AciEnsw - BY qoinvyvy.- 0.111,04;,/(0:41:1 'OUEO,I4IJ..* STRXET. DAILY PRESS. ,„ Twst.v,*Olitiie payable to theXtarieit. Mailed he 610soribeAw,04 - of the City at BIA DOLLARS PER 1,41NN0M. , '" roll& DOLLARS 704 Molar MONTHS; Thrum pehr,erer net 84 Itiontors—lnvariably in a wl:too for the time ordered.' • XiIi.NPEERLY, PRESS. ~„ ittailial tu , eithearteers,out of the City at Taxa Dot. LAlik AdVelnpa, BOOTS AND SHOES HAZELL & HARMER. u.A.NuFAcrats Bs AND WIIOLESALE DEALERS _ BOOTS AND SHOES, • wo. Las Non= Draw STREET. ii full assortmast of City made Boots and Shoes eon .11,tatitly on lutud. info-tf P. WILLIAMS ik CO.. NO. .18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. . WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE,) .16se now on hand a full assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to which they invite theattention of _Southern and Wasters. Merchants. anl9-7m KtENE, STERIDT(I, & FILMS ) :W.HolizsALE DEALERS . • • - ".- BOOTS AND SHOES, . 1(0.413 ARCH ETREST4 Purchasers visiting the .3111 will WOW call and °is • mine their - stook, eal2-21n Jr , &M. SAtINDERS, - NO. 34 NORTH FOV TH STREW, (Near Merchants" Hote l,) Han the attention of Leyern of - BOOTS AND SHOES To their Stook, which embraces a general shrieti of PIULADELPHIA AND wpm ENuadorn Manufactured goods. ant-tocB j e W. MoOMRDY - la SON, $2l CHESTNUT STREET, (2d FLOOR.) LADIES', AnassEr s 'AND CHILDREN'S BOOM , • BROES, AND GAITERS; - Manufactured eaprenali for the Retail Trade. anll-31n .WH,ELAN de 00, 14:tiOPPtih;.0:1.111:4:1 BOOTS AND SHOES. - - NO. 813 MARKET STREET* FALL STOOK I/ BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH .1/. THOM BON 4 00., SU MARKET STREET. Rive now on hand shine stook et BOOTS'AND SHOES of Eyifty wavy, EASTERN ANI). CITY MADE. random; vidtins the; OA, vitt litiS;e call undet amine their stook: .Ivl9-tr . :'•se co., BOOT AND SUOE WAREROUSE' • • -MANTII O .AOTORT,' . No. SOS hId,RRET STREET, .Philadelaidad We have now on hand an entenniYe BtlicrF ianaShoes,orandinteriptiosocntOW4vcnn • '; voulatsittionitowkialcw onvfid t4i.Hinto n lt ot Innyers.' _ FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS.I H DUHRING & CO, sts and 23 NORTH. roURTIT STREET, Are nevrreceivms, by attcoesstve arrivals from Ettore, IriißlN PALL IMPORTATIONS • 'cv - ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS, MACHINE SEWING SILK. AND THREAD, And solicit an inspection .of their complete and -well . - assorted stook, • J 7114,93 „ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SQUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. gOIIAITER & ROBERTS. MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBRBES HOSIERY, GLOVES, "SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, HERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, AND TAILORS' Titimmthas. ang-Sns • BURNETT, SEXTON, 4, SWEARINGEN, ATe Ojkoning_ at War _Store, N ' O. 409 MARKET STREET Above FOURTH, Nor aide, • NLW TTI FALL STYLES OF FANCY DRY GOODS. Or - THEIHOWN IMPOATAIIOI , I and seleotlun,whieb the offer formele to buyers from all parte of the liedelistates, on themost reasonable sue em 3IARTINS, PEDDLE, & HAMRICK, Importera and dealers to 1108iERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, N 0.30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, , - ' Five doom NNW the Merchants' Hotel, Offer tousle the most complete stook of Goods In thew Dot he weed in the UNITsO STArceioolusistlnir of o.sfErtY, of every grade. hoVEs. Mi irt three bemired varieties. - NOP, RltitTO and DRAWERS. ANEN-11080111- SHIRTS find COLLARS.. - LINEN CA ttI.BRIO 0 °RFS. A. SHIRT FRONTS. . LADIES' ALAS= BELTS with clasps of en eirely. new dengue, with an endless, variety of MO TRW ,Zf to whieo they invite tha attention of PitUrf-CLAHO WEB'l`Bllli AMU 1301)TRIIRN - iSUYERS. sub-Sni MoCAULEY, BROTHER, & BREWSTER, Sa NORTH FOURTH STREET. aostray • di.ovEs, AND FANCY GOODS. We have it fine steak of Imported and Domeatio Goode Pa4Voutarl7 adapted to - SOUTH - BBN Tit ADE, To which we invite the attention of feat-olau hum* aun-Pin . CLOTHING. RAPDAEL P. M. ESTRADA, MERCHANT TAIhOR. ' • VINE FASHIONABLE .READr:MAD . E CLOTHING, SUPERIOR FABRICS FOR CUBTOLER NO. 21 ROUTS SEVENTH STREET, FRITALT/ELPHIA, • RAPHAEL P. M. ESTRADA; Levi associated associated with hint , as ARTISTIC CUTTER, MOIN 110B8ON (late of Granville Stokes',) respectful C ul y invitee the a tentioq of tho publin to Ins new establishment, and his aPteldid stock of FURNISHING ()GODS for Gentle r:nen OS wear. Be has on hand a. theice solootion of Fabrics espeniat• If for. Mellower work, and a varied aasortment of fa shionable READY-AIADR CLOTHING, to which ha 111Viplithe,attentiou of buyout.. Enoli article warranted to siva entire aatieritetioni snam • JOHN HOBSON. Artist. LIPPINCOTT, HUNTER, & SCOTT, gAtii/PACTURBIUS AN 70)011 1111 'COMMON, MEDIUM, ANA'. Our OOMPleta lIA6 ot • MACRINE.MANUPAOTURIO 000D8. NO b-3mß. 494 MARKET, & 419 tIyacILAIIT STS, su . • -:*AnFtLy..IVORKB:: 3101iIIMKNTAL MARBLE WORKS. aenitentkr on hand a very large anOrtanhat 0 xoMitiNTai • • , , _ • &NdLOSIIBES;atn3 , • G AVE-STONE% M ,:,,.•;,,"vartccudeafgat, made of the finest . , erfll mil Vat oreatly raAysted PlUeig• U also ;jrPAIAO46 CifitpUr ordere,upon , the - atoat favorable irmilfhttatierofiititt4 thotitocthe - pubjlo generally, to ',-,f!;ifiiielkhfitelbt l l s teierCh4ftigelsay i l t er e, 0-;1 •A9ule4elghis. - ... .. . . \. i\\ A' 1. t /, ti . • `,s4\ , ' 1 /,//:% **A.* .. . . . \ I- /.• ,<, . --,:•*,:.?;:::. . -.,- .. " .. . . ..,:. ~ y,. ; ~:-:-• •- • '.., tro - tt . _ 4 < J r ......_,_.7__..c -- ;,,,... ::::., -- .m.* - 7 - .,.. --- .... ---- ".!,.......„.,...(.;-- - : --------- ;",.-i';:'-‘rr' --. '...,._..-.'.,.......:.„4.1),_ _._,,... , ...,.. , ::.... - .7;...;. -- :'.,...40,:„..,1(1105 .--- ;:;.;4„...._.4f.k;...,...:„...:;.. --- .: --- : - ....,„..p..,:,::.7; ----------- 14 . 01:.„,......;.,.::7.:7..: - ..,.- --- ..1._....„,.--e.........::...t...:.,,,,.....__.,4:1:-...'•._---_ - _---- ---- 1.._ .:.,.... ._„:,....,:„.,..„....,.......... ii.,._,.,...,;.,...„....:iii..,..,...... .5, ..._,.,.... „,„. .. . ~_..... . PIIII I ~ 1 11 - I ____........---- ~. . ems.- __,......,„„,,,,,..- -"'"-•-• : ----;------- -.--- tat" . •‹...---- . ..,.....„......_ ~...._, L., - ---"--\--- r . VOL. '3.-NO. 55. THIR.D.STREIET JOBBING HOUSES. 1859. FALL TRADE. 1859. BUNN, RAIGUEL, & CO„ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN FANCY DRY GOODS, 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, Ate prepared to exhibit at their salesroomS the most complete stook of goods ever offered by them, Preaont ing unusual attractions to the trade generally. The stook comprises a isompleto assortment of every variety of BILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, MTh % OASSTURRES AND VESTINOS, MISERY, GLOVES, AND TRIMMINGS, Also, a full and general assortment of Fall and Winter SHAWLS, To all of which they invite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS! S. hl. BUNN, V. C. BUSH, H. R. RAIGUEL, W. W. KURTZ, af,-/M ' H. F. BUNN. RAIGUEL, MOORE & CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS no' DRY GOODS, NOS. 220 AND 222 NORTH THIRD 'STREET, ABOVE RACE, WEST BIDE, We have now open tee LARGEST and 14981 . COM. PLIVIZ STOCK of Goons we We ever offered to the Veda. The attention of CASH AND SIX-MONTHS BUYERS is whetted, , JAMES. - KENT, SANTEE. it Co.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERB 01 DRY GOODS. Noe. 031. , %. 