnace lies now been in use during the last two winters in this city, and has given universal sat (inaction. The large heating surface being directly over the flame of the fire, and the conical tubes, through which all the drafts pass. are so arranged as to consume the larger part of the gases from the coal, being en:. tirely of Cast Iron, with deep, sand Joints, is now of fered to the publio an the most complete beating ILPDa ratub now in this market. C. W. being a practical mechanic, will personally attend Wall heating and ven tilating. ALSO, Six sizes of Cooking Ranges, adapted for hotel and private use. Collins' Patent Chimney Caps for ventila ting and cure of smokily chimneys, with a full assort ment of Rygintern and Ventilators of every size and pailpo.?pre-plaoe Stoves, Oath Boilers, ,ko. Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAS. WILLIAMS, Mt 2 - tiltll4-4131 L4to BAKint 4. WILLIAM% ThE PRESS:PMLADVU:Iii*aI..ViIf)4.Y=;cI 4,. .1-49 IP,PI TO YOUNG MCC—GREAT FACILI TIES are afforded for noquirink a BUSINBBB EDICATION at BRYANT & STRATTON'S MER CANTILE COLLEGE; 8. E corner Seventh and Chest , nut streets. By sureties° 'of a Scholarship the Guilder 'becomes a LITE MEMBER. and may prosecute Ms studies at his mmveniiincei Call for 011 sums. olt:_,2t AN ADJOURNED STATED MEET INO of the Philaileh ssoma OLDf Prowl firsof Pahlie Schools will beheldat theMODEL SCHOOL BUILDINO, Cheater street, above Race, on TO-MORROW (Saturday 1 MO RNING,at 10 o'clock. It. JAMES 0, BARNWELL, C.B. ErPEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— SE VENTH COURSE , OF LECTURES. OPENING LECTURE Ht REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER, AT C EVENING ALL. THURSDAY October 20th. TICKETS FOR Till COURSE OF EMIT LW:Mill, Admit Wig ono r ni emit . ..—• Hi Gent oan and• 26d Dent eman and two 1ndie5..........•• ••• 3 US FOR SALE BY Parry k McMillan, Fourth and Chestnut. Bower, Sixth and Vine. Henderson. 628 Arch street. Presbyterian Book Store, Mt Chestnut et. ollltif 1 110MAEOPATIIIC COLLEGE OF PENI4- u,4 SYLVANIA, Filbert street. above Eleventh. e introductory Lectures will be delivered in the fol lowing order Prof. J. M. WARD, MONDAY, lOth, 8 o'clock, even- Irof, C. J. REMPIL, TUESDAY, 11th, 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. J. R. COXE, JR., WEDNESDAY, 12th, 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. THOS. MOORE, THURSDAY, 19th, 8 o'clock, e‘ Prof. - W. A,EED,FR I DAY. Mil, 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. BEAKLEY, SATURDAY, 15th, 8 o'clock. evening. Prot. M. SEMPLE, MONDAY, Nth, 5 o'clock P. M. Medical and Surgical Clinics, WEDNESDAY end SATURDAY, 12 o'clock M. 08-7t* J. DEAKLEY, M. D.. bean. , A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD ERS of the GREEN AND COATED-ST. PAS- S i lfrOt• R. RAILWAY COMPANY will he held at the office of the Company. 4X.1 WALNUT Street. Oil TITS DAY, October 18th. at II noon. to consider the question of running the ORM on the Green and Coates-street branoo of the Company's road on Sunday. Ny order of the board. 012. (It BENDY STIARWOOD, Secretary. ZWESTERN BANK OF PRILADELPKAI —October Ist, emmol election for Directors of this Bank wino held at the Banking House, nil MONDAY, NovenibeS 21st. between the hours of le o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clocic M. 0010-Btd<W The annual matins of Stockholders will be held at Dm same place on TUESDAY. November ht. at .12 o'clock M. 0. M. TROUTMAN, ni-tu&fr-t n2O Cashier. 'rTHE PHILADELPHIA DANK.—OCT annual nmeeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking noose on TUESDAY, the first day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. And the mutual election for Directors will be held at the Daubing Douse on MONDAY, the 21st day or No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. At. and 2 P. Me 05-wfr&ln tn2l B. B. COAIEUYS, Casltie . rr - f MECHANIC S , BAhiK.—PIIfLADEL PHIA, October gth. 1859. itteatice is hereby given that an elution for Thirteen Directors to serve the ensuing year, will he held at the Banking /Vise on MONDAY, November 21st, from 10 A. to P. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November let, at 12 o'clock hI. os-wfrAm tn2l J. G. MITCHELL, Cashier. airBANK OF COMERCE—PIIILADEI4- mita, October I, 1259.—Notice is hereby gives, i Election M for thirteen directors to carve for the ensiling year, will he held at the BANKING 11011S'P., on MONDAY, November 21, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. hl, and 2 o'clock P. M. J. C. DONNELL, 003-rriwttn2l Cashier. The annual meeting of the Stookholders will be liefd MTh° same plane on TUESDAY, November I, at 12 o'clock .1. C. DONNELL, oc3-mwftnl Cashier. rrri INDIA—ITS RACES, LANGUAGF.. AND RELIOION.—The Rev. HENRY 51.8OUDDEA, D. of India. will lecture on this alibied, on TUES DAY EVENING, the lath hist, at 5 o'clock, ,in the MUSICAL FUND BALI,. Tickets, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Tow bad et Messrs. Parry & McMillan, Win. B." & A. Martini, Presbyterian Board Tract House, and at the Rooms of the Nouns; Men's Christian Association, 1011 Chestnut. _ _ frrJEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE,. Session of 1459-40.—Order of Introduotorr Leo. Prof. Dung Soon. Monday. October 10, at 7 P. M. Prof. Mitchell, Tuesday, October 11.47 P. 31. Prof. Gross, Tuesday, October 11, at 8 P. M. Medical and Surgical Clinic, Wednesday, Octoberl.2, at 12 M. Prof. Dickson, Thursday. October 13. nt 7 F.M. Prof. Meigs, Thursday. Octob.r, 13. at 8 P. M. Prof, Bache, Friday. October 14. at 7 P. M. Prof. Pancoast, Friday, October 'A. nt 8 P. At. Medicialand Surgical Chitin. Saturday, October 75. at 12M. ROBLEY DUNGLISON, M. D., Dean. 007-7 t PENNSYLVANIA . COLLEGE—EDI. ftr- 111 nal Department, - Ninth street, below Lemn. The introductory Lectures will be delivered as follows: Prof. Hartshorn. Monday, October 10th, at 4 I'. M . Prof. retort. Monday, October 10th, atb P. M. Prof. Oebreclit. Tuesday. October 11th, at 4 P. M. Prof. Metes. Tuesday, October 11th, at 01'. M Prof. Harlow, Thursday, October 13th at 4 P. M. Prof. Rand, Thursday, October 13th, at 5 P. M. Fror, Halsey. Friday, October 14th_, at 5.P. M. , Medical and Surgical chains on Wednesday and Sat urday at noon. The public as invited to attend. oT-Tt. LEWIS D. HARLOW, 14. D., Dean. NOTICE.