The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 14, 1859, Image 1
■; rtWtPwinTy i,l-; 13»S^^W@i .: MftUod : to ofth«Oitf«l^niPK^ K. T - mooktoe «i ao*, --><krsvs ~fe- 3*- ‘ f 'i • i,_lutfxn -::s■<&{ n iJ \n* ■ l’ ->;h . ■■ < :4S?^-^'^Sff;ai>(iE^#lo®ht.TSt„':^r ' •’,'*'**’;•=* <mttlr.onMt* Mmli*»ti?-IM>M K> "im •ft-'rf &<r<:.■• ©j / '"/ •:- H t‘r '.'‘^>>>* , V*\.? ' iv.> ?i '? • ,-.v.- i • fBUtUM.i -’ : ' j >':i ■->' ■“ ft:' '_' ~=>=. v s H i ;„. t /„v ’ > .nutABKUfBw. ■; J^d^J^^tra^'AlfO/SJiKK^aATS i-« *>*. ■V- . ; F >,, , .' S«--JC#*atrP4ai -. r‘~ ; V4» *WraWßf#«t/< * . Xi g£ .g jUfe ; ' BOOT( •BHOB. AISfD flincm MA!TgETAL8 > i;. {tA .-)‘ f^ ,l )'\, f -*r-.i>'' ti '’t v -,- - ' - v -> f , ~ J , *.! ,v .. ,; . afrmas,,oAi.LooNH, ; , . < 'iA- SBBKriXW, PATBMTXBATMIU r M.X OOBHn, FOtIBTH AHS AMH ffra. 'iSSiSSiiy ~‘ ■ ■*- - ■•<•= j _■_ ;f V STOCK j 1", iSi'M'S oirTii:;TH;^i.l>:'.S^EEi, FHU.ADSLPHIA, .3tf'3Tl.YXl!> I .... „ HAVB FOB. fU* ! J■: 8 TOOK; A,ND:;B ONDB .x-! "' . alLthe , leading "Cassis ngsr •; ; in | . r. : vhiohfhay invitsthe attentfonof MipUaliits, " ; *./' SU»k£B6fi<U, «tid Corporation; li#aar ; 6o«|ht u 4 ; MOSTON .. ’i • i-T ’‘ r -”- ! :."' V. i\3 ;,-- v .-,-< .< e.. t, , c ;*XTfi ^; ?oj^o'kißB^ ' Oi»itaj*, ji»«fc »<»s^ tt* Bwa i* teri*l« bMM. ■»*. ■l'-... ■".' ,■V >w WuTg'wHAXy^"' : ■r.. WlrlT . ‘ ; ’ : XfJA|LiEY fis:OG* : ... - . . ; ■ *oucuu.y. - _ ' -v..- .■■.■ci j. v-«»V« : i»»o»Mti> «3w m* »6u»U ; J ' f :Zp SL IS- 'X f ST : ?! v« \■; : T •.S m OHE^crw***'' 1 . :: ' " 1 •'/> aKfE^p.a4o.«Mi. » >:: /thiirEtfSVMkof s''- i .-s tKroft i m> «;>• .... , ' . «LyHK WA»K, WATOHB*, DUllSltoßf Ajifl »v. c-v-v ,! " • •'"'' V 1 'f 1 ?' itit iWolmVwa*# iituti- ■:< i i" ; ?•.. .• t ; -usij ..-,: B: W. •MAMOTAOTUJtERS AHD IMPOXTHM or '/. j\ - j £ if =. ,*■ ;' ..'/T < <!; : l*o.lM :OnBSTNUT »t»lr»,. : * ajl kadjt of owt&l. !,t- :«*l4'r . 0 BOY WATCHESTw TrthWMt wmer of SECOND SM-BEtTSi., ' . L * v 1 irdGfisi aa. ANn By wrbbt :!.'.: : ,’u.v .?Hii.*p>ii.rHiAi : • ' , '■ WHOLESALE OOKMIBBIOK KKBCHAHra, * Forth*Ml*oJ*ll kind#g£ ! r'l AiCBfcIOAH MANUFACTURED KARDWARHi 05 BKLOIAS , ?WNC«,>NP ENOUBH at (food) io m»- ("■;- -tJ- •■>•. BUTOH*B>B BILKS, ,c«i-. MiririM, •■ ;;' < ;-:J^ra^g*)l’S‘BpO.B 3 Tgpta<-; • ••- VtfCK9t W Viofs, Aal Mti iitSt lr*T*nr nri»ty, -lohiAMtttiti M<: ?■ *-• ■d h.» e* nryi bp E Ais R P tsi o ■> ■ iW&WWOM,, ** ' '■■ *ww*ip ’•'**■*’?*• >»Oi 'e.t'.xiianik i j t \ •£K\ i - n Cfj '•.-MV* r-om. 'tyii'V} ' ! . , > nigpußAfi!! Aw# a£A y:#,. .(• Uuftta sVtFp' IUZASP) * HOTOHINSGN, •.'£?>;• COWtIiWJrW XKBOHANT& - gIA-MADE . O DSi '■ CLOTHING GOODS, ’>-« xi.'i -.-. HOMERYaND GLOVES..' ; , fv;jW«‘A(AiUt Jn.thn Ututtd StAHA for t)« nil* at r ;CA»T WEIGHT; WARNEB’S :'•• * i. v’vt 5 \": i, ; ;^fljw^i(tQfBir»^>)^ 1 ’-.;v, : f;•' & go., .' w 825 CHESTNUT STREET, , Invite the ittenticmof Wholwelq Bfcyert to their ierse ABdvwi«d*t«k;/b'r FALLANB WINTER TRADE, Apni&tfnV in »rt of MBRINOSHIRTSAND DRAW ERSiWOOLLEN HOSIERY, GBRMANTOWRFAN bY'kjftTWOOLLEN CdODSi'kc.VAa.' ' ’ ' /60EKAQBRIS ENPfijt,ADELPHrASOR company s merino SHIRTS ANDPRAWERR •, ' ' “ ! •WATERYLErr,:’ RoBIERY. MILLS MERINO SHIRTS; AND DRAWERS AND HOSE, HALP-HOBE BRIRTS.'„ * PROVIDENCE MANUFACTURING-COMPANY'S fancy knitwoollen goods,’ Whits and COLORED BHXTI^jg)-yarn • - i EASTERN MANUFACTURING COMPANY’S WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS. ■ < ;'WALLACE •£ WpS’STEELOTRING SKIRTS, •J', ', FOR, •' ,•• OTIS', MANUFACTURING COMPANY’S. MERINO SmtT« ANDdrawers: -;■■-.•• c,*'l . *: • I ASSANPINE KERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWBRB •f AMERICAN ANHKOWB OOMPANIEgI PINSi < < M '-w-’J-nt ii- ■ »,»' ; 8 CpFFIN. & ;-r^;^’C6M]P4NXA''; j: . 116 ' | ’ ) BTWUT STREET, •■ | 'BA 1 ?® v.i>p ; i£ : M',yf.)isnMxm < B prints.'.' In-nMt TAii»tr, inolddinr' Chooiiuuji.lurkor RM< -SmlA Bfaia, SUrtinii, and Faso; Btrle*.. . . BLEACHED,, SHSBUNttS AND SHIRTINGB '. v LbiW»i*, ;! ; r ' > MAAonviU*. i, SWamtllla;’ : ‘ Tagir l ' ; > •< W4n MilU, ' •;BlMkft«nA,;i ...ColiAiiMt, , .. lobulw, . BtMdai*, Fheanix, .' SmithvillA. BRO.WHSHBBTINGB, BHIRUNOSj AND. ■'-■ - 1? _. ; oaNABtTRQS. ' K»to*<)*, : ' : ' Virji»i» F*miiy, Groton, ■BttJiok, V: ’*■ Manohertet,'' I Km'i t Pirn’ll, BAok Htirk, Meroor A, is Wwi<m-A,- .-.•FniiMnV-!-- "BivertUn, - i j ; " i h, - i ■' '--i ’ICLOTHS.- | ' BottoiMw’i; Tp!B»roy’«,;Ol9nhtm Co;’«, nnd otlitr wool Wd ootton wAip ■(' .r.Mnnml oassimbres. • - .Gra«nßaljCo'.,'. B*jlon«Ri»»i, , L»trl»loa PAIIA S(«ra’« M. 0«t A Son*, GUndnin,. BaiHOMn Cou ’ - r nnd ntkm i i.VTrX‘K r .« •-■.‘ ;. ,BA?3NETS.' -- V Bt»»ra*«, ; '' l ’ AJtw*Aidrlo(i, T*ft fc T«»ron, ;^OiffcljpK;•' CottyntwllU. fo.' ~MLE»IAR-rLwhli',Ca, l j',Sßiiik i », «ndother’in«k««, ’lUin»wU«iUAd,of»U Kdorn, ... .. - Fucr Ntipo StrinM And Plftldn. - : . , . • Jjr*«tt jifr And Irn* StrlpMi, Dtninu, And TioHnti. ; '.MMWlal^M«^lP^U>didfMaLDimta Apron OhAokn, •ndPintoloonStuiA I 1 ! - Skei9fd’> And SlAtAc’a Centon Pluwbla, . ' ftAh»rvU)AOo,’« Cortek JbahA, Ao, ' V .-,H ( j »T< fit. & CO, , ■/ MBBOHAKTB. i. :■ -whai-b oim, . . , • . . t; 4 « yg^oUß. 3 DRUGS. *c vMr-Tte’ittm&ii ofMurat**tar«r* 1* ttpuiailv odßifloariT H ,y* i."-.. .. : X OILS. . ' wU4m- rltV&wM K. FHONT.gTEKBT, PHXLA, : -T.' j j. '■>. '!••'-! r ' r • t- iatJ|UE»iry. & 00, •3*makbtBt.,anh »»« ohotok alley, •'-■■■' ’ ' AM iunr os«i« their ••mm - i - ;‘‘= J -vy.t /■*»; f. '■ ••• . ■ • i . jiWAFiEAKD FANCY i ,■ ilirrlifiS it* of . . , .; ' i <JABH AMB PROMPT BHOKT-TIMB BUYBM, 1 i -7. ... CLOTHS, DOESKINS. &o. , ' flisfl CHKBTNUT STRBHT, , . > gOOTOH LINENS. ■ > i BAXm'SDUOKB, r IDWARD’O OANVAB, | , OILROY’S BURLAPS, ~ ' THOMPSON’SHBMP OARPBTB, j R A : y|'lf ;-DDO K 8. - r ' aUfawi.TowJUA r /.'• '’■'•)«spißTii?«er,'i)AMisKS. , •\ n’V ■ A«.| Rc„ AO. .*?.*«■ ■ : LOWESTPRIGES. , ';.GON^B;,ai;;^RRIEE. : ■' ;,-"r * *IO. : !*XJ OIDSBXNVT OTBBKT. ' - r MMpB is j,^ OLEEPER r &■ FENNER. ; ,vf v -Tirri(>i^SAjii'kAi(*JW(rtuk*M■' ijk -t- I —. .w jg 1M O !rf HEI TER. V ; ' ; .; '• : •■;■ : or - '< -■ ■ .. parasols, .northwest.corner of third.and Mar •-•Mpetook is novrvery complete is pvory department -e»d trill be fooed to off, r lpdoeemeiita to buyers unsur fswsd br w othsrjhnnse. ' f aull-lm ' TM&fiTHlMfAnd yrnovraidd DBalbrs . n' L'Jt hit '--Jr •su'; , 11 ■ : * w>v, H ARDW A BE, . „ ttUTLERY.