Nl* - At6r(laA, a—respected antrominent that diedin_a city recently, at -the4dilipieidAugo of 103 Tears. • - - iiX14,40.7- , aftornoou last, while the con:Mentes .the Xebeter statuevreio in pro theState' mum ground's, Boston, some aii`ti, , sitUarita'netleeivero bnsily engaged in distributing a Printed' petition for removing the etatO,s,',Uiert'Aitagrolidid.that Daniel 'Webster de voted the last years of his life to the defence, of the iiigitlie-slaveact. • - - George If. Mollnight, rector of Christ Church, -Madison, Ind.,: has resigned that office, and will probably accept a call from a church in Springfi old„ Mass.. • -• , Rev, owls Eluhelbergar, of Winchester,' Va., an old citizen, eitensively knoWn and most highly te ipected; died 'oil Saturday morning of last week. Be was a divine of the Lutheran Church, for sere ralyears editor of- the Winchester. Vtrginian, and more -recently a professor of Lexington College, S. C. Ho was a native of Pennsylvania, but wont in ' early life to Wittoliester. Ills ago was about sixty •years.'- Ile leaves a wife and several children. . Miss Caroline Riohings, assisted by her Whir and I'tofesser Jarvis, will give a 'concert at .fiarrit burg to-night. ' • The Providence (11. I.) Journal anneunces,tho death of Mrs. Sarah Howell Eddy, who, though long ivithdrawn from general society, was, in . generation now • nearly departed, a most eonspi stoma ornanient• of .social and fashionable life in that city. In her girlhood she was remarkable both for personal beauty and intellectual ammo , plishments. Mrs. Eddy's father was David Mow ell, a distinguished lawyer. Ile was for many years a ProfetiMr in• brown University, and for tielve years Judge of the District Court of the United States for Rhode Island,. Mrs. 'Eddy Sint married Gamaliel Lyman Dwight,• of Boston. ller second husband was Samuel Eddy, long known in public life in - Mode Island, W. B. Donaldson, the celebrated Ethiopian clown, arrived in the steamohipkila, from Europe, last Thursday evening at Now York. ' The death of M. Choquart, the greatestof modern duellists, is mentioned in the Paris "papers. Ho is raid to have knight thirty duels—in twenty-nine of which he was worsted, only once haring succeeded in wounding hie adversary. Mayor Bishop, of Cincinnati, Ohio, has received au invitation from the Mayor of Portland to visit that city during the stay of the Great Eastern at that port. Mr. Chariton M. Morgan, a young gentletnin of Lexington. Ky., has been appointed consul to itfessin a, Sicily. ' lion. 11.3. Foote has, we learn from the Tennes see Banner, determined to make Nashville his future home, And the practice of the law his occupation. IlesvY itonnxity.—Last Wednesday morn ing, as Mr..T. Baker, a merehant of Ghent, Ken tucky, was walking through the Fifth-street Mar ket, at Cincinnati, he paused at the corner of Walnut to observe the car et the street railway. which was a curiosity to him, and, while doing so, felt some one jostle him, licit supposed it a mere accident, resulting from the hurrying of some person through the dense orowd. A few moments afterward, hear ing' newsboy crying the morning papers, the stones he had read of the dexterity of the Cincin• nail clavalierg d'indit.etrin 'Occurred to him, and thrusting his hand into his pocket; he found his wallet, containing $2,550, gene. . • BURNED LY EFFIGY.—A correspondent at Ridgeville, Carroll county, says that that town was the scene of considerable excitement on Saturday last. Mr. J. 11. Johnston, a respected citizen, hav ing returned home that day, it was determined to give him an evidence of good feeling, and at the same time express public disapprobation of his re cent perseciution. Accordingly, a procession was formed and marched to a public part of the town, where's laTge,bonfire was lighted, and a Mr. J. W. C.,burned in effigy amid shouts , hurrahs, catcalls, and all kinds of hideous outcries. After this Mr. Johnston was personally and warmly welcomed.— Ballicaoie aid.) Patriot. PCMONoini QUftitha.—Tho Mood (Texas) /ICrictd says that a little daughter and a negro Iron= of Mr. Warren, who resides near Quitman, took each' d smell dose of quinine, a few days since, were almost instantly seized with spasms, and died in the course of an hour. ..The daughter of a - neighbor, who took some of the same, wet also expected to die. The bottle, was branded Powers Welibtunin, and'on examination, the contents wore found to be one-fifth strychnine, Ten grains to a dog produced death in, two 'hours. A ariik - Ntic Shooting - accident' Occurred in Fountain county, Ind., lately. Two Men were out hunting, and becoming tired, leaned their guns up against a tree and went off a little distance to yest on the grast. -One of the guns; somehow, fell over, end the jar canoed it' to go off. The contents atnick one of the hunters. Marion Vogue, in the right shit and arm, inflicting a dangerous, though probably not fatal. wound. Sauttun trawKlNs . , living in Mt. Craw ford, Va.. shot an enormous bullsnake; a fortnight ago, about a mile from Mt. Crawford, on what is - known as Cedar Ridge. The snake was eleven feet in length, and its body was over-a foot in eir camftirenee. It was in pursuit of a young brother of Mr. Hawkins, making a kind of bellowing noise peculiar An 'this serpent, when lt was shot. Its teeth were en inch in length. 001.01111 D atLITIAMEL—The. 11011 Se, of Re presentatives of Massachusetts have expunged the word white" from . the militia laws, by a vote of 1.10 to 51. Thislives colored men a chance to train when they have a Mind to, and allows them to or. ganize military companies, as welt se their white brethren; provided the action of the Home is con eurrelin,by the Senate, and not nullified by a veto tram Governor Banks. pABSENPERS BAILEE!: i • In stetirriship Stale of Georgie, tor' Savannah—min Mater and 5 children, Mrs Kendall, Mrs Gallagher and two daughters, Me M Chester.. Smart and nephew, J A Ferrill. JonMolloy and Indy. Nl, Eckel, G Ni chols and lady,_ _ Mrs Schmidt. John MeNab. P T Pitzgilibon.lillerzberg. Mrs Anchor andkertant. H Mllibs, II Weed, Thee Wiggins. James Grahnm. H thh °oll l John Hiraley. Mrs Bishop, Mine Wallace. Miss p C Wiee,ll Gans and lady, A Champion,..Mrs Bishop„ .1" L. Reddish,l4lre Lackeson, Miss McAllister. Freak Wapner. Joseph Hartman, F A Wier, Al rs Creasman. C Norton. W W Smith, A Craggier, Thee Quinn. Theis Graham, J Hiulalman, Chu Lewis, and twenty in the steerage, PHIhApEtAIIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOS. B. FEL,NV i JOHN OPARHA COMMITTNN OF SIM MONTH. DA/4. J. REEVES; LETTER. NAGS AT Tlll3 MIRCF!ANVIT SiCktAlqGlit. PIi[LAOELPRt A. . .. . . . . . . nip Tuscarora, Dun1evy............ Liverpool, Oct 1 Blau Eather, Leslie .. " - . -.....,..- Xi° de it WM. Oct I Bark ieland'lldme.Jetirey - „,..._ Lotadcw, noon Bark Donor, Averilt— ......Cardenna and Basun, aeon Big Ella Reed, Trig0........--Bt logo de Cuba, sane Br g Clara, Hardman ........-- London, 600'0 Brig Empire. Crowell, . Kiugaion, Jo, soon Brig Ashby'. Thomas Port au Spain, noon Brig iris. Pierce • •,•-•Bagua la Grande, soon Behr W I, Springs , Buckaloo _Havana, soon IMMEffMM POILT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1, 1459. nEsEs.• ----G IL I SUN SET 3-..-6 49 OH WATER......._. ARRIVED.' Steamship Kennebec, Hand. 20 hours from New York. with rodeo and passengers to Jas Anderson. Passed on unknown ish!p below the Lodgo, n harm brig oir nom bal..!Hogk, and,soina ton ealira an the ,bay. and rttef, bound up. Brig J Nickerson. Baker, [tom Turks Island, yin Balt;' , more, with salt to Win Bumm—vessol to Joints flatcar. &lir Martha Moore, Bennett, 6 days from New York, With Indite to Crowell Sr. Collins. • Bohr S L Crocker, Presbrey,l6 slays from Taunton, with mdse to Twells & Co. Sehr Luoy L Sharp, Corson, 6 days from Charleston, with mdse to D B Stetson & Co. srhr lindine. Risloydays from New York, with whiting to Wetherill 6r,.13 - ro. Sohr E Taft, Rand, 8 daYs from Eastport, with nada° to F. A. Render & co. Behr Sheppard Cote, Leek.' 2 (Ws from Irederlok. town. with L P Peterson. Bohr Vandal is, Cooper. I day front Camden, Del, with! oats to las t. , Bewley & Co. Sehr Telegraph. Carter. 2 clays from Camden, Dot, with grain to Jae Derratt & Son, Solar Deputy. f day from Milford, Del, with rye to Jas L Bowler & Co. . Sehr Mary Eller Mega. 2 days from Canton, Mil, with oats to L }Bewley & sol‘r Merchant, Phillips, 4 days from Laurel, Del, with bark to J W Bacon. Bohr Star t _Written, l 4 days from Coneord, Del, with limiter to JW Bacon. Bohr J M Vance. Burcige. from Boston. Behr J Ireland, Steelman, front Boston. CLEED. ill 8 At steamship Stnte of A G R eo rgia, Darwin, Savannah Alex Heron. Jr. Steamship Virginia, Kelly, Richmond. tco.Tlios Web, oter. Jr. Stianieldp Kenneheo.Hand,New York. Jae Alldenlict: ship Eloise, Collins. Charleston, Workman & Co. ,Schr E 8 Janea,Clodfrer, Pensacola. D 8 Stetson Co. Nolir Saint Ratan, Gandy, Charleston. do Holm JAI Yemen, Bordge, Boston, C A Meekslier Bohr .1 Ireland, Steelman, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Behr F A Hawkins, Percival, Danvers, Twells co. kkr t. Caw, Ilex, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. SAMED. The U 8 M steamship State of (Morelli., Capt Garvin for Savannah, rifled at o'clock yesterday morning 1.14 th a full fremht and a number of paseeneersi (Correspondence of The Press.) ' lIAVRE DE GRACE Sept SO ISA The Wyotning left here this morning with 6 boats in tow. laden and consigned as follows: Win H Young, lumber to Sohn Craig; Major E S I( en dig, do to Alr ingerly ; Anne E Seehoid. light to mkt; bitinninous coal to If N Burroughs; Ida, coal to Delaware City. .Another break is reported in the Pennsylvania canal, a short distance below the last break. It will take a day or two to repair it. (CorreepondencßEAT NG o Sept. 28,1869. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden add consigned u follows: & F Taylor, flour, &e. to Geo Lauer; Eder Lyon, lumber to Win Lippmeott: Barbara, do to Pink Lanok: If „I Newton, do Croekey; El Dorado. do to Nor move & MOM*: Cirrnaelan, grain to Budd & Coolly; Cdnimerce and Two Sinters, copper ore to Wm Crocker; Delaware, boards to ffi Trump at Son. I(7orrespondenee of the Philsdelohls ltzchange.) LEWM. Dol. Sept,M Alt the vessels reported in ini last left the harbor yen terday morning. except the sphr Fanny Fern which is detained on account of her 0111 ill.. tine Trig and nut maitre are at harbor, and several vessels are in sight making for it, the wind being from the MR Yours, • - Wild. M. liicKmAx. - BY YELIVIRAPIL (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE 181. A N I),Sept ai PAL A ship. nettle unknown, a hark. and several ochre are ' now going in. Nothing in sight bound nut. Wind NE I —weather fray. Yours, THUG. B. BDOILEB. MEMORANDA. • Ships Thee Setfersom Meaconi, Westmoreland, Dc eon, Arthur White, Kelly. and Betsy Williams. Sinker ; Binni,Vaire loading at Liverpool 17th Ult. fur Phi lodelphi% Stop Amb. Eldridge. hence, via Balt Francisco, at Port Towneend 2101 Aug, for SYdricY• NSW , Bark 0 W Ball, Titus, hence, was waiting at Matan zas 224 nit. Bng Wm Moore, Amen, for hiladelphin, was ready nt Matas,/I,I"VA ult. Brig ,C It Allen, Ran cleared at Boston 29th ult. for Savannah—destination changed from Phibulelphie. t fl t. r t i n siitiptitri i , Moore. wan loading at Matanzas 21st u Bo hr CitirAT . F . ink, hence, arrived at Beverly 28th ult. Behr BB Johnson, Lockwood, hence, arrived at Salem 28th Bohr? C 11 Wenn, Camp. (lei:, I. Green Green, Anna Smith, Smith. Allen Downiundties..l 11.'Wninwright, Colson, It W Dillon, Marts, 11W Weeks. Godfrey, rity,Berratt,,Eva Bell. Is Th meson - Co eon, 1) 8 7ifershon, Allen,Plenty curtis. 