TfrSteamfchipßtata M fedniondson. Depws'. Coifing, EiLcShfilMn; and Sort, &WSX&w&fc£3^^ MissVj Diflon, MiasM .S A-Fplay; Rev A A'Miller; Miu Rairbanurt ana’ thfee m steerage; v- 11 -'- ' J ' ' ' • MARINIS ramU«BSCK. SEE FOURTH PAGE.',' Jv \ ’ . arrived. U 8 mail steamship State of Georgs, Garvin. from 6a* vnpnah* 66 hquw» yath. tttds6 aud to Alex Hetbn7jr-'CAtfiA,M on Wednesday, 20 miles north of Capo Hatteras, passed steamship Parkersburg, bound 6; on Thursday sawa.barkcorainginto, the Capes,and two brigs below the Bnvndywine; bound up. Steamship, Cits -of Richmond/ Mitchell, from Rioh monißYia Norfolk:, 30 hours, with mdse aud passengers - to Thou Webster, Jr. Bteairiahip ; Boston, Sellew. 20 hours from New .York, via Cai* May; with mdse ana passengers to J Allderdioe. . Sohr. E .Headley, C&thoart. 2 days,from Newark, NJ, SH,- U ballast to Chas Miller A,Co. > , ’ ‘ , . Bohr Adolitje, Howes, 0 daysfVoin Boston, withmdso loGeoAWo&i. «, ' ■ . Soar Atiri S Cannon, Nowell. 6 days from Boston, with Unseed to Boyer & Barclay. ■ » Edward, Baker, 6 days from Boston, in bal last toN Sturtevant & Co. * , Sohr Arietes,Chaee,4 days from Providence, in bal last to N Sturtevant & Co. . Sehr,;Mail, Kelly,s days from Providenoe, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. - ' T ' - • . Bohr Geo J Joneß. Crowell, 4 days from Boston, with .plaster to Crowell feCoUms.’ ' ‘ > Bchr Moohanio, Hendrickson, \ day from Odessa, Pei, withtfrainto J L Bqwiey fc Co. ‘ - \1 , .. Sohr Telegraph, Uaxel, Sdaya from Smyrna, Pel, with grain toJas Bocratt A Bon. . . , _ . , Sohr Telegraph, Carter, 2 days from Camden, Pel, • with com to Jas Barratt & Bon. ' ' ' ' Steamer J Jarome, Jerome, SB hours from Alexandria, with mdse to Thos Webster, Jr. ; , ■ ' CLEARED, Scbr Fannie. Vonoe, Havana, Stewart, Carson A Co. Sohr Chas F Stickne/TOarwood, Fall River, Robert R Corson A Co, -• ' - . - - .■ Sohr A 8 Cannon,Lowell, Cambndgeport, Hayes Sc Godshall, t r- > . Sqhr Arletis, Chase, Boston. L Anaenriec! k Co. Scbr MartbaWnghUngton, wnghtingtoniFall River/ Whittaker fc Co. ' r StrHLGaw, lier, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. , • • • M TXLEOBAPH. , (Correspondence olAhe - A deeply-lndon b&Tk came in and passed th'e Break wutor about 7 o’clock this morning* and two norm brigs and epme.twelve sohrs.-wentuv-onrmg the afternoon; gom * oat - w, iifeTS?i r te, ACorrespondenceofThePress.)- . . - itPor steamship Luropa.fct Halifax.! - Arrived ai.Penl Aug 25. ship-Artisan, from N Orleans] at Marseilles Aug 23, ship Mediator, lrom do, Sailed lor New Orleans Aug 26th#snip Clans Wheeler, from Liverpool; Aug 37th, ahipS C Grant, from do.. -. Sailed lor Charleston Aug 2tfth* ship Lydia,fromLi voapool. , • <• • ' ~ i .NbwYoax, SeptB. Arrived, ships Pubun, from Cronstadt; president Fill more, from London*, John Stuart, from Liverpool; bark 01 Hayes, from Buenos Ayrcß] brig Eastern Star, from Pernambuco,. ... - ~ ■ •: g ogr(?Jf g & The itark Bay Btato, from Boston, bound to Baltimore, with an assorted carco, has gone ashore near Cape Hen ry. .Assistance hosbeeiTaent to her. , - ■ , • • s.u - _ -- ■ New OiaEiSs, Sept 6. Arrived, slups Far West Glad Tidings, and May Bridges, from New York; S Montgomery, BamuelFales, and Hornet, from Boston; brig Chapman, from Havana. „ Steamship arrived at New York_yetterday. Ship Annawan, MeNair, cleared at New York yester day tor Callao,., - . • * Bark TrareUeri Randall, sailed from Richmond 7th insL.ibr Rio de Janeiro. * i ' " Bng Valbj rion,( Norw) Schott, from Rio tie Janeiro, at New York yesterday, ■ Schr David Fnast, Moelander, for Philadelphia, cleared At Wilmington, NC.ethinst. with 41 tons ir0n,1412 bbis, rosin, 74 pkgs dried fruit, 28 bales cotton, 81 do sheetiug, SO do yarn. , ~ . Bdur j j Spencer, Dole, for Philadelphia, cleared, at Wilmington,NO,7thinst„With 103bbls sots turpentine 774 do ro«n, SB bales yam, and 91,393 feet lam bar, ABRIYALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. OP TO 12 o’clock LAST KIOBT. „ GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut at.. below Ninth. - EM Chamberlin, Chicago D Adams, Franklin, O J C Blythe, Ky R WF6x, Ky ' MPreacott,Morris,lL. , ChasFPrescott,NO SHGroharn, 111 -'H Gitterman, Y MoGillery Jones. N CJ Jereniiah Kyle, Va Mrs VM Do Veaux. 8 C Miss At BDo veaux.S C- Jojinß Moore, 3 C • Col C W Charles, fc la, 8 C A G Mnssmlmrg. N C Goo L Bmst, 8 C MrsGcoßiiigt, 8 0 Mtss fiuist, S C MiSßAnnßuist.SC. ' 1 - Mrs LLucas 1 3 C . W G Abrams, St Louis ' ThosMGuStin,Ky J K‘lhroekmorton, Ky MrsLoggntt, Boston A McAlpimCw, O - G W Howel, Cherokee,Ala R M Mo.Upin. SO (r M Plioips.'Madijoi, ' Jas W Maxwell, Md • A F Stout fc la. Princeton JJ Craig, Balt ’ E Alßurruss, Miss , Dr J G Archer, La .. Wm N Berkley, Va Geo Bryan, Va . ■ . P H Batlantine fcla. N J Jll Bsßantinc fc la, N J F H'Quitraon fc la. La RArdeville,NO H S Roath. La MrflAEßoath, La O Masang, Mobile . ; .. p&» T ' nn M J M Campbell, Balt • ' Nathan Winslow, N C Jos S Cannon, NO' Lafayette Button, N C IIC Billings i la, N,Y - A Maynard, Boston J Alexander fc la. BaK H 8 McCombs fc la. Del Miss J E McCombs,Del GBent,Bt Johns, KB GPWhiWker.Md Csut 8 H Jeffers. N Y Y 1 , CBrinton,WChester KiteA U)NO §»»6a I ;“ I ■ 'f Hal °-** JnoBtuart,NY WB,Campbell,NO Gent Starke;NO , C Fellows, NO E ABroduax,Pot*ruuis,VaG A Washineton fcla,Ten A Montgomery fc la. Mass LN Class, NY C L Clarke,St Joseph . CA' Rowley. 