--ft 1).4.,Y ? 00,TOB, Fa, ..., ;CALIFORNIA .. ~ , - i'''.FOO•NtY'S . - CALIFORNIA. .PRESS ~.. .. _••,•,,, win , ' be ,reedi:TO.MORROW: at 2 oidleek .P. M. Tbbi papetis published_ expressly for „ CALIFORNIA CIRCULATION, And contains a complete summary of what has tramp .--viraisi tat. My, State, and theAtlantio Stated, since the deparyurollthe last steatnat for California. ?rite tsra Ceareper Strong wrappers, and stamped. ready for mailing. , , ",Fitter iroteat; Oho Bnirlish Debt; Letter front- Wiecormiti;" totter , from ',New York; Personal;_diluent'. • NOVO t -The Oily. YOURTII PaGn.;:rtittl of `tottere remaining, in, the' Poet Office; .Arritnla -- at the' . Ptineipal hotels; Afariuo intelligence; „ • The News. ' Thesioantship Hungarian arrived' in tho ricer St: titweonOo - on Satirday, with four days' later :news frote _Europe.' The dates are to the afternoon ih'e '2lst tilt. , There is no political news of im bortance save the announcement of the rewrap .the Zurieh Conference on the 19th, and a . report of a ministerial 'crisis in. Naples. The in ve4tiption into the causes of the eiplosion en board the Groat Eastern failed to flu the responsibility of the disaster. upon any one, anti .in regard to the tho jury rendered a vordiet' of accidental death. The great prise fight between Sayers, the champion, and Bob Brettle, resulted in the former wianieg tbattle in twenty-three minutes. No olnyeof 'Wane° had. occurred in the London modpy tuarkit. Consols on 'the 21st werogfriagPl. At-Liverpool, -the cotton Market was dull, at &far ther decline of one-eighth of a' penny on the info. tier qualities. Breadstuis were quiet at slightly higher prices, while 'provisions were firm. It is reported that the crops in France have fallen off greatly as compared with last year's yield. • Wm. F. Nughes' hay prom ; corner of Marriott street and Jefferson avenue was destroyed by fire en Saturday: His lass is hotivy. The surroanding propetty, chiefly dwellings, wee also burned, owipg to the scarcity of water. The loss on the hay press is from five to ten thousand dollars; which is in 7 cured. The whole number of deaths in this city for the week ending on Saturday was but 154, a decrease of 33 on the tepoit of - the week previous. Phila delphia is undoubtedly one of -the healthiest cities in the Union. • On. Saturday, the Ilibemia'steam fire engine was awarded*the first ,premium for throwing a stream of. water 214 feet horizontally and 188 feet verti= early, at the State Fair at Powelton. The steamer received the second prize, and the Good Intent the third. The `weekly mortality report of the New York city inspector shows that the deaths for the week ending on Saturday last numbered42o, a decrease of 80 as compared with the mortality of the week previous. Two hundred and thirty-two were tinder tenycars of ago. - -The case of little Ella Burns, which has been before the Supreme Court_ of "New York for some days pest, has; been amicably arranged by the friends of the child. She is tole placed at board= leg-school under the guardianship' of Mri. Burns and S. Thayer, is to take the name of. her fother,:Whitteu, and is not to exhibit in public withoutill order from a justice of the .Supreme court, The Et. Louis Democrat, of Friday last, gives - the following nooonnt of the sentenee of Thornton, for the cold-bloodedmurderofMr. Charlet*, in that city, some Months ago: , When the prisoner arose, and was asked if be had anything to say why he should not suffer the penalty of his crime, he simply answered, .No 'thing,' in &firm voles, and proceeded with the nt • most calmness to refresh himself with a drink of ice water. Iris Honor then 'sentenced him to be hung on. Friday, the 11th daY of next'November, in the- performance of which duty he was deeply moved. The general officers of the • court and many . spectators,. wore also affected to tears, but the prisoner was imperturbable throughout." The fate of La Mountain, the balloonist, remains a mystery. Eleven days have elapsed without bringing tidings of his ,fate; but a fatal result; is • regarded'as probable; - ' A fatal accident occurred at jersey City on Fri day aight,'eaused by the explOsion of a newly-in - • vented apparatus for making gaslight out of e ear-. rain-description of patent oil. While testing the •• gasometer at; the machine shdp of James Light . body, ipthe'rear of 10d Newark avenue, the appa xr,tus oxplOed, Severing Thomas Carswell, the fop,- snaior thaint4ine shop, with the oil, .which be came instantly ignitail,anddiefire the:unfortuntito Man's clothing Sonia be yorneired liiirealeo eb ingly burned that ho - ,expired .the next mo , • . Mr. Lightbed): was noverely hurried, and envecal persons i whO were witnessing thefarriment; wd.re' • • r• - :* - • • ' The SOW of Malta. in New York 'Brooklyn r and Jersey City Contemplate celebrating the aiseitt i nt - festival of the Bevel Cardinals 00116 night of the Ilth inetaitt, full ‘ mop; by a public precast . — The roe*, of Pro on Lodge, in,Bn*lweYVerti, to be the :hendrittellerit ,of the preeeeith?!:-„,T5e erohy of:this procession'-will be greet, ',be the ill* proenitiorker this 'neither Order in that Water-Gas , at Wilmington. On Saturday evening, the neighboring cit of lyllthington was splendidly lighted with gas lurid° from ;water, under' the patent of T'ro;., 'fisrwor. 4.limnits; of Chicinnati. The charges 4 : ivero.• dsinu from the retorts; the supply ,01 :rioiti4ta.aWai. Milled off; the ;cater-gd&was rim • through the piii,go,"an4 :Wilmington 4451* ligLt aura as any if had tor known botoro. • iThe'oOrtition teas obsercu'ble to'tite citizens F , Flirlitningtort in its results, vhile itu pract _cal -working was witnessed by several - jeer s nalism, many iuhabityts, and some parties who are - actually interested in the production of Coal-gas. Amoiig these last were the Su perintendent of ,the Philadelphia Northern Liberties Gas Works and the President of, the Fitiancial Board of that Company. All agreed it was 'a decidisi i'uccess.. ,We are not going into long scientific details ofAhe principle thus develeml--our contem poraries, who are lesspresseOvith advertise 'Monts, may have space for such a purpose. Bid' we may state, very briefly, that the the ory of Saripsas's process is thin: Water, as steam, is decomposed by being patised over red-hot charcoal; and the resulting gases (hy drogen, carbonic oxide, and light-carburetted hydrogen) arc chemically combined with heavy carburetted hydrogen, or - light-giving gas, by ihe decomposition of rosin or coal vaporoti - multaneously with, and in the presence of, the deCompoSition of the vapor of water. At 'Wilmington gas litorks, are now three water - taw retorts, tig,grligating only one-twenty-se venth of the cubical area of their coal-gas rOtnrte, yet more productive than the whole of _ . . thCir:Preient Coal-gas apparatus,making one '''thinisand two' hundred' to'one tousand eight :inindiod foot - jun' . .hour. , The pa manufac is superior in' color and strength of ;llartio •to that produced from coal. Rosin ie ',Used' as the carbonizing element, requiring ', than ,fitenty4lve to forty. pounds for , every thoniand feet of gas, which is free from sul, phtir',or nitrogen; and has an odor rather agree. able than'otherwitte. - , 'lltill'lrpity 7 The price of coal gas in Now York )t5.,52.60 per tho> :find cubic feet. In Phihlelphis, it is $2.21, Or the same, quantity. The cost of making 1,000 cubic feet of such . water gas as' illumined—we might say as 111 - , minated-- 7 Wilmingtonon Saturday ranges from thirty to fifty dents per 1,000 ,cubic thot. Rosiri nione,need not be the Wahl:for Ssnomues • • twocesa - Co ., ers the use of bituminOus coal, . lignite, or any of the multitudinous forms of hydro-carbunaceous material. Tbero need be no expensive erecting of large gni - works, and „ ,the gas produced makes neither a bad smell nor •ir bluks.". The gas itself, by,a simple adap tation, actually can make red. hot the charcoal; :which assists in decomposing the water which supplimi• it! The Great astern, in point of might be lighted with water-gas made on ',hoard, and have the heat thus generated used .' It lieu of coal for her engines. • The quantity, of coal.gas annually used in , .Abe . city of, Philadelphia is estimated, at . 4- 6,00,00 cubic feet, for which the public pay . 414,60,000 per annum. Say that the water •-;'.'gile be Supplied at $1 per 1 - ,000 cubic feet, and `,9kr 4 7ffitlille save; $7 ) 5 1 10p00 for light alone • everryear. New York, it is estimated con ,. slimes twice as much coal-gas as 'Philadel, phiat • Therefore 12,006,000 cubic feet now ..„ costs $30;000,000 a year. Sho;uld the water= gas - be Substituted, the saying would be $lB,- -000,000 a year; --- 'Wu shall Certainty returu to this subject, of vast_public and pecuniary interest, when our Colwuns tire less crowded, and•when we are a :4ittfo deizled by, the remarkable results. of '.'aeieneelitzt into practice. : • „,,, ,/ 1 0 11 xeva.Qnevn or Wisuirturon.—We no u,:fiiir,ditys age, that the. four photographic .7•Jriertiofgeiiiit Vernoiq,tbe protitet of which are to be appmpriatost• ; to buildhag two Pareimages for .14,18- :,:ticupatalergyritthi; to Cedar eouuty„-laws, were sold They.ailifully'worth that ij.14:11114 Oainpbell, of lowa, informs pa. thatdollars - Willett by re feiddee to the adyiirthieuietit,lTs see la correet. Where is Colonel Fremont? While the politicians of our diffbrent parties are advertising or seeking for candidates for the Presidency, taking up name after name, and examining them, '(aa captious and over particular lady 'sometiines eiamines and re jects a piece of goods at Lsyr'sor Preas's,) falling in love with one today and dropping him suddenly to-morrow, it is a - little singular that those who, in 1856, were so violently enamored of Colonel JOHN CHARLES FRE3IONT, the path-finder of the Roe* Mountains, should manifest se little disposition to give him another trial In 1860. Whatever may have, been said against Col. Panama by his adversaries three years ago, nobody dulled to him great courage and success as an explorer, and a certain equanimity and silence of deport ment, never out of place in a candidate for high office. We remember Vol. Prirmorr well when he Cause Into The Senate of the United State ItYl California came into the Chic% P 6,1850-51. There was nothing of the t.hlstererabout him; ho was no speaker, but a most industrious, persevering, and pains taking man. His nomination in 1856 took everybody by surprise, and at the first was re: garded as a capital mistake. But as tho can vass advanced% and the issues swelled out into larger proportions, his very negative qualities, and the fast that he had not been a partici pant in the hot party strifes of former years, greatly aided him and his organization. We believe that he polled a larger vote than could have been given to any other man. Ho suf- fered, as all candidates have suffered, and will suffer to thi3 end of thee, from the mistakes of his friends, but he certainly deserves honora ble remembrance at their hands, and honora ble mention by others, for what he has done outside of politics. The leaders who pushed hiinforward in 1856 are again at work to improvise n candidate against whom nothing can be said ; in other words, they desire to discover one who will unite 44 all the elements of the Opposition." Why not take Col, Fitsuost ? lie has been almost as reserved in reference to party poli ties since the ballot box defeated him in 1856 as if he had been out or the World, and those who supported hire then seem to be quite wil ling that he should he so regarded now. But will ho be content with this exclusion ? lies he no friends to press him forward 7 Aro there no warm hearts beating for him in Re publimbosoms ? What is Pnaxots P. BLAIR doing in Washington that ho 'does not come forward to help the son-hi-11,M or TR°. MAB M.BENTON Where is G I ORCrat JAMES, of WiscOnSin; and where are those in California so prominent in his championship at the Phila delphia Convention, which crowded our streets for so many days with the followers of this ri val for the Presidential crown ? Cr is there a quiet movement on foot, like that which nomi nated him in 1858 ove' the heads of all his competitors ? Ate Mr. SEWARD, Mr. BANKS, Mr. CllkAltE, Mr. Ram M. READ, Mr. CAMERON, Mr. GEORGE BAWER, and Mr. JOHN Bi.r.r. mere laborers in the vineyard, gathering in t tic Wr yest for that candidate whose name aetnits to be, bymommon consent, only whispered by the party leaders 't We aro net advocating Col; FREMONT for the presidency. Star &lig, Mt he must stand, upon tho platform *hi& aefealid hint bekre, we should be as Wee. In Oppose him hereafter as we aid before; and we remark upon leis present position, and that of those who clung to his standard in the last Presidential can- vass, for the double purpoSe or shoWing hdw easily politicians forgettheit fib:kites, am of throwing some light upon 111 A present where abouti arid probable Mentions. 