The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 16, 1859, Image 3
S “‘ ,! !«OAME DISCOUNT „ A ■*•*«■W,»& { , ;\'i ■ -_./ '•., ;;•{- ■ 'r-.' 1 ;t-.: > ‘ ? En " AN ' posi^ bilit/ &* *'*}**,• Llv<ir tSoinplalM. Norvfna Do nor f ,s mU by the ti/v. 1. it. 'tut ner, Pastoroflieddma M. E. Church: ~ * ' ; , rmnanniruu, AprilJO, IS®. D*. Jacisos—irai *»•* u*»-i i‘fiKn throb 16 aay that Ik tiasbeen of *r« t l<»Tice. P*! l f ™ that in most oases of general debility’PH]}* UIB the safest add most v*ta*Me remodj' of vijioh l h&ve any ferioVlodgo., '* -- ' ' Yours, respectfully* , ; J. 11. TURNER, 726 north Nineteenth street. For Bale by Pruggists and Peelers in Medioiaes everywhere, at 70 cents per bottle. Also by the proprietors, Pr. C,M. Jxcssos & v~ ■ Philadelphia, Tffij Lipilv3 ALL NkAR TESTIMONY TO ITS EAU ATHENIENNTB, 08. H..l* RESTORER, reclaims. harsh, drr and wiry [WlaJhn'g off, Eeep« iflWjrttuWiirig gray.orrestoroslt wheh K’ray 'to all the soft luxbrianae and life color oi youth. Bold by t\\ DruggisU, andpr jm H rs lIAUEL ?{y* 7W $i9 a tyd¥'slTeeij /Wat .-Saving Fund—National Safety Trust OaMiUNT.-Qfcartered by the State ol PewwrfrAftl* . ' »VLF,9. , J, Moisey 4 tecwYftd.evbry d%r, «tnd 4 apt amount, ItHgedremall, . , %. FIVE PER OEhrr.intareitif paid for money from the day it is pttf in. - _ S. The moMf 1# always paid back inGOLD whenever it is oAUed for, and without notice. L Money is reoeived from . -.<#*, Adminlttrators, . , .„, M| and other Trustees, in large or email gums, to remama long or short period. < > g. The money reoeived from 'Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first okfs ••OoritJes. A Office open every day—WALNOT Street, southwest qQKffl street, v „ spU 1 Oi|H : Clothing of the' Latest SiVLxs.tnado in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES* LOWEST selling pnoes marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satis- O.ur ONE-PRICE System 4 strictly adhered to, es we believe this to be thei only fair way of dealing. An are thereby Heated alike. JONE 9 db CO., . . ... MARKET Street. Grover & Basse’s , Cblubbatsd Noisklhss Family fißwixe-MAOsinss, AT SEDUCED PBICES. Temporarily at No. 001 Broadway* Will return to No. 498 in a few weeks. Bal.U!andbr Firb-Pkoop Sapks Avery srge assortment of £| ALAMANDEIIQ for sale at reasou flijjf Vo. V SmjW VQUEtH dfrt'ot, PJulodaV Vhlq. ants tf BVANH A WATSON SIABfHN 8 SAVING FtJND—NORTHWEST Oo'&bbk SECOND and Walnut Street*.—Deposits re ceivel in small land large amounts, from all classes of th*6ommumty,and allows interest at the rate of fore per oent. per annum'. Money may be drawn by pheoks, without loss of in* terest. Office open dally, from 9 until 5 o’clook, and on Mon day' and Saturday until 9 in the evening* President, FRANKLIN FELL j Treasurer and Secretary, OHAfi K. MORRTR --fqEftffrfrTijiiys; {Reported for tho Press.] 'RlOHMONß—gteamijhipCity of Richmond.—l4o lixs leases tobabuoßucknqrSTcpfunniort A Co :351dq4Sdo Tho* Webster, Jr: 4f1d078 66 Rohan ATaftf;B9 do 12 §Meroer& AtiteiQ'i 85 dq do Mqtr A Boehm i 17 bags s flour Uicliar4sua &rOvonueutM widcied fruit Jordan « Brother; 8 bats roots Ac Parkor tc Tolands; 231 bn r s ilaaeeed Grove A Bro j 98 bales cotton Greiner A Hnrkness; 9 rolls leather, J Howell & Co; 1 case tu* baoco 45 empty casks 1 hhd hides 33 pkgs sundries va rious consignees, MOBILE—Seh J M Houston—l 27 bales cotton R Pat tereon ACoj 29 Kilos bag>j!nj unit'rope to order; 12 cases furniture Pettit, Martin Sc Co; 22 empty carboys to Powers A Wightipan;? barrels scrap iron Morris, Jones A Co. -w*. mssssn x BOAIU> w *““■ &LV,M ' ITBE OT THg MoKm r. fcEfTEfl |!AG, ' . at the rxciu..nob, Philadelphia. Chip ToSoarora. Dunlevy .Liverpool, Oct 1 Rape Ago Elizabeth. .'Havana, soon Bark Ocsyney, LeflkePMJ: •?■;**••••.London, soon Jjark alum JlLex, Almeida*»■ •* ♦ -Fort au Prince, soon gSi RAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS, FROM THE UNITED STATES. . SHIPS'- LEAVE FOE Arngo. ...New. York. .Havre* Ao New York-.firomen Europe .Boston—Liverpool Kutunroo-.... ...New ork. .Liverpool, A 0... Ocean Queen... -New Y ork. .Havre Persia .Now York.. Liverpool New York New York.. Bremen Bof Baltimore... New York. .Liverpool 1aeg0w.......... Jfaw York. .Gliw.ow-!*. ~..- Akin.,,.... Now York.,Liverpool Canada- /i.vfioatbil Liverpool ■ ” tp’AItJUVE. :: SHIPS LEAVE %r POE DATS Kftnrtroo Liverpool.-NoW York Aug 31 Persia.. LiveTjtOqt. .New York.Sdpt 3 toff&W*.Najdburk..New York gqpt 4 How York....Southampton..NeyYofrfc ,oept 8 §tas 0w,.. Glas-ow..NewYorlc. Beptii orth Amerioan. Liverpool, .tfoeDao Bept 14 Great eastern... .Holyhead. Portland Sept It Prince Albert..-..,. Galway/,New Y0rk..... Sept 17 -Asia,.. .1 Liverpool. .New York .Sept 17 Circassian . Galway. .New York. Sept 17 Hftmmonia. ...Southampton. .Now l ork Sept 18 F trit0n....... .Southampton. .New Y0rk...... Bept 20 Canada........... Liverpool; .Boston Sept 24 . The California MaiiStesmem sail from New Yotkon the eth and anhoreach month. , , , - I'Tbe Havana foe amers leave sew York cm the sd,7th, mi. lKft.aiW zfth df each month, and-GkarUkton, SJU., tibtbeitheadlfitb. * • - “•When the above dates fall on Sunday* the steamers' yifl eul on'Mortday, ettoopt from New PtSRt -OF iiiciiiriq; Vasa. RUN RISKS .661! SUN BETS.™.™..« 9T HIGH WATER. D 10 ARRIVED. Steamship Cjiy w Mitchell, from Rich mond, Via Norfolk, sy hour*, vita mdse and passengers toThos Webster, Jr. ■ Steamship Boston, Bellow, 23 hour* from New York, ■na qape Alsy, with mdse and na£*erit;«r?toJ Alifioi'die*. fifK Jrqni Easlpcrrt, Witfi f«6 t 035 AißoadeflA?Oo; 4 ■ ' •*. v :•! '• Bohr -Mar; Ellen. Coinitgham. 8 days from Deep Creek, t** with ahm o les to captain. » • > *' i *& h CA* l ??Poster, 6days from Boston, in ballast to-Noble. ilan.moit at Caldwell. ' » jßrttU Sarah, Bou\sor,3 dsyifromNOw York, with milae • Bchr Miranda, Hillrerd, 3 daya from ffev York, with mdstftodaptftih. ’•• • '. ■ • ‘ fldbr J JR. Mopee, Towqwnd, 3 days from Suffolk, Yn. faW T W w Hh hpn Iq stt &z clnimn '° Brito ’ 1 fidhf Ann* UHayPs, Ucihinihjß, 3d*>B from New York, ViW hJilwW Crowelj S CoTlini. „ , Sctirtx W Cummins. Weldon, 3 days from Now\wk, with »uano to Allen Sc Needles, * from WeMa> to o/iriatian ic Curran, Steamer C C ALer, Shore, 37 hours from Alexandria, with uds® to D Cooper. ' „ Schr 1, 8 Levering. Corson, from Boston. Bchr Ke«tlo*B,iSmith, from Boston, Schr T Lake, Scull, from Boston, Rotor E Williams, Taylor, from Ronton. Sour Francis Edwards, Babcbck; I'rOiiV Boston, Bohr Fail-asset, Burrows, from Boston. • ‘BchT Jh’Raiijou, Mathmtfilrom Button. Schr B E Sharp, May how, from Boston'."' Bohr Rebecca Knight, Kndfcott, ftoitt Boston. - Scbr Wave. Bar/atr.i>OJii Pawtuoftot. ‘ / Schr MarrNowell, CovelLuoni New Bedford. Bohr if OXlo'nmwit Rputhworth, from dnybrook. Bohr a M AMnqge, Bateifla*, froj& Beverly. -U S M ateamshtp 8 tile ol^seo rsi a, Garvin, Savannah, Alex Heron. Jr, gteanißhip Kennebec, Hand, New York, J. Allderdice. Bark Time Dallott, Bill, La*ua}ra, Dalton Bros. Brig Canton, Crowell, Port nu Spain, Thoo Wattxou Sc Sons. Brig 0 H Frost, Hewitt. Cardenas, John Mason Sc Co. Brig Chicopee, Howes, Boston, D Cooper. A Tittle, Adams, Charleston, Nertn Sc Alice Ivoa, Foster, Charleston,Noble, Hammett, - &3ir Elate, FaCemire, Richmond Switzer, & Co. - Bctir John K MoFee, Townsend, Ruttblk, Virginia, captain. - . ’ Bchr Mar; Ellen, Cottingham, Beep Creek. If Croskey. Bohr 4 C Runyon, Mathias,‘ Fall River, B Miines Sc Co. Hchr ltE Sharp, Mayhow, lkmtonr ■ do •Schr h a Hovering, Corson, Boston, N Sorter ant & (JO. . - • ! • ... ■),! achr JUstlow, Smith, Boston, L Rocherracl k Co. Bcbr -Wavot Barrett, Boston, Tyler* Stone* & CO. Schr T Lake,-Scull, Boi tori' Noble jHaubneU.' Si Co. Bohr L Williams,'TaJUß. Boston, C'diiller & Cp.' ’ BciirFra Bdwhrds, xwbcock, Boston, 0 A Heckiher ic' (Jp, 1 ‘ ■ "Rear M Alice Oroei), Eves, Boston, Yanduyen, Norton, Bc£r Paatnaaett, Burroughs, Boston, do Schr Ji ÜBenniaon, Boutliwortb, N London, i o Bcur H F uoodwin. Brown, Now flaven, \ o as tp ir ’t’itosTwonle, Aires.^Washington, • do chr Harrison I'rioo, Cliamberp, do fl»> ' Schr Charm, Staff, do do Bniir Eudicott, Washington,Noble, Ham ■ mett. Sc Co. * ' ■ • «-)BdhrM Nowell, Corell, Colineset, Bancroft, Lewie, rAM Aldridge, Bstemnn. Beverley, 0A Hocksher t Kniisht, End'pctt, Wesbifigton, Noble, Ham- Strout.Thomaston, RanoroH, Lewis A Cor Bohr MaryNowoH,ConU,Cohß*MU, do Bear AAI Bateman, Beverly, C A Hecksoher •-it Co. * jt'~- Str H L w, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, The U B M stearoehip Koystono Stale, C&pt. Marsh mau. <or- i Cha*w»‘Ofl, sated at jo o clock yesteroay, with a full a number of passengers. ■ f OerrMpomienM of The Press.) . - HAVHinJfc.OiIACE, Sept 11.1889, TJh# Wyoming, wit hew luTa morning with 12 boat* in tow, radep and consigned&s follow*) Wm Xiomthlson. pig iron to Conshohookin; Osier, antli ooal to Z VJpwWi'lfMAWtmii -it N Mur«>a*h« 1 Mar/ Ann, J it radderbuof, antl'i HBiiii*. • lumber io Noreroa* A Sheets t Maione &. Taylor, and G«i.r b © Hopson, do to Maume ft tartor; Cleopatra,do i> 6 CadwaUtderi Liille, Kolbng Wave, and Ella, coal to Bebiwaro city» JT TW,»ff}tAPß. ./ „ , The Steamsblp Citr of New iori, Iromliostoii, and two nerin passed in this evening. fVjnd h— • THOB. B. HUGHES*- ST TBLBOHAPH TO THE PBBSS, ' . , , . Nkw YoßKiSeptlS. Arrived ship Ophelia, from Glasgow s brigs E W tipy - burn, from Mala/A, and Tern Bisters, froioßfty ol Clm *BeioV—SWpHe WntCl.nton, from Liverpool. , An arrival reports at /Uo\on tbe 14th, the lollowmg .'vessels* Barksdally.Mohee nrtd Reindeer, from Rich mond ; Grapeshotvfrom New Orleanl J\V Howland, MEMORANDA. _; SteantBbip, Betton, at N York State of 1 Georgia, Garvin, hOnce at Srtvan- of Richmond, t Mitchell, Railed from Rjuhmoridlttli lose; for Philadelphia.! Btoamsmpßavann, t lb»ni.