2dl NORTH TRIAD Sr., Amyl RACE, Would now inform their customers and the trade gene rally, that their stook this season will he UNUIWAGLY ATTRACTIVE. sea-2.0 CHAMBERS & CATTELL, NO.32NORTR THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF SA S. Alth • MANUFACTURERS OP it.T7A/k 7 „,t7 .mormoos arid Ltalose,Oluc and Rod Sole Leather. yARD, GILMORE, cX CO., N 08.40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 112 SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, - WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, /cc, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND SHAWLS. au6-3m 1 8 59 . FALL TRADE. 1851 J. T. WAY & CO.. IRPORTDRB AND JOBBERB or DRY GOODS. NEW MARBLE BUILDING, NO. 28 NORTH THIRD STREET. We offer, by the package or wiece, to OABR OR PROMPT SIX-MONTHB BUYERS, A very large had attractive Stook of, AMERIOAN AND FORRIGN DRY GOODS. Parch ere will find our stook well assorted,st all sea sons o 1 ne tear. L T WAY, JAS. 11 DUNLAP, WM. P. WAY. Ihuti-2161 GEO. P. WAY. LAING_dk MAGINNIS. IMPORTERS ANOITROLESALE DEALERB IN ENGLISH • 'll AMERICAN SHOE' 1: HREADS. FRENim AND :,t v. " 1811 LASTING% AND SHOEMANIIBAO REIIS' ARTICLES; Sewing Machine 8 bread mid Needles. Agents fITor NO, 30 NOR RIRD ILIELD'S PATE BOOT-TREES. scram lUNGERICH & SMITH, WHOLESALE GROCERS. NO. 43 NORTH TIIIRD BTREET aisr-lroner, and Levering's Syrup always on hand. sugl-2m SOWER, BARNES, & CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN • . MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL, AND BLARKaBOOKS AND STATIONERY, NO. S 7 NO :• . THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH Publishers ellork's Spendid Series of NLINT. 'MAPS AND KEYS. DR. BMX i NEW AMERICAN MANUAL OF t, GEOLOGY, Sand r •ry Readers. Greenleaf's and Brooks' Anti,, Aro,. Blank Books, Writing, Wraasaaa, Oa • •• d Papers. an6-3m n N.DRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND ARCH EITS PIIILADALPIIIA ►THOS. MELLOR & CO.. NR. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS or ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN HOSIERY, (11,0V813, SHIRTS, DRAWBIII3, iko sub-slo Parma Sinn, WAG S. Bmno, Join Wuts7, JACOB Ram, D. B. ERVIN. RIEGEL, BAIRD, & CO., (Late Sieger, Lamb, to C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 07 DRY GOODS, No, 47 North THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OUR FALL STOOK Is flaw complete in all its departments, and ready for Sayers. Prompt paying Merobante from all parte of the Union are remedially solioited to oall and examine for themselves. auti-dm CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ace. A mEEINo.. 140 1301/711 FRONT STREET, Iles in store and bond, and t►Ren for Bale, e Large Assortment of CIGARS, Received direct from Havana, Of °holee end favorite Broods. ene•tf IVIAO'KEREL AND ALEWIVES. —BO aed,a9 half bble ;Lew No. 2,.; WO Ms. 84 180 s4f We. new Wee No. $ hie4ereltir k .ee. Alewlves, to sate try , WM..I LOA 00. 77A• • • al eib MILLINERY GOODS. OPENING. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 725 CILESTNUT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OP MASONIC TEMPLE, FALL OPENING OF BONNETS, Ac., THIS DAY. THURSDAY, THE San INST THOMPSON & JENKINS. DEALERS IN SILK, CASSIMER, AND WOOL HATS, CAPS, LATHES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, FEATHERS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, NO. 08 MARKET STREET, BELOW SIXTH, SOUTH BIDE. The attention of buyers is invited to no examination of our Stock. 431 MARYET STREET. 431. RIBBONS, Of ovory kind, in unmans° variety NEW BONNET MATERIALS, BONNET VELVETS, SATINS, GRO DE NAPS, LINING SILKS, ENGLISH CRAPES, of the bent makes, FRENCH dc AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, Re Also, newest Fall styles of STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, And STRAW GOODS, of every description, Now open, and presenting altogether the most oom plate dock of MILLINERY GOODS in this market. . Merchants and Milliners from every section of the country are cordially invited to call and examine our stook, which we offer at the CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ROSENIISIM, BROOKS, & 00., 431 MARKET STREET. 3¢lo-tnov3o 18 59. FALL TRADE, 1859. AGARD &, 323 MARKET STREET. WHOLESALE DEALERJS IN HATS, OAFS, FURS, BONNETS, RUCHES, FLOWERS, JkO,, Have now hi store a full stock of Goode, to which they Write the attention of first-ohm buyers. anhs-2m* HI.LLBORN JONES. Importer and Manufacturer of FANCY D SILK AN STRAW BONNETS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, &c The attention of City and Country Dealers is invited to a large and varied await of the above goods, at 432 MARKET STREET, sup-Sm Below FIFTH. COMMISSION HOUSES. WELLING-, COFFIN, 8,1 COMPANY, 116 CHESTNUT STREET, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF A. k W. SPRAGUE'S PRINTS. In great variety, Melodies Chocolates, Turkey Reds Greene, Blues, Skirtings, and Fanny Styles. BLEACHED MEETINGS AND SIIIRTINGS. Loaadala, - Mneonvillo, Slatersville. Rolm, Washington Union Mlle, Blackstone, Cohenna, Johnston, Belvidere, Phtenix, &WOMB', BROWN SIIBETINGS, SHIRTING% AND 08NABUEGS. Mato e'., Virginia'PaUlf,'.orotee, Bttriok, " 'Eagle, Manchester, Mao's IC Farm's, Black Hawk, Mercer A, Warren A, Partners', Riverside,. Carr's River, CLOTHS. Bottom.ley's, Potheroy's, Glenham Co.'s, and other makes of Black 04 Fancy all wool and cotton warp Cloths in great variety. DOESKINS AND CASHMERES. Greenfield Co., Saxton River, Lewiston Palls, Stearn's M. Gay & Sons, Glendale, Berkshire Co., and others. SATINETS. Steam's Ayrds A Ahltleh, Taft A Capron. Minot, Charter Oak. Crystal Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florence Mills, Carroll's, Dultring's, Converstrille, So. SlLBSlAS.—Lonintale Co.'s,Emittes, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Fancy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett city and Irene Stripes, Denims, and Ticklers. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Unsays, Amon Cheeks, and Pantaloon Stare. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels. Pisberville Co.'s Cortet .tokt,k, So. aue-dittepi—serd-findsti SCOTCH• LINENS. BAXTER'S DUCKS, EDWARD'S CANVAS, GILROY'S BURLAPS. TROMPtIoN'S REMY CARPETS, RAVEN DUCKS. HEAVY VANVAB, DIAPERS, TOWELS, BIIEETINOR, DAMABICB, Etc., ko, ♦4 LOWEST PRICES, CONRAD & SERRILL. NO. 208 ORESTNUT STREET. salm SHIPLEY, HAZARD, 5 . .; HUTCHINSON, NO. 112 CHESTNUT , BT.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TIM SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. 88-6 m T o R. GARSED & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION ATERCTIANTS. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SPERM, LARD, AND WIIALE OILS, FLOUR, DRUGS, he The attention of Manufitoturers is orysciaDir caned to our SPERM OILS. sue-sin No. 22 N. FRONT STREET, PHILA. SMITH. MURPHY. al Cu. 237 MARKET BT., AND 226 CHURCH ALLEY, Are now opening Their FALL AND WINTES, STOCK or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. To which they Invite the attention of CAR AND PROMPT SHORT-TIME BUYERS. PHILADA.. AllEtat, 1669. nu6-3m LOOKING-GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSES. Now in store the moat extensive and elegant sawn went of 1..00E1N0 GLASSES, Faraway . /eine and every Inanition, and at the ma moderate armee, LOOKING' OLAGSEB In tho most elaborate and the most simple framer. LOOKING GUMS F;!M;iali=1;1=: LOOKING GLAI3BEB Fun Oohed by us, are manufactured by oureelves In our OWI2 establishment. - - LOOKING GLARSEEI In MAHOGANY and WALNUT frames for Country dales. JAMB B. EARLS .t BON, 16 CHESTNUT STREET, aol-tr PHILADELPHIA OUSE.FURNISIIING GOODS. HOUSEKEEPERS, AND TItOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING, Will Ka hr far the largest mid most useful stook of housekeeping and rueful articles I n the oily, comprising many new goode, Met received from Europe, of a kind never before for este in Philadelphia, at the warerooms of JOHN A. MURPHEY & CO., 922 CHESTNUT STREET, 1y27-f na w tf ABOVE NINTH. SCOTCH WHISKEY"— 125 puncheons ,Tamee Stewart &_ Co.'s Plialey_ Malt, in bond and for ralo by OgOßAir, WHITELEY, 03.1-3/8 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1859. WATCHES, JEWELRY, .3,00 BAILEY & CO.. 7011MNALT BAILEY & KITOILEN, Rave removed to the new Fire-proof. White Marble Store, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, Hai n% BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD noun. Now opening their Fall Stead IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANOY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the public. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WISOLUALI AND RITAII. JARDEN & ay *MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF SILVER-PLATED WARE, N 0.304 CHESTNUT Poeot, algse Third, OLP SWIM. Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for sale to the Tradt it IfEA,-SETS. cOMNIONION S I ,RVICK SETS, NS, PiTCHERS, GOBLETS, CU 13, WAITEIIt. 05- MI'S, CASTORS, K IVES, SFOurtus FORKS, LADLES, ho., Aso, eliding and Plating on all kinds of metal. --- 4t4TO BUY CHEAP WATCHES, )00 to Northwest corner of SECOND and NEvi'ma., 2. [Apt-timi F.4.1E-ff. CRACKERS. BOSTON CRACKERS. BOND'S EXTRA ORAOKERS FOR FAMILIES. BOSTON CRAOKEB.p. I sou zusaurg. OYSTER WI NE GRAHAM 44 LEMON PIO NIO " CREAM " WATER PRESIDENT TOAST BISCUIT " GRAHAM WAFER& EXTRA PILOT BREAD. WO are eminently reesiVint tide celebrated DAM of Crackers, .rash from the Blue In barrel, boxes; sad tine. 11. H. THENOH, A.aulif 140 SOUTH WHARVIIS• SHOE FINDINGS. • WM. JOHNS & ...- IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN SOOT, 811011, AND GAITER MATERIALS; ASTINGS, GALLOONS, MEETINGS, PATENT LEATRER4 RENCII KIDS, SLIPPER UPPERS, LACETS, an. N. E. OORNER FOURTH AND AROR BTB. AuS4m UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & ii'ENNER„ WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OP UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 336 MARKET STREET, PHILA.. Are now molting more than PIPE 1101111117.0 DIY paRINTIEB of umbreu&s, of every Raze, from V to 1/0 melon. Buyers who have not had 13. &make of itorido aie find their time well scent in looking over this wall made stook, whin!' includes MANY VOVEI.Tige, 001 to be ma sera asablate. nub4m SIMON HEITERt, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR KET STREETS. My stook is now very oomplete in *you fllfMtmcdt. end will he found to offer induoomeuta to bui•oi4 ansnr- Passed hr any othechouse. aull•!m BTOuIK BitoKERS. `7ljl`i'itEßS T E O Ir, 'STOCK NO. 39 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, E=i3 STOOK AND BONDS or ALL flik LEADIPG PASSENGER RAILWAYS IN PHILADELPHIA, to which thoy invite the attention or oapitaliste. Stooks, Bonds, and Corporation Loans bought and sold on commission at the Board of Brokere. ael-Rnt FERTILIZERS. PAniVIER PHOSPIIATIO GUANO FROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, WEST INDIES. Thl RICHEST FORMATION OF PROSIIIATE OF LINIE. KNOWN IN TRH WORLD It contains over 80 par rent. of Bono Ithoophate of Lame, being 150 per cent. rtoner In Phosphate of Lime than Dune Dust. FOR SALE BY THE TON OR CARGO, AND To memmm $BO PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. JOB. B. lIANA,ON, Stlib Ageill itt Pluladolphiet, lio.lollorth WATER Street. aull-them ha IkARDWARE. TRUI"I"2, BRO.. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, ()IMAM', dI12(8, Pislo,B, io., 52) MARKET STREET. 529 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, sub-Snt PHILADELPHIA. MOORE, HEN SZ EY 8a 00., BARDWAIIE, FVTLERY, AND aux WAREHO USE. NO, C. 17 MmET, AND 410 COMMERCE ISTB., filktAtiN.4l.. MRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPERIENCED NURSE AND FEMALE Phyaiontn, presents to the attention of soothere her SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the ums, reducing all inflammation ; will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action. RP M% SURE. TO REGULATE Till; BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves RELIEF AND REAM We have entail> and cold relr,ant can say, sugli 7iie::4 .r 'fedo,Xtra}as OLE INSTANCE, TO EF timely used. Never did C r by aiv one trary, all are delighted anemic in terms of highest! eat elleots,and medical vir matter " what we do experienee„and pledge our ment of what we here de instance where the infant exhaustion, relief will Ile risee aßer the Syrup is veluableproparation the most h.,X PERI NURSES in New England never-fallsns success in THOUSANDS It pot only relieves the cigerates the etronnoh and nil gives tone and energy will almost instantly re DOWELS AND WIND, rulsions,_which, if not , death. W.? behave it the i the world, in all omen of SIDRA IN CHILDREN. teething or from any other every mother who has a the foregoing complaints nor t he, prejudices o your guttering child mil SURE—Yes, ABSOLUT) , nee ofthis, medicine, il Dons for using will goooml Vign, eNld i a " Voilb y L e fl a g Pries IS mints a hntlic. COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIO COAL OIL {WORKS• BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Manufactured and for sale by HELMS, MORRIS, & 00., THIRTIETH, NORTH OF MARKET STREET SPTS. TURPENTINE. —5O bbls Spts Turpentine, ie ewe and for sale hr . ROWLEY. Af3HRURNER. et, CO. oat No. ItiFlnuth WHARVER VIIILDREN'S CLOTHING—Latest Styles groat yarsoty. Y irtri ralta alwolll en hand, HUI RitaStrour, Wet fluor alfuveEogiktlif 6t* SPECIAL NOTICE. MORRIS L. HALLOWELL Sr, CO. Invite the attention of BUYERS to their large as eorttnent of FANCY DRESS SILKS, Including many titylea purchased much under regu lar prices AT RECENT SUCTION satEs, Which will be sold at pricer UNDER COST OF IMPORTATION. tunic SToCX OF DRESS STUFFS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, &0., Au. • le complete and well adapted to the wants of THE L-ITESND NEAR TR.RD.E, And will be sold at low prices to CASH AND PROMPT PAYING BUYERS. e27-Gt JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALER'S LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, CABBIAILRES, BLANKETS, &a NO. 304 MARKET STREET sad-9m liAr • G. CHITTICK & CO., V IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY HOODS, 438 hIARKET, AND 433 MERCHANT STREETS, Are now reoeiving from Europe their FALL LUPORTATIONB, Evbrectug a fill assortment of goods adopted to the Menotti lemon. Thee°, with their home pureltaes, in AMERICAN FABRICS, will enable them to offer to the Trade one of the most attrecaire stools in the mnrket. CASH AND SHORT-TIBIE BUYERS Are respeetfully solioited to examine this stook before nurolisslng. nue-fin w 4m SITER, PRICE, & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS 815 MARKET STREET. iB-9m 411* • W. GIBBS & SONS. NO. 531 MARKET STREET, Are now opening their FALL k WINTER STOCK OF (MODS ADAPTED TO MEN'S WEAR. iowriooh will h g foundi full sooonmot. of CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTING/I, TRIMMINGS, kc. sua.Sin FALL IMPORT, 18 5 O. HERRING & OTT. Have now in Store their uenet SPLENDID STOOK or SILKS Ellißorrs TkIMMINGS,_ EMBROIDERIESocin FANCY GOODS. N. W. CORNER FOURTH. AND MARKET STS. wain, 11ENRY D. NELG, , CLOTH STORE, NOS. 4 AND 0 NORTH SECOND STREET. FRENCH FANCY CASSIMERFS, And Mixture* hUitable for Ruts. VELVETS, CASIIMERE, WHOLESALL ANI) eS-thrn Out. 1859. FALL TRADE. 18 5 9 . SHORTRIDGE & BRO., (NOCCCWIORS TO £(ue t taltrt C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Or DRY GOODS. 