8t Joseph E Loaguemare, 6t Louis W Harper,Wash city G C Lockwood, Trenton, 111 R Topp fc la Miss Wheatley'- . ' D Sants, N O JosWalker, Charleston Appleton Oaksmith, N Y R W Williams fc wf* Fut . W 6 Alston, 8C llTjGriffon.NY ; ;ESmith,Richmond,Va J Bhillips,' N <) Louis Phillips, N O WE Hiitohjugs, Wash, D C T B Clark & wf. Mobile AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st,,above, Fifth, . Rev'rW PoUard, Pa , . PJ Perrin, Taunton, Msse G Phirloy, Me . . T Rivers, M« - , * TTuther, Jr ■ E H West, Ky AA4^no,Tenii' , JTBchouwald.NC‘ W ABrariahaw, Wilnm,NC AA Douglaiw & la. Pa W PAylor, Jr, N,C : ' HopoweUHebb, Md ThosHopink.’Md ' 8 E Armstrong. Ky KFBoman, Md f ‘ WHArft.teer,Newark.Del Th°* B Fiore©,,Ala • Wm Wright, Montg, Ala Tl)ps Grork - 'V Sami B Dorian, Pa MimGßaldwin,NY. ~ JohnHMeredith, DC v R WilßOff.-Newniic, Del . C Watts, NY , AltBS;mfcW,-NY' ' • . OCooIdy.NY . , - fiiSSffiiSWfelSt'i. :; 5W. I .f& NowCM,1 ° JHCochyan.Md . - ‘ BanuSlricK.NJ I. A Larkm, Alexan'a, Va . WnS Polk, Odessa, Do! C C Benton,;NY,‘ ~ A B Brainard & l», 1U - / O. - lIA Wilsort/PhSta. L RC Hays, Odessa, Del ' H M Welch, New Haven AD Keen, Md . GBKoeit, md -- T ■ ■ '' DrSaprmgton, Aid . W Randolph, N C John f* Burton, Va ms "■ ■ ? t |itef^ wark ' N:r 7h 5 It Magee', CharlottegrfUo .. WC Watson SO ; W H Ftitoratt, fliila COMMEBCJALHdTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. D Snyder, Pa , - GeoiMwCwejl, Conn * KH Jnncs, UpioiniUe.rjv- WJlfeKenzie, Ky . WD Evans. Fottatown r Isaac Acker & la, Pa J Blakely* jV-.-. R DMolfat, Pen yvillo.lml N EUma.ker, Jr,Laacco,Pa» H Small, Pottstown John y&ndcrsucevPa ■ W H Bailey; Chester co Wilmer Walton, Pa WHOheyney.Pa ' MBailey, Pa --. JWay, Pa Jacob Devoe,\V Chester Enoch G&tchel, Pa W WWileyrMd..* ... _ THE UNION HOTEE—Arch 1 street, above Third. J Gross, CircleyiUe, Ohio ADHarlan. Coateavillo WBSfiaflor.NY JHaiuta. Alleghenycity El) Coffin, Ind A Bates, Shane* Wile Ohio Mrs Gilbert, Shahe/mlle, 0 W H Cartwright, lowa Jos Manlier, lowa -. . HH,Welch.lowa - if r * wJLi Dennison A son, Pa HDHalt.Salem,NJ HGmmckson,Salem,NJ J M.McMi.nn. Willminsport John D Skiles. Lancaster i|»ws 4 .. iSßjfe&Ui,. : . J H a?ft?o% l ,VSSS| d Cant ft Thornton k la, Fa J Hammett, Cm, Ohio J Hendrickson, NY.. Mr* Hendrickson, N V" TV Tlunno - TE Vtckora, i'Jma. C H'Allen, West Chester R Smith & ton. Pa A MMonhali, Allegheny oty Jno C Kayshr* N Y H C Von Doramitli* Pa f J ReTlbfer, Pa | L Liliontbaj, Ga ;' WBeinplo, Allegheny city h J Stolid k son, ya . WH Stone, NortUport, Me „ JONES’ HOTEL— above Sixth. C H Hayden, Boston Geo ft Welle. Charleston A JVWw,Boston BRLeckey, Va,- WJtFojk,V* . > . AMen MeLellan, Mo O EardmanA la, N Y . ;i H Woraburr, Fla - i#sdv ,nntHin Sanmel JoliosJ’a JsrDen Otto, Pa ■ naassM.' SMft•, £cWV alt John LllotUe, Term ~ H C Sinclair, Tenn HirairfMoVehrh.JLo A Km*. N Y W H Smith; Belt , ' H Conifer, Balt, P Doftiips k son, Cuba '' A Lblane, NO K LMtonjßalt' \.: $ll FUrgusen, Md ftHilhard,-Boston .. H pixjckard, 8 C ThosjAnkford, vfc _ FA Hose, Ala A G Taylor. Va. CH Hickey, Va Ky . S 5 Bullock. Lexington,ivy Mwm MB Hunt, Lex, Ky C H Marshall, Mis* , Mrs Marshal fc da, Miss FE Pmidlßton.Th la ' , ELBuutcher.Pa J)r Andrew# & la, G» . „ fjTa r Si’,B ONlON—Market at,, above Sixth. §MU.phu* , ffW^MYpa A l,yon«.PitWwr< . GW Chatter,fioncannon J MAshi Dancannon - B Jones, Pottstown, F& ' C B Weavtr, E(i . P Cunin3*nyn, Pa ~ E AGLB HOTEIr-Tiilrd itreet, above Ha «*• T Travilla, West Chester:; Bft Downing, West Che* ' J D fto&rt*. Balt - WD • Hobart*; Phila • B 7 Homes, West Chester JGFisber ... SKactwick ' J Williams,DO JSaisburyfDel . . JSBrowu, NY MERCHANTS' JIOTEL-Fourth'et, below Arch. sw&mS™, m J A Mnrkay, Ky > ■H C Wood.Ky r ./ JN Boswell, Ky ’ JB Murphy, Ky . W W Williams, Tsnn F Jaynes, Pittsburg Jos Johnston, Tona ' R B Pierce. Term - ’ W H Bray,Ala. . r , - MNewhofL-Wilm, NC' W FPfiifson, BC WWiUon, Bethlehem C M Michael, Slereareo J Keck, Mercer eo. ra - H Wilson, ColumlMis. O v MG Jacobs, Mo . Jesse Tyrrell, Boston W H Morrison,N C • Jus W Anderson, Pa • P Saunders, losrn>'' j '• W A Saunders, lowa . . r R KehTfcMinemllle Nathan Worley, Pa -John HHuggrßalt •' NP Moore, Mo . >. 