'Quiet as he seems En be, IVe are informed by Mali. in a late number or the ReVI Tribune, that hole living oo his Qatifornia estate at the foot of the Sierra Nevada, called by the Mexi cans Los Mariposas, (or the Butterfly,) and that he'hart also taken possession of his mines, and is working them with great industry and reOlarief. We copy from the statement of the editor or the Now York Dribs''s a In the spirit of that deterinifiatimi he has since lived and labored, Tieing with the lark, and striv ing to obtain a complete knowledge and mastery el the entire business, taking more and More labor and responsibility en his own shoulders as he felt himself able to bear it,he is new manager, 'chief engineer, cashier, aoceenttitit, and at the heed of every otherelepartment but that or law, for which he finds at imeettiaty still to rely en metes atonal aid. And hie Mines are at length becoming Productive .. and profitable, His first (steam) mill, near dwelling,: time eight stamps night , and- day 4 his second "(enter) mill, three Miles distant, on'the Merced, at the north end of his Mite, runs twelve stamps, al4o tellatantly; and the two are producing gold at the rate of at _least $250,000 petaneltni, at an absolute cost, I am confident, of not tutors than'slso,ooo. Of coarse he needs all the profits, if not mere, to extend and perfect his world, having already a much larger watet-inill nearly ready to go into operation, be side that on • the Merced, in which he expects, I believe, to run fifty-sit stamps, and he hopes to have one hundred in all running before the close of , With. that number, I believe he would be able, by giving his constant personal attention to the business, aided by able and capable assistants, to realize a net profit of at least $lO,OOO per week, which would very soon dear him of debt, and leave him unincumbered in the ownershipof perhaps the ,finest mining property in the world. ' the Spanish proverb,. It takes a mine to work a mine,' us exemplified in his ease as in oth ers, A large additional investment is needed to render his property us productive as it might be. For instance: he has just contracted for the trans portatlon of 30,000 tons of vein-stone from his great mine to his mill on the Merced (barely a mile and a half down hill) for $60,000. One half of this Mil would construct a railroad from the heart of the mine down to the floor of the • mill; and take down this amount of rock, leaving the railroad and $30,000 clear gain. But he must have the rock at nee, while the railroad would require time and a heavy outlay of ready cash. A Rothschild would build 'the road forthwith, and save $40,000, but Col. P., not being yet a Rothschild, whatever be may in time become, must bide his time." We are not sorry to add that, while the former candidate of the Republican party for the Presidency is thus following the uslvico of Ingo to Rodcrigo, by-putting money into his purse, his Exploraticins are shortly to be pub lished by Messrs. Cumin & Perzesox, of this city, idtwo volumes, Bvo, in the most beauti ful style. They aro to be superbly illustrated with steel plates and wood-cuts, engraved under the immediate superintendence of Colo nel FREMONT. This work Is intended to be a complete resume of his first and second ex peditions in the years 1812-8-4, and a de tailed account of the third expedition during 1845-6-7, across the Rocky Mountains, through Oregon, into California, covering the con quest and settlement of that country; the fourth expedition, of 1848-9, into Mexico, down the Del Norte, through Sonora, into California; the fifth, of 1853-4, across the heads of the Arkansas and Columbia rivers, through the American settlement and the Great Basin, into California—the whole embracing a period of ten years passed among the wilds of America, and making up a book that will add to the fame, and doubtless incteaae the fortune, of the Colonel, and alleviate his disap pointment in the event of his defeat, Malt is now more than probable, for a Presidential nomination. Mr. Funrene, who was 01140 a candidate for the Presidency in 1866, and has still many good friends who keep his gentleman-like cha racter, pleasant manners, and courteous Ad ministration, in kindly remembrance, seems to have withdrawn himself from the field, and this, too, with the consent of his former supporters, who now rally under a number of banners— such, for instance, as Commodore Srociteox in New Jersey, Jowl Bern in Tennessee, Joust M. Bens in Virginia, and GEORGE M. BATES In Missouri. There was one other candidate for the Pre sidency in 1866 .-the present inciunbent of the office of- Chief Magistrate—Jaurs Bcenaxas.. Here again we have to mark an other instance of the Ingratitude of Republics. Nevoice is raised in his behalf for renomination ; on the contrary, he seems determined pertinaciously to assist in uniting public opinion against him, by making his Administration as odious as possible. The President has frequently threatened to write a hook. This Is a favorite theme of conversa tion with him for years in all circles, public and private, his intention to discuss his rela tions to Administrations and to men, previous to his retirement from the stage of life. Ile will soon have an opportunity to include e calm and comprehensive review of his own. The public will expect a most penitential reve lation ; but if he will state facts, In their sim ple, unadorned nakedness, posterity will fur nish the comments, and we have no doubt that plenty of publishers will be found eager to transmit the work to coming generations, on the finest of paper, with the finest of type, illustrated and hound as would become the impcittant character of such a volume. , OnARLEM DICKENI3.—Thts distinguished writer, in acknowledging the receipt of Vol. I of Alit- bone's Diotionary of British and American Au thors, says, ‘, You do not ;mow how highly I es teem the first volume of your excellent dictionary, and with what pleasure I received that mark of your remembrance, Pray receive the assurance from me, new, that I consider your work a very 'lmportant qind. valuable one, and that I send you many thanks." Letter from 46 Occasional:” [Correspondence of Tho Prom.] • WAsnkNoToB, Ootohr 2, 1859 The natural feeling which exists 'in every civil ized comlnunify against gambling, and which is periodically excited, and sometimes shows itself In popular disturbanaed of the most deadlysharaettr, she been aroused by a recent event, referral to in the Washington papers, resulting in It Vargo 1680 t 6 stranger who had boon decoyed into ono of the ;ambling establishments of this city. Mneh ashes been written on this subject, and WI& as it Is de nounced by the uninitiated who accept every state- went as correct in regard to It, no matter how hor rible, it is certain that nowhere in the United States is gambling carried on on so magnificent 6 male as in this capital. A good many circum stances eqnspire to this State Of things. Daring the fashiehriVle or Congressional season, when the MIAs and boarding houses era filled, rich men come from all parts of the country, and keying almost nothing to do but to enjoy them selves, there being no extensive places of amuse , nent of a different character, they ate readily at tracted into the luxurious salonne rdireYe cards are , mltivated, and where they find asseMbied, night Ater night, many agreeable mare'nteitaintek per sons. There is another oleos mown under the phrase of speculators—operators in tiontraels in the different departments, keen-scented inquirers after large jobs of every kind, and who, in their anxiety to make "influence," opera their own money i freely. In them talons may be found the most gorgeous entertainment spread for the ratifies ' tion of the appetite, the most eXperiSU a ivines, and the most abounding horpllallty. It is surprising, in the height tot the season, how much money is lost and won in a single night. A gentleman well acquainted with the secrets of these resorts tells me that ho has known as much as ten thousand dollars to be risked on a single gains, and others have seen two or three thoUlthd Mara hazarded on a singlooard, Snail' tt Singlo memo. tio noiidai • fears of the players Ihetarilint—they ii at. or win thousands willurilt A Bigil Of auntie. Of course there aro many the can afford this costly pastime i and as they are collected, cool, and laVish, the income examples to the yinin 'Mon who stand by and watch the etrlikgle, and who are noon stimulated with the ambition of risking their little all in the same treacherous and uncertain lottery. The hold which the potion for gaming at last obtains upon a than can scarcely be described. It has been so in all ages, and is so at the present day. The phrenzy takes possession a the taVage as well as of the Christiatv-Mf the most Ignorant as well as of the mat intelligent. A young member of Congress—who has lived a blameless life, until his election, in the little village where he was horn, and whore he is universally reipeeted- , mithost be fore he knows it, is Istv‘ipt Into this whirlpool of gaming. ritinontly, the don of his first session finds him broken in health and ruined in fortune. 1 do not believe that, stupendous as the vice fit keit- York unquestionably 11l thett dio More facilities offered by the adiDts in gambling in that city than theta are advertised here. In Mexico, California, France, and Germany, we are told it is a common practice for the ladies to frequent the gaming table. Happily, no such iteatitAtion can be made against the Relay of Washington. Evan in pri vate life, where whist and other games are tolera ted, you never hoar of a female risking money. Pato, in which the better entoffnlers the bank, is the pr.srailing gall() in elicit° saloons, and al though tables ate set tint, at which what is Miffed "brag," " parr,!' aVia 4th'i34 go4eig' Ara 111i}u3,1, the principal faicinatiOn It the platform, covered with *each Risher, behind which sits the imper turbable .baler, with his pale thee, black eye, and monotonous “ calis ;", while, on three sides, aro gathered, sitting Ao ittindlet, lank after rank, anxioha end 'dated spectators, who, breath lets with anxiety, watch the little cards as they aro dealt from the tin box, and pick up their gains, or swallow their losses, with a silence only interrupted now and then by ah angry exelst4- tion or a quiet °hackle 4 ekatiAn. ikight is turned int 6 iheintik, Mad the 'fattier frequently surpriSelt the Contestants tit the straggle. Ocm sionally a streak of luck befalls an outsider, which, like a prize in a lottery, is soon iiiiksed about and becomes a sort Of adVertlhaittent for the gambler. I do net pretillid to say that there is fraud in these games,hcoauso it frequently happens that there is as much skill among the volunteers as there is in the principals of the establishments, but those who have taken pains to investigate the facts do not hesitate to say that, unless on evtraordihary coca ' eons, the bank Is Otato to heat those who attempt to take hp gels against it. SO cautious have the keepers of these pitteeii become that they are very I careful as to whom they adthit liita their saloons, and it is to this caution that the public is indebted far the preserVatien of so many of those secrets which, if disclosed, would undoubtedly result in great eketteesent. Er-Governor lohn A. Virinbinn, of Alabama, ono of the eictremist Soothern men, comes out In a let ter, under datepf the TOth of September, is which h 6 makes the' following explicit declaration, from which it will bo seen that bets for labering to the bargain of MIA, Abd against the scandalous po onion of the General Administration in trying to