' - g^aHi I WW»HI*'BOAM> 0F jr»iaW,<S i 3® liwSs&. '‘•. !< ’.l Brig Adler, Bit, Boon ~T~y*MSp^^^BIjHCEWOE v , 1»«BX OF, PttIEAPELPHfA, ScgU 9, 1839. .6 42 (SUN SETS ifiiß. ..... . ARRrVEI). ‘; - -'' • •' - Sol\j ?o}vp.rTk^Sc&iß,4dMsfton\’BQßton i ,'Wilh mdse. • j! • - ’ . ! . , - Sohy-Ravem Rose, fromßoaton. •' ’ Bohr SnnWJPlalce, weaver, from Boston, BchrW H Dennis, Wheaton, from Boston, ’’ • Schrlß Johnson, Johnson,fronrEoston, ?>ohr K JSinith,' Dee, from Boston. tichrStogtLoveland,fromßoston, : - . &>hv3St'AU6n,BUbeoek,fromßoston.'- SchrßH Shannon. Marts, Jrom'Boston. 6 SehrlLA'ltogera, Rogers, froin'Boston. ' ' ' Hchr lll’Simmons, Oodfrey,from Boston.- - Schr Frank Herbert, Parker.Trom Boston. x> * Schr Excelsior, Riloy, frpm rrQviuenco. • Sent Lewis Clark, Booey, from Providence. Schr Finn, Rcbinson, Irom Providence. Schr U & T Cramer, Huntley,Xrom Pawtucket. Schr Irene, Cole. i'rom Harrmgton. i . The ship St Patrick, which arrived on Wednesday from Liverpoobrerorte light westerly gales since the Kale of July 30tn, and not rough wealher.as previously i ■' Pape May, J bVhrMahfon Betts.^Primrose, J Baker, Schr Fly. CheeMemau* Nantucket, Chas Miller & Co. Schr D P, Talpoy do Sour RH Shannon. Marts, Boston, -do ' • C A Hecksoher, Stubbs, Beaton, N.-Sturtevant Sc ir E J Smith, Lee< Boston,;WHJohhs, ‘i ‘' # Schr Excelsior, .Kifej, Boston,vNoble, Hammett A So ir J H Allen. Babcock, Boston, CAjfleckscher A Co. Schr Irene, Colo, Boston, Brown &:\vmte;, , _ Sc ir-H A Ro/ers, Rororß. Boston, B.Mdnes A Co. SchrTJ A T Craiiier, Huntley, Pawtucket, •do Sc ir Firm, Robmwn, Boston, L Audonned A Co, , . Schr Stag, Loveiandiliicbmondj; do SohrHPoitnmons. Qodtrey,' Chelsea, do Soh ‘Frank Herbert, Parker, Boston, R R Coreon A Co Schr Mary Haley j Haley, Boston, Blakisttm A Cox. Schr RavenTßoae, Boston, Smnickson A Clover.. t » Sqhr W-H'Deams, Wheaton, Bostou, L Rothermel A Co, * v ( -< ■; ' , i. . SchrHewieClark, Sooey,Providencer' ) ;«o-. Schr J B Johnson, Johnson, Providence, Van Duscn, Nortpn-A-Co.;' IK.~ >t >" . (Convmcndenceof ThePresi.) - r r 1 -' > HAVREDEGRACE, Sept 8.1869, The Wroinlng loliTneto-thia morning, with W boats laden and oonaignedwriollowaiY-/.'' . SB Grover, pm iron to Jamesitowland A Co; Eleanor, bar iron torValentine.A Cos BA Douglas andViest Wind, birumfnous'coal to.H N Burroughs: Stephen Could, lumber to Baker Arßboenaakerj'OenH Fleming, do to John Craig; John Durell, do to H X J«mpyj;Jainos Cook; lime to ETkton; J Edgar Thomson and L A Linglo, coal to Delatfare City.' ( ■ c - > • ‘ ' - - . - READING,dept.B,IB69. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into theßohuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned aalollowgy * * , -- : ■ -> Win Neal, Hon oto toE A G Brook! Alfred Thomas,’ bituminous coal to WinMollvaine; lva and 8 A Lemon, doil N Burroughs;. O P Eut, lumber to H Croskey; F' ‘ F Goloman, do to A U Cattell &- Oo; Golden Gate, bitu— A ( oeyVert.- ; ’ •, : - VY- BV TEtKOBAPH TO Tna PRBB9. * JO', *;:* ■■ ■■ i’ 1 N*W OBtRANS,Sept.7. Arrived) stups Neptune and Harriet Basso t, fm Boston. 1 ‘ i ‘. ' MEMORANDA. . Phmeas-Sprague, rMatthows, cleared at Boston 7Ui inst. for Pluladefpliia.'-• . BUip- CoosawatQe, Marshall, Trom Liverpool, arrived - atdavannsJxetUinaLr ,1 , - „ . \ Bhtp Ei«ood Walter, Maloney, from Bombay, arrived at London 23d ult. ~ dhiu South Shore* Lothrop, from Calcutta May IS for Pniladeluhta, was spoken MaySO.lat W49S, longl<7 WE, Ship Noonday*, Henry, Irom Calcutta-, mai Aboand. Heads2id,»tßostonTiumst. Passed Capo.(^oodHope July 13, and had heavy weather for 10 days off the Cape. Snip Ganges, Evans, from Calcutta May 20 for Boston, was epohefl’-May W» Jat 18 « S. Jons W 03 E. iiarit Irma,Nobre,'bun<o (or Barbadoes, was spoken 23dultnatl9S7,long07M. Brig Condove, Rider, for Pinladoipluaor Now York, sailed from Providence $tU mst, ~ - . , ’ Brig Mftna’AVhoeler, Wlieeler, hence, arrived at Fc>rt«mouth3dinst. , „ . Schr George; Darby, Fairchild, cleared nt New York 7lh inst. for.Charleston.' ; • Schr f A Sanders', Somers, lienco, amvod at Boston HchrHnfneti Henley, from Portland for Philadelphia, • with a cargo of 200 tons plaster, put into Newport 6th inst in distresSilhaying sprung a leak at the rate ol about Ifioo ctrokcs per hour,at 4AM on the 4th.when 45 miles south from Montnuk. She witl probably have to dis chargo cargo and goon the marine railway lor-repairs-t Bohr D. M Mhssorvlo, Round, hence, arrived at New- J'ji Burnett, Worth, Shenandoah. Hewitt^Ves ta, Tom/in, and Emily Fowler, Willard, Sailed from Providence 6tli inst for Philadelphia. • < Schrs .Fred Dyer* Cottrell, cleared at'Calais 28th. and Almira.dun* Bjckioore,on tho23th ult, both for ;Flnlad. Perrjr, from Boston lor Philadel phia, brtded from Dutch Island Harbor 6th lust. Propeller Biaok Diamond, Allen, olc&red at New \ ork 7th inst. for Philadelphia. , , r „ „ Stoanidr Roindoer, bonce, arrived at Norfolk Gth mstj for the Albemarls and Chesapeake canal. Schr Eva, of Cape May, 119 tons, built at that place in l B to, rating A 2, lias been purchased by parties m Provi dence on private terms.: She will hereafter hail tram Providence, and be continued in tho freighting business, under tho command of Capt Daniel Targes. REAL ESTATE. PUBLIC SALE OF . ORIZABA IRON WORKS, 80PHJA FDRNA9B, Ac. ' By vested as trustees for certain oreditbrrof Pollard McCormick, and in pursu ance of a decree* of the District Court, of Allegheny county, in tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in No. 3 of November Term. 1868. we will expose to Public Sale, nt tho SERCHANTS r EXCHANGE, on FOURTH St.J 111 J3fa dSIY OP SEPTEMBER, 18®, Commencing at II o’clock A. M., or. at sueti time and place to which said sale may be then and-there adjourn ed. all Lite following described property, to-witr Tholands and tenements composing and appurtenant to Oriiabiv. y?Qrl(saoo Sophia Furnace, situate in Pol lock township, adjoining and adjacent to the borough o Newcastle, m Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, boundet and described as follows; <*' A piece of land bounded north by Neshannock creek, east by the Potmsylvam» oanal,'south by other land of said-trust, and-west by Neshannook creek, containing one acre more or less, on which aro erected a blast far iiace’, known by tho name of Sophia, 40 feet square and 49 Jeet higb) 'casting.house, tuyer house, cinder house, stocks honsorboifer -bouse, engino house, engine and blAst, with threo boilers m the boiler hoilke.and five ex tra boilers sst'ana corppieto, and largo brick stack. A pieco of tana beginning at nortlieast corner of Roll mg Mill lot, on'NeshnnnocY creek, running thence north dcz. wert 192 fact, north 47J£ deg; east 161 feet, thence iflonK saul miU lot2i9>« feet to the place of begin ning on which is a brick office and a'blacksmith shop. Apieceqrlandof-or.eacre:and M perches,more or loss, beginning at a post near -Lock No. 2, on Pennevlva ma oansl, running south 23K deg. west 90(1 feet to a post on said canal, theppo south 28M deg, feet to a post on NothannoQk creek, thence south deg. west ax* feet by said creek to a post, thence south 20k deg. eastMlds feat to .the, place of beginning.' ah which is eroptod a Rolling Mil/, the main building 160 by 212 feet, witb.fihedpattaohed.Mn.which are. 16 boilmg furnaces, 6 heating firfnacas, boile/s nndeagino sufficient to drive all the maemuery in said mill, bar rolls, small rolls, nail plate and nmek -roHa. squeezers, shears, Ac. Twenty five pail machines, andono wrought spike piachiue,and a brick warehouse, 60 by 20 feet. A piece ofland Itegipmng on tho oanal at southwest corner of mill lot, and running south 2316 deg. west 136 toot along said canal, thence south 60>£ dee. east £0 feet by land ofJ.A J. C.-WhJttLthence aoutHzdee. east lg| foot by street,‘thence west24feet toapost,thence south 2dqe. east 160 foet by an alley, thence 18 roet by J, St J. C. White.tomilllot,tjience alomrsaidlottp the place of beginning roontotmng one-half dons, more or less, on which isamulind stavo'factory 49 by 112 feet, en gine and boiler home, with, enginejruffioiont to drive machinery /or ,24 aau machines, J'wpike. maclii/ie, l stave machine, circular-saws; Ac., thereto contained, one clay housed by 31 feet, with machinery for grind ing AUd -temj*rinff olay to make fire brick, and a brick dryidg Bouepyg by 36 feet, partly on said lot, and partly, onJftbddrJ*A?iC,w|iiie.. .* ' ' A tOT OP GROUND, Np. a,intW hite’s adqition to New Castle, bounded on iue Aortn ana east by streets, south by tot No. 7, And street; 94 feet front by 160 feet, on wmeh ran bricki/ooper shop, 29 by *0 feet/and carpenter shop 12.fi»etsquare.,. mT , . , . - ; Apieceoftond m Neshannooktownship,lying south of Enstbrook road, atmt&tmhg aoros, more or leas, being part of the llimpSop tract, purchased by P. McCor mick from Diana lhmpson, situate about IK miles from Newcastle, on the EnStbrookroad. * -• ‘ A lot of grOund bounded, north .by other lands of said trust, casLby A. L.-and G. Yf; Crawford, south by Wluto’s'betsß. add west by. Jefferson street, on which is ' Tlio above described property will be sold together, os a whole. Also in separate parcels,' as descnled ? . Iho undivided half of 4W acres of land, more or loss, m Noshannock.. township, bounded north by Crawford, east by Pearson Pyle and others, south by Thomas Falls, and wfsfc<,by.Maitland and- Crawford,* abounding with roaL’AWHif macros cleared, coal banka opened,a num ber of Jiousea. barns; sheds, etablea.coke.ovons, .In NcsKwinockTownsbip. bounded l>y lands of William Alexander, James Hoyle, and*John BfoKee. obntaming •f> acres and {top, perches, on - which, is .'erected a plank house,'ft tog-lioiise. ip frame stable; about ,20 acres cleared; also, a good sprinK'of water.- n of ground, in Pollock township, bounded on the north by Cunningham and others, south by White, cast by Vogan and other* and west it/ , on which arc erected dwelling housesiStablesi'Ac. .A piece of land in tho borough of Now Castle, begin ning at the northwest corner of School-house, on east sideof Jeffersortst reet,near the bridge over.Neshannock creek, Ihonco north 88 dog. east 130 feet to said creek, thenco northB7« deg, we« 43 feet, thence south63K deg. 1 west aw feet, to Jcfierwn street, tliancft south I deg. east 126 feet to the place of beginning; containing One acre, more or less. _ ' A tot of jrroufid.'6o'feet front Uy 100 -la depth, jn the boroughofNewCastlo. bounded horth bv street; ewt by* alloy, south by Jacob Lint, and west by Jefferson street, <m whiehiH erected a frame stable. - ,* •* - r A lot opground m Pollock.townsbip, in WhiteVftddl- : tipntoN«wC«atle r begiftnlßgonMill»treet,attheconier of lot N 0.2, theace soulh 2 deg. east by said street £0 feet, dtewertby. Jot No, 3,150 feet, thonco nortti 2 deg. west,hr alley 60 feet, to sonthwest cofnetfot-No.-Lthenpe mprth 68, deg. east by lot No. 2, - of bftrinning,; ; j , v , r . A and tol in-Pollock township, bounded east by Jefferson street, *A in s sail! towhshfplbdnnded north by' Wallace, east bir an alleir, south by Dickson, and west de : |j® fcat'm front by iso feet in ATJIAqT,OFtcBKp OF ABdUT ACRES, In Sugar .Creek township, Venango county, Pennsyl v-^r.acti being the same tie scribal mi-deid fiohtpcilayu Mo^rmicK,-to'said trua teos, dated 23dAugust; JBH, •, -T , A more foi and;acopfltte description of the rtonertr tobO Boldwillba furmsWpd irom the deeds, at the time of s^^£ r^r ov;iously,on 0 v;iously,on location to the trustees. to J»Wid in'cash on the iu,anow!9pgm4ut of-tnedeea. one-fhira ht six months, and twelve; months from the time of sole! with interest from that tune 1 ; the deferred payments to ba, secured by bond and mortgage on the premises ; one-' inird of thoamoynt of first or casi* payment to be paid wJien the property is struck down; - ' ' • ' • - - auSB-frofc»Bt* It, BRADY- W)liK|flBi - - SUMMBttItKHOItTS. r. iritxaiiKnS house, . ** , ,2 t GAP. T)u« place bavin* been so orovrded t antil withiaa few to tbosc/fflio wish tospend a fewday*. or weeks duriar the delightful ftdthmna! fiewon', Ihatfjfay caii be accom* modntep wjth comfortable ttomK 8eo« teinber ana October are not only the most pleasant season at thq-^Gap/J but atfhrd tlie-additioniu sport m fine Fishm« aniLGimnimu Paesongora lonve -WALNUT- 1 S treat .wharfrat 6 o’clock In the morning, and arrive at the o'clock jsftme day; or \sr the North Penn sylvania. t(?.P,iwton in the afternoon; and arrive at the CapnMt4^Mi^oclSS4*rti«4iJW J 1 ’ * si) au27-3w L. W. BROBSBAD, Proprietor. ill URUAY HOUSE, .... -r . ~, , .Is tiifl largest ana Met arranged Hotel in central Ohio, i»MntraJlilat»tßdiimd i«idw„of-(wee»a from ell the '““to; <i|rarer. ftoontiijne oil the. raodern iJhprova' a„M Sm ‘' fol** 3m ■ - • -- Proprietors. JBBA BA T H-1.. ’ •••' . inMSr.7^; pu^cbeo^yery.su^i^ '- JMSIfC* T* '.’:nife 'io*- ?