PISOOVERTfO? X BAiT) 6r HMS^^h&ving;bjjfeasi(M to enter onhw promises on 'dtacbvered jtjiU itlifci been converted l£w tettdemba'/or band of young thieves, about lrt number, whose names were - enrolled id 6 book- found in tbe-b uiUUng. Thflia® -was Chief, A, J* TCiimeohtroaflnrpr,ll.: ,B* Sanborn. 1 * ,Tbn..boyateua.organteed appear, to have commenced obOrations wUhin a few days. On ' MindCy theboV-Wirinooh was loltoHrid abodt'thb . a lore' of MS.! ,Bavaeo. ’ and his ‘ wore found in the outbuilding, together'With four ported , monhales, and -other ar doles, whteh have ;been identified as the proper jy, of Mr. Savage.' isyS thus associated, are from ten tp,fourteen years of BgQ. .•" . iL> '‘ 1 f* -> 1 A’sEavANi binb dn Yoxfc xohbed her mistress of s3oo,,and then disappeared. 'She Was . hunted jut. by the police; who found ‘ that she had Invested largely in‘ silks, Balmorals, champion skirts, and jewelry. $lBO was- found in .her room. The girl oonfesled the iarobny< and pleaded an extenuation > that, dika Mrs. Flora Mo* Flimsey, she had nothing tcwear, aud hod resorted to this measure to recruit he* wardrobe,* /y-d ' j Agoßtocsfraad in th'elsate.of hay.lks been disooverod in Boston.;;The hay wmso'loaded thal e. person oonld or.wl intQ a hols loft near the hot* tom of tho oart, sni in this placet colored man, in the employ of thehav spocalator, was in tho habit of cOMeallnz ■ himself , while . the hay 1 was boing wotghod.V .Some. of'the pamhassts hava. pMd for . him a dosen times over. <. i- - ' . THEConciq.PKisK-Fioai.—Thegreatflght between Aaitrahan KeUy and NedPrioe comes off 0c' r lhttrsday, pbt6ber 0. near Buffalo, Y;«Price hi to be aeoodded By John Heenan, the Benicia Boy, ondt Kelly ny Harry Qribbin: and! Jem Mas* say* -To doss of time _fcnd= disputes lafithp a reieredis to be selected beforolaaving Buf- CHAiLESGE.--The: ; Zouave Cadets military corps of Chicago,‘Bli f to' whom/was" awarded the stand of oolort for superior drill feithe late National . Fairer chsUenge, any military bofps in the United Stetesor'Canada to drill. with;them for the eame ft challengeextends to the regular* army as Well aa tejthemuitia. i J 1 ; A Bby KtLLED nr;RuM,~At Cold Spring, New..Ybfk»'lteo'ently,aboyfslx.yeaw'old, was in r ducod, by the'kdeper ofa’drinking saloorf,'to drink 1 soma brandy, telling himi it was ciders The . boy. djank .so mmib that he died the; *ame,,night etatem'ent'is mine dir the author rity of the Kev. Mr.' Codung; of Cold Spring. ; Aa Das Rxoß’s circus ‘Company was on its Way, from Potmorroto Norris town, last.week, the wagons gst on a new-made road, and sunk la-up to - the axles.- -The horses wore-enable* te^moye’.tho -Yehiolet, when ,tho monster elephant was brought up ana lifted them out with, scarcely Ari apparent effort.-.-' 'V'• “• i ■ DkpArE tlio ropo- Walker.r.aitef his'wonderftd feats in other plaoes, has fetdrheiLte-Booheeter, NVY., and k mili wklk over bn histight-ropo . to-day and' one' of the days' .. . , _ One . hundfed and : iikty-eight; riifles of, the pacific Railroad in Missouri have bhezr'completed, aiam aggregate outlay of nearly $12,000,000. There are yet one huQdred’a'nd fourteen miles to build in order to complete' tho road hr Kansas oity. ; This ia to cost $7,000,000 more,- •r; y , . Ma. Joax Fine, aged,ninety-six years, and ‘ Miss Elisabeth' Harley, of Davidson county7N., C•, • 1 w etc manded-oirtho-Slattilt.; They walked eight miles to the residence'olVthe magistrate, and ijlcer tho oeremony.vygs,porform6d : Walk'<>d bafckU' JOHN* SkARHA } GdlQimxa Ot TEH MontW BAaL.X aEKVES, > rn . . •• ;* isTi£ii ;/ )iAao aVtHK KEECHAKTS’ BXCKAKOS, ekn*/U)XLPHL4.r: ■ fp Tuscarora, Bunlevy .-t. \ ..-.Liverpool; Oot 1 pfasther,Leslie ...i Janeiro.Octl rk island RcJ/ne, Jeffrey. i . <;. u - London i soon rk Deocy, Averilt;. u ; m .CArde&as odd Ba«ua, soon #r|K LIU Heed, Taso..^-.Bt Jagoue Cuba, soon Brifc Clara, Herdmafl ~ London, coon Hng Empire. Crowell;...-.. Kingston, Ja; soon nt\s AsnbKTnomas.,... iPortauflpiin* soon Br I* lria, PiercOi.. v* * 'S&goa la Qrande, sotm Bohr.w LBpnnkS) Buokaloo. '...m.r, f.: Havana,soon SAILING OW THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES, : sptm' ' v -J ■ „txATk‘ 'l >ba- - < days. New York;New-York. Bremen -..-. .i.. s Oct l Cof Baltimore. -New-York .Livarpool^W• •- * §ct 8 utascov. • > .Sew York.GlaLloW.'.’. Jl l2 - /TO ARRIVE. -'- ' ; fnnoo Albert;, .u Oalway; .New; LP***'* ; *§*ri it A5ia,...... ....Liverpool. .New York... ..Sept 17 Hwamonia, .»Boutharepton..Now York... ..... .. .Sept ja Fulton ..SoutSmpton..NeW Y0rk...........5ept ID Canada... ....'.'...Liverpool, .Boston..; .. .Sept 21 Greet xiMtern... .Holihced, .Portland Oct 30 Tbe California Mad sEeaftiefs sail from New York on theSteaudSOtliofeaoamonth. 1 '\j; v • • Tho Havana Steamers leave New York on the 2d, 7th, Iftk, I7tb.lnd J7tUolnach month, and Charleston, 8.0., oathe 4th and 19th. • • wben the date* fell on Sunday, the steamers Will eauoa'Mouday, except from New Orleans. ;;, INTEUIGENCfi. y.OHx vf 'fwiiigtM'HiA, a«,i. w r uiie, tS,« 18UM8ET8^.i ft -«« |1 . Beh, M>ty E dM, from Salem, Mass, intoJJlasfto captarn. ' /■ Sear C>ark> % days from Chesapeake City, witbsram to Cnristtan-fc Curran, v *' Briii OeorgeAmos, Nichols, from Boston. Br*4 Hprp, Rayaes. from Stomn^too. Bohr A Corderr, Alien, from Boston.- , Bciu W O Bartlett, .Connelir, from Boston. ; -;iiE r ? t S?Ji ,r wif i,lie /* •b® %**»»•' BcnrETSmitli,L«e,froraßoston.. .„ „ , . isifcffi.&ifeiar 10 ”- ■ ! i i BSS%Kr<««^ n ci» M w l oh. j '■ olbAxied.“ *'• « Steamship Fhinea* Sproftte, Matthews, Boston, Henry Winsor. . Steamship Boston, SeUev,JTew York. Jas AHderdio*. - ' Barfc,Anu Ehsat>oiM NorBi*ve,'4laV*na, Wm Ciuri* tctnftS » boa. Bark Bella, Ryder, Boston, Twelia k Co. Hh* Bt Clair, iLerdman. London, Workman k Co. fini Kajnw. Portland, Smmefteon k Olo vor. . mu U6Q Amos, Niohojs, Boston* • do Bru Anri ‘J.WjyHopkmk, Bangor. LAudennod k Co. Sofaf M.titit Punoemen, Wert Indies, Uaterbridge Johrb Feast, itaslanfcx. lYilmington, N.C, D.S Bret' |QA (g, CO, " Bohr Swan. Colllps, Charleston, Bhpatfl A Co. . Martha, Bixtet, Boston. M>We, Hammett k Caldwell; 1 > / ; • ° , r . ".- -- 0 . Bohr, Bartlett, Coonellr, Boston. fjo , &«"«&?»! Fp. ; Bohr Treasurer, Fisher, Boston, E A Corson k Cb. ‘ ’ Bchr Is&ao Rich, Smith, Boston, C A Heckstier Ic Co) Bebr A Cordenr, Alien, Boston, do Bohr Volant, r -i r too >' Bohr Mary £Binitb,«initti;«aiflm, i ' T -* I do I C Brooks, waffin, Portland, Kevins k Bear Baeo, Haler, Lynn.ilayea k Gbdshali. ' ia' n \ ' Bear Keptuns. Magee, Lynn.WH Brown. ‘ J ' < Btr 4 8 oimrer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Oiovts, J f. ; •;': „„ : w : -f m i *>* " H.braSohoch,lambartoCMS-Cadwslidor; lkUrr Sic & ilnry, do io M Trump Sc Boniw C Sampuiwdo , Wol.crton,- J A Mackny.do to Ssral Boltonot Co: nomy.coil to St Goorifcm- Robocca Ann,dp. to Goo nett.CbOMpflik, Citj;F Wonrick, B»ni(i Kditli. V . T Wi^;^“ l^^tew c u 'i; S o-t»: i ,Ta« Kingston leA here this morning with. 16 boats in tow, taden aud ooiiiuned asfollowat • < rlt Herford. flour to Humphreys, Hoffman Wright, F Fiispamek, ami .others; A J Rita.oom toßudd&Cotn yiDe&anoe. mm.toAFitmtrmk; Dauphinand York, (of LananSierjpigirpntp K/Biting k Bro: J JBogarr due; ml to- FrankfordJ J Smith, bark to Wlmlngtom Rambler and VV m Bdler. lumber to H Croskor? S-H ‘irurup Neobrah,and P R Flouts, do to M Trump U Sons; Extenuate, IVo Bisters, ami L'Aiiugle, coal to Delaware City- ;; ,-L' ; •; « (Coneipondenee or the Philadelphia Exchange.) _ .. _ fc CAPE ISLAND, Bept», 12 M. ‘ The steamship City ol w w York, and who*e name has not beefc ascertained, fire now spin* jn. ‘Tio* thingmrightoulwArtf bound. \vindNE. <■“ Ypuni# . THOS, U. HUGHES.; ' BTTXLWBATH TOTEEPBISS. _ , ’.'BOSTOI*,O6*I2S. , The ship Ocean Ciueen,-hence for Charleston, went aebor# last ni*ht os luce Point. I ‘ ' '*-'**•*••** ' ShipEoitna, Agry.lor .Liverpool, vent to sea from . Cbttrfc*tgo2iihia«t, ■ . Ship itocue,(of'Hath) Lowell, arrived at SUiTbomaa 1 15th met, With her car*o of coal on fire; They were try* iiiA to put it out with engines. . BUipAroole'. Krafts, ;from City Point’for Marseilles, wa*»p<’keaBdinit.,lat.4oS7,lon.22so.' Ship Htfriiir* Howland, sailed from Batavia July-21st for redan*, to t«ul tor New York st $3 M per ton; . BarfcrAu*?»Lyneh, for Philadelphia, was towed to sea from New Orleans l«h inti. 1 w . Sark AMsuierton,HendarBoa, for Richmond,cleared at Havana 2dth io«t. ■ . Bark Caiiada r _Mltcbell» which bad been chartered to load molasses for this Wft, Sailed troin Cardenas nth ipaL’tor tisstia. » Ain?9, was loading at Mntaguaijfth Bri*.Resolute,for this port, was loading at Jtt&ttmzai 'Brl'*’.CbloppeeiHoweSi lienea, a} Boston *Kh inst> l ttohri Jodae TontteyV Cottrell; * aeon, Hearse; pattUMt,Boatert Williams, Naylors John Price - , Bears 1 ,bli*a & Hebsocfi. Prion; John Walker, Fnrren; Adelaide, NnitK; :oi/l(iompaon t Lloyd; Julia Alina,, Hardm* iT Lake, Pculh F ted wards, Babcock; lady ■Batolkj.BskftrLJfWiiiiameon, Jr,-. WfnsmorejW R OeaD.Nrsj is TovmMnd, Williams, and J R.Moore, lo.erKUl.MflfleatßofitoniSth mat. ■ i .to • "Boars Joe MoCloskey.Btehbia*} TBenedictrOold* * \Wr HJobs, Jon?*, heinje at-Warren 24th last. . £ ’ ! Fwy vßliMard* from-Brandywine, Del,*) . £ i BcbxJHi'ianner.paseJi frornWilmingtonf N:C» sr mew JWste*#|i» fwt. l > -\ i PSSMd;Aoisr/Joir d,;(not 30th) Argonaut, Norton, '&&%%£, fflgfe Koag. - ,« ] FKKBH FROI T JARS. i Thcw who wish to avoid tho unolesnlineu at; ttjwspt dsotf*salhp* opTriUf, fftrty tb«se ofthTiM, Myli Jars with metal cover* ana cement. wiU be pleas? toljarß that the wholeopointion of Preserving can be w£vmf n xMorAßiyßmmm No. U North FIFTH Strait, ■> '£ ?