The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 10, 1859, Image 3
'“. M^™m: ? '-,, • I -Wltwyuf MAIMS " ; boot** shoes. K O. )f? K' )KT H THIRD STREET. ■ /*- «tt<of.Citrm»de Booh and Shies con- j< J,with corn to k F .•/ j^v-,? * -' . •£ flttamshjp Biflhinond, T gwamahip City oJTiUcnm©W;/~ - - _ ' Bctir MftlJ V W:w,/" , -- - > ~,w "., -. • °?iht m w ■ No ? , , l^*v 1 Co, ’ ?*'•■"•>. do „r- ' do-. -j- ,■< fiote Salem, jj® l$S c aSS2!fir*wr,- ?rondpnoo,' - -4°•> - ■ • - §°u r w ’ n « Endicott/Nevrport. .4® Jchr AjfLoui*a, Crtt»» Kwtucket, . { •/.“S;"; ' §?ks«s« v ©L Den nUTBaUi more, AQro^ ,i .«, r * i 1 byD h Steteon , *%£/““«'•'' ; ;.y r; .•= ;-■ -.; J? h .&JBs^&. x ?ysssxi, sepitf,:,: X'-ftriyed— Sbip Moontatileer. from'Sundeil&adi bri*.i '.tf'Arrived- Ships John SFareone. Manr Galejia,,end' t /baric Dlaua. /'om Jiew.Yoxk, end Lady iileeamjfcn, \ . / v; i ---j Amved~Bfttk-Araieiuo, from Constantinople > - - v " ’-• --'y ’.// k- ■- 'msMOBAITOA..' , a -—• ' ' > r ; f aWtfed«'Nejjr ? Vftrh yesterday and oleared tof6turn.' r ',/' ? / -‘/' > for' jS.VTe,.clpared.atJfovr ; * v ©lewedi'At ; •■ ;; «* ; £QBtailt'.'>\r—m’V.. '■ ‘-'■j . Tscbr AtoMifrß jolmeon, PaUerwri, wiled frb& JLeh , -/■ Sojirt PMimaiCSiTOam andJffertnd&.Hilyerdjoleared for PhitM*.'- '* V~. * V R Jt^DaWf'. hedoe, r at-WUmmgton, N ; C,stuinn.' '* " x '' ’'•''/-'I -\r' f ? -' > - ■ Mercury, French, N York; iMin , Sir'HS)M‘Pee!,’J»<?en»VN,w, j * 6ntvei»Ba-Ar A!)j:g>th. Artizan; rollerd/W foleeh,.' ARttiVp!;^}|p;;Bßl^ClPAii J firnSj iiw kwa*; f _ ■■<}-; GIRARD HOUBE-OliMtnnt«t.,below Nmth;- < A OafcWtVNY-' I'* 1 '* ; "' ;l '• : D MEdgertoa; Pittsburgh A C Jackson, N O > Joo McCrackmA: la. Ohio H OGHffinVtf Y - • P Jcfa, Pa ' Geo K J?itkin»Mo • - - Sami DrumMOnd «Ja,J , f'G p A HerWjvlU r • - F A Kora kvS i - w Sfirn s .v r „ „ Mi«s JDimock=- ' T {S*stoi:v’V& HMillerkwf,KO... . 0-tf wsW> I».NQ ; h Ainas &.dnu, La „ Miss Btark©,Ali*s Mr HojL.Ya-; J©lm Traey,N Y■' ‘ ‘ II ,- JRLovejor, NY , •> y &vrr^bd,'lT8‘ , .'Miss MBran usd, PottsylHe w F woKhib*tbn, Balt" -* J Aicßonald, Prenohtowoi Mr Rankin & t John 8 Perry, Albany • Mrs il Winebiddle*Fittsbg A A'Child2fc In< St Louis HO Hoed A la, St Loais.7 .W m S Thaw. Va ‘ * r " - W P M,Uhl^6kißsUitaoro, ' Miss Murdoch, Baltimore ( Barrende yerolfc A win, CJteed,i£Y‘.• ‘ v?’' wW».:v V Konnbdsr ( Kiiberr • - ?Mi»» C Camertn. Rtaberf. -7 JBBlbb&huKr > C Burke,Kjr- ’ aPStorWfWd.XJUoa V 'CB Dobbs/lreland ’’ - - * . • T Havern, Miss W Beat r. Mia* ~ , T R T Arrington, N C p R Biacitlnok A larVa. r'. • Geo Washington k la; Ya i M GibbsyNwrYoifk - ". tatno Ames, N York L j li-JBradock.N York 1 JH Atelpn kja, Balt -n n Johns, N York T& 8 Taylor, o&wa'’- u ' ' Mr Borges tc la, Washingt W>fß'loraw ; iNY' :i ?V°J BromwSt. Wasb.D 0 MBeekman.NY-- .AMHarnajJPLa ,•“ * J 1 rtriftSinjthyßalt , ' V' JolmEuson;lud ’’ WHATucker, NC;- . . , .JRWiUUtms.N.C 1 » A R Harper; Rome; Gn •’ T Polhenuis x \rf, Brookl KKasran, Wash,DC - , FCurtis,Boston 3 ••/. H Clarir,Boston •*» AY A Russell; Boston C Wondell. Wash.B 0 * W UShaar, Wash, t C ’ JfinesoU.R-Y* • -EYSraith, Mich - . . It K FhtnnacanrYa - • *'-G w Huguler* West Point MEBeese/Weift Point- -AC FrosuWest Point Mfer. WH% r hlk'Vtt' :' ?• ~'JWSSdwelf Amu,BC /',y.. ,■ ; , -;TO&ShAi..Kr yf Childs, Ohio • r • B Morrison, PittslHirg ' Jno Bowinsn,Money, Pa -• J_Mslsone,Ohio . r Wagner, Cm,o • LH Mmw,Miss . ' : j H Portsmouth* Pa- . M Zahniser k wf. Pa Clrns Zahniser kw, Pa " W P Newaon, N C WN Moore, Mo - ; . ~ JNWeldon.rLook Haven JH Daa&bi.LOckHavon H PBtaler.Easton_., . SHSwanser, ohippensburg Thsddeus Sehock; Easton 1 John Galii IU i BrChftS Itmeß.Eftsfpa, MrsWoAßiet*.Easton *•'»' ”* •' V ‘ - Alex'fM’Gm.NJ. , v . J jFT.Fpster&ls.Ohio A Wrfjihti.cheOhio : ' ‘ -k .. v ., lw ; Pinfchara, u*.. Geo BroSr/flwftori; N C HKnUiit, NY* > - M GDtowitßaK ..... • I>Gutman* Martinaburg r n'trnet, sboMThW. ; J J Eusfnn. Lel»no.n r ' ' W Huntalnser,SoMHavn Goo AMvCouij Chicago <•. JDJDehnn, Lebanon CConrad. Lancaster co/t •'PStephen,Lancasterco \ A Burkholder, Lebanon co C Shelves, Phila t Jno 8 KMrier|jr,Allentown, SJPgroodward * H J Headier, Fotfottlte- JhaHHora, Übanon .. s '«P‘? 5 i r^sr < I Sv rRr Mum/ FrmUjiuF*.... . O 'rVeigUy,, ;Kt ,, -y.TrqptißchlH&year.. . _ M9lOT;VERNQNrSwondltreefc,above jui£~V W H Bnnlcineon, > J AAHom.NY G C Hillman. Trenton; NJ JI) Field (.Trenton, NJ ' JEtottespN j,. .‘i, J’Wiiite,!? J-L. .• - r,, - T Bcott*rfY PTownMnd^W.Chester . SGrsra 4 NY,> j..> ; Pr.Lo,man,T»„ • Robt H Montgomery, Del J C Hapenbuch. Ktsfon Kobt Chatham, yorfofti' ’ i H-Jolinitoit.'.l'olttsrjlla H Jlonahara>..Cb<uTioeieooreiOPa\:; „ JONES'HOTEIr-Chsßtuatßtreet.nbove^SixtH, fe r n“ii.teo; - .:..w,Gife t siiblS ls . Bl ’' h WAtm,?f Y? a> ; .V ’ S M°?Vorthmgton Jt la,.Va | 6 SS..n"' -'fejUa' Miss Cromwell, Balt .. JBBibb&ia, Ky C Burke, Frankibrd, Ky <- Mias Walker, N 0 - It F Spates, Balt , J F Sampson. Boston jpbnKDavis,'NY. „ T APope.Tenn Ty C walfiure. Tenn K Bumming. Balt D Bliss. NY 1 L JKothrock, Wash,DC J W Reinhart, Ky ~ FBMerrirteo, Kr * Thos.Dorr* Va 4 , -Janie* V Brown, Va ,«• 1 J Smith,--Delaware' y;•h} '' >;•i'r / v , o ■ ■<. j BWortlr, Chester co T T Worth, Chester co, J H Hershberger, Ches co N Pyle, Chester co ||■ P MarshafT. Mont <po , - - R Painter, Batexik Ohio , S Neil, Headiflx • y KJSaluir/fiiqmpsontown § J :: ; , **"*'“;. . COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth tL, above Chestnut/ P JPUila' Geo ‘ , , J K Lewis, Pet 00, i’a Miss Roberts, Mont co, Pa J CodinatoofNJ? r . —j- jA#retyßunting.Belca,Pa , Af* gotfcntwn'%HJ.ThohiM.HStUbtu l , :■' •, John Lulld. f» ' BlM00It»*, P4 ’■ • ;>)• *is J J Hanmuker, Jflrany Sli’reK Black I Columbia H<^l^<^tl.L ; obora Fi[Ui/ i, - J ‘ ““" 41 i jc JI Carrington, Ohio HPCunijvStTaul.'.» >y :-■ wmv£ Kins; Ohm’ #bh/»sSbsp«'. Y?$ b • A?v VsfSSSSraSWli' A"- A J Vorko,« C vJo-ji./ 'O’SeenporiLaacMter n ;.■ WfoucVuißham * .' -SSM&M?# , y£.,\ Win Seans, Backtachsm: Bl.a6K : '‘bear »t, »liov<i. CsllowhllL Cliiwfliriwj, lenktmtoi%’ ,"W It Jmjaj, J*n£ento«rn,. 0> B l®!L3??l£WSt<ra,-: . L«*i< CttwonatCpjTaitwn Win jSKtoWi MoieUnd '. O Cnjner.Rnscli, Bjborry BismoiMl HogOjgndi ByUrry J Blfaldeniaii A an. Bucka P White. WoTcwter,AiaSi‘Wurr laik. Buck# eo -, ■ Sami Flickmger, >.y : , -., v. .t / Celeb fcUgee/Backsco - J Clift, Backs eg . '' '' - J'Eitnbnni;Lahaska LBErttt.H«b6ro ( , f. piarge.j Middletown rri r W'lLpo#ne A : soa7Bucto; J) Mawalnttjcfeioo. -yz , - L Atkineonrßucks 00,- .= J 0 Cornell, Seneca Beans, pa - \A-SaYaCT#Pa * * P K Krotz, Porlestotni' 7 JobtiJPolfc»,Dorle#town - TirooUxy Elv.Pa_ . GF Meeegrr Oermaiitewn y OPodemXe.wHope. J WTt»hnaon.Newtown C Fox, r&r;; 7> - .-, ? "II Yeagerv „j i.O Birnl WHTJrX Y< -- ,7 ] FRANKLIN HOC SEVchestr.ut krtOtTsbove Thlrd.. MSffefeW^ SATtiNDEKS. *'* HO. 34 1 MW» iOTRTH STBEBX, (He %r Jtewieot*’ Hotel.) ■ '.'oiatlMMUaUim rftaif»t«qf , 11 BpOTS tAlfl). SHOES Totheir Btock, wtueh eidbraoMalenetal variety of PHrLADKLPI IU/AKP MEW BKOLAKD , a«a-tocB ■gOOTS. SHOSS, 1 & STRAW GOODS, JLiBO9. FALt. STOCK. 1889. HLABDOCkL REED, & CO., ' 438 AND 440 MARKET STREET, ' Invite the eisniinetion of ra to & full end complete .took of DO4ITS, SHOES, end STRAW ■GOODS. anpU-lm W. MoODBDY * SON, -C . , ' ■; £3l CHESTNUT STREET, <2d FLOOR.) LADIES’, toI'BSES*;ANJ» .CHILDREN'S BOOTS, ' ’ Manufactured eipieeelT for thd. Retell Trade. enll-Sm P. GO., itO. 16 Bbl^HA'>V» T » BT*RRT r WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE 'WAREHOUSE,) Here now oo hand a full ueortmeat ofEaitern el mi PJiii»4el»hl»wlti to which they invito the ottcntion of Boothemtutd Weitetftßfcrclieote. - STERLING,; * FRANKS, f WHOLESALE DEAXiE+ftS : •- • ‘ ■ : i "■ BOOTS AND SHOlfiSi NO. .13 ARCH BTjRRBT. Purohseer* visiting the city will please oall. and eiA jniae their, etook.