'Need, gash Woodbridge, Atkins. and N Harvey, Brandon, hence. armed at Boston ult. • , Behr Geo W Krebs, Einernon, hence, arrived at Balti more 29th ult. Behr Vermillion, Avery, hence, arrived at Fall River 27th ult. Behr Sue Neilson, Burt, hence at Pall River 28th ult, "and proceeded to Tamitton. SchreArlettri: Robinson, F Merwin,'Avery, and Win cox Houck. hence at Providence 28th ult. Bohr' W m Rotan. Pose, for Philadelphia or Alenan dria, sailed from Providence 29th ult. Bohr A Crandall, Fiteh, from Coliansey, Del, at New Bedieed 2981. ) Steamier Thomas Sparks, Grumley, hence, arrived at Nortford 39th ult. • Markets. (Reportedlur The Preis:l l PMLADELPIIIA, Sept. 30,1850. The produce markets have ekliibiteil a little more ne tivity this week, but with come law exceptions Prier, ere without any material alterations. 13reualstuffs move elf slowly; tot helium genPrally are firmer in their de mands, and km Wheat prices era rather better. Corn and Oats are aloe firmer. Bark continues scarce. In Coal there is more doing, end prices are steady. For Coffee there has been a fair demand, with moderate tninsactions, at full primes. Sugar us firm, but Noliisnea continues dell. Cotton is also dull. and without nitwit doing in the way of sales. Fish are steady, but more ac tive. Nothing doing in Milos, lead is unchanged. In Naval Stores and Oils:there iw a steady trade doing, without chnngo•in prices. Plaster is steady. Provisions continue on the advance, with reduced storks to Operate hi. Rice continues very dull. Snit i a firmer. Clot er sqed is beginning to arrive, anal it has been in lair re_ quest. Tallow Is stood). True ale excited and on the advance, but without numb titling. T 0 ,3.0111000 with a limited inquiry. Wool is in moderato request, w i th further sales at full prices, and Wllisko is unclmnged. Gu Dry (Mods. and Emits and Shoes. trade has boon Mo derate. without airy change to note in the cal bets for either. The market for Flour and 'Meal is unchanged, but if any thing;holdere are firmer at the close; the demand, however. is limited for export, and only about 4,000 bids found buyers at 84.873f,5t 5 for superfine; for extra, and 86 for extra family. The trade aro MI) ing more freely within the above range of prices for super fine and extras, and 06.2500.50 4.1 Y Mil for fano) brands, according to quality ; the receipts and stooks are inotlei ate, and the market generally is dull for the sea son. 113 a Flour is scarce, and selling in a small was at ItY bbi for fresh ground. „Corn Meal is firmer, will , sales of 700 bbla renn.olvanin Meal nt TAY libl. The following are the inspections of Flour and Meal for the week ending Tlinraday, Sept..), Bari els of superfine,. line Rye Cornmeal. " condemned. Tolnt .. 10 f 4.9 (TRAlN.—Wheat in coming in more (mall and the market has been dull nt hot week's rates. but closes a little stronger, with sales of 20.000 hue nt .91.1601 12 Tier boa for good and prime Penn and Southern red, $1.19a 1.20 fotchoice, and e 1 .2p1.35 for white, Nye meets no activeinquiry at the advance, and 4.00 n bus sold at Rim Me for now Delaware and Penna. Corn linu beet, less . . • . inquired for and prices are unsettled with sales of :it 000 bus mantis Southern ) ellow nt Ritt 87e in store and afloat, closing fins at the latter figures. Oats are in stead) request and _pricer are firmer; sides reach 20009 bus at 38c for new Delaware and Start land, and as 4aao for old Penna. chiefly of the former demon ottnn. Barter in fir mer, and is held at 1154010 c. Bonny Malt is also firmer. Inn without an: sales of either to note tine week. PROVISIONS are firmer for all kinds, and prices tend upwards. Of Pork. sales are making in lots. at VI, 50 far mean. Mid small lots of prime nt 4313014. City %sicked Mess Beef sells at it:1,815.50 bbl. Bacon— There is h eteadY inquiry, chiefly to go South, and rind eanoo H et m ter . 04a h 1 0 1e c s f in r lSotd e at n l od 4, f 3c o fofSri p la o in Shoulders. Of Green Merits the stock is light., with sates of Shoulders nt Bc. Lard meets n fair inquirs at fall rates; sales of Mils at IlkiallNe, and kegs at 1:04e cash and on time. Batter is , Inn at 100150 for Lolid parked and roll. Cheese in selling nt 04,9, 1 10, and Eggs at IG4rl7c la' &igen which is better. METALS.—PigIron is firmly held, with rates of 1.800 tons to note. at 47408 50 for No. I Anthracite. and *.2:ef.4. , 22.r0 for No. 2. including WO tons Forge at G•2l on 11100 i Sales were also reported to go West on Prit ale termii. Of Scotch Pig, there is but lii Ile in firg Minds. and holders ask 2 425 per inn. Enos. Blooms are stead), but without sales. A sale of Plurnix Bails seas made ut nod street do, et WA per ton. liars and BO iler Iron meet in steady itlqUir3, nt previousquotations. Lead is firmly held. Lis* Pigs, Baleen. mild , at(1585.4 months, with interest, and ND Pigs Virginia at the same rite cost:. Copper is dull• we quote Sliesthinq at 202127 c. and Yellow Metal, at 200 21 and 0 months. Tin is firmly held. BARK —There is very little 44 liercitron arriving me. rind he &MIMI Ili Stead y at the admire, with soles of 00 blade „No. 110 note at 829 4 0 , ' ton, Tanner's Mirk in also steady. with further' sales of Chestnut oak from the ears at gll 4;f B cord. CANDLES continuo in Mir request , and prices are firm—sales of 1,000 boxes city-made adamantine are re ported at 181fiwillekw lb.. six. months. Sperm and tallow en Mien selPsdrosb at previous rates COAln—Ordeis come in More freely. hut utters have imileTitone chatiqe. ranging nt $3,15e03015 •T- 1 ' ton for white Ash, and Y3,35ae19.50 for red ash delivered on board at Richmond. In bituminous coal little or no thin doing. "COP FEB.—The rtutrkeetirfirtri, hut less - active, with sales of 5.001 bags Rio. in lots, at from 117 So to let common to prime quality, on time. COTTON.—Vie market has been depressed by the foreign news, and holders more anxious to Doll, with sales of 850 hales to note, chiefly 'Uplands, =sing from 111.44412,.(0 cash, and on time, for low OW grade and middling fair Gulfs, cash and time. The following is the movement since the let of Sep tember last, as compared with the previous three years: ' 1859. 1858, 1857, 1850. Re c. at Ports.... 100.000 82,000 21,000 61.000 Ex. to G. Brit'n. 31000 20 000 B,OOD 8,000 . Franco. . 10.000 2 0(Y) 6,000 " other F Porie OW 1.000 1.10 3,0) 1 0 Total exports... 40,(4)0 21.000 9 000 19,000 Btocleon band.: 162,010 90008) 090 97.0L5) Of which during the past week. included hi the above : Roc. m 21.001 40,000 14.400 34.000 Ex. to o:Britain - 11 000 4,U10 3,000 2,002 France.... 0,000 2,000 • •• • • 6.00) " other F. Ports .... 1.000 Total extorts.,. 19,000 0.000 3 000 0 000 81:31MARY.—/i/Ceipt.S—lncrease at the ports compared with 1858. 181000-1811 es. Exports—lnerense to (trent Britain, 14,000 hales; Increase to prance, 8,000; in crease to other foreign ports, 1,000. Total increase in exnorts,23,ooo. DRIIIIS AND DYES are inactive. with further sales of Soda Ash at 2h e. Bleaching l'owders at We, Cardn mone at 73c.Oiltif Rose at 87.50. Refined Boma at 19. Ne, and Bensid Indigo sat 6.0.464r1.55 40' lb, on time. FEATHERS are unchanged, with small sales at 48,0 blle for Western, as in quality. FlSH.—Mackerel are firm, with small receipts and sales to note, at 8161;10.69 for Is. 314x1460 for 2e, and StilvV9 50 for 38. Codfish are selling in n tonna we at l'&4 100 lbs. Pickled Herring are 'worth S 3 -413.60 45' 100 3,000 boxes Smoked Herrin,: sold on Coring kept so crcetitlTlT.—ln foreign there has been but little 1110Ve went for the want of supplieslthe first cargo of new (tai sins left Malaga for the United States. the jth of Sep tem)er. In domestic, fruit there ideas activity. Apples are' netting nt 2.581 fr 11111, as in quality. reitoiteB are about over. Dried h runt is beginning to arrive, but no sales halm been made public, as lot. FREIGHTS.—To Liverpool, very little doing. Alining the engittentents•we notice Rosin at is 6,1; 'robin:co at 39e; Bark nt 255; and Lard nt (50. Ti, London, the can rent rates are** ton, To the West Indies there is very little doing: a ling won taken out for Jamaica at a round nuts. Southern freights are quiet; we quote to New Orleans stk.. end Charleston and Bay:tenni* at tip Ge. Boston freights are firm. Coal vessels aro erareo, and in demand at $1.40 to Boston, $31.20 to Providence, and Week. to Now York. GINSENG.—There are no 834..3 or either Crude or Clarified bonnie. ~611ANO mg_tq a., /t_ limited depland. with forthe , r of linill."—We., 6l 'anroed,T;cnt:a7 b r•e",i;tilat hearts BIDES continue dull, nod no translations have been reported. 1101.4.—New crop sell at 13-A , lite, anti old at 611 , 12 e, as in minlity. . I,EATllRR.—fliere is more inquiry for prime Spanish solo and qhmsj i ter, litzi common quality is not wanted. and for the latter prices are unsettled, I,l4AlllEll.—The demand limited; among the sales we notice acme white lona hoards at B yellow saret-91-totATtrelitir4l4 1 4 .111, had apruce nt 4 . 14 M feet.; White pine Shingles ore nt Whit tat is and pickets are selling slowly At 91-75 fol the . . „ . trinket fx ver dull. and the only males reported are or Cubit. in Into, ut Men" on tittle. NAVAL STORlift—ln Basin tales LIAO hills ore re ported. at 81 L 5121.60 40' bid fur common No. 2 wt. 81.8714: nod Na .1 at .R 2.232273. Ter is held firmly at *2.7.1. and Pitch ia 5i8.2(1, w it h bid. Sainte of Tur pentine IN in lair demand. riles of 250 lota at 4Thelupe i ineludiny, lots to arrive, at the teriner rate': ' ' • OlL: 4 .—Fish Ode tire firm. math rather more &inc. Of Lard Oil the awl: is light. with antes of winter at 903 Wo. Linseed Oil is Mill at 55456 n. . . • — lmports of Oil and Bone into the United Bilden for the week ending Bevtember Sperm. Wlilo. Bone. 7LO ' 8011 .7.70 n V. 4) ll= Vrovincetown Stag Harbor.. .955 1,170 2.701 PI•ASTER is unchanged, and soft has been sold at 2 1110 547 i e th o n niinues dull, end prices are 1111 s, avith antes of ILU casks at .37,,'444,"e on time, including some vety common at Sc 41v In. S4J,T.-Bome 12.0a9 sacisa Liverpool paund and fine, and ammo Of Turks Island sold 011 at rival on terms not made public. The market is better. SEED'S.—The receipts of Cloveri.eed are increasing, rind it is in fair demand, with sales in lots at 6.5.1505 75 tv bush. Domestic Flaxseed has linen sold at ,Lao bush. Timothy is dull, and ra»ges from 52.37; 1 rt:472L1 bushol. • • SPllllTB,—Brantiz s and Gin are unchanged; 71; R. Runt Ru sells at :14 kr • Whisker meets lair toquirr. with salsa of Ohiobarrels u t 27427 4c : choice packages fit al; Yenuegyanta barrels at 2a:so27s ; hhds at 2040, sad drudge at zsogrXelf , gallon. %MIA ft. —The npirket is firmer. with sales of 1.300 Idlds con at 15:nt1t61, - .; 150 1 1 110 g New Orleans at 7) 0o 71.7 e, and a eargo Brazil on private terms. TALLOW Is unchanged ; sales °lett) rendered attic; ettuntry. in:Korth 1.00105iC 49 lb - TRAM—hie market is extiterbnnd on the advance, without malt doing in the war ol sales as f Pl. TOII4CCO Is steady for both leaf and manufactured, with limited gales. Wool,.