} Tairfxe 1 , ojeareq at N York - > )«UinstlorHambun. - -• „ ‘•Steamship Delaware, Cqpo», Ijcnce,arrived at yStobfns|i?lSew'QQ, T fl, hot, fqr Now Orleans, cleared 1 fpVlip tune‘ b front Pcflang, arrive^at r ifrfe p’w ea; Fto torch, .Sakoy, aid Austral Ug, BpohpeFffram Liverp o^1 ' fttrlved at N«w \ ork yes ■\ ; js?|&aimiei Falk Young* from Boston, arrived up at 1 v • Now York, rorrialned at Foo ) Berrgrtit Whampon July4th, wns !OW*»A? l 0 oaW Oodliea to Havana at S6O per headi to T, seU»?&i Bin), Co,e t &t MwiW iune 35, mi to tail :oes. J& JuTpti" 11 ® 11 ' for Corlc ' <llM ff»m M»- I 3 | l is|lM l ,- W . ! .' fot o»tk. «il*4 from M»«t 'froroSaJSmalf. at SUaio SKUuii ,ro» 0 r?"MS: '” ea ™ i Vo,k a(rtv r Jd?rNo«- k YSJl"v«’.f ra 7' nio !j d Janeiro lllli nil, l«ark Adelaida <<»?*& Jl®st©rU*iyj sailetl in coiupnin willi Ked ™‘ •*' J jßark {wif/V i ar } na »| l .hemso, at,Cardenas 20th ult. *“& , Po/tLS^3I IOP • “ l,ea from CarJe ' m “ (toSlSlae'SwFoetluiK lro " ,, “ alf J ' Jiark Ohaa, W JUaralmmui sailod from Ha vana 89tn nil, tor Palpumtli. Jins, Mofi'ifo^atVi*lfra nHnisy, Muolman. from Now Vork,at Bn's Fnrert Statp, Freiioh, for riiiladolnio- A***' v * .-well, henco for Buenos Ayres, -a tJf 1A1&32, lon 3240. ~ AJA . It Ti* l " ***l* Moore, Amos, henco,ut Ba?ua2Bth mt. Bn? Black Squall. Davis, hence, At St Jago &Jtli ult. Bn? Mary K Millihen, Nordon, honco via Matauzas, at Cardenas 7th iußt. , Brig Tiliorias. Lecocq, honco, at (henfuegos 2Uli ult. „ Brig John Hathaway, Doncaster, nailed trom Cion* ruc<osMth ult, lor Philadß. Sohr Thoa P pooper, Taylor* cleared at New York , ® l r d^naffii y?ua ( ler I ror Now York, sailed from Bio de Janeiro 12th rX\\. , T Schr Addison Child* Smith, from Riads Janeiro 12th ult.. arrived at Now York yesterday, fiohreta?, LpvOland hence'at Richmond Mth lust, Schr Pocahontas. SparrOw, sailod from Sagua 31st ult. reported 13or Baltimore—before leport&d loading for Phiinda. ' ‘ Geo. W- hence, at Baltimore Perry ; J Ireland, Bteolmnn. ana H. R Poggshall, Pogg shall. hence, at Boston I4th iflst. Schr Martha Wrightingtop.Wrtghtißgton, hepC«, flt Fall Rtvpr 12th tflst. . Schr John jpuos.Jonea* Hence at New t* ■ . „.iry, cleared at New London 13th * mtadelphia. tichr John C Brooks. GraHam, for Philadelphia, cleared at Portland Hth imi. T „ , Brhra F BWoolepy, Errtckscn; M J Carlton, Shniler; M II Karlisle.'Wiiismore, nnd -Flight, Huntley. hence; 8 A Taylor. Ycmnjs; W W Brainaru, Bowditch, and Martha J Cause, Smith, do for Pawtuokot.nt Provi dence 13th mat. ' _ . , , Schrs Anioha.HooklnHi J B Johnson, Johnson, and Colorado. Naylor, sailed from Providence 13th met, lor P K. el fcy Haley, Haley: O A Heokaher, Htuliba; Sarah Ellaubßth, Heed; Monleveu, Fnlkeribure: Northern llUht, Lake; Richardi Vnux Frink, and W G Banlott, Connelly, henco, at Boston 13th !««• . Bohr Ever*redn, Griffin, from Belawaro City, at I> Sloop e Va!inn , tl Reed, cleared at Baltimore 14th inst, iuida, Fenf-on, cloared at New York) ester day, for Philadelphia. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS UP TO 12 O’OLOOK LAST WIGHT. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut >t„ below Ninth. Mr Shephard, Boston B F Shenk. Lancaster T Baumgardner. Lancaster Jna P Pond, St Paul A Lltoacho, Indianapolis M A Delwing. Ohio W G Gib*on,PittBburg It C McAloy Sc la, Butler C 3 Tnrlx>x, Toledo, 0 . H Conover, Ba\ton. 0 8 0 Shuman, N C „ Mrs E Kyle, N C P C Wijliatfis & la. N p J D Gammon k la, Jforfplk J 8 Hillard* la, Va . Mrs Scott, Cal * *V 1 Mrs Carrington, Va C Lunt, St Johns, if B fißhrro'W, PfoViilopce, RI L D JahnBoq,GolamUuSt Ga PY* mter.Aln Missß. J Winter, Ala Mis* M Sandet, Ala GeoWPucker,Va • l’Frnrsona,Waterbury.Ct L H Ayres, l*etroit, Mich EAKeith.NC Joshua Lincoln, Boston PS Holt flc la, Macon, Ga Hirmn G Smith, Brooklyn Richd Yates. 11l W G Green, 111 8 K Pbilbrick, Portland CaptV Savannah, Ga Mm Newcomb, IS Y G T Ramsay, NY AC Sorrel,.Ga W Wall, Washington Tboo Dreeir, N Y J E Dunham,NO AFoutant K. Foutant Isaac Atneslor. N \ It J Calder. Texas. Mrs J G Byz, NY . ; 5 A Pabodle, Prev, It I Wiu M Kerr, Harrisburg , ohn W Tufts, Boston Chns Booth, Ohio Ell Hydo, Freeport, 111 H Daniels, lowa Dnliiols, lowa . .. Mrs ttS Djlnlßls, lows R Miller & wf, ITn Muu Rockhain. Wu Aims Miller, Wis C D Gibson, JV J 1) Jamison, NO' K P B;r|W, tv V W R Berkeley, Va H Outre Tojiss • IF Like. Cal v B B Hockwood, I I l A Lam?fHlmdlnfi . Thos Halford, Vk . J.-hnCbirke, Memphis Mrs’F ASantlors,Memphis Mrs M T Martin, Ala Mifis'Sue Bfadley, Ala P J Weaver, Ala N M Bassett, Ala Mrs Lyles A child, Ala • CM MjfCqnner, Ah G D Smith mSY 2 v jV>.ers,Boston P 8 Jiancliqtt, Bfi?t6}i L F £ IthC C K Smith. Ahr . #YfWJiiMy, Boston D N C , Geo P Wlmnkor, MU E S Gandy, Codeivilto J Gandy. NO E D Barkor, NY. HA BnKoe, Brooklyn J 8 Robinson, N C Chas Lessuro, N C C 8 Toit, N C Jas T est, Va Jas McClelland, Scotland G J Thomas. Va j Kelt Rev J CUurchtll, N S Jas W Armstrong, Ga J L Richardson, Ga Col OT PoPard a la. Ala Miss Pollard, Ala Miss Lucy Armstead, Ala Miss Lizzie Armstead,Ala Miss C Armstead, Ala Mrs Jones, Kluntg’y, Ala F Gilmer A la 1 Grattan KDMaxey,Ky It G Con.HI x la, N \ Dr WTalooforro, Va A *oyd,Va T L Griffis,ConnersviUe G H Ordway, Boston C D Reynolds fc la • * C Hall* la. Ala Dr T GQliimaik.ii Y' M N \ J B Winslow A La, Va Mrs H Aurris Sc da, La R E Aurris, La , „ . A B Auins, La tw a i j h m to. s c T 'wliileliq «. Ja, Toronto 3 R, Vn a»k ■ WinJFep„ WAUctlnoy.NY Wm P FansWough, Ga P B Glenn, ionn Genl Jessup. U S A Mias Jessup. Fa L Bennett. JFZebIey.NY W J Woddloton, NY Jos Pollard, Ala DATS. ...Boptl7 .-..Sept 17 ...Sept 21 ...Sept 2* ...Sept 24 ....Sept 23 ....Oct l ....Oct 8 Oct 12 ...t.Dct |5 o|st lit AMERICAN HOTEL-Chestnut st., above Fifth. FA Curtis, Del RS Davidson, Phila W H Pritchard Sc la, Canada Miss E L Pritchard, Can GMorier.Pa RR Templeton, N 0 Ira Jl Lindsay. Pa S H Lindsay, Pa T 8 Lindsay, Pa Alex Elliott, Jr, D C E H Beneckor, Va L G ttawhijs, Kno^viHo J 0 Row, NO- f jjrfyham. NI Yn R G Ittf.ers.d’lula A F Gaither, «C 11 V SmitlirLox.'N C R V Adnspmigh? Va 1 Learning, N J * N P ihjck*, N Y A Warner, Vicksburg -J' H Doty, Vicksburg J C Beers. N Y ” John H Holt, La MrsB Booth,- J Baltantme & la, N Y J H Woodcock, NY J G White; N Y GJSeraour,Pa , r . W.DLongslrcpt.Mtsa Miss F 8 Dans, Miss J A WiUinius, PliiU J K Rciiley, Balt ... J Donalson. Pa E 8 Sillamnn, Pottsvnle J N Prick, MtneravdJe Dr J M Worth, N CJ Miss Addio Worth, N C Miss U L Worth. N C W C Portor, N C Geo Bryan, Va 1, Kilburn, Miss H A Beers, Brooklyn J G Plnilips. Hi Wm J Winner, Ball B S Guyton, Balt Tho, £ OkJliotmer, Tenn A G JaokMn, Tenn J,i Ketch,n.Temy £ P Wil ianiKin, Va GeoC Clirißtr, N Y W Stjrat ey.yr - R Ellavia, Va • K B WainimWi, N V WmeluffirlßY. iMiWflloliklnn.Nic! £ D Btoekton.'.li 0 tlbo.-J Bowell. Tonti MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et„ below Aroh. Jno Wllliilma, Balt-;. 1 ' SathM, Cftil'g' timSssx A C Johnston, Ohio Thoiecymo"** M " J rherrvh*' 1 **" *• needier, iourit V J . MlU s«la, Ohio Mrs Dirnnmck, Ohio M Butz Sc da, Enaton J B It Purnell, Md Win Gowons, NY A R Stewart, Pa F K Fritz. Folt#vil!e W B Wan, ftid J D McClinlock, ind wed A-Pertrre'&wf, Md Mija ftanbeit* Rart| M H Epdish, Ala' Wit AnftrdiLDelawnre, Pa Wm F A la, Pa S R Chnptit, Tenn Thoa B Reed, Phttn Jas A BroWn. Hn'ntingdon Cpaa Hine, Warrep, Conn .Miss Eliza Iliijo.Conn- * R B Hopkmsl'^onn J V Barker, PHtsfdd, Mass A G Toad vine! Md Thoa C Summers,. Ky * KJ Care, York ' C Bilrnot. Stroudsburg J r Cobb, Auburn, Me John F ConifortVPa Gpo Bumi Pa JahHPiKN Y * HP field, N V J F Corm, Indiana R Jonnmgs , JBrounfield A Ja, Indiana Mim Brounfteld, Indiana A.BtiUt.inifmna A Raton.N 0 lifatf&l? 0 ?C W B}i,«„ 8 ,^,0hi 1 RPMoCluro, Pft £ \nidtHU9iß* Ohio ■w . - HOTEIx-Raoe street, above Third. H Shelly, Pottevillo, Pa J W Hartman, Bloomßlfg H G Croveliiu, Pa John MeiJy, Lebanon, Pa John F Hoinitch, Lane Joese Harriaon.Ltizerne co t Harrison, Luzumo co H J hlfCarljr. Muncy, 1a JI1) Kline, Leesport „ tQ> MU or, Chas Hugfics, MiUetsviUtl T.B N Y Abnn Bwnrtlt, wHiffporp Mrih A J'WiUihirtv Pitts n 0 M Fttmpr, A uptown- ETGfeouewan, Nazareth ohn BSemel, Pa Jesße CKKtner. Gwynedd ETmlWQixHsFhila - APHhbads.'Allentowii 4 G Pirk k Its. Pa _ , Jf.hU Pearcel. Perry co A Gitdble, Ytupbqnoa, Igd M p Yiqcenqea, franklin HOySE-Chdatgut street, Third. ’ A Stone, Umoutown, Pa T- M Orisiqao, Blair co H C Bnml. J 0 Onlbrotb., DolawaTC 1 Jacauot, France J M Bonnet, Zanesville, 0 S Patterson, rntlyville C Wmchell.Cpnn » \V Pratt, Lancaster I) James ic 3 ch. Wil, Del J Gower, Altoona. Pa A J BacknoH. N \ Wni Richardson, Cle\eland John lt>an. Mobile 0 lv Chitders, Vo , , Jas Bradbury, Jf V ~ F Stevens, Washington C B pease, Hpnnufiold E S Luustotd, Va J E Forburk. Boston 'cwhun Gray. Mass E A Johnson, fr \ Win Mills. N Y D V Zellor. N Y M Meredith. Philft A H Cleveland. Vn Jno P Wotherill, Phila Geo W Duval, N \ it Johnson, Prov, R 1 EAGLE HOTEL—ThK' -treat, above Race. gHuzcr, West Chester J nmall, Delaware co S Brown, 111 B Snluol, Chester co A L Robinson, Morgantown F 8 Jones, Bgringville H L Williams. Ohio A G Fnller. N Y J) A Mackab, Bittorville B IJ fclurk, Doylestown Bickel, Lanonbtor J II Vnndorsbco, Pa Jss C Van(Jlke. f Del co J H Millrtr,.lAncaster I Townieml, Weat Chestor B tlmnphrmai’W Chenter PMor. Went Cluster G Louis V Hardinz, Va. " • H Ninn. Hichirtqnd $ Harris,'Roslfin p B Kimball, 2jf j BARLEY QHEAF—Becqnd street, below Vine. I