<>»»;» T-r ‘ f ‘ - ■ - s-j* .rtariL-iJt.i frs>. • - • Ji';sßS!3 - ■ . * v-.'''u‘ MUSIC.— 0. EVEREST has resumed his Lessons on the -Piano. Singing, Cultivation of the yoioo. dee-, nt Wo. 20 N. TENTH Street; s7-3t* , TW&&* CHAS. PICOT wishes to devote a ATX few hours daily to the teaching of the French :i6nguMe. Should any of the former pupils of Mr. and Mrs. Pioot desire to avail .theraKelve* 61 this opportuni ty of conversing', re&ding, &o,in; French,,it,would ar tord Mrß. pLcot much pleasure. ; „ For particulars and terms inquire at 1235 CHEBTN UT Btreet. - s5-6t* IIfESDAMES CHEGARAY AND D’HER JJx VILLY’S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR .YOUNG LADIES. • . _ . _ -TUILADELPHIA, No. 180» LOGAN SQUARE, VINE i f ll STREET. " Madame OHE GARAY respectfully informs her friends ana the pabUo in.'general, that independently of her Boarding and Day Sohool, direoted by herself and hSr meoe, Mrae. PREVOST, in NEW YORKishn in tends; in Connection with her nfeoe, Alme. D’HER VILLYii opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution on precisely the same plan as the one above mentioned. The Principals will answer applications and receive victors on aqd after the 13th day of September, and the eonool will open on the will. auSl-lm* 14§TSS/C, A,;BURGIN WILL RE-OPEN •11M. hey School for Young Indies on September 12, 1»9. Circulars may be obtained at the Schoolroom, Ml WALNUT Street* where application ior admission may •bi inade, on and after September sth, from 10 to 12 o'clock. • Rev. Albert Barnes, Wm. B. Page, M. D„Prpf. C. D. Gievelind, Ambrose-White, George Trott, L. Johnson., au22-lm*, .6 18 ~i-J2SB IIfUSIO AND SINGING.—MISS LIZZIE ■J, , CARROLL would respectfully inform Her friends and the, pubhothat she has resumed tiie duties.of her profession, Scholars will be received nt her residence, Vo, $23 South TENTH Street, or taught at their own tomes.' She refers 'with confidence to any of her pupils, or to Mr.</onr{id Moyer, Piano Manufacturer. Terms moderate, " , atflMro €JT. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY. N* TiOCUBT'Btreet, west of Sixteenth, will, D. V., re open op MONDAY, September 12th, at 9 A. Mv .< Applications for admission; if mode before the begin ning of the term, should be made to the Pnnoipal. ' i I. A,. - „: J, ANpREWS HARRIS, A. M„ ' . aulO-wf&m-tf ‘•* , ; . .1507 RACK Street. "MRS. GERTRUDE J. UARY will resume Ifi the duties of her School, he usual, on MONDAY, September 12th.' Northwest corner SPRUCE and JU NIPER. «7-wfm»im* HfISS-M. VV. HOWES WILL REOPEN ifJL her Bchool for Yo'une Ladies, at 1334 CHESTNUT street. MONDAY, flopteniberlg.- au2ff»dtgel7-stutli2w* MARY L. STACKHOUSE WILL OPEN Ifi her Boarding and Day-Sohool for Girls, No. 1030 BPRING GARDEN Street, on .the Ist of September. ForCiroulars apply to the Principal. • au26-lm* HfISS LUCY R. MAYER AND MRS, R. i.!JL M. BIRD will Igopgn their School for Young Ladies, at 1215 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the gtji of September. . ■, - au26-3w IWRS. BARTON’S in. .. .boarding : DAY SCHOOL FO J tfYOUNG LADIES, No.ITO CHESTNUTStreot.Yhilfl. The Winter Term will open on the second MONDAY in September. Young Ladies received of any age—and taught whatever pertain? to a thorough Education. French spoken in the family* For Circulars and par ticulars, applv as above. .au2s-DW&CaI-6w PENN INSX'II’UTE.—The Session will commence ’on MONDAY, the 6th of September. The object of this Institution is, to. prepnre pupils for College or business, in accomplishing this object, ra pidity, and especially thoroughness, are desirable; and to be thorough requires not only that the general diffi culties must be mot, but those of each individual. . The method adopted for giving instruction, is to be come a co-laborer with the pupil, efforts being made to bave him lead, and reserving for the teacher to Point out errors, remove doubts, or suggest the manner of pro- For exemplifying th<?prmoip!es of tho various branch es of Natural Science,-apparatus is fully provided, and for practical operations m Surveying, ahrst-class tran sit of Philadelphia manufacture is furnished.- pursuing the various Studies With Text books, Lectures nro delivered in regular order on Natural Phi losophy, Chemistry, Geology. Mythology, etc. ’ The Rooms occupied are .those on the second, third, and fourth stories of the building at the 8. L. corner of .THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, entrance on Filbert street; they are large and freely ventilated.and afford ample space for Rocitation, Lecture, and Flay Rooms. They are now open from 9 o’clock A. M, to 1 o'clock F. M., where further information may be ob tained. * ' au23-tf R. STEWART, Principal. PRICE-STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. mi GEORGE R, BARKER, PRINCIPAL, The Fall Termof this Institution commences Septem ber 6th, 1859. The oouraeof instruction comprises nil th'e branohes of a tboroui. h English Education, tojrother with the Latin, Greek, and Frenoh Languages. au22-tf PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT of the POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, MARKET Street and WEST PENN Square, will reopen September 5, 1359, - Youths only admitted who are able (9 pursue elemen tary Mathematics ( Algebra. Geometry, Ac.) Tho tho rough course, Mathematics, and the Natu ral nnd Experimental Sciences, comprises those studies whioh are demanded m common l>y every business pursuit. These ate so united in a course of one year, that at its expiration the diligent pupiUhall be prepared either to pursue his studies in one pf the professional school* or the college 1 , or to engage in the active duties of the counting room, the farm, ihe factory, or the bnsi nesa office. FRENCH and DRAWING, being- indis pensable to a Scientific course, are taught, by able Professors, to all the Pupils, tnithovt extra, charge. „ The COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT, affording pro fessional Education in . . ENainsßSixo—Civil, Mining,and Mechanical. Cuemistht— lndustrial, Analytical, and Agricultural will reopen two weeks after the Preparatory, via; Sep tember 19th. Both departments are under the direct supervision of President Kennedy, to whom application should be made at the College.- M. NEWKIRK, J. Mclntyre, Seoy. ati27-2w Pres. Bd. of Trustees. SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY "FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS.N.E. cor, EIGHTH anol BUTTONWOOD Streets.—Resumos duties MON DAY, September 6th. Number limited; all pupils un der the immediateoare of the Principal; the govern ment is that of purely "moral suasionreports sent to Mrenttweekly; the Moral, Intellectual, and Physical Education of Boys will be carefully and conscientiously attended to. Catalogues gratuitously at the Academy, or 459 North Eighth street. * - ao2g-6w F. DONLKAVY LONG, rrinoipal. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, RE MOVED from No. 1802 FILBERT Street to No. 127 North TENTH Street, will reopen on MONDAY. September 6th. Boys prepared for College or Business, A>< branches of a complete English education, the Clas sics, Mathematics, and Modern Languages, are taught alter a system which insures thoroughness and rapid progress. Circulars to be had at the Sohool. O. BEIDENSTICKER, • -- - . _ No. 127 North TENTH Street. Rev. Mr. J. A. Vaughau,. Rev. Mr. J. H. A, Bomberger, Rev. Mr. Win. H. Furness, Beniamin Gerhard, Esq., Arthur W. Little, Eeq.,Chas. Short, Esc., Prof. Joseph Leidy, Prof. Cornelius Felton. Cara bndge; Theodore Sedgwiok, Esq., New York. auIS-lm* nPHE MISSES AERTSEN’S SCHOOIi FOB YOUNO I.ADIKB. .PRICE STREET, CIERMAKTOWN. Thy Puli Term will begin on the FIRST MONDAY in ewwmMr.'-; ' * . Instruction in the Diual English branches, with Latin, French, and Drawing. aulfl-tf The misses ewing will open a SCHOOLFOR YOUNG LADIES AND CHIL- OttRN, on MONDAY, Seriember 6th, at 937 SPRUCE Street, where Circulars mar lie obtained. •> Hbterekcrs. Rev. Albert Barnes, Rev. W. W. Bpear. D. p., Prof, c, p, Cleveland. &u!7-6w * TIIE ABOII-STREET INSTITUTE FOR . YOUNG LADIES.—The Eleventh Bossion will oommenoe on MONDAY, Septemberfith, 1859. For cir culars apply at ISie AROIi Street, one door east of Bro*d, aM3-4w* , • ■ ,Miss L.M. BROWN.Principal. The classical and English «SSaP2 L ‘ of 'H* *>• GREGORY, A. M.. No. 1108 MARKET Street, will reopen on THURSDAY, Sep teipberlet, au26-im * The summer-street institute . FOR YOUNG LADIES, Mint D. B. BURT, Prin cipal, has removed from 1621 to 1638 SUMMER Street, and will re-open for Boarding and Day Pupils, on MON PAY, September g, au3o-12t* T'HE MISSES OASEY AND MRS. BEE emberTth. -- j• aui-2m rrnos. Baldwins English mathe- MATICAL and CLASSICAL SCOOL FOR BOYS, N. E. corner of BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep tember Ist. auS-lm* The subscriber will reopen his Bcbool, at 1230 LOCUST Street, Soptemtor 6. a027-4w* : B. KENDALL, RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY—N* E. cor ner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Street*, entrance on Eighteenth street. The next Session wil commence SEPTEMBER FIFTH, 1859. ; LUCIUS BARROWS, / s3-1m .-JOHN H. WKBTCOTfr,{ F«noipa!g. A LLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORD. PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. -./The course of instruction in this School is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardians who intern to place their daughters or wards at this Institution wil do welt to make immediate application to * _ Mus.E.L. THOMPSON, s3»tf , . . Principal and Superintendent. Ilf ISS GARiys SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES* No. 322 SPRUCE Street, will be re opened on MONDAY, Bepteniborg. sc3-6t A RCH STREET COLLEGIATE JNSTI. **• TUTB FOE YOUNO LADIES, ism ARCH Streets Bov. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., Tin Ent Session of the 6th year, begins September 12. sl-12t* A| M. D.,G. ST. JOSEPH’S COLLE GE N.E. corner of FILBKRTantI JUNIPER Sl« Studio, will ba rammed on AloNDAY,Septombor Bth) At 8N A. M. . : JAMES A. WARD, S.J. Pro,idont. A NNIE CHURCHMAN HAS REMOVED -fx bor BOARDING And DAY SCHOOL to No. 009 FRANKLIN Street, above'Poplar. Term commences September sth. aul9-lm* Bryant & stratton’s national .MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, B. E. corner SEVENTH and CHEBTNUT: New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For in lOTifaatinn. call or send for Cfttalotne. fe9-tr Ballad singing, piano, and GUITAR—MKT. BISHOP wjil resume business September 11* Vocal Academy, 1202 FILBERT Bt. ’ au3Q-i2t* /central institute, n. w. corner -VJ bfTENTII and SPRING GARDEN Streets, wil! be reopened MONDAY* September 6 Boysprepared for : atff2-6w* T H, G. McOUIRB, A, M.. Principal, (CLASSICAL INSTITUTE,!. Vi , . DEA N STREET, bolow LOCUST. The duties of the Classical Institute will be resumed - .