-*3 otwns Doiwt. i Drills and sheetings fqr bxl jMIWI '-I * ; I*. -Ov: > 1 lSslfeffi' Sftaet. : j • .OOft-lT ‘ ■w.w>M».i,„ r h.,'i LADIES’ HAIR BRAIDS, , .FRIi SETTS, and CURLSi millsirfitcturW in theviri beatand neweatPane atylea. constantly keep a very large aiaortntont bn nai/d. Hold TVholeßr.le and retalljat the, Sweat. pjwfMaenaM. Ordorafrotn (Hearta of thcctnintr, aefiaitea/and promptly attended K Aao,inewH4JOO j anW- , fei^T’ f ' -■j Bflhreep Market and Chestnut, j ' f ot Peartpofc’i cftteb/fited --■ :;:vvae!t»«t; ,I|I%Na;ON'L^ONS.-^^ xeg M4|T f©S®®fflBBBMS* wjbwsb “*!ilHa ..UMtIOE; esiri- 1 Snutbing Hosm iti i-«i: - i.itsiOWLiWjASMßlJßjySß.ifcdol I '*F'*sxJi?i' i Y‘, WfMSoaUiWHAKVTSS. ,;*35 ,* *l 4fc*JA fJ’Jr-t \ " : XB«At WOTic’ES.' 1 1 TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY 4ND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA, w. Estate of CABOLINE B. THOMPSON, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle, and adjust the account! of LEWIS O. CASSIDY, Ad ministrator of the estate of CAROLINE B. THOMP SON, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the .hands of- the accountant, will.meet the parties • h n°^ PfP^^ I HENNEBSV.A U ,1,t0,. JN THE OQURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF I’HILADEL MARY A-GAPFF, l>y hlir 'noxt fi-iontl. &0., vs. RO BERT W. BAUFF, September T, 1858, No. 45. Sie Please take notice that the Court have granted a rule on the respondent Robert W. Gnun. m the ftl>ove case, to show cause why a divorce, a vinculo matrimo nii should not be decreed between the shove parlies, returnable the Bth:,dey of Oolober, A. D., 1869. at IQ o'olook A, M. Service of the said rule bfts failed on ncoount of the absence of the SAid respondent., , . .. ■, '■'’Veryreßppotrully.j,^,^ . , ■ . -Att’y for Libellant, W.Bapfk, Eospomleiß. rf .THE ,COURT;OF/COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL TILJIZABETH T.PENNOEK vii. HORATIO B. PEN NOCK, Jr. Sub. in Divorce. June T-,' 1859. No. IP. *On motion of P. r P. MORRIS, for Libellant, a rule had boon granted in the above case, returnable Ootober 15th, 1869, tosilow cause, why a divorce a.vinculo matrimonii should npt be decreed, j Personal service of notice of this rule, nnEinally returnable on the 2>th of September; 1869, having failed onaccount of the absenoe of respond ent, the CJourt have directed this publication. P; *3?HEaORPHANS’ court, for the CiTY"AND COt)NTY OF PHILADELPHtA. Estate of dAWUEL WEST, Deoeascd. (Intestate.) Estate of ANNA WEST, Deceased, (Testate.) The Auditor appointed by the Courtto audit, settle, and ad>ust the account of ELl_ K. PKIOL, Admim a - trator i. b.n. of.thd eatawoT SAMUEL WEBT, de ceased, aqd the account ofELIK. PRICE, Executor of tbol : .otwili, i eto.rof ANNA WEST. deperfsTtUafid tQ make distribution amone the next of km andlesalees, according to their rights in respect to both estates, tnkmg into view the distributions heretofore made among them by'said,Anna ,W6st.-«s ''Adm COURf FOR .THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.' " Estate of WILLIAM A. MARSHALL, Deceased. The Auditor appointed, by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the final account of WILLIAM R. LEJEE, Acting Executor’of the will of WILLIAM A. MAR SHALL. deceased, ana to make distribution of the balance in the hands of said aooountatjt, will meet the parties interested for,the purposes of ms appointment, on MONDAY, October 17th, 1&9 at 4 o’olock. T P. M.. at the office ot "WILLIAM A. LEJEE, 809 WALNUT Street, in the oity of Philadelphia. .. , 523-frmw6t- IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, ' Estate of WILLIAM A. MARSHALL, Deceased, The'Auditor appointed by the Court to A audit, settle, anil adjust the first and oulr acoouut of CHARLES LENNIO and WILLIAM R. LEJEE, Trustees, ap . pointed undertbp will,of WILLIAM A. MARSHALL, deceased, and to make distribution of tho balance in the hands of said Aooonntantr.wiU meet the parties in terested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY, October 17th, 1869, at 4 o’clock DM., at the office ofWILLIAM R. LEJEE, 309 WALNUT Street,, in the city of Philadelphia. - - • 523-irmw6t ,: SAVING FUNDS. OPRUfO. GARDEN SAVING FUND SO •>3 OIETY OJF PHILADELPHIA. ' ~ ~ .Offioe, No. SJI North THIRD Street TConeolidationßankßondiM.) CHARTERED BY T|E LEO|BLATUkE OFPBNN ; Deponuirooeirottin mra, of 008 Dollorand end repaid m Gold, -without notioe, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from tho dar ofdepo.it till with- A rSi,oi»iblA add toMMo Sovineo Inatitatioa hM lon, boon needed in the Northern part of tho oity. and The Spring Garden Bevmge Fund Spoiety” wae chartered by the Legislature of Peoniylyaniatoeupply thtoneoenity. The Managere. In' organictai and looabn, it, hnvo been governed wholly by a deiue. to aooomroodate the bns - neoo interns, end wanto of the »ery. large and entarpri- From,to,Xo’olook: also, on. Monday and Thoreday fronts anttlB o-oiook in the evening. ~i; -I ■ . Kiitionhs.; . • ■ FredorioV Kiett, Stephen Smith, John P. wvy. Hon. H. K. Strong, , DwlekUnderltofrer,. Frederiek Staoke, ,-Frnnoij Harti.i V , : JooephP;LoClero, John KeuUr, Jr., ‘ Gdorge Kneoht, •' > Son- Wml liillward, - f?s, r f &. Btt^^ lEgB .4l^pted. F L Francis Hast. Secretary. ia2o-tfif CAVING 4 TONP-FIVg PER CENT. IN ►5 TERBBT.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Btraftt,gquUjvest oorner of THIRD, Philaaelpbut ’ InooTporatedby us 6lata of Pennsylva **r,fhB offioe' is opstaerery day from 9 q’docVin the morning: till 4 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday till 8 o’clock. • Hon. HENRY L. BkNNER, President ROBERT SEtFRIDGE, Vice President William Secretary. . fyttSpTpß*. Hon. Honry I/. Banner, F. Cnrroll Brewiter, feAfr &ts&£S& Bfaarf.r, Money isreocivsdanA ptmsfcfß pade daily. Thpinvestraente are w***i w the prov&iojjs of the Charter, m.IUal Kiwto MortKacee, Ground Rents, and inch firet-olaw securities u will al this Institution, . atri-ir S" ‘ .AVIVO"‘ FUND.—UNITED STATES * TRUST C,ONPM«'iCS,7!B> third CHEST .I4urcO jams reo«iv^ r ondo- Offlaa bmiM.jfro?s#antU 5 .o’clock ©very day, and on B. CBAWt'oaD. AiiUte, hyi filter)* p» tkePurao.” KIK4NKLIN jSAVJNO. PIWW 1 No. ISS Booth'FOURTH, Street, tistveen dtaitnututd. Waljmt, PliiliS*l»hm, »tl Eo opos?to r fi T Moiroi by Goreromeiit . State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mortgages, s AfO. ,< -i- .1 -.i . ••• • -i.- ■; Z Vbjs Company deems safety better than large 5 prosts, consequently will ran no risk with deposi- « tors* money, fejt hare it at all times ready tore- £ Srn with 6 pec e«£j, interest to the owner, as » ey have always Uorf*. This Company never B married_or sihgtei'and Minora oan g deposit Iff their own right, and such deposits oan 9 Be wftwMWPJfi.T.by their consent. : ’ - % T Charter ‘lncorporated by the State a of Pennsylvania, wuh authority to. receive mo- £ "KMmm s ■ SUtitoreßß. . ■„•■ c Jacob B. Shannon* .©W Cadwallader, g &telo„, ' : MsfyUltt, | Jos. R. gatherthwalte, , tjpoyairo Blanchard, fk CC® B. President (jhrnu* Oadwallaskb',Treasurer. "A Dollar.s&vad. is twice earned. 9 BREAD 'pUEE AND CHEAt* BREAD, . ’ MANUFACTURED W THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN PS OBTAIXSD AT TUB FOLLOWING PLACES; MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. corner of Broad and „ , r .Vine streets. C.M. street, below H. Sixlii and JATHO 4: 50N,,:...*..; No, KM North Fifth street. B« No, 910 Spring Garden ■' street. JOHN G. MOXEY No. 1223 Vine afreet. T. No. 110 North Fifth street. JOHN 5M1TH...... «. E. earner Filth and W. W. MATHEWS, .S.IH. corner Eleventh and 0. KNIGHT Broad street, below Wal feaoA|E GARVIN—.— A, iomtard .trtot, D. COURTNEY W.. oomor SixU.nth Yr.M.CdURTNEy;...,;„-„ i 'N“" d »!i ,! °Bou°l! t, iVolll.,' street. B*R.^VANAMAKKR........»,Fe_d*irat.eireet, above Z. LENTZ—~ .Corner South Fourth and t t .1... " Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND— ——. .B..W.cornerSixteenth and DAVID SADDLER— Nof Eleventh J.WEIOHTMAN—— Eleventhand S. 8. TOMKINS. M Front H. BROOKS.— ——.6. corner of Seventh JANE ‘ MYER 3,.. .fc. .Coates etreat?lielow Thir teeuth street. • F. M. wood:—. _—^■ s '^;S , 4 r .Tte« l it* nl ‘ ll “ a " d F. MORRIB. —■ ■.N» W. yuruor, Tenth and - > r SbiftpettstreeU. E. B. TURNER. —* —..No. Jm -Sooth Front ■ * ■ ' -street. ’ 1 J.BHySTER..B. W. comer Broad and Parrish streets, THOS. T. BLEST—. Corner Nineteenth street « > /and Ridge avenue. 8.,5. «■.N. E. corner Ninth and '■* v •-• streets. • J. McINTYRE:;—.. —; ab. Gostes. AMiX. FtJt,I,ERTON,J-i- Corner of Fifth and Chris . . UftJU- ,• ! - J.L.H1CK&............. CauuJqn^ff. J,, store 119 0. H. RAINIER.—™. m«?plltaSoiphfa,Mlh«t, R. i. YARNELL.-.^-^^rmn'al 11 M * A JOHN,BA!tKD^.'.-~~ 1 and Pina GrorCj " ' penna. GEO; TOWNSEND. Penna M r MpOt^ES,..Atlantia City, N. J, D.HORTON....._™. Flerenoe, N. J, i;'k EBERtiEiN jjei-tf - Columbia, Pa. TIftiUHANIOAL BAKERY, S. W. Q omer -Al* BROAD And YINK Qtreeta.,PHILADELPHIA. Thi* eitoblijhmgnt is nowm succiessfuloperation.dny and nßßtWnd.All arereepectuiUj-Invltod to call andsee the whole process of bread-making for themselves,•«-. The underelgoml tekeß the- liberty of saving that A>r thirtr-nvoyAarShe Has beeifapraCtioaf Aker—five m apprentice, and five as journeyman in one of the first houses m Scotland. and' twenty-five, as master—during which time tie has n&Jthe opportunity of making many .?