Jonard HnU. fJal *j) B MUlcy, htrpurislmr? D Carhart. N J jn» G Dai, ilalt II Leber, Rucks ro Jns EE drod, N P It It P Bnlderston, Bucks co 8 P Hamilton. Poylestown ohn Haslin, Pa John Hough, Ga Danl 3’ost, Deposit, N Y . MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Third ft. above Callowbill. i F Druckenmiller, Pa E Enterline, ramaqua lenry Beebold, Freeinirz W Kratn, Ind Richard Pnsco, L Superior BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Tbird *t, above Callnwhill. P.Bht. o!ey, pa j C Smith, Pottstown, Pa 7 L Heebner, Allontown C Harper, Jenkintowu ) White, Worcester, Mass 0 K Readmt d Stover, Lansdata . « W Iredell, Ptnla *wnc Mnntui « la, N J J Vanderbilt Sc la. Pa W Brutnliach. Egeter... WD Smith, Pa W M Welch, Mornsville STATES UNlON—Market af.,*aliove Ruth. 1 Herr.Cohtjnbia, Pn B DBnwwortlijWilkesbarre R Shatter, lAnchburg W 11 Spang er, Reading 8 Shuman, Pottsn lo , J Lew*. PgßsyiHo , t D P Anderson,Philfi W .? Bl ,'V°, relntu l . HolTmim. Pa J H Coldweil, ttlalr oo J Harris, JWiiplilij po J Y h n c k eo^ ltt n U \ T>! i W Holman, Harrisburg John D Gorgna. Carbalo Geo ft Basgett, NY CD Martin, Lancaster J 1> Anil. Juiimtn co, Ta H II Dauphin co W M Phillips, Alexandria Sami Rife, Duncaimon COMMERCIAL HOTEL-Sixth st.. above Chestnut. Wm Ps to, Chester co . Pi B L°*’ n ’ I h , 11 ? ™ . E Hanrantt. I'ottstown. I‘a J C Mattson A la.Plurmxv H 0 Greenfield. Pa. J P Oamood, Chester oo •eoHtrough. Chester co A \ oatman, Chester co vowia Boat, Chester co f B Lovick, Phila JI Hulier. Lancaster co R F dimmer, Phtrmxv 4 Vonderslice, l’hamixvillo MOUNT VERNON-Seeond street, above Aroh. B Danie, Mass P Best, f^aston 8 Waid,Burliii'ton, N J W HBipifh.N Y , J Sellers Sc la, Richmond W HNioholas. Phila Miss Ilonshuo, Bctlilehem Miss Boidler, Bethlehem M S Woissr Carbon co, Pa W Stefle, Phila HCnnn, Del WBuokmnn, Bethlehem JONES’ HOTEL—Chestnut Strent, above Sixth E J Fox Sc la, Easton 'J A Montgomery, N C i'hos A Smith, Ya WJ Allen, Va Goo K Gen, Va E Braco Sc In, N C TJiosMany. Boston W SMillor.N J Sfimnll. Nj J L Johnston, N J jHoTBtorer,Pa T J Coruin, Pn H C Herley. Richmond, Va F A Talbot, N V W Buahmel, Northnmt’nco CaptH Harris, Boston E P Baasmi, Va Jno W Jovens, Ball A linhor, N V- N Stiaer, N J T Swift, Boston HLOwen.NC J Flowers, Nashville Chris Parsons, Savannah R M HmUe. Snvnnnnli N T Morse, Jr, N Y Maj W A Monroe, N \ CAB Nhepard, Boston A P NeWeoni N o lt Jno A Dubso.i, Balt £ ffi&» ban Francisco hWA wr. I„d MS'fffelfi.Wv ' kSI/Eibe.NY L Preston, Chestor co W.C MoNultv, penna H'Bn|o!ihu”.'ljK* V. Covert, I‘cntia W S Sharper, N J „ „ M Broyn Jr, 4, la. X Y J L Blowimr Sc la, N i John D Skilea, Lane co II C-Fon Dersmuth, Pa ' Hli Kimball, Columlms, 0 BALD EAGLE EL Muil JleaditJe,Tamwi.o* BZeleepfus.Penna W H Lancaster H Gabnel, Allontown A M Weltmer, Lebanon co J Hartley,Lycominzco H Johnson, Penna W,Cbwrfi,Ea?UmiTft H MAHRIEI,.' • Y., Harry Toulmur of M I 1 , 0 !™ 0 '. "I BulTalof n! ilatiKhter y orj“R! p;i"ii?}° i!j,°’ Alabama, to Fanny 8., Grwfc U v ; ’inti lStli in.tant, 1„ John Carl ““ tl m " is vtd'a Ohlfreh^UM^n^Vy'VovV''w^cCm ai’' A GOm P ? I pl Jaeit * r ' mt;u. HOOi’KS.-On Die 15th intilaui , „ „ 37j;qars. . ~ J, Ross Hoopes, aged Hi* relatives and i*- 1 rcHpoctlullj i**- 1 ..lends, nml those of tho fami l, reflidep**' ...ited to attend tlio funeral, fm. n Cfs’litß o - V° -M1 Arc " " troot ' 0,1 Mond V UtMitittV. « KitOUSE.—Gudileniy, on the 11th Inßtant. Hoii”rv*S tth'er t ,'!s, (^‘ a “ > '’ ) Al! «1 JaSJ,YSSsa 703;^,7r 0 o"fl!lSS i ' ,StWt ' Gl!<) ' zl1 «• in .1,0 rc>id9i ' c °' on Uio evening of the 12th nI?A n l ll ii t,l p RO family, are particularly l D n r '^ l c tjialnneral, from the residence of her ?i r S.V.. e J >0 Rmßey.Fraiiklord, this (Sixth day) WSW’ 'natemt. ntj o’olock. Robert Work, ngod 35 years, o months, and Q day », .l; “ tr .°<U his late residence, IdOO I.omhard street, 1 al? o’clock. • ’ a *°*~ou fliq 13. th m&tapt, Mary Cocolia, (laugh imi 7nmni'ha rsn “ '"' y Qec ° lm Tl>™”»'»s«<|l'rara l^.fi£flSSßs*- pr 3.J ...„tms (Friday)afternoon, v ‘ x-R.—On the 12th instant, at Bessington . urge, Chester county, Pa., Ynrdley B. Hofiner, (i\ (l\h 23d year ot his age. Funeral from the residence of raedhor, corner of Pcrkiotnnn and Vinyard streets,(late PranoievitlejUiis (^plnjliioo 1 'the llJth'instnnLJli’ramFiflh, aged tSyoa^re. Funornl irom his late residence, Lancaster street, below Whnrfon. on Bnrui*y afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * SHOEMAKER.—In DeUwaie county. Pa., on the 13th instant, Annie T. Bhooinnker, wife of William 1). Shoe maker, in the 43d year of her age. Funornl from the residence of her husband, Shoonia kerviile, Delaware county, to-day (Friday.) " 11 ’ REDMOND.—On the 14th ir,slant,' Julia, - daughter of Midi-el and Mary Rodflioiid. m the sth year ol her age. J 'liberal the reaidonceof her parents, No. 124 ch street, bolow Second, this(Friday)afternoon, at 2 o’clock. . * clearest -.ondon, 13th JPEDDLE.—On the 14th instant, Elizalwlh L.,eldost daughter ol williim A. and Elizabeth Peddlo. Funeral irom the residence of her father, 623 Marshall street.this (Friday > afternoon, at 3 o’clock- * ' HAND.—On tho 13th instant, Man Louisa, daughter ol Ferdinand R ni![Jnno Rand, aged4yeartf mid 8 months. GEGAN.—On Uio lith instant, Jamos Gogan, aged 43 years. • * HOMER.—On tho 13th instant, Mrs. Sarah Class, late widow ot William Homer,. * .KENNEDY.—At St. Louis, Mo., August 29. Hon. Wil* ham H. Kennedy, of Warsaw, Wisconsin, son of Wil liam and the late Jane A, F. Kennedy, of this city. * THOMSON.—On the 14th instant,Mrs. Mary A„ wife of CnptAin N. Thomson, in the 41st year of herqgfl. * BLACK IRISn POPLINS, all qualities, Plain Grey Irish Poplins. Blnp'k Velour Rqps. Black Amolmes.' Black Snt'n do Chines, Blapk Winter GlrtvOs ami Gauntlet®. Mournms flrncado Slolmira. Black C|qth Cloaks for Fall. Mournms Balmoral Bkirts. Black Groa Grain ami Poult do Sole Silks, Just received by BESSON St SON.MmimuwStore. No. 808 CHESTNUT Street. THE CLERGY OF THE P. EPISCO [_kj? PAL CHURCH in Philadelphia and vicinity nre requested to meet nt tho EPISCOPAL ROOMB on MON DAY, Kept. 19, ot 1 o'clock, to adopt suitable measures in reference to the deccuse of tho late Ilev. LEVI BULL,]).D. , t _ A. POTTER, it* Bishop of the Diocoseof Pennsylvania. NOTICE.—THE HIBERNIA SOCIETY d« FMrlJf, , C K {tom KELLY 8 rTS=- S. Si. FRESBVTERJAIV ENTERPRISE. Lk_y . —A prolinimory. mooting ol those in Tavor r.f nr inmning a new Churoli in tlio ngi.hlnrluml of IIIIOAD and GRr.EN Streets, vill l>oliei'l TfllSfPriclay )EVEN ING. at 7« o’clock *m RROaWaV RaLl, MUtheast corner of Broad apd Spring garden streets. n* rf?? fillEEUi AND CpATIifiLSTREETSPAS IL? . SENOER RAILWAY COMPANY. Notice is horohy Riven, that ait Stockholders who do not pay the second instalment of their subscriptions ou or before tho 85th day ol Septomlwr, 1859. will be charged one percent, per month on the unpaid balance from Juno Bth, ultimo, and if thosamoshaH not bo paid before tho Blh day of January, 1300, their stock will bo forfeited. By order of the Board. BENDY BIIARWOOD, ■ WH,t2S Secretary. fTs* THE FAIR AND FRUIT FESTIVAL I LS held at tire ODD FELLOWS’ H ALL. Krankford for tho benefit oftho PRESBYTERIAN OHUftCfi! wui bo continued until fcATJmDAY EVENING; 17th inat. i Ije> lopiaiping gootW frill bd sold at reduced prices. AMERICAN BOARD.—THE COMMlT notice of Arrangements to provide for oxneeted PA Y ' rulay.) attlm PHESBY TERIAN ROUBL, im Chestnut street, at 4 o'clock. R JOHN McLbuß, Beo. of Conmuttco. m*,TIIE pelaware county soc iety S-3 lor the ijioniotion of Asncultuio, Horticulture, |* Annual oxhibitron nt MKWa, on FRIDAY apd BATIRPAY, tho Itith and 17th of Sep tember, mst, v .Tickets lor the round trip will bo issued by tho Phila delphia nnd V* ost Chostor Railroad, from their depot. Eighteenth and Market strectu, at 50cents each. Trains leave Philadelphia at 7.15 and 9.30 o’clock A. M., and 2-JO and s.<a P. M. s!5-3t* rr? 1 morse literary institute-the election will take plncoon THURSDAY EVENING, Sopt. 16th, ntSo’clook, at the HALL, Prank lord road nnd York street. Punctual attoniinndanoe is requeelfiti. «»•»• JAHRET ITv TAYLOR, ijoerctnrv. s - fowler will com. MLNCLn Course of LECTURES ON LIFE, it. Lows. Orsons, Fmic:bon,, Improvement, tu tttuelit mve professional opinions amt ad'vica daily at hi# rooms. For particulars gee InUghnri pqpare of the d/iy.iOMm [Y“jjP“NQTICK—OFFICE OF THE IIESTON- ViLLE, MANTUA, ANI) PAIRMOUNTPAB »h.*rd instalment of FIVE DOLLARB on each share of ihe stock o« this Company wili lw dua and payahlo at the Office of the Company on WEDNEBDAY, tho 21st of Bept., 1889. B. M. 3ULJCK,Secretary, Ys=» THIRTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH STREETS PASSENGER RAILWAY OOM . At a meeting of the Commissioners named in tho act incorporating tho Thirteenth and Filteenth-stroets Pas senger Railway Company of Philadelphia, held Sovt, Ist, J 859. at No. 327 Walmtt \yi\» resdlrttAhat the Books for &uU,oripito««tt| r vhocniutal itodkwf the Thirteenth ina I Ift evn ti -fJr e* b« Railway Company be op*n4U6n“TiiUKSDAY» B«ypt.2®d, , l&S9. at 9 o’ofock A, M., ot No; 4 South SEVENTH Streht^ . ' ’ “ DENDY'SUARWOOD. oectetary. Notice is hereby given, that*Kooke rdt’fafltfktoVaub scnpttons to the ■tftnfc.of the TftUte<fn«f aud Fifteenth wlWW oi,oned ttt I'enJy HA CflfFIN JOHN P. VERRBE, DKNDY SIIARWOOp. . , HENRY R. CQqqoiMl.L, a2-dt22 ' ' Committee. tY~s=* NOTICE .