-, • - / 1 , & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS iv <•* n BOOK'S AND SHOES. NO. 013 MARKET STREET. tag-3m .... , ' PADD STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOU SON A oa., ' Hi MARKET STRBKT, .Hnnwnron handnlnwe atockof BOOTS AND i-HOES or EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND CITY MADE. , Patohware viiitinc tht city will pleaae e&U and ex amine their etook. Jv*B-tf BASIN. & G 0 .% J BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE *. ' /’V' ‘ AMD. ,\ ' , y;f ; M ANOFIAOT OB Y* ' No. MS MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. ' Wehare ccnron hand 'an extenrive Etook \jf Boot* and Shoe*, of all descriptions, of o&x.otyh and Eastbslm Manufacture, to which we invito the attention of South ern andWeetombaieri.'., ; “ ouS-Sm ■ ’ hats;' 1 caps, &c. . GENTLEMEN’S DRESS HATS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, , TV. F. WAJtBUBTGTT, 430 CHESTNUT STREET. ■ i Gentlemen are reapectfull/re,ue.ted,tp call and mrike examination oil these new .trie., before melons tl.eir .FALL PURCHASES ettewhere. I ‘ . i. Bis latent “ POROUS HATS,” end hi. Extra Li,ht of Sli-oimce Hat., are fitirlr entitled to epeeial ftivor. \ : LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, Ac. QOBNELIUS &; BAKER, ■ • ; MANUFACTURERS OF •LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, GAS FIXTURES, Ac. STORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. 1 MANUFACTORIES, 821 CHERRY 8T„ AND-FIFTH AND COLUMBIA eB-thi tu-2m]; ■, •AVENUE... " ■ 1 1 , ’ WHOLESALE CLOTHING. JjnPPINCOTT, HUNTER, & SOOTI, \ MANI/FACTUHEHS XNIUOBBIIRH COMMON. MEDIUM, AND FINE CLOTHING. We invite special attention to oar ooraptete line of MACHINE-MANUFAOTURBp GOODS. NOS. 494 MAR&BT, k 419 MERCHANT 6TB. auA-Sm ' 1 (OLOTHINGI -AT WHQIJESAEE. ; , Jo. HABKNESS H BON, ' , ti y» MARKET BTRBET, ,J ? SCCIHIABT OOEZUUt 07 POOBTH STBII7, , Offer for #ale, oa the most LI BEB AL TE RMS. A neiraad .xWMiv. rtool[ of ' .< ;• /ALL ASD WINTER CLOTHING, | .'uAnßiionn A SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE,, 1 < ■ . to which ■ , THEY INVITE THE, ATTENTION OF BUYERS. ’■' Jy£b4u ' , . , - * C°AL OIL. PHILADELPHIA P. HOT I 0 OOA 1 OIL WO RK 8 . ■ BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Manufactured andfor sale by HELME, MORRIS, & C 0„ THIRTIKnij NORTH OP MARKET STREET. - #)Sm ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ . li ARK’S, ' SPOOL 1 g o t t on.' r- ! v Just received, -*. ’ ' A FULL ASSORTMENT IN WHITK, AND COLORS, - Forsaleby . ■, , • 0 H A RLE S PIE I»;D, NO. 20-NORTH SIXTH STREET, I' ... AGENT FOR-PHILADELPHIA. . -eft-fm*’"i , Miin'riir,.. , XfOGUET & HUTTON, H MANUFACTURERS ’OF DES K S 1 AND CABINET FURNITURE, N 0.259 SOUTH THIRD STREET. „ ~ Office, Bank, and School Fumituro, Extension Table,. Bonkcaeee, wardrdße., etc, -; ; , $-S!n pRI'tADE L V II I A ■"j r, ■ gi^ESCEN'i’-jtfAVidXf ■ COMPANY. "tfl . ,-n»in r SC Awi ADJOURNED meetino ABOVE ■ tf&k'iß"i> 00RP0 R A T 1 0 N,' i ' HXDD AT fi : NO. 6 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, p’clopk A. M.f September 7tb, 1 Bft9, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors of f^Qomp&ny’dVlsi "4Eo|)|E J , , ' . ' ’ J: •• q. MORRIS WALNi'.i JJ J —.. ft.' |! . 7 MATTHEW W 1 RAJjli WIN; Y ! gHAst, MAOALEStSIi A»p -■> i -.c-i •JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. 1 BOOKS-tiffSOBSOKiraON to the CAPITAL ’ diid’ qOMPANY af. now'Cp.a »tth«»t»ve ’ ‘ail»en<j ; ne-favo'raWe ; to ! tLeentcr ktf ■ THE PRESS.-T4PHiMI)EIiPHM t < I SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER. 10; 11859; i f DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. YYM. s. STEWART, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILK AND FANCY DRY G O OT> S , . ’ NO. 303 MARKET STREET, ' ■ ■ Are wow daily receding from tho Large Auction Bales! and other sources, a full assortment of desirable FALL -GOODS, purchased FOR CASIf, to which they invite Uo atteption.of Cash and prompt Six-months buyers. Full lines of Black and Fancy Bilks, and all tho new fabrics in Dress Goods, constantly on hand. s9-3m - J. W. PROCTOR & CO., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTUR ERS, JOBBERS, ANB RETAILERS, LAD I E S’ CLOAK'S AND M.ANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of Wholesale Buyers to their Stock, comprising every variety of styles in medium and first olaas Goods, including FINE AND COSTLY i , VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES’ CLOAKS, 40., &o. NEW STRIPED BOURNOU6, ;> r BOURNOUB WITH PLAIIB, &0., to.. All of whioh will bo offered at Low Prices TQ CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA ■ EMPORIUM, 708 .CHESTNUT STREET. 1859 FALL mportation. iggQ JOEL J. BAILY & CO., No. 310 MARKET STREET, AND 308 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Have received by recent arrivals, and trill continue to reoolve during the season a full and complete assort ment of . .. ,; FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’, MISSES*, GENTS*, and BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS. GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS. Black and Fancy Silk Scarfs, Ties, and Cravats. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Hdkfs. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, Ac. Also, a handsome etook of WHITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety. ♦‘JOUVIN’S SYSTjSME.** BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sizes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS, JACKETS, NUBIAS,&o Together.with, a large assortment of CLARK’S snpe perior Sifc-eerd '•* Silk-Finished’* and '‘Enamelled** SPOOL COVTON. Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, pat ap or, spools of 3,400 yards each, to which the atten tion of Shirt Makers and Manufacturers ts particularly requested. CABH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine oar Stock, whioh is one of the largest and moat attractive over offered to the trade, s7-2m. FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. jgOHAFFER & ROBERTS. 429 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBBRS or HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKINO-O LASSES, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, - iltD ' ' TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. nuJ-Jm JJURNETT, SEXTON,* SWEARINGEN, Above FOURTH, Nor h side, hWWMSPo'? FANCY DRY GOODS, OV THSIK OWII IMPORTATION and selection, which they offer for sale to buyers from all parts of the United States, on the most reasonable terms. • * ■ &u5-2m JJfIARTINS. PEDDLE, & HAMRICK, Importer* and dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, , NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH BTREBT, , : Fivo doors below tho Merchants’ Hotel, Offer tor sale the most oomplete stock of Goods in their line to be found in the United States, consisting of mmdZVUXA Varieties, UNDERSKIRTS and DRAWERS. LINEN-BOBOM SHIRTS and COLLARS. .. LADIES',ELAStTc BELTS, with efasps pfen tireW new designs, with au endless variety of NO- FllA¥-cIiASS th vfp.a?EI t A'’ JtND* SOUTHERN ■ • BUYERS. au»-Jm DUHRING & CO„ Noe.Sdand2B NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving,' by successive arrivals from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS or ■ ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. , , .GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS. MACHINE SEWING SILK AND THREAD, And solfoit an inspection of their oomplete and well assorted stock, Jyll-Jm ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. HJoOAULEY, BROTHER,* BREWSTER, 23 NORTH. FOURTH STREET. HOSIERY. '. , GLOVES, akd FANCY GOODS. We have a fine etook of Imported and Domestic Goods, particularly adapted to . SOUTHERN TRADE, To whioh we invite the attention of first-class buyer*. auB-2m - CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. rilO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL A CLOTHS AND WINDOW BHADEB, BL.ABON & SMITH. • MANUFACTURERS OF Oil/ CLOTHS, 14, NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wo invito the attentionoi dealoratoour largo otockof FLOOH, TABLE, AND CARRIAOE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a boantilul' ariiole for- shades. The largest etook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS m the market, at price, whioh defy competition. ' autl-2in JgAILY & BROTHER, i ’ IMPORTERS OF CARPETINGS, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening their . ,' , FALL STOCK VELVET, TAPESTRY, AND BRUSSELS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THREE-PLYB AND INGRAINS. , And an unusual display of stfi-3m FLOOR OIL OLOTHS. M’ CALLUM & 00., CARPET MANUFACTURERS, 1 GLEN ECHO . MILLS, GERMANTOWN. Al*j, Importer* and Dealers in CARPFTINGS, OIL OLOTHS. MATTING. RUGS. &Q. WAREHOUSE 509 CHESTNUT ST., the State Ho^ae.) Southern and Wee tern buyer* are reipeotftiUy invited to ©all. au4-3m •HYDROPATHIC. (JHESTNUT SPRINGS!, i WATER-CURE. At CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA Oonnty, Pa„ for the treatment of *u Chronio and otMtlnate dieeaees. Tm* institution, under the oh&rge of an experienced and ekiiful Pbyeteian,’ & now confessedly, the leading ana most auoceaetul hydiopathio establishment in this JRfivßnaNCßs.-Mrs., Mary Cottringer, 134 North .Twelfth street; Charles L. Bharpleu. £s<}.. corner Bighth add Chestnut streets; Georee fJrant.Bsq.i333 Majket street; H. Farrington, JEsq., of Myers, Claghorn, W'^■ f ? ro f*rrefim£o.. (sW oat #| dto« CHESTNUT HILL, NEW PUBLICATIONS. £ THRILLING IRISH ROMANCE! LOOK OUT!! von TUB NEW AND EXCITINO STORY KXTITLED FLORENCE O’NIEL; THE REBEL’S DAUGHTER, A TALE OF THE IRISH REBELLION OF 1818. FRANCIS S. SMITH, Author of "Evcleen Wilson,” “The Emigrant,'*’ “Maggie,the Child of Charity“ AzaelKain,” &o.,Ac. NEW YORK WEEKLY! FOR SEPTEMBER 24tb, WILL CONTAIN THE FIRBT CHAPTERS OF THIS INTENSELY INTERESTING TALE OF fcOVE AND ADVENTURE Mr. Smith has taken great care in collecting the ma terials for his now story, and will spare no pains to make it the best he has ever written. In consequence of the great demand caused by the an nouncement pf another story by this popular author, the publishers have made arrangements to print an extra edition, which will l>« roady ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10m, This will enable our agents to make up the deficiencies in their orders likely to occur front the increased de mand. Meantime, all should send their orders to tho agents as soon os possible, that they may not be disap pointed in procuring an early copy of the paper contain ing the opening diopters of this highly interesting story. . Those who have no near News Agent, can send their subscriptions (Two Dollars for one year, or One Dollar for six months,) directly to STREET * SMITH, Pdblisheus, NO. BEEKMAN ST., NEW YORK. rp AIC E NOTICE BECAUSE THE BOSTON CORRECT EDITION K O M A N QUESTION, THH MOST rOrUI.AU BOOK OK TnK SEASON, Is so much larger ami superior to tho New York Reprint (that is found so iMPKRFBCT) BomedealeraaTe selling it for 7a cents and $l, asking o very low price for the reprint, hoping to got rid of them thus. As the Book seilet has tho usual profit, selling at the advertised price, the Publishers of the Boston Edition advise order ing by mail, rather than pay theso prices, although ap parently moderate. J. E. TILTON & CO PUBLISHERS BOSTON CORRECT EDITION OF THE ROMAN QUESTION. 161 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. NET* Sold by alt Booksellers and sent by mail, poßt-pstd, at 60 cents, cloth; paper 46 cents. sstha-2t George g. evans* book list.—ah BOOKS are sold at the lowest prioos, and a hand some GIFT, worth from 25 cents to $lOO, is given with each book at the time of purchase. SxLV/A’S WORLD—Crimes which the Law does not renoh. By the author of Busy Momenta ufan Idle Wo man. GKiKe TRlyjSAl!/; or liovAnd Principle. By Sal lie R. Ford. One vol. 12m0., cloth. Prioo $L LOVE(L’Ainour). By Michelet. One vol. 12r00., cloth. Price $l. RECOLLKCI'IONS OK A SOUTHERN MATRON and a New England Bride. - By Caroline Gilman. One vol, 12m0.. cloth. Price $1 2ft. , MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, the Celebrated French Po liceman. One vol. Wmo., withaiift. Price 51 25. „ LECTURES FOR TllF. PEOPLE. By the Rev. Hugh S towel I Brown, of the Myrtle-street Baptist Cha pel, Liverpool, England. One volume, 12rao. Price $l. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS, and hGIPT given with each Book, at 0.0. EVANS’ Gift Book Establishment, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia 'JEW AND POPULAR TEXT-BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED. rfvni I'bDLiaiiftVt Including Theoretical Ethic*. By .Toagru Haven, D. Delate Frofetsor of Moral and InteUec tual Philosophy,in Amherst College: Author oi Men- SUI Philosophy." Royal 12mo.,olbth. SI 29. te high reputation gained by Prof. Haven jn his eotal Philosophy." will Do increased and confirmed by the new Work on '* Moral Philosophy." ft is emi nently scientific! in method, and thorough in disoutsion, and its views ununtettlod questions in morals are dis criminating and sound. It treats large)/ of Political ■Elmer, adepartinent of morals of great unportanoe to American youth, butgenerally overlooked tn text-books. In the history of ethical opinions it is unusually rich and elaborate. Instructors in Seminaries and Colleges will find it an exoelient text-book, greatly superior to most of the manuals now in use. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY: Including the Intellect, the Bonsibihties. and the Will. By Joseph d. D., late Professor of Intellectu al and Moral Philosophy. Amherst College. Jiojal IZino. Cloth, embossed, lliis work has been commended by many of the best educators in. our country as superior to any other toxt book in use in our Col'eses. Itfombiues many advanta ge!. It treats of the whole nund. instead of a single clasaof fncultte*. and gives a carofut analjais of oh its powers. It is strictly scientific in its method. It tue latest results of the sctonce, and the history and li terature 9f pach topio dissuesed. It is distinguished by a oomplete and exhausting di vision, )ucid arrangment, and a stylo at once toncise and clear, simple and eiexant,"—[N. A. Review. ' This work of Prof. Haven is. on the whole, quite the most successful pflort yet made m this department.”— t>nnceton Review. 11 If others Judge as favorably ns wa of Professor Ha ven si work, it will beeom? fAe text-book m Mental Fhi losophy for colleges and higher seminaries uflearmug.” —lClinstian Review. t va«m t ,«™HAM!LTON^KCTURES. LECTURES ON ArETAPJIYSICS. By Sir William Hamilton, Bart., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics m the University of Edinburgh. K<Utod by 11. L. Mansei, B. D.. Oxford, and John Veitch, M. A., Edm tMirgh. Royal octavo, cloth, 83. .1 he saloof two editions of this great work, in less than six months after its publication in this country, is a tes timony to its high value and to the American taste fur metapnysicAl study. It is admitted, by general consent, to be the ablest and most thorough discussion of the pro blems of Mental Philosophy accessible to American students, nnd it Ims already been adopted us a text-book in some of our best oollegcs. GOULD A LINCOLN. No. 49 WASHINGTON ST. .