■ < «EMm •• * *X W. FAIRES. A.M - ,, Principal, I Vpm HALI 4 (LATE PARADISE) F. > *-ASEMlNARY.situated in thevillsxeof Paradise, Of) Lancaster and Philadelphia turnpike, fifty-three miles West of Philadelphia, nine miles east orLannmter CitTj and three-fourths or a mile from Leaman Place fifr ife Willi* water will b« introduced, and liatli attached. Comfortable aodontmodatton le time provided for thirtr po»rdm< pnpile, and tho trueteee will Spare no oxpenee to render tile aohool worthy or publra favor. "O^Jrabmitthe, following, testimonial, kindly tendered Jr the Rt. Rev. Dr. 8, Bowman, Assistant Bishop P. K Church, Pennsylvania! * * ’ «• Baminary foe young ladles at Paradise, Lanoas aupf'/ntendenoe of Dr and with Mies Chamberlain, ae the immedl gtaand aotive Prinpfpal ( isone that,l think, may be re. [t*£ that it promises. The siuia i|°n * 8 heaUhy, beautiful, and easily accessible by the haa bad large ex -5ui e k2s education of young la. eSS* ijwayttjShahiberimn Wings to the institution the irwiearaed reputation of a most competent and suo j ~i!l a P^ l *? JT®U in impartmg knowledge os in The Seminary is, therefore. I think, entitled to the confidence of the publio, and I Uwd® wifi receive it.’* ~. . , ’ . . anl»9w Paradise. Lancaster enmity, p. npDE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY WILL •Aj reopen' on September fitli, 18S9. The ,Me, y B }.“iF.'»a w< T aul7»lih» Principal, WREENPS’ GREEN-STREET SCHOOLS at. iJkilLreonenflth'ino. 6th.' ; Inlhe Girls* Grammar gS"o9).thi' bigner branches thoroughly taught. Other gemmations admitted. Entrance, 634 DiLLWYN Ellis, fllf .Pranklm.streetj "Jane ■mlntwu/'. ortl * Fourth street; Leviok,692 t , ■ au2g-2w?' #iUEN»B!'' ACADEMY FOB BOYS,' the I hf4 ELEVENTH Street, will reopen • Amwimimliom admitted. ®ia per -I. .gg-.W»- v;: ¥11) WHITALL. t Professor of Music EriIICATIONiL. DOTATION OF YOUNG LADIES— Xld The Spring Garden Institute, No. 611 MARSHALL street, will be reopened on tho 6th of September. GILBERT COMBS. A* < ~ ‘ Principal. 1 au29-12t Residence 611 MARSHALL street. HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr, Allen may be applied to at the residence of Ins father, Professor Alton, No. • 216 Bouth SEVENTEENTH Street. sg-lm The hemans institute.—Rev. jas. J. HELM will open, September 12, his Sohool for the higher education of a limited numoer of 1 oung La dies. persons to whom he is not personally known are referred to Prof. C. D. Cleveland, Prof. Charles Short, Rev. Dr*. Morton, Stevens; Wilmer, Howe. Furness, and others. RESIDENCE, 1316 WALNUT Street; SCHOOL, 1313 CHESTNUT Street. sg-lBt ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. -®-J The Sohool of the oubsenbor, in BIMES' BUILD ING, on CHESTNUT Street, alwve Twelfth, will re open on the SECOND MONDAY, the 12th dny of Bep "Sf , CHARLES SHOUT. Harriett brown will reopen HER SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, in th« Large and Airy Rooms atthe.N. W.cor. of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streets, opposite Penn Square, on, the 6th of Ninth m 6. (Bftptem!>ef.) Circulars oan l>e obtained at No. 1329 FILBERT Street. aull-lm* LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. _ Estate of SAMUEL R. WOOD. Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ROBERT W. RICHARDSON, Kxequtof of Samuel R. Wood, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Account ant, will meet thepartiesintorefltod.forthe purpose nt his appointment* on MONDAY, September 12th, 1869, at 11 o’clock A. M., at southeast corner EIGHTH and An,liter. IN THE- ORPHANS’ UQURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILAXiELPIfIA. Estate of ABRAHAM KELTKR, Deoeasod. . The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of CHARLES F. ASIIMEAD, Administrator o. t. a. of Abraham Kelter, deceased, amito make distribution of the halanco in tho hands of the Aocountant, will .meet the parties inte rested, for the purposes of his appointment, ou TUES DAYt September J3th, 1869, at 11 o clock A. M., at tho southeast corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, in llMl<lll ’foL: DOUGHERTY, Anditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ALEXANDER KELLEY, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ANN KELLEY, ndmittiStra* trix of Alex. Kelley, deceased. alUl to make distribution of the balnUoe ih the UAnds of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appoint ment, on TUESDAY, September 13th, st elevon o’clock A. M., at his Ofnco, No. 2ZI South FIFTH Street, in the JOHN O’BRIEN, Anditor. NOTICES. - THE OARS OF THE HKSTO^VH,LE^MAN'rUA are now running at short intervals from the WIRE BRIDGE.nt Fairmount, through MANTUA to HEB - Tbroiuh Tickets can Iw purcbaßod in the ARCH, and RACE AND VINE-STREKT CARS. Faro from the Exohange to Mantua, FIVE Cents. Faro from the Exchange to Heatonvilia, EIGHT Cents. 88-6 tr Ridge avenue and manayunk PASSENGER RAILWAY. The double track of this Railway being now completed to tho Wiasahickon, Cars will leave tho new station, nt the corner of RInQE and COLUMBIA AvoHues, for Laurel Hill, Falls of Schuylkill, Wiiaahi* kon, nrn Mananmk, every 15 mimitea, between the Bburs of 6 A. M. hnd 7P. M.; everydialf hour, between fp. M. arid 9 P. M., and a Car at 10>« P. M. arid lift P, M. The down Cars wiU leave Manayunk at 6 A. M., and 6U A. M.,and thereafter every 15 rainutos until 8 P. al>. then every half hour till 10 y. M. N. B.—Tho Girard College Passenger Railway Cars from Scoond and Arch streets, via Arch street, Ninth street, and Ridge avenue, connect with exchango tick ets. ALFRED L. CLAY, s6-6t Secretary. Q.REEN AND COATES, FOURTH AND EIGHTH STREET, TICKETS. TWENTY-FIVE FOR ONE DOLLAR. FOR SALE AT THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES; C. KAMERLY.*...........Druggist,'corner of Third EUGENE BHOENING..... .Druggist, corner of Fourth WILLIAM H.PILE.... Druggistcorner*of Pnsay- ROBERT KILDUFF Druggist, corner of "sixth JOS. CRAP BARER.—..... DrriKKis\,oorSerofSeventh . and Carpenter sts. A. M. BURDEN...,-, Druggist, corner of Eighth _ and Federal sts, FRANCIS ZKRMAN. Druggist cOrper of Ninth ROBERT REYBURN..,~.. DrugrfaV, coVneMif Tenth NATHANIEL RANCK Drugjtiitf^r^o^El’cveuth . .. and South sts. LAURENT & MAR0N....... Confoctioners ( cor.ofBixtb and Arch sts. J. & G. COOKE.-.—.Druggist, corner of Eighth „ . Race sts. G.C. BOWER....DrusgiBjt, oorner of Sixth and Vine sts. A. E. GRIFFITH..,.— . corner of Second GUSTAVUS MANNEL...... Druggist, con"of Eleven!) . and Buttonwood sts. (am Ridge avenuo I. EDWARD Druggist, corner of Eighth and Arch sts. D. L. STACKHOUSE. Druggist, cornerof Eighth GKRMaNTDWN & Non- “ toen >t “‘ RIBTOWN DEPOT. Cornet df Ninth and Green streets. OFFICE or the COMPANY.No. 4*3 Walnut st, RECEIVER’S OFFICE Fairmount. au22-tf SPECIAL NOTlCE,—Dealers in Good- Jpyearts Patent Vulcanised .Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by oombming fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, are notified that unless the same are property stamped or labelled with my name, and by my.authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine specimens now in store, and to give their orders embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im ported, and man/ others. ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on applioation to me at No. 33 pOURTLANDT Street, N. Y. Jll-Ir . HORACE H. DAY. IVOTlOE.—Persons having business with fc v,u u the fall Flour Inspector. Department of public high- WAYS.-Offioe 8. W. corner of CHESTNUT and FIFTH Streets. Philadelphia, August 20, 1829.* Notice to Conthactoh*.—Sealed Proposals will l*e received by the undersigned, at the office, until 12 o’clook M. September 12,1859, for the construction of the following Culverts: One on the line of Wharton street, between Fi Ah and Sixth streets, to be of Brick, 2 foot in diameter. One ou the line of Sunsom street, Iwtweon Twentieth and Twenty -fourth streets, to be of Brick, 3 feet in dia meter. One or\ tholine of Eighth street, betwoen Contes "treet and a point 200 feet north of Brown street, to bo of Briok, 22 inches m diamewpr. And all bidders dTo invited to be present at tho open ing of Proposals offered on said day. at 4 o’clock P. M. Specifications maybe obtained at the Department of Surveys. JOSEPH HIIANTZ, au2o-tsel2 Chief Commissioner of Highways. MURAD. Mechanical bakery, s. w. Comer BROAD and VINE Stroets, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment is now in successful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to call and see the whole process of bread-making for themselves. The undersigned takes tho liberty of saving that A>r thirty-five years he has been a practical Aker—five as apprentice, ami five as journeyman in one of tho first hoqsos m Scotland, and twenty-five as master—during which tune he has had tho opportunity of making many experiments-, and observing aft the improvements which have been made during that period. In this establishment, of wqich he has now the man agement, in addition to the complete lahor-saving ma chinery, he has how facilities of ro&uy kinds not hereto fore possessed. Being unrestrained in the purohase of flour, none bnt the soundest and best shall ever he used; and ho has no hesitation in saying that Bread of all kinds oan ba de livered, unsurpassed In quality and weight by that made orthoordinary process. Families in which tho Bread made by the Meohnnioa Bakery has not been tried, or in which it Ims been triei only at its commencement, bofore the machinery was in perfeotworking order, are respectfully asked to givoit a trial now, the undersigned believing it would lead to mutual advantage. JOHN 0. MOXBY. BW*4*tf Superintendent. pURE AND CHEAP BREAD) “ MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY. • CAN Bg OBTAINED AT TUX FOLLOWING , PLACEB: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. TV. corner of Broad and J. GRAVENBTINE..™... /'"f.'ronfS'r of Twelfth n \r r>x »mr and Wallace streets. C.M. CLARK.~»~. plar street, below « .. nw.ev Tenth. H. MoRLIL..—- -.8.E. corner Sixth and moo a „,. n „ Coates street. MRS. 8. BECK No. 405 Callowhill S. I'ANCOAST9io’ Spring Garden JOHN 0, MOXEY NoS Vine .tract. T. P. SMITH.,'.No. 115 North Fifth .treat T. C. HORNER,s. k. corner Fifth and W. W. MATHEWS. ™ . and D. KNIGHT DroXtrML&low Wei- OEOROE GARVIN—~..N™hI9 Lombard .tract D. W. corner Sixteenth a t» »,, r„vM and Pino streets. S. R. MASON. -. .Fourth and Germantown 8. R. WANAMAKKR....-..,Fodoral street, above ~ r v*!nt« Sixth. £•. L£-wrz.««««, r «.H.,Corner South Fourth and t TTr.tT.xrra Johnston streets. I, HOLLAND.., «»—. —* .8. W. corner Sixteenth and DAVID SADDLER.—.— nS? k 3 Eleventh J, WEIGHTMAN—. ,8, Earner Eleventh and a a n<mivTwo .Jefferson streets. S. S. TOMKINS..——No. 1040 North Front H. BROOKS.—- —»B. W.Jorner of Seventh JANE MYERS . .cSte. sfreSWow Thir- F. SI. WOOD ....B.w”^'r“ rB ,F t i,nkli„a. l d F. MORRIS™ N°W «,™ e r‘Tenth and E. 11. TURNER._„„._..N^mS ,^ e u l |h Front J. SHUSTER...— —— B. W.. corner Brood and THOS. T. BLEST Corner Nineteenth .tr.et •o" a , m „rM .and Ridge avenue. B. S. DOWN.——«K. b» eorner Ninth and * xc Tsrrmmts Federal stroets. J. MgINTYRK... .Twenty-second street, ab. E. W. HUNTER.—^......Coates street, above Be* ■venteentii. ALEX, FDLLERTON.—Copier of Fifth and Chris* ,J. L. HICKS Uaindenj N. J,, store 119 C. H. RAINIER West Philadelphia, 36thst. H. L. YARNELL.- JOHNBARNDT...Tremont and Pin® Grove, M. B. BOX Penna. GEO. B. TOWNSEND. West Chester, Fenna GEO. L. BECKER —.Atlantio City,N. J, JAMES GARLAND.Cape May, N. J, D. HORTON —Floronce, N. J. * * *-*-—— * Wilmington, Dei. r fUIE STOCK OF WINDOW-GLASS, IKA f rnll Cploro.and WHlTE .uafiid i 0«:2 V i ! i M tn »H “f, »nd «alPty, e a% SS" SS-llfAm *f h f ,e wfio consult their own interests will MrioiSuiiiMInPd 1 n P d Pnrohaga of them ftsu- ' tT " f ‘ oodl >»»talo,» Prioo Run oanbahad PJANDLES AND SOAP.—2SO boxes Hy. rSTv*Sss»ll 0 rn a n d i M * t? xe * s P® rm Candles, 200 boxes £o ..tgr. for ■»B‘ , ’ No. is South WHiOtVFS. OTL. —50 bbJs Pure Tanners’ Oil, m stow Ihd for sale by ' S HOWfjEY, ASHBURNER & CO., ‘ W SOUTH WHARVES, THE PHESS,- T PHILApLPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1859. r INSURANCE COMPANIES. jyORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP, iNY, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: • LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, GLAS GOW, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL.. $0,998.800. ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OF 91,000 W. Polioies guarantied by the unlimited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. Losses promptly adjusted and paid without reference to London,by WILLIAM GETTY. AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES. OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA BANK, . CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, ' PHILADELPHIA. Messrs. STUART & BROTHER, 13 Bank street. “ MYERS, OLAGHORN, & CO., 232 Market at. » WM. MoKKE k CO., 92 South Front street. McCUTCHEN & COLMNB, 8. W. oornor Front and New streets. “ SMITH; WILLIAMS, k CO., 613 Market st. “ JAMES GRAHAM & CO., 20 and 22 Letitia st. JOSEPH B. RJITCHELL, Esq., President Mechanics’ Bank. JAMES DUNLAP, Esq., President Union Bank. Hon, WILLIAM A. PORTER, 623 Walnut street, late Judge Supremo Court. jyg-tuthAs tf 'JHE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OOMPAN , FARQ.UHAR BUILDINGS, No. 230 "WALNUT STREET, Incorporated in 1867, undor the General Insurance Law of Pennsj lvania. Authorized Capital96oo,ooo Subscribed Capital...,—flW.OQO Paid up Capital -......— 114,800 INVKfITBI) AS FOLLOWS: Bond and Mortgages, first lien -. 962,170 Bank, Railroad, and other Stocks and Se curities. 64,000 Cttßhiußauk— 8,«0 — 9114,800 Insures only against LORB OJI DAMAGE BY FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, HpUISLEHOLD FURNITURE, &o. Also,on CARGOES and FREIGHT to and from all parts pf the world, arid Inlailu Naviga tion ohd Trausportatioh, on favorable tertns. H. G. RAMBORGER, Assiatadt Secretary, DIRECTORS. J o e r B K inK ‘ Henry K. Strong, F.F.TUfrby, D. D. Jones, Jno. TodnOr, Alonso Butler, win. B, Grubb, J. H. Hayes, Charles G. I inlay* mar 18-tf Life insurance and trust com- PANY.-THE MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Assets, $902,223 26. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Rea) Estate, and makes ail contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act os Executors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Guardians. „ TRUSTEES. Daniel L. Miller, Saranel 8. Stokes, Benjamin Coates,- , William Martin, Richard 8. Newborn, James B. McFarland, William P» Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, gamuel 0. lluey. Theophilus Paulding, harles HftUowell, Edmund A. Bout|er, • Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutflhmsoß; Kpdolphus Kent, Jfihn W. Homor, William H. Cfttr, ElliftS, Aridter, P. V. Dulldw, Sariiuel J. Cjinstiant William Robertson, Joseph At. Tliotnas, Warnor M. KaSin, „ . John G. Brenner, P. S. Michler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President SAML. E. STOKES, Vice Pres’t. Jontt W. Secretary. aulB-ly Tiie Quaker city insurance COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 403 WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND INSURANCE, r ire Insuranoe, limited and perpetual, on Buildings and Merchandise of all descriptions. Marine Insurance, inland and Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World. OFFICERS. GEORGE H. HART, President, E. P. ROSS, Vice President. H. It. COGGBHALL, Secretary. 8. H. BUTLER, AsVt Secretary. George H. Hart, a. c:hi) it FosterS. Verlsini, Bainue) Jotles. M. D., Delaware mutual safety in STOANCE company. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP OFFICE B, sf J AND WALNUT I . „ , Streets, Philadelphia. INSU^ANCE pßEpoilT (To all part* of the World. „ „ , v 'INLAND INSURANCE On Goods, by River. Canals, Lakes, And Land Carriage „ fiYHMa% 0 gsMsjsi’mw&^a. ABSKmOP THE COMPANY, November 1, Ite, f Philadelphia City 6 y cent. Loam?»9loeTlM* SIJO.OOO, Pennsylvania Plate Loans.* 10442100 $30,000,0.8. Treiuro.ry V* cent. Notea.,. 30,113 & $BO,OOO, Pennsylvania Railroad 3d Mortgage < • 6#L0ent.80nd«.... v —...... 48,378 00 920,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort- B*l*® 6 4F oent. Bond* 13,000 00 918,000,300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, intoreit and principal guarantied by the city of Phila delphia.. ~ 14,038 00 98,000,100 shares Pennsylvania Jlailro&d 98,000,100 shares ISortii Pennsylvania Kail- °° road Company 880 00 93,680, Sundry shares Philadelphia loe Boat Company, Havre ue Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Sa vannah Steam Navigation Com pany,andPhilodolphia Exchange Company 9,030 00 9340.7U0 . $319,199 00 Bonds ai]d Mortgages, and Hoal Estate, Of fice 8inU1m*....... 71,363 35 Bills receivable fur Insurances made 201,666 36 Balance due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma rino Policies roconlly iuced-and other debts due the Company 61,288 Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa nies Cash on Deposit in Bank, William Martin, Joseph H. Seal, Kdtnuml A. Soader# John C. Davis, John A. Penrose, George G. Leipor, Edward Darlington, l)r. R. M. Huston. William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig. , Spencer M’llvame, Charles Kelly. H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, WILLIA THOB. C. HENRY LYLBURN.Seoi Fame insurance .company, ,No. 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCOBPOHATED STATE OF CONFINED TO FIRe"aND INLAND RISKS, „ ... DIRKCToae: Samuel Wrmiit of Wri.ht, Broe., A Co. William W. Walters, Willmm R,nn * Co. Charles Richardson.. J. C. Rowe A Co. Oeoroe A. West West, Fnbes, A Lloyd. Barclay Lippincott... Lippineott. lluoler, A joott. Jacor W. Stout,. ...... Chaffeos, Stout, A Co. llknky Lewis, Jr Lewis, Bros., A Co. David B. Biekey Davis A Birney. A. H. Rosbhueim Rosenlioim, Brooks, A Co. John B. Ellison. John B. Ellison A Sons. Jonn W. Eveb.man. John W. Evernmn A Co. Thomas S. Mahtin..... Savase A Martin. GEORGE W. DAY, 1 rosldsnt. JONATHAN J. SLicUM, Vine Pree’t. WILLIAMS 1. BLANOHARDi Beo’r. nu4-tl INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FI UK AND MA RINE INSURANCE-No. 4 EXCHANGE IIUILD- 18Ml» r M-Mor C< “" t#l JRuusrr 1, .All invested in sound and available securities—con tinue to insure on Vewelsand Cargoes, Buildings, Stooki of Merchandise, fm^bofaHoniia. Henry T>. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby. Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalestsr, Tobias Wagner, William &.Bmith, Thomas B. wattson, cte,'s.L r e“Z?"' President WILLIAM lIA R PER. Secretary. Jb s*wfm tf IiOBEKT MORRIS FIRE INSU. A RAfICE COaMPANY OF PIIILADBLniTA, 409 WALNUT STREET. -This Company insures against Loss or Damage by Fireon Puunonnd Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goous. and Merchandise generally. The following provision in. the Policies of this Com pany guaranties their seounty when assigned as ool *! This policy.shall not bo invalidated, or in any wiso affected, after its assignment as a collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage,and the approvaloftuehas signment by the office, by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged prera g|jfg{ j y^ ,^ ner the saino,” Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Huhne. Robert Clarke, Isaac S. Waterman, David Salomon, LdwarcLG. Jam«| William Vandorveer, Joseph Janney, Theodore Cuyler, eaefne-. Howard fire andmarine insu- RANCE COMPANY, No. 413 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ’ DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Luders, Win. F. Leeoh, J. bd/ar Thoruson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M.w'lliiidwin.i Wm. K. frunlin, John O. Jfline., H. 11. filnllingforcl, A. J. Ruoknor, C. E. Snanglor, John W. Sexton, H. H. Houston, William Kaiguoii Wni. JI. Love, xedwin Booth, Charles F. Norton* John Garnsou, fsaao Myer, F/. S. Warne. President—THOMAS 1,. LUDERB. Vice President—E. 8. WARNK. Seoretarv—CHAßLES A. DUY. D. EMORY & CO. A OFFICE No 146 South FOURTH BL,;philada„ Sole Agents of GEO. O. POTTS & CO., Miners and Shippers of the LOCUST DALE COAL. From the Locust Mountain, Near Ashland, apy-gm] SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. C W. GKOOME & CO., LeJi.o,l. TOP SEMI- Office. No. 146 South FOURTH Street. BROAD Street, below Race? ®P* 6m ___ ___ PHILADELPHIA. S' PTS. "TURPENTINE.~ISO tfbls Spts. Turpentine, in store and for sale hy (HOFFEE.—SOO bags loiv-pnccd Rio. 100 V !»*. PO-" A 00.. »nM LETITIA Street JUTE BALE ROPE—Manufactured and for eolo bj . „ WEAVER, FITLER, *. CO.. tulO No. M N, WATER tuid a N, Wli ARVEB. ESTABLISHED IN 18M. * REFERENCES, PHILADELPHIA. OFFICERS CIBKCTOhSi is. W. Bailer. Arturew R.Cft&mberii CHarlcft G. IInlay» 11. It. CdgxshftiV. Hon. 11. M. Fuller, au 3,220 90 <3.067 85 $6883)1 70 ’TORS. James C. Hand, Theophilus Paulding, James Traquair. william Lrre, Jr„ J. F. Peniston, Joehua I*. Eyre, Samuel K. Stokes, Ilenry Sloanj James B. M’Farland, Thomas C. Haud, Robert Burton, ft!"} Sample, Pittab’g, D.T.Morgan, >lj«A'l(ffl?’r,e.ld.nt. HaNI), Vice President. iretAry. mhf3-dtf COAI,. RAILROAD LINES. . „ CHANGE OP HOURS. On and after Sent. 4th, 1859, the train* will leave Phi ladelphia, from the Station, N. E. oorner of. EIGH. TEENTjfr and ftJARKE'f Street*, at 7.16 and 93) A. M., and at 33) and 6.45 P. M. ’ Leave West Cheater, from the Station, on EAST MARKET Street,at 6. wand 93), A. M.,aud 3antlAlfl M. ' ON SUNDAYS-Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 3 P.M. Leave West Chester at 73) A. M., and fiP. M, * * _ „ henry WOOD, my 38-tf. .. *» GePdfal Superintendent. rzz xm CHANGE OF HOURS. 1 PHILADELPHrA, WIL - & ingtoN. andJuLtimork railroad. On and after MONDAY, September 6th, 1889, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE J'HILAiJeLI J HIA. For Baltimore at 8.16 A. m., 13 noon, (Express, j and f’ or Cheater at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 4 and 11.10 P. M. or Wilmington at 8.15 A. M„ 12,4. arTd 11.19 P. M, For New Castle at 8.15 A. M., and 4 P, JVI. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M., and 4 P. M, For Dover at 8.15 A. AL.aud i P. M. For Reaford at 8.15 A, M. For Milford nt 4 P.M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 63) A. M., (Exproso,)9.4OA.M., and 5.25 I‘. M. Loave Wilmington at 6J5 A. M. and9.2o A. M., 1.10 end 8.40 P. M. /cave New Castle at 8.45 A. AT., and 8 P. M. /eave Middletown at 73) A. M. and 6.60 p, M. /cave Dover nt 6.50 A. M., and 5.40 P. M. /eave Milford at 53) A. M. /eave Soaford at 2.35 P. M. * soave Chester at 7.44,9.60 A. M., 1.45 and 9.15 P. M. Leavo Baltimore for Soaford and Dolaworo Railroad atu.3oa. m. thainB for Baltimore Leave Cheater ar 8.45 A. M., 12,28 and 11.40 P. M. LeavdWilimugtonat&ft) A. AL,12.66P.M., and 13.20 A ' M * SUNDAYS Only atll-ior. M„ from. Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 5.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAlN,with PASSENGER CARattaohed, will run ns follows: Leave Philadelphia for Porryvillo and intermediate places at 5.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Porryvillo and intermediate places at 7.25 P. M. Leave Jlavre-do-Graoe for Baltimore andintermediate places at 6.40 A. M. Leave BaUimrirfc for Havro-do-Grace aiid intermediate places at 5.40 P. M. . Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 5.45 P.M. Jy3 B. M. FELTON, Prcaident, CAMDEN AND AT BSaßtaßEffl,, LANTIC RAILROAD. THE BEA-BHORE. On ami after Beptenil>er Ist, and until further tmtico. trains for Atlantic City leavo VINE-Street Wharf daily. Mail Train ... .. 73) A. M. Express' 1 4 P.M. Stopping at till Stations, going, And returning LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY, Express Train...-. A. M, Mail, “ -~..4 P.M. * SUNDAY TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street at .8 A. M. Returning, loaves Atlantio at...