'JLKioa & la, Tenn J N Harm A la, Ark ' W H Thompson, Easton B G ImxteT,Boston AlSevm. Somerset,o R Krous, Balt - J D Japobs, Cbambersburg A WPorter, Mass rH H Piper, Bait : , - John G 111 ' r * ‘K.T Atwns, 111,. Jon M Carr, A)!egheny, Fa Wmofee, 111 F Robinson; NY' , HGO Carpenter, N Y . G W Tenn J B Miller, Cbnmbsrsburg /os R Jaoobr, SiLdnis -> ' • (PA Bchwars, Balt , BALUEAOLB „ Miss A Baker; AUenTdW T Toomey. Annville, Pa W Gnimbier, AnqvilTo, Pa • J Walter. Easton Mr* j> Pinter. Reading r . ; Mrs A’wlnk v V* ll# . Henry Hsusor, Pa /«»../ J BSpinner,Northurobrnd t NATIONAL HOTELS Race street, above Third, , J NHooyenAshland, Pa 8 Hoover, Pottsviilo ' gPflefdri-Lobanon, Pa ' John THeazei;Woodoide WHrfr,>p* V/ ' John"Howa,Ky * . ’ F E).n«k?nlich , J«itil®homGeo o A%iithf4'io2 a » t H -^. ! l-J£« P& v Mrs SmxW?.*-eoa« LiyerpooPFb-Prefsi Allentown Amos Day is,-Easton ,4W:BSteokel, Pa BLorae»or. Department op purlio luoii- WAYB.—Office Southwest comer of CHE3TN UT and FIFTH Streets. „ . „ « PIIILADBtPHTA. Sept, 9,1859. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received by tee under signed at the office until 12 o’clock M of October 3d, 1859 tor, the construction of a culvert— , On the Una of Wallace street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, to be built of tmck,^»cular i in form, with a dear inside diameter of two feet six inches —m length 454 feet. . AH bidders are invited to be present at the opening of Proposals offered on said day at 4 o’clock. F.’ M. Speci fications may be obtained at the Department. of, bur veys. JOSEPH BHANTZ, s9-3t - • ChiefCommiseioner. NOTIOE TO CONSIGNEES.—The S&Bl Bark FREDERICK LENNlG,.CaptainSum ner,lroin New Orleans, is now discharging at Ta’ems wharr, below SOUTH Street. 4 . . Consignees will please attend to receiptof their, goods. All goods left on the wharf will be t>}of6d&tCrmßignoea expense. It THOS; RICHARDSON a CO. NOTIC'D TO - CONSIGNEES- —Tho ffiSshin J4IKT W TRICK, C»pt. FAIfES. from LIVERPOOL, is now discharging* at Smith » Wharf, elowVine street. Consignees will plew® 6 ®, r l: Jc®, 1 ! bermits on board. All goods not permitted within five pays.willbesent to Public Store. dsB*st THOS. RICHARDSON fc CO. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHLA. Estate of ALEXANDER Deceased. Sur citation to surety of former Adnuuistrator to nlo Th° ASmtor .willtod !■? the Court to state an no count of the said surety, in cpnfonmty with, said oita COMMISSION HOUSES. gHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, NO. 11S CHESTNUT ST.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. fcB-6m FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. & ROBERTS. . 429 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBBRB HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBB, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODE, AMD TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. »u»-8m JJUIINETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, Ar. now oponint at tli.i rStorj. NO. 402 MARKET STREET, : Above FOURTH, Nor h Bide, A HAXDgOMX'ASBORTOSRT OX NEW FALL STYLES OF FANCY DRY GOODS. OX THEIR OWE IMPORTATION and seleotion, which they offer for sale to buyer* from, all parte of the United States, on the moat reasonable, terra*. aus-tm MARTINS. PEDDLE. & HAMRICK, Importer, end dealer, m HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Five doora below the Merchants’. HoteL Offer foreale the moat complete stookof Goode m their line to he found in the Dsttan Statms, oonsietin, of HOSIERY, of over j grade. . - GLOVES, m three hundredyenehei. UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. LINEN-BOSOM BHIHTB and COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC HUFFS, tt SHIRT FRONTS. LADIE8 T ELASTIC BELTS, with plaepe of en tirely now designs, with an endless yanety of NO TIONS. to which tjiejr invite the attention of FIMT-CLASH WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. aue-Sm DUHIIING & CO., Noe. M and M NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by suooeaeive arrivals from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS OP ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSI E R Y , GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS. MACHINE sewing silk and thread, And solicit an inspection of their complete nnd well. ... assorted stock, IfUSm ' ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO . SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. BROTHER"; & BREWSTER, S 3 NORTH FOURTH STREET, HOSIERY, . 3 EOVEB,« W(H)OJ)g We have afinestook of Imported and Domestio Goode, 'particularly adapted to SOUTHERN TRADE, To which we invite the attention of Rrst-olass buyers, au6-2m OLAR K ’ S SPOOL COTTON, Just received,^ A FULL ASSORTMENT IN WHITE,. COLORS, * For sale by - ' C H ARL E S FIELD, NO. 20 NORTH SIXTH STREET, AGENT FOR PHILADELPHIA. lIOCtTJET & HUTTON, AA manufacturers of DESKS AND CABINET FURNITURE, NO. SA9 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Office, Bank, and Sohool Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookcases, Wardrobes, eto. stfduu . D Eli P H“fA“ ANP ORESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.THE ABOVE NAMBD CORPORATION, * HELD AT ■ NO. 6 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., September