-THE STEAM FIRE KN- L < GINE COMPANIES that tairpoßO to contend for the Prizes nflorod bv the PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY,‘at their Exhibition, at Philadolplun, during tho tail'four days of Koptomber, nro requested to appoint often one Delegate tea Conven tion, to lw held ut the ofiico' tif thA Fne'idtv. No. f 125 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, <fn TUESDAY EVEN ING, the 13th nf-Seplombpr, at 7 o’clock { nddtholland PireEnzmu Companies each ope'Delera|e. to meat a Convention, to lie held at the same place, on WEDNES DAY EVjiNfj'iUt the Htliol Sdptember. to adopt fulos and regulation* to govern the cqnteijt. This Invitation in oxtended to all Companies throiwholit the United StatM. DAVID TAGGART, DrJshlont. A. 0. llejstbr, Seorotary, fc|-rn)Aw-m (JARRIAaES or THE MAXTFACTI'KE OE ROfijißs. REPOSITORY, loos) onysinuy shujrt, ion sW-2iq MADAME VAILLANT, Successor to the late M«damo GARDEL.wiII reopen her Boarding and for Young Ladies, HM CHK.St’NUT Btroot,on VVhDNKSDAV.Hopt. 14 sio-3 1 * f T.NIVKRSITY OF I'ENNSYLVANU— of mikm - ARTS ' a - n ' u The Course of Lectures in this Departniontwill com mence on the Ist ni Novembor. ! ro p J-P; Mechanics and Chctnistrj . M J ■raf:K H 0 KENDAL^; ■ '[ShPm^ESLV^^Min'iS For informaticm apply to the Janitor, at the College, North Building, or to FAIRMaN ROGERS, Dean nf the Facuitv. Big Ct . 202 N. RITTENHOUSB SQUARE. lAW DEPARTMENT— UNIVERSITY -J 07 PENNSYLVANIA. ATennol this Institution will commence on MON DAY, October 3d. The subjects of the different courses are as foMowss Hon. GEORGE RHARfJVi 00D—“ Porsoni, Personal Property, rind Mercantile Law.” • Prof. P. MCCALL—" Evidence.” Prof.. K. ’BPENCLH MlLLER—“Equity Jurispru dence.” • The Introductory Lecture will bo delhcrod on FRI- EVENING, Sopt 30th, at d o'clock P. M.. by the H«>n. GE£RGE sJC-dUM The portraitof' madameclara NOVELLO, ** The Queen of Enzlinh Soprano Hingprs/’ and the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, of August 97. note ready, prirr is ernts, pes/. ioM to tiny part of the U. S. by the publishers. Quar erly subscriptions to th»s favorite journal and steel elate rortrait gallery ot eminent persons, only §2; por trait* sent tor the If weeks in advance. H. A. BROWN Sc CO., 14 HANOVER Street, Boston, Mans- slißt -ft}, CHARLES JONES, No. 305 North SECOND Streot, (Successor to A. jB&VJ. Gallagher, woula respectfully cnli the ntteu tiou ot those desiring stoves to Ins extensive at urtmentof Cooking, Denting, and Parlor stoves. I lm -o purchased the exclusive right to the retail mla s anil repairs, in Philadelphia, ot Uallaghor’s Celebrated ” Morning Star” und •‘dunriso” Gas-nurning Cooking Htoves. well known lor jo-w no the moat satisfactory Stoves in the market Also, his now Flat-top Cooking Stove ” Daylight,” which combines nil the useful nu proremeiAs, and operates admirably. I also innmi fncture, in a superior manner, Silver’s Gas-burner of the best Russia Sheet Iron. These are tbe moat economical and easily managed Parlor Stoves in use. sIC-3m Reim er’s photographic gal- L3'TY,BECQND Street, above Groon, is proba bly the most extensive in the oit>. The largo amount pi expensive Photographs and Ambrot) pea made there in astonishing. H* DA 11, Y OPENING OF. NEW EM broideries, Lace, and White Goods. Kid Gloves, and Velvet Ribbons. Hand-innde Tbreau’ace Collars, Just received, Collars and Binnves, for half the now Store, 3i North EIGHTH Btreot. sl3-3t* ESPEN Sc BROTHER. J NICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of SHIRTS. LINKN ami MARSEILLES BOSOMS and CQbLARS. A large and choice assortment, and wkll made, al ways on hand unto which I particularly invito the at tention of cash and prompt-paying bhort-timb buyers. 8.15. oorner ot SECOND and ARCH Streets, Phii.apei.piiia. slO-lrn* RNIT JACKETS, the Cheapest in the city, at til. Manufactory, from SlO par doznn up, a Huporinr article of Kjblwd Berlin ami Lined Jnclreti. Al.o’, Hoeiery, Sturte, Brnwere, eonjlnrU, 12-121* No. 10 FETTER Lane, Third, above Arch, Fresh fruit jars, Those who wish to ftvpid the iineleanlinMs nt- nnt UpTrp»t,*c.,l»y the use ortho oid «t> le Jars avitu niofftl coverq aqdcement,will bo pleased to learn that tho whole operation of Preserving can bo JARS, pronounced by physicians and scientific men to be the safest and most roliable Jar jjver.tnfjde. A single inapesti(jn will satisfy any one of their moomparable superiority over all others. Mauufaeturereu^^jhePatejtL No. 13 North FIFTH Street, General Gift** Depot. NEW PLANING MACHINE, Embracing The Andrews Patent of!8l5, with matching works for dressing Boards. Flank, Ac. „ , . _ New Principle oi Feeding. Great Saving ol Power, Machines of various sizes, 24 to SO inches wide, for single or double stirfacrung, with or without matching heads, for sale at No. 23 North SIXTH Street, Phib-. Call and examine, sU-thstuSm OEO. W. COLBY Sc CO, — PR ESS.—PHILADELPH IA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1859. W 1 Ij l"~o Iple n"" this day, ANOTHER INVOICE Of THK matchless prints, for sale ir; the niscii or package at felX CENTS. run REALTY OF DEBIGN, A.M) GOODNESS OV l JALITY AND COLORS THEY ARE WITHOUT RIVAL. JOSHUA lli. BAILY. 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J, W. PROCTOR & CO., M A N U F A 0 T U R ERS, CLOAKS AND MANTIU.AS, 708 piISSSTNUT STREET, Invite tlie Attention of WHOI.ESRRYERS r V<\ their s{took» comprising EVERY VARIETY OP STYLES In medium and first-class Goods, including VELVET CLOAKS, NEW STRIPED BOURNOUS, All of which will bo offerod at l.ow Trice* TO CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO„ MANTILLA S. STEWART & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DKESS GOODS, 305 MARKET STREET, Are now daily receiving from the Largo Auction Sales, «ml oilier source*, a full Assortment of desirable FALL GOODS, purchased FOR OABH, to which they invite the attention of Cash and prompt Six-months buyers. Full lines of Black and Fancy Silks, and ail the now fabrics in Dross Goods, constantly on hand. s9-3m 1859 FAU| IMPORTATION. 1859 JOEL J. T3AILY & CO., No. 219 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Have roceivod by recent arrivals, and will oontlnue to reooivo during tho season a full and complete assort ment of Consisting in w\rt o ( f GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’. MISSES’, GENTS’, axd BOYB LAMBS WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND QOTTON SJURTS AND PANTS. QENT9’ FURNISHING GOODS. Block and Fancy Silk Soarfs, Ties, and Cravats. Linen, Oambno, and Silk Ifdkfn. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, Ac. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety. “JOUVIN'B SYRIEME.” BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sizes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS, JACKET^, with a largo assortment of CLARK’S nupe perior akr-fiVi/"*' fjilk-Finiahod" at\d “ Kpftroajled ” SPOOL COTTOIt(. AUp, their Sowing Cotton, put up tm of x,4yo Vnrfla caoh, Vo which Iho ntten tkytoffihirt Alakors&ml Manufacturers is particularly requaytoh* CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine our Stock. Which is one of the largest and moat active ever offered to the trade. rT r,n JJAZbIiL & HAIiMER, MA^ri'AO^yiU'.RS AXp WHOLESALE HEALERS RQQTS 4NP( SHOES. NO. 128 1}0UT1( Tlimp STRpET. A fu|l aijsqrtinojit of CdJ ipade Raolaand Shoes con- Htantb fin hqnii- gIQ-tf I & M. SAUNDfiB* 3 NO, ? 4 . NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Near Merchant*’ Hotel') Call the attention qf tyirpt* of BOOTS 4ND SHOES To their f?\ock, which general variety of PHILADELPHIA AND NEW ENGLAND Manufactured gqnde. auMocS W. MfICUBDY & SON, 381 CIIKSTNUT STREET, (2d FLOOR.) LADIES’, MISSES’, AND CHILDREN'S ROOTS, SHOES, AND OAITKRS, Manufactured cxpreßcW for the Trtulfi. &ull-3m "P."WILLI AMS&GO., NO. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. WHOLESALE BOOT AND BHOK WAREHOUSE,) Have now on hand a full assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to which they Invite the attention of Southern ami Western Merchants. aulS-2in JJEENE, STERLING, & FRANKS, WHOLESALE DEALERS in BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 413 ARCH STREET. Purchasers visiting the city will please oall And exa mine their stocky • _ __ aul2-2m & CO., WHOLEBALE DEALERS • B I BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 813 MARKET STREET. 415 -2 [TALL STOCK » BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOM SON & 00. » HI MARKET STREET, Have now on hand a iacge atook of BOOTS AND SHOES or EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND CITY MADE. Purchasers visiting the oity will please o&ll and ex amine their stock. Jy23tf LEVIOK. BASIN. ifc 00., BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTORY, No. 805 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. Wo have now on hand an extensive Stook of Boots and Shoos.of all descriptions, of otiscwN and Eastern Manufacture, to whtoh we invite the attention of South ern and Western tmyers. au4-3m Gangs of RiaaiNG-Mwiufncturcd of tlio best material, and for nnln by VC V W.TgteV^;W,,fe°Av. Economy mess shad—Non. i nm i2 I a prime aitiole, in store nml for snlo by WM.J, TAYLOR Sc CO., »»U isa sytrj'n vqi^Rvtfg. DliY-GOODS JOBBIiHS, IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, AN® RETAILEH3, L A D I E S’ PHILADELPHIA, FINE AND COSTLY HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES' CLOAKS. BOURNOUS WITH PLAITS, Ac., Ac., THE PARIS EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. FALL AND WINTER 0001)8, boots'And SUOKS, NKIV PUBLICATIONS. TOEW HOOKS! NEW BOOKS !! w,,1V0 " B> TRL-ll'i Or, Wlioii I ni a Girl. “ Hnw ; ,°r’ Tlio,Yews. By tlio suilmr or ..vifWH IN STRATF(HrIf-O.Y.AVON,with dciicrip piuil’v S ® NOVJiffISPH*AND THEIR STYLES. By 7s conn. HILO.SOI'Hi. molmtmz Tlicnrnhcal nml 1 Havoa, D.D.. Umo. Sl.tß. I- raaloli) VVM. H, k AI.KKKII MAKTJKN, . . . Nn.