—Tho,defunnd is better, clue dy to go Ett4t. and prices are firm; sates st' fr).9otl The, TTINitIg front :Li to c,sc cash for common gash fine Reece. SAYING FUNDS, SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO . DIRTY OF PHILADIM,Pq, Office, N 0.331 North '$ gp Street (Consolidation think tuthling.L T,CILAILTEILED DY THF LEGISLA DILE OFPENN BYOANIA. Depogite received in gums of One Dollar and t r rards t Wltrat i ll legi t trortgt ,r, ng.i':,` Oil' trvift:li drawn. A resvonsible and reliable Saving stigion has long beep needed in the Northern part of the city, and " The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society " wee chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this neeeeintY• The hlrinagers. in organizing and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the bunt pess interest and wants of the very large anti enterpri sing population by which it is surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, Pram 9 foi24eolock; also, on blonday and Thursday from 6 ai.4l - il 8 o'clock in the evening. haNAGICI,te, . Frederick Klett, tiephe_n Smith, . John P. Levy. Jib, If. g...l3trunu, Daniel Underkoffer, rederiektitoi4e, Frowns Hart, ~ oseph F. Leffler°, John Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James 8. Pringle, Jaco bi Doak, Joseph NI. CroW6ll. nom Wan. Millward, George Woelpper, 5;0.'1'. Thorn, Pan C. Masker 9bert, D. Davidson. JAMES S. ittletaliF, President, FHANCIS HART. Secretary. , 100-tt it- AVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST.-LNATIONALL BABE'PY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, Southwest corner of THIRD. Philadelphia. Incorporated Si the State 01 Pen"Ylv 3 ' nione is ran I ed • te re „ (aid from v the n aa a y ny of n .l:l:Oirt g t e AL:Te 41%!Z drawn . The office is oven every day from 0 o'clock in the looming o'olodc In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 O'clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. ROBE tur SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WILLIAM J. lasm,Becretary DCRECTORC Hon. Henri L, Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, - • Joseph B. Barr, RobertiSelfridge, rancis Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, . fresh Yorkes, C. Landreth Munns, eury Diffonileder. Money is received and payments made GaliY. The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such Bait-class securities an will al ways insure perfect security to the depositors and which cannot fail to give permanency and stability this Institution. nuldr SAVING FUND,---UNITED, STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD end CHEST NUT Streets., Large and small gums recolyad, and paid hack on de mand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office houng,from 9 until o'clock every day, and on MONDAY Duna 7 until 90'er/cit. DR A NTS for eale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from .el upwards. - President— J A 11,._DRAWFORD, Treasurer—JANES H. HUNTER. PLINY FISK. Actuary littie,l43. often, fills the Puree." FRA.NKLIN SAVING! FUND-- No. IM South FOURTH Street, tat wen 011eetUu& and Walnut, Ptilladelphia, pays all be lamas oki demand. Depositors' money scoured by Government State. and City LOnne, Ground Rents, Mortgages, tee. • This Company de, mil, safety better than large profits, consequently will :wino risk' with derosi tore mon ey, but have it at all times ready to re.. • turn with 6 per cent. Interest to the owner, as shay have always dune. This Company never I'la re e m n a d l " es . married or single. and Minnie can deposit in limit own nal., and such dePosits can be withdrawn ONLY by their coat/eel. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvaniri:with authority to receive int, "' 'ff Loin trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. win e open daily from 9 to Ii n'olock, and on Wesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'elk. DIRECTORS. Jatioli,D.Rhonon, CYtaa Cadwaitsderr. John fthindler, George Russell, Malachi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewitt Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Rittenhollsei Nathan Smedley, Jot. R. Satheihwetite_,_ Ephraim Meows/4 inept' W. Lippincott. ACOli IL BRANNON, President. CYRUA CADWA LL ALIA. Treasurer, "A Dollar saved is twice earned, ' COPIPAN/E. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED IN lAA ' FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, °LAE GOW, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. 86,298,800. ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OF 811000,N00. Polioies guarantied by the unlnnited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. Losses promptly adjusted and paid without reference to London, by • WILLIAM GrETTY, . AGENT FOR TUE UNITED STATES. OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA BANK, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, PIIILADELPIIII.. REFERENCES. Messrs. STUART & BROTHER, 13 Bank street. " MYRTIB, CIA Ulf & CO., 232 Market st. •• WM. ?laKF.L•' k CO,, r.l Routh FIIIIIt street. k COLLINS, S. W. corner Front and New et reete. " 85111 . 11, 1 , 1'11,1,1A11143. & CO.. tl3 Alarket et. " •JAMES lA-SAHA ti t: CO., Zr and 22 Letitia st. JOSHPII 6 B. AIITCHRId., Esq.. President Mechanics' Bank. JAMES DUNLAP, Esq., "'mai.lent union Hank. lion, WILMA Al A. voirruit, 613 Walnut street, late Judge Supreme Court. - ____ --- LWE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANy.-Tral PENN MUTUAL, LIVE 'INSU RANCE COMPA NV, Northeast corner nC Tilt R It and DOCK PUreeta. Assets, ,592,22 C, 26. INSURES I,IVEN Yor the whole term of lire—grants unities and endowtlients—purclutson hie mtereqta la Real Estate, and 1113k021 all eolitrdols depending °lithe nontingenetra ul Life. They art as Extteutote, 'Pot tees, and Ctaiiliana. THUS' dminiattntors, Assignees Daniel L. Miller. Benjamin Conies, William Martin. Richard H. Newbold, Jaws B. AldForland. William P. llael ‘ er, Joseph H. Trotter. William H. Kern, James ELLIA.II* 88111.1 C. Hoey, Th eop/olos Poohltng, Charles Hollwell. Edmond A. Homier, . v eriry G. odoleho9 X eat . John \V. HOrllor. ilium 11. Ca, r, Rills S. Archer,, P._ V. Duflow. tiftlllUel J. Christian s William Robertson. Joseph Al, Thomas, Warner NI. RIARIII, !Ohl% (1. Ili - clines, P. S. Mich er, Easton. DANIEL L.MILLER, President. HAAG,. E. STOK Erli VlOO Pres'i. Jowl W. IlonNon, Serretarr. i nnlB- ST QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COAIPAn, PiIthADEIJNI lA. Pa. FRANK LIN BUILDINGS, No. 409 WALNUT Street. _ ......_ .. CHARTER PlOt PETIJA L. CAPITAL • 8V30,000 IN RE, !MARINE, AND INLAN D Piro Insurance, linnted and nn rpetual, on 111,11,1,n00s and htereltandnie of all deseriptionn. Alaimo hindrance, inland and Ocean. on Vennele, Freight and Cargo to and Irma all parts at the World. ~Fvirras. GEORGE H. HART, President E. P. ROM., Vico President. H. R. COGC,SH Aid. ; Smmsttvry. S. H. BUTLER, t Secretary. ECM= Genrgo H. Hart, E. P. Rose, A. C. Cotten, Folder 8. Perkins, Samuel Jona , . M. D E. W. Bailey, Ch Andrew R. ambers, Charles G. IL R. Comahall. Hon. H. M. Fuller. nul IOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Liters, Win. F. Leech, .1. DI gar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Win. X. Hamlin, John 0. James, H. H. Shillinsfords A. J. Buckner, C. I'.. Spangler, John W. t.!mston, IL H. Houston, William Rai suet, Wm. H. Love, Edwin Booth, , Charles P. Norton, John Harrison, Isaac Myer, E. S. Warne. President—THOMAS L. LICHER& Vice President—E. S. WARNS. Seeretarr —CH ARLES A, DIJY. dole AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPET UAL. Ns'. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested m sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on Dwellings, Stores. Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels itt Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted, ,DIUNCTOIIB. John 'l'. Lewis, James R. Campbell, Edmund Chan. W. Poultney Israel Morris,_ tioorxe Abbott, ulth, 881111101. C. Morton, ratriak Brad), . . GEORGE ABBOTT, President, THOMAS R. MARIS. Secretary. jez3-iy if D ELAWARE, MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE Ok PENNSYLVANIA, Nos. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets I InLadelvhia. . . MA RINE' INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, CARGO, To all parts of the World. FREIGHT. INL/ND INSURANCE On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakes. and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Rouses, Are. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1853, Par. Market Falun. $1 , ,,10.3,0M1, Philadelphia City 6 4/ 1 Cont. loan .} 105,144 00 $llO,OOO, Penns) Ivan ia State Loans 101,426 ie e 90,001, U.S. Preasury . 1 . 1 2.4 F cent- Notes. •. • 3 0, 112 03 $OO,OOl, Peting)lvaina Railroad 2d mortgage 6 tik cont. Bonds 45,376 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort ' • wen ip cent. Bonds ... ~. .. 12,000 OU 4115,000,300 shales stock Germantown 4as Company, interUsL nn.t urtecipal guarantied %.y the city of Phila delphia 14,925 00 05,000,100 nhares Penney tennis Railroad CompanY.... .... ...... 4337 so 85.000, 100 shares North Perniar Imam Rail road Company ,• • • ....... • • • $2,600, Sundry sharea Philaa . elitda Boat Company, 11RVle de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company.Sa vitnaltt titenrit ritlXlljaloll try,and Philadelphia Exchange 11... ,,,,n e ° } r u t i ll ,i, A n Tortgagen, and Rost Estato. Of- 8319 ' 1" ~,, 71363:15 BIN roae:vnafa for I woo axioms soaoo outs., s.t Balance duo at Agencies—l ro:mum on Ma me Polities recently mutat—and other debts due the Company . , .......... •.. 61,239 Scrip and aback of sundry Insurance (tempo . mes • • Cook on Deposit nl Sault. DIRECTORS, James C. Hand, Illeophilim Paulding, xmas Traquatr, William E':) y re, J r., J. Y. Penmton, Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel E. Slokeg, Henry Sloes James B. Al 'Farlaud. Thomaa C. Hand, Robert Burton, John B. Semple, rittaVg Morgan, Ltl4llll, .M MARTIN, President. I. HAND, Vice President. Tetarv. 1111126-111 f William Martin, Joseph H. Beal, Edmund A. /Outlet'. John C. Dams, John R. Penrod. George G. Leiner, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. H. Huston, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Cram, SpencerlH'llvame, Charles Kelly, li H. Jones Brooke, Jaeob P. Jones, WILLIA Tilos. C. HENRY LYLBURDL See THE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY 01 , 409 WALNUT tiT R 'SET • . . . . . This Company inures against Loaa or Nyanza by Fire on Public and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goode, and Merehandine.neuerallt. The following provision ni• the Policies of tine Com pany),uarantree their aeouray when assigned an col lateral: . . invalidated, or in Any.wisa a as a collateral securaY to .and the approval ol such as eitransfer or conve)ance of mowner of the same," ORM. Paul T..renee, Jeremiah M. Brooke, John If ulme, Robert Clarke, Isaac S. Waterman, David Salomon, Edward IL James, William Vanderveer, Joseph Janney, Theodore Cutler, Joliet* If. G:ellins. §:meim Castner. • nu", r. JONVl,Preent ~t WM. VAN DERV EER, Vice President. Ott.ilitA 78. BTRiI Livia. Results.. 111 V7-I r - "Tiffin policy shall not be , extreme& atter ite neeignineni a ground-rent. or mortgage,: eignment by the oftlea;by an the mortgaged yrennuou by DIINCV lADIE INSURANCE COMPANY, No 411 CILESTNIJT Street, PIEILADELSIIIA. INCORPORATED APRIL 1886 1W TIIN STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. DIRYCINAIS : gAlarla• IV fight, & Co, W !WAX W .WAYTER". Wllll.lll /Lynn h Co, Cummus Eton Known.. J. C. Rowe h, Co. OC011ark: A. wr.r est, Fobos. & Lloyd. BABCI,A.,V LIPPINCOTT.- L P PIROUD, 800 t VV JACOB W . &MUT ...... t,OOB, StOUt • (0. 1 . 4NRY Jr...-.. Bros.. & Co. • DAVID D. mix Ls Elroy, A. H. ROSBNIJNIII...