break down the Democratic party. "Just now we seem to be carried away by zeal without discretion; reckless of consequences, settled questions are disturbed, and demands made not ta all likely to be acceded to. You are aware of the poilflion I took And the part I acted in 180)-61. I then Bonged that, an it was contended by entire that the Constitution did not catr) or protect slavery In the Tetritories, and that the /sr loci and municipal regulations excluded slavery, we had a right to inslet en a raeogultbth by Congress of our rights. But the people of the whole South dodidod against those who assumed that position. The doctrine of non-intervention was presented and accepted by Southern men connected with Federal Af fairs; and notwithstanding our public men do not ap pear now to have understood the question alike, it seemed to me that they did settle it, ' that Congress was to let the question alone." Hands off' wits the conclusion and the demand of Southern statesmen. It does appear to rue now too late to reopen "that issue ; right or wrong, we cannot now correct the tutors and blunders of the past." Mr. Buchanan is excessively delighted at the prospect in Pennsylvania, presenting so marked a contrast, as it does, to the condition of things in every other free State, in which the Deism:racy have taken broad and explicit ground in favor of the principle which he, Mr. Buchanan, has repu diated and betrayed. He is determined that there shall be nothing wanting on his part to drive the Democrats of his native State away from the prin ciples of the party, oven if, in the attempt to do so, be should break up the party forever. Ac cordingly Robert Tyler, the chairman of your State Committee, who first put your State ticket upon a scaffold that it might there be executed, has dm° the same thing for the Demouratic ticket in Bucks county, while in the counties of Franklin, Clearfield, Centre, Lehigh, Lancaster, and others, Goy. Packer has been repudiated, under orders from here, and the treacheries of the President lauded to the skies. This, added to the late attack of William B. Reed upon the Democratic ()reed in the city of Philadelphia, may be regarded as the latest bene faction which the President has conferred upon Pennsylvania. I repeat, ho Is delighted at the prospect, and has issued orders that the good work shall go on until the next Democratic State Con vention is hold in your State. In compliance_ with directions from him, the ap pointments of deputy marshals to take the next Canons in the different counties in your State aro to be withheld until after the October election. The marshal of the Eastern, Yost, and the marshal of the Western district, In your State, Campbell, are, in the meanwhile, to snake every possible use of their patronage to operate upon the delegates elected to the State Convention, to assist its con , trolling Democratic meetings, and, in short, to do everything to defeat the honest opinion of the party. Every office-holder is expected to subscribe heavily ! to what are rolled by Mr. Collector Baker, of your city, the expenses of the party. This fund is to be disbursed under the direction of the executive cow ! mitten in your city, presided over by an intolerant and proscriptive custom-house subordinate, elected, as is notorious in Washington, an well as in Phila delphia, by men who betrayed the wishes of the wards which chose them to that committee. The money thus collected is not needed for your coming election—this is scarcely pretended—but is to bo used to keep up starving official newspapers, to pay lazy niul ignorant editors, hriefless lawyers who have spent a life-time without ever supporting themselves, and to accumulate all sorts of burdens upon the Democratic party. Every inspector late be taxed, I am told, from sixteen to twenty dollars, is penny-post man sixteen dollars, clerks from nine to twenty dollars, according to salary, which rate of assessment, passing through all the em ployees in your city, in the courts, custom-house, post office, mint, and navy yard, will produce a large sum of money—not lees, it is supposed, than ten thousand dollars; so that, in fact, the employ ees of the Federal Government are not only corn pelted to take off their coats to help to break up the party, but are compelled to pay others forbelp ing them to do the Same thing. A precisely simi lar policy is to be carried out in New York city, In Indiana, Ohio, and wherever the President can stretch the hand of power. Such a state of things, I repeat, has never been known in this country. The powers that be have ceased to conflict against the enemies of Democratic principles, and have turned the whole force of the Government against the men who aro struggling to maintain those principles. What a sequel to 1856! What an in troduction to 1860! OCCASIONAL. THE AMERICAN REPUBLICAN AN I) CHESTER COUNTY' DEMOCRAT.-140 desire to call the atten tion of our readers to the value of this popular and ably-conducted journal as an'advertising medium. It was established fifty years ago, in the large, populous, and wealthy county of Chester, thou gun& of whose citizens annually make purchases from the retail stores of our city, while her mar chants all make their purchases of our wholesale dealers. The Republe r7it possesses a large circu lation in Chester and adjacent counties, and all who wish to extend their business in that quarter will find it to their interest to advertise to its columns. ENOGIAII PICTORIALS.—From Callender & Co., Newspaper Agents, corner South Third and Wal- nut streets, we have received the Illustrated Lou dcu and Illustrated News of the Muhl of the 17th ult., and also Dickens' "All the Year Round" for the present week, THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHII, MONDAY, OCTOfIEIt 1850: The late intelligence froth Eu'rope show; that the terrible disaster euitained by tho Bri tish forces under Admiral Hoes, in the Peiho river, has eXcltedlt great sensation. It was one of the most deadly blows ever strueleat English ascendatoy In the Oriental tvurld, and, if suffered to go ttilpitniNliek would not, only tend to destroy Eritimh influence in China, but Wile now rebellious dothonstrations in India. It does not mattvr now to Englaita Whether Admiral Mors, - and the tirttldh Minister, Itir. purmed a proper or an improper Course. tii making an cflbrt to force their passage tip' the Palo ; whether the Chinese were or were not justifiable in opposing the passage of the fleet of a powerful and belligerent enemy to their sacred and impenetrable capital; whether tho Mandarins Made their utters to Convey the Ministets to Pekin, thole left their vessels Ana tied 6hiha, in good faflh, 'or only to deceive thebs, and to pre 'vent the ratification of the treaties of last year. No explanations can wipe away the remembrance of the late Slaughter of the British trtops, and there can be no lasting peace until the temporary and tinexpec'ted triumph of the Chinese to expiated by the sacrifice of thousands of Chinese sol diers, or the complete submission of her att thoritiet. tulle demands of Great Britain. The extraordinary shill displayed in the management of batteries in the late contest, however, Indicates that the Chinese n ill be much more formidable foes hereafter than they proved themselves in former contests, and the proffered aid orrranco in the ite*finti-Chinese Crusade Width iS being organized has therefore been Araterully accepted. in Europe much 14igniticance ft evidenq titbit:heti to this fact. The Anglo-i'rench alliance bad suffered So ManP itheeha that an open ritpture between, Franco and England was regarded as one of the most probable Of future politiCal events; but it is a sineill.r Proof of how closely the Inteicats of the human race aro coincided to gether, and how great an influence nations us Widely separated as the shape ot the gibe per- Wits au countries to be, can exercise upon each other, that the thunders of the Chinese batteries have proved, a signal, for a new em brace of the almost estranged Allies an cordial as theft. .kinion IM!bee tlio walls of Sebastopol, Ad that, thus the whole field of European pol itics has taken a now aspect. o Exhibition tit L'o.,voa. • Wo hat o heie a word to say, which wo know the ladies will appreciate, about a gallery of art not designated in the dirootorY. Attended on Satdr day last by Mr. Nafleigh, of the helm of L. J. Levy C 0.,& we made A tour et observation of the Pend show-1 ; 60m of this well-known firm, and the scene preiented was one which the fruitful imagi nation.of our fair readers, especially those of the Flora MoFlimsy genus, can much better picture to their enrepturea vision than we could reasonably attempt to describe. A more gorgeous array of beauty, in the shape of velvets, satins, brocaded laces, etc., we never looked uric, than is now pro senteA li t 6 ipacion, galleries of this magnificent establishment. Ascending the stately staircaSe leading to them, the eye rests upon a scene which may well startle the democratic look - fir, when he rameinberii that lAt fdtlr score years have elaps ed thee the "Major Mollys" of our Revolution ary history, / attired in their linsey-woolseys, constituted the beau-ideal of our female no bility. The present display nt Levy's Is Indeed suggestive of queenly weatina ann Inineely pay ere. Natty of th'htobi a included in this collection are of A iho're elaborate and expensive character than have ever heretofore been imported into this country,, and far surpass the finnst exhibition we have over examined (as We frequently have) in the far famed dry-goods palace of Messrs. A. T. Stewart k Co., Now York. Magnificent moire antique flounced robes, and plain ones, of colors nod shades the most exquisitely beautiful, from the pearly white, through maize, the popular mar gumthe, mauve, violet of else Alps, and rose de ehini, alternate in massive folds) relieved with richest and mat ,laces, Mooted the entire room. The taste evinced in the Arrangements of the various eclormi fabrics is suggestive of genu ine artibtie ami iip6n the Whole, we doubt if any twenty-five 'cents exhibition of art has been held in this pity for, Many years, which to the la dies presented half the attractions of this bril liant opening of Ards fiaatorlali now on exhibi tion at 800 and fill. 011estlint knot, free of charge. Ws haVo not room for special comment upon the numerous fabrics contained in this collection, but weeinnat dgrelsS the subjeot.without referring CO their new style opera cloaks,, which area 4 elip.V novel and elegant. They are termed or arse me stripes of satin and plush, of different elloti, with a grenadine scarf, trimmed with lace, be. witchingly attached to them, imparting a volup tuous grace quite in keeping with the luxuriant uses for which they aro designed. The speoimens we saw were manufaotured in Paris, expressly fo the order of Messrs. L. S. L. ,b ed. for every thing lit the *e.Y of dress dila, in all styles, prices, and qualities, tile stook in this establish ment proSolitt unuauttl inducements to t The past week must hats been very faVerable for inanagenal interests. for the Blade fair, end the visit of the lire company from Lynn, Maasachn‘etta, drew large audiences everywhere, kiaturilny evening witnessed the close of Mrs. Bowers's mismanagement of the Academy of Mitsic. Her ftrat fortnight there, &tier which that unfortunate "Black Agate" repelled the Public, while Barry s tlomonsil'a lotig-chndemned play, made worse by inJudieitnis alteration, and the cutting out of fottr characters, was evens greaterdend Not even critical notices (emanating from a spiritualist who had acted na amanuensis to Bhnkspeara, which car hops enabled him to describe acting before i t took pinged could ease the specitlation. The last fortiiirlit, when comedy and farce wore planed, was much loiter. Hut what could be done with in company the only good Per formers in which were Mrs. Bowers, Mr. l'lncide, Mr. Davidge, Mr. 3.11. Taylor, Mr..l. W. Wallack, Jr., and Mr. Fenno? Ho curious was the want of tact that Ca mille, which Mrs. Bowers playa better than any other performer—except Madame Doche, the ongtnal, at Paris—was not once presented Mrs. Bowers, we sus pect, hes again lost largely by numegetnent. She will Probably eschew it in future, and play nt either of the theatres, via: Walnut or Arch-street. 