^NS,,PISTOLS, Ac., 6ao\^-, : ' I IMBKET:-' I STBBBT,':-'', BSH9 BELOW BIXTHi NORTH BIDE,: ■HK • -s 'PHILADELPHIA,' -HARDWARE, CUTLERY,iAND QVS . * :hi fOOMMBROK Ars.-,' W' '■ • ■ : -f. . i ft r-ftr-- . '7iCJ~ 'hitt kjikuriiitl. UMBKELLA3. .cter m JiasiOT I ]^ : jobbers. ■ 'sss*& jpßipjs,;<s?co.. ';... y " AND' JOBBEIIS op, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ':. , ■';,. 816 MARKET STKKBT.,'' •, ■B4m ; •.» . * 1 : ■ • J # W. GIBBIS & SONS. ■ y NO. #Bl MARKET BTRBBT, Are now ope&tar their • , FALL t WINTHB- BTOOK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO Is irMshvip b 4 (bIQuI Bf»H usortmtnt of oloths, DoEakiNs, vestings, trimmings, •&ai" &OOL IMroRTRBS AND YfHOLRSADE DBALBRS : vdr y apop s, LINENS, WHITB GOODS, CLOTHS, ‘ .'. OAlsilSiWii, BLANKETS. ft# ' ,50. 304 MARKET STREET. Ysra. oHiTTioK & 00., !. importers AND wholesale dealers FOREIGN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, j ! 488 MARKET, AND 438 MBROKaNT BTRBETB, Are nov reviving froto Europe, their ■ ' FALL IBffpiORTATIONB, ; Embracing & fuU/MSorimentpf geode «tapted to the present MMon. with their home purehaees'iii r A- M si: RXO A N if ABR I 0 B,’ j toiS qn&ble thfaitd offer to the Trade one of the meet --! ~ , eUrwaveetotteththemarket. OABH AND BHORT-TIMB BUYERS Are revpootfallr solicited to examine this etook before parobaeloi. . soJ-frawSm JpALilj IMPORT. 18 5 9. HERRING; & OTT, ' Haro iwnr la fitoy® their usual SPLENDID STOCK 'totXß "■ 9t ; ! . aims. X.W. COBHBB fOtJMH ANDMARKET SIS, toMo . . ‘ \ r , i „ 1859. TBADE * 1859. SHORTRIDGE & BRQ., ■ (.nconeoM to h.uh.k, ihtd», * c 0.,) , • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS : OF , DBY .GOODS, 480 MAHKBT STRBET. Hava In .tore a coir, pie t« Una of FORBION AND DOMES,TIO GOODS, Bolpotad arpraatiT vi i)i a via* to th« intamta of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT DEALERS, thar tataaotAiUriarlta the attanUanof tho N. B.—A fail stock oonetan tip on hand, and ordara *lll tai executed proraptir. at the auAfen] LOWEST MAHKBT RATES. jj||oOLINTOOK, GRANT, & 00., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHS, OABSKfKRBS, VKBTTNGB, ■' ' ‘ ' ' ’ am. ' TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. , no. ass Market street, (Up Stain.) aat-ltn PHILADELPHIA. A W.XITTIuE, & GO., ; SILK GOODS, HO. 335 MARKET BT. itMin JPALL GOODS BA'ifOROPT & 00.. NOS. 40# AND 40T MARKET BTRHBT, mroftTna Attfi iro»en« ov FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRV GOODS. Btoo£ now oomptete fr&d read! for boj*rs> [anß*SCt §HAPLEIGH, RUE. & GO.. tUfOUSKB Of UKBMB.’' ‘ BaOOI W U w> EMBROJDBRIBS. NO. 339 MARKET STREET. NT* Our Stock* Minted in the beet Barope&n market* Jw panel?**, i* large And complete. ena-ara JOHNES *OO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP SI.LKS i : and FANCY DRY GOODS. NOS Mr MARKET, AND 834 COMMBRUE BTB, , MW* SIXTH. Having Just removed to tbs shore looation.are no* opening s ns* and very deeirable Btook of floods, am. braoingevory variety Ip their Uns, *biob the* offer to tbe trade st tbs. rates, for caeh or sp proved orsdit soS-Sm pRIOE. FERRIS, & GO.. IMPORTERS OP ™™«sw • MANTILLAS, Ac. NOS. MS MARKET ST., AND MS COMMERCE ST. '9T Onr Stock is ssieotsd by a member of the firm, in “** " - BBBT EUROPEAN MARKBTS, aal-ftn ■ ■ 1 • WOOD, MARSH, * HAYWARD, ’IMPORTERS > i - AM WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. NO. ao» MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Pall and "Winter Btook now oomslets and readp for borers. anMm ]|| r WIUCiIAMSON & GO., WHOIiKSALK DBALEHfI AND JOBBERS IN CRY OOODSi KO. 435. MARKET STREET, (And 414 OommeroMtrooti) BBTWBXR vovam AJtB F(*T&, WORTH »IDX, . Ouf etoek, eepeolally adapted to Southam anil ‘Weet era tra4*». I* ijov lar*e and oomplete in every parti oular. * auf-tf 1859 FALLIMPOKTATIONS -1859 DALE, ROSS & ’WITHERS, Ml MARKET, AND *lB COMMERCE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or ... . SI LK AM FANCY GOODS, Have so* aoontp) 1 atoek, to vbiebtbep invite the at tanlinn of borare. anSAm LOOKING.GLASSES. IjOQKINQ glasses. ’ Noir in store tbe most extensive and elepant assort ■umt of LOOKINOfILASSBS, Foreverr speos and every position, and at tbe most moderate pnoss.^■ ■ ■ '• i , . LOOKINO GLASSES In tbe.moet elaborate and tba most simple frames. , LOOKINO GLASSES Framed in tbe beet taste, ■ and in tbe most substantial maanor« • . „ LOOKING GLASSES Farnisbedbrtis.aremanafaotaredbp onrtaivaa In onr own eetabllsnment. LOOKIN’ J GLASSES and "WALNUT frames for Country - ’ JAMBS S. EARLE A SON, „ ,16, CHESTNUT STREET, anirtf. . ", PHILADELPHIA. ir bARD OlL.—7BbbisTllo. 1 Winter Lard HUGAR-HOUSE MOLASSES.—I6O hhds., PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1859. THIIiD-STKEfeT JOBBIM HOUSES. moorE&go;, f *' I it PORTER'S > «V‘ WHOLESALE PEA LK& 8 DRY GOois, , , . NOS. aao AND 099 NORTHS THI B © ST; ET , ABOVE RACE, WEST Bib#,' W* itava now open the Lijtoiir Com nm Block of Goods wo hsv. evorPf.TKl to Hit Trsdo. Thnstteiitlon of f '' ' CABH AND SiX-MONTHS BWHSRB is solicited. 1 . -. i ... s7-lm JAISIES,' If ENTj ■ & •: v ’’ * 00., $•:. ■ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GO©||r N0i.937 fc 841 NORTH THIRD RACK, Would now inform their oaitomort amwe'trade gene rally, that their etook: this ecasonwiU ' 7 UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE. aus>*ra t ,v r '.v. OHAMBERS & OA'X'TEEL, NO. 39 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS Of, FRENCH CALF SKINS, ' -• i. AND ■ .-vI- • • 1 MANUFACTURERS GF CITY OALF KICKING, Moroccos and Linings* Oak and Rad Boj* Leathers ! aoAtooS . . YARD, (JILMORB, & 00., NOS. 40 AND 49 NORTH RTREET, . IMPORTERS AHA PRAUfIS IN BILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS,' WHITE GOODS, LAOESs'LINKNS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac. ' '• ..i’ .i ‘ ■' r ’ HOSIERY) GLOVES) MITTB,AJ?I> SHAWLS. au&Am . 1859. -W A Y A-O 0.. : IMPORTERS’‘AND JOS&Ba ..; ~ . DRY gTo diib s. ' . NEW MARBLE BUILDING, • NO. 98' ; NORTH THIRD STREET. , We offer, Dr the peeksaeor jleee, to CASH,OR PROMPT SIX-MONTHS |DYBRS, . AVMylsrto end at tractive Stock pP; , - AMERICAN AND FOREIGN . DRY GOODS. . Puroh are will And ottr atookwsU eeeortedat nil K - ponsol uTMi. • ■ ■ J.T WAT. V " JAS.H DUNLAP, WM. P. WAV, fwS-iml , QEO. P.'WAY. & MAGINNIS. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALH’tiEALKRI IN ENGLISH AND 4MSRIBAN SHE O E THER A D S. FRENCH AND BNQUSK IAStBWS, AND BHOB-HANDPAOT*RBRS>jARXIOLBB; A, * n uK?IELD'S PATENT BOOT.TRBES. s°A4m ■ jxhsraEßioE&yßiviffiHF WHOLESALE . . i GROCERS. NO. 43 NORTH THIRD STREET. »sr Honey, and Lovsrlni’s Byrnp always on hand. anS-lm . gOWER, BARNES, & CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL, AND , BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NO. 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH. Pdb!«mjton>sS».ndidBerie.(H DR. MANUAL OF £6g£k3S;&* a s t && {{ENDBY A HARRIS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STS., aoS-Jm PHILADELPHIA. rpHOS. MELLOR & GO., NO. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS ov ’ BNOLIBH, FREE op, AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, *0 sue-3m frm sieoxx, W*. 8. Bsinn, Jonn Wiser, Isdoe Rißokn, D. B. Eavin. piEOEE, BAIRD, & CO., , (Late Sieger* Lamb* t C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP DRY GOODS, No. AT North THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OUR FALL STOCK linear complete in all its department*, and ready for Buyer*. Prompt payinc Merchant* from all part* of the Union are reipeotfuUy ffoiicited to call and examine for themielvee. nuS-Sm CURTAIN MATERIALS. QUm-OU, EMORY, & CO., NO. S3T MARKET STREET, Importer, and Jobber, of HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, BLANKETS, QUILTB, TOWELLINGS, Ac., Ac., CURTAIN MATERIALS, Aad Solo Agents in Pbiladelpbia for HUGUENOT SHEETINGS. ulMn HOUSEdFURNISHING GOODS. HOUSEKEEPERS, AND THOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING, Will find by (hr the largest and moat useful atook of hou«*k«epi&g and tueftii article* in the oity, comprising many new cood*p]u*( received from Europe, of a kind never before for *ale in Philadelphia, at the vareroome of JOHN A.MURFHEY&CO., . 922 CHESTNUT STREET, Ivr-frowtf ABOVE NINTH. PAPER HANGINGS, &c. Yy ALL PAPER. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., NO. 383 CHESTNUT STREET, Have one of the larceat Paotorieiin the oity, and are prepared to furnieh Qualities of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, DECORATIVE PAPERS, Either to oity or oountry, at the lowest rate*. Their stock now on handle large, and owner* of pro perty. buitderfl»aaddealer* generally, will find it to their advantage to purchase of them, au29-]ru yy-AIl. PAPER WAREHOUSE. HOWELL & BOURKEi 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, ( MiBIST) Ann orpo.ui! MsnciiiKT svxnvi Hav, on band a large and splendid assortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS Towbioh the. Invite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS.’ • aott-Jm ' ?tj ; m ; i- , MIEMNEftY GOODS. OPENING. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 736 CHESTNUT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OP MASONIC TEMPLE, WILL HAVE TUBIH PALL OPENING OP BONNETS, *o., THIS DAY. THURSDAY, THE Bth INST. . si-lnll jj7ALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE fc SONS, 806 CHESTNUT STREET, HAra now oj>ap n complete nssnrtinent of FLOWERS,' : RIBBONS, FEATHERS, L ‘ VELVETS, , .CRAPES, LAOEB, BONNET MATERIALS, To whtoh they Invite ths attantion of tho trade, SuSO-lmi • MARKET STREET. RIBBONS, Of fveryMod,ln'immetu* variety; NBW BONNET MATERIALS, BGNNBT VELVETS, SATINS, ORO LB ‘NAPS, LINING BILKS, ENGLISH GRAPHS, of the beet make*, FRENCH A AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL 1 FLOWERS, PRATHERS, RUCHES, *0 Also, noweit Fall style* of )r STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS^ And STRAW GOODS, of every deeonption, Now open, and pTteentihg altogether tho most com plete etook of MILLINERY GOODS In this market Merchants and Milliner* from every Motion of the country, are cordially invited to call and examine our •took, which wa offer at tho CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. R08BNHBIM) BROOKS, A 00., 431 MARKET BTRBHT. aolO-taov] 1859. PALL TRADE, AGARD & 00., 383 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, RUCHES, FLOWERS, Ac., Have BQV in etore a full etook of Goode, to which they Invite the attention of first-oUu buyer*. , anlA-Sm* J # HILLBORN JONES, Importer and Manufacturer of FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, • 1 ' . , FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ac The attention of Citr and Country Dealer, ia lnviud to a tor,, and varied aiooK of ths aijova good,, at 433 MARKET STREET, M*-Sm Below FIFTH, CHINA AND QIJJEKNBWARE. SMITH, &CO., CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEBNSWARE. PITTSBURG AGENCY. f. GLASS, NAILS, Ac., delivered from the Factory AT MANUFACTURERS* PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. & North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. anft-fm&wtf PfURNBUIaL, AJULiEIN, ~ & CO., NOS. 98 AND 93 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, - importers ans Wholesale Deslers In •CHINA, OLABB, AND QUKKNBWARK. PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. BP*Merehantisn,piled with Glaaa at Mianteetnm’i ,rices. aue-3m JJOX-D & STROUD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Hare sow on hand a eompleta atook of QUEEN SW ARE, GLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Old Stand. No. 39 NORTH FOURTH ST„ four doors below Merchant* Hotel, to which they invite the attention of WHOLESALE^IiU VERS. tST Aoirts roa Fittsivro Glass* aus-9m MARBLE WORKS* MARBLE WORKS. Hu oomUntl; oa hand a Terr lari, •Mottnuat o MONUMENTS, ENCLOSURES, and GRAVE-STONES, Of varioai deilKm, mada of the ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLES, Which he will Mil at araatlr tedncad price. U alu execute order, ruKin the moat favorable tenna,and reepeotfullf invitee the publie cenerelif to examine hie .look before purohaaing elsewhere. ADAM STEINMETZ, Monumental Marble Work*, RIDGE below Eleventh street, ftpU-m w Mm Philadelphia* CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac. MERINO, HO SOUTH FRONT STREET, Hae In store and bond, and * Oflkn for Sale, .a Large Aesortmont of CIGARS, Received direct from Havana, of ohoioe and favorite Braude. aus*tf WHOLESALE CLOTHING. HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF COMMON, MEDIUM, AND FINE CLOTHING. We invite epeoiel attention to oar oompleto line ol MACHINE-MANUFACTURED GOODS, NOS. 4Si MARKET, Sc 419 MERCHANT STS. sne-am QLOTHXNGH AT WHOLESALE. 