Tth,lBlS9 ( the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors of the Company, via i GEORGE H. STUART, 8. MORRIS WAIN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MAOALE6TER, and JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. Tho BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION to the CAPITAL STOCK of aaid COMPANY ate now open at the above narried Office, where all persons favorable to the enter prise are respectfully invited to subscribe. sB-tf rjIHE FINE ARTS. VITI & BROTHER, (roniißßtr vno Tin t boss,) Have joH received, per bark Oraville from Leghorn, over Two Hundred and Fifty oases of ITALIAN MARBLE FIGURES— GROUPS, BUSTS, MONUMENTS, GARDEN BTATUES AND VASES, ALABASTER URNS, , ORNAMENTS'AND FIGURES, VERDE PI PRATE WARE, MOSAIC, TABLES, FOUNTAINS, TAZZAB, &c., Ac., With a complete assortment of objects of FINE ART, All of which they are disposing of at the lowest im porting rates, at their Waremooms, :• No. 639 ARCH STREET, Bft-S-R (Below SEVENTH, north side.) AN EVIDENCE THAT THE LIFE-SIZE Photographs in Oil are appreciated, is fully proven by the mcraiemg demand for them at REIMER'S Pho tographic Giiltvj. SECOND Street, above Green. H* Family chocolate , ’ on - _SUPERIOR QUALITY. ' EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Manufacturer and Importer of French an Sp JJ^ B OCOIiATE Store S. W. comer ARCH and NINTH Streets. «9-Sm (Factory 814 Filbert street.) tjURE CONFECTIONERY; V Bl.r^w/onVn^rARCH»ndNINTH Btroat,. rt-ann |Faolor?BH Fillwrt Btreet.) Fresh fruit jars. , Those who wish to avoid the uncleanliness at tendant upon potting up fjrmt, &0., by the use of the oid |tyle Jare with metal covers and cement, pleased to learn that the whole operation of Preserving can be performed in lea* than one fan the usual time bv the HAftTELL’S ALL-GLABS PRESERVING pronounced by physicians ami sciontiflo men to ■/M the safest and most reliable aar ever,made. A sing e : will satisfy anyono of their moomparable -Tsupenonty oyer all others. • PM.nt. > ~ . HAfiT|tL |Lb^HWgRTH, ti i»a-Bt-.->} General Glass Depot • ATTENTION, epicures ! dry-goods jobbers. t S. STEWART & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBBRB OF SILK AND FANCY dry goods.' NO. 30* MARKET STREET, . Aro now daily receiving from tho Largo Auction Sales, and other sources,» full assortment of desirable FALL GOODS, purehnseil FOR CASH, to wliioli they invite the attention of Cash and prompt Six-months buyers. Full linaa of Black and Fancy Silks, and all tho now fabrics in Drosn Goods, constantly on hand. t 9-Sm j;w. PROCTOR & GO., IMPORTERS, JIASUFACTUS ERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, LADIES’ CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite tlie attention of Wholesale Buyers to their Btook, comprising every variety of styles in medium and first class Good*, including FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES' CLOAKS, NEW STRIPED BOURNOUS, BOURNOUS WITH PLAITS, fce., Ac., AU of whibh will be offered at Low Price* TO CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE FAR IS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, jgITER, PRICE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 315 MABKET STREET, 1859 FALL mPORTATION. 1859 JOEL J. BAILY & CO., No. 310 MARKET STREET, AND 308 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Have received by recent arrivals, and will continuo to reoeive during the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’, MISSES’, GENTS’, and BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS. ' GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Black and Fancy Bilk Scarfs, Tics, nnd Cravat*. Linen, Cambrio, and Silk Hdkfs. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, Ac. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and • MILLINERYUOODB AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large nnd cheap variety. “JOUVIN’B SYSIEME.” BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sixes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS, JACKETS, NUBI AS, fce Together with a large assortment of CLARK’S supe perior tiz~eord “Silk-Finished” and “Enamelled” BPOOL COTTON. Also, their Sewing Maohine Cotton, pot up on spools of 2,400 yards each, to which the atten tion ofShirtMakcrs and Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine our Stock, which i* one of the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade. s7-2m BOOTS AND SHOES. J ( & M. SAUNDERS. NO. 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Near Merchants' Hotel,) Call the attention of buyers of BOOTS AND SHOES To their Stock, which embrace, a sonerai variety of PHILADELPHIA AND NEW ENGLAND Manufactured good,. euS toed jJOOTS, SHOES, & STRAW GOODS. 1009. FALL STOCK, 1809. HADDOCK, REED, & 00., 438 AND 440 MARKET STREET, Invito the examination of purohaeere to a full and complete stook of BOOTS, SHOES, and STRAW GOODS. augU-lm W. MoOURDY h SON, 331 CHESTNUT STREET, (2d FLOOR.) LADIES', MISSES'* AND CWLDRBN’B BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, Manufactured expressly for the Retail Trade, aiUl-Sm g P. WILLIAMS & 00., NO. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE,) Have now on hand a full assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to which they invite the attention of Southern and Western Merchants. aul2-2ra J£EENE, STERLING, & FRANKS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ROOTS AND SHOES, NO. ,13 AROH STREET. FerohßHrs viittin, lbs oili will pl.&ae oaU and tu mine their .took. aul2-2m & 00.. xHOLESALE DEALERS I* BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 813 MARKET BTHBKT. inJlm JjiALL STOOK BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH U. THOM SON & Oa. I 114 MARKET STREET, Have now on hand a huge stook of BOOTS AND SHOES Of EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND OITY MADE. Parobee»r. visttin, the eitj vill pleue oeU end ox unine their stock. irn-tf T EVIOK, RASIN. & go boot AND SHOE WAREHOUSE AlfD MANUFACTORY, No. 606 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We have now on hand an extensive Stook ’of Boots and Shoes, of all descriptions, of ooro wm and Eastbbm Manufacture, to whioh we invite the attention of South ern and Western buyers. auJ-3m MILLINERY GOODS. QPENING. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 735 CHESTNUT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF MASONIC TEMPLE, WILL HAVE TUBIB FALL OPENING OF BONNETS, Ac., THIS DAY, THURSDAY, THE Bia INBT. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1859. George g. evans’ book mst.-au BOOKS are sold at the lowest prioce, and * hand some GIFT, worth from 25 oents to 9100, 1* Riven with each book at the time of purchase. . _ SYLVIA’S WORLD-Crimea which the Jaw does not reach. By the author of Busy Momenta of an Idle Wo man. One vol. Mmo.j cloth. Pnoo 81. . . . GRACE TRUMAN, or Love and Principle. By Sal lie R. Ford. One vol. 12mn., cloth, Pnoo 81. LOVK(L’Ainour). By Mioliotot. One vol. litmoa ninth. Trice 81. RECOLLECTIONS OF A SOUTHERN MATRON and a New England Bride. By Caro! wo Oilman. One vol. 32in0.. cloth. Trice 81 26. , „ MEMOIRS OF VlDOCtt, the Celebrated French Po liceman. One vol. 12m0., with adit. Trioe $1 25. LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. B) tho Bov. Hugh Stowell Brown, of the Myrtle-street Baptist Cha pel. Liverpool, England. One volume, 12mo Price 81. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS, and h GIFT given with each Book, at G. G. Ev ANiP Gift Book Establishment. No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia jyEW AND POPULAR TEXT-BOOKS. IUdT PUBLIrtIIKD, r ~. mi MORAL PHILOSOPHY: „ Lieludivg Theoretical and Practical Ethics. By Joseph H.vyen. D. D., Into Professor of Moral nnd Intellec tual I l mluaophy in Amherst Collejco; Author of Meu tnU’luloBopny.M Royal ISnio., cloth. *125. h I,* 1 ® high reputation gained by Prof. Haven in Ina Mental Pmloaopliy/’*wiU lie increased and confirmed by tlio new work on " Moral Philosophy." It is emi nently scientific in method, nnd thorough in discussion, nnd its views on unsettled questions in morals aro e seen that we give thirty-five parts purer than the Amoricnn And French coin, and ten parts purer than the English Sterling. We ineSt all our ova Silver, and our Foreman being connected with the Refining De partment of the United States Mint for several years, we guarantee the quality as above (W 6), which is the Jlnest that can be made to be serviceable, and’will resist the aotlon of aolds much better than the ordinary Silver manufactured , WM. WILSON & SON, S. Vi. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY BTS, N. B.—Any finoness of Silver manufactured as agreed upon, but positively none inferior to Ftenth and Ameri can standard. Dealers supplied with the same statdard as used in our retail department. Fine Bilver Bars, 999-1000 parts pure, constantly on hand. au2i-6m I’APEII HANGINGS, &c. W ALL PAPER. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET, Have one of the largest Factories in the city, and are prepared to furnish all qualities of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, AND DECORATIVE PAPERS, Hither to city or country, at the lowest rates. Their stock now on hand is large, and owners of pro perty, builders,anddealers generally, will find it to tneir advantage to purohase of them. au29-lm PAPER WAREHOUSE. HOWELL & BOUHKE, IT BOUTJI FOURTH STREET, (..Low Makkt), AMS OSPOSITM MERCHANT ITREKT, Have on hand a large and iplendid auortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS, Towhioh they invite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. au26-2ra CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. \yRIGHT, SMITH, & CO., CHINA, CLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. PITTSBURG AGENCY. GLASS, NAILS, Ac., delivered from the Factory AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 