--GREEN AND COATES-NT. U. 4 ' PABBENUER RAILWAY COMPANY. The third instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share. ti stock of the Green and Coates street P m asseng Railroad Company. will he due and _payable on the Dtt day WALNUTbe 80i at the office or the company, No D. 3 rite t. By order of the Board. 615-thetutol4 HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' DANK —PHILADELPHIA, October 3d, 1859. otice is hereby given that MI election for Thirteep Directors will he held at the Rankine House on MOIs , DAY,ieovernber 215t.1869, between the hours of 9o'clocs A. M. and a o'clock P. Al.; and a venues! meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November Ist at 4 o'clock P. )11., at the Banking House. . 04 dtn2l W, RUSHTON, in., Cashier-, SOUTHWARK BANK—PIIILADEL. ' PHIA, October Vatic() is poreby given that an election for Thirteen Directors will he held at the Banking House on'MON DAY, November 21st. 2029 between the hours of io e'olock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. ht.; and a general mot. ink of the Stockholders will be held on THEtiDAYirIO - let, at 12 o'clock M. , P. P. avent; of-dtn2l Cair. 110EIMER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC COlory; •■••0 SSCOND Street, above Green, le , proh ,... hli n t . ll .. e most complete in the world for making all size and price Photographs. Pictures ere made from the sine of Lorr to those suitable for finger -rings. VASEHONATILE DANCING AND CALIS - ENERCIBEB.—W. J. DUEY re s bect , fully notifies that he. will rename his elrunien,p4it ABBEMBLY 11U11.01NO, TENT II and UlthfdrlUT. &mete, on TUESDAY. the 18th Ootober. noun 44 Tuition—.: till 5 o'cinck. and 8 tt5 . 10 o'cloeka'l'. Lore—Tuesdays and Iquitos. Realdenco-712CflE8T. NUT Street. 014.40 lig LANDRETH'S -RURAL REGISTER .Q 6, AND ALMANAC FOR THE YEAR 11—Foi Grattutoun Distriliution—Contain a Monthly Ca mist for the Farm, the Vegetable Garden, the lower Oard , n. end the Greenhouse; to which is added n complete last of Garden &oils, with full directions for planting. Catalogues of Flower Seeds. with full directions fat culture. Cuteleguee of Agricultural and jiortieultural Implements and Tools also furnished wrath, on Pt pplica tion. D. LANDRETH & 80N, Nos, 21 and 23 South NIXT.H Street. 014-31" a Between Chestnut and Market streets. OFFICE; OF THE ! . tr -- ( - i-!fit • FRANKFORD & EMITH -4eo" wARK PiiihAOHLPIVA CITY.PAFSENUP.R RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Barka (late Chatham) street, veto* Fourth, PHILADELPHIA 00I0bEr m 1.59. On and after MONDAY next, 17th inst., the trite 0 , EXCHANGE TIOKIITR soh by this Comonny for the SPRUCE AND PINE, GIRARD ('ALLEGE, AIWA AND PAIR MOVNT, RACE AND VINE. and GREEN AND COATE, STREETS Passenger Ralways will be MX cents. ott-ntif CHAR. R. AISBOTT, tieeretar)• GERAIANTOWN • '' ' PASSENGER RAILWAY .21 , a .;E, , --s, Lz tzr, COMPANY —On nod after _ October nth. the care or the. Company leave the Diamond-street elation, for Germantown. an follows! At 6, 635. and 7A. M., rind over twenty minute* until 2 o'clock P. AI.; arid every filteen minute. until 8 P. M.; then every half hour until 12 o'clook 31.—at which tune the hot car will leave the depot. Leave the Germantown nation. for Philgolehia, al BA, 6.48. 7.08, 7.18. 7.28. 7.38, 7.48, 748. and 8.1:1; then every twenty minutes until 8P.111., and then ever) hall hoer time until 11 P. M. • • • Quarterly School Passes to and from the city. and packages of School Tickets. through Germantown, IM sale at dePota at Germantown or Diamond street, alit, office, :a8 Dock street. lie order of the President. 012.4 t W. M. SINGEB.LY, Secretary. D OINGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR 1839. &SIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Best Furnace for Warming - Buildings. To Anxot.o h Witsos. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. FIRST PRENIIUNL BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. TO ARNOLD h WILSON. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. FIRST PnEmityst. BEST COOKING RANGE. To ARNOLD& Wir.son. CHILSON'S DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE. FIRST PIIRMIUM. BEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. DOWN NOL BA SKET ( LOW and ORATES, FIRST PRIMO:H. BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS, To ARNOLD & WILSON. For a very handsome thselay of Enamelled Slate Man tels, very highly finished, milaritimor workmanalop. Al-INOLD & WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT street. B. M. FELTWELL, Btipt GSA f EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. Dn. VON MOSCHZISKER i OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. AL gives his esclus:ve :titanium to the median! and d aurcal treatment of the Es L and EAR. DE 4 FRFfiti of the longest standing removed both In medical and surgical operations on the latest scientific principles. Dr. it. wonld be pleased to receive or hers of the Inetlical.thcultt who wink_ to triter/fa his method of operating for the removal of Deafness, or ens operation on the E • E and EAR. ARTII • 1.. EYES INSERTED. Office 2(11 South NINTH Street, shove SPRUCE. Office hours (rum 9 A. AL to 1 Pand from 4 to t P. M. 001-11 a-if E. NEWLAND & CO.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extoontro Mock of OIL PAINTINGS, oto. to rp h r i f u l i . o cirL ices. (104 ARCH Street. abov.olmary THE "FIERY STAR," GAS-CON MIMING AND RADIATING AIR-TIGHT re. flails, Offices. Mort% &e. ilfe .‘ moat Sl e W co E nin ib i r ea r r i Aeerful, and healthy neva in the market. All who wish a heating Stove that will give enttve eatteftkettott 1100 invited to call and see one of the FIERY STARK in operation at our Warcrooms. Every variety of Stoves bot N h I Pl N ant and GAS BURG. fur Parlors, Kitohens, Momlena, Halls. he., ;nay be found in nor assornuont. Our erlebroted ROYAL, BLA.SRELL, and .1101.181,E-OVER Cooking &oven are WARR ANIED, and. for excellence in operation, they CHALLENGE all competition. NORTH. CHASE, AND NORTH, 013-141 No. AO North tWCOND ti melt. W • ILLIANI HODOSON, Chemist and Prugaist, being deprived. by sickness, of phy - sical ability for the usual active attention to business, tun,, for the present. committed the personal care runt supervision of his store (still under his own (twice and direction) to THOMAS A. LANCASTER, who has been in his employ between four and five years, pad hue completed a thorough coerce of pharmaceutical °maw thou, and graduated in the Philadelphia College of Phar macy. By this arrangement. he trusts to secure, during his absence, a careful and prompt attention to the wishes and interests of his customers, and he respect solicits the continued confidence and kindness of Ins friends and the piddle. N. p. corner o. ARCII and TENTH Streets. Philnitelphin, Intl) inontn 10th, 18.53. 