•JA 0 IIESS CHESS! W. COMPLETED AT LAST! THE BOOK OF THE FIRST AMERICAN CHESS _ . . CONGRESS. Containing the proceedings of that celebrated assem blage, hold iq New ko(k, in the year 18&7, with tho papers rend in its sessions, the games played in the Grand Tournament, and the stratagems entered in tho Problem Tournßy.tOEetbßrwith sketches of the History of Clmss in the Old and. New Worlds. By Daniel Wil i?ift F,B r?i ✓.A- Oflieial Secretary of the. Congrew, Editor of tho .CAess McatA/p, Ac. Adorned with a mngnidoent unpublished stratagem by Mr. kcox,N* B, Cook, iu eixty-eisht moves, en graved end printed in colors. One large Uino. volume, M3pp. Mushn, elegant, price 91 W. _ ..... Also, now ready: . THE LIFE ANDTRAVELB 0P * ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. With an introduction from the pen of w BAYARD TAYLOR, £»*. With a new steel portrait, engraved expressly for this work, from an original photograph in the possession of Mr. Bayard Taylor. One large 12mo. \ olumo, 41W pages. Muslin, price 81 25, . Anewanapopularlifeof thisdisUngpisbed travoller and. author, from original and autlientiosources, com prising his Life. Travels, nnd Scientific labors, together with sketches of his teachers and colaborers. Anagree ttblq. entertmiimmg volume. hither of these Books will be sent by mail, postage VBBR, to any part of the United States, on receipt of tho price, by RUDD i CARLKTON. M-thastf _ Publishers and Booksellers, No. 130 GRAND Street, near Broodway, N. Y. Fourteen thousand subscri bers! k APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. Volume Beventh will l>e out on the 26th. It is not ton late to commence taking this work, which isnoweßtabhslied in the category of famous literary successes. New subscribers can have a volume a month till they overtake the issue. Tho exormocs subscription list has boon mainly in creased by the subscribers themselves, who have brought thotr friends and neighbors tosubscribe, ns soon as they had satisfied thomselves of the svni'AssixG ex cellence and Value or tub work. JOHN McFARLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania, Arcado Hotel, 021 CHESTNUT Blreot. Agent, also, for Benton's Debates of Congress and Frank Mooio's Diary oi the American Revolution. sS-a tu th-Ot A CARD.— TO THR BOOK TRADE. T. B. PETERSON k BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKBKLLKHB. No. 300 CHESTNUT STREET, , , PHILADELPHIA. Would moat respectfully call the Kttention of tho TRADE, and MERCHANTS KonernUr, visiting the city, to their LARGE and VARIED ASSORTMENT of SALEABLE BOOKS, which is now offered at very low end reduced prices. T. B. P. k BROS, have Just issued a now and COM PLETE CATALOGUE of nil the BOOKS they PUB LISH. which, together with tho large stock of works published by the various Book Houses of * PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, and NEW YORK, form ono of the most COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENTS ever offered for the inspection of the trade, anions winch will be found the popular works of SIR WAI/TER SCOTT. Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas. Mrs, Smithworth, Caroline Lee Hentz, Charles Lover, Fredrika Bremer, Ann Jj. Stephens. Miss Fnrdoe, Mrs. Grey. Mias Pickering, George Lippard, T. R- Arthur, K. L. ihdwer, 0. W. M. Reynolds, Henry Cookton, Eugene Sue. and many others, the treat authors of the day. Dealers will find it greatly to thoir advantage to run chase direct from us.'as the extra inducementofiored will greatly compensate them for the trouble of calling and examining our stock. CATALOGUES FURNISHED GRATUITOUSLY. All ordors should 1» sent direct to T. B. FETKRBON & BROTITEJU3. Publishers anil Booksellers, No. 305 CHESTNUT Street, sfl-3t Philadelphia. pUBLISIIED THIS DAY: PART V, CHAMBER#’ ENCYCLOPEDIA. Edinburgh Edition. Parts I to V, inclusive, prioo IScontnoaeh. FOUR YEAftS ABOARD THE WHALE 81!IF. Embracing Cruises in the Pacific, Athmtio, Indian, and Antnrtio Ocenoa, m theyears 1K66-’63-’67-’6B-’59. By Wm. B. Wjutxcar, Jn. • One volume. 12tno. $l. KENNEDy’fI WORKS, (Aorr Uniform Edition,) SOB OP THE BOWL 1 . 1 vol., lJnio. HORBE-BHOE ROBINSON. 1 vol.,, 8W ALLOW-BARN. 1 vol., 12ino. 9l 25 per volume. CALOftJC -- Its Meohnmcnl. Chemical, and YM Agencies in tlie Phenomena of Nature, By Samuel L. Metcalf, M. P., late of Pennsylvania University. 3 vo!*., dyo, Price $6. • J. B. LIPFINCOTT k CO., «S-4t 22 and 21 North FOURTH Street. fIHAMBERS’S ENCYCLOPAEDIA. (TobeinSflmojihly part*, 15 cents eaoh.) anpplied td any address, free ofnostnge, by . , , " JOHN MoFARLAN. Agent for Pennsylvania, Fof Appleton's New American Cyclopaedia, and Bon ton’ti Debates of Congress. ARCADE HOTEL, 42) CHESTNUT Street. .Afrenta wanted to oanVqMs in every countT. au27-lm REFINED SUGAR.—SOO barrels various grades. JM bbla crushed,, sifted and powderri, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM. & CO., ftiSfl •" LETITIA Street, NEW PUBLICATIONS. New novel. HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK, PUBLISH THIS DAY i MY THIRD BOOK. A COLLECTION OP TALES. BY LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON, Author of This, That, and tho Other," and "Juno Clif ford," 12mo. Muslin, 31.00. In this volume we have Some of tho best things Mrs. Moulton has ever written, and if it succeeds according to its merits, it will havo a great many readers. It con tains seventeen stories, some of them being nowprinted for tho first time, and others reprinted from Harper’s Monthly end some of the other magazines. She al ways writes with vigor, and usually gives us graphic portrayals of the workings of passion, generally tiie pas sion depicted, not by any means in the French way! but according to tho ideals most prevalent among the young men and maidens of Hew Eui?land.— Worteater Si'V • It BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH IN TIIE BOOK OF PSALMS. By Rev. Andrew A. Bonar. Svo. $1.75. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF JAMES WILSON, Esq., 01? WOODYiLLIi. By James Hamilton, D.D. 18nio. 91. THE LITTLE LYCHKTB, AND OTHER STORIES. Phnn. 76 cents, SUNDAY MORNING THOUGHTSiOr, Great Truths jn (Plain Words. By Mrs. Thomas uelaart. lCmo. M cents . BUNDAY EVENING THOUGHTS; Or, GrentTruths m Plain Words. By Mrs. Thomrw Geldart. J6mo. 60 cents. tiMILIE.TKE PEACEMAKER. By Mrs. Thomas Gelbart. 16tmv 60 coats. TRUTH IS EVERYTHING. A Tale for Young Per sons. Mm”. 60 oenjs. daily THOUGHTS FOR A CHILD. By Mrs. Thus. Gold Art. 16mo. Mcents. . PORTY YEARS INTHB WILDERNESS OF PILLS AN 0 POWDERS { Or, The Cogitations and Confessions of an Aged Physician. lSnio Ml. THE DISEASES OF CATTLE. With Descriptions and Illustrations. Umo. $l. For sale bjr WM. S. k ALFRED MARTIEN, slO No. 606 CHESTNUTStreet. PAUL THE PREACHER; or, A Popular and Practical Exposition of his Discourses and Speeches, as recorded in tho Acts of the Apostles. By John Eadie. D.D.jLL.D; 12mo. J 91.26. MERRY’S ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF RHYMES. 16mo. .to cents. ' MAGDALA and BETHANY. By Rev. 8. C. Malan, M. A. Idmo. 40 cent*. UNICA; A Story for Girls. By the author of " Uncle Jnok." 18mo. 25 rents. JjJJhjfeM Jackson. 16mo. 25ots. 81X SOUNDINGS. By Rev, J. B. Ripley, lfirno. 25 cents. LIFE AND LABORS OF REV. DANIEL BAKER. Umo. 31.25. For sale by „ WILLIAMS. MARTIEN, e6_ No, 605 CHESTNUT Street. OLD BOOKB-.OLD’3OOKS--ULD BOOKS .The undersigned states that he baa frequently for sale books printed between the years 1470 and 1500; early editions qf the Fathers of the Reformers andor the Pu ritan Diviues; mLaw, Braeton, Littleton, Fuffendorff, Grotius, Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Reports, &.o.,.ate often to be found on his shelves; Cyclopedias, Lexicons, Classio authors, History, Poetry. Philosophy, Soience, Pphtioal Economy, Government, Architecture, Natural History. Treatises upon these and other kindred anWeotsare being continually dealt in by him. Books, in large and small qu&nUtiesjjmrQhued at the Custom- CHESTNUT Street, above 'mrU-’dra *®. *" JOHN CAMPBELL. RETAIL DRV GOODS. AUTUMN GOODS. , SHARPLESS BROTHERS OFFER A SUPERIOR STOCK OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION. RICH FANCY SILKS AND SILK ROBES. FLAIN COLORED AND BLACK BILKS. VELOURS, rOPLINS, AND EHNOLES. NEW WINTER DRESS FABRICS. FRENCH AND SCOTCH FINE SHAWLS. FINE SHAWL BORDERS AND STELLA SHAWLS. RICHEST PRINTED MOUSSELINES. BRIGHT CHINTZES, FRENCH AND ENGLISH. FRENCH MERINOS, PLAIN FIGURED. FOULARD ROBES of ontirely new designs. CLOTHS, CABSIMERES, AND VESTINGS. BLANKETS, QUILTS, AND LINENS. TABLE COVERS AND FURNISHING GOODS. Now Assortments of the &oat desirable ENGLISH,FRENCH AND GERMAN DRY GOODS ARRIVING BY STEAMERS. 