*5? T i* nBnta ’ all tjie improvements which have been msAedunng that period,, , r In this establishment; of wftfon Ee hssnow the man- Mpms«tnft;wa[Hon to tho complete labor-saving ma , ohmerjsbe has hup faqilUiesof many lands not hereto ' tote possesses. ' ■ ; ' Bdfrifc unrestrained in the purchase of flour.none but and ho hasnp VVmi?(e#in^ffih^e f ßrt(id bythe Meohanicill Baker/ has not been tried, orm which it has been tried only At its 6mraAticoni*htj before the machinery was ih perfect forking; order, Tespeolfplly asked to sive it ;ll|mTON’S . ENCAUSTIC.' lILES'Ior ■. - ImVo rud and in r 1 “4 water oonduoton. fehu tf ” .7,7 tmnrlt/KsWiiT l B?™iit, — ln,; bulk, jn ■ priiuO i 'iVi M»SonOt FRONT ptra.et,j INSURANCE COMPANIKS, company, ' ■ ESTABLISHED IN 1430, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, GLAS GOW, PHILADELPHIA. . ' ; CAPITAL. $(5,298,800. ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OF 91,000,000. Potioie. guamntifid’St tho unlimited liabllitiM o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. Losses promptly adjusted and paid without reference to London, by WILLIAM GETTY, AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES, OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA BANK, OHEBTNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, FH!t.AI>KLFHIA' REFERENCES. Messrs. STUART-& BROTHER* IS Bank Street. “ MYERS, CLAGHORN, & CO., 833 Market st. " WM.MoKEE tc C0.,22 South Front street. " MdCUTCHEN & COLLINS, S. W. oorner Front and New streets. “ SMITH, WILLIAMS, k CO., 813 Market it. “ JAMES GRAHAM k CO., 20 and 81 Letitia it. JOSEPH B. MITCHELL, E«q., Preiident Meohanioe’ Bank. JAMES DUNLAP, Esq., President Union Bank. Hon. WILLIAM A. PORTER, 023 Walnut street, late * " ' Judge Supreme Court. Jyg-tath&e tf Life insurance and trust com- IPANY.-THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeaet oorner or THIRD and D INSUR r is t LI/EB e for fhfwhole term of dife-sranit annuities and endowments-purchases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Guardians. TRUSTEES. tsmelL. Miller, - Samuel (LStoke*, • enjamin Cofitek, • 1 William Martin, tphard S. Newbold, James B. MoFarland, William T. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, Samuel C. Huey. Theophitus Paulding. grtes HaUoweii, ' Edmund A. Sourer, ry C. Townsend. psmel L. Hvtohinsoi, olphus Kent, John W. Hornor, UamH. Carr, EllisS. Aroheft P. V.Daflow, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M:Rasin, , John G. Brenner, * :' 1 ; ; SAMLTE. STOKES, Vioe Pres’t John W. Hobnob. Secretary. ■ aulB-ly THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 408 WALNUT Street CHAPTER PERPETUAL, CAPITAL - 8200,000 BURPLUB 150,000 FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND INSURANCE. , Fire insurance, limited and perpetual, on Buildings and Merchandise of all descriptions. Mpnae Insurance, inland and Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World. OFFICERS, GEORGE H. HART, President, E. P. ROSS, Vice President. H. R. COGGBHALL. Secretary. 8. H.BUTLER, Ass’t Secretary. George H. Hart. E. P. JRoss, A. C. Cnttell, Foster 8. Pertans ( Samuel Jones. M. D„ Howard jetre and marine insu- RANCE COMPANY, No. 418 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. , John 0. James, H. H. ShilUnuford* A. J. Buoknor, C. E. Spangler, John W» Seaton, H. ii.jlouitOD, William Kaigue!. Win. H. Leva, Edwin Bpptlii Charles F. Norton# John Garrison, isaao Myer, E. B. Warne. President-THOMAB L. LUDERS. Vioo Presidont-E. 8. WARNE. Seoretarr -CII ARLES A. BUY. de!s American fire insurance co.. INCORPORATED UIO—CHARTER PERPET UAL . t ‘ No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a targe p&id-UP Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Fort and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property, All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECIOBS. , , John T. Lewis, James R. Campbell, Edmund G. Dutilh, Ghaa. W. Poultntf y, Israel Morris. GEORGE ABBOTT, President THOMLABR. MARIS. Boorotwr,. jalt-ly If George Abbott. John welsh, Samuel C. Morton* Patnok Brad*, Delaware mutual safety in BURANCE COMPANY. INCORPOR4TKD BY THE LEGISLATURE OP BENNSYL VA NJA, MS*. OFFICE S, E. CORNER THIRf) AND WALNUT M A iflW’ ?*B S Url'N 0E ON VESSELS, J CARGO. > To all parts of the World. I 'INLAND INSURANCE On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carnage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwellms Houses, ko. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November!, 1668, Par, Maristt Vatue, $103,060, Philadelphia City 8 & cent. L0an....#106,144 00 MS «»« #20,000, NcriJt Pefaptylvnhin RaiJroad Mcrt ai■ fiM 9JJOOW #10,000,800 shares stock Genhantown Qas Company, interest and principal guarantied by the city of Phila delphia... 14,930 00 $8,000,100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company 4,887 00 #0,000,100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company 880 00 #l,BOO, Sundry shcfcn Philadelphia loe vannah Steam Navigation Com pa&y'&ndPbModelphm Exchange Company™ ™ 9,030 00 ' sel7-ly Mottm.i.,.*,! San! K.lnte.or-*’ 11 '' 1 ” 03 fiee 8ui1ding.......... 71A63 35 Bills receivable for Insurances made......... W Balance due at Ma- > fine Policies recently issued-and other aqhtg.dSbtoCimPTiiy....sl,23B 1 ffu?. M™? c “ m ?l' j rs oo c«b ah' ltepfMdVin ■! \ll :‘.Uj~, , 9SW ro William Martin, James C. Hand, Joseph H. Sent, *Thenphi!us Paulding* Edmund A. Bouder* James Trnquair, John C. Davis, wiUinm Eyre, Jr»* John R. Penrose, J.F.Peniatnn, gecrge 0. Leiper, Joshua I\ Eyre, Eawald Darlington* SarouelK. Stoke*, Pr. B. M. lidlfuiß, Henry Sloan, WUham C. Ludwig, James B. M’Farland, Hugh Craig." • Thomss 0, Hand, fipencer M'llvalne, Robert Barton, Charles KoHy, John B.Reinple, Pittsb’g, E, Jones Brooke, D.T. Morgan, • m . Xae&uP, Jones, J. T. Loran, * “ WILLIAM MARTIN, President. TTPiuntr t vt HAND, Vioe President. HENRY LYLBUftN. pperet»yy. mb2s-dtf THE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE IKSU RANGE COMPANY _OV I>im.AT)KLPHIA, „ 409 WALNUT STREET. This Company insures againtt Loss or Damage by Fire on Public and Private Buildines, Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally. The following provision m:tbe Polioies of this Oom ?at!eraf Uaraßtl6B tliei,B6oUnty w «6u assigned as col- This policy shall not be invalidated, or in any wise Sfieoted. after its assignment hs a collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage, and the approval of suoh As signment by the office, by any transferor conveyance of the mortgaged of the same.” ’aul T. Jpnes. Jeremiah M. Brooks, ohnHuiins, Robert Clarko, ~ aaao a, Wajc/msa, David Salomon, Sdward Q. James, wiUi&m Yandorveer* feHrains, WW' PAUL T. JONES. Presid n* ' WM.VANDERVEER* Vioe President Ou.RVBT B. Btbrt.iwo. BflnrStftrr mv7-tf FAMP INSUIJANPP COMPANY, No. ,11 CHESTNUT SIICM, Wtl’WWfflL INCORPORATED STATE Of. CONFINED TO PmS7.fP INI/AND RISKS. DIHKCTOKO! ■ BAMUEI. WeioiiT of Wniht, Bio»., k 80. William W. Waltsb., Willwm Ryrtn k 00. Chablrs Ricuabdbok..' j, Q. Howe A 00, Qbobqk A. west. west; Fobes. & Lloyd. Rabclay Lipriscon._ Lippinoott, Hunter. A Soott, Jacob W.Stoot. Clufre.l, Stout, tc Co. Hbkry Lbwh, Jr Lo wit, Bros., k Co. David B. Bikmbv Davi. k Birne,. JoBK W.Evebma.v..„ John W. Everman k Co. Thomas 8. Mahtih..... Savaito k Mnrtin. Pro... W li/LIAMS I. bI/ANUHAHI). SoQ.y. au,-u INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA IUNE INSUHANOE-No. 4 EXCHANGE BUlLD lrivoi 18SS«7 e 446fiJS&' Cftpstal ® 2po ’ o “ A « ,U ' January 1, AUlnYested m sound andav&ilaUe seourities—con tlonT^r” 0 ' faSI pL\»UOH f WILLIAM J*WAN, tfaa CJHIOKERING & SONS, WAREROOMB 807 CHESTNUT STREET. o Pt ß^AL^*K r .^ a »L ( Jj; i WL*^o k °f our BEAUTIFUL f^t -°^ B s medals.^ RAVEN, BACON, * Oo.'a, *J ln r iv ?! re '-l MBLODEONB and HAR MONIUMB, so desirable lor Churches and Leoture and Melodeops to Rent mrU-Iy SEVENTH and CHESTNU*r. g£3£3pf A . GREAT IMPROVEJIENT IN n # i f»PIANOS. 1021 CHESTNUT itreei. the muiio* loving public to oal) and examine their new and suo* oessful improvement— ' ' %1B PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Aotion of the Grand Pmno into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding allthe objectiops generally mode to the style of Grand Piano, plso diminishing the eost of the esme! Id volume, purity oftone, great power. bnUianoy, full ness, depth, Anucvenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy and sweetness.these SUPERIOR AND IN are wholly unscualled. They hkVeroqoived the highest encomiums, and are pronounced by critics to be far su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this oountrr. r . Constantly On hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS, Wo have lieen awardod the First at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in-, ,n 1119 Cr, t' i ’ a,K °.l?fr KSUQAK-HOUSE MOLASSES.—ISO hhd ß .. JAMES GRAHAM & CO., t.KTTTU Rfrait MESS SHAD—Nos. 1 and 2 a prime article,inetoreand R»r sale by »«4» ' ' 1M Solwh WHARFS TUTE ROPE, CORDS, &c.—A very supc of No, Xf N, WATER and a N. DELAWARE Av,± THE UIiESSa—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER roßs. E. W. Bailey, Andrew R. Chambers, Charles G. Imlay* H. R. Coggshalf, Hon. H. m. Fuller. aul DIRECTORS, PIANOS. EDUCATIONAL* (POATESVILLE: SEMINARY, Choker County, Pa.