013.21 JNIOHOLSON, • Ain nufacture r of SHIRTS, LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS. A large and oilmen assortment, m u d WELL MADE. always on hand, unto which I particularly invite the at tention 01 . CA511 and prqmpt-paying glionT-11:11i: buyers. B. E. corner of ILLCONI) and ARCH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. 013-IM. DAY ANL) BOARDING SUIIOOI, for Young Ladies. en branding 'might. A few more Pupils reOeiVed in MUSIC.. EVENINGa Snd for _Adult Lefties. nest Reference given. Apply at North THIRTEENTH Street, 013-3 t :MINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— O. DONOGHUE, le Soule WATER Street, offers for sale, at the lowest cash prices, a fresh stook of Ro- A l po &gut, Awl Uyruag, at malt/ gfaAtait. 912-3t,* RETAIL Dltit'6o6S. SILKS ! • JOHN KIEHL & SON are opening, every day, NEW FANCY DRESS SILKS, direct from the importers, winch wo will sell at a small advanee. Also, a large kook of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS, BRAWLS, MERINOS, RICH DESIGNS IN PRINTED CASHMERES, EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. We also have a large atook of SILK ROBES that cost forty , lollara to import, selling at e 28009. oll•lt 918 CHESTNUT Street, below Tenth. WIDE WOOLLEN DRUGGEV. An Invoke of tbeae dealrable goods. in new gdyles and heavy fab , lo. Stair Druggeta, and large elan Woollen-Bente, ed Crumb Vothe. Alao, linen wide Drumta ri..d Cloths. eIISHAH YLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. LARGE HEAVY BLANK M:8. Ensile!, Square Blankets, of superior manufacture, ordered for family use. titre American /lain and Ta HIM Ribbon-Bound Blankets. all sizes. Crib, Cradle, and Horse Blankets. 8 HaRPLESB BROTHERS, old CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TABLE AND PLANO COVERS, Flat styles Cloth end Worsted. Richly Printed, bright effects, Embroidered Borders, new designs. BureaudY, Blue, Omen. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, ell CHEST NU T and EIGHTH Streets. HOSIERY GOODS.—J — . VIAL HOF MANN. No. 9 North EIGHTH Street, hes now rnen his Fall Stock of Hosiery Goods viz: Underveste d Drawers of Carwright and Warner's superior menu nettles, for Indies'and misses' wear. Mertno Shirts and Drawers, tor cents and youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosier), Woven and HauM tete. and goods generally appertaining to the Hosiery 'grusinens. J. W.ll, respectfully solicits the attention of families to his stook, assuringthem that his stock is un welled for variety by any other in the city. and that his prices are as low as those of any other regular house. N. B.—No abatement made from the prices named. set-Wfmtf F.~ALL AND win ER CLOAKS. Newest Patterns Pan Cloaks. Winter Cleaksdatty opening. Black Beaver Cloaks. Black Tricot Cloaks. 1. Black Preach Cloth Cloaks. -1135 r Cloaks made to ord rnt one day's notice. Prices e 6 to 616. COOPER rt t;0111ARy, POPITH and MARKET CASSIMERES, CLOTHS. Thick Plain Cassimeres Heavy Blank Cashmeres. Stout Paper Sir lea. • Rugged Mixtures, Plaids and Stripes. Nl*, and 6-4 First-rate Black Doeskins. block Broadcloths PIM toy 6. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths. COOPER rk, CONARIO, on) NINTH and MARKET SELU, SHAIVLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! TIIORNLEY & CHISM OPPBR THIS DAY Very rich fancy Silks for 75 and 27 cents. Exceedingly rich for 8 , 1, worth al 25. - Black Bayaderes and Plain eolor Silks, Ste., &e. THE BEST BLACK BILKS IMPORTED ! ! Over es,ooo worth of Drochea Shawls. Btella Shawls, In black rind colored centres. French, Scotch, and American Woollen Shawls. Plain and embroidered Crape Shawls. New stt les of Cloaks opening' daily. All the 46_0100(4 b y , ng 130 ow l OI SE FOR CASH, WE NDIO B' UNDERBOI.D. Our store, being' centrally located, it is easy of access from all parts of the city_ and country. N. E. corner MIRTH and SPAIN() GARDEN. • col TBORNLEY & CHIBM. RAPS ON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHEERY STS., Have now open a firm assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from the celebrated manufacturers, Hertz do Wegeeer, in Benin. Our ouetomers can depend on getting the beet article over offered at retail in Phila delphia. at the lowest poets. A spLeranD AssonTYMIT EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. A VARIETY OP BLADE CtoAK TASAELS. HANDSOME CROCHET MOAN FRINGES. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DRESS TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAS AND CAPS. ZEPHYR KNIT OAITERit AND SLEEVES. A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE TRISINIINGS. AT It APSON '8 LADIES' TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE Coe. OF /sIOIITH AND CHERRY ST& 06-2 m NEW PUBLICATIONS. GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST.- IF YOU WANT A BOOK. YOUAT EVA NO.' GIFT-1100K STORE. VAN 6 ta 0000 BOOK& _ . YOU CAN GET 0116 ICE BOOKS. YOU CAN GEV BOOKS WORTH WRATH Nil. YOU CAN GET ANY BOOK YOU WANT. And, above all others. you can get the OREATEST BOOK OF THE BEASON. Which lutanist been Waned by GEORGE 0 EVANS, GIFT-BOOK PUBLISH ER.43OCHEBTNUT STREET, And recollect that * Handsome Preaent, worth from th at CENTS TO $lOl.l. 18 GIVEN WITH EACH BOOK. NOW DY. MEMOIRS OF R RE OBERT HOIJDIN, Ambassador, Author. Necromancer. Magician. Conjuror, Wizard. PROFESSOR OF SLEIGHT-OF-HAND, eta., etc., ate. Wril by Himself; BA. IL ditEL ON - MACKENZIE. " 9:his hook is full of interesting and entertaining anecdotes of the interviews of the great Wizard with the meet diatingoisned personages of the present day, and gives descriptions of the manner of performing loans of his most curious tricks and transformations. Bound in one volume, Ignio.. cloth, 446 pages. Price, 41. • LIFE OF COLONEL DAVID OROCKETT. One vol., Dino.. cloth, wake gift Price $l. ' LIVES OF PP,MALE AIORAIONS. One volume. M iIIE e ka " R w IIIV I A t ..PISb i k e EI' I BOOK. One volume. then. cloth. with a gift, Price SI ' ALL OF T.B. ARTHUR'S WRITINGS, and a hand some gift with each. Price SI. THE NOVELSwAvn ang $l. each. COOPER'S and a a ft. SI each ItIARRYATT'S NOVELS, and a gift. $1 each. HUMOROUS BOOKS, and a gift, $ I each. MAINE REID'S NOVELS, and a gill. $ 1 . 