~...... $ p. M. Fare to Atlantio go Round Trip Tickets, good for two dare _..»2 50 Freight must be delivered at Cooper’s Point by l P. M. The Company will not be responsible for anr goods un til receivedaud receipted for by thoir Freight Agont at the Point. sl-lm JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIR A RAILROAD LINE— wAJIQKEBL ROUTE feElttnttt. wilkeHuarre, Buttalo, Cnipapd, Rock Islnitd, Niarara Lain), fllijwnt|W6. Bur liilgtdh, Montreal, St. Wtll’B, Deiibit, DuHliUli, ahd St. Lduii. . Pfl4songertrainswillloavaihe Philadolphiannd Road in? Railroad Depot, cdnlprßßOAD and VlNEStioels, DAILV, (Sundays oxceptelt.) as follows: 73) A. M., DAY EXPRESS. For Pdinira. Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, St. Paul's, Burlington, end St. Louis. „ . 33) P. M-, NIGHT EXPRESS. For Fdmira,.Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee.. Rock Island, Galena,St. Paul’s, Burlington, and St. Louis. ,T^|}A?; B( l,A‘«M»Rnd 3.30 P. M. trains run through to HA RRISB URG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebaaon Yalloy Branch. The 7.30 A. M. train oonneots at Ruport for Wilkos barre, Pittston. Sisranton. and all stations on the LACK* AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. -fJQw Tickets can be procured At the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Office, Northwest comer of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Passen ger Depot, corner BROAD and VINE. , THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, (Sun day excepted, J for all pojnts West and North, at 6 P. M, Freights must be delivered before 3 P. hi. to insure •going the same day. For furtkerinlbrmation, apply at i/Plidii Depot, BROAD, below,Vine, Or to CHAS. fL TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. cornet SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, 001-tf Philadelphia. S 3 m PHILADELPHIA. GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD—SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS— On and after Monday, May 9th, )8o!». until further notice, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8, BK, min.. 10, HK. 12, A. AT., 1, 2,3, 3>i, 4,0, 5)1,6, 7,8, S», in, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown C, 7, iii, o, BH, 9,19,11, A. M., 12)/, Leave Philadelphia9.os min, A. Al., 2,3,6,7>i, and 10>» P. Al. Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M.,1.10 min., 4, 6>i, and 9X P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, S'i, 11 A. AL, 2, ZX, 4,6}£, 6,9, 11)4 P. M. Leavo Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11.66 A. M., 13,40,3.40,6.40,7.10,8,40.10.10 P. Al. ON SUNDAYS, Leavo Philadelphia OAimn. A. Al., 2.5. and 7% P. M. IjdaVti Chestnut llill 73) A. M., 123), 6.10, and 8.56 ‘.'FOR CONBHOHOCKF/N AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,8.06 imn.» 10.05, nun., 11>» A. AL, 1.06 min.,3.05 min., iVt, M, 6%, 11V P. Al. Leave Norristown 8,7,9,11 A. Al., 1,3 K» 4>», 6, 7){, V ’ „ . ON BUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.. 3 and 4 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. Al.. 1 and <? I*. M. , FOR manayunk. * Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 mip., 8.05 min., 9V. 10.05 min.. 11)« A. Al., 1.05 min.,2.05 min., 3.05 miu., 4K, 6)i, 6«,8,11‘iP.M. Leavo Alalavunk &£, 7K, Vi, 9X, 10)L 11X A. Al., \H, 3.05 mm., 4,6, <s>«, 8,9.05 iiiin. P. Al. ON SUNDAYS, Leavo Philadelphia 9 A. A1.,3.4 P M. Leavo Manayunk 7W A. AL, P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Sunerintendeut, my 7 DEPOT. GREEN Streets. rpHE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X _!U!LROAb. _ 1859; 1859; THE CAPACITY OFTHIB RIIAD IS EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting diroot at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, ami at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trams for Cin cinnati. Bt. Louis. Cleveland, Chicago, Burlington, St. PauPB,lndinnapplis, Louisville, New Orleans, and all intermediate poipts in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentuc ky, Almhigan,'Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alissouri, Kansas, ana Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed ami com fort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. „ Smoking Cars are attached to each Train: Woodruff’s days excepted. Alaii Traih leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. Fast Lino '• “ 11.60 A. At. tX^AV, %'SI'&S V LKAVB AS I'OLLo'U'i': Parkeaburg Aucominodatumnt 11 A. M. IlatrisbUrgAcoomtnodstion,via Coluinbin,2.Co P.M. Columbia “ 4.50 P. M. Passengers for West Chaster will take tho Mail, Parkesburg. and Lancan(er Trains, at the Pennsyhama Railroad Passenger Station. Paaeongers tbr Sutilmry, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls,aud intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 7.1 S A. M.,and2 P. M.. go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at tho office of the Company in Philadelphia, Now York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the Wpstj olso on board any of the regular Lino of Steamers on ilih Mittxaippi or Ohio Rivers. nr*. Karo always ns low os any other Route, fm. completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicniro, make this the IURECT LINE BSTWKENjriIK,KAbT \ND THE OR HAT NORTHWEST, The connection of traoka by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayana or ferriage of Freight, together With the saving of tin!?, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling “ FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route freights of nil descriptions can bn for warded from Philadelphia, New York. Boston, or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois) Wisconsin, lowa,or.Mis*ouri, by Rail road direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cuiube-laild, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Misoun, Kansas. Arkansas, and Red Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamors to alt portsnn the Northwestern Lakes. Merchant* and Shipper*entrusting the transportation of their Freight to tins Company, can rely with confi dence on it* aneedr transit. THE RATKB OF FREIGHT to any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are nt all time* ns favora ble as are okarged by other Railroad Companies. Re particular to mark packages" via Penna. Rail road. Merchants in the West ordering goods from the East, will do well to diroot thgm to Im shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or addresseither of the following Agents of the Com pany ; _ D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg: Doyle A Co.,Stoube»nvillp t O.; 11. 8. Pierce A Co., Zanes vjlfe, O.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, 0.; R. MoNeeli.Mays ville, Ky.; Ormsby A. Cropper, Portsmouth. 0.; Paddock A Co., Jenersonville, Indiana; H. W. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, 0.: Athorn A Hibl>ort, Cincinnati, 0.: R. (j. MeUtrum, Madison, Hut.; \Villiam UifTgham, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O’Riloy A Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Gra ham A Co., Cairo, III.; 11. F. Suss, St Ixrnis, Mo.; John 11. Harris, Nashville, Tcnn.; Harris A Hunt. Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke A Co.. Chicago. III.; W. H.H. Koonts, Alton, III.; Murphy A Walle, Dubuque, 111.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. Parti** attending to their own shipment* from the Ea*t, will find it to their interest to call on the Agentsof the Company at tha following place*before slopping: or letters addressed to either of them on the sulyeot of freight*, wilt meet with prompt attention: K. J. SLEEPER. Philadelphia. MAGUAW A KOONH, 80 North street. Baltimore. LEECH A CO., 2 Astor House,orlti.Wiliiftin st.,N.Y. LEECH A CO., M Kilhv street, Boston. H. H. HOIJBTON, Gen’l Freight Agent. Pliilm L. L. HOUPT. Gen’l Ticket Agentfphila. . „ THOS. A. SCOTT, Gen’l Sup’t, Altoona, Pa. Ut.lT 1859. mmmm 1859 SUMMER ARRAMUKMENT-NKW VORK LINES, TIIK CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND I’ltll.A DEU’IUA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO’S LINKS. FROM I’ll I LAll K.1.U11 IA TO NEW V&RK AND WAV-I’LAOKS, ... KROM WALNUT*STREET WHARF, Will leave as follows, vis : FARES. At 8 A. Mil via Camden and Amboy, Cmn. k Am, Accommodation $2 24 At 6 A. M., via Cmiidcn and Jersoy Cily,<New Jersey lAooommodatiou J 25 At 9 A. Al.i via Camden and Jersey City,Morning .Mail 3 00 At 11 A. M„ by Steamboat, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Express 3 00 At 2 r.M.» via Camden and 'Amboy, C. & A. Ex press 3 00 AiSJ» J l . M.« by BtoHinl«nt, via Tacony and Jer * City* Evening Express 300 Ato>* 1. M.. by Steamboat, via Tacony anu Jer sey City, 2d Class Ticket 2 25 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City Evening Mail . „ 3 QQ At 11 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City. Night Mail 2 25 At 7H P.M.viaCnmdonand A inl>oy, Accomodation, (freight and Passenger—lst Class Ticket 225 .A.n *• . „ , 2d Class Tiokct 150 At 5 1 . M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation. (Prenht and PassQDgorl-lst Class Tickot 2 25 2d Class Ticket 175 The BP, M. Mail Line runs daily, The 11 Night Mail, Saturdays excepted. For.Hplvidere, Easton, Fleinington, &o.,at 6 A. M. and 3>£ P. M. For Water Cap. Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkeslwirre, Montrose, Groat Bend, Ac., at 5 A. M., via Delaware. Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. for Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 I\ M. .For Mount Holly, at 8 and 9 A. M., and and 8 P. M» „ „ . . _ WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ao, at SJjandW P. M., from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmyra, Delnnoo, Beverly, Burlington. Bordon town, Ac., fit I and I*. M. , Steamlwat John Neilsnn, for Tacony at 11 A. Mb and for Bordentown and intermediate places at3>« P. In. Steamboat■ Irenton, for Tacony at BH A. M.,am| for Bristol, Burlington, and intermediate places, at 12 M. omMJ* P. M. Fifty pounds orbaggage only allowed enoh passenger, Pafiseiißersare prohibited from taking nn> thing as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid, for extia. J'ho company limit their responsibility lor baggage to one dollar per pound, ana will not bp liable lor any amount l*yand siw, oxoopt by special contract, * Junel. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. TIfINTON’S ENCAUSTIC TILES for i-?A, floors. Ornamental Chimney Tops for cottages. Garden Vases and Fountains. Kt”aVa , ,Kffi r r^T J ' lnd W “ l6r r«t> w-lf 1010 OllksTNWstrwt Cl RAIN MILLS GRAIN MILLS —For ' the Form and Plantation. Tho IRON-BURR MILL has no equal for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Co/Jee, Spi ces, etc., by hand or power. Price $B. .$25, and $45. Now m operatpn at 128 South SECOND Street. Agent* wanted in every county and State, by A»l7-3»1 K. FAItKEL A CO, RAILROAD LINES. JGstH rnnmin notice to shippers «KH®§S®H9 OF LOCAL FREIGHT. ' The PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forward freight to the fol- KoJfS « pomt * on lho NORTH£RN central RAIL- Haven, Lewlsburg, . * Northumberland* Shore* Suabury, • Linden, Treverton Intersection* Newlrair, Georgetovn, WlliamSport, Mlllerttowa Munoy, Halifax. Watsontown, York, Milton. ALsffi* <>T,r unolion- RA? Lfiolffi.’ 11111 llll ‘ nt,rme a»* point. on HANOVER Freight Ration, THIRTEENTH fg. an NORTH PENNSYL VANIA railroad. „ SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. For BEI lILEHEM. DQYLKSTOWN. EASTON ladelplua, DAILY, (Sundays excepted:) For Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, Wilkes barre, Hazelton, *o.» (Express,) at 9.30 A. M. For Ilethlohoin, (Express,)at 4P. M, For Ooyloßtowu, (Accommodation,) at 8.15 A. M. and 6 P. M« 1 For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 2.151*. M. and 5.201*. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem, ( Express,)at 8 A* M. and 4.