— I This Institution is acknowledged, by all who havo had Sons, Daughters, or Wards in it, to ’bo ono of the most thorough and practical of Schools mourooTOW. A. M„ e29-3t* __________ Principal, A— Tikrioan school institute: Fanulios, Schools, and Colleges, supplied with competent Teachers, for any Department; anil Teach ers with positions. Parents gratuitously supplied with school circulars. , , . ~ __ Refer to Facullv Amherst College, Mow/,} Dr. Lowell Mason; Mason Brothers; lion. iheu. ProUughujson, LL.D.: Hon. John 0* Riven. bt al, Ulj,U " itou*Jouug/ MITJr WOOi)MAN< A co 31G BROADWAY, Now York, ami so2B-6m CW UlthbfM 1* Street, Philadelphia. English and classical hoard ing SCHOOL FOR BOVS, MOUNT JOV, Lau caster County, Pr> The Winter Session of fivo months commence* on the Ist of November. For oiroular. call at 009 CHESTNUT street; or, address the Principul. H. L. MOORE. s3O-mwflm WHITE HALL ACADEMY, THREE TT MILKS WEST OF .HARRISBURG, Fa.-Tlio 18lh Seim-Annußlßesslonwill commence on MONDAY, the 7th of November, uext. The attention of Parents nnd UuaTdians is invited. The location is pleasant, the course of instruction extensive, npd the terms inode rate. Good city references *Kiven. The Principal can he seenotery afternoon at the UNION HOTEL from the 10th till the 14th of October, inclusive. For Oirou larsaddross • D. DhNLINGER, se2Mm* Harrisburg, Pa. Broad-street institute for YOUNG LADIES has reopened its Fall Session. For terms and particulars, apply to Mrs B P. COOKE* Principal, No. 841 BROAD Street, below Poplar. sSI-lßt* Law department—university O F PENNSYLVANIA. A Terra of this Institution will onmmenee ou MON DAY, October Sd. Ibe subjeots of the different courses ° r ffon. GEORGE SHARSWOOD—** Persons, Personal Property, and Meroantdo Law.” Prof. P. McCALk-“ Evidenoa.” Prof. E. SPENCER MILLER—** Equity Jurispru dence.” The Introductory Lecture will be delivered on FRI DAY EVENING, Sept 80th, at B o’clock P. M.,bj the Hon. GEORGE SHARSWOOD. alfi-(lt30 M“ USIO. —A". R. TAYLOR,' Teacher of Singing and Piano, 676 North TWELFTH Btreet, below Coateß. sl3-lm* HUSTON'S WRITING ACADEMY, M2A S. E. oorner EIGHTH and RANSOM Streets, Open daily from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. To Gentlemen a rapid and elegant business hand is imparted. To Ladies a neat And graceful epistolary sty le. Classes Private, Cards written, and every de sonption of Penmanship noatly executed. si3-3m MESDAMES CIIEGARAY AND D’HER xf JL VILLY’S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, No. 1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame reapeotfully informs her S riends nnd the public in gonoral. that iuuependently of er Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her niooe, Mme. PREvOST, in NEW YORK, sh" in tends, in oonqeotion with her nieoe, Mme. D’HER- ViLI'Y, opening in PHILADELPHIA nn Institution on preoisely the same plan as the one above mentioned. Tne Pnnoipals will answer applications and receive visiters on and after the 12th day of September, nnu the Softool will opdn on the 15 f h. au3l-lm* HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO.. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the residence of his father. Professor Allen, No. 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street. s5-lm SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS.N.E. cor. EIGHTH ano BUTTONWOOD Streets.—Resumes duties MON DAY, September oth. Number limited; all pupils un der tho immediate care of the Principal; the govern ment is that of purely “morn! suasionreports sent to parents weekly; tho Moral, Intellectual, and Physioal Education of Boys will be oarofully aud oonsoienttously attended to. Catalogues gratuitously at the Academy, or 459 North Eighth street. au2s-8w , F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. PRICE-STREET ACADEMY, . GERMANTOWN. PHILADELPHIA. QEORQE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. The Pall Term of this Institution oommenoet Septem ber 6th, 1869. The course of instruotion comprises all the branches of a thorough English Education, totethor with the Latin. Greek, and Frenoh Languages. auZMf THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEE BE’S Boarding and Day Sohool for Young Ladies, 1703 WALNUT Btreet, reopens WEDNESDAY, Sep ember 7th. aui*2m RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY—N- E. cor ner of CHEBTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, entranoe on Eighteenth Btreet. The noxt Session wil commonoe SEPTEMBER FIFTH. 18W. LUCIUS BARROWS. I s3-lm JOHN H. WKSTCOTT.f Frincipals, A LLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, J% FRANKFORD, PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. The oourse of instruction in thiß Sohool is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents aijd Guardians who intent to place theif daughters or wards at this Institution wil do well to make immediate application to . »3-tf Pri&afitnd^uipsrln^Sent. Bryant & stratton’s national MERCANTILE COLLEGKB, located at Phila delphia, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHEBTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For in formation. aall or send for Catalogim CENTRAL INSTITUTE, N. W. CORNER of TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will be reopened MONDAY, September 0 Boyspreiarod fur any DIVISION m the PUBLIC GRAMMAR SCHOOLS, for BUSINESS, or for COLLEGE, aua-flw* 11. O.McOulfiK. A, M.. Principal. HfBJI. BARTON’S ITJL 1) 04 UDI yf! Aten The Winter Term will open op the teoond MONDAY in September. Young Ladies received of any age—and taughr whatever pertains to a thorough Education. French spoken in the family. For Circulars and par ticuiars. apply as above. augl-DWACaI-cw E EDWARD TIIORBECKE, No. 1407 LO i OUST Street, begs to inform Ms pupils and the public that he has resumed his instruction on the Piano. At home daily at 2 o'clock. , sft-mwi'Jt CT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUST Street, west of Sixteenth, will. D. V„ re fcpbn Ou MOND AY, September I2tb, at 9A. M . • AppijcatiMUffcr adriiiicion, if mode liel'ore the begin mds of the lekqi* Shmild thernnoiMl. . . h ANDREWS'JdARfIIS.A.M., auio-wfim-tf fpqf RaOH Street. MBS. GERTRUDE J. GARY will resume the duties of her School, as usual, on MONDAY, September 12th. Northwest corner SPRUCE and JU- Nn’EK. s7-wfin-lin* UASf'ING. MAZARD'S DANCING ACADEMY, N. 11. cornarof ARCH anil BROA D Bt*.~Mr. IIAZARD. Pans, ntid well Known in this city as having had (he largest and most fsshionablo Dancing Aouiomy for many years, i.aalhe honor to inform bis former patrons rnd thepubhc that he hasremrntd.u Ihi«oitr,and will open a U zincing Academy at the place aik'VvHkaiiiad. on MONDAY, the of Beptomoer. Mr. If? will also ♦e»ch clftssos In schools and private fainiUos. Mr. H’a style ci plain, easy, and graceful, andean lie acquired m'aslidrt tlwC. An easy and graceful de- DiSrlwe'nt.'AßWoll AS a pwfeci kttowmdge of iho present Spfdafteing', soch i» (Jtino intjid viryboatso. ,'wllj ’btfjmparjodAt ortoe to }bs ieliolara. and no Harnihg fiM ft§pa atui dnlicqs that are out of faiih«QU‘ PQr iQrfjjj. ftfymofy, Qto.,nuply at the hall. 1 |eU-3m STOVES. jh- STOVES! S-TOVES! ! £*& JAMES SPEAR, No. 111(3 MARKET STREET, li now p/opareri to meet tlio wants of tha pobhn more completely in all the details q|' tho Store trade than any other establishment in rhitndoipma. in proof of whioh he ' • The- following are atnosg lus own popular Inventions, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation as surpassing in tztellenu and economy any other Improved Gftft-burmiig Ccosiugßtcun nckiiowlodgeil to be the ftiriaturly use in-the wond, ' JAMEB BPKAR is the Fatcijtee ot tlto colebratecl Qa« consuming .Cooking Range, now rapidly coining ‘lißlSflfMs ig the Pntentoe i)f the Improved Sil ver’s Air-D*bt Gaq-conßdjmngllarmr JAMES SPEAR m iho Inventor of tho Improved (Patentod) Ornamental Stove Urn. which from its beauty and utility]s likely, this season, tobeunivor * j/MEI?BFi2AR is the Patentee or the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing ran. JAMES SPKARistlio Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Ra'lway-car Heater. FornJJ of thp above the Inventor very justly claims aovantageswhichrequiro but tv lx» understood by the publio to be universally appreciated and preferred to any otherarticlosof thatc'aßs in tho market; and he yflufd hereby extend aonrdiai mvitation to all persons in w*nt of hw/es to call and oxnimne for theuiHotrea. i'arties wishing to examine Will every attention shown them, whether intendmg mimediatnly to pur olmse or not. >22-3m CHARLES JONES, Vp*3Q& Nortli SECOND Street. (Successor to A. dBBR v. ’Oaliaghsr.* would respeotfully oall the atten '—-t tion’ of'thoae desuing to his extensive assortment of Cooking, Heating, aiul Paiibr ;|oves. 1 hnve purchased the exclusive’righrto'tho rttobl salts *7it[Ttp(tirs, in Philadelphia, of G&Jlughers Celohratod “ Mpriungfitar” and '‘ounrise” Gas-Purmpg Cooking Btovo».ye|l knewp tzad Faiwepgor Station. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, ami intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 7.10 A. M., and 2 P. M.. CO dueqtly through. Tickets Westward may bo obtained at the ollioo of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers ou the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers. gaL Fare always as low as any other Route. The completion of the Wesiorn connection* of the PeQiisTP'Biim Railroad to Chicago, make this the bIRECT LINE BETWEEN THfe EABT AND THE GREAT NORTHWEBT. Tho connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding ml draraue or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling FU FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freights of all descriptions oan l>e for warded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or. Missouri, by Rail road direot. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on,tho Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Misouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Red Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Ohioagd, with Steamers to all ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. u THE RATES Of HIkIGHT to nny.Pmnt in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are At all times as favora ble ns are charged by other Railroad Companies. BV Be particular to mark packages “ via Penna. Rail road? , . , _ Merchants in the West ordering goods from the East, will do well to direct them to be shipped by this Route; For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com ,“l‘ D. A. STEWART, Pltulmr*: Doyle A Co.,SteubonvilletO.; H.B.Pierce A Co., Zanes vilfe, 0.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, 0.; R. McNeely,Mays nlle, Ky.» Ormsby & Cropper, Poriomouth, O.; Paddock & Co., Joflersonville, Indiana; 11. tv. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, 0.: Athena A Hihbert, Cincinnati, O.: R, C. Meld rum, MAdison, Ind;; William Bingham, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O’Riley k Co., Evansville, 1 Ind.; H. W. Gra ham k Co., Cairo, HI.; R. F. Bass, 8t Irf»Uis,Mo.; John H. Harris, Naahyijle, Harris & Hunt. Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke A Co., Chicago, III.; W. H. 11. Koonts, Alton, libsMufV'hy A Wale, Dubuque, II.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. Parties attending to their Own shipments from the East, will find it tb ntoreaJp cMUn tho Agopfepf the, Company, at the following fifaceg before chipping l or letters addressed tp either of them on the subject of reights. wilLnieet with prompt attention: 5. J. BNEEDKR, Philadelphia. fIAGRAW k KOOnS, 80 North street, Baltimore, 'IISS i 8&: sl -’ TIIOS. A. SCOTT, Uen’l Bup’t, Altoona. Fl vA%/oT syL - For EASTON, On ivnd nltor MON DAY, Mar lets, i"S9, I’acssneer Tram.wßLleayeFfi.NT a ni J lit/oiSW, Hli lAceiplun, DAILY, (faumHya exceptou:) l For Bothlehom. Allentown, Mhuoh Chunk, Wilkes- Imrre, Hiizelton, Ac., (Express,) at9.SO A. hi. For Bethlehem, (Express,) at 4 }\ M. For Uojiasuiwß, ( A-M.nod For Fort Washington. (Accommodation,) at 3.13 P. M. iml 0.20 P. M. r * ‘THAWS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem, (Express,) at i A. M. and 4.10 P. M, Leave Uoylestown, (Accommodation,) at eJo A. M. and 4 I*. M. Leave Fort Washington, < Accommodation,) at 6.30 A, M. and 3.35 P. M. nL ., , , r ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, Tor Dovlestown, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Doyloatown. for J'hiiada., at 6.30 A. M. and 6.45 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, $1.60; to Mauoh Chunk, $2.60: to baatop, f}.fo| to Jhnlostown, 80 cents; to Wilkcsbarre, ATpassenKer 'PfRiH* (excepc bonaay Trams,) con nectot Berkji street with F«nh andjhxth-etrceta, and Second and 1 hird-jireeia PAatemrer Railroads. Passengers for Wilkesbarro take 9.30 A. hi. Train, and arrive in Wilkesbarre at 7 P. M. mvlg ELLIS CLARK, Agent. A J * 'OHAMG OF HOPBH. On and after Boot. 4th, 1859. the trajne vu| leave Phi- IndoiDhta, from the Station, ft. K. comer of EIfJH. rKWPft and MARKET BtroeU.at 7.l&und 9.30*. M.. and at 2.30 ami 6.45 1\ M. . ’ u l A»!?i;"P V ’& ,t 9 be 5 1 S r A fr ?lJ! ,, ' , . S l' ,io "' ®» EAST \lAttllbT e.itand 9.30, A. M.,0n(l ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia nf 8 A. M.,and i r. M. Leave Cheeper at A. M., And 6P. M, ' •» General Superintendent. UQTIUE..-.CUJOS TJOR fiKCTgggwWBS valley iuilrOad-pah- SKNUKIt TRAINSFDR POwtyNGTOWN AND IN rERMKDI ATK RTA'I’IOS/^.—On Jind’ftfter Ist January, 1869, tho FtissengerTrain? lur DOWNIfIG'iOWJy, will •tart from the Pawengor Depot of the Phikdolphm anil Heading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and VINK Blreet*. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, leave* at 7.30 AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leave* at 1,(6 1\ M, 1)A11A (Sunday* excepted. i By order of the Board of Manager* of tho Philadelphia ami Reading Railroad Company. J3O W. H. McILHENNV. Beeretarr. On and after September Ist, and until further notice, trains for Atlautio City leave ViNK-Btreet Wharf daily* {M'liday* excoptcd.) ' * amHt 'mmmmswh- RxproM Train'. « «. M. Mail. 44 nrr< „ 4p M & * 80 * ™ ttcd Trip Ticket*, good Froigfu must bedoiivared at Cooper'* Point by 1 P. M. Tho Company will pot be responsible for any goodsun m received mm reoeiptedfor by their Freight Agent at the Point. JOHN 0. BRYANT. Agent PHILADELPHIA AND C®ELMIRA RAILROAD I.INE I;NNSYI7vaKIA RAILROAD CO.MTaNY aro ROAD: Lock Haven, Lewietmrg, tWa> ne, Northumberland, raey Shore* Buobury, aden, Trevorlon Intersection, •wbiiry, Ojfflrxatttyn, Iter- Watsontpvtt, Ycr#, Miliun, AL jS«o»«r Junciloti. RA?CfioH’ Wl411,1 '»«•"»»*• Mint. on HANOVER AU Kpott; to Fr.lghl lf«erabiira, Carlisle, Konhury, Ac. AFTERNOON 9 V ' M “ «*•* POTTSVILLK and At 4.15 P.M., DAILY, (B.unday«exoepted,)for READ ING, and intermediate points. W. H. McILHENNY. Soorptarr. Pini,AnKi,pniA. gf,r- MANTOWN AND NORRIS. TOWNTa if. lIOAD-SUMMKR ARRANGEMENTS- Ou and alter Monday, Mnv Oth. IBS9, until further uotibe. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia fl, 7,8, tfX*, mm*. W, U, 13, A. an. 4, 5. 6iL«.). 8. b, Id, nnd P. M. Leavo Gurmantowu O. V. 7>,',8.8G, 9,19,11, A. M., U9£, 1, 2,3, 4,6, C, 6>i, 7E, 8. 9,10), P.M. ‘ UN SUNDAYS. Philadelphia 9.96 mm, A. M.,2,3,6.7?{, lOh* Leave Ooriiiantown 140 ml». A. M.*,140 mln., 4, B>L and9>4 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Philadelphia 0, 8,8)i, 11 A. M„ 3,3 X, 4,6 e, 9, n teave Chestnut Hill 7 10, 7.40, 84 0, 9.40, 11.(8 A. M„ 12.40,3.19, 6. <0, 7.1 J. 8 4*l 19 10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leavo Philadelphia 9 95 mm. A. M., 2,5, nnd 7U P. M. Chestnut Hill 7.69 A. M., 12.60, 640, and 8,65 .FOR CONSUOROCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leavo Philadelphia 0.8.08 min., 10 06, min., 11>» A. M„ 1.05 mm.. 3.05 mm., I)i, Hi , OK. IU, I*. M. Lome Nurruluwn 6.7.», 11 A. if., 1, 31,', 6, 7>j, P. M. «... ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9A. M.. Sand 4 P. M, Leave Norristown 7 A. M.. 1 and 6 P. M. , FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia C, 7.06 nun., BC6 min., 9B'i 1006 min., lIS A. M., i.nA mm.,2,05 nun., 3.96 min., 4ft, 614* 6H, 8, lib P. M, Leave ManaynnkfitLTE.Sif.SM.lOK. ID.' A. M., E*. 3.05 mill., 4,6, m, 8. 906 nun I'. M. . ~ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. U.,3.»J 1 M. Leave Mann> unk 7, l s A. M.. D*. 6'?.«'» P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, m>7 DEPOT, NINTH nnd GREEN Streets. 80, . 1559. IUUiUQAD LINES. 1859. Mm 1859 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT-NEW VORK LINEB, TIIE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO'B LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES, XJIOM WALNUJ-STBSBT WHARF, ' n m lento as follows, viz s PARES, At 6A. M., via Camden amt Amboy, Cam. & Aui. Accommodation . .. „ $3 25 At 6 A. hi., via Camden aud Jeraey City, (New . Jorsoj JAccsmunodation j 25 At 9 A.M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning man 300 A MI. A VV ‘ b > Steamboat, viaTecony and jersey » ?U OTntn *. Lxdiosb s oo At 21 . hi., i m camuen aud Amboy, C. A A. Ex- A L 3/ vV',';; M -i'l , L^ lca, ? W - '**» Tacouy'and JeV l* en o} s MP'OW* 300 2!i ) . V M Ste,1 'r ,^i! Hl, Vl& Tacony and Jer- • M., via Lamden and Jersey City Evening Vltt Camden tt **d jersey City',Night * * ~ _„ „ . n , 2d Class Ticket lan AtfiP. hi., viaCamdenand Amboy, Accommodation. ( Freight and Passenger>-lot Class Ticket. 2 25 mi , n »r »r it* 2d Class Ticket 175 The 6P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The il Night Mail, Saturdays excepted. ’ 1 i? I U llerd » 15 “ ton » Flemington, Ao.,at 9 A.M, and 3H l. At. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkesbarre. Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 6 A. M., via Delaware Lackawanna, nnd Western Railroad. For Freehold, at6A. hi. andSP. M. For Mount Holly, &t6and9A. hi., and 2*{,4>£ ) and 6 WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 3>S and 4 }» P. M., from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmyra, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ac., at 1 and Hi P. M. Steamboat John Neitson. for Taoony at 11 A. M.. and for Bordentown and intermediate plaoes at 3J$ P. hi. Steamboat Trenton, for Tacony at 8H A. M.,and for antUrP lu^ lngtoD * intermediate places, at 12 M, Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger. 1 assongers are prohibited from taking anything as bar zage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to bo paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and wilt not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, exoept by special oontroot. Jun *L WM. H. OAT7.MER. Agent. NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH. MOUNT JOY ANT) I.ANPA9 TKR RAILROAD COMPANY* JU1 ' A " u DANCAS , PinL.ti(:LHnA,s«p.miibcr34,im Thu BonrJ nf Director. lieve THIS DAY declared a Jl'.'V, t "J 111 P 1 ! vl ‘!