21 each. 311t8. lIENTZ'S NOVELS. and a gift. SIM each. AIRS. SOUTH WORTH'S NOVELS, and a gift. Sim nen, iscnncg IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE, and A HANDSOME PRESENT. Worth front 60 cents to SIM, ie given with every book Dom, can in, and one trial will assure you . that the only p /are in the city where to purehare Bootee II GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT. BOOK EBTA B Mil ENT., No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadetplua. Two doors below Fifth, on the upper aide. air Strangers, visiting the city, are respectfully in vited to call and examine the large colication of Books, and get a Catalogue. TRAUSS' CRITICAL, EXAMINATION OF' TILE LIFE OF JESUS. Translated front the fourth German edition. bv AI ARIAN EVANA. In two royal octavo volumes, pp. 902. With a One steel por trait. $4.90. THE POSITIVE PHILOSOPHY OF AUGUSTS COMTE. Translated by HARRIET MAIIIINICAIL In one elegant rot al octavo lolutire, pp. 8.18. With a fine steel portrait. 89. THE ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY. By Louwin Translated from the second German edi tion,by MARIAN EVA:I9. I,aree 12mo. 61: 0 . Tllk CREED OF CHRISTENDOM: Its Founda tions and Superstructure. By WILLIAM Raviisomt Enna. 12:no. 9L29. E lu by alt Booksellers, or sent by mail, tnyetlier with full yo&nlogues (12 pages octavo), contact" tree. by the Publisher. C. BLANCHARD. 013.3 t No. 76 NASSA II Street, New York. A ISOUVS NEW BOOK.—GERMAINE. JAIL iv Edmond About. 22010. $l. LIFE'S AIORNINO; or. Counsel and }Woman- Itletda for Youthful Christians. By tho author of Lifo's Evening., ill, THE EIt,HTEEN CHRISTIAN CENTURIES. By B iro Ltrol , l'Az.... 1 4vreio.VrtHIANs. igk.. 81. A now jHOTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS '° from Ore.!. Latin. and Modern Languitces. Sour. AL BROOK FARM; or. Amu and Memoiablo In cidents of American Country Life. 60 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MA RTIF.N. 013 • No. NO CHESTNUT Street. MERCHANTS Ou their way up town front business will find THE NEW BOOKS, As well its a Ism Stock of BOORS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF' LITERATURE, METROPOLIT.IN BOOK STORE OF SAMUEL HAZARD, JR., 012-3 C 7.44 CHESTNUT STREET. VIII; AMERICAN LEADER AND WORKINGMEN'S ADVOCATE will be issued on Saturdny next. CIALENDER & CO. will supply the •.1 city and trade with Mr. Flake's now Wort inc inen's Advocate. 25,000 conies of the fire! edition will ho published this week. olt•tt* riIIIEOPIIILUS FISKE & CO. will issue A. on Saturday next. at the Northeast corner of THIS David CHEbTNUT Streets. the largest and hand somest paw over devoted to the cause of labor. NBW BOOKS For Rale hr ". GAUT & VOLKM AR, 'Bueoessoris to H. Cuwporthwait & Co., • No. eiip CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth, North side. BREAK,. AST, DINNER, and TEA. Viewed classi cally, poetically, and practically. Containing nume rous curious dishes and Neste of an tunes and coon "VIE WHEAT PLANT: its ousin, culture, krowth, development. composition, varieties, diseases, & m Si J. H. Klipliart. THE SCIENCE OP EDUCATION, and Art of Teach r. Br John Ogden, A. M. DE UINCV—THE LOGIC OF POLITICAL, EGO NOM , end other par re. THE CRICKET FIELD: or, the History and &d -ente of Cricket._ . . . . PIIES I DENT IA t. CANDIDATES. Containing sketches, Brocraphical. Pewee!, and Political. of pro ',intent Candidates for the Presidency in 1860. By D. W. Bartlett. BORDER WAR. A tale of Disunion. BY J. B. Jones.,TO MIRSISRIPPf BUBBLE. A memoir of JOHN LAW. By Adolph Thiers. To which are added au thentic accounts of the Darien Expedition, and the South Sea Scheme. Translated and edited by Frank S. Fiske. SYLVIA'S WORLD, Crimes which the Law does not reach. BEULAH. Be Augusta J. Evens. MISS SUMMEN'S WINDOW. !vitt other pa pers. By Mrs. Mark Peabody. With humorous Mutt trations, AGIJECHLEK. Sketches of Foreign Travel. KNITTING WORK. A Web of many Textures, wroirlit by Binh Parto:tom RECOLLECTIONS OF SAMUEL, RODGERS. ALMOST A HEROINE. By the author of Charles Am:Mester, &e. SMOOTH STONES, taken from Ancient Brooks, By Rev. C. 11. Spurgeon. Being a collection of sentences, illustrations, nod quaint sal lags. from the works of that renowned Puritan. TllOlll4B Brooks. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON STREET OR HORSE-POWER RAILWAYS: Their loos thin, con struction and management, With general plans and rules for their organization and operation, an., Sce., inclu ding copies of Municipal Ordinances relating thereto. By Alexander East in, C. E. .Also, it very large azsortinent of Books of every de s e nrhnn, mplum and fine styles of iondmg. F.NULtSIt and AMERICAN STATIONERY. Brutxs, PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS, of every variety and style. OUR TABLE, containinz all the daily papers, wilt, ninny Magazines and Periodicals, offers an advantage for spendina a spare hour. N. B. TEActirms will do well to call at the TEACHERS' HOME, No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, and examine our large and complete assortment of Sehool Books, ciLDBOOKB,-OLD BOOKS—OLD libRA X-, The undersigned itates that he has frequently for sale books printed between the_years 1470 and MO; early editioue of the Fathers of the Reformers and of the Pu ritan Divine.; in Lam, Branton, Lttleton, retreaded!' Cretins, Dewitt, Coke, Hale, the Y ear Book.. Reports kn., are often to be found on hie shelves; CyoMPeilleil Lexicons. Classic. anthers, History, Poetry, PhilosophY, 8 tens, 4 Z,.. t 148.1 Economy, Government pubJeotearamaing i continually deal in by him. Books, in large and small quantitiee,p_ure ase4 at the Custom- Renee avenue Bookstall, CHEST UT Street, above F o urth, Philadelphia. invl9-Bia JOAN CAMPBELL. MRS. M. A. KING will open Winter Mil. on THURSDAY, October DM, at N 0.27 S BE(N).lN r _ y utree i 4bove Cheautit. 