-- RNMIIIOIIII, Brooks, & Co, Joim John B. Ellison h Sons. Jour; W. EvimmLN...... John W. Evan:inn & Co. THOMAS 13. MARTIN. • . da.vaKO & Mnrtin. WADE W. DAY, President.. JONATHAN J. SL/COAL Vice Pres% WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. BooPy. ani-tf COMPANY OF THE STATE ot' rir,CII4 ? _,."'"I,VANIA.-FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE-Hu. '4 14.CMIEE Chartered in 17D4—Capital 8200,000—Assets, Jaeue4 I, 100.0, 41357,416 60 1G). All invested in mind and available securities—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, blocks of I,:erphandise, he. on liberal terms. DI ILECTORB i Henry P. kerfera, George 11, Stuart, 'Simeon Tnby' 'mor el Gran!, Jr.. 0111%ti05 MltC4cliter. Vg”Or r William B. Smith, tgjrnal . Waticall. Join It. Build, Henry G. Freeform, William R. White; Charles S. Lewis, e me C. Cisoo/. _HI, , IIIVY 11. SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM 114.11 HP:R. Geeretary. to fl-wfm tf PIANOIa 011ICK_ERING & SONS, AItTUFACTURERR OP ,GRAND, S UA RE, AND UPRIGHT P AND-POI-IT ES. WAREROOMS 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Constant yin store a large stock of wit BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have been itwaruce,44loditlorent Exhibitions in this country and Europe 58 COLD AND SILVER PUTT -CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. " la7B-Iy 1 5:Fpo RAVEN, BACON, db Co.'s, Nunn. & Clark's, Hallett, Davis, & and A. 0. (hda Co.'s superloT PIANOS. Also, Ma son & aolrlled aIk.I.ODLONS and HAR MONIUMS, so deairalse ivr C);:trolies and ',suture Rooms. lihr Pianos and Melodeons to pent. J. E. SEVENTH and CBES PN UT. A GREAT /biIItOVEIIF,NT IN tgriPIAN9B. SOHO:HACKER & CO., 1021 CHESTNUT Street, respectfully invite the inutile loving public to call and examine their new arid sue tiosful inipiovernen t THE PA Rl.Olt GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding nil the objectiont. generally made to the kyle of Grand Piano, also diminialling the cost of the same. In volume, purity of tone, great power. 1011111 mo, depth, and CVOllllOh9 aloud', with exquisite deli cacy and sweettiesii.theae SUPERIOR AND KEAUTIVIILLV-PINISHED IN STIt 1161 ENTIS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest eneoniminn, and pronounced by critics tq he liar NI, Muir 10 also inktrutualits' ever mantilactueed lit thug country. oonetantly on franca largo and elegant assortment of norllllflValiNl 11ANOS. Irate Well Wardell the First Premiums, at all exhilAtlona ever exlithite.d, in cluding the Prize Medal Irvna the Crystal Value Litton, Nnw York.lo. eel -if V,IRLAR-110USE AIOLASSES.---150 tareemzanti barrels• for pale by JAMES ORAITAM & CO., OR2fl I,STITIA Nero At. - -------- PCONOAIY MESS SHAD—Nos. 1 mid '2 s--4 1 a Prime artiole, in store and fnr sale by %Val. J. TAYLOR & 0. 4 stairl'n WiTA ROSIN -4.700 bbla. Shipping Rosin in yard. Mao bbls. Mapping 14)3 ) 11 , 01 W W. 14. Hprings," afloat, for nnle ROWLEI , MOURNER. & No. )0 Routh WHARVLEI. THE PRESS.....THILADELPHIA4 SATURDAY, OCTOBEtt 1, 1859. •lINGING CLASSES NOW FORMING. IN L. , which A, in h taught all that 'matting to a oo'rrodt knowlodge of porlornong, calm Sacred or Secular Movie. Cra,g , ,E4—ltlON DAY Bn,l 'THURSDAY AF TERNOONS, from .1 to 6, and 8 to 7 o'clork. 68N7 h6'n el,;1 NI. — . MONDAY Had THURSDAY li YENINL,S, from 8 too o'clock. _ . grOATESVILLE SEMINARY, Chester County. Pa.-his Institution is aoknowledced, by all who have had Sons, Daughters, or Wards in it, to ho one of the moat illorouch and Practical 01 Schools In our count!). bend tor it cubslosuri. JAMES E. OKIFFIN, A. Al. R22-3t • I'n uuiUal. A MERICAN S(31001, INSTITUTE. num b os , sehouls, and Colleges, supplied eo - 11,0(01A TOBellOrti. 1)01 , 1011110ot ; Tanen ors with positions. Parents gratuitotisl supplied wills Relay to Faculty Atolieral College, Mom; Dr. Lowell A{nnott; Mason Brothers; Hoe. 'rim, .Frellitglieyseu, I.L.D. ; Ron. John C. Illy., El al, SID ITII, 'WOODMAN, & CO.. MO BIWA A l l i{s New York, and mi2B-rint 10,/ CIIESTNIII Street. Philadelphia. •-- IATIIIIE HALL ACADEMY, THREE T MILES IviisT OF HARRISBURG. P till Henn-Annual tiension will commence on MONDAY, th o ;Lb of November next. The attention of Parents and Guardians is invited. The location is pleasant, the comes of Instruction extensive, mid the terms mode rate. Good city references Riven. The Prineipal ran be seen every afternoon nt the UNION HO'f1:1, froin the lUtli till llte 11th of October, inclusive. For Circa /a rs address DENLINGER, sea-I m' biburs. Pa. BOAD-STREET INSTITUTE FU It YOUNG LADIES has reopened its Fall Session. Tor terms and pot neulti r 4, ap ply to Mr, It P. COOK 1",, Principal, No, Slit llttuA I) Ntreet t below l'opitti. n2l-180 MIUSIO.---A. It. TAYLOR, Teacher of Singing and Yinnn, G7d ri or - o'l'W Etarrti Pt root, below Coates. MUSK, LESSONS.---A Young Lady, well Aux- q uudied, ',ikon. few rupdx. hewn, of JAN. N. BECK , at the Alums Ntine,e:42 1311ESTN 1"1 . Nfreet. 023-e.lcs It 6-ostliSte tf 11 . 1 t I TIN (i Al V , N. E. corner EIWITII and RANSOM Streets. Upon daily iron) 9 A. M. In 9 I'. M. l'o Gentleman n rapid and elegant business band is imputed. To Ladies a neat. and erneelttl epistolnty sty In. CM iSiX Pr eat, Cards Written, and every de scription ol Penmanship nently executed. 613-3 i) MESDAMES CHFMARAY AND D•IIER- Vf1,1.1"8 BOARDING AND PAY SCIfOOI POR I . ollNfl I I A DIES. Nn.1809 P I,OOA N I'AR E, VINE HTH ET. Madame C II EOARAV respectfully inform her friends and the public In general. that independently al her Boarding and Day ttehool. directed liy herseli and her niece, Mine. PREVOST. in NEW YORK. LIM in lends, in connection With her niece, AIM°. 011ER i IX. opening in PIIII.ADEI.IIIIA an Inatilution on precise!) the name plan no the one tilime mentioned. The Prinoipals will answer applications and receive visitors on and after the 12th day el September, and the Bennet writ open on the Iht au3l Ito' A I * - A 1) 14; Y 0 1 , "1` II E PROTESTANT EPISCOPA I. Ire if, LOCUST and J I I,NI I PV.It litreete. 'rho Alit.minra Sev+len opened on NION DAY, Proem lior 61 11. Appliealinnn for Adnesnien may be made to the at the Arn,lein). daily t excePt. nn Nnturd,y)te tweea lu and 12 0 cleeL A. M. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., HIS-tlnel in Fremont. lODUCATIONAL.—IAIisq ELLA IVATSON 2.35 North TWEI,FTII Street, w.II ITCIIIIIIIII4IICII gi vied Instruettnno on the PIANO, at her own residence or those ol hor allnr tieptember 15t.135:t. . au2s-thsAin•Oin" VP:MAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Tgr. Allen may be npylied to at the residence of his father. Professor Allen. No. 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street. S PRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOW. N. E. cor. EIGHTH nun BUTTONWOOD Streets.—Hesumes duties MO WS; Beptember eth. Number bunted ; all pupils un der the immediate care of the Principal; the govern ment ie that of purely "moral suasion; ' reports sent to Earents weekly; the Mora!, forst fertile!, and Pk; sisal ducation of Boys will be carefully and conscientiously attended to. Catalogues gratuitously at the Academy, or 40 North Eighth street. an2s-ew F. BONLEAVY LONG, Principal. PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN : PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE R. /3,16,KR11, PRINCIPAL. The Fall Term of this Institution commences Septem ber 6th, 1859. Tim course of instruotion comprises all the branches of a thorough English Education. tote flow with the Latin. Greek, and French Langunges.au2.l4f Tu" MESSES CASEY AND MRS. BEE BE'S 'Boarding and Day School for Young Lariee nag WALNUT Bcreet, reopens WJONESDAY. bon e tabor 7th. ati2-I'nl_ RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY—N. E. (or -IL ner of 431ESTN uT and EIGHTEENTH Street.. entrance on Eighteenth street. The next Sessionwil commence SEPTEMBER FIFTH. 1957. LLICIOB BARROWS. ; 83-1 m JOHN H. WESFOOTT. ralciphs• A LGROVE FEMALE' SEMINARY, FRANEFORAL PENNSYLVANIA, six miles front Market. street, Philadelphia. The course of utstrucl Mil In tins School is einnorghen sive and thorough. Parents and titiardittus who igtond to Owe their thughters or wards at this Inbtitutiot will do well to tsialie immediate ` notification to us. E. 1,. THOMPSON, 8,3-tf Principal unit Superintendent. BItYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLFAEB, located at Fhila dolnbia. 8. E. corner tiEvENTit end CHESTXUT New York, Buffalo, Cleveland t and Chicago. For to inrmatinn. null nr Rend for eatable on. 1.94 f VENTRAL INSTITUTE, N. W. CORNER X.-/ of TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Strekte, be reoeoned MON DAY. September 5 Hoye roared p fOr any DIVISION In the PUBLIC GRAMMAR SUIOOI,B, for BUSINESS, or Ibr CO LI, CO au.72-Gw• 11. G. Metall RE. A. M.. Ptinotpal. JUIN. BARTON'S 110 AR DING ANT) DAY SCHOOL FON YOUNG LADIPN, No. MI Oil FIeITNIJT Streel. The Winter Term will open on the seeped MONDAY in Young Lichen received of taught yr lintever per Untie to n French evoker' in the faintly. For (Amulets and par tioulern, apph no 1d.% O. nivl7-I)Witenl.t4 I YAZARAYS DANCING ACADEMY, N.M. A IL corner of A RCII rind 11110 A lIAZA l), Icon, Pam, nod well known in tins city Al having had the large3t fold moat fashionable DAninen Aretiloiny for only y ears, line the honor to inform hot termer Patron. and the inilibe that he lino returned to this oily, and will °Pan l'anvin; Academy at the place above named. Oil MONDAY, the 26111 01 September. Mr. 11. will aDo teach elankes w achoole and Pnyttle. , butill los ; M r ; ti's lay of Anne/ale. to plain, nay, flint t emu ran he acquired in tr short 111110. An emir and rrneeiiil de• eartniont. as well n. ; , pet - lent knowled,ro.t •en in 1110 % heat so. clet). will he imparted 11l aline to the acliolarti. and lie dwo wmted learning old Matta and Moires that are (Olt of lakhion. Fir terms, references• etc.• amair at Din Loll. set!-.nn 3,2 - D0 00 42,067 $d ,804 7i) lye STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES Si.-)1?J A F 3, No. Illd MARKET STII HET, In now prepared to meet the wants of the pasha more completely ,n an the details of the Close trade than not other eatabliblmient in Philadelphia. is prool of stitch ha invites coMPAHATIvE ExAMisATIox. Tho following are ammo; his own popular invantione, several of which have alreadf obtained 26 national teen • tationl. surpuswing in r rrelhnee and iron cloy an) other Stoves in use. JAMES SPEAR in the Int enter and Patentee of the improved tiae-burtung Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be the beet Stove lor lentil% use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the "Patentee of the celebrated tlee•consaming Cooking Range, sow rapidly coming into venom! use. JAM ES SPEAR in Om Patentee of the linprot od Sil vers Air-Belot One-etnigimung Parlor slot e. JAMES SPEAJt is the Lit moor of the Improved ( Patented) Ornamental Clove Urn, which froin rte limit) mid utility is likely, this beason, to be univer. Bath adopted, JAM ES eriiAß to the Patentee of the latter, Pnelf and Oomfort-aavine Ironing Psi , JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-car limiter. Far all of the 1,1,0v0 the Inventor ery Justly Chinni advantagea which require but to be untlerstooil by the DOOio. to be Ileive!salll el , reeinteit and proferred to any Miler mimes of that RAMA in the sitarket and he monk] hereby extend a cordial invitation to ell vellums in w‘itt 01 Stoves to without examine for Oiameelveg. Parties whiliiwz to examine wilt hove ever) attention Mums them, whether intending inimediatelY toPer tillage or not, cYIIARLES JONES, ,41. 