420 MARKET STREET, nave in !tote a complete he of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. UOODB, Selected expressly with a vie* to the interests of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT DEALERS, To which they resPeotfully thrife the ailehtkin of the trade, N. IL—A full stock constantly on hand, and orders will bq emouted promptly, at the sub-2ml TAMEST MARKET RATES. 3,IoCLINTOCK, GRANT, & CO., IMPORTERS AND 'WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMIIRREI, VHS'IIIIOE4 AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. NO. 333 MARKET STREET. Up Stain.) attll-31a PHILADELPHIA. A . W. LITTLE & CO., SILK GOODS. NO. 326 MARKET 81. au6-11m SHAPLEIGH, RUE, & CO., IMPORTERS ON LINENS iVIIITE 0008, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES. NO. 320 MARKET STREET. LP" Our Stook, selected in the best European markets by ourselves. is largo and complete. sub-3m ABBOTT, JOHNES & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or S I IC S AND FANCY DRY GOODS, NOS AU MARKET, AND 524 COMMERCE STS, DXLow SIMI. Raving lust removed to the above location, are now opening a new and very desirable Stook of (foods, em bracing every variety in their line, which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates, for cash or ttP proved credit sue-2m TO YOUR iNFANTEL this article for over ten fidenoe and truth of tt, ohlelT 10o',01W0114DL.11 FEcT A Curt 1 : when WO know an inst , rince of who used it. On the con with its operations, and coinmendationofite magi tees. We speak in this know." After ton Yong ,' reputation for the fuitil• elate. In almost ever! is suffering from pain and found in fifteen or twenty administered. e the reeonptlon of ape and has been and used with OF CASES. ohild from pain, but in bowels, oorreeti to the whole system. it hove OItIFINu IN THE COLIC, aridovereome eon speedily remedied, end in beftBlll4lll47,l)7AW whether it arises from noose. We would any to ehild suffering from any of do not let your prejudices, other s, stand hetwep the relief that will SURE--to follow! e timely used. Full dims pany each bottle. Hone simile of CURTIS& FEE the outside wrapper. %lariat tits world. Frinei eat. New York. 1,111-In M WILLIAMSON & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND JOBBERS 111 DRY GOODS, NO. 425 MARKET STREET, (And 414 Commeroe street,/ MCMINN /0011.711 AND VIVTD,NORTII Sins, Our stook, eapeoially adapted to Southern and Woot en trade, Is now large and complete in every part/ outar. 18 59 FALL IMPORTATIONS. 18559 DALE. ROSS 4; WITHERS. 421. MARKET, AND 618 COMMERCE BTREETO, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Or SILK LOU FANCY 0007DS, Lave now a oomplete stook, to which they Invite the at tention of buyere. sue-em IVIENTON LEMONS.-250 boxes Menton .1.1-A. Lemons gourd I f‘ sale au A. ft% 8, TiMull: T btreyet. DRY•GOODS JOBBERS. DRY GOODS) (rlt MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1859. A Protest. [For The Press.] I beg leave to enter a protest against your con tinuing your animadversions upon the actions, speeches, and character of lion. Wm. B. Reed, for tho reason that you will, or may, drive him from the Democratic party, and force him into our ranks, whore ho is not wanted. As an old-line Whig I was once in intimate political relations with Mr. Reed, and I learned to know him tho roughly, We worked in harness together. After wards I became a member of the so-called Know Nothing organization, and although Mr. Reed did not enter that association as a member, yet be nevertheless aided us with his counsel, his pen, and his speech. lle was in all our secrets, and knew beforehand, as well as I did, by what means we intended to elect Governor Pollock. Re subse quently continued to co-operate with no, and Was a member of our State Executive Committee, in 1855 ; met us frequently, and spoke at our meet ing, in Pittsburg. All at once be came out with a letter of resignation, betrayed our confidence, and denounced our principles. Ile then, per call gm, became a leading Democrat (Heaven save the mark !) in the campaign of 1858, since which pe riod we have congratulated ourselves of being rid of one whose selfishness has ever ignored ante. grity of political prinelple, and whose radical de fect of moral constitution has ever rendered him an object of mistrust and suspicion- '• Age is nothing—Lloorl will toll," is a truism applicable to mon OS well as horses. PEOPLE'S PART 1". The English Debt. [Correspondence of The Prem.] Wear Cite .Y7EI 1 , Sept. 30, 1859. In your article yesterday on "Pennsylvania Credit" I think you made a misstatement in re gard to repudiation being the effect of a reduction of interest by the English Government, When this reduction was made it was not compulsory; as the bondholders had the choice of taking the re deced interest or of receiving the principal back. It amounted to nothing more than a new loan, at less rate of interest. The only compulsioh was the receiving back the money when the holder of the loan was unwilling to take less interest. But, sir, I sin surprised that you and others passivitheut notice the manner in which Pennsylvania bondholders aro treated, and that 80 much laudation was be stowed on the late purchase of State stock by the State. De you not think it discreditable for the great State of Pennsylvania to buy its own loans, and those too matured /oasis, at about 90 cents on the dollar? Promising when borrowing to return dollar for dollar at a certain period, and yet when tho period of maturity arrives advertising to buy their bonds from the lowest Oldster, and thus repu diatitl, es in the late instance, nearly lo per cent. of their debt. Is not this shameful ? Let our State, if she wishes to be honest, pay her leans at maturity, and not pass them by with calm indifference, taking advantage (I suppose) of a pitiful quibble in the certificate, which says pay able at or after a certain day." Do you sup pose the money was loaned to be returned when the State saw 111, or never if she chose ? Mr. Editor, I call upon you as a Pennsylvanian, and one who desires his State to stand unspotted, to draw public attention to the fact that we are buying our ~,stared loans teneltr per. Yours truly, E. A. 11. Letter from Wtsconsin [Cotrosoontlenco of Tlao Press.l Wie., Sept. 28, ISM! To-day the annual fair of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society was formally opened in this city. The show of stock is extensive, and com prises many flno specimens. Tim exhibition of hor ticultural productions Is rather slender; but the display In the mechanical department, and of other articles, is eAcellent. The attendance from all parts of the Stato and Irons abroad to vary name• Some fist horses are exhibited; and upon a race course not far from the fair grounds races come off, for which ''Reindeor," “Ifonest Anse," and other celebrated Western horses. are entered. Au addre3s le to be delivered by fun. Abram Lincoln, of Illinois. A tegabta, with handsome prizes, comes - off to-Morro*. A firemen's tourna ment took place to-day, participated in by compa nies from different cities and villages is the State. On Saturday, Prof. Steiner is to make a balloon ascension. Altogether, the fair is a derided giteCez , 3. Business in every department is nearly stagnant, the produce trade alone being active. This State will export about eight million bushels of wheat lis year. Democratic Douglas clubs are being organized in several of the larger towns, and much Interest is manifested. Yours, W. Lbitbr fton► New tort:. lIESI'SCITATICII Of'TtlY EI1i 7 1111: PI 117•EN-CONCRESS MAN Y1.4(11.111 NO3II.NATEI) VOl2 tII LEG N VrI . RE -AN IMPORTANT EVENT IN TRINITY : ELECTION Or III:V. AIOBC IN lON AN Ay SI 4TAN T RECTOR--EAlit UY Tilt; AMERICAN INSTITL PE-- EMIGRATION. feorreapondence of The Pre.e.l . Yl , Oll, Oct. 1,110. 