««CUKSrNUT fitrcet._ TOW KNULIsff BOOKS—.JiHt impoiVcd J- , anti liirjnlo 1,,- ' JOSEPH SABIN, pvavu , i»^J,? s< , ,r r th SIXTH Street, above Clieslnut. vi«„« **» \ABilliB. AND OI.ACIKILS; A Horieo of ;,i‘u, C nL r ? » nw u i *ko iMninbersoftho Alpine Club. Colored ; e iinl Bvo . rlotJj. A mlitM iwr £ ftilA'i CR UIBE OF TIIK PEARL WORLD: Withiumcfountol tho Ope- X l niv! w t ov N i l .'ic,R n^' K ‘® m India. 12mo .cloth. cJtU^^inTo'tT^ 18 0F ™ B KYIS - science. 8v« cloth icn ’ llmtoricyl, amt Desoripttvo. T£li R >y' l,l .i < ' r >: ;B HRITISH SEA WEEDS. R, J ”rJ l!^.S„ oro ,' ,ll '„ v nl - L Sco . doth. * i?n,Vi ,u. in' UiHior) (iikl AssooiatioiiH. Bv p, -yy, liiirnaliLJl!H?U.w*d 1 iii r naliLJ l !H?U. w *d mvo.. coth. vMWIST.M o6k ? «J«ANG*CANT, AND and ViiftrYr i .P?? 8 ’ 1 rfcetD’U by u History of Cant n.dUdKarLanguai.o. B> l2mo„ G rAIKT K»4f! Thoir Lit es and Works, Tll >' RECTOR; A Domestic THr P.M™,* l - Kmo„cloth. History, Construction, and q} tiT i upwards ot wo eugm na-SP^V, 1 . *’*^I* OPABO! HTEOTHRF., Hylosoi.h 1 v<!l. rJfyafB°v™ r,,n ' TOOll ' “6Wedlt!ou vKsi;!f)h,£S'' is « i,,sTORV ' ~!r iir - B™!ia!mK T AJ,U S>aVLh)HT. lly G. A. Sata, WANDEIUNG»IN INDIA. By John Lang} illus trafed. lipto.. doth. 12mo oUith^ 1 * ANDES. By Lieut. Majundie. GOOD BEER. A Complete Guide o? . , ft A rt lirowms Alo, Bitter Ale, Taldo Ale, Brown Stout I nrter, nml; lnhlo Beoj ; to which are added prac Malt. B> John Pitt. 12m0., „ T !! 1! fortune.? op the colvili.e family. Ha h i«nkL. tlnieiiiey. J2mo„ boards. t’Mttuu Rook* imported to order bv every steamer. i» UU i * / vatnlosues of new and old English rvrni French Books lurninhed grnt% on application. C. J. I KICK having connected hhnaflf with the aliovc l-unmetts, mviioa the nttentiun of his friends to his fJ'MUQ of location. B ic 3t NOTtOK. office of the independent, New York, Sept. 12, !«&'>. Li Compliance with tho winhes of munorons friends and subscribers, wo nro happy to announce that we shall commence, m our noxt issue, and shall continue week ly, the publication of a Berios of SERMONS BY THE REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER, They will consist chiefly of those which aro delivered on Sunday morningn. They will npponr exclusively in THE INDEPENDENT, and will be tho only reports given to tho press which roceivo revision by the au thor’s own hand. Trrms—Only s2a year by Mail; delivered to subscri liersinNow York'nnd Brooklyn, 3260; Single Copies Six Cents. Addrcna JOSEPH 11. RICHARDS, Pi’BUsunn, No. 6 BKEKMAN Sr.,N.Y -slo 2t] FOR SAIF. BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. L G. EVANS’ BOOK I.IST.—ALL are <?ld at the lowest prices, and a hand some GI hT, worth from 60 cents to $lOO, is given with each book at the tune of purchase. HENRY BT. JOHN, Gent, a talc or 1774,75. By J. kSlfPSrfe cloth. Price $l. MILBURN, THE BLIND MINSTREL, ono vol., 12mo . cloth. Price §l. LIFE AND LIBERTY IN AMERICA. By Charles cloth. l*iico ttl. RHYMES OF TWENTY YEARS. 1» Henry Mor ford. ono «il„ 12m0., clotli. Price .91. AMERICAN CHESS CONURKSSnnd Paul Morjdiv’s i rinmpns in America nml Europe, ono aol., ]2mn,, cloth. Pnce.9l 60. .^. n A-X EAn «* ABOARD A WHALE tillir. in Iftw* 6o- 67-'m*JfiO. By Win. B. Whitconr, Jr., ono u»l., 12iuo ; , cloth. Price 81. ]\l\ THIRD BOOK, by Louiao C. Moulton,one vol., 12m0.. cloth. Puce 91. SOL’THWOiITH’S NOVEI.K AND A GIFT. 'MRS. lIENTZ* NOVELS AND A GIFT. $1.25. All the NEW BOOKS and a GIFT wortli lrom 50 cents to $lOO, vivou with ouch book, at G.U. EVANS* GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, No. 439 Chestnut street, Phil*. TN PiIKSS, IJY T -*■ BROS. [. TilK "Lll STUNG MANSION. B\ Clinrlps J. I’eWr non, r.fq., i’ubliilter of ** lVloreon’* Mnsnamfl,” »mt nuthorof •* CnuMiu in llio J/»st War,” “KntoAslc*- h>rd, •' viOJoj Knrm,”&<\ Ono volume, ]2mo.. clalh. J’nco $1 85. R, PETERSON & THK HAUNTED HOMKSTi;AI>. Hy Mrs.Kimm D. }.. N. bouUniorth.autlKir of “ Tiio Lost Heiress,” “Tlio Mibhiiu Bndc,” Arc. One \oluine, 12im>., cloth, I’neo 61 25. LIZZY, (»I»KNN; Or, 'l'lio Trial# of ji Uy I. H. Artim*, Knq., imtlmr of “.Seven Nuhts m u IJ«ir Uikub, * Jx>\e in a CoUu.'o.” “ Love in Hitch Lilo,” i.r. On® volume. cloth. il2o. AiulreM allordorK to T. JI. I'KTKKSQV h. KKOTJIKRS. IV o 3yd CHESTNUT ytreott I'hilft. rjHAMBEKS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. V/ (To bam6flmonhly parts, 15 cents each,) supplied to any address, Iron of postih'o, by JOHN MeKAitLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania, For Apoleton's,. New Amerioan nhU Ben* ton’a Bo bates of Cotur^Bi. HOTEL, 531 CHESTNUT Street. AjtenU wanted tpcttnihss in dvery_conntv. au-R-lm A CO Ml* ANiON TO MIUiIKLKT’S LOVK, THE DICTIONARY OF LOVK. Containing a Definition of all tho terms used m the HISTORY OF THE TENDER PASSION, WITH llAJli: yi OTATIONi* molt TI!K Ancient nul Modern PootNof all Nations, Tmtelber with specimens of eurnniH MODEL LOVK LETTERS, and many otlior intcioaluiK matter* ann«r laumi* to Loir never l*forn rnUiimod; Urn whole forming a remarkable TEXT-UuoK FOR ALL LOVES, as well ns n Complete GUIDE r *\) MaTRIXiUNY, ami a COMPANION OF MARRIKDLIPE.- 1 ’ TraH'latttl. .'n /># m h\ $ pmi islt. (tfVWd. anti S,Uilihn\vUlk Ontfnnl Tt«H.rULevtv * Jront the LV/vfc riMti Laity. It Y yHV.OOU A T o y . JvN 10 R , i2;no uf,lh'SiJ(,’„ ,l 4jlla.A: Price 5 . PubUjilittd ana t(»t mw by ... , t T. R. PETERSON »V PROS., 8 1*J« No. Sir. OIJ KSTNI'T Street.^ npmj ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE „„ , WORLD. „ With ft memoir and «teel engraveJ . PORTRAIT OK PAUL MO^mV&q., Oran) ot the portrait* (f\l»t*ye irt print) published with this favorito /.pgjuu Jiluitiultd Wttkly Joutnal, and | PI , e t f‘;'^lT , l EACH WEKKI.Y XO. GRATIS. Millbcsont (post nan) 1 to any part c*' tUo United Mates, on receipt of Jiftten \u'h\ or postage Ntatnt-s. Also, now ready. Ist and M ferics, of PORTRAIT Oonwunin< 80 port rails engraved mi steel, \u;h u,*uuoJrs. Price i?s.Weaeh series. ' " News Dnaler*. by ro.niitiuwr (hr, runouat pornge (1 cent t>or pnve.r) with their order, enn Ravo \\\* 11 "‘‘J *e«, fd™ anted b> post to their »ddnui„ft* utuf Miity f bnk receiui/it their package 1 } in advance oi other Tntie ‘ Co^ f ®* at $ I'tVd hi hid) one Chut per 1 Tl.e^rUA«|lYri», Mtti Ar. nte«j, wnil v „ pross . 14 Hniwerbircot, Riikton, * * -oOSVNACO, tbMrade, auburn idiuii*, at*** . to whom 1 order# irom necteil nith liii.iUp-- ,* all imtter* of business enn wldroned 1 »iu the L mted (states,should be ‘ • fc. r i-mtii4t CTATJICART’S SERMONS ON THE SAB s P VTH, roviowingthe nrgiiinentsaf'Rev. Dr. Berx, Rev. John Chandlers, nnd oihorn,to tm had at PETKIt- SON’H. CIIKdTNIIT Mroet, and LOGAN'S, SECOND and HUTTON WOOD. Price, iq cents. «13*}t* PAUL THE PKEAOHEK; or, A Popular nml F.xpoßituui of tys Discount* nml Speeche*. hk rerordej in the Actual the Apostles. By John Kama, p 0.. I.L li. Dmct. $1.29. MEHHV’S ILLUSTRATED BuOK OF RHYMES. I6mo. tturont*. iUAUUALA AND BETHANY. By Rev. S C. Malan, M. A. I‘muo, 40 cents. UNICA : A fctnry lor Girls. By the author of “ Undo Jack.” IHiiio. 25 cents. JEHUS ONLY. By J. Oswald Jackson, lfimo. 25ct*. SIX SOUNDINGS. By Kov.J.B. Ripley. 13mo. 25 cents. LIFE AND LABORS OF REV, DANIEL BAKER. J2nio. £1.29. For salo by WILLIAM 8. k ALFRED MARTIKN, _bo No. OUi CHESTNUT Street. OLDT3OOKS--ULD BOOKS-OLD books The undersigned states that he hoc frequently for salo books printed between tbo years 1470 ami 1600; early editions of the Fathers of the Reformers and of Inn Pu ritan Divines; in Law, Brneton, Lvttlctnn, I’uilcmlorif, Grotntß. Dowat, Coke, Hate, the Year Books, Reports, io., are often to be found on bis shelves; Cyclopedias, Lexicons. Clasaioauthors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, Soienco, Political Economy, Government. Architecture. Natural History. Treatises upon those and other kindred subjects are being continually dealt in by him. Books, in large and small quantities, purchased at the Custom- House avenue Bookstall, CHESTNUT Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. niylS-dm • JOHN CAMPBELL. REMOVALS. REMOVAL, —The Subscribe! informs his friends ami thn public that he li.ts IlmtoceJ his BIBLE, TRACT, mul PERIODICAL OFFICE, from HOO CHESTNUT Street to 102 South.TENTH Street, just bciow CH KBTNUT, a here ho will bo glad to re ceive their calls. His Editions of the PARAGRAPH NEW TESTA MENT, with all tho MARGINAL READINGS, have been pronounced tho bett in fAr x'-orltl. They arc m oiio, two, throe, tour, or more volumes, up to t\\ enty - seten, oi r-ifA Book by iMr//\ and m immv st» kg, nt prices rruuni l ' Irom 75 cents for the simple TRACT TF.BTAMENT, up to §lO lor copies in Uncy calf, or Turkey morocco, Kilt. His Edition of HORNE k TRKGKLLKS* INTRO DUCTIONS TO THE VARIOUS BOUKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT i* the* only Amnitan tilt it on, and in moat convenient Ibim, kb well mi of grout value. Prices Irom §1 to §ll7O Hm edition <ti tfie STUDENT’S MEMORANDUM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, Inis two blank pages, neatly ruled, and with heud-linc.i for fmy Chnptrr in the Navv Testament. Pncos tyl to §2 50. All tho abo\oarc sold in sots, or separately, us de sired. Bdiies of other publishers, (but none without tho MnrviiMif Rrudini;*), mid othor uaelul works, con stmitlv on sale. Circulars sent to any mldrcs*.. I«e 1 Übiill T. H. STOCKTON. Removal.