801 CHESTNUT eS-wths-St piNE CLASS OP FALL AND WINTER DRESS SILKS, From the late AUCTION SALES, at REDUCED TRICES. OURWEN STODDAUT A BROTHER Invito the attention of buyers to the above lot of Goods. NOS. 460, 45i t AND 434 NORTH SECOND ST., »3-3t] ABOVE WILLOW. g E P TEM B E B Ist. DESIRABLE STYLES - .K . FALL AND WINTER GOODS. We shall now bo in daily rooeipt of NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES OF SEASONABLE GOODS, FROM AUCTION AND OTHER SOURCES, which will be offered at onr usual low prices. Btrangers in the’olty are itartioularly invited to an examination of our Btock. CURWEN BTODPART k BRO., 450,452. and 454 North SECOND Street, s6-At abovo Willow Street. rUSSIMERES, CLOTHS, VESTINGS. Heavy dark mixtures Caemmeres. Bn. with and without Sidebands. Block Cassiineres and Doeskins. B|aok Broadcloths. $1 60 upward*. Light-colored Cloakings, 91 28 up. Fall and Winter Vettings. . _ COOPER k CONRAD. boJ NINTH and MARKET New fall cloaks. The Subscribers are now opening NEW FALL CLOAKS. PLOMBIERK STRIPE CLOAKS. CHESTERFIELDS, CASAQUES, Ac., & 0., to whioh they respectfully invite the attention of Ladies. The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 703 CHESTNUT Street. au3o J. W. PROCTOR k CO. Philadelphia central shawl AND MERINO ROOMS. Will be arranged this morning from the two [urge Auction Sales of Hcnnoquin’s k Lupins FRENCH °S?&U-New BLACK CENTRE STELLAS, from SS to 918 each. New Sty te Paris Gauflre Shawls. Do. Double-faced Berlin do. And many other kinds. . . . 100 Pioces LUPIN’S FRENCH MERINOS, in plain and high colors, Blacks and Whnes, at 76c to 91.26, Rich Printed Mmuseline Delaines, all Wool. filso. Just opened. •argeetoclcNKW FALL DREBS OOODB. Satin-faced Valencias. Camilla Foulards., Hatm Travers, Plaid Satin lie I’alestro. Foil de Chevres. Super Glossy Silks. 8-4 Black Thibet, fur Shawls. Brocho Shawl Bordoring. Round Corner Black Lace Veils,« 0. Daily additions are made. . CHARLES ADAMS, sJ-tham KiOHTII and ARCH Streets. T\TEW FALL GOODS’.!! 1" THORNLEY k CHISM, corner of EIGHTHand SPRING OAR DEN Streets. Have just received a lot of BEAUTIFUL SATIN PLAID POPLINS. Rich Foulard Silks. Handsome Fall Do Lames. New Fall Chintzes. Ac., ko, IVAieA tire very dnirablt atnf -fsry chtap. BLACK SILKS AND FANCY SILKS!!! Light Cloth Raglans lor fall w*atl^er. Shawls, Dusters, Ac., iq treat variety. Oood Family and Fronting. Linens. A largo stock or Domestic Muslins. Great quantities of Flannels. Cloths. Casiimerei, Batinetts, Ac., *O. CLOSING OUT MUCII*BGLOW COST: Silk Mantillas. Lace Mantillas. Bareges, Organdies. Lawns, &o.,«o. All Summer Goods of every description, Br TgORNLEV k CHISM, EIGHTH and SPRING ‘‘N.B.-WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH.’* atUW-tf LUPIN’S FINE MERINOS. One hundred piooes of oxtra quality and desirable colors at SI W). Ono hundred pieces of fine quality and of same colors at 76 cents. Those goods have the moat value of any that we have offered. BJIAH PLESB BROTHERS, s 5 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TVEW AUTUMN SILKS. i- * Just opened ten cases of selected Silks of our own importation. Plain Poult de Boies, from the lowest prices to the finest goods. Rich Lyons Bilks or the nowest designs. Plain Black Silks, glossy and heavy. Neat figures and Broondo Blacks. Black and Fancy, two Jupos. „ SHARPLESS BROTHERS, e 5 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. English shirtings. Just received a choice lot Of AQBt am) medium stylos English Shirtings, Prints, New designs, good colors. BHARPLEBB BROTHERS, s 5 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Dress goods. Ricli Bouquet-pattern Wool Dolaines. Lupin’s French Mormoos, 76 cents up. Cheap Delaines and Plaids. Pall Poplins, Chintzes, ko. . BLACK WOOL DELAINES. 1 * Lupin’s Block Wool Delaines, 67 and 48 cents. Lupin’s finest quality do., 60 and 66 coats. Blaok Bombazines, Alpacas, Silks. Ac. COOPER k CONARD. sag NINTH and MARKET. REMOVALS. removal, THE OFFICE OF THE HORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON Ha, been removed to tho NEW BUILDING of the Phi ladelphia Bank, CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE FOURTH STREET. »l-m WM. GETTY, Agent. JJEMOVAL. DAVIS & RIRNEY HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICF. TO NO. 87 SOUTH THIRD STREET, el-m ■ ■ 1 WATCHES, JEWELRY, <Stc. 326 chestnut st. 325 TH'£ OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND, NO. 320 OHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, I» about to be given up. Frevioui to the cloning, the proprietor offers to the pubho, at very low pbices the whole of tlio large stock of ' WATCHES & JEWELRY, «nJ7-nv-Ct SILVER AND PLATED WARE. 326 CHESTNUT ST. 326 SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite special attention to their stock of SILVER WARE, which is now unusually large, affording a va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by any house the United States, and of finer Quality than is in&nufao tured for table use in any part of the world. Our Standard of Sllvor is 935-1000 parts pare. Tho English Sterling 925*1000 “ American and Pren0h.......900-1000 << Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-five parts purer than tho Auiorican and Frenoh coin, amt ten parts purer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being connected with the Refining De partment of the United Btatea Mint for several > ears, we guarantee the quality as above (935), which is the Meet that can ba made to be serviceable, and will resist the aotion of aoids much better than the ordinary Silver manufactured, WM. WILSON & SON, 8. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STS. N. B.~Any fineness of Silver manufactured as agreed upon, but positively none inferior to French and Ameri can standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard as used in our retail department Fine Silver Bars, 999-1000 parts pure, constantly on h.nd- «u«-!m PAPER HANGINGS, &c. \yALL PAPER. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on. of the largest Faotoriee in the city, and are prepared to furmah aU qualities of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, AND DECORATIVE PAPERS, Either to oity or country, at the lowest rates. Their stock now on hand is larxe. and owners of pro perty, builders, ami dealers generally, will find U to then advantage to purohaao of them. au29-lm TyyAlL PAPER WAREHOUSE. HOWELL & BOURKE, IT SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (bklow Miami), AND OPPOSITE MERCHANT STRIST, Have on hand a large and splendid assortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS, To whieh they invite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. au2S-2m CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN. & CO., NOS. 23 AND 2d SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Dealers in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARB. PITTBBURG GLASS AGENCY. WMercbAnts supplied with Glass at Manufacturer’s pnoei. auft-im gOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stock of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Old Stand, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH 8T„ four doore below Merchant,'lintel, to whieh they invite theattention of WHOLESALE JII)YERB, Aoints roi Pittsburg Glass. &u6-3m UMBRELLAS. gIMON HEITER, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURES OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR KET STREETS. Mystook is now very complete in every department and will be found to offer inducements to buyers unsur passed by any, aull-Sm -gtiEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS or UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 3120 MARKET STREET, PHILA., Are now making moro than viva hundbkd faniKTisa of Umbrellas, of every sixe, from 23 to 40 inohcs. Buyers who have not bad S. A F.’a make pf good* will find their tune well spent in looking over this well-made stock, which includes nant xovki/xibs, not to be nut tcith ehttthere, au6-3m HARDWARE. PRUITT. BEO„ & CO . IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IK HARDWARE. CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ao., 5Q9 MARKET STREET. 