5 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. auS-fm&wtf TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., NOB. 23 AND 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS ASD r Wholesale Dealers in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. SOTMerohants supplied with Glass at Manufacturer's prices. aus-3m gOYD & STROUD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stock of QUEENSWARE, GLABSWARK, and FRENCH AND F.NOLISH CHINA, , At their Old Stand, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH BT., four doors below Merchants’ Hotel, to which they invito the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. Aoknti for Pittsburg Glass. aus-3m UMBRELLAS. gXMON HEITER, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR , KET STREETS. My stock is now very complete In every department and will lie found to offer inducements to buyers unsur passed by any, aull-2m jgLEEPER & FENNER, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS 09 UMBRELLAS AND PARABOLB, 326 MARKET BTREET, PHILA., Are now making more than nvs iiusdbbd fARiKTiKs of Umbrellas, of every sue, from 23 to 40 inches. Buyers who have not had 8- 9c F.’s make of goods will find their time well spent in looking over this well-made •took.whioh includes maxt novxltibs, not to be met with elsewhere, au6-3m HARDWARE; BRO., & CO . IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ac., 529 MARKET STREET. 529 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, a u3-3m PHILADELPHIA. jyjOORE, HENSZEY & CO-, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE, NO. 45JT NARKBT, AND 416 COMMERCE STS., os4ia PHILADELPHIA. FERTILIZERS, FARMERS. PHOSPHATIC GUANO FROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, WEST INDIES. THE RICHEST FORMATION OF PHOSPHATE OF LIME KNOWN IN THE WORLD. It oontnin* over 80 per cent, of Bone Phosphate of Lime, being 50 per cent, richer in Phosphate of Lime than Bone Du6t. FOR BALE BY THE TON OR CARGO, AND TO FARMERS AT $BO PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. JOS. B. HANSON, Sole Agent in Philadelphia, tull-thßin 2m No. 105 North WATER Street. LOOKING-GLASSES. ROOKING glasses. Now in itore the most extensrve and elegant assort' incut of LOOKING GLAS3EB, For every space and every position, and at the most moderate prices. LOOKING GLABSEB In the most elaborate and the most simple frames. LOOKING GLASSES Framed in the best taste, and tu the most substantial manner. LOOKING GLASSES Famished by as, are manufactured by ourielvc* in our own establishment. LOOKING GLASSES In MAHOGANY aud WALNUT frames for Country Soles. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, »pl-lf PHILADELPHIA, WINDOW SHADES. P A I, I, TRADE. TO MERCHANTS BUYING WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW HOLLANDS, WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, CURTAINS OR CURTAIN MATERIALS, W. lIENUY PATTEN, 030 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFERS FOR INSPECTION TO UUYERS A FI'LL LINK OF THK ABOVE GOOD., Manufactured aud Imported exprosriy for the FALL TRADE, e6-6tj Which are offered at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION, 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR —Great Emporium for Stereoscopes and Stereoscope Views, American, Frenoh and English. Opera Glasses, Microscopos, and improved Spectacles, correctly suited to the eye*, at M. T. FRANKLIN’S, Optician, „ . HI BoutliFOUß-rH.Btroet, below CbeSnut. Artificial Human Eyes inserted. 04-lmif GUANO, GUANO.— lift tons of Guano, in store and for sale, at $2O per 2000 lbs, by al-df WiLLQW s J ag. A a, OEFINED SUGAR.—SOO barrels various 180 bb ” K d o , ; ,i LETITU Street T ADIES’ IIAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI SETTS, and CURLS, manufactured in the vary best and newest Paris styles, and of which we constantly keep ft very largo assortment on hand, sold wholesale ana retail, at the lowest possible prices. Orders from all parts of the country solicited, and promptly attended to. Also, anew HAIR DYE, superior to any in use. _ . . M. HUTOIB, No. 12 TENTH St., au2o-3m* Between Market and Chestnut, WANTS. "VIT-AN FED—By a Young Man, Ivl years T T °. W ‘ a .Situation io any Mercantile EsteUish merjt, where he can make himself useful, and acquire business knowledge, either in the Counting room r «»-»'P r r Brick Dwell ins. No. HW FKANK LIN fitroet, below Jefferson. Lot 100 feet deep, with «^°nl! or,r , Lftrpe . nt *i? Bho ? ,? n Robiwon street Prioe $J,K#>» subject to Ground Rent of £B4. Apply on pro- __ sB-3t ga FOR SALE—Two Houses on Frank- JBlithn street, Noe. 1332 and 1340, with all the modern improvements. Lot IUOK feet deep to Perth street. Are offered tor $6OO aud $l,OOO less than co*t. They are substantially built, aud of good material. Not much inonoy wanted. gg.sf TO RENT, TO GENTLEMEN, TWO Largo Rooms, in a private family. Furnished or Unfurnished, with the use of Bath. Location central. References exchanged. Address ** R. Press office. sd-Jf PE RI 0 R NORTH THIRD STREET STORE TO RENT. The large aad well-lighted granite-front Store, No. 124 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE ARCH* Suitable for JOBBING OR HEAVY PACKAGE TRADE, Terms satisfactory to a responsible tenant. Apply on the premises, or at No. iir VINE STB EET. MFOR SALE—A thrcc-story Modern Dwelling. No. 835 MARSHALL Street, with all the conveniences—2 ranges, 2 heaters, gas, and water throughout. Apply on the premises. gs-st* FOR SALE, a bargain, or to Rent.