— martin & wolkf imvc Removed to No. 324 MARKET Street, South side, below* Fourth, where they otlm a choieo assortment of Fall ami Winter Goods, nt vei> low prices. |I3 2m WAKi\r AIR FURNACE. THE NEW CONE FURNACE GAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm your home with oNK-rumn i.hs* toAi, th'n is required bv anv nthor Furnnco. Satisfaction mull oases guaranteed. BuiMhuh Warmod and Ventilated by ARNOLD A WILSON, Kill) CIIESTN UT .Streot. SLATE MANTELS. The Richest and most Beautiful Specimens of Enamelled Slate Mantels, over ollorml for salo in this oountry. manufactured by us, iroiu Pennsylvania Slate stone, nml for sale very low. ARNOLD k WILSON, lull) UIIESTNT T Street. POOKINU RANGES. All in w.iwt of the Be**! Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well in cull at ARNOLD k WILSON’S, se 10 3niif 10)0 CHESTNUT Street. 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. I S 2 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR—Groat Emporium for SternnsoopnaandStorPoscoiMo Views, American, Froneli nml Englndi. Opera Olubrcs. MicruKcopen, and unproved Spectacles, correctly suited to tho oy oc, nt „ M. T. FRANKLIN’S, Optician, 112 South FOURTH Slrout, bolow Chestnut. #£?■ Artihciftljlmimn Eyea inserted. ati-lmif I (\m h OXKSTaMERIOAN "ANi) .MJjUIMJfHENOII WINDOW GLASS—Tho nmst npproved brands, ami ol every size ami qualitv required for city and »mmtiy trade, nt prices nstnniahtnxlv low. Send your orders lo ZIEULIIR k SMITH. Drug, Paint. Ola**. and Varnish Dealers, corner SECOND and GREEN Stroots. s!3 tf RiLi oS and’ Sheetings fuiT kx^ PORT. 3ROWN. BLEACHED. AND BLUE DRILLS, HEAVY AND LilßlT SHEETINGS, Suitable for Export, lor snle by FROTHINGHAM it WELLS, U South FRONT Bt., and 55 LETITIA Btr#®t. oalB-lv CANDLES. —100 boxes Ilytlraulic, Speim, and Adamantine Candles. in store and for sale by RoU’LeY, ASHBURNU.iI A CO. si.l No. Id South VIIAiIV I.S. PACKING YARN , —ltalian Packing Yaiu, tillable lor steam engines, mnmil.attuied n( tho I't'bl material, and tor sale. nt the lowe»l prices, bv • „ WEAVER, FITLF.R, A CO.. m*H No.» N, WATER and 23 N. WHARVES. HE TAIL DRY GOODS. "s7l'ks~: THOS. W. EVANS & CO.. HAVE NOW OPEN, OP THEIR 0 IV N I M POUT A T lON. A IiAKOK A XL) KLUOAXP ASSORTMENT <ir 33 11 ES S SILKS, I.V Tin: NEWEST AND CHOICEST DESIGNS. A1..40, A LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVED thom AUCTION. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. fllO-3t ]>JEW AND ELEGANT FAH STOCK. L. J. LEVY & CO. Aro daily receiving additions to their nowand very clioico assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which compriscaatthistimo one of the largest a* well at tho most solcct assorimertts of - LADIES' DRESS GOODS, winch can ho found in this country. E\erynowr fuhrio which has beon manufactured for Fall mid Winter woar, ns well as their usual assortment of .STAPLE GOODS of superior qunhtios, will be found in vnrietv, and at prices as low as similar joods can be purchased elsewhere. J..J. L. k Co., havo effected arrangements in Paris by which they will be inconstant recoipt nurmgtho sea son of small quantities of every approved now article which may bo presented to the fashionable trade of that city. The selections will bo made from the houses in Paris most celebrated for their good tasto. 80S) AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. RAPSON’S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS., Havo now open a fino assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND STLIT. , The whole from the celebrated manufacturers. Hertz * wowueun Berlin, Our customers can depend on getting the best article over offered at retail in Phila delphia, nt tne lowest prices. A Si'Ll:Mill) ASSORTMENT KMBROIDLRED SLIPPERS. A iAitiLTY of Black Cloak Tasskls. Hamisomk Crochet Cloak Fringes. AL\V AM* hKAUTIFCI. llß* TRIMMING*. \\ ooi.t.en Knitting Yarns, all colors. Zephyr ICmt Talmahjand Cat*. /kphir Knit GAirKus and Sleeves. A fill ntock (F Staple Trimming*, AT IIAPSON’S LAMER’ TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE. Cor. 01 EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS. sIG-2m |7-\LL AND WINTER GOODS, f,. For !\lcn and Hots’Wear. Black and Colored Cloth*, in French, English, and American fabrics Fancy and Plum Cosaimeres. Mixed Coating*. Boater ClotliK./Pricot, k c. kc. Just lrom Auction, a large lot of low, medium, and fine gradoB o» Black Cloths, of Belgium fabrics, suitable for the Inilonnx trado. Cloaks,&c., Ac. CURWEN KTODDART k BRO., 452, and 464 North SECOND Street, . nliovu Willow. T>LA~NKETS. English ami American Blankota. m all grades and sizes. On hand, an extensive stork, which wc are selling b) tho p ur or mquantities, at low moon. CDiIWKN STODDART k BRO., ~430, 432 and *5l North Second Street Rbcoo Willow «t. |iI,ACK CENTRE STELLA SHAWLS. Additional lots from Auction. at Ilfiduced I'riues. „ CIHWHN STOUOAKT A HRO.. „ Noa. tJO.ta, amt 151 North SKCONDStruct, >la-1t ahme \ViIW. TIUOUIIU LONG SHAWLS. M -f Yioimeso and Pans fabric*, in new design* and colorings. Just Iroin Auction, * splendid line of superior Hhnwls, at .*lO. 01 RWEN KTODDART k BRO., Noa. 150,432, and 451 North SECOND Street, 810 Jt aboie Willow. T ONG AN!) SQUARE I! I, ANK E f BIIAWLS. French, English, and ‘American olmvrla ( ul new mid approved '-tries. 1 CI'R\VKW HIODDART * DRO., 4JJ, 1W and 1M North SIX'*>ND Street. _ ' _ _t»bovo Willow street, CASSI MERES, V LOTUS, VENTINGS. Heavy dark imxtu:*4 Ca*simores. ' Do. with and without Sidebands. l|lapk Caynmerea ami .Doeskins. HjLaok Br« adciotbs, $1 50 upward*. Kfe^«S,^SBS'u? ~,h »’ «o 3 SlNra^nnd^MA^frKT. New FALinjLoAKS; The Subscribers NEW FALL 01,OAKS, FLO.MBIEKE STRII>E CLOAKS, CHESTERFIELDS, CABAUUK3, ~ , , ice,. Jcc., ‘ t« dT h,ch they respectfully iinit? ty,9 of TUa i»ri3 MantiD/v Emporium, _s\® , T\KW (JOUOS!!! WRITOW f EIGHTH«a UEAUTVpiSisATlN^l'llflu’roPLixa. Rich hoiilnrd HilkK. Handsome F«U P&> Ainas. New Ffldi Chintzes 4c., Ac. ... . dr-'iraMr a»<i r<ry cArap. 2)I,ACK BILKR AND FAWY &1I.K8!!! l.ight Cloth f*U ■weather, 7, ,r * Alcetera. Ac., in rrent variety, and Fronting Ijiuens. A largo slock of l)omestio Muahni. Croat quantities of Flannels, „ ..„.;ClotnB. Cnssiniorps, Ac., Ao. CLOSINU OUT MUCH UELO\* COST.- Silk Manti|!h4. I.RC& MlUitlllflS. Organdies. Jjßwns, Ac,, A<J. „ _AII bummer Goods of every i>ecTipi!oa. ' b Sh?“B RJ,I ' KY 4 CHISM, SMINO “ BUY AMO BKLI, FOR CASH,” tt'l F.RYKO «AUZK VNDKSuarmeSts; A WVrnor’a Ruperior make. We dfon , B\H’nr 1 ' -^eßforLadfea,’ I Cents’ andChtl medium nnd superior qualities for Ladies’ w .is,’and Children’s wear, un-hidim? a lot of Ladies open-worked Lisle-thread liose, of very fine qualities, nnd a lot of linen ami Lisle-thread half hose for Cents in silk, silk and Lisle, Lisle thread, kid nnd buckskin. Nubia Scarre or Clouds, or largo size, in "white and colors, for sate at _ HOFMANN’S HOSIERY STORK, aiul-mwAnf No. 9 NORTH EIGHTH street. LUPIN’S FINE MERINOS. One hundred pieces of extra quality and desirable colors at Si w. Ono humlrod pioeeq of lino quality and of same colors at 7a cents. Theso goods have tho most value of any that wo have oflered. SHARPI.ESS BROTHERS, k 5 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street*. New autumn silks. Just opened ten cases of selected Silks of our own importation. Plain Poult do Smes, from the lowest prices to the finest good*. Rich J.ions Silks of the newest designs. Plain Black Silks, glossy and heaty, Neat figure* and Brocade Rlncku. Bfcck and Fancy, two.lupus. SHARPLESS brothers, 85 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. E' NULISH SUIKTINGS. Just roccit ed a choice lot Of neat and medium styles English Sliirtings. Prints, Now designs, good colors. SifARPLESS BROTHERS, 85 EIGHTH ami CHESTNUT. Dress goods. Rich Bouquet-pattern Wool Delaines. Lupin’s French Merinoes, 75 cents up. Cheap Deinnes and Plaids. Fall Poplins. Chintzes. Ac. BLACK WOOL DELAINES. Lupin's Black Wool Delaines, 37 and 43 cents, Lupin’s finest quality do., 50 am! M cents. 13laok Bombazines, Alpacas, Silks, Ac. T COOPER & CONARD. bc2 NINTH and MARKET. UMBRELLAS. & FENNER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERfI OP UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 336 MARKET STREET, PHILA., Aionow making more than five hcspkeu uiffekbnt jTARiKTiK* of Umbrellas, of etery size, from 23 to 40 But e'rs who have not had 8. ± F.’s make of goods * ill find their time well spent in looking over this well-made Hook, which includes many novelties, not to bf met xetth elstiPhere. au6-3in gIMON HEITER, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR- KET STREETS. My stock is now very complete in every department and will l>e found to oiler inducements to buyers unsur passed bv any othor house. &uU-2ir. HARDWARE, rjpiVUITT, BRO„ & CO . IMI’ORTKRS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE. CUTLERY, (IUNS, PISTOLS, Ao., 529 MARKET STREET. OQQ DKLOW SIXTH. NORTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. HENSZEY&CO, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND OUN WAREHOUSE. NO. 43T MARKET, AND 416 COMMERCE STS., nJ.Sm PHILADELPHIA. iIOOUET & HUTTON, _ “* manufacturers of DESKS AND 0 A 1! I N E T FURNITURE. NO. 3M SOUTH THIIII) STREET. OllVe, Hunk, ami Sclim.l Furniture,Extension Tnlilen. lioukt'iises, WanlrnlmH, oto Fl-Sm NEW Nos. 1 & 2 MACKEREL—A small invoiooof aesortod packages,landing hom steamer Kensington, and for sale by WM. J. TAYLOR k CO.. 23ua lfe SOUTH WHARVFS. PUHK CONFECTIONERY, MINVFAVTUnKP UT KDWAHV A. lIF.INTZ, t.ato of S. llenrion. fitero S. W, corner AHCH and NINTH street*. i Factory 8)4 Filbert street.) |"5OltK.