008-144 "bnii GOOtiS. WINTER, STOOK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE &I LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared to suit families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE BILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, PINE WOOLLEN do.. 4.-9 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKING FLANNELS. FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOdK OF BLANKETS, CASSIAIERES FOR BOYS. BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.—The above Goode are all at the low rates or the season. 0c34020 DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LACE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES NOW OPEN, OF THIS SEASON'S IMPORTATION. SLEEVES, SETS, COLLARS, LACES BY THE YARD, EMBROIDERIES OF ALL KINDS. VEILS, GLOVES, MITTS, HDKFS, Re., With an entire stook of WHITE GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. 013.3 t CLOAKS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. HAVE NOW OPEN, OP THEIR OWN IMPORT4TION AND MANUFACTURE, A LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, lIOURNOUS, &.c., Embracing all the L.ITEST PAILISLIN NOVELTIES, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. DRY GOODS NOTICE. JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invites epeeist attention to one of the largest and ahoicest mortments of WINTER DRY GOODS IN TIIIB MARKET, EMBRACING ALL THE NO- FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS. A ouperb assortment BROOKE, STELLA, AND BLANKET SHAWLS, Of the newest and choicest etylen ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BLANKETS, All sizes and qualities. WHITE, SCARLET, YELLOW, GREEN, AND BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. WELCII FLANNELS A GENERAL ASSORTMENT CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS AND VESTINGS. The hewed Printings m MANCHESTER. DE LAINES 1=22 Standard makes SHEETINGS AND SHIRTING% CHECKS, TICKING% AND STRIPES, AND CANTON FLANNELS. A PULL LINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN, 'PRINTS. AND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF MERRIMACK PRINTS 1.,i TIM UNITED STATES JOSHUA L. BAILY, NORM SIDE OF MARKET STREET, ABOVE SECOND, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call epecial attention to our stock of DRESS GOODS, Now exposed for sale EVERY RETAILER Who may visit NEW YORK will be amply repaid the expense of his trip. by selecting out of our splendid va riety styles different from those to be found in other markets. WE ARE NOW OPENING 80 CASES DELAINES, new and really beautiful saw " WAMBUTTA PRINTS, new styles. 100 " WARREN PRINTS. 1,000 CLOAKS, SACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for us, We have a rioh supply of DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, OF POPULAR BRAND% But to the above we oak your notice in particular. We shall not quote prices, but suffice it to say, that by this advortieement we mean to arrest your attention, and the (bombs and prices will enable you to arrest the at tention of your customers the country round. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG, illa CO., 80 AND 82 CHAIUBW STREET, HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. HANDY & BRENNER. NOB. SS, 23, AND 27 NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the male of all kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, AND IMPORTERS or GERMAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH, AND ENGLISH HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Kees constantly on hand &large stook of Goods to sup ply Hardware Dealers. BUTCHER'S FILES, BY the cask or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND WOES, SHIP CHAIN, And other other kinds In every variety. . POLE AGENTS FOR HARP'S REPEATER PISTOL, WEIGHING ONLY tOi OUNCES. SHARP'S NEW MODPIL RIFLES AND PISTOLS, EDWARD O. HARDY. INO. O. BRENNER. 0. P. BRENNER. aulS-tf PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We would respeatfully call the attention of the Gene ral Hard Ware Trade to our extensive Stook of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we offer at a smell advance by the package. Orders for directmportation solicited, rind Goods de livered either in th i s city, New York or New Orleans. W. G. LEWIS ft Ron. Olt COMMERCE Street, Importing and Commission Merchants. And Agept4 19F rpreign aqd pomegtio Hardware. au2l-g WANT TO PIIRCHASE--A Second-Hand BILLIARD TABLE. Address Kr. DIM LAcHER, utl North SECOND Street. WANTED TO BUY—A good - Second hand BILLIARD TABLE, with Marble Bed. Inquire at 11$ North bECOND Street. u• WANTED—In a Wholesale Hardware Douse, an Assistant Bookkeeper. Must have some expenenee in the trade. Address T. & at this office. off-3P WANTED—By a stout, able man, em. element as Porter in a Wholesale Storo or Factory. Unexceptionable reference u to character will be given. - Address Porter," office of this Paper. 014 St. WANTED—By an experienced Sales man, an ensagement in a Wholesale Jobbing House. Can influence a fair amount of Southern and Western trade. Address M. W.," at this office. nu-60 WANTED—By a young woman, employ ment in a Retail fry-Gonda Stine. Good re ferences will be given, Address " ' office of The Press. 014-3 t. AMEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS out obtain the services of a quiet, industnous 'woman. A Rood home more desired than compensation A risme ensazed in some hat business connected with household duties preferred. Un exceptionable references given. Address " Denny's," Bland 's Dispatch. 013-3t`- A YOUNG MAN is desirous of obtain -LA- ing employment in any Wholesale House, Where be can make himself useful either in the Counting Room or Store. fro compensation required. Address " S. 5.," at this office. 015-6 V $2,000 TO $5,000. 'lv ANTED—A Good Business Nan as Partner in a business already established and pa) Inc thirty Per cent. One that is well acquainted with the Wholesale Notion g t zl. Trade preferred. Address D. SCOTT;:or.illtis AMIDDLE -ABED MAN, who writes . a fair hand and is good at figures, and has some knowledge of keeping accounts, desires a situatton inn Wholesale Store or Factory, as Storekeeper or Porter. Address "IC," office in The Press. 