— oiixThe House ami Store Nos. 601 and bu 15. VO>. Doors opea at* o’clock. Coin me ora at*. n , Adnuxsion to sli parts of the house, 25ceots. Package of six Tickets. One Dollar. To begin with the Comic Pantomime of FOUR LOVERS. Followed by the _MEYER’B BISTERB. . *-r» aid JOSEPHINE. AND A GRAND DIVERTISSEMENT. Concern, Store., Mdgmd WHEATLEY & CLARKE’S ARCH -BTR EET THEATRE. THIS (THURSDAY! EVENING. SeatemW 7_ RICHARD lll.—Richard Third, Edwin looth; King Henrr \l, Mr. John Gilbert;Queen Elisabeth Mr? John Drew; Lady Anne, Miss Emma Taylor7 U aUS * To ©onelude with the Corned ten* of 3 . THE LAUGHING HYENA. Mr. Felix Fnmer, Mr. Jobs Gilbert. Bcaliof Pbich.— Admission, 15cents; Secured Seats in DressCirule.ATX eeets; oeats. Doors'opcn at 7o'clock; performance to ooameaa* at 7)« o’clock precisely. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, September 9th, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Supported by THE ENTIRE STRENGTH or ~ THE UNRIVALLED COMPANY. MBS. D. P. BOWERS, LUCY ESCOTT. BIGNORINA PRATESI. BIGNQRINA GALETTI, MR- J. H. TAYLOR. MR. A.W. FENNO, MR. RUFUS ADAMS, MR. F. A. I^NNrAiLL, MR. P. FLETCHER, MB. ROSS ITER, MR MARLOW. MR. P. A. ANDERSON, THREE HUNDRED AUXILIARIES. . SPLENDID DANCES. BPLENDID MUSIC. GREETED WITH ENTHUSIASTIC APPLAUSE. After the PUr.a _ NEW GRAND BALLET DIVERTISEMENT, Will be presented.arranced espeeially by , , SIGNOR RONZANf, In wb>ch 6IGNORINA PRATESI and GALETTI. THE PULL CORPS DE BALLET Will oppear in NE W DANCES ADMISSION FIFTY AND TWENTY-FUr® CENTS. Beats mav be secured dail? from Eirht A. M- ocul prx P. M.-THE OFPICE IS NOW OPEN. aUibsfoSi at 7 oclock ‘ commence ACADEMY OF MUSIC. The residents on the Railroad Lines of GERMAN TOWN. WEST PHILADELPHIA? AND ELEVENTH STREETS. Ac., A reSctTnlly ie formed that the Coedactors <*o these routes ere vrorided with Tickets for the ACADEMY, the vurchoeers of wmcn. on bffird the ear®, will be con rayed to end frora the ACADEAIY. free of charge. The Now and Beuti fnl Play of •* THE BLACK AGATE ” terminates prior to ll P. M. \\rAIiNUT-STREEX THEATER " * Unparalleled Saeeessl Unparalleled Soeceesl Unparalleled Bbmm! HOUSES CROWDED HOUSES CROWDED „ HOUSES CROWDED From Pit to Dome, From Pit to Dome, From Pit to Dome, To witness U»s Toeitnesa Um Towi&nest tbs Gmnd Spectacular Drama Grand Spectacular Pram* Grand Spectacular Drama FAUST AND MAR6UEBITB!! FAUST AND MARGnCRitSIf w , rt FAUST AND MARGUERITE!! With it* new Scenery, With its uew Scenery, With its new scenert, Magnificent Dresses, Magnificent presses, „ Mjjmfioent Dimm* Beautiful Music, Beautiful Music, Beautiful Music, Characteristic Dances, Characteristic Dances, Characteristic Dances, Musical Effect*, Magical Effect*, Magical Ktfecta, Great Cast* (Great Cast* Great Cut. J. B. ROBERTS a# Mephiitopkilw. J. B. ROBERTS a* Mephiatopailes. J. B. ROBERTS &a Mephiatophttea. PERRY, PH E^VELI7BOWERS, FERRY. PHEWKLL, BOWERS. MRS. ANN’A COWELL and MRS. THAYBR. MRS. AXNA COWELL and MRS. THAYER- Without extra charge! Without extra charge • Without extra rharte! t - PRICKS AS USVAL. _ »■“ PRICES AS I'SUaL. Free concert at faikmotjnt.— This AFTERNOON and EVENING t h» , , HARMONY’ CORNET BAND Will play the most popular moan of tb# day. Mar tfc* new fountains oa the NORTH filBE Or rAlfi- AIOUNT. The Cars of the Green and Coatee. Fourth and Eighth street nympany pass along Eighth and Coatee streets every fige impute* to convey passengers to the fraud. Fare FIVE CENTS, , „ WILLIAM READ. *u!9-f&tutf Superintendent. Return of the . FAVORITES, ATAIUBICAL fund „.~., c . O 2t fMKN CINtf MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 12. and Every Evening during the Week. The World-Renowned.OnnnslspoQiNy GEORGE CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS/ GEORGE CHRISTY A R. M. HOOLHT. p*oeiurro*«. S. C. CAMPBELL. Musics! Director. *7” Admission 25 cents. For further particulars sea small and large bills. Doors ouen at 7. Commence at 8 o’clock. LEW IS JL. ZWI6LER, ■7-tf Agent. QAMPBELL MINSTRELS! COMIIEN C! N ti A lt ON li A BjpL t, 89. And cortinue every Night during the Week. Second and Positively the last Week this Seteo* of RUMSEY A NEWCOMB’S ORIGINAL CAMPBELL MINSTRELS. BRASS BAND axd DOUBLE TROUPE » The following new Burlesques will be selected from their inexhaustible <4 THE GUNNER# FROM KANSAS,” “SCENES AT THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MUSIC.” NEWCOMB IN THAT GREAT DANCE. “VULCAN AT THE FORGEL* HARRY LEIIR IN NEW ACTS “THE ESCAPED CHINAMAN.” Little Bobby, the Child of Song ud Comedian, with BULKY in new Comica like*. The Tenors, LESLIE, and LAGELLES. with RAINKR»Ju their aimuing Ballads. “THE COUNTRYMANaRD ARTIST.” with other numerous acts. For particulars see bills of the day. ADMITTANCE 58 CENTB. Doors open at o’clock; commenoe at 8. P. A. CLARKE. s5-6t Agent and Basinas* Director. MCDONOUGH S GAIETIES—RACE ST., below THIRD. FIFTH NIGHT RE-OPENING. GALAXY OF TALENT. 