1 N 0.305 North SECOND Street. (Successor to A. .1. Gallagher, would respectfully cull the atten tion of those desiring sieges to his extensive assortment ml Cooking, Hentiill(i nip! Varlet stoves, have purchased the exclusive right to Cie' enfl tf enl, ' and repatr , . in Plulndelphia, of Onllnglier's Morning Slot" and "Sunrise" Ong-burning Cooking Sto,CH. Well known for sears ns the most Satisfactory Stoves in the umrket. Also, hie now Mat-top Cooking Move " Dot light." which combines all the useful no koevernents, and epergne I also plant:- foetus°, ttl n superior manner, Silver's Gas-burner of the heat Skeet Iron, These one the anoint economical until awl) , losonge,l Incline kilovo in use. F 3111 ITOGUET IV HUTTON) MANUFACTURERS OP P E S IC AND CIANINFT FUANITDRI3 N0..239 14001.11 TIFI STWP.PT. Office, Bank. and Facial Furniture, Ektension Tablee. Boa camel, robeii. eta slam CABINET FURNITURE elm BILLIARD TABLEtt. MOORE & CAMPION, . No. 1%1 SOUTH HEOOND FITR NET, in aonnaction with their exteneive Cabinet Business, are iffa Magglaeturine a 1411 nano tarticle of wri f jd Alt T 4 111,F,5, and have now on hand le vith ApIOORN & CAMPION'S IMFHOVFLYCNISTI lONS which are pronounced by all who have used thorn to le superior to all others. For the qaality and finish of these Tables the manu faoturererbtertotheirmimorouel ntranathroughoutthe Union. Who are filMillar with the eharacter of their work. Ired-eni /THE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN PIIII,ADELPIIIA.—Look at the follotratura het of prioera For liandseraat, nod compare thram with Mote elseiOro : .th I. oßpos, &ow or orp n . pp 61r,h:1:: 0 No. 4, BO khots, 100 " No. 6, Kiknot., 11l No. 6,10006 knots, 126 No. 7,10-1 roots, 160 No. 8, 100 Imola, 176 HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, 82 North THIRD Street, below Mob. Philadolphin. • SALAMANDER SAFES. • /atm iiimortmerit NVALS WATSONS 1' ILADE4PIILA DIANKACTP.SES BALADIAI4 DrR SAE VA. A ULT'DOORS, 1.14/K LWISS For Banke and Btorde. , Equal lo any now in use. Voof:J. wi CPT Elts On as rood terms ce. no ta I llik 4 , looiedrfrient in the 14011131h03, & ti 0.14 heal' FOUltl . ll httpet, Mn IN Ir PLRANPIGIVP 11:4 A OALI. 11 1 AMIGY CiIOCOI,ATE . SUPERIOR i/UALUPV. ESWAR I) A. lIEINTZ, manufacturer and Importer of French null Spornelt eIIUCOLATE. Store S. W. corner ARCH end NINTH Streets 09 lin Vneton 1414 1 , 111.0 rt et root.) ItA I N MILLS GRAIN Ni LLS For 'Of the Farm and Plantation. The I RON-BURR. MILL line no equal for frroolonl" Pl4O Veen, eollee,l4l - I) hand or power. Price 6a3, 845, and 645. Now w operalon et lgt; : 4 f lilt 8FICIONI) Street. pate wanted In every ounnty and 'Slate. R. PA ft WET, a co DrtiLLs AND - SIIEETINGS FOR EX I'ORT. BROWN, 131.1.:71NB, AND BLUE D 1111.1.8. 11BAVY AN MOM : 41 LEET,Iram, ouitable E xr rt ku ,,, }l o , ' tilolv 1 21 South ' , Bun St.. and 22 LET 11A tweet. ne.lB-1,0 64 W.611.6 - Ogiirk. --- To., • Donlera and Hhipiern of 801111 Vl.lO and ItOA Tor SEMI • EIITI.IIIIINOIIB C A (mon. No. 1018010 I , OIIR Street. 11110 AD ;Arent, . below co. ey76ln r .4111.1.1'111A. EDUCATiONA. A. IL TAYLOR. 67ii North 'PWKI,F Btrnet , O.INCINti. S ; EOYEti. CABINET WARE. BIZUSUES, IMEfflian CHANGE OF HOURS. ail k 1111 LA DEL PIIIA, W 1 L - MINOT , AN I) BA I,TIAIORE RAILROAD. On arid after MONDAY. lientember btli, 1859. PAIISENGER 'VRAINE LEAVE PHILADELPHIA 11.1 0 , For Baltimore at 8.13 A. Al., 12 noon, I Expo:18,1 and P. ht. For Chop it at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 4 and 11.10 P. M. For Wilireigton at 8.16 A. M.. 12,4. and 11.15 I'. Al., For New Castle at 8.15 A. AI., and 4 P. Al. For Middletown at 8.15 A. AI. mud 4 P. Al. For DON or at 8.15 A. M. and 4 I'. N. For Seaford at 8.15 A. Ali For Milford at 4 P. NI. TRAINS FOR PIIILAIIELPIIIA Leave Baltimore at 6.50 A. Al., (Exprese,l9.4o A. AI., and 5.23 P. 11. Leave Wilmington at 6.55 A. AI. and 9.20 A. M1.,1.10 and 8.40 I'. Al. Leave New Cattle at 8.45 A. AT., and 8 P. M. Leave :Middletown at 7.50 A. M. and 6.501'. M. Leave Dover at 6.50 A. AI., and 5.10 P. M. brave Alillord 5.30 A. Al. heave Beaford at 2.36 P. M. Leal° Cheater at 7.44,9.60 A. AI., 1.40 and 9.15 P. 51. heave Baltimore fur Seaford and Delaware Railroad at 631 A. NI, TRAINS FOR lAVI'IMORR Leave Cheater iv 8.45 A. Al., 12 28 and 11.10 P. M. brave Wilmington at 9.20 A. AI., 12.651'. Al., and 12.20 A. Al. SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.25 P. Al., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREW= TRAIN, with PASSENIiER CAR attached, will rim as lollon a: Leave Plidadalphos for Perryville and intermediate places at 6.45 P. Al. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate plncee at 7.26 P. Al. Leave Havre-du-Grace for Baltimore and intermediate places at 13.40 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-do-Grace and intermediate places at 5.4141'. M. Leave Wilmington fur Philadelphia nod interineuiato places at 6.45 P. M. 41 ,2 S. M. FELTON, Pre eldest. IE I'ENNSY 1,11,1 N IA CENTRAL itnit,RoA 1). 1859. atorL,--,Aciii 1859. THE CA PA CHI' TIIIS Boa 11 - 1114 EQ (IA I, To ANY IN 'l'llll Co 1 1 NTB1'. TIIR TIIIIOrti 11 PASSENO TRAINS BETW PIEN .I'llll.A 111•11,1' RIA AND P 17744111 Rit (manacling ;tercet at Philadelphia with Through 'trauma trom Boston. New Verk, and all points East, and at 00 ditteni Depot It Pittsburg with Threekli TlMns for ede eippati, tit. Loins , Cleveland. Chicago, Burlington, St. Paul's, Indianapolis, LonissilliN, New Orleans, and all intermediate points in Oleo. Indl3ll,l,lllicole, lientuo ky, Alichigan, Wisconsin, Alinnesota. Aluisouri, Kaunas, and Nebraska—thus lurn.hing lamhties for the trans portation of Passengers twat:passed for speed mid coin fort by any other route. Exproa4 nod Past Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change jut Cars or Conductors. Hmat,ing Cars are attached to each Train : Wm - shad's Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast The EN PRESS RUNS DAILY: mat Una Lines, Son Jaya excepted. Mall Tram leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. Al, Fast lane " 11 DJ A. AI, Ea W.A ore A Train leave, " to to P. NI. "P RAINS I,FIAVE AS 1 4 01,Lo1Ys: Parketiburg Accommodation at II A. Al. II nondairy, Accommodation, via Columbri. 2 W P. M. Coumbra 4.301'. NI. Passengers for West Chentgr Will take the Mail, Pad:ashore, and Lancaster 'Prams, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. Passengers for Sunlitir), Williamsport, Elmira, Italia ' to. Niagara rails andintannediato points, lasting Phila delphiat, A. AL. and 2 I'. 11.. re directly through. 'Pickets Westward may be obtained at the taro of the Company in Philadelphia, New l'ork, Boston, or Hsi tinier.); met Ted.etx Enstv.ard at any of the important ttailioad Offices in the West; also on board any of the regular lane of Steamers on the MissittslP2l or Ohio It,: era. Fare always as low as any other Route. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvamuttadrond to C10ca,,,, make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN , EAST AND THE GREAT HORT WWEST. The connection of tracks by the Itadroad Bridge at Pittsburg, at mdi nit ail drayage or fei nage of Freight, to tether with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling tiothe. FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Bouts Freights of all descriptions min be for warded trout Philadelphia. New York, iloston t or Balti more, to any Point. on the Railrortils of plum Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, ihruicousi lowa, oLiVissou by Rail road direct. . . The Penney !yenta Railroad also connects nt Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on the Moo, Aluskinguin, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, IQ Incur,, Kamm, Arkansas, and Red Rivers; and nt, Clot eland, Sandusky, end Chicago, with liteamers to all ports on time Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Bhippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on its specily transit. THE RATES OP .HEIGHT to any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all humps favora ble as are charged by other Railroad Companies. ro ll. Be particular to mark packages " via Penna. Rail . . Merchants in the West ordering goods from the East, will do well to direct them to tie shipped by tits Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Can pally; D. A. STEWART_ , Pittsburg; Do, le & Co.,Steuhenvilln,O.; Id. S. Pierce & Co., Zanes ville, 0.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, 0.; R. MeNeel) • Ma)s. villa, K y.; Ormsby & Cropper, Portnimmth, 0.; Paddock & Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana; 11. W. Drown & Co., Cineninati 0.,• Athern A Ribbon. Cincinnati, 0.; R. C. Meldru, )idadieon, Ind.; William Ilonrhatil, Ky.; P. in. 'Riley & Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Gra ham & Co. Cairo,R. F. Sass, Et. Louis, Mo.; John H. klarrin;lslnaliville,'Peon.; Hawnt. Memphis, Tenn: Clarke A Co., Chicago, Ill.; ft. R. Koalas, Alton: W Ill.; Murphy & ane, bubuque.lll.,• or to Freight Agents of Railroads nt dillerent points in the West. Parties attending to their own shipments from the East, will find it to their interest to call on the Agenteof the Company at the following planes before shipping • or letters addressed to either at them on the subject of freights,. will meet with prompt attention: IL J. Nei Ih.P.DER., Philadelphia. AGHAW A gooNs, 80North strool,:Baltimore. LEECH CO., 7 Actor House, or 18. William st., N.Y. LEECH & CO., 64 KtllD.atratllr i VifiSim. itousToN, Gen ' I ratght Agent. Phila, L, HOUPT,AIen'I Ticket Agent, PIIIIII. KOS, A. SCOTT, Geu'l Sup';, Altoona, Pa, VA ffi NORTH PENNSYL _w2fip _ NIA RAILROAD. SUAIMER AR RANBEAI ENT. rgr 1)117111,E1IBM ; BOVI,ESTOWN, EASTON, ALLEN OWN, Al 41,011 CHUNK, 1/A'4I.I.TON, WILKESBARRE, On and alter AION DAY, Mny Irth, 1A69, Pastremter Trams will leave FRONT and W11,1.01V Streets, Phi ladelphia, DA I I.l', (Send:lye exeepied For Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Clnmk,WdLea barre, Hazelton, 44 e.. I Ex to ree,) at 9.30 A. Al. For Be th lehem,/ at 4 P. AI. Ear Doleatown, Aemmintodation,) at 8.15 A. AL and 6 I'. Al. For Fort Wnehlngton, (Aeronnnodation,) at 2.15 P. Al. and AA) P. M. TRAINS FOR I'll ILA ELPII IA Leave Bethlehem. Ha predr, )ato A. Al. and 4.10 M. Lame Doylestown. (Accommodation,) at 6ld A. M. anti 4 P. Al. Leave Fort Waehington, (Aeconumulatton./ at LAO A. AL and 9.761'. Al. ON HON DAYII: Phtl:ulolphta• 404 Po) rt I 1 A. 111. and 3 I'. Al. I)Mlestov.n. for PinLtda.. at 13.30 A. Al. and 6 45 P. ftl. Fara to liethleitans. 41141; to Alnwell Chuult, .5560; Ip 1.:14Ion. LW; to lloyleatowil.B‘4cants; to V. ilknabarre, 4.40. All • l'nxxencer Iminept Solidity Trains.) con nthit nt llnrkx ritrnot with vinli nod Ni cth4treetir, nod 1-iririond and Third Mreetn Wilkiiiiharro Inks 9.iu A. Al. Train. and urn%e iu Wilkeehari at 11'. AI. 111 Y la NE WEST ell ES TER AND PH 11. A DELPRIIA len gatliAD vsttgag. or , nor Hs. On and after Sept. 4th. the tram) wilt loave Phi ladelnion. Irma the Station, N. E. corner of EIGH. all MARKET Streets, at 7.15 and 9.30 A. 111. And at 2-k) and 6 46 P. Al. 1:ro rf Won ehest er. from the &Mum, op EAST NET Street, at 6.1.5ttl 990, A. Al., and 9 and 0,15 1.. iir4:•IIINDAY:3-I,e.tve Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 2 I'. AI. heave West Chester at 7.3 d A. I. 