'there to tin doubt hut that. in the entnlnt pohdral calantiga fa ettx, court). end State officers, the fight log men Intend to rte! n rx.itypteiletli part. 8,7,1 after the battle in over, such of the lonven nail tubes in their !Tinton, they me) hate the right to mg ; in all probability, they a ill tie nmeensiid. There are always anxious enndolates who are ti Wine to conciliate, for a ellllleert tin. the Prellioninly nit of ouch fellows. en d l en t ty to moinite office 111 case of success. The Eillpire chi b. been reorgn q.Zed. Three of its most prominent oireorp 6€l 'tine in the puti l istie firinement, 'rile provident in Jim Irving ono el the tiro ;Jte.htlehte is Ands Sheehan. and the grand marshal, Johnny Aus tin. There you have en organ, intion COmlnning great wealth of muscle. and a notorioueernountof intellect anti morality 1 What to It for? Whet interest are titer Minded to,tether tels , nl.l, ? Nominally they are Demo crate, but the tespeeteble portion of the perry steed le fear of them, and deprecate meet of their moment!, 'Ores pre thy ettatures of a few controlling !mum of the peat and wield their peretianise hludgeons and there italuenco as ordered. They trill be foetid at the poll% renal to " defend the nom tity of the Itillet. het" 1 .)" tinehil,l heeds and brhisine bhdien up, the ' ,h e m.. est pos title pretence. they surreutid their friends who canvass the ballots, end racist in imam.; nll mi n t." 'Their tort name n n terror to gorttl Non, Ct thor, MOMS to he o Avg; of getting rill of them. 'nor west effectual moire he. r f ceerse, n No page of supplies, hod title hat been partially commenced by oof rofennfor the paring to respond to the esnessinents let 111'o upon them it) Teuirnant Ilan. it in doubtful, ',owes o r, whether the) can at present be disposed of. They are !thread chap!, familiar aith alert Menne to the hope!, fears, end pork-eta of candidates, and hat e reduced their Intr peen tit n geiell be l t i file f tlto Erie Petite:Pl is it pro- Non 'lt leaching its solution. 'rho receipts thus tar in Heptember, the present year, are ahou• 470 COoltigg than in September WS, though the business is rather lie prep n ease brought nninst the eiontiAny 14 Janice Brown, the 1 4 1iprome Court has denied the motion to PRY interelit ell the fmtrth - matvir4e the vrehminno nlOlOlOOOl to enforcing the term, of the which, in &Nutt of interest, become doe in Oc tober. Tito:rout T. Flagler, formerly editor of the I.o:ltyort. ('(iota, And for four years 4 ropre,entsti co of (ho N alutra Rllllorlc,nns district to Con tress, hie been Bono- itepublicone for the Assembly from the Firbt Assembly dist net or INte,y,nte. PrebAbl)he alpires to the Flpeakershie. An ileyortnnt event took place on Wednesday evening host, tit the corporation of Trinity Church, in this city. rtilth letribh tiedereheel.lo be the mealthlest permit ttt the United Stnten% The t'nhto of its proverb ig counted uttnottts. Resoles Trnuty Olotrch dgell,tteuetnms St. Paul's, St. John's, and Traub eh/Luria, and in en gaged in several charitable works Tenni nor con•tdern \ A.:n.lo=o of mono). The rector, the RON'. Dr. Homan, is one of the oldest eler43 men in rho oily. Connected with the lwish, becilen the teeter. are eight clergymen. anti era( of 'whom are *Ailment for learnota and eloquence. Among limn are the Rev. or. Higbee. Rev. Dr. Haight, Rev. Dr. Vinton, Itev. Dr. 0014, Rev. Dr. Hoban, (son of the late Malmo nettettO the Rev. Mr. Weaton.r who reeentli declined the biNhoprick of Texaadßev. 31r. Dix, and the Roy. Mr. Young. The positional' an ahsietant minister in this parish, whoro there is nover any trouble about pro and no de foraienco upon pew Beata, mat ho regarded as not alto gothe r undesirable. The vast wealth of the parish makes it a matter of prime importance that the rector should ben man of superior administrative capacity MI well 119 the possessor of respectable pulpit powers. The ad veering years of the present incumbent admonished the vestry a/the wisdom of settling neon some one as a sue coiner; the more so from the fact that by a statute of the State there can be on legal meeting of the vestry unless thin rector Or nsSistant rector be Present to preside. During Dr. Berrian's roe torship there has been no assistant rector, but on Wednesday evening the vestry, at a very full meeting, (17 out of 23 being present.) eoohrnied the nomination I of the Rev. Morgan Dix as assistant rector—the nem, nation Intvim been made, 66 required, by the rector. Mr. Dix is still a very soling man—about thirty—the son or ex-United Staten senator John A. Doc, and r a incoats all the quoltfications requisite for a arise 1111016 W. of the ditties of the highly responsible position to which Ito has been elected. The vote on his election stood Ifi to 1, General Dix withdrawing front tire meeting and taking no part whatever in the election. Mr. Dix has recently declined calls to Milwaukee and Cleveland. I also urdorstand that the vestry of Rev. Dr. °don hoimeris church. in your city, have entertained the idea of swing hint a call. 'Gelding tho fair of the Amerman Institute at future Gordon has proveda great success Pitying the last three days the reeeipts frets ndmuatnns have been greater titan they over were lot ally three consecutive An) s at the Crystal Palace, while the American Institute oc cupied it; allowing limo sense of holding the fair in the h o g, t of the town. tendtly necexstble to pedestrians. in stead of out of town, rendering an (excursion to reach it necessary. Twenty-eight hundred and eighty-six emigrants ar rived at this pert during the week ending on Timmins. The /ifontteur has given great prominence to an address to the Emperor stoned by upwards of 10 000 inhabitants of Bergamo. They state that, although ecoloundly eflficted et the failure of the projected de hveranoe of Venatie. they respect the grave political reasons which caused the Emperor to leave his mag nanimous enterprise incomplete, and express a firm be het that the final treaty of pence will he of a nature to lowan the sufferings which menace unfortunate Venice, Tho Royal Ilibernion Academy of Art hang tried the bola project of opening its annual exhihition at the nominal Marge of one nanny for admission for each pennon. and rt hon been completely auccessful. Tho Emperor Napoleon boa reaolved that an dhnr exhtletion of the warty, of national mama') that take plaeo at the valise° in the (Atmore Elyeees. TWO CENTS. PERSONAL. Miss Dollic Dutton, the smallest girl in the world of her ago, being 9 years old and 26 Inches high, and weighing only 13 pounds, is giving levees in Providence, It. I. Hon. Stephan A. Douglas, of Illinois, passed through Troy, New York, last Thursday morning, upon a visit to his birth-place, in Brandon. Ver mont. The Sioux City Eagle ray that Ron. Henry Mnster.f, (Werner of IMMO Territory, died very suddenly on the lath ult., on Ma'am near Sioux Fallr. Do hail been quite feeble in beat% for some time. Senator Trumbull is in Springfield, Illinois, whore he intends to spend a few days. Rev. Thos. T. Waterman delivered an address at Sturbridge, (fdass.,l last Wednesday afternoon, before the Worcester South Agricultural Society. Hon. J. P. Kennedy is engaged in preparing for the press a uniform edition of his works, including " Swallow Barn," Horse Shoe Robinson," "Rob of the Bowl," and the "Biography of William The Buffalo (N. Y.) Conine) dal Advert.Pr learns thAt Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore are deity ex pente4 to ,Ilfre : FillmOre hAviag renovert4 from ker severe (linens. • ~ , Hon. Henry C. Deming, of Hartford, Connecti cut, has been invited !