011-4 t• WANTED—By an active man, of good address. a situation as out-dour salesman: would be" to accept a comnueslon. Addren " of The Ercgs. WANTED—A German Designer for all v V kinds of Woollen Cloths. A I:permapoht mid lucra tive position is offered to a German having the follow ing qualifications, : A thorough knowledge of the French and En.:l:sh Languages. an aocnrate knowledge of Woollen Manufacturesea carried on abroad, and great OM and taste in getting up new and fancy styles of Woollen Clothe. ••• - • A practical Weaver and Designer. and none other need epplv,tp et South FRONT Street. 010-ntwt-tf SD LETITIA Street. WANTED , TWO GOOD SALESMEN ix TUX CROCKERY JOBBING BUSINESS, one for Near andpne for Western and Southern trade. With amen able to influence cash and short credit buy era a liberal arrangement would be made. Addressee this office." Crockery," 013-wfin-el FOR SALE AND TO LET. f a PUBLIC SALE OE A 'VALUABLE mr.t.TAvtRXEITAND.—:WiII be sold at Titblie Sale. on THURSDAY, November loth,p. D. 1869, nt s o'clock P. M., on the Premises—All that 0 established Tavern Properly NIGH OF THE RE LIOH." situate oa the Frnnkford any Bristol Turnpike road, treat Potnies sing creek, at thaninction of the By berry road, shout one mile from Torrisdale. and in Bensalem township, Bucks county, Panne.. The House is large and commo- dious, arid is considered ono of the best, stands on the mad. , , There is a Barn, extensive Stabling, Carriage owie, lee House. Sheds, and all other necessary Out Buildings on the promises, all of which are in goottre pair ; together +frith I.lneres and thi perches of land, in a hi ch state of cultipation ; bounded by Focussing creek aforesaid. land tlf Ferdinand Sartniento and otherg, This is a valuable apd desirable Tavetn Property, end fur ther comment is deemed ultnece, l lla soy person visions to_purchaee undonhte y land examine lot themselvee. previous to the s ale. he sale trill be positive. arid without reserve; title indisputable; one third of the plirehaic-mouey will be secured on the pre miser; possession gitidn bn ihe first day of April next Further conditions na the ay or Sale. Br order of the Rem of JACOB HAL , late Of .liecsalera town ship, Bucks county, 4eottlased. ELIAS T. HALL, Agent for the Belle. and residing on the premises. 011-ftuSt. JESSE 0. WEBSTER, Auctioneer. WESTERN MARKET.—FOR SALV— Street. T Two Hans-Cutters' Stalls. Ap;ty aL 146 FOURTH 014-3t* To DRUGGISTS.—For sale, a large and welt-arranged Drug and Preactiationjtoro, doing a good ovih hinanega. For paiticalars i e s C. J. 0.," Blood's Dispatch, o lg raFOR SALE—A Pair of Northern-Bred SLAM( HORSES. 16 hands bleb. 6 years old. tted sound and kind. Price woo. Apply at HUNT'S Stables. 01241 CHERRY Sttest, above Eighth. WO RENT—A handsome Cottage, with fine lawn, thralpVotes from depot, eleven rooms, gas. water, and Ilea r,lektti re on the p,em,eea. S. E. corner of PRICE an ILMCOOK Streets. Ger mantown. on-fit' Mfa . VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC il SALE. RICHARD R. CORSON, Real Relate Broker, will sell, on SATURDAY, October 15,1839, _ on the Premises, in Worcester Township. Montgomery of FIFTIr a a e p o ito , handsome or lees . t ap -a. ti d vitted ian F d A . R . l. A. Morgan, George Harman, Henry Tfeik.i., and others, situate on tlis Germantown Pike Bra miles from Nor ristown, quarter elf a Mile above Fair View. The im provements are a new STONE nwEt Li ra; jIOUSE, two and a half stories high, with 13 rooms , well adapt ed for a store or tavern, or both, built ofgood material, and highly finished, with spring of water at the door and pump therein, a frame barn. atone stable high, and nearly new, built ol good material. two waggon houses. corn-crib, and other nautili:try outbuildings There is a fine alone barn and SMALL DWELLING on the lower end of the farm. Would make two handsome properties if divided ; and wilt sell the whole together or separately. Thie tea very desirable property, being beautifully located, in a good neighborhood and conve nient to churches, boarding schools, stores. Ac. The proprietor beirllC advanced in years is determined to sell. Persons Wishincto view the premises will call on the proprietor. residing thereon, or to the under signed, at Norristown. Sale to commence at !o'clock P. M. Conditions made known on the day of sale. Carriages will be provided for ar rangers from the City by calling at my of fi ce, before 11 o'clock. on day of sale. IL R. CORSON. Agent. 011-gt For Abraham Hendricks. aERMANTOitrIit PROPERTY FOR S ALE —A large. handsome pointed Stone Roues, 33 feet front, by 43 feet deep, with Aachen beyond. and capa cious Cellar under the intildinzs, sad Piazzas. which extend on three eider. Hee Parlor. Piper-room. with large Cut Stone Bay Windows in each le Warr, Winter awl Summer Kitchen on the first floor. Ten Chambers, Bath-room, Water Closet. and Conservatory on the np. per floors. Store-room, Pantry. and numerous Closets. Replete with all the modern conveniences. and finished in the most substantial and tasteful manner. Rand seine Balcony, front and rear, and commanding a fine view of the surrounding country. The ..Lot has two fronts. 100 feet on Tulpnhocken street, and 103 feet on Washington street, by 378 feet in depth. The situation is one of the finestand most desirable in Germantown, and presents an opportunity rarely to be met with of securing a delightful reset, eon. Apply to 130WLBY de CO., l'io. 1 Farquhar Building, cia-wfm-flt• Opposite the Exchange. ACOUNTRY SEAT WILL BE SOLD AT PLIBLIO•SALE, the lath inst.. at ONE o'clock, in Drebytown • Hatfield Township, Montgomery county, Pa., near line Lexington Railroad Station. It contains 12 acres fine improved lend. The improvements are all good. and nearly new. The location healthy and very desirable. For further particulars. Inquire of DAVID BRUNER, 010./it. 118 North THIRD Street. Phila. PHILADELPHIA FOR SALE OR EXOIIANGE.—A hand 11' some Cottaito mid grounds on LOCUST Street, between Mary and William otruets. West Ph iladelpsta, will be exchanged for a pleasant and convenient city dwellmß. Lot 56 by 165 to a back street, stable, on rear. The house has all modern conveniences, and is in perfect order. Possession given immedottely. Apply to ROBERT REID, on Premises. 08-6t' or N. W. corner RACE and JUNIPER. win IN CASH AND 51,000 IN }vvV Merchandise , to lre Pg.n e e.d °a geoVAY' INOR SALE. , 1: The Subscriber will dtepose of the entire Stook of FINE MONUMENTS, STATUARY. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, /so. AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE YARD, No. /8115 ARCH Street. West of Eighteenth street al-4m WM. HILL MOORE. MS, AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, Oat. s 7, 1869, on the premises "A Valley Farm," in Cheater county, adjoining Cain Station, on Penn sylvania Railroad, three miles west of Downingtown. containing 125 Agree of excellent quality of Land. with good Buildings, and possessing many advantages at water, roads, and other conveniences. For further par ticulars call upon .INO. E. FOX. Executor 421-1 m" No. 11 South THIRD Street, Phi la. TO LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the State Mese, suitable for a Lawyer's Office. Apely 431 CHESTNUT Street. . FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.- The subscriber, in pioncentrating his business on Chestnut street, west of Tenth Street,ofers far sale, upon reasonable terms, his large manufactorr, with out buildings and large lot of ground fronting on Sixth, Mar ehall, and blaster streets, suitable for almost any large manufacturing Mimeos. For partienlars inquire of ALFRED FITLbR, Conveyancer. No. al N. SIXTH Gtreet, or to the subscriber, No. 10009 V CHESTNUT St. sle-Im WM D. ROGERS. HOARD WANTED, by a Gentleman and Danahien in a small Amencan family, where there are nn othor hoarders, near Fairmount. or Lamartine Square. Address "Lang," Blood's Dis patch. 014 -3t' FIRST-CLASS LODGINGS for a Family, with n private table if desired. at 1399 SPRUCE one door below Broad street. 1t• TWO fine communicating Rooms; also one email one vacant. Apply at WALNUT street. ol]-6t• WARBURTON, NEW YORK 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, 306 S. SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST Ilas Just received n beautiful arupply of COIFFURES, CACIIEPEIGNES, In real and imitation, of the newest Paris Fashion, WARBURTON, 300 SOUTH SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST 1004 CHL._ , ITNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH oc7-tf-if WARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW CONE FURNACE. GAS CONSUMER Will thorough l y Warm your house with ONE- THIRD LESS COAL thin is required by any other Furnace. Satisfaction lii all cases guaranteed. Hull& nes Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. LATE MANTELS, The Richest end most Beautiful Specimens of Enamelled Mate lil i antels, ever offered for mle in this country. manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COOKING RANGES. All in went of the Beet Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to call at ARNOLD & WILSON'S. ee 111-3mif 1010 CHESTNUT Street ITALIAN HEMP ROPE.--Italian Hemp nom white and Tarred, for Inclined Planes. Ma nufactured and for sale by WEAVER, PITI.ER & CO. 010 ON. WATER 4t., and ZIN. Wharves. WANTS. BOARDING. MILLINERY GOODS. ABOVE TENTH, CROWN PIECES, AND BARBS, AMERICAN ACADEMY' OF Reda. • RAVELS AND MARTINETTI FAMILY. TILES ;FRIDAY) EVENING. October 14. _ SIMONE MISHAPS. Simon, Gabriel RAVIN ; Lon:mule, Francois Ravel; Misa Frances. To conclude ' THE PRIMA DONNA. with BIANCO; OR, THE MAGIC SWORD. _Bianco, Gabriel - Ravel; Don Albino, M. biathlon. ra lest Parquet, Parcioet Circle and Balcony, SO cta.; A Family Circle and mphitheatre,2scents. 80. Office en from 10 A: M. till 4P. ItL, when Beats '' without extra commence a t open at 7 Pewrmance to commence at 75i o'clock. IVALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Bele Lessee. M. A. HARRETTSON. BENEFIT OF BARRY SULLIVAN. THIS (FRIDAY) El/ERIN% Oct. 14, RICHELIEU. Cardinal Richelieu, 8.,' Sullivan. DON CA:B AR. Don Caesar Barry Barry Buthree. Beams Of ritlCElL—Dres• CirCIO• (Beats secured with out extra charged 50 cepte ; Parquet, (Beats secured at 50 cantsdhni ; SecondTler sad Fkuuly Circle, apd Third Tier, 25 cents ;_Private Boxes, according to their locals. $5 and $3; Single Bests In Orchestra and Pneats Boxes, 75 cents. Box Office open daily, from 10 until 2 ticket. Them seats can be secured in advance. W H EATLEY k CLARKE'S ARCH -BTR EET THEATRE. H HI F PII DAY F I EVLEDN WEAVER. grown, Mr. whentley ; Simmons, Mr. T. S. Clarke. To maids with THE WILLOW COPSE. Luke Dolmsn ; Ross, ellra. Drew. Scala °, Ppicroi.—AMunsion; 26 cents; Secured Rake in Dress Circle, 37% Dents ; Parquet, to ante. Doors open st. lee t 7 is: Rigor/moos to comment,. at ni o'cock pcily- • GRAITD CONCEKT. MISS E. T. 6REENFIELD, Who has sung with great moue= in Europe. under the patronage of her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland, and been honored with an audience by her Namur Queen Victoria , wilt pith a GRAND CONCERT AT 'WASHING lON ALL. EIGHTH and SPAIN.: GA RDBIT Streets, On MONDAY EVENING; Onober 17, 1859 r Assisted by MRS. BROWN, The American Nigotin,aleNi. c e and total of the Great Mostm Johnson. First Prof. Frank GNOR RL First Clarinet, from Sl the ope MA ra of Havana. hamlet. PROF. 0. KUNG. Tickets can be had at the principal Music Stores. and at the door on the eveninK of the Concert. 011-3 t TIM GALLERY OF FINE PAINTINGS, -E- at No. 901 CHESTNUT Street (over, Chiekering &I gone new Piano-lorte Warernomhwill no goon— FRNE TO THE PUBLIC—on FRIDAY end SATUR DAY. October lith and lath. 'Me &de will eon:memo on MONDAY Il7th), at 10 o'clock. A. M.. by Cata logue. 14-It CARL WOLFSOHN and Lan HORN sypors_ SERIES OF SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES. At the Foyer of the AC ADRMY OF MUSIC. Sebanriptiona will he received at the Mamie &twee of G. Andre & Co., 1304 Chestnut street ; Lee & Walker. Its Chertnut street; Beck & Lawton, conies of &Mai and Uheetnut streets; A. Bhmult. 28 &salt Eighth street, where the prospectus and programmes an be seen. of-lm 'MUSICAL SOIREE AND BALL OF THE " MENNERCHOR VOCAL SOCIETT."