— 2GO bbls. Mess Pork, of New A Jeisey, Ohio, and Philadelphia packing, for sale by C. C. SADLbRfcCO., tH) AHCHBtreet,secoivl door above Front. WANTS. "WfANTEp—Bj- a Youujt Mon, 16 years hi»>,kflif o !lL'nr.o‘ l " at iV D * u An) Slor * where he can make t k,,E?a,h^ , J. i V l| i o or sniont the Address <i. 1,.," at this office. VITANIED A Situation at any fair " f business, where honesty and intermit? will h« conducted to the employer; Having a general busmens qualification, ot which reference or security loathe same will lie given. Address "J. E?’ J>re<* office statin* where an interview may be had ’sls-Mt* ’ VITANTED-An Industrious Youth, who 7 \ is a rock! writer ar.d accountant, and nr a me chanical turn ol mind. Such a one maj find a Situation where he may learn somethin* that may be uselul to him, bj addressing" J. C." at this office. sIS-u’’ TO GROCERS.— Wanted to Exchange Coal for Refined Sugar. Address **H. B. 8..” Northwest corner I‘hird and Poplar. Phila. als*3t* WANTED —Ey a Young Daily, who is fully competent, a situation as Bookkeeper, °r to execute writings of any kind. Good relcrenoe given. Address “ Kate/ 1 Ledger office. seli-3t* Vl/"ANTED —By a Young Man. 19 years * * of age, a Situation in a 'Wholesale Store as As sistant Clerk, or many department where his services might be required. Salary not so much an object as an opportunity ot learning a useful >»raneh of trade. Best *d f ,v n . r '* nco will bo given. Address J. P./’ this office. fcl3-ot* WANTED TO BORROW. SI,OOO FOR " * six months. Good interest and real estate so cnrity will be given. Addroas “C. K/' office of this pnpor. *l3-4t* \!\T ANTED TO EXCHANGE for iraprov -7 ’ cit / ( r & e J r ,° m incumbrance, 160acre* of excellent FARM XAND, located in Gloucester Co., New Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton shortly to bo laid, passes within a short distance of the land. For further particulars address J. K., office of Tnl fr(Ji. , jeJl. FOR SAXE AND TO LET. LET—A Second-story Room, eonve- A nient to the Plate House, suitable for a Lawyer’s Office. Apply HI CHESTNUT Street. *l6 m FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— The subicnlier, m concentrating his business on Chestnut street, west of Tenth street,offers for sale, upon reasonable terms, his large manufactory, with out bmldingsand large lot of ground fronting on Sixth, Mar shall.nnd Master streets, suitable for almost any large For Particulars inquire of ALFRED FITLbR, Conveyancer, No Cl N. SIXTH Street, or to the subscriber. No. lotrd CHESTNUT St »ig-1m WM. P. ROGERS. A SPLENDID LARGE FAMILY nr Coupo Horse will he sold at HKRK NKSy AUCTION, Corner NINTH and GEORGE Sts., on SATURDAY NEXT. 17th inst. Color, very dark roan, with inane, tail, and leea jet black; tail verrlong and full. Only 6 years old. Over 16 hands high, War ranted in every respect—spirited, stylish, and very handsome; fearless on stonm boats and of locomotives; very gentle, but a free, fast traveller. 'Well worthy the attention of nny person who wants a first-class large Horse. sls-3t GV- FOR SALE.—A pair of Sorrel Geldtnrs, hnnds high; seven and eight years old; sound and kind; of high spirits and good bottom: can trot in about tbreo minutes to the pole. Prioo $1 Qn, Also, a Chesnut Sorrel Gelding, IS hands high; nine years old; sound and kind; a square trotter, and of great bottom; has always wen used to the polo; and never been in training till tins Hummer, when he show ed 1.15 to his half mile. Trice SIAbQ Can bo soon on application to S. SAOEHS, “ Faint BreeaeTrack/’ aeVMit* FOR SALE—The well-known and old* Liitestablisbed Hotel, at Woodbury. N. J., with large stabling attached; one of the most desirable s’ands m West Jersey. Terms easy. Apply to E. P. MIDDLE TON A: BRO., 5 North FRONT Street. * sl2-dt TO LET Two Lnrge Rooms in the Building Northwest corner of FIFTH and CHEST NUT Streets, they are nearly one hundred feet lonr, and well lighted with eight large wiudows. Apply to P. 11ERST & CO., on the premises. sl2-6t* mFOR SALE—The neat, well-built House, uith nil modern conveniences, BWMAR-’ BH ALL Street. Appl) on the premises. kVi-ct* For sale: ' The Subscriber -wiU dispose of the entire Stook of PINE MOffIIMENTafTsTATUARY. HEAD AND POUT STONES. fcc.,4o. at the monument marble y’ard, No. 1525 ARCH Street, West of Eighteenth streak WM. Uli-L MOOHE. FOR SALE —A FARM of over 200 «X> Ac. ffts, veil fenced end watered, tn a Rood state of cultivation, admirably adapted to the growth oi grain, gross, vegetables, nnd fruit of all kinds, particularly peaches, the trees of which live to a grea&,ftge. Situate within two miles of a Radlroadi Station, Kent County, Delaw are; comfortable building*. For particulars, ad dress Box 33. HPO BUILDERS AND OTHERS-—RoxLo -*• rough Cottage Lot* for sale, admirably locatod oq and near Ridge Avonuo, above the Bix*mile Store. Passenger Railway Cars now running near, and will soou run by them. Apply to auCTlm* No. U^&JUth^ptlVl^fil'street. HOARDING. iM\4 WEST 'WASHINGTON’* ISQUARE, 1 SQUARE, S»oond-htor, ConnvtaJcAtiM Room,, for maned as parlor and tojxoom, or separator. Also. single Booms witt\ slS-fit* BOARDING. —Elegant and airy Rooms, single nnd in suites, can, he had with tirst-olass Board, for the Hummer, Fali, aiii Winter, at 1314 WAL NUT Street. au»-2m PERSONAL. PERSONAL.— A. D. ANCONA GIVES A high price for Ladies’ and Gent*’ Cast oiT Cloth ng. Address. 330 SOUTH St* eet. *U-fii* FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. H t DymttNG- * 00.. Nog. and*B NORTH FOURTH BTRF.KT, Are now receiving, by successive arrivals from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS ENGLISH AND GERMAN, HOSIERY, GLOVE?, AMD SHUI.L WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS, MACHINE SEWING SILK AND THREAD, Andaolioit an inspection of their complete and well assorted stock, jyll-5w ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. gOHAFFKK & ROBERTS, 43» MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS. BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY (20MM, AMD TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. aos-3ra JPJIJRNETTj SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, Are now opening at their Ptor*. NO. 409 MiVBKtiT PTIIKET, Above FOURTH, Not h aide, A lUSWOME A*«ORTMRXT OJ NEW FALL STYLES OF FANCY DRY GOODS. OT THBIR OW.I IMPORTATION and selection, whioh they offer for sale to buyers from all parts of the United States, on the most reasonable terms. aufi-lro jy| ARTINS, PEDDLE, & HAMRICK. Importers and dealer is HOSIERY, GLOVKB, AND FANCY NOTIONS, NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Fivo doors below the Merchants’ Hotel, Offer for sale the most complete stock of Goods in their line to l*o found m tho Uniteo State*, consisting of HOSIERY, of every grade. GLOVES, in threo hundred vanet ea. UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. LINEN-BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFS. A. SHIRT FRONTS. LADIES’ ELASTIC BF.LTS, with clasps of en tirely new designs, with tin endless variety of NO TIONS, to winch thev invite the attention of FIRST-GLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. aus-3ra BROTHER, & BREWSTER, 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET HOSIERY, GLOVES, aim FANCY GOODS. We have a fine stock of Imported and Domestio Goods, particularly adaptod to SOUTHERN TRADE, To which we invite the attention of first-claw buyers, auS-2m DANCING. DANCING ACADEMY, Northeast corner nl ARCH nml BROAD streets.-Mr. HAZARD, from Paris, and well known in this city ns having had the largest ami most fashionable Dancing Academy for many venra. has the honor to inform his,former patron and the public that ho has returned to this city, and will open a Dancing Academy at the place above named, on MONDAY, the 2*tl» of September. Mr. H. will aNn teach clauses in schools and private failures. Mr. H » sty le of dancing is plain easy, and graceful, andean be acquired in a short time. >n easy and gracelui de portment. us well as a perlect knowledge of the present Htvlonl (lancing, such as is done in the very best so ciety, vdl he imparted at once to the scholars, and no Uriio wasted in IciiTinng old stops and dances that are out of fashion. For terms, references, otc.. applT at the hall. se!4-3m NOTICES. PHILADELPHIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION CO.MPANT. AT AN APJOFIINUD MRUTINIi OF.THE ABOVE NAMED C 0 11 D O It A T I 0 X , NO. 0 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o’cWk A. M., Sept«ml>or 1 111, 16.19. tl.e fnlloft inK Runtlomon w.r. unMiinKmalT elects,l T‘irept..r, of the Comrenr, vnt GEORGE 11. STUART, R. MORRIS WARN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CIIAS. MACALESTER, and JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The HOOKS ol FL'IISCRITTIOX to the CAPITAL STOCK of sni.l COMPANY are now open at the above nantetl Otf.ce, where all person, fnvnrab'e to tfe entor priee nro re. Tactfully invite.l to snlewnl*o. .8-tf $50,000 TO LOAN, (N HUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upou Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mer chandise, Clothing, Arc., on moderate terms, by JONES it CO., Broker*, northwest corner ot THIRD and GAS KILL Stteets, Wehw Lombard. Established for the la#* 55 years. Otnoe hours from 7A.M.t07 r. M. . . Second baud Gotd and Silver Watches, hy eminent tnakere, warranted genuine, for *ale cheap, at one-nail tke OFUlral 00*1 eu4 ITI-)f HEIUUNU.