0. HARKNEBS St SON, MS MARKET STREET, aoPTßiut connxn or vonixii itxnr, OCTar for tale, on the moit LIBERAL TERMS, A new and extensive stock of FALL AND WINTEE CLOTHING, ADAVTSD TO TUB SOUTHERN ANp WESTERN TRADE, to wuica THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS, jyC-lm GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. QENTLEMEN’B FURNISHING GOODS AMD TAILORS’ TRIMMINGSi m LONGOOPE & PEAROE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store a full assortment in their line* to whioh they invite the attention of their ouatomers and buyers of such goods. aua-lut JW, SCOTT—late Of tho firm of Win. • Chester it ScoU-OENTLEMEN’B FURNISH INO STORK and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 51 Ma treet, (nearly opposite the Girard House J.Vf.i, would respectfully call the attention of hie former patrons and friends to bis new store* and is pre* pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fitguarantied. Wholesale Trade suppl ed with fine Shirts and Collars. jy2l-ly JJRELLS AND SHEETINGS FOR EX. . M Booth FRONT St., and M LKTITIA Street onie-lT - XXERRING. —275 bbls Pickled Herring, RR al».WIx,„, smoked slO ARCH Btreet, second door above Front. £ | c |p m §. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1859. LETTEB FEOM THE EDITOR. New York City on Sunday. Nkw York, Sunday, Sept. 11,1850. Now York fix* .many curious phases! Volikfl othtr cities* yefe combining, many of their adrgM tagee, it is uninteresting study to the traveller, whether natiTe or foreign born. Those to the life of London and Paris, are surprised '*{ the eharacteriitici of Now York; at the enteV* prise, wealth, gaiety, and progress of the vast community of men and women here assembled; at the commercial and manufacturing resources of the place itself; and the strange .association* and Granger inoldenta of wbloh it Is always the thea tre. Paris is, of course, more attractive to the pleasure-hunter, and London moredmprecsira from the vaStness of its proportions; hut both are ao because they are the offspring of centuries of time* 'of long ager.of trials, and of the incalcu lable strife of nations in every field pi learning and art, peace and war, philosophy and expo- - riment. The present New York is, bowirar, a product of less than half • a century, and yet it stands to-day in oolossal magnificence, with evory’mark or permanency, and every element progress to make it the rival of those who are gray with the frosts of hundreds of years, and en trenched in the traditions and histories of the past/ It is, therefore, utter absurdity for anybody to deny to the city of New York strong claims upon in telligent consideration. It la cosmopolitan, not local; a oorjoratlon of nationalities; a commnni ty of strangers, always ebanging, always going, and always coming; a representative, not only of all tbe States of this oontlnent, but of overy civilised race on the globe. Whatever men may say, every body oomei to Now York who can do ao; and though nearly everybody abuses it by turns, the sentiment of Americans and foreigners orysUlize* at last into a verdict of praise and of amazement. “A Sunday in New York!” llow unlike a Philadelphia or a Poston Sunday! I write this in my room at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, after a rather Industrious tour of observation during to day'a&bbath. To see human life in three of its moods ou such a day, as it can be seen nowhere else in America, and as I have seen it, Is worth telling the readers of The Prtrz ; and I will do it rapidly, if not well. First—this great hotel. You have been told about It by our correspondent; and as it !s not my business to praise or describe, ao much as to glance at some of the lights and shadows going on within its walls, I leave the details V> your recollection. _lt Is a huge eara* v sneers!; a world of itself; a sort of Great Eastern ashore. It is, in fact, a picture of the city in which it is fixod. One day after it was oponed it was filled from collar to dome; filled with fast men and women—young and old—from North and South, Fast and West. They all seem to be rich. They all appear bent on making the most of what Is left of their titao. What is to be bad for money they are sure to have, and well do the engineers of this hotel-Babol understand their customers. It Is oou to ask to get—/or the paying. Do you know that there an people who spend their lives in these crowded and exciting honsce—not bache lors and barbarians of that sox, bat refined ladtcr, mothers and fathers, families—and like it toot Well, believe it then, for so it Is. Not* few have a habit of flocking to every new hotel, and enjoyiog it while it is dean. Bat to live in one of these human hives always, l almost think I should pre fer a solitude. I could eonoeire no greater pun ishment than to be forced to make a New York hotel my abode on ibis earth all the time. * It is an Institution to enjoy occasionally—a* yon enjoy a play, or a ball—a sort of relief from the cares of business, or the monotony of every-day daty or moral quiet. I commiserate these who are forced to stay at home because they have “ nothing else to do.” I look with amassment upon those who make that whioh is 'an exceptional plea sure to me the delight of their lives. Io speak ing of the people at the Fifth Avenue Hotel T refer w w tfew eet now" under iU metallic roofs. If not the seme omnof and Browns, the tame Joneses and Jenkinses, all the year round, however, they are the same kind of people. I could almost swear that I saw that young lady on the sofa, with her white hands, and her red lips, and her gausy-blue dress, sitting against the crim son wall In these parlors to-day twelve years sgo at another of these hotsl-steamboats aground. The same kind of old men with tight boots, and dyed hair, and boyish oollars, like Major Perrion nls in “ PtndinnU”—the same young fellows, Indus trious about their moustaches, which tbiy grow to (ease—the same Southerners, with black eyes, flow ing locks, heavy canes, and stunning cigar*—the same female botel-faoea in the groat hall*—the same aristocratic children in tbe great entries—the same cat-footed waiters—the same Irish