{,.; lecture before the New England Society, of New York city, on the 22d of next December. The Rev. D. Merle D'Aubigne has written to the Rev, Dr. Baird that ho is welt advanced in the preparation of the sixth end seventh volumes of his History of the Reformation of the sixteenth nentury. This will be welcome news to the many thousands in this country who have read with de light the five preceding volumes. We know not how many volumes the work, when completed, will embrace, but we suppose at least eight. Captain E. D. Farnsworth, representative from Tennessee to the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, recently convened at Baltimore, was at the Spencer House, Cincinnati, last Thursday, en route for Nashville. Captain F, has secured the selection of Nashville for the next annual meetingof the Order Belly's grand scheme in Nicaragua has com pletely collapsed. The fussy little Frenchman has left for home. In disgust, pursued by the bitter curses of many of his canal workmen, who wanted their pity but couldn't get it. Among the passengers by the Granada, which arrived at New York last Friday, is Madame E. de Villiers. who will be remembered as a popular singer in New York several years ego. Mine. Villiers has lately made a successful tour through South America and the 'Welt Indies, and intends to give concerts in New York and the vicinity. Hon. Robert M. McLane, American minister to Mexico, arrived in Hudson on Saturday, and im mediately proceeded to his summer residence in Livingston, Columbia county, whore he will proba bly remain until his departure for Vera Cros. Rev. Dr. Dill, of the Irish deputation, delivered a lecture last Friday night at the Presbyterian cburch, corner of Stanton and Forsyth streets, New York. It was very well attended. Carl Schurz has consented to spend a few weeks at the East, during this fall, for the purpose of ad dressing lyceums and lecture bodies upon general popular themes. He has two or three lectures pre oared for this visit. In Wisconsin he is regarded as one of the moat eloquent and Influential speakers in the country. The New York Freeman'', Journal !IMPS, on undoubted authority, that the Rev. John Quinlan, of Cincinnati, president of Mt. St. Mery's of the West, has been preconized at home as bishop of the diocese of Mobile, vacant by the death of the former incumbent. GENERAL NEWS. LIST OP AMERICA:4S registered Meth° banking office of Lansing. Baldwin, ,t Co., No. 8 Place de IS Booms, Paris, from Sept. I to Sept. lb. ; 11. E. Blossom and wife, P. liane.evoort and family, H. S. Gansoroort, John 11. Faxon and family, Alfas C. Fargis. George B. Putter, Jr., J. B. Hart and wife, H. E. Tompkins, A, Van Bergen, Jr., E. P. Hammond, H. Itabcook, C. W. Longstreet. H. W. Field and wife, H. W. Field. Jr., and wife, Mrs. E. C. McLean, Mrs. S. flown° and daughters, Mrs. I. fa Graham, H. It. Porter. Rer. C. P. Sheldon, R. Ardistrong, W, IL Ward, J. M. Bailey, E. N. Taller, Jr , and. fatuity, Mien litillern.r s . }Ritter. E. H. Darling, E. Maas and lazily. C. T. Griffin; C. II Tows, James Forsyth, J. A. Ruisen, J. Il.• and C. Sweeney, J. Potter, N. Jacobus, C. N. Waldron, George T. font New York; C. T. Speng and family, W. Sellers, W. SoMmeryille, J. W. Brown seal lady, Pennsylvania; J. R. Fuller, A. Innney, W. L Carpenter, John L. Thompson, Massachusetts; N. Pendleton, C. Bates, Ohio; C. Day and family, Connecticut: C. D. Carr, Win. Eneton, South Carolina; J. C. Roman, C. (hod rich, Maryland: C. R. Dalgren, Lortielena; A. Harris, D. C.: John S. Coleman, Georgia. GHOSTS Anorr.—A gentleman in Clinton, 'ends to the New Palen (Conti.) Rrgi'tet an ac count of a ;tpit , recently decided Li the Superior Court for Middieeel cotintj. in which two respecta ble merriest linnet there sited for" assault and bat tery." by another female. who claimed that they chased her, disguised as ghosts ! It appeared that about two years ago, the two ladies were prome nading. one evening, near their residence, and feeling chilly, raised the skirts of their dresses over their heads As they were proceeding home, they met the lady complainant, who, mistaking them for ghosts, set tip the e 7 of "murder '•' To keep hp thajoke, the two approached the other who, perceiving Who they were, and hating. as is claimed, an old snidgp to gratify, brought the suits. The court decided that the "approach," under the eircumatances, was an areiatilt, and fined them $3.5. The Regitter very safely ventures the suggestion, that no man would hare been frighten ed by :melt apparitions. S!!OT ne Doc.—Ono day last week, Mr. John Aveut, of Mash county, N. C., living within a mile or two of the Halifax tine, came suddenly to his end by the accidental firing of his gun. It appears that ho had, with his dog and On, fa dou ble-barreled one,) gone out hunting. Ili! dog har ing treed a squirrel, be shot and killed it. On stooping to take up the squirrel, it is supposed that, its he was in the act of raising himself, his dog reared upon him. and. in coming down, bit the trigger of the undischarged barrel, which wae, to Luht, full sprung, causing it to tire and killing Mr Avent altie.t Instantly—the charge paseirg through. from the lower jaw. one side of his head. Att EsZOR OEII, named Peter Gorman, got on n spree recently is ;row Orleans. end feeling the want of money, he stopped Joseph 5113.1. on Poydrat street, and. remarking to him that hr looked like a 111`111 that hail money, and hal no business run ning around atilt money in his pocket, deliberately proceeded to search him. Mr Sass, having taken out kis pocket-book, held it in his band behind hit hack, and quietly submitted to the search. He followed Gorman, and saw hint put a negro through a similar investigation Mr. Sass then had Gorman arrested en rt charge of highway robbery Lonettsitsvr TO Co, inttrtA.----A large number of the most prominent merchants In New York have started a subscription for the purpose of pr , seating a testimonial of their regard and appre ciation to Col. IL Duryea, who has recently retired from the command of the Seventh Regiment Ile has done the city en e,'ential serviee in bringing this body of troops to its present high state of dis cipline and efficiency, and In developing a proper esprit corps among oar citizen - soldiers. even teen firms have already subscribed fifty dollars each. A Dot OLE-HEADED SNAKE was recently killed near Starkville, On It is about fifteen inebe ton 4, tewl, about three inches from Its head, or heads, the body dis ides into two well-formed necks of about two inches in length, on the end of each of which is a perfectly-developed head, both alike and of the si r e you would expect to find on nit ordinary rattle snake of its site. With it there were fifteen other small ones and the mother the mother was mid by the negroes to be nine feet lung. Mu.. Joseph SMIRK, a wealthy farmer of Kent. C. W.. having been enraged by robberies from his grape vines, loaded his gun and toll his servant girl to watch and shoot anybody who approached to pick from the vines. Ile then went out upon business. On his return. entirely forgetting the di motion he had so recently given, he went straight to the vines to pick a bunch of grapes. The girl not recognising hie person in the dim light, instant ly tired ttpm him. and the charge took fatal effect in the croon, killing him in a few minutes. A Gearnots IMNATioN.