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 5.30 A, M, and 4 V. M, Leave Fort Washington, <Aooomniodation,)at6.3o A. W. and 3.30 P. M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia. for Doylestown, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. DoylestoVn. frir Phifada., atflAo A. HI. and 5.45 P. M. Pare to Bothlehem, §1.00; td Mauch Chunk. §2.50; to Easton, §1X0; to Doyleatown,Boodiit*; to Wilkosbarre, All PasHongor Train* (except Sunday Trains,) con nect at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. Passengers for Wiikesbnrro take 9.30 A. M. Train, and arrive m Wilkosbarre at 7 P. M. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD, AlOßNlfroLlftE, for POTTSVILLE,ItEAD , , ING and HARRISBURG. Loavos the Depot, at .corner of BROAD and VINE Joints, connecting at Harrisburg With trains ronhihg to 'itUlmrg, Chainberslmrg. Carlisle, Sudbury, Ac. AFTERNOON LINKS. „I«™»tJ ; »P. HI., DAILY, for POTTBVILLE snd IIAKHIBDi'Uu. At 4.45 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted,)for READ NG, and intermediate points. ap!B W. H. McILHENNY. Secretary. SENDER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE BTATIONB.—OnamI after Ist January 1859, tho rnsHcngor Trams for DOWNINGTOWN, wil start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadelphia am Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD am VINE Streets. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 7.20 •A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at .45 P. M. DAIIA (Sundays excopted.i By order of the Board oi Managers of the Philadelphia mil Reading Itttilroad,Companr. d3O W. if. McILHENNY. Secretary. RIANOSi irfrasra OIUCRKBING & SONS, I t • t (• MANPPACTOBKRB (t* GRAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. WAREROOMB 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Constant,S »« store a large stock of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have been awarded, at the diderent Exhibitions m this country and Europe. 38 GOLD AND SILVER FIRST-CLABS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. jaW-ly rfggft RAVEN, BACON, & Cq. J s, nTTfl Nunns & Clark’s,Hallett, Davis, & Ch.'s, and A, H. Galofc Co.’e superior PIANOS. Also. Ma son &- Kainiin’s unnvallea MISLODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churches and Lecture Rooms. Fionas and Melodeons to Rent. J. E. GOULD. BEVENTH and CHESTNUT. fffiCSMgi A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN rfrrrJ pianos. BCHOMACKER * CO., 1021 CHESTNUT Street. respectful!* mvite the muaic loving public to oj\U and examine their new and suc cessful improvement— • THE PARLOR GRAND TIANO. Having diverted .the Tune, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Sqtmro Instrument, molding nil the objections generally made trt the st> le of Grand piano, also diminishing the cotit of the satrid. In volume, puritv of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, arid evenness oftouch, with exquisite doll cncv and sweetness, these • SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest , encomiums, and are pronounced by critics to bo far su perior to any instruments over manufactured m this country. Constantly on hand, a large and elegant assortmentof our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding the Prize Medal from the Crystal I’alaco Exhi bition, New York, 1803, sel-tf MEDICINAL. Louisville artesian water.— An analysis, by Prof. J. L. SMITH, shows one gallon to contain 9JsJ*gratna. as follows, vis: CbJoL Sodium OBgiSi Sulph. Magnesia.. TT 00 grs. '[ Calcium..... 00 ** •* l’dtash 300 " “ MagncsiUm... 7“ “ Alumina... 2W) “ “ rotftssiuin.... 11 “ louidQ Magnesium 035 “ “ Aluminium... 15 “ llromido ** 0.47 “ rhospli. 50da........ 2“ Ri-Carb. Iron 0,35“ Sulph. Boda 72“ “ Magnesia .3 uo “ “ Lime 29“ Sold by the barrel, gallon, or in bottles, wholesale and retail, by HABSARD tc CO., Apothecaries, au24-tf CHESTNUT Bt., cor. Twelfth st. A NOTIIER PROOF OF THE WONDER XV pyL EFFECTS OF TROXELL’S NEURALGIA SALVE, PfliLA., July 7th, I8S& Mr. E. W. Troxkli.—Dear Sir: —I have been troubled with the “NEURALGIA'’ for th? last 14 years, and have suffered the most excruciating pain, compelling me at times to give up my businessentirely. I could not eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eyes, I suffered more than tongues can tell. I hod the advice and aid oi various physicians, and used other remedies, but all of no avail. Having noticed, your advertisement in the papers. 1 concluded to call on a person whom I had learned Va< curedyf aßaso of 2D years standing. He applied tho “SALVE” byt once, and 1 felt .immediate relief—a second application retUoved the paid Btttifely, and I now feel like adiffereht mad. fiiu&o then I have slept well—something that I have not done fo'r months* being obliged to sit up all night in a chair. My appetite has returned, and I feel grateful to you for the restora tion of my health. _ CHARLES H. BAKER. Tobacconist, CARROL Street, atiove WOOD, Kensington. For sale .wholesale and retail, at 8. W. corner SIXTH and PARRIBH Streets, and at T. R. CALLENDER A Co.'s, N. W, corner Third and Walnut sts. ap2o-tf Dr. westcott’s celebrated tar CORDIAL. Westoott's Tar Cordial cures Consumption. Woetcott’e Tar Cordial eures Bronchitis. Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Coughs and Colds. Westoott's Tar Cordial cures Bore Throat and Breast, Tar Cordial oures Palpitation of the Tar Cordial cores Nervous Debility. Westcott's Tar Cordial cures General Debility. WostcoU’s Tar Cordial oures Diseases of tho Kidneys, Strangury, and Gravel. Westoott's Tar Cordial oures Blind and Bleeding Piles. Westcott's Tar Cordial cures Female Weaknesses. Dr. Westcott's Tar Cordial Depot, No. 629 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Also, Principal Dopot for Dr. Westcott’s Anti-Serofn lous Syrup and Cholera Mixture. Dr. E. It. WFBTCOTT can be consulted on the above diseases, free of charge, at his Consulting Rooms, No. 829 ARCH Streot. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. jyM-tf WINKS AND LIQUORS, CARD.— MAREUIL-SUR-AY (CHAM -I'AGNKI, JANUARY 18,1859.—1 n oonsequence of tho froquont invitations received by mo to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to the United States, 1 beg leavo hereby to inform my former customers and the public m general, that 1 have appointed Messrs. K.O. BROUWER. ANCItKR, A CO.; Bole Agents m the United Btates, for the sale of mv Champagne Wines. My Wines have l>een so long and favorably known in the United States, it will !>o unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that 1m new shipments will in no way be found inferior to the farmer ones. DILI,EG ART SALMON. BILLKGART SALMON’S CHAMPAGNE WINKS, both CABINET and VEKZENAY. for site and con stant])' oil hand, in lots to suit purchasers, bv F. C. BROUWER, ANCHifR, k CO., ap27-6m 51 BKAVKk Street. New York. CLARET. —100 cases Barton & Gucatier’s St. Julien; 300 do. St, Estephe; 300 do. Washing ton Morton Bt. Julien i 100 do. do. Talonce. pints; 60 uo. Chateau La Rose: 60 do. do. LeoviUe ; Scotch Ale, in stone and glass; Younger's, Harvev's. Falkirk Brown Btout and London Porter, in store and for sale by aus A. MERINO. 140 South FRONT Street. CIDER BRANDY.—IO bills, pure Con . necticut Cider Brandy. AIboG bbls. do old extra quality, on consignment and for sale by. C. C. SADLER & CO., au2o ARCH Street, second door altove Front. CAHINET WARE. CABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD VJ TABLKB. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 281 SOUTH SECOND STREET* in connection with theirextcnsive Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full supply, finished with MOORE A CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others. For the quality and fiuish of these Tables the tnanu laoturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are fanubar with the character of their work. jyao-Cm BRUSHES. nnilE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN -*• PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the following list of pnees for Hamleerubs, and ooinpare them with those bought elsewhere: No, 1, 63 knots, 82>» per doieo. No. 2, 63 knots, 75 No. 3, 68 knots, 87 “ No. 4, 80 knots, 100 “ No. 5, 83 knots, 112 No. 8,100 knot*, 120 “ No. 7,104 knots, 160 ** No. 8, UO knots, 176 “ HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, 52 North THIRD Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. MACHINERY AND IRON. 9AMPBL V. MKKBICK, 7. VAU9HAN MKR3ICK, william it. MEnnirx. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTREETS, piULAorantrA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High mid L*ow Fressure Steam Engines, for Laud, River, and Marino service, Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Ironßonts, Ao.; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Drug. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Ao. Retorts and Gas’Mochinery of the latest and most im proved construction. Every description, of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trams, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines. Ac. Sole Agents for N. Rillleux's Patent Sflgar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patont Steam Hammer; and « Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. aus-y WASHING AND IRONING. J&. WASHING AND IRONING DONE <&e£] With NEATNESS and DESPATCH, for Bingle TLQf-A. Ladies and Gentlemen, Femmes, Boarding Schools, Hotels, Breaml>oata, 4lo»» at DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. 233 fouth SIXTH Street, oornSr of prune. Family Shirts and Collars patent polished. Ever) thing washed by hand, on the com mon wash-lward. The whole business is strictly attended to by female operatives. Mrs. DONOVAN. 1? 10-ly fiuperindendedt. HAVANA CIGARS offered to dealers at favorable rates, of various sizes ami brands, in cludiliK I nrliumH, Cabana, Fisaro, Nono, Bird. Fh.ren turn, I' iro Fly, ami Fontftca. Also, I’aoer Clears, l,v , NHPHKN FUUUKT A la2-4m* aia Hoitth FRONT Wreiit. TtTACKKRRL AND ~ ALEWIVKS. —9O 1 “ half bids new No. 2; 200 bbbt. and 180 half bids, new large Ho. S Mackerel; 100 bbls. Alewives. for sale by WM. J. TAYLOR k CO., i»Jf ns SOUTH WUAIIVb'H. Drills and sheetings for ex- PORT, 0015-ly°' lth FR ° NT St *’ tlnil ® Street. TfJT*OARB SODA.—IOO koga for “Me by SEOoSii'm'reeb 11 ' 1 ' * «•* «>‘” J SALES BY AUCTION. PURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO.. *- No. 429 MARKET STREET. SALE THIS (Friday) MORNING. SEPTEMBER . 9th, AT 10 O’CLOCK. A CARD.—The attention of purchasers is requested to our sale this (Friday) morning. September 9th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on.sue months’ credit, comprising a desirable assortment of seasonable goods. NOTICE TO RETAILERS.—In sale this morning will bo. found— -IGO piece* rich fanpy dress silks. 200 pieees Pans printed mouslin de lainea, Hofer Gros Joans printing. 300 pairs 9-4 to 13-4 Whitney blankets. 100 cartons new style bonnet nbbons. 300'silk and cloth cloaks and mantillas. 100 pieces gala plaid, t nd pou de chevre. Also, linens, uned-ddmbrio handkerchiefs, shawls, GOODS. This Morning Kept. oth, at 10 o’clock, on six months’ credit -600 paokages and lota of faaey and staple t reach dry f’ARIS PRINTED STELLA AND ROUND-COR NERED BHAWLB. This Morning, . A Large and handsome assortment of Fans printed Stella shawls. . . , A large and handsome assortment or round-cornered shawls * PARIS SQUARE STELLA A large assortmeht of Paris broohe-bordered square Stella shawls, in great variety of styles, qualities, and excellent assortment. %3T The abovo shawls have just been landed, and are well worthy the attention of the trade. CHENILLE SCARFS. Also, an assortment of chenille scarfs. DKEsjS SILKS. An invoice of rich Path dress silks. BONNET RIBBONS. 100 lota new style twunet ribbons. Also. 200 dozen hnen-cambrio handkerchiefs. 600 new st) le mantillas and cloaks. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No, 409 • CHESTNUT STREET.