servant girls, beautiful, but as unapproachable as porcu pines—the same gentlemQn behind the office*—the same genteel politicians at the bar—the same per fumed barbers offering yon infallible hair oil to cure incurable baldness. Alt these are here to-day, under different names, it may bo,, but about as well known to me, and as familiar, and much alike, as U \p hotel population l have seen in other days, when other great houses were novelties. Sunday in suoh eompany! Imagine it. Ido not doubt that among all tbeso mortals thore are many good men and women; that many go to church and pray, and mean well; and that they are exemplary in every relation of life. But if you could toe them at breakfkst at-eleven A. M., when Dr. Ilawks Is preaching to his aristocratic hoarer*, in their vel vet pows; at dinner at four P. M ; when afternoon service is in full operation; and at supper from nino till twelve P. M., you would agree with me that they had left their piety at home, and brought only Uielr purses and tbolr appotites to New York. I like tho Fifth Avenue Hotel. It is a wonder. I oame to see it out of sheer curiosity. It is worth the expenso. But as I am no judge of such enter prises, I will not bore you with a criticism, save to say that there is too much noieo in the halls up stairs, too roueh hasle at the meals, and an appa rent want of control over tho servants. But theso will be amended as the machine moves more regu larly in the ruts of experience. My favorite hotels In New York, (though I rarely patronise either now.) are tho Astor House and the New York Ho tel. The first is a little too far down towo, (Stet son is a prince of hosts,) and the second is so filled with President-makers that an humble “ rebel’ 7 Uko myself is coutent to be lost in the great oeoan in which I am now getting moat and drink. After breakfast I thought I would go to bear some good music, and so, accompanied by the Now York correspondentof The Press, sauntered to the Roman Catholic Church of 6t. Xavior. Wo took ouy seats in tho gallery, for paid each ton coots admission, as did all, rich and poor, who sat in that part of tho house—a feo intended to defray expenses. Before tho services I watch ed tho arrival of tho congregation. There is, and always has been, something to me in tho Catholic service singularly impressive. It-is a gorgeous worship. Its music, its ceremonials, its universality—the fact that it is conduotod in the same languago all over the world—attracted mo in early life, and though bred (and still) a Pro testant, I allrlbuto to this the liberality I have al ways felt for those attaohed to this denomination. Tho sincority of these people is one of their great olaims upon confidence. Tboy bollevo in tbeir oreod, and in many of their externals they are a positive blessing to society* I do not pretend to discuss whether they are right or wjong. I am no dootrinairo. X have no sympathy with the fac tions who quarrel over tho Soriptures, and from its peaceful pages distil nothing bnt dissensions upon civilised nations; but I believe that that oannot be a bad roligion whioh fills its devotees with so much love for it, and whioh rescues so many ignorant beings from a moral death. As tho men and women camo iu, tnis morning, I scanned their countenances. How universally Hi bernian! Even tho apparently wealthy and edu cated bad the stamp of the Emerald Isle. The loveliest girls in the most luxurious pews were spir itually Irish. Near me eat a heavy browed, broad shouldered fellow, with a very dull face; but how full of devotion, as he entored his seat, threw him self on his knees, orossed himself, and murmurod his prayers! Before the altar, and in the midst of the brocades and silks of the rich, knelt a poor woman in a very plain dross and sun-bonnet, and her de votion was continued to the close. Along tho aisles, on the very steps leading to the gallery, these bumblo .Catholics were to be seen kneeling. Directly boforo me were two young men, evi dently moohanlos, with a little of the rowdy in their ©yes, and some rebellion in their hair, (the manner in which it yvas worn,) and yet each had his book, each went down cn his knees, eaoh was bowed in turn before the God which' bis faith taught him to rovoronco. I confess the scene inte rested me. The musical part of tho service was grand. You must understand that St. Xavier is famous throughout tho Amerioan Catholic Church for the perfection of its oholr. Crowds are attract ed every Sunday to hoar it. I went for this pur pose, and was not disappointed. The organ, un der the manipulation of Barge, became a full orchestra. He performed with exquisite skill and vast power; and it was almost impossible to be lieve thAt the sounds be produced, the symphonies and melodies, in company with the voices of the sing* TWO CENTS. ers, wars not the work of a complete opottt&TrateL Of these roioos, male and ftotttfyTAMofc boo highly. They 1 took up the whole of thn Tipgt *f music peculiar to. the Cftuefcfcsd.atf d* ring with hammy.' ; gow tt' pfes a dnetijpop a .solo; then an appeal to Qoi, a for mercy ; aqd •finally Vfrluiniflmnt tb< glory of the 1 canWtt giVe jW the technical phrases of these performances—T only ef 'ho* they* effected me. Bui I «mU*oa help, «|J left, after the sermon, f«&aj|wße for tifow WtaotyeefttdihwfetaDdaitJQfi tta *** -music;iate ptwgfcunfcm.; Mew . knot ) , inmUfwt^bow and.ipodersW foDwa of ihe Theyaioei to tbb Sii. Jtovjer ehotrwtoe-tomnj. atlyflier., T suppo** I suy thhtoair.hwrit torio, ami'baas, when I epeokaf tii iniflw, «■!. •togere, fai i Sey moaned many of myloperettafo: sorites, and van, u far aa I could j-af-f tTl to T e madtoority. The pritoa tfoHxa, or, leading w» wit only boon ti (01, bat tha owner of a voiotof loneh nwaetaasa and votome. - Lthooxtt eome of her : notes riugulariy .tonehing awi'mha&ye. ~ Aftorajhasty dtuner'we £eS</*d Coaerr) itPalftaGacdeltt.' : A ibfellar erenlng I taevat enjoyed. IrWes '.a relagitogof Jana and September, aad whan ws raadud.toeapetaTarge oontomfo had’aaioaUwL' Erie' resort to a eom pound of eoowrt hall and gardes. Tha saloon to quHeeaeXtowriveM ti*oßroad,eu4 Prime-rtrpet •topoVwd Jqoh* Ilka it, sage that It is act so wide endtoopqnpn one »ld« only. Jt is light, lofty, 0001, aw) ipaoiou., Tie garden, to the weit ihown with variegated .lamps, aad In'tbe midstof 11 there was a eTyt it ttaad, from which canaries ring oat tbelr.tflTeriy nofos through the sir. I tooked at rhe company preaeat with rente Interest, yon niay be rare; for ituh aa axhlhlUoa aa thta with '«* of BhlUdelphla would be Toted down a< anar alrely haratiaal or monstrous., Twenty-)Sya oeata wee . the admission foe, aad aboat two thoaaad pereone heard the raaaie. There' wee no nqtje or ooaftidon,'and Dq'rowdying. There were cigarr ihany'n'nmW.ta the garden,' with’good looking men behind then),' peering oyer the rmilings into the' ratoan, end' I believe eome lager and etronger liqntdl ln a little aMore, whioh I did not via It, «n IheV other ride. Bat the ladies were qnlet and well-dressed, and the gentlemen looked like ordinary human heings.efthat sort. My com panion pointed me oat a number of well-known oitiseni and their families. All was orderly and appropriate. The moaio' waa excellent Madame Bishop appeared, fair, fat aod forty," looking well, and singing eweetly.'oitd with a fttl) flnty voice, very agreeable to hear. The orchestra waa ae noisy as orchestras areally aro. The trnmpet blew boisUroos and braasy; the oetare shrilled oat its keeirmelodiea ; the clarionet waa aa lmid aa ever, and the trombone was aa last as trombones must be. There was a grand march at the end of the first part, and then tha audience, with linked arms, passed out into the moonlight to eat creisna and to converse about whet they had heard ted seen. I send yon part of the bill of fore of this saercd concert: • BI'KDAY.EVHIfIIIG, September lltk, tseo. orsxd tacaKD coscxkt, vocal, avu is, rat Mrs nr . . • . MAPAMB AItNA BISHOP. L Aaanted hr Arthnr Jlapoleou jianipl: Madame Zen merman,Contraltoi SianerTaSaaelU,' Barikme,and a stand ohoma and orchaetra. Condoctor .' CAUL AKSCHI TZ er '""bßMH^M^PAjtT''P(Rjr^*- UB i 1. Overt'*. “ BteUt later,'* ad KerauUote X Air, ** Tro _,, .XoMiKi 3.Alr,"A^ , a? A ?£J;- , '!-Tbeo. O SA'6AMt! ’ASifA'iiisHOP.' “A? 1 * 1 i Lacrrmou.ftonitkcAetoiainof iloun . • Cuju, Amman Rouini |... A *o«iai . .J. ~ aJO wax. siMramaxa. (. Wedding March. Mendaleaekn oacsasTaa. This makes the third, bat not the lest phase of a Hew York city Sunday. We next took the passenger railroad, and passed down the Bowa ry to a German uloon; -The. eery were' Ued with well-dressed people of both lexee. ThftitrMta were crowded, bet there was do,btj£teeOwot-I Tl was not eleven when we ikr eelinei eyih of fifiy or more »U op*n thia beeKjr nSgbt. 1 I was atartied aa { esstfxedt, wu.a thmire, with eomld characters nwettis German eomedy, and tha half rc-eeboodtOrth, JSioqCa of tha. speeta «>r.. I w«a Ana. ii'Tn what we would; call'the fcfeat crowd of Uion, Women, and eUNr^WiuUilHbefore them. crowned with lager* b&£tfbMj4)and batter, and Bwltier cbeeae. Evoyhedjafah merry—nobody waa tipsy. The cheered; the women smiled, Ibi. .cl^idriip' : applauded, and everybody femalee were yo«nglgd)iandteme. Then came a very noisy braes baSL'.and at about hair-past eleven we left, ns as lively a com pany, though not qulte'so numerous, as tbal we found there. • ■ Tha city ptmeagereert passing along tha Bowa ry at this moment, in twenty Urinates I found my self at my hotel, very tired. ks£ not too Sleepy to finish this letter. A> I writ*: striking the smell hours. When I came away (font my son etui* Iprotalsed all of you that I woulJ ’jeave.pto, Ink, and piper, and take a little repoee"fMm the hard work of a long Bummer. But I oould'Bet resist tha tempts tion of giving you my experience of <• a Sunday In New York,” And here yoa hereU, wh«tber you like it or not. My bed invites me to sleep, and I accept the offer with gratitude. J. W./p. TheHarrUbnrg Mystery. >- 1 THE COLORED <URL'9 aTATXMKXT. (From the Harrisburg Telegraph;"Monday evenisr-B' On Saturday afternoon, after our paper went % press, Wm. Knox, committed to prison on a chargf. of murder, was liberated on a writ of habeas, cor? pus, and had a hearing before Judge Fearaoiu when he entered'ball* on three securities, bo the sum of $16,000, for hU appearance at the next court, to answer the charge. He was held torMs own recognisance for $5,000, Samuel Knox $5,000, and fitetrart Maloney $5,000. Inasmuch u them are various rumen afloat respecting the oolored firl's statement, we pnblish the official informa idn made and sworn to by her before Justices Smith, of Carlisle, and Beader, of Harrisburg. It rends as follows: Cumberland county, ss. Personally appeared before me, David Smith, a justice of toe peace in and for the coonty afore said, in the iail of Cumberland county, Catharine O’Brlan alias Isabella Clark, who being dolv sworn, deposes and says: That in the spring of 1953 Hired at the house of Sarah Black* in the borough of Harrisburg, Dauphin county; William Knox and two other men came to the bonce of said Mrs. Black some time in the night; I cannot tell the day, bnt it was in the spring of 1858. The three men went upstairs of Mrs. .Black'S house into a room, and commenced to play cards; I saw one hundred dollars in silver and notes on. the table; (I heard one of the men say there iyaa one hundred dollars;) the men commenced quarreling about thd money; one of the men pulled out a knife, and Knox pulled out a pistol, and shot one of the men in the side of the bead; I saw the man fell; Knox then went into another room in the boose* and got a sheet out of a bureau, and came into the room where the man was lying which he bad shot, and wrapped him in the sheet; Knox and the other man carried him down stairs into the garden. . I went down in the garden the next morning ; I saw fresh ground thrown up; it looked like as if some one bad beon burled there; I also saw blood in the garden where the ground had been dug up; Knox told me not to toll on him what he had dono—if I did he would serve me the same as he bad dono the man he had shot; Knox gave me monoy several times, eo that I would not tell on him; tho next day after the said occurrence, Mrs. Black planted soma kind of seed on the place where the' ground had been dug or thrown up; the man who.assioied Koox to carry the man who was shot down stairs I cannot name; I know him by * sight, but not by name; h»U a constant companion or Knox; the garden in which Knox end the other man carried the man who was shot is attael*d to tho