*”! i . orPIVEPKR CENT, clear of . tato "ax. onthe Capital Stock of the Company, payable to tlie Rtookholders or their legal renresentativus 4 on and after WEDNESDAY , the sth day of October next nt their othoe. No. 2J4 South THIRD Street. Pennsylvania Railroad Building. GEORGE TABER. Treasurer 0 Fp I (1K 0F TiIF RECEn f JER OF TJIR i’A'F.AWiSSA. WILLIAMSPORT. AND N0.309 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Septemlier 33, laKh-NOTICEt-The sub scriber hereby gives notice to all whom it may con corn, that he has boen duly appointed by the Supremo Court of Pennsylvania •• Receiver of the Realand Per- Bonnl Property of the Catawissa. Williams port. am) Lno Railroad Company, and of all the pro perty, privileges, franchises, and powers on winen all I'liSn.lhit the mortgages named in a certain bill in equity, filed on the 21st instant, are a hen, or which are covered thereby.” Thn subscriber, as Receiver, u authorised by the order ol the Court to run and operate the road of the above-named company, and such other roada e* the said corporation has fieretofore run. and exero'so the Huthontv and franchises of said company,and to em ploy such persons and make such payments and dis bursements as may be needluland poperm so doing. Ho is also, among other powers granted, specifically authorized, to pay ail the sums now due and maturing to the employees of the said railroad, and ** the amounts duo and maturing, and to arise and mature, for materi als and supplies about the operation, and for the use of said railroad. All persons having business relating thereto will, tnerelore. please apply 10 the subscriber, at his Office. se24-stuth 6t WM. D. LEWIS, Receiver. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN. AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. NfNTH and GREEtf Btreets, Philadelphia, Sept. 18th, 1559. * • Hoard of Managers at their Meeting on the 6»h mst. declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock for the six months ending the 31st mat., benMd lo Stockholders, on and alter MON DAY , the 3d oT Qctobar next, Transfer will not bo made for ten days after the 22d instant. W. 8. WILSON, sl7-stutht3oo Troasurgr. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL *- .HOAD COMPANY. Officß 227 South FOURTH Street, Piiiladrlpuu, Sept. 20th, 1359. To avoid the holders of Coupons of this Company, due on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this Office on or before the 30th instant, when receipts will be given, and Checks will be ready for delivery on the Ist proximo, m exohnn»e foraaiu rec ®, lp i a ,\ a. BRADFORD, »2Ldl3p Treasurer. NOTICE to CONSIGNEES—The 2s£«£ Bf)ip PHnMDELpiIIA, Captain Pool, from Li verpool, is pqw read/ to discharge at RACE Street Wharf. Consignees will please s*nd thoir permits on board. All goods not permitted in five da> B will be sent to Pulr hcetpre. 6?i-5t THOB. RICHARDSON & CO. CFECIAIi NOTlCE.—Dealers in Good- Vr JPfttent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids, webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by combining fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the united Btates. Merchants ami dealers are invited to ex amine spooimens now m store, and to give their orders embraoe ali the Kyles heretofore' manufactured or im ported, and numrbthers. ALaO. UCEt/sBS TO MANUFACTURE a ¥ J SELL PENNSYLV'-XnTa’s TA te" agiucuiT 38th. 39th, and Wth days of September next. On the Is! °t S 9 P‘? lT ? b ? r ; tho Wecretary will remove to the Rooms oflhe Philadelphia Sneietv for the promotion of Agricul uire, No flail CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, where Books of Entry for the Exhibition will bo opened. Letters addressed to the Secretary, at Harrisburg, to John McGowbh, Philailelphm, or Chablks K. Enolb, Buatleton, will meet with nttnntmnti]| Ist of Bentember. n tftMontJT. o DAVID TAGGART, President. A. O. HEIBTER, Bec*y. • aulo-w&a-tse24D2flto3() [VOTIOE. —Persons having business with EOT ,, itlict?ib?wij^gWf o'o'clook'tnd 1 ! i’-. M.'HlklTk Jel7 s Flour Inspeotor. MEDICINAL. A NOTHER PROOF OF TIIE WONDER -BaVV$ 1 ' W'“W NEURALGIA h\ f . F- hoveUoen troupe, with the 1 NEURALGIA 1 ’ for thp last 14 year*, an< have suffered tjie most excruciating pain, oompellmg me at time* to give up my buiineu entirely. I could no eat, and fleepwa* a stranger to my ere*. ledtferoc ir,nre thni tp-giies o*n UH. rhad the asfvnoe aid of varum* phyfriomui, and bled o;h9T remedie*, but all o no avail. Havmg noticed yohr advertisement m the paper*. I oopclpdeq to call on a person whom I had learned was otired of a case of 2D year* standing. He applied the h-.it lW.i&S»aiate relief—a second appucatlna removed the pain entirely, and I nowfaeilike.adiHerent men. Since then 1 have Slept well-sqmelhing that i have not tfune for months, being obliged to sit ue all mght in a chair. My appetite ha* returned, and I feel grateful to you for the restora tion of my health. CHARLES H. BAKER, Tobacconist, CARROL Street, above W’o6d, Kenßington. For sale, wholesale and retail, at 8. W. corner SIXTH am\ PARhISH Street., and at T, R- CALLEaNDKR 4 Co.’s. N. W. oorner Third and Walnut sta. anaa.;' WINES AND LXQUOKs. MAREUIL-SyH-AY (UHAM-- V' # PAGS(EB JANUARY J 6, 1860.—1 n cocspauenceol tno frequent invitation* received by tne to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wine* to the United Btate*, 1 beg leave hereby tp inform my fonnet customers and Umtod State?, fur the sale of mi Cuawpagße Wines. Aly \\ mas have been *9 lons R«d favorably known in the united state*, it will ne unnecessary to oomment on their quality, further than to pay that my new shipment* will in no way be found inferior to the former ones. BILLEGART SALMO^% IL CHAMP^NE LI WI?fES, both CABINET and VERBENAY, for sale ana con stantly on hand, in lots to suit purchasers, by _ . F. C. BROUWER, ANCHER, k CO., ap27-6m 61 BEAVER Street. New YorlL f^LAHET. —100 cases Barton & Gucstier’a St. Julien; 300 do. Bt. Estophe; 360 do. Washing ton Morton St. Julien; 100 do. do. Talence, pints; 5) ao. Chateau La Rose: 60 do. do. Leoville {Scotch Ale, m Stone and glass; Younger’s,Harvey’s.Falkirk Brown tout and London Porter, in store and for sale by au« MERINO. 140 South FRONT Street. HOTELS. jy|UJBR4Y IiOUS?, lithe largest and Daat arranged l?cnefin an(l Accea* frmji nil the routes uf travel. itcanUmaall the modern tmprove meqt*, and every convenience for the ooinfort nnd ao oommpuntinn of tho travelling public. The Sleeping Rooms are large and well ventilated. The Suites ol Rooms are well arranged and carefully furnished for families and laue travelling parties : and the Route will be kept as a first-class lintel in every resnoct. H. A. MURRAY A BRO., au2i-3m Proprietors. WETUEIULL HOUSE, SANS O M Street west of Bixth.—Tbisdesorveihy favorite place having been purchased by the underfiigr.od, tofu hereafter be conducted on the moat qiGfttp\tat{w scale, beat Game, Qystqnr, 1 add R'affishijient*, prepared in the oMioeftMyle; ain) the finest Liquors, from the [host popular importing houses, alwaj* on hand. The patronage of the public n respectfully invited , „ JOHN J. BARTRAM. aSr Private Rooms for Suppers, Arbitrations. Com mittecs, Societies. &e. * sID-liu nPHE UNION, •*. ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, _ PHILADELPHIA, .UPTON 8. NEWGpMEIIT The iitnafion of thU HOTEL i* superiorly adapted to the wants ol the Businoss Public t anuto those tn search of pleasure, Passenger Railroads,which now run past, ood. in close pfcximity, afford a cheap and pleasant ride tn all plana* of intAraqt tn nr annpt the mtv. it 33-am MACHINERY AND IRON, SAmueL v.Mßanicg, j, VAD9HAN liasaici. COUTHWASSf'ftliflHitr K 3 • FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTHEETB, PJULAPIttPKIAt MERRICK k S6NS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Prepsure Btesm Enime*. for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac. j Casting* ofall kinds, either Iron or Buss. Iron Frame Roofs for Qu Work*, Work Bhopa, Rail road Stations, Ao. P ,svWoS."tl , G ct? o S“ hinMT ofthe ‘«« l <*<* Machinery, such as fiSWj *k*U Cfriwt Vaciium Pans, Open Steam «,?f« a^. TB ’w ! Pun.plng Engines, Ao. Bole Agent* for N. ftlueux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth'* Patent Steam Hammer: ann iag P MachiM * Patent fiuKc, Drain- DENTISTRY.—Tho improved sets of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, still manufactured nt 907 ARCH Btrcet, Philadelphia, by I. LUKKNS, M.D.. Burgeon Dentist. the iMinoral Plate sets of Teetli are ruporsoding a|l others, prucipally from the following reasons: Pure mineral is U-eJ 19 plate of t old or Bilver, lor plat-’*, nmgtU't ,th®in one-third lighter, and nttho same time much stronger, ns their greatest thickness is where the (,uins have shrunken Aivay moro. thus iiorfectly restor ing the anatomical shape and contour of the mouth and fnce, and givine the exact original expression to the feature* ;tli«y will starivl better m service, and never yotoutol repair; (hey are responsibly warranted fora lifetime: there are m> crevices forttioaccummutation of particlosol fond; they are wholly free trom nil gal vanic action, and can no*er produce palpitation of the heart, headache, sore throat, neuralgia, or nervous- B, ir! LUK KNH 1 nlßoe, M 7 AKCII .trPrl, Fliilntlolphin: also 536 PENNSYLVANIA A\enuc, Washington, D. C. seJMm ’S CLOTHING—Latest Styles groat variety. Patterns always on hand, m RAffE Street, first door above Eighth. *27 at* THORLEY j 8 LOoD FOR CATTLE, “ (As Imported from England.) For Horses, this fooit i* indispensable i_ promoting and sudamm* all the ainuia ibnctions i® health and Vigor. For Milch Cowsit is invaluable, in o rea*ing the quantity and improving tho quality of nulk For Sheep nnd Pigs the effoot produced in one month ill exoeod alLawMation. ti # The addition of this food may be attended with t sul>- tractinn olotherfood.tothe extontofone-third. thereby rendormg application one of economy, while at the suno tiuio it matenuili assist*; the dueah\c r«>wcr*oi every animal, in extr icting a larger of nourish ment from the ordunrv tnod, whichumihi ntherwise be Inst,consequent upon the impaired nr d''i><-tt'-e .1, tior ol thoseorgans. Depot, iujck sX7-tno7 PHILADELPHIA, &AJUEB BY AUCTIQN. SOURNESS, BRIN LEY, & CO., *■ ~ No. 429 MARKET STREET 3ALE THIS (FRIDAY) MORNING, SEPTEMBER , to, AT 10 O’CLOCK. Our sale of 400 lots of French goods will commence this morning, at 10 o clock, on 6 months credit, in winch win os, tounu a very handsome assortment for present “ NOT OK.