'lnd &Y. M. HENRY . WOOD, my 21 tr General Superintendent. N >TI C 'HEST Eli FAC I IMig, VA 1.1.xy RAIL It - OA D— PAR. ENtt ER Tit AIM; 14R 'lit NVNINiVfoWN AND ID, 'l' ER NIE DI TR STATIONS.—Ovnud Iter_let !AAP, the Paseenger Po am% tor 1) ) \1 NINt;TOW N. will at trt fiont the Pereen,ter Belot of the Notntlalphot end Rwalitu Itttilruad CusttottY, cut cur of BROAD and VIN rttroots. AIORNINCI TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at 7.20 A. M. irrEitivooN TRAIN fur llownlngtown, laavas a 4.161'. )1. . . . DAILY . (Sunday' exzeutedo tlrdor tape ilimrd 01 114....agerg of the plitladelphia IndlinK 4.lroadCtidtlp'lnY. 111.1 fl. AIcII,IIENIV V. Secretarr. al rim UANIDEN ANI) AT. pAthitPAP• Fuji Tjll.: 8 VA-4111-1/t On and niter 16t. anti Ant. !gat or notice, trams for Atlantic City leave VINE-Strut What' tido{ . (Snit.l3)t. excepted.) .vl „ ppiii tititlitivitinsiyitAnkraill C (T.V1,1:1114• ..... .......... 6 A. 11. Mad „ Fdto to Atlantic. 4 . l — Po . ...lrotitili ' Trip -... .. .....1 'ickut , t, good relr bo. ht moot lie ibilivered at Cooper'e Pinta by 1 P. M The Company will not be reenonsiblo for alit gooat.iiii lii roars ti and reeelytell for by their Freight Agent It the l'omt. 21-111 JOHN G. BRYANT. Agent. e rB3I.:PI.SIIHILADELPHIAIIA RAILROAD ', ANI 1.11!ICKE S1 ? 110FEE trr EilillfA L Wilkerharra. OUT o t itie(ll, Vt. Detroit. Lunjuath and St Lou,,: Pnasenenr trains will leave the Pliiladolphin and Head ine 111.10,0,1 I.ein.; corner 11ROAp unit VINE Street: hand n:, excepted. I us !aims 7.1:11 A. )1.. DAY EXPRESS. For fulls. Buffalo, Detroit, Cluetto awuukuJ, pool. Burl:Auto' nr.d St. tempi. 930 , . ,N) tiff r 111 31 'S NallA 6, I/ w.toit OhiooKt For a, MI, 43r0 ' 1101 1 Ion3 L. Situl'a 1 1 .04t0r 151111.v3141.33, , , Ibland, a , tind ht. Louth. • The 7.30 A. M. and 3.•40 P. M. trams rim through to HA R ItJullllßU , ,topin ng at all Stations on the Leh:111On Valle) Branch. A. M. train oonneeta nt Rupert for Wilke-- 4,11. re. Ihtlntnn, . 4 errinton. nail all etattone on the LACK -4 ANNAnh It BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD, cliellked to Elmira. Buffalo, nod SuaPenaton 135 .1 itr: Elr '- ii . O r ißrirtt ' eELlTgiel A t er, AliZifiteorV of 1 11 and Oil EN'TNII'V Street', and tlairitakeu ger Depot, corner It RIM I) and VINE. TH Roth; II EXPRESS PREIOHT TRAIN Leave.. the Depot. Broad street. below Vote.darb.lPon dnt eleented.) tut all poliits Went and North. at 0 P. N. Preiclits coo be delivered bolero 11'. M. to mauve goo.; the La inir day. For Lather intoravition, apph• nt Frei De,pot,11110A1), Irelow Vine, Or to ell AS. tieiterll N. W. cor;lor ••;15',T1111.,411 OtiEuTta WI Streets, ooLIE - lllinlioletploa. lJeleiriA9 N 0TIO: SII PeEltS mwm. - . - .I.G_L - "yar.7_ LOLA]. 1.10,1611 r. The 1 ENNSVI,VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to reeel ve and forward fre.eht to the fol lowing points 04 the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL ROAD: Look Haven, liewrebor.ri Wapne t Northumberland, J„ltl coy .31, i rre, pplow t y, P " . 0 , 1°.t , tate tallOtlon. NewilrY, e \irge own. Witlialtupprt i lorstowur Moony, Ha i Writ aontoan i orki Milton. 4,1 A , f'llatover Junction. Gultyidintr. ,aid MI intorno. sta potation HANOVER RAt All gondo uont to l'iricKt tuition. THIRTEENTH and MARKET Straws, will latprompay fonrarded. jrR V. I. NNKFDER.FroIight Arent. Mlor,fi s ,,__wq PHILADELPHIA AN D It HADEN.. RAI lo ROAD, AIURNINO LINE, for rorrsvlLLE, READ ING aial lIARRISBURG. Lea. es tho IL.rot. lit corner of BROAD and VINE Streete. it 7.. rt A. NI., OA I Ly.lHlll6l,oBexeoptell,/ for 80Y...1%11,1,E, 115 ItISBURO, and all p,lllO, connovlin. nt flarrodnirg Witli 1.7064 relating to l'ittatiorg, Om. C 511610, r ttlrY,• ,p1;v1.0:1 LIN L" ve " 3 .- 1) P: D4'11..1", for vrTdviLLE and HAT 11 IS II CHO. At 4.46 I'. AL. BA ILY, (Sundayeexoopteddfor READ ING, and Intermediate pointx. aria . tl. Met LIIENN I'. Spartan'''. .-gmai rill LA DE GPIII A G Eli- A‘.4K7 MAN A);71. 74 OUR Id- Al Elt ARRA N GEM EN '13.3 On and altar Alinala t r, 01', % ell not.. tattler notice. BO E It W NTO N. heave iia 6. 7,8, 111‘, 16111, 10 . 11, 1 7, A. Al.. 1, 2.3, 3'i. 1, 5. a. 7. 8,9, ID. and 31. I,onve tiothillitowo 6. 7,71,', 8,61 i, 9, 1 0, 11, 1,2, 3,4, 7'„x 9. Wit I'. IL ON N DAYS. , Le A ave Nu 1 / 4 1elph la 9.95 win. A, AL, 2, 9,11,7'i. eaul 1011 I'. Leavo Germantown 3.10 nut. A. M., 1.10 IMO., 4. 9' l , and 9'4 I', Al. 1 . 111.24TN1'2 MILL TIAII.II.OA 11, Le 4 1 , 11 Philadolphm 6,8, 11 A. M., 2, 33 n, 4, 115 4 , 6,9, lIP. ', M. bow, Chestnut Iltil 7.10, 7,40, 812, 2.4), A. M., 12 40,3.40.3 7.W. VI. LI LI tit! ..1N DAYS, I 11.1141!..11.1,111) on Ilan. A. AL, 2.8. and 73; P. M. e 1160919 111 11111 7.09 A. AL, 10.90, 210, and Sll5 I'. Al. 'FOR CON:IIOII, , CKPN AND NOI2IIIBTOWN. Leave 11,111,1rIplita :15 11).0). ID; A . M . , Lot, lain.. a 11,9 41.11.4 1. Al 1 MVO Notll4luNl4 I. F, 4.11 A. 111., 1, V. ALL 6. 7:4. I'.Nl. . • VP.7 .417n1LAV4, l, e ben A B . l S 6 m , tl 6 I l P . 9t l, eoliniAF4AvtiNk;' heave 1. 7 0 mitt., 0 111111., 4 1 ,0,6 . I 111,A. mi.., pitn. • Jt77 , 614. 7: 4 • 44, 10:4, U} A. A1.,1.'6 , 4)10 }IA . ., P. Al. uN nil 11. Leavo Phillolelvlit, VA. 11 . I I I' H. Leave 7111mottitl. 71. A. 111. 1',.155.. 11. R. 8M I'Pli ner tl Su enul•udeoL 6117 ILLPta, NINTH. awl Oil EEN 7.31.8`ta. NOTICES. ADJOURNED SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WORKS, AND SOPIIIA FURNACE, t NEW CAST LE, PA.,) &o.—The sale of this pro pe rt ) has Wen adjourned until the 'fiord TUESDAY or oe tober, 1859. at 11 o'clock, A. Al., St the Merolialik' Ex change, Pittsburg, Penns) !yam'', with the following modification of the tenon ol sale, viz.: One fourth of the purchase name) , Pas able in hand, and the residue in one, t* o. and three )ears, with interest, to he be canto itt such manner as the trustees ma, determine, to addition to ittOrtga#o on the premisex. se2l-ait KNAP WILKINS, & CO.. Trustees. _ NOTICE. ---An application will be made at the next session of the Lerishiture of Penns)l vaiiiry fur the incorporation of a Bu,k, with general banking pris ilexes, a Itil a capital of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIIOUSAND DOLLARS, to be called the MANUFACTURERS' BANK, to be located in the city 1)2-e O FFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH'. MOUNT JOY, AND LANCAS TER RAILROAD COMPANY. PiiiLetiELPIIIA_, September 24.1959. The Board of Directors have TR'S DAY declared a semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. clear of State Tax. on the Capital Stock of the Company, pa) able to the Stockholders or their legal representatives' on and after WEDNESDAY, the nth de) ut October liextoyt their °dice, No. zit South THIRD Street. Pennsylvania Railroad building. GEORUE TABER. slat-et Treasurer OFFICE OF THE RECEIVER CF TILE CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, AN D ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, N 0.308 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, September 23, Idee.—NOTlCE:—The sub scriber herein% or Yea notice to all whom it ;nay con cern, that lie has been duly appointed by the Supreme Corr( of Petotay "Receiver of the Real mid Per son tt Property and Estate of the Catawisaa. Williams. port, and Erie Railroad Connate,. and of all thotiro pert, . ern , lieges, franchisex, and powers oust Mel, all or either or any o f the moil:ages named in a ecries bill in e,iwlt , tiled on the 2lsl inblaiit. are a lien, or which are Cot crcll thereb)." as Itece“ or. allthOrized the older of Dot Court to run and operate the road of the colonnio and Pilch other roads as the , tile rorVornhnn lima heretofore run. and exercise the aulleolty red Irilielenes or said company, and to em ploy such persona and make such payment,. anthill l eirdementee us may Ire needful and proper in so dome'. Ho ra ntqe, Menne ether pierere grantee, specifically niliori veil, to int all the melee now duo and teetering in the eienhiy eras of the Haul railroad. and" the amounts dire and Maturing. and to arise and run flue, for mitten totorit,o.e aboot the operation, and Inv the use of halal lament,. All persons baying business relating thereto writ, the refire, please avid> io the sulneriber, at his Omen. hen-quilt et WM. D. LEWIN, Recei‘er. 0 FFfUE OF TILE PIIILADELNIIA, tiERNIANTOWN AND NuRRISToWN RAIL ROAD CuNIPANV, NINTH and (IFIEEN Streets, Toil at Ci rmx, Sept, ICtb, lass. The Board of Managers at their Meettne nn the Bth nut. duel, red n Dividend of PIN'S It CENT. on the lor the six months ending the 31st inst., wh ic h tcth be 1.111 to Stoeitioldere, MI and after AloN DA V. the 3,1 el OntnLor next. I'reesiet will ~,,t he livitle fer ten tints after the MI instant. W,N. WIL9 ON . nil vrotht3or Tieasurer. QP Ell AL NUTICE.---Dealm in Good mW.r'ilis t end all u o k rer iz f e ntit ' n " „d r art u c l ie e s n m de a r d i ; by aontbonng fibrous substances with thrombi or sheete ol vulonnized rubber, are notified that unless the same aro properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by DIY authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Sent: 'Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWNEIt OF THE TITI,Es ANI) EXCLUSI EMITS IN THE PATENT for these good+. which embrace nil the et) les lieretolore nianulnetured or im ported, and many others. ALSO. LICENSES To mANurAcTURE and SELI, —and the Terms—limy be obtained on application to we at No. 2ICOURTLAN DT Street, N. V. HORACE H. DAY. _ I.3ENNSYLVANIA 8 'l' A 'l' E AGRI C L- A- TURA', SOCIETY EXIIIIUTION.—The NINTH ANNUAL 01 the I , ,NNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, writ t., held ROWEL'CoN. PHILADELPHIA. on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY,TIIURSDAY,and FRI DAY, the 27th, rlt 11, rind MO' Mats of September next. On the lot 01 September, the Secretary will remove to the Rooms ol the PhilailelphiA SooletLfor the promotion of Agricul ture. No. rati CHESTNUT Street, Philatlelphia, where Bonk, of Entry for the Exhibition will be opened. Letters ntlilresseil to the Sreretnr,v, nt llarriebtirg. to Jolts Ale °OWEN n. or LitAp.r,E. Mistletoe, will meet with attention till let of September. DAVID TAGUART, President. A. 0. II LISTER, See'P. aultl-w&s.tse2iD2Oto3o N O TICE. ---Persons having business with the FLOUR INSPECTOR wilt call at No. 14 VINE Street, betwoen the hours of 9 o'clock and 3 P. M., WI 0113 thei WIII find the Intsloctor or Iss Deputy, F, MESTER. AL LAUMAN, Jell Flour Inapeotor. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIII4ADELPHIA. Estate of Mari Scates deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and iultust the account of ALEXANDER W. SCATES, Administrator of the Estate of MARY PLATES, de ceased, and to make thsto [Mum al the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties talc rested for the purposes of his appointment I F.,8- DAY, Octoher 11th, Ite.a. at .1 P. M., at Ins office, No. 1.1 t3putli THIRD street. Philadelphia. THOMAS MILLETTE. MEDICINAL. D R. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERN have been thoroughly trilled, and pronotuiCed n sou ereign restudy for dispupiia, flatulency, heart-burn and headache, votiveness. diarrliwa, fevers of all kinds, rheumatism, gout, gravel, Won Ms, scurvy, ulcers, eruptive com plaints, salt rheum, Brim alas, common colds and iii titionsn, irregularity and all derangement of the (Male system, piles, and VMIIIOIIII other diseases to which the bonnet frame is liable. Per sale 19 the proprietor. Or. B. MOFFAT. 335 BROADWA . New York. and hy Druggists ironclad!) all over the uountri. ast.thic ANOTIIER PROUP OF TUE WONDER UL EPPEGTd OF TROXELL'S NEURALGIA SAL E. PHILA., July 7th, 1444. Mr. E. W. l'noXXl.T.