5Q9 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, aufi-Sm PHILADELPHIA. HjOORE. HENSZfciY & CO, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE. NO. 43T MARKET, AND 410 COMMERCE BTB., PHILADELPHIA. FERTILIZERS. FARMERS. PHOSPHATIO GUANO FROM BOMBItERO ISLAND, WEST INDIES. THE RICHEST FORMATION OF PHOSPHATE OF LIME KNOWN IN THE WORLD. It oontains over 80 per cent, of Bone Phosphate of Lime, being 40 per oent. richer in Phosphate of Lime than Bone Duet. FOR SALE BY THE TON OR CARGO. AND TO FARMERS AT 180 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. JOS. B. HANSON, Sole Agent in Philadelphia, aull-tliam 2m No. 104 North WATER Street. WINDOW SHADES. p A L Ij TRADE TO MERCHANTS BUYING WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW HOLLANDS, WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, CURTAINS OR CURTAIN MATERIALS, W. 11ENR.V PATTEK, 030 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFERS FOR INSPECTION TO BUYERS X FULL LINK OP TUB ABOVE GOODS. Manufactured and Imported expressly for the FALL TRADE, aC 6t) Which are offered at BRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. WINES AND T.IQUORB, pRINOE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, TBOM * DE VENOGE Be. CO , EPERNAY, FRANCE. Till* I* A PERFECTLY PURR AND DELICATE WINI, from the Vineyard of Messrs. De Venoge A Co., whose estate He* m the centre t& the /ar-famed Champagne Dittritt of FVaner. It has nitherto been confined to the best tables of England and tiio Continent, and has only very reoently been introduced into this country, where its rare quality, combined with the moderate pnoe at wluoh it is offered, is already achieving a success and popularity unprecedented in the annals cf the Wine Bold'in this city by REEVES, A pEAL,No. 204 MAR KET STREET, and at the Principal Hotels, and by all the leading dealors throughout the oountry, E. T. HAUGHWOUT, SOLEIMORTER, Corner of BROADWAY and BROOME STREETS NEW YORK. Jy»-tutiiAgftnif JjUMILY CHOCOLATE SUPERIOR QUALITY EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Manufacturer and Importer of French nnd Spanish CHOCOLATE. Store 8. W. comer ARCH and NINTH Streets. *9-3m (Factory 814 Filbert street.) \ TTKNTION, EPICURES! J » -MINTON, m Hnuih TW.I’I.FTH Street, l-lnw tVnlnnt, inform, hi. friemln ami tho imblie Unit Knud Ilinln and Oysters are now In season, nml flint ho n sorviiig nptheao. with tlm other delicacies, in bis ssmo peculiar style, which haa given such univerml satisfac tion for the past fifteen year*. Well ventilate,! Rooms Order* left to all parts of the city. TRY AMUSEMENTS. (DRAND MAMMOTH MUSICAL FESTI " VAL HEIGHTS. MONDAY .pdiTbPlipAY, Sect, 12th and 13th, by a combioatica R'jto toeTto.jdent MUSICIANS of Philadelphia. ir„d di i e «^ T p s^ A - Bartow - Frcl SARTORI 3nd J* under the direction of The prchwtra f or Dancing will be condaoted by Q. KAFPES,J. BAUMAN, and A. rp. PROGRAMME of the festival. ..Tb®. Mammoth Baud will meet at the National Guards’ Hall, m RACE Street, at 7 o'clock A. M.» and proceed ovqr a route, winch will l>e published, and arnve at the HeightsatJO ° clock. After*) minutes’ intermissun, selections of music performed by the re* Bajuls;Dancing from 11 till l o’clock: c?olock*^ m Dr dtnHer a a earls! D&noln * from 3to 4 MAMMOTH CONCERT. 1 rw.„.t w, PBOOBAMMX; ; ° cSff.’HfoTe°,SfhT Bir B *' tho7en ' dircct " l b » * ' "tori' Vfst— Composed and directed by A. Bar -3' ov "c«rt: C • M ' V ™ W '»"' Erected b, hMHKUMa, OV vrpTßia xiacti,. *' arranged by 5. arraojed and directed by A. o's»lh%iasK , iMv h l ! *^ M tormina,. atC SECOND DAY’S FESTIVAL, lo commence at 9 o'clock A. M Grand Iromenade Maroh by the Mammoth pun«i. Dancing from 10 till 13 o'clocks SefiS SJ of fiSJi PJJ&nffd h f th f ° resneoUve Brass Bands; “K carte ; Daucing from sto 3 o’clock. “ MAMMOTH CONCERT. , r. . „ I’Roohaxmk: 1. Overture de Concert-By Q. H. Beobt, directed by . Carl Henkerotli. 2. rinßle.froru Lohengrin-By R. Wagner, directed py Carl Henkeroth. 3. O'• e rtor a,^Fo st—By J. H. Bounewitz, directed by . °. F riVTKEN aUSCTES. L Potpouri, from Don JuaD—By Mozart, arranged by S NAIiS i. r ’, antl dir * cted h y , Carl Gadrtner 5. NationaU^ptj>o Un _ Arranj?et j an( j hj A „ , , .Dancing till a o’clock. PnuwtTwvS Wl i h * < rand Triumphal Promenade. et?eets £ 0 ", tc, ' J Kace »nd Vine, and Arch mr.T,«f ,4 iAdroad ** connected with the Fair -B^3l®™™'^°""“'”’ WIU tok « to toe V*toet-«treet Care and Maotnaville Omm ° MlOJt* t k Pawenger. for 8 cent, to the ground. WANTS. \V A NTEp—A Partner with Capital to Th« vr I 1 . B®oWng and Exchange Business. i. Q JL - r Du 8 hail lor a number of years practical ex perience m the business, on Third street?and! sent a member of the Board of Brokers of thiseitr Plea., addreaa Hooey,” Box No, m sio-st* VM/'ANTED—A Situation as Packer, in a 7 ' Shoe Home. Address ♦« Packer.” this office. * TyANTED—By a- Young Man, 19 years J t .Situation in any Mercantile EsUhlish ment, where be can make himself useful, and acquire business knowledge. eitiier in the Counting-room or store. Address G. G.,” at this omee. * .*5 OftO “WANTED, FITE THQU ?V. vV* SAND Dollars on First Mortgage on 4™"( 24 wile* from J’htJadelphia. in the State of c o^pi;a;Ly f y, ° i<d - Aj,irf " bo a 7 -1 7- M WANTED—To Rent in Germantown, by Ist of November at latest, a moderate sized con venient House, about JO minutes walk from the Rail road, at not more than S4W. Address “ Box 303,” Phila dalpbia Post Omee. sO-3t* "WTANTED TO EXCHANGE forimpror ; " 0^ c R/C,roMrty, free from incumbrance, IflOacree of excellent FARM LAND, located in, Gloucester Co., New Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, passes within a short distance of the fed.. For further parUoulars address J. K., office of TAfl Press. jegi, FOR SALE AND TO LET. A TTENTION, JOBBERS.