11l this OitY, at least, she is always mire of an excellent engagement. All1:11-writer.? TIIMATItr.—Torn Teylees very pleasant piny called "line Pointe of the Law," to wino), Mrs. John Drew and Mr. Gilbert gave vitality here, has been withdrawn for the primed. Mien Angels Sefton, who merits attention for her father's sake en %ell es her own, really had nu Ounce nt all at this then tre, in such piece—half nielodreina, half pantomime— Ai "The French Spy." She played so es to prepossesa the public in her favor, but the idea of limiting her t 4 one diameter, and that merely one of action, was el y, surd. Mr. John Collins, the Irish comedian and singer, who is (Mill to have lately found a told mine (in the thentred at California, commences en engagement here this evening, appearing in "The Dinh Ambassador" and " How to Pay the Rent." Mr. Collins, as a vocal ist, has aa sweat a pipe as eny actor whom we know, and it is worth while to go to the theatre thus evening to hoar hue sing " Widow Maehree." As a stage Irish men lie is not no good no John Prow, nor even an Johu Brougham, but lie ranks next them, and iinnioneurably above Barney Williams and Mr. Florence. WALNVT-NTITEET THRATRE. 111iAd Alfiggio Mitchell, a wetly. well-toads, nod somewhat demon strative actress, who makes a dash at n. variety of cha racters, and PIICCOEIthI in many of them, will be the "bright, particular star" hero during the present, ns she has during the past, week. She is lively end at. tractive. with a vast fund of good animal spirits, which makes her play no if site wore in earnest, and liked i t very much. We cannot say that she inn great 'Retread, lint she Di certainly a molt attractive one, for she hap played to none but ex, eliont houses. This evening eh, wilt play Celeste's fa, onto part in " The Wept of the Wish-Ton-Wish," and will also rip peer no , Woolgar's exquisite character ' ) in " The Maid with the Miilking•Pait," and in the "Wandering Bo) She plays as if nothing could tiro her down—ns fresh after three or four hours' ncting n 8 she seemed heit site commenced. Teresina Prates', the lending data amen of the Emmen' troupe, is engaged here, and wilt dance apes with Mr. O. W. Smith, in the course of evening. An uninninlly largo audience mar be looked for than evening, nn the Empire Fire Association, of Lynn, escorted by the United States Fire Company, will visit thin theatre. NATIONAL THEATRIL—March's JIIVOIIIIO Com• pany commence their second week with a variation ia tho programme, which is an improvement. They will perform" The Lady of the Lake," founded on Scott's well-known poem, followed by singing and dancing, and the farce of "My Neighbor's Wile." This to a tog' good bill, and will draw a good house. Tae ItAvm.a.—This evening, at the Academy of Music, Gabriel and Frannie; Havel announce nailed season at the Academy of Music. Among their troo p In the dancer Maria llenneeart, ( we wonder if she will excel Lamoureux, whom we hold next to Tailloni.Cap lolls Gruel, Fanny Canto. and Lucille Gratin ?I wait Marietta Zanfrettii, the Martinetti Validly, and Paid Brillant. The performances consist elan amusing bal let, "Kim-Ka, or the Adventures of tin Aeronaut," tightrope dancing. classic groupings and the pant mine of .. Robert Mncaire," with Francois Ravel els filegilez Steep. The performance/ will be changed nightly. MCDONOUGH'S GAIF.TICS.—What on earth dons Mr. MoDonough mean? Mere, the pantomime of " Blanco, or The Magic Sword," lute been ruling hi,. theatre for several weeks, and yet, by way of gildint refined gold, he presents the additional attraction of T. D. Rice, the first of all the Ethiopian actors and cri minate, who, atter an absence of sot en years from the Philadelphia stage, Yippee re, this evening, in his origi nal character of JilinPu Jam. There will also be dancing, comicality, singing, and Ike pantomime, whieh Mr. AloDonough boldly pits against the Recede. SANEollloB.—Thoro will be played at Sanford'a, this evening, the burlesques on Emma Stanley's Seven Ages of Woman, and on tte mien! Concert, with ah infinite variety of other amusing perfornlnneen. SIGNOR Bl.l7l.—ThiH wonder-working artist—tt second Robert-Houdin in his way—is in town, and min soon be expected, on or about Chestnut street, with his agreeable performances. Ile hoe just sustained a heavy loss in the death of Ins wife. to whom, and with good cause, lie was most dot Mealy attached. Two Now STARS.—The sisters Annie and Addle Lonsdslo have boon turning the timid,' of the staid data zens of Albany and Rochester for these two weeks, and waking up the serious editors of those vicinities to an alarming extent. The talent and startling viineitr of the beautiful blondes efhlin to have exercised a (as mating influence alike on press and public, whilst the elegant novelty of the pieces in which they appear, "d the true Indy-like refinement of their style, have at once elevated them to the highest professional position. Ono of the pieces In which Annie( the great original " Good for Nothing," and renowned "Captain Charlotte") has appeared—viz "The queen of Ileints"—bee bees quoted as her proper, toular appellation, whilst tier gracetul motor, Addle, is pronounced " the bright-en ed gazelle of comedy." Having witnessed, more than once, their marked superiority of talent, wo can endorse the glowing oulogitons of the Albany and Rochester Jour' nels. They appear at the Pittsburg theatre this eve. Rung, and we hope soon to see the charming sisters le our city. Tho War in China. Public AmusementN. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELE&RAPI4. tour Payo Later trout Europe. ARRIVAL OF THE HUNGAEIAN. Coluipiraoy to Assagstnato tho Turkish Sultan THE GREAT EASTERN EMMY' ER The Netritils Pres* on (Sera. Ilarnry'S Course at Nan Juan. THAI cuarNxt3n; EXPEDITION THE 2VItICH tONPERENCE. The Pope's lit :Mill EntirOV iiestored MINISTIiitim, (Aim Al NAPLES FA I lIER POI 04. t. I.—Tho nerew ntortitivl;ii, Ilan gamin, I role I avorroof at I I o'elork ea the afternoon of the 21st tilt., panted I hie piiint eland. throe o'clock thiti morning, and her fonds and prdefongern Si ill he due nl Quebec Itt n !MC )10111 . tO-111011, • 'the Kio4lll , llllp 1 , 1111011 WIIN appointed to lens e South ampton the saute afternoon for New York. T i mstritnothip Anieditt. ILitti Hoiden "a arrived at LiVerpted nt. 4 I; A. M. of the loth, and the screw Montour .1 1 ,1 ea, rinni New York, readied tot! at 130 P. Al. allot game thiv. The screw steamer I froin ()oldie° arrived nt Liverpool at A. M. or the 20th, and the 1;14 of Wall, ington, from New York, reached Queetiatewn at end might of Ow !..4:01. Litt EAT 1111ITAIN. The coroner's investigation into the reline it the ex plosion on Imeril the Guilt Enviers hadterminated. 'rho ovoletwo wen very can filet Mg iv, to who had the re - .ponioltle cheviot of tile nikines. Mr. Soon Biwa , ll de nied that ho had control, 11111 theroad engineer mode o smiler damn'. 'f lid verdict of the Pity wax at folhion; We find that the deceased I'lllllB to their deaths Inns injuries received tram stentil.liot air, mid wider, in cots eminence of the bursting 01 it picket atentilied to the foremost funnel of the Great Inhbirii ennifillip, end that said bursting wits council fry the eloring or a tsp connected with the syphon attnclied to said locket in the ehlitting ,the feed from the wikter paling to the boilers . there 14110 evidence hlfore the ler) to skew li. what person or imrsonx the tap was shut oilst and the Jury farther express their !Annum that said tarn tiro highly dangerous MllOllOl, out in such positions, lli and that. sument volition wee nut used by the engineers. Verdict is snip 0 liCeidental death." It w considered UM, that the accident leo give rise to questions lit law. Sir Janice Stephens. Professor of Modern Hinter, tit Cambridge, and lormorly under•Seeretnry of the Colo Wien. in deed. The Maretiester Guer,,,itit,lti an editorial on General Heresy's egeopution of the island of San Juan, amyl. : "The Americen General's exploit seems to Mtn been nothing Inure than One of (hone nets of motet by which reproYentativea ~t the United Suites ere arena tolliad to settle disputeswith weaker and more barbarous nejahliore, but which it in tune they should Ire tnualit GOY cannot safey indulge in alpinist Fewortul met mvlhaed nations. The arbele concludes ea lidiown 1 'We trust the Government of the United States will sneedily disavow the net of its officer. lehorwise the English Government till be horsed to take immediate steps for vindication of the honor ii this eountry. end showing the licensed rakes of he F'eiletal arlliy Hint thee 'nest tint appropriate Britian territoi y na coolly Rs if that ware Merely cutting off another shoe of Mex ico," Tito London Poet charneterazes'.(innernl Hornet's conduct es totally opposed to the firnt princielos n' Pub lic law. and hopes the American Government will dis avow it. The British liuveynment as said to matte a eon tenet , fel it biro 1.20 d Fallen long, to be bud from Falmouth to Gibraltar, in June next; this to be sac seeded by a cable to Malta and A lexandria, Flisland an independent line, free from continental difficulties. The speedy completion of the Indian hoe, and Its extension to China, is Jointly called fur, in view of the new Climes° ilitheultins. The IhtflV toiLx alitimieres that Lord Chile will re use from the command of the Indian army et the end of the )ear. and be succeeded by benoral Sir flash H. Bose. who played aprominent part In the ai/IT , eaanoi of the rebellion. General Mansfield is to be commander in-chief of the Bombay army. The ImPrendeutre Beige nays Lord Cowley and Count Walewskl have been ermiteustioned to arrange n brain ace-operation between England nnil France in the Prosecution of the Chinese war. Three ninety-one gun fillips were under orders for foreign service at mouth. and four gentionts were being prepared with all haste for idea l. The utmost act It.l pre vnlied at \Wool wich and saw tore in getting oil nin he. on:ninon, e. 'rho Eris ish ends had exhibited but slight fluetua .4lons nod closed very firm at quotations. Money con 'towed nbendent and in imelorate demand Geld con timing to flow into the Blink in large quantities, the ar rivals from America and Alpe mica having been heavy. THE LATEST. LeaDirg, Wellneaday.—The Doily Newe rite nrtiele, undertte pf Tuesday evening, says The fettil3 toelny open° wits roltti)towt tondermy itnprovement, but were el3ked by the Government broker restricting his daily purchnues on account of envinge banks; in the afternoon, however, nore buoyancy was shown, and n fresh advance of one-eighth wee established. in the several other markets, mere especially that for British railway shares, the tendeur as upward, i the demand for Infiney wee Inlet. T ?wino!' 000 hundred and eight Hines:up peen' I i - xns 4o.it 11,t0 trio bank to- The Mere' city article says the Binds opened at n re • action of nn eighth, bet p rives resumed their stendinesa before the clone. At the bank there was en increnned demand for money. The Onto in the open market con ti nuesabout 2'; 3P cent, Leticia from Rt. Petersburg ea) , that J. 11. Bennie, the tallow speculator, is expected to pay about forty to filly cent.. The prize fight for the championship of England. be tween Payers and 'Mottle, ices won by the former in twenty - throe minutes. PRANCE • , . • There was quite a gathering - I politinians fit Rim rite. In addition to the King of the lielgumis, Lord Cowley, Count newt, and Count Walewski hint gone there. and Count Career end the Duke sit Malakoff were expected. Frince Afettermelt had returned to PATO; from Vienna, and held n conform n with Vomit Walewski before the latter went to Ifiatritz. The Prince a tinted Zurteli on hie way to Faris. The crimp nt Chalons hail been soddenly broken lip. was rumored in Faris that tiro Emperor hail re rinewt.tl the King of Sardinia to refuse to the depots tione from the Legations their request for ItrineXativil A ' ') P llrfttn n e t ;' Pail( correspondent seas, if the reports of the nay mar be credited, there is a lei:modify of the settlement (lithe Italian question which would satisfy all parties. and the Intern/Men woe that the political linr- Ixon was likely soon to he clearer than for some tune pest. The Co/statisticians, has gIVOII prominence