—The MIENNERCHOR her leave to announce to their Mende and the public. that they will awe aGIIAND MIMICAL SOlREkoind BALL.on MONDAY EVENING, _October 24, IMO, in the MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUS Street. Tickets, ONE DOLLAR., (admitting a Gentleman sad two Ladies) mar be bad of the folksier managers: Geo. Dufour, Co(. Mackie, C. Liebneh, Prof. Baden eti eke r, C. Dummir. I. Pfaff. W. Galbert. IL Tate. Col. Fitirerald, A. Larks, C. Vetterlein. C. Matiaeb. H. Varner. C. Lindner. A. Sehsemmor, Prof. Jules Mar tin. ?mt. M. Minsk°, P. teblme J. Grimm, A. Getty, C. A. Tedium, Prof. Reese, F. C. Schmidt, b. Beaked, C. Schick. Dr. J. R. Jona. Dr. Herring. G. Vollmer, C. ft.rommen, C. Bellk•It• M. Feurinc, A. Reinstein. J. Neff, J. P. Steiner. Mark Hauler,_lL Fox. L. Gotthard! , B. H. B Amman. J. A. Bauer. A. Ratchet:Mach, C. Mohr, Joe. Drexel, H.Vonßesen. Behaessf,l B. Kochemperawri A. Foster. L. Herbert , F. L. Joh es. E. Hermit, C. Bort nor, A. Fem, P. Weber, J. Thornier. D. Rosenholm A, Hippman, Jos. Diesinger, or of the members, or the COMMITTEE OP ARIANOVIIENTE: R J. A. Kokes, R. Schmidt, C. Goebel, ii. o..Trettbete wfm.litr.P eimg. op- TAKE TOE GERMANTOWN CARS and so to 'gee SIGNOR BLITZ. at TOWN HALL, Germantown. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Aftsmoons and Breninga. October It and /A. Tickets 26 cents. oRt-St. Ci_RAND INTERNATIONAL CRICKET- A-11 MATCH SUPPER to the FI.RVEN OF IMO LAND ._ at the GIRARD HOUSE , on FRIDAY EYBITING, Octoberl4that 7P Id 'Tt he P. M. c ea. c a n be procured of any Member of the e Match Committee, or at the Gintnl Hoe e. * rruE MARTYRDOM OF RUSS is now JIL exhibiting. with other Fainting* of the TIMM, DORF COLLECTION. in the Southeast Gallery of the ACADEMY Or FINE ARTS. - Open daily, from 9 A. M. till 9 P. hf., and 7 to la P. M. Admission 23 cents. 012-1 m CONCERT RALE.- _ LA FLTE DES MUSES. GRAND MELANGE OF DANCING, SINGING. AND 6TAGE EFFECTS, MT Tlll " MARSH'S JUVENILE COMEDIANS, Who have removed from the NATIONAL THEATRE, :TO TUX . . COXCiRT'HALL WHDDRSDAY AND THURSDAY errEßNDows. Grand Performance for the accommodation of Children and y ninnies, commencing at PRID4Y and SATURDAY NIGI 'P i The Doora wiltbig open at 7 o'clock. Per Oftrtallad to ( immense rani. ADMISSION'S:. zimrs. IUcDONOUGIPS GALF.TIES—RACE ST., below THIRD. GREAT SUCCESS OF T. D. RICE ORIGINAL - "JIM ckow.” ALSO. HERNANDEZ TRE WONDER.. EVERY VARIETY OF ENTERTARIMENT NIGHTLY PHIL ADELPHIA. 10. COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA. 10. Z AIM 75 01371. QANFORD'S OPERA ROOM, ELEVENTH street. between Chestontaad Marin& Open for the - sARFORIVB sT ernimps. - the largest Company in the world. In their oveellenem every evening. SANFORD apwen Every evening in Sui dram Hole of Chareetitis Doory open at MC commence at & Admitaion 26 amts. 13 m ate. oct-lm - CABYETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. BAILY & BROTHER, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STEM, WILL OPEN TO-DAY I=l ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS. OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, MZUMMUTM 7 I:Wri SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS d2-dtdelif TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL -"- CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the mutation of dealers to our tame stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. The !argent stock of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market. at prices which defy competition. exol-21n HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. C. WALBORN & CO., (NOW) NOS. 6 AND i NORTH SECTE STREET, have now a very superior assortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. or which io-Smif a finis assortment is constantly kept on hand. o SAVING FUNDS. A MERICAN SAVING FUND GOMPA NI"SS BUILDING, S. E. corner of WALNUT sad FOURTH streets.—Oven daily, from 9 tills o'clock, and on Monday till 8 iq the evenme. This old institution has always paid in full, on demand A 'without notice. INTEREST FIVE I'ER CENT. All sums paid back on demand, in Gold or Silver. TRUSTEES: Arsznunze. Wilpd.ran, President SANIVEL WORK, Vice Prelb:lMM John C. Parr, TE. Harper, George Nugent, Louis A. Godev, Thos. Sergeant, Albt. C. Roberts, John P. &monis, Jon in. as Bowman, R. H. Eldndge, W J. Howard. Joys C. Sims, f3eo. Joss S. WILSON. Treafr. 08-6 C if SPRING GARDEN SAVING FIRM SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, N 0.311 North THIRD Street _lonsolidation Bank Bacidlng,L CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATI.E OFPENN SYLVANIA. Deposits received in soma of One Dollar andlipsrzeg, and repaid in Gold, without notice, with Fri. PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings hudidatian has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and " The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society " was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers. in organizing and locating it. have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the tori nese interest and wants of the very large mid entered- Bing Donal:won by which OPEN surromid _ed. OFFICE DAILY. Frame to IX o'clock; also, on Monday' and Thunder from 3 =La o'clock in the evening. MABLEIXBB. Frederick el c 4 e ," i Stephen Smith, anal Undergoffer, an. H. K. Strout. frederick SWAIN Tenets Hart, oseph ti Clem, . john Kreslar, Jr., Gaol eahts amen S. Pringle, Jae° Doc k. Joseph AL Crowell, Hon. m. itillward. George WoelpP Itr. er. Gso 'r o Peter C. Enna/ter.% Thrn berr B. Davidson. JAMES S. PRINGLE, President, 'FRANCIS HART. SeeretatT. Watt if BRUSHES. rrtiE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOME IN PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the follow* list of enees for Handsorubs, and oomanre the*, WAAL those bought elsewhere NO. 1. 53 knots, etaijaidoseii 4 V: N 0.6 2 blots, VS No. 3; 66 knots, V/ " - No. 4, BO knote. 100 No. 5, SS knots, 111 " . No. 6,100 Imots, 125 " No. 7,104 knots, 150 " No. 5, 1 / 1 01mots 175 " HY C. EGISTEIN U North MD Elttest, blow AO Piulade $50,000 TO LOAN, (X SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS. I upon Diamonds, Watches, IcorelrY. Ouse. Met ohandise, Clothing, Ito., on moderate terms, by JONES CO., Brokers, norThwest ooraLer of THIRD and OAS KILL Streets. below Lombard. Established for the hur gaymuu. Office hours from 7A. ht. to 7P. 800mA-head Gold and Silver Wato,besN emlnei n m akers warranted genuine, for 'tale* ear , one-b re BU OK WHEA T.-NEW MONROE Au. COUNTY FLOUR. in TS, Z, and Ire pound bags. Street Potatoes put up for ninepin • g W. P. HENRY, oeS-6t • 143 Market street, near Second, north side. AIENTON LEMONS.--250 boxes Menton iv-a. Lemons sound and in flout rder, ret Ws by 7 'Ai MERINO, iglh Finn gineet.