-To Rent, the best arranged Chambers and Basement in Phila- , delphia, provided with fine front and baek entrances, hoistway, water'closets, basins.etc. These rooms are beautifully finished and are well Usbted by sky-lights, the seoond atory contains wareroom 123 leetx23 feet, and an office 23 feet square. rhe third story contains wareroom 100 feetxSSfeet. and two offices 23 feet square. The fourth story contains two fine rooms2s ft. square. CBICKERING fc tiONS, 607 CHESTNtT Street. «10ituth6t MFOR SjYLE—The neat, well-built House, with all modern conveniences, 876 MAR pu ALL Street. Apply on the premises. * i]o-6t* Elegant chestnut-street resi dence FOR BALK, No. 1934, Lot 235 feet deep by 22 feet front, 4 story Brick Dwelling,3 story double back-baildinca replete with all modern conveniences. Marble Mantels and Gas in every room. The House is built m the most substantial manner, beet quality slate roof, two Furnaces. Range, Ac., eli m complete order. For sale cheap. Apply to GUMMEY Sc SON, 330 Walnut street. MTO LEI—A Convenient House, with all the modern improvements, hot and cold bsths, heaters, Ac. No. 93 UNION Street. Burlington. N. J. Apply to % B. P. MIDDLETON, e9-6t No. 5 North FRONT Stree L FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP—A double ■ia. Three-story Briok Dwelling, No. 1416 FRANK LIN Street, below Jefferson. Lot 100 feet deep, with two-»torv Carpenter Shop on Robinson street. Pnoe 81.100, subject to Ground Rent of $B4. Apply on pre nnses. »g-3t ££] FOR SALE—Two Houses on Frank- Mxliu street, Nos. 1352 and liW. with aU the modern iiiiprovemente. Lot 100 H feet deep to Perth street. Are offered for $3OO and sl*ooo less than cost. They are substantially built, end of good material. Not much money wanted. tMt* TO LET—The Office lately occupied by Okie Sc Capp, Brokers, 223 DOCK Street. Com pletely furn'thed with water, gas, counters, desks, fire proofm wall, Ac., Ac., well suited for a Broker. Insu rance, or Railroad Office. Will be let with or without the furniture. Apply to J. M. GUMMEY EONS, 63) WALNUT Street. se3-stuthlot TO RENT, TO GENTLEMEN, TW U Large Rooms, in a private family, Furnished or Unfurnished, with the use of Bath. Location central. References exchanged. Address “R. 8.,” Press office. ; SB‘St* PERIOR NORTH THIRD STREET STORE TO RENT. The large and well-lighted granite-front Store, No. 131 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE ARCH, Suitable for JOBBING OR HEAVY PACKAGE TRADE. Term* satisfactory to a responsible tenant. Apply on the premises, or at No?4t*r VINE STREET. MFOR SALE—A thrcc-story Modern Dwelling, No. 836 MARSHALL Street, with all the convenances—2 ranges, 2 beaters, gas, and water throughout. Apply on the premise*. ao-flt* ® FOR SALE, a bargain, or to Rent.— The House and Store Nos. 601 and fO3 YORK Ave nue. Suitable for the Shoe trade or any light busi ness. Term* low. Apply at No. 491. se3-7t* For sale. The Subscriber will dispose of the entire Stock of FINE MONUMENTS.STATUARY, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. Ao., Ac. AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE YARD, No. ]«5 ARCH Street, West of Eighteenth street sl-lm WM. HILL MOORE. m FOR SALE-A FARM of over 200 mim Acre*, well fenced and watered, in a good state of cultivation, admirably adapted to the growth or grain, grass, vegetables, and fruit of all kinds, particularly peaches, the trees of which live to a great age. Bituate within two miles of a Railroad Station, Kent County, Delawarej'comfortable buildings. For particulars, ad drc«a Box 32, Chester. Pennsylvania. au3o-lm* HpO BUILDERS AND OTHERS.—Roxbo rough Cottage Lots for tale, admirably located on and near Ridge Avenue, above the Six-mile Store. Passenger Railway Cars now running near, and will eoon run bj them. Apply to „ JOHN FRASER, Architect, atrfMm* No. 112 South FOURTH Street BOARDING. Large and handsomely fur rushed Apartments, with Board in a prirate family, No, 217 Bouth BROAD Street. sSthsroSt* WANT F,I), a furnished room with board vt ing, in a French family. Address SWISS. Box 1.963. s9-2t* VACANT, WITH BOARD, HANDSOME * Communicating and Single Rooms. No. S 3 South SIXTEENTH Street, four doort above Chestnut. »9-6t* BOARDING. —Elegant and airy Rooms, single and in suites, can be had with firsx-class Board- fur the Summer, Fau,and Winter, at 1314 WAL NUT Street. auB-2m COPARTNERSHIPS. TYTOTIt’E.—The Copartnership heretofore 1 i existing between the Subscribers is dissolved by mutual consent, THIS DAY. t .... THOMAS T. MASON having purchased CHARLES E. ROBINSON’S entire interest m the Concern, is alone authorised to settle the business ot MASON Be CO. THOMAS 1. JiIAoUd, riUL4D\„ Sept. 7,ISW C. E. ROBINSON. N.B.—The DRY GOODS JOBBING Bu.ineM -.11l be continued at No. 1M MARKET Street, umler the .am, □eme. l>i THOMAS T. MASON. I'HIUDA., Bept. 7,18 M. at-tm fpilE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex isting between the subscribers it this day bv mutual eontsnt. The business oi the nrm w\u oe leiiil'lbj JOSEPH B. HANSON, who l. authomed to Tn,:r JOSEPH B. HANSON will oontinue theTobegoo Com mission business, and Agenoy for the sale of Sombrero 6»an„, a. Rg , , Md No. 106 North DELAWARE Avenue. GEORGE BOLDIN, 106 North WATER Street. NORWOOD PENROSE, 106 North DELAWARE Avenue. NORWOOD PENROSE (late of the firm of Joseph & Hanson A Co.) is this day associated with GEOAQE BOLDIN, under the style and firm of BOLDIN A PEN ROSE, for the purpose of conducting a Tobacco, Oil, and General Commissi on Basinets. July 1,1859. jyl-tf TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the -*■ V firm of WARNICK, CHADWICK, 4c BROaie this day dissolved. The Heater, Range, and Stove business will be continued under the name of CHADWICK A BRO.. at the Northeast corner of SECOND and RACE s»e.u. fig&SsTtaSlSsioir Philadelphia, Julr 11,1569. JIU-tf GENTS’ FURNISIHNG GOODS. QENTLEMBN’S FURNISHING GOODS AMD TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. LONGOOPE * PEAROE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Hava now la .tor. a full aMortment in their lin., to whioh ther Invite the attention of their onetomar. and buyers of such rood*. au4-gm JW. SCOTT-—late of thfe ttnn of Win • chaster * Broil -GENTLEMEN*!* PURNIPH -INO STORE nml H IHKT MANUFACTORY, 814 OHHSTNI'THtrcet, (nearly opposite the Girard House.) Philadelphia. J.W.B. would rpspactfuKy call the attention r*r hie former patrons and friend* to his new store, and is pre wired to fill order* for RIIIRT3 at short notice. A norfeet fit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with find Shirts and Collars. Jyil-ly AanjfIjEMEHTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS OP THE NEW PLAY op THE BLACK AGATE. Written br MRS. P. P. BOWERS. THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, September Joti, THE Ev/Se’stSeN'GTH Mr.. D. P T W^ VAL °fe°^. Mr. J. H. TAYLOR, Mr. A. W. nSfßa**"" Mr. RUFCB ADAMS, Mr. F. A. TANNKfaIX. Mr. P. FLETCHER, Mr. ROSSITER, Mr. MARLOW Mr. P. A. ANOkRSON. iso , THREE HUNDRED AUXn.IARIES. SPLENDID DANCES, SPLENDID MUaic. r e^¥mmMhBM tATUK GREETED WITH ENTHUBIASIIC APPLAUSE. NEW GRAND'kiStfer’DfI'IIRTISEMENT, Will be piesented.arranged especially by . r . SIGNOR RON2ANI, In which BIGNORINA PRATEBI and OALETTf. THE FULL CORPS DE BALLET Will appear in pw dances. „ . STORY OF THE PLAY. Hypatia, a young woman of great personal lovehQMs and mental attainments, taught philosophy in AJaxaa ana m the sth century. She was a native of Oreeoe to ite raythology. Her beaut?, goodness, asd inteUeetwon her many adherents. Her soccess aroused mejiatred of the nomeroas Jew residents of Alexandria, thiTS.tS* dislike of Cyril, the Christian Patriarch ot At that time the Jews and Christiana were EzVet twJt ttkwjp daily and Woody wjnflicU. il l l y^F«rSl?i&r l?® <l Part of the Roman Empire. Orestee. tne contemplated a revolt against w ?m I J3 tf **** W* own usurpation of the Em- KSteblLi^ewSbi^'^etfeSS^^ In the play of -The BImIMMuS"ffiKSSTK younx ingenious monk, educated m a mourner? tn th ® Ri r* r?, »W. He is ignorant of aU tiSrS Utes to h» parentage or family. He pazu vith hitutor. V 4 Mta w f 9 r Alexaadna. On Ms way thither his vesselu runovrrbya barge bearmr* hl ofbeM , t, , w h i,e| w» ■«! ler attendantgiSimS Goths, who, haring sacked Rome, anu “'fata™ m Egypt, and detained there bf the Rftfnulinf the East. enter* lectore roota. wbere. hitening to sentunents that eeemto Ira the mo«t horrible, he.mterrapts and rebokeeher. Re cognising the frank ompUcit/of hu nature, she for .him, ami so impresses him with her genius that he becomes her student snd lotst. In toe roeanwlule one Miriam, a Jewess, has her hatred and rereue excited against Hy pattaby tha in fluence Hymtia has savored over the mind and heart of itaphael, who is a satirical and philosophic man of tha world, and really Miriam's son. tboogh he does not know that fact. Miriam is ambitions of ad vancement. Bhe.had hunt around his neck,when a child, an agate Uhsoan, with a mysteriooe sign thrns on, to which, with the snpenttitioii of her time and Ware, the attributed a matieal power. Valuing this tatisnui anly,Maennosity,Raphaelhad presented it to Hypatia. Vh'lum lh *. reui>o Js Ph>t*Hypatia’s rSn. Bhediacorerete rhiUmontheexistencemf his sister, PMagia; ergaahim mHaJSi?!? 