house of Mrs. Black; the blood and ground dug up was about halfway down the garden from Mrs. Black’s house. (From the Harrisburg Patriot, Tuesday morning.) Nothing new or startling in tho mysterious mur der case has been elicited since our last istne. - Dis trict Attorney Herr gaveorders,yesterday, to have a further search made about the premises of Mrs. Black: The workmen will dig deeper, and under mine or move the bake oven In the yard. We do not consider it necessary to attempt to pnblish the various reports that bare been put in circulation in relation to the matter. Mr. Knox has been bouud over to answer the charge before oontf, which as sembles in November. Iu the meantime, witnesses from all parts who know anytblag of the matter will be sent fur, and the" mysterious affair” will undergo a thorough logal investigation. Time, pub licity, and search may throw some light upon the case; and as it is our wish to assist the authorities and serve the ends of jnstiee, we hope that oar ex changes will make it publio if they know of any person having been missed mysteriously about eigh teen or twenty months ago. Negro Killed ,by an Overseer.—Tho Memphis (Tenn.) Avalanche learns that as Samuel Baxter, overseer on the plantation of Mr. Cannon, was passing along in - the neighborhood of the plantation of Qeorge L, Holmes, on the Stele Line road on the 6th inst., he came across a negro man belonging to Mr. Frank Dennis, who had beetv searching for some stray stock, and whom he took to be a runaway, and attempted to arrest as such. A souffle ensued between, them, the negro throwing Baxter 'to the ground, when the latter drew a pocket knife with which he stabbed the former several times in various parts of the body, killing him almost Instantly. A Whole Family Attacked by Scarlet Fever.—A bank-teller's family, residing on George streot, betweon Cutter and Linn, Cincin nati, nas reecntly been severely affilotod with the scarlet fever, tho husband and wife, five children and a servant all being afflicted with the disease, and -stretched on the ned of siokness at the sable time. Fortunately, but one child and tho servant died, though it was feared by tho attendant physi cians period thought that not a memoer of tho family would escape. Several of them are still }li ( but In a fair way to wearer.^ FiveCJgpie*, . ./ ' T«n Qopiet," ’. M - • -4-j . e. Twenty Copie.,or or*t - \' > Z*V** t **2 •eoh Snbecriber.) l| W**o* For xCTab rfTVeaty^Sfii extra (topyt* Dm otter np ortkaCfeb, . WJPOggIA >WP«, fcreed gemi {, tiros for the ■ FK*BOHAU P ;°. , rL a . aa » °f the moot honjrsdetti *om of Horwick, Cobb.; anOed himself ef the oe cwrreaeeof hls birthdsy on thx Int day .gf the eeateßßialeelehraUen, to present to the Fite Ae»- d*PTr he is one it Ihe fbonden and true taa«,the Vteaacaad ktoecspUd byProfosre, Snith.- the thirtaenhaae price bet« *7,Mi. . The M4Bds C/8&I- O; Broke, &n., th, histerim) and antiquary, who has been absent in Eirops rinre last November, WTO be pleared to learn thstbe U enjoying good health; and has been iiUigentiy tad raoeesefaPy pnraoiag hjs historical rrsrorvtsx.-BV the last advisee he was at (aria, but intended are to retarn to London to rereme bis inveytlgations h the oOee and British Museum. Sefiaiftiadtk, file United SUlee Senator from -Oregon, U akOßt to start a newspaper to be eaßad the Oregon Dtmcrat.. _ The dealh Green leaves Samuel Tadar, B*q., ninety years eld, the qideet man in Hartford. Coon, - , A new tenor, who has been edneated it the Paris Obrervatary at (h. rxp***, of Msdanro i JsSiot ttad,»»said topossere. millioniaSs'Sroat A sery proper appreciation of . njd.rn t.nor.' Tha' ttama of the fortunate man Is ' Means. BTheatley A Clarke, thejegalu' mads -B*n .of tha Ajeh-siroet Tae.tre.afe «f present' fel fiiling an engagement in „ Col. Brnqe Von Natimer.of lUbwhi/mitcaUty olU^of CT * d * coi “ I, *f y^W^rtfitimy Mr Charles Et. John Chnbb. th»yewng«r part ner of the banking firm of Chubb Broth*!*, of Washington, D. C., died last Mendsiy moroW The French end hmnmtly annonneed. that the c»iebratod, «rejii K r ( Teidr haa resolved ta writa no mors operas el r—»» Apropos to thissUtesveni, weqaole the from a Utter of Verdi to bti pepiland friend, gr. nor Maria: “tat the ptgrcnf I riudl romn* nothing. I hsvo rafered a groat nuy nrniji mente. lam jeat now in receipt «fa despatch to BL FetanUrgf I f 'wis be sery much delighted to slsit America, hot base feared that then is too mneh- water between a* However, in spite of aU that, i >m re deesroo. to’ view tha beautiee of natare. in America, and am. dally Niagara, that. I shaU e)tot»TOr, during th. neat year, to aeeampHah tha voyage." „ . Gen. 'Wool returned heme en Setntday eneiog last, from Massachusetts. Be expressed the high est grotifiaalun ai tha attention paid him,' and at the opportonitres he enjoyed to witness thy eaedi tion of the military ef the State. The Doha of BereuMn, Ha owner, hn with drawn. thefiimous Collier folio Born ft. fotiu. Museum, ud has plaeed it in the' lushde af his eolldtiw for i nte keeping. Seek waa the excite ment which the question nfoed as to the good faith of Mr. Collier and the corWctor of thelelio had created, that tha Doha thought it best to hare the vehmie coder hla own eye. Hon. Jeese B. Bright, Bailed States SesMM foots Indiana, is lying dangerously ill to MnflMl (ellh Inflammatory rheumatism. ' l-'" . Hon. Isaac K. Mono, ci-mcreher..ef fiengrrea from Louisiana, haa writtaa a letter to thelfiafh ington Sroru, giving hit viewt ew tod proVshGhie. of the next Presidential contest He brf the opinkm that Seward aad Douglas will ha .the op paring candidates, and ha fovora the latter. 