to an edi torial in which it calls on England to side with France In the Italian Question, and the article Wag regarded MI an appall tisEnstand diplomatic/4'y in extrientin the Emperor from the difficulties engendered sit Vdln Francit. A ship cattle line, steel plated, to be celled the gentr, rind the lergnmt veelel in the French navy, had Ivan commenced at Brost. The Illnniteur contains the following announcement in regard to the rumor of a modification in the press law i • "Several newspapers have afintleil to a ileri fie which it em. S Ifitypoked appear to 'noddy the taiga of the Pr This news witliont foundation. tit;Frence the press is free to dimming ell acts of the liar anunnnb and try so doing to enlighten the politic mend. Certain pa pers, in coming ,without their knowledge, the means of hostile parties, chine a largo( eitioUrt of Ireedoin. which would have no other street than Olio la dilation of their attacks against the Conati tutton and the funda mental laws of social order. The Government of the Emperor will not deviate from the mit:alit:shed m stem to allowing a field etillicientl) large for diectinsion, con trol' ray, and nerilygis. and prevents, on the other hand, the dienstious effects of 'Maritime], er ror. The Minilleur 111 It subsequent Mlle. published a cir cular from thelnterior Department to the prefects, in enisting them as to their ditties regarding the pre,. It was reported at PPM that France will co-operate with Spain in the expedition anemia the Moore. Funning prevailed of a ministerialerrors, ineluilin the rettrementof the Links if Peclone from the Alinisin of the Interior. and M. Cliasselong Lambert trent that of Alceria lied the Colonies. There was no Liner°, ement in French colmnorciel affairs. It is asserted that the ennehision of the him eel 'thous that the crop Inns been twenty per cent. less productio n then last ear. Flour nail wheat lied 'lightly advanced ramie, and AI R° In illoht of the provineralmarker, The silk markets were eta cant. Trade \rev trotter at La one under orders from America. The vintage 110e011t101 Were eenerally satisbietor, . - The forts Were bele.: , 111110(110 the 11,0 ti of St. Mitlx, end of Cannitle, and a plan had been prdpareil for arm ing the colgt loner Antibes to fort Vendres. The French outposts on the tront tors of Illorthien had been several times herrela attacked by native haling, but they had been repulaell. The Government fit Mo risco was noton tll 111 1110. n ittt,oke. The Bourse had eau dull and lower. but rallied On the :NMI. OuSint von how at 0r0u,.. THE ZURICH CON FERENC E. There hail Lena It enniplero tinerieniniin of intereourne between do Plenipotentiaries for son erill dots, lint on the 19th, after the arm al of a Freneh coo tier, CIO re rek.nntatil no ol Franco and Austria hold It conihrein o tontine three hours. - The Government of TIIPCVIT but notified the plea, potentinries of tho It rand Duke to evnendta the unlace within Goat, damn. In case of their non-compliance the property of the Grand Doke NI. to ho sequestered The ging or rardoon w. to Zenon Turin on the :9th on a visit to Pavia, Lodi. Cremona. .hc. There had bean reports from Rome that the Pope ' a health WAN no allatiarad that he would probably aeon roman. but the lateet accounts say ho had perlectls m em e red. Tho Papal Giss in had expressed sabefitetion with the recent article in the Pans .11wittr ur, on Italian affairs. Ministerial deluges in Naples ere reported. Po amen had rea/POOkl the presidency of the Council. Ilex nae cosaor Wen not yet known. riiardialdi had issued a letter outdid) acknowleda in, his •,dolir.tion or the patrodie population of the It am Tyrol for the !airmen& of their sort teen daring toe war. AI .ITIA A sent-olinf 'al ennouncomorit m the Austrian Cniret pootrlener contradicts the report ol trod' troops hat mg linen mint to Italy. Th. Vienna Ohl ftioir publishes a decree raising the state of siege in Vienna. Some slight residration will, however, continue in force provisionrall) jr, coo fain oases, Some or the journals say that Gon. Sorano is to be Ca❑ fain Ganeral of Culef. me !Ism Conchs, a hair) retire moat has long been oxi , oeteil. .RUSSIA. Invallfte R,er. pviblishon it telegram eaa h r , ma g the tenoned capture of :lolls opt donnen tuotorions as sault by the Rlllllllllll. (Joust. Selma) l's sons rind family were ruptured or killed. The Russians look hr e cannon, and their loss dot not ox , toitil 100 men. MT= The Timer puldn,hes the following hperial telegram from its correspondent: • CONsTA TINoIIP,Sept,JR. — A conspiracy to assas sinate the Sultan line been discovered. Two 'hundred Persona have been arrested hero. M11110)1K them the ll,iYha of Albania. Who Wen apparently the c h ef. Nunn troops are suspected or participation. The atlatr otiginatod with a fanatical party •' The Caktitta matt of Atittuat 27th rettellotl Aden "en toothorp h. • 'rho following 'lows come by the Boil :Ain telegraph: A lull bad boon introduced in the Lomalittle° Council to tax professions and trades in India, the cultivators of land excepted. The speeiel disarming net passed during the mutiny had boon made permanent. 'rho house of Delhi had been dopriml of all titular ilisiinctions and twit ilexes boar er. The French Admiral etatialandlar m C4a.11111 Chinn lind concluded a treaty with the A:lamest', and would probably Start with his fleet for Clinton. At Calcutta Exchange on London Wins at Ss Timm le no additional news front China. but a mit ate m telegra stilton that there hitil boon lure omen of limn ufactured goods. both at Hong Kong rind Slianzhite. It wan. thaTailKO. Intoned that political matters had not ex in:deuced any now comPlicAtinn• ho Bombay mail of August 90th reached England Sept. Loth, The news anon generally unto:mated. Tile Boinhat cotton market was Retire and higher. The salt trade in India taa expected to lie thrown open, subunit to °XVII° niati. -• • . TllO excitement in the Putthmh ezninst the Mahon. Inchon had passed away. Commercial Intelligence. LI N'ERPOOL COTTON MARK ET.—Tho soles of Cotton for the three .1133 a preceding the dolor rt ot the Hnnsannn ware 18.0ou bales including J 500 to export ere:lnd I 000 to specntittors. 'The market eliroeil dull, nt a slight decline on all 'utilities. Tim ohiol &Minn wag on the infertor descriptions, which wore reported ) o tl onor. The only quotation given is that for middling plands.whieli wee rated at 6I?-10d. STATE OF TRADE —The ndvteee front Mnitchestor continuo favorable. All sorts of goods were in trotter down nil. LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFFS MARK I:T.—Messrs, Richardson, Spence & Co. »onto Breads nowt but firm, nt n alidit advents, on all aorta. Floor hod ad vanced la ift bitrrel. Wheat steady nt Fridal 's ad venoe; Western red 7$ bloom; tin. white sarttls 6d. Corn quiet nt an advance 016:1 40" :matter. LIVER POOL PROV SION» INIARKET.—Bee I quiet. Pork stead:, Lard moot. Bacon dull, and ituntelliolll nominal. Tallow minhanzed. And Niles unimportant, LIVERPOOL PRODUCE SIA REP:T.—Sneer stonily. entree quiet. Ashen stonily. Pots Ns Oil n2natd. Pearls Ott, Rosin firm :it ss 2.1e1l 5.1 for conimon. Spirits Turpentine lion itt,OGetid, Oil 28s LONDON MA Ith.ETFL—Brendstittla quiet. 1% , heat n.l - Is, and cloned at pricem still tending upward. Su gar flint. Colin° lion. Ton continues %cry lion, nail Congo» in anllma nt la 4 1 ,110 Is 5.1. Rice quiet at it de eli»o of GI on Bengal. 'lnflow dolt nt 57,3373 Oil. Lin seed Oil 23, 6d. LONDON MONEY :MARK ET.—Consols cloned on TIIPPIIinV °yelling at AMERICAN sTocKs.—Tho latest qllot,ttiony are for Illinois Central Phillren 30 dlNeount ; du unveny, t&et, F inn . land Bt; do sevens, 1875, 77)4 : Lrte, third limit dim, 61; New York Centre! novena, PIC THE VERY LATEST MARKETS. I,l Yrftrtloto Watinf Itd s Y, Beet. 21 Noon.—Cotto steno . with n bettor tone [a the market. and nit In erossed demand. Tho sales to-tlaa tire budon debt A shout SOUP halos. Breadstuff's swot, and elites noon portant. I From London—By Telegraph to lavercool• Los MON, dept. 21.--Noon.—Concols are stoned at 05' 95",1 for money, and 95'; for account. Further from Mexico.. Oil ATO.EVION, Oet. I.—The Cowl,' 5 X roolitl New Or leave despatch gives the billowing additional bile et Mexican intelligence: It WAS reported that the llislionot VeNieo ry Iv di..., to suarenty a loan of five snilltoon to 1311 rumen in pledge rot nhurelt property. The A rohbinliop and olerg3 bitterly oppose thin polio) of their. supenor. It was reported that General Vidnurri had Joined the Church party Wiiilhington t W„ean rfn Yoe', Oct.2.—The steamship Catawba wee to h tve commenced her regular tilos from Charleston to ll.tenota, vin tiectitintth and Kee West, yesterday. The Charleston remit, WON that hot agents. Mordecai 4, have made or cry reasonable oiler and proposition that could have Won off pected. but without BlieeeSS. to 1114nin the restorationof the He, atm mail service 're cording to the echedule heretofore performed by the stoanier The Most intimate friends of Senator Douglas au thontativele dem din truth of the 'decennia rumor that he contempt nos resit nag to the late ',mow of hie 11 ,, ve:111r are, le, and farther am dint none us to be ndJuxhcd with his sanction or supervision. The hillowitir officers leave liven watered to the summer Iroquois: Comma liner—Captain Palmer ; Lieu tenants—Huger, Ilart, oral Houston; nutter—Clark. The Missouri State Fair. Sr.l,ot la, Ott. 2.—Tho prineatal feature of the fair ).eatoraily atilt the award:at of the Sl,oolUalizo to the to thorollelt•tri mtnalon, or creep are, Th i eripg Carl- MiStell or liven y - three entries, inchating hextelebdl , Rot ratan. Dina, ottn, rripOntoti, Littahlt, Atiltur, Wa train°. Cantor, Susie. and thane Others known to ' fame. I ttir n I.riarapliHl t,. uul Pllimt nulf)o4 tho complaree, rho prit,f, veto ownrded to Portman. Iry tho ;alerted trustee, sweets Iry Jim M. little of Virginia. trove- IMO in lira torn of (tin celebrated encore Soo and Pi nni Wftrd/in,ton and Planta Tim F we...,,,,t0 t 3 0 ,1 row the beet ,hull \VIM also twirled venterde Y. It war liken by King Alfred, owne.l bi .1. N. Brown, of viinoti enmity, whir Oro curried 4.11 the 7nnr pIPIII,IIIIIIfOr thn beet eow. (In Alondn) the kthinoo , of the I Wantd! - bred rings v all Lo presented. Ako, tho sweep Mikes on the mules 1109. g. In addition to the render pros repute.. entailer 91,001 UOIIIIIIIII 11113 Lynn it find will tie 1.1111M1) m tho lh3h.t (Will, More Temple, I'd nem., and llot Coot, aro nlrrndr rutnrnd for the eontelt, wind, Will COlllO alt in ale main of the !trend Sillphitheiltle. From Rio Janeiro. Gll \III.I , TON, Oct. I.—An arrival furnishes Nut Jut h elm advises to Augto4 nth. The reveling of coffee ‘%nrn trifling. the clip hem.; diffident. The nnw rrop was con,olered to he good. The sales are most') for 11•nlrn. There was a Ptttek of CO MO taiga to port. The etch of floor mutat Ord to 55000 barrels, end the mar {,et. tins 111111. Northampton Couuty Politics. % , 10‘, Betober I.—Tlio Northampton Count) °optimum' Convention WWI held at Nazareth t0.d.1,13. Bohm t P. liblek And ileorgo Brenner %ler(' nominated for the Amteuilitt . Q remolution recommending Andrew Heade unit ,undid a., for Gm error wan unanimotoily adoptd. Itecognitton of Congtils. \VA./11 . ..01"Np OH. President hne recoeiohed Fredortek Ilerheen4 %tee ennßill of the llttehy ol 1 4 exe- Altnehorg. to resole at New York. Ile hoe rilso revoeleioll F. N. 'helix choker or comet fur Prlltaila, at SAVAIII,IOI. Assignmunt nl Blithe, Musk), & (20., of 1104t011• 111)4ToN. Oet. I.—Mobra. 71Ink°, Kitimioy, & . who tilt! lakt lunPk. 113 blittlell to tin nutount ..f hnlf n Inv made /LxpeNtil nvviynmrut fot 111.1 IPonolitt.l thin, 4, reditors. THE CITY. rite Fttst Pair, for Additionzl erty illattor.l HOSITT u. CASK , . —On Friday, dooaph Ilevlitt, a Ind 10 y ears old, whilst riding 1111011 ft bad of lumber, and descendent the 101 l at Front mud Huntingdon, the horse boenine restive., cl lisitig the overthrow or cart ni,d with boy undermost, who reran out internal injuries, together with a broken let, and fare dreadfully bruised. He won removed to the Episcopal Hospital. Nancy Baird, aged 60 yearn, a native of IT°. hind, and residing on Germantown road and Fourth streets, fell down stair, no Thursd ly mat, Pre (hiring !overate,' watt,* of tio flee un it scalp. She rate rnindt NI to th e },nlacripal Hotipttri, Front add Huntingdon streets, null in prozressing (monthly. SviclDE.