100 of -i l .* lor© for Hypett*; disgrace* Mm |a Hypatia s regard by securing complicity in an at- U !^ls‘ ve b ® r * exerts over Hypatia a mje torums mesmeric power. She tuts Opus PhiUimm Bo j *s v, th hopes of an explanarion withHjpatia, and there, having induced Hypatia to bebave u her STX2 r £L? T Sk I iI*’ 1 *’ Avdhtfr* Grecian God of Light, *enU her Philemon. Mortified and despairing. drops the Agate which Miriam seixea. la the uut set rntlAinoQ and Fetaguv. devoting thesiNbw totbenll gkMis life, enter the Cathedral in penitential pmns»m) w bile there, Hypatia rushes in. punned bythepotn lare, whose passions have been roosad by Miriam. Hy pau&.inthat sacred refute, turns and sublimely defies the mob, who, enraged, rush upon her and trample her t"» death. * AUMISSIOaS FIFTY AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTH, Seats mar be secured daily from Ktsht A. 11l nafll P.M.-TifE OFFICE Id NOW OPEN. * i^l ra r op ® « &t 7 o'clock. Performaoeen to oonmeno* at i, be lore 8. TVALNUT-STREET THEATRE. V, J, SECOND WEEK OFJ B. ROBERTS. THIS *. Mr. J. BTHoberta; Farnd. Mr.H. A.Ferri: Valentine, Mr. L.R. ghewell; Sebel7Mr. Vimof Bowers; Marguerite, Mrs. Anna Cowell; Made line, Mrs. H. A. Ferry* Scxlx or Pkiczs.—Dress Circle, (Seats secured with out extra charge,) 60 cents; Parquet. (Beat* secured at to cen!s,)37J£;Second Tier and Familj Cirels, and ftwj lier,23cents; Private Boxes, according tadMirtocaJe, 95 and $3; Single Seats in Orcbestxaqßsrrnrato Boxes, 75 cents. Box Office open daily, from 10 ontUJY o'clock, when seats can be secured in advance. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ELEVENTH, SECOND ANn THIRD STREETS. Ac., are respectfully informed that the Cosdoetoregm these routes era provided with Ticket* for the ACADEMY, the purchasers of which, on board the cars, will be eonyeyM to and from the ACADEMY, free of.charge. The New and Baouttful Ray of •* THE BLACK AGATE” terminates poor toll P. 1L W HE ATLEY & CLABKE’S AKCH »_» STREET THEATRE. THIB {SATURDAY! EVENING. September »- THE ROBBERS—Charles De Moor, Edwin BeoUt* Ameha, Mra John Drew. To conclude with the Comedietta of „ „.. THE LAUGHING HYENA. Mr. Felix Famer, Mr. John Gilbert. ScALxovPnicxa.—Admission. 2$ cents; SeearedSeelt in Dress Circle, 37# cents; Parquet, 50 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock j performance to oomnenoe at 7 X o clock precisely. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. -t*- _ HOOD'S MATINEE. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, September 10.Ua. at 9 o'clock. Commence at X Adimsaion to all parti of the bouse, 26 cents. Package of B.x Tickets. One Dollar. To begin with the Comic rantoraima of POUR LOVERS. Followed br the MEYER'S SISTERS. LOUISA ax» JOSEPHINE. AND A GRAND DIVERTISSEMENT. Co °M§ ! rjißf»Ta im ”’ Tickets to be had at all the Music Stores, and Glretd House, and at the Academy. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Unparalleled Pnrrn* Unparalleled Sucoese! Unparalleled Socohi! HOUSES CROWDED houses cßqwpep HOUSES CROWDED From Tit to Pome, From Pit to Pome, From Pit to Pome, _ tsss And discriminating andiene®#. And ducmainaUn* tadmcM, Towitneee the To witness the Towitneee the Grand S pee teenier Drama Grand 6poctacnUx Drama Grand Spectacular Drama FAUST AND MARGUERITE!! FAUST AND MARGUERITE!I faust and marguerite!! « ith its new Scenery, With its new Scenery, With its new eceaery, Magnificent Creeses, Magnificent Preesea, Marie. 6 "“*- Beautiful Music, Beautiful Music, Charaetenstie panose. Characteristic Bsaees, Characteristic Dancea, Ala&’c&i Effects, Manval Effects, Magical Effect*. Sublime Apotheosis, Sublime Apotheosis, Sublime Apotheosis, And . Great Cast. Great Cast, Great Cast. j. B. ROBERTS as MephiatophUe*. J. B. ROBERTS as MephistopSW. J. B. ROBERTS as Mephistophika. PERRY, SBfKvKLL?BOWERS, PERRY. SHEWELL. BOWERS. MRS. ANNA COWELL aw! MRS. TRAYBSL MHS. ANNA COWELL and MR§. THAT fit Every Night, Ever 7 tfight, Frery Xicht, Every Night, Every Night, Every Night, Secure jour Beat*4 Secure your Seats! Secare jour Seats! Without extra charge! Without extra charge! Without extra charge! ter PRICES AS USUAL. vr PRICES AS USUAL. «*4t RETURN OF THE li FAVORITES, AT MUSICAL FUND BALL. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 12. and Every Evening duringthe Week. The World-Renowned, Originalend Only GEORGE GEORGE CHRISTY k R. M. HOOLEY, * rBOPKIBTOftS. B. C. CAMPBELL,.MusicaI Director* Admissions eenU. For further particular* eee small and large bills. Poore open at 7. Coauneuce at d o'clock. LEWIS A. ZWIBLER, sT-tf Agent. £JAMPBELL MINSTRELS! SIX NIGHTS*LONGER! COMMENOINO A MO§DAy R Best i, US*. And continue every Night during the week. Second end Positively the lust Week this SeMctvof R UNSET k NEWCOMB’S ORIGINAL CAMPBELL MINSTRELS, BRASS BAND gyro DOUBLE TROUPE 1 The following new Burlesque* will be aeleofed from thoir inexhaustible repertoire: “THE GUNNERS FROM KANSAS." “SCENES AT THE NEW YafiK ACADEMY OF MUSIC.” NEWCOMB, IN THAT GREAT DANCE. “VULCAN AT THE FORGB." HARRY LEHR IN NEW ACTS “ THE.ESCAPED CHINAMAN.” Little Bobby, the Child of Bong *O4 Comedian, with DULLY in new Conucattties. Tsa Tenor*. LESLIE and LACKLLF.S. with RAINER, b their amminK Bailed*. “THE CvUWTRiMAIIAND ARTJ6T,” with other numorou* acta. ®^ or of jjgjg. Door* open at 7JC o’clock; commence at A - P. A. CLARKE. *5-6t Agent and Business Director. IIfcDOXOUGH’S GAIETIES—RACE ST., ITi below THIRD. FIFTH NIGHT RE-OPENING. GALAXY OP TALENT. . 1,100 pens a* mited the GaWties on Saturday erem- NEW PDAYS this week. “ Hernacdex," the greatest living performer, together with Richard Bnrt nletn, Billy Thomas. Paul Barger. John williams. Young America, and Master Tommy. Miu Kata Leslie, Bum Marie. Mua Wheipley, Professor Simpaoa, Master A’Becket. BAND OF BERENADBRS. Admission 10 and 13 cents. Private Boxes M peats. CANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, between Chestnut and Market. BAHF&Sra WArTrOLTB, _ the largest T , .Company m the world. In their excellencies every tvtnixg. SANFORD appears „ _ Every evening in Sis great Role of Character*. , Doors open at ?£. Comiqeaoe at 8. A Admission as cents. ChuMieu IS oents. aucS-Sm Free music at fairmount.— GREEft AND COATES-STREET RAILWAT. The Celebrated GERMANIA BAND perform every afternoon and evening at FairmoanL The cars of the Green and Coatee -street Railway pass along Eighth and Coates streets, w Fairmoont, emy ‘isassa/^isa?BrkßAi».«w«w^ rFiHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 0? STREET, * Bartholomew’s Statue of EYE REPENTANT now on exhibition for a short time. HASSLER S ORCHESTRA.—M. HASS LER k BROTHER respectful!/ announoe that they have located their Office at their residence, UOB LOCUST STREET, where engagements oaa bemade aa SOUTHERN AND WESTERN » $50,000 TO LOAN, rN BUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS* upon Diamond,, Uyear*. Othce hours*ro.nif A. ALto7 1. at. . Scroru\-bar.d Gold and Si'ver McKee, by eminent warrmted genuine, for sale ooeap, at one-half L,a original ro*f. eu* tw*ti HAMS.— 100 tierces. ei-tni Sugar-cured covered Hams, racked by Gardner, FLipp*. A Co., Henry I«ewis, Jao. knay, Bestiy A Tap**>>*t. Beiatt A W(M>a, Lewis Ftagye, ard Out*-’". For tale by a a SADLER * CO., *lO ARCH Street, socond door above Front.