'The letter is written with Mr. Mesne’s otnal ability Leigh Hunt, toe veteran poet, died In Leedcm, August JSth, in his TJthytar. ■ - General John M. Barton, and CoL C. B. Alex ander, of ton United States army, are in Leals vffle, Ky. Among those at present in Baltimore, is Captain StoaSee, ef bark Antartic, who diitfagoiahcd him self is reßming many ef th* pasmagen ofjhe ffi. Froacieea. Captain 6. .is a naHi»hCtoat.eity, and is an a visit to hi* relatives and (Mends. - Senator Dctlgiu visitad th* Mechanic.' Fair, at Clneumeti, uo httardsy. Hon. Chartoeß. Sedgwtoh, of Syracuse, hat re eepted aa invitation t« deliver the addrtm at the Madison county (New York) folr. Firain Bidet, of P.rie, hss pahUshed letfen from iUry Stnaxt to BolhwiD, which throw light upon the smaminstJon ef Barntoy, had open tha events which preceded her execution. Philo Herd. lu» President pf th. W.rfmqltaa road Cemp»ey, retd fondly, rtlatid frem . tror throngh Fnnqe, Italy, BwUs.rl.nd, indQesmaay, on hoard th. stwmer Earbpa. Prime ieturo from Tuscany speak cf the alarm ing illness of Elisabeth Barrett Browatng. tie greatest living poetess of England Homicide at a Spree, The Lancaster (Pa.) Erprut of Monday evening has the following: A party of young men, residing in the neighbor, bond of MBlenviUt. went to serenade a aewly married man. named. Frants, tod roteroed a bent eieren .’clock, on galniriay evening, when they were joined by other*, who, in torn, visited all the place* in tbe village where Ifanor was to ba bad A little after twelve o'clock they went to the toll gate, et the lower end of the viilige. kept by Fre derick Rommel, who also keep, a Itgenbrer doggery. The inmate, ef the house having retired, they knocked at th* deer nmii Mrs. Rommel got up, when they demanded lager beer, which was given them. As soon as they hsi drank tbe first supply tkey sailed for more, which the woman al lege. aha refoscd them, owing to the letauvs! af tha ho*A _ They then became very sudsy, end'de xtrofWwnne of the furnitnre. Under lb ii&picsie& (hat Rmnd was not at borne* one of the rioters attempted to take liber ties with the woman, when she screamed, and the ftfidford came down stairs, armed with a pistol. He ordered them oaf of the house* and bn their reflutnl to go, he discharged the pistol, two large ting effect tn the toft arm of one John 'DdefeSy.- The charge took effect iu the flwtfcj part of the on;-immediately below the shoulder, and inflicted nothing but a flesh wound. The shot alarmed the ribtofc; however, and they got outside [of the hove. There they held a consul ration for a few momenta, wbeatthey went vigorously to work breaking the windows with stone*, Rommel and hi* wife ran up stairs, when - the former ap peared at the window, armed with a gun, which be discharged among the crowd. The gun was loaded with buckshot, two of which struck Dochty under the left shoulder blade, and eridtfrity pene trated his heart, for one cf his eomraaea led him but a few ftet from where he was shot, when ha sank down wod expired. Twoof the shot struck a young man named Jacob Kauffman i*ou of Simon Kauffman), one of them lodging in hU arm, and the other grazing his a vtomen. He wis taken boms, and his wounds were dressed. Between two and three o’eiock on Sander morn ing. Rommel went to the office of Jnstiee Dean**, told him what ha had done, and gave himself cp Mr. Denuea bronght him to this city shortly after daylight, and commuted him to prison: ‘ Dcchty, the murdered man, was in the employ of Jaeob Lintaer as a teamster, and waa apparently twenty-eight or thirty yean of age. His face did not indicate that he waa much addicted to drink ing, and it l# altogether probable that he onto in dulged in occasional sprees. He evidently died in great pain. The expression of his countenance in dicated acute anguish when he breathed* his la*t, while it could be plainly noticed that h» naivety much intoxicated at the time of the uslftflahate occurrence. He wu a single man, rad vtiginally ; from New Jersey. Shooting Match.—Captain Travis, tho crack pistol shot of America, has challenged th* Audubon clab to furnish a man to shoot a pigeon match with him during the Illinois Gur;-tbe cap tain to use a pistol, and his opponent a fowling Jdeoe. The match has been accepted and a forfeit lepoaited. The particulars are aa follow*: Abbey twenty-five birds, twenty-five yards rise and fif teen fall; Travis, with pistol and single toil], twen ty birds, ten yards rise and fifteen fall. At the centennial banquet in Norwich, Conn., on Thursday, the “samp bowP'presented by Uncas to one or the early settlers. In 1673, wax passed around { filled with the Indian’s favorite ‘•yokeag,” which waa prepared for the occasion by ono of the remnant of the Mohegan tribe. The yukeag is a powder formed by rosstod corn pow dered fine,' ana the pounding tor this occasion wa* done In an Iran mortar more than a hundred years old. , Hesbt Steers, of New York, the great ship-builder* has just completed*..and launched on Monday* a little steamer of ninety feet keel, to ply on the Congo river, in Africa, in connection with a line between Florida and the African coast. She will be capable of carrying from four to five hun dred heathen, who are to be brought here via Florida, to be converted to Chriauanitv. Her draught, when loaded, will be only three feet. Between the Ist and the. 10th of October next, a champion seuliing race is to come off in the New York waters, for which Tiffany A Co. are getting np a champion belt of solid silver, which, with slou in money, will be the prize of the win ner of tho nee. On the belt, in vailed figures, are but* in a regatta, a sea scene, and tho Ameri can coat uf arms and thirteen stars.. The entrance for the race will be $2O. One of the oldest ivomeu iu Connecticut— probably not the oldest—is Mrs. John Thompson of Stratford, who completed her 95th year on the Bth instant, and. on the anniversary of her birth, oelebrated the occasion by visiting her old friend* and descendants in Bridgeport. Sheis the mother of thirteen children, ana nearly one hundred grandchildren and great-grandchildren. An American Trotter Astonishing the British. —The Northern Times, of August 12th. says: “The hitherto unaccomplished feat of trot ting twenty miles within an hour (iu England) was performed yesterday by a horse called “ Jack Ro« siter,” (an American). He wa* handled bv a Yan kee jockey, especially brought over for the occa sion/ 1 The splendid team of horses that drew the Adams Express Co.*s van at Norwich, Connec ticut, iu the procession on the oeeaaion of the late celebration, were procured by Mr. tho agent in that oily* expressly for the occasion, from New York, and were much admired. The expense of running the Caloric En gine, used in printing the CincianattFwwy Press, has bien for six months bnt fifteen dollars, while that of 3tearo, with the necessary help, for the same time, wonM-havs-coat' upward of tonr hun dred dollars- *