-.T„H, t »i, en! . PR7.NOH MF.RINOS BILKS. SHAWLS, Ac. Hula thi, morning will bo found— -600 piece, 7-, fino to .npernne FrOnch colored men. noe. *jl a celebreted manufacture. “'■“ sv JaK"‘ tBJra, ' m '’ h l "’ aT ! r Llaok fro, do Rhino, end 800 niece, norr.ljlefonoT drew ,ill,, many of irhioh just landed from steamer rarsi*. 3 1 000 Fans Stella wool square and loot shnvln 200 Pans bUck Thibet square and lo2f - Velour Ottoman, printed Cashmeres, ribbons, e«un torpanes, scarfs, flowers, black lace veils, corsets, Ac. SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. Tins Morning, Bept. 30th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on six months credit— -500 lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. FINE PLAID WOOL LONG for city trade, _ - This Morning, 300 extra fihe all-wool plaid long shawls. 250 ) 1 4 a -wool p aid square shawjs. 2UO H 4 all-wool plaid basket shawls, _ ... CHECKS 2 cases London printed Cashmeres. 1 case Loneon silk mohair checks.* MERINOS-SEMPER IDEM BRAND. •ftA ■ This Morning, 600 pieces assorted qaalmes select colored merinos, celebrated semper idem brand. »«wr»»o«, «« • r p A RIf J DRESS SILKS. MO pieces fancy dress silks consisting of- New style plaid and ombre poult de soie. New style chene poult de soie. Now sty le droguet lane® poult de soie. New style plain poult de soie. New sty le Bayadere poult de soie. New style black gros de toar. New style black Bayaderes. —l2-4 fine black Thibetshawls. —l2-4 printed and broche border Stella lUai, PARIS ARTIFICIAL FLOWERa-fiffi?®%>r the . importation. 100 cartons noh Parts artificial flowers WHITE COUNTERPANES AND 9 EGYPTIAN 1U W LB. Also, 10 4.11-4, and: 12-4 heavy white counterpanes. patent white Egyptian towels. AUCTION NOTICE. LARGE SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE BALE op p , BAXONY DRESS GOODS, of the well-known manuiacture and style of ME SRS. C. F. SCHNEIDER k CO. FURNESS, BRTNLEY, k CO., 129 MARKET RTREF.’T, will sell, on WEDNESDAY MORNINU, Oolohor Sth, 1859, nt )0 o’clock, FIVE THOUSAND PIECES SAXONS' DRESS 4 , , , , GOODS, entirely frcih goods, just landed, by steamers Borussia and New \ ork, and consisting o.— IJAN) pieces double-width Union plaids, m very superior styles, among ehich will be found ft large portion of smalt checks. 500 single-width . do do. 250 all-wool plaid*, in \ery superior quality, newest de si-Hs, and beautiful assortments. 500 U-uket style* Ebrtnos. double width, in superior styles aua an.rtments—a very desirable aiaort ment. ~ jdo. . , Bingle width. ww t do ribbed and faconne favoritae—an en nr, tire y new artie p. and ver/ desirable. da chevres, m splendid assortmenta, superior poplin qualj.y. 12? ® a y n d or « Luztas, cloth fhoo, very desirable. 100 excellent and heavr quality iastinga, with aatm . stripes, huh lustreu finiiii, and very scarce. 250 very heavy and high cost, brocaded Ade.iaa—ft new nr jele. 150 fifty inches wide dsmi lame and poll d’eclat-an en tirely new article, wita stripes running down, and .in egcelteni assortments. 150 fifty inch fine lame pojl de e’clat—superior quality, __excellent assortments, *nd very high cost. • l he above sale compnses the most excellent as sortment of Saxony dress goods ever offe.ed m this market, and the attention of the trade is particularly requested. . 3 is the intention of the owners to sell every Philip ford auctioneer, no, 530 MARKET Btreet. and 591 MTNOR Slreet. SALE OF CARPETS. _ , On Tuesday Morning. Oct. 4th,, at 10)4 o’clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue, on 6 months credit, about 150 pieces of oarpeting, comprising invoices from the best manufacturers, em bracing, in pari— — pa superfine quality all-worsted and wool 4-4 ingrain carpeting. ps medium qualities do. ps ad wool filling do. ps 4-4,3-4. ami 6 6 damask woollen Venetian do, ps 4 4 and 3 4 heavy hat do. ps 4-4 aud 3-4 cottage do.’ bs4 4 super quality rag do. IST Catalogues on morning of tale. BALE OF SHOW. October Gth, at 10 o’clook precisely, wifi be sold by catalogue, on four months’ oredit, 600 cases men’s and boys' boo?*,, qhoßi, gaiters, brogaas, slippers, overshoes, Ac.; ladies and miner boots, gaiters, shoes, ties! supper*, Jenny Linds, overshoes, ko., embracing a large anddesirable aasoiftment. suitable for the present trade. The early attention of buyers it invited, at the salewrtl be peremptory, sw* CaUlogueB early on the morning of sale. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, NoTi3i « CHESTNUT BTREET, oroCita tb, Ottttcm Houae. between 7 OURTH aud Street.. SHIPPUiQ. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN A OVAL MAIL STEAM «v • TOXX TO I.IVIXPOOL* Chief aim Becond» PLI f W UWWOOI. Chief CaVw Vkwage sno Second Cabin Passage.... w .The ships trom Boston call at Halifax. £0 ' ?«^4W9. ap V J y < tt a, » , » iCANADATCapt.Lang, ** AlttAßl/k* Osoti J. Sup#, AMEjUcL capu Millar, NIAGARA. Shannon ! EUROPa. Caps. J. Leitcfa, These veueTt carry a clear white light at nu«t-hMork, Wednesday, Oct.2S. pppsi/’i Soston, Wednesday. Nov.*. a A U \y i i l i ia ' i NYork,Wednesday, Nov. 9. Millar, * Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 1(* A d A ,i ° t j York, Wednesday, Nqv.r Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. K. CLavARD,4 Bowling Green. ,10 '» New York. FOR the soutu—ohakles- J ~^ T %^G^\ A M|?' EAMSHIPB - FreiKht at an ayera*q of vfiTiin Mr oeot. be low New iork Bteami»hißrste«. m , „ „ EOH OtfXILLEaTON. 8. C. * ThftU. 8. fyail St* anutW KEYSTON fc STATU, Cap- Oct n aFhf»tis A/M if,tl ' I‘,n,vni 1 ‘ ,n,vni *“ * MIO3 kadnaalar, Througk in «I»M hour,. «*« hour, at Baa. f.T'ia U. S. Mill StaamiKjp'Sß're’oF GEORGIA, Thionjth m 83 to Ml hour,, on!, <9 hour, at Saa. a-™onu*'U)'a onanged from ev.rv SatunUj to ever, fiva day,. Good* raoaived, and Ladihj .'snaii every (I&t. si At both Charleston and Bavannah,these Ships eon ?»vt with steiyraers for Florida, ami with railroads, Ao«. for all places in the Bouth and Southwest. 1 _ j T INSURANCE ;hfr r M than hr smUnj retula, Uua ,remmtn bet;* «fl-TS>nSe Railroad «inW ~hf rni, b „v&. r «% e ?i!.° s q^nhafe^h^ dole. Throne!, tU,ta frcofWiV.TBS “ISI ton and &tvh„i>ah>faaa. F.PINBLROH, Cummins, Wednesday, October W, at IS a dock, noou* . .... r»OM 6U«GOW. a Thompscm. Wednesday, September 14. hIUMJI KGH, Cummins, »V ednesday, September 23. Rates of Passage ffom New York, Philadelphia, of Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Lon donderry, first class, 875. Steerage, found with an Abun dance of properly cooked provisions, (j3O. An experienced Surgeon attaohW to fctoh steamer. No charge for medicines. For freight or passage, apply to No, IjS WALNUT No. O BR&DWAY. fiew York, u. S. M. STEAMERS „ HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAGO. Captain Lines, will sail July S 3, September 17. November 12. FULTON, Captain Wotton, mil ami August 90, Octo ber la, December IQ. First Cabin passage . »UQ Second Cabin parage-... , yj For frQight or passage, apply to L • WILLIAM NETLS'iN, Agent, At the Warehousing Company’s Philadelphia Office, Tobacco Warehouse. DOCK Street, Phlla. jeS3-sra WASHING AND IRONING. WASHING AND IBONING DONE *• PJ mth NEATNESS and DESPATCH, for Bmjle „ . , Ladios and Gentlemeu, Families. Boardio* JfhffJ;., Ifoto «, sjoftmboata. Ac., at DONOVAN’S FAMILY LAUNDRY. No. 233 South SIXTH Street, corner of Prune. Family Shirts and Collars patent por.shed., Everything washed by hand, on the com mon waah-bosra. The whole.businees Is strictly attended to bj fkmala TifORE PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL RF^AR\To£ B ° K MONKLL ’ S AMERICAN lIAIR Philadelphia, September27th IS55> This is to certify that I was bald for many years, and wus recommended to try your Reparator; and having procured three tattles, mod it for throe months, which has caused my hair to grow, ftnd although not unite as thick na before, yet it is constantly growing. M M. JONEB, No. 33 Nortli Third street. *» r p September 27th, is®. Mr. J. r. Movkll. Dear Sir— Some lime since my h.ir comm, need InlUnß out. so much so. that [ i luot, enrlul of becoumis bnld; but hoarins of tho win- POW* r nf loft Ropurutor, 1,-yR. induced to buy n iMltlo..anil after using one-halt ol it my hair not onlv roftsod coming out. but commenced trowing finely,°and I have now as thick a suit of hair as ever I had r JACOB EVANS, rKOllEsT’tfMi in* miLM >, l T Street, Philadelphia. BC'S-6m | A.M PREPARED TtrSEGEIYETiVEitY Of Family and Domestic Gooils. bavin* Sewing Machines of the t*ost manufacturers. as nUothe most approxed ami skiliul operators N^.U.—All articles Gnishod with neatness and despatch nna at such prices that rief> cotnpetion. , „ MiesM. A SMITHhMAN. . S. E. corner of SIXTH and PRUNE, lm Laundry utfk-o. yriEULEK .V, SMITH, corner SECOND ■*-* and GREEN, have acquired iv sreat reputation by the wise and prudent course they have pursued since theircoiiimonoementin business, by selling ft first-rate article ntalowfimiro. ei3-tf 1 AOII DUXES AMERICAN AND XUjUUUfRENCII WIN! OW GLASS—The most approved brands, and ol every site and quality required ioreity and.ountry trado.at prices astonishinffvlow. Send your orders to AIEGIiLR tc SMITH, flnijr. Paint. Glass, and V&rmsh Dealer*, cornor SECOND and GREEN Stream. * *l3 tf PUKE CONFECTIONERY, suNUpACTtmnn bt EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Late of S. Heiirion. 