* opposite the Custom House, between FOURTH and Streets, pniLtP {*ollo, AUCTIONEER, No. 530 A MARKET Street, and Ml Mlfioß Street. BALE OF »0 CASES BOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS, Ac. On Thursday Morning, September 15tb, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold by catalogue, on four months', credit, 000 cases of men’s and boys’'boots, shoes, gaiters, brogane, Ac.; ladies’ and misses’ bools, shoes, gaiters, ties. Jenny Linds, Ao., or city and Eastern manufacture, suitable for pre eont trade. GOAT SKINS, COCHINEAL LININGS, Ac. Included ift sale will be found 100 dozen goatskins, cochineal linings, stripe bindings, Ac. CAS EH SCOTCH GINGHAM UMBRELLAS. Also, included in sale will be found samples of SOO esses Scotch gingham umbrellas, various sixes. 87~ Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when buyers are invited to attend. SHIPPING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH .AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PROM NEW YOKE TO LIVEUPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage..,. _.BISO Second Cabin Passage 76 VBOM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage..... Jf 110 Bccond Cabin Passage go The ships from Boston call at Halifax. FERSIA, Capt. Judkins, I AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ARABIA, Cant. J. Stone, I NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- ABIA,,Capt.E.G. Lott, I son. AFRICA, Capt, Shannon, (EUROPA, Capt. J. LeUch. CANADA, Capt. Lang, | These vessels carry a elear white light at mast-head; green on etarbonrd bow; red on port bow. PERSIA. Judkins, leaves N York, Wednesday, Aug. 17. ARABIA, Stohe, “ Dcreton, Wedneiday, Aug. 24. . S \ ork,Wednesday, Aog.3 . AMERICA.MiIIar, “ Boston, 7. AFRICA,Shannon, “ N York, Wednesday, Sept. 14. EUROPA, Leitch, “ Boston, Wednesday, Pept. 21. PERSfA, JhdMps, “ rt York, Wednesday, Sept. 23. Berths not secured unt.l paid for. An experienced Surgeoho'n board. The owners of these JnlliftWU! n’cft be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, JifHrdJjy, PtociOnf Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are sijced therefor an< the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pax» sage apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowline Green, 1 maral-ti New York, FOR THE SOUTH.—cnARLES- T°^I?m^Vira:SDTEAMSHIPB - Freight at an arerdgS (ft 7ix?asx per cent be i°wNewVo'te^®oN.s.d. ■ The U. 8. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE BTATK, Cap* tain Charles P. Marshman. will sail on Thursday, Sep tember 15, at 10 o'clock A, M» Through in 43 toso hoars at Bea. i The U. 8. Mai? Blfamahip OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Saturday, September 10,at 10o’clock A. M, Through m 68 to 60 hours, only 43 hours at Ses, JBTSailinc days changed from every Saturday to even five days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading signed every day. The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now ranai above every ten days, thus forming a five-day commu nication With Charleston aud Savannah, and ins South and SohthwdsL At both Charleston and Savannah, these Bhips con nect with steamers for Florida, add With railroads, Ao.» for all places in tlie South and Southwest. INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped Sdiifhwiu befodndto be lower by these chips than by soiling vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—lnsurance on &U Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Chaneston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 per oent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, m will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: INLAND PASS. Charleston. -. —923 60 Savannah——....... 51 00 —.. 26 00 Macon 32 75 To Charleston.—— $l5 00. Savannah...-,. 15 00 * Augusta 20 00 Macon ...... 21 00 Atlanta.* 777.77 23 00 Atlantal 777 SI 00 Columbus.,.,.. 2300 Columbus.. 36 uQ Altoifly 24 00 Albany 37 00 McmUoloery.2o 00 Montgomery........ 53 00 Mobile 36U) mobile 4690 New Orleans..,, 39 75 NeW 0r1ean5......... 5100 No bills of lading signed after the Ohio has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at secofidWharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr., Southwest comer FOUTH endCHESTNuT. Agents in Charleston, T. S. A T. G. BUDP. Savannah, HUNTER A GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers SL Mary’s and Bt. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. jyJ3 GLASGOW AND NEW YORK SgUffifc WEAMBHIP COMPANY.—STEAM TG GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY-for $». PROW JfJCW YORK, GLABGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, October 12, at 12 o’clock, noon. _ FROM GLASGOW. GLASGOW, Thompson* Wednesday. September H. Hates or Passage from New York. Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Lon donderry, first class, 875. Steerage, found with an Abun dance of properly cooked provisions, 850. An experienced Surgeon attaohed to eaoh steamer. No charge for medicines. For freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN k CO., No. 12) WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ROBERT CRAIU> No. 23 BROADWAY. New York. U. S. M. STEAMERS J™™HAVRE AND BOUtBaMPTON, * ARAGO, Captain Lines, will sail July », September 17 .November 12. Fl 3 LTON, Captain Wotton, will sail August 30, Ooto be r 15, December 10. First Cabin passage—-*. c»l30 Heooud Cabin pa wage ..... 76 For &.lIU o, At the Warehousing Company’s Philadelphia Office. Tobacco Warehouse. DOCK Street. Phils. je23-6m SAVING FUNDS. CPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO* K 3 CIBTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street (Consolidation Bank Building.)” CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OFPENN SYLVANIA. Deposit* received in sum* of One Dollar and upward*, and repaid id Gold, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit tiU with drawn. ........ . . A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part nf the city, and “ The spring Garden Savings Fund Socioty was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania te supply this necessity. The Managers, in organizing and locating it. have been governod wholly by a desire to accoipinodate tha busi ness interest and wants of the very large and enterpri sing population by which it is surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From o toSXo’clock: also, on Monday and Thursday from 5 until 8 o'clock in the evening, MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, Hon. H. K. Strong* Daniel Underkofler, Frederick Stacke, Francos llart, Joseph P. LeClerOi John Keaslay, Jr., George Knecbt, James S. Pringle, JaonhDook. Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Wm. Millward, George Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn, Peter C. ELI mater, Robert B. Davidson, JAMES S. PRINGLE, President. Francis Hart, Secretary. taffl-tfif SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TKRK3T.-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street,Southwest corner oi THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Stato of Penney Iva ma. Money is received in any sum, large or small, ambin tereat paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every day from 9 o clock in the morning till 6o’clock in the eveniug, and on Monday and Thursday evenings tillSo’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. ROBERT SELERIDGE, Vice President. William J. Rked, Secretary. D«XCTOR§. Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfndge, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. L.imireth Muons, Henry Diflenderfer. Money ib received and payments made dail>. Tho investments are made, in ooutormity with the Srovismns of the Charter, m Real Estate MorUaces. 'round Rents, aud such hrst-class securities as will al ways insure perfect security to the depositors,, and which cannot fail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. aul-ly WING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST- T Street*. uro nod email *um« received, and paid back on de ni without notice, with FIVE J'KR CENT. INTJv ST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Bee hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock erory day, and on NDAY KVKNINUS Irom 7 until 9o’clock. RA KTB for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, ii ill upwards. esident—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, renaurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. L.INY FISK, Actuary. “ A little, but often, fill* the Furae." Franklin saving fund—- No. 133 South FOURTH Street, between [Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pay* all De posits «m demand. . , Depositor*’ money secured by Government State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mortgages, This Company deems safety better than laree profits, consequently will run no risk with deposi tors’ money, but have it at all times ready to re turn with 6 per cent, interest to the owner, ns they have always done. This Company never suspended. females, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can bo withdrawn only by their couient. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ney from trustees and executors. large and small sums received. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until go’clk. , .m n , DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cvrus Cadwallader/ John Slumber. George Russell, Mnlaehi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hjatt, Lewis Ktumbhaar, Henry Delanv, Nicholas Rittonhouse, Nathan Bmedley, Jos. R. Batherthwaite, Ephraim Blancnard, JACoi B. PrsiidenL Ctrps Cad wall adxr, Treasurer. _d!B-y “ A Dollar saved is twice earned.” IMPORTANT TO EVERY MAN WIIO KKlii’B A IIOItRK. COW, SHKEP, or PtO. „ THOItLKY’S FOOD FOR CATTf.K. Pouesaing, aa it does, the bitmr and medicinal pro perties contained in Spring Grass or Tares, or other unripe herbage, is essential to herbivorous animals, as it operate* in stimulating the stomach and digestive or gans to healthv action. This compound or condiment for feeding Cattle or soasoning their lood.is composed purely of vegetable matter, some of which is highly nromatio. For keeping horses in good condition it is unequalled. Cow keepers will find great.advantage m the increased quantity and improved quality of the milk during its use. All animals are benefited by it. Tint food can only be had genuine, in the State of Pennsylvania, by applying to the Role Agent for that State. 8. M. SAUNDERB. s7-lm 1716 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. H~ AVANA CIGARS- Of tho' Mowing celebrated brands: Cabanas, Figaro* HojasdeOro, Gloria, Espanplai Upmann* Neptune., Pruebese, Varies, Vegaj. Jce., 40., »o. Of all sizes and qualities, on hand and constantly re ceiving from Havana, And for sale low by ftuW-lm CHARLEB TETE, IS) WALNUT. SAXES BV AUCTION. M THOMAS k SONS, ' ITX. m aVtHE ixeflWiGK, atl^?^f lales of real estate and atoclu will -hereafter be Veld at 13 o’clock noon, instead of in the evening, ' CARD.—The Trade Sale toßockaeßers wiSebttne&M on Tuesdaj, September 13. fiLCata)cc««*»ew mdy. FALL SALES STOCK AND HEAT. ESTATE, thirst Fall Sale. 6th September. Second Fall Sale, 13th September. Third Fall Sale, Fourth Fall Sale. 27th September. Part of the handhilla for each of the abort tain now ready. STOCKS. SCRIP, Ae. On Tuesday. 9epL 13. at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold, at the Fhife puis KAdianee— fl.KS )yi|lwmroprt,.Bd Elmira R.ilro.il Co.'. Scrim 1.656 Union Mutual Insorsnce Co-’s Scrip. 2 shares Savannah Steamship Company. 2 shares Philadelphia Steamship Dock Company. 35 shares (Preferred Stock) Lackawanna and iHcoms burg Railroad Company. KO shares Huntingdon and Brood Top Railroad Co; 20 shares Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Co. 53AW Green and Coatcs-street Passenger Railway Company 7 per cenL bonds, interest payable January and July. 95JKX) first] mortgage bonds of the Quakake Railroad Company. „ Without reserve, fur account of whom it may con cern— 915,000 7 per cent, niortgage loan Catawissa. Wil liamsport, and Erie Railroad Company, in bonds of 93,000, two of 93,500, and one of 95,UX». Also, for other accounta*- 60 shares preferredstock Allegheny Railroad and Coal Company—par £25. 