—About eleven o'clock on Saturilny night, a wan named WOllll6l Moore, need twenty-five t ears, ounped nt erhoard at Race-street wharf into thin Delawrire, and Neon t 11,14,11111. Doren:wit impponett to Mt 0 r”rniii it itted tlr, rash act while laboring under men tai nnerration. tits body Was recovered yesterday 111,11111 K, and taken to hits Late residenceat 86venteenth end Capper ei recta. in the northern part of the city. The poroner held an inquest, and rendered a verdict of suicide lit drowning. Ex nos los.—Some time during Saturday nigh the pipet/ to the Germantown pashenver depot. at Germantown. exploded. At an earl) hour testerita) morning', a. Rita-titter towed William Cothran. resohn: in I.lrmtnan street. Germantown, entered the depot with a twitted trundle. for the vireos° of done tmgne raprore t when the escaped eay anddenly trotted. and lA fora Int Mahn Ms o:tit Mr. WWI kvil) burned about his head not tare. Putt: R utter, —Quite an excitement existed on Saturday afternoon. on the occasion of raisin , : it polo in honor of ibinglas, at Ilio rumor of Coates and tronk street', Tenth went The pole. with its topmast., lan boot one hundred and len foot limb, surmounted by an utility of the " Little Giant," rind to. we believe. the first urea* pale tlert ban been ratood In Honor of the Judge et the opening of the campaign. Srrtm,r Pan r.—There will bee grand two-mile rare at Setfolk Park course, thin afternoon. between Martha. Wattlunoon, Planet, George, and tiny John. Cennibuttee will leave Sixth and Chestnut, at a emir ter before two o'clock tips, afternoon; to connect with the can et Frond end Prune streets. Remnant) .—On Friday night at a late hour, while the fireinen'e parade acne passing, a dwelling honer, Ni'. NU Brown !Moot. wan rebbtd of a quantity of silt ort. ware. conslsting or spoons, forks, tmpktnn, 'cc. Mont 0 1 the artieles Orden are inscribed " F. M. La." ACCIDEVT ON A RACE-COURSE.-011 Saturday, a horse attached ton wagon ran away on the race-course on the fair ground at Powelton. Daniel Murphy, the hoccupant of the vehicle, was thrown out, and had one of ue lele ',token. CRICIaT Mere —The International °riche match between t A mei eleven tholish pinyern not teenty-two of the United Ntnten, take place ott tht St. George'e ground, near Canine's woods, on Mental next, October 10th. Dflow CAnn.—A child three yenrs of ego wns drowned in the dam nt Fisher's till. in the Twen.. ty-socond ward, on Friday evening. The litely teas re en, erect, and the coroner was sent for to hold an inquest. STATI.TICAL—The whole number of arrests MI& by the pollee of this city during the month of Sep tember woe 2813. the charges being unneivally drunken ness and disorderly conduct. LIMIT is Tni 611111;11114.—A number of work men are tow engaged in laying gas-pipes through the streets of 13ridestaug: Ntnlre Scttoor..—A night school for girls trill be Gvened thin evening at the John (bunny Adams school. mien street, below Buttonwood. THEj COURTS. SATURDAY'S yROOSSDINGS [Reported tor The l'ress.l QUARTER St:StllONS—Judgo Ludlow.—On Satur day, rn this court, was noncludird the busmen; of the Anson tarot, atel several inportant matters which have attracted ceduiderabiti pith ie attent.eit. weio Inertly dis trosed of. The term whir line JuSt closed wad marked y the trial of numerous causes, many of which possessed no little interest, and all of which have beau dub chron rdedmourdailyrecordofcourtproceedinga. To Judge Ludlow much credit is due for the promptitude and zeal triariilcetcd in rho administration of Justice, and lea ob servations made repeatedly from the bench,. relative to the evils connected with the courts. cannot fail to work out eventually a practical remedial result. A now trial was granted in the case 1,1 Peter 'Houck and :Banana!' Schneider, who were convicted 'Mon the fhar e ,' or the larceny ot a lame quantitv of burnink luid Frain tile timmipsetory of Philip Bunhong S.: hone. Tile reason for granting tile Dew trial ices on ageonnt of the admission of testimbuy an to the taking or fluid I ,'y the defendants tmon other days than the day charkedin the bill ot indictment. aramilent was heard for a new trial in the ease o f James Bannister. convicted upon the charge of Hoskins trut take jury lists, and with forkina the names of Jurors. o N. 111,2101 on the City Treasurer for money tor IierVICOS as pivots in tire Court a Quarter Sessions. After arvii mem. the court retuned to grant a new trial. The &- lend/lawns sentencei: to eighteen months in the Eastern Penitentiary. In sentencing the Intendant tho Judge said that a painful duty was dot shred upon ; that Bannister !tad ontortunntely tenon into prsettces of peculation. for u hey doubt, prevenient In the position ho oc cupied. It wan particularly bird because the defendant 1,•1.1 always borne 11. pool character, and had ample opportunity to sheen o t ell,t of crime. Bannister was ntleeted to tears duruif the sentence, and mans nn inpathized with lulu. Mary McLaughlin wan before the court upon a writ of habeas corpus, charged with homicide in killing her husband. Alter hearing, the court held her in ~ -, ;qt.11) bail tl answer for liar appearance at the next term of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. Dame' Dougherty, Esq., has been retained as counsel for the defendant. It is alleged that the husband died front intemperance. A. cane was heard tin habeas corpus touching the ens- Lel) of Ann Elva Braude). an m phen, eleven years old, who eight months previous to the death of her mother, liar only remaining parent, was placed in the custody of Mr. French. a farmer, of Moorestown, N. J . /It the instance of a committee of the Union Benevolent Society. Subsequently the child was abducted by a Mr. Alex ander, and placed in the custody ofJoim Thomas, acord winner of the A sister 01 the girl, seventeen years old, testified that she was with Mr. Alexander 'Mien the child was ab ducted ; that she nalnd her slater if she wished to leave. and she said yes. Sho was then put into a carriage and driven off. After remarksby counsel, Judge Ludlow' said he would gis 0 n derneltell on Tuesday tumuli', Officer Porter having been directed tonna° an exami nation of (lie premises of Richard lint rte, known as the a:Toile, at Eighth and Christian streets. rectified that lie had made the examination, and found the house va cant, o:Wept one rooin •.; and lound.nlso, that it hind been thorons.hly cleaned. Demi wile corivn•ted, sunio weeks 1140. ill nraimmnnmg a Julienne°. and the court suspeeded sentence 011111 the 1111.311 re should lei Mimed. Judi 0 Ludlow remarked that he would let the matter remain as it is for the present. and the extent of the sentence depend upon the manner tit which the house lb kept. Coln., at the relation of n'inieel Korwoldor, Charles Prentsell. The complainants in thisease are artists and enraged to fresco the walls of the National Hail. Market street. The barertin was rondo with Mr. Prentsoll, who, neeording to the represent stied. said he Was the (Inner of the hall, and that lie was the only per son they were to look tie. Alter the work Cris done. Mr. Meet cell said fin was nut satisfied with the mariner in is inch it Way done, and but shout .1,290 of the 81,100 slue for it 4,7 pint. Teetlinolly Was adduced to akin . Illet :NI, Pre.. sell was nut the Metier tit the hell; tear it had been sold ar sherurs sale and bought in Io) ii brother in Inn. 'Plus nudes Said that the ease illtiktrated the ditlerence betueen a naked lie and a fake pretence. The complements went to the budding and asked Mr. t'renleott dire was the owner of the hill, and. upon his toss rig he sins. they asked boa if lie want'd the hill pouted, and he said ye. The defendant had net called on them and desired the work to be clone, hilt he had mom ored the question when asked iron before anything mas said about the work. It was a naked lie, tint the Supreme Court had said that a naked lie is not a (also pretence. Tho Inn. was lint made to enable the collo,- rin of had debts, but to penult for each linsrepreiente none tie are deliberately made to deceive and defraud. Ender nrgument. William Connell.convicted of big/tiny, sins sentenced to sot imprisonne nt of six months in the County Prison. The modernte nature of the sentence is to be attributed to the fort that the detendant inn rued hia beeped wile alter lie and been deserted by his first wife. Ito was re presented by Lentin id Fletcher, Eng, On inetuni of Eachard Ludlow. Egg . a new trial sees greeted in the ease of Patrick Kano, who was recently convicted Of olitolitin{ looney under Lilco pretences. 'The ground for the new trial is after•discos erect end s ors material evidence for the dofenee. Wilbert! Sanford, the young min who was arrested Nellie tune eine° m eonipanr w ith another person, and convicted on the charge of numerous hotel robberies. was sentenced to an imprisonment of 1$ months in the county bail. Me3,lullin, his partner iii crime, pit ears in the EasternPenitentinry —a long but richly-deserved punishment. Dennis Shea. cons used on Friday of manslaughter. Is as sentenced to (lace tears end sus month. In the Eastern Pen itentiary. Bin lather end mother were in court, nail both wept bitterly. J. O. Ronengarten, Ese•, enunsel for the prisoner. Iliad° It Mold alreCtlng appeal or mercy to the unfortlinato condemned, and was lis tened to with the utmost attention by a crowded audi enco. It tine to say that Shoe. was defended with elo quent zeal by Messes Henry Norris and J. O. Iti,eti gariell. UNITF.II STATES Count gale:lEll'e OFFICE-Cornea-- ismer C. P. llca7litt.—Joseph Soliwelther was brought op helm° the Cominissioner on Saturday morning, charged with robbing the post office at 1/i:daunt . ° City. Wm. 'Wilson, ea poun Cl the ineenier by,,,, Whillain, wax the flrst uitneen called, and testified that the de fanipint uns the inn ri Chu one on board 1114 cessel nn the (20, Jay of September, Pb); I preemie lie collie On tmard of the ateninlmat at Delewnre City ; we arm °dot Delaware City at ho o'clock In the moruii,; I wee riot sleek a hen we err" ed there ; wo stopped MX Ileitis berme we arrayed at Delaer (a City. There were perhaps seine twenty or enure passengers on ionnl of the taint When we started ; I cannot say pos itively that I RAW ails person get on hoard et the boat at Delawnre City ; I did lint OXOnline the deleintent to son whether he had n p 18101; I sex' the place Where ( lie man Wes diet, Wm. Itigrans, FIN., was en ore, end testified that he saw 180 defendant court uu i. 081,1 of the ateaml,, , It nt l'. l, waro City; that he onto a pistol wound in the leg of (ho defendant, but did not know lino he came by the wound Allred 11 Henson testified that he saw the defendant netts 11l of the steamboat :titer it left Veltman, City; that die defendant showed bon a wound upon hie leg, which OILS about the size of .1 oil er dollar, which he said lie merit cil lo the accidental ,itnelt,trio of pistol lit Me own hands; that lie alio produeed a double-bar telled p anti with only one Matt in it. District J. C. Vend% he a , ..ked that the Ile wt.(' of or to mole et Iho charge in tho district %litre the offence won ,onitnitted. The counsel for the delenut olijoeted to I t on t h e ground that thole nos lint sufficient evalenee to warrant of er. The post office at Pelawarn Ca, was robbed during the id., lit ol the Ilth .1, of Soptomber, and at the tone et the robbery a I , lBtoi Will diacharged, and ns the dc -I•udmitvvno iron Palau are City 8181 Wee 31101., the, ebarged loin milli the otlenesol robtant the post 0fh,,,. 'rho defendant, since his arrival in this eit7., has been confirell nt Oaf PV811 . 01 , 30111 Hospital. The defanilant ns ilrit,teli 31 the 1 , ,p11.11. 118 Ell AlBllllll J . F. H,,,rhe,, Eqq. 1 .1811..11,10141 Walli L 4.1. Nisi Pout s—J 'lrmo Strong.—The wetter of the co-trosteeslop of the Williamsport and crone up totem the court on Natimilay mornimr. Atter reto , rkel by Indite Hepburn end Ntr. Davis la opposoton In rho appointment of Vr. To., nseml Whelan, ,lii•tice Strong said that he 1.1,1 eoloodni.