1,100 persons visited the GoFLes on Satnrday even- Three NEW PDA\B this week. “Hernandez,** the greatest living performer, together wi*h Richard Burt nlein. Billy Thomsa. Paul Burger. John Wilhaoag, Young America, and Master Tommy. Miss Kate Leslie, Mu* Mane. Miss Whelpley, Professor Simpeon, Master A’BeckeL BAND OF SERENADERS. Admission 10 and M cents. Private Boxes g oenta. CANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street,betweenChestnut end MufceL Open for the Season, BANFtiRD’S STAR TROUPE, the l&rtest . Company in the world, In their excellencies every evening* , . SANFORD appears Every evening in Rtde of ChsreoUm „ ™-a rrest 4u»« M .. Boon op«nat?)S. Commano* at 8. Admission 29 oenta. CfciUdren 13 oents. tncS-imt rpHB PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP A THE FINE ARTS. No. KBS CHESTNUT STREET, Is cmb daily,(Bondaye excepted,i from 9 A, M. tifl < P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under U years half price. Bartholomew's Statue of EVE REPENTANT nowoa exhibition for a short time. HASSLER’S ORCHESTRA. —M. HASS LER A BROTHER respectfully aanounoe that they have located their Ofbce at their residence, ÜBB LOCUST STREET, where engagements can be maos m rosT. JeU-Sn INSURANCE COMPANIES. QKEAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND VI TRUST COMPANY, Office. No. 403 WALNUT Btreet, (Company’s Building,) ratLaenrau, Bevins consolidated the business of the FARMERS' UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF ATHENB. PZ, will hereafter conduct the same with a combined Capi tal, and available ASSETS OF OVER 8350,000, Invested, for the most part, in Fiisr Bonne an Moat* oaaxs, bearing six per cent interest, on unproved yte pertj, worth double the amount. m FIRE, INLAND. AND MARINE CARGO RIBXH Taken on the most favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Charles C. Lathrop, William Darling. Alexander WhiUdm, E. Tract, John C. Hunter, James S. Smith, Thomas L. Gillespie, Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan J. Slocum. C. C. LATHROP, President. _ ir _ e , ■ yM. DARLING. Vice PreaMteet, JAhnSS WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. . C. 8. RUSSELL. Assistant Secretary. mha-dJtWtf above ninth. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO,, INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPBT- No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus la vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on Dwellings. Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in Port ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property, AU losses liberally and promptly adjusted. „ niiicroxs. , Georse Abbott, John T. Lewis, „ John Welsh. Jim*# R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. DuQltu Patrick Brad), Chae. W. Poultaey* Israel Momt , GEORGE ABBOTT, Pr«ai«oL THOMAS R. MARIS. SMruOirT. lU3-1T it QHESTNUT SPRINGS. WATER-CURE, At CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA CcuntT. P».. for the treatment of all Chronic and obstinate diseases. This institution, under the charge of an experienced and skilful Physician, is now confessedly the leading aqd most successful hydropathic establishment ui tnie °°Jlxr«BEgc«s.— Mrs. Mary Cottrinjer. 1M N<*tk Twelfth street; Charles L. Sharpies*. Eighth and Chestnut streets tGeorre Market street; H. Ferries ton, Ew-»ol ico. Forotherr RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. CHESTNUT KILL. jaJ-taiif - rs. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER ms Street. . ma3o-lm $50,000 TO LOAN, XV SUMS TO SUIT APPLLCARTS, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Gut, Mar ohandise. Clothing, Ac., on moderate JONES U CO., Brokers, northwest ooraer of THIRD and GAB KILL Streets, below Lombard, Established tor the lea se years. Offioe hours from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makaia. warranted genuine, for sale cheap, at oee-utg the original ooat, nini‘l AHUBENEHTB. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS THE NEW PLAY THE BLACK AGATE. Written be MRS. D. P. BOWERS. By highly iateQ*etail By highly ist*U«etaftl ... Br.hickiy mUHoctgal And dißcrumoAtins audience*, And dittrjmjnating audience*, And discmmnaUaf^odiene**, SuHim© Afottoom. SoNime Apotb«on/« Satrfim© Apottootrj* And Every Nicht, Krery Nixht, Krsrr Nisht, Every N'irht, Every Jfight, Every Secure year Seat**. Secure yoarSeete! Secure yoar Beef! SIX NIGHTS LONGER! HYDROPATHIC.