--On the occasion of the retiring of Father Ballet from the charge of th e Catholic goeitty, in Bangor. Maine—he having been stationed in Worcester. Mass. In connection with the Cntholio College of the lioty Cress—the members of his society, on Monday evening last. presented him with a purse containing upwards of $l,OOO. The presentation was made in the base ment of the church, and the scene is represented as ono of intense interest SUICICIE OF AN ARTIST.—Mr. Frederick Lowenshy committed suicide last week by hanging himself to a treo at n place between Liberty Mill and Barbour's Mill, Now York State. The deceased was an Englishmen bybirth, and a landscape paint or by profession, and is mid to have a brother re siding so New York. Dig effects aro In the posses sion of John B. Newhouse, Barbour's Mill, Orange county, New York. THERE is in the county infirmary at Colum bus, Ohio, an old woman of eighty-nine years, called the last of the Mohicans," because she is the last of a family of twenty-four, equally cele brated for their longevity and laziness, nearly all of whom have lived and died in various poor hou ses in Ohio. A FARMER, the Ihther of a girl residing in Pennsylvania, is in Buffalo, N. Y., in search of his daughter, who is about sixteen years of age. It is supposed she left the cats at Dunkirk and went in the direction of New York, in company with a young man who brought her from home. She is said to be of weak mind. N. P. WILLS takes hack his romance about Lieut. Menty's Owyhee marriage. The courtship was all right, and Willis understood Maury to say that the marriage followed, but that seems to have been a misunderstanding—or is it only TO considered because it does not look just the thing in print ? Owc. of the attractions at the fair grounds at Hartford, Conn.. was a Shetland pony owned by Master Ityde, of l';lnfford. 310 is nine years old, weighs two hundred and fifty pounds, and is about as largo as a good•sizeil Newfoundland dog. Mae. CkLLAIIAN, an Irish woman in Chel sea, Massachusetts, does the work for her family, is stout, straight as an arrow, and aged one hundred and four yeard. N:==l - P TWA WAM IL Y P2S,i tin be to lithecol — bele by • men (far atteent; in adaseeed at.-- 42441 Three Copes , LW Fire Coves. " Teo Copilot Twenty Co;:iest," (Weide addruil 12.83 Twenty Copies, or over " (to address of emit Bubeeriber.) each-- •••••••• LAI For *Club of reeetr-one or motors IQ mod ea extra copy to the getter et,' of the Club. Or Postmasters are reeseded , eo set as &MS for TEE WISELY Pam. CALIFORNIA PRIM. Ifloed Semi-Mbuthir in time for the Cake's% Erowatera. THE CITY. THE AWARD or PPltgaS go THE COEWEilire Free Ego tz se—Oreictsg Bernet or ran AthGEti—Tat Of- BERNIA. 1.11 - Xagit Oa z.—On Saturday the judges of the late trial of steam and hand fire engines met and allaid ed the prizes to the successful companies as follows z The first hnze to Steam jr.'S Engines. a Silver Horn. worth H=l, was awarded to the Hibernia Engine Cons anll the Lcrc t o o n n d ; 1 4 Th e a Se: r Horn t i m w&rt u i ri i i. R a lso do r i Medal, worth 8100. to the Goollnlent Engine CotePa ily. The first prize to the Hand Engine companies. a Trumpet, worth HRH. Was awarded to the se F:ngine Company ; th e Second. a Trumpet worth OM , to the Philadelphia Engine Company. The following is the official report of the Committee : Hoe. Parid Torvw, President Petuisylraxia Agri cartarai Sec The Judges of Steam Fire f:aaines resort that We_ eight steam fire engines entered for eompetatiem exe ted their performance on the three days alWetad for their TRIAL OF STEAM FIRE ENGINES. -1111'011 !7 - " , 14 - : rrvair=l. Time us misting deans gggggg •g,-7, lAt Starting riiiEg A aßtErl 15 min 0.2',t,V41 1° it" 852081 z4:i6 I Ls min eavziel en _ lessana22l/""d".. I gagggat.iu 1 5 nua• I ,a i:3 1:4z:7„,....,g t 110 min g4"C 3 O'; ' 4 35 343°- I t-'gr, - -R i &zit I. nun 1 t' t? c 3 . , . of Rose 17.-17::', - 74 — z . .1Diameter of Nozzle k'...4.4• E 5,vgg.n...1 itqrixont., _RAND ENGINES -LVII or ENGIXES. uoatzosrAi srarax. riti7on ...-...j 1;195 feet. , Assist:3nel-- ....... —.l 1:143 •• 41. tarlts r...te.deteuta t t li 153 .` 3 •• Weshioeton ...... ....1134 •• wi. , escos 34: 154 " G10be..... ..... :7;'150 etntlxlin. ol rranktord... r‘flys Ahhoush three only or thee.) can be dtstiacuished by the award of premiums, the judges are happy to express their opinion that all are highly creditable to the skill of the mechanics rho have brcincht these valuable Ina clones to Foch degree of excellence so soon alter their first introdocbon. • The points nun; actmrstely observed and recorded as the Imam on which the sward of the judges should be rounded core—the time occuted in e twit up steam from the lighting of the file: e pressure of s eam st starting. and ut intervals of fire minutes; the pressure in the sir-vessel at hke intervals: the regtdanq sad apparent case of working - sad the hydraulic e ffi ciency, as chasm by the site and distance of the stream of wa ter thrown; . . In the points of steady action and free generation of steam the Good Intent surpassed all her competitor,. but m consequence of her small capacity of steam and aump-chambers. the amount of duty performed was be low that of several others., In the miter eharacteristies the Hibernia occupied the first rank, and the Washing ton approached nearly to the same standard. Their mechanical action was also very good, though not.ntute equal to that of the Good Intent. Po these three engines, after carefully weighing their respective merits. to comparison with each other, and with all their competitors. the Judges have awarded the three premiums in the following order First Premium—To the Hibernia. Second Premium—To the Washington. Third Premium—To the Good Intent. The hand engines were moor the first class—natnety, the citizen, of Harrisburg. and the Manstane_,e of Phi ladelphia—and five of the second elan W' Philadelphia, Weccacoe, Globe, and the Franklin. of Frankford. Making the allowance rentriredby the regulations on accouni of the di ff erence see chambers. the lint prize Was woo by the Assistance. the second he the Phtladelplua, en so we accordingly awarded. There were two hose reel. exhibited. Roth were well finished. nod very creditable to their tankers. 'The premium is as anted to the Perseverance. . . , . The only lot of hose shown to the jedges was a abort Piece of doohle-ricetted. which appeared to be .eLt mode s pu: of an eieetleat qoakty, deposited by Ko m.maehet k Bauman. Lakes-stet. The boot-ecophoe of Lawton k Wait is d.etto4.l ..41 . r.lperrior to those to common we, aiel wor th., the award of a dipkona- Pis FLIT:. _ /or, Pisan, J n olt< Ciy*,Los, - ftletteeN. A. M. EA*? Oleg. Puicir G. EAstretett. EX1T...5 SAN' F. Co fr Lang ArIOX—LOS g OF PROPERTY iir,ov A WANT Or Warta.-4n Saturday. whorl') after the Mud of noon. ri fire broke out in the has press and hay scales of Wattle F. Rno hes. on the west lade of Moy emerging astute. and extending from Ramon street to klitheson. a distance of eighty feet. The struc ture tee at buck. two stones in height. and it extended hack a distance of one hundred and twenty feet. It con tained a }my press. binscales.lessens machinery for packing hay. two zanies Rid two horses; and skint one hundred and fifer tons of boy. much of whiel was to hates The flames hunt out among the hay- and they emend with the utmost fors The entire establishment was oPeedili wrapped in flames. aril nothing whatever Irma sat ed from tt except the nudes. The two horses pe nohesl to the dames, in the northeast corner of the Charles Zim merman kept a feed store. which woos luso/red in the conflagration. In the oouthetat corner was the plumb of boy rsr loch was burned out, bat butts of h is hems saved. The firemen were on the ground with their wonted prorectitude. bat not a drop of water was to be obtained. But one no two streams were plaint ea the bunting bedding. and it was with groottliffwtitty that even these mak! he obtained. The total hos of Mr. Hitches inclodeabse mesa( hon. the building, and nearly all the contents. The buddies was pants two stories biz h tad portly one and a haft et wma principally of brick . Its dinosesions were .Motamensing incense, Se feet. which was the north tr-dh extending hock on the &oath aide of 21nCrioll street. 