7 per cent- interest guarantied. MEAL ESTATE~37th SEPTEMBER. Will includu the estate of D. 8 bets line, Idacree, Seatk Broad street and Thirteenth street—by order of execu tors. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, Ac. Public Bales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tue*- danat noon, during the business season. rST Handbills of each Property issued separately, is addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous 0 each sale, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form living full descriptim of all the Property to be sold an the following Tuesday. o jei FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION RE aI SALE. Q We have s large amount of Real Estate at Private Sale, including every description of eity and country property Printed lists may be had at the auction store. _ PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. kL. Real Estate entered on oar Private Sale Reg cter, andadvertised occasionally in our Pabbe Sale Abstracts, (o! whieh 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) Dee of oharge. . SECOND FALL BALE, SEPTEMBER 13, AT NOON# Will include— Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Alexander R. Shaw# _ deceased. TJIHEE-fITORY BRICK DWELLING, No. MS Christian street, between Third and Fourth streets. Orphans’ Court Sale-Estate of Jacob S. Wonder, dee’A, BUILDING LOT, north side of Morris street, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets,(First ward.! game Estate-TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, lonth side of Peart street, between Thirteenth and Broad and Vine and CallowhiU streets, lFourteenth ward.) Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of James Banford, dee’d. THREE-BTORY BRICK DWELLING, northeast corner of Sixth and Mary streets, between Lombard and South streets. Same Estate—DWELLING ADJOINING—East side of Sixth street, between Lombard and South streets# adjoining the above on the north. Same Estate THREE DWELLINGS, northwest Mary street and Joaes’ or Donaldson's alley# between Fifth and Sixth and Lombard anJ South streets. To be sold separately. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Walls, dec’d. THREE-STORY -BRICK DWELLING, No. lfil» North Eleventh street, above Jefferson street, with 9 two-story frame stable on the rear end of the lot, front ins on Lewis street—'Two fronts. Peremptory SaIe—BUILDING LOT—northwest side of Cherry street, northeast of Meadow street, (late Frankfora.) Twenty-thud ward; a by 110 feet. &7~ Sale absolute. . Peremptory .sale—TWO BUILDING LOTg. south east side of Mulberry street, southwest of Meadow street,(late Frankford,)Twenty-third ward; together# 49 by 10p feet. JKF* Sale absolute. VALUABLE PROPERTY-'* THE RACE-STREET HOTEL’’—No. 482 Race street, between Fourth asd Fifth streets, and opposite Crown street; lot M by 18P feet. 09'* Immediate poewwion. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,south tide of Prime street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, date WOuSx ™HEK-STORY BRICK DWEIiINO, With bock buildings. No. 1124 Mount Vernon street, be tween Eleventh and Twelfth and Green and Wafi&eo I*reels. liectitors’ Peremptory Sale—Estate of Rebecca S&ve rr,deeeaeed. YALUABLE.BUBINEes STAND-Three-ftory brick store and dwelling. N 0.238 Arch street, between Second and Third streets, JE*~oal« abedlate. Immediate possession. Same Eatato-DWELUNG NORTH FOURTH 8T- Three-story brick dwelling No. 512 North Fourth street# between Green and Tammany streets, tor Sale abeo luto. immediate possession. THREE-STORYBRICK DWELLING, Haverford street. (late Mantusvilie.) GREEN STKEET.-Three- story brick dwelUng.New 1002 Green street, west of Tenth street. THIRD FALL SALK, SEPTEMBER 20th, AT NOON# Will include— Peremptorr Sale.-VERY VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY BEAT, TO acres, with superior improve ments. Montgomery county, Feuruu, about 14 miles from Philadelphia, miles from Wissahickonstation, North PeAnß>lvania Rsilrmd. ■T'Ssle absolute. WALNUT STREET REBIDENCK# with Urge side lot (together 49 feet front). No. 1525. near Sixteenth St. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 53X Frankhc street, south of Green street, vitb side yard. VALUABLE ARCH STREET RESIDENCE, No. Ml 3, adjoining Mr. Wadsworth’s church, above Tenth sfreeti tGT Sale absolute, without reserve or limita- REBIDENOE, -with «aH» uul C< LA l RU , E S^ic n:;i feet bi Kt feet, Bolton , 'FobRBm t iK I STOREs'AjrDBWELLIN6S..N.'W. comer of Fourth and Sbippen streets, mf Renting for §936 a yevr. ’DWELLING,No. 110 Green St., between Front and Seron«l streets. THREE-STORY BRICK DW£LLING,No 7M South Eleventh street, beloa* Shippen street. •‘TUCKER’S ISLAND,^or “FLAT BEACH.’' stout M acres, on the sea shore, Darlington county# New Jersey, NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, with tarce aide vard# No/1513 Coat*s street, west ot Fifteenth street, lot 31 by 130 feet, with six three-story brick dwellings in the rear on Birr lay street. | FIFTEENTH STREET —Two neat three-story bride dwellings, Noa. 614 and 64C North Fifteenth street, be low Coates street. BUSINESS LOCATION.—Three-story brick dwefr inz, No-1216 Locui street, above Twelfth street. BUSINESS stand.—’Three-Story brick store and dwelling, northeast corner of Jefferson avenue and Sa ransk »treet. Fir»t w*rd. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, adjoining the above. REED STREET.—Three siory bnck dwellisx, south side Reed street, east of Jefferson avenue. First ward, fNEAT MODERNfFOUR-STORY BROWN-STONE EVIDENCE, No. A&C9 Fine street, west of Fifteenth street. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND, four-story brick store and warehouse, J(o. 125 North Fourth street above Arch street. Sale st Noe. 139 and 141 Sooth Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE MIR ROR3, PIANO-FORTE. BRUSSELS CARPETS. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, an assortment ol excellent eeoond-h&nd furniture, elegant via no-Cartes, fine mirrors, carpets,etc.,from£anuliesd?cliiiin*house keeping, removed to the store for convenience of sale. . ROOMS ON HARMONY COURT TO RENT.—Ap ply at the auction store. AT PRIVATE SALE.—Shares in the Phß&delphi* ami Mercantile Libraries and Atbeaßum. AT PRIVATE SALE.—'The valuable property, oorntt of Fifth and Adelphi streets, below Walnut, large hnck building and lot, 34 by 99>> feet. Two fronts. JM. GUJIMBV * SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS. No. 800 WALNUT STREET. CARD.—J. M. Gummey A Book, aoetipaeen. wiUbcod regular sales of Real Estate. 4 took*, Ac, Alaohouse' hold furniture at dwellings. Oft our Private Sale Register will always be foend a very large amount of reed estate > uiobeding every de scription of oity and country property. J. M. GUMMEY k 80NS, Real Estate Brokers, No. 130 WALN UT Street, below 614th. Moses nathans, auctioneer and COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. E. corner SIXTH and RACE Streets. ‘ * MONEY TO LOAN. Moxxr to loss, ix lakgk on small awopjcts. os merchandise generally, and on all articles of value. A ih SUMS OVKK OXB HCXDtXD DOLLARS TW(J»M CXST. Fit worth, including storage, Ao.,_ at Nathans’ Principal Establishment, & E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Sta. GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! * Money liberally advanced ui large or small amount*, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, Jewelry, fowling-pieces, in struments, furmtnre, dir goods, dotting, groceries, ci gars, hardware, cutlery, books, bones, vehicles, harness, and all articles of varae, for any length of time agreed cn.atN*THAxs’ Pjucipal Establishhjuit, eoataeaeS corner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted the lowest market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHEB, JEWELRY, Ac., AT PRIVATE BALE, at NATHANS* PRINCI PAL ESTABLISHMENT. 8. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets.—The following articles will be sold fortes* tnan halt the usual store prices: Fine gold English patent full jewelled and plain, of the most approved ana best make, in hunting cans and double bottomed. Fine gold eacftpementlever and lepine watches, in hunting ease and open face, some of them are extra lull jeweled, mu’ Act make. Silver English patent lever watches, escape ment lever and repines, in hunting ease and open face, some very superior; English, Swiss, French,and Quartier watches; fine gold vest, fob. neck, and chil dren’s chains; fine gold pencil cases and pens, bracelets, breastpins, finger-rings, ear-nnrs, studs, medallions, and jewelry generally. Superior Havana Cuars at 811 per thousand, in boxes of 3UQ each, will bo sold by single [■ox or quantities, to suit purchasers. Numerous faney articles, Ac., £O., Ac. . . „ At private Sale. A superior fire-prcof chest, 4 feet high by S feet wid*. Also, watches, and jewelry of every description. ST. LOUIS. AlO. WILLIAMS & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS ▼ T and COMNIBBION MERCHANTS, No. 19 North MAIN STREET, Bt. Louis, Mo.,(formerly with Messrs. Mjers, Claghorn A Co., Philadelphia.) offer their services to the merchants, manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the adie-of dry goods, oarytt. boots, shoes, hardware, jewelry, Ac.. Ac. aBB SV Cash advances made on receipt of goods. i\. Settlements made three days after sals. nsrs&sxcK*. Messrs. Myers. CLiyhorn, A Co., Fhila. “ Btuart A Brother, Phila. “ Van Wyek, Townsend, A Warrens, New Tori'* “ L. A B. Curtis A Co., .. “ Wood, Christy, A Co., St. Louis, Mo. “ Crow, McCreary, £ Co.» ** ** ** mt-f m w-1t BUSINESS CARDS. V !*• PALMER’S ADVERTISING * AGENCY, N. E. corner FIFTH and CUEST- ~KK. Subscriptions taken for the best City and iliuntry N flurspapera. at lowest cash prices. »ft3-3rn Martin a- quayles STATIONERY, TOY. a™ FANCY GOODS EilPOklVu. 1J35 WALNUT STREET, BELOW ELEVEN FH. PHILADELPHIA TSAAC ROBERTS, Real Estate Agent: SAMUEL C. ROBERTS. Contstaxckb: ynerfor salt*. on liberal terms, FARMS AND COU.Y IKi SEATS, in renns>lvanii, New Jersey, Delaware, a !?d Virginia: pm! DWELLINGS ami STORES m Norristown, Germantown, and l-niiu LOAN MONEY ON FIRST MORTGAGES, Examine Titles to Real Estate, and attend to CONVEYANCING m all its branches. Office MAIN Street, near the Bank. Norristown, and No. 20 South THIRD Street, between Wah>ut and Spruce streets. i'hiladetphiv sl-lm* A lex. McKinney, xx attorney at law, GRKENSBURG, PA, Will practise in Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In diana countiea. aell-tf o fTIHE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE O 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack er ages. Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by n its own Lines, or in connection with other Express Com -2 fames, to all the principle towns and cities of the S United States. E. S. SANDFORD, - aul-tf General Superintendent. HO TEDS. UNION, - 1 - ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. _ 4 . .UPTON S. NEWCOMER. .The Situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the want* of the Business Public; aodto those in search orplearare, Faaseueer Railroads, which now run past, and in close proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant nda to all places of interest in or abnet the city, jy aS-fa, TTAMS! HAMS! HAMS! Just received a prime lot new raw-cured Hams. 10 cent; pec pound. CHAS. BMITH, aa3Mtn* SIS and HJ MARKET Street. SALAMANDER SAFES. WB A large assortment of PHIL A DBLPHI SALAMANDER SAFES. 11 _ „ K VAULT DOORB, BANK LOCKS. F °'****** iromk-atfsaßNi, On aj good terms a& any other establishment in the United States, by v *. EVANS* WATSON, No. as Soatfc FOURTH Street, PLEASE GIVE US A rn.T.l. . PAiWel^it
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