9te*f 8. W. corneT ARCH and NINTH streets. • Srn < Fartorx Kl 4 Filtart street. I ITAMS! HAMS! HAMS! ~~ XA J ll. t received » prim, lot new suenr-eured Ham,, b) cent, per pound. CIIAS. SMITH. auJllm* ,13 and SIS MARKET Slrelt l SALKS BY AUCTION. M THOMAS A SONS. • Not. 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET 4 Formerly Nos. 87 and 0.) CARD.-TUBUp JjALES REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS AT THE EXCHANGE, at U o’clocx. kooa Sales of real estate and stocks wifi hereafter te held a 12 o’clock kook, InatAArt of in the evening. PALL BALES STOCK AND REAL ESTATE Sixth Fall Sale, Ist October, on the precrueee—resi- dence and furniture, No. 1( , 19 Clinton street. Seventh Fall Sale. 4th October, at the Exchange. •QT Fart of the handhills for each ol the anova saUe now ready. STOCKS, Ac. On Tuesday, Oct, 3d. at li o’plock, noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change, will be sold— For account of whom it may eonoers — 4 shares Mount Moriah Cemetery Company. L l re Breexe Park Aaaoctatxon. » Dlorthwrest AXlainc Company of Michitiß. _ ♦.72-10 second mortgageScnpWilnanrsportand Eintira nail road bo. SIXTH FALL SALE-Ist OCTOBER. rruilM. Fenmotoir lb. FrenUM. RFJiIDENCE AXtl Vi^Re!'no!uu'CLlNTON _ »OnBatutdqj Morning, th. at H b’clock^.will bo«>ld,nwri«.on ,h 0 f.ll-bailt ihres-.lotr brick rwdeooo. yitb tkr.o-.torr b«k hnUii.>.ul i'l toSSTb to to* - 7:1 1 nto a EtrMt. bot-r^nTentb .troeta. Lot 20 6r 100 foeL dmj *° a S WUiMta^ U ' SALE- ‘ th OCTOBER, AT NOON. , BUSINESS LOCATION -Sir-.torr L n^o,'c o B.i«d Vm, 118 ' N ° Sl ‘ Nw,h ro* n h«r*S. Peremptory GIRARD FLOUR MILLS.** atm. J l 'L aaUe Property known aa the Girard Floor Svift’M »;•*» en.ine. coal yard. Ac.. Ninth ttreef, ,f WJ •*> Iron “- DWELLING.—' brick «? £ L d r e ii corner or Carpenter and it!££ K.£uS t# ’Fifth and Sixth, with a threo- SSl7hwMk.1 W,lUn • 10 tha r#4r ’ m Talker street, ilaia pvp^C plt si u » u ‘ Ac.-valuable business pro- Nn M7 V w?u^; , h ,^ r0 ’ rn ,- R i on ® ailJ £ nck teiUing, ftDd fi v «-»tory bnok tmastic* Fourth ’ No * iao HanDoa r betwe.n Third and MODERN RESIDENCE.-Fonr-story brick rea- mOHT H TfIT elf, T\ Str,Wt ' fiSf "* teiek house m the rear, on Lorain street Executors of Wm/Bnria, “ dc * d », «tr..u,lSobr«) iLEOANTMODERN RESIDENCE.-Moderntsrea. 2^!i r T residence, with tbree-story bacx boild'nx and large side jard. No. lG2a Girard areas*. teenth street. 4b teet front. 150 feet deep. to % VALUABLE FARM AND STWk BTAN acres, on the Germantown and FottßtowiTturnMka uwn * PlymoQth tewwS, w aoS3!sj VaJaUaBLE DWELUNG.-Three-.tofy brickftweTi. atevesTnJ?e. j4tblf«ES« 81AND—Tbree-story bnok tavern and dwelling,southwest oornerof Twenty-first Md‘uS!- .• t^^vr be iY Ma Arch a ° d FriberL *“ UUI MADISON iST.~ wo-story bnclr dwelling. No. t«J Madrsoa stroet. between Race and Vine andkieveuth ana 1 welith streets. VALUABLE BEVERLY PROPERTY rijj SSSF“’ Brosa ,tnßt> B*ra',r feDtWelling,Thirdstre«t,bekwMagnolia,lot 47 by KO KtSftf 517'- i« . VALUABLE DLLAWAHE WHARF. S 3 b 7_*W f« >, Tim tnvilep. of aro fo«i more bnok betvMs Bbacksmuoa M A rll !?C 0 ! 1 f •" * ,rMts ' K.n»mgtno. HANDWIJIE MODhR-N RESIDENCE. No. IBS apruce street, with all modern improve menta and con feet free. « Twenty-thmi street, new Girard College. in ® , * 0B LOT OF GROUND, east side of Front street, abova to.mh'SSd' ,'it. A luo o hmo'„JJ ««•**■ STABLE AND COaCH-HOUSE. Perth (lata Ridwr* Frw*iS?stt£s**° f I w,w * fol,lar Md'-KoSSI Sale at No. 1113 Girard Street. PIANO.MaNTEL AND ’ This Morning. 33th mitant. at M o’clock. *t No. 1113 Girard ttree'. by oatalojue. the entire household furniture, comprising “wpw Wl* a tei« plush covers, ehai s to tbatch, rcee wood piano. French plate mantel mirrors. O b> <3 inches; pier nairror.fa bys3; lace eortains. snperior dining room and library furntsure, fine velvet carpets. *Wnor chamber furniture,fine feather beds, hair maT , OIL PAINTINGS. Abo, a number of fine oil pamtia D e 1c rilt frames. amat * ri HOUSEHOLD F MIRRORS, PIANO,Sc. n-.-vj«« s Satnrdsy Morning, lb. 10 o’clock, at No-1.13 Clinton M, i§* M lurniiure, piano, nurro.a, China, ml . *f* Tte residenoe wiU te sold at 10 o’clock, previous tmtlel*l* of furniture, and withont reserve, by order of Bale No. 903 Walnut Btreet sFLEXDID F-RN'iTUfiE. MIKhUK-.CURTAINS, CHANDELIERS, FINE CARPELS. Ac. * _ A . On taonoav Monun*. October Sd, at 10 o’clock bj 041110,110. at No. 90S Wal nut strtet. comprisin* suit of very elo.ant rosewood drawing-room furmtexe. tine ormotu niountnuß co veted with fine sreen plash; suit of eleAgnt rose wood drawing-room furniture, covereu with fin* * rean plcuh. ncblj canrod: very superior rosewood sideboard: gant roeewood centre table; elegant roaewcod eta.ere: splend.d rosewood bookcases; 4 elegant creep broca ui • < u^k i; i B » cnmson . . * araet brooateSe OoT: fl uw„e i*rBn<'fi-pl4te mantel and pier mtrrora. in rich elft frames; haDdaome iw chandeliers; sapenor diainx room iuraiturej very ele-ant roeewood vardroteet bedsteads, dreaung bureana. and wwshstaads to uUt-H * frelawTc?*' lUm chainbcr *onalarei wpcnSniat-* The caKnet farniture was made to o»d«-r by «®or{o J. P nil particular* in catalogues. ’ lock J **° ezamiaed on the taonuns cf sale, at 8 CHANDELLER3 FRENCH Ci!INA;tV. PETS ’ On Tuesday Mctaia., October4tb.ttlOo’clock.aiNo 4H.\ortb Sixthstreet. *te entire furniture 01 a reatlemaa lea ring the city, comprising smtof hanosome rosewood drswtac room Junuture. flse brocaletlecovers.fine Freachchitta dinner and tea waie. supenor drawut.-rootn and ebaw btr fnrntture, lociudiPA two acts nt hacdsomo painted fur iture? I** 1 *** 0 * arBl ’ #w ' Ac., Ac. Also, the Vitcheu 13^irasssi“ ,o,e!o,,k “ Pt.Tir.ntATa^'*®.^ o 'S2B Sflnsom Street. SUPERIOR ‘ c W^l,'R| r |lANO, MIRRORS, On VVeitnrscb, MormQc, *#k ,at l 3 °*v It>ck vM 803 street, by c»uiMM» the entire household furniture, supcnortoee xood eeren*oetave piano made br_ Mejer: suiterroacw* wood drawia«,-room farsitnre. French plate mantel mirrors. a*s chandeliers. drasnai-rooiu and chamber Inrnitare, fine fmtner beds, hair mattresses, ko. Also, thekitcben furairnre. ■ • ” ,orr rM ‘ dencB t,!i i * » m Full particulars in catain^ne*. pmiNiTi l n} l v Street. S SiorNcH FbATE MIR KOHS. SnIS&ELs CaKFETd. a .. _ yh FIUTWay Mornm„, Auetiot Store, an assortment of excel!*?! furniture *le:a«t piano /..tea, Si car >* ta \ * tc i !n>w families declrauu si{J* a * 8^pU!f * T * to the store fore.nvemeneeof JM. GUMMEX 4 SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, .... .„ _ N0.5i0 WALNUT STREET. CARD.—J. M.Gummey & Sons, auctioneers. willhoW molar tales of Real Estate, Stocks, Ao. Alsohoo*- bold furniture at dwellings, KIl Dp our Private Sale Register willa! vr.ys be found a very Jarre. amount ofreal mate, including every de scription of city aod counlrr property. J. M. GUMMEY i SONS, «r ..,mii E*t&teßremen, No.BOWALNUT Street. holow S>i»t. 11l OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER raiftgg&ggg? *“*ohant. „ MONEY TO LOAN. WOJtIT TO J.04X.U1 kIXOX OX SMALL AMOTSTS, Ct merebawUxe feasreily.and on all articles oTvalue. All sp vs qvxx oxx anjrjixxD lollaxs two fix cist. fix V JKWEY! MONEY!.' MONEY!!! Money Bberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and ailver »*ste diamonds, watches. jewelry..fowling-ni*ees, i»n« f y mJ atnuneftts, furniture, dn goods, clothing, groceries. ci gars, hardware, cutlery, book*, horses, venicles, harnVa. and all articles of valae, for any length of time agreed N o}^ S M. i ii,rV, l ti BLUi,:U “ I -■““«** GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. JEWRI.RY Pa(. fe *K. cwn^ofl’lXTH'S' lull jewelled end plnin, of the moat and fit moke, in huntin* cue. and douhle tounmed. flSi escajiement lerer lepsue wetohM.'in huntme cMelKl open face. Km, of them »n ejira full jeweled, and Set EwU*h patent lever watches, escape ment lever andTexinss, jn hunting case and or2r* face, «w« vanr tnpenor; English, SwiS/French fcjtiapier watches; fine gold vest, fob, neck, and cS? frea * chains; fine gold pencil cases and mu, bnc*i*ta breasipua. fc*ger>nxM, ear-rugs, ttuto. meSS&nSI 2SSWS?£S;ISr , ’ m » m . „ AT PRIVATE SAUL 4i wp s2? r £ r *’* r cheat, iltii Cgh by s fret wuk Also, watches, and Jewelry e I every description. *49P. X.OUIS, MO. WILLIAMS & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS sa?s J S^ c & h a afesiss! fa other, of Phnadelphta, for the foots, shoes, hardware.jewelry. Ac.. Ao. *carpeu t « Caah advances made on receipt of good*. Kk. Settlements made three day* after tala. KX7EBSNCSS. Messrs. Myers, Ctnghorn, A Co., Phila. *• btuart A Brother, Phik. “ L“la , iSn k mfe" d - k New York. >**■*> M mf-f nvdi BUSINESS cajids. V. ?^JI,,4 LJIER ’ s ADVERTISING NUT agency, N. E. corner FIFTH and OHEST- taken for the best City and Country Newspapers, at lowest exsh pnres. s*SSn^ ARTIN & QUAYLE’S STATIONERY, TOY, asd FANCY GOODS SM POkIVM. • ! 1035 WALNUT STREET, BBLOW ELEVENTH, philadelppta. KOBJLRT& Ke.il Estate Agent * # SAMUEL C. ROBERTS, Cp*vetasct.h: Oner for sale. on liberal terms, FARMS AND COUN TRY SEATS, m RennsyWanii, Near Jerset. Pelatraro Maryland, and Virginia: and DWELLINGS and STOKES in Normtowu, Oerraantcnrn, and "Yo'aN MO.NKT ON FIRST MORTGAGES, fenir.ma Title* to Real Estate, and attend to CONVEY AVPINtt in all ita branches. Office MAIN Street, near the B»nk Normtown. and Mo. p South THIRD Stmt. tetom-n Walnut and Spruce street, Philadelphia. ,i i ni . McK: ' uIcKINNEYi ■ : A ORv4NSBt:K!S. I IiAT‘ d,^ ll rng mWMii ° oreiM ‘ i - T aE AOAMS KXURESS CO. OFFICE ■ CHESTNUT Strefformula Piioak, Pack &