‘,l the appointment et Mr Whelan, and had concuided not to distort, it. The appointment t lherelore ma, conlitin.d. COMMON I'Lmas--Judge Allumn —This court toti on Saturday to hear motions. indite Thompson war unable to attend, owing to 'notices. 'floe will be a Inlay snook in the several courts. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Meet Market. Oc roan: 1,1359. The market for all kinds of fancy stocka continue, extremely dull. Reading Railroad shares nre firm nt 22 u . Without salon to may extent. Schuylkill Navigation coalition stock sold to-day at& There were no sales of the others. name who held the fancy stocks at present on a comparatively easy 1110110 y market, are probably Able to rarr3 them without difficulty, and there seems to lro but a poor pmelicet of a change in the condition of the market until the price of loany shall rise materially on the street, or continued ease bring outside specula tion 011C0 11101 1 0 to the stock board. All solid securities aro firm at previous iwotations. The two ...teamers titat left for. Europe to-klay car nod out 5750,000 in specie. W. Clark Sr Co. bankers, South Third street. are tiny ins ilie coupons title to-day oh the bonds or the 31,r -rig Canal Company; the Reading hailroad Compato in paying Its let October coupons at.il.9 Ole." ; anti the in terest due to-day oh the Lehigh Nivigatton Company' is paid nt its office, Second street, Leloe, Chest nut. Chief Just', Strong th•u 11101111LIC deeilled not to dis tort, the appointment of Mr. Townsend Whelen na co t nntee tinder the mortgage of the 'Williamsport and Railroait Corn DIW., • The IMOWIrIR 14 the litatentent of eerolots'and connate at the of the rnited Ntates. Philadelphia. do nng the month of September, 15.59: 1111=1 From Pr.. 11. Other xoorees Tidal gold •lI.VLR Nt LLIuN I,I`O3ITED - - - V/11. 111100 , 1012 Adrar 11‘11ChnS0.1 !22 210 00 00 Anil Mexican fractions tam dot Inr rr-etsed for orceh'ge Inc now ce n t s 2Ll® 00 Total silver ...... . $118,610 CO Copper rents (0. S.) received for ex elion.7e for pow COW,. . . 2 220 00 Totta depoelle .. ... .. . . ...9.24D) IA Col NAGL k.:(Ff I T 55. VithiP. hold minors ........ . 8,315 er.1, , 0, so :;11vor coinue .. .... GO2 , rti 51.02 Y 9 Copper coinve 3.6(040.1 36 ....I0 00 Tomt No. of pieces 1,11014 i T0tq1.F4713 713 The following is the anneal report of the Cat.ewooea. tlhainsport, and Elmira Railroad Pon t oo n , 'rho areoenta of the contemn, for the finest sear clos ing the:lle day or Aalart. 13t9. aro herewith preserved, no well as 1 1 105 a of thenne vlosing August 31st, kW, a) lalpsis I whirl: is as The recoipt, for twelve months, ending Anent 31,1. DAS unre . .......... . . F4:71.66171 Operating Mottoes, inelochus repairs to Inn o.annry and track, tate., damages, and of. (len charge,— .. .19 rental .rf I ,, ,Roettri,x roldh receipts for the year ending Ati;nat 0r0.,s rneeiptl for the lent ending Auguit 3lst. 1139 .337,t3T 71 Operating expenses, including repairs, truck inwhiner). taxer, darnay.eK, and afire gea , ..... VA 73 8190 no 93 Less rental of conneetolirroads 93 812 45 Net ret'el Os for ytetr entlipe Aug'. 111. 1.154 . 90 434 47 Net receipts for )(tor elating Aug. 31, 1e.39 . 61.471 11 Inerea,e, ',NMI. 11 A.o' era.. . . 9t1.957 3 It ~.. ill thus ho seen that the net result of the pant year's btl4llle. shows nn inerense of II cent•• and it 19 be lies ed this ratio ot increase wilt be exceeded during the engem.: twelve months. Vet. in the present condition of the company's strain it is deemed most prudent to predicate WV/ proposed rmreanizatinn of a future net re, Nina of 9100 to, which the managers feel no doubt may be safely calcu lated upon. l'he present funded indebtedness of the teinpany cam -Ist. Of Of first inortgase 7t, cent. bonds . SjA !OP (1..1 to 20, Of chattel Id 47 cent. leach , . aso d>u 11 30, Of second jnortgitiso 7 tr cent. bonds $ , 500 ts)o 00 Of orhielt there is on hand 101,tkZ 12 401, Of unsecured bonds 7 47 339.03; rept . .. • SOO 00 Da 104' cent 14.000 00 fx2.300 00 52.1.71 555 In addition to the id.sm a, there is a large floating in debtedness of the company, as follows; let, Owing for labor and materials ..—. ei39„992 72 3d, Bills rinsable. guaranteed by officers and managers of the 1a2.343 :41, I nana arid Ind:meats guaranteed by officers and 1111111NZEITN of the company.... MAIO Gd 41h, Nice for rune on , connecting roads . 15,1e5 SI sth. l'ns.ciired indebtedness, or secured by insufficient collateral ............ 103 596 92 8340.631 44 The outstanding ceerdue coupons and iota row Rfrfolint to .._,_.. . 496.M5 61 At the I Initati :bates Asset' Office in New Yors.durin; the month of :+eptember. the depopirs were-60m. Aht . von ; polVer.?49 soo—total. ease 4)R Oo'd bars stamped, 317000; transmitted to United Elates :Mint, at Phila &Mina for coinage, 896253. The following. is a statement of the receipts no dm htirsement4 of the Resistant Treasurer of the Lotted yttatee of New York, for September: h.q. I. 1075. by balance......._ ....e1,664,150 21 Receipt., dorms the mouth: Ou acroont of cuatinits $2,301 145 65 Patent fees ........... 7,047 20 Post 0111,31. De partin't. 1130 062 26 Treneury notes...—. 335 100 no Loans ............. 104.919 75 Miecellaneous... ...... 17,074 04 3,455,655 23 Paym ry ent. during the month: u Pest Office drafts.. 6s= 06 Balance Sept. SO. 18i. 9B PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE BALER, October 3, 185). IMPORTED ST SHOWN. & CO. PIRRT BOARD. 200 City 69 ... now I:it 1 3 Penns R. ......... 44 2.3.1(1iir (Ms Os .n0w.103 i 6 do ... 40 1000 Wilin'n 61 'B4, 95 1 2do ... .... —cash. 40 libxlCll Vol Rib ...oh. .Tt i 211 do .. 5 Cain & Amboy R. 123 1100 Bonding R.....0'b. 21% 10 d 0.... 123 'l3 N Liberty Gas bt 10 do .....123110084.h Nomitittion .. 8 1 Pit R. .. .. . 10 I 120 & 3disti R. .. 1 5. 41 3 i'; BETWEEN BOARDS. 5 4 , 3511 8 PhDs Irk eSwn .121 251Norrsott R ..... N West Minim; SECOND BOARD. IWOLeh Val 91 :IA • 50 1 .: 2 Faure& It 40;;,47 d 0.... !2 , RA. , 5 do enl.;'lii • 10 Morris Canal eddied 323 N 1 1 a R S d)s, 81 1.0 do . led l CLOSING PRICES—DULL Bid. Asked. Bia. Asksi. 1; StMO, '• '- 8641Na1: Ca 100Srhl Nay, pref... de* 16 3 . 1 00 Minisp'),Sr Elm R. !e 1 Ira 71 let mort.43 l'enna 5e 93 2334! • 1 is 2d molt.. 13 R"11 ngd.1116::..... uti . itz‘l'fl3,7cl,lfilli.4il;i 61 " most Os 1 41 90 IN Panne - 814 " e 21.69 70 " fa.. —.62S 33 Penns : I‘l4 , Ca l ' a ' w a ‘ ; 3 i. s li " Morris Canal Con .80 de!. " let In lids. 33 " Prot INX lus IF & South .... CO 14 . 111121 /Ve1 , • 211 70`.113d. &3d Bt2 R.. ,41 41% &biol. Imp ....70 80 11.1430 Vme Stiß .. 33 Philadelphia Markets. OCT. I—EtMIMIS. Tlie re la not Mut It export &inland for Fleur. but holders are not so :111X1011,1 to sell and alsut 2 OtObblaW.B Thom as's suPerfine wore taken fur shipment on terms kept private, and :no Irlits mood Western extra at 115.72, ce Munro superfine at NV' Mil. hat some holders are not sallum to sell nt that price, and the market is firmer; the trade are boyln.r to lots 311 'rented w th ta the "those rtnrre for superfine AM! extra. and w 56.50 01,1 for extra Innis and fancy lots ma in quality. Rye Flour is steads at $t for fresh ground. and Penn. Corn Ales! st 3750 ifY 11111. Wheat—There is very little doing owing to the firmness of holders. and the receipts and sales are moderate, including al,oot 3,000 Lute; a lots at In:ell:le fir common to prune red, anti for Root and choice white. Rye is unsettled; there is more odering. and about 2,060 lies sold at ~3.r . 6..:43 for new Southern, its in quality, and some Penn sylvania at puc. Corn re In steady demand, with fur ther sales of 2,000 tins ;allow, in lota, mostly at Der, afloat. Oats are firm • smut 2 OX)lnts prime Delaware brought Ile, afloat. Rark—Nothing dents in enerertron. and lot No. lis held et Pi:9 Its ton. Cotton—The market is doll, and a few small sales olds are reported at abotzt pretionS rale. I i reCe nee and ProMNIOMI are firm end a lair business doing in most kind.. Sends—We have only to notrta few mall sales of Croverseed $5-.20. and tlot. from Neentld !MEWS at $5.7.5 he. win's°, is ra her More a. tit e' we ytio , /, drudge at Ze2.9-0:111;ds 26a Vic ; hbls 201 a 7.Te, and Ohio and prinn di) 27 ei Now York stock Exchange--Oct. 1. =EMI! 200 L' B r.s 'ta shs RNidalg R 44 1 i WOO V. tie. VA). 94 1 ICU 314c14 Cen R.... ono 43 140 Mo Co 610 70 do 44,40. 4.34.; 11.1010 do ....... Bra; DO d 0.... ..... .. 43 1 i IWO 03't 150 lob Ni g at'k 23 1 .. 10 00 111 Ceti R hex int.. 5.1 1 4 00 Panama 0.341.117 WM lAt Croon & 3111 ¢ 1 24 lint Sr Chl ~ 74 Idx . 1.3 13 .10114.........24 1 i 303td Mich 8a f .55 t lix) . . . 74 1 4 tD oho I'no 111 S C 1430. 791415) ....... . uu. 74 II) Do) & Ilud Cnl co 91 1 4 11X1 Chic Sr Rls R... 800. e64', lnni Cen 101. 04r, 293d0 . stn. 6114 100 do .. ....5.30. 150 do ss% 1.10 do ll'. 2t) , ) Drtn.4.l) it CA , R 21/0 /Ix rlooi it . . 93.. CITY ITEMS. lilt: VISIT TO THE FIRST REFORMFD Or MI Cut ncv.—The announcement that the Empire Fire Association, of Lynn, Maw,. would attned the church corner of Seventh and Spring Garden street', in a lady. )estordny mornine, attracted a very crowded con; regation to th it edifice nt the appointed hour-10'4 o'clock. Long t.ofore the appointed time story seat in the house was occupted---includin: the aatteets in the aisles— with the exception of an ample number of pews in the N hie middle block of the church, v. Inch had been TO nvrved for the s !siting fireman and their attending friends of the United histee Eosins Company in this city. Event the sestibule of the church was crowded w Rh staridtne, spectators, and hundreds were obliged to go essay for want of accommodations. At RN o'clock precisely, the members of the fire de partment entered the church, passang up the aisles in a dolibto coition, ono win[ being conducted to their ap pointed places by Capt. E. E. Spangler, end the other by Dr. 11. A. Rower. At that instant, the pastor, Rev. A. A. Willits. Accompanied by Rev. John Street, Mn thrKllll Church, entered the pulpit, and the choir commenced singinc, an appropriate anthem. The text selected by Mr. Wih ate. ns the subject of his d18 , 1011tS(1, sync very happily %Meson. and no less ad mirably treated. line theme was the trod to whEch the three companions of Daniel. Shadrach, Ileshaelt. and Abed-nego. were sult:ccted in the fiery lornece by Ne buchadnezzar for refusing to worsh.p the goldenunege which that haughty riots rein mauled to be Fat up in the plain or Dora. and their miraculous deliverance. the in cidents of Whiell arc recorded in the third chapter of Daniel. The Introduction to his matted, the consum mate shill with which the speaker portrayed this inter esting narrative. so 84 best to adapt it to the occasion, and in fact all the details of the diseourse were the sub iect of :tonere' admiration by nll who heard his, and we doubt not the great truths enuneiated,clotheil as they were inn garb at 1 , 11 C ., the most C.treible and attractise, will follow taany of these breve nion, for whom the eer unm sine more especially intended, through life. %GS Tu•lJ.ty.—This morning, at nine o'clock. a general Union prayer meeting of all the :musters in the city, denominated Evangohcm, w i ll lie held at the Church of the Epiphany. Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. At .1 o'clock in the afternoon a grime ral prayer merlin; of non:kora and congeegnu o , tie held at Jayne's hall, wh‘ch, from the coo:mist moos is likely to prove a very interesting occisinn. A F.tin, in aid of the erection of nu Ermieopai Church, will be held in Elkton, Cord count). Men lend. en I l rednerds), Thursday, and Friday. the 7111 of Ot loiter. Excursion tickets have been :Pined by the President of the Philadelphia, Wilninigton,anil Bal timore Railroxil Company. enabling those Irh , 111'0 de sire to assist this laudable enterprise an t sportuniti of dem:. so, whilst at the cattle time MO ”1: an itgrileatle excursion in the county. SECKEL PUAR —We have been presented with a ory chmee specimen Of tins liSll,llitilli fruit. grown in the garden of Mr. C. r. wolarata. at rmakioni. tt meamirea soon a n d In init . metier In circumference. Ito nip ur tnpna of The Pt,cs know that 1.., es, l'eurth and Cheptnet, ',II the piocat Tens chant, Ilttr .inapt, —lt will be -eon by advertis,- nient, in another column, that Mr. T. L. C arpenter to _ hi., Fall, Winter, and :taring Classes at ton H a, wring Harden streets, where Ire a II Ina pleated to aecommodato panda who desire to learn the rtar . l of the dance and rainy lie healthful reereatent. Mr. Carpenter has had lone experience as a teacher, whir 'i ir n guarantee that those who patron- Ito hou will li., well ritteified with his efficiency. His will he ~nupeasit of the most respectable of our ea). Tun Willcox .t Gibbs Sewing Machine Lt in. dripeoltble to the comfort of e‘ery fud,. Price sx. F or ode, wholesale and retail, at 113 Chestnut street. Ir Wtr.i. no'HEß . ii ton Xinscbliskei's i 4 arti that he has @p 6,4t1 ins office lit a 'very ceiaral Inca= tam. and is reed, to reseirionsllyientiocho wish. to con sult hint on the Eye and Ear. Dr. 111.standahigh as a European Oculisfand Aught, and justly claims to have done much to remove one of the most distressing dis eases to which" flesh is heir to"--that of deafness. His method being based on trne scientific priomples, he in vites the medical profession. and particularly the teach ers of Surgerg , ..in the different Colleges, to Irttnees his operations in that much-neglected branch of medical science. the nmiadiea of the Ear. His rooms are Mt Ninth street, above Spruce. REMOVAL.