127 feet- At the tune, the men were ia the act of putting in the Ills. vrh:rh wee. Tr is feared. se 'Men tae to hate generated that peculiar - dements whirls tet- MtaAree et , free yentt. in orontaneccos r•to Fee a week fast hey was hems out into the baild.ns. In the same structure. at the northeast corner, on the grucnd Our of the btu kilns, was a feed establishment, kept by ensiles Zimmerman. and at the siotheasi corner was a pfernlnno establishment. owned and occupied by 3. W. Ricks. Mr. Hnithes's loss ts about Ilk IW. on which there is no mourner, of Sikehii. in the Franklin and Suing Garden Inlulextee Compact*. to addition to the property of Mr. Rushes there was it number of dwelunga burned. The property Is esti mated so follows: • • Charles 121111nierman. feed store ; loss ,56Ce.tesared for 1.,101) in the tiirry•d. Mr. Slininrerrnsie's took:, ,Pareni and mgavoi were in a fire-prof and were Wired .31r. rlnruher. boo 1 1 .12t51. tissue-num .frego. A handsome three•s :fried brick dwelling on the northwest corner of Mnyen.euunx areatar and :Marriott street. owned by John Clampitt and occulted by Hear) W. Gorman. was CO' damaged. Mr. Gorman hod no insurance en his goods. which were teintled into the street. The boo., was marred for i„ T _. l l 500.ashich will not MOM Shari rater the lora wain it. he family of Mr. Gorman took shelter at the dwelling of Edward G. Webb. North et Mr. llortnan's dweller es. were the dweltim s, of Misses Marla and Ann Hughes, and a oath oho O idow.e A.., torn. oh of which were meetly endan gered. and northh a/teamed tome slight drimafe. On the side of Marriott street the dwell:ass were badly scorched. The , were owned and occupied as follows: No. 213. Ann Hushes owner. John Max well occupant : No. 2U. Maroon Ardis owner. Captain bleary Prhartenyer iseelitant. These buildinzy were ranted. On the south side of Marriott street altos, of three-story Orel:in:a. owned by Thomas H. Moore extended directly to the hay press. They were all more or less oama-eil- They are insured. Their 100110 .nts were ea follows No 212 Sohn Lake; 215. John H. Dart;; 116. Captain W. Ifershirsn Mg. Cleanse I tow:, ZS, lamest Clement ; Geor_e ratle. Oa the north side ot Sliniman sireet was a torres pending row of dwellin,s, which ran west from the has Irma. The easternmost one was daTha.ed. Joseph C. Campton is the owner. It was unoccupied. Mt pro perty west of ths has press was aired by a battlement Mall recently added to the eastern walls. Oa the s,'uGs s,le of Millinian street. the property was only Sneed by desperate exertions. It TO, much scorched ha the in tent, belt. The owners and oceopan•s of the dwellings were as lollows, No. W owned bY Thomas E. Baxter. occupied by William Hodges; No. Alt This. E. baste - . owner, Alfred Taylor. occupant; Itrt. M. Jennings. wner. S. 3f. Bry an, occupant. '1 ne buildings were all insured. Ott the southwest corner of 31111iman street and Morainensitn: avenue,dwell,ng owned and occupied by Jatob Roberts sustained considerable damage. isored. The Cittsens' fire-I:nettle, of Harrisburg. and the Em paa eovine, of 14 on, were both on the ground, M thonst the litter was prevented from coins Into ser ..,ev, owing to the ser real - of water. The total toes is estimated at .910 toO Fire-marshal Blackburn Ls tures tleating the origin of the fire. 110SPITAL CaiEs.—Sebastian Swope, aged forty veers. was taken to the hospaul on Saturday wormer, Irv , t , een.t.shbcd to the left shoulder tts's fellotr emier of a fire company. The statr occurred at Fourth and Cmnn streeta A lad named Pi ; ilham John Boy le, aged five years, ryas run over, on Saturday , by a wagon, at Beach and Ma l-et streets. and was badly bruised. Philip Stork, the young, man vho VAS sun over by a. ear on the Reading Railroad. near Pennsylvania ave nue on 'Thursday evening, was last sinking,, at the Hoe pi tal , hilt evening. His recovery thought to be tin peasible. ASSAULT Br A CONDrt - rOtt.—On Saturday. henry Dy lie. a conductor on the Arch-street line of rare, run ning to Fairmount. had a hearing before Alderman Bottler, on the charge of committing an assault and tatters an Officer Ben noun Edgar, of the reserve corns apace. It seems that on the dar previous. Mr. Edgar had got into a car to ride into the city, after being wea ned oat with duty on the (err ground. There was an abundance of room inside. but the conductor went to Mr. Edgar and forcibly put lulu out of the car. end upon the front platform. 1 he alderman held Rile in therein of hlre bail to answer. ALLEGED TOOL-71111 , 1?,- On Saturday morning a man named George Hubbard had a bearing before Alder twin Ogle, en the charge of stealing a great quantity of carpenter-tools The aldermen held him for a further order to enable Officers Sommers and Levy, by whom he was arrested, to make further investica hone into his case. Carpenters who have lost tools lately should call at the Central Station. They may recover their lost property and serve the ends of justice eiPutaosens Escaren.--Some time during Fri-- day night, seven prisoners. who were confined in the tlel,lon' apartment of the Connor Prison, made their !cane. Br tome means the prisoners otxsined re,rsee sten o f n rOpe, with which they scaled the wall and made timid their escape. Among them were sow of the sailors who were charged with mutiny on the ship Sir John Franklin. Tim Independence Fire Company will start on their visit to Reading and rotor - die to-morrow. Thes, have lees making preparations for some time pact. A splendid silver horn, twenty -seven inches in height, will be presented to the companyon the marmot of their de parture.. ft hears the inscription." Presented to the in dependence Fire Company by the Young Mena Asso ciation, October 4, lies." DID Nor PLAY —The Baltimore. 'No. 7. which was nnnounced to slay on Satunlay afternoon, at Seventh and Market. streets, did not d o so, in cause ,nenceof the Washington steamer having. the h ns ose use at the fire at Rushes's hay press, which Intended to use on the trial. TtOWDYISW.—At an early hour on Saturday inorningta party of roWities made an attack on the acted Hose Company. rn Brown street, below Twelfth. They tore up the pavement nu the sidewalk, and bat tered the house with the bricks. One of the Pert, was arrested and held to lad to answer. FitM—During the parade of the fire theat an early hour cm Saturday morning. the roof of building at the southwest corner of Eighth and Fil bert streets was slightly damaged by fire. The Una e l on c inated from sortie of the hreworks which were car ried in the process.on. Linen ...L.—We learn that by the courtesy of the Tenth and Eleventh Street Railway' Company, the clergl men front awed, attending the mien= of um American Roird of Foreign Missions Will Paris over that road free of el area during the meetings this week. A Lastne CABBADE.—We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a head of eatitvige of hureaffiettSione. end weishinr Deentr-three pounds. It was raised on the farm of Air. Wm. A. Cox. near ShipPenglalrg. Pas) and certamly is the largest we hate ever seen. Tut: imports durirg the part week amoottesi to e57.1,C03, end the exports to e379,t19.