— 275 bills Pickled Herring, n!.o,32sU.XO,StnokoJ H«rinc,Lit'Ml,t Ity Q. C. BADLLK A GO,, hIO ARCH Straiit. wnond door abrtva Front t 'RUDE T V I<I’ENTIXE. —30 bbls. Soft * ! nml Hard Terpentine, in Btnro and for sale bv ami jIoWLKY. ASHBURNER, A CO, ,15 No. J« South WHARYK*?. AUUBEMJSKTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BRILLIANT SUCCESS .. „ „ of rnc NEW ROMANTIC PLAY or isioora of sylyania, ReoeiVdd, on its hrtt vrfßPa*afo->. w.ra ENTHUSIASTIC APTI Ac?E ' The New Grand Ballet rf I.A FONTAINE D’AMOY?, triumph! THE NF.VV PLAV AM' THE NEW BALLET KKPFaTLD, THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, «eite=be r K:L. OF SYLVANIA, THE FOUNTAIN OF LOVE, i fill- S«J?;vR8 w . E '* L ‘‘' P *i"'. j. r w. Wallace, . •{.•II. TAI t.OR. Mr. J. J. *: r ,- vr I*FV. NO, SIG.NOKJNF, OALKTU sli PKATESL “ THE 01,AND COUPS pE BALLET. PRBPARAT?ON ERFrl ’ ATTRACTIONS ARE IN ADMISSION FIFTY AND TWENTY HY- rtYrs m »J Lo accuroJ <i:ulj (,om E:shi A. M.'iuTiil Fiys °' cl ° ck ’ I,m ™'«iOKr=na WALNUT-STREET theatre ■ z . BENEFIT OF MR. J B. ROBETTI THI* (FRIDAY j EVENING. ’* _ r FAI ST AXD MARGUEUIT#. blephiBtophiins t Mr. J. B. Roberts: Fans*, v. w A. Ferry; Valentine. .Mr. L. K. Shews!!; StV ifr JiraSuL a! pi?? uenie ’ J “ 3 - Tocommerjctr with A THUMPING I.tGACY. 4 Scale of PaicEs.—Dress Circio. '.Seats secured with* outextracha«e.)so i;Pots; Parquet. (Seats secured :U W cents, J37>a ; >econd Tier and Family Cuds, a n j Third Tiwr.2scents;; Private Boxes. accordin; UMfct.r locale, §3; Single Sean m Orchestrated Private x>oxeB,73 cents. Box Odice open daily, from 30 until 2 o’c’o-'k. when seat* cap be secured in advance. Wheatley & clarke’s arch. STREET TJIEATRF. BENEFIT OF EDWIN BOOTH. THIS (FRIDAY) KVEVINu. >ept*inb<3»- 35 THE IRON CHEST.—Sir Edward Mommer, Edwin Booth; Ladv Helen. Miss F.inma 'favlor. To conclude with Shakxpearo’a Conjedr ,-.f KATHARINE AND PhTRUCHIO ScALKorPKicE*.—Admission.Csecucs; SeeuredSeao in Dress Circle,37l* cents; Parquet, W cent# .**??” fP e l ? nt 7 o’clock; performance to comracnaa at 7*3 o dock precisely. ""*** TVOVEL ATTRACTION’ AT PAIR OF THKBCHIvAIi'LL! 0 ACB ' Vi; T ' lE BCTTOU llwVnwfrit •"» Schii,lkill. ~ FAIRMOUNT. irthVweS^f 0 / On T&MoTkOW*!JaTLRDjff” APTFEcoO’i' Between the hours o' 3 and 3 o’clock. On t*v**pii ftr‘°wn n <av CH ,V? Vlil f ,* thrown overboard to wht§i *l f - WILbOX will descond andattach a tore. [solJ-Jt X/\T ALNDT-STREET THEATUfi! - " » Solo Lessee- M. A. GARHETTSOX. Wage Manager Mr.*. F. KEacTT Business Agent Mr. JOS. D. MURPHY THIRD WEEK OF J. B. ROBERTS. THIRD WEEK OF J. K. ROBEhTr UNABATED Bt'CCEVJ UNABATED SUCCESS. 7.AST THREE NIGHTS LAST THREE NIGHTS of faust and srAHoimiirn; THURSDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATI RDAVI Sept. Uth. 15th, and 17th. «jr SPECIAL for the munificent patronage extended sine© the open ‘nitof the Theatre, be< reapectiullj- to announce iSaL notaiujataudtnc the great tnecesa notr atteDcior tlla production nl Fantt tad .Marguerite. i hundreds taint unable to ohti,n aeaUmebtlr.lit MUST PoSlTiV'rf v BEWITiIDRAraAFTEAi\T&DAYt?ISiS NEXT, to OJder to giro place to other attractions p-«* ssty?.jsjffinffissriit i 7» ,IUH3: ' AV ‘ ,% - For the p?e?oat- For the preeeot Those who e not yet seen T hose who wive not jet #eei^ This Spectacular Mssterpieeo ... ~ , , Thu Spectacular Masterpiece Should embrace the present opportdrut). „ . . .. Remember, ln/‘three aiehtJ. Scats secured without extra char-e. sels*3t EVERY DAY. AT THE BOX OFFICE. AMERICAS ACADEMY OF MUSIC. hood’s matinee. ' SATURDAY AFTERNOON, September i?di. Adimviion 25 cents. S x Ticket* i.t One Tollir. Door* open it J. Commence st 3 SECOND APPEARANCE OF THE MEYERS SISTERS. LOUISA and JOSEPHINE, Who ■will, on this oeeriMoti, personal-*. EVA AND TOPBY, In scenes from the ceW«riiM storr of L . . INCLB TOM’S CABIN. Alter which, the srnnd Spectacle of the , „ BEAUTIES of f* OR a. In Fine TAhlenux, introducing Ptriitn< nnd Da*;. Toooucluwd with the successful tonne Pantoaunw of the , ~ , FOUR LOVERS. In which Old OmcdmUher and all tae Little ChtUrSu will appear. Tickets to l>e had st all the Music Stores. s»U-st* Free concert at fairmocnt.— This AFTERNOON and EVENING the * „„ ti , HARMONY CORNET RANT) Will piny the most i*»pater music of the dir. EftiTlh# new lounlaiotf on the NORTH Mi)E OR rAill* MOLNI. The Car* of the Green and Coate*. Fourth and Fiibih itreet rimipaoy i-asa lion* Euhth and Coated strteu every fire minute* !n convey to the troeai. Fare FIvE CENTS. aul9-f&tutf J|Y S I'BSCRIPTIOX ONLY •william rfad. SnpsrictoorteaL Appleton's New American Cyclocedvv, fcjpervcd. Benton a Debotca of Consre«3, w iysfT?l. Frank Moore’s Bury of iha A.f.Knrm R&vohitloc, 2 volumes, .%a. Life ami Adventures of Car?on. Dr. Pancoast’s Ladi*« Medical Uuice. 3i.«P. Swedent*oru’a Eswiaihon of tbe Tocr Gospois ty Prof. Bush. 25 cont 3 ppj No, Wilkes’ Niu«ati\o of the V. S. Eaplorinr Expedition* fi voluutoi, JOHN' McFaBT.AN a:c;«1, ARCADE HOTEL, fiil CHESTNtI' Acents rrantpd to j» *rr>ry roumy. a5-iuwt*-9t Return of tub FAVORITES, AT MUSICAL FI ND HAt L. COMMENCING MONDAY EVFVfNO, SEPTEMBER 13. and F.very F.vemn, riunr..* the Week The World-HenowneJ. On iml *>id Gtdy GEORGE CHRISTY’S MIXbTRIT.S. OFORGE CHRISTY A li. M. HOOLEY, PROPEIETO!!'. S. C. CAMPBELL, Mus;ca! Director. tU~ Admission 25 cent*. Foi j. irt .nihra see smalt and force Lilts. Door* open at 7. Cor.r> once as 8 o'clock. LEWIS A. ZWiSI.EE. 87-101 - 3 .5?cU GANFOKD'S OPERA HOUSE, KLF.VENTH street, betw&en Cheatr/at and Market. Open for the Season. BANFORD’S STAR TROUPE, the largest Company in the w^rld, Ib their excellencies every evening. SANFORJ) appears Every evening in Hit* great Role of Characier*. Doors open at ?S« tJoiumenc* sti*. Adn.i#£on 25 cents. Chnldren Urecs. ang3-Sm MCDONOUGH'S GAIKTIKS—RACE ST., Mow THIRD. THIS EVENING. THE GREAT TANIOMIME BLANCO’S MAGIC F Wn S D , With New Scenery, New Diee«e*. and J,'cv Arrslct* tiient.*. WONDERFUI. FRICK! IiRKAT SCENIC TRAN^FC-KVaT t ON*S! XIWIIAXICAL t’TE’Ysi Fnce of Admi«*ion and 15 rents. Private Boxes 25 cents. rriHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADKMY OF 4- THE FINE ARTS. No. in» CHESTNUT BTRKKT, Is open daily, (Sunday# excepted,»from 9 A. >5. O: 4 F. M. Admibbion 25 cent#. Children under U y h-tit price. Bartholomew’s Statue of EVE REPENTANT now exhibition for a short time. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. JJOUSEKEEPERS, AND THOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING, Will find by far the largest an-! most u*efnl sLvV ci housekeeping and useful articles m the city, c*<raprelcg many new goods, just receive l from Kukto, of & kmd never before for Bale in Philadelphia, at the wsrarooit.s of JOHN A.MUKPHEY iV CO., 922 CHESTNUT STREET. J,57-fm»tr ABOVFMXiH WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite ipecisl attention to their stock of SILVETt WARE, which is row unusually «arge, affoMisg a v;>. nety of pattern and design unsurpieaed by any hoa*? the United Slates, and of finer quality than is m-.’-utso* tured for table u#e many part of the World. Our Standard of Silver is ?3i-I*WO parts pine. The English Sterliug tiC's-liidO 41 American and French Dfd IndO “ Thus it will be Been that we cive thirtr-f.vA p-.rtj jinrw than the American and French coin, and ton jarts runv* than the English Sterling. We m*U all cur own Silver, and our Foreman being connected wth the Re De partment of the United State* Mint f.r yoveni year*, way guarantee the quality as aU->veiSJs'. which is tho /n. s» that can it viatic tobr scmr'aHr, and will tha action of acid# rnucA fcrtttf than f.\a orjunry Si’;,* manHfaeturtd. WM. WILSON fc SOX, 8. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CITFRRY ST?, N. B.—Any fineness4->f Silver manufactured es agreei open, but roiittfr/j tent inf*rto~ to I'rrnrh ard Jrun. can ttnnJajJ, Dealer* vopplied vith ihf*e»me standard ai u*ed ia our retail department. Fine Stiver iJars, 9&J-IW part* pure, cca*tar.t.j ca hand. COPARTNERSHIPS. nPHE FIRM OF BE ATE?, JACOBY. & A MH.LKR is THIS >■* cetsc ol I>AVI l> $ jK».\>DV. T;,e i a«T ■' tlnuwiil U* settled tu the s.i'vmn ~T { i*.*ntimse th* hu«in >l 'n it the «’M a'*”’ i.' . . of BKAThS A MiLI.EK. H UF. VTl* ms-ar v, v j. .'iii i.rn. TVOTiCK. —The < 'opurtntrship lurett ioi\» i-i ei.stini l«c'veen the thiisrpie-s ss d i-'hxd inufuil TIM-** I 1 A i. THuM'S T M ASON luvin v’ Cll' T.T T-% RuBJJVSOVi* ennremte'r*:?h ’ -fn ;*v! no authorited to seitle the engine** ft .M.'' m V A Tilu.V.*; 1. n C K.HuVNS ’> rniLAD%.,Pept.7,isr<'J N.B.—The PRY GOODS JoBBIN’G R.j* ne?» -•'! U* continued at N0.4)4 .MARKET ..rA-*- '-a name. W THOMAST AjAItoN. RntLAin.. Sept. 7.1V9. a?-im TWOTICK IS HKKKKY (HYKN, ihai iha 11 firm of 'VYARMCK. CHADWICK. A BRO.istiin day dissolved. Ihe Hearer. K.vue. ami M.vre wilt !*e continued under tne M TliAliV. lOK A BRO.,atthe Northeast corner oi RKCOMr arc RACS. Streets. JOHN K. CHAoWtC'x KHANCiS A. OUAUU Philadelphia. Ju’y 11.1359. IMPORTANT TO F.Vi-itY MAN M'UO X KKKF?,A HOR£r v COWjSin;;Ll*;iiTTla. ThoiYlky*B voS&Srak'c .l ttYt, I\wsossm*. as tt tUv»s, tlva bitter anJ rVyr pertieK rontimert in Rpru, Gm?s or l. t>, •: »’t ? unnpeherHnje.iscbscUisl to'' b *.r. i jt op«ralea id stimulatm.. ih« « , r»ai-v h -a.}. . t.\ - c •- gans to health* action. Tins ccnitour. t .*i'{ for leedin? Cattle or ihctr Kd ' k *. purely of ve-etaMe inatm. aouie n >» •<*h •• aromatic. For keepmc ln*-«cs in <*•/- .f> unequalled. Coy keeper* uj'l i-ad -rr-J •../ the lncreiaed quant.t> auJ improv'd \ v ...t» - < n:-«. during its use. All .minnl-i v* *'‘ n ' f ’\v r. Thu footl can cuii' t* had »«»nuu<«?. ;n iho . .atr c PenasyUinia. l.y apvJ.* lfl > *•' l *‘ l \>' l ’ 1 i : vp , r r -.‘‘ lll State ' M. ‘A' 'if Ki, 8 7-) m 171* M AKF T_St reel. I'^.• nd.*ti b:".. (~'H)FF£K. .VO F.;o. :C0 J h|f« !•(IITIP I.4fUt)T)». f^ r Hniif. ; j a mi->h»kaham co LtTiTU atrtttq ;V' c’tv «« rf t ■--r* vr'-> Cru*