—NOI.9rA. W. J. Taylor & Co. have re. moved from No lad Pouth WhatVßS. to Nos. I.V and lat North Wharves. clove Arch, at which place they have increased facilities for conducting their business. To Rotor( e EPETS 11.—it will be seen. on tefefflng to our advertising colt:tank, Mai 31eure. Jno. A. ilia- Shef & Co., No. 93 Chestnut street, are now fedi:sick' their extensive .tuck of Gust-else(' furnishing goods. US accdinelish which, they ti - re otteriitg their gootls st tetr reduced meal. It Es( .Tsha V. Terry has remciiid hom 3:+ North Second it . treet.. 266 Mr.rket •treet. the 'tore formerly occupied by John B. Eihson x Bons; where he will bey, theremtedf3ellilies I'ol.cm:lanting tire ester sive butanes,. Its stack of cloths sad satinet, is t err large and well assorted, whmh he ode+a to buyers at modente prices. WAR KITH ENGLAND, in relation to the seizure of Gan Juan by General Harney. is not at all likely to en sue. We hate too snitch confidence in the fraternal lechng and good setae of the people of the two nations. We would suggest. however, thst much needless dl feeling might be a:1153(t, were the press of the two countries to CEO less acrimonious tan gunge. and unite. for instance. in taring upon their fel_ lov. -esti rens the importance of wearing the elegant and I.ccosning 50 les of Granville s. 4 tokee. the great clothier, No. 607 Chestnut street. Nrthiu, conduces more Is; a calm and even temperament than an easy, gracefrl suit of clothes. .51.L5u) lV A 3ITATERT SOLVED.—There are thousands of persons who con.ider the Stiret.4ll of the great Brown stone Clothing Rail of Ruckbill & Wilson as" a Mars t el and a m) stem ." Now there is no mystery in it when we take into consideration the locatnen. Nos. en and no Chestnut street. one dour above Sixth street. The skilful cutters the hnn en - who . the neat. substantial. end elegant meaner in which their garments are PH YD. and the cons.meat arrangement of their large and mat nib tent store, which is fifty feet front on Chestnut street. by one hundred feet des..., one win; of whielt fronts one Sixth street. the whole of which is _furnished with beauti rally mahogany-top counters, upon Nrb..irli is displayed the moat perfect stoat of closhinx. both men and buys% in the tat). Customers are wanted upon try polite nod attentne salesmen. In this vast establish ment there are fifteen ccePtert.f "rating ratues of aisles. in which one hundred poi"' n be accommodated at el .J. 931 7. 4. , 15.5 one time without inter( uh esch other in taros Purchases. We repeat, we take Into conside ration all these n 4 :sets e n no mystery whst ever about the tucOess ^opular house It is no more 31.13t101 or nos:erg. the autumnal harvest. which is the natural resin W. 11; seed in the spring time. A CLritostrr The Natural Bridge in Virgima laws been sold to John Lustre for the sato of 812.1.1YJ. Next to the Falls of Nitgara. it is the greatest natural curiosity to the United Staten. alightlr surtnes g in interest the "Continental Clothing HnomPoi E. H. Ehlrido. northeut corner of Chestnut and Eighth streets, although by no mesas condoning to vs fy the comfort and convenience of the people. SPECIAL NOTICES. RED WHISKERS OR GRAY are instanta neously changed into a natural-looking brown, black, or auburn c lor, by JULES HAUEL'S LIQUID VEOE TABLE HAIR DYE. It Is perfectly harmless, and will not injure the skin, mobile it imparts to the hair r. soft brilliancy so life-like rui to render detection impossible. Sold by all Dragnets, and by JULES ILAUEL k C 0... No. 701 CHESTNUT Street„ Philadelphia. oc3-6atitW FACTS FOR THE FF-EBLR.—DR. MO T E S eIL , LTHEATII Pmts.—The only preparation of Medi cinal Iron sanctioned by the Method Faculty, and pre scribed in their practioe. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can, for a moment, be compared with it. limo:ions in all maladies in whioh it has hither io been tried, it has proved &Molt:ltaly curative in minter ms caeca of each of the following owmplainta, viz In Debility, Nervous directions, Ematuation, Dyspep- Constirataon. Tharrhrea, Dceentarl. Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tutrurculosis. Pelt Rheum, Scurvy, MismenstruaUoti, Whites, Chlorolis, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Mercurial Consequenees, Chronic. Readaehes. Rbettmatiam, Inter rruttent Fevers. &c., &0., &e. De bility, Impurity of the Brood, Depreemo of Vital Energy. Fate and otherwise Sickly Complexions, Inds oats Its necessity in Monet every conceivable ease. la all oases of Pamela Debility its offsets are delightlkilly renovating . . No remedy hes ever been dis.-overed in the whole History of Medicine which exerts curb prompt. happy. and folly restorative effect. Invalids .o lone bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in thew own immediate neighborhoods, have, after a few trials of this Restorative. suddenly appeared in the bury world, as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Good appetite, complete digestion. rapid acquisi tion of etreneth, with an unusual disposition for active mad cheerful exercise, immediately fellow its use. For sale by all Druggists in town and country. Price. fifty cents per box, containing fifty pills, sent free by mad to any part of the roiled States. on the reeaiptofthe vim Principal Office, Jan BROADWAY. e 6,119. 18 16 =l=l Wholesale and retail in Philndolplua, by DYOTT & SONS, 218 North SECOND Street. aa.73-thstm3si SAVING PIING—NATIO).TAL Sirarr Turn Coßrany.—Charterni by the Mato of rennlytrania. RULES. L Money In Teemed every day. and in any same, are, or email. FIVE PER CENT. intereekie paid for money from e day it u put in. 3. The money is alweya pea beck in GOLD whenever it is nailed for, and without notice. . . g. Money is received riont Essarter 3, Adrnisiressers. (guardians, end other Trustee". in large or sniallsoms, to remsan a long or short period. a. The money received from Depositors fir invaded iA Real Estate, Mortgages, Oroond Rents, and other and class securities. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT !beet, southwest corner Third street. Philadelehi a. Asti SEAMEN S SAVING ' FIYD—NORTBWI:B7 CONNER SEcoa➢ and WALNUT Streets.—Deposits re ceived in small and large arnounU. from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rata of Ills 147 Zent- per annum. Money ma' be dramia by cheeks without lose of to wrest. Office open daily, from 9 until a o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Tresourer and Secretary, cams E. MORRIS. lIOOFLANDS GERMAN BITTERS will posi uvely cure D 5 spepsis. Liver Compleant. Nervous De , c., rc. L 00FLA.ND'S BALSAMIC 00PADIAL vial positively cure Coughs, Colds.eWhoovict Cough Sc.. Sc. _ . Prepared by Pr. C. M. JACKSON & CO.. ta ARCH Street, and for rude by Drullststs end dealers generally. Fn •e 75 cents per b...ttle. se24-tf DIN PRICES 01' eINUER'S SEIVINti MACIIINES HAVE! BLEN!! RLDCCED!!! 6.21-3111 CAB-LAMP DEPOT --Jlllll AND ARCH. seSI,Im SA LLILSNDER Fißs-PRoor Saves.—Avery lug. assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able moat, No. 2$ Routh FOURTH ?knee, PhiWei phia. asZ tf WHEY:I Ex & WILSON SEWISG MACHLNES. —Plathtlelphts Office. C CHESTNUT Street. Merchants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the CottlpnY. Branch offices in Trenta, New Jersey, and Eaten avd Weetchnatsr. sell-4m ONE PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST Srarms, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling paces markea In Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE System is striets adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., aeS-tf &A MARKET Street. Gaoraft & BAICHIO2I CILLIBRATID NOIIBILUS FAMILY fliwoa-Diacittlas, ai EXECCID PRICES. TeMpoPILSiI, at No.ana Etawaway. Will return to No. d in a few weals. WARE—AIRS T.—on the 4111 of Rer. N. B It .Liwn. Mr. Woltaut H. Ware to Miss f.teltetta Hirst. eldest daughter 01 Charles A. Hirst, Fsm • .11•C—At 4 E1.—On the lath Roo. J. 11. Jones. Mr William 11. Clotk to Mire Mann AIM, both of thus (Its. A ;;ID RSON—McA DA.N9.--Ort the 2Rn Wt.. by Rev. P. ..tri.lere.+ll, Mr. John Audersoa t Mtee Ehzabeth Mc-1113,0, YERGER.—On the let instant, after a lingering ill . Ann Cute. wife of WIIIIPLIII Yemen. in the 63.1 ye , r of her ate. (Reading and Lancaster paperenlease coo•• 1 he relsnees and friend. of the family Cr, reerech r., I% invited to attend the (tine rat. from the resulence nf stnorthwost corner of Franklin and Wood pet+ on Tuesday afternoon, ith tnetant at :o'clock, to 1110 it further notice. Tn prnseed to St. John's Lut.:e re .1 Chinch, R3OO atreet. Mitth, where the Ama to' lees will take Place. EALEY . ..—CM th 2 1"..0.`th ult., Dimins Manley, ulna as' h y car ot his ere. Funeral trent !lie late resolerre..N Anha nod Tenth Ste., cleave Federal s'rcet. this (Monday I morn - it,. at al, o'clock. BERifi=l Funeral from the residence of her Asher. Mr. Lettord, No 1013 S Amta %treet, ahoro Federal. 0 ;, oe=r!vr afternoon. at 2 n'el,4;. THOMAH.—On the 50th nit., Mary Thomas a,red 31 Near, Funeral froao her tate re= eence• Sixteen th third door above Fitbert. , `"' ~"'" ' after- Loan. at 2 o'ch3ok. HODSON.--On the ago td , , Mr. Wittiazza Hoghwn. to the 40th r of his Fr,e. CLARK.-011 the ro‘ ult., .`lt:.:`tartha eye E . 3 Seer. nLACK IRISH POPLINS ; ell qualities -KJ' Plain Grey Irish Poplins. • Black Velour Reps. Black AmeLnes. Bieck Satin de Chines. Bkok Winter Gloves end 1 3enntleta. Mourning Brocade Moh.aire. Black Cloth Cloaks for Frig. Mourning Balmoral Skirts. 11:116. Gros Gran and Pouts. de Sole SAL Just received by BEBSON & .11nunurg_&ore. No. Ad CHESTNCT Street. C I AUTION.—We hereby caution all per non% nut to purchnse any ectokirtz SO* e or Stove• with 1101:ow Centres or kIIAI , C Crou Pieces on. excrr , t Son: rinds Es Ht, es we &ratite excloyuye owners of the Patent for mekine hollow Certree or hollow Cr.,. Vteces, nod we shall prosecute alliemins who on our l'Atent to the full extent of the low. I , rt - ART & PETERSON, iron Founders, WILLOW Street. above Thirteenth. VONTINEN TA L kIIOTE L COMPANY. - amorrisnee ith a Resolution ef the Board of llmnaroot The Con,t‘l Hotel cmpeme.:. Filth Instilment of TWENTY PER CF.. T. or ONE HI 'DRED DOLLARS upon each sl:are of the nets St subeeribetl. 16111 to psysble on or before WED- N EsDAY, the Mb es, of Oetober.l,3). at the Off.ee of the 'rreasitree. No. el 3 ARCH Street. above Elehth et - eet. SERGEANT PRICE. 1,3-31 Treasurer. EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB bE DvER--• r. James Sellak has ok exhibition eel era! of.l. C. Fisher's pianos. One ot them is a seven octave rosesrorxl Fano. fall ;rots frame. handsome, 1 - Qt plain ficusti. The tons is most excellent node werful. and the prtee only lei. 'He has als o tine somhat similar in appearance...ma t e 1.- ipet improve itiettfl. new patent datnper,xl,:h pretests the peon from act tag Ott of order. It is h fe tched ins splendid manner." These Flame, and a splendid armortimpet of venous trinkets, are for sale from 1113. or tirrardit, (*Trash, or on instalments, at JAME:. BELLAK'S, ot et. ::')and Son'h FIE'FH It„ abere .pre!e. R. B. LOCKE, General Ascot EVAN S & WATSON MARRIED.