—Dear Sim—l have been troubled with the " NEURALGIA" for the last 14 yearn, and hate suffered the Meet excruciating pain. compelling me at tirllo3 to give up my business entirely. I ootild not eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eyes. I tattered more than tonics can tell. I had the ad vine and roil of Various physicians, and used oilier remedies, but all of no at ail, }lnstils noticed your advertisement si the lapers, I concloded to call 011 a person whom I lied earned was cured nt a woe of 23 years standing., applied the "SALVE," but once. and I felt iminedinte relief —a second application removed the pain entirely, mud I now feel like a Menial man. Some then I have slept wolf --polfletiling that 1 have not done for months, hong obliged to sit up all night or a chair. My appetite has returned. and I feel grateful to you fir the restore. lion of my health. CHARLES H. BASEL ToIiaCCOMPL CARROL Street, shins wo101), iien.nlq to . For sale Nt, ixtrolosele and road, at H. W. corner 431 XT Et and Streets, and at T. It. CALLENDERer. Co.'s. N. . carrier Third and Walnut etc asap ti WINER AND LIQUORS. fIARD.-31ArtEUIL—SUR—AY (011 AM - la?, JANUARY Rh 1859.—1 n consequence of the frequent Invitations received hr ins to renew Elia shipments id my Champagne Wines to the United ropmy, beg leave hereby to inform my forme , clialormiiii and the public in general. that 1 havn 4....umied Meson. F.C. lIROtT WEB, Arj.III.:/t, de CO,, Sole Agents in the P 1.10411. Mr the sale of my Olountano Wines. My Yi Ines have been in long ni, favorably known in tho Unitei States it will la ininecehmary to comment On their quality, fart her than to eay that may new •Rupitiontis will in nu way Ins found Inferior to thel...o'er 6nes. l Ol,l4drAll 17tAINON, 111I1MI/11a lIM,r.ION'e CRAM eni.NE WINES, talk IJA BIN IT and VERZENAY. for sale and con stantly tin hand. in lots to knit purchasers. by F. C. BROUWER, ANCIII.R, Co. of:7-Gin LI BEAVER Rti,4t, Now York. caaoa Batton tk. 1-./ at. Jaw) : a* do. St. Estephe ; 50() do. Washing ton Morton di. Julien; lOU do. do. 'Valen c e, pitds pu Chateau La Rose' 60 do. do. Loovdlo; Scotch Ale, in stone and glass; Y‘muser's, Harvey's, Falkirk Brown Bloat and London I'm ter, in store and Lir st , o cub A. ;MERINO. 140 Wiiot 4 er Misch ffaMil UItRAY 110US.t: i NIIWAIIK, OHIO, Iv the )crow{ and 'tae !lunged Hotel in central Ohio, It eqdr o l l f hinted nod Is eady of access Irom all the routeS 01 travel. It contains all the modern Improes mc nil, and e‘ery COMenlence lot the essykott nea xo coeleesisteni 04 the tutu oiling politic, r u e Steepithz 1100111* 410 tool well tennlated. The ttuttes of %Aqui are Well amused and carefully formsbed for families and hose travelling Parties; nod the tto ' ke% " ll be kept as in fi.t...elttsa Hotel in et eryewpeet. 11. A. 1111/RRAI BRO.. au2l•lin Proprietors. LL 110 USE, SAN SO 1 • t . lt reel west of smiti.—Tin. decent 6,11) hi mite pi leo ham.; been purchased In the utll heredftei he conducted on the most ettlerpriumt scale. The best Ilium, 0) niers. nod Refreshments. pie pat ed m the choicest stile owl the finest Liquors, die most Popular Import!iz houses. n1wa,..t,1 'the patrundge of the public is respeothitit is , ueii JOIN J. 1.3A11111A11. AP Priest! , Ijcs,ol4 for hWlTera, Atlatflitlon4. COlll - Hum , les, A e. till-lit TIIE UNION, Alt(tH hITII FAIT, ABOI'E THIRD. UPTON 8. .11t:WCHNIEH. The saltation 01 this 11(Yrtil, hupetwrlt' ntl . thletl 11l the wants 01 On Vsosinett4 Ruth.) liaise in .e.tOI of plaavoto. B.tvieueer WU'S, V. kirk stow rut, µlsl. a l In china piwikulty, oloap and pleit.t.tht rule ttt atarces lutetext to at nhout the Oily. IY 2.141111 MACHINERY AND IRON. SAMUEL V. MERRICK. J. VAl:unati MERRICK WILLIAM 11. MERRICK.. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON NT;tEETar. ~tk:rtt~~itik"~ ~~bxs, ENCINFIERS AND Manufacture High aid Low Pressure Ilteunt Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service, . - . Boilers Ussometers. Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or IIrMS. Iron Frame Roots for Uas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, ,te. • • Itetoita nod Ga s IdaehirierY of the 'Meat awl wool im proved oquarraoncta. r'r"tsl ilantatlon Ma 11 o.l.nery, each as Rttora,t, anti Lilt Alit 4, V4111103)1 Pana. °pea Stearn Traida, eleerktors. Filters, Pumping Emmert, ire. Sole Agorae for S. Rilltettays Patent Savor Bolling Apparatus; I l fatanytlt'a Patent &twit ilanuner • and Mattawan & lifolrtey's Patent Cantriftal Nagar drain ing Inaolone. au 11-1 DENTISTRY.—The improyeti sets of ARTIFICIAL TRETH, still manufarturod at 407 ARCH Strawy,, Philadelphia, be I. LUKENS, hi. IL. Ftwacia Iteuttat. Tlat Altrteral Fiala seta of 'loath Ara supersadin,K All plhas, pratcdpall) from the following reatouot 0 rare Norm! in bind In pt.,_e or Fold or Slyer, tor platen. making them ono-third Indite!, mad at thotote 11010 much, otrouger, their graatest J 1010104,9 ta w hsle tho 0011141101'0 ghruuldyn n' a] vault, thus perfectly rc. , t•• , - 114 tho analmalcal shalt° mot cordon, of the inotalt and tate. atm Ftywor 11,6 tAttel original expresno,o to the 11.alorek; tho) will stand bettor in set., u•e, and never get tun of repair; they aro rosponathly warranted for a Wotan° ' there are no elm-ices for the acounatotlation at particle, of food; they aro wholly !roe trout till gal rattle /11111011, and van produce p•apitation of the Wart, headaatto, Bore throat, neuralgia, or net Potts netts Ur. LUKENS' office , 907 ARCH street. Philadelphia; alnoiaad PIi.NINSYLVANIA Menne, IVashinct:..ii Pi C. c024-lin THORLEY'S FOOD roil. CATTLE, t..,pottekt (rein lilaglaud.) ror Ilorzas, Tood itl OOIROO101(11110 I, promoting nail all the AllitflOON and vigor. Vor Mitch Calws it in int aluable, in c reonina the quantity and 1111OlOVOIX LllO Oltftilfy of !MN For Sheen and Pixii the street produced au one mouth 111 eAceed tilt expectau:A. 'llia Mhll luuutt ccf tlits itto,d MAY be attended with n folly trait ttoh itt Otte r to the extant of one.thint,therel.o rendering Its hrPlientlon tete of economy, while at the same tuna It tuaterially nit:tints the tiintysti to p.. 0 ern of overt animal, it{ extrecting A tugs; p.,rtuue of nuunsh me front the ardinetr Vaxh x ltleh a ould °then% en he kW. euinsmititunt upon the Impaired cur dolcurClVO nettor of theme organs, Depot, arl DOCK igrect, td14.11,17 14111.AT1C1.13111A. I'IIINTON'S .ENCAUSTIO TILES for floors. Ornamental Chimney Tops fur cottages. Carden Vases and F'onntsins. Vitnfied Pipe for drams and NVater rondtpw.;Th Imported and for sale by Doll IR it nIAN4;IIESTER SCALES. iptssiAt . No. 21 North : 4 1xTit t 4 trect may be fonn.l soneral tissortinent . ClullY1`1.: it SC:AI.F. 4 PLATrb i r bolumANT •, It 1, Ahm, BAN , km() sa.mi. Alr,o, TItAcK SCALES fora /abut! nt abort no. lieu . All warranted to indl, ate standard v,04,/,,l,cn rate and durable. Tito style and of (hat ,ki.oVei sonde beat known by exationnti alb-thstain 0. IV. COl,lty'u CC, NEw AILANING E D ibra t i ng The Andrews Parcel, of 1.30, inatelong wet rs for New Bottrila. 1%4, Principle of .teat Hai tnc of Power. Machines id val at ue in zoo, 21 to 34.1 Inches wide, for Singh, a outdo 8111 . 14,4,1,u, auh or million!. Inltelong bench, for sale at No, 2d Not th PIATIi Street, Plida. and examine. sla tharn2in Of PO. IV, 001.11 V A 00. lii r kPANISII ()LIVES In pi hue order, loraah. I, uVI d,, MEOlN o ,l4oXottitt FKON SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY ? & CO. ? No. 429 MARK F.T STRRET. SALE O O F ED DRY GOODS. n To,d., Morning, Oct. itli, at tO of clunk, by catalogue, on 6 months' credtt— grino packagers owl lots of fluoy and staple imported ;Lai tlonleAle dry goody. 119" zyampled and catalogues early , on morning of sale. AUCTION NOTICE, LARUE SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE SALE BARONY DRESS GOODS, of the well-known menutheture runlet, la of MESSRS. C. F. SCHNEIDER S. CO. FURNESS, BRINLEY. & 4) MARKET STREET. will sell, on WEDNESDAY MORNING, October sth, OkO. at In o'dock, . • • AYE THO USAND GOODS PIECES SAXONY DRESS , entirely fresh goods, just landed by steamers lioruesia and New York. and consisting of -I,W° pieces double-width Union plaids. in very superior sty lee. among which will be found a large portion of small checks. GOO single-width di do. 2.t0a11.w00l plaids. in very superior quality, newest de mons. and beautiful assortments. COO basket styles Mame. double width. in superior at lee and ate.rtmenta—a very desirable assort ment. 250 do do single width. LW do ribbed and faconne favoritas—an en tirely new article. and very desirable. 2to pout do clievrea, in splendid assortments, superior poplin quality. 100 Bay ruler° Luz Las, cloth face, very desirable. WO excellent and heator quality lasting'. wills satin scrim, hiLtt lust red finign. and very scarce. 230 very heavy and high coat, brocaded Adeaas—a new Snide. ILO fifty inches wide demi lame and poll Weclist—im en tirely new article, with stripes running down, and in excellent ai.sortments. VA fifty inch (file laine roil de e l otat—annerior quality, excellent aasortinents, and very high cost. air The a slot a sale comprises the most excellent ea- Sortinent of Saxony dress voode ever uttered in this. market. and the attention of the trade 18 particularly requested. N. --It is the intention of the owners to sell every lot. PHILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET Street. and 621 MINOR Kireet. SALE OF CA RPET:f. On Tuesday Mormon, Oct. 4th, at EN o'clock precisely. will be Bahl, by cata logue, on 6 months errata, about 150 pieces of carpeting. comprising iro owes from the beet manufacturers, em- Mac Wag. In Daa— ps super6ne quality all-worsted and wool 4 4 ingrain earpotin.r. pa medium qualities do. ps nJ call filling do. pi 4-4, 3-1, and 6 8 damask woollen Vanatom do. pa 4 4 and 3-4 heavy list do. -- pa 4.4 and 3-tcrittue do. on 4.4 super quality rag ilo. 14 Catalogues on morning of sale. BALE OF 000 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. on Thursday Morning, October Gth, at 10 o'clock precisely, will tie Sala by eatatoyme, on tour months' credit, MU cases men's and Nays' boots, shoes, gaiters, broganc, slippers. overshoes, An.; ladies' and misses' boom gaiters. sboear ties. slippery, Jenny Lunde, overshoes, Ac. ' embracing a large and desirable assortment. suitable for the present trade. The early attention of buyers us invited, on the sale will be peremptory. NW Catalogues early on the morning of sale. SCOTT, Jr., AUCTION ERR, No. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Custg m House. between FOURTH and.FIFT Streeta k SALE OF WO LOTS ENIBROIDERIES, ijo - NNET AND TRIM HI NO tattliONS. Alt LL LSE HY GOODS. ir ER NtAN'YoWN 00u DS. Ac., Ste. On Wednesday N/ °flung, roct. Gth. I, ill be 4,0(1 by VOIAIOI/UP. on a credit. com mon-211,g at 100 elect, precisely, s 101 l sabrirtment of the a1y,.0 VIOLXI.I. a"?' Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. SHIPPING. yR PTHE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROVAL KAM STEAM- PROM THW TORE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Plumage.-- .130 Second Cabin l'ase:.•,o 76 PROM BOiTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage..— ~—................4110 Second Cabin Plumage.—. . —..— ill) The ships from Boston nail ittHalifax. M PERSIA, Capt. Judicial, CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Ca _pt. J. Stone. MERICA, Capt. millar, ASIA, Capt. G. Lott, NIAGARA . Capt. Anderson. AFRICA. Capt. h Shannon. EUROPA. Capt.). Leitch, These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; Preen on starboard law; red on port bow. ERSIA, Judkins, leaves N York, Wed nesday. Sept. Xi. A RAMA. Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 6. ASIA. hott, " N York, Wednesday, Oct. 12. CANADA. Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 11.. AFRICA, Shannon, " fl York, Wednesday, Oct. N;. EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Nov.g. PERSIA, Judkins. " N York, Wednasday, Nov. 9. AMERICA, Millar, '• Boston Wednesd ty, N0V.16, ASIA. Lott. " N York , Wednesday, Nov. 2.1. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The OVineifot these slops will not be accountable for Gold. Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals. unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. slO-tt New Yocg. FOIL T T H S E SOUT A I :I -CHARLFS - TONA EIGH V RENUCETEANISHIPS. Heavy Freight at an average of FIFTIES per gent. be low New York Sterunshio rates. FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE,. Cap tain Charles P. Alarshman, will Imo on Wednesday, 00.5 th, 0110 A. M. , • . . Through In 49 to tO hours, oaly SO hours at Sea. FOR SAVANNAH, Os. The U. B. Mail Steannilim *STATY_OF GEORGIA. Caps= John J.Ciarvin, will Alonday, October lu t ist 10 o'clock A. M. Through In 60 to 60 hours, 0011 48 ham at Bea. data changed from every Saturday to every five tos. Goods received, and Bilis of' Lading signed every tiay• splantlni fltst-class side-wheel Stsamakips KEY -81 ori k: STATE and s'rAT OF LOROIA now run as above every ten de.) e. thus forming a five-day commu nication wall Charleston and Savannah, and the Soak and Sou thweaL At both Charleston and Sitvenne..h, these &k con nect with steamers for Flonds, and with realroads. for all places In the SISgGRASI outh and Southwest. Fr:lithnil Insurance on s large proportion o/ Goods shit, South will be found to be lower Li ;base shis th i n b vesaals , the premium Lai4g one-half the rate. N. R—lnewenee on s.ll Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary. fattliar than Charleston or navannals, use - Railroad Companies talomi all risks from thtss points. (MEAT REDIXTION /N Fare by this route 26 to si) tar cent. cheaper than by the Inland Rome, an will be assn Or the (olbwing sche dule. Through tickets from hiladelebra via Charles ton and Savannah stemushl es. INIAUDING 1 4 4E4%480n ths whole runts, elate& Rook Chub:moo and Savan nah to tilontgotnery • tert.AND PM. 'lO 00 Charleston WS So hlarrinnalb......... IS tel Savannah.-- 21 a) Aureate. 1) 00 Ascots.. 23 03 21 00 Macon-- &176 w Atlanta-- 71 03 Cs/Imbue-- . 25 00 C,olumbus •4 W -. • 21 00 /Many .:ICr• Montsomery. 20 00 %I hlotele 26 ec Mcthij wAl New Orleans ... 52 711 6/ 00 No bills of lading signed idler the Chip bus sailed. For freight cc v . ...gue apply on board, at secondwharf above VILs &abet, or to Southwest sorrier FOO/r r ifl4 9 .Mil'F. Agents in Charleston T. ,11 - 1,-DD, .lavannah:litlNTElt tr . GA For Florida (row Charleston, steamer Calooll4l every Tuesday, elorola from Savannah. steamers St. Mara and St. J9bn'e. every Tuesdn, end Satur d ay. 1141 CILASiOW AND EW YOitK. QT4'AUNII 111 4. C0M PAN V N .-STEA M TO IIL LIVER • BELFAST, DUBLIN. AND L N l ' ONDENR "-Cur VB. PROM NRW 10111. tiLASOOW, Thompson, Wednesday, October IS, at 111 o•slo,h, noon. Cumming, WednesdaY,Oolober 26. as 12 o'clOCk, DOOR' Flax OLARSOV7. LASGOr Tbwepeon, Nitedneettay, September 14. Ertl:\ hi; k,utoottag, Wettiositity, , September 114tba o Passage from New York, Peiledelplor Sosiou, to Glasgow, Lt VC - POW. R0 1 13.t, Dublin, Or vi douderg, lint class. 478. 6tentare, fiaitml with en *- dance ot properly cooite4 p rovisions. ees. An experienrNl btirseon atisotieil to each warner. N. °hark; f..y meMeines. • I\.o trims ht or passage, apply to W9RICM. I ,I`I & CO., N 0 .113 WA.l.NCleiveet, Pt C ulades.b.tit. KOHERT ap3S-_tr _ N 0.2 BR OA DWA Y. New 1 ork. S. M. STEAMERS von AVE E AND SOUTHAMPTON. ARAGO, Cnytain Lines, will sail July n, September 17, November It FULTUINI. Captain Wotton, will nil August 20. Oato bet le. December 10. First Cabin • ,Reek,tl Cabin prise:we.— For freight or passage, ay ptY to WILLIAM NEILSON, Agent, At the Warehousing o,itilissity's ithilaatetohis Toh Witrohooss. DOCK Street. Phlln. 1.421.6ni NYASDING AND IRONING. •IVASIIINII AND IRONING DONE with NEATNESS and DESPATCH, far Single i ll - Ladish mei (Linemen. Families. Bolnlms Sleamboms, tr., at DONOVAN'S F..'lU,' LAUNDRY, No. Std Sietth SIXTH Street, ?rime. Famill Shine and Collars patent hoM neJ. Everything washed by hiuel, on the nom men wash-hoard, The whole busiesse DB einetly attended to by feMlllO <114640;00. DONOV.L.N, /10-4 9 up.. rt utio n t. iv i rAitmixci AND VENT 11, Al' INU WA R 1712 M A RR Pr St., Phi's. 11 I,Dll‘lOB OF ALL DESCH! YTIONS WARM ED AND YEN ii 'I BY CUL VEC'S NEP: GAS- VR N/A ti WARM-41R FLIRNACE, The slave Vurnace has now been to use during the suit two winters in this city. anti hew given univeraal sat ibiletion. The large heating euririee Wing direetif over the dame of the Rre, and the conical tubes, through who'll all the d relic pass. aro ao arranged as to consume the larzer part o f the gear+ from the coat. being en : men, of Cant Iron, with deep, Land iot»ts. Is now et !era to the nubile as the numb conoilete heating appa ratus non in thus market. C. Vl. Taint a practical mechanic, will community attend to all heating and t eu him ing, ALSO, Biv sixes of Cooking Romney, adopted for hotel and privato 1140. Collins' Patent Chummy Cape for yenta+, tvt,r and aura of sinoley chimneys, , etth a full toomort meat of Bowlers and Ventilators of aroma size and pattern , Fire-place Stove., troth lirillorm, Nor Jobbing promptly attended to. 011 AR. WILLIANI9, nu22-tuttur-31n Late BAIFR &, WILL lANI 9. molt Pitoov o b"r it 6 w DE VT I, x 7-1- EFFECTS OF MONELL'S AAIERICAN HAIR II EPA RATOR. 80PlOrlIber Zth. This in to rortifs that t was 1.41 for man) ) 0 n 47,4. and 11 WAS re0 0 11‘1• 1 11liell to trr tour irtepotettor and ovinc tooeliosil throe bottle,. uood it for throo months. N. b , ..r00w.1 inr Ivor to trim.. and although not quite as doe!.ns twt . ore, of it is tonotontlt grown), E. M. JONES. I=f2MMWM PHILADELPHIA. September =7th. liiq Mr. J. F. Mos FIL: Thar Sir—Sono Vane sitw.) Dip hau 0.110111011,11 inning 0000 much so. that 1 was. in bict. tearful 01 becionom tvild ; hut heanns of the won ,rinl pOO or of 'our Ittiparator, I was induced to but it bottle, end niter insult one-hAii o( top fist , not orlr ceased enniing out, but commence," trowin" finely, road hat 0 !ow .10 (41011 a pout of hair cos (. Or "ACC.ill EVANS, No. 511 Cher stiert. Foir sale. in T. 11. PFTERS y...,10 Agents, No, 7 hi e:sTNuT Street, Philadelphia. iiel 4 -nut 111 PR E PA RED TO RECEIVE ERh dew ripti mud POMOODO Conde, DIEIDIS 801VIILO linetlll..3 0(010 tool kramufacturera. no also the most approied and skilful operators. N.B.—All :modes finished with neatness and despatch Suit sit such PIICCS that deli campetion. Mina. NI. A. 8 4 11 ITII P.MAN, coruor a SI X 111 and 1 • \E• sl7 lux laiiiindry titre. i lici Lat tC, SM l'lll7 corner SECOND 4 and GREEN, have acquired a treat reputation by the wise and pnident cows° they have mimed since their commencement in business, by selling it first-rata emote 111.'0 1 10W BOXES WAN .1) sf} BOXES NV IN I OW,LAM—. The meet approved brands, Find oireve"4 Pie Ana quality required lor lily and country t;:00..4 vices asconimunglr tow. , ond poor & dIIITtI. Inot. Feint, tiki,iy,'Pond - Varnish Dealers, coiner SE4YOND i,411 KM Streets. 813 • . ON FEUTIONIAN X '1 'OPP Afil 001) .H o W DAR ILF.Daz, Lon , . 01 S. r k orl ring. Stare 8 . t.teil and NINTH streets. -Pm ilio.ory 014 Filbort pi reed _ et HA(!t sErrs , aikd ouns. Tn‘nufactnred in the sery 30.1 neweal Parts sty lee. and of n bleb Re c on..tantLe !Pt - 3 , a IC1) hits nSSGt Unent on hand. sold wholesale nu.) retan, St the 1. , ,V0Rt pos. - tide prices. Oilers Irarn nil pats n. tho emet SC s..neited, Ind promptl) attended Ako, I-lAIR Dy hr boper,..r t.. on , In time. M. HuT018: No. 12 TENI'II not 1.3. n• Between Nlerket snit Chestnnt 101 LEN. I'AS6II /RE. cuas-s No. 627 MARI:FA' Street, dealers in Ac ructultara I Implements and Seeds. eiolo lemon in Philadelphia for Pennock's re?ehratca Iron Ilar, enter. 1/%1. Imp upped Reaper and Nlownr, and 00 Rork -to Molnar lint Cutters, i;rhst Ji die; iilt, Straw, anti Ftnltlar Cutter , ; l'uOnn Mills, Sansagn - nlant. C111.:,:q4 and stunfer, a 1 EFIN El) SI 'I L 1 R - 51,11 h arr o s various - Xrad.,. LSd 11la Pro •Ited, kj fled and 1 . 011...10 . 3 turn r'+ by JAMES ORA If Aal .k. MON MAIM Sii#st. SALES BY AUCTION. M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. VI and ID SOUTH FOURTH STRlffirra (Formerly N 05.67 and 459.1 s rJeKs AND REAL ESTATE, TUESDAY NEXT, AON. Pamphlet ealll(Aues T irow SO ready. contiumn; full de scriptions of all the prop , crues to b re adn Tuesday neat. ith instant, at 12 o cluck, noon. tnrether with a lot of sales Ist. SM. 11th. Lich. and Zth October. ani of real estate at, private stle, comprising a very taro amount ci valuable property. CARD.—PUBLIC SALES REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS AT THE EXCHANGE. at Uo'cnocs, :coos Sales of real estate and stocks will hereafter be held a 12 o'clock Nous. instead of to the everting. FALL SALES STOCK AND REAL EsTATF. Sixth Fall Sale, tat October. on the prennses—redi dunce and furniture. No. 1019 Clinton street. Seventh Fall Sale, sth October, at the Eirbanxe. te7" Part of the handbills for exalt of Lae above sales now ready. BTOORR. !co. On I l nesdAY, Oct. 3d. at is &cloak, noon, at the Pluladelghla Ex change, will be sold -soraccout of whom it may Concern— chases Mount Morlah Ceaseless Company. I share Point Breeze Park Association. IS shares Northwest .Minin; Companz of Michigan. 5a2..10 second mortgage Se ripWilllattallOrt and Elmira Railroad Co. Is shares Commonwealth Bank—ez per share Pala. Season ticket Arch.street Theatre. SIXTH - FALL SALE—Ise OCTOBER. Trustees' PereiniitorLSalri—On the Precuthes. Estate 01 hurl T. NI. Pettit. deed. RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. Nu. 1 01YOLINTON STREET. This Mornins. Oct. Isk,at 10 o'clock, will be sold, without reserre.nn the premises. the well-built three-story buck residence. with Oaths-story back buildings, and sll modern c.c.. , ventences. No. 1019 Olustun street. tietween Tenth and Eleventh streets. Luz a/ Dr 10) leer. LP Sale absolute. Immediate DDsSt(B,OD. FURNITE'RE.—The furniture stilt be sold Imme diately after the house. SEVENTH FALL RALF-4 to OCTOBER, AT NOON Will include— VALUABLB BUSINESS LOCATION —SIX-story trick store and dwellmg, No, at North Yoluth etrees, between Rue and Vale. Peremptory ;ale—•• THE GIRARD FLOL - p. m1L1,8." —The t aluable property known as the Gpant FLOW th steam engine coal yard. K,,., :*ttnth 'treat • north of Popl ar . Lot as) 14 1.0) lee% with two !mat— ET Pale e °luta. TAVERN • NI) DWELLING.—Three-story brie:: tavern and dwellms..uthentt corner of Carpenter and Parker streets. between Fttth and Stith. with a three story honk dwellin s ;a the rear, on Parker greet, I Leta Sonthwark.l . To cap.t ~ . .sass, xe.—VALL'ABLE BUSINESS PRO VERT V . —Fmr-storr brolrn- at “n 1 brick No. .V 7 IVainut street. .111.1 bye-story brick 4rus.sttc, buildini, N 0.330 Hanuony street, betwata Third aria Fourth. MODERN RESIDENCE.— Pc.ur-etory brick rest Aesop. No.= North Toralfth street. shone Race. NttliTH MOM If St—Three-store brick dwathne. No. &It North Ft